#loki from Son of the Mask
qbc-potate · 7 months
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Have you ever noticed that ever since season one of What If introduced Captain Carter, she's been showing up a lot more than Sam Wilson as Captain America? I once queationed it, which pissed off some Peggy stans on this site to the point where I had to alter the tags so I wouldn't have to deal with them.
Oh yeah I did, trust me, you’re not the only one. Many Sam or Steve or Bucky stans and, yk, Peggy antis here on tumblr noticed it, but her stans are just too stubborn to accept it.
In my humble opinion, I think Peggy is simply a better character for marvel to sell as cap (and not for the right reasons), which is why Sam’s cap hasn’t appeared in 2/3 years and all of Steve’s appearances were butchered.
Steve is noble, all about freedom and doing what’s right. He was a disabled son of immigrants who knew struggle and, in his own words, didn’t like bullies no matter where they came from, which means that doing what was right to him was more important than any government, any authority. Civil War is all about this characterization of Steve, and it’s why he was the perfect man for the job.
Sam is like Steve. He is a noble man who knew struggle and suffering growing up, who lost loved ones, his place in the world the moment he chose to follow what was right instead of what was ordered to him. He was ridiculed and beaten down, and risked losing it all multiple times, but that never made him back down. Plus, to add fuel to the fire, the higher powers would have never accepted him as Captain America because he’s black, no matter if Captain America himself passed the mantle to him, they wouldn’t have accepted him and still didn’t right up to the finale of TFATWS. Sam is perfect for the job and mirrors Steve as the perfect Captain America of his time.
Peggy is… well, she’s nothing of these things.
Yes, she’s a woman, and so everyone would be expected to find sympathy for her, to root for her, but aside from her stans no one actually does. Peggy has a support system and respect, like it or not, and she was relevant. She’s arrogant, she’s headstrong, and she doesn’t go against the system because she is the system. She’s not a minority, she never knew struggle, hell, she lived a comfortable life up until the war and after. And marvel can use her more than Sam or Steve because she’s not troublesome like them, she’s not going to rebel the system if not for selfish reasons or plot points. She’s not Steve, she’s not Sam, and she shouldn’t be, but at the same time Peggy should not be a Captain that marvel should enforce in their media over and over again.
As Erskine said, “Because the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength and knows... compassion.” And while Steve and Sam don’t know strength in the sense that Erskine disregards, Peggy does. And if anything, she resembles John Walker.
Not to mention she is no character of her own, she’s simply the mixture of some characters thrown together in a cauldron, and in addition she’s a Mary Sue. She is a villain masked as hero, one that is convenient as a character and can be thrown from side to side as if she was some Y/N insert in an avengers fanfic.
Not only she has made more appearances than the current Captain America, but she managed to insert herself in the majority of What If…’s storylines, even more than actual main characters. Like, you want to tell me people actually want yet another episode about Peggy or with Peggy being a major character instead of Wanda, Loki or the main six avengers? No one does, not even the stans with a functioning brain. But Marvel will not stop, and whatever chokehold Hayley Atwell has on them will last until she’ll be satisfied with the colonization of all the possible marvel projects.
So ultimately, to answer your question: yes, I did notice Sam is being overshadow by a dusty side character that should have stayed dead back in 2016. You’re not alone, and I’m glad I’m not either. If you scroll on my profile you’ll soon find an old post of mine from last year, during the MoM era, where I was talking about this issue, and a Peggy stan went ballistic and on a rant on how I was using Sam as an excuse to hate on Peggy and justify Stucky. (Btw nice move altering the hashtags, I’ve done it too and it’s been a blessing for me.)
Feel free to check that post and come back in the asks, I’d love to discuss that and maybe share some posts regarding the issue (if I can find them lol)
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holdmytesseract · 11 months
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: fluff, bit of suggestive smut... I think that was it! Let me know if I forgot something!
Word Count: 2k
a/n: This is it, guys! The grand finale! 😁 I hope you all like it! ☺️
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th 💚
Tagging: (in the comments!)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Five
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Chapter Six
You would've expected a lot of people to step inside your chambers. Estrid, your father, brother, guards - but you would've never expected to see the tall, bulky and handsome frame of the man who haunted your dreams and occupied your mind on no end - Loki. You couldn't believe your eyes at first, blinking heavily and literally staring holes into him. "L-Loki?" You asked in disbelief; quite shocked. You didn't know how to feel about this. Feeling the urge to yell at him on one side. To tell him to go away and never come back. You wanted to let him know how much you hated him. Spit it right into his face. Though, on the other side, you couldn't deny the way your heart skipped more than just one beat, when you laid your eyes upon him; or when he gave you that smile.
"Hello, princess Y/N." Loki started, taking a bow. "I am sorry for disturbing you and being so rude to just barge in - and I'm certain you wish to know why I am here at all." The moment his deep, yet soft voice urged to your ears, your memory immediately took you back to the lake all those weeks ago. Especially to that one night, where he kissed you. A tingly feeling spread all throughout your belly at that thought. "I-I... Yes." More words weren't able to leave your lips. You were way too overwhelmed by all those feelings and thoughts coursing through your system - and by his sudden appearance.
"Well, first of all, I... I would like to apologise. I am the reason you are trapped inside your chambers. I regret informing your father. I really do, but I-I had no other choice. You must understand this. I had my duties and obligations, unfortunately. So, I beg of you... Please forgive me, my princess." His kind and gentle words touched you. There was, without a doubt, honesty swinging within his voice, telling you that he really meant what he said. This wasn't one of his macho shows, no... That was him, showing you his probably most vulnerable side. You could feel that he was truly sorry, but... Could you forgive him? It was a difficult question, but then you remembered, how you actually lied to him. You didn't tell him who you were. You kissed Loki, without him even knowing that you were the princess. Hence, you almost slept with him. You put on a mask and more or less fooled him. So... Was it fair to be still angry at him, when he wasn't angry at you anymore? Both, you and him made mistakes.
You looked up to meet his ruby eyes, nodding. "I understand you, prince Loki. I forgive you - and I-I hope you can forgive me, too." The prince's lips twitched into a smile; visibly relieved. "I forgave you already a long time ago, Y/N." You couldn't help the blush, which spread over your cheeks; his charming smile causing your heart to skip another beat. But the look in his eyes told you, that this wasn't the only reason why he was here today.
"You, uh... You didn't just come all the way from Jotunheim to apologise, did you?" Loki chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I didn't. You are right," he said, stepping closer. Blinking, you frowned, as the prince reached for your hand and gently - almost cautiously; afraid to make a mistake - took yours into his big one, swallowing it whole. You were confused and yet you felt those butterflies within your belly again, as he touched you; never wanting him to let go, because it felt so good. So right. As if your hand belonged right there. You saw that he was quite a bit nervous - something very unusual for the usually so confident and sassy prince, you thought. You could've sworn you saw his heart beating against his bare chest, as his stunning eyes met yours once more. "Y/N, I... I just couldn't stop thinking about you the past weeks. I tried to occupy my mind; take my thoughts elsewhere, but... I couldn't. I think about you day and night. In fact, I find myself thinking about you even at the most inopportune moments of the day. I was blind at first, didn't know what was going on, but then I realised... I... I love you, Y/N. Ever since those nights we spent together at the lake. I fell in love - hopelessly, and... And for some reason I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine, and should that link be broken, either by distance or by time, then my heart would cease to beat and I would die."*
His words echoed in your head, repeating themselves over and over again. Loki is in love with you. Loki loves you. He is in love with you. Hearing this, caused your heart to almost beat out of your chest. He loves you. You never anticipated, that he would ever feel the same. That you could be more to him than just an 'adventure'. Another fling. Nothing more. But now... Now he told you that he loved you - and the feeling was mutual. You didn't want to admit to yourself and neither to Estrid, but it was true. You knew that now. You loved him, too.
"I-I really hope that my heart didn't betray me and that you are feeling the sa-" You didn't let Loki finish his sentence. Enough talking, you thought and freed your hand from his gentle grasp, wrapping both your hands around his neck. Standing on your tiptoes, you pulled him down and silenced him with a kiss. The second your lips collided with his, fireworks exploded within you. It felt so good to finally kiss him again. So right. Like home... It felt like home.
Loki sighed into the kiss, relieved. That was all he needed to know, in order to ask you the important question, which was still lingering on his mind. But first, he enjoyed the kiss; unable to resist the urge to pull you closer. So, the prince did just that, wrapping his strong arms around you. "I take that as a yes then." Loki chuckled breathlessly, after letting go of your alluring lips. "You better will." He smiled; couldn't help but to kiss you again. It was more than clear, that you loved the prince truly and wholeheartedly - and yet, there was still nervosity running through his veins, given the fact that he still had to ask you the probably most important question of both, yours and his life. "There's... There's something else, darling..." Loki started, tracing the clothed skin of your hips with his thumbs. You looked at him expectantly; waiting patiently for him to continue to speak. "A question I have to ask you..." "You may ask, my prince. Whatever it is." He took a breath, eyes never leaving yours. "I really hope this isn't too bold to ask, but... Would you like to marry me, princess Y/N?"
You blinked, couldn't quite believe the words which had just left Loki's lips. "M-Marry you?" He nodded. "I know this is quite rushed, but yes. I really wish to marry you." "I-I..." "If you need more time or don't want to marry me, it's completely fine." You shook your head. "N-No! I... I do want to marry you! It's just so... surprising. I'm a bit overwhelmed." Loki's brows furrowed in compassion. "I'm so sorry, my love, for catching you off-guard." You squeezed his shoulders, giving him a soft smile. "It's the best surprise since years. I always wished to marry out of love - not because I had to. I just hope my father agrees to this..." "He does, my princess. I already talked to him; asked for your hand in marriage." Your eyes widened. "Y-You did?" "Yes. We have his blessing - and my father's blessing." A light-hearted giggle left your lips, as you felt happiness flooding your veins. Was this really just happening? Or were you dreaming? "So, we are going to get married?" "We are, darling. I'm never letting you go again. I don't want another prince to have you. It's time for me to make you mine."
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"And that's how I met your father." You finished telling the love story of you and Loki to your eight-year-old twins, Áki and Váli. The boys were sitting on the fur, criss-crossed in front of you and the fireplace with wide eyes, hanging on your every word. Of course, you told the story more 'romantically' and left out the juicy, 'dirty' and 'dangerous' details, of course. They weren't meant for children's ears. "Wow..." Váli gasped. "So you are actually a warrior, mommy?" Asked Áki. You chuckled, running your hands through both boy's curls. "If you wish to call it that, yes." "Is that why daddy fell in love with you?" You had to suppress a giggle at your son's sweet, innocent question. "Perhaps, sweetheart, but I'm afraid you have to ask your father." "Ask me what?" You flinched as Loki's voice was suddenly echoing through your chambers. He had been away on royal duty for three days and had just come home.
"Daddy!" Both boys jumped up; excited to see their father again. "Hello, little princes." Loki smiled and squatted down, opening his arms for them to run into - what they did, of course. Your husband lifted them up easily, cradling each son in one arm. "I missed you." "I missed you, too, daddy," Váli whispered, cuddling closer to Loki.
Both boys didn't leave Loki's side from then on; clinging to him. He spent some quality time with his sons, of course, before he sent them to play outside a bit. He had missed his own flesh and blood, without a doubt - but he had also missed you.
"What was it Áki should ask me?" The king asked, wrapping both his arms around you, as you stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for the festive dinner tonight. You smiled at the mention of what you had told the twins. "Well, I was telling them our love story, because they asked me how I met you; being all curious about this and Áki was very enthralled by the fact that I was a 'warrior'. He asked me if you fell in love with me because of that... I told him to ask you." Loki chuckled. "So, you told them our fairytale-like love story?" "I did - but of course I left out certain... details." "Certain details?" "Yes... Certain details, which are not meant for children's ears." Your husband spun you quickly around in his arms; a cheeky smile spreading over his lips. He knew of course exactly what you were talking about.
"I should've devoured you back then." You looked up at Loki, giving him a playful frown. "I beg your pardon, my king?" Another low chuckle left his lips; hands dipping to skim the clothed skin of your hips. "Back at the lake. I should've ravished you. It wouldn't have been wrong, given the fact that I became your husband anyway." A loud giggle rumbled through your chest, causing Loki's heart to skip a beat. Oh how much he loved you. "Good point, my love, but we didn't know that back then. And we both know that we shouldn't have risked it. I did what was right." "I know, my sweetness, I know." "Besides, you didn't even know who I was." Your husband nodded. "That is true, but it wouldn't have mattered. Even if you had just been a maiden, working on a farm, I would've made you my princess. My wife. The mother of my children. My queen, you are the only woman I truly ever wanted. You being the princess of Asgard just played into our cards. Nothing more, nothing less." You wrapped both your arms around his neck, smiling and blushing. "I love you, my king. More than words can say."
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* Disclaimer: The last line is actually a quote from Guillermo del Toro's 'Crimson Peak' and therefore isn't my writing. It belongs to Mr. del Toro. ☺️ I just found it very fitting.
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beabeemu · 11 months
All This Time Pt.4
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt. 5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!
I was walking towards Rei’s room, going past a milliard of certificates, ribbons, and medals with her name. Even though she’s only been playing for only two years, the coaches and other instructors never failed to recognize her skill, Which I am happy about. All her hard work had paid off, all those late-night practices, she deserved everything that was coming for her. 
I knocked first then entered, she was watching an old taping of a soccer match of a team I didn’t know. She paused the video and looked over at me. She’s a really big fan of PXG along with other teams, she mostly kept tabs on Julien Loki, Michael Kaiser, and well, Rin itoshi. 
“What is it, Mom?” 
I sat down on her bed while hiding something behind my back. 
“So you remember when I told you that my boss’ son played for manshine city?” 
“Yeah!!??! Reo Mikage is so cool!! And!! They’re playing league soon too!! I’m excited to watch their match!! They're playing against PXG right?!?!?!” 
She always gets lost in her own head whenever we talk about anything related to soccer. I chuckled and just patted her head. 
“Yeah, they’re playing against PXG on Friday. So back to my boss, he decided to give everyone a week's vacation to get us a chance to watch the game, and they even planned a trip to England to watch the match in person, And I was chosen as one of the higher-ups who gets to go and I talked to my boss if I could have you with me and they said yes” 
Then I pulled out the plane tickets along with the tickets for the match, which were VIP as paid by my boss, he’s just so proud of his son you know?
She was sitting up now, so starstruck at the news I just gave her. Then she suddenly hugged me. 
“Thank you….” 
I smiled and hugged her back, after a few minutes of quiet, she suddenly got out of my arms and started jumping. 
“I can’t believe that I’m gonna watch the La Liga match!!” 
She was jumping and screaming all over her room, then she started rambling about what she was gonna wear, she even asked me if she could a PXG or a Manshine Jersey. 
Right now I’m not even worried if I was gonna be in the same place as Rin, I was just glad that she’s happy
In the end, she got a PXG shirt, My boss seemed to be unbothered by it, I think. We weren’t sitting with them though, Somehow the organizers got our tickets mixed up because instead of us watching from the VIP upper box, we were now seated at the front row, so very near the PXG players. Faith maybe? I don’t know, but Rei was really happy with the mixed up. I was wearing some jeans with a fitted turtle neck sweater with sneakers. I wore a hat that covered my red hair, and I wore sunglasses and a face mask. Good thing it was cold enough here. I am still very nervous about seeing Rin, only because I wouldn’t know what to say to him, or how I should react. 
I’ve made scenarios at night about meeting him before, but now that the possibility of meeting him was close to 100 was nerve-wracking. Meanwhile, Rei was buzzing with excitement, I mean who wouldn’t? She was gonna see her favorite football players play right in front of her.
I watched as people filled in the seats, then after a few minutes the opening ceremony started. They said some stuff, then the players started coming out, Rei was squealing happily beside me while standing on her seat, while I was holding her so she wouldn’t fall. 
The more players that were coming out the more my anxiety was getting worse. Then he came into the light, I had to remove my sunglasses so that I could see him more clearly. Seeing him in person was different from seeing him on a screen. 
He hasn’t changed much, apart from his physique, he was still the same rin I fell in and out of love with. His hair was a little longer, his face looked more mature, and his under-lashes reminded me of Rei’s. As they lined up to sing the national anthem of their respective countries I put my sunglasses back on. We stood up to pay respects, and after the ceremony, the game immediately started. 
Since we were near the bench of PXG, they were walking towards us, I kept my head low but Rei on the other hand was standing up on her seat to get a good look at the players. 
“Mama! Can you carry me for a bit?? I just wanna see the players please” 
At first, I wanted to refuse, but I can’t. So I stood up, took her in my arms and we stood near the railings. I kept my head lowered, my face still covered by my mask and my hair covered with the scarf. Meanwhile, rei’s red hair was standing out, while I looked like someone who was allergic to the sun. 
People around us started cheering and calling out the names of the players, which meant they were in front of us, Rei started calling out for Loki, Rin along with the other players. I took a peak and saw the players standing in front of us, they were waiting for the ref to give them the signal to go into the playing field. 
My heart was beating hard, he was right there in front of me. 
“Itoshi!! Loki!!!” Rei screamed their names, at first I didn’t think that they would look, but they did. Much to my luck. I met eyes with Rin. Rei was waving at them, and Loki waved back. Meanwhile, rin on the other hand was just staring at us, he looked like he was trying to remember something. I looked away, turning my head to the side not wanting to lock eyes with him anymore. Who knew a simple action would have the biggest impact on him? 
At that moment you turned your head, and his eyes were met with your red hair, his world stopped spinning. Then he looked at the kid you were holding, She had the same color of hair, but has eyes just like his, she even had the same under-lashes as his. Then everything from the last time you two met up came flooding in, He didn’t know what to think, his mind was blank as he just stared at the kid you were holding. Then he thought, ‘Is she mine? Did she get pregnant? Is that why I haven’t heard from her after all these years?’  Like a miracle, you turned your head back to him, his eyes were wide, he didn’t want to make assumptions but a part of him was hoping that it would be you. 
He didn’t have enough time to think about you two anymore because Loki tapped his shoulder saying that it was game time. He shook his head after looking at you two one last time. Then ran off to the field following his teammates, he tried his best to clear his head, but you were just plaguing his head again.
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Taglist: @kimura-uzuri, @10-jiku2, @briefparadisewonderland, @junephantom21, @noshitmyfriend, @decoraboix, @pwr3tties, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp, @vitaniangel-blog@coldteameowjesty, @ieathairs, @sirimiripetrichor
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Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
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liminalpebble · 4 days
Between the Lines, Chapter 3
Pairing: Femme reader x Loki Pre-Thor 1 AU
CW: Allusions to sexual slavery dubcon/noncon within the society. Power imbalance. Eventual smut with questionable consent. Minors DNI.
AN: This will be a multi-parter but not a particularly long one, so if I leave you hanging between chapters, I promise it won't be particularly long before it all comes together.
Chapter 3
“Please, select a book, darling. Whatever your heart desires. I want you to read to me.”
His voice is hypnotic, calculated but somehow still seductive. You begin to move towards the shelves again in the same trance-like gait, eyes glued to the rows of beautiful volumes.
“Why?” you ask turning abruptly to face him. Despite all his charm, all his spells, your inquisitive nature still manages to break them.
“I beg your pardon,” he retorts.
“Why?” you repeat, swallowing your fear to step closer. “Why all this? There are hundreds of subjects, of all genders, who spend years learning to be perfect concubines and courtesans. They dream of being called to serve a royal. It's one of the oldest professions, and in my opinion, no less noble than my own.”
“But Sire,” you say, stilling your rambling words, and regaining formality, “I'm an academic from a barely-noble house. I'm surprised that you know I exist, much less that you'd summon me to serve you this way. And now, here I am. Ordered to your bedchambers, but instead you take me to your library and tell me...to read to you?”
Loki's face turns grim and dangerous for a moment; clearly taken aback. You'd swear that this is the first genuine reaction you've gleaned from him. Then there's something else, a subtle blush to his pale cheeks. Is he...embarrassed...shy?
Whatever it is, a strange mask of artificial glee rapidly replaces it.
His voice lowers to a gravely rasp, “My my... you do have spirit after all. I was wondering when it would make an appearance.”
Loki stalks closer, his incisive glare never leaving you as he asks, “And what right does a subject have to question her prince, hmm?”
He grimaces and, lightening quick, grabs your chin firmly, forcing your eyes on him. He whispers, enunciating each perfect syllable. “You should know that I'm capable of terrible, awful things.”
“No...I have no right, Your Majesty, of course. I just couldn't help my...natural curiosity. My apologies.” You hate the fawning whine your voice takes on, the terror so evident in it.
Just as quickly, his vice-grip releases and he's....laughing. The bastard is laughing. You feel a roiling flash of acid in your stomach; anger and indignation, but right on its heels, utter helplessness.
You eyes grow wide as you begin to understand. He's not just amused, he's aroused by this game. He doesn't just want a bedfellow, he wants to play chess...and he wants an opponent worthy of the effort.
What an arrogant bellend, you thought, furiously.
His hands are on you again. This time the touch is gentle, resting on your tensed shoulders to lower them as he delicately guides you back to the bookcase.
“No matter, sweet girl. Think nothing of it. Now...choose.”
I'm not a girl. I'm well past being a girl. I'm an adult and a scholar, you patronizing son of a...
“I'm waiting,” he says in a saccharine singsong tone.
You reach towards Plath and he “tsk”s loudly, “Come on now....something more romantic and less depressing!”
You stifle a scoff and an eye roll, beginning to understand why Prince Thor finds his brother so exasperating. You do smirk for a moment when you settle on your choice, hoping it communicates your sarcasm, loud and clear.
“Pablo Neruda,” he announces as you hand him the book. “Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada...Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.”
You hate him. Hate how beautifully his accent rolls along the letters as he recites the original Spanish title. You hate how it coaxes your skin into goosebumps under the velvet touch of his clothes.
“Hmmm. Romantic, surely. I'll give you that, but what a depressing final note!”
You shrug. “Doesn't most love end in despair?”
He squints and lets out a soft breath, as if you've truly wounded him. “Ohhhhh darling, only if you've never had the pleasure of suitable lovers...which apparently, you haven't.”
“You poor...poor thing,” he adds with a mocking tease curling his lips. “We'll rectify that. I assure you.”
Several hours later, you had recited all 20 poems and the solitary song of despair, among a plethora of others. The books had formed little cairns and mesas upon the sleek marble floor and the dewy fog of the little hours hung heavy over the skylight in fading indigo.
Now you were dozing in his arms where he insisted you lay against him, your back resting against his chest, long firm limbs gathering you closely, protectively.
Loki watches as your eyes flutter shut and your words trail off into a mumbling whisper. Only then does he dare to touch you. He gently combs his agile fingers through you hair, skating over the warmth of your neck. He gazes lower, watching where the swell of your breath moves each delicious forbidden part of your body concealed by his own robe. He feels need ache within him; carnal want, yes, but more than that. He longs to be gentle, but of course, his reputation cannot be a gentle one. He longs to be close and sweet and vulnerable, but his position doesn't allow for such needs.
But he aches. Gods, does he ache for you to be even closer. He wishes he could let you, his carefully chosen equal, inside.
So he decides that this game, sadly, is as close as he can get to love, to friendship, to vulnerability; this teasing and touching from a distance, this hostile affection. He's not a monster, he tells himself, he's just so lonely.
He holds you closer, suddenly irrationally afraid that you will slip through his fingers and disappear like sand. You stir and he watches as your beautiful eyes open and your soft lips part into a waking inhale. You begin to stretch languidly but then stiffen, remembering where you are.
Loki's bright clear eyes meet yours, his expression inscrutable as he coos, “Hello. I hope you slept well, however, I don't recall telling you to stop reading.”
You scramble to gather your groggy senses, “Si...Sire. I apologize, it was just terribly late and...”
“No excuses. Continue,” he growls.
Then you feel it, the firm length of his cock behind you, prominent even beneath layers of clothes. You blush but choose to ignore it, uncertain if he wants you to mention it or not. You just continue to recite.
He receives a dose of your sweet scent where he's nuzzled into the curve of your shoulder blade, heady as a drug to him. He notices your hand, trembling where it holds the pages open and he strokes over your knuckles gently.
Mid-sentence you feel a cool, slow, peck to your hot cheek...a kiss that moves lower and lower as your voice goes higher and higher. By the time he opens his mouth to lathe his tongue over the juncture of you neck and shoulder, you're barely able to sigh out any syllables. When he finally bites down, your eyes close. You go silent, paralyzed, like prey.
His long tongue and sharp teeth hold you like a snake bite as the venom of his lust warms you from the inside out, every last branching vein and artery beholden to his will.
You body betrays your strong stubborn mind, but Loki experiences a similar mutiny. His need is spreading to you, through you, until all the clever words stop, your and his, and there is only touch.
@lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @peaches1958 @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @muddyorbs @mischief2sarawr @icytrickster17 @goblingirlsarah @sweetsigyn @unlucky-number-13 @mochie85 @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @ladyofthestayingpower @mischiefmaker615 @loopsisloops @sailorholly @coldnique @smolvenger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @gigglingtiggerv2 @anukulee @azula-karai-27 @eleniblue @marcotheflychair @litaloni @gruftiela
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woundlingus · 3 months
do you think gabriel had always acted like he did as when he was first introduced in the show: a prankster, raunchy and goofy, even as an angel? or do you think that was a product of his being on earth for so long, adopting a trickster's mask and got so used to the gimmicks of it he became that way naturally; or the excuse to be as such brought out his personality that he had only been able to show in glimpses back in heaven? or was he more like the Archangel of Judgement biblically described, the angel who burned up Asmodeus and stalked Loki and his sons to take them out one by one because they wronged him?
Definitely post leaving heaven, everything about the way Gabriel talks in regards to home is so bitter it’s festering within him. Everything that is wrong with Gabriel boils down to the same traumatic point over and over again and that is that he literally felt he had no choice left but to flee. He loved his brothers, he loved his home. He’s an angel of incredibly high standing, I don’t imagine the chauvinistic behaviour we see from him came naturally at all to begin with. The killing bad people and the sadism? Sure, definitely could’ve been a continuation from his time as an angel. But goofy prankster? Less so, especially with the little snippet we get from Lucifer who says Gabriel got a lot of these little tricks of his from him, and so I imagine that to mean something a little more malicious than pure in intention. I like to think this tricks and bonding this between Gabriel and Lucifer was more an attempt at corruption and control, because if Lucifer could turn just one archangel then that would have been it really. Game over.
Gabriel is angry, he’s self righteous, and under all of that at his very core and buried under a mountain of masks and snippy remarks there is love and there is naïveté which I love to keep saying but I really see it there. He’s the angel of music, and his trumpet is a war cry. I feel like that sums him up in a way where words fail me. He’s a lot of things all at once and I think all of them are genuine but on a sliding scale with that softness that has him go “Dean…” and look at him so sad when he’s yelled at to heartlessly stab Lucifer all the way at one end as most genuine and chauvinistic bastard all the way at the other end- still genuine, but not as true to who he actually is as a person.
There’s that sweet little saying that the crease in our lip is there because Gabriel comes to gently shush each baby after it’s born, and another that says he carefully picks out every soul for every baby to make sure it’s just right. He’s loves his brothers so much he would rather deprive himself of everything he is and deny himself his love, his home, his culture, his language- everything. He would rather leave all of that than dare to pick a side between Michael and Lucifer because it’s all too much he he loved them too much to watch them fight anymore. He’s a warrior yes, but he’s assigned to some of the most tender of human moments, he’s who they send when they want word to be passed between celestials and mortals, it’s his call that will warn humanity that their time is coming.
I personally believe that it was hard to become the trickster, it was an affront to nature and akin to peeling off finger nails. I believe having a support group like he found with the Norse pagans was helpful, it would’ve soothed a lot of nerves to find comfort in a place so previously thought sinful and obscene and that would pave the way to true freedom and disconnect from heaven to explore other aspects of his personality because these pagans really aren’t all that bad and shockingly that was all a lot of bullshit propaganda and he’d been toting the long so long he forgot that wasn’t true.
I think some days Gabriel hates himself. I think some days he looks in the mirror and drowns under the weight of his self inflicted depersonalisation. I think if given a real chance Gabriel would go home in a heartbeat and he would thrive having actually explored every facet of human existence and can preach from a place of genuine understanding. I crave prince of the heavenly host Gabriel like he’s air, i think he would be magnificent at it and he would find it rewarding in a way being the trickster never was.
His tricks are hollow, and he drops the whole charade like tiktok and a micro trend post unfinished business and I don’t chalk it all up to depression because to me his season 5 appearance has this looming emptiness where it feels like he’s going about his day to day like this is normal and he likes this but his mind is elsewhere with heaven.
I think you can walk like a duck and talk like a duck, and find meaningful connections and relationships in joining your local duck enthusiast community and find real joy in understanding their cork screw penises and how they fuck so so so weird and nasty, and it still does not make you a duck.
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dalekofchaos · 5 months
I think if I had any issues with GOW:Ragnarok is 5 things.
No mention that Thor killed his mother. In GOW 2018, Mimir tells the tale of Fjörgyn, Thor's mother and one of Odin's great loves. It is implied that Thor killed her. It would give depth to why Odin is abusive towards Thor, his hatred of Atreus, self-loathing(aside from failing his sons) and explain why Faye went nuclear against Thor. Also? This would give context to why Thor is the way he is.
Odin doesn't use Kratos actions of murdering his family in turning Atreus against Kratos. I'm sure Kratos tells Atreus off screen, but does he? You'd think he would've told Atreus in the last game's ending or somewhere in Ragnarok. As far as we know all he told Atreus is killing Zeus and "I've killed many who were deserving and many who were not" implied, but never said. Kratos telling Freya was an important moment for them to understand each other. I don't think Kratos told him and considering how much of an abusive manipulative gaslighting prick that Odin is, it just felt like a missed opportunity not to have Odin use that to turn Atreus against his father and also a missed opportunity to have Kratos struggle to tell Atreus from his perspective on what he did.
Atreus darker personality never returned. I had this theory that Atreus "We're gods, we can do anything we want" phase would return as his Loki personality. Atreus quest to prevent Kratos' death would lead him down a dark path and lead his Loki personality to return. He would play both sides only to let Asgard burn in Ragnarok. There would be a boss battle between Atreus and his Loki side and Atreus personality would win and remain dominant. What we got was great, but I feel like Atreus' darker personality returning was a missed opportunity.
Kratos and Thor's final fight seemed tame. When I envisioned Kratos and Thor's final battle. I imagined this bombastic battle that would realm shift throughout the Nine Realms and would be the climax of Ragnarok. What we got was great. but I strongly feel like their final fight was underwhelming and it could've been more. I get the game was trying to show Thor is more than what the lore of the Norse saga and Ragnarok as a whole is showing us, but Kratos and Thor's final fight SHOULD HAVE been more.
Killing off Thor and Odin too soon. To me it's unsatisfying that Odin and Thor are killed off so soon. Thor has this great character arc and Odin was built up as this master manipulator and schemer and they die in the second game in this trilogy. Imagine how unsatisfying it would be if Luke Skywalker killed Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back and the Rebels killed the Emperor in the second act of the trilogy. Yeah that would've been so disappointing, wouldn't it? The story they told was great and I trust SMS. But it still feels like to me that they should have done a sort of cliffhanger ending. After Brok is killed, Kratos follows Odin, Thor and Odin kills Kratos. Kratos is sent into the realm into the tear, basically the realm where the dead gods go who cannot come back. He'd see Magni and Modi and Baulder and finally Faye and Faye sends Kratos back. Then it ends with Kratos pledging to lead Ragnarok and burn Asgard. For more in depth to this idea, watch the video down below. Point is I strongly feel like it was a mistake to kill off Odin and Thor in the second act of the Norse trilogy.
Bonus 1:Atreus not even looking into the tear with the mask was just bad. All they had to do was Atreus sees into the void, one minute later he takes the mask off, breaks it and tosses it into the void
Bonus 2. Odin's design. Thor's design is perfect, but part of me feels like he should have had armor
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Compared to the stories Mimir told, I imagined Odin looking something like this down below. The story for Odin is great, but imo the final fight should have been more. Like, King of the Aesir should have been more. The contrast between him and Zeus is he is the master manipulator, but Odin in Norse Mythology is the strongest of the gods and this game didn't show it. He had powerful magic to display but it didn't feel like this grand final boss of the Norse saga, like Thor it could have been more.
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Bonus 3. The Ragnarok itself is disappointing. Ragnarok was so built up to, but it honestly felt like the mission to actually get Surtr on-side was longer than the mission for Ragnarok. We saw nothing of the actual battle, Fenrir wasn’t there, and we didn’t even see the Army of the Dead! We could've gotten the Elves, army of the dead, the Dwarves lead by Sindri & Durlin, Vanir and even an army of Vikings/Raiders to represent Midgard. But we didn't. Plus in myth, Ragnarok was largely a battle between the Gods and the Jotnar - and yet the latter weren’t even present. I was fully expecting after heading to Muspel that Atreus would tell Kratos about the secret giants with Angrboda; that would have been an element of surprise that Odin didn’t know about! I’d been hoping to fight Thor on the back of Jormungandr or something, and for Fenrir to be involved in fighting Odin. So yeah. The Ragnarok in the game called God Of War:Ragnarok is disappointing.
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superectojazzmage · 6 months
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Of everything that happens in the new issue of Immortal Thor, this scene stands out the most to me as something I feel will be one of the most important scenes of both the issue and the run as a whole.
In the very beginning of gods, of Earth, of humanity, of stories, among the very first incarnations of the archetypes that Thor and Loki embody - the mighty warrior and the devious trickster - see each other and immediately get into a fight out of sheer revulsion of everything their twin stands for.
Good vs evil. Light vs dark. Order vs chaos. Brawn vs brain. Control vs freedom. Life vs death. Fate vs choice. Peace vs war. Mundanity vs magic. Law vs crime. Creation vs destruction. Love vs hate. And many more. Clashing opposites, battling for supremacy. A cycle of violence and debate passed down the generations, from father to son, mentor to student, predecessor to successor, and so on. Brother waging battle against brother just to prove a point, to fulfill their role in the story. An ideological blood feud applied to archetypes and titles and narratives. Trickling all the way down into it's present expression... Thor and Loki.
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Already it's clear that cycles of this sort are going to be a very large theme of Immortal Thor. The concept of recurrences and stories being retold over the years have been talked about a lot by the narrator. The comic goes to great lengths to draw attention to how Thor and his cast and, by extension, their own world in the form of comics are falling into patterns that transcend through time. And I feel that's going to be the crux of a great deal of the plot.
Loki hates the cycle. In their roles as both the goddess of stories and the god of mischief, they abhor stagnation and repetition. They want to be free of the roles "assigned" by the narrative. They want to be free of the debate, the never-ending battle of good and evil that ha destroyed their family time and again. Thor would want to be free of it too, if he realized he were part of it. But he struggles to do so. He's a rock in the sea of time. A god among mortals, a child of two worlds watching in confusion and grief as his human friends age and change and die around him while his divine brothers and sisters continue to stay the same. In this, they are trying to do what Gaea wanted to do but couldn't; to break the cycle.
Toranos and Utgard-Loki don't want to break the cycle. They ARE the cycle. Embodiments of the sins of the forefathers carrying down to their children. Representations of the archetypes of Thors and Lokis at their absolute worst, shorn of all true depth and compassion and true belief in their aspects in favor of continuing the godforsaken argument. Shades of the old festering in the blood of the young, infesting them with their baggage, holding them back from growing better, and lashing out at them when the new generations fail to meet the standards of the elders. And they may not even realize they're doing so.
This isn't the first time this theme has come up in Al Ewing's work.
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Immortal Hulk presents the conflict between the Hulk and his archenemy, the Leader, as a similar generational feud. Both in a literal familial sense (the Banner and Sterns families being divided and warring after Robert and Samuel Sterns turn on each other) and a larger ideological sense (people using the power of gamma for good or ill, going all the way to the first Hulk being born from a leader's selfish desire to misuse magic as a tool of conquest). Sometimes the thoughtful man is the hero, sometimes the brute is. But they always fight. Senselessly and pointlessly. And the Green Door and the horror it brings was only stopped... by breaking the cycle. By defying it. By Hulk choosing to never sink to Leader's level, or those of his predecessors, and instead choose to forgive.
And Ewing makes clear cycles and wars spanning centuries like this are common in the Marvel Universe. The Eternity Mask is passed down generations of men and women, always fighting for freedom against those who would deny it. Nick Fury passes his name and identity and role onto his son. There's always an Ant Man, inheriting their predecessor's problems, and there's always an Ultron, trying to claim dominion. Arakko and Krakoa alike are divided between those who hold to the old ways and those who seek new ways. Ebony and Ivory Kings do their work, from within and without. On and on, the wheels turn.
It even goes back to the very beginning. To prior multiverses. All tracing back to the first super battle, the first superhero and first supervillain - Lifebringer-One and Anti-All, the cosmic knight and the entropic dragon - fighting for the fate of the nascent world.
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Effectively, Ewing views and represents the narratives of superhero comics as we know them, as a sort of repeating song. The metatextual commentary is that all this has happened before and will happen again, because humanity will always dream of heroes battling monsters. There will always be a knight and a dragon. A warrior and a trickster. A superhero and a supervillain.
But he also acknowledges how this can go too far. How comics can fall into stagnating loops of repeating stories and stall status quos. Spider-Men being denied their stories because editors want to live in nostalgia instead of the now. X-Men getting their progress towards coexistence undone because writers can't handle change.
And this is all what Immortal Thor is about and will be about. The struggle for balance between opposites and extremes. Cyclical narratives and worlds. Ideas and stories being inherited and passed on. And all of it a commentary on comic books themselves and their history and role in culture.
It's brilliant stuff.
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brainpal-gachapon · 9 days
Hi can i get a (small) system of brain made alters? no ramcoa programs please! tysm !!
Under cut since it's pretty long lol.
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Meet Glen! The subsystem's host!
Name(s): Glen, Wilfred, Roxxie, Gwen, Glass, Gayna
Prns: mirror pronouns
Gender(s): pangender
Species: human/aligator hybrid
TransID(s): transwheelchairuser, transpunk, permaneonhair, translesbian, transsinger, transrockstar, nullcaneuser, transcharacter (Monty from FNAF, or your choice if you would prefer someone else!), permasunglasses, transscene, perma2020's
Age: identifies with the main body's chronoage and ages with it
Role(s) (if you want them): host, conference holder
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Meet Mico! The god that's just trying its best to be an actual god.
Name(s): Mico, Milo, Zombie, Will, Billie, Melod, Stare, Name
Prns: it/its, god/gods, watch/watches, see/sees, eye/eyes, all/alls, pan/pans, sky/skys, star/stars, above/above, fly/flys, better/betters
Gender(s): godagender
Species: chrono biblically accurate angel, transgod
TransID(s): transageless, transgod, transhpd (cis and trans), pantrans, transpanpara, transfultleader, transfamous, transworshipped, transfloatingeyes
Age: transageless, chrono53, godage
Role(s) (if you want them): persecutor + cohost + npd and hpd holder (all of the Subsystem (and/or main system) experiences it)
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Meet Maxx! The "just a normal guy" sysmate. Literally he's that. His job is to help mask around folx that aren't accepting of the others (and main system's) identities.
Name(s): Max(x), Jack(son), John, Josh, Tom, Bobby
Prns: he/him
Gender(s): guy
Species: human
TransID(s): transnormal
Age: 23
Role(s) (if you want them): primary protector, masker
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Meet Casper! The subsystem's trauma holder plus protector if Maxx can't handle something.
Name(s): Casper, Spook, Gasp, Ghost, Horror
Prns: it/its, that/thats, gho/ghost, void/voids
Gender(s): gendernull
Species: ghost + shapeshifter (but can only turn into objects)
TransID(s): polycorpus, transweightless, permabruised, transnightcore, chronicpainbloodic, transchronicwastingdisease, transcolorblind, transaddict, transballjointdoll, permahalloween, transwicca
Age: ghostage + agenull
Role(s) (if you want them): trauma holder, protector, emergency fronter
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Meet Cringe!
Name(s): Cringe, Elliot, Maggot, Blood, Moss, Bones, Arson, Alex, Loki
Prns: any
Gender(s): genderfluid, transtrender (reclaimed)
Species: speciesfuck
TransID(s): transintersex, trans🗺, transidol, transadhd, transautism, permabunnyhat, trans2000, transscene, permaroleplay, transnice, permamakeup, transpower
Age: permateen, teenfluid
Role(s) (if you want them): fixholder, gayxenorole, heartbeat
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ccherlush · 3 months
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Let’s start with the center. Akechi Goro is our ace detective/black mask. The ALIVE???? Above his head is to represent my insanity and act like a detective in a movie. He is the star of this theory. That’s abou all I will say about him as of right now. I am going to truly begin with the photo in the bottom right corner. In this photo you can see a screenshot from within the game. This is the point ingame that Akechi reveals his “true form” as the black mask. I put true in quotations because, like joker, he can also hold multiple personas at once. This is only the second person in game to be shown to be able to do that. Whether or not he can hold as many as joker is simply unknown. I also put true in quotation marks because both Robin Hood (prince side) and Loki (black masks) were formed within him. This means they both represent his true self in a sense. You must battle with him twice(?) I believe in the game before he is defeated. Your first fight with him is against Robin Hood, once you defeat that he has a monologue. This monologue is quite funny and the start of it is shown right below akechi. TEAMMATES????? FRIENDS???? TO HELL WITH THAT. WHY AM I INFERIOR TO YOU?? I would type out the whole thing, but I don’t have time for that. (every single website with it is also blocked on the school computer sighhhhh) In this whole spiel he goes on to talk about how he worked so hard to maintain his perfect image. He talks about how he was an ace detective, a celebrity, and how did you, a criminal living in an attic, defeat him. As you continue to try and calm him down, he starts going crazier. In the midst of it all he explains that Shido is his father, and that he was working with him. (Shido does not know that Akechi is his son.) He goes on to say he wanted to be the one to defeat him, and he was not about to let you take that away from him. As he gets crazier and crazier (I <3 my crazy gf) he soon reveals Loki and the black mask. Triggering mental shutdowns is a capability that only black mask can do. He triggers a mental shutdown within himself and then you get launched into battle with him again. After you defeat him again you begin speaking with him. During this speech it seems he has a slight change of heart and he wants to join you but his shadow counterpart interrupts this conversation (as see in bottom right photo).
In palaces there are sometimes shadow versions of people. These shadow versions are not the actual people, just how the palace ruler sees them. This shadow version of Akechi is like Shido’s lapdog. He calls real Akechi pathetic and worthless for not being able to complete his mission in killing the Phantom Thieves. He proceeds to threaten Akechi, so Akechi shoots a button in the room you are in with him and it causes a wall to come up between the two of you. Behind this wall you can hear two gunshots go off. After those gunshots Futaba (the navigator of the Phantom Thieves) claims to see no singles on the other side of this wall. This would hypothetically mean that both the shadow and Akechi are dead. HOWEVER I DO NOT THINK THIS IS THE CASE IN ONE SPECIFIC UNIVERSE WITHIN THE GAME.
In all the previous persona games there have been errors with navigation in the game. (Error that are canon within the game, Not mistakes with the creators.) In Persona 5 Royal this could be the navigation error. If we look at the photo in the top left, you can see MAruki. Maruki comes into the story soon after you defeat Kamoshida, the first palace in the game, he is a therapist and will be working as a school counselor to help students cope with the abuse that they endured with him. (Assuming you’ve played the game I am not going to explain further). He is one of the confidants you can up your friendship with within the game. You do that by hanging out with him after school for counseling. If you reach the max level with him before he leaves the school you will unlock the 3rd semester and a new palace. You unlock this palace after you defeat the god, Yaldabaoth. Typically this is the end of the game. You defeat the evil, mementoes disappears, and society is mostly reformed, but not in this timeline. In this specific timeline Maruki finds the remains of the dead god and absorbs its power. With this power he “reforms” society to his ideals. He makes the world perfect for everyone and grants their greatest wish. In this scenarios Sumire becomes her dead sister Kasumi, Ryuji is still on the track team, Shiho is perfectly okay, and Futaba’s mother is alive. There are more examples, but that’s all I’m going to say right now. I’m going to rewind a bit again.
Back to right after you defeat Yaldabaoth. It should be Christmas Eve when you defeat it. No later than that. And on Christmas eve it starts snowing, you adire the snow in towns square in Tokyo, but then Sae approaches you. (Sae is a detective much like Akechi. She was building a case against the Phantom Thieves, but at this point in the game she is on your side.) When she approaches you she requests that you admit that you are the leader of the Phantom Thieves. Doing this would incriminate you and send you to prison but asks that you trust her. In the timeline where you do not max out your friendship with Maruki, you will be sent to jail and used to help in trial to incriminate Shido. In this timeline I presume Akechi is dead because he is MIA the entire time. So he is either fleeing and taking on a new identity (which is something I really don’t see him doing) or he is dead. HOWEVER, if you DO max out your friendship with Maruki, right before you accept Sae’s offer Akechi comes out and say he will take your place for that.
I say this is the strongest evidence for his survival in Shido’s palace because this is before Maruki fully absorbs or even absorbs the power of Yaldabaoth at all. This means that Akechi was physically there on his own. MAruki’s weird perfect world powers don’t kick in till at night on New Years Eve. This is known because you have a dream the night before, a very vivid one. It takes you through the school and to Maruki’s office. When you wake up the next morning, you go into the cafe part of LeBlanc. You woke up without Morgana, but you ignore it. When you get downstairs Futaba and HER MOTHER????? Are here. That’s when you first realize something is wrong. (that was all kinda off topic). My point of this is that none of Maruki’s freaky shit triggers until New Year’s day.
Now to disprove anything that may prove me wrong. (I physically can’t be wrong. I’m always right) The first thing that may make my theory seem untrue is the Confidant cards. In Akechi’s, after the altercation in Shido’s palace, it says, “He sacrificed his own life in order to save you…in the end your wishes become one.” In this we can INFER he is dead. HOWEVER THIS CAN”T PROVE ME WRONG. These descriptions are based on what YOU think of the person. What Joker himself knows. This means some information may be inaccurate. It would be accurate for the point of time in the game, but can change in the future. At that point in the game Joker THINKS Akechi is dead. Therefore this can’t prove me wrong. The other thing that may prove that I am wrong is the fact Akechi disappears after MAruki’s palace with all the other delusions. If you think i’m wrong L + ratio
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: medieval rituals/topics - a.k.a mentions of virginity/loss of vitginity (again, no smut!), warrior things, daggers, blood, injury, wounds?, drama, angst?, Loki being a bit of an ass here...
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: I love this chapter - but I'm also very insecure about it, honestly. Hope y'all like it... It's the last one before the grand finale!
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th ���
Tagging: (y'all in the comments again, 'cause this seems to work at least...😅)
Ice Flower Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Three / Chapter Five
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Chapter Four
A week passed. A week, in which you were haunted by different feelings and emotions. The events of that one evening not leaving your head. You could still feel his cool lips on yours and his sinful touch on your body. Hence, he had almost took your innocence! And you just didn't know how to feel about it. You didn't return to the lake either. Not once in this week. You couldn't bear to look him in the eyes. What were you supposed to say to him anyway? He was sure expecting an explanation. You felt ashamed and embarrassed. You should've never engaged with him in the first place. You should've left.
On the other hand, you missed him. His voice, his presence, the conversations you and him indulged in. You missed his touch and his lips - and that was what frightened you. You didn't understand it. Sure, you saw him every day, but it wasn't the same. Here you weren't the mysterious woman he met. Here you were Váli Ákison - a warrior. You were good at drawing the line between those two 'identities', but with the days passing, you felt how the lines became more and more blurred. You fought so hard to not mix things up, but you didn't know how long you were able to keep fighting. Every time you looked at the handsome prince, you got more and more lost; lacking concentration. It was only a matter of time before you were going to break. Unfortunately for you, the mask you had put up fell sooner than you anticipated. The cover you maintained for weeks now blew up - and your life threatened to crumble into shards. One inattentive moment was all it took...
It was the day in training, where Loki showed you all how to throw daggers. He was an absolute master in fighting with daggers. It was absolutely fascinating to watch him wield the sharp weapons, before throwing them at the human sized targets. The prince had you all split up in groups with a maximum of ten men. Your group was the last of the day. He showed everybody exactly what to do, since it wasn't exactly harmless to throw around daggers. After that, every man had a chance to practice - including you. Ten human sized targets stood in a perfect line; one for each to train. The problem? You just weren't able to pool all your focus and direct it on the task ahead. Loki was way too distracting. The way he instructed the others. How his biceps bulged, whenever he threw a dagger. How the muscles of his defined torso flexed with every move. Or was it how his cerulean skin reflected the sun light? You didn't know. Fact was, it was distracting you immensely. Today more than ever.
"Ákison, focus!" His deep voice suddenly so close to you ripped you out of your trance and caused you to throw the dagger nowhere near the centre of the target. If you had hit an enemy, you would've pierced his little toe with luck - nothing more. "Pathetic throw, soldier." Loki appeared in your field of view; arms crossed. "Have you learned nothing?" He asked, taking the dagger from your hands, "You're holding it wrong." and instructed you - once again - how to do it the right way, before he handed you the dagger back. "Banish whatever unimportant thing it is you got on your mind and focus." "Yes, Sir." You answered, giving him a short nod.
You tried to concentrate so hard, but it was no use. Your wandering mind just couldn't shut up - much to Loki's annoyance. Before you could make another attempt to throw a dagger, her took the weapon from you. "It's useless. Go and retrieve the thrown daggers, Ákison. Perhaps you're better at this." Great. Now you were degraded to being the ball boy. A frustrated groan left your lips, as you slumped towards the targets, in order to retrieve the daggers. You handed them over, before Loki send you with a nod back again. Defeated, you waited behind the safety of the wooden bodies of his command. It wasn't good, though. Having nothing to do for a few minutes was an even bigger invitation for your brain to think - which was fatal in the end. Because of your incompetence of staying concentrated, you didn't hear Loki's command to stay hidden. Working on autopilot, you heard that no daggers hit the wood and therefore you emerged from behind the targets to retrieve the weapons. Unfortunately, in the exact moment where Loki demonstrated the throw on the turn. He didn't see you. The others did, but before they could even react, it was already too late and the life-threatening weapon on its way.
You were still in thoughts and once you realised the dangerous situation you were in, it was - as well - too late. No chance of escaping. And so, it came how it had to come. The dagger hit you, bore itself through the flesh of your shoulder. With a painful hiss and groan your body slumped down and hit the grass with a thud. Loki recognised of course immediately what had happened and while the other men stood like frozen to the ground with their eyes directed on you, the prince was quickly at your side. "Oh for Norns sake, Ákison?!" He was hovering above you, while you looked up at him deliriously. "Can you hear me?!" You could, but his voice was far away and you weren't able to answer. The pain was taking over. "Don't just stand there!" Loki yelled at the other nine soldiers. "Get a healer!" Like headless chicken, the men ran around, searching for one of the healers. Now you were alone with Loki, smiling up at him deliriously. Due to the rapid and sudden blood loss, you could even think less straight. "L-Loki, I..." You started; felt the world getting dark around you, causing your manly voice to slip. "I didn't want to... to admit it, but... But I miss you." The last thing you saw, was the frown on Loki's handsome face.
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Walking impatiently up and down beside the big tent, in which the healers currently patched you up, Loki's mind was racing. What were you talking about? Sure, your head was not in the right mind, but for the first time in all those weeks had the prince the feeling that you were being honest. He had always thought that there was something strange about you; about this meek wannabe soldier. Now, after what just had happened and what his ears had witnessed, the prince had a very bad feeling about this. He had an assumption - which he hoped by the holy roots of Yggdrasil that it wasn't the truth.
"Your highness?" One of the healers exited the tent, wiping his slightly bloody hands on a rug. Loki turned to face him, looking at the man expectantly. He could feel his heart hammering wildly against his chest. The healer gave him a nod, before he looked around, as if to check if nobody was in earshot. "We need to talk."
Loki swallowed; leading the man inside his tent. "The wound is patched up. It needs time to heal now." The Jotun nodded, knowing exactly that this wasn't the reason why they were talking in private now. "This isn't what you wanted to tell me, is it?" The man shook his head, swallowing. "In... In order to help, we needed to remove the armour and... We found out that your soldier is not a man, but a woman." The prince's jaw clenched. He knew it. But it got even worse. "And not just a woman, your highness... It is princess Y/N, daughter of Odin." Loki's heart almost stopped in that moment; all his facial features derailing. Princess Y/N?! "I beg your pardon, what? The princess?" The healer nodded, clinging to the rug in his hands. "Are you certain about this?" "Yes, your highness. Shall I send a guard to inform the king?" Loki shook his head. "No. I am going to inform the Allfather myself. But first, I'll have a talk with the princess. Until then... Not a word. To nobody." The healer took a bow. "Yes, prince Loki." "Leave now." The elder man took another bow, before he exited the tent. The moment the flap flew shut, everything came crashing down on the young prince. Realisation hit him with the force of his father's untamed wrath on a bad day. His brain had connected the dots. It was you. The mysterious woman at the lake. It had been you. All the time - and he was too blind to see it. By the Norns, he cursed. He had kissed you; touched your sacred body and almost took your innocence. He could've been executed for this!
A frustrated scream left Loki's lips, as he braced himself against the beautifully crafted table. Within seconds, everything was suddenly so complicated. The prince scoffed and left his tent on quick food; marching straight to the tent you were in. It was time to talk.
The first thing you noticed was soft rustling, followed by the sounds of birds, singing their songs. Was this heaven? Were you dead? For a short moment, you truly believed that - until you blinked your eyes slowly open. Your gaze was met with a moving ceiling? Frowning, you blinked again, before your brain managed to catch up. The training. Loki. The dagger which hit you instead of the target. You swallowed. A tent. You must be in a tent. "Welcome back." The sudden sound of Loki's voice cutting through the air almost gave you a heart attack. You couldn't remember what your last words were you said to Loki, so you slipped straight back into your role - like a habit. You sat up a bit with a wince, not even noticing, that your whole cover was gone, including the armour.
"You really scared me there, Sir." Loki, who stood in the corner of the tent rolled his eyes with a scoff and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You can stop putting on your little show. Your cover is non-existent anymore, princess." The words stung in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Only now did you realise, that you weren't wearing your armour, but a loose tunic. Your hair was loose, barely reaching your shoulders. He was right. Your cover was non-existent anymore. With widened eyes, you met Loki's cold, hard gaze. He knew. He knew everything. "L-Loki, I-I-" "What in all the nine realms were you thinking, princess? Signing yourself up to this?! You don't belong here! This isn't a place for a woman!" He literally spat. The smug, gentle prince you had come to know was suddenly gone, replaced by a cold-hearted, harsh man. "I do belong here! I'm just as good as the other men, aren't I?! You said it yourself! I just wanted to-" Loki cut you off again, making a few threatening steps closer. "I don't care what your intentions were! Fact is, you shouldn't be here! I don't get to decide what happens now. All I know is, that I have to inform the king about this - and by Yggdrasil, I will." That send a wave of fear through your system. You knew Odin's wrath. You knew how angry and cruel your father could get. "N-No, please, Loki, no! I-I'm sorry, I swear, I am! I'll do anything you say! Just please... Please don't tell my father what I did! I beg of you!" He swallowed. You could literally see how the gears in his head turned. "Please..." You added, whimpering, looking at him with pleading eyes.
Unbeknownst to you, Loki couldn't stand this. Why? He asked himself. You should be angry at her, not pitying her! But somehow, something deep inside him extinguished that anger, just like water fire. Yet, he couldn't point out what it was.
The sad, broken look in your eyes almost broke him, so he averted his gaze. "I can't," Loki spoke through gritted teeth. "I can't. I have to tell him. There's no other choice." You frantically shook your head. "There's... There's always a choice!" "Not this time. If I do not inform him about this, it could be avenged as treason - and we both know what this means." He was staring into your eyes; ruby orbs literally piercing your soul, before he turned on his heels, ready to leave the tent, when your voice called out to him one last, desperate time.
"What about what happened at the lake?" You said, voice barely above a whisper. "Did that mean absolutely nothing to you?" Loki stopped dead in his tracks, before he slowly turned to face you once again. "A mistake. That is what it was. Nothing more." The words left his lips so effortlessly; hurting you deeper than you anticipated. It was like he had just rammed a knife straight through your heart, causing you to bleed to death. A strangled sob left your throat as the flap of the tent zipped shut behind him; tears starting to run down your face and dripping on the soft blanket which was covering you.
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Corrupted!Atreus/Atreus Odinson au MasterPost
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Art by my favourite friend of all time @p-lomm (because i unfortunately have horrendous spine-shaking artblock)
> Odin, through methods you can feel free to make up yourself, becomes aware that Loki is destined to kill him come Ragnarök. He wants to kill the boy outright of course, maybe even risk doing so as Týr, but learns about Atreus' faculty for dead languages and decides to put it off for now to prioritize his goal regarding the rift.
> Just as he did in the game, Atreus goes to Asgard. Once there, Odin plays it up as the nice replacement dad to try and warm the boy up to him but it's clearly got minimal success. Atreus is friendly and insisting that he trusts him, but he's not the best liar. He's also slightly withholding/stalling help on the Mask due to that distrust. Odin panics, even though the boy is helping him, because if Atreus asks to go home he'll lose the control he now has over him. But if he forces Atreus to stay, all of that effort to build rapport will be wasted. He needs to make a course of action, and fast.
> Freya during their marriage taught him some level of conscious-affecting magic, and he learned more by observing her and the studying he did into Baldur's spell. He's done mind manipulation magic on others on a much lower scale than this, but he knows the process on how to intensify the effects. He wants to force loyalty onto Atreus so that the boy won't hesitate to help and won't betray him when Ragnarök comes. Creating an entirely new lifetime of memories is much more difficult than tinkering with what's already there, so he takes the neural pathway Atreus has to Kratos and basically slams his face over Kratos'. He keeps things vague, but essentially has Atreus believing Odin is his father, thus making Baldur his brother, and still retaining the fuzzy memory of Kratos snapping Baldur's neck.
> Successfully making Atreus loyal to him and antagonistic toward Kratos, Atreus faces a slight personality shift. He's still slightly awkward, clumsy and unintentionally rude, but after fully comitting to the Loki identity he's also snootier and more holier-than-thou, believing himself special because Odin grants him more attention than his brothers. He essentially reverts to his brief corruption arc in GoW4.
> Heimdall and Thor are obviously not pleased, but are forbidden from intefering with the spell or hurting Loki. Loki takes their clear dislike of him as brothers being jealous of the youngest having clear favouritism and is overjoyed at the idea of being envied. He gives them as much shit as they give him. Heimdall, who genuinely is jealous and doesn't understand why the allfather would manufacture a new son when he constantly vies for his affection and attention, tries to subtly sabotage the spell by planting ideas in Loki's head of his old life. This mixes Loki up and upsets him, and he sometimes struggles with what's real.
> Loki is banned from interacting with Thrúd, Skjöldr, or any other children his age. Nearly all of his free time is spent dedicated to training, studying or working on the mask, which he does ardently pursue to make his 'father' happy but which is waylayed by his grip on his powers being more tenuous now he's forgotten or muddled up a lot of the past learning process. He likes to carry the mask around with him, typically on his waist, to show it off as a proof of how much trust is placed in him, the way Heimdall does with Gjallarhorn.
> The faulty perception of himself, as it did in GoW4, makes Atreus sick. His mind is in conflict with itself on who he is, repressed memories fighting the implanted ones. He has frequent nightmares and dizzy spells, especially when someone (usually Heimdall) presses on the subject more. Some days he spends bedbound by it.
> More to be added when I remember it. To be frank, most of this was conceptualized in my head and not externalized into text before this point, so it's still a little muddled. But here's the baseline!
Might add (or possibly remove) friend art if she wakes up and gives me explicit permission. 🗿 Time zones. Love you Plom.
Extra info of note-
Appearance = Loki is of course typically in his Asgardian armour get-up, but he can occasionally be found in more of a tunic-type attire (like Heimdall or Skjöldir) when he's just chillin'. He keeps the mask either in his hands (when actively working with it) or on his belt (when just strolling around, like a show-off.) When he eventually collects the second piece, he can sometimes be found actually wearing it. He has green eyes, not blue, as is seen in the Asgard scenes, and he lets his hair grow out ever so slightly in his time there instead of habitually cutting it close as he did prior to resemble Kratos (hc).
Personality = As expressed before, he's a far sight brattier than in canon, and we both know that's saying a lot. He actually does somewhat like Thor, especially since he misattributes both of his children's deaths to Kratos and not Modi's to himself, thus being more sympathetic on that front. He's a lot more jaded about violence just as he was during his original corruption in GoW4, seeing death in a very callous way and being brutal in sparring matches. Alongside disliking the Kratos of memory, he also hates Freya for perceiving her role in his 'brother's' death, though no amount of mindfuck can give him any love for Baldur. Still, even originally he at least could empathize with the cursed man, and those feelings transfer over. Banned as he is from those his age he does still see them around, and while Thrúd keeps to the order of silence on what has happened to him she lets him strike up conversation. Witnessing what's happened to him builds her distrust in her grandfather. Also he thinks he's her uncle now, which is pretty weird.
Sickness = Mostly characteristic of how it was in the first game, with dizzy and fainting spells and the occasional bronchitis-style choking up blood. Odin gives him remedies he claims are medicine for an illness the boy has had since birth, which are actually laced with seidr to keep the spell strong in a subtle way. Loki typically feels more sick after having them, but trusts his 'father' completely.
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alwaysakin · 24 days
Favourite MCU Fic Recs
I'm not nearly as much as an MCU expert as I am a Buffy expert, but here are my favorite MCU fics!
Gen Fics
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray) by AvocadoLove - the Winter Soldier kills Howard and Maria Stark... And then raises their young son. This is absolutely incredible, and Bucky & Tony's father / son relationship is so bittersweet.
Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Mentioned Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes.
built from scraps by robinbuckley - Tony Stark snaps. Peter Parker (and MJ!) does not. This fic is absolutely incredible! Pepper, Morgan & Peter's family relationship is amazing, and their grief over Tony, May, and all their friends is wonderful. MJ and Peter's romance, and his friendships with Harley Keener and Nat are great. Oh, and Tony turns out to be Peter's bio dad. READ THIS.
Minor MJ/Peter Parker, and Pepper Potts/Tony Stark.
Things I Almost Remember by IcedAquarius - probably the most interesting Tony is Peter's bio dad fic, purely because Tony doesn't know. More angsty than most fic I read - and be warned: it hasn't been updated in a while. Ned, MJ, and Helen Cho are standouts!
Minor Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, and future MJ/Peter Parker.
The Second Hand Unwinds by The Party Prince - Mobius gives Loki the chance to go anywhere. He visits his brother post Infinity War. A short one shot, and so sad and wonderful.
Love is Pain (Well, Darling, Let's Hurt Tonight) by OverlyObsessed223 - a crossover with the X-Men movies, where X-Men Peter and MCU Wanda can feel each other's pain. A bittersweet look at sibling relationships. Slightly more X-Men focused.
RECOIL by VulpeculaAnser - a season 1 rewrite of Agents of Shield, focusing heavily on Daisy and the trauma that would ensue if she got her powers earlier. Focuses on the found family relationship of the team. Tragically unfinished.
Cool Meta and Multimedia Fics
20 Celebrities Who Could Totally Be Daredevil by RosaLui - formatted like a buzzfeed article. Short, meta, and hilarious!
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by many - a hilarious historical archive of Captain America movies. Absolutely loved all the historical references. Minor Steve/Bucky.
Best Stucky Fics
What I'm Looking For by TessaBennet - a long, sprawling series of stories that rewrites all of the MCU with a Stucky focus. If you have to read one fanfic on this list, this is the one for you. It fixes canon in so many ways, and completely changed the ways I view many characters for the better (especially Natasha, Sam, and Wanda). The second fic, focusing on WW2, and the 6th (on the events up to/Civil War) are by far the best, but every fic in this series is incredible. Seriously. Read it.
Don't Ask by AnnaFugazzi -a WW2 Steve and Bucky have a secret relationship, and are found out. Realistic and HEARTBREAKING consequences ensue. Ends on a bittersweet note, and is amazing. Be warned - the sequels get much darker and deal with non/con. Personally, I stop reading here.
A Long Winter by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears - A Stucky fic looking at what would happen if Steve didn't go into the ice, but Bucky was still the Winter Soldier. Steve and Peggy's relationship, and the Howlies, are written so well.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter - The Winter Soldier's mask doesn't come off - a slow burn that delves into the torture Bucky endured and the slow realization about who he is on Steve's part. Very dark.
Never Like This by RobinWood - another slowburn Winter Soldier identity reveal fic. This one in particular writes the whole avengers team so well, especially Tony and his reaction to his parents dying.
Time Travel and Other Fic-It Fics
the reactions of a dead man by agloeian - it's down to Loki to arrange things to stop Thanos. Some really funny bits, and a good look at the limits of what can be changed with time travel. The Loki & Strange relationship is great.
god loves everybody, don't remind me by napricot - Erik Killmonger gets stuck in a time loop. He learns the meaning of family along the way. The author writes Erik so well!
Bringing Him Home by sancuary_for_all - A post No-Way-Home fix it. Ned and MJ have gaps in their memory. Eventually, they piece things together. Really sweet Peter/MJ relationship.
If I Could Start Again by Taarko - at the end of Infinity War, Thor is sent back in time. The amount of lore in this fic is incredible! And the characterization of Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie is great! Very Asgard focused and goes deep into their history.
Relationships: Valkyrie/Loki, Betty Ross/Bruce Banner.
Fics With OCs (That Are Actually Good)
The Wyvern by emmamagnetised - Tony has a younger sister, who is in the car with their parents and is taken by Hydra. The trial of the Wyvern arc is wonderful and sold me on this. It's loooong, be warned. A Bucky Barnes/OC fic.
The Siren by emmamagnetised - a WW2 story about a spy for the Allies in Nazi Germany - who is a childhood friend of Steve and Bucky. Cute relationship between her and Steve.
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avengersfantasies · 10 months
A Night With Him in Bucharest - 5
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Summary: You can sense something is wrong when you lose contact with Bucky, Sam, and Zemo, so you go to find and help them, but you believe you know who is behind the ambush on your lover and his friend.
What to expect: violent stuff
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Taglist (people who asked and that I think may be interested): @pattiemac1 @justsebstan @winterslove1917 @crist1216 @lady-loki-barnes-djarin @kandis-mom @vonalyn @ilovetaquitosmmmm
            Something was wrong. You could feel it in your soul. Up until roughly fifteen minutes ago, you, Bucky, Sam, and Zemo were in perfect contact – your information being relayed to Bucky and Sam mostly – being so petty as to have Zemo communicate to you through the other two.
            “Could you route us through the containers?” Zemo would ask.
            “I’m sorry,” you’d say with a hint of pettiness. “Bucky, Sam, did you guys say something?”
            One of them would sigh before saying the same thing Zemo had just said. “Could you route us through the containers, please?”
“I’d be happy to,” you’d answer.
That was the last contact you had with them, however. Each second led to more anxiety when they didn’t respond. You would’ve settled to hear Zemo’s voice at this point. You continued to attempt contact for another fifteen minutes – making a total of thirty minutes before you finally gave in. You walked across the hallway and knocked on the door of your neighbors. They had a teenage daughter who loved to watch James, and you knew she was home at this time.
            “Hello!” The parents greeted you with a smile that quickly faltered when they saw how worried you were. “What’s up? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you answered through your anxiety. “Could Savannah watch James for a little bit? I had an emergency come up.”
“Sure thing,” they nodded. “Savannah!”
The teenager grabbed her backpack with her homework and laptop in it before heading across the hall with you. “I shouldn’t be too late,” you told her – hurrying and getting dressed into some appropriate clothing. “If I’m not back in a few hours, do you mind staying the night?”
Savannah stated that she didn’t mind, and once you were changed, you went into James’ room to tell him you had something to go take care of.
            “Momma?” The toddler looked confused at your outfit. You were wearing black tactical pants with a belt that consisted of two holsters – a gun in each one and a pocket on each side of your legs for your knives. You wore a black, long-sleeved shirt covered with a leather, bulletproof jacket and fingerless gloves. “What you wearin?”
“I have to go somewhere super important, okay buddy?” you told him – holding him close to you. “Savannah is here to watch you, so if you need anything she’ll be here.”
“You be back tonight?”
“I’ll try my best, buddy.” You wrapped your arms around him tightly – kissing him all over his head and face. “I love you.”
“I love you, momma,” he said – giving you a kiss on your cheek.
After bidding James and Savannah goodbye, you grabbed your AR15 and headed out of the apartment – hopping on your Suzuki Hayabusa and taking off towards the last location you had for the trio. You drove through the streets filled with heavy traffic – all of your skills still sharpened from when you were under Zemo’s control. At this moment, it’s the only time you thanked him. It didn’t take long to find the last location they were at – the high flames being a tell-tell sign that something was happening in the distance. You sped up – your adrenaline spiking – wanting nothing more than to get there and make sure the father of your son was okay. As you pulled up to the area, the destruction was much more than you originally anticipated. You pulled your black mask up to your face in an attempt to keep your cover. Getting off your bike, you took your AR15 from your back and carefully walked around the shipping containers – your eye up to the sight and finger hovering just over the trigger – ready to shoot at any moment. Peeking around the corner of the first row of containers, you saw a group of men trying to stealthily walk around with their own weapons aimed. If anything, you knew you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself if you could get away with it. Putting your rifle back on your back, you took out two of your knives – holding one in each hand and snuck up on the men. Once the first one was down, you’d no doubt be fighting…you knew you had to take down as many as possible before being discovered. You quietly climb up on top of a container and crept up to the men – wanting to see where they were heading. When you realized they had no idea where the trio was, you leapt from the container – taking two of them out on each side before kicking the one in front, spinning him around and slashing his neck.
“Still got it,” you quietly praised yourself – cleaning the blood off your knives on the dead men’s clothes. Noticing that they had 9mm ammo, you took it and kept it in one of your spare pockets just in case your pistols needed more in the event of a shootout.
You continued your search for the three men – taking out any enemies that you came across – doing everything as quietly as possible. You knew you’d be screwed if you drew the attention of everyone. You were one person, and super soldier or not, one versus multiples is never a good position to be put in if avoidable.
You heard a gunshot – your head quickly scanning the area around you. Had you been seen? Was someone shooting at the guys? You didn’t have time to find out. You followed the sound and eventually heard a familiar voice. It was Bucky’s voice, and he was trying to keep the collapsing container off the other two men who lay there unconscious. You quickly walked up to him.
“Bucky,” you breathed a sigh of relief.
He looked up at you. “What’re you doing here?”
“I lost contact with you guys,” you told him. “I came to help.”
“Where’s James?”
“With the babysitter,” you assured him. “He’s fine…let me help you.”
“Grab that end,” he instructed – nodding towards the other end of the container. “Gotta get it off ‘em.”
With the power of two super soldiers, you and he were able to move the large shipping container and pull them to safety. “What happened?” you asked.
“No idea,” Bucky panted. “We got separated, next thing I knew, there were explosions everywhere.”
“Right.” You were skeptical at his story. You didn’t think he was lying, but you also didn’t believe that it happened out of nowhere. You made that thought evident when Zemo finally woke up and got to his feet. Before he could say anything, you kicked him back to the ground – taking out one of your pistols and aiming it at him in between the eyes.
“Woah, woah,” he said – holding his hands up. “It’s me.”
“Yeah,” you seethed, “exactly.” You cocked the gun and pressed it against his forehead.
“Babe, put the gun down,” Bucky tried to plead. “He didn’t do this.”
You scoffed. “You really expect me to believe that?”
“James is right,” Zemo confirmed. “I did not do this.”
“I don’t believe you,” you spat – hovering over him. “I failed to kill him, so you’re taking matters into your own hands, is that it?”
            “Listen to them,” Sam cut in. “He didn’t do this.”
“This isn’t you,” Bucky pleaded, but his words did nothing to sway you as you continued to stare at Zemo and hold the gun to him. “You’re not a killer…not anymore.”
“Aren’t I, though?” you questioned. “That’s exactly what he made me into!”
Bucky gently rested his hand on your shoulder. “Think about James,” he begged. “We need to go home to him.”
“We will,” you argued, your finger beginning to pull the trigger. “Tell me,” you ordered Zemo. “Tell me the truth.”
“I did not set us up,” he continued to insist. “Why would I get myself in danger?”
You chuckled incredulously. “Because you’re you.”
“Please, don’t do this,” Bucky continued to beg. Zemo’s eyes looked over to Sam and Bucky, and if you weren’t mistaken, there was a hint of fear in them. “Let’s go home to our son.”
You pulled the gun away form Zemo’s forehead, and for a moment, there was a sigh of relief from the three of them, but that sense of relief was quickly shattered by the sound of a loud gunshot.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
Tournament of Lokis
From September 24 to September 30, you can send me Loki depictions or add propaganda for your favorite Loki depiction.
Current Lokis included:
Marvel Loki (comics)-Original Evil Loki
Marvel Ikol (comics)
MCU Loki
Loki from Son of the Mask
Sandman Loki
Valhalla Loki (comics)
Low-Key Lyesmith (American Gods)
Atreus (GOW)
Laurits Seier (Netflix Ragnarok)
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee Loki
Assassin's Creed Loki
Loki (The Magnus Archives)
Loki (The Bifrost incident)
Alligator!Loki (MCU)
Recent additions:
Loki (Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok)
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november-rayne · 11 months
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Chapter Seven: Meeting Sigyn
A/N: The King and Queen have returned to the capital with Loki's fiance and her parents in tow. The citezens gather in droves to get the first look at the future princess.
We find out Frigga has been busy setting some ground rules for the staff while she was away. And Loki garners some knowledge that he wishes he hadn't.
Word Count: 3400
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Loki being a mama's boy, Frigga being a badass, the Brodinsons having a moment
Chapter Index
The inner palace gates opened, and the carriages rolled in, starting down the long thoroughfare toward the palace. The sound of cheering and screams erupted from the crowd. The royal coaches were first, large gold and gleaming in the sun. They were followed by the carriages of Lord Anderson and his entourage. Less extravagant than the princes were used to seeing. Plain black wood with silver, scrolling hardware. It reminded Loki of the hearses he had seen on Midgard.
‘Fitting,’ Loki thought. ‘A funeral procession. This is surely a sign from the Norns.’
Loki’s head was pounding. The sun was too bright. The crowd was too loud. His collar was too tight. He reached up to tug it down for the hundredth time when Thor’s meaty hand intercepted and smacked him back down again.
“Settle yourself!” Thor whispered to Loki through his tight smile. Thor masked the action by waving to the crowd just beyond the courtyard.
“Have some sympathy, Brother,” Loki whispered through the same forced smile Thor wore.
“You get no more sympathy from me, Brother. This suffering is by your own hand. You are our parents’ problem now. Once I settle your debts from your little excursions, I’m washing my hands of this whole ordeal and forgetting it ever happened.”
“Fair enough.” Loki went to pull at his collar again but thought better of it, lacing his fingers behind his back instead.
As Loki watched the carriages make their way down the long thoroughfare toward the palace, his chest started feeling heavier and heavier. Guilt tugged at his insides. “Thank you, by the way.”
“What?” Loki saw Thor’s composure break for half a second before he affixed the fake smile again.
“I must express my gratitude to you for returning me to the land of the living again. However, living is a loose term in this instance. My guts feel like they are trying to free themselves from my body and my head,” Loki shook his head, “Norns! My head pains something dreadful.”
Thor pulled a genuine smile. “You owe me one. And, it should be noted, for as bad as you feel in this moment, you look a hundred times worse.”
A burst of laughter escaped from Loki’s lips. Thor joined in and slapped a hand on his back. Loki barely kept himself upright under the bulk of Thor’s weighty hand. “Norns,” he whispered. The coaches were near the roundabout at the end of the thoroughfare.
‘Norns, please don’t let me retch again,’
“I’m here, Loki.” He looked his brother in the eye and left his hand on his back. His fake smile was gone; his blue eyes were soft. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, baby brother.”
Loki let out a shaky breath. He felt tears prick his eyes and quickly blinked them away. A lump formed in his throat, and he swallowed hard. Thor rubbed a small circle on his back, then returned to his regal posture. Loki took a few deep breaths and then mimicked his posture.
The most opulent coach pulled up to the base of the palace steps. The King emerged first. The roar of the crowd almost brought Loki to his knees. Searing white pain exploded in his skull. He forced his eyes to stay open and took quick, shallow breaths waiting for the pain to ebb.
“You’ve got this, Loki. We will be back inside the palace walls in no time now.” Thor whispered as he watched their father help the Queen from the carriage. Another roar as Frigga beamed up at her sons, her relief to finally be home written all over her face.
The royal couple smiled and waved at the crowd as they made their way up the stone steps to the large courtyard where the princes were waiting.
Frigga broke protocol and pulled both of her boys into a firm embrace. “My, how I have missed the two of you!” She pulled back slightly and asked, “Please tell me why you look like you’ve just crawled out of Hel, Loki?”
Loki exhaled slowly through his fake smile. “It is so good to have you back, Mother. I’m just a bit under the weather.”
“I can smell the ale in you, boy! It has saturated you to the bone and escapes from your pores! The oils you bathed in scarcely mask the smell. You dare embarrass yourself and your mother on the day of your betrothal?” Odin’s face was red, and the vein on the side of his head looked fit to burst.
“In my defense, I only learned of your return a few hours ago.”
“Silence! Not another word! If you value your life, you will charm this family to your side.”
“But of course! Why would I not charm this gold-digging shrew of a bride that I do not even want…to…” Loki’s voice trailed off. He had been prepared to unleash all his vitriol regarding the surprise betrothal until he glanced down.
Time came to a screeching halt. The crowd disappeared. The world shrank and collapsed to one point: the woman who stepped out of the coach at the bottom of the stairs. She was exquisite. She was tall, toned, and beautiful. Loki’s breath hitched in his throat.
“Norns…” Thor whispered under his breath.
“You were saying?” Frigga elbowed Loki in his side, and he immediately corrected his posture.
Loki could not respond. He could not think. He could only stare at Sigyn as she waited for her parents at the base of the stairs. She was dressed in forest green silk, a high-neck halter dress that fluttered in layers down her ankles. She wore a copper belt and matching jewelry. Her deep brown hair hung in thick curls down to her waist. Her skin was smooth and sun kissed.
Loki felt his heart thundering in his chest. He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure, until she lifted her face to him and gave him the slyest of little smiles, stealing a look at him from under her lashes. Heat pooled in his chest and rose to his cheeks.
Her face was perfect. Large, emerald-green eyes, thick black lashes, high cheekbones, and the most perfectly shaped, pillowy lips Loki had ever seen. Her face, there was beauty there, no question, but there was also something else Loki recognized immediately: mischief.
His breath came out in a whoosh, and he swayed where he stood. His knees became weak and threatened to give out at any moment. Mischief radiated from her. The little smirk on her lips and the glittering glint in her eyes took his breath away. He had never seen the virtue emanate from anyone other than himself.
“She is a gift to you, my son, but I hardly think you deserve her after how you have behaved.” Odin’s voice was faint behind the pounding of Loki’s pulse in his ears. He could not respond. His mouth was dry; his tongue was thick.
‘Mine.’ Loki replied in his mind. Heat pooled in his lower belly. She was a gift for him. He could not wait to touch her. To taste her. He wanted to fall to his knees and worship her right there on the stones in front of the palace.
She smiled a genuine wide smile at the people while she waved. The realm seemed just as enamored with her as Loki. The crowd cheered, shouted, and screamed louder for her than the King and Queen.
‘Mine,’ he thought again as she climbed the stony staircase to meet them.
Odin clasped his hands behind his back as Lord Anderson and his family bowed to the King. “Welcome to my home. Please let me introduce my sons.” As was customary, Thor stepped forward first. “My firstborn and heir to the throne, Thor.” He shook hands with Lord Anderson. “Thor, Lord and Lady Anderson, with their lovely daughter, Sigyn.”
“Your Lordship,” Thor nodded, “My Lady and Lady Sigyn.” Thor took each of the ladies’ hands in turn and kissed the back of each one. “Welcome to the palace. And welcome to the family,” he winked at Sigyn.
“It is an honor to see you again, My Prince. You’ve grown into quite the strapping lad, haven’t you?” Sigyn’s mother patted his bicep through his tunic.
“We’ve met before, Lady Anderson?” Thor raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, I do not expect you to remember me. We had a diplomatic visit hundreds of years ago. You were only yea high.” She held her hand out below her hip. “And your brother was still wearing his nappies.” She leaned around Thor to look at Loki, and her smile quickly slipped. “Oh, my. Are you ill, dear?” Sigyn sniggered behind her mother and her maid pinched her elbow to quiet her.
“Please excuse Loki, My Lady.” Frigga stepped up before he could retort. “He-”
“Ah, no need to explain, My Queen.”  Lord Anderson interrupted with a wave of his hand. “I know a hangover when I see one. It appears even princes get pre-wedding jitters.” His belly bounced in amusement. “You see, dearest, the royals are real people. Just like us.”  He gave Sigyn a little prod with his elbow. Lady Anderson clutched her pearls.
“Loki, my second son.” Odin presented him to the family, his face a hard mask.
Loki forced his eyes off Sigyn to meet her parents. He shook hands with Lord Anderson, “My Lord.” He kissed Lady Anderson’s hand, “My Lady.”  He eagerly turned to Sigyn, “My Lady.” He took her hand slowly in his. The gathered crowd cheered.
“It is an honor to meet you, My Prince.” Sigyn bowed into a deep curtsey. Her voice was sultry but feminine. Her warm skin felt like silk on Loki’s fingers as he kissed the back of her hand. Lingering a tad longer than was appropriate, he relished the scent of her skin. She smelled like sunshine and citrus, and he had to force himself to release her. A slight nod was all he could respond to her. He did not yet trust himself to say more.
Odin stepped in between the couple. “Good people of Asgard,” a hush fell over the crowd. “It is my honor to announce the betrothal of our dear Prince Loki,” he took Loki’s hand, “to the Lady Sigyn of Smaragdberg” He took Sigyn’s hand and placed it in Loki’s. “We make this match for the good of the realm and for the good of our family. Please join me in welcoming my future daughter and future Princess of Asgard!” 
The people cheered and applauded. The extreme noise would have done Loki in if he were not fixated on the woman beside him.
‘Mine.’ His mind reminded him.
He could not take his eyes off her as she smiled and waved to the crowd with her free hand. She turned to wave to the other side of the thoroughfare and caught Loki’s eyes on hers.
“Smile and wave, Your Highness,” she whispered through her teeth. She gave Loki’s hand a firm squeeze.
“Pardon?” he asked dumbly, still staring.
“Your people…” she motioned with her eyebrows, “are trying to get your attention.”
“My people?” Loki’s reverie was broken when he heard the chants of his name. “Oh, right.” 
He turned on his most dashing smile and started waving to the people with his free hand. Sigyn giggled, and Loki thought he might melt right into the stone.
“I promise I’m not a moron,” he said to her through his smile.       
“Is that so? You could have fooled me.” She gave his hand another playful squeeze. “Besides, moron or not, it seems that I am stuck with you. I can only pray to the Norns that our children inherit my intellect.”
Loki turned back to see the sly smile that played on her lips. ‘Oh, she is funny,’ Loki thought.
“When I decide to bless you with my heirs, I promise you they will be the cleverest, most handsome children. Just like their father.” Loki watched as her smile widened on her face, and he forgot how to breathe.
“Hmm. We will have to wait and see, I suppose. I hear drinking to excess is not good for virility.”
Loki huffed, “My Lady, I can assure you my-”
“Come! We have had a long journey. Let us get our guests settled in their chambers.”  Frigga said as she clapped her hands, signaling the guards that they were making their way into the palace.
Loki offered Sigyn his arm as they turned and made their way inside. There was a frenzy of people inside the palace. Porters moving trunks, courtiers scrabbling for the King’s attention, servants bustling back and forth.
“We will retire to our chambers and meet for a private dinner in the small dining room. Saving the feast for tomorrow night will give all a chance to recover from the stress of our journey.” Frigga gave Loki a pointed look as she said this, but he did not notice. He did not want to leave Sigyn’s side, yet he did need to get out of his tunic and lay down.
“Until dinner, then?” Loki asked Sigyn as her maids collected her.
She curtsied with a nod, then followed her mother up the marble stairs. Her maids trailed so close behind her that Loki was robbed of the chance to steal a peek at her body from the back.
“Loki will escort me to my chamber.” Frigga motioned for him to follow her. “Thor, you will escort me to dinner. Eight o’clock sharp.”
“Yes, Mother.”  Thor kissed Frigga’s cheek and then threw a wistful look at Loki. “Good luck.” He whispered to his brother as he headed toward his chamber.
Frigga whispered something to the maid at her side. The woman glanced at Loki before she bowed and quickly headed off down the hall. Frigga held her elegant hand out to Loki, and he placed it in the crook of his arm. They walked silently for a moment before Frigga asked, “Do you want to tell me the truth, or do I have to find out on my own?”
Loki drew in a deep breath. “I guess you could say I did not take the news of my betrothal very well. I panicked. I fled from the palace, and I... did not behave in a manner befitting my status.” Loki dared a glance at his mother, expecting disappointment but finding only a stern resolve.
He continued, “If Thor had not found me and dragged me back here…” He shook his head. “I cannot summon my seiðr… Mother, I am sorry. I behaved foolishly.” He stopped and turned to look Frigga in her eyes. “Mother, please, say something.”
“What is done is done. There is only one chance to make a first impression.” Frigga sighed. “I had hoped for a better reception, but part of me had expected some resistance. I can only assume, after seeing your reaction, that you approve of this match?”
“Sigyn is… perfect. She is lovely…” Loki could finally think clearly now that Sigyn was out of his sight.
“But?” Frigga raised her eyebrows.
“…but I do not wish to marry her.” Frigga resumed their walk, a knowing smile on her lips.
“And why is that?”
“Because I do not wish to marry anyone.”
“And why is that?”
“I... I cannot be a good and faithful husband.”
“And why is that?”
Loki sighed, “She did stir feelings in me, Mother, but not the kind you were hoping for. How do I know my interest in her will last beyond the physical?”
“Get to know her, Loki. Give this a fair chance. Make me a promise?”
“What’s that?”
“Promise me you will court her and get to know her. Promise me you will not bed her until you love her, really love her, not just her body. Promise me you will save it for your wedding night.”
“Mother…I…” Loki thought about that for a long moment. “What if I never love her? What if she never loves me?” Loki let out a shaky breath. ‘Could anyone like her love someone like me?’
“Oh, my sweet prince. You are deserving of love.” Frigga replied. Knowing her son so well, she could almost read his mind. “I can call off the wedding if needed.”  Loki looked at her, stunned. “Am I not still Queen of Asgard? Promise me that you will be a perfect gentleman, and truly try and get to know her for one month. At the end of the month, if you honestly feel that I was mistaken, that this is a bad match, I will cancel the wedding and manage fallout.”
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course, my darling boy. If you keep your promise to me.”
Loki contemplated the proposal for several moments. On the one hand, what could it hurt to humor her? He could try courting the girl. After all, she seemed witty and funny from the few minutes spent with her. A month is a short time. At the end of the month, he could bid her farewell and resume the life he was used to.
On the other hand, did he want to spend all that time with her and not be able to seduce her? To taste her? To see her glorious body lazing on his bed sheets? Loki’s heart sank.
“I cannot seduce her?”
“What if she seduces me?”
Frigga laughed, “I guess you will have to find some way to resist. Anticipation is part of the thrill.” She wagged her eyebrows at him.
“What? How do you think you and your brother came into this world? I did not grow you in my vegetable garden.”
“I understand the process, Mother.” Loki shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Your father is an amazing lover. I still find it exceedingly difficult to keep my hands off him.”
“Norns, Mother! Still?” Loki felt his stomach threatening to betray him again.
“Naturally! I am not dead yet. But there is a time and a place for such things. Treat the girl like the Lady that she is. Earn her love and respect. The benefits will far outweigh a few weeks of going without.”
“Wait. Do you want me to abstain, not just from Sigyn, but from anyone? Mother…I-”
Frigga rolled her eyes, “Yes, dear boy, I am asking you to abstain. I assure you that you will survive. I have taken it upon myself to select your new chambermaid, a very devout married woman who will clean your rooms, launder your clothes, and prepare your baths. And that is all she will do. I have warned the staff that anyone caught engaging with you will be escorted from the palace.”
“Loki, it is only one month. Please spare me your grumblings on the matter. How can you truly get to know the girl if your pursuits are elsewhere?”
Loki thought about this for a moment. “Okay, fine. I promise to keep my hands to myself. I promise to give her a chance. I promise to get to know her as a person.”
“And I promise to be as pious as a priest. Now, can we please change the subject?” Loki shuddered.
“Okay. I promise to call off the wedding if you truly feel she is not the one for you.”  She smiled at him like she did when she knew something he did not. “Now, what else did you want to talk about?”
“My seiðr. Why can’t I summon my seiðr?” They stopped directly in front of the double doors to the royal apartment. Two guards were waiting on either side. The maid from earlier was also there holding a small bottle.
“You must have been on the brink, my dear. Your body is using every drop of its energy to keep you alive. Lay off the drink and rest. And here,” she took the bottle from the woman, “drink this.” Loki took the bottle and eyed it suspiciously.
“What is this?”
“A little something to help you feel better. A hangover remedy I used to make for your father. I always keep a bottle on hand, just in case. Drink this and go lie down.”
Loki removed the stopper and downed the whole bottle in two swallows. “That is a good boy.” Frigga took the bottle and gave him a big hug. “Do not be late for dinner!”
“Eight o’clock sharp. I will be there.” He kissed her cheek and made his way back to his chambers. The heat of the potion was already spreading warmth through his body.
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XOXO- Rayne 💚
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