#i just really wanted to see moon without his cable
slumpcake · 2 years
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Local animatronic jumps off building to check out the stars
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randofics · 8 months
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Horror/thriller/soft romance
Tony Stark x supernatural creature reader
Warnings- suggestive
Happy Halloween yall! Figured I'd give yall a special Halloween fic to celebrate. 👻🎃
PS- I accidentally posted this before Halloween.🤦‍♀️ ugh sorry yall!
Working with the Avengers had its perks. You got to help Tony and Bruce in the lab, and they even let you do your own expiraments under their observation. They were all none the wiser to your other side.
A blood moon was coming tonight, which made it harder to keep up your human form. If nothing set you off, you'd be fine, but fate had no remorse.
You were alone working with Tony on one of his suits when a wrench fell off the rolling toolbox across the room. It had been haphazardly thrown on top and slowly slipped off the edge. You went to get it when you knocked off your full coffee cup spilling it across the floor. You didn't see the live cable touching the puddle of coffee and received a large surge of electricity throwing you to the ground.
Tony heard the commotion and turned only to see you on the floor, writhing in pain. The lights violently flickered and whent out for a moment before flickering some more. Where you used to be was a giant black mass.
It moved standing on all fours like an animal. A maw full of sharp, uneven teeth grinned at him, and eyes glowing in the flickering light bore into his soul. Wings spread from its back, and a long tail thrashed around, its razer sharp spikes threatening to pierce everything around it.
It ran at him in a flash of suffocatingly black smoke, making him backpedal into a lab table. It moved with no sound, making his heart beat with terror. The lights still flickered above, and Jarvis had been eerily silent.
The creatures giant paws caged him in, and its tongue licked over the jagged black teeth, puffs of black smoke billowed from its nose and mouth as it breathed. When it looked him in the eyes, his vision went blurry for just a moment, and his head felt like it was struck by lightning.
A distorted yet somehow familiar voice spoke in his head. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Tony." The voice was cold and without emotion. It left him dizzy, his world swaying like a ship in a storm.
"I apologize for the terror my true form gives you. There isn't anything that can be done about it, unfortunately." It's scaly snout moved closer and he closed his eyes as it sniffed his neck. He sucked in a breath when a long slimy tongue licked over his throat and jugular.
"Worry not. I will do you no harm." It backed away and he slid down to the floor eyes wide with fear. It turned and walked back to the puddle of coffee taking the cup into its forepaw. That long dark-burgundy tongue lapping the inside of the cup clean.
"I assume you do not recognize me." He stood ready to run at the first sign of danger. "No." It looked back at him. "It's y/n your assistant." He swallowed and looked away from your gaze. "Yo-You're y/n?" You nodded sitting on your haunches. "How...HOW!? This isn't possible!"
"It is me. I've always been this creature of terror. But I don't mean or want to scare... to terrorize... This blood moon makes it harder to keep hold of my human form. If you wish of me to leave and never return then I shall." He stays silent for a minute trying to take all this information in. "NO! I-I mean... you don't have to leave. You're a great assistant and I still need another set of hands to help around here."
"Very well then as you wish." Smoke overtook your true body and you transformed back into the human he was so accustomed to. The lights stopped flickering and you fell to the floor. No longer could he feel that oppressing terror almost like it had been sealed into a bottle.
He helped you to your feet and you shook your head to clear it. "Ugh I hate transforming. Are you ok Tony?" He only nodded slightly pale from shock. "So that really was you?" You looked away giving him a quiet "yes" in response.
He brought a hand up to his neck feeling the lingering saliva on his skin. Spotting his hand on his neck you blushed bright red hiding your face in your hands. "I am SO sorry about your neck my instincts take over in that form and I just couldn't help myself!"
Your personality in either forms was like the two faces of a coin. One side unsettling and domineering the other shy and sweet. You gave him whiplash.
He nearly choked at the realization that you had wanted to lick his neck you just didn't have the guts to do it in this form. You'd blush and stutter at the smallest flirtatious comment he threw your way. It was crazy to think that such a shy woman would really be so terrifying when she let her walls down.
"It's fine... um... it wasn't so bad now that I think about it. Of course it was terrifying but the whole neck thing was ok." You slid down the side of the table to the floor pulling your knees up to your chest. "Aside from the whole terror thing I wouldn't mind you doing that again." He chuckled scratching his head. What was he saying! At this point his mouth had a mind of its own!
"Please don't tease me like that Tony." Oh god that look you were giving him. All pouty and embarrassed. It made his heart race for a different reason. He knealt down next to you placing his hand on yours. "I'm not teasing I really do mean that. It was very... raw." He brought your hand up to his lips kissing your palm.
His eyes were truthful and another mad blush came over you. An embarrassing noise escapes your throat as you looked at him wide eyed. "Wh-what now?"
"Now we just take it slow." He moved closer tilting your chin up and kissed you softly.
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dawnanddorisqna · 4 months
OOC comment: I just want to say to the author, one of the things I really like what you do here is a lot of the exploration you do with Doris and her world feels like exploration I remember things like Asimov would do with robots/advanced AIs. The finding of humanity and soul in something both human like while being inhuman. IC question on that thought: Doris, have any toons been with limited scope intelligence for specific tasks that aren't entertainment? I can see a being of such resistance as a toon being made for anything for work in hazardous fields or even as dark as combat.
Hello 4thewynne,
You're asking about Stick Figures. Not really used today, but they're a part of toon history. When the first living toon, Lester Light, was made in 1908 he was really limited on everything he could do. barely thinking.
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After his creation, there was work to show the benefits of this technology. While it was an artform, capitalism always finds a way to turn things to making a profit. And so, and even more limited creature was made. Simple in design and thought. These were the stick figures.
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Dawn hates this photo. These fellas were first used to walk through dangerous mines and pull cable through areas. There are underground powerlines that exist thanks to them. They couldn't do much though other than move forward and hold something. As "living light" they could help light a passage way in a dark tunnel but if you wanted them to go and collect samples on the moon, or set up communications in a battlefield, well, you may as well ask a cat to drive you to the store. A cat would probably do better. Not to be cruel to my ancestors. It was very early on creating us. Eventually, we were created with more personality, character, something that could be seen as sentience. To give us this was far to expensive to justify sending us into tunnels. Only the big money of entertainment could afford it, and they weren't going to let their investments be lost in a dangerous job. So in came the era of the living cartoons. straight from the comics and on the screen!
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As for the Sticks, they were never really updated and I think are mostly gone as there jobs became more automated. Workers also thought they were creepy and called them glowing gremlins. I'm not even sure schools still use them as a beginners lesson. They should still be appreciated. I don't think any of us would be here without them and Lester.
Thank you for the question!
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year
I got three prompt suggestions for that follow up but i couldn't decide which one SO I'LL LET YOU CHOOSE:
6. “I... I can’t believe it’s really you. I thought I’d never see you again.”
9. “...when are you coming home?”
14. “You lied!” “I didn’t lie, I omitted. There’s a difference.”
HEH yum
PT 1
PT 2
“….when are you coming home?”
-Eclipse, Blood Moon, and K͖͕̜̞̳̫̎͋C̨͙̳͚̟̤͇̳̾͑̉͒͒̂̍̏͡-
The days are…pretty fuzzy now. Eclipse is reminded of his first downfall and struggle for survival the longer he sits in this god-awful silence. It feels like a purgatory, but he knows he’s, somehow, still alive.
Some part of him wishes he wasn’t.
Some part of him wishes that the intense pain and pressure in his chest would just become too much for his systems, and let him go. Facing the others after everything that’s happened feels…impossible. A wall too high for his weakened limbs to scale.
But he knows he’ll look like a coward, disappearing after a fight like that without returning or offering any explanation. Would he even make it back to talk with the others? Is he going to be remembered as he truly is- the defensive, self-centered animatronic that pushes everyone away just enough for him to walk off and never return?
Then again, he had planned to return. He originally only wanted to be gone a few hours. He needed time to think. Needed time to reflect and maybe beat himself over the head for harming Blood Moon in the way that he did. He wouldn’t have been able to navigate a conversation without fumbling over his emotions and further escalating the situation. He knew that.
But The Star didn’t, he supposes.
It didn’t know that he planned to apologize.
It only knew that he used its power to hurt someone Eclipse considered family, and then promptly decided that he was no longer worthy if he was going to use its influence in that way.
He didn’t mean to.
But that excuse sounds childish and crude, even to his own egotistic mind. It would mean nothing in a heartfelt apology.
The door across the expansive room he sits in creaks open, promptly closing behind the lengthy figure that enters. He narrows his eyes tiredly, not quite conscious enough for a full reaction, much less an offhand remark about their entrance.
For a moment, all is still. It stays beside the door, stiff and lax all at the same time, one hand still resting upon the rusted metal surface of the entryway. Eclipse waits. He doesn’t say anything. What is there to say, really?
Finally, piercing red eyes turn in his direction, hand falling away from the door in a lazy, careless manner.
“…when are you going to let me go?” Eclipse asks quietly after a bit of simply staring back into the eyes that follow his every move. He doesn’t have to speak very loudly- the room is large, and echoes almost as well as the atrium. He knows raising his voice any louder would…anger it.
“Not keeping you here.” It replies, tone full of disdain as it steps further into the room, movements stiff and sluggish. Eclipse tenses as it gets closer.
“You’re not letting me out, either.” He bites back, pressing himself up against the wall as it kneels before him, staring vacantly into his eyes for a moment before turning its attention to the cable currently shoved in Eclipse’s chest.
“Get up and leave. Be my guest.”
Eclipse’s expression turns sour at its undeniable sarcasm, eyes narrowing apprehensively. He moves to shove its hand away as it leans closer, claws reaching out to the cable with careful precision. Through the darkness, he can see its gaze sharpen, those wretched black dots coming to life in its eyes, focused in on him. He pulls his hand away, letting it do what it pleases with him.
Trying to stop it would be pointless, anyways. A waste of energy, if anything.
Faded stars adorn torn sleeves, hiding the rust and peeling paint of its paneling beneath. The sharpened edge of it’s remaining faceplate glitters hauntingly in the half-light, the mechanisms on the exposed side running quietly despite their obvious wear.
Eclipse hisses and shoves its hand away as it prods at the hole, involuntary tears springing to his eyes at the sharp pain that flares up his neck and radiates through his body.
“Stop that! It hurts!” He snaps, forcing its hand further from the cable and hole. It lets out a low metallic snarl that makes a chill run down Eclipse’s endoskeleton, and he instantly shuts his mouth and stops pushing it away.
“It’ll always hurt. You stupid? Don’t see the gaping hole? Deadly. It should be deadly. Deadly hole that would kill you and shut that attitude up for good.” Its tone is low, filled with a warning that Eclipse hears loud and clear. He nods timidly, forcing his eyes away, instead opting to gaze down at the cold, cracked cement floor.
A sharp pain and spark sizzle through his chest, and Eclipse lets out a yelp almost instinctively, forcing down the full on scream that threatens to spill out of his mouth. It pulls its hand back, flicking it disdainfully as smoke rises from its claw tips.
Then, as the shock fades, some of the pain does, too. His sight clears a bit, some of his less vital systems starting to boot back up. He sits in stunned silence for a moment, hands frozen in midair, mouth half-open.
“Wh…what did you do?” He murmurs, glancing down at the cable and some of the disconnected wires that surround it.
“Fix.” It mutters simply, carefully rising to it’s full height shortly afterwards. It sways a slight bit, but is obviously used to the lack of balance since it compensates fairly well even so. Eclipse doesn’t quite realize this, however, and reaches up to grab at its wrist, eyes wide as if afraid it would fall.
It pulls it’s arm out of his hold. “How sweet. Don’t touch me.” It sneers, earning an embarrassed and nervous look from Eclipse. Only after it has turned and sauntered across the room towards one of the less-desolate looking corners does it speak again.
“Communications should be back online. Give them your apologies.”
Eclipse pulls his hands close to his chest, eyeing the larger and older animatronic quizzically. “What?” He asks, making the other scoff in exasperation.
“Fight you ran from. Say sorry.”
Eclipse stays silent at that, unsure of how to approach the subject, or if he truly wants to approach it at all. What would he say? Would it even matter? Would they still be angry at him? Surely, they would be. They have every reason to. He’s fairly certain that they don’t even-
“Stop thinkin’ ‘bout it and just do it.” KC snaps from across the room, slamming its hands down on the desk it’s stationed in front of. Its long claws dig into the decayed wood, splintering it easily between dangerously sharp talons.
“I don’t know what to say!” Eclipse snaps back, subconsciously bringing his hands up to fiddle mindlessly with the cable.
In the next moment, it has begun to stride back over to him, swiping his hands away from the cable with fury blazing openly in its eyes.
“Stop messing! Just talk. I’m sure they miss you.” It growls, then pauses, something unreadable flashing in its eyes. “That’s what family does. Miss each other.” Its tone loses all venom, releasing Eclipses hands with an empty glare cast in his direction.
He watches it curiously, rays shifting as it lumbers back over to the desk, sitting in the chair, purposefully facing away from its guest.
“You…really think they want to hear from me?” Eclipse murmurs softly, as if afraid of the answer. KC doesn’t miss a beat with its answer.
And so, Eclipse searches through his contacts and calls- with slight hesitance- Blood Moon. He waits impatiently as the tone rings in his head, fingers dancing with each other in his amounting anxiety.
There’s a soft click, and he stiffens as silence comes from the other end of the line.
“Where are you?” Blood Moon’s voice is tight, struggling to remain calm despite the obvious edge of panic in their tone. Eclipse, again, doesn’t know what to say. In all honesty, he doesn’t know where he is. KC never told him anything when it took him here.
“I can’t say.” Eclipse’s response is half-assed at best, but he isn’t exactly lying, so he tells himself that answer will have to do.
“Why didn’t you come back?” Blood Moon’s voice looses the strain, letting some of their emotions show as their voice breaks in a way that makes Eclipse feel very ashamed.
“I couldn’t.” Eclipse murmurs, almost bashfully.
“What do you mean? What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” A flood of questions spill from Blood Moon’s mouth, laced with such intense worry that it almost shocks Eclipse into silence. His eyes dart down to the cable, the ache that resounds with each vent he takes becoming much more apparent to him.
“I’ll be okay.” He leans his head back onto the wall, closing his eyes, praying to a god he doesn’t believe in to spare his life so that he can return home. Almost as soon as the words leave his mouth does he hear Blood Moon break down into sobs on the other end.
“You ARE hurt. No, please no-“ Listening to Blood Moon shatter like a precious glass vase makes Eclipse want nothing more than to pull them close and never let them go. He already broke the promise that would’ve amended that, so he doubts they would believe him if he offered the same promise again.
“Hey, hey, I’m…like I said, I’ll be okay. I’ll be alright. Just…just calm down, Blood. I’m okay.” Eclipse struggles to get them to calm down while also avoiding breaking down himself. Their cries hurt him more than his actual injuries do.
“….when are you coming home?” Their voice shakes, words coming out in between sobs.
“As soon as I can, okay?” Eclipse murmurs gently, hopping that the silent promise behind his words won’t be broken like his last one was.
“Please come home.” Blood Moon sobs harder, begging with a desperation he hasn’t yet heard from them.
“I will, Bloody. I-“ Eclipse begins, but is cut off by a static crackle, shortly followed by Blood Moon’s voice.
“Now. We need you NOW.”
Eclipse glances over to the star that still sits silently off to the side, it’s gentle hue a convincing cover up for the violence it can enact.
“I can’t yet. I really can’t.” His words come out sorrowful, as he, too, wishes to leave and never return to this wretched room with the red eyes of a hunter constantly boring into him.
“Dad, please-“
Eclipse stays dead silent. His eyes widen. His body tenses. The air catches in his vents.
Then it all fades. The pain becomes irrelevant. The exhaustion becomes determination.
“Alright. I’m coming.” It’s more than a promise, borderline vow. A silent rule he has made himself, devoted to following through. The twins murmur something inaudible, then hang up, holding onto his words with more trust than he probably deserves.
Without even a moment to spare, he clamps his claws down onto the cable, catching KC’s attention from across the room.
“What do you think you’re-“ It challenges, though is cut off by the abrupt and rather frightening shower of sparks that pour out as the cable is torn from it’s place within Eclipse’s chest.
“𝛵𝒾m𝞎 𝓽𝔬 ց𝛐.”
As if on cue, The Star’s whispers combine into one hushed voice, shifting on the ground before sliding towards Eclipse, swirling around him like a firefly in a fantasy dream. KC moves, eyes growing wide with panic, watching helplessly as Eclipse crumples to the floor, shaking against the agony he must be experiencing.
The Star makes one more rotation around him, like the planets around the sun, before it finally dives for his chest. With a snap and click, it slides back into its place among his broken parts.
KC watches in wonder as the hole rebuilds itself from the inside out, the outer casing re-materializing like something generated in a video game. The paint on Eclipse’s paneling settles into his normal auburn and abyss, the jagged scar that crosses his chest coming back to rest in its proper place.
KC steps forwards, kneeling down to catch Eclipse as he threatens to slump forwards onto his face.
“I’m…I’m leaving, by the way…” He smiles cheekily in between deep, unsteady vents. KC’s mouth thins into a grim line, eyeing him dubiously before starting to let him go. Eclipse readies himself to have a nice kiss with the floor, as his limbs still aren’t cooperating with him due to the repairs not being fully completed, thusly still draining his energy dry.
But, to his surprise…KC puts a hand on his chest and carefully pulls him up into a sitting position, leaning Eclipse against its own chest so that he won’t topple over like a blob of jello.
Then, it crosses its legs, and sits with him.
He blinks. Once. Twice. Three times. Stunned as a duck in a frozen pond in the middle of summer.
“It’ll be about an hour.” It says simply, smiling slyly at the confused look Eclipse gives it.
“An hour for what?” Eclipse asks, narrowing his eyes.
“For the repairs to finish.” It hums, the sound rough, like nails on a chalkboard but not quite as shrill.
“An hour? How do you know?”
It smiles its twisted smile, bares its sharpened teeth, and speaks in its threatening tone.
“I helped make it.”
It raises a single claw, tapping on Eclipse’s chest.
“I made your life, and I saved it, too.” The smile somehow grows, stretching wide across the remaining parts of its faceplate, the other side’s idle mechanisms turning up in a barely noticeable reflection of where the smile would be.
“You didn’t save shit-“ Eclipse snaps, mustering all his strength to shove himself away from KC. His head spins, and then, hands grasp his shoulders, steadying him.
“Where would you be without me-“ It’s gaze sharpens. “-right now?”
Eclipse glares into the red pools that stare into his own black and orange ones. He doesn’t answer.
“S-Still in t-t-that room. S-Still….still…..” Its voice hitches, grading against itself, fading off at the end into a sea of static and sinister crackling. Its neck twitches, its eyes flicker, and then, its grip goes lax. The light fades from its eyes, replaced by darkness- nothing.
But the smile still stays.
It always does.
(KAJSKSKSJS AAAAAAAAA if anyone wants BM and Eclipse’s actual reunion let me know. You could also submit your own interpretations, if you’d like! I love reading how ya’ll see things :) so yah!! Angst!! Misery!! Woe of the highest accord!! Hope you enjoyed!!)
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cinnaki · 1 year
Prowldown Fic 2
1000 word count
Lockdown sees Prowl before the final battle in season three of TFA to help give him an edge in the upcoming battle.
Commissioned by @rules-and-protocol
a/n: Yes I'm still salty at cartoon network for crying about toy sales being in favor of the movies, why do you ask?
Citrus rating: Grapes
Content warnings: None
Silence fell in the deep wood. Springtime was known for its symphony in the night. Crickets, bats, and even the call of owls settled into an eerie quiet. Prowl watched, echoing the silence, at the hazy moon above. A storm would come. Soon.
Humans had multiple ways of foretelling the future. The silence of animals, the hazy moon, and clouds resembling fish scales are hints of rain to come. He found this history fascinating, but not enough to ease his apprehension.
Lockdown had requested to meet him. Alone. The message said it was urgent. But the wording felt off. The Bounty Hunter almost sounded scared. And with Ultra Magnus dead, the hammer stolen by Ratchet, and Megatron poised to attack, both mechs had plenty of reasons to be afraid.
And so the Cyber Ninja waited at quite the scenic spot. A cliff overlooking an ancient ravine. Or, what is a glacial scar? Prowl did not know the difference but appreciated it all the same. To witness the aftermath of an ancient war between forces of nature on this world, and how beautiful they became, gave him an odd sense of hope for Cybertron.
Prowl sighed quietly, rubbing at his tense neck cabling. He could feel his plating flutter at the relief. He had been holding himself stiff without realizing it.
"Still wearing Yoketrons helmet, I see." Lockdown's voice crawled up the Autobot's spinal strut. Swiftly turning, Prowl met Lockdown's glowing red optics in the dense wood behind him.
Prowl quickly became aware of how close he was to the cliff's edge. "What do you want, Lockdown?" he demanded, voice filled with disdain. "If you haven't noticed, we have our servos full already."
"And here you squeezed in time for little old me? I'm touched." He took a confident step forwards.
"Not another step!" Prowl snapped.
Lockdown froze in place, holding his arms out in a casual shrug. "Fair enough.""I won't repeat myself again. What do you want?" Lockdown's expression was unreadable. But, for a single moment, Prowl could swear he saw regret on the Bounty Hunter's faceplate. "Right down to business, I see," Lockdown grumbled. "We're buddies now, right?"
"C'mon, after all we've been through?" he leaned against a tree. "Anyway, you and I both know this conflict is coming to a head again." He paused. Lockdown swallowed hard, dismissing his rehearsed speech about how Prowl was too young to remember the years leading up to the last Autobot Decepticon war. Watching him tread the same ground he himself did all those years ago hurt more than he would let on. He wanted to help, wanted to save him, just this once. He wanted to ask, beg if he had to, for Prowl to abandon this fight and run away with him. It was easier than taking a side in a war no one would ever win. But all that melted away when he saw Prowl's expression, his determination to stick through this to the end. And he admired that. That kind of strength is rare to come by.
"You really believe in him that much, don't you?" Lockdown finally asked.
"Don't make me say it."
Prowl thought for a moment. "Optimus?"
Lockdown gave a slight nod. Glad he was far enough away to escape Prowls EM Field, and thus, able to hide his own field from him. "Kid really did temper his spinal struts on this mud ball. The first time we met, he could barely hold his own axe." he chuckled.
Prowl narrowed his optics, showing impatience.
"But being a good leader won't save you when it comes down to it."
"Did you come here just to talk about Optimus, or do you have a point?"
"I do--actually." Lockdown pulled out a bundle of weapons, and equipment. "Good intentions never win battles, especially battles where an Omega unit is involved." Lockdown tossed the bundle between them, allowing silence to once again claim the night air.
Prowls optics trailed from the bundle back to Lockdown. He wanted to yell, to tear him apart for making this about upgrades again. But that expression haunted him. Lockdown never acted without purpose. "Why are you helping us? Didn't Megatron pay you enough?"
"Let us just say you bots are a group I can get behind. Maybe he can change Cybertron for the better. Maybe he can't. But we won't know if all of you die before it's over. I know you're not used to being told this, but it's your choice this time, Prowl. Make it a good one."
Lockdown turned swiftly, disappearing in the dark. The fear of possibly losing Prowl had overcome him, and he could no longer keep his vocalizer in check.
Prowl reached out after the mech, but let him go. His attention fell to the upgrades Lockdown had left behind. Most of which he would not know what to do with. Odds and ends that maybe Ratchet could make sense of. But a small bag of inverters caught his attention. They were built for helping regulate energy flow, something that could be very useful in Processor over Matter manipulation.
The ninja sighed, grabbing this new gear and stowing it away. Nothing explosive, so he would be able to safely take it to someone who would know what these were, and how best to use them for the storm to come.
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40 Day Anime Challenge Day 37- Worst dub of all time: Cardcaptors (2000), English dub of Cardcaptor Sakura
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Ok, this is my last Cardcaptor Sakura post!!! See synopsis here.
DISCLAIMER: I love Cardcaptor Sakura. And, in its own way, I also love the English dub Cardcaptors. After all, it was my first anime, and it is the reason I got into anime at all. It had my first anime crush, Eriol (Eli in the dub). And all of Sakura’s outfits are the reason I started drawing; I was so mesmerized by all the pretty costumes that I wanted to create my own. And it was one of the few shows marketed for girls on the WB’s Saturday morning cartoons, which, growing up without cable and in the pre-streaming era, was one of the few cartoon viewing options available. I found Sakura to be a very relatable person; she was cheerful, had a lot of energy, was awkward at times, a little slow to understand more subtle social cues, daydreamt a lot, and loved those dear to her intensely. Shortly after Cardcaptors, Sailor Moon came on and overshadowed it, and while I also loved and still love SM, Cardcaptors was my favorite because Sakura was near my age and relatable in a way Usagi and her friends wouldn’t be until I was older.
But, after growing up, reading the manga, and watching the original subtitled version, I’ve realized that the dub is almost a different story entirely than the sub. Because instead of just translating the script from Japanese to English, they HEAVILY edited the plot to make it more “kid friendly” for American children. They basically cut almost all romance out of the plot entirely, except for Meiling’s incredibly one-sided and obsessive crush on Sayoran. (Sure, leave the toxic ship in) Now, look, I understand that no CLAMP story is ever really kid friendly, even the ones that feature children as the main characters. The target audience in Japan was teen/YA girls and women, which was not a demographic interested enough in anime (especially ones about children) to market to them in the US in the late 90s/early 2000s. So, they marketed it to elementary school girls. 
And so maybe a little editing was necessary, though thankfully the original anime had already edited out some of the wildest elements of the manga (looking at you, Terada-sensei and Rika) And maybe the eventual romance between Sakura and Sayoran should have been toned down a bit. Like, elementary/middle school kids might have crushes and “date” (i.e.: holding hands and sharing cookies) but they’re probably not falling in love. But to eliminate all romance? The bears were not  “thank you” gifts and we all know it! Also, cutting out the part where Yukito (Julian in the dub) tells Sakura that he loves Touya (Tori in the dub)??? That was a totally healthy, age-appropriate depiction of late teen/early college age courting! Children see these much older characters and think, oh I’ll have a love like that when I grow up! But...too gay for America in 2000. And Tomoyo’s(Madison in the dub) unrequited crush on Sakura, removed. That could have been toned down to age appropriate level without getting cut. Tomoyo’s support of Sakura and her relationship with Sayoran is an excellent lesson for children about consent and not pushing your feelings on someone who doesn’t return them and not refusing to be friends because of it. Also Ruby Moon was explicitly female in the dub, when they were canonically genderless in the source material, but, if they’re going to cut the gay, of course they’re going to cut the genderqueer smh. Touya was also openly bi in the original, but that is proven by showing his past relationship with his middle school teacher, so I can’t really blame the dub for overwriting that part. Like I said, CLAMP isn’t kid-friendly. 
Cardcaptor Sakura was a feminist and LGBTQ+ icon far ahead of its time. And Cardcaptors...was a good children’s show and gateway to anime for a lot of American girls, but it was a children’s show. It was very “villain of the week,” which, given the slow progression of the main plot, was alleviated in the original by the romantic subplots absent in the dub. Cardcaptors could have been the icon it was in Japan, and I’m sure it would have been a much more faithful adaptation had it been released in the late 2010s to now, but alas.
Also, the English voices SUCK. I don’t know how I didn’t notice that as a child lol
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Somewhat follow up to this post 
“If I knew you unraveled so easily, I would’ve tried this much sooner~”
The rabbit chuckled, tracing circles on the side of his head teasingly. The lunar animatronic spasms, steam rising out of his abused suit. A choked scream burst from his voice box as she jabs the taser into his neck once more, and the rabbit snickers smugly observing the way the jester twitches helplessly.  
Moon shudders, tensing from the searing white hot pain. His body crumples forward, nearly collapsing entirely. This pathetic display gets a giggle from her, and she tutts dismissively. “You know, it didn’t have to be like this. I was so nice to you last time. But you just had to go out and ruin everything!” Her voice raises in volume towards the end, voice burning with rage. Moon quivers in fear, wincing when the taser is brought towards him once more; Instead, the taser was merely rubbed against his neck tauntingly, leaving him a whimpering fearful mess. Her voice is sickeningly sweet, and the sound makes him feel queasy. “Oh, you poor thing~ I’m sooo sorry, but you gave me no choice really. Even under my dutiful guidance, you still disobeyed me. And even now, you try to push me away; Dispose of me. Oh, but look at you now! Calm, quiet and obedient! So lost in the fog of pain, that this pesky AI of yours will never get in my way again! I’ll do all the work, have all the control... I just need. your. body. ” She gushes eagerly, voice dropping to have a sinister edge.
Moons stomach drops. It was hard enough to handle it before; Seeing and hearing everything without a way to stop himself, to ask for help, anything. The thought of having no control, being subjected to a constant torrent of agonizing electricity until his mind finally unravels... Nausea rose in his stomach; Thank god animatronics can’t throw up. He shakes his head weakly, pulling at the cable wound tightly around his elbow and wrist joints but it won’t budge. How did she manage to get in again?! He had been trying to get some rest, and woke up restrained with thick cable. He tried, he tried so hard to break free, but all his energy was drained, pain seeping it from his body. He lost track of the amount of times she had electrocuted him, the instances racing together in a wild blur. “Practice” is what she called it, for what his new life under her control would be like. Moon has a feeling that she just did it because she enjoys it, the rush of having control over “the head of security”. The cable wound around his arms kept them pinned tightly to his sides. “I don’t.. I don’t want to.. Please.” he whimpered. She shakes her head, a condescending lilt to her voice, “Oh, of course you do. Don’t be silly~” 
His eyes dart around the room desperately, but trying to run is pointless. Even if he could get his arms free, which he can’t, his legs are tied at the knees so running is out of the question. He shouldn’t of let Sun leave to grab supplies, he knew she was just waiting for an opportunity for him to be alone. But.. he didn’t want to worry him, didn’t want to believe the threat she posed. And now he was paying the price for it. What if Sun didn’t get there in time? Or worse, what if he did get there in time, and ran into her? Would she hurt him?? He reached out to Sun, pinging him for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. Still, no response.
Vanny cocks her head to the side, seemingly reading his mind. She snickers, “No response, hm? Well, isn’t that deja vu~ How sad, though, I never thought you would sink so low as to call for help from your bumbling baby brother. Expecting his help, after all you’ve done too...” she tsks in mock disappointment. Moon looks away, shrinking in on himself further, “What would he do, hm? Put me in time out?” She snickers, amused by her own joke. Moon glares at her, and her smile drops. She jabs the taser into the back of his head, right over the compartment hiding the AI chip and he stills eyes wide with fear. He shrieks as a jolt of pain shoots through his neck, head forcibly turned exposing the control panel on the back of his head.
“Stop, stop it stop it stop it please!!”
His pleads fall on deaf ears, and she jams the taser down to the sensitive circuits just barely exposed peeking out from the bottom of his head. A small burst of electricity races through him, and he sobs jolting in pain.
He squeezes his eyes shut, wiggling in his bonds. Though he knows it’s pointless; Control will be ripped away from him just like before, no matter how hard he tries to hold on. It’s going to happen again, it’s going to happen again and he CAN’T STOP IT HE CAN’T STOP-
A loud bang echoes through the daycare, and the hands on him vanish instantly.
“Friend! It’s after hours, you shouldn’t be here!” 
He almost sobbed in relief, hearing his brother’s cheery voice fill the empty space. Thank goodness, Sun is back! But something felt... off. Of course, he wasn’t expecting Sun to be all rainbows and cheer; He did walk in on a known serial killer and a tied up brother. But he didn’t sound fearful or nervous as Moon had expected; He sounds calm, eerily so.
He nervously opened his eyes to see Sun holding the white rabbit off the ground by the arm. It was almost comical how small she looked; His hand was the size of her bicep, if not bigger. Sun is wearing a very tight, sardonically wide cheshire grin as he stares down at the women in his grasp, large eyes staring down at him. The brothers make eye contact, and he can’t help the chill that runs down his spine; Sun’s expression softens a bit, concern washing over his features as he eyes the poor state his brother is in. Moons eyes darted back to the ground, faceplate heating up.
“Let go of me, you overgrown toddler!!” She hisses, struggling to pry his grip from her arm. She glares daggers at the lunar brother, clearly thinking that he must of planned this. Moon shrinks back once more, shaking despite himself, “You useless- Are you that much of a COWARD, that you can’t even deal with me yourself?” Suns expression hardens, and he grabs her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with him. 
“Did you really think you could lock me out of my. own. daycare?” His voice borders on manic, a psychotic sort of joy reflecting in his big blue eyes. Now, Sun is a very forgiving person. Admittedly, he can be a bit of a pushover at times, but he just can’t stand seeing anyone sad! So even if someone may treat him a bit rudely, he always tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. Everyone has their bad days, it wouldn’t be fair to hold a grudge for that! But this? This was different. She hadn’t hurt him, no.
She hurt Moon. She hurt him again. And that crossed the line.
As he gazed down at her, Moon couldn’t find an ounce of sympathy in his eyes. He shuddered involuntarily yet again; He knew that Sun wasn’t mad at him, he had no reason to be. And yet his stomach dropped, fear churning in his gut. They’ve known each other for over a decade, and yet he’s never seen Sun this angry before. This side of his sweet bubbly brother was new to him, and it was terrifying. 
“You have a lot of nerve, coming back here. I’m sure you heard my brother the first time. He doesn’t want to help you.” She sputters, at a loss for words. The cheerful bots mood is even more jarring to her then it is Moon. She tries unsuccessfully to free her wrist from his vice grip, stubborn even still. Suns smile drops slightly, hand clamping around her throat as he lifts her small frame up to meet his face; She gasps, squirming in his grip as the air is forced from her lungs, “Coming back after torturing my brother for weeks. Why? You want to do it again, huh? I won’t let you. If you ever lay a finger on him again, I’ll make you feel every bit of pain you made him endure, ten fold. I’ll pull every nail from your hands, every hair from your head, every artery from your wretched body. Do you understand me?” He emphasizes his point with a sharp squeeze, the single gesture enough to leave her breathless. Not giving her a chance to reply, he strides over to the large wooden doors, throwing them open and tossing her into the lobby.
He then slammed the door shut violently and locked it, not bothering to wait and see what happened after the alarm was sounded. There are more important things to do now. He turns back to Moon, who looks like a deer in head lights, and quickly runs to his side and unties his arms and legs. When the pressure is finally relieved, his joints let out a loud squeal, smoke puffing out of him rapidly. For a moment only the sounds of his suit puffing out smoke fill the daycare, a tense silence falling upon them. It’s awkward to say the least. 
Moon finally starts coming down from the adrenaline rush coursing through his circuits. He wishes it would stay though, because as the fear drained from his mind it was quickly replaced by the sickening awareness of the raw pain oozing through him from the places where he had been electrocuted. He shudders noticeably, tearing up; Dear god, it hurts. The after shocks are still crawling under his skin, and he knows they won’t be leaving for a long time. His neck clenches, joints locking up which only worsens the pain. Sun crouches down, wordlessly pulling him into a hug. The damn breaks, broken sobs emitting from his voice box. Sun traces shapes on his back, grip firm and gentle. He squeezes the back of his neck, rubbing it softly in an attempt to alleviate the pressure. He continues these ministratrions until his sobs die down into sniffles, arms remaining locked around him. The silence that follows is a comfortable one, only interrupted by the faint cheery tune that loops through the speakers and the slight sniffles.
Surprisingly Moon is the one to break the silence, a wheezy laugh forcing itself out of his voice box. “And I thought I was the scary one. Holy shit.”
Sun looks away sheepishly, embarrassed as if his bubbly brother hadn’t just threatened to torture someone, “Well, she deserved it.” He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
Moon shrugs, giggling under his breath, “Yeah, yeah I guess so...” he pauses for a moment longer, eyes falling to the floor, “... I.. didn’t think you were coming. You weren’t replying to the messages.”
Sun rubs the back of his neck, rays drooping, “ I’m so sorry! I saw them, I did, but I was so scared that I wouldn’t be there in time- all I could do was run. The door was locked, and I forgot my keys, so I kind of kicked the door in- We might need to repair that...” Sun mumbles the last part, and Moons eyes widen.
“You kicked in the door?” Now it’s Suns turn to heat up, and he cuts off his anxious rambling, whining quietly. 
Moon giggles, shaking his head. Sun stoops down to be at eye level with him, wrapping him into a warm hug. Moon stiffens against him before melting into the hug, “... I won’t let her hurt you again, Nightlight. I promise.”
Guilt stabbed into his chest; He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve to be comforted by the person he terrorized for weeks just months ago. His mind wanders back to the event that happened a week ago, and his stomach turns. He didn’t tell Sun about it, that Vanny had returned- what she had said. Moon was too scared to. But that’s the same reason why he didn’t tell Sun about the voice, and look where that got him? Has he not learned anything?? Sun cocks his head to the side in question, and Moon grimaces shifting in place. He deserves to know what happened. It’s the least he can do, to show he’s at least trying to change.
“..Sun, I.. there’s something.. you should know...” Sun hums in acknowledgement, urging him to continue. He inhales shakily, refusing to meet his eyes, “... About a week ago, while you were gone.. she visited. I-I don’t know how she got into the daycare, I checked and the doors were locked! She.. She said she was going to be back for me... whoever the hell she works for must have some interest in me or something, because she made it clear she wasn’t done with me yet.” his voice is laced with bitterness, his hands clenching into fists, “I-I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier. I-I was scared, and I didn’t want you to get involved because I didn’t want to hurt you again, and you’ve been through so much trying to cope with everything that happened.. B-But it wasn’t right, and I did the same thing last time and you still got hurt. God, I’m so sorry Sunshine, I-I didn’t- God I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe I made the same mistake-”
Sun lifts his head up, forcing Moon to make eye contact with him. Moons mouth snaps shut immediately and he eyes Sun nervously, embarrassed by his rambling. 
“I’m not mad. While I do wish you told me when it happened, I appreciate that you came clean now. I’ll keep an eye out for her. She’s not taking you away, I promise.” Moon lets out a relieved sigh, sagging in his grip. Sun sighs, “But, Nightlight... this is the second time you’ve done this. We need to talk about why you keep doing this, or it will continue to happen.” he continues with a firm, albeit gentle tone.
Moons gaze falls back to the floor, shrinking in on himself, “...Right. You’re right. I’m-I’m sorry. I guess I just... I want to try and handle things alone if I can. You have so much on your plate already, especially now, and I don’t want to stress you out over something I can deal with alone. It’ll just stress you out, or god forbid get you hurt. It’s my job to handle dangerous situations so you don’t have to, and if handling them alone means I get to see you safe and sound and happy everyday... Its worth the trouble. I know it’s stupid and dangerous, but I’d.. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you, something that I could’ve stopped. You mean so.. so much to me...”
Moon holds his breath, waiting while Sun carefully mulls over his response, rays spinning slowly. It feels like hours before he, finally, responds; He giggles, short and light, relief seeping into his voice, “That’s it? Oh, thank goodness!” Sun waves his hands, going on at seeing his brothers confusion, “No no, I don’t mean anything bad by it! I was just worried, I thought that maybe I just did something to lose your trust without realizing it.”
Moon shakes his head adamentally, “No, no I do trust you. I.. I’m sorry for worrying you. That I didn’t tell you...”
Suns traces the swirls on his cheeks. He’s close, really close, and Moon can’t help but squirm under the watchful gaze of his brother, whose rays are fluttering as if in thought. When he speaks up again, his voice is soft but firm, “...But, you can’t be hiding these things from me, Moon. I know you’re worried about my safety, but I’m not a child. I’m not helpless, and I can take care of myself just fine. I may not be as strong as you, but I’m not weak. You know that. I know you don’t want me involved in these sort of things, but you aren’t invincible you know. I want to be by your side through this. You’re always the one keeping me safe, I just want to return the favor.”
“No buts.” Moon lets out a loud whine, and Sun chuckles quietly. “C’mon, don’t be like that.”
“Fuckin- finneee.” Sun beams, the gesture bringing a small smile to Moons face.
“.... I still can’t believe you kicked in the door instead of just jumping over the railing above-” At that Sun groans, pulling the night cap down over Moons eyes while he cackles, “I panicked okay?!”
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fringyrasa · 2 years
Disney Does Not Own Doctor Who WTF Are Ya'll Smoking
Okay, some of ya'll are leaping to conclusions from a headline, without actually looking into this.
-DISNEY DOES NOT OWN DOCTOR WHO like holy shit. They did not buy the BBC. Disney is in a partnership with the BBC to be the home of distribution of new episodes of Doctor Who starting in 2023, outside of the UK and Ireland. This is the same exact deal that other streaming services like HBO and Amazon Prime have with the BBC when they distribute their shows (Please see: His Dark Materials, Industry, the upcoming The English miniseries, etc.)
-Disney would not have creative say in the future of Doctor Who. Just like how HBO are not the people who are actually making His Dark Materials, Disney is not making Doctor Who. Bad Wolf Productions (who are also the ones behind His Dark Materials) are the ones making the show along with RTD.
-As of right now, Disney has nothing to do with Classic Who or even the previous 13 series of Nuwho. So unless you got your blu rays and DVD's, you still need TWO different subscriptions to watch those because the BBC can't get this shit straight.
-As someone outside of the UK, just want to throw out there that new episodes of Doctor Who were annoying to get to. You either had to have cable that also carried BBC America who also cut scenes from episodes, subscribe to AMC+, buy the episode from Amazon, or torrent it. HBO Max took forever to update their episodes. Legend of the Sea Devils just became available last week, about 5 months after it aired. I'm happy it's going to a streaming service I actually use but I also would've been over the moon if it went to Netflix too. I just wanted Doctor Who to move to a streaming service that was fairly available (Disney+ being available in 60 countries, Netflix is also wildly available. Prime is meh and Paramount+ is still not available in a ton of places and caused a clusterfuck for international Star Trek fans to keep up with their shows)
-We have no idea when episodes will air. I will be annoyed if Disney plans to release episodes a day later, as this would be a backstep to what BBC America offered (although would be in line with when Amazon released episodes) So there's still a lot unknown
-You can stop blaming the end of the reconstructions on this deal and start blaming it on the fact that they had low sales. Like please, the writing was on the wall on those well before this deal would've been finalized.
-Do ya'll really think Russell T. Davies would join a show that was going to censor any gay themes, messages, actions? Look at what he's done recently. This man is not going to make a disney-fied version of the show. Hell, go look at Ncuti's first press photo when he was announced for the role.
-Ya'll need to chill. Doctor Who has been a part of the BBC since birth. Go ahead and google the scandal that BBC gets itself involved in seemingly every week. Because of the BBC we lost most of the episodes from the first two doctors. They've blacklisted Christopher Eccelsto when he spoke out about the poor working conditions. They allowed unsafe work environments for this show, including sexual harassment on set. They've rehired the same showrunner that most of these controversies took place under. They've completely botched promoting this show for the last 9 years. Please, hate Disney with all your heart if that's how you feel, but let's not pretend Doctor Who was on some innocent station and just now sold it's soul. Disney is a billion dollar company and so is the BBC.
I'll totally eat crow if it comes out Disney is censoring the show or affecting it's creative output, but we have no evidence that they would even have the ability to do that with this deal. The most we could see is something similar to BBC America cutting scenes out, which is done due to running times which Disney+ wouldn't even have. So let's take a deep breath, see what happens, and if they're fucking with our show, then let's take the pitchforks out.
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Day 25 - Tuesday, 28 March  La Paz
We didn’t much like La Paz for a variety of reasons.  We had a very poor guide whose hearing was considerably worse than mine (can you believe that?).  He often seemed not to hear us and ignored most of our questions - and when he did respond, he answered the question he wanted to answer, rather than the one we asked.  He admitted to having a stroke a year ago and was carrying a bit of a disability (as well as his hearing loss) and told us that he wasn’t really a guide – he was a mountaineering leader just filling in until his next climbing party arrived.  He often simply wandered away leaving us to run after him, and he was very political (a big no-no for a guide) – everything was the government’s fault, and the citizenry was unfairly expected to pay taxes to get their services – quite unreasonable!
Nonetheless, he was who we had and we made what we could of it.  First up in the morning, we went to yet another Valley of the Moon: this one on the edge of the city where erosion had carved the landscape into some very strange and dramatic shapes.  We arrived at the gates as the rain started so we didn’t spend a lot of time there.  The area was quite extensive and we could see walkways running in many directions, but in the interests of staying dry, we took some photos and returned to the car. 
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We then went to a park that overlooked the city and it surrounded us on all sides.  La Paz is built in a huge caldera and people build to the very crest of the mountains – to their detriment due to regular catastrophic landslides. 
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Our guide spent most of his time on the phone and we were left to wander, dodging the rain wherever we could.  We heard quite a lot of what sounded like gunfire, but he assured us that it was just fireworks.  There were huge rallies in the city, protesting about the right-wing government, and they drew attention to themselves by letting off very loud fireworks.  The Teachers’ Union was apparently the prime movers in the unrest, arguing for a communistic-style rebellion and we felt quite uncomfortable about it.
(I need to go back a week or so so explain that the only reason we were in La Paz was because of similar, but more violent, ‘civil’ unrest in Puno where we had planned to be.  Unable to risk getting involved in that, our tour organisers had rerouted us to La Paz, only to find things pretty uncomfortable there too.)
We were supposed to be visiting the old part of the city but that was where the unrest was focussed, so we missed that and attempted to get out of the area through a massive traffic jam.  We have been in crazy traffic chaos in other places around the world, but nothing comes close to La Paz.  It is impossible to describe but horrific to experience, despite all the locals taking it in their stride, without rancour, and often with almost a full millimetre between adjacent vehicles.  Incidentally, vehicle numbers are regulated by only allowing numberplates ending in particular digits on each weekday.  That reduces vehicle numbers by 80% during the week!
We eventually abandoned the car and caught a minibus that delivered us to the main cable-car station.  There are at least 3 lines across the city and it has become one of the main ways people get from A to B – understandable if you see the traffic.  We took one line up to the top of the mountain and changed to another line and then a third – I think we took the yellow, blue and red lines in order, and ended back in the city at the old railway station – before taking a cab part-way back to our hotel.
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We ended up in complete gridlock so walked the last kilometre to our hotel.  The cable-car rides were mildly interesting with one of the main features being the mammoth public cemetery – it is HUGE and we flew right across it.  The richer people use a cemetery somewhere out of town, but the poorer ones rent little niches in what looks like ten or twenty (or fifty) Victoria Markets, mostly under cover, row on row, tier after tier, block after block, with roads and paths running everywhere.
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Just a small corner of the cemetery.
We went out to a pizza place a block or two from our hotel for dinner.  We ordered one pizza between us and ate about three-quarters of it.  Just so big that we couldn’t get through it.  I am not blaming the pizza, but I had the worst diarrhoea of my life, combined with agonising leg cramps most of the night that seriously inhibited my ability to do much on the following day.  I never slept a wink all night.
0 notes
Chapter Two
The man taps a glass, gaining the crowd's attention, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Professor Richard Lazarus and tonight I am going to perform a miracle. It is, I believe, the most important advance since Rutherford split the atom, the biggest leap since Armstrong stood on the moon. Tonight, you will watch and wonder. Tomorrow, you will wake to a world which will be changed forever."
Jack crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow. Lazarus turns around, entering the machine behind him. A high pitched noise resounds, and the four columns surrounding the small chamber he entered begin to spin rapidly around the chamber. Sophie squints against the lights coming off of the device, when an alarm starts to sound.
The device begins to spin even faster, and sparks start to fly from the various machinery. Jack, without a moment of hesitation, leaps into the control booth. Sophie watches as the Doctor does the exact same thing from the other side. The two work back to back pressing buttons and flipping switches. "It's overloading," the Time Lord states.
"No sh*t, Sherlock," Jack replies, as if on instinct.
The Doctor stops his sonic for a second, glancing behind him, "Jack?" he asks, resuming his soniccing.
Jack freezes from where he was carefully pressing buttons and pulling levers, working to stop the machine, he turns his head, "Doctor?"
The old woman who was with Professor Lazarus looks nervously up at the machine, "Somebody stop them. Get them away from those controls."
Jack grumbles something unkind under his breath, and the Doctor snorts. "If this thing goes up, it'll take the whole building with it."
"Is that really what you want?" Jack finishes. The Time Lord leaps back over the booth, yanking a large cable out of the machine, and it whirs to a halt.
Sophie and Martha both immediately rush forward, prising the door open. The Doctor and Jack rush over, the Gallifreyan demanding, "Get it open!"
"What the actual f*ck does it look like we're doing?"
With those words the door flings open, and a man much younger than Lazarus staggers out. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Richard Lazarus. I am seventy six years old and I am reborn!"
Technicians rush forward to look him over, and the Doctor grabs both Sophie's and Martha's elbows, ushering them away. He looks between Sophie and Jack, "What are you two doing here?"
Jack smiles, "Gee, Doc, nice to see you again."
The Time Lord rolls his eyes. Martha is frozen in place, staring at the younger Lazarus, "It can't be the same guy. It's impossible. It must be a trick."
"It's real. Happened just like William said it would."
Jack smirks, "When are we gonna get to meet this William, anyway."
"Who's William?" the Doctor asks, looking between the two.
"He's one of Lazarus' techs. Helped design the machine. I asked him if he could tell me what was gonna happen. Unfortunately he just worked on the control panel, and not the actual machine, so he couldn't tell me how it worked."
"But he would've," Jack smiles, "Sounds like he's sweet on you."
The Doctor keeps his eyes locked on Lazarus, as he grabs a tray from a passing waiting, scarfing down about five of the sandwiches, not even pausing to breathe. The lady with him seems mortified, but the Professor shrugs her off, "I'm famished."
The Time Lord walks right up to Lazarus, the other three trailing right after him, "Energy deficit," he shrugs, "Always happens with this kind of process."
"You speak as if you see this every day, Mister?"
"Doctor. And well, no, not every day, but I have some experience of this kind of transformation."
Sophie snorts, and the Doctor shoots her a look. Lazarus continues on, as if he didn't hear her, "That's not possible."
Jack decides it's time to butt in, save the Doctor from having to make up an excuse, "Using hypersonic sound waves to create a state of resonance. That's genius. Gotta know how you came up with it."
"You understand the theory, then," Lazarus asks both the Time Lord and the immortal
"Enough to know that you couldn't possibly have allowed for all the variables," the Doctor remarks.
"No experiment is entirely without risk."
Jack looks incredulously at the professor, "That thing nearly exploded. You probably would've been safer stepping into a human sized blender!"
The lady looks him up and down, sizing him up, "You're not qualified to comment."
The Doctor rolls his eyes, gesturing between himself and Jack, he states, "If we hadn't stopped it, it would have exploded."
"Then I thank you, Doctor. But that's a simple engineering issue. What happened inside the capsule was exactly what was supposed to happen. No more, no less."
Martha steps forward now, and Sophie smiles, "You've no way of knowing that until you've run proper tests."
Lazarus throws out his arms, "Look at me." His eyes narrow on Sophie, and he smiles flirtatiously. Jack glares at him, but the professor continues, "You can see what happened. I'm all the proof you need."
The woman notices where Lazarus' attention is drawn, glaring at Sophie, she adds, "This device will be properly certified before we start to operate commercially.
Sophie's eyes widen, "Hang on. You're going commercial with that thing. Not only will it cause chaos, it won't allow the human race to grow. The same old people will be running the show forever. You're moving us backward, not forward."
Lazarus seems to consider her words, before shaking his head, "No, this is a chance for humanity to evolve, to improve."
"This isn't about improving," the Gallifreyan glowers, "This is about you and your customers living a little longer."
"Not a little longer, Doctor. A lot longer. Perhaps indefinitely." The lady grabs Lazarus' arm, pulling him away. He pauses for a moment to shake Sophie's hand, he then presses a light kiss to it, and he follows his friend away.
Sophie shivers as he leaves, "Okay," she remarks, turning to Jack, "Is it just me or does that guy give anyone else the heebie-jeebies?"
"Oh, definitely," Martha says, then leans around the Doctor, "Martha, by the way, Martha Jones."
"I'm Sophie, this is Jack."
Jack smirks, "Captain Jack Harkness, pleasure."
The Doctor rolls his eyes, and points a finger at Jack, "Stop that, now!" He then smiles, and turns to Sophie. He pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly. Happily she returns the embrace.
When they let go of each other and turn around, Sophie can't help but notice the questioning look on Martha's face. Smiling, the woman says, "The Doc and I go way back. Like way back. I first met you when I was what, five?" The Doctor cocks his head trying to remember and well. "Yeah pretty sure I was five, I met you, Rose, the Cybermen."
"Oh," the Doctor says, leaping into the air, "Yeah, that was like a year ago for me, crazy how time flies."
"Yeah, whatever Time Lord. Anyway, he's like a brother to me, maybe a father figure."
The Gallifreyan's jaw drops and he turns to look at her, "A father figure? How can I be your father figure when I don't even look that much older than you!"
She shrugs, "Maybe not this face, but there are others where I could easily call you Dad and get away with it."
"I am trying very hard not to be insulted right now."
"Says the 903 year old."
He rolls his eyes, "You're incorrigible."
She smiles at him sweetly, "Thanks, and I don't even work on it."
The group descends into silence for a moment, before Jack smirks, "Hate to break it to you Soph, but you could call him Daddy now and no one would bat an eye."
Sophie looks at him, putting a hand to her chest and shuttering, "Don't you ever say that again, Jack. And here I thought Lazarus gave me the heebie-jeebies."
"You could call him Daddy, too," Martha adds.
"Or dad, he is old enough," the Doctor finishes.
"Oh my Rassilon, I hate all of you!"
"No you don't," Jack says.
At the same time, Martha says, "I couldn't pass it up."
And the Doctor says, "They started it."
"Children, all of you," Sophie mutters, turning away, "Why don't you all go and see what you can find out instead of acting so childish."
The trio look at each other, and smirk, "Yes, mummy."
She glares at them, as the smile slides off the Doctor's face, "He's out of his depth. No idea of the damage he might have done."
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finelinevogue · 3 years
HI I JUST WANTED TO SAY I FOUND UR BLOG LAST NIGHT AND IM ALREADY ADDICTED TO UR WORKS. YOURE SO TALENTED !! could u do a blurb where the reader is harry’s gf and watching him perform on stage and he invites her up on stage to dance ?
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! LOVE YOU ALREADY!!! this one is for you <33 ;
Harry was an absolute beast up on stage.
Night one of Vegas was a complete success so far and you never wanted it to end. From the moment that you woke up in your Vegas hotel room to the moment when he popped up out of the centre stage to start singing Golden, there wasn’t a moment where you didn’t feel an intimate and enormous amount of pride for him. He looked just so happy and that’s all you could ever wish for.
You were stood next to Jeff and Glenne, watching as Harry performed his beautiful heart out on stage. A lot of the fans around you had spotted you and were calling your name to grab your attention and get photos of you, but you were too shy to respond to any of them. So you kept on watching Harry perform.
The funky and even more upbeat version of Canyon Moon started playing and you knew what was coming next. Harry had prompted you that he might incorporate you somehow into this next segment and you were excited at the time, now you were just completely nervous. Shaky hands, goosebumps, the lot.
“Now I know you all loved the dancing for this next one,” The fans started screaming and shouting, because they instantly knew he was on about Treat People With Kindness, “but unfortunately my dance partner Phoebe is not here tonight.” He kept pausing to let the fans scream, prolonging your nerves, “however,” he walked from the main stage down to the B-stage, “there is someone here tonight who knows the dance and how to dance with me specifically.” He smiled, fiddling with his earpiece.
Your heart stopped. You think?
“Oh my fuck.” You muttered, as Jeff nudged your shoulder playfully and people around you started screaming your name even louder.
Then the light shone on you and you were blinded, only to see what was directly behind you and to the sides. You had to squint or cover your eyes if you wanted to see Harry. You shoved your hands inside your blazer pockets, fidgeting with your fingers inside out of nerves. Harry could instantly tell how you felt.
“Now she’s slightly nervous, so please be kind to her. Y/N, my love?” He asked sweetly, making it hard to say no to him. You squinted to see he was wearing a plea full smile and you wanted to wipe it right off his cheeky face. God he was irresistible. “Come on. Please?” He begged.
“Go on!” Glenne pushed you forwards slightly, making you shuffle sing in your cream-white boots that matched Harry’s.
“What am I doing?” You asked yourself, as people began to chant your name and egg you forwards. Seriously, what were you doing?
You started to walk forwards and through the barriers where Harry would run off the stage later. You said hello to a couple of fans on the way, giving them a quick smile and wave. Harry stood at the end of the platform, holding out a hand for you. One of the security guards gave you a leg up and Harry pulled you the rest of the way, embracing you in a tight hug when he got ahold of you.
“Y’okay?” He asked into your ear, even with all the noise throughout the arena you could still hear him as clear as a new day.
“Probably.” You spoke unsure, knowing you were in the direct spotlight now. Harry chuckled and pressed a kiss to your cheek, making the fans go absolutely wild. You both laughed and walked hand in hand back to the main stage.
“Give it up for my beautiful Y/N!” Harry shouted into his mic and you had to bite your lip from grinning like an idiot. He made you feel so safe and loved and you’d have to especially thank him for that later. The fans screamed for you, many of them shouting that they loved you as you walked past them. You blew kisses to a few of them threw your mask and they pretended to catch them.
Harry dropped your hand to go and set up his electrics for TPWK, grabbing a couple of pride flags as he did so. Harry handed you one and he took the other. It was so warm up here and you understood why Harry was so sweaty and hot now, not that you were complaining at all about how he looked because fuck did he look like a God below. You placed the flag between your pink trousered legs that matched your suit jacket, only to start pulling off your jacket, teasingly slow just for Harry, and throwing it off to the side so you were now just in your cream-white bralette and pink trousers. You were excited that you matched Harry.
The fans screamed so loud when it took your jacket off and pointed their cameras towards Harry, either to film his reaction, which was him just shaking his head and looking away from you otherwise he wouldn’t be able to control himself, or to encourage him to whip off his jacket too.
“Off, off, off!” The crowd shouted, you hoped to Harry because you having your tits out fully would probably get you arrested unlike you - double fucking standards just because you were a woman…
“Oh shut up! You can already see everything!” Harry laughed into the microphone, making you and everyone else laugh too. You wrapped the pride flag around you, tying it up so it wouldn’t fall off. Harry just held onto his instead.
The song began and you stood their, kind of awkwardly, waiting for Harry to let you know what you were allowed to do and where to go. Harry came over to you, strutting like he was on a cat walk, and twirled you around with the arm holding the flag. You laughed at how messy and uncoordinated you both were, having never performed this before now. When you were up here with him though, everything else sort of disappeared as if it were just you and him. It allowed you to become more comfortable in yourself and before long you were dancing around like a maniac.
You spiralled the stage, waving to fans and dancing how they were dancing too. You blew kisses and gave air hugs to people, complimenting the fans that you could see with their epic outfits. Harry was always on the same side of the stage as you, wanting to be as near to you as possible in case something went wrong, because then it did.
When the bridge part of the song came, Harry put down his microphone and started doing the dance that he choreographed in the TPWK music video. You quite happily danced along with him, pretending it was just you and him again dancing at home with one another instead of on a stage in an arena in front of thousands. It was going well until you accidentally tripped over a cable, falling over and landing on your bum. Harry was really worried at first, the song still playing in the background, but as soon as he saw you laughing he joined in and pulled you back up to him.
“Y’alright?” He shouted and you nodded, still laughing through the embarrassment and the shock. No doubt that would be trending on twitter tonight. You were just trying to give your best performance though, that’s all.
You and Harry danced through the rest of the song together, twirling around in each others arms and dancing as if nobody else was watching you but each other. It was so fun and you couldn’t believe that you’d actually been nervous at one point. You finished the song the same way the music video ended, Harry leaning over your arms and you holding him to make sure he didn’t fall. It was such a good finish and the atmosphere felt electric. It was charged with so much positivity, you swore you could never not be happy ever again.
Harry stood back up, giving you a kiss to your lips without second thought that everyone could see. You didn’t mind though because he tasted so good and felt even better. He made you so happy and you could just feel him giving off the same energy as you. You laughed as he let you go and took your hand for a bow.
“Y/N, everyone!” Harry shouted through his microphone and everyone cheered for you. You bowed once more to the other side of the stage, before collecting your jacket and running back off stage so Harry could continue the show without you.
He didn’t let you go without telling you he loved you so much, though.
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: not superhero themed. I just read midnight sun and had this idea and I don’t feel like making another blog so.... hope you like twilight lol
There will be a part two, and just a reminder, I’m still looking for beta readers so DM if you’re interested!
* It probably starts with you reading midnight sun, you remember reading the books/watching the movies when you were younger.
* Man, you really forgot how bad this book was. The writing itself is good, but the plot...
* It’s like everything revolves around Bella, everything is created for her.
* You almost feel bad for the other characters
* Well, whatever, you’ll finish the rest of the book tomorrow and never think about that awful franchise again.
* When you wake up you feel an ache in your head. But you didn’t drink last night, maybe you’re dehydrated
* You shift, noting the smooth silk of the covers. Now you’re alarmed.
* You don’t have silk sheets
* You see a mirror in the corner of the room, and rush over
* The face that looks back at you is different then yours
* It’s the same in some ways, but different all the same
* The curve of your nose is slightly off, your lips are thinner, eyes a little closer together.
* The memories begin to flood in, in this world you were on a graduation trip with your parents, you got an all inclusive package. Three days of sightseeing in Volterra.
* You got sick on the last day, when you were signed for a tour of the castle, your parents went without you
* That was the last you saw of them
* You dumbly followed, asking question where you shouldn’t. And ended up at the volturi’s door
* Aro had grasped your hand to see how much you knew, only too see nothing. Likewise Jane’s powers did not work as well
* They were astounded by this, it appears this was several years before Bella was introduced to the story
* And so, you became a prisoner of the tower
* Your soul must have been in this body for quite some time, but you’ve only remembered now, that’s the only explanation for why their powers didn’t work on you. Your consciousness is not of this world.
* There’s a short knock on your door
* “Are you decent?”
* You call back and Alec pops his head in.
* “Ready to go to the library?”
* He looks so kind. The boyish grin that stretched across his face as you shook your head.
* It was in direct contrast to the sadistic personality you had become accustomed to in the books
* “I need a few more minutes”
* You half expect him to lash out at you for being slow. By he only nods, closing the door and waiting outside for you to finish.
* He was you friend. You realized
* He IS your friend
* You think back as you turn on the faucet. He didn’t like you at first, being assigned to guard a human was insulting
* But he started to warm up to you once he heard you play the piano
* This body was quite used to the ivory keys. And so you charmed him as best you could, half for your survival, because the happier you kept him the less likely he was to kill you.
* And half because- you were so lonely, the Loneliness echoed in this body like an ache. Suddenly an orphan, in a continent where you knew no one. All you had was this boy.
* How long have you been here? You kept a talley at one point, but abandoned it after the thirtieth day. What was the point? You would either die or become one of them
* A shiver erupts through at the thought, in your past life you were a vegetarian, you didn’t relish in the idea of killing something alive and moving.
* You pull on a sweatshirt, ripping of the chanel tag. They bought you the nicest things money could buy, the most lavish food you could have.
* They did the same thing with the tourists they lured, keeping them happy and well fed, the same way the cows that became wagyu beef might be cared for. That way when it came time to slaughter, the meal was that much more delicious.
* You suspected this was similar, that should you be an unnecessary addition, you would make a meal suitable for their palette
* Alec basically talks your ear off the entire way to the Volturi library, mostly about literature
* “What are your thoughts on Anna Kerenina?”
* “That the patriarchy needs to be burned to the ground.”
* “That is.... valid”
* He even talks when you’re at the library, much to the annoyance of a few of the other patrons
* “Which book are you looking for now?”
* You stop mid motion on the ladder and turn to look at him. His ruby eyes glowing, he looks bloated. Like he’s fed too much.
* “Alec, why are we friends?”
* You really should keep your mouth shut. Alec was the only real ally you had, you shouldn’t say anything that might put him off
* And yet, it unnerved you, because the Alec in front of you was a very different character then the one you had come to see.
* He looks at you like you hung the moon,
* “Because you’re the most interesting human in the world”
* You burst out laughing, earning several glares.
* “I-I’m sorry Alec, but I’m not, I’m just the most interesting human you KNOW, there’s way more people who are more interesting than me.”
* You expect to see him offended, and he does, but there’s a twinkle in his eyes
* “I’m not so sure about that”
* The days creep by, reading books, eating snacks, it’s nice
* You learn, that Alec hasn’t talked to a human in a very long time. Outside of the screams he heard after devouring one.
* He hasn’t been outside the castle walls in many years, possibly a century.
* “What’s the best part of the human world?” He asked you once
* It’s the 90’s, so smartphones haven’t been invented yet.
* “One tree hill and friends”
* “Well you have a friend right here”
* “No friends the show”
* “The what?”
* And that’s how you got Alec hooked onto cable television
* Who knew the cure to vampire- sadism was a healthy dose of Jennifer Aniston fumbling about on screen
* “Is this what life is like?”
* You shrug, it was what college had been like for you in your past life.
* “It’s kinda what schools like, but i never got to be on my own”
* This body was only 18 after all.
* Alec doesn’t say anything, but his expression falters
* Alec’s only now starting to understand the life you will be denied once Aro decides when to turn you
* Jane joins later
* One day when you and Alec are lazing around the library when she appears, she says nothing, just sits down next to Alec and reads a book
* You’re sure they hear the uneven thumping of your heart as you turn back to your book. Her power doesn’t work on you, you remind yourself
* Not that she even needs it, she could snap you apart like a Kit Kat bar
* And if it came down to it, you’re sure Alec would let her, he might like you but his loyalty’s always remained with his sister
* “So... you watch human television together?” Her bright red eyes flickered from Alec to you.
* You nodded, never sure what exactly it was that would set Jane off
* You had seen enough in the books to know her moods were compatible at best.
* “I would...like to join” she awkwardly looking away, and you were sure if she could, she would be blushing.
* Honestly it’s kind of cute.
* “Sure, the more the merrier”
* And that’s how you basically adopted the sadist twins
* It’s a little harder to get Jane to open up, but once you make a comment about how Phoebe was the best character in friends, she starts to open up
* “Humans are cruel, even when they’re kind it’s only because they want something from you.”
* “Is that what you think about me? That I’m only nice to you because I want something?” she meets your eyes for a few minutes before turning away
* “I’m not sure”
* You understand very gradually why they’re so twisted
* They’d been treated terribly during their human life, in every kind act lingered a dark shadow, in even minor misunderstanding the image of a monster
* Their centuries in the Volturi didn’t help. Under Aro’s ruthless tutelage, and Caius’s sadistic tendencies, They had no one they could trust but each other.
* They were only surviving just as you were
* “Sometimes I wonder how much of my loyalty is real, and how much of it is Chelsea.” She whispers one day, so quietly you barley hear it
* You rest your hand on hers, it’s the only comfort you could think to offer
* When Jane grasps your hand in hers, she breaks every bone in your hand
* She doesn’t understand the pained screams or your mangled hand fit a second, and then she realizes what she did
* Alarmed she carries you halfway around the castle screeching for someone to help
* You pass out from the pain, when you come to you’re in your bed, a very cold hand holding your own
* “How are you feeling?” You don’t recognize this vampire, but you don’t really know anyone outside of Alec and Jane.
* You feel light headed, a warm feeling washing over you, you must be on some strong drugs
* “My body’s still grieving, but my mind is sharp.”
* It’s incoherent at best, but there’s truth to it, your body is still grieving for your parents and the life you’ve lost, but your otherworldly mind is ten steps ahead, cross referencing every action.
* The man offers a short chuckle
* “You really did a number on your hand. I’ve done what I can but...”
* You look down to your hand, half surprised by the bright yellow cast encasing it
* You had figured you would wake up to be a vampire, it just made sense, these were unfamiliar human aches to them after all and vampirism was a simple and effective cure
* They must want something from you, if they’re keeping you human
* You suspect it’s something along the lines of how they waited until Jane and Alec were burning at the stake to save them, so their power would be that much more potent
* Maybe they’re doing the opposite with you, trying to make you as happy as possible to see what effect it has on your ability
* It’s too bad you don’t have one
* “Thank you for your hard work.” You mumble, being human for a little bit longer is well worth the pain.
* “How did you break your hand?”
* “I held Janes’ hand”
* Your doctor let’s out a short laugh
* “That sounds about right”
* You smile, it does sound right, of course you would break your hand that way
* The conversation flows naturally after that, you talk about all sorts of things
* “You think vampires have souls?” He quirks an eyebrow
* “I’m of the opinion that a soul is something you create through hardship and struggle, being able to live longer means that you have more opportunities to have the experiences that result in a soul”
* “That’s an intriguing notion, I wish I had brought my son with me.”
* You’re about to ask about his son, when you’re interrupted by the door swimming open
* “I heard you were awake, are you alright?” Alec rushes in, his eyes frantic
* “Yeah these drugs are top notch” you press the button that releases the pain killers and let out a giggle
* “Is that alright? Humans are awfully sensitive.” Jane pipes up from behind Alec, you hadn’t noticed her in your haze.
* Your doctor chuckles
* “I’m aware,” he’s smiling but it’s strained
* “What’s wrong?” You ask, he was so calm until a second ago, he doesn’t answer you
* “I’ll give you three a moment.”
* You only register he’s gone when you hear the door close
* The twins rush over to you, Jane is kneeled by your side, while Alec hovers over you
* “I-I’m sorry I hurt you, I forgot-I didn’t remember.” You we’re sure Jane would be crying if she could
* “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it.” You raise your cast encased hand and give her a gentle pat on the head. “From now on, physical signs of affection will just be one sided.” You joke, which makes Jane grin
* “I’ll practice with some animals before I try touching you again”
* The three of you chat for a bit, they’re both surprised by your cast and ask several questions about its “primary function”
* “I didn’t know there was a doctor here” you murmur, feeling drowsy
* “Carlisle’s not with the Volturi, he’s from another coven in the new world.”
* Your drowsiness flies away in a second
* “That was Carlisle?”
* Jane looks somewhat confused but nods.
* A flutter of hope erupts in your chest, it’s so strong even your grief stricken body feels it
* You might have a chance. It’s slim, Carlisle has a family he loves and needs to protect. But still, they were strangers once too. No different than you.
* It’s a way out of here
* The next few days follow in a drugged haze, Alec and Jane visit every so often, and Carlisle engages you in occasional conversation while checking progress on your hand
* “Why are your eyes gold?” You know, but well, you need him to believe the lie
* “It’s a bit of a long story” he says with a wary smile.
* “I’m not going anywhere”
* He sighs, a genuine smile encompassing his face as he recounts the tale.
* Even though you’ve already heard it all before, it still makes you cry
* Even in the haze, you know something’s.... off
* There’s something about the way Alec won’t meet your eyes when he talks to you, and the uneasy weight that lingers in the air whenever someone else is in the room
* On the third day, it’s Aro who visits you, Alec and Carlisle in tow behind him.
* “Oh my, all that internal bleeding, how awful”
* Even you can feel the insincerity, but it’s the first you heard about internal bleeding
* So that explains it, the drugs and the aches all along your body, it wasn’t just your hand, you were dying
* “Don’t worry, we’ll save you” Aro’s smile is cruel “won’t we Alec?”
* Alec looks afraid, almost pained, but he nods
* Ah, so this was punishment for Alec too. Until that moment, when Jane broke your hand, Aro must have been ignorant to how close the three of you had gotten.
* You close your eyes, you knew this would happen eventually. There were only two ending to this story, and it seemed one had finally been picked
* You feel a pinch on your neck, right above your collar bone, no worse than a flue shot.
* You wait for the pain, the vivid screams you remember from the books and movies, but it never comes.
* Instead it’s just a warm numbness that spreads across your neck and left shoulder.
* “It doesn’t hurt” you murmur, you feel a cold hand rest against your forehead, Alex’s hand.
* It’s so gentle, he must have practiced on some animals first, you think.
* “No the pain comes later.”
* And so you drift into inky black unconsciousness, the last sleep of your human life in this world.
* You dream that you’re sitting at the bottom of a tree, a fig tree, like the one Sylvia Plath wrote about
* Each fig a different path, half of them have already fallen off, dark, as they rot at your feet
* “How do you do it?”
* You look to your side and find the person who’s face you see in the mirror, they’re hugging their knees to their chest, dark circles under their eyes
* “How do I do what?” You ask, they bite their lip
* “How can you be so strong when you’ve just lost everything?”
* You see their eyes brim with tears, and you look away, to the tree that looks over you both
* “I don’t know” It’s the truth, you have an unfair advantage in this world, because you know all the secrets each person carries, while yours remain shrouded in darkness. And yet... it’s not why you persevere
* “All I do know, is that I want to give them hell”
* Your counterpart grins at that, and to your surprise, you feel a smile stretch out across your face
* Yeah, it’s not about power, you just want raise some hell in this backwards misogynistic world.
* “I guess that’s the one you’re picking then huh?” Your counterpart points to a fig, it’s on the tallest branch of the tree, so far out of reach it almost seems unobtainable
* But you only nod
* “Yeah, I think that’s the way I’m going to go”
* They look at you and smile.
* “If you ever get the chance, I hope you punch that jerk Aro right in the face”
* You laugh.
* When you finally awake, you’re still laughing. A smile etched onto your face.
* Everyone’s there, all looking at you with concerned glances.
* Yeah, you’re going to have a lot of fun in this world.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Happy Birthday Winter!
Hey @winterpower98 it's your birthday! I really hope you enjoy this, I know I had a ton of fun writing it for you! Actor AU is one of my favorite AUs you've made and coming back to play around with it again was a blast and a half!
Painter MK cackled, taking the brushes filled with bright pink paint into his fists.
“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed, brushing them against his cheeks and bringing another to run up the center of his face. “The art is-OW! OW, THE ART IS IN MY EYE!”
“Cut!” The director yelled, bringing the entire film production to a halt in an instant. “Xiaotian, what happened?”
The young actor dropped the paintbrushes into the hands of a stage worker to rushed over to help him, one hand covering his right eye as he tried to keep himself from laughing. “I think some of it splashed when I waved the brush at my face. I guess the art really IS-”
“Don’t say it,” Heshang said from the other side of the set, doing his best not to join his co-star in laughter.
“-seeping into my pores!”
The entire cast and crew groaned as Xiaotian cackled again, with a few added ows, before another stage hand came by with a bottle of water.
“Uh…” Xiaojiao pulled, attempting to pull the prop sword from above her head out of the wall only to be met with… a lot more resistance than should probably be there. “UH…? It’s stuck?”
She stood, attempting to pull it out normally only to be met with just as much resistance.
“It’s stuck!” She laughed, out, bracing a foot on the wall with no change.
“Let me try,” General Ironclad, or rather Red in the costume of General Ironclad for the episode, offered, attempting to do the same with the exact same result as his co-star. “What did you use to hold this in place? Cement!?”
“It should have only been stuck in with force!” A stage hand yelled as Xiaotian and Heshang joined in, both failing to pull the sword out from the false wall and Heshang nearly toppling over backwards with his additional costume pieces.
“Whoever stuck that in there needs to be moved to making sure the safety equipment stays connected!” Xiaotian offered, watching as even more people tried to remove the sword. “That is not coming out.”
Heshang held Mo in his arms, waltzing around the set as he waited for places to be called for with the shockingly content feline in his arms.
“You are selling beautiful vegetables today?” Pigsy said, leaning over the the display to give an awkward smile to the disguised Spider Queen.
Tang looked over the produce from where he knelt, looking back up at his companion with a concerned and confused look. “Are you… a-are-PFT-FUCK.”
Everyone on set burst into laughter as Tang did, both of his fellow actors holding back from laughing themselves.
“Why is it this line!?” Tang yelled in frustration as he continued laughing. “It’s not a hard line! I wrote this line! Why do I keep laughing at the last word!?”
“Maybe if Ganglie wasn’t making goo-goo eyes at me you’d keep straight face,” Zhi-Zhu Jing managed to get out through her laughter.
“That’d be the only thing straight about me.”
Dicky Cheung, or the actual Sun Wukong disguised as a human actor in full costume of himself, took a running leap and jumped onto the counter of Pigsy’s noodles, sliding to a perfect stop with a wink toward the camera.
“MK, there’s something I wanted to tell you…” Mei said, looking at MK with sparkles in her eyes before snickering. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s hard enough to keep a straight face during this scene!”
“Sorry!” Xiaotian yelled to the camera. “I can’t help it! How are Jin and Yin this wrong about these two in the show?”
“Himbos!” was the shouted answer from Tang at the other end of the set.
“One of the rare talents that no one knew the great Sun Wukong possessed…” Xiaojiao said ominously, camera panning over to Mr. Cheung in full costume. “Surprisingly good peach juggling!”
“Gotta keep myself occupied somehow!” The actor laughed out, catching two peaches in either hand while the last one was caught perfectly in his mouth to the applause of everyone watching.
“Thanks for the Key los-AH!”
Red flung his arms wildly, key flying into the air as Tie Shan rushed forward and caught him just before he face planted into the ground.
“Mine!” Mr. Cheung yelled as he caught the key mid air and rushed through the frame.
“Thank you… for giving me all o-ooh, whoa!” Lui Er Mihou, or unbeknownst to nearly all Six-Eared Macaque in disguise much the same way as Sun Wukong was, yelped as the cable that was supposed to gently raise him and make him look like he was floating yoinked him as good 4 feet off the ground way too fast. “That’s too much power!”
“SORRY!” The line operator shouted, fiddling with the controls. “Someone loaded the weight setting for Xiaotian into your line instead of yours.”
“I already feel bad enough treating him like garbage and beating him up in this role, this is just rubbing salt in the wound,” Liu Er muttered, leaning back and swinging limply much to the amusement of everyone who couldn’t hear him before raising his voice. “When will my beloved friend Sun Wukong come to rescue me?”
Liu Er yelped in surprise as Mr. Cheung rushed in and grabbed him from beneath to hold him bridal style with a shit eating grin. He couldn't help the flush on his cheeks in response.
“HOW DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP IN SHOTS WHEN YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE YET!?” The director yelled with more than a little amusement in his voice despite the disruption.
“You!” DBK said, rounding on Red Son. “You have brought me nothing but failure! Time and time again! I keep telling you I… shit, I can’t remember the next line when you look that sad, I am so sorry.”
“Nothing but disappointment?” Red offered helpfully, immediately breaking out of his downcast somber gaze to the floor with a wide smile.
“It is scary how fast you get in and out of character sometimes, kid,” Niu Mowang laughed out, clearly resisting the urge to ruffle the younger actor’s hair lest he ruin the styling job that took far too long every time they got dressed.
The White Bone Spirit stood at the entrance to the Silken Web Cave, looking at the camera before far too much time passed from when she was supposed to say he line. She moon walked backwards out of the frame without changing her expression one bit as the other actors devolved into cackles.
“The Year of the Spider starts tonight!” Spider Queen proclaimed from her high vantage point before she muttered something under her breathe, narrowing her gaze and then looking off to the side. “Or next year ‘cause I don’t remember my line.”
Huntsman slowly lowered into frame, upside down and gripping the rigging holding him up like Spiderman.
“Oh yeah?” Sun Wukong said, appearing in frame as he walked down the wall MK was embedded in. He grabbed his staff, yanking it out of the wall and jumped down and smacked the wall with it.
… only for it to go through the wall once again and crack it. Or, rather, the false wall that was on a tilted angle to make it look like he was talking down it, rather than a heavily slanted floor.
“I’m sorry!” Mr. Cheung yelled, looking at the damage he caused. “I must have hit at weak spot!”
He hoped no one noticed that when MK offered to get the prop staff for this shot and put it into the wall… he grabbed the real one by accident.
Nui Mowang held the little bird that was Wukong’s transformation stand in for one of the final scenes, gently petting the little head with a big goofy smile on his face.
The entire cast sat around on various travel tables right outside the small Lunar New Year Festival set they had set up, various extras that had answered the open invitation for the shoot going about and getting the free food that was available at the functional stalls provided by the catering they had hired.
It was an odd sight to see Red Son and Spider Queen and Sun Wukong and everyone else sitting around together, but Liu Er Mihou being there outside of his Macaque costume broke the illusion a little bit.
It was the final day of shooting for the season 2 opening special to Monkie Kid, Revenge of the Spider Queen, and everyone was there. Even people who didn’t have to come in wanted to give a temporary farewell to Tie Shan, Nui Mowang, and Red before season 2 proper began shooting. There was still a chance they could bebcalled in for bit roles, the scripts weren’t entirely finished yet, but as far as anyone knew the Demon Bull Family wasn’t going to be returning properly any time soon.
Maybe in season 3, Tang had teased, holding the begun scripts for that in his little tablet away from prying eyes. And they were always welcome to help out in bit roles, background characters or voice over or to use their other talents to work other jobs that were needed around the set.
But even before then it would be a while.
And so that’s how Red found himself sandwiched between Long Xiaojiao and Qi Xiaotian, with the newly added member of their quartet in her full White Bone Spirit costume hanging over his shoulder to watch the compilation that Xiaojiao had expertly edited on her phone for them all.
“The director gave me permission to use whatever I wanted and I though that… maybe we could all have it for ourselves,” Xiaojiao offered, pulling up the wireless transfer option on her phone. “To watch when we miss each other being on set together. I know we’re going to probably be back together with Red Son eventually! But…”
“I’ll miss shooting with you too,” Red said smiling softly as he pulled out his own phone to accept the file. “Hopefully Mr. Tang isn’t just teasing us about season 3.”
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cazimagines · 3 years
Hey! 🖤
If you are taking requests, what about headcanons about Laszlo dating an insecure reader that sometimes doesn't think they deserve him because they think they're not smart enough... not like I'm projecting or something 😅
Thank you for your time and I love your writing! ✨✨✨
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I feel you on this 😅
- John didn't want you involved in the case of the murdered boys, because after all, he thought that something like that would be too horrific for his younger sister to see and although you did find it all terribly ghastly you wanted to help as much as you could, and rather you quite enjoyed spending company with one of John's closest friends Dr. Laszlo Kreizler.
- You were always John's youngest sister, whenever he brought his friends from Harvard around for dinner and drinks he would simply mention you in passing as you watched them come in. "Ah yes this is my younger sister y/n Moore, bare her no mind, I believe the drinks are this way" and you adored your brother even if at times he seemed embarrassed by you, so you would try and get involved in their nights together but he would hurry you away. "This is no place for a young girl like you" he would tell you, pushing you out of the door which you found dreadfully unfair as you were only a few years younger than him.
- Laszlo caught your interest pretty quickly. He was the most introverted out of all of John's friends, usually standing at the side and just observing the door. But his quiet persona caught your interest. You tried to talk to him in the times John wasn't around to push you away and he was polite to you. He wasn't like John's other friends who treated you like a child, he spoke to you as if you were an adult on the same grounds at him. The conversation could be awkward, both of you not really sure what to say, but you enjoyed seeing him scramble for words, things to say to you.
- After John moved out you saw less and less of him, and you hardly saw Laszlo anymore which upset you deeply. Over the years you became a lady and was soon expected to court and marry. Already you were past the time most people married and people were starting to ask questions. Your family were trying to convince you to marry, including John but how could you ever marry when your heart already belonged to the Alienist. Your life had been relatevily easy, you never went to university like your brother as that was not what women did, instead you spent your days learning hobbies, going shopping with your friends, attending social events. The norms.
- You weren't really sure how you ended up involved in the murdered boys investigation, you suppose as you found out John was involved that was your ticket to involve yourself as well no matter how much it displeased him. Really you cared for all the boys and you wanted to capture this murderer, but you knew the real reason for helping was to be able to see Laszlo again after all these years.
- But you knew you weren't any help. How could you? You were simply a higher class woman with no skills within any of these areas, simply getting involved because she could. You were convinced any day now Laszlo would ask you not to help out anymore as you had no purpose. But he didn't. He allowed you to stay around even with John's complaining. He would often ask you questions that were bugging him, wanting to hear your opinion. Soon when he found John a bore he asked you to accompany him to dinner, or to the Opera, or even to the park to think. Eyebrows might have been raised at such requests, how much time you were spending together without courting but you didn't mind for you were over the moon at being able to spend all this time with him without your brother.
- Soon it was like you were spending every moment with him, to the point where even John was noticing and making remarks which you and Laszlo brushed off. But one evening this was all confronted. It was late at the institute, you and Laszlo had chosen to stay behind to go over some of the new information while John and Sara had left. To help you and Laszlo had a drink of wine, which lead to two drinks, which then lead to three. Soon enough you two were sitting in the chairs in his office, laughing and joking around.
- You were so happy, and as you looked upon him, seeing how bright his eyes were, how his cheeks were tinged red, you knew if you didn't say something now you would come to regret it. And so there in his office, late in the night and slightly drunk, you confess the love for him that you have kept within yourself for years, the love that you have every time he is near and how much you wish you could be Mrs. Kreizler instead of Miss. Moore.
- Laszlo paled and stumbled with his words. At first, you worried it might have been a mistake and hastily you move to leave the room embarrassed and ashamed. But Laszlo was quick to stop you, pulling you back towards him. From his lips tumbles the words about how he shouldn't, how you are John's little sister, how John would kill him. But then his lips meet yours and everything felt right. Everything was how it should have been.
- John got a dreadful shock the next day seeing you and Laszlo arm in arm. He almost collapsed on the spot if Sara hadn't caught him. He had to sit down with the both of you and talk about how the hell this had happened, what this meant for the future, accepting the fact that Laszlo was now to become his brother-in-law. But eventually, he admitted he was happy for both of you.
- Everything was perfect, the case was solved, you and Laszlo were happily married, it was everything you had ever dare dream about and yet you still felt out of place. Laszlo was a brilliant mind, you were amazed day after day by all the knowledge he had, how he was able to help your patients. Usually, when people met Laszlo they assumed his significant other would have the same brains as him, yet you didn't. You were just like every other upper-class woman.
- It's not as if you didn't try. While Laszlo was out you would go into his office and pick out a book, trying to read it in the hope of improving your knowledge but it didn't work. Nothing stuck in. You felt the room feeling worse than when you entered. You would often stare into the mirror trying to figure out why Laszlo decided to marry you because it obviously wasn't for your intelligence. Was it for your looks? Perhaps he felt pity that you confessed your love that he courted you as he would have felt bad otherwise, or could the worst situation be true and that it was because you were John's sister?
- Laszlo came home early one night and found you crying because of it. You hadn't meant for him to see you but you didn't even know he was there until he came into the room. He held you in his arm for a minute, rubbing your back and letting you cry into his chest so you can let it all out. Eventually, when your tears dried up gently he moved his arm to hold your head up, making you look at him. "You don't give yourself enough credit mine Liebling, I always value your opinion and deductions and you are skilled in ways you don't even realise. Intelligence isn't dependent on academic success."
- He knew. Of course, a brilliant mind of Laszlo knew what was wrong without you even needing to say a word. "I just feel like I don't deserve you Laszlo" you whisper and his eyes soften, "I often feel the same way y/n" he murmurs, "I feel like you deserve better, a man who can hold you with both his arms, who can offer you a life where people won't look down at you for marrying a social outcast. A man who can give you so much more than I can. And every day I wake up beside you and I wonder what a truly lucky man I've become"
- Even throughout all of the doubts the both of you had, each of you knew how much you loved each other and with that, it was enough to cast aside any insecurities and doubts the two of you might have had.
TAGS: @shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemosimp420 @kadeuuijib @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @mywinterivy @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl
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cyberstatic-fox · 2 years
so we've seen how sun reacts when he wakes without moon being there but how would moon react if he woke up and sun wasnt there?
Coming online is... a little bit of an experience for Moon. He's groggy and disoriented, head feeling preternaturally light, and despite the fact that he's just waking up, something feels terribly wrong. Like something's missing, something important.
Unfortunately for him, and for the technicians surrounding him, obliviously chatting away with one another, it takes time for memory to come online.
In the space between him coming aware and his memory core rebooting, Moon comes to the sudden realization that Sun is no longer in his head. Panic floods his system and on instinct, Moon seizes, hands scrabbling for his head only to come up short against elastic restraints. Confused and distressed, he bucks hard and another restraint makes itself known across his shoulders and midsection and he's stuck, he's trapped, he's trapped and they took his brother his Sun--
"Moon, stop, you're hurting yourself!"
The familiar voice is the only sound from the cacophony filling the room to pierce the haze filling Moon's head and he snaps back to awareness in an instant, memory finally slotting in with an almost-audible click. As quickly as he'd panicked, his body relaxes, and he breathes a long simulated sigh, shuttering his optics. "Right," he mumbles, "the migration. Right."
Beside him, Rookie visibly sags in relief, thumping their head into his chest. "Oh my God, Moon, you had me terrified."
"You?" He unshutters his optics to glare at them, wishing not for the first time for a more expressive faceplate so he could really get across how irritated he is. "Why don't you try waking up alone for the first time in your life?" he snaps, and he's regrettably neither delighted nor guilted by the way they flinch away. "See how you like half your brain missing."
"You're right," they say with a sigh, running their hand through their hair. They look exhausted, but Moon's too frustrated to care right now. "I'm sorry, I didn't think--"
Moon interrupts with a bitter, "Clearly," and ignores the look on their face to glare at the ceiling instead.
The silence from the other technicians around him is rather telling. And humorous. At least, it would be, but Sun's gone like a burning hole in his head and even though he's not actively panicking anymore, the anxiety is still there, simmering in the back of his mind, and it's hard to think about much else.
Speaking of. "Is Sun okay?" he asks after a moment. He can't remember much from the start of the process, just ghosts of what was going on while Sun was in the front. Since he woke up alone, then...
"He's fine," says Rookie softly. "Everything made it through. He's just resting now."
Oh. "Good."
"We need to plug you back in now, so we can get you ready for migration." Rookie holds up a cable -- the cable, the server connector that'll engage Maintenance mode. "I didn't want you to wake up paralyzed."
"Oh." That's... surprisingly thoughtful of them. Then again, this is the same person who, according to Sun, repaired them in a tech room instead of the cylinder because they'd noticed they don't like maintenance.
... Maybe he could be a little nicer.
Not that he's gonna apologize or anything. Moon forces himself to relax again, willing the anxiety from Sun's absence into the background. "Okay," he says after a moment, "I'm ready."
And with a click, his frame freezes, and the migration proceeds.
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sofiatheicequeen · 2 years
Sun and Moon x Reader Chapter Six
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I've been working here for a few weeks now, I feel like I have a good feel for how things are supposed to run here. Sun and Dusk are really nice for letting me stay in their room for now. But Moon is… weird. He will purposely stay off his charger and stare at me, it's kinda creepy. I found out that the pizza plex has a dorm for workers so I'll be staying there from now on. That's a nice thought to have, not having to return there every night. I am doing my normal morning greetings but Sun runs up to me. 
"Y/n I got glitter glue in my hair!" He says distressed. 
"I got you Sun, I'll help get it out." I go over to a sink and wet down a towel and start to rub the glue out of his hair. As soon as I get his hair dried he springs up as if nothing had ever gone wrong. 
" Thanks Y/n! You're a lifesaver!" He hugs me tightly. I blush like crazy with the outburst of energy and turn away from him so he can't see my face. 
"Yeah, no problem Sunny. Any time." I say, scurrying away from him, leaving him confused for a moment before he goes back to the kids to put on a puppet show for them. I hurried back to my  desk seeing that I got a text from someone. I read it and it says: 
"Hello, Y/n! Sorry for the abrupt message but we need you to cover the night shift as well as the one you are on now due to us receiving a notice that one of the animatronics in your area hasn't been getting a full charge in quite sometime now. It would be great if you could investigate the reasoning and, if possible, make it so that it can get a full charge everyday. We hope you have a nice day!
-Fazbear Family" 
"God damn it, I was hoping to get some sleep tonight.." I say under my breath. I then hear Sun yell across the daycare at me. 
"Language!!" I sigh. 
"Goodbye sleep, hello sleep deprivation hallucinations.." 
As soon as nap time came, I fell asleep on my desk to make sure I would be able to make it through the whole night without dying from lack of sleep. When I woke up from nap time, I found that there was a blanket on me. I then turn around and see Moon right up in my face.
“Ah!” I fell back from the surprise. Moon gets up in my face and starts to caress my face. I start shaking out of fear that he might hurt me. I push myself away from him and curl up. I peek from behind my arms to see Moon's face shift to a sad and devastated look. He backs away and connects himself to a cable and flies away. I get back up and collect myself from the strange situation that had just happened and look at the paperwork that I need to do. Need to finish it before my shift ends so I can make it through the night shift without having to worry about it later.
It was the night hours as I walked up to Moon. 
"Yo, dude, why aren't you charging during the day?" He turns to me. 
"Nothin’, just cuz.. There have just been more interesting things out during the day recently, so I have been trying to see them as much as I can." He says rubbing the back of his head with a hint of blue on his face. 
"Is that the only reason?" I am unsure of the reason that was given. 
"No. Just get on your charger, please. I want to sleep." I whine at him. 
"Only if you sleep in my arms tonight." he says, winking at me. Not paying much attention, I go up to him, giving him the grabby hands for him to pick me up as I pout. 
"Uppies." I say waiting for him to pick me up. He picks me up and smiles. He brings me up to his and his brothers’ room and lays me in the bed with him laying next me, getting ready to put himself in sleep mode. He grabs his charger and plugs himself in, starting the boot down process. 
In the background, Dusk and Sun have been watching the whole thing from afar. They high five each other in success. 
Later that night I wake up noticing I am being held by Moon. I just look at him and wrap my arms around him and pull myself close to him, making sure I feel safe and comfortable. He wakes up after I find a comfy position, drifting off to sleep again. Moon looks at me with a caring smirk on his face as he kisses my forehead and pulls me in close so that he can listen to my heartbeat to calm his nerves. He pets me gently with his long fingers as they run through my hair, he smiles with complete content and happiness. He gets closer to my ear and whispers. 
"I love you so, so much. I never want anything to happen to you, you're my precious moonbeam and I won't let anyone take you away." I hear those words as I am drifting off into my sleep, nuzzling closer to him.
Dusk P.O.V
"Bro, we finally did it! They aren't scared of him anymore!" 
"ooooo, did he use the winking method?" Sun says with excitement and curiosity. 
"I think he did, we can finally rest easy with them not hating him." I say looking satisfied with the results of what happened. I sit down on my bed and watch Moon and Y/n cuddle. 
"I kinda wish I was the one cuddling them, if I'm being honest." I say to myself in a whisper. Sun over hears me and looks at Y/n. 
"Oooooooo, is someone catching feelings for our little sunflower~?" 
"Damn it, Sun, don't you start with me." 
"Ooooooo~ someone's contracting feelings!" he says as he pokes me on the nose. 
"Sun stop. I am not catching feelings for them. Plus, why would I be? It's pointless to catch feelings for someone, cuz we know it will just end eventually." I say, looking over at Sun. He looks at me shocked by what I just said. 
"Dusk, it's alright to have feelings for someone. You just need to enjoy it while it lasts." he says in a gentle, caring voice, trying to cheer me up. I put my hand on his shoulder. 
"Thanks Sun, I needed that. But, just for your information, I don't have feelings for them." I walk away pouting.
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