#like actually this was rlly sweet n being hugged like that is the best n I’m sending all of these amazing vibes back at you
tiptapricot · 2 years
Darling I'm hugging you so tight right now. Fingers in the back of your hair and neck, pulling you close. Ending the hug with a tight squeeze enough to make you go "Enh" as all the air is forced out and then sucked back in as I release you. Hey. Hey you? Go get a drink of water. Or a cup of tea. Soda if you like. You've earned it.
Ah! Join me for that soda dude! Let’s sit down across the table n swap funny videos or bump legs on the couch while we put on a show we both like and pretend like it’s summer in fall or spring or winter or whatever season it is for u now and have a grand old day n maybe when you leave at the end I’ll hug you just as tightly back and lift u up a bit even though I’m kinda small and I’ll spin you around and accidentally bump ur ankle against the wall n apologize n we’ll both laugh n I’ll wave to u as you leave and then wait in the silence before going to sleep with a missing weight at my side that I wish would just return.
So… d’you like squirt?
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(ID in ALT)
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tiredlilguy · 11 months
Hii! I hope you’re doing well in college :)
If it’s alright to do x reader, can you write about having a romantic relationship with the flags? I rlly liked your hcs so I thought to make a flags request ! Here’s some questions to help you out
-Can they cook? - Are they affectionate? -Cuddling, big spoon or little spoon? -Are they good at comforting you?
If you do not want to do this request, you do not have too! Please take your time I don’t mind!
ASDLFJAHLSDKJFHLAKDSJFH i had to pick this one up immediately despite me having so many drafts. im boutta eat this shit up, the flags are actually literally my favorite. ty for requesting this (ノ・∀・)ノ this is very long... it's 6 pages on my document right now...
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pairing(s): The Flags (separately) x GN!Reader cw: slightly suggestive for iceman and chuuya's, not proofread desc: romantic hc's with the flags, the real question is though, can albatross cook? (spoiler: no, he can't)
he’s always busy, but strangely enough, whenever you ask, he’s always free
for some reason, whenever you’re in the room you’re like… the only thing on his mind and he forgets whatever he was doing before
I can see pianoman being a huge sweetheart for some reason
like… He’s the leader of the Flags, but at the same time he kind of acts like a care-taker a little bit
he just cares very deeply for his comrades and you, of course
his love languages are quality time and acts of service, but he likes to receive physical touch
this man is touch starved, so please give him a little hug when he’s stressing over deadlines and being hard on himself (since he’s a perfectionist)
speaking of physical touch: he LOVES back hugs, receiving them and giving them
he’ll be looking over at some copies of fake notes that he was working on with a frown on his face and -oh- there’s his sweet little bug squeezing him so much that he completely forgot what he was doing (he doesn’t care though, he loves you)
he’s only really affectionate when you both have a moment alone, but he won’t complain if you want a kiss or for him to hug you for a moment
when you two are alone though, he likes to give you surprise kisses or hugs; tends to be really clingy sometimes depending on how tired he is, but if you want space, he’ll listen to you
I feel like sometimes though, if he does initiate PDA, he likes to tease you: if you’re sitting on his lap, he’ll put a hand on your thigh, but then it’ll slowly trail up a little bit higher when he thinks your not paying attention, if he puts his head on your shoulder while you’re talking to someone, he might leave butterfly kisses on the side of your neck
he likes to tease you for sure, and isn’t satisfied until your a tomato…
nicknames for him… I think he’d use nicknames that are a little dorky because he likes to embarrass you, saying: “love bug” or “hot stuff” or “steady” (really old ass, from the 50’s nicknames)
“ You know, (Y/N) likes to call me studmuffin,” he brags to Chuuya, nudging the poor boy on the elbow.
“ Please leave me alone.”
I had to make the stupid reference… im sorry LMFAO
but when he’s feeling a little romantic, he’ll call you “honey”
he’s definitely good at comforting you, considering that he literally drops everything just to pay attention to you
will study every detail on your facial expression the moment that you walk in the room, but if you’re in a bad mood he won’t push you
gives you a back hug and a small kiss on the side of your head and asks if you’re ok and if you want anything
listens if you want to vent, or will leave you alone if you want. Anything you need? He’s there to take care of you.
just want to cry and lay down for a bit, that’s fine with him. He’s not the best singer, but he tries to hum to you
can he cook? He can, but I can also see him just preferring to order take out
at the end of the day, he tends to just be really tired, so cuddling up on the couch with you and some take out is enough for him (if you cook, even better, but he might want to help because he feels bad)
he’s a big spoon
when I saw that question I was like: How does this man sleep? In my brain, he’s a side sleeper, and he’d prefer to be the big spoon
when he’s drifting off to sleep, he likes to whisper sweet nothings to you
though, does he sleep? No not really, you have to drag him way from his desk and if he doesn’t budge just kiss him on the forehead and tell him to join you (he’ll end up joining you like 5 minutes later)
in conclusion, sweet bf, but also busy and tired (please give him forehead kisses)
Lippman is romantic as fuck
like you cannot tell me he’s got the rizz, Doc literally said he has a silver tongue (what else that tongue do *cough*)
he’s always holding your hand in his
his hands are very warm and gentle, and when he holds yours, he’s holding it very gingerly, not tugging too hard and only squeezing your hand to comfort you
love languages are gift giving and physical touch, he loves receiving words of affirmation
being an actor with may fans abroad, he hears a lot of praise from others, but none of their words mattered nearly as much as yours do
like you could just be complimenting him on how he styled his hair one day, and it’s like… the only thing he’s talking/thinking about
early on in your relationship together, he was quite shy actually: didn’t really initiate affection because sitting next to you made him feel nervous, but one day you grasped for him hand and now he just never let go
like I’m telling you, if you two are at home, he will not let go of your hand (even when he’s cooking)
speaking of cooking, he’s an amazing cook, but he’s also (similar to pianoman) busy as hell
he often likes to cook with you, enjoying your presence and closeness as you both work together to make a nice meal
he’s fine with PDA, but only if it’s PG… like he gets shy kissing you on the lips in public, but he’ll hold your hand (because he loves your hands :) )
if you initiate PDA, he won’t complain though
he’s far too shy to tell you no, and he also enjoys making you happy
seeing you happy makes him happy
nicknames for you are old romantic, but not in a dorky way. He likes to use nicknames in a different language sometimes: “mon cherié”, “cariño”
he also definitely uses “darling” and if he’s in a more excited mood, he calls you “sunshine” or “my flower”
“ There’s my pretty sunshine!,” he’d smile, as you’d run up to him and give him a hug.
comfort from him is >>>
he seems shy, but when he gets worried about you, he sort of goes into mom mode
he’s a little pushy, but if he notices you’re upset, he stops immediately
will hold you if you’re upset, and he has a sweet voice, so hearing him talk or sing will calm you down immediately
after comforting you, he’d take care of you for the rest of the day
you have work to do at home? No, you don’t, he’s going to make you tea and tell you how well beautiful you are
I can see him being very strict about his sleep schedule
he cringes at the thought of himself having wrinkles because he slept the wrong way, so he tries to go to bed at a certain time and wakes up at a certain time (mafia orders and job stuff are an exclusion though)
sometimes he goes to sleep earlier than you do, but he doesn’t mind if you interrupt him to crawl under his arms
for him, he definitely prefers to face you his sleep: he can see you face when he wakes up and nothing will make him happier
if he’s really tired though, he might like burying his head in your chest as your massaging his head with your hands
he’ll let out a soft groan before falling right to sleep
he doesn’t mind holding you either though: you being the little spoon or resting your head on his chest
likes to kiss your eyelids before he goes to bed ;;-;;
soft romantic bf, can be shy, but he tries this best to make you happy
doesn’t care just as long as there’s a smile on your face
Iceman is very much a lone wolf, but with you it’s “I literally hate everyone else, but I will give the world to you”
he can and will kill for you, rest assured you are very protective
though despite his rough exterior, he’s a kind man
honestly, he doesn’t really care so much for PDA, but he gladly accepts any form of affection you give him
he’s most likely not the one that initiated it, but the only time’s he does is if he’s talking with the others: he often gestures for you to come over to sit on his lap (and you do so, because who would say no-)
or if he doesn’t initiate PDA, it’s usually out of jealousy or to show people that your his
like let’s say you’re talking with someone for a bit too long, he’s probably going to slide a hand on your waist and giving you a soft kiss on the cheek, telling you that you both have to leave (you got no where to go, he’s just wants you attention instead-)
this man has the best kisses, like if anything those are what make your heart flutter the most
it doesn’t matter what kind of kiss he gives you: one of the cheek, a short peck, etc, it still makes you feel somewhat flustered and a tomato (which he grins at)
he doesn’t seem like the type, but he likes to tease you in more of a subtle way.
You were putting on a pair of pants and adjusting them at your hips: zipping up the front zipper and button. You then reached over to the side to find a belt, only to realize that it wasn’t there. Suddenly, hands slipped around your waist and you realized that Iceman was doing you belt for you.
“ These pants compliment your waist quite well,” he whispered gently into your ear. It almost sounded like a bit of a growl. You felt your chest flutter as you let him do his thing. Though before anything else happened, he buckled your belt together and slipped his hands away, walking away as if nothing happened.
nicknames for you are simple. He doesn’t want to do anything more ambitious and he feels proud that he can call you simple nicknames: “love” and “babe” or “baby”
those nicknames make you feel flustered either way… so I mean
He notices you trying to reach something that was on the top shelf, but stops you. Getting you off the counter, and reaching for it himself,” Let me help you, Love.”
he’s the kind of man that lana del ray writes in her music *cough*
he LOVES YOUR WAIST: he’s always touching it
sometimes he’ll place a gentle hand on the side of your waist while passing you, he’ll take any chance he can to pick you up by the waist (and sit you down on the kitchen counter *cough*), slow dancing with his hands resting just a top your hips while you both listen to his old records
he’s just… always touching ur waist all the time
likes to do a lot of the heavy work for you like if you’re moving something large, or carrying bags
he only does it because he knows you’re entirely capable, he just doesn’t want you to ever lift a finger if he’s around
love languages are physical touch and acts of service
he’s a sweet comforter, but he most likely doesn’t say much
he’s always listening and he’ll do whatever you ask of him, but he just prefers actions over words
will hold you until you fall asleep if you were crying, he wipes your tears too :(
will not feel rested until your completely asleep next to him
the way he holds you is definitely you laying on his chest with your ear to his heart while he’s lying on his back with an arm slung around your waist
definitely does that really sweet thing where he’ll caress your side in circles
he smokes before he goes to bed, but if it bothers you, he’ll stop (or just smoke outside)
always makes sure that before he leaves for work that you’re awake (even if you’re half-awake), happy, and with a cup of tea/coffee
conclusion: lone wolf kind of lover aka everything that I want *cough*
I feel like in a romantic relationship to him, there are very few moments where it seems romantic to the public eye
though in between you two, I can see it being very shy love
he tends not to initiate much affection, but you can quite literally see it in his eyes that he’s begging
at first, it seemed rather creepy and you thought he didn’t like you all that much, but in reality he was just silently asking for your attention
Doc is the kind of person that stands… really really close to you, so much that you’re a little bit uncomfortable and when you turn around and look at him, he smiles
he doesn’t initiate PDA at first, allowing you to show affection
he loves receiving head pats from you, it makes him feel proud of himself
though, when he started getting comfortable between the two of you, he likes to lay on you
like I’m talking… laying on your thighs, head on your shoulder, he likes to lean on you
since he’s rather sickly, he tends to be really cold quite often, so to him, you’re his personal heater
isn’t one to kiss you on the lips unless he’s feeling really passionate: a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead is enough for him
usually prefers to receive affection then give it, BUT he’s working on it, and for now standing next to him is enough
love language is very much quality time
he just likes to sit next to you, even if you’re not touching or saying anything
the silence with him is always comfortable with him, doesn’t matter what you’re both doing
the nicknames that he uses are really simple, but weird, yet strangely sweet like “happy pill” or “bug”
As he enters your room, he crosses his arms as he looks around for you. “ Hey, where’s my happy pill…WOAH-!”
You quickly tackled him into a hug. Though not hard enough for him to fall over. Doc let out a small smile as you hugged him albeit a little roughly.
his comforting doesn’t really come out very often
for example: let’s say you get injured
he’ll turn into a completely different person, rather serious and focused when he’s treating you
but if you are in pain, he’ll be holding onto you gently as he’s trying to patch you up
he hushes you if you wince from the pain
can he cook? Nope, and he doesn’t really try to either
because he’s a doctor, he tends to be busy and doesn’t really have much time to take care of himself
so either his subordinates deliver food to him, or you deliver him food (which he’s very grateful for)
I can see him being the kind of person who sleeps on his back, or on you… like from earlier
he’ll very easily fall asleep on your lap if you hand is touching his hair, but to be honest he’ll sleep anywhere
this man does not sleep, so if you offer your shoulder for him to lean on, he’ll most likely knock out
he takes naps anywhere… sleeps anywhere, so it’s quite hard to get him to sleep in a bed
anyways, if you’d like to sleep next to him, he usually lifts his arms so that you can nuzzle into his side as he lies on his back
if you’re too scared to be near him though, he might just hold your hand as you both fall asleep next to each other
he likes watching you sleep though, so sometimes he’ll just prop himself up on a pillow with a book while holding your hand in his other
in conclusion: he’s a quiet and sweet lover
he quite literally follows you every where
you’re going to the store? Ok, he wants to take you for a ride on his motorcycle. You’re going to go get some coffee at that cafe downstairs? He’s already throwing on his jacket. You’re just getting up to go get another snack? Well, he’s not going to let you leave his arms, so up he goes with you.
he’s always hugging you, doesn’t matter what you’re both doing
greets you with a hug, says goodbye with a hug, will just… hug you if you’re standing within proximity of him
I can also see Albatross taking his little furry jacket vest thing and putting it on you, as well as his sunglasses
no, you cannot argue with him, he’s going to do it anyways if you’re both having a casual moment together
as you can see from just now, he LOVES PDA
he loves to receive it, loves to give it
he’s always holding your hand, or waist, or has his head on your shoulder or on top of your head if you’re standing in front of him, is always hugging you
once again, no you cannot argue with him, he will probably cry, you haven’t tried to argue with him though… but you have a feeling that he would cry
sometimes you tend to forget that he’s behind you, and someone will end up pointing it out (usually Chuuya… the other Flags are used to it)
he lets you braid his rat tail and doesn’t take it out until you do, and you only take it out if you want to redo it
love languages are physical touch and quality time, he loves to receive physical touch back (please hug and kiss him, he enjoy it even if it’s a small thing)
can and will take you out for his midnight drives and shenanigans
once dragged you out of bed so that you could both go to the beach and run into the water (you were both still in your night wear, but seeing him laughing and smiling made you happy too)
he likes driving a lot faster than normal just so that you can cling onto him, his makes butterflies go absolutely HAM in his stomach
nicknames for you are cutesy, he doesn’t really like traditional nicknames and sometimes they remind him of Lippman and it makes him cringe
he likes to call you “Dumpling” or “Marshmallow”… maybe he’s just hungry, I don’t know
“ Dumplin’, can you pass me the wrench that’s in that toolbox next to you over there?”
speaking of wrenches, he feels happy whenever you visit him at his garage
you can just sit there and listen to him talk for hours on end while he fixes things up
he leaves his toolbox next to you on purpose just so that you can hand it to him
I can imagine that if you hand him a tool and he’s laying on his back under a car on one of those rolley cart things
instead of reaching out for it with his hand, he’ll quickly roll up and take it from you, but not before swiping his stained hand on your cheek and giving you a quick kiss
he’s just silly… and he likes to give you little form of affection
he may be great at cars and boats and planes, but do not let him cook
he will somehow find a way to burn the kitchen by just touching the pan with the stove off
though despite being a shitty cooker, he’s a big foodie
he loves to eat literally everything and tries new things because he heard a review
if you bring him to a new restaurant, he’ll be taking photos of his food and be reviewing it as he eats it
I can see him sleeping sprawled out on the bed, if you join him, he’ll unconsciously cling onto you like a magnet
he’s a pretty deep sleeper, but he’s always looking for you in his sleep
if you leave, he’ll whine and try to look for you even if with his eyes closed
in conclusion: he’s very much in his puppy love era, and his face is always red when he’s talking to you… he’s a blushy boy around you
he’s very much a tsun, so it might be quite hard for him to get close to you, or even show affection
though, just know that despite how much he acts like he doesn’t like your affection, he recretly loves it
he fell first and harder mind you
he treats you like literal royalty behind closed doors though
Chuuya’s not really one for PDA, and he’s not going to initiate it under any circumstance
the only reason is because he has a tendency to want to continue to show his rough exterior out in public
he can get kind of awkward if you initiate it, but will relax into it after a while
though, when he greets you in public he’s a gentlemen: he’ll even kiss your hand and lead you places by the hand sometimes
though that’s about it
behind doors though, he’s… so clingy
bike the moment that you close the door, he already has his arms around your waist
if he kisses you anywhere, it’s on your neck, and he does it in the most dramatic way possible
he’ll take one of your hands in his as he’s behind you and he’ll let out a short breathe on your neck before kissing gently
don’t get him wrong though, he still loves to kiss your lips
if anything, he’s addicted to your taste
love languages are gift giving and acts of service
I just know this man will literally get you anything just to make you happy
expensive jewlery? No problem, baby. You want that coat that’s over a thousand dollars? It’ll be in your closet in a couple of days.
this man is loaded so… (MAKE HIS POCKETS HURT)
he definitely does a lot of things around the house if he’s not busy
the moment that he’s home, all house chores as his now and if you argue with him, he’s going to sit you up on the kitchen counter and uh… yeah.
anyways, he likes to help around the house when he can: if you made dinner, he’s doing the dishes. Even if he made dinner, no, sit down, he’s still going to do the dishes
he simply just doesn’t want you to lift a finger and wants you to sit pretty on the couch and enjoy yourself for a moment
speaking of cooking, yes… he can cook and he’s REALLY good at it
he had no former way of teaching himself other than wanting to find a new hobby, and oh my god if the dishes that he makes aren’t literally amazing
he enjoys cooking dishes that go well with his wine depending on what he felt like drinking from his collection
nicknames that he uses are simple and easy, but they get to the point. He’ll use nicknames like “doll” or “sweet stuff”; not as simple as ice man, but he likes them
He wraps his arms around you as you were cooking dinner,” How was your day, doll? Whatcha makin’?”
I can see him comforting a lot similar to iceman
he’ll listen quietly to literally anything you ask
if you want to be held, he’ll lay down on the couch and hold you in his arms as you’re laying down on top of him
will use his ability to make you both float away from the surface for a moment: something that he used to do that always calmed him down
he likes to caress your hair, so let him when he’s trying to comfort you.
if he’s sleeping with you, he’s definitely a spooner and he is the big spoon
he snores for sure, but he never loosens his grip if he’s holding onto you
sweet boy (-w-)
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hi omg I just came across ur page, I loved your recent it was so cute & now I’m dying for more comfort Hyunjin.
Can I request reader being on her period so she’s rlly irritable and then Hyunjin comes home saying he has a stomach ache and she thinks he’s just joking around so she just ignores him but then later realizes he’s being serious when he doesn’t eat dinner n feels sick so she feels bad and takes care of him.
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title -> misinterpreted pair -> hyunjin x fem!reader genre -> hurt/comfort + fluff warnings -> mentions of periods + mentions of food + cursing a/n: yall i think im a sucker for hurt/comfort jinnie, thank you for you request! <3 it came out shorter than i expected but i still hope you like it ¡! :(
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as if the day couldn't get more annoying, periods happen. ok, it's not like i had a lot on my plate but there's no worse sensation than your uterus kicking you like you deserve it. it was painful, annoying and overall made me feel like complete garbage. i carried through work like i could, continuing with my day like i wasn't suffering every step of the way. getting home was a task too but i managed through it and decided to throw myself on the bed, trying every single position to see if it would make the pain go away. 
i know i wasn't the easiest to deal with when i was like this but i was hoping hyunjin would understand. 
speaking of him, he was just about to come in through the door every minute now and the things that i usually get ready for him, are not there. like i said, i hope he understands that it's not my best day and he can get them on his own. i know practice must've been a lot and i truly wish he would take care of himself better.
"(y/n)?" i hear my name being called out and i don't even have the strength to get up. feels like the weight is pulling me down again. i manage to do so in a few tries but everything still spins and hurts around me. "missed you baby." he says when he sees me and gives me a hug which i have to retract because of the tightness of it all. he looks at me confused which i have to explain.
"i'm on my period and everything sucks right now." i say calmly but dying on the inside. "i'm sorry if i'm gonna be a bitch to you at any moment but right now i just need to rest."
"oh, that's okay i actually had like a stomach ache through the whole day so i get it." and i just sigh 'cause i knew he was messing with me. he always likes to do that and even with the confused look on his face, i wouldn't fall for it at all. i decided to not linger on it and go to our room to get my sweet sleep as much as i wanted to stay and cuddle with my boyfriend, i knew it would only bring pain and uncomfortability.
✉ ✉ ✉ 
getting up and being met by the moon in the night sky was not my plan all along. hyunjin was by my side, he didn't even try to cuddle with me which i thanked for but he looked a little odd. i couldn't place my finger on what it was but i had to get up and make dinner before it was too late. as i tried to concentrate in the cooking and not the pain (again), i tried to place my finger around what was going on with my boyfriend. 
could it be that things didn't go well today? but he didn't look mad or sad. he also didn't say anything about the boys (usually there's one or two comments about felix). maybe he was just tired and didn't need me on top of his business and i was just panicking over nothing.
"babe?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts and there was definitely something going on. he looked pale but at the same time it looked like he had a run a marathon with all the sweat and i was starting to see things better. "oh no, jagi i love your cooking but i think i'll pass today."
i placed the dinner on the table and i looked at him. he never passed on my cooking so something 100% was off today and what did i miss? as i got close to him i tried to repeat our conversation today. my hand went directly to his forehead and as everything started to make sense with him burning up, i said.
"fuck you weren't lying, you truly had a stomach ache." i felt like crying right then and there. even if i felt terrible, i still would do anything to take care of hyunjin. it hurt that i put myself first when he was hurting just as much as me. i didn't want to cry though, this was my chance to make it better unless he hated me at this very moment and didn't want me to do anything and-
"you're thinking too much and yes i did or i still do. i don't know, everything's kinda of spinning and i think i might have a fever." he said and i immediately sat him down as i looked for the termometer. thinking of every remedy and healing technique i went through my entire life as i came back and made him open his mouth. 
"i'm sorry jinnie. i should've been more careful and paid more attention to your words." i said and he wanted to say something but i stopped him. "nuh uh no moving! also i'm gonna tell the boys you're not going tomorrow." that's when he also wanted to protest but i took the termometer out and checked. 
"so? do i have a fever?" he said and i nodded as he responded with a sigh. "i can't miss practice when we're learning a new choreo though, babe you know how it is".
"but you also can't practice if you're basically running a fever and feeling dizzy, what if you pass out?" i said and i could see that he was seeing my point. "just let me text chan and then i'll have all the time in the world for you."
"but what if you get sick too?" he pouted and i just smiled because even in the sickness of it all, he still cared about me. he really was the sweetest guy i've ever met.
"if i get sick, i get sick baby, there's nothing bad about it plus i get to spend time with my favorite person." i said laying him on my lap as i messed with his hair and caressed his cheek.
he eventually fell asleep and i just couldn't stop looking at him. i decided to slowly get up without disturbing him, then i would call work and tell them that i would be taking the day off to spend it with my loved one 'cause it's what he deserved.
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can i PLZ rq mikey with a (gender neutral please) reader who's like...a sunshine type but they're actually pretty depressed and just trying to make him happy? FRIENDS TO LOVERS PERHAPS?? WHERE HE TAKES THEM OUT ON A DATE TO MAKE THEM ACTUALLY HAPPY AND HE CONFESSES AND SHIT PLZZ
sorry if this is too much, have a nice day and don't forget to drink water!
Omg I actually love this Bc this is a reader I can relate with! ty for being my first request and you too drinks lot of wata!
A/N: this is quite long because I could not stop writing hehe also I was listening to "heaven and back" By chase atlantic and MWAH that song is what helped write this fic but enjoy all my lovelies! ;3
Characters: Mikey x gender neuteral! reader, mentions of other characters (maybe) angst with comfort (I'm rlly bad at giving warnings lol bc I like surprising yall heh)
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Hold my hand~
you were sat in your small apartment seated by the window that was littered with falling raindrops, soft thunder ran throughout the skies as you silently drank the warm cup of tea infront of you, the weather matched your mood, you've always felt like this since before you could remember, you don't remember what triggered it but you started falling into this deep abyss of foreign emotions, lost in the darkness you found comfort in until you finally hit rock bottom. That is, until you saw him, walking through the halls of your school with a tall intimidating guy that had a black dragon tattooed on the side of his head, you initially thought he was bad news and no good due to people whispering about how the bleach blonde boy was "the invincible Mikey" and how he ran "..The most dangerous gang in Tokyo" you kept your distance for as long as you could until he one day approached you with a confused look on his puppy face. "Excuse me do you know where Takemitch Hanagaki is?" he asked his head tilted to the side "oh- uhm I don't think anyone by that name goes here- but I can help you look if you'd like" you offered with a smile, something about this boy made you feel something, his aura was inviting and welcoming, and it made you feel something you haven't felt in a long time but you couldn't pin-point what it was "Oh really? that would be nice thank you lady!" he said with a small laugh that made you smile even more, it was child-like and rang through your ears like a soothing melody. Eventually you found this Takemitchi hanagaki with a sweet looking pink haired girl, you were about to take your leave when Mikey grabbed your shoulder to stop you. "Hey don't leave yet! your my friend now and we have to hang out!" he said with a boyish smile and you turned to him with a confused expression, "you want to be my friend?" you asked with a doubtful tone, "Of course! you helped me so now I wanna be friends!" your heart fluttered at his words and you quickly smiled and nodded "Alright then we'll be friends then!" you say and before you knew it he was hugging you in a tight embrace that sent waves of emotion through you. From that point on you've been the best of friends with Mikey, you did everything together from going on rides with him on his motorcycle or going to the convenience store to get him more dorayaki. He was the light in your darkness and you wanted to make him the happiest he could be since he was practically saving you from yourself, you both laughed and smiled whenever you were with each other, but when those days were over and you were left alone in your cold bed staring up at the dark ceiling those wretched thoughts and horrible sadness filled your veins again and you began to overthink 'What if he's just trying to make a fool out of me?' 'If he knows about my real emotions he'll for sure not want to be friends with me anymore' and you swore to yourself to never let Mikey see that dark ugly side of you, even when he was sad or talked about him brother, you always were right there to comfort him, to make him smile as long as he was happy you were happy...right? "Y/N why are you sad?" Mikey asked one day as you both were walking alongside each other the sun was setting painting a beautiful array of pastel colors, you turn to Mikey with a confused expression "..huh?" "you just seem so..sad today" he says looking up at the sky, your heart rate increased you felt your mind racing with thoughts of how this could all go wrong, you started hyperventilating your smile faltering and before you could even say one word he turned to you with a deadpan expression. "Let's go on a date."
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OKAY OKAY LISTEN, I have Part 2 coming up and I'll post it bc I MADE THIS TOO DAMN LONG KJSDSKDJNFJSJDK but reposts/reblogs are welcome js credit me!^^ Tags: @nakukuu @z3r0aqxa
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Please only do if you want to, but I loved the imitating your SO a bit too much and I’m a shit stirrer. What would the other guys from One Piece do if you were imitating them? 👀
a/n - dw I’m gonna cause as much trouble as I can for you lmao- and I’m assuming ace is a good choice because of your pfp 👀 tysm for requesting! (I’m so sorry if I didn’t end up writing the character you wanted originally 😭)
Warnings ⚠️ - not proofread, g/n reader
Mocking Ace + Corazon + Luffy
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- this boy is a really sweet guy! All he wants is for you to be safe and sound :)
- being the s/o of fire fist ace was pretty cool other than the fact that whenever you cuddled with him- you’d get pretty hot quickly lmao
- he gets sad whenever you have to take a break from cuddling him and turn the ac on in the summer 🥺
- “y/n come back-“
- “ace you’re really warm.. I’ll be back in five minutes ok?”
- “🥺 I need cuddles though.”
- you had to slightly laugh at your boyfriend’s cute little sad face he made
- “I need cuddles tho-“ you said, trying to make the same puppy dog eyes he was making
- I think you made him cry.
- … I’m not in a shit stirring mood anymore bec these characters are rlly sweet and soft 😭
- you even imitated his voice just to poke fun and tease his little needy self
- You didn’t expect to make him feel bad and sulk while hugging a pillow- !
- he turned away from you and silently just- (broke down) inside while cuddling a cold pillow which he thought was a poor replacement of your cuddles
- the poor boy was so hurt by your actions, and you didn’t even mean for it to be that way 😭
- you had to apologize and give him plenty of hugs and kisses to get this golden retriever energy boy back on his feet lol
- “Ace it was a joke- I’m sorry! I love your cuddles-“ You tried to say, wrapping your arms around the man, cupping his cheeks in your hands
- “… I don’t make that face.” He mentioned softly, burying his head in your chest like a little baby needing attention
- “Pft- you do through.”
- “do not.”
- “do too.”
- “… do not.”
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- this man is the definition of a gentle giant :)
- 9’7 (ty @ewfilthymundane for telling me cuz I thought this man was 6’0 for the longest time-) and all he needs is you 🥺
- The problem with being so large is that sometimes he can suffocate you when he lays on top of you while hugging your torso
- So maybe it’s better for you to lay on top of him instead of the other way lmao
- but you still let him cuddle you because his cuddles are the best ✨
- he sometimes works for days on end, so when he returns, he literally just- collapses into you like a pile of mush 😭
- you’re on the sofa, and he just- bleh
- “Rosi, welcome home..” you said, kissing his forehead, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair
- man was kinda drowsy- so he looked a bit hazey
- “Mmm.. thank you baby..” His arms subconsciously just wrapped around you, his legs curling up underneath yours
- he was snuggling closer to you as you were just watching some tv, but you decided to poke some fun (bec yes. Shit stirring mood)
- you grabbed his old beanie, putting it on your head and quickly trying to put on the lipstick without your sleepy boyfriend noticing
- (this is at a time when he’s a marine now :)
- “What are you doing y/n?..” He asked drowsily, slightly opening his eyes to check what all the commotion was about
- His eyes immediately widened when he saw your whole new look
- “Silent.” You said, snapping your fingers like he would always do
- man was shook
- but also extremely confused because when he’s tired like this, his brain isn’t functioning lmao
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- “wh- why are you wearing my beanie…?”
- “You don’t like it??”
- “No-! It looks good on you- but why are you- wait. WAS THAT ME YOU WERE IMPERSONATING?!”
- … Cora 💀
- “YES YOU-“
- cut him some slack lmao he sets his shoulder on fire everyday
- man was shook x10
- omg he was actually kind of scared, and embarrassed 😭
- “Y/n- please don’t impersonate me..”
- “Why?? You’re so cute!”
- You pinched his cheeks together, and it made him feel a bit better that you thought of him that way :)
- I mean he still didn’t enjoy being impersonated but- you ended up giving him kisses later with his lipstick on lmao
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- you dare to try and impersonate the absolute KING of impressions?!
- nah nah nah hold up
- “GOMU GOMU NOOOOOO!” You shouted, throwing your fists forward in front of Nami and Chopper
- “HAHA! You sound just like him!” Nami cackled, struggling to breathe
- it was like Luffy SMELLED the mocking going on like- he was there in front of you guys within seconds
- “Y/n. Was that me??”
- “Yes Luffy, who else says that.”
- “You’re the one who’s always telling me not to jump into the ocean! dOn’T jUmP inTo tHe oCeAn! YoU aTe a dEvIl fRuIt aNd CaN’T sWim-!” He said, trying to imitate your voice and movements
- you were offended
- “… Nami- will they stop?”
- “Once Sanji makes dinner they’ll settle down.”
- “OI! Dinner!” -Sanji
- “… I’ll race you!” -Luffy speeds to the kitchen like a madman
- god he was a handful. But you love him 😭
- “see? all Luffy needs is food.” -Nami
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a/n - hehe these were funny 😭
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writers-reach · 3 months
hellooo! can i request yu, yosuke, and kanji date headcanons?? thank you
persona 4: general date headcanons (yu narukami, yosuke hanamura, kanji tatsumi)
notes: gender-neutral reader, fluff, reader implied to be a part of the investigation team
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yu narukami
kind of a classic romantic. starts with going out to a movie. will take you out to dinner and buy dessert. maybe even a quick trip to the hot springs to unwind before going home.
holds open doors for you and stuff (bc he's a GENTLEMAN!!!) and insists on paying when he can. but, if you really insist, he won't put up much of a fuss.
will stop on a walk to pet a cat he sees across the street. you join him (unless you're allergic in which he will carry some hand sanitiser on him at all times to wash his hands before going back to holding yours)
gives you a hug and kiss on the back of your hand before saying goodbye, but doesn't keep up the gentleman act seriously for long before bursting into giggles.
he's just a rlly sweet boy
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yosuke hanamura
a bit less formal than yu, but still tries his best.
as much as he'd like to go all-out, taking you to the nicest places and spending the night dancing under the stars...... he's still just a part-time worker.
so he'll have to settle for something a bit more homey. buys all your favourite snacks and candy and invites you over to play video games with him.
does the thing where he sorta-spoons you (sits behind you, wraps his legs around your torso, and rests his chin on your head as you two play games). it makes him feel like The Man in the relationship, irregardless of your gender. you keep telling him he doesn't have to be this macho image of a strong, providing boyfriend, but he feels confident when he's the big spoon so yk, you go along with it
steals kisses whenever he can (usually to distract you from your game (bastard.)), but again, he's just too cute to get really mad at.
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kanji tatsumi
cooks for you! he's actually a pretty decent cook (not as good as yu though) and along with cooking dinner, will probably have made something for you beforehand and gives it to you.
i imagine you and kanji would really be into stuff like journalling or colouring books. a date with kanji is Floor Time(tm) with some tv on in the background and doing a colouring date.
sometimes you'd do the thing where you put on a timer and after it goes off, swap drawings and finish what the other has drawn. kanji, despite being amazing at fabric arts, isn't the best artist. he tries his best though!!!!
sooner or later you'd probably end up cuddling with a mountain of plushies or other soft material while talking. such is life at the tatsumi household.
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a/n: tysm for requesting!! have a good day!
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hioriswifey · 1 year
(Isagi, Hiori, Ness)
“I need a doctor, oh”
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🍵 潔世一 Isagi Yoichi
“im not a doctor but I think I might be able to help,”
always kisses you with such a dreamy gaze
not the most flirty but you can always see he’s trying his best <3
like will sometimes make flawless executions but other times he’ll be like “um, hi y/n…” and run away blushing
I don’t think he’ll write good morning/night texts but will send you pictures of little things, like flowers and say that it reminded him of you
would never let other people see his text messages w you bc it’s for HIM and HIM ONLY
sometimes plays w ur hair as a hobby at first he was mess but he can do fishtail braids now
🍵 氷織羊 Hiori Yo
“my diagnosis is that no one has been treating you well,”
let’s you hug him from the back while he plays games + talks to you abt literally anything while you’re there
let’s you play sometimes and gets rlly excited and kisses you when you win
always has a spare bottle of water w him for you
not necessarily a big fan of those street food stands but sometimes experiments and finds the best one to take you
puts his headset on u and laughs at how cute u look <3
hc he wants to try roller skating and takes u out on rollerskating dates
somehow always there to catch you whenever you almost fall
🍵 アレクシス-ネス Alexis Ness
“so what do you prescribe?” “loves the only medicine,”
loves cuddling like he always cuddles you with such a loving gaze it makes you forget global warming <3
aside from always being with Kaiser, I bet he’s rlly flirty and actually good at communication
sometimes whispers sweet nothings in your ear as you walk by like,
“good morning beautiful,” or something rlly cheesy
loves nicknames and pet names
if you ever said some flower was really pretty he’d always call you that like ex: my gorgeous daisy
would never call you “hot” im sorry if that’s what ur into but I feel like he’d rather call you “gorgeous”, “precious”, “beautiful” etc.,
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I used these +Isagi, Hiori are both infjs and ness’s an enfj btw <3
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iichaeyj · 2 years
may i request stuco president gf karina hcs?
student president karina headcanons . . . ♡
PAIRING: karina x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
A/N: ik aespa well enough, but i don't normally keep up with them 24/7, but i hope you like this! tysm for requesting <3
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okay but i feel like karina suits this role so well
she's the smart, independent student president who is well respected by all her fellow classmates
and bc she's so respected, she sorta becomes unknowingly intimidating to others
she's just so good at everything it makes ppl scared of her, yk?
and she tries hard to keep up that image of a strong, confident leader
and tbh, she always does
but in reality, she's actually just a lovestruck student who's head over heels for you
like she looks so composed as she reads her book near the front of the class, but she's actually trying to focus on you, who's sitting right in front of her, without making it obvious
she's normally so calm and collected, but smile at her and she completely loses her composure
as much as i think she'd be shy, though, i also think she knows what she wants
and as nervous as she gets around you, she figures she needs to make the first move
so she tries her best to swallow her nerves and try and talk to you
and as the two of you began getting closer, she confessed to you <3
i imagine her being rlly shy, but trying to remain confident as she tells you how she feels
she's so cute :(
and as your girlfriend, i think she'd be lowkey about it but also not ??
like when she's giving speeches or smth in front of the school, she'll make sure to look at you and give you a smile she doesn't give anyone else
just smart gf karina who only has eyes for u <3
but she also wouldn't like to outwardly be affectionate towards you in front of all the other students (yk her reputation)
but that doesn't mean she'd try and hide the fact that she loves you
and i think she'd be very affectionate in private
like she'd love whining to you about how she missed you or ask you for hugs all the time when you two are alone
and other things she'd do as your girlfriend include studying with you, giving you gifts, and holding your pinkie whenever one of you is nervous
expanding on that
if you were ever struggling with a certain subject, i think karina would offer to tutor you
she'd spend half the time teaching you and half the time telling you how cute you are when you're focused :(
and she's definitely a gift giver
she just likes doing small things to show that she appreciates you!!
and another thing she likes to do is small acts of affection
imagine she's nervous about making an announcement as the student president one day
and you always manage to calm her down
so she just goes to you and holds your pinky, something that isn't a large display of affection and yet, gives her the reassurance that she needs
as long as she knows you're by her side, she's perfectly fine tbh
sweet, smart gf karina is all im thinking about now :(
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rinnelovebot · 2 years
heyy! so if reqs are open could i please have shu and nazuna (separate) with a s/o who had a nightmare and needs comfort after? (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞
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A/N: I actually rlly liked this idea !! I should be doing schoolwork rn, but I like to live on the edge. no pun intended.
*ೃ༄ Shu Itsuki and Nazuna Nito comforting their s/o after a nightmare
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⤷ When you woke from your slumber in a cold sweat, tears threatening to cascade down your cheeks, chest heaving as though you’d just finished a marathon — Shu was immediately worried, quickly making his way over to the side of your bed. With furrowed brows, he placed a hand on your forehead, asking if you were alright as calmly as possible.
⤷ Clearly, you were not. Even if you had said otherwise, Shu wouldn’t have believed you. If it was sickness that you felt, he wanted to catch it as soon as possible to prevent it from progressing any further. But, it hadn’t been that. If anything, you might’ve preferred being sick over the terror you had just experienced within your own unconscious mind.
⤷ Shu caught on fairly quick, sucking his teeth and sliding into the bed with you — if it was comfort you had needed, it was comfort you would receive. Despite how he may have seemed at surface level, Shu cared deeply about your feelings and wellbeing, and didn’t want you to deal with the aftermath of a nightmare on your own.
⤷ He didn’t ask you to describe what had happened within the nightmare, assuming you wouldn’t want to relive such a sour experience, especially not directly after it had happened. Instead, he pulled you close, brushing stray hairs from your sweat-sheened forehead, and placed a gentle kiss upon your temple.
⤷ Shu had never been one to be any good at comforting others — but when it came to you, it all happened so naturally. He held you up against his chest, sighing contently. Shu didn’t expect to be able to erase everything that had just happened to you, but he would do his best to make you feel better, and to remind you that he was there.
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⤷ Nazuna was already concerned when you seemed to twitch and groan in your sleep — even more so when you woke up with a gasp, trembling as you gripped the blanket wrapped around you. He understood immediately, cupping your cheeks in his hands and wiping away any stray tears that had escaped in your terror.
⤷ The last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm you, knowing that you probably already felt shaken and startled as it was. Nazuna had suffered his fair share of nightmares, so he knew precisely how you were feeling. With steady hands and a soft look on his face, he slowly pulled you into a hug, allowing you to cling to him however tightly you needed. No matter how long he needed to hold you like that, he would.
⤷ He was ready to listen if you needed to talk about it, and he was also ready to just hold you in silence. Nazuna’s main goal has always been to make you feel safe and wanted, and right now you needed to know and feel those things more than ever. It didn’t matter if it was the middle of the night, and it didn’t matter if you’d both be exhausted in the morning.
⤷ As you relaxed in his hold, Nazuna too felt more at ease. Your pain was his pain, and if you felt better — he felt better as well. He continued to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, letting you know how it was okay now, and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Nothing scary could reach you within his embrace, after all.
⤷ Nazuna kissed your tears away, rocking you back and forth and squeezing you gently, yet firmly — reminding you that he was there. Even if the nightmares dared to come back, Nazuna would be right there behind them, ready to embrace and comfort you with open arms.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
last post.. bc the screenshots made it too long (i am sorry)
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THE FACT THIS IS A CANON LINE I AM DECEASED wilardo sirius and claire all hangout!! best time ever!11 they r arguing!! also best time ever!!!!
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absolute certainty in his eyes it is sirius . let it be known
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YEAH THAT IS MORE ACCURATE KINDA.......... he looks like so smug and wilardo so head empty at least u guys arnet soil roots “i wouldve liked a big brother like that” SIBLINGS (in the worst way possible)?????????????????????????????????????? CONFIRMED
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oh wait wilardo drew this one...........im surprised one day he didnt get super bored and get rlly talwented at random stuff like drawing  or maybe he is and just kinda lazy THOSAE BIG EYES HELPPPPP staring into your soul.. he made himslef look tired wilardo being (kinda) neutral and syaing that humans cant be split into 1 and 0 so true so true. where is the more love for you
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woah theres hte line i cant believe gay people are real invented by iz THE CONCERNED HUH.;.... wonder how they’d react to the fandom but ashe does have a point with that.? wilardo and ashe do have the same goal to get the bitchs heart but. at the same time theyre totally different idk delicious as a concept but executed.. agh
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oh hell no........................................... THE PANIC I JUST FELT. PLEASE PLEASE LET NOEL BE SAFE savesavesavesavesa oh. wilardos figuring out early. oh. what the hell lime yeah thats not going to be good what happened to noel??
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HELPDFJWJE I LOVE HIM sirius is like “i dont care for claire” also him:  he just ends up staring at everybody...........what it looked like when he was thinking (real)
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aww god oh fcuk its like those awkward famil;y meeting dinners everybody has a clue of whats going on atp “theres so much id like to talk about” HAHAHAHAHAAHAH fear imagine ashe gossiping like a mean girl AUGHHHGHH FUCKING GFDIOJFOIQJ12I what if ashe did actually have innocent intentions and just wanted to get his mind off of things?? and by avoiding him its making his sanity even worse BUT I DONT KNOIWJKJGHGH PROLLY NOT IT anyway. seeing sirius being panicked is sweet the n again if he didnt help noel tears would be on his hands and nobody can handle noel crying. and itd add to someone he knew dead sirius is just “goddmanit in order for this to work i need to say we’re besties or whatever nthe kids say these days” WHY IS ASHE USING SUCH FANCY LANGUAGE. GN. HES JUST LIKE THIS . the power of friendship.........i mean scp............................................
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a can somebody hug him already. bro the cg with him lady dorothy is so good i wanna redraw it one day like i saw somebody do he just keeps comparing it it hurts my heart ive said it once and ill say it again,, siblings
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mario11!1 drag her around >:D
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angeltism · 5 months
honestly i also kinda feel that way about my gender currently like. its just Me. my gender is just being Myself. aside from that it just feels like an empty space but thats not relevant SHAJHDJSH but for now my gender around you is just one truly in love individual hehe
OH MY GOD YEAH wait YOU ACTUALLY DO THE SAME THING I DO EVERYTIME I EAT FRIED CHICKEN FHSJEHSJEHWH it takes me like one hour to finish eating like. three pieces. because of how much of that time goes on just taking out the meat HSJAHSJS honestly its a lengthy process but good lord it is worth every second of it (also im lowkey really entertained when doing it. even with other foods. i remember very clearly these many times i would put a bunch of grapes with seeds on a bowl and then just. eat the top of the grape and take out the seeds and then peel them. i did it for like two hours each time and i never got bored JHSJSHSH) oh yeah chocolate is always my go to sweets option even if i dont get to eat it that often for health reasons.. the times i do eat it though? magnificent i say! OH OH UH i cant say i hate any of those options in particular? big fan of all of them honestly But if i had to pick it would probably be milk chocolate!
- 💌 anon
honestly that's like 100% real , i'm kinda the same (masc? fem? neu? sometimes all of them . sometimes none . sometimes literally the most confusing xeno shit ever . but always 100% moi no matter what !) . . . and uur flattering me again . squishes uu in a bone crushing hug . uu are loveletter anon and uu are awesome no matter the gender honestly ( . i mean this genuinely in a friendly way but also in the bi with a gender preference of "whoever i like at the moment" y'knowww . ^_^)
and OMG YEAHHH TWINNING . . . . ugh i just cannawt handle meat on the bone . so literally same i spend wayy too much time trying to get the meat off of the bone n making sure it doesn't really have any weird texture bits (like . . . cartilage ick . my sensory issues cannawt) . and omg that grape thing is so silly <3 i try my best to get seedless bc seeds can be kinda icky sometimes for me . . . but taking the seeds out sounds silly n weirdly fun actually ?
and oooo yeah everything in moderation i suppose,, i'm glad uu still get to enjoy it though , even in small amounts !! and oo reasonable , i purrsonally have to eat white chocolate in super small amounts at a time cuz it's reaaally sweet n i can kinda have sensitive teeth so . but ugh milk chocolate is sooo good yumyumyum .
also . no need to answer if uu don't wanna but are there by any chance irls or media appearances of uurs that share a source with me . . . just curiousies . esp if like . pj.sk ou somethin else i'm rlly into (star rail , genshin , even just vocal synths in general cuz i'm like 4 of them teehee)
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lxvebun · 3 years
you don't have to hide your tears from me
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request:Hello dearie If it is alright with you, can I request a one shot/scenario with Gojo and a gn reader where he accidentally makes the reader cry and genuinely mad at him, and he makes up for it please? Thankyou <3
a/n: hi angel! Thank you for requesting. I know you only asked for Gojo but I can't think of a big plot at the moment so I decided to do a little part for some other characters as well. Thank you for being so patient ily and I hope you like this♡
content warning:GN!reader. Hurt+comfort except for Yuuji thats just pain. Talk about Yuujis execution. Cursing. Reader cries a little in all of them. Slight feelings of neglect and intrusive thoughts in Tojis. Use of nicknames honey, angel, sweetheart. English is not my first language. Not proofread im rlly tired have mercy on my stupidity
dc that includes if you reblog dark stuff stop interacting with me ffs k!nk n ed blogs do not interact ty
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You couldn't understand why Yuuji was so dismissive of his fate when it broke your heart hearing it the first time. You tried to stay strong for him, not letting him see how much it affected you, but every time he or Gojo mentioned it it became harder to keep up the facade and it finally broke when you and Yuuji were having your weekly movie night.
"I hope I'll make it to see the end of this movie series...y/n?.... Hey hey, what happened?!
To say yuuji was worried would be an understatement. You were alright one moment and the next you're bursting into tears.
"I'm just going to miss you so much, I don't understand how you have already accepted it."
You couldn't bring yourself to actually say it out loud but Yuuji understood what "it" meant. He pulled you into a bone crushing hug and tried his best to soothe you but it didn't work since Yuuji himself was getting upset as well.
"I was hoping that if I kept on being positive it wouldn't affect you so much. I know that it looks like I accepted it and that I don't care about it but the truth is that I'm really scared.
You could hear in his voice that he was holding back tears
"I know I would regret it if I didn't do anything about Sukuna, but that doesn't mean I accepted the fact we're not going to grow old together"
He finally allowed his own tears to flow as he pulled you even more into him. There was no way you would let him be executed. You don't care what you'll have to do. he will live a long good life even if you have to fight the king of curses yourself.
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more under the cut!
"You're so fucking mean sometimes Satoru"
you told him before you locked yourself away in the bedroom. A lot of people have told him before that his teasing can be a little much but he thought you would just be a little annoyed with him he didn't realize that his words were actually hurting you and he despised himself for not noticing you were hurting sooner. He never wants to see you cry, especially not because of him.
Gojo's heart broke into a million pieces when he walked into the bedroom. It was dark and you were asleep already but he could still see the tearstains on your cheeks and hear the little sniffles you let out in your sleep. He sat down next you and he gently stroked your cheek, softly coaxing you awake.
"Hi, honey...I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't realize my teasing was hurting you. I never would have kept going if I did. I'll try to watch my words more."
He said keeping his voice soft. You could tell he was being sincere.
"Thank you"
"You don't need to thank me for this. Does this mean I'm forgiven? "he asked in a hopeful voice.
"I was about to order your favorite food-
You're forgiven."
You could barely get the words out because he's already pulling you into his lap and is now pressing sweet kisses all over your face while wiping away any traces of your tears, promising he will never make you cry again
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You miss Toji. The two of you live together but lately, he's rarely home, Leaving early in the morning and coming back in the middle of the night after doing god knows what because he refuses to talk about his work with you. You didn't sleep well anymore, you never really did until Toji came into your life. he just made you feel so safe but now that he's rarely home you don't feel like that anymore. The scary thoughts and feelings came back tenfold and kept you up at night.
Toji was oblivious to all of this. He's just been so busy lately, but he was planning on making it up to you, he didn't realize that you were starting to lose sleep because of him. That was until he came back home in the middle of the night and saw that you were still up.
"Angel, what are you doing still awake?" He asked while he sat down next to you on the couch. You crawled into his lap and made yourself comfortable there, his presence immediately calming you down
" I wanted to see you, missed you, rarely see you anymore." your voice came out a little shakey and tears were already making their way down, finally feeling safe enough to let out your frustration.
"I'm sorry, angel I was just so busy with work, I didn't realize how much it affected you. I should have paid more attention...im sorry,honey
He gently lift you up and carried you back to bed making sure you were warmly tucked into the blankets before pulling you close to him.
"Go to sleep, honey, I promise I'll still be here when you wake up.
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♡navigation♡ ♡JJK masterlists♡ ♡DNI♡
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Thank you for reading bunnies<3
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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☆ Touch Starved Aces ☆
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➪ Part One - Touch Starved Pretty Setters 
➪ Pairings: sakusa x reader, iwaizumi x reader, bokuto x reader, ushijima x reader
➪ genre: fluff 
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
this man never feels touch starved 
or so you thought 
despite not rlly being the one to initiate intimacy first, he’ll crave it when your touch has been gone for too long 
but c’mon just because he’s touch starved doesn’t mean he’ll hug you first or anything
he let’s you do it, so when he randomly makes his way and stops in front of you
you better hug him or else he’ll have a bad day
same goes for when he draws his face near yours and tugs down his mask
do not ask him if he wants a hug or a kiss bc his pride won’t let him actually say it 
but there are times wherein his need for your touch > shyness 
why in the world aren’t you cuddling him to sleep rn? 
FINE— he’ll be the first to scoot over and hug you then
hates you for not cuddling with him tonight bc now he had to do it first <3 
when you’re doing grocery, he won’t hold your hand knowing you’re doing all the work and your hands are now full of ✨germs✨
but he occasionally holds your elbow though
and lets go when he stands by your side to examine the product you’ve held out for him to see 
you just appreciate how he still wanted to hold you in some way
if he’s really needy, best expect showering together with multiple kisses littered here and there
also, don’t u dare get up while he’s lying down on top of you 
and don’t stop running your fingers through his hair too until he falls asleep 
ur touch is just immaculate for him <33 
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Iwaizumi Hajime 
definitely not that vocal about it
but he’s not shy either, he just- 
does what he wants, i guess
who cares if you’re busy? he wants to hug you now and so he does <3 
he’s just a sucker for sudden approaches, like how when you wake up first and prepare coffee for him 
the next thing you know warm hands slip inside your shirt and his muscled arms wrap around you
litters kisses all over your face and neck when he randomly wakes up at night
and hugs you tighter after that before going back to sleep
won’t really even remember it when he wakes up <3
“Hajime, I need to dress up for work,” you try to untangle his arms from your waist and he does 
psyche— he tugs you back down by your wrist so that you’re now on top of him 
“just a minute,” he mutters with his eyes still closed, kissing your forehead before he gently strokes your hair
your heart just goes all uwu and you’re tempted to call the day off just to be in his embrace for long
isn’t very showy in public but he could have a full-blown makeout session with you in front of Oikawa and he won’t give a damn 
with others around, pda is limited to him having a hand at the small of your back
or you wrapping your arms around his as you walk
he’ll unconsciously extend his arm for you bc walking together in that position is a must
he totally loves it, maybe as much as he loves u 
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Bokuto Kotaro 
you just feel tiny no matter your size because he hugs you until you can’t breathe 
he really needs hugs, he lives off of your affection and care 
when he’s touch starved, he’s needy and clingy raised to the billionth power 
he has you between his legs as you both sit up, his arms hugging you tightly against him as you watch tv 
but when you force your way out him- 
“where you going?” plus pout and puppy eyes
“I’m getting a snack, Ko.” 
“oh, okay let’s go,” he’ll happily say as he gets up with you 
chin on top of your head and arms hugging your shoulders all the way to the kitchen 
despite how big he is he wants you to cradle him in bed
he’d lay on your arm rip you blood flow and bury his face at the crook of your neck
his arms would glide up and down your thigh while your leg’s over his torso 
when he’s the one who has to get out of bed, he knows he can’t ask you to get up just to accompany him drink water
but he doesn’t wanna be away from you either 
solution: this sweet owl carries you in his arms 
never lets go of your hand when you’re together outside, who cares about the sweat <3 
is totally clueless as to why Akaashi would say that he was going a bit overboard with how much he clung to you
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
affectionate touch? what is that? 
then BOOM, y/n walks in his life and now he wants to be touching you somehow every time his eyes are on you 
it’s really random, you’d be reading a book and now he wants a hug
why? no one knows, his love just swells up and he doesn’t know how to deal with it
but he isn’t really that bold most of the time about wanting a hug or a kiss bc he shy 
when you’re being extremely cute he finds himself just ruffling your hair a bit 
or cupping your face in his big hand and kissing your cheek
over time when he’s confident that you’re comfortable with him he won’t hold back and will be the sweetest 
you just got out the shower? 
well let him plop you down the bed and kiss every inch of your exposed skin bc u just smell so good <3 
his hand would trace up and down your back from under your shirt as you lay on top of him 
will literally stay still until morning when he finds out you’ve fallen asleep
fond of laying his head on your lap when you’re chilling at the couch 
he sometimes does this thing wherein he has your hand in his and traces his lips with your fingers
you melt into a bubble rlly
bc note this: he isn’t even paying much mind to what he was doing, he just likes it 
always has an arm casually around your shoulder when you’re outside without really putting his weight on you 
more of like just making sure you feel secure within his hold <3  
there’s literally room on the bench during their practice break but he sits you down his lap you couldn’t even—
he doesn’t get why you’re flustered tbh, just let him love u
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General Taglist: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs
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heysatori · 4 years
What it’s like being their s/o
genre: fluff
pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Denki x reader, Mina x reader
a/n: hi <( ̄︶ ̄)> another self indulgent post, but you guys can send in requests if you want! /please send requests (╯︵╰,)/
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Bakugou Katsuki
a lot of ppl headcanon that he'd still be pretty rough in relationships
but i headcanon that he can actually pretty sweet when he wants to be, its just easier for things to turn to anger u know
when you first start going out hes pretty hestitant with things
hes a big ass tsundere
he'd be glaring at you cuz he wants to hug u so bad but he's not sure if you'd like that
you kinda get nervous cuz why the hell is he glaring at u???
u both eventually get over this weird stage and bakubro is no longer scared to give u a hug or a kiss whenever he wants
he's not big on pda though
at most he'd throw an arm around your shoulders cuz he wants you nearby
throw in a few kisses on the side of ur head if no ones looking
when ur alone though he turns into the biggest cuddle bug
demands that u lay down in his arms after class and training
he just feels so at peace when ur in his arms, babbling abt some story u heard or abt the korean drama that ure currently watching
he likes to give u gifts every now and then but he doesnt entirely spoil u with things
mostly cooks for u
pushes u to do ur best all the time !
altho stressful he just knows that u can be a lot better at things and he just wants u to be happy with urself and ur works!
but he knows when ur tired so he wont push, just give u a nice kiss and a big hug
dates consist of hiking, walking around at night (before his bedtime), cuddles, and study dates, you cant forget the study dates
nobody is allowed to know but he likes to call you ‘sweetheart’
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Kirishima Eijirou
our shark boy here is super affectionate!
he'll shower u in kisses and hugs whenever he can
but he totally respects ur boundaries
when u first got together he couldnt stop staring at u whenever ure around
has fucking heart eyes whenever ure in his line of sight
not that he doesnt now, but he learned to manage it to small glances
he just loves u so much
and he feels so lucky that ure his and he is yours !!
gives the second best hugs (bakugou is first sorry)
a LITERAL BEAR when he gives hugs
he just engulfs u in his arms !! and it feels so nice !!
he likes to give you kisses on ur nose cuz he finds the face u make right after absolutely adorable !
likes to rub circles on the back of ur hand when u hold hands
buys u a lot of food cuz bulking up is manly asf
likes to spin u around when u hug !! like those cheesy romantic things in movies
dates r pretty spontaneous cuz hes pretty active
but he likes to take u out to fancy restaurants when he can :)
sometimes takes u out on gym dates cuz its manly and he likes helping u improve in ur strength and ur skills !
loves to call u ‘baby shark’ 
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Sero Hanta
tape boy !! is so loving !
hes a pretty chill dude so he guys are on the down low
he doesnt mind if anyone knows, its just kinda unexpected so no one would rlly think of it happening
always has his arms around u !
will just casually slip his arms around ur waist and lean his chin on the top of ur head , givin you a little kiss every now and then
but if ur a little taller or the same height as him he likes to lean into ur neck and leave u little kisses
honestly doesnt care if ur talking to someone (unless its a teacher), he'll hug u when he wants to ( `ε´ )
pda is mostly hugs and hand holding
he likes to reserve the kisses for alone time cuz he just likes to hold ur face in his hands, thumbs on ur cheekbones, just looking at you with the most loving gaze, and then he leans down and gives u a kiss !
he likes to be intimate with u
appreciates it when u respect his down time
he isnt much of an active person like kiri and denki so he spends most of his time (that hes not spending with his friends) in his room watching a random drama or cooking show
dates consist of naps
school is pretty tiring so theres nothing more beautiful than a shared nap together !!
but he takes u out every now and then, mostly at night time when the streets aren't so busy
he likes to call u ‘my love’ 
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Kaminari Denki
electricity babe honestly could not believe u when u agree to be his significant other !! 
u were so perfect ! 
hes super touchy 
appreciates skin to skin contact so hes very big on hand holding and hugs 
his kisses are kinda sloppy but hes surprisingly super experienced 
hes just really excited that hes kissing u !!! 
swings ur arms when u hold hands <3 
hes a big tease 
so expect a lot of jokes and teasing but he does it out of love !! 
loves to pepper ur face in kisses when he can !
cups ur face and attacks u with his lips <3 
both of u study together most of the time ! 
most times alone but when u two really need to help u go to momo or bakugou 
he buys u a lot of plushies (with the money he has) 
loves to spoil u cuz u look so happy and he’s happy that he made u happy !! 
loves to play video games with u on his console ! 
sometimes he makes u wear the headset and pretend ur playing to fuck with the bakusquad or other people 
likes to have u in his lap when he games 
i just love denki so much HFAUDHADH 
calls u ‘bug’ and ‘nugget’ lovingly
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Mina Ashido
this babe !! adores u with all her heart ! 
was honestly dumb founded when u agreed to date her 
but she treats u like a god ! 
teases u a lot but its out of love 
always fills u in with the latest gossip 
likes to bring u out to buy clothes and have a fashion show later at the dorms 
links pinkies with u all the time no matter where u are 
always !! squishes !! ur face !! 
loves u tackle u in hugs 
if she brings u into her bed u cant get out 
she can cry on command, so dont try and get out of the cuddling session if u want her to cry a little 
lowkey a drama queen but u love her for that 
a lot of dates consists of watching dramas though 
likes to wrap u both in huge blankets so u can snuggle 
will fight anyone for u 
encourages u to do a lot of things esp if ur kinda shy !!
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levisgirll · 3 years
could i pls request one where the reader is having trouble eating consistently throughout the day and doesn't rlly eat much and this is where levi starts to notice and helps and comforts her? it's been hard for me to eat these last several weeks, also if you're not comfortable writing ab this you don't have to do this!
𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ Text: Hello there Anon! Thank you for sending a request to me and of course I will be glad to write this for you! And, sorry this took a while but I really do hope you see this as I tried my best with it! Also, I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble eating. Since it has been awhile I hope you are doing better now?🥺 ♡♡♡  It must be difficult but don’t forget that you are strong enough to make it this far and I am proud of you! Hang in there, things will get better soon, trust in yourself <3 
Synopsis: Levi was quick to notice the person he loves most which is Y/N for a while that they were struggling with something. So, Levi observed them for a while and then noticed how Y/N was actually having trouble not eating much. And, it was just an instinct that Levi went out to comfort and help Y/N in his own way. Which made you realize his love for you, and you only, and how soft/sweet Levi Ackerman is towards Y/N. Find out what are the things he does and says!
Trigger Warning, some mentions of eating disorder (but focusing more on levi comforting them), angst, cute fluff, modern au, headcanons imagine♡ —
It was hard, extremely hard, and you tried your best to eat consistently throughout the day, whenever you went out hanging out with Levi, and whenever you were alone. You really did. But, all alone and not letting anyone know about it because you were quite worried and concerned to even mention it, especially to Levi, you found it hard to manage this by yourself.
Whenever Levi came over to your place, or has taken you out for lunch/dinner he noticed you won’t eat much and even skipping it, and he started to wonder if it was because you hated the choices he picked and took you or you had enough of outside food with him. But, he later observed you and had noticed you were actually struggling to eat nowadays and he wanted to talk to you, to be of use and support you. After all, you are someone to him he cared and loved.
So, he decided to come over to your place and have a chat with you, because Levi was slowly starting to be worried for you.
“Hey, Y/N. I want to talk to you about something. Come sit with me?” Levi said as he sat down on your couch, leaning forward while he rested his elbows on his thighs. He looked towards you, at your eyes which had a surprised look.
“S-Sure.” Y/N said nervously and sat from the opposite side, not sure if Levi was mad at something.
“I...have been noticing that you aren’t enjoying our lunch and dinner hangouts recently, and I also noticed you usually reject my hangouts whenever we go out to eat. Did I...do something?” He sounded quite sad and also concerned. He wanted to make sure the relationship you both had was still going good, because he loved hanging out with you and spending every minute with you. To Levi, you were his everything and he wanted to progress with this relationship and bond but to do that, he had to also make sure you were comfortable and he wanted to really help you out and be there for you!
You were taken aback from his comment, surely he misunderstood the situation, Levi started talking about how he was feeling worried  if he might have done something wrong and he had also personally observed the way you were behaving different nowadays towards him.
“No Levi...You never did anything. It’s just that...” You looked away from him and looked down towards your hands that you rested on your lap, you wanted to tell him, but you were not sure how.
But then, you felt his both hands on top of yours and he held it tightly when he bent forward, and looked at you filled with love and concern. “Just what?” He was paying close attention to what you were saying, and Levi sat there patiently and calmly, waiting whenever you wanted to respond or not.
You let out a sigh and with his touch, him caressing your hands, you held his hand back and relaxed. You decided to say instead what was on your mind to Levi. “Just, I am kind of struggling to eat nowadays Levi. It’s been hard for me to eat the past few weeks and...I am trying to but it’s kind of hard.” You said, with such a sad tone it broke Levi’s heart to hear that from someone he loved. 
But, he was glad. Levi was glad and relieved to hear that you were finally telling him what was on your mind, and how you were feeling because that was important to him. And, the fact that how Levi started the conversation in a gently and safe environment and both talked about how Y/N and Levi were feeling made it much easier for Y/N to see that Levi just actually cared for them and decided to let him know. 
Ever since you had let him know about this, Levi takes account to this and starts to help you in his own way which is filled with love with every act he does.
Levi kind of understood you as he himself, is insomniac, and he struggled to sleep but ever since with your presence and whenever you both had sleepovers, it has helped him had some extra hours of sleep and he was glad he told you and shared that with you ever since you both got close. Him letting you know about it made it less harder for him and easier for him to accept it as he didn't feel all alone anymore. Levi felt really lucky to have you. And now, he wants to give that back to you but x2, he wanted the same thing for you. “Let’s do this together.” Levi would say and he held on your hand, meaning every word he is saying.
Once you have told him you don’t really eat much, Levi gave you space to talk about how they’re feeling and what was going on for them. Levi would be very patient and would honestly listen to every word you say and keep a note of it. He would never and not even think of being annoyed about their eating habit’s as he knew it was something difficult for you and honestly, he was proud of you to have made it everyday all by yourself. He found you even stronger than him.
“Hey, I’m not good with words but, I want you to know I care about you brat. And...I am always there to help, so don’t you dare hesitate with me.” He said and ruffled your hair with a slight blush on his cheeks.
After you were slowly trying to recover, once Levi surprised you and decided to break the routine and made you light homemade food instead to encourage you a bit to eat something if you wanted to. He came over for a movie night and made food for the both of you. And, if you tried or tasted his food even just a little bit, he would smile at you and lean in to give you a soft kiss on your cheek. “I’m proud of you sweetheart.” 
‘s-sweetheart?!’ you thought as your cheeks felt hot and you looked away feeling really shy. Y/N was surprised to how Levi was being too soft and sweet, and you actually found it so cute that you both ended up cuddling each other on the couch. “Tch, you really are clingy huh?” Levi said with a smirk and joked. He made you give out a small laugh as it was ironic coming from him, and that, really really, warmed his heart. Tonight was just special for the both of you and he made you feel so special that evening. You really loved him.
Although, Levi would constantly tell you that if you ever needed his help in anyway, or to even hear you out, he was so ready for that. It was his most effective way of showing you his full support, just for you. And, it all came from his heart. 
Levi would also research and read more about how to help ‘a loved one who struggles to eat’ and ask for tips from Hanji and Armin, because he really wanted all the best for you. Your happiness is his happiness too.
Whenever Levi goes out to see his old friends, he would still ask if you would like to join. He knows that even if they do not join him, he would still ask you, making Y/N feel valued as a person and always Levi trying to include them in things. Once, Y/N went out to see Mikasa, Historia and Armin to a dessert place and Levi tagged along with Y/N. He would order for himself black tea and Y/N hot chocolate while the others would get themselves some ice cream, waffles and cakes. 
While everyone is eating and chatting, Levi would put his hand on top of your lap and caress it. Making sure you are feeling alright and he is there for you no matter what. While you saw the desserts being sweet, you thought Levi’s act was even sweeter to you and it warmed your heart. He then would lean in and whisper to your ear as the others were chatting, “I know this can be hard, and there seem to be lots of food around, but you don’t have to eat it all alright?” Levi said calmly and held your hand, he understood you so well and he knew you were still in recovery so it was a great reminder for Y/N to help them feel in control again. He really helped you out and you felt so happy sharing this with him now.
One night, you got so fed up and felt really overwhelmed. So, you decided to call Levi to come over to your place while sobbing. He came so fast, you have no idea. Hearing you tear up during the phone call, broke his heart and he wanted to hold you right now. As he entered your flat, you quickly got up, eyes swollen from your tears, “I-I..” but you suddenly got pulled towards him and Levi hugged you so tightly. That simple hug, you felt all his love towards you, and it really calmed you down and warmed your heart instead of your body. “Shhh, It’s okay. I got you.”
Levi would definitely build up your self-esteem, after all you were such a great and strong person, not everyone can handle this and it was hard. So, the fact you were for several weeks, along dealing with it, Levi would let Y/N know how strong they are, and he would tell them what a great person they are and how much Levi appreciated having Y/N in his life.  “Y/N. I know this is difficult, but I am proud of you.”
The fact that Levi was constantly trying to find out more about eating disorders and how to support them, with that act itself shows that Levi actually really cared and it helped him understand how they might be feeling. So, he would always during nights you both slept together during the weekends, he would whisper soft and gentle things to you, making you feel so much good. “Y/N...You are doing really well.” He would say as he softly caressed your cheeks with his thumb as you both laid on the bed, while you hugged around his waist. “Thanks, Levi. That means a lot.” You said and softly teared up, finally feeling so much better after a long time. “Don't thank me, I want to be here for you if you ever need me.”  Those simple words, made you tear up even more, it was just the way he said it, and how he focused on your eyes, his love is real for you. That evening, you shared a lot of love together <3 It made the both of you feel amazing!
And, when you started to eat something little by little and you told him about it or he has seen it, he would give you a smile which was quite rare to see sometimes but he has become softer with you, showing you a side only you see and no one else. “See? I believe in you. You look really happy.” and he meant it. Levi has always been honest to you and that is a strong factor of his as he does not say that easily. With all of his small comments and encouragements he has given you, it made you feel so amazing whenever you ate something even small and he made sure to make you feel good about it.
If you perhaps eat something and it made you feel down about it, Levi would be sure to cheer you up about it and try to joke around to make you laugh. Doing that to make you forget your negative thoughts and he would shower you with love too, by kissing your forehead and saying “It’s going to be okay Y/N, really.”
You won’t miss a day of Levi not sending you a text, you are after all always in his mind because he is in love with you. So he would text or call you and say “How are you doing?” He wants to know if you are doing well and what you were up to so he can see you later on the day <3
Levi one day surprised you and you got a delivery from him, it was a bouquet of roses with a box of chocolate and he left you a handwritten note saying “You look amazing. -Levi.” and that simple note, made you not stop smiling throughout the whole day and squealing about it to Hanji.
After a while, Levi finally took his chance and with time he finally confessed his love to you and how much he deeply cared and cherished you. “I love you, and I don’t think of you any differently.” Levi would say to you under the beautiful nightsky. Levi then reassure them that they are worthy and loved, and nothing they say or do will change that to him.
Ahh anon I really hope you liked this and if anyone read this I hope you did too! This came out so soft and fluff to be honest, and I really see Levi being really understandable and all because he also struggles with something else, such as not getting enough of sleep, and he would shower you with comfort, making you also feel so amazing and good? Like imagine Levi saying what I mentioned above, to you! Anyways, if you did like this please then leave a like, a reblog or leaving me message about it! Thank you all <3
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eaucian · 3 years
★ ushijima wakatoshi; hc’s
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impt. ushijima wakatoshi x m!reader
w. obviously going to be the mentions of sexy time, shush — size kink — mirror sex — bottom!reader — and i believe that is it, but pls tell me if anything should be added!!
n. there will never be enough toshi hc’s. ever. and that’s it, that’s the whole a/n
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★ the safe side 
◉ this boy!
◉ don’t even get me started cause i can go on for ages. meaning you will literally end up in the grave, and i won’t even be finished. but is that really so bad-
◉ anyways
◉ y’all are cute together and because ushijima is ushijima, he definitely did not tell anyone about the two of you being in a relationship. so when someone catches y’all together they’re just like “excuse me? when did this happen?” raised eyebrows and all
◉ he shrugs and you’re like “uhhh”
◉ you literally have no clue of how to answer but eventually you get it together and everything is solved and.... now your officially a part of the family
◉ welcome bitch
◉ goshiki?
◉ all over you
◉ basically becomes your child, and ushijima is just like “aight, that’s fine”
◉ did i hear cuddles? cause i’m pretty sure i did
◉ this maN. he gives the best cuddles, no cap-
◉ cuddles commence as follows, he grabs you, takes you to the bed/couch, anywhere comfy rlly, wraps his arms around you and then tucks you into his chest, and boom—he’s asleep in 0.2 seconds flat. he literally only holds you for warmth but like
◉ it’s still love :,)))
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★ the other side 
◉ size kink
◉ y’all see this everywhere but it’s true
◉ ushijima, even if he don’t know it himself, has a size kink
◉ it literally isn’t even confined to sex, it literally is just about size
◉ oh? you’re shorter than him?
◉ well you’re in luck!
◉ first time y’all actually had sex started like this: he just put his head on your shoulder, held you and was like “sex?”
◉ it leaves you stunned the first time he says that cause in your head you’re like, “he just asked to have sex and is hugging me at the same time wtfff?”
◉ but yes. accept it bby. it will be good, great, fantastic, and all of the above
◉ he’s fucking hung. y’all gotta know that, he’s naturally a large human being soo, dick? big?
◉ yes, big dick
◉ he literally doesn’t even know it until y’all get together and you’re like “that’s supposed to fit in mE?”
◉ and yes, yes it is. and yes, it will fit or you do not get your fucky time with him. so shut up and take it. it’ll feel good in the end honey :)))
◉ after a while, he starts to notice he actually gets more aroused if he watches his dick stretch you. he likes watching you tear up as you go down on it, and he likes the way your own dick is so eager to be touched. and no, he will not touch your dick until you deliberately ask him to
◉ mirror sex?
◉ the answer is yes btw
◉ once y’all figure out what you like, he will buy a mirror for one purpose
◉ which is to fuck you senseless
“toshi...” you whine, barely able to watch your own reflection in the mirror. if it was out of embarrassment or the tears welling up in your eyes was unknown. the tears themselves were a mix of pain and pleasure.
a perfect mix according to how euphoric you felt.
“it won’t go in toshi, please,” you begged. it felt like you were bursting at the seams, his dick was only half way in and you were already seeing stars.
ushijima grunts, “it has before baby. you know it’ll feel good, you can do it.” he praises, holding your hip with one hand, the other lifting your leg to put his dick and yours clearly on display. he slowly lowers you further onto his length as your head falls back onto his shoulder with a moan. he barely speaks, and during sex it’s even rarer. you would do anything to hear him speak into your ear, to hear him whisper praises and sweet-nothings.
unlike you, ushijima has no ounce of hesitation in looking at yourselves through the mirror. he can’t help but look at how nicely your sweet little hole is being stretched by his dick.
“only a little more baby boy,” he tells you, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
the moment he’s fully in you, you barely get a chance to breath before he starts rolling his hips into yours, only successfully making you cry out more. he doesn’t pull out once but each time he manages to hit your prostate perfectly.
“come for me baby, come on only my cock for me, yeah?” ushijima says, this time lifting your hips slightly before slamming back down.
how could you ever disobey your toshi?
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