#n i woke up 11 smth?
noxtivagus · 2 years
today's been good c:
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
not only has the dryer been runnng like all day (why is it on again! It was on when I went 2 sleep this morning AND now!) but my condition started acting up badly All Night bc my meds didn't kick in n it's a meanie so now I'm incredibly tired n w.o sleep again... idek how long I slept. I reckon mayb 3-4 hrs. I'm so tired of being tired, dude... I jus want rest. I jus wanna go home.
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Um... Hi! If It's not much trouble could I get some headcanons or a little scenario about being Chris niece? (pref. younger than the campers, like 11-12-13 y/o?).
And I'm forward to see their (all the campers) reaction to the reader being pushed by the team to wake up Duncan in the dodgeball episode and him maybe hurting her without even noticing? Maybe thinking it was another camper or smth...
Anyways hope you have a good day or night! ^^
𝐎𝐮𝐜𝐡! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝙳𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙳𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝟷𝟹 𝚢/𝚘 𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛!
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♥🥀 -> ❝Aw come on Y/N!❞ Bridgette pleaded you, giving you the sweetest smile you could ever imagine.
♥🥀 -> ❝I- I don't know...❞ you murmured, slowly and steadily shaking your head 'no' while looking at the peacefully sleeping Duncan.
♥🥀 -> Chris and Chef were nowhere to be seen at this moment and so on you couldn't ask for help to get out of the situation.
♥🥀 -> You felt two hands on your shoulders and your body froze, knowing you've been just traped.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, you are Chris little beloved thing, do you think Duncan might be able to hurt you? Because I think no❞ was what Courtney said, giving your brain a false sense of safety, knowing you were going to get manipulated into awakening the dangerous teenager.
♥🥀 -> ❝Come on little one! Give us a hand, please?❞ now talked Geoff, making a thumbs up from his place a few meters away from you, but you still shaked your head 'no', knowing this could end up badly to all of you.
♥🥀 -> ❝Please Y/N! He is our only hope!!❞ practically cried Sadie, making pleading hands to you.
♥🥀 -> The social presion was slowly getting to you, and Courtney's grip only seemed to harden as the seconds passed by.
♥🥀 -> You finally screamed the word "fine" as all the team cheered in happiness.
♥🥀 -> Courtney let go of your shoulders and pushed you to Duncan's direction, making your hands slightly tremble at the thought of doing the thing that Duncan warned you to not do.
♥🥀 -> Hugging yourself out of fear you slowly make your way towards the sleeping teenager's body, feeling all the blood in your body go cold as you stop right beside him.
♥🥀 -> You turned your head to the team with a panicked expression, wanting to go back there and forget about all this, but the reassuring and comforting looks they give you is enough to make your hand make it's way to Duncan's shoulder.
♥🥀 -> You shake his shoulder slightly, feeling your hands tremble as the seconds pass by.
♥🥀 -> ❝Um... Duncan?❞ you shakily asked in a low tone as the teenager grumbled, not quite awake yet ❝I- your team needs you! Please wake up or they'll lose!❞ you whisper-scream, lowering your head to his ear.
♥🥀 -> You feel your heart stop beating when your wrist gets roughly griped, you lower your eyes with pure and genuine fear just to have them meet with the ice ones of the boy you were trying to wake up.
♥🥀 -> ❝what.did.I.said?❞ he asks in a hiss, looking at you with a highly disgusted expresion.
♥🥀 -> ❝To... not... wake you up...?❞ you manage to choke out, tears of panic and pain already watering your eyes.
♥🥀 -> ❝Yes. And what did you do?❞ he asked with a creppily calm tone of voice while he looks at you in sheer annoyance.
♥🥀 -> ❝I-I woke you up...❞ you say, the tears already falling from your eyes and making a tour in your cheeks.
♥🥀 -> ❝Exactly, you little piece of shit-!❞ he now screamed, getting himself up in the bench like a flash and using your trapped wrist as a way to throw you to the other side of the dodgeball court, watching with an evil grin as the room goes completely silent once a loud thud echoes inside the glass walls.
♥🥀 -> Everyone turns themself slowly to the direction of the thud, fearing what they might see, everyone is quiet... not even Heather brings herself to say a snarky comment at the situation as she truly took a liking to you.
♥🥀 -> And when you enter in the visual camp of everyone Duncan can hear gasps and a few screams.
♥🥀 -> Duncan turns his head too, now annoyed at their reaction, but when he looks at you he can swear that is heart stopped in it's tracks at the sight of you.
♥🥀 -> Your body was hidden in between a pair of broken benches, blood stained benches, your body was shaking as your broken sobs could be heard across the room.
♥🥀 -> ❝Holy fuck- I didn't mean this to happen...!❞ Duncan screamed-whispered, while all the people in the room looked at him with pure hatred as some of them quickly walked your way, wanting to make sure you were okay.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, dude, are you okay?❞ asked a worried Geoff, wanting to lift you from the ground, but before he could even touch your body you shrank in fright, letting out a choked sob and using your arms as a shield to protect yourself ❝He-Hey! Calm down little one! I don't want to hurt you!❞ he said starting to panic at the fear you so suddenly happened to grow for him.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, we're not going to hurt you! please stop flinching away from us!❞ practically pleaded Cody, who just got to your side, but when he tried to touch your hand, you quickly pushed him out of the way.
♥🥀 -> You got yourself up and quickly ran to the door, bumping into (to everyone's dismay) your uncle, Chris, the host of the TV show they're in.
♥🥀 -> They all froze as you flinched violently at the attempt of your family member of hugging you and you were quick to run out of the dodgeball court onto the woods, your shaky figure disappearing from everyone's visual camp not a minute after that.
♥🥀 -> Chris crosses his arms at this whole thing and at the silence that gets over the place and... frowns.
♥🥀 -> a deeply concerned frown.
♥🥀 -> ❝alright campers.❞ he said in a sinister and deeper tone than usual, not in his usual happy tone anymore ❝who.the.fuck.hurted.my.niece❞ he growled, letting the campers feel the potentiall danger that the adult has now turned into.
♥🥀 -> All the hands and pointy fingers go to Duncan, who gulps and shrinks in his place.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
The Forgotten Spaces | ch 4 (jjk)
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☆summary: you've been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
☆pairing: photographer and dancer!Jungkook x dancer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there will be mature content in later chapters)
☆genre: slow (SLOW) burn enemies to lovers, college!au, slice of life!au, angst (oop), smut and fluff
☆warnings: nausea, hangover, the park jimin effect, drinking, cursing? a time skip of a month
☆word count: 9.6k
☆a/n: why is posting making me anxious? fun fact, I'm posting from New York City this week! Went to the two first Agust D concerts ayyy
☆a/n pt2: always and forever thankful for @moonleeai and her dedicated work as my beta reader <3
☆series masterpost here
☆Read What Was Hidden here, the fic that inspired this whole story, written by @daechwitatamic, one of my fav human beings on this app <3 It follows the story of Jo and Taehyung before The Forgotten Spaces
For this meeting of our end of the world
It's with you that I want to sing
On the threshold of the memories the dead of today
Them that breathe for us
The forgotten spaces
Je t'écris - Gaston Miron (rough translation by me)
Saturday, May 19th
                Jungkook feels sick. Sick of everything, but mostly sick because his hungover has kept him in bed all day. He doesn’t even know if he’ll be able to pull up for dance practice later. All he knows is that his room has been spinning whenever he wakes up from naps, and that he fucked up majestically last night.
He doesn’t quite remember everything he said. He just remembers you, in his room, and then you being gone, replaced by Jimin and Taehyung.
The only thing he knows is that you know. The text that’s been sitting on his phone all day is reminder enough.
[11:12 am] You: hey, i hope ur okay this morning.. if u ever wanna talk about last night, we can grab a coffee or smth😌
He doesn’t know what to say, so he hasn’t replied. Because he’s not okay at all, and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Especially not with you.
Especially not when he hasn’t been able to eat anything since the first time he woke up today. It’s nearing 4 pm now, and he technically needs to be at the studio in two hours. Hobi already said he’d pick him up, but he’s still far from being presentable right now.
Jungkook groans, hiding his face in his pillow. You come up in his mind, the look of horror on your face last night making everything spin around him twice as much as before. Whenever he closes his eyes, you’re there, and he almost hopes to go blind.
Though he’s pretty sure you’d find a way to haunt him even if he was blind.
Another groan escapes him, and he turns his head to the side as someone knocks on his door. “Uh?” he lets out, loud enough for whoever it is to hear.
He’s surprised to see it’s Yoongi as the man opens the door. “I made you soup,” Yoongi says, and sure enough he is carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of soup on top of it.
Jungkook expects the thought of eating to make him feel worse, but surprisingly enough, no nausea rises inside of him. Instead, he realizes his stomach feels dreadfully empty, so he forces himself to sit, wincing at the throbbing pain at his temples.
It’s almost enough to make him forget the pain in his leg.
“Did you take any painkillers?” Yoongi asks as he puts down the tray at the foot of the bed. “And have you drank any water?”
“Yes and yes,” Jungkook replies, voice raucous from disuse. “Pretty sure I could use some more painkillers though.”
Yoongi nods, watching his younger friend carefully. “Do you need me to go get you some?”
Jungkook slowly shakes his head no. “I need to get out of bed if I want to make it to dance practice.”
At that Yoongi laughs. “Good luck with that.”
Jungkook frowns, glaring at Yoongi. “I’m very capable, I’ll have you know.”
“Your room smells like someone died in here.”
Though he’s usually sensitive to smell, Jungkook’s hungover state keeps him from being able to tell if the room really does stink. “Tae and Jimin cleaned up.”
“Then you must be the dead body,” Yoongi says, in that deadpan kind of way of his. He shrugs his shoulders, before adding, “Anyway, just eat and then take a shower. I’m sure you’ll feel better.”
Jungkook nods and watches as Yoongi makes to move out of his room. Yoongi’s at the door when Jungkook says, “Hyung?” Yoongi turns around, a quizzical look on his features. “Thank you for the soup.”
A smile breaks out across Yoongi’s face. “Anytime.”
And then Yoongi leaves, shutting the door softly behind him, and Jungkook is left alone once again. He looks down at the soup, and he realizes he really is hungry. He pulls the tray closer to him, making sure the soup doesn’t spill over the rim of the bowl, before grabbing the spoon.
The first spoonful of soup has his eyes fluttering shut with delight. Yoongi’s always been an amazing cook, and he hasn’t disappointed today. It awakens Jungkook more than anything else could have, and he’s finished the bowl of soup so quickly he almost considers eating the tray.
He’s still famished, but at least he’s got something in his stomach now. It’s enough to get him to stand from his bed, and though everything wobbles for a few seconds, he’s able to start gathering what he’ll need for his trip to the shower.
The shower really helps make him feel human again, and he’s relieved. As he steps out and looks at himself in the mirror, eyes dipping to his scars, he feels ready to confront the whole world if need be. He won’t have to bail on dance practice after all.
He’s down in the kitchen, eating some reheated pizza from last night, when Hobi arrives. His older friend pats him on the back, before putting down a Gatorade in front of him.
“Thought you’d need this,” he says, before climbing on the stool next to Jungkook.
Jungkook chuckles, immediately uncapping the Gatorade to take a long swig. It’s the last thing he needed to feel as good as new, and he offers Hobi a wide grin as soon as he puts the bottle down.
“I sure did,” he says, and the two friends laugh.
One thing that doesn’t change though, is the heaviness in Jungkook’s heart. Because if you know, then it’s just a matter of time before the rest of the crew knows. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to deal with everyone pitying him at the same time.
Maybe then he’ll just have to dip again.
Jin comes into the kitchen, and he stops as he sees Jungkook and Hobi at the counter. Valeria trails behind him, and Jungkook is struck dumb once more.
He never thought Jin would be able to pull the girl. He’s still surprised that she does exist, and whenever he’s alone with Jin he makes it a priority to remind his older friend.
“Sup’ losers,” Jin says as he starts moving again, heading towards the fridge to store the bottle of rosé wine he’s holding. “Surprised you were able to get out of bed.”
He says that over his shoulder looking right at Jungkook, who rolls his eyes. “I’m not a senior citizen like you, I’ve still got youth on my side.”
“Listen you little shit,” Jin bursts out, and Valeria starts laughing. It has the effect of a calming shower on Jin, who only glares at Jungkook. “You’re lucky the lady is here. Otherwise you’d be dead.”
“If you’d be able to catch me, that is.”
Jin looks towards Hobi.
“Don’t ask me for help,” Hobi says, raising his hands in defense. “You’re all alone on this.”
Jin’s head turns towards his girlfriend next. She’s shy, and Jungkook has never really talked to her before. So when he and Hobi look at her too, she blushes, before shrugging.
Jin lets out a childish whine, before saying, “Alright then, I’m old.”
“We like you like that.” Valeria is the one that speaks, and Jungkook chokes on a laugh as he turns back towards Jin.
“You heard her.”
Jin is fake-glaring at his girlfriend, but then his features soften. “Yeah, but at least she’s pretty.” And just like that he moves out of the kitchen, pulling Valeria behind him.
“I’ve been told I’m pretty too,” Jungkook yells behind Jin, and Hobi laughs next to him. “He’s so whipped,” Jungkook says after a few seconds, just to make sure Jin is out of earshot. His comment makes him think about another couple that’s starting to form, and he turns to look at Hobi. “And you? What’s up with Jiho?”
Hobi chokes, flushing fully red, up to the top of his ears. “What do you mean?”
Jungkook raises his eyebrows as he tries to hold in the shit-eating smirk that wants to form on his lips. “What do I mean? Why did you invite her yesterday?”
“I –” Hobi says. “I just thought it’d be fun to hang with the crew…”
“The crew?” The smirk has won now, and it breaks across Jungkook’s lips.
“Well, you know, just like…” Hobi falls silent, before letting out a strangled laugh. “I honestly didn’t see it coming.”
It’s cute, and Jungkook’s smirk turns into a softer smile. “To be honest, me neither.”
“She’s got balls though,” Hobi says, laughing lightly this time. “She’s the one who suggested we should go on a date, after dance practice last week.”
All that Jungkook remembers of that night is that he walked with you after. The rest is a blur of anxiety and his leg hurting. But he’s not surprised that Jiho’s got balls: she has to be your closest friend for a reason.
“You said yes, I hope,” Jungkook says.
Hobi slowly nods. “Yeah. But I invited her yesterday because of that too. And we’re going to a restaurant she suggested tomorrow.”
Jungkook doesn’t have to fake the happiness that takes over him right now. He’s happy for his friend, he really is. For his friends, plural. Because Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi and now Hobi… They’re all happy. They all have met someone, someone to care for them where no one else can. Strangely, it’s something Jungkook doesn’t really want for himself right now, maybe because he’s too stuck in the past.
Too stuck trying to heal from the crash, knowing some parts won’t ever heal and refusing to give up the fight for now.
It brings him back to you. To last night, and to whatever he said. He wishes he could remember the words, just to know how bad he fucked up, but he doesn’t. He won’t remember, and he won’t ask you.
He won’t take you up on your offer for coffee. He knows pity when he sees it, and he abhors it. Especially when it comes from you.
Instead, he focuses on Hobi, on the smile that lights up his friend’s face as he tells him about Jiho, about how they’ve been texting almost constantly. It’s all Hobi talks about on the ride to the studio, as he mentions stuff Jiho told him.
Stuff she told him about her when she was younger, but also about you. About how you’ve been friends since the first day of kindergarten, when someone pulled her braids and laughed at her and you punched them in the face.
He’s not surprised child you would punch someone that deserved it in the face. He’s pretty sure adult you would do it too.
Hobi parks his car next to the studio, and they are getting out of the vehicle when Jungkook notices you walking, hands buried in yet another oversized sweater. You’re wearing yoga pants underneath, and your hair is pulled up in a high ponytail. You catch his gaze a few seconds after he notices you, and he’s about to smile at you when you just look away, walking in the building without once glancing back.
What the fuck?
Jungkook frowns, especially as Hobi says, “What happened with Y/n last night?”
For some reason, Jungkook immediately grows defensive. He shrugs, a little vehemently before starting to walk towards the door. “Nothing happened. Just let it slip that I got into a car crash.”
“So she knows?” Hobi asks.
Another shrug of Jungkook’s shoulders. He buries his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants, just to hide the way he’s clenching his fists even though he’s trying to stay calm. “Yeah. So everyone will know.”
“I don’t think so,” Hobi says, and Jungkook glances at him, brows knit together. “I mean, she’s good at keeping secrets.”
“She’s probably already told Jiho,” Jungkook points out as they reach the door. He doesn’t see you on the other side, and that’s the only reason why he opens it.
“Well, Jiho didn’t say anything about you, if that can reassure you.”
Hobi has felt the switch in his mood, hasn’t he? Because his voice is careful, as if he’s afraid to spook him.
“I don’t care,” Jungkook lies. Because he really does care. He doesn’t want everyone to know. Because it makes it too real, and for now he still can pretend it hasn’t happened.
He wishes for it to stay that way.
Hobi doesn’t push him more, and a tense silence moves between them. Jungkook wishes he could go back to his previous good mood about his friends’ happiness, but he’s back where he was last night. Somewhere in the dark of his own mind.
Not a good place to hang, if he’s honest.
He already knows he’s going to see you when he reaches the studio. Somehow, it still makes his heart constrict in his chest, that same way it did last night. As if someone is clenching their fist around it, and it makes it harder to breathe. He shrugs it off, taking a deep breath to calm down, before looking around.
Everyone but Heather is already here. And no one is looking at him, no one seems surprised or seems to be pitying him. You don’t even act like you noticed him entering – you take off your sweater, dropping it in a corner of the room with your phone and your keys. He hates it, but his eyes follow the curves of your body, and he wants to curse you for only wearing a sports bra.
Your body is lean, the results of dancing for most of your life with a mother that used to be a ballerina. Jungkook is pretty sure she’s controlled everything you ate growing up, and drilled it so hard into your head that you can’t stand bad food now. He remembers, when you were younger and someone brought cake to practice to celebrate a birthday, you always barely took a bite before saying you were full. You claimed you didn’t like cake, but he always noticed the way you eyed it while everyone else ate.
He used to make fun of you for it, and today he knows he was an asshole. All he can hope is that your relationship with food is better now. And it looks like it is – you’re not as thin as you were before. You look healthy, and your skin and hair are glowing.
It takes him a few good seconds to realize he’s staring, as if something about you has changed. And he doesn’t know what changed, just knows that he feels struck.
You notice him staring, and you furrow your brows. “What are you looking at?”
It’s said aggressively. As if you’re angry. He only then realizes that you might be, and maybe that’s why you ignored him outside. He can’t for the life of himself figure out why you’d be angry – did he say something yesterday?
“Nothing,” he replies, and he looks away as his heart beats out of his chest.
You act like that for the whole of practice. For all the pity looks Heather throws his way, you send twice as many glares. It feels like last night never happened, and maybe it didn’t. Maybe it was just a nightmare, and he never told you everything.
He knows you know though, because whenever he puts too much weight on his leg as he demonstrates the movements he has in mind, you clench your jaw. A muscle feathers under your skin, and then you look away. Shame passes on your features, and then it’s gone to be replaced with a scowl.
He’s getting tired of it by the end of practice, so he pulls you aside to talk. Jiho stubbornly stays next to you, until Hobi walks up to her and asks if he can talk to her, probably sensing that Jungkook needs some time alone with you.
You both glare at each other while the others filter out, wishing you good night. Jungkook hears Scottie teasing Lance about meeting up with a girl, and the last thing he hears is Lance telling him to fuck off before everyone is finally out.
It takes almost twenty seconds before you blink and say, “What do you want?”
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks, folding his arms on his chest as he cocks an eyebrow.
You scoff. “With me? Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”
Do you know or do you not? He’s a little confused as you just look at him, clearly expecting an answer. He’s dumbfounded – the last thing he expected from telling you everything was you being furious at him.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asks.
It’s just a back and forth of questions at this point, with no visible answers in the distance. Indeed, you just say, “Do you think you did something wrong?”
It’s absurd, and it makes him laugh. Which, he reckons, might be taken as insulting. And of course you take it the bad way, because how else would you take it?
“You’re so fucking oblivious,” you grumble.
He’s still laughing. He wants to stop, but for some reason he cannot.
“What’s so funny?” you enquire, and your cheeks are turning red.
“Just,” he starts, “I don’t know. The last thing I expected from last night was you getting angry at me.”
You roll your eyes. “If you were looking for pity you won’t get any from me.”
That’s the thing. He doesn’t want any pity from you. And you saying so makes something warm blossom in his chest, and it sobers him up. His face falls serious, and he holds your gaze long enough that you raise your eyebrows in question.
“Thank you,” he says.
You scoff. “You’re fucking weird, Jeon.”
He shrugs. “That’s why you like me, uh?”
Your eyes widen, and you look so appalled he just starts laughing again. “Quite the opposite actually,” you say even though he’s laughing. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats. “I’m just relieved you haven’t changed.”
He really is. You have no idea how much.
“Okay?” you let out, and it sounds like a question. You scoff again, before adding, “Why didn’t you reply to my text?”
Oh, so this is what it’s about. You’re upset because he ignored your text. It feels absurd and stupid and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, so Jungkook just smiles and shrugs. “I genuinely don’t really want to talk about last night. I’m all okay today.”
And he does think he is, now that he’s talking to you.
You remain silent for a while, pulling at some dry skin on your bottom lip. You then brush a strand of hair that’s fallen from your ponytail behind your ear, nodding your head. “Understood. Won’t be nice to you again.”
“Oh please,” Jungkook teases. “You can’t resist it.”
He’s happy. The more he talks to you, the happier he is. He feels like he’s floating, and he wishes you’d both stay right then and there, in the studio, until the end of time.
He hasn’t felt so light in forever.
“Oh, I can, Jeon.” You fold your arms on your chest, imitating his posture. “Watch me.”
But there’s a teasing glint in your eyes, probably awakened by his own teasing demeanour.
“I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your text,” he apologizes, because he feels like he needs to clear the air with you. He doesn’t want you to be upset with him anymore. “I genuinely didn’t know what to say, and I figured I was going to see you tonight anyway.”
You look away for the first time in the conversation. Your eyes move down, and he’s pretty sure you’re looking at the scar on his stomach. It makes it itch, and if he weren’t with you, he’d scratch it. But he resists, offering you a tight-lipped smile as you look up at his eyes again.
“Well, forget I suggested coffee then,” you say. You wink at him. “I’ll start being a bitch again now.”
“Please do.”
You look startled. “You want me to be a bitch?”
He laughs, scratching the nape of his neck. “No.” He scrunches up his nose, thinking really hard about what he wants to say. Only he doesn’t know what to say. He feels like he’s never talked to you before in his whole life. He can barely remember breaking down in front of you not even twenty-four hours ago. “Yes? Just be your same usual self.”
“Noted,” you say, nodding your head forcefully.
It’s cute, and it makes your ponytail swing behind you. He has half a thought to reach and pull on it, just to annoy you, but he resists.
Instead, he looks around, before resuming his attention on you. “Just, one thing.”
You hold his gaze, cocking an eyebrow in question as you purse your lips. “Mmh?”
“Please don’t tell the others,” he says. It’s a little more serious than he was just a second ago, but he feels like it’s needed to get the point across. “I’d prefer if they didn’t know.”
The corners of your lips stretch into a small, soft smile. “I didn’t plan on telling anyone. I figured you’re the one that should tell them if you want to.” You glance towards the door, and you’re not watching him when you add, “I think Bridget told Heather though. And I don’t know if Heather will remain silent”.
He doesn’t care if Heather tells the others. He just doesn’t want you to do it. It makes no sense, but at the same time it makes all the sense in the world to him.
“Yeah, I think she knows too.” He pulls at his piercing, letting out a small sigh. “I’ll talk to her.”
You nod, and the room falls silent. He wishes he had more to tell you, but it seems you’ve run out of conversation topics, because you eventually wet your lips and say, “Well, I guess I’ll be going home now”. And then you laugh, shaking your head. “I was supposed to leave with Jiho, but I’m pretty sure she’s gone with Hobi.”
“Hobi talked about her for like an hour before we got here,” Jungkook admits, relieved that you provided a topic. “They’re going on a date tomorrow.”
You smile, widely, and he reckons you’re like him. Your friends’ happiness makes you happy, and happiness truly looks good on you. It makes your eyes sparkle, and you look like a kid who’s just received the perfect gift on Christmas morning.
“I know!” you yelp, taking him by surprise when you even clap your hands. “They’re going to the restaurant I suggested.”
There’s something warm in Jungkook’s chest. It just becomes stronger and stronger the more he looks at you, and it makes him feel wary. Enough so that he looks away and tries to tame it down.
“I hope everything will work out for them,” he says, and he scrapes his throat because the warmth is choking him up now.
“I’m sure it will”, you reply, confidently. “Jiho has been into him for like three years now.”
Jungkook feels bad for her, because three years ago Hobi was still with his ex. But it seems patience makes miracles, because she’s getting a date with Hobi now, isn’t she?
It makes Jungkook realize that sometimes, the right person for someone might have been around all along. They’ve just been blind to it. Now, that’s a thought that makes him want to get out of this room. To flee this cloud before it breaks, and he meets your gaze.
You’re watching him already, with a wistful look on your features. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
He hates it. Hates everything that your little sentence makes him feel, so he just nods his head, before saying, “It’s getting late, I should hurry if I want to catch the bus”.           
Your eyes widen. “I’ll order you a Lyft, come on.”
“No!” he refuses. “It’s all good.”
“But it’s late,” you insist, and you bend down to grab your phone on your sweater.
It offers Jungkook a straight view to your cleavage, and he freezes, right as pink dusts his cheeks. “I swear,” he reassures you, adding your name before continuing, “I’d rather take the bus. But thank you for the offer.”
You fake-glare at him. “Right, I’m supposed to be a bitch anyway.” You fold your arms on your chest, cocking an eyebrow arrogantly, and you look just like you’ve always looked when you say, “What the fuck are you still doing here? You’re wasting my oxygen.”
It makes the both of you laugh, and Jungkook just shakes his head. “Please, I know you love looking at me.”
You look offended, somehow, and you scoff. “I’d rather gouge my eyeballs out of my head instead of having to look at you for a second longer.”
“Ouch, that was rough.”
“You deserved it.” You shrug your shoulders, before motioning at the door in a swooshing motion. “Now, go lick your wounds somewhere else.”
“Aren’t you leaving too?”
You glare at him now, and you’re so good at it he almost thinks you’re angry. “Why, do you want to walk me home?”
His mouth falls open. Would you let him walk you home? For some reason, he’s pretty sure you’ll punch him if he even suggests it. So instead, he chooses to say, “And suffer the whole way? Nah, I’m good.”
It’s a low-key mention of his injury. You immediately catch on to it, and Jungkook hates the look that takes over your features. He thought that you didn’t have pity for him in you, but it seems you do. You do and it feels like the fist around his heart is back, and the air burns a little.
You seem like you want to say something, but he’s quicker than you.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“No, I’m serious, don’t you fucking look at me like that.”
And just like that the light atmosphere shifted back into darkness.
You scoff, shaking your head. “And here I was starting to think that you’re a decent guy. Never mind, Jeon.” You scoff once more, and the corners of your mouth are pulled down in a look of pure disgust. “I’m going home.”
He lets you go. He doesn’t even look at you as you pick up your stuff and leave, not once glancing back.
No matter how enjoyable this interlude in your usual relationship was, Jungkook prefers the usual hate. It’s safer, more comfortable, and a habit that protects him from the vulnerability.
Why then is he staring at your text two hours later in his bed at home, unable to fall asleep, wishing he didn’t say what he did?
In all truth, he knows why, he just doesn’t want to formulate the thought. Doesn’t want to give it the power to exist in the confines of his brain. So he ignores it, shoves the warmth in his chest so far down in the hole occupied by his lost dream that he can’t really feel it anymore.
Only then does he feel safe again, but he still can’t fall asleep.
He hopes you’re not struggling with insomnia as much as he is.
Thursday, June 28th
                The auditions for nationals are in a week. Seven days, and you’re still not sure you’ve mastered the choreography well. You’re anxious – have been for weeks now – and all you want is to lie down on the floor until everything is over.
Which, coincidentally, is what Lance has been doing for the last fifteen minutes, claiming he needed a break from Jungkook. Because Jungkook is worse than Hobi, making you repeat the choreography for stupid unnecessary things like Jiho’s hair was in her face or Scottie’s shirt rode too high while he was doing a certain move.
In May, when you learned about what happened to Jungkook, you had a few days of feeling bad for him. Wishing you didn’t get in a fight with him during that dance practice, wishing your relationship with him wasn’t just hateful.
It feels like there’s been too much history between you for it to ever change. Because you saw a glimpse of something else, for a few minutes that night. Jungkook was more open, calmer, and his expressions were set in a softer look. It was easier to be around him, more enjoyable, and you wished for a fleeting moment that it could last.
Alas, it only lasted a few minutes before he moved back to the harsh look he reserved for you, only because he assumed you were pitying him. Which, maybe you were. You don’t know. It’s hard to tell when you haven’t been through what he has, and when you can tell he suffers.
But you’re not sure if it’s pity or concern. You don’t think he can tell the difference either.
“Lance,” you grumble as you finish the choreography, heart beating out of your chest. “Get the fuck up we need you.”
Lance mumbles something incoherent, before turning his head away from where you’re glaring at him. It makes you look up to catch Jungkook’s gaze, and he immediately looks away the moment your eyes meet. He’s been doing that a lot now too. Where he used to glare at you or smirk insufferably, Jungkook just ignores you.
You don’t think you like it. But you’ve gotten used to it over the course of the last few weeks, so you just roll along with it now.
You’ve kept his secret safe. You thought it would be hard, especially to hide it from Jiho, but after a few days it just became normal. Jiho has more to tell you about Hobi anyway.
Because they’ve found time to go on dates every week since then. Sweet dates, with him picking her up and bringing her flowers and doing things that he knows make her happy. Even at dance practice, everyone can see how they are sickly into each other. You’re happy for Jiho, you really are, but it’s starting to feel a little lonely.
At least you’ve got Jo and the other girls now too. You’ve met the mysterious Kiko now – a sweet girl with the voice of an angel – and your girl’s nights with Jiho have turned into Thirsty Thursdays. You haven’t understood the meaning of the Thirsty yet, considering all of them are dating now, but you just roll along with it.
It’s led to fun nights, and that really is the only thing that matters, right?
Tonight makes no exception. Jiho, Heather and you have dance practice until 10 pm, and then you’re supposed to meet with the girls at a bar on their side of town. Which means you’re already dressed up, though you put on a sports skirt to avoid showing off your ass to the rest of the boys. Not that it would matter – Scottie is not interested in women at all, Lance only has eyes for Chaeyeon now, Hobi is way too respectful for that and Jungkook doesn’t even look at you anymore.
You scoff, glancing away from Jungkook to settle your gaze back on Lance. “Get up,” you repeat, before walking over to him to kick him in the ribs. “Or I’ll tell Chaeyeon how much of a loser you are.”
He fakes offence. “Me, a loser? Nah, we’re going to win this shit.”
The sudden confidence is a boost to everyone’s mood, and soon enough you’re back to dancing, with a much-needed vigor. It’s enough that Jungkook lets you go after you’ve done the choreographies two times more, telling everyone they did a good job.
“Same time Saturday,” he says.
You think you notice him looking at you in the mirror, but as soon as you turn your head in that direction he’s already glanced away, focusing himself on typing something on his phone.
“We know,” Lance says jokingly, before punching Jungkook in the shoulder.
Jungkook snickers, and he deadpans, “You were two hours late last week because you were too busy with your girlfriend”.
“Can’t blame me,” Lance says, shrugging his shoulders. “Chae comes first, the rest of you can suck it up.” It’s cute and endearing, and your heart feels warm as Lance glances your way. You have no idea what brings him to think of that, but he scans the whole room before suggesting, “We should rent a cottage. After the auditions. We should all get shitfaced for three days straight.”
Hobi laughs from where he’s standing next to Jiho. “Scottie is too young for that.”
“Hey, I’m twenty-two!” Scottie exclaims. “I can get shitfaced.”
“You’re a baby,” Heather puts in. “Just accept it. I refuse to acknowledge the fact you are major now.”
Scottie rolls his eyes, placing a sassy fist on his hip. “Then sucks to be you because I am, and I’m going to get shitfaced with Lance. Right?”
Lance has a large grin on his lips. “Damn fucking right.”
“As long as we get a cottage with a hot tub I’m in,” Jiho says innocently. Hobi cocks an eyebrow as he looks at her, as if he didn’t just say Scottie can’t go. “What?” Jiho adds, shrugging her shoulders. “A cottage weekend does sound like fun.”
It does. It really does. You haven’t gone to the countryside in years now, and you can already picture a cute, picturesque cottage on the side of a lake, with a long quay you can lie on and stargaze. The cottage has a fireplace, a circle of rock in the middle of which flames burn at night until they turn to embers and you roast marshmallows on it. You can almost feel the warmth of the hot tub, and the laughter of friends seems to almost overtake your ears…
Yeah, you’re due for a trip out of the city.
“I want marshmallows,” you say, sighing dreamily. “I haven’t had marshmallows since like…”
“Since the camping trip when we were thirteen? When Jisung got shit on by that seagull?”
You burst out laughing at the same time as Jiho does, right as the memory comes back to you. It had been a fun camping trip, with Jiho’s parents renting a camper. They had invited you along on their trip, and you had gone to the beach with them.
Good memories indeed.
Your laughter recedes, and you notice everyone is looking at you. Even Jungkook. His eyes are a little widened, as if he’s surprised, and there’s a light flush on his cheeks when he looks away.
It’s the strangest sight to see, and you’re unable to shake the feeling away while you get ready with Jiho later to rush to the bar where Jo and the others are already waiting for you. Jiho notices your unease as she applies your eyeliner.
“What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” you immediately say, way too fast for it to sound casual.
She just cocks an eyebrow and keeps applying the makeup. At least she has the decency to ignore the blush that creeps on your cheeks.
“It’s just…” you sigh, and turn your head when she starts to work on your second eye. “I don’t know.”
You want to kill her for knowing you so well, so you remain silent, choosing peace over violence.
“I’m going to say something right now that might make you want to kill me,” Jiho says, lips pursed.
“I would advise not saying it,” you mumble and she playfully pats your cheek.
“Don’t move.” You pout, but obey nonetheless. She continues working in silence for a time, before saying, “I know about the accident”.
Your heart stops in your chest, and you’re pretty sure all colours have drained out of your features. You still try to play it cool, saying, “What accident?”
“February last year? Jungkook got injured, then ghosted us. Ring a bell?”
You can’t really pretend you don’t know what she’s talking about, can you? “How do you know?”
“Hobi told me,” she admits. “He made me promise to never talk about it, but he mentioned you knew already.”
“I don’t blame you for not telling me,” she reassures you, having sensed your discomfort. “Actually, it tells a lot about your relationship with JK that you respected his decision.”
You scoff as she pulls the eyeliner away from your face, putting it down on her vanity to grab her La Neige lip tint. “My relationship with Jungkook? We’re not even friends.”
“Why though?”
It’s a good question that just pisses you off further. “Because he’s a dick. He told me about the accident and got angry at me for looking concerned and then he started ignoring me.” You chuckle bitterly. “It’s not like I’m going to try and make him talk to me. I don’t give a shit about him.”
Jiho is silent for a long time. Far too long for it to be normal. Like she doesn’t believe you at all and is waiting for you to realize. You’re just as stubborn, so you don’t say anything as she puts the lip tint on her pretty lips.
It makes for an awkward two minutes, but she’s the one that breaks first. “You don’t believe that.”
You furrow your brows. “Why the fuck would you say that?”
She laughs. Not in a mean way, probably just because your cheeks are burning and she believes she can read you like the back of her hand. “Because you don’t believe that.”
You fold your arms on your chest, sitting back in the chair she’s forced you to sit in while she did your eyeliner. You remain silent once again, clenching your jaw as you choose not to get upset. You’re not sure it works, and Jiho just playfully punches you on the shoulder.
“Calm down, babe,” she says. “He’s changed.”
“He’s still an ass with me,” you point out. “He’s changed with the rest of you guys, but he’s even worse with me. He’s been completely ignoring me for weeks.”
“Because he’s scared of what you think about him.”
“He doesn’t give a shit about what I think of him? He’s made that clear enough.” Jiho goes back to her infuriating silence. And you don’t want the conversation to keep going in that direction, so you ask, “How has it been going with Hobi anyway?”
She flushes red as she always does whenever Hobi is mentioned. “Do not think this conversation is over,” she says, threatening you with the lip tint bottle. “But it’s been…” She chuckles. “It’s been great. I think we’re pretty much official now.”
It’s disgustingly cute. It makes you think of Lance and Chaeyeon, of Heather and Bridget, Jo and Taehyung and Kiko and Yoongi…
It makes you feel lonely, like Lance did earlier. It’s a feeling you’ve grown accustomed to growing up, so it’s easy to let it slide over you instead of letting it fester inside.
“Look at you,” you say teasingly. “Who knew you’d pull your lifelong crush?”
“Lifelong?” she snickers. “I’ve had a crush on him for like two years.”
You throw a no-bullshit look her way.
“Okay maybe three…”
It makes you both laugh, and it diffuses the situation that was escalating just a moment ago. You’re relieved, because you’re pretty sure if she mentioned Jungkook just once more you would have blown up in her face.
You take shots downstairs with Jisung and Felix before going, and you giggle in the Lyft on the way to the bar the other girls chose. As per usual, you’re the two last to get there – fashionably late is the way to go, right?
It takes you way too long to realize girl’s night will in fact not be girl’s night. Yoongi is the first you notice, maybe because he’s looking at the exit when you walk in, as if he’s just waiting for the right time to bail. He nods as he sees you, and Kiko turns. She smiles her shy smile, the one that doesn’t show her teeth, and she nods as well, almost a copycat of her boyfriend.
Then it’s like a domino effect, and everyone turns to look at you. Nine pairs of eyes, all on you: Jin, Valeria, Taehyung, Jo, Bridget, Heather, Kiko, Yoongi and Jimin. The latter offers you a secretive smile.
You might have been texting him a little. Nothing serious, but he does appear in your dms once in a while, replying to a story you posted. You always decided to ignore him, only liking his replies, but tonight there’s something in the way Park Jimin is looking at you, sitting there, that makes something warm trickle down your spine.
Maybe because of your conversation with Jiho. It’s hard to tell, and your best friend pulls you towards the rest of the group before you can figure it out. The feeling only increases tenfold when you stop next to the table, and Jimin gets up to greet you, quickly followed by the others.
You hug everyone, and Jo holds you a second longer. “Sorry for inviting the rest, Tae begged and I figured…” You pull away from the hug, and she does have a sheepish look on her features. “Thirsty Thursday doesn’t mean no men?”
You laugh at that comment, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
And really, you don’t mind. You like hanging out with them all. You’re relieved they didn’t think to invite Jungkook though, because one thing you’ve figured is that, where Jimin goes Jungkook usually follows.
The night starts off with talking and a few drinks with the group, until you find yourself intoxicated more than you have initially planned to. It doesn’t really matter – you have a day off tomorrow at the internship. Indeed, it only goes from Monday to Thursday, since the lawyer you follow takes the day off on Fridays for the whole of summer.
So you drink, and when they clear a spot for the dancefloor, you let Jiho pull you to it. Let her dance with you, like you usually do when you’re trying to get a guy’s attention. You reckon she’s drunker than you – she’s a giggly mess and she keeps stepping on your feet, which she never usually does. It’s fun, and you feel some anxiety peel away from your skin as if you’re an onion and someone’s about to cut you up to pieces.
You do feel like somebody is about to cut you up to pieces when Jimin moves closer to you, and the smirk on his lips sets something on fire inside of you. Or maybe it’s the alcohol. It doesn’t matter because you pull away from Jiho to move closer to him, almost instinctively.
It’s like he fits like a glove. You face him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into the dance as his hands find your waist. One of them slips to your back, and he presses you against him as you move to the music, the rhythm a sensual dance between the two of you.
“Hello, you,” he purrs, and you look up at him.
“Hello,” you reply in the same tone, and he makes you spin until your back is facing him. He’s impossibly close and as his hands guide your hips, your eyes trail up.
You entirely stop moving when your gaze meets Jungkook. He’s standing near the door, clad in different clothes than earlier today, but in that same black shade he seems to adore. He also has a chain, with large links that give a rougher vibe to him.
The look on his features is rough too, especially as Jimin leans to speak into your ear. “I thought you might want to piss him off.”
You chuckle, turning your head to gaze at the man behind you over your shoulder. It brings your face way too close to his, and you have to resist the lava in your blood that makes you want to close the gap.
It’s the self-destructive kind of magma, and you don’t feel like indulging in it. Instead, you purr, “Why do you think I’d want to piss him off?”
Jimin chuckles, and you turn your head away from him because damn him, his lips really are inviting. “He’s been a little shit at home. I assume he’s been that way with you too.”
You laugh, and it’s bitter, angry. It surprises even you. “He’s been ignoring me.” You turn in Jimin’s arms, until you’re facing him. You keep your head hung low, enough so that he can’t lean down and press his lips against yours. Jimin is a gentleman though, you know he’d never kiss you without asking for consent first.
“Explains why he’s been a little shit then,” he says matter-of-factly. He straightens a little, putting a comfortable distance between your faces.
“And you think this little show is going to piss him off?”
He smirks, tilting his head to the side. All the while he’s been making you move to the music, and you know to outside gazes you look like you’re flirting. Can planning to piss Jeon Jungkook off count as flirting?
“Oh, I know it will,” Jimin says, shrugging his shoulders. “Jungkook wears his emotions on his face.”
Maybe he does. Around you, his emotion is usually mostly contempt, so you don’t really know.
“What do you gain from pissing him off?” you ask, and you genuinely wonder. What is Jimin trying to do?
“Nothing,” he admits. He purses his lips, before offering you yet another dashing smile. “Mostly I just want to see what he’ll do.”
Jimin pulls you a little closer, and his forehead presses against yours.
“What are you doing?�� you murmur, as your heart beats like a hammer against your ribcage. Hell, even if you’re not really into Jimin like that, he’s Park Jimin. You don’t think anyone in their right mind could stay indifferent to him.
“He’s looking right now,” he replies. He chuckles, before saying, “Now, let me tell you what you’re going to do”. His lips move so close to you it feels as if your brain is short-circuiting in your head. “You’re going to act as if I’ve just offended you, and you go to the bathroom.”
“He’ll follow, and maybe he’ll finally…”
Jimin never finishes his sentence. Someone bumps into you, and it breaks the contact between you and him. Instead of pulling you back in, Jimin motions towards the bathroom, offering you an encouraging smile. You’re stunned for a moment, and you hope it does the trick. You hope you really do look offended, because in truth, you were enjoying Jimin’s proximity.
You don’t like that you were. It feels like you shouldn’t be enjoying his proximity at all. He’s not even really your friend anyway.
You don’t have a choice but to follow his advice though, and you turn around, beelining straight to the bathroom. You make your way through the crowd, scrunching up your nose in disgust at the sweaty guy your hand accidentally touched, and a few seconds later you finally find the line to the bathroom.
It’s a unisex bathroom, with three stalls that are currently all occupied. There’s a guy in front of you, and you glare at him as he smiles at you. He frowns, but it works and he turns back around. A stall frees up a little under a minute later, and you’re mindlessly watching a girl washing her hands when a large hand finds the small of your back.
You startle, and you turn around fully ready to knock some sense into whoever it is, until you see it’s Jungkook.
You freeze for a few seconds, and then let out a laugh as you realize whatever Jimin was doing worked.
“You and Jimin, uh,” Jungkook says bitterly, and his hand clenches into a fist where it falls at his side.
You cock your head to the side. “So you’re talking to me now?”
He plays with his piercing in silence, before scoffing. “I was never not talking to you.” You widen your eyes and let out a disbelieved laugh as you fold your arms on your chest. “I’m serious,” he adds. “I just…”
“Don’t even try to explain, Jeon, save your oxygen.”
He’s frowning now, and you reckon he probably has the same expression on his features that you have on yours. “I thought you said you weren’t going to flirt with Jimin.”
“That was over a month ago,” you point out. “People change, unless you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, I know,” he says, chuckling bitterly. “But Jimin? There are dozens of guys in this bar, can’t you just choose someone else to fuck?”
You’re starting to see red. You feel it in the tremble that starts deep down in your core, before taking over the whole of your body. “I’m not going to fuck Jimin. He’s just a friend.”
“You dance with all of your friends like that?”
You turn away from him, hoping one of the stalls will be free now, but you’re in no luck. He grabs your arm, forcing you to turn back around. Your eyes drop to his hand on your arm. His fingers are gentle, way gentler than his features. “Fucking let go of me,” you snap. “I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t know what part of getting into an accident made you want to act like you’re just a fucking victim of everything around you but my life has nothing to do with yours. Why do you fucking care?”
He looks stunned. “I… What?”
His confusion douses your fury, and you furrow your brows. “What do you mean, what?”
“I don’t care.”
You don’t know who he is trying to convince right now. And you don’t feel like getting to the bottom of it with him. In fact, you really don’t like the look on his face, and you just want to put distance between you and him. So you roll your eyes, before saying, “Alright then, leave me alone, Jeon. I won’t dance with Jimin again.”
He doesn’t even look happy or relieved that you’re saying that. Instead, his features fall a little, moving from a frown to a sad expression that makes something stir in your chest. “I… If you want to get with Jimin, you can.”
Now, you really are confused. “You come here to be a little bitch about this all and now you’re saying it’s fine?”
He pulls at his piercing, and his eyes flicker to the man that walks past you, indicating that a stall must be free now. “Yeah. If that’s what you want, who am I to tell you not to do it?”
You don’t know. You have no idea how the conversation managed to take this turn, so you wet your lips, cocking an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I…” he trails off, shrugging his shoulders. “I was being a dick. You’re right, I should stop acting like I’m a fucking victim.”
Now, your heart really does ache in your chest. Because what you said was inconsiderate, and you don’t even really mean it. Not the way that he interpreted it though, that’s for sure.
“No, it’s really okay,” he says. He still looks sad, but he offers you a tight-lipped smile. “I’m sorry.”
Just like that he’s walking away, and why are you following him? You stop him by grabbing his arm, just like he did to you a moment ago. You hold on to him longer than he did to you, because his skin is warm under your fingers. His tattoos didn’t take away the softness of his skin, and you don’t really want to let him go. Not just yet.
“I didn’t mean it.” You look him in the eyes as he turns just enough so that his gaze can meet yours. “I got angry.”
“No but you’re right,” he insists. “I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know why I don’t like you talking to Jimin. You can do whatever you want.”
You let his arm go, albeit reluctantly. “If it can reassure you, I am not interested in Jimin like that. Like yes, he’s attractive, but I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.”
At that Jungkook laughs. It’s somehow melancholic, and you reckon you’ve brought his demons to the forefront of his mind tonight. “Jimin-hyung doesn’t do relationships, you’re in luck.”
“No,” you grumble, and you shut your eyes, as if you have to explain something to a thick-headed five years old. “I’m really not interested in Jimin. Like at all.” Your eyelids flutter open, and you catch the movement of Jungkook’s eyes as they snap away from you.
“Okay,” he lets out flatly. “I’m sorry I ruined it.”
He looks genuine. You’d be angry at him if he didn’t really look as genuine as he does right now.
“Nothing’s ruined, I promise,” you reassure him and you offer him a small smile. “I was tired of dancing anyway.”
The word ‘dancing’ has his gaze trail to the dancefloor, and he bites at his piercing before glancing back at you. “Oh.”
You realize this is awkward. Because what you said really seems to have upset Jungkook. And you can’t really blame him, it was low. The only thing is, you’re not close enough to him to make him understand. So all you can do when he says he’s going to head home is wish him goodnight.
You feel horrible as you watch him leave, and he’s only just crossed the doors leading to the world outside when you break into a small jog. You make it outside in a hurry, just to see he’s leaning against the wall next to the door.
He seems startled to see you, and you feel just as startled to see he hasn’t really left yet.
“I was wondering,” you let out, and you take a deep breath to steady yourself. “Are you going to come to the cottage? You didn’t say you would earlier.”
You have no idea why that’s come to your mind, but you’re just going to roll with it.
“Uh.” He glances down at his phone in his hand. “Am I even invited?”
You wet your lips, shrugging. “I mean, you’re part of the crew, of course you are.”
He holds your gaze for so long you think the Earth has time to revolve around the sun once before he speaks again. “Am I really part of the crew?”
You reckon he might need to hear it, so you don’t hesitate when you say, “Of course. We’d be nothing without you.”
At that the sad expression on his features melts away. It does so slowly, starting with his eyes. They crinkle at the corners, sparkling a little, and then it trickles down his face, until the corners of his lips tug upwards. It makes you smile too, and you just gaze at each other like that for a few heartbeats. It feels intimate, miles away from the usual bickering and hatred that you share.
It’s new, but it doesn’t feel scary. Jungkook doesn’t feel scary when he’s smiling softly.
“Yes, I’ll come,” he finally says.
It makes you blink, and it’s like the scene is coming back into focus. You realize there are a couple of people smoking a few meters away, and a soft breeze pushes the smoke towards you. You hate the smell, but somehow you can’t shake the smile from your lips.
“Good.” You nod once, and you glance towards the door. “I guess… I guess I’ll let you go home then.”
He nods too, and he tilts his head to the side. He’s surveying you with those big eyes of his. They shine with stars right now, as if his happiness brings the constellations to his gaze. Or maybe it’s just the reflection from the streetlights and car headlights, but it’s beautiful.
Jungkook has beautiful eyes.
“Just waiting for a Lyft,” he says, motioning up with his phone.
You worry at your lips, before flattening your skirt mindlessly. “Is it going to be here anytime soon?”
He looks at the rectangle of light, face falling serious. It takes him a few seconds, but then he nods. “Yep. Should pull up pretty much now.”
You glance at the two sides of the street, and sure enough a car slows down until it stops in front of you. “Alright then,” you say. “Good night, Jeon.”
You don’t usually say his last name like you said it just now. It feels different, in all the right ways that it can.
“Good night,” he echoes, tentatively adding your name at the end. “I’ll see you at practice Saturday?”
“Yes. See you then.”
You’re grinning like an idiot when you’re home later, thinking of the interaction. It felt refreshing to be with Jungkook like that. As if you can be friends.
You never imagined you would want to be friends with him, but somehow tonight you want it. It only doubles up when a series of texts appears on your screen, hiding the top part of the anime you’re watching in bed before going to sleep.
[3:02 am] unsaved number: lmaooi jmin saud i cockblocled him😂 [3:02 am] unsaved number: cockblocked* [3:02 am] unsaved number: sry im drunk
You laugh softly, turning on your back as you pause the anime. You go to the conversation, and you’re about to reply when he adds,
[3:03 am] unsaved number: plz ignorr this
You don’t hesitate when you save his number under his name.
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What do we think of this chapter?? Enemies to lovers not too enemies anymore uh? Hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts 2023. Please do not copy, repost or translate.
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rykno-j · 10 months
my j/jk s2 ep5 thoughts.. welcome onboard the pain train.
under the cut (spoilers)
1. the way they made g/eto's eyes so tired.
2. the way g/eto went from hair tied up proper and whatnot to wearing baggy clothes and his hair everywhere, literally went from 1 bang to 2 bangs. it really brought out how down he was feeling. and i love yet hate that so much.
4. g/ojo when he realised g/eto killed his family and everyone at the village. the way he scrunched his fist until he bled.
5. the street scene where they last talked. oh my god. when g/ojo went into a fighting pose but couldn't bare to kill g/eto. his va DID SO WELL. I COULD TOTALLY TELL HE WAS IN A DILEMMA JUST FROM THE WAY HE EXHALED.
when his teacher told him about g/eto loosing it. g/ojo's reactions was so.. so.. argshhh..
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6. the way g/eto always puts s/atoru first. when h/aibara asked what snacks he wanted. "s/atoru might want some too, get something sweet"
7. g/ojo at the end saying he wants m/egumi to get strong. "you need to get strong quickly, strong enough so you won't be left behind by me" OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT, I FORGOT THE EXACT WORDS. BUT OH MY GOD he feels so bad for leaving s/uguru behind doesn't he.
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8. the way g/eto so coldly became the leader (dictator) of the organisation. he really did a 360° didn't he :c
9. im jumping around so much BUT THE START WHERE G/ETO HAD A MONOLOGUE. the "s/atoru is getting stronger..", "im spending more time alone now.." part. oh. my. god. HE SOUNDED SO DAMN SAD AND LOST.
10. it never hit me before even though ive noticed it while reading the manga. but y/uki kinda played a big part (my opnion) in making g/eto turn to the dark side. like without her putting the idea of killing all non-sorcerers into his mind (ofc i know she did it unintentionally) he wouldn't have gone down that path so quickly. at least thats what i feel.
11. of course the village mission with the 2 locked up girls played a biiiiig part with that. but like the fact g/eto said smth like "i have to choose" (between leaving or staying, rmb when y/uki pointed to the escape door then at j/jk high) means that she kinda pushed him to make a decision faster than he might have naturally.
(do i make sense?? im quite bad at putting thoughts into words..)
11. then finally the part he woke up and m/egumi asked him why hes laughing. g/ojo answering with a playful "nothing"
12. also. the groans g/ojo made as he woke up. HELLO I SWEAR IM NOT INSANE FOR NOTICING (and maybe playing it over a few times). argshhsh
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these fucking eyes. also if you zoom into the base of his eye, there's DEFINITELY a mark under it. TEARS? DID HE CRY IN HIS DREAM? baby..
i have no idea if im allowed to post photos of the episode, like if ill get striked or something.. i hope not..
ANYWAY THATS ALL MY THOUGHTS FOR NOW i might come back and edit it if smth else strikes my mind..
what a great episode as usual.. gna go back to lessons and daydream about g/eto's eyebags and n/anami's broken voice
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i was up until 7 am n woke up at 11 smth, m so fuckin tired
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chewedpencileraser · 1 year
i very well could let a gator into my house, it’s nit hard bc they appear on your front doorstep asking for refuge
but also they’d eat my dog
anyway it’s true i’d take maple syrup and moose over racists and gators any day of the week
Right like I can't rlly name any flaws here like, yeah we have coyotes and bears every now and then but it's fine, like one time I got chased by a small pack of them when I was 13 then I climbed onto a train and it was 2am in the summer I need to write this down somewhere actually,
It was like 11 at night and the neighbors grandkids who was visiting st the time came to my window and she tapped on it, idk how bc I'm on the 2nd story, but smack her hand on it, she was 12 I was 13,
And at the time it seemed like an amazing time to walk down to the abandoned barn down the road and go play in the hay and hang out w the cows n shit. So we did that!!
Blah blah blah we walked through a field, I got chased down by a car that owned the field, she ran away I just put my hands up n shit, they thought we were searching for shrooms, Anyway so a bit later we were walking home kind of unharmed I fell in a ditch so anyway um walking home in the middle of the road bc ain't nobody driving around at 2am. eventually we were by the tracks, I saw smth moving and blah blah blah I dragged a 12 y/o onto a train and woke up at home eventually.
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mydayserenade · 2 years
- snapshoot
synopsis: when hongjoong had failed many times in his life trying to capture memories around him through his camera, one stranger will make his dream turn slowly into a reality.
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hongjoong x oc
genre: fluff, romance, slight gut punching sadness (?), slight angst (?),
word count: 941
warnings: swearing, mentions of memory loss
a/n: surprise muthafuckas, im BAAAACK! did you all miss me? (probably not, its okay though 🥰 no hard feelings) it has been a hot minute since i have been writing smth, a lot was going on (acads wise) for me to sneak this in my sched but fortunately enough i now have the energy to write again! woohoo! just a little backstory with this fic; originally i wanted to post more of a horror, mysterious, thriller type fic w/ hongjoong in it but then after listening to So Tender on loop thanks to Nevertheless, my sleep deprived brain had come up with a plot that was based on the vibes of this song and so came my brain child which is this 😉... so um yeah, enjoy reading a slightly angsty joong with his baby film camera ❤️ and hi again 
"You're a dickhead" "What's with that camera, weirdo?" "This guy probably got some demon inside of him to latch onto that old thing." "Asshole."
Hongjoong aggressively gets out of bed after the overlapping voices that constantly bombarded his mind. Old movie posters, off-white sheets, magazine cut-outs scattered on the wooden floor; yup he is definitely not dreaming he assured himself. He leans near his bedside to check the time on his phone; 7:30 A.M, still enough time to sleep. He plops back onto his position and stares dully at the blank space before drifting off into the abyss.
Alarm goes off, its 11:30. Hongjoong groans as the high-pitched shrieking of the ringtone resonates throughout the entire room. He grabs the phone to turn-off the alarm and after a few lazy attempts, he finally jumps out of bed. As he dragged his feet along the hall, the welcoming aroma of sausages and noodles wafting through the air instantly woke up Hongjoong's spirit as he neared the starting point of the savory smell. "There goes our number one champ, how did dreamland do for you today?" A chirpy voice welcomes the disgruntled Hongjoong in the kitchen while his back was turned and focused on the pan. "Same shit, different day." He replied with distaste. Wooyoung then swiftly flips the sausages and serves them up in the counter with a smile, signaling Hongjoong to eat up.
"Are you sure you don't wanna join with me and San? Hiking can do a lot to ease your mind." "Thanks, but I don't think hiking's enough to really fix something so complex as to what I am experiencing; besides, I'll just be a third-wheel to you both anyways so why bother joining in?" A sarcastic grin and two middle fingers standing strongly were enough for Hongjoong to shut up and keep his distance away from Wooyoung exploding. Hongjoong grabs out of his pocket a mini film camera; or as something he would call an "invaluable value". He props his elbows on the counter to get an eye-level shot of Wooyoung eating across the table and with a swift press of a button, the shutter goes off.
"Still got nothing?" Wooyoung asks concerningly, Hongjoong shakes his head in disappointment. Wooyoung clicks his tongue as he saw his friend fiddle around the camera while leaving the deepest sigh in the room. "It doesn't make sense to me, I'm literally the only person in this room who you trust more than yourself. And yet not even a single, simple moment can be captured?" "I've been asking that same question for more than a year Wooyoung, you think that I would have the fucking answer by now?" Hongjoong grits his teeth in annoyance. "If I did then I wouldn't rely on this stupid device to help me remember my family members, let alone what relationship I have with them." Wooyoung softens his posture as he watches Hongjoong slowly submerge in his emotions. As he tries to calm him down, Hongjoong gets up firmly and storms towards his room.
A few hours after the breakfast incident, Hongjoong gets out of the shower and ready himself for today's errands. "Already gone out with San, coming home around 9ish. Food's there in the fridge, just heat em up in the oven. Sorry for what happened in the kitchen, will make it up to you when you get back :)" Hongjoong scoffs at his roommate's note pasted on his door. "I'm sorry too for lashing out, I'll make it up to you." Hongjoong said in his mind as he proceeded to get dressed and head on out. Camera slung over his neck and a plastered smile, he heads on out to the busy city to begin his daily hustle.
Blaring sounds of car honks and rampant voices with colorful tones greeted Hongjoong as he walked towards the main building of his office; the hell-hole as he would like to refer to it. As Hongjoong takes a gander in the freezing lobby waiting for the elevator to come, he takes a look-see outside the window to lessen his boredom. From then he saw an old-time couple on the sidewalk, sharing an ice-cream cone and giggling like they were in their glory days. Hongjoong took out his film camera to try and attempt if he could capture such a sweet moment but before he could even take the perfect shot, he was greeted by a body slam of a young woman who just got out of the elevator who was seemingly rushing. “Oh my God, I am so sorry sir.” The lady helped Hongjoong get up and dusted off his camera. Hongjoong was enraged by this woman’s carelessness, but before he could even open his mouth to give her a good lecture she had already vanished. As Hongjoong cursed her out in his brain, he frantically viewed his camera to check its condition and if the lady stole any of his SD’s cards--- like there’s even something in them.
But there was.
It wasn’t the merry old couple he wanted to take a shot of, no not at all. But it was the blurry, candid shot of his encounter with the woman. With streaks of blurred colors and motions that only the lens could make sense of the situation. Hongjoong was appalled, never in the course of his time would his camera pick up a distinct memory to help him remember; not even his own birthday. He zooms in even more to try and take a good look into this woman but no visible figure could be found.
“Who the fuck are you?”
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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ididkn0w · 1 year
So like basically fuck I’m sorry I just need to tell u I love you again and that I’m craving you I’d love to be under the covers forcing ourselves to be touching every inch of our bodies with the other and my face on ur chest. So basically I left and like I slept the entire entire flight bro there’s nothing to it😭 I did wake up once and it’s bc they were giving food and it was nasty ass fucking scrambled egg. Girl u alr know me I will never eat that fuckin airplane scrambled eggs no hotel fucjing scrambled eggs in the buffet. No. Only Waffle House scrambled CHEESY eggs duh. And obviously they taste better if they come from ur mouth. I miss you. So I ate like two fucking miniature ass mushrooms. Yes Ik u fucking hate mushrooms. And also that like one piece of fucking bread that always comes with it. And then I went back to sleep and then I woke up n we had to get off n I was still so tired so I was grumpy as fuck also bc we had to run to get a ducking visa and then thru ghe passport shit but bro u alr know how the airports are here in like Europe like those big cities. I mean u know, fucking London one is crazy as fuck. Btw I need London recommendations or whatever or smth ud want from there that u miss idk. So then like I was sweating and we got our bag which once again so fucking far away and then we got out and got an Uber and like he was kinda weird bc he stopped at a gas station and made us wait like 5 min like wtf ok. And you also know how it is here they go like 110 on the highway and it’s normal and then we got to the hotel and my mom was like could we pay u and u stay here while we leave our bags bc basically we had a “cruise” tour but it’s rlly just like 20-25 ppl on like a small lil like yacht? Like my boat but two stories kinda type thing nah idk why I compared my boat cus it’s not like huge like no kitchen or shit but it had like a good space like the inside of my boat? But two stories of that. So that was at 6 and we got to like the city at like 5:30 and so he ended up being rlly nice and he took us to the hotel by foot bc we were lost and the receptionist didn’t speak English so he would translate for us and even took the bag with him. And the hotel is like a local one not like a Marriott or smth so that’s why. And so then he took us to the port and we met with my family I think I didn’t mention this to u but yk it’s just me and my mom and it’s more of a work trip and so my grandma and grampa and my uncle and his wife obv like my grandpa owns the company and my mom and my uncle which is her brother are important in it duh. And so yk when we went to Vegas like it was that fair? Like the only reason I went to Vegas and also with my family for this. So they have a competitor in the like industry and they’re from turkey and they invited us to come here and to give us a tour of their factory and like yeah so they’re competition but they like get along like good like neither of them care like it’s silly? Ig to them idk like it’s not like that is what I’m saying. So back to what I was saying we got to the boat thing and before I got on I was starving so I got some like street food and btw I think like Arabic food in all I’d my favorite like that’s why I ate Lebanese yesterday. I took pics of all of this btw bc I rlly want to show u ab my day bc I love you duh ur my best friend. So then I ate that and got on the boat and like I went to sleep😭 it was 2 and a half hours n I was awake for the last half an hour and bro my body hurts so fucking much from yesterday bc I was in heels like even my toes hurt my legs are in so much pain. So we finished and bro these mofos decided to take us walking to the hotel and they were constantly stopping and shit and I was low key mas cus like wtf bro I was just on an 11 hour flight I have my fucking backpack on with my purse my makeup bag my computer and headphones all that shit and like in the same fucking outfit bro I’m tired. Btw I got a cup I didn’t take a pic fuck but I’ll show u tomorrow so yeah we walked like for a good fucking hour to the hotel and yeah that was it I’ll
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chr0m3h34rts · 3 years
Who Knows More TikTok Dances ft Vinniehcker x y/n
warnings: nun just fluff (also not edited)
It was just a normal day at the Hype house. Rather large house, cool cars, hot weather, and most importantly hot ppl 😏. You just woke up an hour ago, it was now 11 am. Everyone is up and Alex and Thomas are filming once again. You were scrolling through your phone txting your photographer for your up coming shoot, when Vinnie entered the kitchen. 
“Good morning, watcha doin?” Vinnie asked
“Eh, just chilling, I’m planning my shoot next week.” you answered
“Cool.” Vinnie responded
“Hey guys get ready we need to upload again, ya know a tiktok?” Thomas called everyone”
“Alright” everyone answered
We were all standing in position as Thomas pulls up his phone and opens the hype house tiktok account. He told us we’d be doing a “who knows more tiktok dances” type of tiktok. As thomas prepares the audio, VInnie rests his arms on your head. little butterflies flew in your stomach, getting that ticklish feeling. 
“ok ya’ll 3, 2, 1, GO!”
As all of you are laughing and dancing, vinnie being him, twerks in the dack ground and just hypes you up for the rest of the audio. As you know, he doesnt dance as much. Right before it ended, and you were laughing your ass off, Vinnie hugged you from behind and gave u a big squeeze.
The memebers viewed the video the last time before uploading, they saw all the cute little actions between you guys and threw sum smirks and teases. 
Minutes after the tiktok was posted so many comments tagging you and vinnie and so many comments were flooded in the tiktok:
goldfishes: DANGG THEY DATIN????
jessicawng: bro vinnie hacker fans r so jealous rn
Mirandaaaa: IF ONLY I WAS Y/N
vhackerxnai: Ugh I wonder what nailea thinks Always vinnie and nai tho 🙄
             jessicawng: nah y/n and vinnie r cuter
petroutv: ya’ll smth sus is going on
k0uvr: U guys better not steal the “best couple of the year” from me and alex
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sicjimin · 2 years
40, 21 with sick Yoongi and caretaker Hoseok? 🤍 After eating at some shady place or smth like that
11. “I think it's the (food item). It's... coming back up–”
40. “I ate just a little, but... it's not sitting well in my belly.”
a.n : ajskajskss i love how u guys already know that i might write smth when i reblog that prompts TT ok a little brainfarts again bc this might be just something short .. hope u like it ! (as always im sorry for the lame ending)
"Hyung? You're coming here? Are you already feeling better? I thought you were going home?", Hoseok immediately chatters when he sees the older rapper plop beside him in the lounge, waiting for others that are still on their way after eating lunch out together before their next interview.
It's normal for Hoseok to blurt out all of his concerns—how could he not, when Yoongi was just getting better for 2 days with bugs that latching on him, but their manager already insisted the older to come today for a short time, just for one meeting, they said, and will let Yoongi go home and rest after lunch. But here he is, still a little bit pale and shaky ; and not in their dorms like he's supposed to.
"Yeah, i told him i want to come back", Yoongi huffs, brushing his hair back without opening his eyes which were shut tightly as he tried to pinpoint the uncomfortable feeling in his body. " I was feeling better and i still have—", Yoongi grimaces as a quiet burp escapes, bringing up a lingering aftertaste of his steak earlier, "—something to do"
Hoseok frowns, "Was?"
"Mhm", Yoongi hums, shifting to find a more comfortable position, " I feel a little bit weird now"
Hoseok snorts, "That's why you should go home hyung. You're not even 100% recovered !"
Yoongi sighs again, puffing out a shaky breath as his stomach feels even weirder as time goes by. He sits up straight, taking a little sip of water that was already on the table in front of him. He grimaces when it sloshes in his stomach—triggering another burp, followed with a few of the water that immediately wants to come out.
"Don't you think something is wrong with the food?", Yoongi swallows audibly. Frowning deeper ; gosh, he's really not feeling well.
Hoseok looks up from his phone, "Huh? No?", he says, "Something wrong?"
"I just ate a little ... but i don't know", Yoongi huffs, " It's just not sitting well in my stomach", he continues, wrapping his arms around his middle.
"Told you, it might be your sickness hyung you're—"
"haven't recovered yet and supposed to stay in home, i know Hoba", Yoongi cuts him off, and decided to take a little nap as he waits for the other to arrive. and waits for his weak stomach to digest everything quickly—maybe he will feel better after, right?
"Woke me up when everyone here", Yoongi mumbles, lolling his head against the couch, curling his body smaller, and didn't wait for Hoseok's response before he let himself drift off.
Maybe what people say its true, that its better to straight up have a long sleep rather than a nap when you're not feeling well—because now Yoongi feels ten times worse than he already is when Hoseok shakes his body slightly to woke him up. 
Yoongi blinks, registering the loud chatters around him as it looks like everyone is already there. 
 "Did you have a good nap hyungie?", someone ruffling his sweaty hair. Why is it so hot here? 
Yoongi blinks again, before he groans and plop himself back at the couch, "No ..", he whines and rubs his forehead tiredly with both hands. "I want to sleep again" 
Jimin snickers, taking it as a usual tired remarks from the older—but Hoseok is not. 
He frowns at the older grunts, pulling himself away from his conversation with Seokjin, "You look pale hyung .. are you feeling really bad?"
Yoongi swallows thickly, still not opening his eyes, “Mhm .. my stomach hurts again”   
A few seconds later Seokjin speaks up, “Yoongi-ah, did you take your medicine?"
The elder finally opens his eyes, staring straight into Seokjin’s soft gaze and nodding slowly in agreement, "Yes", he mumbles, pausing when a burp rises from his throat- this time wetter and burn more than earlier. If Yoongi wasn't so nauseous few minutes ago, then he is now. "I think it was the food earlier", Yoongi explains slowly, his eyes falling back down again, closing them to ignore the feeling of burning on his throat. 
"But we ate the same thing as you and we're fine Yoongichi", Seokjin chides quietly, reaching out to touch Yoongi's forehead; checking if he has fever or not. The vocalist pulls his hand away after finding nothing to show he actually felt any heat. 
 "Then my stomach still fucked up", Yoongi retorts with a quiet moan, shifting his body to lean forward while pressing the back of his hand against his mouth-trying to keep the nausea at bay. His mouth tastes horrible, and Yoongi can't understand why he feels so much nausea all of sudden. His stomach feels unbearably full too. 
"Hyung ...", Hoseok on his feet as he watches the shift on Yoongi's demeanor. After two days watching and taking care of him, Hoseok knows this sign too well. "Are you going to be sick?" 
Yoongi shook his head, "No ...", he breathes out. His mouth feels thicker and thicker with each passing second, "I can't be sick", he mutters quietly, looking straight ahead to the floor as he tries to swallow the vomit rising up his throat. 
He could feel nausea spiked, giving his body hot flashes as his stomach churn horribly. Yoongi stayed completely still for a moment. Then a noise halfway between a burp and a retch came from deep in his throat. Yoongi gasped, clapped his hand over his mouth and tightly shut his eyes.
 Yoongi grimaced, choking back the acid rising in his throat. 
Somehow he managed to control himself—nothing came up, and soon he lowered his hand. His mouth water, and he turns to Hoseok right next to him. "I’m going to throw up, it’s coming back up", he whispers, then stand up as he tightly closed his mouth, "I'm going to the bathroom"
“Yoongi hyung ...”, Hoseok calls softly,  stepping closer to the older rapper who hunched over the sink, panting and looking out of it. He gulps when he sees the white porcelain has coated with light brown vomit. Yoongi’s skin is also flushed, but not that red. Still, he looks extremely pale and sweaty.
“Hyungie... are you okay” Hoseok reaches out to gently pat Yoongi’s shoulder, then moving up and down through his back. 
Yoongi sniffles, shaking his head. He closes his mouth then pouts, before his shoulder jerked with quiet belch, and a chunky mess of vomit poured out of his mouth—splatters in sickly noises against the sink. 
 “Ohhh....”, Hoseok whispers sadly, rubbing the elder's back, “Let it out hyung.." 
Yoongi grips the sink tightly as his stomach turned inside out. He is a quiet puker, so it was silence between them except the sound of vomit splatters against the sink, and occasional deep belch that slips out every now and then from his lips as he holds his stomach. 
Hoseok also doesn't dare make a sound, not trusting himself to not accidentally gag as every jerks of Yoongi's muscle under his hand and the sight of lunch pouring out of the older lips start affecting him; but it is only when Yoongi starts to retch hard- gushing a big stream of vomit—that the younger moves, turning on the faucet so they don't make a bigger mess. "Hyung .. breathe", he murmurs at one point when Yoongi worked his body too much- start gagging emptily while his stomach already empty—but he still feel nauseated. 
"Hyung .. ", Hoseok calls once again. 
Yoongi gasps for air, spitting out whatever remnants left in his mouth while tears rolled silently down his cheeks. His chest is heaving harshly with every gasp. It felt painful, his whole body is shivering terribly. 
 " m done..", he croaks out through labored breaths, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Hoseok sighs deeply in relief, and pats Yoongi's back one last time before hands him water to rinse his mouth, "I will take you home hyung" And this time Yoongi has no energy to argue.
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madmilkboi · 3 years
hi! i loved the “u ask them to buy u a non existent feminine product” that was so fucking funny omg. can i request hcs of kenma, akaashi, iwaizumi, and suna with sleeping habits?
━🧋⌒*. Their sleeping habits
summary: headcanons of their sleeping habits
genre: fluff fluff and fluff
warnings: subtle mentions of killing on iwa's part
a/n: hii im glad you loved it lmao hehe anyways idk if this is what u wanted, please do tell me if i misunderstood your request 🥺
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• kenma's sleeping habit is that he tends to cling on to whatever's beside him
• may it be a person or a pillow
• and he will get cranky when he doesn't have something to cling on
• he would grab you close to him and rub your back mindlessly
• as you were playing a game on his pc
• a groan came from the bed
• it was 11 almost midnight but Kenma stayed up all day
• now he's fast asleep
• but it seems that his slumber was disrupted
•"Y/n?" He called, you paused the game and turned the swivel chair, facing him
•you were welcomed with a tired pouty kenma with cute bed head
• "What's wrong?" You asked
• he pointed the empty space beside him and you immediately got what he meant
• you exited the game, turned off the pc, and walked to the bed
• a tired smile was formed by his lips
• you sat on the bed and he immediately grabbed your waist
• you were now close to him, you could feel his chest going up and down
• you looked at him and saw that he was immediately put to sleep
• you smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his neck
• you then felt a hand delicately rubbing your back
• you were slowly lulled to sleep by him mindlessly rubbing your back
• and along with that Kenma tends to let out soft snores when he's in deep sleep mywhatacutie
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• akaashi has a habit of sleep talking and he has very weird dreams to which he talks about in his sleep
• you would sometimes talk to him while he was sleep talking
• and most of his responses were far from the subject, well what do you expect from a person who's asleep?
• as you were scrolling through your phone a soft yell came from Akaashi
• You peaked from the blanket that you were hiding in and saw that he was asleep
• and so you assumed that he was having weird dreams again
• "if we could shoot the sun that means only one remains" he muttered
• You looked at him weirdly
• "and who or what may that be, Keiji" you asked knowing that his response won't ecen be connected to whatever he was blabbering about earlier
• "The tulips of Switzerland smell nice" he smiled
• you covered your mouth not wanting to disturb your boyfriend's slumber
• You were now assuming that he is now in Switzerland sniffing up flowers
• your hands that covered your mouth couldn't even lower the volume of your incoherent laugh
• And because of that Akaashi woke up
• he looked at you with slightly squinting eyes and pouty lips
• "Y/n?" He grabbed your shoulder and yawned
• "nothing's wrong, Keiji. You can go back to sleep now" you reassured and gave him a kiss on the cheek
• With that he flopped his head on the pillow and went back to his dream land
• you let out soft sigh knowing that later in the morning you and him will have a discussion about his venture in the great alps
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• his habits are a combination of Akaashi and Kenma
• Which means he tends to cling on stuff and sleep talk
• But the way he does it is literally something worth witnessing at night
• it's because most of his dreams are about you
• but sometimes his dreams take a wrong turn and he ends up talking about dinosaurs
• youu were folding clothes late at night because you somehow forgot to do it earlier
• While you were putting the clothes on the closet, Hajime started on mumbling incoherent phrases
• You walked up to him and smiled seeing his puffy face
• You went to your side of the bed and gently sat on the foam not wanting to wake him up
• You layed down and faced his back
• Iwaizumi was quick on turning around and pulling you close to him
• you smiled to yourself thinking how lucky you must be to have him
• As your thoughts were wondering to who knows where
• Iwaizumi started on talking
• "Y/n....y/n is nice" he muttered "i'm a lucky bastard" he smiled
• "Ain't that right, Barney?" He chuckled
• "go on kill em all you purple menace" he muttered
• you sighed hearing his dreams were about Barney probably eating civilians
• you closed your eyes, tomorrow morning he would probably talk about him and barney being pals and committing a crime
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• Has a habit of sleeping late like hey r u kenma or smth jkjk
• but yeah he has a habit of sleeping when the sun comes out
• But as he sleeps he tends to hold your hand
• Yes he holds your hand when he's asleep
• and why does he end up holding your hand while sleeping?
• It's something that he used to do as a child
• Everytime his mother would lul him to sleep his little hand would hold his mother's finger till he was asleep
• and now he carried that until now
• As you and him were about to finish one last episode from a netflix show
• He suddenly held your hand gently rubbing the back of your palm
• You moved your head to his chest and heaved a sigh
• he then placed his hand on the crown of your hand gently massaging it.
• You closed your eyes, liking the way his hands were massaging your head
• And you soon feel asleep
• Him on the other hand wanted to binge on another show
• And so he carried on watching,hand still entwined with yours
• As the show started to end, the sun then started to rise
• he looked at the clock and let out a silent yawn not wanting to wake you up
• He layed his head on the pillow, facing your sleeping face
• he smiled and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead
• He slowly closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep
• After a few hours, you woke up to the T.V. still on and a sleeping Suna
• you sat up, wanting to grab the remote on the edge of the bed you moved your hand
• But Suna was holding it in place
• "My what a clingy baby" you muttered
• "stay here for a while" he placed his other hand on your back and pulled you closer to him
• he slowly lifted your hand and gave it a kiss earning a chuckle from you
• And with that you went back to sleep, smiling at the thought of his little habit of holding your hand
©️ madmilkboi 2021 do not copy or repost.
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🏷: @crescenttooru @leronddesorciere @fleurdedyo @owlnymph (shoot an ask or dm if u wanna be added on my taglist! ^v^)
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it9chi · 4 years
emergency contact hcs
alternative title: it’s been awhile since you two broke up and until now neither of you changed your contact information for various reasons and because of this you are still saved as the emergency contact
kageyama would either be working out or sleeping when he suddenly gets a call from a random number in the middle of the night
say like.. 2-3 am
mf wouldn’t even look at the caller when answering cs its either he got interrupted during his sessions or he got woken up
he groggily answers the phone and winces when he hears loud club music from the other end just dampening his mood a bit more lol
“is this kageyama tobio?” he hears the other line ask
kageyama suddenly sits up straight like wtf happened this time
mind you this mf doesnt even go to clubs so why would anyone in a club or some party area call him let alone get his number
“yeah. who is this?” is what kageyama replies
“sorry to bother you at this time but you are the emergency contact of miss y/n l/n and i’m here to inform you that she is passed out drunk at (club location) so if you don’t mind please pick her up for her own safety”
without a second thought, kageyama agrees and grabs his keys to his car and basically pressed on the gas and zoomed at the said location
he doesnt even realize how worried he was til he noticed how his grip on the steering wheel was so tight his knuckles turned white
even if you two broke it off, he still genuinely deeply cares for you to this extent of picking your ass up at some club doing god knows what
kageyama has probably began overanalyzing the situation and thinking it was his fault on why you were acting like this
when he arrives at the club, thankfully you were still there with the bartender
you were slouched on the bar with shot glasses surrounding you
“i just miss him so much” you cried to the bartender. “i mean i gave him everything! he was my first he even took away my goddamn virginity and yet..” you paused, lips quivering, as the thought of kageyama breaking up with you replayed in your head like a broken record
“y/n” kageyama speaks up after eavesdropping at your little rant to the bartender
you whip your head up and lo and behold, it was the guy who broke your heart. the reason why you’re in this club for the 4th time this week
“t-tobio?” you stuttered, suddenly feeling sober
kageyama cringes at the sight. your hair was all tousled, your eyebags are prominent making it look like you’ve cried for weeks or you had no sleep
but he assumes you did both only making him guiltier
kageyama walks up to you and drapes his jacket over your exposed shoulders
“let’s go home yeah?” he says quietly. you don’t say anything but let him take you home
before you two leave the bar, he thanks the bartender for keeping you safe and sound by the time he arrived (tipping him of course)
you woke up with a killer headache the next morning on his bed with a million questions running through your mind
you and suna had a rough breakup
there were a lot of unanswered questions and overall you two got toxic real quick just a little after suna went pro
you don’t even know why or how it happened
suna would suddenly come home all stressed and shit and wouldnt utter a word to you and the next morning he’d be back to the suna you once knew
this became a reoccuring thing where it all just piled up and boom! mf called it quits after YEARS being together
and because of this abrupt occurrence in your relationship,
(you’ve broken up a few times before this btw)
he seemed to be genuinely done with the relationship (for now is what you think lol)
so you were the bitter ex girlfriend
tweeting and sharing abt very obvious and shady things abt your relationship with suna n the such
when the twins found out oh boy were they in for a surprise
you kept posting abt being single and free and all that shit but everyone knows whats the jist anyway
you two will come back to each other eventually 
suna was also being bitter and lowkey started to talk shit abt ur relationship (only to the twins tho cs suna isn’t THAT bitter)
+ the twins know its bullshit anyway lmfao
cs u also talk shit abt suna to them 
back to the story !! 
you’ve posted something very uhh you know.. something that you know suna has to come back crawling to you
so you posted on your instagram story abt ur halloween costume for this year
ironically enough u and suna had this halloween pact where y’all would dress up as couple characters and everyone on the tl always found it cute but sadly for now you are single
so you posted a very sexc selfie of u wearing mai’s costume from rascal does not dream abt bunny girl senpai
suna obviously saw this and was salty abt how you looked like that WITHOUT him
so he was mad,,, at himself and at you for some whackass reason
and to deal with his anger, he resolved into practicing volleyball surpass his limits
(mf thot he was deku or smth) 
because of this he sprained his ankle rlly badly that he ended up on the hospital
and since he didnt bother to change your contact info, you were still the emergency contact
that means you got contacted by the hospital at 11 pm 
IMMEDIATELY you rushed to the hospital cs wtf happened to your (ex)boyfriend
and when you arrived at the emergency room, you see suna sitting on the bed with his leg elevated 
“whoops” is what all suna says when he watches you go through a rollercoaster of emotions
you didn’t exactly know if you wanted to cry, laugh or be angry at his situation
laugh cs mf deserved it for breaking ur heart
cry cs u thought something really bad happened to him
angry that he pushed himself too hard for volleyball
you sat next to him and waited for his doctor to tell you what happened and what needs to be done
the doctor basically tells you suna just needs to stay at home til his leg heals before he can start playing again and you just need to be with him to take care of him n shit
nothing much tbh
just missing a lot of practice and you being around again
something he genuinely misses but acts like he doesnt
on the inside suna was glad he just needs to stay at home cs that means he can destress for a little longer and that you were there, maybe he can get you back
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ii-zi · 2 years
Circumstances lined up and i was able to sleep (albeit interrupted by a one hour class) 11 hours today. Which means I was able to dream again.
(not too interesting lol so under cut)
Among other things, I dreamt I was riding a horse (which I've never done) holding two swords, slashing strange beings down a big corridor up to the immense doors of what looked like a salon or a conference hall (which we all were inside of).
In that same dream I sort of "went back" bc I wanted to try it again fo a better outcome?? But everything went wrong, as if the budget were lower or smth jsjsjsjs
The horse didn't appear. I called for them a couple times before whistling v v loud, and what came was a funky wide version of a llama???? Didn't even run towards me tho, just appeared n ran off
But what apparently pissed dream-me off was the swords. Previously I had something slightly longer than a dagger (?) And a spatha on the right (bc, again, i was riding a horse). This time I only had a dagger and a simple 2ft sword. I was already so lost at how I (5'1"/155cm) was gonna reach anything at all from the horse with something so short, that after the horse ran off I just got pissed and woke up JSJSJSJJSJSJ
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
moments we had and suddenly lost
a/n: wanted to write smth self indulgent and fun and sweet and cozy, this was the result. for most of it. sorry not sorry for the ending (tw for character death though)
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“Did you see the way Bruce just spoke to me in the groupchat?!” Stephen asked, not at all angry but very surprised.
“Finals stress is probably hitting,” Christine replied. “I keep suggesting he tries meditation.”
“You’ve suggested that to everyone.”
“And none of you so far have listened!”
“... okay true.”
Christine rolled her eyes at Stephen conceding. “Where’s Ant?”
“Studying with Carol and Rhodey I think,” Stephen said, not yet realizing that someone had just gotten home. “Or in class, I don’t remember if he said his class was meeting today or not.”
“It wasn’t,” Anthony replied from the mudroom. He shrugged off his jacket and hung it up, stretching in place for a moment. “Hi Christine.”
Christine waved with the hand that wasn’t busy highlighting her notes, glancing up slightly as Anthony crossed the room.
“Rhodey’s still out?” Stephen asked. He looked up from his computer, reaching out for his boyfriend.
Anthony nodded. “He went to get lunch and run errands with Carol and I think someone else. I dunno, I came home because I’m tired.”
“I’m not surprised, you haven’t slept more than a few hours this entire week,” Stephen replied. He kept his voice low and soothing, partly to ensure he didn’t distract Christine from her reading.
“Hence why I’m admitting exhaustion-induced defeat! I’m going to take a nap,” Anthony said. “If I’m not up in an hour will you wake me up please?”
“An hour and ten?” Stephen suggested.
Anthony sighed fondly. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Go get your sleep,” Stephen murmured, hugging him close. Anthony was half sitting on him at this point, but neither of them minded much. “And get under a blanket, you’re fucking freezing.”
“It’s cold out!” Anthony replied. He softly kissed Stephen’s hair. “Good luck with studying, both of you.”
“Thanks man. I’m going to dinner with Hope later tonight so that’s making this a little more bearable. I can’t stand your boyfriend,” Christine said, throwing in a friendly dig at Stephen.
Anthony laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, I can’t either.”
“What did I do to deserve this treatment?” Stephen asked, unable to hide his amusement and laughing with them.
“I’m obviously kidding, you’re good to study with. And a half decent friend I guess,” Christine replied.
Stephen flipped her off and pretended to scowl, his facial expression softening as Anthony kissed him again.
“I’m going to go sleep,” Anthony said. He pulled Stephen in for one last kiss. “Love you lots, good luck!”
Stephen smiled. “I love you too. I’ll wake you up after an hour and 10.”
“Thank you!” Anthony called as he left the room. He was already forming a plan to steal one of Stephen’s hoodies and nap in it, thinking about what music to listen to while he rested.
Christine left at the same time Stephen’s alarm went off, reminding him that he promised to wake Anthony up. He didn’t want to, knowing his sleep deprived boyfriend could really use more rest, but too long of a nap would keep him from falling asleep later that night.
“There aren’t enough hours in the day,” Stephen muttered to himself as he headed towards his room.
“Amen,” Wong called from his own room, the door slightly ajar.
Stephen poked his head in. “I didn’t even know you were home.”
“Because I’m being quiet, obviously. I’m meeting Pepper and Loki to study with them, and I think Bucky is coming too,” Wong replied. He was neatly arranging his backpack, filling it to the brim with books and notepads.
“Got everything?” Stephen teased.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than bother me? Go bother Ant,” Wong replied mirthfully, taking his laptop out of his bag to quickly repack the whole thing.
“He’s sleeping! I was on my way to wake him up, forgive me for wanting to check on you,” Stephen bantered back.
Wong just rolled his eyes, giving Stephen a good natured shove as he passed him in the doorway. “I’ll see you later, good luck with whatever you’re doing for the rest of the day.”
“You too,” Stephen replied, finishing his trip to his room as Wong continued in the opposite direction. His heart burst when walked in to see Anthony still sleeping and wearing one of his hoodies.
He looked so comfortable and relaxed for once in his damn life, and Stephen hated to disrupt him just as much as he hated breaking his word. He gently shook Anthony’s shoulder a few times before beginning to brush his hair back from his face. It was about two minutes later when Anthony woke up, blinking in love and annoyance while expelling the stray sleep from his eyes.
“As much as I hate waking you up from your rare moments of sleep, this drowsiness is cute on you,” Stephen murmured. “Good nap?”
Anthony huffed in exasperation and pushed his head against Stephen’s hand. “Too short.”
“I know,” Stephen soothed, continuing to play with his boyfriend’s hair. “Sometimes it feels like no amount of sleep is ever enough to feel rested. Even when I slept for 11 hours that day I was still tired.”
“Sounds like a personal problem,” Anthony quipped, still a bit out of it. “How was your studying?”
“It went well. I’m not going to worry about this test tomorrow morning, I’m just going to try and relax tonight,” Stephen said, ignoring the first thing Anthony said. He smirked, knowing he wouldn’t be able to take his next words seriously. “Maybe I’ll even to go sleep at a decent hour.”
That... didn’t happen. It just didn’t. 
One (1) coffee driven all-nighter later, they sleepily headed off to take their respective last exams of the semester. Stephen’s exam was earlier in the day, but Anthony went with him when he left “for good luck.” That was only half true, he just wanted any reason to be around Stephen and vehemently told him that.
“Anthony I adore and appreciate you but you really didn’t have to walk with me,” Stephen said. “You could’ve slept before your test.”
Anthony scoffed. “I really don’t think a power nap would have any effect. Besides, I want all the time with you I could possibly have.”
They stopped walking in the hallway, Stephen looking at Anthony with a loving gaze and smiling at him. “I can’t wait until break starts.”
“We’re almost done,” Anthony replied. “Aside from waking up early for our flight tomorrow, we’ll be able to sleep in for the next few weeks!”
“We’ll be able to try and sleep in,” Stephen corrected him.
“We’re saying the same thing,” Anthony said with a little laugh that made Stephen smile even more.
“All I want to do is lay on the beach with you at least once while we’re away,” Stephen said.
“That can be arranged,” Anthony replied fondly. He looked up as a clock chimed somewhere in the building.
Stephen yawned. “That’s my cue to go and look over my notes before the exam.”
Anthony nodded and pulled him close again. “Good luck! You’ve got this, I love you,” he murmured against Stephen’s lips, kissing him between each clause.
“I love you too, see you at home?” Stephen replied.
“Of course. Pep and I are going to lunch after we’re done at 12:30, text me if you need or want anything and I’ll bring it,” Anthony said.
“I might be asleep, I’m taking a fucking nap before Bucky’s party tonight,” Stephen said. “Or not-party. Whatever it is.” 
Despite the fact that no one outside the friend group was there, Bucky’s game night/dinner quickly spiraled into a full on party. There was dancing and snacks and jokes, everyone finally relaxing for the first time in weeks. Tired as everyone was, partying and dancing the night away was a good way to get rid of the last bit of final exam and grade stress. Grade point averages didn’t matter, just friends and memories. And because they were... themselves, Stephen and Anthony were late. 15 minutes late was actually pretty good for them, but their tardiness was always amusing to their friends. 
“We would’ve gotten here earlier had Anthony not changed his shirt three times,” Stephen explained to a fondly exasperated Bucky.
“I only had time to do that because you fell asleep! And you had the audacity to be annoyed with me for waking you up, even though you asked me to,” Anthony replied.
Stephen didn’t say much, unable to argue with that. “I hate to say it, but you’re right.”
“At least you’re cute about being woken up,” Anthony said, unable to refrain from teasing him. “Your tired face reminds me of my sister’s cat when she’s angry.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” Stephen rolled his eyes.
“May I host my damn party please?” Bucky tapped his foot impatiently. “Are you done with this interruption or can I finish talking?”
“Honestly I thought you were done,” Stephen replied sincerely.
“I don’t think Bucky is ever truly done talking!” Sam called from another room.
“Hm, you both have that in common,” Stephen said to Bucky and Anthony.
“Oh hush,” Anthony quipped, looking at Stephen with nothing but love in his eyes. 
“Conveniently for you bickering jackasses, we’re telling embarrassing stories about each other. Basically you have to tell a story while the rest of us decide if it’s a true story or not, and we can ask three clarifying questions.” Bucky had a fiendish look in his eye as he explained the game. “And since you were late, I think it’s fair we put one of you on the spot.”
“I think we know an appropriate amount about each other already,” Wong muttered jokingly. 
“You don’t want to hear about the time Loki stabbed me with safety scissors when we were kids?” Thor asked. “Rude.” 
“That’s all you ever talk about, and I said I was sorry!” Loki replied. “At least I didn’t get banned from Michael’s for a few years... Hela.” 
“I’ll dump my wine on your head,” Hela said in an icy voice. 
“Not on my white carpet!” Bucky muttered. 
“Hey how much do you want to bet that the Odinsons are going to start wrestling by the end of the night?” Wong asked Stephen as he and Anthony sat down and joined the others.
“Oh they definitely will. If they don’t I’ll buy you a sandwich when we come back from break,” Stephen replied. “Anthony will you be a witness for this incredibly stupid bet Wong and I are about to shake on?” 
Anthony, curled up against Stephen’s side, nodded with a yawn.
“Great. If the Odinsons don’t piss each other off enough to start fighting, Stephen owes me a sandwich,” Wong declared. They sealed the bet with a very gentle high five, Stephen loosely lacing his finger’s with Wong’s. 
Wong dropped his hand. “We’re not close enough to be that affectionate,” he said teasingly.
“Aww but I’m tired! I want to hold hands with everyone,” Stephen mumbled. “Anthony will you hold me?” 
“Anytime baby,” Anthony replied, pulling Stephen into a hug. 
Both Stephen and Anthony were extremely physically affectionate, even more so when they were tired. The long week drained them of their energy and stole 90% of their snark, leaving them “annoyingly snuggly” according to their friends. When they got home from the party, Rhodey rolled his eyes at how clumsy they were, completely sober but completely exhausted. 
Anthony didn’t even bother changing out of his suit when they got home, brushing his teeth and collapsing into bed as soon as possible. He left the lights dimmed, just bright enough so Stephen could see while he was in the bathroom. Anthony was almost asleep when his phone rang, annoyed at the interruption until he saw who was calling. 
“Buona sera, Mamma,” He greeted her warmly but sleepily. 
“It’s a bit late to be considered evening, isn’t it?” Maria asked. “How was the party? Or was it not a party? I don’t remember.”
“It ended up turning into a party and it was only our friends there! But it was super fun, we’re just really tired,” Anthony replied. “We’re getting up in a few hours for our flight.” 
He looked up as Stephen ran into something and cursed colorfully. 
“You okay?” Anthony asked, holding the phone a bit away from his face. 
“I tripped over my bag,” Stephen replied, unceremoniously laying on top of him. He was also still wearing his suit, knowing he’d probably sleep more comfortably in PJs but at this point it was too late to care. 
“Stephen’s been clumsy again,” Anthony informed his mother. 
“He says that as if he didn’t almost fall down the stairs this morning,” Stephen added. 
Maria rolled her eyes on the other end of the call. “Stop bickering and get some sleep, you two. I’ll see you Sunday, okay? Anthony I was just calling to see how the end of your week went, we can talk more tomorrow.” 
“It went well! I just can’t wait to spend time on the beach and see you and Natasha,” Anthony replied. 
He could hear the smile in his mother’s voice as she replied. “I’m excited too. I’ll let you get some sleep now, sweet dreams! I love you.” She was talking to them both, their happiness warming her heart. Maria smiled when they said they loved her too. Stephen was basically her son-in-law at that point (she even addressed him as such), and she couldn’t wait to see them both.
Stephen was asleep before Anthony even hung up the phone. He meant to set an alarm, knowing Anthony had one set but they both had a tendency to oversleep. It would just be an extra precaution, a “just-in-case,” but at the time he was too tired to set it. 
Luckily, something was on their side and they were begrudgingly awake on time. They met an equally tired Bucky in the morning, their only relief being that they could try to sleep on the flight.
“I’m buying a coffee at the earliest possible opportunity,” Bucky said as soon as they got to the airport. 
“You sound like Anthony,” Stephen remarked. 
“In this one instance maybe. You guys have more in common than most people I’ve ever met,” Bucky replied. “But I guess that makes sense because you’ve known each other since the beginning of time, you’re basically the same person.” 
“That’s not true! I’m taller,” Stephen said. 
“You asshole,” Anthony quipped. He yawned and leaned closer to Stephen as they walked towards their gate. “Bucky what kind of coffee do you even drink? I thought you didn’t like it.” 
“Somehow Sam convinced me that cappuccinos are good,” Bucky replied.
“They are,” Anthony insisted.
“Oh I agree, but as far as Sam knows I’m still on the fence about them. I can’t have him thinking he’s right,” Bucky said humorously.
Anthony winked at Stephen before replying. “True. If he finds out he’s right you’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I hate you,” Stephen said, his words betrayed by his loving tone and the way he reached for Anthony’s hand.
“It’s going to be such a long flight sitting next to you two idiots,” Bucky muttered. 
Stephen was unsure if he scoffed or laughed at his friend. “We won’t bother you, at least I won’t. I’m going to sleep at, as you put it, the earliest possible opportunity.”
He fell asleep before the plane took off, resting his head on Anthony’s shoulder and staying as close to him as possible. Anthony didn’t mind Stephen’s using him as a human neck pillow and fell asleep shortly after, leaving Bucky with peace, quiet, and a chance to take embarrassing photos of them (to send to the groupchat later). They slept for almost 75% of the flight, just in time to hear the announcement that it’d be landing early. Bucky, concerned about missing his connecting flight to Vancouver, relaxed at that news and closed his eyes to sleep until they landed.
“We could go to the beach today, if you’d like,” Anthony suggested softly, still waking up. “Of course we have a bit of a trip to take before we’re home, and there’s no telling what traffic will be like when we land, but we could probably go for a bit.”
Stephen hummed in agreement. The beach wasn’t far from Anthony’s house, and there would be plenty of time over the holiday. He’d be lying if he said the idea didn’t entice him. He didn’t say much of anything out loud, but smiled as Anthony kissed his head as if to say he understood.
“Bucky are you all good for time?” Stephen asked as they walked through the airport. It was a relief that they landed early, even more of a relief that LAX was surprisingly quiet.
Bucky shrugged his backpack over his shoulder, looking at his phone and presumably checking his flight information. “Yeah I’m good, I have about an hour.”
“Want company while you wait?” Stephen offered.
“No, I’ll be fine,” Bucky said, shooing them away. “Go home and sleep or go to the beach or some shit. Be safe okay?”
“You too, have a good flight Buck,” Anthony replied.
“Why are you saying that like I’m in control of the plane? I didn’t go to flight school,” Bucky quipped.
“What would we ever do without your snark?” Stephen teased. “How are we going to survive the whole break without you Bucky?”
“The two of you are snarky enough for each other, you know that. But if it’d make you feel better, I’ll roast you the next time I see you,” Bucky offered. He then added, mostly to himself, “Or in the groupchat.”
“What was that last thing you said?” Anthony asked, vaguely registering what Bucky said.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you guys!” Bucky replied, effectively ending the conversation. He smiled as the couple waved to him and continued walking through the airport, automatically finding their way to holding hands.
It was just under half an hour later when they left the airport, preparing for a scenic drive with hopefully minimal traffic.
Stephen glanced at Anthony as they got into his car, putting on his sunglasses. “How does it feel to be so bright that you put the sun to shame?”
Anthony shrugged, lightly tapping the steering wheel. “I dunno Steph, you tell me.”
“We’re not talking about me, douche” Stephen replied.
“Really? It seems like we are,” Anthony murmured. “Is there anything you want to get on the way home?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephen said with a yawn. “I’m just tired.”
Anthony nodded in agreement. “I don’t blame you, I don’t feel like doing much of anything today, we can see how we feel once we get in.”
“I don’t care what we do, I just want to be around you,” Stephen said breathlessly. He was still holding onto last night’s exhaustion, which only made him even more affectionate (and Stephen knew himself to be an extremely affectionate person as it was). 
He couldn’t help but smile when Anthony told him the feeling was mutual. 
The next day, Anthony woke up to his phone ringing and at least 60 missed notifications from almost everyone he knew (mostly family). His mailbox was probably full from the amount of calls he got, everyone from his sister to his mother’s assistant trying to reach him. It was a sharp contrast to their afternoon spent lazing on the beach and by the pool, their air of panic almost tangible in Anthony’s phone.  
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, quietly enough so he didn’t wake up Stephen. He’d just scrolled through all of the various missed call, voicemail, and text notifications when Natasha called him again.
It was the combined noise of the annoying ringtone and Anthony slipping out of bed that woke Stephen up, the med student pouting slightly. “Anthony turn your alarm off.”
“I’m sorry Steph. It’s not my alarm though, my phone’s ringing. I’ll be back, I think my sister needs something,” Anthony replied. He softly kissed Stephen’s cheek before going into the kitchen to see what was going on.
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Natasha didn’t answer Anthony’s text, calling him instead. “Do you really not know what happened?
“Good morning to you too,” Anthony replied. “And no, will you please tell me? You’re starting to scare me.”
“Hold on,” Natasha said. She hung up, only to call him back from their grandmother’s home phone. “Okay I’m back.”
“I thought you and Nonna were going to get Mom from the airport, what are you doing home?” Anthony asked.
“Did the flight get delayed? I haven’t heard from Mamma since yesterday, she missed my calls,” Anthony continued.
Natasha became increasingly sad and frustrated with her brother as he kept interrupting her. He wasn’t doing it to be hurtful or dismissive, the siblings regularly talked over each other and it was in Anthony’s nature to speak his stream of consciousness aloud. Just this once Natasha needed him to listen first, to tether him to reality if only this one time. “Yeah, because—”
“I was hoping I’d have a call from her when I woke up, but she’s one of the only people I haven’t heard from today. Even her assistant called me, and he doesn’t usually—”
“Chiudi il becco! Per amor di Dio, chiudi quella cazzo di bocca e ascoltami!” Natasha snapped.
“Mi dispiace.” Anthony apologized immediately, hearing how upset Natasha was. “What’s wrong?”
“Look at the news,” Natasha replied, her voice shaking.
“Should I be looking for something specific?” Anthony asked, turning the TV on. “They’re about to go to a commercial, and—”
The rest of his response was cut off as he dropped his phone in shock.
Stephen was just falling into heavy sleep when he heard something crash, followed by frantic cursing from the kitchen. He sat up and was about to go see what was wrong when his phone rang, announcing a call from Rhodey. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“I just called Tones but he didn’t pick up and his mailbox is full, I was only calling to say that I’m so sorry and I hope the both of you are okay,” Rhodey said. “And obviously my family and I are here if you need.”
“What are you talking about? ... Did something happen? We just woke up, Ant went to go talk to Natasha,” Stephen replied.
“I shouldn’t be the one to tell you,” Rhodey said. “You guys can call me later if you feel up to it, okay?”
Stephen was still super confused, his concern increasing as he heard Anthony swearing again. “Okay, thanks Rhodey.”
He tossed his phone aside and stood up, walking a bit faster than normal for a sleepy Saturday. The situation, whatever it was, was too cryptic and Stephen was almost afraid of whatever he was about to find out. He was relieved when Anthony hugged him tightly, relieved that he hadn’t fainted the way Stephen worried originally. 
Even still, he was inconsolable and shaking like a leaf seconds away from falling to the ground. Anthony stumbled over his words, sentences turning into high pitched sobs as he tried to explain what happened. He eventually broke the hug and moved to sit in another room, still trembling as Stephen sat beside him. Anthony was close to panicking, needing comfort as much as he wanted to curl up alone and hide. He laid with his head on Stephen’s lap, his eyes staring sightlessly at the rug his mother picked specifically for this room and this house. He’d turned the television off after seeing the headline for the first time, refusing to accept it. He was still holding onto the remote, debating whether or not to turn the news channel back on as Stephen began to comfortingly pet his hair. Eventually he decided to do it, knowing he wouldn’t be able to say the truth himself. 
Anthony was stubborn, even in his worst and most painful moments, and forced himself to try anyway. “They hadn’t gotten to the airport yet,” he said, his voice strained from crying. 
Stephen, who’d been looking at him the whole time, just hummed and waited to see if Anthony would say anything else. 
He didn’t, and he didn’t need to as the anchorwoman on TV said everything there was to say. Stephen felt his blood turn to ice as he heard the story, each word in the anchor’s professional tone hurting more than the last. 
“Good morning and breaking news if you’re just joining us. Howard and Maria Stark were reported dead early this morning just outside of New York City, following what looks like a collision with at least one other vehicle in a major accident. Sources are unsure of exactly what happened and where, but the Starks were confirmed dead at the scene. They were reportedly on their way to JFK airport when the collision took place, Mr. Stark himself at the wheel. More updates to follow as we receive more information...”  
tags: @atypical-snowman @stark-strange-love2 @h3mmy @kiwidino @chocopiggy @doctorstephenvincentstarkstrange @maya-custodios-dionach @majesticnerdynerd @spooky-n-spunky @thespacecryptid @ocforeverything
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