#my boy my guy my love my dude my bestie my darling
qeyond · 11 months
Not gonna be normal about B tonight when I reawaken and rewatch frootloops animation again, I swear on my LIFE
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 month
Another OJV friendship that is my fav is Kenny and Kyle, I was wondering if you wanted to talk about them because I live for your Headcannons and tumblr extras 🤓
I ALSO live for the headcanons and tumblr extras and OK ORANGEJUICEVERSE KENNY AND KYLE LETS GOOOOOO!!!
So like, Kenny is EASILY styles closest friend other than each other. And OJV Ken is pretty much everyone’s go-to, like Stan running to him when he feels like he fucked up, Marj and Cartman knowing Kenny’s down with a scheme, but it’s a little different with Kyle.
Kyle is 100% the mom friend of the group. And the WHOLE REASON he’s like that with everybody is because growing up, he was the one to jump in as the voice of reason (especially when the Disaster Duo gets goin) and always took care of his people. And who needs taken care of the most? Kenny.
Kyle is CONSTANTLY scolding him for not taking care of himself, doing crazy shit, yes he’s amused by a lot of the antics, but when the logic takes the forefront, he’s all Sheila mode “DR PEPPER DOESNT COUNT AS WATER ESPECIALLY IF YOURE GOING TO A BLOOD DRIVE” “aw it’s fine Ky I got it covered” “no,” *throws a water bottle at him* “I’ve got YOU covered”
Kyle’s super supportive of Kenny’s career, too. That’s not only his bestie but also his metaphorical son. He is SO hyping up every new painting and sculpture, the first person Ken shows new work to bc not only is it gonna be a confidence boost, but Kyle will also have suggestions when he’s stuck.
Kenny, our darling chaotic comic relief friend who hides his own issues behind a grin and a joke and a guardian angel complex, is VERY protective of Kyle. Nearly as much as Stan is. OJV Kenny is a LITTLE GUY, even shorter than Kyle is, but he’s POWERFUL and has every creative solution to get the gang out of a bind, and he’s really friendly with everyone he meets, and people automatically open up to him. On top of that, he is REALLY good at reading people. Kenny’s super perceptive. He sees when someone in his found family has something going on, even before they say something. Ken was the first to be suspicious of what was going on with Ky in high school, brought it up to Stan, who said “I know dude. He’s stressed as shit but I don’t want to piss him off by telling him to relax”, like Kenny does people EXPERTLY; at 14 he knew it wasn’t his place to stage an ed intervention and knew he had to wait for Kyle to hit the point where he either hit rock bottom or came forward on his own.
On the note of Kenny’s emotional intelligence, I mean, come on. Artists in particular see creative solutions to problems, read the energy around us. And Kenny… oh my GOD that boy is a force to be reckoned with in strategy. Which is WHY he and Kyle are BANNED from teaming up in any game. They’re too powerful together. Poker? Fuckin forget about it those two are DESTROYING EVERYONE they are way too smart and between Kyle’s own abundant perceptiveness and Kenny’s people skills they’re not fucking around lmfao. I also find it extremely iconic that while both Ken and Stan are super smart, you put them together and they are sharing a singular brain cell, doing the dumbest shit, and Kyle is RIGHT THERE telling them off for it.
Kenny is so so incredibly thoughtful though too. He is absolutely the person you want to go to if you need a shoulder to cry on, and Kyle, who is the other person in the gang who gets relied on emotionally a lot, does go to him.
Thank u for the ask man live laugh love orange juice
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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inchidentally · 6 months
I don't think Oscar and lando is good friends. They might be friends but not good friends. Their characteristics are so different they just can't become besties.
I'm unable to read tone from asks anon so I'm going to lean toward this not being intended in a bad way!
(also quick apology bc some of these asks have answers that overlap so I'm repeating myself a lot - block "inchreplies" to be spared lol)
the first thing to clear up is the idea that to be best friends you have to like the same things or be similar people which I personally (jokingly) take huge offense about. my entire tightest friend group consists of none of us agreeing on ANYTHING. if anything liking someone just because you're similar means you've got less of a friendship than people who love each other regardless of what you perceive as terrible takes on things. obv I'm talking about frivolous shit and not like human rights etc.
but also reminder: Lando doesn't have besties in F1. not one. the whole car|ando encroaching on his own brand that he's worked extremely hard for all on his own is definitely wearing thin on him and it's clearly why he was a bit iffy doing the whole let's do a really obvious bromance schtick with Daniel sometimes. so he's making it very clear that there are some guys he spends down time with in F1… and then there are his real private life non-professional friends. but professionally as a driver, Lando is Lando. he's not one half of anything and he's not another driver's creation or admirer. he is F1 driver Lando Norris, then a McLaren driver, then a teammate, and wayyyy down below that are the guys on the grid he hangs with sometimes (Carlos, Daniel, Max, Charles, Yuki, sometimes Lewis).
so in terms of if Oscar and Lando are good friends I think it would be hard to class anyone on the grid as Lando's "good friend" and not just a friend. Ga|ex is really the only F1 pairing I'd refer to as good friends and not just guys who seek each other out to chat during down time, but who actually cross over into the winter break as well. I don't follow the whole grid super closely but I can definitely say Lando doesn't have anything to do with guys like Carlos and Daniel if it's not to fill time during racing weekends. Lando is a businessman and a lot of us forget that because he's so open and often relatable but this dude is a CEO, a content creator and a top F1 driver - his life is FULL. his real closest friendships are happening off the clock and the most we see of those friendships are caught on his streams and sometimes his videos just with Max.
honestly part of what a lot of us really like about the landoscar friendship is that they've gone completely against the grain of the usual bromance/PR thing that new teammates do and they're just being themselves. Lando cannot hide a single thing on his face and his mouth isn't much better at it so the fact that he is always smiling and happy around Oscar is as genuine proof as you can get that he likes Oscar. even despite (or maybe partly because of?) Oscar being so quiet and calm and unlike the other drivers on the current grid. and the fact that Lando has gone through the entire LN4 Spectrum of Different Moods and Emotions around Oscar and Oscar just seems to want to study Lando like a bug he is particularly fond of is also genuine since that boy wouldn't perform for the cameras without a gun to his head.
but tbh anon more important than that is that Lando is no longer the rookie playing second fiddle to a seasoned driver and he isn't the baby brother to a PR darling, he's Mr. McLaren and he's got his own rookie who looks up to him. which is about damn time for someone who's been in F1 for 5 years. AND they've already had a fiercely competitive first season together where they've both responded with respect and maturity to people desperate to stir things up between them. if that doesn't result in them playing gay for the cameras or having shared hobbies then I can't really say I care.
and while I absolutely think we should all enjoy any rpf we want in the privacy of tumblr's lack of an algorithm or popular appeal, publicly I kiiiiind of feel like it's time for Lando to no longer be defined by bromances or have to answer about them. I'd even lean a bit into saying maybe he's done with that as well. so landoscar not having the usual bromancey corporate engagement hashtag appeal feels pretty comfortable.
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just-walk-around · 1 year
I don't read or watch the twilight saga, I only have seen some parts. But I love fanfics, I twilight fanfics are part of all the group of shows that I like. But my queer ass prefer a platonic relationship than romantic between Bella and Edward. WLW and MLM is the best friendship ever.
Edward (sad, dramatic, repressed hundred years old but still mentally teenager gay): I'M A MONSTER, AN ABOMINATION THE WORST, GOD WILL NEVER OPEN THE DOORS TO HEAVEN FOR ME.
Bella (kinda depressed, sarcastic, weird, grow up to fast, absolute disaster lesbian): DUDE, IS JUST A FUCKING SPIDER!
Bella x all female vampire (except esme that woman is her mother figure you can't change my mind) is delicious.
Alice? Friends to lovers, calm gf and too much energy gf, "sweast and t shirt is enough" "as your future wife I have full right to change your clothes" "my Future Fucking what?!" "opps spoilers" , oh you are weird I weird too! Besties!
Rosalie? Rival to lovers, tsundere gf and oblivious gf, "I fucking hate you" "oh, then what you buy me a new car?" "BECAUSE THAT SHITTY TRUCK HURT MY EYES", family intervention because they Will never get together otherwise "I'm not jealous!"You just make a boy cry because he told her how nice her hair looked!" "wow your sister is beautiful but she is a bitch, just because she is hot and smart and have a pretty smile and..." "Bells just ask her out this is painful to watch" "I don't love her!" "Bella take a moment to think about everything that happened between you two, EVERYTHING and tell me again that you don't love her" "I.. *processing information" "HOLY FUCK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR SISTER""Congratulations you are THE LAST TO KNOW IT! "
Any of the Denali trio ? Teacher x student, "I have met this human for one second now I love her I will provide everything for her I will make her happy Fucked up!Edward stay away", patient gf with hurt gf.
Victoria or any volturi girl? Enemy to friends to lovers, reluctant gf and resigned gf, denial, denial and more denial, the bad guys are actually doing good things, "I will never fall in love with you" "I have all the time of the world darling". Unhealthy relationship going to healthy relationship.
The other vampire clans? The possibilities are endless!.
PLUS PAPA BEAR CHARLIE JUS GOING FULL SUPPORTIVE,HE COULD EITHER BE PUTTING RAINBOWS STICKERS IN HIS CLOTHES, "YES SIR I LOVE NY GAY DAUGHTER DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT" OR HAVING NO IDEA HOW TO GO ABOUT IT, "So you like tits? I like tits too! I mean, uh" "did you need um you know advice? About you know?" "dad please you are killing me" the best Is that he wouldn't care if his daughter is dating a vampire BUT THEY ARE SO OLD, HE WOULD BE LOOKING THINKING IS THIS PREDATORY BEHAVIOR? AND BELLA BEING LIKE DAD WE JUST ARE HOLDING HANDS There will not be a shotgun he will buy a freaking flamethrower he will spend all his money for a fishing boat to buy it. Because God dammit he is a dad trying his best!.
Edward x Jacob? Enemy to friends to lovers, cross lovers, cat bf x dog bf, homophobic Edward, denial denial and more denial, supportive cullens or slightly homophobic because of their differents ages trying their best to overcome their views for their son/brother, VS the pack "my imprint is a boy" "That's okay we love you and support you anyway"" he is a vampire""WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY?! EXILE FOR JACOB, EXILED FOR HUNDRED OF YEARS"
Edward x Emmett? I get us in trouble bf and I get us out of trouble bf, calm bf and too much energy bf, grumpy cat bf and dumb bear bf, "babe what animal is the pink panther?" "dear, is in the name" "I think is a lion" "love of my life is a panther" "I Google it panther aren't pink" "AND FUCKING LIONS ARE?" "You do something stupid again don't you" "no, I just think he will like some roses for his room and a new piano" "sure"
Edward x jasper? Learning together to live with overwhelming powers and the guilt of our decisions and mistakes.
And just for the shit of it, Edward x Aro, Carlisle going FULL PAPA BEAR ON IT.
Like it could go the hurt/comfort route or the comedic route and it will be amazing.
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Hello lovely! Can I please get a male stranger things, Harry Potter and marvel match up please? Thank you so much!
APPEARANCE: I am 20 year old female, she/her pronouns, I’m 5’1” with somewhat long dirty blonde/brown hair, I’m curvy and I should be wearing glasses but alas I do not. I like having my nails painted either black or red or both. My style is a mix of girly and gothic, I wear lots of skirts and dresses and frilly socks but also fishnets and dark colors and jackets or flannels.
PERSONALITY: I think I’m infp and enfp? I’m mature when I need to be and quiet, but once you get to know me I’m bubbly and weird. I have pretty bad anxiety so I will get nervous over everything and anything, I’m paranoid as well at times. I love making others laugh and happy, I can be awkward at times also but I cope with humor. I try to help everyone around me, I shove my feelings to the side most of the time if someone needs help- often times putting others before myself. I guess in certain aspects I’m kinda nerdy?? ( I am also a hufflepuff )
INTERESTS/HOBBIES: I love animals, gardening, reading and writing, painting, musical theatre which I’ve done for ten years. I love to sing dance and act, help others, I enjoy raising caterpillars into butterflies. music ( Lana del rey, imagine dragons, mother mother, show tunes, poor man’s poison, fall out boy, etc ) I like collecting things like pins or random nicnacs.
Hi my darling! Of course you may, thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry this took so long. These may be a little shorter than my previous match up just for time's sake and also cause these characters have a lot of shared attributes I'll use for your analysis.
Now onto the show.
Masterlist + Request Info
For Stranger Things I ship you with...
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Let me start this off by saying you two would be such an aesthetically pleasing couple.
On the days you're more girly, the two of you are like sweet and sour.
On the days you're more gothic, the two of you look like you're about to start doing lines of coke in the bathroom.
On the days you mix it, the two of you are a vampire queen and her himbo.
There are no bad days, you guys just look awesome all the damn time.
He paints your nails for you...
He gets better with practice, but you usually end up cleaning the edges while he pouts in the corner because he didn't think it was that bad.
This man is so attached to your caterpillars bro.
He witnesses one of them transform for the first time, and you hear sniffling from beside you. He does that drag down the face that dudes do and is like "I'm fine babe" but then when you get inside, he starts blubbering like a baby.
You're holding him and trying so hard not to laugh while he's just "she grew up so fast and her wings, oh my god her wings! They were so pretty abueuyhurfcuh."
Long story short, he's a bug dad.
I'm one of the few who don't think Eddie would listen to Mother Mother, however, he would bop his head whenever you played it because he respects a good guitar shred.
Would take the mickey out of you for listening to Lana though.
He'd put a tea-towel on his head like a wig and prance around the kitchen singing a horrible rendition of Summertime Sadness like he was drunk.
You made a flower crown for him and he wore it religiously. Around the house of course.
You start a flower garden at his trailer and help him maintain it and when the first flower blooms he makes you take pictures of him with it.
He makes you little bouquets and they don't always look the most visually cohesive but you adore them anyway and press them when they start to go out so you can keep them forever.
He's great at reminding you to take time for yourself and that it's okay to be kind to yourself. 💛💛
This man will do anything for you and I mean that shit.
I mean you don't remember the last time you opened a door.
You guys are nerd besties and when you asked to come watch Hellfire for the first time he flipped out.
Literally dragged you into the Drama room to announce you to everyone.
He teaches you how to play DnD if you don't know how and gets pissed when you start beating him.
"This isn't how I trained you😠."
(a/n Heyyyy fellow theatre kid) He watches you rehearse and comes to every show. Like he will CANCEL DND NIGHTS TO WATCH YOU PERFORM.
Eds will make sure you're comfortable in any situation and he can notice when your anxiety starts to spike before you do and knows exactly what to do to help.
You guys are just so damn cute😭
For Harry Potter I ship you with...
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The softest couple Hogwarts has ever seen.
Forces you to get glasses.
I'm talking physically drags your ass to the optometrist.
Sweet Anon, you give me sweater vibes and I can totally see you stealing Remus's sweaters which makes him laugh cause you drown in them but also blush because you're wearing his clothes.
Loves how short you are (a/n I'm 5'2, short gals unite).
Actually, lemme me picture this and melt.
This man is at least 6'0 and you are 5'1. 🥺
Piggyback rides everywhere.
So, you would absolutely slay Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures.
And because of this you are a GODSEND when it comes to his condition.
Hagrid wasn't the COMC professor yet, but he taught you a ton of stuff about werewolves because he's a sweetheart who believes they don't deserve the hate they get.
Would make you and Rem cups of tea and tell you anything you wanted to know.
Remus trusts the hell out of you but was still nervous to spill the beans.
When he confided, you sprung into action immediately researching everything of value surrounding werewolves.
You were the first witch or wizard in the UK to successfully brew Wolfsbane whilst still a student.
Slayed The House Boots Down Houston I'm Deceased.
Your intricate knowledge of plants and pure adoration for your mans allowed for you to try your hand at it under the supervision of Slughorn.
You also became an Animagus with the lads. I'll let you decide what.
Remus feeds your pin collection weekly.
He keeps an eye out for various brick-a-brack that he can chuck on a safety pin to give to you.
Your collection is the coolest thing on Planet Earth.
He charmed an old coin to adjust to your mood, so he'd know when your anxiety was troubling you.
You keep it on the inside of your tie. Remus has gotten good at subtly checking it.
I firmly believe this man can knit and he definitely made you a Hufflepuff scarf and matching beanie (a/n HUFFLEPUFFS RISE).
Loves watching you paint. It's free therapy.
You painted him once.
No one ever saw Remus blush that hard.
He regularly keeps your paint stocked and enjoys cleaning your brushes.
You exchange muggle music and he'll hum a song whilst you guys slow dance in the common room late at night 🥺
Girl can we swap bodies for a sec😭
For Marvel I ship you with...
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Let me start this off by saying...
k a r a o k e c h a m p i o n s
No one, and I mean no one, can top you guys.
That plus your drama skills from musical theatre- bro.
Ya'll put on a damn show up there.
One of the times you had red nails he took a spring, dipped the end in gold nail polish and stamped it on your nails.
He then took a picture of him holding your hands and captioned it "found my rings".
He thought he was real funny.
You guys are so awkward together I love it.
You're the epitome of *nervous laughter*.
You guys dad joke your way through life and everyone feels sorry for your future children.
He likes to braid your hair. He did it for his sister, then Katy, and now he does it for you.
When he revealed his past to you it was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
There was no forced explanation. He told you because he wanted to.
Damn homie. You got all the hoes and their secrets.
Speaking of secrets and sisters, Xialing actually likes you. She took a second to warm up to you but when she's not running empires, she likes to hang out with you and Shang.
Katy and Shang try to convince you to come joyriding with them.
You buy them helmets for their birthdays.
This man w o r s h i p s your curves.
I mean foaming at the mouth whenever you... Well... Literally just exist.
He buys you flannels. A lot.
You got him one with your face on the back as a gag gift one Christmas in return.
He refused to take it off.
This man is like a magpie. He sees something shiny on the ground. Now it's yours.
He comes home from work one day and chucks a thimble on the table.
"Happy St. Patrick's Day babe."
Laughs at you for bumping into stuff due to your lack of 20/20 vision.
On a serious note, he's always fueling your love for reading.
He loves buying books for you and recommending ones he thinks you'll like.
He likes to kiss your nose.
He brings you to visit Ta Lo. You meet Morris and beg Shang for a hundun.
He got you a cat out of the blue one day.
He came home with a lil' kitten that he found on the street and you guys adopt him.
"You looked sad this morning and I know you miss Morris and you like animals so I brought you a friend. I thought you guys could bond seeing as you're both very small."
Oh yeah he's also an ass about your height.
But asshole-ery aside, he's a total sweetheart who is 100% whipped for you.
a/n There you go Sweet Anon! I hope this is along the lines of what you had in mind my love. Let me know what you think.
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mobtism · 2 years
Please read my "Do Not Follow" list and my "Please Tag" list before following!
DO NOT FOLLOW: if you are bigoted or a general shithead. No racists. No transphobes. No pedos, no “pro-ships," no MAPS. No ableists. and No exclusionists allowed. Do NOT follow if you think that fiction doesn't affect reality.
Repetition, Disease/Sickness, Contamination, Covid and Monkeypox, Being watched/monitored (Surveillance cw), Body harm
Please tag them as either “nick dont look” or “example cw". If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send an ask!
​‼️Please like this post once you've agreed to my terms and conditions‼️
Accessible version below:
Icon ID: Official art of Reki from Sk8 the Infinity with facepaint similar to Shadow's. He's sticking his tongue out in a silly "rocker" way, and he has one of his hands up in the "rock on" gesture. End ID.
Hi I'm Nick! I'm 19 years old. I talk a lot and post my thoughts often. Music is my special interest.
My current interests are: Mob Psycho 100, Sk8 the Infinity, Fire Force, Soul Eater, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Ace Attorney, and Pokémon.
My favorite things are wizards, pirates, snow & winter, the colors red, yellow, and light neon blue, dogs, bug type Pokémon, and bright colors and lights (as long as they aren't flashing!). I also really love my friends!
I aim to find careers in pyrotechnics, voice acting, and music!
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ID: Screenshots of @skylightz pronoun page.
Profile picture is a round icon of Tashiro Gonzaborou, an anime character with dyed yellow hair which has grown out to show his brown roots, green eyes, and wearing a green jacket. He's smiling, and pointing up towards him. The background behind him is a light yellow, and there's a little red star next to his finger.
The description says, "if you refer to me by my neos im kissing you on the mouth. if you dont? well... good luck charlie [starts beating u up]" Age 19.
Flags shown are: Autigender, Nonbinary, Transgender, Bisexual, Ace-Spec, and Gender Avoidant.
The flag for Ace-Spec was added in by the user, and instead shows a png of a box of Dean's Country Fresh Christmas Trees ice cream. The Gender Avoidant flag was also added in, and shows two cartoonish human-shaped silhouettes, lined white on a black background. The one on the left is fully scribbled in white, and is labeled "gender 100%". The figure on the right is not filled in, but has "0% gender" and "Me!" labeled on it in red.
Names column:
Favorite: Nick, Holly, and Any Nicknames!!
Close friends only: Nicholas
Likes: Hollis or Apollo
Pronouns column:
Favorite: vi/vis and star/stars
Likes: he/him and they/them
Dislikes: she/her
The next screenshot shows four lists of words that shows skylightz comfortability with each word.
First list shows:
Favorite: Myst., Mr., sir, and [no honorific]
Likes: Mx. and comrade
Joke use only: Madam, Ma'am, Ms.
Dislikes: sai, mir, shazam, zam
Second list:
Favorite: Guy, man, dude, bestie, buddy, pal, bro, king
Likes: Person
Dislikes: sib, boy, woman, lady, girl, sis, queen
Third list:
Favorite: Pretty, handsome, hot, queer
Likes: Cute, fruit/fruity, gayass
Close friends only: F slur
Joke only: sexy
Fourth list:
Favorite: Partner, boyfriend, husband, beloved
Likes: Joyfriend, friend
Close friends only: Darling
Dislikes: Wife, kissmate, girlfriend, boo. End ID.
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myster-tea · 2 years
I hate Percy sm
That cake would suck- my guy, you cant bake I already know-
Every time they say Malkia or whatever her name was all I hear is IKEA-
At this point I may be able to memorize the credits-
I wanna pet the dog- and the dragon
I need to draw them-
I think something is going to happen-
“Tragedy, is for single people!! :D”
“Spoon is to death”
“We do have some very suspicious salad forks 😒”
Mm porridge will get some chopped fingers
A pan queen? Slay ig????
“It’s JOAN >:/“
Joan be tellin the truth-
I mean you are awesome-
“I DID IT IN H E E L S >:)”
%5 of the heart-land is homophobic >:T
I swear if it goes downhill again I’m going to go insane-
“Chamberlain >:0”
He w i l l be in their way-
“I don’t want to brag because that’s what these thighs are for-“
Him and double trouble would be bestie-
Yeah he’s mean-
He’s gonna betray u bestie-
Everything will go wrong
“Revenge of the Chad”
Amir shouldn’t have jinxed it
Bro u ain’t taking his fiancé-
Oh nooooooo the end of the world-
Not a good example of something “real”, kid-
Is this just that musical about hating musicals all over again?-
Sure you are-
“He’s not the only one 😒”
Omg dad?????????
Wow a piece of shit dad-
She’s never going to go with a pig farmer bro she has STANDARDS-
“I’m a vegetarian!! >:(“
No one would want to be your kid-
Wow mr. super spy over here
He found a map wow so cool
Is that charm or not-
He show da map
Yeah after HE LEFT-
Am I taking a break from this? Yes yes I am because I’m to stupid for all that information-
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x actress!reader
Synopsis: any chance he gets, Anthony teases you and Tom about your relationship
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Anthony Mackie was onto you.
It all started when he realized you and Tom weren’t actually dating, like he thought you were.
“Which Avenger would you sleep with if given the chance?” The journalist asked you, Brie, and Scarlett during a junket.
“Tom Holland.” You answered immediately. “Oh, did you mean the character?”
The girls laughed at your answer as you shrunk down in your seat. Everyone else answered with Thor, making your answer stick out even more.
“Wait, did they ask the guys this?” You wondered. “And follow up, did Tom say me?”
“I can ask.” The journalist chuckled and pulled out her phone. “My friend Jack is interviewing them in the other room.”
“Oh My God.” Brie groaned. “Now I want to know.”
You held your breath in anticipation as you waited for Jack to text back. Finally, the journalist felt a buzz and checked her phone.
“Tom did in fact say your character.” She laughed as she showed you the text.
“He did?” Your eyes widened. “Oh my God. That’s it. We’re having sex tonight. I’m telling him right now.”
The cast laughed at your antics as you sent Tom and quick text and shut off your phone to pay attention to the rest of the interview. You knew it was a joke, but you forgot that Tom didn’t know the context of your text. So when he checked in phone in the room where the boys were being interviewed, he was quite confused.
“I just got a text from Y/n saying “we’re having sex tonight” in all caps.” He laughed in shock. “What is going on?”
“Damn.” Anthony stated. “She texts you in advance?”
“No.” Tom blushed. “We’re not even together.”
“What are you talking about?” Anthony asked. “I thought you were?”
“We’re not.” Tom insisted. He always hated when he was reminded of the fact that you and him were just friends and he didn’t want to stay on the topic.
Anthony, on the other hand, wasn’t as inclined to let it go. He leaned back in his chair and stared at Tom, always looking for new ways to bother his younger cast mate.
“Hm.” Anthony drawled. “Interesting.”
A few months later, Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian were invited to a comic con in Chicago. They were known as one of the more chaotic pairings of cast members, so the interview consisted of constant digs at one another. And of course, Anthony took any chance he got to tease you and Tom.
“You must spend a lot of time together when filming these movies.” The journalist said to the couch. “Do you guys hang out off set too? Are there any Avenger pool parties we don’t know about?”
“Look, Toms a little asshole.” Anthony began. “Him and his little girlfriend are absolute children on set. We can’t take them anywhere.”
“His girlfriend?” The journalist asked.
“I mean Y/n.” He corrected, making the audience cheer. “They say they’re not dating but we all know.”
“We’re not.” Tom whined into his mic. “Stop saying that. People are gonna start believing you.”
“Because it’s true!” Anthony insisted. “You should see the two of them on set. They’re always touching and hugging. And I’m pretty sure I caught them in the dressing room one time. I won’t say what they were doing, but I could hear the bed creaking.”
Tom turned bright red and covered his face. He knew Anthony was just teasing, but it still embarrassed him. He collected himself and held his microphone up again, ready to dish it back to Anthony.
“You’re just mad because she likes me more.” Tom said, eliciting cheers from the audience.
“Uh uh.” Anthony shook his head. “Shes loves me. All the ladies love me.”
“Not Y/n.” Tom shook his head. “She loves me.”
“I think we can all agree Y/n loves me the best.” Sebastian cut in smugly. “It’s fairly obvious.”
“Did someone say my name?” Your voice sounded from a microphone, making everyone scream. Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian looked at each other in confusion upon hearing your voice.
“Wait, what?” Anthony laughed into his microphone as he looked around. Suddenly, your characters theme song came on the speakers as you came out from backstage.
“Hi!” You came out onto the stage waving. The crowd stood up upon your arrival and became deafening. Tom turned around, caught sight of you, and bolted out of his seat.
“Y/n?” He asked as he ran towards you. He immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you off the ground to spin you around.
“Hi Tommy.” You mumbled in his ear as you squeezed him back. Tom set you down but continued hugging you, kissing the side of your face multiple times. The audience went wild at this display of affection, prompting you to kiss his cheek back. You walked back to the couch hand in hand, taking a seat next to each other.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Tom said into his mic as he picked it back up.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” You laughed, earning more cheers. “I’m filming something in Toronto but I wouldn’t miss a convention for the world. And I wanted to see you.”
Tom pouted and pulled you into another long hug. It had been a few weeks since you’d seen him, so you pressed a long kiss to his cheek.
“Do we all get kisses or just Tom?” Anthony asked, interrupting the moment.
“I was thinking the same thing.” Sebastian spoke up.
“Seb can have one but I’m not coming near you.” You teased as you walked over to Sebastian. You bent down to kiss his cheek before sticking your tongue out at Anthony.
“You look so pretty, darling.” Tom said once you sat back down.
“Please.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m so jet lagged.”
“I don’t look nearly this beautiful when I’m jet lagged.” Tom complimented you.
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You complimented back.
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss.” Anthony chanted into his mic while pumping his fist. The crowd roared as you and Tom rolled your eyes.
“Don’t start, Anthony.” You told him. “He does this all the time.”
“So I’ve heard.” The journalist laughed. “How was your flight, Y/n?”
You settled into Tom’s side as you talked about your flight and other random things. When the attention was off you, Tom slipped his arm around you and let it rest on the back of the couch. He felt you shiver at one point and realized you were sitting right under the air conditioning.
“Are you cold?” He asked you, making the audience laugh.
“A little.” You said sheepishly. He immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, making the crowd go wild.
“Thanks, Tommy.” You chuckled as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. They were warm from his body heat and his cologne was lingering on the collar.
“Wow.” Anthony started up again. “You guys look like a couple.”
“A couple of besties.” You said quickly, making Tom shake his head.
“Uh huh.” Anthony said sarcastically. “If you guys aren’t dating, then why are you two always touching?”
“Because we love each other.” Tom snapped playfully. “You just don’t understand because girls don’t want to touch you.”
“Damn.” Anthony laughed. “Y/n, are you gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You replied. “We would make a terrible couple. I still haven’t forgiven him for the stamp act and I don’t see us getting past that.”
“Baby, it wasn’t me.” Tom played along. “It was my ancestors. I’d never tax your stamps.”
“Uh Uh.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s what they all say.”
“I’m gonna move on before I break you guys up.” The journalist teased, making you and Tom roll your eyes. “You guys have been playing these characters for a while so you must know them pretty well. What is something you have in common with your character?”
“That’s easy.” Anthony answered. “We’re both a cool black dude.”
“That’s exactly what I was going to say.” Tom joked, earning some laughs.
“Easy there, wonder bread.” Anthony laughed. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“What about you, Y/n?” The journalist asked. “What do you have in common with your character?”
“Something my character and I have in common is that we both fuck this man.” You smiled as you clapped Tom on the back. Everyone on the couch’s jaw dropped as the crowd became deafening. Tom looked at you incredulously as you laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” You laughed into your microphone. “Um, I don’t know. We’re both pretty passionate about what we believe in. And we both wear a lot of black.”
“What?” Sebastian laughed. “You can’t just say that. That was a total 180.”
“I’m sorry.” You whined playfully. “It was a perfect opportunity and I had to take it.”
“I am literally speechless.” Tom said into his mic before breaking down into laughter. You leaned into each other as you laughed, not caring if no one else found it funny.
“I’m sorry.” You giggled. “Can we move on? Next question, please.”
“All right. Let’s talk about this kiss between your character and Loki.” The journalist began.
“Uh oh.” Anthony stirred the pot again. “Toms not gonna like this.”
“I don’t care.” Tom shrugged, but it was obvious that he was lying. You rested your hand on his shoulder to reassure him as you turned to answer the question.
“I actually had a lot of qualms before filming that scene.” You replied.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m good friends with Taylor Swift so the first time I met Hiddleston, it was as her boyfriend. So the whole thing gave me serious qualms. I felt like I was breaking girl code.”
“That’s surprising since you improvised one of the kisses.” Sebastian, also looking for drama, cut in. “I remember you were only supposed to kiss once and you went in for second.”
“Well that was after a few takes and my qualms had dispersed.” You shot back.
“You hear that?” Anthony smirked. “She had no qualms.”
“I still felt so bad but those thoughts were soon replaced by “oh my God, I’m kissing Tom Hiddleston.” My qualms didn’t stand a chance to him in that wig.” You chuckled. You felt Tom tense up under your hand so you squeezed his shoulder.
“I know.” The journalist agreed. “He’s very dreamy.”
“Exactly. We were three takes in and my pussy starts screaming, “get help! Get help!”” ,You mimicked Thor’s voice, “so I knew my qualms were gone.”
You once again had all the jaws dropped with your words. Tom buried his face in your neck as he laughed, his whole body shaking.
“That’s one way to put it.” The journalist said as he wiped tears. “I have to ask. Which Tom did you like kissing more?”
“I liked kissing Tom H the best.” You said cheekily.
“Ooo.” Anthony started again. “Are we about to witness a couples quarrel?”
“I think so.” Tom played along. He pretended to look annoyed with you so you cupped his face.
“I’m kidding.” You assured him. “It was so you.”
“It better be.” He insisted. “Remember you kissed me after we shot the swinging scene and we weren’t even filming?”
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “I was in love with you that day.”
“What happened?” The journalist wondered.
“Well, I grew up loving Spiderman.” You explained. “So spending the day swinging around in Toms arms while he was in the suit meant so much to me. The second Tom took his mask off, I just kissed him.”
“Is that when you started dating?” Sebastian asked.
“No. It is not.” Tom shoved him playfully.
The rest of the convention went by in a similar fashion, with Anthony taking every opportunity to tease you. Once you said your goodbyes to the crowd, you and Tom walked back to your dressing room with your arms around each other.
“I can’t believe Mackie still thinks we’re dating.” Tom sighed as he shut the door behind him.
“I know.” You chuckled before an idea came to you. “Wouldn’t it be funny if we actually started dating and didn’t tell him? Like, as a joke?”
“That would be hilarious.” Tom nodded too many times. “Like, I could ask you out right now and he’d have no idea. We could go on dates and make out and stuff and just not tell him. That’ll show him.”
“We should totally do that. As a joke.” You quickly followed.
“We should.” Tom nodded. “Imagine his face when he finds out we started dating and didn’t tell him? It’ll be priceless.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait.” You sighed happily. “He would lose his mind if he found out we finally started dating.”
“Did you say finally?” Tom asked with a coy smile. Your face fell when you realized you had said a little too much.
“I did.” You said softly. “Because it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
“So have I. In that case,” Tom smiled shyly, “Y/n would you like to go on a d-“
“Yes.” You cut him off before he could even finish. “I would.”
2 years later
On a rare day off, you and Tom attended a barbecue in Anthony’s backyard with a few of the other cast members. You were sat on Tom’s lap, full off food and contently listening to the ongoing conversation.
“These burgers are great.” Chris said as he patted Anthony’s back. “Thanks for barbecuing.”
“I got you, man.” Anthony nodded. “I actually got the recipe for the blend from one of the caterers on set. Remember that place that catered lunch with the really good cornbread and burgers?”
“I do remember.” Scarlett smiled to herself. “The filming schedule worked out so all got to eat together that day. That was so nice.”
“It was nice.” Anthony agreed. “Just sitting in the sun in our costumes and bibs. We had some fun conversations going on. I’m pretty sure that was the day Tom and Y/n started dating.”
“No.” Tom rolled his eyes. “We started dating after that one convention. Remember the one where Y/n surprised us on stage? We started dating that night.”
“Wait, you guys are actually dating?” Anthony sat up in his seat. “I was just playing with you.”
“We know. So we played with you right back.” You shrugged smugly. “We started dating to get back at you for all the jokes.”
The rest of the cast exchanged confused looks as you and Tom relished in your victory.
“But....” Anthony blinked in confusion, “you didn’t tell me until two years later.”
“Yeah. Because we were committed to the joke.” Tom said like it was obvious.
“Duh.” You added.
“Let me get this straight.” Antony rubbed his temples. “You started dating as a way to get back at me for teasing you?”
“But you didn’t tell him you started dating.” Scarlett continued.
“So you’ve been dating in secret for two years without him knowing.” Don went on.
“But....you see this as revenge on me?” Anthony asked with a tilted head.
“Yep.” You laughed. “In your face.”
“In my face?” Anthony raised his eyebrows. “How so?”
“Because we totally got you.” You bragged. “Look at your face right now. You had no idea we were actually together.”
“What an idiot.” Tom shook his head. “This guy, am I right?”
The cast exchanged another look as you and Tom continued not to understand why dating in private didn’t exactly count as revenge against Anthony.
“Okay.” Anthony said skeptically. “So let me ask you this. Now that I know about the joke, will you stop dating?”
You and Tom quieted down as Anthony brought up something you hadn’t thought of.
“Well, no.” Tom began as he looked at you. “We like dating each other.”
“So essentially, this had nothing to do with me.” Anthony concluded. “You two just wanted to date each other but used me as an excuse.”
You and Tom opened your mouths to defend yourselves, but shut them when you realized he was right. You looked at each other sheepishly before shrinking down in your seats from embarrassment.
Anthony Mackie may have gotten the better of you.
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort
@foreverxholland @lavender-writer @michaela072796 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101 @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @kickingn-ames @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff @cookiemonstermusic258
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
Write Reki coming out to Langa but Langa being hella confused because he was under the impression him and reki were dating and didn't know why reki felt the need to come out. I just think it'd be funny lol
Reki: Langa 🥺👉👈 I have something to tell you 😖 pls don't hate me tho 😔😥 im gay 😣😣😣
Langa: Why are you telling me this?
Reki: because you're my best friend 😟
Langa, fully in love with Reki and already thinking they're dating: I'm not your friend??
Reki: oh so you're HOMOPHOBIC?
Bestie, this is possibly the worst thing I've ever written. I don't think you understand how much I wanted to scream of secondhand embarrassment while working on this. But here it is!
Reki drops his chin on Langa's shoulder, his whole weight pressing into Langa's back.
"Langa... I gotta tell you something, man. And it's like, super-duper important."
Langa hums as he pats Reki on the cheek. His eyes are still glued on Reki's bookshelf, looking for a specific book to reread, but his attention is fully devoted to Reki. "Yes, Reki?"
"Okay, so don't take this the wrong way but," he buries his face in Langa's shoulder, voice muffled by fabric, "I might be lil bit gay. Bi maybe?" He whimpers before lifting his head, his loud voice booming through his room. "Boys! I think I like boys!"
Langa blinks and gapes at him. Was this supposed to be news to him? Was he supposed to act surprised? Was the fact that his boyfriend of over a month liked boys supposed to be some shocking revelation?
Langa knows that he has the habit of getting confused over trivial things, but this confession? Langa has no explanation for it. Part of him even wonders if he understood correctly, if the quick translations were right.
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"Because you're my best friend, dude. Obviously."
So much was fair, Langa supposes. Reki had never really come out to him, never really put a label on his sexuality, but Langa hadn't thought it very important. Lots of people don't put a strict label on themselves, just living as themselves. And Langa had considered Reki accepting his confession as enough of a confirmation that he wasn't straight. It didn't matter if his boyfriend identified as gay, bi, pan, or queer of some sort. All that really mattered was that he liked him and that they could continue going out on dates and coming home to movies and cuddles.
Langa pinches the bridge of his nose, inhaling sharply. He needs to do this right. He needs to say what Reki wants to hear.
"So, you like guys."
"Is that a problem?"
"Well, I mean-"
"Oh my god," Reki falls back onto his floor. His eyes are huge and... Langa isn't sure what that look means. "You're homophobic!"
Langa recoils at the word. Homophobic. Reki was calling him homophobic.
"I'm gay?"
Reki blinks at him. His eyes are still big, but confusion seems to haze them. He seems even more confused than Langa.
"Homosexual," Langa clarifies. "Not phobic."
"You're... gay?"
Why did Reki sound so surprised? Langa had made no effort in concealing how terribly gay he was. Did he think that Langa was-?
"What gave you the impression that I wasn't?"
The silence is almost unbearable as Reki pulls on the sleeves of his hoodie. The silence is unnatural in the usually loud house and Langa wants nothing more than to break it. So he does.
"Reki, Sunshine, Darling, most beautiful human being," he inhales again, both hands in his face before staring Reki in the face, "when I said I loved you, what do you think that meant?"
"I don't know? That you loved me as a friend? They do it in American shows, and Canada isn't that different from the US."
Langa sighs as he gets up. Defeated doesn't even begin to describe what he's feeling.
"That's it. I'm done here. I'm going home to go scream into my closet and possibly go stuff myself back into it."
"No!" Reki grabs Langa's ankles before he can walk away. "Don't go!"
Langa stares at him, the boy sprawled across his floor.
"I like you too?"
Langa stares at the grinning boy, his pretty face completely flushed as the words leave his lips. Langa stares until he's pursing his lips and sighing, shaking his head at Reki's antics. "You... are so lucky you're cute because you're extremely infuriating right now."
"But you love me!"
Langa plops back down onto the floor, Reki moving closer to him. "Unfortunately. So... we're dating for real this time, right?"
Reki grins as he cuddles closer, arms wrapping around Langa's middle as he rests his head on his shoulder. "Only if you agree to go out on a date with me this weekend. I'll make sure it's awesome!"
Langa chuckles as he buries his face in Reki's hair. "They always are, even when you're unaware that they're dates."
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to Not Kill a Ginger (High School Au!)
Part 5 to the series hehehe
Parts: 1 2 3 4
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s stomach stirs when you take care of him, and he’s not sure if it’s because of his major crush on you or just plain old diarrhea.
Warnings: Swearing. Graphic descriptions involving the true idiocy of teenage boys.
Words: Abt 2.6k
Note: Sorry I sort of half assed this. I have big ideas for the next part tho ✨😮‍💨
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If there's one thing you're sure of, it's that Teucer knows how to throw one hell of a tantrum.
Him and his brother, Anthon, under your watch, manage to get into a petty squabble that's been airing for the last fifteen minutes. You've done everything, from offering candy to promising an extra hour on the switch, but your efforts do not bear fruit.
What did you tell Childe again? Oh yeah, that babysitting kids was a breeze. Apparently it's not a breeze. Maybe something more like a shart. A chunky, messy one at that.
"Listen dude," You reason to Anthon, the oldest of the bunch gently. "Where did you hide his toy?"
Anthon sticks a tongue out at you, and you nearly cry at the intensity of the insult. "Not telling."
Your patience runs thin.
"C'mon Anthon," Tonia lectures from her chair on the table like the godsend she is. "Just give him his toy back. You're being so annoying." She's taking the words right out of your mouth.
"Not until he apologizes!" Anthon crosses his arms, huffing. "He ate my cheese string!"
"There are more cheese strings!" You exclaim, opening the fridge to prove your point. "I'm sure Teucer's sorry for taking yours. Just pick another one."
"But it's not the same! He took the last cheddar and mozzarella one, now there are only mozzarella ones left." He speaks in between Teucer's wails. You wonder if this is a daily occurrence.
Tonia sighs, gets up from her chair, and hands the eldest her cheese string. "Just take this and give him his toy back."
Almost immediately, Anthon reaches a hand behind the tv table and pulls out the miniature Mr. Cyclops, then throws it point blank at Teucer's feet.
Teucer wails louder.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, shoulders sagging under the stress of being a temporary teenage mother.
Then you take a deep breathe, voice booming over Teucer's cries, Anthon's grumbling, and the clicking of Tonia's tongue. "Let's make a cake!"
Everything in the room stills. Even Teucer's loud cries comes to a halt, and he inhales so sharply that the streak of snot over his lip goes right back into its origin.
You wince inadvertently.
"Poggers!" Anthon cheers, and his siblings join in, laughing and clapping in excitement.
Tonia's eyes widen in confusion when she briefly pauses from her rally. "Wait a minute. What are we celebrating? We can't bake a cake for no reason! It won't taste nearly as good."
Everyone stops to ponder.
Then you snap your fingers in realization, and the kids huddle around you. "How about a 'get well better' cake for your big brother?"
They erupt in cheers again, but you shush them gently, wink an eye for extra measure. "We have to be quiet! He won't get better if we wake him."
The three nod in understanding and begin shushing each other, failing to conceal their giggles.
As you watch them making their way into the kitchen, bounce in their steps, you can't stop the warm smile that reaches your eyes.
That smile soon becomes a frown of horror when Anthon cracks an egg over Tonia's head.
The cake is not half as bad as you thought it would be initially. Between mixing the ingredients and ceasing the kids minus Tonia from being menaces to society, you were able to find middle ground.
Eventually Anthon found interest in finding ways to lick the batter whenever you turned around, and Teucer found comfort in your left leg, latching onto it as if it were a life line.
Just like how Venti latches onto his stupid little bottle of wine disguised as a water bottle. Seriously, you’ve never talked to him sober, and at this point are afraid of what’s he’s like lucid.
Tonia had been the only one taking things seriously for the most part, except for the sprinkles-to-icing ratio. She drowned the entire cake in sprinkles, the mere sight adding on the ghost of an ache in your teeth.
It looks like twilight sparkles took a fat dump on it.
"Okay besties," You inwardly curse yourself for giving into Gen-Z vocabulary as you brush your hands on the apron. "I think we've done a pretty decent job."
"It looks so pretty!" Tonia grins widely, eyeing the edible pearls she strategically placed. She quickly strikes down a finger Anthon tried to poke into the icing, with the accuracy of a true warrior.
You shudder at the thought of Childe teaching her how to stab someone with safety scissors.
"Can we add candles?" Teucer asks, but Tonia clicks her tongue in distaste.
"It's not a birthday cake." She crosses her arms judgementally. The power in her glare reminds you of La Signora, strangely enough.
You ruffle his copper coloured locks anyways, and his grip on your thigh tightens. "We can add candles if you want Teucer."
He nods his head and snuggles deeper into the side of your leg. Your heart warms up considerably.
After the candles are poked in, you try to shrug him off. "C'mon dude, just for five minutes. You don't want me to drop the cake before your brother can get a bite do you?"
Reluctantly, he obliges, and runs off to help Tonia collect utensils to take up to Childe's room.
Anthon's on door duty, kicking away any toys that serve as obstacles in your way like a professional soccer player.
Once you four make it up the stairs in front of the designated room, Anthon doesn't bother knocking. He barges in like he owns the place, chin up high and a signature smirk on his face that he probably learnt from his older brother.
Childe fumbles awake, kicking the air whilst in shock by the chaotic sound of the door hitting the wall and Teucer screaming "Happy Birthday!" at the top of his miniature sized lungs as he runs in to plop right on top of his older brother.
His bewildered expression soon turns into something of a loving smile as he begins to process what is happening, eyes lighting up despite the deep bags that frame them.
Tonia places the plates on his side table, right next to the empty soup bowl you placed there earlier. She climbs up onto the bed as well to join in on the hug.
Anthon approaches at last, hands in his pockets as he coolly acknowledges his older brother. Instead of a bone-crushing hug like the other two are indulging in, his opts for a fist bump that Childe happily reciprocates.
Then finally, between the shield that are his siblings, his cerulean eyes land on your near the doorway, then trail down to the cake in your oven-mittened hands. He averts his gaze back to your own, and grins so wide his cheeks start to throb.
"Big brother! We made you cake." Teucer moves his head from his chest to face him. "So you can get better."
Childe's laughs ring in your ears, but you don't shy away from the sound. It's a pleasant, something that you wish to hear more of in the near future. Sure enough he laughs a lot at school, but the genuineness of it at home, surrounded by his siblings, stirs something deep within you.
"How thoughtful of you." He ruffles his hair, then his eyes widen as he ushers the two off of him. "You guys can't be near me! I don't want you to fall ill as well."
"But-but how will we feed you the cake without getting close to you?" Tonia frowns, and her two brothers nod in unison.
You chuckle lightly, approaching the bed with the cake in your hands. "I'm sure he has enough strength to feed himself. The hugs and kisses surely must've energized him."
To be honest, Childe's all green in the face and the last thing on his mind would be to indulge in the cake. You understand the feeling all to well. With his nose clogged up, throat all sore, there's no way he'll stomach it. It took a lot of nagging on your part to get him to finish the soup earlier as well.
He blows the candles anyways, clapping along his siblings and letting Tonia drop a fat chunk of the golden cake onto his plate. You find it endearing, regrettably so. His dedication to keeping their dreams is admirable in more ways than you can count.
This is the same guy that wears meme shirts to school, topped off with douchey sunglasses to give him a pristine vibe. The same guy that punches holes in walls like a Kyle. The very boy that flexes his toned biceps in-front of you during lunch time, successfully ruining your appetite.
"Wait a minute..." Childe inspects the cake closely, narrowing in on the candles. "Why is there an eleven?"
Teucer scratches his neck sheepishly. "Those were the only candles we had left."
After another short-lived laugh, Childe manages a bite as everyone stares in expectation, the sound of a tight crunch enveloping the room, making you grimace in secret. If Childe feels like puking out his guts right now, he's doing a hell of a job hiding it from his darling siblings.
You're glad nobody forces you to take a bite, or it would've been a double homicide right then and there.
Soon enough, one by one the children file out of the room, satisfied with their visit. The reality is that they don't want to miss an episode of backyardigans.
Once they leave, you approach him with a napkin. He gets the gist, spitting out the remnants of the cake you slaved over for about two hours.
"Colour me impressed." You snort, moving the cake aside so you can take a seat on the open space next to him. "How're you feeling?"
"Amazing." He exclaims, eyes red like a crackhead's, nose runny, with goosebumps kissing his pale skin. He sure does look...amazing.
"Cool." You say, abruptly getting up. "I'm gonna vibe with the kid—"
His hand shoots out from underneath the blanket, clammy palms wrapping around your wrist to keep you locked in place. You gulp in anticipation.
"You kissed me." Childe reminds you, eyes twinkling in mischief, a vicious grin plastered over his stupidly handsome face.
You try not to choke on your words. "You have circumstantial evidence at most." No attempts are utilized to pull away from him.
He raises a teasing brow, and you give in because the tension is thick. Thicker than the tension between Albedo and Kaeya when the latter shamelessly unzips his front to show more of his biddies. You have no idea why he hasn’t been dress coded yet.
"Fine." You snap out of your impure thoughts, and huff out, frustrated all over. "I kissed you on the cheek."
"Still a kiss though."
"Yes. Also, cute nails." He points out, hand moving down to grasp your fingers. The act is intimate, his caress gentle and caring. Despite his brash, violent personality, he shows you a completely different side to him that hatches butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks." You show off the bright jewels on your index. "You have a real nail technician in the house."
Tonia has some serious talent.
When he taps one of the jewels, you slap his hand away. "Careful there dude. These cost me a fortune."
His chuckles die down and he smiles again, but this time apologetically. "They didn't trouble you too much did they? I know they can be loud."
"I like loud." You answer him truthfully. "They're fun to be around. Not nearly as chaotic as you."
He blinks in mock offence, eyes narrowing shrewdly. "You come into my house, talk to my siblings, and have the nerve to insult me? Right after taking advantage of me?"
"If you don't shut up, I'll also have the nerve to rip you a new one." You reply dryly with the innocent curl of your lips.
You're about to lunge at him and scream a string of obscenities that no one has ever heard of before, but the Archons are listening and you don't want his siblings to grow up without someone to look up to. Wait a minute—scratch that. You'd be doing them a favour if you wiped his existence right here and now.
You have a fragile heart though. So you sigh, and grab a fistful of sheets in both hands instead.
Childe's grin turns into a petrified scowl.
"Oh no," He pleads, weakly fighting you back. "Have mercy! Please!"
You have loads of mercy. Just not enough for him.
When you have him wrapped in a successful bundle, Childe can’t help but beam, laying limp in his confines.
“What are you smiling about?” You inquire, pulling out the medicine from his box, pausing momentarily in shock. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you’re into these things you freak.” Head snaps up so fast you nearly suffer from whiplash.
He’s about to answer you but his words turn into a fit of shallow coughs.
“I’m into whatever you’re into.” Childe’s shrug is nonchalant. “Even if that means I have to be tied up. Kinky by the way.” He winks, and you roll your eyes, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you hold the spoon up. The dark reddish medicine swirls in deep hues.
“Shut up and open your mouth.”
“Girlie, I don’t think you understand how contradicting that statement is.”
You momentarily wonder if it’s too late to abort yourself.
Childe awakens at the crack ass of night, sweat slick, sticky all over, tousled hair sticking to his forehead. He’s a panting mess, eyes darting around the dark room, inhaling, exhaling, mind in a haze from the fever. Gaining somewhat of a grip on reality, he fumbles around to turn on his lamp, throat parched and in need of water.
When he manages to find the switch, he recoils at the brightness, adjusting to the sudden change in his vision. On his side table, there’s a bologna sandwich tucked safely in plastic wrap, a glass of room temperature water, and a bottle of painkillers.
His eyes disregard most of the things, finding interest in the bright pink sticky note next to the painkillers. Unable to ignore the dryness of his throat and the pounding of his head, he quickly gulps a pill down with most of the water, instantly feeling the relief of hydration.
Then, he pounces on the note, giddiness overtaking him despite the pang in his muscles, and the general feeling of absolute shit.
I had to leave. Don’t worry about your siblings, they’re all tucked in and fine. Except for Anthon maybe. Apparently he’s mildly lactose intolerant and thought it was a good idea to overdose on chocolate milk when I was busy with Teucer. Anyways, get better soon stupid.
— Y/N
He safely tucks the note under his pillow, edges of his lips turned upwards, warmth flooding his veins when he takes another look around his surroundings.
The room itself is cleaned, floor cleared from the initial clutter and the cool shiny collector’s knives he buys off of Amazon safely hung over the wall, not littered on his desk like they usually are.
The homework he was supposed do, but most likely wouldn’t, is already completed, stacked neatly atop each other.
Childe swears his heart bursts in his chest, exploding into tiny particles that overheat his entire body.
There’s no way in hell a few days worth of homework is gonna bring his failing mark up, but then again it’s the thought that counts.
While the sandwich is catered to his nausea, bland and plain for easy digestion, an easy fill, it’s the best meal he’s ever had in his life.
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quillsink · 2 years
Okay so if you’ve followed me for a bit you’ve probably heard about my OCs. I have a Lot of them but the main three whom I love with all my heart are James, Alan and Chris!! Putting this under cut because it is Long as hell. Please send me asks about them I love them so fucking much
Okay so James, Alan and Chris are a trio of friends! I created them in January 2021. James is the most developed character and my personal fav (don’t tell alan and chris shhhh) he was the first one to be created! Alan, his best friend, followed and then Chris. 
The trio are a group of low ranked soldiers in the Revolutionary War, all of the trio in their early twenties with Alan being the oldest at 25 and a half and James the youngest at 21/22/23 (haven’t decided his age yet rip). 
All three have very different personalities although they all look like your average dude and they all bond over a bunch of shit especially mental illness and being queer (totally not projecting here. nope not at all)
Anyways enough rambling time to introduce them!!
In this post I’ll be talking about James, I’ll talk about Alan and Chris in other posts!
James Evans
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Okay now time to actually introduce him to yall!
James is your average mentally ill white boy, you can find millions of them in high school classrooms across America. He was born to a poor family and his parents were okayish but he basically fucked off and did his own thing like jon clark and then proceeded to be traumatised because I can’t let my OCs have nice things!
James is cis, he uses he/him, is the sort of guy who’s like “i do not understand what trans people are in the slightest but if anyone misgenders you i will push them into a river,” and yeah he’s pretty cool!! He’s gay and I basically coped with my internalised homophobia by projecting it onto him so yeah that fucked him up Badly.
I basically like invented him because I needed a gay character for a fic and then realised I accidentally gave him like, character traits, and now here I am over a year later still obsessed with this white guy I made up
Anyways him being gay is pretty central to his character, it reallt contributed to the alienation he faced growing up and this whole sense of being different from everyone else, it also made him more withdrawn but it also made him stronger and helped him learn how to endure the unendurable and being gay led to him making some reallt strong connections with some of his closest friends.
He has depression and anxiety and is some form of neurodivergent, probably adhd but he has no clue what is going on Up There except that he is Different  and it fucked him up as a kid. He was bullied and teased a lot so he became reallt withdrawn and quite. He wasn’t like teacher’s pet gifted kid but he was decently smart and got through til tenth grade, then had to work to support his family.
Now, when he’s like 20ish, ✨ le amrev ✨ starts and this mf signs up to be a soldier because like idk why not. That’s his entire motto brosties hes literally just some guy. He wakes up and he does things and he’s gay and then he goes to sleep. That’s it that’s his life and that’s very sexy of him actually
Anyways he signs up for the army and so does our bestie Alan. Alan and James are very very different but they end up becoming besties and James being the gay idiot (affectionate) that he is ends up falling head over heals for this depressed mf and spends his days being gay for Alan! They’re very close friends and I haven’t decided when they met yet, childhood or teens or army but ah well
Anyways onto James’s personality! He is my sweet baby boy and I love him very much in case I have not made that clear! Anyways he is Anxious. A lot. All the time. And he’s a major people pleaser as well and he often puts others before himself to his detriment at times until alan is like motherfucker take care of yourself
James is also one of the victims of something I like to call the great depresso  and he’s had it since he was like twelve but he’s just like vibing at this point. Like yeah I hate my life and I want to (redacted) sometimes but idk life’s pretty neat. Depression is shitty for him and he can be pessimistic at times 
but at the end of the day he is an optimist and he always finds hope in *everything* to the point where alan is like brostie if you don’t stop being happy then you’ll cute mt depression and the one steady thing in my life will be gone and james is like well what about me and they have an awkward gay moment 
ALAN AND JAMES’ DYNAMIC THO >>>>> i love them sm it’s unreal i will literally just think about them. like just have thoughts about them. like literally.
I’ll talk abt that later after I introduce Alan’s character!
James and John are like, besties and I love their dynamic so fuxking much. I would kill to see the two of them interact like i fucking love them so much you don’t even understand.
Anyways James and my interpretation of John are very very similar. Both very withdrawn very quiet very repressed desperate for affection sensitive affected really badly by homophobia internal and external dont trust very easily. They bond instantly and there is something there and they don’t really know what it is bevause it’s like they’ve never met anyone else so similar to them before. They’re like brothers.
The two of them have a quiet understanding. They can wander the woods for hours and say barely a few words but they understand, one heart can speak to another if they are designed to fit together. They met and they....clicked. It took time for both of them to learn to trust the other and realise the other wouldn’t betray them and report them for being gay but soon they’re the closest of friends. And then John fucking dies 
Also like the dynamic between James and John is entirely platonic btw they don’t have any romantic feelings for each other, they’re like soulmates but platonic 
Also I cannot understate how much I love James and John silently wandering the woods together. The woods are very very important for James and Alan and to John too and James and John find a shared peace in this. They just wander the woods for hours on end John lying down with his eyes closed head resting on a log James staring up at the canopy watching the sunlight filter through asking John why God invented sunlight John saying because he needed a place to put love.
Wait that was oddly poetic 
Anyways James james james. James my sweet beloved boy. James james james anxious smiles hugging his best friend coming to terms with being gay nervously approaching people he thinks are cool laying in grass fields wooden cabins soft breezes James. James mt angel darling child. I would die for this man. *shakes you by the shoulders* DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
The Geraskier Hannah Montana AU of my dreams (I swear I'm not drunk, just sleep-deprived):
-Geralt is just an ordinary guy, he goes to college, has no clue how to style his (ginger) hair, struggles through his classes and hangs with his friends Yennefer and Triss. for some reason he wears sunglasses a lot - people figure it's to veil the constant circles under his eyes because has insomnia or whatever
-in some ways he's just like all his friends BUT on stage Geralt's a star
-he leads a dramatic and dangerous double life as a pop star where he wears a long-haired white wig and goes by some ridiculous name like Rolf McWolf (which rhymes better in German, trust me) his singing voice is amazing and his audience is mostly teens and young adults
-Rolf McWolf's crew: On the drums we have our boy Eskel. A jock, not into music at all, but because his sense for rhythm is spectacular, Vesemir guilt-tripped him into it. On the base guitar - Lamby. He does it out of obligation as well (and because he's in love with second guitar guy) but secretly he wants to be a rock star and waits for his time to shine. On guitar #1 Coën who is honestly just a chill dude. On guitar #2 Aiden who has no chill and might be a vampire (yes because he always sparkles and always makes disgusted faces at Lambert). And ofc, Vesemir on management.
-one day, Geralt's bestie Yen finds out about Rolf McWolf and demands to take over the management of his career/the band because let's be real, Vesemir has no clue what young people actually like. They start to ... cooperate and Yen gets her own badass secret identity by name of Lila Berry
-Yennefer and Triss have a madly complicated relationship with a lot of pining and jealousy (especially when Triss learns of Rolf McWolf) until one day they just click and from then on are disgustingly adorable and cute and stay together forever
-ENTER: Jaskier. Famous, pretty, talented, everyone's darling and the biggest drama queen at the same time (how does he manage it so effortlessly? we'll never know)
-Jaskier meets Geralt (not Rolf!) in the local library where he's hiding from fans and Geralt's trying to catch up on sleep
-Jsskier keeps insisting "Your voice sounds awfully familiar" but Geralt brushes it off with grunts anf they start dating tentatively and in secret
-it's a bit like they're in a movie, what with the cat and mouse play, especially when Jaskier and Rolf McWolf are set up to do a romantic duet together (ik!!!)
-There is no way Jaskier can't find out, right? Not when they spend hours in the same studio and Geralt only half-heartedly changes out of the wig for their date after the recording session
-Jaskier doesn't notice, he's too starstruck by Rolf McWolf and too heart-eyed for Geralt
-Geralt wants to keep his normal life as secret as possible, but Yen and Triss keep telling him that it's wrong to deceive Jaskier like this so when they have a cute netflix date, Geralt leaves for the bathroom and comes back in his wig. Jaskier screams, going "Rolf McWolf, omg, where did you come from?" He still doesn't understand. Geralt facepalms and pulls off the wig. -> "GERALT???"
-they probably have a lot of sex with the wig on because Jaskier's had a boner for Rolf McWolf for years now (honestly, who doesn't)
-Jaskier swears an oath of secrecy and Geralt gets to have the best of both worlds
-(For all those wondering: Aiden does bite and turn Lambert eventually, but it takes a few years and an unexpected pregnancy to finally convince him... that's for another AU to explore though)
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It’s The Avengers (03x13)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 13: That One Stranger
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: eep sorry
Word Count: last weekend was a blast!! My cousins, my brother’s best friend, all of us gathered and karaoked while drunk. Bro’s bestie even brought dad in for a song and two and broke a few glasses coz he was THAT drunk. Poor dude even apologised for that.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera was coloured in darkness when it heard a troubled and tired whine. It took a second or two to come out of someone's backpack- quite possibly Javier's- to record you nearly lying over a rhino-like alien with a dinosaur-like tail. Your eyes looked sad and frustrated, your limbs tired- hanging on either side of the slow creature carrying on its own pace. A scarf was thrown over your head that ended up covering your face, making the camera shift towards the tall figure of Loki walking beside the new transportation service. His figure- with the usual black jeans and equally black shirt- was covered in a cloak that protected him from the harsh rays of the neighbouring star. "They're gone. Stop whining," he ordered without even looking at you. "The only  breathing insane person you need is me."
Lulu, who was sitting over your back now, was enjoying the languid bumpy ride through the desert that was filled with little crowds around the oasis -found around every two kilometres- while his camera recorded Javier sitting on his rhino facing you guys. You pulled the scarf away from your face and pouted, letting your face rest in your palms. "But they are all so cute." A blink later you turned your eyes towards Loki and smirked. "OoooOoooh!-" you deepened your voice- "'The only breathing insane person you need is me'-" and then squirmed out loud- "you naughty-naughty. You teasing me. You naughty-naughty!" Loki turned to face you, his steps so in sync that he was right next to your face the whole time his eyes kept yours captured. "What exactly is it that made my words tease you, darling?" All the playful giggle vanished as soon as it had come. You felt your body straighten at that smirk running wild over his lips while Javier's camera caught the change in the shade of your face.
You: *annoyed* You have to be really careful how you go about joking around with Loki 'cause that son of a bitch can turn anything into something sexual. *looks at the camera* *feels a shiver go down your body*
Loki: It is *stresses* so easy to make Y/N uncomfortable. All I have to do is make her think I am thinking something impermissible and then sit back to watch her fumble. *chuckles* It's one of my many talents. *feels a confidence boost*
"You are so annoying sometimes," you muttered under your breath while scratching an itch on the back of your neck. "Sometimes I forget you get a high out of making people miserable." "Oh, no. The high is solely out of annoying you," Loki pointed out innocently. Grabbing one end of the scarf, you flipped it in the air to smack Loki's back with it. "You do not deserve any of the lava cakes I make in the future!" "Thank the Norns. They kept giving me the worst pains." "You sonova-" Another flick of your scarf was easily caught by the God to pull you towards him. You nearly fell on his chest if not for your hands landing on those pecs first.
You: *mouth opened in an 'o'* *blinks slowly* I think I grabbed his boobies. *purses lips* *thinks for a long moment* *camera pans in* *raises brows* those are some really hard boobies.
"What." Even when you were sitting on the rhino- who came to a standstill on its own at the moment, clearly sensing some heat in the moment- Loki did not have to bend his beck even a smidge to stare right into your soul. "What," you spat back a bit hesitantly, trying your best to fume, taking your hands away from his body to hide them somewhere before they were executed for their crimes. "You are being quite bold these days," he commented while wrapping the scarf around his hand, never letting his gaze falter. "I was always bold-" you shrugged- "especially when it came to anything that had to do with you." Loki chuckled. And licked his lips. The camera caught the one strong inhale you took in. "What did you expect would happen in the long run? That I would go all soft and mushy on you like those fangirls you have on earth? Stand outside your home and shout-" "Loki?" The voice wasn't yours. You could never carry that kind of sultry weight in your throat even if you wanted to. It felt like it had come with the wind. Or maybe an echo? It wasn't until you looked at Javier's camera that you looked behind you and found a woman dressed in red standing within inches of you, giving you a mini heart attack, leading to one great fall. Loki could have broken your fall if he wanted to but from the look in his eyes, he was stuck on the woman he was seeing standing a few feet away from him. Lulu's camera caught this woman perfectly. From every angle, she looked human. Her pale skin was akin to a glass moulded in the shape of a Goddess. Her thin lips were coloured a shade of purple. Her eyes a shade of blue that was darker than usual. They were less of an ocean and more of a pool hidden in the caverns that were bottomless and unexplorable. A red cloak covered her head- except for a few strands of silver hair- and the rest of her body. It was not hard to miss for the cameras recording a couple of things that happened in a little span of time; like the slipping of your scarf from Loki's hands, the rhinos excusing themselves from the scene, the nervous fluffing up of Lulu at the sight of this stranger, the sudden chill in the air in the middle of the desert making the animals- and you- shiver. On top of that, the piercing rays of the nearest star seemed to get dull by the second till the camera realised there were clouds gathering above them out of bloody nowhere.
"Is that really you? Loki...son of Odin...and son of Laufey?" "It's Freya," you whispered, internally correcting this stranger who was visibly making you quite uncomfortable. "It has been a while." She completely ignored you if she heard that. Her smile seemed to stretch from one ear to another at the sight of the God- who was evidently the only thing she wanted to see. "Aellae." It was not the name itself that produced the moment but the way it came out to make you turn towards Loki. 
You: *frown at the void* It was almost like he was recalling something he had...lost. Like that one book that you repeatedly read and then it just disappeared one day only for you to find out that you had yourself kept it in an ultimate secret place that you yourself forgot about. So, when you find it you feel guilty for facing it again. *breathless* *camera pans in* *looks at Javier* does this make sense? *blinks at Javier who is signing something* *frowns harder* What do you mean why it's gotten me all worked up? I mean *stutters and points in the distance*  *camera pans in Loki and Aellae standing in the distance looking at each other and not really talking much* W-who knows what's the history there. Like is she a friend or foe? Or a fr-o. *camera pans back on your face* *tsks* of course, this doesn't make sense. None of this does. *looks at the pair and crosses her arms* *fumes at no one in particular*
"I thought I-" "Lost me?" Aellae simply smiled. "You should know better than that. After all, it is me, my love." There was no hesitation in the movement of your eyes when you looked at Loki for an answer to that statement. If it wasn't for the brilliant observation of this talented boy named Javier, one would not have caught the slight movement of his eyes when he wanted to glance at you from his peripheral vision while taking in a lungful. "My love," you stressed that last word to make sure Loki understood the question scratching beneath the sarcasm. There was a slight roll of his eyes followed by him completely closing them for one elongated moment. "I have been waiting for this day," Aellae continued, making a part of you itch for completely ignoring your presence, "when I finally found you again." The tilt of her head and that hollow gaze that tried to be soft gave her an eerie touch. "And to think I was only living on your memories till now." Aellae took a step forward and stopped when she found the God taking the lead with this one. In this situation, the angle mattered a lot. Because from where Lulu stood- right on your shoulder- it looked as if this stranger had taken a step where could she step right where the distance between her and you two was the same.  From where Javier stood, his camera saw Loki step towards Aellae while completely blocking you from the boy's view. But what he did record was Loki bringing forward his hands for her. That hollowness in her eyes suddenly swirled into an ounce of mild ecstasy. when she put her hands in his and felt his thumbs rest on top of the back of her palms. "It has been one long while," he concluded, forcing Javier to walk- with quite the struggle- in the sand to pan in on this confusion fused with this piercing hint of disappointment on your face.
"I'm sorry," you sputtered, "come again?" "Title of your sex tape," he muttered under his breath. "Hm?" Aellae turned in question. "Nothing, my dearest," the God assured her before turning to answer your question. "I said you are on your own now. Look for a cavern at one of the oasis and they will drop you at a shelter. Hopefully." Your head did feel the just of surprise even though the last twenty seconds of their hand-holding had you all ready for a surprise. Words were being a stubborn bitch in your lungs- never escaping your mouth right this moment and all your could do was exhale and mock a burst of laughter at those words. "And then? And then what?" Your heated brain really could not think of anything else. Loki shrugged.
You: *shouting* THAT SON OF A BITCH SHRUGGED!!! *pointing at yourself* AT ME!!!
"I don't know. Look for a rainbow." Without another word, he turned back towards the woman. Just like that. The only sound was that of the wind running through the desert as you, Javier and Lulu watched Loki walk away with this strange creature. It took a minute for the little one figure out, for when he did, he pressed his stomach and stood up on your shoulder, his heart beating faster than it usually did. And when the realisation dawned on him, Lulu jumped to the ground to take a few steps in Loki's direction and yell for him to come back.
'Member the way You used to say I was your meaning? You'd always need me
You just stood there, dried lips parted, eyes shrinking under the gaze of the star, arms dangling with nearly no life in them. For a second there, Javier felt you were about to fall, for Lulu's camera caught the boy come to your side, ready for anything that was bound to happen.
Did you forget What that shit meant? You were my answer You were what mattered
But all you did was stand there with disappearing emotions just like those two disappeared with the last sand dune in front of you. With the last silhouette of Loki gone in sand, you closed your eyes, worrying your companions for that stretched moment. 
Lived at your place Know the way that I taste Yeah, you know things Yeah, you know things
"He knows," you whispered to yourself, your brows furrowing together, your fingers curling into fists.
I met your mom Even got us a dog That ain't nothing, oh
A piercing scream came out of your lungs making the little floof jump five feet into the air to land away from you while Javier's camera recorded his three-second jolts before falling straight down from his hands.
Say you know me Say you know me Say you know me, know Say you know me Say you know me Say you know me
"HE FUCKING KNOWS!!!!" Your voice was at the edge of a massive breakdown, shaking while your eyes blurred themselves in this uncontrollable rage. 
You always will
"That son of a bitch knows how bad it is for me alone in a strange land," you croaked, trying to kick some sand with your boots. Javier signed something from outside the frame to you. "Hey, you're not alone. I'm here too," Lulu's camera caught his words. You looked at him for five seconds. "You lost your socks while sleeping on your first day. You were wearing those bloody socks." Javier- clearly offended but also guilty- mocked a gasp as he took a few steps away from you. The soft strings of guitar added to the air around you looking in the distance where nothing could be seen now. No one. Sand for infinity and a few oases that did not lead to him.
Feet were dragged through the stubborn sand that let won't you walk straight. All the effort that was going into being angry was now running down towards your legs. But that did not stop you from fuming so hard that the camera could catch the difference in your features. 
See, I know What it is, what it is, what it is, babe
But as the camera panned over your face, it seemed more of a sullen sulk and less of that rage you had just shown. 
See, I know What it is, what it is
And were those tears in your eyes that you were trying to blink away? That you were trying to hide from Javier as much as possible?
Let me miss What it is, what it is, what it isn't Let me miss it Let me miss it
Giving up, you walked towards the first oasis in your way, populated generously by desert animals and a few nomads.  The tents seemed somewhat similar to those you found on earth except for the spherical air pockets surrounding them to keep them cool. One of the nomads was kind enough to open the doorway for you and bow down in their own way, making the rainbow stone in his necklace reflect the starlight right into your eyes as you entered the place. "Did some order a seven-spice rainbow with a generous dash of sexy on the side?" The light that has just left your eyes came back with a sweet gasp. "My White Knight!" you nearly choked on your own joy. .
The camera felt itself shake when the rainbow drink was kept on the table. Thanking White, you dragged the sparkly fizzy thing towards you to get a taste. "So-" White furrowed his brows licked his lips in a thought- "you're saying Loki did leave you but he did not leave you." You just nodded, your lips not ready to leave the straw. "Easy," White ordered with a serious face, receiving a pinch from Green and Orange sitting next to him without looking away from you. Both of them seemed to be caught in a sweet trance that was clearly you. And when you finally did leave the straw, the elated sigh of a content throat made both of them close their eyes and smile. "Oh, God! This is so goooood," you exclaimed as no voice came out of you. "Y/N," your White Knight called out to you, "focus." You set the drink down and straighten yourself. "Yes, sir," you whispered. "Not that much of focus," he muttered while clearing his throat, adjusting himself where he sat. Violet rolled his eyes and sighed. "What do you mean when you say he did not leave you?" You looked at Violet and put your hands on the table. "I mean that I don't think he went with that woman....goddess...witch...whatever...on his own. I think he was kinda kidnapped." All the boys- except Orange- shared a look with each other. Orange was just too engrossed in you at this point. "Are you sure he just didn't go on his own?" Green stressed. "He would be one dumb bitch to leave me alone like that," you nearly shouted before going for that unicorn juice again. "There must've been a reason." Orange nodded vigorously in agreement. "Very dumb bitch," he tsked. "Because he knows I will kill him if he did-" you sipped the cold fizz- "and if I didn't, our family definitely will." The camera panned in the emotion of slight disbelief White felt as his eyes remained hollow while that smile was still stuck on his face. It took him a few seconds to bring himself to mutter, "our...family," and scratch an itch on his neck. "So," you burped and excused yourself, "before anyone from my home flies here just to kill him, I am going to rescue him." "Whaaa-at?" Sky mutters from behind the bar counter. "Help you go after some strange and powerful witch that we have absolutely no idea about?" Javier's camera- which Javier had in his hand as he stood right behind Sky- recorded the endless stash of weapons and potions kept behind the bar right there within Sky's reach. The camera especially zoomed in on the one bundle of spears marked 'Witch skewers: Do not wash, Do not touch. Poisonous'. "And that too on such a short notice?" Sky faked a laugh.
Sky: *tired* Of course we know Loki's been kidnapped. White: *casually* Of course, we'll help Y/N. Violet: *stone face* I'm down to hunt some bad girls any day. White: *sighs* I really wish we could leave him with his kidnapper though. *pause* *everyone mumbles in agreement* *silence resumes around the table* Orange: *thinking while looking at the void* but that would make Y/N sad. *nods and pouts around the table* Red: Once we rescue him, let's kidnap Y/N. *hums of agreement around the table*
"Okay-" you place the empty glass on the table and get up to look around the table before looking into Javier's camera, "let's go save a God today."
130 notes · View notes
Brother's Best Friend | Peter Mendes
"Being in love with a close friend isn't always easy, but being in love with your brother's best friend can be a lot harder. So for Peter, the shy one of the triplets, to fall in love with Raul's bestie was almost a nightmare, but probably the sweetest one"
Hello, lovies, I know it hasn't been that long since the last time I posted something around here, but it feels like ages! Well, I wish I could say I'm finally back, but unfortunately things are getting really stressful and busy right now but I decided to write something just because I like doing it so much, and also, @sinceweremutual​ and @itrocksmysocks​ were talking about the triplets I couldn't not do it! So here's a bit of Peter, our soft guy and if you guys like this one I might write something similar for Raul. I'm gonna stop rambling now and just let you guys read, hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
*Word Count: 7.5k+
*Warnings: slight angst, anxiety and panic attack. And maybe a few curse words. 
*Posted: July 7th, 2020.
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To say Peter Mendes is a shy person is an understatement. He’s the youngest by a few minutes (not that Raul or Shawn mention it as a small difference) of the triplets, and while Shawn was into music and always on the road and Raul had that bad boy vibe that made everyone around him week on the knees for him, he was just the shy soft brother. Sure, he’s gotten better with age and around people that were constantly surrounding him, he still got nervous talking to a beautiful girl, but he could manage it nowadays. But, unfortunately, every rule has an exception, and Y/N was Peter’s.
She grew up with the guys, living just across the street and being only a year younger than them. She also went to the same school, which automatically made her a part of the trio. Y/N was the kind of girl that Peter likes to think that would be everybody’s “type”, and she could easily fit into anybody’s life in any role she pleases. She’s chill and funny, always up to do anything, but also caring and loving, and he swears he’s never seen anybody more beautiful than her. And the fact that she can be really touchy and cuddly with them since they grew up together always drove him mad.
But when she was a bit older, she and Raul became almost inseparable, they had the same interests and were always going out with friends and to parties. Peter hates to admits this to himself, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. He feels guilty of feeling like this when his brother and Y/N didn’t know how he felt and when they weren’t anything but friends, even though everyone used to say they would be a power couple. What bothered him is that, deep down, he knew no one would ever see them as a power couple cause she was just too much for him, and he wasn’t enough for her.
So, to keep himself sane and preserve the lovely relationship they shared, when he was around fifteen he decided he was going to shove down his little crush on her deep down on his chest. And everything was going on smoothly. Well, that until Shawn and Raul dragged him to a small gathering of friends, promising he was going to have the time of his life, but he didn’t. He was barely enjoying himself, mostly cause Y/N had a guy all over her, when they decided to play some games. So they sat down in a circle and Y/N decided to join, and sat down beside Peter, and as they started truth or dare, someone asked him who was the best kiss he’s ever received and he mumbled he couldn’t answer it cause he never kissed anyone. And he swear, he would never forget what followed after.
Everyone was a bit awkward after that answer, until Y/N leaned forward and grabbed the bottle, making it spin and dared a random dude to take off his shirt. And then everyone forgot about Peter, which he was actually very grateful. He was too embarrassed about being nearly eighteen and had never kissed someone. So he mumbled something about getting a drink and found his way to the porch, to breath a bit. He sat down at the steps that led to the backyard and he clearly remember feeling a bit weird for being there alone and having not the nicest thoughts about himself swimming on his mind, that until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.
“Pete, can I sit here with you?” Y/N’s sweet voice made him look up at her, and he nodded without saying a single word, being too afraid to not being able to talk at all.
So she simply sat down beside him and offered him her cup, he silently took it and brought it to his lips, noticing it was only a glass of water and he smiled internally. She doesn’t drink soda. She pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder and stared at the distance, just sitting there silently with him, and he was very grateful about it. She was just perfect and it seemed like she read him like a book. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he held his palm up for her to interlace their fingers, which she did, and they just stood there for a while on a comfortable silence.
“You should go back inside” was all he mumbled after a while.
“I’m not leaning you”
“But what about Brad?”
“Brad’s not my person, you are, and I feel like you could use some company” she said and Peter just hummed not knowing what to say, but Y/N did, she always did “why are you so upset, angel?”
“‘M not”
“Peter Mendes, I know you since we’re three, don’t lie to me, you know I don’t like it” she playfully scolded him and he chuckled.
“It’s just... I’m almost 18 and I never kissed anyone”
“I feel left out, most people done it already and I’m just here, and it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just... girls don’t want me”
“That’s just bullshit, of course girls want you, come on, you’re so damn handsome, angel” she said squeezing his hand softly, with her chin resting on his shoulder to look up at him, but he just could never hold her gaze, not while having this conversation “and you are so damn sweet, you’re everything a girl wants”
“I just wish I could get over it, I don’t know, just kiss someone and boom, done” and with that she giggled “great, now not even you’ll take me seriously”
“No, no, I take you very seriously, it was just cute, you’re cute”
“‘M not cute” Peter grumbled feeling his face heating up and Y/N swear her heart fluttered at that.
“Yes, you are, now look at me” she demanded, but still using her soft tone, that he likes to think she saves it just for him “come on, babe”
The pet name was new and that was what made him turn to face her and mumble a soft “what?”
“You want to get this over with?” she asked and he nodded, so she smiled softly at him “then let me kiss you”
“What?! I-“
“It’s okay if you don’t want it” she said with a calm expression and her soft smile still on her face, but her heart was beating wildly “just thought that if it’s something that bothers you so much maybe I could help”
“I want it, I do” he said way to fast, making him blush and Y/N giggle softly “It’s just- I don’t know what to do”
“You do, you just don’t know that yet, it’s not rocket science, don’t overthink it” she said leaning in a bit and he held up his breath, starting to take off his glasses but she cupped his face stoping his movements and looking at her with doe eyes, she just sighed and mumbled softly “keep this on for me, baby” before pressing her lips to his softly.
It wasn’t a scandalous kiss or anything, but it was the best kiss he’s ever received on his entire life. She just pressed their lips together firmly but in a sweet way and it still made his lips tingle whenever he remembered that Y/N gave him his first kiss.
After that it was harder to push his feelings down, specially when she fell asleep with her head on his lap, holding one of his hands as the other played with her roses smelling hair. But he did his best, being pretty efficient with it, only Raul noticing it many years later when he literally felt like crying when Y/N went to meet her boyfriend’s family, the first time she ever had a very serious relationship to the point where she met the guy’s parents. Shawn suspected but never had the guts to ask, afraid he would only upset Peter, but Raul did, since they lived together and she was always around them, making it harder for him to hide his love for her.
But what mattered to him is that she was clueless about his feelings for her, which was all he ever wanted, for their friendship to not be ruined. He rather have her as his friend than nothing at all. And he loved being her friend, being able to cuddle with her on his couch and even sometimes in bed, even if it was just a platonic thin. Holding her to his chest till she fell asleep to his steady heartbeat and soft caresses.
That’s why, when he was having almost a mental breakdown and over stressing himself over a test he had the other day and he heard her voice alongside with Raul’s coming from the front door he felt his heart calming down a bit. Her presence making him feel better almost instantaneously even being on another room. He heard her heels clicking against the floor as she got closer to the rooms, and Raul mumbling something that he couldn’t quite get that made her giggle softly. He then heard a soft knock and saw Raul poking his head through the door to see if he was awake or busy.
“Hey, Peter, just wanted to check on you and let you know that Y/N’s here, how are you?”
“I’m fine, just studying, is she going to crash here?”
“Yeah, I thought it was too late to send her home, rather have her here safe and sound” Raul said and Peter nodded.
Even though Raul had a hard exterior, he was a real softie inside, specially towards his family and Y/N.
“You’re right, is she there with you?”
“Yeah, she’s afraid you’re going to kick her out”
“I’d never do that to her”
“Told ya, darling” Raul said turning to what Peter imagines to be her on the hallway “I’m gonna head to bed, kay? You know you’re way around the house, I’d stay up with you, but I’m dead tired, hun”
“It’s okay, Raul, thank you, I’m just going to say hi to Pete and head to bed” he heard she speaking softly.
“Okay, goodnight” Raul said before turning his head back inside Peter’s room “goodnight, champ, try to sleep a bit and Y/N wants to say hi”
“Goodnight, Raul” was all Peter said before his brother left and his best friend peaked in “hi there”
“Hi, I know you’re busy, so I won’t take too much of your time, just wanted to say hi”
“It’s okay, come in” he said and he saw her tiptoeing inside, careful to shut the door softly.
She walked straight to him, pushing the book on his lap to the side, so she could sit there and not destroy his notes, wrapping her arms around his neck and breathing him in “I missed you a bit”
“Yeah?” he asked wrapping his arms around her, trying so hard to keep his tone steady “missed you too, angel, college’s been a bit too hard on you, eh?”
“Yeah, on you too, but you’re too good for this, and God, why are you so comfy, Peter? I could literally just spend my night in here” she said nuzzling her face on his neck.
There was nothing new here. She was always very touchy, specially with Peter since he corresponder her touches so nicely. But whenever they spend too many days apart from each other, they both get very clingy, the difference is that Peter’s still worried sick about his test and it’s still too shy around her to take the initiative. Although he never complains when she’s being a bit too needy, he just enjoys her presence.
“I promise you as soon as I finish my last test tomorrow, we can watch as many movies and cuddle as much as you want”
“Sounds perfect” she mumbled before leaning down to take of her heels and he couldn’t help but notice that the little black dress she was wearing had ridden higher than it should, and he has to look away “I’m going to leave you alone now, but don’t overwork yourself, I’m pretty sure you know more than the teacher himself, you’re my little genius? Aren’t you?”
Her question was pretty inocente, but it made Peter swallow down hard as he answered with a short “yes”
“Great, goodnight, angel” she smiled at him and pressed a light kiss to his cheek “see you in the morning” she got off his lap and grabbed her stuff as he replied softly.
But before she left, she looked back at him and to shoot him a little wink, closing the door behind herself as she shuffled to Shawn’s/ guest room.
Great, now he’s stressed and want to grab her gorgeous face and smash her lips with his.
Some time into the night, Y/N was restless cause she’s done her last test in the morning and slept all afternoon before Raul picked her up to go out with him for a few drinks. She was bored of looking through social media and rolling from side to side on the bed, and since she was comfortable enough with the guys to just go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water or maybe, if she was lucky, Peter baked muffins like he did every Friday and then steal one for her. So when she was about to head to the kitchen, she saw that Peter’s light was still on at 1AM she got worried and hesitantly walked to his room, wearing just his hoodie as a sleep atire. She knocked softly and there was no response, which almost made her take a step back and go mind her own business, until she heard a little sob.
That was all it took for her to softly open the door and slip in to check on the soft boy that was always on her mind and heart. He was laying on the floor, with his feet up the bed and an arm over his eyes, trying to hold back his sniffles and hiccups, and he didn’t even noticed her presence. She took in the way he was on the verge of a panic attack and the room was a mess. So she softly padded to him and kneeled beside him, which startled him and he sat right up trying to dry his face as best as he could.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby, I’m here now” she said cupping his face softly and he leaned in, pulling her right to his chest, trying to use her as a way to ground himself.
They don’t know how much time it took him to collect himself and breath again normally, still letting out a few hiccups and sniffles, but that didn’t stop her from cooing at him softly and scratch at his scalp just the way he liked. They stood there just holding onto each other in silence as he calmed down a bit more, until Peter was leaning away to face her. She started caressing his cheek softly.
“I’m sorry”
“Shh, don’t, it’s fine, you didn’t do anything wrong, baby, why don’t you go to your bathroom and take a warm shower, huh? I’ll make you some tea while you’re in there, okay?” Y/N asked searching his eyes and he nodded, sighing softly “good, baby, now go”
She got up and offered her hands to him, and he took it getting up, heading straight to the bathroom. Y/N ran around the room to put all his notes and books away neatly, getting his bed ready for him to lay and to be cozy. Then she went to the kitchen and made him a calming tea, when she got back, she heard him sobbing inside the bathroom and placed his tea on the first place she could, knocking on the bathroom door.
“Pete? It’s me, baby, open up for me” she tried as softly as she could, trying to hide her panic away as best as she could “please, baby, just want to hold you”
And then she heard a little click, which meant the door was now unlocked, and she just pushed it open as soon as she was able. He was sitting beside the door, looking completely lost and seeming to not being able to breath properly. So Y/N kneeled down again and cupped his face softly.
“Hey, Peter, it’s okay, everything’s fine, I’m here with you, baby, and I’m not leaving you again, okay?” she asked caressing his face softly and she believes she saw him nodding very subtly, his eyes wide “okay, breath with me, angel, yeah?” she offered exaggerating her motions on purpose, so he could follow it easily, and he did “that’s it, you’re doing so good, baby, so good for me”
They kept on with that for a while, until she saw him shivering from the cold tiles on the bathroom wall “you should go to bed” was he managed to say.
“Don’t worry about me, I wasn’t asleep anyway” she gave him a soft smile, placing a kiss on his forehead “let’s get you to change into something and go to bed, okay?”
She knew he showered for the amazing smell on his bathroom and the foggy mirror. So Y/N helped him stand on his own pace, giving him a boxer and sweatpants so he could change, turning around for some privacy, until she felt him leaning into her and tugging her closer. She coaxed him into drinking a bit of the tea to calm him down a bit and convinced him to lay down on his mattress, tucking him in.
“You should get back into bed”
“I’m not leaving you, Pete, do you want me to sleep here? I can bring the pillows and sleep on the floor to give you some spa-“
“No, sleep with me on the bed” he cut her off a lot more confident than he was before, but since he was still Peter, he added a soft ‘please’ in the end.
“Of course” she said before plopping down beside him as he pulled her to his chest.
They’ve been here before, through the whole thing. And she was always the best medicine to calm him down, it was just her soft touches and little encouragements that kept him going. He felt a little helpless for needing her so much and tears started prickling in his eyes all over again, but before he could go through the whole process again, she cupped his cheek and leaned in, their lips barely touching and he felt the air leaving his lungs for a very different reason. His gaze fell to her rosy lips as she kept on staring at his eyes to see if something changed on his mindset.
“I want to try something” it was barely above a whisper but he heard her clearly “I’ve read somewhere it helps to keep your mind a away and clear your thoughts so... can I kiss you, Pete?” she added softly and all he could do was nod.
She then brought her lips to his in a tender and sweet kiss, making their eyes flutter shut as she kept on rubbing soft circles on his cheek with her thumb. And it was just like his first kiss over again. Her soft lips pressing into his, butterflies having a wild party on his stomach, and fireworks everywhere, and suddenly, she was all he could think about and all he could sense, so he pushed his shy side a bit and brought her closer, kissing her more surely and more firmly. But after a short while, she pulled back for air, but not before placing a quick peck on his pouting lips.
“It works” was all he mumbled and she let out a soft giggle and he hummed in response, felling a bit airy.
“Good to know” she said pushing his curls back “I love you too much to see you hurting, baby”
“I love you too” was his response and she smiled at him as they fell into an easy conversation.
And he suddenly felt exhausted, letting out a long yawn and she gave him a knowing look.
“I know, I guess I should sleep”
“You do” she said playing with his wild curls “and so do I”
“Mhmm” was all he said “about-“
“Shh, we’ll talk in the morning, huh, after class” he noticed how she avoided the test thing and he was grateful, pressing a kiss to her forehead and laying on her chest as she kept on petting his hair.
“Goodnight, angel”
“Night, Peter” she answered and he blacked out, exhaustion due to the events taking over his body.
Waking up was a bit harder than usual, but still, easier than he expected. After last night’s events he was worried he wouldn’t be able to get up, but he did anyway. And he was still feeling a bit insecure, but somehow Y/N managed to get in his head and make him feel like maybe he was capable of doing this test. Speaking of Y/N, Peter felt incredibly warm waking up wrapped up in her, with her smell clouding his senses a bit and that was what made him get up a little bit more excited than usual. His lips still tingled from the simple kiss she gave him last night and he had a stupid grin plastered on his face
He carefully pealed himself from her grasp and managed to make her cuddle to his pillow instead, so he went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and came back with his mug as silently as he could to change. He thought he was doing pretty well when he was buttoning up his jeans, still shirtless when he heard a faint sigh, making him turn around immediately, only to find Y/N smiling sleepily at him wrapped in his blanket. She knuckled at her eyes and outstretched a hand for him to take, and he did it automatically, stepping closer to her like a magnet. She held his hand and place on the back of it a sweet kiss before lacing their fingers
“Just a good luck kiss” she mumbled with a heavy sleep voice and he couldn’t hold back a little chuckle.
“Thank you” Peter replied, sitting at the edge of the bed beside her, running his free hand through his hair, watching her eyes flutter shut “go back to sleep, angel, it’s too early and you’re free to sleep in”
“I will, I just wanted to say good morning first and wish you good luck”
And with that, Peter’s smile could light up the whole building as his heart swelled twice as big “well, good morning” he said leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead “I gotta go, but I’ll come back for lunch, okay?”
“Mhmm” she murmured as she wrapped her fingers on the necklace around his neck, holing him closer to her, pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth and looking up at him with big doe eyes “good luck, Pete”
He nodded at her, unable to form a proper sentence as his heart stammered on his chest. He got up and reached for his stuff to leave, but before he could, he heard Y/N calling for him with a little giggle, so he turned around looking at her, silently asking her what’s wrong.
“I know your hot, Pete, but I’d rather have this view all to myself, even though it’s selfish, but do you mind putting on a shirt before leaving?” she asked between little giggles and he blushed, grabbing the first hoodie he saw to throw over his head as he mumbled a quick “sorry” and leaving the room.
When he clicked the door closed, he heard her mumbling something and still giggling a bit, making a smile appear on his face as he left for the test.
Peter left the test with his chest finally feeling light, he felt happy and finally free from the stress that was consuming him. Eager to go back home and find his girl, even though she has no idea of it, still laying lazily on his bed or maybe cooking lunch with Raul, cause the dude couldn’t even boil water. He just wanted to kiss her face and thank her for calming him down for the night and the test, he was just so damn happy. He opened the door to his apartment, only to hear noises coming from the kitchen and music playing softly at the background. And he swear he’s not the type to eavesdrop, but when he hear Raul saying his name he couldn’t help it.
“So you kissed Peter? Out of nowhere?! Wasn’t that a bad idea? With the whole situation you got with him and feelings?” Raul asked and Peter started panicking, did she know he liked her? Or fell for her?!
“I mean, maybe” Peter could literally see her shrugging “but I-, he was just-, I was scared, okay? I’ve never seen him like that before! You would’ve done the same if you were on my shoes, hell, you were the one who told about kissing helps when you’re spiraling, you read the damn article!”
“I know, I just didn’t expect you to do it, specially with him!”
“Why wouldn’t I do it? Raul, seeing him like that broke me, I love Peter with my whole heart, I-, I just wanted to help him, that’s my job as his friend, and if kissing him helps, than I’d do it again”
“Sorry, I-, I just got worried this would make things weird” Raul sighed.
“Of course not, at least it didn’t seem like it did, he’s my best friend, Raul, there are no romantic feelings involved”
“Sure... Shawn’s coming home in a week”
“Oh that’s awesome, I miss him”
“Of course you do, you miss everyone but me”
“Oh, shut up, Raul”
And that was harder to listen than to have a knife in your heart. Peter couldn’t help dropping his backpack to the floor still a bit numb with the whole conversation. Which made Y/N come out of the kitchen, still in his hoodie, holding a pan.
“Oh, great, you’re home!” Y/N greeted him cheerfully and he just gave her a small smile.
“Is it Peter?” Raul called from the kitchen.
“Yeah” she came closer to him with a smile on her face “how was the test, Pete?”
It took him a while to respond, his heart feeling heavy “It was fine”
“Was it really? You seem a bit off” she said gently pressing a delicate hand to his forehead to check his temperature “are you feeling okay?”
“Hey, Peter, Shawn called to say he’s coming home for a few days” Raul finally came into view but quickly a frown formed on his face “what’s wrong? are you feeling sick?”
“I’m fine, guys” Peter said leaning away from Y/N’s hand and he saw a bit of hurt grace her features, but it quickly faded “just a bit tired, that’s all, the test went great, Y/N, thank you, I’m just going to lay down for a while, okay?”
He felt bad seeing a little pout forming on her lips, guilt almost, he didn’t have a good reason to push her away. It was not her fault he felt miserable, she didn’t lead him to anything, she was just being her caring and completely oblivious self. It wasn’t fair but Peter couldn’t help it.
“Okay, hmm we’re doing your favorite dish to cheer you up a bit, I’ll call you when it’s done, okay?” she asked taking a step back and he nodded.
“Thanks” was all he said before getting his stuff and going to his room.
He laid down on his bed, still smelling her perfume on his sheets, but decided to ignore and let the sleepiness that was already there take him to dreamland. He didn’t even noticed that time went by until he felt someone lightly shaking his shoulder and he opened his eyes, only to be met with his brother.
“Hey, Peter, lunch is ready”
“Oh sorry, didn’t notice I fell asleep”
“It’s okay, hmm-, are you really just tired?”
“Yeah, just tired”
“So there’s nothing to do with the fact that you listened to me and Y/N talking about yesterday?”
“How did you-?”
“I saw you standing there after a few seconds into the conversation, but she didn’t”
“Oh... yeah, sorry”
“It’s okay, but if it made you feel this miserable to push her away not so subtly to the point where she’s literally beating herself up for thinking she did something wrong, just maybe you should talk to her”
“And tell her what? That I love her? She would laugh at me”
“Oh, Peter, this is Y/N we’re talking about, she’d never laugh at you, she loves you endlessly, and when everything thought you were weird for never kissing anyone, she called out everyone for being ridiculous and ran after you and even kissed you”
“I know, it’s just hard”
“I know, but try talking to her, you’d be surprised”
“Let’s go eat, she really outdid herself, trying to impress you”
“Yeah, now come on, Peter” Raul said patting his shoulder and Peter was grateful, he know Raul’s not the most sensitive guy on the outside, but he’s thankful that he’s always trying his best to understand Peter’s pout of view.
They went to the kitchen, only to find the table set beautifully with a really amazing smelling pasta on the center. Y/N was just coming back with a bottle of whine and a few glasses.
“Oh, hi” she offered him her softest smile “are you feeling a bit better?”
“Yeah, thank you” was all he answered and she nodded.
They ate in a bit of an awkward silence, with Raul and Y/N sometimes trying to make conversation but Peter was just too much in his head, so they didn’t pressure him, instead, just keeping it quiet so he would have space. After lunch they took the stuff back to the kitchen and she started with the dishes as Peter helped her, but Raul had to leave to pick up his phone, leaving them both alone.
“I’m-, I think we need to talk” Peter sighed and she bit her lower lip nodding.
“Sure, I just have somethings to do cause I thought you would want some space, but I can come back as soon as I’m done”
“Oh, okay, is it like soon?”
“Ah bit, Brad’s in town and he called when you were asleep cause he needed someone to talk to, and I told him I’d be free after lunch”
“Oh, sorry, didn’t know you were close friends”
“We’re not that close” she answered finishing up washing as Peter dried.
“You used to be”
“Not really”
“Weren’t you two like a thing?”
“Kind of, nothing serious though, but that was back in high school”
“Didn’t know you still talked to him, that’s all, sorry”
“No need to apologize, I was a bit surprised, but apparently he just needs a friend right now”
“Yeah, he’s lucky to have you” he replied finally looking up at her and she just shrugged.
“I’ll come back soon, okay? Right now I need to go and change to meet him”
“Bye, Peter” she said walking away already ready to leave, and even though he wanted to ask her to stay, he wouldn’t be selfish, so he let her go one more time, and hopefully the last one.
Later that day, Raul left to meet up with some friends and Peter was losing hope that Y/N was actually going to come back to talk, it was almost 7PM when he heard a knock on the front door. He spent the whole day doing nothing, waiting for her so that they could talk and feeling a bit nervous, but when he opened the door he calmed down a bit. She had a backpack on her shoulder and was rocking sweatpants and a T-shirt. Peter let her in and she got in, so he took her stuff to his bedroom as she sat down on the living room waiting for him, with her shoes already beside the couch, she hated wearing them at home.
“How were things with Brad?”
“He’s better now, he got into a huge fight with his sister because of his girlfriend and he was a little lost on what to do” Y/N answered as they sat side to side awkwardly on the couch.
“Oh, family drama, I feel bad for him”
“Yeah, me too, but let’s forget about him, huh? How are you?”
“Me? I’m fine”
“Pete-, you didn’t seem fine and I’m really sorry about the kiss, maybe it was a bad timing and I shouldn’t have done it, I didn’t want thinks to get weird, I know we’re just friends, and I don’t know if it was it or something else that threw you off, I’m just so sorry, I hate when you’re mad or upset with me, and-“
“Hey hey, no, stop” Peter cut her off as he gently cupped her face “it’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong, you’re fantastic and helped me so much yesterday, I’m the one who shouldn’t have snapped at you for no reason, and I’m sorry”
“But I-“
“Not your fault, I’m not mad or upset at you, only at myself if I’m honest”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, one hundred percent”
“So we’re fine?”
“Perfectly fine”
“Oh, thank God” Y/N said throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for hug, which took him a bit by surprise, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist “I was so worried about you all day, couldn’t focus on anything else”
“I’m sorry” he mumbled into her hair.
“No, shush, it’s okay, want to order some pizza and watch a movie? I don’t have anything tomorrow, so I don’t have time to head home”
“Or you could just spend the night here”
“Again? Aren’t you tired of me yet?”
“That’ll never happen”
“I can be pretty annoying, Peter” she said letting go of him so sit back on her knees.
“That’s not true, you’re perfect”
“And you’re too sweet for your own good” she said bopping  his nose which made him chuckle.
“So that means you’ll stay?”
“Only if I pay for the pizza, is only fair”
“But you made lunch!”
“Raul helped me and it was with the stuff on your kitchen”
“Come on, let me make it up to you by buying you some pizza”
“Nope, you don’t have to make up to me, we’re fine, remember?”
“Yeah, fine”
“Good, now pick a movie” she said before grabbing her phone to order in.
Peter turned on the TV and Raul’s words kept swimming on his thoughts as he rummaged  through the options, choosing a particular romcom Y/N liked very much automatically. She then finished the order and locked her phone, hugging her legs close to her chest as she looked up at the tv, but he robotically held her ankle and placed her feet on his lap. And this is exactly why he ignored many opportunities they had throughout their years of friendship to tell her how much he loved her. He didn’t want this to change, this comfortable and familiar, almost domestic routine they had whenever they’re together. He’d rather never have her as anything other than a friend than losing her.
But something about Raul telling him to talk to her, encouraging him to profess his feelings set him off. Raul is never the one to tell someone to just talk feelings without a reason, he’d never directly tell someone how they should live their lives, that’s just Raul. He said it like this was going to be for the best, but Peter just didn’t see how this could be better than what they had. It didn’t make sense. So that’s why he was most likely going to let this opportunity sleep from his fingers one more time, but what he wasn’t counting on was Y/N, being the little observant thing she was noticing there was still something bothering him. So when she confronted him about it, it took him by surprise.
“Why are you lying to me?” she asked out of the blue, making him turn his face to her, only to notice she’d been staring at him the whole time.
“Peter, I know you like the back of my hand, what on earth is going on? You know you can tell me anything”
“I wish I could” he mumbled under his breath but she heard it nonetheless.
“No, no, no, you know you can, come on, it’s just me” she said pulling her feet away from his lap and kneeling beside him on the couch, sitting down on her knees “talk to me, Peter, what’s bothering you?”
And he had to close his eyes for a second and take a deep breath. She noticed he was struggling and placed her hand delicately on his shoulder, squeezing it softly, and starting to rub soothing circles.
“It’s just about what you were talking to Raul when I arrived”
“About Shawn? You know you don’t have to be jealous, I know he doesn’t like to share cuddles, but we can manage it, I didn’t know it bothered you that much”
“It’s not that, well, I didn’t see it that way, but now I do and it’s not great, don’t like to share your cuddles either”
“Then what is- oh!” he could literally see the puzzles fitting on her pretty little head “oh, God, I’m so sorry, I never meant it to be awkward, that’s why I never brought it up”
“So you knew all along?”
“Yeah, for years now”
“And you didn’t- you didn’t push me away?”
“Of course not, that would only hurt us even more, it was already a sensitive topic for me”
And with that he felt a bit better that if she didn’t push him away knowing it all the time, then she wouldn’t now. But at the same time it hurt, that she knew and acted normally, being her touchy self even though knowing he was in love with her. It was a soft way of rejecting him, and it could be worse, but still hurt.
“Yeah, I can understand why”
“Is that why you pushed me away? I know it was a bit to take in, but I didn’t want things to change” she said and he’s not sure he got it.
“Well yeah, it’s not nice hearing that”
“Oh” he could literally see the tears forming on Y/N’s eyes and he suddenly wanted to punch himself to make her sad.
“Shit, don’t cry, angel, it’s okay now, we’re okay, yeah?” he said cupping her face gently and catching the first tear before it could go very far “you’re not going to change our dynamics, we’re happy like this, right?”
“Mhmm” was all she mumbled between a few sobs, a way to hold back her urge to cry and if Peter was confused before, this was all getting worse.
“Why are you crying, hun? I’m the one who should be sad”
“How is that? I don’t get it, Pete, is it that bad that I’m in love with you?” she said it with a little whimper and his heart stopped. Literally stopped.
He just sat there with wide eyes as confusion mixtures with sadness on her eyes. She wrapped her fingers gently around his wrist and took his hands away from her face.
“I’m sorry for saying it out loud” she managed to get out “I think I should go” but before she could slip off the couch, Peter grabbed her hand “it’s okay, Peter, I’ll be fine”
“No, wait, you got it all wrong”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, you said it’s not nice hearing that I like you, so yeah, that hurts”
“What?! No! Baby, please let me explain, please” and even though she was hurting, she could never say no to him, so she just sighed and sat back down.
“Thank you” he said taking a deep breath “I was trying to tell you that I was feeling a bit down today because I heard your talk with Raul, and I’m sorry about that, I know that’s wrong, it’s just when I heard my name I couldn’t help it”
“It’s okay” she whispered trying to stop the tears from falling.
“No, it’s not, ‘cause it caused us all this mess and I made you cry ‘cause I can’t seem to simply tell you, for years now, that I’m so in love with you it hurts, and it was awful, hearing from you that you kissed me and that’s just because we’re friends”
“You what?!”
“I know, I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner”
“Oh no, Pete, you got it all wrong, I was trying to convince myself that we’re just friends, because I was so sure you didn’t like me like that” Y/N said rubbing her face with her palms to get the tears dried “we’re so damn stupid”
“I can’t believe you fell for me” Peter said trying to hold back a boyish grin from blossoming on his lips “you’re too good for me”
“Shut up, you’re perfect, it was hard not to fall for you” she said and Peter just pulled her into a tight hug “it was always you, Pete”
With that, he kept her tight in his arms as if he didn’t believe this was all real and that he wasn’t going to wake up from this dream. She didn’t seem to mind, not making any effort to pull away, just buried herself deeper in his embrace. But after a while, she pulled away just bit, cupping his face gently as his hands found home on her waist.
“What?” was Peter mumbled.
“Nothing, I- what’s going on on that pretty head of yours?” she gently asked, pushing his curls back softly only to start playing with them.
“I just can’t believe this is real and that this isn’t a dream”
“I hope it’s real, and if it’s a dream, I really don’t want to wake up” she answered and leaned her forehead on his.
Peter’s breath got caught on his throat, and before he could say a word, she leaned in completely pressing her lips to his tentatively making his mind go blank. But before she could pull back and completely regret her impulsive decision, one of his hands trailed up to the back of her neck to keep her head in place as he kissed her back. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, as if to make sure this was really happening. However, when he pulled her a bit closer and she let out a little whimper, they were both gone.
He swiped his tongue on her bottom lip and she quickly opened her mouth to him, automatically deepening the kiss and letting all those butterflies lose. And even thought this was more urgent, it was still Y/N’s Peter, só he was gentle and respectful all the time, hesitantly moving his hands and constantly looking for her consent in the subtlest gestures. Unfortunately they needed air, so they had to pull back eventually, but she kept mere inches apart, with their breaths mixing a bit and they both couldn’t help a huge smile appearing on their features.
“I guess this felt too real to be a part of my imagination” he said lowly as Y/N chuckled.
“Yeah, even though I have thought about our first kiss few too many times to be honest”
“Of course, I always had a crush on you”
“Even back then?!”
“Sure, kissing you just worsened it, I was crazy about you, Raul wanted to tape my mouth”
“Cause he couldn’t stand me just gushing about his baby bro and not acting on it”
“Yeah, he did the same to me for years”
“He’s a little shit”
“He really is... was I bad?”
“Back then, the kiss... was it bad?”
“Oh, Pete” Y/N giggled “of course not, if it was, I wouldn’t be dreaming about kissing you again, silly”
“You have?”
“Well, now you can... you know, it you wan-“ Peter was cut off by her lips colliding with his one more time, this time a bit more urgent and less innocent.
Well, to say Peter was finally happy was and understatement, he was over the moon.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Your annoying partner in crime, 🐣reporting for duty!
- Yes Luna!! I think Din wanted to honor his brother, Paz this way as it is also related to astrology,
- Also Big uncle paz as a godfather!!
- Luna and Andromeda bestie goals 😍,
- Jax sounds great as well, but what about Echo??,
- Maybe uncle Boba suggest that name 🤭,
- omg little Rex and Cody 😭,
- from the start they have a fixation on army related stuff, these little soldiers figurines, toy guns all that jazz,
- bothering uncle Paz about war stories,
- Cody and Rex wanting to join army when they grow up,
- Boba singing boys lullabies 😍,
- you jokingly saying that Boba should record an album( Guys stream Tem's songs on spotify!!!),
- omg movie theater at Boba's place,
- Boba has access to latest premiers,
- All family watching Star Wars!!,
- Paz hyping up Han Solo, and Boba being salty saying that this green space cowboy is way cooler lmfao,
- At this point, Din knows all Mando's lines by heart,
- All the kids love Ahsoka and Anakin,
- imagine the group mourning after watching latest season of CW and then ROTS 🥺,
- After having seen the movies so many times, Din still cannot undesrtand that Palps= Chancellor and Anakin=Vader,
- All kids wear costumes related to their fav characters,
- Rex and Cody dress upnas their favorite captain and commamder, Andromeda as Ahsoka, Grogu obviously as Baby Yoda,
- Little Luna in ewok onesie knitted by Paz 😍,
- Jax/Echo as Jar Jar (he likes the character because Din was babytalking to him in this mesa/yousa language ahh this himbo, bless his soul),
- Also watching Into the spiderverse is a must as well!,
- Everyone snuggling undere these huge, cozy blankets made by Paz 😍,
- Kids secretly feeding Fennec with popcorn,
- Din arguing with you that Anakin's point of view was kinda right and that the space wizards were in the wrong,
- Boba is the biggest hater of Bo-Katan lmfao,
- Also, everytime you insist on bringing more drinks and snacks Boba offers his help,
- Yeah, he totally drags you to your bedroom for a qucik wrestling session,
- Paz and You totally nail the love confession scene between Leia and Han,
Sorry this is not much for now. But I didn't want to leave you on read for so long, my darling. I promise I will come up with more headcanons! - 🐣
Welcome back! Now let's get to it!
First off, ECHO!!! Yes I love that
Paz would totally cry when Din asked him to be the godfather
Luna and Andromeda would totally be the best friends and are constantly taking turns staying at eachother's houses
Cody and Rex totally love to sit on Uncle Paz's lap as he tells them stories (pg ones of course)
Boba totally records an album of him singing so that you can listen to it when he is away on business
And because his singing is sometimes the only thing that will put the kids to sleep
Family movie nights!!!
The kids totally take turns picking movies
You and Paz totally quoting Han and Leia's lines to each other
Din is a himbo who likes that togruta is a type of food in Star Wars
All the kids all dressing up as their favorite characters when you have star wars nights
Boba totally ranting about Bo Katan and you just rolling your eyes
Boba totally trying to get handsy with you under your blanket
But also him going to the bathroom at the exact same time as you going to get snacks/drinks is TOTALLY not suspicious
Din can totally quote the fight scene dialog from ROTS
Din absolutely loves those terrible arcs from clone wars with Jar Jar
Both you and Din get in fights over the politics of Star Wars
Paz totally loves Spiderham, so you introduce him to John Mulaney
Now for some spiciness, because I need it
Imagine some dude coming up to you and flirting with you at a club when you go with Boba, and Boba gets jealous so he takes you to the vip area and rails you into the couch
Also buying some blue lingerie, and surprising Paz with it one night after he's already relaxing in bed
Or surprising Din with a weekend to yourselves as Andromeda sr. took the kids, and just spending the entire weekend in bed, minus clothing 😉😉
I will go to my corner now....
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