#light n shade photography
zytes · 2 months
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 26 - Lipstick & Photography]
Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Kinks: Switching, red lipstick, kissing, body worship, nippleplay, erotic photography, praise, tears, finger sucking, sexy possessiveness, marking, tattoos & piercings, black leather jackets, rough & passionate sex on the sofa, she rides him, overstimulation (m.receiving), creampie, squirting, the aftercare :(, the sexual tension in this is making me weak, also Jungkook is wet from being in the rain because that deserves a warning
Wordcount: 6.6k
a/n: i want him, need him, crave him. i also wanna state that this story controlled me, i will not apologize for the utter feralness however. enjoy besties ❤
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“Kiss me.”
You are on your way home after a date at the cinema. The sky is crying cold rain and the small bus stop barely shields your bodies. The sun has set a long time ago, the wet streets reflect the millions of city lights. Red, greens, whites, oranges and blues. The most beautiful paintings are engraved on the streets, destined to disappear once the world dries up again. 
“Kiss me”, Jungkook whispers, eyes glued to your lips and hands on your waist. He is standing by your side, resting his forehead against your temple.
You ignore him not because you want to, but because you feel way too shy to initiate his request. You are never that touchy in public.
“Please kiss me”, he begs, drawing closer until his lips brush against your cheek. They feel warm on your cold skin, forcing a shiver to run down your spine.
“The bus’s coming in two minutes”, you tell him.
“So kiss me in that time”, he says, pulling you closer by twisting a bundle of your coat.
You are so affected by him. If you weren’t still in public, you would have already given in. You have no idea why exactly he was as clingy as he was right now, but you won’t question him. You are so obsessed when he is like this.
“Let’s wait a little”, you say.
“How long?” Jungkook breathes, gazing at your lips. You are wearing red lipstick tonight and it’s been driving him insane. You look so beautiful with red lips.
“Until we’re home.”
“But that’s in twenty minutes.”
“You can do it.”
“No, I can’t.”
You turn your head.
He chases you instantly, eyes half-lidded and lips parted.
You move closer.
Jungkook moans softly, eyes falling closed.
“The bus’s here”, you whisper, breaking away.
Jungkook feels weak, barely getting on the bus.
There were no seats empty so you end up standing by the doors. Jungkook holds the pole above his head while you find your support by holding his waist. The people around you feel miniscule now that you are so close to each other, eyes locked with each other and lips almost touching. The bus begins moving, Jungkook barely sways, keeping you safe. The bus is quiet as people are either too tired to talk, listening to music or alone. Jungkook’s eyes race between yours, the colour of his skin changes with the city lights outside. Red, green, orange, pink, blue. He looks good in every single shade.
The bus stops, the people ebb and flow beside you. Jungkook and you need to draw closer as more people ended up on the bus than left.
Like this your noses are almost touching. Jungkook’s eyes lower, his fingers tighten around the pole. He could kiss you. You are so fucking close that you couldn’t even escape if he tried to. He could get a taste of you, feel your soft lips tremble as you lose yourself in his kiss. He would just have to tilt his head.
The bus stops again. People come and go. The density stops, but you don’t draw back. Jungkook twists his hands on the poles back and forth, arms tensing as he holds both of you when the bus drives off again. Your eyes are racing between his’, your fingers squeeze his waist.
Jungkook leans in not to kiss you but to whisper against your ear.
“I wanna do the worst things to you”, he rasps, making sure to brush his lips against the shell of your ear.
You shiver, twisting the fabric of his coat.
“If we were alone, I’d already be kissing you until you’re dizzy”, he continues.
The bus stops again. People pass you as they leave and come. You lift your head, making your noses brush against each other.
Jungkook is carrying a nonchalant expression to other people, but to you it is soaked in a desire. Eyes darkened and lips glistening in temptation. You want him and he wants you, it is so obvious to you and him.
The bus drives off. You hold onto Jungkook tightly, using the moment to press yourself closer. Jungkook purrs softly, lips curling into a cocky smirk.
“It’s okay, hold onto me”, he whispers, tensing his arms to the point where the black leather of his jacket is stretching around his big arms.
Two more stops and then you can finally leave. Two more stops. It sounds like too much. And it is. You want him. Want him like lungs want air and plants want water.
The bus stops. A group of teens enters the bus, placing themselves around you and making you and him draw even closer together. Jungkook lets go of the pole with his left hand, wrapping his arm around your waist instead to press you against him. His fingers are gripping your side strongly, massaging you now that bodies shield you from the rest of the bus.
You are thankful for his strong grip because without it, you probably would have already fainted. He is way too sexy right now. What did you do to get him into such a state?
“The other people”, you whisper.
“What about them?” he retorts.
“Your hand.”
He squeezes your waist, sending heat straight to your pussy with it.
“I’m just making sure that you don’t fall”, he answers you nonchalantly.
“Fuck”, you press out, looking to the side because you can’t bear his eye contact anymore.
“Don’t”, he rasps, stubbing you with his nose.
“What?” you turn, almost touching lips.
He gazes at them then locks eyes with you. His pupils are dilated.
“Don’t look away.”
Holy fuck, you want him.
Jungkook squeezes your waist.
You gulp, looking at his lips.
The bus stops.
“It’s our stop”, you croak out and press yourself past him to leave the bus.
Jungkook leaves a little after you, stumbling because he had to fight his way outside.
You are walking just a few steps down the sidewalk, arms wrapped around your body and head lowered because of the rain.
“Baby”, Jungkook calls out and jogs after you.
You stop and turn.
His hair is already soaked, the rain is running down his face.
Jungkook arrives by your side, holding his hand over your head to shield you from the rain.
“Why did you run?” he asks.
“I didn’t. You’re messing with me.”
“I’m messing with you?”
Your eyes flit to his lips.
Jungkook’s eyes flit to your lips.
He steps closer, hopeful and naïve.
“Yeah”, you say, leaving him hanging by turning around and walking off.
“Fuck baby”, Jungkook laughs, chasing you. He wraps his fingers around your wrist, but doesn’t tug, “why are you playing so hard to get?”
“It’s raining.”
“Yeah, it’s not like you’re not already wet.”
You stop in shock, whipping around and almost making Jungkook collide with you. He draws closer, sneaking his hand to your lower back. Your hips touch.
There is a streetlamp above your heads. It soaks his skin in deep oranges and makes the water in his hair appear like a fiery sundown.
“Admit it”, he says, “your clothes aren’t the only thing soaked.”
He isn’t wrong.
“You’re fucking ridiculous”, you throw back.
Jungkook smirks, tilting his head to get to you better.
“Kiss me”, he breathes.
“Keep dreaming.”
“Kiss me please.”
“The rain’s getting worse.”
“I fucking want you.”
“We need to get home.”
“You drive me insane.”
You moan as he tugs you close.
Jungkook growls and claims your lips.
His lips are hot, the rain is cold. His body is burning up, your clothes feel ice cold. His hands knead your hips, while yours twist his soaked hair.
You should get out of this rain. You’ll catch a cold if you don’t. The weather’s too bad.
You pull him closer. Jungkook cups the nape of your neck.
People can see you. There is a group of people watching you out of a convenience store window. You should get out of this rain.
Your tongues tangle with each other. Your senses are blurry except for how it feels to kiss.
You should get out of this rain.
You step closer, pulling him down to you. He stumbles, arms wrapping around your middle to press you into him. You stumble, back arching. He chases you, holds you against him, kisses you passionately.
You should really get out of this fucking rain. The traffic has stopped next to you. Red light. People are staring. The windows of their cars are tinted, but their looks burn right through you.
“We should get outta this rain”, you tell him.
“You’re breaking my heart”, he rasps, gripping you desperately.
“You’ll survive.”
“Go. It’s not that far.”
Your apartment is just down the block and up a small incline. The pathway is dark, but Jungkook is here to protect you. You realised that bad people don’t dare to come close to you when you are out with him at night. Dark hair, leather jacket and tattoos on his sculpted arms. He is keeping the bad away from you, giving it to you so fucking bad later in return.
He swears that much as he watches you unlock your apartment, eyes focused on the smudged lipstick on your lips. It got all messy when he kissed you, now covering parts of your chin and cheeks as well.
“Fuck, hurry up”, he stresses you, drawing closer by connecting his lips with your neck. They leave smudged lipstick stains all over your skin, but more than stains, they leave you with an unbearable ache between your legs. Jungkook sucks on your favourite spot, breaking away with a moan to whisper against your ear, “need you so bad, baby.”
“Fucking hell, Kook”, you get out and finally manage to open the door.
You stumble inside, Jungkook follows. He grabs your shoulders and twirls you, pressing you against the door.
“Thank fucking finally”, he says, leaning in to kiss you like he has never kissed you before.
“Kook”, you moan, falling into the sensation with all you have to offer. Thank fucking finally indeed. Holding back was almost impossible. You wrap your leg around his waist, Jungkook rocks his hips into you as if he was already making the roughest love to you. The lipstick smudges more and more. The floor is covered in rainwater continuously dripping from your bodies.
You should get a mop. Get out those shoes. Take off your wet clothes. You’ll catch a cold.
You pull him closer, taking his lip piercing between your teeth to tug on it roughly.
“Fuck baby”, Jungkook growls, knees buckling from the sensation.
You let go of it with a throaty giggle, claiming his lips in a sloppy kiss. Jungkook thrusts into you harshly, shaking the door and forcing a trembling moan out of you. He thrusts again, clothed boner rubbing right against your clothed clit. He is angry fucking you. You know that he is. He doesn’t even need to be inside you to let you know how deeply affected the attention to his piercing left him.
You break away, keeping him close with your hand tightly around a bundle of his black hair.
“Take your fucking clothes off and fuck me properly”, you rasp.
Jungkook growls, grinding his cock into your pussy.
“You drive me insane, fucking insane”, he rasps.
“Do it now. I hate waiting.”
Jungkook steps back and rips the jacket off his body, exposing the drenched turtleneck to your eyes. His nipples are rockhard under the material, his waist looks so small while his tits look so huge. His lower face is covered in your lipstick stains, his wet hair is hanging into his face in messy strands.
“You’re so fucking hot”, you tell him and rip your own coat off your body, dropping it on the ruined floor.
Jungkook stares at your tits then your lips. The red lipstick is almost gone. He wonders how ruined his face looks.
Next shoes. Heavy boots and big sneakers. They get discarded on the rug.
You step closer and push at his chest.
“Where to?”
“Living room.”
The pants leave your bodies in the kitchen. Your shirts follow in the hallway to the living room. You stumble into the room lost in a kiss, hot bodies pressed against each other and lips busy with a desperate kiss. You lead the way, then Jungkook does, then you again. The TV almost gets knocked down, Jungkook catches it before it can happen, pulling you close to him as you squeal in surprise.
“Fuck, that was close”, he says, giving you a cute look, “sorry.”
“It’s fine, nothing happened”, you assure him.
“True”, he agrees and pulls you back into a kiss.
He wants to pull you on top of his lap as he falls on the couch. You stop him by pulling him back up by his briefs, breaking the kiss. Jungkook moans from the pressure on his balls, gripping your shoulders strongly.
“Take your boxers off. I’m not getting my couch wet”, you tell him.
“I’ll get it wet either way”, he throws back, knowing very well that you are aware what he means by that.
“You’re such a fucking-“, you stop, tugging his briefs down roughly.
“Shit, baby”, he gasps, hard cock springing free.
“Out. Now.”
“You’re so fucking hot.”
You wait for him until he stepped out of briefs, connecting your hand with his chest to push him onto the couch.
Jungkook falls with a moan, head slacking against the backrest and thighs spreading cockily. His hard cock slaps against his abs, filling your ears with the sound of it.
You take his cheeks between your fingers, placing your knee right between his thighs. Jungkook moans, eyes glued to your lips and hands gripping your hips.
“Do you finally wanna tell me why you’re acting the way you are?” you ask him.
“Your lipstick”, he says, drawing closer, “I wanna fucking eat you.”
“My lipstick?”
“I’ve got a thing for red lips, they drive me insane”, he says and licks his lips, “just look at my fucking cock. That’s how good you get me.”
You release his face, looking down at his cock.
“So hard.”
“So fucking hard.”
“Mhm”, you ruffle his wet hair, “stay here.”
“Where are you going?”
“Stay and don’t touch.”
You leave the living room without giving him a real answer.
“Fuck”, Jungkook presses out, gripping his own thighs as he lets his head fall back. He’s so fucking needy for you. Stripped and soaking wet. Lips throbbing from kissing and cock aching for a touch. He needs you to come back soon or else he’ll actually start fucking the pillows just to get some sort of relief.
You release him of his agony when you return to him five minutes later, dressed in a new set of panties but no bra and with fresh lipstick on your lips. You kept the smudged part. 
"Holy fuck", Jungkook chokes out, hands gripping his inner thighs, "you look so fucking sexy."
"I know", you say, walking to him with swaying hips. 
You claim the space atop his lap, making Jungkook straighten up just so he can be closer to you. 
"You drive me insane", he rasps, hands on your ass and eyes racing over your lips. 
"Mhhm", you hum, leaning down.
Jungkook thinks you'll kiss him but you end up tugging at his lip ring again, eliciting the throatiest moan from him. You release it, watching in delight as his lips pops back into shape. He licks them, eyes filled with yearning. 
"Who are you, Kookie?" you ask him.
"Fucking yours", he rasps. 
"Exactly, mine", you say, grabbing a bundle of his hair to tilt his head back. 
Jungkook allows it with his eyes falling closed, revealing his thick neck to your eyes. 
"My pretty boy", you rasp, connecting your red lips with his throat to mark it. His moan tickles your lips, motivating you to mark another part of his neck. From his throat all the way up to his ear. The kiss marks lose in opacity as the path continues.
Jungkook is panting, heart racing under your lips. His breath hitches when you take his ear piercing between your teeth to tug on it gently. 
"My sexy", you whisper, sending shivers down his spine. 
You sit back, keeping your unoccupied hand on his chest as you reapply the lipstick. Jungkook watches you, feeling short of breath. 
"You're so hot", he whispers, gasping when you finish with a smack of your lips. 
You give him a flirty smirk, lowering your lips to his chest. Jungkook inhales deeply, exhaling in a tremble. 
"You've got the best tits", you say, "so strong and muscular." 
You leave your lipstick marks everywhere but his nipples, riling him up to the point where he arches into your kiss. His skin prickles like crazy, his cock’s the hardest it has ever been. 
You lift yourself again, showing him your smudged lips. There is barely any lipstick left, now covering his chest instead.
You lift your lipstick, giving him a playful smile.
Jungkook eyes it, then your face, gulping heavily. 
You don’t place it against your lips, instead you connect it with his chest to frame his left nipple in a heart. 
"Oh god baby, I’m so fucking hard. Why are you so sexy?" he groans, nipple feeling hypersensitive even without getting it touched.
"I don’t know", you say in a smirk. 
You place the lipstick against his other pec, repeating the heart. Your artwork needs to be symmetrical, it looks prettier like that. 
"I'm going insane, seriously insane", he pants, cock throbbing against his stomach.
You finish off the heart with a flick, closing the lipstick again. You place your hands right under his framed nipples, massaging his muscles slowly. 
"You're so handsome", you praise, "your nipples are so pretty like this." 
Jungkook tries to sit up to kiss you, but you push him back down again. 
"Stay still, let me take a picture first", you say, pulling out your phone.
"Where did you even store that?" he asks, tensing his pecs for you.
"Up my ass", you joke, cracking him up. 
You chuckle, snapping the prettiest pictures of his marked chest and framed nipples. 
"Fuck, you’re so funny", he says, allowing you to roll his head to the side so you can snap a pic of his neck as well. He even tilts his head back, showing off his marks proudly. 
"You are seriously so pretty Kookie. How come you’re so pretty?" you coo, lowering your phone.
Jungkook turns his head to you, giving you a droopy smile. 
"You think so?" he asks 
"Yeah, you are", you say, "now hold this."
You hand him the lipstick. Jungkook holds it with shaking fingers. 
"Cover my lips", you say, puckering them just for him to use the lipstick on. 
Jungkook however covers his own lips, never once breaking eye contact. You watch his gesture hungrily.
"What are you doing?" you ask, eyes following his fingers as they close the lipstick. 
Jungkook cups your cheek and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. You chase him instantly, pussy dripping all over his thigh and fingers dimpling his tits. So that’s how he'll cover your lips. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss when you are both breathless, lips pulsating and eyes barely wanting to open. 
"Done", he rasps. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, holy fuck”, you growl, pulling him into another kiss. The kind which knocks the air out of his lungs and which turns his legs into puddy even while sitting down. He is trying to tug you closer to his cock as you kiss, whimpering and moaning desperately while his tattooed hands grope your ass needily. 
There is nothing better in the world than making out with you naked and wet from rain.
You break the kiss in need for air, releasing his lower lip from nibbling on it roughly. Jungkook is gasping for air, eyes barely staying open.
“Fuck”, he presses out, chasing you by rubbing his nose up and down your own.
“Yeah”, you agree, giving his cheeks a soft squeeze, “shit Kookie, I wanna eat you whole.”
You shimmy yourself down from his lap, connecting your lips with his upper tummy. You hold his waist for it, massaging it gently.
"Wanna eat you. Wanna nom on you", you chant between your kisses.
Jungkook sucks in air through his teeth, looking down at you with a racing heart. He knows exactly what that position means. You’ve been between his legs a hundred times before, licking and sucking his cock as if it was your only purpose.
“You’re the best, baby. The goddamn best”, he says.
“No. You are”, you throw back, outlining the ridges of his abs with hungry lips. He tastes so good, his skin feels so soft, “you’re so handsome. I love your stomach, love it so much.”
“Feels so good”, Jungkook sighs, closing his eyes and letting his head fall against the backrest. He parts his legs, skin tingling when you touch them with your left hand while your right continues holding his waist. He is so excited to get his cock sucked. So goddamn ready.
But it doesn’t come instantly. You kiss every inch of his stomach first, reapplying lipstick at least twice to make sure he knows you love him so much. Jungkook’s stomach is incredibly sensitive, so getting so much attention to it, left his cock dripping when it was finally time for you to take it in.
Jungkook moans, feeling your lips radiate warmth as they linger over his tip. He doesn’t dare to look down, loving the surprise of when you finally take him in.
“So pretty”, the words swirl against his cock, “you’re so handsome. I can’t get enough of you”, you add and move away.
Jungkook looks down, eyes burning in desperate tears.
You are buried in his left inner thigh, kissing and biting it lovingly.
“Fuck please”, he whispers under his breath, dropping his head back against the sofa cushion. He is so desperate. All he needs is for his cock to be touched. It hurts so much.
But it doesn’t come. Of course it doesn’t. First you cover every single inch of his muscular thighs with your lipstick marks and love bites. Jungkook swears he can’t decide if getting his stomach kissed was more torturous than getting his thighs kissed. Every inch of him feels so sensitive by now. Everything feels so good. Oh god, Jungkook feels like crying. It feels so good while his cock aches so much.
Your lips finally leave his thighs and yet his cock stays untouched.
“Please”, Jungkook begs, looking down at you with heavy eyes.
You look up from your phone, eyes looking oh so innocent and lips all smudged sexily.
“What?” you ask him, “I’m just taking some pictures. Your thighs are so sexy.”
“You’re such a tease”, he whines, head falling against the cushions in defeat.
He hears the camera click, cock throbbing in reaction. He loves being so exposed and naked for you and knowing that you are capturing his marked state for all eternity turns him on so much.
“Do you not like being my muse, mhm?” you ask him, moving the camera so you can capture his marked stomach.
Jungkook watches you with half-lidded eyes, tensing his abs for you. He wants to look his best on those pics. He wants you to get wet instantly whenever you look at them (you will).
“I love being your muse”, he says.
“Yeah? You’re the best muse. You’re so handsome, I don’t wanna stop taking pics of you”, you say and giggle so innocently that it almost sounds taunting to him.
“Fuck baby please hurry up”, he whines, giving you the biggest pout in the history of pouts.
You merely chuckle, “you’re cute.”
You drop back onto your knees, placing the phone aside for now to run your hands up and down your marked thighs. You make sure that every now and then your fingertips brush against his balls, resulting in Jungkook moaning each and every time.
“You’re my love”, you say, eyes burning in deep adoration, “my most handsome love.”
“Stop”, he whispers, lowering his eyes shyly.
“Why?” you laugh.
“Because…” he touches the side of his neck, “…just so.”
“You’re so cute”, you say, leaning in to kiss the most sensitive spot on his thigh.
He exhales shakily, heart fluttering not only from love but also from excitement. You are so close to his cock again.
“Please”, he tries with his voice barely audible.
“Mhhm, baby”, you mumble, biting him softly, “so yummy. You’ve got the juiciest thighs.”
“Babyyy”, he whines, squirming desperately, “please.”
“Please what?”
“Touch me…”
“But I am touching you.”
“More”, he whimpers, bucking his hips up.
“Cute”, you gush, gazing at his leaking cock, “your cock’s so wet.”
“Wanna be touched please” he begs, parting his legs.
“You’re seriously so cute. What the hell?” you gush, “why are you so cute, Kookie? Mhm?” you say, shaking his thighs as you gaze up at him.
Jungkook hides his face behind his hands, “please just…fucking touch me”, he whines, burning up in giddiness.
You finally grip his cock, making him moan and fuck your fist like a madman. Rough thrusts, sloppy and desperate. You let him move for five hard strokes and then you slam his hips back into the sofa, knocking a desperate grunt out of him
“Stay still”, you order him, squeezing his cock painfully.
Jungkook whimpers, “fuck you’re so cruel”, he croaks, looking at you with pleading eyes. They widen just seconds later as he can watch you lower your lipstick to his cock, “what are you- ah baby? What? Hah.”
He tenses his thighs, gripping the edge of the couch. You are scribbling on his cock. It tickles so much. It’s heaven. He can’t see what you are creating, but the sensation is fucking amazing.
“There we go”, you say, admiring your work with a playful smirk, “you look like such a pretty boy now.”
“What did you do? I wanna see”, he begs, tensing his thighs desperately.
You replace the lipstick with your phone.
“Hold still”, you order, focusing right on his cock. You hold it between your fingers, showing your art piece to the camera.
“You’re so fucking hot”, Jungkook whines, wetting his cockhead with spurts of precum. It turns him on so much to be your pretty little model. He really hopes that his cock looks good on pictures (it does).
“Yes, that’s it. You’re so wet. It comes out great, baby. Such a wet, pretty cock”, you praise, snapping another picture with his precum running all through your artwork.
You lower your phone, gazing at the picture with big heart eyes.
“So pretty”, you whisper.
“Show me please”, he begs, squirming needily.
You flip the phone.
“No”, Jungkook croaks, eyes filling with desperate tears, “baby, you’re fucking killing me.”
You wrote MINE on his cock. It sticks to his skin in deep red letters, marking him as your pretty property.
“Do you like it? I think it fits you”, you taunt.
“Fuck me please. Please I’m fucking begging you, fuck me”, he pleads, voice trembling in desperation.
“But Kookie the lipstick’s gonna smudge”, you taunt, giving him a faux pout.
“I don’t care, please please fuck me. Please.”
“You’re such a delight”, you say, dropping your phone in order to take off your panties. You make yourself comfortable on top of his lap, running your hands along his sculpted arms and shoulders.
Jungkook touches your hips instantly, holding them strongly. His eyes are gazing up at you, his chest is heaving up and down quickly.
“I’m so hard”, he croaks.
“I know”, you whisper, wiping his tears, “don’t cry baby. I’ve got you.”
“I want you so much.”
“Me too.”
“You drive me insane.”
“I know.”
“Baby please.”
“Hush, I’ve got you remember?”
You position yourself over his cock, riling him up when this makes your juices drip right onto his burning tip. He whimpers, biting down on his lower lip in concentration. He shouldn’t beg anymore. it comes off as desperate. You wouldn’t mind, you love him desperate, but Jungkook is too competitive for that. 
You sink down, embracing him in your soaked pussy.
“Ah”, he lets out, closing his eyes.
“No”, you slip off of him again, forcing Jungkook to whimper, “open your eyes.”
He obeys, showing you his pleading eyes.
“Close them again and you can fuck your own fist tonight, understood?”
He nods his head.
“Say it.”
“Yes, understood.”
“Good”, you say, rewarding him by sinking down on him again.
Jungkook wants to make a sound but ends up blowing out air instead, eyelids fluttering and brows furrowing. It’s so difficult not to close his eyes. You’ve teased his cock for so long that the pussy you give him right now feels a hundred times more intense.
“Your cock’s the fucking best”, you say, bottoming out.
Jungkook whimpers, kicking the ground as he squirms underneath you. He tugs you closer easily, showing you just a quick glimpse of his true strength. He’s holding back for you, you know that he is. It turns you on so much. Your strong man, all puddy in your hands. You rock your hips slowly, caressing his shoulders while you get lost in his eyes.
“Isn’t that so much nicer when we can look at each other?” you taunt.
“It’s so hard”, he croaks, fluttering his lashes at you.
“I know, I know, but you’re a good boy aren’t you?”
“No”, he whimpers, “I’m a bad boy. Please can I close my eyes?” he begs.
“Uuuh….no”, you say, giving him no mercy as you begin bouncing on him.
Jungkook groans for as long as there is air in his lungs, looking at you with his eyes just slightly crossed. His fingers are dimpling your hips, his thighs are shaking. His lower face is all covered in smudged lipstick, the kiss marks on his neck and torso are starting to melt away from his burning up body.
“You look so fucking sexy baby”, you rasp, chasing the addicting electricity only his cock can send through your pussy, “don’t wanna have to miss out on those pretty eyes going all cross because of me.”
The position allows you to grind your clit against his pubic bone, adding just a whole other layer of pleasure to the ride. You speed up, chasing the friction and the girth of his cock. You must admit, you are just as desperate as Jungkook. Worshipping his body has reduced you to a sensitive mess. You can barely handle his cock, fighting your own urges to close your eyes.
“Please can I close my eyes?” he begs, spilling tears, “it’s so hard.”
“Fine. Good god, close your eyes”, you allow him, rolling your eyes.
“Thank you”, Jungkook closes them by rolling them back, arching his back afterwards, “ah! Holy fuck! Ah”, he moans loudly, hands slipping to your ass to squeeze it roughly. He’s falling and he doesn’t want to stop.
“That’s it. Moan for me, let me hear your slutty little voice”, you encourage him, writing your name to make sure that he remembers who fucks him like that. The lipstick mark may long be rubbed away from your ruthless fucking, but you will make sure that Jungkook remembers who owns that dick.
Jungkook moans louder, ending it with a disbelieved laugh and his body dropping back into the pillows. His thighs part, jiggling roughly each time you slam your ass down on him. His cock throbs, his balls feel like bursting.
“This feels so fucking good”, he laughs, arching his back again, “I feel fucking dizzy.”
“Yeah Kookie, feels like heaven. You’ve got the best dick. I’ve hit the jackpot.”
“Baby”, he croaks, opening his eyes just to spill his tears for you.
“Yeah I did Kookie baby. I’ve hit the motherfucking jackpot”, you taunt.
“Urgh gooood”, he groans, eyes rolling back and closing slowly.
“Tell me that I’m lucky”, you order him, squeezing his shoulders.
“What, what?” he barely brings out, eyes squeezed shut tightly.
You grab his chin, forcing him to look into your eyes. Jungkook gulps. you are so close all of a sudden, lips almost touching and breaths mixing.
“Tell me that I’m fucking lucky”, you whisper, hips stuttering on his cock.
“You’re…you’re lucky”, he stutters, body trembling.
You smirk, caressing his cheek with the back of your hand, “yeah I am. I’m the luckiest girl, Kookie baby.”
Jungkook finally understands what you wanted him to realise, eyes spilling tears of grateful pleasure.
“You’re lucky”, he squeaks out, gripping your hips bruisingly strong.
“Yeah I am. I’m so goddamn lucky”, you moan, smiling down at him with all the calm in the world while Jungkook feels like crumbling into a million pieces.
He sobs, “you’re fucking lucky!” he wails, throwing his head back, “I’m cumming”, he confesses and unable to wait for your permission, his body breaks under your aggressive bounces. He screams, voice bouncing off the walls and sounding like honey to your ears.
It wasn’t planned, but you still love it. Who knew that praise can get him that good.
“That’s it. That’s fucking it. Cum for me”, you encourage him, helping him ride out his high with angry rolls of your hips.
“Oh god, oh god, please slow”, he begs, shaking like crazy while it all feels like too much.
“No, take it. Take the fuck baby. You’re supposed to take it", you order, clenching around his squirting cock.
“Holy fuck! It’s so much”, he gets out and then sobs desperately, “please baby please.”
“Almost there, baby”, you say, pressing yourself close to him. Your clit is throbbing like crazy, your entire body aches from tensing it so much. Your thighs can barely keep up with your movements, begging for a break. But you can’t stop now, you have to overstimulate your handsome man while making yourself cum in the process.
“Hurts”, he croaks, “oh god please”, he begs, writhing underneath you. He fucking loves this just as much as he hates this.
“Look at me”, you order.
Jungkook can barely open his eyes, looking at you through a thick fog of complete ruin. You press your fingers against his lips. Jungkook opens up and lets you feed him two of them.
“Be quiet and take it”, you rasp, lulling your words.
He whimpers.
He obeys, sucking on your fingers while spilling the hottest tears. His nose is all rosy and snotty, his wet hair is sticking to his face, his eyes are sparkling so much now that he is crying so much.
“There we go. See? It’s not that hard now, is it?”
He shakes his head, cock throbbing inside you. It burns so much, your every movement makes him want to pass out. It’s so good. He doesn’t want to stop even if his body screams at him to stop. He wraps his fingers around your wrist, squeezing it tightly, just so he can force your fingers deeper.
“Fuck baby, you’re gonna make me cum. You’re so sexy like this”, you growl, hips barely keeping up the rhythm.
Jungkook sucks harder, tensing his stomach just for you. He knows you’re getting off on his abs. It’s what’s been slowly driving insane too, next to all the other sexy shit you’re doing.
“Fuck, okay. I’m close”, you confess, eye contact faltering as your lids fight gravity, “Kookie baby.”
Jungkook slips off your fingers. They are covered in his lipstick and spit.
“Cum for me. Love that pussy when she cums”, he says, taking your fingers back inside to suck them off harshly.
“Shit. Baby”, you get out and then you fall into him as you fall into your high. The position is a little awkward as your fingers never truly leave his mouth and he ends up with you tugging down his jaw. Jungkook doesn’t mind, on the contrary, it’s so hot to get his mouth forced open by you as your pussy spasms around his cock. You whimper like crazy, shaking against his chest while your face is buried in his shoulder.
"Harder", you get out and Jungkook knows it's his time to act. He grabs your ass and broadens his stance to begin rutting up into your pussy. Going hard and rough.
“Aaah”, you wail, convulsing as he turns your orgasm from amazing to otherworldly.
Your fingers finally slip out of his mouth as you grab the edge of the backrest instead.
“You’re so sexy. So fucking sexy. Love that pussy. You’ve got the tightest pussy. Fuck, you’re cumming so hard”, he chants whatever comes into his mind, talking you through your high as his hips keep slamming into you. 
And even after that, he keeps on fucking you. He fucks you until he fulfilled his promise of getting your couch wet, telling you the dirtiest things while you feel like the weakest, sex dumbest woman ever existing. You may be the queen of pussy game but Jungkook plays that stroke game like no other.
When he finally slows down and your bodies both finally stop spasming, you can hear your heartbeat in your head and feel it in your pussy.
Jungkook drops you back onto his thighs from holding you up, forcing his cock to bury itself into you one last time.
“Fuck”, you croak, tensing around him.
“Yeah”, he agrees, running his hands up and down your back to calm you down.
“What’s genuinely wrong with you?” you ask him, cracking him up.
“I told you that I wanna do the worst things to do you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but did you really have to go through with it?” you say, lifting your head to send him a look.
Sweat is running down your face and your tits are all covered from the lipstick transferring between your bodies. Jungkook is mirroring your state, sporting the dirtiest smirk ever.
“Course I did. You’ve been driving me crazy all day. You gotta learn what that gets you”, he says.
“I gotta learn?” you snort, nudging his chest, “keep talking like that and I’ll teach you a lesson in what your cocky tongue gets you.”
“Hopefully your pussy. Wet and creampied”, he throws back.
You gulp, eyes widening.
Jungkook laughs, letting his head fall against the couch.
“Just kidding, I gotta have at least an hour of rest now because phew”, he says, closing his eyes.
You rest against him, cradling his head in your left arm so you can play with his wet hair. You feel so content.
“We should shower”, you say.
“We should.”
“Also some tea would be nice. I swear to god, the rain’s gonna give us colds.”
“Tea it is.”
Jungkook runs his hands back to your ass, kneading it slowly but without any ulterior motive other than that he loves holding it when you calm down together.
“This also isn’t over.”
“Good. I’m counting on it. I’m staying overnight.”
“Obviously. You’re not gonna sleep though.”
“I wasn’t planning to.”
“Good. What do you want for breakfast?”
“Is your pussy an option?”
“That’s the mandatory starter.”
Jungkook laughs.
You chuckle.
“Then I’ll take eggs for the main course.”
“I can do that.”
The rain’s picking up outside. A harsh wind throws it against your windows. You left the curtains open. You can see the tall radio tower of your district in the distance. The red light at the top is distorted because of the rain.
You close your eyes.
You can't ever look at the colour red the same way.
Not after tonight. 
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v3nusstardust · 5 months
🤍”I’ve always thought you were beautiful” 🤍
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Pairing : BESTFRIEND PHOTOGRAPHER!Niki Nishimura x INSECURE!reader :) !
Sypnosis : Your best friend Niki wants to take pictures of you for his new photography project. You agree happily and he gives you the date, time and place where you’ll be taking the majestic photos <3 !
You had arrived at the place Niki told you. It was at a park with a beautiful water fountain. Not many people were there, so you and Niki practically had it all to y’all’s self. You saw him on his phone waiting by the fountain. The fountain was a gleaming white Angel statue, surrounded by vivid green leaves and vibrant flowers. Sunlight danced on the water's surface, capturing the essence of serenity and providing a perfect canvas for your best friend's photography. You were wearing the most perfect dress you could find. It was a knee-length dress in the stunning shade of sage green. The fabric flowed effortlessly, with a subtle sheen that caught the light. The white floral lace added a touch of elegance to it. ✨
“Niki!” You called out as you walked towards him. His gaze shifted from his phone to you. “Hey y/n!” His lips curved into a warm smile. “Nice dress. Sage green looks great on you.” He complimented. Your cheeks turned slightly pink at his remark. “Thank you.”
Niki grabbed his camera from his duffel bag, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Ready?” He asked. "Yeah... I'm a little nervous, though. I've never taken these kinds of pictures," you admitted, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.
"Don't worry," Niki reassured, his warm smile easing your nerves. "I'll guide you every step of the way. Just be yourself."
As he directed you to the spot by the water fountain, his touch on your shoulders was both gentle and reassuring. "Okay, stand here," he instructed, positioning you with a careful eye. "Now, put your hand... here, and then... yeah," he spoke softly, the cadence of his words echoing the tranquility of the surroundings.
In between shots, Niki offered encouragement, "Perfect, you're doing great! The camera loves you.” As he reviewed the images on his camera screen, Niki chuckled, "These off-guard shots are gold! You're a natural in front of the camera."
All the photos Niki took were off guard or of you with your hand on your cheeks., "Okay, for this one, let's try a classic smile with your teeth, so it looks elegant." He suggested with twinkling eyes.
You hesitated, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Ehh... I don't really want to smile with my teeth..” you admitted with a shy tone. “Why not? I think you have a pretty smile.” He encouraged. “I don’t really like my teeth.. they’re crooked and just..I hate them.” You nervously chuckled. “I think you have a pretty smile” . His eyes locked with yours, giving you butterflies. "You're joking," you responded, a hint of disbelief in your serious tone. “No I’m being serious. That’s why I asked for you to do this with me. I think that your smile is gorgeous.” he affirmed, his words resonating in the tranquil setting. Your eyes filled with tears. “I’ve always hated my smile. Thank you” a shy laugh escape your lips. Tears began to run down your cheeks and you quickly looked down trying to avoid eye contact with Niki. Niki, sensing your emotions, gently placed his camera down and hurriedly approached you. "Don't cry. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you cry," he apologized, his fingers carefully tucking strands of your hair behind your ear. His thumb wiped away the tears that traced down your cheeks.
You remained silent, overwhelmed by his unexpected kindness. Niki's tenderness, as he delicately handled your tears, only intensified the emotional moment. Your mascara and eyeliner smudged making glistening trails along your cheeks. "I'm so sorry, y/n. I didn't know you were insecure. I love your smile. It’s beautiful.. you’re.. you’re beautiful.” he confessed , his words hanging in the air with a sincerity that touched your heart.
With glistening teary eyes, you looked at him, seeing the genuine admiration in his gaze. Niki appeared angelic and handsome, his cheeks slightly flushed. “Really? You think I’m beautiful?” You asked, your voice filled with surprise and delight. “Ever since I met you y/n. I’ve always thought you were beautiful.” His eyes looked at you with pure admiration.
“You’re so gorgeous. Anyone would die to look like you, beautiful girl.” Niki complimented, a warm smile gracing his lips. “Let’s take a break. Want to go get Starbucks? Also let’s make a stop at.. what’s your favorite makeup store called again?” He inquired. “Sephora” you smiled, Your eyes locking with his. “Let’s get you some more makeup and we’ll continue our shoot Kay’?”
“Okay.” You nodded. The warmth of the moment lingered in the air for a couple of seconds.
“Can I kiss you? I can’t stop looking at you.” He murmured as he looked at your pink puffy lips. “You’re not scared of my face right now? I’m pretty sure I’ve got smudged makeup all over my face.” You giggled. Niki graced your lips with his thumb. “Please?” He looked into your eyes gently. Without any words, you quickly locked your lips with his. The vulnerability shared in that moment created a bond, strengthening the connection between you and turning an ordinary photoshoot into a profound and beautiful experience.
(a/n : LMK IF YALL LIKE THIS POOKIES🫦 I dead ass wrote this in like 13 minutes 😝🎀)
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beanibon · 1 year
When you have the chance, could you write about vash or wolfwood being jealous of someone flirting with the reader? but instead of mainly writing about how vash/wolfwood being jealous, can it be about when they see the reader's eyes light up & their demeanor completely change once y/n see them? perhaps neither of them have confessed yet, so it's just heavy mutual pining
Of course Anon, thank you for request! I'm personally a huge fan of the jealous trope, I think it's so fun to write for.
So I hope you honestly enjoy! Hopefully I've done your request justice 💜💜
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You had been travelling with Roberto and Meryl from the beginning, as their personal photographer for big projects. Once Vash and Wolfwood joined your little musketeer group, you had practically filled your camera's memory card several times with shenigans the group got up to. You'd proudly display the photos, printed in a town the group stopped at, even buying a photo album.
After a week of travelling, the group stopped in a busy town for the weekend. After accommodation was dealt with Meryl suggested the group goes out for drinks at a popular bar just up the road. Roberto agrees instantly, the other two boys eagering agreeing also.
So together, with Meryl joined to you by the hip as you all entered the bar. It was crowded, but not an uncomfortable kind of crowded. You all agreed to take rounds in paying for the drinks, Roberto going first as he took everyone's orders.
Eventually it was your turn to write down everyone's orders diligently, mockingly saluting once you checked over everything was correct before heading over to the bar. Waiting for the bartender, a stranger had struck up a conversation with you. You politely engaged with the topic, admittedly enjoying the strangers story and flirtatious quips. Little did you know you had a pair of eyes burning into the man besides you, gaze never leaving you as you laughed at other joke, oblivious to certain jealous individual.
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Vash isn't the kind of person to opening make others aware of his jealousy, he's usually pretty good at hiding it, though there are exceptions to this.
When he is feeling particularly jealous, he turns into a pouting child. The other's actively catching on that something isn't right with their on the run companion, who's bottom lip is jutted out as he looks your way, almost wishing it was him up their confidently flirting with you.
If he is jealous it'll often be accompanied with feeling self-conscious.
He's known to be a little timid, but when it came to you and hyping himself up to try and confess he always changed the topic suddenly, before running off with some lame excuse. It was a surprise you didn't catch on.
Something about watching someone else slink their way into making you laugh so prettily always made him picture himself rather than some stranger you just met, but he never actually intervened as he understood you were just a friendly person to begin with.
Yet the moment you turned your attention his way, despite probably addressing the entire group, he couldn't help the way his eyes sparkled behind his shades.
His entire body would straighten, an adoring smile present as his cheeks warmed as you offered a tiny wave catching his gaze. One in which he eagerly returned, making Wolfwood scoff besides him and give him a smack upside his head.
Of course the entire group, besides you know about Vash's one-sided crush, it was obvious in the way he always admired your photography skills. Even sneakily stealing one that he particularly liked of you, which he always ended up getting caught.
After a while of him deflating everytime you turn away, to becoming attentive like puppy who was promised a treat, Wolfwood finally snapped.
"Listen Needle-Noggin, how long are you going to stare at her for? I've had to suffer in the back of that car for days now, watching you embarrass yourself each time y/n accidentally leans against you. Either you fess up, or I'll do it in the most embarrassing way possible that you'll wish you died in that Sand Worm." Vash swallowed, throat suddenly feeling dry as Wolfwood leaned forward, face contorted in a mocking sneer.
Yet no matter how hard Vash tried to mumble out an excuse, his mouth simply did not cooperation, opening and closing as he blinked at the Undertaker.
"He has point, it's honestly becoming insufferable watching you interact with her, and it isn't doing you any good silently observing as people flirt with her. It's downright shameful, not to mention embarrassing." Roberto agreed, pulling out his signature flask as your back and forth with the guy was making the drinks delayed.
Vash shrunk under the old man's words, face red in embarrassment at how obvious he was. It wasn't long until his head was on the table, groaning as he tried to hype himself up for umpteenth time. He had tried so many times to confess, yet his confidence failed him each time, resulting in him stuffing those emotions back down. Now it appeared none of his friends were having it anymore, it was either he confessed, or Wolfwood would make a laughing stock out of him.
"I think imma need some of that," Vash grabbed the flask from Roberto, earning a disgruntled protest from the man as he took a few mouths of the burning liquor. "Here goes nothing."
Standing, Vash shuffles through the crowd, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he approaches. As he gets closer, he hears your laugh and freezes. It's so sweet and beautiful, feeling his hand become clammy as he looks at you, a lump growing in his throat.
"Oh Vash, sorry I was just about to order the drinks." Your voice broke him from his thoughts, offering an awkward chuckle as he apologised for rushing you.
He felt several eyes on him, his friends, the strangers, and now your beautiful gaze, awaiting his answer to a question he hadn't even heard.
"Earth to Vash, you still alive?" You laughed, fingers snapping in front of his face. Vash blinked a few times, cheeks matching his jacket as he looked at you, his heart skipping a beat.
You had the most angelic smile on your face, eyes lighting up as he looked into them. You looked so relaxed in his presence, unlike the polite, professional way you held yourself when conversing with the stranger. And the way you tilted your head at him, it simply made the room spin.
"Y/n. . . I think I. . . I th-think I," Vash wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, he simply couldn't do it, not with this random guy watching in obvious mocking amusement. "I think I want to change my drink order, you wouldn't mind would you?"
Your shoulders slumped a little, inhaling as you smiled at him, this time not as bright as the previous one. "Of course!"
Vash already felt dejected, averting his gaze as you turned to hail down the barkeep, back towards him now. His was about to give in, let Wolfwood embarrass him further, that was until a hand snaked around your waist.
Blinking in shock, Vash turned to the stranger, who simply flashed him a cruel wink. Your body tensed under the unwelcome touch, shuffling further away.
Brows knotted in an annoyed frown, Vash surged forward, shoving himself between you and the stranger. Eyes glared down at the guy, ignoring the harsh insults thrown his way.
"I don't appreciate you touching her like that." Vash spoke in a low, warning tone. His glare never left the guy as he slipped back into the crowd, only then did he turn to you.
"Thank you, Va-"
"I like you, Y/n! I have for a while, but I could never find the words to tell you," Vash blurted out, face reddening at each word spilling from his lips. "You're just so perfect, so beautiful that it drives me crazy."
You stared at Vash in silence, unaware of the drinks placed before you that you had ordered. You simply just looked up at Vash, who had suddenly returned to his awkward behaviour from before, apologising profusely if he overstepped.
"I thought you'd never confess," You simply smiled, watching as Vash held his mouth agape. "You really didn't think I'd catch on? Not to mention Nicholas's constant complaining."
Vash felt the burning sensation of embarrassment, so Wolfwood had already spilled his secret?
"And I feel the same way Vash, there's no need to be embarrassed." A gentle hand grabbed his face, the action was so tender it rendered the blonde speechless. Yet his eyes shone so brightly, as if the stars shined within their blue hues.
You leaned forward, placing a tender kiss to his other cheek, grabbing the drinks and walking back to the others, leaving Vash frozen by the bar. A giddy smile was already growing on his face, before hurriedly followed, pushing Wolfwood to his precious chair to sit besides you.
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Unlike Vash, Wolfwood is extremely obvious when he's jealous. Yet he's in extreme denial about it.
Doesn't know how to deal with his emotions, so most of his interactions with you were infuriating teasing insults, or teasing Nicknames as a way to express them.
Often times due to your extroverted personality, you'd bite back. And boy oh boy did that light a fire in Nicholas.
But again, he doesn't understand these emotions, so he won't know how to deal with them, resulting in shoving them so deep down they're non-existent. A figment of his imagination, to never resurface.
It doesn't matter if he begrudgingly gives you his last lollipop every time you ask for it, or smile when you successfully pluck a crumpled cigarette from his lips to snuff it out. He won't fall for such Bewitching enticement.
Yet watching as some cocky guy comes up to you, causing you to laugh at some cheesy joke he probably pulled from his ass, made Nicholas see red.
If looks could kill, that guy would be buried six feet under.
But the moment you turn to address the group, catching his gaze, it immediately softens. Shoulders slouching as the hairs on the back of his neck stand, and immediately he tenses with a sudden realisation.
"Fuck, I'm in. . . Love?"
Nicholas swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling a wave of heat from his spot at the table, dread sinking into the depths of his being. He couldn't really be in love, could he? Not with someone as obnoxious as you?
Despite trying to deny everything, finding every excuse in the book to try and reason with this newfound conflict, the Undertaker came up blank. He seriously needed another drink to make it through the night, maybe a few dozen at best.
"You'll burn a hole through her at this rate, if you're that thirsty just get the drinks yourself." Meryl dragged him from his thoughts, earning her an glare of annoyance.
Quirking a brow back towards the flirt by your side, the way he leaned just that little bit closer, shoulders brushing. Nicholas wanted to fill him with bullets.
"You know what, I think I will." Standing, shouldering past other customers Nicholas rudely got in between you and your new buddy. His signature smirk present as he looked your way, sliding an arm across your shoulders. "Apologies for the interrupting, sweetheart. We're all dying of thirst back there, gonna wrap this up or what?"
You give Nicholas a slight glare, though it held no real bite. "Rude as ever, Wolfwood. The space on my other side was free, ya know."
"Oh I know, just wanted to make sure this guy backed off." Turning to the stranger, Nicholas scowled at him, pulling you just that little bit closer as he chuckled lowly. "Well, run along, she ain't interested and I'm sure as hell impatient. Wouldn't wanna piss me off further, now would we?"
Scoffing as the stranger left, not before flipping the Undertake off. Nicholas turned back to you, leaning against the bar as he flashed you a toothy grin.
"Seriously? That guy? You could do so much better than him."
"Like you?" Nicholas choked, coughing into his hand as he squinted at you, a deadpan expression on your face as you quipped a brow at him.
Composing himself, Nicholas cleared his throat. "I'm not the worst option, sweetheart. If you're into me that is, who knows I might even bite if you're pulling hard enough."
You snorted, laughter following shortly after when the drinks were slid your way. Shoving a couple towards Nicholas, you calmed down enough to look at him, trying hard not to laugh again. "If that's your way of confessing, Wolfwood, I'd say you're utterly hopeless."
Nicholas felt his throat grow dry as you walked off, leaving him with his own drink and an additional one, probably Vash's. Tapping the glass with calloused finger, Nicholas scoffed, eyes rolling as he grabbed the drinks.
You really knew how to piss him off, but he'd be lying if he didn't get a kick out of it. You really were something, and Nicholas could no longer deny the way you made his heart burst like a thousand miniature fireworks.
Maybe he ought to properly confess, you certainly didn't seem to back away from the idea. He'd just have to regain some of that courage, try again when he was more sober.
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A/N: hope you enjoyed these Anon! I actually had a lot of fun writing these, and hope you enjoy reading them. 💜
I do apologise with Wolfwoods being shorter, I'm was on a Vash agenda before this xD
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
III ║ Dapple Grey
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Jack Daniels x f!reader
{ << Part 2: Buckskin | Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 4: Strawberry Roan >> }
Rating: M (will be E in future chapters)
Summary: Tinder is a dangerous game. So is Never Have I Ever.
Warnings: Flirting, yearning, insecurities, sexual tension, gratuitous descriptions of the male body, sexual innuendoes, language, mention of food, drinking, drinking games, mention of breakup, no use of Y/N
Word count: 6.5k
Notes: I had a little bit of a meltdown writing this part. Thank you @mandoblowmybackout and @prolix-yuy for talking me out of it ❤️ I had the busiest week so I didn't have as much time as I usually do for edits, so this chapter's a bit of an… experiment 🙈 Thank you for everyone who's been so kind to me and this series - I hope you enjoy this part! 🦄
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Dapple grey: A grey or white horse with spots or areas of a darker colour.
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Day 2
‘Stop looking at me.’
‘I’m not.’
You turn the camera around to show Jack the photo you just took and deadpan, ‘I have literal proof of you looking straight at me.’
The two of you are sitting underneath the shade of a tree, a simple lunch laid out in the middle on a picnic blanket. The horse’s saddles and packs are resting against the trunk behind you while they graze nearby.
In front of you, several yards away, the grassy plain drops off into a deep valley. And beyond - a sight to behold. If the bentonite hills had been sculpted by a higher being, they must have run an inadvertent finger through the clay while it was on the spinning wheel, creating dramatic curves that cut into the soft rock. The hills are painted from left to right for miles and miles in white, red and green stripes, candy cane colours faded under the sun.
Jack gives you a scowl as he rolls up his tortilla wrap, but there’s no real annoyance behind it. He grumbles, ‘It’s hard not to. You’re pointing the camera at me.’
‘Well, you gave me full control of today’s photography, so you have to do what I say.’
He flings an accusatory finger at you. ‘Only because you promised to help us with our marketing.’
You press a dramatic hand to your chest. ‘What exactly are you insinuating, cowboy?’
‘You’re obviously taking pictures for the Tinder thing instead, which, by the way, I am not convinced about,’ replies and takes a bite of his wrap.
‘Not convinced - ha! Says the guy who drives two hours to a bar and doesn’t even know if he’ll get laid,’ you retort. ‘And don’t you worry, cowboy, these pictures will definitely work for both the ranch and Tinder.’
His frowns. ‘What do you mean for the ranch?’
‘I mean for the website and social media. Honestly, I’m surprised there aren’t any pictures of you on there already. You guys would get so much business you’ll have to turn people away.’
He cocks an eyebrow, arrogance seeping into his smile. ‘Oh, and why is that?’
You roll your eyes at his fishing for a compliment. ‘You know why, cowboy.’
‘Enlighten me, darlin’,’ he insists with a wink. ‘I want to hear it from the horse’s mouth.’
You put the cap back on the lens and reprimand, ‘What did I say about your ego last night?’
You avoid his gaze as you unwittingly steer the conversation into dangerous waters. You probably shouldn’t be bringing up anything from the night before - at all. There’s no alcohol to blame in the bright light of day though. Somehow, just being around this cowboy is enough to cloud your better judgement and make you say reckless things.
When you finally peer at him out of the corner of your eye, he casts you no more than an amused glance. Polishing off his lunch and dusting his hands, he looks away to watch the horses.
The morning hours before passed with no mention of what transpired by firelight. All the tension that has built up between you two in the dark burned off with the daybreak mist, and you’re feeling a lot lighter after your little bedtime distraction. And in the absence of any suggestive ogling or innuendoes from the cowboy, you conclude that you must have gotten away with it. All you are is a bit saddle sore, but nothing too serious, and you ride on with little difficulty. 
An easy camaraderie has set in between you and Jack after surviving your first night together in the mountains. The banter packs a bit more punch now that you are no longer complete strangers, and you spend the morning trading horsey stories.
Jack learned to ride on his uncle’s farm. His first pony belonged to his older cousin who lost interest in the sport, so he spent years riding Sparkles, resplendent in matching pink bridle and saddle, until he outgrew her. He worked in and around the equestrian circuit until Champ offered him the job ten years ago, after meeting at a rodeo.
The conversation petered out when the lush green landscape gave way to drier sand, and suddenly, towering ahead, were the famous soaring red earth formations that you’ve been travelling the last two days for. Jutting out of the ground and chiselled by centuries of wind and rain, the echoing clops of the horses’ hooves bounced off the crimson stone as you rode under arches and past columns, dwarfed by the natural architecture.
After spending the better part of an hour exploring the red earth valley, you were taking a quick water break in the shade, when an idea struck you. 
‘Do you think I’d get a discount for my next trip if I helped you guys with your online marketing?’
Jack chuckled. ‘Already thinking about coming back, huh? I mean I’ve always been told that I’m charming, but a turnaround this quick-’
You leaned out of your saddle to give him a small slap on the shoulder for his cheek. ‘Don’t let it get to your head, cowboy. I’m doing it for selfish reasons - a project like this would be a great addition to my portfolio.’
‘What exactly do you do for a living?’ he asked.
Capping your water bottle, you fastened it to its holder. ‘Branding and marketing. I work at an agency now, but someday I want to start my own business, so I always take on projects on the side when I have time.’
‘And you didn’t even bring your own equipment?’ he teased.
You pouted. ‘C’mon, let me borrow yours. I won’t drop it, I promise.’
With a dramatic sigh, Jack relented, ‘You know I can’t say no to you, darlin’.’
Now, hours later, he clearly wishes that he did. Jumping onto his feet, he leans down and unceremoniously plucks the camera from your hands, prompting an indignant cry.
‘That’s it,’ he grunts. ‘I’m laying down the law. No more pictures of me today.’
You shrug, not bothering to look up as he walks away towards the saddlebags. ‘Joke’s on you, cowboy! I got more than enough for your Tinder profile and the ranch.’
At the unexpected click of the shutter, your head snaps up to see Jack grinning at you from behind the camera a couple of feet away. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘Taking photos for your profile,’ he replies triumphantly.
You pull your hat down low over your face and grumble, ‘Stop it! I’m covered in sweat and dirt.’
He scoffs. ‘So am I! Didn’t stop you though, did it?’
Ugh. Does this insufferable man not understand that sweat and dirt only adds to his appeal?
You grouse, ‘And how are you going to be able to help with my profile? You’ve never even heard of the app.’
Jack crouches down to pack the camera securely in a saddlebag, peering at you over his shoulder. ‘I’m a man. Surely my opinion would count for something.’
Oh, he doesn’t need to tell you that. He’s all man. One whose very tight jeans are practically straining against his pert backside while he rearranges the packing on one knee.
Standing up, Jack whistles at the horses grazing nearby. He turns to you and says, ‘Come on, darlin’, no more clownin’ around on my watch. We got some ground to cover to get to our camp for tonight.’
You groan half-jokingly, climbing to your feet and grumble, ‘Yes, sir.’
You notice the way he stiffens. There’s a twitch in his neck as if he’s holding himself back from turning towards you, and his jaw shifts like he’s grinding his teeth. When you walk up behind him, he clears his throat deliberately and busies himself with the tack as the horses trot lazily back towards you.
You reach out to rub Scotch on the nose when he approaches, giving him half of the apple you saved for him from lunch. You keep an eye on Jack, your mind whirring, as you saddle up for the afternoon.
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Turns out the cowboy wasn’t joking. It’s a seriously hard ride, with long stretches of cantering over flat ground. It’s as exhilarating as it is hard on your body - your calves and thighs are burning, your shoulders ache, and you start to actually worry if you’ll be able to carry on tomorrow. If you even survive this afternoon, that is.
You’re on what feels like the hundredth backbreaking canter streak of the day. Jack and Whiskey a safe four horse-lengths ahead, Bourbon following behind you and Scotch. The sun is veiled by clouds, but the heat is no less forgiving. You’re sweat-soaked to the bone, hair sticking to your forehead and the back of your neck. You’ve never been so desperate for a shower and a cold drink.
You see Jack stand up in his stirrups and turn around in his saddle to check on you. You must look like hell, because he takes mercy on you and holds up a hand to signal the end of the lope. When Scotch slows down to a walk next to Whiskey, he asks, barely winded, ‘You ok, darlin’?’
Panting for air, you reach desperately for your water. ‘Are you trying to kill me, cowboy? You remember what I said about the gym last night, right?’
He chuckles, taking a drink of water himself. ‘I’m sorry, I know I’m pushing you, but there’s somethin’ I want to show you before we lose the light.’
You swipe at a bead of sweat running down the side of your cheek with your clothed shoulder, too tired to sit up straight in the saddle anymore. You point a threatening finger at him. ‘It better be worth it, or I swear I’ll have your head.’
Jack gives you an encouraging pat on the back. ‘I promise it will be. Come on, darlin’, I know you can do it.’
Despite your exhaustion, some baser instinct in you can’t help but preen at his words. Damn your need for approval and praise from the lips of a handsome man.
It’s another hour or so on the road when you discern a drop in temperature, the sun starting its descent for the day, though the sky remains bright. Jack slows you down to an easy trot, craning his neck, as if searching for something. Distracted by an itch on your ankle, deep inside your boots, you don’t notice Whiskey coming to an abrupt halt in front of you.
‘Whoa, sorry,’ you apologise, gathering up the reins last-second to stop Scotch from running straight into the chestnut’s rump. ‘I wasn’t paying atten- ’
You trail off when you look up, hands frozen awkwardly in mid-air as all your motor functions grind to a stop.
You’re not sure how or where it came from - an enormous field of wildflowers in bloom stretches before you, as far as the eye can see.
‘Did I deliver on that promise, darlin’?’
Air rushes into your lungs when Jack’s words register, and only then do you realise you’ve been holding your breath. Robbed of your faculties, you answer with a mute nod.
Jack smiles broadly at your speechlessness. ‘Come on. Let’s take a closer look.’
Scotch follows when Jack nudges Whiskey down the small slope. The meadow parts like softly lapping waves around the horses’ knees, a riot of colour and scent. If it was earlier in the afternoon, you’re sure there would be a muted buzz of honey bees hard at work. It’s mostly still at this hour, other than the whistle of grass and leaves brushing the horses’ legs as you make your way deeper into the field. 
Your eyes dart about, barely focusing long enough to recognise what’s in front of you - bluebells, woodland sage, verbena, daisies, foxglove - and far more that you can’t name off the top of your head. The sweet nectar is overwhelming, and when a breeze stirs, it washes over you like a gentle mist from a perfume bottle.
Slowly regaining your senses, a familiar sound catches your ear. Glancing to your left, Jack has his camera aimed at you as the horses walk slowly.
You grin, not caring that you’re a mess. Your knees brush when the horses drift into each other’s course. ‘Thanks for bringing me here, Jack.’
‘My pleasure,’ he tips his hat at you. ‘So - there’s a camp around three quarters of an hour’s ride away, but we can stay here tonight if you want to.’
Your chest swells excitedly at the prospect, but you demur, ‘Will it be too much hassle? We don’t have anything here.’
With a wave of his hand, Jack dismisses your doubts. ‘It’s just the two of us, it can be easily done. There’s a stream a short distance that way, which is all we need. I’ll take care of everything else.’
A grin breaks across your face. ‘If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble - I’d love to camp here tonight. Thank you.’
Jack nods. ‘Of course. Anythin’ for you, darlin’.’
You don't want to contemplate how you’ll ever go back to an existence where you don’t have cowboys with gorgeous brown eyes telling you things like that. And you suppose you don't have to - at least for a few more days.
‘Can I help with anything?’ you offer.
He shakes his head adamantly, one hand outstretched as if to physically stop you. ‘Absolutely not. Stay here with Scotch and Pinto, take a breather, stretch your legs - I’ll get everything ready.’
When Jack and Whiskey return half an hour later, having loaded up on water and firewood, he finds both horses untacked and brushed down. A smile tugs at his lips - of course you wouldn’t listen to him. The tack and saddlebags are neatly laid out, the cooking supplies already unpacked in preparation for dinner.
Scotch and Pinto are lying down, hooves tucked tidily under themselves, snacking on grass and half-dozing. You’re sitting cross-legged next to the palomino, braiding daisies into his white mane. You look up when you hear Jack approach.
‘I moved us further down so we don’t set fire to the field,’ you joke, pointing at the slightly barer patch of land.
‘Well done, darlin’,’ he replies and dismounts, giving Whiskey a big pat before quickly unsaddling him. Tipping his face to the sky, he remarks, ‘I think we’ll have quite a sunset tonight.’
Despite it only being the second day of the trip, you and Jack seem to have settled into a comfortable rhythm. He sets up the fire while you shower, and then you feed the horses - dry feed with apple and carrot bits for tonight - while Jack nips off for his.
He doesn’t protest when you help with dinner - corn chowder and jacket potatoes are on the menu this evening. While Jack preps the vegetables for the soup, you oil, season and wrap the potatoes in foil, planting them directly into the fire for a slow roasting.
At the first sign of the sky turning colours, you set up your phone on timelapse, propping it against your water bottle behind the two of you, with the horses and the campfire in-shot as the sun starts to sink. You don’t have to worry about battery life as the solar chargers are fully charged from abundant sunshine these couple of days, and there will be electricity at the Halfway House when you get there tomorrow.
At some point, both of you stop what you’re doing to watch the sunset. The sky is stained blood orange, the colour dripping from the horizon to stretch across the field of wildflowers until it is awash in red. A flock of birds cut across the cloudless horizon in a homeward formation, their caws echoing in the valley.
The digital click of the shutter pulls you out of your thoughts.
‘Jack,’ you berate him half-heartedly.
‘Come here, darlin’,’ he shuffles closer and turns the camera around so the front is pointed at you both. You can see your reflection in the lens - and he presses the shutter-release.
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The chowder is delicious, as has been everything Jack has made so far on the trip. But after dinner, when the plates have been washed and the sleeping bags rolled out, belly full but slumber not yet come knocking, and Jack asks if you want a nightcap with a twinkle in his eyes - you decide that’s your favourite time of the day.
He puts a kettle on the fire, and pulls a tin of cocoa from a saddlebag. ‘You want a hot chocolate? We can make it Irish.’
You chuckle. ‘Sounds good, cowboy.’
Steaming mugs in hand, Jack carefully makes his way to your sleeping bag, the fire tracing his silhouette in bright orange. You take one, legs crossed and elbows on your knees, thanking him before taking a ginger taste. 
A violent cough racks your frame, the potency taking you by surprise. ‘Jesus Christ - is this three-quarters whiskey?’
Jack cracks a roguish grin in your direction. ‘Maybe. But I bet you can take it, darlin’.’
Holy fuck. 
Heat creeps up the back of your neck and spreads over the planes of your cheeks, and you duck behind your drink. Under the cover of night, in that gravelly Southern drawl, his words wield an unholy power.
Not ready to spar yet, you take a steadying inhale and a long sip, the alcohol burning on its way down. You grab the camera that’s been lying closeby all evening and say, ‘Let’s go over the photos I took today. I might even let you choose which ones to use for your profile.’
He snorts in jest, but shifts closer so that he can see the screen. ‘Sure, I believe you, darlin’.’
For such a good-looking man, Jack doesn’t seem to have a vain bone in his body. He is complimentary of your photography, stopping you when you want to zoom past the reel of your scenic shots. Instead, he takes the time to politely appreciate the composition, framing and lighting. But whenever one of him shows up, it’s he who wants to fast forward, uncomfortable with the attention of seeing himself on film. 
When your drinks run low, Jack gets up to get more cocoa and hot water. You two are in the middle of an argument about the merits of (or according to him, the lack thereof) candid shots, after he vetoes one that you propose for Tinder.
‘Why that one?’ he disputes, collecting your mug. ‘I’m not even looking at the camera!’
‘That’s the whole point!’ you rebut. ‘It’s natural and in the moment. It’s a great photo of you!’
You ignore him as he grumbles while he mixes the cocoa. You click all the way through the reel, reaching the last photo of the day - the selfie of the two of you at sunset. Glancing up to make sure Jack is still occupied, you steal a moment to really study at the shot. 
It’s a flattering take, the lighting and angle kind on you. You admire the way Jack’s eyes crinkle warmly at the corners, one side of his moustache tilted up with his smile, tidy teeth peeking out from behind that wicked mouth.
This damn cowboy.
Accidentally, your finger brushes a button on the dial, taking you to the top of the SD card. What comes on screen first appears innocuous enough - but when your gaze focuses, you freeze and your jaw drops.
Jack’s just poured a tall measure of whiskey into each mug when he notices you’ve fallen completely motionless, camera still in your hands. With a frown, he leans over to see why.
‘Jesus Christ!’ he swears loudly, leaping forward to snatch it away from you, nearly knocking over both drinks in the process. He just about tosses the machine away as if it burns him. ‘Shit, fuck, shit. Fuck!’
You haven’t heard him cuss much yet on the trip, and you’re not sure if that’s what triggers it, but suddenly you’re laughing so hard that your chest heaves and your lungs ache. Tears sting the corners of your eyes as you gasp for breath, what you saw on the screen seared into your memory.
It’s a photo Jack took of himself in what you assume is a bathroom mirror, his left hand holding the camera. Something about him is different, maybe his hair is a bit shorter, more slicked back. A flannel shirt hangs unbuttoned on his firm body, just like yesterday when he was undressing at the lake. It’s innocent enough up to this point.
Lower still, his belt with the now familiar flask buckle dangles undone, jeans shoved carelessly just past his pelvis. His large hand - which you’re now used to seeing deftly grasping the reins or resting on his thigh as he rides next to you - is wrapped around the base of what appears to be a very generously sized, very hard cock.
You just wish you’d been granted a few more seconds to peruse before Jack ripped the camera from you.
Finally, you wheeze, ‘Who takes nude pics on a DSLR?’
Jack runs a palm over his face and sighs. ‘You saw the state of my phone, the camera doesn’t work. The pictures were for my ex, she lived two states away and we didn’t see each other much. I thought I deleted them ages ago.’
You make grabby hands at the fresh hot chocolates, which he passes to you. You squeak, ‘I’m not drunk enough for this.’
Even in the dark, you can see the tips of his ears turning beet red, and you don't think you're imagining the insecurity in his tone as he mutters, ‘Sorry, that was embarrassin’.’
‘Why are you sorry? I didn’t see anything you should apologise for,’ you reply truthfully, swirling your drink, the hot steam warming your nose as you take a sip. 
Jack peers at you with a bemused frown. ‘No?’
His gaze follows as you lick an errant drop of chocolate from the corner of your mouth. You add slyly, ‘I don’t see anything to be embarrassed about, either.’
‘Is that so?’ He hums thoughtfully, a self-assuredness squaring his broad shoulders as he leans towards you. ‘Does that mean you liked what you saw then, darlin’?’
It’s a loaded question. You give him a lopsided smile, and with more bravado than you feel, you quip, ‘I don’t know - I’ll have to take a closer look, cowboy.’
He holds your challenging stare when he knocks back a mouthful of his drink, and smacking his lips, he grins, ‘All you have to do is ask.’
Batting your eyelashes ironically, you half-joke, ‘Do I have to say please, too?’
Jack breathes out hard through his nostrils, a strangled laugh caught in his chest. He chides, ‘Behave, darlin’.’ 
And with two little words, he turns the tables on you and shoves you up a metaphorical wall. The shudder that ripples through your body at being told to behave by this cowboy doesn’t escape his keen observation, and his lips quirk in a cocksure manner. 
Jack opens his mouth as if he’s about to say something, but he’s interrupted by a quick succession of pings from your phone, which has been silent since the start of the trip. The sound is alien in the quiet of the mountains.
Your brow wrinkles in confusion. ‘Uh - what’s happening?’
It might be wishful thinking on your part, but disappointment seems to flash across Jack’s features as you change the subject.
‘There’s a weather station nearby. Sometimes we get the splash off,’ he explains.
You give him an enquiring look. ‘You know what I’m going to do now?’
Jack sighs in resignation. ‘I won’t be able to get away with this Tinder business, will I?’
‘Don’t be so glum about it, cowboy, it’s fun,’ you wink. ‘First things first - do you have a Facebook account?’
Lying on your stomach, your pillow tucked under your chest and your socked feet up in the air behind you, you look like you’re settling in for the long haul. Jack rearranges himself accordingly, rolling up his sleeping bag and reclines into it like it was a beanbag. With a deep drag of his drink, he takes stock of the situation. 
First, Champ tries to set him up with you. 
And now, you’re trying to set him up with an online dating account.
If questioned a few moments ago, he would still have thought that he was the cause of your little show last night. Right now - he’s not so sure anymore.
He’d been on the cusp of sleep when he heard you - a whimper that would’ve passed him by if the fire had cackled, or if a breeze had rustled the leaves in the trees. But in that window of perfect silence, he heard you. It paralysed him, sending blood rushing everywhere but his head, and he was up for hours, until his erection was eventually forced to dissipate from literal exhaustion.
Today has been something of a struggle, but he has bouts of sleeplessness every now and then, and even when it gets really fucking bad - he copes. He knows for a fact that you haven’t noticed. Hell, even his own team can’t pick up on it unless it’s been three nights and he literally trips over his feet walking on the fourth morning.
On the upside, at least the fatigue has forced him to keep his head on whatever task is at hand, sparing no room for thoughts about what he heard in the dark. But when you said ‘yes, sir’ earlier with such casual nonchalance, and the way you so boldly met him blow for blow just now - it took him all he’s got to fucking physically hold it together.
He’s not sure how it’s gone from that to you setting him up on Tinder, and by extension, with other women - in so fervent a manner.
Has he been reading you wrong this whole time? He’s barely taken a break from flirting with you, and he knows he’s not imagining your reactions to him when he pushes you a bit harder - just so he can see your eyes widen and hear your breath hitch - for him.
Watching you type on your phone with gusto, shooting questions at him - what’s your email address? How old are you? Do you want to link your Tinder account to your Facebook? - he wonders if he's lost his touch without realising it.
It’s been a couple of years since he broke up with his ex-girlfriend. She was sweet but his heart wasn’t in it, and the long-distance didn’t help. It’s been the odd one night stand here and there since, and while he’s not one to brag, his record is pretty damn near perfect.
Not that there’s much competition in this neck of the woods - well, Tequila puts up a good fight if they’re on a night out together. But right now, he’s the only man for miles and miles, and somehow, he’s still losing.
So he tops up his mug (it’s mostly just whiskey now), and he drinks until you reach out and poke him on the knee, grinning from ear to ear. Jack bites the inside of his cheek and wishes you wouldn’t smile at him like that. Not when he can’t figure you out.
You wear the fireside glow so well, like you’ve always spent your days in the saddle, traversing the Wyoming hinterland, and ending your nights at the warmth of a campfire. 
Like you belong here.
‘What do you think?’ you prompt him, tipping the screen towards him.
He takes your phone and studies it. It’s a photo of him that you took this morning, with his age and job listed on top of it in the bottom left corner. He shrugs. ‘I don’t know, you tell me. I have nothing to compare this to.’ 
Undaunted by his uninspired response, you swipe through enthusiastically, showing him the other uploads. ‘Look, I took some pictures from your Facebook page too. Trust me, you’ll be knee deep in pussy before you know it, cowboy.’
He chokes on his drink, which draws a chortle from you. He shakes his head, but he’s smiling. ‘Are you always so crass, darlin’?’
You salute him with your almost empty mug. ‘Only when nefarious cowboys spike my hot chocolate with way too much whiskey.’
He huffs a laugh. ‘One more or should we call it a night?’
‘We can’t go to bed yet, setting up your account is only step one. I still have to show you how to swipe right,’ you protest, but the screen abruptly goes blank when you tap on it. ‘Shit, the connection’s gone!’
‘Praise the Lord,’ Jack proclaims, turning his palms heavenward in relief. His knees creak when he gets up to add more wood to the fire. ‘What do you want to do now, then?’ 
You put your phone away reluctantly. ‘I don’t know. What do you usually do with guests?’
‘Depends,’ he grunts when he sits down, close to you. ‘If the Kingsman were here, we’d play poker and darts.’
‘I got to say I’m glad they’re not here, then,’ you say with a wrinkle of your nose. It’s getting colder, so you sit up and drape the cosy blanket across your shoulders. When the idea comes to mind, you almost leap up from your seat in excitement. ‘Oh I know! How about a game of never have I ever?’
Jack scoffs. ‘Are you fourteen?’
‘It’s a classic. Please? It’ll be fun,’ you needle, waving the now half-empty bottle at him. ‘We still have to finish this off.’
He pins you with a stern look. ‘We’ll get wasted.’
You shrug with a cheeky grin. ‘So? I’m on holiday, and we’re halfway there already.’
‘Just don’t blame me for your inevitable hangover tomorrow, darlin’,’ he replies in capitulation.
‘I’ll give you a get out of jail card,’ you assure him. Rubbing your hands together, you jump right into it. ‘Ok, I’ll start - never have I ever had a dog.’
Jack drinks, repositioning his long limbs so that he’s sat with one leg outstretched, and the other bent at the knee. He asks, ‘You’re not a dog person?’
‘I love dogs, just never had the space in the city,’ you answer. ‘I’m the designated dog sitter for all of my friends and neighbours though.’
Setting the bottle down between you, Jack continues, ‘Never have I ever had a cat.’
You drink and muse, ‘I miss having a cat - haven’t had one since I was a kid. Maybe I’ll look into adoption when I get home.’
Travel comes up next. You drink at his never have I ever been to Asia (you went backpacking all over for two months after graduation), and he drinks at your never have I ever been to Europe (he travelled to Greece for the Olympics when he worked as a groom for a short stint). 
You trade several more benign questions until, with an impish grin and a rush of alcohol-induced adrenaline, you tilt your head to one side and change the direction of the game. ‘Never have I ever - sent nudes.’
‘That’s not fair!’ complains Jack as you giggle, thrusting the bottle towards him.
‘I’m the guest, I don’t have to play fair,’ you retort.
‘Two can play this game,’ he shoots back, narrowing his eyes playfully. ‘Never have I ever used Tinder.’
‘Well played, cowboy,’ you smirk, grabbing the whiskey from him and taking a sip. After a moment’s consideration, you divulge, ‘Never have I ever had a one night stand.’
His eyebrows reach for his hairline, his voice deep as he comments, ‘So you’re one of them good girls, huh?’
Teeth catching your bottom lip, your answer echoes so clearly between your ears that for a moment, you thought you’d said the words out loud.
I can be. For you.
‘Always been a relationship kinda girl,’ you admit, somewhat belatedly, as he takes a sip.
He smiles, then with a wriggle of his eyebrows, he fires his next shot. ‘Never have I ever - fancied a cowboy.’
Your mouth hangs open in bewilderment, your heart threatening to hammer its way out of the confines of the ribcage. Is he drunk? 
Well, you both are.
He’s watching you, his posture loose and relaxed. There’s no deviousness in his gaze, not even the playful kind. If anything, he appears - genuinely curious?
You suppose you could lie, but… you don’t want to. Keeping your eyes on him, you pluck the whiskey from his grasp. You add high-handedly, ‘Just so you know, I’ve met a lot of cowboys before you. So many, you wouldn’t believe.’
A lazy smirk curls his lips as he watches you take a swig. ‘Sure, darlin’ - what with all the ranches you’ve been to.’
Dangling the bottle in front of his face in a challenge, you retaliate. ‘Never have I ever fancied a guest.’
Instead of reaching out with his fingers, Jack drags himself across the sleeping bag so he’s practically hovering over you to grab the whiskey. Echoing your words, he says, ‘Just so you know, I’ve met a lot of guests before you.’
You watch his Adam’s apple bob when he swallows. He’s so close you’re tempted to count the whiskers on his neatly trimmed beard.
‘It’s your turn, darlin’,’ rasps Jack, but you’re immobilsed by the brush of his calloused fingers against the tips of yours, planted on the sleeping bag.
You stammer, coming up blank. ‘Um - uh - never have I ever - ever -’
Jack gives you a crooked grin. ‘Need some help?’
Throat dry, you can only nod.
He leans in, his exhale hitting the shell of your ear, and he delivers the coup de grace. ‘Never have I ever touched myself thinking of said cowboy.’
Your eyes widen and you stop breathing. Oh fuck. He heard you. He knows. 
Turns out you weren’t quiet enough after all.
And yet - you can’t bring yourself to be ashamed, not when he’s staring you with something that looks a lot like reverence.
You realise you haven’t addressed the gauntlet he’s thrown down at your feet. Bringing the whiskey to your lips, you confess with a wet gulp of whiskey, the liquid sloshing hollowly in the almost empty bottle when you place it down next to you.
The tension thrums between the two of you like some quantum disturbance, one that’s been building and ebbing for the last forty-eight hours. The air grows thick, his eyes dropping to your mouth the same time his rough palm moves to cover the back of your hand, startling you. Misjudging his proximity, your nose knocks into his cheek when you turn your head, and a quiet gasp slips past your lips when you feel his hot breath brush the hollow of your neck -
So caught up in the moment, it takes you three long seconds to realise that the two of you have suddenly broken apart, and three more for your head to grasp why. 
The ringtone blaring from your phone is deafening in the tension-laden silence. Across the bright screen, your ex’s name flashes clearly. 
Motherfucking cockblocking asshole.
Before you can unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth to protest - or ask him to please stay - Jack has gotten onto his feet with a rueful smile and a shake of his head. Scooping up his sleeping bag and tucking it under one strong arm, he reaches for a bottle of water that he filled up earlier and places it next to your pillow, knowing that you’ll need it in the morning.
Even in the shadows, you can discern his eyes sliding over your face. His whispered words barely reach you as he turns on his heels. ‘Good night, darlin’.’
You let the call ring out.
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It’s still dark when you feel a hand grip your shoulder, pulling you out of a shallow slumber.
‘Jack?’ you croak, rubbing your eyes that are sticky with sleep. ‘Is something wrong?’
He shakes his head with a reassuring smile that you can barely see in the din. ‘No, I just wanted to show you somethin’. Put on your shoes and bring your blanket, darlin’, it’s cold.’
Even wrapped up in fleece, you huddle into yourself as you follow him. He leads you past the dying fire and snoozing horses, a thermos in one hand, the other tucked into the pocket of a battered thick denim jacket. 
You stumble when your feet catch on knots in the grass, and Jack reaches out to steady you, his reflexes fast even in this ungodly hour.
When your sight slowly adjusts to the darkness, you see that you’re approaching what you presume is Jack’s sleeping bag on the ground. He nudges you gently towards it with a quiet, ‘Make yourself comfortable, darlin’.’
You do, hugging your knees to your chest, your icy fingertips trying to find warmth under the  blanket. Jack settles down next to you, and noticing your shiver, he wraps his extra quilt around your shoulders.
‘Yes please.’
The thermos warms your hands as you hold it, hot steam hitting your face as you drink carefully so you don’t burn your tongue. You’re too groggy (and more than a bit hungover) to try to figure out what is going on, and Jack doesn’t enlighten you, happy to sit in the silence as you pass him the bottle. The tea burns a comforting trail down to your stomach, warming you from the inside.
You don’t have to wait long for what comes next.
It starts with the faintest of glows. The ghost of your breath misting in front of your face. The distant, backlit profile of the Bighorn. The outline of bush and flora, then the textures fill in as the light swells. And without warning, the dawn breaks, colour spilling across the field of wildflowers, like a light has been switched on. 
A light fog hangs in the air, gently refracting the morning rays into an iridescent sheen. In every direction, the ground is carpeted by a sea of summer blooms. It looks like a page ripped straight out of a book that starts with the age-old refrain of once upon a time. 
You turn to Jack. He’s watching you closely with a smile, hair sleep-mussed, the sunrise casting him in rose gold.
It might have been you. It might have been him. It might not matter in the grand scheme of things. 
The next thing you know, your shoulders bump and your lips meet. A sigh catches in your throat when he takes your lower lip between his, dragging slowly and sweetly, the wet friction and the tickle of his moustache on your Cupid’s bow chasing a shiver down your spine. 
When he pulls back, he traces the tip of his nose across your cheek before tucking it behind your ear, his arm closing in around your waist.
‘Happy birthday, darlin’.’
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More notes: They're going to get to the Halfway House next chapter. Just FYI 👀 I've really made you guys wait for the smut for this one, I swear I didn't plan it this way, but here we are. In the meantime, I'm going to try not to psyche myself out because I haven't written any smut since Consent ended. But I'll worry about that later, for now, thank you for reading and for the wonderful feedback so far - comments and reblogs are so appreciated as always!
Horsey notes (optional reading): This part is a bit thin on horses so this is quite random. Horses love treats - carrots, apples and polo mints will all be devoured. Make sure the treats aren't cut too small to encourage horses to chew before they swallow. Carrots can be broken into 2 or 3 pieces, and should be fed horizontally instead of vertically, to encourage chewing. Apples can be quartered or halved. When feeding, stretch out your hand flat, don't curl up your fingers or you can accidentally get bitten!
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pinievsev · 2 months
Picture Perfect L. Felix
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Divider by @youre-ackermine
Request by: @dominos-palast
Summary: In which, a chance encounter in the woods leads a young photographer to discover love amidst nature's beauty, capturing moments of intimacy and connection through his lens.
Pairing: Lee Felix X male!Reader (can be read as anything)
Warnings: maybe like, two suggestive lines, idk what came over me there but that's all, it's only a thought so it shouldn't be too bad-?
Word count: 1,306.
@pinievsev on Tumblr, please don't repost, translate, or plagiarise without permission or credit.
Happy reading!
The woods always calmed you, most people would laugh at you about it; call you cringe and weird but you didn't care. All you knew was that it brought you peace being there, the quiet, only the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind.
So when you got a project from your photography course based on nature you were beyond ecstatic to say the least, you had an excuse to spend more time in your favourite place.
The cold morning air bit at your skin, turning your cheeks, nose and ears a light pink shade. The morning sun always made for the most beautiful of sights though, so you pushed through the cold.
You'd been snapping pictures for about an hour when you finally decided to take a rest, you sat by a tree and pulled your hood up, looking through the pictures you had taken.
As you admired your work, your attention was shifted to a particularly loud sound of leaves and sticks crunching beneath the steps of someone nearby. You peaked behind the tree you were sitting by, breath hitching at the sight of a man, no older than 25 you thought.
You watched in awe as he sat peacefully on a fallen tree bark. You cocked your head to the side, admiring the way his freckles shone upon contact with the sun rays. Yet you caught yourself and turned away, not wanting him to see you and mistaken you for a creep.
You shook your head and stood up, grabbing your camera once more as you walked a little further down the path where you spotted a deer. 'Huh, didn't know these lived here' you thought to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, you had accidentally voiced your thoughts, causing the stranger to notice you. From where he sat, he could only see your back, your jacket slightly dirty and hood pulled up.
You, too immersed in your work, failed to notice him staring holes at your back as you happily snapped pictures left and right.
Forgetting the man was there, you spun around, hoping to find something interesting for your project, through the lense, you saw him looking at you.
As you were about to pull the camera away you saw him smile brightly and pose, your cheeks reddened as you laughed and snapped a picture of him.
He waved you over and you made a gesture for him to wait a moment as you picked up your equipment.
You nodded hello at him as you set everything down by the tree bark he was sat on and he smiled once more. You had to admit he was stupidly pretty.
"May i see it?" He asked, you raised your eyebrow and he pointed at your camera. Your lips formed an 'O' as you nodded and sat next to him, flicking through the pictures until you got to the one you took of him "here" you said handing him the camera which he took gently, afraid of breaking the expensive device you hsd just given to him so carelessly.
He looked at the picture, his face contorting unpleasantly. "I look ragged" he laughed and you shook your head as he gave the camera back to you.
You looked down at it "I think you look pretty" you spoke before thinking, face flashing red once more as you realised and thanked the cold for your face already being red.
"You- you do?" He asked dumbfounded and you nodded simply. "Thank you." He said with a lopsided smile.
You watched his expression change into one of realisation as he extended his hand to you "I'm Felix" you turned your head from taking a picture of the horizon and nodded "Y/N" you replied, shaking his hand.
"You uh" he began, hoping to strike conversation "you like taking pictures?" You nodded for the nth time "I'm a photography major" you replied.
He stayed quiet, watching you pull out your laptop to transfer the pictures, smiling at the way you bit your tongue and frowned adorably (according to him) as you did so.
"Do you want me to send it to you?" You asked out of nowhere "huh?" "The picture. Felix" he blushed at the mention of his name, you'd said it so casually, as if you've known him for years, it made a sense of comfort wash over him "oh yeah sure! Hold on!" He agreed cheerfully pulling out his phone.
"E-mail?" He asked "yep. I don't have any social media on here" you said, meaning your laptop. He showed you his phone, his email address pulled up on the screen. You quickly typed it in and sent the picture.
His face went beet red as he watched your fingers move quickly over the keyboard, mentally slapping himself for his thoughts.
He suddenly stood up, offering you his hand. You stared at him in confusion "come on! You like taking pictures here right?" You nodded "I know a really beautiful place just further down that way" he pointed behind him and you smiled, gathering your things in your bag and letting the camera dangle off your neck.
You took his hand and he led you through the trees and plants, not letting go for some reason. Not long after, you arrived at a small clearing, flowers all around and vines going up the dark trees and around the branches.
"Here! This should make for a good picture!" He spoke happily. "I'll leave you to it!" You nodded and set up, taking pictures of the scenery.
Once you had taken enough, you turned back to speak to him, cutting yourself off as you saw him crouched down by a patch of flowers, lightly touching them as if they would break with a pretty smile adoring his face.
You could get used to that smile. Lifting your camera you took a picture of him. He looked way too adorable to resist.
You chuckled and walked over to him, crouching next to him. "You look really pretty" you said, for the second time that day. Giving him the camera once more.
You watched his ears turn a deep red colour as he looked at the picture "t-thank you!" He beamed. He extended his arm to give you back the device when he saw you staring at him adoringly.
"I mean it." You spoke. Smiling wider than he'd seen you smile this whole time. He nodded, gulping. "Thank you." He repeated "i mean it as well" he assured. You took the camera from him and stood, this time helping him up.
"I'm going to head back, I need to work on my project" you announced "I'll come with you" you raised a brow at that "until- until we get to the road" he added.
The walk was comfortable, you learned he majored in music, his campus not far from yours. As you emerged from the trees and to the road you turned to him "you know, Felix. I think I could get used to taking pictures of you"
Felix admired your boldness, he noticed you weren't afraid to speak your mind "and i could get used to you taking pictures of me." He agreed
You smiled and waved at him, as you were about to walk off he called after you "wait!" You tilted your head "same time tomorrow?" He asked innocently, handing you his phone, the 'contacts' app open you laughed and typed in your number "sure thing." You agreed.
You stared at eachother for a second. "Don't be late, pretty boy" you winked, sending his heart beating at a speed he didn't know was possible "I could never."
With that, you parted ways. Both thinking of eachother for the rest of the day, impatiently waiting for tomorrow to arrive and for what the future had in store for you.
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A/N: as always! Taglist is open, you can find the form for it in my masterpost which is pinned as well as requests!
All fics: @camphxam , @expelideliciousjoshua
Stray kids: @dominos-palast
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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Des oiseaux Paolo Roversi
Texts : Chiara Bardelli Nonino, Guilhem Lesaffre
Atelier EXB, Paris 2023, 88 pagine, 20,5x26cm, copertina rigida, fotografie a colori e b/n, lingua inglese, ISBN 978-2365113854
euro 60,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Maître de la photographie de studio, Roversi a substitué au top-mode, pour une série réalisée au Polaroïd grand format, des oiseaux de fauconnerie. Figure de la photographie de mode, directeur artistique et grand portraitiste, Paolo Roversi collabore depuis plus de quarante ans avec les plus prestigieuses maisons de haute couture, parmi lesquelles Dior ou encore Yohji Yamamoto. Nimbés de lumières saturées, hiboux, chouettes et faucons posent face à l'objectif. L'approche minimaliste du portrait et les tons monochromes, qui ont fait la signature du photographe italien, donnent à voir dans toute leur majesté un faucon royal, un hibou moyen-duc et une chouette princière. Les oiseaux, posés sur un tabouret ou le dossier d'une chaise, se tiennent avec élégance, regards parfois étonnés d'être là, devenu sujet digne d'attention. Le temps paraît suspendu : dans des tons violines ou presque vieil or patiné, la présence tranquille, l'envol soudain, le regard surpris des oiseaux confinent presque au pictural. La grâce de ces rapaces, la beauté de leurs plumes et la puissance de leur présence se révèlent sous la gélatine argentique et dans les couleurs évanescentes caractéristiques du photographe. Cette série inédite de Roversi offre un nouveau regard sur les oiseaux : leurs liens aux hommes, comme modèle artistique.
For this fifteenth title in the collection, the great fashion and portrait photographer Paolo Roversi invites falconry birds into his studio and produces an intriguing series in which owls, owls and falcons appear drenched in saturated light on large-format Polaroids. The Italian photographer's signature minimalist approach to portraiture and monochrome tones reveal these birds of prey in all their majesty. Installed on a stool or the back of a chair, the birds pose elegantly, their eyes sometimes astonished to have become subjects worthy of attention. Time seems to stand still: in shades of violet or almost old gold with a patina, the birds' quiet presence, sudden flight and surprised gaze almost verge on the painterly. This new series by Roversi offers a new way of looking at birds: their relationship with man, as an artistic model.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Serendipitous Encounter | Chenle Imagine #5
Title: Serendipitous Encounter
Genre: Fluff, slight angst if you squint
Warnings: none
Word Count: 964
Author's Note: I swear the first few paragraphs of this story were all that existed for the longest time, and the words just stared at me blankly on the Google doc. Thankfully, I finally found the motivation to finish it. I don't write many stories about first meetings, so I thought I should give it a try. Also, I just love getting the chance to write for Chenle (he has a special place in my heart). It's been a while since I started this, but I think my inspiration for this story was an article about this person playing basketball with Chenle and mistaking him for Taeyong?
Anyway, hope you guys like this story. Thank you for reading ^ ^
The light evening of the wind from the Han River swept through Chenle’s bangs. His agile legs propelled him forward as he skillfully dribbled an orange ball in his hands. Within moments, he made a graceful leap before soaring through the air. A satisfied smile immediately formed as he watched the ball effortlessly swish through the basket.
After retrieving the basketball, he attempted to make another shot. However this time, his previous results did not repeat. Rather a girl standing beside one of the trees happened to be the ball’s target as it bonked her on the head. A yelp followed as she was thrown off balance and fell against the sidewalk. Chenle’s face twisted in a grimace as he rushed over to check the girl hadn’t sustained any serious injuries.
“I’m so sorry!” He exhaled, voice laced with concern. “Are you okay?”
Chenle extended his hand, offering assistance in helping her stand up. His expression shifted when she glanced up to meet his eyes. He didn’t expect her to look so…captivating. Her long, dark hair was slightly tousled from the ball. A shade of pink appeared across her cheeks, as she seemed a bit flustered from the unexpected situation.
“I—I’m fine,” She muttered, “I can get up on my own.”
Following her words, she hastily scrambled up on her feet and dusted off pants. Once she stood up, she finally got a proper look at the boy in a black hoodie and gray sweatpants. Although he was dressed casually, he certainly didn’t look like your average guy. She’s never seen such charisma in one’s eyes, and his smooth complexion only enhanced his attractiveness. Aside from his striking visuals, she felt like she’s seen this boy somewhere. He looked to be around the same age as her or older.
“Do I know you?” She heard herself asking hesitantly, hoping not to come off as too forward.
The boy scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. “Maybe? I’m Chenle, from NCT.”
Chenle could barely contain the sense of pride when her eyes widened with recognition. Well, no wonder he looked familiar. He definitely gave off K-pop idol vibes.
“Ah, my friend is a fan of your group!” She clapped her hands.
“Oh really?” She nodded quietly, noticing the genuine curiosity in his eyes as his head tilted with interest.
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
"Oh I’m (Y/n),” She replied quietly. Your gaze remained fixated on the basketball cradled in his arms. A flicker of remembrance crossed your mind. “I think I remember my friend saying you were a basketball lover.”
A nonchalant smile played on Chenle's lips as he glanced back at the court before returning his attention to you. "Yeah, I try to play whenever I get the chance,” he shared. 
Driven by a sense of intrigue, he couldn't help but ask what brought her to the park. In response, she shared her motive for seeking extra credit for a photography class she was taking at her university.
“I was walking home from the library, and it’s such a nice evening,” She explained. “So I thought I might as well take a few pictures and submit one of them.”
"Oh, that's cool," Chenle remarked, his curiosity piqued. "Can I see some of them?"
Blushing once more, she reached for her phone, eager to share the scenic shots she had captured. 
"They're not the best," She admitted modestly, offering him a glimpse of her amateur photography skills. To her surprise, Chenle’s eyes widened with genuine interest as he peered over her shoulder to see.
“Well you take better pictures than I do,” He reckoned. A subtle tone of admiration was evident in his words. In other words, he was indirectly letting her know he was impressed.
She smiled shyly in response to his compliment. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
Chenle found himself smiling as well, appreciating her gentle and soft-spoken nature. He was more used to being around his loud and chaotic members. Although their encounter was mere coincidence, she didn't feel like a mere stranger to him. There was a subtle longing within him that yearned for more than just a fleeting interaction.
"By the way, is your head okay? I’m sorry, again.” A hint of concern returned to his voice.
Absently, his right hand reached out to gently smooth your hair, his focus consumed by genuine worry. Unaware of the subtle blush that tinted her cheeks, he remained fully invested in ensuring her well-being.
“It’s alright. I should’ve been paying more attention to my surroundings,” She mumbled.
His eyes sparkled with determination as he interjected, "Still, I'd like to make it up to you. How about I treat you to a cup of coffee or something? It's the least I can do for the accident."
His unexpected offer caught her completely by surprise. Did a member of one of Korea's most popular boy groups just ask her out? Though she tended to be incredibly shy around guys, the thought of rejecting him felt unimaginable. Besides, he was kind of her type. His smile was cute and exuded a confidence that made her heart flutter.
Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind not to let this opportunity slip away.
"I—I think I’d like that,” She eventually nodded.
The grin on Chenle's face widened, his excitement evident as he swiftly took out his phone to exchange contact information with her. Something more was born in this unintentional meeting that brought them together—a promise of a deeper connection. With the anticipation of a future coffee date, the two parted ways with rose-tinted cheeks and giddy smiles. Even though they just met and he barely knew her, Chenle had a feeling that he just met the one for him.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 10 days
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Beautiful People 👑
Monaco always takes me back. I raced here for the first time when I was 19, in Formula 3, and I couldn’t believe I was finally here. Had the best weekend of my life, too. Won my race and went on the F1 grid. It’s amazing to still be here and I don’t take it lightly. Every time we race here I think about that 19 year old 🙏🏾
The radiance of a Black woman is the light that brightens every shadow in life 😍👸🏾 @madisinrian
5 Days until my AGT Performance❤️‍🔥 Tuesday 8pm ET @agt #country #countrymusic #music #singer #nashville #newmusic #explore #exploremore #explorepage✨ #talent #agt #agtauditions
Living in the moment at Jeddah but thinking about that @wwenxt qualifying match Tuesday.. 😈#WWE #Smackdown #Wwenxt Hair & MUA
@themickeyfitzpatrick @bfabulous1
Let me show you why they call me Michin. 📸 Earrings
🇳🇬 Tems at the Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon🎙️ @temsbaby 🎥 @fallontonight
Show Monday, who’s boss!
@ayoedebiri by @renellaice for @vanityfair. Story by @leahfayec.
Hairstylist @lacyredway
#blackmagblackphotog #blackmagcovers #ayoedebiri
@WillowSmith for Issue 191, Fresh Cuts!
Read the full feature on flaunt.com!
Photographed by @DomenVanDeVelde
Styled by @ChloeAndChenelle at @Aframe_Agency wearing @Rabanne
Written by @Sade.Stan
Hair: @VernonFrancois at @TheVisionariesAgency
Makeup: @FrancieLuxe at @TheVisionariesAgency using @AnastasiaBeverlyHills
Set Design: @Eyako_o
Production: @Chloe.Cussen
Photography Assistant: @Laura.Berrou
Production Assistants: @Palm.Dean and @ItsJustJabari
Location: @IssuePhotoStudio
FACE: Beauty Balm Shade 12
EYES: Brow Freeze Gel, Norvina Palette Vol. 1, and Lash Sculpt Mascara
LIPS: Royal Red Lipstick
#FlauntMagazine #FreshCuts #WillowSmith #ABHBeautyBalm
MR Tailoring for Zendaya in @vogueaustralia #notjustatailor
Style @luxurylaw
Assitant @brooklin.ep
Photography @josholins
Interview @hannahroserose
Hair @kimblehaircare
Makeup @raoulalejandre
Nails @marisacarmichael
Set Design @heathmattioli
EP/Talent Direction @rikki_keene Production @geprojects @triona_7 Editor-N-Chef @christinecentenera
Colman Domingo at Cannes Film Festival In | Shoes
Glam @chloebailey 💕
Hair: @hair__poet
▫️foundation: @patmcgrathreal skin fetish
▫️blush: @danessamyricksbeauty “it girl” blurring balm
▫️bronzer: @makeupbymario “medium” “dark”
▫️highlight: @danessamyricksbeauty lighwork palette
▫️eyeshadow: @makeupbymario master mattes
▫️eyeliner: @makeupforever “limitless brown”
▫️brows: @anastasiabeverlyhills “chocolate” brow powder
▫️lashes: @violentkittycosmetics “meow”
▫️liner: @glambymajhabeauty “light brown”
▫️lips: @glambymajhabeauty “focus” “cutie”
#makeup #makeupartist
@jadapinkettsmith posed on a #redcarpet in #Dubai wearing an @irisvanherpen dress. Hot! Or Hmm..?
📸 IG/Reproduction #jadapinkettsmith #jadapinkettsmithfbd
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lucienh · 1 year
Week 4 Design Fundamentals - Photoshop! 17th March
Hello! Here Is my post for what I did in my design fundamentals class for week 4. In this class we started looking at Photoshop. I have had experiencing using photoshop before, mainly last year in 2022 for my Level 3 NCEA Photography Board. ( might include some photos just so you know what I can already do) I had used Photoshop in the past before in my junior years at high school, but last year was my first proper dive into it. The class we had this week was really good as we looked at some tools I already know how to use, but with more depth, so now understand more about how they work and the principals behind them. Plus shortcuts! There are so many shortcuts I learnt that I did not know were available to me so that was great!
The Main things we looked at were: Colour correction, colour grading, Image adjustments and Layers. (below are images of my workbook and notes I took in class about these things, plus shortcuts and the word jail.
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While learning about these different terms and tools, we tried them out in practice with different images.
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Here is the first image we worked on. On the left is the original and on the right is the finished one. As you can tell the left image is very washed out so there is little to no contrast in the image. To fix this we used the curves tool in the image adjustments section on a new layer.
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here is the curves section and me playing around and experimenting with the values and levels of the lights, darks on the histogram, you can also see what coverage of the certain coloured/shaded pixels are used in the histogram. On the left image I went full on with the contrast and Kinda got this distressed old look to the image, like it was taken on an old film camera with the flash and I really like it. especially what it did to the background. The right image is nicer on the eye and allows you to see all the tones.
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Next we looked at this cat Image. This image is actually in colour but due to the low exposure levels and brightness (I think those are the terms? still learning) The image looks black n white. So with using the curves tool again you are able to the colour in the cat again a bit and It looks brighter and has more contrast. At one point I did go a bit off topic and used the patch tool to give the cat a third eye, but sadly I don't have a screen shot. I also had a look at the saturation levels.
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here is another image we looked at. The original is on the right. Again we used the curves tool in image adjustments and then looked at hue and saturation to give the image my colour and aliveness. I like how in my final image you can really see the trees in the bottom foreground of the image. I feel like the hue and saturation tools are a bit fiddle as sometimes you can really overdo the colours and its just very unnatural.
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Here is an image of this man (the og is on the right) He was looking a bit peachy so we made the image more neutral with the colour balance tool. which I did not know you could adjust to only adjust the shadows or highlights etc. I found this really cool and I wish I knew this last year for photography. So in the new photo the shadows on his face are a lot more cool toned, with more blue added. we also looked at the colour filters in this section. And I very much like the underwater effect one. I also played at one with giving him a uni-brow
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Here is the last image we looked at (right is original) Again we looked at the curves tool then at the colour balance tool to give the image more depth with the range of colour. I then had a good play with extreme saturation and hues (below) and gave the image the feel that It was on another planet. It's like those ultra violet shrimp.
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Some other things Inert about were how to get back an adjustment layer window or just layer window. So now I know it got to the windows button to find them. we also talked about Lost information in images. I'm still a bit confused with this but I think it's todo with when you are adjusting the image and the information like the pixels you loose. which ties into baking an image when you compress everything and can't get that Info back.
At the end of this session we were given homework to find 2 b&w images adjust and 2 colour and point out what colour be improved and then what we did to fix them. Im hoping I'll have time to get this done as I have a lot going on next week.
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And here is my photography board from last year so you can see I guess my previous knowledge. My theme was based around cults.
0 notes
0ce4n-m4n-refs · 2 years
Putting under READ MORE because it is quite long. Will be updated over time if something is missing.
animals animation armor arms blood bodies bones brushes character character design chests clay clothing clouds coding coloring color swatches comics commission info composition cosplay digital dragons dye ears effects expressions eyes faces feet filtering flames flooring fur furniture fursuit glitches gore hair hands hats heads horns ice injuries landscapes n environments legs lighting n shading makeup metal misc mouths noses painting patterns n textures perspective photography pixel art plants plushies poses rendering reproductive organs robots rocks rooms scales sewing shoes skin sky smoke snouts space storyboarding stretching tablets tracing traditional water watercolor weapons website wings worldbuilding
aseprite blender csp firealpaca krita ms paint photoshop procreate sai
botw dmc mgrr portal
0 notes
Chrome eyeshadow look 
Chrome eyeshadow look 🌈💚 @vohobeauty Chrome Eyeshadow - Gold Grass 05 , also called Chameleon eyeshadow 🤪 This eyeshadow changes its colour as the light hits from different angles! Wear this on eyes and you’ll surely be the talk of the town for your super sassy taste in makeup. We bring rare stuff for rare YOU. Wear it to a party or just a day out!
-infused with Vitamin E -long lasting -crease- proof -super pigmented -available in 6 shades Bridal beauty @shabisohail Photography @defineimaginationphotographer Makeup, hair n stying @garimavermamakeupstudio Venue @garimavermamakeupstudio
Call us for Bridal Makeup Booking: +91-9821124107, 9120878999
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shivanthanirmal · 2 years
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D A N C E W I T H S H A D E S. We humans are so tortured by not properly guessing what will make us happy. all these shades owe its birth to light and right to breath, if you get it you will dance till your last breath even with a burning violin. Inspired by listening to “Dance me to the end of love” by Leonard Cohen. https://youtu.be/NGorjBVag0I Title - Dance me to the end of love. Artist - @leonardcohen Third collection out of ten. ©️Shivantha Nirmal #art #fineartphotography #fineart #motionphotography #monochromephotography #blackandwhitephotography #emotions #games #life #thoughts #photography #monochrome #memories #artists #artistsoninstagram #movements #contemporaryart #shadows #blackandwhite #lartechemipiacecontest #streetphotography #shivanthanirmal #architecture #conseptualphotography #saatchiart #photographylovers #photooftheday #saatchiartist #saatchiartcollectors #arlettemagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/CgrC77yoKT2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
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I'm not interested in shooting new things, I'm interested in shooting something new...
Moment Capture by ##best Photography in Saharanpur LightNShade Photography
For Bookings, Call Now:- +91 97200 88489
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0oolookitsme · 3 years
Can we get an Instagram au with Louis Tomlinson x reader😭😭😭
Genre- Fake Instagram
Pairing- Photographer!Song-writer!Y/n x Singer!Song-songwriter!Louis 
Description- Y/n and Louis decide to go public with their relation, only they come out as if they have been public for years. Part -2, here!
Y/Ig/n- Your Instagram name.
A/n- Sure lovely, hope you like it! (by the end..this turned into something else so there’ll be a part2!) 
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Liked by Bebe Rexha, Louis Tomlinson and 2,439,703-others
Y/Ig/n - Love the fairy lights 
View all 101,490 comments
Louis Tomlinson Love the fairy
LouisFan1 Love the guitars
LouisFan2 Love the brown the warm aesthetic
Charlie Puth Love the photograph
Y/nFan1 Love the photographer
Y/Ig/n everyone is playing along... (sorry for breaking your chain fairies xD)
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Liked by Liam Payne, Y/Ig/n and 2,402,338-others
Louis Tomlinson - Love the yellow Tulips!!
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Liam Payne You sure those are Tulips mate?
Y/nFan2 Goes to paint my nails wine shade because she has them so 
Y/Ig/n You learned photography pretty fast damn
LouisFan3 She’s the one y’all
Flowerbx It was lovely to have you! xx
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Liked by Lizzo, Niall Horan and 2,332,580-others
Y/Ig/n  - My Tulip
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Niall Horan got hit by the ball the next minute
Y/nFan3 I wonder what is she wearing...
LouisFan3 He looks so cute!! 
Lizzo I had a good chat with the girlie
Louis Tomlinson Why do I look like a way too happy 7 year old....
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Liked by Y/Ig/n, LouisFan1 and 2,256,149-others
LT updates - Louis was caught walking with the song writer and photographer, Y/n Y/l/n. What do y’all think?
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LouisFan5 MY BABIES!! <33333
Y/nUpdates I MET THEM!!!!!
  ↳LouisFan Spill mam...
   ↳Y/nUpdates So I was walking out of this cafe and I see them, literally walking and laughing. My arse decided not to disturb them but just couldn’t keep it’s eyes off of them and so THEY CAME TO ME AND TALKED. It was a normal conversation like, ‘how are you’ and all and they said they were eturning HOME. Ae you reading? HOME!!! THEY LIVE TOGETHER!!
    ↳Y/nFan oml....OML....OH MY LORD!! YESSSS!!!!!
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Liked by Liam Payne, James Corden and 2,126,631-others
Y/Ig/n  - listening and perked up ears.
View all 41,852 comments
James Cordon Curious and confused brains
LouisFan6 LT2..?
Louis Tomlinson That’s a good shot
 ↳Y/Ig/n really..
Liam Payne Nice cap man
 ↳LiamFan help- lmaooo
Julia Michaels Answer your phone mam -_-
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Liked by Taylor Swift, Y/Ig/n and 2,278,924-others
Louis Tomlinson   - Stop listening to me and listen to me
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Y/nFan6 Tries look what’s coming next by zooming on the laptop
Y/Ig/n .....Does that even make any sense? 
Lizzo How do people even look good while wearing headphones, I don’t get it.
LouisFan7 It makes sense and also doesn’t at the same fucking time lmao
TaylorFan1 Taylor liked.....some shit’s coming besties, buckle up.
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Liked by Lauv, Ruelle and 2,493,190-others
Y/Ig/n - Hey, that’s my man
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Lauv Tell me why did this pic had to be taken when I was picking up my flute of champagne....
Niall Horan Is y/n taller than me or are those heels?
LouisFan8 LOVER
Y/nFan7 she’s a Swiftie folks!
Y/nFan8 *chefs kiss*
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Liked by Vogue, Louis Tomlinson and 2,920,564-others
Playboy  -We had a marvellous time working with you, @Y/nY/lg/n , @/vogue ;)
View all 57,069 comments
Y/nFan10 mommy? sorry....Mommy? sorry...Mommy? 
Louis Tomlinson she’s mine!
Vogue We indeed 
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Liked by Vogue, Harry Styles and 3,627,067-others
Louis Tomlinson -Have look at behind the scenes, but you don’t know the scene :)
View all 99,008 comments
Taylor Swift :)
Harry Styles :)
Y/Ig/n :)
y/nFan12 First Playboy and Vogue collab, then Taylor likes, then Harry likes and then this....
LouisFan9 tf is going on....?
LouisFan10 We are so not ready and I know it...
273 notes · View notes
tteokggukk · 3 years
golden hour → jjk
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» pairing: photographer! jungkook x reader
» genre: smut, established relationship, pwp
» words: 3.4k
» warnings: explicit sexual content, explicit language, some dirty talk, fingering, oral (m/f receiving), deepthroating, cunnilingus, penetration, teasing, edging-ish, jungkook is kind of??? a dom, jungkook loves kissing, use of ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ as pet names, tattooed and long haired jungkook (which isn’t rlly a warning but just in case??), and a boudoir shoot.
» summary: when your boyfriend jungkook is stressed out over a certain project, you decide to comfort him and help him de-stress by taking a mini-photoshoot during golden hour. what you don’t expect is how he turns your innocent suggestion into a boudoir shoot.
» a/n: hello omg this is the first time i’m ever posting smut and all i wanna say is i tried. this is like a practice shot or smth but i swear i’ll learn askldlaskdjl feel free to leave comments and suggestions :’> AhAHAGSGHA
permanent taglist: this is the first time i’m posting with a permanent taglist and i’m tagging just in case but since this is a smut please let me know if you’re not comfortable with smut works so i can only tag you in non-smut ones, thank you! @mochisjoon​ @boraength @rageyoudamnednerd
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Sundays were one of your favorite days of the week. It was your chance to unwind and ease yourself before preparing for work again the next day. It was also one of the days where you could spend your time just lying down on your bed with your longtime boyfriend, Jungkook, where you felt the safest in his arms. Today though, Jungkook was focused on his desk retouching pictures he took for a client.
It was a quiet and peaceful day in your apartment. You didn’t have much to do, so you decided to catch up on some reading while lying in bed partnered with a cup of tea on the side table. You loved how you respected each other enough in your relationship that neither of you minded or intervened the other when working on your separate interests. You could do your own thing while he would do his, so it was nice to still have that sense of freedom and independence. The two of you spent the whole day focused on your separate agendas.
Neither of you realized how the sun was beginning set, slowly dimming the room into a warm tint of orange.
From time to time, Jungkook would ask for your opinion on the shots he was fixing and you’d give him your honest opinion (you’ve picked up photography terms and technicalities that you learned from him when you first started dating). He was glad that you were of help, kissing your hand every time he heard your input, but you couldn’t help but notice how stressed he was over this one project. He’d make a low, grunting sound every hour and run his hands through his hair in frustration. Occasional clicking noises and sighs would slip from his mouth and it bothered you to see him like this. He was normally excited and quick when working on projects, but this one in particular was putting him at his wit’s end.
Getting up from bed, you decide to give your boyfriend some comfort in a way that you could. Placing your book aside, you walked over to him. You positioned your hands on his shoulders before applying soft, circular motions just below his nape, causing him to hum in pleasure and tilt his head back. He lets you massage him for a moment until he takes both your hands and rests them on his chest.
“I’m sorry I haven’t spent much time with you today,” he apologizes.
“Don’t be,” you tell him, “I know how important this is to you—but you seem really stressed about it.”
“The client has so many requests and they keep making changes at the last minute, I can’t really figure out what they want,” He sighs, obviously exasperated at the client he was currently handling.
“How urgent is this?” You ask.
“Not very?” He turns his ergonomic chair around to face you, pulling you close to make you sit on his lap, “I just wanted to get it done as fast as I could to leave some days for readjustments.” Of course, he was always such a perfectionist and you admired that about him.
“So why don’t you take a break? Watch some shows, lie down, or take new pictures as a “palette cleanser”,” You suggest, noticing how his eyebrows raise at the suggestion of taking pictures. Jungkook looks out the window before looking back at you, “Well it is golden hour,” he grins.
“Can I take pictures of you?” He asks with his doe eyes beaming brightly, making it impossible for you to say no to him.
“Sure, why not?” You agreed and got up while he followed after you with his personal camera.
Thanks to the huge window in your apartment, the warm color of the setting sun hit all the right spots in your room. The bed was well lit, so you two decided to hold the mini-shoot on it. You knew exactly what kind of poses Jungkook liked in pictures, it made your heart flutter every time he praised you for doing so well. His favorite shots were always the ones where you modeled in them—you were his muse, after all, and there hasn’t been a single shot of you that left him dissatisfied.
It didn’t take long before you were fully immersed in switching to different poses for him, you hadn’t noticed how the strap of your silk camisole began sliding off your left shoulder. Jungkook, however, took a clear notice on the simple slip of your clothing, rousing an interesting idea in his head.
You watched as Jungkook scanned the pictures, not quite expecting him to ask, “Do you wanna try a boudoir shoot?”
Your eyes grow wide at the question, unsure with what kindled the suggestion. His eyes meet yours and he mistakenly reads the expression on your face for hesitance, “It’s okay if you don’t want to, babe. It was just an idea.”
“No, I do,” You said quickly. You weren’t nervous at all, and honestly you were determined to help him get his mind off the stress he’s been through the whole day—you thought you’d do just about anything, “I was just wondering why you suddenly thought of doing that kind of shoot,” you laughed.
“So should I take these off then?” you held onto the hem of your camisole, making Jungkook smile and nod in response.
As you slowly began to undress, Jungkook couldn’t help but stare at you while you disposed of the clothes that covered every outline of your body. After all these years, seeing your body always felt like the first time for him—it was something he never got tired of, his amazement at your figure never faded.
“Maybe I should change into lingerie,” You muttered, realizing you were only wearing your plain, nude-colored underwear. Jungkook stopped you before you got out of bed.
“I think you look perfect in those,” He says, a fond look in his eyes. You slowly moved back and sat down again, a blush creeping on your cheeks. “Psh,” was all you could say, making him chuckle at how you were flustered by the comment.
Taking boudoir shoots wasn’t exactly your forte, so Jungkook had to guide and direct you on what you had to do with your body. He’d gently move your arms and feet to his desired angle, and though it was awkward at first, you eventually got the hang of it.
You were definitely a quick learner, and Jungkook noticed that. Through the lens, he started seeing how you got comfortable with the intimate poses and how your facial expressions could easily capture the mood. He couldn’t help but take a moment to stare at your eyes before his gaze trailed down to your pink lips, where you lasciviously bit on your finger. He had to clear his throat before he finally took the picture.
The light coming from the windows did more than just reflect the golden hour in his shots. From your perspective, the lighting made it impossible not to notice the bulge forming in his grey sweatpants, which cast a shadow near his upper thigh. You bite your lip at the sight, your heart beginning to thump rapidly at the thoughts racing in your head.
A coy smile tugs upon your lips as you position yourself in a new pose, bringing yourself to your knees. Jungkook watches as you slowly remove the straps of your bra from your shoulders, leaving yourself to hold the cups in place. He gulps nervously and tries to hide it with a cough, but this only urges you to do more.
You continue teasing him by curving your back and gripping on the sheets, causing him to let out a frustratingly deep breath. This goes on for a couple more minutes with several other poses until he couldn’t take it anymore—with the simple movement of holding your hair up and exposing your nape, which you knew drove him wild, he brings the camera down from his face.
“You’re getting too good at this, aren’t you?”
His voice was much deeper now than it was previously as he begins to walk over to the bed. “Am I?” You ask, pretending not to notice his eyes that were now a shade darker along with the outline of his length protruding from his sweats, “Are we done? Did the pictures come out good?”
“Mhm,” he hums, sitting down on the edge of the bed to face you, leaning into your neck to whisper into your ear, “Really good.”
“Then I take it you’ll probably get back to work now?” You asked, leaning backwards to look at him, “You seem de-stressed enough. Good luck, babe!” You playfully peck his cheek before turning away from him as a joke, bringing the straps of your bra back to your shoulders.
“Not quite,” He says sternly, “Let me help you with that.”
With one swift movement, Jungkook immediately unhooks your bra as a gasp leaves your lips. He watches you clutch onto it, trying to cover your nearly exposed chest. You turn back to face him only to be met by Jungkook’s soft lips crashing into yours. He starts leaning into you, leaving you lying down on the bed with your bra still (but only barely) covering your chest. He was towering over you now, a smirk forming on his lips as he notices your cheeks turning into a darker shade of red.
“Nice try, you think I don’t know what you’re doing?” he says darkly while raising a brow. You bit your lip and felt the urge to start kissing him, but the way he leaned back clearly meant he had other plans.
“Such a good model, aren’t you?” He moves back and takes your right leg, peppering your inner thigh with kisses as he steadily moves up towards your stomach while his long hair tickled your skin. He then moves up to your chest until finally reaching your collarbone, “Is this what you had in mind to relieve my stress?”
He starts planting soft kisses on your neck, gradually turning them into harsh sucking and leaving several marks on your skin. A small moan escapes your lips as he finds that sweet spot on your neck, the sound making him smirk in confidence. His left hand is pressed onto the mattress for support while the other cupped your face.
When his mouth leaves your neck, he looks into your eyes for a brief moment and gently takes your chin to pull you in for a kiss. His soft lips that move against yours so perfectly partnered with the musky scent of his perfume were enough for your mind to go in a haze. Your hands move up to his neck before slowly moving up to gently tug on his hair, making him hum in pleasure. Jungkook’s tongue begins to glide over your lips, and you take this as a cue to open your mouth and give him access to your tongue.
He breaks away for a moment to take his shirt off, the sight of his bare torso making you crave him even more. The way his muscles flexed certainly did things to you, you wished you had the ability to see his gorgeous back while simultaneously looking at his toned abdomen.
He notices the small tug on your lips after removing his shirt and sends you a teasing smile, “Well aren’t you enjoying this?”
“Always,” you sighed, making him giggle. He leans forward once again for your lips to meet. Softly, you bite on his lower lip before he makes his way towards your cheek, then down towards your neck, and finally to your chest where your bra laid atop your breasts. He takes the garment between his teeth and takes it with his hand, tossing it over to a nearby chair where it perfectly hung over the backrest. You don’t know why, but that act alone caused your arousal pool even more—you had to resist gasping out loud in amazement.
His tongue begins to skillfully swirl over your nipple and your breath hitches at the action. His tattooed hand takes your other breast and cups it, lightly kneading and squeezing it.
“Mmmh, that feels good,” You moan softly while your fingers run through the strands of his hair. Once his lips leave your breast, he gives you a quick kiss before moving down to your thighs where he slightly spreads them apart.
“Oh, babe,” he purrs while playing with the waistband of your underwear, “This wet already?” He continues to lightly peck your inner thighs while his hand rubs on your pussy that was still covered by your undergarment. Your breathing had turned heavy as you waited for his next move, but he seemed to enjoy teasing you like this.
“Jungkook, please...” Your voice almost came out as whisper.
His eyes look up to meet yours, a “Please what, baby?”
“Please me,” you whined.
“Please you? And what do you want me to do?” He smirks, rubbing the garter of your underwear between his fingers as if he were about to pull them down any second.
“Take it off,” you begged.
“These?” Slowly, he begins to pull them down and slides them off your thighs. You push yourself up to watch as he takes your underwear in his hands, tossing them to the same chair where he threw your bra. The outline of his cock appeared to be even more protrusive now, and you couldn’t help but slightly salivate at the sight.
He slips his fingers into your folds and brushes them past your clit while quiet whimpers begin to fall from your mouth. Jungkook leans forward as he starts to gradually rub in circles, his eyes focused on yours as he watches the expressions on your face with amusement.
“Ah—fuck,” You fail to bite back a moan as Jungkook begins to pick up the pace, stroking his fingers up and down exactly the way you wanted him to. “Just like that,” you pant.
“Is this what you want?” He whispers into your ear before pulling his hand away, “Or should I get back to work and stop?”
“God, Jungkook, no—!” You cried.
“No, what?” He growls, “Use your words, ___.”
“No, don’t get back to work,” You whined.
“Then what should I do?” His hands continue to slide through your arousal while waiting for your answer.
“Touch me, please.”
He chuckles darkly at your impatience.
“So needy.”
He begins to run his digits along your clit causing your breathing to become unsteady as louder pants escaped your lips. Seeing the veins on his arm while his tattooed fingers worked their way onto your sweet spot turned you on greatly, you found yourself moaning out every profanity you knew. Jungkook slips two of his long fingers into your pussy, causing you to cry his name out loud followed by another curse. He licks his lips at the arousing sound of you blurting out vulgar words while his fingers curled inside you.
“This is what you wanted, babe? For me to fuck you with my fingers, huh?” He inserts a third finger in and you feel the burn from the stretch, hissing at the slight pain. He quickly moves down and positions himself to face your arousal, using his free hand to further spread your legs apart.
“Such a pretty little cunt,” He stares hungrily and runs his tongue across your folds, “Tastes so good.”
Your hands grab onto Jungkook’s soft hair while he continues lapping you up, his tongue skillfully flicking over and sucking on your clit. The motion of his fingers slipping in and out of you paired with the movement of his tongue sent your mind in a frenzy—you could hear just how wet you were and felt your pussy pulsating at his touch.
He continues to delve his tongue into you, humming in delight as he takes in every bit of your arousal. The vibrations from his mouth felt even more stimulating, and though you wanted to feel much more of him than just his mouth, the high you felt was too much for you to be able to push him off.
“W-want you,” You stuttered. Jungkook looks up at you and breathes out a deep laugh, another smirk forming on his lips.
“Me? Where do you want me, babe?” He positions himself above you to plant kisses along your neck which made you smile. Your hands trail all over his torso before sliding down underneath his sweatpants, feeling the length of his cock in your hands. Jungkook lets out a low grunt and crashes his lips back into your neck.
“Want you inside me,” You hum, rubbing his cock underneath his sweats. Jungkook’s breathing begins to turn ragged at your touch, but he manages to pull himself back and take his pants off.
“Kneel, baby,” He instructs, holding your hands to pull you up. You kneel in front of him and watch as he begins to stroke himself, biting your lip at the sight. “Show me how much you want me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. Pushing his hand off himself, you wrap your lips around the red tip of his cock. His hand grabs a fistful of your hair as you bob your head up and down his length, your hand pumping the rest of his size. Low groans begin to emit from his mouth while your tongue swirled around the head, and to show him just how much you wanted him to be inside you, you dared yourself to take him deep inside your throat.
“F-fuck, ___, you’re so good,” He breathes out in shock at how much of him you’re taking in. Slight tears form in your eyes as his grip on your hair tightens, momentarily gagging you.
Jungkook’s hands finally frees the strands of your hair as he leans forward into you, pushing you back onto the mattress. Prying your legs apart, he takes his cock in his hand and teases your entrance, brushing the tip up on your clit and causing heat to form in your stomach.
“Please, Jungkook,” you whined, unable to wait any longer. Another smile tugs on his lips at your eagerness and before you knew it, you were gripping on the sheets while Jungkook sank deep into you. The movement of his hips thrusting into you has your back arching and your toes curling while you moaned his name in pleasure.
Jungkook continues to pick up the pace. You could feel the way his cock moved against your walls, hitting the exact spot that sent lightning through your veins while your fingernails dug deeper into his shoulders—the groans and heavy breathing coming from your boyfriend turning you on even more. His eyes meet yours for a quick second and for a moment he thinks about wanting to capture you just like this.
“So beautiful,” he pants, “And so, so needy.”
It wasn’t long before you could feel yourself reaching your climax, and it’s brought even closer by the sudden circular motion of Jungkook’s digits rubbing against your clit. A strangled moan comes out of you as he continues to thrust even deeper while his fingers added pressure on your bud. Your body starts to shake as your orgasm ripples through you, causing you to scream his name out for who knows how loud. Your walls clench around him as he continues to fuck you through your high and fills you up, followed by the sound of his own moans. His hips begin to slow down and he eventually pulls out of you.
Jungkook’s lips crash into yours before lying down next to you, pulling you in so you were lying down on his arm while covering the two of you with a blanket. Neither of you noticed how dark the sky had turned and how the only light coming into the apartment were from the streetlights outside. The only sound in the apartment came from the cars outside and you two catching your breaths.
“You’re amazing,” he sighs, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” You grin and curl your legs with his, “Are you good, now? Feeling better enough to retouch pictures?”
“Oh, definitely,” Jungkook chuckles, “But those aren’t urgent.”
“I thought you wanted to get it done as fast as you could?” You laughed.
“I know, but it’s already dark out, so I should be spending time with you,” he says and plants a kiss on your temple. From underneath the sheets, you could feel his hands travelling to squeeze your inner thigh just as he moves closer into your ear before whispering in a low, inviting tone.
“…and one round isn’t enough, don’t you think?”
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↣ all rights reserved © 2020 tteokggukk. please do not repost. translations/modifications are not allowed.
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