#like besides potentially it being more sensitive skin is there any issue with it?
thornshadowwolf · 1 year
greatest battle of all time trait I don't actually like vs gender euphoria GO!!!
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nail-feminine · 5 months
Have you ever looked at a bottle of nail polish and wondered if it could be used for more than just your nails?
The idea of using nail polish on your face might sound unusual, or even a little risky, but believe it or not, there are some people who swear by this unconventional beauty hack.
So, can you really put nail polish on your face? In this article, we'll explore the possibilities and potential pitfalls of using nail polish as a cosmetic product, and whether it's safe or downright dangerous to do so.
Potential Risks
While the idea of using nail polish to create unique and vibrant eye or lip looks may be tempting, it's important to consider the potential risks involved.
Nail polishes are formulated with chemicals that are specifically designed for use on nails, not the delicate skin of your face. One common harmful ingredient is formaldehyde, which can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions when applied to facial skin.
Another chemical found in many nail polishes is dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which has been linked to hormone disruption and reproductive system issues.
Third Nail polishes contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that evaporate into the air and may be detrimental to your respiratory health if inhaled frequently or in high concentrations.
The typical well-ventilated conditions for applying nail polish on nails may not be sufficient when doing so on areas like your eyelids or lips, putting you at a higher risk for inhaling these fumes.
Rather than taking unnecessary risks with potentially harmful substances, it's always best to opt for makeup products that are specifically formulated for use on the face.
There are plenty of safe alternatives available today, such as eye shadows or lipsticks made from natural ingredients without harsh chemicals.
These options will allow you to experiment with different colors and looks while prioritizing both beauty and overall well-being. After all, true beauty should never come at a cost to our health!
Specific Consequences
Skin Irritation and Allergies
When it comes to applying nail polish on your face, one of the most significant risks is skin irritation or even allergies. Nail polishes contain a cocktail of chemicals, including formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which can be harsh on facial skin.
These ingredients have been known to cause redness, itching, swelling, and other allergic reactions in individuals with sensitive skin.
If you're someone with easily irritated or reactive facial skin, it's crucial to proceed with caution. Before slathering nail polish onto your cheeks or eyelids in an attempt to achieve vibrant colors or edgy looks seen on social media feeds, consider doing a patch test first.
Dab a small amount of the desired product on a discreet area (like behind the ear) and observe for any adverse reactions within 24 hours. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to experimenting with unconventional beauty techniques.
While using nail polish as makeup may seem like an innovative choice for bold eye looks or graphic liners - don't go there!
Applying nail polish near or around your eyes poses serious risks that can result in eye damage. Just imagine what might happen if you accidentally smear that indigo blue polish into your delicate peepers!
Besides the obvious pain and discomfort caused by accidental contact with the eyes (including potential corneal abrasions), many nail polishes contain harmful solvents like acetone that can wreak havoc on this extremely sensitive area. The fumes alone during application could also irritate eyes and lead to watering or stinging sensations.
our precious eyeballs deserve only gentle care from products specifically formulated for use around them—such as eyeliners labeled as safe for ocular areas. Opt for professional-grade makeup solutions and spare yourself unnecessary injuries while keeping those mesmerizing gazes intact.
Safe Makeup Products
When it comes to makeup, the key is to prioritize safety. There are many reputable cosmetic brands that offer non-toxic products specifically designed for facial use.
Instead of resorting to risky DIY alternatives like nail polish, consider exploring these options. Look for cosmetics that are made with high-quality ingredients and have been dermatologist-tested for safety.
By choosing these safe makeup products, you can achieve your desired looks without putting your health at risk.
Creative Techniques
If you're seeking vibrant and unique makeup looks but want to avoid using nail polish on your face, there are plenty of creative techniques you can try instead.
Experiment with different eyeshadows in bold colors or metallic finishes to create eye-catching effects. Lipsticks can also be used not only on the lips but as blush or even as colorful eyeliner!
limit yourself to just one product; explore the endless possibilities of makeup and let your creativity shine.
Nail Polish for Nails Only
It's important to stress that nail polish should only be used on nails due to its specific formulation. The ingredients in nail polish may not be suitable or safe for application on the delicate skin of the face.
Using nail polish on areas like the eyes, lips, or cheeks can lead to irritation, allergic reactions, and potential long-term damage. Remember, practicing safe beauty habits means prioritizing both our short-term and long-term well-being.
While nail polish might seem like a quick and easy fix for creating unique facial makeup looks, there are several reasons why it should be avoided.
First and foremost, the chemicals present in nail polish can cause skin irritation, redness, and even allergic reactions when applied to the delicate skin on your face. Additionally, many of these chemicals are not meant to be absorbed by the body through the skin, and their long-term effects remain unknown.
When it comes to experimenting with new trends or unconventional makeup techniques, safety should always be prioritized. Instead of reaching for that bottle of nail polish next time you want to create a bold look on your face, consider seeking professional advice from makeup artists or dermatologists who can recommend safer alternatives.
In fact, there are numerous cosmetic products available specifically designed for use on the face that offer vibrant colors and unique finishes without risking potential harm.
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topgearreviews · 2 years
How Much Do Ziplock Bags Weigh & Why Would You Care
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A ziplock bag is an airtight plastic container with a zipper for opening and closing. It can be used to store food items, such as grains, beans, or rice, to avoid spoiling. They typically come in different sizes, with most bags weighing less than 2 pounds. Ziplock bags are durable and are typically reused again and again. We shared a new way to how much do ziplock bags weigh & Why Would You Care.
The first time the term “ziplock” was used was during World War II by soldiers who were issued military gear; they referred to the packaging as a zip lock bag because of its ability to close tight without tearing (despite the product lacking many uses).
However, it is important to note that there are issues with using ziplock bags.
Ziplock bags can be a risk to those with allergies since they tend to be coated in plastic. In addition, anyone who uses these bags must be aware that it can become very difficult to remove residual food particles from the bag. This means that people with sensitive skin must be careful about using them for foods such as nuts and fish and for items like cosmetics and face masks. Many people who have used ziplock bags have claimed their hands became so dried out that their hands no longer could close together properly – this is an issue when using the bag for anything other than food or medicine.
Another issue that arises from using ziplock bags is the possibility of having them picked up by a magnet. This is because ziplock bags are made with metallic zippers, which can attract the magnetic material on credit cards and the like. Again, this is a problem for people with very sensitive skin because it means they must be careful about what they store in their bags.
One more major concern over time regarding using ziplock bags is their potential consequences on health and the environment. The harm caused by plastic bags has been widely reported; they are often found washed up on shorelines or floating in bodies of water worldwide. Fish and seabirds often mistake the bags for food, which leads to them being unable to digest the bags and dying from starvation. In addition, many of these animals are often eaten by other animals, causing the plastic bags to threaten the local ecosystem.
In addition, it has been reported that ziplock bags can cause death among animals such as dogs. This is because dogs tend to chew on whatever is around them – if a dog eats a zip lock bag, it could cause choking or be fatal due to blockage of the dog’s digestive tract.
Again, with their potential harm comes their potential benefit and reusability. They can keep food tasty and prevent items from becoming spoiled.
Temperature Of Ziploc Bags?
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Sure, Ziploc bags are good for storing things but do you know the temperature and the temperature range the ziplock bag can endure before bursting? I have a few questions regarding the temperature tolerance of zip lock bags.
How hot can it get?
How cold can it get?
Thank you for your time, and I appreciate it. I will use this information in an academic essay and would like to give credit where credit is due! Thank you very much!
The temperature at which a vacuum-sealed Ziploc bag will burst is affected by a few factors besides the vacuum seal itself.
First, the bag’s contents will determine how hot or cold you can store the bag. If it is a non-perishable food item, like cereal or flour, you can store it in a sub-zero freezer without causing any problems. However, if your Ziploc contains take-out Chinese food or something similar (which might spoil), you will want to keep it out of the freezer.
Second, the amount of air inside your Ziploc will affect its ability to withstand cold temperatures—more air in the bag = less heat that can be absorbed before bursting. Conversely, less air in the bag = more heat that can be absorbed before bursting. Do not store the contents of your Ziploc in a small space unless you want it to burst.
Foods that are perishable or non-perishable (like flour or rice) will have to be stored at room temperature. However, foods that do not need to be refrigerated can be stored in any temperature zone as long as they are sealed tight!
These are usually small bags with a zip top, so they are lightweight.
Ziplock bags are small and lightweight, which is a big part of why they are so popular. These days, we’re always looking for ways to minimize our travel luggage and maximize our packing space. Since ziplock bags are usually small and lightweight, they can easily be tucked into your carry-on bag or your purse without adding extra weight or too much space.
Additionally, these bags have an easy seal system that allows you to quickly seal them shut by simply pressing down on the zipper twice (the first time seals down all but one side of the bag). This makes it easy to store food items without worrying about spillage or leakage (as long as there aren’t any holes). In addition to being durable enough for storage purposes, zip locks come in different sizes—including large enough ones for storing bulky items like sweaters or jackets!
The standard-sized baggies weigh 0.08 ounces.
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If you have a bunch of ziplock bags lying around and want to know how much they weigh, the answer is 0.08 ounces—the weight of a one-gallon bag only and not the combined total weight of both bags contents.
This might sound like a lot when compared to other items in your home like toothpaste or chocolate syrup, but think about it this way: if you had 100 standard-sized ziplock bags (0.08 ounces each), they would weigh 8 tenths of an ounce which is less than 1/10th of an ounce!
This is the weight of a one-gallon bag only and not the combined total weight of the bag and its contents.
When you weigh a gallon Ziploc bag, you may find that it weighs more than 10 ounces. But this is not because the plastic is denser than water (it’s less dense)—the plastic itself weighs almost nothing. We can tell that there is something inside of it because of air pressure. When air pressure increases as volume increases, it creates a “buoyancy.” Buoyancy causes objects to float on water and air; when you swim underwater at the beach or dive into your pool for some fun with friends, you are experiencing buoyancy in action!
To help visualize how much space these Ziplock bags take up if they were filled with water instead of being empty: You could fill each gallon-sized bag about 10 times over with water before reaching its maximum capacity if all ten times were full from edge to edge (that’s about five pounds!).
FAQ: How much do ziplock baggies weigh?
A standard ziplock baggie weighs 0.5 ounces or 14.22 grams.
Ziplock bags are the most common sealable storage bags used to store and protect food from bacteria that might make it unsafe to eat.
How much does a plastic bag weigh?
A standard plastic grocery bag usually weighs around 15 grams – less than an ounce! Another plus is that they can be recycled, so there’s no need to throw them away and create more waste.
How many ounces is a Ziplock bag?
An average Ziplock bag, when full, contains 1.88 ounces of liquid.
A medium Ziplock bag averages 2 to 3.6 ounces, and a large one can hold up to 8 ounces of liquid.
A quart-sized Ziplock bag will contain approximately 5-6 cups of flour or other dry goods like sugar or rice.
A gallon-sized Ziplock bag will hold approximately 7.5 cups of dry goods, like flour, sugar, or rice.
How much do the little baggies weigh?
Amount of paper or tissue in a baggie
1 lb. = 16oz. 1 baggie = 17 grams (3/10th oz)
Can I use a gallon Ziploc bag at the airport?
Airport security has changed a lot over the last few years. Back in the day, you could bring all sorts of things, from sharp objects to your shampoo. But these days, there are new regulations regarding liquids and containers.
Final words:
How much do ziplock bags weigh? Depending on the brand, they can range in weight from 0.14 ounces to 0.36 ounces. A lighter-weight bag is more convenient for everyday use, but a heavier bag may be better for heavier items or longer-term storage.
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lokiskitten · 3 years
I NEED a part two of “first time”
Loki Laufeyson | first time pt2
Loki Laufeyson x fem!reader
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plot : ( refer to pt1 ) after experiencing a first intercourse together, Loki insists on crossing the path towards the end. With only the fear of being seen by the other variants holding you back, you end up agreeing to follow the excited man’s proposition.
warnings : smut, extremely short moment of none-con followed by a consent check up, mention of virginity loss ( male ), unprotected sex ( pls for the love of god wrap it ) and lowkey sub!Loki.
“Now that was... ah. Nice.” You affirmed tiredly, knees colliding with one another though your feet remained slightly parted. Your organism was still trying to wash away the orgasm you had just reached with Loki’s divine help. Meanwhile, the god of mischief carried on staring at your body, resembling a scientist who led an experience on the human anatomy. He wanted to ask a thousand questions, but didn’t feel brave enough to dare to open his mouth just yet. In fact, he felt as if he was disturbing an intimate and personal moment of yours. It nearly managed to make the god feel flustered and awkward.
Looking closer, Loki was able to spot your own love juice dripping out of your entrance, coating your swollen lips and settling a deep emotion of lustful hunger within his soul. He wanted more, he needed more- and only you could potentially satisfy his crippling and frustrating sexual appetite at the moment. His hands rested on your knees, forcefully parting your thighs before he allowed himself to slip in between. Upon feeling a weight suddenly add up against your own mass, your eyelids moved open which allowed you to make eye contact with Loki. You felt surprised to see him there, and even more surprised to witness him behaving in such a way.
“What are you doing?” You asked, attempting to move your chest up with the help of your elbows- which led Loki to back away to sit down on his knees between your legs. “Well, I’m doing the thing. Isn’t that what people do next?” He explained, earning a frown from your shocked self. Though, you were still willing to be patient with him. “No, you always ask. Always. Do you understand?” You affirmed seriously, earning a shy nod from the demigod who didn’t really enjoy to be treated like a child. Though his aim wasn’t to ruin this moment by starting unnecessary drama- especially as he appeared to be in the wrong. But once this small moment of embarrassment had passed by, Loki felt like explaining the reason to why he appeared so frustrated.
“Look, I have a very painful..” he began, only to end up being cut off by your staring self who admired the long shape traced from within his pants. It was too big to miss. “Boner.” You finished before looking up at him, earning an embarrassed gasp coming from the demigod. “And I really want you.” He finished on a nearly sorrowful tone adding up to a puppy face- a note that managed to reach your heart. You shot a glare at the small wooden cabin in which Mobius and the other variants were having dinner, anxiety taking over your organism at the thought of potentially being seen or caught by them. “I don’t know..” You explained, earning a frown from Loki sitting before you who didn’t appear to understand why you were refusing the offer after you had both experienced such fun.
“Aw come on. What could possibly go wrong?” He cheered, giving your shoulder a gentle fist kick in order to lift the mood. Unfortunately, you couldn’t help but remain stoic. “Well, loads of things in fact.” You responded, leading Loki’s smile to drop instantly. “What if we get caught? That would be an embarrassment I’d never be able to get over. Not to mention the whole pregnancy issues if your princess self isn’t capable of pulling out at the right time.” You carried on, offering Loki multiple exemples to why this upcoming sexual intercourse could possibly go wrong. Ironically enough, he appeared more concerned and offended over the fact that you had just called him princess rather than getting worked up about the horrible consequences program you had just settled.
After spending a couple of seconds making useless eye contact with the raven haired man, you ended up breaking this one in order to shoot another glance towards the wooden cabin. The surroundings appeared calm, which managed to ease your anxiety. Besides, after leading you to cum in such an incredible way, you believed that maybe Loki deserved a release too- adding up to the fact that you’d feel proud to be the woman who would take care of breaking through his virginity. Turning your head back towards his, a nod was the only gesture that escaped your body. It instantly managed to lift the demigod’s mood. “Really?..” Loki asked, and that in order to make sure you weren’t tricking him, the most famous trickster.
“Yeah, lets give it a try.” You responded on a friendly tone, a discreet smile adorning your features as you watched Loki summon a blanket for the two of you. He had probably noticed the way you appeared to avoid dust with the help of your pants, and wanted to offer you better then this piece or clothing to protect your sensitive skin. However, he appeared to organize this upcoming event in quite a religious way. He made sure to keep the blanket flat against the floor, brushing away the wrinkles until you finally stopped him by taking ahold of his wrist. “This is the part where you take your clothes off.” You affirmed, underlining the fact that he probably should stop worrying about the wrong matters especially as you were running out of time.
“Oh, right right.” He answered politely, taking a seat on the green pled before he began to precariously unbutton his TVA shirt. You watched as his tone muscles were revealed, his abs shifting as he got rid of his upper piece of clothing for good. This checkpoint led you to look up at his greenish eyes again, the two of you exchanging a smile before he began to go for his belt. The shape of his hard member was still visible through his trousers, a length that would soon be set free once Loki would finally get rid of his pants. No shame or embarrassment seemed to fill his organism upon his lower clothes being pulled down to his knees- his crotch being revealed to your respectful sight. In contrary, Loki appeared more than proud of himself for finally getting to go through such a thing, which held him back from accumulating negative emotions.
Your two naked selves then laid down on the blanket, wrapping your arms around one another’s body and engaging in a rather friendly but passionate hug. You enjoyed this warm and safe physical contact, and you expected Loki to enjoy it too. The sensation of his moist tip rubbing against your stomach only made it better- as you still felt amazed regarding the size of his member. It combined both generous length and girth, and was also gifted with the perfect shape any woman, or man, could ever ask for. “You smell nice..” he affirmed, his nose being stuck to the crook of your neck as you happily passed your hands through his black hair. He ended up looking up at you, pressing a shy and respectful kiss to your lips. You smiled.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to roll around, switching to Loki now resting on top of you. He smiled down out you out of pure excitement, his tip already trying to find a way into your entrance- as clumsy as his hips could be. After taking notice that he appeared to have a hard time lining himself up with your hole, you slipped a hand down between your legs and gave his balls a gentle caress, earning a couple of sensitive moans coming from your excited partner. However, your hand then proceeded to slither it’s way up his shaft, delicate digits wrapping around this one’s girth in order to move it to where it should and wanted to be. When you felt like Loki was now ready to carry on on his own, your hand made its way back up to his shoulder before passing underneath his arm and wrapping around his smooth and muscular back.
The raven haired man looked down at you with slight panic in his eyes upon being aware that a single hip thrust of his could begin the intercourse, his shoulders now having to carry a great responsibility he simply wasn’t ready to fail. Unfortunately, Loki once again appeared to struggle with pushing himself in. Even when looking down at your crotch, he still didn’t manage to properly slide inside of you. However, upon taking notice of his distress again, you agreed to slip your hand back down to his groin, taking a gentle hold of his shaft which you locked between your thumb and index finger before offering him a little bit of help regarding penetration. Thankfully, his cock was now able to slide inside of you on it’s own even if it remained a slow process.
Moving your hand away, you allowed Loki to fully take over the penetration process as you watched his facial expressions clench and contract. Eventually his eyelids shut close, hips colliding with yours as his tip dangerously brushed against your sensitive cervix. You could tell that this was brand new for him, and that he visibly had a hard time handling it. “You’re doing amazing.” You affirmed empathetically, your hand gently caressing his flexed biceps. Meanwhile, Loki couldn’t help but focus onto the warmth your walls provided him, his brain still attempting to process how nice it felt to finally get to be coated in a woman’s love juices. It was tight, moist, and warm- long story short : the perfect environnement for his needy member.
“Maybe try to give moving a try..” you proposed shyly, your organism beginning to feel more than overwhelmed by Loki’s filling presence inside of you. After hearing about this offer, Loki began to slowly back away from your crotch, shiny length, which was coated in your love juice, sliding out of you with relative ease. The two of your moaned, though you appeared calmer than your friend at first- who you didn’t forget was currently going through his first intercourse ever. Therefore, judgment wasn’t present. It didn’t take long for a regular thrusting process to take place, your overly sensitive walls nicely reacting to the friction caused by Loki’s cock especially after getting to orgasm beforehand. Your arms remained wrapped around his back, the two of you rocking back and forth against the green blanket.
“You’re doing so good..” you whispered in his ear, eyelids remaining closed as your hand had now taken ahold of his long raven hair. Your main goal was to enhance him through this event, and give him the happiness and recognition he clearly deserves as a bed partner. However, your natural tightness adding up to the more than large size of his girth was overstimulating Loki’s genitals, sending shockwaves of pleasure down his shaft and straight into his tensed balls which repetitively bumped against the area located beneath entrance. “Don’t forget to- to pull out.” You begged breathlessly, his thrusts becoming more primal and intense now that he had gained some extra self esteem regarding the situation.
You couldn’t help but grow worried and work yourself up over this intercourse’s potential end, wondering if the man on top of you was going to be able to control himself and pull out before his cum could penetrate into your womb. Thankfully, this annoying state didn’t last for long and you soon found yourself lost into lust again. Your arms wrapped around his neck, teeth gently biting down onto his earlobe as you allowed yourself to tug on it in a primal yet harmless manner. Loki seemingly appeared to appreciate this move, another wave of moans exiting his mouth as he unexpectedly pulled out of your cunt in order to allow his own hand to wrap around his shaft.
A couple of pumps were enough to see white liquid spring out of his urethra, the sperme landing on your stomach and staining your delicate skin. You were both left breathless, for nearly the exact same reason as one another. Resting your hand onto your chest, you panted whilst looking down at the substance on your tummy which appeared surprisingly appetizing. “Loki..” you moaned gently, fingers brushing against one of the stained parts of your stomach before you brought your digit up to your lips. Even if you hadn’t tasted many, his cum appeared different than the rest on the gustative level. “That was amazing.” You affirmed with a smile, extending your arm for him to join you on the blanket. You were craving for his touch, more than you had ever craved anything before.
[ part one available right here ]
As requested, here’s part two! I hope it was enjoyable for you guys to read. Don’t hesitate to leave feedback, it means tons. Stay safe and happy❤️
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RE8 Ladies + S/o with chronic pain HCs
Type/cause of chronic pain is kept ambiguous, but some of the hcs might seem geared towards migraines, since that's the main thing that I personally struggle with (and these are very definitely comfort hcs). Features Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Donna, Mother Miranda, and as a 'lil bonus Ava. Not particularly long, but the combined length of every character is enough to be put under a read-more (About 2,500 words in total).
It’s difficult for her to know that you are suffering, but be unable to deal directly with the source of the problem. Chasing off unwanted nuisances or hunting down threats to the castle was one thing, trying to solve complicated medical issues was another thing entirely. If only she could tear your condition asunder without tearing you asunder.
That being said, she’ll still support you endlessly, however she can. It doesn’t matter how expensive or hard-to-access possible treatments are. If there’s something you haven’t tried, and are interested in trying, she’ll find a way for you to get it.
The biggest, and arguably most helpful, thing that she does is set up a space for you within her office. She spends quite a lot of time there for her family’s business, but doesn’t want to leave you alone on bad days. So this was her idea of a nice compromise.
There’s a very comfortable sofa that folds out, a cabinet filled with the softest blankets, and several pillows of a few different sizes. Servants are instructed not to interrupt Alcina’s work without good reason, but she has a couple who ensure your snack cabinet is always well stocked.
If there are certain environmental factors to your condition, such as sensitivity to light and sound, she does her best to reduce their effects. Lights remain dimmed (or she’ll rely on candlelight), her music will be kept quiet enough to be soothing, and she’ll refrain from taking any calls while you are with her.
To think that Daniela once tried to claim that Bela would “never need to know any of that (medical) stuff”! Sure, there haven’t been many people who have needed (and received) treatment from her, but that didn’t mean the skill was useless. Admittedly, she doesn’t know enough to replace one of your doctors, or try to create her own version of a cure, though no one really expected that much from her.
Still, she knows enough to help soothe your pain. Obviously there are different techniques for different kinds of pain, and she does research before trying anything specific. Bela’s also aware that you’ve been dealing with this for far longer than she has, meaning that you probably wouldn’t be pleased if she came in, acted like an expert, or assumed that you hadn’t really thought about the most popular remedies. So she’s tactful with how she approaches things, always checking if you’re familiar with a subject before she tries to explain anything.
Bela ends up surprising you with a lesser-known skill of hers: Massage. Studying anatomy has given her a decent idea of the body’s more sensitive spots, and the rest she’s figured out through her own, ahem, experiences. Regardless of where you’re in pain, your girlfriend can help reduce your suffering. Okay, well, if your pain is more internal than external, it’s a bit harder for her, but she can still help you relax.
One of her favorite things to do after giving you a massage is to just pull you in close for some cuddling. Preferably you’ll be in her lap, with her arms around your waist, her chin tucked on top of your shoulder. Then she’ll do her best to whisper you praises, reminding you how strong you are, and that she’s incredibly proud of you.
She’s, uh, not great at this. At least not at first. Maybe she’ll never be more than good at it, though. But she’s definitely trying! And learning! By Jove, that’s something, right?
First things first, she’s always ready to try to distract you, primarily through kisses and gentle touches. Fingers softly trailing over your skin, lips tickling your neck, featherlight in all the right places… It’s not inherently sexual (though it can quickly go that route if you ask), just intimate. It’s harder for your brain to process pain when you’re also processing pleasure, so there is some science behind Cassandra’s methods, even if she herself isn’t entirely aware of that.
While she’s not great with words, there are certain things that she manages to articulate well enough. For one, she makes sure you know that you aren’t a burden. Taking care of you- no, helping you take care of yourself- is a labor of love, if a labor at all. More than that, she knows full well that you probably don’t like feeling pitied, or coddled. That, over time, being sick ends up being beyond frustrating. She never wants you to feel like your condition defines you, or like it puts any strain on your relationship.
That said, she’ll avoid telling her family any specifics unless you do first, and ensures that the staff know how to accommodate you (without telling them why, because it’s none of their fucking business, and she’s their boss, and for fuck’s sake it’s their job to do what she tells them. Maybe she gets a lil bit overzealous with it). At no point will she ever complain about helping you, or otherwise indicate that your needs are “troublesome”.
At the end of the day, the best comfort she brings you is her presence, simply being near you, endlessly loyal, tireless in her affections. Especially considering she gets clingier the worse your symptoms get.
Hope you enjoy cuddling. Seriously. There’s nothing Daniela loves more than curling up with you, and that goes double for bad pain days. Some adjustments will be made position-wise if you need, but she’ll still hold you as close as possible, for as long as you need. Although she might eventually fall asleep (because damn are you comfy), she’ll play with your hair or run her fingers along your scalp until she eventually dozes off.
If you want a little more from her than light snoring, or if she feels like going above and beyond, or honestly just if she’s thinking about how much she loves you (so all the effing time), she’ll do something she’s always loved in movies/books: Reading to you! She’ll pick special books that neither of you have read before, so you can experience them together on your sick(er) days. Which does, of course, mean that it might take months to finish even a single one. Surprisingly, Daniela won’t even briefly consider reading any without you. Even if the plot is really good.
But, uh, if you wanted her to read to you on a day where you aren’t bedridden? Hell yes, my friend, she’s absolutely down for that!
On days where she’s too busy to spend hours upon hours in bed with you, or days where her ADHD is just particularly bad, she tries her best to leave you with a “substitute”. AKA a massive fucking teddy bear, in a reddish brown color, with a green bowtie. Custom ordered (The Duke did not dare tease her for it). There’s a heart stitched onto the stuffed animal’s chest, which features your first initial alongside a D for Daniela.
Additionally, she has a blanket she only brings out for you, which she periodically sprays with her favorite perfume. That way you can hold it close when she’s not around, as if you were cuddling her. For her sake, though, don’t hold the teddy bear or blanket too tightly when she is around. Homegirl here will get jealous of inanimate objects, even ones that she gave you.
“I think I have a tea for this…” Damn right she has a tea for this. Donna has a massive garden, with dozens if not hundreds of different plants, including a variety of herbs/spices. At least one of them has to be a little helpful for you. Whether it relieves pain, helps you nap off some of your misery, or just distracts you by tasting bloody-well delicious! Besides, few things make you feel quite as loved as holding a cup of freshly brewed tea in your hands, knowing your lover made it just for you. Like a hug in a mug, it is!
Similarly to Alcina, Donna will also try to create a comfortable space for you, but isn’t likely to put it downstairs with her workshop. Instead she’ll let you take over one of the larger guest rooms, customizing it to suit your specific needs. There will be some easy to care for plants for decoration (ones that won’t mind potentially missing out on natural sunlight), a couple relaxing paintings, and a shelf near the bed with things to help you pass the time, mainly books.
Furthermore, she’ll do her best to keep you company as often as possible. She’s naturally a fairly quiet person, so you won’t have to worry about sound if that’s something you’re sensitive to. While she prefers using a sewing machine, she’ll do things by hand while you’re in pain, just to reduce the chances of you getting irritated by the sound.
Speaking of potentially irritating sounds… by god can Angie be difficult to be around when you’re ill. Thankfully, Donna is perfectly understanding of this, and, as the only person Angie ever listens to, makes sure to give the doll a stern talking to about your health. To your immense surprise, it actually works. You’re not exactly sure what was said, but Angie certainly becomes a lot more compensating afterwards. She’ll keep her antics to herself, and usually even on another side of the house from where you rest, but only for as long as you’re tucked away in your room. As soon as you set foot outside, her restraints are metaphorically removed. All hell breaks loose (as is her universe-given right as the physical embodiment of both Chaos and Entropy).
Mother Miranda:
If the two of you weren’t lovers, there’s a decent chance you would completely misinterpret her actions. She might come off as irritated, like she has bigger concerns than your health, you fragile little human. After all, she is a goddess (well, practically). But the truth is that she’s aching inside every time you have a bad pain day, knowing that (for once) she cannot cure your ailment. Maybe if she had infinite subjects with the same condition as you…
But, at the end of the day, that’s the problem. There’s only one of you. One of her beloved, her little human darling, so dangerously fragile in comparison to the scale she works on. Even with all the time in the world, which she most certainly has, she cannot cure you without taking incredible risks. With your life at stake… It is a gamble she refuses to take. You are hers, and while she hates to see you suffer, the truth is that she’ll always be selfish enough to let you endure on your own.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t help, though, just that she doesn't do a full-out experiment on you. Instead, she keeps notes. She’ll track your activities, bedtimes/when you get up, dietary habits, when you have pain, what you do to treat said pain, how effective the treatments are, etc, etc. All of this can be very useful in establishing patterns (a skill she’s gotten very good at, in her many decades of being a scientist), which can in turn lead to less pain days.
(For example, many people with migraines find that certain foods seem to trigger a migraine, or at least increase the chances of getting one. Though admittedly they don’t always end up cutting the food out of their diet. I mean, come on, you want me to give up chocolate? You want me to drink normal milk, like an adult? Kidding, kidding, I don’t have any food triggers. Nor do I particularly enjoy chocolate milk, nor do I dislike it.)
Moving on! While her work seemingly takes precedence over your condition, Miranda is not heartless, and she does do some things to lend you more direct comfort. Specifically, she tries to work in the same room as you when she can, normally while making electronic copies of physical documents, or while looking over the details of a finished experiment. She’s not always one for cuddling, so she won’t often get in bed with you during the daytime. But at night? Yes, fine, she will wrap her arms around you, maybe one of her wings too if you like how soft they are.
Just don’t think that she secretly loves every second. It’s not like she’ll spend half an hour whispering about how sweet and adorable you are as soon as you fall asleep, or anything like that. It’s twenty minutes at the most.
Bonus!Avaskian Caldwell:
“Oh, fuckin’ mood!” Followed by a solid thirty seconds of pure regret. Seriously, though, Ava has spent xer entire life (starting at age 10) dealing with chronic migraines. For a while xe also dealt with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), which meant lots of chest pain, but that (thankfully) faded as xe grew into an adult, as is fairly common with the condition. If anyone in Castle Dimitrescu understands unrelenting, unexplainable pain, it’s xer.
That being said… Ava never really managed xer chronic pain, at least not when xe was at xer worst. Xe had to drop out of school because of it. Hell, xe didn’t have a “real” job until xe was almost 23! Didn’t have a chance until things just calmed down for xer. So xe gets anxious whenever you talk about your health, worried that things are (or will at some point be) as bad for you as they were for xer. Other than that, though, you might initially think that xe doesn’t care, or didn’t understand the conversation.
Truth is, xe knows how absolutely fucking ANNOYING it can be to have to explain your health to every new person you meet (like the dozen different doctors you’ve met over the years, possibly every nurse who takes your pulse and thinks it’s a little bit high). So xe did a shit ton of research on your condition, in order to reduce how much you need to explain. Sure, xe will still have questions, and there are always aspects that only you can tell xer, but it’s a nice gesture.
As for helping you destress, xe’s pretty much a mix of Bela and Miranda. You’ll get plenty of massages (because Ava has learned from personal experience what sort of touches help with which sorts of pain), but also some scientific insight on any noticeable patterns. Lots of holding you close and telling you that you’re the coolest person in the world, and that Ava feels beyond lucky to have you.
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citrusdarling7 · 3 years
Kinktober Day 5- Corruption Kink with The Darkling
summary- the leader of Ravka’s Second Army takes a special interest in his innocent new solider, you
cw- kinda manipulative behavior, loss of virginity, use of “y/n” once, use of the word “sir”, and the Darkling himself is a warning lmfao
Shadows danced across the palace walls in an unnatural rhythm. All of the curtains were drawn and the only sound that could be heard was the occasional clunk of boots. Oprichniki guards were surely patrolling the halls, but they were the least of your worries.
Truthfully, you were unsure of why the Darkling had requested your company tonight. You had been told by a maid that he needed the help of a Corporalki to test some sort of new Fabrikator device. But you had only been in the Little Palace for a mere month, and surely someone with more experience would be of more use to him. Nonetheless, you stood waiting outside of his quarters at exactly midnight, just as you had been requested to do.
Suddenly, the long door slid open, creaking on its hinges. The Darkling stood tall in his dark kefta as a satisfied smile graced his face. You inclined your head slightly to show your respect for the general.
“Y/n. You look lovely, as always. Come in and join me.” He stepped to the side, allowing you room to pass. As you entered the dark quarters, you watched him wave away two nearby Oprichniki.
This was your first time visiting the Darkling’s private rooms, and you were more than impressed. A round table in the war room depicted all of Ravka, along with its neighbouring countries. A variety of little figurines had been placed over certain cities and trade routes. Beside it, there was a smaller table that sat next to a bursting bookshelf. The country’s emblem had been stitched to a large banner which hung from what you assumed to be a window.
“The new kefta suits you. It was a shame that the old one was wrecked beyond repair.” He reached for your sleeve, then stopped for a visual confirmation of consent. Proud to be wearing your Grisha colors, you held your left arm out to him. The Darkling admired the material between his fingers, most likely impressed with the work of one of his loyal Fabrikators.
“Thank you, Sir. Grisha technology is still so new to me, yet incredibly intriguing. Where is the new device I am meant to test?” You had glanced around the room, but seen nothing that looked as if it needed a Corporalki to operate it.
“Ah, about that. Forgive me, but I may have lied a bit to get you here,” he told you with narrowed eyes. You took a step closer, interested in what the general had to say. “The matters I wish to discuss with you tonight are rather confidential.”
Ohh. This was a matter of war and politics. Well, now you understood why he had sent those two guards away. Before you realized your abilities, your studies in Balakirev had been focused on international relations. It made sense that he would come to you.
“Is there a particular issue you wish to seek my counsel on?” The Darkling closed the gap between you, unknowingly pressing your back against the edge of the circular table.
“You’re too innocent for your own good, especially considering your status as a Heartrender,” he laughed, his hand brushing your hair behind your ears. Unsure of how to respond to his sudden, you meekly smiled up at him.
“Since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that I needed to make you mine.” Cold fingers traced your jawline as he spoke.
“I am yours. I answer to my general, as any good soldier would,” you told him. You had concluded that this was a test of your loyalty, which made sense, seeing as you were still a fairly new recruit to the Second Army. “I would slit my throat before I join forces with the Shu Han or the witch-hunting Fjerdans.” The Darkling let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head.
“Although I admire your undying loyalty to Ravka, that is not what I meant. Saints, you truly are clueless.” You frowned, a bit angry that he would say such a thing. Although the mastery of your Heartrender abilities was still coming along, you considered yourself to be decently intelligent. “Do not fret, pretty girl. I did not summon you here to reprimand you. Your training is coming along wonderfully,” he assured you.
“Then Sir, why am I here?” He chose to non-verbally answer your question by grabbing your face and pulling you in for a rather passionate kiss.
You would never admit it to any of your fellow Grisha, but you had never been kissed before. In that moment, it was everything that you had ever imagined. The Darkling gripped the back of your head with both of his hands as his lips worked against yours, sending waves of euphoria down your spine. His tongue invaded your mouth, his teeth nipping at your lower lip.
When you finally forced yourself to push him away out of a need for breath, you realized how wrong this was. A reflective surface nearby revealed that your lips were flushed red and your hair was completely askew. Immediately, you headed for the door.
“Wait a moment,” the Darkling requested. His hands snaked around your waist from behind, successfully trapping you in his grip. “I apologize for being so forward with you. But Saints, you have ignored all of my previous advances! I simply wanted to confirm that you were interested.”
“Advances,” you spoke in a shaky breath. “Sir, what advances?”
“Was it not obvious? The flowers delivered to your room, the introduction to the royal family, the new kefta. Why else would I have been so welcoming to a Heartrender who came to my army nearly ten years late, with absolutely no battle skills whatsoever, if not for my clear desire?”
“I thought you saw potential in me,” you admitted. He laughed again, although this time it upset you.
“You are quite beautiful, but not of much use to me or the Second Army. A Heartrender who refuses to kill is like a dog that doesn’t bark.” Your face blossomed with shame at his reminder. He was right; you had made it clear to all of your instructors that you would not take a life. “Do not fret, pretty girl. I would reckon that all you need is a bit of corruption. Some darkness put into you.” The Darkling’s lips met the crook between your collarbone and neck. He nipped at your skin while humming quietly to himself.
“What do you mean?” you asked nervously.
“Let me ruin you; wreck that glowing innocence of yours. I will show you pleasure beyond what you have ever imagined,” he propositioned as one of his hands started to fumble with the fastenings of your kefta. His hot mouth against your skin made it so that the pit of your stomach felt as if it was on fire. “If you ask nicely, I might even be gentle.”
Making a spur-of-the-moment decision, you shrugged your kefta off your shoulders and turned to face the man. Dark eyes met yours as you wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. You silently prayed that the Saints would forgive you for the mistake you were currently making.
This time around, the kiss quickly escalated. Strong arms lifted and positioned you on the table, scattering about dozens of figurines and notes. The Darkling hastily removed his own kefta while you discarded your boots and woolen stockings. Underneath your red Grisha coat was a simple black dress.
“My color looks wonderful on you,” he praised you as his hands slid under your dress. You whimpered in surprise and anticipation as two of his fingers gripped the waistband of your undergarments and pulled them down. He had to manually bend your knees to get the garment completely off of you, seeing as your body was too overwhelmed to do much.
“My pretty girl, has a man ever touched you before?” The Darkling’s fingers grazed against your bare core while he awaited your response.
“N-Never like that, Sir,” you told him, attempting to hang your head to shield your reddening face. He used his free hand to grab your chin and yank it upwards.
“Good. I want you all to myself.” His digits trailed gently across your cunt, collecting your arousal with every swipe. “So wet for me,” he hummed in approval. Two fingers penetrated you suddenly, eliciting your body to lean forward into his. Once again, your lips met his in a fiery kiss.
As his fingers continuously thrusted into your sensitive cunt, it became harder and harder for you to concentrate on the kiss. Small moans left your mouth every few seconds as the pleasure continued to grow.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed in between heavy pants. Your head fell between the crook of his neck as the Darkling added another finger, which increased the sensations you were feeling by ten-fold.
“Does that feel good, pretty girl?” Unable to form a coherent response, you opted to nod your head and whimper. The general’s fingers left you, leaving your cunt aching and clenching over nothing. “I think you’re ready for the real thing.”
Before you could process anything that had just happened, you were lying on black bed sheets in a very dark room as the Darkling attacked your neck with his lips. His bare cock was hard against your thigh. You were so overwhelmed by everything happening that you had yet to notice anything abnormal in his sleeping chambers.
“Give me your hand,” he demanded suddenly. You obeyed, although hesitantly. “It’s going to hurt at first. Dig your nails into my palm if you must.”
Without warning, he lined himself up to your entrance and began to slowly stretch your walls. You bit against your lip and clamped your eyes shut in an attempt to ignore the sharp pain. The Darkling pressed his forehead against yours as he let out a low groan.
“Saints, you’re fucking tight. You take me so well.” You had the sudden urge to claw at his back, which you acted on. As he bottomed out inside of you, your fingernails drew blood from his skin.
At least, they should have. When you retracted your hands, you were surprised to find no trace of blood. Perhaps your Grisha abilities had finally shown up in a most unexpected way. The Darkling came to a similar realization.
“My pretty girl, I am going to have so much fun with you.”
(tagging some of you hotties even tho idk if you’re a grishaverse fan) (if you’re tired of getting tagged in my kinktober stuff lmk!)
@brriley @b-aobao @ravenriddlewrites @littlemulattokitten
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party favors
Peter Quill x Reader
Prompt: “the noises you make are incredible”
Summary: the guardians are at a high-society party being held in their honor after ronan’s attack on xandar. quill is easily bored however, and issues you a challenge in the midst of it.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, sex in public, borderline/potential exhibitionism, adult language,
Word Count: 1,956
Got a Request? Prompt list for: tony | clint | quill
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“If I’d known it was gonna get you all dolled up and in a dress, I would have teamed up with a bunch of homicidal misfits and risked our lives to save an entire planet from a power-crazy warlord way sooner.”
You were surprised out of your relaxed reverie by Peter’s joking voice in your ear, smiling as you felt him wrap his arms around your middle. He rested his chin on your shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to the side of your neck. You breathed a quiet laugh as his stubble tickled your throat, taking a sip of your drink as you stepped out his embrace and turning to face him. You straightened his collar with your free hand.
“You make everything we went through seem so trivial.” you replied, rolling your eyes as he took your drink from your hand and finished it. “And I was drinking that.”
He set the empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray, stepping closer to you with a teasing smirk. “Fancy getting out of here?”
“It’s barely been two hours.” you pointed out, amused. The two of you were surrounded by the rich and powerful of Xandar and what seemed like every high-ranking official of the Nova Corps. It had been a month since the defeat of Ronan, and you’d all been invited back for a black-tie gala celebrating both the victory and Rhomann Dey’s resulting promotion.
The notion of free food and top shelf booze had been enough to convince the crew to return, and you’d spent the last two hours mingling and keeping a watchful eye on the more unpredictable members of the crew.
“So, you’re supposed to be making sure Rocket doesn’t rob anybody.”
“Gamora can handle it,” he shrugged, reaching out to skim his fingertips down your arm to your hand and closing the remaining distance between you. “And Drax is busy tormenting Dey. We’re in the clear.”
You raised a brow with a smile, leaning into his touch as his hand claimed your hip. “What about the speeches?”
“Exactly.” he replied easily. He leaned in, brushing his lips over the sensitive skin below your ear. “If we leave now, we can spare ourselves the boredom.”
You wet your lips, eyelids fluttering closed briefly as his hand moved from your hip to grip at your backside, pulling you to him. You were standing towards the back of the room, all but sparing you any potential audience for the affectionate display. “And if they want the Milano’s captain to speak?”
He took hold of your hands with a cocky, reckless grin that promised mischief, dragging you playfully into a nearby alcove. He turned, pressing you against the wall and pinning your hands by your sides. He brought them up by your shoulders, fingers sliding down over your palms to wrap around your wrists. His body was flush against yours, the heat of him through the thin material of your dress sending shivers down your spine. “I guess we’ll just have to stay nearby, then. Won’t we, baby?”
His lips met yours fiercely, and your protests melted into a moan, muffled against his mouth as his tongue met yours. You felt yourself melt into his embrace, arguments forgotten, and your fingers twitched, eager to wrap your arms around his neck. Your teeth grazed his bottom lip as he slung his hips into yours, and Quill chuckled against your lips at your sudden eagerness.
He only pulled away when your chest began to burn for air, and it heaved as you inhaled, your head spinning. You arched your neck to catch his lips again and he grinned, instead leaning in to trail his lips over your jaw and down the side of your neck. He released your wrists to take a possessive hold of your hips instead, and you gripped at the front of his jacket, holding him to you. Quill’s fingers bunched in your dress, sending the silky fabric gliding up your thighs. You hummed at the sensation, his lip tickling your throat as you cast a wary glance towards the main hall as music played on.
Quill had pulled you into a small alcove off the side of the main room, your bodies almost completely hidden by the large, ornamental floral arrangement beside you. Still, you could see people as they passed, dancing and talking. Any one of them could turn and notice the two of you, and yet you didn’t want to push him away. If anything, it spurred you on, and you urged him closer, kissing him again as he took hold of your thigh and brought it up to rest against his hip.
You hooked your leg around his, breath catching as Peter broke your kiss and instead pressed his lips to your sternum. His hand smoothed up your leg, your dress bunching with it, goosebumps following him as he bore your leg to the room. His fingers dug into your flesh, and his other hand cupping the side of your face as he pressed a fleeting kiss to your lips again.
He gave you a charming, arrogant smirk before moving to his knees in front of you, hooking your thigh over his shoulder instead. Your eyes widened, and you smacked his hand as it moved from your cheek down to your other leg, pausing to squeeze your breast teasingly. He snickered as you did, the sound muffled against your leg as he turned his head and bit your thigh teasingly.
“You can’t be serious!” you hissed, fisting your hand in his hair and glancing warily at a passing waiter. He was oblivious to the two of you, and you bit your lip to stop a whimper as Peter pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the inside of your thigh. His teeth grazed against the sensitive skin, his hand sliding up your other leg and hooking in your underwear. “Peter, if we get caught—”
“Better keep it quiet, then.” he said with a cocky wink, and your hips bucked as he tugged your underwear to the side and flicked his fingers over your clit. “The noises you make are incredible, but you might want to keep them to yourself just this once.”
A moan slipped from your lips as Peter slid his tongue over your clit, his arm wrapped possessively around the thigh hooked over his shoulder, holding you in place. You slapped a hand over your mouth, eyes rolling back as he sucked at your clit. He laughed quietly against your sex, fingers digging into your flesh and stubble tickling at your inner thigh as he ate you out.
You let your head fall back against the wall, fingers sliding through his curls as you rolled your hip against his mouth. You whined against the palm of your hand, struggling to keep your eyes open as you watched the crowd. He always made it obvious how much he enjoyed doing this, trying to see how loud he could make you cry out, and now the idea of working you undone while you desperately tried not to make a sound seemed to excite him all the more.
You bit into your palm, heedless of smearing lipstick, as Quill slid a finger into you, the heel of your shoe digging into his back. You arched into his hand, his tongue still teasing your clit, your moan muffled against your hand as you came.
You took a shuddering breath as he stood, your hand falling from your mouth. You gripped at his arm instead, and he grinned widely, bringing his finger to your lips. You parted them, holding his gaze as you sucked it clean slowly. He captured your lips in a hungry, consuming kiss as soon as he pulled his hand away, sliding his fingers into your hair. You wrapped your other arm around his neck, hand clinging to his shoulder as he kissed you. Your orgasm only seemed to spur you on, desperate for more.
You could feel his erection pressing against your thigh, and you untangled yourself from him without breaking the kiss, reaching between the two of you to unbuckle his belt. Quill broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath as you palmed him roughly, his forehead resting against yours.
“You sure?” he murmured, eyes closed as you freed him from his pants and wrapped your hand around his cock. Even as his voice grew rough and husky with arousal, you could still hear a teasing lilt in his tone. “I mean, I’m all for it, but I thought—"
“Don’t care,” you muttered against his mouth, stroking him with one hand and pushing the skirt of your dress aside with the other. “I need you. Now.”
He kissed you again, fervently, as he took hold of your ass, lifting you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, taking hold of his shoulder, your other hand gripping at the hair at the nape of his neck. His breath was warm on your cheek, his nose bumping against yours. “Better keep it quiet then, sweets.”
“So, shut up.” you replied, kissing him hard as he thrust into you. You groaned into his mouth, tongue sliding against his as he began to fuck you steadily, one hand tightening almost painfully on your ass. The other gripped the base of his cock, not trusting himself not to fuck himself into you fully, trying to avoid the sound of flesh meeting flesh.
He buried his face in your neck, teeth digging into your shoulder. You whined, hand tightening in his hair. You turned your gaze to the main hall, the room falling quiet as Nova Prime took the stage to speak. You bit your lip, desperately trying to keep silent even as your back arched and Peter released the base of his cock and instead rolled his fingers over your clit.
“Fuck—” you smashed your lips to his again, moaning into it as your body tightened. Your orgasm crested as the crowd erupted in applause, your strangled moan drowned out. Quill thrust into you hard, grunting as he came, and you clung to his shoulders as the two of you caught your breath.
He lowered you to the ground, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he tucked himself back into his pants and buckled his belt. You smiled, straightening your underwear and dress. Quill smoothed a hand over your hip, and you rolled your eyes at his appearance, straightening the collar of his shirt before reaching up and running a hand through his disheveled hair.
“You’re a mess.”
“You can talk,” he shot back sarcastically, an amused smirk curving his lips. He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, showing you the smear of lipstick he’d just wiped off you. You rolled your eyes, smiling as he leaned in to kiss you again. You leaned up on your toes, his fingers sliding into the hair by your ear. His other hand took hold of your hip, sliding to the small of your back. “You look like—”
“I just got railed in public?”
He snickered. “God, you’re so classy.”
You grinned, touching a hand to the back of your head. You could only imagine the state it was in. “You love it. Now, any idea how I can get to the bathroom without being noticed.”
“Nope.” he shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist. “But we can probably slip out the back and head back out the ship.”
“What about the party?”
“I can think of ways we can have our own…”
You scoffed, letting him pull you into his side. You leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. “God, you’re such a cheeseball.”
tags: @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink​ @s0ftness​ @castieltrash1​ @bombardia​ 
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ellitx · 3 years
💚 anon said: Okay gonna be a part two to the double yan butlers but making them vamp! So have this butler sandwich~
( Long af im so sorry i cant stop i need help)
warning: blood, smut, yan behavior
You sat there clenching onto the hem of your dress with tears streaming down your beautiful face.
"Hush now beloved..." Himmel whispered, leaning in close on the shell of your ear and bringing a gloved hand to your cheek to wipe the tears away.
"May we remind you aren't alone, y/n~?" The man on the opposite side of you said coming in closer to lick the salty liquid down your face causing him to shudder lightly, even just the slightest taste of you is divine already wanting more.
"I-I know it's just having everyone that I come into that kind of contact with either seems to disappear or they're bored to sleep... it's like I'm cursed or something..." you say with a shaky voice and shallow breath. Hearing this made both of their hearts ache. Locking eyes with his other half for a moment filled with concern and a tinge of guilt. 
We're they being too selfish? Keeping you for your own desires and fulfillment..? Surely you felt the same way, you certainly did right...? 
The way you so easily let them in, to undress you, bathe you, please you and in turn themselves. Could it possibly be that your feelings had changed? Maybe it's time to test this they thought.
"Mistress, you know Venti and I care oh so deeply for you... and we'll do anything at all for you... so when you say you're alone it's a bit disappointing to hear.." Himmel breathes out taking a hold of your left hand and his twin grabbing the right, both lovingly stroking your delicate hands. 
"Oh how correct you are dear brother. It's quite heartbreaking not only to see you so upset but to hear that you're feeling as such, may we turn this pain into pleasure? We're always at your service my beloved."
Venti's question caused you to shoot a shocked and red-faced expression towards him. "W-what do you Mea—  Mm!" He pressed a finger to your lips and slowly pushed you down onto the mattress, with Himmel setting himself behind you, sliding his arms around you to hold you in place as his brother straddles the both of you, He peers down from above you with lust clouded eyes
"Oh you know exactly what we mean my princess~ We know wholeheartedly the feelings you have towards us and trust us in knowing the feeling is mutual. So when we see these vile suitors dare lay sight on you we couldn't help but, 'resolve' the issue." He whispered into your ear slowly leaving small love bites down your neck. Oh how badly he wants to sink his teeth into you. Just a whiff of your scent already drives him mad but he holds in his desire. 
Himmel snuck his hands up to pull down the top zipper of your gown letting the sleeves slump off of your shoulders to let his brother gain more access, and allowing himself to give gentle kisses and licking the opposite side as he holds you strongly in place.
"Mm...! So you two... were behind all of this...!?" you breathe out trying to keep calm while both of your dear servants are beginning to devour you. Himmel wrapped his legs around you, locking his ankles with yours, with Venti pushing most of his weight onto you to make his way back up to your ear.
"We were merely speeding up the process, angel~ And besides, by the look of things you, weren't even interested, no?" Venti cooed. 
You couldn't deny it. No feelings you had were towards any of the potential matches and frankly made you bored and uncomfortable. It was honestly a relief when the situation was brought to shambles.
"Mistress, you did tell me that you didn't even want to go back to him, correct...?" The man behind you questions. You shakily sighed recalling the words you said to Himmel earlier that afternoon, his hair and breath tickling your neckline. It was so hard to even respond coherently as they both let their hands run all over you— Venti at your chest and neck and Himmel having his hands wander up your skirt to feel your thighs.
"Mm... Yes..." Venti grins at your answer and chuckles, eyeing your near-exposed breast daring to make an appearance. "Y/n, don't you think it's time for a change of clothes? You look quite uncomfortable with this elaborate dress at the moment. Do we have permission to undress you?" Himmel suggested catching onto Venti and his desires, how badly he just wants to rip everything off and dive right into you knowing he must remain calm.
Squirming a bit due to the building excitement, you nod as your face painted blush red. "You may..." and with that the both of them helped you out of your clothes, slowly and carefully removing each article with the man behind you pulling down your zipper fully and removing your dress, while Venti took off the skirt underneath, leaving you only in your lingerie.
You curl up slightly embarrassed how both of them are hungrily eyeing your form. "Look... look at you y/n... you're so beautiful. Divine even. It's why we must keep you all to ourselves~" Himmel sighed pressing his chest against your back and snaking his arms around you while placing gentle but passionate kisses all over your neck.
"Oh how right you are dear brother. A true angel lay before us and I think she may lay blessing upon ourselves tonight~" Venti says climbing back on top of you, putting a leg between yours, his knee brushing against your core, making you shudder and lean onto the man behind you. It was so hard to resist them at this point you didn't even care how much trouble the three of you could be in if you got caught.
"Nng... I order you to both give in to any and all desires..." They both went wide-eyed in excitement.
"With pleasure my songbird~" the blue-eyed male almost moaned into your ear as he removed his own clothing and Venti followed soon after.
"On one condition... Please let me know beforehand if you decide to feast upon me..." you interject blushing madly in watching the two men undress before you. You notice how their eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. "Of course my dearest, we wouldn't do anything without consent, right dear brother?" Himmel states and gestures to Venti.
"Indeed our princess must be handled with the utmost care, with loving and sensual touches, no harm must come to her." He says leaning in to slowly kiss your cheek only to begin leaving slow sweet kisses down your jawline, with Himmel running his hands down your exposed waist feeling his bare hands smooth across your supple skin filled you with desire.
You held onto Venti's shoulders and leaned your back against Himmel's chest, they had you securely pressed between them, you could feel so much of them and how hot it was getting, and how much they needed you in turn.
Hearing a whisper from behind you "May I kiss you, y/n?" You turn and nod, letting Himmel latch his lips to yours, letting a sweet moan escape your lips as you felt Venti unclip your bra. "I feel so lucky to have such a sight in front of me… let me taste you please..." He almost pleaded in which you give out a shaky sigh, desperately wanting him to pull your sweet breast in his mouth.
"I did say you may give in to all desires, correct~?" you say teasingly. Almost immediately you felt him latch onto your breast almost desperately and gripping onto the other, swirling your nipple with his tongue making you let out a sweet moan that made Himmel grip your thighs letting his hands wander closer and closer to where you needed him most.
"Nnng... y/n, I want to feel how much you crave us," Himmel said, pulling your soaked panties aside and rubbing a finger through your folds as he flicked up to hit your clit. It makes your breath hitch as you shift your weight against his stiff member as well as feeling the other suck and knead at your tender breasts. Looking down and noticing how needy Venti was as well, it made your mind so clouded with lust it was hard to think straight.
"Ahh~ More... please...!" You plead. You appreciate them being slow and careful but you just wanted them to take full control and pleasure every inch of you. "As you wish~" Venti moves down from your breast leaving passionate kisses all the way down your body stopping at your core.
"My mistress is so sweet~ you don't know how much we love you so let us show you." He breathes out with his mouth hung open, you could see his fangs albeit small but much larger than anything human and it turned you on seeing Venti pleading up at you to let him devour your essence.
"Haa... please me... eat me... anything... I'm all yours." You plead. And in turn, he puts your legs over his shoulders as Himmel grips your hips in place with one arm while the other rubs your sensitive bud. 
You let out a shaky moan as Venti licks up your slit. "Mmm... so good y/n..." the vibrations from his moans resonated deep within you causing so much ecstasy to flow through you.
"Ahh...!! It's too much!!"
Himmel quickly pulls you in to swallow your moans with a deep kiss. "Shh mistress... we can't allow ourselves to be too loud.." Himmel said. It was so hard to hold himself back from sinking his teeth into your beautifully exposed neck while he rubbed your core how he wanted to desperately switch position with his brother but your pleasure was his top priority.
The stimulation from both of them was almost too much. You felt hot tears run down your face as you gripped onto Venti's hair for anything to hold you together as if you couldn't control your hips that you ground against his face as well as rolled against Himmel's erect length. You felt the climax building, that twisting coil in your womb threatening to spill out.
"Haa... Haa...! I'm so close...!" You breathe out trying to remain as quiet as possible. 
"Yes.. feed me~! Let me drink your divine essence!" Venti begged into you. While gripping onto the hand that Himmel offered to you, you came down so intensely it made your whole body shiver. Pulling away from you to wipe his face, Himmel couldn't help but drag his hand to collect any remaining slick and lick it off his fingertips.
"Always ever sweet my songbird..." He gazed straight into your e/c orbs with his pupils blown wide. "But I can't help but want more..." he bends down to where his twin was recently to lick all of the slicks that covered your thighs, he was about to combust. He has held back for so long. Hearing your heartbeat right next to his ear, the crimson essence he so desperately needs is just inches away.
"Y/n... May I please bear fang to you... right here." he pokes your soft thigh ever so slightly. 
"Ohohoh, wanting a drink so soon dear brother?" His twin teases. 
"Ashamedly, yes... you got to drink the beloved's slick after all..." He bends down awaiting your answer as Venti repositioned himself behind you with him breathing down your neck.
"Y-you may..." you nervously grip onto the sheets awaiting the incoming pain as Venti rubs your arms to offer some comfort. "Shhh just relax... if you’re so tense it'll be more painful..." He whispers, sending shivers down your spine. You take a deep inhale as you feel Himmel sink his teeth into your soft flesh.
Your life force was flowing into him. It was so addicting, so sweet, and in addition to the slicks still left over on your thigh, nothing could beat this he thought. Both were gently holding you still. You couldn't ignore Venti’s ragged, almost feral breathing pattern, and not soon after feeling something cold and wet drop on your shoulder, you turn to look at him, mouth hung open of a drooling mess.
"I'm... haa... going to be honest, y/n... I don't think I can..." you nod to him and pull your hair out of the way leaning your head to the side.
"As a reward... for earlier..." He goes wide-eyed and grins and gently wraps both his arms and legs around you, biting down on the nape of your neck, your delicious wine filling his system as he hums in satisfaction.
Himmel pulls away carefully after his fill, almost immediately cleaning and wrapping the small wound in cloth and finishing it with a small kiss. "Thank you so much, my beloved, but Venti please be gentle with her..." Himmel says leaning in front of you as you grip onto him and focus on your breathing to distract yourself from the sharp pain going through you. 
"Mhmm..." He mumbled, getting in a few last drops before he pulled away.
"Thank you, mistress. You're ever so kind to us, now let us repay you~" Venti said whilst cleaning and covering the wound. Himmel gently lays you down with you perfectly on display for the both of them with him going on top of you with Venti behind you.
"There is still one more thing we wish to have desired, to make love to you, y/n'' He bent down to quietly whisper in your ear. Feeling how hard they both were, you wanted to fulfill all of their wishes. You could only nod knowing how badly you also wanted this.
"Please... I only have a love for the both of you..." With Venti wrapping his arms around and pushing his cock between your cheeks and Himmel slowly lining himself up with your heat, taking your hands in his, you lock eyes with his icy orbs.
"Ahh~!" You moan, throwing your head back onto his twin’s shoulder as he enters you. It felt so euphoric to the three of you. Venti grinding himself against you, Himmel slowly filling your walls and feeling them so close to you, it felt like you were overheating but you couldn't get enough.
"Nnng... my love you feel so good...! So warm..." Himmel praises gradually increasing the pace. Feeling them both slide in and out of you filled you with immense pleasure. You couldn't help but rut your hips in tandem with theirs.
"Y/n~! More!" The man behind you pleaded, gripping your hips for more of the friction he craved, causing you to grind up against him more, your end was coming already so quickly with how good they both felt.
"Ahh...! Guys, I don't know how long I can make it...!" Your walls clench around his length with him hitting that sweet spot each time making you see stars. You gripped Himmel’s arms, holding on for dear life.
"Don't—  Ahh... Hold it...! My beloved...! I'm close too!!" Himmel moans into you kissing you so deeply, swirling your tongue with his. That tight knot again comes loose with a few more thrusts from both of them spilling it all over the sheets with Himmel releasing on your stomach and Venti coming onto your back.
After a few moments of recollection and clean up, they both embrace you and swore to never let you go.
(Im off to jail again and i hope the formatting is okay -💚 i just wanna feed you not more work )
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Holy shit—
Anon, you’re feeding us so well mmmpowowushasjjs
daddy vampire venti and himmel?
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Meeting and Dating Billy Loomis
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @loodloottoot)
- You met Billy when the two of you ended up in the same class. He noticed you while looking around the room and was immediately taken with you.
- All throughout class, he kept sneaking glances at you, barely paying attention to the teacher as they talked. When the bell rung, he sat back in his seat and watched you leave, deciding that he had to have you right then and there.
- He starts out by doing the typical ‘I have a crush on you’ secret staring and learning more about you; most likely through Stu or by listening in on your conversations. He wants to make sure that you’re the one for him before he shoots his shot; he’s artful when picking people that he actually wants to date, there’s more steps involved.
- Once he’s gathered enough data on you, he’ll sit next to you in class, lean over, and introduce himself with a charming smile. You introduce yourself back; most likely a little flustered by the sudden attention, and then class will start, ending your potential conversation.
- He tries to talk with you all week but his plans are always foiled by something or someone. One of you will show up to class too late, someone will take the seat next to yours, you’ll be busy talking to a friend, someone will distract him and you’ll disappear; and so on. It frustrates him more than he cares to admit.
- Finally, he figures that he has to work a little bit harder so he strategically waits outside of the school with some of his friends. I say strategically because he made sure he had a perfect view of the doors everyone leaves out of when classes end.
- The instant he spots you, he excuses himself and jogs over, greeting you and asking what you’re planning on doing after school. The two of you strike up a bit of a conversation before you’re forced to say goodbye and board your bus. It may seem anticlimactic but to him, it’s a crucial point in your budding relationship.
- After that, he just seems to keep popping up wherever you are; in school at least. Unbeknownst to you, it’s not exactly a coincidence.
- The two of you form a bit of a friendship, and why wouldn’t you? He’s charismatic, fun to talk to, isn’t put off by anything, and pleasantly reserved so it feels like you’re special because he chooses to speak “with you of all people”. If you’re shy then congratulations, you’ve found the one person who is tactfully persistent enough to break down your walls.
- It’s probably a few months before anything of value happens, besides being integrated into his friend group and telling each other some of the things you usually don’t tell people.
- One day, while the two of you are walking to class, he asks if you like horror movies movies. When you ask him why, he tells you that he’s renting a few films and was wondering if you wanted to join him for a bit of a marathon.
- It’s sounds so casual that you’re sure he just wants to hang out as friends, but regardless, you agree.
- So you get to his house and the two of you are sat on his couch, some gorefest horror movie that he chose to watch playing on the tv. He excuses himself to go get a drink and when he comes back, he sits down beside you again although this time much closer than before.
- You try not to think any of it, even as his arm wraps around the back of the couch behind you. Well, you don’t think anything of it until you can feel his hand on your shoulder, fingers tracing shapes against the skin of your arm.
- You aren’t sure what to do, so you don’t do anything, staying perfectly still as you struggle to breathe properly, a flustered heat coursing through you. The two of you sit like that for a few long moments before he slowly pulls you into him and speaks.
“Y/n,” he says your name quietly, his voice deep. He pauses and waits for you to respond which you do so with a nervous hum. “I like you a lot. You know that, don’t you?”
“I like you too, Billy.” you respond in a near whisper, eyes focused on your lap.
“Good.” He whispers back, pressing his lips to your hot cheek as his hand finds the side of your face and he pulls you into a kiss.
- Lets hope that you’re sure about being with him because now that he has you, he certainly isn’t planning on letting you go anytime soon.
- Constant Pda. He likes having his hands on you at all times; it’s just a bonus that it shows everyone in the general vicinity “who you belong to”.
- Gentle forehead and cheek kisses.
- Hugs from behind where he nuzzles his face into your hair and jaw.
- Long makeout sessions. Once you start, he never wants to stop.
- Getting late night visits/sneaking out to see him. He shows up at your window pretty much whenever he feels like and has subsequently gotten very skilled at climbing up the side of your house.
- His favorite nickname for you is “sweetheart”. He just feels like it suits you and likes the little smile you get on your face when he calls you it.
- Cuddling? Billy would never admit it to anyone but he absolutely loves it. Oftentimes, he’s the big spoon, but he can’t deny that he loves it when you cradle him into your chest, especially when he’s tired or having a rough day.
- He lounges whenever he can so expect to be laid/leaned on, or to have him maneuver himself so that he’s laid back yet still has you close to or touching him.
- Long and deep conversations. The two of you experience existential crises together.
- You’re going to be around Stu a lot. The two of them are constantly hanging out so you and him are; most likely, going to be close as well.
- Sharing food with each other.
- Hanging out at the fountain.
- Horror movie dates.
- Constant movie references, quotes, and random facts.
- A Fall slut through and through. Falling leaves? Sexy. Pumpkins? Hot. Anything spooky? Orgasmic. He usually goes ape shit during holidays but during the fall, he goes ape shit for a whole season.
- He has a wonderful skill of popping up at the “right” times. You seem to constantly run into him and you aren’t sure if it’s really a coincidence or not.
- Random phone calls. Sometimes he plays around with you, other times he gets straight to the point.
- Back massages. He lets out these little moan like noises which make it really hard to think straight as you’re trying to innocently rub his back.
- Hand holding.
- Playing with each other’s hair. You’re constantly brushing his out of his eyes.
- He toys around with your things, either while he’s bored or to make you laugh, or just to fidget with something while you talk.
- He loves hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. He feels accomplished whenever it’s because of him, like he’s done something revolutionary.
- His fathers rarely home so you usually have the house to yourselves. He likes the privacy, being able to do whatever you please with no interruptions. It’s the teenage dream, isn’t it?
- Wearing his shirts, especially when you sleep over at his house.
- Surprisingly sensitive about certain things and somewhat easily offended. He takes you not wanting to touch, see, or be seen with him very personally, even if there’s a legitimate reason behind it.
- Weirdly enough though, he’s got a really high pain tolerance. He’s a trooper when he gets hurt and always amazes you with how little he reacts. He once sliced his hand open when the two of you were together and while you were wrapping something around the wound, all he did was let out a little “ow” and chuckle at you.
- He’s a bit reserved; he’s not a huge social butterfly so he prefers just hanging out with you and a few close friends. He’s friendly when he has to be, he just doesn’t really like talking to people he doesn’t know/know very well or being in huge crowds.
- He loves just watching you. He could look at your face for the rest of his life; all day, everyday, and still never get tired of seeing it.
- Intimate eye contact. There’s so much emotion behind his eyes when they meet yours. He could make you flustered with a single look.
- He never pushes you to do anything you don’t want to. He does such evil things most of the time, it’s nice to be seen as “the good guy” and to treat someone he cares about with respect.
- He’s a cunning bastard. If you need something done, he’ll find a way to do it. And if he needs something done, then he’ll find a way too and it may or may not involve you.
- Growing suspicious of him and his absences or the little odd things that just don’t add up. You swear he’s hiding something....
- He hangs back and waits for you when you want to go do something quick, like ask someone something or drop something off somewhere. It doesn’t ever annoy him; he likes being able to know what you’re doing.
- He’s definitely a bit overprotective and clingy at times. He’s got some deep rooted abandonment issues so he wants to make sure you’re not going anywhere or somehow going to get hurt and have to leave him because of it.
- He’s quick to interrupt when he can tell you’re uncomfortable and insults/scolds people when they upset you.
- He yearns for that motherly role in his life so he snaps at the chance to get it from your own mother when the two of you begin dating. It’s certainly a bit odd when you find him and her hanging out in your kitchen or how quick he is to agree to joining you on family outings/activities when you’re about to decline, but you are happy that he’s getting the very thing that he seems to need.
- Later in your relationship, he’ll open up to you more and tell you about his family life/ everything that goes on in his head. Just be patient because it’ll take him a while to completely trust you with everything.
- He’d rather cut off his own dick then cheat on you. He sees it as the ultimate sin, the worst thing you could ever do to a person ...besides abandon them.
- He has a mean streak when it comes to jealousy. He can’t stand the thought of you; his girl, with someone else or having someone else like you. He’s threatened and/or glared people down before if he’s thought they had a thing for you.
- Sensitive subjects really aren’t his strong suit. He always seems to say the wrong thing whenever he’s faced with them and it’s caused more than a few fights/arguments between the two of you.
- He gets angry when he’s angry, if that makes sense, although it really depends on what’s making him upset. He can either stay very calm or start rioting like a maniac, it’s really like flipping a coin with him. He does tend to flip out on other people rather than you though, so that’s good, right?
- He apologizes when he’s in the wrong and never expects you to if you aren’t. He also has a particular talent for worming his way back into your heart after he’s royally pissed you off.
- He doesn’t tell you he loves you constantly but he says it at the right moments so the words have a lot of meaning whenever he says them.
- Like I said, he doesn’t plan on letting you go anytime soon. You’re the one for him and he’s going to keep you with him for as long as he can.
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mongoosecroft-alt · 3 years
Song lyrics as writing prompts Wintersberg edition
Prompt: "I'm always tired, it's just a habit."
Song: I'm Always Tired by Weathers
Rules: meh, some lyrics maybe?
Theme: exhaustion
my response:
It's a quarter to three, Ethan is still rolling in bed. He's been staring at the digital clock on the nightstand on and off since he lay down. Rose is on the other bed, surrounded by pillows in a makeshift crib. Ethan would prefer to keep her within arms reach. But he knows she wouldn't be able to sleep next to him in this state, she’s barely out now, shifting and fussing every few minutes in her sleep. It may have something to do with the traumatic events of the past few days, but he knows it's at least partially because he's so tense. Kids are intuitive like that, and Rose has been ill at ease every since Miranda came into their lives masquerading as Mia. Ethan feels guilty that his inability to calm down and rest is keeping Rose from doing the same, and that's probably only making it worse.
Ethan sits up on the bed, he sets his booted feet down on the floor and leans forward on his knees. He still has his jacket and jeans on. The bed creaks but Rose doesn't seem to notice. He takes a moment to review his surroundings, the door is locked with a chair propped under the handle, a lot of good that will do if the bsaa shows up with a battering ram. He's positioned himself between Rose and the door, his gun is in the top drawer of the nightstand, safety's on. His knife is in it's holster tucked under his pillow. And now he's sitting in the dark, staring at the closed door, waiting for something to come crashing through. There's not much more he can do than that.
He rubs the back of his neck and takes as deep a breath as he can. Holds it for a few seconds, and lets it out in a heavy sigh. For a moment the room feels dead silent, all he can hear is Rose's shaking breaths, she's clearly having a bad dream. Ethan contemplates picking her up, but decides it would probably just upset her further. His body seems to grow heavier at the thought, he hangs his head listening closely to Roses breathing in the quiet of the motel room, until he hears a sound that nearly makes him jump out of his skin
It sounded like someone knocking on the door, but who could be looking for them at this time of night? or at all for that matter? Ethan instinctively pulls his knife from under the pillow and looks around the darkened room, breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest, until . . .
*knock knock knock*
The sound repeats, it's just a soft thudding, like it was barely meant to be heard. Ethan’s eyes land on the sliver of light coming from under the door and he realizes that the sound isn't coming from the front door, it's the door to the adjoining room. Ethan takes another deep breath and tries to settle his nerves, he had almost forgotten that the door was there. it hadn't even occurred to him to worry about it as he surveyed all the potential threats and points of entry a few moments ago. he stares at the sliver of light under the door, he can see the shadow of the man on the other side, he's not moving and he's already knocked twice, so it seems unlikely that he's just going to go away. But what could he possibly want at this hour?
Ethan stands up slowly in an attempt to minimize mattress creaking and pads quietly to the door, he considers for a moment before clicking on the lamp on the far side of the room, Rose has never had trouble sleeping with the lights on before. he gently unlatches the door and opens it slowly.
Karl Heisenberg stands on the opposite side leaning casually on the doorframe as he waits, like Ethan he only has the clothes he was wearing when he left the village, though he's looking far more put together now. The smell of overly scented hotel soaps and shampoo along with the errant air dried curls and waves of his hair give away the fact that he's freshly showered. Ethan was caught a little off guard by the sight, Heisenberg's hat and trenchcoat were conspicuously absent, his unkempt hair and relaxed stance seemed so humanizing, almost endearing.
Ethan was so taken aback by the sight that for a second he failed to notice that the Lord was looking at him over the rim of his glasses with a raised brow.
"Are you trying to outmaneuver a lycan or a small child? because I'm pretty sure her hearing isn't nearly as sensitive as mine"
Heisenberg spoke with an expressive yet soft voice.
If Ethan hadn't been paying attention, he wouldn't have even known he was being insulted. Still, he looked over to where Rose was to check on her, but she didn't seem bothered by the other mans voice at all. He sighed inwardly and decided not to press the issue.
"it's late Heisenberg, what do you want?"
Ethan's words lack venom and betray his exhaustion as he speaks.
"I'm here to offer some respite"
the Lord states matter of factly.
"The past three nights you've been awake, either pacing the room or tossing back and forth on the bed, not to mention the kid starts screaming every few hours, so, I know you're exhausted. Because you're making be exhausted."
Ethan scoffed.
"Well, if my daughter and I are so disruptive them maybe you should ask for a different room so you won't have to listen to the lasting effects of an infants psychological trauma."
Ethan knew his response was overly harsh as soon as it came out of his mouth. Heisenberg was paying for their current lodgings with the small fortunes worth of crystals he'd had in his truck when they'd made their escape, and now Ethan was lashing out at him for pointing out that he wasn't sleeping. Ethan shook his head and opened his mouth to apologize but Heisenberg spoke before he got the chance.
"I didn't come here to complain, I came to offer my help, it's been over a week since the crash and the most you've slept since was when you passed out from bloodloss. You must be tired."
"I'm always tired, it's just a habit at this point."
Ethan’s shoulders hung heavy
"But, I can't sleep, not with everything I know now. Besides, who knows if I even need sleep to function anymore anyways."
"You do, I can tell by how bitchy you are without it."
Ethan looked back up from the ground to meet Heisenberg's eyes, he smiled and Ethan had to fight the urge to either laugh or cry, he didn't know which.
"This is your idea of 'helping'?"
"No, my idea was for you to let me watch the kid for a few hours while you get some shut eye, then hopefully you'll be in a better mood when you wake up."
Ethan shakes his head again, he's feeling more exhausted by the second since the start of this conversation
"I get that you want to help, but I can't just leave my daughter alone with someone I barely know."
Heisenberg mulls the fathers words over for a moment before he speaks.
he shrugs and pushes past him into the room without another word.
Ethan is swung aside as easily as a door on its hinge and for a moment he isn't quite sure what just happened.
"What are you doing?"
Heisenberg walks past the beds and over to the table. He pulls out one of the chairs and spins it around.
"If you need to watch me while I watch her then fine"
He sits down backwards on the chair at the foot of Rose's bed with his arms folded on the backrest.
"I can keep an eye on her from right here."
Ethan stands in the middle of the room, he tries to find his words but nothing is coming out.
Heisenberg leans forward a little more
"Get some rest papa, who knows, tomorrow might be the day that everything goes to shit all over again, and when that happens you won't be much good to any of us in the state you're in now. So, just let me stand guard for a while."
Ethan can feel his fatigue gripping his bones now, yet there's still that screaming in his head that keeps telling him not to let his guard down. Words come toppling out of his mouth before he’s even stopped to think about them.
"Every time I close my eyes I see all the things that have already tried to come and take her from me, and just as may more that haven't tried yet."
"Do you even know how eyes lie?"
Ethan perked up immediately at the sound of the other mans voice, he hadn't been expecting a response to his musings.
"I spent my entire life surrounded by monsters that most sane people couldn't even fathom, and yet every night when I tried to sleep I'd be convinced that something far worse was coming for me."
Ethan’s not sure how long he stared at Heisenberg after he spoke, but it seemed to be long enough to make him regret sharing.
The Lord rolled his eyes and flicked his wrist with a dismissive showmanship
"Which is to say that you're not special, you just have the luxury of knowing you're not completely paranoid. Since people and creatures like that are in fact out to get you."
Ethan smiles and a soft laugh escapes him. As the sound reverberates through him he starts to realize just how deep this full body ache has sunk in. He takes a seat on the foot of his bed, too tired to stand anymore. He leans forward on his knees again weighing his options.
He finally speaks
"But no smoking around Rose, if you want to light up then go outside."
Heisenberg nods.
"Noted. But I'm not going anywhere"
Ethan falls back onto the bed as quietly as he can muster and doesn't bother trying to move from that spot.
"Night Heisenberg"
He mumbles as he quickly drifts off.
"Good night Winters"
Ethan wakes a few hours later to the sound of Rose fussing, it's still dark with the single dim lamp in the corner serving as the only light source. It's a slow process to dredge his consciousness out of the deep dreamless slumber he'd fallen into. He sees movement as he starts to crack his eyes open, for a man his size, Heisenberg can move in complete silence when he wants to.
Ethan watches through heavily lidded eyes, lying perfectly still as the man moves from his chair to Rosemary's bedside and sits down beside her.
He looks at her pensively and starts to reach with both hands like he's going to pick her up, but seems to think better of it. He sits and watches Rose as she starts to sniffle and wine louder. He starts to rub his hands together slowly, his gloves make a muffled scrubbing noise. They speed up as he leans down over Rose's fortress of pillows.
He reaches out again slowly and presses the palm of his gloved hand down gently on her chest. He waits a moment for her to react and then starts to rub slow circles on her chest. He begins to hum softly and Rose's fussing seems to taper off slowly back into silence
Ethan wonders to himself how Heisenberg could have known or guessed that this gesture would work. But as the soft rumble of Heisenberg's voice drifts into his thoughts he drifts off again.
Ethan doesn't wake again until a streak of sunlight from the crack between the curtains reaches his eyes. He stretches out on the bed and feels the soreness in his muscles, it's still there, but a little less now. He looks at the clock and sees its past noon. He can't remember the last time he slept this long, let alone without being woken by nightmares, either his or his daughters.
Wait, where's Rose then?
Ethan pushed himself up on the bed and looks around the room, he feels an unexpected rush of relief wash over him at the sight of the scruffy rough and tumble Lord stationed at his daughter's bedside.
Heisenberg was asleep, leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the bed, his glasses hung on the neck of his shirt. Apparently at some point in the night he'd moved his seat to position himself between where Rose slept and the door.
Ethan was surprised to see that Heisenberg was still here after at least nine and a half hours, it certainly wasn't the kind of timetable they'd agreed to last night, and who knows how much of that the Lord had actually stayed awake for. Ethan certainly wasn't expecting to sleep for this long, though it wasn't uncommon for Rose, in fact she might sleep another couple of hours if she can.
Which was also surprising, even before the events of their recent history, Rose normally only slept this soundly when someone was holding her. As Ethan turns to face them and his eyes adjust to the modicum of light in the room he realizes why.
Heisenberg's arm is rested on the mattress, one of his leather clad fingers gripped tightly in Rose's little hand.
Ethan feels the corner or his mouth twitch at the sight. The two seemed content the lie. He looks back at the clock, Heisenberg usually slept half the day away anyway. Ethan gets up and walks around to the far side of the bed, he pulls his gun out of the nightstand and checks one more time that its loaded and that the safety is still on. He walks back down to the foot of the bed and sits with himself between the two of them and the door.
He can keep watch until they're ready to get up, he can thank Heisenberg when he wakes. For now he'll wait, he'll make sure their both safe.
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ohmyasmodeus · 4 years
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘣��𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘤 ♡
𝐭𝐰; 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦, 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 
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𝐭𝐰; 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦, 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 
i actually want to thank you for sending in this request! i know it’s a sensitive topic but i’ve struggled deeply with self harm in the past and being able to write these as a request was pretty cathartic. i really hope you’re doing alright, anon, and just know that you’re never alone in your struggles ♡ i also want to add that you never know what triggers someone may have, so please add a trigger warning when you send in requests like this to me or any other authors ! thank you !!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
♡ 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳
✧   You think he doesn’t notice, that he has better things to worry about, but he notices. Lucifer sees, and is… surprised. Horrified, and rightfully so. It’s highly uncharacteristic of you. Throughout the months, you have proven your capability and you continue to time and time again, going above and beyond to resolve issues between the brothers and in the Devildom. You are a strong person, and someone he wouldn’t have expected this behaviour from.
✧   But even the strongest can fall. He knows it all too well.
✧   “If there is anything I could do, anything to improve your experiences at RAD or in the Devildom as a whole, tell me. I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Lucifer takes your hand ever so gently in his, raising it to his lips to kiss your knuckles as he gives you the softest look. “I’m here for you. Tell me, my love, what’s weighing on your mind?”
✧   You won’t find your razor blades or penknives ever again, that’s for sure, and Lucifer makes it a habit to convince you to tell him how you’ve been feeling because he worries so much that it’s almost painful. Lucifer wants you to confront your problems head on. He helps you keep track of your milestones with beautifully handwritten calendars and brings you out on special dates to celebrate your weeks spent clean.
♡ 𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯
✧   Mammon is around you 24/7, so there isn’t a lot you can hide from him. Even when you try to isolate yourself or get away to give yourself an opportunity to self harm, Mammon ends up either finding you or blowing up your phone until you give in and let him find you. He panics when he finds out. He panics hard. At first, he worries about Lucifer kicking his ass for letting this happen, but he finds himself completely distracted throughout the day with his worry for you. He can’t get you off his mind.
✧   (We all know he went through your room and found your stash. You’ll never find it again after how hard he panicked.)
✧   Surprisingly, Mammon speaks to you about it of his own accord. “Hey, so…” He looks away and shoves his hands in his pockets, uncomfortable with the pressure he puts on himself. “I’m your first man, and that means ya don’t keep any secrets between us. I wanna be there for you, so you should tell me when anything’s up, or just… come to me if ya wanna talk. Or anything. It would suck to have you all sad all the time, I prefer it when ya smile…”
✧   You end up having to coach him a bit on how you want to be comforted, but he readily supplies all the affection and reassurance you need. Mammon is endearingly worried about fucking up and it makes you smile. Everything he does makes you smile, really, because he works hard at cheering you up and making sure you’re too busy with his stupid antics. But at the end of the day, he’s there to give you a squeeze and patch up your wounds to try and help.
♡ 𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯
✧   PANIC.
✧   Levi is much worse than Mammon. He isn’t experienced with emotions or dealing with real people in the slightest, so when he sees a hint of your fresh wounds, bruises, or any of your gloomy thoughts, his first instinct is to panic. Without thinking, he grabs your arm and asks if you’re okay, telling you to stay still while he gets some bandages!
✧   “You can use my Ruri-chan bandaids! And, um,” Leviathan bites his lip nervously, and you watch as he plasters your skin in more cutesy band aids than you really need. “I’m sorry, I hope it doesn’t hurt too badly… But are you okay? Like, really okay on the inside?”
✧   He’s much more empathetic than he gives himself credit for. It makes him uncomfortable in the beginning, the thought of you hurting yourself and hurting so much, but he quickly mans up and makes himself someone you can easily go to for support without even noticing. He knows the feeling of being alone and not feeling like he’s enough all too well, so he does his best so you can avoid feeling the same way. Levi is always the one coming to you with brilliant new ideas for self harm substitutes, giving you colourful bands to snap against your skin, or trying to massage you to make the urges go away (until he gets too blushy to handle it, at least).
♡ 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯
✧   Rage. It’s blinding, the torrential downpour of outrage and sheer grief. He should have been able to protect you from anything. The control over his emotions that he has spent centuries establishing unravels in that one blinding moment of finding what lay beneath your sleeves. It almost scares you. The grip he has on your shoulders is nearly crushing as he desperately leans into you, his wide evergreen eyes gazing into yours for an answer to all of this.
✧   “Who was it, ______? Who did this to you?” Satan’s voice is low, trembling with the barely contained emotion he holds inside his chest. It burns, acid in his veins as he almost refuses to believe that you had done something as terrifying as to hurt yourself.
✧   He wants to understand, he wants to know why you do these things, why you have these thoughts. Once he gets over the grief of not having been able to protect you from thoughts like this in the first place, he dedicates himself to learning how to help you manage. Satan tries everything with you, but most of all, he loves being able to hold you at night and caress your scars if you’d let him as you both talk about the universe and your emotions. Knowing how to help you allows him to help himself.
✧   He buys matching stim toys, one for you for whenever you might get the urge to self harm, and one for him. He tends to bring it around with him to fiddle with when he’s trying to get his wrath under control, so he never hesitates to lend you his when you don't have yours.
♡ 𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘶𝘴
✧   Love has never been something Asmodeus bothered with too much, often seeing it as an annoying companion to the sin he indulges in the most, but when he realises how much you struggle… he’s overwhelmed with it. Asmo is overwhelmed with the need to hold you and feel your touch, to tell you that you are the most perfect being that he’s ever come across, to make you feel cared for and needed. He realises that losing you would completely tear him apart; just as the knowledge of your struggles does.
✧   “Oh, my love…” Asmodeus sighs as he finishes securing the gauze over your self-inflicted injuries. The first aid kit closes with a soft click, and he kisses your forehead before taking your hand to give it a squeeze. “You need to tell me these things, when you think you can’t handle it anymore. We… we’ll find a way, we’ll find something better to do.”
✧   These emotions aren’t something he’s used to, and he often fumbles when you open up about deep issues, but he listens well. If you let him, he does what he does best. Asmo will rub soothing lotion into your scars and distract you with your favourite things, dressing you up in his big comfortable clothes while watching your favourite shows with you. He never seems to be short on the supply of sweet words, and he’ll be showering you in so much affection to make sure you know just how much everyone adores you.
♡ 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘻𝘦𝘣𝘶𝘣
✧   Beelzebub is the one that worries the most. Unconsciously, he treats you like porcelain, holding you delicately and making sure that none of his brothers say anything that could potentially upset you. Much like Lucifer, he glues himself to your side and follows you around with those puppy eyes of his. It’s more than likely that he’s had the same thoughts before, thoughts of permanently putting an end to the pain of loss and grief. Beel gives you solace in understanding.
✧   “You coming here was the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Beel mumbles quietly as he holds you close, burying his face in your hair. “I don’t want you to leave. I love you. So please, tell me how I can make it better.”
✧   Beel needs you like you need him. At night, he can’t sleep without having you close to make sure he still has you. When he needed it the most, you held his hand so he could fall asleep, and he’s determined to do the same for you. He’s sure that with time, the both of you can make it better together.
✧   Always active, Beel likes feeling like he’s doing something tangible to help you. He’ll be the one holding ice cubes to your skin when you have your urges, or hugging you tight to prevent you from acting out if you’ll let him.
♡ 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘳
✧   Much of Belphegor’s life has been pain and ruin, and after being isolated in the attic, he just about thinks he’s out of fucks to give. Everyone’s life has some pain. It’s hard to concern himself with a mere human’s while he has his own recovery to focus on and deal with. But after noticing your tendencies, he can’t stop thinking about you. It’s less of a concern, and more of hoping that the both of you could find something in common in your pain, letting the both of you be someone for the other to hold onto.
✧   Belphie looks over you lazily as you lie beside him, and reaches for your hand. He laces your fingers together, wondering what could be going through your mind. “A penny for your thoughts? Tell me… how are you feeling today?”
✧   His love is as quiet as he is, but Belphie shows his concern by making you feel seen and needed. You don’t need to be strong around him anymore. If you want to talk, he will always listen. If you just want someone to hold, he’ll keep you wrapped in his arms. Belphie takes pride in being someone you can hold onto and trust with your deepest secrets.
✧   Additionally; he sends you depression memes
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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trashlord2020 · 3 years
Adam Smasher (Cyberpunk 2077) 18+
          A-Z NSFW Headcannons
 WARNINGS: dubious consent (suggested) Necro (only mentioned in passing) and a callous disregard for partners enjoyment and wellbeing. 
I provide these warnings so if any of it bothers you at all you can choose to not read this. If you disregard this and get upset by what you read, you've forfeit your right to complain, fight me. These are of course my own interpretations, in no way is this a 'end all be all'
A = Aftercare 
What, letting you live isn't enough? But seriously, don't expect anything resembling 'care' outta this guy. At the absolute most if you happen to be in a room he owns you could get real lucky and he'll leave you to sort yourself out...just don't be there when he gets back.
B = Body part 
He's a full body cyborg, every part is his favourite. He's almost constantly having things tuned or updated whether it's through Arasaka or his own hard earned eddies, But if he had to pick? His Hands, they're the thing that could end his partner in the moment with just one strong squeeze and having their life literally under his hands does something primal for him. His favourite body part of his partner? He might disguise it under mocking comments and insults but deep in there somewhere there's a man still and he's a thigh man for certain. Thicker they are, the better grip they provide and if his partner is able to pay enough attention they might catch how he almost caresses the skin...
C = Cum
Bodily fluids? disgusting. When he got his ah, 'upgrade' he most certainly passed on that. Sorry ! Sections provide required lubrication (don't forget to bring your own!) for the sake of avoiding friction but his own brand of 'popping the cork' is more of a build up in static and electricity. One he can control the build up of by adjusting 'sensitivity'.
D = Dirty Secret 
He's not a shy kinda guy, he'll have his partners against the window just to brag if there's one available. No, this is more of a vulnerability than anything? Under the metal casing of his chest on each side the tubes and connectors tucked away are very sensitive. The purpose is so he knows if something is amiss or stuck and needs tending too but this has provided a sort of erogenous zone, one he's not at all keen to share with another.
E = Experience 
Before his full body conversion you could say he was quite experienced, if paid partners counted of course. It's always been about him though, even when he (rarely) chooses to provide a helping hand it's been more of a show of dominance than anything. Now with his full Cyborg body and working for the worlds most powerful Corp he rarely finds himself having to pay, most people are either curious enough...or too scared to say no.
F = Favourite Position 
Anything where he can shove his partners head down and bend them across something be it the floor, bed, table or counter He'll use it. As mentioned before walls and windows make a good substitute too. He prefers to be above his partner and them in a position of vulnerability where they have no control, he's in charge here and he takes every opportunity to prove that. It's very rare to find one self facing towards him, often too 'intimate' for his liking.
G = Goofy 
If a partner has the guts they might be surprised to find that a little back and forth sarcasm and snark is enjoyed, even respected. Just be mindful not to insinuate any insults on his behalf, he won't take that lightly and if (when) he grows bored of the talk he'll make that known none too gently, better catch the hint sooner rather than later. So I'd say about 85% serious and 15% Snark.
H = Hair
 He's got a slappable head, bald as a plucked chicken and well...he's all metal down there. No surprise.
I = Intimacy 
If you really squint and tilt your head you might be able to trick yourself into believing the way he may cage his partner in from above as almost 'intimate' but it's really not...Just a show of pure dominance, nothing about enjoying the heat pouring off them at all... In all honesty this isn't making 'love' he's simply not capable of that, likely never was. He may lower his voice till you feel it more in your bones than hear it to whisper awful, dirty things only your both privy too but there's no true intimacy in his actions or words.
J = Jack Off 
Araska didn't provide him with his 'tool' no, that's something he chose to indulge in with eddies from his freelance years and when the work was done he certainly took time to test things out. Nowadays he rarely indulges, why would you need to if he could have almost anybody that happens to spark his interest.
K = Kink
Breath play, no of course not his. The act of cutting somebodies life line off, holding them in suspense and watching the fear grow in their eyes as they wonder if he's even going to bother letting go...it really gets him riled up. The only reason he does bother to let them go instead of squeezing a little harder is that a corpse hardly has the same appeal, don’t mistake it for mercy.
L = Location 
While Adam owns his own room he often has little use for it, spending at best an hour in there a day. You'd be lucky to be taken back there. He often finds himself in hotels/resorts instead, not his issue if it gets trashed then and nobodies going to barge in to investigate all the noise, not when mutters of 'smasher' quickly spread like wild fire. Enjoy your walk of shame back home. :)
M = Motivation 
Often it's just a a general build up that leads to him indulging but a bloody fight will always leave him with some built up 'charge'. Many of his partners in recent years have been people he's done a recent job with, something about watching the blood steam off their cybernetics as they catch their breath really does it for him. Basically a callous and shared disregard for life is what would really catch his interest, otherwise it's purely down to cosmetics in which case don't expect a repeat.
N = NO 
Making love...you probably saw this coming a mile away. As mentioned he's not shy, he knows what he wants and has little issue with obtaining it but if you're expecting a tentative partner who takes care of your needs? Keep looking, he'll never be that.
O = Oral  
He's got no means of which to give oral, his jaw is made out of metal and there's no tongue hidden away. A small (very small) part of him laments not being able to taste what's he's enjoying but again, it would of been more for his enjoyment than anything. On the other hand he certainly enjoys the sight of somebody figuring out their way around him with hands and tongue, the tremor in their hands is something he picks up on without fail but this is never how he achieves his end goal. Attempting to blow Adam Smasher is the closest thing You'll get to foreplay.
P = Pace 
A constant rough pace from start to finish, as mentioned somewhere above he can control his sensitivity so if he finds his charge building up too quick for his likening he doesn't have to slow down, just dial things back a little. There's no stuttering or slipping either as it's all controlled due to years of working with his cybernetics and yet, somehow it never fails to feel so raw and animalistic.
Q = Quickie 
He likes for things to be 'to the point' as he's certainly not here for tea and biscuits... If he's free for the whole day and just finished a big job you might want to look into hiring a wheelchair for the next week but on average he's here to get his jollies and move on. Make sure to undress yourself though, it's an obstacle and we all know how much he enjoys tearing through those.
R = Risk
What your everyday joytoy may consider a risk he may simply see as a little spice to make things more interesting. He doesn't care if somebody was dumb enough to walk in on him but they sure as hell better be quick about leaving, he doesn't share. If his partner has (foolishly) made it obvious they don't want to be caught? He might find that a little insulting and make it a point for them to be caught or seen, again, it's about the dominance he has over them.
S = Stamina
There's no refractory period, none. If he wants to go again he can, the only thing that's going to stop him is the potential heat build-up from too many overcharges in too short a time. This right here is why you'll want to bring your own lube, things are going to get sore and quickly otherwise.
T = Toy
What he's got going on down there could be considered a 'toy'. Lots of interesting features he enjoys tormenting his partners with. That's not enough for you? He's not going to pretend to be thrilled about it but if you somehow got your own toys on hand then so long as they don't get in the way of his enjoyment, use away. Likely the only real chance you have at getting your own enjoyment to be honest, just don't try using them on him. He won't be amused.
U = Unfair 
He enjoys demeaning and talking down to his partners, talk about how 'easy' they were or laugh at how weak they're proving to be. Might physically tease, bring them to the edge if he's super into the moment but he's only going to push you over if you really beg for it...not often he will though, he's in charge and he gets to decide how this plays out.
V = Volume  
Besides all the inner workings of his cybernetics powering away and the times he decides to speak? Practically silent. No moans or gasps as he has no need to breath. If a overcharge proves to be particularly powerful (usually due to a lengthy build up) his Voice emitter may play some static feedback, closest thing you'll get to a groan. Besides, his partner will be more than making up for the silence.
W = Wild Card 
He's bisexual but straight leaning. It's leftover from the gang he ran with once long ago when he was a everyday nobody. Nowadays he's simply not bothered what others think, incapable of considering it even. Women and more feminine leaning partners will have an easier time garnering his attentions but anyone's game if they prove themselves interesting enough.
X = X-Ray
Custom Hardware baby. Don't ask me what unlucky gonk had the job to make this but it's kitted out. The shape is as expected but the length can be retracted and extended at will. When in use the shortest it can go is 6 inches (he will never keep it this short though, that's below him) and the maximum length is 14 inches although ‘yikes’ lets be real, not a lot of people are going to be able to handle that, it's bragging rights and intimidation factor more than anything. His common use of range is 8-10 inch. He can move individual sections, vibrate and even cause minor shocks at will.
Y = Yearning
If no outside factors are taken into account it can take several weeks before he considers a roll in the hay. A lack of hormones means a lack of natural drive. But a busy week of fighting and killing will quickly land him in a private 'meeting'.
Z = ZZZ 
Sleep? you're kidding right. Every few days (or weeks if it's a boring month) he has to have a system scrub and recharge of sorts. He has a private station for this so nobody is going to catch him unaware. Once the deed is done he's over and out, no pillow talk or sweet nothings. If you've managed to really leave an impression he might throw you a contact for seconds. It's run through a security system of course, can't have just anybody being able to contact him.
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spidermilkshake · 4 years
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“Link’s Bad Horsemanship”
XD This is half critique of the development of... er, pretty much all of the Legend of Zelda series featuring horse-riding, and half a goof. It's very very apparent that people working in Nintendo on various horse-riding animations, the riding game mechanics, and how the horses get used or behave in-game in general... are either blatantly bad equestrians, or not equestrians at all, and are getting their visual references and information from such sources as cheesy old Western movies (which featured outright horse abuse very often, usually in ways that were and remain kind of normalized) and the jockey club, which makes money off of callously abusive horse-keeping practices. So it's either ignorance out of thinking they're doing it right, or ignorance outright! And, since the majority of people have never worked with horses at all or know their physical limitations or history of abusive practices--generally people playing the games will not at all notice how hilariously bad some of the horsemanship turns out in the games. XD
But, having researched horses and proper horsemanship, and knowing what constitutes animal abuse... WOW does this series have a lot of Fridge Horror for an equestrian. By far, Majora's Mask is the most outright abusive in its treatment of horse, and probably completely by accident, simply by having Link ride Epona when she's a developing filly, which is absolutely going to either ruin her spine and halve her lifespan, or cause her to have fucked-up knees and much more easily slip and break her legs. You never ride a horse under a minimum of 2.5 years old for these reasons, and never ride a horse if you weight any more than 20% of their body weight (or under 20% including the combined weight of your saddle and tack). MM, when I was researching how the horsemanship is shown in each game, was the only game that made me reflexively gasp and cringe at how bad it was! I mean, I know MM is supposed to be darker, but GEEZ, maybe accidentally including the fact that Link is slowly and unknowingly killing his horse isn't the way, guys. <_<; Breath of the Wild actually comes in second place, purely for it's accidentally horrible "horse-taming" mechanic (which is definitely NOT how you actually tame a wild horse, it's how you intimidate and exhaust one into submission and give it mental trauma and also possibly get yourself killed). Also the fact that, because of increased graphical fidelity, there is now no question that Hyrule ubiquitously uses the nastiness that is the bit in riding, which are tools designed specifically to cause at least discomfort inside a horse's mouth to make them obey (and most types also coerce the horse through pain, and when too much pressure is applied have a very high risk of actually damaging a horse's teeth and gums, and even panicking a horse out of pain and fear and causing them to throw you, trip, or even over-rear and flip themselves over). Thankfully, they have done away with the idea that you smack a horse to get it to go faster for the most part minus the implication of a crop being used in the icons measuring the horse's stamina (though there's still the stupid whipping the reins thing in Link's animation, which is still a tooth-dryer when you realize the pressure of those reins are connected to the metal stuck in his steed's mouth... that's got to be awful for the horse when that leather slaps around wildly). Also, a more minor thing, most of the decorative tack for the horses, especially Epona's fancy breastpiece thing, are, uh, apparently not padded and have thin straps and big metal buckles up on her sensitive hide... That's going to chafe in about ten minutes of riding. There is a reason girth straps and saddles have saddlepads and girth padding secured under them! Twilight Princess is eh... it's not great. It's the only game besides BoTW with bits, and the only one which shows Ganondorf doing bad horsemanship things (which appears to have been done in total ignorance for the purposes of making the scene look "cool", which always turns out making the scene hilariously bad for anyone watching who knows horse body language). Most of the bad parts of TP are more implications than outright confirmed mechanics or just obvious. There's the implication that spurs are used on the horses in the speeding-up mechanic (spurs are yet another rather questionable equestrian tool. They are sharp things attacked to the rider's heels which jab the horse's sensitive flank. They absolutely have the potential to wound horses, even when used "lightly". Some types of spurs look damn psychotic, but they're all pretty harsh things to push or hit an animal with). There's still the issue of lacking padding under most of the tack. There's also the very alarming implication that Link overworks or mistreats Epona by pushing her hard to do dangerous things, as shown in dialogue with Ilia if you show up and Epona has taken any damage. It's... iffy, but it's not as bad and the aforementioned two. Overall, Ocarina of Time actually has the best horsemanship. It's still not perfect--and it's mostly down to how Link is shown interacting with Epona when he's grown. XD Oops. Now, the good point of equestrianism shown in OoT is that Epona and Link (and Malon's) relationship is shown to be founded on trust. It's a little gamified due to the whole "magic song" thing, but the fact that the horse wants to be near you because the horse chose to and likes you is so significant when all the other games either show you already having a captive Epona or having you physically force horses to tolerate you before any actual "bonding" (i.e. lovebombing with treats) happens (ick). Also, this is the game which shows Link doing a bunch of things wrong but yet shows Ganondorf being actually very skilled and not forceful when it comes to horsemanship. XD Another oops. You wouldn't believe how many minutes were wasted rewinding that cutscene to confirm that yes, Ganon is managing his reins properly with soft hands, yes, Ganon is able to compensate for surprise rearing without harming his horse and helping rebalance the horse instead, yes, Ganon is using extensive padding and protective gear for his horse and riding expertly enough that he's preserving the horse's back health... and Link is not. XD It's like... in trying to make him all tall and scary, and Link all plucky and active, they accidentally made the "bad guy" do big good and the "good guy" do big doofus. >u<; And now, there is horse abuse present in-universe, but it's presented as such. I won't have any issue with that because it's on the part of Ingo, and it's supposed to make you know it's bad. Ingo uses a crop to whip the horse he rides in races, which, I mean, I shouldn't have to tell anyone that taking a stick with a leather strap on it and whacking a captive animal with it to make it do something is baaaaad. My only problem of OoT is regarding hitting horses being normalized, and this lies with Link.. because for some dumb reason, whoever animated Link riding Epona decided that whenever he makes Epona speed up, he should look like he's open-hand slapping Epona on the haunch, or at least threatening to hit her. This is equally as bad as what Ingo's doing. You don't hit horses, and you don't threaten to hit them to make them too scared to defy you. They feel pain (horses actually have thinner skin and about three to four times the nerve endings in the skin as humans!). It's wrong, and from a pragmatic perspective you don't do it anyway. Eventually even the calmest, most timid horse will reach a breaking point, and enough abuse will cause them to either flip you off and run you over from fear, or just outright bite and kick the shit out of you in self-defense. It's big no. So here's Ganondorf, apparently Best Equestrian in the Series, just... giving Link the gears about his horsemanship skills. Throwing all the shade in the land of Hyrule. XD Poor Link--he's mostly just ignorant and gotten used to the wrong things (and who knows, maybe he did just ape on Ingo and learn wrongly) and he's just... havin' a hard time relearning how to ride. At least Epona likes him enough that she'll let him start to know better. At least in OoT, he hasn't got as far to go!
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zombiekillerky · 4 years
{TMNT 2012 Fanfic} - Confession
( WARNING : This is not Turtle x Turtle related at all, this is purely just some family scenarios with no relationships at all what’s so ever. Just regular day in the life turtle stuff)
All the turtles have noticed their brother working out extra hard on his own as of late. Ever since the night he came back on a failed search mission as he said with Casey he hasn’t been himself. It started out with the rage outburst when he came back to the lair which was expected of him. If something went wrong it was always the first reaction his brother’s would get out of him. But once they found him lifting weights and adding more and more on to the bar. Punching his bag with pure rage in his eyes as each hit got stronger and meaner. There was something defiantly wrong at the moment with him and they weren’t really sure why. Raphael wasn’t an open person about his feelings ever. It was hard to even get him to open up a little to Master Splinter let alone his brothers. He never told them how he was feeling, what was getting him down or what pissed him off. It was always just an outburst of rage, annoyance or disgust. Depending on how he was feeling would be the outcome of the afternoon and how long he would stay in his room. But they for sure new it would be a battle trying to get him to confess what was wrong at least to one of them.
“Donnie you talk to him”
“What, why me?!”
“Because I’m pretty sure he will get defensive and start a fight with me and you know what will happen if Mikey goes up to him and asks what’s up. Besides you guys share a bond don’t you, being the two middle children?” Leo asked with an unsure smile on his face as he glanced over to Donnie beside him. They were trying to be as quiet as possible, being as though their brother was just in the other room. Beating the hell out of his punching bag at the moment.
“Leo we did, but Raph and I are opposites. Do you really think I’m going to have the best chance in talking to him. Especially with the mood he’s in, he could beat me to a pulp!” Donnie replied with a nervous tone to his voice as he crossed his arms. Trying not to show he was terrified of his brother and what he could do to him at the moment. To be fair he did have the best shot at trying to get through to him. They have always sort of leaned on each other for support ever since they were small. Leo and Mikey have gotten the most attention over the years so they only had each other. But as they grew up that bond slowly grew apart from how it was. He wasn’t even sure he would be able to get through to him at this point. Let alone make sure he knows he’s not the enemy at the moment with his fit of rage. 
“You know Raph would stop himself from hurting you that bad, give him a break guys he’s not a maniac” Mikey butted in, taking their hot headed brothers side over their’s. The way they were speaking was almost like they were comparing him to an animal. He felt as though they didn’t give Raph the benefit of the doubt. As much as he hated to think of it Raph could potentially hurt them with how angry he is. But he also knew Raph would never go that far as to hurt them extremely. His brother has gotten a hold of his emotions better then he has before. What ever happened was just really upsetting to him. Mikey glanced at his two older brother’s standing there. His confidence was rising in himself as he watched their gazes. One was filled with annoyance and the other was with fear. 
“We know he’s not a maniac Mikey, it’s just Raph is really sensitive and with him being really angry right now there is no telling to what he could possibly do” Leo replied, making Mikey even more annoyed with their Leader’s words. He hated when he put them down, he hated when anyone put his family down. He knew that they were brother’s and brother’s were supposed to act that way with each other. But it was almost as if Leo saw Raph as an uncontrollable maniac that could break any second if they did anything and potentially hurt them horribly.
“He wouldn’t hurt us like you think Leo.....I think you’re scared of him I really do. That’s our brother in there, he is the same as always.”
“I didn’t say that Mikey I just think if any of us should be messing with him it should be Donnie since they have a more close bond then us two. Plus I’m sure he could find a way out of there quicker them both you and I could” Leo replied with a triumphant look to his face as he glanced over to Donnie. Not catching Mikey rolling his eyes to his older brother’s words. 
A sigh escaped his lips as he stepped past them and out toward the makeshift weight room. Ignoring his brothers calling his name as he walked away, almost like they didn’t believe in him to confront his brother about his issues. He had to admit the more steps he took the more fearful he got, hearing the plastic and leather of the bag being hit. Two quickly then a follow up of three, already remembering the pattern his brother was hitting at currently with every flinch he had as he walked. Mikey sighed as he walked in to the room and found his brother there. Sweat dripped down his forehead and neck along with his arms as he stood there tensely. He noticed the blood and open wounds on his brother’s knuckles from how hard he was hitting the bag currently. But the look of concentration and seriousness never faded from his face. Not even one look of pain formed as he kept hitting at a constant rate. Almost like his injuries weren’t there in the first place. Mikey watched from the door way as he fought, his fierce and determined yet bothered look was all he could see at the moment. The punches were changed up now with a kick in between as he switched from his left to his right. Showing some skills even Mikey didn’t know about that he had. If this was any other day he would ask in joy how he did that and if he could teach him his moves. But he needed to stay as calm and pleasant as possible for him. Knowing his overly enthusiastic and loud attitude would get on his nerves even more then a usual day of the week. 
At this point Mikey wasn’t really sure what to even do or say now. How was he supposed to do this, ask him what’s up? Do you need a hand? Can I join you in a little extra training? He took a few steps closer to his brother training there. His anxiety was through the roof as he carefully walked forward in to the room like he was trying to get a snack from the kitchen at 4 in the morning. At this point there could be blood on his lip from how hard he was biting down upon the sensitive skin. He prayed his brother wouldn’t react horribly toward him for the interruption. The sudden sound of silence was heard though out the room. His body stopped like it malfunctioned from the sudden sound other then the noise he made on his own.
“What is it Mikey?” Raph’s harsh voice was heard clear as day through out the now quiet area. Mikey smiled softly to himself, noting that his brother’s rage was toned down some since he entered the room. Probably from beating out all of his anger previously. But over all it was less of a chance of getting his shell beaten in by him which was good. Raph’s emerald green eyes shined in the light as his gaze went to Mikey. The stare said a lot about his character and how he was feeling at the moment. But the stare over all just made Mikey’s nerves even more tense then they were before. He couldn’t show that he was afraid now other wise Raph could tell that there was something wrong. Raph was always good about knowing how his brother’s felt by their actions. But Mikey needed to be strong, for his sake and his brothers if he was going to help him with his issue at the moment.
“Well....I ah came by to see how you were doing since you’ve been in here a couple of hours.....Seeing as though your knuckles are ah....bloody I figured you needed a break ya know?”
“I’m fine Mikey, don’t worry about me-” Raph replied quickly, his gaze went down to his knuckles as if he was now realizing what Mikey had just said to him. Mikey glanced over to the wall and jogged over to the medical kit they had in there. He quickly grabbed some fresh bandages from within the box and walked back over to his brother before he could say no. Mikey’s hand calmly went to his shoulder, noticing how tense his brother was at the moment, He could almost feel the resistance and pain in his muscles from how hard he was working. Raph glanced back to him about ready to yell by his sudden touch. But once his eyes landed on what Mikey was holding was when his anger died down in realization.
“Mikey I told you I’m fine-”
“No you’re not bro, not with your knuckles bleeding like that....come on, it’s not wise to have them uncovered anyway and you know that. I will never forget how much you complained about the infected cuts on your hand from the accident with the glass when we were little.” Mikey replied with a soft smile, showing his concern greatly with his brother which he hoped he noticed. Raph’s eyes darted around, a sigh escaped his lips as he bent down. Taking a spot on the floor slowly with a pained expression as he leaned back. Mikey’s eyes wondered over him, trying to tell what other parts of his body were injured over all. His conclusion was that he was just to sore from working out so much over the past 2 days. But knowing Raph he would hide injuries from them too which was why he checked him over. Mikey smiled softly as he took Raph’s hand from his lap and stared at his bruised and wounded knuckles of his hand. He couldn’t understand how his brother could ignore something like this. Sometimes Raph was a mystery to him on over all everything.
“How could you go so long with out covering them up, I think you made em worse” Mikey said as he slowly wrapped the bandages around his brother’s hand as best he could. Being extra careful since he watched him wince a couple of times when he first wrapped the open wounds. But as a reply Raphael only shrugged his shoulders slightly. He wasn’t speaking at all almost like he was holding back from doing so. His eyes screamed out for help but his body stayed as stiff as a pole. Mikey continued to wrap his hand at a slow pace. The silence killing him every second it lasted, it didn’t help that it was awkward between them as well.
“Hey Raph....can I ask you a question?” Mikey said as he started to wrap his brother’s other hand which was less damaged then his right one. He only made it around one full time before his brother tensed up again for some reason.
“If it’s about when I came back from that thing with Casey the other night because Leo put you up to it then no-!”
“No bro chill....I was going to ask if you could teach me that kick move you just did when I walked in here. I thought it looked so cool and I eh....don’t remember going over it with Master Splinter so  figured you could teach me yourself?” Mikey replied to try and divert his real question which Raph already pointed out like it was nothing. The hot headed turtle’s guard was down slightly, not even expecting that to be his brother’s question to begin with. His eyes darted around as he thought of an answer to his younger brother’s question. The look of guilt for getting overly annoyed and angry with him was seen in his eyes as he stared to the side.
“I guess so?” Raphael replied as his gaze returned back to Mikey in front of him. Watching his brother that was somewhat unfamiliar with medical work wrap his hands in an average fashion. Actually proud of him for remembering what Donnie told him to do when Mikey assisted their brainiac brother in patching him up from a run in with bad guys on the surface. Raph’s eyes wandered the bandages, already seeing pink where the deepest gashes were located on his skin. The burning sensation never went away from the material touching his open wounds. It was nothing he wasn’t used to, but it was very annoying to deal with. The hot head sighed as he watched his brother finish up on wrapping his hand, going back over to the medical kit to put away any spare bandages he had. He wondered why Mikey showed up in the first place, usually when he was this angry they would try to avoid him completely. He would avoid himself if he was them too, even after the last time when he over reacted Mikey was the first to ask him if he was alright afterward. It was like his brother was fearless against him at times, or just straight up stupid for even going near him. Raphael was afraid he would hurt him, mentally or physically being at the rate of anger he was at. But his brother was trying to do good at that’s what mattered, he would make sure he would overreact over him as best he could. 
Raphael stood up from the floor with some stiffness, realizing he worked out to much over the past couple of days. What would Master splinter say when they go for training tomorrow about his condition. His mind was wondering all over the place, he didn’t even realize his little brother returned to his side. The turtle in red was brought out of his thoughts and returned his gaze to his brother waiting there patiently for him. A small smirk on his face formed as he moved to the punching bag. A quick glance was at his hands as he held them up. Not knowing if he should continue to train with his condition. The stubborn turtle only shook his head and got ready in his stance.
“You want to stand like this okay.....you’re going to punch left twice *Punches the bag* Switch over to a kick with your right foot. *Kicks with right foot* then three punches with your right, *proceeds to punch with right hand* Then a kick with your left foot and repeat. Got it?” Raphael asked as he took a step back from the punching bag. His eyes glanced down at his wrapped hands, seeing more pink and even a little bit of red from how much he was hitting. He decided to not think about his hands and gazed up at his brother smiling widely like usual. 
“So 2 left punches, a right kick, three right punches and a left kick?” Mikey asked to make sure he was going to do it right. Wanting to show off like his older brother did.
“Yeah....yeah exactly like that” Raphael replied, watching as his brother stood in a firm stance. Copying his moves almost all the way correctly, his kicks were a little off from perfect but that’s what practice was for. As soon as he was done and landed from his left kick. He turned to Raph for a look of approval, earning a small chuckle from him and a thumbs up.
“Your kicks were a little weak and off centered but it was pretty good for your first try I gotta admit”
“Yes!” Mikey replied as he threw his fist up in to the air in victory, getting confident in his skills now after his brother’s comment. He turned back to the punching bag and got ready in his stance. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Raphael walked to the side of him to watch. Mikey smiled widely, his attention back on to the punching bag as he redid the moves his brother taught him. Trying to at least fix his kicks so the moves could be perfect. He wanted to learn his brothers moves, but he also felt if he did this it would help Raph trust him more. He wasn’t going to make his brother confess, but if he trusted him at the moment there was a better chance of him confessing over all then before. As Mikey was in thought he finished the move and landed better then the last time. Watching Raph nod as he stood with his arms crossed tightly around his plastron.
“It was better.....but could you do it during a fight?” Raphael asked with a smirk on his face as he tilted his head. Proposing a challenge for his younger brother he knew he wouldn’t turn down. Mikey smiled as he nodded his head and got ready as Raph walked closer. They both bowed as they stood a couple feet away from each other. Raphael ran forward and tried to get a hit on him, using half of his strength at the moment so he could calm himself down. This was only a training exercise not a battle. Mikey laughed as he dodged out of the way of his hits. Trying the new moves his brother had taught him. The first two hits were okay but his right kick was a little shaky. He was expecting Raph to grab a hold of his leg and fling him to the side, making him redo the whole move entirely. But to his surprise he only moved out of the way and let him continue. Mikey smiled as he tried to punch him with his right how ever many times he was told. Dodging out of the way of Raph’s attempted punches to his shell and the sweep of his legs. Ending with a good left kick in to his stubborn brother’s plastron that knocked him back some but not enough to land on to the ground. Mikey stared in horror as Raph recovered as he clutched his shell where Mikey kicked. Fearing the worst since he stood there with out a word. 
“Nice finish” Raphael replied like he was swallowing a yell and all the rage he wanted to let out at his brother for hitting him like that. Mikey smiled insecurely as he stepped forward to check on his older brother. Noticing the bruising on the back of his arm and the new small cracks in his shell he never noticed before. Raph’s gaze connected with his, realizing his brother saw his injuries he tried to cover up from the other night. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood up as straight as he could. The little height difference in them didn’t help with the stern look the turtle in red was giving him. Trying to stay strong and to his word he set for himself not to tell his brothers. But alas with his younger brother’s worrying eyes he couldn’t bare to hide his secret any longer. He knew there was a big chance of him telling the others, but he felt like he could trust him at the moment over all.
“I’m not gonna ask what happened, but you shouldn’t be training if-”
“I know I know......look I shouldn’t have been acting this way the past couple of days alright.....if I tell you this you swear not to tell the others or master splinter got it!” Raph asked as he took a step forward toward his younger brother standing there. His face was serious instead of having that grin he always has. A slow nod of his head followed shortly after the words left Raphael’s mouth. The turtle in red slowly sat down back on to the floor with a sigh, his younger brother slowly followed him down and took a spot next to him. The stubborn turtle didn’t even know if he wanted to tell his brother what happened or not now. Most likely Leo put him up to confronting him about it to figure out what was wrong. His own brother was to scared to confront him so he sends the youngest out of the four to. Raph’s hand traveled to the back of his head, moving the tails of his mask away from his shoulder where the were resting.
“As you know me and Casey went out on our usual search of the city to go and beat some heads in. Well on our search when we were heading back we happened to find some Krang bots in the back of an ally way along with this guy and a women they were holding captive. Once we got closer we seen they had their hands on a mutagen canister we must have forgotten to grab when we searched the city of them. Me and Casey sprung in to action after I explained what the stuff was......”
“Casey still didn’t know what mutagen really was?”
“Do you expect the bone head to? His head is as empty as yours”
“Hey! I remember some things, don’t forget I saved you guys from those mutant scary wasps by remembering Donnie’s antidote correctly. Never underestimate the Big M bro”
“Yeah I guess you’re right, fine. He has an even smaller brain then your somewhat small brain”
“Thank you...hey!”
“Anyway......we took out all the bots in the area, up on the roof tops and all since Casey can’t be stealthy sometimes....we over heard their argument and the guy evidently didn’t hold up a deal on spare metal for them. Once we fought our way to the front and managed to get in close range to grab the canister. It was already to late and it was poured on to them instantly.......the bots grabbed them and shoved the forcefully back in to the back  of their van as they rest of the bots attacked us until we made a close get away.....It was all our fault that those people were turned because we weren’t fast enough to save them......I felt like if I could have smashed those bots faster then we would have had a chance but-” As Raph continued on the sadness was rising in his voice. Mikey knew Raph thought he could do it all no matter what and if he couldn’t he was always hard on himself to do better. Mikey leaned forward and placed a hand gently on his shoulder blade. Grabbing Raph’s attention and broke him out of his trance of over thinking.
“You tried your best Raph that’s all that matters, you know those krang bots are super quick and have faster reflexes. If they were planning on mutating them then they would have done it faster if they seen you show up faster too. You can’t do it all bro, it’s not your fault” Mikey replied with a sincere tone to his voice as he locked eyes with his brother. Trying to read his thoughts at the moment since his eyes were filled with mixed emotions. The air headed turtle would have blamed himself for what had happened too if he was out there with them during the fight. He hated seeing his brother like this, he already had Leo blaming himself for almost every wrong thing to happen to them. But seeing Raph this upset over something was something new and he didn’t like it either.
“It’s no excuse Mikey, those people are now monsters because of us. It’s all my fault that there are two more mutants in the world. We could have saved them but we were to slow...I was to slow” Raph replied, making Mikey realize that was one of the reasons why he was training so much lately. It was all starting to make a little more sense. 
As Raph sat there he started to clench his fists in rage. Getting more and more angry as he thought about what had happened the other day. He hasn’t even thought about going over to Casey’s to see how he was holding up at the moment. He knew he took more of a beat down then him since he blocked some hits from reaching Casey. But he would still have some bruising and cuts most likely. As he sat he was shocked to feel his brother hugging him tightly. He never really shared any affectionate times with his brothers. Let alone Mikey since he could turn a very serious situation in to an annoying one in a matter of seconds. The hot head didn’t really know what to do at this point. He wasn’t sure why his brother was hugging him over a stupid situation he felt he should be getting yelled at about over comfort. His shaky hands lifted up from his sides and slowly wrapped around his brother trying to comfort him. A small sigh escaped his lips as he held him, a feeling he would never get used to ever.
“You weren’t slow, you were trying your best out there Raph. You’re one of the most toughest people I know, you could have defiantly taken them down it was just bad timing is all. Don’t be so hard on yourself bro” 
“I just felt like I could....that I should have been faster to save them-”
“What’s done is done okay, who knows maybe Donnie will make an antimutagen and be able to turn them back to normal. But you can’t keep getting down on yourself for something that can’t be unchanged Raph. I know if sucks, but what happened happened and there is no point in dwelling upon something in the past” Mikey replied as he shifted slightly. Hearing his brother sigh, he hoped his words got through to him. He wasn’t sure if Raphael had calmed down or not. As Mikey pulled back he noticed the small smile on Raphael’s face. Mikey’s smile widen bigger as he seen his face since it was a rare sight to really see.
“You feel any better bro?”
“I guess so......thanks Mikey”
“Anytime dude, I’m always here if ya need me” Mikey replied with a cheerful tone. Knowing his brother truly thanked him instead of being sarcastic like normal. But as he stared off Mikey was brought back in to the real world as he heard his brother get up from sitting on the ground with him. Stretching until you could hear the pop of his shoulder blades.
“Up for round two?” Raphael asked suddenly, watching his brother’s eyes widen in surprise. The turtle in orange smiled from ear to ear as he stood up quickly. Nodding his head as he grabbed his nunchucks from his belt and spun them around.
���Heck yeah!”
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yourultraarchive · 3 years
Oh, no no it's not an issue at all! I don't mind it's alright! Focus and take care of yourself first and foremost! :>
And yes! I'll be doing her template once I actually find the time to draw her in her outfit and also for the mini scenes! Also I've actually ended up changing her name to Yaren instead since I was told by some people that Yuren sounded like another english word for something else (unfortunate :'D), I don't think that should change the kanji all that much but ahh I'm unsure.
Anyway sorry for the very long blabber, I did want to say what Yaren's quirk is! Her hero name is a WIP between Waterdog, Waterpuppy, Lottie or something else entirely.
Her quirk is called Axolotl, which gives her the humanoid appearance of an axolotl and is able to do anything an axolotl can do. Having gills to breathe underwater, but also lungs to live on land, a tail to swim really fast and also incredibly fast regeneration! She's usually better suited to fight underwater. She can heal almost any part of her body, minor cuts, severed limbs and even internal organs and brain! The latter however take days to weeks to heal, everything else can take seconds or minutes depending how much blood she's willing to lose to heal quicker.
Drawbacks however include her skin being irritable and sore if she's not in water long enough so she carries a water spray to help deal with it if it starts getting sore, she's very sensitive to toxins and pollution and if she overdoes her regeneration she'll get permanent scars on those areas and will be harder to heal properly next time. Plus if she overdoes it in any part of her body, she can lose too much blood and become paralyzed or pass out from blood loss.
Extra tid bits include how her skin is naturally a light pink but if she's in water long enough it turns darker and black like a wild axolotl which helps with camouflage and much much later probably in second year or third, she finds out her saliva or blood has regenerative abilities on others if they consume it or if it's placed on a wound!
I am so so sorry that was incredibly long, her quirk is pretty detailed as I've thought and researched about it a lot! I do have issue with trying to find a way to make her able to battle, and the only idea I got is that when she gets injured she can force her body to react to it to have an adrenaline rush which makes her strong enough for a while. That and also in water, due to her high speed and better suited environment she's able to sneakily attack enemies with quick powerful punches or kicks added to her quick swim speed! Thank you for reading and I am so sorry it's so long, please please don't rush yourself replying to this! As I said take care of yourself and thank you for your help! :D
Sorry for the late reply again! (Life is busy.)
Yeah I didn't realize the english word thing either. But like I said in my original post, there are other readings to use, or the option of rearranging the name. ("ya", like has been mentioned before, is not a reading for that kanji, so it'd be a kirakira reading if anything. Unlike in English, changing one letter of a name to make it more unique doesn't work the same way in Japanese since it changes the meaning entirely in normal cases.) One of my previous suggestions in the first post were "Yujin/Yuzin" because the kanji for "ren" could be read that way in Japanese (as previously mentioned, "ren" is not a Japanese reading, but a Chinese one), but if you're set on using "ren" you could always rearrange it to "Renyu", or use the other readings for the "yu" kanji and make "Renie" or "Reniya" or something. Or you could still change "ren" and get "Jinie" or "Jiniya" or "Jinyu", among other things.
As for the quirk, it's already really well-thought-out and thorough! I don't know if you actually need to expand on it because that's already a lot of skills (I like the bit about the camouflage, and the later-in-school-years leaning how to heal others). I think it's a careful balance between being realistic and being overpowered (which can lead to potential mary-sue moments if you're being wary about that, but it's your character and if you have fun with it you can do whatever you want--besides, in canon Izuku's got that going on himself lol). You don't really need the bit about "when she's injured she can force her blood to give her an adrenaline rush and make her super strong", that feels like too much tbh.
I think the thing about trying to give her quirk so many applications is that you're trying to wield her powers over too many fields. You want her to be a battler but also good at sneaking/surprise attack tactics but also good at rescue (which is what I thought her powers would fit! Being good at being underwater and also healing? Rescuing people seems perfect for her!) but there IS such as thing as being spread too thin. Even in-universe or in-story or wherever you're planning to use her, if you have her try to do EVERYTHING, realistically she's going to burn out. It's good to have ambition, but even most characters in MHA don't have that many focuses.
I forget which characters canonically have certain career goals, but I know for certain there are several characters whose quirks and personalities are geared more toward being disaster/rescue heroes (like the Wild Wild Pussycats) or support heroes (like Nighteye) than toward reaction/responsive heroes (like All Might) or stealth heroes (like Eraserhead, but I think his type of hero work is also arguable and fits under multiple umbrellas). It's like in the very first arc where there's a bunch of heroes standing around not helping Bakugou when he was caught in that slimy villain because they knew their quirks weren't suited to that situation--it's not cowardly, but it's realistic, when they know their quirks can do more harm than good in certain situations, even if they wanted to help.
I think that's what applies here, with your character. Yes, I understand wanting her to be able to adapt to any situation, but I think there's a point where you have to give her a goal and set her toward it. Does she want to be on the frontline reacting to villain attacks as they come and going out to apprehend them first-hand, or does she want to pre-emptively stop villains before they can rise by doing investigation and stealth work, or does she want to use her incredibly fit biology to help others when disaster strikes and there's no villain involved at all? Sure she can have ambition like Bakugou or Izuku who want to be the best #1 hero, but even they have their focuses (both are reactive striker types!) and while Izuku is adaptive (ie. he's strategic and well-prepared for a raid strike to surprise attack the base Nighteye found, or he rescued people stuck under buildings and whatnot during that exam and had good "bedside manner" for lack of a better term when dealing with rescuees) most of his actual quirk training has gone toward being brute force and quick response toward emergencies and villainous plots.
You can have her be strong but also give her vulnerabilities and that's okay. Like giving her the regeneration powers but also making them necessary because her skin or bone structure is weak like a real axolotl's, which would make her not very suited to brute force situations but that's fine because if she were perfect for speed and stealth and also brute force then it wouldn't give room for conflict or growth in your story. Forcing her to work around her weaknesses is one of those things that could make her stronger--make her more aware of herself or her surroundings or her limits or what she's willing to sacrifice (like Izuku in the entrance exam--can she afford to break her bones if it meant saving someone?) but it doesn't make the weaknesses go away, and working past those weaknesses isn't going to invalidate that they exist. She's not going to win every time--that would be boring wouldn't it?--and you need to give her ways to lose as well as ways she can triumph.
(A good example of this, and this is the first thing that popped into my mind even though it's not MHA, is Edward Elric from FMA. He's the main character so of course he wins a lot and he's tough and cool and seems like he's so strong. But the most prominent moments in the story are when his prosthetic arm/leg don't work, or he loses them, and he still fights but he's disabled but he's fully aware of this, and having abilities to work through the fights when he's missing an arm doesn't mean he's forgotten that he's missing an arm or that he never needed it to win. It means he found a way to work around those weaknesses and still achieve his goal.)
I kinda lost track of the original question/thought here, but to round back to it--when your character is injured, the adrenaline rush to fight longer or get to safety? That should be all her, that's character traits and determination and strength of will, not part of her quirk. She doesn't need some superpowered adrenaline rush to be part of her quirk, and you don't need to make her "able to battle" if she's not suited for it, unless that's one of her goals (while foregoing the other potentials her powers have--if she's aiming to fight villains face to face, then she's probably not focused on rescuing people or rounding around for a sneak attack, and in that kind of situation she should leave that up to real rescue/response heroes while she's playing distraction and keeping the villains' focus on her!) and if being able to battle ISN'T her main focus, then in a situation where she HAS to, you can make her struggle and that just makes her all the more real and interesting. You can make her get help from her classmates, or you can make her fight and lose and realize she's not suited for battle and switch focus (if it was her original focus) or realize she needs a plan to deal with that in the future while still staying true to her actual goal (if she wanted to focus on rescue for example, and she had to fight a front-line battle and she realizes she's not great at it, then maybe her strategy can just be to run and get a strike in here or there but the ultimate goal is to wait for help and backup to arrive in that case).
That was a lot so I hope it was useful and not too rambly but remember that these are just suggestions! I was just talking ^_^;;
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rebelsofshield · 4 years
Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising-Review
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Timothy Zahn creates a new kind of Star Wars story in Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising with creativity and thoughtful world building abound, but the increasingly fraught portrayal of its title character continues to frustrate.
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The Chiss Ascendancy has come under attack. Mysterious ships from unknown forces launch a futile but still worrying strike at the Chiss homeworld. The ruling Chiss political families rush to find blame and solve the conflict before serious damage is done, but one rising captain has other plans and looks to unravel the secrets behind this galactic conspiracy.
It’s easy to forget when reading Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (wow that’s a mouthful) that you’re reading a Star Wars novel. And this isn’t a bad thing. After being limited for so long by the time constraints of the nooks and crannies of Star Wars Rebels, Timothy Zahn finally gets the chance to stretch his creative legs and tell a narrative that is mostly unencumbered by sprawling franchise continuity. Centering the full narrative in the heart of the Chiss Ascendancy, Chaos Rising is absent of typical Star Wars iconography. There are no Jedi. No Sith. No rebels or Stormtroopers. The Force is there but under a new name and understood in ways that are new to the franchise. Even the genre of storytelling is different. Zahn creates what amounts to a galactic geopolitical thriller with different sovereign nations and political powers vying for their own agendas and survival. It can make for dense reading, but for those looking for a change of pace from the usual Star Wars fare, this is definitely it.
Zahn has also clearly put a great deal of thought into the culture of the Chiss Ascendancy. Thrawn and his blue skinned red eyed compatriots have been living in Zahn’s head now for almost thirty years and it shows. The Ascendancy mixes military might and autocratic oligarchy and Zahn fleshes this out with different political families trying their best to attain glory and influence. Where the different Chiss characters fit within this framework functions as a source of internal conflict for most of the cast and it ends up playing out a bit like a less gruesome Game of Thrones.
Chaos Rising also populates itself with a surprisingly robust supporting cast. Ar’alani from Thrawn: Treason returns and develops into a more nuanced and approachable character. Her dynamic with Thrawn proves to be a highlight as their relationship skirts the line often between professional respect and potentially something more. The two standouts though prove to be a mentor/mentee dynamic between two Chiss sky-walkers. These Force-sensitive child navigators have been one of the more intriguing elements brought up by Zahn’s Thrawn books in recent years and that continues here. Che’ri, a current sky-walker, brings to Chaos Rising a sort of youthful anxiety but also naivete. It allows us to approach the narrative with a sense of wonder and fear that is absent from much of its more experienced cast. Even more interesting is her handler, Thurfian, herself a former sky-walker. Thurfian idolizes Thrawn due to an encounter with the man during her youth, but ends up wrapped up in a ruling family scheme to discredit and undermine the up and coming military genius.
If you’ve noticed that I haven’t talked much about Thrawn yet, that’s because, again, he proves to be the least interesting aspect of Zahn’s narrative. Like in Thrawn: Alliances and Thrawn: Treason, Zahn has failed to make his titular character one to care about. I spoke at length in my review of Thrawn: Treason that part of the difficulty in switching Thrawn to a protagonist role is keeping the same sort of unbeatable strategy interesting. A villain you can’t outsmart is thrilling and threatening. A hero that gets everything right all the time is about as dull as they come. Zahn’s attempts to cut Thrawn down a peg by making him a political novice also prove largely unsuccessful. His misunderstandings of the agendas of the various Chiss political factions rarely lead to more than professional embarrassments. It also doesn’t help that Thrawn’s plans and desires have a tendency to still be the correct ones in the end. The political rivals to his success prove to be nothing more than petty dissidents, more distracted by their own ambition than in offering legitimate challenges to Thrawn’s strategies.
The decision to keep Thrawn at arm’s length in terms of point of view may seem like a logical one in that it keeps the machinations of his planning a mystery to the reader, but this ends up doing an even greater disservice to the character in Chaos Rising. It’s just hard to understand what motivates Thrawn. What exactly about his character sets him apart besides his smarts and fanatical devotion to his nation? What are his goals? His wants and fears? By keeping Thrawn unknowable and also close to infallible, there’s very little to generate intrigue or even empathy.
This could all be excusable if Thrawn proved to be a character to fear or at least feel uneasy around like in Zahn’s original novels or the Star Wars Rebels animated series. Instead, the Thrawn we see here is a fundamentally moral, even charitable being, someone who goes out of his way to help the needy and offer kindnesses in his inner circle. There are brief flashes of a deadlier, more pragmatic Thrawn, but they prove brief and inconsequential. Not only does this create a bit of a disconnect between the character we see here and the animated villain that sees no issue in bombarding innocent civilians to make a point, but it’s just another way that the character falls flat. Zahn has effectively made a title character who is perpetually correct, kind to everyone, and lacking in discernible emotion or goal. He’s about as dull as they come and a total vacuum of reader interest.
It’s disappointing that it’s come to this. One of the most exciting characters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe and a thrilling villain in the current canon has been slowly watered down into a bland and impersonal hero that actively sucks any intrigue or excitement out of any story he’s a part of.
It’s even more frustrating given the relative strength of the rest of Zahn’s work here. There are plenty of supporting characters that are very fun to read about. Exciting new worlds and species. A conspiracy that threatens to tear down empires. It’s all working splendidly. If only it didn’t have Thrawn.
Score: C+
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