#life would be simpler if we simply
bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
i think this six slide presentation is going to kill me actually
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anonymousys · 9 months
useful system apps
hi ! we're an anonymous system, feel free to call us anon !!! we are making a list of apps* we find useful for system things !!! feel free to add any other things :)
*it was supposed to be just that but i forgot in the middle and just said a bunch of extra stuff. mb
our app suggestions
simply plural: useful for keeping track of alters and fronting. there's a chat function as well, though we don't use it anymore because of the way it formats messages. it is useful for reminders and tasks though! plus, insys communication if you aren't bothered by the formatting. (mobile and desktop free, but desktop is a little iffy.)
fortelling: an app for writers keeping track of their characters, stories, plotlines. however, we tested out how it would work for keeping track of alters and communication/journaling, and it worked pretty well! there are group options like simply plural, but formatted very differently. good for keeping discreet. (mobile is free, desktop is availble but payment needed)
firefox multiacc extension: we just started using this, and it's really helpful!!! we are able to have multiple accounts and tabs open, all organized by system! this, paired with protonmail, is really good for having seperate accounts if that's what your system wants. (desktop available, havent checked mobile)
feedbro: its a simpler, slightly lacking version of the usefulness of firefox multiacc ex.. we used it for a while for certain interests and added tumblr accs on it, and it wasnt the best, but it did work then! (desktop available, no mobile).
twinote: fake twitter. good for sys communication, plus it's just fun! (mobile availble, no desktop?) other fake social media apps work, too, though instagram ones are pretty annoying bc they need images
ifake: fake messages! good for sys communication, plus, again, fun! only thing is that you need to watch ads to make chats :( but the chats are good! many formatting options. (mobile available, no desktop)
notion: good for sys communication/journaling! we use one, and it's really helpful. we have a journal, task list (with reminders), alter list, interest list, plus more (feel free to ask abt it! can show ppl how it looks) unlimited amount of pages and elements as long as you only have one account per workspace! (mobile and desktop available, desktop preferred.) some alternatives are coda (limiting), evernote (limiting, formatting), and onenote (formatting).
pluralkit: bot for systems. we only use this on our phone as we have our own seperate discords on our computer (re: use multiacc firefox ex. <3) but it's helpful! plus, you can change your avatar per server (mobile and desktop available.) alternatives include tupperbox (formatting + old).
youtube music: pair this with firefox adblocker and i swear its so good. its just youtube but focused on music. cant change the playlist pictures, but lost of playlists available! plus less, shorter ads (if u dont use firefox adblocker for some reason). (mobile and desktop available, desktop preferred.)
other suggestions
keep a digital journal/diary! physical is good, too, but we personally find it easier to access digitally, plus less chance of people accidentally finding it.
use firefox. not too system related apart from the multiacc thing but firefox is great
some things we do
we have "certain alter [piece of clothing/thing/accessory]" that helps us determine whos fronting sometimes :)
try to keep track of what happens in life! its helped us integrate to be a little less confused with life
dont feel bad if you dont use any of these! its your system, your choice, you choose how to navigate everything <3
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grunckle · 4 months
My view on the cycle.
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Cycles are probably the most mysterious part of Rain World lore, and a common consensus I see on them is things involving multiple, branching timelines. However recently I've heard a theory that I believe fits in much better with the narrative and lore.
The main base of the theory is the karma flower dialogue from Moon,
"This is a hallucinogenic plant. They used to call it a 'Wheel Flower'. It became the symbol for enlightenment as it momentarily enables a creature to let go of its carnal self, and to contact the selves of other planes - dreams, memories, imagined worlds."
The theory summarized is that when we sleep, we can have possibly countless dreams of death. These are our, "cycles" in game. But eventually we wake up into a true reality, which is revealed to us when we progress and rest again. In this way the player and all other creatures act as a sort of seer to other terrifyingly realistic subconscious probabilities, (dreams and imagined worlds) until actually experiencing one true reality. If death is your reality, then you simply reincarnate, which is what happens in hunter's campaign via cancer death.
Karma fits into this by being the one thing that "remembers" these dreams. Even if your death wasn't real, your karma is still affected by it and is tied to you in reality.
I prefer this theory to the timeline theories because of the aforementioned karma flower dialogue, but also because timeline theories have a whole lot of complications when it comes to how ancients tracked time and objectivity. I just believe this theory is a good bit simpler and fits better into what we're already told.
But of course it poses one problem, with this theory it implies that all the slugcats we play as (except Hunter as I mentioned) would have never actually "died" in real life. But, if you've ever played Dark Souls and heard of hollowing then you might know what I'm getting at. By giving up, you do die. And the vast, vast majority of Rain World players give up. Very few make it to the end, the ones that did are skilled enough to have never died outside of these subconscious worlds.
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leychin · 1 month
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Could be seen as a continuation to All of It, but the idea came from @tenkomura, bc when am i ever not thinking about something she said
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Maybe you hate your younger self for being so naive.
Perhaps its because you cling to the memories of before, when everything was so much simpler and All For One was commanding Shigaraki to act. When he messed up, or when you messed up, All For One simply caressed your heads in such a comforting way that the loss felt like nothing.
Oh, how you loved him. Everything was so much easier when it was him. Yes he was the future, yes you were the symbols of fear, but to you he was just Tomura. Its the silent understanding that you both had, that even though the entire world was against you and the cause it was okay because you were together.
He loved you, it didn't need to be said. Even when the league expanded, it was still just you and him. Not to say he doesnt care for the league, because that would be a lie. But the love he has for them pales in comparison to the love he holds for you in the crevices of his heart. Its heard in the blood pumping in his veins and its sung in the whispers of his calm breathing when he's with you.
But you're villains. Villains don't get an ounce of peace. So when the league has ended Overhaul's short lived reign, and everyone's stopped and caught their breath. You sit with him in silence on the side of a bare highway that you'd been walking.
Maybe its foolish, but you follow him like a dog. You watch as Shigaraki opens the case of quirk erasing bullets. He stares. Almost like he wants to test if it works.
You sit next to him, sat shoulder to shoulder now. He simply says "If I erased my quirk, we could be normal." And you don't need to be a genius to know what he means, he means if he didn't have decay he would have a home. If he didn't have decay he wouldn't be All for One's subject of interest, id he didn't have this damn quirk he could be normal with you.
Would there even be a you though?
"Hm, maybe." you supply "You wouldn't have met me though, and I would trade any chances of being normal if it meant i got to be with you." you say, and Shigaraki stills.
"I... I think I would too." he smiles, its a crackly smile that makes blood speck on his lips that you just want to kiss already.
"When this is all over, lets go on a date. Okay?" you ask, your eyes now gazing up at him with hope.
Shigaraki's eyes widen, and looks to the quirk erasing bullets and quickly shuts them. "You promise?" he asks almost eagerly, and you hold up your pinky "pinky swear!"
Oh you fools.
Which is what's left you to stare at Shigaraki's tube. His body floating in the liquid endlessly for whats felt like years, but you know its only been a month or two. You feel so naive for ever thinking it would just be over, because of course its never over.
He would be the new holder of all for one. Because fate stops for nothing and no one, not even love. You hate yourself for being naive enough to hope that you would ever get to love him peacefully. You hate him for not realizing when you did that All for One was using you both. You hate All for One for taking your lives away from you.
This would never be over, Shigaraki will never give pinky promise kisses again, and he'll never build redstone farms for you when you get too frustrated and rage quit. He's never going to reach out for you again, and you're going to spend the rest of your life reaching for someone who's never going to reach back.
You press your head to the glass and cry. The doctor is used to your sobs though ans has grown to ignoring them, which you suppose is a win. But it still doesn't soothe the ache in your chest as you wish for everything to be different, and you pray every night that this is a bad dream. You pray that this is a nightmare and that night Shigaraki did use that quirk erasing bullet. You pray for this to be a bad dream of his and he never developed decay.
Because you would never trade your life with Shigaraki for normalcy, but you love him too much to watch him do this. You wished he would trade you for normalcy because loving him through this and always is simply too much.
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vinnytotherescue · 9 months
What makes us human (lies of p x female reader)
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What is it that makes us human?
            Is it our heart, pumping warm red liquid into our bodies to keep us alive one more day? Is it our lungs feeding us oxygen and pushing our chest to move in an ongoing life-long choreography? Or is it our brain controlling our body, organs, and mind enough to answer this question? Is it maybe something simpler? Like the warmth we exude by simply existing or our curious eyes moving around ready to capture a new memory.
            Unfortunately, there is never one answer to this question since every human has a different view on this topic. A doctor would agree that a beating muscle is enough, but a philosopher would argue that there is more to being human than a single organ.
            Responding to this question becomes an even bigger hassle when said person is no human but a highly intelligent puppet. From the moment Pinocchio was created his very first goal was to become human, whatever that meant. But as time went on he began searching what it really suggests. The more he investigated the more conflicted he got with the inconclusive answers and their variety. His second solution to his problem was posing this question to the residents of Hotel Krat, an even bigger hassle as he later noted. Antonia was the first victim of his complicated question and the least helpful.
“What makes us human? Oh, my dear sweet boy, that’s a difficult question, isn’t it? It could be anything really, from having working organs to being able to feel”
            Next was Lady Sophia, his presumed advisor through his long and tiring journey of fighting and killing automatons around Krat. Her answer was better but not exactly what Pinocchio hoped for.
“Being human is such a peculiar concept. We are able to react to situations and feel different emotions like anger, joy, and love. If you meant physically now, we are given organs and whole systems that make us operate. But when you think about it, we are not that different from puppets. Are we? I mean you do have operating systems maybe not  as complicated as our own but the thing you lack is proper emotion”
            As Pinocchio grew closer to becoming human, he did have the opportunity to feel certain emotions, but never the ones he heard about. The feeling of anger and dread was not what popped into his mind when he thought of being human. What he longed for was joy, happiness, and most importantly love. Would he ever be able to feel love?
            That’s when you came into the picture. A young woman trying to escape this hell hole named Krat. It was only supposed to be a two-day trip to the city to meet some friends when that turned into a full-blown nightmare. How she managed to survive that long was a question in itself since she had no weapons and skills to properly use any. Simply hiding in boutiques and abandoned apartments was her way of surviving. Leaving the city of course was out of the question since she was evidently lost.
             Gemini was the first to notice her hiding in a cabinet as they ventured into another seemingly empty apartment. Unfortunately for her, the noise that came out of her mouth as a piece of glass fell on her foot was not subtle but thank god it wasn’t a normal automaton that found her.
            Pinocchio slowly walked toward the source of the sound and when he stood outside of the cabinet, he simply tugged it open. A kick to the face was not what he expected to say the least. Stumbling back, he was quick to compose himself and grab her arm as she desperately tried to escape his iron grip. Her kicking and punching immediately stopped when she heard his soft velvety voice next to her ear. Her eyes widened and her head snapped to look at her captor or maybe her savior. His eyes were bluer than the summer sky and the freckles adorning his pale face resembled all sorts of constellations.
Reassurance filled her chest for once in those long two weeks as she stared at the seemingly human person behind her.
“It’s ok I got you”.
            Pinocchio felt the need to bring her to the hotel since she was the first living human he managed to find “roaming’ the streets. That happened a few months ago and since then the puppet’s interest never left. He would always inspect her, her humanity. The way she moved as if dancing when trying to decide which book to read, the way she bit her lip when she was thinking, or the wide smile she would give to the cat every time she crossed paths with her. What made her so human?
            What made him wonder though was the peculiar warmth he felt in his chest each time he was close to her. After every trip to Krat, he felt a small change in him, giving him hope that he was becoming more and more human. But the feeling that deeply resided in his chest was still a question left unanswered. Could he feel something? But he is still a puppet, of course, he had a fair share of human traits as time moved on but was having emotions one of them? Talking of questions, he never got to ask her the one that posed to the rest of the Hotel Krat residents. What made them human, what would make him human?
            It was nearly midnight in the hotel and (y/n) was immersed in a book she got from the library a while ago. She lay on the couch her eyes scanning the yellowing pages without a care in the world around her, and the boy that entered the dimly lit room. He moved toward her making his footsteps purposely louder as if not to scare her. Her eyes though stayed put on the letter-filled pages.  P walked until he was in her field of vision, maybe a little closer than what she anticipated. His face was right next to her as he bent down to take a look at the book she was reading. The moment her head snapped to the left she came face to face with her crush.
            “P-Pinocchio t-too close!” her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as she tried to put some distance between them, to her disappointment. Pinocchio only stared in confusion.
            “Sorry did I scare you?” he slowly moved to sit next to the shrieking girl on the couch patiently waiting for her response.
            “No of course not” she tried to put her brave face on, but his piercing blue eyes only made her more vulnerable “I was just surprised to see you that close that’s it” folding her arms over her chest and putting the book to the side she tried to focus on P’s face. There was always a look of confusion on it that she found adorable, but she would never say that out loud.
“Can I help you with something P?” her voice was soft once again and brought that warm feeling back into his chest. P examined her face and tilted his head.
“Can I ask you a question?” (y/n) was taken aback for a moment but managed to compose herself quite fast.
            “Yes of course P, what is it” The way his name rolled off her tongue so effortlessly hypnotized Pinocchio. It was like a siren was calling his name.
            “What makes someone a human?” (y/n) certainly did not expect a question like that late at night. He searched his eyes for some sign that maybe he learned how to joke but nothing. They just sone bright with curiosity as he awaited her response.
            “Well, that’s a difficult question P you know that right?” his eyes suddenly turned sad as he turned to look at the fireplace. Her heart broke the moment she saw that, and she was quick to come back.
            “But if you really need to know I will tell you what I think” A small smile took place on his lips as he nodded his head vigorously.
The girl held her chin between her fingers her eyebrows scrunched up as she tried to figure out how to proceed. What made them human? She never really thought about that before.  
            “Well, I don’t know for sure, to be honest. To me, a human is not someone with blood coursing through their body or someone who needs to breathe air. Of course, you may think that’s important but what makes us human is how we act. People whom we learned to call humans many times have done things that only a monster would do. To me, these are not humans. Humans are kind people who help others. People who would care about someone in need. People who will not hesitate to provide help. Their curiosity and their positive active stance in life are what makes them human”.
            P’s eyes were so focused on her, and a look of admiration found its place on his face. Knowing immediately what the next question would be as she saw his mouth open, she responded.
            “And yes Pinocchio, to me you are human. You did everything a human would do. I don’t care whether your heart is metal or soft, whether you breathe or not, you have shown me all kindness and showed many emotions that other humans haven’t.”            The warmth in the puppet’s chest got stronger and stronger. Him? A human? His metal heart was filled with something he could not explain but he loved it. His smile grew wider and before he could control his body his arms were tightly wrapped around her. (Y/n) came out of her trance in mere seconds as she felt his cold body on hers. Her cheeks burned red and her heart beat like crazy. She tried to keep her body under control so that he didn’t notice but to no avail. Pulling away from her hope returned to his eyes.
            “That means that you can answer my other question as well!” before she could get the chance to interfere, he started talking.
            “There is always when I’m around you this warmth in my chest that won't disappear. It’s so strong and I want to be close to you to feel it more and more” (y/n)’s eyes widened in shock as she stared into his cerulean eyes.
            “You mean love?” her heart was beating so loud that it was hurting her ears. Pinocchio had found out about love in all the books that he read but he never thought that he would be able to experience this as a puppet. Maybe he was closer to becoming human after all.
            “I love you?” that came like a question at the beginning “I love you”. P locked eyes with her and waited patiently for her reaction like a lost puppy. The realization hit the girl like a brick and time stopped for a while. A while that made P think that he said something wrong.
            “Did I say something wrong” His metal heart seemed to stop for a minute. For once in his life, he felt lost. The girl suddenly jumped in his arms sending him right down on the couch. Her smile was so wide and small giggles escaped her mouth.
            “I love you too silly.”
For once in his short life Pinocchio could answer how it feels to be human, what makes him human.
The end
Thank you everyone for reading! i haven't written in a while so im a bit rusty but i had to write for P im literally in love with him :')
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fan-fantasies · 10 months
A/N: I need more Rhea fics in my life 😩 I’m using fanfiction to cope with my real life feelings so I need as much as possible 😅
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader
Warnings: cheating (with Rhea), verbal abuse (from shitbag boyfriend), semi-public smut, oral (reader receiving), fingering, swearing, mentions of relationship issues
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“Oh, please please please! I need your help!” You begged. Rhea looked at you with an annoyed expression.
“I don’t understand why you need my help for that,” she sighed.
“Because I need someone else’s opinion on whether I look good or not,” you said.
She wanted to tell you that you always look beautiful and no one else compared to you. She wanted to tell you that your no-good, sleazy boyfriend didn’t deserve you and the effort you put into the relationship. She wanted to tell you to choose her instead— but she just settled for “fine.”
“Thank you!” You yelled, jumping into her arms. She knew she was going to come to regret her decision, but your puppy dog eyes were no match for her.
You drove the two of you to the mall and headed straight to your destination.
You grabbed a few pairs of lingerie while Rhea did her best to look uninterested.
“What about this?” You asked, holding up a pink babydoll. The look on her face said enough. “No then, got it.”
“You so owe me for this,” she whined as you continued to browse.
“I definitely do! Whatever you want, just name it,” you said with a smile.
I just want you, was the first thought that popped into her mind.
“I’ll think about it,” she mumbled. “I think you have enough, now can we go?”
“I haven’t even tried them on yet!”
Her heart dropped into her stomach.
“Try them on? You didn’t say anything about that,” she said nervously.
“Well duh, that’s what I need you for; to tell me if I look good in them,” you said nonchalantly. Rhea felt like she was going to die. “Sit right here and I’ll be back.”
You sat her down in the back where the dressing rooms were and took your finds into the little room.
The first piece you tried on was red and left little to the imagination. You stepped out confidently and held your arms out.
Rhea’s mouth went dry at the sight (something else was definitely wet though).
“It’s lovely,” she nodded, not able to take her eyes off of the floor in front of her.
“You aren’t even looking!” You whined. Rhea forced herself to look up and play cool.
“It’s really great, sweetheart,” she said.
“I think I like it, but I still wanna try on the other ones,” you said as you went back into the room.
The next one was a white one-piece and much simpler than the first one.
“It’s cute,” Rhea chuckled.
“Cute? I’m not going for cute!” You scoffed.
“What are you going for exactly?” She asked.
“Fuck me.”
“What?” Rhea asked in a panic.
“I’m going for ‘fuck me’ vibes,” you said simply.
“Oh, yeah. I knew what you meant,” she said. “I still don’t get why you’re doing all this. He’s lucky to even be with you.”
“I know, it’s just…things have been different lately and we haven’t done…anything in a while. I figure maybe I just need to spice things up,” you admitted.
Rhea couldn’t believe her ears. How could someone have you and not want to worship you every second of the day? Before Rhea could say anything, you continued.
“And I know what you’re probably thinking-“ she doubted it- “he’s probably getting it somewhere else but I really don’t think he’d do that, right? Maybe he’s just gotten a little bored with me so I figured maybe this would help.”
Rhea couldn’t help but feel sad at the pain in your voice. If Rhea didn’t hate your boyfriend before, she certainly did now.
“I can guarantee it doesn’t have anything to do with you. If he doesn’t see how lucky he is then he’s an idiot. You don’t have to try and do something extra just to get his attention. You’re beautiful even when you’re in sweats and no makeup.”
“Thank you,” you said with a shy smile. “I have one more I want to try on and then we can go grab lunch, okay?”
“Sounds good, gorgeous,” she said. You went back in to try on your last piece. It was black lace with purple detailing.
You stepped out and Rhea was convinced she had died and gone to heaven. She stood up and circled you, taking in every inch.
“Now this, this is a winner,” she said, playing with the strap on your shoulder. A shiver went down your spine and you took a shaky breath. The way she was looking at you looked like she could eat you right then and there.
“You think so?” You whispered.
“I know so, but I do think it would look better on the floor,” she said, leaning in closer. “How about we find out?”
You should’ve been embarrassed at how fast you nodded. She pulled you into the changing room and locked the door behind you. She was so furious at your boyfriend for making you feel less than, she was determined to worship you exactly how you deserved.
She began to kiss your neck, her hands groping your ass. She finally pulled you in for a kiss and everything seemed to click. Years of friendship melted into more and it just felt right.
She slipped her tongue into your mouth and easily won dominance over yours. She began pulling at the straps of the lingerie and you let her strip it off of you. You tried to pull her belt off but she stopped you.
“This is about you, gorgeous. There’ll be plenty of time for that later,” she chuckled.
She sat you down on the little bench and knelt in front of you. She kissed up your leg and nipped at you thighs before diving into your center. Her tongue worked wonders on your clit. You were extra sensitive, not having been touched in so long.
“Oh shit, more,” you begged. She slid a finger between your folds before sinking it into you. She added another and began to pump them into you while continue to lap at your clit. You did your best to contain your moans, only a thin door separating you from the store outside.
“You taste divine, sweetheart. I bet he never made you feel this good,” she smirked, stretching you with a third finger.
“Never,” you moaned, rolling your eyes back in pleasure.
As if on cue, your phone began to ring. You wanted to ignore it, but Rhea grabbed it with her free hand and handed it to you.
“Answer it, love,” she said. You looked at her like she was crazy and when you didn’t listen, she pulled her fingers out which made you whine. “Answer.”
She lowered her head back down and began to suck on your clit. You pressed answer and took a breath to compose yourself.
“Where the hell are you? You were supposed to pick up my dry cleaning and bring it to the office half an hour ago!” Your boyfriend yelled on the other line.
“Shit,” you sighed, Rhea speeding up her actions. “Um, yeah sorry, I forgot.”
“Well get them here asap!”
“I’m busy right now,” you told him.
“I don’t give a shit, bitch,” he snapped. Rhea’s eyes lit up with fury as she pulled away. You began to panic, worried she’d take the phone.
“Go get them yourself, asshole,” you quickly said. Everyone froze.
“What did you just say to me?” He asked, venom in his tone.
“You heard me. We’re done. Now leave me alone, I said I’m busy,” you said before hanging up the phone. You tossed it to the side, not caring where it lands. Rhea looked up at you with a shocked expression.
“I think that deserves a reward,” she chuckled before diving back in. She slid two fingers back into you and thrusted them, circling your clit with her tongue ring. You were getting closer and she could tell. She focused on stimulating your clit, finally pushing you over the edge. You bit onto your fist to keep from screaming out. She slowed down as you came down from your high and finally pulled her fingers from you and licking them clean.
“Guess I had dessert before lunch,” she said with a smirk.
“I guess so,” you laughed, pulling on your clothes. You just finished when she stopped you by grabbing your hands in hers.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sincerity in her voice.
“Never better,” you gave her a genuine smile. “It was long overdue. And I think I might have something better on the horizon anyway.”
“You most definitely do,” she said, kissing you softly.
“I think we have to buy that now,” you said, pointing to the discarded lingerie on the floor.
“As long as I get to take it off of you, we can buy whatever you want,” she chuckled. “Now let’s get out of here, babe.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Hm I like the sound of that,” she smirked. She grabbed your hand and pulled you from the dressing room.
The smile on your face never left for the rest of the day. Rhea ended up accompanying you home and you spent the rest of the day making up for lost time.
Please comment and reblog! I love reading replies!
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ihaveverything · 1 month
Limitless manifesting for beginners
part I - basic concepts
part II - states, techniques, change
part III - mental diet, sats
ʚ part IIII - daily life, time
part V - resistance, faith, the ''real'' world (coming soon)
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Daily life
The “hard” part of manifesting is not knowing where to get information. There are plenty of resources on the internet to help you get a decent understanding on the Law, as well as original work from source teachers like Neville. A fairly common issue is overconsumption of content, leading to having a jumbled mess of info and confusion on how to go about your daily life. It’s understandable to feel lost, so I will break it down as simply as possible.
You are always being someone. Let’s say you’re manifesting an SP. We know that you cannot occupy two states at once, therefore you’re either in lack or you’re in fulfillment. When you think about your desire (SP or anything else), notice where your mind goes. What thoughts do you have? How are you feeling? What do you know to be true as of this moment? An example of a lack state while manifesting would be thoughts like “I do not have my SP”, “I wish they were here”, “I want to reach out”, “I hope they haven’t forgotten about me”, and feeling rejected, apathy, guilt, fear, etc. Basically knowing they aren’t yours right now. The emotional reactions and intensity of negative thoughts you get may vary from person to person, but the common factor in lack is always the knowing that your desire isn’t here.
A more positive mental diet would be automatically making the choice that you feel as though you have something each time you think of it. It’s as simple as:
Step 1: Identify your desire, I want X.
Step 2: I have it. (Making this choice by utilizing the feeling of having it, this can be attained through techniques or merely a simple decision)
Step 3: Rinse and repeat
I often suggest people make examples out of negative things in order to understand how the positive might look. When you see something unfavorable in the 3D, what is your immediate reaction? Was there any strain or resistance to assuming or fearing the worst? Probably not. Your thoughts, feelings, and reactions will always be aligned with your dominant state. Your only job is to change your dominant dwelling state by entertaining the positive instead of lack. Manifesting is consciously guiding your mind towards where it needs to be, repeatedly making a firm decision that you are something right now, knowing that your desire being unseen right now does not mean it’s non-existent, but it is yours no matter what.
Manifesting is actually much simpler than it seems. Aim to become the person within, and you will see without. Change your 4D, and your 3D will follow. Live your life feeling like the person who has your desires until that state is dominant.
Everyone wants their desires fast, which is completely understandable. It’d be a disappointment if desires had to take an absurdly long time to show up. Many people will say that it’s not good to think about time, because it pulls you away from living in the end, and you focus on the process, which is true. However, it’s also beneficial to acknowledge how time in manifestation works, so that people can have more faith. Like always, your biggest improvements will always come from your own experience and application of the Law, but sometimes knowing why things don’t have to take months or years to reflect is helpful to people’s faith in going all in.
“The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire. The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure.” – Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness
The time it takes to manifest something depends on how natural your state of awareness is. The state of the wish fulfilled is basically you identifying with a different probable reality where your desire is already yours, and you are utilizing feeling to make that decision to occupy a different state.
We live in a world that is expressed in 3 dimensions. A 4th dimension would be adding on the concept of time, but this does not mean that time is linear. It doesn’t flow in a straight line from birth to death. There have been many scientific studies on the theory that the past, present and future may exist simultaneously. Life could be compared to a movie, because you are watching (experiencing) one scene (event) at a time, but all scenes (events) exist in the present. Just because you are watching the famous deck scene from the Titanic movie right now, it does not mean the ending credits of that movie don’t exist. Creation is finished as a spirituality concept explains that all infinite probable versions of yourself, others, and realities already exist in the present. Every moment of the day we are experiencing a frame, and we move through these frames smoothly enough to maintain a sense of reality and balance so it doesn’t seem like we’re glitching through life, but every event you want to experience is already an existing thing. That’s what people mean by “it is done”. By identifying with an alternate probable version of yourself and whatever you want to manifest, you are selecting a different reality to experience. No circumstance or anything in the 3d can change an existing reality. If that reality already exists right now, then there’s no such thing as the universe acting like a factory and somehow manufacturing and remaking your circumstances so that they align with your new identity. It’s not a process of creation. It’s not a 2 month process for your person to conform, or a 7 month process for you to become wealthy. The version of you that is in a loving relationship already there, your money is already there, etc.
Make your state natural. When I say you can get your stuff fast with discipline, I do not mean that you need to affirm 10k times a day or visualize 500 times and “saturate” your mind to the point of being burnt out. It doesn’t have to be that hard. The discipline is only entertaining the states that align with having your desire, and not returning to lack. If you can just be 1 version of yourself, and stop jumping back and forth between 2 contradictory identities, then your dominant beliefs and state will change. This should be simple to understand because habits stick easier when you're only moving forward without taking a few steps back every couple of hours or even minutes. When you’ve made your new state completely natural, meaning your beliefs have truly changed (not just you think they’ve changed because you’re in a decent mood today), your desires will reflect fairly quickly. Additionally, for the people who spent months or even years to gain success, they were most likely wavering during that time. The solid chunk of time where they were fully committed to a disciplined mental diet and had conviction / faith was most certainly nowhere near that long. It was probably much shorter.
When people express disbelief in faster manifestations, it’s evident they believe things will take time, perhaps the “bigger” things take more time, or manifestation itself is a completely unpredictable process of blind faith. Knowing things can happen fast is not controlling. It’s not setting a time limit on yourself either, because anyone who has truly manifested something in days will know that when asked about their success, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely not “I wanted my stuff fast, so I tried to control the time”. How fast you get your desires should not be the focus of your attention in any case; people can feel free to be motivated with buying the Pearl of Great Price with the Law since there is a possibility of success being right around the corner. Above all, Neville and Seth have said that most desires do not take over 30-40 days to see significant movement or even reach the full manifestation. Proper mental dieting will give you results within a reasonable amount of time, so there’s no need to wait in impatience and fear for months or years.
source tba
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Baby Daddy: Alimony
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TW: Toxic!Rafe. Smut. Language. Degrading language. Breeding kink. Dom!Rafe. Daddy kink. Choking kink. Blade play.
SUMMARY: You believe you've finally gotten a step ahead over your toxic baby daddy. Foolish you…
Anonymous asked
could there be a part 2 to baby daddy w rafe? 
He always had a way of winning. Poker. Business. His way into your sheets yet again. At least he had until lately. Excuses and appointments on your end had allowed you the chance to form some sort of dominance over your toxic situationship. And somehow beyond worry and former threats, your heels came to a click through his office on your most recent expression of altered submission. 
"Excuse me, you can't go in there-" His assistant called from behind her desk, desperate for you to obey or risk his wrath. For a moment, you couldn't help but wonder if she had been a replacement to some complaint her predecessor made against Rafe for misconduct. 
"Just a piece of advice…he's not worth the expensive perfume…" You explained as she blushed, the clear unbuttoned decolletage set in such a way to garner his focus as her intentions had been spoiled. Too much in shock to your audacity, you were allowed into his meeting without any further protest. 
"If we focus only on the west-" His words ceased immediately once his eyes fell to you. If not for the look of pride across your face, he would have believed that something happened to your shared offspring. For the absence of this, he simply tightened his jaw to wait for the reason for your presence. 
For the years he had bombarded you and infiltrated your life, you finally had the chance to return the unpleasant favor. Without a second thought, you set down the collection of bills before him with a glare of challenge cast in his direction. 
"If you weren't so busy buying expensive and inappropriate dinners for new assistants you'd know that you're three months late in alimony. Money needed to take care of your son." You spat as he didn't wear an expression of embarrassment, maybe awe, even arousal, but you hadn't been allowed the reaction you sought out. Because of this, you continued. 
"A lifestyle you demand he has. A private school. Expensive clothes and toys he'd be fine without. But since you won't let me raise him modestly…you pay for these…things I could without you…but you won't let me." 
"Excuse me, but this isn't the time or place to exercise your hormonal-" You narrowed your eyes towards the man who spoke against you. One Rafe told you enough about to offer a stain against his reputation amongst fellow colleagues. 
"How's your wife?" He cleared his throat before fixing his tie. 
"What does-"
"Does she know you have a proclivity for your assistant? Your male assistant-"
"Enough. My office. Five minutes." Rafe apologized on your behalf as you left the bills at your back before moving to his office. 
Set at the rim of the desk, your palms rested on the wooden edge as you were left in wait. Pictures of your son lay in pride on his desk along with one of you and him closer to his closed laptop. You couldn't help but feel warmth when on observation of the simpler time. A time before you really knew him and the poor excuse he had for a heart. 
"I've ruined men's lives for less than what you did…" 
"I'm not afraid of you, Rafe. I am tired of all of this…You dictate every aspect of my life with our son even though I am the one with him day in and day out. All of his doctor's appointments. Teaching him to read. Playdates. Sick days. When he broke his wrist last summer from being at the park with the nanny YOU were too busy eye-fucking to to notice!" He clenched his arms, your eyes drawn to the strain of fabric caused by his muscles. 
"So you're mad because I showed interest in someone else?"
"Are you really THAT much of a narcissist? Your son got hurt because you were reckless and put him as anything but a priority!"
He took a step closer to you, the entire collection of oxygen around you seemingly thinned as he drew a finger to his bottom lip. The signet ring on that leading finger forcing your focus to his lips. Those damn lips that held talent no man should be able to possess. The same talent that made you forgive him so many times before. At least long enough to give you both an orgasm. 
"I wasn't "eye-fucking" her-"
"I don't care what you call it Rafe, he got hurt because you were-"
"I was trying not to fuck you in the middle of that park in that goddamn sundress you know makes me hard enough to split you in half." He explained behind clenched teeth.
 "Looking at her was the only thing that kept me from looking at you. The only person I'll ever eye-fuck Because nobody compares to you. No matter how many girls I've tried to test that theory on…" He was now only a foot or so in front of you. 
"I told you you ever needed anything, you just ask. But you made a scene…" His hand was suddenly in the back of your hair. 
"So now you're going to make sure they hear what happens when you rival me." You were taken against the desk, palms forced at the surface. 
"Don't hurt my reputation, baby…scream for me like you always do and I might just let you come…" His hands were feverish and gluttonous to a competitive degree. Harsh but through as he reached within your house and directly beneath your bra. It took only one repressed moan and shuddering breath before he smirked at your cheek. He knew you wanted him. And he was shameless to broadcast the same need to you. 
A single scoff felt at your back and he pulled the straps to your shirt downwards until exposing your bra to him. 
"Now you didn't come here in my favorite bra just to talk…" You hesitated, unaware you had subconsciously dressed in his favored piece of lingerie. When you didn't respond, he turned you to face him, a letter opener set as a threat to your jaw. The life suddenly behind his eyes was frightening as it was only born from your fear. And yet, you were aware he wouldn't bring true harm to you. Not anymore than what he'd already done, anyhow. Your thighs aching at the thought of that very thing. 
"Anyone else were to talk to me like that and they would…" He paused. "Let's just say he wouldn't find it as pleasurable as I could make it for you…"
"I didn't come here for-"
"If your panties match this bra then you came here for exactly this." But as his hand rode into your pants, a violent unbuttoning of the closure and you gasped to the feeling of his fingertips against your naked clit. Not an ounce of fabric separating you. 
"No panties?" He scoffed. "Making it a bit too easy for me, baby…" He lowered the edge of the blade to your chest, teasing your nipple with its cold tip. First the left. Then the right. Circling it until lowering still. In the meantime, your breathing was sporadic to the crusade as your body shifted in accordance to the cold edge making contact. 
"Maybe it wasn't for you." You shot, some random surge of courage allowing you to rival him. 
"Don't ever say that shit to me again. YOU are for me. You can try to fuck anyone else and I promise you'll always be left wanting me. You know why, baby?" He suddenly took hold of the middle section of your bra to pull you closer to him. A gasp leaving your lips as he set the edge of the potential weapon to the fabric. 
"Because you love this." He sliced the fabric, exposing your breasts that he was quick to apprehend. But the blade continued lower until it teased the line of your parted jeans. 
"Guess I need to prove it." Lowering to his knees, he pulled your pants to your knees before drawing the blade at an angle so it didn't cut you. 
"One wrong move and you'll bleed for me…You know I don't mind ." His eyes flickered with mischief as you breathed sharply. The contact of the blade at your sex made you shift. 
"You ever let anyone know how sweet this is…" He explained while pulling the blade to his tongue, a single lick of your excess removed, and rolling his eyes to your familiar taste. 
"I'll fuck you with this very blade so you can only be with me." You tensed at the thought. It was a threat. Not some attempt to entice you with dirty words. And he meant it. Every ounce of predatory dominance was always exercised with that promise. But this was sharper. Deeper. A vow of sorts, spoke on his altar of domineering existence. 
"Every time I want to be sweet to you…you open that pretty little mouth and make me want to come in it instead…Making you cry and plead…But today, you made a fatal error, baby. And now you're gonna make it up to me." He rose back over you. 
"You know you belong on your knees here in my office."
"I'm not fucking you, Rafe." He smirked and nodded. 
"You're right. I'm fucking you-" Distracted by his words you were taken aback by the sudden lift of your leg over the desk and his cock penetrating you with a cruel eagerness. And yet, you cried out for him as you always had. Only to return to that familiar hesitance. 
"I don't want you on your knees looking up at me, because I always forgive you too quickly. I want you to earn it. For embarrassing me. So it's only fair I do the same to you." He was harsh with his focused touch, exercising your erogenous zones with fervor as you refrained from rewarding him with any sound. Instead, you held your breath to suppress those moans so desperate to be released. 
"You can try to fight it all you want, baby. But your body is telling me just how much you missed me. How sorry you are-'"
"I'm not-" He silenced you by turning you into his mouth. His left hand came around your cheek, pressing you deeper into him as his tongue wrapped around yours. 
"The more you fight it, the harder you're gonna come. You're edging yourself baby…doing my work for me…" He spoke against your lips as he continued to pump you against the desk. The gift of his successes shook before you until a specific statue came to the floor to break. He smirked, falling into the illusion of your submission as he loosened his grip on your hand. 
It was just the window needed as you pushed him away from you and took the letter opener in hand. 
"I'm not some toy to you anymore! You don't get to decide anything."
"You gonna stab me? Yeah?" He tried for you but you only cocked your jaw. 
"Knees, Rafe. " You surprised him. "Make me come on your desk like you used to…" You smirked as you played with the tip of the blade. 
"All over those contracts you used to get so made you'd have to print again…only to fuck me over the copier…counting each page out as punishment…"
"You think-"
"Your name might be on that door. The lease to my apartment. Even following our son's name. But you don't own me, Rafe. You don't decide where I go or who I see. When I come or with you. I want this for me. So knees. Or I'll leave right now and you won't-" He rushed against you, a kiss to your lips as he gathered your face between your palms. The letter opener, thrown across the floor, where it became lost to some bookshelf as you watched him pull away just slightly. 
"There's that fire…"
"Shut up and make me come." He smirked before taking his hand to your neck. In the attempt made to keep dominance, you could only wrap your hand around his wrist as he pulled you to him. 
"You're right…" His middle finger came to your sex. "I might now own you. God knows you have your own opinions. But I own your body. Your moans. Your orgasm. Even the denial you have after you regret giving in to me…again…"
A second finger set at a curve made you gasp in relief. 
"I own sex. With you. And I'll always make you mine. Make you come. Every time. And you show your ass like that again…I'll let them see it as I make it the darkest shade of red I can until you can't even sit." He scoffed. 
"How will you explain that to our son? Hmm? His mom's a whore who can't learn to keep her mouth shut but keeps her legs open for daddy? Mmm…I like the way that sounds…" 
He gripped your throat harder. "Call me it. I'll let you come. Just like you want. But call me it."
"Bastard." You shot as he kissed you sharply. 
"That's fine. I'll just take you how I want…" He pinned your back flat against the desk before thrust you down onto him. The fulfillment of his cock sending your eyes to an immediate roll as your back arched from his depth. 
"Not so dominant now with my cock deep enough to remind you how much you need it, yeah? Then fucking take it, baby…" Your fingers wrapped around the edge of the desk as he bowed into you. One harsh grasp to the back of your neck brought you into him as another held himself up from crushing you. It would only take until the third thrust before your reservation turned into the need for more as you wrapped yourself around him. Feet tied over his waist and your fingers pulling at his hair, he moaned into your kiss with approval. 
"I know you're about to. Think I need to be warned after how many times?"
"No…I…I want more…" He smirked, kissing you once more before pressing your calf into his chest and holding you tightly. 
"That enough for you, yeah? Feel me that deep inside of you?" He hit his hand on the surface of the desk beside you. 
"Answer me!"
"Oh my God…" You only kissed him, softening his anger, but not his passion. "You feel so good…fuck me, Rafe…" His eyes rolled to your command. 
"Daddy…" you teased directly into his ear before nibbling on the lobe beneath as he unleashed himself into you. The desk at a threat to break as it even cried out beneath you. But as you moaned shamelessly beneath him his hand came around your mouth. A slip allowed by losing himself in the greed of your lower lips. 
"I thought you wanted them to hear me…"
"Nobody gets to hear you come but me." He lifted you off of the desk and onto the couch across the way until you straddled him. Without the need for guidance, you began a lace of bouncing and clenching as his fingers ate sharply into your hips. 
"Yes!" He belted behind clenched teeth. "My girl never forgot how to ride me…" You diverted the grip over his shoulders into that of the fabric behind him as he corrected you back to his skin. 
"It will hurt you."
"I want you to." He confessed, allowing you a chance to read beyond the lines of your toxic relationship, where sex governed and compassion was sparse. But in this moment, he became gentle. If he could even be such a thing, this was the closest you'd ever seen him. 
"I don't want to hurt you."
"I do. I want you to. Because I want to hurt you…" He explained with tears in his eyes as you kissed him sweetly, surprising him. 
"Then hurt me." He clenched his jaw, turning you onto your knees before pulling you back to face him. A smack to your ass and a vice if s grip made you wince as he repeated it twice over. 
"Just say it once. You don't have to mean it…just say you're mine…"
"I'm yours, Rafe…So fuck me like it…" He pounded into you, your body pinned between him and the arm of the chair as only his hand through your hair pulled him back. 
"Yes!" You chorused. 
"Oh shit…" He moaned for you, the desperate groan making your eyes roll in approval. 
"I wanna fuck it so deep inside of you that you get pregnant again-" Your eyes shot open. 
"Just one more time…You let me use every part of you to come…you were more horny than I was…" You hesitated. 
"Yep…one more time…"
"Rafe, no-"
"Yes baby…you're gonna be so fucking good again…so beautiful, so full…tits so fuckable…"
"Raaaaafe!" You whimpered. "Please!"
"If you don't want it, are you you clenching so hard? Hmm? Why are you so close to coming for me?"
"Because you're so deep…"
"Deep enough for you to give me another baby…come on…take it baby…" he pulled you back against him. One arm wrapped as a sash as he used the other at your clit. 
"You can come…I know I am…"
"Oh fuck!"
"Good fucking girl…oh yeah…oh you want it…say it…say you want my cum…say it!"
"Ah! I want it! Cum inside me, Rafe!"
"Yeah? Why?"
He smiled as you faced him. "Oh…tell me before I come…I'm close…you're too fucking tight…"
"That's fine…you're still gonna take every drop…" he thrust violently into you, as you belted and stiffened for him. 
"There…Now I'll forgive you for acting like such a little bitch…" he moved to kiss you but you moved away. 
"Don't be that way. You could have said no."
"I did…"
"Your body wanted it…I bet it still does…"
"Rafe…" He moved to his desk, pressing the intercom to his assistant. Pulling up the sleeves of his dress shirt you left loose and stretched, he kept his eyes to you. 
"Cancel the rest of today."
"Mister Cameron-"
"Thank you." He moved back to you. 
"Looks like you're mine for the rest of the day…" 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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daechwitatamic · 4 months
Of Ruin: Chapter 9 || KTH
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(banner by @itaeewon)
Of Ruin (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni Genre: vampire!au magic!au royalty!au, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, angst and fluff
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @sailoryooons for betaing!!! 💕
Section Warnings: magical near-death experience, language, confrontation wc: 4.3k
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Back in your rooms, you and Namjoon stand, each processing quietly and a bit lost in thought.
“You should try to get a little more sleep,” he finally suggests. “You need to be at your sharpest.”
You nod absently, but your mind is flying through everything you’d uncovered in the ritual.
“I need to write down what I found,” you say, but your eyes are closed and you feel yourself swaying a little. “Before I forget.”
“Sit down,” Namjoon instructs, moving to the table to find paper and a pen in the mess you’d left strewn there. “Tell me what you found and I’ll write it.”
You do as you’re told and then head to your room for a few hours to sleep, making sure to keep the lamp - which has been replaced already since your mishap this morning - lit as you do.
Not that light does anything to keep an Infracti away. But it helps your mind to not create monsters out of shadows.
You emerge hours later, a bit groggy but certainly steadier on your feet. Namjoon isn’t in the main rooms and his door is closed, so you leave him be.
You check the time - it’s late afternoon, the seconds ticking you closer to early evening - and settle onto a cushion near the papers you and Namjoon had been writing on.
You’re almost through writing a more organized document of what you’ve discerned since the beginning - the threads you’re absolutely certain of, the counters you think most likely to be fruitful - when Namjoon emerges from his room, eyes squinting against the light and one hand raking through messy bedhead.
“What time is it?” he mutters, making his way towards one of the couches.
You glance at the clock and realize that dinnertime has come and gone. “Late,” you say. “I forgot to eat. Are you hungry?”
You send for dinner and start to go over what you were working on while Namjoon slept.
“With the ritual done, I’m more confident that we’ve identified every thread,” you muse, eyes scanning the pages spread out before you. “So now it’s really a matter of finding the correct counters.”
“That’s a relief,” Namjoon says.
You run a finger down the page, looking for a note you’d made. “I was thinking about the end of life thing,” you tell him. “Weren’t you saying, back when we got here, that life and death magic can be used to weave other threads? Do you think the person who cast the curse used the end of life thread to… make it cleaner - simpler to cast?”
Namjoon doesn’t answer this right away, but keeps tapping his finger on the table, a sign that he’s thinking hard about this. 
“I don’t know,” he says finally, eyes still on the paper. “Definitely a possibility. So then, would they not have meant that they wanted him to die? Was that choice simply for casting purposes?”
It’s clear that Namjoon is simply thinking out loud, but you answer, “You’re the death magic expert. You tell me.”
He shakes his head. “There are dozens of other ways. It had to be deliberate.”
“Does it matter? In terms of the countercurse?”
He grimaces. “If they intended the end of life, we have to directly counter that. If it was chosen for casting only, we could work around it.”
He slides to the floor to sit opposite you, and you look together at the papers, and for a while you work like this - pointing at certain lines of text, jotting notes, crossing others out, drawing arrows connecting ideas - until the paper looks like a complete disaster. But it makes sense to the two of you, and that’s what matters.
You’re just about to wrap it up for the night when there’s a knock at the main door. Before you can rise, Satuel opens it and tells you, “The Prince would like a word.”
Prince Taehyung steps around her, and she retreats into the corridor, closing the door behind her. He looks drawn, troubled, but you’re struck - as usual - by his otherworldly beauty.
“I wanted to speak to the two of you,” he says quietly. He perches on the arm of the closest couch, long legs stretched out before him. “About what happened today.”
You and Namjoon exchange an uneasy look.
“My father sent a diplomatic team to the Scores,” he reports. “Their directive was to express that there was some sort of magical attack on the royal family, and to gauge the reaction. But it is not a direct accusation.”
You nod slowly, listening.
Prince Taehyung takes a deep breath and continues. “He also sent a team of spies,” he says carefully. “To see what they can uncover. The diplomats… their information may be useful, it may not. But if we are knocking on their front door to make inquiries, it will hopefully distract them from who is climbing through the window. So to speak.”
“Do you really think it was them?” you ask, hushed.
Prince Taehyung twists his mouth. “They do seem to be the most likely,” he admits. “But my personal feelings are more complicated. At any rate, I wanted to make sure you knew what was going on. An accusation was not made… but it would appear that they read it as one anyway. None of the families from the Scores attended our dinner tonight.”
You and Namjoon look at him in silence. You’re not sure you’re understanding - is it such a big deal that a few families didn’t show up for dinner?
“Invited guests haven’t just not shown without at least communicating in… my entire life, so over six hundred years,” Prince Taehyung clarifies.
“Oh,” you utter, feeling your stomach sink a little. “That’s… pretty bad, right?”
Suddenly the prince’s grim demeanor makes sense.
“It’s certainly a sign of trouble brewing,” the prince admits. “I wanted to let you know just… I don’t want you to be more frightened, and I promise you’re safe in these rooms… but you should know what’s going on.”
You take this in silently, glancing sideways at Namjoon. He looks just how you feel - nervous, on edge, but trying to keep a blank face in front of the prince.
“I’m sorry,” Prince Taehyung says emphatically, and you turn back to him. “I know you were already uneasy here. I don’t want to make it worse. But I felt very strongly that you should be kept informed.”
“No, I appreciate it,” you assure him. "We’ll be… even more careful. I guess this means no more trips to visit Potato?”
He smiles at this, a bit wryly. “I’m afraid not. At least for a few days. Let’s see how this shakes out. Maybe they’ll let tonight’s insult speak for itself, and we can all move on.”
“You don’t sound very optimistic about that possibility,” Namjoon remarks.
Prince Taehyung shrugs. “I wasn’t alive for any of the wars for power,” he admits. “But my parents, and those older than them - they remember. Thousands of years of bitter fighting, all for the throne.”
He sighs. “It was foolish of us, I’m sure, to think this peace would last - that one little pebble wouldn’t send the whole pile toppling. But it isn’t your problem. Where do we stand with the curse, after this morning’s ritual?”
You hurry to fill him in - that you’re feeling more confident that everything has been identified, and that your task now is to determine all the proper counters.
“How soon do you think you could make a reasonable attempt?” he asks, seeming to grasp without being told that the countercurses will come through trial and error.
You look down at your papers, as if they might provide an answer to this. It stings a little, that he’s hurrying you along. But you know how ridiculous it is for you to feel that way - of course he wants you to hurry. He wants the curse to end, he wants his life back, he wants to send you home to safety as tensions rise between the Infracti families.
“A day or two?” you guess finally.
Prince Taehyung nods. “Very well. I’ll be quite busy tomorrow, but I’ll make sure to check in.”
He wishes you both goodnight and departs through the main door, leaving you and Namjoon in tense silence.
“We do need to hurry,” he says quietly after a minute or two. “I have a feeling things are only going to get worse, here.”
“We can’t rush the process,” you argue, though at the heart of the issue you know you agree. “Sloppy magic equals death.”
“I’m not suggesting we do it sloppily,” Namjoon clarifies slowly, as if he is speaking a second language to you and needs to mentally translate each word first. And, in a way, that might be exactly what’s happening. “I’m not saying we have to be ready to go tomorrow. But things are becoming less safe, and that’s me saying that - not the team member who currently can’t sleep with the lights off.”
You feel your face heat. He’s right - of course he’s right. Things weren’t safe to begin with.
“I’m just saying that we need to keep trying to make forward progress,” he says seriously. “We can’t just spin our wheels.”
“Yeah,” you mutter, still embarrassed. “So… come on. Let’s figure out what we’ll try first.”
You settle back at the table, grabbing a pen, refusing to look up at Namjoon, who still watches you from where he’s standing. Eventually he joins you, and you work until near midnight, not stopping until you have three potential countercurses to try.
And then, when Namjoon disappears into his rooms, you slink into your own and practice defensive spells until you’re tired enough to curl up and try for sleep.
When you wake, late morning, you ask Satuel to inform the prince that you have countercurses you’re willing to try.
She comes back with your breakfast and news.
“The royal family will allow you to conduct an attempt at a countercurse in about an hour,” she tells you. “I’ll escort you when it’s time. They’re a bit wrapped up right now.”
You latch onto this, looking at her sharply. You don’t expect her to divulge anything, and you’re surprised when she glances over her shoulder and then lowers her voice as she sets down your breakfast tray.
“The Scores’ diplomatic team returned early this morning with a message,” she whispers. “Essentially, publicly objecting to any implication that they would, or did, orchestrate any kind of attack against the Runes.”
“Of course they object,” you say, reaching for the pot of coffee before she’s even placed the tray down. “Why would they admit it, even if it was them? They aren’t that stupid.”
“Maybe they are,” she mutters, voice even quieter. You strain to hear her. “They also made a public statement against the King.”
You sit back, coffee pot forgotten, looking at her with wide eyes. “They what?”
She nods, her own black eyes wide like yours. It seems this news has rattled her - something that’s shocking to see.
“What kind of statement?” you ask.
She glances towards the door again, and then smiles sheepishly when she notices you clocking this. “It isn’t a secret,” she explains. “I just don’t want to be misunderstood as gossiping. You are living here, for now. This affects you, too.”
She takes a deep breath and tells you, “The Scores, backed by the Cleaves and two other powerful families, have sent a joint statement accusing the crown of conspiracy, corruption, and the unlawful murder of humans.”
Your blood runs cold, and you press your palms to the tabletop to ground yourself. “Could… Do you think there’s truth to it?”
Satuel presses her lips together. “I am loyal to the crown,” she says, which is not an answer at all.
Or maybe it is.
You’re thinking, suddenly, of those videos your students had been watching back home, how they had been explaining a newsroom theory that there were orchestrated attacks happening.
You’re thinking of Prince Taehyung telling you his family had covered up his murders, wiped memories and erased entire lives from the world’s history.
You’re thinking that such accusations could not possibly be lightly made.
You’re thinking of Namjoon, back in Dr. Kim’s office on campus, saying the words Infracti Civil War.
Your skin crawls.
Satuel seems to understand.
“You’re safe as long as you’re in your rooms,” she promises. “As long as you’re with me, or Dansoo, or the prince - you’re safe.”
You note that she doesn’t list the King or Queen.
An hour later, you and Namjoon follow her through the palace, with Dansoo bringing up the rear. They take you back to the room where you’d tried the first cure, less than a week ago, when Prince Taehyung had been very nearly knocked out.
It feels different this time. You feel the weight of expectation as the King and Queen watch you impassively. You’re sure they’re remembering the last attempt - their son’s legs giving out, your own meager attempts to explain why it hadn’t been a complete failure.
That’s fine - you don’t care if they trust you. You don’t trust them - you barely did to begin with, and that sliver has only gotten smaller and smaller in the time you’ve been here.
The last time you’d tried a countercurse, you’d known that the chances were very slim that it would work - the best you’d been hoping for had been more information.
This time, it could work. It could.
Prince Taehyung faces you, frowning slightly.
“It won’t hurt you this time,” you promise him quietly, and a corner of his mouth quirks, amused at being read correctly.
Do you trust him? The question pops into your head unbidden.
You flatten your hands over the paper in front of you, scanning the list of incantations meant to call forth his magic, his healing, his life and twist them into a weapon. You double-check that each thread is accounted for. You repeat the trickier phrases, letting your tongue get accustomed to them.
You watch the prince shift nervously, still frowning slightly, his hands defensively shoved into his pockets. When he notices you still watching him, he gives a tiny, sheepish smile, something almost shy in it.
Yeah, you think. Maybe it will be your undoing, maybe it will be your downfall. But you do.
You wish you could talk to him before this - alone, without the audience of his parents and Namjoon. You want to ask him about the Scores, you want to reassure him that he’s going to be okay.
“Are you ready, Maiesti?” you ask gently, doing your best to pretend it’s only you and him.
He licks his lips nervously and nods, stepping closer.
You glance at Namjoon, suddenly nervous, and he gives you a reassuring nod. You ignore the King and Queen, wishing they weren’t there at all.
“Okay,” you whisper, holding up a hand. Taehyung presses his palm to yours, cool and solid. “Okay, let’s go.”
You begin the series of spells a bit unsteadily, your voice small and nervous. But it takes less than two minutes for your magic to rise up, filling you with warmth and purpose and confidence. You continue, emboldened.
You feel your magic touch Taehyung’s, a bit hesitantly at first, and then entwining itself easily and happily, as if they fit perfectly together and only needed to settle in.
You continue chanting, eyes scanning the words slowly so you don’t mess up. You can feel it working, can feel the curse resisting - but your choices seem to be correct, and you can feel the curse unraveling, weakening, thread by thread as the countercurse peels them away.
You feel a thrill within you as you recognize success, and you struggle to remain calm, lest you slip on a word and let it all go to waste. Taehyung’s hand twitches against yours, and you wonder if he can feel it too - the curse loosening its grip, bit by bit. You want to watch his face, want to watch him realize it, want to see him the second he’s set free.
You want to smile at him, victorious, proud, so happy to give him what he needs.
You cannot take your eyes off the paper. You cannot miss a syllable.
Something tugs low in your stomach, and the thrill vanishes faster than light. You continue speaking, following the words on the page, but you feel your eyes widen.
The tug comes again.
The curse is fighting back. The unraveling you could feel suddenly feels stuck, snagged. Something isn’t right. Something isn’t right.
You’ve made a mistake, you’ve missed something.
You hear your voice catch and freeze as your limbs go rigid. The curse crawls into your magic, digs its claws in. You cry out in pain, eyes squeezing shut.
You think you hear someone call your name - you can’t tell. You’re trying to unravel your magic from Taehyung’s, to get distance between yourself and the curse, to wiggle free from those claws of ill-intent.
You can’t seem to. You can feel it taking over and you try to force your eyes open, to ask for help, but you can’t see anymore - the room is black, and all you hear now is the roar of static in your ears.
You feel the room shift, a pain in your shoulder. You may have fallen - you can’t see so you can’t be sure. You gasp for breath, but you’re finding it harder. You’re not sure it’s working, you can’t tell if you’re inhaling, you can’t feel the exhale.
Then, the pain stops, the panic stops, the static goes quiet.
You can’t feel anything anymore, good nor bad.
All you can hear is crashing ocean waves, the wild whinnies of amarisca as they gallop into the sea.
Taehyung sits at your bedside - the side of his bed, technically - your fragile, mortal hand in his.
Mostly, you seem to be sleeping peacefully, and Taehyung tries to have faith in his own healing abilities, in Namjoon’s promises that he’d severed the magical connection in time. But every now and then your body shudders, as if working hard to expel a poison, and it makes Taehyung’s chest clench every time. He hunches over, smoothing back your hair, listening to your heart thump faster and then quiet again as your body stills.
All he can do is listen to your heart.
It was a year ago, when he’d found everything out. He’d been nauseous, damn near dizzy from the knowledge: his own father, orchestrating attacks on the human world. Covering the tracks. Framing other families.
How many innocent lives had he allowed to be lost? Knowingly - purposely?
The better question was why. And Taehyung hated unanswered questions.
He’d found his father in his wing, luckily alone.
King Sunjae had raised his brows, surprised to see his son, unannounced.
“What brings you here?” he’d asked.
Taehyung had felt hollow, heavy. This truth was too terrible to bear. He didn’t want to lay this accusation at his father’s feet. He didn’t want to argue against denials. He didn’t want to demand answers, reasons.
He wanted to be able to turn back time, to never let this happen at all. He wanted to sleep comfortably at night knowing his own negligence wasn’t to blame, that his inattention hadn’t let this come to pass without his knowledge, for who knows how long.
He couldn’t make himself speak, couldn’t force the words off of his tongue. In the time he was silent, the King seemed to piece it together, his expression darkening.
“Don’t make trouble, Taehyung,” he’d warned.
Taehyung had closed his eyes, shook his head. He’d wondered if ghosts were real, if his father could be haunted by the humans he had lowered into prey.
“I want to know the reason,” he’d finally said, his voice effectless.
His father had seemed thrown off that Taehyung had bygone any actual accusation. It wasn’t necessary, Taehyung thought. They both knew what they knew.
The King laughed once, sardonically. “You’ve always been innocent,” he’d scoffed. “That’s why I never involved you in this. Go back to your rooms, Taehyung, go back to playing piano and riding amarisca and whatever else it is you concern yourself with. I’ll handle the matters of state, as I always have.”
Taehyung swallowed against the assaulting words, the weight of their truth. He shook his head. “I need to know the reason.”
The King was silent for a long time. Then, finally, he turned away from his son, pacing closer to the window, which overlooked much of the valley below.
“For us,” he’d answered, and Taehyung had stared at his back, trying desperately to understand. “For the throne.”
“That’s bullshit,” Taehyung had said, nearly gagging over the word, stomach twisting with disgust and regret and horror and devastation. “Our power is not in danger. Our throne is not in danger.”
“You’re naive. It’s not your fault - you’re young. You weren’t alive for the wars - thousands of years of war, Taehyung, the crown bouncing from Cleave, to Score, to Rune, around and around - but I was. They were bloody, they were unending. Humans died for our wars as much as Infracti. The throne is always in danger, my son. It will always be in danger.”
“How can you think that?” Taehyung demanded hotly. “The law is written entirely in our favor - the crown stays in our bloodline. There’s no wiggle room, there’s no loophole. And our bloodline is fine.”
“Is it?” the King retorted. “After me, the crown is yours. Then, what? You’re over six hundred years old, Taehyung, and you’ve never brought forth a serious consideration for your queen.”
“Is that what this is about?” Taehyung had cried, even more aghast than he’d started. “I’ll marry - is that what you want? I’ll marry tomorrow if it means you’ll stop.”
The King had scoffed again, finally turning to face him, his expression radiating disappointment. Well, Taehyung was no stranger to that - not after six hundred years. “You aren’t serious.”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life,” Taehyung had said, and meant every word. He’d beg if he had to beg, he’d cheat if he had to cheat, he’d marry if he had to marry - anything to stop his father. “It has to stop. This can’t be what we stand for. You can end it, or I will end it - and I don’t care how that happens.”
“Quit talking nonsense,” the King had snapped, eyes narrowed.
“I mean every word,” Taehyung had said, his undead heart galloping in his chest. “Our people were once only animals. Time and time again through history we have wavered, flirting with becoming simply the animal again. You want to secure the Runes’ hold on the throne? I want to secure the Runes’ humanity. If you need me to marry, I’ll marry. You have to stop this. Swear it.”
The King had looked at him for a long time, appraising, evaluating. Finally, very seriously he said, “If you’ll start looking for a wife - seriously looking - then I’ll put a stop to it today. But I have to see you trying.”
Taehyung had spent the next year courting the girls his father picked out. He’d meant his promise, but none of them touched him, none of them spoke to his soul.
Then you had shown up - braver than anyone he’d ever meant, so powerful it was scary, humble, and mouthy, and foolish, and alive - and when his father had suggested he keep you around… he hadn’t hated the idea.
He could see you as queen. He could see you by his side.
He just had to keep you alive long enough to see how you’d feel about the idea.
It was proving to be harder than he’d thought.
You come back bit by bit.
You can feel again first. Your shoulder throbs, and your head is splitting. You feel unbearable thirst, like you haven’t had water in days.
You feel someone’s hand clutching yours, feel their grasp tighten when you wiggle your fingers in theirs.
Then, you can hear again - the ocean waves are still breaking, distantly. The murmur of low, familiar voices. You hear someone say your name, deep and sweet, like your own little song.
Then, not much later, your sight returns - blurry, coming into focus as you blink against the sudden brightness.
At first, all you can see is purple sky. You turn your head to see your hand resting on top of the heavy comforter.
It occurs to you that this is not your bed. It is large, comfortable, facing a wall of windows - this is how you could see so much sky.
The hand holding yours retreats, and you follow the movement as you flex your now-empty fingers.
Prince Taehyung peers at you, face drawn. There is no one else in the room with you.
For a moment, just for a second, you feel like you are looking at each other simply person to person - your roles, your duties, your prejudices, your wants and needs, your fears… all the things that you each carry every time you spend time together, they seem to be held at bay. Just for now.
“Is it true?” you ask him. You’re not sure why this is the question you ask. “Is any of it true?”
His eyes - humanlike, as always, although it is a lie - stay on yours as he slowly nods. “Yes,” he whispers. “But don’t worry. I’ve been trying to fix it since before you came. I’m going to make it better.”
You’d said almost the same words to him, about his curse.
He takes your hand again, and you inhale sharply.
He lets out a huff of a quiet laugh. “I really thought we’d lost you,” he murmurs. Then, he brings your hand to his mouth and presses his lips gently to the back of your hand.
For one terrifying, lightning-quick second, you thought he was going to bite you.
This is your last thought before things go dark once again.
&lt;;- Prev | Next ->
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thanks so much for reading!!! the next few chapters are among my faves :') looking forward to posting!
153 notes · View notes
Hey there! Can I ask for Housewardens, Vice Housewardens and the Adeuce Duo with a Female Tanjiro Reader (Who has Nezuko with her) who’s known for being really kind, helpful and naive about technology (So a LOT of people assume she’s a pushover and a ‘Peaple Pleaser’ because they can’t fathom why she would do ALL these nice things for others without her getting something out of it)
But either some Random Students or Themselves do something that triggers her rage (Either by hurting her friends or Nezuko) and reveals she’s actually physically and mentally stronger than a LARGE portion of the Student Body as she breaks some ribs sending someone FLYING a few yards back and her rage is just coming off her in WAVES and even uses her Sword to take down the Overblots, which shows her Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura (Though they begin to not want her to go back home after learning what her home is like with Man Eating Demons)
Bonus if they go through her memories and her Soul Core (Seeing the death of her family, her sister becoming a demon, becoming a Demon Slayer, meeting Muzan, enduring so much pain, trauma and injuries that someone her age should NEVER have to go through and endure and yet she’s STILL this kind even too her enemies? She and her sister can’t leave, Crewel is getting the Adoption Papers NOW. Even if he has to forge them)
I LOVE Tanjiro (He’s Best Boy) 😭
He is the bestest boy and I love this scenario so much
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland x Tanjiro Reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
He slowly learns to appreciate you 
As the wonderful difference from your peers because you treat everyone with kindness and respect
Not to mention your sibling is so well behaved 
Following your lead as you respect those who don’t do the same to you
At first he equates you to Jade simply hiding behind a smile
But to see you act the same way when you didn’t know he was watching
Which made your reaction and action so much more surprising
“Wow~Can you believe it if you cut him it’ll just grow right back!?” “Whoa he’s like a demon.”
Riddle had witnessed some students taunting Nezukuro who was only shrinking away in response to their violent actions
He goes to ‘Off their heads’ before you react faster than life
Patting the head your brother while the perpetrators were respectfully smashed into the stone wall and suspended in the air as they twitched in the slots of a bookcase
He’s first getting medical aid before asking you ‘what in the Queen’s good name was that?!’
“I apologize for that but I will not stand for them to torment my brother!” 
He’s still reeling as you defend yourself to the teachers
But now he sees you so differently 
Your power, your kindness, your morale has him blushing at the thought
“A-a queen?!”
Now that he thought about it you were the perfect for a position of a ruler
Strong, rule-abiding, nurturing, irrefutablely obsess-worthy protective…oh he could go on!
But silently of course he wants to give you a kingdom to rule
Starting with him 
The moment after, he implements new rules among the students of Heartslabyul
“Bow to the Queen or it's off with your heads!” 
 When you confront him about these new rules
“I don’t see what the problem is. Heartslabyul was built on the name of the Queen of Hearts; it’d be a crime if we didn’t idolize such a figurehead!” 
In simpler terms perhaps he just found it really hot that you so quickly were able to defend for your brother
Now he didn’t want to be your brother
But to be the King of Hearts was someone he aspired to be 
To be your King of Hearts
“I’m not acting irrationally (Y/n)! I’m taking your advice about working toward what I want! And frankly that is you!”
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Trey Clover
He sees you in action during Riddle’s overblot watching how you protected your brother Ace, Deuce, and Grim 
He almost forgot to use his own magic while watching you move so finitely like a deadly dance
When all's said and done everyone breezes over your obvious power
And all he can do is assure Riddle, and calm the students of Heartslabyul
But later he circles back, asking you about your occupation
“Ah yes in my world, I’m a demon slayer. I trained really hard to get to where I’m at but if I can save another family from him..well it’d all be worth it.”
He finds that he admires you more than ever
As a family man himself he can only imagine what you had been through
So of course to show his appreciation he’s showering you in desserts
And as he watches you gulp down him his work, he realizes that if all goes to your plan you’ll go home
Back to a world of demons
Back to a world with pain
A world he could easily save you from 
He can’t do as much as you could but he’ll do his part
And if that means making it so you’d rather not return he doesn’t mind being your reason
“I’m hoping you love this tart I made for you. Filled it with love.”
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Ace Trappola
Is horrified when he first sees you so easily slice at the shard monster in the cave
Torn between running from you and kissing up to you so hard that he’ll never be on the receiving end of your Hinokami Kagura 
But he realizes that your just too sweet 
Too caring for someone so freaking strong
“Ace, you look as though you're going to burn with a fever. Let me check!”
Even when he teaches you the foreign game of basketball you obviously excel
Your just too awesome 
But you’d be even more awesome if you used that insane strength of yours to put those snobs in their place
Too many times as he seen you get taken advantage of
“You’re too nice, (Y/n). One of these days someone’s definitely gunna stab you in the back.”
For awhile he was just waiting for that to happen maybe even orchestrating it 
But at the last minute he’s interceding
There's no way he could ever beat you but there is one place he seems to excel above you
And that’s just looking out for his your own
So don’t mind it all to much when Ace off-handedly mentions a rumor to be truth
Or informing you about how this one homewrecker student had been talking about Nezukuro
You don’t need to trust anyone else really 
Just him
He’s entirely telling the truth
“C’mon (Y/n) trust me! I couldn’t nearly do that much damage to a buff guy like that.”
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Deuce Spade
He’s in shock for the next couple days
He had just recently admitted to himself that he admired your studious tendencies for an honorary student
Only to realize how much you surpassed him in delinquent tendencies
Scratch that you surpass him in actual strength
You never really join him in the sports club so how would he know 
But that just makes you more of someone worthy of admiration to him
He doesn’t fully understand your occupation but he’s especially curious when he sees you whip out a sword while running from that gem monster
He’s too busy blushing anytime you acknowledge him to really be jealous of anyone else
He just focuses on you and him
He doesn’t have the foresight to think about what happens at your old home
Especially since you seem so strong it must have been a breeze for you
Can he rub his face on your abs
“(Y-y/n) you're so strong! I-I could never reach your level b-but I hope you still give me the time of day!”
“Of course, Dear! I don’t mind getting you started on the brutal training of a demon slayer!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“...That’s unexpected but its nice to know an herbivore like you can at least be strong.”
He really wasn’t expecting you to so quickly lay waste to the Savvanaclaw students that were giving you, Nezukuro, and Grim trouble
He really thought low of you when it came to standing your ground
Too often could he recall ‘your friends’ whining for time that you barely have to take part in whatever problem they’ve gotten themselves stuck in
You smile way too bright
always igniting that heat from the inside of him
Which is really uncomfortable in the environment of Savvanaclaw
He gets excited about this 
He low-key wants to fight with you 
But he knows he won’t be able to have your hand in marriage even if he tricks you
You just won’t shut up about your mission
“So this Muzan-guy, huh? You’re going to kill him?”
“Yes! I have a long way to go but I’m ending the suffering he causes and saving Nezukuro!”
“Sounds exhausting. Sleep with me.”
He doesn’t like when you talk about it–your old ‘home’
He seriously debates letting Crowley or anyone for that matter present any information about sending you home
“A strong mate isn’t a common thing around here. It won’t hurt to turn a few books to sand.”
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Ruggie Bucci
“Whoa…so that’s what you do to demons?”
“Yup but no worries there won’t be too much damage…hopefully.”
You most likely mentioned it while easily helping Ruggie carry some groceries around
He noted it but it didn’t really register until you casually pulled a sword off of a decorative knight to defend him against some zombie-like assailants
as you easily dodged and then struck with the hilt of your sword before dealing some calculated blows he near wets his pants
He always thought you were easy
 always smiling, always helping, always being a step below what he wants
But the moment he starts seeing you in such a position of power he’s devoting his time to you
He tries to act like he’s not shaking in ecstasy at the thought of you owning him
But your just too sweet 
He can hardly stand it
“Y-you’re awfully powerful despite your no-maj status. Are you sure your muscles don't need a massage? Or me to soothe your aching bones? Or to hold me as tight as you can I can handle it..its my choice of compensation.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“...Would you be willing to be employed?”
He often finds himself too flustered to approach you
In fear in over-excitement of your sunshiney attitude
Always complimenting his smarts
Encouraging him when you think he’s down
Even going so far as to cheer him on
He could barely believe it when he saw you so easily swing a broom slicing through this violent students uniform
“One of the rules here is that we don’t fight. And since I’m sure we both love it here let this be all, okay?”
As he watches the student run out clutching at, what was left, of their uniform his jawdrops
But he recovers pushing up his glasses as he calms the onlookers
“ N-no need to worry, all our staff are more than capable of doing their job…and maintaining the piece! No need to worry.”
And he will when the lounge is closed and the madol counted 
“What in the Great Seven was that!?”
He’s used to seeing Jade and Floyd levels of power 
But you…your on a completely different level
After all his questions he pinches the bridge of his nose as you tell him about your world
He realizes how alike you two are
You’ve both entered a market full of vulnerable students
Ones you both had a clear advantage of 
The problem is your in the business of being too nice and planning on going home
While he’s more interested in actually making your home in the Coral Sea and making sure he’s your next mission
It’s in his interest that you don’t go home 
And this octopus is willing to pull every potion off the shelves if it means you can keep complimenting him while he imagines that you become his
“(Y/n) sign please! This contract will save you me so please sign!"
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Jade Leech 
“Oh my this is…intriguing.”
You continue to amaze him with everything you do 
A demon slayer?! With exemplary sword skills? 
And you're just too sweet to boot?!
He really has good taste in mates
When he sees you so easily escort the giant of the SavvanaClaw dorm out of the lounge since him and Floyd were occupied
He’s doing the eel equivalent of purring at the sight
While he’s more than happy to nip at a submissive, weaker partner
You’re just as strong if not stronger and he’s so excited 
Forget the chase! 
When it finally came down to it you would be his beloved entertainment
A mate that he could constantly tame 
Not to mention the fact that you already were strong enough to hold your own
Something important in the Coral Sea
You probably already go hiking 
He’s absolutely whipped
“Your form was absolutely spectacular! If I may ask, would you like to spar with me? I want to see if you can wreck me.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow, (Y/n)-chan you're so cool and strong!”
He doesn’t mind at all
In fact he’s excited whenever you show this side of you 
You match his energy perfectly 
Often being called the two suns you 
both attract and amaze with your kindness and compassion
He starts to falter when you speak about your world
Smile dropping as you declare your mission to kill Muzan 
And you go on about your job and the world you live in
He quickly puts his smile back up and cheers you on
But Kalim’s going to ignore the pit that sits heavy in his stomach
Trying to silent that voice that sounds so helpful
“Maybe they need to give up on this one dream…right? It's best if they do that at least..right?”
Of course he’ll ask Jamil not doing so well to be subtle and oddly enough he’s on board
“Its easier for me if your wife is someone so skilled. Not to mention as…their friend it really will be best to do this for them.”
Kalim can’t stop smiling 
You don’t have to leave for your old place anyway
You and Nezukuro can party all night with him when you finally agree to marry him
“I’ve always loved the idea of big families! I’d love it if Nezukuro moved in with us when we get married!”
“Did you say ‘when’?”
“Oh! And Grim can come too! I’m sure he’d get along with Raji just fine!”
“Can you not decisively hear me? We should address that.”
“Nya they have that bread bun you’ve been wanting to eat! You might want to get it before I, Master Grim, and Nezukuro eat it all!”
“...We’ll talk about this later.”
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Jamil Viper
“W-was that really necessary!? Looking back on it you were so close to not only slicing that door but slicing at me!”
You probably brought both your forms out either to finally get out of the room Scarabia locked you in or as a reaction to Jamil trying to hypnotize you while overblotting
Has probably tried before but you probably hit him in the head when you caught whiff of a deceptive smell
Or just broke out of his hypnotism overall
Eitherway he stays connected enough to hear whispers of your actual strength but is still amazed by the actual power you possess
For a time he’s just scared of you in general 
Someone who can sniff out when he’s trying to scheme
And someone who so nice to him despite it all
He just can’t seem to understand you
And in that same light he doesn’t understand these feelings for you
The feelings that have him using viper on your friends so they won’t bother you two on your lunchdate
The ones that have him working with even Kalim to ensure that when the time comes they will make sure you don’t return to your world
Once he gets past his fear of his love for you
He can’t help but want to get closer to you
Keeping a helpful eye out for Nezukuro 
all the while hearing you forgive him and wanting to be his friend
But he both finds himself swooning and drugging and keeping reprimanding you for distracting him so
when he sees you so quickly defend your brother completely putting your adversaries out of commission 
“(Y/n) I have to protect you…even if it seems like you can do it yourself. You're too naive.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“...Is this a common action in your world?”
“..uh maybe? More so in the circles I run though!”
He witnesses your abilities twice 
once in the Ramshackle easily kicking away a stray falling piece of wood
And in the colosseum when you pull out your sword to carry and destroy the infected drink out of Rook’s hand
First time he almost dismisses it with how fast you complete the action 
He’s intrigued by you and he’s pleased to be able to study the Ramshackle prefect up close for VDC competition
And boy does he get to study
Whether you decide to dance along with them or act only as a coach he can see how much  more powerful and agile you really are
He admires that you can defend yourself and others
but of course he prefers you use your cute face to do it instead
Guess who he’s trying to train right next to Epel
You can’t have the power to make him blush while being so brutish
But just as your determination to train is insistent so does his desire to make you his
And finally finding the potion that can go unmasked by your keen nose will be his latest achievement 
No doubt its going to take a while 
But he can be patient 
“I have no doubt your world needs you, but I need you more. And as the Vil Schoenheit of the most beautiful queen’s dorm  I will not let you leave that easily.”
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Rook Hunt
“Ah~Madamoiselle (Y/n) I see you’ve been gifted with both your immense beauty and incredibles strength!”
Probably learned long before any of the overblots took place
Of course who else would be running around campus with a box on their back
He first watches you while you train
Then when Crowley sends you on a mission
Then he’s watching you undress
He can’t help it 
You resemble his other favorite stalking subjects friends 
And occasionally a staged collision in the hallways has him burning up when you give him that shining smile in full effect
Its impossible for him not to get…aroused when your around
Imagining the chase, the struggle, if he were to finally move on his thoughts
Thankfully simply sneaking into your home and taking a few things is incredibly satisfying
Especially paired up with his growing photo gallery of all things you
When he learns of your environment he’s quite impressed
And he wrestles with the thought of supporting your mission or absolutely sabotaging so that you can’t so much as think about it
He ultimately decides that he doesn’t care what anyone else is doing but you 
And as long as he gets to follow that’s perfectly fine with him
“Ah~oh~(Y/n) you render me a devoted slave to your will! I’d wish you’d invite me to your hunt! No matter though I’m joining you anyway~!”
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Idia Shroud
“Whoa can the human body actually do that?!”
Seeing you easily strike at Blotted Ortho as you pull out your sword launching from the hovering chariot before maneuvering yourself back on it 
Even in his overblotted form he was totally taken aback
He doesn’t forget when he changes back 
No doubt he’s devoted quite a few hundreds of sleepless nights to review footage of your op character status in an isekai
For someone without magic he feels you have quite the presence
One that has him staying as far as he can as he lets his thoughts run on
Like how easily you lift up furniture when someone complains about it
Or how you so politely shoo his rivals your friends away when Nezukuro muffles an uncomfortable sound
How would it be like if you picked him up like that one kid
Or if he should dare-feel the full effect of your smile directed at only him
And eventually he’ll be able to ignore the layer of sweat that always seems to form when you scooch in close to understand the technology you have a hard time grasping
Or the…intense blood flow when you say his name 
He’s never wanted to lock a person up in his life
No doubt he already has plans A through Z about when you try to return to your world
Surely STYX would allow him to keep you there
If anything its the perfect amount of technology you barely understand and the perfect place to keep tabs on the no magic human that was apart of every overblot 
“(Y/n) you're the top love-interest to the otaku mc…while usually that would automatically put me in the lowest tier, breaking barriers in stereotyping is healthy. A-anyways I’m going to score your h-heart so j-just w-watch m-me!”
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Ortho Shroud
“(Y/n) (L/n) is actively using over 90 percent of their bodily functions at all times. Including breathing, isn’t that peculiar?”
He investigates on Idia’s sudden interest
But that alone isn’t what makes you intriguing to him…if you’d call it that
Your a human using your body in ways never seen before and without magic you are able to summon elements of fire and water
Not to mention Nezukuro himself never detectable on his radar until he looks with his optics
Or how he notes the strange behavior of you carrying said brother in the box you carry around
But when he thinks about you protecting his brother with that strength
His circuitry whirrs and whistles in what he figures his excitement
Not to mention the secret desire inclination towards the brotherly pat on the head
Surely you’d stay from such an unpredictable world if you were madly enough with his brother
“(Y/n)-san will you please accompany my brother to this convention? He’d beso happy to go with a…friend!” 
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Malleus Draconia
“Oh my, how intriguing! I’ve never seen a human possess such specific powers.”
He’s just that amused 
I mean of course you’re nowhere near as powerful as him
But that doesn’t matter when he might as well be your tool with how desperate he is to be around you
Taken by your kindness and compassion it doesn’t matter all that much to him
You’d be cute even if you…had weapons sprouting from your hands
He doesn’t mind all that much
Not until he knows why you do that
“In your world they need you to fight nocturnal creatures that eat humans and have regenerative abilities? And even more so have various powers that aren’t easily detectable?! Excuse me for my rudeness but your home world sounds like a losing battle that you could…die from.”
He’s not pleased with this discovery 
And he’s constantly mulling over the fact that your so willing to return
If anyone can use magic to look into yours and Nezukuro’s past its him
He’s horrified 
He understands your need for revenge but must you go against someone so powerful
It takes him awhile to think of his resolve
He couldn’t allow you to die let alone be turned into a demon 
But then again he’d hate it if it was Lilia or Silver in your familiy’s position
But he worries 
He couldn’t leave with you considering he has no idea if he could return; he’s a prince that wouldn’t be ideal
All he knows for now is that he can’t let you return until he knows what to do
So he’ll let you be 
Happily talking with you as you train and Nezukuro does his thing
He doesn’t know what he’s going to do next
He just knows he’s not letting you go
“My child of man you truly are the fire that burns so sweetly. I don’t think I will ever share you , not when I have yet to make you light the darkness of forever.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Oya~? Now that’s a style I haven’t seen in years!” 
Probably encountered one or two warriors with similar styles 
Nonetheless he demolished them
Or rather had them join his ranks
He’s already bewitched for such an old fae
You so easily just grow on him so that he can’t think of life without you
Even when he knows of your past and knows your situation he’s not budging
Your coming with him when the time comes
You’ll get over your revenge eventually
And Nezukuro just sleeps like Silver and is a silent sweetheart in his own right
it just works perfectly
No doubt he encourages you to spar with him
Gauging your strength as he decides he’ll need to pull an Azul
“If I win, you lovingly will return to be my bride in my Briar Valley. If you win I’ll refrain from abducting relocating you in the meantime. So what’s it gonna be?”
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astrologylunadream · 6 months
What They Want for Christmas?💌🎀🎄 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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♪All I want for christmas is you~💕
Hey it's Lunadream💓 Christmas is here~ so it's a must to see what that person on your mind has on their list!🗒💫 hope you find your message🍨
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🤍
Pile 1☃️
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Pile 2🌸
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Pile 3🐈
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Pile 4🦢
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ☁️🎄🌸
Pile 1☃️
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Sign energy: Decay, Venus, Deep, Adventure, Outfit, North node, 2nd house, Virgo, Saturn, Capricorn, 🛑🟨👄👉
🎄Your person's energy: Ah so you're person has very sweet yet defined features, also feminine aura about them💓 They may have Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius placements in their chart. Your person is so soft and cute but also really attractive physically, their lips draw you in so deep omg they have really nice lips😳💞 There may be a significant age gap for some of my pile 1's but your person can simply seem mature for their age like responsible and well behaved. I'm getting the feeling your person doesn't let themselves have fun that often, they try to limit crazy or wild experiences to prevent the risk of huge problems in their life. Ohh but your person has such an effortless sensual beauty about them, I feel like their jaw/neck is one of their key features. They are so pretty to you I'm hearing🥺💗 They dress really nice like sensibly and classy, omg they just look so well put together in everything they wear!😫 This may be someone you are unable to love in some way, like something is stopping you from feeling their love. Yellow may look good on your person, the color could be significant. They have a hot voice haha, like do you just stare at their lips when they speak??😂💋 Their touch is so irresistible to my pile 1's like the way they touch you would probably feel really pleasing.🥴 You guys are really far into loving this person, like these feelings for them have run deep even until the end of the year🎄💗 You low key want to kiss this person I'm hearing aww ^v^ My pile 1's have such a soft and adorable love for this person like how could they ignore that??
🎀What they want for christmas: Absence, Center, Face, Spiral, 2nd house, Fire, 3rd house, 4th house, Lilith, Sun,😋🧨♉❌ Ohh okay there's definitely something your person wants to rid of this season oml like that is their christmas present, now I'm called to say it's people bothering them that they wish would just leave them be for now😞 This could be family or just anyone around them that is causing problems for them during this time. They want to have peace and quiet away from any gossip or fake smiles and be able to enjoy the finer things, they also want to be comfortable and home for christmas. They don't wanna be the center of attention right now, like literally all they want is some time to themselves to enjoy the holidays!!😫 Ugh I feel so bad for them like seriously my pile 1's your person is so done with people invading their personal space and taking up their time. All they want for christmas is to take a break from all the drama and go slow with things, sit back and relax while listening to christmas tunes.🎄🎷💕 They want to go off the radar and enjoy a christmas in solitude only with those closest to them they trust. They may also wish to spend less money this year, and spend the holidays simpler. For some of my pile 1's this person wishes to run away with you for christmas, that is one gift they desire is to go far away to a desolate yet beautiful winter wonderland and take you with them.🥺❄☃️ This year they may feel less of a need for anything under their tree, ohh but one thing is that they sort of want is to have you in their possesion for christmas, like their special little gift to unwrap😳 But overall they just to have a pleasant cozy time enjoying christmas in peace.💭🎀❄
💌Messages from your person: This is all my fault, It's too early, I'm loyal to you, Just dance with me to holiday tunes, I only listen to you, Do you think I'm hot? I want to spend time with you this christmas, Listen up (Haha your person has a lot to say omg🥰) Extra cards: Nice, Pluto, Princess, Wild, Feminine
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the snowing snowman emoji~☃️ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 2🌸
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Sign energy: Seduction, Gap, Pretty, Search, Mindfulness, 2nd house, Mars, Juno, Eros, Mercury, 🤯😴👗🏚
🎄Your person's energy: We have a very attractive person for my pile 2's!! I feel like you guys have a noticeable height difference. (so cute >w<) Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo are posible placements, may have mercury or mars in 2nd house. Haha your person is searching for the one💍 They are very serious about committing and finding their life partner I mean they are so passionate about finding their future spouse omg💞 They know how to reel others in romantically with their voice and way of flirting, this is someone they are very good at🤭🌹 They can turn anyone on pretty easily I'm hearing, because they're super smooth and witty. Now your person definitely has good looks, you find them pretty and hot at the same time like "which one??"😰 Lol it's both. Somewhere in your mind you are low key curious what they look like in a dress😏 (no matter gender haha) Ah my pile 2's your person is really desirable and attractive!! You may feel they are the one for you, and you might know their flirting tricks all too well. They blow you away nonetheless with their stunning natural beauty and charms, aw and I bet their voice could put you to sleep like it's so soft and soothing to you.😭💗 Their voice turns you on too, and the things they say... they definitely seduce you well. You want to dress up for this person, and you think of them often. They are maybe even sweeter than cake to you, that is how they make you feel my pile 2's! <3
🎀What they want for christmas: Practice, Store, Control freak, Vent, Disturbance, Venus, Scorpio, Air, 1st house, Eros,💪🧡🎢😩 Wow okay this is alot. So your person is definitely obsessing over something for christmas, like it has to happen or else!!🤯 Now I'm getting not so much as getting gifts for themselves, but they want to buy gifts for others. Lol they also wish they could buy love for christmas I'm hearing🥺💓 Omg pile 2 I think they want you for christmas, like they want to have you all to themselves!!😫🙏 Loving you may be their christmas wish, and getting to unwrap you too🥵 They have a lot of crazy fantasies for christmas of my pile 2's but I will try to keep it shallow as possible. Your body is their most desired gift, let's just say that. And they wish they could have a lot of fun with their christmas toy🫣🧤♨️ I mean endless control and play time. That is ALL I will be saying for that I'm sorry maybe take it over to one of my spicy readings lol anyways as the song goes, all they want for christmas is you like wow.🥺 They want lots of pleasures for christmas, and a lot of indulging. Splurging on shopping and taking photos for christmas, I feel like they wanna buy a lot of stuff they find pretty😂 Buying you christmas gifts may be something they wish to do someday, they want to give you so much for the holidays. They want to please you because it gives them a sense of fulfillment too. Taking you to stores and buying you whatever you want, that is on their christmas list😖🗒💞
💌Messages from your person: We would be perfect together, I want to protect you, Don't hold back, Think of me, I get lost in your eyes, I know exactly how you like it, Do as I say, Don't give me the silent treatment (Omg😳🤭) Extra cards: Routine, January, Slow, Social media, Optimist
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the pink flower emoji~🌸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 3🐈
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Sign energy: Apology, Hard, Bottom, First impression, Moon, Sun, Aquarius, 8th house, Cancer, Jupiter, 🔍🟧🧚‍♀️🍎
🎄Your person's energy: This is a very emotional person on pile 3's mind, bright and angelic. Possible placements are Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. I feel like you are heavily looking into this person for whatever reason, seeking out all the possibilities. You probably learn more about them way easier than math.🤣 The color orange may be significant or you've been seeing it lately. You have been keeping an eye on this person especially through online sources, trying to discover what they're all about🧐💭 They may have peaked your interest at first because you found them physically *ahem* attractive♨️ and now you've been trying to look deeper beyond their pretty face and know get to know them well. They may have done something they regret in the past, causing them to feel bad or upset with themselves. They really do have an ethereal beauty to them, like an elf or fairy. You want to know a lot about this person, to know them so well it's almost scary.😨 Because they interest you so much, and you like being curious. Some of you know this person through online so you look at their photos with wonder of who they really are behind it all, you wanna get to the bottom of it. I feel like you guys like having something to obsess over and hey it keeps things interesting for some of you so that is why you are so involved with your person.💗✔ I'm getting some detective vibes from you guys, trying to discover your person <3
🎀What they want for christmas: Meant to be, Captive, Regret, Locked, Cold, Moon, 6th house, Uranus, Venus, Eros, 🎭🧬🍁🦉 Aww so for some of you, this person really wants to be with their mother for christmas.🥺💞💞 How sweet. For some of my pile 3's this person may have family or relatives in canada. They may feel tired and trapped in their routine/job and wanna take time off from their obligations to attend family gatherings and reunions.🥂💫 There is a very specific gift they long for this christmas, they are fixated on receiving love.💏🎄 They are wishing on a star to feel the warm feeling and sweetness that comes from a lover during the holidays. They may regret spending too much time online or through their phone instead of focusing on the love they long for. Your person is definitely dreaming of a white christmas, they want it to be cold and snowing so they can bundle up in the comfort of a blanket with their loved ones.🏠🧣💞 They also imagine the best gift of all would be holding their lover tight to shield them from the cold, and keep them safe and warm in their arms.❤ Having a steamy night with them is also on their list😳 Haha your person really wants a romantic time for the holidays, but they are actually really overthinking about what to get for christmas. Also thinking of what to gift to coworkers or friends, that is a lot of what's weighing on their mind right now. They want all sorts of events and romance for the holidays omg my pile 3's your person really wants to be loved for christmas💓
💌Messages from your person: You'll never forget me, Just listen to me, They're just jealous, I'm in trouble, I should be, You're my problem, Why would you want me? You're the only one for me this christmas (Ahh😆💗) Extra cards: Pretend, Softie, Admiration, Details, Offer
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the cat emoji~🐈 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Pile 4🦢
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Sign energy: Learning, Head, Model, Waist, Bones, 5th house, 3rd house, 10th house, Uranus, Pluto, 🌸🎬🤞👸
🎄Your person's energy: Such lovely vibes for my pile 4's person, powerful magnetic aura too. Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius and Scorpio placements are significant, Pluto in 3rd house, Uranus in 5th placements. Your person has really good bone structure I'm hearing, may have model like features especially jawline or bones. Their waistline is highly attractive to you, they have an effortless charm to them.💗 I feel like a lot of people obsessively think of your person, and say possesive things like "they're mine" or "I own you" like everyone wants a piece of them omg🙄 They have a movie star look to them, they just look like the face of a movie. Very unique and creative too, their hairstyle or color is eye catching in some way. I am getting very successful vibes from your person, like they are on the right track✔ Their mind is very deep and magnetic, like they have a hot mind lol. (probably a dark one too😳) The same flower emoji came out that represented pile 2 so for those who felt drawn to that pile maybe check that too. Your person has such a cool vibe to them, untouchable and gorgeous. I feel like they roll their eyes at the invasive comments others make about them, they don't let the little people bother them. They know what they're worth, I feel like this person makes a lot of money😩💲💰 They walk like it's nobody's business omg model walk, and that intense stare ahh my pile 4's your person is killing it😍
🎀What they want for christmas: Romance, Masculine, Chemistry, Short-term, Harm, Virgo, Moon, Aries, Sagittarius, Eros, ♨️🎫🤨🧯 Omg I was not expecting this but your person wants to get on the naughty list apparently.😰👿 We won't be going into details here but wow, just wow. All I will say is that your person wants a usable gift for sure, something they can have their fun with and meet their needs.😭 Unleash their worst side, they want a lot of chemistry. Your person wants to redeem their prize with someone, it is possible this is my pile 4's. Tbh what they really want is a short-term wild night as their christmas present, to let loose from their job/routine and let out all their aggressions on someone🫣 They may simply wish to yell at someone to release all their built up stress from everything they've dealt with this year.💢 Omg they just want to go off on those people who annoy them lmao that would literally be the best christmas present to them.😂🎁 But yeah they have a lot of naughty things on their list, definitely physical fantasies I won't go into but yeah. They want a hot and passionate time with someone, to take away their worries and let out their wild side.🤯 Maybe they feel like showing you for your christmas present, and since they could really feel like dominating someone it could be their hope to satisfy your fantasies of them.💓
💌Messages from your person: The pain will go away, We will be together, Let's listen to christmas music together, I always fantasize about you, Don't just stand there, No, I believe in you, You should smile more. (How cute🤭💫) Extra cards: Compulsive, First love, One of a kind, Despair, Sight
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❄💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the swan emoji~🦢 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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promise-you-doie · 7 months
Like a Butterfly | P. Wonbin
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Summary: Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing, how lucky of you to have found it twice. Pairings: Shotaro x Reader Wonbin x Reader words: 15k Genre: kind of a love triangle, fluff, angst. Warnings: mild cursing, suggestive. that's all. :)
Poetry has been around since the beginning of time. It knew many forms and emotions. You loved it because it had no rules, no restrictions. anything could be poetry. That was the beauty of art.
If you had a Time Machine you would teleport back to the time when life was simpler. You didn’t have the stress of school, the weight of peoples opinions or the inconvenience of being somewhat an adult.
Luckily you didn’t need a Time Machine, you had Wonbin. Having his arms wrapped around you was your form of escapism.
His fingers intertwined in yours and you feel yourself chasing all the heat his body has to offer as you push yourself as close as physics would allow you to. You love him, you’re sure of it.
You love the beautiful melody of his voice, the lovely shapes in his face. The brightness of his smile, the softness of his hands. and sometimes you think you love the way he loves you, but he doesn’t. That’s the issue.
You often find yourself daydreaming of an alternate universe in which he cared for you the way you care for him. It wouldn’t be too different from the one you’re in now. Only difference is you wouldn’t have to hide with him.
The two of you could love each other aloud, you could kiss him in front of your friends. Hold hands during the day.
But those were just daydreams. This is reality, and In your reality you were sitting on the opposite side of the food court watching Wonbin smile and giggle with a girl who wasn’t you.
Over time you’d gotten better at keeping your emotions tamed.
“Girl? You got beef with the broccoli?”
Well… you were still working on it.
“It's just not-“ you stab the broccoli a few more times before you give up and just throw the fork down.
“Is something bothering you?” Shotaro asks softly. Hearing his voice only eases you down. You could never be upset around him, not when he’s giving you a look like he’ll do anything on the planet to make sure your smile never fades.
It wasn’t just his eyes that were telling you that, it was everything about him. It’s just how he was.
“I’m just so stressed with midterms coming up. I can’t fail, my parents will kill me.” You partly lie.
“Want me to come over later, we can study together. I’ll make sure to get the cherry ice cream that you really like.”
His suggestion is enough to erase whatever distress you were feeling.
“Thank you taro.” You smile at him
“Oh you two are so cute. Just date already.” Giselle laughs watching the two of you interact with each other.
You wished it were that simple, you would just be happy with Shotaro like everyone expected you to. But the only dilemma to this obvious solution, was that you only kinda liked shotaro. But you really like Wonbin.
As if he could hear your thoughts, the devil with a sly smile walks over to your table stirring up your emotions once again. Smirking as if he knows how upset he’s made you talking to that girl.
“What’s going on over here?”
“Nothing that concerns you?” Winter dismisses him.
You try to ignore him but you can’t help but feel his gaze burning into you like the rays of the sun. Usually you loved it, but right now his intense contact made you wanna crawl up into a ball and vanish.
“Who’s the girl you were flirting with?” Ningning asks
“He probably doesn’t even know her name? It’s a new girl everyday with him.” Karina adds
Hearing it all made you want to throw up, but you keep your calm. Simply picking at the food on your plate trying to tune out the conversation that's happening right before you.
You’re so immersed in your food that you don’t even notice that everyone’s stopped talking and is watching you brutally stab at the chicken.
“Oh that poor chicken.” Ningning whispers.
After a few short seconds you break out of your own bubble and look up at your group of friends, quickly taking notice of horror on each of their faces.
“Sorry, I gotta use the bathroom.” You say dismissing yourself from the table.
“Damn, if she’s this scared for midterms. There’s no hope for the rest of us.” Sohee deadpans
“To be fair, there was never any hope for you.” Winter snickers.
The table breaks off into a new conversation, completely missing when Wonbin sneaks off after you.
“Where are you heading off to?” You hear Wonbin in some distance behind you.
Within a split second his hand is on your wrist pulling you back towards him until you’re face to chest.
“We have some time.”
“I’ve gotta get to class, Wonbin.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, I’m just-“
“You know i know better”
You couldn’t tell him the real truth. That it bothered you seeing him with someone else. That you were jealous but you had no right to be because the two of you weren’t even dating.
“It’s just a lot right now.”
“You usually come to me about these kinds of things.” He says softly and it makes you melt, almost as much as his subtle touch to your cheek.
“I've just been a little too busy lately.”
“Then I’ll just come over tonight, we can talk all you want.”
The offer was tempting. The only thing that could fix you was laying for hours in his arms and talking until you mumbled yourself to sleep just as you always do.
“Can’t. I’m studying with shotaro tonight.”
“Then I’ll just stop by afterwards.”
“I’m gonna be late for class.”
“I’ll see you later?”
“Goodbye, Wonbin.”
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Laughter echoed throughout the living room where you and shotaro remained. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and snacks took up the space between the both of you. Keeping the mood light and easy.
“Okay let’s see…” you pause for a moment to search for a question you were sure he wasn’t gonna get.
“What is the term used to describe a process that is both catabolic and anabolic?”
“No fair, you cheated.”
“No i didn’t.”
“Did too!”
“Did not.”
In the middle of your childish bickering you hear your phone ding. Your first instinct was only to ignore it, and switch your phone off. But you quickly get a change of heart when you see that Wonbin is the reason for the notification.
Wonbin <3: still studying?
Wonbin <3: I miss you
Wonbin <3: Can’t stop thinking about you
Each message sends a new wave of butterflies, it’s almost sickening how you allowed him to have this effect on you.
You: I’m trying to focus
Wonbin <3: I’m sorry baby, continue studying.
“Sorry, Karina’s nagging me about her new shoes.” You made up.
“Actually it’s getting pretty late, do you wanna call it a night?” He asks as he’s already closing the books, knowing what your answer is gonna be before you get a chance to say anything.
“Um. Yeah, we can continue another time. I’m getting pretty tired.”
“So I’ll see you in class.”
“Of course. Drive safely. Text me when you get home.”
“Goodnight, shotaro.” You smile warmly at him and it lingers for a few seconds before he finally leaves. You can’t help but hold your smile even after you close the door to your apartment and reach to clean up the small mess on your floor. It’s only a few books, highlighters and a set of keys that you assumed were yours at first but after picking them up you quickly noticed they weren’t.
Just as soon as you come to the conclusion of who the keys could belong to you hear a knock at the door.
“I picked them up as so-“ your eyes widen the moment you notice that it’s not shotaro but Wonbin standing on the other side of your doorway. Within two seconds you pull him in and check the hallway to make sure that no one saw him coming to your apartment at 11 pm at night.
“What are you doing here?” You whisper, shout, as if people can hear you through the walls.
“I wanted to see you.”
“What if he saw you?” And the moment the words leave your mouth there’s another knock at the door. You only have five seconds to think and in those five seconds you push Wonbin out of view and breathe before you open the door.
“I left my keys.”
“Yeah, I picked them up just a few seconds ago.”
“I also wanted to ask if maybe you’d want to come with me to the fall festival tomorrow.”
You fix your lips and you’re about to accept his invitation when you hear a loud noise coming from Wonbins direction.
“Did something fall?”
“No yeah it’s just a painting I’ve been trying to keep up. But it keeps falling.”
“Do you need help with it?”
“Uh no i think i might just return it, but yes i definitely want to join you tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I think it’ll be fun.”
“Good, so uh I’ll just text you when I get home.”
“Drive safe, good night.”
The second you close and lock the door you’re scolding Wonbin yet again.
“Are you trying to get us caught?”
“It just fell.”
“Oh just fell my ass.” You yell at him but you can’t remain serious when he’s looking down at you with his dark Diamond eyes. Or when he gives you that smile that you absolutely hate (love).
“I’ll be more careful next time.” he smirks.
You wanna scold him about there not being a “next time” but there’s only so much you can say when your lips are occupied with his own.
His hands are tugging and your waist to pull you closer to him and naturally your hands wrap around his forearms. Your conscience is telling you this is wrong and you need to end whatever it is that the two of you have going on. But your heart completely disagrees as you’re pulling him even closer to you like he’s gonna disappear under your grasp.
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You find yourself in this position too often. You wished you could say you hated it, but that’s just not the case. It’s almost sickening how weak you are for him. All he had to do was say your name and you’d fold for him time and time again.
His fingers are twirling around in your hair, your legs are horizontally crossing his and cheeks are pressed against his chest. By now your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and the warmth of his body doesn’t aid in your sleepiness. Nor does the way his chest vibrates every time he speaks, and especially not when his voice is soft and soothing.
“What got you upset this morning?” He circles the question back around after hours. You don’t wanna remember the way she smiled at him or the way she brushed her hand against his arm. And you especially don’t wanna have to tell him about your frustrations so you sum it up to. “Just something the girls and I were talking about.” Hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions about the matter.
Eventually you shift your body so you can just lay over top of him, and comfortably fall asleep on his chest. The rhythm of his beating heart and the way his body rises with each breath he takes is more than enough to have you drifting to sleep once again and when you’re hanging on to a single thread of energy he kisses atop your head and whispers for you to sleep well.
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“Are you here by yourself?” That’s the single question that landed you here in the first place.
You’re sitting alone in an almost empty library. There’s just you, a few other students and the librarian. It’s quiet, that’s why you loved it. perfect place to go and get set on all of your academics or just escape from the noises of everyday life.
You’re so interested in your book that you fail to notice Wonbin walk in, and immediately gravitate over to you.
It’s not until he speaks that you lift your head from the contents of your novel to meet his eyes, and a pretty smile to match.
“Are you here by yourself?” He asks
“Yeah, I just needed to clear my head.”
From there is when you both begin a conversation, you realize that he’s easy to talk to. The conversation just flows like the crystal clear water of a river. You talk enough to have just wasted 3 hours of what was supposed to be alone time. But you feel as if you’d rather have spent time talking to him than doing anything else.
Overtime he becomes the person you can go to just to talk. Talk about any and everything, but somehow conversations led to prolonged kisses and touching each other in ways you wouldn’t want from anyone else.
“I’ve never kissed anyone.”
“Really, never?”
“I mean well, I kissed this guy in freshman year of highschool. but it was so weird I don't even wanna think about it.”
you stopped talking when you noticed him watching your lips. For a good few seconds neither of you said anything. The only noise to fill the air was the background noise of the T.V.
“First kisses are usually always awkward, mine was.”
you gasp a little when his focus shifts from your lips back to your eyes.
“yeah, I guess so.”
“So I'm guessing you haven’t dated anyone?”
“no, not yet.”
“How come?”
“I just don’t have the time, not with school and stuff.”
“but you have time to talk to me.”
“That's because I like talking to you.”
“you do?”
with each sentence that leaves his mouth you hear the tone of his voice get softer and softer. you couldn’t remember when it started, when you started liking him. or when just the sound of his voice became so intoxicating to you, but what you did know was that there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
so when he gently slipped his hand under your jaw and hooked around the side of your face, and kept eye contact with you as he got closer and closer until you felt his breath brush upon your lips. you only closed your eyes, you didn’t have the willpower to fight him off and even if you did. you wouldn’t want to.
because your second kiss was way better than your first, it was unclear why though. was it the quality of the kiss, or was it the person you shared the kiss with? you were unsure, and as much as you wanted to find out. you couldn’t, it couldn’t happen. not again.
being with wonbin broke so many of the friendship rules and you knew that. which is why you never told your friends and you never kissed him again.
however the conversations never stopped, talking to him was how you managed through busy weeks and frustrating assignments. you were too busy for leisure time, let alone relationships. so how did you make time for him? how did you manage time to sneak around with him?
“you just take this 4 and multiply it by the 7 down here.” you ask
when you look up is when you finally notice how close he was. you stop breathing for a few seconds looking down to see that if you moved just a few inches you’d be touching his fluffy pretty lips.
but you blink out of your fantasy, you’d already made it clear that what happened before, can’t happen again.
“are you keeping up?”
“no i think i got lost, could you run it over one more time.” he’s just barely whispering now, and staring at your lips.
“yeah, umm you just…”
before you could explain anything he moves the hair from covering your face, using only his index finger to push it over your shoulder so he could see you a little more clearly.
“wonbin…” you whine lowly and it causes him to laugh in a way that gives you butterflies.
“yeah?” he asks innocently.
it’s his smile, it’s his smile that makes your heart beat outside of your chest. it’s his smile that makes you act the way you do. it’s his smile that posses you to kiss him back when he lays his lips on yours.
“We can't take this any further.” you say once you push him off of you
“okay.” his lips are agreeing but his hands aren’t obeying. sliding past the skin of your thigh in a way that makes you dizzy.
“I won't do anything you don’t want me to.”
“it’s not that i don’t want to…”
“then tell me what it is?”
“you can’t flirt your way out of this assignment.” the words come out in a whisper as you take his larger hands into your own, to stop him from sliding up and down your leg.
the rest of the evening went smoothly. only small touches here and there. but nothing that you felt like would jeopardize the friendship. but when he leaves and you fall back on your bed all you think about is how perfect his lips felt on yours or how electrifying his hands felt on your skin.
you know that the friendship is beyond jeopardized by now. you don't know when the damage began, if it was when you shared the first kiss? or if it was when you rolled off your bed to answer the door after wonbin had left, only to find that he was back. and he was thinking about you just how you were thinking about him.
“Why are you still here?” you question but he doesn’t answer. He walks in the more you back up until he’s far enough to close the door behind him.
“Can I kiss you?”
“no.” you wish you had the strength to say that. no, more like you wished you could say that and actually mean it. but he stands over you looking down at you in a way that makes you forget everything else.
What started as a kiss ended as the two of you wrapped in your sheets.
you shielded your face in his neck from all of the embarrassment you felt, knowing that it was far too late to just stay “friends”.
“We can't tell anyone about this.”
“I won’t say a thing.”
he agrees as he lays a sweet kiss on the side of your head.
you thought that this was the lowest you could go. having sex with him and lying to your friends. but you found a way to go lower, you fell in love.
you fell in love with him, and you fell in love with sneaking around with him. kissing in hidden hallways, lingering gazes in front of your friends and cryptic conversations.
that’s why everytime he comes over you can’t help but give in to him. anger doesn’t exist when you’re around him and you wanted so deeply to hate him. but you just can’t
Within 30 minutes of Wonbin waking you to tell you he was leaving to get ready for school, your alarm went off, telling you that it was now your turn. Not ready to get up yet you snooze your alarm for 20 more minutes.
After twenty minutes pass and your alarm goes off again you roll out of bed and throw on the first thing you see. Which happens to be an oversized black zip up hoodie and a pair of jeans.
“Is that Wonbin’s hoodie?” Giselle asks the second she she’s you.
“Hmm?” You finally look down at the large garment you’re wearing. Nearly widening your eyes when you realize it is in fact his hoodie.
“No. Girl why would I be wearing Wonbin’s hoodie?” You laugh off and she follows after you
“I thought it was for a second.”
“Anyways I heard shotaro finally asked you out on a date.”
“It’s not really a date, we’re just hanging out.”
“Hanging out alone? It's definitely a date.” She re-adresses and continues
“It’s about time, you guys move like turtles.”
By the time she finishes her sentence you’re standing right out front of the door to the class.
“It’s just a little hang out.”
“Talk to someone who doesn’t know any better.”
“Goodbye Gigi.”
“Bye girl.”
The second you walk into class you catch a glimpse of the very girl that had her paws over (not) your man yesterday morning. But you don’t get much time to think because shotaro calls your name and signals you over to take a seat next to him.
“Hey.” You smile before you take a seat.
“How’d you sleep?”
“I slept pretty well.”
“So we’re still on for tonight.”
“Yeah of course.”
He smiles and turns to the teacher when she begins to speak. You wanna pay attention to the class, but all your focus goes to the brunette beauty sitting far across the room.
She’s talking to her friend and she starts to smile, you see just how pretty her smile is. Which you hadn’t noticed yesterday. She’s gorgeous and you hate it. You hate how pretty she is, you hate that you’re now so fixed on her because of one minor interaction between her and someone that you weren’t even supposed to be with.
Each time you try to pretend she isn’t there, you find yourself taking more and more peaks of her. By the end of the class you’re now hating yourself and wanting again to just disappear into thin air.
You leave class immediately, wanting to head to the bathroom and take a small break but Wonbin has other plans as he stands outside of your class to pull you aside the second you walk out.
“Why haven’t you responded to my text?”
“Huh?” You question clearly confused about what it is he would even be messaging you about that was so serious it warranted him standing outside of your class like a fool.
“Didn’t you get my messages?”
“No, I haven't checked my phone.”
“Wow, nice to see that you guys are finally talking. Sometimes i forget that you two know each other.” Shotaro speaks from besides you.
“It’s just there's nothing for us to really talk about.”
“I think we’d have more conversations if you didn’t ignore me.”
To that you just laugh off, hoping that Shotaro didn’t catch the sarcasm in Wonbin’s statement.
“Well I’ll leave you guys to talk, I’ll be in the library.” Shotaro points as he walks off and you fix your legs to follow after him but Wonbin takes your wrist and pulls you back to him.
Only for you to quickly pull it away. “What are you trying to do?”
“Sorry, wouldn’t want your boyfriend to catch us.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You say first
“And secondly i didn’t say anything when you were fucking that girl with your eyes yesterday.”
You wanna die when he smiles down at you, finally pulling out the answer that you’d been trying to hide.
“Is that why you were so mad?” he mocks.
“No, I wasn’t mad. I don’t care. do what you want.”
“To be fair you’re not being so discreet, walking around campus with my hoodie on.”
“I didn’t realize it was yours until I got to school.”
“But you still have it on.”
“I don’t have a shirt on '' you whisper shyly enough for him to hear. The way he smiled at you makes you debate on whether you wanna kiss him in front of everyone or run and hide.
“Well you look good in it.” He says playing on the strings of the hoodie.
“Can I see you later?”
“You know you can’t.”
“Right, you have a date.”
“It’s not a date.”
“Then go tell him that.”
“No. Why would - I don't have time for this. I have to go study.”
“Study hard.” You don’t give a response, you just roll your eyes and walk away.
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This is a date. There was no point of lying to yourself anymore when you knew the answer. Shotaro’s handsy, not in the way that makes you uncomfortable, but in the way that if a stranger were watching they’d think that you were a couple.
Of course you don’t mind it when he slides an arm around your waist and pulls you close to him whenever a stranger passes by you. Or when he slips his hand over yours to lead you through the different activities.
In fact you think you might actually like it. The mood with shotaro is so light you feel like you're just floating. You’re happy, and you know you can most definitely get used to this.
“Look.” He says to grab your attention. You turn around and see he’s holding his phone to take a selfie with you. So easily you hold up a pose to match his expression and watch as he takes a few flicks.
He swipes through the pictures in front of you so you can see the results. Leaned against him with your arm looped around his.
“These are so cute.”
“You like them?”
“Mhm, send them to me.”
“Okay what do you wanna do next?”
“Um~” you hymn while looking, scanning around the area to see what catches your eye. Each station looks fun and interactive but when you see a coffee stand that has hot chocolate, your mind is made up immediately.
“Let’s get hot chocolate.” You look up at him and he’s looking down at you with his dark orbs.
“Hot chocolate it is.”
He leads you to the hot chocolate station and stands with you in line.
“Which one do you want?”
“Pumpkin with whipped cream.”
You wait in line, your arms remained tightened around Shotaro while he placed the order. You only pull your arms off of him when the person working the stand passes you your cup of hot chocolate.
“Oh look, it's Wonbin.”
Hearing his name is enough to perk your ears up. You hadn’t thought about him the whole night, and you really don’t wanna start now.
You follow Shotaro's eyes to see Wonbin standing not far away from you. He doesn’t notice you standing there until Shotaro calls out his name and signals him over to you.
Wonbin sees Shotaro first and then he sees you, shaking your head back and forth with widened eyes hoping that he’d take the hint and stay where he is. But he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t.
“Hey I didn't know you guys would be here.” Wonbin lied straight through his pretty lips.
“We were just hanging out.” Shotaro responds on your behalf
“I’ve been looking for you. I got our hot chocolate.” The same girl from yesterday stood right in front of you again. Wearing the same smile she had prior and a look in her eyes that tells you that she really really liked Wonbin.
“Thanks.” He says retrieving a cup from one of her hands and using his other hand to hold the hand he just freed.
You feel sick again, just as you did yesterday morning. The worst part is that you know that he knows because of the way he smirks darkly at you.
“Oh these are my friends.”
“Oh I know you guys, we have biology together. I always thought that you made the cutest couple.”
You smile and look up at Shotaro who’s also smiling.
“They aren’t dating.” wonbin sternly corrects her before she gets a chance to finish her sentence
“Wait really, you should y’all are so cute together.” She compliments again. Completely oblivious to the way wonbin turns his head and rolls his eyes.
“Wouldn’t they be perfect together?” She looks up at Wonbin for an answer.
“Yeah, I couldn't imagine her with anyone else.”
“Thanks everyone tells us that we should get together.” You smile up at shotaro hoping to make Wonbin at least half as upset as he made you.
“We should leave you love birds to finish your night.”
“Actually I think it would be fun for us to go through the haunted maze together.” You loop your arm back around Shotaro and smile at Wonbin.
“Oh my god, yes.” Wonbin’s date jumps and sequels.
The night was fun before and you had expected it to get even better, clinging on Shotaro as you walked in front of Wonbin and his date through the maze. Tightening your hold onto his arm each time another actor popped out. Or giggling about how brave he was, knowing that wonbin got to see everything.
You just wished that you could keep up the act for the entire night. Or at least not visibly roll your eyes when you hear a small voice behind you go “this is so scary, can I hold your hand.” It took everything in you not to turn around to see what was going on behind you.
The more you hear the conversation going on behind you the more you cling to Shotaro. Half attempting to make him jealous and half hoping that if you spent more time worrying about Shotaro you’d spend less time thinking about wonbin and the girl behind you, and not what they were doing.
Not that there was actually anything happening, wonbin was too occupied with watching you laugh and smile with Shotaro to even care about the girl that he invited simply to see you get mad again. Her hands on him went completely unnoticed as he poked his tongue through his cheek to stop himself from making any comments aloud.
When all of you finished the maze you were annoyed and so was he, but both of you were stubborn. So he wore a pretty fake smile when he wrapped his arm around the girl beside him and you did the same, intertwining your fingers with Shotaro's and smiling up to him about how fun the maze was.
You weren’t even trying to piss Wonbin off anymore, you were just trying to keep up the act that you started. Unsure of who you were doing it for. Were you trying to convince Wonbin, Shotaro or yourself?
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The night ends off with you in the passenger seat of his car, after he arrives at your apartment.
“I had so much fun, taro. Thanks for inviting me out.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, I actually wanted to talk to you a little bit.”
“Yeah? What's up?”
“Well actually I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I just didn’t wanna make a fool of myself, but I was talking to the guys about it, and they said I should just do it. I don’t wanna make things weird though and actu-” you’re watching him in adoration as he rambles on and avoids eye contact with you.
“Do what?” you ask through your giggle
“Well I really like you, Y/N. I’ve liked you for a long time now and I like talking to you, spending time with you.”
“Yeah.” you speak gently, that’s what makes shotaro take a deep breath and finally look at you.
“I just wanted to ask if you’d like to be my girlfriend?.”
“I-“ you begin to speak but he’s quick to cut you off before you could even answer him.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now, just think about it and let me know when you’re ready.”
“I’ll definitely think about it.” You reach to give him a kiss on his cheek.
What an eventful night, you think while walking into your apartment. Easily your feet shuffle to your bed and allow yourself to fall back.
Shotaros question leaves you confused. You wanted to say yes. It seemed like the obvious answer, and you would have agreed to his proposal the second he asked but the only thing standing in your way is Wonbin.
You turn in your bed and curl into a ball, taking the black garment beside you and using it as a pillow not noticing that it’s Wonbin’s hoodie until you recognize the large print written behind the hoodie.
Just as you throw the hoodie across the room there’s a knock at the door. It’s small and kinda shy so you think it’s shotaro and for the second night in a row you’re mistaken as you open to find Wonbin standing directly parallel from you.
You have nothing to say to him, you’re mad at him, you think. But you’re not entirely sure. You feel like you’re supposed to be upset and you’re supposed to be kicking him out of your apartment. You try to find the answer by just looking at him, but when you see him you see Wonbin. You love the man you see in front of you, and you hate that you do.
“Where’s your date?” You ask
“Probably at home.”
“Does she know you’re here?”
He invites himself in fully and closes the door behind him.
“I bet you'd like to know.”
“You were all touchy feely earlier, I’d think that you really liked her.”
“I don’t even know her name.”
“You’re a sick man,”
“You’re not any better, baby.
You knew you were just as bad. You were well aware. Both of you are using innocent people as pawns in this twisted game you liked to play.
“I’m not as bad as you.”
“So you don’t mind me telling shotaro about this?”
“Why would you do that?”
“Why shouldn’t i?”
He’s so close to you, that you feel his heat radiating on to you. But he’s not as close as you’d like him to be. That’s how you knew you were worse than he was. Because even with everything that just transpired tonight you wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him until you're out of breath. Until his lips are red and swollen, until you finally understand what’s holding you back from fully committing to shotaro.
The question goes unanswered when your lips are tangled in his, not an inch in between your connecting bodies. Only thing to pull you away from each other is when you hear a single ring from your phone, telling you that someone texted.
You know who it is, and so does he. But it doesn’t stop you from pulling out your phone to check the message from shotaro telling you to sleep well.
This isn’t right, you feel at this exact moment that this isn’t right. You look up at Wonbin, your eyes easily finding him. Thinking that maybe this will set you straight. But all it does is remind you of how you got here in the first place.
Within a split second your lips are back on his again, they never leave. Even as he leads you to your bed to lay you down gently.
“This is the last time we’re doing this, so you better make it count.”
“Yes ma’am.” Is all he whispers in your ear before he begins leaving kisses down your collar bone.
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Mornings after spending a night with Wonbin were the exact reason that you kept this going for so long. There’s nothing in the world more comforting than the beating of his heart mixed with sounds of chirping birds and light of the morning sun sneaking into your apartment.
There once was a time when you’d swore you wanted to lay here for eternity. But something today is different, because with the birds chirping and the sun dimly shining and his arms wrapped firmly around you. It just doesn’t feel the same, you can’t tell what’s changed.
But you know that the more you lay in bed with him the more you feel wrong.
“You’re awake?” He peeks down at you with sleepy eyes. The ones you loved waking up to, at least you used to. You don’t know what’s switched in you, but honestly you don’t wanna know. Now you finally have the strength to end this cycle that you’ve started.
His eyes are trained on you and you sit up and lean against your headboard.
“You should go.” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a whisper.
“I want you to leave.”
He doesn’t ask anymore questions but you can tell he’s confused. You’re watching him in silence as he slips his clothes back on and you grab one of your favorite oversized band shirts to throw on.
“Can I call you later?”
“You won’t get an answer.”
The room goes silent again, while he collects his shoes, wallet, and phone and makes his way to the door.
“Wait.” You stop him before he walks out.
It’s almost fun to you when you see him turn back to you with shadows of hope ghosting over his expression.
“You forgot this.” You tease,
walking to him with his black hoodie.
“Goodbye, Wonbin.” You reach to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek.
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Nobody notices how your eyes are glued to Wonbin when he takes a seat directly across from you. He pretends like he’s so focused on what Seunghan has to say but you know that’s not the case because when he laughs he looks at you.
It doesn’t occur to you until now that this whole kind of breakup thing isn’t going to be easy at all.
“So Y/N how’d your date go yesterday?” Karina turns the attention to you. You feel all eyes turn to your direction and including Wonbin’s who’s looking you through his eyebrows.
“We had a lot of fun.” You turn to shotaro hoping that maybe it will take your attention off of the man sitting across from you.
“Did you guys kiss?”
“You know they didn’t, they still act like 2nd graders when they touch hands.”
“Be careful, she’s not as innocent as she looks.”
Wonbin laughs while looking at you.
“Wait what? Y/n did you finally lose your virginity?”
The question causes you to cough aloud. Sure you weren’t innocent, but you definitely did not want to talk about your first sex experience in public to all of your guy friends and especially not with shotaro and Wonbin.
“I um… yeah, remember I told you guys.”
“Oh yeah, the guy from earlier this year. That you said made you wanna baby trap him with how good it was.”
“I don’t think I said all that.”
“Mm mm you said more.”
“I remember cause she was like-“
“Okay, that’s enough.” You stop them. Not only because it was a topic you’d rather not talk about in front of shotaro but also because the man that you wanted to “baby trap.” Was Wonbin
“Whatever happened to him?” Giselle asked
“She probably got bored and dropped him.” Wonbin snickers under his breath, not even bothering to look at you.
“Well, actually. I realized that we weren’t good for each other, and that I needed to be with someone who was good for more than just sex.”
“Amen girl.” Giselle adds
“Aww and now she has shotaro.”
“Honestly it sounds like an upgrade. What a douchebag.” Winter says while looking down at her food.
“But let’s be honest? Do you even like shotaro?” Wonbin blurts out. It takes not even 30 seconds for you to jump up and drag Wonbin away from the table by his wrist to a place where the rest of your friends can still see you but none of them can hear you.
All heads are turned towards the both of you as you yell at him for his unnecessary comments.
“What are they talking about?” Winter questions
“Don’t worry guys, I can read lips.” sohee says
“Okay she said something about the weather.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you ask frustratedly
“I just asked a question, but it clearly got you upset ” He smiles down at you.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Maybe not, but I feel like he deserves to know.” Wonbin gestures to shotaro who walks up behind you.
“What’s going on with you guys?”
“Nothing, we had a small argument yesterday and now he’s acting like a baby.” You answer shotaro while watching Wonbin.
“Do you need to talk it out?” Shotaro asks
“There’s nothing more to say.” Wonbin says nonchalantly while walking back to the table and grabbing his bag, throwing it over his shoulder while making his way past you.
“I’ll see you around.” Is all he says before walking off and leaving you and shotaro by yourself.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You look down and notice shotaro’s hand is loosely wrapped around yours. You don’t really know when it got there but you figure that that’s the reason Wonbin decided to cut the conversation.
“I’m fine, sorry about all that.”
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After the entire incident with Wonbin you really only see him around campus. Neither of you are brave enough to talk to each other or at least apologize.
No matter how many times shotaro has explained to you that he didn’t find offense in Wonbin’s question. Or that he just wants you guys to work it out because he hates seeing his two close friends fight.
Part of you wants to just be honest with him and tell him what the whole fight was really about. But the rest of you thinks about the guilt you’ll feel when you see his reaction.
As far as the rest of the friend group went, things were pretty awkward. They’d only have one of you around at a time to avoid any blow up again.
As time goes on, the more you’re reminded that you guys had that rule about not dating within the friend group. And with each passing moment you feel guilty, because you never intended for things to get this far.
Even though this situation was extremely stressful you still had Shotaro’s question lingering in the back of your mind and with everything going on the answer seemed even clearer than ever.
Especially if Wonbin was no longer in the picture.
“So shotaro asked me to be his girlfriend.” you start
“It’s about time.” Ningning speaks
“When?” karina asks
“2 weeks ago, after we went to the festival.” you answer
“And what did you say?” giselle asks
“I didn’t give him an answer yet. He told me to think about it.” you respond
“What is there to think about?” winter questions
“I don’t know, we just had that rule about dating within each other and I didn’t wanna break it.” You lie.
“When we made that rule, it never applied to you and shotaro.” karina says, rolling her eyes
“Girl, two weeks is long enough to think about it, call him right now.” ningning says picking up your phone and throwing it in your lap.
“I can’t do that.” you argue
“Yes you can, and you will.” ningning states
“I’ll just text him.” you mumble
“No, you need to call him.” giselle says sharply
Ignoring them, you open your messages and begin to type out your message.
You: I’ve been thinking about it a lot. And I think I'm ready to finally be your girlfriend.
The second you send the text you throw your phone down on the bed. Hands shielding your face as if it could aid in the embarrassment you feel. The girls all squealed as the message was sent.
“Girl what are you scared of, he asked you.” ningning says laughing
“I know but it’s still scary, what if he changed his mind.” you say
“I’m sure he didn’t.”
Right after winter speaks you hear three bells come from your phone. To inform you that you got three new messages from shotaro.
The anticipation is killing you alive. On one hand you wanna know what he said and on the other you’re too afraid to pick up your phone.
“Girl answer the phone.” giselle says
“I can’t.” you say pushing the phone away from you
“Okay fine, I’ll do it.” Karina picks up the phone to read the messages. That’s when you finally uncover your face and watch their reaction carefully.
If their faces weren’t enough to tell you that something was wrong, the collective “oh.” Should’ve done it for you.
“What? What’s wrong?” you ask
“Umm you might wanna see this yourself.” karina says with a tight smile
They passed your phone back so you could see what was happening.
Wonbin: when you said you wanted to end things, i didn’t think this is what you meant
But honestly I’m glad you finally texted me, I really missed you.
I'd like to see how this works out
“Wow“ you sat there staring at your phone screen
“How did you even do that?” winter says, her brows furrowed
“I don’t know, I had both of their contacts pinned and I guess I accidentally chose the wrong one.” you stress
“Chose the wrong one?” giselle asks, her brow raised
“Wait, why would you even have Wonbin’s contact pinned? And what does he mean to end things?” karina asks, looking to the other girls
It’s true what they say. What’s done in the dark comes to the light. No matter how good you think you are at hiding. The truth always comes out eventually.
“Umm.” you trail off
You try to figure out how to say things while the four girls sit there waiting for an answer.
“We’ve been talking for a while.” you mumble
“Talking like how?” they start
“Did you guys have sex?” winter asks
“We’ve dabbled.” you mutter
“Literally what does that even mean?” ningning says, squinting at you
“Yeah.” you sigh
“How many times?” Giselle asks
“Uh like 3 times.” You’re not sure if it’s accurate but 3 is the first number that pops up in your head, and you start to nod your head when you see a couple of the girls nodding in agreement.
“Okay that’s not too bad.” giselle responds.
“A week.” You finish.
They let out a collective “damn.” Which told you that its definitely a lot.
“I didn’t know he had all that in him.” Karina says with widened eyes
“Oh he’s definitely got all that.” The thought makes you smile a little.
“Wait, you and Wonbin? As in the pretty boy who would flirt with a plant if it had eyes.”
“How did this happen?”
“I don’t know, I don't know one day we were just talking. Next day… he was in my bed. I thought that it’d be the first and only time but-“
“You just couldn’t stay away.” giselle speaks what you were thinking, causing you to shake your head in shame.
“How long have you guys been.. Y’know seeing each other.” winter questions
“Since like February.” you answer
“That’s 9 months.” Winter calculates
“Oh you sneaky bitch.” Ningning shakes her head
It takes but only a few minutes for other truths to be revealed.
“Is that why he blew up at the table? He’s the guy you wanted to baby trap?”
“Yeah.” You look down
“And you did have his hoodie on that day?”
You didn’t have anything to say for yourself, you were just ashamed.
“I can’t believe you lied to me. To my face.”
“She’s been lying to all of us.”
“Hold up… you said you had sex in your bed…” Ningning pauses “in this bed?” She points down gesturing to the bed.
“Yeah? Why?” Your question is answered when they all immediately jump off the bed and scream.
“Come on guys, I washed the sheets.”
“When’s the last time you guys hooked up?” winter asks
“Well I wouldn't call it hooking up, I’d say more love making, we have emotions between us when we do what we do.”
“Answer the question.” they yell at you collectively, you’ve always found it amusing how in sync they were.
“When I went to the fall festival with Shotaro.”
“Was this before or after he popped the question?” giselle asks
“After…” you say while looking to the side.
“Wow, you’re evil.”
“Poor shotaro. You’ve been cheating on him this entire time.” Ningning sighs
“We were never dating.” you say
“Yeah and you never will with this type of behavior.” She adds
“You and Wonbin? I’m still trying to imagine it.” Karina says
“I Can Girl, and it is not a pretty sight.” Giselle responds
The voices of the other girls are drowned out when you stare at the messages that Wonbin sent you. “I missed you.” Pops out the most to you. You bite your lip thinking about being exclusive with him.
While you’re still reviewing the text you see the text bubbles arise leaving you anxious to see what he’s about to say next.
Whilst going over the messages there’s a knock at the door. You along with all of the girls towards the door and they all turn to look at you.
“I think it’s your man.” Ningning teases
“God I hope not.”
“Well hurry and answer it.” Winter rushes you
Your feet drag towards the door, not really wanting to face him right now and especially not when you have your girls watching you.
However everything goes out of the window when you see his face. You don’t remember why you were fighting and start to question how you thought you could go without seeing him like this again.
“Oh guys, it’s wonbin. Ha ha.”
“What are you doing here?”
You don’t need to look to know that the girls are watching you like you’re on drugs. So instead of carrying this act on further you just stand back and let him in.
“Just.. come in.”
“You know what, now that I’ve seen it. I totally get it.” Karina admits
“Me too. They’d have the cutest babies.” Ningning exclaims
“Babies?” You question
“They’d be annoying too, please wear protection?” Winter adds
“Our babies wouldn’t be…” you stop when you realize what it is you’re saying. “There aren’t gonna be any babies.”
“Sure.” one of them say sarcastically
They all make their way to the entrance and start to leave. The last one to go is Ningning who looks at both of you one last time and says.
“No, you definitely chose the right one.” Before smiling at you and leaving you to answer Wonbin’s new set of questions.
“What’s she talking about?”
“We were talking about my apartment unit. I was questioning whether I got the right layout or not.”
Wonbin was right, you weren’t at all as innocent as you looked. Your ability to come up with a clever lie on the spot was a talent that you praised yourself on. All the practicing was really paying off.
“What made you change your mind? about us?” He placed his hands on each side of your hips and asked.
“Well we were talking and I realized that I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
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Boyfriend Wonbin was completely different from hookup Wonbin. PDA was his love language, which you were still getting used to.
The campus is full of students just trying to go about their day and get to their next activity. You easily blend in as one of those fairly busy students. Just making your way down the campus field when you hear your name being called from behind you.
“Let me walk you to class.” He says while cuffing your hands with his.
You hesitate to answer.
“Um okay.”
As soon as those words leave your mouth his fingers are intertwined in yours. Now walking through campus just simply holding hands has your heart racing.
Constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there’s actually eyes on you or if you're just hallucinating.
When your relationship was hidden you imagined things like this, holding his hand in public for everyone to see. Claiming him as yours. But now that you had the opportunity you were paranoid.
You’re not sure what you’re scared of until you see the girl who’s name you never learned, talking with her friends right in front of your class
“Text me when you get out of class.”
“Yeah.. okay.”
You say while still eyeing the brown haired girl opposite of him. You don’t know her but you feel extremely guilty about what you’ve dragged her into.
you only pull your eyes away when he uses his first two fingers and guides your face towards him. “I'm right here, baby.”
“don’t call me that, what if they hear you.”
“hear what? me talking to my girlfri-“
the second you begin to hear the “g” word you push your lips on his to shush him up. it wasn’t the best thing to do but it just happened instinctively.
and now you were beyond embarrassed.
“I'll see you later.”
When you turn away to go into class he pulls you back and places a softer kiss on your lips.
“Study hard.” he cheers you on as you walk into the classroom.
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“Do you have yesterday's notes, I left my laptop with Wonbin.” Shotaro nudges you.
“Yeah, of course. how is he by the way, it’s been a while since we talked.” you ask.
“really? I thought he said he was with you a few days ago?” he questions
“Umm, now that I think about it. We did hang out a little. I forgot about it for a second, sorry.”
“I'm glad you guys are getting along again.”
you feel it again, the guilt.
“I mean things are still a little awkward, we’re not that close.” You lie again.
“It’s still progress.”
It was definitely progress just not in the way that he thinks.
Your hour and 30 minute class felt like an eternity. With shotaro right beside you and wonbin’s former date in front of you, you felt like the walls were closing in on you.
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The second class is over, you make a run for it. Quickly tossing your bag over your shoulder and scurrying out before shotaro or anyone else could stop you. But as soon as you step out of the classroom door you’re met with a smiley Wonbin waiting patiently for you.
“How was class?” he asks while slipping his hands into yours and swinging his arms back and forth.
You’d love to just sit and talk with him, but only of course in the privacy of your apartment. Not here where Shotaro could easily see you, holding hands with the one person that you just told him you haven’t heard from.
Wonbin observes when you gently pull your hand from his and back away from him. “It was okay, I’m kinda busy though now. So I’m gonna-”
“Wonbin, what are you doing over here? Isn’t your class across campus?” shotaro walks out with an unknowing smile hanging between his cheeks.
“To pick up-”
“He said he was here to give you your laptop back.”
You stop him mid sentence and wrap your arm around his shoulder to stop him from grabbing your hand again. You can feel the heat of Wonbins eyes watching you but you try to ignore it as you keep focused on shotaro.
“I don’t have it with me.” he says confused,
The two of them standing in front of you at the same time makes your heart pound outside of your chest. Scared that Shotaro might reveal that he asked you to be his girlfriend, or that wonbin might uncover that you’re his girlfriend.. So what would anyone do in these kinds of situations? Lie. You were already doing that a ton these days.
“That’s interesting, well we’ll see you later. Wonbin and I have a project to finish up,” you say in a hurry, pulling Wonbin away by his wrist before either of them could question anything.
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Spending everyday hiding and lying to everyone was more tiring than you thought it'd be. But despite all of that there were a few positives to this relationship with your newfound boyfriend.. Things like sitting with legs horizontally across his lap while he goes over the notes for his history class.
There’s nothing to be said, it’s completely silent other than the sounds coming from the world outside of your apartment. You liked it this way. Just being in silence with him, skin on skin, heartbeats in sync. Your fingers playing in his hair out of habit, watching him carefully review the contents of his lap. When you notice a little black leather book hanging out of his bag.
“What’s this?” you say while leaning over to pick it up. Wonbin only looks up at you and then towards the book that you’re leaning to get and immediately he reaches to get it before you do.
“Just a notebook.” he says, holding it away from you.
“Well let me see it, it’s pretty.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Just let me see it.” you whine while pushing yourself further over top of him just to reach the notebook in his hand. By the time you finally get to the notebook, you let out a small giggle of victory. And run on the other side of the room.
The book isn’t too big, just big enough to fit into the palm of your hand with a small latch on the front and some small pattern art indented onto the front and the back. You don’t think to open it until he says “Okay, you’ve seen it. Give it back.”
“I’m not done looking.” you tease inspecting the book more, unlatching the hook to read the contents inside the book.
“Ooh Is this your poetry? I didn’t know you write.”
He’s talking but you don’t hear anything he says when you begin to read a random page of the small book aloud.
Fragile like a butterfly, soft like the petals of a healthy rose. You're stuck in my brain like lyrics to a catchy song. If you were a book I'd read you over and over again. If you were a movie I'd watch you repeatedly, but you don't have to be a book or a movie for me to enjoy watching you, reading the scriptures of your eyes like literature. feeling the texture of your skin as if you were made from braille. holding onto your hips as if the flesh of your body was the only source to eternal life. breathing in your scent as if you were made from the finest perfume.
cherishing you now, because I know I'll never find anything better.
“Aww you’re so romantic.” you tease again before finding another random page to read.
What do you call this?
the feeling I get in my stomach when I see you? the emotions I feel when you kiss me. the pit in my stomach when I see you smiling with someone else.
Is this what love feels like?
What do you call it when I start to smile to myself when I see something that reminds me of you.
when there's no one else in the world that makes me feel the way you do.
Is this what love feels like?
What do I do when you don't feel the same way? when loving you feels like self-inflicted torture. when you're both the remedy and sickness.
I hope this isn't what love feels like.
“Wait, is this…”you begin asking but trail off when you realize it's probably not what you’re thinking.
“All of these are about you.”
“Why?” you say the first thing that comes to mind, but retract shortly after you redirect the question. “I didn’t know you felt this way?”
You keep your eyes on him even as he stands up and walks over to you. “You really couldn’t tell?”
“How could I, when you’re always talking and flirting with someone new in front of me. Or that girl from the festival? You know you don’t really do a good job at showing people you care for them.”
“Okay so how do you feel?” he redirects the focus onto you.
“I really really like you obviously?” he’s looking at you but you’re trying to look everywhere else but in his direction. He’s watching you like he’s waiting for you to say something else, and you both know what he’s expecting you to say.
“I love you. I really love you. You don’t need me to tell you that.”
“I do, I need you to tell me everyday.”
By now you’re speechless. Not because you have nothing to say but because you have so much to say you don’t even know where to start. You could tell him that you’ve been in love with him for so long that it felt like forever or you could tell him that he’s crazy for not knowing how you felt about him. Or you could just kiss him, because that should be enough to say everything all at once without saying anything at all. And that’s what you choose.
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As more time goes on you feel that Ningning was right. You definitely did choose the right one, there wasn’t anyone else that fit you better than wonbin. Shotaro was close but he just wasn’t the same. You don’t know what it is about him that you love, but being with him just puts your mind at ease.
you’d gotten more comfortable with doing a couple things in public. things like holding hands, and kissing. that is of course until you spot shotaro walking up, that’s when you pull your hand away and make up some silly lie that you have to get something from your car.
or other times where you didn’t have time to run away so you just have to push wonbin away and lie about his hands being sweaty.
you were getting more creative with the lies.
“today we should go for frozen yogurt.” wonbin speaks while swinging your arms together.
“ooh i’ve been wanting ice cream.”
“I said frozen yogurt…“
“oh my god what is that?”
“what’s what?”
“I think I just saw a huge rat run that way, we’ll just have to take the stairs.”
“a rat?”
“yeah it was huge, come on. this way.” you try to hurry and pull him away but he isn’t budging. still searching for the rat that you claimed to have seen.
there wasn’t a rat, it was just sohee. walking towards you with a bright teeth showing smile and glistening eyes. like he always does.
“Hey guys.”
“Sohee~” you drag out his name, as he approaches you and wonbin. By now you’d given up on trying to break physical contact with Wonbin. He shifted his hand from yours to wrapping his arm around your waist, and rested his chin right on your shoulder.
“Have you seen Shotaro?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Oh, He’s looking for you. By the way, how did you do in the history term?’
“I aced it.” you giggle excitedly.
“That’s my girl.” You blush when wonbin kisses your cheek as a reward.
“What about you?” Judging by his face you can tell that he didn’t do too well but you still wait for his answer giving him the benefit of the doubt.
“I think it’s time for me to find a new life path.” he trails off closer to the end.
“Oh come on it couldn’t have been that bad.” you say hopefully
“The professor told me to start looking for a new life path.”
“Oh…” both you and wonbin say at the same time.
“I’m thinking about maybe just starting my own bakery.”
“I didn’t know you baked?” wonbin adds
“I don’t, but I mean how hard could it be?” He finishes with a shrug of his shoulders
“You’ve burnt french fries in the microwave.” You remind him.
“I thought the tin foil would make it heat up faster.'' Sohee defends himself, but he really doesn't need to. You were there when Karina told him that putting foil in the microwave would save 99% of his time. And did he believe her? Well, yes. Yes he did.
“yea…” you start but you don’t really have anything to say. Sohee wasn't the brightest but he was adorable and he had a good heart.
“Anyways, I’m going to join the rest of the crew in the food court. You guys coming?” He asks
“Yeah, we’ll be there soon.” You answer.
“Kk bye.” he says while walking past you towards the food court.
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” shotaro asks while sitting down at the table with his tray of food in his hands.
“I haven’t seen her all day, I don’t think.” Giselle answers while picking up her phone to see if you responded to the message she sent you earlier.
“Neither have I.” Ningning confirms while looking around the area.
“Did she come today?” karina ask
“I hope so, I asked her something a while ago and i’m waiting for her to give me an answer?” shotaro admits. His statement makes all the girls look at eachother, trying to come up with a way to cover for you without looking suspicious. Luckily just in the nick of time sohee walks over to the table with seunghan.
“Sohee, Have you seen Y/N?” Winter asks before he could even take a seat.
“Uh yeah she was with wonbin.” Sohee says without a second thought.
“Those two have been real close lately.” seunghan adds
Ningning, karina and winter all exchange looks while Giselle looks to shotaro to make sure he doesn’t pick up on what’s going on. “They’re not as close as you’d think.” she defends you
“Yeah, are you sure they were together?” Ningning questions, even though she knew the answer.
“Yeah. positive. I told her that shotaro was looking for her, and wonbin had his arm around her which I thought was weird but maybe- OW.’ sohee stops when Karina kicks him under the table.
“Are you really sure it was Y/n?”
“I’m very sure.” he says while looking around the table to find everyone giving him unbelieving stares. “Guys, come on, I know Y/n when I see her, I’m not stupid.” he looked around once again hoping that maybe someone would believe him but instead the table just burst into a collective laugh.
“Says the one who mixed bleach with ammonia and layed on the floor for five hours because you thought you were dead.” ningning giggles
“Says the one who thought Antarctica and amnesia were the same thing.” Giselle adds.
“Says the one who microwaved their fork and killed our microwave for the fifth time.” Seunghan comes in.
“What is it with you and microwaves?” Winter questions and causes the table to erupt in laughter again.
“Okay so I’m not mr einstein.”
“Far from it.” Suenghan says under his breath
“Like galaxies away from it.” winter mocks
“Oh come on? You guys have made mistakes too.”
“Yes, but none of us have put toothpaste on a cracked phone because a random youtuber told us to.” Winter responds
“I just know your guardian angels are stressed.” Karina laughs.
“Should I just call her?” shotaro speaks up and the whole table goes silent. The girls are trying to figure out what to say to keep him from stressing out too much over you, and sohee is still trying to think of a comeback that won’t get him clowned again.
“Yeah, or maybe just text her. She might be busy right now.”
You don’t know if “busy” was the word you’d use to describe what it was you were doing with wonbin in the janitor's closet, but you could definitely say you were too occupied to answer any phone calls, including one’s from Shotaro.
“Yeah, I’ll just text her.” he agrees lowly while pulling out his phone and shooting you a text. You heard your phone vibrate but you simply ignored it as wonbin continued to kiss you, pushing you further against the wall knocking down the brooms and mops beside you.
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After missing 20 minutes of your next class you finally get time to read the messages on your phone. Which makes your heart drop, you wonder if you’re ever going to get to a point in your relationship where you don’t feel guilty for being with wonbin.
Taro:) : Are you busy?
Taro:) : Can we talk?
You don’t even know how to answer him when you’re right beside wonbin. Who’s watching you read the messages with a frowned expression written all over your face.
“What’s wrong?” he asks while reading the text on your screen.
“Nothing.” you mumble while clicking your phone off and placing it in your back pocket. “I just have to hurry and get to my next class. I’m not usually this late.”
“What does he wanna talk about?” wonbin asks, not giving you the chance to escape the topic.
“I don’t know. It’s probably an assignment or something.”
“Assignments don’t usually make you this upset.”
“I’m not upset.” you shout just a little, enough to startle the both of you.
“I’m not too convinced.”
“There’s nothing wrong, I just have to go before I’m even more late than I already am.”
“Okay then let me walk you there,”
“I’m fine going by myself.” while walking away, your steps come out more like stomps as you get away from him. You didn’t mean to take your frustration out on him, you just needed time to yourself to think. There was only a matter of time before Shotaro asked for your answer, and you just didn't know what you were going to tell him.
You just didn’t expect that time to be now, as you run tight into shotaro not too far from where you left Wonbin.
“Hey? You’re here.”
“Yeah, Sorry I’m really late for class.” you rush, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“Can we talk on the way?” He stops you so you can’t rush off again. He’s looking at you like he really needs to talk but you don’t know how to say “No.” Already knowing exactly what it is he wanted to talk about. “We’ll have to talk after class, I’m already super late. I’m sorry.” You slowly run holding up your hands together as a way to say sorry.
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You think you’ll find peace in your history lecture. Maybe learning about events that were completely irrelevant to you will make you forget about the web of lies that you’ve wrapped yourself into. However your thoughts are going a mile a minute, trying to think about how you’re going to approach Shotaro after class.
Anxiously tapping your pencil at your notebook, watching the numbers increase each time the minute changes and changing focus from the lecture to the small black notebook peeking out from under your other notebooks.
You’re trying to avoid its non-existent gaze on you, but it’s basically screaming “read me, read me.” so you obey. Slowly reaching to pick up the book and unlatch the hook. Going to read the very first page.
Being with you is like listening to the waves crash upon the shore's surface at night. Peaceful and calming, but I never know when the waves are going to crash too close. Serenity and excitement, you're like the different shades of green. like spring rain and winter snow, you're the beautiful parts of life that no one would ever want to live without.
Well that wasn’t a good idea, you think to yourself as you're now on the verge of tears in the middle of class. Yet it still doesn’t stop you from reading more confessions from the book. Turning pages as the seconds went by with more and more tears streaming down your cheek.
You find again that Ningning was right, not that you really needed any more convincing. But now it’s just too obvious, there’s no one else for you other than Park Wonbin and with that your mind's made up. Once you see Shotaro again, you’re just gonna be completely honest with him. No more lying, no more hiding and no more leading him on. You’re just going to tell him everything.
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“Yeah sure you can come over tonight.” You smile at Shotaro.
Well that wasn’t the plan. It seemed so much easier when you were only thinking about it, but seeing his face light up when you called his name, and the excitement that lingered in his voice when he asked to come over got the best of you. That feeling of shame teasing at you once again.
So now here you are, alone in your apartment with shotaro. It’s funny to think that you were just here in this same place with wonbin the night prior. Actually funny isn’t the word you’d use to describe it, maybe more like nauseating. The way he’s looking at you, the way you wish it were your boyfriend here filling his place instead. The way you feel the words sit heavy on your tongue but you just can’t seem to say them aloud.
“I’m dating Wonbin.” you think to yourself over and over again. If you think about it long enough you’ll just say it eventually. But you don’t, it never comes out. In fact nothing really comes out. The room is filled with awkwardness, you feel it and shotaro does too. The kind of awkwardness that you’ve never felt with shotaro before and you don’t know how that makes you feel.
Well you know it doesn’t feel good, that’s for sure. You never wanted your relationship with wonbin to change your relationship with the rest of your friends and especially not Shotaro. But things happen, and it’s funny how they do. Because Shotaro was here first, you had a crush on him for the longest time, when did it change from you and Shotaro to you and wonbin.
“You missed it, everyone was making fun of Sohee and microwaves today.” Shotaro speaks up trying to cover the weird silence, but you don’t help when you only laugh lightly.
“Do you remember when he thought he had superpowers and could see at night.”
“And he fell down the stairs.” you finish his sentence off. “Yeah that was so funny. He’s so funny.”
It’s not as quiet anymore but god is it still really awkward. You know all of this could be solved if one of you addresses the elephant in the room, and you hoped it would be him because you just didn’t have the balls to do it.
“Yeah.” you hurriedly speak, assuming what he’s going to say.
“There’s an art exhibit tomorrow happening near the school.” You can’t help the way your heart drops when he begins to talk. “I already got 2 tickets, hoping that maybe we could go together.”
“Fuck.” you think. That’s definitely not what you were expecting him to say, and now you’re trying your best to control your facial expression. This should’ve been the time for you to come clean, for you to just lay it all out. But you’re a coward, so instead you give him a small smile and agree to go on yet another date with him.
Was this cheating? You’re not sure but it’s definitely debatable. Going on a date with a friend that you knew was very into you while you had a boyfriend. But does it count if he wasn’t supposed to be your boyfriend in the first place?
It was wrong, that’s for sure. But to be honest, when have you done anything right? You see the way he leaves your apartment with a hopeful expression. Knowing that he’s gonna go back to his place and think about you.
And that’s the very thought that keeps you up all night.
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“You look like shit.” Ningning says as she approaches you. She was right, you had bags under your eyes, you’d thrown on a random t-shirt and you didn’t even bother to fix your hair this morning.
“Sorry, I mean. Ooh you look like shit, what happened?” she says in a gentler, more sincere tone this time.
“I just couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Damn, ya’ll went all night?” she whispers this time.
“What? No. I just couldn’t sleep.” you choose to leave out all the details as to why you were up most of the night.
“Are you going through withdrawals?”
“You know…” she motions her arms into a humping motion “withdrawals.”
“Why is everything about sex with you?”
“I don’t know actually?” she turns her head to the side as she actually begins to think about your question.
“Anyways, what are you doing later today?”
“Shotaro and I are going to see the art exhibit?”
“You and Shotaro?” she asks with one eyebrow cocked up.
“Like a date?” she continues.
“I think that’s what he thinks.” you sigh.
“So, you still haven’t told him yet?”
“I just can’t find the right words.” your lips go into a pout.
“I’m. Fucking. Wonbin. Three words.” she says putting an emphasis on the first three words.
“It’s not that easy?” you throw your hands up.
“Okay so how are you going to tell wonbin?” she asks, referring to your date with Shotaro.
“Tell me what?” wonbin walks up behind you casually wrapping his arms around your waist and greeting your cheek with a kiss.
“Tell you about how much she loves you” Ningning gleams.
“That I have a date with Shotaro.” You state bluntly.
“A date?” he asks, pulling himself away from you.
“Well he thinks it's a date.” you add before he could get too upset.
“And I think it’s my time to go.” ningning says, pointing her thumb in another direction before sneaking off.
“Why does he think that?” Wonbin asks, and you could see that he was very obviously getting irritated.
You take your time to answer him, not knowing exactly how to put it.
“I haven’t told him… about us.. Yet.” you drag out, while playing with the hem of your shirt, and avoiding eye contact.
“And why not?”
“Well he asked me to be his girlfriend.” you admit looking to the side.
“I still haven’t given him an answer?” you spill out yet another confession.
“Do you like him?”
“Not anymore.” you look up gaging his expression.
“Not anymore?”
“Well, to be honest. Shotaro had asked me to be his girlfriend, and he told me to think about it. And when I thought about it I figured that I should just be with him, because I didn’t think that you really cared about me so I went to text him but I accidentally texted you and now we're dating.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen. But I don’t like shotaro like that. I love you, it’s been you for a long time.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I’m really sorry wonbin, please understand.” you plead, reaching for his hand but he’s quick to snatch it away.
“Have fun with Shotaro, Y/N,” is all he says before he walks away.
Great, you looked and now you felt like shit. You really didn’t mean for any of this to happen, and now you don’t know what you’re gonna do. You also don’t know why it took this for you to realize just how much you really loved wonbin. Because seeing him pull his hand away from you and the pain in his eyes was enough to knock the wind right out of your lungs.
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You’re walking with Shotaro through the exhibit seeing art that’d usually have you in awe, but at the moment you just don’t have enough energy to really care about the beautiful pieces in front of you. Just small hums here and there when shotaro expresses how interesting he thinks everything is. It only takes a few bland answers for him to finally stop you and ask what’s wrong.
“You seem down? Is everything okay?”
“What’s wrong?”
Before you thought of Shotaro as a lover, he was your friend. You used to feel comfortable telling him anything, and you missed that. Really because right now, you could use your friend.
“Wonbin broke up with me.” you let out, and he pauses before he says anything.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t been completely honest with you.” you say
You wanna tell him everything, but you don’t know where to start. So, you start at the beginning. You tell him that the both of you have been seeing each other for months, you explain everything that happened after the festival, and you tell him about the contact slip up.
“Umm, wow.”
“I’m sorry I should’ve told you all of this sooner, I just didn’t wanna ruin anything.”
“So you like, really like Wonbin?”
“I do yeah.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Go get him, go.” He rushes you off. And you listen to him, heading towards the exit with your phone in your hand, and Wonbin’s contact on your screen. You tried calling him a few times but it went directly to voicemail each time.
When calling doesn’t work you decide to just show up in front of his apartment. You had a game plan on the way there but everything went out of the window when you were standing there face to face with his door. You hold your hand up to knock but you don’t, instead you just keep your hand up contemplating if this is a good idea or not. After a few seconds you tap the door a few times with your knuckles and wait to see if he’ll answer the door.
When he doesn’t you knock again, and gasp when he opens the door on the second knock.
“What?” Is the single word that leaves his mouth when sees you.
“I told Shotaro about us,” You say quietly, hoping that it would be enough for him to forgive you.
“Us?” He questions, and that’s when you audibly hear your heart drop and shatter. Tears are threatening to fall and your hands begin tugging at your clothes.
“Please don’t do this Wonbin.” you cry.
“I’m only correcting the mistake you made.” He speaks bluntly showing no reaction to your tears.
“I already told you that I only want you. I only agreed to date him because I thought my feelings for you weren’t reciprocated.” you explain.
“How do you expect me to feel knowing that you never had intentions to be with me, knowing that you were going to choose him instead?”
“You can’t blame me for having my doubts,when before we got together you were flirting with every girl on the campus.”
“Only to get a reaction out of you.” he confesses
“Why would you do that?”
Wonbin had a horrible way of communicating, so rather than just telling you that he really wanted to be with you, he talked and entertained random innocent girls where he knew you could see him. Thinking that if you got upset you’d do something about it. Plus he loved seeing you get all mad and possessive over him.
“I don’t know, I just wanted to know how you felt.”
“I love you wonbin, god I really fucking love you. If you’re ever wondering how I feel just ask me. I hate seeing you with someone else-” You stop for a moment when you notice how he’s looking at you. His expression is very different from the one he had when he opened the door a few moments ago.
It’s softer now, he’s watching you like he can read the words that leave your lips. It's similar to the look he usually gives you when he's listening to you talk about something you care about, but this one is more intense.
“It makes me wanna rip my heart out of my chest.” you finish.
He’s not saying anything, and it scares you. Part of you wants to read his mind, find out what he’s thinking. And the rest of you? Well, you want to disappear.
“Please say something.” you almost whisper, feeling the urge to cry again after your first set of tears begin to dry.
Instead of saying anything he gradually gets closer to you while maintaining eye contact, and it has your heart racing because he still isn’t saying anything. The only time your heart calms is when he gently places his lips on yours and pulls you into his apartment by your waist.
This kiss feels different than all the other kisses you’ve shared, this time you didn’t feel like you were doing anything wrong, it was romantic and honest. Filled with passion and pure love, the kiss feels like the kisses described only in fairy tales.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” you ask when you break the kiss, smiling at his pink soft and swollen lips.
“I forgave you the second you knocked on the door.”
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dracoxsworld · 1 year
ARRANGED - Draco M. x Reader PART ONE | “She’ll Do”
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You brush your soft hair. Apply a beautiful red shade of lipstick on your even softer lips. You look at yourself in your vanity, the vanity your father built with you when you turned sixteen. You smile at the memory.
Sixteen. Life was so much more simpler, you didn't have the worried you have today at 18. It's crazy how much changes in two years. You take a deep breath in. Today was the day you had been dreading. You and your family are a pure-blood family, and your family intends to keep it that way. Everyone knows your family, everyone. Meaning you have an impossibly high expectation to meet; marry someone you simply don't love. Because you're already in love with someone. Sadly, they don't meet your family's standards. He's half-blooded. You've fought with your parents, multiple times.
"But dad, I love Nicholas!" You beg. Tears burning in your eyes. "Y/N you know how this works. There will be no more arguing. Nicholas is a mud blood."
Mud blood. That's a word that's often thrown around in conversations in your household. Most witches and wizards today will turn in your direction in disbelief/disgust when it's used. But your family doesn't care.
You finish with the rest of your makeup. Today you were going to meet your future husband. The one that's been arranged and assigned to you. Your eyes gaze to an old photograph of you and Nicholas, at the Yule Ball. Tears form in your eyes again. You pick up the photograph gently with your fingers, handling it like fragile glass.
"I promise, Y/N. I will wait for you." Nicholas said, smiling faintly. You couldn't even look him in the eye when your parents refused to let him marry you, and the news broke out about your arranged marriage. "Nicholas, I am so sorry." You sob out. "Hey," he says softly, his hand rubbing your shoulder, the other gently grabbing your chin pulling your face in the direction of him. "It will be okay, Y/N. I love you, we will make it through this." He consoles you.
Nicholas promised you that you’d both somehow figure out a way to be together. You wanted to show him that you were hopeful, but deep down you were aware of what your family is capable of.
Not just your family, but the family you’re being married into. The Malfoy’s. You were marrying their son, Draco.
You and Draco had attended Hogwarts together, the same house, same classes, played Quidditch together on the Slytherin team, but no matter how much coincidental time you spent together; your beliefs could never be the same.
“Y/N, imagine how disappointed your father would be with you if he knew you were still dating that foul mud blood, Nicholas.” Draco would tease you as he saw you and Nicholas holding hands walking down the hall. “Well, you make your father disappointed without even trying, don’t you, Malfoy?” Nicholas would spit back. “Nicholas, he’s not worth it.” You’d whisper.
“Y/N! Are you ready?” You heard your mother call. Almost time. “Almost!” You call back. “Well hurry up, you can’t take all day!”
You sigh. You finish your hair by putting it up in an elegant bun with a hair clip uncreated with diamonds, and added hair spray for support. Your dress was long, and elegant. Dark green with lace around her neck line. Your collar bones poked out with your long necklace in the middle, that matches your hair clip. You were ready, for the worst day of your life.
You come down the steps of in your opinion, oversized house. Your mom greets you at the bottom. She gasps and he hand covers her mouth. “Oh Y/N.. You look beautiful. Draco will simply melt when he sees you.”
“Gross.” Your mutter in annoyance. “Melvins Beard, Y/N get over yourself! This is for the good of not only the family, but you!” Your mother stressed. “For me? I have already found the love of my life! But he didn’t fit your standards! So I am being forced to marry someone I have no interest in even being friends with!” You blurt out. Your mother just stares at you. If smoke could burst out of her ears, it would.
“Y/N. This is how our family works. This is your life. You were born into the family, and this is the life and rules you live by as a member of this family. Your father and I were arranged.”
“And how did that turn out? You’re both home together all the time but don’t say a single word to each other! You have nothing in common.”
“We created you. We continued to build the empire together. We love each other.” Your mother insisted.
“You’re in denial.” You said finally.
You and your mother left your manor to meet your father, who had already arrived at the Malfoys. "Y/N, before we go in there, please develop an open mind." Your mother said while gently grabbing your hand. "Me have an open mind?" You responded. "I told you the love of my life, and he wasn't good enough for YOU." you say with a harsh tone. Without giving her the chance to respond, you left the car. You walk up to the Malfoy manner. It is so gloomy, almost like a dark cloud is hanging above it. The whole exterior is a pitch black color, the gate to the manor looks terrifying, like the house where you'd accidentally kick your ball into the yard, and wouldn't dare to get it back.
You take a deep breath. Apart of you was scared, another was angry. Either emotion was to not to be shown. A guard goes up to the gate.
"Name?" The man asks, his face covered with his hood. All you can see is his goatee that comes to a point.
"Y/F/N." You huff out, crossing your arms from the cold.
"Congratulations on the marriage, future Mrs. Malfoy." The guard says to you, his yellowing teeth form into a smile. You roll your eyes. The guard opens the gate for you, allowing you to enter. You walk up to the manor, down a long runway. Each side were tall hedges, to hide whatever they hid around their home. You could feel anxiety bubbling in your stomach. You know Voldemort would hide out here from time to time. Yes, the one who shall not be named, has probably walked down the same runway you are right now.
You arrive to the Malfoy’s front door, and knock. Narcissa answers and smiles. “Y/N. The pleasure is mine; welcome to our home.” She said gracefully. Admittedly, Narcissa was beautiful. Her white and black hair, strategically done up together. He bright red lips pop against her pale white skin. “Thank you madam.” You said, bowing at her. You enter in the manor.
“I’ve been told you’re not a fan of the arrangement.” Narcissa says simply, closing the door behind you, then turning towards you.
You sigh. You’re tired of explaining yourself to people who won’t listen. “It’s nothing against Draco personally, but Narcissa- I’ve already met my love.”
“Y/N, how are your parents? They were arranged I’m sure you know.” Narcissa asked, faintly smiling at you.
“They don’t talk. They don’t love each other, married for blood status.” You explained.
“Yes, you see, me and Lucius are the opposite. We love each other. We married for blood status. We were arranged,” Narcissa started. “Correct me if I am wrong, but even when people marry the person they ‘love’ they still divorce, and Lucius and I are an example of an arranged marriage that has turned out lovely.”
You stare at Narcissa. Nothing she said really made you feel better; nor make sense. “Mrs. Malfoy. You and Lucius have the same beliefs, same meaning of life, everything. Draco and I have nothing in common-“
“Did someone say my name?” A voice from the half to the right of you calls. You and Narcissa turn towards the direction of the voice. Draco Malfoy himself comes out of the hall. He stops to look at you, does not react, and continues to walk towards you.
“I guess she’ll do, mother.” He said matter of factly. Narcissa narrowed her eyes at her blonde haired son. “Of course she’ll do, Draco. She’s beautiful.” Draco shrugged.
You scoffed. “I did not spend hours getting ready for a man who I have no interest in marrying just for you to say ‘she’ll do.’” You spit at him.
“She’s sassy.” Draco said, ignoring you. “On we go then,” he added, motioning for you both to follow him to the ball room. Your jaw dropped as you watched him walk off. “Ignore him, he’s not a morning person.” Narcissa said nervously. “Let’s go, dear.” She said after a moment, putting her arm around yours.
You and Narcissa arrive in the ballroom. Lucius and your father are talking near the Malfoy’s thrones. Your father looks at you; and smiles. Your expression doesn’t change from your blank one.
Draco turned around, facing you. He held his hand out, as an offer. You take a deep breath and take it.
He brings you close. “Meet me in the dining area in 10 minutes.” He whispers. You look at him with an eyebrow raised. He gives you a smug look. “Don’t worry darling, I’m not interested in you like that quite yet.” He said, as if he was reading your mind.
“Y/N. Come see Lucius, and where is your mother?” Your father asks. You shrug, and walk up to the men. “I’m not sure, I left her in the car, I’m sure she’ll be here in a moment.” You say, then turn to Lucius. You bow. “Mr.Malfoy.” you greet him.
“Y/N. It’s a pleasure, my dear.” He says in his monotone voice. “Draco is a lucky man, I must say.” Lucius says, eyeing you up and down. You suddenly feel yourself stepping closer to your father. “Yes, she looks just like her mother.” Your dad says nervously. His hand protectively lands on your shoulder.
“You’ll be staying with the Malfoy’s after the wedding, Y/N. Learning how they live; then hopefully, you and Draco will be able to live on your own.” Your father explained to you. You nodded. “You’ll have a choice of our many manors, Y/N. Although, I’m sure Draco already has one in mind that he’s picked.” Lucius added.
“This is crazy. I don’t even want to be in the same room as anybody from the Malfoy family. And now I’ll have to live with them? Nobody told me.” You thought. You then suddenly remember your meeting with Draco. “If you two gentlemen will excuse me, I need to use the ladies room.” You say, smiling at them both. They both nod, and you go off to find the kitchen.
It took a while, but you found it. Draco, dressed in an all black suit with a slytherin pin, his platinum blonde hair, leaning against the counter.
“You’re late.”
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beatrixstonehill2 · 19 days
"All right, guys, I hope you all come to the stream in four hours! Aren't you all soooo excited to see such a big, soft pair of breasts like mine get completely destroyed? Judging by all the DMs I get from men practically begging me to get them chopped off and livestream it, I'd say a lot of you. I know, some of you would far rather me continue taking breast growth drugs and get these puppies so massive I need a wheelbarrow to get around. And that would be fun, but it's so much naughtier to ruin something so perfect......
Well, the actual reason is simpler! I'm a personal trainer, and work with lots of different clients from all walks of life. I met a really cute surgeon who was enamored with my breasts as all my other clients. He asked to touch them, grope them, I began offering to let him suck them as a reward for meeting his goals, as I did with most of my male clients. I swear half the time our gym looked less like a gym and more like some adult breastfeeding lounge. All of us girls with breasts as huge as mine or bigger, smothering our male clients with our giant breasts, enthusiastically letting them drink our milk as we jerk off their cocks. A nice job well done for completing their routines.....
This guy was different, he marveled at my tits in a different way. His mouth watered, but not the way I'm used to. He pulled away from my breast one day and confessed that he fantasized about chopping off my boobs. His cock got so hard in my hand I thought it would erupt right then and there. He said he only became a surgeon to convince huge-breasted girls they needed their tits chopped off, usually tricking them or lying to them, making up a story about lumps or tumors or family history necessitating a rather graphic double mastectomy, always streamed live to his Instagram.
I watched his content and never in my life have I masturbated with so much raw energy. I felt as desperate as all the gym dudes I breastfed and jerked off. Dozens and dozens of beautiful girls with breasts my size, sometimes bigger, sometimes quite smaller, all awake. They watched curiously as he administered a paralyzing drug that made it so they couldn't move. Though some of the girls were outright paralyzed from the shoulders down for the surgery, usually at the behest of their husband or boyfriend. The surgeon would use a creative variety of ways to remove the girls' big gorgeous boobs, sometimes being casual and simply dismantling them with a few scalpels and other surgical tools, with the help of his pretty assistant, a cheery blonde who was often extremely pregnant. Boy, I wonder who kept her so enormously pregnant? What a mystery.....
Other times, the surgeon would use absurd methods like placing the girls' tits on a cutting board and just chopping them off with a weapon like an axe or sword. You couldn't say the guy wasn't passionate. After watching more of his 'surgery' videos than I care to admit, I called him sweating, rubbing my cunt despite having just orgasmed about fifteen times in the last three or four hours. I was coated in my juices. I was exhausted, almost ready to pass out. I told him I wanted him to destroy my breasts as soon as possible. But on one condition..... I wanted him to crush my tits. Flatten them, so the fat bursts out the sides, making a total mess. He seemed to love this idea. Now I'm sitting here in my work uniform. His personal trainer, coming in to take some punishment of my own for a change. Call it payback for pushing him so hard at the gym, or a reward for doing so well. Either way, I can't wait for millions to tune in and watch my gorgeous, fat titties get crushed like pancakes! Then maybe I'll have the surgeon take a few pics of me with my empty, saggy tits as a new profile picture..... Maybe I'll try to jiggle them and put on a show for you? While they're still numb..... then what's left will be sliced off and tossed in the trash, where my fat, oversized cow tits truly belong! ❤️"
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littlest-world · 2 months
At the Side of a Titan
Our First Conversation
The titans are great beasts that no man in his right mind would trust. It is fortunate then that I did not belong to that category, for you see, I have discovered life at the side of such a powerful being to be much simpler than it is within the confines of human civilization. Gone are the worries of food and shelter - a single crumb of the titan's meal could feed me for days, and no soul dare approach such a terrifying figure. At the same time, it is difficult to be so completely stripped of any sort of society. While it seemed otherwise at first, the lack of social exchanges began to weigh on me a few moons after I joined the titan's wandering across the land.
I had not one person to speak with - not even the titan, who made himself clear about the matter. They only tolerate my presence due to my insignificance, but would leave me at the first human settlement we encounter were I to cause any disturbance to them. It is for this reason that I dare not to speak much.
The titan himself seemed to be content with silence. In all the time I have traveled with the titan I have heard them say fewer than a dozen different words, and not once have I heard them speak a full sentence. I would like to think that it is understandable then that I had jumped when the titan chose to initiate a conversation with me for the very first time while we hid from a storm in a large cavern.
"E-excuse me?" worry tinted my voice, in spite of me not having anything to worry about.
"You sighed."
"Oh- did I? I apologize!" I feared the titan to be angry - perhaps he thought the sigh to be an expression of frustration, "the rain had simply saddened me, but I am perfectly well!"
The titan sat down in a motion that caused the bolder that I sat on to tremble terribly - almost resulting in my falling to the ground.
"Why?" I repeated, somewhat surprised, "why did the rain sadden me?"
The titan's usage of a word where a simple nod or even a grunt would have sufficed surprised me further, and I attempted to answer carefully.
"We humans are always sadder during the rain," I sensed it might not be enough, and continued before the titan spoke again, "I would not pretend to have a complete answer, but there are a few reasons I am able to think of."
Having paused for a moment to gather my thoughts I noticed the titan's eyes following me with great interest, I did not know what to make of it so I continued speaking - happy at the opportunity for a conversation.
"Rain brings with itself cold and darkness, and these are both things humans tend to avoid - we do not see well in the dark, and the rain constrains our vision further, and the cold is dangerous to us - it weakens and ills us."
The titan hummed in response and looked to the entrance of the cave at the heavy rain. I followed his gaze and we sat in silence for a while.
"You fear us."
I looked up at his face, and was relieved to see it curious instead of angry.
"Well, yes." Attempting to lie of this matter would have been unwise, but that just meant that I needed to tread carefully. "Your great size frightens us as we are all too aware of the harm you are capable of inflicting on us if you so choose."
"And our abilities."
My heart stopped at these words. Everyone knew of the rare powers of the titans, and everyone knew that they never spoke of them with lowly humans. At these moments I feared for my life. Have I spoken too much? Have I irritated the titan greatly enough for them to have decided to rid of me?
Still, I replied, "yes, the abilities scare us most."
The titan - lowering their head - looked away from the rain and inspected me.
"Are you scared of me?"
Yes. Yes, I am terrified.
I opened my mouth, but no sound came out.
My body refused to react as the titan leaned lower - watching me all the while. A strange expression appeared on their face.
"Don't be scared," their voice quiet and gentle as it had never been before, "I won't hurt you."
I found myself unable to move as gigantic hands rushed towards me. In terror and awe I watched the enormous hands as one closed around my bolder, and the other around me. I would have disapproved of this, were it not for the fact that my legs chose that exact moment to buckle. I slowly sat down - using the giant hand as support, and looked up to the titan's face. Fiery-gold eyes met mine, fiery-gold eyes that followed every single one of my movements.
A heavy sigh escaped the titan's mouth, hitting me as a warm gust of wind, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he apologized.
That caught me unprepared. Did the titan really just apologize for scaring me? Evidently so. As my heart returned to its regular pace I managed to decipher the large being's facial expression as sorrow or perhaps regret. He really did mean his apology. For a single moment I felt a need to apologize to him for having feared him.
"There is no need to apologize," I reassured the sympathetic titan, "the matter has been cleared now," I smiled - both to help assure the titan of my forgiveness, and due to a true easing of a tension that went unnoticed by me until now.
The titan remained still for a few moments - looking me over with those terribly big eyes - before leaning back to watch the weeping heavens once more. I confess that the sight of his hands retracting away from me filled me with relief.
"What do you know about the abilities?"
I would have preferred some other topic of conversation, but with the titan's reassurance and an unhealthy supplement of curiosity I managed to continue the conversation.
"We do not know much," I began, "we only know for certain that these powers exist, and that they are inaccessible to us. All else are guesses. Are these powers tiring to wield, or do they have to be held back at all times? Do all titans possess them, or are there just a select few who are actually able to make use of them? Many of our scholars debated such questions, but to the best of my knowledge none have yet given a complete and satisfactory answer."
When an amused chuckle reverberated throughout the cave I turned to look at the titan.
"You do fear the unknown."
I do not like to admit it, but I felt embarrassment at the titan's reaction - not just for myself, but for all of humanity.
"We have good reason to," I defended, "much too often the unknown turns against us, or is used against us by some other malicious entity."
The titan thought it over shortly before shrugging.
I suspected him not to be entirely sincere - the slight upward curving of his lips might have went unnoticed by a fellow titan, but it clued me in to his still elevated mood. I might have continued arguing, but the titan sighed - and the smile was gone. I took that as an indication that our conversation is over, and reserved to continue watching the heavy rain.
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
There’s not enough Persephone x Reader. I need Yandere Persephone
❝ 💐 — lady l: we need it, anon. I made these headcanons of her as a romantic yandere and I hope you like them!! And it's 4 am where I live and I haven't slept until now and I have to wake up at 6 am... 🥰
❝tw: obsessive behavior, mention of stalking, manipulation, implied murder.
❝💐pairing: yandere!persephone x gender neutral!reader.
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Persephone is very subtle and calm about her obsession. She has a calmness and a gentle, peaceful aura that makes anyone let their guard down around her. The goddess is so soft and so gentle that it is so easy to trust her and fall in love with her.
She was so beautiful and so sweet that everyone fell in love with her at the same time and how could they not? It was not only her beauty that was overwhelming, but her kindness and care were appreciated and desired by all the gods of Olympus, but even so, she was never interested in them.
Persephone wanted to love and be loved in return but no god or goddess left her enchanted enough and there was still her mother who was very protective. But it wasn't just that, the goddess of spring wanted to have an overwhelming love, someone to love for the rest of eternity and she knew that none of these charming gods were that person.
And after years turned into centuries, Persephone had lost hope that she would find someone she loved so intensely. The goddess of spring had resigned herself to her fate of spending eternity at her mother's side. That is, until she sets her eyes on you.
You were a normal human and had your life like any other, a mundane life without much drama and you liked it. You liked the tranquility and calmness of your life and were satisfied with it. You loved spring, especially. You loved how the flowers bloomed after the end of winter and looked so beautiful. It was something almost divine.
In a way, you loved Persephone without even knowing her. You caught her attention during a sunny day, you were in your garden taking care of your plants when an unknown woman approached you and watched you. You were a little uncomfortable being watched, but decided to be polite and ask her what she needed.
Persephone was moved by that and she wasn't sure why. You had caught her attention a few days ago, after she decided to observe the flowers that grew where humans lived by herself and she found you taking care of some plants with so much care and love that she was captivated.
It was as if you took care of her, because she was the goddess of spring and you loved this season. Persephone needed to know more about you and she knew quickly when investigating her life. She was pleased with what she discovered and just needed to get closer to you.
Persephone was so gentle and subtle with her feelings that no one noticed anything seemed wrong. You fell in love with this goddess and she fell in love with you, and everything seemed perfect. Persephone was so loving and caring, that once you were in her arms, you forgot everything that had happened. You felt safe and loved around her.
She is not possessive and does not feel jealous so often because Persephone does not allow someone to get close to you. She is an emotional manipulator and knows how to deal with your feelings in the right way and not allow anyone to steal you from her. You were hers and Persephone won't let anyone ruin that.
Persephone takes very good care of you, she loves you with everything in her and all she wants and demands in return is to be loved in return. She loves to spoil you and give you expensive or simpler gifts, her favorites are bouquets of flowers. She loves going out with you and strolling through flower fields or lying next to her in silence. There was something intimate about simply cuddling under a tree full of fruit.
The goddess is a great companion, kind and so protective. There's no way not to like Persephone. She loves with everything in her and will do anything for you because all she wants most is to see you happy. It's easy to get carried away by the sweet words she whispers in your ears and the loving touches. But maybe, if you take a closer look, you might find that she's not as innocent as she appears to be.
Persephone has a dark side that few know about, only those who have done wrong with her or with you know and it's not pretty. There's no way she'd let you see that side of her, not when she wanted to make sure you stayed with her forever.
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