#maybe i should put my own alarm for dinner
staarpix · 1 year
CW// mentions of not eating too regularly
Sometimes Akaashi gets so immersed in his work he forgets to eat. It's not like he does it on purpose he just forgets. There have been days where after hours of studying for a test he looks up to see that its 11:00 in the night and finally realises the growling in his stomach. When he asks his parents why they didn't call him they just respond
"why didn't you come out yourself ?"
"you always say ten more minutes, five more minutes. It's not like you would come out when we called you"
"how did you not know dinner was ready Keji, you know it's always ready by 6"
He just forgets. He might not come to eat immediately but all he needs is a reminder...
Before it was his studies and now it was his editing work, Akaashi's habits never changed. However now he has his husband who dutifully calls him when the food is ready. It doesn't matter if Akaashi comes out ten minutes later, thirty minutes or a whole hour later. It doesn't matter if Bokuto has to remind him five times. He always calls.
Sometimes Akaashi just forgets. All he really needs is a small reminder
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moonstruckme · 2 months
He would never take those bracelets off 😭 now I kinda want a fic of counselor James and counselor reader how cute
Hi, I've lowkey been hoarding this for months because I wanted to wait until I felt summery enough, thank you for requesting!!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 693 words
“Land ho, boys!” A familiar voice reaches you over the water. Your eyes are closed towards the sun, but you feel your lips twitch upward. “Thomas, if you don’t help Callum paddle you’ll fall behind, and the last one to shore has to buy me a popsicle after dinner. Hey, look, we’ve got a mermaid on our beach!” 
You turn your head to the side, squinting your eyes to see James and his cabin of boys paddling toward you in kayaks over the lake. You lift your hand in a lazy wave. 
“Oh, false alarm, it’s just y/n. Hi, y/n!” He raises an arm to wave back at you, wrist stacked with string bracelets made with care by small hands.
You swear he’s got more from your own campers than you have, but you don’t mind; James is a hero to most of the kids, the goofy gentle giant who lets them ride on his shoulders when your manager isn’t looking and deals temporary tattoos out of his cabin during mealtimes.
“Careful, Archie, mate, if she catches you rocking your kayak like that she’s going to hang you from the lifeguard stand by your toes.” The boys laugh, and James protests, “No, really! I’ve seen her do it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You roll your eyes and close them again, turning your face back towards the sky. It’s not until you hear the shushing of kayaks against the coarse sand and a shadow falls over you that you say, without opening your eyes, “Spreading rumors about me again?” 
“They know better than to take me seriously.”
James’ shadow moves as he sits beside you on the sand, and you turn your head again to see him. He’s looking over his shoulder at the boys, the lean muscles of his abdomen stretching and dusky skin shining with sweat in the afternoon sun.
“Hey, whoever puts my kayak and paddle up, I’ll buy them a popsicle after dinner.” Shouts and bickering ensue, and James turns back around with a smile. “Where are your kids?” he asks you. 
“In arts and crafts,” you say. “Figured I’d catch a nap while they were busy.” 
He hums, setting his hands on the warm sand behind him and leaning back. “So you didn’t just come here to see how fit I looked dragging a paddle through the water?” 
You know James is only playing, but embarrassment tingles down to your toes anyway. “Not this time, sorry.” 
“Mm, don’t believe you.” He shoots you a grin, and you look away under the guise of rolling your eyes. That thing is more glaring than the sun. “You coming to the bonfire tonight?” 
“Don’t we have to?” you ask. It’s the last night of this session, and camp always closes out with a bonfire and s’mores for the kids. 
“I mean the other bonfire.” At your blank look, James continues, looking rather too pleased to know something you don’t, “After the kid’s bonfire, when they’re all watching a movie in the cafeteria, some of the counselors are planning to go out into the woods and have a grown-up’s bonfire.” 
You giggle. “Grown-ups? What are we, twelve?”
James bobs his head. “And we’re gonna have s’mores, and tell ghost stories, and maybe play truth or dare,” he says in an exaggeratedly animated tone. “It’s gonna be super cool.” 
“It sounds super cool,” you agree, laughing. “I’ll be there.” 
“Excellent.” James casts a look over his shoulder and starts standing up. “I should get back to my kids before they injure each other.” 
You check the time and sigh. “Yeah, me too.” 
“Want a hand?” 
You reach up and James takes your hands in his, hauling you upright. Your head lightens once you’re vertical, a combination of your sun-warmed skin and James’ touch making you woozy. 
“See you later?” he asks, releasing your hands and starting to back away as the shouting behind him grows more boisterous. “I’ll come find you in the cafeteria, we can walk together.” 
“That’d be great, thanks.” You start walking away, too, ignoring the pleasant buzzing in your chest. “I wouldn’t miss it.” 
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
birthdays ✩‧₊˚
— hockey!wanda x fem/afab!reader
all you’ve ever known is a skipped birthday, a missed celebration. your first birthday since you’ve started dating Wanda rolls around, what would happen if she forgot it too like your mother did?
tw: HEAVY TOPICS, discussions of past trauma (physical/verbal abuse, parental neglect/control, manipulation), established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst w/ HAPPY ending, discussions of thoughts spiraling (r wonders if W loves her anymore), R’s coping style is to separate herself, NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: this is the fic that won from this poll (it “won” at whatever it was at when I checked it after my exam)
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series m.list ✩ ══╡˚2.2k words˚╞══ ✩ wanda m.list
The only time you can remember having your birthday celebrated was at school. It was the closest thing you had to a birthday anyways. The little goody bag your teacher would make and the birthday song sang to you by your classmates. Though your mother never showed up to parent lunch, or gave you presents, or even acknowledged your birthday—you still blindly thought she was a good person then.
If you had done well in school, at practice, and at home—she’d gift you with new ice skating equipment. Something she was going to give to you anyways, but tried to do it as positive reinforcement as a kid. The other positive reinforcement she gave just so you’d get in the ice? A form of alone/bonding time with her. She’d only discuss what was necessary, eyes strayed away from your own.
You were so blind to her manipulation, getting you into the sport only for her to use it as a weapon against you. There were times you enjoyed the sport, but it’s hard not to think of your mother when you enter on the rink since you’ve spent most of your childhood with her on it.
Once she got arrested and you were moved to live with your older brother—he tried to celebrate your birthday. For a few years you wanted to forget about it and you had, you never celebrated it except for your brother’s family leaving notes on your desk when you had stayed with them.
And now today was your birthday.
You had gone to bed with a slight twinge of hope in your heart that a birthday spent with your girlfriend would be different.
It was 7:43AM, in seven minutes Wanda would be reaching to turn her alarm off. You usually don’t wake up this early, used to sleeping in while Wanda left for practice, but today you couldn’t help it. You had been wondering how she’d greet you when she woke up. What a birthday would be like with someone who loved you.
She looked surprised to find you awake after she turned her alarm off, puffy eyes widening just a bit.
“Woah, what’s got you up so early?”
You smiled, “nothing.”
“Hmm,” she pressed a kiss to your forehead before throwing the sheets off of her, “I’m not complaining.”
You felt giddy almost, a childlike joy overtaking you. Would she take you to dinner? You’ve heard that’s what couples do at work. Or would she take you somewhere? Would she give you a gift?
“I have practice until later today, but I should be back tonight—like 1PM?”
“Okay,” you chirped from under the covers, excited to get another kiss from her before she wondered into the bathroom to put her hair back. It only takes her a minute, throwing her jersey on loosely and pulling her bag over her shoulder, her keys jangling as they hang out of her pocket.
“Be back later, love you.”
“Love you.”
It made your heart twinge just a bit at the fact that she got up and left without saying anything. Maybe mornings weren’t the normal time to say happy birthday yet?
You spent time doing work from home, finishing tasks your boss assigned you to do. It made time fly and before you realized it was almost 12PM. You were about to get ready for the day but stopped when you received a text from Wanda, telling you that she won’t be back until later.
That’s fine. She’s probably just picking up something. It felt selfish, all of these thoughts felt self-centered. This day shouldn’t be about you, you shouldn’t expect it, but here you are. So you put off getting ready, wanting to be freshly put together when Wanda came through the door.
1PM turned to 3PM and 3PM turned to 6PM.
You received a few texts from your phone, seeing family and a few work friends wish you a happy birthday. It mattered, but it didn’t satisfy the way your heart was breaking. She would remember, she’s not your mom—she’s above ignoring such a day.
You know she cares, so why in this moment are you beginning to question everything? Heart turning from glass to stone as you recall memories, ones usually sweet, and overthink her words and actions as hatred. Maybe this whole time shes been showing how much she dislikes you but you’ve been blind to it just like how you had been with your mother.
It was dinner time now, and you’ve seen videos on social media and heard on the grape vine that couples go out to a nice dinner on a special event, such as a birthday. This could be a surprise, maybe when she got back she’d be dressed and ready, driving you to your favorite place.
She hasn’t yet called to texted you, giving you the idea that she’s coming home soon like she said she would be. You took the time to get ready, enjoying every minute for once until you were dressed nicely. You found yourself on her couch, waiting while scrolling on your phone.
You checked back and the time read seven.
After watching TV, the time read eight.
Until nine, until ten, until your phone lit up the room with her contact information. You let it go to voicemail, not wanting to let her know about how you’re crying in front of the bathroom mirror.
It’s ugly, dry heaving cries filling the bathroom. Each one making your throat and head hurt just that much more. Your heart ached. You felt naive, stupid to believe someone would genuinely love you. Turns out on your birthday she would leave you alone.
You decide to sleep, guessing Wanda wouldn’t be back until way later at this point. You had hoped to avoid her but by stepping out of the bathroom you walked right into.
You know she can see the glimmer on your cheeks, how your eyes are all puffy and bloodshot. You felt choked seeing her. She’s in a different outfit, hockey back still slung behind her like you’ve become familiar with.
“What’s wrong—?”
“Nothing,” you say, brushing past her to quickly grab the pajamas you wore this morning and shutting yourself in the bathroom again. She had apparently left to take a phone call from her dad, thankfully giving you space to calm down, collect yourself, and crawl into bed. Now lying in her bed feels weird; it doesn’t feel like home as much anymore. Fear grew in you at the thought, what if she’s going to kick you out soon? You’ve heard that happens when relationships fall apart, and the pain you felt thinking that sentence over took you.
You tried to stop the upcoming crying session, pressing your hands into your closed eyes or staring at the ceiling. You’ve had heartbreak, just not one with a relationship, it’s be a new kind of pain. Sharing intimacy with someone only for them to use you in the end.
The door creaking, signaled Wanda’s presence. She sighed seeing how you’ve turned away from her, sitting on her side to lean an arm and rest it on your thigh.
“Hey love, how are you?”
“I’m fine.”
You ignored her attempts to console you, and in a really really strange way you congratulated yourself—you weren’t able to do this with your mother and you saw how that ended up.
But oh how you wanted to turn around and hug her, hear her heart beat as you lie on her chest, feel her press a kiss to your cheek and tell you everything’s going to be okay. Once you hear her breathing even out you let out a few more tears, already missing Wanda even though she’s laying right behind you.
The next morning Wanda’s shocked for a different reason. You wake up at a normal time, but you’re complete off. She’s decided that maybe you need space, maybe something happened that you’re just keeping to yourself and will tell her later. She’s not just decided, she’s hoping because she can’t stand to see how you’ve been. You’re a shell of it. You don’t kiss her back, you’ve stopped engaging in conversation, and you barely look at her.
It’s now been two days since your birthday and Wanda’s grown increasingly worried. You’ve always climbed in bed, back facing hers for the third night in a row and it’s enough for Wanda to pull up your brother’s contact, raising her phone to her ear after hitting the call button.
“Hey, this sounds very intrusive, but has something personal happened within the family recently?”
“Uhh no—why?”
She explains how you’ve been, how sudden and drastic of a change your mood has been.
“Can you tell me what day you remember her starting to drop?”
“Two days ago.”
“I’m not going to assume you did because I fucking hope this didn’t happen. Two days ago was her birthday Wanda, is there—?”
His voice trails off as the room freezes. That’s why you were up early, full of smiles and joyful expressions. That’s why you’ve become distant, looking uncomfortable any time she expressed her love.
“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no—“ she mumbles, tears growing in her eyes, “shit—I forgot. I forgot. I don’t know how, but I did.”
“Shh, hey calm down,” your brother says over the voice, tone stern and light, “this doesn’t take away my frustration with you, but calm down—you’re not going to get anything done with a heart rate of 120. Apologize and make it up to her. You really don’t even have to do much—you can literally just get her a small gift and wished her a happy birthday and she’d be over the moon.”
“No—no, she deserves more than that.”
“She does. The intention of what I just said was to show how low the bar was set. She’s not had a ‘birthday,’ Wanda—so anything you could’ve done yesterday would’ve meant the world to her.”
“It would’ve and I’ve done nothing,” she says and he agrees.
“Yes. But I know your intentions, I know you’ve just forgotten—but she doesn’t. Just make it up for her, be intentional and loving and she’ll come back around.”
So that’s what Wanda set to do. It was late but she still left, driving in her car to the nearest cheapest store to grab decorations. It started with decorations before it moved to gifts before it moved to cake. She set out to create a basic birthday day for you.
It was a sight to wake up to, finding balloons on your ceiling and streamers hanging around her apartment. She was downstairs with your family, your brother smiling and recording you once you’ve begun to walk out from her bedroom.
“Happy birthday.”
You take in everything as best as you can with how your eyes have begun to grow wet, blurring your vision. It looks like the photos you searched on wiki as a kid of what a birthday decorated room looked like. Your brother continues to hold the camera poised on you, emotions overcoming him and his wife. The entire time Wanda’s been standing in the corner, growing nervous when your attention lands on her.
She’s holding her arms out wide when she saw you take a few steps towards her. You’re wrapped up so tight in her hold; your deep cries breaking her heart all the more.
She coos, “I’m so sorry, love. I’m so sorry.”
“You set all this up for me—when did you have time,” you ask, voice squeaking from how sore your throat has become.
“It is all for you, I stayed up late last night to set this up.”
And her efforts didn’t go to waste. You wonder just how much money she burnt through last night seeing what she had bought. Your brother had an itinerary, moving you around to each event.
You had to stop and cry multiple times—feeling grateful and also a little bit embarrassed about being so emotional over something so minor to most people. The whole time they kept validating your feelings, full of understanding and kind words to help you get along. There was your favorite food, dessert, presents, and your favorite people.
Once your brother’s family had to leave—saying something about having to get Tyler to hockey practice since he has a game coming up soon—Wanda pulled out another gift.
“I thought of you when I saw this,” she said, taking out the necklace to place it around your neck. It had the word, “loved,” on it, diamond encrusted and small.
“Why’d you think of me?”
“The man asked me to choose out a necklace with a saying that made me think of you. I wanted you to have something that reminded you of how loved you are.”
You begin to tear up yet again, laughing dryly as you try to wipe away the tears, “I need to stop crying, I’m going to get a headache.”
“I’ll just take care of you if you do.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you laugh more, but you thank her with a squeeze to her arm.
“I’m serious though. I’m really sorry for not treating you the way you deserved on your birthday. I love you, and I’ve never been this serious about anyone before.”
“I love you too,” you say, kissing her back when she leans to kiss you; feeling like your hearts begun to be placed back together when you feel her wipe away at your tears.
series m.list ✩ ══╡˚2.2k words˚╞══ ✩ wanda m.list
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the girl next door 6
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You can’t remember the last time you had the house to yourself. Even if your mother’s just next door, it feels a little lighter around there. And you’re happy for her. Maybe having Steve around will be good. He can be an outlet so she doesn’t have to put all her frustrations on you. 
She was happy when she left, even excited. That’s another rarity in your life. 
You start your day off with a tea. The apple cinnamon bags are a bit old so you use two. You bring the cup into your room and get your table set up with your pencils and sketchbook. You open the window to let in the sunlight, the natural light much brighter than the yellowed bulb above. 
You know your mom would tell you to do something more useful than just scribble in your sketchbook. You got the dishes done last night. Steve offered to help but you deflected as you foresaw your mom’s disapproval. You can’t let company pick up your slack. 
You try to wipe away the anxiety of last night. It’s over now. You shouldn’t have worry very much about it again. 
You finish your tea. It’s cold by the time you get to the dregs. You sit back to look over your sketch. Your eyes feel a bit fuzzy from hyperfocusing on that one stamen. You rub your brow and yawn. The sun shifts and you look over at the old alarm clock on your nightstand. It’s close to noon. 
Something else catches your eye. You look up at the window across from yours. The curtain ripples around the gap before it’s pulled open from inside. Steve stands on the other side of the pane. Can he see you? 
You can’t tell as he turns away without acknowledgement. The glare of the sun should hide your room well enough. You never really thought of it as your blinds are closed more often than not. 
You get up to rinse out your cup. You stretch your legs as you pace in the kitchen. You’re restless. You’re so used to your mom and her demands and expectations, that having your own time feels aimless. 
You could surprise your mother with dinner. Have it in the oven when she comes home. It’s still early but you can make something more than boxed macaroni. It will be a good cushion to fall back on when you remind her about tomorrow’s appointment. 
When your mother returns, you can see the fatigue around her eyes. For as little as she goes out, you’re not surprised. What strikes you, is how happy she is. You help her to her recliner and she sighs as she leans back. 
“Such a nice man,” she keeps repeating.  
You smile and let her regale you with a recounting of her day. Still, you can’t help but wait for the pendulum to swing back to normal. She leans her head in her hand, her eyes distant. 
“I swear, the universe sent him to me,” she says, “it had to. It was how much I need someone.” She drops her hand and traces her finger around the armrest, “sick, got a lazy daughter, stuck in this damn house...” 
There it is. You frown. You mash your hands together and waver. 
“I made dinner,” you offer. 
“I don’t want KD,” she snips. 
“I made... I made shepherd’s pie,” you offer meekly, “should be almost done.” 
“Hm, wondered what that stench was.” 
You frown. “I can put it in the fridge for tomorrow. Be good to have something we can just heat up after the doctor’s.” 
“Doctor?” She grumbles, “eh... I forgot.” 
She slumps and her eyes dull. You can’t help the pang in your chest. Sometimes you wish it was you who was sick. It feels like you deserve it more than her. 
“Hopefully it’s good. If you can get the surgery--” 
“Surgery!? Surgery. You keep going on about the damn thing,” she barks. “They can’t fix me, girl, get that through your head.” 
“I know, mom, but they can help--” 
“Like you help me? Crittering around here like a rat!” She hits the armrest violently, “would ya leave me be?” She closes her eyes and turns her face away, deflating once more, “ruined a good day...” 
You sniffle and slowly turn on your heel. You should have known better. You should have just left her alone. As much as she rants about you staying in your room, she prefers you there. Out of sight, out of mind. 
The next day, your mother doesn’t say much. Her silence is just a bitter as her words. You don’t push it. She gets in the car without argument and you set off into town. Even if she says it’s a waste of time, she listens intently to the doctor and answers all his questions. It’s only when she has to go through the tests that she shows her agitation. 
After some hours spent at the specialist clinic, you’re free to go. Your mom is just as quiet. You feel her mood roiling in the air. Her hand is shaking to the point that she’s hissing at it. 
You steer down to the corner and linger at the stop sign. 
“Mom,” you squeak, “you want some orange julius? A treat for the way home?” 
“Don’t talk to me like a damn child,” she snarls. “Let’s just go. I’m tired. Got no blood left in me.” 
You nod and bite your tongue. Maybe you can just put her to bed. Her naps are a respite, though you find yourself anxious in the silence, terrified of waking her prematurely.  
As you pull onto the suburban avenue, you slow and approach your drive. You pull in and shut off the engine. You get out and go around to help your mom. You open her door and she hauls herself out, tisking under her breath. 
“Didn’t see him,” she mutters. 
“Good afternoon,” Steve’s voice answers your question before you can ask. You look over the hood as he waves from his porch, “busy day?” 
Your mother steels herself and forces a smile, “just went to the doctors.” 
“Oh, everything okay?” He asks. 
“Sure,” she chimes, “just some tests. Nothing serious.” 
“Good to hear,” he stands behind the porch railing, arches crossed, “day’s not over yet. Still lots of time to enjoy the sun.” 
“Mhmm,” you mom grabs onto your wrist, shaking you as leans into you. “Nice day out.” 
“I was gonna do up a milkshake, if you ladies wanted to join me I got plenty to go around.” 
“Milkshakes?” Your mother considers, “mm, I’d have to change out of these.” She looks down, “smell like a hospital.” 
“Sure, take your time,” Steve says, “how about you, honey? I got strawberry. You seem like a strawberry type.” 
“Eh, she’s more a vanilla type,” your other cackles. “Plain.” 
“Got that too,” Steve ignores the joke. “I understand if you’re tired out though. Don’t wanna be too desperate over here, just wouldn’t mind the company.” 
“I’ll be over soon,” your mom assures him, “she’s got some laundry to do.” 
She keeps hold of you and points you towards the house. You help her inside, even though she does her best to hid how she clings to you. Her steps are uneven and stunted. You get through the front door and help her sit on the chair you keep by the door, just in case. 
“Goddamnit,” she’s shaking pretty bad. “Help me, you dumb girl.” 
“I... I don’t...” 
“Get my goddamn inhaler. I forgot it this morning.” 
“Oh, uh, okay.” 
You hurry down the hall and to bathroom. It isn’t in the cabinet. You go back out and scan the table. Not their either. You find it next to her recliner. You wish she’d keep it one place. You go back to her and hand it over. 
“I’m gonna go over,” she says before she huffs from the canister, “you’re gonna stay here. Out of my way.” 
“Alright,” you agree. You prefer that anyway. 
She takes a minute before she gets up. She shooes you away and you retreat to your bedroom. You sit on your bed and wring your hands, waiting as you listen to her. She doesn’t say goodbye before she leaves. Only the front door slamming lets you know she’s gone. 
You exhale and pull the fold out table up to the edge of the bed. You open your sketchbook and stare at the pencil. You don’t feel like drawing but you have nothing else to do. You just sit, looking at the amaryllis. You can pick out every flaw in your work. You close the cover and frown. 
A knock startles you and you stand up. Oh gosh, it’s probably Marge. What is it now? Is the siding too stained? Are the steps crooked? You get up and shuffles down the hall. You open the front door, hiding behind it as you poke your head around. 
Steve has the screen door propped open against his elbow. He holds a tall glass filled with pink, “here. Figured I’d bring this over.” 
“Oh, uh, thanks,” you accept the condensating glass, a wide straw poking out of the whipped cream topped drink. 
“Maybe next time you can pop over too,” he suggests, “I’ve been working on getting the pool going...” he grins, “it’ll be a good summer for it.” 
You nod and look down at the milkshake. 
“Really nice of you,” you say. 
“It’s nothing, sweetie,” he puts his hand on the door above him, looking down at you, “enjoy.” 
“Uh,” you look at him then at the straw. You don’t want to be rude. You put your lips around the tip and take a sip. “Mm, yup, good. Thank you.” 
His blue eyes stick to you and he drags his hand down the door, “I’ll make a deal. You come over to see the pool when it’s ready, and I’ll make you another. How about that, sweetie?” 
You push your lips out. It’s not nice to say no. He didn’t have to bring you the milkshake or invite you. You shrug. 
“Okay,” you agree, “erm, thanks again.” 
He nods and taps the door frame before he steps back. He gently closes the screen door and you watch him through. He turns and strides down the stairs. You shiver as the cold glass numbs your fingers. Hopefully, he forgets about the pool thing. You don't even have a suit.
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miley1442111 · 2 months
I don't even know you anymore- s.reid
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a/n: this is kind of short so sorry, also it is deeply sad because i clearly love hurting my own feelings :( intended for fem or male reader, so imagine what you like:)))))))))
summary: you anniversary should be a night between you and spencer, right?
pairing: spencer reid x reader
warnings: general angst, cheating and breaking up
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It was a cold night. You were supposed to see a show but as usual, ‘something came up’. You had been working with Dr. Spencer Walter Reid for 4 years, 5 months and 3 days. You had been dating Dr. Spencer Walter Reid for 3 years, and 4 hours. It was your anniversary. You walked up the stairs to your shared apartment, ready for a night of feeling sorry for yourself and eating a sad, lonely dinner. You had sent your tickets to see ‘The Mousetrap’ to Jj, she said Will and her would go instead since Spencer had ‘something to do’. You couldn’t help but feel dejected and unimportant. Why wouldn’t he tell you what he’s doing? Why didn’t he call you back? You tried to push those thoughts out of your head as you turned the key to your apartment and walked inside. Inside,you saw Spencer and you saw Jj. Jj and Spencer were kissing. Your boyfriend was kissing someone else. Your boyfriend was kissing the woman he had a crush on for years. 
“Am I interrupting something?” You said, bitterness punctuating every word. You dropped the groceries on the counter as they pulled apart, Jj looking nervous and Spencer looking… upset? Is that the right way to put it? Like a child that broke something after being told not to touch it. 
“It’s not what it looks like-” Jj started. 
“Yes, yes it is. You two were kissing, and I really don’t fucking care who kissed who, I just want you to get out of my house.”
Jj starts to gather her things and Spencer stands there, looking down. 
“That includes you Spencer,” You smiled sourly as he looked up and stared at you. “Maybe you two can catch a show? I already sent you the tickets for tonight. Have fun!” 
“Please-” Spencer started, tears in his eyes. 
“No. You made your fucking bed, lay in it.” He went to touch your arm, “Don’t touch me,” You spat out, he retracted his hand.
“Just, let him explain it, please,” Jj pleaded as she left your apartment. 
You walked back to the kitchen and started putting the groceries away. “So that was what you were busy doing? Didn’t realise you thought so little of me.” 
He touched your arm to stop your movements and you stared at him. He’s crying, like you’re the one who’s hurt him. “Please,” He begged. “Just listen to me.”
You scoffed but nodded, allowing him to continue. 
“She texted me saying she was in trouble… so I went to find her. She said she’d been mugged outside the club like a block away, so I went to find her. I know now that she hadn’t been but she just asked to come back here, and ‘calm down’ so I let her. We came inside, then she started saying all this weird stuff about how me and her were ‘meant to be’ or something. I shut her down immediately and she just kissed me and then…” 
“But you didn’t stop her from kissing you,” You sighed, allowing the hurt he’s caused to be shown. 
“What? She had just kissed me-”
“Spencer I’m not stupid, your hair is ruffled, so is your shirt, and you have her lipstick on your lips. Don’t try to lie to me about this. I’m a profiler, remember?”
He looked down, ashamed. Then he wiped his lips. “I’m sorry.”
“I am too.” 
He looked up, alarmed, his hands holding your waist in place so you couldn’t move. “What?”
“Spencer, I don’t trust you. I can’t. I don’t know who you are anymore.”
His face broke, a tear falling down his cheek. “Please, I’m begging you, I love you.”
“Spencer, get your hands off me,” You sighed. “Just let me go.”
“Please. I’m begging you-”
“Spencer! Enough, just stop!” You pushed his hands off of you. “Have you not done enough?!” 
“Please-” You moved past him and went to your bedroom, locking the door behind you. You lay in bed, thinking about how you’ll deal with this. You didn’t want to break up with Spencer. But you just couldn’t trust him anymore.
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heartpascal · 1 year
Re: drabbles, my favorite stories are I’ll be brave, so far from it, and all my faith but I don’t have any scenarios off the top of my head 🤨 a drabble à la the crooked kind would be so fun to read!!
but honestly anything and everything you put out, I will read. I eat it up every time.
▹— pre-outbreak!joel miller x platonic!f!reader
▹— summary: drabble from the crooked kind universe! • the time joel realised what your home life is like.
▹— a/n: my first ever drabble pls go easy on me D: (also if you have any situations you’d like written for this universe or others just send in a request!)
▹— warnings: abusive & neglectful family, almost father figure joel, sarah is your best friend, mention of argument with parents
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Perhaps, he thinks now, Joel should have been suspicious of what you and Sarah had been hiding the third time you were sleeping over during the week. After all, most parents had a no-school-nights rule, and you were always quite skittish around him when he asked you questions. You also never responded well to him asking to speak to your parents, insisting that he didn’t.
But in his defence, he didn’t have a no-school-nights rule, so he figured that maybe, your parents didn’t either. It wasn’t a terrible assumption to make, although he’d given up on speaking to your parents pretty easily.
You and Sarah always got up on time for school, and you didn’t cause much trouble. Besides stocking up on some of your preferred snacks, you hadn’t had much of an impact on the Miller household, you actually blended in so well that it was like you were always there.
It was on the now sixth time of you staying at the Miller residence during the week that Joel was really starting to get suspicious. Over the course of the past three weeks, you had spent days and nights at his and Sarah’s, without so much of a word from your parents. Joel knew that he wouldn’t be all too happy if his daughter was out of the house for so long, but what could he do? Hell, even Sarah got defensive over him trying to talk about your parents.
The seventh time, he couldn’t keep quiet.
“Hey, kids?” He called up the stairs, having seen your shoes stored away neatly by the door. It was usually around dinner that Sarah begged for you to be allowed to stay the night, and that time was fast approaching. Joel figured it was best to nip this in the bud.
“What is it, dad?” Sarah yelled back, and Joel rolled his eyes at the attitude she was already showing. He resisted the urge to do that annoying parent thing, where they just didn’t answer your reply after they yelled you first.
“Come on down here, the both of you!” He responded after a moment of hesitation, hearing the vague sound of the two of you sharing hushed whispers. Joel moved on into the living room when he heard the steps coming down the hallway, the two of you finally descending the stairs when he had taken a seat on the sofa.
Sarah looked nervous, though you looked far more so, with trembling hands that you wrapped tightly around the straps of your backpack, already worn on your back. “Dad?” Sarah asked, after he hadn’t spoken for more than a moment of the two girls standing in the room.
Joel sighed, nodding his head to the couch and waiting for you both to sit down before he spoke again. “Listen, I think we need to have a talk.” He began, frowning when Sarah immediately cut him off from saying anything else.
“Dad, are you being serious?” She asked, eyes wide and defensive, and her sudden alarm wasn’t improving your nerves, either, and you were looking more anxious by the second. The last thing you wanted was for Sarah to get into trouble for you. “You’re being unreasonable! She needs to stay over here—”
Joel decided to play at Sarah’s own game, holding a stern look on his face as he cut her off. “Sarah, that’s enough. I ain’t said a word, just yet, calm yourself down.” He told her, not liking the frown she held on her expression. Joel turned his gaze to you, softening his expression when you shrunk under his gaze. “Now you two listen to me, alright? I don’t mind you stayin’ here. Can stay as many nights as you please, but god, kiddo, are your parents really alright with that?”
Sarah moved as if she was going to jump in, save you from speaking, but Joel fixed her with the strict dad-look, and she sat back, looking towards you with an apologetic gaze.
“Yeah, they’re—they don’t mind it, one bit. But I can go back, I don’t mean to be overstayin’ my welcome.” You rambled on, giving Sarah an urgent look as she opened her mouth to oppose your words, causing her to move her glare over to her dad.
“And the reason you have to stay here?” Joel asked after a moment, almost hesitantly. But if there was something more going on, he had to know about it. He was the parent here, and it was his job to look after the people under his roof.
You practically withered under the combination of his look and his question, clutching your bag straps tightly, like you were ready to head off with a moment’s notice.
“It’s nothin’, Mr. Miller, we just like hangin’ over here. Your place is much nicer than mine, right Sarah?” You looked to her pleadingly, and Joel’s suspicion only grew when Sarah nodded painfully quickly, confirming your words.
He didn’t believe you, not for a second, but decided to let the two of you off the hook.
It was the eighth time that Joel knew.
He felt sick to his stomach for not picking up on it before, for not actively trying to find out what was wrong when he knew something wasn’t quite right. For a moment, he also became angry with his own daughter, for not telling him.
The incessant knocking on the door came late that night, and given it was close to 9PM and dark out, Joel wondered who the hell would be coming to his house. It couldn’t have been Tommy — he would never knock, so Joel truly had no idea.
When he opened the door, he certainly didn’t expect to be met with you, backpack slung over your shoulders, your eyes squinting through the rain that was coming down heavy.
“Hi, Mr. Miller.” You greeted, shakily, and he didn’t miss the tremor in your tone as he ushered you inside out of the cold rain. You tried not to look too nervous under his scrutiny, tried to remain brave and nonchalant as he closed the door after you. “I’m really sorry, but could I stay over here tonight?” You asked him then, and Joel could’ve sworn he heard his own heart break at your voice.
“Jesus Christ,” He said, eyes wide as he took you in, soaked to the bone, your eyes shining with something that wasn’t from the weather. “Of course you can, kiddo, c’mon, let’s get you dried off.”
Whilst you took your shoes off, aiming not to traipse wet footsteps all throughout their house, Joel shouted up to Sarah to bring some towels. She didn’t hesitate given the urgency in his tone.
“What happened?” Sarah asked desperately as Joel took the towels from her hands to wrap them around you as you shivered, turning to look at Sarah with a nervous smile.
Joel didn’t miss the way you nervously looked in his direction, and busied himself taking the school bag from your hand and placing it down in the hallway. “Just got into a fight with my parents, ‘s’all.” You said, clearly downplaying whatever had gone on in your household. Joel’s attention was caught, that was for certain, and now he regretted every letting you go back to your own house, especially when you so often looked reluctant to leave.
Sarah looked towards Joel, much like you had, before she turned back to you, where you held the towel around your shoulders tighter. “Was it about you stayin’ over?”
You shook your head. “No, didn’t make my bed this morning.” You told her, not seeing the way Joel’s face fell. He couldn’t imagine telling Sarah off for something so badly that she left home late evening, in the pouring rain, let alone over an unmade bed.
“Kiddo,” Joel sighed, placing a hand against your shoulder, a look of slight anguish on his expression. “The two of you should’ve told me what was really goin’ on. You could’ve stayed as long as you liked.”
You frowned, your eyes still teary as you looked at your best friend’s dad, “Didn’t wanna keep botherin’ you.”
“You’re not a bother,” He said firmly, “Now c’mon, let’s get you into some dry clothes. You eaten?” At the shake of your head, his frown deepened further, but he nodded. “Then we’ll get you some food, alright?”
He let Sarah take you upstairs, off to borrow some spare clothes, and he cooked whilst you changed, just hearing the faint sounds of your quiet conversation with Sarah. He felt bad, not being the greatest cook, but he figured even shitty pre-packaged macaroni cheese would be alright with you. In fact, he often found that when you and Sarah had sleepovers, his supply of mac n’ cheese depleted.
You sat on the couch when Joel brought you a bowl of macaroni cheese, something unsettled in your eyes, but you smiled faintly at him.
“Now, you listen to me, alright? Anythin’ happens, and I mean anything, you can come here. Don’t even need to ask.” He said to you firmly, pretending he didn’t see the wobble to your lip that you hid behind your bowl.
“Thanks, dad.” Sarah said softly, responding for you, because she knew you better than you knew yourself. She sat between you and her dad, leaning her head against your shoulder.
“‘Course. But hey, if you’re gonna be stayin’ more often, you drink coffee in the morning?” Joel asked, bringing some lightness back to the conversation, his chosen topic coaxing a snicker from you as Sarah groaned, sick of her dad’s coffee addiction.
“That stuff’s gonna give you a heart attack, you know.” She said matter-of-factly, raising her eyebrows at her dad.
“Milk and two sugars,” You responded, the tremble in your voice replaced with a tinge of amusement, and Joel laughed with you at the sigh of annoyance Sarah let out.
— taglist: @auggiesolovey, @just-kaylaa, @evyiione, @lemonlaides, @fariylixie0915, @erensloveinterest, @dazedshoon, @faceache111, @randomhoex, @canpillowscry, @sleepygraves, @pedropascalsrealgf, @star-wars-lover, @coolchick333, @soobsdior, @ilybbg, @rvjaa
please let me know if you want your tag added/removed !!!
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morwap · 1 year
micheal afton x fem!reader
sfw wishing it was halloween so this could be halloween themed but oh well,
nav • m.a m.list • series master list
swearing, a kiss, in the same timeline as my other fic, evan and elizabeth are very much alive, readers in a band, micheal has a nose piercing, micheal afton with a mullet, b/n = brothers name, sneaking into the pizzeria. drinking, stealing, playboy magazine, random names
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Michaels's fingers drummed on the steering wheel, the music flowing from the speakers quietly but loud enough that he could enjoy it. the lights from the convenience store lit up his facial features as he waited on his friends. the summer heat was giving him a reminder of how hot it would be in his father's pizzaria, just the thought or mention of it made him groan and this constant reminder was not helping him in the slightest.
Michaels's eyes drifted around his truck, locking his eyes on the cd of your own music you had given him when you both were walking home from the two nice ladies' diner. lips turning up slowly into a soft smile, tempted to put it and listen but knowing his friends would be back any minute and he washed the thought out of his head, he could listen after dropping them off later.
laugher broke out into the summer air causing Michael to look up, watching his friends walk out with smiles. sighed as he could already pinpoint almost everything they had stolen—honestly shocked that no one called them out for it because they were awful at hiding it, you could practically see a bottle of alcohol in the front of Steven’s pants.
“Mikey I got your favorite” Jeremy snickered as he got into the small back seat, Steven got in after with the same smirk that Jeremy had. Michael shook his head but smiled as he started to pull out. Michael had gotten in trouble last time for coming home drunk by his mom, he could barely remember anything from that except the “you’re 18 and live under my roof and you will not be coming home drunk” lecture and he really didn't want to hear it again.
“Oh! I got you this, thought it looked like your girl” steven said, smacking the gum in his mouth as he pulled the dirty magazine from where he tucked it in the waistband of his pants and handed it to Michael.
“Shut the fuck up, she’s not my girl” Michael scoffed, glancing at the magazine, yes it did look like you but it was not you. steven mumbled a jokey “whatever” while Jeremy threw his hands up with a shrug when michael looked back at him. Michael tossed the magazine to the floor on the passenger side, but it took every ounce of self-control he had to not keep glancing at it.
“Mikey- man- we should drink at Freddy's,” Steven said, he looked back at Jeremy and the boy nodded, Michael sighed and let his head roll back onto the headrest.
“You know my dad would kill me if he found out,” Michael said, stopping at a red light.
“Cmon mike, we’re going away for college after this summer, let’s have fun and I know there's no alarm, just mega fuckin’ locks,” Steven said, taking the alcohol out of his pants and passing them back to Jeremy.
“Mira’s at the mall with y/n and kim, let’s invite them” Jeremy suggested, sitting the alcohol in the seat next to him carefully. Michael thought it over in his head, it wasn’t a bad idea but if William found out he would probably rip the piercing right out of his nose, if it didn’t he would have a great time and he knew of a way to get in without a key but this could be the last time to do this till his dad hired the security guard that he was talking about at dinner.
“Okay, okay” Michael gave in, putting his blinker on.
“maybe Kim will have weed” steven mentioned, lifting his brows.
“Probably not, her mom caught her with it right after graduation. I’ve heard her moms checking everything when she gets home and saying she won’t stop till she moves out” Jeremy sighed.
mira was digging through her bag as you sat on the concrete. a bubble gum sucker in your mouth, kim sat next to you and counted the money that was in her wallet.
“wow kim you really cut down on your shopping addiction” you joked and nudged her arm. kim laughed softly.
“saving up to move out” kim said, zipping up her wallet and tossing it into her small bag.
“no college?” you asked, tossing the lollipop stick onto the ground.
“don’t think it’s for me if I'm being honest, I like it here and the only college I would want to go to is out of state,” she confessed. you nodded as if you understood, but you didn’t, you wanted out of this shitty small town in the most shitty state. you wanted to get far far away and sometimes you hoped some magical person would come sweep you off your feet and save you.
“you look at any apartments?” you asked, you looked behind you at mira and she was still looking for something then you looked at kim.
“yeah, a few, there's this really cute one i looked at but it's a bit pricey” she answered with a shrug.
it was getting dark, you all came to the mall after the rush hour, not wanting to wait in lines and since it was summer everyone was there, it was the only thing to do in a town in the middle of nowhere and this was the only thing for everyone to enjoy.
music blared and you could see the signature red truck coming your way. Michael Afton and his friends, you knew Ben wasn’t with them since he was at your grandma's house three hours away helping your other aunt to move in and take care of her.
mira walked over to you and kim after finally finding her keys and wallet, she laughed as they pulled up.
it was weird how you all were connected, you all gravitated towards each other without even knowing people you all were close to had some type of connection with the other, until you all finally made the connections, jeremy was dating mira’s step brother and kim was in a relationship with michaels cousin macy while ben was on and off with steven’s sister.
michael rolled down his window and jeremy popped his head out from between the seats.
mira rolled her eyes playfully. “knew I shouldn't have told you where we were going” she laughed.
“what’s wrong with wanting to see my best friends in the world?” Jeremy acted offended. “we’re here to give you something fun to do in the town of hurricane, i think you should be begging to come with us” he added.
you laughed and looked up at mira.
“why not” you said, getting up of the concrete then helping kim up.
“meet us at freddys” steven yelled as michael started to roll his window up, mira shouted an okay before hitting the unlock button on her keys.
“that freaky animatronic place?” kim asked as you three started walking to miras car.
“maybe it will be spooky” you said, moving your fingers and making ghost sounds before getting into the car. kim laughed and rolled her eyes.
driving there didn’t take too long, the mall was a bit away from it since they wanted to put it somewhere that made it accessible for most of the town. it was fully dark out and street lights were already on.
mira parked where michael's truck was, a little ways from the pizzeria.
“about time you guys showed up” steven said as you three walked to them.
“don’t they have cameras here” you asked, the breeze gave you a chill.
“My dad took the old ones out since they kept messing up and ordered new ones so we’re good with cameras,” Michael said, easing your nerves.
“okay then why’d we have to park in the mud, its caked on my shoes, '' Kim complained.
“because my dad drives by here on his way home from my uncles” michael huffed, and walked to a spot where he could pull off the vent cover with ease.
“wait we have to crawl through that?” mira asked in disgust, jeremy rolled his eyes. “there's probably bugs in there” she added.
“is a little bug gonna stop you from a date with mr.vodka and ms.beer?” jeremy asked in a baby voice, taking out the alcohol out from the bag that sat on the ground beside him.
thankfully michael had the rest of the cups he bought for jeremy's birthday party in march in his truck, and they had stolen some pineapple juice earlier.
“well i didn’t know alcohol was involved” Mira said and got closer to the vent.
“of course alcohol was involved, we said something fun to do, not that a miracle would happen” Michael said with a breathy laugh. mira laughed and mumbled something about him being right.
“alright, this leads to parts and service and nothing blocks this duct so we should be able to get in and out easily, plus it’s not very long and it’s pretty big so no one has to worry about claustrophobia” Michael informed everyone.
you all stood in silence and looked around at each other. Michael huffed, “okay i’ll go first” he said before getting on his knees and crawled into the vent.
Michael made it inside and turned on the light before yelling for the next person.
Michael yelled out again to bring the alcohol so the last person didn’t have to worry about it.
“y/n do it with me” Mira begged, her hands clasped together.
“okay” you said, dragging out the ‘ay’ as you grabbed the bag and slid it into the vent then go in after.
you pushed the bag as you crawled, mira knew you were safe to go in with since she knew jeremy or kim would joke and say something about a bug and freak her out.
Michael helped you up then took the alcohol, you helped mira and she brushed off her clothes.
“see no bugs” Michael said with a sly smile.
“yeah see mira, Michael was the only bug you had to worry about” you quipped and shrugged your shoulders.
Michael booed you as he left the room.
soon you all gathered in a private party room so no one would see the lights, you all took your pick on what alcohol you wanted.
“y/n come take a shot with me” steven said loudly.
you were two shots in and took three tiny sips of mira’s vodka and pineapple drink, you guys worked with what you had and you all were lucky Michael was able to get some sodas from the vending machine.
steven poured the shots and opened a coke for a chaser. He handed it to you and started to count. your face scrunched as you swallowed and he took a sip of the coke then handed it to you.
“that was foul” you groaned and shook your head. steven nodded then took another sip from the coke.
you migrated back to mira, she was on her first beer after he vodka drink, you noted that kim took minimal sips of the one beer she had carried around the entire time, you also decided to only sip on a beer and you were barely buzzed.
you didn’t know how you and Michael had gotten away from everyone else but you did.
“not drinking much today mikey?” you asked, leaning on a wall next to where he was standing. you knew Michael liked to drink, you even saw him shitfaced at stevens little get together in october. you remembered how you two bickered even when he was drunk.
“someones gotta drive you know” he said, you nodded and took another sip.
“kims also holding back drinking for the same reason then?” you asked, you looked at him, his blue eyes returned the gaze.
“yeah we talked about it while i got the soda” he confirmed.
you smiled before leaning off the wall and starting to walk down the hall.
Michael followed you, “where you going rockstar?” he asked and tilted his head.
you smiled, “giving myself a tour since the heir of this pizzeria won’t” you said and shrugged, tilting your head like his.
Michael laughed, you didn't know if it was because he knew his dad would rather die than let this whole franchise be ran by someone who is not him personally or that you wanted a tour of the place.
“if you wanted to see animatronics that can sing and play instruments better than you, you should’ve just said that” Michael responded, he crossed his arms and walked to you.
you rolled your eyes, “that’s exactly why i invited you to that diner, since you’re always around great entertainment i thought you would enjoy my mediocre singing” you laughed and took a drink.
“yes i just love terrible singing and when sage knocked over those couples drinks with their guitar,” Michael said and nodded his head. you giggled and nodded.
“that was pretty funny tho” you admitted and smacked his shoulder lightly.
you walked into the pirates cove section, Michael turned on the light since there was no window in there. you moved the curtain even though it said ‘out of order’.
Michael leaned against the wall, you inhaled sharply as the fox animatronic stared back at you, your eyes wide, the stance the animatronic was in was terrifying, it looked like it could run straight out of the curtain or like it was waiting for someone to open the curtain and be right in their face.
“holy shit” you mumbled and took a step back and bumped into Michael.
“that's foxy” he said, his hand coming to your shoulder.
“no, that is freaky as fuck” you responded, looking at it made you get goosebumps.
Michael moved from behind you and closed the curtain. “Here I'll show you the old ones” he said and grabbed your hand and turned the light off before leading you out of the room.
you could hear jeremy and mira laughing and singing while kim tried to get jeremy off of the table.
he took you to the storage room, the room was filled with labeled boxes, he guided you past the shelves.
“my dad doesn’t want to retire them but uncle henry said that they need to be more ahead of their times for business plus he doesn’t think they’re safe” he said.
you stood there looking at the old bunny suit, the old yellowing suit with a bowtie, the texture looked almost like real fur and you reached your hand out to touch it.
Michael reached his hand out to stop yours.
“i wouldn’t touch it” he said, bringing your hand back but not letting go. you looked at him, he was so close to you and you honestly don't think he’s ever been this close to you during the entire frenemies relationship you have. Michael’s cologne engulfed you and it was weirdly comforting.
you furrowed your brows and he could tell you were silently asking why.
“it has springlocks in it and its probably been ready to pop since its been a while, they made it so someone could wear it or it be an animatronic on its own, they had a problem with it and moisture. i don’t want you to get hurt” michael informed you and only one sentence stood out. his hand still holding yours.
your eyes went from his to his lips then back up, was it bad that you wanted to kiss him? did he look at you like this all the time?
maybe this was what mira and kim was talking about when they would bring up yours and michaels relationship, the soft bickering and stubbornness from both parties was what you two liked to put out, it made things fun and when asked about there being more the “no michael’s a fucking dick” and “she’s a bitch” was the common response, even when you both knew that was not the case.
you sat your drink on the shelf behind you and Michael got closer, you don’t know what made you so confident, you closed the small gap and connected your lips to his.
Michaels hand moved to your waist and pushed you back softly against the shelf, he didn’t push you away which was relieving and instead welcomed it with open arms like he had been waiting, and maybe he was waiting.
your hand moved to his neck and welcomed that the kiss was getting rougher.
you were about to move your fingers into his hair, the hair he took so much pride in and messed with all the time, the same stupid mullet you gave him so much shit for and said how bad it looked when in reality it just made him look good.
a loud sound, like something heavy running made you two jump away from each other but still keep your hands on each other.
“did you hear that?” you asked and tried to look around. your heart was beating fast.
“yeah” Michael breathed out, his heart beating just as fast as yours. He pulled away from you but took ahold of your hand, you quickly grabbed your drink as you were being pulled by him.
you both looked around, you didn’t know what to look for but michael knew. he could see from the corner of his eye he could see that chica had moved and now stood in a dark corner.
“did you guys hear that?” kim asked, which made you both jump again. you both pulled your hands away from each other.
you smiled at her, “told you it would be spooky” you giggled and she rolled her eyes.
“its getting really late, we should get ready to leave.” Michael said, walking towards the private party room.
you and Michael cleaned up the room while kim got mira, jeremy and steven collected and ready to leave.
kim went out first then mira, jeremy and steven and you followed behind to make sure they got through safely. Michael did a mental check of everything before crawling out himself.
you carried the bag that had empty cups, bottles and cans and some full ones.
“im just gonna take them to mira’s house” kim said, mira gave her the keys earlier.
“i’ll take y/n” Michael yawned and ran his hands through his hair which just made it fluffier.
“i think this is the only time you two have gotten along” kim laughed, you rolled your eyes and Michael mumbled “shut up”
once you helped get mira and steven in the car kim was saying her goodbyes.
“call me when you get home” you said as you hopped into Michael's truck and put the bag in the back.
“i will, get home safe” kim said and backed out.
a few minutes into the drive you spotted the cd you gave him. you leaned over and grabbed it.
“my singing is shit but you keep my cd in your truck?” you asked with a sly smirk, you watched Michael smile and shake his head.
“there's a reason it was on the floor” he quipped and leaned back in his seat.
“oh yeah, on the floor next to your playboy” you said and held up the magazine, Michael inhaled sharply and snatched the magazine from you and tossed it into the back.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about,” Michael responded and looked over at you.
you laughed and smacked his shoulder. “you can admit that you love my band, i won't tell anyone” you said.
Michael pulled into his driveway, his fathers car not there which did make him worry.
“there’s nothing to admit” he sighed, turning off the ignition.
“sure” you said, dragging it out as you undid your seatbelt.
you and michael got closer, you leaned against the center console and just when you were about to close the gap, you leaned back, smirked and shook your head.
“punishment for saying my singing is shit” you said and got out of the truck.
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writerpetals · 1 year
blood donor | 🔞
; optional female lead smut |  ☁️
w: vampire!au, biting, blood
It shouldn’t surprise you when you find your roommate with her teeth buried into a stranger’s neck when you come home from an extra long shift at work, but it does anyway. It shouldn’t surprise you that she doesn’t look alarmed when you walk in on her sucking the life out of some poor soul who probably thought he was going to get laid and be on his way because it’s far from new, but it does.
It always does, and to say you’re fed up with her bringing her dinner home to play and eat in your living room would be an understatement. The least she could do is go to her own room, you think just as you’re huffing and shaking your head, and her poor meal is seconds away from not seeing the next sunrise.
“Look, I know I’m not supposed to bring my food here, but-”
“Don’t say that,” you interrupt her while she is chasing you down to explain herself. You barely had enough energy to roll your eyes and bitch her out as she shuffled her nearly lifeless dinner out of your apartment, but you should have known rooming with a vampire would lead to such things. “Don’t call him food. He has a name, probably a family, maybe kids. Who knows?”
“Sorry,” she replies with a pout, blood-soaked lips protruding and you wish she didn’t look so cute as she apologizes because she’s a man-eating vampire after all.
Not that you would ever have to fear for your life when it comes to her. You’ve known her for far too long and made a promise when she moved in that your blood was off limits. Which it’s why it’s so easy to cross your arms over your chest, shake your head, and huff in annoyance while arguing with her in your bedroom. Sure, she could rip you apart if she truly wanted to have things her way, but she has always respected you more than the lousy humans she brings home to feast on and she promised, when you first met her, she would never do anything to harm you.
“The bar I found him at was closing and I was so hungry.” Of course, that’s about the only promise she’s ever kept. Clearly the rules of your home, which include not draining the life out of someone when you’re around, mean nothing to her, as well as the times you’ve woken up to a nearly dead stranger on your couch and one night-stands with bloody necks scrounging through your fridge for milk. “Please don’t be mad.”
From the way she pouts and uses her wide, glistening puppy dog eyes at you, it’s hard to believe she could be so vicious and bloodthirsty. You don’t even bother asking how she lured the man into your home. Charming him, hypnotizing him, or maybe even bashing him over the head and dragging his lifeless body could all be options and you’re far too tired for one of her crazy explanations.
“Fine. Whatever. Just don’t do it again, okay?” You sigh, peeling your dirty scrubs from your body to leave you in your underwear, wanting to wash up and rest after a busy night at the hospital you work at. You gather your clothes to toss in the washer as she follows, not even concerned with the blood drying on the sides of her mouth or her white t-shirt now stained red.
“You’re the best human, you know that?” she asks as she grins.
“Mhm,” you hum with sarcasm, slamming the lid of the washer once you added enough soap before making your way to the bathroom in the hall. “Why do I put up with you? It’s beyond me sometimes.”
“Not too sure,” she giggles nervously, handing you a fresh towel after you’ve turned on the shower, “but I’m glad you do.”
Your alarm wakes you the next morning with a harsh buzzing in your ear, causing you to groan and wish you were able to get more sleep between shifts. It doesn’t help when you come home expecting to wind down before bed with some peace and quiet, but end up arguing with her over her dinner. Not to mention it’s difficult to get the images of her nearly departed guest out of your mind and it only makes it worse when she is desensitized to all the blood and death.
Still, you try to understand her while remembering there are major differences between vampires and humans you decided to ignore when agreeing to be roommates. Even if a few rules are broken, it’s hard to remain upset when you see her figure curled up on the couch when you shuffle to the living room half-awake. You rub your sleepy eyes to focus on her dozing off while watching late night reruns of a show she’s seen a hundred times before. There’s only a few times she looks peaceful enough for you to almost forget the undead, blood-drinking being she really is, and if it weren’t for the daylight beginning to peek through the curtains, you would leave her be.
“It’s almost morning, sleepy head,” you whisper in her ear after making your way toward her. A hand rises to brush the long strands of black hair from her face, taking in her fluttering eyes and puffy cheeks once she looks up at you. “Go get in your coffin before the sun comes up.”
She frowns in an instant and you can’t help but to giggle at your own joke. “You know I don’t sleep in a coffin.” She huffs and pushes herself from the couch.
“Well you won’t be sleeping at all if you’re dust the moment the sun rises. Go to bed. I have to get ready for my shift.”
“Another shift?” She groans and wipes her eyes as you nod your head.
“Yup,” you tell her with a sigh. “And it’s going to be worse considering it’s Halloween and there’s going to be more accidents than we can keep up with.”
“When will you be home?” she asks as she follows you to the bathroom, watching you grab your toothbrush from its holder to apply a minty toothpaste.
“Working a double tonight. So… really late.” Even the mention of your long shift ahead has your legs and feet aching, but at least the pay is good and the promise of a Halloween pizza party at work with candy and dessert make it not so terrible. The thought of food, however, has you remembering the night before all over again. “Make sure to eat before I get home,” you tell her, watching the bashful way she bites her lip as she leans against the door frame.
“Yeah, yeah.” Her shoulders slump, watching you reflection in the mirror as you brush your teeth. “I promised I wouldn’t bring food home anymore, didn’t I?”
You can’t help but to laugh with your mouth full of toothpaste due to her expression, bottom lip pouting and her gaze falling to her feet.
“Go to sleep!” you tell her, pointing toward her bedroom with toothbrush in hand. “Dust! Remember?”
She giggles right along with you, but she nods and follows your orders by heading to bed while you continue getting ready for your shift.
When you returned home from work, you half expected her to not have kept her promise. You didn’t want to be surprised again, even though there’s no doubt you are a bit shocked each and every time she forgets that you’re human and you’re not used to seeing her feeding on someone. You brace yourself as you open your front door, expecting to see another bloody neck or her in pure bliss from feeling so full. You even expected another naked house guest rummaging through your fridge, and so you braced yourself for that as well. Just in case.
What you didn’t expect was to see her all alone, flipping through the TV channels in the dark with a dazed look on her face. You aren’t sure if the circles under her eyes or the pout on her lips is out of boredom or something else, but you step to her with caution, bracing yourself for the reasoning as well.
You call her name, and she doesn’t even move an inch. The TV remains on some boring scary movie playing just for Halloween, but from the dead look in her eyes, it’s clear she’s not paying attention. “What’s wrong?”
“Hungry,” she responds, the words falling from her lips in more of a growl than her actually speaking. “Streets were too busy and full of kids. Parties were too big, too many witnesses. I couldn’t find anyone to feed on.”
With that, you settle next to her, never having seen her look as such with her hair a bit messy, as if she has been fidgeting with the strands for a while, and a lost gaze on her face. Though, you’ve never seen her when she has gone without feeding on someone, and the thought makes your heart race in your chest.
“What about the blood in the fridge?” you suggest, remembering how you bought the synthetic blood substitute she swears is the nastiest thing she’s ever tasted. Still, it has kept her from going into a frenzy when she couldn’t find anyone to feed on.
“All out,” is all she replies, sinking deeper into the couch as if she’s grown too weak for even a conversation.
“Are you sure you couldn’t find anyone? Maybe when the kids are done trick-or-treating? Less witnesses then.” For her being a bloodthirsty, and at times vicious vampire when she’s hungry, she’s always made an attempt to never hurt children. In fact, her targets are often loners, and she never drains anyone completely dry. You have to give her credit for trying hard to still live an honest life, though you aren’t sure the act of drinking blood is very moral to begin with, but those are the cards she was dealt when she was turned. “Maybe there’s still one of those sketchy stores still open that sell the blood? Do you want to go with me to check?”
“Nah, too late and I know you’re tired from your shift. No point in walking across town.” With that, she huffs, flipping off the TV and standing from the couch to make her way to the bedroom. “I’ll just feed tomorrow night, I guess.”
You’re quick on your feet to follow her. “What happens if you don’t feed for a while?”
“I grow weak,” she answers as she sinks into her bed, showing you exactly how weak she’s become already. “It becomes painful the longer I go. I lose strength and it becomes harder to charm or hypnotize people while I feed. Basically I become a pathetic, weak human… like you.”
“Well do you get grumpy, too? Because that was a little mean and unnecessary.” You frown as you make your way to her, having a seat on her bed while she chuckles softly at your reaction to the playful insult. “Well… what if…”
Your voice fades, thoughts of how to help her racing through your mind. In the end, you only come to one solution, though it’s a risky one and one she promised would never happen in the first place. However, seeing her in such a condition has your heart aching. You don’t want her to be a lifeless zombie, even if she is already dead, and slightly grumpy. You definitely don’t want to see her in pain if she waits any longer.
“What if you feed off of me?” As you offer the suggestion, she pops up from her position on the bed. Her brows raise, eyes growing wide for a second before she settles, the idea suddenly causing her to lick her lips.
But she shakes her head a moment later. “No way,” she begins to turn you down, “no, we can’t do that.”
“Why not?” You turn your body to face her, a frown forming on your lips. “Is my blood not good enough? And it’s just once, what’s the harm?”
“Don’t say stupid stuff,” she argues, causing your jaw to slack. “It’s not your blood, it’s the fact that we live together. There’s a reason I go find strangers I’ll never see again to feed off of.”
“And that is?” You cross your arm, taking offense to the way she turns you down.
“Because I’ll never see them again, dummy!” She groans and shakes her head, grabbing her stomach while she does so and you wonder just how hungry she’s gotten. “That’s taking a big risk to let me taste your blood and still have to live with you.”
“Why?” you challenge her with a raised chin.
“Once I taste you, I…” She stalls, looking away as her fingers dig into her sweatshirt at just the thought of drinking from you. “Once I taste you, I can’t promise I won’t want more. I’d rather just wait until tomorrow night and find someone I don’t know.”
“Then drink from me tonight and go find someone new tomorrow. What’s so hard about that?”
You barely get time to finish the sentence before you hear her growl. In an instant, she’s pouncing you, pushing your back to the bed with a fierce grip on your shoulders. Her legs fall to each side of your body as she holds you down, baring each sharp point of her fangs while remaining an inch from your face.
“Why are you such a stupid human sometimes?”
“Wh-What?” you stutter, never looking away from her darkened eyes or desperate expression. “I want to help. I don’t want you to be in pain.”
“See? Stupid.” She huffs, and a few seconds later she pulls away from your body to release you from her hold. “You would risk your life just because you care for me?”
“I’m not risking my life.” As you rise from her bed and she settles in the spot next to you, you have to chuckle. “It’s one time. I’m not scared of you. Plus, I know you like me too much to endanger me.” With that, you nudge her arm, causing her to roll her eyes, but she can’t hold back the laugh that falls from her lips.
“You really are a dumb human.” She sighs, contemplating the offer in her head for a few more moments. “Fine, I’ll drink from you. But if I take too much, tell me to stop, yell my name, or… I don’t know, stab me in the heart with a wooden stake.”
“Does that really work?” you question, watching her bite her bottom lip and shake her head.
“No, honestly it would just piss me off.”
You giggle while beginning to lift your shirt over your head, finally realizing you never even changed out of your work clothes after your shift. Since you arrived home, your focus was entirely on her while trying to make sure she was okay. Maybe you like her more than you realized, even if she is a rule breaking vampire.
“Why… why are you undressing?” Suddenly there’s tension between the two of you. It’s clear from the way she averts her gaze, looking anywhere but at you while trying to ignore the fact that you’re in your bra as you begin pushing your pants down your legs.
“I don’t want to stain my shirt in case you’re a messy eater,” you tease her as she begins to groan in embarrassment. “What’s the big deal? You’ve seen me naked before when I rushed out of the shower because I forgot my towel. My underwear should be nothing new.” More giggles fill the space between the two of you to join the tension, and finally she is able to meet your eyes.
“Yeah, but not while I’m feeding from you.” She scoots a little closer while you make sure your neck is open and available for her, tilting your head to one side and noticing the way she licks her lips as her nostrils flare. “Feeding can be an intimate experience, depending on how well you know the person and how close the two of you are.”
“I trust you,” you remind her with a smile, but the hesitation is evident on her face.
“I think you trust me more than I trust me.”
A few moments of awkward silence pass. It’s clear she doesn’t know where to start, and considering this is your first time offering your blood to her, you aren’t too sure, either. It’s another surprise to find her so nervous when normally she has no problems finding her dinner, feeding form them, and sometimes even fucking them if she likes them enough. Now she doesn’t even know what to do with her hands as she begins to reach for you, but quickly shys away only to have her fingers fidgeting in her lap.
“How do you want me?” you finally ask, wanting to make it easier for her.
“I, uh, I don’t know.” She hesitates for another second or two, looking you up and down but her eyes eventually make their way back to your neck. “I’ve never been like this, I’m sorry. I just… I can hear your heart beating, and it makes the scent of your blood stronger. I’ve gone longer than I usually do without feeding. I don’t want to cross the line. You mean too much to me to offend you, or hurt you, or worse.”
Maybe her hunger has her being a bit more honest. Maybe it’s the nerves, you aren’t sure. All you know is you have never seen her so awkward and hesitant with feeding before, and you realize it’s up to you to take control.
“How’s this?” you ask just you lay flat against her bed. Your head settles on her pillow, realizing it’s softer than your own and maybe you’ll have to borrow it once this is all said and done. You inhale a sharp breath, feeling the nerves just the same as the scent of her shampoo lingering over her pillowcase fills your nose. For some reason, it calms you. It reminds you this is the roommate, close friend, you’ve lived with for so long, the one that you can borrow her blankets and she will steal your shampoo just like normal friends. The girl you come home to find watching stupid movies on TV when she’s not feeding off of some stranger and the one you take care of by making sure she’s in bed before sunrise.
“That’s… that’s good,” she tells you with a nod, looking over your body in her bed, wearing nothing but your underwear with your neck exposed, waiting on her fangs to sink into your flesh.
“You don’t have to be worried,” you assure her, tugging on the sleeve of her sweatshirt to pull her closer. “You can touch me. I’m not scared.”
You hear her gulp a second before she leans in. It’s clear she’s holding back, normally having fun and playing with her meals before she feeds, but tonight is different. Tonight there’s history between her dinner and her. Tonight she has to be scared of going too far because she does care, just like a stupid human would and part of her feels embarrassed for allowing emotions to get in the way. Tonight she’s drinking the blood of the only person she’s ever gotten close to and the fact that she’s already so starved means she has to be cautious.
However, you’re there to coax her, to reassure her. You’re there to pull her closer to your neck, feeling her lips brush against the delicate, soft flesh. You’re there to tell her it’s okay, you don’t want her to be in pain.
“Bite me,” you whisper in a shaky breath, “taste me.”
As if she can no longer hold back, she opens her mouth wide to press the points of her fangs against your flesh as she hovers over you. She braces herself with a hand on each side of you and you clench your fists in a tight ball to prepare for the pain.
But she doesn’t bite down. She doesn’t pierce your skin with her fangs and instead, she drags the points ever so slowly across your flesh. The sensation has a chill racing down your spine. Goosebumps form along your skin and you can’t help the gasp that escapes your lips.
“I have to be honest,” she whispers in your ear, her darkened tone causing your heart to beat twice as fast and it only makes it worse when you know she can hear every thump, thump, thump in your chest. “I have wanted to taste you for so long.”
“Y-You have?” You can no longer keep your eyes opened. They snap shut with the words you speak, finding the tension swelling between the two of you, but now it’s different. Now the control has shifted as if the monster within her has awakened.
“Mhm,” she hums, chuckling against your skin before her lips press just beneath your ear. “Maybe I’m too hungry and don’t care anymore, but I wanted you to know before I drink from you. I need you to know how often I thought about this, even though you were off limits. Sometimes I even got off to the thought while I was with someone else.”
You gulp after calling her name, suddenly so breathless listening to her voice dripping with need in every syllable, the words strained on her tongue as if it’s taken everything she has not to devour you. But now you’re not sure, from the things she says, if she wants to taste your blood, or maybe she needs you in other ways.
“I know I’m being selfish right now but if I don’t say this, I never will.” Another kiss against your neck has you trembling beneath her, but it’s hard to ignore the fire she ignites in your body. The heat begins to swell between your thighs as well as an ache that settles deep within your core. “And even though I am absolutely starving, part of me wants to take my time and cherish the moment, feeding from you, the way you taste as your blood drips over my tongue. Because, God, you smell amazing and I know you will taste so damn delicious.”
As she speaks, she has suddenly gained the courage to touch you. Her hand rises to fall against your hip, starting with gentle circles with her thumb over your flesh until she grows greedy, caressing your side, from your hip up to your rib just beneath your breast, and then back down again. You can’t ignore the desire building within you as she does so. As if she’s awakened something in you as well, a need to give yourself to her and if she were to want it, the urge to have her tasting other parts of your body.
The images flash through your mind before you can stop yourself. You imagine her biting into your neck, drinking your blood as her hands wander and roam over your body. It doesn’t take long for the thoughts to shift to envision her mouth in other places, over your chest, your breasts, easing down your stomach until she’s between your thighs. God, how you wish she was between your thighs and the aching that begins to settle deep within you isn’t going away any time soon.
“Please,” you whimper, not even recognizing your own voice from how desperate you’ve grown. “Please, taste me.” Every word trembles off your tongue, and even she can sense the need within your ries.
“Taste you?” she asks as she pulls away, looking down at your shaking frame beneath her. “From the way you beg me… I would assume you mean in other ways.”
“I… I think I do,” you confess, screwing your eyes shut as the heat of embarrassment rushes to your face. “I don’t know why. I just… feel this need within me. I want you to drink from me and I want to give myself to you. I need it or I feel like I’ll go crazy. Is this what being charmed by a vampire feels like?”
“Huh? Charmed?” From her curious tone, your eyes flutter open to see her brows furrowed as she shakes her head. “No, I’m much too weak for that. Plus, I don’t actually charm people to feed from them, only after they agree do I help make it a pleasurable experience if they want it that way. You wouldn’t believe the kinky shit some humans are into. But, no… no, what you’re feeling now is completely… you.”
“So… this feeling…” Your eyes fall from her face, biting your bottom lip and trying to make sense of the desperate heat flooding every inch of your body. Never before have you been so turned on, so attracted to her. It’s true you often thought she was cute, but her thirst for blood and the fact that she is hundreds of years old and has no actual heartbeat has always kept you in check. Now, you aren’t so sure you mind.
“I told you,” she says with a sigh, gripping her stomach to make it clear the hunger is beginning to get to her, “it’s dangerous for me to taste you.”
You have to believe her now, though you didn’t want to heed the warning. Still, you aren’t sure if it’s her fangs that are dangerous, or the simple fact that from the moment she started, you would have given everything to her. To make it worse, it’s neither charm or hypnosis, but your own desires rising to the surface that you have tried to keep buried. It’s clear now there’s no use in trying to ignore the attraction you feel for your undead roommate, and thoughts of her being in pain still linger in your mind.
“It’s okay,” you tell her, sitting upright to meet her eyes as she settles on her knees before you. “I don’t care what happens. I want you to feed from me. I don’t want you to be in pain and… well, I don’t mind what I feel… if you don’t.”
Upon hearing the words, a devious smirk forms on her lips, a devilish glint in her darkened eyes. “Stupid human,” she teases you, a playful, light-hearted tone causing you to giggle only a second before her lips crash into your own. The kiss is unexpected but it fills your chest with a blossoming warmth that surges to every inch of your body. You can’t help your whimpers that tickle her skin and the chill that courses down your spine from the way she groans against your lips. The desire within you comes alive once again, burning hot, needing her touch, her bite.
You pull her down with you as your back hits the bed. Her hands, still gentle but desperate, grip your thighs, your hips, anywhere she can reach as she deepens the kiss. Trembling fingers slip between the soft strands of her hair, holding her close to you for now though the aching between your thighs returns. You’re hot and flushed and the room begins to spin as anything but reality takes hold. You can’t believe you’re doing this. You can’t believe you’re actually kissing her.
In the moment it feels so right, parting your thighs, allowing her to get comfortable between them. In the moment it feels perfect, and all you want is the pleasure she offers and to feel her fans sink into your flesh.
“Do it,” you tell her the moment you pull away in a gasp. “Bite me. Please.”
The vampire hovering above your trembling, needy frame doesn’t need much more convincing. Inside her is a desire that burns hot all its own. There’s a hunger clawing at her stomach and the scent of your blood mixed with the hint of arousal she can already smell between your thighs begins to drive her wild. She needs you just as much as you need her, and with a quick, final kiss against your lips she promises it will be worth it.
Her mouth trails down your jaw, reaching your neck in seconds and you bare your flesh to tell her it’s all hers. She groans against your skin, hot and needy and much more like an animal than any human you’ve ever known. Her desperation is evident as she licks your neck with a flick of her tongue, then kisses over the thumping of your blood pumping beneath your skin. As she does so, her hands roaming and running wild over your flesh make their way between your quivering legs, gentle fingers caressing over the base of your panties, soaking into the arousal that’s been pooling at your entrance ever since she first began touching you.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” she whispers against your flesh with hesitation, as if she’s scared you’ll turn her away but even more scared of hurting you.
“I’m sure,” you confirm your need to be bitten, to be tasted. “I want this so much, please.”
Another groan fills the air, urgent and demanding to send a shiver through your body. Within seconds you feel the sharp points of her fangs against your neck once again. She presses down, applying a pressure that has your insides shaking, buzzing with nerves, hoping it doesn’t hurt but hoping even more that you enjoy it because you want it more than anything. Your head tilts back while you feel her fingers continuing to tease your clothed slit, earning whimpers of her names, pleas begging her to bite down.
And it happens all too fast. In a blink of an eye her fangs pierce the delicate flesh, hot crimson spilling into her mouth as she cups your sex with her hand. A gasp spills into the room, feeling the pinch against your neck for only a moment, as quick as getting nothing more than a shot, but then it fades to absolute bliss. A new kind of warmth fills your body, tingling your fingers and toes, making your head dizzy and you would swear you were floating if she wasn’t on top of you holding your body in place.
With her hand diving deeper between your thighs, she peels back your panties so her flesh meets your slit, and you can’t resist moaning in pleasure from feeling her fingers caress your folds. A whimper of her name spills from your lips, feeling her sucking on your neck but it feels like nothing more than gentle foreplay. She’s careful, cautious, taking her time drinking from you even though the room is spinning and she’s burying a finger deep inside your dripping heat.
“God,” you cry out, eyes rolling in pure ecstasy and you grind your soaked slit into her hand. “That feels so… so fucking good, oh my God.”
You think you hear a chuckle against your neck, but it’s hard to comprehend thanks to the bliss filling every inch of your body. From her teeth in your neck to her hand between your thighs, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect feeling in the moment. She teases your slit, switching from pumping in two digits now, before caressing up to your swollen and achy clit to offer and a few slow, steady circles, earning moans of her name that beg her not to stop.
Seconds later, she pulls away from your neck with a gasp, blood dripping from the sides of her mouth and a wild expression on her face. Her eyes have darkened as black as midnight but there’s a fire, a desperate need to have you, burning within them. She licks her lips with a moan, staring down at your disheveled appearance, but she doesn’t stop offering pleasure between your thighs. She buries her two fingers deep within you, curling them because she’s decided you’re cute and irresistible when you whimper her name. A smirk crosses her bloody lips as she does so, watching how you wiggle your hips to get more, how your head falls back and your jaw slacks, how your fingers dig into the sheets beneath you while curses slip from your tongue.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy,” she tells you with a giggle, leaning closer to lick up the blood coating your neck. The sensation has you moaning all over again, mixing with the bliss filling your body from her hand between your legs. “And you taste so delicious. Lucky I like you as much as I do or I would drain you fucking dry.”
From her playful, taunting tone you know she means no harm, but you can’t imagine caring either way. Not when she is making you feel as good as you do. Now when the heat of pleasure is swelling to every limb and the tension begins to tighten in the pit of your stomach. Though you feel weak from her feeding from you, you’re in a state of absolute satisfaction, and you haven’t even gotten off yet.
“Though, I am curious,” she begins again, slinking down the bed until her face is only inches from where he hand is playing, “how you taste in another place.”
“Another… place?” you begin to whimper, peering down at her bloody lips beginning to stain your white, cotton panties as she leaves kisses over your mound. Her fingers remain buried in your warmth, curled and teasing your g-spot enough to have your knees trembling.
“God, all I want to do is eat you out and taste your juices as you come on my tongue.”
Her words leave you shivering, anticipating what she wishes to do as the images of the act flood your mind. It’s just like before, except now she’s fed from you, she’s a mess, and you’re already so wet and dripping on her fingers, dying to come undone, that you could never tell her no.
“Please,” you whisper, head falling back against the pillow as she begins to pull your panties down your hips. “I want you to. I need to come.”
With that, she groans and tosses the flimsy cotton aside. She leans in, kissing your inner thigh, your bare mound, leaving marks of your blood over your skin with prints of her lips. Though you don’t mind getting a little messy if it means more pleasure, especially if she is so willing and eager. Your thighs fall open, inviting her in to your glistening, soaked slit that makes her moan with need. She’s dying to have you, to taste you again, to make you come. It’s clear in the way she wastes no time, slipping her tongue between your folds to gather your sweet essence, swallowing every drop with a satisfied hum.
“Fuck, you taste better than I imagined,” she tells you with a chuckle. You are far from giggling or laughing, however, feeling the need burning deeper and hotter than before, aching with desire and dying to come. “I thought about this so much… tasting you like this, eating your pussy and watching you come for me.”
Her words leave you breathless as she licks from your entrance to your clit, stopping at the swollen bud to tease in circles. A gasp fills her bedroom just as she presses the flat of your tongue to your flesh, massaging your clit to have your thighs tightening around her. She keeps them parted with two harsh hands, gripping them tight and digging her nails into your flesh. Then she carries on, teasing your slit, licking your clit, trailing down to your entrance to gather more of your juices just to taste.
You cry out, hips rolling and back arching. “Don’t tease me. I wanna come.”
She chuckles at that. “I never knew you were so needy.” Then she kisses your sex, again and again until she reaches your clit to wrap her lips around to suck for a moment. Your body tenses beneath the bliss, on edge and ready for release. When she pulls away, she does so with a giggle that tells you she enjoys teasing you and watching you get worked up. “It’s kinda hot, if I’m being honest. I like when you whimper my name and beg me.”
The stubborn side of you is tempted to withhold your pleas and moans because she’s enjoying it so much, but the rest of you that is aching and hot and wants to come has you giving in to her. “Please.” It’s hard to ignore that side of you when you admit you like it just as much. “Will you let me come?”
The question has her growling, clearly affected more than either of you want to admit. She doesn’t hesitate burying her head between your thighs once again, licking up your slit, pleasuring your clit as she massages up and down with her tongue. She has you on edge, burning up with desire and the need for release. Your body begins to tremble because you’re already so close. You feel the heat swelling to your cheeks, the tension building between your thighs that makes every motion of hers absolute bliss.
Then you feel the first rush of red hot pleasure erupting from your core to surge through your body. Your back arches as a gasp escapes your lips, crying out in bliss as you come undone. She continues tending to your clit, tasting the juices that spill over just for her, moaning between your thighs while never taking her eyes off of you. Your face twisted in pleasure with a furrowed brow and slacked jaw. Soft, desperate moans fall from your lips as you grip the sheets beneath you, all before your entire body goes limp.
Breathlessly you lay there as she gathers your juices over her tongue. She cleans you up, keeping her promise of wanting to taste you in every way, never getting enough of your sweet honey dripping out. You whimper a bit more, soft and quiet, from being too sensitive, and finally she pulls away with a mouth not only glistening from the blood where she bit you, but also your release.
“That was…” She begins to crawl up to you, kissing your lips once before nuzzling into your neck. “...so fucking hot.” Tiredly, you chuckle at her words, eyes fluttering close as the sleepiness from losing blood and an amazing orgams sets in. “Want me to get you a washcloth to clean up? Or some water? Maybe food? You’re going to be a bit tired for a while so you’ll need to regain your energy, so maybe I can throw one of those disgusting, frozen pizzas in the oven you like so much.”
Her care and worry has you smiling, but you turn it down with a shake of your head. “No, not yet,” you tell her, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close as she kisses the two bite marks on your neck, hoping they will heal quickly. “Just lay here like this with me for a bit.”
“Of course,” she agrees with a shy smile, and then her voice falls to a soft whisper on your ears. “I always imagined it being like this.”
You can’t hold back a grin as she giggles softly. Now you realize maybe she’s not the only one that has thought about being together, and maybe that’s the reason being with her feels so perfect.
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faebaex · 2 years
The Escape Plan
author note: back by popular demand (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ i swear, when light fae reader and Malleus are together, they actually have negative amount of brain cells. Also, extremely indulgent but necessary Diasomnia family moment, featuring little Silver and Sebek (*≧ω≦*) so far most of my stories have taken place either at NRC or just before they attend, so this was a nice change of pace.
characters: Malleus Draconia x F!Light Fae Reader 
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Left. Left. Straight. Right. Down the stairs. Straight. Right... And dead end.
You grumbled in frustration as you scribbled down the failed route for the umpteenth time in your journal. You pouted up at the cold stone wall, as if it would feel your ire and open a path up for you out of shame. You flipped back through the pages of your journal, your pout only intensifying as you saw your scribbles over your past failed attempts to escape this place.
You had been residing in Briar Castle ever since the odd fae with the horns had whisked you away here. Not through choice, of course. Every free moment you had, you’d been trying to find a route out of this castle and back to your cottage. Being entirely unaware of your location and surroundings, you couldn’t take the easy way out and simply teleport home. But that wouldn’t stop you, you’d walk all the way home if you had to!
Your arrival in Briar Valley had caused quite a scene. It appeared that many of these fae felt the same way as the horned one, that because you were a light fae, you needed to be protected. Your protests fell on deaf ears, and the Queen had decreed that you could stay in this place until they discovered your origins. You’ve never regretted a sarcastic comment more in your life, with the mess it’s gotten you into. It also didn’t help that the horned one turned out to be the Crown Prince of this kingdom. 
You huffed at the thought as you begun retracing your steps, flipping through the pages of your journal, one you’d started since you arrived here. It contained every route you’d attempted to try to leave the castle, as well as thoughts you’d jotted down and little sketches of castle scenery that had stuck with you. One particular page, towards the front of the journal, contained sketches of several faces with notes framed next to each one. You hummed, looking over the information, wondering if you had anything new to add. Maybe making the horned ones sketch look more unsavoury would satisfy you...
“Is that supposed to be me?”
You almost jumped straight out of your skin, slamming your journal shut with a sharp slap of the pages before looking around in alarm. Of course, you should have known. Hanging upside down from the rafters with a devilish smile on his face was the horned one’s caretaker, Lilia. You put your hands on your hips and glared at him unabashed, “get down from there! You’re too long for such behaviours, what would your son think?”
Lilia’s ruby eyes glittered, any mention of his son always bringing a fond shine to his otherwise sharp eyes. “He quite likes it, actually,” Lilia commented as he swooped down from the rafters, falling easily in step with you, “how is the escape going?”
You huffed and stuck your nose in the air, he knew exactly how it was going! “None of your business.” You replied curtly, although your growing pout undermined your position. Lilia only laughed at your disposition, before holding out an arm to stop you, “Well, are you done pathfinding for the day? I’ve come to collect you for dinner.”
You froze, giving Lilia a wary look, “dinner with you? I don’t quite feel like taking my life in my own hands tonight.” Lilia’s grin only widened at your words, holding his arm out to you with a dramatic flourish for you to take, “unfortunately, I am not in charge of the food for tonight. Besides, we’ve got some little guests who’d be delighted to see you.”
Well, when he puts it like that...
You sighed, “well, I suppose...” You tucked your hand into his arm and before you knew it, he’d teleported you both to a different part of the castle. The room you appeared in was smaller than most of the rooms you had dined in previously, more of an intimate setting. A cozy room, mostly dominated with a table that held five place settings, and a crackling fireplace adding a warm glow to the area.
You let go of Lilia’s arm once you orientated yourself, and he strode forward with a sigh. “Now where has Malleus gone? I told him to wait here. Searching for you two in this castle is aging me, you know,” Lilia complained, but with no bite to his words, “you wait here, my dear. Hopefully this won’t take long...” With that, he strode out of the room without even a glance back.
You sighed, deciding to take a seat at the table whilst you waited. You flipped open your journal again, finding the profiles page again and wondering if you should add Lilia’s apparent rapid aging into the notes. You didn’t have much time to ponder it, however, as the sound of little footsteps running down the corridor met your ears, before the door burst open.
A small boy with fluffy silver hair made a beeline as soon as he saw you, and you couldn’t resist the urge to pull the boy into your lap, giving him a soft squeeze, “hello Silver. My, you’ve grown again, haven’t you?” You smoothed down some of his unruly locks from his run here, which proved fruitless when he nodded his head proudly at your words.
“I’ve grown 6 whole centimetres since I saw you last!” Silver informed you excitedly, and you exclaimed at his words. Humans really did grow as quickly as Lilia had described. “Wow, you’ll be taller than me soon.” Silver seemed encouraged by your words, flexing his little arms as if he was trying to show off his strength, “I can protect you better if I am bigger!”
How sweet. You ruffled his hair at his words, ruining your own previous handiwork but not really caring. You opened your mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by a disruption in the corridor.
Both you and Silver exchanged a wide eyed look, fully aware of what was about to come bursting through that door.
“SILVER, HOW DARE YOU RUN--” The lime green boy came bursting through the door, his booming voice doing more than enough to announce his presence. However, clearly he was not expecting you, as his jaw immediately dropped when he laid eyes on you, pink beginning to dust his cheeks. Nevertheless, ever adaptable, Sebek balled his hands into fists and projected his embarrassment right at Silver instead.
The little green haired boy always brought a smile to your face, acting and speaking like an adult even though he was practically considered still in his infancy in fae eyes.
“Now, now Sebek, none of that. I told you just to call me F/N,” you scolded gently, before gesturing him over. Sebek approached almost meekly, and you scooped him up onto your lap next to Silver once he got close enough, watching as the pink on his cheeks bloomed into a fiery red, his hands fisting into his lap. 
You curled your arms around both of the boys, resting your chin on Sebek’s head as you listened to him announce that he had grown 8 centimetres since you’d last seen him, and how he was definitely excelling in his training with Master Lilia. You exclaimed in acknowledgment and Sebek preened at the praise, holding his head up high and almost knocking you in the process. Soon, both Silver and Sebek were clamouring to tell you their achievements, beginning to bicker with each other in the process. 
“Ah good! You’re all here! No more people to find.” 
You looked up to see Lilia marching back into the room, with Malleus trailing behind him, wearing a pleased smile. You couldn’t help but narrow your eyes a little, always feeling a certain kind of bitterness whenever you saw Malleus. You didn’t have long to dwell on it, however, as you almost found yourself elbowed by a very excited Sebek. 
Sebek squirmed himself off of your lap to rush forward and attempt to prostrate himself before Malleus, Silver clinging onto you during the ruckus to make sure he wasn’t sent flying. Sebek was stopped by a firm hand from Lilia on his shoulder, “Come on Sebek, dinner is waiting. It’ll spoil if we loiter any longer. To your seats, the both of you.” Silver reluctantly slid off of your lap to take a seat at the opposite side of the table along with Sebek, who had his hair ruffled by Malleus as he passed. You expected Malleus to take the seat at the head of the table, but instead he approached the seat beside you and slid into it. Lilia tittered at the sight, as he made his move to the only free chair, “how kind of you to offer me the head chair, Malleus.”
You scowled at that, and that only caused Lilia to laugh some more, as the first course materialised in front of you all. Silence fell around the table, only the clanking of cutlery against plates. 
“So,” Lilia started, with a smile that promised chaos blooming across his lips, “how are your escape attempts going, F/N? You never did say.” You shot him another glare, knowing exactly what he was trying to achieve and of course he was successful in it with the pandemonium that erupted around the table. 
“You’re trying to escape?” Asked Malleus, his eyes widened in shock at this revelation, whilst Silver and Sebek sounded their own complaints across the table. “It’s true, she has it written all in her journal.” Lilia continued, and you quickly snatched your journal off of the table, sitting on top of it to keep it out of anyone’s reach. You ignored Malleus, leaning forward and offering a placating smile to the children, “Lilia is just teasing. I enjoy exploring the castle, is all.” 
“I see...” Malleus hummed, before nodding, “then I shall take you on a tour of the castle.” 
“What a lovely idea, Malleus!” Lilia cut in before you could turn him down, that same chaotic smile on his lips, “why not after dinner? It would be good exercise after a meal.” Before you know it, you found yourself signed up to an evening tour with Malleus, and could only glower at a smug Lilia in return. 
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After dinner, Lilia used the convenient excuse of taking the children home and to bed to escape before you could protest, although it took him some effort to get Sebek to follow along, who was insistent on coming along for Malleus’ castle tour. You sent both Silver and Sebek home with a kiss to the forehead, the latter’s cheeks blooming pink again and offering you an amusingly formal salute before his departure. Sooner than you would have liked, you were alone with Malleus. With no children around, you openly scowled at him, crossing your arms. 
“You have some nerve! Offering me a tour of the castle when you’ve been avoiding me this whole time!” You rebuked, your scowl only deepening at the return of his surprised expression. 
“But you said you enjoyed exploring the castle. A tour would enable you to see some beautiful spots.” Malleus reasoned, finding your flits in mood very difficult to keep up with. You, meanwhile, wanted to smack your palm to your forehead, for you found him impossible. 
Before you could retort, Malleus had already turned and walked out the door, and you were left to chase after him. “Hey!” Grumbling about his behaviour, you fell into step next to him, with much struggle, “do you mind? We aren’t all gigantic, you know!” 
“Oh. My apologies.” Malleus slowed his gait so you could walk beside him comfortably, a small smile crawling across his lips, “I’ve learned in my research that light fae are more diminutive than dark fae, I should have been more considerate.” 
You bristled at his words, why did most things that came from his mouth appear so insulting?! “Excuse me?! I am not diminutive!” You hissed, with Malleus barely batting an eye, “I didn’t mean it as an insult, I find it cute.” Malleus replied honestly, continuing to lead the way. 
“I have been deep in research about your kind, so I have been largely unavailable,” Malleus went on, oblivious to the astonished look you gave him, “I apologise. I hope you haven’t been lonely.” Malleus would feel no end of guilt if you’d become lonely due to his negligence, “I will rectify this, I will make time for you from now onward. It is unacceptable for me to have brought you here and left you unattended.” 
Curse this fae and his ability to make you dumbfounded. 
“Yes, yes!” You clung to whatever statement you could, “it is unacceptable that you brought me here! Ergo, you should take me back to the glade, and we can forget this ever happened.” 
Malleus frowned at your words and shook his head, “But this is the safest place for you. Taking you back to the glade would put you in an immeasurable amount of danger.” 
“I live by that glade! It’s never been dangerous for me!” You huffed out in frustration, wanting to shake the man by his horns again, “look, I’m not a princess! I was-- I was making fun of you when I said that! Because you said you were a dragon and, lets be honest, that’s ridiculous so--”
“But I am a dragon. A dragon fae.” Malleus corrected, his frown only deepening. “And mine and Lilia’s research has uncovered that there were potentially questionable movements amongst the light fae royalty during a certain period of the war. This information could very much reveal what happened to the light fae, where they disappeared to.” Malleus stated his research leisurely to you as if you were having an honest debate about it rather than arguing with him. 
“But dragons are no-- wait, really?” He truly had been researching into your kind with a view to sending you back, like he said he would? That was surprising... You were convinced that was just an elaborate scheme he had created to placate you whilst he kept you here indefinitely. 
“Yes. The light fae were peaceful during the war, but that did not stop them being the target of hunters,” Malleus’ tone took on a sorrowful edge, “finding reliable information on light fae is difficult normally, but locating such specific information has proven even more arduous than expected.” 
With all your bickering and conversation, you’d completely forgotten that you were actually supposed to be touring the castle with Malleus. You were walking up another staircase when he pushed open a door, only for you to feel a breeze hit your cheeks. 
“This is one of my favourite places to come in the castle.” Malleus held the door open for you as you stepped through the doorway, greeted by the cool night breeze, now standing on one of the castle’s large balconies. Your mouth fell open with awe, the balcony giving you the perfect view of the town below, illuminated in the darkness by dots of green flames. When you looked up, you were greeted by a perfectly clear night sky, decorated with endless amounts of twinkling stars. You found yourself breathless, silence stretching between you and Malleus as you took in your beautiful surroundings. 
A thought did nag at the back of your brain however, slightly ruining the dazzling scenery before you. You were now outside! And the balcony railing wasn’t very high! Perhaps once you were alone, you could jump from here and float down. No point doing it now, Malleus would more than likely pursue you, you think you could remember him saying something about having wings, that did make sense with him being a fae after all... 
You cursed internally, suddenly realising that you’d left your journal on your chair in the dining hall. Now you had no way of writing down the directions to this place. Perhaps on your way back down, you could memorise the route and write it down later... You were so deep in thought, that you didn’t even notice that Malleus had arrived beside you. 
“Your wings look so beautiful in the moonlight... As if they absorb the very rays of the moon... How intriguing...” Malleus muttered softly, a hand reaching out for your wings. You jumped at his sudden voice, and frowned at the sight of his hand coming towards you. “Hey! I told you about this, you can’t just touch someone’s wings!” 
Malleus blinked at you, looking fairly taken aback at your scolding of him. His eyes clouded in thought, his hand pulling back to press against his chin in thought. After a moment spent awkwardly in silence, to which you eyed him warily, Malleus simply nodded... Before beginning to undo the belt at his waist. 
“... W-what are you doing?” You stuttered in alarm, your eyes blowing wide. At this point, you felt that his behaviour shouldn’t alarm you as much as it did, that you should be more used to it, but he always seemed to pull of another bizarre action that’d leave you speechless. 
“I realise I have committed quite the error. Whilst I have been able to appreciate your wings on more than one occasion, I have not given you the opportunity to appreciate mine. I will rectify that now.” As he spoke, Malleus had already removed his coat, folding it over the balcony rail as his hands moved to begin on his robes next. 
“I hardly thinks that’s appropriate! M-malleus, stop!” Your cheeks turned bright pink. How would you explain to anyone that the Crown Prince was stripping a mere foot in front of you, outside no less?! If someone happened upon you, you’d be executed on the spot! Or worse, Lilia would witness it and never let it go. “Malleus, put your clothes back on!” You hissed, trying to keep your voice down. 
“It’ll take but a moment, please be patient.” Malleus continued to unravel his robes, not the least bit perturbed by your protests, and you ended up burying your face in your hands, not sure whose modesty you were protecting - his or your own. 
“I am ready now, Princess. You may look.” You heard Malleus say, but you shook your head wildly, still covering your face with your hands, “I shan’t!” Silence stretched between you, before you heard him taking a step towards you, closing the gap between you in one. “Please don’t be afraid. I don’t want you to be frightened of me.” 
Before you could open your mouth to retort, you felt a hand on your shoulder, holding you still before another hand wrapped gently around one of your wrists, tugging softly but firmly to coax it away from your face. You relented, but simply moving your remaining hand across your eyes, keeping them squeezed shut. You could only dread what he planned to do with your hand. He pulled your hand forward slowly, and you found yourself attempting to shrink back, but Malleus’ grip on you was strong, his hand on your shoulder giving you what you assumed was supposed to be a soothing squeeze. 
Eventually your hand came in contact with something... Leathery? Oh, had he put his clothes back on? Well, good. Slowly, you moved your free hand from your eyes and opened them... Only to find most of your vision dominated by huge black... Wings?
“Oh. Oh! Are those your...?” You gripped it tentatively between your fingers, rubbing gently to get a feel for the strange texture. It felt smooth, but strong. If he flexed them, he could probably send you flying. “It’s... Very big.” 
“Do you think so?” 
“Mhmm... Are you sure you are actually a fae? These look nothing like mine...” Despite your words, you couldn’t help yourself from admiring them, they were quite wonderful in their peculiarity. Malleus was more than happy to allow you to survey him, his wings drawn around him so that you could reach them easily. 
“These wings are common for dragon fae.” Malleus replied and you scoffed, biting your tongue only so you didn’t reignite your constant argument that dragons aren’t real, “right... Is that why you keep them hidden? They do seem quite bulky...” 
“Hm, well my more draconic features tend to manifest more during certain periods, usually for convenience I’ll keep them hidden. But my wings are surprisingly lightweight. Here, let me show you.” 
You wanted to enquire more about what he meant about certain periods, but you were distracted by the gust of wind that was brought around as he unfurled his wings from around himself, flexing them wide and proud for you to see. And what a sight it was. His wingspan was impressive, practically blocking out the sky behind him, and despite the size of them, he manoeuvred them with ease and dexterity. You were actually quite impressed...
... Until you realised his entire chest was bare. 
“Malleus!” You squeaked, so distracted by his wings that you hadn’t registered that you were practically eye level with his naked chest, a very nice naked chest, thankfully his robes tied at the hips at least, “put your clothes back on!” You tried to step back, but his grip on your shoulder held fast. 
“But I needed to undress to show you my wings,” Malleus stated, a frown marring his features. Suddenly, his hand that had gripped your shoulder moved to softly grab your chin, tipping it up so he could scrutinise your face, “Are you well? You are flushed.” 
You hadn’t realised your cheeks had grown red at Malleus’ state of undress, and him grabbing your chin in a surprisingly tender gesture wasn’t helping. You felt more blood rush to your cheeks, and you tried to stutter out a response before Malleus released both your wrist and chin, reaching instead for his coat. 
“Hm, it won’t do for you to become ill. Allow me.” Before you knew it, Malleus had draped his coat over your shoulders, and you imagined it must have looked comical hanging off of your wings, but the size of it still managed to cover over you appropriately. “Putting your clothes on didn’t mean for you to put them on me!” You protested, burying your face into the overlong sleeves at your hands,  equal parts embarrassed and distraught at the other fae’s actions. Perhaps if you hid your face for long enough, he’d take the hint and redress himself. Hm, his coat did smell nice, though... 
“I have a request to make of you.” Malleus added, continuing on the conversation as usual, as if you weren’t flustered by his current state, “actually, both me and Lilia had discussed that this could lead to us uncovering promising information regarding your origins.” He explained, seeming to derive contentment from discussing his research with you, “with your permission, we would like you to take us to your previous abode.” 
Your head snapped up, eyes wide at this sudden request. Go home? They wanted to go to your home? Your brain went blank, entirely taken off guard by this information. Malleus must have saw some hesitance in your eyes, so he continued on, 
“Finding information regarding the light fae has been notoriously difficult. Currently, our best lead would be to seek out the last known residence of a light fae... Which would be you.”
If you allowed them to visit your home, that would mean you would get to go home... And once there, you could just refuse to go back with them! This might be your best chance to finally get home... Sure, you could wait until you were alone and jump from the balcony, but there was every chance Malleus or even Lilia would follow after you once they discovered you missing, out of this absurd misguided obsession for your safety... 
Seeing the continued hesitancy in your eyes, Malleus leaned closer to you, wanting to assure you of his genuineness, “it is not our intention to disturb your memories, we want to help.”
You startled at his sudden closeness again, his form almost boxing you in with his posture. You felt fresh redness flush over your cheeks, and you were thankful that you were still covering half of your face with the oversized sleeves of his coat, “if I say yes, would you finally put some clothes on?!” You tried to sound outraged, but your voice ended up coming out high pitched and flustered. 
“If that is what you desire, I can comply with that.” Malleus nodded, although thinking what strange bargains the light fae made, so mild in it’s demand, “however, please do keep my coat, it looks quite charming upon you.” 
You huffed in exasperation, closing your eyes and shaking your head at his behaviour. Ironic that this fae was so keen on discovering the light fae and keeping you safe when you were sure he’d be the death of you. “Fine, fine! I’ll take you to my home. So please, put some clothes on before someone finds you like this!” 
And with that, your escape route was ensured... 
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ladylooch · 5 months
I like Emma's independence/ free spirit and how strong she is but she is very stubborn sometimes and she thinks she is always right. Is there a situation where she is wrong and she has to apologize to Timo?
Lio’s first away tournament comes when Timo is out of town. Emma is completely on her own in this new, hockey mom era. Timo will be home the night they leave, but he is staying home to recover. He has a few injuries lingering and they both agreed he should rest and recover instead of driving to upstate New York. 
On the phone the night before they leave, Timo and Emma are talking about what is left to pack.
“I think just his hockey stuff is all that needs to be finished.” Emma murmurs, looking at the door where the bags are packed. 
“Don’t forget his skates are sitting in the mudroom after I sharpened them at the rink.”
“I know. I walk by them every day.” She rolls her eyes. 
“He isn’t going to remember them, so you’re going to have to triple check they are in the bag after he packs it.”
“Yes, T. I know.” She insists again, annoyed that he is micromanaging her parenting from Detroit. 
“Just trying to be helpful.”
“Doesn’t feel that way.” She snips. 
“Okay. You obviously have it under control.” Timo retreats, stretching his neck from side to side. “How did Livy do with dinner tonight?” He changes the subject.
But the next morning, Emma and Lio both wake up late. They are behind schedule getting on the road and Emma completely spaces on checking Lio’s bag before he throws it into the trunk.
“Let’s go!” Emma urges Lio into the car. How did she sleep through three alarms!?
They make it to the tournament just in time to check into the hotel, then head to the rink. Once they arrive at the rink, Lio looks into his bag, realizing he doesn’t have his skates.
“Mama!” He runs out to the lobby, interrupting where Emma is talking to another hockey mom. “Where are my skates?”
“What do you mean?” Emma asks. “You packed your bag, bubba.” 
“They aren’t in my bag.” 
Emma clearly sees herself walking by them this morning, in the mudroom, not thinking twice about how they should be in her hand when she shuts the door. Okay, shit. 
She pulls her phone out, beginning to type in sporting goods stores. There is one ten minutes down the road that looks to sell hockey equipment. She grabs her keys, then tells Lio to get back into the locker room to finish getting ready what he can. As she turns out of the parking lot of the rink towards the store, she calls her husband.
“Hi baby.” He greets her.
“Hi! Um, what brand of skates does Lio have? And do you know what size?’
“Why…?” Timo asks, sounding concerned. 
“Um,  we forgot his skates at home.” Timo immediately snorts. “Yeah I know. But I am heading to a hockey store so I can buy new ones-“
“No. You can’t do that to him. They won’t be formed to his feet. He will be miserable all game and in a ton of pain.” 
“Is it really that bad?”
“Asks the woman who assured me she wouldn’t forget said skates in the mudroom last night? Maybe you could start listening to me, babe.” 
“I’m… T, I don’t know what to do. He can’t play if he doesn’t have skates.” Emma says quietly.
“Someone is going to have to bring you his skates.”
“We are three hours from home.”
“I’m not going to ask her to do that with two kids while she is pregnant.” 
“He is better off not playing than being put into brand new skates. I can bring them up tomorrow morning.” 
So that is what happens. 
Lio sits out the first game, sobbing to Emma the whole time about how awful it is he can’t be out there with his teammates. Emma feels terrible, apologizing to anyone who will listen about her stumble. Why was she so stubborn when Timo told her to triple check for the skates? Why didn’t she thank him for the reminder and put them in his bag right then? 
The next day, Timo comes up to the tournament, early, with their daughter in toe who was done being with their nanny. Lio has two games today and if they win, his team will head to the championship game tomorrow afternoon. Timo strolls into the rink a half hour before game time with Livy next to him, She has a Starbucks cup filled with lukewarm hot chocolate. Her blue eyes are focused on the top, making sure nothing spills as her little Uggs slap the floor. Timo has Lio’s skates in one hand and a Starbucks carrier in the other. Two coffee mugs and a large water are in it.
“Daddy!” Lio yells, watching his hero grin at him. 
“Go get ready.” Timo says immediately, handing the skates over to his son.
“Can you tie my skates?” 
“You can do it, buddy.” Timo insists. As cute as it is to do for him, Emma can’t tie Lio’s skates, so it’s best Lio does it himself and learns the right way to tighten the laces for what he needs. Emma is silent, watching her husband’s approach. She feels so small and dumb.
“I’m so sorry.” She blurts immediately, gnawing on her lip. Liv hugs Emma’s leg with one arm. Emma puts her hand onto her pink hat in greeting. “We were late. I didn’t check. I’m sorry. You were right. I should have gotten up right away and did it.”
“It’s okay. There is a lot going on when I’m not home.” Emma nods, taking the coffee from him. 
“Thank you for saving some of the weekend. I know you wanted to stay home and sleep.” 
“It’s okay. Livy and I had a fun road trip together.” He pats their daughter’s hair. His arm comes up, wrapping around his wife’s shoulders to pull her into his body. He kisses her head, then accepts her still very apologetic smooch. He smiles, kissing her nose before speaking again. “All good.” He assures. His perfect wife is perfectly good at beating herself up for any misstep. Fear of failure is a deep insecurity that drives her need to be right. It’s not his job to shame her for that. It’s his job to soothe those parts of her when he can while she works on it.
“I love you.” She whispers.
“I love you too, mama.” He stares into her eyes, waiting to see the crinkle of disappointment smooth away from her forehead. It isn’t going away fast enough for him, so he leans down, kissing her lips, working his tongue between them to devour her mouth.
“Yuck.” Liv says, stepping away from being squished by her parents as Timo brings his wife deeper into his body. He holds her where he protrudes behind his zipper. Emma’s subtle moan doesn’t help. 
“Timo!” Lio’s coach, Eddie, comes out of the rink, grinning at seeing the professional hockey player at an away tournament. “Can you come in before the game and hype the boys up?” Timo looks up, keeping Emma pressed tight into his arousal as he nods. She rest her forehead on his chest.
“Sure. Like 15 minutes?” Timo asks as he runs both his hands up to rest at the middle of Emma’s back.
“Sounds good!” Timo waits for him to walk away, then sets his blue gaze back on his wife.
“What’s my reward for saving the day?”
“Blowie in the hotel bathroom while the kids are asleep?” Timo’s head knocks back and he laughs loudly at the ceiling.
“You know the way to my heart, baby.” He leaves an arm around her shoulders. Emma brings her fingers up, lacing them together on her collar bone. She kisses along his knuckles. They watch Liv run around with another little sister from the team until Timo heads into the locker room for his pregame speech. 
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my-mt-heart · 8 months
Where's Daryl?
This was very difficult to write. It opened up a lot of old wounds for me, so if you read this, thank you. If my thoughts on this show haven’t been your cup of tea, that’ll most definitely be the case here as well, so maybe just move along. ***Trigger warning for discussion of childhood abuse***
For about a year and a half, Caryl fans asked Where's Carol? as a pointed reminder that the spinoff was always meant to be hers just as much as it was Daryl’s. Even though she's back now, her fans didn't always know she would be (nor did the EP's 🙄) so her absence during filming and promotion of the first season was a heavy burden to bear. The irony is, though “Daryl Dixon” sticks out like a sore thumb in that ridiculous font, he's the one who feels absent sometimes, as if important parts of his character development were lost when he washed ashore while other parts come and go as the plot demands.
Zabel talks about swapping Daryl's iconic vest for "old man" suspenders as a matter of pragmaticism i.e. they were the only clean clothes available. Norman says it was a choice he wanted for some unclear reason, but neither of them seem to consider the intelligence of their audience, particularly Carylers, to see it more symbolically. The costume change is our visual reminder that Daryl isn't himself. In some scenes he's chattier than he should be, far more trusting of strangers with personal details, and far more theatrical. Then in others, the differences are even more alarming. He calls a child cruel names, puts his hands on him, and feels conflicted about returning home to his family, to the woman he said he loved.
I mentally prepared myself for retcons, but the one I'm struggling with a lot right now, which I haven't seen anyone bring up yet, is the retcon of Daryl’s childhood abuse. Daryl tells Isabelle that he and Merle had to take apart engines and if they couldn't put them back together, their dad wouldn't let them have dinner. It's a milder version of the stories the scars on his back tell us, though I can buy Daryl omitting the worst of it like he did in the pilot. What I can't buy is Daryl saying his dad was "hardly ever" around and emphasizing it as the main source of his pain growing up. It feels contradictory for one thing. When we see Daryl's scars for the first time in S3 of the flagship show, it's implied Daryl was trapped in an environment that enabled his dad to physically hurt him often. Presumably that's why Merle felt guilty about leaving him behind. The revelation also seems like it's only intended to highlight the consequences of an absent father figure, explaining Daryl's fear of not making it home, but also justifying his "close" bond with Laurent. The best stories allow a character's emotions to drive the plot, but this just does the opposite, twisting Daryl's backstory to fit the current narrative.
Daryl's backstory made so many people root for him in the first place. It allowed Carol to see him when nobody else in the group could. It helped me process my own childhood trauma. The ways I got to watch him overcome his violent past gave me hope that masculinity could mean more than what I grew up around—more than anger, shouting, and swinging fists. Daryl taught me that men could still be tender, kind, and loving even if those closest to them in their childhood never showed them how. I imagine Daryl's representation has been important to boys and men too, specifically to those who were afraid to speak up about their abuse because of the stigma around it. The implications of this scene may not be easily noticeable to some, but they are to me, and I'm deeply offended by it.
I’ve talked at length on this blog about how it takes a village to make or break a show, though it’s usually the showrunner who has to answer for it. I've already mentioned that I do blame Zabel. His knowledge of French history has no value when he obviously didn’t bother to study Daryl’s history aside from reading old scripts and (maybe) watching the first couple seasons. That's incredibly irresponsible and terrifying for S2. I also blame AMC for their short-sightedness and their determination to save face no matter how much it costs them. I blame Gimple for his pettiness. I blame Greg Nicotero for his insensitivity to Melissa and her fans.
As for Norman, he's hinted very loudly that he wants credit for the show being "different," so in theory he should be prepared to take some of the blame too. I can't name all of the decisions he specifically made, but no matter what they were, I can blame him for not speaking up about the shipbaiting, Daryl's wavering loyalty, and the childhood abuse retcon, all things that hurt his character and hurt the fans. I genuinely don't know what else to think other than Norman didn't give either the consideration they deserve. The show has been treated like nothing more than a vanity project, and it’s unfortunate when you think about what he and AMC had to gain from the original Caryl spinoff.
I love the version of Daryl I knew before this whole mess, I love Carol, and I love the relationship between them. I want them to have the story they deserve in S2. At the moment, I don’t know how to reconcile that with the agony I feel over the damages to half of my two favorite characters. If Carol is going to cross the Atlantic ocean to find Daryl, I want him to be the man who threatened to punch holes in all the boats so she couldn’t leave and the man who told her he loved her before—ironically—leaving himself. I need to hear Daryl admit he hasn't been completely honest with the French characters, not because he was afraid of getting too close to them, but because he didn't want to face the pain of potentially living without Carol and TF. I need to hear him say that he can't be Laurent's father, which is okay because the kid has plenty of other family to take care of him. I need to hear him say, out loud, that he could never love another woman romantically because he's already in love with Carol. That's what I need to feel better about this story. That's where my investment is. I feel like Carol is safe in Melissa's hands, but I don't feel like I have anyone to rely on for Daryl. That’s a big problem because their stories are so intertwined. There’s no Daryl without Carol nor Carol without Daryl. If you ruin one of them, you risk ruining both of them, and that’s a possibility I really can’t bear.
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sentinelpri · 1 year
Lovesick (NSFW)
When spring turns into summer, Might Guy tends to get a lot more… Energetic. It’s something that Kakashi Hatake has noticed over the past couple decades of being friends with the other Jonin, who frequently drags him out to go eat and train more often during the warmer months.
Currently, he’s stuck with Guy, sitting on a log at the training grounds (not that he’d rather be anywhere else). He pretends to read his book while watching Guy train. Since it’s a ninety degree day, Guy has ditched his jumpsuit and opted to train shirtless with nothing but his shoes and a pair of loose shorts on. For whatever reason, Kakashi can’t take his eyes off of Guy’s moving form.
He convinces himself that it must just be because Guy is getting stronger.
Yes, that’s it. That must be why he can’t take his eyes off of the older man. Because he’s getting stronger… Not because his upper body is on full display with his muscles shifting under tan, sweaty skin. Not because Kakashi is trying to drink him in. Because he’s getting stronger.
Despite the fond smile he puts on, the heat bothers Kakashi more than it ever has before. His heart is pounding in his chest and his cheeks are bright pink under his mask. Maybe he should’ve opted for shorts, too. 
Almost as if he can read Kakashi’s thoughts, Guy takes a break from beating the ever living shit out of a training dummy to glance over his shoulder at Kakashi and ask-
“Is something wrong, rival?”
“Uh, no, nothing,” Kakashi murmurs. He isn’t sure why his voice cracks the way it does. “Nothing at all.”
“Are you sure?” Guy questions, because when does he ever take no for an answer? He walks over to Kakashi and kneels down to move his forehead protector away from his face. Kakashi almost pushes him away, but then, he feels Guy’s hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. For some reason, the gesture nearly makes him pass out. Guy’s pecs are right in front of his face and Kakashi slaps himself for the image that comes to mind of him burying his face in them. “You look a little red! Don’t tell me you’re coming down with something,”
“No, I’m fine. It’s just the weather,” Kakashi lies through his teeth and shuts his eyes to avoid having to look at Guy any further. He thinks his heart might burst if he does. “Thanks for your concern, but I should really get going. The dogs are due for their dinner.”
That’s a lie, too. His Ninken have freshly cooked dinner in the fridge that they can access just fine- Kakashi doesn’t need to feed them, and they eat when they want, not at a scheduled time. 
“Ah, alright!” Guy doesn’t seem to believe Kakashi, but he does back off, standing up and going back to his training dummy. “See you later; stay youthful!”
“Right…” Kakashi sighs and stands up to leave. “You, too.”
Later that night, Kakashi goes to bed, hoping that the weird feelings from today will go away by the morning. Unfortunately, he’s not that lucky. Part of him starts to think that Guy was right and that he really is coming down with some sort of illness up until he falls asleep in his room and dreams about the older man.
The dream is unlike any he’s ever had before. Rather than nightmares about his friends and all the people he’s killed (or both), this dream is a nightmare of his own. They’re in a room that Kakashi doesn’t recognize. Guy is underneath him, stark naked, and Kakashi is on top, kissing the older man and running his hands through silky black hair as he fucks into him. The noises of skin slapping skin and moaning are prevalent as their lips are pressed together, and right before Kakashi finishes inside, he wakes up.
“Oh my God,” Kakashi gasps as he sits straight up. His body is covered in sweat, his dick is hard, and there’s precum in his boxers from what he was just dreaming about. He looks over at the alarm clock on his nightstand to see that it’s five in the morning, far earlier than he would ever get up, but he can’t close his eyes without seeing that dream, so he decides he’ll go take a cold shower. Still astounded by what his mind has conjured up, he forces himself out of bed and rambles- “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the FUCK-“
Right as he stumbles into the bathroom, there’s a knock on the door.
Just fucking great, he thinks with a sigh. Who the hell is here to see him at five in the morning? Kakashi wants to scream.
He grumbles curses under his breath and goes to the door. He opens it slightly and hides his lower body behind it to conceal the raging erection that is still very much there. To his horror, on the other side of the door is none other than the cause of said raging erection, AKA his best friend, Might Guy.
“Kakashi, my dearest rival!” Guy greets with a beaming smile. Kakashi can’t help but notice that the man is only wearing a pair of athletic shorts that go down to the middle of his thighs and cling tightly enough to his sunkissed skin that nothing is left to the imagination. Kakashi wants to tear the shorts off so badly that he has to grip the door to keep himself from dragging Guy into his apartment and doing just that. “Would you like to come with me for my morning workout? I wanted to see who could run a hundred laps around the village the fastest!”
“…I’m going to have to pass. I’m still rather tired, I didn’t sleep very well,” Kakashi lies yet again, avoiding eye contact.
“That’s fine! Would you like to grab breakfast instead?”
“I, uh,” Kakashi stammers. It doesn’t sound like a bad time, but he’s not in the condition to be around Guy at all right now. He can’t even look the man in the eye. “I think I’m coming down with something like you said yesterday. It seems you were right. I’d hate to get you sick.”
“I appreciate that, but are you okay? I can come take care of you!” Guy offers. “My workout and breakfast aren’t nearly as important as your health, my dear rival, and I have an amazing immune system, so I promise you won’t get me sick.”
“I think it’s just a cold. I’ll be fine,” Kakashi insists. He has to ignore the pang of guilt that consumes him when he looks up to see Guy standing there, looking utterly concerned and dejected. “See you later.”
With that, Kakashi shuts the door a little too hard and heads back to the shower.
Hours pass following Guy’s impromptu 5AM visit. The cold shower didn’t help, and Kakashi ended up having to take care of himself to the thought of the wet dream he had about Guy. Thinking about it makes him feel guilty- gross- masturbating to his sweet, innocent best friend who’s none the wiser to these newfound feelings of Kakashi.
By the time noon rolls around, Kakashi is still sitting on the bathroom floor with his head in his hands. 
He’s come to a terrible few conclusions; one, he wants to fuck Guy and has been wanting to for a while. It’s been obvious in how his eyes have lingered a little too long on Guy’s cut body when they’ve been together, obvious in how he finds himself flustered and embarrassed when the man works out in front of him with such little clothing on. 
Two, he’s in love with Guy, because Kakashi can’t imagine having sex with someone he isn’t in love with and Guy has always been there- been his best friend- even when Kakashi didn’t treat him right. Of course, he’s in love with him. It all makes sense. 
And, finally, three, Kakashi has no idea what to do about it. Part of him wants to get it over with and tell Guy, because for all he knows, the feeling is mutual and both of them could have been missing out on a beautiful relationship (and amazing sex) for years now. The other part of him is scared that Guy will reject him and that their friendship will be ruined forever. Perhaps it’s a little dramatic, a little ridiculous, but Kakashi can’t help himself.
So, when the evening hits, he gets up, gets dressed, and heads out of his apartment to go see Asuma Sarutobi. Asuma has been a good friend of his for a few years now, and him and Kurenai have had a successful relationship, so maybe he’ll have some good advice.
When Kakashi gets to Asuma’s doorstep and knocks on the door, it takes so long for someone to answer it that he almost thinks no one is home despite the lights clearly being on through the cracks in the blinds of the front windows. However, right when Kakashi turns to leave, the door opens.
Instead of Asuma, there’s Kurenai, who’s bright red in the face and wearing a bathrobe.
Except, she doesn’t smell of soap and appears totally dry- even her hair, which is tied into a messy ponytail. The usually immaculate makeup on her face is smeared.
“Uh, have I…” Kakashi turns back around and clears his throat. “Interrupted something?”
“No- well, yes,” Kurenai answers. Kakashi can see Asuma in the background, scrambling to untie his hands (???) and throw a shirt and pants over his boxers. “But you look… Rough, so obviously, whatever you’ve got going on is more important. Would you like to come inside?”
“Please,” Kakashi nods.
“Just give us a moment.”
Kurenai closes the door. A few moments later, her and Asuma open it, looking much more presentable. The three walk into the living room with Asuma and Kurenai sitting together in a loveseat and Kakashi sitting across from them in a recliner chair. It almost feels as if he’s in a therapy session.
“So, what’s wrong, Kakashi? Did someone die?” Asuma asks as he pulls a cigarette from the pack on the coffee table and lights it. The entire house reeks of cigarette smoke, which Kakashi can’t stand, but Kurenai seems totally immune to it. “I haven’t seen you looking this distraught in a while.”
“While part of me died a little inside today, no, no one actually died,” Kakashi laughs and leans back. He runs a hand through his hair. “Don’t laugh at me for what I’m about to say.”
“Okay…?” Kurenai says with a confused look on her face.
“I think I’m in love with Guy.”
Silence. Asuma looks totally stunned, while Kurenai doesn’t appear to be surprised in the slightest.
Asuma is the first to speak.
“Really? Him?” 
“I know, that’s what I thought, too! I mean, it’s Guy,” Kakashi spits. Guy is a comical character. Even though he’s capable of being serious, and even though he’s a great man with incredible strength, he’s also… Laughable at times. Totally unembarrassed to be himself. Perhaps that’s why Kakashi neglected to see him in a romantic light for so long. Frustrated, Kakashi rambles to his two friends about his thoughts. “He’s loud and ridiculous, and he runs around with that stupid bowl cut and that green jumpsuit that clashes with the orange ankle weights he always wears, and he’s just- well, him. I never thought of him like that, but then the idea came to mind and the realization sort of just… Hit me, and now I can’t make the feelings go away.”
“Oh, honey…” Kurenai winces.
“I’m still shocked that out of everyone in this village that you could’ve possibly chosen to have the hots for-“ Asuma starts, to which Kakashi quickly cuts him off.
“Don’t remind me.”
“Are you okay?” Kurenai asks. 
“I’m fine, I just… Don’t even know what to do with this information now that I’ve figured it out. I’m embarrassed, too,” Kakashi sighs. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to face Guy again- or, if he can, what the hell he’ll say. “I mean, how long have I been in love with him without even knowing? Just the other day I saw him as my friend, and now I can’t look at him or think about him without feeling like my heart is going to burst.”
“Well, Kakashi, I hate to have to be the one to put it like this,” Asuma takes a drag off of his cigarette, then continues. “But you have two options here; stay quiet and avoid your feelings and Guy forever, which will make you miserable, or fess up to your feelings and tell him the truth, which could risk him rejecting you. It’s one or the other.”
“Asuma! What a terrible way of putting it,” Kurenai scolds, then looks over at Kakashi. “Look, Kakashi, I know this is difficult for you since you and Guy have been friends for so long, but you should tell him. Keeping it a secret will only weigh on you, and even if he doesn’t feel the same way, it’s best to get it off your chest. I’m sure that no matter what his feelings are, Guy will continue to be your best friend just as he has been for so many years. It’ll be fine.”
“...Thank you,” Kakashi smiles and stands. “I think that’s what I needed to hear. I’ve bothered you guys enough for tonight, so I’ll see you later, okay?” 
“Okay,” Asuma nods and burns his cigarette out in the ashtray that’s on the coffee table.
“Let us know if you need anything, alright?” Kurenai questions.
“Of course,” Kakashi responds, and then, he leaves, walking back into the air of the cold night.
He can’t help but wonder what Guy is up to right now…
Days pass after that.
Kakashi locks himself in his apartment, debating on what to do. He knows he needs to tell Guy the truth (minus the wet dream, probably). He just doesn’t know how to go about it. The first day he spent trying to form a script to say it out loud, which didn’t work. He just couldn’t find the wording. The second day he spent trying to write everything out in the form of a love letter, which didn’t work either. He’s no Jiraiya, after all. The third day he spent trying to plan a romantic date, but that was difficult as Guy would literally like anything and everything in terms of activities. The man has never been all that picky, which actually makes planning something romantic very difficult for Kakashi.
By day four, Kakashi feels cooped up. According to his schedule, he isn’t due to be assigned on another mission for at least a week after having come back from a C-rank with his Genin team- who are probably pissed at him for not showing up to train them during his little crisis. That’s the least important of his worries, though, so he figures he’ll deal with it later once he figures out the whole Guy situation.
Speaking of that, though, when he gets up to shower that morning, all he can think about is Guy.
The dreams have gotten worse.
So, as he allows the hot water to run over him and runs his soapy hands up and down his lithe frame, he imagines that the hands aren’t his- that they’re Guy’s, and that they’re exploring his body with such ardent passion that it justifies the shiver that tears through him. With his back facing the faucet, Kakashi leans one arm against the wall of the shower and reaches down with the other to touch himself. Only, right as his hand makes contact with his half-hard dick, there’s a knock on the front door.
“God fucking dammit,” Kakashi hisses between gritted teeth. He quickly turns the shower nozzle to cold water in hopes that it’ll kill the erection, and while it does achieve that much, it certainly doesn’t kill the festering sexual frustration that lies underneath the surface of his clammy skin. Regardless, Kakashi quickly hops out of the shower, dries off, and tosses a sleeveless tank and a pair of boxers on. After all, it’s still six in the morning and the only person who would bother coming by this early is- “Guy… What could he want? Probably just to go eat or something.”
Kakashi goes to answer the door. To no one’s surprise, Guy is standing there, fully dressed in his jumpsuit, leg weights, shoes, and Jonin vest. It’s been raining the past couple days, so it makes sense that Guy isn’t dressed for the summer weather like he has been lately. Kakashi finds that to be a relief as he eyes the man up and down- this time he isn’t bombarded with thighs that he wants his head crushed between, pecs that he wants to bury his face in, abs that he wants to lick until his mouth hurts, and an ass that he thinks he could play with until the end of time.
Right. This is just totally normal Guy, in his totally normal and stupid jumpsuit.
“Kakashi! Glad to see you’re alive, you know, you had me very concerned!” Guy speaks the moment Kakashi opens the door. So that’s why he’s here. It makes sense- because of Kakashi’s little crisis, he’s been ghosting everyone he knows for days now. Only Kurenai and Asuma are aware of the reason, but Kakashi knows that they wouldn’t betray his trust by telling Guy about it, even if they’re friends with him like they are with Kakashi. “Disappearing like that for days- goodness, I haven’t seen you anywhere!”
“Guy… My mistake, I’ve just been down with a cold,” Kakashi quickly lies, though he feels guilty for it. His face burns bright red underneath the mask that’s connected to his shirt. “I’m feeling better now, though-”
“Clearly you’re not! Your face is bright red,” Guy reaches out and puts his hand on Kakashi’s forehead. Kakashi is reminded of that day they went training and Guy did this exact maneuver- it’s where this all started. “And it feels like you’re running a fever! You know, just because you’re my rival doesn’t mean I want you to deal with illness by yourself- you’re also my best friend, so it’s my responsibility to take care of you.”
“It’s really not,” Kakashi huffs, to which Guy quickly retorts-
“Are you saying you wouldn’t do the same for me?”
Kakashi’s blush only grows heavier, because of course he would. If Guy were to ever fall ill, which never happens, Kakashi would be there to care for him in a heartbeat.
“That’s different-”
“No, it’s not, you’re just being stubborn,” Guy scolds and pushes his way into Kakashi’s apartment, shutting the door behind him. He puts his hands on his hips (which Kakashi now notices are beautifully shaped with defined hip dips that he just wants to put his hands on-) and orders Kakashi around. “Now go lay down! I’ll make you some tea and clean up the place so you can rest.”
Kakashi sighs, knowing that there’s no getting out of this. He listens and goes to his bedroom to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling until Guy eventually decides to grace him with his presence. 
It takes roughly an hour, which is understandable. Kakashi’s apartment has been a mess of clothes thrown everywhere and dog toys strewn about, dirty dishes left in the sink and towels and rags left in the bathroom. Part of him is thankful that the Ninken have been out with his kids lately instead of at home. They would judge him for the mess more than Guy ever could.
The fact that Guy even offers to clean the place is amazing, and for him to come into Kakashi’s bedroom with a smile on his face and two cups of tea in hand afterwards is just shocking. Then again, it’s Guy. The man is somehow capable of doing even the worst of things with a smile.
Since no one else is there, Kakashi pulls his mask down and sits up with his back against the headboard. Guy quietly enters the room- an oddity from him that has Kakashi raising his eyebrows. The atmosphere feels unusually tense as Guy sits next to him and hands him a cup of tea. They’re sitting so close together that Kakashi’s thigh brushes against the other Jonin’s.
His tea is just the way he likes it- free of sugar and free of milk. When he looks at the cup Guy has, he can see that it’s the opposite, loaded with cream and sweeteners that Kakashi keeps in his kitchen especially for days like this when Guy decides to come over.
And Kakashi smiles. That smile only grows when Guy’s head is rested on his shoulder, and while he wanted to do this in a more romantic way, he can’t help how he proceeds to spill his feelings out loud.
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“Huh?” Guy blinks and sets his teacup down in the windowsill adjacent to the bed.
“I’m not sick. I’ve been cooped up here because I’ve been dealing with some newfound emotions, but,” Kakashi takes a deep breath, chugs the rest of his tea down, and places the cup on the nightstand before finishing. His heart is beating so hard in his chest that it hurts. “Today really just cemented those feelings. I’m in love with you.”
“Kakashi, that’s a cruel joke! I know about your love for mischief, but really, rival, that’s just cruel-” Guy starts to chew him out, but when his eyes land on Kakashi’s face, his cheeks turn red. He quickly stops his righteous rant and stutters. “Oh… Oh! You’re-”
“Yes, I’m actually quite serious,” Kakashi sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I know, I can’t really believe it either, but I promise you, I’m not joking. Like you said, that would be rather cruel.”
Kakashi doesn’t know what to expect. Whether Guy reciprocates or not, he has no idea. Part of him expects for Guy to offer up a pity date, or maybe to just politely reject him and leave. Instead, Guy’s expression shifts to the most serious one Kakashi has seen on him in a while as he asks-
“How long?”
Kakashi blinks.
“How long have you felt this way?” Guy reiterates.
“I don’t know, a while? I mean, it took me forever to actually realize it, but it sort of just… Happened.”
Guy clears his throat, then reaches forward to place a hand on Kakashi’s cheek. It’s cool and calloused, his thumb running over one of Kakashi’s high cheekbones. Finally, after what feels like forever, Guy whispers back. 
“I’ve loved you since the day we met.”
“You’re not just saying that to spare my feelings, are you?”
“I’m not,” Guy insists with a shake of his head. “I mean every word of it.”
“Oh, well… That’s a relief,” Kakashi sighs again. The world feels like it’s crashed down on top of him in the best way possible. Nothing in his life has ever been this easy before and it’s overwhelming. He loves Guy, and Guy loves him back, but what are they supposed to do with that information now that they have it? “What now?”
“Well, if you’re really not sick,” Guy murmurs, unusually quiet. His face is the reddest that Kakashi has ever seen. “Why don’t you come over here?”
“Okay,” Kakashi nods in a way that’s embarrassingly enthusiastic.
Then, he’s turning his body to face Guy’s and swallowing his anxieties so he can grab Guy by the collar of that stupid jumpsuit and kiss the life out of him. What he expects to just be a night of kissing and cuddling while talking about these newfound feelings quickly changes, though. One kiss turns into two, then three, then to so many that Kakashi can’t even count as Guy nips at his bottom lip and pulls at his hair so hard that it makes Kakashi moan into his mouth.
Before Kakashi can even stop to think better of doing this so fast or to ask questions, he finds himself rolling them over so that Guy is flat on his back on the bed with Kakashi on top of him. Kakashi’s knees are on either side of Guy’s hips, keeping him pinned there, and one of his hands naturally moves to grab both of Guy’s wrists to pin them above his head. 
“R-Rival-” Guy stutters, a lovesick grin gracing his lips and hearts in his eyes. “I never knew you were so…”
“What? Passionate?” Kakashi murmurs and leans down to kiss at the older man’s neck. “It’s very seldom that I get like this, but I definitely can when it comes to you, you know.”
At that, Guy’s blush spreads down to his neck. Kakashi realizes that he’s much more in control than he ever would’ve thought he was to begin with; because now, he realizes that Guy is just as weak for him as he is for Guy, and he plans to take full advantage of that after having suffered for days because of his feelings.
“Are we about to make love?” Guy questions, and Kakashi can’t help but chuckle, because that’s such a Guy way of putting that they’re inching dangerously close to fucking on Kakashi’s bed right after confessing their love. “H-Hey, why are you laughing? I’m serious, rival, this isn’t funny! It was a legitimate question!”
“I know you were serious,” Kakashi hums and uses his spare hand to unzip Guy’s Jonin vest. Then, he sits up, waiting for Guy to make the next move. Guy seems just as enthusiastic Kakashi to get this going, which is evident in the way he haphazardly chucks his vest to the floor, abandons his weapons pouch, shoes, and ankle weights somewhere on the mattress, and struggles to get out of his jumpsuit so he can throw the ugly green garment that usually accompany it into Kakashi’s bedroom wall. “It’s just that the way you say things is cute. You’re cute. So, is that what you want, then? Want me to top you? To ‘make love’ to you, as you put it?”
“Well,” Guy huffs, then sits up on his elbows and stares up at Kakashi. Kakashi doesn’t meet Guy’s gaze, though. Instead, he finds himself staring at Guy’s body. He’s seen plenty of it now, sure, but not like this. This is different. Rather than innocuously running around the village in only a pair of skin-clad shorts or hanging around Kakashi with no shirt and some sweatpants that hang too low on his hips for comfort, rather than stepping out of the bathhouse with a towel around his waist and water dripping down his hot body or merely changing clothes in front of Kakashi, Guy is willingly splayed out on the bed, damn near naked for him with nothing but lust and adoration in his onyx eyes. “Of course that’s what I want, rival. Don’t act coy with me.”
“You don’t want me to act coy with you, huh?” Kakashi replies and takes his tank top off. It lands somewhere in the same pile of fabric as Guy’s jumpsuit did just moments before. “Do you even know what you do to me?”
“The dreams I’ve had about you… The amount of times I’ve touched myself to the thought of you when I realized how I felt,” Kakashi starts. With every few words he utters, there’s a kiss pressed to Guy’s skin. His neck, his arms, his ridiculously defined abs, his collar, his hips, his legs- Guy is a masterpiece that Kakashi wants to explore every inch of. Accompanying every kiss is a gentle scrape of his fangs down Guy’s sunkissed skin that has the older man shuddering beneath him. In the midst of it all, he slides his hands underneath Guy’s back and brings them down until he can grope the firm yet plush ass he hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of for God knows how long now. “Those fucking shorts you showed up in the other morning- I just wanted to rip them off of you and fuck you until all you could say was my name. Was it all on purpose? Did you have any idea what you were doing to me?”
“I-” Guy struggles to muster up anything; even a single word. Kakashi’s grin grows. This may be the quietest he’s ever had Guy before, and it’s all because Kakashi is on top of him, talking him down and loving on his perfect body. Guy can’t even meet Kakashi’s gaze, and his blush has spread to the middle of his chest. “Well, um…”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered before,” Kakashi teases. He’s hardly done anything and yet Guy already looks fucked out of his mind, which is oddly satisfying for the younger man, who’s been stuck in this apartment in an emotional crisis over his newfound lust for Guy. Now, it’s his turn to return the favor. “What, is it too much for you? For me to talk to you like this? I’m sure you’ve never heard me sound so raunchy, so maybe I should stop before it overwhelms you.”
“No, I like it,” Guy objects a little too fast. “Please, keep going.”
“Oh, so you do like it when I talk to you like this?” Kakashi chuckles and moves back up the length of Guy’s body so he can brush their noses together, so their breaths can intermingle, just because he knows it’ll make Guy a little more speechless.
“Yes,” Guy sighs, his eyes fluttering shut.
“Then I’ll be sure to keep doing it. You’re such a cocktease, you know that?”
“Kakashi… You’re just being mean with the teasing at this point. Is it because I won the last challenge you gave me? It must be- you’re getting revenge on me because you can’t handle being beat at a drinking contest!”
“Gods, no, I’m just having fun- it’s totally unrelated,” Kakashi chuckles. “My bad, I guess I got a bit carried away. Why don’t you bend over for me? Get on your hands and knees so I can make you feel good.”
“Okay,” Guy listens to Kakashi easily like he has been since they started all of this. “Just be gentle with me, will you, rival? It’s a little embarrassing to admit this, but it’s been a while since I’ve been in someone else’s bed!”
At that, Kakashi calms down, if only for a moment. His heartbeat slows. He looks down at this man that he’s so, so in love with and offers the most reassuring smile he can come up with- even with his heart in his throat. 
“Of course. You have nothing to worry about,” Kakashi murmurs and leans down to kiss Guy on the cheek. “All this talk means nothing if I don’t give you what you want, right? I’ll be sure to be nice to you, Guy.”
Kakashi gets up so Guy can reposition himself on the bed. 
Just as Kakashi instructed, Guy gets on his hands and knees, even spreading his legs just enough for Kakashi to be able to comfortably nestle his body between them. Kakashi wastes no time in pulling Guy’s boxers down and even allows them to linger around the other Jonin’s ankles so that he doesn’t have to spend the extra seconds yanking them off and getting them on the floor.
Guy shifts from his hands to his forearms and gasps at the feeling of being exposed to the cold air of Kakashi’s apartment. Still, he arches his back beautifully, almost as if begging for Kakashi’s touch. Kakashi, desperate to fulfill the silent request, reaches into his nightstand for a bottle of lube that he’s sure he hasn’t touched in forever and pulls down his own underwear. He sits on his haunches right behind Guy and pours some of the lube onto the fingers of one hand. His other hand rests on the side of Guy’s ass, palming the softness that’s there and watching as it slightly jiggles underneath his touch. 
“I’ve gotta be honest with you, rival,” Guy murmurs, his head hanging slightly. “I can’t say this is what I was expecting when I came over to check on you today! It’s certainly a pleasant surprise…”
“I’m inclined to agree,” Kakashi murmurs back and presses a lubed finger up against Guy’s entrance. The ravenette holds his breath and tenses, all of his muscles clenching. “Relax for me, will you? I told you, I’d be nice to you… And if you get uncomfortable at any point, we can stop.”
“Okay,” Guy nods. His body relaxes, if only a little bit. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Kakashi responds before sliding a finger in. At the intrusion, Guy lets out a small groan and pushes his hips back. “There you go. You’re doing good, but try to relax a bit, okay? You’re really tight.” 
Kakashi puts in a second finger, and then a third. Guy quickly settles into the touch and starts a steady rhythm of fucking himself on Kakashi’s digits. It’s a nice sight, so even though Kakashi is sure he’s more than prepped after a few minutes of it, he allows the cycle to continue.
“K-Kakashi, I think I’m ready.”
“Hm… I’m not so sure. I think we may need to do this a little more, just in case. I’d hate to get carried away and hurt you, you know.”
“I think I’m more than ready,” Guy grumbles, unusually impatient. Kakashi thrusts his fingers into Guy a little harder in response, and when Guy grips the sheets and cries out, Kakashi can’t help but let out a small chuckle. “You’re just teasing me, Kakashi! If you don’t- ah- stop tormenting me like this, I don’t mind taking charge and making you stop…!”
“Oh, you think you can? Go ahead and try,” Kakashi slips his fingers out and challenges the older man, who looks back at him with a pout. Before Kakashi can even blink, Guy is grabbing him by the wrists and pinning him on his back to the bed- not that he tries to do anything to stop it. Guy sits in his lap, his skin hot and flushed pink, his chest heavily raising and falling with each breath, and his expression the most intense that Kakashi has ever seen it. The ravenette grabs Kakashi’s dick with one hand and hovers just over the sensitive head of it. Kakashi props himself up on his elbows and grins as he watches the raunchy display from his best friend. “God, you look fucking good from this angle.”
“What, you aren’t bothered that I’m on top now?” Guy says, smirking down at him.
“Not at all,” Kakashi says back. “I don’t give a shit where we are as long as you hurry up and get me inside of you already.”
“Are-” Guy swallows deeply and lowers his hips just enough so that their skin makes contact. It’s not enough for him to get in, though, so Kakashi holds his breath in anticipation. “Are you ready, then?”
“Yeah,” Kakashi nods, perhaps a little too fast. “I’m ready.”
So, Guy grabs the lube and coats Kakashi’s dick in a layer of the watery substance before sinking down. Kakashi moans and falls flat onto his back, his hands flying out so he can grab at Guy’s waist. Meanwhile, Guy folds forward and rests his forehead in the crook between Kakashi’s neck and shoulder while bracing himself with his hands on Kakashi’s shoulders. 
“Oh, God,” Guy groans, panting into Kakashi’s ear as he adjusts to his length and girth. It takes everything in Kakashi not to just lose his composure and fuck into Guy’s tight body like there’s no tomorrow. “You’re still as big as I remember you being… Gods, it’s so good…!”
“Think-” Kakashi pauses so he can hold back a strangled noise upon feeling Guy’s ass squeezing around him. “Think you can take it?”
“Yes,” Guy answers without so much as a second of hesitation. “Please, let me have it, rival…”
It’s the most submissive and the most embarrassed that Kakashi has ever seen his best friend, and while he’s tempted to simply tease until Guy can’t take it anymore, he decides that it’s best to not discourage the vulnerability that Guy is currently showing by being a dick about it. So, he sits up, leans his back against the headboard, and circles his arms around Guy’s waist so he can fuck up into him. Guy responds by resting his forehead against Kakashi’s and pressing a kiss against the tip of the younger man’s nose.
Oddly enough, that tiny kiss is enough to send Kakashi spiraling into the throes of passion. Kakashi bucks his hips up, up, up until Guy is burying his face back into Kakashi’s neck and letting out an uncontrollable string of pleasured noises. 
“Fuck, Guy, you feel amazing,” Kakashi praises. “So good for me… I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Guy breathes back with a circular grind of his hips that makes Kakashi’s eyes roll back. His knees grate against the sheets and into the mattress with the little bounces he offers in an attempt to meet Kakashi’s deep upward thrusts. “So much…!”
They set a steady pace with Kakashi pivoting his hips up to meet Guy’s movements, which quickly turn into weak and needy grinds.
Apparently, when Guy said that it had been a while, he was telling the truth if his desperation is anything to go by. Then again, Kakashi doesn’t dare comment on that, because it’s probably been even longer for him and he’d be lying if he said he weren’t just as into this as Guy is. Kakashi finds himself nearing the edge embarrassingly fast, most definitely a result of him being unintentionally edged by Guy during his almost-masturbation-session in the shower earlier that morning. 
“You close?” Kakashi puffs out, to which Guy offers a whine and a hurried shake of his head ‘yes’.
Kakashi reaches in between their abdomens and grabs Guy’s cock to pump it in his hand. With each flick of his wrist and each thrust of the head of his dick into Guy’s prostate, the ravenette gets closer and closer until he’s putting his full weight onto Kakashi and crying out into the cold air of the bedroom. Hot,Kakashi fucks Guy through it until he’s sure that the older man is done. As soon as he’s sure, Kakashi lets go, too, groaning and holding Guy close as he fills him with cum.
Then, they break apart. Kakashi finds a towel on the floor that he used when he showered that morning, and he lazily cleans them up with it. 
“What’s on your mind?” Kakashi questions as he lies down on the bed with his arms behind his head. His eyes flicker to Guy, who’s laying on his tummy with his cheek resting against one of his muscular forearms. The older man has a sunny grin on his face and sparkles of joy practically shining in his onyx eyes. “You look quite pleased with yourself.”
“That’s because I am pleased with myself, rival,” Guy responds, his grin growing wider. “Coming over today couldn’t have possibly gone better!”
“Yeah? I’m glad you think so,” Kakashi laughs.
“What? You don’t feel the same way?”
“No, I do. It’s just funny that you actually thought I was sick and that’s why you came over.”
“Well,” Guy starts, then pauses. He looks totally flustered as he pouts and explains himself to Kakashi. “I was worried about you! You cooped yourself up in here for days and didn’t let me know what was going on, so of course I came over! You better never worry me like that again.”
“Okay, okay, I get the point,” Kakashi concedes. “I’ll even make it up to you. Why don’t we get up, take a shower together to get us cleaned up, and go get breakfast like you wanted to the other morning? I’ll even pay for it.”
“Really?” Guy asks with his face lighting up. “You mean it?”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t.”
“Yes!” Guy cheers and stands up to rush to the shower. “We’ll have an eating contest!”
Kakashi slowly follows behind with a small smile on his face. Of course, it’s so much like Guy to make a simple outing into one of their contests, even now… 
As they hop into the shower together, Kakashi can’t help but beam and pull Guy into his arms for another kiss underneath the steaming hot water. 
“I love you,” he says, to which Guy circles his arms around Kakashi’s body and replies-
“I love you, too.”
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ominoose · 4 months
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Abandoned Fic
Steven/Marc/Jake - Onlyfans Xmas Editions
I'm so sorry gang, I've tried my best at this but it aint working, so I am giving this fic up so anyone can enjoy the bare bones or someone can steal and adapt it. I apologise for my transgression of not finishing the Moon Knight Gang Bang, but it is what it is amigos.
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There was a comfortable rhythm to how each man came and went from their shared flat. Jake was out most of the time, doing things even God likely didn't want to know about. Marc was out half the time, doing odd jobs, going out for a run. Steven was the homebody of the bunch, comfortably sat at home, cocooned under blankets as he leafed through yet another Egyptology book.
The one time they were guaranteed to be at home together was for a Sunday dinner. It was Stevens idea, one he stubbornly insisted on with wet puppy eyes and a trembling bottom lip. Now it was their routine, a way to catch up on each others daily goings on. What it wasn't supposed to be was the catalyst to Jake and Marc confronting Steven about his Onlyfans.
"So... Marc found this curious little video online Steven. Si, there's this guy with his dick in his hand, all sad and crying, British and what not. Looked just like you."
The matching smirk was lethal.
What followed was an awkward conversation that had the Brit mentally booking flights to Antarctica and trying to remember how Marc had gotten forged documents. Despite his absolute horror, both had been receptive, saying they appreciated the extra income. Steven even found himself rambling about how it all worked, the events, even the Halloween special (minus the homemade pumpkin pie.)
When the pair offered their help to make a Christmas special, he'd been stunned into silence. Being supportive of his more... intimate method of making rent was one thing, but helping him organise things? It should've set off big, flashing red alarms in his silly mind how much they were taking to it, but Steven was too high on having them both engage with his interest.
After all, he did end up leaving the Halloween special to the last minute and that only ended up being a success thanks to a fans odd (yet incredibly lucrative) request. Steven didn't want to leave it to chance this year, he needed something big, something inciting to compete with the market and do something worth stealing attention on Christmas eve.
The usual set was decorated to the nines, tinsel hung from the top, blow up candy canes at the back and softly blinking fairy lights framing the entire set up. Jake had been the one to help set it up, even dusting off his toolkit to put together the new camera stand Steven had bought and fell over whilst attempting to put it up. The Latino's mood was far too chirpy as he whistled atop the ladders, screwing some poles to the wall for Stevens green screen. Another sign.
Marc's idea of help had been more personal, nodding encouragement at Steven's ideas, adding in his own advice here and there.
"Why not add baubles to the tinsel? Maybe you should wear something festive? Just an idea, obviously. I don't know, you said you'd used all your... 'props' before, isn't Christmas partly about getting new things?". How did Steven not see it coming?
Despite the actual nature of the topics, the support was nice, lovely even. It felt like something had finally clicked between them all, oddly enough. Like a gap being bridged. None of the trio had felt closer in Stevens eyes, especially on nights when a pen was nestled behind curls on his ear as he furrowed over notes for future streams, bouncing ideas off the two before slowly falling asleep on a leather jacket or denim shirt.
When the night finally arrived Steven looked at the set with wide eyes, the soft fairy lights twinkling, mistletoe hung at the top of the screen and a little green tree stood merrily at the side. It was perfect.
Both Marc and Jake had agreed to leave the flat for the duration of the stream, but as Steven pulled his candy cane stockings on, the door creaked open.
"Dios mío, I knew they were gonna look good but this is something else..." The gravelly voice had Steven jerking upright, face a warm red.
"W-What are you both doin' still here?! I thought you left-"
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weepylucifer · 6 months
For the dialogue prompt: 24 with Steban and Ulixes? :)
24. “You’re trembling.”
A loud knock at the door pulls Steban quite brusquely out of sleep. The bedside clock shows somewhere around two in the morning, and for a moment he's tempted to pull the blanket up around his ears and wait for the knocking to go away. But, he figures, this late at night it can only be an emergency, so he extracts himself from the blanket, puts some clothes on and goes to open.
Uli is outside, which is odd, because Uli's supposed to be on the other side of town, and a great, nameless turmoil is in his face. He looks so pale and shaken up that it wakes Steban fully, and he doesn't even gripe about the lateness of the hour.
"Uli?" he asks. "What's going on?"
"Oh- Steban, I..." Ulixes says, then looks him up and down and, studying Steban's sleep-mussed form in his underwear, seems to realize that it's the middle of the night and how highly unusual and alarming this all must seem. "I'm sorry, I should have waited until tomorrow, I didn't consider... I didn't mean to wake you up. I only... only needed..."
The words leave him in a confused jumble, and he's practically vibrating with that unnamed emotion. "It's okay," Steban says. "Did something happen? You're trembling..."
"I..." Ulixes takes a deep, shuddering breath. "I finally told my parents. About us."
"Come inside."
Steban sits back down on the bed. Instead of joining him as expected, Uli starts pacing. This moment had to come sooner or later, and they've both been aware of that, but now that it's finally here, Ulixes seems profoundly unsettled.
Steban doesn't quite know what to say. He feels absurdly guilty considering his own, relatively harmonious family life, which has done nothing to prepare him for the present situation. He's gotten the awkward "tengo un novio" confession out of the way months ago, resulting in nothing but some good-natured ribbing from his cousins and a promise to his mother to bring su novio around to dinner. With Ulixes, things... were bound to be more difficult.
"I take it things didn't... go well," he says as delicately as he can manage.
Ulixes huffs. "Well... they didn't immediately take me off the will, which I suppose constitutes a net win."
"Most of the fight was about politics, really."
"Which is... better?" Steban attempts.
"Eh. My father seems to think it's all... a phase he expects me to grow out of. Like obviously once it's time to take over my share of the family business, I'll obligingly turn into a lap dog of capitalism. Because that's just what humans are like, everyone acts in their own self-interest, everyone's weak to the promise of money, and someday I'll see reason and admit that to myself. You know how he is. He has his views on how everything is, and nothing I say will ever get through to him. It's like... it's like, to him, I'm not even there."
Steban hasn't met Ulixes' father and therefore doesn't know how he is, but he feels it's not the time to bring that up. Instead, he asks, "What is the family business?" because, come to think of it, he doesn't think Uli has ever told him. "What does your family do?"
Ulixes waves a dismissive hand. "Nothing. Father owns shares in Saint Baptiste."
Ah. And there's the reason why Uli never told him.
"Wow. Maybe you can score me some antidepressants?" Steban says, trying to lighten the mood, but he's not good at jokes, so it falls utterly flat. A bit sheepishly he adds, "I'm sorry, Uli."
Ulixes ceases his irate pacing and suddenly slumps. When he sits on the bed, he looks defeated. "If only he would yell or throw me out or hit me. Then at least I'd know I made an impact. That I'm not just some nuisance to be easily brushed off. That I matter at all."
Steban reaches over and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Ay, cariño," he says quietly.
"They didn't even really mind the gay stuff as much as I thought they might. 'As long as you keep it to yourself', they said. Same with the communism. But then I... I told them your name and some stuff about you, and then... suddenly, they minded."
Right. They asked him where I'm from and what my family does, and he told them. Steban nods.
"Mother said some things..." Uli pauses, discomfited. "Things I don't care to repeat."
"Well, I don't care to hear them," Steban says bluntly, because he can imagine fairly well what kinds of things Gottwaldian bourgeois might say about him. It doesn't come as any kind of surprise. He knows Uli doesn't think of him that way, and that will have to suffice. "Come here," he suggests and pulls up the blanket, shifting to make room.
Uli complies all too readily. Until now, the force of his righteous anger and indignation have kept him going, but his energy seems to be running out. When he curls up against Steban, he is silent, and he burrows underneath the blanket and smushes his face into Steban's chest like he doesn't want to make eye contact. This is, Steban knows, still the only way Ulixes can sometimes accept comfort. Uli is not well-versed in physical contact. One discovery that came with their relationship becoming physical is that Uli doesn't really... know hugs, or kisses, or pats on the head. Well, Steban knows all these things in abundance, so he wraps his arms around Ulixes and nuzzles into his hair. Uli has not taken his glasses off, so they poke awkwardly into Steban's shoulder, but that's okay.
There's still a tremor running through Uli's body, and Steban recalls that, while he insists he was never physically harmed, Ulixes does fear his father. It makes Steban wonder what it must have been like for him growing up east of the river, surrounded by the bright and impersonal ease of wealth and never acknowledged or touched. He doesn't really know what to do about any of this except call his own mother at the earliest opportunity and thank her for every kiss, every cuddle, every little sacrifice that compounded over the years. For now, he strokes Uli's back and murmurs, "Shh, shh, you'll be alright, I'm here," and hopes it will be enough.
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hxneyhxrts · 2 years
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Rain Soaked || Jake “Hangman” Seresin (part 2)
Part 1
note: i’m glad you guys hated the last part, let’s get this going. i’m like marathon writing because i’m so excited for you guys to see what happens next. next part is my probably what i’m most excited for you to see but i’ll leave it at that. love you guys, thanks for engaging and making me laugh. love you!
warnings: explicit language
My Blood
Sundays used to be for daily dinners or late nights dancing in low evening light. Now, Sundays meant the final countdown to a new work week, mourning the weekend that should have been spent resting rather than keeping busy at all costs to avoid the very obvious, very heartbreaking elephant in the room.
This Sunday, though, keeping busy had been easy.
Gwyn had spent the better part of the day rummaging through mounds of clothes and little trinkets she thought she could get away with bringing along with her to her new station. Where she was going, she didn’t know, but wherever she went it would never be far enough away from the life she had once had here.
Did she even want to distance herself from it?
Mo had assured her on their phone call the day before that it would be good to get away for a bit, even if it was for work. Putting physical space between her and the reminders of Jake would be good for her soul, and maybe she’d be able to come back soon without it hurting.
Disco had spent the evening weaving between bags and legs, eventually annoying Gwyn enough to force her to quit her relentless pacing. Sleep didn’t come easy, but it came nonetheless.
She dreamt of open skies and rolling green fields and a soft, strong hand cradling hers as she sprinted through it all. And when she woke up to the startling noise of her alarm, she couldn’t tell if she was mad at herself for letting her mind wander to him even in sleep, or disappointed that it had ended before she could really revel in it.
Gwyn had called for a cab in between bites of oatmeal, and a short honk greeted her only twenty minutes later. The driver had given her a small wrinkle of his nose at the sight of Disco, curled up in her carrier, but decided not to comment on her presence.
The drive to the airport was silent save for the low hum of the radio, a different station than the classic oldies she had permanently set her own car radio to.
Most of the ride was spent in her head, thoughts swirling and crashing down against the edges of her skull. Thoughts of what was to come and how badly she missed her friends and him despite the months that had passed. But now she’d have nothing but work to fill the time and keep her from obsessing over these feelings.
Her poor father had sat through several phone calls in which she bitched and moaned over the state of her love life, always ending with a soft promise of “whatever will be, will be”. She just hoped “whatever” was enough to yank her from this funk that was starting to freak her out.
Who mourned a relationship for almost a year? When had she become so pathetic that something that only lasted a few months could leave her in shambles?
She often tore herself to shreds over the person she had become, but she knew deep down that she was being too harsh. Because what they had was so much more than just a few months, it was a quick and fast and passionate affair that she had been dropped into rather than choosing it. She had no choice but to love Jake, and maybe that’s why it upset her so much, even now. Loving him was a subconscious thing, something she still found herself doing.
She loved him. Desperately. And something in her thought she always would.
‘You’ll always be my girl, I think.’
What a stupid fucking sentiment. One that destroyed her all over again every time she thought about it.
So yes, this time away from home was very necessary. But it still burdened her to think about why.
The flight itself was relatively uneventful besides the old man next to her who unceremoniously fell asleep against her shoulder only minutes into the trip. She didn’t have the heart to wake him up, letting him snore into her ear for the remainder of the journey. He had awoken with a sheepish smile once they landed, and Gwyn tried to smile back. She really did.
A car had been waiting for her outside, a small mercy considering how little she knew about the city. She watched the town rush by as she rated her forehead against the cool glass of the window. The sun beating down left the air warm, but nowhere near as warm as California had been. She caught small glimpses of elaborate houses lining lakes and ponds as they navigated the city, and soon she was doing the familiar routine of handing over her name and I.D. to the gate guards to get on base. The cab driver dropped her off at an incredibly nondescript apartment building that twinned the others on either side of it.
‘Home,’ she thought bitterly. She had had her fair share of shitty dorm-adjacent apartments all through flight school and Top Gun. Now here she was, a decorated aviator, right back where she started. Flashbacks of late night gas station runs for snacks with Alec and eating her weight in ramen noodles came rolling in, and she couldn’t stop the small smile that broke out across her face.
Maybe simplicity was best at a time like this. Maybe simple and familiar was exactly what she needed.
She spent the next several hours unpacking the few suitcases she had dragged along with her and setting up a small space for Disco. She still avoided listening to music, too worried that every song would somehow pull her thoughts back to Jake, so she opted for organizing in dead silence instead.
By the time she had finished, she had only thought about him and his voice and his eyes about eight times. Progress, she thought, considering how strung out she had been about him the evening before.
It was inescapable, the feelings she had. Jake had been her first love, and if romantic comedies had taught her anything, it was that you never truly forgot your first. Though they left out the part where you continued to love even after they desecrated your relationship by ending it over a text.
‘Fuck him,’ she swore to herself, but it had no bite. She had tried out anger, but it never truly stuck. She wasn’t angry with him. Not completely, at least. Perhaps she was angry at his actions and how small she felt reading that text, but she couldn’t be angry at Jake. Not after everything he had given her.
And taken away from her.
Same difference.
Sighing, Gwyn surveyed the space, now mostly set up and littered with small knick knacks from her old life.
And now she had nothing to do. Nothing to keep her from thinking.
She paced a bit, swiping at invisible dust and fluffing the couch cushions for the second time. She briefly considered watching TV, but decided against it.
Something to do. She could find something to do.
What was Jake doing right now? Did he ever go through life unsure? Did he ever feel out of place like this? Did he-
Gwyn grabbed her keys and stormed out of the small apartment.
If there was one thing about naval bases, it was that they were never more than a stone’s throw away from a bar.
The car she had called dropped her at the door and pulled away without a goodbye. The outside looked shabby, if not cozy. Nothing compared to the upkeep of the Hard Deck, but at least it was a bar. And they were all the same in the end. Gwyn wasn’t feeling particularly picky either. So long as they had cheap beer and music that drowned out any conversation around her, she didn’t care.
The inside was warm, almost stiflingly so, as bodies milled about and drinks flowed. Several patrons adorned their service khakis or other uniforms, something that had always made her roll her eyes, but now brought her comfort. These were her people, and they didn’t know who she was. Or what she was feeling.
She pushed through the sea of people, and flagged down a bartender as soon as she came close enough to the bar to be heard over the roar. She pulled herself on to a stool and propped her elbows up on the ledge of the bar while she took in the crowd more closely. A wide range of ages and types, but naval folk all the same. Just like her.
“Well hello there,” came the cool slide of a male voice just over her left shoulder. She turned in her seat slightly and came face to face with a man, maybe a few years older than she was, wearing a charming smile under his neatly trimmed facial hair. His uniform was pressed and starched, making him look every bit the suave military man he tried to convey. “Haven’t seen you around here before.”
Gwyn snorted, thanking the bartender who dropped off her drink before taking a sip. “Has that line ever worked for you?”
A laugh erupted from him, startling Gwyn for a moment. He had thrown his head back in a chortle, a sound that echoed through her bones almost unpleasantly. With one last chuckle, he leaned himself fully against the bar. “No, actually, I’m beta testing it tonight.” Gwyn resumed her people watching, trying to communicate that she was very much not in the mood to talk, but the stranger pushed a hand towards her with another smile. “James,” he introduced simply.
Gwyn half contemplated giving him a fake name or outright ignoring him, but the small glint in his eye drove her to accept his hand and shake it quickly. “Gwyn.”
“Pretty name,” he complimented, eyeing her a little too close. She squirmed in her seat. “So what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this, Gwyn?”
She snorted. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m scoping out all of the military hunks,” she joked, taking another swig of her drink and setting it down. Her fingers brushed anxiously at the condensation
“Well,” James started again, sipping at his own drink, “you’re in the right place, sweetheart.”
Gwyn bit her tongue. No one called her ‘sweetheart’. No one except-
“Maybe you should test out those pretty lines with somebody else, sailor.”
James’ eyes narrowed, just a fraction, but enough to tell her she had hit a nerve. “Pilot, actually.”
“I didn’t ask,” she bit back.
But James was still smiling at her.
She knew he was a pilot, of course. But she wanted him to leave her alone, and figured the jab at his position might drive him out, but he was still gazing down at her in a way that made her flush.
She had just opened her mouth to ask him what his problem was when he pushed off the bar with a small laugh. “I’ll see you around, Gwyn,” he called over his shoulder.
She grit her teeth. Leave it to a pilot to drive her up a fucking wall on the one night she had to relax before work picked back up.
She’d have a migraine by the end of the night at this rate. With a sigh, she flagged down the bartender for another drink.
It’s not that James was bad looking, quite the opposite actually. But like every guy before him, she found herself comparing him to Jake and found too many shortcomings in every difference she spotted. Maybe she’d get lucky and find out Jake had a long lost twin he didn't know about and would never have contact with who was exactly like him in every way.
That seemed to be her only chance at this point.
Swiping her beer, she pushed out of her seat and began the painstaking process of pushing through the crowd again. Several hands had brushed against hers in an attempt to invite her in for a dance, but she waved each one off with a smile she hoped was polite.
This was easy. This was familiar. If she closed her eyes, she could almost pretend she was right back at the Hard Deck, getting her ass handed to her in pool by Phoenix.
Her temples were throbbing already, and Gwyn found herself ready to throw in the towel and just spend a night in with Disco.
Like most nights.
With a sigh, she decided that no, she couldn’t do that. If she continued isolating herself, she’d only drive herself further into the hole and she was already dangerously close to the point of no return (if she hadn’t passed it already).
So she’d stay out tonight, and she’d dance and have a few drinks before heading home and falling into a restless sleep. She owed it to herself to try.
She thought about tracking down James and apologizing and maybe offering to buy him a drink, but that still felt out of her depth. One step at a time. She’d focus on being out tonight, the rest could come later.
“Eat shit, loser!”
Gwyn froze. She was completely still, even as people pushed past her and cast annoyed glances at her.
That voice. She would know that voice anywhere. She knew that voice better than she knew her own sometimes, the smooth curve of it and the harsh syllables when it grew tired.
Pushing through the bodies around her much rougher this time, Gwyn’s head swiveled quickly as she searched for the owner of it.
She finally managed to break free of the worst of the crowd, sweating and eyes frantic as she scanned every face she could see. Her chest had just started to constrict in disappointment at the thought that she had imagined it when she saw him.
He was leaning against a pool table, cue in hand, and a darling smirk painted across his lips.
A small sob worked its way up her throat, one that she barely managed to swallow as tears stung at her eyes.
He was here.
Alec was laughing at his opponent’s lazy attempt at beating him, grin full and boyish. She wanted to cry at the sight of it.
Alec. It was Alec.
She was rooted to her spot, feet refusing to move no matter how badly she wanted to run for him. She barely noticed one of the other servicemen eye her in confusion as she stared at Alec openly and unabashedly. At least, until he nudged her friend and subtly gestured in her direction.
Then Alec’s eyes were on her.
His brow had furrowed in confusion first, before smoothing out as his mouth fell open. His expression was so open, so vulnerable and longing that it nearly choked her. He looked like he had just found an oasis in the midst of a barren, or light in the deepest recesses of darkness. The pool cue fell from his hand and landed against the bar floor with a rattle.
She saw him mouth her name, and then he was charging at her, dodging through other patrons and aiming right for her.
“Alec,” she cried softly as he wrapped her up in his arms, just as strong and inviting as she remembered. He surrounded her in a warmth she hadn’t realized she had been craving until she had it again.
This. This was home.
Hands squeezed at her waist almost painfully, and she cursed the tears that slipped out. It was Alec. Her Alec.
He pulled back, gazing down at her softly. “What are you doing here?”
Gwyn sniffled. “What are you doing here?” she hiccuped pathetically.
Alec grinned, thumbing at the moisture trailing down her cheeks. “I’m not allowed to say. Special detachment and all that,” he teased.
Another pang threatened to cleave her chest open. “How funny, so am I.”
The grin that she was met with nearly split his cheeks. Alec pulled her back in, almost suffocating her in his embrace, but she didn’t mind. She’d let him hold her like this forever if it meant he’d always be around.
So no, this wasn’t her house or hometown or the Hard Deck or anything she had come to be familiar with. But it was Alec. And it felt close enough to home that all she could do was breathe in the sea salt smell of him and sit in the joy simmering around them.
The rest of the night had passed in ease, many rounds of drinks piling up on her tab as she giggled her way through a losing game of pool and a basket of fried pickles Alec had insisted she try. The best night she had allowed herself to have in a long time.
And when she tumbled into bed that night, Alec already dead asleep on the left side of the mattress (“his side” as they had decided several years ago), Gwyn realized she hadn’t thought of Jake at all that evening.
Part 3
tags: @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @unknown1010000202 @alanadetigy @barbiewritesstuff @dempy @maggieromanov @jake-h-ngm-n-seresin
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i-writes-things · 1 year
Don't text and swing.
bf!Peter Parker x gf!reader
Warnings- Swearing, fighting
Request: Could I please request a Peter Parker x reader where he is off on patrol and Y/N gets worried bc he isn't texting her (maybe they have a rule where he's supposed to text every 10 minutes or something you choose) and so she goes out for him but he is in the middle of a fight and she gets in the middle of it, using some skills she learned (maybe she took a self defense class cause she is dating a super hero) she tried to help him but she gets beat up and he takes her home and helps her get better?
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Not my pic*
“You’ll text me?” You ask, sitting up in bed to receive his goodbye kiss. He pecked your lips and smiled saying,
“I’ll text you, bye.” Once remembering he turned back after jumping out into the hallway, saying, “Love you.” and with a wink he was gone and you were left laying in bed, thinking about your own day.
Peter leaves early in the morning and then he would get back late at night, but tonight was different. It is going to be special. You had cleaned the kitchen, the living room and fixed the shower drain for some reason. It just kinda happened. If he was late, like he usually was, he would be home by 8pm. And 8 pm came and went quite quickly, with no Peter Parker crawling through the window.
Usually heaving for breath and you holding him for the first few minutes of his arrival, he usually either just barely got away or had a long swing back to your shared apartment.
May’s old clock that she had given to Peter was ticking in the background of your racing thoughts, wondering if he was okay or if something had happened to him. You know he’ll make it home, so trying to relax you turn on the TV and the first channel that came up was a game show and after getting comfy with blankets and such, you watchedfor almost 10 minutes.
That's when it all started. You get a text from your best friend, MJ saying “Did you see Peter? He’s on the news!” And this made your heart rate go up at an alarming rate.
The next thing you knew you were running down multiple flights of stairs to the bottom floor and sprinting outside, then another two blocks to where the small fight commenced inside a bank. You ran over and almost tripped on the pieces of glass scattered around you. You know advanced martial arts and have since you became an adult, living in this world can be hard sometimes.
You charged, for whatever reason, you mostly weren't sure but knew from the inside that it was true, but you hadn't come to a conscious decision about it til now. Peter only noticed it was you when you rammed one of the ninjas onto the ground, punched them in the nose and stood to get yourself grounded. Then you were pushed across the room, falling hard on the glass shards on the outside of the bank, and upon getting up had cuts everywhere, one that especially hurt caught your attention. Peter now had the time to focus on the other guys, now that you had taken the moment to put one of them on the ground. And got into a rage when you were thrown across the room and onto the street.
This pushed him to take out his two targets in one spinning tornado kick.
“Oh. Fuck.”
“Sorry- I’m sorry, baby.”
“Oh, this sucks.”
“It won't suck forever.”
“It's better when you're here.” And with that Peter slowly directed you to the kitchen, knowing you needed some medical attention.
Closing your eyes tight, Peter washed off one of your bigger cuts, on your forearm, under the water of the sink.
God, this hurts like a motherfucker. Peter then bandaged it up and you would twitch at the random instant pains in your arm.
“Why did you come and find me? I was alright.”
“Me? Why didn't I come and save your ass should be your question.”
“That- That doesn't make any- Okay, you're right, baby.”
“And hey, I cleaned this full place for you, mister. You missed the beautiful dinner I made, just for you, too.”
“You did all that for me?” Nodding your head you pulled parker in for a kiss. He smiled and picked it up from the second you touched his lips.
“How about we get out of here?”
“We live here, Parker.”
“This room I mean.”
“If you say so…”
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