#n i'm so distracted just listening to music rn
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#i was doing assignments earlier then i got distracted n i went out for a walk for a bit#THE MOON WAS SO BRIGHT#hehe my mom saw the mom earlier went she went upstairs for a bit n then went back n told me SO WE WENT TOGETHER AGAIN#>< i love her#!!!! the clouds covered the moon after a bit BUT IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL STILL n UWAH I#i'm simultaneously listening to music while eating while just doing random stuff while trying to do assignments#I HAVE TO GET THIS DONE BY TONIGHT BCS#I FORGOT THE INTERNAL DEADLINE FOR OUR RESEARCH WAS SATURDAY ??? MF IT'S MONDAY 8 PM RN#tbf i was still very Sick.#no... yes. help i played ffxiv two days ago didn't i. oops !#i genuinely forgot. i'm more surprised at the fact that it completely slipped my mind#n i'm so distracted just listening to music rn#i miss ffxiv ! raiding ! a year ago i think we were in e12s prog. wahh#i still love promises to keep so so so much! the instruments the drops the rises and the melody and the harmonies. perfection#my attention span is seriously so . DAMNDJFLAKJDLKSF#i just wna get this stupid research done then do other assignments bcs i have to sleep early today ( as usual ). i WILL sleep early#i'm getting notifs from everywhere oh man i think my senses are getting overwhelmed#yk what instead of rambling first i'll finish ONE thing#OH... yk though the entrepreneurship stuff from the senior batch is so COOL#i answered a survey w gemstones the other day... i love moonstone#n another one with flowers!!!! i love flower meanings so much. i'm inspired to write more relating to that again#i find it a bit. what's it called. amusing though how despite yk all my deep passions n interest in flowers for example#i know a lot of flowers but roses are still my favorite. white ones.#they remind me of so many things... MY WOL FOR EXAMPLE UWAHH I WNA LOG INTO FFXIV N SEE MY DARLING RN </3#wait i keep on getting distracted but i was thinking about lune and artem again earlier#n yk i wna read more books n poems again ;; n write my own....#I'M SO ANNOYED THIS MF SHIT IN FILIPINO IS SO USELESS. IT'S ACTUALLY SO USELESS THIS IS THE ONLY SUBJECT I HATE#UEUEUFD I;M GOING INSANE I WAS THINKING ABT TSUKUYOMI FFXIV EARLIER TOO N I LOVE THAT FIGHT N 4.3 SM#N FFXIV IN GENERAL. LIFE. MYSELF. EVERYTHING
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
All Kinds of Trouble
Alfie Solomons x Reader, Fluff, 1.2k words
Warnings: Cursing
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A/N: Hi guys!! Ok so maybe hiatus is over? I'm trying to be gentle with myself and not hold myself to high standards in posting schedules. Again, therapy and Bar prep are a lot to handle rn, but I was able to do this little piece! This is based of a request sent in by my sweet friend @jassiefayee !!!! I hope you enjoy this angel!! Anyway, love you all so much! Have an amazing day!
Alfie didn’t find peace in many things. The business and all. Made him toss and turn at night, and in the daylight caused him to explode from the pure idiocy of people around him.
But walks in the park with Cyril? Now that gave him peace. With Cyril by his side, anyone who may have wanted to cause trouble stayed far away. Cyril’s imposing stature and mean looking face kept many men looking to scrap at bay, but little did they know that Cyril was by far the sweetest dog in Camden. And the fresh air did Alfie good. Being out in the park, feeling the breeze, hearing children and birds milling about created a sort of temple for him. A quiet place for him to let his mind rest, talk to himself (or God if he had a particular question), or just hum to the beat of Cyril's paws on the ground. This was his rest. This was his peace.
Now it should be noted, that one of the reasons that Alfie loved this particular park was that it was free of distractions for both him and Cyril. While Cyril was a very sweet and good natured dog who hardly ever caused an unnecessary ruckus, he was still a dog. And dogs have this strange habit, if not fantastic ability, to completely change the course of their owner's life.
So it was during a brisk walk on a fine November day where Alfie was suddenly pulled with all the force of heaven’s angels by Cyril’s lead through the park. And just as quick as he was yanked he was halted, nearly tripping over his boots and coat, and falling into Cyril and what might possibly be one of those treacherous angels.
It had become a relatively new habit for you to take a few moments of your day to sit in the park. Whether strolling, reading, or simply listening to the music of the city, you found the meditative state you entered in the park particularly divine. Spending all day cooped up in the house was not doing anyone any favors, and your mother insisted that you look at the sky, breathe in fresh air, or do something to get your energy out. And you enjoyed the respite from your family’s eyes and ears, and the view you caught of other people’s comings and goings. Often making up stories for the familiar faces that passed your eyes.
You had seen Mr. Solomons and his a dog before. It was hard to miss them. Both imposing. Even if Mr. Solomons wasn’t physically too tall, the air in which he carried himself made him seem absolutely monstrous. And the dog he walked along with came with a silent stature to match. When you mentioned to your mother that Mr. Solomons frequented your park, she all but forbid you to go to the park again. He was dangerous. A brute. Nothing good was associated with him. He was an animal. Damned.
Everyone in Camden had a story about Mr. Solomons. Even if they personally had never met him, they knew someone who knew someone who had crossed his path and suffered greatly. Fewer than those who crossed his path, were the women who had the pleasure of spending an evening with him. Demanding. Particular. Incredibly cross with hardly a smile crossing his firm mouth and creased brow. You had heard them all, many a time. And each time you heard the stories more fantastical and gory and outrageous they became. From the way the neighbors spoke of him, he might has well been an ogre who ate good men for supper. A confidant of the devil himself.
Yet those stories never deterred you from letting your eyes wander over to him when he made his way to the park. Surely observing doesn’t damn one’s soul right? And wondering if stories are true surely cannot condemn. Besides, he was never close enough to truly make a difference. A glance and gaze and thought were all that you experienced with the fearsome King of Camden. Until this afternoon, when that monstrous dog came charging at you with a gleeful and slobbery smile. And for whatever reason you never moved from your seat. You stayed planted on your spot on the bench, waiting for whatever was to come. And your supposed attack was merely a disgusting kiss to the neck and chin from the dog, and happy pants from it as well. It’s master, cursing and bellowing at hundred pound puppy who was uninterested in the threats of its flustered master.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the reddened face of Mr. Solomons, clearly out of breathe from the exertion of the sudden chase. “Mr. Solomons are you quite alright? Do you need to sit?”
“Hmm? No, no don’t worry about me angel, m’fine. This damn dog knows better than to run full force in a park. You alright love? Hope Cyril didn’t scare ya.”
You smiled warmly at him, and he was convinced he must have died in the chase and gone to Heaven. Your sweet eyes and tempting lips all too pretty to be here in Camden. You scratched Cyril’s ears before answering, "Oh no Mr. Solomons, I'm fine. Cyril here is very very sweet."
"Now treacle, I think I'm at a disadvantage. Don't like that at all me. Now how is it yeah, that you know my name and now my dog's name... but I don't get to know your name sweetness?"
With a quirked brow you answer, "Oh Mr. Solomons, everyone knows your name. The ferocious King of Camden, and his demon dog. Lots of tales about you Mr. Solomons.”
Alfie allowed himself a smile at your cheek, “Lots of stories eh? Which one is your favorite?”
“The one where you bested the devil himself in a game of chess and won the keys to hell.”
Alfie made himself comfortable next to you on the bench, making sure that his thigh touched yours, “Is that so? Your mum tell you that little one?”
You shook your head, “No sir. She told me I wasn’t to go near you.”
“And yet here you are, talking to bad men. Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty ain’t you?”
“It’s fun to be naughty sometimes. Don’t you agree Mr. Solomons?”
Alfie couldn’t help but bring his shiny rings to your cheek, taking stock of your face. You never flinched away, keeping fiery eyes locked on his. He hummed a tune you didn’t know, and stated, “There’s an opera tonight at 8. You’ll come with me. Wear something nice.”
“I don’t go to operas with strange men.”
“I don’t go to operas with strange women. Yet here we are sweet. I thought you liked being naughty.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his brazenness. In truth, you couldn’t believe you allowed yourself to get this far. But it was too delicious to let go now. “You’ll pick me up on the corner of 10th and Victoria? At 6pm.”
“Now what will I do with you for two hours before the play treacle?”
You shrugged, “Show me how the King of Camden has a good night.”
Alfie laughed heartily, “Fuck me you really are a bad little thing aren’t you. Alright sweetness, I’ll pick you up there at 6. And let’s see what we can get up to.”
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springseasonie · 1 year
Blackout | KDY (M)
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Established relationship, Fiance Doyoung x fem reader
Summary: The powerful storm outside knocks your power out even though Doyoung assured you it would be fine. Luckily, he bought candles the day before just in case this happened. But even with the candles to light the dark house, you were still a bit anxious about the storm, so Doyoung decided to distract you for a bit
Warnings: sexual content, unprotected sex, breeding kink, softer dynamic, fluff (I think idk), proofread but may still be errors
Word count: 3,2k
Song recs: get you by Daniel Caesar
A/N: wrote this listening to the cutest kpop gg music you could imagine. Literally listening to achoo by lovelyz rn (stream) please lmk if I missed any warnings. Feedback is loved and appreciated
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"Are you sure everything will be fine out there? It's looking pretty serious." You stood by the window of your living room staring outside at the storm.
"Well I don't know for sure, but what I do know is that you shouldn't stand near the window like that." Doyoung grabbed your arm pulling you away from the window. "It's night time so hopefully nothing too crazy happens. Are all the flashlights up here?"
"Yeah." You turned to Doyoung who put his hands on his hips with a concentrated expression. He was always so cute like that. "Babe, we're gonna be okay. There's no need to-"
The room went completely silent as your vision was impaired with the sudden blackout. All that you could see was the trees moving in the strong wind and power lines flying in different directions. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, turning on the flashlight to see in front of you.
"Babe? You still there," you said loudly, looking around.
"Yeah I'm just getting the flashlights and candles," he called from the kitchen.
"I didn't even know we had candles," you laugh.
"I bought them yesterday just in case." You pointed your phone in the direction of the kitchen, seeing him walk back with his hands and arms full. He placed all the stuff on the coffee table with a big sigh. "Wanna help me light them?"
"Of course." You sat on the floor next to him between the couch and the table. Doyoung handed you a lighter and the two of you started lighting the candles "you're always so prepared."
"In life, you always think 3 steps ahead." He placed the candle in the candle holder, carefully putting it on the table. Doyoung reached to pick up another one, but was distracted by how pretty you looked in the lowlight. Your features were soft, and the way you picked up everything was delicate.
You turned to ask him something, but was quickly humored when you caught him staring at you. Doyoung looked away from you super flustered by it. His cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, making him cover his face. You snickered as he whined in his hands from the embarrassment. Even after dating him for so long, he was still embarrassed like a middle schooler.
"Don't be embarrassed," you teased, poking him softly. "you're so cute, you know that?"
Doyoung groaned, earning a soft laugh from you. "stop, it's embarrassing."
"It's not." You continued lighting candles listening to the rain pick up outside. You set it down before turning to Doyoung who was still hiding his face. You ruffled your hands in his hair knowing that would be the only thing to make him come back to you.
"Don't mess up my hair, I spent so much time on it today," he whined, moving your hand gently.
"It still looks good. Looks like the aftermath of a long week," you said, winking at him. Doyoung, who was already flustered enough, gave you nervous laughter. "You know..these candles are kind of romantic."
"You think so," he asked, a small smile on his face. He stood up m, taking 2 candles with him setting up the room.
"Mhm," you answer. You finished lighting the rest of the candles and stood up to help Doyoung put them around the first floor. "Maybe we should be romantic while we have the chance," you laugh.
"Do you think we're still gonna have to work tomorrow?"
"Hopefully not. Hopefully a tree falls in the middle of the street. Okay…I'm all done." You turn to Doyoung who was finishing up the candles right along with you. The room looked nice and lit up like this. It reminded you of a room in a dark academia movie with all the books and papers lying around. Doyoung looked good in the low light too. The slight silhouette of his body in front of the candles was so pretty. He was so pretty, and it was starting to do things to you.
You and Doyoung sat on the couch together snuggled into one another under the throw blanket. You nuzzled your head between his neck, inhaling his cologne that you loved so much. You felt Doyoung tense up a bit, squeezing you closer into him as the storm picked up. He knew you didn't like storms very much, and you were starting to get a lot more anxious as time went on.
"You okay," he said quietly.
You nodded, planting a small kiss on his jawline. "It's getting really bad out there."
"I know," he said, kissing your forehead. "Don't worry about the storm, okay? I'm here."
"I know I shouldn't worry…but what if the tree in the backyard falls or the one across the street? What if-"
Doyoung turned your head to face him and kissed you deeply. He cupped your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You pulled away from him, looking up at him with adoration. He was always so sweet, never wanting you to worry about a thing.
"Don't worry about what's going on outside," he said quietly.
"Well, now I can't worry about anything because of you." You smiled, glancing at his dimly lit lips. "I think we should take advantage of this romantic setting. What do you think?"
"I think you're right." Doyoung smiled before kissing you again, capturing your lips in a heated exchange. You kiss him back, moaning softly into his mouth. Your hand finds its way to his chest, holding his shirt softly.
"I bet you were thinking about this all day," he mumbled against your lips.
His voice was so deep and raspy and you could hear the smirk in his statement. It gave you butterflies, and they immediately went right to your core. You wanted to just kiss him for the time being, just in case something bad happened outside or inside. But the way he was kissing you, the way his fingers softly glided on your arm - you needed him.
"Do you think you can distract me some more," you mumbled. You pulled away from his lips, kissing his face softly. You could feel his beard growing back and still smell the expensive skin care he loved.
"It's almost like you read my mind."
You and Doyoung move yourselves on the couch, him under you and you on top of him. Doyoung could never get over the way you looked at him. It made him feel warm and fuzzy. Not once have you even made him feel unwanted or unloved, and he hoped that it would stay that way forever.
"You're staring again," you giggle softly.
"I know." Doyoung took one of your hands and clasped them with his, squeezing it tight. "You're so beautiful."
"Don't get sentimental on me," you whine softly, but the smile on your lips was wide. You always got shy when he started complimenting you out of the blue. Doyoung was big on words of affirmation. He always had to tell you that he loves you, or anything that showed his love for you in general. You loved it because no one ever made you feel as special as he did.
"I'm not being sentimental, I'm just telling you." Doyoung kissed the back of your hand, making you even more flustered than before. "But I'll stop talking because I know you just want my dick in you."
"You didn't have to put it that way," you laugh. You leaned down, kissing him softly. Doyoung placed his other hand on your thigh, squeezing the flesh softly. Doyoung let go of your hand and placed both of them on your hips. Unconsciously, you started to grind on top of him, lips never leaving his. His hands followed your movements, pushing his hips up to get more friction.
The sound of the rain breathing the windows created the perfect white noise for you to put your focus on him. You pulled away from him, leaning lower to kiss his neck.
"God, I love you so much," he sighed.
"I know you do." You came up and pulled your shirt above your head, throwing it on the floor in front of the couch. You reached to your back, unclipping your bra. Doyoung's gaze never left your body, watching as the fabric fell from your skin exposing your chest. Every time felt like the first time. It didn't matter how many times you undressed yourself in front of him, he would still get excited and nervous all at the same time.
"I'll never get tired of this," he mumbled, eyes going straight to your chest.
"I hope you don't because I'll never get tired of you," you said softly. You lift Doyoung's shirt tugging it up. He lifts his arms helping you get the fabric off of him. You toss the shirt next to yours and shuffle off his lap to remove your pants. Doyoung started doing the same. His hands clumsily undid his belt, fingers unable to properly hold the leather because of how sweaty his fingertips were. You watched him, laughing softly as you moved his hands gently, undoing his belt for him.
"Why do you still get nervous every time," you laughed.
"Because it's you."
Your hands are on his zipper when you stop and look at him. You leaned in, kissing him quickly with a small smile on your face. "We might as well get married now since you wanna be all cute and romantic," you tease.
"But if we do that, you won't get your big princess wedding." The both of you laugh as you pull off his jeans and boxers. You run your hands down his chest, making his breath hitch in his throat slightly. The way your nails raked softly over his skin - he wanted to put a baby in you right at this moment.
You had almost completely forgotten about the storm at that point, just focusing on Doyoung in the candle light. But like always, your small fears had to betray you in some way. You glanced out the window, immediately becoming worried again seeing the trees sway in the wind and - wait, is it hailing now? The loud sound of the balls of nice hitting your window and car in the driveway confirmed your thoughts, making you knit your brows.
"I think it's hailing now, Do."
"I know, but don't worry about it, okay." Doyoung put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Don't worry about anything. Just lay back and let me take care of you." Doyoung gently laid you on the couch, lifting your legs. You and him had discussed having children before, conversation always ending in "I don't know" or "maybe," but right now he was feeling like the answer should be "definitely."
You laid there watching him as he lined himself with your core, eyes lost in the wetness between your legs. Doyoung pushed himself into you, a sigh of relief and pleasure falling from both of your lips. Doyoung moved his hands from your thighs to your ankles, holding them tight in his hands. Your brows knit once he starts thrusting, moving in and out of you slowly.
"You remember that conversation we had about kids," he asked, breathing heavily because of the pleasure.
"Mhm," you nod, lip between your teeth.
"I..I changed my mind, I want one… now." Doyoung's other hand found its way to your core, fingers gently toying with your clit as he thrusted. He felt you shiver under his touch, soft moans filling the space of the quiet room. "Wanna put a baby in you so bad.."
You nodded, only half listening to what he was saying. And in all honesty, you wanted it too. You needed it. "Please Doyoung, put a baby in me," you moaned softly.
Doyoung kept thrusting in you slowly, breathy groans leaving his lips. His eyes followed your hands as you brought one to your chest, pinching your nipple, and the other to Doyoung's hand that was in your clit. You followed his movements, pressing his fingers on your clit harder. "Fuck," you whispered. "Faster baby."
Doyoung let go of your ankles, allowing you to readjust yourself on the couch. He leaned down, kissing you passionately as he thrusted. His movements were sharp and deep, the sound of skin slapping playing over your ears instead of the worsening storm outside. You cupped his face, moaning on his lips.
"Fuck..right there," you whined softly.
If he could, he would get your face at the very moment tattooed on his brain. You were so pretty, you were always pretty no matter what. But something about your face when you were under him, letting yourself be vulnerable despite your usual introverted nature was so fascinating to him. You always crumbled at every touch, every word, every sound. And to make matters better, you looked angelic in the candle light.
Your arms were now around his neck, forehead resting on his as the both of you moaned. Doyoung's arm snakes around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He needed to be chest to chest with you, feeling every breath you took. Doyoung slipped into the crook of your neck, planting messy kisses on your sweaty skin. You whimpered in his ears, hands in his hair.
"You sound so pretty baby," he mumbled on your skin. "I love it so much."
"D-Doyoung.." The way his name rolled off your tongue almost sent him to the moon. You clenched around him slightly, earning a small raspy whine from him. Doyoung took your left hand and pinned it on the arm of the couch above you. He clasped his hand with yours, squeezing it tightly as if he would lose you if he let it go.
He kissed you once again, tongue dancing with yours. He was so desperate for you and you could feel it. You always felt it, and it always turned you on even more. You never knew Doyoung to be a person who loved physical touch, but after you started dating him, he was like a completely different person, especially in bed. He borderline worshipped, and while it was overwhelming in the beginning, you grew to love and crave more of his attention.
Just as he pulled away, the sudden sound of thunder roared through the sky. The sound was so strong, you felt your house shake at the sound’s vibrations. The sudden noise made you jump, making Doyoung pause his movements for a moment. "You okay," he asked worriedly, scanning your face.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'm okay, it just surprised me a little." You have him a quick kiss moving your arm from around his neck to cup his face. "Keep going."
Doyoung started thrusting again, a low grunt in his throat feeling you squeeze around him again. You were still cupping his face, finger tips lightly brushing his skin with every movement. Doyoung squeezed your hand again, wincing slightly at your nails digging into his skin. Doyoung started fucking into you harder, pulling louder sounds out of you.
"That..that feels good," you said between pants.
"How good baby? Tell me." Doyoung leaned into you neck, teeth nipping softly at your skin. His arm was still wrapped around your back, rubbing circles in your waist.
"Really good," you whimpered. "I'm so close Do."
His brows were knit when he lifted his head from your neck. Doyoung canned your face, a small smile tugging in his lips. He could always tell when you were close. You always tend to cling to his shoulder or grab whatever you were holding tighter, and this time it was both of those things. Your hands gripped his hand and shoulder hard, nails imprinting on his flesh. "Look at me when you cum."
You nodded, trying your best to listen and be good for him. You felt yourself become small under Doyoung's intense gaze, gulping when you felt your body begin to tense up. "Baby, I..I'm gonna.."
And just like that, you came hard squeezing around him hard. Your moans filled the room, body trembling under his when he pulled you closer.
"That's it Y/N. I know that felt good," he cooed. "Where do you want me to cum?"
"Inside me," you panted. "I wasn't kidding earlier."
"You sure? I don't mind doing it but-"
"I'm sure Doyoung." You kissed him, smiling against his lips when he kissed you back harder. Doyoung started thrusting into you again, a shudder falling last your lips. You were already sensitive from cumming first, every movement started feeling like an electrical current flowing throughout body.
"Fucking hell," you moaned loudly, throwing your head back at the feeling.
"Just a little more baby. Can you take it for me?"
"Anything for you." You were slightly slurring on your words, too overtaken with pleasure. Doyoung kept rocking his body at a steady pace, but his movements were getting rougher and rougher. He dropped his head in the crook of your neck, soft moans and whimpers leaving his lips closer and closer to his orgasm.
"Cum in me Doyoung. Make me yours."
That's all he needed. Doyoung came inside of you hard for the first time. The both of you moaned together, the warm liquid spreading inside you. Doyoung clung to your body, still holding your body close to his like you would run away from him. His breathing was heavy along with yours, breaths tickling your neck. Doyoung let go of your hand but stayed on your palm simply resting it.
"I can't believe we actually did that," he said giving you a soft tired chuckle.
"Well I can." You kissed the top of his head, nuzzling your nose in his hair.
"Are you..sure you're okay with me cumming inside you? That seemed like such a heat of the moment thing," he questioned.
"It was, but I don't regret it."
Doyoung lifted his body off of yours, staring down at your tired face. You had a happy, content look on your face, like you waited for this to happen. Just when he was about to say something thunder roared again. He looked over to the window, seeing that the hail stopped and all that was left was horrible rain. This time you didn't jump because you were so distracted by the mere thought of a mini Doyoung running around your house.
"The hail stopped.."
"I love you."
A soft laugh escapes your lips speaking at the same time as him. You licked your lips, smiling at his flustered expression. "Why are you getting embarrassed?"
"You said that out of nowhere," he said, blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Your naked and inside of me. And when you pull out, your-"
"Okay, okay. I get it. I shouldn't be embarrassed about it," he chuckled. Doyoung kissed you softly, smiling in your lips. "I love you too."
"Good. Now what are we naming our children?"
Doyoung gave you an amused look, trying to lift himself off your body only for you to pull him back down. "Y/N, we'll talk about that when I get off you."
"But I want you close," you pout.
"Okay, fine. If we have a girl, I like the name Sarah," he said, giving into your question.
"And a boy?"
"I just want girls."
"Do, that's not how it works-"
"I said what I said."
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pinkwright · 1 year
need u on my skin like closure, baby | shuri udaku.
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pairing — college!shuri x college!y/n
trope — exes 2 friends 2 lovers
inspo — anya mmiri by ckay ft. pinkpantheress
warnings — fingering (reader receiving), dom!shuri, humiliation kink, erm dumbification (listen..), possessive!shuri, protective!shuri, shuri is touchy, kissing, overstimulation, its long my bad, reader is easily embarrassed, tensionnn, shuris mean n condescending but so in love, reader is bratty for like two seconds, jealous!shuri, dacryphilia, dirty talk, degradation but like its like praise coded, praise, reader gets rlly subby (poor baby) but not crazily so like subspace, i think that's it but i honestly don't know.
a/n — i wrote this pretty quickly actually n was initially gonna post for valentines but bc i'm drowning in ideas rn it doesnt rlly matter so, i hope u enjoy it ! girl i won't lie writing this had me a bit breathy LMFAO so if there r any errors that's my bad but u know why. im a miniskirt kinda gal so this is what i imagine reader wearing to the party while this is what i imagine shuri in (4th)— u can obvi imagine what u want.
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @saintwrld
confusion, confusion, it's life, and illusion. you’re with me right now, next thing you're gone. but i need you on my skin closure, like closure, baby.
the music blasts through your ears, the steady vibrations stimulating you sufficiently, working well in keeping you from getting distracted from the current art piece you worked on. the world around you seemed muted as the tones of green, brown, and orange danced across your canvas, the oil paint was firm but still allowed room for error, encouraging it even – your favourite medium for that reason.
a slow succession of knocks sound under the thump of your music, the door to your studio opening and closing with two soft clicks, the person not making themselves known to you. though, a smile creeps on your lips – having recognised the knocking pattern, “by now you should know that creeping up on me after you’ve knocked is futile, right?” your hand reaching towards your stereo to lower the piercing volume.
you place your palette on the covered table to your side, the dirty paintbrush following suit as you stand to turn to face her, your arms lift into a stretch then fall to fix the unruly bun of the lace on your head as you finally set your gaze on her. she’s standing in the doorway, her hands buried in the pockets of her baggy black sweatpants, a matching oversized black hoodie sitting on her torso, the accents of dark purple shifting as she lifts her hands into surrender, and there’s mischief dancing in her eyes.  
“i will never understand how you do that when i quite literally have the stealth of a panther.”
she’s smiling at you as she speaks, her voice is playful and light as you begin to pack up your belongings, “i don’t know, your majesty. maybe, just maybe, the deadly black panther has met her match.” you’re giggling as you say it, unaware of the inner turmoil you’ve thrown shuri in to.
the air quietens down as you raise your eyes to look at her, your sweep of the room to make sure it’s presentable for your arrival tomorrow complete, and you seem to realise what has transpired, what you insinuated. shuri’s gazing at you with a deep but unreadable expression, one that has you averting your eyes over an awkward chuckle as you walk towards her.
“that, she has.” her voice is deep, and serious, as it slithers up your body, wafting with your intake of breath to settle in the depths of your lungs. her words carry a depth you’re familiar with, or at least, were familiar with, one that spoke of her devotion to you, her love and respect for you, her desires and promises to make you, her queen.
you clear your throat before moving around her tall frame to step out of the small, now tense, space. your heart flutters as she quickly reaches out to open the door for you, her cologne permeating your psyche as it washes over you – jasmine and warm musk on top of cedar and bourbon vanilla, all wrapped within the sensual flamboyancy of roses.
you walk to the elevator and step into the space, the music is soothing as you sigh out and drop your head side to side in a stretch, you had been sat unmoving for a long period of time, “i always tell you to take stretching breaks to ease the strain on your body.” shuri’s voice is teasing but you can hear the firmness floating through the crevices of it. your eyes reach to look up at her, your lips parting on a snarky remark, but the ding of a stop on another floor has you pausing; then there are two things happening simultaneously.
firstly, a group of college boys is stepping into the small space and, secondly, shuri’s reaching both her hands to rest firmly on the skin of either of your shoulders, slightly pressing against you to shift your body away from the rowdy boys, guiding you to face slightly away from them, as she steps forward to press against you, giving the one that was nearest to you a curt but taunting smile, as if she’s daring them to touch you.
the action is so swift and so instinctive that it’s over before you even get to blink twice, but it wakes up your aching body, provoking it into calling out for her. you feel its call in the warmth pulsing through you, the sweep of your stomach, and the racing of your heart. her head dips to where her soft curls skim the skin of your collarbone, her nose barely brushing against the arch of your neck, and your head is tilting slightly for her, your body reacts before your mind can process, clearly yearning for her closeness.
“what were you saying, s’thandwa?”
she breathes the words into your skin, her hands squeezing your shoulders before they’re slipping down your arms and coming to rest on the heated skin of your waist, pulling you into her so her chest presses against the length of your back; and you’re embarrassed. you can feel the rapid glances of the others beside you, though their conversation never ceases, and you know that shuri’s doing this on purpose. she knows that no matter how much you deny it, your body vibrates with the idea of her possessing you like this, owning you where there’s nothing to shield the clench of your thighs from prying eyes; she knows you bask in the humiliation of it.
you shake your head to clear your thoughts, “it’s fine, it wasn’t important.” you almost flinch when you hear how breathy your voice sounds, the heat rising to your face but moving to settle in the pit of your stomach. shuri’s chuckle is taunting as she breathes you in, her head dropping slightly and you can feel her lips curling as she skims a phantom kiss on your sweet skin, and you swear when your head clears, you’re going to kill shuri udaku.
the doors ring open to the ground floor and shuri guides your body out, no longer pressed against you as she takes to wrapping her arm around your shoulder and your head finally clears. “you are such a fucking ass, actually,” her boisterous laugh is cutting you off as she turns to look down at you, amusement dancing in her eyes.
“looking out for you is being an ass, my love?” she teases. your eyes roll as you throw her arm off of you, her laugh only intensifying as she brings her hands to clap obnoxiously. the muscles of your heart seize as you regard her, you love her so much, why’d she have to confuse you like this?
“shut the fuck up, i’ll see you tonight.” you try to look annoyed, but a series of giggles are escaping you as you walk away, your apartment only a block away. you’re adjusting the bag on your shoulder when shuri’s voice rings out in agreement, her laugh quelling as she watches you go, a sigh taking its place as the longing grips her once again.
you roll your lips to spread your lipgloss and reach to put the tube in the black bag you decided to carry tonight, rocking your hips to the beat of baby boy reverbarating through the walls of your apartment as you deem yourself ready. you spin your back to the mirror, your eyes sliding to gaze over your shoulder as you give yourself a once over, the length of your skirt was daring, provocative, just how you liked it.
the knocking at your door has you grabbing your bag and ruffling out your hair, allowing the bangs to frame your face cheekily because you know shuri likes it when you look a little bit of a mess for her, not that you wanted to look good for her or anything along those lines. the door swings open, your previous smile dropping as you lay your eyes on her, sweeping your gaze down her lithe frame as your glossy lips part, she needed you bad; shuri’s doing the same, her tongue coming out to lick her lips as her dark eyes burn into the skin of your legs, she had always been a leg girl.
your eyes snap up at the clearing of her throat, and she’s smirking at you before leaning into your space, her arms wrapping slowly around your waist, pressing you against her firmly as she brings her lips to your ear, “bast, you’re killing me, baby.”
the words end with a grunt as she slips one of her hands down your hips to play with the hem of your skirt, “this fucking skirt, you’re a little slut for attention, hm.” her voice is soft and cooing like she’s praising you, and her fingers grazing the skin of your thigh paired with the tenderness of her tone coaxes you into accepting the praise.
you let out a low whimper, the heat of your core bringing you to clench your thighs slightly, shuri chuckles condescendingly before pulling away, lifting your hand to her lips to graze your knuckles before she’s pulling you away, guiding you to her car. the ride is a short but electrified one, god what kind of exes slash friends were you?
the party is in full blast by the time you two arrive, music blasting through the house and flowing into both the back and front yards, you could feel the vibrations settle in the marrow of your bones as you make your way inside, still being guided by shuri. she moves through the crowd just like a panther; gracefully, instinctively, moving with the aura of the apex predator she was, she greets people as she enters the kitchen, using the grip on your hand to seat you on an empty barstool before she starts to prepare some drinks for you.
you’re joined by some of your friends, and soon you’re laughing, enjoying the party and the sweet drink shuri had prepared for you, before you feel like dancing. you hold one of your friend’s hands as you go to dance, letting go of the overbearing stress you carried, letting the music caress the heat of your skin. you feel her eyes watching you, feel them heavily sliding down the length of your moving body and it exhilarates you. you open your eyes and just as you meet her gaze, a body presses itself against you, much like she had earlier, and her gaze is darkening.
the intensity of it shocks you but lulls the bratty side of you forward, calling you to make her move, make her claim you again. the thought excites you enough to bring your hand to guide the strangers to rest on the material covering your ribs, your lips twitching in amusement when you see her eyes drop to sneer at the touch.
that’s it, come to me. the vixen in you is cunning, luring her lover to her with tactics she knows shuri will concur to, tactics she knows will break the regal patience of the queen.
but shuri simply raises a manicured brow, her lips lifting into a smirk as she sweeps her eyes over your frame and she’s leaning forward against the marble countertops before tilting her head at you. you know that look, and so does your body, seeing as it instinctively clenches with a fire so deep it licks at the jagged edges of your ribs, sinking into the space between your legs.
she barely lifts her hand, her fingers moving to call you to her and you’re moving without thinking, like a prey to its predator, and you’re soothed by a false sense of security when she allows you to place your hand in hers so she can gently pull you towards her and whisper directly into your ear, “i don’t know who made you think you run shit, s’thandwa, but i know you need me to fix that for you, right?”
the shiver that wrecks through your body is instant and you’re nodding before you can comprehend, your breath hitching when you feel her pull you through the crowd, you were in for it. the lock of the bathroom door barely clicks before one of shuri’s hands grabs both of your wrists to press against the wood while the other pushes your hips against the surface.
there’s a pause, “i need to hear you to tell me you want this baby, that you want me.” her voice is strained like she’s holding back.
“please, please, shuri, i need it, need you, always.”
the whine barely escapes you before she’s letting out a tortured groan and pressing against you, her hand sliding down your hip, roughly pushing the hem of your skirt up, and pressing over the front of your damp underwear. your hips stutter as she presses against your clit, your lips parting as you moan out, hearing her groan into the curve of your neck, her lips pressing heated kisses along the length of it, “barely touched you and you’re this wet for me, baby? my pretty pussy’s crying for me, isn’t she?”
her voice is pulling you into the state only she can pull you into, where your mind is only occupied with her, and it’s hard to think, to breathe, to exist beyond her. her fingers trace slow circles over your underwear, your hips swirling to match the movements, and she’s laughing at you. lifting her lips to slide over your cheekbone and press against your temple as she increases the pace of her fingers.
“my desperate fucking girl. you want to come in these pretty lace panties?”
your hips buck wildly as you gasp, your head spinning as you whimper out her name, over and over again, a series of pleads falling from your lips. the way she’s talking to you with that lilt in her voice like you were just a girl to be scolded, a girl to be humiliated until you learned, learned what being hers meant. she’s speaking words to you, wanting you to gaze into those eyes while she touches what’s hers.
you feel the wave cresting, your stomach clenching as you practically squeal out her name, your hips gyrating frantically in time with her hand, your hands are clenching, your arms still held above your head, wanting to grab something to ground you, wanting to touch her to ground you. she coos at you, murmuring about her, “pretty sweet thing coming so good for her.”
your heart rate doesn’t get the chance to slow as you feel her hand slip into your now-soaked, underwear, your hips bucking violently as she grazes her slender fingers across your sensitive clit, and your eyes are widening as you lift your gaze to find hers already on you, “had enough, angel? i don’t think you have.” her voice is taunting, her eyes holding a fire that burns your insides.
your mouth drops open, your gaze unable to move from hers as she slides her fingers to your entrance circling around the opening as she groans deep in her throat, “bast, you were made for me, my love, made to take me?” her finger slips in slightly as she curls her tongue around ‘take’ and you’re chasing her fingers, she’s being so mean.
you tense as she finally slips her finger into the warmth of your walls, a satisfying moan slips from your mouth as she begins to gently thrust in and out of you, her fingers dragging against you, just the way she knows you love. she’s smirking against your cheek as you unabashedly moan out repeatedly, thumb coming to circle your clit as you shut your eyes. the tears are gathering on your lashes as you’re whimpering out.
“there’s my pretty baby’s tears.” her voice is dark, menacingly dragging out the words. “couldn’t have my pretty pussy crying by herself tonight, hm.” the words render you dumb before her fingers glide firmly against that rough patch inside you and you’re clenching so hard that it drags her fingers deeper into you, your legs trembling, your body solely held up by shuri’s hold on your wrists. and you still long enough for her to mutter out a ‘that’s it, angel.’ before you’re exploding again.
the tears are clinging to your lashes as you see flashes of colour behind your eyelids, your breath coming out in pants as you stutter your hips to the soothing slow of shuri’s lithe fingers, she’s using the hand holding your wrist to lower your arms to rest around her shoulders, her arms then coming to the back of your thighs to gently lift you on to the sink.
you feel her lift your chin, her lips approaching yours before she pauses, “you’re mine, right. my precious love, hm?” her voice is raspy. you nod eagerly, tightening your arms around her neck, whining for that kiss. she smirks as she leans in, placing her lips against your own softly but with a little desperation, the slide of your lips is a back-and-forth pull of your love, a love song duet, a devotion of walking into what will be.
the panther’s sly hands skim up your still quivering thighs fiddling with the band of your underwear, pausing, before she’s ripping them off. the gasp you release into her mouth is sharp but as you go to pull away, she doesn’t let you, her mouth slipping against yours felt like an addiction. both her hands slip along your inner thigh making their way to your dripping cunt.
her lips separate from yours when the tips of her fingers graze your folds and you thrash so wildly, she has to reach a hand to your hip to still you, a grunt slipping passed her mouth at the action, you were so sensitive, it made her feral. her eyes lift to your shut ones as she glides her fingers over your clit, your head frantically shaking, “you don’t want more, my love?”
her voice wisps through the clouds in your mind, “c-cant…please” you force out pathetically on a whimper, her fingers circling your clenching entrance, “i know, baby, i know.” she’s speaking gently to you, lovingly, “but you’re mine, yes? mine to love, mine to make come as i please? isn’t that right, honey?” and you’re nodding frantically.
“then i want you to get off on my thigh like the desperate girl you are, sweetheart.”
her voice is the only thing you can fathom, and it has you craving for more, inviting her into you and it almost makes shuri preen – you’re so open to her, settling into her embrace as if you trusted her more than yourself, it makes her soaking pussy clench tight around nothing, in a way only you could make her. her thigh presses between your legs and your muscles tremble around the strong muscle, her hand slips around your throat, squeezing gently as she guides your eyes to hers, and she gazes at you so deeply, it makes you squirm.
shuri’s watching you struggle against her thigh, her lips lifting into a condescending smirk that forces you to shut your eyes and let out a lengthy, needy whine before she uses her free hand to grip your waist and harshly slide you against her.
“dumb baby needs me to do everything for her?”
the moans you’re sobbing out sharply slice through the air, and you feel filthy, crying out for her while she drags you against her thigh like a desperate slut. you’re hiccupping on your tears as she continues to coo at you, walking you to your demise and you can feel it, your heartbeat pulsing through your desperate clenching walls.
her head is nodding along with yours, your eyes unable to separate from hers, and she’s groaning along to your cries, asking if you want it enough if you’re desperate enough for her. she leans in to press a tender peck to your lips that you can’t reciprocate, “that’s it, my angel, give me that come.”
then your body is convulsing so violently, shuri has to press the length of her body against you to prevent you from slipping off of the sink she has you sat on, her head sinking to your neck to shower you in praises and remind you how good you were for her, how much she loves you, how pretty you are when you cry for her. your tears are hot on your cheeks as you soak her thigh, and you’re heaving as your eyelashes cling to one another, the mascara smeared along your waterline - you looked ruined.
shuri regards you with a tenderness that sends you spiralling, she reaches her hand to brush along your wet cheeks before following the trail with her warm lips, exhaling her love into your skin, reminding you how much her heart belonged to you too. her lips meet yours in a soft press and she sighs as she pulls you against her body to ground herself.
she could feel her heart clench with the force of her love for you, she was never going to let you go again.   
how could i forget you? when you build house for my mind? and you no go, go outside and you no go, go. i miss me and you. but all i have is memories of you. but that just wont do tonight.
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bonkwosher · 1 year
hi me again 👋🏾 i had the idea with benoit where basically he’s having a hard time during the pandemic (what we saw in the movie) but his partner—although worried about him— knows it’s his way of dealing with this so they’re not angry or upset, they just want him to be alright. when Helen comes and Benoit has the idea of going to Greece, he suddenly gets all excited again because he has something to work on. And when he comes back, that’s when he realizes he’s been “terrible” to his s/o and he just goes and apologizes/thanks them for putting up with him even though they didn’t have to. i saw you reblogged a prompt list as well so maybe you could use n.28? he brings a small souvenir from Greece and he’s just all cute and very very sorry but his s/o is just glad he’s okay and loves him no matter what ❤️‍🩹
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Warnings: Angst I guess
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: This is the one shot that I lost & had to rewrite so I'm sorry if it's shit or whatever (I'm peeved rn & trying to remember everything before I forget it.)
You woke up again, still surprised by waking up alone. Benoit must've woken up early & rushed to the guest bathroom before you could catch him. Deep down he knew it upset you but he was distracted by his mind traveling a mile a minute with nothing to focus on. So he read, book after book surrounding the bathtub. You decided to make both of you some breakfast & headed to the kitchen. You heard Benoit rambling about the latest mystery novel he was reading. You opened up your recipe book & started breakfast.
After things started cooking you pulled out your phone, opening the group chat you had recently made. It was comprised of you & some of Benoit's recent friends. You couldn't get through to Benoit but they chatted sometimes so it was your only way to check on him. Admittedly, you liked the support you were lacking from Benoit. It was small but it helped so much to know you had people that cared.
Y/N L/N: Guys, day 7 in the bathtub. I don't know what to do at this point.
It took a minute for them to reply, in the pandemic that amazed you. But soon the chat filled with text bubbles.
"Benoit's Kareem": Oh god, don't worry we'll call him. We can get him to play some games or something.
"Benoit's Natasha": Yeah how about quiplash? I love that game.
"Benoit's Steve": Or Among Us, Benoit has to be good at that one.
"The Miss Angela Lansbury": Oh yes, that sounds wonderful. Let's call on zoom right now.
"Benoit's Natasha": Alright, I just need a minute.
Y/N L/N: Thank you guys so much, it means a lot that you do this for him.
"The Miss Angela Lansbury": Of course, Y/N. It means we get to hang out with your wonderful partner more. How could we say no to that?
With that you closed your phone & let out a sigh, turning to put the now-cooked food on a plate. Over quarantine, you had decided to take up baking & cooking. It kept you sane. You would make every meal by yourself, listening to music in your headphones or humming to yourself before delivering a plate to Benoit. You'd set it down beside him then sit out in the hallway against the wall waiting for him to try it. Each time he'd murmur about how it was delicious & perfect. If you ever tried to sit in with him he'd get upset saying 'he can't focus with your eyes on him' so this is the best you get. You opened the bathroom door & gave Benoit a warm smile, plate of food in hand.
"Good morning, baby," you spoke cheerily.
"What- oh, mornin' Y/N," Benoit set his book down, "Thank you."
You leaned in & placed a light kiss on Benoit's forehead, which was currently adorning a fez for whatever reason, "I love you."
"Mm, 'love you," Benoit sounded like his mind was elsewhere so you decided to let him stay there.
The sound of a zoom call ringtone played as you walked out of the bathroom. He answered that's good at least. He gets to talk with his friends. You sat down at the kitchen island & pulled out your phone to doom scroll. It must've been around ten minutes when a knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts.
"Get that would ya?" Benoit yelled.
You hummed a short 'mhmm' as you walked towards the entrance to your home. You grabbed a mask off the desk before opening the front door. It was a weird sight. A small woman with a large, black box.
"Hello... how can I help you?"
"Is this Benoit Blanc's residence," the woman asked.
You decided to press for reasoning considering you are with a man who has put many dangerous people in prison.
"Why do you ask?" Well his office was closed & I really need to speak with him. It's urgent, please."
With that you caved, she couldn't be dangerous & the box all but scared you. You led the woman who introduced herself as Helen to the balcony where she could wait, leaving a couple baked goods on the table. After that you found yourself standing in front of the guest bathroom door. You knocked a couple times.
"Oh- Y/N, not right now. I-"
"There's a woman here that needs your help, Benoit. She said your office was closed & she needs to talk to you."
"Oh!" You hear Benoit hang up his call & scramble behind the door.
That feeling. Jealousy, hurt. You were upset that Benoit so easily got up to talk to someone else but not you. The bathroom door opened & Benoit appeared in one of his robes.
"Where is she?" Excitement laced his words.
"The balcony."
Benoit ran off towards the balcony & greeted the woman with the flair of swinging open the double doors. You sat at the kitchen counter once more & told yourself you weren't staring... but you were. Although through glass, this was the most you'd seen him in the past week. Within minutes he quickly rushed inside & towards your bedroom.
"Helen, we should get ready now! Do you need a suitcase?"
'A suitcase?'
You followed Benoit to the bedroom where he had already laid out luggage & began picking out outfits. He held a blue & white striped bathing suit against him & smiled, "Oh this is exciting."
"Oh! Y/N, I didn't see you there. Want to help me pack?"
"Pack for where?"
"Greece, of course!"
He spoke like you were present in his previous conversation. For some reason, he was upsetting you more & more in this moment alone. You clenched your first feeling like you were ready to blow. Deep breath. Your eyes fluttered shut & you let out a sigh. He's happy, & that's all that matters right now. You know this is all because he feels trapped in this tiny apartment & you can't blame him. You walk over to the closet & pull out a sweater & some pants.
"This would look good on you," you point out.
"Yes, this will do wonderfully! Thank you so much, Y/N! God, I love you."
Benoit pulled you into a hug & in that moment, you almost cried. It felt like forever since you had hugged or even heard those three words grace his lips. Maybe this will fix things. Benoit changed then left with Helen. You would be alone for a couple days, he said. Only a couple more days. You wished you could go with him. Benoit withheld the detail that it wouldn't be safe, not wanting to worry you. Making the excuse that he wouldn't want to risk you getting sick, he convinced you to stay. Plus, maybe he just needed his own adventure.
Benoit watched as Miles Bron was taken into custody. A smile crept up onto his face as Miles argued with the police. Helen walked up behind him & glanced at her watch.
"Ready to go home?" She asked in her real voice.
Home. You. Benoit realized everything he had been doing. Locking himself away hurt you. He brought his hands to his face as each time he shooed you away played in his head.
"What's wrong?"
"Y/N- my boyfriend. I wasn't the best partner after the pandemic started."
"You better make it up to him, that man is an angel. I tried one of those muffins he made before we left- perfection."
"Yeah," Benoit's mind was already racing thinking about the perfect gift.
You were watching (insert tv show) when a knock hit the door.
"Leave packages at the door please!" You yelled, not wanting to get up from your spot.
The knocks persisted. You sighed before pausing the tv & got up out of your little comfy spot on the couch. You slipped on a mask & opened the door talking before looking up, "Benoit isn't here right n-"
You paused when you saw him standing in front of you, a bouquet & gift bag in hand, "Speak of the devil."
Benoit wordlessly pulled you into a tight hug. You forgot you two could even be this close. You wrapped your arms around his neck & let out a soft chuckle.
"Where'd this come from?"
"Speaking of the devil, I have been one lately. Haven't I?"
You guided your boyfriend inside, "Benoit, no-"
"Y/N you don't have to lie. I was in a rough place but I shouldn't have shut you out. You keep me happy & I'm such an idiot."
"I understand, okay. Did your trip give you your much-needed break?"
"Yes, darling. I-I got you a gift online but it wasn't coming in time so I grabbed you a small gift. It's stupid, I- just take it."
Benoit shoved the gift bag in your direction & his cheeks turned beet red. You opened the pretty black bag to see a mug with greek characters on it.
"What does it say?"
"I tried to find one in english but it was this little mom & pop shop & who I presume was the 'mom' kept yelling at me in greek. I couldn't understand anything. Someone told me it says 'World's Best Boyfriend.'"
"Awe, thank you."
"You are the world's best boyfriend, Y/N, for putting up with me."
You chuckled, "If that makes me the world's best boyfriend I have a pretty easy job."
You pulled Benoit in for another tight hug. You were glad to have him back.
Note: I totally think after this Benoit would bring you "World's Best Boyfriend" mugs in every language from his trips.
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urfavnegronerd · 11 months
dreaming of you- selena
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trope: angst because i'm missing someone real hard rn so now its everyone's problem
published: july 20, 2023
warnings: sadness, possible errors (i edited it by myself so i did my best), tried rly hard to use regular punctuation, i haven't used y/n in a fic ever so for now we have a good ol character name that u can substitute if you'd like, alternates from past to present tense but let me know if i messed that up a bit so i can fix it for the sake of clarity, religious themes if you squint (a church, a saint and a prayer, nun too crazy mostly just honoring someone), i think that's it
pairing: oc (amari, gender neutral) x miles (1610 or e42, either works)
wc: 1.7k ish
cielito- little sky (at least that's how my family uses it), amor/ mi amor- love/ my love
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Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you
Time is fleeting, the days turn into months into years and however long. The concept of time is funny because doctors will tell you that you have a new dermal layer about every month. So my body has forgotten and forgotten him. It’s strange because he– Miles, is always in the back of my mind, tucked away quietly for me and only me.  
It’s been three years since Miles’ passing. 
and I wish on a star 
If I were to talk about Miles, I would tell you about his voice and how smooth it would sound 
“Amari,” he calls, reaching out for me. I hum a response, distracted by the calculus assignment in front of me. if I had known, I would have given him a proper answer. 
“Are you busy?” 
“ ’s just a little bit of calc” I mumble. 
“Oh. Do you need help?” I shook my head in response, too prideful to ask that of him. I felt him slowly and gently pad his way over next to me, the carpeting absorbing the sound, and put his head on my shoulder. His curls tickled my pierced ears, the scent of his hair overwhelming my senses. The smell of pomegranate and honey, something so soft and kind to me, to my nose, to my body. If I could go back, I would smell his hair over and over again, to keep that part of him with me, always.  
“I just wanted to feel you, Mari,” the mumbles into my shoulder sent butterflies into my stomach, the same way they always did. 
After I would tell you about his voice, I would tell you about his mind. 
Miles had the most beautiful mind, a painting of beauty in a warzone. A small rose, reaching up from the cracks in the concrete, fighting nature with pure willpower, a colorful muse in the bleakest of places. His mind was the birthplace of such beauties, and treasures, treasures that I will keep tucked away in my head. For me and only me. Something to tell the world, to tell Brooklyn, that Miles Morales was not invisible. He was the opposite. He was vibrant and kind.
“Amari, baby, do you like this with drips?” he asked looking back at me, standing on his tip-toes, his hands smeared with yellow spray paint, trying to reach an impossible spot with no one's shoulders to stand on. I look up from my book, perched on a tattered couch somewhere beyond the train tracks. The light he would use to paint throwies and murals was blinding, he would squint with his whole face starting with his nose and traveling to his eyes, brows, and forehead. 
“Yeah. I like the drips a lot baby,” he smiled something goofy, something whole-hearted and warm, no doubt the byproduct of the love he had in his home. In his heart. 
Miles was soft, too. 
He would lie on his back on the floor, staring at the sky on the rooftop and listening to music. He turned his head to me and stared. He stared at me like I was the brightest light he had to look at, like out of all the constellations I burned the brightest. At that moment, he was Galileo and I was the sky. 
“Cielito,” he whispered, taking the wired ear bud out of my ear and gently turning my face towards him. “I’ve never looked at someone as beautiful as you, knowing how much they love me. and I like you so much that I can hardly breathe Amari, and it's like I have this thunder in me, in my veins. You make me nervous. but also calm, calm from lovin'. Mari, I love you.” 
Instinctively, I blush, bringing the sweatshirt up and over my mouth. Smiling something fierce, I laugh and press my forehead to his. 
“I love you, Miles,” I whisper, staring into his eyes. I had never once been so sure about something in my life. But I was sure about Miles, I was sure about his hazel eyes and tightly wound curls. Sure about the way he looked at me like I was the only thing he could see. I was sure about the comfort and calm in his eyes, a small pearl in our Brooklyn neighborhood. 
I was sure about the way he kissed me next, sure about how softly his hands held my face. Sure about the small and rough callouses on his wrists, and how no matter how rough the world saw Spiderman, he was soft. comfort, warmth, and all of which are attributes of a home. And the more that I think about it, he was home. 
That somewhere you are thinking of me too 
I slam my hand on my alarm with a vengeance, and a seething ache in my heart arises as I look around my room. Sage green walls once clad with photos and posters, now stare back at me, tangled in bed, empty. All signs of a life that were once reflected on these walls are gone. Boxes litter my floor, and shelves once full of trophies, plaques, books, and jewelry, are empty. The only remnant I have of this room being full of warmth is in my head, tucked away neatly next to the memories of Miles. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes and tugging off my bonnet, I shimmy into cargo pants and a too-big hoodie. Miles’ hoodie. Folding up my pajamas, taking the sheets off my bed, and neatly folding them, I push the rest of my life into a box half full. 
I can’t tell if it’s anger or sadness that fuels me, but I push the boxes into one corner and sit on the edge of my now-stripped bed. I stare at the fire escape, the cool metal being the home to several sleepless nights, endless secret kisses and so much more. Memories of a life that’s been loved. 
A surge of emotion hikes in my chest, something that I don’t want to deal with, at least not yet. I pull on an old and battered pair of hightops and hike down the fire escape one last time. One last stop at the bodega down the block for flowers and a bag of sweet plantain chips, lightly salted. One last time to shove my metro card into the reader. 
Waiting for the train, I look up and see the sticker Miles stuck on the ceiling rail. I don't think Jefferson had the heart to take them down after he passed. Memories of a boy was loved beyond belief. Tugging the hood of my sweater over my head, I enter the train and grasp the cool metal. Something to ground me at this moment that feels surreal. Something to hold on to, an island in a hurricane.  
Stepping off the train, a shiver runs down my spine. The air hangs thick, despite the cool summer weather and a feeling of sorrow creeps up my throat again. Pushing it down, I walk. Walk past the small costume shop and endless coffee chains and then I stop. The church hangs ominously over me like it’s betting on me to turn back. To run from this nightmare, this anger, this pain in my chest. 
Shakily, I step forward, swerving behind the building and into the graveyard. Miles is next to Peter Parker, and I huff at the irony of it all. Clutching the chips and carnations in my hand, I walk to the heavily decorated graves. Emotions tug at my chest and prick my eyes. I finally let it leak from my tear ducts and streak my face. 
“Hi Miles,” I look at his headstone, half expecting him to respond in his slight Brooklyn drawl. I half expect him to reply Hi, Mari clear as day, like he used to. He doesn’t. 
“I leave for school today. It’s far, in Rhode Island.” 
I pause, my face contorting violently before finally letting out a choked sob. 
“You know, your mom keeps telling me that you wouldn’t want to see me like this. That I should let it out. And I feel so angry about it. Not at Rio, of course. Angry because who the hell gave you the idea that you could leave? Leave before Rio got to scream at our graduation. I’m not angry at you Miles, not in the slightest. You tried,” 
My voice breaks.
“So hard. You fought so hard, and I’m so proud of you. I just thought I should stop by before I leave. I brought you bodega flowers, and the chips you like. You don’t have to eat them.” 
I clean his grave up a bit, grabbing dead flowers, deflated balloons, and any sort of unsightly thing off his grave. There are a few unlit prayer candles left, no doubt from Rio’s extensive visits, almost all of them being Saint Micheal. Jabbing my hands into all my pockets desperately, I pull out an almost-dead lighter to light the five remaining candles.  
“May eternal rest be granted onto him,” I light the first candle, “let perpetual light be cast onto him,” the second, “for my faithful and departed soul, Miles” the third, “o lord” the fourth, “let his soul be at rest” the fifth, “and let him know that I love him.” 
I wipe my eyes one final time, kiss my three middle fingers, and gently press them onto the cold and gray granite.  
“Always good to see you, Cielito.” 
I stare at his headstone one last time. 
“I love you, Miles. You don’t have to say it back, mi amor.” 
The only thing pushing me to go back home is the fact that I have a long drive ahead of me. I would stay curled next to his headstone for the rest of my life. It kills me to think that he’s alone down there, probably cold. During his funeral, I remember placing his headphones on his chest before the casket closed. His hands were ice cold, the makeup made a poor attempt at covering the small and delicate freckles that littered his cheeks. The finality of it is forever etched in my mind. 
Somewhere, I hope he’s listening to music. 
I climb back up my fire escape and tumble into my now-empty room. Sitting on the floor, I fold my knees to my chest and stare at the walls. 
and there's nowhere in the world I’d rather be, than here in my room, dreaming about you and me.
fin <3
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a/n: i didnt finish the get-down on Netflix, but zekes line where he confesses his love to mylene makes me cry every time, i had a really intense astronomy phase when i was little so i loved writing the galileo line it might show up in future fics idk. leave comments, constructive criticism and pointers!! and send reqs! love you goats 🩷
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faarkas · 1 year
tagged by my gorgeous most dearest beloved @leefi (everybody go wish a happy birthday NOW) to put my favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up and then tag 10 people
I'm pulling from my riding and gaming playlists + the like 10 different y/n inspired playlists that all my favourite songs are scattered to currently
tagging: @vilkaas @rockerboys @malefiicarum @morvaris @aartyom @eurodynamic @denerims @frankboeijen @eviefrie @arklay (no pressure!)
song name is spotify link, artist is youtube
rotisserie (resauced) - yung gravy, bbno$, dontcry
THIS SONG COMES WITH ME EVERYWHERE RN. I've done so many spire of the watcher runs with it on repeat while I distract the boss and try to dodge supplicants. Anyway what a bop by my arch nemesis yung gravy.
use me - blake rose
idk what it is about blake rose that just makes me WILD NO I MEAN BUT LIKE “you look like i’ve been on your mind / i’ll make you feel alright / just use me, any time you like” HELLO???? I GOTTA GO. 🏃‍♀️ NO PHOTOS PLEASE 🏃‍♀️
swim back - daughter
i love daughter im glad they're putting out new music. anyway this is a new song, i've had it on repeat, its on my playlists, its gorgeous.
CHANCES - kaytranada, shay lia
kaytranada solos
just say - coco & breezy, tara carosielli
fun. flirty. thriving. new. makes me want to do my makeup and dig out my big heels and go to the club. i’m not a clubber.
yosemite - half alive
i love this song and i have a really special memory attached to it so. I'd try to tell u about it but it really would not come across properly but it still makes me :') anyway. stan half alive.
HEATED - beyonce
LOVE THAT THIS ONE CAME UP. ayah u know how much i love this one. honestly my favourite song off renaissance and there are so many good ones. i just sit and close my eyes and sway to this one all the time. idk what she did to this song while they were making it but its like catnip to me
anaconda - nicki minaj
nightclub (waiting for you) - bad suns
hi its almost my 10th year listening to them and they're my actual favourite band. they never miss. thanks. stream apocalypse whenever now.
levitating - dua lipa
dula peep
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spinelessnature · 1 day
So this was just something I thought of while listening to this song, so if you want more of this dude you can request him lol. this song also has a chokehold on me rn-✍️👀 THOUGHTS IN BLUE ITALICS!!! NO USE OF Y/N OR GENDER, JUST THE NICKNAME 'SHELLY.'
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Oh, Poseiden! This island was magnificent, the flora, the animals, and most alluring the theme park by the bay. So many humans walking around the beach themed booths, with martinis in one hand and coconuts in the other, dressed in swimwear some even in beach themed clothes. How wonderful, they all looked so joyful. Well, not all of them. Some were puking in the trash after going on those huge metal carts that spin and fling you around super fast, but hey, they seemed to still have a great time even after that. Your friend and you were supposed to be on a mission to find the Eye of The Sea, and well since you saw a bunch of flashing lights along with lots of cheerful screams and laughter, you thought Hey the Eye might be over there! So you told your friend and went there. Though y'all got split up due to the crowd, and the fact you're easily distracted by anything that has to do with humans- It was hard since you can't tell any humans about your mission and you didn't know where you were even going, if anything it could not even be here anyways. So many people... you thought before bumping into someone "stupid human legs, hard to control-" "Hey you alright? You were mumbling to yourself." The man said. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm just looking for..." Come on think of something you can't tell him about the Eye. "Something to do! I'm new to this place and don't really know my way around..." "Oh for sure! Come with me there's lots of stuff to do, got anything in mind?" Um... dang it I don't even know what have of this stuff is! Come on... You look around, and see a wooden stage covered in beach flora with chairs and tables in front of it also covered head to toe which some had people in them. "Hey how 'bout that?" You pointed to the stage. "You want to preform on stage?" A stage whats a stage??? Shoot I shouldn't have picked this, but the human's staring at me... Oh Poseiden is he pretty, I've never seen a human this close before, do they always look this pretty. His long blonde locks and his tanned skin, I could just kiss- "Hello, earth to you? Do you want to perform on the stage?" You realized you were zoning out in front of him. "Oh yes! Let's preform!" "Oh cool! I thought I lost ya there for sec. Let's go!" As the two of you walk to the stage, you realized how you thought of kissing the man. Oh my Poseiden! Nononono- I can't be falling for a human! That's against Merfolk rules, you can't come in contact with a human unless your hurt or lost. Well... I did come in contact with him because I was lost... NO! you can't think that! That's not ri- "So, what's your name? Mine's Stacy." "O-oh. Um you can just call me Shelly. That's um what my friends call me." "Well Shelly it's nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too Stacy..." Well you ruined the greeting are you happy with yourself "And here we are the stage! Usually I'm the only one on stage doing the preform, but since you wanted to preform we're gonna do it together!" "So what are we doing exactly, to you know preform..." Why did you say it like that! Now he's gonna think your weird and don't know what your doing! I mean I don't, but still! "We're dancing!" Oh no! I can barely walk in these meat chopsticks! Now he wants me to dance! But... I mean he's smiling he's so cute like a puppy. I can't hurt his feelings... Maybe I should tell him that I can't dance. Hopefully he won't be mad... "Um Stacy... Can I tell you something?" "You can't dance can you?" "I'M SORRY! I just-" "Woah hey, I'm not mad." "You're not...?" "Nah, you ain't the first and you surely won't be the last. It's no biggie, I can just teach you." "Okay! I-i mean cool." "Hey Ricky! Play the music!" Music starts playing it sorta has a tropical vibe to it, not only that but it was quite catchy. "Here take my hand, I'll lead." He smiled. Boy this was gonna be a long night for you.
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Sorry if the ending kinda sucked I was running out of ideas. Also this was kinda inspired by the live action Scooby-Doo movie Spooky Island and I wanted that kinda frat boy Freddy type character for Stacy lol. So if you did enjoy this feel free to request for me to write more of him or if you have any ideas for him too!
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noxtivagus · 1 year
ffxiv w the ffiv references please take my heart my everything is yours
#tag later#FF4!!!!!!! THE MUSIC THE TWO MOONS#the two moons.. sob.. ill cry#what if. theme of love has an ffxiv version is that too much hopium 🥹#i love you final fantasy xiv you are my favorite distraction my favorite escape my everything#i'm bout to make ffxiv my entire personality JUST YOU WATCH#i'm actually gna go insane it's probably a Bit (perhaps that is an understatement) unhealthy using ffxiv as a distraction like this#every time the night comes i fight the urge to do the same thing i did nights before but uh we don't talk about that <33#i shouldn't have wrote about that fuck#i was doing well just a moment ago but that specific memory just#nooooooooo i'm fine i'm fine i'm watching (listening) to the live stream rn <3#i do not understand jpn but i am multitasking sm rn i'll just look at translations later uh#i just started laughing at this one tweet i saw from my favorite feral zero liker on the tl#top.. 💀 I HAVE MY LAUGHS ON A VOICE RECORDING IM GNA LAUGH SM WHEN I REWATCH THAT#ARGHDLFKAJFLKSDJ FERAL FOR ZERO I LOVE YOU ZERO PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME ZERO????#YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME ZERO MY ONE N ONLY IM#OKAY.#NO.#im so sorry when i find my mind drifting a bit from fiction like idk ffxiv or wtvr i find that i'm srs in a constant battle with my mind#BUT AS LONG AS I DON'T DO THAT AGAIN..#NO THIS IS A CYCLE 😭 that damned memory at least the. Thing on my hand i will not say the word#at least it's healing but i still haven't thrown the.. the yeah away n i'm afraid of what i might do if#i was. gna do it again last night but reading old stuff comforted me but then when tomorrow comes i find my mind torn once more n#i'm rambling T_T but i'm fine i think i'm just a mess right now i will just hold unto ffxiv.
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semicielo · 4 years
Hello! I'm still new at this, so I hope I do everything alright,,, could I request for fluff headcannon for Kenma and Tsukki with a female s/o who is getting treated for anxiety, but the medicine she has been taking is losing effect, and now she is worried she'll never actually stop taking medicine and will always have anxiety? sorry if it sound silly, but this is really stressing me out rn as im going through this... I hope im not asking too much! Thank you very much!
hc’s of Kenma and Tsukishima with a fem reader with anxiety
A/N: hi honey, i really hope I wrote this correctly and that i approach the correct themes, and it doesn’t sound silly, your concerns are not silly and would never be :((
Pairings: Kozume Kenma x Fem Reader — Tsukishima Kei x Fem Reader.
Warning; anxiety
Genre: fluff
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⋆ Kenma ◞⋆◦
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He knew about her anxiety and that she was taking medication, but (y/n) never told him about her recent concern.
Still he notices some things about her behavior, she was quiet and spacing out a lot, and looked more nervous.
Once they were on his house to play video games, they both were on Kenma’s bed and (y/n) was looking at her boyfriend playing on his psp.
“(y/n)?” ; “mmh?” ; “what’s going on? Something it’s happening, right? Is it school? Is someone being rude to you?” ; “no” she whispers ; “can you tell me?” He leave the psp on the bed to look at her ; “it’s silly...” ; “I’m sure is not, what’s bothering you it’s not silly, all about you it’s important and I care” ; “I’m worrying about my medication... what if never stop taking medicine?”
Kenma stare at (y/n) for a moment and hold her hand playing with her knuckles, he breath in thinking about what to say.
“When you told me about your anxiety I search information on internet, and maybe is not the best source, maybe yes, I don’t know, and I read some things... you know... you can always count on me, you can tell me your things, time doesn’t matter if is day or night, I’ll always be there for you, you’re the strongest person I know”
After some kisses and “love you” Kenma and (y/n) cuddle and talk a lot, she told her all her worries, and he listen to her.
“Maybe I can go with you to your doctor? I don’t know if they could let me in but I’ll wait for you... is that ok?” ; “that would be nice” ; “(y/n)?” ; “mmm?” ; “I love you”
After that conversation he wanted (y/n) to feel relax, sending cute animal pictures and videos, memes, playing video games together.
He read in a blog about how to deal with anxiety and stress, so start going out for walks to the park, holding hands and talking about their days, Kenma was more talkative and told her about practices and a project to start his YouTube channel, things that make (y/n) smile.
He wants her to feel safe, he couldn’t help her in a professional way, but he’s sure he can help (y/n) with his loving actions and unconditional support.
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⋆ Tsukishima◞⋆◦
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“Something is bothering you right?”
(y/n) jump when she heard his voice, they were studying and Kei’s house, and he notice that instead of solving some equations she was doodling in her notebook.
“You’ve been pretty quiet recently, and you look tired” ; “I don’t want to be a bother” ; “I don’t know why you think you could be a bother to me, firstly, you’re my girlfriend, I wouldn’t date someone that I consider a bother” ; “you’re so smart kei” ; “don’t do it (y/n), I’m listening” ; “kei...I-“ ; “don’t, I want to hear you, I really do (y/n), if something is bothering you, I want to know you can trust me” ; “it’s about my medicine, i think it’s loosing the effect and I’ve been stressing a lot... maybe it’s silly, but what If I never stop taking medication?” ; he sigh “I don’t know how this works you know? And I want to tell you that everything is going to be alright” He whispered “I read some articles but... I can’t tell you what’s going to happen, but I know how strong you are... I read that you can do activities to relax, we can listen music together... you choose, maybe we can use those ridiculous double headphones, I don’t know if this help, but I’ll be there with you (y/n) if you need me you just need to call me and I’ll be for you”
And he did, he answered every call and replied every text (y/n) send him.
To keep her distracted for her thoughts he bought the headphones he told (y/n) to listen music together.
When he see (y/n) struggling with her thoughts and gets agitated he hugs her “hey let’s breath ok? Breath with me love”
Despite his cold side he has a soft spot for (y/n) and the only thing he wants is to make her feel better, so he’s a really supportive and loving boyfriend.
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Hi Percy, I'm having kinda a shitty day, could I just request some hcs? Maybe comforting with Jake or Michael or smthn?
why not both :3
jake’s the kind of dude who’ll like... do the dumbest lil things and make all the corny jokes to make u smile
like. the cheesiest pick-up lines? absolutely. the dumbest lil jokes? yes.
jake would be the guy who curls up with you and watches mamma mia and sings along with u
and also makes popcorn for the two of u
and just. cuddly boy. 
jake just presses lil kisses to ur cheek n neck
lyss mentioned uhhh jake singing something from the last five years
that one
he’d sing that to u to cheer u up
but also tbh
i could see jake surprising u with ur fave snacks n such and offering to listen if you just need him to listen
otherwise he’s very good w distractions
i say, not in a nsfw context.
michael’s much more “hey, lets play video games” honestly
he’d probs find something that doesn’t need That much focus so that u can spill ur troubles to him if u need to
otherwise uhhh
michael and u going on a nice drive
and getting fast food
and sitting in the parking lot, talking about the dumbest things
and listening to music
michael’s much more “hey if u want me to distract u, i can tell u abt my day and stuff if u just. dont wanna think abt whats going on rn” 
and he’d probs send u pics of cats or dogs or whatever animals u love
and maybe memes
including minion memes because “u cant be sad when ur angry at me for minions!”
what a goof
alternatively: if u like scary movies, michael 100% gets popcorn and sodas and watches scary movies with u, even if its the stuff you’ve seen a thousand times before
i hope ur day gets better bb! even if it doesnt: even flowers need a little rain to grow
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If you haven't answered it yet (oops if you did), blue!
what do you do when you’re sad? Depends on how sad. If it's mildly sad I'll just distract myself through the internet, but often times if I'm feeling quite down I'll listen to sad music n make myself feel worse 💀 I usually only reach out if I'm feeling concerningly depressed, otherwise I just hermit.
what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? Once again distract myself through the internet lmao but if I really want, or need to get myself to sleep I'll take a melatonin and try to lay with my eyes closed.
what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? I can't really put my finger on just one night, but the ones that always stand out to me were the old sleepovers I'd have as a kid with my friends. Those moments seemed so heartwarming and fulfilling!
what kind of covers do you have on your bed? Right now I only have my comforter with blue flowers on it, but if my bed were made (its a total disaster rn) there'd be a large orangey white flower quilt folded on the bottom, a weighted blanket on one half, and a kantha (think colorful embroidered thin quilt) on top of the weighted blanket. I never use all those blankets but I like the chaoticness of everything being fun and colorful yet never matching.
who is the last person you told a secret to? I don't tell many secrets, so I don't think I can think of one I told recently off the top of my head, but most likely one of my close friends!
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books-on-the-brain · 7 years
I'm reading a new book and can't find any good music to listen to while reading. Do you have any suggestions or any recommended artists?
Okay! I am so excited about answering this! I, too, am always on the hunt for the perfect reading music! I’m not sure what genres you like/if you want music with lyrics or not so I’m going to throw a ton of stuff out there - I hope there’s something that strikes your fancy, and if you have a more specific request that I don’t cover, then feel free to ask! I personally listen to a lot of rock/punk music while I read, so if that’s interesting to you I can add some of that music, but I’ll stick with mostly ambient/peaceful/not distracting stuff.
Reading Music Masterlist
Music without lyrics
If you have a spotify account, then there’s a Spotify-created playlist called “Deep Focus” and this is my absolute go-to for academic reading or when I’m trying to do personal reading in a noisy location. It’s calm and peaceful and I basically lose all sensation and forget where I am beyond the story I’m reading.
Another Spotify playlist I really liked is called “Studying with Classical Music” created by user classifyapp1. It’s updated weekly though, so sometimes I’m in love with it and can’t get enough, and sometimes I don’t like anything on it. It’s still worth checking out if you can if you like classical music whilst reading.
If you don’t use spotify/want more specific recs, here are a few (still without lyrics):
Anything by Clocks & Clouds - perfect for action/intense reads because I always feel like I’m walking away from a fight scene with a building exploding behind me when I listen to them
Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: Allegretto by Beethoven conducted by Leonard Bernstein - This piece is super cool because scientists have discovered that the chord sequences are perfect for releasing happy and stress-relieving chemicals in your body. Like the chords literally resonate with your body, or something like that (I switched from Bio Engineering to English for a reason). Also a great piece for getting work done on a tight deadline with a lot of stress
Pavane composed by Faure - peaceful with an enchanted forest feel
Anything composed by Philip Glass - my personal favorite is Akhenaten: Prelude
Gone in Bloom and Bough by Caspian - very ambient, and out-of-body
anything by Kyle Landry, but I particularly like the Howl’s Moving Castle Theme
Gaspard de la nuit: Ondine composed by Ravel (I like Martha Argerich’s recording quite a bit)
You Are a Memory by Message to Bears (ambient)
Come Away With Me by Tracey Chattaway (ambient)
Dancing on the Light by Richard Dillon (ambient)
Quiet by This Will Destroy You (ambient)
Rheaide does a cover of the Beauty and the Beast - Prologue music without any narration, just music, and I listen to this constantly while reading but just living my daily life. It makes me feel like a girl with her nose stuck in a book :)
ANYTHING by Joe Hisaishi - “Hisaishi Meets Miyazaki Films” is one of the best things to have happened to this planet
Vitamin String Quartet
Beyond this, other instrumental things that are great for reading are movie/video game soundtracks because they’re story-oriented which means they can set the mood really well for whatever you’re reading if you get the right thing. Some of the classic movie score composers that I would recommend are Dario Marinelli, Alexandre Dumas (his Harry Potter soundtracks give me life and I most certainly listened to them when reading the series), Hans Zimmerman, and John Williams.
One of my favorite video game soundtrack composers is Jeremy Soule who does Guild Wars and the Elder Scrolls (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s music is f a n t a s t i c for reading). Final Fantasy music is also good for mood-setting. My absolute go-to’s when reading though are the Music from Braid soundtrack by Sieber, Kammen, Fulton and Schatz and Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts (the Dearly Beloved cover by Vitamin String Quartet for reads that are wholesome and romantic or even empowering coming-of-age type stories).
Lastly, the Avatar the Last Airbender soundtrack the Voltron soundtrack for the remake of the TV show are EPIC esp if you’re reading action/space operas.
Music with lyrics
What I do a lot of the time when I want music with lyrics to get me in the right mood for the book I’m reading, is I’ll do specific playlist searches on Google. For example, I’m reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab rn and love Lila’s character, so I just searched “Delilah Bard character playlist” and got great results. 8tracks.com users are also stars are creating fantastic character/book-specific playlists and they’re free!! Which is the best part!!
Here’s some music I gravitate towards when I’m reading but don’t have the energy to get all artsy with mood playlists:
Bloodstream by Stateless
Halsey’s first album
Marina and the Diamonds - Numb and Robot are two of my faves
Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie - If you like Rainbow Rowell, she added this to Baz’s character playlist from Carry On and it is PERFECT so I listened to it on repeat while reading. Also fun because Raleigh Ritchie aka Jacob Anderson was Grey Worm in the GoT TV show if that’s up your alley
Peppermint by Lovers
Anything by Tess Parks
Cigarettes after Sex - Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby is quite peaceful and reassuring for trying to get into a safe space mindset for reading
Once again if you have Spotify, Afternoon Acoustics playlist is perfect for curling up in a window or garden on a sunny day with a light read
We Are Broken by Paramore - fits apocalyptic reads quite well I think
A Sunday Smile originally by Beirut covered by Kishi Bashi
Forest Fire by Brighton
My last suggestion: if none of this music strikes your fancy, then you could try www.ambient-mixer.com!! There’s a ton of background noise tracks and they’re so fun and perfect for geeks, with tracks like “Gryffindor Common Room,” “D/D fantasy inn/tavern,” “Belle’s Library,” and less specific ones like “Summer Forest” and “On a Ship at Sea.” Perfect for immersing yourself into whatever story you’re reading!
Sorry this is so long, as I tried to be fairly comprehensive. Once again, feel free to ask me for more specific recs if this wasn’t helpful. And anyone else is welcome to add to this if they have suggestions! I hope you enjoy your reading :)
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sunsetsover · 4 years
I'm having a really bad time right now, I'm all alone and can't talk to anyone in real life. But you seem kind. Do you have any advice or wisdom?
angel 🥺️🥺️ i’m sorry you’re having a tough time right now and you’ve got no one to talk to, but i’m glad you felt as though you could come to me 💖💖
when i’m having a bad time i always do my best to distract myself from whatever’s going on. it’s not always easy and perhaps it’s not the healthiest of coping mechanisms but i basically detach from reality as much as possible. this can be watching a film/tv show/yt vids or listening to music or reading a book or playing a game (obviously nothing sad, and this depends on your energy levels! don’t force yourself to do smth if you don’t want too lmao) like atm my thing is basically curling up into a ball in my bed and watching true crime documentaries while playing really shitty mobile games (bc it’s just a personal thing but when i’m having a bad time mentally i like to be like… almost on the verge of overstimulation?? like my eyes and ears and distracted by what i’m watching but my mind can’t wonder bc i also have to sort of concentrate on the game i’m playing, which is also distracting my hands. this is literally just a personal thing and might not work for you but i thought i would offer an explanation anyway lmao). like basically just keeping my brain busy/distracted is basically how i try to deal with bad moods n stuff.
i also never underestimate the power of allowing yourself to just feel how you feel, u know? like i experience things differently bc i have a personality disorder and dealing with emotions is just Different for me compared to most people, but sometimes just crying when you need to cry works wonders, you know? or having a day (or even just 5 minutes) where you’re like ‘ok today i’m gonna allow myself to be sad/angry/upset but tomorrow i’m not allowed to wallow anymore’. but i also wanna say that this is sometimes the opposite of helpful and sometimes a difficult thing to navigate like it took me a while to know when i needed to let my emotions be felt and when i had to be like ‘no lauren dwelling on this isn’t gonna help you’ and even then it’s still hard so be careful!! you know yourself best and if you think indulging in your emotions is going to hurt rather than help, then just don’t do it !! try to distract yourself instead!! (that said i do still maintain that sometimes just sobbing your heart out can make you feel way better emotionally, but again that might just be me)
it’s all about trying stuff and figuring out what is going to make you feel better. sometimes the cliche ‘self care’ stuff like having a hot bath and changing the bed sheets puts me in a way better frame of mind, other times i literally do not have the mental capacity to do that. i do always love having the window open to let some fresh air in, even when it’s cold out. you could try writing how you feel down? that’s not something i do, but i know some people do find that helpful. try to get some sleep (i really struggle with my sleeping, esp when i feel like shit, but i find having something mindless on in the background (my personal faves are the late night teleshopping programmes and food network lmao) can help me fall asleep bc i turn the volume down low and it’s like bc i’m listening to that i’m not listening to my own thoughts. OR - and i know this sounds bizarre - but guided meditations. i don’t use them often but 9/10 times they really do help me fall asleep. the only ones i use are by the honest guys on youtube!). maybe going out and getting out of your own head?? even if you just walk around like a shopping centre or smth?? or in a park?? 
basically my default (healthy-ish) coping mechanism is to do brainless stuff so i don’t have to Think. i don’t wanna think abt why im upset i don’t wanna think abt what caused it i don’t wanna think abt making myself feel better i just wanna turn my brain off and i do that by basically keeping all of my senses as distracted as possible. but if there’s anything you think might help you in any way, then just try it. (providing it’s not dangerous or damaging of course) if it doesn’t help, then it doesn’t help. sometimes certain things will help sometimes and not others. brains and emotions are weird and trying to deal with them is like trying to herd cats sometimes but !!! you’ll figure it out. i have faith in u :-)
and if there is a specific situation or circumstance that is upsetting you, then just try your best not to internalize any of whatever’s going on. like i know that’s vague and i’m sorry i can’t be more specific but just remember that external circumstances are very rarely in your control and so try not to internalize any sadness or anger you might be feeling towards things or people that aren’t in your control. and if u wanna come and talk abt it or want more specific advice then my ask and my dms are always open!!!
also lastly just be kind to yourself… like i know being sad can be frustrating and sometimes ur internal monologue can be so cruel but you have to try your hardest (and i mean hardest bc it’s not easy at ALL) to be kind and understanding of yourself. don’t get angry or resentful of yourself for however you’re feeling. try, at the very least, to be indifferent abt it. like ‘ok i’m going through a bad time. ok i’m struggling rn. ok. it is what it is. very often you can’t change that. so let me try to deal with it as best as i can. let me be patient with myself. let me give myself time. and then i will get up, even if i don’t want to, and i will keep going forward, even if it’s on my hands and knees.’ that’s the attitude i’ve found most helpful. all these daily affirmations and positive attitudes are nice in theory and i’m sure they help some people (they might even help you!) but for me they’re useless. like i try my hardest to be kind and patient w myself, but sometimes i settle for just apathy. and sometimes i need to be firm instead, u know? and if smth doesn’t work in helping me feel less shitty, i just try something else (although i’ll be honest! all of this sounds so nice on paper but it’s not that easy in real life! none of what i’m saying is easy! it’s difficult and it’s taken me YEARS to figure out what helps me when my mental health is playing up so it might take you a little while too!)
i hope things are a little bit easier for you from now on, anon. i hope your bad time passes as quickly as it possibly can, and even if it doesn’t i hope that you can find some ways to help yourself cope/cheer yourself up so you start to feel better soon. and i’m always here if you wanna talk about stuff!! anything!!! use me as ur distraction if you want!!!! 
but ily remember to go easy on yourself and stay safe and i’m sure you’ll get through this rough patch i have faith in you 💖💖💖
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arckhaic · 6 years
sorry this probably isn't the kind of ask of wanted but i needed to let it out. i've been depressed for years and it's been especially bad lately. i can't sleep at night. i think about drowning myself in the river every night and i think i might actually do it. i've spent so long just getting by day to day like i'm waiting for something but it hasn't come but the future seems so hopeless and the present is unbearable. i'm so tired and i just want it all to stop.
yeah prob not the kind of ask wanted …. i get triggered p easily when it comes to like suicide / suicide ideations so … rip …. but like my friend … holds your hands …… one of the things that’s gotten me out of my rly bad spots like rn i’m in a preeeeetty terrible time, dissociating at the drop of a hat, thinking about self harm n shit …. but like the best thing that i’ve learned how to cope with it is just to 1. distract the hell out of my brain and this is like i listen to audiobooks p much all day / podcasts / u can do music w/e but like …. i just get out of the thoughts so i can just get through the day. and 2. everything is temporary. which means these feels are temporary too. 
i kno rn going through that shit it feels like ….. its best 2 just be done w it & when ppl say ‘nah u got so much to offer’ and it’s like ‘ok but have u even met me i can’t do shit’ ……..but u can. u can do a lot of shit. u can do so much if u would just let urself. if u just gave urself a chance. all those bad things u say in ur head …. u wouldn’t ever say to someone else ………. it’ll get better. u will have good days. it’ll stop …. and you will be happy ……
/ send me an ask abt anything
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#helped ppl out in pf c:#WAH EVEN IF IT'S UNSYNCED N FOR OLDER EXPACS#i missed raiding sm uwahhh it comes naturally to me ><#& listening to mostly kpop while playing is just like the old days !#I HAVE SOMEONE NEW ON MY FRIENDS LIST 🥺#one cool person that helped out w o4s advertized their fc so i decided to reach out !#>///< i really did just send a /tell to them.... i'm proud of myself omg#me a year ago wld have sm second thoughts about reaching out like that#wah sometimes i wish that i was less anxious n more social back when my main was still on twintania#maybe. maybe we could have talked more#NO WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT.... grr no i don't care about them anymore#they were just nice to talk to. back then. especially special bcs that was around my bday but it's been months since we last talked#i guess i miss them a bit. they were nice to talk to after all#i think it's been months since they last logged in too huh. i wonder how they're doing#wait i got distracted ;;;#playing ffxiv w apollo while listening to this music while not really having a lot to do in school rn#it feels. so reminiscent of last year#uwah i'm thinking a lot again >.> i'll start writing my thoughts less on here though !#quick rant cont from eric post#past experiences where i reached out with good intentions but was left unheard#n so while it's hard for me to open up directly with others. i can write in places like these#when i creative write it's either reality or solely built from inspo so it's unreliable in analyzing deeper my emotions from the outside#regardless of how i come across i'll continue to be myself. as long ss it doesn't hurt anyone#i think that's what i'm afraid of. of destroying anything further. so i'm always keeping my distance#i can't tear myself away from that. i can't on my own break down these barriers formed by my pain#it hurts so much to be self-aware n to have improved but still be so lost somehow. alone? i don't know#i'm constantly confused in an even more confusing world. the more i learn the less i understand#n i just feel so so lost. i'm not sure what to do but i'll trust in myself. it hurts but. ah i don't know i'm so fucking tired#i'll just. continue going on. ill learn more. i keep on losing myself yes but i find more n more each time. it hurts. im tired but im strong
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