#my brain blorbos
sagesilentfire · 11 months
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While they would disagree, I thought it best to draw Kowari and Kultarr together, since it better illustrates how they work as a unit.  
In any case, Kowari and Kultarr are very special twins. Brothers, born to Tumbleweed of the SandWings and Bastard (of the SandWings). (That's not his name, but that's what the twins like to call him. Because he's a bastard.) Tumbleweed was a dragon who never could see the bad in other dragons. Naïve, trusting, but kind and happy, with stars in her eyes. Her twin sister Sagebrush worked her hardest to keep those stars there. And Tumbleweed fell in love with a dragon they thought would help her to do that. He was kind, and funny, and helpful. They were soldiers in Burn's army, and it seemed that even Burn was affected by their charm, because when it was announced that they had an egg on the way, even the notoriously offensive Burn allowed them and Sagebrush to be stationed at the palace while their egg incubated. Or maybe it was because a SeaWing attack left the stronghold weak and even Burn recognized its need for extra soldiers. Or because Tumbleweed's boyfriend was high-ranking and had sway in the army. Which seems more likely? Either way, the egg was huge and beautiful, and would probably contain twins, just like Tumbleweed and Sagebrush! Tumbleweed was so excited to have two dragonets to dote on! And then the egg hatched, and it all came crashing down. The dragonets... were conjoined twins. It had happened in their family before, with granduncles being conjoined at the tail, but it had never happened under Burn. And Tumbleweed's boyfriend soon excused himself to go "get food for the dragonet" and Sagebrush saw him flying in the direction of Burn's tower... all it took was Sagebrush saying "Weirdling tower" for Tumbleweed to realize what was going on. Reluctantly, they flew away, running from their lives with the two dragonets.  Time passed. The twins grew up, with minimal health issues thankfully. They bounced around the Kingdom of Sand and even other places in Pyrrhia. They were nearly captured by Burn multiple times, and lost Sagebrush to a squad of MudWings hoping to gain favor from Burn. Tumbleweed was devastated, but the twins don't remember it very well, as they were less than a year old at the time.  Then the war ended, Burn died, and they could return to the tribe. They liked Queen Thorn, and were even offered a spot at Jade Mountain Academy, but they declined. Kowari didn't want to be stared at by weirder dragons than them, Kultarr didn't want to be stuck in Remedial Everything with Kowari, and they both considered themselves individual dragons, which meant having two SandWings in a winglet, which would throw off everything.  So they ended up in Possibility. There they trained to fight and join the army. Kowari would control the feet and tail, while Kultarr would breathe fire and fly. They soon became formidable fighters, despite the usual sibling spats. They even got a new stepfather, a SkyWing named Cinder, who gave them a lot of pointers. They want to become soldiers in Thorn's army someday.
Kowari – Kowari is the diva. He has big emotions and wants everyone to know about it. He has quite the temper, and dislikes mostly everyone, because mostly everyone does a double take and then stares at them with that horrible dumbfounded expression and eww. Kowari wants to rip their faces off. If you're the rare person who doesn't stare at them or otherwise fall on his very large bad side, he will probably fall instantly in love and show off his fun, flirty personality, which will be met with groans and face-palming from his very aro brother, which Kowari thinks is dumb and distracting. Ignore his stupid brother, please, you're too good for his sorry butt anyways. But never agree that Kultarr is dumb and annoying, because Kowari is allowed to insult his brother, but no one else is. Kowari likes food, unlike Kultarr, and often eats for both of them, since they share most of their digestive system. He's a great cook, and his food is the only one Kultarr will even consider eating. Kowari loves to assert his individuality by getting tattoos and piercings, and is the right head.
Kultarr –  Kultarr is much less dramatic than his brother, but he can hold quite the grudge. He's considered the Smart One, which both twins will readily agree with. Don't get on his bad side. Eventually one of his revenge plots will work, and it will result in your  complete and utter humiliation. And don't go begging to Kowari to get him to stop, either, Kowari's favorite pastime is laughing at the victims of Kultarr's schemes.  Kultarr mostly controls the body, though Kowari makes them run around chasing passing air molecules on occasion. He's very good at it, ever since the incident that gave him a gold tooth. He's a picky eater, a light sleeper, and everything a mother dreads, but he has Kowari to make up for it.
Neither of the brothers is especially nice. They always expect other dragons to see the worst of them, and plenty of dragons have. But if you make a friend with even one of them, you have two dragons who'll have your back forever or at least until you cease to be friends.
Other tidbits: - They can both breathe fire, but if they both do it at the same time, it can mess up their throats, so it's usually Kultarr who does it in battle - Kowari will eat anything but fish and mushrooms. Inexplicably, those two things are the rare thing Kultarr likes, so it works out well for them. - They absolutely adore their stepdad Cinder, and help him with his camels, even if Kowari hates getting dirty.
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
I didn’t sleep last night which sucks but it also means my ocs have never been more developed 💅
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
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taking the crumbs of venetian agna qel’a chewing biting gnashing on them until there aren’t even bones left and then spitting out. carnevale northern water tribe style
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ionomycin · 5 months
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Forest Guardians
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turtleinsoup · 2 months
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I love em too much T^T
The Rise Twins! Inspired by @remedyturtles' "stare directly at the sun" on ao3
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some misc Barn & Wally doodles from the past week or so <3 i heart them
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ashleyeveerson · 1 month
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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coloredsnowo · 2 years
batfam au where bruce is just purely Brucie Wayne, and all his kids are secretly vigilantes (he is utterly clueless)
After he adopts dick
Dick: *trying to sneak out the window*
Brucie: “Dick my son, where are you off to on this glorious evening”
Dick: “erm. a party.”
Brucie: “have fun I hope you ‘slay’ 🥳
Dick “haha.. yeah” *jumps out the window*
Jason: *also trying to sneak out the window*
Brucie: “Are you also a party-boy like your brother?”
Jason: “No Im going to go beat people up”
Brucie: “So youve gotten your brothers sense of humor ^v^”
Brucie: “Tim why do you never get any sleep?? I’m worried”
Tim: “I’m. Studying for AP exams.”
Brucie: “still you need to sleep :(”
*tims watch buzzes*
Tim: “Haha!!! I need to. go study with Dick and Jason now. bye Bruce”
Brucie: “At this point I’d rather you constantly going out to parties like they did”
Brucie: “Dick I cannot believe you have been taking your 8 year old brother out until god knows when?????”
Damian: “Father we ar-“
Brucie: “Alfred I feel like my kids are keeping a secret from me…”
*moment of silence*
Brucie: “No theyd never keep anything from me. my darling children.”
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dr malpractice and his boy best friend
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lil-lemon-snails · 1 month
🌟Welcome to Superstar Daycare! 🌟
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I'm back from my hiatus!!! Celebrating my graduation by dusting off this wip I've had sitting and staring at me on my desktop throughout finals :3
Close ups under cut because I worked too dang hard to let tumblr eat my precious precious pixels >.>
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also a plain background one just for funsies (i like character art :>)
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nebuladreamz · 2 days
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We're so fucking back chat
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howtokillavampire · 2 months
do you ever see fanart so tasty that you are then obligated to join the fandom and spend all of your waking hours learning the lore behind the characters, or is that not a universal experience?
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 month
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pov ur bestie saw that ur hand was within Grabbing Range and LUNGED at that opportunity (breaking u out of ur Bad Thoughts Spiral and grounding u with how silly he is)
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
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baby I was born an effigy
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horreurscopes · 3 months
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i like my body when it is with your body.
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ailithnight · 1 year
Okay, so, Brain Dead rejected soulmate AU but Danny is the one who rejected Tim.
Let's say in this world that there are many types of soul bonds.
You've got your standard and fairly common First Words and Skin Art.
Then you've got less common things like Shared Dreams, Colorblind Until You Meet, and Red String.
And then you've got the very rare Telepathic Bond and Empathic Bond.
Finally, there's the ultra rare, one in a million, Shared Pain* soul bonds. It helps that the flip side of this particular bond means Shared Comforts**, but still, it is not the kind of bond people hope for.
Naturally, Fenton luck dictates that this is what Danny (and by extension, his soulmate) gets stuck with.
And at first it's fine. Like, bumps and scrapes happen but it's no big deal. Then the bullying starts and Danny feels a bit guilty that his soulmate has to deal with it by proxy.
But, Danny learns how to minimize damage. And the way Danny can feel his soulmate gentle nursing the pains when he can't, indulging in extra comforts for the both of them, makes Danny think that maybe it's okay.
After all, if it was really to much, Danny's soulmate would have already rejected him.
And when Danny's soulmate starts getting a bit more roughed up when they're 13, naturally Danny returns the favor; never wishing to sever the bond, only wishing he could prevent the pain all together.
Then Danny turns 14.
Then Danny dies. But survives.
He cries that night, his soulmate desperately trying to push comfort through their bond while all Danny can think about is how he shouldn't have gone in that portal. He shouldn't have been so reckless. He should have PROTECTED them.
And to top it all off, suddenly he's not just Dash's personal punching bag. No, there's a whole host of ghostly rogues that like to come bother Danny. And maybe it was still okay when it was just ectopusses or Lunch Lady or Boxy.
But as more and more powerful ghosts come through, as the fights get harder and Danny takes more damage, the guilt over what he's subjecting his soulmate to eats at him.
And after Danny meets Vlad, the first enemy he faces that he really can't beat, he makes the decision. This isn't going to end. These fights, these pains...
Someday he's going to face an enemy that is going to grind him into the dirt. That's going to kill him again, probably slowly and unpleasantly, and Danny already subjected his soulmate to one death, he refuses to put him through another.
So Danny mentally reaches deep inside himself, real hands placing themselves above his heart.
Feeling around for the source of that gentle warmth his soulmate is pushing through their bond.
He finds it, grasping with imaginary hands while his real ones clench the fabric of his shirt.
Feels the way the warmth stutters. The sharp jolt of pain on his elbow as his soulmate probably knocks it when he realizes what Danny is doing.
Danny pays it no mind. He holds the bond between then tightly; tears welling up in his eyes as phantom arms wrap around himself, his soulmate's desperate plea for Danny not to do what he's about to.
Danny yanks, physical hands all but tearing the shirt off his chest as mental ones rip the bond from his and his soulmate's hearts.
The last pain they'll ever share comes crashing into him, the distinct Rejection scar crackling across his chest not unlike the Lichtenburg on his arm.
It hurts, but less than dying had.
Then the pain is gone. Or rather, that pain is gone.
The dull aches from the fight with Plasmius throb and a part Danny finds himself missing the soothing comforts his soulmate had provided him, emptiness filling the space they used to occupy.
But another part of Danny, the part that is more ghost than human, swells with pride knowing he has protected his soulmate from Danny's own inevitable fate.
As Danny inspects Rejection spidering out from his heart, a strange hollow giddiness settles in his stomach. It makes him giggle.
His brain notes that if Dash ever sees this, he'll assume he finally succeeded in making Danny's soulmate reject him.
Danny giggles harder.
Not that Danny will correct him. Or his friends or his sister when they find out for that matter. They worry enough about him as is. They don't need to know just how far Danny is willing to go to protect the people he loves.
He's stifling laughter now, trying not to wake the neighbors.
Sitting alone on the roof of Fentonworks at 3 in the morning, Danny laughs until he sobs, then laughs and sobs until he can't breathe, then laughs and sobs and struggles to breathe until a light blue mist comes gasping past he lips.
His hysterics taper of and he lets the now familiar cold feeling of his ghost form spread across his body, pausing only for a second when he notices the new spiderwebbing across the chest of his hazmat suit, just a shade darker than the rest of the black material.
Oh well. It's not too noticeable and if some sees it he can just pretend it was always there. Just like he's going to pretend the emptiness in his heart was always there. Where it belongs.
Tim is at the Bat Computer desperately searching for any kind of clue who and where his soulmate is.
Of course, Tim had searched before, been searching basically since grade school when it became clear his soulmate was dealing with either bullying or an abusive home.
But Tim's efforts had tripled lately. Ever since that fateful day 4 months ago when he'd practically had a seizure in the middle of family dinner.
It had felt like he was dying, the echos of electric shocks up his arm and into his heart coming through his soul bonds. Followed soon after by the sense of something terrifying and foreign opening up in his chest and forcing its way into every molecule of his body.
Tim is pretty sure he screamed.
It was several minutes before the sensations ended and a strange coldness filled his being. For a minute, Tim was terrified his soulmate had died, until the cold retreated to a place just beside his heart and phantom hands could be felt trying to comfort and soothe.
At the time, Tim thought that would be that. Some kind of terrible accident. A story his soulmate would tell him when they finally found each other.
But that wasn't that.
It started with that strange coldness never leaving the space beside his heart. Then sometimes the coldness would spread, filling his whole body for brief periods of time. Then those periods of time started to come with some kind of pain. A scrape, a bruise, sore muscles.
The kind of injuries Tim got on patrol as Robin.
Which was something he'd not been allowed to do near as much since the aftermath of that dinner when Bruce had learned what kind soul bond Tim had.
"Tim, you can't keep throwing yourself into the line of fire. It's bad enough when you get hurt, but for your soulmate to have to suffer too?"
Stupid Bruce and his stupid rules. Tim and his soulmate had been fine before, thank you very much. And it wasn't Robin that got struck by lightning or something. Tim really isn't sure what kind of accident would result in the things he had felt that night, but electrocution is at least part of it.
But since then, Tim's soulmate had been getting more and more injuries at any and all hours of the day. If Tim had been worried before distressed now. Something had happened and now Tim's soulmate who was already dealing with something before now seemed to be in constant danger. Tim needs to find them, needs to help them, make them safe.
He doesn't look, doesn't take his eyes off the news articles on the screen as a presence appears behind him. No 2 presences. And the elevator dings bringing a third. But Tim keeps scanning articles, looking for some clue about a kid getting electrocuted and a town gaining a young vigilante shortly after.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, gravelly voice speaking in gentle tones. "It's almost 4am son." Tim doesn't respond. Bruce sighs and spins the chair around. Dick and Alfred are both there looking concerned and stern respectively. "It's bed time."
"My soulmate is in trouble. They're not safe. I need to find them. And you're worried about my bed time?"
"You need some sleep, Master Tim. You won't know you've found anything if you're to tired to see straight." Bruce nods and Dick puts on his best big brother face.
"Get some rest, Tim. We can keep looking later."
Tim opens his mouth to argue, but pauses at the strange tugging sensation in his heart. He briefly wonders what trouble his soulmate is in now before he realizes what the almost feeling of hands on his soul bond means.
He gasps and jerks in the chair, knocking his elbow on the arm rest and the warm blanket he'd cocooned himself in to send comfort back to his soulmate off his shoulders.
Even Alfred's expression turns concerned when Tim wraps his arms around himself, trying to convey along the soul bond his plea for his soul mate not to do this.
"Tim?" Tim isn't sure which family member speaks. Can't focus on it as his soulmate yanks on the bond, ripping it and the strange comfortable coldness out.
Tim cries out, three sets of hands immediately moving in to comfort him. Sight and sound turn to static as Rejection burns across his chest not unlike the electrocution had crawled up his arm four months ago.
Then the pain vanishes.
And Tim looks up at Bruce, knows he's got tears rolling down his face, searching pitifully for a father's comfort.
"They Rejected me."
Bruce startles, but quickly stoops down to wrap Tim in a hug and Dick lays a comforting hand on Tim's head and Alfred retreats probably to make something comforting and Tim cries at the emptiness where the bond should be and the now too warm spot beside his heart.
And yet, deep in his mind where gears are still turning, Tim resolves to still find his soulmate, even without the bond, if only to ask them why.
This was supposed to be a prompt, maybe a premise, but I got carried away.
So now y'all can have this piece of pain I have no intention of continuing. Enjoy!
And since I don't plan on continuing, if some else wants to run with it, have at and have fun!
*Shared Pain in this AU just means soulmates feel the pain, not that they recieve the injuries. So if a soulmate breaks an arm, the other will feel the break, but their arm will be physically fine.
**Shared Comforts meaning that soulmates also share good feelings. So if one person is all wrapped up comfy cozy in a nice thick blanket, the other also feels that warmth. But like with the pain, it's a phantom feeling. Won't keep the soulmate not bundled up from hypothermia.
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