#izuku midoriya x plus size reader
lonelierthanu · 2 years
What We Want
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izuku midoriya x chubby!reader
words: 2.9k
warnings: a sprinkle of nsfw; a 1/2 a cup of fluff; aged up characters! cursing; heavy angst/comfort; mentions of self deprecating feelings; extremely insecure reader; a smidgen of explicit language; they/them pronouns; no mentioned female/male anatomy; self-indulgent
summary: you can't stand the way your body looks sometimes and tonight is one of those nights. izuku helps you feel better by telling you how and why he loves you so much.
minors dni!
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As you gazed in the mirror at your naked physique, the self-deprecating thoughts began to creep in. For you , it wasn’t a pleasant site and that was irritating. All those snacks you had with your lover had to catch up with you at some point. You couldn't see why anyone thought of you as attractive as you rubbed your palm over the stretch marks splayed out over your plush stomach.
You were enraged with yourself because you lacked self-control; Angry with your body for the way it appears; Angry at anyone who dared to lie to your face and tell you you were attractive when you can see clear as day that you're not. You're enraged at yourself for doing nothing about it. 
You were angry that you even existed. 
Looking at other people who are prettier and thinner than you, as well as the people who are the same weight and size as you and are just as gorgeous, was very depressing. It appeared to be just you. You were the only one who didn't seem attractive.
You didn't want this body anymore, at this point you don't want to be skinny either. You just want to disappear, forever…
You stopped at that thought and immediately began dressing since you were fresh out of the shower. Before you could get your shirt on you heard Izuku knock. 
"Baby, you okay?" He asked, peeking through the door. You glanced over at him and saw him in a tank top and sweats. He was beautiful, with his muscular arms and toned chest. It astounded you how he had such an interest in you. 
"Yeah," you responded. God, even your own voice sounded ugly to you.
"You were taking a pretty long time so i just wanted to check on you," he said as he fully pushed into the room. Seeing you clad in just your underwear made him blush. He's seen you naked plenty of times but he can't help but get flustered at your beauty every time. How your underwear hugged your ass so perfectly and your thighs on full display. He so badly wanted to kiss your stretch marks and caress all your love handles and curves. He grew aroused from just looking at you and he failed to notice your lack of response. 
Izuku eagerly bounds over to wrap his arms around your waist and starts peppering the back of your neck with kisses. Immediately you push him away. Ashamed of Izuku seeing your body, you grab the biggest sweater you own and put it on before looking for a pair of sweatpants.
"Baby? What's wrong?" concern laced in his tone. It's not at all like you to refuse his touch. You're always down to cuddle, hug, or him just rubbing your hips. Were you mad at him?
"Nothing," you say sweetly, but quietly.
"C'mon y/n something's bothering you. You can tell me," He tries with a small smile. You can tell Izuku is concerned and you really don't want to tell him what's wrong, you know you'll only feel worse if you voice your insecurities out loud. You kinda just want him to figure it out. Even if you did tell him he'd say that you were beautiful. You know he thinks of you that way, you just don't know why. Izuku saddens at your lack of response. Which only means something is really wrong. 
Just 30 minutes ago you were kissing and hugging and giggling with him once he got home and then you told him you were going to take a shower because you had just gotten home as well. You had said you wanted to watch a movie after he showered after you and order take out. Recalling the memories, Izuku had no idea what could be wrong. There might've been something he did before he left for work that you had only seen till now, but nothing is ringing any bells. 
"Are you mad at me?" vying to ask instead of turning it over in his head, he hopes you can shed a little more light on the situation. He wants to help. By now you've already found pants and were sitting on the bed putting on a pair of unmatching socks. You simply looked at him as you shook your head.
Now Izuku was completely lost. Figuring out the problem was becoming increasingly impossible, and the fact that he couldn't see what was plaguing your mind was a problem for both of you. You could see that Izuku was struggling and that he wanted to help so badly, but you honestly cannot bring yourself to voice what's going on in your brain while the feelings are so strong right now. Maybe later when you feel better, just not now. You begin to lay under your covers finally feeling comfier than before now that your body is fully hidden. Happy to forget about it for now. 
"You aren't hot?" Izuku asks with a brow raised. Seeing as you were wearing a huge sweater, sweatpants, socks, and you had the thick covers over top of you, you could see why the question was prompted. Currently you aren't hot but you don't doubt that you'll be hot later. You shook your head no.
"Did you still want to watch a movie?" you nod your head yes. "And did you still want to order take out?" You didn't answer immediately, you thought about how seeing your body made you lose your appetite, but you didn't want your boyfriend to be hungry, but you didn't want him to order food for two, wasting his money. You shrug your shoulders deciding to make it seem like you don't care whether he orders or not. 
"That's not an answer," Izuku at least wants you to say something. One thing. Since your shower you've only said two words and it's killing him. He knows you're not alright and it's tearing him up inside that you refuse to confide in him. 
But you really really really don't want to talk. 
You don't want to eat. 
You don't want to breathe. 
You don't want to remember that you're currently a human being on this earth. 
A human being with insecurities. 
A human being with flaws.
A human being that does not deserve this perfect man standing in front of you. 
You feel your throat tighten and now you really don't want to speak. But Izuku is standing there, waiting for you to say something.
"I'm not..hungry" You whisper, trying to swallow your tears. 
"Ok" Izuku whispers back. He steps closer to the bed and walks over to your side. He lowers himself to gently press a kiss onto your forehead and stays there. "I'll go take a shower, you pick the movie." He steps away and into the bathroom. He doesn't expect you to say anything. He understands you don't want to speak. He just wishes he knew why. 
You don't let the tears fall until you hear the water running. Izuku is so perfect and he deserves someone who's prettier. Someone that isn't pitiful and is so lowly that they can't even bring themselves to talk. 
You only let a few tears fall. You don't want to sob in fear that Izuku will hear and come rushing out in a towel and suds and looking as gorgeous as ever. You pick up the remote from your bedside table and start flipping through movies. It's useless considering you're still crying and you can barely see the TV.  Deciding to just put the remote down and huddle under the covers. 
The covers are thick enough to muddle your sniffles and near silent cries. You don't even hear Izuku shut off the water and walk out into your shared bedroom. While in the shower it popped in his head what this might be about. A situation similar to this happened once before. 
Before you two had had sex for the first time, Izuku had hinted that he wanted to. He never said anything, but he was touchier. Always a hand on your thigh, or his hand on the small of your back slowly trailing down, or makeout sessions becoming more passionate and he would stop right before anything would happen and he'd look at you hoping you would be able to see what he wanted in his eyes. And you had caught on to all his signs and freaked out. He'd hadn't seen you naked before, not even in a bathing suit and you were scared that once he saw what you had been hiding under your baggy clothes, he would hate it. 
You began to avoid him. You never called him, you never left your apartment, you never wanted to hang out, and you only ever texted him. He was worried shitless that he had made you uncomfortable. He wanted to apologize so bad but you never had an open window for him to say so. At one point he thought you were going to break up with him. It wasn't until a month later you had called him saying you were sorry. He wanted to ask for what but you had said that you wanted him to come over and he immediately jumped at the opportunity. 
You hung up fairly quickly and Izuku worried that this was it. This was the end of your relationship. When he finally got to your apartment you flung the door open with tears threatening to spill over and you apologized again. Telling him you were so sorry for ignoring him for so long. You told him how you wanted to have sex with him, but you didnt want him to see your body because you believed it to be hideous. He listened fully to what you had to say before he told you exactly what he thought about you. 
How just the thought of you had him blushing like a crazy hormonal teenager and he wanted so badly to touch, caress, and feel every inch of you. He told you that all he saw was perfection and he wanted to experience it all. He wanted you to experience someone who loves everything about you and he was the person who could do that unconditionally. He told you that he loved the way your hips swayed when you walked. He loved how your thighs were so warm for him to lay in between. He loved how your love handles fit perfectly in his scarred hands, like they were made for him. He loved how soft your waist was and it made it so comfortable to hug and cuddle you. He went on for hours about everything he loved about you, even things you didn't know you had. 
Izuku believes this is what's the problem. He's never seen it behind the door considering he was on the other side, but this would explain the behavior. It matches up too well. 
As quickly and as quietly as possible, he gets dressed before slowly lowering his lower body into the covers. You abruptly stop crying in hopes that Izuku didn't hear anything. 
"baby?" he sweetly calls to you. "Can you come from under the covers?" he asks with no answer from you to follow. "Please?" At this point, it is when you feel so pathetic that your own boyfriend has to beg for you to speak to him, and you can't even look him in the eye. 
You hate it so much. Everything. You hate struggling with this constant battle of insecurities. You hate feeling worthless. But this is what you're dealt with. This is your burden to bear.  You were the fatass that couldn't keep her shit together so now you're rightfully paying the price. You couldn't help but think you deserve this suffocating torture. 
You failed to notice your ragged shaky breaths  beginning to quicken and your heart pound and ache in your chest. 
Izuku, in his panic, went under the covers as well and tried to comfort you. You were pushing him away, but he kept insisting.
"Baby shh, baby no c'mere" he would say as he tries to bring you close to him. 
"no" you would hiccup at every push to his chest to just get him away from you. You can't stand the thought of someone touching your disgusting body. Eventually you just opt to get out of the bed as your final attempt to get away from him. Before you could lock yourself in the bathroom, Izuku scrambles onto the floor and grabs your hips, pulling you towards him and wrapping his arms tight around your waist.
"Izuku please," you plead in your sad broken voice, "let me go" you whisper.
"No," he mumbles as his cheek smooshes against your stomach, "You're feeling insecure. I can tell, and I just want to help you, love," he explains. "That's all I've ever wanted to do."
"Yes. I am insecure. What are you going to tell me? That I'm beautiful? That you find me sexy? Izuku, that's the only argument." he looks up at you then with a confused expression.
"Then what would you like me to say? I'll say whatever I have to if it means you'll stop crying love," You look at him with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. You know Izuku would do anything to ensure your happiness, but right now you don't even know what he could say to make you feel better. 
That's the pathetic part. You want help and you want Izuku just telling you you're beautiful to make all your feelings do a 180 backflip but that's not going to happen. All you've ever done is regret being alive and bringing your misery onto others. You can't ignore that people care about you and you being insecure and isolating yourself is making the people that love you worry. 
"I don't know." you respond, surprising yourself with how even your sentence came out. You can understand that some people can find your body type attractive. You've seen people with your body type that are attractive. But you don't understand why anyone would find you attractive. A part of you thinks maybe that'd be the answer to your problem. You want to think it is.
"Why do you find me attractive Izuku?" you asked your boyfriend who was still tightly clinging to your waist. You didn't look at him when you asked the question. You knew his brows would scrunch in a questioning look and not be able to give you a straight answer. That look would break you. 
But the silence already is.  
After a few more beats of silence you can't take it anymore. You already know his answer. He doesn't fucking have one because you're to disgusting. Because you're too pathetic. Be-
"Because you're you." You take your attention away from the window on the far side of the room and look down at Izuku. You look him in the eyes and beg him to elaborate further with your intense gaze. He indulges your thoughts when he opens his mouth to say, "I don't just love you because of how you look. I love you because of who you are. You are so perfectly amazing that it just makes everything about you beautiful," He smiles at you. "To me, it's as simple as appreciating what the universe has given us, and it gave me you. There are times when I feel like I don't deserve you and I thank the universe for giving me the privilege to hold you."
He pauses to get up from his position on the floor and brings your body into his, hugging your shoulders. "I can't help but feel you were meant to be mine and I was meant to be yours, so no matter what either of us looks like, the universe would have made us beautiful for each other." He whispers against your temple. After giving it a chaste kiss he pulls away to look at your tear stained face, "I am so sorry that you feel you're not gorgeous, but I don't care what you look like, I will always love you. With such an amazing personality you are the most stunning person to walk in the room, and anyone who has met you can agree with me." 
You sniffle, trying to keep the tears at bay. You sort of feel a weight being lifted off of your chest. It's not completely gone but it's definitely lighter. You never thought of it as the universe giving you to your boyfriend as a gift. That's an ego boost. 
"So you're saying you'd still love me if I were a chair?" You ask Izuku as you stare into his eyes with a serious look. Izuku is unsure if he can laugh or not.
"Um y-yes?"
"Why was that a question? I'm serious Izuku. And how could you love me as a chair? I'm a chair!" You try your hardest not to laugh but your boyfriend's panicked expression is so hilarious. You don't last long however and snort before covering your mouth, a little embarrassed that you did that in his face. Izuku thought it was the most adorable thing and started laughing too. 
You're definitely still insecure. That's not going away overnight, but you can see that when you do get like this, you have someone who can comfort you. That alone makes you feel worlds better. 
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♡´・ᴗ・`♡ thank you for taking your time to read, i hope it was enjoyable (and legible💀). this isnt my first time writing for my hero academia but it is my first time posting so kind words pls ✋😭 i proof read it multiple times but im srry if i missed any extra typos. idk if im gonna post more i just wanted to get this out there. (but if anyone has any ideas i just might write it 👀)
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legoshi-plz · 2 years
Notice Me Part VI
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader (eventually), BestFriend! Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Summary: College AU. Reader feels like she’s constantly overlooked/ ignored and she’s made her peace with that.
Warnings: Mild inappropriate language. Alluding to sex. Mild Misogyny.
A/N: Been a while but this story isn’t over yet!
Life had such a funny way of humbling you when you least expect it. With your frequent hangouts with both Izuku and Hitoshi, you’d never once felt the need to dress up around them. So it was a more than common occurrence for you to wear whatever was comfortable and warm whenever you knew the three of you were due for a casual night in of binging whatever movies were in rotation that week. It had never been an issue before, that is until the utterly mortifying moment you opened your door to find none other that Shouto Todoroki on the other side, while donning nothing more than a oversized t-shirt and sweatpants that were tucked into your socks.
“O-oh....,” You were frozen to the spot, staring up at the subject of your daydreams.
“Hello Y/N,” Shouto’s smile was as charming as ever, his eyes soft and his gaze attentive. You wanted to melt into the floor right then and there.
“Sho...,” you mentally cursed yourself for your lack of graceful conversation but you were rooted in your spot, still frozen from being caught off guard.
“Hey, Y/N. Hope you don’t mind the extra guest,” Izuku grinned behind his friend. You were so enchanted by Shouto’s presence that you had failed to even notice Izuku standing behind him.
“Oh no it’s fine! Please, come in,” you said as you ushered them in, the butterflies already erupted in your stomach.
You knew it wasn’t Izuku’s fault, how on earth would he know about your long, pathetic uphill battle with your feelings for Shouto Todoroki? No, you blamed yourself for letting so much time go by without mentioning it to Izuku. The two of you did hang out almost all the time these days, of course you’d eventually run into his best friend who just so happens to also be the unrequited love of your life.
“I never would have thought you’d be a horror enthusiast, Y/N,” Shouto had a habit of looking people directly in the eye when speaking to them, a trait you found incredibly charming when you weren’t so nervous.
“Oh, yeah, I am! Do, um... Are you... a horror fan too?” You were mentally kicking yourself, you weren’t usually so awkward.
The silence must have seemed a bit loud, or went on for a beat too long because Shouto apparently felt the need to elaborate.
“They just... don’t scare me, is all. And that’s supposed to be the point, so I don’t watch them very often.” He explained very seriously. You couldn’t stop the smile from breaking out across your lips. You were suddenly reminded that beyond his good looks, his sincere and stoic personality never failed to translate into a certain type of natural humor he was completely unaware of.
“Y’know, you can enjoy them without being scared.” You beamed up at him, “C’mon, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
Midoriya knew he made a lot of stupid mistakes but tonight he was seriously contemplating if he was actually his own worst enemy. You hadn’t stopped swooning over Todoroki since you opened the door. Laughing at every other thing he said, snuggling up to his side, whispering in his ear at certain parts of the movie to keep him on track. Izuku felt like his stomach was in his throat the whole evening.
“You okay?” You whispered, turning to look at him. You were seated in the middle between Izuku and Shouto, the same formation as when Shinsou was there (when he actually showed up) but Izuku felt like him might as well be on his own independent little island with how close you werre pressed to Shouto’s side. He knows you’re just trying to be considerate by keeping your voice low but he’s not naive enough to not see how much you clearly loved being close to his best friend.
“I’m fine, just tired,” Izuku replied, forcing a weak smile. Your hand snaked it’s way behind his head to gently thread through the soft curls at the base of his neck. It was such a subtle, comforting gesture, one you actually did quite often. But where your delicate touch would normally make his heart flutter in his chest, tonight it just made him feel worse. Just another reminder of what he would never have.
“Want me to get you a pillow and a blanket? You’re welcome to take a nap, I’ll wake you up at the good part,” you smiled at him so softly, so genuinely. You were such a sweet girl, so caring and considerate of others. And here he was, selfishly distracting you from the one you really wanted.
“Actually, I think I’m going to turn in for the night. Lots of studying to do this weekend,” he said, rising from his seat. He didn’t miss that way your face fell, an obvious protest to his departure incoming.
“You’re leaving? But we haven’t finished the movie?” Shouto asked, finally looking away from the screen.
“It’s okay, you two finish without me. I’ll see you guys later,” Izuku smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“But Zu Zu, it won’t be the same without you,” your pout combined with the adorable nickname you’d bestowed upon him weeks ago was almost enough to make him stay. Almost.
But then he remember that this was for you, and even Shouto in a way. Any guy would be lucky to have you, and he couldn’t think of one more deserving than his best friend.
“You guys can catch me up on Monday, tell me all about it,” he grinned. You looked as if you had more counter arguments in you but decided not to press it.
“Okay.... but next time, you have to pick the movie!” You called after him as he walked towards your front door.
“Of course,”
Shinsou gazed over at the clock on the nightstand that didn’t belong to him, in a room that wasn’t his own.
11:48 p.m.
The girl beside him sleeping peacefully, giving in to the unique type of slumber that came to women only after Hitoshi had thoroughly fucked their brains out. If he had known it was so easy to get women to do what you want, that all you had to do was get between their legs and they’d do whatever you say for a chance at your cock, he’d have stopped actually trying in school years ago. The girls whose beds he frequented were more than happy to do the work for him if it meant freeing up more of his time to spend with them. Women were so pathetic. And easy.
Well.... most of them anyway....
He was well aware that his charm and libido wouldn’t work on all women, only most, but as far as he was concerned, both traits were practically useless if they didn’t appeal to you.
Fucking your way through half of the female population as a consolation prize for not getting the girl of your dreams. Who’s the pathetic one now, huh Toshi?
He couldn’t help but think of what you’d be doing right now. It was Friday and late so he knew exactly where you were. Curled up with Midoriya watching yet another film about people getting hacked up, while that idiot couldn’t take his eyes off you. The thought alone of those big dopey eyes, sneaking glances at you, watching you as if you hung the moon and the stars, was enough to make Hitoshi’s stomach turn.
Hitoshi had always had a mild resentment of Midoriya, he was just too damn optimistic about things for Hitoshi’s liking. In a way, he knew his dislike for Midoriya all boiled down to bitterness. Bitterness that Midoriya was brave enough to be so bold in his affection for you. He’d tell you things Shinsou never had the guts to, like you had a beautiful smile, or a cute laugh, or great taste in music. He never shied away from his admiration for you and it made Hitoshi infuriated.
It’s not like Hitoshi wanted to be an asshole, it was just his personality. It was the dynamic you two have had for years, it’d be too obvious to change it now. But all he wanted was to kiss you, touch you, tell you how special you are, how you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. And make love to you until you believed every word.
But since he was too much of a coward to face your inevitable rejection, he’d just settle for drowning out his feelings in any pussy pretty enough to make him forget. Usually that was enough. Usually...
Knowing he can’t have you is one thing but seeing you with other guys, that was more than he could handle. He knew of your insecurities, and he fed into them constantly in a weak attempt to keep you all to himself. He knew you were always doubtful of your appearance, of yourself, despite how your beauty literally turned heads constantly. You always assumed the worst, thinking the attention was because you were different, but Shinsou saw the truth. Saw the lust in their eyes, the fondness, the adoration. He knew those looks all too well, he’s been hiding his own from you for years.
Shinsou rose from the bed and started to put his clothes back on. The girl beside him stirred slightly before turning around and curling into her pillow. He didn’t mind this one, she never tried to stop him from leaving or begged him for five more minutes. She seemed to have a better grasp on the reality of this arrangement than most of his ‘dates.’
Shinsou pulled on his hoodie and headed towards the door, but not before grabbing the homework assignment she’d completed and printed out that was left on her desk for him.
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princessfizzintine · 2 months
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dating izuku pt.2 ꢾ꣒
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bakubunny · 9 months
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riding izuku for the first time but being all shy and nervous about it (even though you were the one who asked) because you’re “too big.” the truth is izuku has dreamed of this moment since the day he met you. he holds you and says the sweetest things while you lay on top of him until he’s convinced you to try again.
so you sit back up and get him inside you, and just sliding his stupid thick cock into you is a whole experience that makes you wonder what you’ve been missing. at first you’re grinding slowly, feeling him as deeply as you can. it’s enough to make your head spin, the way he reaches every tender spot you love so easily, the way you can just take what you want and feel greedy for once. then you plant your hands on his warm chest and your hips slowly start to rise and fall. your hands are trembling and you feel weak from the intensity of the new pleasure. you want to keep going. you want to take and take and take from him until you can’t move anymore, but your knees are shaking and your movements are stuttering.
then gently, with his hands on your ass, izuku pushes his hips up to meet yours and you gasp. “here, princess. let me help you.” you want to argue, but you can’t form a single word with the way each of his thrusts sends a shockwave through your body, so you let him hold you and you take what he gives. your moans are unhindered and you’re completely unaware of what you sound like as he pushes deeper, harder into you, his strong grip getting tighter around your hips.
soon, izuku’s got you shaking and you’re cumming harder than ever. he makes you cum once, twice, and you have to stop him for a moment because it’s too intense. you lay back down in his arms as your cunt twitches around him, but he’s not done. so he starts fucking you again, letting you take your pleasure from him until you’re both spent.
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potheadkiki · 2 years
"You're so pretty"
Izuku x chubby black reader
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Warning⚠ 18+
Simply Midoriya being in love
Gently&Rough sex
Pet names likes "baby" "angel" 
Oral (male receiving)
Body worship
Insecure reader/chubby reader
Unprotected sex! Rap it before u tap it
Walking into class 1-A with the other students you accidentally bump into Deku, you instantly apologize only to hear a scoff come from the front of the classroom you moving your head to see who made the sound only to make eye contact with Bakugo Katsuki, rolling your eyes you quickly turn to face him making eye contact which took him by surprise considering not many people do that especially the girls but that doesn't stop you from giving him a look that even scared tokoyami.
"You got something you wanna say to my face?" You ask raising an eyebrow. He clears his throat saying
“No reason to apologize to a Deku.” he says with a shrug, and you give an almost confusing smile.
“ The fuck you say about my man?” You say as you reach out for his collar ,you can’t ignore the gasps you hear as you announce your relationship with the shiest boy in school. Your hand quickly stopping in mid air as you hear Midoriya say 
“Please Y/N its okay really I appreciate you standing up for me though” he says with a slight blush as he extends his hand to grab at wrist. You sigh but only nod as you say 
“Fine but only for you baby” You say as you caress his face gently, pulling him into a hug, but with his short stature ends up with him pressed into your breasts. His face engulfed in a bright blush as he goes stiff in your arms only for you to pull away and gently kiss his cheek. Only pulling away when you hear the door open and Aizawa walks into class but before leaving him you lean down, lips gently ghosting the shell of his ear as you whisper
"By baby I'll see you later" pulling away making sure to look him in the eyes as you smile sweetly going to your seat, the only thing on your mind is what you just did. You were just trying to stand up for him and it just slipped out. You can't help but smile at yourself when you realize that he didn't reject you but maybe it's because he was just nice and didn't want to embarrass me.
Time skip classes over~
You’re heading back to your dorms as you keep your eyes out Deku and that’s when your eyes catch the bundle of green curls bouncing as he walks to the entrance of the housing area, you're quick to catch up with him as you gently grab his arm 
“Hey! I wanted to talk to you about earlier.” You say with a sense of urgency. His face goes flush as he stops his movement to look at you. 
“H-Hey Y/N” Barley looking me in the eyes. ‘Man I really fucked up’ is all you can think about as he looks down at his feet.  
“Maybe it’ll be better if we talked inside? Yeah?” I say looking at him with hopeful eyes as he just nods. You can’t help but smile at his reaction so grabbing his hand he follows you to the common area where you both sit on the couch. 
“I wanted to say sorry about earlier I know that must have been embarrassing for you and that’s certainly not how I wanted to confess to you, he can just make me so mad sometimes and I wasn’t even thinking before I had just blurted it out.” 
“Wait confess?” Is all Midoriya really says which is fair you did just kinda drop a bomb shell on him.
“Yes, confess. I like you a lot.” you say as you gently grab his hand to hold it looking him in the eyes as you smile. You pull your hand away and let out a small cough as your hand slightly covered your mouth. Pulling away after to lay your hands on your lap as you say 
“It’s okay honestly,” - you interrupt yourself to make sad laugh “heh” finishing your sentence “most guys aren’t interested in girls like me.” You finish with a sad smile but still look at him. He looks at you with a furrowed brow asking 
“What- what are you talking about? ‘Girls like me’ what does that mean?” Is all he can ask as looks at you with a confused face. You look at him mimicking his face 
“I mean you know, heh a big girl.” You say this time not able to meet his eyes this time.  You hear him sigh as he goes
"Y/N you're so pretty I don't think you realize that" His right hand caressing your cheek as he places his left on your upper thigh. His scared hand gently pushing your head up to make eye contact with him as your eyes weld up with tears.
"Awe baby why are you crying?" He says as he pulls you closer to him and gently pets your head with you shrinking in on yourself and cuddling up into his chest. You begin to mumble your answer only for him to gently pull you away and tell you to try again
"It's just that...i never expected for you to actually feel the same way about me and I've always been insecure about my size and I thought that would ruin any chance I had" you say looking at him, your hazel eyes turning green in the light and from the tears
"Awe baby no. As much as I would love to watch you cry not like this. But I love your well..size look why don't we head to your room? I'd say mine but with all the all might stuff" you sniffling then letting out a giggle as you quickly agree with him. Standing up and leading him into your room open and closing your door behind you. Walking in you lead him to sit on your bed as you sit next to him A blush spreading on your face from the comment he makes next. "I like you for who you are and all but you're just so soft. ---" He says interrupting himself to let out a groan and to slightly roll his eyes back---"You're soft and squishy and I could just hold you forever and your eyes are so beautiful teary it's just the way it makes you looks so precious especially the way you're bottom lip quivers" he says looking at you whipping your cheeks of tears, then looking down at your lips. The one thing you always loved but sometimes hated was how slow and shy he is. I smile biting my lip whispering a
"It's ok izuku. I want you to" He doesn't need to be told twice as he captures your lips in a passionate kiss easily stealing your breath away. You feel his scarred hands grip your plush waist then slowly move down to grip the back of your thighs gently moving you to his lap. You hesitate trying to pull your hips away but clearly forgetting how strong he actually is as he pulls you again this time successfully placing you on his lap wrapping his hands around your waist. Can't help but moaning at the sudden pressure on your cunt from the clear erection that is currently growing in Izuku's pants. You grind down on him finding a rhythm you both can enjoy. Feeling his hands on your waist, fingers kneading at the plush flesh over your school uniform. Slowing your hips down to a stop until you're clothed cunt is sitting on his now full erection enjoying the pressure of it as he kisses you with a passion you thought you'd never feel. You let a tear slip out the corner of your eye dripping down and landing on Izuku's cheek, him pulling away to look at you wiping the tears off your face before doing the same to himself after which asking
"What's the matter love? Did I do something?" He asks in a panic pulling away only for you to smile and shake your head saying your just so happy to be treated so gently by someone who you can trust completely which naturally only made you tear up more because feeling wanted was all you ever wanted all he does smile and say
"All these happy tears for me. Your eyes are so beautiful. Do you think they will shine if those tears are from pleasure? " he mumbles almost like it's something he's going to write down later, you gulp before wrapping your arms around his neck whispering a
"I don't know but you can always find out." You say kissing his cheek before moving to gently kiss at his ear as his scarred hands unbutton your shirt sliding it off your shoulders and pulling it completely off tossing it on your floor carelessly. Flipping you both so you're now underneath of Deku as he kisses you, you pulling at his own shirt with a huff whining out an 'off', chuckling with a breathlessly teasing you with a 'needy' but he's still pulling his shirt off nonetheless. Your own heart racing as now you're both shirtless, you feeling more exposed in the skirt that's starting to ride up you're thick thighs. He pulls away and kissing your lips one more time before asking
"Can I take this off baby?" He says pulling at your skirt and you gently nod and he smiles pulling it off leaving you in your bra and underwear. You can't help but feel insecure about yourself him giving you a look of concern, once explained how you're feeling he's pulling away which makes you sad because you see him grabbing at a shirt until he's turning back to you asking
"Do you wanna wear your shirt baby?" You smile nodding but he puts it the side of him you giving a confused looked until he asks
"Lemme take your bra off first yeah?" You nod arching your back his hands sliding underneath you, unclasping your bra which has you fairly surprised at the fact he could do that at all giving him a surprised look, him only smiling a little before saying
"I didn't want to seem clueless so I did a 'little' research" you laugh the word "little" running through your mind.
"What did you like take one of your moms bras?" You say giggling a little but he doesn't say anything and that's when you realize but not wanting to make him feel bad you proceed to take your bra off completely cupping your breasts looking at him innocently asking
"You did that for me?" You say innocently massaging your breasts, pinching and tweaking your nipples as you bit your lip giving him a sultry smile. You watch as he visibly gulps and nods but you grab his face rubbing small circles into his cheek saying
"Use your words for me yeah?"
"Yeah, I didn’t want to embarrass myself" he says looking down rubbing the back of his neck.
"You couldn’t embarrass yourself with me, I like you and I want to be with you emotionally and physically. " you say grabbing his head pulling him down to kiss him passionately as he moans into the kiss adjusting his hips letting them fit perfectly between your own open plush legs. His hips grinding his clothed cock against your own clothed cunt. Your hands sliding down to his pants grabbing at his button and undoing it. Smiling into the kiss as you feel how hard he is for you and it makes your heart flutter at how genuine his feelings are for you.
"Take your pants off. Please baby?" You ask eyes glazing over with lust and tears from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure. Izuku gulps but nods and pulls away which makes you a little sad but your mind is quickly changed as he pulls his pants completely off leaving him in his socks and boxers. 'Wow' is all you can say but you didn't realize how loud it was and he laughs
"Like what you see?" He asks with a cocky grin which only makes you a blushing mess and giggle never expecting him to be so bold and you loved it. But you watch as the facade is broken quickly as he looks down and apologies saying that probably sounded gross or something.
"Hey no." You say reaching up to caress his cheek as your thighs rub together continuing your sentence "I think it's really hot whenever your confident, it just does something to me that I can't explain but I can show you if you let?" You say leaning up and towards him as he leans back, you essentially flipping him over and with you on top gently grinding down lean towards his face looking making eye contact as you beg
"Please? Let me show you how you make me feel." And he gulps nodding and you give him a wide smile that makes his heart flutter as you kiss his cheek and your hands begin to explore his almost naked body. Kissing his lips passionately as your hand open palms his growing erection causing izuku to tense up a little but relax as his scarred hands massage and pinch at your thick thighs. Moving down kissing and sucking at Izukus neck gently biting his adams apple, sucking a mark into the crook of his neck as your lips drag down the rest of his neck to mouth and bite at his chest and abs letting out a moan saying almost to yourself
"God your so fucking fit under those baggy shirts you wear and it's so fucking hot." And he groans at your comment, you gently biting his abs while smiling against his toned body leaving hickeys making your way to the top of his bellybutton looking up and giving him a sultry smile as you massage his now complete erection which causes him to advert eye contact with you. Sitting on his right leg as you subtly grind, his thigh begins tensing at the attention flexing against your clit causing slick to begin seeping through the underwear you had on causing a damp spot to slowly start to form on his muscular thigh. Grabbing the hem of Izuku’s now tight and slightly stained boxers, breath getting caught in your throat, you can feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter aggressively beating against your rib cage as you look up wordlessly asking him to lift his hips, completely pulling his boxers down them getting caught on his muscular thighs, slightly scratching his skin readjusting your grip and completely pulling his boxers off, him helping at the end to kick them off and onto the floor. Heart racing as you finally look at him cock, mouth twitches at the thought of finally doing this with the guy you’ve been crushing on for years. 
“Is this still okay?” You ask he responds quickly
“Yeah this is okay, its-its great” saying as his chest rises and falls at a quick pace and you smile leaning in to kiss him, your left hand supporting your weight while the other opens and rummages around your top drawer until you finally stop and smile into the kiss pulling away muttering a quick ‘found it’ as you pull out a small bottle of lube using your thumb to pop open the cap and moving to sit on your knees in between his legs, pouring a generous amount of the content out and onto your palm rubbing your hands together to spread onto both hands and to warm it up. Now warm in your hands you lay on your stomach head leaning against the inside of his right thigh as you grip the base of his cock making sure to apply pressure and starting a pump his cock with a slow but tight grip his breath getting heavier, he whines 
“Please stop teasing me.” He says breathlessly, his right arm thrown over his eyes. 
“I’m sorry baby you’re right.” You say giving him puppy eyes as you lean your head up lips gently wrapping around the tip of his flushed cock, gently twitching on the top of your tongue, lips sealing completely around his tip as your head slowly starts a shallow bobbing motion and wrapping your hand around his base to pump what you can't take but also making sure to gently suck and hollow your cheeks. Izuku lets a gasp slip past his swollen lips from the kissing and biting, hips jerking up as he feels your mouth engulf him in the warm and wet heat of your mouth. His hands trembling to find purchase on something around him as you successfully swallow down to his base, your nose pressed against his little bush of curls as you breathe through your nose calming yourself down as you feel your throat constrict. Looking up at him your own eyes starting to get teary from the intrusion while his the same, eyes teary and gripping uncomfortably at your sheets realizing he doesn't know what to do with his hands you grab his hand and place it on the back of your head making eye contact as a sign it's okay to take control. Izuku is admittedly a little nervous about it but once you go back to bobbing your head up and down using your hand to pump whatever you can't fit, he instinctively grabs a fist full of your hair and lets out a moan
"Fuck baby, I don't wanna hurt you” he says breathlessly, his rough hands caressing your cheeks, eyes starting to water as the intrusion starts to feel uncomfortable but refusing to stop, the noises he makes causing more and more slick to coat your inner thighs. With a huff you pull away, saliva and pre cum making a sticky string that connects your bottom lip to the tip of his cock, gently kissing his flush pink tip before completely pulling away, hand still wrapped around his cock as you lean up and kiss his cheek before whispering in his ear 
“Cmon do this for me, you wanna be good right? You wanna make me happy? Huh?” You ask in a teasing manner, pumping his cock, gently kissing the outer shell of his ear as his breath gets caught in his throat, Adam’s apple bobbing.  God he really does want to be good. So he nods breathlessly and you smile going back down and gently kiss his tip your tongue poking at the slit of his cock causing him to whine. Izuku puts his rough hand on the back of your head and with his new found confidence he starts to control the pace you go at his hips bucking up causing you to gag and grab at his thighs, him not seeming to care until he's on the verge of cumming and he pulls you away. With his large hands pulling you away, can't help but to let out a whine at the sudden lost of your mouth being full.
"Damn baby. I was about to come" he says chuckling as his green curls stick to his sweaty forehead. You whine again asking
"What's so wrong about that? I was just getting started"
"Because baby I wanna feel you around me when I do cum" leaning down and kissing you as he guides you to lay down under him a big smile on your face as you realize this is finally happening.
"What's got you so giddy baby?" He asks fingers trailing down between your legs
"You" is all you say. And he matches your smile instantly muttering a quick "okay fair" his fingers pinching at your thick thighs causing you to whine and mutter a 'hurry'. Izuku huffs but gives in to your demand, middle finger gently putting pressure on your clit over and over until he decides to slip a finger inside curling it causing you to gasp and moan
"Fuck your fingers are so much thicker than mine."  You say huffing at the stretch.
"Yeah? You touch yourself like this?" He asks his fingers curling inside as he lays himself on top of you causing you to gasp from the pressure on your chest, he makes his way to your right ear gently nibbling and sucking at the shell of your ear, breathing heavy in your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine as let out an audible whine. You feel him smile against your ear, working you open on his thick fingers causing you to grip at his biceps nails breaking skin his thumb finding your clit, rubbing tight circles, thick fingers pushing up against the spongy spot inside of you causing your thighs to spasm.
"Fuck zuku! I'm gonna cum" You say gasping for air, grabbing his bicep, causing these crescent shaped imprints to turn into scratching. Hearing him as he praises you urging you to cum like the good and pretty girl you are. Having no other choice but to give in as your eyes roll to the back of your head and that tight coil inside of your stomach snaps,back arching as you grip at the sheets so hard your knuckles turn white from the pressure.  Your chest is heaving as you watch Izuku like his fingers clean him letting out a groan of satisfaction. Slowly crawling to sit between your legs as his bulge rubs against your thigh.
"Cmon zuku let's finish" you say extending your arms around his neck pulling him down for a heavy kiss as you grind up on his hard cock, he moans into the kiss and nods excitedly as he pulls his boxers off his hard cock spring free a sigh of relief leaving his lips as he grips the base of his cock and jerks himself off all while looking at you. He moves closer and rubs the head of his cock against your clit, your thighs squeezing around his hips
"Condom babe?" He asks you shake your head slightly
"I'm on the pill. It helps to regulate my period." He hums in acknowledgement as his tip gently pushes against your entrance. Gently prodding until the tip is in and your eyes roll back as he pushes into you more. Your thighs quivering around his hips as you scratch at his back. The feeling of being stretched and filled is so new but you notice that your not the only one struggling as Izuku's eyebrows are knit together is concentration and he pushes into you more.
"Mhm zuku touch my clit please?" You asking whining the stretch is starting to become to much as your eyes water.  He nods at your words, his thumb latches to your clit and moves in tight circles as he starts to move his hips. Your back arches as his thrusts get faster and his thumb moves faster at your thighs quiver and shake around his hips.
"Mhm zuku i-i think I'm coming" you say as you grip his shoulders begging him to kiss you and to keep going.
"Mhm I love when u beg like that don't worry love I won't stop not till I feel you creaming on my cock" as he says this the tip of his cock hits that spongy spot inside of you that cause you to cum with a cry of his name as and your chest heaves up and down.
"Mhm fuck I can feel you squeezing me inside cmon princess you gotta let up or I won't be able to pull out." He says inbetween pants
"'m trying zuku." You whine out starting to feel the overstimulation of his cock and thumb.
"I-i I'm coming again please slow down!" You say practically sobbing at this point
"Shh don't worry I'm so close where do u want me to cum?" He asks sucking more marks into your skin
"Inside! I want it inside!" You whine noticing his hesitation, wrapping your legs tighter around his hips causing them stutter as he let's out a gargled moan cumming inside of you. Your legs finally give way and drop down as he pulls out of you watching at how his cum leaks out of your bartered hole causing him to groan to himself. He stands up pulling his boxers on and you grab at his arm with a confused look.
"I'll be right back love I gotta go get a wash clothe to clean you up." You smile at that
"I have baby whips in my top drawer under my vanity." He nods in acknowledgment and opens the drawer pulling them out and pulls 3 out of the container before putting them back walking back to you
"Open your legs baby I gotta clean you up" and you lazily opening your legs up to him the second time that night. He smiles
" you're such a good girl always listening to me and being good." You blush at the praise and smile  as he continues to clean you up. Once he's done he kisses your head and lays down next to you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling your blanket up as you both drift off to sleep contempt with how it went down.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
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duxearlier · 1 year
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Neito Monoma x Reader
Synopsis: y/n l/n an ordinary college student who is trying their best to just graduate. Though even if they were quite known around the campus there are still some people who disliked them. One being no other than Neito Monoma. So what happens when they get paired up on a project and he changes y/n's life completely?
warning: swearing, bullying, abuse, drinking, suggestive themes, teasing.
genre: collage au, social media au, no quirks, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff.
taglist: open
<chapter two || materlist || chapter four>
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taglist: @legolashaught @touyatodorokislut @otomegame-oneshots
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mhathotfic · 2 years
What about Bakugou Kiri Izuku anyone with a chubby S/O who has stretch marks on his hips and thighs who hides them from him scared they'll have them?
Gosh I meant to get to this sooner, only excuse I have is bad case of the brain fog. How about some quick head canons to make it up? Unfortunately had to leave out Midoriya because the brain fog is back and I can’t concentrate anymore
Warnings: swearing, body image issues, written for plus sized readers
Pairings: Katsuki Bakugou x reader, Eijirou Kirishima x reader
- If you ask him what he thinks is attractive or sexy he’ll shrug and tell you he ‘just fuckin’ know it when I see it’
- See he couldn’t care less about body type, ok so he’d prefer if they have a ass he can grab a big handful of and still have a little extra spilling out his hand, but he really is more interested in personality and attitude more than anything else
- He doesn’t really get insecurities about your own body, he knows it’s a thing but he doesn’t understand why
- As a result he might come off as less sympathetic to them, but he does care deeply when he notices their clothes always covers everything up
- He doesn’t understand physical insecurities sure, but he knows if it upsets them than its something they should talk about together so he can understand
- Also gets kinda pissed they tried to hide their stretch marks because he thinks there kinda cute
- Out of all the 1-a boys I think he’s actually the most likely to say he likes them chubby
- He wouldn’t even give them a chance to be insecure
- Constantly hyping them up and simply won’t keep his hands off them because he’s so affectionate
-Complaints about their stretch marks?
- You mean the tiger strips? But, but, those are his favorite strips!
-Their tummy is squishy? Good! That’s his favorite pillow!
- He does eventually learn you can’t positive energy your way out of everything, but he still tries to remind them how gorgeous they are simply because they’re them
- Not because of their body nor in spite of their body, but because they’re simply gorgeous no matter what.
- Offers his clothes on bad self image days so they feel comfy at the very least
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fiercewiings · 1 year
♡ Introduction and Rules ♡
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Hi there! My name is Topaz, I’m 22 years old, and I go by she/they pronouns! I’m an illustration student who also enjoys writing, hence why this writing blog was born haha (▰˘◡˘▰)
I enjoy writing just about anything, but especially hurt/comfort, fluff, and angst ! I also love to write headcanons, ships, platonic stuffs, and even some nsfw on occasion ;) all of my work is going to be gender neutral unless stated otherwise !
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
To start off, here are some of the main fandoms I am in and who I will write for in said fandoms, everyone listed can be written for NSFW requests unless otherwise stated:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed/TGMoDC) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lan Zhan
Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen
Jiang Cheng
Jiang Yanli
Jin Guangyao
Nie Huaisang
Wen Ning
Wen Qing
Jin Ling
Lan Sizhui
Lan Jingyi
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Faraway Wanderers (TYK/Word of Honor) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Zhou Zishu
Wen Kexing
Ye Baiyi
Gu Xiang
Cao Weining
Zhang Chengling
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Chainsaw Man *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Devil Hunters:
Aki Hayakawa
Kobeni Higashiyama
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Spy x Family *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Loid Forger (Twilight)
Yor Forger (Thorn Princess)
Franky Franklin
Sylvia Sherwood
Fiona Frost (Nightfall)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* My Hero Academia *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Katsuki Bakugou
Ochako Uraraka
Shouto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Eijirou Kirishima
Hanta Sero
Mashirao Ojirou
Denki Kaminari
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami
Tsuyu Asui
Kyouka Jiro
Hitoshi Shinsou
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
Himiko Toga (NO NSFW)
Tomura Shigaraki
Mr. Compress
Pro Heroes:
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods)
Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Nana Shimura
Sir Nighteye
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jujutsu Kaisen *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yuuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Maki Zenin
Toge Inumaki
Kasumi Miwa
Professional Sorcerers:
Gojou Satoru
Nanami Kento
Ieri Shoko
Special Grades/Vengeful Spirits:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Demon Slayer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Nezuko Kamado
Kanao Tsuyuri
Hashira (NSFW OK):
Giyuu Tomioka (Water)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Fire)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Love)
Obanai Iguro (Serpent)
Shinobu Kocho (Insect)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Koichi Hirose
Reimi Sugimoto
Mikitaka Hazekura
Yukako Yamagishi
Giorno Giovanna (Haruno Shiobana)
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
General Characters (NSFW OK):
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
Joseph Joestar
Caesar A. Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Suzi Q
Jotaro Kujo (after Part 3 ONLY)
Muhammad Avdol
Noriaki Kakyoin (after Part 3 ONLY/AUs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Holy Kujo
Rohan Kishibe
Tomoko Higashikata
Shinobu Kawajiri
Bruno Bucciarati
Leone Abbachio
Guido Mista
Jolyne Cujoh
Ermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Narciso Anasui
DIO (all parts)
Hol Horse
Yoshikage Kira
Risotto Nero
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Nene Yashiro
Minamoto Kou
Mitsuba Sousuke
Akane Aoi
Nanamine Sakura
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Arcana: Visual Novel *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Main Six:
Asra Alnazar
Julian (Ilya) Devorak
Nadia Satrinava
Portia (Pasha) Devorak
Count Lucio
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* THE RULES ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
What I will write:
Song fics
Plus size readers/characters
Body insecurities
Mental health (anxiety/panic disorders mostly but I will put warnings!!)
LGBTQ+ readers/characters (including poly and ace!! I am queer myself ^-^)
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TW// What I will NOT write:
Any kind of p*dophilia (aka romantic relationships between adults/minors/teachers/students)
Illegal drug use (weed/marijuana is ok)
R*pe or inc*st
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Don’t be shy to pop in my inbox and request something or just to talk ! :> Anyways, I hope you will enjoy your stay and remember, you’re loved!!
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
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outsders · 10 days
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іᥒ𝗍r᥆ძᥙᥴ𝗍і᥆ᥒ ⍴᥆s𝗍
she/they/it ◞ sixteen ◞ dutch ◞ INTP-T
pansexual + aromantic/fictoromantic ◞ asd
main / yume blog : @ aftongf ( if I follow you / interact it's with this account .ᐟ )
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ᥕіᥣᥣ ᥲᥒძ ᥕ᥆ᥒ'𝗍 ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ
will write :
gender neutral & fem reader
wlw/gl & m/f4a
chubby / plus size reader
autistic reader
fluff , crack & angst
scenarios , drabbles , oneshots
etc. might add more
won't write :
male reader & mlm/bl
smut / nsfw
cheating / infidelity themes
oc's or character x character
anything else im uncomfy with I will lyk
requests are always open ,, unless stated so here otherwise. I will get to them asap ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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𝖿ᥲᥒძ᥆ms і ᥕrі𝗍ᥱ 𝖿᥆r
Five Night's At Freddy's :
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Sundrop / Moondrop
William Afton (movie William)
Michael Afton (Mike Schmidt)
Vanessa / Vanny (Vanessa Shelly)
Carlton Burke
Charlotte Emily
Glamrock Bonnie
Gregory (platonic ONLY)
Cassie (platonic ONLY)
Stray :
Obey me! One master to rule them all :
Luke (platonic ONLY)
DC Universe :
Edward Nashton
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Barbara Kean
Jerome Valeska
Jeremiah Valeska
My Hero Academia :
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Tamaki Amajiki
Kirishima Eijirou
Denki Kaminari
Ochaco Uraraka
Toga Himiko
Mina Ashido
Sally Face :
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
+ possibly other characters / fandoms soon !
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lagataprrr · 1 year
Also I’m going to try and finish all of my drafts, I have like six of them done halfway lol
Home Run - Eren Jeager x female plus!size reader
Players online: 1 - Tomura Shigaraki x female plus!size reader (smuttish)
Reassuring - Eddie Munson x plus!size reader (smut)
Eclipse (Multi chapter series) - Katsuki Bakugo x female Reader
Minty kisses - Izuku Midoriya x female plus!size reader
Die for you - Eren Jeager x Female plus!size reader (smut)
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kittenbabe00 · 2 months
My finished works
0 notes
¥ Pretty boy ¥
Rich! Izuku midoriya x F! Plus size! reader
Hi everyone!!! this is part of @bakugohoex‘s Collab, you should check the rest of the collab and her works out!!! enjoy!!
Izuku comes from a rich family, owns lavish cars and houses upon houses but all he really wants is you. You come from a humble background, refusing wealth but dealing when izuku wants to spoil you. Izu can literally fuck you anywhere because he is that rich; Nsfw, Fluff, public sex(kinda), smut(kinda? dom izu), reader is kinda a cheapskate.
Sorry it’s so bad; I may continue/ revise based on how this is taken!
“Oh, come on, Y/n! It’ll be so fun, I promise! it’s just one trip; you won’t feel like you did last time!” Memories of the past trip flash through the shapely woman's mind: paparazzi, lavish hotels(yes hotels, he wanted a different view every night), thousand dollar meals, designer boutiques, everything that you had avoided in your life as a pro hero was ironical, as it was all tackled at once.
You loved your boyfriend, and you admire his willingness to give, but this was the main reason you gave a lot of your earnings to health organizations and hotlines, you didn’t feel you needed the money, you were doing just fine without it, eating at home, carpooling to save on gas, helping out at your apartment to get a bit taken off of your rent. But Izuku was born into a life of wealth. Heir to the Yagi fortune, but despite his wealth, you wouldn’t know he was wealthy by simply meeting him.
“Oh, don’t patronize me izuku, you know I would hate that trip, I always hate overly expensive trips, I could get the same trip through my booking sites for half the price, and you know that!” You huff leaning over to fold your laundry. Izuku walks behind you, placing his large hands on your hips and leaning his head on your shoulder. You could feel his pleading look without even looking at him.
“Indulge me, baby. I promise I won’t make it too expensive,” You felt him kiss at your neck, making you sigh until he let out the final part of his argument, a simple,” Please?” You took his hands off your hips and walked away. Izuku sat defeated until he heard you rustle around, cursing as you made a mess of your once clean closet, and came back into the room with a defeated look and a suitcase. “How long are we going for?” Izuku smiled widely and spun you around, his eyes full of love.
----------------time skip to the day of the plans----------------
You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before sighing, regretting agreeing to this trip as you fix your sundress, admiring how the fabric hugs your soft curves perfectly. You knew this vacation would be perfect, that you would love it, but your stubborn mind wanted to fight the potential enjoyment.
Your mouth turned bitter as you internally fought with yourself, going from a fight of stubbornness to a battle against your self-confidence. Your mind picked on everything that wasn’t on your mind before as a deflect of being questioned. Your unpleasant thoughts were interrupted by a certain green-haired man as he walked into the room, stunned at how beautiful you looked in that dress. Distracted by the unmistakable twinkle in his eyes, your thoughts soon disappeared and were replaced with wonder.
“What’re you looking at?” He shook himself out of his trance to approach you with a smile. “Just looking at my beautiful baby girl in that dress, she so horribly fought me on. You look gorgeous, by the way.” His rough hands were felt through the sheer material of the outfit as his thumbs rubbed gentle circles on your wide hips.
You smiled softly and kissed his cheek, looking into his eyes. “Are you ready to go? Cause one more minute, and I may just back out of this.” His eyes go wide as he pulls away and rushes to get everything in the car. Your chuckles are short-lived as he soon comes back and picks you up. “You’re the last thing I need so we can go” you squeak as you remember this man can lift nearly 300 pounds. Why shouldn’t he lift you? Still, every time he lifts you, it comes as a surprise.
He quickly sets you into the car, alarming you with the fact that the driver isn’t any driver at all, it’s one of his close friends, todoroki, and this isn’t even your car; it’s his. “I figured we didn’t need to use the driver and waste money on parking, todo’s gonna drop us off, and I’ll have the driver pick us up after!” Your eyes watered, you knew that the rest of the trip would be extravagant but it was these little things that made you fall in love with him, over and over again. You sat with your hand in his all the way to the airport. You were excited to see new places but dreading the paparazzi.
You stood out of the car, taking in the cool breeze and walking around the car to get to the bags in the back. You bring both of your bags out, along with your carry-ons, and wait for him to finish his conversation with his friend to come to collect his bags. You hear izuku bid him farewell and thank him for the ride before he slips a 20 for gas in his friend’s car and walks to you. “Now don’t be mad...” His eyes shift when he bows his head, preparing to be lectured,” I got first class, and I know you don’t-” You laughed, only calming to rub his shoulder with a smile. “It’s ok! I’ll let it pass.... for now. Now, let’s get our free drink on!”
You’re the first to board, ignoring the dirty looks from the other passengers; you made a vow to enjoy this time.... for izuku’s sake. Your smile didn’t falter, even when the check-in lady gave you a surprising look when you gave her the ticket. You walked onto the plane with confidence; izuku could only say that you looked as if you were born for this… that you belonged here.  Your Seats were opened to each other, making a two-bedroom cabin area.
You let izuku walk past you to put your bags to the side and look at the menu. One thing you could never understand is his appetite, he eats more than a group of teenage boys, and he still keeps fit, even if he doesn’t work out. You never found that fair. You shook your head out of the thoughts and sat next to him, searching the tv for a decent channel. You shut off the tv when you saw the news about a new villain, suddenly stressing about the city and what’ll happen if you leave. Your mind flooded with thoughts of the places you love on fire, the people you loved killed and showed as a warning to all the other heroes.
Luckily Deku, who had just finished ordering pretty much the whole menu, sensed your sudden situation and reached over you, pulling the leaver to set your seat back. The sudden movement knocked you out of your daze, causing you to look at the man perched above you with a frustrated look on his face. “You have just been a whirlwind of emotions today, haven’t you? You refuse to calm down; the city will be fine, it’s only a week, and we’re not even going that far!” “but-” “No buts! You don’t want to make me sad, do you?” You sigh, realizing that it was highly improbable for that to happen while you were gone, but that didn’t stop you from worrying. Despite that, you sucked it up, deciding that you might as well enjoy these trips before something happens, after all hero business is very dangerous.
“No Izuku, i don’t” He tilts your chin in order for your eyes to reach his. “Izuku? Really? You know that’s not what i want to hear princess.” You suddenly realize the shift of atmosphere, Izuku’s eyes darkened. “No daddy.” “Good girl.”
He lets his hand drag to the bottom of your dress, pushing up the tinted fabric as he moves his hand to rest on your thigh. Your thighs clench unintentionally when he reaches for the top of your underwear, flinching when he snaps the fabric back onto your skin.
You weren’t used to your soft lover taking the lead, you were the one who took control. You usually calmed your own nerves, with him of course. But you couldn’t think, you couldn't take control, you just had to let him help you, clear your mind and calm you.
You couldn’t help but shiver at the look in his eyes when he’s in control. His eyes darkening,a small glimmer in his eyes is still present but he looks….. Animalistic. You slide your underwear off of your plush form, confidently as he watches you with a ever-growing tent in his pants.
Izuku reached out to your body, holding your soft hip as he moves to slide his form between your thighs. “I don’t think i can be patient much longer beautiful, i may just fuck you like this.” He cups your cheek and uses his thumb to play with your lip, testing how far he can go before sticking his finger in your mouth. You obediently suck on it, watching him bite his lip and shift away to get undressed. “Who says i don’t want you to?”
He quickly takes off his shirt, his scars and freckles littering his tan skin. Izuku's pants are soon to follow allowing his cock to tap his stomach. You always loved how easy it was to get him to get hard, he was always ready for you to fuck him, ready to make love at the mere thought of your full, soft form.
You heard izuku whisper a quick ‘fuck it’ before he grabbed your thighs, wrapping them around his hips and grinding softly onto your soft cunt. Your soft moans fueled the burning fire of his. He grabbed his shaft, lining himself up with your weeping hole. He kissed you deeply before pushing into you, his lips muffling your sweet moans.
His cock throbs as he patiently waits for you to adjust to his girth. Your hips ache, already feeling the pressure of your current activities take it’s toll on your body. Your minds begins to flood with need, processing just how close izuku is, how his muscles feel under your finger tips, how he reacts when you experiment with tightening your smooth walls around him. He waits for you to move, slightly wiggling your hips, before he gives into the feeling, whimpering and keeping a steady pace.
You feel his tip brush against your sweet spot with every thrust, unraveling quicker then you would have liked. Izuku’s blush reaches onto his chest as you moan into his ear, teasing him. He speeds up, ramming into your sweet spot, causing that knot in your stomach to tighten before he shifts to rub at your clit sloppily, letting out lewd noises and tipping you over the edge. Your body freezes, a shaking gasp falling from your lips as you arch your back and your walls flutter and tighten around izuku’s dick. He’s soon to follow, spilling his load over your soft stomach before slowly pulling out and flopping onto his bed besides you.
“That’s one great way to start a shitty trip.” You laugh looking over into his forest eyes. Izuku grabs your hand, kissing your palm and giving you a small smile. “Or just a wonderful way to start a potentially amazing trip. You promised you’d let me spoil you this time, so let me use my money to give you comfort. Ok?” You nod, adjusting your seat to be upright again, and lean over to the champagne. The view out the window is something of beauty as the clouds fold into each other and the sky casts a pink, soft hue onto the white canvas.
Izuku grabs himself a glass, leaning his seat all the way back and putting a complementary eye mask on.
“And besides, the more money we pay, the less people will care where we fuck each other.” He was born into this life, born for it. He was used to this and could be for the rest of his full life.
But izuku would do anything just to be by your side. That’s one thing he can’t pay for.
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legoshi-plz · 2 years
Notice Me Part VII (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader (eventually), BestFriend! Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader, hints of Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Summary: College AU. Reader feels like she’s constantly overlooked/ ignored and she’s made her peace with that.
Warnings: Angst. Insecurities.
“This one is called a ‘Nulumbo Nucifera’ but it’s commonly known as a Lotus. They manage to keep them year round by carefully gauging the humidity and temperature of the room. Which is why it’s so hot in here,” Shouto turned to look at you as he finished speaking and you began to once again look fascinated despite the fog your mind had slipped into due to the overload of information.
You were currently with Shouto at a flower sanctuary that was much bigger on the outside than it looked on the inside. When he invited you to come here with him, he’d done it so nonchalantly that you assumed it would be a quick stop but it’s been almost two hours and you had a feeling this tour was nowhere near finished.
“Wow, Sho, I never knew you were so into plants,” You smiled, trying to start a conversation before he began rattling off more plant facts. Not that you didn’t love to hear him gush about the different types of fauna but you knew there was no way you could remember all of this so you didn’t want him to waste the effort.
“Yeah I used to come here a lot with my mother when I was younger. I asked her what type of things girls like to do and she suggested coming here,” Shouto hummed gazing at the long leaves of a tree branch hanging above you two. He was so casual about everything so he probably found no issue with his statement yet your jaw was almost on the ground.
He had been talking to his mother about you? Well not about you but about hypothetical girls which just so happened to be you. You felt your cheeks warm and you weren’t so sure it was the humidity of the room making you feel so lightheaded.
Ever since Izuku had incorporated Shouto into you usual Friday get-togethers, you’d been seeing a lot of Shouto lately. A lot. At first, the notion of the two of you hanging out without Izuku as a buffer made you a nervous wreck, afraid you’d end up embarrassing yourself in front of Shouto the way Hitoshi always said you would. You’d tried to insist on Midoriya coming along but he always had something better to do at the most inopportune time.
“Sorry Y/N, I’ve got a history exam to study for.”
“I’d love to Y/N, but I can’t miss another gym session tonight, you two go on without me,”
“I actually agreed to help one of my classmates move some new furniture into her place, but maybe next time,”
“Sorry, I’m already hanging out with a couple of the other students interning at All Might’s agency but you two have fun,”
You had no idea Izuku was such a popular guy but you couldn’t say it was that much of a shock. He was cute, funny, kind, and genuinely charming. No one in their right mind wouldn’t want to be around him and occupy his time, but he was usually so busy with schoolwork, training, or working with All Might that you supposed that was part of why (at least to an outsider) it seemed like he kept to himself.
Now when it came to Shouto, there was no mystery there as to why wasn’t drowning in company. He just seems so.... unapproachable. And he was blunt to a fault, which could arguably be very off putting to some people. However, you found that the more time you spent with him, the more your nerves eventually ebbed away and you found yourself remembering exactly how you fell for him the first time when interning together at his father’s agency. There was something about him that felt so open and honest, a side effect of his bluntness no doubt. There was something so fascinating about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. That and his prince-like good looks really made him almost irresistible. Almost.
Despite how mesmerized you were with him and how delighted you were that the two of you were growing closer, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t quite right. You mind kept drifting to that seed of doubt that maybe, this was all just some cruel joke the universe decided to play at your expense and the rug would be ripped out from under you at any moment.
You knew you were nowhere near Shouto’s league, nor were you anywhere near his type. You didn’t actually know what his type was but you did know that you weren’t anyone’s type nor first choice. You thought about all the times Hitoshi had urged you to get over your silly crush on Todoroki because you would only end up hurting yourself. Your best friend was always right when it came to living in reality, you needed to adjust your expectations for what was and wasn’t within your grasp. And Shouto Todoroki was definitely not in your grasp.
So adjust your expectations is exactly what you did. You enjoyed hanging out with Shouto one-on-one but you made sure to keep your own feelings in check, determined not to feed into any delusions that would eventually come back to bite you in the end.
“Y/N?” You perked up at the sound of your name, not even realizing you had spaced out.
“I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“I asked if you were ready to move on to the exhibits upstairs. They have quite the extensive aquatic garden selection.” He lips were pulled into a small smile that was almost easy to miss. One look into that intense gaze and you knew you were going to give in.
“Lead the way,”
Izuku could barely keep his eyes open, liable to fall asleep right in front of his breakfast. It wouldn’t be the first time a college student took a cat nap in the dining hall.
“Your food is going to get cold. Besides the longer you wait to eat, the harder it will be to wake up because your body is lacking the proper energy. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason,” Iida lectures across from him. It was just the two of them this morning since Uraraka decided to sleep in and Izuku’s beginning to wonder if he should have chose to do the same.
“You’re right, you’re right,” Izuku yawned picking up his chopsticks. Just as he was about to dig in, he was surprised to see Shouto sit down, looking more pleasant than he’d ever seen him at 7a.m.
“Morning everyone,” he smiled, starting on his breakfast.
“Long time, no see. We haven’t seen you at dinner in weeks now,” Iida stated drinking his orange juice.
“That’s because I’ve been eating dinner with Y/N.” Iida paused drinking his orange juice at such an admission but his eyes gave nothing away. Izuku, on the other hand, felt his gut wrench and it had nothing to do with his empty stomach.
“Oh. Every night?” Iida asked but it was clear he wanted to say something else.
“Every night. She’s quite easy to be around. I like it,” Shouto smiled while gazing at the plate in front of him. Izuku wanted to excuse himself but it was like he was glued to the seat.
“Which brings me to my question,” Shouto turned to Iida, a very serious look on his face. “How do you get a girl to be your girlfriend? Do you just ask or are there any rules to follow? I’d really like to do this the right way.”
Iida’s eyebrows were nearly at his hairline as his wide eyes glanced between Izuku and Shouto. Izuku knew Iida wasn’t stupid, he had probably picked up on his crush a while ago and was just too polite to mention it. Shouto, of course, didn’t have the same intuition.
“A-and the girl you want to be your girlfriend is... Y/N? From UA?” Iida asked slowly, a way of buying time as he processed what to say in such an awkward situation.
“Of course.”
“I see. Well maybe you should talk to Izuku about this, he knows Y/N better than I do,” Iida was clearly trying to take himself out of the equation and get Izuku to fess up to his own situation in one go.
“Hm, that is true. If you were to ask Y/N to be your girlfriend, how would you do it?” His determined gaze was now honed in on Izuku.
“Um, maybe.... start with a date,” Izuku grumbled. He wanted to sink into the floor. He may have decided to not get in the way of you and Shouto’s budding romance but that in no way shape or form meant he was willing to aid in that courtship.
“Oh, we’ve already gone on one. Several actually,” Shouto mentioned casually and Izuku really did feel like he was going to be sick.
“Sorry, I don’t know. It’s not like I have a girlfriend,” muttered, gathering up his tray. He left, throwing the untouched food away on his way out.
He knew this was coming, he knew he shouldn’t be so dramatic. He’d always known about your crush on Shouto the same way he’d always known that Shouto had a soft spot for you. It was bound to happen eventually and eventually was finally here.
So why did he have to be the idiot to fall for you anyways?
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peppermint-monster · 2 years
Ex-Husband Izuku Midoriya X Chubby Reader!
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Warnings: Unprotected sex, dirty talk, Pet kink, Pet names (Baby, Mama Pup, Puppy), Public Display, Caught, DDLG-ish, Strength kink...?, Dom!Deku, Mentions Oral (Female receiving), Mentions the use of toys, you are a mommy, Breeding kink, Babytrapping, Jealous!Deku(for the first half), Jealous!Reader (just a small part), Possessive!Deku, Masturbation...? (Solo-ish male), Masochism-ish (The reader slowly enjoys being humiliated), The beginning of Master/Pet...? Basically, NSFW. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Also be mindful that I didn't really mention much of the reader's appearance (Besides she's female) since I wanted to keep it vague for everyone to relate as much as possible, though it is definitely for the more voluptuous side of ladies.
Please be mindful that all photos are not mine, but the making of the collage is.
MINORS DNI!!!! 🔞🙅🏻‍♀️ If you're not comfortable with this, please ignore!
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Ex-Husband Izuku Midoriya with a chubby reader! who's been divorced from each other for over 4 and a half years yet that never stops him.
“Hey.” They both awkwardly greeted one another.
“Thank you for agreeing to watch them tonight, I wasn't sure if you were working late again…” She shyly mentioned, fiddling with the long trench coat she was wearing, staring everywhere besides her ex-husband's tired gaze.
Izuku Mirdoriya, her ex-husband had grown so well since UA, sporting a much kept tame curly top, his whole body still kept in shape buffed up and so much taller (That no matter how tall you are he’s taller than you 😆). His freckles still were prominent on his cheeks, and the once innocent appeal was now tired and gloomy that he couldn't hide from her.
Izuku ran his fingers through his thick green locks while taking a step closer to her. The lighting that shine through the living room made her eyeshines and gave him a glimpse of her dolled up face, serving a look that was equivalent to a loving warm tone.
“They are my kids. I’ll always make time for them…” He reassured, pressing his lips together while shyly looking away before continuing, “...and you.”
Izuku cleared his throat, glancing back at her as he crossed his strong scarred arms across his broad chest. “J-Just because of our circumstances doesn't change a thing.”
Shyly she nodded averting his gaze while clutching her purse, chills ran through her body from how smooth his voice sounded. It’s one of the things she found most attractive about her ex-husband. Missing dearly his morning voice which was so deep and raspy.
She awkwardly shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she tried to balance herself on these unbearable high heels, hoping that her ex-husband won't notice.
It’s not that she wasn't in love with her Izuku, trust me the relationship was filled with love; she was still in love with him and he was still in love with her. The thing is, by being the #1 hero his work took up a lot of his time, basically a whole 24/7 job which he couldn't give to her or to Riku and Hana.
And she got sick of it, wanting, needing, and craving physical touch and her man's attention yet couldn't get. Spending a number of nights alone in their bed, wondering if he had forgotten about them and if he was safe. She couldn't bear it even though she convinced herself that she could handle being a wife to a man whose job threatened his life daily.
But sadly, she couldn’t handle it anymore, and with no surprise filed for divorce, handing the papers to Midoriya who wasn't expecting this, yet didn't complain, only quietly signing the paper with certain terms. Ouch…
She kept the house and he gets to see the kids whenever he wants. And that meant this occasion.
Since Izuku knew he couldn't be there all the time Izuku couldn't help himself from secretly telling his son to at any means not allow his mother to be with any other man. But in a simpler way which his son could understand, going as far as telling him to just give them his father's phone number. And his son did exactly that, one time having a random cashier wave him down as his mom was grabbing the bags, asking for the boy's mother number which he nodded while giving the man a phone number before walking with his mom as a smile spreads on his face as he chuckles to himself. Bless this man who calls the number. What he expected to hear was the sweet angelic voice from the curvy beauty at the grocery store but was shocked to hear a tired grunted voice, “Hello?”
“Uh, hey I don't know if you remember me, but I was the cashier who checked you out. It’s Hitori if you forgot, I saw you with your kid (Cute kid btw) and I was wondering…If you'd like to go out with me?” The man tried to sound confident however the longer he was speaking and silence on the other end it made him nervous and babble his whole speech. Until hearing a man chuckle from the other line. “Hate to break it to you pal, but she’s taken, happily married.” The man was shocked from hearing the man from the other side.
“I-I don't believe you! She wasn't wearing a ring. Do you honestly leave your wife going out without her ring on? Such a noob move, man.”
“That doesn't worry me cuz guess who's dick be buried deep in her nice and tight pussy. Hm~ Me.”
“-Tsk I-I don't believe you!”
“Zuzu, who are you talking to?” The angelic voice the cashier heard was in the background.
“No one, baby.” The man said to the curvy beauty before saying, “I’ll let you go. Don't call me or talk to my wife while she goes grocery shopping ever again. I won't hesitate to find you. Bye!” He cheerful says with a hint of fakeness at the end before hanging up. Can’t be having his curvy wife know what he’s been doing to sabotage her love life.
“Don't call me that! Anyway…who were you talking to?” She asks, trying to cover her nightgown with her robe since her ex-husband seems to enjoy coming inside her home and sleeping on the couch after his very late night shifts.
“No one...Why? Jealous? Don't worry, Baby I only have eyes on you.” He smile, chuckling when she whacked him with a pillow and left upstairs.
“How was your day, bud?” Izuku questions the seven-year-old while placing the baby bag on the ground before sitting on the couch with his two-year-old daughter Hana in his arm.
“It was fun! Aunt Mimi (Mina) came with Kenta and we were playing.”
“Oh? That’s nice. How is mommy?”
“Bleh, she was talking to Mimi, about a date she's going to.”
That perks Deku’s interest.
A date?
With who?
Why didn't he get the memo?
And so it dawns on him, ‘So that's why she was looking so ravishing tonight.’
Wearing a long coat so he couldn't see what she was wearing (‘cause he would have known if so), which was most likely a dress that showed all her full-figured.
And Mina knew about this? No worries though ‘cause he doesn't plan on having his Mama pup too loose from the chain thinking she could be fucking any other guy but him.
“Alright, let's get yours and Hana pajamas on to watch this movie you want to watch.” Izuku smiles, taking the hyperactive kids to change, with a mental reminder that he needs to make a call.
“Uh, hey Ashido. Listen, I need a favor.”
He was in disgust with the way she was staring at the man seated across from her, tucking a piece of hair while batting those dow-eyes of her, so she could look cute.
And the outfit? Completely different from what she wore when bringing the kids instead of the long trench coat she was wearing before, she now wore a form-fitting dress that shows exactly what he knew would show, her fucking body that he desperately miss and wants to hold in every way.
He couldn't take it.
“Z-Zuku? What are you doing here?” She was shocked to see him, towering over them with his baggy grey sweat pants and white shirt that was definitely not appropriate for the fancy place she was at. Which made certain people stare at reason. Those pretty emerald green eyes of his that were once tired and depressed have now darken by anger, while looming over her date.
“While I’m taking care of our kids you're playing with this...” Midoriya held his tongue as his jaw clenched.
“Wait, kids?”
She couldn't believe he was putting her on blast as though what she was doing was wrong. It wasn't like she was hiding that she was a mother, it just wasn't brought up since it's barely been a solid forty-five minutes since they got there. Their food hasn't even come out yet.
“Izuku…” She quietly said, trying to calm her ex-husband down.
“I see you got rid of the long coat, what happen? Got too hot?”
Izuku was pissed, far beyond it that he had his arms crossed and shift his gaze at the stargaze man who was staring right back at him, too shock and what seems to be fanboying over him, while she was scared for the poor man's life.
“You must love married women if you're here with my wife.”
“-Enough Izuku!”
Suddenly noticing around them, she sees the whole restaurant staring at the commotion.
“What's going on?”
“Is she cheating on him?”
“Woah! Pro-hero Deku!”
Quickly she stands, “I’ll be right back!”
She smiles towards her date before turning and grabbing Izuku’s wrist with an angry expression while pulling him away before he could pounce on the poor man.
They headed near the restroom area to have some privacy.
Leaning against the wall, he bitterly said, “You moved on quite easily.” Nodding his head towards where they came from.
“I can't believe you, Izuku! That was the most humiliating thing that happened to me.” She angrily said with a flushed demeanor.
“You know none of this would be a problem if we try again and you let me move back into our house.”
“Don't make that an issue when it isn't.” There were people hastily trying to get away from the bickering ex-couple, arguing back and forth with each other for a good few minutes.
"Did you screw him?" Her eyes widened, surprised by his unexpected outbursts. "I ask you a question… Did that guy fuck that fat pussy?" He took a step forward, as she took a step back, caught off guard by his calm and collected manner.
He'd never spoken with such firmness and authority before.
Damn was that hot.
Her body was suddenly pressed against a wall she had no clue was behind her, taking advantage of the situation, Izuku traps her hands over her head with one of his own while the other caress her chin. "Ah, Zuku..." she whined.
"Answer the question." He murmurs raspily, fanning his breath over her ear then nipping at her earlobe.
"No," She finally answers, murmuring meekly while shaking her head, with those innocent, naive, dreamlike eyes of hers.
"I told you I-I’m not ready for that…" There's nothing to lie about, despite the fact that she's more than ready for it, just not with someone else.
"Such a good girl." He praises. Tracing her luscious lips with his thumb he smirks while pressing his thumb between her lips, obediently sucking on the thumb ever so longingly as a chill runs through her back. "It seems you’ve forgotten how good I make you feel." When she stared into his eyes, she saw how dark they had gotten, wild and fierce.
She broke away from her trance, urgently trying to pull away from his well built chest, knowing that if she persisted, her body would give in to the heap of desires sparking through them.
The mere thought of them making love made her heart race and her cunt tingle. How sex with her ex-husband was the best she experienced. The sensual kisses and the caresses he’d give her body just the unconditional attention and love that she deserve.
He turned his gaze next to her before staring back at her and pulls away, taking her by the arm and dragging her inside the ladies' room, to the handicap toilet, slamming the door behind them (but not close...).
"You're such an annoying woman. Pushing all my buttons and claiming you don't need me for anything, yet every time I fight back, you seem to enjoy it. Craving for my dick. You're such a spoiled brat who loves being mistreated." Izuku tears her dress collar, stretching the gorgeous dress that he actually bought her for an anniversary; just seeing her wear it for another guy just infuriated him.
"No…" She moans as his warm tongue wraps around her erect nipple while having her other nipple being pinched and played with by that enormous hand of his as she lazily tries to push away from him. Subconsciously she knew what he said was true, how she loves when he chases after her. It was one of her toxic traits.
She threw her arm around his neck as he hunched over, fingers running through his hair as Izuku fondled her breast while nursing on the other.
“Ah yes.” She missed this feeling, miss the way his eyes would slowly become a lustful daze.
“See you want this more than me. Admit it, Mama. It’s ok, Daddy misses this too~” He mutters between sucking her tits, waiting for her reply but was only met with her shyly shaking her head, making Izuku pull away with a sigh.
“Kya!” She quickly covers her mouth, as she feels his face go beneath her dress. Izuku sniffed her arousal as he flicked his tongue in her gaping hole, just the tip only.
Hands ravishing her body, arms wrapped around her waist and over her ass to cup them, forced her close to him, to finally stuff his tongue down in her greedy hole with his nose pressed against her clit.
“Izuku!” She whimpers out. “W-We can’t!” She stutters out, clinging to his shoulder while trying to push him away, despite knowing his strength.
God, just the smell of his manly scent made her go mad.
“I’m on a date!”
“You were on a date, now you're with me.” His raspy voice says smiling at her lovingly before leaning close to his meal. Spreading her lower lips to see her arousal trickling down to the ground. “You're so wet, here let me help.” He breathes out, in a daze with his tongue hanging out. He buried his tongue much deeper inside her, darting in and out of her wet and warm walls, his nose just constantly nudging against her clit as he ate her out, hands keeping a firm grip on her thighs to keep her from closing them or to leave from her seat that was his face. Slowly leading the two of them to be lost in each other's feeling within seconds, his feral grunts and her sweet whimpers as she moaned his name.
"You're not fair, cheating me into doing this when I should be moving on." The luxurious sensation of his pecs, collar, and shoulders under her, like if she were on a throne made her flush. As she tries to free herself by grinding her hips to the best of her abilities, she gives up when struck with pleasure from his tongue, the soft and wet muscle that sucks on her clit to keep her in submission.
"I'm the only one who can make you cum." He emphasized flicking the bud before spitting on it and gulping it down.
"You’re the one who wanted to get a divorce. I didn't." Her loud yelps gradually turned to gentle moans, as she felt severe slaps against her bare ass. To the touch, Izuku could feel the heat her ass had endure.
"Well... You didn't complain or fight to keep m-me, to keep us." She cried out, just trying not to fall off his face at this point.
"Believe me, I regret it." He grunts out, the vibration from his growls sending waves of pleasure through her lower part and wobbly knees. She tried standing up as straight as she could with Zuku’s long tongue following along, thrusting in and out of her as she tried to shove him away again but this time by his shoulder, but he wouldn't budge.
If anything he firmly tighten his grip on her thighs and stood up, tongue still buried deep within her, diving much further while leaning them against the wall behind them. In a panic she desperately tried to hold onto something so she wouldn't fall and break her neck, but the only support being was her ex-husband's muscular shoulders and his green locks.
She silently cries while leaning her head back as she arches her back from his harsh sucking.
"Zuku, too much.” She sluggishly said this while running her fingers through his hair, causing him to moan.
Suddenly her head shot up when she heard a surprised gasp towards the open door of the bathroom. Seeing not one, two, or three, but a swarm of women standing there staring at her in disbelief, some stared through the mirror reflection with stunned faces, wondering what they are witnessing, and others who actually seems to be enjoying they saw. I mean, it's not every day you see the #1 pro hero eating someone out.
"Nho... P-Please look away!" She squeals and sobs out, instinctively wrapping her thighs around his head and nestling in closer to Izuku's body, pulling on his hair to conceal herself. While using her other hand to shoo the group of ladies to leave the embarrassing scene.
Honestly Izuku didn't seem to mind, glancing at the group of ladies who continued to stare at them before smirking and winking at them before turning back.
“Hiya!” He flattens his tongue, licking a strap from the fluttering hole to the throbbing hood of nerves, shooting waves of pleasure through her trembling form. He misses his baby pussy, addicted to laving the bead with his slick muscle to then suck the poor thing as she fought to push away from his greedy mouth that just kept latching on as he held her in place.
Not once does Izuku need to use his fingers (Besides helping spread her sopping lips), just never made a difference in his opinion. Just the feeling of nips, flicks, and kisses bestowed by his lips and tongue with nudges from his nose had her cumming so hard almost as hard as his beefy fat cock stuffed inside her.
“Ah, Yes!” She cried out, the knot that slowly formed inside her snapped making her shudder and her back arch in the most awkward way with how confine it was as she felt more then cum come out, feeling the warm liquid go down on Izuku’s face. Though that seemed to trigger the pro-hero, hearing sweet pants and whines ripple through his throat. He was more then ready to go again, now wanting to witnessed many more times her pussy contract but on something else.
Just the thought of his woman marking her territory on her man’s face was getting this man so undoubtedly aroused that he was desperately relying on the limited space within his pants to get off, erratically bucking his hips against the wall he was holding her against as he pulled away from her twitching mess of a clit and the gaping hole desperately trying to feel the man in front of her.
Once finished he takes a step back, denying his throbbing cock, Izuku gracefully puts her down while help lower the hem of her dress as she supports herself against him. Glancing up to her ex-husband's face seeing he didn't bother wiping his chin from her fluids.
“C-Clean your face.” She stutters out as she frantically goes to leave his side until feeling Izuku takes a hold of her hands, moving his face close to her.
“Ok. Lick it.”
“Excuse me!” She whisper-shouted flabbergasted by his demand. “You're insane.” She tried to free her hands despite Izuku's firm grip on her.
“You're not leaving here until you lick your filth off my face. What's the matter? Embarrassed by the crowd? Too bad no one told you to be such a messy slut dating such a loser.” Her body began to heat up, loving this side of Izuku, not once has he raised his voice at her or speak to her in such filthy way, it seems Izuku finally has enough of her antics and took it upon himself to be the one in charge for once.
“Uh…I’ll do it if she doesn't want to.” Some woman shyly said.
“Y-Yeah me too.” Another added.
Soon the bathroom was filled with lustful cries and begs that wanted to be the one who licked or even just be acknowledged by the pro-hero. Causing jealousy to slowly seep through her, “Hey! Go find your own man!”
Going on her tippy toes, she licks Izuku’s face sloppily, tasting her fluid from his chin to his parted lips were she traces them before wrapping her tongue around his own having a full-on makeout session. Wrapping her arms around his neck as he signals her to jump in his arms to deepen it, making some ladies whine and whimper to have the same attention.
“Hmph! T-That’s enough. I did what you said so leave me alone.” She finally breaks free, pulling away when she felt Izuku rubbing his hard-on over her cloth folds. She wipes her lip, breaking the trail of saliva that connected their tongues while turning away from her ex-husband's lustful gaze, however, he kept hold of her wrist bringing her curvy form back next to him with just a tug.
“I don't think so Mama pup.”
“What are you…H-hey!” He dragged her out of the lady's room, walking past the dining area and out the front doors.
“Izuku, I can't just leave. My date is still waiting for me…” She shyly said nudging his hand while coming to a halt, glancing back to the dining hall where they came from.
“You’re seriously trying to go back to that man after being tongue fuck by your husband? You must be a more desperate whore than I thought.” He chuckles darkly.
“That’s not true.”
“-Tsk come with me or your date could be the one I take my pent-up frustration on. Which is it?” He narrowed his eyes, keeping a stronghold on her hand.
She wasn't trying to go back to that man, God please forgive her but she wants her baby daddy more than some random guy who was scared to even speak back to Izuku.
All she wants is her man's attention even if it wasn't intentional.
She was just too needy to say no to him, just giving a simple nod as he continued to drag her into her car passenger seat as he went to the driver's side. Having something much sinister in mind then rush home. I mean he is still punishing you, he just needs a place no one would interrupt.
“Deku you actually went and got her.”
“Mina I’m so sorry for the trouble.” She shyly said, bowing to show her apology.
“Nonsense, girl. Besides your ex-husband here was scary, blaming me for setting you up on a date.” She whines, hugging her friend. They spoke for a bit until Mina finally planned to leave. “So…plan on leaving or having a little sleepover here?”
“I just stay for tonight, you know miss my babies.” Mina took note of how close Deku was to her friend, glancing and lightly brushing up on her. Oblivious to their lustful stares and why they took more than 2 hours when it was only 30 minutes to and from the place. “No, I understand I should let y'all go then!”
“S-See ya.” She smiled, weakly waving at Mina by the front door, body trembling when she felt her ex-husband's scarred hand travel down the middle of her back and down to the hem of her dress which he flip up to stuff two thick fingers inside her cum filled pussy.
“You think she knows you were fucked?” He whispers in her ear, as though he doesn't have two of his thick finger knuckles deep inside her already stuffed pussy.
“Now hurry up Puppy, Daddy wants to breed you again.” He whispers before quickly nibbling the helix of her ear as Izuku thrust his fingers much deeper in her, as she mindlessly closes the door while leaning against it. Slowly becoming a whiny bitch. “Shoo…Shut up before you won't get your hubby's dick! I’ll just let you use my fingers which you know I only use for punishment.” He hissed.
“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” She whimpers out. Well that was new. Not once ever saying “sir” to her ex during their intimate moments.
“Hm~ If only I had a tail buttplug and a leash I’d have you walking in all four around the house to punish you some more.” Her eyes shamefully rolled to the back of her head as she pressed her upper body against the closed door while arching her ass out wanting the aggressive pounding from those sausage fingers deeper in her cunt. “Like that? Wouldn't mind than me buying you a collar with the word ‘Owned’ on it so every guy knows you’ve been marked. -Tsk, thought having a second would make it clear but that's fine~”
You're just so in love with this man that no matter how many years have passed, she continues to go back to Daddy Zuku to be praised, acknowledged, and fucked in better ways by your loving husband- I mean ex!
Maybe she could try being a couple again.
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secretqueennacho · 2 years
summary : the whole ua suspected you of being a traitor , but you've had enough
You stood there shocked , not knowing how to process that your teacher and classmate just doubted you being the UA traitor. Tears streaming down your face. The inquiry was done, they had forcefully checked your Dorm room for specific reason. NOTHING, there was NOTHING that proves you're guilty. The doubt and furrowed eyebrows of everyone towards you; was now gone. They seem to believe you know, that you weren't the traitor, you should be relived right? they believed you in the end, they aren't gonna doubt you again, will they? It's been clear, you have their trust.
Or do you? Simple answer is, you don't have their trust, you never had, you never will. Despite everything you've gone through, they still didn't believed you. You had to prove your loyalty again and again, it shouldn't have been that way, in the first place. It was a hard time to digest that you were the only student that was indirectly been tested to prove yourself . but you turned a blind eye to it, you loved them, you treated them as a family, was ready to kill or be killed for them, you did put on your life in the line for them not once but twice. Then what made them question your loyalty? What made them question your admiration for being a hero? . They trust you now, Only because you haven't been found guilty, not because you told them on top of your lungs to trust you. It's always gonna be that way isn't it? You have to keep proving your self again and again, nothing is gonna change, the cycle will remain going. You sob, not trying to hold back the tears, while Izuku approaches to comfort you, you take your steps away from him, and you look at Aizawa, your voice breaking
You -“your appearance, your society status, and your quirk Doesn't matter, as long as you have a good heart and admiration for your goal. That's all it takes to be a good hero. ” that's what you told us when we first came to UA didn't you Sensei? Why the rules changes when it comes to me?
Aizawa knew he had extremely hurt his student, but this is not the first time, he knew you Swallowed all the pain before but today seems you've had enough, today might be the breaking point, he knows your back has reached the wall and this time you're gonna push back. Aizawa tighten his fist, feeling the heavy guilt, he tried to hold back his tears, Aizawa - Y/N I know, it's hard for you to.... Look, we had our doubts and it had to be cleared.
you- oh it is clear now? Might Come back after a week or two.
izuku tries to hold your shoulders but you shove it off.
You- should've shown your concern before I was proven innocent.
Izuku - it's not like I doubted you Y/n, your my friend.
Y/n - yeah, well you didn't felt necessary to speak up for me either, none of you did, you call me “friend”? Bullshit.
Shoto - Y/N we believe you, we really do, it's just sensei had a list of people he had doubts on....
you - And I'm always on top of it,WHY?
You ask Aizawa while sobbing and wiping your tears. Aizawa looked guilty, he had nothing to say it's always been like this.
Bakugou - Y/n calm down. Don't let your rage take over, you might hurt someone with your words.
you- oh look who's speaking? These words doesn't suit your mouth,you are the one who's running his tongue everywhere,your seriously telling me this while I'm being treated like trash? I put my life on the line for all of you, and in return, I can't have your trust? You guys call me a “friend” and none of you fucking trust me.
Mina and denki were just staring blankly at you, not knowing how to react because you're saying everybit of the truth.
Krishima - pebble listen to....
you - save it for later, kiri.
You look at Aizawa, he's looking down, like he knows he did something terribly wrong. You feel Exhausted by the thoughts running through your mind, you sigh ..
you - was it my quirk?
Aizawa brows furrowed , he looks at you?
Y/n - was it my dangerous quirk, that made you doubt me, or was it the fact that my Father was a villain?
Aizawa finally let's his tears escape his eyes, he doesn't know what to answer, because the truth is none of them could bring themselves to believe that you are such a good hearted person because of your shady past. When you don't get an answer from him , you kneel down on the floor,by then you were a complete a crying mess.
you - it was, wasn't it? You guys couldn't believe that I'm not like my father, or that I want to be a hero despite my villain like quirk.
Iida and izuku tries to make you stand up, it was visible to everyone that. this day totally broke you into thousands of pieces.
You - don't fucking touch me, I don't need any of your sympathies. You guys never believed me did you? Never, even for once? Ochako? Tsyu? Momo? Shoto? Katsuki? Kiri? Mina? Denki? None of you have ever believed me. You start sobbing hard again
You- i put my life on the line for you all Dammnit. MY FUCKING LIFE, and that wasn't enough for you? I was your first thought as the traitor? Wasn't I sensei? Aizawa doesn't answers.
you - speak back, I deserve to know? Despite all I have done for you all, why am I always on the doubting rudder, you say you had your suspects, then why tf your inquiry starts and ends after checking my room? You question them as loud as you could but all there is silence.
you - I'm not gonna fight for something, I'm never gonna have. You don't trust me, and now I don't trust you either.
Izuku - what?.... What are you trying to..
you- I don't think people around me who have this mentality can help me become a hero.
Bakugou - tch.. l/n no, we agree it was a mistake, calm down, don't take your decision out of rage, don't be the past me,
you - I've made my decision, and it's not changing.
Kiri - pebble you can't do this.
You just let them speak because you feel too tired to answer. You look Aizawa in the eyes
you - my transfer letter will be on your table.
Izuku - n/n no,
you - and katsuki this decision is not out of rage, it's out of failure of gaining all of your trust. what I shouldn't have tried for in the first place.
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kiwizuku · 2 years
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ pairing ;; established! izuocha x fem! afab! reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ content warnings ;; smut, pro hero au, quirkless! kindergarden teacher! au, polyamory, established relationships, age difference, (slight) power imbalance, hero worship, degradation, sir/ma'am, milf! ochako, dilf! izuku, dom! izuocha, very submissive reader, threesome, oral (f!receiving)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ notes ;; i've never really seen izuocha x reader and this just came into my head. please leave a comment, reblog or follow if you enjoy! <3
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"Bye!" You call out to the couple, the child next to them turning and giving you a hug as you kneel. "I'll see you tomorrow," you whisper in the kid's ear, the young girl giving a small giggle and nod in response before running up to take her father's hand.
As the door closes behind them, you jump back up into a standing position.
Exhaling deeply, you go to sit at your desk. Checking the time table once, twice -- and with a sigh, you relax into your seat further.
One more interview. It's just past nine, so it's fairly late for a school night, but it made sense to fit everyone in on the same night. You only has just over twenty kids to deal with, anyways.
Looking around the room, everything feels... different in the darkened light. Of course you have the overhead lights on, the orange hue almost nostalgia in the way it reminds you of staying up too late in the living room, your parents watching late night tv.
The walls are decorated with educational posters -- the pretty kind, not the bubbly lettered eyesores -- and artwork the kids have made.
It feels... homely. It's a shared space, so clearly appreciated and loved by you and your kids. Even though you're just in your mid-twenties, you've quickly become accustomed to your new job. You loved it, almost as much as you loved the kids you taught.
...Especially the one you would be seeing in about five minutes.
Aiko Midoriya was a ball of energy. She was always more than happy to help clean up, brighten fellow students' days, and was mature enough to hold a proper conversation with you.
Incredibly intelligent, you always gave her extra work to keep her busy.
Which gave you some reason to be so excited to meet her parents. She had mentioned that she loved them, wished to be like them, but had never specified what they did or even what they looked like.
A knock on the classroom door breaks you from your thoughts, making you scramble out of your seat and rush to the door, straightening yourself up ever so slightly before opening the door with a wide smile.
"Hi! I'm Miss. L/N, it's great--"
You choke, only after having started your spiel realising who exactly was standing in front of you.
Number One and Four heroes Deku and Uravity.
Placing a hand over your mouth, you try to ignore the heat in your cheeks. God. You were not expecting your teenage wet-dreams to be the parents interviewing you. Shit. Fuck. Every curse you never said because you worked with children flooded your mind.
"Sorry," you chuckle nervously, looking away from them bashfully. "This is quite unprofessional of me, I just wasn't expecting you two to be at my door this evening!"
"It's okay!" Uravity's sweet yet mature voice responds, and as you meet her eyes, she gives you a kind smile. "We're used to it, don't worry!"
She's breathlessly attractive as she speaks. Adorning her signature bob, her white silk top seems so elegant paired with her long black skirt. Fancy.
Your gaze flickers to Deku, then. His hair has grown out, the tips reaching just below his ears in a roguishly attractive way.
Were they your sexual awakening?
But that didn't mean anything, and it certainly didn't mean that you were going to treat them as anything but the parents of a student.
"Thank you," you bow slightly, before giving them a softer smile and leading them to your desk. They take a seat on the soft couch in front of you.
Folding your hands in front of you, you give them both an earnest look.
"Look. I'm going to cut right to the chase." The heroes share a look, one of worry, before looking back to you. God, the lights shone on their features so nicely.
You realise, then, with a halt, that there is no Aiko.
"Um," you falter, embarrassingly looking around the room for the girl. "Where is Aiko...?"
Deku huffs a laugh under his breath. "Sorry, Miss L/N. We forgot to mention that she was with her grandmother -- we'd rather talk to you without Aiko here, if that's okay."
His voice is gentle but rough, and it sends shivers down your spine. With a slight nod, you shake your head and try to get back on track.
"Ah. Right. Well, knowing that Aiko isn't here, I'm going to be extremely honest." You pause. "This is my first class, ever, and Aiko has been nothing but an angel. She's helped me with the students, and her personality is nothing short of integrity and respect. You both should be so proud of her; I most certainly am."
There's silence.
Maybe you shouldn't have been so quick to express your fondness for Aiko, but it had been done now.
You watch as Uravity and Deku share a conversation with their eyes alone. Memories flood back -- when you were in kindergarten, watching the sports festival and seeing them fighting so well.
Having been taken to them instantly, you grew up admiring and idolising the two.
And when they had announced their marriage, when you had been in high school? You were over the moon.
But, you had never really imagined you'd meet them in real life. This felt like a personally hand-wrapped gift from Heaven.
Uravity clears her throat. You try to ignore how she's holding Deku's hand in her lap intimately. "Well, Miss. L/N, as parents, we're so happy that you have such good opinions on our daughter."
She gives Deku a look, before snapping her hazel eyes back to yours. "As for you, we've never seen Aiko happier. Every night at the dinner table she's ranting about how much she loves her class, and most importantly, you."
You blink.
"Really, for a first time teacher, you've completely mesmerised our child," Deku continues for Uravity. "And we are beyond grateful for your role in Aiko's life."
Silence fills the emptiness after his words end.
You can feel tears in the back of your eyes. To hear such kind and heartfelt words from your idols -- about your passion, your career -- it seems like too much all at once.
"I--" you swallow, looking down at your hands shyly as you rub at them, "I really don't know what to say. Thank you. You wo have made such a large impact on my life. To hear that from Uravity and Deku--"
Uravity interrupts. "Midoriya. I think we'd prefer that."
Your cheeks heat. "Ah, Mr. Midoriya and Mrs Midoriya. Sorry." The names come out stilted, odd -- it would take some getting used to.
"Don't apologise," Mr. Midoriya says softly, and you're quick to reply on reflex.
The three of you chuckle, and it isn't awkward. It feels oddly natural, and you're not quite sure how to feel about it.
"I love how you've decorated the room," Mrs. Midoriya comments off-handedly. Her eyes trail over the art and posters around the room, as well as the cushions and overall comfi-ness. The corners are darker, the light mainly decorating your desk and the entry way.
It's nice.
"Thank you," you say softly, looking away with a bit of heat in your cheeks. As you look away, at the papers on your desk, you don't notice the tense look the couple share.
Mr. Midoriya clears his throat, directing your attention back to him. He smiles. "We just had a few more questions, Miss. L/N."
You nod, getting more comfortable in your chair. If you were to guess, you were already five minutes over time. But... with it being the last session, a bit longer couldn't hurt.
Across from you, Mrs. Midoriya crosses one leg over the other. You try not to look at the rise of her skirt, and how it brushes over the middle of her thigh.
"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
Raising a brow at the question, you can feel your palms grow a bit clammy. "Um. Twenty-three."
You knew that they were in their mid-thirties. Maybe that was part of the pull, the draw.
Mr. Midoriya's gaze burns as it trails your body. Emerald meets yours.
"For your age, you're certainly a memorable teacher. I can't wait to see what... experience does for you." And oh, god, it shouldn't have felt so dirty as it did coming from those lips. Fucking hell, you feel shame burn white-hot through your veins with the first twitch of your core.
You gulp.
"Ah, th -- thank you, Mr. Midoriya." You don't mean to stutter, but the tension feels as though it's increased tenfold.
Mrs. Midoriya's gaze falls to your lips. And you can tell, and that's the worst part -- were you just imagining it? Were you really? Because surely --
She sighs, low and drawn out. You track the slide of her tongue against her plump lower lip.
"Do you know..." she pauses, looking back to your eyes with a raised brow, "What people in a lower position call their superiors?"
Your mouth feels dry. Your lower regions feel very much the opposite.
"I, uhm, usually Mr. or Ms. whatever? Would you," you play with the rings adorning your fingers, looking at the reasonably healthy potted plant on your desk. "Would you prefer something else?"
"Sir," Mr. Midoriya says instantly. You blink.
"S -- Sir?" You choke, eyes wide and shocked. Your hands clench at the side of the desk.
He tilts his head. His legs are spread, and he leans further forward, arm resting on the expanse of those thighs. "Sir."
Beside him, Mrs. Midoriya hums, placing a well-manicured hand at the scruff of his head. She gives you a knowing, and very pleased look, as she lets the tile fall off of her tongue. "Ma'am."
"I -- I'm not sure if that's appropriate for our current relationship--" you start, before being cut off by Mr. Midoriya.
"Like you have been thinking of appropriate things during this meeting. Did you think we were blind? We've noticed you drooling all over us since you opened the door, pet."
Your breath hitches, and this all suddenly feels a bit too much like a dream.
Blinking, your hands anxiously playing with each other, you stand out of your seat lightning quick. The couple both flinch, slightly, at the sudden movement.
"It's well past the finish time of our meeting, and while this still feels like one of the best moments of my life, I really don't think this is okay."
The words tumble out of your mouth, and as you walk to the door, you don't notice a pair of footsteps close behind you.
As you go to open the door, a pretty, but extremely strong hand slams it shut again. The air around you suspiciously smells like floral, fruity perfume.
"Do you really want us to leave, pretty?" And it's her -- her voice is like heaven, so sweet and subtle while promising so many things at once.
You let out a small whimper, turning around softly to meet her hazel eyes.
Her thigh instantly manoeuvres its way between your legs, shoving you fully against the wall. You accidentally moan behind your lips, eyes shutting tight in the sudden jolt of ecstasy.
"If you don't want to do this, sweetheart, then you don't have to. We won't force you." And now it's his voice, deep but kind and hot and so goddamn attractive you melt further into the door. You shake your head lightly.
"No?" Uravity asks, her lips now brushing your ear. Shivers roll down your spine. "No, you don't want to? You have to be more vocal, dear."
You squirm against her thigh, and then a scarred hand is quick to grab both of your wrists and pull them above your head. "Answer her. Use that pretty head of yours, we know it's smart."
Pondering the statement, stuck between a mix of cloudiness and clarity, you mutter those key words. "Please. I... want to."
"That's a good girl," Uravity's voice whispers, and your core tightens up further.
"Mrs. Mido--"
You're cut off by another hand reaching to grab a handful of your hair, then pulling with no warning. At that same moment, the thigh between your legs jolts up, and you nearly cum on the spot.
"What were you about to call me?"
You choke on some spit, eyes watering at the sudden pressure on your scalp. "M-Ma'am," you acquiesce in exasperation. "Ma'am."
Ma'am tuts, and the fist in your hair loosens its grip. "That's better. You're too precious -- so eager to please."
Her thigh is so hot, and it's almost embarrassing -- you're certain that she can feel you leaking through your panties.
Sir, moving his large hand tantalizingly slow, reaches for the hem of your skirt and pulls it up. He snorts, patronizingly, before gazing at you with lust-filled eyes and a mean smirk.
"What's this?" His other hand, now letting go of your wrists, draws a line through the fabric. All thoughts leave your mind as it trails along your slit. "Is our baby girl excited?"
You can't control the movement of your hips, chasing for more friction on both the thigh and finger at your core.
Ma'am tilts her head, bumping her thigh up even further with a sinfully sweet smirk.
"Certainly looks like it. How long d'you think she's been dreaming of this?"
You choke back a moan, eyes rolling into the back of your head as Deku's fingers reached your clit, rubbing harshly against the nub. It was too fucking good, all at once.
"Ah! Fuck! Please don't stop!" You whined, tears properly flowing down your cheeks at the stimulation.
Just as you were on the cliff edge, so fucking close to falling, the pressure from both the thigh and hand is taken away. It's like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on you.
Without Uravity's thigh to support your weight, nor the strength in your weak knees, you slump to the floor pathetically.
Sir's hand pats at your head as you lay at their feet, kneeling down to massage your scalp.
It's simultaneously heaven and hell.
Heaven, because it feels so good compared to the harsh pulling from before.
Hell, because it feels so patronising and... domineering.
"Babe," you hear Deku murmur, pulling Uravity around to whisper in her ear. Her eyes grow even more lidded, haziness taking over further.
She whispers back an affirmative, before sinking to the floor beside you.
Her glossed lips press a kiss against your tear-stained cheek, and by her slight wince, you think that she got a taste of some of your eyeliner that had leaked.
"Hands and knees, pretty," she says against your ear, just brushing it, and sending shivers down your spine.
Moving around, you shuffle so that your ass was in the air, your elbows and knees supporting your body. It was extremely embarrassing, but something about it only heightened your arousal.
Deku hums, placing a warm hand against your clothed ass-cheek. "That's a good girl. Here's what we're gonna do. You have to eat 'Chako out, and whenever you stop..."
He grips your panties, before using his pure strength to rip them in half. He revels in your muffled squeak of surprise.
"I will too."
That's the only warning you get before you feel a tongue at your core, relentless and sloppy as he immediately targets your clit.
Uravity moves so that she sits in front of you, panties off as she pulls you closer to her by the scruff of your neck. You groan, before looking up at her with teary eyes and giving a small, unsure lick.
She sighs, clearly pleased, before shuffling closer.
You slowly grow braver with your licks -- broader stripes, sometimes going into her twitching hole.
All the while, the vibrations from your constant moaning and whimpers cause Uravity to grab at your hair and pull harder. It was something you all seemed like you thoroughly enjoyed.
Deku, all the while, had brought his fingers in to play, switching between thrusting uncaringly with them, to playing with your clit while he licked at your folds.
At this point, after your previous denial, you were so close.
Without thinking, you pull away from Uravity's cunt in tears, whining petulantly.
"Please, please, please don't stop -- 'm so close -- right there, thank you --"
And on the brink, Deku moves away again.
It feels like the world is fuzzy around you, turned in on itself as you tried to fathom why Sir would do such a thing.
His hand grips your ass painfully, although it was nice knowing that you'd have a bruise to remind yourself that it wasn't just another hyper-realistic dream.
"What did I say?" His voice is cold, commanding -- the kind he'd use against a villain. It only proves to drive you more insane.
"No, no, no, why would you do that, why--" Your sobs are mere music to the couple's ears, who share a look -- you'd have your next one, and then you'd all need to clean up, and even more importantly, talk.
"What did he say? We won't ask again, pet." It's Uravity who speaks this time, and her voice is like Deku's in that way of dehumanizing.
"I- If I stop," you hiccup, "He stops."
"Good. So keep going if you want that pleasure, mk, gorgeous?" Deku soothes, his grip no longer tight as he rubs at the mark left behind. When he sees you nod, with a malicious grin, he dives back in, no holds barred.
You immediately go back to Uravity, whose thighs are now tightened around your head. It makes you dizzy, but you continue anyway, the pleasure far too great to pay attention.
Everything builds up much more quickly, now, and you reach your climax embarrassingly quick.
A constant litany of words escape your lips as you feel Uravity's moans get higher and higher, her thighs tightening and her grip on your hair, too.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She squeaks out, fully humping your face now. "Good girl, so good, so close -- there!"
You feel her orgasm at the same time you do, and it almost feels like your sense of time completely goes away.
It's as if you're fading away at the edges, pure bliss like cotton in your head.
When you come to, you find yourself against a warm, cushiony chest.
Opening your eyes, you meet soft brown ones. Uravity smiles down at you, stroking a hand through your hair. "Hey, sweetheart. You feeling better?"
You nod, nuzzling further into her collarbone. It's that or facing the harsh realities and repercussions of what had just happened.
"'Zuku's cleaning up. To be honest, I hadn't expected an interview with my child's teacher to end in me fucking her in a classroom."
You feel heat in your cheeks at the wording.
Moving so you can see around you, albeit with bleary eyes, you catch onto Deku. He chucks some wipes into the bin, before catching your gaze and smiling at you softly.
"Hey, beautiful," he says, walking back over and sitting next to the two of you.
"...Hey," you say slowly, nervousness creeping into your veins. Post nut clarity was frightening, you were learning.
You all share a sigh.
"We need to talk," Uravity says, and you know that you do. Because of course you had to -- this was a big deal.
With a nervous, but wobbly smile, you nod.
"Yeah. We do."
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