#local vampire does a write more @ 11
camcorderrevival · 2 years
TELL ME ABOUT AMY POND AND VAMPIRISM AND DON'T HOLD BACK (I have yet to answer one of your Amy x Dracula asks so I'm hyped about that too!!!!)
OK!!! AMY + VAMPIRISM (or, more accurately, vampiric traits)!!!!
taking this FAR too seriously and breaking out the various essays+articles about vampirism to make this post!!! and I imagine it will be egregiously long but heyho!!!
Paul Barber outlines four different ways a person can become a vampire in Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality:
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Amy definitely fits into these categories:
Predisposition - "people who are different, unpopular, or great sinners are apt to return from the dead. (P. Barber)" "one universally recognised member of this category would be the suicide. (J.A Thilmany)" - Amy, the local mad girl, who both hints at suicidal thoughts during her time as companion ("Listen to me. I understand. Really, I do.") and actually commits suicide, on various occasions (Amy's Choice, The Girl Who Waited, The Angels Take Manhattan) AND comes back from the dead in some form or another on those occasions and others....if anyone matches the description of those predisposed to vampirism, it's her.
Predestination - "frequently people become revenants through no fault of their own" "a revenant is born with two hearts, one of which is dedicated to the destruction of humanity." (P. Barber) - those predestined to become vampiric are often people who come from "abnormal" parentage, Amy's parents Do Not exist when we first meet her. And, even when they have been brought back, they only show up in part of one episode before becoming non-entities again (it's a flaw in the writing more than anything else but it still emphasises her "abnormal parentage"). "a revenant is bloody and blood is red; redness, therefore, must predispose toward vampirism." (P. Barber) - The redness is an obvious link: red hair, red clothes, the red houses, the apple....she's red.
Events - "people become vampires by being bitten by one." (P. Barber) - She's bitten by a Saturnyne Vampire in The Vampires of Venice.
Nonevents - "Lack of burial is itself, then, a sufficient reason for murder victims and suicides to become revenants" "another common explanation for their transformation is that they have not lived out their allotted span of life." - In most of Amy's deaths, she goes unburied. Again, this is usually because she's due to be revived but that only really emphasises the connection. In the one case where she is buried, TATM, she's a victim of the Weeping Angels; their whole thing is feeding off the potential life that their prey leaves behind, the life unlived, thus, she does not live out her allotted span of life.
So, Amy fulfils each category of the causes of Vampirism.
She also displays various "vampiric traits" - the main one being the idea that those afflicted with vampirism become locked in one phase of their life/body, never able to grow up past the point of their turning. Similarly, Amy never quite moves past her garden, her waiting. A big component of her character is that she can't let go of the Doctor + her childhood. Though the writers claim she does, they never go past just saying it, we're given very little reason for her abandoning her faith in the Doctor. In fact, they often emphasise the opposite (the shot of her waiting at a window at the end of The God Complex, the S7 promo where she's pictured waiting at a phone for the doctor to call, "is it bad that I've really missed this?" in AoTD, "I can't not wait for you." in DoaS.). It's arguable that she remains trapped in this phase of waiting/hoping for 11's return up until her death. Even in some of TATM's deleted dialogue, she expresses a worry that he'll stop coming back for her out of boredom. Just as a vampire is stuck in the body that they had at the time of their turning - Amy is stuck waiting for the Doctor for her entire run as companion.
 Another of her vampiric traits is summed up by J.A Thilmany in “Draining life forces: Vampirism in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights”:
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 Amy’s last proper appearance on the show takes place inside the TARDIS, though she dies outside of it. She returns to her home as a ghost, or a daydream.  A slightly different take on the above trend is presented by Nina Auerbach in “Our Vampires, Ourselves”:
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 The “confined space” in Amy’s story is the garden that she constantly returns to. It ties in with her vampiric inability to move on/grow up as the garden is the home of her waiting. She can’t escape “the girl who waited”, because she often doesn’t try to - instead choosing to return to the garden (as she does in TGWW).
 Returning to her final scene on the show, her appearance right at the end of 11′s life presents another vampiric trait. The scene echoes one from TATM where Amy is present for an older Rory’s death, holding his hand as he dies.  In both instances, Amy is the figure marking the death of one of her loved ones, mirroring this trait referenced by Barber:
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And again by Thilmany:
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 Amy’s presence in both scenes is presented as the thing allowing Rory and 11 to pass on. They see her again, meaning they can die somewhat peacefully. Obviously, this isn’t a feeding as presented by the two extracts above but the scenes present something equivalent to that.
 Another feature of final the scene that presents a vampiric trait is the fact that it’s not actually Amy, the figure is strongly implied to be a figment of 11′s imagination. This mimics another idea outlined by Barber:
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 Amy is still buried in New York, but an apparition of her is in the TARDIS performing her equivalent to feeding.
 Having outlined how Amy fulfils both the causes of vampirism + the traits of traditional vampires, the last thing to talk about is the transformation that is characteristic of vampire mythology, particularly the transformation presented alongside women vampires.
 As most of Amy’s vampiric traits link back to the Doctor, it makes sense to argue that his introduction into her life is what marks her “turning”.
 When 11 meets her, she’s a child, and so she’s “pure” and “virtuous”. She’s the fairytale girl. She’s not entirely “perfect” and she presents the traits of those predisposed to vampirism: she’s from abnormal parentage/familial history (”I don't have a mum and dad. Just an aunt.”), she’s othered + different to the residents of Leadworth (”the Scottish girl in the English village”) and she presents a connection to supernatural (or preternatural) forces (”at night there's voices”).
 So, she enters the story as the fairytale girl, predisposed to the vampiric condition. The Doctor makes a promise and then he leaves, having set the change in motion.
 The next time we see Amy, she’s become the corruption of a fairytale, just as women vampires often represented the corruption of traditional femininity. She’s changed her name, dubbing it a “bit fairytale”, she’s noticeably more volatile and violent than her 7yr old self and she’s overtly sexual, a trait that is common in most women vampires.
 This transformation of “purity” to “corruption” (please note that I use these terms with heavy amounts of distaste) is extremely common in stories about woman vampires (the biggest example being Dracula’s Lucy Westenra). And so Amy’s movement between the two, though it’s the product of age in the narrative, does mimic a traditional vampiric transformation.
 The Girl Who Waited only further emphasises the idea of the fairytale corruption + vampiric transformation.
 Amy’s base in the episode is described as a lair and the HandBots view her as diseased + in need of treatment. The lair calls up connections to monsters + wild animals but also refers to the Scottish term for “a burial plot in a graveyard” - both of which are spaces that vampires traditionally reside in.  The idea that Amy is “diseased” falls in line with the concept that vampirism is an affliction or virus rather than a transformed state. Throughout her time as companion, Amy is shown to have been subjected to various forms of involuntary treatment (highlighted in this post by @mikaelson) furthering the idea that she’s viewed as sick despite not being unwell at all - just different or “transformed”.  Her death in this episode also highlights a vampiric state, as she stands outside the TARDIS doors, unable to enter without being allowed in, invited in. 
Basically, to conclude, she’s not a vampire....but she could be :)
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chiconisroc · 10 months
Was Not the Hero/Not What You Expected Questions Round 4
Was it the palisman or glyph tattoos that caused Philip Curse?
Answer: It's a bit complicated, well, not so much, but I will be bringing it up into the story later. Well, Philip will explain it to someone in phase 3 : )
2. I feel if Philas was canon Philip will become a gay icon and many people with religious trauma or internalized homophobia will adore him.
Answer: I believe so too. I was legit expecting the show to go that route cause we don't really get to see such things before in shows. And it sucks cause there are many people in his situation still stuck in this self destructive hate that is also hurting other innocent peeps and would be nice to show those peeps they don't have to stay in such a dreadful path.
More Questions and Answers:
3. Wait chico don't tell them if you're religious they'll shoot you/joke
Answer: hahaha, idk if i can say i'm religious, but oh well, hahaha
4. What would Philip think of spicy food? If he can taste it?
Answer: If he could ever be able to taste food again, he probably would be so confused and not like it cause he isn't used to such feeling in his mouth burning, hahaha.
5. Have you seen a reverse of mud and feathers by Jess the vampire?
Answer: I have not o.o. I think, Idk, hahaha x.x, not sure what that is. I don't really look at other stuff much since I get fixated with my own writing. Writing thousands of words a week takes a lot of time from me v.v and if i'm not writing i'm like fixated on other random stuff cause gah, my brain. Or I'm just daydreaming constantly on future scenes for my fanfics. Even my ps5 is just collecting dust cause I ignore it, hahaha
6. Does Philip know some Puritan swear words?
Answer: He does, but he rather not swear if he can help it : )
7. Have Philip and Silas rode a horse together?
Answer: Yep, a few times honestly, without anyone noticing
8. I wonder How Luz would react to Philip being bi as her?
Answer: Oh, you will see in phase 3 : )
9. If Silas was a woman would she and Philip tried to conceive a child together?
Answer: For sure
10. How would Canon Philip feel about Silas?
Answer: Very conflicted honestly. He probably would avoid Silas but at the same time make sure Silas doesn't get corrupted by witches
11. Does Philip like cats and does he act like a cat?
Answer: Philip has no opinion on cats. And hahaha, idk, does he act like a cat? o.o
12. In “ Not What you expected” can Belos possess people that would further claim that he just a demon and would make him a major target for the witch Hunter than the actual witch?
Answer: Yah, Belos has the ability to possess people in that storyand would for sure further push the belief to others that he is a demon and would just cause him more problems later
The following questions are ones I cannot answer due to spoilers. Sorry peeps. I can't really answer specific future story stuff v.v
I’m Not what you expected would Philip help the boiling isles in the future and became an actual hero?
In “Not What you Expected”would Philip outlive Caleb and serve to protect his children till the president day to make up for his sins?
In “Not What You Expected” would Philip become a local legend in Gravesfield after centuries past and would Luz become a fan of him and maybe stumble upon the boiling isles?
In “ Not What you expected” would we get a scene paralleling Castlevania particular the Bishop and Blue fang demon inside of the church where the demon tears down the bishop lies about his work and how their work disgust God you can watch this scene on YouTube.
would Silas appear in “Not What you expected”?
”In Not What you expected” would Philip save that woman who is accused of being a witch?
”In Not What you Expected” would Philip try to awkwardly bond with Caleb, like climbing in his bed and trying to snuggle him while Caleb is praying and sweating that he won’t kill him in his sleep or try to do chores around the house but failing cause he drips and stinks.
would Philip and Evelyn become buddies in “ Not What you expected”?
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krinsbez · 2 years
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#shiver my timbers from muppet treasure island being one of the tiny handful of songs i know by heart that or the major general's song
My Top Posts in 2022:
Random Dracula Thought
Best thing about Dracula Daily so far is confirmation that one of my recollections appears to be correct. Maybe.
We’ll see in a bit.
111 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Random Dracula Thought, August 11th
Well, shit.
111 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Random Thoughts
Suddenly reminded of the time Diane Duane (or @dduane as she’s known on tumblr), wrote a fanfic for Young Wizards, AKA her own series.
170 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Random Dracula Thoughts, May 31st
So, I feel like most of the salient points have probably been covered by other folks I’m gonna RB, so I’m gonna go for an angle I’m hoping hasn’t largely been covered.
What this reminds us is how meticulous and careful The Count is. It’s not enough for him to have Jonathan trapped in his castle, to ensure the poor man has no means to contact the outside world, or to make Jonathan write fake letters to present the illusion all is well.
He is ensuring that, even if, by some miracle, Jonathan is able to escape the castle, he has no winter clothes to enable him to survive long enough to seek help. And further, even if he DOES manage to make it to a town or city, he has no money or papers with which to prove his identity, leaving him stranded in a foreign country where he knows no one and doesn’t speak the local language. Based on what we’re seeing so far, it would not surprise me if The Count has minions planted in the closest towns to make Jonathan out as an escaped lunatic or something, just in case.
(I do not recall if this is actually the case or not)
Keeping in mind, BTW, at this point, I don’t believe Jonathan is useful to The Count’s plans any more; the paperwork is all done, he’s got the fake letters, and Jonathan is too much of a psychological wreck to be an accurate model by which to imitate normal English behavior. So far as I can tell, he’s keeping the man alive solely for the pleasure of psychologically torturing him, presumably something to do when he needs a break from working on his plans for, y’know infiltrating English society and all. And it occurs to me, that, if this is the level of care and attention to detail that Dracula brings to what is, in essence, a pleasant distraction from his actual work, can you imagine what level of planning and effort is going into that?
D’you think Stoker wants us to think about that, or am I just weird?
223 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So, yeah, not only has pop culture and every adaptation done the characters wrong, they've been doing the garlic wrong.
Y'know, there's been a few urban fantasies that have Bram Stoker writing the novel as a stealth guide to vampire hunting, but I wonder if anyone has done something where the movies are a countermove by the vampires?
351 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
20+ Books That You (Might Actually Want) To Read During Pride Month!
Right, so. I got annoyed after seeing the list referenced in this post last night, told myself that my books are all packed up so I couldn’t do anything about it, and lasted all of a whopping 10 minutes before picking up my phone and attempting to make my own list instead. Behold, my from-memory attempt to present 20 books with strong LGBTQ plots, characters, and/or authors, that DON’T just rely on Suffering and Identity Politics and are... you know... fun.
Listed in alphabetical order by title. Links take you to Bookshop.org, where you can buy them from your local independent bookstore at a discount and NOT from the evil empire.
1. A Master of Djinn – P. Djeli Clark * author of color * steampunk Cairo in 1912 * djinn! magic! murder mystery! * butch Arab lesbian main character * devout hijabi Muslim badass assistant * anticolonial alternate history
2. An Accident of Stars – Foz Meadows (Sequel: A Tyranny of Queens) * trans author * bi, pan, trans, aro representation * racially diverse characters * all female POV characters * high-fantasy world adventures
3. Boyfriend Material – Alexis Hall * queer author * look I love this book SO MUCH and have absolutely screamed about it before but also I LOVE IT SO MUCH * contemporary M/M fake dating in modern London, complete with full cast of disaster found-family queer friends * it is. fucking. HILARIOUS. I almost died the first time reading it * there is a sequel called HUSBAND MATERIAL scheduled to be released in 2022; I am a normal amount of excited for this book
4. Gideon the Ninth – Tamsyn Muir (Sequel: Harrow the Ninth) * the book cover says “Lesbian necromancers explore a haunted palace in space!” * that is exactly what you get * slow-burn enemies-to-lovers F/F main romance * I cannot describe this book, it is dark, genre-bendy, science fiction-y, Hunger-Games-with-lesbian-necromancers-in space? Kinda? I have literally never read anything like it * also fucking HILARIOUS
5. One Last Stop – Casey McQuiston * queer author (who wrote Red White and Royal Blue) * bisexual fat girl from the South/lesbian-daughter-of-Chinese immigrants from the 1970s-riot-grrl main romance * time traveling mystery involving the Q train in Brooklyn (mentions Brighton Beach ahem) * magical realism * many more found-family chaotic queers including a trans Latino psychic and a Black accountant by day/drag queen by night and the mean little gay disaster who has a hopeless crush on them
6. Parasol Protectorate (series) – Gail Carriger * this is one of my favorite series, and there are five books: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, and Timeless * steampunk vampires/werewolves late Victorian London, like Jane Austen crossed with P.G. Wodehouse (they are all fucking hilarious) * pretty much everyone is queer; we got your flamboyantly camp gay vampires (Lord Akeldama ftw!) We got your gay werewolves! We got your lesbian French inventors! We got your big disaster idiot werewolf main male love interest! We got your crazy adventures! You name it we got it! * two spin-off novellas: Romancing the Werewolf (M/M) and Romancing the Inventor (F/F) * she has a ton more books in this same universe and writes sexy queer supernatural romance as G.L. Carriger
7. Plain Bad Heroines – Emily M. Danforth * queer author * historical horror-comedy set between a haunted girls’ school in early-1900s New England and in the modern day * all sapphic female main characters * plays with style/form/voice, a story within a story within a story
8. Red White and Royal Blue – Casey McQuiston * you’ve probably heard of it but here I am reccing it again * the biracial son of the first female POTUS falls in love with the Prince of England; shenanigans absolutely ensue * yes, the British monarchy still absolutely sucks a big fat dick * hilarious, heartfelt, reads like fanfic, just go get it, it will change your life
9. Rosaline Palmer Takes The Cake – Alexis Hall * same author as Boyfriend Material, this is his newest * bisexual female protagonist * absolutely perfect satire of The Great British Bake Off (you can tell this man has watched EVERY SINGLE SERIES and all of the holiday specials) * sweet and surprisingly thoughtful
10. Starless – Jacqueline Carey * genderqueer/transmasculine main character of color * almost all main characters are brown people! * lush Middle Eastern/India-inspired fantasy world * gods, prophecies, monsters * the best Oh God Why Me I Am A Horrible Mentor wise-old-mentor
11. The Future of Another Timeline – Annalee Newitz * nonbinary (they/them) author * time travel but make it The Handmaid’s Tale * will probably make your head explode * feminist, queer, subversive * diverse characters
12. The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue – Mackenzi Lee * queer author * technically YA but historical/magical adventure set in the 1700s * bisexual disaster main protagonist and love interest of color * (mis)adventures across Europe * has a sequel (see below) with the badass asexual sister of the protagonist
13. The Hate Project – Kris Ripper * nonbinary/genderqueer author * M/M enemies to lovers/sex with no strings attached (spoiler alert: strings attached) * HECKING HILARIOUS * sweet, escapist, and very low stakes * diverse characters, including fat protagonist with realistic anxiety disorder
14. The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy – Mackenzi Lee * PIRATES, obviously * sequel to Gentleman’s Guide * asexual female protagonist * strong queerplatonic f/f friendship * more historical/magical 18th century adventures
15. The Last Rune (series) – Mark Anthony * Imma be real with you chief, I haven’t read this series since I was a clueless teenager with no idea why I liked Gay Stuff so much, so if it does turn out to suck now, don’t throw rotten veggies at me * but especially since it was written in the NINETIES, this series was hella progressive?! * gay characters, disabled characters, characters of color, all playing significant and heroic roles in six-book epic fantasy cycle * people from Earth end up in high-fantasy world of Eldh * endgame M/M romance for the main character * books out of print, I think, but you can find them cheap somewhere like AbeBooks; first one (Beyond the Pale) linked above
16. The Library of the Unwritten – A.J. Hackwith * queer author * heaven-hell-Valhalla supernatural adventures * The Good Place x Good Omens x Lucifer x The Librarians * Pansexual Black badass female heroine * Queer found families * The Sassiest TM Bisexual Villain Turned Reluctant Hero (is he my favorite? Why on earth would you think that.)
17. The Priory of the Orange Tree – Samantha Shannon * epic doorstopper science fiction/historical fantasy set in a vaguely 16th-century world * main F/F romance between a queen and her sorceress bodyguard * sassy old gay alchemist whose backstory will give you Feelings * so many strong women and characters of color * no homophobia! marriage is fully gender-neutral, spouses are called “companions”
18. The Song of Achilles – Madeline Miller * likewise one you have probably heard of but still * a little light on the myth/historical part imho, but the writing is beautiful and will give you many feelings * M/M romance between Achilles and Patroclus  * reimagining of The Iliad (her other book Circe is also really good)
19 The Stars are Legion – Kameron Hurley * all-female apocalyptic space opera * messy messy antiheroines * grimdark war fantasy * queer sci-fi drama
20. Witchmark – C.L. Polk * author of color * M/M romance * main character is a veteran and a doctor dealing with his own hidden magic and repressed war trauma * gaslamp fantasy set in a world reminiscent of post-WWI England * strong sibling relationship
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delphoxqueen · 2 years
TL;DR: Holt Hyde’s Journal (2010)
Sorry my images were more messed up this time around, the copy of the journal I have is all messed up
Holt’s journal can be summarized as-
July 23- Holt wakes up in the moving truck after a long string of continuously moving from place to place in. Which now I’m intrigued as to whether it’s just out coincidence or if his parents move in as the Jekyll’s with other humans but eventually the Hyde’s come out and terrify the town into making them move again.
July 25- Holt tries to stay up to see the sun but falls asleep at the first crack of daybreak- which makes him question if he’s a vampire. Ok but like- what are the rules for him turning into Jackson? I know they switch depending on the music- but now also when they sleep like their father? Confusing. Also does this mean the body never sleeps? How do they not randomly pass out from the body not having rest?
July 27- Holt hangs up flyers in the Maul advertising his DJ business.
August 1- Holt goes around and familiarizes himself with the local families and drama- which gives us some great lore for the home lives of the main cast!
Count Dracula - Draculaura and Dracula live in a huge mansion. Dracula has a shit load of street cred- which now just makes me an AU where they’re gangsters/criminals/murderers instead of monsters. Also Nosferatu is Dracula is in the MH universe.
The Mummy - Holt wants the Mummy’s autograph kind of. Cleo and her dad live in a massive mansion with servants and everything looks like a set. Strangely Holt does not say anything about Nefera living there.
The Werewolf - The Wolf family lives in a small house with apparently a dozen or so children. They’re extremely loyal and protect their family (cause they’re the best family in the MHverse). Clawd is BMOC and Holt says there will be songs about Clawdeen (which as a simp of the goddess, yes- but now I want a version of Cruella De Vil but about Clawdeen)
Frankenstein and His Bride - They live in a Swiss chalet/research lab cross and Holt refers to Frankie as “their new baby” which made me overthink things and made me sick to my stomach- also Frankenstein’s Bride is apparently a bad sexy bitch and yeah I imagine the original queen of screams would be fine as hell.
The Sea Monster - I thought Lagoona’s family lived in Australia but nope- they got a beach house in Salem too. And yes Monster High is set in Salem, Massachusetts. Lagoona’s dad is like this giant eldritch sea creature which I just imagine how adorable it would be if Lagoona just giant beast as a slightly overprotective but caring dad :)
Medusa - Medusa is bad af so you KNOW she has the best house by far. A whole Greek parthenon rip-off. Love it. Medusa has calmed down in her years and now she’s just a subtle badass taking care of her son- but now I’m questioning how her Parthenon-esque building has a porch for Deuce to even fuck us with stone flies.
August 3- Holt does this gig for a “bubblegum dance gig” which just sounds 10/10 sign me up. He sees Draculaura and since nobody can keep up with her dancing he leaves his DJ booth on auto-pilot?! What?! You can just press the auto-DJ button and have it play it for you?!!?!!!!! Anyway she’s like “How do you know who I am?” And Holt’s like “Shit I sound like a stalker now.”
August 10- Operetta and Holt go on a date (never thought of this ship Idea but now It sounds so cute!) but Holt gets pissed at this guy that bumps into her at a concert. They get kicked out. They drive home awkwardly. Does not go well. Guess I should take back the ship idea.
August 11- Operetta’s dad tells Holt’s mom about last night so she scolds Holt about being hotheaded which he gets mad and starts melting pens to.
August 20- Holt decides to take night classes and Operetta’s dad teaches piano (I would laugh but I will admit I’m a peasant who hasn’t seen Phantom of the Opera)
September 5- Holt writes a song. I would say I hate it but I can hate on something that’s nowhere near as bad as the shit I’ve written in the past.
Entire Journal- Dramatic irony. That is all. Though now I’m scared to see if there’s Jackson x Holt ship fanart. Who am I kidding. There definitely is.
Not as great as Clawd’s diary but good :)
Here’s an extra photo I couldn’t add on the other post!
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pvrrhadve · 3 years
I trust ur taste in books, so can you recommend some? 🥺🥺🥺
yes absolutely!! this turned out obnoxiously long so i'm putting it under a read more
at this point you definitely all know about 2 of my favourite series, the queen's thief and the locked tomb
on the jellicoe road, also by melina marchetta. my fav ya contemporary, about a girl at a boarding school in the australian bush trying to figure out where she comes from, where she belongs and how to heal. marchetta's writing style can be a little difficult to get into for some people but she really really does it for me.
while tqt is my #1 favorite series, my 2nd favourite is melina marchetta's lumatere chronicles which is both kinda dark and full to the brim with love and hope and healing. some of my fav characters ever are in these books and the ending is so warm and radiant it straight up made me weep. some tw's that i go into here
the darkest part of the forest by holly black. ya fantasy. she wrote this specifically for girls who absolutely would've bargained years of their life away to the faerie king to become a monster-hunting knight when they were 11. black's magnum opus.
the girl who drank the moon by kelly barnhill. mg fantasy about a little girl who is accidentally given magical powers by a friendly bog witch. reads like a ghibli movie.
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone. a lyrical and devastatingly beautiful epistolary sci-fi wlw love story about 2 enemy time travellers.
abhorsen/old kingdom trilogy by garth nix. a ya fantasy classic about grief, duty, dead things and primordial cats and dogs. definitely holds up.
tess of the road by rachel hartman. ya fantasy. one of the best books i've read this year, had me completely emotionally invested by chapter 2. tess is SUCH a good character and her arc is so beautifully done. a companion novel/future series to hartman's seraphina duology but imo you don't need to read them first to enjoy this (you can ofc, but while the 1st (seraphina) is a really good scholarly fantasy about identity and also dragons, the 2nd (shadowscale) sadly didn't do much for me). tw for sexual assault (recounted as a memory, not graphic) and religious abuse.
the colours of madeleine by jaclyn moriarty. young ya/older mg contemporary portal fantasy. i picked these up on a whim a couple years ago and didn't expect much from them but was very pleasantly surprised by how fun and original they are. i reread them this summer and they're just as good the 2nd time around.
in other lands by sarah rees brennan. ya portal fantasy deconstruction. it's borderline satire and one of the funniest books i've ever read but it's also very sincere and intelligent in how it deals with its main character and his struggles.
middlegame by seanan mcguire. fantasy/sci-fi. honestly could not explain the plot of this book to you or why it's so good but there's psychically linked alchemically engineered twins who have various and sundry powers and i loved it.
sunshine by robin mckinley. paranormal urban fantasy. another book that i cant really explain but love anyway. i mean it's in the very general neighbourhood of "vampire romance" but like... weirder and frankly whatever you're expecting it to be it's probably not that.
keturah and lord death by martine leavitt. fairytale-like and haunting. every hades and persephone retelling wants what this book has.
the scorpio races by maggie stiefvater. her iconic standalone horsegirl fantasy <3 deeply atmospheric and about how being stuck on an unspecified celtic island in an unspecified but vaguely modern time could understandably be enough to drive you to fuck around with the local carnivorous water horses.
braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer. honestly if i could make everyone read just one book off this list it would be this one.
lab girl by hope jahren. beautifully written memoir about life, love and botany. one of my fav nonfiction books.
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ditttiiiwrecks · 4 years
OT7 Fic Rec Master Post:
 last updated (16/05/2021) 
If my master-list is anything to go by I am clearly obsessed with ot7, so here are some of my favs. 
Some of these stories are linked from Ao3. If any of those fics have been cross posted to Tumblr, please let me know. 
Current Fic Count: 25
Give all these amazing authors some love ♡ & To all the authors, Thank you so much for writing. I am so beyond grateful for all the work and time that you put in to writing these stunning pieces of literary art. 
This list is by no means complete, so if you have any recommendations, send em my way! ♡ Happy Reading!
~Love, @ditttiii  ♡
1) Void by @btssavedmylifeblr
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all. 
2) Make You Know Love by @btsismybiass 
Summary: Growing up, Jungkook had always shared everything with his brothers; toys, food, clothing, friends, and even girls. The seven were inseparable — secrets were not allowed. Halfway through senior year, Jungkook was sent to a school halfway across the world, though he wouldn’t tell anyone (that didn’t already know) why. Years later, he has an adjoining apartment with his best friend (who is hopelessly in love with him) and 6 brothers he has yet to tell her about. One night, she comes barging into his home unannounced only to be met with a group of sexy foreign strangers.
3) Armed to the Fangs by @jingabitch
Summary: You grew up in the Hunter’s Guild, understanding that it is your sacred duty as a hunter to protect humanity from the vampires that lurk in the dark, draining the life from anyone unlucky enough to be caught. While making the rounds one night, you encounter Taehyung, a fabled born vampire - not that you know that when he tries to entice you into a dark alley. Next thing you know, you’re kidnapped and taken to their home, where you realise that all of them somehow crave your blood and seem to know more about your past than you do. Finding out about where you came from might be the key to setting humanity free.
4) Sanctuary by @softykooky
Summary: some people are lucky enough to be born into a family that loves them. others meet their family in a coffee shop while on the run from the korean ambassador, while they’re holding a man at gunpoint and beating him to a pulp for treason against their syndicate.
5) Eunoia by @wishesunderthestars
Summary: You are a world famous director and you have dedicated your life to your job.You have everything you could ever dream of; wealth, recognision, talent, your friends and family. But loneliness ins’t cured by success. So what happens when you somehow rescue seven hybrids? Can they fill the void?
6) Tangled Hearts by @writersrealmbts
Summary: You have seven hybrids and life with them can be both good and stressful. Some days are better than others, but in the end, you know that they’re always there for you, in more ways than one.
7)  Diamond Tears and Little Wings by @writersrealmbts 
Summary: You’re a fairy, taken in by BTS. You need lots of love and care, otherwise your light will fade and you turn to stone. Between the seven of them, you should never feel unloved. Right?
8) Rose & Thorns by @minniepetals 
Summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
9) The Butter Series by @minniepetals
Summary: their names alone had every men and women turning their heads and falling at their feet. successful, prestigious, handsome, rich and untouchable to anyone that looked their way. and you? you were just an employee who worked for them. who would have known you meant so much more to them than you could ever imagine?
10) Stray Cat Strut by Bang to the Tan (TyphloticHaruspex)
Summary: When your grandmother passes away, she leaves her countryside house in your name. The longer you stay, the harder and harder it becomes to explain away the odd happenings. What kind of secrets does this sleepy town hold? And why do the local animals act so strangely around you?…
11) BACK HOME by @alexlwrites
Summary: : The one where, after living abroad for years, you move back to Korea and your old high school friend Namjoon offers you his place to stay while you get settled, casually forgetting to mention that: a) he still had a massive crush on you. b) he lived with six other guys.
12)  A Hundred Percent Human by Wrienne
Summary: In which you are forced to take care of seven hybrids in a twist of fate. After your estranged mother passes away, you're left with an unwanted will and the heavy burden of responsibility. Although you're desperate not to stray from the familiar path you thought was laid out in front of you with a fully human boyfriend who loves you more than anything, your life is thrown upside down once more after another unfortunate incident (that may or may not have to do with said boyfriend) occurs. Drunk and down on life, you finally decide to deal with the house and the unsavory business your mother left behind. However, to your shock, you find that seven very different hybrids are included with both the house - and the business. Seven hybrids you never even met before - even less agreed to take care of. Set in the not too distant future where infertility has become mankind's greatest issue. Will contain sexual content.
13)  I’ll Still Stay by @sugamoonv
Summary: Y/N, living in a society where hybrids are seen as commonly as pets and working a well-paying job, finally decides to adopt a hybrid for herself. But what happens when instead of one new companion, she leaves with seven? And what happens when nature decides that these companions are meant to be more than that?
14)  The Gateway to Your Heart by @justimajin
Summary:  ❝You gave me the best of me, so you give you the best of you.❞
15)  Like I Do by interlude__dream
Summary:  It's summer in Seoul. You didn't expect much to happen during your nights working at a coffee shop, but somehow, giving one kid a sandwich wrapped up your fate with seven hungry boys more tightly than you could have ever imagined.
16)  w e a r e a l l m a d h e r e by cath_mg
Summary: In which you're a model student who just managed to catch not just one, not two, but all seven 'transfer students' who just happened to visit your university.At the end of the road, will you stay or will you run? Or...
17)  Follow Me Down by ARMY_BRAT
Summary:  It was supposed to be a simple vacation to a foreign land. You certainly didn’t expect to wake up drugged and caged like an animal in the basement of seven beautiful men.
18)  Sharing is Caring by always_bias_wrecked
Summary:  You decide to let the rest of Bangtan watch you and your boyfriend Jimin have sex one time. Now suddenly everyone seems to want a piece of you, and Jimin doesn't seem to mind sharing.
19)  Ruin Me, I Dare You. by porcelainbones
Summary: Where a regular wannabe author discovers the members of the biggest band in the world are her soulmates. All Seven. (not a reader insert)
20) Abundance by @angelicyoongie
Summary: You never expected that you would end up adopting a hybrid, and if someone had told you that you would end up with seven? Well, you would have thought they were crazy. But here you are, with three different packs of hybrids that don’t get along – but all want to stay with you. Yeah, it turns out crazy is an understatement.
21) You Never Walk Alone by @agustdakasuga
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
22)  Accidental Friends by erakun
Summary:  Meet Bangtan, international superstars, the pride of South Korea, the love and hope in the dark of many lives, the role model and celebrity crush of so many people, and a group of people you often stumble across in your day to day life. You become acquaintances, slowly become friends, and- that's it. You are in a platonic friendship with Bangtan. Let me say it again. *clears throat* PLATONIC.
23)  Lifeline by @forgottenpasta
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them?
24) Restitution  by @cloudteawrites 
Summary: When an estranged uncle leaves you his massive fortune you wonder if the universe is playing a joke on you. when that fortune comes with seven hybrids, you know for sure that it is.
25) The Lore of the Forest by spield
Summary: Nothing ancient and magical is ever really lost. When the descendants and heirs of the myths and legends come together to live a normal life, something - someone - is thrown into their plans. Bringing with them aid, magic and so much more.
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Chapter 8 is finally up! sorry for the weird month gap, The Co-Creators and I have been busy and focused on other things but we are still working on this story gradually!! Wattpad
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grelleswife · 3 years
DomiJeanne!!! (for the Domesticity Meme)
1. Who cooks normally?
According to this extra Mochizuki drew, neither Domi nor Jeanne is a particularly amazing cook. 😂 Although I can’t read Japanese, I think I remember one translation (it might have been on @popopretty ‘s blog?) saying that Domi considers cooking a job for the servants, while Jeanne is mainly a foodie rather than a preparer of said food (though she does know survival cooking). So Domi probably just hires the finest chefs de Sade money can provide to make all her girl’s favorite dishes!
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2. How often do they fight?
Not very often! They have a natural rapport, with each bringing out the other’s gentler side. I have a feeling most of their fights would either be related to Vanitas (Domi’s antipathy towards him is stronger than ever, even after Jeanne broke up with the human) or stem from Domi’s lingering insecurities (for example, she notices someone flirting with Jeanne and gets jealous). But with time, they’re able to work through these issues.
3. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Since Jeanne still serves as Luca’s chevalier, most of her time is spent accompanying him during his daily routine or when he’s out on official business. In those leisurely moments when she isn’t able to see Dominique, Jeanne might read a novel, go strolling in a nearby park, or stop by one of her local cafes or restaurants for a quick bite to eat!
Domi remains part of the royal guard, and regularly practices with her sword (in addition to competing in the occasional fencing match). I don’t remember if this is canon, but I could also see her enjoying horseback riding. If she can’t spend time with Jeanne, she’ll seek out the company of her other favorite person, Noé, or write him a letter if he and Vanitas are off chasing curse bearers. She also likes to go shopping to add to her extensive wardrobe, and typically gets a new outfit, box of chocolates, etc. for Jeanne while she’s at it. Domi’s girlfriend never strays far from her mind. ☺️
4. Nicknames for each other?
Domi calls Jeanne “ma belle,” “ma chérie,” “mon amour,” “mon trésor,” “mon ange,” “ma colombe”...you get the picture! For some reason, I have a hard time imagining Jeanne using pet names, but the moment when she finally felt comfortable enough to call her lover Domi instead of Lady Dominique made our favorite de Sade blush like a schoolgirl.
5. Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Dominique, since she’s the aristocrat.
6. Who steals the covers at night?
Hmm...maybe Jeanne? She always apologizes profusely after she wakes up and becomes aware of her blanket crimes. Domi just winks and says Jeanne can make it up to her by warming her back up with cuddles, which Jeanne is happy to do. 💕
7. What would they get each other for gifts?
Since Jeanne hasn’t had many people in her life who bothered to make her feel special, Domi goes all-out with lavish presents—sweets from the most acclaimed confectionery in France, or a season’s worth of dresses, or a pretty pony. Jeanne’s gifts are equally heartfelt, even if they aren’t as extravagant. She might try to make something for Domi by hand, like a scarf and mittens, or write her a love poem (which of course Domi would treasure 🥰🥰🥰)
8. Who remembers things?
Maybe Domi? Jeanne might be more forgetful and prone to distraction.
9. Who cusses more?
Though neither is prone to swearing in public, Domi uses more profanity when they’re talking in private. Jeanne might be a cinnamon roll, but she can and will say fuck if sufficiently enraged. 🔥 Dominique thinks her girlfriend is even hotter when she curses. 😏
10. What would they do if the other one was hurt?
In both cases, their first priority would be patching up the other’s wounds, making sure they were okay, and fretting over them. Step two would involve slicing whoever was responsible for those injuries to ribbons. 🔥 Jeanne is a little better at keeping a cool head under pressure in these situations because she has more experience on the battlefield. Because both ladies have lost loved ones in horrifically violent ways, they’d be extra protective in the wake of the injury and reluctant to leave the other’s side.
11. Who kissed who first?
Domi kissed Jeanne first. They were taking a walk together through Paris and happened to be in a quiet, out-of-the-way area...so Domi used Jeanne’s parasol to shield them from any prying eyes, and gave her a smooch! 😘
12. Who made the first move?
Maybe Jeanne? After Domi’s curse was lifted and Jeanne dumped Vanitas (I leave the details to your imagination 😉) the chevalier reached out to her friend out of worry and a desire to reconnect. The letters they exchanged over the next few weeks helped repair their bond and paved the way for subsequent dates.
13. Who started the relationship?
Jeanne. As they grew closer, Domi realized that she’d fallen for the other vampire but was afraid to push her luck for fear of rejection (she stills struggles with self-esteem issues and remorse over fighting Jeanne under Misha’s influence, even though that obviously wasn’t her fault 😭). But one day while they were having tea, Jeanne worked up the courage to tell Domi point-blank that she wanted to be more than just friends, and that she understood if Domi didn’t reciprocate...but she couldn’t keep these feelings to herself any longer!!! Dominique promptly burst into tears (which left poor Jeanne more than a little confused), but then rushed over to hug the chevalier and sob out that she’d be honored to court her. 🥰
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on the flip side of “characters are not real people and so shouldn’t be held to the same standards we hold for actual humans,” real people aren’t characters whose traits are chosen by an omnipotent author. real people are people who are a unique constellation of traits, each of which is shared with millions of people.
the usual problem with a fictional character falling into a stereotype is that it’s their only characterization. the important thing about the damsel love interest is that she’s in danger and she’s in love with the protagonist, so we don’t need to know about her passion for stamp collecting if it isn’t plot-relevant; there’s no scene where we watch the evil terrorist check out the devil wears prada from his local library immediately before trying to murder the hero with ten other terrorists. and, typically, they are the only character of their kind: the only gay guy is the villainess’s sycophantic sidekick; the only black woman exists only for the heroine to have a best friend.
but humans, by dint of being human, are always three-dimensional, multi-faceted beings, and are always one out of millions of other people. having the only female character in your cast have no personality other than “liking pink” is trite and overdone; an actual human woman who likes pink is always going to be more complex than that.
if your complaints about someone’s actions, experiences, or inherent traits read like an editor complaining about overdone tropes or stereotypes, you aren’t actually making a valid critique, you are demonstrating a fundamental inability to discern truth from fiction. 
1973 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 04:57:05 GMT
~hot take~ about a book that came out ten years ago but one of the biggest reasons 50 Shades of Grey fails as a fanfiction - not as a piece of writing, but as fanfiction specifically - is because it fundamentally misunderstands the central conflict throughout the Twilight novels and as a result makes Anastasia and Christian’s relationship even more incomprehensible and unhealthy than Bella and Edward’s. that conflict NOT being the Volturi or anything to do with other vampires, but the fact that Bella wants to be a vampire and Edward doesn’t want her to be a vampire. 
like, Bella doesn’t want to grow old, she’s been parentified by her parents, and she feels boring and ordinary, so eternal youth + superpowers seems pretty fucking cool to her. meanwhile Edward hates being a vampire and sees it as a burden, especially since part of being a vampire is the constant threat of accidentally injuring or killing his girlfriend. the tension is the push and pull between what Bella wants and what Edward wants, and it’s only resolved when she does actually become a vampire.
so if we assume that BDSM is the vampirism metaphor in the 50 Shades fics (namely, something dangerous but also sexy and alluring), then Anastasia should be completely gung-ho about the kinky shit and Christian should be wracked with guilt every time he even considers spanking someone. finding out Christian is kinky should make Ana realize that whatever feelings she’s had before has a NAME and OTHER PEOPLE and is NORMAL and that her secret kinky fantasies are validated, while Christian should be crying into his pillow at the idea that he’s corrupted poor innocent Ana with his perverted ways. 
what I’m saying here is that it not only makes the storyline way creepier, because BDSM - and a relationship with Christian, since the story explicitly says you can’t have one without the other - is something that Ana is afraid of instead of excited about, but also makes it WAY more boring. oh ho hum, “a sexy millionaire overcame my protests and had his sexy sexy way with me!” said every fucking Harlequin novel ever. groundbreaking.
tl;dr: the plot of 50 Shades should be “Ana discovers Fetlife on bing.com and they go back and forth on their kinky needs v. Christian’s guilt at potentially hurting his love until they split the difference and have Ana top”
2895 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 21:42:21 GMT
one of these days I’m gonna get an expensive mic and Final Cut Pro and I’m going to do an extended Youtube series called “You Don’t Know How To Write Fanfiction” and it’s going to just be me tearing apart big-name writers and directors for having shit characterization and no idea how to write creative plots for existing franchises because they’ve never had to write a crossover or AU in their lives
3338 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 02:52:18 GMT
the thing that bugs me the most about the censoring of the internet to please advertisers is like... tv shows aren’t having less sex and violence in them. movies aren’t having less sex and violence in them. HBO can do eight seasons of graphic murder and nudity and it’s the cultural phenomenon of the decade, but I can’t show a nipple on tumblr or talk about death on tiktok. it’s not that the internet is becoming “safer,” it’s just making these topics a privilege only for very rich people, and putting it behind a paywall for everyone else.
16355 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 15:57:39 GMT
disney looked at the success of maleficent and thought audiences really wanted shot-for-shot live-action retellings of existing disney movies and/or villains with tragic backstories, when the success of maleficent really was down to two things:
a well-crafted version of sleeping beauty that was still recognizable as sleeping beauty, but with enough deviations that it felt like a new story, complete with worldbuilding/lore and a very sweet and realistic mother/daughter relationship between maleficent and aurora, and
sexy bird man
20851 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 04:50:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bwayfan25 · 3 years
ER Vampire AU!
Sorry this took me a little while to respond to, as I had to go to sleep. Also, my brain filled in much more of this than some of the others, so we're going beyond five. (Also, it's a teensy bit sexier than I usually write, but it's vampires so....)
1. It takes place in the late 1800s in a small town/suburb on the outskirts of Chicago. A bunch of men (most of whom are considered attractive) have one missing when they go out hunting. Most of the time, the bodies never turn up. But this time, one has.
2. John Carter, son of the wealthy Carter family, was discovered drained of blood off the main trail in the woods. Mayor Robert Romano and several others immediately declare it was the work of vampires. Local physician Kerry Weaver says it can't possibly be vampires.
3. An arguement ensues and eventually Kerry offers to go into the woods to find out more about what happened. She packs up a bag and heads out only to accidentally stumble into one of the traps that she's sure the hunters set. She's not badly hurt but it hanages to leave a big gash across her leg, which she patches up but the pain makes her limp a bit worse.
4. She follows the path until she reaches a large grand house in the woods. It's almsot dark now, but the lamps are lit inside and it seems welcoming enough. When she knocks on the door, she is greeted by a beautiful blonde woman who looks at her with both intrigue and soemthing like hunger in her eyes.
5. The beautiful blonde woman, who introduces herself as Susan, invites her inside and asks what Kerry is out doing at this time of night. Kerry explains and the woman and her friends (Elizabeth and Abby immediately come to mind, but I'm sure there are others) all express concern at the missing men.
6. Susan is the first to catch sight of Kerry's cane and the bandaged wound on her leg. Immediately, she ushers Kerry into a chair, saying something like "Oh, you poor dear, please sit down :) You must be so tired after your long walk :) We shall make you something to eat :) Please stay here tonight and rest :) We'll take very good care of you I promise :)"
7. Kerry is not one to turn down hsopitality (and she could do with a rest) so she agrees. The women fall over themselves to make her comfortable, but it is Susan who is the most welcoming. She invites Kerry upstairs and gives her a nightdress and offers to let her sleep in her own bedroom. When Kerry asks where she will sleep, she just replies that she doesn't sleep much at night :)
8. Kerry freshens up and then returns to the bedroom where Susan is sitting in an armchair, waiting for her. She says or asks Kerry a bunch of odd but seemingly harmless things like "I'm sure your family will miss you terribly when you do not return this evening :) Oh, you say you have no family? Not even a husband? That is so sad :) I feel so terribly for you :)"
9. Kerry notices a grand window overlooking the woods and goes over to look at it. She realizes that someone looking out this window could see over many of the trees in the forest and had an almost perfect sightline to a nearby hunting lodge. She starts to draw some conclusions - the good view, the fact that Susan doesn't sleep at night, the very rare steak served at dinner - but before she can say anything, she senses Susan stepping behind her. But although she can see Susan out of the corner of her eye, she can't see her reflected in the mirror right next to her.
10. She turns on Susan just as Susan begins to suck on her neck. But instead of feeling pain as fangs are sunk into her flesh, she starts to feel rather aroused. This isn't a vampire, she thinks. It's just one of those "Sapphic" women she's read about. (And, given how much she seems to like this, perhaps she is one, too.)
11. But as pleasurable as this is, she does eventually feel the sensation of fangs nearing her neck, and she turns on Susan. She accusses her of being a vampire and of killing all those men and Susan is just like "Guilty :)" Kerry then accuses her of trying to kill her too, but Susan denies this. Kerry's like "I just felt you do it. You're going to kill me." But Susan insists, "No, I'm not :) I was going to turn you :) So you could be a vampire too :) And live forever :) And kiss me a lot :) And have sex too if you would like that :)"
12. Kerry is like "No, I would not like that. I don't want to be a vampire. I am here to find out what happened to those men and give their families peace. So, I am going to leave and go do that." Susan barely even flinches and is just like "Okay :) Have fun :) I'll be right here if you change your mind :) Also, if you try to bring a mob and kill us, I will tear you apart with my bare hands and enjoy every second of it :)"
13. Kerry goes back and tells the town that it was just bad luck and maybe a bear and then tries to go to sleep and forget the house in the woods. But then she changes her mind and goes and lets the pretty vampire woman bite her so she can kiss and maybe even have sex with the pretty vampire woman forever. The end.
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filmmakerdreamst · 4 years
Xena: Warrior Princess Review
During Pride Month 2020, I finally got around to watch ‘Xena’. A show that had been in my to-watch list for years, but never got around to start. And when I finally did, I was pleasantly surprised. It was not what I expected and it was everything I think my 11 year old self would have loved.
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The one thing that surprised me about the show, was the lack of packaging. Even though it was a fantasy, it also played with different kinds of genres too. I’ve talked about this before in my other review - ‘Xena’ was made at a time when TV had very few rules/rarely had a set audience, since there were parts of the show that were clearly for kids and there were other parts that were clearly for adults (therefore had much more flexibility). I admired how they weren’t afraid to break barriers and touch on deep themes such as religion, morality, redemption, spirituality, motherhood, forgiveness etc - even more than shows of today are able. I also loved how they played into the idea of ‘murder’ and how much it can damage a person - not just the person who commits the act, but the many people affected afterwards. I wasn’t expecting it to be that extreme. It made me think that this must of been the inspiration for ‘Game of Thrones’. 
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I see a lot of comments here and there, saying how ‘cheesy and terrible’ it was but to just accept it because its part of the fun. And while like any show it does suffer from the occasional spell of bad writing (the whole of season 5) but it was also shown to be very aware of that fact and never took itself too seriously - unlike some shows I could mention. 
And regarding the ‘cheese’ factor (what 90s show wasn’t) It definitely can be, but I would call it ‘camp’ and ‘experimental’ more than anything else. (Don’t diss the poor use of CGI - I’m personally sympathetic to what was avaliable to them at the time) The style of humour reminded me of Taika Waititi’s filmmaking. If you’ve watched any of his films such as ‘Hunt for The Wilderpeople’ or ‘Jojo Rabbit’, then you know what I’m talking about. I liked how little they cared about being accurate or logical, which added to the ‘bonkers’ element in the show - which you can see in all of Taika Waititi’s films.
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In all seriousness, a show centered around two women in their late twenties, who are realistic sizes (not trying to play teenagers). One of whom is a reformed mass murderer, who has lived a life experience, trying to do good in the world for the first time, picking the other one up who has no life experience prior (after they bugged them until they said ‘ok fine’) in their path to redemption. Just two women who become friends travelling the world together, fighting crime, having a laff, learning from one another without any toxicity - when suddenly when the stakes are raised - they realise ‘oh I'm actually falling in love with this person’ I have watched a lot of badly written shows in my childhood enough to know that, that’s not ‘cheesy’. I’ve never seen a story like that in my entire life. I’m not at all surprised that Russel T Davis was inspired by it while writing the Doctor and Rose’s relationship in ‘Doctor Who’ since he’s gay himself.
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What’s more amazing about their love story is how they’re both develop as separate people as well. There was this video essay explaining ‘Why you should watch Angel’ the spin off series to Buffy; how ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer ‘was all about growing up and ‘Angel’ was all about being an adult. With Xena: Warrior Princess, you have both of those stories at the same time. 
Xena’s character was such a multifaceted experience to watch. And I can’t imagine anyone else who could play her as well as Lucy Lawless. What planet did they get that actress from? She's flawless! The amount of skill she has to put herself into a very physical role is astonishing. I personally had a love/hate relationship with her character all series long. Not in the way that I hated her, just that I couldn’t trust if she was all good or bad, which I know was intentional on the writers part. I haven’t seen a character quite like her before. She felt very much like a fallen angel; almost like the villain of her own story. Some of my favourite episodes come from fleshing out her character and dark past (‘Locked up and Tied Down’ is one of them) which reminds the audience that's she's not the stereotypical hero everyone expects. I loved her transformation from being this incredibly stoic warrior to being content and happy with who she is in season six, all because of a woman she fell in love with along the way. 
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I’ve always thought of Gabrielle as the real hero and narrator of ‘Xena’. She’s the prime example of ‘a normal person becoming extrodinary’. Gabrielle’s coming of age story starting out as an innocent girl from a poor village dreaming of adventure, and ending as this vicious warrior who realises the ‘adventure’ wasn’t how she made it out to be is honestly the best character arc that I’ve ever seen. I loved how travelling with Xena made her realise her passion for writing (which was never going to happen in her home town, given the ‘sexist’ and ‘heteronormative’ ideas) and that she became a amazon princess like Xena. In regards to her sexuality, which is more up for debate than Xena’s (which I think we can all agree is bisexual) I personally interpret her as gay, just in terms of how she was written. Theres this moment in season 4 where she's being held up her hair, and Xena “symbolically” cuts it off ‘freeing her’. And she never really gets with a man afterwards, unless she’s being ‘possessed. It reminded me of a moment in one of Hayao Miyasaki’s films ‘Laputa, Castle in the Sky’ where the bad guy Moska shoots Sheeta’s ‘princess hair off’ which symbolises her transition from child to adult.
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The cinematography was breathtaking. There was some great utilisation of New Zealand as the scenery. So was the soundtrack. You could tell it was made by experienced filmmakers. One of my favourite things about the show was the domestic elements - moments in the show where time seemed to stop - which made the world around the characters seem very real and magical. Even though it was a show that featured a lot of action/adventure, there was also this gentleness to it as well. For example, you could feel the wetness of the rain, the warmth of the sun and the clashing of the waves. This technique is used in Hayao Miayasaki’s work a lot .
The technique is referred to as ‘MA’ 空虚 meaning emptiness in Japanese. ‘Miyasaki describes this as the time between a clap’
“If you just have non stop action, with no breathing space at all, its just busyness. But if you take a moment, then the tension building in the film can grow into a wider dimension” - Hayao Miyasaki
The episode ‘A Day in the Life’ in season two is a really good example of this technique being used.
To my understanding, they used a lot of the local actors in New Zealand, which according to Lucy Lawless, consisted of ‘African immigrants and other different ethnicites’. It was so refreshing to see such a diverse show (despite some slip ups) especially in the 90s. I appreciated the idea that if the actors or extras couldn’t do an ‘american accent’ people could just talk in their natural speech which was also very refreshing. 
The LGBT representation was surprisingly amazing. I never expected so many queer characters in one show - especially under the censors. There was this one episode where they had a trans woman - played by an actual trans actress - win a beauty contest. It made me cry. Not to mention the actress was an aids activist. It was actually Lucy Lawless’ idea to kiss her which was incredibly controversial at that time considering how everyone thought you could catch aids just by kissing. I can definitey see how it validated people back in the 90s.
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When people told me that Xena: Warrior Princess was one of the greatest love stories, I thought they were exaggerating a little. But no, watching the show in context, I found out that it really is. Despite its obvious restrictions, It made me realise (regarding token gay couples today) how often television writers rely on physicality and drama to convey a ‘love story’ and how much of it is actually pandering the audience. One of the reasons why Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship felt so genuine is because it was built on mutual respect/compassion and they were also best friends. I felt like I was witnessing something very real and private. It didn’t need kissing scenes or drama to make it interesting. 
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It really helped that most of the writers were queer also. There’s this opening scene in season 4, panning over to Gabrielle giving Xena a massage (metaphor for sex - because they weren’t able to show that on screen) which I consider to be one of the most iconic scenes in media - considering how I wanted to sick up my supper when I watched the 10 minute ‘empty’ explicit sex scene in ‘Blue in the Warmest Colour’. The difference when something is written by a queer women vs a straight man.
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Because the creators weren’t allowed to write their love story in the normal way, due to the studio forbidding them to, they found creative ways to showcase that love on screen - which made for a very magical/sensual experience. And I can safely say, if anyone has doubts about watching ‘Xena’, whenever I expected to be queer baited at a few points in the show, I was proved wrong time and time again. It’s the most romantical show I’ve ever seen in my life!
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qiankunfics · 3 years
KunTen Masterlist Part 2
1.  Instead of a Rivalry, Can I Have a Romance? by lilyhearted
Summary: Actually, he wouldn’t have even known there was a rivalry in the first place if Hendery hadn’t found that stupid gossip article online. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
2.  gratuitous by fldx
Summary: Ten knows he looks as shameless as he feels. There's no hesitation in the way he spreads his legs further to show off his hole, teasing himself with a single finger. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
3. Caught Up Over You by easycomeeasygo
Summary: Yukhei laughs and elbows Kun, “He’s looking at our sweet darling Kun-ge like he wants to devour him.” Rating: Mature Status: One-shot
4.  our side of the mountain by andnowforyaya
Summary: Kun and Ten sneak away in the early hours of the morning, before the crew wakes, before the other boys wake, for some quality time together. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
5. We just need to talk it out by cherrycitrus_blossom
Summary: The last thing Ten wanted was to make Kun feel like he couldn't talk to him, but why didn't Ten notice this earlier? Why did it take one comment from Johnny for Ten to realise that this friendship took more than two steps back? Rating: General Status: One-Shot
6. Flickering by violetpeche
Summary: Brushing your teeth in candlelight is not romantic. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
7.  sirens in my head by thereisnoreality
Summary: Part of murdery martrimony collection Rating: Explicit / Mature Status: One-Shot Trigger: Literally murder mentioned/implied
8.  Apple of My Eye by Lertsek
Summary: Ten wears purple lipstick. Kun likes it. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
9. we are not what we once were by johnjaemark
Summary: Ten and Kun meet again at a party thrown by their record company. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
10. breakfast meal by 10vesick
Summary: Follow-up to the Twit-fic Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
11.  Lift me up by Luonnotar
Summary: Kun just wants to go home and forget about his insufferable colleague, but a technical mishap throws a wrench into his plans Rating: General Status: One-Shot
12. One brick at a time by ForMyBabies (BooksandKpop)
Summary: Ten and Kun get into a fight and Ten is petty so while Kun is at work he covers the whole bedroom floor with legos and waits for Kun to return. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
13. Here Because of the People by eggboyksoo
Summary: Dance teacher and aspiring choreographer Ten moonlights as a cashier at a local supermarket to pay his bills. Kun happens to do his weekly shop during Ten's Monday morning shift. Both carry more baggage than most realise. Rating: Teen Status: On-Going
14.  Pineapples by subbyyang
Summary: Ten reads a very interesting article on the advantages of pineapples. He decides to check the results for himself Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
15.  Extra Practice by subbyyang
Summary: Ten and Kun get the practice room for themselves and don't waste time. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
16. It was an accident, I swear! by princessgongjunim (MyOwnCharacterInEverything)
Summary: Ten sends a wrong text to Alpha Kun.  Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
17. we've got till noon, here comes the moon by taeyomi (buttercream)
Summary:  Ten remembers his voice saying it. He also remembers being held by him, how real everything felt. It’s true Ten’s never been in love before so he wouldn’t actually be able to compare, but he’s got an inkling Jackson’s formula wasn’t too far from it. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot 
18. baby, fuck me with your mic on by jxmxnbabe
Summary: Kun and Ten fuck while the mic is recording Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot 
19. happy hoelloween by violetpeche
Summary: Multi-shots Rating: Explcit Status: On-going
20. messages in blood on my bathroom mirror by jinnieshyun (angelsouls)
Summary: Ten finds blood on his bathroom mirror. It's surprisingly helpful. (And the guy is hot.) Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
21.  a collection of hearts by andnowforyaya
Summary: Who does this guy think he is, walking into Ten’s shop with the most adorable kid in the universe, with hair like that, a smile so blinding it could rival the light of the sun? There has to be a catch.  Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
22.  sugar frosted fruity us by moonwalker116 (mikararinna)
Summary: Ten really likes the sugary sweet frosted cereal flakes that they sell in order to fool children into eating breakfast. Kun wasn't so fond of the cereal. But just like many of Ten's quirks and bits, Kun accepted the fact that Ten really loved those cereals. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
23.  sous-vide this love by kwonjis
Summary: “i see you’ve met ten’s new beau, not a fan of his i’m assuming?” sicheng says dryly. kun huffs and turns away, grabbing a ladle from somewhere and stirring the pot behind him vigorously. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
24.  all's well that ends well (to end up with you) by drmroses
Summary:  Kun finds himself in an urgent predicament as he gets to know Ten Rating: Teen  Status: One-Shot
25.  Make The Stars Align by easycomeeasygo
Summary:  Kun runs around Beijing looking for the cute boy in the yellow sweater. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
26. fear is just a word (heaven just a place) by rowenabane
Summary: The man’s lips flicker upwards at the words, as if Kun has just told a very funny but tasteless joke. “I know.” Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
27.  catching feelings by madhoney
Summary: “You’ve trained so much for this,” Kun said. “You don’t need anyone to take care of you. You don’t need me to take care of you.” Rating: General  Status: One-Shot
28. boy with a heart by andnowforyaya
Summary: “He won’t come out,” Guangheng says, taking his stew from Kun’s hands. “He says his stomach still hurts.” Rating: General Status: One-Shot 
29. bedtime routine by tostitos
Summary: it's just like ten to mess up kun's perfect bedtime routine of coffee and a easy-reading novel with his oral fixation. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
30. and now we are prey by lunarsoo
Summary: Serial Killer hunts down Agent Kun. Rating: Explicit / Mature Status: One-shot
31. and now we are prey by lunarsoo
Summary: The more Kun knows Ten, the more he realizes he doesn’t know much about him at all. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
32. love the way you're talking to me by 10vesick
Summary: Ten seemingly doesn’t understand what Kun is saying.  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
33. you could be the king but watch the queen conquer by thereisnoreality
Summary: Part of murdery martrimony Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
34.  2054 by pinkwinwin
Summary: He was designed this way, after all. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
35. it’s been a long, long time. by RedamancyEffect
Summary: Kun couldn’t help but notice how Ten treated him differently since he presented. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
36. 何以歌 (a song with no name) by sayounarahitori
Summary: Kun writes music and waits for Ten. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
37. To The Prettiest Boy in School by Alette
Summary: *Main pairing is Xiaodery but KunTen is cute here too.  Rating: General Status: One-Shot
38. Are They Together or Not? by NovemberSuns
Summary: No one seems to know exactly what Kun and Ten’s relationship is. Yangyang is determined to find out. Rating: Teen  Status: One-shot
39. Coming Home by bInTheMoon
Summary:  Ten, a modern witch, finds himself in the past and get help of Qian Kun, the handsome vampire who is going to show him what home feels like. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
40. A Kiss in Your Body by akaashigf
Summary: Kun was managing his crush and relationship with Ten well until one day, he mysteriously woke up in his body. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
41. Is This Your Card? by Kill3rWhal3D1ck
Summary: Ten thinks Kun is pretty cool in his own weird way and wishes everyone would just let him live. Rating: Teen Status: Completed *Part of NCT WayV Hogwarts AU
42.  I'm Not Coming up for Air by zosma
Summary: When Ten can't pull the threads of privacy, of identity and control, away from the performance of his daily life, Kun helps him come down in the one place that's truly private-- the shower. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
43. What Happened at Yuta’s Party? by NovemberSuns
Summary: From Taeyong getting wasted and Doyoung crying about Jeno growing up to Kun and Ten staring at each other across the room, everyone has something to remember about this particular party. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot 
44. hold on, hold tight by rainingover
Summary: Except now he's got these intermittent stomach aches and he's started to feel guilty about every other thought he has. Mainly the ones about Ten. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
45. i am a lion, i am a queen by kuntenjohnil
Summary: Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul turning into a female: Double the trouble. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
46. Cold Coffee by sunsetude
Summary: Kun’s exhausted, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
47. Missing You by starryeyed (kaylie153)
Summary: Ten doesn't get a lot of alone time anymore on tour with SuperM. So he takes the chances he can get to call his closest friend and confidante in private. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
48. togetherness by andnowforyaya
Summary: After six years, Ten still acted like Baba was the coolest thing since people landed on the moon. Rating: General  Status: One-Shot
49. Kun's Out Of Body Sexting Experience by sayounarahitori
Summary: Ten won't stop sending Kun photos. It… escalates. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
50.  for real by 10vesick
Summary:Ten and Kun had been building this marriage way before either of them had even proposed. Rating: General  Status: One-Shot
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Holt Hyde Journal
July 23
Woke up in a moving truck last night - in the cab... this time. But I was totally confused as to how I got there and exactly where I was going. I figured since Moms was driving it meant another new job in another new town - maybe this one will be the last for a while...
July 25
Tried to stay up so I could see what the new town looks like in the daytime but it was no use. Soon as the first ray or sunlight cracked the horizon I was out. Shouldn’t be surprised, since for as long as I can remember, I’ve been trippin’ to the music of the night. I can’t recall the last time I saw the sun... really I can’t. I used to wonder if I was part vampire but so far no fangs and no overwhelming desire to make beat juice my new drink of choice. I must do some serious sleep walking during the day though, cause sometimes when I wake up I am dressed like a complete dork. 
July 27
I put some flyers up at the Maul advertising my DJ biz. Hopefully I’ll get some bites. I know that once I get a few gigs I’ll be busy all the time ‘cause I can definitely spin some scary mixes.
August 1 
Being the new monster in town means I’ve got to figure out who all the players are so I don’t get off on the wrong claw with any of the locals. So I’ve been taking walks at night with Crossfade just to check things out. This is what I’ve peeped so far:
Count Dracula - This ain’t no mopey “Please give me a hug ‘cause I’ma vampire” cry baby. This is the original old school, dark as midnight, bad to the fang Nosferatu. There may be monsters that have been around longer but none of them have Count Dracula’s street cred. He and his daughter live on my street in what is either a gigantic mansion or a small castle. I guess you’d have to go with mansion but only because there isn’t a moat and a drawbridge.
The Mummy - Got to say there’s just something about old school monster royalty. They’re like rock stars or something I’m not the kind of monster that gets star struck but I seriously wanted to ask for his autograph. I didn’t but I thought about it. He and his princess daughter Cleo de Nile live in this palace that looks like a movie set with servants and all. I don’t know Cleo but it seems like she’s wound a little tight.
The Werewolf - There’s one Alpha wolf in his pack and he is it. I heard he could have gone pro in just about any sport he wanted but he was so much stronger and faster than the other players they said it wouldn’t be fair for him to play. He’s got a big family in a not so big house and it always seems like there is some kind of drama going on over there. The way they argue you’d think they don’t like each other but you’d be wrong. They watch out for each other and if you fight one of them you better be ready to take them all. Clawd is the BMOC - Big Monster on Campus and Clawdeen is going to have songs written about her one day. 
Frankenstein and His Bride - Mr. Stein is pretty chill for a dude who’s 8 feet tall and looks like he’s strong enough to tie knots in oak trees. Mrs. Stein on the other hand... well let’s just say Mr. Stein is a lucky monster. They live in a house that looks like a cross between a Swiss chalet and a research lab. I think they’ve got a new baby over there but I haven’t seen her yet.
The Sea Monster - He doesn't’ really live on land, at least I don’t think he does - for sure he’s got a little beach house where Lagoona Blue lives. It’s got this killer dock that goes out over the water. I saw Lagoona sitting out there talking to him one night. He never got out of the water though so I couldn’t tell exactly what he looked like but he churned serious water when he left. I think he mostly just keeps to himself and doesn’t spend a lot of time with surface monsters.
Medusa - Seems like she’s got her hiss together and is in total control of her emotions - good thing too, cause if she ever lost it, your career as a permanent life size paperweight would start right away. I guess that’s why she wears sunglasses outside of her house - even at night. Speaking of her house it looks like a building from one of those pictures at a Greek restaurant the kind with the big columns and everything. I bet the acoustics in that place are awesome. Wonder if she ever lets Deuce have parties up there? 
August 3
Have you ever met someone for the first time and it’s like you’ve known them all your life? Dude this totally happened to me last night. I was doing this bubblegum dance gig, not really my style but sometimes you’ve got to give the monsters what they want - ya know? Anyway, this absolutely smokin’ little vampire was out on the floor doing the Transylvania Trance and there wasn’t another monster in the place who could keep up so I flipped the switch to auto pilot and jumped right in there with her. When the song was over I was like, “Ula D you rock!” Then she said, “How do you know my name because I don’t think we’ve ever met have we?” I couldn’t think of a time when we had but somehow I just knew who she was. Weird huh? 
August 10
Had a date with the lovely and lyrical Operetta. She’s a bit of a diva but what a set of pipes! I took her to see this band I really like and everything was going great until this gargoyle bumps into her and almost knocks her down. I didn’t think his apology was sincere so I got hot and long story short... I got us kicked out. Operetta was embarrassed about it, and asked me to take her home. I sent her a dozen dead roses but she’s still not talking to me. My temper constantly gets me into trouble but never gets me out.
August 11
Mom found out about last night from Operetta’s dad. She says I need to do a better job controlling my temper and stop being such a hot head but it’s not like I can just become a different person. Sometimes I think she wishes I wasn’t a monster at all. Does she think I can just snap my fingers and turn into some dorky human or something? I swear sometimes I just want to ~~~~~~~~~~ ASHES! I melt more pens this way. Maybe mom’s right - wish there was like a potion you could drink to get rid of the bad stuff... oh well.
August 20 
I think I’m going to take some night school classes this year. I heard that Monster High does non-traditional classes for monsters who don’t do daylight and since I seem to fit into that crew I’m gonna sign up. There’s supposed to be this siren that gives voice lessons and Operetta’s dad teaches a keyboard class. 
September 5
I started working on this song that I want to be kinda about my life. Maybe inspiration will hit and I’ll finish it or maybe I haven’t lived long enough to write a song about my life. Anyway I got the first verse:
A twisted road plays out like a rhyme
Revealing itself a little at a time
Turn the corner Leave what’s behind
Outta sight and outta mind
Outta sight and outta mind
Guess I’ll have to see where the road leads.
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Right. So I am an avid reader of high school au fics of any fandom, and since my current obsession is Sherlock that's what I'm spending most of my time doing.
And I've read quite a few fics where John plays rugby, which is entirely apt.
BUT as a rugby follower, I can't help but notice that some writers don't seem to know much about rugby. Which is cool, no need to massively research every single thing you write about. But sometimes it simply doesn't make sense. So I thought I'd make a reference post for anyone wanting to write about rugby.
1. There is no goalie
I've seen this a few times where someone is in goal. This is simply not a thing in rugby. The goalposts are in the shape of an H, and the aim is to kick it above the horizontal bar, so it would simply be impossible to have one.
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2. There are two types of rugby
There is rugby league and rugby union, and although they are similar, there are some differences. I have sometimes seen people mix the two, so I want to clear something. In the original stories (The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire) it says John played rugby union, so that is what I am focusing on in this post. Basically from here on in when you see the word 'rugby' I am talking about rugby union.
3. There are only 23 players in a game of rugby union
Sometimes I see people writing "x is number 28" and that simply does not exist. In rugby union you have 15 players on a pitch at one time (for each team), and 8 substitutions.
4. People aim for tries, not goals
Of course, goals do exist in rugby, but a try scores more. I'll explain basic scoring below. (These are rugby union scoring rules)
A try is worth 5 points. This is when a player grounds the ball over the try line (this is a white line in line with the goalpost). The team then gets a chance to kick the ball through the goalpost. If this is achieved, an extra 2 points is added. This is called a conversion or converted try.
A drop goal is worth 3 points. This is simply kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts. This is not usually done as people go for tries instead.
A penalty kick is worth 3 points. There's some intricate stuff here, but the basic idea is if the other team commits a foul, the team gets a 'free kick' to try and score some points.
So although 'goals' are possible, they are not very common.
5. Other bits of basic play
A scrum is where the forwards of each team join together to try and gain the ball. Basically there's a lot of shoving involved.
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Players with the ball can only pass it sideways or backwards. The defending team tries to tackle them to the floor, where they have to release the ball. It keeps going until a penalty occurs or one team scores a try.
A lineout is where the ball is thrown in from the sidelines. Often somebody gets lifted up into the air to catch it, and sometimes from both teams in order to try and get the ball.
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As you have probably gathered, rugby is a contact sport. That means people get hurt. Injuries are common. Leg injuries occur a lot, and sometimes people can even gain a concussion from playing. This may be a good plot point when writing a fic.
6. Players and positions
Players don't wear protective gear on the whole. They wear mouthgards of course, because frankly it's a pretty dangerous sport, and some forwards choose to wear a scrum cap (see below). But no helmets, shinpads, etc.
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The forwards are players 1-8, and the backs are players 9-15.
The kicker on a team can be anyone, but it is usually 10 or 12.
On the whole the heavier, taller, powerful players are the forwards. The smaller, faster players are usually the backs, especially at 11 and 14. These two numbers score most of the tries.
It is rare that forwards score tries, but it does happen when there's basically a massive pile of people by the try line and it is pure chance that they have the ball. Backs are more likely to score tries, although not number 15 as they are the player that hangs back in case the ball gets booted to the other end of the pitch. As mentioned above, 11 and 14 are the fast, nimble players as they score the most tries.
Personally, I would place John at 2. This is usually played by one of the smallest people on the pitch (I know I'm contradicting myself, but the paragraph above is generalised), and they are extremely powerful as they control the scrum. They also throw the ball into the pitch in a line out. They are arguably the most important forward player, so need a lot of confidence and nerves of steel, which suits John perfectly.
There's loads of intricate rules and other things, but I think I've covered the basics here. For a good description of what each player does, the link below is very handy.
7. Quick note on English schools and rugby
Not entirely related but this does also crop up - I see people writing about rugby matches as if the whole school turns out in a massive pitch with bleachers and the like (what you always see with American football in high school movies). That doesn't really happen in England. Of course, the rugby team would normally be very popular throughout school, but those huge matches you see in films? They don't really happen. It's more like two schools play against each other, not even always on school grounds but a local facility, and parents and mates come to watch.
Also, rugby is MUCH bigger in Wales than in England. It's still popular, of course, but the teams are sometimes local clubs rather than school teams. Of course, if you want to make it a school team go ahead, that's probably what I would do too as it makes the plot a whole lot easier!
I think I've covered all the basics here. Any questions feel free to drop an ask or message me, I'm happy to help! Also let me know if I've forgotten anything crucial, as I wouldn't put it past me.
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riverllama · 3 years
Making A Story In Record Time!
Pretty much what the title suggests, I’m going to be showing you the step by step of how I make a story.
First I’m looking through my bookmarks because I know I have helpful things in there.
I found this blog: https://www.bryndonovan.com/category/writing-inspiration-and-resources/ and looked through it to find articles I think will be helpful.
Character motivation: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2020/08/17/50-character-goals-with-character-motivation/
Character worksheet: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2019/11/21/an-easy-character-development-worksheet-plus-one-secret-to-making-readers-love-your-character/
Names: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2019/09/30/how-to-name-a-book-character/
Flashbacks: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2019/01/10/how-to-write-flashbacks-so-they-arent-clunky/
No more perfectionism: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2018/10/29/how-to-overcome-perfectionism-and-finish-your-draft/
Fight scene prompts: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2018/10/11/50-fight-scene-writing-prompts-and-ideas/
Annoying characters: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2017/03/31/argh-25-creative-writing-prompts-to-help-you-annoy-your-characters/
Embarrassing characters: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2017/02/21/cringe-25-creative-writing-prompts-to-help-you-embarrass-your-characters/
How to show a character is in love: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2017/03/20/three-great-ways-to-show-that-your-character-is-in-love/
Next, I’m going to look through writing prompts. I never take a single one, that either feels that it gives me too many or too little restraints, so instead I use multiple and find a way to interlock them.
Young adult writing prompts: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2018/12/28/50-young-adult-plot-ideas-and-writing-prompts/
“A college student desperate for tuition money secretly works at two different full-time summer internships at once, two city blocks away from one another.”
This is absolutely hilarious and I see a lot I could do with this.
“Two boys on rival basketball teams develop romantic feelings for one another.”
There are two reasons I chose this one. The first is that it’s gay. I’m gay, and I love writing gay stuff. The second is that according to my best friend I’m very good at writing romances, even though I kinda hate the genre, so this could work.
“A teenager is pressured to shoot a buck on his first deer hunt with an older relative, but he can’t bring himself to do it.”
I think that this could be really emotional and a sign of character development, which I love.
“A teen attempts to make his whole fractious extended family get along and have a nice Christmas for once in their lives.”
This is absolutely amazing. I watched a movie that gave me these sort of vibes, it’s on Amazon Prime, it’s called Lez Bomb (highly recommend it, by the way).
“A teen copes with both a hopeless crush on his best friend’s older sister and a younger girl’s crush on him.”
I’m starting to see a way I can tie these all together, but I’ll ignore that for now.
“A girl discovers a secret passageway in one of the office buildings she cleans at night, but nobody else seems to be able to access it.”
It just wouldn’t be a me story without a little mystery, of course.
“Two boys discover treasure in a local cave.”
So, now that we’re at the end here, I think it’s a good idea to tell you my ending story. Or, well, story idea. This is nowhere near done yet. I haven’t even started. I don’t have names yet, so I’ll simply give everyone a letter of the alphabet until I’m done.
A and B have been best friends their whole lives. B has two siblings, an older brother (C) and a younger sister (D). D has a crush on A. A is an only child. A’s family is not poor, but can’t exactly afford to send him to the school he wants to go to, so he works two full time internships, two city blocks away from each other. He’s also full time in college and is on the basketball team. He can’t tell anyone he’s doing all this, because they will be mad at him for overworking himself. A and B go to the same college, but C goes to the rival one. C is on the basketball team. Along the course of the story A and C start to develop feelings for each other. At one of A’s internships he drops something and goes to pick it up under a desk. He sees a trapped door on the floor under his boss(E)’s desk. He goes to open it but E calls his name and he picks up the paper and leaves. The next day he tries to open it, but is unable. Once A and C start dating, they sneak away to go have a picnic in a cave so no one sees them and come across a trapped door similar to the one A found under E’s desk. This one can open. The not shooting a buck, and Christmas things are subplots.
Now, I know my basics, but I don’t actually know my plot. For example, where do the trapped doors lead? Do they lead to each other? If so, why? Is there something magical about the cave? Does E know about the trapped doors? So, as you can see, a lot of questions here are unanswered. To fix this I’m going to look at more writing prompts, but this time horror, or fantasy. Let’s start with horror.
Horror writing prompts: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2016/09/19/50-spooky-writing-prompts-for-horror-thriller-ghost-and-mystery-stories/
“Frightening events in a small town lead its citizens to dig up the grave of a deceased inhabitant.”
I make no promises on using this yet, but I think it could be interesting.
“The television switches to another station of its own accord and plays footage of something horrible that happened long before the technology existed to record it.”
I like this one quite a bit, and I think that it could tie well with the one above it. Maybe the town had a horrible incident that happened long ago. Everyone knows about it, but no one talks about it?
“Weekend adventurers explore a cave and can’t find their way out again. Then they encounter something terrible…”
I was actually thinking about this one all on my own, maybe the original entrance A and C took to the cave closed up, so they had to go through the trapped door and see where it leads?
“Authorities go through the cluttered apartment of a deceased man who lived alone with no known friends or relatives for decades and find something disturbing.”
Maybe the trapped doors lead to the same place and someone lived there? No, I don’t like that.
Wait, actually. Maybe E was at the horrible event that happened? He could have caused it, which would explain why he has a trapped door under his desk. He takes the victim’s remaining lifespan and adds it onto his? Like if they would only have died from natural causes when they were 76 and he killed them when they were 32, he’d get 44 more years of life? But to do that he had to eat them? All the victims are in a cave that both the trapped doors lead to. The one in the cave leads there because that is where the horrible thing happened and he needed an easy way to dispose of the bodies, and the one in his office leads there because that is where he lives? I don’t know, this is just brainstorming. Once I’m done with this I’m going to post a more accurate synopsis of what the story could be. For now I’m going to look at fantasy prompts, because those will (hopefully) be less messed up than this.
Fantasy prompts: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2017/03/06/50-fantasy-plot-ideas-and-writing-prompts/
“Miners discover stone spheres with strange markings.”
A and C can see those in the cave? Maybe they’re keys to the trapped doors?
“His magical powers don’t work when he’s drunk.”
I don’t know if I’m going to involve magic in this story yet, but if I am I’m 100% making this a thing.
“The bite of a particular animal may kill you, or it may give you new powers.”
Maybe this is how the person got them?
Okay, I think I’ve got something. This story has vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc, etc. Nobody knows about them. E is a werewolf. He made a trapped door in the cave to another one so he could hide from the full moon and not kill anyone. One night he was running late and was transforming as he went to his hiding spot. He tried to make it to the trapped door, but one of his friends was throwing a party there. He tried to push through the people, but there were a lot and it took a long time. When he finally got there he realized he dropped his key in the crowd. He tried to find it but couldn’t. His friend distracted him and soon E was a full blown werewolf. His killing extinct kicked in and he killed everyone at the party. He ripped the trapped door off its hinges and started piling the bodies into his hiding spot. When he became human again he put the door back on, but didn’t even look for the key. He didn’t want to remember what he did. There are three trapped doors, one in the cave, one under his desk, and one in his house.
I’m going to write a better description of the story I’m going with soon, but until then enjoy my brainstorming process!
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