#no allowance i was a spoiled daddy’s girl who got literally everything i wanted + stuff i didn’t even ask for
multifandomslxt · 21 days
Hey Krystal! 💎 It's me again 😌
Hope you've been well. 🥰
WayV members as type of rich bfs (sugar daddies) 👀..... Anything and everything within this prompt is most welcome 🤭. Have a great day bye ❤
Hey sweetheart! how are you?
You scared me again with the name ngl lmaoo
but it's all good
Way V Members as Sugar Daddies
He's a bit hard to get through to at first IMO
When he says sugar daddy he means money in exchange for accompanying him to events
he's so strict with himself that he really doesn't allow it to get past that.
That's all it is for a few months yk?
until you express that it seems a bit weird because you were definitely expecting more...
And Kun like the damn provider he is
gives you just that...more
but definitely explains to you that he's a possessive little shit.
good pu$$y turns a perfectly sane man in to a mad man pt.1
he's mad asf for youuuu
now that s3x is involved this man SPOILSSSSSSS you
way more than he was doing prior
which seems a bit impossible because babyyy you were getting bagsssss
he's so strict too like he makes it clear that you belong to him
istg at some point he graduates from sugar daddy to husband
you want a spontaneous trip to some crazy rich island? ok, no problem
you want a bag that costs way too much money? he'll get you that in the next 2 hours
also...don't let that cute smile fool you, the man is a menace.
"Can't believe I deprived myself of this pretty c*nt" he thrusts inside you so slow...dangerously slow
"That's right baby Daddy's right here to give you everything you need"
he gets right to it. lmaooo
Tells you that he needs you to accompany him to events and asks you if you're ok with other "stuff"
first off the chemistry between y'all is AMAZINGGG
We all know this man loves fashion so having the latest designer pieces is a given
what starts off as a lil service after events
blooms into something more
very protective of you
baby he doesn't play about you or the custom diamonds he put around your neck. TRUST!
compared to before the relationship bloomed the s3x between you two was rather respectful?...yh that's the word
he rips that shit off youuu
President of the "I'll just buy you a new one" club
it's rough btw unlike Kun, Ten is rough and occasionally enjoys it when you're on top
"fuck...I'd choose this pu$$y over diamonds any day"
See how pretty this man is?
yeah he's gonna make sure you're even prettier than him
Literally bathes you in expensive shit.
SPOILLS you omggg
it's worrying sometimes
to the point where the bank calls him
asking if he's aware that there is a concerning amount of money leaving his account
From head to toe it's luxuryyyyy
the s3x is good....just good
I'm sure I've said this before but Winiwn strikes me as someone who just gets to it.
not too rough not too gentle yk?
its just right
he does like when you wear that little diamond collar he got you when he's ball deep inside you though
he's strictly sugar daddy btw
I think he'd prefer that
if you manage to pull him and keep him you're one lucky mf
this man moves through sugar babies like the days of the week
He likes the thrill of it all imo
yes he'll spoil you
but you better make sure the pleasure you give him is worth the 100k he just splurged
"C'mon now princess, Daddy knows you can do way better than that" he whispers teasingly as your body trembles from exhaustion and overstimulation
he likes to be kept on his toes
and you keep surprising him
your bills are paid and you're getting f*cked dumb
and he has the prettiest girl to spoil and break
It's a win-win honestly
he's so sweet at first omlll
yes he dotes on you and all that jazz
but you guys actually become friends yk?
he's a whole gentleman
never crossing the line
just kind and attentive
gets you WHATEVER you want
and mean ANYTHING
nothing is out of reach for his baby
he just expects you to behave
but what's the fun in that?
let him catch you trying to buy things with your own money
or some shit like that
you are DONEE
when he f*cks you
he ensures that you merge with the mattress
takes "fuck you into the mattress" literally
ass up face down supremacy
do not play with him like that.
"Move your hand baby, I told you actions have consequences"
Yang Yang
This mf is just horny
very possessive oml
and not in the mature way like Kun or the gentlemanly way like Hendery
but possessive like a damn child
you go to parties together and he doesn't want you talking for anybody else too long
look at him and only him
the fucker got you a carrier bracelet with his name embedded into it
and told you to wear it at all times
for the most part, he's harmless
extremely touchy-feely
controls his urges well though
unless you're fucking around too much
then he has to show you why you should just let him be
it's fast and hard
I'm so serious
This MF can go roundsss
because he's desperate asf
"Such a fuckin' tease. let's see how much teasing you'll do when I swell you up hm?"
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
I don’t know how people will feel about this, but the fact that Frances was posting Evan on social media was like… the thing that bothered me the least. We are in a social media era, and she is part of the demographic that uses social media the most, so I can’t expect a young 22 year old to not post pictures of her boyfriend, regardless of whether he is famous or not. There is no way to know how Evan felt about casually being on her Instagram feed, so her posting him social media alone, to me, is not enough to not like her. The instagram live, her private fin-Dom Twitter and all her posts on there and tumblr about her “rich boyfriend”, all the posts about being “jealous of nepo babies who have a nothing life”, her lack of work ethic yet wanting to be famous… I am not going to doubt the possibility of her having feelings for him, cause again that’s only something Frances can answer, but those things I mentioned were what really made the whole thing seem not-genuine.
i agree in that personally, i don’t think frances owed it to any jealous fans to hide her boyfriend away so they didn’t have to see them together. i don’t even think you can truly say one way or the other whether or not evan cared about what she did post. as it pertains to her social media behavior, the only thing that i will say about frances is that it is disingenuous for her to pretend she was trying to “hide” herself, her relationship, or anything.. the reality is that anyone who was trying to avoid engaging with fans would not post all of the things she did. once she saw the reaction, the wise thing to do would have been to leave it off social media. as i said, i think fran let her worst inclinations take hold and when she could have potentially contained the situation, she escalated it. we would quite literally know nothing about her and evan if she didn’t post about him. so the problem for frances is more so that she gave people already foaming at the mouth to hate her ammunition - joking about her old sugar daddy getting cancer, posting about her throwing temper tantrums and getting her “rich bf” to buy her things, calling people ugly, and just leaning into acting as an entitled princess slash onlyfans creator who made jokes about how women shouldn’t have fought for the right to work. so naturally, folks are going to look at this girl dating a guy she calls her rich boyfriend and think she’s using him. and everything just went to hell in a hand basket, as we all well know. the legitimate criticism got lost in a sea of hate.
now, a year later, frances is in the middle of a rebrand. she’s gone from sugar baby who dreams of unemployment and being a kept woman, to a creative artist who lost her spark while dating evan. she complains about capitalism and poverty in the same week she’s been posting about a month long trip to italy. she’s complaining about her past relationship causing issues for her, when she reveled in the tit for tat so long as she was enjoying the spoils of dating evan. and still, when she’s cash strapped, desperate for engagement and patreon subscribers, she looks to the same people she admonishes the most: his nosy, prying fans. she opens up her previously privated instagram page and allows all the people she once denied access in. she’s started posting asks that are clearly alluding to evan and their relationship. all this says to me is that she has always wanted the attention it brought her to date a celebrity if it was going to move her to social media influencer status, it just didn’t work out for her. with that said, i also agree only she knows what she truly felt for evan. i don’t think any of this necessarily means she didn’t love and care for him. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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¥ Pretty boy ¥
Rich! Izuku midoriya x F! Plus size! reader
Hi everyone!!! this is part of @bakugohoex‘s Collab, you should check the rest of the collab and her works out!!! enjoy!!
Izuku comes from a rich family, owns lavish cars and houses upon houses but all he really wants is you. You come from a humble background, refusing wealth but dealing when izuku wants to spoil you. Izu can literally fuck you anywhere because he is that rich; Nsfw, Fluff, public sex(kinda), smut(kinda? dom izu), reader is kinda a cheapskate.
Sorry it’s so bad; I may continue/ revise based on how this is taken!
“Oh, come on, Y/n! It’ll be so fun, I promise! it’s just one trip; you won’t feel like you did last time!” Memories of the past trip flash through the shapely woman's mind: paparazzi, lavish hotels(yes hotels, he wanted a different view every night), thousand dollar meals, designer boutiques, everything that you had avoided in your life as a pro hero was ironical, as it was all tackled at once.
You loved your boyfriend, and you admire his willingness to give, but this was the main reason you gave a lot of your earnings to health organizations and hotlines, you didn’t feel you needed the money, you were doing just fine without it, eating at home, carpooling to save on gas, helping out at your apartment to get a bit taken off of your rent. But Izuku was born into a life of wealth. Heir to the Yagi fortune, but despite his wealth, you wouldn’t know he was wealthy by simply meeting him.
“Oh, don’t patronize me izuku, you know I would hate that trip, I always hate overly expensive trips, I could get the same trip through my booking sites for half the price, and you know that!” You huff leaning over to fold your laundry. Izuku walks behind you, placing his large hands on your hips and leaning his head on your shoulder. You could feel his pleading look without even looking at him.
“Indulge me, baby. I promise I won’t make it too expensive,” You felt him kiss at your neck, making you sigh until he let out the final part of his argument, a simple,” Please?” You took his hands off your hips and walked away. Izuku sat defeated until he heard you rustle around, cursing as you made a mess of your once clean closet, and came back into the room with a defeated look and a suitcase. “How long are we going for?” Izuku smiled widely and spun you around, his eyes full of love.
----------------time skip to the day of the plans----------------
You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before sighing, regretting agreeing to this trip as you fix your sundress, admiring how the fabric hugs your soft curves perfectly. You knew this vacation would be perfect, that you would love it, but your stubborn mind wanted to fight the potential enjoyment.
Your mouth turned bitter as you internally fought with yourself, going from a fight of stubbornness to a battle against your self-confidence. Your mind picked on everything that wasn’t on your mind before as a deflect of being questioned. Your unpleasant thoughts were interrupted by a certain green-haired man as he walked into the room, stunned at how beautiful you looked in that dress. Distracted by the unmistakable twinkle in his eyes, your thoughts soon disappeared and were replaced with wonder.
“What’re you looking at?” He shook himself out of his trance to approach you with a smile. “Just looking at my beautiful baby girl in that dress, she so horribly fought me on. You look gorgeous, by the way.” His rough hands were felt through the sheer material of the outfit as his thumbs rubbed gentle circles on your wide hips.
You smiled softly and kissed his cheek, looking into his eyes. “Are you ready to go? Cause one more minute, and I may just back out of this.” His eyes go wide as he pulls away and rushes to get everything in the car. Your chuckles are short-lived as he soon comes back and picks you up. “You’re the last thing I need so we can go” you squeak as you remember this man can lift nearly 300 pounds. Why shouldn’t he lift you? Still, every time he lifts you, it comes as a surprise.
He quickly sets you into the car, alarming you with the fact that the driver isn’t any driver at all, it’s one of his close friends, todoroki, and this isn’t even your car; it’s his. “I figured we didn’t need to use the driver and waste money on parking, todo’s gonna drop us off, and I’ll have the driver pick us up after!” Your eyes watered, you knew that the rest of the trip would be extravagant but it was these little things that made you fall in love with him, over and over again. You sat with your hand in his all the way to the airport. You were excited to see new places but dreading the paparazzi.
You stood out of the car, taking in the cool breeze and walking around the car to get to the bags in the back. You bring both of your bags out, along with your carry-ons, and wait for him to finish his conversation with his friend to come to collect his bags. You hear izuku bid him farewell and thank him for the ride before he slips a 20 for gas in his friend’s car and walks to you. “Now don’t be mad...” His eyes shift when he bows his head, preparing to be lectured,” I got first class, and I know you don’t-” You laughed, only calming to rub his shoulder with a smile. “It’s ok! I’ll let it pass.... for now. Now, let’s get our free drink on!”
You’re the first to board, ignoring the dirty looks from the other passengers; you made a vow to enjoy this time.... for izuku’s sake. Your smile didn’t falter, even when the check-in lady gave you a surprising look when you gave her the ticket. You walked onto the plane with confidence; izuku could only say that you looked as if you were born for this… that you belonged here.  Your Seats were opened to each other, making a two-bedroom cabin area.
You let izuku walk past you to put your bags to the side and look at the menu. One thing you could never understand is his appetite, he eats more than a group of teenage boys, and he still keeps fit, even if he doesn’t work out. You never found that fair. You shook your head out of the thoughts and sat next to him, searching the tv for a decent channel. You shut off the tv when you saw the news about a new villain, suddenly stressing about the city and what’ll happen if you leave. Your mind flooded with thoughts of the places you love on fire, the people you loved killed and showed as a warning to all the other heroes.
Luckily Deku, who had just finished ordering pretty much the whole menu, sensed your sudden situation and reached over you, pulling the leaver to set your seat back. The sudden movement knocked you out of your daze, causing you to look at the man perched above you with a frustrated look on his face. “You have just been a whirlwind of emotions today, haven’t you? You refuse to calm down; the city will be fine, it’s only a week, and we’re not even going that far!” “but-” “No buts! You don’t want to make me sad, do you?” You sigh, realizing that it was highly improbable for that to happen while you were gone, but that didn’t stop you from worrying. Despite that, you sucked it up, deciding that you might as well enjoy these trips before something happens, after all hero business is very dangerous.
“No Izuku, i don’t” He tilts your chin in order for your eyes to reach his. “Izuku? Really? You know that’s not what i want to hear princess.” You suddenly realize the shift of atmosphere, Izuku’s eyes darkened. “No daddy.” “Good girl.”
He lets his hand drag to the bottom of your dress, pushing up the tinted fabric as he moves his hand to rest on your thigh. Your thighs clench unintentionally when he reaches for the top of your underwear, flinching when he snaps the fabric back onto your skin.
You weren’t used to your soft lover taking the lead, you were the one who took control. You usually calmed your own nerves, with him of course. But you couldn’t think, you couldn't take control, you just had to let him help you, clear your mind and calm you.
You couldn’t help but shiver at the look in his eyes when he’s in control. His eyes darkening,a small glimmer in his eyes is still present but he looks….. Animalistic. You slide your underwear off of your plush form, confidently as he watches you with a ever-growing tent in his pants.
Izuku reached out to your body, holding your soft hip as he moves to slide his form between your thighs. “I don’t think i can be patient much longer beautiful, i may just fuck you like this.” He cups your cheek and uses his thumb to play with your lip, testing how far he can go before sticking his finger in your mouth. You obediently suck on it, watching him bite his lip and shift away to get undressed. “Who says i don’t want you to?”
He quickly takes off his shirt, his scars and freckles littering his tan skin. Izuku's pants are soon to follow allowing his cock to tap his stomach. You always loved how easy it was to get him to get hard, he was always ready for you to fuck him, ready to make love at the mere thought of your full, soft form.
You heard izuku whisper a quick ‘fuck it’ before he grabbed your thighs, wrapping them around his hips and grinding softly onto your soft cunt. Your soft moans fueled the burning fire of his. He grabbed his shaft, lining himself up with your weeping hole. He kissed you deeply before pushing into you, his lips muffling your sweet moans.
His cock throbs as he patiently waits for you to adjust to his girth. Your hips ache, already feeling the pressure of your current activities take it’s toll on your body. Your minds begins to flood with need, processing just how close izuku is, how his muscles feel under your finger tips, how he reacts when you experiment with tightening your smooth walls around him. He waits for you to move, slightly wiggling your hips, before he gives into the feeling, whimpering and keeping a steady pace.
You feel his tip brush against your sweet spot with every thrust, unraveling quicker then you would have liked. Izuku’s blush reaches onto his chest as you moan into his ear, teasing him. He speeds up, ramming into your sweet spot, causing that knot in your stomach to tighten before he shifts to rub at your clit sloppily, letting out lewd noises and tipping you over the edge. Your body freezes, a shaking gasp falling from your lips as you arch your back and your walls flutter and tighten around izuku’s dick. He’s soon to follow, spilling his load over your soft stomach before slowly pulling out and flopping onto his bed besides you.
“That’s one great way to start a shitty trip.” You laugh looking over into his forest eyes. Izuku grabs your hand, kissing your palm and giving you a small smile. “Or just a wonderful way to start a potentially amazing trip. You promised you’d let me spoil you this time, so let me use my money to give you comfort. Ok?” You nod, adjusting your seat to be upright again, and lean over to the champagne. The view out the window is something of beauty as the clouds fold into each other and the sky casts a pink, soft hue onto the white canvas.
Izuku grabs himself a glass, leaning his seat all the way back and putting a complementary eye mask on.
“And besides, the more money we pay, the less people will care where we fuck each other.” He was born into this life, born for it. He was used to this and could be for the rest of his full life.
But izuku would do anything just to be by your side. That’s one thing he can’t pay for.
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4dtk · 3 years
have this absolute shameless drabble of sugar daddy gojo that i wrote in between requests. my fingers have never typed so fast im sorry this is literally self-indulgent at this point ARJGJFFJ.
disclaimer i honestly can't see anyone calling gojo daddy but just for this fic..... ill allow it..... and also bc sugar daddy gojo is just always residing in my mind. did you see how he transferred 10 mil to mei mei!!!!! i will never shut the fuck up about that scene. pls spoil me <3
warnings: praise, public sex, sugar daddy/sugar baby relations, breeding kink, pet names
sugar daddy!gojo pushes you up against the window of the store, visible for everyone to see you getting fucked senseless. in the gucci store four floors up, it could work both ways. fortunate to be so high up, although people would be getting a treat if they happened to look up.
“you know what you’re doing, baby?” he grunts, hips rocking into your soaked pussy as the staff outside try to ignore the lewd noises coming from behind the curtains.
it was supposed to be a simple trip: get a dress for gojo’s event in a few weeks and get out. with a tight arm wrapped around his, you followed him around like a starstruck puppy, the edges of your lips curled up knowing he’d treat you a million times over if you just asked for it.
gojo wasn’t any different, either. sure, he’s had sugar babies in the past, but not quite like you who’s so easy to please and spoil, knowing you could never say no even if your life depended on it. with your desperate listing for the requirement of monetary assistance, gojo couldn’t resist taking up the offer.
he just hadn’t expected you to be so… pliant. you had taken it like a good little bitch, too, moaning out for everyone to hear because you liked it like that.
“you’re taking my cock so well, princess,” gojo muttered out, lips nibbling on your ear as he continued to pound you. his grin that you feel against your skin plagues your mind, wanting nothing more than to see how he enjoys ruining you.
the catchy, upbeat pop song playing above you seemed to provide some rhythm, the sultry lyrics fuelling you further.
"so needy that i had to buy out the whole store for an hour, huh?" the male slows his pace, delivering deep thrusts into your cunt with the precision of an expert.
all you can reply are in little pants, sentences incoherent from how deep his cock is in you.
"i don't even think an hour is enough to satisfy my pretty little girl, isn't that right?" gojo picks up the speed again, and you're brought back to the many times he's fucked over his counter, washing machine. to the times where he's eaten you out on his office table and in his sheets of his king-sized.
and now, you've got another memory locked away for nights full of loneliness and soaked underwear when gojo's just too busy for you.
a tongue to your nipples and a hand to your clit makes you choke out a moan, writhing against the glass just to feel more of gojo, more of his cock and more of his lips on your neck.
you're struggling to keep yourself up, finding the right time in between muffled moans and whimpers to ask for one more wish.
"daddy... p-please, i wanna see your-"
"what, baby? repeat it for me." goddamn, the man had no problem articulating his words, how much had he fucked you already?
clearly not enough if you're still able to speak.
"w-wanna see your face when you fuck me deep, daddy!"
your wish is taken away when you're already creaming all over gojo as your hot breath creates fog on the glass in a silent scream.
"aw, you're cumming so hard baby~ you didn't even get to see me yet," he coos, enjoying the gush of your juices that coat his dick and your thighs. everything feels sticky and dirty, but you don't hesitate to beg for one more fuck with your eyes.
gojo catches your drift immediately, hips twitching from the idea of pumping you full of his cum. after all, he hasn't come yet.
he grunts at the time with a quick glance to the clock above your head. without wasting any more time, he flips you over, the restraint to cum slowly reaching its limit with your lolling tongue and fucked-out face.
the male doesn't bother to hide the deep groan that rips from his throat when he drags his dick along your folds, strings of both your juices stretching out in a way that hypnotises gojo.
"n-need your cock, daddy! please!" you whine, grinding your hips against the tip to make sure gojo knows of your desperation. that he's the only one to fuck you so good that no one else can satisfy you.
he smiles knowingly before he sinks into you.
gojo knows that he's the only one that can make you feel this way as he picks up the tempo, hitting spots in you that you didn't know was physically possible.
gojo knows that he's the only one you call daddy shamelessly as he writes off his card to help you in your student debts and the sparkly dress you've been eyeing.
he could throw you away the second you're done with university, the second the media's off his ass about his love life but, the sweet, sweet moans spilling from your lips pull him back in every single time, eager to hear it for as long as your bank's empty and his is piled up with money.
"more! satoru, more, fuuuck..." you groan, shying away from the striking blues of his eyes the more he drinks in your current state.
he's barely holding on, not even minding the first name you called him. the short skirt he'd given you flipped up makes him go crazy, your panties moved to the side to receive the dressing room quickie you always wanted.
"you're so de..eep daddy! i need all your c-cum please...!" it's a mix between a whimper and a whine.
"yeah? 'course i am, baby. your pussy is sucking me in all the w-way," gojo's hips stutters at how you squirm in his tight grasp, locking eyes with him as yours fill with want. your pussy is throbbing, stretched out so much that you don't register the thumb playing with your clit.
"s' too much...! s' too much, d-daddy!"
"you're a good girl, aren't you?" the way you nod is pathetic, eyebrows knitted from being stuffed so full.
"pretty little thing- fuuck..." gojo's losing control himself, the way his balls slaps against your cunt resonates around the small space and nothing feels better than being inches deep in you.
you're a babbling mess by then, unable to even scream out as you cream his cock. with head thrown back, you're left frozen for a second as the orgasm washes over you and a violent shudders goes through your thighs.
"daddy has so much, s-shit- cum for you, doll," it isn't long before the other comes undone, a groan escaping his lips before he shoots his load deep into you.
your pussy is stained white from all the cum he's giving you, gasping from how much gojo is leaking into you.
"thank y-you, satoru..." you trembling has affected your voice, too, burying your head into gojo's neck while your body shivers from sensitivity.
"take all of it, baby," gojo whispers, the hand near your middle moves instantly to finger his cum back into you, fixing back your underwear over your pussy.
a cheeky giggle leaves your mouth as you untangle yourself from the embrace, welcoming a kiss from the man as he slowly begins to clean up himself.
"have you chosen a dress yet, sir?"
gojo's smile is mischievous, not missing the way your face flushes at having to face the embarrassed staff outside.
"we'll take everything, thanks," his eyes never leave you as he helps you off the changing room chair, tugging your body flush to his before leaving you with one more hungry kiss.
"you did so well for daddy, doll. i may just have to treat you tonight since you have a day off university tomorrow..."
even if it wasn't in the contract, gojo loved to spoil you, admiring your mettle when it comes to material items. although...
"you know what i mean," it's enchanting, the way his voice travels like silk, "i'll call in sick for work tomorrow, yeah?"
your mind goes to mush at what tonight might entail, losing all train of coherence when his hushed whisper of my baby's so cute reaches your ear.
in a second you're out of there, hand twined with his while you remain giddy with the thought of getting used by gojo until you reach your limit.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the proposal
Tumblr media
Summary: For their second year anniversary, Henry and Becky are going to Rome, Italy to celebrate. 
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Slight Daddy kink
Wordcount: 2.5k
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // 
September 23rd 8 p.m.
The sun in shining, the birds are chirping and the soft breeze brushes through my hair. This is Rome in September and I know that if I said to Henry I would want to go here every September, he’d arrange it for us.
Just like he did now, Henry would arrange the most beautiful presidential suite with a balcony, a jacuzzi and the softest bed you’ve ever slept on. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m getting too spoiled, but when I express my fears to him, he simply leans down, gives me a kiss and tells me I deserve it and should enjoy it.
To spend our second year anniversary in a city like Rome, is something I never imagined. I actually never imagined that I would ever spend an anniversary with someone. Not because I don’t have any faith in Henry and me, but more because I never thought I’d be in a loving relationship, long enough to spend these types of anniversaries together.
The two of us decided that the day we met, would be our anniversary date.
September 23rd. Two years ago we met. Two years ago he changed my life forever and I changed his.
Henry holds my hand tightly in his. ‘I love you,’ he says, kissing the back of my hand.
I chuckle. ‘I love you too, honey. It’s been two years since we’ve met.’
‘Yeah,’ he says, ‘time flew by.’
‘It sure did,’ I say to him.
‘Not only have I gained the best archivist Midnight ever had, but I also got a beautiful girlfriend and I can now say that I’m the boyfriend of a New York Times Bestselling Author with an extra book deal.’
Even after we spend so much time together and we know each other so well, I still blush around him when he hands out compliments like that. ‘That’s so sweet,’ I say. ‘Where are we going?’
‘A nice place I rented. It’s I think a few minutes from here.’
‘You rented an entire place?’ I ask him.
‘Just one floor,’ he says with a shit eating grin on his face, the one he has recently discovered when he shamelessly flaunts his wealth in my face. I want to roll my eyes, but seeing Henry this confident and cocky and happy, makes me laugh as well.
After our first anniversary, a lot changed for the two of us. I still work in the archives, but mostly because I liked it there and it gave me plenty of time to not only work on my first book, but also on my second one. The following February, two weeks before my birthday, my book got released and not long after that, I reached the number three on the New York Times Bestselling list. My book reached number three! My debut novel. It’s unbelievable. It’s all thanks to the magnificent job Roger and his team has been doing to advertise my book to the public. I was never on Instagram, because I didn’t have a phone that would allow it and when I met Henry, I didn’t really think about it anymore. But now, I’m officially on Instagram and while it’s a bit weird, I still really enjoy to see the beautiful fan art and the stories of the readers about what my book did to them personally.
I moved out of my first apartment, since I was hanging around Henry’s place most of the time anyway. I mean, his place has the private gym and we added a sauna to it, because he didn’t forget my joke from a while ago. My pink and pastel influences are shattered around his place now and in his home office, we placed another desk, so we could work together.
Yes, we are that type of couple.
Despite our age gap, I barely notice it in our day to day life. He is in such good shape for someone who is only two years away from hitting fifty and he is really up to date with trends and technology. I mean, call me digital illiterate, because he had to show me how Instagram worked. I don’t want to say he’s old (because it’s obvious he is older than me), but I thought that eventually I would notice the difference in age.
I don’t.
It’s just that sometimes he says something about his grayish hairs, how he isn’t in the best shape anymore and how he needs to watch his food, after a check up. Honestly, I don’t see his “bad” shape. I only fall more and more in love with him. Besides, the second he becomes a complete silver fox, is also the second I will jump him every chance I get.
‘Thank you for taking me to Rome,’ I say. ‘I can’t wait to travel to even more countries with you. I’m such a lucky woman. All those beautiful places in the world, right at my finger tips. Isn’t that amazing?’
‘It sure is.’
‘Is there a place in the world you want to see?’
‘Well, as long as you are there with me, I’d love any place. Besides, I did my fair share of traveling, I’ve seen a lot. It doesn’t matter to me.’
‘You don’t mind that I’m awfully inexperienced with traveling?’
He scoffs. ‘No, of course not. It makes the experience even better. That way I can show you all the beautiful places in the world and see your surprised face.’
We walk into a restaurant and the waiter escorts us to the elevator. We go up and we actually get out on the roof. My mouth falls open, before I squeal. ‘Honey, this is fantastic.’ I give him a kiss and the two of us walk towards the table. He helps me in my seat, before he sits across from me. He pours in some wine for me.
‘You like it?’ he asks.
‘Of course. Everything you arrange for me I love.’ I look over my shoulder, to see the waiter has left. ‘I love what you do for me, daddy.’
He bites his lip. ‘I’m going to sound like a broken record, baby girl, but I love it when you call me like that.’
‘I know.’ I look around, admiring the view and say: ‘Thank you for arranging this for us.’
‘I want the best for my baby girl,’ he says with a smile. ‘Only the best.’ He holds out his hand and I place mine in it. ‘You know, I sometimes can’t believe I actually met you.’
‘Why not?’
‘Well, when I signed up, I only did it because I didn’t want to be alone anymore. Never in a million years I expected myself falling head over heels with you, when the two of us were only supposed to have a sugar daddy/baby thing. But you were just amazing, kind and caring. Beautiful, considerate and funny. I remember when I first laid my eyes on you. I thought to myself: this could actually be it. This could be the woman I’ll fall for and for me to love endlessly.’
That… Is so sweet.
‘I kept thinking about every pro and con. While our personalities matched, you were a lot younger than I were. While I finally had someone who I can give the life she deserves, there is a possibility she’ll never see me as more than just a sugar daddy. It was difficult, because you were more than a sugar baby to me, though I tried to deny that multiple times. The relief I felt when you and I… That we have what we have. That you stayed when I needed you and vice versa.’
I smile. ‘Of course I did, silly. I have never felt this about someone ever before nor will I ever feel about this about anyone.’
Henry nods. ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he says. ‘I want us to build a future together. I want to buy a house with you, have a dog and tons of kids with you, though it has to be an even number. But before we do that, there is just one thing I need to ask you.’
Henry gets up from the chair, searches his pocket and I see he has a blush pink velvet box in his hand.
Is this what I think it is?
‘My sweet Becky,’ he says, sitting down on one knee, ‘it’d be such an honor if you would become my wife, that you are gonna be mrs. Cavill. Baby girl, will you marry me?’
He reveals such a delicate and beautiful ring to me.
Maybe, maybe, I’m experiencing some shock. I knew that Henry would propose to me one day, he literally told me so many times that he’d propose, but now that it’s happening, I just can’t believe it.
He smiles. ‘Really, my love. There is no one else in the world I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the only one. My only one.’
I place my shaking hand in front of my lips. ‘Yes,’ I whisper. ‘Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. I want to marry you, Henry.’
He takes the ring from the little box, before gently sliding it on my finger. I look at it for a few seconds, before I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
‘We’re engaged?’ I ask him.
‘Yes, baby, we’re engaged.’
I press my lips on his, as tears of joy and happiness drip down my face. I’m gonna get married.
‘Oh yeah, our Becky is engaged!’ I look over my shoulder to see Genevieve, Viola, Noah and Greg rushing up to me and is that Gino I see, with Peter from the boutique?
‘Show me the ring,’ Viola says and I hold out my hand.
Noah lets out a whistle. ‘Damn, mister Cavill.’
Gino gives me a big hug and two kisses on my cheeks. ‘Congratulations, darling.’
I can’t believe Henry flew out our friends to Italy, but it totally seems like something he would do. I bet he arranged a private jet for them and the best hotel.
‘We’re getting married,’ Genevieve shouts.
‘Technically, sweetheart,’ Greg says, ‘it’s Becky that is getting married.’
Genevieve rolls her eyes. ‘Well, Viola and I are gonna be bridesmaids and we’re going to plan a wedding. The ring is absolutely beautiful. Really, Henry, you need to help out Greg when he wants to propose to me.’
Henry chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. ‘I’ll help him out when the time is right, Gen.’ He kisses my temple and says: ‘How about we celebrate?’
✤ ✤ ✤
I keep staring at my ring, mainly because it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and it’s mine. While Henry’s checking the locks, I’m already in bed. This ring still takes my breath away. It’s gorgeous and I bet it was expensive.
‘There she is,’ Henry says, as he walks in the bedroom in just his boxers. ‘My beautiful fiancée.’
‘I am sure it’ll take awhile before I get used to that,’ I say.
Henry steps underneath the covers and ushers me over. ‘But you’ll always be my baby girl,’ he says. ‘Even when you become my wife.’
I hum in content, as I nestle myself against him, in his strong embrace. ‘Just like you’ll always be my daddy,’ I whisper. I place my head on his thick arm, so I can look up at him and still stare at his handsome face. ‘We need to start planning a wedding. When do you want to get married?’
‘I don’t mind,’ he says. ‘We could even elope.’
‘We’re never going to elope,’ I say. ‘Don’t you ever say that again. I deserve a wedding. Back in juvie, both times, I’d envision myself getting married, buying a house, having a family and growing older with someone. I owe it to teen Becky to have a fantastic wedding.’
He chuckles. ‘Okay, we will not elope. What did you think about back then?’
‘A spring wedding outside,’ I say, ‘with pink blossom trees around us. A tent or a large cabin or something where we’ll get married and afterwards, people can dance, eat and talk to each other. A Photo Booth for people to make pictures on. Disposable camera’s on the tables and a photographer. My friends and their family are there, your friends. I want it to be intimate, but not too small, like maybe fifty to seventy people. I want a wedding dress on the tighter side, but I have never tried on wedding dresses, so I might be surprised. But I want to dress to have little illusion sleeves, a veil and a hairband with diamonds.’
Henry nods in approval. ‘Sounds lovely and that can all be arranged. What do you want me to wear?’
‘Champagne colored suit,’ I say. ‘The bridesmaids dresses could be in a pastel color. Okay, who am I kidding? I want those dresses to be pink.’
‘Of course.’ He lets out a content sigh. ‘We can arrange all sorts of things. Whatever you want for the wedding, it’s yours.’
‘And I want the date and each other’s names engraved in the inside of the ring.’
‘I love that.’ Henry gives me a kiss on my forehead. ‘A lot to plan, but also a lot to look forward to. I cannot wait to call you my wife.’
‘Oh, me neither. And then after that, we can start our life together as a married couple.’
‘At least four kids, right?’ Henry jokes.
‘At least,’ I say in all seriousness.
‘Why don’t you want an uneven number?’
I scrunch up my nose. ‘Because I come from a family of uneven number. I don’t want that. I know, it’s stupid, but…’
‘It’s not stupid, it’s understandable,’ he says. ‘So, for imaginary sake, let’s say you and I have five kids.’
‘Imaginary sake, baby girl, remember that,’ he snickers. ‘And then we have twins, making it seven.’
‘We’ll go for the eighth,’ I say to him. ‘Really, Henry.’
He laughs. ‘Wow, you’re quite something.’
‘You’re up for it?’
‘With you? Of course. I can’t wait to have multiple mini you’s and me’s running around to place.’ He pulls me closer and says: ‘You’ll be an amazing mother, I just know it.’
‘And you’ll be an amazing dad.’ I circle my finger around his chest. ‘Would you mind if I stopped working as your archivist and become a stay at home mom, who also writes?’
He shakes his head. ‘Of course I don’t mind. Whatever you want, I support you.’
‘You don’t think it’s weird?’
He frowns. ‘Why would I think it’s weird? Honestly, baby girl, if you wanted to become a career woman, I’d support it. If you want to become a stay at home mom, I also support it. No matter what you do, I’m your biggest supporter and fan.’ He gives me a sweet peck on my lips. ‘Don’t you worry about those things, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I whisper, already a bit more at ease. ‘You know, it has always been my dream to become a mother.’
‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘It’s just that I figured I’d never meet someone who I wanted kids with. With the dysfunctional family I’m from, I wanted a partner who I could trust and rely on. And that partner is you, Henry. My future husband.’
✤ ✤ ✤
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sharknadoslutt · 3 years
Not that I ever wanted to watch it because of the era it plays in, but what was so awful about Star Wars resistance?
Oh Okay this ask got me GOING so Welcome to my Tedtalk on my feelings on Star Wars Resistance; a story of Disappointment.
So Mr. Dave Filoni, the story telling Prince, left the show like halfway through production of the first season for other projects (For TCW season 7 and The Mandalorian). This left what was a promising show with characters Dave himself had created, in the hands of very inexperienced story board artist and writers. Personally, I think they panicked and half assed it so that Disney could make money on toys. Because.. idk. It just doesn't even come close to the emotional story arcs that TCW and Rebels gave us. and that's what Star Wars is supposed to be about. Changing for the better. Hope or some shit, am I right?
What was most disappointing in my opinion.. is that the protagonist, Kazudo Xiono, is UNBEARABLE. He is the EMBODIEMENT of privilege. This punk has had everything handed down to him from the moment he was born. He was born like 14 years after the Empire has been brought down and the New Republic reigns, so he has never known war. AND HIS DADDY IS THE SENATOR OF HOSNIAN PRIME FOR FUCKS SAKE! THE CAPITOL????? WHERE THE SENATE IS???? YOU KNOW HOW RICH THAT MUST MAKE HIs FaMiLY??? His dad literally gives him an allowance even though he is a grown ass man in the military when the show starts.
To put things into perspective for those not up to date on Sequel Era Lore and I envy you greatly tbh bcs not to be that person i do not like the sequels that's the equivalent of being the Senator of Coruscant in the Prequels!!!!
Not to mention he is a BUMBLING idiot. Like. This man has ADHD on steroids. As a person with ADHD it's.. lord, it's cringe. He is clumsy. He is loud. He says inappropriate things at the wrong time. He doesn't know how to do anything for himself. AND HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SPY FOR THE RESISTANCE UNDER COVER AS A MECHANIC???? HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MECHANICS and really doesn't really learn anything about it by the time the show ends. And don't come at me saying this is a kids show so I cant complain about things being silly bcs I'm not the target audience. I can and I will bcs no one was NEARLY this obnoxious in TCW or Rebels. Kaz is Jarjar Level, but I ACTUALLY LIKE JARJAR!
I'm not saying he isn't a good person. Kaz is very sweet tbh. He's just an unknowing spoiled ass man-child who NEVER REALLY DEVELOPS INTO ANYTHING ELSE?????
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It would be okay if he entered the show like this and exited a more mature, capable man. But he really doesn't. There are never any consequences for his actions. Ever. Other than when he becomes a spy and, again, IS USING HIS REAL LEGAL NAME as a spy for the Resistance... to avoid a scandal and to scold him for LITERALLY DESERTING THE NAVY his daddy cuts him off from his allowance. So instead of half assing his cover job as a mechanic, Kaz has to actually apply himself so he can make money for food. He doesn't improve much. His co-workers (Who are MUCH more interesting than him) constantly complain about him messing things up and making their jobs more difficult.
At the Season one finale there is a moment where you think he is finally going to grow as a man! Grow into the protagonist we deserve! Tragedy, for the first time in his life, strikes Kaz! It's during the events of episode 7, when The First Order blows up Hosnian Prime. His home planet. Where his FATHER LIVES. He has a moment of humanity and he is devastated. He almost cries. But he sucks it up to finish the mission and get his friends off base for their safety. He is a man now. and the audience feels a sense of comradery for Kaz. After all, Star Wars is about Fathers. Kaz has lost his father forever. His father was KILLED by the First Order. He now, first hand, has experienced real loss for the first time and this is going to help him grow and toughen up. he has to live on his own now. Our hero has a reason to be doing what he's doing. Fighting against the first order.
Like. Lemme break it down, folks.
TCW started and Ahsoka enters. I HATED Ahsoka for a long time. Bcs she was young, cocky and annoying. But that was on purpose. Narratively, she experiences loss, she experiences pain and GROws as a character while navigating her Jedi life during the war. Our girl grows into the capable protagonist that we EXPECT out of a Star Wars story.
Same for Rebels. We meet Ezra, and he's not quite as annoying as Ahsoka was at first in my opinion (I cannot stress how much I did not care for Ahsoka yall) but he was young. He was childish. But he was more capable at 14 than fucking Kaz was at 20. By the end of Rebels, not only is he more wise and capable, but he is selfless. He has found his own path and it's only because of what he has gone through. His journey has made him stronger. Ezra is my favorite Star Wars journey, if I'm being honest. He is the perfect example of character development.
KAZUDO XIONO ENTERS SEASON ONE AS A 20 YEAR OLD MAN-CHILD USING DADDY'S MONEY WHO IS LOUD AND DOESNT KNOW WHEN THE STFU... AND EXITS THE FINALE... AS A LOUD MAN-CHILD WHO CAN NOW USE TOOLS. He doesn't' experience REAL FAMILIAL loss. He doesn't really experience a lot of character development at all. Things just happen around him, he helps, but he doesn't learn. He doesn't grow. I fucking hate that.
Literally every single character in the show BESIDEs Kaz is more interesting than him. and EXPEIRENCE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!
Jarek Yeager, Kaz's boss in the mechanic shop, was in the Rebellion and LOST HIS FAMILY. He is a sexy ass man too. HE starts the show not wanting to help the Resistance at all bcs he's experienced loss since his days in the Rebellion, and his heart is hard and he's comfortable. By the end of the show he is risking not just his career, but his VERY LIFE to help the Resistance.
Tam Ryvora, Kaz's co-worker. Daughter figure to Yeager and a total bad ass woman of color. She is the one on the show who experiences the most character development and struggles to find her identity while the First Order is taking over the galaxy. I LOVE her.
There are these 2 kids who are force sensitive and orphaned after Kylo Ren comits GENOCIDE on their planet. This arc set up is never fully addressed nor does it have a conclusion, like most story arcs on this show tbh.
There's a literal witch for some reason??
There's this fucking rad ass sexy Mirilian Pirate girl named Synara who FOR SOME REASON is suggested to be Kaz's love interest. Gross. Girl, you gay. Move in.
I could go on and on and on. But I wont. Fuck this show. Fuck Kaz. It literally adds NOTHING to the bigger Star Wars lore. TCW and Rebels do this beautifully and this show is a hot mess of ideas and characters that never come to a satisfying story telling conclusion.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk, dont watch Resistance.
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arhvste · 4 years
Hi! I saw your Dad hcs and istg I wanted more 🥺 can you please make a part two with Sakusa (God i love this man) Hinata, Bokuto and Ushijima (do add more if you want) your works are amazing but the Dad hcs got me 💘
i re-read all my work last night and i consciously kept spelling sakusa’s name wrong 🤠 like i know his name i know what it sounds like but i kept getting mixed up between sasuka, sakura and sasuke because they all look the same to me 😳 I'm sorry sakusa pls forgive me 😼
also i will be doing ushijima in a seperate post for dad hcs with two other haikyuu boys a bit later so dw i haven't accidentally missed or ignored it! :) 
the two fo you only have one kid so far
a 3 year old girl 
you plan to extend your family soon though 👀
you already KNOW this man gets your kid every vaccination available for their age 
he is very protective over his daughter 
boys near her daughter at the playground
NOT on his watch 
he will simply scoop her up and suggest she play somewhere else 
this man doesn't care how mean it may seem
he’s not having his precious daughter surrounded by disgusting b-boys 🤮
“have they had their flu jabs? when was the last time they washed their hands? they're breathing their gross little germs too close to her”
“sakusa, they’re 3.”
sorry but no dating for your daughter 
sakusa teaches his little girl the concept of “boys have cooties” from a very young age 
this man is nothing but proud when that concept sticks with her 😈
“d/n, are you excited for pre-school?”
“daddy said there's going to be boys and boys have cooties so no 😠”
as she gets older though he does become more lenient with her and who she makes friends with 
he’ll secretly love it if you brought her to his games
he’s not huge on pda at all
but he won’t mind being caught on camera embracing the two of you when the team win 
atsumu is not allowed near your daughter when she’s a baby
“omi omiiiii why can’t i ‘ave a look t’cha daughter?”
“because she has been vaccinated and i fear your disgusting germs may be strong enough to over power it”
when she gets older though she straight up approaches atsumu on her own 
“so you’re the rat my daddy talks about a lot? you don’t look like much of a rat?”
atsumu doesn’t know whether he’s flattered that sakusa talks about him or offended that he refers to him as a ‘rat’
he won’t encourage your daughter to play volleyball
he wants her to pick her own hobbies and not feel pressured by his influence on picking an activity she’ll enjoy
secretly hopes your daughter takes up an individual activity like painting or something to keep away from other germ infected kids
but if your daughter does happen to pick a team sport he doesn't complain
she just has to wash her hands before she comes home and have a shower when she comes in
he is a very very proud father 
he may not be very expressive about it 
but he absolutely brags about his kid to other people
“my son won maths star of the week!”
“yeah? well my daughter won student of the year, highest achieving in her class and had 4 boys confess to her this week so”
he does make sure his daughter knows he is very proud of her despite his petty bragging
anything she does he takes pride in her 
it’s her who makes him want to have another kid
so get ready for round two y/n because when sakusa wants something he’ll make sure he gets it 😼
now, you may think hinata would be nothing but pure chaos with his kids 
he is actually very responsible 
it’s hardly a surprise though because he grew up with a younger sister whom he took care of a lot 
from the second your triplet boys are born hinata is on it 
at first when you found out you were having triplets your mind went blank
“so like, 3 little shoyou’s running around my legs? 😀”
“ma’am are you okay?”
“i’m finE :)))”
surprisingly  two of your sons took more after you
but the youngest one 
he doesn't have an off switch 
he’s just like his father 
but that’s what makes him so loveable too
hinata is a doting dad 
he also encourages his kids to go out and make as many friends
he explains all the opportunities he had growing up and how far these opportunities took him to reach is goal
and this is all because he was open to meeting new people and being friendly with them
he makes sure his kids grow up with lots of aunts and uncles surrounding them
he wants his sons to grow up in a close environment 
your kids have so many aunts and uncles because hinata makes a new friend everywhere he goes ufshfi
your oldest son takes a liking to kenma the most 
your second oldest takes a shine to uncle oikawa
and the youngest?
uncle kaegyama ofc 😈
lmao when kageyama holds one of your sons for the first time he holds it by the leg with a straight face 
nobody thought they’d ever see hinata having to show kageyama how to hold a baby properly 
kageyama is lowkey excited he’s the fav but he’s so awkward fjishsgjh
bring your sons to his games 
he will absolutely smile and wave at his kids whenever he scores
and will pull them out excitedly into the arena when they win 
he has you all plastered on his social media 
he thinks everyone should know that you guys are the light of his life
he already had a fulfilled life before his sons but you gave him a whole new concept of love and excitement when they were born
you guys will totally take a vacation to brazil at some point 
hinata wants your family to meet all his friends over in brazil too 
hinata is mr worldwide 😎
with hinata as a dad, your kids will grow up in a very nurturing home
he wants the best for your kids and will teach them from an early age that any goal is possible 
and he’ll support them in every single way he can
hinata as a dad isn’t chaos 
bokuto as a dad certainly is
he’s basically a child himself 
you guys have 2 kids
a 5 year old son and a 6 year old daughter
bokuto will try and BEFRIEND your kids
“kou baby, they're your kids not your friends”
“uh says who?”
“biology??? their dna?? the birth certificate??”
he literally lets his kids do whatever they want forcing you to be the bad cop (im so sorry)
your kids want ice cream for dinner?
consider it done
they want to adopt a snake?
bokuto has excitedly taken them to the pet store to pick out one each
you’re always the one who has to say no because if you didn’t these kids would be off the r a i l s
the first time your kids cries he cries
the first time your kids talk he cries
the first time they walk he cries
he’s full of emotion and the love he holds for your kids is often expressed through tears of happiness
when you leave bokuto and the kids alone 
things will go smoothly
until one of them starts crying and bokuto can’t stop them
then the other one starts crying and he is clueless on what to do 
he doesn’t want to call you because he doesn’t want to look pathetic 
so he calls the next best option 
uncle akaashi 😼
akaashi is like a walking parent website hfdjbgu
he literally instructs bokuto on what to do through the phone 
and if they still won't calm down akaashi will just sigh and agree to come over
you come home to the sight of akaashi reading a story book to your two kids who are staring up at him in awe from the floor
along with your husband 
“am i interrupting?”
bokuto will break out into smiles and practically pounce on you when you come home
“everything was under control wasn’t it? right akaashi?” :D”
akaashi will just sigh and give a small smile
“yes bokuto-san, everything was under control”
you give akaashi a small smile of apology and he’ll often join you for dinner
yeah your kids spend a lot of time with uncle akaashi but you know who’s adamant on being the favourite uncle?
uncle kuroo ofc 😎
he will spoil tf out of your kids 
we love rich, capitalist uncle kuroo
and he’ll tell them things about bokuto to irritate him
“kids, your dads a criminal he doesn't pay his taxes”
“money everyone has to pay the government - basically it’s illegal and i think you should call the police on your dad 😈”
you actually have to stop your kids from calling the police on their dad fbhjdsfgu
again, another dad who wants nothing more than for his kids to come to his games
no boundaries with pda
will pick you all up and shower you all with affection when they win
would love if your kids took up volleyball
would tell them it’s the best sport to play 
and they actually listen to him hduigefuiew
your son becomes a middle blocker 
and your daughter becomes an ace 
bokuto could die from happiness 
he will absolutely teach your kids and play and bring them to msby practices so they can watch up close and play along too
if bokuto is the father of your kids 
good luck but have fun with it
because while yes, he is still your big baby that needs taking care of from time to time
he is also an extremely loving father who would gladly give his kids the world and all the stars
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
On a more possitive note, I’ve started watching Sword Art Online. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen (and the last film I saw in cinemas was Cats to give you context for the scale i’m working on here) and I kind of adore it in much the same way I love garbage like Smallville or Twilight. It’s so stupid on so many levels. You could challenge someone to write the worst anime, and it would almost certainly be better than SAO. It’s almost hypnotic how terrible it is.
No one should watch this terrible terrible show so I therefore don’t feel at all bad that I’m about the spoil absolutely everything, but honestly if you do also hate-watch this please come talk to me about how terrible it is. I don’t know anyone else who watches it.
Highlights of Season 1 include:
everyone is trapped in an MMO, and if you die in the MMO you die IRL. but if you were a beta-tester you’re probably fine because they just let them keep all their levels and items from the testing, so they’re all massively OP and everyone just accepts this as a normal and non-game-breaking thing
it’s a fantasy MMO but there’s no races, no magic system, no weapons except swords and maces, and not even an option to dual wield - literally all you can do in this fucking game is stand in front of an enemy and mash the attack button. I’m pretty sure they’re trapped there because the devs realised no one would play this post launch-day otherwise because it’s boring as shit
when the villain traps everyone he also just changs all their avatars to look like they do IRL for absolutely no reason, like actually none, he doesn’t even say he thinks it would be funny, he just does it and no one questions it and it is literally never mentioned again because this is the worst TV show ever animated.
in the second episode the main character deliberately witholds information about how to defeat a boss, indirectly causing multiple deaths. there is absolutely no reason for him to withhold it, he was just being a jerk because he doesn’t like people
in the third episode they reset his entire personality and he’s now a selfless hero pretending to be a lower level than he really is so people will find him more relateable and be his friend because all he wants is to help people. this is not a consequence of episode 2, they just decided they didnt like the character as he’d previously been written.
he makes some new friends who are all objectively terrible people who have decided for no season that the twelve year old who doesn’t really know how to play and keeps having anxiety attacks about the very real possibility of death has to be the guild tank. the MC is high enough level to be functionally immortal in like half the levels, but doesn’t tell anyone this he just lets them go on bullying this child
none of his friends survive that episode, in the game or IRL. which is also a christmas epsiode. a child dies in battle because she’s a terrible tank and then a man commits suicide out of guilt, so then the main character murders santa to try and bring them back from the actual dead but it doesn’t work because again, this is a video game and they are dead IRL, so then he walks off into the snow alone. Christmas!
we meet the best character in the entire show in episode 4, Rosalia, who has gone evil and started just straight murdering people because she’s sick of being an attractive adult woman who can’t get a date because she’s surrounded by lolicons who are only interested in the preteen characters (not a joke, that comes up, the show is firmly on the side of the lolicons)
in the same episode we get an extended bra and panty sequence staring an actual fucking child, like canonically this character is maybe 13 at best. this is one of only 2 occaisions when they feel the need to undress a character and it’s the fucking 12 year old, it’s so gross it reads like a parody of itself
literally every single named female character aged over 8 who talks to the MC falls in love with him after like 5 minutes (and in season 2 this includes his actual sister). he shows absolutely no interest in any of them (including his sister, thank god) until...
the main character gets engaged to a girl he only knows from an MMO after a virtual single date (he doesn’t actually win her in a PVP match but only because he looses the match, he 100% canonically tries to win her in a match, which she is apparently fine with). he then doesn’t bother to ask for her real name until the final episode, he just calls her by her screen name
(that’s okay though becuase it turns out that this moron of a love interest used her real name, on a local server, in a game where your character looks like you do IRL, because apparently getting doxxed is her hobby)
they then get in-game married off screen. there’s not even like a still of a wedding photo. nothing. the main character proposes and then the show immediately jumps to the honeymoon, it’s fucking bizarre.
they find a creepy child dressed all in white with no memory alone in the woods a week into their honeymoon who starts calling them mommy and daddy literally seconds after they first meet her, and they don’t suspect anything suss is going on and adopt her
for hilarity bear in mind the main character may only be 15 at this point (he says he’s only just turned 16 in the last epsiode, but his actual birthday is never mentioned), and his virtual wifu is 16, but no one ever questions the marriage or the adoption, even though ‘hey marriage in a video game is as important and meaningful as marriage in real life’ is an actual conversation people have multiple times. also they think the child they adopt is an actual IRL 8 year old who thinks these randos she met in an MMO are her mum and dad and everyone just goes with that like it’s a totally normal thing
a character called ‘Thinker’ agrees to meet an enemy faction leader for peace talks. the “peace talks” take place in a high level dungeon and he is told to come alone with no weapons and no fast travel. he does this. no one ever comments that his name is ironic, and in fact they seem to think that being betrayed and trapped in a dungeon with a boss is a totally unexpected turn of events Thinker could never have planned for
they take their new baby into the dungeon to rescue thinker, because they went to the jean grey school of baby rearing, and she imediately reveals that she’s actually a magical maggufin with infinite power, murders the grim reaper, and then dies. In literally the second episode she’s in
after she dies the MC hacks the admin account of the game, converts her corpse into an in game item, and saves to the local storage on his console, with the intention of bringing her back to life as a robot once they’re saved from the game. I’m not joking, that’s an actual thing that happens.
the fact that the main character can just access the main admin account and make massive game-breaking changes isn’t used again in that game and he never thinks to try and use it to force log people out or give himself infinite life so he can just rush the game and free everyone. nope, convert a corpse into an item and then never think about it again.
there’s an entire episode where all they do is go fishing. its the only filler episode in the season, and it immediately follows the death of a small child. it’s the most tone-deaf beach episode in writing history
it turns out this game, this game where they didn’t bother coding in any difference races, weapons, or any kind of magic system, was intended to have fully sentient AI therapists, because why the fuck not at this point honestly
oh also the game has PVP and you can trick the game into thinking a sleeping player is in PVP with you in order to actually murder a real person without it flagging in-game as a murder making the crime impossible for the real life legal system to investigate even though you just murdered a person. and they expect us to believe this game had actual beta testers. at least cyberpunk wasn’t played on microwaves you connected straight to your brain (also not a joke, the VR consoles canonically work by sending microwave radiation into your brain, no wonder VR never caught on)
the set up for the show is that they have to reach level 100 of a dungeon in order to win. At level 75, the writers got bored and the show just ends.
it turns out the power of love allows you to just break the fucking game and the main villain literally has a line about how ‘love allows you to remove debuffs, huh, we didn’t think to plan for that’ because again, there’s no metaphors in this show, everything is 100% literal including the fact that falling in love with another player means you’re immune to the paralysis status effect
power of love also allows you to very briefly become a poltergeist after being killed, but only for like 2 seconds. again not a joke or a metaphor, main character is killed but then gets to hang around as a ghost for a little bit to enable him to defeat the boss. he also doesn’t die in real life despite that being the entire fucking premise of the show, again because power of love.
the bad guy literally has no plan, he’s just doing shit for the sake of having something to do. His actions directly cause the deaths of more than 4,000 people, and it’s not even in aid of anything. they ask him why he trapped 10,000 people in an MMO and allowed them to slowly die, and he’s just like ‘huh, i forgot i did that, random’ and then just fucking peaces out
the fact that he committed one of the largest mass killings outside of war never really comes up again, as far as we know he doesn’t even go to jail. i think the show actually kind of thinks he’s a good guy, which is a fucking WILD moral stance to take on the deaths of 4000 completely innocent people for absolutely no reason
If this sounds hilari-bad but you don’t want to invest the time to watch a show which is objectively garbage, it has an abridged series which is famously better than the show it’s parodying (i’m dead serious, people have character arcs, the getting married after one date thing is properly addressed, the mc has to deal with PTSD because of all his friends dying in epsidode 3, they don’t immediately follow the death of a child with an extended fishing montage, the villain has an actual plan). It’s mostly actually pretty good, but this is the internet and it’s an abridged series, so while there are a lot fewer yikes moments than most it still has enough that I’m not comfortable recommending it without the caveat. that said I still enjoyed it a lot, although possibly not at much as pointing and laughing at the garbage that is the actual show.
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missmitchieg · 3 years
I know people want a reprise of AEOM and part of me wants it, too, but part of me feels like AEOM is already sad, despite the upbeat bubblegum poppiness?
Whenever I walk in the room All the focus on me The way I talk, the way I move They all want on my team
People stare and fawn over Carrie. Everyone wants to be her friend for all the wrong reasons. No one wants to be a friend to Carrie, the lonely teenage girl. They want to be a friend to Carrie Wilson, Pop Princess And Daughter Of A Rich And Famous Rockstar.
Not tryin' to brag, brag, but I'm flawless I'm taking over your playlist Ain't perfect, but I can't miss, yeah The party don't start 'till I walk in I'm stealing all the attention Don't get me started on mentions, yeah
She's not bragging. She has to act confident until she believes she is flawless so she can become The Carrie Wilson everyone wants and expects her to be. She contradicts herself by saying she's flawless but she's not perfect. She can't mess up and miss a shot because that would make her a disappointment to herself, her father, her teachers, and her classmates. She can't allow that. Don't get her started on what people say about "Trevor Wilson's daughter, spoiled little rich girl, gets anything a girl could want, always puts on flashy shows and I'd be nice to her because she can get you places, buddy".
Some might say I sound conceited They don't get the shine that I get Some get jealous They can't help it They wish they were me
She's better at acting like she thinks she's perfect but she knows that people hate her acting like something that she's not. They just don't understand, this is easier and safer than being her real self. They think this life is cool and fun, but Carrie knows better, knows too well how wrong they are. People wish they had Carrie's life, Carrie wishes she had anyone else's life.
I keep the party going all night, all night I set the trends that you all like, all like I make an entrance when I don't try, don't try 'Cause all I see is all eyes on me
Carrie Wilson, The Pop Star is always "on". She's putting on a show at all times, even in the non-existent "comfort" of her own home. She has to be very careful about what she wears and how she wears it and more because it will be A Thing in school until she starts a new trend. They start with her, but they never end with her. They always extend to everyone else, adding just another pressure onto Carrie. She literally can't walk into a room without some crowd of her "loving fans" or even Trevor's loving fans or reporters or paparazzi looking to get a story or pictures out of her.
I only lead, I never follow, follow I never open 'cause it's my show, my show Don't know if people think I'm shallow, shallow But all I see is all eyes on me
She's the frontwoman, the leader of Dirty Candy. She can't ask someone else to lead or for help. She makes all the choices. It's her show. She has to be in charge of everything, make choices, say and do things normal teenage girls would not have to think about. No one understands the struggle and the stress she's going through. They just think she's she's stuck up and mean. No one thinks about the fact that Carrie was thrown up into the deep end of being the kid of a rock star that everyone just expects to go into music like her daddy.
They know my face They know my name Reputation on lock It's not my fault I got the fame Ain't my fault it won't stop
In The Age Of The Internet, everyone "knows" Carrie because everyone "knows" Trevor. Her reputation is a lock and chain with no key and she shows that through her fashion. She. Did. Not. Want. This. Life. It's not her fault she's here. It's not her fault it won't stop.
When I grow up, I wanna be me be me I'm my own goals, just talking honestly Must have won the lottery Ain't no one as hot as me Stealing looks, it's robbery Everywhere I go, all eyes on me
When she grows up, she wants to go back to being herself, a real person who wants real friends, not friends who just want money. She doesn't want to be stared at. She just wants to exist in peace.
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Title: Shadow & Smoke***
Pablo Schreiber x Reader x Lewis Tan
Words: 5k
Summary: Eh.  🤷🏽‍♀️
Note: So this is a mixture of two firsts for me. This was inspired by the song Mr. Man by Alicia Keys. How did I do? 
I hope you guys enjoy this. Thank you so much for reading!   ❤️ 
 If you enjoyed this, please LIKE, COMMENT and REBLOG. ❤️❤️
**Loosely Edited/Proofread**
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 The nights were starting to blend together. It wasn’t that you were bored, but there was a routine in place that you’d become—too accustomed to. You were the type of woman who liked routine and normalcy, but you also liked the unpredictability that life sometimes offered. Being the girlfriend of one of the most, if not the most powerful and dangerous man in the city meant that you were always on his arm.
 Pablo liked to bring you along to business deals he needed to close. You thought it was to show you off, but it was really a more tactful reason than that. He did it to sift out who had the potential to be disloyal. His logic was if any of them dared to ogle you while he was there, then they’d have the balls to fuck him over in business.
“There’s a thin line between loyalty and disloyalty, and usually the deciding factor in it all came down to a pretty face.”
 If he wasn’t bringing you to handle business, you were being whisked to surprise shopping trips, extravagant trips, delectable eateries that charged a ridiculous amount of money for their dishes. Usually, every night, you were on his arm at one of his clubs as he showed his face and ate up all the adoration and respect one in his high position brought.
 You’d met him as a liquor sales rep almost four years ago. You walked into one of his clubs with the intent to convince him to purchase some of the alcohol you were peddling. From almost the minute he sat down, you were attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? The man was almost seven feet tall, built like no one’s business, had haunting hazel eyes, and such a hypnotizing aura around him. He spoke, you listened, he smiled you gawked, he licked his lips, you shifted in your seat.
 By the time you got up to leave the club, he’d bought you out of everything, easily meeting and exceeding your quota for the month. His reason was he had to have you free for him because he hated competition of any sort. That was when you got the first glimpse of the man he was—a force to be reckoned with. An hour after you left, he’d already called you and scheduled himself for dinner that night. One dinner led to lunch the next day, then dinner that night, and a whirlwind weekend trip to France where you found out just how much of a force to be reckoned with he was.
 Flash forward four years later, and your role in his life had only increased, and your understanding of his role in the city among the mayor, governor, senator, and other heavy hitters had fully sunk in. Pablo “Shadow” Schreiber was at the top of the food chain. Everyone was either terrified of him or wanted to be with him.
 “You look incredible tonight, sweetheart.”
 Glancing to your left, you found Pablo’s eyes. Within them, there was a hint of mischief as well as a whole lot of desire. You leaned close to his face leaving barely an inch.
 “You’re welcome to look, daddy,” you replied a little above a whisper.
 At the mention of that word, Pablo’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip as his eyes dropped to yours. Deciding to tease him, you trailed your tongue over your bottom lip, knowing that the long-wear lipstick you wore would stay in place. Pablo’s groan sounded closer to a growl, and with the sound, the heat in his eyes intensified.
 “Be careful, sweetheart.”
 Like clockwork, one of his henchmen interrupted. It was always a thing. The two of you would create this bubble of teasing and desire only to have it be popped by someone who needed something from him. You were attention-starved.
 Pablo looked from you and to Leo, his third. When Leo got his attention, he leaned down to whisper business. Rolling your eyes, you looked away and around the club. That was when you saw him. he was across the club leaning against the bar. In one hand, he held a drink and clasped between his pointer and middle finger was something rolled and lit. You couldn’t tell if it was a cigarette, a blunt, or something else.  Something said it was your second guess.
 You watched him raise the crystal glass to his lips. The smoke danced around his face creating an element of mystery that completely intrigued you.  From what you could see, he was checking out the club and the women inside. His eyes danced from one to the other, never resting long. Either none of them was what he liked, or he was searching for something—someone specific.
 When he brought the rolled substance to his lips, you watched as he took a long puff. Before he released it, his eyes moved to your area of the club. Clutching your drink glass, you watched him, unsure if he were looking at you. The stranger turned his body in your direction and slowly blew out the smoke. If he was mysterious before, he was now ten times so. Slowly the smoke cleared, and it was then you got a good look at his face. He was gorgeous.
 It had been a while since a face was able to stop you in your tracks. None had since Pablo’s. You lifted your glass to your lips and slowly drank down the Whiskey. The ice cubes in your glass gently bounced against your lip, giving you a slight chill as the heat of the alcohol deliciously burned you. As the liquid slinked down your throat, your eyes remained locked with the stranger at the bar.
 Time seemed to stop. The air became thick, so thick it was almost difficult for you to get a full breath. When you saw his tongue snake out to wet his lips, your eyes dropped to his mouth. A small smirk spread across his lips, and you could feel the smug coming off of him.
 Almost unconsciously, your tongue peaked out of your mouth and slowly traced the path around the rim of your glass. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. Dipping your tongue into the glass, you used it to scoop up an ice cube to suck on. Gone was that small smirk. It was now a full-on grin. He was sexy, and though you knew you shouldn't be doing this, especially with Pablo right beside you, you couldn’t help it. He’d left you wanting for too long.
 Once the ice cube had melted, you looked away. His eyes were too hypnotizing, and the longer you looked into them, the more you wanted to risk Pablo’s wrath. Pablo gently rubbed your exposed thigh before he got up and walked off with Leo and Laith. You’d learned early that he was always busy, and his free time was not as plentiful as one would think a boss’s would be. You’d also learned that everything in his life took balance. You must have gotten spoiled when you were his top priority for the first two years.
 He went above and beyond, ensuring that you knew your value to him. He went to great lengths to make sure you felt special, loved, and prized above all else. He did this with small, romantic gestures as well as grand displays and deeply satisfying intimate moments. By year three, he’d incorporated more and more work, more and more business trips. Every month he was on a plane. Depending on the reason for the trip, you’d be right beside him on the private jet, but four out of ten times, you were left under the watchful eye of Levi, his brother.
 Pablo looked back at you as he walked off. The look spoke volumes, and it was loud. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the glass he left behind and finished it. The music in the club and the patrons were your only entertainment for a while. When you looked back to the bar, the stranger was gone. You were left with an annoyed feeling that mixed with your slight arousal. You made a note to give Pablo an earful once you got home. If he was hell-bent on keeping you around, he’d better start acting like it.
 After twenty or so minutes, you’d had six fingers of Whiskey, and you were feeling better than a little nice. You were still alone at your table under the watchful eye of two of Pablo’s henchmen. Every so often, when a song came on that you liked, you got up and made your way to the VIP dancefloor. This was where the girls of the men Pablo employed hung out. You never mixed with them. You always got the feeling they either didn’t like you, or they wanted to be you--literally. Whatever it was, it always made you uncomfortable.
 “It’s both.”
 You looked back and found Danika, Levi’s long time girlfriend. The figure-hugging white dress she wore clung to her like a second skin. It matched perfectly with her ankle strap silver heels. She winded her hips to the music and smiled widely.
 “When did you get here?”
 “Maybe five minutes ago. Levi couldn’t allow me one night of quiet,” she informed.
 You closed the space to her. The two of you kissed cheeks like bougie wives did, only it wasn’t fake with the two of you. she and Levi had gotten together about the same time you and Pablo got together, and both of you found solace in each other because you both could relate to what the other was going through. When you were left alone because of Pablo’s trips, more times than not, she would be too because Levi would go as well.
 “They don’t like you, and they want to be you. it’s the same with me.”
 The two of you glanced at the group of girls huddled to your right and simultaneously rolled your eyes.
 “They think if we weren’t in the picture that Levi and Pablo would fuck them,” Danika voiced louder then necessary. She was putting them on notice.
 “Not knowing that even if we weren’t in the picture, they’d never look twice at them. There’s filet mignon, and there’s Kobe beef. Why chew on filet mignon when Kobe melts in your mouth?”
 The girls were trying not to look at you, but you knew they heard her. Danika had no chill and always spoke her mind. Pablo always thought that when you were together that you wouldn’t get into too much trouble. Little did he know Danika was not the angel she pretended to be. She’d gotten you into your fair share of trouble—trouble he knew about and trouble he didn’t.
 The two of you danced together when the song changed and played off each other. In no time, it was as if no one else in the club mattered. While you were wrapped up in the song and the buzz you were feeling from the Whiskey, you saw him again from the corner of your eye. This time he was in a shaded part of the club that was cloaked in dark color. The hues of red and purple decorated his skin but illuminated it enough for you to make out some of the detail. He was incredibly handsome.
 Before you knew it, you were dancing with Danika while eye fucking the man. You didn’t know what the hell had come over you. Never in the four years had you behaved like this with anyone else but Pablo. He was the only one who could bring out this wanton side of you—or so you thought. When Danika shrieked out with the change of the song, you looked away from him. You began to wonder if you should make a move.
 Glancing around the club, you clocked each of Pablo’s henchmen. His brother, Levi, his number two, was sitting watching Danika, who was now undressing him with her eyes. You knew any minute she’d go over, and they’d be practically fucking in the club. Danika pulled you close to her and whispered.
 “You have an audience.”
 Glancing at her, she coyly nodded her head over to the stranger. You tried not to smile, but it was useless.
 “Ah, you’ve noticed. He’s cute.”
 “D, stop.”
 “Why? It’s true.”
 You giggled and rolled your eyes but took a quick peek in his direction again. His eyes hadn’t left you.
 “I can distract Levi if you want to--.” She winked.
 “D! Stop it! That’s insane.”
 “Why? You’re not dead. Plus, what Shadow doesn’t know--,” she trailed.
 This was the kind of trouble Danika was good for. She was like the devil on your shoulder. You knew she’d fooled around on Levi and had heard stories of the fooling around Levi occasionally did when he felt that itch. Neither were stupid, but both were crazy, so they kept their misdealings on the low. You, on the other hand, had never fooled around behind Pablo’s back. You never had a reason to.
 As your eyes met the gorgeous stranger’s again, you bit your bottom lip. Until now, you thought. You caught the eye of Pablo walking back to the table. Leo was still beside him, yapping away, but he also had two other men surrounding him. he was still talking shop. Annoyance flared through you with a vengeance. Danika walked to Levi and sat on his lap before her lips met his. You walked back to the table and sat. You felt his eyes on you with every step you took.
You sat beside Pablo and tried to get past the unexpected thoughts you were having. Five minutes passed, but still, the thoughts persisted. When you looked up, the stranger was again in the shadows. Fuck it, you thought before you stood and took a step.
 “Where you going, sweetheart?”
 Painting a sugary smile on you responded. “Bathroom, baby.”
 Pablo nodded, but you felt him watching you. He was a secure man, but he was a possessive one. You walked through the crowd; all the while sneaking peeks at the stranger. You turned the corner and walked down the dark corridor that led to the bathroom. You knew this club like the back of your hand.
 Once inside the bathroom, you stood in front of the mirror and focused on toying with your hair. By the time you got to twelve, the door had opened, and in walked the stranger. You locked eyes from the mirror, and you damn near buckled. He was even more beautiful than you thought. His eyes were so brown and so damn penetrative that you decided to have his face between your thighs then and there.
 As if reading your thoughts, he locked the door and, in the same breath, pushed up behind you. You could feel his hardness pressing into your ass. His hands gripped your body, one at your breast, the other at your hip. The way he held you felt possessive like he owned you. The only one to have ever held you like that was Pablo. This was a man who knew what he wanted and took it. Pablo was that caliber of a man as well. It was intoxicating.
 His lips fastened onto your neck and immediately found your spot. When you felt his teeth graze your skin, you pulled away and glared at him through the mirror. Another smirk spread across his face. In seconds he’d had you turned around so you faced him. When his lips crashed to yours, he wasted no time delving his tongue into your mouth. Almost instantly, he took control of the kiss, and almost instantly, your lacy thong was drenched. ��
 As if sensing this, you felt his fingers graze your inner thigh until it connected with your sex. You gasped on his mouth, which permitted him even more access to your mouth. Fuck, you thought. You were losing control of this situation. Pulling your lips from his, you looked at him. The fire in his eyes had heat rushing through you. You watched as he slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked your juices off. Once his fingers were clean, he moaned.
 “You’re as sweet as you look.”
 Grabbing his shirt, you pulled him to you, but instead of claiming his lips, you began pushing his head lower. He knew what you wanted. In seconds he hoisted you into his arms and began lifting you higher into the air as if you weighed an ounce. One he’d placed you on his shoulders, he used his teeth to pull your thong to the side before he began his feast.
 Slapping your hand across your mouth, you groaned and mumbled another curse into your palm. It was clear from the start he had no intention of going slow. The fast flicks of his tongue had your back arching, and the soft nibbles he dropped in had your free hand tangling in his hair. When you felt your back press onto the cold surface of the bathroom, you moaned again. You didn’t dare remove your hand from your mouth. You didn’t trust yourself. The stranger between your legs used both his hands and pried your thighs apart, so he was holding you against the wall spread like French doors.
 The thick pad of his tongue slowly licked you from opening to clit. When he got to your clit he sucked it into his mouth. He wasn’t gentle, and the increase in suction had you feeling the first stirs of your orgasm.
 “Yes, yes, right there. Fuck! Oh my god!”
 Feeling a scream coming, you plastered both your hands across your mouth to lessen the volume. He dipped his tongue into your core, and you lost your shit right then and there. When you began shaking, he didn’t slow down. He picked up the pace. You couldn’t believe someone could fuck a pussy with their tongue so quickly. After every three or four dips, he sucked your clit into his mouth as if he was a hoover vacuum.
 Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and you knew you were seconds from coming. Without warning, you gripped his head and hugged it to your sex as you came. He moaned and slurped your flesh, accepting every drop you gave.
 “Shit, shit, Shiiiit!”
 If anyone busted the door down, you would have the hardest time explaining this away. There would be no way. Slowly his lips and tongue slowed their devil work, allowing you to come down. As if to keep you on your toes, he nibbled your clit every so often. The action always had you gasping, gripping his hair tighter and arching back every so slightly to finish with a satisfied moan.
 When he pulled his face back, his jaw was drenched, and there was a glistening layer of your juices outlining his mouth.
 “A man could get drunk off this sweet pussy, sugar lips.”
 Jesus Christ, you thought as new wetness with fresh arousal washed through you. His eyes dipped between your legs, and a grin spread across his face.
 “Wet for me again already?”
 Your gear watched vibrated, indicating you’d gotten a message. Glancing at it, you saw Danika’s message.
 MSG D: You have twenty seconds to get back, or your cover is kaput.
 “Fuck,” you groaned under your breath as you began wriggling in his arms.
 He lowered you to the floor then stepped back, giving you a little space. You fixed yourself as best you could and tried to ignore the wetness between your legs.
 “I take it reciprocity is dead.”
 You looked at him and dropped your eyes to see him holding his crotch. He was mouthwateringly hard. Part of you wanted to see what he was concealing behind those pants, but if you were caught, you knew Pablo would beat him to a pulp or worse.
 “Unfortunately, there’s no time. Thank you though, I really needed that.”
 You walked to the door, and as you passed him, you gently tapped his cheek.
 “Glad I could be of service.”
 You quickly rushed out the bathroom, and down the corridor, you’d walked down back to the main hall of the club. As you rounded the corner, you met three of Pablo’s men.
 “Everything okay?”
 “Perfect,” you answered with a smile before you pushed past them to make your way back over to Pablo, relishing in the decrease of tension in your body. It had been too long, indeed.
 The rest of the night progressed as it usually did. Pablo finished up the business thirty or so minutes before you left. The beautiful stranger with the skillful mouth was nowhere to be found. The two of you then made your way home. While in the car, Pablo’s hand found the space between your thighs.
 “I’m sorry about tonight.”
 “You know if work is the only important thing to you, then maybe we need to have a conversation about where that leaves us.”
 His grip tightened, making you flinch.
 “Y/N, come on,” Pablo began.
 “You haven't touched me in almost two months. If you’re not fucking me, who are you fucking?”
 Your words were laced with hidden poison. He knew it. Instead of speaking again, you both remained silent.
 When the car pulled up to your half a block townhouse, you walked ahead of him as he got updates from his men posted around the property. You were still pretty relaxed from your bathroom tryst, but you were angry with him as well. Once you made it to your shared bedroom, you stripped and got into the shower.
 A little less than halfway through, you felt Pablo’s hands around your midsection. Ignoring him, you continued soaping your body and paid no mind to his growing appendage that was pressing into your back. When you were out of heels, he towered over you like a giant. He kissed your neck and down to your shoulder then brought his lips back to your neck. He knew what he was doing, and he knew you knew as well.
 Pablo’s hand crept down your stomach to where your thighs met.
 “Pablo--,” you warned.
 “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know I’ve been neglecting you. I’m sorry.”
Slowly his finger circled your clit, and it didn’t take long for your desire for him to unfurl.
 “Let me make it up to you,” Pablo whispered before he turned you to him. he kissed you with heat, passion, and intensity, all of which you felt tonight in that bathroom. In seconds Pablo had lifted you into his arms to his height and lowered you onto his throbbing cock.
 Both of you sighed, but the moment of savoring was short. Pablo took control of your body, moving you along his length with expert strength. People didn’t fear him for no reason. He was a beast of a man in stature and disposition. What started as slow deep strokes turned to frenzied shallow thrusts. You knew then this was not going to be a tender reacquaintance of your bodies. It was going to be the opposite.
 Pablo pressed you against the tile of the shower and dipped his tongue into your mouth to entangle with yours. His kiss commanded your surrender. You knew when you gave in, you wouldn’t be disappointed, so you did. Pablo groaned once he felt your surrender. It was then he sunk into your heat to the hilt. The scream you let out was loud, and it only fueled him further.
 Pablo pounded into you. Each time your bodies connected, the force of his stroke had your body bouncing up only to drop back onto his searing cock.
 “Fuuuuuck, daddy!”
 A growl escaped him before he turned and walked out of the shower to bring you back to your bed. When he dropped you onto the sheets, he flipped you onto your stomach and slammed back into you.
 “Mmm. Daddy missed you, sweetheart!”
 His voice was tender, but the way he pummeled your pussy spoke of something else. He was on a mission.
 “Don’t ever say that shit to me again. do you understand?”
 No words. Not liking it, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you back so your back had the perfect inward arch.
 “I can’t hear you, sweetheart. Do you—understand?”
 You vigorously nodded. He was so deep you couldn’t muster any words.
 “Words, Y/N.”
 “Yes, daddy. Yes!”
 “Good girl.”
 As if this was a reward for your compliance, he rotated his hips, so you felt every inch of his desire as it marked every crevice inside of you. You doubted anyone had ever made you feel this good.
 Your moans, pants, and groans melded together. The sounds filled your room, and you knew anyone outside could hear you. It turned Pablo on even more to know that everyone could hear how good he was fucking you. You didn’t care who knew how good he made you feel. When he began jackhammering into you, you saw stars and clenched around him as your orgasm violently ripped through you.
 “Fuck me!”
 On command, he did just that to the point where you became hoarse, and you didn’t know what day it was. When you couldn’t take another orgasm, you dropped to the bed, but Pablo kept plowing into you. His stoked became sloppy, and you knew he was close. When he came, he grunted loudly, nearly terrifying you with the loudness of it. He thrust forward as if he were trying to rip you apart. The feel of his love inside of your canal nudged you over the edge to your final release. Pablo dropped kisses along your back before he rolled off of you to lie on his back. That was how the two of you fell asleep. Both too exhausted to even cover yourselves.
 The next day when you woke up, your body hummed with satisfaction. After checking your messages and emails, you took a quick shower and wrapped in one of your robes, then made your way down to breakfast. You were starving. It was a regular sight to see several of Pablo’s men through the house; you never batted an eye to it. Often times, they spoke and nodded their heads in respect as you passed, and you always reciprocated that politeness. There was no need to be a bitch.
 When you made it to the dining room, you saw Pablo already sitting there.  When he saw you, he smiled softly. You walked over to him and bent, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. When you began to back away, he dropped his hand to your ass and held you there to deepen the kiss. You both moaned quickly, getting lost in each other. All was forgiven.
 “Good morning, sweetheart.”
 “Good morning, baby.” Pablo kissed you once more, and as you were moving to the seat beside him, he pulled you to the space in front of him on the table. Your ass had the china clattering loudly.
 “What’re you doing?”
 “I’m hungry.”
 That was all he said before he pushed you back onto the table and spread your thighs.
 “Pablo--,” you began before the rest of your sentence fluttered away once his lips connected with your sex.
 A soft moan escaped you, and any protest faded. You rested on your elbows and enjoyed the feel of him between your thighs.
 “Mmmm, yes, baby. Fuck, that feels so good.”
 Pablo knew just what to do to set you on fire and what to do to tease you. he was in the mood to tease you. After a few minutes of teasing, you wanted more and had no problem letting him know. You gripped his head, held his hair, and began rocking your sex across his mouth. Pablo moaned and allowed you to use his face to your delight. Every few swipes, he slurped your flesh, sending shivers through your body and bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
 “Mmm, yes, daddy, right there.” You looked at him, and your eyes met. The man was temptation. His hand crept up to grip your breast as he forcefully sucked your clit into his mouth.
 The action had you remembering the bathroom at the club.
 “Mmm, shit, baby. You’re gonna make me come.”
 You bucked across his mouth and closed your eyes to fully enjoy the pleasure he was giving you. In a matter of seconds, Pablo’s intent shifted from teasing, and seconds later, you were coming. He moaned and lapped up every drop.
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
 “Wow, when you said to come over for breakfast, I thought you meant pancakes and eggs, not sugar and spice.”
 Your eyes flew open at the new voice. From upside down, you couldn’t believe your eyes. You closed them and opened again, but the sight was the same.
 “Around here, sugar and spice is the only thing ever on the menu,” Pablo replied.
 He kissed your inner thigh then tapped it. Snapping out of your frozen state, you sat up, fixed yourself, and chanced a look back. As sure as the sun was shining, the stranger from last night was standing at the other end of the table with a satisfied grin on his face.
 “You took your time getting over here,” Pablo said as he walked over to him.
 You watched the two men embrace as manly men did. The whole time you stood there, stunned and speechless. Your boyfriend was chatting up and laughing with the man you’d allowed to bury his face between your thighs.
 “Come here, sweetheart.”
 On shaky legs, you walked to the two men, all the while gripping the collar of your robe.
 “Y/N, meet my best friend, the one man I trust with everything next to Levi,” Pablo informed. With every word, your eyes widened.
 The stranger held his hand out to you with a smile. “Lewis,” he said.
 Fighting the shock, you took his hand and shook it. “Although the pleasure is all yours, I’m glad to finally meet you,” Lewis teased. You knew his words had a double meaning. Instead of speaking of it being nice to meet him too, the only thing in your head was the repetitive thought. 
You’re fucked.
Lee’s Note: Hopefully this was good, I’m still trying to find my groove again. How was this intro to Lewis and Pablo?  😬
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sweetpxsin · 4 years
skz as dads
♡ skz.group
♡ rated.f
wow it’s been a hot minute since I wrote something like this --spx
♡ Chan
The moment you told him he was going to be a dad he’d already be jumping with joy
Like he would absolutely be ecstatic
He’s the“babe we HAVE TO get this for the baby I know they’ll love it” or the “look at what I got for the baby” kinda dad
And when his baby girl is born he’s treating her like the little princess she is the day she’s born 
He’s so gentle and soft with her it’s literally so hard not to just coo when you see them together
If she cries his heart breaks a little and he will do everything and anything to make her stop
When she’s a bit older he’d take the extra time to pack her cute little lunches with notes when she had to go to daycare 
He doesn’t even flinch when she brings a dress to him and asks for a tea party because he’d be down no questions asked
Will put his whole ass heart into acting during play time for his daughter
And when she’s a little bit older and can have school crushes it’s going to crush Chan
Because daddy’s princess is attracting boys he deems unworthy even though he knows damn well he saw them holding hands
To sum this up Chan will absolutely adore his daughter to the depths of hell and back even  if it breaks his heart a little bit each day to see her growing up so fast
♡ Woojin
The day you told him you guys were going to be parents he couldn’t stop smiling
His reaction would be mundane but his actions would show he’s much more excited 
Like each night your bump grows he’s always talking to the baby and putting his ear to your belly and kissing it
He’s literally so excited he came home one day with like a bag full of baby clothes and toys and he’d just have the biggest smile ever
Like man really do be planning for this baby’s arrival my dude 
He’ll be extra super sweet to you too and make sure your super relaxed and comfortable anytime he can
But at the same time he’s like come on we have to go buy this, this, and this for the baby even when your only like 2 months pregnant 
And when the baby arrives he’ll be so happy and cry when he finally gets to hold his son
god Woojin would just adore his little boy like he can’t even begin to express how much he loves his son
He’d buy them matching outfits, take him to the parks and let him help with grocery shopping
And he’d allow his baby boy to adventure and explore because seeing his son be expressive and happy just makes his heart so warm
Oh and the amount of toys this boy will have will be absolutely ridiculous 
There is not one dinosaur his son wouldn't have, he’d probably have a whole bin
Woojin would be the type of dad that enjoys watching his son play and joining in every now and then rather than be the high energy chasing around the house type of dad
Though he does have his days where he can run around and be a complete jokester with his son 
But most of his time his son is either playing quietly with him or they’re napping together quietly after watching tv or Woojin read him a book
His son would be so well behaved yet so cute🥺
♡ Minho
When you told Minho he was going to be a dad he’d deadass be so proud like damn I really just created life with this beautiful human being
And you better believe he’s proudly telling the boys and family he’s about to be a dad
Though he’d also be really excited and want to spoil his child
He’d buy them all the high quality baby stuff because why the frick not
And when your baby bump is getting bigger he always talking to the baby that way and waiting for when it kicks 
And high key scolding his baby when he thinks they kicked too hard  💀
He absolutely adores the fact the he’s going to be a father for this baby though
When the baby’s born Minho can’t stop smiling and he’s just so proud of you and happy he might cry a bit 
The first stuff toy he’ll buy for his baby girl is definitely a cat no questions asked
He’d fawn over this baby girl so much because he just thinks she’s so precious
And when she’s still young he’d always have the baby carrier on him because there’s no separating the two
Minho would definitely pull small innocent pranks like the type you see on TROS 
But he does it because he just wants to see his baby girl smiling and laughing all the time while creating a strong bond with her 
And when she cries his heart breaks a little and he fake cries in hopes it brings up her spirit
He’s just got such a huge soft spot for her that when one she likes one of her “uncles” more he high key gets jealous 
And when she gets older protective Minho is out and about
He’s gotta set the rules down of absolutely no dating till 20
And when he sees his baby interacting cutely with another boy he’s highkey upset but his baby is so happy he can’t do anything about it 
So he’s just fuming off on the side in jealous dad while glaring at the little boy with his daughter 
♡ Changbin
Lord have mercy on Changbin when you tell him he’s going to be a dad
He’s trying so hard not to cry but he can’t help it and is smiling all goofy and wide
God he’d buy all the toys and stuff toys just for his baby girl
He’d even buy her a matching Gyu 
And when his baby girl finally is born he can’t even stop crying and smiling because he’s so happy
When it’s his turn to watch baby he’s playing all the little princess games and probably will go as far as acting the princess's horse
Just anything to hear his baby’s laugh
And when she gets a bit older and he has to go back to the group but it’s his turn to watch her you can bet he’s in the studio with her
He just adores the way she dances and tries to sing along with the music
He’s starting this rapper young 💀
And when the whole family is together you better believes he’s planning a family picnic 
Deadass will become the dad that creates the hella extra, but cute and thoughtful lunches for his daughter 
Ugh Changbin will just love the freak out of his daughter and will highkey get jealous when she favors a member over him even if it’s just for a day or an hour before she’s crying for him
He just adores her so much because wow he really just created life with the person of his dreams 
♡ Hyunjin
At first Hyunjin didn’t process all the information fully and he’d be sitting there for a minute smiling before turning his head back to you at neck breaking speed
And Hyunjin can be a bit dramatic… and let’s just say he almost passes out but is crying but is excited and he can’t just pick one
Hyunjin would be ecstatic to know he’s going to be a father but also a little nervous
But that wouldn’t tamper his mood for preparing for his little dude’s arrival 
He’d probably be the dad to buy his kid designer clothes, and buy matching pairs just for the family
And when his little son finally arrives, he’s so excited he almost forgets that his son was literally just born and he can’t just take him home
But he’s so gentle with his baby boy when he’s still little
Like he’s always rushing when he hears his son’s crying, always cooing when he’s laughing and can probably be found asleep with his son cuddled in his arms after a long day
And when his son’s a bit older they’re literally the perfect pair
When Hyunjin’s walking out of the room, his little boy is holding his hand with his favorite toy in his other hand dragging right behind them
And when Hyunjin’s getting ready his son is copying him the best he can 
It’s literally monkey see monkey do with these two and Hyunjin finds it absolutely adorable that his son looks up to him so much 
But they’re also the goofiest pair ever and there’s never a dull moment with these two
They’re either running around giggling or going on adventures to fun places
And when his baby boy is a bit older he loves joking around with his dad and saying stuff like “mom is the best!” just to hear Hyunjin jokingly say “you punk” and chase him around
They’re just so close and it’s honestly so adorable
♡ Jisung
Honestly at first he really thought you were joking
Like he’d be smiling and be like haha babe really funny and then he’d see your still smiling and not getting mad he found out your joke
And his face would go from haha got you to OH SHOOT U FOREEAL super happy face 
He’d then immediately tackle you into a hug but we won’t talk about that
Jisung would be so excited but won’t have any idea what he’s doing and is probably panically calling his mom every .02 seconds 
He’d definitely put in the time to figure out the best for his baby and buy all the cute baby stuffies
And when his baby girl is born he’s literally crying when he finally gets to hold her because to him she’s the prettiest thing in the world
He’d buy her all the prettiest dresses and will even take the time to learn how to do her hair 
He’d even buy her the cute bows and hair clips 🥺
And while he’s all into buying his baby all the stuffed toys and clothes he’d also be there to applaud her on the little achievements she has
And will literally record ever moment he has with her because MEmoRiEs
Like you can be at work and get the randomest, most funny or wholesome video ever of the both of them  and you’ll never know which type you’re getting that day 
And when he establishes she’s a total papa’s girl he will not hesitate to boast about it 
But let’s be real about the moment she was born they were inseparable, they’re both adorable crackheads since birth 💀
♡ Felix
He genuinely thought you were pranking him because he had seen those videos of girls who prank their boyfriends with the “baby in me” prank 
Like Felix would look at you so done and then be like babe that’s not funny
And when you don’t apologize and just keep giggling it settles in and he’d freak out for a moment 
Then he’ll  get all excited and hold you tight and be like “WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS”
And then be like brb I gotta go tell my mom about this
Like he’s so happy he’s telling literally everyone and anything he’s going to have a family with the love of his life
He’d probably become super sentimental too and just start crying because he’s just so happy
Though at the same time he’s super excited for the baby he’s literally pointing out everything baby related and trying to convince you the baby needs it 
And before the baby’s even born he’d definitely buy a baby photo album and a new camera to keep all the memories 
When his baby girl is born he’s honestly so soft and crying all over again 
And when he takes her home he does no hesitate to give her a house tour when she’s up from her nap
Felix would probably come up with a cute nickname for her like buttercup or something like that
And he'd genuinely enjoy playing dolls with her and hosting tea parties
He can’t bear to pull pranks on her though because as soon as he hears her cry he’s already scooping her up and trying to cheer her up
She’s just so precious to him and  he thinks she only deserves to spend her childhood laughing in good and loving memories
Though when she is a little bit older he probably would pull small and harmless pranks on her
 But for now he’s probably doing her hair while she discusses about her favorite cartoon with a bowl of snack in hand
♡ Seungmin
When you told Seungmin he was going to be a dad all he could do was give you soft eyes and smile because he was so happy and excited he didn’t know what to do
But when you hugged him he’d cry a little bit and ramble on about how he’s so happy to be starting a family with you
And afterwards he’s all excited to start planning asking like what color should the room be and all that good stuff
He’d be the type of dad to pick up a couple cute things he think the baby would enjoy on the way home and just silently place it in the room, which is  just so heart warming because you know he’s trying
And when he found out you were going to have twins he’d be really shocked but he wouldn’t love them any less
Like the moment he gets to hold both of them he’s a soft mess who’s all teary eyes while holding both of them
He’d be such a good dad and he makes it look easy while taking are of both of them
Seungmin could be braiding his little girls hair while also playing with his son and no one will ever know how he keeps them so calm
It’s just so cute though seeing him hold both of them while taking them out on adventures and allowing them to help him
He just adores his twins so much honestly  and that’s why he finds it difficult to get upset with them
You’ll always either find him asleep with both of them on either side of them or playing around the apartment there’s no in between 
He’s also the type of dad that enjoys his kids genuine help when he tries to make something nice for you and if they mess up the surprise all he can do is laugh
But if there’s one thing Seungmin’s very specific on is teaching his twins to clean because he’s not about to have a messy house oh no no no hunty 
Though half of the time he does help them and gets them ice cream afterwards because he can never say no to them 
When you told him he was going to be a dad he’d smile so wide and keep asking if you were for real because he’s just so happy 
He might have a little happy breakdown but that’s okay because right afterwards he’d be all excited telling you all the things he can’t wait to buy for your guys baby
Though he’d also be a little timid and alwaying making sure to get your okay with the necessary things the baby would need
Otherwise when it comes to toys he’s buying everything and anything he sees because his baby deserves everything
And when his son is born he can’t help but smile lovingly at his little boy as he’s sleeping in his arms
Jeongin would be pretty gentle and careful during the baby’s first months home partially because he’s nervous but mostly because he doesn’t want to make his son cry
Though when he’s older Jeongin’s all in for running around the house, having cute little dance parties and singing nursery rhymes with his little boy
When he’s not playing around with his son he’s probably taking him out to some picnic adventures or an amusement park
If not he’s probably amusing his son with his trot singing because he just loves the way it brings amusement to his face 
Other than that you can find them having a seemingly important conversation while sharing a bowl of fruit
When in reality their discussing about what his son’s favorite toy is while Jeongin tries to make him eat
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
Tumblr media
@mega-aulover  I made you a quick fic   Happy Birthday again 
Name of it ( thinks of one) Baby steps...
This is about Peeta becoming a father and his journey though fatherhood. Now I know how you recently lost your own father so this is another  somewhat honor thing for him as well. I hope you like it...   Hope you don’t cry to much But it is okay if you do I personally had a hard time not tearing up a bit writing this. 
Now it is a little rough but I made it quickly  it could use a bit of clean up... But I wanted to get this out for you 
She shows me the Positive test . She is pregnant I am going to be a father..  This is our first child together...I go and talk to her belly and say hello I am going to be your daddy.. She thinks I am crazy but allows me.  But she is just laughing at me… She tells me “well 9 months from now you will get to meet this child”… I laugh and say “ I can wait”. We Do make an appointment to make she she is pregnant and the baby is doing well. I am giddy as I leave  for work that day. I tell my coworkers and every customer.. I tell them “ My wife Is pregnant”.. they all look at me like I am crazy.
I keep thinking of how I will be a father. The doctor appointments go well. Katniss gets bad morning sickness. But I am there all the steps of the way she has crazy cravings If she wants I try to get or make some combos are weird but I don’t judge.. I read some parenting books in my spare time. Katniss says it’s a waste of time maybe it is but I want to be ready…  Being first time parents for the both of us we are excited.  Katniss’s belly is growing everyday.
Around 21 weeks we find out the gender of the baby.  Well its not until 22 weeks because Katniss’s sister Prim is throwing us a gender reveal party. Nothing big but small…  for our close friends and Family The day comes and of course I bake all the goodies for the party… My coworker makes the cake But Lets me decorate it I have no clue what colour will be inside… Katniss and I cut into the cake and the colour is pink… We are both so excited… we would have been happy with either boy or girl…But I know one thing my little girl will be spoiled she will have her way to get her way with me… How do I know that now Because this little girl will be like her mother and  she knows how to.
We set up her nursery lots of pink for her. It just happened that way. Katniss’s parents buy a lot of clothes for us.   Some were Katniss’s   old baby clothes… I paint some flowers on the wall…
One day we are just watching a show and suddenly Katniss moves off me and tells me the baby is kicking and asks if I want to feel… That is when it hit me for real it was like I was in a dreamland before… I say stumbling “ wow.. Uh... sh.. she  is really in there”… Kantiss looks at me like I said something stupid… and says “ Really Peeta Mellark, you with smooth words are now stumbling” I laugh and say “ I guess this baby left me speechless” I lean in and Kiss her and she tells me “ for someone so speechless you are saying a lot of words”...Before I can speak it is her who kisses me to stop my words…  
Katniss has a few contractions we go to the hospital and they tell us to go home because the baby is not ready yet…
I walk in after work and Katniss is standing in the kitchen with a puddle around her… she says “ I thought I was having a bad contraction and next thing I know my water broke, It  happened a minute ago”… I tell her “ we need to get you to the hospital”…. I walk right out of the door Katniss still standing at the door “ Am I coming to she asks”.. Right I say in my head and go and get her  and guide her towards the car “ Okay honey  don’t walk to fast”… Katniss looks at me “ You are treating me like I am about to burst”. Well the baby could come anytime so she just might…On the walk to the car that is about 2 feet away we have to stop a lot so Katniss can have a contraction and when it’s over we move on… She was literally in the doorway when one hit of the house… When we reach the car I open her door and buckle her in… she says “ Peeta do you have the baby bag” Crap I knew I forgot something. On our last appointment the hospital did help us figure out the car seat so that’s already in.. I walk back into the house and grab the baby bag and walk back to the car. When I get there she is having another contraction I ask her “ Have you been timing those”… She looks me dead in the eye and says “ No I am just winging it over here or course I have that was 2 minutes apart from the last one”…  I drive fast enough that Katniss is not telling me faster… we Arrive to the hospital and Katniss is in a room before we know it… Seeing her in pain is hard for me… All I can do is let her hold on to me..  The doctor comes in and says “ ready to have a baby” if Katniss’s glare could kill she says “ No I am just  here because I really like hospitals”… The doctor gives me a look and I just smirk. I want to tell him “ That is nothing buddy you should see her at home” But I keep quiet..  They check on the baby say everything looks good…  Katniss is in active labor…. When she feels it’s time she is holding onto my hand so tight it hurts but I let her… I support her though it. The delivery nurse says I see the head Katniss you are doing so well one more Push.. She is screaming out of pain this whole time and gives one more push… Then I see my daughter who is crying… They put her on Katniss  she is beautiful and perfect to me. I cut the cord and they take her to clean her up and make sure everything is okay… Then I hold her for the first time… She has my blue eyes and Katniss’s hair colour. She has my nose and Kantiss’s lips… I cannot stop looking at her… I am whiping tears away from my eyes I ask Katniss  “what do you want to name her?” she Answers “Everleigh. Her name is Everleigh” She looks at me and asks “ Do you have a middle name?”… I tell her “ Raine”… Katniss says “ Everleigh Raine I like it”.. Me still holding Everleigh I ask her “ Like your name”… I am wiping tears from my eyes I tell her “ I am your daddy”.. and I give her a kiss on the cheek…  Katniss and I spend a few hours with Everleigh before family and friends come to see her…   I am handing her to family members as they come and visit. I am surprised when My brothers and father comes and see her…  
A few days later we leave the hospital Katniss is healing well. We bring Everleigh back for appointments…  We go home and start our new life as parents… Katniss carries her into the nursery and sets her down in the crib….I walk over at her… Everleigh sleeps though the nights. Sometimes we wonder what we got out ourselfs into but say we wouldn’t change it.
Soon she is crawling Walking and Talking hitting all the milestones… Her baby teeth are coming in. Some nights she keeps us up and some she sleeps though. I remember her first steps Katniss brought her to work and we sat on the floor trying to get her to walk between us and she took her first step… and for the record her first word was dada as much as Katniss says no it was wasn’t.  she is growing way to fast Katniss tells me not to blink and I will miss it..
Next thing I know she is 5 years old. She now has a younger brother… Katniss and I bring Everleigh to school for her first day.. Her hair is in 2 braids and she wears a red plaid dress like I recall Katniss wearing on her first day of school… Ev is a little shy but she warms up pretty quick..  I am fighting back tears my baby girl is growing up too fast for my liking.. It seems like last week she was only taking her first steps
She is now 16 Where did time go. I Have 4 kids now. Everleigh is still my little girl she will forever be…  And same with my other daughter Oakley… My two sons Kaleb and Carson are very protective of their sisters.. all are growing up so fast..  Everleigh sure got her mothers attitude not always a good thing. But she gets good grades so do my other children  Katniss is right you blink and you  miss it. One day Ev comes home and tells us she is interest in a guy. My first instant is to get Katniss’s weapon… But I say when will we meet him… A few days later she brings this tall guy who doesn’t look like 16 he is a year older then her Ev told us. He looks at least 20…  He looks scared when I invite him in good I have done my job… Everleigh comes up to him and says Mom. Dad this is  Nathan Hawthorne… Katniss nearly chokes on her tea at the last name… she tries to cover “ Well that is wonderful honey”. Everleigh asks “Mom what is wrong”  I try to cover “ So who are your Parents Nathan”… Nathan answers “ Gale and  Madge”.. Kartniss lets out a sound Ev says “ Mom do you know him” I grin and  say “ Oh yes she knows him all to well”.. Katniss tells Ev “ Gale and I were friends never in a relationship we tried but then I met your father”…Everleigh  tell us “ That’s great then you guys know each other”… Everleigh asks her voice she knows I have a hard time to say no too “ Daddy can I date Nathan”… I look at Katniss and Nathan and Everleigh and say “ Yes you have my blessing but Nathan you hurt my little girl you will have me to answer too”…
They have been dating for a few months now… Everleigh comes home in tears… Katniss comforts her… I ask her what happened.  She tells us  Nathan cheated on her… I march out of the door and Katniss comes after me and says “ Where do you think your going”… I tell her words I never thought I would say “ To the Hawthornes ”… She says “ Well  you are not gonna stop me from coming are you”… I am shocked and say “ Guess not”… Katniss gets into the car as we drive to Gales and Madge’s house.. I knock on the door and Gale answers the door he says “ Heard our kids are dating” I tell him “ Not anymore”.. He said “ Oh, why don’t you come in”.. I go into their house and Katniss follows she says “ Hi Gale” and walks right past him and gives Madge a hug… we all sit  in the dinning room I explain everything. Madge says “ We had no idea we are so sorry about that” Gale asks “ are you sure its our Nathan we are talking about”.. Katniss says “ Unless there is another  Nathan Hawthorne”… Just then Nathan and another girl walk in… he said  “ Oh  no” when four pairs of eyes look at him…  Gale says “ Nathan where is Everleigh?”… Nathan says “ umm she broke up with me, This is Ashley”… I stand up but Katniss grabs my shoulders.  I get out “ Then why did  my daughter say you cheated on her”.. Ashley chimes in  “ Wait you told me that you guys broke up weeks ago” Nathan starts to sweat “ umm ummm”..  Ashley says “ now your speechless well guess what your single now”.. Katniss beside me is trying hard not to loose it… Ashley literally walks out and says “ Mr and Mrs Mellark I have to go apologize to Everleigh” Katniss says “ you know where she lives she might still be on the couch crying her eyes out”. After Ashley Leaves Gale turns to Nathan and says “ Nate I thought we raised you better then that”…Katniss says under her breath “ Runs in the family” then we leave and head home… When we arrive we  see Everleigh and Ashley talking… Laughing… well at least one good thing has come out of this day… Everleigh has a few heartbreaks and I realize I have to do this again…
A few short years later I am getting ready in a suit.. To Give Everleigh away…  She is now 23. Since she got engaged we reflected back on her life. I still have one more daughter to give away if she chooses to.. Her Husband to be is one awesome guy. He reminds me of myself. He showed me he would put her first.   His Name is Cody Mason.  His mother is Johanna. His father is not in the Picture but Johanna must of done something right. We have known Johanna for a while now… years. Cody is only 4 years older then her… They started dated in  college as My baby girl left to go study at District 7  college… She brought Cody home for one break and I instant knew this man who be my future son in law… The other children are growing up to fast as well as Oakley looks so grown up in that brides maid dress and My oldest son Carson is  going to go to school in the fall Kaleb  and Oakley I still have at home but I will blink and I will prepping for 3 more weddings before I know it. I knock on the door to see if she is ready.. And she looks at me and says. “ Yes I am, The real question is are you ready” With tears threatening to make an apprentice I say  “ never ready to let you go but I know this the right man for you”… Ev gives me a kiss on the cheek and whips away a tear that escaped me..  and gives me a big hug…  We walk down to the chapel the wedding will be in and I get in place and the doors open and I walk her down the aisle.. when I am asked who gives her away I say her mother and I… they give us hugs and I go and sit down and watch her get married… she is now A Mason… I get flashbacks… Everleigh and I share a father daughter dance that is when It hit me..  Katniss and I give a speech …
Before I know it I am In the Hospital room holding my first grandchild…
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jaideite · 4 years
as soon as I had finished the first one, I immediately wanted to do this :)) brought warmth to my heart
plus y’all deserve it after my most recent stunt i swear 💀
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— the moment he finds out he’s immediately overprotective of you
— someone wants to hug you? nope, handshake.
— the only one who can hug you is him because he’s careful of the growing baby inside of you
— he wants a girl so bad
— just to he can go around and say “my girls”
— will spoil her with only the best of the best of things
— calls out of work to go to the first ultrasound and has the nerve to be impatient about the whole appointment lmao
— “Can the damn doctor hurry it up?”
— “Be patient.”
— “Screw it, I’m going to find them.”
— “Jeez I hope this kid gets my patience and not yours.”
— finally the doctor comes and he does everything needed and you get to see your baby who seems to be covering it’s face and flipping you off from inside the womb
— the baby isn’t even born and he’s a proud parent already
— “Well this is definitely your kid.”
— “Can you tell the gender?”
— and sadly you can’t because the baby is positioned a certain way that won’t allow the doctor to see what it’s gender will be, but he can play the heart beat
— when the doctor plays the baby’s heartbeat he can’t help but cry bc wow you both did it
— after months and months you’re finally getting a kid
— he of course wipes them away and denies it
— “My EyEs WeRe iTcHy,”
— please realize he probably will not go out and get you some weird midnight snack combination unless you annoy him about them for like days
— he will make you something healthy from the fridge because he’s pretty sure that the baby didn’t suggest you both need to eat “Elf Spaghetti”
— you did end up getting your elf spaghetti and he watched in disgust as you ate it and cleaned your plate
— he refused to kiss you all day because of that
— he will probably give foot massages if you annoy him enough about your feet killing you and out of pettiness he will make sure that it’s the best foot massage you’ve ever had
— he heats his hands up so that makes it even heavenly on your sore swollen feet
— he likes touching the bump too
— you’re in public and he just rubs the side of your stomach with his knuckles or brushed his hand over it and you just let it be
— sometimes he drums his fingers on the top and if he’s lucky enough baby will kick back where he drummed them and it makes him smile
— talks to your stomach sometimes too but it’s only when you’re dead asleep and he knows it from the way you’re snoring
— “God I hope when you’re older you don’t snore like your mother here.”
— he’s at work when you go into labor
— he’s in the process of arresting a villain he had been after for a couple months when Kirishima comes running up to him and telling him to come on
— “The fuck is wrong with you?! Can’t you see I’m—“
— “It’s y/n. She’s—“
— he doesn’t get to finish because he’s gone already asking for the nearest non damaged taxi thays avalible and trying not to drop his phone due to his gauntlets
— he keeps calling and calling you and it goes to voicemail and he’s just panicking inside because what if someone found out? What if you’re hurt?
— third time is the charm because you finally pick up...or more so your mom
— normally he cares for his in laws they’re kind enough and they accept his anger issues and well...bakugou...but now is not the time for “Oh, Katsuki hi—“
— no he could care less he needs to know where his wife and child are and he doesn’t know so he kinda just screams at everything
— he figures out what hospital you’re at and he finally gets there all dirty and grimey and sweaty and he’s literally shaking in anger trying to find out where you are and no one is helping him because they’re all cornered at the fact that he’s got cuts and bruises on him
— he can honestly care less
— and the nurses aren’t even scared because they can hear the panic in his voice over you, so one of them finally directs him to the floor you’re on
— he couldnt be more grateful he puts in the back of his mind to send a thank you to that nurse as he takes off his gauntlets and leaves them before running up the stairs because wtf elevators are too slow
— he’s finally there and of course he gets recognized by someone but he doesn’t care he’s just looking for you because he can feel himself panicking at the fact that you’re having their kid and he’s missing it.
— but luckily the doctor he ran into is the one who’s delivering his kid so he just followes them to you and the baby
— his hand hurts all throughout the labour and boy do you gain so much more respect from him. He’s just giving encouraging words while wincing at his hand but the pain dulls when his kids screams hit his ears and the nurses say “It’s a girl!”
— when he holds his daughter for the first time and gets a peak at her little blonde hair he feels a swell of pride and promptly cries like that guy from cloudy with a chance of meatball lol
— and by that I mean he lets one tear fall and let’s it fall
— he becomes even more proud when her tiny hands start grabbing at things, and she even manages to pull on his hair somehow which of course he doesn’t mind he simply laughs it off.
— it’s clear that she’s got her dad wrapped around her finger and he knows too
— that video of the dad and the baby sitting together on the couch having a conversation? That’s him.
— No baby talk. His child will be able to string together like five word sentences when other babies are speaking their first words
— she definitely is a daddy’s girl, because every time she sees him on TV she jumps up and screams “Daddy!”
— you’ve sent him a video of it and he lowkey cries in his curry at the image of his daughters little gap smile
— if she starts to become anything like he was as a kid he’s going to sit her down and half a long talk with her about how wrong that is and how if you see that happening you either tell someone or you step up for them because that’s what heroes do
— becomes best dad in the world from that
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[Hey, just for the day, we’ll pretend I’m made of money. I’ll be your sugar daddy. - Dance Gavin Dance] Gran has finally graduated(?) from an idol of the prestigious Gran Cypher Entertainment and signed a new contract as solo artist. With all this newfound freedom from the idol lifestyle, Gran plans to party hard with tables and bottles of Dom Perignon. He is no longer baby, he wants power.
The Ideal Idol.
The Eternal Valentine.
The Singularity of the Music Industry.
The Captain of All.
There were many phrases drummed up by journalists and squealed by adoring fans to describe the one and only Gran of Gran Cypher Entertainment. As leader of GC Entertainment’s newly debuted boyband SPARK, he already had to be front and center for variety show appearances, interviews, and the like. However, with his boyish looks, incredible vocals, mastery of dance, commanding stage presence, and captivating personality, it did not take long for many fans within the Japanese idol community to take immediate notice of his rise in popularity. 
His merch always being the first to sell out, tv producers practically fighting one another to have him so much as cameo in their newest drama, and more.
A promising future in the entertainment industry was practically assured. He need only say the word.
And so, when it came time for Gran to make his highly publicized graduation out of GC Entertainment, he had his eyes set on a solo career with the famed Crystal Records.
The nation’s idol was taking his first big step towards becoming his own artist.
And he was doing so by taking a grand stand atop a VIP table of a Vegas nightclub, pumping his fist into the air as he proceeded to chug back a bottle of Dom Perignon while the performing DJ was blasting some sexy EDM remix of Paradise Lost. The surrounding crowd of Americans--all unaware of his pristine, clean image back in Japan--cheered and jeered in support of his stranger who seemed to be paying top dollar for a fun night. 
Champagne bottles, platters of hors d'oeuvres and sushi--there was a feast all on Gran’s black card to commemorate his newfound freedom from his idol days and to give thanks to his management team for their guidance throughout his career up until now and beyond.
You didn’t feel thanked.
Rather, you felt stressed.
Quite stressed.
From the day that SPARK was selected, you were assigned to be Gran’s personal manager. Wherever he went, you would go--all to make sure he kept to his schedule and was on his best behavior. Of course, given that you both were rather close in age, your professional relationship became more relaxed and at ease. You saw firsthand the struggle to keep up to such an inane perfect ideal as an idol that he faced, and you did your best to give him time to unwind, whether time to sleep in or indulging his desire to sneak out for a fun night around Tokyo.
This closeness was why he almost turned down Crystal Records’s initial contract upon hearing that they would assign him to new management. He would only allow his signature to glide along the paper if you came with him.
And so it was done.
And it was why you were standing in this club, watching what was basically immediate grounds for the end of an idol’s career unfold before your very eyes.
No wonder he insisted on celebrating in Vegas.
To the other clubgoers, he just looked like some rich influencer balling out.
To you, it was the sight of Japan’s most cherished idol freely handing out retirement savings to all sorts of unscrupulous paparazzi.
It was almost inevitable that he was about to literally begin to rock out with his cock out.
You had to act fast.
Though Gran didn’t have to abide by idol standards anymore, you refused to see his solo career to be tainted in debauchery by the work of Instagram Live.
One moment you were at the other end of the club, the next you were halfway at the center by the poolside bar, asking for napkins and a pen from the bartender.
When it came to the idol industry, far too often did you have to create NDAs on the spot to ensure and protect the image of your idols. Never once did you step into law school, but you were familiar with striking down any potential leaks.
With your makeshift agreements in hand, you were ready to hunt down anyone who was taking pictures of Gran’s shameless display.
Your eyes shifted over to the table he reserved for tonight’s party.
He wasn’t there any longer.
“Just a step behind, manager.”
Because one of his arms was busy slinging around your shoulder, hugging you close to his side as you were quickly led away from the bar towards one of the nearby poolside cabanas--another special rental for tonight’s celebration.
Heat quickly rose to your cheeks. Both out of fear and a feeling of something that only he was privy to. Your head turned around while your fingers clawed at your stack of napkins, alarmed as you looked around to see if anyone--mere clubgoer or sneaky paparazzi--was looking your way.
“G-Gran! What are you doing--?!” You gasped out to him above the deafening club music and the chatter of the crowd. “How drunk are you that you’re doing this?!”
He only grinned toothily as he opened the tent flap, ushering you in while his hand stayed on the small of your back. “I’m not drunk, I’m alive!”
Gran entered after you. 
As the opening flap of the cabana fell closed behind him, he immediately brought his hands up to your cheeks and drew you in for a kiss.
The two of you were close after all.
“Gra— Gran…!” The gasp of his name was muffled between your mouths, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip. Your body was quickly ensnared within his grasp, his arms toned from years dedicated to staying in shape for his years as an idol. Hands that left fans buckling with a mere wave were now roaming over your body, finding much indulgence in squeezing your ass or grabbing at your breasts.
It wasn’t until you felt the slight brush of a napkin against your leg that you realized that you dropped your makeshift NDAs in the process, suddenly making you aware of what you were doing and who you were doing this with.
You pulled away with a weak whine. “We’re still in public—!”
He pursued and kissed you over and over, a grin plastered on his lips. “Who’s to say that everyone out there wouldn’t do the same if they had the chance?”
His fingers ran over the fabric of your dress, brushing at the hem as he teased, “I got this dress for you because I wanted to celebrate, and yet you were still working.” With you still in his arms, he guided you over to a nearby wicker sofa, having you lay across the ivory cushion on top as he hovered above you, gazing down into your eyes with a mischievous expression. “Bad girl~”
As his manager, you were the one to always guide him along his career path, making sure he followed up on his schedule as an idol while giving him space as needed.
But Gran was a leader for a reason.
And he reminded you of this as his fingers tugged down at the neckline of your dress while hiking up its hem.
Fanservice for hands was common for his days as an idol, with him being an expert of winking at a camera during a televised performance, or murmuring a tender line of romance to an audience of adoring fans during a variety show appearance.
But nothing he did publicly could compare to how effortlessly he made you melt with the filth he spoiled you with as the two of you remained locked in your own little world together as the party outside raged on.
“Manager’s pretty nipples--” He groaned in-between noisy suckles and kisses along your breasts, his lips clamped around your hardened peaks, all while his hips ground against yours, making sure you felt the weight of his clothed, erect cock through the flimsy material of your panties, of which were soon removed afterwards.
Were it not knowing that he would only tease and torture you further if you proceeded to do so, you wanted to hide your face in embarrassment--even now, it was still just so much to have the nation’s idol be so dirty towards you.
Especially when it came time for when his desire for you could not wait any further, with the hasty unbuckle of his belt and the tug of his zipper before you felt the hot, drippy tip of his cock nudge and slide against your dribbling center as he groaned out, “--manager’s pretty pussy.” With adoration in his eyes, he then breathed out with reverence as he drank in the sight of your disheveled state. “Everything about you is pretty.”
“You are too much,” you shuddered with a whine, the barrage of his relentless sweetness. “To think I let you get away with practically everything.”
“‘Too much?’” He repeated curiously with a chuckle. “Are you saying you want less? Because I’m pretty sure you want more, right…!”
His hands grabbed hold of your waist as he sheathed his cock inside you fully in one thrust. The squeal of his name on your lips and the adrenaline of partying so hard had him wasting no time to begin pounding away into your core with heavy, hearty thrusts. With a twinkle in his eyes, he admired how precious you looked as you were left to grab at the cushion of the sofa beneath you, all while humming out, “I guess it’s only reasonable that I behave like I do when my manager is so naughty~”
“Gran--!” This man was just too damn good.
His lips were all over yours again, a mix of tender love and shameless desire with each kiss. “No matter where we go from here together, that’s the sound I always wanna hear above anything else in the world!”
It was nearing 3 AM at this point, but as everyone in the club continued to party the night away, so would you and Gran as the both of you celebrated not just his newfound solo career, but a new chapter where he was no longer bound to his duties and expectations of an idol, but to being his own individual, one who would eagerly and happily proclaim his love for you soon enough.
Because while everyone beneath the blue sky saw Gran as their one true idol, there was no one in the world who idolized you like him.
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theimaginesgalore · 4 years
Cigarette Daydreams - Prologue Rafe Cameron x OFC JJ Maybank x OFC Kooks x OFC Pouges x OFC
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WARNINGS: This has some HEAVY smut. Exhibitionisms, dirty talk, daddy kink, slight reluctance. THIS SERIES IS NOT SOLELY PORN, BUT THIS PART IS A PRETTY MUCH PORN WITH VERY LITTLE PLOT.
Layne Reid was something else. At least that’s what JJ Maybank decided after he had started working for her father, Thomas, at the beginning of his sophomore year. He had been hired to do yard work, any sort of handy work needed done, and up keep the pool, boats, and vehicles. Thomas Reid was an extremely wealthy and busy business man so he hired JJ to do whatever he couldn’t do at his home, and he paid him well to do so. Layne was nearly a year older than him and she was a lot of things, and a horrible driver was one of them.
           If JJ had kept a tally of how many times he had fixed just one of Layne’s vehicles (which he did) in just the eight months he worked for the Reid’s, it would be in the dozens. Layne had two cars, yes two. One was a 2019 Audi A7 and there was never a problem with that thing, JJ felt like she just had that car just to show how fucking spoiled she was, which maybe she did honestly. Her second car was a vehicle she had begged and begged for, it was a 1968 Mercury Comet, Convertible of course. That car had costed Thomas a pretty penny, and continued to cost him more and more money. It was a perfect car, and JJ was incredibly jealous of the girl for having such a beautiful car, Layne was just a bad driver and hardly ever kept up with the maintenance of it. If there was one moment JJ could pinpoint that he actually fell for her though, it would be because of that damn car. 
           The only problem in this love story, aside from her being a Kook and him being a Pouge, you ask? Rafe Cameron. Rafe had been Layne’s boyfriend for nearly two years, and she was crazy about him. JJ never was able to understand, the two were just such opposites. Layne was soft, kind, intelligent. Rafe was hard, mean, and cruel.
           Rafe had a girl that everyone wanted, literally everyone, and he loved it. He loved knowing all his friends wanted her, all the filthy Pouges wanted her, fuck even his own sister, who was Layne’s best friend and had a boyfriend, wanted her. But that wasn’t all that Rafe loved. He genuinely loved Layne, she had been with him for everything the past two years, he just had bad qualities that got the best of him sometimes.
           He knew that fucking Pouge was there, doing whatever it was that Layne’s dad needed done that day. Rafe hated that Thomas had invited him so trustingly into his girlfriends home, and that he was allowed alone in there with Layne while he was wherever he was doing business and her mother, Claire, just left to go spend money and plan events with Rafe’s own stepmother, Rose. So, in Rafe decided to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend, but knowing the Pouge was there only fueled him to stick his hand in her panties, while sitting in the middle of her living room. You could say he was a slight exhibitionist. In all honesty, he loved fucking Layne, but knowing people who liked Layne are around?
           “R-Rafe, JJ is here some-somewhere. Ah-“ A moan caught in her throat when he bit down on her neck and plunged two fingers inside her soft cunt at the same time. She was straddling him, blonde and pink hair a mess, tank top pulled down under her breasts, and panties and shorts damp with her arousal as her boyfriend roughly assaulted her body.
Rafe growled and grabbed her hair yanking her head back, shoving his fingers even deeper inside her. “God you are such a fucking slut, saying his name while I’ve got you like this.” He cut himself off and started rubbing his thumb against her clit while he continued to roughly finger her, he thought maybe he should lay off a little, he knew he was hurting her, but hearing her same his name in the breathy and horny way she did had him pissed. He roughly kissed her breast before biting her nipples harshly.
Layne let out a high pitched moan, followed by a gasp in slight pain. She cursed herself for being loud. JJ was at her house working today, she wasn’t sure what her dad had him doing either, he could be anywhere. “C’mon slut, talk to daddy.” That statement alone almost brought her to orgasm, well that, his fingers working themselves in and out of her at the brutal pace they were going, and his thumb not easing up on her clit.
“Rafe-“ He roughly yanked her hair again, feeling her clench around his fingers. “What’s my name, whore?” She gulped. “D-daddy, he could come in at any second.” Rafe had gotten even harder and the thought of JJ Maybank walking in on him fucking his girl. He roughly pulled his fingers out of her and shoved her off of the couch and onto her knees.
Layne winced slightly at his roughness, lately he had been even roughed than she was used too. She watched as he pulled his shorts and underwear off, and he quickly grabbed her face before pulling her into a searing kiss. The kiss was short lived, and before she could even catch her breath Rafe had her mouth on his cock and began pushing her head down as far as he knew should go.
JJ had heard Layne moaning, and he had gotten turned on slightly, but he knew he should’ve left. But how could he leave when her dad had left him such a long list of things to get done before he got back Monday, and it was Saturday.
He knew what Rafe was doing. Rafe wanted to make him jealous and this wasn’t the first time, but this was the first time he was doing it so openly where JJ could have to see. Finally JJ decided that he was just going to leave and work extra tomorrow to get everything done for Thomas. He had quickly put everything back in its place before going to leave quietly, but he immediately caught eyes with the groaning mess of Rafe Cameron with his hands roughly on head of the pretty girl crouched between his legs.
Rafe smirked wickedly at JJ. He knew the Pouge would keep watching, so he only got rougher and dirtier with Layne. He tightened his grip on her hair and started roughly fucking her face while keeping his stare on JJ for a moment.
“You like that don’t you, you pretty slut. You like daddy fucking your face right here in the living room knowing that dirty Pouge could walk in at any second.” He looked away from JJ and pulled Layne’s mouth off of him, quickly pulling her back on top of him and roughly sliding into her.
Layne groaned at the rough feeling. Her pussy was sensitive and immediately clenched around him as he fucked himself into him, feeling her high start to build back up.
JJ couldn’t breathe, he imagined Rafe just got ridiculously great head and his own cock was so hard it hurt. He watched Layne’s ass bounced against Rafe’s thighs, and felt his eyes glued to the spot where Layne and Rafe were linked, watching as her went pussy took him in over and over again. He wondered if he looked close enough if he could see the girl clench around him.
Rafe didn’t let up, he fucked her and he fucked her good and rough and at a brutal pace. He felt her begin to clench around him and stifled a groan, feeling his balls tighten up and he knew he was going to come cum quickly.
“You want daddy’s cum you whore? Huh you want to take daddy’s cum like a good whore who knows her place? My pretty cum slut.” Layne gasped at his vulgar words and closed her eyes as he hit her spot over and over again roughly, clenching around him she finally came.
Rafe’s eyes rolled feeling her clench around him, but he wasn’t done yet. Quickly pulling her off of him, shoving her to where she was clinging to the back of the couch and he smirked at JJ before shoving himself back into Layne and wrapping his arm around her to rub her clit while fucking her. “No-no I can’t” and Rafe quickly pinched her clit “Yes you can slut, you want him to hear you, I know you do.”
Layne felt her eyes roll back, it was too much, the sensitivity from her orgasm, the feeling of him filling her at a new angle, the feeling of his fingers on her clit. She was gasping for air at this point, another orgasm quickly approaching.
Rafe smirked feeling her clench around him again and quickened his pace, “No no slut. You do NOT get to cum again.” and with that he stilled inside her, releasing his orgasm into her and holding her hips in place as he felt his body twitch and her pussy spasm around him.
He pulled out of her and turned his head to glare at JJ, but saw he was already gone. He smirked and thought “good” to himself before turning back to his mess of a girlfriend. He saw his orgasm already leaking out of her and quickly put two fingers back inside her, curling them before pulling them out. Using his other hand he quickly turned her around and shoved his fingers into her mouth, having her clean their releases off of them.
A/N: PLEASE give me some feedback! this is my first imagine/series! any and all feedback is accepted and appreciated!
I am open to requests!
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toshisae · 5 years
call me baby
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summary: in which chenle gives you the entire world in exchange for some love
genre: crack, fluff and another pinch of angst 
theme: ceo!chenle (sugardaddy au but without the sexy shit its just he buys you things in exchange for you loving him ok? ok) 
word count: 2.8k
author’s note: HIIIII ITS BEEN A LONG ASS TIME SINCE I WROTE SOMETHING SO HERES THIS also theres no sexy time unless the sexy time u want is going on an endless shopping spree then this fic is for u!! its just another crack idea i had lol and this is just to get rid of writers block or smth despite having this in my drafts for the longest time
you know how people say not to chat with random strangers from the internet?
because it’s terrifying and shit??
well you never listened 
here you are on a friday night on your phone
looking for some 40 year olds to troll
on this sugar daddy app you randomly found one day
not like you needed money or whatever
you lived with your brother jaemin who’s a doctor
so i guess you could say u’re: $$$$
and it’s just that you have nothing to do
what’t the worst that could happen right?
your phone vibrates in your hand
it looks like you’ve matched with your designated sugar daddy
“congratulations! you’ve matched with 6chittaphon9”
you looked at his profile and saw that he’s a 23 year old dancer
not up for it, you swiped left
“give me the good shit bro” - you tell the phone
you clicked the globe icon on the bottom of the screen
it switched you to a radar where it scans for possible sugardaddies who use the app
a little later your phone dings again
“congratulations! you’ve matched with zhong$”
and when you clicked on his profile,,
you let out a big big gasp 
he’s a 18 year old ..
looking for.. sugar babies??
if you were drinking something then you would’ve spat out that liquid real quick
you swiped to the right and sent this dude a message
ok so chenle right
chenle is the youngest billionaire in the world
bye kylie jenner oof
after his father’s passing, his company, zhongs inc. was in his hands
his father’s last wish was to have chenle get married at a young age
but chenle obviously didn’t like that idea
he wanted to experience a normal teenage life where he parties, drinks, date some random girls or whatever a pesky teenager does
so he found himself downloading a sugarbaby app
also just for the lolz like c’mon this is chenle the king of clownery
the c in chenle means clownery wbk
he had the money, the looks, almost anything you need for a man
so he quickly made his account
and not a minute later he already matched with someone named ‘<y/n3’
he sees that this y/n person already sent him a message
so obviously he replies
you: asl?
chenle: 17 / m / seoul; u?
you: same except im a female
chenle: well ain’t that obvious
on the outside you bursted out laughing
you: ok capt. crunch so would you like telling me your name or is it confidential
chenle: i mean, i guess its kinda confidential but the company wont know anyway but im zhong chenle 
you: ????? are u important or sumn
chenle couldn’t believe his eyes
chenle: um.. im ZHONG chenle
you: whats so special with your name
chenle was actually quite glad you dont know about his name or his background
chenle: nothing so wyd
it didn’t take awhile for you two to get along 
since you two had the same type of humor and age
you: why are you on this app tho if you are “young and rich”
chenle: i could ask you the same question
you: its friday my dude and im bored 
chenle: well,,,,,,,,,,, idk my friend recommended it to me
you: you’re friends with a bunch of old people?
chenle: nO I MEAN YES?? I MEAN NO 
you: ... are u fucking with me
chenle: no i’m not fucking with you, im talking to u :D 
in the end chenle asks you if it was okay that he’ll send you some money for fun
chenle: yk this app is about sugardaddies looking for sugarbabies right so lets make the most of it and give me your paypal or venmo and ill send you some cash for talking to me <3 
you: wtf chenle no its fine!!! i had lots of fun talking to you and this app is just a whole ass joke but im glad i met a new friend here but its okay dont send me some money !!!!!
chenle: nooo think of it like i’m treating you out for some dinner so please allow me 
you: still ! i wont let you,, till i get to see you so i know youre not some 40 year old i still think you are
chenle: how many times do i have to tell you im really 18 years old ffs but sure, when are you free?
on the inside youre just like: ASJDHJHDUIADHASJKDAHAHD WHAT THE FUCK
you: uhh i have school so i’m always busy hehehe
chenle: then i’ll see you in your school, what school do you go to?
this kid doesnt know when to give up
you: hhhhhhh i guess then i’m free tomorrow 
chenle: GREAT! I’LL SEE YOU ON HONGDAE here’s my number boo
and there you have it
your first unofficial meet up with zhong chenle himself
you were too much in thought about meeting him you didnt even notice jaemin standing there with pizza in his hands
“what are you staring at sis?” - jaems
“uh nothing” you snatched the pizza from his hands
fast forward to tomorrow
you were getting nervous to meet chenle
“hey where are you going?” jaemin takes a peek of you in your room
can he stop scaring you like that
“going out” - u 
“going where?” - jaems
“cuteee do you have a date today?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you
“are you going out with that pizza delivery boy?!” jaemin suddenly gushes
“jeno?” you ask him
“yeah that one” - jaemin
“no, i’m just gonna go shopping” you brush him off
jaemin shrugs and gives you some pocket money to spend
“be safe and have fun” he closes the door of your room
after safely arriving in hongdae, you sat somewhere thats not that crowded
who knows if this chenle person is famous right
so there you were waiting for him to text you or something
and just like that, your phone rings
it was an unknown number
but you answer anyway
“hello this is chenle, may i ask if you are in gongcha right now?” 
you looked around the people who’s passing by hoping to see someone fancy looking holding their phones
suddenly someone stops right in front of you
“found you” 
with that, chenle hangs up and sits across the table from you
“hi, i’m chenle” he gives his hand out for you to shake
and man, you were shookt
he looks like an ordinary teenager 
or a hypebeast for this occasion 
“o-oh .. h-hello” you bow
chenle suddenly laughs at your reaction 
his laugh is beautiful 
“don’t be nervous baby, i mean no harm” he smiles
his smile that totally made your heart melt
“how could i not? you’re the youngest billionaire out here” you gushed
chenle shushes you after the billionaire part
“sorry about that, it’s just i don’t like it when people tell me that” he tells you casually
ok humble king
“have you ordered yet? if not let’s order right now, on me” he grabs his wallet from his pocket and heads inside gongcha
after taking your orders, you two sat outside again with your drinks
“so y/n.. tell me about yourself” chenle takes a sip of his drink
“well, like i told you last night, i’m a student in college and i live with my brother who’s a doctor and that’s about it.. what about you, mr. zhong” you giggled
“first of all, don’t call me mr. zhong. you can call me lele instead and i love music and i like to play the piano and sometimes i sing” he shares, showing off his pearly whites
and after some many more conversations with him, he finally asks you an important question
“ok last question” he laughs, “i know it’s kinda weird but i really like your company and i know we met through a sugar daddy/sugar baby app but would you like.. stay with me..?” he asks cautiously
you stared at him with wide eyes
“i’ll pay for everything you want.. just,, stay or keep me company..?”
you kept quiet, just in shock on what just happened
“it’s okay if you don’t want to, just forget that i asked” he laughs awkwardly
“no it’s okay, i’ll keep you company but please please don’t pay for everything. i can pay for myself” you tell him
“why not? i got money, i can spoil you with gifts” he looks at you confused
“if you can’t remember, i’ve got a brother who’s a doctor and i guess we’re loaded too you know” you roll your eyes at him
“pfft okay then so.. where were we” 
and with that you guys carry on your conversation 
months has passed and you’ve been with chenle through everything
every time something happened in his company, you were there comforting him or just keeping him sane through out everything
and within those months, you’ve seen different sides of him as well
like the serious side of him– when he’s in business meeting and you’re his plus one 
aside from his secretary of course
the funny side of him– when he’s cracking jokes to literally everyone
sometimes he takes days off in the midst of his own company just to pull pranks on his secretary, renjun
and of course, his vulnerable side– when he feels he can’t do what his father left him, the family legacy
there were night where you had to stay over at his place just to make him calm down or just to make sure he’s sleeping or eating well 
and tonight was those vulnerable nights of chenle
here you were in his room, on the floor holding his hand as he rants about how his day turned to shit 
“it’s just so.. hard you know?” he opens up, “when everyone expects you to follow a certain life but i’m not all about that business shit life! i want to sing or fucking play the piano or do some teenager shit not this paper work life!” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence
“ah shit i’m crying in front of you again” he laughs, wiping the tears 
you don’t say anything but held his hand tighter
“thanks y/n.. you’re the best” he smiles down at you
“anything for you, chenle. that’s why i’m here for you right? to keep you company” you smile back
“can you.. come up here with me” chenle motions for you to sit beside him on the bed
you agree and climbed up
chenle sits up awkwardly, staring at you.
“woah this is the first time i had a girl on my bed” he giggles
“then i’m honoured” you laugh
suddenly your phone vibrates multiple times
you take a look and its your brother looking for you
“who is it?” chenle asks
“it’s my brother, he said i should go home” you slowly push yourself from his comfy bed
“no, it’s late. i’ll take you home first thing in the morning” 
“i don’t want to be a burden to you lele” you say shyly
“you’re never a burden to me y/n” chenle smiles again
that night, you slept in his very arms for the first time
you wake up earlier that him and decided to prepare breakfast for him
you set the eggs and bacon on the table with orange juice
you smiled at your efforts, hoping he’d like it
chenle woke up in distraught since you were no where in sight
he was in his pajama pants and he rushed downstairs to check if you were still there
and thankfully, you were
you were on the dining table, waiting for him with breakfast ready
“good morning” he grins, face looking brighter than ever
you smile back at him, “good morning to you too, sleepyhead. help yourself with some breakfast”
chenle takes a seat and sips on the orange juice next to him, “did you make this?” he asks
you nod, “for you” 
you could’ve swore you saw him blush for a moment there 
and with that, you two ate in peace, just enjoying each other’s company
a few days later
you couldn’t make it to chenle’s office since you had classes and it was exam week 
chenle was obviously very lonely that week
even his own secretary checked up on him cause he was awfully quiet ever since you came into his life
“so how are you and y/n huh” renjun casually asks chenle who was busy reading papers on the table
“we’re doing great” chenle replies nonchalantly 
“are you two going steady now?”
that question made chenle halt to a stop on what he was doing
renjun notices that chenle turned quiet
“i never asked her to be official” chenle gasps, scaring renjun in the process
“renjun hyung can you get me the biggest bouquet bundle you can find” chenle rushes
renjun nods and grabs his ipad, looking for what chenle requested
“fuck.. what did y/n wanted again” chenle asks himself, trying to remember the bag or things you told him about
“call jisung and tell him we’re going to the mall” chenle tells renjun yet again, rushing to the elevator so he could go to the mall with his best buddy
“so what are we buying your special someone again?” jisung asks chenle who was busy pacing around the mall
“y/n said she wanted a bag but i cant remember what was it” chenle tells jisung who just looks as lost as he was
chenle ended up going to every luxury store they had in the mall
like louis vitton, gucci, prada, balenciaga, fendi
you name it he went there and bought one bag each
he even went to some make up stores thanks to jisung’s suggestion
surprisingly he had a girlfriend who was a makeup artist and puts make up on jisung’s face when they have nothing to do
and of course, chenle followed what his best friend suggested
now they were on their way back to your place cause you just texted chenle that you were almost done with your exam
chenle and jisung unload his car and went straight up to your apartment that you shared with your brother
and your brother answers the door
“uh chenle? what are you doing here?” jaemin answers the door
chenle stood there in shock once again, “jaemin hyung? you’re y/n’s brother?” he stares at jaemin confused.
jaemin nods slowly before realization hits him, “you’re the person y/n is seeing?!” 
chenle nods uncertainly, slightly offended you never told jaemin about him but quickly shrugs it off. 
“well surprise! now can you help us with this? i’m asking y/n to be my girlfriend when she arrives home” 
jaemin immediately steps in and helps the two boys
after an hour or so, everything is now set into place
now they were just waiting for you to arrive
chenle stood there with his usual work attire which was a formal suit, holding a big ass bouquet and the paper bags right behind him
“jisung how do i look?!” chenle looks at jisung who was showing him two thumbs up
“dashing bro, she’ll say yes in no time”
and as if on cue, you walked in
and to say you were shocked to see chenle standing there 
“lele! what are you doing here?” you covered your mouth in shock as you saw the never ending line of paper bags right behind him and the bouquet he was holding
“i’m here to ask you to be mine” he replies, staring at you once again
“does my brother know you’re here?” you look around your living room and you spot jaemin in the kitchen, watching the entire thing go down
“yeah. why didn’t you tell me he was your brother” chenle pouts, but shakes his head as he hands you the bouquet
chenle clears his throat once again, “na y/n.. would you be my first and last girlfriend?” he closes his eyes tight, waiting for your response
“i would be honoured” you take the bouquet off his hands and jumped into his arms
“about time you asked her” jisung comments in the background
“baby look, i got you some gifts!” chenle puts you down and shows you the abundant amount of things he got you
you smacked him in the chest, “what did i say about you giving me expensive gifts!” 
“let me spoil you, please? you showed me how loving someone wholeheartedly is priceless, and i want to return the favor in my own way” chenle shows you his infamous puppy eyes.
“lele you’re making me cry!” you tear up, hidng your face in his neck
“also because i can’t remember the thing you told me you wanted a few days ago so i had to compromise” chenle giggles
you were happy
and he was happy
who knew an app could bring you two together and end up like this
the end!
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