#oh I just saw a video of someone trying to make sour candy
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plvtosun · 10 months
blanca has a playlist now!
it’s a little over an hour long, + i made one on youtube for anyone who wants to listen but doesn’t use spotify. there’s 18 songs, about half of them are in spanish. i couldn’t find any spanish/english lyric videos so sorry about that </3 but i did put in some mvs that i thought were cool on the youtube playlist. (except for the pretty woman one lmao the message at the end is good but it’s uhhh… kinda weird lol so feel free to ignore it and just listen to the song)
background for the songs below the cut if anyone’s curious!
songs 2-11 are basically just blanca and her experiences that made her who she is + her personality.
songs with [*] are the ones i recommend watching the music videos for cause i think they’re pretty cool :b
i’m from LA - self explanatory right?? lol
son mis locuras - blanca’s inner monologue while she’s still living with her family, i guess? nothing super deep. i like the line “me dicen ‘nena, te pareces a tu abuela’” (“they tell me ‘baby, you look like your grandma’”) because blanca’s named after her maternal grandma, so that’s a fun coincidence with her story and the song that i didn’t even think of when i added it to her playlist at first tbh
maría la curandera - it’s like her favorite tía in mexico teaching her about doing limpias (spiritual cleansings) for herself when she visited as a kid. cozy comforting vibe overall
cumbia feminista, mujer moderna, whore - these are grouped together because they deal with purity culture, which is something blanca had to deal with her whole life and it felt like it got worse the older she got. people trying to dictate what she wore, how she expressed herself, being catcalled and shamed, all that fun stuff :))) whore specifically relates to her dynamic with someone from her past who tried to put his idealized image onto her and got mad when it didn’t line up with who she actually is. she blares that song when she’s reminiscing and she looooves shouting “you love me for everything you hate me for” at the top of her lungs.
crumbling down → recuérdame → la llorona* - things are rough, but she’s alright for the most part now that she’s living on her own finally. → death of the tía she was close to, she struggles with it a lot because she felt like no one else really understood and accepted her fully. → remembering the time she was visiting said tía and how she and her cousin saw la llorona! the song comforts her because it’s a reminder and again, she thought la llorona was kind of pretty. (she wonders if la llorona scared the shit out of her cousin on purpose, to make him drop her instead of tossing her into the river to fuck with her…)
la vida es un sueño* - she lives life how the hell she wants! she’s over people trying to take advantage of her and tell her how to act. she’s angry and tired and done. side note, my favorite lines are “corazón sangrado, me has abandonado / necesito una limpia, que ando embrujado” (“bleeding heart, you abandoned me / i need a cleansing, because i’m cursed”)
songs 12-18 are the mushy toca (toki/blanca, coincidentally this means “touch” in spanish!) songs LOLLL i think the lyrics are pretty obvious so i won’t go into detail too much. i’ll add in (b) and (t) to show whose pov the songs are from
can’t get you out of my head (b) - “…shit i have a crush.”
oh, pretty woman (t) - HAHA he has one too you shy tsundere loser deal with it he likes you >:) pay attention to him dammit!
afraid (t) - ohhh she’s scared. but why? hm. alright
your sweet six six six (t) - the LET ME IN eric andre meme. he’ll be nice :( give him a chance don’t pass this up c’mon
sour candy (b) - give her a second to thaw out, she’ll get there
mary on a cross (t) - another nudge. he’s not scared off at all.
love song (b) - :)
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postwarlevi · 3 months
I have a few questions about Jean.
What is his favourite meal?
What is his favourite junk food?
What is his favourite snack?
What is his favourite hot drink?
What is his favourite cold drink?
What is his favourite chocolate/candy?
What is his favourite sweet pie?
What is his favourite thing about you?
What is his favourite memory of you in your ship?
Hope this isn't too much!
Jelly! Oh oh okay here we go :)
What is his favourite meal?
If someone else is making it (since it can be lots of work LOL) he quite likes butternut squash soup that include carrots and apples and is topped with pumpkin seeds. He'll eat it warm during winter and cold during summer!
What is his favourite junk food?
Is pasta a junk food? Okay so yeah he eats healthy but he does love his carbs and I think pasta is his favorite! Just a plate of spaghetti and red sauce with lots of cheese.
What is his favourite snack?
Buttered popcorn! He only has it once a week maybe cause he can eat a lot. He likes to make it on the stove and pour melted butter over it in a big bowl.
What is his favourite hot drink?
Spiced vanilla black tea with a splash of almond milk. He likes to have it midmorning.
What is his favourite cold drink?
He really enjoys ice cold water. If he's splurging, a glass of strawberry lemonade will satisfy his taste buds.
What is his favourite chocolate/candy?
He likes Carmello bars, milk chocolate filled with caramel! Besides chocolate he likes Skittles, classic or sour. Lime is his favorite.
What is his favourite sweet pie?
Ginger lemon strawberry pie with a pecan crust. There's some brown sugar and cinnamon in there as well and topped with whipped cream and pecan pieces.
What is his favourite thing about you?
The way you, or well, I match his sarcasm and humor in a positive way that doesn't annoy him (Eren, Connie). You know when to challenge him but also when not to, if maybe he's having a hard day. He loves how in tune you are to him especially when he doesn't directly know how to say things.
What is his favourite memory of you in your ship?
(Am I cheating here?) Not specific, being in the kitchen together. Making breakfast, dinner, baking, etc.
Specifically, adopting our yellow lab, Murphy, who is basically our first child. Jean had been wanting a dog and I quietly started looking and found 6 month old Murphy at a shelter and told Jean today was the day. His face lit up and we were in the car to go pick him up before we could even get the house ready.
Otherwise, a date we had a few months into the relationship. Things had been kept pretty casual and we were going to a nice dinner and that was one of the first times he saw me in a pretty dress. I usually wore jeans and a shirt or maybe a simple day dress, but that night I put in extra effort and after all of our conversations about comfort being key, and here I am with my hair done and an evening dress and shoes and a maaaaybe a touch of makeup, he almost fell to the floor. It wasn't just my look (which he commented on was beautiful) but the fact I would do things or try things that I didn't mind doing but just normally didn't, knowing it would make him happy. It was a great evening that ended it going home to change into pajamas and staying up late playing video games!
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aewhore · 3 years
Sour candy kisses~ Nick Jackson x reader (NSFW)
You and Hangman are childhood best friends and you talk/text every day and your boyfriend Nick thought he was okay with it but his jealous side does come out to play slightly however you put his mind to rest and assure him nothing is going on in the only way you know how.  (Sexy time ensues) 
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Hanging out backstage at AEW dynamite was always the highlight of your weeks, seeing your coworkers who became friends and your friends who became family made your Wednesdays just a little brighter. You were sitting in the EVP dressing room, joking and chatting with Matt and your boyfriend of 3 years, Nick. You loved having some downtime with Matt and Nick when you all weren’t running around booking the shows. You sat on the large comfy couch in the dressing room when your phone went off. Your brows furrow slightly at the unexpected interference.  
Hey Y/N! You free?  
You can’t help but smile at your phone when you see a text from your favourite lone cowboy Adam Page. You and Adam had been best friends for what felt like your entire life, You had met on the first day back in preschool and You were both the only wrestling fans in your school so you stuck to each other like glue. Your fingers raced across your phone screen as you replied. 
Oh hell yeah I am! Meet ya in the café in 5! 
You locked your phone and slipped it into your hoodie pocket before beginning to stand from the couch, shimmying out of Nick’s arms. “Hey, where ya going?” Nick pips up, You rolled your eyes at Nick’s protest at the loss of your body heat. “I’m going to meet up with Adam in the cafeteria, do you want me to bring you back anything?” You turn towards Nick in time to catch his face sour slightly. “Oh ok, nope I’m good”  The bitterness towards Adam seeped into Nick’s voice. You shoot him a glare before you shake your head and leave. Not even wanting to justify his harshness towards the lone cowboy. “tell him we say hi” You hear Matt yell as the door closes behind you. As you walk from the EVP dressing room to the cafeteria you can’t help but grin at seeing your best friend.  You don’t make it to the cafeteria when you hear Adam call out your name. You twist around to see Adam jogging towards you with a fast-food bag and two drink cups which you can only assume are milkshakes. “Took you long enough, come on let’s go find a table, I got something real funny to show you”  
Fast forward an hour and you and Adam are still in the cafeteria, empty food containers stuffed back in the fast-food bag as you and Adam huddle around his phone to watch what felt like the 200th funny dog video he showed you today. “Look, look the dog is in the driver’s seat of the truck, why is he there? He can’t drive!” Adam could barely get a sentence out because you were both wheezing so hard. “Man, where do you find this stuff? This is the greatest thing ever!” Ever since Adam was kicked out of the elite, you were thankful whenever you got to see him be carefree and laugh like he used to. You pulled your phone out and nearly gasped at the time, Dynamite would be over at any moment so you had been in the cafeteria for nearly an hour. You see a text notification pop up from Nick. 
Pretty Nicki: 
Me and Matt gonna go with good brothers to grab a bite to eat, I’ll meet you back at the hotel. xx 
Your brows furrow slightly at the bluntness of Nick’s message. Normally if he goes for food after dynamite, he brings you but you dismiss those thoughts and reassure yourself that it isn’t that deep. You reply to him, telling him you’ll get a ride with Adam and that you’ll see him back at the hotel later on. “Is everything okay?” You hadn’t noticed Adam stopped laughing and was looking very concerned at the suddenly sad look in your eyes. “Oh nothing, Nick is just going to get food with Matt and the good brothers.” You explained as you tucked your phone back into your jeans. “Without you?” Adam inquires,  You’re slightly confused at Adam’s question. “I mean yeah, we don’t have to do everything together.” You turn to look him in the eye. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it, just a question. Do you need a ride back to the hotel then?” Adam was quick to change the subject away from Nick. “Oh yeah, do you mind? I hate to spring this on you” You felt guilty but Adam’s quick response helped put you to rest. “Y/N don’t be like that, you know you ain’t a bother to me. Go grab your stuff and I’ll meet you by the truck out front” You smile at Adam before grabbing the rubbish in front of you and standing to go throw it away on your way to get your things from the locker room. 
There was a comfortable silence between you and Adam as he drove you both back to the hotel. One of Adam’s many country music playlists was softly playing in the background. As you rounded the corner into the Hotel car park you take your phone out to check if Nick text you back and he had read the message. You’re pulled from your thoughts by Adam cutting off the engine and hopping out of the truck. You follow suit and round the back to the bed of the truck to grab your bags when you see Adam handing them to you. “Oh thanks, hangy” you take the bags from him and he leads the way towards the hotel lobby. “Anytime darling, do you need to check-in?” He asks when you fall into step with him. “Oh No, Nick checked in earlier so I already have the key.” You pull your key card out of your purse and wave it towards him. “I see, I ain’t that organised so I gotta check-in, Talk to ya later then.” You and Adam stop in the centre of the lobby to bid your goodnight’s. “Alright, Adam I’ll text ya tomorrow morning.” You pull him into a hug and you give him a tight squeeze before releasing him so you could start walking towards the elevator towards the back of the lobby. 
Slotting your key into the key card reader, you were happy to see that tiny green light flash allowing you into the room. You see the lights in the room are already on indicating that Nick has returned to the room before you. “Hey, baby I’m back” You give out a soft shout as you dump your bags and jacket on the floor beside Nick's luggage. You enter the room to see Nick sitting on the bed on his phone with his back towards you. Before you can say anything he stands and swiftly walks into the bathroom nearly slamming the door after him. “Jeez someone has an attitude all of a sudden.” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s attitude before you walk back to open your luggage to grab your nighties to get ready for bed. After you’ve changed Nick exits the bathroom, in his usual bed attire a pair of old basketball shorts and a black tank top. He stops to plug in his phone as you walk around him to enter the bathroom, leaving the door open behind you. “How was the dinner with the good bro’s?” You ask before beginning to brush your teeth. “Oh, you know the usual, Doc messing around, Anderson hyping him up and Matt being an idiot. Normal stuff.” You laugh at the understatements in Nick’s recollection of the night out. You spit out and rinse your mouth out before leaving the bathroom and walking to your side of the bed to plug in your phone and prepare for sleep. 
“So how was your dinner date with Adam?” Nick pipes up as he sits with his back against the bed’s headboard lazily flicking through the channels on the TV. You eye him up before responding “Nick we’ve been over this, Adam is my best friend and that’s it.” He turns his full attention towards you before speaking again. “Oh really, is that why you were cuddling in the middle of the cafeteria?” You could tell he was getting irritated but so were you. “We were not cuddling in the cafeteria, Jesus Christ It’s like you don’t trust me at all sometimes.” You were tired and annoyed at having to defend your friendship to Nick. “I do trust you Y/N, I just don’t trust him” You roll your eyes at his lame excuse. “What’re you rolling your eyes for? It's the truth, I don’t trust him!” It took everything in you not to laugh at that. “Come on Nick it shouldn’t matter if you trust Adam or not if you trust me! You’re just being mean to him because you’re jealous!” 
Nick let out a shocked breath before smiling. “I am not jealous of that idiot” You ignored his petty attempts to get you to defend Adam. you saw through his mind games. “I think you are” You’re getting giddy now, you’re under the younger Jackson brother’s skin. “Am not” He childishly quips back. “Oh you’re so jealous of my big strong cowboy” You stoked the flames in Nick’s eyes as you sat facing him on your knees. “Why would I be jealous of that bumbling drunk?” You were still smiling at Nick as he glared daggers back at you. “Hmm, that’s a good question why would you be jealous of that tall, muscular southern boy who was one half still the longest-reigning tag champs in AEW history, with golden hair and-” You’re inputted from your mocking when Nick grabs your knees to pull you towards him before you fall back so you’re now on your back with Nick towering over you. Your hips trapped under his with your legs spread to either side of his waist. He’s replying most of his body weight on his forearms which frame your head. His face mere inches from your own. “Are you done?” He leans down to growl into your ear. 
You grin to yourself knowing you’ve won. You let out a small shaky breath before nodding into his shoulder. “Good, now as I was saying, I could never and will never be jealous of that dumbass cowboy because he could never make you feel the things I do.” He has your hips locked against the mattress and you can’t help but try to grind up against him. He smirks at your attempt at more friction. “I know what you want baby girl, but I ain’t gonna give it to you” You whine at this unfair denial of your pleasure. “Why not?” you demanded to know. “I need to hear you say it”  You were confused at Nick’s request. “Hear me say what?” Nick raises himself so that he’s looming over you, his icy Atlantic ocean blue eyes staring into your own. “I need to hear you say that I am far better than that idiot in every single way, I have a better body than him, I’m a better tag wrestler than he could ever dream of being, I got the greatest damn hot tag in the business and I have far superior hair than him.” Seeing Nick’s arrogant in bed was intoxicating, he had never gotten like this with you before but now you knew you would be pushing his buttons more often. “Baby Do I have to? I mean I bet I could call up Adam and he’d give me whatever I wanted” You were being bratty but you loved it. “Oh baby girl don’t lie to yourself like that, he could never give you what I give you, he could never make you feel as good as I do.” 
The passion in Nick’s eyes took your breath away. Nick shifted his weight onto one forearm as he moved his other hand down to roam the side of your ribs and to ghost your breast, arching your back towards his hand did nothing as he’d move before you could get the touch you carved  “Nick I need you, I need you to make me feel good” You wanted Nick so bad at this point. “Hmm, I think I need some more convincing. Beg me for it.” Nick’s arrogant smirk was driving you crazy. “Please Nick, please you know you’re the only one that can make me feel this good” Nick was trailing kisses along your jawline as you pleaded with him. “How could I possibly turn away my needy little slut? I’m gonna make you feel so good you forget how to say your own name.” small moans and whimpers were escaping your lips as Nick nipped and sucked your neck slowly making his way down your body. “You’re wearing too many clothes, off, now” Nick demands as he stands up to tower over you as he strips himself. You rush to strip as quick as you can, throwing your clothes aimlessly off the bed. 
You lay back on the bed on your bed as Nick stands naked between your spread legs. Nick’s hands roam your thighs before bends down to lay open mouth kisses along your inner thigh travelling from your left knee up to your crotch purposefully skipping your pussy as he travels back up your right leg leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. Your attempt to buck your hips towards Nick is stopped by one of Nick’s muscular arms resting on your pelvis keeping you pressed against the mattress. Nick’s teasing streak continues as he delivers a long swipe of his tongue to your pussy just stopping before your clit. Before You can whine at his negligence of your clit he pulls back slightly only to spit on you before he begins to give gentle kitten licks to your clit, causing your moans to slowly build in volume. He gives more general attention to your pussy before he suddenly latches onto your clit causing you to scream his name. The onslaught of a rhythm he builds, long swipes of his tongue on your pussy before teasing your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled before he focused his attention onto you pulsing clit,  has the coil in your pelvis tightening by the second. You didn’t care if the entire hotel knew you were screaming Nick’s name at this point. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as the coil in your pelvis snaps and you cum onto Nick’s face. You don’t get rest as Nick continues to tongue fuck you through your orgasm. Once you’ve slightly caught your breath you look down to Nick still kneeling between your thighs with a sly smile on his face, before you can ask his plans you feel one of his calloused, long fingers tease your quivering hole. Your head falls back against the mattress as you feel his finger plunge onto you. He shallowly thrusts his finger in and out of you. You can feel him brush against your G spot and you are begging him for more before you even think about it. He grants your wish by sliding a second finger into you. You feel him resume his pace, thrusting his two fingers into you, the pressure against your g spot building and building. You felt him slip a third finger into you and your hand moves down to grab onto his head as the feeling of fullness makes your head spin. With the pace of Nick’s fingers being thrust into you, You can feel your second orgasm approaching. Suddenly he leans down and begins to suck on your clit and your vision goes completely white as your second orgasm of the night hits you. 
He continues to thrust into you through your orgasm before he slides his fingers out of you. You whine at the loss. He climbs back up your body before he settles above you. He raises the fingers that were in you to his lips before they disappear into his mouth as he licks off your cum from his fingers. You moan at the sight of him licking your essence off his fingers before he takes them out and he lowers himself onto you to capture your mouth in a breathtakingly passionate kiss. Feeling his body weight pressing you into the mattress with his arms around you and his lips locked onto your own provided you with a level of comfort that only he could give you. Your hands rise from your sides to tangle in his long luxurious hair. You feel his hard erection against your inner thigh and you raise your hips slightly off the bed to grind against it. You hear a groan from Nick as his hand settles on your neck, holding your face in place as he moves back slightly to stare into your eyes. You feel Nick move his other hand down to his dick as he holds the shaft of it to tease you by sliding through your folds before he begins to slowly slip the tip into your hole. You can feel yourself trying to tighten around Nick, you feel the need to have Nick inside of you build and build.  
Before you can beg, Nick grants your wish by thrusting into you. From the get-go, he sets a mind-numbing pace. Fucking you so hard and deeply that you feel like he’s fucking the breath out of your lungs. Nick moves both of his hands underneath your thighs to pin your knees up to your chest in an agonisingly good position. The coil in your pelvis was tightening with every thrust Nick delivers to you. Your moans were mixing with Nicks and you can feel his thrusts start to stutter as his own orgasm was fast approaching. You feel one of Nick’s hands move around your thigh so he could rub tight quick circles onto your clit. The sudden spike of pleasure causing your third orgasm of the night to hit you out of nowhere. Your pelvic muscles tighten and pulse around Nick causing his thrusts to stutter, he thrusts into you a few more times before he paints your walls with his cum. He releases your thighs before he collapses on top of you causing your break out into a smile. You raise your hands to rub his back and comb through his hair. He raises his head slightly to gaze into your eyes. “Did I make you feel good princess?” Nick smiles as you both break into giggles. “Oh yeah Nick, You made me feel real good” You lay gentle kisses on Nick’s face. You loved having Nick in your arms like this, his head nuzzled into your neck. You can feel the gentle smile on his face as he gives your neck lazy kisses. “I love you Nicki” You mumble “I love you too baby.” You hear Nick grumble into your neck as you feel yourself lull into sleep.
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kekoma · 4 years
— futakuchi as your boyfriend.
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sour gummies? sour gummies. hope you enjoy.
oh look another side character that isn’t talked about much but let me just say... he should be just a bit.
futakuchi has so much potential even if he’s really on the sideline.
although i’m sure his simps didn’t come to hear me rant about him.
kenji being your boyfriend? a literal dream come true.
before i really start talking about him dating you, i want to point out that when you two weren’t together— he would CONSTANTLY flirt with you.
after he logically going over that his feelings for you are real, your personality matching his and overall just the basic so he knows that he isn’t setting himself up for soon to be ruined relationship after a few weeks or maybe a month.
has had his fair share of being in relationships and caught on that some of the lovers he weren’t entirely honest.
meaning they only showcased a side that they only wanted him to see yet around others— it was a complete 180 and different from what they presented to him.
that alone is something kenji dislikes since he’s the kind of guy who likes to go after those who are honest with themselves and unfiltered.
plus commitment to him is rather big. bigger than his concern about getting his wisdom teeth pulled out.
really just keeps testing the water with you and making sure that he actually falling for the real you.
anyways, when he flirts with you it wasn’t the type of flirting that had extremely bad hints that confirmed he liked you.
no no no. futakuchi here is bold so his flirting was direct and easy to pick up that he took a huge liking to you.
everyone near you two could already sense it. even those who are extremely slow when it comes to picking up hints could actually tell as well.
the whole atmosphere was basically heavy mutal pinning. too much actually but that’s a whole story for another time.
just know kenji = big bold energy all around.
are we surprised by this though? nope.
his personality has already exposed him before so nothing to be shocked about really.
definitely put in his all to win your heart over once he confirmed to himself that he wants you apart of his life and he wants to be apart of yours as well.
pulled out all his charm cards, always kept you company (when he wasn’t hanging around aone), occasionally would poke fun/tease you whenever he saw an opening to do so and much more.
bonus points if you can actually keep up with his energy because if you weren’t able to then his attempt to make you his would have left.
leaving the crush phase, we’re now talking about the dating phase.
still keeps his playful attitude with you because he likes joking and keeping a smile on your face all year round.
so arguments between you two don’t ever occur.
however if they happen occur then i hate to say it... but it’s gonna take him a while to apologize. likes to give you both time before coming together and fixing the issue.
kenji does his best to avoid fights anyways. no need to worry about it much <3
immediately want to say that he pays a lot of attention towards you and keeps track by making mental notes.
if you’re ever in a bad mood but don’t want to verbally say it then best believe— he already knows from your body language.
also you can’t try hiding it since again, he pays attention to you. very close attention at that too.
ever told him about a certain item you always wanted or hinted at? already on it. all you gotta do is check the location he sent you to get what you asked/hinted for.
although it you don’t hint/ask for it then he’s still gonna buy it for you and gift it to you.
overall, studying you helps kenji understands you better. 
whether you verbally tell him or physically show it, he picks it up and finds himself falling for you more than before.
side fact: he loves when you verbally tell him things. doesn’t even have to be about you in general. 
accepts any and every topic because he loves hearing your voice along with how your body moves too when talking (meaning you either talk with your hands, make certain facial expressions and other stuff. overall very expressive movements)
also an great listener which is another reason for why he enjoys listening to you.
“did you know, kangaroo pouches are furry inside? it’s literally pink and furless babe... pink and furless. their nipples are also inside there too.”
“i— when did you discover that love?”
“when it appeared on my recommendation on YouTube.”
“and you watched it...? the whole video?”
“well yeah. i was curious about it and it was super late at night.”
“... what else did you learn about kangaroos?”
proceed to teach him everything you learned from that video. he’s not gonna complain or see it as weird because he’s suddenly interested in it as well. 
but even if the topic isn’t random or adding more to your personality; kenji loves hearing about your emotions but if you ask him for emotional advice— it’s gonna be a bit difficult.
really isn’t the type 
vvv supportive.
lemme say it again but in caps— VVV SUPPORTIVE.
is the type of boyfriend who gives his 100% support and even goes out of his way to help you archive whatever you desire in life.
wanna become a model and unsure about it? kenji here is already hyping you up while searching for good cameras so he can be your personal photographer.
even looks up videos on poses that could help get you in the groove.
and how to edit them to your liking as well.
futakuchi loves knowing he has the ability to lead you to a brighter future when it comes to your desires and watch you flourish.
we stan and love that about him.
extremely loyal.
has never given any girl the same attention and energy he gives you.
no matter how pretty they are or if their personality is considered bomb— his heart only beats for you and that’s final.
so you never have to worry he might leave you for someone better or become insecure.
gonna briefly discuss nicknames.
his top nicknames for you are; love, baby/babe, cutie, flower and occasionally gorgeous.
as for pda, the energy is the same in both departments. not shame in holding hands, kissing you anywhere on your face, cuddling you and all the good stuff.
actually loves showing physical affection and if anyone calls him a simp for it then he’s not afraid to admit it.
and dates? whew the best.
most dates with kenji is actually chill and normally consistent of getting sweets.
he does take a liking to sour gummies so don’t be surprised when he takes you out to the bakery, candy factories and anything along those lines.
however when he isn’t taking you there then he’s skiing you to sneak out so you two can drive around aimlessly or walk to the convenient store to pick up some candy.
gonna end this short before i blow a circuit in my brain but dating futakuchi is dope. promise the relationship is never dull and he’ll always keep you happy.
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© all content belongs to kekoma 2020. do not repost, modify or translate.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Playlist Feels: SHORT SERIES PART 1
Member: stripper LEE JUYEON
Genre: angst, smut, exes to lovers because why the fuck not lmao and it fits the song anyw
A/N: at the point of writing this I WAS TIRED AND SLIGHTLY DRUNK BUT LETS GO. also, NOT part of the GEN Z series, i have racer juyeon in stall for you in gen z ;) also i told V that i was never going to write a stripper au for jy until he goes shirtless or grinds on a prop like kim kai did in artificial love... but when i saw this video, i thought of nothing BUT kim jongin. their styles are pretty similar... not to mention kai had an undercut phase too... conclusion: dana is in a mess and she’s drunk
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“i know it hurts to smile but you try to.”
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what is a story?
a story has a start, an arc, an ending. 
is it pages of cream colored sheets stacked atop one another, word after word after word printed in ink?
is it the lyrics that your neighbour sings in the shower because he associates the beauty of the lyrics with some heartbreak he’s been through, regardless of when he experienced it?
is it the way someone walks in the room and steals everybody’s attention with the sheer amount of confidence and intimidation he was radiating?
so, what is a story?
ups-and-downs. friendship. love. heartbreak. faults.
‘it was my fault, and it always will be.’
god wouldn’t have allowed you to forget that face even if you were dead, even if you had your skull cracked open and your brain was being eaten out in bits like Hannibal Lecter savouring the flesh of his victim. 
it feels like a witch’s long, untamed nails were being dragged across your skin, and she was breathing down your ear, whispering secrets of potions and words to curses like they were part of a song. 
he who is inked in your heart made of stone will never be removed.
blood that runs thick in the color of love forbids a stake foretold.
bones crumble to dust like fine sand in the wind,
for you will never forget that you have sinned.
the scars on your heart slowly tears apart like a wound that never healed, and every step he makes on the space makes you wish that he was stepping on your soul instead. 
not because you were sexually frustrated, but because you deserved it.
“y/n, lighten up! we’re here to have fun, not watch your mopey ass sulk!”
“yeah, you’ve been so stressed lately, don’t you think it’s time to loosen up?”
“for the record,” the music starts to thump in your stomach and the lights dim into a dark shade of red. “i didn’t want to come to a strip club.”
blood has covered the light, for his soul cries over your misdoings. 
“ugh, you’re such a party pooper,” she huffs, visibly frustrated when her forehead creases into lines under her makeup. 
the memory of you aggressively avoiding being dragged to a strip club rings in your ears like a fire alarm. sometimes, you would’ve loved nothing more besides throw a chair when she acts like that; making it seem like you wanted to do something when you’ve clearly stated you didn’t.
unfortunately, you were used to her shitty little habit. 
coercion sprints itself across your arm when she suddenly grabs it, violently shaking you when the music starts. 
dread washes over you like wildfire when he starts to move, and he suddenly becomes one with the music. 
the whiteness of his skin grabs you by the neck and sticks an ice-cold popsicle down your throat. you could still taste the sourness of the lemon flavoured one he would always give you, even though he liked it too.
the shiny, glittery, loose clothes hanging around his physical existence freezes your muscles the way medusa could turn people into stone. the hairs on your arms stand when you remember how small you looked in his clothes.
and his eyes. they hold a dagger at your heart, tip already sinking into the skin on your chest. 
black, sticky, dense tears flood out every hole of your soul’s mouth.
it takes a massive amount of effort to keep every dollop of excruciatingly painful memories to yourself, for you would’ve thrown up your dinner if you didn’t invest that kind of effort.
in your head, you were a demon coated in tears and smudged ink. 
stuck in time like a statue, your eyes were hollow and your voice was no longer. 
red, the color of blood mixed with poison was spewing out every hole from your face, your knees hitting the ground where the a bed of thorns were laid out carelessly.
the same way you laid out the bed of roses for him, only to become his thorns.
the start of the story began when you first locked eyes with him first in the neighbourhood library near your school. 
you never really liked studying in school, not when there were always noisy kids tossing a ball around or someone loudly crunching on chips next to you.
it doesn’t take long for you to notice that he’s been watching you, resulting in you warily turning around to look behind you to see if he was looking at someone else.
a soft chime in the hall pulls your attention to the old clock hanging above the entrance of the library, and an announcement rings through the PA system.
“dear visitors, the time now is 11pm. kindly exit the library and dispose of any litter you may have with you. we hope you’ve enjoyed your time here and we hope to see you soon.”
it was exactly because it was so late, that there was nobody left in the library.
carefully, you return your attention back to him, music still playing softly in your earpieces.
his eyes were glued to his books as he clears them off the table, and you remain seated, taking your time to pack your things as well.
you were hoping he doesn’t come over, so naturally, you panic when he does.
feigning the mindless scrolling on your phone doesn’t do much when he presses his palm flat on to the surface of the table, robbing you of an option to ignore him.
well, you could, but you recognise him. 
how could anybody not recognise him?
his eyes meet yours and intimidation fills you like you were drowning, but he suddenly squats with the support of his hand gripping onto the edge of the table, eyes darting away.
a frown finds itself on your face and you watch cautiously when he stands up again, placing a pen and a candy wrapper on the table before you.
“planning on hiding in the bathroom and staying overnight?”
“i... uh-- no...”
“okay,” releasing the edge of the table, he grips the two straps over his shoulders by the sides of his chest and nods towards the exit. “time to go then.”
lee juyeon had always been a rather mysterious character in school. he was two years your senior but it wasn’t surprising to know that he was friends with three of your classmates, one of them being your closest friends. 
when he wasn’t smiling, he looked like he could kill someone; drive a knife through their faces and not feel a pinch of guilt.
but when he does, it’s like setting off a billion firecrackers at once.
and by firecrackers, you mean the girls in school swooning over him.
if you had to choose a word to describe the way you looked at him, it had to be ‘indifferent’. you couldn’t deny that he was a great painting to look at and pretend ‘ugliness’ wasn’t a thing, but you’ve never really bothered to invest your emotions on anybody you deemed too far to reach.
so when he offers to walk you back to your place because of how late it was, it surprises you. 
“why do you study in the community library and not the school library? i thought i’d see you with sunwoo or eric or hyunjun in school.”
“uh... i stay for awhile just to watch them mess around until they lose their stamina... the school library is filled with idiots who eat and make a fool of themselves which make it not-conducive... so i thought the community library is a better idea. besides, the school library closes at 7pm.”
“ah,” he laughs, and you could hear the swooning in the back of your head. “why am i not surprised?”
the awkward atmosphere was killing you, and it was difficult to swallow the fact that you could not think of anything to say.
luckily, you stay just about a ten minute walk from the library, so juyeon walks right past your residence without noticing you’ve stopped.
“uh-- juyeon...”
“huh? oh,” he halts in his tracks and turns around, sheepishly taking large steps back to you. 
“thank you for walking me back.”
“it’s alright.”
silence, again.
“goodnight, y/n.”
you purse your lips and offer him a polite smile, slightly surprised that he knows your name. 
then again, he knows three of your classmates, and you were good friends with hyunjun. 
he doesn’t leave until the lift takes you away from the lobby, the view of him waving to you with his unwaxed, tousled hair makes you smile to yourself once out of sight.
the arc of the story comes when you start to find candy under your desk a few weeks later. 
you had stopped visiting the library because you were cooped up at home working on projects you needing your laptop for. 
the sugar left on your desk seemed to be some kind of coaxing to get you to go back to the library.
the candy on the desk was the same one that you ate at the library, the one with the wrapper that juyeon picked up--
“hyunjun,” you call out to the boy who was passed out on the table, walking towards him. 
“go away, i want to sleep--”
“you’ll sleep in class anyway,” grabbing his shoulders, it takes you some effort to peel him off the desk and make him sit upright. “you know who left this and i want to know who.”
hyunjun looks at you with bloodshot eyes, brows furrowing as he messes up his own hair.
“you sound like you already know who, so why do i need to bother telling you?”
the plastic of the candy wrapper crinkles in your hold as hyunjun’s head meets the table again.
again, it doesn’t take long for you to find out that juyeon might have a crush on you, and neither does it take long for you to reciprocate. 
being with juyeon was like sitting on a car and going on a long road trip. 
not many bumps, not many surprises, frankly, you were more than happy he was such an easy man to be with. 
when juyeon graduates, he gets admitted into a performing arts academy in another city, leaving you in school where you still had to wear school uniform and wake up even before the sun rose.
but he makes an effort to come back to visit you, knowing that he was the older one with more freedom. 
this long road trip, however, turns into a rollercoaster without warning, without your realisation.
the institute you enroll yourself into after graduation was located further away from the academy than your old school, but juyeon promises that he’d be with you whenever you could, and you promised the same.
distance becomes the first problem, when you realise how taxing it is to spend two hours travelling across the country to see him, and spend more time sitting on a bus or a train than actually being with him.
it starts to wear you away at the edges, fire burning the corners of ivory sheets with mandarin colored flames and leaving ashes the shade of coal on the floor.
then when juyeon was in his final year and you were halfway through your four year course, it was almost like he vanishes off the face of earth.
it worried you at first, that it felt like he was treating this four year relationship like he mattress he could fall back on anytime he wanted to. 
you didn’t blame him, but it stings in the wounds that draw on your heart after a considerable amount of time. 
was this what a long-distance-relationship encapsulated? how do couples who don’t even stay in the same country get through it?
you miss his scent, his arms around you, the way he smiles at you whenever you say something stupid or when he doesn’t get a joke and you had to explain it to him. 
it feels like he has forgotten you, and it rips you apart that you knew why, that you understand he has his own responsibilities as a student in a prestigious performing arts academy. 
but you can’t help but to think: if i could find time that i wanted to provide him, then why couldn’t he?
there was an expectation, and he didn’t meet it. naturally, it becomes a parasite in your love for juyeon. not only had you not seen him in months,��his replies begin to spread out across days. 
he doesn’t reply until more than 24 hours later, and even when he does, they are short. they are dry.
you start to wonder why he was being so irresponsible with a relationship, especially one that he initiated four years ago. your thoughts start to run wild in your head, and you worry if he had just been playing with you the entire time, and now he was probably kissing someone else in some dance studio in another city.
no, juyeon would never.
then the day came that he appears on social media after a long time. the light that filled you was so intense that you smiled just by noticing he’s finally not dead.
yet, you would’ve much preferred death over seeing another girl on his social media. 
he didn’t have the time to respond to you, but he has the time to go out with another girl?
you leave him a text, trying to keep your cool and convince yourself that she was just a friend, and that he’d reply you as soon as possible if he knew you were feeling upset about him spending time with another girl.
hurt converts itself into something physical when he doesn’t reply. 
one day passes, then two. 
and soon, the whole week flies past. 
calls don’t get through, much less messages.
just what was he doing?
you worry and wonder that he no longer loved you and he was merely running from you in hopes you’d leave him alone.
where had you gone wrong? were you a bad partner?
your grades started to take a toll, and memories of juyeon started to clog up in your head as if you weren’t already trying to tear your heart out of your chest.
juyeon no longer loves you. 
he’s just having the time of his life in another city, with another girl, probably kissing her in the dance studio and running his hands all over her.
the mere thought kills you, so being able to actually imagine it in your head peels your skin off your body, leaving you in a wrecked mess on the floor with tissues used to wipe your tears. 
then, sangyeon came along.
the fresh graduate was flustered when he sees a second-year student fallen apart in a tutorial room on his trips back to the university. but he recognises you from a branching out event you attended a month ago.
it lasted two weeks, and sangyeon was your teammate as a senior, so he was more than aware of your life and existence. 
sang yeon stays a safe distance away from you while you try with way too much effort to calm your sobs down. 
it’s not a surprise when it fails though, and you break down even harder with the force of someone beating you up
sangyeon doesn’t hesitate to scoot over to your side and pull you into his arms.
it was tricky, trying to recall what exactly you told him. your eyes were swollen and your face must’ve looked like a plum while your tears stained his shirt. 
having someone’s shoulder to cry on was so comforting. it fills a gaping hole in your chest that shouldn’t be there in the first place. 
sangyeon’s voice runs through your head like honey, honey that soothes the scalding burns juyeon left on your skin. 
you knew it was dangerous, and there was a thin line to cross if you chose to let sangyeon through the doors of your heart. 
most your friends weren’t truly aware of the status of the relationship, thus telling sangyeon everything at one go combusts you even further. 
the urge to have someone’s skin pressed against yours, promising you that you were safe whenever they were around becomes painful to reject. 
you will never forget the look in sangyeon’s eyes when you kiss him mid-sentence. 
sangyeon tastes exactly his voice sounded, sweet and soft. his eyes were wide open the second you ram your lips into his. 
his reluctance slips across your arm, feeling a small amount of force being applies to your elbow when he realises what was happening.
but that pressure softens, and he lets you treat him like juyeon, in attempt to cure your own broken heart.
you will make the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life that night, and that was letting yourself pretend sangyeon was juyeon.
not only were you the one who initiated the kiss in attempt to redeem the lack of affection you were none but craving, you chose to pretend juyeon was the one who spent the night leaving fluttering kisses all over your skin. to whisper words of comfort into your ears and kiss your tears away.
when you wake up and see a pair of eyes that shouldn’t be in such close proximity to yours, it feels like a sword has been driven through your stomach.
then you hear hell knocking on your door, but he sounds like love and missing.
it is a crack, then a rip and a complete separation of your body into two when juyeon realises the door of your dorm room is not locked, and he has that bright smile on his face when he walks into the room, thinking you were asleep.
everything happens under a minute, and sangyeon wasn’t even fully awake by the time juyeon was in the room, seeing you in bed with another man.
the memory of a fight the magnitude of tremendous proportions etches itself in your brain like a parasite. 
juyeon literally hurls sangyeon out the door, the only piece of clothing on him being his underwear. 
there was an effort to stop juyeon, because you knew it for yourself that it was not sangyeon’s fault.
it was yours, and it always will be.
juyeon has the man’s clothes thrown out the door and he slams it shut in his face before you could say anything to sangyeon, locking both himself and you in the room.
have you ever seen the eyes of someone who has absolutely no clue what he did wrong?
they are broken, confused, hurt, angry. juyeon’s were coveted with a layer of tears just seconds away from billowing over his lower lids when he sees that your face was reddening from shame as well. 
there was a heavy silence that could’ve killed you, and you wished it did. 
“are you waiting for me to ask--”
“so what’s your explanation?”
you dump yourself on the edge of your bed, fingers pressing into your temples. if you pressed hard enough, maybe you could drill your fingers into your skull and rip out your brain.
why did your own name sound so threatening when it comes from his lips?
“why did you do it? the fact that we were saving it so we could be each other’s first after marriage but you go ahead and do it with someone else--”
“oh, is that the only thing you care about? sex?”
“no, that’s not what i meant--”
“i thought you’d be pissed off over the fact that i have another guy in the picture regardless of our relationship--”
“which is exactly what i’m asking right now!”
the skin on your forehead gets pulled back when your palms hold back your hair. being interrogated by juyeon in just a bra and home shorts felt so humiliating, so degrading, but you can’t help but to have that pang of hatred for juyeon.
he was the one who incited this. all you did was react in a way disproportionate to your feelings.
“why’d you do it, y/n?”
his voice is shaky, and you were terrified to look up at him because you knew he was already crying. 
it shatters your heart; you were angry.
with him. 
with yourself.
his feet shuffles against the floor and he kneels before you, eyes desperately searching yours for any sign of remorse. his hands wrap around yours but you pull away with resentment, and you can’t help but to feel like he was guilt tripping you into apologising. 
it was my fault, but he incited it. 
“stop, don’t touch me--”
“tell me what’s wrong, we’ll figure i--”
“tell you ‘what’s wrong’?” it takes alot of courage to shove him off and you lose sight of what was fuelling your emotions. “i’ll tell you what’s wrong, lee juyeon.”
he is shocked and you could almost hear something crack when he hears his name come off your tongue like you were regurgitating poison.
“you disappear off the face of earth for god knows how long and then when you finally show up again, it’s with another girl?”
it takes you awhile to notice you were now standing, and he was leaning back with his palms flat on the floor behind him. 
tears were streaming down the corners of his eyes and you know it was solely from the fact that he’s caught you red-handed but you weren’t showing signs of regret or remorse. 
it eats you that he thinks this is not his fault.
“look me in the eye and tell me confidently that you’ve been a responsible partner.”
gut-wrenching surprise writes itself across his face when the demand leaves your lips like venom. 
your eyes finally give in, hiccups starting to form in the back of your throat when the still silence gives you some kind of hint that this relationship was as good as gone. 
“i wait for you to reply for three days, sometimes more, and all you do is say ‘okay’ or ‘alright’ or ‘nah’-- how am i supposed to be convinced you are invested in this relationship? i haven’t seen you in like, what? four months?! not a proper text, no proper calls, you don’t bother to visit me though you know i can’t because of my work--”
the breathlessness in your chest is a cage with loosened screws and nails, an angry, uncontrollable beast inside waiting to lash out and give juyeon a tight slap across the face.
“ask yourself, lee juyeon,” the sobs become one with the hiccups, and droplets of agonising reality falls off the point of your chin. “who was that girl and why did you not bother to text me back? call me?”
his face falls as if he wasn’t already in a million pieces. the silence feels like a dozen paper cuts on your fingers and your lips cracking in the cold. it sounds like a the car on a roadtrip screeching to a violent stop, and it hurls both of you through the windshield.
your soul is bleeding when you see a muscle in his face twitch, because you now know he is as guilty as you are, even if he didn’t sleep with her. 
heartbreak forms a hand on the crown of your head and pushes you to nod. the tears along your jawline get wiped away with the back of your hand, the mucus running down your philtrum is a mess on your bare chest and your face is not recovered from the excessive crying in the last twelve hours. 
juyeon is quiet, but screaming in pain through his eyes. 
the weight of how broken the both of you were slams down on both your shoulders without warning, and you find enough energy to gulp and clear your throat.
“get out.”
the scene looks like a freeze-frame, and you shake your head at the sight of his unwillingness.
“get out, juyeon.”
it feels like a knife is being dragged across your throat when you say the last words you thought you’d ever say to him.
“we are through.”
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parkerpeter24 · 4 years
Hello!!! For headcanon week: can i get one with haz? And maybe he sees the reader on insta (maybe she was in a group photo of one of his friends or smth) and was like "omg she's pretty who is this?" Then he scrolls thru her profile and yeah I'll let your imagination run wild for the rest 😂💓
Ah, thanks for the request K, and congrats on 600 😘 also, let me just warn you, this sucks 🙈
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Harrison was scrolling through Instagram like he usually did before going to bed.
It was a daily thing, he checked his feed, refreshed the home page a few times.
He got bored easily as nothing new came up and decided to keep the phone aside and go to sleep.
A picture popped up on his screen.
Tom had uploaded a few pictures of his latest photoshoot with the caption, “The pictures and the photographer @y/n_y/l/n.”
He swiped through all the pictures of his best mate to finally reach on the last one.
Tom was standing there, smiling next to the most beautiful girl Harrison has ever laid eyes upon.
He usually wasn’t the one to get an infatuation to someone he has just seen, but you, you were different.
You were wearing a simple shirt with a loose-fitting denim jacket. A pair of glasses over your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes and your hair were thrown back in a messy bun.
And he swore he had never seen anyone so simply beautiful.
He thought it was because of your breathtaking smile.
His lips pursed and his eyes grew a notch wide as he finally decided to click on your username.
The first thing that he saw as soon as your profile opened up was the beautiful sunset on a beach and the same breathtaking smile.
It was a little small though as it was your profile picture, but had the same effect on him anyway.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n)” he read out loud. He liked how your name sounded from his mouth.
The first few posts on your account were filled with the pictures of flowers, sunsets and different kinds of animals.
But then he came across a video of you with your dog and you looked lovely sitting on a bench in the park.
“Rosie!” You called out, “Come on, Rosie! Time to go home”
That was the first time he heard your voice.
And just like that, he had decided to meet you.
And then one day he got the opportunity to.
Tom was hosting a party in the house and he got to know somehow that you were invited too.
He was happy, albeit a little nervous. He wore his best, best outfit that he could find in his closet.
Whereas you were never really the party-goer, you tried to stay inside most of the time, except when you had your camera and wanted to click pictures.
You picked out the most boring outfit you could find, to not be the centre of a single person’s attention at that party.
You met Tom there and, slowly as the party continued, reached a corner and stood there until your drink was finished.
Deciding to grab another, you left for the kitchen, but you bumped into someone on your way there.
Looking up to see a gorgeous man with bright blue eyes, you apologised for not paying attention.
“Oh no, it’s fine, really!” He smiled
“Do I know you?” You asked, “From somewhere?”
He laughed, “Not really, but I’ve been following you on Instagram for quite some time. The pictures you click are really beautiful.”
“Oh, wow. I did not expect this.”
You laugh, making him laugh along with you.
And just like that, a conversation picked up between you two and you found yourself sitting beside him and laughing at some lame jokes.
“I hate parties.” You admitted randomly.
“Do you want to get out of here?”
“What-- Would that be alright? I mean what if Tom--”
“Oh, come on, don’t be a wuss.” He laughed. You gave him an incredulous look as he pulled you along with him.
And soon you found yourself in a grocery store, near mid-night, buying sour candy and jelly beans as Harrison kept an ice-cream tub in your shopping trolley.
“I don’t even know why I agreed to elope the party with you.”
“Well, it’s fun what we’re doing, isn’t it?”
It was after midnight that you decided to go on a long drive to the nearest beach.
And sitting there under the moonlight on a short summer night, you shared your ice-cream tub, trying to get as much as you could in those little plastic spoons the store offered.
Both of you shared some stories from your childhood.
You told him why you love photography so much.
And none of you wanted to go back home. 
But the sun was already rising as he helped you up from your spot.
Then after a while standing there on your doorstep as he dropped you home, you leaned up to softly kiss his cheek.
“Thank you for the night --” You laughed, realising that you never caught his name, “Oh my god, I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
He smiled, “You’ll find out the next time we meet.”
You stood there, as he moved back towards his car, “What do you--”
“Don’t be late, I’ll pick you up today at seven.”
Permanent taglist: @angelsparkers @littlehealer @spideygirl2003 @tommysparker @smilexcaptainx @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @allegra-writes @rubberducky-jrr @purefluff @clara-licht @darlingspidey @anjali750 @opheliaaa @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @the-crazy-fanfictionist @fanficparker @halfblood-princess-505 @chaoticpete @t-monosapiens-h @tom-holland-is-spiderman @stareyedplanet @sunflowerhollands @averyfosterthoughts @katiejupiter @theamazingtomholland @miraclesoflove @tombob2005 @starlight-starks
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
BJYX Food Blog
Ahhhhhh I love food so much!!!! hahahaha So I decided to record down all the times food show how much they love each other. This is mostly just for me. Since this is a “food blog”, instead of “evidence” which you can find elsewhere in other people’s analysis posts, I will instead include yummy photos of food. Will continue to update this list. 
Disclaimer: All fanfiction. 
1) Pancake - I talked about this in detail here. In summary, dd is bragging about how “homey” he is that he can make pancake. The recipe uses butter, something only people that bake in China will have. Gg likes to bake cookies (even sugar-free one, haha gg is more detail-orientated and health conscious than me) and bread. Apparently gg also loves cheese and dd mentioned that his pancake has cheese.
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2) Love on the Rocks or Love’s Water - This supper famous drink in China’s Starbucks is actually black currant juice + raspberry juice + black tea. You can make it easily at home (it’s not available in U.S. Starbucks). Because of BJYX, you can order it as “Love’s Water” directly at Starbucks in Chinese (Yes, Starbucks knows about them.) Why is it call Love’s Water? It’s red, the color of love while also sweet and sour. Also, it’s actually gg’s favorite drink at Starbucks. You can often seen him drinking it during the filming of the Untamed. What about dd? It’s been mention by gg that dd only drinks water. However, during Untamed filming, dd can also be seen drinking Love’s Water from Starbucks. Does love change a person’s preference in drinks?
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3) Green tea - We’ve all seen the BTS where they share green tea from the same bottle, twice. However, what’s even more interesting is that dd kept the preference of drinking green tea even after filming. Fans have caught dd drinking green tea during ttxs taping and there are pictures of bottle of green tea in his van. He’s also mention liking green tea with dls on ttxs.
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4) Hot pot
a. Soup - Gg used to say because he’s from Chongqing, he likes spicy hotpot. However, after 2018, he mentioned that he now like twin-sided pot (half spicy, half not). Is he sharing a pot with someone who doesn’t eat spicy food that much? In clips from early 2018, we see dd not being able to handle spicy food. However, in 2020, we see him ordering a completely spicy soup base (him being the only one out of the 4 people to do so). What changed for both of them?
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b. Sauce - In Chongqing where gg is from, you eat hotpot with a spicy oil sauce. Gg used to say that was what he preferred. However, in an interview, he picked sesame sauce over the spicy oil sauce. He also mentions that he loves the sauce with sweet garlic. If you go back to old video of dd, he has always love sesame sauce with garlic. He also mentioned in ttysj earlier this year that he loves hot pot with sesame sauce with sweet garlic. However, in j5, we see him eating his hot pot with spicy oil sauce. What happened? Are they trying to become each other?
Edit - dd was asked recently why he changed from his sesame sauce to spicy oil sauce and he said “I learned it from a friend I met from filming.” And he said it’s because it makes the hot pot less spicy, and most important, the flavor suits him.
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c. Dried yamakurage - Ngl, I’ve never heard of this vegetable before today. Many people from different parts of China was in the same boat. Google search told me that it’s a vegetable they like to add in hot pot in Chongqing. Dd mentioned in ttxs that he likes this vegetable. In j5, you can also find this vegetable on the table.
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d. “Treasure in the palm” - What is that? Ya, I had no idea either until dd ordered it for his hotpot. (Many other Chinese audience on WB also has never heard of it.) Apparently it’s the ligament in the middle of a chicken’s claw. I did some Google research and it seems like it’s mostly eaten bbq style or stir fry. So I searched “掌中宝” + hotpot and got the result that it’s eaten in hotpot in....drumroll....Chongqing! (Yes, where gg is from.) So ya......
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e. Cow stomach - Another thing dd ordered. This time, this is something dd has always like to eat and has said it since 2017. However, it’s gg that mentioned in an interview that he also like to eat this for his hot pot now. Previously, when asked what his favorite hot pot meat is, he said “beef.” Maybe he just suddenly change his mood?
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I just found these amazing videos from this Youtube Channel about Szechuan (around the area gg is from) hotpot so check them out for more information.
5) Zongzi - Where gg is from (southern China), we’re use to eating savory Zongzi with meat, peanuts, eggs, etc inside. But where dd is from (northern China), they think zongzi should be sweet with red bean, etc.. During an interview when ask to pick between sweet vs savory zongzi, gg immediately picked savory. However, dd wavered and then picked savory at the end. 
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6) Eggplant - Gg said that he eats anything except eggplant because he once threw up when he was younger eating eggplant and it left a trauma on him. Unfortunately for him, the prepared food during CQL had a lot of eggplant because it was in season where they were filming. The actor of LXC during a livestream also mentioned that gg doesn’t like to eat eggplant. Then he followed up by saying that dd loves to eat eggplant. But if you watch ttxs, none of the host ever mentions dd likes eggplant (they constantly mention that he loves cilantro, durian, snail rice noodles, etc.). Also in an episode when there was eggplant, dd didn’t actively try to eat some. So maybe during their filming time, someone doesn’t like to eat eggplant and gave theirs to another person, causing LXC’s confusion?
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From my own opinion, I think gg is the type of person that values food a lot. You can see him craving certain food and be very picky about the type of food he likes to eat. He also knows how to cook well so his standard for good food is high. I think dd is the type of person that likes food but isn’t super picky of the type of food he eats, as long as it’s good, he’s happy. So he’s more likely to just enjoy the same food that gg likes because that will make both of them happy. I don’t think either of them purposefully change their food preference for each other but more that your food habit changes naturally when you spend a lot time with another person. 
7. Cough Drop
When watching Street Dancing, there was a clip of all the team leaders sitting down watching and dd pulled out a “candy.” The leader next to him asked him if he was eating candy and he pulled out a pack and shared it with others. He even reached over to make sure he shared his candy with everyone. It was such a cute moment and looked like elementary school children sharing snacks. It’s cute and that’s it, right?
Nope, bxg have to live up to the title of “Detective Conan/Sherlock Holmes”. People start digging through old pictures and found one where they saw the same brand “candy”, which was actually cough drops in gg’s back from several years back. The version dd was eating was a “peach flavor version” meant for children. What was interesting is that he ate the peach version himself but shared a different version with others. This was confirm by the company that made the cough drops. (CPN) It’s possible that he’s savoring the peach ones for himself because gg gave them to him specially.
So gg and dd have the same cough drop. That’s it, right? Nope, more Detective Conan popped out and found several videos of fan-meeting in Thailand when gg was eating a cough drop and dd was coughing. Then gg asked some assistant for the cough drop, yes the same exact brand, and then handed them to dd. You can also see dd have something in this mouth before he went on stage. This tells us that gg has definitely given dd this cough drop before.
But are we sure that the supply of cough drop dd has is from gg? Probably, because of what happen in XGDS. During XGDS, dd was eating a cough drop. Normally, other friends, like the people in street dancing will see that and say, “oh you’re eating a candy?” But when gg saw, he asked “does your throat hurt?” This means that gg knew that dd was eating a cough drop immediately. How would he know that? Unless he’s the one who gave it to him. (This story has more logic and evidence than papers I’ve read in Cell/Nature/Science.)
Fun fact - some fan bought it and said it taste terrible LOL It taste too sweet on the outside and taste like medicine on the inside (which it is technically herbal medicine.) So don’t recommend trying it.
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yeochikin · 4 years
nail polish. | k. yeosang & j. wooyoung
a/n: phew this is probably a long one? but i really enjoyed writing this aaaa ;; thank you @lilvoncat for requesting this! i hope you don’t mind if i added both of them into this fic aha. i hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as i enjoyed writing it! 💖✨ 
“on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest, how much do the two of you trust me?”
at the sudden question, wooyoung and yeosang looked up from their phones to look at their childhood friend, y/n. the two boys merely looked at each other in question with a brow quirked up at the same time before deadpanning at their friend.
“a close three.” yeosang nonchalantly answered.
“a four for me.” wooyoung chimed in, earning a snort coming from yeosang which caused a low groan to be emitted from the one questioning.
feigning a hurt expression, y/n placed a hand over her chest where her heart was located dramatically alongside a low moan out of disapproval, bringing her free hand up to wipe a fake tear away, much to yeosang’s amusement at how exaggerated her act was.
“oh, come on. you guys have been friends with me since we were- what, since kindergarten.” she whined and pouted down at the two boys in front of her, who remained unfazed by their friend’s act. totally been too used to see through the puppy-ish act of hers as they knew too well that she would pull that look whenever she wanted something from them.
to a stranger’s point of view, the three of them were simply an odd combination. yeosang being the quiet one of the group, yet would not hesitate to send a snide comment or two when things weren’t right in his place. though it wasn’t his fault really, he has always been looking like as if his gaze would freeze someone in their place but really, it was just his face. beneath all that monotonous exterior, lies a prankster. yeosang would sometimes consider his silent nature a boon considering how he was able to get away with his little pranks but don’t worry, all of his pranks are merely harmless. from giving sour candies to drawings his own little character he created (hehetmon, was what he called them) on someone’s notebook with a little message in them.
next there’s wooyoung, the loud and most energetic out of the three. he has always been the social butterfly, even if he passed by the hallways on the way to his classes, you could expect a few students would send him a greeting or a simple fist bump as they rushed to their classes. other than being a social butterfly of the campus, everyone would recognize the sound of his laugh far too well, even when you are at quite a distance from him. it was endearing really, everyone somehow found it contagious as they would soon find themselves elicit a chortle along. when either yeosang or y/n were not around, you could always see him hanging out with his other friend, though for some reason his friend had a quite similar laugh with wooyoung’s.
and then there’s y/n. she's a bit odd really. from one person, they could describe her as the soft spoken girl with a laid back attitude yet would always seem like she's holding herself back from talking about a certain topic. and to another person, she was the ball of energy with an interesting humour. considering how people have seen her mostly hanging out with yeosang or wooyoung, or even with the both of them, they would always think that the attitudes from the two boys somehow rubbed off on her. but in all honesty, y/n preferred to say that she is her own person whenever someone confronted her with the certain question.
surely, the three never minded with all of their quirks and habits. of course a few harmless teasings here and bickers were present yet it was never an issue to the three. besides, what's a close friendship without any teasings and making fun of each other?
wooyoung released a low sigh and leaned forward, resting both elbows on his knees. “fine, what do you want?”
the question was enough to make y/n clasp her hands together and bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly, “can we.. can we paint our nails?”
silence suddenly hung over the three, save for the occasional doors closing from y/n’s neighbours in her apartment floor along with the passing of various vehicles outside. y/n could only bite down on the plush muscle of her lower lip as she waited for the answer from the two boys.
yeosang looked unbothered, as per usual, while wooyoung suddenly bursts out laughing his high pitched laugh, “i'm sorry, i think i heard you wrong. i thought i heard you saying you wanted to paint our nails? together?”
“that's what i just said.” y/n deadpanned.
“oh, you’re actually serious.”
“i'm gonna have to sit this one out, i have to go for a presentation tomorrow and you know how much of a neat freak professor park is. who knows how many marks he'll deduct from me if he sees it.” yeosang reasoned, resting his arm over the couch and leaned back.
“and what made you wanna paint your nails all of the sudden? i thought you weren't into, what, nail art?” wooyoung added, amused at how the girl in front of him formed a little pout with her lips with her hand rubbing the back of her nape.
“i just saw a few vids. you know, the diy kind of vids, and i thought they looked easy to try so..” she trailed off.
“and i'm guessing since you can't really do it on your own, you want us to be your involuntary volunteers huh?” wooyoung concluded, watching as y/n completely disregarded the way he sounded reluctant and instead, showed him her best puppy eyed look.
wooyoung stared at her for a few seconds before groaning to himself. “you better make it look good.” he grumbled underneath his breath, the frown that was playing over his lips soon being replaced by a little smile at the sight of y/n fist pumping the air while cheering.
of course, until a certain blond objected.
“i'm not gonna do it, y/n. professor park will have my he-”
“i'll buy you chicken after classes.”
“say less.”
so, here they are. seated on the carpeted floor just so they could be at an appropriate height in front of the coffee table, spending the rest of their rainy  afternoon listening through a nail art tutorial video. for someone who objected to it strongly at first, yeosang sure was paying close attention to the video, admiring at how the person painted the nails so smoothly, occasionally letting out ooh’s and ahh’s every time the top coat was applied.
“no, no, i want red and black stripes!” wooyoung whined with a childish pout plastered over his visage upon seeing y/n pulling out a navy blue coloured nail polish.
“okay, how about we make it navy blue and silver on one hand while the other red and black?” y/n asked, to which wooyoung reconsidered the negotiation with a purse of his lips.
“okay not bad, but only if you'll let me paint your nails in black and white, like zebra prints?” he added, eyes focused on how carefully the female painted over his nails.
“and me painting hehetmon on your other hand?” yeosang chimed in, brows all furrowed in concentration at the little circles he was painting on his index finger, tip of his tongue peeking out the corner of his lips in the process.
“well, i don't really have a choice, do i? i mean, i did ask you guys to do this with me.” y/n simply said, gently blowing onto wooyoung's fingers and leaning back afterwards to admire her work.
after an hour of the occasional bickerings being shared with a touch of inner jokes thrown in here and there, the trio were finally done with their own little work, wooyoung letting out a yawn, yeosang releasing a groan from the stiff muscles on his back that was aching due to being hunched for too long, and y/n stretched both of her arms out to ease the knots in her muscles. the female’s eyes glanced over at the coffee table they were sat at, and she couldn't help but to notice the little mess they made.
some of the nail polish had gotten onto the surface of the table, some of the caps weren't closed properly, cotton balls strewn in random spots of the table, and a few glitter flakes here and there. but she didn't care. instead, y/n looked over at their painted hands before grinning to herself. albeit a bit messily, y/n was actually liking how wooyoung had painted her nails in a simple black and white theme while on her other hand, hehetmon was painted on the nail of her thumb followed by a simple solid colour on her other nails, courtesy of the one and only, kang yeosang.
“huh, for almost rejecting me earl-” she started.
“for the record, we did reject you.” yeosang cut her off, only to be hushed by the female which caused him to roll his eyes in a playful manner towards his friend.
“you guys did a pretty good job painting my nails, i'm impressed.” she continued, holding out her hands in front of her with a wiggle of her fingers as if to show the two boys their results. wooyoung, being the cheeky one as per usual, puffed his chest out and nudged her side with his elbow.
“of course we did. gotta admit that this was fun though, we haven't been spending much time with each other now that everything's been hectic.” the raven haired boy commented, to which, y/n and yeosang could only agree in response.
silence hung over the three once again. though it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable.
that was, until wooyoung shifted around in his place to take out his phone. “let's take a picture, we know how our little y/n here loves to… capture the moment.” wooyoung laughed loudly upon hearing the groans of his two friends from the little joke he just made yet quickly getting into place.
y/n was squished in between the two with her hands cupping her cheeks, as if to proudly show off her freshly painted nails. yeosang was next to her holding up a bottle of one of the nail polishes y/n had brought out earlier, cheek pressing against the top of the girl’s head. wooyoung made sure that all three of them were in the frame before his lips stretched out into a wide beam, counting down until…
the three looked down at the picture then at each other, each having a huge grin on their faces, only then taking a few more pictures. with every click, comes with a new pose. with every picture, comes with a few teasings and boastings.
and with every moment shared, comes with a precious memory to be treasured.
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musictrash0426 · 3 years
Killing Stalking
 My name is Elizabeth Stevens, I’m 17 and it is one month until my senior year of highschool. Most of my friends are going crazy trying to plan out their futures. However, unlike my peers, I've known what I've wanted to be since I was 13. I want to be an artist, my parents fully support my decision which is nice. They have bought me plenty of professional quality supplies since my 14th birthday when they saw all the hard work I put into my art. I've even started selling prints of my work on Redbubble. I also have quite the following 
Overall I live in a pretty good neighbourhood. It has great people, including my best friend Kai who lives a few streets over. My family and I live in a pretty large house. It has three floors which is a little big if you ask me. There are only the three of us living here, me, mom and dad. But with that being said my parents gave me the entire basement on my 13th birthday. They also helped me set up every room down here the way I want. Not much has changed, even after being down here for four years..
When you come down the stairs you are greeted with my lounge area. Where  we have a couch, tv, game system, large bookshelf and some other things. Next we have my room where I have a fairly minimal look. I have a large bed, large dresser, a walk in closet, and my vanity where I do my makeup. The next room is probably my favourite; it's my art studio. Like I said my parents have supported me over the years so I have a lot of supplies. Honestly I couldn't be more grateful for them and everything they’ve given me. I have a full easel, desk, and a lot of supplies, markers, colour pencils, paint (water, acrylic, oils), alongside my new drawing tablet.
This morning when I got up, I went to my art room and started sketching. I've gotten into this habit as it helps me get into a creative mindset, along with getting into drawing for the day. Once I stop doodling I start to make a list of the things of supplies I had recently run out of. 
As I was about to leave, I asked my parents if they needed anything. My mom told me to get her a drink from Starbucks on my way home as she knows I’m planning on going there anyways. 
I get into my car and drive to the art store. Luckily this store is only 10 minutes from my house. I walk into the store and look for the supplies on my list. While going through the store, grabbing the things I needed, I decided I also wanted to try out a new paint while I was here. I got some winsor and newton acrylics in red, blue,yellow, sienna, black and white along with some mixing pallets. I also got a canvas as I want to make a large painting later. 
My mom texted me asking if I could pick up milk and eggs. So I ran into the supermarket and picked up the few things she wanted. I then went to starbucks, got both my parents, and myself a few drinks, and went home. 
I got out of my car balancing shopping bags on my arm,the drinks in my hand and I went inside. I put the milk and eggs in the fridge, gave my parents their drinks and made my way down to my art room to put my supplies away. I started brainstorming ideas of what I want to paint and I finally came up with a concept I liked. I open my sketchbook and I start to draw the rough copy of the picture before blowing it up on the canvas and painting it. While I am drawing out the picture I'm watching lavendertowne’s creepypastas series as it's one of my favourites on youtube. 
In my concentration, I lose track of time, and before I know it it’s 4:30 pm. My mom walks to my art room saying her and dad are going on a trip for the next week. So I get the house to myself, which is cool. I've been home alone before. “Elle, you can have Kai over to stay for the week if you want.” mom said. “Also I transferred some money into your account so you and Kai can just order some food if you guys get hungry.” 
“Thanks mom,” I say “ I love you.”
“Love you too sweetie.” 
I walk upstairs with mom as her and dad are about to leave. I hug them goodbye and tell them to have a safe trip. 
I decide to take mom up with her offer and invite Kai over for the week. Lately I haven't been wanting to be home alone. So I called him and he said he’d be over in 10 minutes. 
I grab a glass of water and wait, before I knew it there was a knock on my door and it was Kai. I give him a hug and he smiles. 
“It’s like we haven't seen each other in a while.” Kai teases me. We saw each other yesterday and I called him late last night because I just wanted to talk to someone. 
Kai has literally been my best friend since we were both in diapers. Our moms grew up together so it was bound to happen that we would too. He’s my biggest support system, he’s one of the only people who know how I got into art. I watched a lot of anime growing up, I still do, and the art style is what got me into wanting to be an artist. 
“Have you started a new piece yet?” Kai asked 
“Yeah I have! And I just finished the rough copy” I say.
“Can I watch you work on it?” 
“Of course you can silly,” I say with a grin. I show Kai the canvas to let him gauge what I’ve been working on. 
“It looks really good!” But his face saddens a little bit. “Are you doing alright?” I give him a confused look. “You tend to draw horror pieces when you're trying to get yourself into a better place.” 
Horror pieces are my favourite to draw. I don't have an explanation for it, but I've always liked them. Maybe it's because I loved horror shows growing up but who knows. I look back at all my works and Kai’s right. I tend to do these pictures more when I'm not the best headspace. 
“You really know me, at this point it's mostly subconscious” I laugh “I was also watching creepypasta videos so the idea could have come from that. Anyways, what do you think about it so far?” 
“I love it of course!” Kai says
I work on transferring it onto the canvas and after about 2 hours the pencil sketch is laid out. Once that's done we decide to go to the movies. We went and saw whatever Kai wanted to see. He picked some rom com which I wasn't mad at as I enjoy these types of movies. 
After the movie we went to a sushi place for dinner. I wasn't that hungry so I got the rest of mine to go. Then we went to the supermarket to get some candy and pop for tonight. We decided that we were going to stay up quite a bit of the night so I can work on my artwork and we can just talk about life and stuff. We pull into the parking lot and head inside. This store is open 24/7 so we have plenty of time to get our stuff, but still it is 11:30pm and something makes the air feel very eerie tonight. 
After walking around the store Kai and I look at eachother and we both feel like something is off because this uneasy feeling Kai and I hurry up and grab what we wanted. Kai and I decided to pick up Sour Patch Kids, gummy bears and some chips. We then went into the drink aisle where I picked out Dr. Pepper, and ginger ale. Kai picked out diet Pepsi and cream soda. We picked out the four flavours that we both love. We then decided to get a tub of cotton candy ice cream. As we were turning there was this lady who crashed her cart into ours as we were on our way to check out. I looked up and noticed that it was the same lady that had been in each aisle with us, which honestly didn’t make any sense as we just went to the isles we needed. 
We check out of the store and head back to the car. After putting everything in the trunk of the car, I look up and see the same woman still there. What the fuck?
“Hey Kai, can you take the cart back please?” He nods and I get into the car and lock it. 
I hear a knock that startles me and I look up. It was just Kai. I unlocked the door and he got in. “Wanna tell me why you had the door locked Elle?”
I look over and the woman gets into the car next to us oh great my horror brain made something out of nothing. She was also probably having a movie night with some of her friends.
“It’s nothing Kai, I think I’m just psyching myself out.”
“Okay.” With that we drove back to my place right in the nic of time too as it just started to rain. We shut off all the lights and lock the doors and windows upstairs. We head back down to my studio and I set up everything to begin painting.
I wanted something in the background while I was working so I put on Another. Kai and I have already watched it a few times but we didn’t want to start something new since I wouldn't be able to give it my full attention. Also it's a horror anime so it will put me in the mood for my painting.
I looked down at the outline I drew; it was a girl who had gone psychotic and had a knife in her hand. My plan is to add blood to her once the painting is completely dry, but first I start by painting the eyes. When they are finished they look very dead and already mentally gone inside. I take a break and lay my head on Kai’s shoulder.
“Tired?” he asks me.
“No, I just wanted a break.” We continue watching the anime after two more episodes. There was a bang of thunder and a flash of lightning, I looked out the small window and saw what looked to be a figure of a woman. I looked back to get a better look but she's gone. I must just be seeing things.
I brush it off then get back to my painting. About an hour later I finish painting the skin and I see another flash out of the corner of my eye. I think to myself how odd that is  because there was no thunder. I brushed it off as the volume of the show probably just covered the sound. I decided to be done with painting for the night, so we moved out into the lounge area and continued watching Another. There was another flash and in the window we saw her. The woman from the supermarket was in my window.We were going to call the cops then with another flash she's gone.
We decided we couldn't take anymore horror tonight so we put on Ouran Highschool Host Club a few hours later we were on the episode where a character named Tamaki was trying to figure out his friend Haruhi’s biggest fear. When we see a flash of lightning in the episode, it also flashes here, and we see her silhouette again and she vanishes with the lightning once more. 
Creeped out we went to my room and lay in bed, I cuddled into Kai because honestly I was shaking and needed comfort.
In the morning Kai and I woke up to banging on the door. I checked the time and it was 8:30 am. We got up and checked no one was there, but there was an envelope that said Elizabeth Steevens and Kai Kalua I brought it inside.
“Ummmm Kai?”
I turn the envelope to show him. We were both scared and didn't know what to do. We opened it and there were at least 40 photos of us, starting from when we were coming out of the movie. There were photos of us at the sushi restaurant, the grocery store, and the worst ones of all the ones that were taken looking into my house. Ones of us in my art room, in the lounge, and ones of us asleep in my bed.
Panicked, I call the police and they tell us to come down to the station. Since neither of us knew the woman's name they said there was nothing they could really do for us except to have us tell them if something else happens. Some help they were, I thought.
Kai and I went back to my studio and I continued working on the piece. This time our show of choice was Miria Nikki. As I was painting the hair I saw another flash and considering what happened last night we decided to go to my parents office and check the security cameras and lo and behold she's there on the property.
“Kai whats that in her hand?”
“I don’t know,”
I looked closer and saw that it was a knife. We once again called the police and this time they came, but hearing a car must have scared her. They came inside and asked to watch the cameras with us. Only this time she was at the back door that's connected to the kitchen and of course I happened to leave it unlocked…
“Oh Elizabeth, Kai, come out come out wherever you are..” The woman sang out menacingly. Her voice rang through the house loudly causing me to look to one of the officers for advice
He nods for Kai and I walk out.
“There you two are,”
“Do we know you?” I ask, genuinely confused as to who this woman is.
“Yeah I don't know who you are either.” Kai said just as confused.
“I'm Chloe. I am in your art class.” She says.
We were both confused; we don’t remember having ever seen her before. Our art class had six people in it, us two, three other of our friends and some weird girl who doesn't talk to anybody.
“... you’re the weird girl in our class aren’t you?” Kai questions.
“What did you call me?” She asked with a defensive tone.
“What did you expect him to say, you literally refuse to talk to us. Then whenever the teacher praises my work, you get angry. Besides who goes around taking pictures of people in their own house! That is fucking creepy.” I say
“I get angry because you always get the spotlight! Give someone else a turn.”
“Elle gets the attention because she actually shows her artwork, you just sit in the back of the class and do nothing. If you want attention why ignore us when we try talking to you? What is your problem? And why do you have a knife?” You can tell Kai is starting to lose patience with the situation, as his questions get increasingly aggressive.
“So I can get rid of my competition,” she smiles sweetly.
“What competition? There is no competition Chloe” I ask 
“What competition? I have liked Kai forever!” Chloe says frustrated, slightly getting closer to the two of them with the knife.
Kai puts one hand out towards her, while using the other to pull me back with him a couple steps, creating distance between her and I before he speaks again.“I will never like you. Besides there is only one person I like, and hate to break it to sweetheart but it's not you.” This makes me curious who Kai was referring to.
“Then who is it then?” she asks angrily
That's when Kai kissed me. I kissed him back, albeit slightly flustered. This caused Chloe to become enraged, she came towards us with the knife and that's when the cops came out and told her to put the knife down. She complied and dropped the knife as she didn’t realize that the police were here. 
One of the two cops took her away as the other came and told us they were going to hold her and do a mental assessment on her. He also checked to see if Kai and I were okay. After we tell him we are he also leaves, leaving Kai and I alone to deal with this new revelation.
“Do you actually like me? Or were you just saying that to get her to stop…” anxious about the answer since I have liked Kai for a while, but didn't want to make things awkward with him.
“Elle I have liked you for a while but I didn't want to lose you.” Kai says as he pulls me closer to him.
I don't know how to respond, all my mind was telling me was ‘kiss him’. I pull him in by his shoulders to another kiss, quickly dispelling doubts either of us had. Kai placed his hands on my waist and melted into it. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine, just holding me. For the first time in a few days I felt safe.
“Kai?” I ask in a quiet tone almost a whisper.
“Yeah sweetheart?” 
“Can you stay while my parents are gone?” I don’t feel safe enough to be home alone, and you wanted to stay in the comfort that he gave you.
“Of course I can angel.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Are you more positive or a debbie downer? Debbie Downer should be my name lol
What would you love to drink right now? I’m drinking water rn, second mug in a row, my belly is going to explode
Is that an alcoholic drink or not? it’s not this kind of water :P
Oh good. What would you love to eat right now? I’m not hungry...
How many meals do you eat a day? depends
Do you brush your tongue with your tooth brush? sometimes
What are you favorite type of jeans? I’d say skinny even tho I don’t wear jeans anymore ^^”
Do you eat your nails? wait what swallow? ewww I don’t even bite them :o 
Do you enjoy making or taking surveys? taking them more 
Name something that is blue that you like Sadness from Inside out
Name something pink that you like PYNK music video by Janelle Monae? XD
If you could have one more pet, what? meh
If you could sleep next to a tame wild animal what? woah 
Would you rather have an owl or a snake? both are cool
What would you name it? Bowl for owl and for snake either Ksysio or Wonsz żmieja?
Do you eat the ice in your drink? no
Have you ever been addicted to cigarettes? I had one cigarette in my whole life but I still keep a package in my room :x
Which do you use more? Facebook or Instagram? fb, I don’t care for insta 
Do you watch beauty videos on You Tube? nah
Do you like Star Wars? love
What kind of surveys do you like the most? interesting, not just YES or NO questions, I want to go deeper 
Have you ever dropped something down the garbage disposal on accident? omg luckily not 
What CD would you never buy for yourself? anything Justin Bieber for sure
Is sex a must in your life? absolutely not
Would you rather be cute and ugly or hot and stupid? cute and ugly? lmfao ok 
Are you evil in any way? everyone is, more or less
Would you rather be a clown or a garbage man? can’t decide :D
Would you rather be a rockstar or a librarian? librarian but rock star ain’t that bad of a choice ;)
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? again? I just got this question on ask today and that really made me anxious
Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? sigh... Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? yep but not to my room as I’m super ashamed of it, it’s not what I really want, it’s more like a storage room for mine and my mom’s things, I wish I could move and out and do what I want instead of cleaning this mess just to have it ruined days after, not that I have money now to fix things the way I imagine my bedroom to be someday :( Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? yesterday was better but today I got a T-shirt so that was a good moment Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? hospital
Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? blergh, r u kidding me?... Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? constantly Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? not because of me but someone somewhere definitely has that name on them for another reason How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I'm in a relationship Is there anyone who likes you? it seems If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? of course  What’s the first thing you heard this morning? you mean a sound (doorbell) or words (I don’t remember)? If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? not possible Are you young or old? young, at least according to my ID and being childish Are there always other fish in the sea? there are but maybe I don’t want them and/or they don’t want to be catched etc. What can your tongue do? pfft Do chickens have feelings? sorta Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? ...  So how are you feeling today? not good enough Where is your sister right now? don’t know nor care What do you smell like? it’s so hot, I smell like sweat and I can’t stand it but I can’t shower all day long What colour is your mum’s hair? grey  When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? last week Do you like fire? as an element of magic in fantasy movies  Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? she’s noisy in different ways Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? that’s a lame stereotype Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? they’re useless but one time I bought Moomin ones because I’ve been walking through the store and they fallen right under my feet and there was nobody around nor the shelf/aisle that they could come from so it was weird and I love Moomins so I took them home (I paid) and they’re probably stored somewhere  Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? what do you mean? Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? my gf apparently - in a cute way - that’s surprising for a teetotalist like me  What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? my tee came! When was the last time you saw your father? he just left for work and I was waving to him through the window which is our tradition  What if your partner went through your cellphone? I have nothing to hide Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? my parents and sister
Robert Downey Jr. — Bet you have a crush on him. he’s handsome but I’d prefer to be him instead of having a crush on sex I’m not attracted to
What would you do if you were to get stuck on a ski lift overnight? ... freeze? and pee myself Have you ever received an anonymous gift? one time when we were really poor that we couldn’t afford food someone left a package under our door, knocked and ran, bless this person whoever knew we have hard times :* What kind of laugh do you have? many kinds that happen randomly Will you have a Valentine next year? I have a bigger chance than any other year before  Macaroon or a cupcake? cupcake Did you kiss or hug anyone today? hug my mom and my dad too Are you currently waiting on someone to do something for you/to you? kinda Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I’m not in an abusive relationship but I know those who are as it’s common and it’s really sad that ppl think only beating makes relationship toxic Are you planning on going anywhere with someone, some time today? I’ll stay home  Do you find your school to be loaded with hot guys or not so much? I remember E.W. once said that we have a lot of elves around because LOTR movie had very ugly ones as we did in high school, I tried to find that pic someone posted back in the day but I failed, it was from the council from what I remember 
Is there anyone you are currently trying to get out of trouble? Why? mostly I just keep my eye on my father and my mother all the time because of covid (and not only because of it) if that counts Are you plotting anything at the moment? another chapter of the book? Have you ever wanted your significant other to get rid of a friend? because they were evil to them, it wasn’t about ME If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? she moved out :3
Do you have a therapist? no longer Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? yeah, in middle school I was getting awesome grades in math class What do you think of the last person you texted? we’re dating Have you ever gotten a bloody nose from snorting cocaine? I’ve never done cocaine wtf
Do you post pictures were you look good but your friends look bad? I ask them first  Are you friends with any of your exes? me and one of my exes are together Are you a whiskey person? I’m a no alcohol person
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? tiny bit, wasn’t that bad
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? I have not Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? not in a movie theater Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? somewhat Do you like sour candy? by Lady Gaga  not eat Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? but I don’t drive Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? brrrr no way Are you good at painting nails? am not but it doesn’t matter Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? doubt it What word should you really probably remove from your vocabulary? kurwa Do you rip out the page if you make a mistake writing, or cross it out? cross it out, if I ripped the page then there would be nothing left  Do you use a full length mirror daily? we don’t own one Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? I think they don’t match my style and they’re uncomfy in a long term Mac or PC? PC Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? sorry but probably not Do you ever actually make your bed? when I have guests Do you make an effort to eat healthy? yup The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? black, that’s easy What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? food If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? money because one regret won’t help me and even might make things worse Are you taller than your mom? almost 10 cm What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving today? my gf - break up  my dad - try to stop him or move out with him You’re locked in a room with the person you last kissed, problems? no problems  Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? 0 Could you handle living with a male roommate? my dad, no one else What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? waking up Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? who said we aren’t texting? Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody? don’t feed my paranoia Connection between you and the last person who messaged you? love Where is your biological father right now? bus/job already Who else is in the room with you? I’m alone Water with ice or no ice? no ice  Are you wrapped in a blanket? too hot for that
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? I’m thankful for all those nice things people do for me - big or small The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? took a walk
Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? bring
The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? their
How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? middle school was the beginning 
Do you fit in at work or in school? I was always an outcast
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Oh God, Ew.”? 99% of time
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? nope
Is there someone you need to forgive? *annoyed sound*
What’s your brother(s) / sister(s) names? personal
Suppose you saw your crush/bf/gf kissing another girl/guy, what would you do? why tho
What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? whatever bridesmaid wanna wear besides white
Do you have a secret crush right now? it’s no secret
Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have kids? me
Would you rather visit Tokyo or Paris? dunno
Do you think you would like living in New York or Chicago? Why or why not? too overcrowded/loud etc.
Name 3 celebrities who are the same height as you. Lady Gaga, Ellen Page, Reese Witherspoon
Are you happy with your height? I’d like to be taller, not too much tho
Do you have big or small hands? small
Have you been baptized?  I have been 
Have you ever been abused in any way? sadly
Do you like unicorns? they’re fine
Is there one book you have read over and over again because it’s so good? if so, which is it? I don’t reread books
Do you play games on your phone a lot? recently I became obsessed with LOVE ISLAND game 
Have you ever had to put out a kitchen fire? my mom took care of it but it wasn’t a big deal tbh
Have you ever been kidnapped? wut
Do you have anything glow in the dark in your room? stars
Do you wear a scarf, if so, what does it look like? not rn
Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? mhm but not too long
Do you get breadsticks with your pizza? breadsticks and pizza? it’s like bread with bread - no thx
Did you ever have a waterbed? I hate those
What toy from your childhood do you miss? rubber toys?
Did you sleep in late today? yes
When was the last time you were disappointed? this day
Do you like listening to love songs? I like a variety of music which includes love songs
In your group of friends, are you the smart one, athletic one, etc.? funny mom friend... ok, fine, a dad because my puns are daddy jokes
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you? no but they said bad things about me behind my back
Did you ever watch the show Full House? with my sister What was the last thing that scared you? how I feel physically Do the librarians at your library know you by name? they do
What ten people would you most likely bring on a roadtrip? 10 ppl?! shoot me...
Is there anything you’re really stressed out about right now? health issues
What was the last thing that made you cry? I’m about to cry...
What are the last three songs you listened to? Crystal Castles - Suffocation  frnkiero andthe cellabration - neverenders  Major Lazer - Be Together (Feat. Wild Belle)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
hunger. (behind closed doors part 1) [branjie] - evan
A/N 1: This is the first part of the Behind Closed Doors series. This time around, we all took a one-word prompt and turned it into a story, put them in chronological order, and posted them up. We’ll be posting one every day for the next 10 days until the series is complete. Enjoy!
A/N 2: Tried to make a vending machine transaction a lil sexy, hope you like it.
Summary:The first time, when it really starts, that’s in that little room in the hotel with the vending machines. (in which Evan tries to write from Vanessa’s perspective for once)
Word Count: 1,954
The first time isn’t in the van. It’s not on a smoke break, either. It isn’t at breakfast, it isn’t backstage, and it isn’t stolen in the hotel hallway. It’s definitely not in the Werk Room, not the one they show on TV. 
Nope. The first time, when it really starts, that’s in that little room in the hotel with the vending machines.
Vanessa, predictably, hates being cooped up in his hotel room. He’s got the windows open to hear the traffic outside, the TV always running so it feels like there’s someone to talk to, the curtains drawn so he can see buildings and lights and people even though they’re too far away and the Wendy’s sign across the street seems to be taunting him. It’s not enough. He’s considered taking up smoking just to be able to get some fresh air (ironic, yes) but he ultimately decides against it.
He’s gotta do something, though, can’t just keep sitting here and watching the damn news. It’s late and he’s hungry, so he gently cracks the hotel room door and peeks outside his room. 
“Miss Trisha!” he whispers into the hallway. The tiny PA tasked with keeping an eye on them for the evening comes scurrying around the corner.
“Hey! You know you can just call me Tri-”
“Can I get one of those room service menus? The ones you gave us for dinner yesterday?”
Trisha checks the clock on her phone. “They closed the kitchen at 11, I think. But there are some vending machines on the next floor down.”
Vanessa purses his lips. “Can I…”
“Yeah, sure, just come right back.” Trisha, an actual angel, gives him a small smile. 
Now. Vanessa knows not to take too much freedom for granted. He’s not coming anywhere close to fucking up a second chance. So instead of walking down every hall and stairwell, or running across the street to that Wendy’s to get some fries, he grabs a handful of quarters and heads directly down the stairs.
He searches for the vending machines and thinks about how jealous Silky is gonna be tomorrow, knowing all the fruit cups she started hoarding in her room. Vanessa can’t keep a secret to save his life, so he doesn’t consider that. But maybe he and Silk could buy out all the snacks and use them for trades or some shit.
And so he’s thinking about that and distracted by a sign with directions on the wall when he rounds the corner and almost walks directly into Brooke Lynn. 
He’s dressed from head to toe in grey sweats, and yet he still manages to look– well. Hot. Dangerously hot, distractingly hot, the kind of hot that pulled Vanessa’s attention away from his sewing in the first challenge and he later struggled to rip out the fucked up stitches by hand. Brooke’s eyes flash down a little, so fast Vanessa almost misses it. And he knows that look, fuck , it’s the kind of look he’d give Brooke if he saw him in a club out of drag. He tries to ignore whatever clicks in his chest. But he’s not very good at that. 
“Oh. Hey.” That’s how Vanessa chooses to condense those thoughts.
“Hey.” Maybe Brooke rolls his lower lip between his teeth, narrows his eyes, just for a second. Maybe Vanessa is seeing things.
“They just letting you wander the halls up here?” Vanessa asks.
Brooke rattles the pack of cigarettes in his hand as an answer. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“It’s snack time, bitch.” He smiles, cocky, and Brooke lifts his eyebrows. “You know where the vending machine’s at?”
“Yeah, around here, I think.” Brooke puts a hand on Vanessa’s shoulder and swivels him in the opposite direction. It’s a touch that lingers, and Vanessa notices. 
The vending machines are at the end of the other hallway, tucked in a small alcove. There’s no real door and a glaring fluorescent light. Vanessa knows he probably doesn’t look cute and he’s trying to look like he doesn’t care. Which must be working, because he can see in the reflection of the glass how Brooke props himself up against the back wall, watching him close. 
“You want something?” Vanessa slides quarters into the machine.
“Yeah, sure.” Brooke’s voice is careful, paced, intentional, frustrating . “What are you getting?”
“Sour Patch Children,” Vanessa says confidently, punching the buttons. 
Brooke snorts, actually snorts. It’s ugly, and he brings a hand up to his face as he laughs, and oh fuck he’s cute when he’s happy. “Isn’t it Sour Patch Kids?”
“Okay, kids, children, infants. I’m not a fucking candy scientist. You want some or not?”
Brooke nods, and Vanessa tosses him one of the packages of candy. 
And then it’s quiet. Vanessa doesn’t do quiet. He usually fills silences like they’re blanks in a Mad Libs, because every silence is some kind of opportunity. He’s at a loss for what to do now, because here’s the thing: Brooke oozes confidence. He’s posted against the doorframe, watching, not even pretending to be interested in the unopened candy in his hand. 
Vanessa pops a Sour Patch child in his mouth, digs through the package and picks out the green ones first, then the blue. Brooke doesn’t seem scared of silence, seems to own it instead. Vanessa can practically feel Brooke’s eyes on him and the tension in the air that’s ready to snap.
Vanessa also doesn’t do subtlety. It’s not in his vocabulary, and he wouldn’t know how to pronounce it if he tried. So he gets foolish (typical) and lets some words spill out of his mouth before thinking them all the way through.
“I see you looking at me.”
“Am I? Looking at you?” This coy motherfucker.
“Yes, bitch, all the damn time. About every time I look up from my station.”
“So you’re looking too.”
Vanessa locks eyes with Brooke. He leaves no room for doubts. 
“Might be,” he says all soft.
Brooke bites his lip again, slow this time. He doesn’t say anything, he’s waiting, and it’s absolutely eating Vanessa alive.
Every silence is some kind of opportunity.
“Fuck it,” Vanessa mutters.
He steps into Brooke’s space, wraps a hand in that grey sweatshirt, and pulls Brooke down into a kiss. It’s too abrupt to be graceful, a little too hard, a little off-center. But something kicks on in Vanessa’s stomach when he feels Brooke’s mouth soften, feels him lean in and try and deepen it. And yeah, okay, yes . This is the moment Vanessa realizes that this is going to be a problem, because Brooke is kissing him like they’re stranded on a desert island, like nothing else matters, and Vanessa really wants to believe that. 
There’s a hand holding onto his chin all nice and firm. There’s a strain growing in his neck because Brooke’s so damn tall (and oh ), but Vanessa can’t imagine pulling away. 
They break apart and Vanessa’s just a little bit breathless, just a little bit fluttery. There’s a little bit of panic that flashes behind Brooke’s eyes. Vanessa catches it before Brooke quickly covers back up with all that self-assurance. 
Vanessa notices that Brooke’s not really all that good at hiding what he’s thinking. Good. 
“I should go.” Vanessa smiles. He walks around Brooke through the doorway, brushes close even though he doesn’t have to. His eyes get wide, the exact intended effect. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Brooke calls after him.
Vanessa’s halfway down the hallway when he turns back around. Brooke’s not so confident now, with his hands hanging awkwardly at his sides (nothing to hold). He can already feel the swarm of worries starting to buzz in his head and he wants to run at full speed down the hallway because oh my god. 
Instead, he winks. “I know you will.”
So then. All the stuff on TV happens. There’s so much they don’t show, things that were never filmed and are lost to both of their memories. But Vanessa can play them back in his mind as clear as any tagged Instagram video, so that doesn’t really matter. 
He thinks of the way Brooke would play with his hair after lunch, when he rested his head in Brooke’s lap. Then the way that Brooke would nod all solid and determined when Vanessa would squeeze his hand tight before they walked in each morning and ask, “you ready?” And the way Vanessa melted into a puddle when Brooke kissed him slow and deep in the back of that damn van, like he was the only person in the whole world.
(Vanessa will watch it back from bars around the country. He’ll see the cracks start to form in Brooke’s armor, and see himself work his way in there. He’ll roll his eyes at all of it. And it’ll hurt. Parts of it will feel good, sure, but most of it will hurt.)
Some editors got footage of this one moment, somewhere. Vanessa remembers the dutiful camera woman across the Werk Room table from them while they talked on the last day of filming. It probably gets cut because they can’t make it make sense, and for that, Vanessa is weirdly grateful.
“They’re gonna make us lip sync against each other,” Vanessa says, because he knows. 
“They wouldn’t do that.” Brooke barely looks up from his mirror.
Vanessa rolls his eyes, bites his lip. Brooke seems convinced, and Vanessa isn’t sure how he doesn’t see it. Maybe he’s in denial; that would be a nice state to be in. He promised Brooke he wouldn’t make this about them, that their relationship didn’t have to have anything to do with the competition, but he can’t help the way his stomach churns at the thought of going up against Brooke. It’s not right.
Vanessa doesn’t say any of that, but Brooke must be able to see it or something or maybe just read his mind. Brooke traces a couple of small-but-strong circles between Vanessa’s shoulders before reaching for his bag. 
“Are you hungry?” he asks, and Vanessa can hear a wrapper crinkle. 
It’s the Sour Patch Kids. The same goddamn Sour Patch Kids that Brooke didn’t eat while he kissed him by the vending machines instead. Brooke sets them down now on the table and Vanessa’s heart gets caught in his throat as it surges up out of his chest. 
He kept it.
And fuck . The cameras are on and there might be tears at the corners of his eyes and Vanessa doesn’t know what to do with this moment other than to hold it. 
Every silence is some kind of opportunity, and sometimes they don’t have to be filled with words. 
He gets close. Brooke wraps Vanessa up into his arms and doesn’t loosen his arms until the camera woman walks away. He can feel Brooke breathing and matches up with the pace of his own breath, just to see how it feels. Soon he won’t have this anymore, two time zones apart, so he really tries to make it count. 
It’s almost time to start getting ready, and Vanessa doesn’t know how he’s going to do that when every ounce of what is about to happen is so terrifying. But Brooke keeps breathing and so does Vanessa, and that’s more than enough. 
He pulls back, dabs a little bit at the corners of his eyes. He takes Brooke’s hand and squeezes it. “All right, boo. What happens, happens. You ready?”
Brooke nods, a little softer, and Vanessa is absolutely fucked. He grabs the Sour Patch Kids and tosses them in his tote bag, where they’ll be safe. 
Ultimately, he never eats them. He keeps them around, just in case.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? I’m single, but no they’ve never done that in the past. My parents aren’t like that.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Yeah. I’m the absolute worst, please don’t ask me.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? I don’t drive.
How many people do you text daily? I don’t text daily. I don’t text much at all, but if I do it’s with one of my parents or my brother.
Do you have an iPod or an MP3 player? Which brand? No, I use Spotify on my phone, which is an iPhone XR.
What was your favorite television show as a child? I’ve been asked this a few times recently. I enjoyed a lot of the kids shows of the 90s.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? No.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? Nope.
What did you do on your last birthday? Went on a weekend vacay to one of my favorite places. This year I’ll just be at home.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? Sloth.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? No.
What is your least favorite subject in school? I’m done with school, thankfully, but I always hated math.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? No.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? No.
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? Joseph.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? I am right now. Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? No, but I helped out my parents a lot when my younger brother was born.
How many times a week do you usually see the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense, but I love my family and I see them everyday. 
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? I hold my doggo’s hand all the time, ha.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? Just one so far. 
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” No?
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? They can be, but I wouldn’t just use that and that’s it. I’d check other sources.
Are you someone who listens to more girl or guy bands? More guy bands.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? I have. Some of their stuff was okay, but eh.
Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? I absolutely care.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, A Goofy Movie, and Toy Story. 
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? No.
What are the color of your walls? Do you want to repaint? White. I’d love to paint them, but we rent and it’d be a hassle to do so.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? Hardwood.
Do you have any siblings you neglect you? No.
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? I feel like I’ve been selfish these past few years in a lot of ways. :/
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? I went to science camp (it was a thing 6th grade classes did where I’m from, not sure about other states) and Girl Scout camp.
What were the last three movies you watched in theaters? The Invisible Man, Fantasy Island, and The Rise of Skywalker. I do miss going to the movies. :(
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? Nope.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? No.
Do you believe in ghosts, spirits or demons? I believe in spirits and demons.
What is your favorite breakfast meal? Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese and spinach, hash browns, country gravy, and coffee.
What does the lead singer of your favorite band look like? Look up Chester Bennington. RIP. </3 :(
Who was the last person to compliment you? >> I don’t remember the last compliment I got. <<< Same. I don’t receive a lot of comments.
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? My first date wasn’t until my early 20s.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? They’re protective like loving, caring, supportive parents, but they’re not controlling or overbearing. 
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Yeah. Gah, why was that ever allowed at all? A germ and bacteria cesspool. 
What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last five years? I couldn’t choose just one, especially in that long of a span. There’s been several.
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? No. ha.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? No.
Are you the jealous type? I can be. I haven’t felt jealousy in a very long time, though.
When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? I don’t know what that feels like. Must be nice.
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? Not currently I don’t think, but I probably have before.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? I still watch Hey Arnold, Doug, and Rugrats sometimes on TeenNick.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? Bean burrito--no onions, extra cheese, extra sauce and a couple Doritos tacos with sour cream and guac. I haven’t had Taco Bell in like a year, but man I was obSESSED for awhile there. Some of you may remember that, haha. I’ve actually been wanting it lately, but gahhh.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? No.
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? I like my long, red hair. I just wish I actually styled it and maintained it better.
Do you have freckles? Yes.
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? One.
Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? Yes. :/ I’ve never been someone who likes watching fights, whether it be in person or a video. I don’t understand that. I remember in elementary and high school everyone would rush over and crowed around a fight and I just wanted to get as far away as possible. There’s also people who like watching fight videos. I just can’t. I don’t enjoy watching people get hurt.
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? It can be either one depending on the situation.
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? Beautiful. But I’m not.
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? No.
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? Uh, no. A 30 year old grown ass adult crawling into bed with their parents... lmao.
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? No.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you? Yes. 
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? Oh jeez. I couldn’t even try to figure that out. I’ve been doing surveys since like 2005.
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment? Black.
Do you enjoy going school shopping? Not in school anymore, but yeah I loved back to school shopping.
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? Aww, they’re cute. 
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lol no, but I’ve seen photos of pet owners and dogs who looked alike.
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? Yes.
What was the worst substance you’ve spilled on yourself before? >> I don’t recall ever spilling anything heinous on myself. Alcohol can be bad because then you smell like booze and that’s just not a good look. <<< Ugh, yeah I’ve spilled alcohol on myself on more than one occasion and just smelled awful.
Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night? No.
What three words would describe the person you love? I don’t love anyone in the romantic sense.
Do you think their is a soulmate out there for everyone? I don’t think there’s one person meant for you, but I think there’s people out there compatible for everyone. 
Do you like short or long surveys the best? Long.
Do you think hairspray is more helpful or annoying? I don’t use it.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? No.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? Yeah, they are nice. My younger brother and I bicker sometimes like siblings do, but we’re very close. He’s not mean, just annoying at times haha. And I know I most definitely am.
How many uncles do you have? 8.
What would you say is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? I’ll just pick one that I saw recently: Fantasy Island. It was awful.
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? >> I freak out in excitement, lol. I did freak out pretty badly when I was a child, though. And then one day in adolescence the switch flipped. *shrug* <<< Hahah same. I love ‘em now.
What is something you’d consider yourself obsessed with? ASMR. I watch several ASMR videos every night. 
How often do you shower? Every couple of days.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? Yeah, like those catalogs that had candy, cookies, and other random stuff. And candy bars.
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? I think it’s mostly the time that it occurs in. Teenage years are a very difficult time. You’re going through puberty and everything is changing and you’re trying to figure out who you are. There’s also the added pressure of being expected to know what you want to do with your life. I think it’s also a time when you really figure out who your friends are.
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? Zero, now. I used to drink a soda a day for several years until a couple years ago.
What kind of cheese do you like the most? I’m not listing all the cheese I like again, I just did that recently. I like a lot of different cheeses. Cheese is delicious. 
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? Yeah. I’m sure people think that about me, too.
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? No.  What is your favorite lyric of all time? How can you possibly choose just one favorite?? 
Do you know someone who has made their Xbox their best friend basically? I don’t know any big gamers, no.
Do you ever watch any soap operas? No. From what I’ve seen, they’re really, really bad. Like cringeworthy, secondhand embarrassment bad lol. Just the plot and acting is bad. Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? Yes.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be? I’ve wanted ‘free bird’ for several years.
If you have any piercings, who did them? *shrug* I got my ears pierced when I was a baby.
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? I’d be lying if I said I never looked at someone and thought that they might me.
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? You could form some opinions and ideas, but you can’t really know.
Would you rather eat or sleep? Sleep. 
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? I used to be when I was younger.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? No.
When was the last time you changed your hairstyle? It wasn’t really a change since I’ve been doing it for the last 5 years, but I got my hair done again this past February. 
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents? No,  I was always very close to my grandparents.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Gray. Do you think long surveys are broing or entertaining? Depends.
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? Yeppp.
When was the last time you had a physical injury? Hmm. It’s been awhile.
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? Nooo.
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? No.
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? No.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? Not personally, but there are certainly people I’ve encountered/witnessed/heard of who seemed to lack it.
When was the last time you bought something? Yesterday.
Do you think you look anything like your parents? Yeah.
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? Me. I’ve always been naturally thin with a fast metabolism, but I was at a healthy weight. A few years ago I became too thin and underweight due to health reasons and I haven’t been able to put on any weight
Do you know someone who is discustingly obese who wears G-strings? What’s *disgusting is this question.
Do you know someone who insults themselves to get attention? I feel like there’s some YouTubers and social media influencers who do that. I’m very self-deprecating, but believe me I don’t want the attention. I just really don’t think much of myself. 
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? Uh, no definitely not. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that. This year has been an ongoing nightmare.
What are your plans for this weekend? Nothing. 
What color is your significant other’s hair? I’m single.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? No.
Do you know anyone who does drugs currently? Yes.
Would you ever become a foster parent? No.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? No. 
What jobs do your parents have? My mom is a supervisor at Walgreens and my dad works at a car repair shop.
Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone? >> I’d rather not talk to anyone on a phone, period. <<< Hahah, SAME.
Have you ever had a Tumblr account? Are you devoted to it? What’s this Tumblr you speak of? Should I check it out?
Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment? Yes.
If you got pregnant right now, would you abort the baby? I wouldn’t get pregnant to begin with.
Speaking of which, are you for or against abortion?
What is your favorite amusement park? Disneyland! What was the best Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten? All of them.
Has anyone ever called you jealous of them before? Only jokingly.
Did you ever have braces? Yes, but not for my teeth. I had them for my back and my feet when I was a kid.
Who is your favorite actor or actress? Alexander Skarsgard.
What is the most important date in your life so far? There are several significant dates in my life.
How many people your age do you know who are pregnant? Just one that comes to mind.
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I thought forehead kisses were cute when Joseph did it.
Do you believe in evolution or creation? Creation. 
Would you rather take a bath or a shower? Why or why not? Shower.
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? The survey community with you guys.
As a child, what game did you want to play the most? I loved playing house and school. 
When was the last time you did something sexual? Virgin here.
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Disneyland.
Do you collect anything? What? Giraffe stuffed animals and key chains. 
What kind of Pringles do you like the most? The pizza flavored ones are good. I haven’t had Pringles in years, though.
Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting? I’m not an artist at all. I have no talent.
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? Nooo. I call myself one, though.
What do you think is the grossest taste in the world? Wasabi is definitely one of them. To me it tastes like how shoe cleaner or nail polish remover smells.
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maikatc · 4 years
black sun tale | jackson
i want more jackson love so i shall share jackson love. also this is from the 3rd draft of bst too and most of it is still in the current canon, just a good amount of changes here or there (like the ending-)
Since the sun wanted to kill his skin like usual, Jackson stayed inside with his companion
Despite her constant rambling, he stared at his computer screen in focus. He checked left and right from every forum he travelled to, reading all of the comments and theories that left in each and every one.
“Do you think we should get Finn over? Since he’s basically the same as you and never bothers to listen. Well, actually he’s pretty good at multitasking so it’s mainly just you.”
There was a sour tone in her voice, which her minor complaints caused him to look at her directly rather than his screen. “Mirana, I can still hear everything you say while I read.”
She crossed her arms, “That’s impossible,” she scoffed.
“Have you ever seen some foreign movie with subtitles?”
Mirana looked at him deadpanned. “I was forced to, yes.”
Jackson sighed, he figured that socializing during the summer was probably a good thing. “Just call Finn over.”
“Okay! I’ll go on speaker.” Mirana grabbed her phone as Jackson comforted himself back to his laptop, muttering.
“Why am I even friends with you guys again?”
“Because childhood friends are bitches like that.”
“Right.” He cringed at his own lack of silence.
“I’m guessing Jackson’s being a prick again?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s the reason you always invite Finn over here,” Jackson entered the conversation as Finn entered through the doorway.
Mirana crossed her arms. “I always tell you guys to go out but no,” she spited.
Jackson rolled his eyes, “You haven’t seen the news lately, haven’t you?”
Finn replied, “You mean the area deaths?”
“Mirana, do you really think anyone would go out with that situation at hand.” Jackson eyed her as she played with her red hair.
Mirana looked down, muttering words Jackson couldn’t hear. She looked back at both of them, “Well, we can always just go somewhere indoors. You guys just stay in your houses all the time.”
“I’m researching about the area deaths.”
“I’m trying to hack online friends for a prank.”
Jackson and Finn replied to her simultaneously.
The girl sighed and pointed at Jackson, “Okay that’s too depressing to spend days on,” she shifted her hand towards Finn, “And that just means you need more of a life.”
Finn chuckled, “They hacked me a few days ago, gotta get em back.”
Mirana shriveled downwards, “Y’all need more vitamin D, goddamnit.”
Jackson opened his computer again, “That’s why they made pills for it.”
“Don’t forget the flavored gummies.” Finn added, going on his phone in the process.
Mirana stared at them deadpanned. “… You guys suck.”
As Jackson’s focus drifted back to forums, a hand suddenly closed his laptop, causing him to jump. He saw Mirana take Finn’s phone as well.
“What the hell?” Finn his arms up as his phone was gone.
She swiftly grabbed both of their arms, her strength being able to pull them up. “I’m dragging you guys out. We’re going to the diabetes shop.”
Jackson’s eyes lowered at her. “Fucking hell.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you guys candy in return.”
Jackson pulled himself out of the girl’s grasp. “Let me at least get ready to go.” He looked at himself, still just in a white t-shirt and black boxers.
He walked to his drawer of clothing, taking off his shirt in the process.
“Don’t you ever think that’s too forward?” Finn commented.
Jackson opened a drawer full of shirts, “It’s not like I’m trying to get you guys to sleep with me. Well, anybody anyways.”
“Yes, we’ve already gotten over this: You don’t like people.” Mirana stood by his bedroom doorway as she spoke. All the while, Finn was on his phone he had gotten back from the girl. “Besides, out of anybody, Finn would be the one distracted by you right now.”
Finn turned away from his phone immediately. “Middle school means nothing.”
“And nothing came out of it, so now we’re just chill.” Jackson grabbed a grey t-shirt he’d gotten from concert Mirana brought him to around a year back. He put it on without much thought and then wore a red unbuttoned flannel over it.
As Mirana and Finn talked to each other, returning regrettable middle school memories, Jackson added a simple pair of jeans and a belt to complete his outfit. He tucked his shirt in as he walked towards the mirror. He fixed up his tuff of brown hair lying on top of his coffee-colored skin. Adding his grey newsie cap on his head, he turned towards the others.
“You definitely go on the internet too much.” Finn eyed his outfit.
Mirana laughed, “I still don’t get why you where that hat, I gave it to you as a joke.”
Jackson shrugged. “Well, I like it.”
“It makes you look like an old man.” Mira smiled.
“Let’s just go,” Jackson grinned at their common talk.
 “I still hate the sun.” Jackson complained.
“Take off your flannel then,” Mira told him, rolling her eyes.
Finn said, “Hey Jackson, there’s this one video I’ve been meaning to show you too.”
“Finn, another video and I’ll take your phone again.” Mira remarked, causing Finn to place his mobile in his pocket yet again.
“Oh yeah, you heard of the Katzmann death, right?” Jackson asked Finn.
Finn nodded. “We’re screwed.”
“I still don’t get why you used the excuse of the area deaths when you still die indoors now.” Mira grumbled to herself.
“It’s more common outside though, the Katsmann kid was the first time a death was inside. And that happened like two days ago.” Finn spoke in defense.
“I still want to know why this is happening. It’s just getting weirder…” Jackson furrowed his eyebrows, his sight on the ground as he walked in the streets. His curiosity had peaked as always.
“Leave that to the government.” Mira’s hand made a brushing motion.
“It’s easier like that but people should try to figure it out so they’d know what to make best in the situation.”
“Yeah, yeah, but your ideas are too out of proportions.” Mira retorted.
“Don’t go into one of your journalism talks again please, Jackson.” Finn commented.
Jackson sighed and let go of the conversation.
The traffic was busy as always, creating the city noise he’s listened to for almost five years. Turning his newsie cap backwards, he observed the tall buildings engraved in his mind as his friends talked to each other about whatever gossip Mira had. Their snickers mixed with nostalgic sounds eased him slightly.
However, there were ideas peeking through his mind again, area deaths being the topic of course. The number of clues for the cause is nothing to discuss. There was no reason for many of them to just die so suddenly. Everybody would just fall from system failure. No way it couldn’t been a shooting, no injuries. How could a virus appear out of nowhere and kill others instantly without any other contact? How would the virus just disappear suddenly after mere seconds of so many dying? How could no one else around the area be affected if it were to spread so quickly? Why-
He bumped into somebody, someone shorter than him for sure. He looked down from his height to see a boy around his early teens down on the ground from lack of attention. Mira and Finn stopped with him.
The boy had white hair, likely dyed, covering his eye and strangely pale skin. He bore a simple, yet untucked, buttoned shirt and tight black jeans. His visible eye stared at him dully, though it shone a pretty blue.
He got himself up after muttering something under his mouth.
“Sorry, ‘you alright?” Jackson asked looking down at him. He was definitely short, maybe less than five feet compared to himself being over six.
The boy observed him again, and with a small curve on his lip, he said, “Yeah, but you better pay more attention.” He walked off without any other comment.
“You should probably pay more attention too,” Finn fussed.
         They walked for about another minute until Mira noted, “Well this was a pretty short walk. Not much to complain about, right?”
“I’m still sweating like shit, Mira,” Jackson bickered, “Shut up.”
Mira ran to the store door, “There’s a thing called cold drinks, you know.”
Finn walked inside. “I’m just gonna have some sour candies and soda while I plan on what the hell to do with life after high school.”
Jackson sighed as he walked in himself. “Same though, I don’t want to think about the college applications in two years.”
“And I don’t want to think about that stuff since we just went through sophomore year and it’s summer, so be quiet.” Mirana entered, slamming the door.
The store was the same as always, an array of candies near the cashier and soda pop stacked upon each other in rows. Throughout the store held packs of what kids get nowadays: junk food. Though laid around were mediocre everyday items such as earbuds or chargers, which were simply begging to be bought with their cheap prices. Jackson and company mainly went however for the small table they held for customers who just wanted to relax. Though, behind the front counter was a man around their age, who they all knew well.
His name was Kasen, his parents were managers so it was the easiest job to get, from what Jackson heard. Whenever he’d visit the shop for a quick grab of snacks for a sleepover, he would chat with him whilst paying with the little cash he’d have at the moment.
His aloof attitude towards the job made the shop surprisingly more welcoming with his honest attitude. Which is its own downside since he makes the family more money from the teenage crowd, thus his parents force him to stay.
“Yo, Kasen,” Finn walked towards him immediately. “How’s today’s shift going for you?”
Kasen looked up from the article he was reading on his phone. “Boring as usual.” He wore his signature, busted nametag as well as a short-sleeved hoodie for the heat. All the while he placed iced coffee from the coffee shop down the street and a fan to keep him cool.
Jackson shrugged, “Well, at least you have company now.”
Mirana picked out three individual candies that each of them liked themselves and placed them all in front of Kasen as she grabbed her wallet. “I told you guys I’ll by candy for you,” she placed the exactly amount of money on the counter to pay, “So here you go.” 
“I still have to scan it.”
Mira paused. “Oh yeah.” She handed the treats back to him.
Kasen quickly put his long-cut blonde bangs behind his ear and scanned all of them to hand them back to her. “Okay, now you guys can have it.” He took a sip of his iced-coffee again as he took the cash to put in the system.
“Wait!” Finn suddenly said. “What about the drinks?”
After a quick moment of silence, Kasen sighed as the computer printed out the receipt. “Just get your soda already and pay me again.”
 “I still don’t get why you guys just have a table here…” Mirana sat back as she ate gummies.
Kasen leaned forward from his counter. “Well, it was my idea when I was younger, my parents bought it as a present so I wouldn’t be running around the store while they worked. Plus, I thought that people who wanted to stay shouldn’t be standing. Didn’t really noticed how weird it was until I got older.” He snickered pulling up his glasses.
Finn chugged some of his cold, orange pop and took a sighed as he swallowed. “Aren’t we the only people who actually sit here?”
Kasen shrugged, “Well, there are some who do, but they don’t bother talking to me. Mainly since they’re basic bitches, but they get annoying easily so I don’t really try at the same time.”
“Makes sense,” Jackson nodded, “You’re a good man, Kasen, a good man.”
“Yes,” Kasen chuckled, “A good man without an idea of what degree I even wanna get.” He took another sip of coffee.
“Isn’t that half the students though,” Mira questioned.
“I guess so. I mean, at least I’m pretty sure my parents will let me quit after graduating.”
Jackson indulged in his popping candy as the others talked. He already had a basic plan after graduating high school, though without older siblings like Finn had, he didn’t have anything to make reference of for himself.
“Damnit…” He muttered, taking a sip of his lemonade as the others laugh about some random new topic.
 Jackson had returned to his cozy apartment, lying beside his dining table and lightly chuckling from the thoughtless jokes of the media.
Mira and Finn had left hours ago, all the while his mother had arrived back from the hospital, cooking up dinner. Her bleached hair puffed up into a mess like always as her small eyes carried bags underneath.
Jackson turned towards her directing, eying that she wobbled as she walked.
Jackson stood up, closing his laptop as he slipped next to her and place his hand on her shoulder. “You’ve worked two nights shifts and a day shift to top it off, I’ll make dinner.”
The woman blinked at him slowly, only to place the cutting knife she held for vegetables and sighed “Fine.”
She stumbled towards the table and slumped down on a chair.
Jackson nodded to himself as she already fell to a slumber, and went on to cut the rest of the veggies to use for the last step.
The rice noodles were already being boiled and the chicken breast was already cut. All Jackson had to wait for was the rice noodles to be ready.
 His mother blinked her eyes open as Jackson stirred all of the ingredients together in a wok.
Jackson stirred repetitively for some time until the clattering of plates struck his ears. He turned to see his mother grabbing plates without precaution. Though, he shrugged and laid his eyes down upon the food. “The pancit is ready.” He said as he began serving food to the plate that had been passed to him.
“You’re starting to make better food than me, it took seventeen years.” Her mouth slurred as she spoke as Jackson passed the plate he held to her.
“I’ve been good, besides you passed out immediately once I offered help,” Jackson scoffed.
After gathering their food and utensils, the two sat on the dining table together.
“So how did your day go?”
The light shined above them dimly, and his mother’s voice was weaker than normal.
“Mira dragged me and Finn to the shop. She paid for treats though so I didn’t have to use any money.”
The woman sighed. “Well that’s good. But I’ll pass you some more money by the end of the month.”
Jackson dragged his food around silently. “You know that you don’t have to save for college money now…”
His mother looked down on her plate as she chewed up her meal slowly. As she swallowed, she replied, “I’m just trying to being precautious. My family budget got screwed over for my education around your age.”
“But you still managed.”
“But, I had to work my ass off while you were just a baby.”
Jackson scoffed, “I know, I know. But it isn’t like I’ll be in that situation.”
She sighed, placing her spoon down gently, “Look, I’ve been working enough extra shifts for the hospital to offer me a vacation week. Will that make you a bit happier?”
Jackson took a spoonful of his meal. “Yeah, just rest for the week though. I’ll take care of the house.”
“Thank you, Jackson.”
They continued to eat the meal until Jackson picked up both of the empty plates to wash. His mother meanwhile, sat at the table to have some herbal tea and bread. An array of clean dishes on the other side were waiting to be put back in place, however Jackson’s desire to was barely existent as he washed more things.  
“So, Mom, have there ever been survivors of area deaths that were in the hospital?”
“No, even the news says that no one in those places survived, you’d know that better than me.” Jackson could easily tell with her tone that she was confused.
He replied, “Yeah, but the news gets information wrong sometimes, so it’s always good to gain your own evidence.”
His mother took a sip of her tea. “That’s true. I’m guessing you’re making your own little conspiracy theories again?”
Jackson rolled his eyes with a grin. “No, this situation’s too vague to have a real solution here.” He said while placing a dish to the clean side of the sink.
“Are you going to keep trying to look for clues?”
Jackson groaned, “With how weird this all is, and the situation just getting stranger, I’m not even sure if anyone is gonna get a solid theory to this.”
His mother hummed thoughtlessly, “Well, even the absurd theories end up being true sometimes, so what do you got?” She took a bite of her bread in the process.
Jackson finished up the last dish and turned off the sink. He turned towards his mother with his hands holding the counter behind him. “The closest shot that I have is some artificial virus.”
She eyed him in a tired surprise while saying with bread in her mouth, “And what makes you say that?”
Jackson took a seat across from the woman, stretching his arms while looking at her straight. “Well, if you look at how the area-deaths go. They only happen in a specific location at the moment, and it kills everyone almost immediately. So, what if someone or some people had developed a virus they could activate and spread however they’d like. But at the same time if this were in a, most likely, terrorist perspective, it wouldn’t make sense to just attack specific people out of convenience when they can make mass destruction so easily with that type of destruction. Even more nonsensical that they would guess use this technology on singular people such as the children who’re kept and-… yeah.” He stopped himself from rambling too much.
“Hm, makes sense that this would be tricky. But maybe you should try and see other perspectives on who may have done this if there was someone in action.” His mother stirred her tea as she spoke, spreading the scent of plants and herbs across the room to Jackson’s dismay.
Jackson shrugged. “It’s hard to think of any. This tech would be impossible to create without tons of money or support.”
“With the world nowadays, anything can happen really.” She took another sip of her tea, tipping her head downwards only to get herself back up quickly.
Similar to past nights, Jackson got up to take away her tea and bread. “You’re going to work again tomorrow, right? Go to sleep.”
She blinked until she replied, “Okay, okay. But you’re drinking the rest of that tea for me.”
“That’s fine with me, mom.”
She got up with him as he walked with her to her bedroom.
“Oh yeah,” his mother said whilst slumping herself through the short hallway, “did you have fun with Mira and Finn?”
“Yeah, we talked with Kasen at the shop too, but I was still busy thinking so I spaced out for most of it.”
She softly chuckled, “Of course you did.”
They arrived at her room, all a mess with dirty clothing and mail, and she wobbled her way to fall on her bed. “Night, Jackson,” she said dozily.
“Night, Mom,” he replied as he closed the door with a soft creak.
Jackson walked back to the living room to go back to his laptop. All the while he was in the regular thoughts of a 34-year-old woman working herself exhaustingly for her almost already-independent child.
 Mirana sat quietly on the floor with her sketchbook while Jackson took notes on his bed for summer homework. As Jackson bored himself with science facts, he noticed Mirana had observed him with her pencil at hand.
He listened to her sketching on her paper as comfort, the pencil tip scratching ever so slightly against the sheets.
“So, what are you drawing now?”
Mirana placed the pencil eraser on her lip, focusing on his position yet again. “Trying to make a sketch of you, but this angle is tricky of course.”
“Why don’t you just move somewhere else to get an easier angle?” Jackson raised his brow, though her answer would most likely be predictable.
She shrugged, “The harder the angle, the more impressive it is to pull it off.”
Jackson typed up a quick fact that he’d forget later. “I still don’t get how people can draw.”
“Well, at least you can take pictures,” Mirana scoffed.
Jackson rolled his eyes. “You just don’t know how to take pictures of people.”
“Adding a filter like you do doesn’t work on everything.” Mirana whined quietly as Jackson turned to his notes again.
They continued doing their own work. And whilst Mirana seemed to have fun in her focus, Jackson began to grow a headache as per usual.
“Hey Mira, are you almost done with your sketch?” He asked.
“Oh, I actually just did. You still have those colored pencils I gave you, right?”
Jackson replied, “You told me to keep them in case you drew here so I left them to die in my closet. Go look there. I’m gonna get some pills.”
Mirana put her sketchbook and pencil, beginning to stand in the process. “’Kay, thanks”
Jackson pushed his laptop aside and got up from his bed. Muttering to himself about not sleep depriving himself before working.
He quickly walked to the living room cabinets, finding headache pills quickly from the last time he left it there. He grabbed the cup of water he’d abandoned from morning breakfast and took the pills with it, having a good chug of the rest of the cup for safe measures. Though as he drank the rest of the cup, thoughts raised through his head.
The quicker I get this work done, the more time I have to relax and… maybe get some money from a job. I’ll look after. It’s starting to get dark though-.  
His surroundings turned grey and silent as he felt a brush on his back in a flash. He choked on his water from flinching, though everything went back to normal the second he coughed it out.
Jackson gasped for air as he stumbled his hands towards the counter edges. He slowly breathed out, “What the hell…” as he stilled to calm down.
“Jackson, you okay?” He turned around to see Mirana by the end of the hallway.
Jackson let go of the counter and answered her. “I just choked on my water a little bit,” he sighed.
The woman crossed her arms and lowered her eyes. “I could hear from the other room. Your walls were thin enough.”
“Of course,” Jackson groaned as he straightened up his t-shirt.
“Have some more water. The pills won’t support your choking bit right there.”
“Sure, sure,” Jackson grumbled as his poured more water from the pitcher.
“So,” Mirana said as Jackson started drinking again, “what made you so startled anyways to that point.”
“It was an accident.”
“Yes, but choking that much by an accident isn’t really that believable.”
Jackson took another gulp of his water. “It was just random chills. I’ll look it up later or something.”
Mirana stayed quiet until she sighed, “Okay then, I’m just gonna go back to coloring.”
She walked back to where she disappeared in Jackson’s eyes. As he turned to look back at the window set on the living room wall. 
The streets were just as lively as ever. Kasen was probably taking a nap during his breakshift of the day, while Finn procrastinated to even read his english books in the first place most likely. Despite his rural beginnings, everything that brought out curiosity and naivety to him had faded into the mundane.  
His mind continued racing until he finished his drink, swifting the glass towards the sink to clean later and going back to his room. 
Though, Jackson opened the door to find his room floor covered in multiple dull colored pencils. He looked ahead to already see a blur of colors in Mirana’s sketchbook.
Carefully, Jackson dawdled to the other side of the room. “You don’t have to throw all the shitty pencils across the room,” he retorted.
Mirana scoffed, “They aren’t shitty. They just aren’t needed for the sketch.”
Jackson rolled his eyes from her ignorance as he sat next to her, getting a better sight of the sketch.
She managed to catch his appearance well, like usual. His light tan-skin was replicated using a simple mix of pencil shades. His eyes squinted smaller than they already were as he focused, which was a usual habit in his defense. Though Jackson noticed his hair was a brown mess, and he subconsciously fixed his hair with his hand as his eyes analyzed the piece some more.
“Goddamnit Mira, it’s good.”
“Thanks, I mainly just colored you but I think I’m gonna move on to an outfit sketch.” She spoke as she turned to the next page, catching some stuck pages out from seemed to be dirt.
“What kind of outfit are you thinking of?”
“Just a thin dress, for when I go out swimming, you know?” She started sketching out lines of the model’s head.
Jackson’s mind swirled about what type of design it’d be, though another question came to mind.
“With how many outfits you made, did you ever consider being a designer or something?”
Mirana scrunched up, tapping her pencil slowly as she slightly hummed. “I’m not really sure yet. I like doing art in general, outfits are kinda just another hobby but I don’t know shit about actual fabric stuff.”
Jackson shrugged as she kept sketching slowly. “Yeah, but you can always learn, that’s what half the internet was made for.”
Mirana chuckled. “Yeah, but I prefer using the other half,” she clicked.
Jackson scrunched his eyes. “If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, get out.”
She snickered as he groaned back onto his own workspace.
“So, Jackson, what are you gonna do when I’m gone for the next two weeks?”
Jackson opened an online textbook, “Oh- Wait, shouldn’t you be packing right now?”
Mirana said, “I already did all of that last night. It was pretty easy.”
“You just stuffed everything you had other than your sketchbook and materials into your luggage without a thought, didn’t you?”
She grinned. “Pretty much.”
Jackson shook his head, “Your car trip’s gonna be around 2 days long…”
“Yeah, but out of anything, all I really need for survival is my sketchbook. Same goes for my music but I always have that so no need to worry.”
Jackson sighed, “Don’t come complaining to me when you don’t know where your swim-suit is.”
Mirana looked up from her sketchbook, “What? I got too focused on something.”
Of course, he thought. His screen became his sight again as he said, “Just don’t die in Massachusetts.”
“You’d probably like it more than me really, colder than here in New York City.”
Jackson smiled. “Trust me, I don’t like anything considering the weather.”
 “It’s been two weeks. More kids died in their apartments. News is saying that people are starting to move. And at the same time, we still have no idea why this is happening in the first place.”
Finn commented, “There haven’t been anything else like this outside of NYC, so it could be worse.”
Jackson snapped back, “But what if it does get worse?” He slammed down his laptop from the kitchen table, walking off to refill his glass of water from minutes prior.
He chugged his cup full down with a vitamin D pill quickly, coughing and wiping his mouth with a sigh as he finished. “What,” he gasped.
 “You’re getting stressed again. Calm down.”
Jackson huffed. “I don’t understand what’s going on anymore. The press would’ve released something weeks ago explaining, but all I get is shitty blogposts.”
He sat at his table again, arms over his head and kicking his long legs back and forth from the stool. “If we keep this up, we’re all gonna die soon enough.”
Finn stood silently, then sat on another stool on the side. He clapped his hands together while taking a breath. “Okay. Jackson, we aren’t gonna die. Out of anything if we see people die, just turn for it until you’re out of the area completely. Maybe try not to breathe, I don’t know.”
“But we still don’t know the main cause, we’re fucked.”
“Jackson, you have to calm down,” he patted Jackson’s back.
Jackson said blankly, “What’ll happen if my mom gets involved?”
“Jackson!” Hands stuck his arms tightly, turning him to face Finn again, who was stricken with concern in his eyes. “You need to stop worrying about this stuff. You should know out of everybody that it’s not good for you.”
Jackson blinked, then replied slowly, “If we stop doing anything, we’ll get nowhere. If we don’t know anything, we’ll get nowhere… We need this.”
Finn sighed, letting him go steadily. He glared at him softly, “Just don’t stress yourself out like that anymore.”
“Don’t worry. I think I’m fine now, I’ll just take some relax pills.” Jackson stood and turned to the cabinet of pills, grabbing a bottle of valerian root pills. He refilled his cup again to take it in.
He finished the cup silently as Finn attempting to make conversation after their talk.
“Huh, that’s a first.”
Finn cocked a brow. “What?”
Jackson said, “I’ve been having these weird chills lately at random, and over half the time it was when I was drinking water. And for the first time in two weeks,” he raised his cup, “I was able to drink an entire cup without getting any.”
“Wait,” Finn asked, “Is that why you’ve been drinking tons of water and choking?”
Jackson nodded, “Yeah, didn’t really like it but I wanted to see how long it’d last. Besides I stay inside so much that I might as well get a lot of hygiene to compensate.”
“Understandable.” Finn went back to his phone. “So, you said that you were hanging out with Mira tomorrow when she comes back, right?”
“Yeah, down at the Amersford park at 2:30.”
“Do you think I can join a bit after? I’ll be like an hour late since I’m gonna hang out with some of the basketball guys.”
Jackson shrugged, “Yeah sure, she’s pretty much just hanging out with us as a way of getting out of unpacking for a bit so the more the merrier.”
Finn chuckled, “Her room’s gonna be a disaster either way so it’s fine.”
“I’ll text her later. But for right now, you’ll go do my math work for me.”
 Jackson’s phone buzzed while he looked at pop culture news. He picked it up to see Mirana’s name plastered on the phone.
He clicked the green button and answered, “Are you almost here? It’s almost two.”
“We got here earlier than expected, so do you think you can come over now?”
Jackson looked at himself, dressed in a random t-shirt and a pair of boxers yet again. “I can, but I need some time to get ready first.”
“You’re in your boxers again, aren’t you?”
“Okay I’m just gonna wait with YouTube. See ya soon.”
She hung up right afterwards.
Jackson groaned from his own lack of sleep and got up regretfully. After taking deep breath, he dashed to his drawer and quickly dressed himself. He immediately brushed his teeth in the bathroom, washed up his face, and fixed up his hair. He snatched his newsie-cap and phone to be completely ready to go in the record-time speed of five minutes.
He quietly said goodbye to his resting mother before going off.
Jackson called her again as he started walking to the park.
“Are you out of your house yet?”
“Yeah, I’m on my way.”
“Good, you’re being productive.”
“Unlike you.”
“Shut up”
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
“Oh, bye then.”
Jackson hung up the phone as he started to take his ten-minute walk of the week.
 Just a block away from Amersfort park, and Jackson only struck silence in his ears. He cocked his head to say the least once he noticed.
He walked to the entrance steadily. He found a scent wasn’t of the city’s smoke, which was utmost peculiar causing him to walk quicker.
A thick atmosphere comforted around him as he got closer, and his hand suddenly began to burn but he ignored it during the flashes of monochrome that appeared in his sights, with chills going down his spine continuously.
He got to the entrance, and slowly turned to see what exactly was going on.
His eyes widened to the point where it hurt. His blood ran colder than it had ever been before as his heartbeat sped up faster and faster. His eyes slowly began having forming thick, wet tears that burned against his cold figure.
He couldn’t stop staring at all of messy, bloody bodies that laid before him. The eyes of pain they’d left only made sense with the giant puncture on their bodies.
And what laid across the entrance of the park was dyed-red hair that he could always remember.
Mirana ended up dead in New York City.
Though, as Jackson stood in shock, his eyes caught a black figure standing. It was ginormous, skin wrinkled up to its spine and a black aura surrounding them as well. However, its paws held thick claws that were stained red.
This isn’t real.
The monster turned and saw Jackson.
This isn’t real.
It took a single step towards him.
He could barely think.
He could barely tell reality anymore
However, one single thought formed completely.
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shywitchiness · 6 years
50 questions with Ele
so @lulloph made these and I saw @orrangie do these for her spirit pal Ash (who is my nemesis btw)
Ash (who is with me visiting): that would mean we are on the same level.
1:what do you think is the worst creation ever made?
Ele: hmmmm corn syrup
Me: ummm what??
Ele: its gross lol
2: whats your favorite genre of music?
Ele: I like poppy songs
3:if you could be any other entity, what would you be?
Ele: i don't know....maybe a nymph or something badass
4: how many times do you think you have seen a beluga whale (in pictures or otherwise)?
Ele: umm they have donuts on their heads
Me: *shows more pictures*
5:what is your favorite time of day?
Ele: Im gonna say dawn or right at the beginning of sunset
6: when do you think is the best time to take a nap?
Ele: right after sleeping
Me: lmao okay
7: how flexible are you on a scale from 1-10?
Ele: right now I can barely freakin tie my own shoes.....but normally im around an 8
8: how many fingers do you have?
Ele: .......10....11???? wait let me check
Me: *rolls eyes*
Ele: 10
9:how many fingers do you want?
Ele: lmao 10
10: would you rather get rid of your left arm(/left fin/other left extremity) or like half of all your body hair?
Ele: yikessss i guess my body hair
11:would you rather have a hamster or a guinea pig?
12: would you rather eat a rose quartz point or eat a selenite tower?
Ele: if I ate a rose quartz, I would get eternal love, but if I ate a selenite tower, I would be forever cleansed and grounded....I can't pick
13: would you rather have your whole body to be shaved like a barber pole or have to wear crocs on your hands and feet for the rest of your life (cant ever take em off…they grow with u)?
Ele: again with the hair......I don't wanna lose my hair, but I don't want to wear crocs on my hands lol....so I guess hair ughh
14: how many times in a day do you wash your hands?
Ele: I guess every time they get dirty, and I work in the garden a lot and stuff...so ill say a good 11 times?
15: do you prefer rings or necklaces
Ele: oh gosh necklaces I think
16: how many times in ur life have u ever wanted to yodel?
Ele: what is yodeling
Me: *goes to show her a funny video*
Ele: lmao wait u don't have to....thats so funny tho I remember the video *dies of laughter*
17: do you prefer chocolate or fruity candy?
Ele: fruity candy
18: whats your favorite animal?
19: if you had to ride an animal for the rest of your life, what animal would it be?
Ele: since ash said me,,,,ill say a motorcycle jkjk my hubby of course
20:are you an alto or soprano?
Ele: a soprano
21: what is your opinion on shopping?
Ele: its tiring but its fun with others
22: how would you feel if everything you ate for the rest of your life was the texture of sand?
Ele: I would die
23: how would you feel if everything you drank for the rest of your life was the texture of oil paint?
Ele: simple..I would die
24: how many times in your life have you tap danced?
Ele: zero times. zilch. nada. never
25:do you prefer the moon or the sun?
Ele: the sun!!!!
26: what is your opinion on water?
Ele: ???ummm its???? water??
27: how disgusting is the pulp in fruit juice on a scale from 1-10? (dont try to lie and say its good….its bad)
Ele: trash get it away...its a 167 on the disgusting scale
28: what is your favorite flavor of chewing gum?
Ele: bubblegum, sour apple, I LOVE
29: how well can you juggle?
Ele: juggling? who is she
30: what are the top 3 instruments you’d like to learn how to play?
Ele: the harp, the lute, and the electric guitar hell yea
31: would you rather be the size of an ant for the rest of your life or the size of a giant every day for two random consecutive hours of the day?
Ele: ill be a giant thank u very much
32:what type of clothing would u get rid of if you could?
Ele: the boring kind ughhh.... maybe checkered vans
Me: !!!!
Ele: im sorry they are so SO ugly
33: what 4 similarities can you think of for an alligator vs a peacock?
Ele: allusive, majestic, will fight u, both can random show up in ur backyard lol....one time we visited somewhere deep in the country and there was a peacock just chillin in a front yard??? like WHAT???
34: what color would you want your tongue to be if you could change it
Ele: purple? or red?
35: whats your opinion on reading?
Ele: its nice and Hen does it a lot so I'm assuming thats what makes him so stupid
Hen: wow screw u too
36: do you prefer the word snuggle or cuddle and why?
Ele: snuggle....omg it just sounds so cute...cuddly to me sounds like something dangerous thats cute lol
37: how many hairs do you think you have on your body?
Ele: ???i don't know I think maybe......100?? lol idk 200??
38: what is cooler? tarot or lenormand?
Ele: i don't know what lenormand is so ill say tarot
39: what is the coolest “mythical” creature?
Ele: obviously me duhhh
40: if you could change your height/size, what would you change it to?
I would make myself taller definitely, maybe a bit heavier? but Im okay with myself now, but I do wish I was taller
41: what is your favorite cartoon?
Ele: lol chowder or gumball
42: what is a place you’d like to visit in the world?
Ele: I would like to visit France or Europe in general....maybe Italy? They just seem to be very romantic in a sense
43: what is your opinion on daylight savings time?
Ele: ITS SO STUPID!!! I get tired so much more often ALSO who thought it was a good idea for it to get dark at 4 pm???
44: would you rather have to climb a tree like a monkey or like a big cat?
Ele:  a big cat
45: how do you feel about man buns?
Ele: hmmm idk....not really my cup of tea but if it makes u happy why not 
46: if you had to eat one bug for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ele: ewwwwwww but maybe a butterfly lol they are pretty
47: what genre of music is cursed (aside from country)?
Ele: LOL metal and screamo
48: would you rather have to wear one glove for the rest of your life or one sock
Ele: one sock lol no one will see the sock so....but also I walk around barefoot a lot so hmm
49: what color would u want to paint your nails if you had to?
50: how much do you love your companion?
Ele: I love her so much I would bite someones head off for her....metaphorically and literally
Me: T^T I cryy
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Love; not wrong (brave)
Happy valentines day 💞💞 i hope u have a great day, where ever you are and whatever you do.
This is litteraly just 4k words of fluffy stuff (although phil’s lowkey drunk in one of the prompts, nothing happens other than him ranting about how perfect dan is, but if you dont like that stuff its the 14th. Theres also a few loose mentions of depression and feelings of anxiety but nothing dan and phil dont say themselves. Also swearing bcuz dan. Happy endings thoo, i mean its just oneshots lmao). I hope you like it tho it was v fun to write. All the prompts are from @inlovesuggest (i got their permisson).
(Also the numbers at the begining of some of them like “[10]” are what year it takes place in, if i think its important to include. If thats not there it can take place whenever makes sense but probably 2017/18)
Yeahhh hope you enjoy! @dan-matian (from @butterscotchwithwhitemalteasers)
(I’ll stop overexplaining now) ———- ———- ❝ i have a feeling im gonna love you for a long long time ❞ ———- [09] ———- It was the day after when Phil realised he might be in love.
After the anticipation, after the endless butterflies, after the sunset Skybar dates.
They were lying on Phil’s family sofa together, rewatching episodes of Buffy in comfortable silence. Dan’s head was laying on Phil’s chest as Phil ran his fingers through Dan’s hair, it was curling at the tips now.
Dan started giggling at some cheesy joke, and hid his smile in his hands. His red patch flared up, his dimples grew, eyes crinkled. He did have a pretty laugh.
Phil titled his head and gave Dan a look.
“I’m not laughing! Shut up.” Dan’s face turned red-rose as he pushed it inside Phil’s shirt.
Phil couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across his face.
“You were. But I was just thinking.”
“About what?”
“You’re kinda cute,”
Dan’s face got even more rosy, if that was possible.
“And I think I might love you.” ———- ❝ The sound of your voice makes me realize everything is ok, as long as I’m by your side. ❞ ———- [16] ———- Even after years of doing tours and books, Phil still felt nervous on stage.
Thousands of people watching him live, expecting, hoping.
He knew they loved him, but that didn’t console the pit in his stomach whenever he was about to step on.
What did help, however, was Dan.
Dan being there. His slightly posh voice, his half-confident-half-slacking posture. His arm, brushing against Phil’s, as he rushed off to go do something; or just so they could touch for a brief moment.
It was almost time to head on. Phil could hear the audience and the pre-show music Dan set, he could feel the anticipation in the air.
Unlike Dan, Phil was a shy kid. He didn’t do drama, he didn’t preform. This wasn’t him.
Dan’s fingers loosely touched against Phil’s arm, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“We go on in five.”
Phil smiled nervously.
“We’ll be fine.”
As long as they’re together. ———- ❝ when it works out, love is incredible. it’s not overrated; there’s a reason for all the songs ❞ ———- [16] ———- Before the past years, Dan had never cared for love songs.
It’s not that he thought they were bad, or that he wouldn’t listen to them, he just found them rather unrelatable and boring. How many times does one have to listen to someone sing about the touch of another person?
But then he fell in love.
Truly, truly fell in love. Not teenage romance, not a Saturday night hookup, not an unrequited crush. True, mutual, comfortable love.
And he found himself relating to the songs he found so boring.
Suddenly, every overplayed radio song was about Phil.
Every ‘his lips tasted like candy’ was about the specific sweet-sour wine of Phil’s lips on a loud Friday night and a calm Wednesday morning.
Every 'I could spend forever with you’ was not an over exaggeration, but rather, true.
Why wouldn’t he spend forever with Phil? It just made sense.
Every love song made sense.
He had girlfriends before, and a boyfriend too. But Phil was the first one to ever make him realise why people wished to be in love. ———- ❝ when i say “i love you” it’s not out of habit, it’s to remind you that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me ❞ ———- Compared to other people, maybe Dan and Phil didn’t say 'I love you’ much.
They decided, after a while, they’d rather show it.
So maybe Phil wouldn’t always say 'I love you’ before bed, but he would cook dinner more days a week than Dan.
He would take care of Dan when Dan couldn’t take care of himself. Phil would always cover anything for Dan, because he knew sometimes he needed it, even if he didn’t say.
He would make sure Dan got home safe, even when he only went out for milk. He’d even go out and get milk for Dan, if he was feeling far too overwhelmed to leave home that day.
And yeah, Dan might not always whisper 'I love you’ during early morning breakfasts, but he would take care of Phil when he was feeling poorly.
He would do more editing for the gaming channel, and he cleaned up the house far more. He tried to do most of their paperwork, because it often stressed Phil.
He would put his cereal in the same place every time, even when Phil always stole it.
But sometimes they would say I love you.
Sometimes, they would wake up and breathe it into each other’s ear.
Sometimes, they would make dinner and hum, in a tone, “I lovvveeee youuuuuuuu,” while putting it on the table.
Sometimes, they would sneak up behind each other while they edited, and scream it so loud that the other jumped off the sofa.
Sometimes, Phil would whisper it to Dan when Dan was too depressed to care.
Sometimes, Dan would mutter it to Phil when he was already far past asleep.
But they both always knew. ———- ❝ those knowing looks you give me from across the room are enough to make me want to stay in this place ❞ ———- Dan hated business meetings.
He hated going outside, he hated going into a building full of near-strangers, he hated talking to said strangers, he hated trying to understand complicated business concepts at far-too-early o'clock.
He wanted to leave.
Phil insisted, always, that he could go alone. It would be fine. Dan didn’t need to be there, and he didn’t mind.
Dan never took him up on the offer, he wasn’t that selfish.
So there he was, a Monday afternoon, looking out the window and bored out of his mind. He felt like he was in secondary school again; complicated concepts, boring statistics, and an unfocused mind. What was even so much better as an adult?
Dan felt Phil nudge his knee with a foot.
“You okay?” He whispered.
Right. That’s what was better. He had Phil.
“Yeah, just bored.”
“Me too, but there’s only fourty minutes left. You’ll be fine.”
Not for the first time, Dan admired Phil’s sensibility to always bring a watch to meetings.
They had both agreed that checking your phone looked quite rude, but checking a £3 Hello Kitty watch was a lot more subtle.
Phil gave Dan a small smile from across the table, and suddenly, maybe business meetings with Phil weren’t the worst place he could be. ———- ❝ we were dancing like idiots in the parking lot to our favourite bands people were staring but your dumb smile was enough to make me not care. ❞ ———- [10] ———- //“Change, Everything you are And everything you were”//
Dan never thought he would be the one slow-dancing in a parking lot at one in the morning, but apparently love mixed with sleepless nights is a hell of a drug.
//“Your number has been called Fights, battles have begun Revenge will surely come Your hard times are ahead”//
'Butterflies and Hurricanes’ played in the background, music surrounding them. It wasn’t a favourite Muse song for either of them, but it was perfect for the night.
Phil wasn’t the best dancer, Dan could admit. But neither was he, really. And it didn’t matter. They were together.
//“Best, You’ve got to be the best You’ve got to change the world”//
People were watching them, judging, or just confused. He was sure.
But when he looked up and saw Phil’s tired smile, and felt a soft kiss press his lips, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
And so they danced, a Saturday night, in a parking lot, to a Muse song.
//“And you use this chance to be heard Your time is now”//
And Dan had never felt so content. ———- ❝ maybe i could become a morning person if my mornings started next to you ❞ ———- [11] ———- It was no secret that Phil wasn’t a morning person.
Usually, he needed at least two cups of coffee and a bowl of cereal before you could even think about talking to him.
However, when he woke up with a sleeping Dan next to him, he found it hard to feel annoyed.
Dan was wrapped all around Phil, hand clutching his shirt tightly, their legs intertwined. His mouth was slightly opened, and although he didn’t snore, Phil could hear his soft breath.
He looked so young sometimes.
Dan started to open his eyes, having felt Phil’s body move.
“Dan, I can’t reach my phone.”
Dan’s face scrunched up in distaste, “Don’t need it. 'Have me.”
Dan pulled Phil tightly into a half-hug, pinning him back down under the blankets.
He nuzzled his head into Phil’s neck, closing his eyes as his breathing steadied out again.
Maybe Phil didn’t actually mind mornings that much. ———- ❝ your laugh reminds me of all the good in the world ❞ ———- [15] ———- Dan had always loved Phil’s laugh.
From old videos, to Skype, to in person, to on the sofa next to him at three in the afternoon.
They were playing Mario Cart 8, and Dan wasn’t having the best luck. Despite being arguably worse, Phil had won every round so far, or at least gotten ahead of Dan.
Dan had managed to fling himself off the track entirely— for the fifteenth time that day— and Phil was laughing so hard Dan worried he might burst.
Dan’s favourite laugh of Phil’s.
His tounge-through-teeth laugh, where he tried to cover it with his hands but always gave in, ending up with smile lines and blushed cheeks.
Dan couldn’t stop staring. He had caused that.
He knew it was just a game of Mario Cart, that he made Phil laugh an endless amount of times, but occasionally it just hit him.
Not to romanticize, but Dan swore Phil’s laugh sounded like actual angels. It sounded like young children playing while their parents looked on; like every good thing to ever have existed, all at once. It reminded him of what happiness felt like.
“You okay Dan?”
Dan hadn’t realised how long he’d been staring for.
“Yeah. By the way, I like your laugh. Sounds nice.”
“Odd compliment, but thanks.” ———- ❝ wrapped in your arms, I feel so safe and calm. ❞ ———- Today had been a day.
Paperwork got mixed up, a venue had a miscommunication and lost a row of seats, and Phil’s birthday was in less than a week.
It was a lot for Dan at once, and he was so fucking tired.
“Phil! I need your help looking this over.”
Phil was on the phone, ordering dinner.
'Can it wait?’ He mouthed silently.
Dan shook his head violently. He was just about fed up.
Phil rolled his eyes, and muttered 'Be right back, emergency.’ into his phone.
“Alright, what?”
Dan squeezed his eyes shut tightly, shaking his head.
“I don’t know. Wait— Yes. I do know. It just is a bit blurry, in my head. Since I’m tired. Can you just explain what they said to call them for I’m really tired.”
Phil looked softly at Dan.
“It’s okay to take a break, Dan. It’s late. We can have dinner and go to bed or watch a movie.”
“No, I need this done tonight. You don’t understand. I need it perfect.”
“Not everything needs to be perfect.”
“Yes! Shit, yes. It does—”
Dan was exhausted.
Phil hugged Dan.
Dan eased into Phil’s embrace, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I’m tired,”
“I know.”
“And so stressed.”
Phil kissed Dan’s forehead.
“I know, let’s lie down.”
Phil grabbed his phone, finished ordering their food, and lay on the sofa with Dan.
Dan nudged into Phil’s arms, closing his eyes.
Phil lightly kissed him, and held him closer.
“You can nap for a bit, if you want. The food is fourty minutes away. I’ll be here.”
Dan sighed contently.
“Thank you.” ———- ❝ my hands are cold, would you mind holding them? ❞ ———- [11] ———- “It’s snowing.”
Dan and Phil were sitting on Phil’s balcony, sipping hot coco.
“It is,”
“It’s cold.” Dan smiled innocently at Phil.
“Yes? Do you need mittens? I think I have a pair—”
“Can you hold my hand?”
“Oh-” Phil went bright pink, “Sure, yeah, okay.”
He reached out and tapped his fingers nervously against Dan’s free hand, before interlocking them.
“No problem. It is really cold, actually.”
Dan laughed, “Yeah, I know! It actually is snowing out, it wasn’t all a ploy.”
Phil smiled warmly.
“I like holding your hand.”
“We are doing this for warmth and survival only, you dork. But, I like holding your hand too.” ———- ❝ Just the two of us, cuddling at late night. Enjoying the silence, and the presence of each other. I fall asleep in your chest, hearing your heartbeats ❞ ———- It was 2am, they’re watching a Studio Ghibli movie.
Or at least, they were, until the credits rolled and they were too lazy to pick another one.
So now, they were lying on the sofa, listening to the silence and the others heartbeat.
Dan’s head was on Phil’s chest, a grin as he heard Phil’s soft breathing.
Phil was running his fingers through Dan’s curls, twirling each one.
Dan’s eyelids slowly difted closed, and his breathing evened out.
“Goodnight, Danny.” Phil whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Dan smiled within his sleep. ———- ❝ i never want to know what life is like without you again ❞ ———- [17] ———- In more ways than one, Dan and Phil ran on parallel tracks.
Their thoughts, but their actions too. Their daily lives so delicately intertwined.
They would wake up together, one kissing the other or just the sound of an aggressively loud alarm.
They would get dressed, take showers, brush their teeth, fix their hair, in turns. Perfectly in sync. A well oiled machine.
One of them would make breakfast, or they both would. Coffee, tea, cereal. A petty argument about stolen cereal, sometimes, then a slice of toast.
They would watch TV, or an anime, but today they watched Undercover Cops. Phil wanted to spice it up a bit.
After that, they’d sit in the lounge, doing nothing, editing, or any mix of the two.
Eventually, one of them would get hungry, and they would order or cook. Today it was order, burritos from a local mexican place and salads.
After they ate, Dan would take off somewhere else to do something else. Piano, games, or random things around the house. Phil might join him, but not always. This was as much space as they needed.
After that, Dan would return in exercise clothes with yoga mats. Phil would go off to change, and would return. Either yoga or some standard workout, nothing too much, but enough to make Dan okay. Phil never minded it.
After that, they would return to the lounge and relax for a while. Maybe catch up on a show. Other times, they might film a gaming video, or even a main channel video if one was prepared.
Then one would be hungry again, and they would make dinner. Sometimes they ordered, but less and less, since Dan’s therapist recommended healthy home-cooked meals. They decided on Indian food, Tandoori Chicken and Rice, with a Stir-Fry.
After dinner, Dan would go play games, and Phil might too. Or maybe watch a show Dan didn’t care for. Maybe clean up a bit more. Always something, though. Unless it was a nothing day.
Sometime at night, they would get tired. They’d head off to bed, maybe Dan would want to shower again. They would just lay with each other, until the comfort of the other persons presence lulled them both to sleep.
They worked well together, and had done for years. It was hard to remember a time before they were each others lives.
Rarely ever alone. ———- ❝ a concept: holding hands while walking along the beach as the sun sets next to us and we kiss and we kiss and we kiss and mmmaybe kiss ❞ ———- [10] ———- After four hours, Dan and Phil had finally managed to escape from the rest of the group.
Now they were walking down the sandy beach, awkwardly watching the sunset, side by side.
Neither one really knew what they were doing, neither really cared.
The sky had just reached that violet-red-orange ice-creamed mix when Phil intertwined his fingers with Dan’s.
Dan looked up at him, pink cheeks.
They glanced at each other for a second longer, then continued walking.
“You do realise we’re literally doing that romantic-walk-on-the-beach cliché thing?”
“Yeah, but it’s nice.”
“It is,”
Dan looked into Phil’s eyes a moment, then softly pressed their lips together. ———- ❝ i love the way you sound at 3am and how you look when you smile. it’s addicting ❞ ———- [09] ———- It was three in the morning, and Phil had decided that Dan was pretty.
And not the flowy-hair-model pretty, but the timeless one. The one where your features are just— perfect.
Phil couldn’t even think of a proper describing word; although that may be the three glasses of wine he had earlier.
He looked at Dan’s fuzzy image through his laptop, admiring. Dan had been attempting to play piano, but gave up and was just lying on his bed now.
“You’re pretty.” Phil whispered.
Dan blushed. How adorable.
“Really. Timelessly beautiful. And sexy, and handsome and hot and gorgeous and every other good word. You’re— Dan. That’s perfect. Dan is a good word.”
Dan grinned wide at Phil’s drunken rambles.
“And your voice, it’s just nice. Calming. You think it’s too posh or whatever but it’s not. It’s great Dan. It’s Dan! That’s a good thing. I love it. One day I wanna fall asleep to it and wake up to it and—”
Phil teared up at this. He wanted to be with Dan forever, and he knew it.
“Dan, I,”
Dan was looking a bit confused now.
“Yeah, Phil? Are you okay?”
“You’re pretty, Dan. That’s all. But that’s not all at all.” ———- ❝ being old doesn’t seem too awful when i think about growing old with you ❞ ———- [18] ———- Phil sighed, rolling over in bed.
“I’m thirty-one now.”
Dan smiled, “Yeah?”
“That’s pretty old.”
“Not that old, honestly.” Dan laughed quietly, “You’re barely over your twenties.”
“People my age have families,” Phil stares at the ceiling, unblinking. “They’re married with a house.”
“Kids don’t make you old, Phil. People have kids at sixteen, my mum had me at ninteen for God’s sake. And anyone can buy a house, anyone can get married.”
Phil leaned on his side to look at Dan. “You know what I mean—I could. I haven’t done that much, I’m getting old. I could die tommorow.”
Dan’s turn to sigh.
“You could’ve died yesterday, Philly.” He smiles fondly, “And you have done so, so, much. Really. You’ve gone to University, had three homes, have four million fans, gone on tour—there’s more to life than just domestic stuff. And if you want domestic stuff, we can do that too. Forever home, dog, eventually marriage and kids.”
“I know,”
“What’s the issue?”
“I dunno. I just don’t wanna die. I don’t want to be old, really. I don’t know.”
Dan glanced at him.
“You’re gonna be old. We’ll be old together. Like the great poet Ed Sheeran once said, 'I’ll be loving you 'till we’re seventy,’”
Phil giggles, “Maybe you’re right. It’ll be fun with you. You make things fun.”
“Yup. I’ll always love you, even when you have grey hair that you still dye black, and wrinkles, and smell like bad cologne.”
“Always.” ———- ❝ when it works out, love is incredible. it’s not overrated; there’s a reason for all the songs ❞ ———- [16] ———- Before the past years, Dan had never cared for love songs.
It’s not that he thought they were bad, or that he wouldn’t listen to them, he just found them rather unrelatable and boring. How many times does one have to listen to someone sing about the touch of another person?
But then he fell in love.
Truly, truly fell in love. Not teenage romance, not a Saturday night hookup, not an unrequited crush. True, mutual, comfortable love.
And he found himself relating to the songs he found so boring.
Suddenly, every overplayed radio song was about Phil.
Every 'his lips tasted like candy’ was about the specific sweet-sour wine of Phil’s lips on a loud Friday night and a calm Wednesday morning.
Every 'I could spend forever with you’ was not an over exaggeration, but rather, true.
Why wouldn’t he spend forever with Phil? It just made sense.
Every love song made sense.
He had girlfriends before, and a boyfriend too. But Phil was the first one to ever make him realise why people wished to be in love. ———- ❝ How dare you make me smile so hard that my face hurts when you’re so far away? ❞ ———- “Well this feels like déjà vu.”
Dan was sitting on their bed, laptop opened to Skype, smiling at Phil.
Phil was at his parent’s house, sitting on a guest bed, smiling back.
“You’re right. I have too many memories of nights like these.” Phil laughs half-heartedly.
“I probably would’ve just come with you, if I didn’t have a video to film.”
“I know. And remember to send me the file when you’re done so I can watch over it.”
“Yes, Dad.” Dan rolled his eyes fondly.
“It’s your regret, Daniel.”
Dan sighed, “I miss you.”
Phil smiled back, sadly, “I miss you too. But it’s only a few days, don’t worry. Just edit.”
“I remember a lot of nights back then, saying how one day we would never have to Skype again, yet here we are.”
“Stop being melodramatic Dan, it’s only a weekend for my mum’s birthday. We’ll live.”
“Will we? Because I swear I’m dddddyyyinnngggg!” Dan flopped down on the bed, pretending to faint, and they both fall into a fit of giggles.
“Noooo Danny! Don’t go into the light!”
“It’s too late… I can—see God… she’s coming for me…”
“Dannnnnnn! Nooo!” Phil put his hand over his heart and sobbed dramatically.
“God is Ribena Phil, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
They both burst into uncontrollable laughter at this, tears streaming down Dan’s face, struggling to catch their breath.
“Oh my god, Dan!”
“Oh my—Oh my Ribena, you mean!—”
They both gasped for air, Dan’s cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
“Of course, how dare I!?”
Once the laughter had settled down and they were both softly smiling again, Dan sighed.
“I still wish you weren’t so far. I want to be with you.”
Phil smirked, “Don’t you mean 'I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone’?”
“Shut up! Why do you even remember that?” Dan blushed and hid his face in a pillow.
Old feelings, old love. ———- ❝ in your kiss, I felt at peace ❞ ———- [09] ———- Butterflies.
Dan looks at Phil, Phil looks at Dan.
Dan tilts his head to the side.
His head is beating fast, but his heart is beating faster.
Phil is beautiful.
Now or never.
Two lips, just two lips.
Soft. Phil’s lips are very soft. And sweet like honey.
Butterflies and honey.
A winning combination for your butterflies to get all sticky and trapped, and for you to feel brave.
Honey is sweet, like Phil’s lips.
Phil’s lips are better than honey.
This isn’t Dan’s first kiss, but it might as well be. This feels more important.
Honey is sweet.
Phil’s lips are sweeter.
“Thank you.” ———-
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