#mentioned abuela
jacarandaaaas · 6 months
I know it’s probably been said before but as an artist I can’t help but praise the character design of encanto
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Like look at this whole cast of characters who are all related to eachother and still so distinct! One of my all time favorite facts about this movie is that the family are color coordinated! I love that so much because not only does it make it easier for the audience to tell which character comes from what side of the family but it’s also visually appealing!
Also the fact everyone’s outfit contains symbolism relating to their gift!? genius. and mirabels skirt being her own personal scrapbook where you can see she has everyone’s symbol a clever way to display her genuine pride for her family! Isabelas dress being closer to almas magenta than the other members of julietas family emphasizing shes closer with alma and is seen as her successor! I especially love how after “what else can I do?” She changes her dress colour to a dark blue representing that she’s finally found herself and doesn’t want to be just almas clone! She feels more comfortable with her own family and shows it by representing their color!
Also let’s talk about how pepas family all wear warm hues as shown to be bright, fun and ultimately happy. Which makes a lot of sense considering how pepas gift requires her to be happy all the time to avoid “bad weather”. Her family also wear warm tones to possibly help her maintain this and also because compared to what we see in the movie pepas children have a little less pressure and are considered more fun to be around! Also the fact green and magenta are opposite colors on the color wheel and Bruno and alma have a strained relationship. genius.
I just want to appreciate the character design because I feel like it’s just so creative and has had so much thought and heart put into it <3
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twilight-zoned-out · 1 month
Agustin looks at Bruno’s vision tablet for Mirabel for 4 seconds and immediately reacts the same way Bruno did even though it’s been a decade.
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Eddie's abuela has a secret just like Pepa did.
In an interview either before season 7 began or shortly thereafter, RG mentioned Eddie's abuela has a secret and it appears when she returns, she'll share that secret with him. Even though I'm not sure what it is, I have an idea that it could be related to his next relationship (with Buck, not Maris*l) because I remembered what Tia Pepa told him in 6x14. She had a secret too and it was about her first marriage.
Eddie didn't know she had been married before and when they discussed it, she told him the marriage she had before "Paco" was a "train wreck".
Well... guess who else's first marriage was a "train wreck"?
Eddie's because his first marriage to Shannon was also a "train wreck".
IMO, their conversation was foreshadowing for his next marriage with BUCK, not Maris*l.
Here's my mini season 7 speculation for Eddie...
Isabel will tell Eddie something he didn't know about her love life either prior to her marrying his abuelo or something that happened after his abuelo died.
Everyone has their own opinions and speculations but IMO, even though the narrative has been all over the place this season, it's still there and it's still in play. Therefore, if Eddie were to double down on his relationship with Maris*l and propose to her, like some people believe he will (I DON'T), it doesn't make any narrative sense because he would be doing the SAME THING BUCK'S DOING and making the same mistakes. Buck jumped headfirst into a relationship with someone just because he kissed him (hello it's the same thing Taylor did) and he's done it in the past with previous LIs, however the only difference is he's repeating those same steps with a man this time but it will end the same way his other relationships did.
If Eddie were to propose to Maris*l, it'll be another wash, rinse and repeat just like he did with Shannon. So, unless TM is like KR and he wants to drag BUDDIE CANON out even longer (I mean it's been 6 years and the delays need to end) then, Eddie's next step will be to enter a romantic relationship with Buck and they'll get married.
Reminder, in 7x1, Buck was the one who said Shannon was the first WOMAN Eddie had sex with. Therefore, if the narrative and foreshadowing continue, it's likely, Buck will be the first MAN Eddie has sex with.
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zeribip · 9 months
Ok I’m full on Blue Beetle hype rn because I’ve never felt so seen in a superhero movie, the family interaction was literally flawless:
• The family withholding important information from Jaime because they didn’t want him to worry
• General distrust of the police
• Literally el tío chairo and his inventions being made out of necessity
• Siblings being passive aggressive in a way of showing affection/worry because we’re not taught how to be vulnerable
• Abuela giving Jaime a blessing
• The family being daring and playful
• Jaime feeling like it’s his responsibility to support his whole family and give them a better life (this one literally made me cry)
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treasure-goblin · 2 months
Ya know, my Abuelo used to stick gum in the hair of women who were rude or mean to my Abuela, and he never got caught because the only one who would see was his brother, who never snitched.
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Encantober 2023 Day 16: Grief
The end of January was always a hard time of the year for Julieta and Agustin. January twenty-sixth was the original due date for the child they were supposed to have when Luisa was two years old. Julieta and Agustin were so excited that they were having another child together, but their lives would come crashing down that spring. She got several tests done at the hospital and it was confirmed that she miscarried.
The months after the announcement were the most devastating months for Julieta and Agustin. They saw the door disappear slowly before getting a confirmation from the doctor, which made them anxious. That was when they went to the hospital to get the confirmation. The entire family grieved the loss of their potential new child, sibling, cousin, grandchild, and nibling, but Julieta carrying the child made her the most traumatized.
Now, every year on January twenty-sixth, the Madrigal family hosts a private memorial service to remember the life the child could have had with them. Alma would tell the story of the would-be Madrigal to Mirabel, Camilo, and Antonio and have a yearly candle ceremony by the lake. While they also celebrated the life the child could have had, Julieta and Agustin could not get themselves to even try to celebrate their child’s potential life.
When the child’s would-have-been eighteenth birthday approached, Alma decided to hold a ceremony at Casita and have Julieta make a cake for them. As much as she did not want to, she agreed anyway because they would still be an important part of the family, and it would have been her child, after all.
While she was baking the cake, Mirabel came into the kitchen to see her mother clearly upset while baking. She could not help but walk in to see her mother crying and see how she was doing.
“Hola, mami; I couldn’t help but notice you still crying while baking. Are you still upset about the miscarriage?”
“Si, Mirabel; I really hope you never have to deal with this when you get to my age. It’s one of the most devastating things any mother could go through. That’s why we always say how you were our miracle baby, because we didn’t think we would be able to have any more children after that.”
Mirabel sat at the kitchen island while Julieta continued gathering ingredients. “I hope you don’t mind, mami, but could you tell me about your pregnancy a little bit? I know it didn’t last long, but I wanted to know how it felt.”
Julieta signaled Mirabel to come near her. “I was so excited about having a third child. Your tia was visibly upset and jealous since she was trying so hard to conceive and knowing I was able to do so twice after her made her visibly upset. But she still supported me and was just as upset when I announced the miscarriage.”
Mirabel hugged her mother once she told that part of the story. She wanted to learn more about the older sibling she could have had, but she also knew there was not much information to be revealed since her pregnancy did not last very long.
“You also have no idea how excited your papi and I were when I was pregnant with you two years later. It was also why I got so emotional when you were born. It also made me worried because of the last pregnancy. So I was kind of overprotective of you when you were born. I didn’t even let your tia Pepa or tio Bruno hold you for a couple weeks because I was too scared of losing you.”
Mirabel began helping her mother with the cake by taking out some flour and sugar from the cabinet. “Do you remember how you felt after the miscarriage was announced?”
“It was the most devastating news your papa and I got. We went to the hospital that day because we saw the door fade and we needed to do some tests at the hospital to see if we didn’t miscarry. Once we did the test, they diagnosed the miscarriage and that was when we and the rest of the family got the news.”
Julieta put a bowl on the counter and Mirabel started to scoop flour into it. Julieta got the milk and the butter from the refrigerator and put it on the counter. “Do you still sometimes wonder what kind of gift they would have had if they were born?”
“We sometimes do; we wonder a lot of things about the child if we ended up having them. Like, what their interests would have been, or which one of the adults they would have been the most attached to. Bruno liked to joke about how they would have been the most attached to him just to tease me, since Isabela was the most attached to you abuela and Luisa was the most attached to your papi.”
Julieta took two cups of water and put it in the bowl of flour. Isabela and Luisa came into the kitchen to see their mother and sister working on the cake. “Hola, Mami and Mirabel, we just wanted to see how the cake was doing,” Isabela mentioned.
“The cake is getting done. I just needed to give Mami some motivation to make it,” Mirabel replied.
“What’s been going on?” Luisa asked.
“I’ve just been thinking about the child I would have had, like I always do when we have these ceremonies,” Julieta explained.
“Mami, I know that this is the hardest day of the year for you and papi, and you’re not wrong for still grieving for their potential life. But you still understand why Abuela holds these ceremonies every year, right?” Isabela explained.
“Si, because the life they would have had would still be special and to teach us that even the potential life is precious.”
Julieta’s daughters hugged her excitedly once she mentioned the reason. “So you still understand the meaning of these ceremonies,” Mirabel mentioned.
“And besides, you still have three amazing daughters that fill your life with joy everyday,” said Isabela.
“And you still call Mirabel your miracle baby and express how grateful you are that she’s here, alive, and healthy,” Luisa added.
Julieta hugged her daughters back. “Do you want to help me with the cake? Mirabel offered and we would need this done in a couple hours.”
“Si, mami, we would love to,” Luisa replied.
The cool-colored sisters gathered more ingredients for the cake and helped Julieta finish making the cake. They put it in the oven after gathering the ingredients and helping Julieta mix them in the batter. After a half hour, Julieta took the cake out of the oven and Mirabel got the icing out of the refrigerator, and all three girls iced the cake. Each daughter then decided to be in charge of one decorating process for the cake and it was done within another half hour. The four women looked at the cake in awe to see how great it looked.
“I’m sure it’s going to taste as great as it looks,” Mirabel pointed out.
“And it’s all because I got my three amazing daughters to help me out,” Julieta added.
Alma came into the kitchen to see her elder daughter and her three cool-colored granddaughters finishing up with the cake.
“Is the cake almost finished? You have been in here for several hours,” Alma pointed out.
“Lo siento, mama, I was just thinking about the grief this miscarriage has given me and was telling Mirabel about my pregnancy at the time. I understand that I’ve been dreading this day every year for eighteen years, and I’m still going to in the future, but I’m starting to find some more positives on this day too,” Julieta explained.
Alma smiled and gave Julieta a hug. “I knew you would one day see the good in these ceremonies. You know that we celebrate all the Madrigals in this house, even the ones we lost and never got a chance at life.”
“I understand now, mama. And now, even Mirabel understands too.”
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menace-behaviour · 2 years
It's here. The highly requested fic from this post .
Let me know what you think :)
The Husbandification of Evan Buckley - Part 1
- 1678 words-
5 times they were called husbands, 1 time they were husbands.
Eddie Diaz is an intelligent man. A bit slow, sometimes, when it comes to feelings, but he did spend his whole life, until very recently, repressing those troublesome feelings so he gets a pass on this one. Evan Buckley is also an intelligent man. However, Buck prefers to experience his feelings as quickly as possible; imagine a golden retriever on a skateboard hurtling towards heartbreak.
Neither of these men are stupid, but they are a bit dumb, sometimes.
1. Isabel “Abuela” Diaz
Isabel Diaz is very proud of her favorite grandson, for many reasons. When Eddie moved to Los Angeles with Christopher, she was worried as any grandparent would be, but it did not stop her pride from growing.
Many things happened between then and now, and Isabel has never been prouder of her Edmundo, even if she wasn’t invited to his and Buck’s wedding. She understands, of course, but it would have been nice to know about it.
A truck pulls into the driveway and the dulcet tones of an 11-year-old, and a set of crutches meet Isabel at the door.
She opens the door to the smiling face of Christopher Diaz, who is too adorable for his own good, and he knows it.
“Good morning, Bisabuela,” Christopher greets as Isabel hugs him. The reminder that she is a great-grandmother is already forgiven and forgotten by the time Eddie makes his way to the front door.
“Morning, Abuela,” says Eddie as he kisses his grandmother’s cheek. He looks exhausted, but 24 hours of firefighting would do that, Isabel supposes.
After situating Christopher with his homework at Isabel’s dining table, Eddie prepares to leave to get some sleep. He has registered very few words, if any, this morning but he registers a real gem from his Abuela.
“You should bring your husband with you when you pick Christopher up. I want to show him how to make pozole,” Abuela states, as if that is a completely normal sentence. Eddie thought he had been careful in not making his relationship with Buck obvious, but Abuela knows, apparently.
Another detail clicks for Eddie.
“The same pozole recipe you refuse to give to my mother?” Eddie questions. Isabel lifts her chin to look at her grandson and raises her brow, in challenge.
“Your husband can cook. Your mother cannot,” Isabel reasons. The use of the word ‘husband’ finally registers with Eddie, so now he has to deal with that.
“Buck and I aren’t married, Abuela,” Eddie sighs.
“Oh? Then how did you know I was talking about your Buck when I didn’t say his name, hm? Don’t lie to me again, or I’ll tell your husband,” Isabel challenges.
As said before, Eddie is an intelligent man, and he knows when he has lost. Eddie hugs his Abuela and makes an exit before he digs himself into a bigger hole.
2. Tyler-Kennedy “TK” Strand
So maybe TK made some assumptions. Some very wrong assumptions. In TK’s defense, he wasn’t aware of the context.
The context being that Buck was obviously married to Eddie and, based on the sight of a pair of red Converse sneakers much too small for either of them on the floor in Buck’s Jeep, they had a kid, too. Buck was, definitely, not hitting on him in Texas. TK has decided to leave the detective work to his fiancé.
Oh, yes. Haven’t you heard? One wedding, coming right up. That is partly why Carlos and TK are in LA, to begin with. Other than to catch up with the wildfire squad, obviously.
Their first stop was always going to be Station 118 for a reunion, meeting some new faces and sharing their engagement. What they didn’t expect was a child, looking a lot like Eddie, to also be there.
Well, one mystery is solved then, even if TK is still very much confused.
“Buck!”, the kid calls, happily, from a couch to the right of the stairs, a pair of red crutches next to him.
“Christopher!”, Buck responds and takes the last three stairs in one bound to hurry over. “These are my friends from Texas, TK and Carlos,” Buck introduces from where he is now seated next to Christopher. Christopher uses this opportunity to do some of his own detective work.
“Are you married?” Christopher asks.
“Not yet,” Carlos avoids.
“So, you’re engaged?” Christopher pushes lightly, in a way only children can.
“Buckley, how is your kid so smart?” TK redirects. Buck grins widely while looking at Christopher.
“That’s all Eddie, playing Clue against them is a nightmare,” Buck says, mock-exhaustively.
“I can imagine. Where is your husband, by the way? Is he on shift today?” TK asks. Buck blinks for a second before preparing to respond. He is interrupted by the return of Truck and Ambulance 118 and an enthusiastic reunion.
3. Judson “Judd” Ryder
Judd is on the brink of insanity. He loves TK like a brother but, by God, if he must spend one more minute on Google trying to find this one specific brand of wine, that is only bottled and sold in Los Angeles, for his and Carlos’ wedding, Judd’s brain will stop responding.
Judd does something he probably should have started with. He calls Hollywood.
Eddie answers his call with a slightly confused greeting. Judd understands the feeling.
“Hey, Diaz. I need to talk to your husband.” Judd is beyond politeness, at this point, but its Diaz, so he’s not worried.
“He’s not my husband, Judd,” Eddie says, purposefully leaving out an acknowledgement of the engagement ring on his finger.
“And whose fault is that, Hollywood? Not mine, that’s for sure. Now pass the phone one foot to your left, I know he’s standing there,” Judd accuses.
Eddie decides Judd doesn’t need to know he was right.
“It’s for you,” Eddie hands his phone to Buck. For the record, Buck was standing in front of him.
4. Adriana & Sophia Diaz
It is a sister’s civic duty to bully her brother. Especially when one of your sisters is just minding her business on Instagram and her brother posts a story. To be honest, Sophia didn’t even think Eddie knew how to do that.
Her assumption was confirmed just as quickly as it was challenged when the story turned out to be a photo of her brother sleeping. The photo itself is not particularly interesting, if not for the gold ring on Eddie’s finger.
Sophia likes to think she knows her brother well, and part of knowing her brother is knowing that he has only ever worn two pieces of jewellery; his silver wedding ring and the St. Christopher’s medal around his neck.
Sophia has decided to take this opportunity to collect reinforcements (read also: Adriana) and ambush her brother over Facetime. What else are sisters for?
“Um, hi,” answered a familiar face, but still not Eddie. Huh, funny. Sophia was pretty sure she called Eddie’s phone.
“Hello, Buck. What a coincidence, we had a question you can help us with actually,” Sophia began. Buck looked confused but Sophia knows it’s a sham.
“Yeah, what’s up with the ring on Eddie’s finger?” Adriana asks, with determination. Buck’s wide eyes and slightly open mouth are very quickly replaced with Eddie’s ‘It’s none of your business’ face.
“What do you want? Did you run out of gossip in all of Texas?” asked Eddie fondly, but exasperated. To be fair, he probably should have expected this at some point.
“Hey, Eddie. We were just calling to find out who put that ring on your finger, but your husband already answered that,” Sophia explained brightly. Eddie rolls his eyes, but his protest ended there.
“The invitations are in the mail; we’ll see you out here in April,” Eddie says before hanging up.
Adriana & Sophia: 159
Eddie: 0 1
5. Robert “Bobby” Nash
For a long time, Bobby thought he would never see the weddings of his children. What he failed to consider was the adoptability of one (1) Evan Buckley.
And so, here Bobby stands in the doorway of his office, trying not to cry. The firehouse is ready for a wedding and Buck needs help with his tie. At least this part is familiar.
“Need a hand?” Bobby offers. Buck turns around quickly, as if he had forgotten he wasn’t alone and smiles appreciatively at Bobby. “Maddie said you needed some help, and she was a little busy wrangling Jee-Yun into some shoes,” he clarifies. A familiar scene plays out then; Bobby standing behind Buck to fix his tie, and Buck realizing again that real family are the ones that would help you with a tie (or throwing a wedding in a firehouse).
“There we go. Perfect. Are you ready to see your husband?” Bobby asks as he finishes with Buck’s tie. Buck rolls his eyes, as if he hates the ‘dad-ness’ of the question.
“He’s not my husband yet,” Buck replies.
“As soon as you walk out that door and turn left, we can fix that,” Bobby counters.
+ 1
“9-1-1. What is your emergency?”
“Hi, yeah, I think I’m in labor?”
The 118 arrive to a small suburban duplex to find a very pregnant woman pacing the sidewalk. It takes some convincing before she agrees to stop pacing, then some more convincing to sit down. Hen and Chimney decide it would be best to transport her to the hospital, just to be safe. In this time, Buck and Eddie have readied the gurney when the woman notices their uniforms. More specifically, their surname patches, both reading “DIAZ”.
“You don’t really look like a ‘Diaz’,” she wonders aloud at Buck. Buck doesn’t take offense at this, the woman is in labor, above all, and he looks like he could become invisible in a snowstorm, he gets it.
“That would be because I took my husband’s last name,” Buck explained, gesturing vaguely at Eddie, both smiling gently. Her gaze shifts to Eddie, then she turns her attention back to Buck.
“Damn, that’s your husband?” she asks Buck, looking impressed when she receives a nod. “Is he single?”
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themoonshoes · 7 months
oh and FELIZ DIA DE MUERTOS 💛🧡💛🧡💛🧡
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
Part of a larger fic, but can stand on its own and I wanted to share it:
Luisa & Alma
The burning in her chest and the warmth in her cheeks made Luisa feel like she was melting, in the best way possible.
Like an ice cube on a hot sunny day.
It was a Friday afternoon and the sky was clear and the birds were singing and she was sitting by a lake with her Abuela, both of them dangling their feet in the water.
They were both high as hell.
It was… an experience for sure for the girl.
Luisa had never even smoked before a few months ago and now she was sitting here with her actual Abuela sharing a joint.
If she thought too long about why she was getting high with her grandmother, Luisa’s chest would start to ache and she would burst into tears again the way she had when they’d first asked her to do this.
Abuela was getting older. It was a fact they all knew.
She was also getting weaker.
And things that used to come easy to her now brought her pain.
They could see it in every step she took, how she was slowing down.
So she coped how she could, and when Mamá’s food stopped helping her, Abuela turned to more natural substances, provided by Isabela.
She was relying on it more now.
But their grandmother also didn’t like to be the only person with her senses impaired, so she often asked the other adult Madrigals to join her.
When none of her children or suegros were available, she had turned to Isabela and Dolores.
Who had then wrapped in Luisa once it became clear she actually enjoyed the partaking of smoke sessions, and wasn’t just attempting and finding it not for herself, or doing so because she felt like she should.
So now here Luisa was.
High with her Abuela.
Abuela offered her the last of the joint and she took it.
As she blew out smoke, her grandmother started speaking.
“My Luisita. I see so much of your mother in you.” When Luisa turned, Abuela was surveying her with affection. She reached out with a shaking hand and patted Luisa on the cheek.
“So strong. So smart and insightful.” Abuela casts her face down, filled with shame.
“So willing to give up yourself for others.” Abuela looks back up at Luisa. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you for so long.”
It’s the first time Luisa has actually gotten a personal apology from her Abuela since everything has happened.
Abuela of course loosened the reigns and things are better now and Luisa has gotten some apologies, but they've been generic or to the family as a whole.
She appreciates this even if it makes her chest ache because well, she thinks Abuela might be trying to cover her bases as she gets weaker and Luisa hates it, because she’s longed for this apology, this remorse, but she also hates how its coming. Hates what she’s now fearing as each day passes.
She's not sure what they'll do when the day comes.
She prays it's not soon.
The apology is a lot.
Tears are immediately in Luisa’s eyes.
Abuela uses her thumb to stroke Luisa’s cheek and wipe away the first tears that fall.
“Abuela I—“
Abuela just shakes her head.
“No, no need to say anything. Unless you want to yell at me maybe.” She shakes her head again. “I don’t deserve forgiveness easily. I almost ruined us.” That last parts slips out as a whisper, but Luisa hears it.
She scoops her grandmother into her arms, which causes Abuela to let out a stunned cry before she relaxes into the embrace.
“Te quiero Abuela.” Luisa lets out through her tears.
She doesn’t forgive her grandmother for what she’s done in the past, but Luisa is more than willing to move forward. She doesn’t want to hold on to bitterness.
Luisa can feel Abuela stroking her back as she starts to hum.
It sparks a memory of when she was five years old and had just gotten her gift.
She’d dropped a brick on her own foot and was inconsolable over it, even though the physical pain was gone in an instant thanks to her madre.
Abuela had taken her into her room and they’d sat in her fancy rocking chair and she’d held Luisa tight to her chest and sang until her tears slowed.
Right now it makes more tears come to her eyes, even as Luisa holds her grandmother tighter.
She wants to cherish this.
Who knows how much longer she can?
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mylifeisweirdok · 7 months
Y'all there's a Mexican restaurant in my town in a building that used to be an old bank. They turned it into a drive thru and never have I been so thankful I would get on my hands n knees for whoever thought of a drive thru Mexican place
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My rewriting of headcanon for la familia Moreno
Missy, Anita and Marcus Moreno love cats and kittens as well and they're not allergic to them. They also still love dogs and puppies and they're especially fond of chihuahuas. They love rabbits, bunnies, dolphins, orcas, penguins, pandas and red pandas too. They even love elephants, tigers and monkeys.
They love caesar salad with bacon, caesar salad with turkey bacon chicken caesar salad with bacon and chicken caesar salad with turkey bacon.
Their favourite flowers are peonies, tulips, roses(Including red, pink and blue ones), pink carnations, deep red carnations and sunflower.
They love gardening flowers, drawing, painting, reading, swimming, cooking and even baking(Though Marcus still can be distracted like his introduction scene in WCBH.).
They still believe in Santa Claus and they're very proud of it.
For disclaimer, I don't own the Morenos and We Can Be Heroes.
The headcanon and the concept of it (c) @yourstrulylovely52(Me)
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Prosthetics
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Decay Isabela’s Amputations were to the tops of her arm in both situations s which were helpful for when the protheses design came to attachment. With the organic system in place, Tek used that a main support but also surgically reconstructed both shoulders with the new sockets around the old as the protheses needed a firm attachment to the body. The sockets were permeant graphed to her body but the protheses themselves were removable.
The shoulder, clavicle and shoulder blade had a metal mesh installed into the bones to strengthen the body and durability but also didn’t effect blood flow. This also allowed for the technology to tap into her nervous system, to allow her to ‘feel’ more with the false limbs.
Phantom pain is the major factor of difficulties with such nervous taps, as the brain felt like the organic limbs were still there. Decay accepted treatment to help stem the sensations; it felt like her fingers were on fire constantly. 
Decay does have combat Protheses but chooses the less durable ones for comfort as she’s not as active in the way of fighting; with a preference for medical aid and overview but has taken combat training to not allow anyone to take advantage of her disability. Training for anyone with protheses is mandatory; to function with and without the new limbs. It aids for faster adjustment for most.  Decay found it incredibly hard to finish the training.
The protheses does allow for increased strength but lacks the same sensitivity her flesh arms had.
Decay’s arms are a huge factor for channelling her gift, while able to channel through most of her body and even her hair, her arms were important and the loss of the arms was a huge emotional toll that Decay found it hard to use her gift following the loss of her other arm. 
Any attempts to use her gift with protheses often lead to damaging them before Tek Felix was able to talk to Watcher Alma to see about installing a magical touch to the technology to make it smooth for her gift without her blooming anything inside them.
When the magical touches were made; they worked a treat. 
Decay has been trained by Tek and Pariah on protheses care and did find a fascination with engineering; something she added to her studies when not on active duty in the watcher AU; curious to see how to meld both her gift and technology; if it was possible. 
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bailey-dreamfoot · 2 years
So, I accidentally wrote a Mini Essay on Encanto
It basically talks about why I don’t like Abuela’s character because of the way I interpreted the ending/ emotional climax, as well as We Don’t Talk About Bruno.
Spoilers obviously, as well as TW for mentions/ themes of abuse/ abusive behavior.
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Ok, so I really only had 2 problems with Encanto. The first one was how they seemed to justify Abuela’s abusive behavior. To me, other than Generational Trauma, this movie is also very much about abusive relationships as they relate to family, and as someone who has delt with abusive family relationships before, it just rubs me the wrong way. During the whole emotional reconciliation bit between Mirabel and Abuela, Mirabel says that she just wanted to help, and “Be something I’m not” (What Abuela wanted her to be). Abuela apologizes for her emotional outburst, saying oh your not the reason the family is broken, I am. Then Mirabel reflects this, saying Abuela had to deal with trauma, and she’s the reason the family is a family at all, praising her for keeping it together and being strong.
To me, this very much comes off as Abuela guilt tripping or otherwise manipulating Mirabel into empathizing with her. One of the reasons I don’t think this is genuine, is Mirabel seems to ignore some of Abuela’s actions in favor of this interpretation, and because of how fast Mirabel changed her mind. When Mirabel tells Abuela how she’s feeling, Abuela apologizes for her actions, and then just goes on to make it about herself. Doing that whole “this is all my fault” line. Which is where Mirabel basically says “oh no its not you fault.” Mirabel literally took a 180 here. 5 minutes ago, before the casita fell down, she was literally screaming at Abuela saying “you are ruining this family.” Now, after Abuela agrees, she entirely switches her stance because she looks sad. To me this is like, textbook guilt tripping, and this is the main reason I dont like Abuela’s as a character. I understand the message they were trying to send. “People who have had bad things happen to them, sometimes also do bad things, and it isn’t always malicious.” But the message I got from it is, “You should feel bad for holding people responsible for their actions. They only did that because they have trauma.” Maybe that perception is a result of my altered perspective, I don’t know.
The other thing I didn’t really like, is Abuela never directly apologized to Bruno for basically isolating him to the point he felt like he had to HIDE IN THE WALLS OF THE HOUSE because no one welcomed him for having “the wrong gift.” Sure, she apologized for being to strict, to the family as a whole, but not for the extreme effect it had on him. To me, this really could’ve just been fixed with a “I’m sorry for isolating you” directed specifically at Bruno, on top of the whole, sorry for being too strict, thing. It makes it worse when Abuela said Bruno never cared about the family. From everyone’s perspective, he left. That’s why they say he didn’t care. But they also seemed to forget they were all the direct reason for him doing so. They literally had an entire MUSICAL NUMBER detailing how he’s villainous and only ever caused problems for the family, and even the mere MENTION of him or his name is frowned upon. Then they turned around and said “what a bitch, can’t imagine why he left us behind,” when talking to Mirabel. Then at the end when they find out he’s alive, and ok, they act all happy to see him like they weren’t just singing about how much they hated him 30 minutes ago. Sure, We Don’t Talk About Bruno is a bop, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re litteraly shitting on him, and doing so with a cheery tone and casual demeanor. For all they know, he could be dead and they’re doing this. Idk man, just kinda angers me.
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Anyway, thats basically the extent of my thoughts on Abuela and some of the larger themes in Encanto. Despite my increasingly frustrated tone, I still think the movie as a whole is great, and I enjoyed it. For the most part this interpretation doesn’t really change much, since the things supporting it are so subtle, and could really just be ignored. I just thought it was interesting. :]
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regina-cordium · 9 months
Okay but did usnavi intend to bring sonny with him to the DR?????? Because all but ONE of the lyrics where he talks abt it do Not mention sonny
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bluesidez · 2 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 6
content warning: fluff!, mentions of alcohol, uses of Spanish (if wrong, PLEASE correct me), boy-mom tendencies coming from Conchata, judging coming once again from Conchata (she means well, I promise. it just takes her a while to get there), mentions/pics of food, some PDA, it gets a little suggestive so MINORS BEWARE, Tyler + Nancy + Kron are all white for those who don’t know, Miggy still looks like ATSV Mig though, this is probably the LAST time that sorority party is mentioned, some body insecurity, Kron is a moron + freak, some violence at the end
word count: 8.5k, kinda proofread (no comment 😒 just buckle up)
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GymRat!Miguel who hopes his package makes it to you in time for New Year's. He hates that he can't just come and see you. He wanted to be with you as the clock struck 12, he always wanted to have a New Year's kiss with someone, but it felt a little silly to drop everything a drive to you. January was soon, which meant that the new semester started soon. He wasn't one to count down the days until school started, but if it meant he could be physically near you again, he would mark off the days in bright red on every calendar in the house.
GymRat!Miguel who records himself counting down with his rambunctious family in his grandma's backyard. His baby cousins are jumping up and down, throwing Pop-Its on the ground just giggling away. His aunts and uncles are yelling loudly. His mom and dad are huddled up together, his dad kissing his mom's cheeks as she laughs. George is a little drunk so he's feeling a bit more brave than usual. Gabriel and Dana are sitting in a corner, lighting sparklers to pass out to his relatives.
GymRat!Miguel who sends the video to you as soon as he can. You were probably busy with your own family so he didn't expect you to reply right away. He watched the fireworks that his uncle set off. A little dangerous with the trees being so close, but amazing nonetheless. His mom and dad gave him a group hug, then started dancing and singing loudly to Selena. He didn't even look to his Gabriel who he knew was kissing Dana's face off. He really missed you.
GymRat!Miguel who confessed everything to his Abuela as soon as she opened her mouth to say "¿Qué pasa, mi nietecito?"
He sat at the end of the table next to her, sniffling away as he rambled about everything that had happened the past semester. The late nights, the early mornings, his roommate that didn't dry off in the shower sometimes, his failed party, his missed alarms, group projects, and most importantly you.
He told her how much he missed you and how silly he felt. She rubbed his hands and reminded him that love has no bounds. She jokes about all the times she stayed with his abuelo after the stupid things he's done.
Who proposes without a ring?
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at his Abuela's stories of her younger love life. They trade stories back and forth, his stories mostly of you because you're his first true girlfriend. His Abuela listens with glee, happy to see her Miguelito so joyful. She warns him not to be like his abuelo in terms of common sense, but to be like him when it comes to how much love he has to give.
GymRat!Miguel who is eager to show her a picture of you. She is the second family member to see you outside of Gabriel, as she is one of the family members that he is closest to.
She was the one he cried to when the truth of his parent's past life unfolded. She was the one he went to when his mom berated him for the smallest things. She was the one he went to when he felt that he was competing to be seen, but he didn't want Gabriel to notice his pain. She was his everything.
He opens his growing folder full of pictures of you and scrolls to one of you during one of your library dates. You're looking up at him with the cutest smile on your face. Your glasses are falling a little bit and there's a half eaten granola bar in your hand. You were studying for an art history exam and complaining about the influx of European artists over every other continent. He had told an art joke he found on the back of a laffy taffy.
"What did the art thief say to the museum curator?" he said, getting his camera ready.
"What?" you ask, highlighting a passage.
"Give me all your Monet," he said, a snicker following.
You turn to him quickly with a giggle, "That's so silly."
"It made you laugh, though," he said, snapping a picture.
You were really sweet that day. Looked sweet, smelled sweet, and even your kisses tasted like strawberries.
His Abuela took the phone in her hands, pulling her glasses down to look at you.
A smile grows on her face as she sighs, "¡Muy hermosa!"
Miguel's heart soars. He is glad that she sees what he sees.
Of course, she wants to see you. She compliments you profusely, praising Miguel for finding such a beautiful girl. Miguel promises to bring you by one day, happy to be the bridge that connects to women who bring him such joy.
GymRat!Miguel whose bubble bursts when his mom comes up from behind, asking what he and his Abuela are talking about. He quickly brings his phone back to his chest and looks up at his mom.
“Uh, we were just talking about school,” Miguel answers.
“What are you hiding, mijo?” Conchata asks, raising her eyebrows as she tilts her head. There was a warning tone in her voice, daring him to lie.
“You’re always fussing at him! It’s New Year's, Conchata, let him relax,” his Abuela sighed.
“Ma! He is hiding something,” she says, voice getting sharper. “He’s been strange ever since he got home. What is it? Háblame.”
Miguel just let the air go from his lungs.
“We were talking about my girlfriend. I was just showing Abuela some pictures,” Miguel said, tone quiet as ever.
“That’s it? Well, can I see them?”
Miguel hesitated, not knowing how his mom would react. She could be a bit of what people described as a “boy-mom.” Despite all of the years of her nitpicking and nagging him, she still had her moments where she thought others were too good for him.
Miguel hesitantly showed her the same picture. She quickly yanked the phone and looked intensely, pinching the screen in and out.
Then she started scrolling. It would have been fine, but there were still some of the scanned Christmas photos of you that he didn’t move to his locked folder yet.
“Hey!” he said, jumping up to grab his phone. He quickly uses his height to his advantage and gets it back in his hands while his mom tried her best to keep scrolling. He looks at the photo she stopped on, one more swipe and she would see what was only meant for him. “Seriously, Ma?”
“I just wanted to see,” she said, straightening her blouse. “She’s- nice.”
Her tone was nonchalant, sarcastic.
“Nice? That’s it?” Miguel ask with his mouth turned up.
“Sí. What does she study?”
“Hm,” she says. “I guess you’ll be the breadwinner. If it goes that far.”
“Ma, please don’t start this,” Miguel says, feeling a headache coming on. “I already told you that this was a new relationship. One that has lasted this long for me. And there are plenty of jobs you can get with an art major!”
Conchata made a face as to say ‘really?’ with her arms folded.
Miguel looked to his Abuela with an exasperated look in his eyes.
“They are hard to get, but the world cannot move without art or love,” his Abuela says, taking Miguel’s hand in both of hers.
“Love?!” Conchata just about shouts.
Miguel just groans.
GymRat!Miguel who stomps over and yanks up Gabriel by his shirt, disconnecting him from Dana, and dragging him inside.
“Gabri. A dinner party? Really?!” Miguel huffs out, irritation high in his voice.
“Where’s ‘Hi. Hello! How are you?’ No ‘Happy New Year’s Eve, Gabriel. My darling baby brother who I love!’ Just using your sheer strength against me. Removing me from the safe arms of my girlfriend. Just rude,” Gabriel turns his nose up and folds his arms.
“You running your mouth is all the answer I need,” Miguel says as he flicks Gabriel on the head. He yelps out a cartoonish ‘yeowch!’ “Why did mom just tell me about a dinner set up to meet my girlfriend?”
“Um! Well, you see, things happen when you’re enjoying a lovely ski resort!”
Miguel just geared his hand up for another flick.
“And!” Gabriel says, leaning back with his hands up. “Sometimes little brothers have to cover up for their big brothers when they almost punch the shit out of their half brothers!”
“So you tell them to throw a dinner?”
“No! That’s not even how I roll. All I said was that you were probably talking to her. Blame Nancy. And Tyler. And ma! Once Nancy suggested it, ma was ready to tag along. She’s been trying to stick her nose into your life for years.”
Miguel’s shoulders just slumped.
He pulled Gabriel in for a hug, “Sorry Gabri. I should have just asked you. She was just being really weird about the whole thing.”
“It’s ok, nobody knows your heart like me. But, do you really think it’ll be that bad?”
Miguel pondered that question.
“Hopefully not. I won’t let it get awful. She doesn’t deserve that,” Miguel says.
“Let’s look at the bright side. Tyler likes her. Dad likes her. Nancy’s opinion doesn’t really matter, but she likes anything Tyler likes. Kron is an idiot. And I definitely like her.”
Miguel clicks his teeth.
“Oh don’t make that face, Miguel. You know you love me!” he says and puckers at Miguel’s face.
“Ew, get away from me. You were just slobbering all over Dana,” Miguel says as he pushes Gabriel away and turns to go to his designated room.
“You’re so mean!”
GymRat!Miguel who answers within seconds when you call as he sits on the bed.
“Happy New Year!” you sing out, dragging the ‘year’ in a cute melody.
“Happy New Year, baby,” he says, smiling at your cuteness.
“I got your package!” you say, fighting with the phone to stay straight. You finally get it steady and start backing up. “It’s so comfy! The chest part is a little snug, though. Nothing too crazy.”
You stand in the middle of the camera. Miguel had delivered a bunch of his old sweaters to you after you mentioned wanting to snuggle during one of your FaceTimes.
He did everything to make sure they smelled like him. He used a specific detergent. He sprayed them in his cologne. He even wore them each for a set amount of time.
The one you were wearing was merchandise from when Gabriel decided he wanted to play basketball. You turned around and Miguel was met with ‘O’Hara’ printed across the back and your cute little shorts.
“Do you like it?” Miguel asked, internally freaking out. You’re wearing his clothes and his name.
“I love it!” you say, grabbing the phone and climbing onto your bed. “They smell like you too. I feel nice and warm.”
You brought the neck of the shirt up over your nose, eyes smiling at the screen. You were going to be the death of him. He’s become jealous over cotton and wool.
“Can I see it one more time?” Miguel asked, eyes heavy as he sat back against the headboard.
You popped up from your cocoon of his sweater and bit your lip, “Is this riling you up, Miguel?”
“More than you know. How could it not? My girl is wearing my clothes,” Miguel replied earnestly.
He heard you let out a soft noise, embarrassed as you stretched the phone out.
“Yeah, I’m really loving this,” Miguel said, voice lower.
You brought the phone back to your heated face, still not used to that type of response from Miguel.
“Don’t hide from me, cariño,” Miguel said, watching as you fanned your face. “Let me see you.”
“Cariño?!” you say, heart beating even more.
“Are you not my sweetie? My baby? My girl?” he asked, looking at you playfully.
You just rolled to the side and let out a huff.
“You’re teasing me,” you say, voice just above a whisper.
“Not teasing. Just admiring,” he says, eyes twinkling.
You bite the nail of your thumb, “I have an old selfie stick. I can go get that if you want to see more.”
“Please!” Miguel all but shouts.
You giggle as you run to get it out the of box. Miguel’s anticipating the show as he listens to you throwing things across the room.
When you get your phone high in the sky to pan over your body, it takes everything within Miguel to not start howling. Your legs were glowing, thighs full and ready for him to grip and bite. Your shorts were squeezing your hips. Most importantly, his sweater was stretching across your chest.
“God, I wish I was there,” Miguel groaned, rearranging his pants. His excitement was making his clothes feel uncomfortable.
“Me too,” you say, panning the camera back to your face. “I want my muscle bear.”
“Yeah?” Miguel asked, smiling at the screen. He loved it when you called him that.
“Mm hm,” you reply, picking at a loose thread. “I told my mom about us. She was getting worried and said I was walking around the house like a ghost. She’s excited to meet you.”
Miguel sat up straight, heart dropping. That was a stark difference from his mom.
“That’s great! When does she want to meet? I need to get her a gift. Is she still looking for that travel bag set? Or do you think she would prefer a meal?”
“I can ask my Abuela to help me make something. Does she have a favorite restaurant? Should I wear a suit? Business casual, maybe.”
“I need to get her some flowers too. Does she have a favorite flower? Oh my gosh. Is she allergic?”
“Miguel!” you speak up, laughing at his state. “Calm down. It won’t happen until like, next month. You have enough time to prepare.”
“Baby, don’t laugh! This is important. I have to make a good impression,” Miguel pouts.
“And you will! I’ve already told her so much about you.”
He actively gulps, “Even the party?”
“Ok, that didn’t go over too well. She ran her mouth to my dad about that. But! She doesn’t blame you,” you say, calming tone.
“She hates me. Your dad hates me. How am I going to win them over?” he says, dramatically bopping his head against the wall.
“Miguel,” you sigh. He just groans out shaking his head from side to side. “Baby, look at me.”
The cursed baby card had Miguel at attention.
“You’re sweet. You’re handsome. You’re intelligent. And you’re charming. I promise you, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” you say, reassuring him.
Miguel nods slowly.
“You think I’m handsome?” smile creeping back.
“Oh my god. Is that all you got from that?”
“No! But you called me handsome, so I have to lock that away.”
“You also have himbo tendencies,” you respond.
“All the better to fawn over you with, cariño.”
GymRat!Miguel who curses when the pictures of you in his sweater come in shortly after you in the call. One of them is you on your stomach with the ‘O’Hara’ on full display with your underwear and ass peaking out.
He sets it as one of his wallpapers in record speed.
“How do you expect me to NOT be a himbo?”
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“Oh my god. 😭”
GymRat!Miguel who does his same pick up and spin you around number when he sees you a couple of weeks later. You were glowing and giggly.
GymRat!Miguel who casually greets the people in the dorm lobby as he carries you to your dorm room. You didn’t even fight him, as he was always adamant with PDA. You just put your head in his neck and didn’t look up until you were at your door.
You saw the red face of one of the girls living on your hall as Miguel kissed your neck. You quickly averted your gaze, squirming so he could hurry up and open the door. Miguel just assumed you were hungry for more and took even longer to open the door.
“Mig-” you say, cut off as he groans into your skin. “The door, please.”
Your legs wrap around him tighter as he turns to where you were just looking.
“Sorry about that! Got a little excited,” he says to the girl with a wink. She turns even darker and it looks as if steam is about to escape her head as she scurries down the hallway.
“What? She could have said something instead of just watching us.”
“Just please. Open the door, you goof.”
“Yes ma’am!”
GymRat!Miguel who is ecstatic that Jess won’t be there until tomorrow afternoon. He lays you out on your bed and hovers over you.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he says and drops his body on yours. You let out an ‘oof’ relishing in his dead weight.
“I missed you too, Miggy,” you say, patting his head. “Enough to be on my bed with outside clothes on.”
Miguel looks at you, sheepish. “I’ll help you wash them. And pay for it.”
“Yeah you will. But for now,” you pull him close and bring his lips to yours. “Let’s enjoy this.”
He loses track of time and kisses you until your stomach growls for dinner.
GymRat!Miguel who goes all out for Valentine’s Day. He opted to buy you one of the Valentine’s Day packages that the school offers, figuring that it wouldn’t hurt.
He sets up a small breakfast for you and Jess for Galentine’s as a gift for having his back. He had MJ deliver it to you, as he still had class that morning.
He sent you a photo later after his workout, one of your paper kisses on his cheek as he stood in the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist.
You almost screamed in the middle of your studio class.
To end the day, the two of you did a couple challenge in Target. Once back in his car, you both gave each other gifts.
You almost cry when his “something that reminds me of you” gift is in fact not something from Target. It’s a cute bunny necklace inside of a handmade box.
“Miguel! This is so beautiful,” you say, in awe at everything.
He puts the necklace on for you, “A bunny for my baby.”
You devour him with kisses in the Target parking lot.
GymRat!Miguel who’s sweating bullets when your mom comes to visit later that month. He woke up with his stomach rocking. He couldn’t even look Peter in the eye as he stepped out of the bathroom, apologizing profusely.
“Dude, you might not make it out of here if you don’t calm down,” Peter says while lighting a candle he definitely wasn’t supposed to have in the dorms.
“I know, I know. It’s like my body can sense the bad vibes from my brain,” Miguel says, gathering everything for today’s lunch. “I haven’t even eaten anything today.”
“Cheer up, O’Hara,” Peter says as he pats his back. “At least you’re not meeting her parents’ eyes while you’re humping their daughter in their guest bathroom!”
“Jesus, Parker.”
GymRat!Miguel who laughs when he sees Gabriel’s texts. He’s sitting in the parking lot of the meeting location an hour and a half early.
“Ik your ass has the bubble guts”
“Remember to breathe”
“And that the dinner with our mom might be waaaay worse”
“Miles worse”
“Thanks for the words Gabri”
“Real touching”
“So you’re saying I should become a motivational speaker?”
“Got it”
“Not quite!”
GymRat!Miguel who runs open the restaurant door when sees you from the waiting area. He’s so freaking nervous.
“Hello!” he says, holding the door for you both. Your mom gives him a quick thank you as you all step inside.
“I remember you saying he was tall, but I didn’t know he was this tall!” your mom says to you as she holds Miguel’s arms.
You introduce them, “Mom, this is my boyfriend, Miguel O’Hara. Miguel, this is my mom.”
Miguel almost sputters as you casually call him your boyfriend.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Miguel says, handing her a gift bag and you both a bouquet of flowers. “I have heard so much about you.”
“Likewise,” your mother says, shocked at the gifts. “And what a gentleman. You didn’t have to get me these!”
“Please,” Miguel says. “I needed to get something for the woman who brought such a gift to this world for me.”
If Miguel still wasn’t so nervous, he’d chuckle at the twin surprised looks you and your mom were sporting.
GymRat!Miguel who hits it off with your mom quite well. He’s a bit shaky at first, stuttering over simple phrases when the conversations were first starting. You put a hand on his thigh, rubbing your thumb to bring him reassurance. From then on, he just let go.
He’s able to chat about everything she brings up. Even the obscure TV show that she loves to watch. You’re highly impressed with how good he’s doing.
He even apologizes smoothly when the sorority party is brought up. Your mom reaches across the table to hold his hand and tells him that she is proud of him for owning up to his mistakes and taking a stand.
She heads to your car first, giving you two some private time.
“You think that went ok?” Miguel asked, finally relaxing his shoulders.
“I think that it went swimmingly. I also think that I want to kiss you.”
Miguel turns to you, blush high on his cheeks and neck as you walk your fingers up his thigh. You give him a peck on the cheek and say you have to drive your mom back to her car.
Miguel walks you out and waves you all goodbye as you leave the parking lot.
“He is such a handsome young man! Charming, too,” your mom finally says.
“I know!” he was never going to shut up about that once you told him. “What else do you think about him?”
“I think he’s great for you. He’s very smart. Respectful. He’s clearly infatuated with you. He couldn’t stop looking at you.”
You avoid your mom’s gaze as she teases you.
“He was lovely, truly. He has my approval. Now, it’s your father he has to really impress,” she says with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes, not even ready for that storm.
“As long as he doesn’t break your heart, he has nothing to worry about from me. Your father? One bad day and you might not see Miguel ever again.”
You just tapped your finger on the wheel and pursed your lips, mind lingering near the future.
GymRat!Miguel who talks to you about coming to his house after the semester is over. The midterms were soon but so was spring break. He had to let you know sooner rather than later that his family was going all out with trying to meet you.
“A dinner?” you say incredulously as you look up from your sandwich. “Like at a restaurant or at home?”
“Like a full blown dinner party at my bio dad’s house.”
“That’s,” you say taking a pause as the words settle. “A lot.”
Miguel felt like shit.
“I know. Look, I can tell them to cancel the whole thing. They can see you whenever,” Miguel says, sliding his foot next to yours under the table.
“No. If attending this is how I can make a good impression, then I’m more than willing to attend. I just need to prepare. Starting right now.”
Miguel smiled, “And I’ll be there with you for every step of the way.”
Miguel sat with you and helped you break down every relative that he knew was coming.
You knew him already
Easy to please
Annoying (according to Miguel)
Likes you a little too much (also according to Miguel)
Wants to steal you from him
“Miguel, I don’t think he’d do that. He has a girlfriend,” you say, still writing down notes.
“Baby, I know my brother. He might have a girlfriend but that doesn’t stop him from being Denis the Menace,” Miguel huffs out.
His biological dad
A little aloof, but means well
Gifts money like it’s nothing
Might still be a little in love his mom
Will give you a bear hug, unaware of how large he is
“Kind of like you, babe,” you comment.
“But I’m doing way more than hugging you, babe.”
“And he’s in love with your mom?”
“It’s a long story.”
Tyler’s wife
Definitely married Tyler for the money but eventually found love with him
Owns a Pomeranian named Lala
A bottle blonde turned housewife
Wanted to actually be on a housewife show until she secretly went to Bravo-con and saw how stuck up all of the housewives were
“I feel like that was pretty obvious, but alright.”
“She’s still not the brightest, but she’s nice.”
A dickhead
Miguel’s half brother
Tyler and Nancy’s only child after Nancy never wanted to go through the pain of childbirth again. And she didn’t want anymore changes to her body.
A year older than Miguel
A dickhead
“Should I have to stay clear of him?”
“No because if he tries something with you, I will handle him myself.”
The dad Miguel grew up with his entire life
Where Miguel gets his hopeless romantic tendencies from
Really likes soccer, wanted one of his sons to be a soccer player but got two nerds instead
Met his mom before she knew she was pregnant with him and charmed his way into her life. He didn’t know that Miguel wasn’t his until he was born and Tyler barged his way into the room when he was originally visiting someone else. He saw Conchata’s name on a baby sign and came in crying.
He still stayed with his mom because he loved her but he made Tyler sweat for ever leaving his mom like he once did: lost
“Your dad punched him?” you ask, stopping your writing.
“Yeah. My mom says it wasn’t pretty. Tyler learned a valuable lesson that day because Nancy came in and slapped him once she figured out what went down. He’s never denied Nancy or my mom a material thing since.”
Hard on Miguel but dotes on him a lot now
The reason for a lot of Miguel’s self doubt
Wanted Miguel to be a doctor but has settled with science
Blasts music on Sunday mornings while she cleans, therefore waking the entire house
Will actually give you trouble (hence the conversation from two months ago)
“Did she give Dana any trouble?” you recall Gabriel’s girlfriend. “Is there anything that I need to not do specifically?”
Miguel tilts his eyes up, “Now that you mention it, I feel like she welcomed Dana with open arms. That might be more of a little brother privilege than anything else, though.”
You bit your lip, “That’s not good then. I don’t want her to think awful of me or our relationship.”
“She won’t. She just needs time to process.”
“That makes it sound like I’m stealing you from her.”
Already eager to meet you
Miguel’s world
Taught Miguel how to do certain meals and crafts as he was almost always at her house
Thinks you’re gorgeous
“She said that I’m gorgeous?” you ask, shocked.
“And talented,” Miguel hums. “And brave. Lots of compliments.”
GymRat!Miguel who stays pent up all of spring break. He was supposed to be enjoying his days off but instead he’s replaying your whiny voice messages and watching videos of you in his clothes. He doesn’t know how much more he could take.
He looked down at his state. Tissues, lube, ragged sheets, your polaroids, his phone. You were driving him crazy.
GymRat!Miguel who almost sprints around campus when his last final is finished. He’s free! For a couple of months at least. To celebrate, he and Peter are having a small get-together in their dorm room with lots of pizza, wings, jello shots, cake, and games.
GymRat!Miguel who cries like a baby at Gabriel’s high school graduation. His baby, who he raised and cared for, practically birthed, is growing up!
George makes sure to get a wobbly video of Gabriel dancing across the stage and Miguel with snot dripping down his face as he hollers.
“What to do with these two?” George sighed as he wrapped his arm around Conchata.
GymRat!Miguel who tussles with Gabriel later that week after he finds out that he sent that video to you. Their dad has to come break up their play fight.
GymRat!Miguel who isn’t surprised that Tyler managed to pay for all of your transportation and stay ahead of the dreaded Stone-O’Hara dinner.
Miguel picks you up from the fancy hotel and thinks that his dad went overboard.
You're waiting in the lobby when he sees you, stunning as ever.
“Wow,” Miguel says, stunned to stillness as he takes you in, unbeknown of his presence. Your dress is flattering you in every way. His goes from your legs, to your heels, to the necklace he got you for Valentine’s Day adorning your chest.
“Baby, you look amazing,” he says, finally coming up to you.
You look up at him with those deer eyes again.
“You think so? It’s not too much, is it?”
“Not at all,” he says grabbing your purse and helping you to your feet. “So beautiful, cariño.”
You duck a bit, bashful from his gaze. Miguel leans your head back up, stealing a kiss from your lips.
“If we weren’t expected, I’d take you back up to the room,” Miguel whispers.
You ball your hands on his chest and look around nervously.
“I might have to take you up on that offer tonight,” you whisper back, heart rattling.
It was Miguel’s turn to feel shy. He walked close behind you as you both made your way to his car, mind racing of the things you both could get up to.
GymRat!Miguel who thinks your reaction is adorable when you see just how huge the Stone property is. You can’t believe that one man owns all of this land. Miguel tells you that this is, unfortunately, just the beginning.
GymRat!Miguel who almost knocks Gabriel down. He’s gawking at you like an idiot when he opens the door to Stone Manor.
“Woah,” Gabriel says, mouth gaping like a fish.
“Hello to you too, Gabriel. It’s nice to meet you in person,” you say with a cute curtsy.
Gabriel continues to flounder, mouth opening and closing like that cat meme.
“Will you at least let her in, you idiot?” Miguel barks.
“Sorry! So sorry,” Gabriel says and opens the door further. “That’s really embarrassing. You’re supposed to see my charm and fall madly in love with me.”
Miguel is about to seriously hurt him when Dana comes around the corner and does the job for him.
“Who’s falling in love with who?” she says, elbowing Gabriel in the stomach.
“Nobody and no one!” Gabriel keels over in pain.
“Thank you, Dana. You could probably hit him again for me,” Miguel says. “I want you to meet my girlfriend.”
“It’s a pleasure! The boys have told me a lot about you. I hope that you enjoy tonight’s dinner,” Dana says, reaching her hand out to you.
“Gabriel has said a lot about you as well. He didn’t say how cute you are though!”
Dana blushes instantly and holds her hand over her mouth as she giggles.
“Of course he couldn’t. He was too busy trying to win you over. I might have to beat them both to the punch though,” Dana replies.
Miguel and Gabriel just make the same irritated noise.
GymRat!Miguel who hold your hand as the four of you walk into the dining room. You’re gripping his hand tight as you take everything in.
It was so grand. Like a hotel. The ceiling fixture was huge and intricate. The color scheme was muted with pops of bright white.
It was…a lot.
“There she is! The lady of the hour,” you see a man even taller than Miguel say. He has brightly gray hair that’s styled intricately so. He’s grinning bright as he comes towards you with his arms wide.
He indeed goes for something like a bear hug, just like Miguel said. Except, Miguel is there to steady you when Tyler collides with you a bit too hard.
“I’m so sorry, I’m just so excited to meet you! I’ve heard so much through the grapevine and I remember your emails like they were yesterday! Please, Please! Have a seat.”
“Not before she greets everyone, Ty-Ty!” you hear a shrill voice from behind him. “Sorry about him. He’s like a golden retriever. My name is Mrs. Stone but you can call me Nancy!”
You shake her hand and exchange pleasantries. She snaps her hand behind her with a beckoning motion.
“This is our son, Kron!”
You look up to see a man with platinum blonde hair and a scowl aimed towards his mom that could rival Miguel’s.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you say, holding your hand out.
Kron eyes your body in a way that makes a horrible feeling go down your spine. His eyes plant themselves a bit too long on your chest before he decides to return the greeting.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he says, with a voice that assume was supposed to be smooth. Yuck.
Miguel quickly wraps his hands around your shoulders, “Let’s go meet my other parents.” He turns his mouth up at Kron as he moves you past him. If Tyler or Nancy weren’t there he’d buck at him.
“Mom, Dad, Abuela, this is my girlfriend,” Miguel says with a hand on the small of your back.
“Tan bonitia!” his Abuela cries and walks fast to take your hand into hers. “Eres tan bonita! Miguel! Where did you find such a doll?”
You giggle at her words, bashful at the attention.
“Thank you so much, ma’am. You are extremely beautiful yourself.”
“Oh, a sweet one too! Call me Abuela, yes? ¡Eres un ángel!” she says cradling your face to get a good look at you.
“Gracias, Abuela,” you say, a little softer. Miguel thinks he’s falling in love if he hasn’t already admitted it.
“Come, come! Meet my daughter and son-in-law!”
“This is George!”
“Lovely to meet you, Mr. O’Hara,” you say, looking into his eyes with a smile.
“A pleasure to meet you! My son has been in high spirits these past couple of months. And truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you did for him. He’s so stubborn, like his pa. He wouldn’t have budged!”
You chuckle at his comments about that O’Hara stubbornness, “It was no effort on my part, Mr. O’Hara. I wasn’t going to let something like that slide.”
You briefly turn to Miguel, trying to find a safety net under all this attention. You were happy to see that he was staring right back at you.
George then stepped to the side and brought Conchata forward, “Speaking of effort, I’d love for you to meet my wife.”
Here was the big one. The one you felt in your heart and soul was the woman of the night to please, the final boss.
“Mrs. O’Hara, what an honor it is to meet you. Miguel has told me countless stories about you. I’m happy to finally meet you face to face, and not just through words,” you say, holding your hand the highest it has been all night.
You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it was.
You panicked, thinking maybe you said something wrong. You’re about to pull your hand back until she finally reaches out and shakes your hand.
“Yes. You are the one that my son took forever to introduce me to. I’m happy that you made it here tonight. I do hope that you enjoy it,” she says. Her voice was calculating and a little cold.
You didn’t know how to take that so you just smiled and hoped that this was how she acted when she first met new people.
You heard the clinking of a fork against a glass.
“Gather around everyone,” Nancy said. “Dinner is about to be served!”
You all go to your seats. You smile at Miguel as he pulls your seat out and helps you sit at the table. He sits next to you and rubs your thigh, just as you did to him months ago.
Gabriel and Dana are sitting in front of you and Miguel. George and Conchata are to Dana's left as Tyler and Nancy are to your left. Kron has somehow placed himself near the head of the table near the parents, while Abuela is seated at the opposite end near the O'Hara brothers.
Nancy calls your name with glee, "I hope you came hungry because tonight we're doing a six-course meal."
You raise your eyebrows. You didn't know that this was the route they were going to take and from Miguel's face, he didn't know either.
There is an array of what you assume to be butlers and servers to come out, each holding a dish. There's even a chef who comes out with a smug look on his face.
"The theme for tonight is 'Everlasting Love.'"
You watch as Gabriel gives Dana a quick side eye and they communicate a silent conversation within just a few seconds. If you were to guess, it would be something along the lines of "is this serious?" and "as a heart attack."
"The first course is roasted artichoke hearts with a feta dressing drizzle. It represents the budding of a fresh relationship. I do hope you enjoy," he says walking away as the waiters lifted the cloches from the plates.
Below were the tiniest little artichoke hearts you've seen in your life.
As you were grabbing your utensils to begin eating, you could see Gabriel fighting for his life not to let out a laugh, shoulders twitching. Miguel just sighed as he put an entire heart in his mouth.
"So," you hear Tyler start up a conversation. "I hear that you are an art major. I would love to see some of your work. We do need a new painting for the entrance hall."
You wait until you swallow before you answer back, "I would love to create a piece for you! I'm sure you would want to see my work first, but whatever you want, I'm sure I can provide it."
"That's exciting! I'm so tired of seeing that boring white horse everyday. Right, Ty-Ty?" Nancy whines a bit as she leans close to Tyler.
"My wife is right. I'm sure your work will liven up the place!"
"I took that picture of the horse," Kron looked at his parents with a frown on his face.
"Oh, I wouldn't want you all to take that down. I'm sure it's very valuable," you say, trying your best not to upset anyone.
"Nonsense! We can always put the horse somewhere else," Tyler says, patting his son on the shoulder. "There's no need to frown son."
"You don't even know what her art looks like. It could be awful for all we know," Kron mumbles.
Miguel's about to open his mouth but you quickly respond, "I would be happy to show it to you. If you don't mind, I can pull up my website right now."
So, you did. There are gasps, oos, ahs, and oh mys as your phone makes its way around the table. Kron's face cracks especially when he sees your work. He gets a little red in the face as he squeezes a compliment out.
By the time the next two courses come out, (an oddly pink soup based on the pool of memories that we store in our hearts and a market salad with cranberries and almonds to represent the start of young love) you've managed to impress the Stones, George, and Abuela plenty more times, shut Kron up four more times, and get an eerie stare from Conchata several times.
She hadn't really said a word since you shook her hand.
You all were enjoying a small palate cleanser of sparkling grapefruit juice to represent the sparks of love at first sight when she finally decides to speak up.
"Where did you get that dress?"
She had your full attention, "Oh! My mom lent it to me. She said it would be perfect for a special occasion."
"Your mom?" Conchata looked concerned. "She didn't think it was a bit inappropriate for dinner?"
You look down at your dress. Your cleavage was on display. You knew it was too much.
"I-I guess it is a bit too exposing," you say, conscience over every rise and fall of your chest she could probably see from her side of the table. You didn't bring a shawl with you either. You couldn't hide it.
"I mean, look at Dana. A long, non-revealing gown," she pans to Dana with a warm smile.
You did look to Dana who looked up, bug-eyed and confused. She looked back and forth across the table, a little incredulous.
"Ma, Dana's entire back is exposed," Gabriel said matter-of-factly as Dana turned her body a bit to show the criss-cross detailing of the string pulling the dress together.
"Sure, but, we can't see it here at this table."
"Conchata, dear, what is this about?" Nancy reaches her hand across the table, concerned.
"This isn't about anything! I'm just making conversation like everyone else here," she responds.
She's about to open her mouth again when her mom bites out a sharp "Conchata!" from the end of the table.
Luckily, the tension is broken by the chef bringing out the fourth course: a rare filet mignon to represent how our hearts bleed as they yearn for love.
How fitting.
You chewed your food in silence, controlling every movement that you could because now you felt that the entire table was ogling your chest.
It wasn't until the second palate cleanser, a red sorbet, came out that you saw that Kron's eyes never left you or your body. You felt sick.
You excused yourself and briskly walked to the bathroom.
You closed the door and took a deep breath. You looked over your appearance again. Was it really too much?
You washed your hands and took a few deep breaths. You were here to meet Miguel's family and make a good impression. Even, if his mom seemed to hate you, you were still gaining the hearts of everyone else. You're doing this for Miguel. Keep it together.
After a short pep talk, you straighten out your dress and your back, wanting to walk back into the room with your head held high.
What you don't expect is to be met with Kron as soon as you open the door.
"I'm sorry, did you need to use the restroom?" you ask, thinking that you were in there too long.
"No, but I was hoping to speak with you," he says, staring you down. "I apologize for my reaction earlier. Your art really is nice."
"Thank you," you say, trying to discreetly step from the door. He really did give you the ick. "I'm sorry that your parents are trying to take your art down. That was never my intention."
"No harm, no foul," he said. "What is confusing is how a pretty little thing like you ended up in Miguel's bed and not mine?"
"Excuse me?" you asked, a dirty look planted on your face.
"I'm not speaking another language, baby. You should dump him and get with the winning team. You'd make a great trophy wife."
"Look, Kron. Chronic. Megatron. Whatever," you say, trying to get away from him as he leaned closer. "I'd really appreciate it if you left me alone. I'm just trying to get back to dinner."
"The one person who you want to notice you is not impressed," he says with a snicker on his lips. "My parents seem to already enjoy you. You could drop this whole gig and be with me. Seriously."
GymRat!Miguel who storms over to where you went with a quickness. You were gone way too long and Kron was nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Miguel asked with a bass in his voice.
"Great. Now the bear has been poked," Kron says to you. "We're not doing anything, Miguel. Calm down."
"You are doing something because why are you that close to my girlfriend?"
"Is she your girlfriend? Because I'm real close to getting a taste of that-"
Miguel grabs Kron up by his collar so quickly, you almost miss his movement, "You wanna finish that sentence?"
"Hey. Hey!" you whisper-shout, trying not to get the attention of everyone else. "Can we please just make it through this dinner? You two can do whatever you want afterwards. Please."
Miguel lets Kron go who sports a smirk across his face as he heads back towards the dining room.
"Thanks, dollface," he says, shooting you a wink.
Miguel only tightens his fist as he watches him walk away, "I should have hit him."
"Later, baby, please."
GymRat!Miguel who is significantly calmed down by the time you both make it back to the table. You let him breathe you in for a minute or two and it was like the bad energy was drained out of him.
The last two courses were a dessert and a specialty tea. The chef offered them both up at the same time, claiming that they complement each other like two parties in a couple.
You sipped your tea gingerly, happy to have made it to what you hope is the end of a long night.
The dessert in front of you looks delicious. It's in such a cute cherry shape, and it takes everything within you not to take your phone out to snap a picture.
You're about to dig in until you hear Conchata clear her throat.
"Are you sure you don't want to save that until tomorrow? I wouldn't want you to be bloated or anything," she asks hurriedly.
So that's what this is about. All the remarks, the stares, the comments. They weren't about your character, your words, or even how you treat Miguel. It was all because of your appearance.
She thought you weren't good enough for her son because of your appearance.
You put the fork down, defeated. Conchata won the night.
Your throat burned as you bit back tears of shame and embarrassment.
"Mom, are you serious right now?" Miguel spoke up, voice cold as ever.
"Miguel don't talk to me like that! I'm your mother."
"A mom that's kinda being a bitch right now," Kron mutters under his breath.
You would agree, but it wasn't your place to make that comment.
Miguel lets that be known as he gets up and socks Kron right across the face.
The entire table is up in a flash, trying to get Miguel off of him.
Tyler is finally able to pull Miguel up after a few minutes. He's heaving, face the angriest you've ever seen it.
He yanks his body from Tyler's and opens his mouth, "This sorry excuse of a party to gang up on my girlfriend is over. I'm sick of it."
"Ma, you really said some horrible things tonight. I've tried for years to remain respectful towards you, but tonight you've really pushed it, and hurt someone that I love."
Love? Your eyes went wide and your heartbeat started to ring even louder in your ears.
"Kron, I've been sick of your bullshit for god know's how long. Biting off of me and my accomplishments is one thing, but cornering and harassing my girlfriend that I chose to bring around you is another. If you ever try that shit again, our poor dad isn't going to be able to get me off of you. You will never be me. Get over it."
"And finally, it seems that only a select few of you can stand up to the consuming fire that is Conchata O'Hara. I love my girlfriend for who she is first and foremost. She was the light that came into my life. You think I'm going to let something as minuscule as her body stop me from loving her? You should be ashamed, ma."
Miguel moves quickly as he shoves two plates in one of the butler's hands and tells him to pack it to go. He then turns to his grandma at the end of the table who didn’t even budge when Miguel snapped.
"Lo siento, Abuela," he whispers to her, truly upset that he let this get this far.
His grandma just gave him a long kiss on the cheek and whispered something in his ear.
"C'mon. We're leaving," Miguel holds your hand as he gets ready to guide you towards the entrance.
You bow to everyone, "I'm sorry about all of this." You're pulled by Miguel who wants to get out of the suffocating manor quick.
What a horrible first impression.
GymRat!Miguel who is silent on the car ride back to your hotel room. He's partially still calming down and partially listening for you to say anything. Your head hasn't turned from the window. He just places his hand in yours, hoping that he can get the message across that he was here for you.
GymRat!Miguel who doesn't see you crack until you're up in the hotel room, the lights are dimmed, and your heels are off. He's quick to wrap his arms around you as you sob. Your cries becoming louder and louder. His heart breaks at every shaky breath that you take.
"I know, I know. I got you, baby," he says, rocking with you, in hopes that you could just breathe.
GymRat!Miguel who helps you unzip your dress, offering to wash your body. You tell him no and that you need that little quiet time to yourself to think. He understands.
He still paces the room while you're in the shower, thinking about the things he should have done to prevent this.
GymRat!Miguel who feeds you bites of the leftover dessert, still wanting you to enjoy something from tonight. You hum in between bites, sniffling a bit along the way. Even in this state, you were most precious to him.
GymRat!Miguel who kisses away your tears as you let out your insecurities. He reassures you that you're perfect. Body, mind, and soul.
"I love you," he says looking at you deeply. "Honestly, I feel like I've loved you since our group project. I loved you since our smoothie date. I've loved you since carrying your art supplies. I've loved you since listening to you rant about animatronic rats. Since you opened your dorm door pissed off at me. Since our coffee dates. Since our library dates. Since I first saw you with your matching outfits."
You still couldn't believe it.
"You love me?" you say, still trying to comprehend.
"Te amo, mi amor. Deeply and truly."
GymRat!Miguel who keeps you in his arms the entire night, kissing you to oblivion. You're both staring at each other. A faint moonlight peaking through the curtains.
"I love you too, Miguel," you say, words drifting into the night.
It's all Miguel needs to kiss you to sleep.
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dividers by: @y-onb + @benkeibear 🩵
a/n: If you would like to become my designated Spanish checker or a buddy to help me learn/write my Spanish, please let me know 😭. (There was already someone but I forgot your @ !!!)
As always like, reblog, and COMMENT! Let me know how you feel. 🩵
(I am thinking of putting these on my AO3 because they are officially long enough to be fic chapters lol. The question is...how much should I change the format?🤔)
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taglist: @ghost-lantern @miguelhugger2099 @slushycoookie @emelie-s-h @lake-lili @obsessed-with-miguels-ass @scaleniusrm @superiorspiderass @lexluvswriting @flordelalunas @froggygal @vmpz8sauceee @famouscattale @nixinluv02 @jada-of-arcadia @spideykid22 @what-the-jams @julia4today @tojishugetiddies @samjinxx @sleeklyalisha @the-pan-liquid @prongs-lover @kikaaauu @urlocallocachica @wanderlustingcastaway @peachey-pie @ch3rry-bl1ss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @love-kha1 @manlikemilesmyguy @sillysillygoofygoose @monticellohoe @kodzuminx @lauraolar14 @bruhhvv @m4dyy @farrowroyale @ce3stvu @ohara-whore @muneca-lemon-steppa @alexa4040 @amelialysm @snails-doodles22
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wileys-russo · 2 months
the one where the kids go bowling II barça femeni
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part of the 'pollito' universe, stuck tiny silver flash the one where the kids go bowling II barça femeni
"-and you will message me once you finish up and get to jana's, sí?" you pushed off alexia's hands which fixed your necklace so the clasp wasn't showing with a huff.
"sí ale! por favor can i go now?" you groaned, hovering by the door with an overnight bag in hand feeling like a little kid going to a sleepover as alexia fussed over you.
it was jana's birthday and she'd invited a few of the younger girls to go bowling and out to dinner, offering for you to spend the night at hers with bruna and ona which you'd happily accepted.
with all of the girls backing you up and promising to keep an eye out for you and vicky, the captains had no choice but to agree though you knew you largely had patri to thank for that who shockingly had been the voice of reason in the scenario.
"sí, enjoy yourself but do not do anything i wouldn't do nena!" the older girl warned as you heard olga snicker from the sofa and you leaned around alexia to shoot her a grin which she returned with a wink, mouthing for you to have fun.
"don't listen to her! bad influence." alexia tutted ushering you out the door and glaring playfully at her girlfriend over her shoulder who blew her a kiss and turned back to typing away at her laptop perched on her knees.
"alexia!" you whined as she grabbed the back of your jacket to stop you racing off, following after you to bruna's car who paled at the sight of her captain gesturing for her to roll down the window which she did.
you managed to tug yourself free of the catalans iron grip, slipping into the backseat beside ona. "hola alexia." bruna swallowed nervously as the corner of the older girls mouth tugged upward a little in amusement.
"feliz cumpleaños superestrella!" bruna sighed in relief and loosened her grip on the steering wheel as alexia's stern facade melted and she gave jana a dazzling grin where she sat in the passenger seat.
"gracias ale." jana returned the grin gratefully. "no invite for me to come bowling? the disrespect for your captain chica's." alexia tutted, pushing away from the car with a wink.
"no abuela's allowed!" you called from the back with a grin, smacking bruna on the shoulder and ordering her to drive as alexia shot you a glare and opened her mouth to respond, bruna pulling out quickly from the curb before she could do.
"if she makes us run extra laps for your mouth pollito i'm gonna kill you!"
"hola mis chicas!" you launched yourself into the middle of the small group of girls who'd already arrived and were sat in the booth by your designated lane, groans of pain greeting you where you'd landed on them, shoved to the side as ona bonked you on the head with your bowling shoes and handed them over.
you let out a yell as no sooner did you bend down to lace them up a body slammed into you nearly taking you off the bright blue leather lounge entirely.
"lópez!" you shoved her back, the two of you wrestling around for a moment before salma stepped in to break it up and sent vicky off for her turn.
"you know you are supposed to knock the pins over bru, sí?" you teased as the girl bowled a zero and stomped back to the lounges with a scowl.
"sí its not like golf bruna, lowest score loses not wins!" jana added on sitting down beside you with a smirk as bruna flipped you both off and sat down herself with a huff.
you all cheered as vicky bowled a strike, taking a photo for your social media and squealing as janas hand moved to brush the back of your neck as she set something down behind you.
"why is your hand so cold! dios mío." you cringed at the icy tips of her fingers as jana laughed and prodded at you. "this is yours." jana tapped one of the bright red slushees she'd put down and poked your cheek before getting up to take her turn.
what she failed to mention was the utter importance that you drank only the slushee which was yours.
but too busy laughing at your friends woeful attempts at bowling you grabbed jana's without realising, frowning a little at the odd taste but unsure what flavour it really was you paid it no mind, sticking your bright red tongue out at vicky who giggled and did the same.
vicky was also too busy laughing at ona who routinely bowled gutter ball after gutter ball and swore so much that a mother on the lane over came and gave her a talking to about family friendly language, the older girl going bright red and stammering out an apology.
what your friends failed to mention was why it was so important the two of you drank the slushees that were given to you, and that was that on a perhaps poorly minded decision the older girls had snuck in a flask of vodka and spiked their slushees.
not enough to get them drunk of course just...a little pleasantly buzzed.
but with you and vicky having little to no experiences drinking, the small amount of alcohol had gone right to your heads though neither of you had tweaked the reality of your situation just yet.
which is why you weren't sure what was so funny as you stood to take your turn to bowl, or why your fingertips suddenly felt weird and your legs a little tingly, or why you couldn't work out which lane you were supposed to bowl in given you had to squint to narrow it down from three to one.
"apresúrate pequeña we have dinner reservations at eight!" jana groaned impatiently, tapping her foot with a roll of her eyes as you closed one of yours to try and stop the lanes from moving.
giving it your best go you wound up and let go of the ball, tripping over your own feet and crashing to the ground with a thump as the ball sailed up and over the gutters, landing in the lane of the group beside you who jumped in shock.
you felt hands on your body trying to help you up an voices muffled like your head was underwater but their faces were a blur and all you could do was giggle, poking at the weird blobs in front of you as a warmth spread through your body and you let out a loud and sudden peal of laughter.
"is she..." salma trailed off with wide eyes at bruna who was on your other side helping you up. "no. she can't be? hers and vickys didn't have anything in them, we made sure." bruna denied with a firm shake of her head though as vicky fell off the edge of the lounge with a giggle her certainty faded.
"what is wrong with them?" esme asked worriedly, helping vicky up as you were sat back down and went limp, closing your eyes and giggling to yourself at nothing, enjoying the feeling of the warmth sitting comfortably now in your rosy red cheeks.
with the other girls distracted arguing over who spiked what you sat up and grabbed your slushee, downing the last few mouthfuls as your elbow brushed jana's side and she turned.
"aye pollito no!" the birthday girl groaned snatching the now empty cup from your hand, vicky already having finished her own as she tried to stand up to take her turn and promptly fell right back down nearly into emse's lap.
"sniff that bruna. idiota i told you this was a bad idea!" jana seethed smacking the younger girl across the back of the head and shoving your empty slushee cup in her face which indeed smelled like vodka, esme doing the same to vickys which was the same story.
"me? this was your idea amiga its your birthday!" bruna scoffed as the two began to bicker, ona trying her best to break it up as you took the opportunity of them being distracted to sneak off, suddenly having an overwhelming urge to run away.
knocking your knee against vickys she shared your grin, the two of you dropping to your knees and crawling away to the booth beside your own lane, grabbing one anothers hands with a giggle and racing off.
"hey vuelve aquí!" salma noticed the back of your heads race off and yelled out, yanking the others up as ona stayed back to reset the lanes so you could all leave.
you and vicky didn't make it far, tripping over your own feet and grabbing out for her to steady you, instead accidentally pulling her down to the ground with you as the two of you collapsed into a pile of giggles and hiccups.
bruna apologizing quickly to the staff who wandered over to check everything was okay jana and esme hauled you up as salma grabbed vicky, ona joining her as the group made their way out of the bowling alley.
"mierda i don't feel good." vicky mumbled and salma barely turned before the younger girl threw up the entire contents of her stomach onto the asphalt, bright red bile pouring from her mouth as everyone cringed and you took the brief moment to again run off.
"chica no!" jana moaned in annoyance dragging her hands down her face, her and bruna racing off after you as the others hung back to look after vicky.
"can't catch me chica's!" you sang out with a wild grin, racing between parked cars and ducking and weaving your way to escape the two older girls chasing you down.
"i don't think we're making that dinner reservation amiga." bruna doubled over trying to catch her breath as jana just missed you, groaning tiredly as you took off again with a joyous whoop but then suddenly you stopped, careering over and vomiting up your own bright red bile making them wince in disgust.
"we need back up, now."
when mapi had seen jana's name and number flash on her screen she'd frowned, assuming it was just an accidental call and letting it ring out, returning to the crossword on the table in front of her.
but when it rang again curiosity got the better of her and she clicked accept and tucked it into her shoulder. "hola jana? está todo bien?" mapi had questioned with a frown.
"vale vale slow down chica, she is what?" ingrid looked up at this, sitting up from where she'd been sprawled out across their lounge reading a book, sending her girlfriend a curious look whose frown deepend.
"vale. have you called alexia? oh, i see. sí message me the address and i will leave now amiga, get them some water, small sips." mapi sighed, sending ingrid an odd look as the norwegian snapped her book shut and pushed up to her feet as mapi uttered a few more words and hung up the phone. "whats wrong amor?" ingrid asked as mapi tucked her phone into her pocket with a sigh.
"believe me mi vida, you do not want to know."
jana could have cried in relief when she saw mapi's car pull up, the girl parking and making her way over as bruna rubbed your back and vicky was slumped into salma mumbling nonsense with a giggle every now and then, both of you having spent the last ten minutes voilently throwing up until there was nothing at all left in your stomachs.
"what happened?" the older girl sighed at the sight in front of her, wincing as all of the girls launched off with their own recall of events. "mi dios chicas, one at a time! bruna, go." mapi rubbed her temples and waved as everyone fell silent bar yours and vickys giggles.
"we didn't mean to mapi, promesa. we just wanted to have a little fun and we only put the alcohol in our drinks. but they got mixed up and they both ended up drinking the spiked ones and now they're drunk." bruna winced at the dissapointed sigh that came from the defender stood in front of her.
"i will take pollito home and she will stay with ingrid and i. who is looking after vicky? should i call patri?" mapi asked with a raised eyebrow as a chorus of no's rang out, nobody wanting to involve any of the captains.
"she will stay with me, esme is too." salma confirmed as mapi nodded, wincing as the girl in question lurched forward and threw up again. "you might want to take a bag in the car with you." the older girl suggested pulling a face as everyone got to their feet.
"vamos pequeña, up we get!" mapi grunted grabbing your hands and pulling you to stand as you giggled and your legs gave out, jana steadying you on your other side as she and bruna helped walk you to mapi's car.
"we really are sorry mapi, it was a complete accident." bruna blushed bright red as you were buckled into the back seat and mapi slid into the drivers seat and lowered her window.
"you did the right thing by calling me amiga's. but this stays between all of us, nobody else in the team will ever never know this happened or i was here. vale?" mapi warned sternly as both younger girls nodded hastily making the defender soften and chuckle a little.
"feliz cumpleaños jana, i do not think this is a birthday you will forget anytime soon mi amiga."
"oh dios mío pequeña, stay still!" mapi groaned, grabbing the collar of your shirt as you tried to race off again, the car ride seemingly recharging your battery as you were giggling and babbling nonsense the entire elevator ride up.
hearing her voice on the other side of the door ingrid hurried to pull it open as mapi wrestled to get her keys from your grip where you'd snatched them.
"liten!" ingrid gasped as mapi pushed you inside her apartment and you tripped over your own feet tumbling to the floor and sprawling out on the hardwood giggling to yourself.
"is she-" ingrid realised offering you a hand up which you battered away as you rambled something inaudible in spanish and covered your face with your hands, body shaking with laughter.
"drunk? sí." mapi sighed watching you with a shake of her head before catching ingrid up on the nights events which had lead up to this. "alexia is going to flip." ingrid whistled knowingly, mapi cursing as your leg lashed out to kick her in the shin and you laughed.
"el diablo." the defender huffed, ingrid gently pushing her back as she went to advance on you, your usual love language which would have meant mapi kicking you back hardly appropriate right now.
"alexia will not know, i already messaged her from pollitos phone saying she arrived to jana's. she is a good kid, this is the first time anything like this has happened and really it was an accident." mapi sighed, a small smile curling onto her lips as you spotted bagheera wandering out of the bedroom and gasped crawling across to him on your elbows.
"maríaaa!" you sang out suddenly breaking the two older girls out of their conversation. "sí pequeña?" mapi sighed with a smile of amusement, shaking her head at the way bagheera had settled himself on your chest.
"i'm hungry make me food." you demanded, giggling at nothing as your fingers felt tingly and you ran them through bagheeras soft fur. "what have you eaten today kjære?" ingrid interrupted before mapi could.
"i made avocado toast and eggs this morning but we-oh we were supposed to go to dinner! its janas birthday!" you clapped excitedly and sat up, scaring bagheera who jumped about a foot in the air and scurried off back to the bedroom.
"they'll be picking me up soon-oh mierda!" you swore as you tried to stand and the room span, sending you tumbling right back down onto your ass with a groan of pain followed by a fit of laughter.
"vamos estúpido, we need you in one piece por favor." mapi chuckled moving to help you up, slinging your arm over her shoulder and maneuvering you to lay down on the sofa as ingrid started to make you some toast.
"maps...the room is spinning make it stop!" you whined covering your face as the defender patted you on the head with a smile. "sí pollito, you are drunk. remember this feeling the next time someone ever offers you a drink!" mapi chuckled and you let out a deep sigh, removing your hands and rubbing your eyes furiously.
"i'm not drunk!" you scoffed once the room stopped spinning, wiggling your toes which felt all tingly and electric. "sí mi amiga you are, do you remember the red drink from bowling?" mapi asked gently and you looked at her like she had three heads.
"i haven't been bowling! i tried to go and you manhandled me onto the lounge and now my legs won't work. are they broken?" you began to panic as the pins and needles spread and your eyes widened.
"no idiota, they're not broken." mapi laughed, moving to massage your knees as you sighed in relief and ingrid chuckled from the kitchen.
"maría." you started as mapi hummed still massaging some feeling back into your tingly legs. "i love you, so much." you sobbed out, mapi's head whipping sideways in shock as you started to cry.
"i know we fight and mess around but you're like a big sister to me and i love you so much!" you sobbed out, sitting up and throwing your arms around her neck as the defender bit down on her lip to stop from laughing, rubbing at your back.
"i think we've moved through the stages. from giggling, throwing up, running away, falling over to sappy mess." mapi spoke to ingrid as you cried into her shoulder and the norweigan set down a plate of toast on the coffee table.
"ingrid!" you sobbed letting go of mapi and opening your arms as the brunette stifled a laugh herself and allowed you to wrap her in a tight hug. "i love you both so-oh toast!" you spotted the plate behind their backs and wiggled free reaching out for it.
"imbécil." mapi mumbled with a chuckle as you munched away happily, eyes beginning to droop with each minute that passed as your giggles returned, both girls sitting beside you on the lounge as ingrid clicked the tv on.
"so...vamos whose dropping me to bowling?"
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