#mental wealth
whimsithea · 4 months
You deserve to make room for yourself the same way you do for others.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
Just like others, you are a person! If you are struggling to love yourself, consider how you treat yourself. Would you authentically love someone who talks to you the way you do? How can you expect to love yourself when you wouldn't even be friends with someone who treats others that way? It is an act of self-disrespect to ignore your own needs and desires.
I don't say this to make you feel ashamed of your self-talk, but rather to invoke a look outside for a change. We are always looking inside ourselves so often that we don't notice our simple worth as a person, a human, a being on the earth. Millions of people consider themselves the one exception.
You deserve to eat yummy foods like our friends do. You deserve to be treated with respect like our peers do. You deserve to feel the sun on your face the same way a flower does. You deserve to forgive yourself for things that you regret. You deserve more than "I'm used to it." You deserve to move your body the same way a dog deserves to be taken on a walk. You deserve to live a fulfilling life where your needs are met.
It's time to apologize to yourself. It's time to take accountability for all the ways you antagonized yourself. It's time to mend the relationship with your own body and your own mind. You don't have to keep fighting with yourself, you are allowed to repair things that have been broken. Offer yourself grace and kindness, just as you would for others. Forgive yourself by making it up to yourself.
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gent-illmatic · 8 months
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pearl-bay · 10 months
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weichenauthor · 3 months
North Node Aries 10th House, South Node Libra 4th House
You are encouraged to leave your home to shine on the center stage of society for career and self-achievement. With your north node Aries in the 10th house, you are coming to this life to cut your own road and do what you truly want for yourself, especially in the area of work and career. Gone is the peacemaker in your house. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your family-oriented mind. North Node Aries in the 10th house put your Aries soul energy on the front line of your career life. It is important to display Aries's potential in your work to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak daringly and speak straightly and do more, being enthusiastic when addressing work issues will bring you fulfillment joyfully. 
The 10th house is a house of goals, careers, and work. Like a window of the soul, we show our true spirit through our achievements. The energy of the north node in the 10th house urges you to show the true purpose of your soul to the world with your work, although it could be quite difficult because your past life was dominated by the compromising energy of the south node Libra in the 4th house, where close family relationships prevail. You are used to seeking harmony and being co-dependent with other people. But in this lifetime, you need to show your courage, strength, ambition, and most importantly, your independence in the world. With the 10th house placement in your natal chart, this soul trait ..more
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gardensoflife-blog · 1 year
I chose to swim on the waters, I was drowning in.
And now I’m not swimming to survive but out of joy
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dearjewels22 · 1 year
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Cause sometimes the strong ones need you the most. -Destiny Rogers
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simisun · 7 months
"Feels Good To Feel Good"
Nothing is wrong.
Oh, the day-to-day distractions are still there,
Little irritations trickle into my Present from time to time...
Rippling from the pools of my past existence.
But they don't make the same waves.
Its quieter now.
That voice that likes to seduce me with suggestive sabotage?...
Quiet. as. fuxck.
Easily soothed.
I Love that 4 Me.
This is what "they" were talking about...
About how powerfully blessed you are when you start to really live your life according to your inner peace...
Delusion... working in your faaavor.
Imagination is a more acceptable term,
But you know you transcend acceptations of expectations.
Witnessed wombs wield power to birth wonders & nations.
Creating entire worlds out of what appears to be "nothing"...
No Matter the outer circumstances.
...always knew this gift was a birthright...
I really did it;
AM really doing it.
I smile softly to myself.
Knowing that no matter what happens, I am now capable of grounding sow much deeper into The Truth.
The Divine Truth.
That everything has always been set up to work in my highest favor...
... just had some lessons to learn.
Still learning.
New Lessons now though.
Quantum Level Chit.
I KNOW I have arrived.
Feet rooted deeply in protection & peace
everywhere I am;
I am safe.
Everywhere I go.
I am wise.
is all that I need to.
All I need is HERE.
Always has been.
I am now experiencing the promise of prosperity & Holy provision.
-Simi Sun
Copywritten by Ashanti "Simi Sun" Bragg, the original creator and owner of this Peace (piece). 8.21.23.
Photographer: Moment of Clarity Studios
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heroinewithane · 8 months
Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
You gotta keep loving.
You gotta keep fighting.
This is the kind of song that fills my heart. The words touch me in a way most songs don't. Here's to Pat the Bunny
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learmonti · 2 years
•∆° ::: ^𖧥^ ::: °∆•
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I could learn from you
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•∆° ::: 𖠙 ::: °∆•
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shebuislam · 2 months
The Importance of Health and Well-being
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to become absorbed in the rush of daily life, often overlooking our own health and well-being. However, it's vital to prioritize our physical and mental health to lead satisfying and balanced lives. This overview will delve into the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle, consuming a healthy diet, spending time in nature, nurturing relationships with loved ones, managing stress, and engaging in enjoyable activities. To learn more about how to eliminating anxiety.
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Keeping Active
Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Engaging in exercise not only helps in managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, but it also contributes to improved mental health. Whether it's through structured workouts, sports, or simply incorporating more movement into daily routines, staying active is key to a healthy lifestyle. It enhances cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and boosts energy levels. Moreover, physical activity has been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety, leading to a more positive outlook on life.
Eating Well
A balanced and nutritious diet plays a vital role in promoting good health. Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides the body with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. A well-rounded diet not only supports physical health but also impacts mental well-being. Proper nutrition is linked to improved cognitive function, mood regulation, and reduced risk of mental health disorders. By making informed food choices and practicing mindful eating, individuals can maintain a healthy weight, lower the risk of chronic illnesses, and enhance overall quality of life.
Spending Time Outdoors in Nature
Connecting with nature offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Spending time outdoors provides opportunities for physical activity, whether it's hiking, cycling, or simply going for a walk. The natural environment also has a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Exposure to sunlight aids in the production of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function. Additionally, being in nature encourages mindfulness and a sense of awe, fostering a deeper connection with the world around us. Whether it's a stroll in the park or a weekend camping trip, immersing oneself in nature can have profound effects on well-being.
Spending Time with Family and Friends
Strong social connections are fundamental to emotional well-being. Nurturing relationships with family and friends provides a support system during challenging times and enhances feelings of belonging and purpose. Regular social interaction can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, contributing to improved mental health. Engaging in shared activities and experiences fosters a sense of community and strengthens bonds. Whether it's a family dinner, a game night with friends, or a meaningful conversation, spending quality time with loved ones enriches life and promotes overall well-being.
Managing Anxiety in The Modern World: Tips and Strategies for Calming Stress and Anxiety
Reducing Stress
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but chronic stress can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. It's crucial to develop effective stress management techniques to mitigate its impact. Engaging in relaxation practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm. Taking time for oneself, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care are essential in maintaining emotional balance. Seeking support from loved ones or professional resources can also provide valuable assistance in coping with stress. By actively addressing stress, individuals can improve their overall well-being and resilience.
Doing Activities You Enjoy
Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment is essential for maintaining a positive outlook and overall happiness. Whether it's pursuing hobbies, participating in creative endeavors, or exploring new interests, doing what you love contributes to a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Enjoyable activities provide an outlet for self-expression, creativity, and personal growth. They also serve as a means of relaxation and stress relief. By carving out time for activities that bring happiness and fulfillment, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and cultivate a more balanced and meaningful life.
In conclusion, prioritizing health and well-being is essential for leading a fulfilling and balanced life. By maintaining an active lifestyle, consuming a nutritious diet, spending time in nature, nurturing relationships, managing stress, and engaging in enjoyable activities, individuals can promote their physical and mental well-being. Embracing these practices contributes to improved overall health, enhanced quality of life, and a greater sense of fulfillment. It's important to recognize the significance of these elements and make them integral parts of daily life in order to achieve optimal well-being and happiness.
Managing Anxiety in The Modern World: Tips and Strategies for Calming Stress and Anxiety
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flowtus143 · 4 months
living life with gratitude in my attitude
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gent-illmatic · 10 months
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Never Be Complacent.
You may have a successful product or business now, but don't ever forget that markets, tastes, and competitors change. A company that isn't looking for new or better ways of doing things is a business that runs the risk of not being here in fifteen, ten, or even five years. Never be complacent. Don’t play yourself.
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conscious-pisces · 6 months
“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
—Marcus Aurelius
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documentinghumanity · 7 months
The Mind and Time: The Two Most Valuable Assets in the World
In the vast expanse of human history, countless commodities have risen and fallen in value: gold, oil, real estate, and even digital currencies. However, two assets have remained consistently invaluable - the mind and time. Their worth is incomparable, transcending materialistic bounds, and deeply intertwined with our existence.
The human mind is a marvel of evolution. It not only drives our decisions and behaviors but also shapes our perspectives, desires, and identities. It is through the mind that we understand our purpose, make sense of our experiences, and connect with the world around us. Our creativity, ability to love, reason, dream, and reflect - all emanate from this complex organ. While we can enhance our physical possessions or even our body's capabilities, the potential for the mind to evolve, learn, and grow is unparalleled.
However, the mind's true potential is best harnessed when paired with an appreciation for time. Time is the canvas upon which our lives are painted. Every moment is a brushstroke, and every experience a splash of color. Recognizing the finiteness of time is essential to understanding its value. It is non-renewable, non-transferable, and irreplaceable. Once spent, it can never be regained. Hence, how we allocate and use our time often determines the quality of our lives.
Marrying the power of the mind with the essence of time leads to profound possibilities. It's about investing time in nurturing our minds: reading, learning, reflecting, and meditating. The more enriched our minds, the more meaningfully we can spend our time. Conversely, understanding the significance of time enables us to channel our mental energies purposefully. We become more deliberate in our actions, make informed decisions, and ultimately lead a life of intent rather than one of mere existence.
Sadly, in our fast-paced, modern world, it's easy to overlook the value of these assets. We get caught up in the rat race, chasing after fleeting pleasures and temporary successes. In doing so, we often neglect the nourishment of our minds and squander precious moments. Yet, when we pause, even momentarily, to reflect on what truly matters, we invariably circle back to the timeless duo: the mind and time.
While the world may chase after various forms of wealth and status, those who recognize the unmatched worth of the mind and time stand to gain the most. They not only lead richer lives but also make a lasting impact on the world. After all, every great idea, invention, and revolution sprouted from a mind that took the time to think, reflect, and act. So, let's pledge to value these two assets, for in them lies the secret to a life well-lived.
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mindfuss · 7 months
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"Those who know how to win, are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of their victories." - Polybius
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cactusanddaisies · 11 months
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