#meanwhile w him it felt amazing right off the very start
eleni-cherie · 16 days
how to get over someone who was perfect except that he lived in another country & couldn't handle long-distance texting (yeah I know I already did a post about it when it happened hut I'm still not over it 🥲). like I legit don't think I'll ever meet someone like him again. he was the first guy in 8 years I vibed so amazingly w + he was hot as hell. fck I'll die alone
and that idiot didn't even live that far away. legit takes 1.5h by plane to get there ugh
it always has to be a fcking Italian. 8 years ago a guy from sicily, now a guy from torino. I hate the universe. why connecting me w guys who either turn out to be shtty or I can't have?
anyway, back to remind myself my boys bts would've never dropped me like this & if they can keep in touch w fans during busy schedules, tours & military, so could a dude who supposedly likes me 🥲
at least I meant enough for him to take time to explain & apologize instead of just ghosting me
anyway sorry I just needed to vent for a sec 🥲
forgot to mention that he was an alex turner fanboy and loved tae's solo album when i showed him :') and we'd listen to 90-00s metal we grew up w due to both our mums.. fck my luck really
and the fact I finished begins ≠ youth by binge watching 8 episodes right after he dropped me surely didn't help w my melancholy either 🧍🏼‍♀️I mean, I knew what would happen, I read the books and webtoon but it still fcked me up. my poor boyssss 😭 so yeah, everything sucks rn
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
I haven’t watched the new episode but I heard it was awful. Do you have a fix-it that I can pretend is canon?
- Marinette is stressed, and extremely so; her schedule is more hectic and the kwami have been keeping her busy with teaching her any guardian rules/lessons they know from their limited knowledge that she might not have gotten from Fu since he hadn’t had the time to teach her due to what happened.
- Because of these factors, her dates with Luka have often been interrupted and constantly replanned, only the cinema date being anywhere near complete due to her giving him the guitar pick necklace. Luka is trying to be respectful and not pry, but can’t help being disappointed whenever she leaves.
- Eventually, Luka talks to her on the matter, concerned for where she goes and how she always seems anxious when she does. Marinette assures him that she adores him, but she has... things that she has to do, and even though she wishes so badly for it to be different, she’s forced into this situation and she’s so sorry for it.
- Luka is pained by the secret she’s forced to keep, but gives her a sad smile and ends the conversation there. She can tell that he’s putting on a brave face from the slump as he walks away.
- Later on, Marinette is walking down an empty street, muttering to Tikki about the situation, when an unfamiliar form descends from above and lands in front of her. Tikki quickly conceals herself and Marinette goes on the defensive, recognizing that this must be an akuma. “Who are you, and what do you want with me?!”
- The akuma reaches out... and gently takes her hand in his. “We have a date planned today, Marinette, and I want to make sure that we get to finish it this time.” “...W-what? Wait--Luka?”
- In that instance, someone from a distance screams at the sight of the akumatized Luka, yelling for someone to call Ladybug. Luka faces them, muttering, “You’re disrupting us,” his sentimonster helper using their ability to make the person and even the phone they were trying to use go completely silent, much to their shock. Roger, who was nearby at the time, approaches and gives a speech about defending Paris, then tries to attack Luka, but Luka uses his own power to flash Roger back to where he was a minute ago (meaning Luka’s sentimonster is an equivalent to Silencer whereas Luka himself is similar to Viperion); this happens to put Roger in the middle of the street - where he’d originally been directing traffic - and he has to dodge an oncoming car.
- “Luka!” Marinette states, panicked. “You can’t do this! You’re akumatized, you’re not thinking!” In response, Luka settles his hand on her shoulder. “I’m thinking perfectly well, and all I can think is about how you’re so burdened by something that I could never help you with. Now I can, and I’ll stop anyone or anything from bothering you or interrupting us, so we can have the date you deserve.”
- It’s at that moment that Marinette realizes that this akuma literally just wants her to have a nice time and that’s the sweetest freaking thing she’s ever heard.
- She can’t help being torn. On one hand, this is an akuma who will inevitably cause havoc, and she stops akuma as Ladybug... but on the other, this is Luka and she’s so touched and this is an offer for them to finally have a date not interrupted by an akuma because he IS an akuma, and she’s felt so bad ditching him before so this is a chance to remedy that.
- Marinette can see Tikki peering at her judgementally from her purse, but the opportunity is too tempting to pass up and Marinette agrees to go on a date with him, exciting Luka as he enthusiastically tugs her closer so they can walk together.
- Cue montage of Luka recreating their dates, though this time where she can actually enjoy them without interruption. Luka and his sentimonster occasionally use their powers and Marinette clearly hesitates, but he dotes on her so much that it’s hard for her to not want to continue their dates.
- Meanwhile, Shadow Moth probably: Wh--where the heck is Ladybug???? (there’s also probably a moment where Luka mentions Shadow Moth and Marinette uses the opportunity to gather some information)
- During one of the recreated dates, Chat Noir shows up and manages to snatch Marinette away, jumping up and out of harm’s way while trying to find a place to hide. He ducks into an alleyway and is about to go on about how neat his save was when Marinette huffs and asks, “What do you think you’re doing?!” “...U-uh, saving you?” “I didn’t need saving! We were on a date!” “You were on a what now.” “Chat Noir, it’s very rude to interrupt someone’s date. “I’m sorry, Princess, but I’m still stuck on the fact that you said you were dating an akuma--”
- At that moment, a hand clamps down on Chat Noir shoulder. He stiffens and turns, seeing Luka there and very much not happy. Luka squints, asking lowly, “What did you call her?”
- Chat Noir can only weakly look back at Marinette, who waves apologetically at him right before he’s yeet’d off into the distance. The sentimonster gives chase.
- Marinette does eventually leap into action as Ladybug once she recognizes that okay this was amazing and incredible and I’m officially de-stressed but Luka is akumatized and there is definitely a rule against Ladybug dating supervillains.
- Naturally, when Ladybug arrives, Luka’s first concern is what happened to Marinette. Ladybug tries to get him to back down and points out that he won’t even remember any of this once de-akumatized, but Luka insists that, “It’s okay. Marinette will remember.”
- Ladybug is internally like okay but can you not, I’m trying to fight you here and you’re making it difficult.
- Ladybug tries to negotiate/convince Luka into getting de-akumatized, until Chat Noir shows up on the scene again, the sentimonster following after. The fight itself is significally difficult and limiting; if they make any loud, disruptive noises, they’ll be silenced, but if they try to fight Luka directly/physically, he can zap them back to where they were a minute prior; knowing Luka, he could even engineer it so that one of them perhaps gets trapped if they’re not careful.
- Post-deakumatization, Marinette meets up with Luka and gives him a long overdue kiss. Luka is stunned, having been prepared to apologize for getting akumatized, and asks her what he did to deserve it, to which Marinette explains that he’s amazing and she’s happy to have him.
- They end up talking and Luka apologizes for trying to pry about her secret, but explains about his dad and the mystery behind his identity (foreshadowing the conflict for a future episode: I'd have the whole Jagged thing be a different episode so it gets proper focus). Marinette insists that she understands and he has nothing to apologize for, but pauses and laments that their dates might very well continue to be interrupted.
- Luka hesitantly starts to ask if she thinks it’d be best if they broke up, but Marinette cuts him off to insist otherwise. She wants to make this work with him but it’s complicated and she literally (stressing that it’s not a trust issue) cannot tell him why she leaves all the time. Luka smiles reassuringly and points out that a perfect song doesn’t exist and that every song goes through edits. Marinette asks what he means and Luka explains that he can’t help wanting to be selfish and spend time with her, but also that the knowledge of them dating is enough.
- Marinette, considering this, realizes that - yeah - not going on dates doesn’t mean they can’t be in a loving relationship, and maybe they can stop planning dates and get together right after she deals with akuma instead. She’s been a mess because of stress and that’s caused even more problems, so it doesn’t make sense to cause herself more stress by breaking up with Luka; she needs to take care of herself.
- The episode ends with Marinette in her room, some of the kwami being a bit chaotic/loud but Marinette being completely unphased and talking excitedly to Luka on the phone about their recent date “after that crazy akuma attack,” as Luka can’t hear the kwami due to their voices not breaking through technology.
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys Walking In On You Dancing (smexy edition)
Lineup: Tsukishima Kei, Azumane Asahi, Kozume Kenma, Yamamoto Taketora and Oikawa Tōru.
Warning: cursing, one mention of alcohol, and suggestive smexy content
A/Note: So yes two in a day, I was extra motivated y’all don’t question it. It’s probably because it’s been so long. The songs are just what I like to listen to, m sorry.
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Tsukishima Kei
♬♩♪♩ Sean Paul – She Doesn’t Mind ♩♪♩♬
Tsukishima was looking for his bluetooth headphones everywhere because he was positive he had left them on the couch, in the living room. However, they seemed to have grown legs and walked elsewhere, he joked to himself. “Y/N! Shorty! Have you seen my headphones?” he called loudly but no response. He walked through the house shouting your name but you were nowhere to be found. Tsukishima glanced at the clock on the wall; it read 4:30PM. He considered maybe you had been outside, possibly reading a book which you often did.
He was right; there you were blanket laid on the grass with the long-forgotten book and you standing up dancing with his headphones. You hadn’t seen him yet and he had considered stopping you but he just couldn’t. Kei stood at the door admiring the way your hips rolled and body moved. He wondered what you were listening to make you dance this way, so beautifully, so erotically. Tsukishima wasn’t much of a dancer but he’d love to be body to body with you right now. He had clearly gotten a bit too excited and the tent in his pants was proof. His cheeks burned red in embarrassment, you still dancing, unaware of his presence.
He quietly crept up behind you gently clasping his hands around your waist. You jumped a bit, immediately lowering the headphones. “I was looking for those you know,” he whispered lowly in your ear. “I- I’m sorry you can have them back now,” you apolgise trying to turn around. He held your body still, pressing his closer to yours. Then you felt it, the hardness pressed against your back, “But I want something else now. Hmmmm. Care to help me with it shortcake?” he asked his hands finding his way below your shirt, caressing your chest and brushing over your nipples. “K- Kei we’re outside. S-someone could see,” you tried reasoning.
“Really… Hmm you didn’t seem to mind a few seconds ago. So unless you want the neighbors to get a perfect view of your body being wrecked which I’m sure they wouldn’t mind get your ass on the bed upstairs right now,” he said biting your ear, eliciting a whimper from you. “I- y-yes sir,” you reply, pulling yourself from his grasp to go upstairs, he followed closely behind.
Azumane Asahi
♬♩♪♩ Bailando – Enrique Iglesias ♩♪♩♬
Asahi was busy at work in his office; with a tight deadline and 3 designs to perfect every waking hour was spent working. But he’s been staring at the blank page for the past 20 minutes with no breakthrough and it’s not because he couldn’t come up with anything, he just couldn’t concentrate. Why? Because right now you were just outside his door in the living room blasting music. It’s not like you meant to disturb him or had forgotten either, he just didn’t tell you.
He knows you’d insist on staying up to ungodly hours with him as he finished his designs so he told you he’d be in bed shortly, he just had some papers to sign. He hoped you would go to sleep but nope. Asahi wanted to leave you to your music he truly did, he knew you were happiest when you’re dancing and enjoying yourself but he wanted to enjoy it with you. The faster he finished the faster he could come and be with you, so he decided to tell you.
“Hey-,” the words died in his throat as his eyes landed on you. Asahi considered retreating to his office right now but he couldn’t move. You hadn’t heard him and he was kind of glad you didn’t. Your hips swayed to the beat, moving in just the right way, his eyes didn’t leave you. Your clothes hugged your body just right even if they were just sleepwear. Was that really what you wore to sleep he thought? If he had noticed all this sooner he was sure your nights would end a much different way. Asahi’s face flushed red; he cursed himself for thinking such inappropriate thoughts.
Your hands trailed up your body that was moving to the music as you finally turned to see him. “Oh! Hey, honey. I didn’t see you there,” you paused the music and walked up to him. “I- I wanted you to turn down the music. I- mean if that’s alright,” he said scratching his neck. “Yeah yeah. I’m sorry honey. Lemme do that and you can get back to your work,” you pulled his hand to your lips placing a kiss on them, and walking back to the speaker. “W-wait could you umm maybe help me with something. It's fine if you can’t,” he waved his hands in front of him. You look down to find a very turned-on Asahi and chuckled, “Mmmm Of course honey. Maybe next time you can join me dancing. I didn’t know you liked it so much.” Asahi hid his face in his hands as he followed you to the bedroom.
Kenma Kozume
♬♩♪♩ LUV – Tory Lanez ♩♪♩♬
Kenma was busy working a TikTok Livestream because his followers and subscribers have been bombarding his inbox with messages to get one. He was currently in the process of making sure everything was in order as people started popping in and saying hi. You were in the bedroom trying to strike up some inspiration but instead, you got so caught up in the music. Meanwhile, Kenma was telling them about his day but the chat was blowing up with questions so he had skipped over to answer them.
About an hour had passed and he was getting a bit hungry so he decided to headed over to the kitchen, phone in hand to get some apple pie from the fridge. Everyone started commenting typical Kodzuken, a couple people suggested that he ask you if you wanted any. His fan base was very familiar with your presence and often asked for ideas where he would interact with you. The community loved seeing the softer side of Kenma that came out when you were around. His phone was turned to face you so everyone could see you when he entered.
Not even five seconds after he opened the door he closed it. “Hey guys, ummm I need to go. I’ll come back later. Kodzuken out,” he quickly ended the stream and turned off his phone. “Hey, baby. Are you ok?” you peeked out from the door one side of your bluetooth earbuds still in. His face was tinted pink as he pushed you into the room, “I- Kitten … umm my fan base just saw… they … well how you were dancing and I-,” you stopped him pulling him to lay his head on your lap. “I’m sorry baby, but it’s nothing special. Was I bad?” You ask while stroking his hair but he sat straight up. “No! I mean no, you weren’t bad. It was just,” he played with his fingers, “It was just really seductive and it's that’s not really for my fan base to see. “
“Oh? Then who is it for then? Hmmm,” you asked in a teasing manner. He was embarrassed but still confidently answered, “For me ok. It’s for me now stop teasing me ok,” he pouted turning away from you. You giggled, “I’m sorry but maybe you want me to continue. For you alone that is?” He thought about it but then his stomach growled, “Ok I do but maybe eat some apple pie with me first?” You nodded and you both headed to the kitchen but don’t think he forgot about your suggestion.
Yamamoto Taketora
♬♩♪♩ Fast Wine – Machel Montano ♩♪♩♬
Today had gone by pretty slow, and you spent it watching movies and just spending time with Yamamoto. But now it was a bit later and you were feeling some creative juices flowing so you decided to put that to use you grabbed your stuff and set it up at the kitchen counter. He decided to up Kenma’s offer to play some games. About two hours had gone by and your shoulder was getting pretty sore. The playlist was pretty upbeat and just as you had gotten up a dance-worthy song had begun to play. You thought maybe it’d be a good warm-up.
You were swaying your body to the beat and getting in the rhythm. Your hips moved freely as you dragged your hand over your body and fit your dancing to the nature of the song. What you didn't know, is as soon as you started to dance Taketora was coming to get some snacks and check up on you. But his plans changed when he saw you dancing, he froze. If he went back now he’d definitely have to take a cold shower and he saw no difference if he stayed. So he decided to enjoy it for a bit. His cheeks were lightly dusted pink and the situation in his pants was only getting harder.
He felt weird just standing there, kind of like he was being a creep so he decided to quickly run to the kitchen and run back as the song came to a close. “H-hey baby. Just getting a snack and heading back,” he said hurriedly. “Oh ok. Did you enjoy the view?” you quirked your eyebrow smirking at him. “W-what? I didn’t see anything just you baby always se- I mean beautiful as ever,” he turned away from you and opened the fridge. You slowly walk up behind him, and start climbing your fingers up his arms, “Really nothing? I guess that’s too bad, I wanted to know what you thought. Guess I just have to assume it was terrible.”
“Wait! Baby your dancing is really amazing and sexy! How could you say it’s bad!” he shouted covering his face in realisation of what he just said. You burst out in a fit of laughter, it was so easy to get him to admit things, “Babe I’m sorry but I’m glad you like it. I didn’t know how much you saw I only caught you down to the end. But I’m glad you like it I but I do see that your little friend down there liked it much more.” You pointed down to his crotch which he covered while flushing bright red. “I’m sorry I- umm I’ll take care of it,” he apologised turning to leave. “How about we both have a shower and I can fix it for you hmm,” you held his hand and whispered in his ear. “Y-yes p-please. Thank you,” he looked down blushing as you led him to the bathroom.
Oikawa Tōru
♬♩♪♩ Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira ♩♪♩♬
Oikawa was gone for practice and you decided it’d be fun to catch up with your friends because it had been a while. You were on a video call and you guys had started talking about music and gotten into a bit of details about dancing. So now you and all your friends were showing their wining and grinding skills. This was a rather normal occurrence because in all honestly things always got wild between you guys. Put the three of you in a club and all eyes would be on you in no time. It was always a surprise how a couple shots could go such a long way.
You were going off to this song, all the seductive movements, hands dragging over the dips of your body and your hips moving at just the right tempo. Tōru had forgotten his water bottle and came back only to find you dancing. Turned on was an understatement but his time in Brazil gave him experience in more than one way and he was going to use that. This man was not shy but he did wait for the right moment to jump in. He came up behind you resting his hands on your waist, guiding your movement with his. “Hey cutie, moving that beautiful body of yours I see,” he whispered in your ear gently biting it. “You startled me,” you smiled still dancing as you put your arms back against his chest and dragged your body down his, slowly coming back up.
He started placing kisses on your neck, “Mmmm m sorry, fuck I’m not gonna make it to practice baby.” He twirled you away from his body only to bring you back and dip you. He smiled and pulled you up for a kiss. Suddenly, whistles and claps erupted, “Shit- I forgot I was talking to them.” He chuckled as they asked where they can find themselves an Oikawa Tōru. “Well ladies there’s only one and I don’t think Y/N-chan is sharing,” giving them a wink.
“Well, I don’t know you cause a lot more problems than fix them,” you joke as he clutched his chest. “How rude Y/N-chan! Maybe I’ll take your friends up on their offer then,” he crossed his arms and pouted childishly. “You’re not going anywhere, you’re all mine mister, and now what’s that about not going to practice. What did you have in mind?” you asked ending the call with your friends. He didn’t reply, just grabbed you by the waist and placed you on his lap, earning a small squeak from you.
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Tell me if you'd like to see anyone else for this? Whether it's MHA or Haikyuu, maybe even Jujutsu Kaisen.
If you liked my writing, maybe you’d like to buy me a coffee?
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neko-rogers · 4 years
hey!! I’m not sure if your inbox is still open but I thought I’d send this just in case! what would you think abt a dark!peter who’s obsessed w s/o and offers to have her stay with him during like the stay-at-home pet of covid so she’s not alone then when it’s lifted he’s like lol you’re not leaving. sorry that’s kinda long and super specific. i absolutely love your writing though!!💗
Jamie All Over
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words: 2,040 (no, i should be sorry bc this was chaotic)
tags: didn’t expect it to be this LONG, manipulative!peter parker, grooming, overprotectiveness, slight mentions of sex, don’t expect too much lmao its a headcanon
a/n: hi babe! i wasn’t entirely sure if you wanted this as a one shot (but if u do let me know!)
so you’re pretty unaware of every move peter is trying to do with you, you know? you were not really sure if it was a kind gesture, as the gentleman he seemed to be, or was it just a special treatment
ever since second year and until now as both of you were on your fourth year, he was consistent with his efforts
these moves were moments like when he would carry your books to your next class or confidently invite you to a study ‘date’ at the library after – often times he tells that his friends were invited, but would never show up later on
sometimes he would bring you lunch. you tried to turn it down kindly, but he insists that it was purposely packed as an extra for when he stays late around the university.
it was a lie though. anyone could tell by the way it was prepared looking very appetizing and tasted just as amazing at it was presented. 
and as peter had mentioned that he lived alone, you also assumed he was the one to make his meals. you were so sure he doesn’t pack for an extra and intentionally wants to impress you with his skills.
“hey, y/n!,” he calls, “look this eggroll has a cute design!”
he honestly was an epitome of a walking sunshine. his smile seemed so pure and you never felt any ill-intent for every gesture he had done for you
his friends seemed very welcoming the moment he introduced you to his group
you got along with ned who seemed to be just as joyful and funny as peter. meanwhile mj was a bit more of a tough cookie, nevertheless you both eventually got a long better than you expected
however, it came to one point wherein your own group of friends started being disheartened with your lack of communication
“you’ve been spending more time with that parker boy, huh?” “yeah, kinda?” “are you two like... dating?” “oh no! no... no... nooo!”
the moment they frowned at you was then that you realized and felt a little more guilty. you always remembered that friends were supposed to be friends despite the lack of time and effort, right?
somehow you tried to compensate for the lack of time with your friends. but every minute you spend felt more awkward than before
they weren’t sharing the same vibe with you and you were starting to question if it had been always like it – were you only adjusting to them?
you reached out for peter, considering that he became one of the closest and trusted people around the university. plus, he seemed to have genuinely great friends
“do you feel happy when you’re spending time with them?”
“well i used to but recently–”
“then you should stop being friends with them.”
you were upset for a second. the way he instantly told you that cutting ties with them would be the (only) option
he sounded serious on the other end of the line and you were just speechless for a moment. the dead air between lines was evident, but you didn’t know what to say
“sorry,” peter makes up, “i didn’t mean to sound too serious. i just don’t like people who are rude, especially to you.”
“oh, it’s fine. i totally get it.” you felt a batch of butterflies around your stomach. someone actually cared for you!!!
the moment you didn’t hesitate on losing your friendship with your past friends and moved on with joining peter’s group, things felt lighter.
somehow you felt more expressive than you realized. they were open to your ideas and thoughts, just as you were with them. you felt super comfortable and realized that you weren’t holding back on anything anymore
that’s why you had expected your winter break to be better than your past ones
everyone agreed to skate around the ice rink in rockefeller for christmas. along with it, also spending new year’s eve at the time square
news flash: you finally had the cliche new year’s eve kiss, with none other than peter parker!!! hooray!!!
for anyone who had common sense, your feelings for peter had accentuated. you weren’t denying it either, and the boy wasn’t oblivious to it too
he was just so irresistible and kind to you, like, all the time – to surreal, honestly
you felt and KNEW you were spoiled with peter (and his friends, who liked to spend time with you outside too, just not as much as him)
just as you were planning your spring break activities, it had to be postponed for another time
a lockdown had to be implemented around the country as it was under the state of a pandemic
mj and ned told the group that they’ll be with their families since lectures had to be concluded for the mean time
you planned to do the same, but you expected that this situation wouldn’t last long. so you chose to stay in your dorm rather than return to your hometown
completely sucks since you not only don’t get to hang out with your friends, but you weren’t able to see anyone in person...
until you got a text from peter
he was literally inviting you over his apartment since he explained that he wasn’t returning home either
you practically rushed to pack a small amount of clothes for a sleepover whilst not forgetting to wear a mask (bc it’s fucking important ok)
you arrived at his address and a big warm hug ensues 
his unit was so tidy and you were convinced he did it to impress you
peter was so happy to see you, acknowledging that you’re also spending a few nights with him
the nights mostly consisted of eating snacks and binge watching movies
however during one of those nights, both of you got a bonus – making out on his couch and further, completely forgetting the television
making out with peter wasn’t awkward at all. most of the time he was the one in control, which you didn’t mind
his hands treated you so gently but the way he teased you made you crave for more than what he was offering
a lot of whining, swearing, and begging – you weren’t aware but he was enjoying it a lot
on his side, he did praise you from time to time, but most of it consisted of raw tension and actions. the room was full of grunts and short breaths 
just want to include how sexy peter would be while he moans all over you. like his whole sunshine personality just drained away the moment he places his hands on either sides of your waist
the next day you felt like a princess even though you know it shouldn’t be???
apparently peter prepared breakfast for you and you felt embarrassed walking around his place only in the shirt you wore yesterday and underwear
just when you thought the extra lunch he packs for you was already amazing, the breakfast he prepared whilst being fresh and hot was just incredible
“you really like it?”
“of course! you really have to teach me to cook sometimes”
peter laughs and jokes, “yeah, don’t worry. i feel like we’ve got a lot of time ahead.”
ok fast forward to a few more days when you were beginning to feel like a freeloader. he lets you borrow a few of his clothes as yours were in the laundry
by the time you wanted to stop by your place, peter started to be more... clingy
at first he didn’t want you to go but after a few more debates, he felt defeated and instead insisted on going with you
eventually you caved and let him. it wasn’t that bad either, he talked to you about a lot of things on the way leaving you entertained the whole walk without realizing how far it had been
he helped you ‘pack’ more stuff so you wouldn’t be going back and forth from his place and yours. you felt like you were going out of town for a month with the amount of clothes and products
both of you returned to his place around late afternoon. you felt pretty tired and didn’t hesitate to pass out on the living room couch
when you woke up you sensed that you were in peter’s bedroom, meaning he carried and tucked you during the night
plus! an arm was wrapped around your midriff and you could feel peter’s breathing against your side
you closed your eyes and appreciated the moment. it was cute and made butterflies flutter around your stomach, and you tried not to move much to not wake him up
anyways apparently the pandemic lasted longer, and more serious, than expected (fuck the government and their incompetency) 
you spent more time with peter and was thankful that you didn’t spend this quarantine alone
within a blink of an eye, a month and a half already had passed. you couldn’t deny that most, or all, days have been unproductive
eat, cook, watch tv, cuddle, fuck, repeatedly get spoiled??? yeah sounds like the dream
weird though because you haven’t completely brought up to peter if you’re actually in a relationship with him. oh no were you just friends with (a lot) of benefits??
but you also felt like it wasn’t the time to bring it up. neither of you were saying anything so it was best to let it be for the fear that things might go downhill from there
anyways this continued for more weeks, especially since the ‘stay-at-home’ policy was deemed necessary
you started to help him do errands around the apartment just to feel like you weren’t an actual freeloader – but it wasn’t a surprise when he kept insisting that you should relax
more cute moments
more sexy times
and more cuddles during night (peter’s grip became tighter every night, but you shrugged it off assuming that it was just you getting homesick and overthinking)
ok but when you brought up being homesick and mentioned that you planned peter wasn’t entirely happy about it
the way he acted wasn’t just clingy. he insisted that he’d be the one to go and that you were staying
“ok but i’m not a dog, peter?” “i know, honey, but it’s too dangerous outside. i wouldn’t want you to be at risk.” “i wear a mask?? i follow health protocols?? i’ll be fine??” “you don’t understand–”
oh god he was becoming controlling
you tried not to argue anymore, rather ignoring and pushing past him to proceed to the door
and peter instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist and prevented you from walking further
there was a lot of struggling, but you didn’t know he was this strong. literally what the hell.
you tried to scream too but he pretty much threatened you to your core
“let’s talk this out,” he grunts as he secures his grip around you
“the hell? let me go!”
things got more complicated. he did convince you to talk with him (by means of tying your arms and legs to incapacitate you from running and righting)
it was a nightmare. he was really soft and sweet with you, even getting teary eyed after stating, “i only want what’s best for you... for us”
however you could sense the manipulativeness through it despite being making everything else look convincing
“trust me, sweetie, i wouldn’t want to hurt you. it would crush me” “please don’t cry. i’m only protecting you” “people are disgusting, they don’t deserve an angel like you” “don’t worry, i can protect you”
it terrified you to your nerves, sending shivers across your spine
at first you didn’t realize it, but eventually after days of being trapped, you figured he had been grooming you the whole time
he tried to make you dependent of him and somehow he did a fine job. just not enough to completely exploit you
though, it made you question what would have been better in your situation: being conscious of his sly nature with the hope of escaping or being unaware and completely wrapped around his finger whereas letting him continue how greatly he had been caring for you?
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anonymousweirdo · 3 years
My favourite Loki
“You know I’m not really his favourite.”
Loki’s brow furrowed temporarily at the unexpectedness of Sylvie’s sudden proclamation. “Okay.” He huffed.
“Wow you’re not even trying to hide your jealousy there I see.” Sylvie chastised smugly.
“I’m not jealous.” Loki stated seeing Sylvie raise an amused eyebrow he continued, “I can see that it would seem that I am because I said that rather quickly but believe me I am not in the slightest.”
“Oookay.” Sylvie replied rolling her eyes. “I mean he may have looked at me as he said it but he meant it about you.”
A few moments passed between the two as they continued on their way.
“Now really. Why should I care if Mobius likes you more than me?” Loki said carefully and deliberately making sure he had a perfect evenness to his tone.
“Oh I don’t know why but you do.” Replied Sylvie.
“I’m not even going to dignify you with a response.”
“Tell you what.” Remarked Sylvie. “I’ve never been one to turndown a wager and I’m sure you’re the same. I have an idea to propose about our little Mobius situation.”
She smiled at Loki who was waiting for her to continue. Realising she wouldn’t unless he further prompted her he reluctantly said. “Alright but the stakes better be high.”
Sylvie’s face instantly brightened with a deviant smile, “Oh believe me they are.”
Loki didn’t like the way she said this but really wanted to beat her at her own game so he said, “Well let’s have it.”
“Next time we meet Mobius we’ll figure out for certain which one of us he likes more. If it turns out you’re right and he likes me more I’ll teach you all I know about enchantment. However...” she smiled wickedly, “If it turns out I’m right, which I certainly am, and you’re his absolute favourite you have to kiss him.”
Loki felt his heart leap at this but ignored it and refused to show any sign of embarrassment or emotion whatsoever. He stretched out his hand to seal the deal and smiled smoothly. “You’re on.”
“Great!!” She enthusiastically shook his hand, “I hope you’re as smooth a kisser as you are a talker.” She teased.
“And I hope you won’t look too idiotic, which you will, when you become enchanted by the very person you taught enchantment to.” Loki smiled keenly.
Meanwhile Mobius had his fair share to deal with as taking down the TVA was no easy task. He had however found deep within himself courage and was heavily determined. Whether he admitted it or not Loki had really inspired him to think for himself and what he truly wanted in life. Not what certain higher beings dictated was ‘sacred’ or ‘supposed’ to happen.
Comforting Ravonna with all this proved to go as unfavourably as expected. She of course didn’t see it that way and was used to the idea of ‘timekeepers’ controlling the universe. Not to mention the last time they had met she ordered him to be pruned. He held nothing against her in fact he still respected her in a way. Perhaps that’s why instead of banishing her to somewhere awful or locking her away he sent her to where she was really from. Her life before she joined the TVA. She may have gone unwillingly but perhaps in the end her mind, or rather her heart, would change.
Regardless Mobius hoped for the best. He was startled by a TemPad portal opening which Loki and Sylvie stumbled clumsily out of. He couldn’t help but grin wildly at the sight of them, both relieved to know they were safe and heavily amused at the way they lay on the floor in tangled mess.
Loki quickly got up as though he hadn’t fallen in the first place and gave Mobius a quick half smile. “Well. You were right about one thing. We did manage to see each other again.”
“That we have.” Said an amused Mobius.
“If you two are through flirting I’d appreciate a hand.” Sylvie announced still positioned uncomfortably on the ground.
Mobius reached down and offered her a hand kindly helping her to her feet. “So,” he started, “How’d meeting the almighty timekeepers go?”
“Well it wa-“ Loki was cut off by Sylvie.
“It went well but we have more pressing matters now.”
Mobius raised an amused eyebrow “More important... huh.” He muttered.
“Which one of us do you like more?” She said bluntly.
Loki grimaced for but a moment then stated, “What Sylvie means is, we have a wager, that has very high stakes involved, which depends on your answer to this question. It’s not that it’s all terribly important... just another way to see which one of us is the superior Loki you see.”
Mobius surprised just stared at the both of them in wonder thoroughly entertained. “Well well well!”
“I already know your answer and it’s him.” Sylvie declared jabbing a finger in Loki’s general direction, ”So you needn’t draw it out.”
“Hey now, that’s rather presumptions besides being clearly inaccurate.” Loki remarked. Shifting his attention to Mobius he said matter of factly, “You said ‘you’re my favourite’ while looking at her. Besides she really is quite deviant and not fully unpleasant to look at.”
“Why thank you.” Said Sylvie who had never received such a wonderful backhanded compliment in all her life. “But...” she now looked at Mobius, “You realise he’s much more of a Loki than I am, if I can even be called a Loki. And it is Loki’s you’re fond of not to mention you’ve gotten to know one another so much more than you and I have.”
“But!” Interrupted Loki who was trying his absolute best to convince Mobius Sylvie was the more favourable of the two of them. “She has really amazing fighting skills and is quite crafty plus she knows enchantment. Also you’ve made it clear you consider her the ‘superior’ Loki.”
“Just because he recognises-“
She was cut short by Loki, “Considers.”
“Whatever,” she continued, “Me as the superior Loki doesn’t mean I’m his favourite.”
“Yes well-“
Loki was stopped by a soft chuckle emanating from Mobius.
“Wow... I don’t think I’ve ever been fought over this much in my life even my previous one. If I was I know I’d never forget it. Gotta say I’m flattered!” He raised both hands in a showy shrug.
“We’re not fighting over you we’re simply trying to get an answer out of you so I can prove to her that I’m clearly the superior Loki and claim my prize.” Loki professed.
“Oh really?” Said Mobius who could see right through Loki as he usually does, “Because it really sounds to me like you’re fighting over me.”
“We are absolutely n-“
“Ugh just answer the question already!” Moaned an exasperated Sylvie.
“Well...” Mobius hesitated immensely enjoying the whole situation. “Unlike the two of you I don’t lie so in all honesty....”
Loki could hardly take the build up. Feeling his heart grow faster with every millisecond that went by and absolutely hating it.
“You’re both my favourite.” Mobius simply said at last.
“Oh.” Loki and Sylvie uttered in unison
Loki turned to face Sylvie, “I guess we were both wrong.”
“Yeah... I guess we were both right too.”
“You know...” she continued a little smile growing across her face, “I’ll still teach you a little enchantment if you do you know what.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Your loss.” She shrugged, “Guess I’ll just always be the superior Loki.”
“Now that’s just cruel.”
Loki had a million thoughts cascading around in his head trying to ignore most of them he in the end couldn’t ignore his pride and with a reluctant sigh stepped towards Mobius.
“My friend,” He started. “Um well you see. We had this wager on who your favourite was obviously you know this but well.”
His confidence wavering he tried his best to explain the details without showing any sign of embarrassment or foolishness. He failed immensely.
“And it’s just that the stakes were I mean are quite high. She,” Loki glared in Sylvie’s direction who friendly waved at him, “Offered to teach me enchantment and still will if I hold up my end of the bargain.”
“So hold up your end of the bargain.” Said Mobius very amused at how flustered Loki was. How Loki was currently the complete opposite of how he always tried to make people perceive him. Instead of being confident and prideful Loki was uncertain and bashful which Mobius found rather endearing.
“Yes well.” Loki smiled painfully, “That’s the thing. I know I lie a lot but believe me. Believe me this was her idea.”
Mobius waited for him to continue pleased at the whole situation.
“Um.” Loki cleared his throat then let it all out abruptly, “If I kiss you then she’ll teach me enchantment.”
“Is that so?” Mobius said looking at Sylvie who was behind Loki.
She met his gaze and nodded enthusiastically.
W-o-w silently mouthed Mobius.
“Believe me if there was any another way I’d choose it instead but this is my only option.” Mumbled a throughly flushed Loki.
“Alright. Give it a go.” Said Mobius.
“Wait really?” Said a rather taken aback Loki.
Mobius chuckled, “Sure why not. You really can’t stand being second place can you?”
Loki uncomfortable and not knowing at this point how he even wanted to respond. Just lamely said “Okay well don’t blame me if she becomes your favourite after this.”
“Oh don’t worry I won’t.” Said Mobius looking as unbothered as Loki was uncomfortable.
Loki slowly inched forward towards Mobius and all those thoughts started to race through his head again much too quickly. All those feelings. All those things he doesn’t allow himself to process or even consider.
Seeing his friend step closer leaning into him only made it so much worse. His friend. Loki couldn’t recall if he could truly say that about anyone else. Other than Sylvie of course. Maybe that’s why this whole situation was driving him mad.
Just as their faces were mere inches apart Loki drew back forcefully. And exclaimed with a very offputing bitterness to his tone, “Actually there’s really no need for any of this I’m clearly the superior Loki. I don’t need to justify that to either of you.”
Mobius just stood there slightly stunned.
Sylvie just stood behind the both of them no longer smiling.
Loki continued to fill the suffocating silence that was quickly enveloping them. “Besides I can teach enchantment to myself it’s not like I need anyone for that.”
“Loki.” Mobius prompted gently.
“It’s not like I need anyone in general for that matter.” Loki declared refusing to acknowledge or except the tears that threatened to stream from his eyes. He turned away thinking of leaving. Of grabbing the TemPad and just going wherever it would take him. He closed his eyes and said scathingly “This was fun while it lasted but who are we kidding.”
“Stop it.” Said Sylvie who couldn’t bear it any longer. “Just please... stop lying.”
Loki completely lost in his own head and heart suddenly felt something warm wrap around him. He opened his eyes to see both Mobius and Sylvie who had caught him in a group hug.
“I used to think I didn’t need anyone either.” Muttered Sylvie who’s face was tightly pressed into his shoulder. “But no matter how many times I told myself that lie it didn’t make it true.”
Loki felt Mobius’ breath tickle his neck as he softly said, “Loki you may lie in order to not let anyone get close to you, know you, or love you, but that won’t stop us.”
And in an instant all the lies Loki told himself about how he felt about other people, how he felt about caring for others and being cared for, shattered with the simple realisation of a simple truth. He wasn’t wrong. He truly didn’t need anyone he just needed his friends.
Loki put his arms around the both of them finally letting go of his fear of being loved. Then hesitating for but a moment he tenderly placed a soft kiss on Mobius’ cheek first then on Sylvie’s.
They stayed like that for a while longer all embracing one another. Until Sylvie happily muttered, “Guess I have to teach you enchantment after all.”
Loki let forth an amused short snort of laughter. “Well I guess you do.”
“And you guys honestly thought I could choose between the two of you.” Mobius shook his head amused, “Look at you, you’re adorable!”
“We are aren’t we?” Said Sylvie owning it.
Loki just smiled genuinely. Happily. Warmly. Knowing without a doubt in his mind that he had found his favourite people of all time.
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animated-moon · 3 years
dating oikawa hcs
warnings: oikawa being a pretty boy
a/n: the things i’d do to be his friend 😪😪
» you were actually the manager of karasuno (oh no)
» during their joint practice oikawa tried to talk to you because you didn’t really seem like a bad person and in fact he thinks you’re quite interesting based off on the interactions you had with the team
» but also because he noticed that you were staring at him 50% of the time (i mean who wouldn’t)
» so when you were handing out the bottles to both the teams he was like “hii karasuno’s manager-chan :D”
» and you were like “who are you”
» oiks:🗿
» “i’m the captain of aoba johsai, oikawa tooru! hello :D”
» “ohhhh you’re haji’s best friend, right?”
» oiks: 😀😄😀 bcus you called iwa “haji”?????
» turns out you were staring at iwa the entire time
» you were distant relatives but he didn’t know that
» immediately turns to iwa with tHaT (😒) look
» “i didn’t know you knew iwa-chan?”
» “oh, it’s fine. how would you have known?” and you unintentionally gave him a sly smirk and then he misunderstood EVERYTHING
» “oh. okay. sorry.” *walks away stoically*
» when you disappeared he was like “iWA-CHANNNN YOU DIDN’T TELL US YOU HAD A CUTE S/O!!!”
» poor iwa was so confused because he ain’t got no hoes and oikawa was shaking him too much for him to process anything
» then at this point you appeared again and handed iwa’s bottle to him and oikawa gave you the 👁👁 look until you started speaking
» “oh yea, tell aunt i said hi. we haven’t talked in a long while.”
» oikawa: 🤨☝️
» “aunt?”
» *iwa realizes who the cute s/o oikawa was talking about is* “tHEY’RE MY COUSIN YOU-”
» after the practice you and iwa caught up w each other before they left and the entire team started bombing iwa with questions about his cute cousin
» oikawa was strangely quiet but iwa didn’t question it
» meanwhile in oikawa’s brain:
» “this is betrayal and i will not talk to him any longer”
» “wait no he’s my best friend”
» “well not anymore 😤😤”
» lowkey a petty king 
» after that though, when you went to hang out w iwa you began seeing oikawa more and more
» and the thing is it wasn’t even on purpose- he just appeared at all the right places at the right times
» but oikawa also found himself intrigued by you because you showed no sign of swooning over him like other people did
» everyone would like a breath of fresh air, but he wanted more than just a breath (me failing to be deep)
» asked iwa for your number and got it along with multiple death threats in case oiks was up to no good
» as you started talking, you slowly caught feelings because he was actually really really sweet, albeit a little narcissistic
» he also provides really good comfort when you’re upset and not in the slightest insensitive of your emotions
» he caught feelings because once he accidentally overshared and unloaded all his frustrations in your chat
» he thought you’d not wanna be his friend anymore after finding out what a horrible human being he was under his happy, smiley mask :(
» but that truth only made you stick by his side even more
» when the karasuno vs seijoh match came y’alls were really close already so that made you ???
» you really wanna support karasuno but oiks!!! you knew just how much it would mean to oikawa if he defeated kageyama
» on the actual day you stood w karasuno but you had secretly given oiks a good luck charm and pecked his cheek before running away
» you saw him stare at you and caress his cheek and literally flamed up
» he really wanted to win the match to assure himself that he was better than kageyama and also, your hope was with him, so how could he lose?
» when the match ended and he lost tho, he was so, so, so, upset and his self destructive thoughts came crashing down
» you rushed out to find him outside the stadium on the brink of tears
» the first thing he said when he saw you was “sorry”
» ????
» “sorry i couldn’t live up to your standards and win the game”
» well that hurts
» you took after iwa’s trait of not being able to express your feelings so you just hugged him. tightly.
» “it’s not your fault.”
» with that he broke down and continued to for the next half hour or so
» after he stopped crying you guys just sat in silence and he was basically rethinking his life choices
» which was when he spontaneously held your hand and leaned in closer to you
» you: ?$/9;&294&48,!’!&!-&/&;&,@/“”-&:$,!:)?3&;)
» then he just waited for you to close the gap and obvs you got the meaning and did it
» you both were lost in a kiss when
» “...🙂...rUN (Y/N)-CHAN-”
» but after that you hunted him down at seijoh and talked it all out w him
» congradulashions you got yourself a boyfie 🕺✨
» iwa was 🤬🤬 but at the same time 🥺🤲✨🤩🥳
» no one at karasuno knew you were dating oikawa
» so when he came to karasuno to fetch you for your date, a riot started
» hinata was shaking you because “y/N-SAN YOU WERE DATING THE GREAT KING?”
» kageyama: *death glaring oikawa*
» tanaka and noya busy threatening oikawa to treat you right or they’ll [redacted]
» suga and daichi trying to calm everyone down (suga actually went to ask you about it after because he got a lil curious)
» tsukki, narita and ennoshita: 👬🏻🧍🏼‍♂️ we been knew tho
» yams: the only one congratulating you two to last long (asahi came later because he was lowkey scared of you people)
» kinoshita: *proud smile and thumbs up from afar*
» oikawa just enjoying this riot and kidnapping you when he finally had the chance to
» being with oikawa naturally gave you tons of unwanted attention
» about 90% of his fans gave you murderous glares when you walked past
» and you guys had at least 10 arguments (big and small) about his fans being too friendly or HIM being too friendly
» he always apologizes after because he knows just how insecure he made you :(
» a big sweetheart and cutie <3
» he isn’t afraid to show you affection so pda is fine but he never goes overboard or embarrass you in public (actually he might but)
» loves to tangle your arms or hands together!! it gives him a sense of security
» likes to nuzzle his head into your neck
» he’ll always hover around you when you’re in school so that you don’t get assaulted by any of his crazy fans
» shows and brags to everyone about how YOU’RE his s/o and how amazing you are
» makes narcissistic comments sometimes but it’s lowkey funny
» iwa’s always being THAT brother and making sure oikawa don’t do no funny things to you
» makki and mattsun also became your best friends and you started hanging out with the seijoh 4 a lot more often
» he has a lot of nightmares and his mental health is as bad as the state of my room rn so please comfort him
» i think he secretly has inferiority complex
» love him or i’ll [redacted]
» not a lot of big dates normally because he’s very preoccupied by volleyball
» so usually arcades?? or park dates?? or even just shopping
» he’s trying his bestest best to fit you to his schedule and shove things away to make space for you because he didn’t wanna make you feel neglected 😭🤲💖
» tbh i think the reason he broke up with his girlfriend (the one mentioned in the anime) is either bcus of fan issues or bcus he neglected her
» he doesn’t want you to go through that pain so he always tries to make time for you
» when you both occasionally go on a big date, he’s all dressed up and treats you like royalty
» on days when he don’t feel so good, it’s the other way around
» i believe you force him to have a lot of stay-home self care dates because he ALWAYS overworks himself
» he cries sometimes because of how grateful he is for you not leaving him bcus he felt like he wasn’t really giving you the amount of love you gave to him ;(
» once he was overworking himself again and you surprised him with tickets to the new planetarium and he almost cried (actually he might’ve but just for the dramatic effect)
» very affectionate and absolutely adores you
» might spew some poisonous words sometimes (when he’s really really pissed) but he really really didn’t mean it
» love him
» appreciate him
» and he’ll do the same for you <3
» 10/10!! in my early haikyuu days (before i saw tendou) i used to have so many thoughts about this manz ;(
- fin <3
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constellationmelody · 3 years
Beauty and the Guard AU
An AU on Beauty and the beast but there’s no beast unless you want to count belos as one but he’s not the focus character Hunter just refuses to take off his mask the whole time.  
Takes place when luz is trying to save Eda from petrification, Luz strikes a deal with Belos, Giving the portal but manages to destroy it. She’s instead taken captive and warned by Belos that if she escapes, He’ll send an army to capture not just Eda but everyone she ever met and befriended. 
- Has to stay in the Castle as to answer Belos’ questions about the human realm and any other information gathering.
- Hunter is assigned as her chaperone but not all the time. Not when he’s on missions. Steve fills in. 
- Luz agrees with Hunter to not ask about his mask. She says that she doesn’t have a desire to get to get to know him and Considering how the majority of citizens are under the monster category, she understands that he doesn’t want anyone to look. Hunter is not sure if he’s relieve that she will keep her promise not to look under his mask or feel insulted that she basically called him ugly. 
(Long post)
- When not 'helping’ Belos information gathering, She puts to work as a cleaning lady, Luz is furious about it. She can’t believe she has to clean more there than she does at home in a dusty castle. The other cleaning witches can do their job well with magic, meanwhile it’s all manual labor. Not to mention she shares quarters with them and they snore.
- Tries to convince Hunter to let her go out even if its around the castle grounds, of course, He says no and shuts down her attempts.
- While doing her cleaning duties, Luz wanders around the castle to look around any valuable information on Belos for any way to help eda/or whatever without the Golden Guard following her. She finds the forbidden library and is amazed by the goldmine of BI’s forbidden knowledge! She only gets to look through some books before she gets caught by Hunter which he angrily yells at her about being in a place where she’s not supposed to be in. Drags her out and locks the library.
- She tries to run away but often gets stopped by Hunter, the threat of going to the dungeon doesn’t scare her (”I escaped there like twice”). He relents and allows her to go on these ‘adventures’ when he’s not in a mission, He finds it to be fun but would not admit it.
- Luz manages to get the freedom to go back to school but is secretly spied on by Hunter, though he sometimes get caught by the monsters or students roaming around. Hunter picks her up after school. (weak sauce, idk what to put here to make it more interesting)
- When he’s not chaperoning her in the outside world, Hunter gets envious how much fun Steve is having with Luz when they go on an adventure. Detailing their bounty adventures, using the snails to shop and buy things. He can’t really do much about it but when he does go, Steve gets sad; Luz promises him that she’ll get him souvenirs.
- Somehow finds out that Hunter is a magicless witch and Luz shows him that she can do magic through glyphs. Hunter is amazed and they start geeking out about it until he stops himself since it’s a forbidden knowledge.
-  Luz had succeed running away from the castle but its to the beach to stare at the boiling waters. She tells Hunter that the castle life was suffocating her and needed to go out. Hunter stayed with her until they were ready to go back. 
- Hunter secretly takes her to the forbidden library to cheer her up so she can learn more and the boiling isles history. Hunter is happy to have someone with the same interests as him to talk to about wild magic. Gets more comfortable around her and talk in secret more about it. During their time together get bond over varies subjects, the library becoming their sanctuary when its not in use, which is most of the time. They share about each other’s realms constellations, history, what kind of magic is around, creatures and about the titan. Luz scolds him for this, referring back when he got angry at her for being curious when he basically did the same thing in secret.
- After some time getting comfortable and know each other through mutual interest and deep talks. Hunter gets bothered that since she doesn’t know his name, She has no choice but to call him by his title. When they are coming back from doing errands, He tells her his name and she’s allowed to call him by it when they are together/in private. His heart fluttered when he hears her say his name.
- Luz starts to grow feelings for him despite not knowing what he looks like. She had opportunities to see what he looks at the times when he’s asleep during their time in the library or when his mask gets knocked off during a temp job but kept her promise to not look at his face which leads to uncomfortable situation where she accidentally gropes him when she was looking for him to give him his mask back, luckily never below the belt. What she finds is his built felt normal. No hidden spikes, slime or what-have-you to suggests that he’s in the monster/demon category. Hunter obviously flustered. 
- (Following the plot of Hunting palisman w/ some changes to the plot cause obviously Eda)  At school Luz can’t find the palisman that suits her and is upset about it. Hunter, although he still hesitant about his feelings towards wild magic, tries to comfort her. (convo from the Hunting palisman) Luz  talks about What happened at the school, and questions Hunter about how he manages to know what he wanted for his future and How he came to the emperor’s coven, to help her get some guidance from him. He tells her about himself and lack of future and Although she isn’t sure about hers, at least she gets to choose. Luz feels sad for him and hugs him. Hunter melts in her embrace. 
- Just as he’s about to fall asleep in her arms, Rascal pops out of his hiding place and gives Hunter a heart attack. Rascal chooses Hunter to be his palisman. Obviously Luz feels a bit disappointed that hunter got his palisman when he doesn’t want it, the look of uncertainty he has with the palisman makes her determine to get him used to it. She can always be a teacher since she has experience with Owlbert.
- With his new staff that he’s still unsure of, Hunter decides to take Luz out somewhere out of the ordinary routine after school, somewhere special (think like events like the wailing stars but something else) but that turned romantic. At some point he slightly lifts his mask to kiss Luz’s hand. She’s obviously swooned. May have peeked and sees that he has loose strand of medium blond hair sticking out and that his Lips felt like normal. Starts to think he looks like more like human(or witch?) like some of her classmates.
- They become even more friendlier as it becomes a usual thing for them to be seen together in the castle when Luz is or isn’t working, even the coven members are noticing this, especially Kikimora. Coven leaders are just shocked that someone liked him enough to be his a friend. 
- Kikimora start planting seeds of doubts in Luz’s mind about whether Hunter really is being her friend or just fulling his duties as he was told by Belos. What if their talks where his manipulative ways to get her to tell him about her and other information gathering. Was he really talking to her as she clean because he’s really saw her as a friend or just keeping guard to make sure she doesn’t run away. Kiki does this to mess whatever good thing Hunter has since she can’t kill him.  Luz tries her best to ignore her, rationalizing that that’s quite an investment for Hunter to go through to manipulate her.
- Somewhere a long the line, Luz finds out the truth about day of unity and the truth of Kikimora’s words of Hunter’s actions that she assumed was just lies that Kiki told her. She’s hurt to think the guy she grown to love had any knowledge about it and betrayed her. “I though you were a good guy [mentions all the stuff they do together and such] I guess You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” It kills him when she said that.
- alternatively he finds out that she has the key to the partially fixed portal door. Is conflicted on whether to break their bond for belos or not especially after learning that she’s homesick and wants to see her mom again. Fought with Kikimora over it with lead to Luz finding out their fight and gets heartbroken that Hunter has it, assumes the worst that kikimora was right.  Again, “I though you were a good guy I guess I was wrong. You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” His feels his heart breaks. 
- Luz gets rescued by Eda, Lilith, king, hooty, her friends. Hunter doesn’t try to stop her but apologizes to her for everything and for what it’s worth, he’s happy to got to know her and that he loved her, whether she feels the same or not. Luz obviously shocked but couldn’t give a response because the gang were fleeing.
- Back in the owl house, Luz is a mess because of the mixed feelings she has for hunter. In one hand, she knew him as this cold person who was very dedicated to his job while the other as an intelligent, funny, (other more things) and is confused on which hunter is the one she grown to love. ( Feels devastated about it because she thinks that he faked his feelings for her to get knowledge on the key or whatever although hunter didn’t really know she had it.)
- Lilith is dumfounded that Luz has feelings for him because she known him to be a brat. Luz argues that He is but much more than that. As she explains why, she gets hits with the epiphany that she does indeed had fallen in love with him. Eda laughs, “Not sure If I approve catching feelings for your nanny, I thought you were being tortured or something but I see now what you have been really doing.” wagging her eyebrows. Luz: “They have me clean the castle from top to bottom! By hand!” “I don’t approve then.” Luz shares her knowledge of wild magic with the group that she learn from the castle’s library.
- Weeks later, Luz tries to sleep but hears small knocking on the window, She opens it and sees Rascal with the key with him and a note from Hunter apologizing again for what happened. Belos doesn’t know about the key. She sends a note back, telling him to meet her. 
- idk how they makeup. (Working on it) Luz walks up to Hunter and asks if she could take off his mask which he agrees to. Luz takes his mask off and smiles, “well look at that, Magenta eyes. You aren’t ugly as I thought to you were!” hunter frowns, “But you’re handsome as I imagined,” leans up and kisses him first. Hunter tosses the mask away for good and hugs her close to kiss her better. Luz pulls back,  “and... I love you too.” Hunter isn’t sure what his new future holds but knows for sure that Luz is a part of it. 
( Had an idea in an alternative story plot around the part where they went out to a ‘date’. They confessed their love and started to kiss lol imagine them having to use a blindfold to keep her eyes closed. But it was a bit too sensual? Or Sensuous? It just didn’t fit in the flow of the storyline. Why did this became a dabble? )
Hunter, for the first time, gets self conscious about his looks. He tries not look into mirrors, though hard when his mask reflects the face he tries hard to avoid looking at when putting it on, He doesn’t really thought much about his looks, except for the scar that’s plastered over his cheek. The ugly scar that he rather forget he has.
As Hunter looks down at Luz’s face, blindfolded to prevent her from accidently opening her eyes during their ‘make out session’, He’s starting to believe that Luz lied about being magicless. He can’t help but feel enchanted over how beautiful she looked by the way the moonlight cast a heavenly glow over her cute features. He can only imagine how her eyes would look like if she didn’t have the blindfold on. “I wish I can stare into your eyes,”
“Why can’t we?”
“You know why”
“Right, I’m not allowed to look under the mask.” she pouted.
“And... well,” Luz attentively waits for him to continue, “I may not look... pretty as you think I imagine. If that makes any sense.” He sheepishly confessed
As Luz wraps her arms around his shoulders, Hunter feels her hands feeling up up his neck, tenderly cradling his face. Hunter fails to resist the blush spreading across his cheeks and the warm pleasant feeling in his chest
“I have other senses to “see” you,” She says sliding her fingers along his jawline, “Strong jaw, ... No scales, or slime... just soft skin” 
She found one patch on the left of his face in particular that caught her interest but before she could take her time to feel it, Hunter quickly shook her hand away from it. Sensing its something he feels uncomfortable with, she decides to leave it alone. 
She continues, “I can hear your voice; sound hot,” He suddenly felt shy at the comment. He was always self-conscious as he has been told that it was annoying. He felt relieved that it wasn’t the case for her.  “Heh, Thanks”
“I can smell you, " She nuzzles against his neck and scrunches up her nose, “... you need a shower.” Hunter frowns, that was certainly killed the mood a little. She pulls back, “But I like that you smell like pine forest sometimes,” weak save.
 “And,” she hums as grazes her thumb over his lips, licking her own. Hunter subconsciously sucks in his breathe, feeling himself getting hotter by the second.
“I can taste you.” finishing off her sentence by pressing her lips against his; briefly misses his lips by kissing the corner of his mouth before correcting herself. 
Hunter smirks in amusement. 
Alright, He admits that was pretty smooth of her to end it the way she did, even though she fumbled at the end. 
He feels a bit confident on that fateful day where he feels brave enough to show her his face, He just hope it lives up to her expectations despite her reassurance to the contrary. 
Luz, on the other hand, is glad that he’s feels like a normal person underneath the mask, she can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that hunter possess no fangs. 
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aeonghaseyo · 3 years
Your Trace, My Treasure
Summary: Marc and Nathaniel write and draw, respectively, on each others' notebooks because it's DEFINITELY a couple thing to do.
Word Count: 2105 AO3 link
Relationship/s: Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Marc Anciel Category: M/M Characters: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Alix Kubdel (mentioned), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (mentioned), Juleka Couffaine (mentioned), Rose Lavillant (mentioned), Alya Cesaire (mentioned) Language used: English Author's Note: The creators of MLB really need to give the side characters screen time. The love square isn't the only romantic set of ships in the show and there are much more cute ships to write about. And so in my first time of writing a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic, it's about a ship that's entirely not part of the love square. This is my final workshop output from a creative writing class I enrolled in during the summer to get units in advance. Special thanks to my professor and two of my classmates for their feedback; I couldn't have made this work even more wonderful without their help. For the non-love-square ship and this being a successful workshop output thus far, I think I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back and more fanfic ideas to write. :)
Compared to the courtyard at Françoise Dupont High School where the lively chattering of students can be heard and the scrambling of footsteps were a staple, the art room was its own entire world of silence.
It was supposed to be a calming silence in that same art room where Marc and Nathaniel were to work on art-related endeavors of their own, but the former found this unwelcoming and rather deafening. It weighed down on his being that the atmosphere was unbearably awkward, much like he was most of the time even before he met Nathaniel and became his partner in creating comic books about Ladybug, Chat Noir, and their akumatized alter-egos who turned good and served as part of the superhero duo’s akuma-fighting team. Despite a remarkable development from being acquaintances, to newfound partners, and now to a bloomed romantic couple, Marc Anciel, as awkward as ever and still testing the waters on this newfound relationship, couldn’t shake this nagging feeling of inadequacy as someone’s significant other.
It just goes to show him that even though his romantic feelings for Nathaniel had been reciprocated at Day 0, it does not remove the remaining unease that Marc currently feels at Day 1. It was his first time in a relationship, and it was with the boy whose drawings he admired so much from the school paper. Simply put, it was too good to be true.
Unfortunately, the awkwardness Marc felt wasn’t masked enough, and Nathaniel immediately noticed from his place by the table beside his raven-haired beau. How could he not? It was very obvious, from the way Marc’s hand shakily distorted his usually refined, elegant script while writing the next chapter of their comic to the way his expression was contorted as if he was constipated. Nathaniel thought to himself that it was still an adorable sight, but clearly, something was up, and it wouldn’t do well to just ignore whatever troubled his beloved partner. Attempting to break the ice, the redhead cleared his throat, then spoke to call Marc’s attention.
The novelist jolted in surprise at the utterance of his name. “Y-yes, Nathaniel?”
Leaning in for a better view of the page Marc was writing on, Nathaniel replied, “Your handwriting’s different.”
“W-wait, really?” blurted out Marc, quickly covering the page with his gloved hand. “I d-didn’t know you were p-particular with handwriting.”
Nathaniel placed a gentle, caring hand on his boyfriend’s with a smile aimed directly at him as he clarified himself, “It’s not that, Marc. I’ve seen it and it’s great. Right now, it just looks… wobbly. You’re nervous, aren’t you?”
Even if Nathaniel was a recluse in his own class, he could very well read into the emotions of people, but he doesn’t show it that often. As endearing as it was as a show of concern towards shy Marc, it was also overwhelming for the raven-haired novelist to have been the subject of such deep perception, even from the boy his heart palpitates for.
It was then that Marc’s fight or flight response reminded him in a split-second that he needed some sort of diversion for Nathaniel not to remind him of his own awkwardness.
“Isn’t it weird that our art teacher didn’t come here?” Marc rapidly questioned as he struggled not to look at the red-haired boy beside him. Despite this attempt to keep Nathaniel’s focus off of his disposition, glancing towards the door and not at Nathaniel did not help stop the blood from rushing to the novelist’s fair cheeks. His partner might be tired of this, of him, already, but that light chuckle of pure amusement coming from Nathaniel disproved that thought.
“Hey, hey, settle down Marc,” chided Nathaniel, “he might be running late. It’s okay for us to use the art room so long as it’s reserved around this time. Good thing that he reserved it at an earlier time than usual.”
With innocent green eyes, the raven-haired boy looked his boyfriend in the eye and asked, “H-he can do that?”
“Of course, he can. Let’s just wait for him, okay?” reassured Nathaniel, his left hand making its way on Marc’s right shoulder discreetly. “I’m sure my other classmates will arrive here shortly too.”
A shy smile emerged from Marc’s face as he replied, “Okay, Nath.”
Suddenly, a ringtone from the phone which was in Nathaniel’s pocket sounded audibly enough to catch both the boys’ attention. The redhead immediately fished out the device from his pocket and unlocked it, revealing three unread text messages from his close friend Alix.
Hey Nath! Something came up and I couldn’t swing by the art room. Love troubles again with Marinette. Juleka and Rose are also helping out with me so they can’t come.
I can’t believe that Marinette got invited personally by Adrien to his photoshoot but she can’t even give him her handmade gift or ask him out. Because she’s such a wuss, I got dragged here in the park by Rose because Mari needs all of her girl friends to push her towards Golden Boy Agreste YET AGAIN.
And apparently Alya alone couldn’t do it. Sorry! You’ll have Marc to keep you company anyway. Have fun! ;)
So much for those girls coming over to the art room. Nathaniel let out a sigh as he muttered, just enough for Marc to hear, “I stand corrected. The others aren’t coming.”
Catching on his partner’s crest-fallen demeanor and gazing at his face with sympathetic green orbs, Marc replied, “Guess it’s just the two of us for now.”
The next minutes were spent in silence again, with Marc continuing to finish a paragraph while Nathaniel sketched a bird’s eye view of the Eiffel tower as the background in one panel of the comic storyboard in his notebook. After several minutes elapsed, however, curiosity got the best of Marc, and so, with the tip of his pen lingering on the period of his last sentence, he kept on glancing at Nathaniel and the storyboarding he was working on. Besides the sheer focus that was evident in Nathaniel’s turquoise orbs, the shy novelist couldn’t help but notice the fine, steady strokes his beau’s hand were making with his fine-pointed mechanical pencil. So neat, so pristine. It’s amazing how he didn’t need an eraser to erase certain portions of his drawings over and over.
Marc had seen artist sketches himself of both people and objects, mostly done by his friend Marinette. As someone aspiring to become a fashion designer, she would be engrossed in sketching designs day by day, passion ignited by the sparks of inspiration she draws from around her. However, since Marinette’s sketches had obvious hints of disorder, as it normally is with crude artist sketches, it clearly contrasted with the otherwise structured sketches Nathaniel makes for his comic books. Marc, fully in awe, couldn’t help but take a break from his writing and stare at the red-haired illustrator’s creative process right next to him.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel, thanks to the strong, overbearing feeling of being watched, was getting overly conscious of his work. Keeping his composure to the best of his ability, he quickly turned to Marc and asked, “Do you need something Marc?”
Snapped out of his trance wide-eyed, Marc inwardly panicked. ‘Oh no, I must be staring at him too long! I hope I didn’t spook him too much.’
Scrambling for a sensible response, the novelist stuttered out, “I-i want to write something in your notebook.”
Setting down his pencil while his turquoise eyes were still on Marc, Nathaniel blinked inquisitively. “Oh, why would you want to do that?”
“B-because,” the shy writer reasoned, “I want to write something to remind you of me. T-that is, if y-you don’t mind.”
The red-haired teen averted his gaze from his partner as he remarked, “You know I don’t let anyone write on my notebook, Marc.”
This response triggered the disappointment that Marc had anticipated from the moment that they started continuing to develop the rest of the comic book they were working on together. It was even more daunting for the timid writer that their art teacher and the rest of Nathaniel’s classmates who were usually in the art room with them did not show up at that moment, or even at all. Marinette would tell Nathaniel that it’s a great idea for his newfound love to leave special traces on his personal notebook while Rose, somehow finding this romantic, would gush at this gesture with Juleka mumbling to herself in response. But what would have been the cherry on top for Marc at the moment is that if Alix was there to egg on Nathaniel, pressuring him to give in and let his boyfriend write something in his notebook. At least the comic relief from Alix’s teasing would help alleviate the collective awkwardness the couple felt at that moment. God, if only it wasn’t just the two of them in the art room at that moment.
But alas, he was alone, helpless and daunted, and he was facing the dragon which was Nathaniel, or whatever Nathaniel thought of him at that moment.
However, all of the fears and doubts that plagued Marc left him when Nathaniel continued with a small, endearing smile on his face, “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”
The novelist beamed at his boyfriend, green eyes sparkling with delight. “R-really?”
“In one condition.”
Marc took and held in a quick breath. “Anything, Nath.”
The illustrator picked up his pencil once again and uttered, with an outstretched hand right by Marc’s notebook, “Let me draw in your notebook.”
It was at that moment when Marc could feel his heart flutter, accompanied by the butterflies in his stomach as he opened his own notebook to the very last page and laid it out right by his beau’s workspace.
“It would be my pleasure.”
In a span of 2 minutes while Nathaniel was drawing on the last page of his boyfriend’s notebook, Marc, fidgeting and tapping his pen softly on his chin, racked his brain for a simple yet memorable piece to write on the first page of the illustrator’s notebook, which was left empty out of personal preference by its owner. Hoping to obtain bit by bit of inspiration, he glanced at Nathaniel, then at the empty page, then at Nathaniel, and so on and so forth. This went on, albeit unnoticed by the redhead, until mere seconds after, he scribbled away on the page once he had gotten attuned with his creative writing flow.
After both of them finished leaving their traces on each other’s notebook pages, Nathaniel and Marc gave each other back their notebooks and instantly opened them to where they each left their special mark. Struck with awe, the novelist softly traced the outline of the drawing and his emerald eyes were drawn to Nathaniel’s signature which he left underneath the recently drawn portrait. A tinge of pink formed on Marc’s cheeks as he admired every stroke that constituted this drawing of him done by none other than the boy he once looked up to, now loved, and who loved him back.
“No one’s written me a poem before,” Nathaniel uttered as he perused every line written by Marc on that now extra special page in his notebook, eyes taking in every word written in that distinct elegant script that served as an epitome of beauty that the redhead beheld. One particular line at the end of the writing, however, caught him by surprise: the words ‘Je t’aime’ accompanied by Marc’s signature in that same fancy handwriting the illustrator adored dearly.
Having regained his composure, Marc turned to Nathaniel and asked, “Do you like the poem? I-i thought of it on the spot so it might not exactly be to your liking, but-”
“I love it,” interrupted the red-haired teen breathlessly, wrapping an arm around his significant other and squeezing his shoulder. “Really Marc, you make the most wonderful written pieces.”
An expression as bright as day graced Marc’s features as he replied, albeit with a bit of shyness in his voice, “Y-you really think so?”
Nathaniel threw any single hint of hesitation in his being out the window as he placed a tender, loving kiss on Marc’s forehead. “I do. We’re meant to be partnered together, after all.”
And just like that, the uncomfortable awkwardness that haunted Marc was instantly warded off, and in a flash, he enveloped Nathaniel in a tight, warm, loving embrace and leaned into him in newfound solace. The silence in the art room has never been this comforting as the couple relished in this seemingly endless embrace together.
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(Pokémon AU) How did Jaune meet his adorable little Eevee, Caramel? And what was his first interactions with Aerial and her own Eevee Mocha like?
Well... I got a bit carried away again. I just love this AU and I'm really getting into Pokemon again recently, so sorry for the long post ahead.
But I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
It was a beautiful day outside Beacon Academy. The sun was shining brightly and hardly any clouds were visible. Multiple flocks of Wingull, Starly, Pidgey and other bird-like Pokémon soared freely in the sky around Beacon. A few letting out some faint cries sporadically. The Wooloos were happily grazing and rolling around in their paddock. Many students and visiting trainers alike were outside, just enjoying the nice weather with their Pokémon. This nice weather gave both Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc the idea to enjoy the day with a nice picnic outside with their friends.
On several blankets spread out in a grassy portion of the academy's lavish courtyard near a tree, the group of eight friends were all eating and chatting away. All of their Pokémon were out of their pokeballs and gathered around them.
Some were just lazing about, such as Ren's Greninja sitting cross legged while dozing off with his head tilted down or Weiss's snow white Vulpix snoozing in Weiss's lap while she sat in the shade of the tree. Others were chowing down, like Nora's Shinx or Blake's Litleo, eating berries/Poké food in their own little food bowls. Or in the case of Pyrrha's Aron, he was eating some screws, nuts, bolts, and other small pieces of scrap metal. Yang was busy brushing her Growlithe's fur, and watched her Combuskin running around with Ruby's Zorua.
Jaune was happily munching on a sandwich. He put the sandwich down and moved his hand to lightly scratch Hera's head, who was laying down next to his left thigh. Normally she'd be laying in his lap, but that space was currently taken. A small glass container was resting in a space between his legs. Inside it was a Pokémon egg he'd "won" two months ago wrapped in a blanket, so Hera had settled for laying right next to him instead. She was adapting pretty well to the new circumstances with said egg. Though Jaune was still wondering how she'd react when it finally hatched
His nails lightly scratched just around the base of the tuft of white fur on her head, just where she really liked it. "Shoo-, mmm *swallow*, sorry. So Pyrrha, you're Metang actually evolved on live TV?"
Pyrrha lowered her fork with the next bit of her chicken and strawberry salad to respond with a smile. "Yes indeed. It happened during the final match of my second tournament at Sanctum. It was quite an astonishing sight."
Jaune smiled and leaned back a bit. "I bet! Man, watching a Pokémon evolve in person must be amazing."
Yang looked up from her Growlithe over at him. "You've never seen a Pokémon evolve?"
Jaune chuckled a bit. "W-well I mean I've seen it on video and stuff, just not in person."
Nora shamelessly jumped in and added her two cents. "Neither have I! It must be soooo cool!"
Pyrrha giggled happily and looked over to her Metang, who was actually on the ground for a change instead of floating, with Cubone resting on its head. "Well, watching my Beldum evolve into Metang was definitely a sight I'll never forget."
They group continued to converse, laugh, and just enjoy themselves. Their Pokémon did as well, all of them getting along pretty well. They were all so engrossed in their merriment, none of them noticed another member slowly walking towards their misshapen circle.
That was until she made her move.
Jaune felt a small tug at his hoodie but ignored it, thinking it was just Hera rolling around in her sleep. It was a pointed finger and a question from Ren that actually made him look. "Uuuh Jaune... do you know who... that is?"
"Huh?" Jaune looked down to where his friend was pointing, which was by his stomach. There, in his hoodie's pocket near his stomach, was a small little brown Pokémon with a small, furry body and a big fluffy brown tail.
And half of its body was buried inside his hoodie pocket, rummaging around in it.
"WAH!??" Jaune nearly jumped up in surprise, but he managed to stay pretty still for the most part, trying not to jostle the egg between his legs. However, he still shot back an inch or two when he threw his hands up above him and fell back, his head lightly landing on the blanket.
Hera, startled by her Papa's sudden jolt, sprang up to her feet and spun to look at him. She lowered her stance, ready to defend him if she needed to! That's when she saw the little brown Pokémon as well, now standing on top of her Papa's stomach while he was laying back, but its top half was still stuffed in her Papa's pocket! What was it doing? Was it trying to attack him?! She wouldn't let it!
"Growl! ROW! GRO-!" She had just started barking at it when someone else's yelling stopped her.
"Eevee! Stop that! That's very rude!"
The brown Pokémon stopped moving finally, and stood still for a moment on Jaune's stomach, then slowly started walking backwards. It took a little tugging, but it finally pulled itself out of Jaune's pocket. As it got free, everyone around got a good look at its top half.
The first thing they all noticed was a large collar of fluffy, cream colored fur. Then two long, thin ears on top of its head. Finally its small, soft, squarish face with two big dark eyes and a happy smile. As well as a small plastic candy wrapper hanging from said smile.
Weiss, Ruby, Yang, and Nora all let out a coo of "Awwwwww" at the same time.
"Eevee no!" The group again heard the voice call out again, and almost all at once, they looked away from the 'Eevee' and towards where it was coming from.
There they saw a young girl, running up to their group with her arms waving above her. She was quite slender, had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had a light blue jacket on, open in the front to show she had on a black halter top underneath it. A pair of tight black and blue pants with heeled fur boots matching in color. A simple black choker around her neck finished her outfit nicely.
Then the group noticed that a Pokémon that was just like the one on top of Jaune right now was also running alongside the girl. One this one had a small band of flowers around the base of one of its ears. It was hopping/skipping along right by her feet as they both ran towards them, its whole body arcing into the air as it followed her.
Within just a few seconds, she was right next to them, her arms still frantically waving. "Eevee you can't just jump on people you don't know like that! That's very rude! And give that candy back! You can't go stealing from peo-" The girl abruptly stopped her admonishment of the Pokémon as she finally looked at who Eevee was still standing on top of. "...JAUNE!?"
Jaune, still laying on his back, turned his head to look at the new girl that screamed his name, and quickly shot back up to a sitting position when he saw her. "Aerial!?"
The two looked at each other for a moment, then both smiled widely and started to laugh. Aerial started talking first. "Hey! What are the odds of running into you like this!"
"Me? What are you doing here haha?!"
Aerial leaned over a bit, smiling down at him. "Aunt Juniper said you'd gone off to Beacon, but I wasn't expecting to see you so soon!"
Jaune, still sitting, smiled brightly back up at her. "Yeah hahaha, it's always been my dream to go to a professional Pokémon academy after all haha. Hera's here too!" As Jaune finished, he pointed towards the Fire-Type.
Aerial shifted her gaze to her and her eyes brightened even more. She got down on her knees and hunched forward, getting close to Hera's height. "Heeeera~ hi! It's been such a long time! How are you?"
Hera's earlier confidence seemed to wane a bit as she started to look a little nervous. Papa seemed to know this woman and was happy to see her, so she shouldn't be worried, but she still pulled back a bit from Aerial. She seemed a little familiar to her as well, but she wasn't sure...
Jaune chuckled. "She might not remember you, Aerial. It was a couple years ago now."
Aerial pouted childishly and straightened her back, "Awwww that's a shame. I definitely remember her!"
"I don't doubt that. You loved her as a kid."
"Uuuummm... hello?"
Jaune and Aerial turned their heads in unison to look at who spoke.
Yang was holding a hand up, like she was waiting to get noticed or called upon. "Uuuh yeah, we're still here. Mind uuuuh, filling us in on what's happening Jaune?"
Jaune sweatdropped a little, slightly embarrassed that he'd completely forgotten about the others present for a minute there. "He he, sorry guys." With one hand, he gestured to Aerial. "Everyone, this is my cousin, Aerial Yeager. She's from Atlas actually, so that's why I was so surprised to see her."
Aerial waved at the group, still with a smile on her lips. "Hi everyone! I trust Jaune's been good to all of you."
A lot of them nodded at that, and many of their Pokémon had stopped in their activities and gathered around as well, looking at the new arrival.
Aerial's eyes scanned over all of them and began to sparkle. "Awwww you all have such amazing Pokémon!"
"Speeeeaking of which... Aerial, are these Pokémon yours?"
Aerial turned away from the group and back to Jaune. He was pointing down right beside him. There, the Eevee from earlier that jumped on Jaune was licking away at the now unwrapped candy that it got from his pocket, looking completely carefree. Meanwhile, it looked like the Eevee with flowers that ran up with Aerial around its ears was admonishing it.
"Y-yeah, they are. H-hey Eevee what did I say! That isn't yours!" Eevee stopped licking and looked up at her with a head tilt, then just went back to licking the candy happily. "Hooooh." Aerial sighed and bowed her head, feeling defeated at being ignored.
"Hey it's no big deal Aerial, I have plenty of these caramel candies. I was just caught off guard when Eevee just appeared out of nowhere."
"Yeah sorry about her. She's kind of a handful sometimes. She likes doing what she likes when she likes. Oh, everyone," Aerial gestured in front of her towards the two small Eevees. "This is Mocha and Eevee, their sisters."
Blake was the first to catch what she said. "Mocha?"
"Ah yeah, that's what I call my Eevee, the one with the flowers. The other Eevee... Well, no matter what name I try, she doesn't respond to it. Coca, Ginger, Toffee, Hazel... she doesn't seem to like anything I pick out for her."
The group all turned to the Eevee still licking away at the candy, not noticing or caring about all the eyes on her. Mocha seemed a little annoyed at her sister's actions still, but had stopped reprimanding her as she didn't seem to care too much.
Jaune looked down at the Eevee right next to him, then slowly reached a hand over and gently rubbed his index finger on its head. "You sure do like that candy huh? Did you smell it and that's why you came over to me?"
Eevee didn't seem to mind the light petting. In fact she seemed to like it as she enjoyed her treat. She stopped her licking for just a moment and looked up at the person petting her. "Vee vee vi!"
Jaune chuckled at its happy cries.
A very familiar voice on his other side made Jaune turn his head to see a begging Hera standing next to him. "Oh sorry Hera, you probably want some pets too." Jaune reached his free hand over and gently began petting Hera's white floof on top of her head. That immediately put a smile on the Growlithe's face and she happily nuzzled Jaune's hand back.
Aerial shook her head in slight disbelief. "Same old Jaune. Always a whizz with Pokémon."
Now that the excitement had fully died down, the group went back to lounging about like they were, now with an extra member as Aerial sat down and joined them at Jaune's invitation.
They all talked and got to know each other more. Aerial explained how she was indeed from Atlas, but had come with a few friends on a trip to Vale and Beacon to explore what kinds of Pokémon were here. Aerial told them about her friends, her school, and of course also her Pokémon. They were all surprised by how many she already had. A Braviary, a Ludicolo, and a Munchlax. Plus her two Eevee's as her companions, that made five Pokémon in total! There were teachers at Beacon that didn't have that many!
After about another two to three hours of talking, laughing, bonding, and snacking (Jaune offered some of his food to Aerial which she gratefully accepted), the sun was beginning to set and Aerial said she had to go. She stood up; brushed some crumbs off of her pants; said her goodbyes to everyone, giving Jaune her scroll number and promising that they'd talk again soon; and called for Mocha and Eevee to come along. Only that's not what they did.
Mocha stood up with her no problem and was ready to go, but Eevee didn't. She just kept laying down next to Jaune where she'd been for the past hour getting pets and even , licking a second caramel candy that Jaune had given her. She didn't move at all at Aerial's call.
"Eevee? Come on, it's time for us to go."
Again, Eevee didn't move.
"Eevee." This time Aerial's voice was a little more stern. "We need to go. Now come on." Aerial walked over to the Eevee and bent over to pick her up. Before she even touched her, Eevee had snatched up her treat and jumped into Jaune's lap, getting a surprised "Ooph!" from him. She set her treat down and turned to look at Aerial. Then for the first time all day, it let out a cry. "Eev! Ve ve Eevee!"
Aerial pulled back. She was surprised to hear Eevee talk back directly to her. Sure she didn't listen sometimes, but never out right talked back at her. "Eevee! What's gotten into you?"
Eevee didn't respond this time, just curled up in Jaune's lap and hunkered down.
Everyone watched this unfold, but only Ren spoke up. "I think Eevee is trying to say that she'd like to stay with Jaune."
Aerial looked over at the stoic boy, wide eyed. "W-wha? Wait really?" Aerial looked back at the tiny curled up Pokémon in Jaune's lap, happily laying down with her eyes closed, her treat finished in a hurried bite. "B-but... Eevee really? Y-you wanna stay with Jaune?"
Eevee looked up to Aerial, smiled easily, and nodded. "Ve ve!" It definitely seemed to be happy.
Aerial kept looking down at Eevee, and Eevee kept looking up at her. After a few seconds, Aerial's expression shifted from being slightly sad, to understanding. "Okay. Well then, let's see what Jaune thinks." Aerial looked down to cousin, his confused face making her almost giggle. "Jaune, it looks like Eevee has taken a liking to you. Would you like to keep her around with you? I know you'd take amazing care of her, so I'd be comfortable with you taking her with you if you want."
Jaune's mind nearly exploded from hearing that! His cousin was asking him if he'd like to have another Pokémon!? For real?! Jaune felt his lips twitch upwards before he even said anything. He looked down at the Eevee in his lap. She seemed very happy there, and she'd wanted to stay with him first. Jaune looked back up to Aerial and nodded once. "I'd love to. And I promise that I'll give her the best care that I possibly can!"
Aerial knew he'd say that. He loved Pokémon, so being offered one by a family member was probably like a dream for him. "Well alright then. I have to say... I-I'm sad to see you go, Eevee." Eevee looked up at Aerial when she said her name. "But... if this is what you want, then I can accept it. I know Jaune will take great care of you, and I can call to see you anytime I want. So... you take care of yourself and Jaune alright? Your sister and I will see you again, sometime real soon, I promise."
Eevee smiled and leaped out of Jaune's lap, landing close to Aerial's feet. The little Pokémon nuzzled her head against Aerial's leg and let out faint coos. Aerial quickly dropped down and scooped Eevee into a tight hug. She held it for at least 10 seconds before she let her go, setting her softly back down on the grass. When she did, Mocha bounced over to her sister and they started talking by themselves, most likely saying their own goodbyes while Aerial stood back up. "Okay, I guess this is goodbye for now Eevee. Jaune, I'll definitely be expecting some video calls from you now. Oh, and maybe you'll be able to think of a good name for her too."
Jaune, now no longer having a Pokemon in his lap, stood up. He was careful not to bump the container with the egg in front of him as he did so. He stood up straight, showing off just how much taller he was than his cousin. "You got it Aerial. I hope we meet again sometime soon as well. This was fun." He took a step forward and embraced her in a hug, which she returned.
When they separated, Aerial stepped back. "Okay, well... we really have to head out now. My friends are all probably waiting for me back in Vale and I need to catch a Bullhead before they stop for the night. It was nice meeting you all! I hope to meet you all again someday!" Aerial started to leave, and Mocha, having finished her goodbye to her sister with a loving nuzzle, followed her.
Eevee watched as they left. Eevee suddenly bounced forward a few feet in their direction and let out a loud "Eeeeveeeee! Eeeeeveee!", saying goodbye for now to her family.
Aerial stopped and turned her head back to look at her after her cry. She smiled back at her and waved before continuing. As the pair got farther and farther away, Eevee returned back to the group, stopping in front of Jaune.
Jaune smiled and knelt down to be closer to her. "Eevee, I'm touched that you wanted to stay with me. I promise that we'll have some amazing adventures together! Oh, there's someone that I want you to officially meet now! This is Hera." As Jaune said her name, the red Growlithe walked up next to her Papa and stood next to him proudly. "She's my best friend and has been with me since I was a kid. I hope you two can be friends."
Hera padded forward and stopped right in front of Eevee. She looked down at the smaller Pokemon with a big smile. She leant forward and gave Eevee a big lick on her head, which Eevee started to laugh at. The two then began to talk to each other in their out cries, and Jaune could already tell they'd get along fine.
"Well... that was sure something huh?" Jaune looked behind him and saw Nora holding her Shinx in her arms, and all his other friends smiling at him.
"Haha yeah, I guess so. Aerial's always been super trusting of family, but this shocked even me."
Yang walked forward and lightly punched his arm in a friendly way. "So... got any names for your new friend Vomit Boy?"
Jaune, while he was rubbing his now sore arm, looked down at Eevee again. As he did, he noticed a wrapper from the caramel candies he'd given to the Eevee earlier. "Huh..." Jaune knelt down and picked up the wrapper, then looked at it in his hand. "Maybe I do. Hey Eevee?"
The Pokemon stopped speaking with Hera and looked over to the kneeling Jaune. She quickly skipped over to sit right in front of him. "I was thinking, since Aerial couldn't think of a name you liked, yet you liked these candies so much, how about I just call you Caramel?"
Eevee looked up to him curiously with her big doughy eyes. Slowly those eyes began to shine with joy and she jumped up at him. Thankfully Jaune was used to this sort of thing thanks to Hera, so he caught her easily since she was a lot lighter.
"Whoa haha! Okay then, I guess that's a winner huh? Well, welcome to the team Caramel!"
Aerial Yeager is an OC created by my good friend @jace-the-writer-guy, who is also Jaune's cousin on her mom's side. I owe him a big thanks for helping me write this because I constantly was asking for specific info on his OC and him giving me ideas for stuff.
I'd been planning this out bit by bit for so long, so I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this origins ask for Caramel, Jaune's Eevee!
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yelenasdog · 4 years
my girlfriend is a witch (spencer reid x witchy! fem reader)
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INSPIRED BY THE SONG “My Girlfriend Is a Witch” BY October Country
genre: fluff w like maybe two seconds of angst
summary: he could feel she was hiding something, but she didn’t mean for him to find out like this.
words: 2.6k 
warnings: i cannot think of any for the life of me other than crying. also, disclaimer at the end of fic.
a/n: pls listen to “my girlfriend is a witch” by october country and “john barleycorn (must die)” by traffic, while u read. i’ve been meaning to get this fic out for ages, so i hope this is good! enjoy lovies!
It was hot, humid, and sticky under the Malibu sun.
Rubber soles from both boots and sandals alike, most likely the cheap ones you can buy at any tourist-targeted shops surrounding the vacationer heavy area, stuck to the asphalt streets, leaving a sticky tar in its wake.
SSA Y/n Y/l/n was not a fan, to put it lightly.
Her arm hung limp against her forehead as she leaned back against the black leather seats of the car she resided in, the material burning her bare arms. Literally.
And even if she were to be exaggerating, she still strongly felt that welts would be left where she had placed her limb for far too long.
She long ago had abandoned her blazer in the backseat of her vehicle due to the excruciating heat, the cotton material feeling heavy on her arms, so she turned up the AC with one hand, while slicking back the baby hairs that had managed to fall onto her forehead with the other. It was graced with beads of sickly sweat, not unlike the rest of her body.
Some repetitive song played on the stereo that she couldn’t quite figure out how to operate in the outdated FBI issued vehicle she was using, adding to her annoyance of what seemed to be to no end. 
The unfortunate ride was the result of her normal vehicle being in the shop, and rather than pay for a rental, she took whatever was left in the garage, however horrible it may be.
After sitting in hours of tiresome traffic, enduring the aforementioned reptititive song, and the entire John Barleycorn Must Die album later, (hey, it was in the glovebox, and it beat whatever had been on the radio) she finally had arrived at her destination.
She stepped out of the car, huffing at the sight in front of her. She took her black RayBans off, sliding them into her pocket of her slacks before slamming the silver door. Y/n then winced at the cracking sound that rang out. She walked forward, not wanting to look at the damage she had caused.
“That’s coming out of my paycheck.” She muttered, chewing on her chapped bottom lip, feeling the sting shoot through her nerves.
The door to the PD office she had been approaching swung open by a very frustrated officer. He breezed past her and she leaned back, placing a hand onto the warm concrete of the establishment behind her. She barely was missed by him in all his rage.
Y/l/n squinted her eyes, the rays of light clouding her vision. She began to regret taking her glasses off earlier, but disregarded the thought and continued into brick building.
The first person that she saw when she entered was the local sheriff. He was medium build, bald, and there was a bright grin that covered his face, far too bright for the current atmosphere, in her humble opinion.
“Ah, Agent, It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She reached forward offering a self-manicured hand, still slightly sweaty from the car ride.
“Pleasure’s all mine. So,” she began, walking over to where the rest of the team was examining what seemed to be a yellowed piece of parchment.
“What are we looking at?” She questioned, doing her best to get a look at whatever it was at the center of attention.
Almost like clockwork, or perhaps like a dog who was able to sense their favorite person arriving home, Spencer appeared from the back of the precinct, coffees in hand. 
He passed the one is his right hand to his girlfriend, leaning forward for a kiss on the cheek that Y/n had almost ignored. She rolled her eyes at the needy man, muttering “thank you, Spencer” In a sarcastic tone, placing a quick peck on his cheek. He pouted, and she rolled her eyes once more.
As she walked forward and took a sip of the hot drink, the rest of the BAU parted, allowing her to observe the sheet. After looking at it for a few moments, she spoke up, her words overlapping with Hotch’s.
“We have no idea what it is, Penelope did a search and couldn’t find anything of use, it doesn’t translate to anything-“
“These are runes and glyphs. Horribly written, not by someone who’s an expert in the craft. The corner of the page looks like there’s-“ she paused, leaning forward. Her eyes slimmed, scanning over the page, the necklace around her neck dangled, catching Spencer’s eye.
“Yeah, this looks like a sigil. If you give me some time I could try to work out what it was for.”
She looked up, meeting the confused glancing of everyone, including her boyfriend. Prentiss was the next to speak, albeit very cautiously.
“Alright, well, do you have any ideas about what the other symbols mean?”
“Off of the top of my head?” She turned towards the paper once more, “To reiterate, this person mixed multiple different kinds of glyphs, so it might be difficult to collectively translate them, but so far I’m getting life, death-“
“Very original of them.” Morgan joked, resulting in a smile and the signature eye roll of Y/n.
“Power, fear, balance. That’s the first line.”
“Reid, are you writing that down?” Aaron questioned. Spencer nodded, not even looking up from his clipboard where he was writing the info. “Y/n, continue.”
She bobbed her head once, bringing her attention back to the 2nd line. She was silent for a bit, at one point grabbing around for a sticky note and pen. When she didn’t find what she was looking for, she was carefully handed one by a reluctant Spence. 
Everyone watched in amazement, amusement, and a little bit of confusion, as she wrote on the paper, scribbling what looked like nonsense next to some dates. After what seemed like hours (but was really just minutes) she pulled away, looking towards her significant other.
“When were all the victims killed?”
“September 29th, November 6th, November 9th, and that’s it.”
“And how did each of the victims thus far die?”
Hotch cut in, his arms crossed and his glance careful. “How are you certain there will be more killings?”
She ignored him, turning to Reid.
“Reid, how did they die?”
“First victim, stab wound, 2nd victim drowned, 3rd victim-“
“Burned alive?”
As this was the first time she had been made aware of the case (she had been attending to other business back in Quantico and had to fly commercial with no wifi, meaning no access to Penny to catch her up), her knowledge bewildered them greatly.
Seeing their concern spread on their faces, she picked up the photocopy, bringing it to where they were huddled. She stood in the center, pinky pointing and following along with what she was speaking of.
“This symbol here,” she pointed, making sure she held everyone’s attention”, is a rune for “New Moon”.  She then went on to describe how each of the days correspond with the Moon phases, as well as the matching rune and glyphs left on the page.
“I still don’t understand how that explains more killings?” Spencer spoke, his usual high IQ seemingly not working, a problem he had whenever he was around his beloved.
She walked over to him and smiled, shaking her head. She then explained the rest of the runes in detail, how they each had a meaning that applied to the way they were killed, and how there was still one more moon phase left and one more element as well.
The pair was separated once more as Spencer nodded in understanding, his mouth left agape. She admired him for a brief moment, the way his eyes were like large stones of sparkling tiger eye, his lips the color of a rose. 
Interrupting her, Hotch pulled her into a meeting room where Morgan was already waiting. Spencer stared, following her movements.
“Spence? Let’s go work on the geographical profile?” Emily asked, already on her way. He nodded, slanting his eyes briefly through the blinds of the glass. He blinked a few times, feeling like grains of sand had sunk to his waterline. He shook his head like a wet dog, ridding blooming thoughts from his mind, then continuing on from where he stood, doing his best to turn his focus elsewhere completely.
Meanwhile, Hotch was questioning her, Y/n’s knowledge about how the runes and glyphs themselves were written coming in handy for what that meant about the unsub, as well as building a profile. She was surprisingly educated on the subject, which the unit chief had decided to ignore all together, staying focused on the case. 
By the end of the work day, the profile was ready to be delivered, she had figured out the presumably intended use of the sigil, and the geographic profile was nearly finished. 
Satisfied with the day's work, she happily bid her goodbyes and exited the horribly boring meeting room, finding Spencer waiting by the door, coffee still in hand. He looked around the area, his eyes wandering over the portraits that hung on the walls of former officers.
“Spence, you ready?” She quipped, taking the coffee out of his hand and taking a sip. Spencer huffed, taking it back from her and throwing it away, no longer craving the warm beverage once it had touched her lips.
Spencer nodded, wrapping a hand around her waist and starting the long walk to the SUV from the building. They were quiet for most of the miniature journey, listening to the chirps of the cicadas, and the hot summer wind blowing in the branches of the palm trees. Y/n hummed quietly, finding herself in a peaceful state as she walked along with Spencer.
Spencer, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. His mind was running, trying to process the day’s happenings. 
As maybe it was the obsidian that hung around her neck on a sterling silver chain, or perhaps the selenite she kept on her desk and the amethyst she made Penny keep in her batcave, claiming they were “just very pretty!”
It could have been the way she was seemingly always busy on full moons, or even the peculiar deck of “playing cards” that she keeps in her 2nd drawer of her desk, pushed far to the left.
Not to mention the jars of seemingly normal water that he wasn’t allowed to drink from or empty, and the odd combinations of what seemed to be shapes and letters that she had stitched on the inside of Spencer’s satchel (it took quite the convincing, but to her it was seemingly important, so he allowed it reluctantly).
Possibly most convincing of all was the events of the day, her enlightenment on the subjects at hand leaving an uneasiness in the genius’ stomach.
Spencer wasn’t sure how he couldn’t have figured it out sooner.
His girlfriend was a witch.
The realization made him stop suddenly in his tracks, causing her to briefly trip over her own feet. She gave him a conflicted look, concern also present within the glance.
“Spencer? What’s wrong, are you alright?”
He opened his mouth and then shut it again, whatever he had to say not completely ready to be put out in the world. He simply made a line with his lips before continuing on, leaving her where she stood. She cocked her head, confused noises leaving her throat. 
She jogged to catch up with the man, his long legs making him walk awfully fast. Usually, Spencer would slow down so she could walk beside him in harmony, occasionally holding hands. But as of now, she was struggling to stay in pace with him, and she was beginning to feel fairly annoyed.
“Spencer Walter Reid! What is going on!?”
He looked behind his shoulder, only slowing his pace rather than coming to a complete stop. She managed to fall back into step with him, her gaze never leaving his form.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
She bit her tongue, then ran it over her front teeth unaware of what he was referring to. “Tell you what, Reid?”
He shook his head, once more allowing his lips to turn into a straight line, slightly puffing up at his cupid's bow. “You know, about being a witch, or whatever.” He was much quieter when saying the second part of the sentence, his voice quite low.
The statement had shocked Y/n to some degree, but she kept walking, still trying to stay in step with the doctor. She wasn’t quite sure how to go about this, if she should lie and tell him he was being silly, if she should come clean about her “hobbies”. She simply didn’t know.
She decided to just not speak until much later. 
It was after the car ride with the rest of the team (which was quite awkward, considering they could tell something was off between the two lovers), and after they both had eaten and showered before getting ready for bed. Y/n was sitting on one twin sized bed, while Spencer was sitting on the other, reading something from his laptop, which was very unlike him.
Y/n on the other hand couldn’t keep her mind off of the question he had asked earlier. I mean, she had an answer, that much was true. But if she wanted to give it to him, she could not bear to decide. She was staring at the cheesy hotel art on the beige wall, heat still radiating in from the open window that was cracked in the first place to combat the lack of AC.
Her gaze never faltered from the painting of the vase of flowers, the colors seemingly muted. She began to speak, slowly, cautiously.
“I didn’t tell you, because I honestly didn’t think you would care. I mean, maybe you would, but I thought that your whole science thing would make you think I was nuts…” She shook her head, looking to the ceiling. She could feel her boyfriend burning holes into the side of her head, staring.
“Although there’s plenty of science to back it up, and even if there wasn’t, science accepts or rejects ideas based on the evidence; it doesn’t-”
“-Prove or disprove them.”
She looked over and met Spencer’s sad hazel eyes, suddenly feeling very, very guilty.
His voice was quiet as a mouse, he was unable to keep eye contact for long, feeling the need to turn away.
“Metaphysics is an interesting form of philosophy that i’ve done a fair amount of research on, and the CIA has done extensive research on astral projection among other things widely considered to be nonsense phenomena, discarded by most otherwise.”
Her heart sunk and sang all at once, an inexplicable emotion rising like the tide, all the way up to her eyes, a tear slipping out and rolling down her cheek.
“If it’s important to you, it’s important to me. I would have listened, Y/n. I still will, if you care to tell me about it.” 
She looked up from the beige comforters of the motel room bed, feeling an almost magnetic pull tugging her towards Spencer. So she stood and he opened his arms, allowing her to find comfort in his embrace.
“I’m sorry Spence.”
“It’s alright, I just want you to know how much you mean to me, Y/n/n. I will respect and handle anything and everything you throw my way, okay? Nothing could change how much I love you.”
She nodded, a muffled “okay” leaving her lips. He chuckled, pulling her closer. They stayed in that position for some time, savouring each other’s warmth. After she collected herself, feeling rejuvenated, she pulled away, a bright grin creeping its way onto her features.
“So,” she smirked, Spencer raised an unruly brow. 
“Where do you wanna start?”
kinda hate it ngl. but i hope someone out there enjoyed it. for sure not my best writing and it’s a bit confusing but whatever.
DISCLAIMER: my mother and i both regularly participate in metaphysical practices, such as tarot, oracle, the usage of incense and crystals, sigils, spirit guide communication, etc. as well as several practices drawn from hinduism but regularly (and wrongly) culturally appropriated by the west, (chakras, manifestation) while also identifying with and following the methodist faith. i understand and appreciate the origins of it within hinduism, and this is in no way meant to offend anyone whatsoever and is simply for entertainment purposes. no closed practices should be participated in unless invited or born into said practice, and none have been, nor will be. (:
(also ty to roo for educating me on hinduism and how it’s been morphed and appropriated by the west, mwah ur the best)
 love u, xx hj
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adhdsix · 3 years
HI I FORGTO TO POST THIS UM ANWA S i am thinking about the besties (six mono rk and rcg obviously) and i wanted to write down a little. a little thing abt their relationships idk what to call this i am just thinking (this is all my personal thoughts btw u dont have to agree with anything i say but feel free 2 give some of ur own input :] )
OK SO this is sort of long(?) so haha 
starting with six; six’s closest buddy is (obviously) mono; they’re basically inseperable and may as well be attached at the side at this point. if you see one and not the other then Run because the other is behind you probably /j because six has never felt as though she has a safe space, she often considers mono her home, whether she realises it or not, and mono feels a similar way they go to each other for help and can communicate sometimes without words, theyre both happy to tolerate each other and theres clearly a bond between them you could see from a mile away. they rarely get seriously upset with each other and when they do they find a comfortable way to work it out. six would probably kill for mono, and he’d gladly die for her in return, even when none of them outright admit it. mono is one of the only people six actually talks to, and the only person allowed to touch her. on top of just being great friends that do truly care for each other in their own ways, they’re also an amazing duo that are great alone but are close to unstoppable together; they both have their own strengths that almost perfectly balance each other out, even when their differences sometimes get in the way, and theres really no situation they cant get out of as a team
next in line is rcg (i will refer 2 her as sandy to make this easier and because i think that is a cute name for her); sandy is like six’s older sister (tbh she is everyones older sister) and theyre both on pretty good terms with each other, shes pretty comfortable with sandy and trusts her a decent amount, if mono isnt around six wont hesitate to come to sandy for help and sandy will happily oblige :] six doesnt say it much but she appreciates that sandy is there to help and puts up with sixs sometimes unruly behavior and overall shenanigans, while sandys glad she can be a sort of guardian figure for six (and most of the other kids) and she finds the trust that the two of them are carefully forming is a great reward (six let her braid parts of her hair once and sandy was so honored, it has never happened again but sandy is determined that it will) last but not least is six’s relationship with rk; they don’t get along the best, and it probably would take a while to get them to really interact, and they definitely like to bicker or poke fun at each other from across the room but eventually, overall they tend to really just stay out of each others business. this proves 2 be hard sometimes though as they are kind of now in the same friend group (playable characters gang!!!!! *partying face emoji*) 
despite this theres still quite a few things they can bond over, and theyre both pretty comfortable in the sort of “frenemy” spot. most of the time they really dont mind situations where they have to team up together and just get along for a while, even if they still bully each other throughout  nowwww time for mono!!!!!!!!!!!  right away six is his best friend, like i said before theyre basically the same person except for the fact that theyre sort of total opposites he just adores her, thinks she is the absolute coolest and is always willing to give her his undivided attention. will obviously tell her off when needed but he’s always gentle and patient with her, and is always on her side, and six lets him know in her own way that she appreciates him greatly he loves to drag her into his activities and make sure shes included like i said before hes always patient with her, and makes sure she’s comfortable, for example when he goes to hug her (or just touch her at all) he’ll wait for a sign from her saying its okay; and if she’d rather be left alone he just sits with her and waits, ready for whenever she needs him for basically anything, and six always does the same for him
next is rcg/sandy!!!! like basically everyone else, he sees her sort of as an older sister, and appreciates her helping out with six’s shenanigans and being there for six when he isnt able to, even for a little bit. they actually make a pretty good team as well, and have tons in common. both of them love trying out new things and usually make plans together, and sandys happy to let him talk whenever he wants; whether he’s ranting, infodumping, or just bored and looking to strike up conversation, shes there to chat with!! also he loves her hugs because she always picks him up and spins him around  and again rk!!!! the two of them arent very close but still pretty friendly with each other and always manage to find things to talk about whenever theyre together, mono is always ecstatic to learn more about the nomes and rk happily shares his knowledge mono is also always trying to find ways to bring rk and six closer together, but always respects their boundaries, and rk appreciates it all tons now for sandy/rcg *evilly rubs my paws together*  starting with rk! dead buddies ahaha anyways like ive pointed out multiple times rcg sees the others as siblings, and rk is no exception! the two of them spend tons of time together, playing games usually with their nome friends!! sandy often drags him into doing things with her especially when shes trying out something new shes always happy to be there for him whenever he gets nervous about something (which. kinda happens a lot) and rk is there to comfort her in return when needed they share things with each other a lot, whether its information or physical objects or literally anything, they always feel the need to share it with the other  now six!! sandy is absolutely stoked to have a younger sister and six enjoys having an older sister as well sandy is always there for six whenever she needs something, and is working hard to gain her trust; she always gets excited whenever six wants to do something together, which in turn often makes six feel appreciated   i@dont even know what else to put here she just?? takes care of her very well ! she loves to tease six but always makes sure not to go over the line (kinda applies 2 everyone else aswell) mono!!! sandy adores his attitude and loves chatting with him, theres always something new to talk abt with him! they also have an unspoken “must protect six” code n chat about her a lot (all good things obviously)  even if they dont hang out too much she always has fun hangin out w him or getting together to plan stuff !!  i probably shouldve formatted this better bc ivre kind of already written rks relationship with everyone else but here we go anyways
rk and sandy!! rk is probably closest to her (and the nomes ofc) and just overall spends a lot of time around her, no matter what he’s doing he loves crafts, and sandy is always glad to join in making things, sometimes they make stuff for eachother  they also help out the nomes a lot together!! they make lil shelters/forts for them, sometimes for fun out of pillows and blankets and other times theyre more stable things, or, more often, they help clean out holes in the walls to make them liveable now mono!! rk loves to share his knowledge of the nomes with him, and they bond over other things too; for example both of them are interested in bugs :] actually they both adore most animals and rk is sure to let mono know whenever he finds a cool creature! rk also appreciates that mono tries to help six and rk become a little closer, as usually his schemes are harmless, whether they work or not  aaaand six! like i said before theyre not the best of friends and poke fun at eachother a lot, but when they need to team up they’ll somewhat tolerate each other. as much as he wants to, rk finds it hard to forgive six for yknow. eating him. six refuses to be very open about her side of the story, or atleast parts, which makes it a little harder, but theyre working on it and eventually they can atleast tolerate each other on top of that though, theyre also sort of opposites; rk thinks six is just mean and unruly, meanwhile six thinks rk is too soft and somewhat of a doormat  but again. overall they learn to put up with each other (barely)
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Nagito and his little feisty sibling
·       Meeting you was the greatest stroke of good luck in Nagito’s life, and likely ever would be, and that was saying something! Though… Nagito wasn’t sure meeting you was due to luck, rather just by chance. Normally his luck worked in the most bombastic of ways but meeting you was so sobering and calm, quiet.
·       There was this park Nagito liked going to. It was small, had some more natury, foresty bits and others more man made with a little outdoor gym. He spotted you around evening times in the forested area. You were always there then, and you always ran away from adults. You were probably a few years younger than him, maybe by five or six, but he couldn’t quite tell for sure though. He didn’t think much of it at the time and thought you might be shy. “Uh, hello!” “Huh? Oh, hi!” But… you seemed rather cheerful when he met you. Though you were a little reserved and didn’t tell Nagito your name at first, so he called you ‘Bubblegum’ because you were sweet and explosive.
·       Nagito began visit you every evening. It scared him seeing how often you got bloodied in fights. “Bubblegum! You have to stop fighting! This is the third time this week!” “Never! They started it anyway. They were saying mean things about you again.” Nagito would simply try his best to patch you up. In the beginning he’d try to get adults to help to either heal you or stop the fighting, but you always hid away.
·       “Y/N, where’s your mom and dad?” “Don’t know and don’t care. I, am independent! But adults don’t seem to think so and just want to send me back to THEM.” “Oh, I don’t have a mom or dad either.” “… WHAT!? But you’re so scrawny!” You puffed out your chest and tried to show off your nonexistent muscles to prove how strong you were. “Then stick with me! I’ll protect you, even if you are older. Oh, and I’ll teach you how to be strong like me!”
·       From that moment on, more often than not, you were by one another’s side. Nagito’s luck even managed to get you to be siblings legally and he your guardian. Nagito tried his best to look after you. He was your big brother and basically your new parent and you were an amazing person in his eyes, so strong willed, determined, smart, and kind, you deserved the very best! In trying to do so, Nagito was very doting, to the point of spoiling you rotten. Anything you wanted, he could never refuse. He’d never let you lift a finger with chores or anything really unless you specifically asked him to let you help. You didn’t particularly care for chores, but you asked to help with them a lot. It seemed to be the only time you got to spend with him for a while. He was always busy trying to cook, and clean, you just wanted to hangout with your big brother.
·       Even years after getting into a much more stable and safe household with Nagito, you were still a loud, rambunctious child and found yourself getting into fights a lot, even to the point of being labeled a delinquent and problem child by the staff and fellow classmates. When Nagito took you home, you were snippy and standoffish, saying you were bullying the bullies or something akin to that sentiment. One time though when you were walking with him, you just refused to talk. “Y/N? Are you crying?” “N-no!” Though you had turned away from him he saw how tense you were and heard those sniffles. “Hmm…” He quickly stepped before you and kneeled down to your height. “Are you feeling okay, Bubblegum?” “u-uh… y-ye… no.” You hugged back yourself, trying to hold back the tears, your face flushing a bright red, embarrassed to be crying outside where people could see you, but you just couldn’t hold it back. Then you tackled Nagito, almost knocking him over. “W-whoa! Bubblegum?” You just hugged him, burrowing your face into his chest, just wanting to hide. “Y-you’d tell me if people wanted to take me away, right?” “What? Of course I would.” He held you close gently running a hand up and down your back. “I-I… the, they said I’d be taken away. They said you can’t take care of me, that I’m lashing out because you hurt me, an-and that I need to be taken away from you.” “No. No, no,no,no,no,no, no. As long as you want to stay with me, I won’t let anyone take my Bubblegum away.” He was relieved hearing your tears slow, yet, your grip only grew more tense. “Don’t say that!” You shoved him away. “Y-you don’t love me!?” “No, I love you very much! You’re my little sibling, you’re amazing.” You simply stared at him for a moment before Nagito suddenly found himself crumpled over, clutching his stomach which was searing with pain as he heard footfalls race away. Nagito knew you could throw quite a punch, but this was certainly more than a few steps up from your playful punches to his arm. After a few moments he dizzily staggered to his feet.
·       He searched and searched, calling out for you. All attempts to call and text were left unread. He even found your phone on the ground at one point. He never stopped, not even once. He knew if he just waited his luck would probably lead him to you, that you were a strong person, so you’d probably be okay, but… He couldn’t keep himself from looking. Even late into the night, through that inky darkness with only sparse lights from the streetlamps that lit the way he kept looking.
·       Eventually though he did find you, in exactly the same place he had the very first time. In that little thicket of forest in the park. You were simply sitting on the ground, hugging your knees, mindlessly picking at the grass beside you. “There you are, Bubblegum!” You didn’t even glance at him. “… If you’re mad at me, I can go and give you spa-” “Stop it.” “Huh?” “Just… just…” You sounded so exhausted. Your voice horse and incredibly quiet, if it wasn’t the dead of night where only the light rustling of leaves in the wind, he likely would have thought you never spoke. “Stop? Stop what? Just tell me and I’ll-” “SHUT UP!” You abruptly stood up and wiped around revealing your tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. “WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? WHY DO I MAKE YOU THINK YOUR GARBAGE!?” “Y/N, what are you talking about?” “YOU JUST-… YOU TOLD ME YOU’D STOP CALLING YOURSELF GARBAGE, B-BUT YOU STILL DO! YOU JUST DO IT INDIRECTLY NOW! YOU-YOU SAY YOU’LL ONLY KEEP ME AROUND IF I WANTED IT, SO DON’T- YOU DON’T WANT ME! YOU ALWAYS THINK YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH, THAT YOU’RE TRASH- IS THAT WHY YOU HATE ME? BECAUSE YOU THINK I’M SO AMAZING AND YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH- THAT YOU’RE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME? IS THAT WHY? IS THAT WHY YOU ALWAYS AVOID ME NOW!? WHY YOU ALWAYS DO CHORES, AND ONLY DO THINGS LIKE PLAY VIDEO GAMES WHEN I ASK, BECAUSE YOU NEVER WANT TO? EVERYTHING YOU DO IS BECAUSE I ASK BUT… But- Why don’t you want to be with me anymore? I love you, I don’t want to leave you, but I want you to stop hating me. Will you stop thinking you’re trash, stop hating me for making you think that if I leave? If I stop fighting will you love me again? If I stop being amazing and strong, and so full of hope, will you stop thinking you’re trash? Would you go back to being the awesome guy who saved me from people who hurt me, go back to being the guy who’d go out of his way to visit me everyday because HE wanted to? Would… w-would you love me again and want me to stay? I-IF IT WASN’T FOR YOUR STUPID LUCK WOULD WE BE SIBLINGS ANYWAY!? DO YOU EVEN WANT ME AROUND OR WERE YOU FORCED INTO THIS! WAS… was it all bad luck? I… I’m sorry for being a bad kid.” And then you just collapsed to your knees. You felt like crying but there were no more tears left so you just hugged yourself, trembling. Meanwhile Nagito was just left there in stunned silence. There were so many things he wanted to say, you are amazing, he loved you, he was a trash brother, but… all that would only hurt you more. So, what was he supposed to do? It seemed no matter what he’d do, it’d be wrong because you’d likely assume he was just doing it for you and not because he wanted too.
·       It was a long night.
·       You loved one another, but… things were rather rocky for a while. Nagito actually started going to therapy for his self-worth issues because of it. It was a long process, one that was still ongoing by the time Nagito was invited to Hope’s Peak.
·       Since he was living on campus Nagito got special permission for you to be allowed to stay in his dorm room as well. He didn’t think it was that big of a deal, especially since he wholeheartedly believed that you’d one day be invited to this very school so you were just getting a feel for the grounds before joining.
·       Once you were sent home early for getting into another fight, and Nagito asked Miss. Yukizome if you could join in class with everyone else. Nagito’s classmates were a bit hesitant, fearing a mini Nagito, but were pleasantly surprised. At first you were quiet, but when Nekomaru found you had snuck off to his lab to try out some of his exercising equipment, you seemed to warm up to them. You’d challenge both Akene and Nekomaru to fights, and both eagerly helped you with training. You even managed to wrap Fuyuhiko and Peko into this, Peko teaching you how to use a sword and Fuyuhiko tried to subtly teach you how to pick your fights so you wouldn’t accidentally anger any gangs with your fiery personality. Due to training you were always hungry and became Teru’s favorite customer, always adoring every bite and even asking to learn from him so you could make Nagito lunch boxes for a change since he always cooked for you. Whenever you joined the class for the day you always came bloodied and bruised so Mikan would patch you up every time as you eagerly listened to Gundham and Sonia speak of the dark arts or Ibuki as she wailed away on her guitar, perhaps even play video games with Chiaki! In the end you sort of became the whole class’ little sibling, much to Nagito’s delight, of course greatness recognizes greatness. It wasn’t all fun and games though, you often trying to sneakily set up Nagito on dates with Hajime, or telling the others embarrassing stories. Nagito would fight back though, calling you ‘Bubblegum’ in such a sickeningly sweet tone that you’d always blush furiously at.
·       Even with luck life was not perfect but no matter what, you were Nagito’s little sibling and he’d do whatever it took to give you as great of a life as possible. He truly loved you.
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buckysbitch107 · 4 years
Chris Evans with a girlfriend that has a really bad stutter like me. Like it may take about 5 mins for me to get a full sentence out. Thank you!
Sentences | Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Yes, you have a stutter. So what? Just because it takes a little longer for you to say a full sentence, doesn’t mean people need to be rude. Chris has always been the person you go to when you feel down or insecure, even before the two of you started dating. So when an interviewer asks a question that hits a little too close to home, Chris is right there to defend you.
Warnings: SWEARING, Angry Chris, A Small Bit of Fighting, Little bit of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: This is my first time writing a stutter, so I hope I got at least some of it right! The person I used as a reference was Drew Lynch (One of my favorite comedians). I know there are different types of stutters, but his is the one I was most confident writing. I’m aware there are a lot of dashes in the dialogue. That’s the way I write stutters. I really hope you enjoy this one! Sorry if it’s bad or inaccurate!
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“Thank-thank you M-Mr. Evans. I’ll see you tom-tom-tom-tomorrow.” You speak, pacing back and forth in your hotel room as your best friend sits on the bed. Her eyes widen as you end the phone call, dropping your phone on the bed before moving your head to look at her.
“I go-go-got the-the pa-part.” You whisper, looking up at her with a surprised look on your face. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh my god.” You mumble to yourself, pacing back and forth in the dressing room. You just finished up the last scene of the day, a very important scene. The kiss scene. It was going great, and then the next part of the script came up. The part that had Chris’s character, Nick, step closer to yours and take your face in his hands before leaning in and kissing you. The part that the two of you did perfectly. It felt so real… almost too real, and Chris hasn’t talked to you since that scene unless it was for acting purposes. You continue to ramble random points to yourself until a knock sounds at the door, distracting you for a bit. “Come in!”
“Hey, I heard you- oh my god what happened?” Scott asks, closing the door behind him as he steps inside. You turn towards him and sigh, your hands still doing the weird flappy thing they did whenever you got anxious.
“We-We did the-the-the, the scene.”
“What? What sce- oh. OH. OH MY GOD! THAT SCENE?!”
“Yes, that sce-scene!” You exclaim, continuing to pace back and forth.
“I know this is gonna sound weird. But thoughts?” You turn to look at him, the look on your face making him unconsciously take a step back. Your face remains in a state of rage until you actually begin to survey your own thoughts, and your face drops.
“It-It was-s great. Dammit, Sco-ott! It fe-fe-felt so-so real!” Your hands migrate to your forehead, pushing your hair back before running to sit on the back of your neck. 
“Well, why don’t you ask him?”
“He’s-he’s been av-avo-avoiding me all d-ay.” More tears stream down your face as you continue to hyperventilate. You wouldn’t usually react like this, but the biggest crush you’d ever had in your entire life was possibly rejecting you, and you couldn’t even talk to him about it. 
“I’ll go talk to him. Why don’t you grab a bottle of water while I go find him, okay?” You nod as Scott gestures to the minifridge in your dressing room. He walks out and you sigh, grabbing the water and chugging most of it. Meanwhile, Scott wanders around the set, looking for his younger brother. He finds him soon enough, talking with a coworker about something to do with directing. Scott motions to his brother and Chris nods, finishing up his conversation before walking over to his sibling. 
“Yeah?"  Chris asks, putting his hands in his pockets.
 “You need to talk to Y/N.”
“Why? Is something wrong?”
“She thinks you don't like her.”
“What? What do you mean? Of course I like- oh. OH!”
“Yeah. Now please go fix it before she digs a hole in the ground by pacing that much.” Chris’s eyes widen a little more before he nods, running off in the direction of your dressing room.
“Oh go-go-god, you were ho-ho-hori-horrible at playing that-that trumpet.” You giggle, trying not to pee yourself in the passenger seat of Chris’s car. The man next to you scoffs, rolling his eyes as he turns the steering wheel.
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
“You-you-you-you sounded like a, like a, like a dying pi-pi-pig.” You continue to laugh in your seat as he pulls the car into an empty parking spot.
“That’s a little harsh.” He responds, turning his head to glare at you playfully, resting his hand on your thigh.
“I had-had to p-p-p-play it for-for-for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Chris turns off the car and leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek before opening his door and stepping out. You open your door and step out as well, Chris walking around the car to grab your hand. He links your hand with his and slowly pulls you along, walking to two of you into the shooting studio. As the two of you enter, the studio’s cat steps into your line of vision. You gasp quietly, picking up the tabby before sitting in a chair behind the camera, set up on the small couch with some snacks and the cat. You barely pay attention as Chris sits down in the interview chair and the cameras start rolling, too distracted by the cat sitting in your lap. Zoning out, you don’t pay attention to any of the questions until you hear your name come into the mix.
“Now you met your wife on the set of Before We Go. Was it hard to make her stutter a part of the character?” Jason Nichols questions.
“Most people assume that it would be hard to incorporate a stutter into a character, but Y/N was actually super flexible and would sometimes even ask if we could do some more takes because she didn’t like the one we had. It was amazing what she did to make the movie an even bigger success.” Chris answers, causing a small smile to rest on your face.
“Now there are many eligible women in Hollywood, so why Y/N?”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, she’s already paid less than you, and I don’t imagine that stutter of hers makes it any easier to land roles. I would have imagined you would go for someone in your pay grade.” Ouch.
“Alright, we’re done here.” Chris says, cutting the interview short by standing up from his chair. They quickly cut the cameras as your husband nods to you, telling you to pack up.
“I’m just saying-” 
“You aren’t saying anything.” You can visibly see Chris getting more pissed off by the second. You try to pull him away from the scene, but the interviewer keeps trying to insult you. It’s all a blur before Chris finally snaps, punching the interviewer and knocking him to the floor before storming out of the studio. 
“I-I am so-so-so sorry.” You whisper to one of the producers. She brushes it off with a quick “he deserved that.” before walking over to the interviewer and talking his ear off as she hands him a couple of tissues. You stand there silently, wondering what you should do when one of the producer’s assistants ushers you out.
“It’ll be fine! We’ll call back to see if Chris wants to reschedule, with a different interviewer of course.”
“T-Thank yo-u.” You whisper, offering him a small smile before walking over to your car, your fuming husband sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Darling? What’s wrong?” Chris asks, standing in the doorway of your bedroom, his bandaged hand brushing up against the door frame. You look up from your spot on the bed, giving him a small “mm” before looking back at your latest read. “Okay, what is up with you?”
“No-othing.” You mumble.
“Well it’s obviously something. You’ve barely said a word since the interview and you didn't even finish your dinner! Did, did I go too far at the interview?”
“W-What?! No-o! Not at-at all! It’s ju-ust-”
“Just what?”
“Do you-you think Nich-ichols was-was righ-t?” You question, finally deciding to look up at your husband. The look of confusion on his face would have made you laugh if your heart wasn’t silently ripping apart in your chest.
“What?! Of course not Y/N!” He exclaims, taking a mere four steps across the room to sit in front of you, Chris quickly taking your hands into his. “Why would you ever think that?”
“I-I don’t kn-kn-know…” You’re about to continue speaking when Chris starts moving, and it’s only a quick second before your husband has you sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped around you.
“Everything that man said today was bullshit Y/N. I chose you for so many reasons, and I don’t regret a thing, you understand?” You nod, slowly tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you. So damn much baby.”
“I lo-ove you t-too.” Chris smiles at you once again before softly kissing you, pulling back just slightly to look at you.
“Why don’t we head to bed? It’s been a long day.” You nod and Chris stands up, walking out to call Dodger into bed and returning quickly with the dog and his lion. The two of you were already in your pajamas, having decided to change when you got home. Chris turns off the lights and slips into bed next to you, his arm immediately taking its designated place on your side. You cuddle into him and sigh, feeling comforted by your husband. Dodger sits on the edge of the bed, laying almost all the way over Chris’ feet. The three of you fall asleep like that, the hours before having worn you out, finally feeling at peace.
Permanent Tags: @wintersoldierslut​ @breakmy-bedbarnes@stuckys-hot-dogs​ @andreasworlsboring101@yaxamarvel @donutloverxo​
Just a reminder that all requests are open! My masterlist is in my bio, so you guys know who I specialize in, but really I do anyone y’all request. As I’ve mentioned, nothing is too fluffy, angsty, smutty, or gorey for me. I mainly write Marvel and its characters/actors. I can also write some characters from other things, you just have to ask! Also please let me know if you want to be a part of the Permanent Tags! But please, for now,
Call me Emily
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! 💙 Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙
I’ve been into comedy lately for some reason... This chapter has been finished for a while, but I’ve been writing more of this story. It’s fun to write because they’re all stupid XD
A/N: Remember this story is Lukanette + Adrigami endgame.
Chapter summary:
The fugitive and disguised men arrive to Milan and set in their Hotel rooms and Rose holds a girls' pajama party.
Chapter 2: Arrival to Milan
The train arrived at Milan later than scheduled. Not that it surprised any of them - except probably Adrien who always rode bullet trains instead of cheap ones. Delays were part of the public transportation's everyday life (at least in Southern Europe).
It took them eight hours to reach the Italian city, and Adrien and Luka had mostly spent the time either sleeping (from exhaustion of the day before) or daydreaming about the girls that caught their attention. Juleka glared at them more than a few times too, reminding them to focus on their acting, but they pretended not to notice. She seemed to be having a good time with the short haired blond lady seated next to her, anyway.
During the ride, Madam Mendeleiev also assigned their hotel rooms: two members per room, sharing it with the person beside them during the train ride. That meant Luka and Adrien were assigned the same room, and Juleka and Rose and Marinette and Kagami would share theirs too. The men were relieved with the assignments- at least they could drop their acting during the night.
After arriving at the hotel, and leaving their suitcases at their respective rooms (courtesy of XY, who didn’t miss his chance to flirt again with ‘Lucia’- ew ), the band members reunited again to have dinner. Too bad for them, they didn’t get to share a table with Marientte or Kagami, but shared it with Juleka and Rose.
“Hey!” Rose called for their attention. “Why don’t we have a girls' pajama party here later, when Madam Mendeleiev is asleep?” she suggested.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea-” Luka started, but was blunty cut by Adrien.
“Oh, yes! A party! Yay! Let’s do it! It will be soooo much fun!” Adrien exclaimed happily, amicably joining the palm of his hands with the grinning Rose's.
“Yay! I’m going to tell the others!” Rose said, running to the other areas in little hops.
Juleka and Luka could only facepalm at Adrien’s reaction. It was probably his first ‘pajama party’, of course he would be excited. ‘Just be careful’, Juleka warned them, giving up at Adrien’s puppy eyes.
A few hours later, after assuring Madam Mendeleiev was pleasantly asleep, the boys changed into old fashioned nightgowns and moved to the Hotel’s bar, where almost all the ladies were already chatting and drinking together. Luka was disappointed to see how Marinette wasn’t there, and he soon left the party. On the other hand, Adrien was completely enjoying himself with the ladies. Chatting, laughing, singing, playing cards, fortune reading… The rich boy had never had so much fun in his life. Kagami had left early, but Adrien had made sure to stare at her as much as he could before his eyes couldn't follow her anymore.
Meanwhile, sick of his acting, Luka moved to a closed common room nearby. Dark and cold as it was, he didn't expect to find Marinette sleeping in one of the coaches, next to an incandescent lamp.
“Hey, are you ok?” He asked, shaking her a little. Marinette’s eyes opened all of a sudden, almost giving Luka a heart attack.
“Oh! Sorry!” She apologized. “Where am I?”
“You fell asleep in the common room. Can you walk...?” Luka asked her. She stunk of alcohol- lots of alcohol. Marinette nodded but almost fell down on her knees as soon as her feet hit the floor. Luka sighed. “Where's your room? I'll take you there”
“206” she answered, and Luka lifted her body to carry her in princess style. She was very light and he was probably enjoying her in his arms more than he should.
“Wow! You're so strong for a girl!” she said, in fascination, between hiccups.
Luka froze. *Shit* ‘ She’ll find out I'm actually a man at this rate! Think Luka, think! I need an excuse! ‘“It comes with carrying a guitar everywhere” he answered nervously.
But Marinette wasn’t really thinking. “That's amazing!” A short pause followed. “Wait! Put me down!” she demanded, and Luka obeyed, seating her on the coach again. “Let's have some girl talk before going to sleep!" she grinned.
Marinette's begging eyes were too much for his enamored heart and his body automatically answered. "Okay"
"Yaaay" she said loudly in a celebrating tone, between hiccups.
Luka gulped. She looked absolutely defenseless and beautiful in her pajamas. If he hadn't already fallen for her, he would have again at that moment. His long fingers threatened to betray him any moment, longing to feel her perfect skin under his touch. He bit his tongue trying to suppress his predator instincts and act like the woman Juleka expected him to be.
"Won't Madam Mendeleiev get angry if she finds us?" Luka asked, looking for an excuse to leave.
"She won't!" She assured, pouring more alcohol into her cup and taking a sip. "We'll just turn off the lights and hide, and that would do. Here." She offered him a glass. "Have a drink with me"
"Thank you. I could never say no to a drink" 'Let's hope it distracts me enough from my ‘naughty’  thoughts...'
"You know?" Marinette started, stopped by another hiccup. Luka carefully listened to her dreamy voice. "I thought you were a man at first…"
Luka choked on his drink. 'Oh, no. We've just arrived! Have I been found out so easily? I can't let her find out yet! We need to escape and-'
"Hahaha- really? No way. See? Breasts" he quickly answered, lifting his fake breasts awkwardly.
"I knooow. I'm just joking" she giggled, making Luka sigh in relief. "I haven’t introduced myself, have I? My name is-"
"Ma-Ma-Marinette, right?" Luka giggled, but stopped immediately after noticing her hurt expression. "Sorry, I didn't want to make you feel bad"
"No, it's ok. It's my fault for being so clumsy…" tears had started to form in her eyes and Luka felt his own heart hurt in regret.
"No, no! I should have been more sensitive. Sorry." He sincerely apologized.
"Thank you ugh- sorry. I don't think I caught your name…"
"Lucia" 'God I hate this name'
"Lucia. Pretty name. Are you from Spain? Or Southern France?" Marinette asked, curious.
"Yes, I'm from the Basque region" he lied to add credibility to his act.
"That explains your strength!"
"That's just a stereotype, Marinette… but who knows? Maybe I should try tearing a trunk in half with my bare hands sometime" Luka joked and Marinette laughed.
"You're so funny!" Her laugh sounded like the most beautiful melody in his ears, inspiring him to compose hundreds of songs. "Want more?" She offered him her bottle of alcohol.
"if you insist..."
Marinette opened the bottle to fill Luka's glass, but her trembling hands made her spill the alcohol on Luka's lap, surprising him.
"Oh, sorry! Your sleeping dress…" She lamented.
"It's fine. I'll ask for the hotel’s laundry service to clean it tomorrow and it will be fine" he smiled. 'how could anyone get angry at those beautiful regretful pure eyes? Impossible'
"What are these voices! Is anyone here!?" Madam Mendeleiev shouted from the aisle.
"Oh no! Hit the lights and hide! Here!"
Marinette pulled Luka's body strongly to hide him behind the coach, hugging him. During the minute they spent in that position, Luka forgot how to breathe, in awe of her softness and unexpected precise reflexes.
Madam Mendeleiev later moved toward the room where the girls’ party was taking place, and Luka could only feel sorry for Adrien. ‘ Good luck, my friend’ . But actually, he was more worried about himself, since the chest of the woman he liked was pressed on his face.
"Ufff… she's gone. Sorry!" Marinette stood up, offering her hand to Luka.
"No, it's fine…" he recomposed himself, shaking his head. "We should go back…" 'before the alcohol controls me and I do something stupid'
"Yes…Thank you for keeping me company, Lucia." She smiled.
“My pleasure" he smiled back. "I’ll go get Ad- Noirette first. Will you be fine on your own?”
“I guess so?” she answered, dizzily.
While Luka helped Marinette stand up, Kagami called for her friend, running towards them. “Marinette! I’ve been looking for you! Don’t tell me you’ve been drinking again? Are you ok?” she said, passing her arm under Marinette’s to help her steadiness.
“I’m perrrrffffect!” she said in a hiccup. “Thanks to Lucia! She’s soooo strong, you knowwww?”
Kagami’s eyes narrowed at Luka, giving him chills. But soon she apologized for her friend’s behavior, bowing her head at him. She also informed him she would take her to their room and thanked him for having looked after her friend. Luka excused himself to go look for ‘Noirette’. Kagami’s eyebrows frowned at his comment and started walking with Marinette.
“See you tomorrowwww, Luciaaa. Goood niiiiiighttttt”. With an exaggerated waving salute, Marinette almost fell straight to the floor in front of the elevator. Thankfully, Kagami made it in time to prevent the accident.
"Good night, Marinette. See you tomorrow" Luka waved back, blushing at her clumsiness.
'This is bad' Luka thought. His heart beat faster than ever. ‘ This girl is too damn cute. I’m going to fall in love for real if this continues... ’ Luka shook his head to snap out of his thoughts. Time to get Adrien back.
Back at the elevator, Kagami kept looking at ‘Lucia’ with judging eyes.
When Luka arrived at the party room he could see the girls (and Adrien) being scolded by Madam Mendeleiev. Not daring to show himself, he waited until they all returned to their respective rooms to meet with Adrien.
“Adrien! Are you ok? I saw that witch scolding you. Did you have fun at least?” Luka patted his back.
“Luka! Where were you? It was so fun until that old woman arrived… I’ve never had so much fun before! We drank, sang and played games… I love this band already. Do we really have to leave…?” Adrien mumbled, looking like he was about to cry. Luka could sympathize with his feelings.
“Sorry, Adrien. You know what will happen if your father ever finds us… I’m happy you had fun, though”
“Thanks. Where were you, by the way? I’ve been asking for you, but nothing”
“You won’t believe it! I got to spend some time with Marinette! Man, I thought I would pass out due to her cuteness. She’s too much for my heart…” Luka answered, grinning like a lovestruck fool.
“At least it went well in your case… I couldn’t even exchange a word with Kagami before she left, and she avoided my eye contact…”
“Tomorrow is going to be another day, don’t worry. It will go better next time, you'll see. Remember we have rehearsal all day tomorrow. We should sleep” Luka said, removing his wig. Adrien mimicked his action, nodding in agreement.
Suddenly, the door opened and the two men froze. ‘Oh no’
“It’s not what it looks like!” Luka screamed, followed by Adrien’s “What he just said!”
Juleka rolled her eyes from the door, going inside the room. The clueless musicians sighed in relief.
“Are you stupid? Why didn’t you lock the door before removing your wigs? Do you want to be found out when the escape just started?” she scolded them, who made apologizing puppy eyes at her. “I’m here to discuss your escape plans”
“Oh” they both responded, making Juleka sigh at their dumbness.
“It seems no one has figured out your true identity yet. The police are still looking for you in Paris and France, so you should be fine- at least for now” she informed them.
“Good thing there’s no internet or mobile phones in this story! That would make things very easy for them to spot us when we play with the band” Adrien said, more to himself or someone not present in the room than to his interlocutors.
“Ad, man, what are you talking about? What the heck is intern- whatever you said” Luka asked, confused.
“I don’t know. I had the feeling I had to mention it. Nevermind- I don’t know it either. Go on, Juleka” Adrien shrugged and let Juleka continue with her explanation.
“See? This is the band's schedule. We’re spending this week in Milan, then Verona, and then the band is going to perform in Venice. I contacted mom with my radio and she’s going to get us a motorboat ready to escape. I’ll have a radar prepared with the coordinates so we can meet in the sea with the Liberty- mom’s ship” she clarified for Adrien. ”That’s your escape plan. Make it to Venice, and it will be your win. Don’t screw it up! Understood?”
“Yes M’am!” they said in unison, doing a salute pose.
“Good. I’ll be here early in the morning for your make-up. Good night” she said, reaching for the door. “And lock the door next time” she warned before closing it.
Luka immediately hurried to lock the door and let his body finally relax and fall to the bed. “Let’s go to sleep… It’s been a long day…”
Adrien agreed, and just like that, the men fell asleep under dreams of beauties and the feeling of being chased by the demon himself.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Felix and the Hybrid
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Word Count: 3,035 Felix x Hybrid OC Part Two - Final Part. Warnings: Fluff, Angst, NSFW
@romace-tea-cup​ request. Summary: Lizzie is the youngest daughter of Bella & Edward Cullen. Her family plot to keep her away from her mate Felix. But what happens when fate intervenes and Felix and Lizzie’s paths cross? Will be it love at first sight? Will they get their happy ending or will her family get in the way?
Felix and Lizzie went back to his hotel room and Lizzie was amazed to see that he was staying in the penthouse suite “Wow” She breathed and he chuckled softly “We like a little luxury when we stay in hotels” He said low into her ear. Lizzie had a look around the suite before she cuddled up to Felix on the bed as they watched a movie together.
Lizzie got a little bored of the movie halfway through and did something that he didn’t expect “I’m going to use the hot tub…” She trailed off and gave him a wink; he smiled his eyes darkening as he followed her. He entered the room just in time to see her climb into the tub naked; he growled low and quickly removed his clothes before joining her. He smirked when he saw the look on her face as she got a look at him, the size of him “See something you like little one?” She nodded biting her lip and moved towards to him; he sat down in the tub and watched as she climbed onto his lap straddling him, brushing against his hardening length. She kissed him biting his lip and as he gasped  she slipped her tongue inside his mouth, their tongues moving against each other. He placed his hands on her waist and he felt her grind against him, the tip of him teasing her entrance “Please Fe” She whispered against his lips, he kissed her and gently lifted her a little before lowering  her slowly onto his hard cock “Ahh” They breathed together as he entered her.
Once inside her he stilled to allow her to adjust to him before gently lifting and lowering her onto him “Oh…so tight” He kissed her and they got into a steady rhythm as she rolled her hips against his as he thrusted up into her “Oh…Fe” She cried out as he hit a new spot inside her. He smiled into the next kiss as he continued to thrust gently into her as she moved against him, her breathing becoming laboured as she neared her climax “Cum for me baby” He whispered as he felt her walls clench around him bringing him closer to his release. He leaned her back a little as he thrusted into her and flicked her nipple with his tongue a few times, the new sensation pulling her over into the abyss as she experienced her first orgasm. He looked up to see her eyes closed tight and her mouth open slightly “Oh…Felix” She cried out breathlessly; she was seeing stars and her whole body felt alight and she felt him twitch inside her, filling her. He held her to him; her chest flush against his and kissed her as he rode his climax out with her.
“That was amazing Fe, thank you” She kissed him smiling “No need to thank me baby. It was amazing for me too” He kissed her back with a passion he’d held back before “I love you so much Fe” “I love you too baby” She slept in his arms that night happy to have shared her first time with him.
When she woke the next morning Felix was on his back and her head was resting on his chest, his arm wrapped around her holding her close. She lifted her head and saw that his eyes were closed; she leant down kissing his lips “Good morning” She whispered against his lips as her warm hand wrapped around his cold semi-hard cock and she started to move her hand over his length “Oh…yes” He breathed as she took him into her mouth licking him from base to tip tongue swirling around the tip; she took as much of him as she could sucking hard, she then dragged her teeth over him and he growled loud. She released him and giggled “I think you liked that” She straddled him and leaned down to kiss him “I like being ‘woken’ this way” He purred smiling “You’ll love this then” She purred back as she lowered herself onto him; rolling her hips against his, her head fell backwards and a breathless moan left her lips. His hands went to her waist and he flipped them over so she was beneath him; he pulled nearly all the way out before sliding back into her a little rougher than the night before “Felix” His name tumbling from her lips as her breath hitched in her throat; her legs wrapped around him as he continued to take her roughly “Oh baby” He breathed into her ear “I’m close” “I know, I’ve got you” He replied as thrusted a little harder inside her; her arms wrapping around his neck holding him close “Don’t stop…please…don’t stop” She begged in his ear and he sped up a little and after a few deep thrusts they came together “Oh Felix!” “Lizzie!” They cried out loudly as they rode out their highs together. “I’m never going to get enough of you Felix” She smiled as cuddled into his side “That’s good to know…as I feel the same about you” He replied burying his head into her hair breathing in her scent.
The previous afternoon Jared found Jake at home “Hi Jake, we need to talk” “Ok, Jared what about?” “It’s about Lizzie…I er…saw her with one of those Leeches from Italy…” Jared said looking at Jake “You mean the Volturi are here?” Jake asked cutting him off “I don’t know Jake. I only saw the really tall one with Lizzie. They er…looked comfortable together” Jared answered “What do you mean they looked comfortable together?” Jake asked “They were talking and laughing and er….she was sitting on his lap…and they were sharing an intimate moment” Jared told Jake nervously “WHAT?!” Jake shouted “Are you kidding me?” Jake sounded angry “Why would I lie?” “I know. I know. I’m sorry. God…how do I tell Bella and Edward about this?” “Delicately Jake. Delicately. Do not make this worse than it has to be” Jared warned him. 
The following morning the Cullens arrive home and Jake fills them in on the information he learnt from Jared the previous day. Edward and Bella were not impressed, after all they had done everything they could to keep them apart…or so they thought.
Lizzie returned home that afternoon “Where have you been?” Bella asked “I went for a walk, why?” She replied “You told us you were ill but we have it from a very reliable source that you have been with Felix, the Volturi’s executioner” Bella responded “W-what are you talking about?” Lizzie asked a little shocked “Jared saw you in the meadow…you were on top of him…it looked pretty intimate” Jake said entering the room “Wolf telepathy…He showed me what he saw first-hand. So don’t you dare deny it!” Jake added growling “Y-you’ve been spying on me?” Lizzie asked loudly looking at Jake “No. Jared stumbled across your scent and wondered why you were so far out, wondered if you were ok” Edward told her “Oh and he just had to report it back to you?” She asked “No, he told Jake so Jake could tell us about you and Felix” Edward said “And after all we did to keep you apart from him” Edward added “HOW DARE YOU? YOU HAD NO RIGHT!” Lizzie screamed at him “I’M YOUR FATHER AND I HAD EVERY RIGHT!” He shouted back.
“You are too good for the likes of him” Bella added. “HE’S MY MATE. I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME” She replied, her voice raised. “I DON’T CARE! YOU WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” Edward yelled back stepping closer to her.
“Here’s her phone. She has a text from him “Hi baby, hope you got home ok. I really enjoyed last night…and this morning… Love Fe” Jake read out the text “JAKE!! HOW DARE YOU? THAT’S A PRIVATE MESSAGE!” Ness shouted “Your sister has been screwing the Italian leech” Jake replies “They’re mates. What they do or don’t do is none of your business! You had no right to do this” Ness added angrily “GIVE.BACK.HER.PHONE” Ness pointed to her sister; Jake handed the phone to Edward instead. Edward confiscated Lizzie’s phone as punishment, turning it off “Felix can’t contact you now as I have your phone. I meant what I said YOU WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN!” “I HATE YOU!! ALL OF YOU!!” Lizzie screamed at her parents and Jacob; the rest of the Cullens looked disappointed and disgusted with her. 
Lizzie left the main house slamming the front door as she went and ran back to the cottage; straight to her bedroom, less than two minutes later Ness entered the room “I’m so sorry. I hate Jake so much right now” Ness said as climbed on her sister’s bed and wrapped her arms around her. Lizzie broke down in tears “It-It’s not fair Ness” “Sshh it’s ok, I’m here” Ness soothed gently and kissed her sister’s hair. Lizzie cried herself to sleep that night in her sister’s arms as she remembered all the things her family said about Felix and how she’s never going to see him again. 
Lizzie spent the next week in her room not wanting to see her family, Ness being the only exception as she had defended her to their family. Her family stopped coming to check on her after two days as Ness refused to let anyone in her sister’s room. Ness refused to answer Jake’s calls and ignored his messages until day four when she finally text him:
Ness then turned her phone off and shut it away in the closet “I’m so sorry Lizzie. Jake had no right to do this” Ness held her sister as she sobbed again “It-it’s not fair…I-I love him…and…he l-loves m-me too. He-he’s my mate” She stuttered out between sobs “I know, you seemed so happy and I don’t care who your mate is as long as he makes you happy” Ness said smiling “Y-you knew?” “Not at first. I knew you had met someone but didn’t know who until I saw a text flash on your phone from Felix. It wasn’t hard to work out after that” Ness answered smiling. 
Meanwhile in Volterra “Demetri I need you to track Lizzie for me…if you can” Felix asks his friend as he enters his room “I can track her for you Fe…but can I ask why?” Demetri replies standing up from his desk “I-I think something may have happened to her. I have text her throughout the past week and I haven’t received a reply. I just tried calling her and her phone is switched off…it’s never off D. Please…I need to know she’s safe” The worry evident in his voice. Demetri closed his eyes and searched his mind for Lizzie’s tenor “Lizzie is her bedroom at the little cottage in the woods…Ness is with her” Demetri told his friend, having picked up the twin’s tenors easily “If she’s at home then why hasn’t she answered my texts...why is her phone off?” Felix asked, confusion written over his face “I don’t know Fe…I can’t answer that. Speak with the masters, tell them about your concerns and see if they’ll let us go and check on her” Demetri offered and Felix nodded.
Felix and Demetri made their way to the throne room “Masters may I have a word please?” Felix asks “Of course. How can we help you?” Caius asks “Well…it’s a little complicated…if I’m being honest” Felix replied “May I?” Aro asks holding out his hand “Yes” Felix says stepping forward and placing his hand in Aro’s “Although there are a few memories I’d rather you not see…for personal reasons” Felix said low, Aro nodded in understanding and Demetri tried to hide his smirk. Aro saw the day Felix met Lizzie; the day he realised she was his mate. He saw the days they spent together at the meadow whenever Felix was able to visit her. Aro avoided the more personal memories the best he could. He then saw the concern Felix held for Lizzie as she hadn’t contacted him in a week and her phone is currently off and he knows what Felix wants to do. 
“Brothers, it would seem that our dear Felix has finally met his mate and…it’s Elizabeth Cullen, or as she is more affectionately known…Lizzie. They met about six months ago in Seattle and they have spent this time getting to one another. Felix visits her when he is able and they stay in touch by text and phone calls” Aro says looking at Caius and Marcus. “How has he kept it secret all this time?” Caius asks curious “He hasn’t… not entirely. Our dear Demetri knew as he was there the day they met and I have seen a few things in Felix’s thoughts when he reports back after missions. I have never mentioned it before because he hasn’t done anything wrong and I knew that when the time was right…he would come to us” Aro continued. “I’m sorry masters, I didn’t want to deceive you in anyway but Lizzie and I knew her family would not approve and we wanted our bond to be stronger before we dealt with any drama.” Felix said looking at the three kings “We understand Felix. But I sense there is a problem that needs to be dealt with quickly” Marcus says gently and Aro nodded.
Two days later Marcus arrives at the Cullen house with Felix, Jane and Demetri “Hello Marcus, I wasn’t expecting a visit” Carlisle says opening the door “Hello Carlisle, this was a last minute visit and it’s important that it is dealt with quickly” Marcus replied before they made their way upstairs to the family room. “The reason for my visit has to do with Lizzie and Felix, but I think you all know that” Marcus says as he looks around the room at the Cullens, noticing the twins were not present. “Demetri please go to the cottage and bring the twins here” “Of course master” Demetri replies smiling. 
Five minutes later Demetri returns to the main house with the twins “Felix” Lizzie smiles wide and runs straight to him, his arms wrapping around her “Lizzie” He buries his nose into her hair and breathes in her scent “I’ve missed you. They-they found out about us and-and dad took my phone away. He turned it off” Lizzie said looking up at her mate “That’s why I’m here mi amore. I have text you this past week and have received no replies and when I tried to call you two days ago your phone was off…Now I know why” He growls and glares at the Cullens .
“She hasn’t left her room in a week…I’ve stayed with her” Ness said looking at Marcus “Can I ask why she has been ‘locked’ away?” Marcus asked looking at Ness “They confronted her about what Jared saw; what he told Jake and they didn’t like what my sister had to say. They forbid her from ever seeing him again…” She answered him honestly “NESS!” Bella shouted; Ness ignored her mom and continued “When Lizzie refused to agree to that…Jake having gone down her bag handed her phone to Dad and he turned it off. Mom said that Lizzie was too good to be with someone like him” Ness said pointing over at Felix. “I tried explaining that we loved one another and they laughed at me; told me if I didn’t stay away from him…they would send me away” Lizzie added as tears had started to fall “I would have come and found you Lizzie. I would have taken you back to Volterra with me, to be with Felix” Demetri said placing a hand on her shoulder “Thank you Demi” She said low and he smiled at her.
Marcus shook his head as he looked around the room “You are lucky that it is me here in front of you and not Caius…because he would have your heads. You know it is against the law to keep mates apart from one another, even if it is an unspoken law” Marcus said calmly but his voice had an edge to it the three guards recognised “I can confirm Felix and Lizzie are mates and to keep them apart is unacceptable. Aro and Caius will hear of this and there will be consequences” He added firmly.
“Lizzie, come home with me please?” Felix asked low although everyone heard and the room erupted into loud protests as she smiled and nodded at him. “ENOUGH!!” Marcus shouted “This is NOT up for discussion. Demetri please escort Lizzie back to the cottage and help her pack for her trip” “Yes master” Demetri nodded at him “Come on Lizzie” He took her hand and they left the room, Ness following.  Edward tried to stop them leaving “Pain” Jane said smiling and Edward dropped to the floor pain evident on his face; Jane smirked as she upped the level of pain he felt “This is for trying to keep Lizzie from her mate” She smiled wide, Felix watched smiling.
Twenty minutes later Demetri, Lizzie and Ness return with a few cases full of her stuff “Anything you don’t have I’ll buy you when we get home” Felix said looking down at his mate and kissed her. “Please come visit me Ness” She hugged her sister tightly “Just you try and stop me Lizzie” Ness replied smiling. “I’m ready to go home when you are” She said looking up at Felix as she slipped her hand into his. The Cullens watched as Lizzie left hand in hand with Felix, ready to start her life in Volterra with him. “I love you Lizzie” He kissed the top of her head “I love you too.” Lizzie didn’t look back at her family, only ahead as that is where her future lay; in Volterra with her mate by her side forever.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
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ReinerxMikasa (ReiKasa) Extremely Kinky A to Z Ask Game (R20+) Headcanon #19
*Update: 24 March 2021
A continuation of this ask & inspired by this original post. Dedicated to @xrocketmanx for their amazing 💖 on my ko-fi page!
(A/N: ‼️WARNING‼️Graphic description of very explicit smut with potentially provocative images ⛔ Please don't click Keep Reading if you're below 20 🙅‍♀️ Sorry kiddos! To my more adult readers, please absorb this post's content with appropriate discretion & maturity)
(In complete Alphabetical Order)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
People expect Reiner to be the one who would jump off the bed immediately soon after when they’re done but on the contrary, he just loves lying there and holding Mikasa in his arms post-coitus. Although, they do sleep with Mikasa lying on his chest most nights. Mikasa wasn’t used to be held intimately in the first few months of their relationship, so the first time they made love, Reiner gave her the space that she needed before, during and after. It was Mikasa who finally initiated their first cuddle post-coitus after the next several weeks.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Reiner: Very confident of his physical appearance and in his skin. He really loves everything on and about Mikasa. He loves her body type the way she is - to him, hers is just perfect. But, his most favorite body part of hers he'd like to touch first every time he could is her hands. He just like holding her hands when he wakes up, winding down for the night & even when he's asleep.
Mikasa: This woman, despite having a bombshell athletic figure, still secretly feels insecure of the way she looks. She loves Reiner's biceps the most - at home, she'll sneak a quick peck or a nibble on his biceps when he's doing the dishes or making dinner. She also likes to snuggle up to him on the couch with his arm draped around her shoulders, sometimes until she falls asleep.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… lol)
She...swallows? 🙈 (holy shizz i'm not so sure of this one. Can't think of a suitable answer without being cringey 🤣)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Reiner & Mikasa once had a quickie inside the changing booth during a beach trip with their friends. Reiner had also went down on Mikasa after dinner at his mum's place, right in Karina's laundry room because he 'accidentally' spilt some wine on her dress & wanted to get her dress cleaned up. He ended up having her as dessert on top of the moving dryer & she left her underwear there by accident.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
They were both not each other’s first lovers but when they first got together, the experience is like being with no other. They discovered new parts & points of not only their significant other’s physical & spiritual strengths but also their own respective preferences as well. Reiner’s quite a ladies’ man during his early years in the military but after a while, he got bored of the game. Meeting Mikasa, he realised he wants to play the game again but this time to win it for good. Mikasa has only been with one boyfriend since college & being with Reiner opened her eyes up to vast possibilities.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
No, Reiner doesn't do the Military Style despite being a military man 🤣 Missionary & Cow Girl are their standard starting positions. Despite Mikasa being very flexible, which gave them more advantage in attempting the more physically-challenging positions, but the following are their more favorite experimental ones:
Watering Can
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
A little bit of both, no doubt. Reiner has a dorky sense of humor & Mikasa's odd humor makes for a good tension-breaking combination. Their foreplays always begin with a good laugh - with Reiner ghosting his teasing touches on her love handles. Gets her in the mood for some serious sexing every time.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
For both, the carpets matched the drapes. Mikasa tried Brazillian wax once and uhh...Reiner abstained for a week & a half because he prefers her au naturalé 🙈 He said it felt odd from what he's used to haha
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
There are days they’ll just have a quickie if they get in the mood while just chilling, watching TV together after dinner. Before the children came, they would always have slow, intense eye-gazing, tantric, unrushed lovemaking. After the twins came into the picture, they’ll be lucky if they can even have cuddle time together >D Mikasa doesn’t say “I love you” out-loud but showed it in the way she touches & kisses Reiner’s arm when he’s in the kitchen making dinner or when he’s giving the twins a bath.
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Oooh...Reiner rarely does this after he dated Mikasa & married her. But he loves getting her to touch herself in the showers. While he watches.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Did i tell you about their muscle kink & how much they love each other’s muscles?? Roleplay :) They like to pretend they’re strangers meeting in a cafe or a hotel bar and later have a ‘pretend one-night stand’ with each other haha It keeps the flame burning! (i posted a oneshot on this.)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Home: bedroom, kitchen and in his home office. In the showers too!
They're not one to do it in public but they did have several outdoor trysts on the back of his 4WD while having a romantic night under the stars.
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M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) haha can't help not including this gif
When Mikasa rubs one of Reiner's thighs, rest assured that his gears will be running. Meanwhile when Reiner nuzzles her neck and started caressing her abs, oh it's an on for her alright.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⛔ Backdoors are a big N.O ⛔
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
They're both amazing givers... You know what it means: 34 + 35 🤫 Reiner would sometimes initiates when Mikasa's already asleep. Remember that Zoom Conference & online gaming session? Mikasa likes to get back at Reiner when he least expects it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Both depending on their moods...quickies are usually fast pounding yet not too rough, Reiner respects Mikasa too much to ever be at risk of hurting her. Usually their lovemaking would be sensual & soul-bonding at the same time.
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Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Mikasa prefers to wear pants when they ever go for outings, movie trips, hiking trips. But, she wears skirts when they're visiting their families for a reason: smoother access for quickies. The moment she walks down the stairs in a beautiful dress before they head to his mum's or her aunts', Reiner already knows it. They be getting freaky with a quickie later 🙈
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Reiner & Mikasa are very experimental in the bedroom. Sure, they don’t have frequent lovemaking but when they’re in the mood, fireworks are a guarantee throughout with different new positions ;) Risk-taker? Let’s just say Reiner’s virility and Mikasa’s flexibility provided a lot of perks in their love lives together (and some pregnancy scares too! before they were ready to conceive) Mikasa once gave Reiner head while they're stuck in traffic heading into a road block. He'd finished just before the the car in front of them pass the inspection 🙈
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ooh boy, all night haha Rounds: 2 max at one time. Duration: At least 1.5hours X) They both are super fit, athletic people so one can expect their staminas to be nothing less than subpar. *cough* In Canon AU: Max 4 times or 1/3 of the night *winks* because supernatural & acker powers!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
No, they don't 🙈
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Goes without saying: a lot. Mikasa likes to wear Reiner's tshirts/ dress shirts at home to tease him. While Reiner likes to wear his reading glasses a lot at home because that is one of her biggest turn ons from him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Mikasa's the quiet one between the two and the loudest she'd ever been was just a deep, heavy whimper. Reiner's the louder one that sometimes Mikasa would have to smother him when they're having a quickie 🤣
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Even after more than 20 years together, Reiner and Mikasa still make out like they're teenagers - pretending to sneak around and grinding in hidden, cramped spaces away from their kids.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Mikasa : Dynamite & powerful grip - thighs and you-know-what (even after 3 kids!)
Reiner : Thicc - ass & this man is packing. He has girth!
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest: 15 🤣 There's something about getting Mikasa to relax and laugh during their chill time, that just instantaneously revved up their engines at the same time. Reiner is a very tender, romantic person & Mikasa cannot resist it when he starts to tell her how much he loves her & appreciates her. He likes to kiss her hand when they're just hanging out even with friends. Everything Reiner does is genuine & that warms her heart everytime.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Reiner would be the first to go out like a light & Mikasa just likes to rest her head on his chest and hear his beating heart & relaxed breathing. Mikasa thinks Reiner's little snores are adorable. But when they're just cuddling on the couch, Mikasa would fall asleep first & Reiner would carry her to the bed.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this & I hope you'll enjoy it too! Thank you so much for the support & love 💖 xoxo More asks to come!
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