#now I'm not saying her husband deserved to be killed
airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
internal affairs fucker hassling Columbo to go to the firing range when he is just trying to feed his dog ice cream
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calisources · 2 months
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All sentences here were taken from different media about possessive love, the thrill of the chase, banter, and competition regarding one's affection. Some have foul language so please beware but most are fun, banter, possessive fun. All of these are made for roleplay purposes. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me.
I spend a quarter of every day inside you. 
I have never said this to anyone before.
But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I’ve ever imagined.
Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk … I would worship you. I would take care of your every need. And everyone would know that I’d made you that way, that you belonged to me.
You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.
We can't possess one another.
Just because I can't have you right now, doesn't mean I'm okay with him having you.
I will be good to you, Myst. Please, I promise.
You are mine. And I protect what’s mine.
Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid.
No.You will take me.
The purpose of a knight is to protect. Why won’t you let him do his job to me?
I want you all to myself.
I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.
There is something in me that wakes up when I want something, a possession.
God knows he deserved you more than I do. 
Listen well, for you belong to me.
Good grief, you’re such an adorably greedy person.
And when you fall in love with her  just keep in mind that she’s mine. 
 She’s more than you could handle, anyway.
That almost sounds like a challenge.
I don’t need your permission to do anything.
Your hands will touch me and no one else, Meadow. That is final.
You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.
You reject every suitor and yet, you keep entertaining me. I believe you want me too, and you are dying to be touched.
I don't own you, you just belong to me.
You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. 
I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.
By the gods you have never been more beautiful than you are right now, spread before me, wrapped in my wool.
Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you.
I do not belong to you, or to anyone else. I will talk to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Not if it’s some ass who thinks he can put his hands on you.
You didn’t have a problem with me acting like a caveman last night.
When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.
Most men prefer to do the eating.
Do you know what passion is?
Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.
You’re wearing my colors, love.
I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.
He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all… he is mine.
You have rare beauty the like I have never seen but you will be more beautiful heavy with my seed.
You are my golden queen. You are my tigress. You are my Circe. 
Never will I allow your gold to be taken from me. Never. Understand this, Circe, and never forget.
Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.
 I would have you right here if you would let me. Fear you? I exalt you. 
You could burn me a thousand times, and I would still want you for my own.
Everything has a price. The price, however, isn't always money.
You’re my scariest hell, You’re my perfect paradise.
Well, I admit my crib is pretty sweet. But a gold cage is still a cage, Harry.
I intend to the last. 
If I win, then you shall be mine. Tonight.
You are so sure of yourself.
The game is simple. The women run, the men chase. If you catch the one with your color. . .well, that’s up to you.
But women have been running all their lives, most men don’t catch that easily.
We are in a maze, lost, and your hand is up my skirt.
Aye, but I don’t hear any complaints. The maze will hide our secret.
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reiderwriter · 10 months
hi i love your writing
could you do something with reid loving that reader is pregnant. fluff or smut or both
A/N Hello! Thanks for the request! Dad!Spencer is the cutest thing on the planet so this is some unapologetic fluff. And now I have baby fever.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, idiots in love. Loosely based on Haley and Hotch's conversation in 1x1. Very fluffy and probably very cheesy and sentimental too... Sorry, you give me girl dad Spencer and suddenly there isn't an impure thought in my head, I just want to lovingly stare at him like I'm the dead wife in an action movie montage.
My requests are open, check out my masterlist for more 🌸
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“Okay, what about Amelia?”
“No, Amelia Dyer, Victorian serial killer. She killed multiple infants over a thirty-year period.”
“Okay, okay, how about, Myra?”
“Myra Hindley, she and her partner Ian Brady abducted and killed five children and teens in the early sixties.”
“God, not that then. There can’t be a psychopathic murderer called Belle, right?”
“You’re making this too easy for me, y’know. Belle Gunness, Hell’s Belle, she’s one of the most prolific female serial killers of all time, even 100 years after her supposed death. It’s fascinating, you know, people think that she actually faked her death - when the doctor who performed the postmortem testified, he noted that the cadaver was about five inches shorter and about fifty pounds lighter than Gunness supposedly was….” You raise a single eyebrow at your wonderful husband, and he immediately shuts up.
“I’m rambling aren’t I?” He smiled down at you as you sat curled up as much as you could in your favorite spot on the couch, the cosiest part of your shared apartment. You smiled back up at him as he leaned down for a kiss and you gladly craned your neck up in response, meeting his lips for a sweet moment.
“Hotch was right you know,” you joked when the two of you parted. “All of the best baby names have been taken by serial killers.”
“Yeah, you’d think with the ratio of female to male serial killers, a girl would be easier to name.” He leans down to kiss you again before falling into a crouch next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and placing his hand on your stomach.
“How big did you say our little girl is now?”
“Y/N, you asked me that half an hour ago. I know pregnancy messes with your brain a bit, but if you’re that bad we’re going to have to get you back to Dr Patel and see if you’re doing okay.” He was joking of course, but you showed him your little pout anyway, knowing that he loved seeing the silly expression on your face.
“Humor me, Doctor.” He strokes your stomach and moves away, but not too far away, taking up right next to you on the couch, and pulling your legs over his lap.
“At five months, she’s roughly 10 inches long with a weight of about 0.5-1 pound. But that ‘How Big is My Baby’ book would say that she’s roughly one banana in length.” You giggled up at him and he grabbed your hand and just held it, content to have you in his arms in any way, big or small.
“I can’t believe it’s been five months already,” you giggle as he presses another kiss to your hand.
“I get it. It doesn’t feel quite real yet to me, either. I thought for so long that fatherhood just wasn’t in my future, but you’re the gift that keeps on giving I guess. I don't know what I did to deserve you.” Even if the words weren’t so sweet, with all of the hormones, you would’ve started crying at anything. Or at least that’s what you’re going to tell him when he sees the small tears threatening to drop into enormous loving sobs.
“Spencer Reid, I am not a gift. I am simply the woman with the correct combination of sense and foolish luck that got to marry you.” He’d done this before, and you were used to his small habit of self-deprecating talk, but after a year of marriage and three years of dating before that, you’d managed to work him down to the occasional comment.
“Don’t try to argue about this, I’m definitely the one benefitting the most from the situation right now,” he joked with you, and you could see the genuine adoration shining from behind his eyes. It was a little spark that not many got to see, a glimpse of true happiness in someone usually so reserved.
“Spencer, you’ve given me foot rubs everyday this week, you’ve read more pregnancy and parenting books than every OBGYN and midwife in the area combined, and you’ve somehow attended more of my clinical check-ups than me, and I’m the one whose pregnant.”
“And you’re growing our child inside of you, which is itself more impressive than anything I could ever do with a book and some modern acts of chivalry.”
“Yeah, tell your boss that. I think the only thing keeping Emily from pulling her hair out over your constant absences is that she thinks she’s competing for the title of godmother. She thinks Penelope and JJ are trying to corrupt me with parenting advice and all those baby clothes Pen keeps bringing over.”
“She’s going to be crushed when she remembers we’re not religious, right?”
“Devastated,” the two of you shared a laugh on the couch, and it quickly devolved into a giggle fit after Spencer leaned over and tickled your side. You jolted away from his touch, but he was on you again, attacking your sides with small caresses, and you were gasping for breath between laughs.
“Spence stop- ahh!” Your squeals stopped as you cried out in shock. It was small but you felt something tap against your stomach. Spencer stopped immediately upon seeing your expression change, and a serious look settled on him as he assessed you for any damage.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you in pain anywhere, is the baby okay?” He shot out the questions rapidly, one after the other, barely leaving space to catch his own breath from the laughter of earlier.
It happened again and you put a hand to your stomach, finally realising what’s going on.
“I think I just felt her kick. Spencer, I think I just felt the baby kick.” You couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across your face, as much as you couldn’t help the tear that dropped from your eye as your hand rested against your belly again, scared to move for fear that the baby wouldn’t communicate with you again.
“What? Now? Can I- Can I try and feel it, too?” His hands hesitated at first but when you enthusiastically nodded and used your other hand to put him close to yours, you could feel his eagerness to feel the small kicks of your daughter as well.
Almost as if she was waiting for him, as soon as his hand was in the right position, your little girl kicked again, almost as if screaming “I’m here mommy and daddy,” for the two of you to hear.
“I think she’s trying to tell us not to have fun without her,” Reid whispered in your ear, kissing your tear streaked cheek, and using his free hand to rub them away from the other side of your face.
“I am so thankful everyday for this gift you have given me. And for the record, the gift isn’t the baby. The gift is the overwhelming happiness you bring to my life, and the beauty you make me see in this world. The fact that you’re going to be the mother of my child gives me the confidence to get up and go to work every morning because I know that there is joy and there is kindness and there are beautiful people in this world, and you are one, and she will be, too.”
His attempts to dry your tears are now completely vanquished as you let your emotions run wild, but you almost laugh when you realise that his eyes are just as glassy as yours, and you both sit there, overwhelmed by the pure, unadulterated joy that a small kick from a child who has yet to be given a name has bought you.
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lovelyverosika · 4 months
You didn’t know but with a twist
Hazbin Hotel! Adam x Fem!Reader
Warning: swearing
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A/N: Hey<3 My name is Verosika and I’ll write fanfictions whenever I have the time to :) This is my first time writing one, so it’s based on the song "You didn’t know" to make it easier for me. Just to let you know english isn’t my first language..so be prepared for some grammar mistakes :,D
We all sat in the courtroom, waiting for the trail to begin. Next to me was my husband Adam and Lute. I wasn’t supposed to be here but Adam wanted me to hear the "childish" and unrealistic ideas of the princess of hell.
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?",Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
I looked down to Charlie,my head resting on Adam’s shoulder. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her: "Objection, lame and unoriginal". I sighed at his immature behaviour and gave him a slight bump with my head.
Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He said,glaring at Charlie. "We have two patrons already they’re making incredible progress" Charlie defended and I smiled, "Who?", I asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the pornstar demon" Adam snickered as he added. "He's totally worth being redeemed".
Suddenly Monika,another demon stood up. "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?",she spoke. It was quiet until I asked if Adam was okay. He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a pen, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?",he then started writing and gave me the paper as I read it out, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", I chuckled looking at him with an raised eyebrow. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure got me here...didn't it?",he said seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed us the improvement of this demon called Angel dust and how he did everything what Adam wrote on his list but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as failed and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. I sat there with my head hanging. I felt bad for keeping my secret,especially when I looked over to Emily,who held the paper that Adam had written earlier.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve. He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think. Not everything is spelled in ink.
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
Y/N: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
Lute: What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
Lute & Adam: There's no question to be posed!He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
Adam: A man only lives once, we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
Y/N: Adam…
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
Emily: Wait!
Adam: Shit…
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight…You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie & Y/N: You didn’t know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
Emily: Sera, tell me that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
Sera: You have to listen, it was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to do what was required.
Emily: To think that I admired you, well I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
Emily,Charlie & Monika: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie! If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Monika: Don't you act all high and mighty!Adam did you ever think your "sweet" wife might be a liar?
Y/N: Huh? Wait no…please!
Monika: Don’t be such a crybaby! Why hide the fact that you were a demon just like us?
Part 2
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dragon-watcher03 · 8 months
Mk1 x Milf! Reader
Intro dialogues
Ft: Scorpion (Kuai Liang), Sub-Zero (Bi-han), Smoke (Tomas Vrbara), Reptile (Syzoth), Johnny Cage.
D/n= Daughters name
Note: you have a 15 year old daughter. You are not human, you are of a species that can reproduce asexually. There will also be some dialogue with the daughter as well. (so the daughter is basically a clone of you physically so just imagine her looking like how you did when you were 15-) And I'm making the daughter have my personality so if you don't like it, too bad.
Scorpion: Your species' ability to reproduce is quite fascinating... Y/n: Are you upset I have no need for a mate, Kuai?
Scorpion: Are you sure you aren't looking for a husband? Y/n: I'm sure I can make an exception for you, little flame.
Scorpion: You truly are a Goddess, dearest. Y/n: Oh stop, you're making me blush!
Y/n: D/n seems to be warming up to you, little flame. (pun intended-) Scorpion: I hope she is, I truly wish to bond with her.
Y/n: I appreciate you trying to bond with D/n, Kuai. Scorpion: I don't only do it for you, but for her as well.
Y/n: Are you going to propose anytime soon or must I do it? Scorpion: I... I will get to that, my dearest.
Sub-Zero: I will prove that I am a worthy husband for you, lovely. Y/n: Oh? Then you better make it worthwhile.
Sub-Zero: A woman such as yourself deserves a strong and honorable man to love. Y/n: Might you be that man, little wolf?
Sub-Zero: D/n has been teasing a lot recently... Y/n: That's just how she treats the people she likes, Bi-han.
Y/n: I see you've been spending more time with D/n. Any particular reason why? Sub-Zero: If I'm going to marry you one day, I need to earn your daughter's trust and acceptance first.
Y/n: Behind that cold exterior is a man I deem worthy of love. Sub-Zero: Only if that love is from you and D/n... (platonically ofc-)
Y/n: It was you who killed him, wasn't it? Sub-Zero: That bastard deserved it for thinking he could have you...
Smoke: You don't mind if me and D/n head to Madam Bo's, do you? Y/n: sigh Just make sure she doesn't start any fights, okay?
Smoke: The fact you don't even need a male to reproduce is just... awesome. Y/n: Yes, although we can reproduce the fun way as well...
Smoke: You looked stunning in that dress last night, Dove. Y/n: Why thank you, angel.
Y/n: D/n seems to really like you, Tomas. Smoke: Really? Oh, thank God! I was worried she didn't!
Y/n: giggles You're so cute when you're nervous, angel. Smoke: groans Please dove, don't tease me like that...
Y/n: No words can express how much I care for you, Tomas. Smoke: I...wow, I'm really a lucky guy, aren't I?
Reptile: So you're telling me you're a virgin with a daughter? Man, I hit the jackpot. Y/n: You truly have no filter, Syzoth. But I like that in a man so you get a pass.
Reptile: Goddamn... Y/n: Something caught your eye, sweetheart?
Reptile: You have too many admirers... Y/n: But my heart only belongs to you, sweetheart.
Y/n: The idea of a mate is rather intriguing... Reptile: chuckles Is that your way of telling me you want me?
Y/n: You and D/n are a dangerous duo... Reptile: What can I say? Like father, like future daughter.
Y/n: Your bond with D/n is truly like a father and daughter. Reptile: Just as it should be, my mate.
Johnny: Woah, you're a total milf if I've ever seen one! Y/n: A... what?
Johnny: C'mon sweetcheeks, we'd make the perfect couple! Y/n: Sorry love, but you need D/n's approval as well.
Johnny: The grey hairs, the eyes, the body, you are literally the work of Gods. Y/n: Well, you surely know how to make a woman feel good.
Y/n: D/n is making awful puns now because of you! Johnny: Awful? Those things are a work of art!
Y/n: Well hello there handsome. Johnny: Now that, that is something I won't get used to. But I'm not complaining.
Y/n: Wow, you actually got D/n to like you. Johnny: Yep, now I got a hot milf girlfriend and an awesome daughter.
D/n: So you wanna marry my mom? I don't blame you. Scorpion: Who wouldn't want to marry a woman like her.
D/n: Tell me, do you prefer Dad or Pa? Scorpion: I... I haven't even asked Y/n to marry me yet.
Scorpion: Let's see how well Y/n trained you. D/n: Maybe one day, you could teach me a thing or two.
D/n: in an Australian accent Ello there Frosty! Sub-Zero: For the love of God, please stop doing that!
D/n: You wanna go chill at Madam Bo's after this? Sub-Zero: sigh Yeah sure...
Sub-Zero: I told you to dispose of the body quickly, now she knows we killed him! D/n: Alright, calm down Dad.
D/n: So what did she say? Smoke: She said we can go, but no fights!
D/n: Say...Do my puns annoy you? Smoke: What? No! Who told you they were annoying?!
Smoke: I think Y/n is starting to catch on... D/n: Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't find out about the proposal!
D/n: Dude, I just found out I can also shape-shift. Reptile: Oh, the power we both hold right now.
D/n: Wouldn't it be cool if we swapped places for a day as a prank? Reptile: Oh. My. Gosh. That's the most brilliant idea I've ever heard.
Reptile: I'm not offended that you called me Dad earlier, D/n. D/n: I know... But it was in front of everyone though!
D/n: She said my puns are horrible!?! Johnny: I know! The nerve of that woman!
D/n: I don't know John... Me? In a movie? I'm just a kid... Johnny: C'mon! You'll have the crowd's heart in seconds!
Johnny: Hah, now I have two people calling me- D/n: Finish that sentence and your "Dad card" is revoked.
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entitled-fangirl · 3 months
Two idiots in love. (P10)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: the reader gets taken by David. And Joel will do anything to get her back.
Warnings: bruises, creepy comments, kidnapping, manipulation, name-calling, cursing
Author's note: I think 3 updates in one day is enough lmao
Part 1 and 11
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Y/N woke up with a labored breath.
In fact, all of her breaths were harsh and painful.
And now that she had truly came to her senses, she couldn't remember taking her medication since Jackson.
She left her medication in Jackson.
"I started worrying you wouldn't wake up."
She sat up slowly, now realizing she was laying on cold tile in a fenced in area of the room.
And she knew that voice.
She hummed, trying to collect her thoughts. 
Her shivering frame no longer had her winter coat.
Her torso was just left in a tank top and Joel's flannel.
She finally managed to look up at David.
He smiled, "Tess… is it?"
Her eyebrows furrowed. "…Tess?"
He shook his head, "Apparently not." He held up the piece of paper again, "…Y/N?"
She couldn't stop the small instinctual light up of her eyes.
He smiled again, "There she is… pretty Y/N."
In David's hands was Bill's note to Joel. She remembers Joel keeping the paper, and it must have ended up in her backpack. 
"So, is Tess the girl?"
"Stop saying that fucking name."
His eyebrows rose, "Alright. Touchy subject." He set the paper down, "I just want to get to know you. Understand you? Is that alright?"
"L…Let me out."
"Well, that's certainly the goal." She saw him grimace, "Sorry for that bruising. Can't imagine it feels nice. I talked to James about it, and I truly apologize on his behalf."
The struggle to breathe.
It was the bruising on her neck from her attempted escape.
"Are you hungry?"
"Wh…why am I in a cage?"
David shrugged, "Have you ever had a pet bird, Y/N? You have to make sure it'll stay before you let it out. Otherwise, it may fly away-"
"-Fuck you."
"Or," he continued more harshly, "More realistically, a dog. You're wild. But don't worry. We'll domesticate you. Make you obedient and respectful. Let you eat the scraps off of the table. The others want to kill you. But I saved you. I can help you. Let me protect you."
She shook her head, "We both know I'm not really on my own."
"Right," he nodded, "your family. Your husband, how is he?"
"He's not my fucking husband."
"Well, I can see how much you care about him, so I know it hurts. But that part of your life, it's ending. And what I'm offering you is a beginning. But if you can't find a way to trust me, then yes. You are alone."
Y/N let out a breath, pushing herself against the wall.
"Can I ask about that?" David asked.
"About what?" She replied coldly.
"That bruise on your arm. Is that… from him?"
A bruise in the shape of Joel's fingers laid around her wrist in a deep purple. It was from cleaning his wound only yesterday, and at the time, she didn't think anything of it.
She looked up at him.
"I see." He said, "You know, people that love you- truly love you- they don't hurt you."
"How the fuck would you know about love?"
"Well, I wouldn't hurt you, Y/N."
"The same bruises are on my neck."
"Those are from James. Not me. I would never hurt you. I think you're beautiful. And beauty is meant to be treasured."
"Joel wouldn't hurt me. He's not like that."
David scoffed, "Did you see what he did to Alec at the university? Snapped his neck. You think he wouldn't do that to you?"
"No. He wouldn't." She reasoned. 
"Be serious with yourself, Y/N. That man is dangerous and cruel. You deserve someone kind and protective."
"And you think that person is you?" She scoffed.
He let out a laugh, "Of course, I wish the pretty girl likes me. Who wouldn't? But, I think that's up to you to decide."
And he left her alone with her thoughts. 
Joel was livid.
He could barely see through the red that clouded his vision.
In the scheme of things, they had somehow taken Ellie, too. 
And Joel didn't like it when people touched his things.
He continued to punch the man taped to the chair.
"Please," the man pleased, "I don't know any woman."
Joel stabbed a blade through the man's knee.
"No, no, no, no" Joel said softly, "He can't help you. You focus right here. Or I'll pop your fuckin' kneecap off."
The man took a deep breath, "She's alive."
Joel nodded, "Where?"
When the man wouldn't answer, Joel twisted the man's kneecap with his bare hands.
"Fuck, fuck! The town!"
"WHAT TOWN?!" Joel yelled.
"..S…Silver Lake."
Joel pulled out a map, setting it on the man's lap.
The same map Y/N had used in Bill's truck.
"It's not a real town name," the man said out of breath, "It's a resort."
"A resort?"
Joel sighed and pulled the blade from the man's knee, shoving the handle of it in the man's mouth harshly.
"You're gonna point to where we are, and where your "resort" is. And it better be the exact same spot you buddy over there points to."
The man did as Joel commanded, then he spit the blade out, "Go ask him. He'll tell you. I'm not lying."
Joel nodded, then shoved the knife into the man's stomach with no mercy.
The other man held hostage yelled out at the violent act. "Why did you do that? He told you what you wanted! I won't tell you SHIT!"
"That's okay," Joel said calmly as he walked to him and grabbed a bat, "I believe him."
Joel swung the bat with no remorse.
Y/N was sat on the floor in a panic.
A human fucking ear laid on the ground not too far from her cage.
They were cannibals.
David came in with a plate, setting it on the ground and sliding it to the hungry woman.
But the last thing she could do was eat after seeing what laid on the ground.
He noticed her gaze and followed it, then looked back with a clenched jaw, "For what it's worth, this is just deer meat. I swear."
She let out a small cry, "Are you gonna fucking eat me?"
"I'd rather not."
"How… how could you do this?"
"There are only a few of us that know." David said, "but, I would've told you. Sooner or later."
She let out another small cry.
"It was a last resort. You think this doesn't shame me?"
She sniffled lightly and looked up at him.
David grinned slightly at the eye contact, "Your friend is no different. Didn't he take another man's life to save yours?"
"He…he was defending himself."
"No, he was defending you."
Her eyes left his as she took in his words.
"Can I tell you something? Be honest with you, Y/N? I'm just a shepherd tending to my sheep. And all I want… is someone to share it with. A friend."
"What about my friend?"
He nodded, "I can tell the others to stop looking for him. They'll spare him."
"If he leaves us in peace, they will just let him go. They do what I tell them to do."
"What about my daughter?"
He smiled, "About that…"
Her heart dropped, "Where is my girl, you sick fuck?"
James walked in with Ellie in tow. Her hands were tied behind her back and she fought against the man's movements until she saw Y/N.
David smiled, "A happy reunion, indeed."
Y/N stood and approached the bars as close as she could to Ellie. "Ellie! Are… Jesus, are you alright?"
Ellie nodded.
"Let her go, David. She didn't do anything. I'm the adult here. Blame me. Just… let her go, please. Don't touch her."
The preacher sighed, "Well, I really want to, sweetheart. But… I have to domesticate the dog, remember? So, I take something that the dog loves, like…. Ellie, you said?… and I dangle her in front of the dog's nose. The dog will now do anything I say to ensure it gets what it wants."
"I'm not a dog, David."
He smiles, "No…?"
James pulls on Ellie's hair, making her cry out.
"STOP IT!" Y/N yells, "STOP! Fine! I'll do anything. Anything, please. Don't touch her!"
"C'mere then."
She approached where David stood on the other side of the bars.
His hand wandered to her cheek.
It made her remember Joel's touch.
But they were nothing alike.
David smiled, letting his voice drop to in intimate volume due to the proximity, "And now, the pretty bitch bows to her master."
He turns around, "Put the girl in there."
When Ellie is thrown into the cage, Y/N immediately takes her in her arms.
They watch the men leave the room.
"Where are you hurt?!" Y/N asked frantically.
Ellie shakes her head, "I'm fine. Just… scared."
"And Joel?"
Ellie shrugs, "I heard voices, so I did what I could to lead them from the house. Got the horse shot. I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, "I don't give a shit about the horse. You're okay, and that's all the matters."
A few hours later, the two found themselves a little more relaxed.
David had left them alone for the last 4 hours.
"Y/N?" Ellie asked. "I have something to confess…"
The woman nods, "Okay."
"It's really bad…."
"Bad as in… you killed someone? That's not exactly considered bad anymore."
"No…I… I read the note."
Y/N froze. "What note?"
"The one Joel left for you in Jackson."
Y/N didn't know what to say, "How… when did you… Ellie…?"
"I saw it when I went to the bathroom before we left. I just… I don't know. Part of me hoped that Joel had left it for me. I understand why he left one for you, but…. I couldn't help myself. And I'm sorry for reading it."
"It's fine, Ellie. Really."
"Did you want to know what it said?"
"Well," Y/N shrugged, "that depends. Is it something I have to know?"
Ellie considered the question, then shook her head. 
"Okay then. Is it something I'd want to know?"
Ellie immediately nodded.
"Hmm. Would this information change what I have with Joel? And with you?"
Ellie frowned in thought, then nodded, "Yeah. Big time."
Y/N sighed, "Well, I don't care then. I like what I have with you and Joel. I don't want to change it. I'd rather live life not knowing anything and having you two, then to know everything in the world and live without Joel and my daughter."
Ellie let out a shuddered breath at her response.
"Joel also said he loves you."
Y/N's head shoots up, "…what?"
"I won't get into details but… it was all mushy about how much he loves you and how you ground him… all the shit he'll never say out loud."
Y/N nodded. "I see. I hope Joel is out there looking for us then."
"Me, too."
If only they knew.
Tags: @lover-of-books-and-tea, @pedropascalfan221, @lottieellz101, @bambisweethearts, @hiroikegawa, @elliaze, @littleshadow17, @n7cje
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daenysx · 24 days
hello can i ask for another aemond hurt comfort fic (if ure still writing for him, if not thank u anyway <3) make it hurt pls thank you 😞
p.s: i absolutely sobbed reading that drabble of him getting snappy at reader bcs they wanted to go out while it's sunny + also why i went back on ur blog and coincidentally saw ur requests open lol
i don't think i'll ever stop writing for aemond, i love him too much ♡ thank you for your request, lovely, i hope you like this!
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, hurt/comfort
aemond isn't used to have someone taking care of him, not when he's like this.
his mother was doing the best she can when he was younger; holding his hand when he had an appointment with his doctor, sleeping next to him and rubbing his back when he couldn't get any rest, kissing his forehead and telling him how brave he's been. as he grew older he stopped asking for help, she had to have her own life. he did anything he can to convince her that he's fully capable of taking care of himself now. "thank you, mom, i'm fine."
alicent put her children before her every time, sacrificing her youth just to make sure they are well. aemond felt guilty when he realized how little his mother cares about her own life, only to take care of her half blind son. it pains him, still, but he's a grown man now. he'll be okay when she's out of town with her newly wedded husband.
he lies in bed for hours, waits for the pain in his eye disappear. the room is dark, it's silent in a disturbing way. aemond curses under his breath when a sudden pain flashes in his head, he might prefer dying over this.
no, he can't cry. it'll only make the pain worse. does he deserve to live his young days like that? laying in bed like a sick man, waiting for help but being too prideful to ask for it, spending hours only to be able to breathe without suffering. he's mad these days, always angry and tense. vengeful for something that happened years ago, tearing up for his wound that will never be okay.
the door creaks open slowly. you close it back to let the darkness stay still. quiet steps, almost hesitant as if he'll tell you to leave. you put on a brave face as you approach him with a cool glass of water in your hand.
"aemond?" you whisper. you can't see his face clearly, he doesn't react as you put the glass on his nightstand.
"i'm okay." he says. dishonesty drips down his voice.
"can i help you?" you whisper again. it's the first time in your new relationship that he's been so bad. you don't know what to do.
"i'm used to it." he replies. "you can leave if you have somewhere else to be, i don't think i can leave the bed for the rest of the day."
your heart breaks. does he think you'll leave him like this? he might prefer suffering silently but you won't let him. he seems like he doesn't even get the point of having a relationship. he treats you like you aren't his girlfriend, like you are just another person in the room. it makes you wanna curl up in bed and cry, you know you don't deserve this.
he's still in pain so you can't be mad at him. it'll only make things worse. "i can leave- if you want to be alone. i'd rather stay with you, though."
you can't see his face but you can feel he tries to decide. you like aemond too much and you think he likes you too. you know he does. it definitely has to do something with his past. you try to take a silent breath, completely still to not disturb him.
aemond doesn't even know what to say, he'd kill to have someone by his side. to have you. he selfishly wants to keep you even when he feels like he shouldn't. you deserve someone better. you deserve a man who doesn't have to stay in complete darkness because of his past. you are shining everywhere you go but aemond is dark, there's no spark in him. he likes you too much to let you go, his inner turmoil does him nothing good.
"stay with me." he says finally. "please."
"can i sit?"
you sit on bed carefully. you treat him like he's someone delicate, like he deserves something good. aemond isn't sure how to deal with your kindness, he still hasn't found a way. he likes it too much, though. he likes everything about you.
you hold his hand gently. his fingers are cold, you rub his knuckles with a soft thumb. he lets out a breath he doesn't know he's been holding when you press on a tight spot, right where his thumb meets his pointer finger. it feels nice. you keep rubbing his hand until you hear a protest.
"s nice." he says quietly.
"my mom used to do this when i got headaches. i know yours is different but-"
"s really nice." he says again. "thank you."
you take his other hand, treating with same kindness. he holds a lot of tension in his body, he doesn't even know how much. a massage to his hands is a small thing to help him relax but you want him to know you're with him.
"do you want to put your head on my leg?" you ask. "maybe i can rub your temples a bit."
you are not afraid of his rejection, willing to do anything that might help him. to your surprise, he sits on bed, waits for you to get comfier. you place yourself properly, he puts his head on your leg just the way you want and you start massaging his head.
"i like your hair so much." you whisper. "so soft."
"i like yours better." he replies, whispering. "but thank you."
you press your fingers to his temples slowly, he lets out another shaky breath. "i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise. you'll feel better in a minute."
he nods slightly, feeling of your warm fingers on his skin makes him somewhat excited. he is distracted with your quiet words and kind fingers, for a moment he forgets about the dull pain in his head.
you keep rubbing his temples until your fingers go numb. you stroke his hair then, silky platinum blonde strands flow in your hands. you play with his hair, braid a little piece of it. he truly is distracted at this point, too grateful to say something.
"i think i'll fall asleep." he can say.
"that's okay." you tell him. "i'll be here when you wake up."
somehow he knows you'll be here with him until the end. he can feel how his emotions for you fill his heart and his mind until they are both full of you, only you and no one else. it's a nice feeling, having someone by his side. being someone's choice, not responsibility.
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maidragoste · 1 year
Another Man
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Summary: Harwin discovers that there is another man in your life.
part 2 of this.
part 3
I'm just going to say that I don't regret anything and that I have many ideas to continue writing to this MC and her lovers 🥰💖
comments, reblogs and likes are always appreciated 🥰💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Harwin misses you. He misses your smiles, your kisses, your hugs, he misses how you took care of him every time he came back hurt or tired of his guards, he misses the talks until dawn, he misses waking up by your side.
Since Jacaerys's birth, the only thing he received from you was silent treatment and hateful looks every time they were alone. You had kicked him out of your chambers so he now slept alone but from time to time you made him spend the night with you just so as not to arouse more suspicion at court.
The first time you called him Harwin he had felt so hopeful thinking that your love for him was great enough to forgive him and give him another chance. He believed that your invitation to your chambers was the first step in making things right. He was disappointed and heartbroken when you didn't even greet him when he entered your chambers, all you told him, or rather ordered him, was that he come to your quarters every ten days. Before you sleep you always put pillows between the two of you. Sometimes he took advantage of your deep sleep to move the pillows and hug you, pretending that everything was fine between the two of you and that you still loved him.
Today marks ten days since he last came to your chambers. Despite your silent treatment, he was eager to go, it always calmed him down to see you sleep and he could hug you without you wanting to kill him, so he didn't even bother to knock on the door and went directly to your chambers. His anxiety turned into concern when he saw that the maester was with you.
"What happened?" he came quickly to your side. He didn't see that you had any wounds or cuts or that you were bleeding so he hoped that whatever your ailment was it wasn't something serious.
"Nothing to worry about, Lord Strong, I was just bringing your wife some tea to calm her nausea."
"Nausea? Are you sick?"
"Thank you for your help, maester" you nodded and waited for him to leave to answer your husband "I'm pregnant"
Harwin felt as if you had plunged a knife into his heart. Is that how you felt when you looked at Jaceaerys and realized that it was his son? Did you feel this pain when he confessed to you that he loves Rhaenyra too? He deserved to feel the same pain he caused you. He had been the first to break your heart by falling in love with the princess and getting into her bed. He was the one who ruined your marriage and lost your trust and love. He had no right to feel angry or betrayed. He had only caused all of this. If he had only been brave enough to talk to you earlier about his feelings for Rhaenyra, if only he had been honest with you, maybe they would have come to some kind of agreement, and maybe things would be better than they are now. Maybe he wouldn't have lost you.
You had already told him that he had lost you but he acted as if he had never heard those words and he hope that by some miracle you will forgive him. Now that you were carrying another man's child, he could see that you were serious.
Harwin wanted to ask you who you slept with and if you loved your new lover but he felt he had no right to know, but he didn't want to know either, he couldn't bear to hear that your heart now belonged to someone else. He preferred to believe that you had only let another man into your bed in revenge, that this was all about hurting him the same way he hurt you, and that there was no feeling involved.
"You can stop coming when I'm five months pregnant." You informed him as if he were a worker that you won't need his services anymore "If someone asks, I'll just say that the maester recommended we not share a bed until the baby is born" you took the cup of tea and walked away from him.
That night Harwin didn't move the pillows nor did he hug you while you slept. He couldn't even bear to stay in your bed all night and know that someone else was in the same place as him, he couldn't stop thinking about scenarios of you with your unknown lover.
The guard saw you and instantly turned away from the door knowing that the queen was already waiting for you. It wasn't a secret that you spent most of your time with her and her children.
"Sorry for being late" you apologized entering the room and interrupting the conversation between Larys and Alicent, first you approached her to give her a short kiss, you smiled at her when you saw her blush and then you went to kiss Larys "Your son doesn't wanted to get away from Sunfyre so it took me longer than expected to take him to his lessons with the maester," you said as you sat between the two of them, the affection you had for the prince in your voice.
“About Sunfyre…
You knew that tone in Alicent, she was worried and you knew why, you three had already had this conversation more than once. Ever since she found out you were pregnant she didn't want you to spend time in Dragon's Pit. She was afraid that one day one of the guards would come to tell her that one of those beasts had attacked you. You got tired of repeating to her that this would not happen.
You looked at Larys. You could tell from the boredom on his face that they were also talking about it before you got there.
“Aegon has to learn to care for and bond with his dragon. If his father doesn't bother to teach her then someone has to do it” you interrupted her and began to cut your meat with more force than necessary. Every time you think of Viserys you feel anger for the little attention she gave to her children but of course, he had time and attention for Rhaenyra's bastard. "A dragon would never harm its rider"
"But what about you? You are not its rider. It is dangerous. Especially in your condition” Alicent looked at you anguished. She didn't want anything to happen to you. King's Landing without you would be hell. You are the person she trusts the most. It hadn't been Alicent's intention to cling to you. But you're the only person who really cares for her, for Alicent Hightower, and not for the queen.
It all started when her engagement to Viserys was announced, Rhaenyra began to hate her and pushed her away. She thought you would support the princess and do the same. She was surprised that you stayed by her side and listened to her, you didn't call her a liar when she told you that she only did what her father ordered, instead you guiltily confessed that you were also in her position and that you believed that Viserys didn't choose you because you admitted to him that you were in love with Harwin Strong.
Alicent looked so lonely and sad without Rhaenyra. You didn't know if it was the guilt you carried thinking you should be taking Alicent's place but you started spending time with her. The first time you found her in the weirwood you pretended it was a coincidence, the second time you admitted you were looking for her on purpose, after the third time it became a routine to meet there at the same time. One day Alicent woke up and the first thing she thought about was that she longed for the time to come so she could see you. Every time she was with you she felt calm, she wasn't nervous thinking about what role she should be playing or thinking if she said the wrong thing she would push you away.
"Sunfyre won't do anything to me unless I hurt Aegon, which I never will" you took the queen's hand and gave it a squeeze "So you have nothing to worry about" you kissed her knuckles. "Now can we continue eating or is there something else to discuss?”
"Harwin was seen sneaking into the princess's chambers again," Larys informed you, and he carefully appraised you looking for any trace of sadness or disappointment in your eyes. He was satisfied to find none of it. The truth was that He hadn't believed that you had completely overcome your feelings for his brother, but it was more than clear from your face that you no longer cared what Harwin did.
"I'm not surprised, considering that I told him about my pregnancy last night," you admitted stroking your stomach with your free hand. "I don't care what Harwin does anyway because I have both of you" you smiled and Alicent felt her heart rise. She loved you so much and she was happy that her feelings were finally reciprocated. She shouldn't be happy that Harwin cheated on you but if it wasn't for your husband's infidelity then you wouldn't be with her and Larys now.
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tag: @paolexsstuff @thefandomimagines @little-duck @jasminecosmic99 @green-lxght @hellmorozova @niki-is-a-thing
@lilithskywalker @zealousturtletaco @asiandongbongsoo @blogg-100 @mysticdaisy21 @spacebabyluna @angeliod @Snh96
@thegirlnextdoorssister @targaryenmoony @minaxcarter
@sydneyyyya @pictureofcaroline @libdarkheart @canpillowscry
If you want to be part of my taglist
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
hi can i recwest a uzui x reader where uzui have a argment and gat a divors and yn is pregnet years later when the child and he rillast that it is his child and has a tak whif yn and trase to fics everifing
if you canpleas do thak you and have a grat day
I’d love to!💜
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Tengen Uzui x fem!Reader
You and Tengen got into a heated argument after a demon hunt gone wrong. He says some extremely hurtful words. You decide to leave him because you know you don’t deserve that. What you didn’t know was that you were pregnant with his child. Angst, slight fluff, Tengen being a dick, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, and other mature themes.
Your pov
"You nearly got us killed, what are you and idiot?" My husband Tengen yelled at me.
"It was an accident, I'm sorry!" I yelled back
"You cannot afford accidents like this Y/N!" He roared stepping closer to me causing me to flinch slightly.
"I'm sorry." I whispered
"Sorry won't even begin to cover the fucking stupitity of your actions! You have no right being a demon slayer with how dumb you are. I can't believe I married someone like you!" he yelled looking me dead in the eye with fury.
"Fuck you!" I snapped as my anger began rising as tears filled my eyes.
"Real mature Y/N, get the hell out of my house until you can learn some respect and basic combat moves." he said as he began walking away as I began to sob.
"Where the hell am I going to stay! Tengen, I'm your wife!' I cried walking towards him.
"Hell if I care, just get your things and don't come back until you aren't so incopitent." he snapped walking away into another room.
I stood there unable to think, feel, or understand the situation. My body moved on its own and next thing I knew I was out of mt home with a bag packed walking only god knows where. It was getting dark, but I didn't care all I knew is that I was no longer wanted, needed, or loved by the man that swore he would protect me and love me no matter what. So much for promises. I kept walking until the sun began to rise, my thoughts much clearer now and my tears no longer flowing down my face. I decided to go live with my older sister, Misa, who lives on the other side of the country. Her and I have always been close, and I just hoped I would never see that asshole again.
One Month Later
I feel unbelievebly sick, as every morning and evening I spill my guts out. I have an uncontroable hunger and yet anytime I try to eat something I feel once again that I want to throw up. I feel miserable not just physically, but mentally too. Despite his words, I still love my husband. He use to be my everything, but I suppose I was never his. He claimed that he couldn't believe that he married me and just thinking about those poisonus words make my body ache once more. Tears I try not to spill came fourth with so much eagerness that I had no time to stop them. I hated myself for crying over him, but I suppose I was really crying for the man he use to be. I knew in my heart that I would always love him, but now I can never be with someone who so easily made me feel like my very existence meant nothing. I heard a faint knocking that pulled me out of my thoughts as the sweet voice of my sister filled the room.
"How are you feeling this morning, Y/N?" Misa asked as she sat next to me putting her hand on my forhead.
"Not great." I sighed smiling at her wiping away my tears.
"Y/N, I really think we should get you a doctor. This has been going on too long." She suggested taking her hand off my head.
"I think your right Misa." I sighed
"I didn't want to say anything to you, but I really think you're pregnant." she said in a whisper
"What!" I whisper yelled
"You're showing signs and don't worry if you are. I will always take care of you." Misa reassured
"Lets hope I'm not then." I said nervously.
Two days later the doctor came, she was a sweet older lady that had a warm smile and a small figure. She came into my room and inspected me in all they ways she could. My nerves at this point were all consuming as I really did not want to be pregnant, especially since I knew who the father was.
"My dear you have no fever and no true illness. What you are expierencing, is early signs of pregnancy." she said with a smile
"I see, I guess my sister was right then." I stated sadly
"Are you not happy, I'm sure your husband will be." she stated with a concerned look on her face.
"My husband no longer wants me." I answered doing my best not to cry once more.
"Oh, I am so sorry, my dear." She said grabbing my hand.
"Thank you, I just have no idea what to do now." I said honestly
"That's just something you're going to have to figure out for yourself. At the end of the day you need to do what's best for your child." She spoke seriously
"Yes, I suppose you're right." I sighed
"Of course I'm right dear, I am a doctor." she joked
"Hey, is everything alright in here?" my sister asked as she knocked on the door.
"It will be." I whispered touching my belly.
Three Years And Six Months Later
My son, Kei, is now nearly three years old. He's a rowdy child that seems to always be obsessed with what is going on outside. Whether is rainy, snowy, or sunny, he's always begging to go outside. I can't complain though as I love nature and seeing his little cheeks puffed up when he askes is always so cute. Kei looks a little bit like his father as he got most of his features from me. His eyes are the same color as my ex husband and his personality matches. His hair is a lighter shade of h/c, which gave me relief. I still haven't told Tengen about our son, nor do I want to. Part of me feels selfish, but part of me doesn't want to subject him to a man like Tengen. Although, when they do meet, I hope he is kind to his son. Kei is too sweet and kind to have to be around a father that verbally abuses him. I just couldn't live with myself if I let my baby be hurt by him.
In these three years, I haven't had a full time job. Mostly they have been part time jobs and my sister has been providing for me and my son. She claimes that since she doesn't have a family that this is no trouble, but Kei is old enough where I can start working full time. It took a long time to find job, but one day my sister came into the house screaming that she found a job that was perfect for me.
"Y/N, this is a landscaping job." she nearly yelled in my ear
"Huh, that's a little different than the jobs that I'm looking for, but hey if they are hiring then I'll take it." I said confifently
"Mama what's going on?" Kei asked as he walked into the room with a sleepy expression.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up." I cooed opening my arms for my son. He then picked up the pace and ran into my arms crushing me with all of his nearly three year old strength.
"Its okay." he sighed playing with his fingers with a small tired pout
"Your mama just found a job, Kei." my sister said with a smile at her nephew
"Okay." he said disinterested. I smiled at this, he's so small and perfect and despite the fact that my pregnancy was not the easiest, it was worth it.
Two weeks later I found myself walking towards my new job. It was a sunny day and part of myself wished Kei was here to enjoy it with me. I can almost hear his voice calling my name begging me to play with him. I was lucky to have been blessed with him. My thoughts of my perfect child came to a halt as the gates of the house I would be working at came into view. Taking a deep breath I began walking to what I thought was the front door. This property was absolutely beautiful. Everything seemed like it was perfect, not even a pebble out of place. It was a calming place that seemed to inspire peace. For some reason this place looked oddly familiar and it only now hit me that this was the place where the master lived. Tengen had taken me here years ago when he became hashira while I was just starting to become a demon slayer. Before I left, I was one rank away from being hashira. I thought about training again, but now that I have my son I felt it was irresponsible. Plus I could never leave him.
"You must be Y/N." The master suddenly said and it made me wonder how long he was there for.
"Yes sir, its very nice to meet you. Thank you for having me." I said bowing to show respect to him.
"Of course. I am aware of your situation and am happy to give you work here." He said with a smile." Come with me and I'll show you the grounds.
Two weeks later
Working at this mansion feels peaceful and the work is harder than I expected, but the pay is well worth it. Today I raked, cut grass, and tended to the luscious gardens. The sun beamed down on me giving me a slight headache. Thankfully the day was almost over for me so that I could go home to my son and my sister. Kei has been begging me to take him here ever since my sister told him that the hashira train here. I have been reluctant of it since seeing Tengen might be a possiblilty and seeing a child in my arms was a conversation that I simply did not want to have yet, even though I knew one day it would happen. I heard light footsteps approach me. turning my head I saw one of the other workers and smiled at him. He was a kind man that was around my age and he and I had talked a few times.
"Hey there, how's the work today?" He questioned with a sweet smile.
"Same as always although its a little hotter than usual." I responded
"Yeah, but I like it when its hot because I know that cooler weather is around the corner." he said with a content smile
"That would be nice." I chuckled
"Oh, you should know that the hashira will be here tomorrow." he said seriously
"Well, I'll make sure to make myself scarce." I said trying to mask my nervousness.
"Don't, all you need to do is smile and show them respect." He smiled
"Will do." I laughed standing up.
"Well I will see you tomorrow and tell your son I said hi." he smirked
"I'll make sure to tell him, see you tomorrow." I bowed
I watched him leave with a fake smile on my face. As soon as he was out of sight I sighed as my stomach throbbed with uncomfortable uneasiness as I began waking to the shed to put my tools away with my head hung low. I was no where okay with the fact that Tengen was going to be here tomorrow. I thought that maybe I should call in sick, but no one would believe that. Even if they did, I’d feel too guilty about it. The best thing to do was to avoid seeing him and focus on my work. If I keep my head down and not do any quick movements, then he won’t see me, hopefully. My thoughts were completely consumed with my nerves that I didn’t even register that I had bumped into someone until I heard someone speaking.
“Hey watch where you walk, alright.” The voice snapped
“Forgive me, I wasn’t looking.” I said frantically bowing as to show respect and forgiveness.
“Y/N?” The voice questioned lowing its tone. I then stood up and as my eyes met with the stranger I immediately tended up. My breath hitched and my stomach dropped into the ground. The one and one Tengen Uzui stood before me in all of his flashy glory.
“Uhh, you gonna say anything?” He joked as his eyes raked over my body.
“Um hi.” I stuttered slightly unsure of what the hell to even do. And I tended even more so when his body came crashing into mine in a bone crushing hug. I could feel his urgency and I almost allowed myself to met into his arms. But I couldn’t because I knew it wasn’t right.
“I missed you.” He mumbled into my hair. “I’m so sorry Y/N, you didn’t deserve that.” He cried.
“I know.” I said monotone still unsure what to do. Do I tell him about our son or do I keep my mouth shut and pretend like any of this is okay?
“Where have you been?” He questioned breaking the hug but still standing close. I looked up at him and sighed.
“Here and there, but mostly I’ve been living with my sister.” I said honestly. I really couldn’t lie to this man he’s really good at sporting liars. As much as I hated him, I really didn’t feel like lying to him.
“Ahh so that’s where you’ve been. I though your sister moved away from here.” He said curiously.
“She was going to, but she decided to stay.” I responded trying not to show too much emotion.
“Guess I should’ve looked there.” He joked
“You looked for me?” I questioned as I raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I did you’re my wife and I love you.” He scoffed as though he was offended.
“I just thought you wouldn’t care.” I mumbled
“Of course I care.” Tengen sighed
“Well you sure as hell didn’t act like it then.” I snapped
“You’re right, I didn’t I was too hard on you. You made a simple mistake. Hell I’ve made mistakes too. Making mistakes in this line of work is never good, but no one died. I should’ve been easier on you and I’m sorry.” He spoke. His eyes were pleading with mine saying silent apologies.
“Thank you for apologizing, but I can’t forgive you right now. You make me feel like I was nothing and I’m not just going to forgive that easily. I know one day I will, but I just can’t now.” I whispered as tears threatened my eyes.
“That’s understandable, I just hope one day that we can be together again. I miss you and honestly you’re the best aspect of life.” He said with a longing gaze.
“I’m not sure about that. That might take a long time. I don’t exactly trust you.” I spoke honestly.
“Fair enough.” He sighed. I reluctantly decided that I should just rip the bandaid off. Kei was his son and as much as I hated to admit it, Tengen was honest about his apologies. That man doesn’t half ass anything. So I thought this might be the time.
“Look Tengen I-“Just as I was about to tell him the screeching voice of my child filled my ears and I knew I was fucked.
“Mama!” Kei screeched as he ran straight towards me crushing me into a hug. He nuzzled his head into my thigh and despite how nervous I was I smiled at how cute my baby was.
“We have a child.” I finished with an awkward smile. Tengen stood there stiff and unmoving which was strange for him. I had never seen him tense up like this ever and I began to regret not going home sooner.
“Mama who’s this and why is he so tall.” Kei questioned waking up to Tengen. “Hey, you okay?” He said as he poked Tengens hand.
“Ummm.” Tengen said still shocked at the fact that Kei, his son, was standing right there. Matching pink eyes and all.
“Ummm?” Kei questioned craning his head to the side. “That’s a weird name.” Kei said in disgust.
“Baby this is Tengen Uzui and he’s a hashira. And he’s also your father.” I said trying to stay as calm and collected as possible.
“You’re my dad.?” Kei asked Tengen with cute excited smile on his cubby face.
“Yeah, I guess I am kid.” Tengen whispered crouching down and pulling Kei towards him in a loving him. “I’m your dad.” Tengen cried.
I began to shed a few tears at how cute this meeting was. I felt slightly bad that I didn’t tell Tengen about our son, but I had good reasons not to. I’m just so glad that he seems to be a better and nicer man. My thoughts then came to a haunt as I noticed my sister wasn’t here nor was was neighbor that Kei likes to hang out with. Meaning he came here alone.
“Kei honey, did you walk here alone.” I questioned with my hands on my hips.
“Umm no.” He quickly said.
“Kei answer your mother honestly.” Tengen said sternly but not too much as to scare the child.
“Yeah okay I came here by myself. But I really missed you!” Kei cried quickly to defend himself
“I missed you too, but you need to wait until I get home.” I sighed looking at how adorable my son looked with a pout.
“Okay.” He said reluctantly. Smiling at my son hugging his father brought peace to me. And I then decided to do something that would bring us all together.
“Tengen, would you like to join us for dinner?” I questioned still looking at the cute scene before me.
“Absolutely I would!” He exclaimed standing up and picking up our son, swinging him in the air.
“Yay!” Kei screeched
Making eye contact with Tengen I have him a small smile. His eyes looked relaxed and happy and I’m glad that he found out about or son. He then came up to me smiling as well.
“Y/N thank you for allowing me to be with him. I will do by best to be the father he deserves and hopefully one day the man you deserve if that’s what you’d like.” He spoke
“Thank you, I’m sure you will. And for that second bit only time can tell.” I joked
“Sounds good to me. Alright shall we go?” Tengen suggested
“Yeah, I wanna show you my room!” Kei said
“I bet it’s the flashiest room ever.” Tengen said matching Kei’s energy.
“It sure is!” I exclaimed content about the situation that I was in. But I wondered something.
“Hey why are you here early?” I asked Tengen
“The master told me to come early.” He spoke
“Why?” I asked
“No idea, but something tells me this was the reason.” He spoke softly
“Maybe.” I responded shaking my head at the thought that the master was trying to play match maker again.
We walked to the house as Kei held Tengens hand as well as he could. While the adults caught up on the years and for the first time in a long time I felt happy to be near Tengen.
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Thank you so much for reading💜 Thank you to whoever requested this! Sorry it took longer than expected.
Please fell free to comment, repost, and request.
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n and any original characters•
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Not The Same As It Was
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Summary : Harry feels like his life with his family has not been the same as it was. Would he leave his wife and child for the woman who has him craving for more?
Warnings : Angst
Word count: 5.9k
A/n: We're back with another oneshot 🥳This is our late entry to @harry-on-broadway 's fic challenge. Enjoy ❤️
G and M
"So, where are we going?" Harry asked as he climbed onto the passenger seat of the car.
"Calm down, Styles, we ain't gonna kill you", one of the people inside the car laughed, "It's high time you had some actual fun, family life has changed you", another said.
"Hey… that's not true ", he complained as they started driving but that comment had planted a seed of doubt inside his brain.
"Well then, tell me, it's been a month since you came back from tour; how many times have you hung out with us, huh?", Neil, his friend asked. Harry stayed silent. After coming back home, he had spent all his time with his family. And now, he was back in the studio to work on the new album. He had been holed up there all day.
"Yup, that's exactly what I'm talking about, so shut up and have some fun with us tonight, everyone's gonna be there. Just let the old Harry out for this once. You can go back to your boring self tomorrow."
"Why are you late?Where were you, Harry?"
His head snapped up as he looked at Y/N, his wife. He was sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of water.
"Out", he murmured, placing the glass on the table. "You could've called or texted me, or at least picked up when I called you", she was annoyed.
"Well, I forgot. What's the big deal?" He stood up, placing the glass onto the coffee table with a loud thud and tried to walk towards the bedroom.
"You forgot? We were worried, you know? Beryl went to sleep asking for you. Where were you, Harry? You reek of alcohol." She was getting angrier by the minute.
"What are you on about, Y/N? Can't I just have one night away from all the responsibilities? Can I just enjoy myself for once? Ugh. They were right, family life sure does drag you down", he chuckled meanly.
“What?” she mumbled in disbelief. She loved their little family; her, Harry and their little girl, Beryl. She was so happy to have the most adorable baby on the planet and the best husband. She loved her family with her whole heart and believed he did too, until those poisonous words slipped from his mouth just now. They had talked, even before they had kids, about how important it was for the mental and overall well being of children to have their parents with them. Harry had treated his family as his first priority, until now. Did he really think that? That his family was dragging him down? She could feel bile rising in her throat.
“What? You know I’m right”, he shrugged.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean Harry, you’re clearly drunk. And don’t bring Beryl into this, you knew what you were signing up for when we knew we were pregnant. And you seemed so happy then.” tears pooled in her eyes.
He sighed,
“You know how happy I am to have a family, I just meant that I deserve a break from all this burden, you know.”
“Yup, got your message loud and clear, Styles.”, she said, walking towards their bedroom.
“Shit, Y/N I didn't mean it like that. I just…”
“Save it, Harry. I'll make sure that you won't have to carry our burden.” she said and walked into their bedroom.
He seemed to realize the weight of his words fast enough as the alcohol slowly left his system. He entered the bedroom and saw her coming out of the shower in her pajamas, her eyes were red and puffy. She did not even bother to look at him as he sat on the edge of the bed, fingers fumbling nervously.
“Y/N, baby… just listen to me, I-”
She did not even spare a glance at him and left the room. His eyes started welling up with tears as he heard the sound of Beryl’s room slam shut. He sat against the headboard, as he realized what he had done. Why did he say those words to her, he loved his family dearly, right? Right?
Y/n could not sleep that night. Were they a burden to him? Was he just tolerating their presence? A mere repayment for having loved her once? She held her daughter tight as she let her tears flow down her face and wet the pillow. Somewhere in the middle of doubting herself and trying to remember if she ever had tied him down, she fell asleep.
Harry couldn't sleep as well. He was not used to sleeping without her. He knew he had said some hurtful things, but didn't know how to make it better. He woke up early and went for a run to clear his head. He'll just buy her something to make up for it. She was his wife, she wouldn't leave him, would she?
He had come after the time Y/N and Beryl had left for work and school. He was supposed to take Beryl to school but he purposely avoided coming home early. He knew it would be difficult for him to face Y/N after last night's incidents and he figured that she would take their kid to school. And he was right. Both of them had left.
He placed the necklace he bought for her on the table and wrapped it up, placing a little bow on top. A perfect apology gift. She would surely forgive him after seeing that he had bought her an expensive necklace, right? Well, that's what he thought.
He took the gift to their bedroom and set it down on her dressing table for her to find after she comes home from work and went down to the kitchen, only to see that she had made him breakfast before she left. Guilt tugged at his heart. It would have been so hard for her today, having to get Beryl ready for school, cooking for everyone and then getting to her own workplace, all on her own. He should have been there, helping her with the chores. Y/N was a fashion designer. She had a boutique that sold wedding dresses. Since she had to stay late at work than usual, she had told Harry when he came home from tour that they should hire a nanny for Beryl to stay till she comes home. But Harry was quick to discard that suggestion and said that he'd be there and there was no need to hire anyone.
Harry would apologize to her tonight, he'll pick up Beryl from school, take her to get ice cream. Then he'll come home and make Beryl dinner and get her to sleep by the time Y/N comes home. She had to stay late at work, as her sales were going crazy. Then, when Y/N comes home, he'll set up a nice bubble bath and let her relax. He'll set up a nice romantic dinner and apologize to her. He'll give her the gift he bought her and tell her how much he loves her. If she lets him, he'll show her how much she means to him.
Harry had it all planned. He quickly took a shower, had breakfast and drove over to the studio.
Harry had a productive day at work. He was able to get a lot of work done. He could feel the rush of ideas running through his mind.
During the lunch break, he had sent Y/N a text saying that he'll pick up Beryl from school in the evening. She responded in half an hour.
Y/N/N❤️: It's okay, Harry, I'll pick her up. I leave work early today.
"Mate, are you coming or not? ", Jeremy asked impatiently.
"No, man, I've gotta get home early today, you guys go on without me", with that, he was off.
Harry had planned on getting home before Y/N but he didn't know when she would be home. Yes, she had informed him that she'd leave early, but he didn't know the exact time.
He saw her car as he drove into the driveway and realized that his plans had failed. The fresh aroma of food hit his nose as he opened the door and walked in. Y/N was cooking. Beryl was sat on the barstool near the kitchen counter, doing her homework and asking Y/N for help whenever she was met with difficult questions.
Taking off his shoes, Harry carefully walked over to them, a little nervous.
"Daddy, I missed you", Beryl pouted, seeing him. Y/N turned around at the mention of him and their eyes met for a millisecond before she turned away, an expression on her face he couldn't decipher. A wave of disquiet went through him, it was like being doused with ice cold water.
"I missed you too baby", he said, leaning down and placing kisses on her forehead, making her giggle.
"Where were you last night, daddy? I wanted to show you the picture I drew." She frowned.
"Daddy was late, kiddo." He said softly, looking over at Y/N who made no effort to turn around.
"You know what? You could show me the picture now." He said, making her smile.
"Okay daddy, can you put me down?" She asked, holding her arms out. Harry moved closer, picked her up and put her down. She ran off to her room in excitement. Harry walked over to where his wife was chopping tomatoes. He sat on the counter and gently called her name.
“Hey. Look at me.”, he said softly.
She hesitantly looked up.
"I am so sorry, love. I shouldn't have said that. I was drunk and not in my right mind. Will you forgive me?"
"I know, Harry. It's okay, I forgive you", she said in a small voice.
Well, that was easy, he thought. He didn't know why she didn't even put up a fight and stand up for herself because he was clearly in the wrong here.
"Really? I know I was a dick, baby, it won't happen again."
"It's fine, Harry. Don't worry about it" , she gave him a small smile. He knew she was still hurt by the way her smile did not reach her eyes. But he decided not to ask about that. She would be happy after getting that gift. He was about to tell her about it when they were interrupted by the pitter patter of two small feet. Beryl was running over to him with a picture in her hand.
After dinner, when Y/N took Beryl to her room to put her to bed, Harry took a quick shower. He did not see her in their room when he got out of the shower.
Was she going to sleep in Beryl's room?
Harry walked over to her room, only to see Beryl sleeping, clutching her reindeer plushie that Harry bought her when he came back from tour last month. It had become her favourite one. Harry smiled to himself and closed the door, walking downstairs, looking for his wife.
There she was, wiping down the kitchen counter and cleaning up. He gently slipped behind her, hugging her from behind and placing a kiss onto her cheek. He sensed her body suddenly stiffening but decided not to comment on it.
Swallowing down his hurt, he gently whispered in her ear,
"Come to bed, baby"
"I'll be there in a few minutes, Harry. You can go to bed if you want to, I'll finish this up and be there", she sounded nervous, he noticed.
"No, I don't want to sleep without you, besides, I have something to give you. I'll wait. "
He helped her clean and led her to their bedroom, handing her the neatly wrapped gift.
"What is it, Harry?" ,she asked .
She had never used a pet name after that encounter. He hated it when she used to call him by his name. She was still hurt, he realised.
"Um, it is a… peace offering. I'm so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it. So I bought you a necklace as an apology. " He said, suddenly getting nervous.
Sighing, she said,
"You didn't have to, Harry."
"I know, but I wanted to."
"Thank you." She said, without even opening it.
"Can I kiss you? ", he asked apprehensively.
She nodded.
He leaned in, pressing his lips onto hers. It was soft and tender. He held onto her waist and pulled her closer. Both of them did not want to pull away. It was when his hands started wandering over her hips and waist that she pulled back. He looked at her with a small frown.
"I… uh… not today, Harry", she stuttered.
"Um… yeah, sure", he said.
When they went to sleep that night, he hugged her closer to him.
It's been a week since that incident. They were getting back to normal but Harry couldn't help but notice a few changes in his wife's behaviour. She would do all the household chores without asking him for any help, she would cook, and clean, leaving Harry with nothing to do. On one hand, it was good because he could devote his time to the task at hand: the new album. But on the other hand, he found it weird that his usually feisty wife had turned into a housewife. She didn't complain about anything, balancing her housework and kid along with her equally demanding job. She took Beryl to school in the morning and picked her up in the evening.
Their schedules had changed as well. Y/N would wake up early, cook them breakfast and get herself and Beryl ready for work. Harry wouldn't even be awake till they're gone. After waking up, Harry would freshen up and go to the studio. In the evening, Y/N and Beryl would be back, she'd cook them dinner, feed Beryl and get her to bed. Harry would be home late. There were days where they wouldn't even see each other. Y/N had changed her schedule in such a way that she was able to leave in time to get Beryl from school. Harry and Y/N did not really get any alone time. They hadn't even really talked to each other in a week.
The next week seemed so hectic though. Y/N had been busier than ever with her sales going up. She couldn't leave early from work. So, Harry had to take Beryl to school and pick her up.
It was a Friday when they completed and recorded the first song for the new album.
"We'll go celebrate,'' he heard his friends say. He felt like it was only fair for him to go with them as he had been bailing on them for a little while.
Will you pick up Beryl from her dance class today? I don't think I can make it, Harry hastily typed up and sent the message to his wife and without even waiting for a reply, walked towards the car that was waiting for him outside the studio.
They had gone to this new bar near the studio.
It felt liberating for him to be away from work or family for a little while. The drinks had loosened him up. He found the whole having - fun thing refreshing.
It's been a while since he has had some fun, not caring about anything, just living in the present. The alcohol seemed to make him forget about everything. He let himself free, dancing with random strangers and drinking as much as he wanted.
"Hey, Harry, I want you to meet someone," Neil called out over the loud music as Harry was downing another shot of tequila.
With him stood a brunette, tall and gorgeous. She had beautiful hazel eyes which reminded him of Belgian chocolate. She had curves in all the right places. She was wearing a silver bodycon dress which hugged her figure and left little to the imagination.
"Hi, I am Kara", she held her hand out.
"Kara?" He asked, his accent becoming thicker due to him being drunk.
"No, Kara, K-A-R-A" she said.
"That's what I said. I'm English, I have an accent, lord…", he laughed, making her giggle.
He shook her outstretched hand,
"I'm Harry."
"I know", she giggled again.
"So, Harry, this is Kara, my friend from uni, she's a choreographer. She is here for some work related thing, she'll be here for a few months."
"It's nice to meet you ", he said.
"Likewise," she replied with a smile.
They spent the rest of the night talking. Harry found that she had a really nice personality. They talked about many things and he noticed that she had strong opinions about everything, a bold woman, she was.
When it was time for her to leave, she said her goodbyes to everyone in their friend group. Finally, she walked over to Harry,
"It's been great finally meeting you. I've heard so much about you and now I know what they say is true, you're really a gentleman. I'm going to go now, see you around." She leaned in for a hug. He returned the hug, blushing at her praise. She smelled good, like wild berries.
"Bye, see you around", he smiled at her.
He felt that he had taken the right decision to go out, it proved to be a good relaxation technique. He needed to do this often.
It was past midnight when he came home. Beryl was asleep, so was Y/N. He went straight into the kitchen to drink some water and saw a note on the fridge. Dinner is in the fridge, it said, with a hand-drawn red heart on it - Beryl drew it, he realised. He smiled to himself and sauntered over to his room. Y/N was fast asleep. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed under the covers.
For once, Harry Styles felt like he was leading a routine life. A boring one.
Days passed. Harry had started going out with his friends every now and then. He wasn't even home on weekends. They went to pubs and parties every week. Kara and Harry had become closer than ever. She always tagged along with Neil and gradually, she became an unavoidable member of their friend group. She used to visit his studio whenever she was free.
"Do you want to grab a bite? There's this new bakery I wanted to try", Kara asked one day, when she came to the studio. No one else was there. Harry had to finish up a lyric, and was working on it when Kara called and informed him that she was coming over.
"Yeah, sure, I'd like that"
"Wow, these are delicious", Harry said, as he took another bite from a macaron.
"Well, If you want any advice on anything, you know who to call", Kara laughed, lightly patting his arm.
Both of them had become really touchy with each other. Harry wondered if she was into him. He had felt a spark between them, an invisible pull guiding him towards her. She gave him new ideas and put in her suggestions whenever he was working on something when she went over to the studio. When was the last time Y/N did that? She was always busy with work. When was the last time they had sex? Hell, when was the last time they really talked to each other?
Kara brought out something in him, something fresh, vibrant and lively. He felt like he had become his younger self again. The mood was always playful and silly when she was around.
"Of course", he laughed.
"Can I ask you something, Kara?" , he suddenly asked.
"Why the formalities, H? You know you can ask me anything -"
His phone rang, cutting her off. Huffing, he looked at the screen to check who it was. Y/N. Way to ruin a moment.
"Hello? I'm busy, I'll call you back, okay?", He turned the phone off and turned towards Kara,
"Who was it?"
"Nobody, you were saying?"
"Actually you were about to ask me something. What was it?"
"Yeah, right. So um… I just wanted to erm… know if you were interested in choreographing a dance sequence for my new music video."
"Oh my God… really? I would love that, H", she squealed excitedly.
"So that's settled then, can we go over to the studio and discuss the details with the rest of the team?"
"Sure, let's go"
* * *
What Harry did not know was that his wife was actually outside the cafeteria he was in. She had gone to run a few errands when she saw him there. She called him to let him know that she was there. She was heartbroken after seeing him walk out with a woman, happy and laughing. Might be a friend, don't jump into conclusions, Y/N, she reminded herself.
The next day, deuxmoi had posted that they had sighted Harry outside the studio with a woman. Harry was worried that Y/N would be mad at him, but she didn't say anything. So, Harry was pretty sure that she didn't see it and was so relieved, to say the least.
But she did. She saw every single one of those articles that revealed to her Harry's location when he himself didn't. She heard about Kara doing the choreography from the tabloids, not him. She had seen the way he looked at her and she blamed herself for it.
"And cut…" the director shouted and the room erupted into loud noises.
"It was great, Harry. Kara, you did an amazing job, this is going to break the internet, I can feel it in my kneecaps", he laughed.
The music video for Harry's new single, Medicine, was choreographed by none other than Kara herself. More importantly, she was the one who performed it with him.
The video showed Harry sitting at a bar, just like how they met for the first time, Kara walking towards him and talking to him. Then suddenly, everyone in the bar disappears, leaving a spotlight on Kara and Harry. They stand up and walk towards the middle of the room, performing a seductive, sensual dance sequence. The video ends when they lean in for a kiss and the screen fades to black.
They had excellent chemistry on screen, everyone said.
It wasn't just on screen, Harry wasn't faking it. He enjoyed touching her, the way she would turn putty in his arms. He wanted to know if she felt it too. Harry swore he heard a small whimper when he leaned towards her in the last scene. It caught him off guard. When the director yelled 'cut' , they pulled away from each other. They might not have kissed, but the closeness made him feel something.
People were leaving after the shooting. After thanking everyone, Harry turned towards the door, only to see his wife standing there, talking to a crew member. He didn't expect she'd come to the shooting. Yes, he had told her over dinner that they would be shooting the video the next day but he never thought she would come. To be honest, he felt like they were drifting apart, they didn't have what they had once, they were falling out of love.
His eyes widened when he saw her there. How long has she been there? Did she saw the way he was touching Kara? Did she understand how he felt? He could feel his palms sweating.
Putting on his fakest smile, he walked over to her and slipped a hand around her waist,
"Hey Y/N/N, when did you get here?"
"I got here while you were filming, your mom took Beryl for the night. You did fantastic, H. I'm so proud of you", she smiled.
"Thanks baby. Shall we head out? "
"Um… yeah, sure"
"You go wait in the car, I'll be there, gotta get my phone and wallet from the other room", he said.
It was the day before the premier. Harry had arranged a celebratory dinner for the crew. Y/N was also there.
After the dinner, they were about to leave. Y/N had gone to the washroom and was coming out into the hallway when she heard Kara call out to her husband.
"H, wait up…"
Harry turned around to see Kara running towards him.
"Were you leaving?"
"I… yeah, I was. My wife had gone to the washroom, I was waiting for her", he said. She should know that he was married; she should know what she was getting into, if she was interested in him. But of course, she would know, he was The Harry Styles.
"Um, yeah… I just wanted to let you know something. "
"Yeah? What is it?" , he asked frowning slightly.
"It's just that I'm going back to L.A the day after tomorrow."
"Oh" , he wasn't expecting that. His face fell.
"I'm going to come right out and say it Harry, I really like you and I feel like you like me too. Uh…would you come to my apartment, if I invite you? We could spend one night together before I go back."
Harry couldn't believe it, she liked him!
Without wasting another moment, he stuttered out,
"I … yeah, I'll come. We'll go after the premier".
Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Her husband was in love with someone else. He was going to cheat on her. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She just wanted the earth to split in two and swallow her whole into the abyss. She walked downstairs, shoulders slumped in defeat. She walked away and waited by the car, expecting his arrival. She heard his footsteps not long after. Wiping off her tears, she tried to act normal.
The day of the premier. Harry had woken up before everyone and was getting ready. The stylist had done his hair and makeup. He just had to change into his tux.
"Y/N, are you ready yet, baby?" He called out.
When there was no reply, he walked towards the bedroom and saw her in her PJs, eyes puffy and nose red.
"Baby, are you alright? What happened? Aren't you coming with me to the premier?" He asked.
"Um, no, I'm not. I don't feel good. I think I'm going to be sick. Can you go on without me today?" ,She lied, her voice hoarse.
Harry didn't think twice before agreeing. He was already nervous about how he was going to go to Kara's house with Y/N around. Now that she wasn't coming, it was easier for him to go to her place, but when he was about to leave for the venue, she felt bad about leaving Y/N in such a state. Was it fair to her, what he was doing? It's just a night, and Kara will be off to god- knows- where after that. It was his last chance. Harry walked towards the car with confident strides.
After Harry slammed the front door shut, Y/N broke down. She couldn't take it anymore. Harry won't be home tonight. He'd be going to her house and he'd realise that all he wanted was Kara and leave them. Y/N decided that she would leave before he'd have to break the news to her - she didn't want to hear that from him, she didn't want what they had to end, but what choice did she have? He doesn't feel the same way anymore. What was the point of staying there? After tonight, he would never be hers. He was going to give Kara something that belonged only to them. After tonight, Y/N is nothing to him. With a heavy heart and tearful eyes, she started packing all her stuff.
By afternoon, she was able to pack everything. She told Beryl that they were going on a little trip. They had to leave before he came home. She didn't know where to go. She took out her phone and called the only person who came to her mind - her best friend Alice. She called an uber in the evening and loaded all their belongings into it. With sorrowful eyes, she looked over at their house one more time ; the house they bought together, the house she thought they'd grow old together in, the house they had built so many memories in. With trembling hands, she opened the door to the car, let Beryl and herself in.
The event went well. Kara was not wasting any time, touching Harry any way she could. He didn't object or in any way try to get away from it. But he gradually started finding it a little uncomfortable.
The premier was over by 7o' clock in the evening. Everyone was going about their seperate ways and as the time passed, Harry became more and more fidgety and skittish. He saw Kara approaching and gave her a nervous smile.
"Um, I think we should go seperately you know, to not give the press anything to talk about." She said.
"Yeah, right. So erm… you will go now and I'll come to your place later?"
"Exactly. Plus…it will give me time to prepare ", she smirked, walking away.
Harry's heart was racing. He stepped out of the car and walked towards the house. The yard was illuminated with lamps on either sides of the pavement. With each step, he was getting more and more anxious.
"This is it", he muttered to himself. The chilly air of the night made him shiver. He involuntarily put his hand inside his pants pocket. There was something there. He took it out, it was a folded piece of paper, sides crumpled. Curious, he gently opened it, inside it was a hand drawn picture. He realized that Beryl must have sneaked in that picture the day before. Three stick figures stood in front of a rose bush. The words "all the best, Daddy" was written in purple colour. He smiled at the memory - when he and Y/N took Beryl to the rose garden while they were visiting France. Beryl was so happy to see the butterflies she saw there. She had even made a new friend there. They explored the city and Beryl was so tired by the time they went back to the hotel room, which gave Harry some much needed intimate time with his wife.
He thought back to the time when Beryl was born. He was out of town for a meeting when Anne called him, saying that his wife had been admitted to the hospital. She was out with Anne and Gemma at the time. He got to the hospital as fast as he could. There she was, smiling like the angel she was, holding a small bundle of blankets in her hand. He rushed over to her and looked inside the bundle to see their little baby girl.
"Our little girl", he said, tearing up.
"Our little girl", she repeated. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Thank you for giving me the best gift in the world, I promise to love you both till the day I die."
Harry teared up at the memory. He had everything. Y/N gave him everything. What had gone wrong between them? Was she not enough for him? No, she was always more than enough, it was his own stupidity that led him to where he was now. Then realisation dawned upon him - he was searching for Y/N in Kara. The way she made him feel, the way she soothed him; but the truth was that he could never find it in Kara.
It was never Kara, it was Y/N , it was always her and it was high time he let her know that; he had been taking her for granted. Harry turned around and started walking towards his car with confident strides.
Wiping off his tears, he focused on the road. Kara had been blowing up his phone. He felt disgusted at himself for even considering cheating on his wife. And the worst part was that he had left her all alone, sick, to care for herself when he was so eager to have another woman under him. He felt pathetic.
He parked his car and ran towards the front door. The house was covered in darkness. Why didn't Y/N turn the lights on? Was she that sick? At that moment, Harry hated himself for leaving her in the bed.
He turned on the lights and called for Y/N. No reply. He walked towards the bedroom, only to find nothing but a pile of sheets. He checked every nook and corner of the house for them, but to no avail. Harry started panicking. What happened to his wife and child? Where were they? He checked his phone again. No calls or messages from her. He called her back, but all the calls went straight to voicemail. Walking back to his bedroom, he found something he didn't see when he first came in... her wedding ring? On top of a wrapped box? He realised that it was the very same gift he gave her to make up for their fight - it hadn't even been opened. On top of it was a letter.
He was confused. He gently opened the letter,
Dear Harry,
By the time you see this, we would be out of your hair. I know I have not been the best wife, and trust me I've been trying.
After you told me that we were a burden to you, I had been trying so hard not to be a burden; I used to stay late in the boutique, do everything for you so that you won't leave me; leave us. I had realised that you had fallen out of love with me, but I didn't want to be separated from you, I thought it wasn't fair to Beryl. I thought I could handle it. But I couldn't. I hated it when I saw you with Kara. I hate that you don't love me anymore and I hate myself for it. I had seen you that day at the cafe and had called you to let you know that I was there. But I didn't know that you were with someone else. I didn't say anything even after you came home, because I didn't want you to leave us. I selfishly held on to the hope that if I stopped bothering you for everything, maybe you'd stay with us. But that hope was shattered when I accidentally overheard you and Kara at the dinner. I couldn't stay here after that. I am taking Beryl with me. I know I don't have a place in your life anymore. It hurts like hell and I know that I would never be able to move on from you because I loved you; I still love you. I didn't want you to tell me that you don't want us here, so I left with Beryl this afternoon. Don't worry, we won't be a burden to you anymore. I don't want your money or fame or anything, I just have a request to you - even if you regret me, please don't regret Beryl, she would be heartbroken.
I would tell Beryl that you have gone back for tour; she'd be sad at first, but she'd get over it eventually.
We won't meet again, Harry. I'll stay out of your life for good. I really hope this was worth it.
Harry stood there with the letter in his hand, shocked. And when reality sunk in, he collapsed onto the floor, tears streaming down his face.
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy pride!!
Fem MXY WWX pls!!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
They're back to riding, only a couple hours away from Jin Tower, and Wei Wuxian is happy to be off his feet, but he can't even focus on that.
He's too busy feeling desperately sad for Mo Xuanyu.
She lived as a pauper in a family that despised her, had a father that ignored her, was so lonely that she named her sword Friend, and killed herself rather than marry Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan would have been nice to her. It took him a while to warm up, but he's trying now, to do his duty as a proper husband. Which is inconvenient for Wei Wuxian, but probably would have meant the world to Mo Xuanyu.
She didn't have to die. If she'd been able to hold onto hope for just a few more days, instead of giving in to revenge and despair, then she could have lived out her life out from underneath the thumb of other people.
"Are you okay?"
He startles out of his thoughts, looking up to see Sizhui has pulled his mare up beside his and is peering at him in concern.
He forces a smile, because he's put Sizhui through enough today, and he's a good boy that doesn't deserve to be involved in any of this. The worst part about dying again is going to be leaving behind Sizhui. He's such a sweet boy who loves him so easily and he just knows that it's going to break his heart when either the cultivation or the curse mark has run its course. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Sizhui looks unconvinced, but nods before looking up towards the front of the procession, where Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan are talking about something while Jin Guangyao pretends to be interested. He reaches into his sleeve. "I found some of these in town when I went looking for you."
He pulls out a small bag of the sweet, spicy pepper candy that Wei Wuxian likes so much and hold it out.
"You're the best!" he says, taking the bag and also pausing to squeeze his arm in thanks, only not pulling him into a hug because he's not sure how tolerant the horses will be about it.
The food in Cloud Recesses is ass and he can't cover everything with chilli oil because the only person he'd met who liked food as spicy as he did was - well, no one. So having Mo Xuanyu like spicy food had seemed like edging a little too close to obvious.
He'd been so happy when Sizhui had brought pepper candy back for him for the first time and had sworn him to secrecy to how how much he loved them.
Wei Wuxian pops one of the candies in his mouth, sucking on it to more quickly get to the firey pops of pepper, which is his favorite.
There's about five seconds of deliciousness and then his stomach rolls with nausea. He tightens his grip, trying to ride it out, but the taste of the candy he loved turns sour and he's seriously worried he's going to hurl, which Lan Zhan would never let him hear the end of.
He spits the candy out onto the ground, rubbing at his mouth.
"Lady Xuanyu?" Sizhui asks startled. "Is - sorry, did I get the wrong one?"
"No, no, it's perfect," he assures, internally sighing in relief as his stomach starts to settle. "I guess I shouldn't eat them on an empty stomach! It ruins the flavor. Who knew?"
He's eaten them on an empty stomach a dozen times before and never had an issue.
"Okay," Sizhui says slowly. 'Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Sizhui, don't worry," he says, and means it, even though he sort of wants to cry.
The pepper candies were one of the only things he could get his hands on that he enjoyed eating, and now even that's gone?
At least the Jin go all out on the banquets.
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campbell-rose · 6 months
Hazbin Trailer + Rewrite Spitballing
The Hazbin Trailer omg
I finally watched it and like... it's so bad guys. Honestly, the only people I pity are the animators and the pilot voice actors, and the new actors too. Blake Roman especially, the man is super talented, but trying to fill the massive shoes of Michael is weighing his performance down so bad. Honestly, if Viv wasn't a petty brat, she could've kept Michael and gotten Blake as the singing voice.
Apparently there's a war on Heaven plot? I hope to god not, like that's NOT THE PREMISE. God Viv just cannot stick to her premises, can she? This happened with Zoophobia, initially it seemed like it was going to follow Cameron but slowly lost focus on her. Then Helluva Boss losing the hired assassin plot for the sake of shitty Stolitz drama. Seems redeeming sinners is going to be a side plot which is unfortunate because that was one of the biggest things i wanted from this show. I remember when i used to love Vivziepop and i got so excited for the pilot of Hazbin. Redeeming sinneers, that sounded so cool. It's what got me into demonology and was a big part of my life. Sad to see this happen.
I genuinely hate the stupid trope of heaven, the place that is literally paradise for good people, being bad. Like, i cannot feasibly imagine a universe in which Viv manages to write that in any compelling way. And why is it just ‘heaven bad’??? This could be an interesting story that discusses the nature of good and bad, talks about what makes someone a good person, should people be given redemption if they already blew their chance, is the definition of 'good' wrong? Like, in the hands of competent writers, Hazbin could be an interesting story, like a Walmart Good Place! But no, heaven bad, let's go kill angels that say fuck.
Like, as an example of my above point, let’s look at a familiar face from Helluva Boss, Mrs. Mayberry. 
She killed someone, tried to kill someone, then herself, and is now in hell. But a good question could be raised of if her being in hell is even justified. Yes, she killed a person (and attempted to kill another) which is not a good thing to do. But she killed her husband in a fit of rage after seeing him cheating on her – like actively, red handed, balls deep cheating on her. From what we see of her before her death, she seems like an attentive and caring teacher and wife, she even says herself she was ‘good my entire life’. Her students love her, and literally the reason she kills herself seems to be because she realizes that they saw her literally murder someone. She did choke and throw a child, but that was played for comedy so I'm not counting that against her. She kills herself because she’s so shocked about what she’s done. She’s bitter because she’s in hell.  
Her husband was a cheater and the woman she tried to kill was a murderer and a cannibal, so by that logic, doesn’t her killing a bad person negate the killing? Yes, murder is bad, she should’ve controlled herself, but this was one terrible moment in a lifetime of being good. Like, say someone kills a pedobear, is the person commiting the murder a bad person for killing someone who deserved it? Not that her husband deserved to die for cheating, a good beat down maybe. If a good person kills a bad person, does that make them a bad person too? Or does it come down to intention? Did the good only kill the bad for a selfish reason?
That’s an interesting conundrum (in my opinion). Does she deserve to redeem herself? How would she redeem herself? If I keep thinking on it, i'll ramble, but that's my thinking. Anyway, this made me think about a rewrite that follows this line of thinking.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Charlie being an angel and Vaggie being her Exterminator guard who goes with her to hell to redeem sinners is the best way to make this mess an interesting thing. Like, Charlie is an optimistic angel who thinks the extermination of sinners is inhumane and that the standards of Heaven need changed. Vaggie is literally trained to kill sinners and sees Charlie’s efforts as futile but is assigned to help her anyway. Makes sense why everyone would disrespect Charlie and treat her like an idiot for wanting to redeem sinners, instead of insulting the daughter of FUCKING LUCIFER HIMSELF, they’re laughing at an angel who came down out of nowhere and is acting high and mighty.
Also, Charlie can keep the name Charlie Magne instead of Morningstar because she's no longer Lucifer's daughter. Vaggie is just V. boom, problem solved, i'm a genius.
Have a doodle
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baby-yongbok · 6 months
I'm Yours
Seo Changbin x Reader
Genre: Angst then Smut mixed with angst. Dirty Drama.
Summary: Even when you think you're done with him Changbin knows just what to say to make you melt for him.
Warnings: Cheating , Arguing/Yelling, Fingering, Changbin is kinda - low key gaslighting her (might be highkey). I think that's all, let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 2,407
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“Don’t.” You push past Changbin, grabbing your shirt from the floor and tugging it on quickly. You can’t even look at him, how could he do this?
“Would you just let me explain?” He runs his hands through his hair as he buttons his shirt behind you. “I was going to tell her I just-”
“You just what? You told me last week, no, you promised me that you’d tell her about us. What happened to that? What happened to the I love you, baby, I’m going to tell my wife everything. I already made the date, I already made the fucking plans. What happened, Changbin?” Your throat burned from your yelling and you could feel the pinch in the back of your eyes but you won’t cry. You can’t do that right now, he doesn’t deserve that.
“It’s not that fucking easy, It’s complicated, everything is complicated. What am I supposed to tell the kids? Mommy and daddy are getting a divorce cause I started fucking your nanny? I have a family ya know, this isn’t black and fucking white.” You scoff, an incredulous laugh slipping from your lips as you step closer to your lover. He stares back at you, wide eyed with a red angry blush climbing up the milky skin of his neck and chest. You want to laugh this off, you want to tell him that you understand and that you just want him, any of him, all of him. But he doesn’t deserve that either.
“Oh, do I know that you have a family? Do I know? Let’s see Mr. Seo, am I aware that you have a six year old daughter who loves tea parties and hot wheels? Hmm, do I know that?”
“Don’t do that.” He looks away, bringing his hand up and rubbing his face. It’s a habit that he does when he’s stressed, you can’t blame him, this is fucking stressful.
“What about your four year old son who loves coloring and watching Bluey, do I know about that?” You take a step closer to him, leaving little to no room between you two. The heat radiating off of the both of you creates a deliciously toxic energy that makes you sick to your stomach. 
“Or what about your fucking wife.” You hiss, yelling in his face, he squeezes his eyes shut as he continues to avert eye contact. You push his chest with every word but he doesn’t move, of course he doesn’t he’s two times stronger than you. 
“Your wife who doesn’t give a shit about her kids or her husband or anything else that doesn’t solely focus on her. Your wife that is never home so I take care of her kids and they call me mommy. Your wife that doesn’t give you any attention so you started fucking me. I know a whole lot about your fucked up little family.” He grabs your hand, turning to face you and you swear that the look in his eyes could kill you.
“Stop this, now.” His voice is barely above a whisper, it’s almost gentle which is the complete opposite of the grip that he has on your wrist as he holds it against his chest. “I didn’t think that we’d take it this far, this was never the plan. Falling in love with you was not what I planned.”
“So I was just supposed to be a quick fuck? You didn’t mean to fall in love with me or fuck me in you and your wife’s bed before I pick up your kids. You didn’t mean to buy me jewelry or spend nights here begging me to have your babies, begging me to marry you when you divorce her. Fuck you, get the fuck off of me.”
“Will you let me fucking explain?” He growls at you and you suck your teeth.
“The hell I am.” You attempt to pull away from him but his grip only tightens. You pull again, this time more aggressively and when he doesn’t let you go you start to fight him, pushing and pulling and making him stumble as he tries to hold you. He lets go of your wrists and moves quickly to wrap his arms around your waist, he picks you up and throws you onto your mattress, ignoring your protests as you hit the memory foam.
“You think that I don’t know that she doesn’t give a fuck about me?” His voice bounces off of the white walls of your bedroom as you prop yourself up on your elbows. “She never fucking has, she never fucking will, she’s a gold digger we all know that. I fucked up and got her pregnant, I didn’t want any of this shit. I didn’t want this life. You, you are the first thing that I’ve wanted in years.”
“Bullshit.” You sit up, scooting down to the end of your bed. “Bull - fucking - shit, Changbin.”
You stand from the mattress but Changbin pushes you back down by your shoulders, he kneels down in front of you, getting a good grip on the plush of your thighs and pulling you to the very edge of the bed. You’re ready to protest, ready to scream and fight and throw a fit but the next sentence that comes out of his mouth makes you freeze. “ I told them to call you mommy.” 
He stares up at you, vulnerable eyes searching yours, you ball your hands into fists against the comforter. Is he fucking serious? “I didn’t tell my wife because she didn’t fucking show up for our date night. She had a work meeting which is code for fucking the new executive. I was going to tell her, I have -” He stops himself mid sentence, looking over towards his work bag and quickly moving towards it. He searches through it for less than a second before pulling out a folder and moving back in front of you.
“I have the fucking divorce papers, I signed them. I had everything.” You grab the folder from him, shaking your head as you read through them, they’re real, he isn’t lying but what good is that if you’re still stuck being the side chick? No good at all.
“Is this supposed to change my mind? Am I supposed to feel bad that your dead beat wife stood you up? I don’t give a fuck about her but clearly you still do.”
“That’s not fair -”
“Oh it’s not? It’s not fair?” You cross your arms, meeting his eyes with a sarcastic gaze. He speaks over you, shaking his head and gripping your bed frame as he grows more and more frustrated by the situation.
“That’s not fucking fair, she’s the mother of my kids of course I give a shit about her. Yeah she’s a bitch, yeah she doesn’t love me but -”
“But you love her?” Your sarcastic gaze morphs into one of anger, pure feminine rage and you’re ready to unleash it if he says the wrong thing. “Do you fucking love her, Changbin?”
“It’s not that simple.” You throw the folder that he handed you behind you, the papers confetti around the two of you, covering the mattress and floor next to you.
“Go home. Be with the woman you love, be with your kids, your family.” You lean forward, yelling in his face and leaving no room for air, you hate him you hate him so much for doing this to you. For turning you into the woman who loves a married man, even before you slept with him you knew that you loved him. It was the lingering stares and soft touches. It was the early morning conversations and the hot coffee waiting for you as soon as you walked through the door. It was the way that he’d take pictures of you and his kids like you were their mother, like you were a family. “The family that you fuck over every time you fuck me. Get out, leave. 
“I'm in love with you.” He grabs your waist, squeezing and holding you like you’d fly away if he didn’t. The sound of your primal yelling is still ringing in his ears but he ignores it, nothing else matters, all that he wants is for you to hear him. All that he wants is for you to understand that his wife may have a place in his heart but you own it. You and his kids are all that he really loves, all that he really wants. “What do I need to do to get you to see that? What do you want from me?”
His hand trails down to the curve of your hip as his eyes stay on yours. “Do what you promised me you would.” You snap back, shifting in his grip.
“Give me until Friday, that’s all I ask.” His hands run over the bare skin of your thigh, scratching down the sensitive flesh and leaving goosebumps in his wake. “Give me this last chance, please. I won’t fuck this up, I need you.”
He leans in, pressing his torso between your legs and resting his hands on your knees as he gently parts them. You watch him, your chest rising and falling heavily. You’re angry, you’re livid, you’re in love. “I want you so bad, baby, just give me three days.” His fingers inch their way towards the tender flesh of your inner thigh and you sit there, watching him.
“You said this before, you said it last week. Why are you doing this to me?” Your anger has abandoned you, it left you to face this desperate sadness all by your lonesome. Your voice is weaker than you’d like and the familiar pinch of tears fighting to escape visits you again and you’re not sure that you have it in you to fight them this time. “You keep stringing me along, Changbin, you keep -”
“Bunny, I’m begging you, just three days.” His pointer and middle finger sneak over to caress your folds over the gusset of your damp underwear and you shiver at the sensation. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry that I’m doing this to you. We knew this would be messy.”
He hooks his fingers into the wet fabric, moving it to the side and pressing against your clit softly. You try to keep your eyelids from fluttering shut but it’s no use, they’re closed before you can even think to do otherwise. “This isn’t fair.” You gasp, as he rubs tight circles against the bud, dragging whine from you that you don’t believe he has the privilege to hear. 
“You’re right.” His fingers move down, collecting your dripping slick and spreading it over your needy cunt. You open your mouth to snap back at him but his fingers are sinking into you before you can even get a breath out. “This isn’t fair, you’re right.”
His words are whispers as he watches you, he can feel himself relax as you arch your back into the air and squeeze your eyes shut because of him. For him. “Y-you take so much of me when you leave here.” You take a deep breath in an attempt to steady your speech. Changbin’s fingers pick up speed as you speak.
“What do I take from you, baby?” 
“Everything, you t-take so much of my power, my love, my pride.” A moan interrupts your sentence, and you let your head drop back as he curls his fingers inside of you. “There are so - so many parts of me scattered around your house. There are bits and pieces - pieces of you. So many pieces of you in this room. My pillows smell like you, your coffee mug, your toothbrush, I have it all but - but there’s no you.”  You close your eyes, a tear slipping down your cheek.
 "I want to take it all back," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. His thumb finds your clit as you lift your head to look at him and you can’t help but to cry out as you buck your hips into his hand. 
“You don’t mean that.” He whispers back as his spare hand reaches up to wipe the stray tear rolling down your cheek. “ Tell me that, tell me that you don’t mean that.” 
You grind your hips, fucking yourself on his fingers hungrily, desperately. “Look at me.” His voice snaps you out of your fucked out hunger and you meet his gaze, more tears falling from your eyes and he moves his hand beside you to pick up one of the papers you threw. He lifts it to your tear stained cheek and wipes it dry with the paper, his fingers slow down as his eyes scan your face. He loves you, he really is in love with you. If you two had met in a different life or maybe just at an earlier time then you’d be the mother of his kids and he wouldn’t be the CEO of a company he doesn’t give a fuck about, he wouldn’t have to keep his happiness a secret. Why couldn’t that have been the way that things went? 
“I don’t regret any of this. I don’t regret you.” His fingers speed up again and you cry out, your trembling frame is beautiful to him. “You don’t regret me.”
“I don’t.” You moan, your hands tangle in your hair as you pant and whine. “I wish I did.”
“You have so much of me too, you own me. I’m yours. Fuck her, I need you. Anything that you want is yours.” You feel the knot tightening in your stomach and your eyes roll back at the feeling. 
“Say it again, s-say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, baby.” Changbin’s eyes rake over your body as you near your high, your rosy skin is beautiful in the dimly lit room. “I’m yours.”
“Bin, oh my fucking god.” Your legs shake against the bed frame as your orgasm climbs up your spine. He groans, as he cups your cheek and guides your lips to his. He kisses you hungrily, passionately. Desperately. Before you can warn him you break the kiss, your body is falling into his as your legs clamp down around his wrist and he curls his fingers inside of you as you come down from your high. You’re panting against his shoulder as he peppers light kisses against your neck.
“I’m yours, I promise.”
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acewritesfics · 7 months
I Almost Lost You | JAY HALSTEAD
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Wife!Reader
Request: From Anon
Fic Type: Imagine
Prompt: "You think you can just push me away like that?”  
Warnings: Mentions of being shot, surgery, crime.
Word Count: 849
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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Jay sat next to the hospital bed where Y/N is currently resting. His arms are laying on the bed, one of them clutching hers. She'd fallen asleep a little more than an hour before, both of them gripping each other's hands, fearful that if they let go, the other would disappear like she almost had. 
Intelligence has been looking for a duo who were robbing businesses and killing anyone who got in their way. They claimed to be the next Bonnie and Clyde and went out in the same manner as the originals. Y/N was shot three times during the shootout a little less than 24 hours ago.  
Despite his best efforts, Jay is unable to shake the visual of her lying there, her breathing and pulse growing weaker as he works, in complete fear of losing her, to stop her from bleeding out. 
Y/N and Jay have been married for just over three months, and he has already nearly lost her. He bites his lower lip, fighting the negative thoughts that remind him he could still lose her, especially given their line of work.  
“What’s going on inside that handsome head of yours?” Y/N’s raspy sleep filled voice, brings him out of his thoughts.  
“How much I love you,” he tells her, thinking that now is not the time to hash out what he’s really thinking about. Though, he is always thinking about how much he loves her.  
"Don't do that," she says gazing at him, drowsily. "You think you can just push me away like that?” 
"I'm not trying to push you away, babe," he says giving her a soft smile. "I can't now that you're wearing my ring."  
"You know what I mean," she sighs. "I'm so doped on pain meds, it didn't come out right." 
"I know what you meant," he assures her, gently squeezing her hand.  
"Don't go quiet on me, Jay." 
"I almost lost you," he starts telling her what he's thinking and feeling. "We've been married for three months. We’re just starting our lives together and I could have lost you. I almost lost you."  
“It’s part of the job,” she whispers, weakly squeezing his hand.  
“Don’t… don’t say that,” he tells her, frowning. He knew she was being nonchalant about it right now because of the drugs but it didn’t help how he was feeling or the thoughts clouding his head. “Not right now.” 
“I’m sorry,” her lips pout as she lets out a quiet sob, tears building up on her eyes. 
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” Jay tries to reassure her as he moves closer to the bed and brings her hand to his face, gently kissing her fingers where her rings usually sat. They had been taken off during her surgery so they wouldn’t end up damaged or lost. “You did nothing wrong. It’s their fault and mine for not being there to protect you.” 
“You can’t be in two places at once,” she cries holding no resentment towards him like he seems to think he deserves. 
“No but I’m your husband as well as your partner. It’s not only my job to have your back, it’s also my vow to you,” he stands up, leaning over her to wipe away the tears and kiss her gently. “You know, us being married, living together and all that, means you won’t be able to cheat recovery and come back to work earlier than the doctors order right.” 
She can’t help the chuckle that escapes her lips, through the tears and sobs. “Yeah, but I have a brother-in-law who’s a doctor.” 
“And I’m going to tell him if he tries to do you any favors so you can get back to work sooner, I’ll find something to arrest him on.” 
“Yeah, you would do that.” 
“You’re damn right I would,” he says and tells her, “Voight’s given me some time off so I can take care of you.” 
“It’ll be a mini vacation,” she says giving him a weak smile.  
“For you it might be,” he kisses her again before reaching into his pocket and pulling out her engagement and wedding bands. He slips them back on to her finger and brings her hand back up to his lips and kisses the same spot as before. “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” she says letting go of his hand and carefully shifts over in the bed and pats the now empty spot next to her. “I don’t care what the doctors have to say, I need my husband with me tonight.” She adds before he can protest.  
Kicking off his shoes, he climbs onto the bed next to her, making sure to not hurt her even more. Careful of her injuries, she finds a comfortable position for them to lay in and places the blankets over him. 
It doesn’t take long for Y/N to drift back to sleep unlike Jay who remains awake until he can no longer keep his eyes open, afraid that if he does fall asleep, that he’ll open his eyes when he awakens and she’ll be gone. 
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mcflymemes · 6 months
PROMPTS FROM SHREK 2 *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
it's so good to be home!
aren't you two a sight for sore eyes!
look at the time. i guess you'd better be going.
don't you want to tell me about your trip?
we need a little time, you know, to be together. just with each other.
you don't have to worry about a thing.
i will always be here to make sure nobody bothers you.
i'll see you sunday for a barbecue or something.
royal ball? can i come?
don't you think they might be a bit shocked to see you like this?
stop it. they're not like that.
you could at least give them a chance.
who says i want to be a part of this family?
so that's it. you won't come?
we are not going. and that's final.
are we there yet?
that's not funny. that's really immature.
this is taking forever. there's no in-flight movie or nothing!
so... you still think this was a good idea?
happy now? we came. we saw them. now let's go.
quick! while they're not looking, we can make a run for it.
i'd like you to meet my husband.
what do you mean, "not on the list?" don't tell me you don't know who i am.
thanks for waiting. i had the hardest time getting into this place.
i suppose that would be a fine place to raise the children.
it's a bit early to be thinking about that, isn't it?
i only did that because i love her.
i'm here to make it all better.
i don't want to leave. when did you decide this?
do you think it might be nice if somebody asked me what i wanted?
i've made changes for you, [name]. think about that.
i knew this would happen.
i think you're taking this a little too personally.
you act as if love is totally predictable.
is that you? my gosh! it's been years.
you've forced me to do something i really don't want to do.
my diet is ruined!
use your imagination.
i need to have someone taken care of.
who dares speak to me?
for this, i charge a great deal of money.
i was hoping you'd let me apologize for my despicable behavior earlier.
i don't know what came over me. do you suppose we could pretend it never happened and start over?
we passed that three times already!
don't get huffy! i'm only trying to help!
almost everybody that meets you wants to kill you.
i do believe we can make this work to our advantage.
i would think you'd be happy for me.
i'm just thinking about what's best for you. maybe you should do the same.
pick me! i'll be your true love!
for you, baby... i could be.
if you really love her... you'll let her go.
just leave the bottle.
it was all just a stupid mistake.
i hate mondays.
i can't believe you'd walk away from the best thing that happened to you.
he's gorgeous! he has a face that looks like it was carved by angels.
you know, shockingly, this isn't make me feel any better.
you better have a good reason for dragging us down here.
perhaps it's best if we just call the whole thing off?
you can't force someone to fall in love.
you're supposed to say i have the right to remain silent. nobody said i have the right to remain silent!
i am wearing ladies underwear.
we're going to need flour. lots and lots of flour.
i'm just playing the part.
is that glitter on your lips?
will you honor me with a dance?
let's crash this party!
you were supposed to give her the potion!
i'd hoped you'd never see me like this.
i just wish i could be the man you deserve.
if you kiss me now... we can stay like this.
whatever happens, i must not cry.
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morgansunflower · 9 months
Our Home & Our Hearts
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, blood, injuries and angst
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V. Grayson and Jason are 2 years apart. Dick is 14 Jason is 12.
Dick is deeply concerned for his friend who is left without a, home. Which leads to Grayson being there when Joker tries to kill Jason.
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Dick plops his school backpack on the counter. Instead of a smile that the weekend was here, he let out a troubled sigh. He hadn't seen Jason in 2 weeks. He hated he was living on the streets and he was stubborn to let, him help him.
"is everything alright Master Richard?" Alfred asked
The kind butler had certainly took notice that the young man has been uncharacteristically quiet since he picked him up from school.
"I'm totally whelmed" Grayson said forcing a smile
Patrol was... stressful. Keeping secrets made him extra tense which brought in much unintended distance between him and his, parents. He hated not telling them about Jason. He knew his parents were not going to let the kid stay on his own. Which would ultimately lead to them adopting Jason. Was he ok with that? Would he be a good big brother?
As the family returned from patrol Dick planned to tell them goodnight quickly. He was going to sneak out to find Jason again... Maybe bring him some snacks and some games..
"ok good nigh--" Y/N put her hand up
"hold on there a minute young man we need to talk" she ordered with a kind tone.
The blue eyed teenager panicked "I'm not hiding anything! I didn't do anything! It's not my fault! I have been good! I've behaved!"
"Grayson calm down son" Bruce said with a small smile. He was humored by his son's quick needless defense and insistence, he had done no wrong
"you're not in trouble kiddo. We just wanted to say if there is something you're going through.. We're here for you" she smiled softly to her boy.
Dick tried to keep his heart from falling to his gut. Secrets always made him feel sick and anxious. He promised but... But Jason deserved a family.
"my friend Jay" he informed. To which his mother nodded. He sighed "Jason's mom overdosed and his dad is in jail. I have been trying to find him for 2 weeks now.." Grayson blurted out.
Y/N felt sick to her gut as she feels the need to rush to Jason and make sure he's OK ".. 2 weeks"
Jason had his arms folded annoyed he had been caught by the Bat. He almost had the tire. He could've traded it for a bike or some food. As he parks Jason jumps out with Bruce. Dick rushed to his friend stunned he was really here. Jason stared quite confused why Robin was concerned for him.
"you're OK! How you doing kid? I was so worried about you-- I mean I saw, you roaming the streets all alone" Grayson wanted to hit himself for giving himself away.
"I'm fine" he rolled his eyes "seriously" Jason scoffed connecting that Dick is Robin and Batman.. Is Bruce Wayne which also meant Y/N was H/N.
Y/N stepped in, wearing her H/N uniform, seeing Batman with Robin and Jason. She sighed relieved. He's OK without a scratch.
"hi Mrs Wayne" Jason greeted with a, smirk that, he figured it out...
"hi Jay.. You told him?" she casually asked her husband
"no your son did" Bruce said
"it's not my fault he figured it out it's not like I said my name to him" Dick defended
"you kinda gave yourself away with the needless concern for me" Jason scoffed "plus I'd recognize that tiny little voice from anywhere"
"my voice didn't crack that time!!" Dick said offended.
That night for the first time in such a very long time.. Jason had a bath, ate a good dinner and had fresh change of clothes. The boy's played video games together for hours. Y/N and Bruce look in the room seeing them both asleep.
"he needs to be cared for Bruce. We can't just leave send him to a orphanage" she said holding his hand. "how, do you feel?.."
"our home and our hearts are big enough for more" he said with a soft smile kissing her head.
2 years later a tragedy struck that could have ended a tremendously amount worse.
Grayson hears a slight sound from a heart monitor. He'd heard one so many times throughout his life, he recognized the sound of it instantly, like he could recognize the sound of Bruce's grunt with his eyes closed. He feels the bandages covering his burned and bloody skin.
Bruce had been sick with fear. He knew he would wake up but to see his eyes open. He was overwhelmed with relief.
Dick's relaxed face becomes clenched as he then feels pain. The cracked rib from the crowbar. The headache from the excessive blows. His legs are in so much agony from being battered and the explosion. What made his, gut twist and his heart break was that Jason was in pain just as he is.
Dick relaxes his face "hmm" why was it so hard to talk "Jay o-OK?" Dick asked
"your brother is recovering in his room. Your mom is with him. Are you thirsty?" Bruce asked him
Dick nodded Bruce takes a cup that had a, straw and puts it to Grayson's mouth. The older teenager drank the water. As he finished he rested his head back.
Grayson tightly closes his eyes from emotion rather than physical pain.. He had his fair share of brushes of death but this.. This was different. He really thought that he wasn't going to make it and to have Jason with him. Looking at him like he needed protection. He felt responsible for Jay almost getting killed. Had he been stronger. Had he been faster. Bruce must've wished Dick had been better Robin.. A better big brother.. A better son. His lips tremble.
Bruce's heart breaks for his son. He gently rubbed his temple surprising Dick.
"it's natural for you to feel shame for what happened son, but don't for a second think I'm ashamed of you"
Dick was not the only one crying. Jason was being held by his, mother as she cried with him. She tried to be careful with his bandaged wounds and the electrodes from the heart monitor, as she gently rubs his forehead.
"I c-could've g-gotten him killed" Jason stuttered shutting his eyes tightly as his guilt ate at him
"baby, baby don't you dare blame yourself. We all make, mistakes but Dick is OK and so are you. He doesn't blame you. He loves you"
Bruce and Y/N had now swapped places with their sons. Bruce was, laying on the bed with Jason resting on his chest asleep. Superman had head of his godsons current state and promised to look after Gotham until they recover.
As much as it was destroying his heart his boys were hurt it was nice to spending so much time with them. Though it also brought guilt that he had not spent more time with them, the times when everything was, ok.
Y/N laid beside Grayson, has he rested his head on her shoulder she was holding onto him. Just like his was, a little boy again. Right now he felt like he was so small. She held her son comforting him in a mothering love.
That morning Bruce and Jason sit together eating breakfast. The door opens gently to reveal two faces Jason genuinely missed.
"care if we join you for breakfast?" Y/N said as, she pushes the handles of Dick's wheelchair.
"D-Dick!" Jason cried sounding more excited to see his big brother than he wanted to.
"hey Jay!" he takes a shallow breath feeling sick how little of Jason's skin was without a, bandage "how you doin' kiddo?"
"I..." Jason felt his guilt hit harder to his gut seeing Dick in so much pain "you look pretty beat up"
"you don't look too bad yourself little bird" Grayson laughs
Grayson touched Jason's arm holding it Jay did the, same to his big brothers arm. Jason cursed his tears unable to hold them back.
"I should've listen to you" he slurred still pained to speak and was quite emotional to.
Dick go's back to that moment of him telling Jason not to pursuit Joker and then Grayson went after him. Which resulted in Joker taking them both.
"yeah, but it's OK. I'm not mad at you for thinking you were strong enough and I am so sorry it happened like this"
"me too"
Every year on the anniversary of their brush of death.. Dick make sure he calls, Jason to talk to his little brother and every time Jay acts immensely annoyed.. Though Dick knows the truth.
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