#like hes so used to using it and then when he gets outta the building
penvisions · 1 day
gone to the dogs {chapter one}
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Pairing: Boston QZ! Joel Miller x F! Reader
Summary: Bared teeth and instincts are all you have to defend yourself while out beyond the walls of the zone. And sometimes, you have Joel Miller, though he's just as apt to turn on you as anyone else.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical language, canon typical gore, outbreak fic, age gap (only by about ten years), dark fic, dark joel miller, mean joel miller, joel miller is uptight, degrading language, sexual language, sexual proposition, violence, heated interactions, adult language, fighting, references to injuries, blood, one (1) instance of joel miller bashing someone's head in, gun use, gun violence, reader chokes someone out, reader is snarky, reader meets joel toe-to-toe with insults and it's amazing both reader and joel pov, lemme know if there are any i missed!
A/N: this is different by far than anything else i've written and shared. dark joel miller content tends to be so controversial sometimes but i've been wanting to explore this part of his character for quite a while. the reader insert is also far more...robust than any i've written but it's all so exciting! please lemme know what y'all think?
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The tracks are faint, you’re barely able to make them out yourself as you crouch low to the ground and move your hand in the direction they look like they’re headed in.
“Hey, you missed somethin’.”
“The hell you talking about, there ain’t nothin’ to miss.” He’s suddenly hovering over you, his own footfalls silent despite the pain you know he carries in his back and the swagger he has to adapt to not irritate it. He’s shining his flashlight on the imprint you had managed to find among all the dirt and rubble, a barely there scrape in the dirt that could be mistaken for anything. His voice is harsh, degrading in tone as he scoffs at your find. “You didn’t find shit, stop trying to make somethin’ outta nothin’.”
“Yeah and I suppose the marks that look about the same depth and span out in an even trail heading north ain’t shit either, huh?” You ignore the heat of his legs clad in faded and dirt smeared denim far too close for comfort. It would be easy to brush against them if you turned just slightly. Straitening back up to your full height, you don’t step back as you aim your own light over the similar marks that lead down a narrow path between the scattered and broken bricks. “It’s someone’s staggered gait, would bet they twisted their ankle or knee and it’s dragging enough to leave ‘em behind for us. Need to trust the younger pair of eyes we’ve got out here.”
“Don’t mean it’s our guy.” Joel doesn’t budge, ignoring the double whammy insult, head turning back at the hush of wind sweeping between the crumbling buildings. He turns his light off, securing it between his belt and waistband on the back of his hip. You know he knows there’s some truth to your words with how he ignores them. A habit of his you picked up, silence in the wake of begrudging agreement. Never voiced lest someone overhear that he had his moments of amenable tendencies, even if they were very rare and far between.
“Could be.” You insist, you knew what you were doing. You knew how to get the damn job done and if he heeded your words even once, he would realize it could make the situation go a whole lot smoother than it had been. But of course he doesn’t, he’s as stubborn as you are. Something you loathe about the man who had become one of your partners. It was hard to trust him when he didn’t trust you, constantly at odds with the gruff way he insisted he knew better. It was beginning to get on your nerves, the days harder when you had to interact with him in such close proximity.
“Could be isn’t good enough.”
“Do you need a blowjob or something?” You turn slightly to face him, his strong profile highlighted by the dark golden hues of the setting sun.
“Excuse me?" He pinned you with a dark glare, not taking kindly to your question. He’s chest to chest with you now, hard expression aimed down at you as you don’t move an inch. You wouldn’t back down, never had before and wouldn’t now. He may be intimidating, but you were too in your own ways. Hell, the first encounter you had with the man ended up with your knife at his throat and your knee over his crotch.
Him and Tess had been in your apartment, staking out the smuggling ‘competition’ once they had arrived in the Boston zone. Coming home from a rather painful migraine after shoveling ashes of deceased people had been one of the highlights of the day, if such a thing could even be considered that, only to find two strange people rummaging around through your things. Joel hadn’t been prepared for you to turn on him first, thinking he had hidden himself well in the shadow of your door and following it as you slowly closed it behind you.
A warning shot fired off at Tess had her scrambling behind the beat-up couch in the middle of the room while you turned on him. Only after demanding answers from them and getting them from the woman as she crouched behind the furniture, had you backed down from a stoic Joel.  
“You heard me. You're pent up and snapping at everyone, need some relief?" Tilting your chin up, you meet his dark gaze head on, smirk pulling your lips up on one side. His eyes dilate just the slightest bit before narrowing, but you caught it and he knows you did. His voice is the deepest you’ve ever heard as he slowly responds with only one syllable.
"I think you do. Don't think I haven't seen the way your eyes drag down my body when you're walking behind me.” A bold statement, but a true one nonetheless. His eyes were a heavy and heady weight whenever they did exactly what you taunted. The thrill of the older man merely looking at you when he thought you wouldn’t see it perked up your self-esteem in a way you weren’t completely immune to, even in the shambles of what the world had turned into.
"Delusional. you're a delusional little-“
"I’m not a little girl, and you damn well know that." You punch the tip of your pointer finger into his chest, the dirty denim warm from his body heat. He’s a big man with a big reputation and it’s hard not to feel powerful as you obviously found one of the weak spots of his soft underbelly. An attack dog, a guard dog, a rabid dog, they all had one thing in common. They were only as strongest as their weakest point.
And you think you just found his.
The mischief of the unexpected discovery must glint in your eyes because his brows furrow impossibly deeper. The frown lines around his mouth pulling his thick mustache down, though it does nothing to shield the pale pink of his full lips.
He scoffs again, a harsh sound from the depths of his chest. Smacking your hand away from him, he takes off to follow the trail he can see a little better now that you’ve pointed it out.
“Coulda fooled me.”
“Act like you’re hot shit around the zone, only reason people don’t mess with you is cause of me.”
“I was doin’ just fine on my own. Remind me again, who staked out who to scope out the competition?”
“Wouldn't let you touch me if I was at the end of a barrel, and it was my saving grace."
“Fuck off, Miller.” You spit back, unable to rise to his taunt even as you fall in line beside him. That one stung, you had to admit. It was your own stupid fault, for finding him so attractive. From his dark hair threaded with silver to the way he carried a lifetime on his shoulders.
But his attitude muddied it, he was no better than a lot of the men you had run into before reuniting with your brother. The end of the world bringing out the worst in people, just like you had never one to sling insults so harshly or tease people easily a decade older than yourself who could snap your neck with a well-placed grip. Just like you assumed the man Joel had been before all this wouldn’t have even dared to think of talking to a woman with such spite and malice, if his faded accent told you more than he ever would.
The trail ends just at the shattered glass of what was once a revolving door entrance to a skyscraper looms ahead. There’s fresh blood splatter and the bag of supplies stolen from where they had been hidden for you and Joel to pick up. Two shells from a gun lay on the ground beside it, and you quickly grip your handgun to survey the area for the culprit who fired the shots.
Joel holds up two fingers, your attention going to him almost instinctively as he motions for you to crouch and round the left side of what remains of the door and into the building after the drops of blood. His eyes are focused, his full lips a hard line as he nods once to make sure you understand him.
Only looking away once you return the gesture. He turns so his back is to yours and makes sure there’s enough coverage for you both with his own gun at the ready. As quietly as you can manage with what’s still hopefully inside the pack, you pick it up with your free hand and avoid as much glass as possible.
No shots ring out, no bullets lodge themselves into your shoulder or Joel’s, everything is eerily still as you both move in tandem to seek the protection of the building. It seems to be blocked off inside, large pieces of plywood secured over the doors that had once been for elevators. The emergency exit off the right barricaded with all the furniture that once filled the ground floor waiting area.
“Fuckin’ told you it was a trail.” You mumble as the conflict seems to be over, the body of the man who had taken off with your hidden pack behind the front desk. Fresh blood seeping from a gunshot wound to his neck and the bandage wrapped thick around his ankle. You don’t flinch when Joel brushes past you harshly to stomp the bottom of his worn boots into the man’s head or the sick crunch that echoes slightly in the open space. Ensuring he doesn’t turn if he had been infected.
He rounds on you quickly enough to stir your instincts, the fleeting fear of him doing the same to you flaring up and making you take a half step back at the fierce look in his eye. The words he practically growls at you making your heart stutter painfully in your chest, suddenly breathless at the combination.
“Would you shut your fuckin’ mouth before I shut it for you? Tired of hearing that shrill voice all the god damn time.”
You huff, trying to play off the fear as indifference, shoving the bag of supplies at him. He doesn’t move to catch it, allowing it to hit him square in the chest, the pills and bullets contained inside rattling as the entire thing fell to the ground with a thunk.
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Joel could only watch as you stalked off without another word, shoulders tense and hands shoved deep in the pockets of your jacket. He had seen the dilation of your eyes, the way your chest had risen with a quick inhale at his intensity. He had scared you.
That was new and he wasn’t sure if he liked it any better than you teasing him about being uptight and needing a little bit of pleasure in his life. An unpleasant lump rises in his throat and he tries to swallow it down.
Frowning, he bends to pick up the fallen pack, shoving it into his own nearly empty one before following after you. The silence that had fallen allows him to pick up the faint sound of labored breathing. But it isn’t coming from you up ahead.
It must’ve registered as a third person in the same instant for you because you’re turning to him with a finger pressed to your lips as you crouch behind a chunk of blasted concrete, gun already in hand. He mirrors you, reflections of each other as you each move around the barrier and take an assessing peak around respective corners.
Another man is laid out a few yards away, upper body slumped heavily on against the tire of a rusted car.
He’s barely alive, his breath rattling in his chest at a timbre that could only signal his impending death. A stark sound he recalls from a time long ago, both painfully fresh and numbed by years of oppression. He blinks the sound away, eyes closed for barely a second before you’re closing the distance with quick and quiet movements. A lunging dog at the sight of a threat. Constantly poised to take out anything that challenged the life you clung to.
It’s a reminder of why he willingly works with you, the way your smaller hands close around the man’s neck and clench. Shoulders displaying the strength you possess even with rationed food and improper amenities for life. If he wasn’t on your side, you would turn those same hands on him without a second thought. You had the first time you had met, when he had willingly gone into the den you had created for yourself in search of answers. In search of the name people gave when asked about who had the most knowledge on how to sneak out of the zone he now resides in.
He watches as you pick the man’s corpse clean, ration cards going in your pocket that he doesn’t think to demand a fair share of. Of the gun you hold out to him in silent offer.
No words are exchanged as you lead him back to the perimeter of the zone as the sun dips completely below the horizon. Moonlight illuminating your body effortlessly slinking and squeezing into places you had picked out that would allow for him to do the same with little trouble. You knew the operations of the zone, hell you probably were the reason some of them were orchestrated the way they were. The fear he had seen in you may have been fleeting, a response that allowed you to recognize the threat he could pose to you as well, but the way he admired your will to survive was not.
You only stay at his side long enough to relay the run to Tess, who had stayed behind and worked to ensure an alibi for you both. Signing your names and hers with one of the soldiers who traded with you on the roster in a perfect imitation of keeping up appearances for the demanded duties of all that reside in the zone. The ration cards slid into your back pocket are handed off to the older woman, no words or sounds coming from you before you slink out the door to their shared excuse of an apartment and down the hall to yours.
But he knew better than to think it was with wounded pride and your tail tucked between your legs, because he could hear the way you moved about your own space through the thin walls as if it had just been another day. Tess is watching him as his head tilts where he slumps on the couch, ears following the shuffle of your steps and the sound of clinking as you go about your own business. When he turns to meet her gaze, it’s unreadable but she doesn’t ask the reason for his short run down of what happened or the silence you had fallen into.
next chapter
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switchbladedreamz · 2 days
Eating Me Alive
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Pairing: The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x Reader
(use of y/n? No, not bc I hate her just no name mentions. Plot? What plot? Mention of pipboy, reader is former vault dweller ((i just needed a reason to explain the flashlight)) )
Requested?: nah
Summary: 🔞‼️cunnilingus in an abandoned bar. Thats it. Lol. Cooper eats you like you're the last pack of Miraluke Cakes in the entire wasteland.
It was a day like any other. Scouring around Megaton searching for food and medicine to restock and trade for caps. Today we went further and found a new corner of town. What was also new was the fire breathing ant colony a mere 30 feet from the bar. Looks like they over took a rundown construction site. Cooper pulled us into some building and barricaded the door. "Them fuckers are a pain in the ass to deal with and I don't know about you but I'm not feelin very fireproof right now. We'll wait them out here. Wherever the fuck "here", is." I look around but can't see anything. I turn the flashlight on on my pipboy. I turn and turn, checking all directions until i get a feel for the place. "Huh. It's a bar. I'm gonna look around and make sure this is the only door."
"Okay, there is a back door. I tried to open it and got it a crack, there's a bunch of rubble on the other side. I guess from the building beside us. The little windows in the bathroom are broken but too small for even a baby ant to get through. So I think we'll be safe here waiting out that swarm". Strong hands capture my waist. Warm brown eyes like Sunset Sarsaparilla catch the breath in my throat like a fish on a hook. "Have I told you how sexy you are when you take charge like that?" "Where's this coming from Coop? You already get drunk in the five minutes I was gone?" I laugh him off, not thinking anything of it. Firm glove-covered hands lift me off my feet. My hands fly to Cooper's shoulders. "WHA- what are you doing?!" No answer. Only a thud and sudden stability. Cooper sat me on the edge of a pool table. Must've been nearby. My arms twine themselves around the nape of his neck, his hat falling off in the rush of limbs. Cooper's lips are like burlap pillows against my own mouth. Heat bubbles underneath the surface of my flesh as hot breath, light opened mouth kisses drag down the skin of my throat. A soft whimper escapes when his hips force their way between my thighs. Denim and the curve of his hardening cock press flush against my sex, my legs can't find purchase around his torso fast enough. Cooper pulls away, his brown eyes curious and analytical as he stares at my panting form below him. "well shit you must be made outta sugar an puddin' with how sweet you are. let's see how sweet you taste down here baby." The Ghoul punctuates his statement with a smooth roll of his hips into my core. "okay" I mumble out, mind whirling swirling with butterflies and lust. "Okay? that's all you got to say?" his eyes harden slightly, analytical again. He nods to himself, confirming my consent with himself internally. Coop sticks the tips of his middle fingers in his mouth, yellowed teeth slightly catching on the leather enough that when he pulls his wrists- the gloves pop off. "Be a good bunny and keep your hands above your head". "Okay Coop". The smirk he flashes makes my knees weak and my stomach stir. Cooper's large hand covers my chest, he presses down until i lie on my back. He gives me a nod and small "atta girl" before busying himself with undressing me.
Sand-textured hands caress up, down, slowly up the back of my thighs, a gentle hand grasps each ankle. Cooper stretches my legs to his shoulders, then his hands bury under my hips before lifting my lower body. My ass is hanging off this dusty pool table, Cooper takes advantage of this position. He takes a deep breath, kissing the seam of lips. The wet muscle is warm and thick, familiar and strong as the point of his tongue splits my lips. Warm electricity blooms in my thighs, striking my core. Cooper's tongue rolls in circles against my slick hole, he inches the muscle inside. I can feel him inside me, the tongue twisting and writhing like a man crazed speaking in tongues. My back arches, my weight shifting to my shoulders as my feet press into the ghoul cowboy's back. Cooper takes this opportunity to change his focus. Flat and broad his tongue takes its time licking as he pulls away. And up. up. up. up. Right there. I gasp, he chuckles at me. The movement almost makes my foot slip. The Ghoul's lips draw tight around my clit as he sucks. The world behind my closed eyes swirl, his tongue flicks fast over the small pearl. My thighs close over my lover's ears. "Baby please don't stop" I plead. My eyes close tight, still keeping my hands above my head. Without stopping Cooper lays me back on the table, his hands hook in the crook of my knees. Pushing my knees to my chest his own chest covers my lower half, my feet dangling midway down his back. Furiously shaking his head side to side, his assault blissfully continues. My nipples ache with pleasure, desiring to be touched. My fingers twitch eager to quell the burn in my breasts. Ecstacy's fingers dip into the river of blood that is my veins, lighting my body on fire. The bottom of my feet tingle and my thighs quiver. My breath catches, so close to bursting the dam. I can practically feel the proud smirk tattooed on my pussy while Cooper eats me alive. (Sexually.) The balls of my feet plant into Cooper's shoulder blades, my body squirms and thrashes beneath his frame. My breath catches in my chest as the dam bursts. Cooper's blunt fingertips dig into the thigh meat below my knees as my thrashing body throws itself against his face, that damn wicked tongue, riding my orgasm out like a plasma bullet from a plasma pistol. My breath is shallow and shaky like my vision. Sweat is pouring from every orifice I could possibly have. Cooper untangles himself from me gently. I can feel his irradiated warm brown gaze watching me. Thinking he can hide the cautious look in his eyes with pride. Like he's expecting I'll shatter into dust before I can catch my breath. Once I have I bend forward and grab my pants from the floor. Its a fight to get them up my sweaty thighs but once they cover my ass and are buttoned and zipped I put my boots back on. Cooper is waiting for me on his back laying to one side of the pool table. A knife gripped in his right hand, he uses the tip to clean the dirt from under his nails. "C'mere doll." He says as I crawl my way next to him. He sheaths his dagger then spreads his arm. Opening up my favorite spot just for me.
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slumpcake · 2 years
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Local animatronic jumps off building to check out the stars
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 5 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Cockwarming Simon as you two make out in his office.
From the request here
“I need it in ya, baby,” Simon gasps in between the breaks in your lips connection. “Just for a bit. Ya know ya fuckin’ want me in ya too.”
The tiny office is silent save for the deep groans and sharp breaths as Simon holds you close, you perched comfortably on his beefy thighs while he sits at his desk so that he can steal kiss after heated kiss, relishing in the feeling of your soft lips against his own. Rough hands run up the length of your back, following your spine over your shirt until they reach the back of your head where he uses them to draw your face in tighter until your mouth stings from the pressure. 
Sitting in the middle of his lap you can feel his cock poking against the cheek of your ass, pulsing and throbbing as it strains against the fabric of his pants. It’s no surprise what he needs; it’s the same thing he wants every time he calls you into his office for a “meeting” during your lunch break, which is becoming more and more frequent these days.
You are a very addictive problem, one that he is constantly losing himself in and making every excuse in the book to spend as much time wrapped up in that he can. A pretty thing like you, how is he supposed to keep his hands off? If that means setting up a quick make out session to get through the day, then he’s gonna make it happen one way or another.
“Have training in a bit,” you mutter as you break from his mouth just for a split second. “Don’t want to be late.”
He’s right back on you before the last beat of your reply can hit, not wanting to be parted from you for longer than needed. It takes a minute before he tries to reason with you again. “Not gonna be late,” he reassures. “But how the hell am I supposed to stay outta ya, hmm? Not when ya feel so fuckin’ good. Just want ya to warm me for a bit and then I’ll make sure you’re outta here with plenty ‘a fuckin’ time.”
His hand rubs along one of your thighs as the other is still tangled in the strands of your hair, not wanting to give you the chance to get away from the barrage of his lips. Fuck, it’s getting harder to think straight the longer his mouth captures yours in that tangled dance that he seems to be an expert in. You lean into his embraces a bit more and Simon is sure he has you right where he wants you now.
There is not a chance in hell you are going to deny him. “You better make it up to me later,” you say breathlessly and you can feel his lips upturn into a smile against your own.
The grip on your hair tightens as he gives it a sharp tug. “Take off your fuckin’ pants.”
That gravely, heavily accented tone sends a full shiver down your spine. No one can make a demand like that sound so fucking good, especially now that he’s made you delirious off his kisses alone.
The officers building is full of people today so privacy is near non-existent and though you know this is probably a terrible idea, you can’t be stopped. Helping you off his lap Simon sets you on your feet to the side of the desk, giving you the space to do what you need to do. He watches with hungry eyes as you undo the button keeping your bottoms secure; goddamn you are a pretty little thing, aren’t you?
Adjusting himself, he sits back more in his chair. “Slower,” he demands firmly. 
Instantly your movements become measured as you take your time undressing while you keep those beautiful eyes directly on him. He doesn’t break eye contact at all; instead his hand slips down over his abdomen to the crotch of his own pants where he tugs at the fabric tenting there before massaging the spot as he watches your little striptease. Those unflattering uniforms keep all those voluptuous curves hidden from his view and so any chance he gets to see you out of them is a treat indeed. 
You drag the zipper down painfully slow, making sure to give him all the tantalizing he wants. As the front now hangs open, you slide your hands back to your hips where you slip your fingers into the waistband and begin to push them down until the top seam of the panties clinging around your hips are exposed. 
Eyes unblinking, breathing stayed, Simon is caught in the moment, his hand pulling up the hem of his shirt just over his navel so that he can fiddle with his belt buckle until he can pry the damned thing loose. He grunts as he has to roll his hips back so that he can slip his hand between the bulk of stocky muscle on his lower abdomen and the seam of his pants to get it off. The metallic clink rings out and he quickly undoes the rest, plunging his hand inside to pull out his cock so that he can palm it and give it a proper stroke as you continue on. 
Instantly you freeze as your eye catches that trail of sparse hair traveling down the line of his stomach below his belly button towards his member and your mouth begins to salivate and a hard, throbbing pulse between your thighs makes your legs feel like liquid. God, you are so down bad for your superior that it is bordering on pathetic the way that even that small patch of hair has you chomping at the bit.
Simon clears his throat as he catches your sight lingering and as you meet the glint in his eyes and the smirk on his kiss-raw lips, you refocus on the task at hand. These pants still have to go and time is of the essence. You continue on, pushing the fabric down over the curve of your ass to your thighs and then your ankles in the same slow fashion, only this time more unsteady as your heartbeat pounds. They hit the ground and those damned pants are finally off; there you stand before him in nothing but your panties.   
 “Off,” he hisses as his head nods down to the last article of clothing keeping you from being filled by him.
There’s heat bubbling in your cheeks now, making them flush, and though you are almost rendered dumb just from the tension alone there’s still a little fire in you yet. “What’s the magic word?” you ask with a good bit of sass. 
A chuckle escapes his mouth as his hand strokes harder around his dick; he does love a bit of cocky pushback, but make no mistake that that will be remembered for later. His mouth yearns to devour your lips again and he doesn’t want to wait any more than he already has, so he lets it be…for now. Leaning forward in his seat he reaches out and his large hand wraps around your wrist to pull you back to him.
“Keep ‘em on all ya fuckin’ want sweetheart, don’t need ya to take ‘em off for what I wanna do,” he groans as he grabs onto your hips and forces you to move yourself back on top of him straddling over his lap. 
Fair enough. 
You can feel his warm fingers twitching with anticipation as they move in between your thighs and up against your clothed sex before his digits hook themselves into the crotch of your panties and wrench them to one side roughly. The seam digs into that soft area at your upper inner thigh as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck while a hand on your hip aligns your body at the perfect spot over top of him. 
Holding the base of his cock, Simon pushes down on your hip and you don’t fight it. “That’s a good fuckin’ girl, now let’s get this in,” he praises as the tip pokes through your petals and against your entrance. A harder press on your body and his cock shoves its way inside, stretching you wide as it slips in and you whine inside your closed mouth as you struggle to take him in so quickly. 
“F-fuck,” he exclaims, his body shuddering as you come all the way down until you are once again sitting on his lap only this time with all of him thrust deep inside you. “Isn’t this better? Goddammit, this is where ya fuckin’ belong princess.”
His forehead comes to rest on your own, staggered breath being siphoned between the pair of your lips before he leans up into you and crushes your mouths back together in sloppy kisses that leave you with a yearning that situates itself deep in your core. Your mouth is like candy, sweet and addictive, and each brush of your lips against his own only makes him vibrate with a need for more. Long fingers find their way back to tangle in your hair to grip it hard as he smashes his face in until your features are molded together.
Those soft, supple lips are his to ruin and he will, by fuck he will. With each fiery embrace he lays his claim upon your mouth as if he wishes to bind your faces together so he never has to do without their euphoria. Without warning his strong, thick tongue parts your lips with ease and plunges fully inside your mouth to dance and twist with your own, filling the orifice to capacity as he shoves it down the back of your throat. 
You can barely intake air with your mouth full of his tongue, but it doesn’t matter. Suffocation feels like a dream when you are stuffed so overwhelmingly from above and below. Your pussy holds him tight, tight enough that the throbbing from the blood rushing to engorge his cock feels like he’s being stroked without any movement. Each throb has a visceral reaction and you can feel the wetness gathering by the second with every beat. 
The dizzying intensity of his kisses and the pulsating of his cock are too much and leave you clenching your thighs, squeezing him in the process as you cannot help rocking your hips, but that is dangerous territory. Simon is already teetering close to the razor’s edge.
“Don’tcha fuckin’ move,” he says with a sharp hiss of breath, wrangling your hips down square against his pelvis with a heavy grip so that you cannot shift them at all. “We don’t have time to do this proper, just need to feel ya to get through this fuckin’ day and then I’ll do it right later.”
There is desperation on his lips something vicious and it can be felt in the way his embraces become more aggressive; through the haze fogging your brain you instinctively know he is holding on by a thread. Doing as he says, you do your best to keep yourself still to allow his cock to soak in you just as he wants. 
Your arms around his neck tighten as you grip on to sanity and his hands travel back up your body to cradle your face between them. There’s nothing outside of the taste of your lips, the burn from the pressure of your mouths together, the throbbing from inside your tight pussy as it coats his cock in your nectar. It all becomes an insatiable blur as his mind numbs and he forgets everything else outside of the ecstasy of you. 
The longer he’s buried in you the more your walls swell to squeeze him tighter and he does not realize what is happening. Simon forgets that he is getting too worked up, succumbing to all that pleasure that he cannot stop his body from its more primal instincts. With each passing minute the tension from the coil knotting in his abdomen is drawing closer together, threatening to snap at any second and send him coming and coming hard. 
Eyes closed, mind gone, body so warm it feels like he is on fire, the feeling of your body driving him insane, it is all too much. That coil has tightened all it can and he finally becomes aware of it just as you accidentally rock your hips ever so slightly, but it is enough that there is nothing else he can do other than accept what is about to happen. 
“Fuck,” he groans against your parted lips as he realizes that he has miscalculated just how much he can take. “Ugh…fuck, baby.”
It’s too late, this cannot be stopped and at the last second he reacts. With a sharp, loud grunt he picks your hips up and rocks his own back to pull out of you just as he pops off. The sticky, warm emission spurts out of him with force and up onto his exposed belly, catching the bottom half of his t-shirt in its intensity. His lips lock to yours in an effort to keep the noise from those deep, guttural whimpers down as he rolls his hips, milking every last out of the aching tip that he can as you grind against it.
A couple of minutes pass before his pace finally slows and comes to a stop with nothing left to give as that swift flow of exhaustion floods his body. Those bruised lips unlatch from your own as he falls against the back of the chair to sit limp as he works to regulate his breathing. Being so worked up is something he is still getting used to, losing himself like that is not a problem he had before you came along. But no one has ever made him feel as if he’d been struck by a live wire before: all excitement whenever you are around.
Just one of the hazards of being with such a vixen.
There is still a pulsing in you that causes your body to continue to ache, but as your wandering eyes land on the watch around Simon’s wrist you see that there are only a few minutes left before you need to be in training and you still have to make it across base. Carefully, you get up off of him and make your way to your pants, redressing fast as those brown eyes cling to your every move.
“See what ya fuckin’ do to me, sweetheart? I’m a goddamn mess for ya,” he sighs as he watches you fix your soaked panties back into place before pulling your pants back on, sad to see such a gorgeous sight be concealed once more. 
“Seems like we have that in common,” you smile as you finish up and lean back into him, using his thighs as support as you give him one last, lingering kiss. You’re already gonna be late, might as well make it worth it. 
Simon wants you to stay, to have you for the rest of the afternoon, but he knows that duty calls and if he doesn’t tell you to go then it’s only going to get harder to leave. “Best get outta here ‘fore I change my mind and do somethin’ stupid to get us both in fuckin’ trouble,” he says with a nod of his head. “We’ll finish this up later, I swear.”
You lean in one more time for a short peck before turning tail and quickly making your way out of the office. Simon’s gaze lingers on your form until you exit and shut the door behind you, leaving him alone to deal with the mess he’s made of himself while his raw lips are already craving yours again. 
“She is a problem,” he chuckles to himself, “a very big fuckin’ problem.”
Tag list: @llelannie
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chlorinecake · 9 months
Hey I had a request can you do one reaction thingy for enhypen (excluding Niki as he's a minor)
So the reaction is "Your boyfriend (the member) is fucking you or just are getting intimate (oral or are kissing while being naked etc.) and another member enters and sees you and gets a boner . Here you can add few things either they get jealous or they ask the person to join or just watch.
Sorry if it's too precise or uncomfortable for you
✶ Caught Slippin’ | 18+ ENHA REACTIONS
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cw: implied threesomes, oral (f. & m. receiving), voyeurism, exhibitionism, tit play, overstim, heavy smut, between 200-300 words per member, enha!bf quotes are italicized
이희승 ✶ Lee Heeseung
“Don’t you ever get tired of fucking me all the time?” You asked your boyfriend while cuddling.
“Is that your way of asking me to praise you?”
“Would you be mad if I said yes?” He giggled, “You know I could never get tired of this,” he smiled into a kiss, running his hands all over your body.
“Heeseung, the boys are downstairs—” “Yeah, and we’re up here. Don’t act like this isn’t where you wanted this to go. Now I wanna hear you say it. Tell me what you want.”
“I want you, Heeseung.” He looked at the door, moving to go and close it before you pulled him by his shirt, “Please don’t keep me waiting, Hee. I need you so bad,” you pouted.
“What is it baby? You want me to fuck you like my cute little cum slut with the door wide open?” You sqeeuzed your legs shut at his words, a throbbing sensation building up at your core.
He wasted no more time removing your clothes, sinking himself into your wetness before rutting into your needy hole. You moaned in his ear, nibbling at the skin as you rocked back and forth against the mattress, feeling dizzy from all of the pleasure.
The two of you were so wrapped up in each other that you didn’t notice Jay standing there, a raging hard-on poking through his pants. “Don’t just stand there and watch! Get the hell outta here!” Heeseung growled. Jay stammered out an apology that fell on deaf ears, fleeing the unholy scene before closing the door behind him.
“Hmm, I thought he was gonna join us,” you smirked, meeting your possessive boyfriend’s gaze. “As if I’d ever share you with anyone else.”
박종성 ✶ Park Jongseong
Your boyfriend Jay was in the middle of baking when you decided to come and check on him.
“Jungwon, I swear to God, if you touch one more thing in this kitchen, I'm gonna-," Jay paused mid-sentence before realizing it was only you stalking him from the counter.
He laughed off his anger, dipping a finger into the frosting he made and bringing some of it to your mouth. “How’s it taste?”
“Delicious,” you smirked, seductively licking his finger clean.
“Your lips look so fucking pretty right now," Jay whispered, pulling you in for a kiss which quickly escalated to you lying over the countertop completely naked, his skilled fingers getting lost between your legs.
“Fuck~," you moaned shakily, arching your back against the cold surface, "W-what if s-someone catches us like this?"
“As wet as you are right now, you obviously don’t mind the idea of being caught.”
And it was at that very moment when Jungwon whipped around the kitchen corner. "Jay-hyung, I forgot to show you this new camera my sister got me-." His rambling stopped immediately at the sight of Jay lapping at your dripping core.
“Oh my God!" Jay yelped in shock, covering you in his apron before running to Jungwon, snatching the camera out of his hand to delete the footage. "Won, what the hell?" Jay scowled, noticing the tent forming behind Jungwon’s pants before smashing the camera on the tile ground.
Jay didn't have to say anything else before Jungwon ran out of the kitchen, avoiding you two for the rest of the day if not longer.
“You’re gonna replace his camera, right?” You asked Jay while readjusting your clothes.
“Ask me next week and I’ll have a kinder answer.”
심재윤 ✶ Sim Jaeyun
You and Jake were a hot mess on the living room couch, grinding against each others clothed heats and exchanging what felt like a thousand kisses.
He gripped your ass, pushing your weight down on his dick before throwing his head back, sweat dripping down his neck.
“Fuck, ____,” he moaned into your mouth, guiding your movements.
“What is it, Jakey? Afraid you’re blow your load too soon,” you teased. “If I knew it was a challenge, I would’ve done this a long time ago,” he smirked, releasing his swollen tip from the sweat pants he wore to stimulate your clit.
You gripped onto his shoulder, trembling at the pleasure that curled in your stomach.
But little did Jake know, Sunghoon was watching you two from afar, stroking himself out in the open at the unholy sight. You felt encouraged to put on a whole performance, moaning like a pornstar and playing with your tits before you and Sunghoon finished at the same time.
That’s when Jake noticed your gaze was fixed on something else, turning around only to meet Sunghoon’s lust-ridden features, chest still heaving from his climax. “You fucking slut,” Jake spat, pushing you off his lap and flipping you on all fours.
He ripped your panties off and shoved himself past your throbbing hole, going at it like a madman. “How’s this for a show, huh? Is this dirty enough for you?” he grunted from behind, tugging your hair like reins.
It was only a matter of time before Jake finished, calling Sunghoon over to take turns with you for the rest of the night.
박성훈 ✶ Park Sunghoon
“You know I hate telling my baby no, but you’re gonna have to work for it today, princess,” Sunghoon hummed, crawling up to the head of the bed and spreading his legs. “You have three minutes or else this is all you get.”
“Starting when?”
“5 seconds ago.”
You hastily met him between his legs, pulling his boxers down with eager fingers. His breath was already jagged just from the anticipation he felt while watching you. Pulling his dick out, you trailed light kisses from the base to its head, pumping him in your hand before taking half of his length into your mouth.
“So warm for me, baby. Mngh, feels so fucking good already,” he moaned lazily. You stared into his sleepy eyes, feeling him twitch in your mouth as he grew more lightheaded with each suck. “Such a good girl for me, keep taking me just like that.”
“Sunghoon, the boys wanna know what your vote is for din-“ Sunoo stood in shock, blood rushing to both of his heads. “Ahhh, I’m so sorry—CRAP! I didn’t mean to intrude!!!” The nervous boy protested, covering his eyes with his hands.
“It’s kinda too late for you to leave, now, Sunoo. Close the door and take a seat. Maybe you’ll think twice about getting hard for my girl after you watch me fuck her for the next hour.” Sunghoon snickered, clenching his jaw.
Sunoo hesitated before giving in, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
김선우 ✶ Kim Sunoo
You bounced up and down on Sunoo’s length in reverse cowgirl style, his cold hands wandering to massage your nipples. Sunoo’s breath hitched in his chest, the corners of his eyes brimming with tears from the overstimulation.
“How much longer, baby? I don’t think I can hold back anymore,” He whined, burying his forehead into your sweaty back. “Not until someone comes in, sweetie. That was the rule.”
The poor boy groaned beneath you, reaching a hand over your hip to rub rough circles against your clit. “Sun,” you whimpered, eyes rolling in the back of your head. You clenched around him, causing him to let out his loudest moan yet as he held up your body weight with his arms.
Jake casually walked into the room with a pair of headphones on. He was oblivious to what was going on because of the loud music blaring in his ears and the darkness of the room.
He suddenly felt the ground thud beneath him, Sunoo having dropped you on the floor in shock. “Oh, fuck- sorry,” Jake froze, covering the boner that both you and Sunoo had already noticed.
Sunoo launched a pillow in Jake’s direction, a string of curse words flying from both their mouths.
“Seriously, hyung, learn to knock once in a while!”
You met your pouty boyfriend back on the bed, stroking his tense thigh. “Wanna pick up where we left off at.”
“Absolutely not and never again.”
양정원 ✶ Yang Jungwon
A conversation about asteroids and the cosmos led to your boyfriend playing with your bare tits. “They’re so pretty, baby.” He whispered, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin.
Only a few minutes of this lasted before Jungwon was completely hard. You looked into his eyes, pausing his ministrations.
“Do you maybe wanna try fucking them?”
That was the last thing you said before Jungwon positioned himself on your waist, gliding his thickness between your swollen breasts. His face was flushed and thrusts sloppy as he chased his high, dribbles of precum already decorating your sweaty collarbone.
The door slung open, the two of you feeling your hearts stop as Heeseung’s eyes fixed on your pretty tits hugging Jungwon’s cock. "Hyung-" Jungwon began before noticing the bulge forming behind Heeseung's pants, eyes widening in disebelief.
He retreated his hands from your chest, burning holes into Heeseung's forehead with his threatening gaze. "So now you're getting hard for my girlfriend?'
"How was I supposed to know you two virgins were in here fooling around? I just came to get my charger back.”
"Terrible choice of words, Hee,” Jungwon retorted, chasing Heeseung out of the room with balled fists, leaving you behind in a fit of bashful giggles.
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✶ Special thanks to the lovely anon who requested this piece! This was my first time writing HEAVY smut, so I hope you all enjoyed!!! Make sure to check out my enhypen bookshelf for more fun reads ~
Tags: @fanficfactoryfoxxx @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @kaykay11sworld @rickysblkgf @4imhry @yngwife @bambangan
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luvvixu · 5 months
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how to tame your boyfriend
content: bf!gojo, mentioned of sex and sexual stuffs, 16+, fluff, drabble, does not contain any smut, i think gojo's like this can't blame me
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wanna know how to tame your annoying (and horny) boyfriend when your flight is delayed?
that's very easy. just buy him some lego and he would go on instant mute.
"i can't believe you really bought satoru—a full 27 years old ass man—a set of legos?" your friend from the other line, shoko, wheeze and at the same time confused for your action to tame your boyfriend.
sighing hardly while massaging your temple, you answered. "i had to, sho. he won't stop bothering me to have a quickie since our flight was delayed and he was bored."
your flight overseas was delayed for three hours because of some maintenance needed to be checked in the aircraft. now, satoru thought it is a good idea to spend those three hours having a passionate fornication.
of course you immediately dislike the idea even though you are tempted too. you value your morals, ethics, and dignity. unlike your boyfriend, he has no shame and would even proudly tell some random people that you are his by some marks solely created.
"could've played with his phone but seriously, why lego?" shoko was still laughing, now that you opened your camera and showed her your boyfriend who's literally sitting on the airport floor with bricks of lego on his hands.
satoru looked so focused and unbothered, which is an extremely good thing—like he couldn't stop whispers in your ears, whining about how needy he is right now and how badly he wanted you. but now he's occupied, it is the greatest relief for you.
"first, his phone is dead and was tempt to buy a new fucking phone just because he said charging using a power bank takes a lot of time. had to smack the shit outta him and force him to get out of the apple store."
yep, the idiot forgot to charge his phone before you left for the airport. now his phone is dead, the desire to buy a new one instead of waiting for his phone to be charged in a powerbank is crazy. although, money is not a problem for the head of the gojo clan—he got figures that cost more, more, more than your annual salary.
"second, lego made him focused and entertained on building it, not for having scandalous sex with me. i feel like he's being my child than being my boyfriend at this moment." you joked, lowering your voice so your big baby wouldn't hear you.
"you said it yourself that satoru is a full package." shoko rolled her eyes, but she's not wrong tho. satoru is everything, he could easily afford things and could even make some things impossible to possible.
shoko let out a laugh. "anyway, gotta go now. got a client in an hour so bye my boo, mwa!" sending also a virtual flying kiss to your platonic friend, you both bid a farewell to with sweet smile on your faces.
as you ended the call, you turned your attention to your boyfriend who's now almost done on his lego that he's been occupying himself for like an hour now.
you made to take some photo of him and post it on your close friends in instagram because this scene of your boyfriend is literally a wholesome and definitely iconic. satoru glanced at you when he heard you giggle at some adorable shots of your boyfriend.
"what are you laughing at?" your boyfriend glanced up to you, confused and warily.
you shook your head, holding your laughter to not raise any suspicion. "nothing babe, just focus on fishing your lego instead of other things."
satoru showed you the figure "oh but i'm finished and we still have like an hour before our flight…" he paused. your mouth hangs wide, questioning about how the hell he builds almost five hundred tiny pieces in just an hour?! truly your boyfriend was really something but this is wild.
"how did you—"
"can we have a quickie now?" satoru smiles sheepishly.
your face turns more sour at his shameless request. although you understand that satoru is a man in need, but his neediness sometimes is really out of place and it took a lot of effort just to stop him from doing so.
"no, satoru. instead, we're going to have a quickie stop at the lego shop to buy you some more entertainment."
your boyfriend pouted at your answer like a hurdled puppy. "but i'm enjoying it more when i'm inside you."
that completely took you off guard.
"... tempting but no."
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keto-keyes · 3 months
Slytherins with a non!Deatheater S/O
The Slytherins are down bad for their partners. So how do they rip off the band aid and break the news that secretly, they're all bad?
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Mattheo Riddle:
We all know he's a bad boy with a bad attitude
...except around his S/O
He doesn't try to hide the blood on his hands, but uses the excuse "I was protecting you"
He does actually do it to protect you, don't worry
His dad threatens to end you if he refuses to do his Deatheater duties
So he makes sure to keep you around him whenever he can to make sure you can't get hurt
Our boy stresses the heck out whenever you get even the smallest bit injured
It might start fights sometimes between the two of you, but you KNOW this mamas boy would never lay a hand on you in the wrong way
If you try to join, he discourages it
He doesn't want to psychologically scar you
lots of time together whenever he can kick his dad outta his mind
Then he holds you tight like he's gonna lose you
Don't ever stop loving this man, alright?
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Tom Riddle:
It's kinda impossible for you not to know about his...situation
It's all anybody talks about when you're around
But he only wants to protect you
So he makes sure to keep you distracted whenever he must get the job done
He'll take you dancing, or go shopping afterwards
sometimes you might need to clean him up after a scuffle
he lets you, but only if you promise not to ask how he got the injuries
His dad also threatens him with losing you and he could never be complete without his S/O safely in his arms
if somehow you get tangled in his mess of deatheater-ness, he will sacrifice EVERYTHING for you
his only thought is to keep you safe
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Theodore Nott:
He doesn't tell you he's a Deatheater until you meet his friends
That's right, he didn't let you meet his friends
not at first
after you meet them, it's kinda like momentum until he finally tells you he's a deatheater
he definitely expects you to hate his ass, but you don't so he's hopeful
he smokes to forget all the horrible things he does.
he does it more once he finally confesses, but tries not to when you're around.
dw, his stoic attitude when you ask him about being a deatheater isn't him being uncaring
he just forgot how to feel remorse after being a human murder weapon for so long.
it's like torture for him, and he hates it
So care for him please, as best you possibly can
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Draco Malfoy:
He's probably the most affected by the deatheater thing
If you're dating him, either you're younger than him or your families are close.
So you know all about the deatheater thing
he pretends having a dangerous father is a good thing
like, he can destroy draco's enemies in an instant,
but... he could also force you to join Voldemort, and that's something that can never happen.
you have to either be holding his hand or his cheek AT ALL TIMES,
otherwise his anxiety causes him to start shaking
he'll whisper all his worries as he weeps himself to sleep, and sometime you catch him doing it
his dad only protected him for so long, now it's your turn
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Blaise Zabini:
He doesn't talk about it
even when you two have been dating for a while, he doesn't mention it
it's not your problem, it's his
and he wants it to stay that way for as long as possible
he's afraid telling you will somehow lead to Voldemort knowing, and holding it against him
especially since the only thing Voldemort's actually threatening him with is death. extremely painful death.
so he doesn't even mention it.
you know though. you know how painful killing and torturing is for him.
it tears him apart, almost to the point where he wants to smoke with theo
sometimes he wishes desperately that he could tell you everything, but he's scared you would be in danger.
so he stays quiet and lets the anguish build
he doesn't crack. ever
he stays stoic and silent. caring
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Pansy Parkinson:
she doesn't like to bother you with the gorey details,
but sometimes they slip out
she breaks down all the time. it's traumatising
but she can't really articulate what she feels
so she just cries as you hold her to your chest/side
yeah, idk i didn't really have any ideas for pansy
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Lorenzo Berkshire:
he may be a little flouncy at times, but he cares about your wellbeing enough to protect you
its his main goal in life
so he tries to keep himself between you and the others for as long as possible. like theo
its less of a "you don't need to know them"
and more of a "what? other people? who needs people when I'm your cute bf?" while waving his hands in front of you so you focus on him
he lets you wash his cuts for him
and do his hair in consolidation for not being by your side for a few hours.
Voldemort really can't touch enzo without hurting you.
So he keeps his mouth shut about it a lot.
sweet boy livin in a cruel world, what can i say
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toutallyahoe · 2 months
━ stress relief (not really) ,, that's not my neighbor
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requested by: – pairing(s): francis "milkman" mosses x male reader word count: 2503 warnings: cursing, monster fucking, blowjob a/n: joining the bandwagon on save the cow, milk the milkman teehee
switching from 3rd pov to 2nd pov for you tumblr gremlins
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Looking at the ID and entry request that was pushed into the hatch, you took the bottom folder as you opened the page to flip through to the correct file and make sure the numbers were right on the ID of the individual in front of you. Also sent a quick glance at the list of people who should have been out and saw that yes... he was out.
Honestly, you have been doing this for months now. Miraculously surviving and not letting any doppelgangers in the building. Getting an employee of the month award for doing better than another doorman (Henry) and surviving. You were used to this job already and knew the tenants well even outside of your work hours, but it wasn't wrong to just double-check like always.
That's how you survived after all.
As you looked at the file and read through it, mentally listing the numbers down, a pain went through your head as you let out a hiss.
"You alright?" Looking at the security window, outside the clear glass, the Milkman's (or also known as Francis Mosses) tired eyes looked at you in worry as he tilted his head, a frown on his lips as he looked. You only nodded as you sent Francis a forced smile, not wanting to show any problem with anything. Having to work as a doorman, you should be calm and professional while not showing any weakness unless you want the doppelgangers to use that to their advantage.
"Yeah, it's nothing," You said as you looked back at the ID and file, sighing a bit in relief as you looked at the numbers. Clear. It wasn't a doppelganger... well... sparring a glance at the security window again, you squinted and the Milkman outside and he looked normal... no imperfections whatsoever from what you remembered... so it wouldn't hurt to answer Francis, right? The worried look on the Milkman's face was not one you wanted to see. "Just a headache, that's all."
"Oh... stress?" You let out a snort as you heard that. What else were there? When the lives of multiple people in this building and your own is in the hands of one single individual... one wrong mistake would lead to the whole building being painted in red. With innocent lives slaughtered by a doppelganger that was just unknowingly let in... who else wouldn't be stressed? The D.D.D. didn't give any training prior to this other than an old tape that you had to watch as you were plopped down into the job. It was truly a miracle you survived this after your first shift. No wonder almost 99.99% of the doormans die.
"You know how it is," You shrugged as you put back the folder in its place. Double-checking your checklist and the files you got one last time, you nodded in approval as you sent Francis a smile. "Well, yer all clear," You said as you reached out to unlock the door. Francis nodded in thanks as he disappeared to come in.
You let out a sigh as you locked the door when you made sure Francis came in, you then slouched in your chair. Closing your eyes as you raised a hand and rubbed your forehead to ease the growing pain you were feeling. God, you would love to get a fucking day off one of these days but unfortunately, there is no rest for the wicked... and that means no rest for the doorman as well.
"Are you really alright?" You let out a surprised yelp when you felt someone grabbed your shoulder from behind. You only calmed down when turned around to see it was just Francis who looked at you in worry. "You look stressed."
"Jesus, Francis," You breathed out as you sent out a glare while putting a hand over your heart, breathing in and out as you calmed yourself down. "You scared the shit outta me."
"Sorry," Francis said. "Just worried about you." He added as he squeezed your shoulder gently. Your glare softened after that. You and Francis had been... awkward to say the least. Not after Francis had one day went down on his knees to suck on your dick as you worked. To "relieve stress" and a "thank you" as Francis had said. You were haunted by the happenings of that day. With how the tired Milkman you have been seeing for months just on his knees, underneath your desk and shyly unbuckling your belt and pulling down your pants to suck you off. It was a pretty sight...
Unfortunately, before things got more heated, a doppelganger appeared in the security window to ruin things... which you knew was a doppelganger very well due to... well, it was very awkward when that doppelganger was pretending to be the very Milkman that was milking your dick at that very moment already. Long story short, the D.D.D. was called and both you and Francis (the real one) didn't do anything other than that. It had been awkward ever since as neither of you two talked things out.
"I'm fine, no need to worry," You said, patting Francis' hand on your shoulder as you sent the man a tired smile. "Just a headache like I said... it'll pass."
Francis let out a hum, his tired eyes looking at you as he thought for a moment and then smiled. "Stress, right? How about I help you with that?"
It was like what happened before. Francis was on his knees, tucked comfortably underneath the desk as he was in between your legs. His tired eyes were half-lidded as he focused on the bulge in front of him. Something in his eyes that you can't put a finger to it. Not like you would focus on that when Francis' hands went to grab your inner thighs, rubbing it gently as it seemed like he didn't know what to do before he leaned forward and mouthed at your cock through your pants.
Softly groaning at the sight, you leaned back in your chair as you just watched Francis keep this up for a bit until he was done with the tease to then unbuckle your belt and unzip your pants to pull it down. Nuzzling at the bulge on your underwear as Francis breathed in and softly moaned.
"Taking your time?" You can't help but asked, you weren't really complaining as either way you were getting a blowjob here by the tired yet handsome Milkman. Taking the hat off and putting it on your desk, you ran your fingers through Francis' short brown hair as the man let out a keen noise at your actions. "I don't mind... but someone may arrive soon and you wouldn't want anyone to see you like this, right, Mosses?"
Francis hummed as he looked at you, eyes shining. "Can't I admire you?" He asked as he nuzzled his face back at the bulge, taking a deep inhale as he dug his nails into your inner thighs. "I want to savour this..."
An amused huff left your lips as you stared down at Francis. Something about this man was being affectionate right now and sure, maybe you didn't know Francis Mosses that well as you both had only done this once before and it was even cut short before you could come in that warm mouth of the Milkman but it was rather cute. You didn't expect Francis to have a side like this... unfortunately, you remembered what happened last time as well.
"Well, if we continue with this pace, we might get caught," You said as you pet Francis' head, pausing for a second as you continued. "You can admire later... if you want, we can continue this after my shift..." Hesitant, you were, but you finally said it. And you hoped that if Francis agreed, you both could talk about... you two as well.
"Hm, yes," Francis murmured as he finally pulled down your underwear.
Francis inched closer to your thick cock, gulping the saliva that was produced in his mouth as he stared wide eyes at it. The hand that gripped on his hair brought him back from his thoughts as Francis mumbled a quiet sorry as he then grabbed your dick with his hand. Stroking the shaft as Francis looked up for a moment to see you watching him. You nodded at him and that gave Francis the courage as he leaned close and pressed a soft kiss on the tip, smearing pre-cum on his lips that Francis immediately licked. A pleased hum left his lips as he continued on. Pressing another kiss as he then sucks on the tip, tasting more of your seed. It didn't take long before Francis got down on the cock, swallowing it down in his throat so eagerly.
Francis did have a little bit of trouble as you were rather big and he barely even have any experience of how to take a cock with his mouth, but that didn't stop him. He eagerly descended down huge dick and Francis can't help but moan as he felt the way your cock twitched on his throat. He was even more pleased with himself when he heard you moaning and praising he was doing better than last time.
Francis squeezed your thighs at that last comment with his other hand that wasn't on your dick as he tried to get used to such a large thing inside his mouth, but after a while, Francis slowly bobbed his head up and down on your cock. Softly moaning at times as clumsily sucked.  
"Use your hands," Francis heard you say. It took a moment but once he realized what you meant, the hands that stopped their stroking earlier were now back with their movements again, stroking the part where he couldn't fit in his mouth. "That's it."
You can't help but grab a fistful of Francis' short brown hair as you guided the man to suck you more better. Francis was very clumsy and clueless at this like last time... even more clumsy than before honestly but it was fine as the Milkman made up for being very eager. You didn't miss the occasional glances Francis throw your way as he sucked on your cock. It was very cute. Especially when you would give the man praise after catching his eyes, it only makes Francis more eager to suck on your dick more. Truly adorable.
Francis pulls back and gave a kiss on the tip of your cock before sucking and flicking his tongue on the slit, making sure to catch your eyes as he did. Francis knows what he was doing now from what you can tell. It seemed like the man had grown brave after some time on sucking your dick. A loud, deep growl escaped from your lips as you watched Francis take your cock back in his mouth. Fucking tease.
"This is your fault," you grunted as you grabbed a fistful of Francis' hair. You planned to punish Francis for this. Pulling Francis a little bit away from your dick, the Milkman was confused as he whined a little until you pushed his head all the way down. Francis let out a noise akin to choking as he gagged a little at your cock, tears in his eyes. Francis' body shook as his eyes rolled back. Dry cumming from just that. And you realize what just happened.
Shit. That was hot.
"Suck," You commanded and Francis complied, seemingly not mentally present as he did. Francis continued to go down your cock until it hits the sensitive spot in the back of his throat, moaning immediately.
Grabbing the sides of Francis' head, you decided to take matters to your own as you fucked your cock down the Milkman's throat. Using Francis' warm mouth as your own fleshlight and it seemed like Francis didn't mind. Just letting you be as Francis would eagerly suck on your cock.
It didn't take long until you reached your peak as you breathed heavily. Feeling Francis' throat tightened around your cock, you can't help but shove Francis' head down again while you came. Spilling your load down Francis' throat who didn't have a choice but took it. Not like Francis wouldn't have it any other way anyway.
You slumped in yout chair as you let go of Francis' head, breathing heavily as you looked down at the Milkman and was surprised that Francis never break away from your dick. Instead, Francis caught your eyes as the man gave you a grin while your cock was still in his mouth. You were truly surprised. It seemed like Francis had swallowed your cum but you expected Francis to break away and catch his breath, maybe spit out your cum but no... was this the same Francis who had trouble with sucking your dick earlier, right?
You shake your head and decided to just focus on looking at the man who's still on your cock. Taking the time to admire the pretty sight of Francis as you ran your fingers through Francis' short hair, wiping the sweat on Francis' forehead— did Francis always have a mole there?
A cold shiver suddenly spread throughout your body as you looked at the mole on the right side of Francis' forehead. You didn't notice it before as it was hidden from sight with the hat and Francis' short brown hair but... Francis must have, right?
You didn't pay mind to Francis slowly bobbing his head up and down your dick again as you tried to remember if you ever saw Francis had a mole there from the last time the Milkman had sucked you off. That day was hazy for you as you had to deal with Francis literally sucking you off and then deal with a doppelganger that looked like the same man that was sucking you off underneath the desk and then calling the D.D.D. to clean up the imposter...
Yeah... Francis must have a mole, right? You just didn't notice it before. Yeah, that was righ—
You froze as you looked at the security window... the individual that was on the other side of the glass window had an all-familiar white attire, "Milkman" on their hat, and tired eyes that looked at you in worry. Similar. So fucking similar.
"You alright?"
The individual outside was none other than the Milkman, Francis Mosses.
"Problem, dear?" You looked down at your legs and you felt your heart drop at seeing the "Francis" that was kneeling in front of you give you a smug smile, your cock still on his— it's lips. "Francis'" hand gripped at your inner thighs, the nails looked more like claws to your mind now as you felt your body shudder. Those tired eyes looked at you with sick amusement. "You looked stressed."
Fuck indeed.
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honeyedmiller · 3 months
A Burning Desire part two
firefighter!joel x f!reader
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rating: 18+ minors dni
warnings: joel miller au, mentions of food / eating, literally so much tooth-rotting fluff it’s actually sickening, reader can sit on joel’s lap, mutual pining, kissing, dry humping, no use of y/n.
word count: 6.2k
synopsis: joel takes you on your first date with him.
a/n: special thank you to @punkshort for the meeting at the firehouse idea and for letting me ramble about the infinite ideas i have for this story in our dms. i appreciate the heck outta you
part one here
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The summer sun gleamed on you as you made your way up to the firehouse he worked at. The big red doors were open and inviting, the shiny red trucks sitting perfectly still in the apparatus bay as you shyly stepped into the building. 
You carried a tray of cookies you made yourself, wanting to give it to the team as a thank you for being on the scene of your accident and getting you out safely. Well, they were mostly for Joel, Tommy, and the EMT’s. You weren’t able to see Joel in a few days and it drove you sort of crazy, so this was a perfectly good excuse. Joel would probably get teased by his coworkers again, and you’d probably get brought into the mix. It didn’t matter if it meant you got to see him.
It was odd, admitting that to yourself. You’d been single and alone for so long that you were used to the feeling of loneliness, but after meeting Joel, it genuinely sucked not being in his presence. You’ve only known the man for about a week, which made you feel even crazier for feeling this way. 
The way you felt around him was almost unexplainable. Light. Happy. You didn’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not, which you had to do more often than not with your job. 
Being around Joel Miller was like a tall glass of the purest, most refreshing water on Earth. 
“Hey miss, can I help you?” A kind voice snaps you back to reality. The man was wiping his hands with a dish rag, a small smile on his face as he eyed what you had in your hands. 
“Uh– yeah, actually, I came to drop these off for everyone. And uh– is Joel available?” 
You didn’t know why you suddenly felt so shy. Maybe you were just worried as to what his coworkers would think about you coming to his job to ask to see him. 
The man had a knowing smirk on his face and nodded. 
“Ah, so you must be Miller’s mystery woman,” He laughs, jutting his chin up the steps. “He’s up there. Follow me.” 
Your face heats up from his words. Joel talks about you to them? 
You follow him up the stairs to the second floor where the lounge area and kitchen were. Many of them were gathered at the kitchen table while they ate, and a few others were playing a video game in the lounge area. 
“Hey Miller.” The man calls out, and first Tommy turns around with a piece of garlic bread hanging out of his mouth as he plates what looks like lasagna. You have to stifle a laugh at the confused look on his face, but then your heart skips a beat when your eyes land on Joel. 
He’s writing something down in a book, and he looks up at the man before his eyes flit to you. A grin spreads on his lips as you give him a shy smile and a small wave. He stands up from the table he was sitting at after capping his pen, making his way over to you. 
“Darlin’, this is such a nice surprise. Whatcha doin’ here?” He brings you into a hug, and catches himself refraining from giving you a kiss of any sort. He already got enough teasing from his coworkers and brother. 
“I made cookies for everyone. As a thank you, you know, for getting me out of that nasty accident.” 
His eyes soften at your words, eyebrows furrowing together as he takes the plate from your hand. 
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you. I know these goons over here will devour these.” He motions his head to his coworkers behind him. 
You laugh as you look behind him, all of his coworkers' heads turned your way as they watch the interaction between you two. 
“You busy later tonight?” His voice drops a few octaves, setting the plate on the counter before he coaxes you to follow him downstairs again. 
“Nope. Just watching reruns of The Bachelor.” 
Joel quirks a brow at your show choice with a smile laced onto his lips. 
“Would you mind if I stopped by later? I feel bad I haven’t been able to see you.” 
“Don’t feel bad, Joel. I know you work odd hours,” You pause as he takes you into the locker rooms for some more privacy, away from prying eyes. “But of course you can come over. I’d love the company.” 
“Great. Maybe I can pick up some take-out and we can eat it at your place?” He’s hopeful with a sparkle in his eyes that makes your stomach flutter, once again. 
“Sounds great. I’ll text you the address when you get off work.” 
“I look forward to seein’ you. Y’know, away from nosey people.” He chuckles, referring to his coworkers. You admire the crinkle around his eyes when he smiles. 
“I look forward to it too, Joel,” You lean in and press your lips to his cheek. “I’ll see you later, cowboy.” You give him a wink before turning around to walk off, leaving him standing there with the goofiest grin plastered on his face. 
A few hours had passed by since you stopped off at the firehouse, and you were tidying up last minute things before Joel came over. 
You hadn’t had someone over at your place in a long time besides family, so a part of you wanted to impress him a little. 
He’d be over any minute now and you couldn’t stop your heart from racing. You don’t know what it was, but Joel just made you so nervous in the best way possible. You felt like a teenager all over again with a crush you’d giggle with your friends about—but in this case, it was your sister. 
Just as you finished fluffing up the last pillow on the couch, you heard a knock on your door. 
You checked through the peephole just to be sure it was Joel, and when you saw it was, you couldn’t help the grin that spread across your lips. You open the door to him wearing more casual clothes, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his biceps really well, holding a bag of takeout in his hand. 
“Hey darlin’.” He greets you with a smile on his face, and you move aside to let him in. 
“Hey Joel.” You close the door after he’s in, locking the top lock before turning around to face him. 
“Where should I set up this gourmet feast?” He teases, wiggling his eyebrows as he holds up the bag of Chinese food. 
You huff a laugh and nod toward the dining room table. “There’s fine. Let me get some plates.” 
You make your way to the cabinets in your kitchen, pulling down two plates for the both of you before you turn around, only to be met with the close proximity of Joel. You gasp and look at him, biting your lip to keep from smiling. 
Goddamn teenager. 
“So, I figured out where I wanna take ya for our first date.” He starts, leaning against the counter.
“I thought this was our first date.” You blink, eyes shifting to the delicious smelling Chinese food sitting on your dining room table just waiting to be devoured. 
Joel snorts and crosses his arms, “You kiddin’ me? As much as I like bein’ in your company, this ain’t a date, darlin’. You deserve better than a half-assed plan to eat takeout and watch that one show you like.” 
You look down at your socked feet, having never really felt like a priority anytime you were involved romantically with someone. You barely even know this man and he’s already shown more effort toward you than some men of your past. 
“Baby, look at me,” Joel tilts your chin up again so your gaze meets his, and he gives you a soft smile that makes your insides absolutely melt. “As long as I’m around, I’m gonna make sure you feel important. It’s the least you deserve.” 
And you want to believe him, so fucking bad. There’s this stupid nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that what he’s saying isn’t true—you don’t deserve to feel important and being single was the best decision you could’ve made for yourself. 
You force those thoughts to drown for now, focusing on him and his gentle gaze. 
“Thank you.” You give him a small smile, and his hand moves to cup your cheek, swiping his thumb back and forth. 
“‘Course. But, I gotta get somethin’ off my chest before we take this whole datin’ thing any further.” 
You furrow your brows, and the way his gaze shifts to a pleading look makes you nervous. What could it possibly be? 
“I know this ain’t for everyone, and I understand if you don’t wanna see me anymore after this–” He pauses, lips twisting to the side as his eyes move to the ground, “But I really hope this doesn’t change what we got goin’ on. I really do like you, darlin’.” 
“What is it, Joel?” You can’t even concentrate on the sweet words that just oozed out of his mouth. Your stomach was coiling into an unwanted knot, endless possibilities of what he has to say in mind. 
“I have a daughter.” 
That’s what he was worried about? Oh. 
“Oh wow, that’s amazing, Joel. Why would you think I wouldn’t want to see you after you told me this?” You’re the one reassuring him now, gently grabbing his face in your hands before swiping your thumbs over the stubble on his jaw. 
“You’d be surprised how many women have run for the hills after I’ve told them that.” A sad chuckle bubbles from his throat, and you lean forward to kiss his nose. 
“Not this one, cowboy.” 
Joel didn’t tell you a single thing about where he was taking you. All he told you was to dress comfortably for the hot weather and wear some walking shoes, so you opted for a tank top and jeans with rips at the knees and your comfiest shoes. 
You heard a knock on the front door of your apartment, and you eagerly checked the peephole before opening up the door. You grinned at Joel, but stopped short when you saw him wearing a Stetson. 
Fuck, he looked so good.
“Howdy.” He greets in true cowboy fashion, and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles in your throat. 
“Howdy there, cowboy.” You flick the brim of his hat teasingly before grabbing your purse, locking up as you both head down to his truck. 
“So you’re still not gonna tell me where we’re heading to?” You ask once you’re both buckled in, and the truck roars to life. 
“You’ll see in a few minutes. Jus’ wanted to surprise you a little for our first… of hopefully many… dates.” He mumbles the last part under his breath, but your heart rate accelerates knowing he wanted to continue to see you. 
Soft tunes play within the confines of the cab of the truck and you look out of your window. It was all flatlands for a few miles, and then you both hit a bit of traffic, but you could easily see the huge ferris wheel from where you were at. 
You gasped as you sat straight in your seat, eyes shooting to Joel. “You’re taking me to the state fair?” You couldn’t contain your excitement. You absolutely loved the nostalgia the fair brought you, and you hadn’t been in a few years. 
“Mhm.” He says, tugging at his shirt collar with his index finger nervously. 
You grin and lean over the center console, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Thank you. I’m so excited.” 
Joel smiles at your words and reaches for your hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“I’m glad. I was hopin’ you’d be into this idea. I know it’s not a traditional first date in any sense, but I gotta keep ya on your toes.” Joel winks at you, and you toss your head back with a laugh. 
“Miller, you’ve done that since the first words we spoke to each other at Rosemary’s. I know we’ve only known each other a short time, but I really do like you and it’s nice to be in the company of someone who actually puts thought into things like this. It means a lot.” 
“‘M glad you feel that way, darlin’. It means a great deal that you think so highly of me.” His tone is playful, but his words are sincere. 
“Only ‘cus you literally saved me from being trapped in my car. No biggie.” You huff a laugh, and he wraps his right arm around your shoulder to give your body a light shake. 
You both sit in a comfortable silence before making it to the parking lot. Once you find a parking spot, you  practically drag Joel to the ticket booth to purchase admission into the fair. He couldn’t help but laugh and admire your eagerness. 
“Okay,” He starts, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “Where to first?” 
“I’m actually pretty hungry. Wanna start off with food?” You ask him, and he nods immediately. You link your hand with his, and he lets you keep your fingers interlocked, so you lead him toward the so-called food court of the fair. 
The array of smells coming from every which way had you practically salivating. You ended up getting some wings and fries with a side of fried pickles, while Joel got a turkey leg and blooming onion. 
You make your way to a table and settle in, diving into your food. You push your plate of fried pickles toward Joel, and he happily plucks a couple off the plate and pops them into his mouth. 
“I swear there’s nothing on this Earth like fair food.” He hums, shaking his head as he chews on another fried pickle. 
“Agreed,” You say, eating a couple of fried pickles yourself before you speak up again. “So, tell me about Sarah, if you’d like.” 
Joel’s eyes avert to yours at the mention of her name, and the biggest smile overtakes his features. His eyes crinkle in pure happiness and he’s elated that you want to hear about his baby girl. 
“She’s so charismatic. Most sure fourteen year old you’d ever meet,” He starts with a grin as he begins to gather all the intel about his daughter so he can tell you exactly what she’s like. “She’s so smart, n’ I’m not jus’ sayin’ that ‘cus I’m her dad, but she really does carry such intelligence. She’s witty, funny, sarcastic, and just so damn bright. She easily captivates a crowd in a room with her wit n’ charm, which she obviously gets from me.” Joel boasts with a proud look on his face before shooting you a wink. 
You can’t help but giggle at the way he jokes, but you deeply admire the way he talks about her. You can tell she’s his whole world and more, and seeing a father love his daughter as much as he does warms your heart immensely. 
Joel was starting to show his heart on his sleeve. It was like uncovering invisible ink inch by inch. 
“She sounds absolutely wonderful. I’m sure she keeps you on your toes.” 
“She absolutely does.” He can’t help the pride that blooms in his chest. Raising her as a single parent wasn’t easy, but he made do. He thought he did a pretty good job. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to Sarah’s mom?” Joel gave you a sad smile, and maybe that wasn’t territory you should’ve crossed, you think. 
“She left shortly after Sarah was born. Didn’t wanna deal with bein’ a parent so young n’ all. I might’ve raised her all by myself, but her n’ I grew up together. She’s taught me endless love and so much patience.” 
“Oh Joel, I’m sorry–” He shakes his head, stopping you mid-sentence. 
“It’s okay, darlin’. Sarah n’ I navigate life together. That’s just how it is. We’re so used to it that having her mother in the picture would honestly be very weird.” He plucks another fried pickle from your plate, popping it into his mouth with a sly grin. You can’t help but return the smile. 
“Well, thank you for sharing that with me. I’m sure it probably wasn’t easy.” 
Joel shrugs, “It got easier to talk about overtime. Sarah n’ I are great.” 
“Does she know you’re on a date right now?” You’re curious. You don’t want to be the person that suddenly barges into their lives and disrupts their routine or anything. Sarah sounds so sweet, and the last thing you wanted was to intervene between the two. 
“She does, actually. She’s been hecklin’ me to go out n’ date again. She’s on the varsity soccer team at school n’ since she spends so much time with her team, she didn’t want me to be lonely. She was excited when I told her I was goin’ on a date today.” 
“She just wants you to be happy,” You say, and he nods. “Don’t blame her. I’d want the same for you, too.” 
“I am happy. You make me happy. Don’t know what it is about you that’s got me feelin’ so crazy inside. Feels like I’m a teenage boy again.” Joel laughs, and your eyes widen, because that’s exactly how you feel. 
“Joel, that’s—”
You heard your name being called from a short distance away, and your head swiveled around to lock eyes with none other than your sister. 
“Shit.” You say under your breath, and Joel’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“What’s the matter?” He asks, but before you could answer, your sister and her fiancé stroll up to the table. 
“Hey sis! Didn’t know you’d be here today.” She has a shit-eating grin on her face, like she just caught you doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing. 
“Didn’t know you’d be here either.” You give her a tight-lipped smile, eyes shifting to the man standing beside her. 
“Hi Josh.” You greet him with a small wave, and the sympathy in his eyes is enough of a forewarning that you were going to be in for it from your sister. 
“So who’s this?” Your sister gestures to Joel, and you glare at her briefly. You felt heat creep up your body, feeling a little ticked off. You wanted to keep Joel a mystery just a little longer. 
“This is Joel. Joel, this is my sister and her fiancé Josh.” You introduce them three, and while you’re feeling nothing short of embarrassed, Joel has a big smile on his face as he extends his hand to shake both of theirs. 
“Nice to meet y’all.” He says, and your sister beams. 
“Ah, so you’re the mystery firefighter my sister always gushes about,” She laughs, and you groan and hide your face behind your hands. “Thank you for getting her out of that horrible car accident, by the way.” Her voice was coated with sincerity and gratefulness. 
“‘S no problem, really. I’d rescue her any day.” He looks at you as you peek an eye through your fingers, and he shoots you a wink. 
Your sister ‘aww’s at Joel’s words. 
The heat in your face never wavers and you hide your face again, shaking your head in pure embarrassment. 
“So when’s the wedding?” Joel asks politely, making conversation so awkwardness doesn’t roll over the four of you. 
Your sister can’t help but gleam when she answers him, “August tenth! You should come. It would be so much fun.” 
Your hands evade your face, and you look up at your sister with furrowed brows and a panicked stare. What the hell was she doing? 
Joel looked at you for a second with a small smile, and you wanted so badly to shrink into yourself and let the world swallow you whole. 
“Love to, only if this one would like me to go.” He nudges your foot under the table playfully, and an awkward chuckle escapes you. 
“You’d be subjected to my family if you went, Joel. I’m not sure you’d wanna deal with… all that.” 
Your sister laughs at your words, “She does have a fair point. Our brothers and cousins are quite the rowdy bunch.” 
“I like a challenge.” Joel smirks, eyes locking with yours. 
“I like him even more now.” Your sister laughs, nudging you on your shoulder. 
You shoo her hand away, rolling your eyes. “Okay, okay. It’s up to you, Joel, but I’m giving you a huge warning in advance.” 
He grins at you and grabs your hand from across the table, gently swiping his thumb over your soft skin. 
“Well, It was nice to meet you, Joel. Josh and I are gonna head out and grab a funnel cake.” Your sisters bids you both goodbye, and you and Joel both say your goodbyes before they walk off. 
“God, Joel, I am so sorry. I hope you don’t feel pressured into going to her wedding or anything. I know it’s like a month away and–”
Joel stops you with a kiss to the back of your hand. “Not at all, darlin’. But if you rather I not go, then I won’t. ‘S up to you.” 
“It’s not that–it’s just–,” You sigh, trying to find the right wording. “I’ve been single for so long. My last relationship didn’t end well, and my family is overprotective of me because they don’t wanna see me get hurt again. They can be… a bit much, sometimes.” 
You look at him, and he gives your hand a squeeze. 
“I mean, that’s understandable. Nobody likes seein’ members of their family gettin’ hurt, especially in a relationship. ‘M sorry your last one ended badly, but baby, if you let me, I’d love to give you everythin’ I can. I know this datin’ thing is scary, because hell, it took me so long to say yes to someone’s advances, but I really do like you and I would love to see where this goes.” 
You’re elated by Joel’s words. He was just so damn sweet and you genuinely felt like you didn’t deserve any of this. Dating is a scary thing, and the thought of giving yourself to someone again, letting them in to get to know all of you, terrified you. 
But, your sister's words ring in your head, once again. The world won’t end if you give up an ounce of control. 
“I’m glad you said yes to my advances.” You say, and Joel lifts your hands to his lips once again, giving it several kisses. 
“‘M happy I did, too.” 
“So which game do you want to play?” Joel asks, looking back at you as you try to fall into step with him. It was a couple of hours later, the sunset starting to creep in. 
“The water gun game. Love that one.” You grin, and he leads the way to the last two empty seats on the side. Joel hands the man running the game four tickets as you both settle in your seats, and you flash Joel a smirk. 
“Get ready to get your ass handed to you, cowboy.” Your shoulders shake with laughter as he gives you a look. He didn’t expect a competitive side to come out of you, but he liked it. A lot. 
“‘M ready, baby. Don’t hold back now.” He laughs as you both take hold of the metal machines, hovering your thumbs over the red buttons on the top. The bell goes off to start, and you zero in on getting the water into the tiny target. You don’t even think you blink until the bell goes off, signifying that someone won. 
You look up at the poles, and although Joel beat you, neither of you won. Some guy at the other end won and picked out a prize for his girlfriend and gave her a big kiss after she got a big plushie. 
You smile at the scene before you, and Joel notices you looking at them. He was determined to win something for you, because he wanted you to remember this day. 
He leads you over to a ball throwing game where he has to knock down bottles on three tiers of shelves. Nobody else was at the stand, so he got the opportunity to show off and impress you. 
You couldn’t help the way your eyes moved to the rippling biceps beneath the hem of his shirt, trailing them up to his tan neck, to the slightly graying stubble on his jaw, to his plush lips and strong angular nose, and his pretty eyes. His soft brown curls were barely peeking out from under his Stetson, and all you wanted to do was take his hat off and run your fingers through his hair. 
He’s a fucking dreamboat, and you really couldn’t believe that you were able to pull someone like him. 
“This one’s for you, baby.” He turns to wink at you, catching you staring at him. Heat shoots up to your face and you give him a shy smile, watching as he easily knocks down five bottles. Even the game attendant was impressed, and Joel pulled you into his side so you could pick out whichever stuffed animal you wanted. 
You chose a big teddy bear that was squishy, giving Joel a kiss on the cheek and thanking him for winning it for you. 
“So how many teddy bears have you won for previous women? You made that look too easy.” You joke, nudging his side as you both walk away from the game. 
“Mm, around thirty. I’m a regular here.” Joel deadpans. Your mouth drops open in mock offense, and the most guttural laugh erupts from his chest. 
“Jus’ you, baby. Tommy n’ I used to play catch a lot.” He reassures you, and you quirk your brow at him. 
“Better be, Miller, or there’ll be hell to pay.” You poke his chest with no malice behind your actions. 
“I bet there will be, darlin’.” He catches your hand and spins you around so your back is flush against his front, and he kisses your neck. He’s moving ahead of you before you even have time to process what just happened, but excitement zinged through your body at his gesture. 
You walk for about five minutes before you spot a photo booth not even twenty feet away. You stop him in his tracks and look at him with the best pleading eyes you can muster up. 
“Would you hate me if I asked you to take pictures with me?” You nod your head toward the photo booth, and Joel looks taken aback. 
“Hate you? I could never. I’d love to take pictures with you.” 
You guess you didn’t realize your wording before you said it. You were so used to your ex hating things you wanted to do, including taking photos to capture memories. He always made you feel bad about it, so you stopped doing it so much after you broke up. You just didn’t realize that the shitty feeling was still buried somewhere inside you. 
Joel tugs you along to the photo booth, sliding in first. The bench was extremely small, and it was nearly impossible to fit both of you side-by-side. 
“Jus’ sit on my lap.” Joel suggests, spreading his legs and patting his thigh. You swallow harshly and nod, sitting on his lap.
 You both get situated and put the two dollars in the machine before pressing the start button. Joel grabs on to your hips, and you nearly melt into a fucking puddle at his touch. 
It’d been so long since anyone has simply touched you, so your whole body was buzzing with nerves and excitement. 
You both smile for the first photo. You didn’t know what to do next, so you threw up a peace sign, Joel following your lead. For the third photo, you grabbed Joel’s face and gently squished him between your forefinger and thumb, sticking your tongue out.
You look at the screen and realize Joel was staring at you, so you turn your head to look at him. His smile is soft and his eyes are hooded, glancing down at your lips. 
You pluck his Stetson off of his head, covering half of your faces as Joel leans in and closes the gap, kissing you gently. Your body melts into his as you bring your other hand up to his curls, running your fingers through them to cradle the back of his head. His arms tighten around you, and he deepens the kiss, turning his head to the side. 
The last sound of the shutter goes off, but neither of you pull away. The arm holding his hat moves to rest on his shoulder as your lips move in tandem. You don’t know how long you were there just kissing. It was gentle and sweet, but there was a ferocious hunger that was brewing beneath the surface. You both felt it. 
You had to pull away before you lost all control, so you regrettably separated yourself from him. He rubbed his nose against yours, breathing a little ragged, before he leaned back to look at you. 
He cups your face and swipes his thumb over your cheekbone, giving you one last peck as reality trickles back down around you both once more. You put his hat back on his head before standing up from his lap, an unavoidable neediness coursing through your body. 
You grabbed both of the photo strips that were printed, smiling at them when you saw what they looked like. You never thought you’d admit to yourself ever again that you looked good with someone else by your side, but you couldn’t deny the sparkle in your eyes that you saw in the photos—all because of Joel. 
It scared you, truthfully. The thought of relying on someone else for happiness or reassurance just didn’t sit well with you quite yet, but what was the point of it all if you weren’t willing to let yourself just try? 
An hour passed before beautiful hues of orange, purple and pink took over as dusk settled on the horizon of the sky. You and Joel decided to split a funnel cake, but not without getting powdered sugar all over yourselves. 
“You got a little…” Joel trails off as he reaches his thumb out to the corner of your mouth, swiping off some stray powdered sugar before popping his thumb into his mouth. You lick your lips and watch him carefully, the ache of arousal only getting worse. 
“Wanna go on the ferris wheel?” You ask, desperate to distract yourself from your undying want for this man. 
“Love to.” 
You both dust off any powdered sugar left behind on your shirts, walking hand-in-hand to the ferris wheel. Joel gave the ride attendant the last six tickets he had, and you both climbed on. 
You were silent for most of the ride, admiring all the twinkling lights and patrons below. You glance at Joel who was already looking at you once again, and you can’t help the smile from forming. 
“Thank you so much for today. I had a lot of fun.” 
“‘Course, darlin’. ‘M glad I got to do this with you.” 
“Me too. I have some pretty great souvenirs, too.” You clutch onto your teddy bear, and he shakes his head with a laugh. 
The ferris wheel came to a stop, and you realized you were both at the top as you looked down at the fairgrounds below. 
“Would it be super fuckin’ cheesy and cliché if I asked you to kiss me right now?” Joel asks, scooting closer to you. 
“It would,” You start, leaning in to him. “But I don’t care. Be as cheesy and cliché as you’d like.” 
He grins before tipping your chin up with his thumb and forefinger, pressing his lips to yours once more. This time was a bit different. Joel kissed you with more force, neediness coursing through his body just as much as yours. 
He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, and you immediately parted your lips for him. You couldn’t help the moan that bubbled in your throat as you moved closer to him, gripping onto his bicep. 
It was so easy to get lost in him. It was easy to talk with him, to laugh with him, to be with him. So, so fucking easy. 
You’d never felt this way about anyone before. It was wild to think about, because you just met him not even a month ago, but you could see yourself being so unapologetically happy with him. 
It might’ve been insane to think about that so early on, but your gut was telling you that you finally chose right. 
You were so wrapped up in each other and the heated kiss you were exchanging that you didn’t even realize the ferris wheel started moving again, and you eventually reached the bottom. The ride attendant awkwardly cleared their throat with a tight-lipped smile, and you immediately pulled away from Joel. 
You were mortified as you uttered ‘sorry’ at least five times before getting off the ride with Joel. 
Joel couldn’t help but laugh that you two had been caught, but he couldn’t care less. He felt so himself and so carefree around you. 
“Should we head back to yours?” He asks, a hint of desperation in his tone. You couldn’t even find the right words because your brain was absolute mush, so you just nod your head in agreement. 
The ride home didn’t take long, but as soon as you walked through your apartment door with him and set your prize and purse down, he was on you. He gently pushed you up against the door, hands wrapping around you as one moved down to your lower back. 
He separated his lips from yours for a second, nibbling on your chin. “Is it okay if I touch you?” He asks, voice filled with hope. 
God, please, yes. Touch me everywhere, you think. 
“Yes.” You whisper, and his lips are on yours once again. His tongue invaded your mouth, this kiss even hungrier than it was on the ferris wheel. One of his hands moved down to your ass, and you moaned into his mouth at the touch, fisting the back of his shirt into your hand in desperation. 
He moved you away from the door and walked backward toward your couch, plopping down on it. He immediately yanks your hips down so you’re straddling him, and you gently take the Stetson off of his head before setting it to the side. You crash your lips to his once again, both of your hands cupping his cheeks as you press yourself into his crotch unintentionally. 
Joel groans at the sensation, cock stirring in his jeans as you both continue to invade each other’s mouths, all teeth and tongue. His hands move down to your ass, giving it a squeeze as he guides you to rock your hips against his. 
You don’t even shy away anymore. You want this—you want him. But you had to pace yourself, not wanting to bite off more than you can chew. You ground your hips into his, clit catching perfectly onto the seam of your jeans as you felt his bulge straining against the denim he was wearing. 
“Fuck, Joel.” You whine, biting your bottom lip as you separate your lips from his. 
“I know, baby. Feels good, doesn’t it?” He’s breathless as he moves you a little faster, and you nod your head feverishly. 
“Yeah–yes–fuck, it does. So good.” Your arousal was coating your panties, slick and warm as your cunt ached to be touched. 
Slow. Slow, you had to remind yourself.  
You’d just have to take care of yourself after he left tonight. 
“Fuck–darlin’ I think we should–wait.” Joel tries to find the words as they barely register in his head. 
You slow your hips down, panting against him and you nod. 
“I know. We should take it slow.” You say, and he licks his lips with a nod. 
“Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, as much as I’d love to–I jus’– I haven’t been with anyone in a real long time, and I don’t wanna fuck this up. I wanna do this right.” 
“I know, Joel. I’m with you. I wanna take this slow, too. I like you a lot and I wanna do this right with you as well.” 
Your eyes bored into his brown ones, sparkling with hope and happiness. He kissed your cheek a few times before nosing at your jaw, hands moving up to settle on your hips again. 
He pulled back and looked at you with that same soft smile on his handsome face—a sight you knew you’d never tire of. 
You’d quickly come to a revelation as you stared at him, chest heaving up and down as you desperately tried to catch your breath: you were falling—and this time, you didn’t want to get back up. 
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tags: @ilovepedro ; @nostalxgic ; @endlessthxxghts ; @pamasaur ; @clawdee ; @pascalpvnk ; @bensonispunk ; @merz-8 ; @darkblue-tennesseee ; @buckyispunk ; @untamedheart81 ; @picketniffler ; @fluffygoffpanda ; @paleidiot ; @typewriter83 ; @lizzie-cakes ; @sawymredfox ; @keylimebeag ; @nandan11
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divider by @saradika-graphics
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reticent-writer · 4 months
Hiii, can you please write another fic about a teenage reader (16-18) and anybody from hazbin hotel. It can be about anything
Alastor x teen reader platonic
Headcannon by @ghostly-one: "During Alastor's absence, Reader went to the overlord meetings in his place"
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*knock knock knock*
You heard as you groaned and pushed your head up from your pillow.
"It's me, Y/n." You could hear the radio static through your door, "I have an errand to run and would like for you to join me."
"I'll be down in a minute." You replied as you started to get up.
"Oh, boy whats the plan, boss?"
"I like your suits."
"What are the antlers for?"
"Can I touch your ~staff thing~?"
"Are those your ears? or is it your hair? I can't tell."
The egg boiz were annoying the fuck outta you and Alastor. If you knew they would've tagged along, you wouldn't have come even if you were going to an overlord meeting.
"Hark Alastor, Y/n. How fare thee this day." Zestial appeared from nowhere in front of the both of you.
"Good evening Zestial, It's nice to see you again." You greeted with a smile as Alastor quickly threatened the eggs.
"Greetings Zestial." Alastor said as the sinners around you three started to take notice and run.
"Ah, the weather doth become this fine day."
"Indeed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon."
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou? It has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence. Y/n hast been in thy lodging since thee've been gone." Zestial looked to you with a pleased expression as he patted your shoulder before continuing his conversation with Alastor.
"Some hath spun wild tales of you falling into... Holy arms."
"Hahaha Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical. Nothing serious. Though it's fun to keep everyone of their toes."
"There too hath been rumour of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. TELL ME, how does thou fall in such folly." Zestial would've creeped you out if you weren't used to his (and Alastor's) over-the-top and old-timey ways.
"That is more me to know. But please do guess. I'd love to know the theories."
"T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm."
"Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment."
The three of you made it the the building where the meeting would be taking place as you and Zestial stepped into the elevator you waiting for Alastor to tell the eggs to wait for him before pressing the button.
You sat in between Alastor and one of Carmilla's daughters.
"Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of out city. Together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest." Carmilla said matter-of-factly. "Zestial, so good to see you, my friend."
"Enchanted as always Carmilla." He said as he sipped his tea.
Carmilla was about to look around the room when she spotted Alastor. The face that she made nearly made you laugh.
"Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering." Alastor spoke like he'd been waiting 7 years just to say that.
"Not really. But welcome back in any case." She dismissed him. You could hear the static abruptly stop and had to bite your lip so you wouldn't laugh.
Once the meeting started you zoned out staring at the wall. To be honest you didn't really care about the meetings you were only there to show your face and now that Alastor is back it gave you less of a reason to care, but interesting things did happen quite often.
Like Velvette wanting a war with the exterminators.
Zestial translation: It would be much more foolish to think that I understand how your mind works, Alastor. You have always been a mystery to me ever since you came into this world. (just thought it would be nice to add this.)
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This is choppy and rushed but parade season is starting soon and I have a lot of performances before then too.
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sleighhethereal · 4 months
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• so like
• the little ones around the mountain would get groomed by Wukong atleast once a month.
• it's just, the sight of it getting into their eyes really bothers the shit outta him.
• because we all know Wukong takes care of himself, such as; shaving his eyebrows, managing his fur, probably does skincare like cucumbers over his eyes and putting vaseline over his lips.
• so he'd make schedules for each little monkey and groom them.
• but
• the little guys hate it, they hate it so much.
• Wukong would struggle so much cutting their long fur, since the little ones would squirm really hard and he had to buy a little muzzle so they wouldn't bite him.
"Just a little— hey, heY! No biting, be grateful! You hafta look up just to see a goddamn flower!"
• Wukong always feels bad doing it because the little ones would whine like they were crying, but like— he barely touched them, so he doesn't know what to feel.
• here comes you, saving the day, because he asked you for help— promising to just fetch you via cloud.
• the plan was simple, you'd hold them while he snips at their long hairs.
• you once asked him why couldn't he just summon like ten of his monkey clones to assist him, but he'd always make up some excuse like..
"I mean, you're already here and my head hurts, ya know? Using my power just drains me, you don't want to see me in pain, do you?"
• gives you the sparkly-eyes like a wet dog
• he just wants to spend time with you but he'd never say it seriously.
• it was actually funny seeing him scold the monkeys for moving too much, or threatening to bite him.
• you'd hum the little ones silly little Disney songs or random lullabies to distract them from the razor's buzzing, since that seemed to stress them out, causing them to struggle.
• it was fun, just the two of you hanging out.
• when you guys were done after a few days, Wukong would build up courage to ask you out on a few outings... dates, if you wanna call them that.
• all perfect until Macaque decided to join for no damn reason.
• i mean, there is a reason, Macaque wants you too.
• Macaque would accidentally push Wukong into one of his shadow portals and offer his help to you.
"What? He's fine, he's many times immortal. He needs exercise every now and then. Enough about him, did you miss me?"
• he'd say it so sweetly as Wukong would zip back to his mountain, wet and angry because Macaque just dumped his ass into the ocean.
• that piece of shit. Macaque knows what he's doing.
• he never knew why but the little ones are always much more calmer with Macaque.
• they'd barely move and sometimes they'd fucking fall asleep.
• you didn't even need to do anything.
"Just sit still and look pretty. Now tell me, baby, how was your day?"
• fuming Wukong
• Wukong would just pout and grumble as he watched you and Macaque converse, hearing Macaque's little hidden insults about him- but you didn't know.
• they'd fist-fight when you leave, yelling and throwing insult here and there. they'd never fight in front of you, atleast not physically.
• would pinch and poke each others sides while you weren't looking, lightning struck inbetween their eyes as they fought for your attention.
• at the end of the day, they'd definitely work together to make you happy— but that doesn't magically make them get along, no.
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kiss-theggoat · 11 months
Would you write for Thomas Hewitt ?
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A/N: I just recently watched this version and hubba hubba I’m in love with Mr Thomas Hewitt. I’ve only seen this one twice, so if some characters are out of character, I apologize! I hope you like it as much as I do bc this boy deserves better!
Thomas Hewitt x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You and your friends stopped for gas in a rinky dink little town in Texas, but the Hewitt family thinks that you’d be perfect for their little Tommy.
TW: Violence and Gore, Death, Hoyt is a pervert, Cannibalism, Sort of Stockholm Syndrome, Ends with fluff
The sun beat down on your face as you laid your head back against the rough leather seat, deeply regretting the fact that you agreed to drive in a convertible through Texas in the middle of August. Your sweat broke through the barrier of sunblock, leaving your skin sticky and shiny, the humid wind doing absolutely nothing to cool you off.
“We’re almost outta gas!” Johnny yelled, his hand on Sue’s thigh. She rolled her eyes and scoffed at him. “I thought we gassed up in Austin!”
He shrugged. “We did. Getting bad gas mileage I guess!”
She groaned, throwing her head back in frustration. You were relieved to finally get out of the car and into some sort of building, hopefully with air conditioning. You sat in the back, squished against the side of the car by Tyler and Ginny making out, taking up almost the entire seat. You felt a little bit fifth-wheel-y, but you knew your friends would’ve given you so much shit if you refused to come.
Johnny pointed to a sign up ahead, faded and cracked from the relentless Texas sun. In light pink, what used to be red, the sign said, ‘GAS AND BARBECUE NEXT EXIT’. Johnny laughed, squeezing Sue’s thigh with a sweaty palm. “Barbecue, babe! Let’s go!”
Sue sighed. “Fine.” She turned to everyone in the back, and you saw that she was just as sweaty as you, tanned skin shining in the sunlight. “Everyone okay with stopping here.”
For some reason, this got on your nerves. You didn’t know if it was the fact that you’d been in the car for six hours or the fact that you were baking like a casserole in 100 degree weather. Or maybe it was the fact that everyone in the car was giving eachother fuck-me eyes, like a sick joke you weren’t apart if. And, on top of that, the last thing you wanted after being in 86 percent humidity was fucking barbecue. “Where the hell else are we going to stop? We’re in the middle of nowhere.”
Sue gave you a look before you were interrupted by Ginny. “Here’s fine, babe!” She smiled at Sue, her lips red and swollen from being absolutely ravished by her scrawny boyfriend. You crossed your arms and laid your head back down, trying your best to meditate your way out of this road trip.
You guess it worked because before you knew it, you were pulling into the run-down gas station, car switching off with an alarming squeal. You hopped out of the car, not bothering to talk to any of your friends, and went inside. Your stomach turned. Instead of the blissful air conditioning you were yearning for, you were smacked in the face by the putrid smell of rotting meat. Flies buzzed around your face, and you swore it was hotter in here than it was outside.
Looking around, there was a convenience store area, a case to your left with meat inside, and a little old lady sitting behind the counter. You took a deep, stabilizing breath. You were pissed and over this trip, but you knew better than to take it out on some poor unsuspecting stranger. You put on a smile and walked towards her, pulling your shorts further down your thighs. The old lady looked up at you and then back down at her book, before doing a double take. She took her glasses off, then gave you a small smile.
“Hi sweetie. What can I do for you?”
She’s nice, you thought. You liked when old ladies called you cute names. You smiled brighter at her, feeling relieved that one person was making you feel actual joy on this trip. “Hi, ma’am. Is there a bathroom here.”
“Yes, hun, it’s outside, around the side of the station.” She said, handing you a key ring. You tried not to let your face scrunch in disgust, but you were pretty sure there was a real rabbit's foot on this thing. You grabbed the key from her, avoiding the furry foot, and told her, “Thank you so much. My friends are also going to use the restroom so I’ll have this back in a few minutes.” She nodded at you, going back to her book.
You pushed the door open, actually relieved to be outside. You welcomed the smell of dust that Texas had gotten you used to instead of the rancid steaks. As you walked towards the bathroom, Sue grabbed your arm, making you jump. “What the hell is up with you?” She asked, staring at you accusingly.
You sighed, feeling better after your pleasant exchange with the old woman. “I’m sorry for being snippy. I’m just tired and hot and…done being in the car.” You said quietly, shaking her off to go towards the dilapidated bathroom.
“You can have the front seat from now on, you can actually feel the AC a little bit sometimes.” She said, following you.
You put the key in the door and twisted it. “It’s okay. The sun goes down in like…an hour and a half? It should cool down.” The moment the door swung open, you were hit with that same raunchy smell. You put a hand over your nose and grimaced, “It smells like this inside too…” you sighed, slowly walking into the single stall bathroom.
You couldn’t have pissed faster. You quickly washed up and nearly sprinted from the bathroom back towards the car, holding your face the entire time. The cheap soap from your hands also smelled bad, but compared to the smell of the bathroom, it was like the world's most expensive perfume. “Uhm…does anyone else need to use the bathroom? I have to return the key.”
Everyone shook their heads, but Johnny spoke up. “We’ll go with you. We’ll get food and pay for the gas.”
You nodded and opened the door to the station for everyone, watching in amusement as all of their faces twisted with disgust just as yours did when you first smelled it. The old lady looked up again, and instead of her smile she wore a sneer as she watched Johnny walk up to her. “We need twenty dollars on pump one.” He said, not looking at her and pulling out his wallet.
“We don’t have gas.” She said quickly and coldly, holding her book up in front of him. “Haven’t for a couple weeks.”
Johnny scoffed in disbelief, tossing his hands down on the counter. “So you’re the only gas station for 100 miles and you don’t have any gas?”
She shrugged, not answering.
“Well, when are you gonna have gas?” Ginny asked, also putting her hands on the counter.
“Could be a week. Maybe more.”
Johnny looked down in the case, noticing the green meat and flies swarming. “So no gas and I’m guessing…” he tapped aggressively on the glass. “No barbecue?”
The old lady took her glasses off again, irritated. “We got food.” She pointed behind your group to shelves of food that looked like it was from the 1940’s.
Johnny laughed, head rolling back. “You’ve got to be kidding me, lady! You have to take that sign down if everything is a fucking lie!”
You stepped forward, putting an arm in front of Johnny’s torso and pushing him away from the counter slightly. “I’m sorry ma’am. We’ll find somewhere else to go, thank you for your help and letting us use the restroom.” You said, sliding the key back over the counter. You felt bad for her. Obviously this town wasn’t a money pit, and maybe she did have a popular place before, but it looks like everything’s gone out of business. Maybe she’s barely surviving, the last thing she needs is five twenty-something year olds harassing her for things she can’t control.
She gave you her attention, unlike your friends. She smiled at you, grabbing the key back from you. “Thank you, young lady. You’re very polite. Maybe you could teach your friends there some manners.” She said, pointing to Johnny and Ginny with her glasses. Johnny scoffed and started to yell something, but you quickly yanked on his shoulder to usher them out of the building. You nodded at the woman with a smile before leaving. You bumped into Johnny’s back hard, wondering why the hell he stopped in front of you like that.
You moved out from behind him to see a cop. “Great, the old hag called the cops!” Johnny groaned, only shutting up when Sue rubbed his bicep. You never liked Johnny.
“We ain’t get no call folks. Came here for some refreshments.” The cop said, pointing to his badge. “And I ain’t just any cop. Sheriff. Sheriff Hoyt.”
Johnny sighed, nodding. “Okay, Sheriff. Where’s the nearest gas station? This dump doesn’t have gas.”
“It ain’t nice to disrespect someone’s business, boy.” The sheriff scowled, spitting black tobacco onto the concrete. You could feel your heart rate rising, you knew that Johnny was going to get you in trouble somehow. You looked around, finally seeing the sheriff’s cruiser parked behind the convertible. As you peered inside, you noticed a man sitting in the passenger seat. You couldn’t see him too well, but he was large, blocking up pretty much the entire window.
“It’s hardly a business. Pretty sure there’s botflies inside, could kill someone.” Johnny started to walk away, but the Sheriff stepped in front of him to block his path. “What’s your fucking problem?”
The sheriff stared into Johnny’s eyes, scowling. You could sense the tension, and decided you’d be the peace keeper of the day. “Sir…sir, we’re sorry. We’re just almost out of gas and we’ve been traveling for a long time.” You said, stepping towards the Sheriff.
His eyes raked over you, making you feel sort of icky. You wished you were wearing a winter coat, despite the heat. He spit again, a gross squelch breaking the silence. “Finally someone with some manners.”
Johnny laughed, “What the fuck is up with old people and manners?! Jesus Christ, we just need gas!” He yelled, shoving the Sheriff’s shoulder. You gasped, grabbing Johnny’s arm but in the blink of an eye, a revolver was being pointed at Johnny’s face. Everyone froze, staring at the firearm.
“Now are you gonna show some respect, boy? I’m the Sheriff of this town and I’m not gonna tolerate a group of hoodlums messin’ things up.” He said, voice hushed, almost a whisper.
You nodded quickly. “Yes, sir. We’re leaving. Let’s go.” You moved towards the car, but the Sheriff stopped you.
“Y’all think you can just stroll into a town, cause trouble, and go?” He laughed, cocking the gun with a haunting click. “Tommy!” He yelled, turning his head towards the car. The door slowly opened and you watched as a mammoth of a man stepped out, dress shirt and apron giving him an even larger silhouette. He wore a mask with messy brown hair, broad shoulders slouched. Your heart skipped a beat. Wrong situation to think this, but the man was quite handsome. You’d always liked bigger men.
“Please sir…we don’t want any trouble. We’d just like to be on our way, we’ll leave and never come back.” You pleaded, hands out in front of you. Gravel crunched beneath the huge man’s feet as he walked towards your group. The sheriff turned to him. “Whadya think Tommy?” He asked with a cruel cackle.
The ringing of a bell made you turn back towards the station, and you saw the old lady standing there. She held her reading glasses, and pointed at you with them. Your heart dropped. What did this mean? You turned back to the sheriff, and he looked just as confused as you did. She scoffed at his confusion. She wanted to tell him something, but didn’t want you and your friends to hear it. She waddled over slowly, but Johnny had other ideas. He spun quickly, hitting the sheriff’s arm, but unfortunately, it didn’t cause him to drop the gun. Tyler started to run, Ginny tried to help Johnny, and Sue grabbed your arm. “Let’s go! We need to run!” She yelled.
Your ears rang at the close range of the gunshot, you fell to your knees, scraping them, and covered your ears with your hands. You heard a scream, immediately recognizing it as Sue. You turned around to see Johnny, laying on the dirt with blood pooling around him, a perfect bullet wound in the center of his forehead. You felt nauseous, but you couldn’t move. Looking up, you saw the smoking revolver gripped tight in the sheriff's hand, now focused on Sue. She was hunched over Johnny’a body, sobbing and screaming, the tears making trails of clean skin as they wiped away the thin layer of dust.
Somewhere to your right, another scream. Ginny. You saw the large man, who the Sheriff called Tommy, holding her up in the air on his shoulder. She banged against his chest with knees and hit his back with her fists, thrashing and screaming. On his other arm, he held the limp body of Tyler, blood dripping from his head and beading in the dust, tucked beneath his armpit. This man carried two grown adults effortlessly, his strength scared the hell out of you. You didn’t even see if he had a weapon, but he managed to take them both down.
You sat in terror. You wanted to run, but with a revolver focused on your head, what were your options. The old lady appeared on your left, hand touching the Sheriff’s shoulder. She leaned in to whisper, but you heard her.
“Don’t touch her. Keep her for Tommy.”
Keep her for Tommy? What the fuck did that mean? You stared up at them in fear and watched as he groaned, pointing the gun at Sue instead. She didn’t even look phased, too focused on her boyfriend’s dead body. Tommy loaded the other two into the back of the car, and then made his way back towards you. Tears welled in your eyes as he approached, his shadow looming over you and finally blocking you from the sun. As he got closer, you saw the detail in his face and clothes. He had pretty eyes and his hair looked soft, but his bloody clothes and tight leather mask contrasted the softness of the rest of him.
He grabbed your arm in a surprisingly soft grip, the only thing disconcerting about his touch was the slickness from the blood that he left on your skin. He pulled you towards the car, and it was obvious he wanted you to follow. The old woman put a hand on his shoulder and affectionately patted his chest, he leaned down to her level. She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and told him, “She’s perfect for you, Tommy.”
You finally realized what was going on. They were setting you up with him, like you and your friends were on some sort of sick dating game. You stumbled as you followed him to the cop car, his head was down and his shoulders were slumped as he opened the front passenger side and moved aside. You looked up at him. He wanted you to get in, but he didn’t put you in the back like you thought he would, and for that, you were grateful. The last thing you wanted to do was sit beside the bleeding, passed out bodies of two of your friends.
You took a seat in the scalding car, body swaying with the force that he shut the door. He stood in front of the door as if keeping watch, like a prison guard. You stared in horror as the sheriff finally had enough with Sue, giving her the same fate as Johnny. She laid on his chest, her blood mixing with his as the sheriff walked away from their bodies. You were grateful you were far away from them, both because you didn’t want to see your best friend die, and your ears were still ringing from the first gunshot.
The sheriff entered the car, flashing you a creepy smirk before you felt Tommy enter the backseat. You stared out the window, definitely in shock and confused. Just twenty minutes ago the worst of your problems was having to pee on a road trip and now you just watched all of your friends either die or be brutally attacked by someone who is supposed to protect the community. You had a feeling he wasn’t a real sheriff, given the nature of the recent events.
You laid your head against the door. You hadn’t noticed how tired you were, but you guessed experiencing something like that would be hard on your body. Feeling fairly confident that they wouldn’t kill you, you drifted off to sleep as he drove who knows where.
You only woke up to the sound of a door slamming and you realized that it was dark outside. You had no idea where you were or how long you’d been driving, but you felt disgusting. Cheeks stiff with tears, nose running, mouth dry and eyes burning. Your door opened and you were being yanked out by the sheriff, who was much rougher with you than Tommy was. You winced at how tight he was holding you as he dragged you towards a fairly large country style home.
The door was kicked open and you saw the same old woman from the station holding a pot of food. “Finally, Charlie. Tommy had to help cook.” She scoffed, setting the pot down at the large dining room table, where an old man already sat.
“Dammit, Luda Mae, I told you! It’s Sheriff Hoyt! You hear me!” He yelled, hitting the wall with his free hand, making you jump. You were putting the pieces together. There was Hoyt, or Charlie apparently, Tommy, Luda Mae, and then this old man. They lived together, probably related.
You looked around, saw the table full of food, dusty knickknacks, bones hanging from the ceiling. It all felt like a sick mix of home and hell. The rugs and the quilts on the plush couches looked knit, and the lamps give the room a comforting glow. If you weren’t here under these circumstances, you might find this house cozy.
Hoyt forced you to the table, plopping you down across from the old man already seated. He tied your wrists to the chair with leather straps that were bolted in. Obviously, this wasn’t their first time offense. Your fingertips began to cool with how tight the leather was cinched, and you whimpered at the pain. Luda Mae sat next to the old man, smiling at you.
“Oh dear. The moment I saw you, I knew that my Thomas would like you. We’re so happy to have you here.” She sounded genuinely happy, and you couldn’t help feeling sorry for this family. You heard Hoyt bang in something and yell Tommy’s name, then a loud sliding sound. Thomas walked into the dining room and took a seat next to you, across from Luda Mae. Hoyt took the head of the table, standing over the pot with a giant ladle.
“Well thanks to this pretty lady…” he said, winking at you, warning a scoff from Luda Mae, “and all of her friends… we’ll have dinner for the next couple a’ weeks!” He grabbed Thomas’ bowl and dropped in a ladle full, then the same with Luda Mae’s. As he served you, you noticed large chunks of game-y looking meat inside of your stew. Surely he didn’t mean….
You stared in horror at your food, lips sealed shut in fear that you may vomit. Your mouth watered with the insatiable urge to throw up everywhere, and you felt a cold sweat break out on your forehead. You watched as everyone dug in, eating with a fervor that said they’d been starving for a month. They moaned in joy at the flavor of the food, occasionally complimenting Thomas or Luda Mae for the cooking. Only you and Thomas weren’t eating. He because he didn’t want to remove his mask in front of you, and you because you weren’t really on board with cannibalism.
“Don’t be ungrateful, boy. Eat your damn dinner!” Hoyt yelled, a cooked carrot flying from his mouth onto the table as he slammed his hand down. Thomas jumped and put his hands near his face, like he was expecting to be hit. Your heart ached for him. It was obvious he didn’t want to do this. He wasn’t evil like the rest of them, he was forced to do this. You watched him slowly unbuckle the leather strap of his mask and slide it off, revealing a scarred face, exposed nose cartilage and teeth, mangled jaw bones. You felt terrible watching him keep his face down, hair covering it. He was ashamed.
He picked up a spoon, but still didn’t eat. He just stirred the stew. Obviously you wouldn’t know this, but he didn’t want to eat in front of you, because eating was a little difficult for him. He was more prone to spilling food on himself or getting messy and spilling down his chin. Not exactly the way to impress your new date.
You swore that Hoyt was turning red with rage. “Dammit boy! Your momma made this dinner and you’re just gonna stare at it?!” He growled, slapping Thomas upside the head. Anger filled your chest as you watched Thomas cover his head, eyes clenched shut. What made you even angrier is that Luda Mae and the old man just sat there, eating like nothing was wrong.
“Don’t hit him.” You said. Your throat was hoarse, you haven't talked in a while.
“Fuck you say to me, girl?”
You looked Hoyt in the eyes. “I said…don’t hit him.”
He sneered and leaned over the table, knocking the spoon from his empty bowl. “Oh I see…Tommy needs his little girlfriend to defend him, huh? Listen here, you little bitch-“
“Hoyt, be kind to our guest.” Luda Mae said, eating the last of her potato. She looked over at you, and then at Thomas. She was happy that you stood up for him.
Hoyt laughed at her, shaking his head. “Pathetic.” He grumbled, throwing his bowl to the center of the table. “Neither of ya wanna eat dinner? Fine!” He walked over to Thomas and grabbed his hair, yanking his head back, and with the other hand, he grabbed his mask. He slammed his mask hard against Thomas’s face, making him wince. “Ya can just go back to your little fuckin’ basement then.”
He walked over to you, roughly unstrapping your wrists. Blood flowed back into the white spots, and you knew it’d bruise. “And take your bitch with ya.” He growled, shoving you over towards Thomas. Thomas had just finished securing his mask, and he gently grabbed your sore wrist. You followed him while looking behind your back, staring spitefully at Hoyt, who shamelessly watched your ass as you walked away.
Thomas slid a huge wooden door out of the way and led you down a staircase. The basement smelled rancid, like stale metal and rotting meat. As you walked in, you knew why. Weapons hung from the ceiling, a workbench in the center of the room. Blood coated the entire floor, and some dropped steadily from the table, giving you the sound like a very messed up metronome. A bed in the corner called your name despite the stained mattress. It had no pillows, no sheets, no blankets. You looked at Thomas.
“You…sleep here?” You asked meekly and watched as he gave you a very tiny nod, looking at the bed. He led you over to it, and held your shoulders, sitting you down. He let you sit there for a second and then he walked away, going to sit in a chair on the other side of the room next to his work table. He wanted you to sleep in his bed, but he wasn’t going to?
Your chest swelled with the kindness of this poor man. A pure soul forced into the mud by his corrupt family. You stood up and took a step towards him. “I don’t want to take your bed. It’s yours.”
He shook his head and walked back to you, grabbing your shoulders again to sit you down. You gave in because the feeling of this stained, thin mattress was like heaven, despite the fact that you could feel the springs digging into your back as you laid down. You stared at him for a moment as he began to rummage through items on his shelf. Your eyes began to close, eyelids feeling like they had ten pound weights attached.
He turned around, holding something small and dainty in his large and veiny hands. He sat at your feet, a gentle hand placed on your ankle. You glanced down at him as he held out a dried Bluebonnet to you. You smiled softly and took it from him, feeling its soft stem and looking at its pretty periwinkle petals. “Thank you…” you mumbled sleepily.
You thought, just before you fell asleep, that there were two things in this basement that didn’t belong. Everything in this house was drenched in blood and fear and grime, this basement was disgusting and horrifying. But, in all of the terror, you had this beautiful Bluebell, a reminder of the open, sweet smelling fields of Texas, and even more pure, you had Thomas.
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britcision · 1 year
Okay but listen
The Ghost Zone is vast
Infinite one might say
Almost none of its residents met their new King before he was crowned
So like 99.9% of all the ghosts are very respectful of young King Phantom, he’s done great things, saved us from Pariah, 10/10 would crown
The remaining 0.1% is Danny’s Entire Rogue Gallery
And some of ‘em, some of the less common ones aren’t really sure where they stand now, so they won’t give him a reason to fuck them up
The others? Like Johnny and Ember and Technus and Youngblood and Wulf?
That’s their fucking Babypop
King Babypop if he whines but they’ve known him waaaay too long to give a shit if he’s the king
What I’m saying is the Justice League somehow get to the court of the Ghost King to ask him for something, it’s extremely impressive
The buildings are magnificent, the ghosts are their weird and wonderful selves, and every single one of them speaks of their new liege with wonder and appreciation
They make their way to the throne, he looks young but regal with a blazing blue crown on his head and a council of obviously very powerful beings at his sides
Beside the throne is just a fucking brick shit house in plate-mail with a massive sword ready to cut them down if they breathe wrong to the king
The hall falls to respectful silence when this young king speaks
And then half way through the meeting a fucking rockstar with flaming blue hair leaps in through the window and tackles the king straight outta his chair
This very dignified regal figure they’ve been negotiating with (he’s heard of them, he’s been very accommodating and seems to really want to help) is Under Attack
Is it a coup??? His knight hasn’t even moved, the council just continue on as if nothing’s happening, the king is wrassling like a puppy with another ghost who looks about the same age, both screaming profanity
Before the league can decide to get involved, King Danny gets a foot on Ember’s chest, punts her across the room, screams after her that no one can hear you sing in Soup Jail, and returns to the table
“Any way we can add a music deal to this package?”
Ember takes a seat at the table like nothing happened, she’s clearly not supposed to be part of the proceedings but she’s here now and she’s into it
And about two hours later it fucking happens AGAIN cuz Kitty comes barrelling in through the door and goes for Danny’s throat, once again no one else moves except Ember, who fucking dives right in and screams at Kitty for fucking up her new recording deal
(There’s also shit like “defeat Apokolips, defend the Earth, seal Darkseid in a jam jar or whatever” on the table but Ember only cares about one thing)
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midnightblues444 · 5 months
Two man job |
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College! Geto and Gojo x fem! Reader
Part one here
Warning: smut, m oral, and guided masturbation, threesome, nastiest thing I've written
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"I've never gone this far with a guy before"
a term you found is a key to wrapping them around your fingers .
You've said this to both Gojo and Geto in the last 4 weeks of seeing them. each on different occasions that you carefully planned out.
Fucking around with best friends is no easy job, theres always risk that the other will find out. Yet so far theres no sign that either knows.
You usually meet up with Gojo in his car, driving around in the late hours of the night.Gojo was the faster of the two, almost so rabidly horny it was cute. He would always attach pictures of him in his boxers to all his messages.
Sometimes sending ones with his print as the focal point. This is where youd use your innocent persona saying you're blushing or something like that.
Leading Gojo to believe he taught you how to suck dick. You gave him a nervous whine, and look up at him and said: "I dont know how Toru"
"You'll be fine" he encourage, throwing his head back as you eased him down your throat. His sheer size made you feel like a true virgin again, struggling to take his length drooling all over it.
"just like that" he'd huff, guiding you with a gentle push
His groans, and thrusts picked up as you started tearing up. As he got closer and closer he let out deep whiny moans, making your clit throb. Hes needy and his pale face is flushed pink as he leaks into your mouth.
Geto on the other hand is, sensual and extremely domineering. He'd usually invite you over, and his place was clean and always prepped for you. He would ease into everything he did with you.
Passion in all that he touches, you usually dont have to crank up your innocent act because he makes you nervous enough.
"You ever touch yourself" he'd whisper in your ear
"Well I try to but cant finish" youd admit embarrassed
"I'll show you how then"
Seating you in his lap, his hand over your own as his thick fingers working themselves in and out of your wetness.
Hed coopraise, as you sigh and moan his name. Arching needily into his touch, working another finger in even when you whine that two's too much. He drooling at how slick you are, living for every sound you make for. That you shake and beg for him as you came all over his fingers.
A steady stream of links with both, you find yourself getting too comfortable that's probably why you dont check if they're together when you text them anymore.
The next thing you know, Getos asking you to come over.
You're nervous but excited, skipping to the familiar building. Pressing the elevator for his floor, with giddy butterflies flooding your stomach (and coochie)
You add a cute flare to your knock, adjusting your skirt and everything. You even baked cookies for this link.
Geto half opens the door, smirking down at you with a look you've never quite seen before. You smile at him.
"I baked us some cookies" you presenting him the box
"Is there enough for me"
The door opening fully, to reveal Gojo in all his glory.
"What you say (name) is there enough for three?"
They both laugh at your defeated look, you feel obligated to walk in. Shifting awkwardly on the couch, shrinking into the cushions. The loud sound of them chewing the cookies you baked fills the silence.
"You know what, I'm outta here" you say, standing abruptly. Mustering as much confidence as possible.
"But we just started" Geto feigns sadness
"Take a cookie" Gojo offers amused
They're worse when they're together. Matching cruelly unserious smirks as the play with you.
"Look, if you want an apology.." you start,
They laugh in a weird unison, looking at each other with mischief
"Suguru, you want an apology"
"That depends on how she apologizes, Satoru"
They look to you, expectedly, you can only shrug your shoulders unsure to what they're playing at. Studying they're expressions you cant seem to read.
"Maybe she could beg?" Gojo circled around to sit on your left
"Maybe she could get on her knees, do what shes good at" Geto sat to the right
You're their prey as of now, catching on to what they want from you. You fight back a smirk, it's been hard to conceal that your lowkey into the corruption aspect of this affair. You liked pretending to be a lamb and them the big bad wolves.
"I'll do anything you ask" you say
°《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》°
Sandwiched between the two men, you feel as though you'll explode right there. 3 orgasms in, Geto fucks you from the front and Gojo in the back. Harshly thrashing in and out of you.
"Too rough" you sob out incoherently, feeling like they're in your stomach
"Aww shes cryin" Gojo pinches your nipple, Geto kissing your tearful cheeks
The masochistic assholes, folding you in half are mean. Getting off to your tears, I mean you hurt their pride and now it's getting taken out on you.
You can feel their collective throbbing, they've switch positions after each rounds. Both taking turns between your cunny and ass.
"Fuck shes so tight, I'm gonna bust" gojo groans as he finishes and it leaks down your ass
"God shes perfect" Geto huffs out, you cant respond your too drunk on the sensation. Your g spot Perfectly getting hit each time, as Gojos slender fingers circle your abused clit roughly.
You can feel that knot inside you tear, almost painfully as you gush. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you fall limp on Gojos chest.
Uncontrolled and messy,
"Dude no way"
"We should make her do it again"
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loveephia · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨: ハイキュー!! you as aoba johsai's beautiful manager . . .
`· . ꔫ . . . inarizaki ver. | nekoma ver.
+ shiratorizawa ver. | fukurodani ver.
⚠ warning/s: none.
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- you signed up because iwaizumi hajime is on the team you needed some team building experience
- and the members were kind to you, of course!!
- maybe maddog didn't like you very much.
- you don't know why, but it's okay.
- you'll grow on him one day!!
- sadly, that day is just not today. 😔
- oikawa thought you were a fan of his
- which is not true
- like.
- at all.
- if anything, you were more of a fan of iwaizumi, but moving on
- word got out that you were their manager, and you SWEAR that oikawa's fangirls are plotting something.
- oikawa treated you the same as he does with every other girl, maybe the occasional flirty statement here & there
- but like
- NO.
- yahaba tried HIS shot on flirting with you using the good ol' toss-and-run, aka the same thing he tried to do with yachi
- you quickly shut him down by running away, absolutely mortified by the expression on his face.
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- bro's rizz came right outta aot 😭😭😭
- just avoid him like the plague, and you'll be fine
- kunimi is one of the more calmer boys, so you /may/ have unintentionally favored him
- like, you'd refill his water bottle first, you'd fetch his towel first, etc.
- kindaichi gets the job done, but he tends to get lost in his own thoughts
- matsukawa and hanamakki are pretty chill as well,, a joke about oikawa every now and then makes you laugh
- and iwaizumi
- wow, where do you even start
- wou don't know WHY oikawa is the one with a bunch of fans, when his hunk of a best friend is right there
- but it's okay. less competition, am i right lass.
- you do not hide your liking towards iwaizumi.
- "iwaizumi is so cool!" you say with hearts, visibly forming on your eyes
- "are you aware that you're talking to yourself?" kunimi asks with a stoic face
- "very aware."
- iwaizumi messes up his spikes every now and then because he feels you watching him
- he gets all shy whenever you hand him his things because he can see flowers and sparkles all around your face
- "..thanks, y/n."
- "you're welcome, iwa!"
- "o- oh—! sorry for calling you that. i heard oikawa say it, and well.." you sheepishly apologized. you truly didn't mean it. it completely flew over your head that this was just your first day as their manager.
- "no, it's okay. it was cute." iwaizumi puts a halt to his step.
- ok
- wgat ☺️
- so here you two are, a blushing mess, while the third years watch
- "i bet the entire team some ramen that iwaizumi is the first to get married between him and oikawa." hanamaki says.
- "deal." matsukawa accepts
- "you two are so annoying..!" oikawa cries out
- maybe maddog will grow more accustomed to your presence if you'll be iwaizumi's future wife :p
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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heytherecentaurs · 6 months
Burrow's End is an absolute masterpiece.
In the span of ten episodes Aabria and Co. weave an exciting and emotional adventure story about a family of sentient stoats. It delivers huge laughs, interesting societal criticism, remarkably emotional and well-acted scenes and concludes with a series of epilogue scenes that feel appropriate for each character, some heartfelt and subdued and others bigger than life and all the funnier for it.
Siobhan and Izzy play the perfect pair of siblings. They fight and argue but they also love each other. Jaysohn (Siobhan) looks up to Lila (Izzy) and believes she's the smartest stoat in the world (and by the end she probably is) and Lila hypes up her little brother's athletic skills. They both fully embodied these kids and I could watch them do fun stuff for more episodes. Give me a version of Saved by the Bell with them. Stoat by the Bell.
Brennan and Rashawn, playing sisters, also knock it outta the park, showing a more mature sibling dynamic. Brennan portrays Tula as the quintessential overtired single mother of excitable kids, and Rashawn as younger sister Viola straddles a very interesting line of being intimidating to outsiders but very much more naive and looking to her older sister when she starts a family.
Jasper as Thorn, a guy everyone just lets be a cult leader because he really wanted to, is fantastic. His is a difficult role as the only non-blood relative. Jasper plays Thorn with such real humanity of a guy in over his head and letting his ambition wife call the shots, but also one who agrees with her goal, really loves her and has moments of real menace. He has some very funny scenes, his big speech is perfect, and I just enjoy him.
Erika is wonderful. They play the epitome of generational trauma as many have said but as much trauma as Ava has, she is also loving and willing to learn. The fact Erika took this adversarial role is incredible. The tense dramatic scene primarily between Ava, Tula and Viola is amazing. They act their asses off and make hard choices that I imagine are difficult even for such an experienced player.
Aabria's DMing always feels fun. She doesn't get bogged down in the rules. She knows them. She plays by them. But as a master, she knows how and when to break them too. Her seasons on Dimension 20 have all had a tenseness, a particular edge to them that can give me anxiety during dramatic scenes between two characters. It always feel like one of her NPCs may say something devastating and the tension between characters reaches really thrilling heights. This is present in other seasons, but I don't think anyone does it as well as she does. The first season of hers to have battle maps, Aabria really swung for the fences and gave us some of the wildest maps to date.
Shout out to Carlos Luna's voice acting. He did an incredible job. And shout out to the whole crew who have put together one of the best seasons of D20. They keep finding ways to build on what's come before and they should be commended for it.
Dimension 20 is most successful when the concept is very streamlined. They don't do huge 100 episode campaigns capable of handling huge winding complex narrative, but short focused D&D stories, which is why many of the Side Quests have been so fantastic. They embody this philosophy most clearly, but it's apparent in the most beloved Intrepid Heroes seasons as well—John Hughes/High Fantasy, Game of Thrones/Candyland, Retrofuturism, Film Noir but in a Brain... Burrow's End fits this perfectly. It's streamlined concept paired with great storytellers and great chemistry sets it up to be a smash hit before it begins. And goddamn does it deliver.
Thanks Stupendous Stoats!
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