#just do my classes and go to work and graduate i guess and then jin will be back and the worst will be over
likedbyuarmyhope · 6 months
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
[Lol guess who's swamped at school and totally forgot about WIP Wednesday agaiiinnnn. It always hits me when I'm on my way to my Thursday morning class cuz it's the only day of the week I leave the house at a different time and I'll be like halfway across the bridge into town bopping along like 'It's Thursday doo-do-doo-doo-doo...FUCK'. Anyway have some of the next chapter of 'Technically A Cutsleeve?' (my Mo Xuanyu/Lan Jingyi fic set in the 3zun fix-it universe)]
“Mo-gongzi, are you sure you’re ah…ready?” Zizhen asks, and though Jingyi heartily seconds that question he’s glad that someone else has asked it.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Mo Xuanyu asks breezily, like he isn’t standing across from Jingyi in the Jins’ training yard with a borrowed practice blade in his hand still dressed like he’s ready to go hold court with Jin-zongzhu at any moment. The multiple layers of his full skirts flutter ever so slightly in the breeze and the jewels in his hair and dangling from his ears catch the afternoon sunlight with little winks when he turns his head to smile at Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Zizhen standing far enough away to not be in danger.
“Well, it’s just -”
“Just let him do it,” Jin Ling interrupts to grumble. “He’s got robes to train in if he wants, but if he doesn’t want to then he doesn’t have to.” 
“Aw, thanks A-Ling! So considerate of your shushu,” Mo Xuanyu teases, and Jingyi doesn’t bother hiding his smirk when Jin Ling visibly flinches at the not-so-subtle reminder that he hasn’t been considerate so far. “He used to tell that to the rest of the disciples too, when we were kids.”
“If you’re sure then I’m ready to start when you are,” Jingyi says mostly so that Mo Xuanyu can’t say anything else to make him inclined to forgive Jin Ling any faster.
Sparring with Mo Xuanyu is, unsurprisingly, fun. Jingyi starts their first round with the easiest forms he knows, the ones he helps teach to the youngest of the juniors when they’re ready to graduate from working on their forms alone to sparring each other in preparation to start night hunts in a few years. He isn’t sure how far Mo Xuanyu got in his sword training before he’d decided not to pursue martial discipleship, but it’s clear very quickly that he at least knows how to do that much and so Jingyi ups the difficulty as they go.
Mo Xuanyu is by no means a swordsman, but Jingyi doesn’t think that he would ever claim to be one in the first place, and so their match becomes more of an exhibition than an outright match like he might be inclined to do with his friends. He looks gorgeous anyway, practically glowing in the afternoon light and ever so slightly disheveled around the edges, stray hairs sticking to his temples and at the nape of his neck by the time Jingyi whirls to a stop with him to a round of clapping from the other three off to the side.
The smile Mo Xuanyu gives him likely wouldn’t be considered blinding by anyone else - it’s small and maybe a little shy around the edges, rouged lips just barely tipped up at the corners until the little yedian marks at the corners of his mouth dip into proper dimples - but Jingyi feels like he shouldn’t be witnessing such a thing at all. “Thank you, Lan-gongzi,” Mo Xuanyu says, his tone somehow even gentler than Sizhui’s. “That was fun.”
Jingyi feels as winded as if the relatively gentle bout had ended with him slammed flat down on his back. “No need,” he responds without thinking. “I’m happy to do it again anytime.”
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lunyrbug · 2 years
RUNAWAYS || Crossposting from wattpad || Chapter 4 [i may have either taken down the chap or not posted it at all so here]
kim namjoon was extremely intelligent.
he knew physics, literature, right from wrong. 148 iq did him some good.
so why was this smart man leaving his home? well, he had no choice. he came out as gay to his parents, and they told him to pack up and leave. they told him he was 'gross' and some words he couldn't say, even in his mind. they yelled, almost got violent.
his first step out the door was filled with instant regret. he started down the street, unsure of where to stop for food. he walked into the coffee shop he loved and ordered his favorite drink. it came quickly, and he was thankful for it. the one part of his day that hadn't gone wrong. he started to sniffle. what had he done to deserve to be kicked to the curb like this? just when tears were about to fall, he felt someone tap his shoulder.
"um...namjoon, right? i'm seokjin...i was in a few classes with you. i work as a barista, though i'm on break now. couldn't help but notice you were upset!" the man with broad shoulders said, worriedly.
"i remember you clearly." namjoon looked up at the man. "yeah, i'm not doing too great right now. came out to my parents...now i'm no longer living in their house. i should be glad i got away, but their words hurt like a bitch, man." he couldn't help but shake his head.
seokjin sat by him, resting his elbows on the table. "...well, do you have an idea of where you want to go? i don't want you on the streets, i've seen people walk around drunk...fights...it's not good to be out here late at night." he spoke almost like a worried dad.
namjoon was at a loss for words. where would he go? he hadn't a single family member to turn to or call. seokjin looked disappointed. this kid had not prepared for this situation at all. he would ask joon to stay with him, but he was not in a good place himself. he could barely pay rent as it was. if he didn't get this next payment to his absolute saint of a landlord, he'd be evicted. promptly. adding on a roommate wouldn't do him any good, since namjoon literally didn't have a single cent to his name anymore. he sighed. "listen, you can stay at my place for a while, but don't expect to be there forever. i'm just going to help you get back on your feet. let me finish my next shift, and i'll be right back here."
namjoon nodded, though he wasn't completely confident. wouldn't he just bother seokjin? he wasn't any good at anything, at least he didn't think so. he'd only screw his life up. so he decided to say something about it. "you don't have to." "i know," seokjin turned, smiling. "but you're a friend, so i should at least try to help." —
seokjin had no apartment.
he had been evicted.
he really needed to lighten the mood, though inside his heart was melting into nothing. "looks like we're in the same boat, huh, namjoon?"
both men felt all senses of hope shatter. jin turned to look back at namjoon. "guess we have to pack up...i am so sorry."
"at least you tried to help me, jin-hyung." namjoon replied, holding back the tears that were bound to start flooding any minute.
seokjin unlocked the door to his home and started grabbing the boxes he never got rid of. namjoon did the very calming job of packing up clothes. jin grabbed his things from the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and his bedroom. he remembered this bedroom being his study, his dance floor, his comfort. if this entire apartment was bedroom he'd be in hog heaven. this room had seen him throw things angrily, cry on the floor, and sometimes laugh at himself. this room had seen his first genuine relationship, his first breakup, and even his college graduation. this room held his story from the second he moved in. so when he was packing up, he just couldn't hold anything back anymore. he curled up on his now stripped bed, hid his ashamed face from the world, and sobbed.
namjoon looked around the living room. jin's family photos from years back and posters of his favorite media that previously lined the walls were packed away. namjoon remembered the way his room back home looked like that. he really wished he was there, with his sister hugging him tight and his mother trying to feed him a plate of food almost every hour. his mother loved seeing him with his 'chubby mochi cheeks', as she called them. he wanted to show his dad the beats he made online and watch his reactions. he wanted his family back. he remembered his sister crying so hard when he got kicked out, screaming for him. was she okay now, knowing he'd learn to live on his own? would she be happy if he went off and found love? he tried to remember good times, but his brain kept flashing back to the day before. screaming, angry parents. terrified sister.
he sat on the empty hardwood floor. what would he do? jin tried to save him, and look where it got him. he only messed everything up more. his anger and regret got the best of him as he sniffled again. hiccups made his shoulders shake. he finally got the chance to let it out. he brought his knees to his chest and rested his arms on top of them. he buried his face and let out a quiet wail of pain. he didn't think he'd ever say the words "i want to go home" ever again after 4th grade, but he was wrong.
jin was able to get everything into the backseat of his car, surprisingly. it was a bitter moment for both of them as they got into the car and buckled in, all in complete silence. jin put in the key and waved bye to the place he knew all too well. namjoon found himself watching jin intently.
"namjoon?" jin said, cracking a small smile. namjoon snapped out of his trance as he felt the car move. "oh- wha?" "you ready for an adventure?" jin's slight enthusiasm brought a light upon them.
"to nowhere?" namjoon asked. "most adventures normally have a destination at the end."
"we're going somewhere, we just don't know where yet." jin's smile widened.
"then...i guess i'm ready for an adventure." namjoon's dimpled smile glowed. 
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1-800-sope · 3 years
Alphabet Boy (m) part 1.
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
 Rating: T
Genre: Yandere 
Warnings: none
Summary: He was good at everything and wasn’t afraid to remind you of it.
BTS Masterlist 
BTS Melaine Martinez series
Kim Namjoon
oh, how you loathe that name and that face. He always thinks he’s so perfect. Ever since you two were little he always thought he was better and smarter, always. But in reality Kim Namjoon was nothing but a spoiled empty minded prince. 
Oh, how you wanted to smack that cocky smirk off of his unfairly handsome face. God not only did he pass you up in brains but also looks. 
“You’re always aiming paper airplanes at me when you’re around.”
“Good morning Y/n” Namjoon smiled as you entered the classroom, You mumbled a good morning while avoiding eye contact, Namjoon taking note of this smirked.
“Y/n? are you still upset about our little bet?” he asked as he moved from the front of the classroom to your desk.
You made a bet with Namjoon that you could surpass him with the math exam. The loser had to enter a spelling bee and the winner can do whatever they want with the loser for a week.
You scored a beautiful 98 while Namjoon scored a solid 100.
Rolling your eyes ignoring Namjoon’s comment and placed your books on your desk getting ready for class. 
Namjoon’s hand gently grabbed your jaw turning your face towards him. “Darling I hope you didn’t forget about our little arrangement? If I were you I wouldn't act so bratty. You lost remember, you have to do what I say.”
“You build me up like building blocks just so you can bring me down.” 
“Perfect Miss. Y/l/n.” Your teacher complimented you as you stepped away from the board showing your work. 
As you looked over your classmates you made eye contact with Namjoon. His eyes focused on the math equation you did. A proud smirk painted your face as you walked back to your desk.
Namjoon spoke up as he raised his hand. “Yes, Namjoon?” The teacher paused in the middle of his speech giving the young boy his undivided attention. You sucked in a breath knowing what's about to come.
“I have some things to say about Y/n’s equation if you don’t mind.” Namjoon smiled at the teacher not looking your way. The teacher nodded at him to continue as he stepped aside.
“Y/n’s equation is good all the steps are done correctly.” A proud feeling rushed over you as you bite back a smile. “But.. It’s not perfect.” And just like that, your smile fell, what did you expect this was Kim Namjoon, if he’s giving you a compliment it’s always backhanded.
“Honestly what she did is what my little sister can do and she’s only in middle school.” Laughs filled the classroom.
“You can crush my Candy Cane but you'll never catch me cry.”
“Somebody's upset.” Jin your best friend and only friend cooed as he took a seat next to you in the cafeteria. “Let me guess was it Namjoon?” He whispered with an amused look on his face.
you looked up at him and scoffed “Yes it’s Namjoon. It’s always Namjoon, He’s just ruining my life and I hate him and I hate how everyone likes him and can’t see his evil sinister ways because He brainwashed all of them.” you spoke as you stabbed the food on your plate multiple tinges expressing your anger and hatred for the devil.
Jin slowly moved away from you and gulped. “I’m so happy to be your friend.” the nervous chuckle caught your attention snapping you out of your rampage. “Jin.” you whined tossing your fork to the side and placing both hands on his shoulders, shaking him. “Why is my life so mislabel? What unfortunate thing did I do in the past to deserve this.”
“Oh, look does little y/n have a friend.” A voice spoke up and the seat on the other side of you was moved. Jin looked over your shoulder a nervous smile on his face. “Speak of the devil.”
Not wanting to be around whatever is about to unfold he quickly got up grabbing his books and adjusting his glasses. “Bye y/n see you after class.” and with that, your savior left you.
“Did you tell him?” Namjoon whispered in your ear leaning too close for comfort. “Tell him what?” you snapped your head in his direction glaring, he rose his eyebrow amused.
You two were close, so close you could feel his breath on his face. You glanced down at his lips before clearing your throat and moving away.
“Of course you didn’t tell him.” He smirked grabbing out one of his books and opening the page. “Tell..him..what!” you hissed as you stood up from your chair leaning over Namjoon to appear more threatening. To say you were getting fed up would be an understatement.
“That you like him.” He spoke nonchalantly. and with that, your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. “How do you know?” you whispered eyes softening as you watched Namjoon turn the page.
“Wouldn't any girl like the only guy that gives her the time of day, such a shame he’s not interested.” He hummed
“Y-You don’t know that.” You stuttered rolling your hands in a tight fist. Namjoon closed his book and looked up at you, he stared for a few seconds then shook his head pulling out his phone and unlocking it he brought it up so you could look at whatever he was about to show you.
and when you looked it felt like your world stopped.
there he was, Jin. kissing a girl but not just any girl it was Nessa, Jenessa Park the girl that made you oh so insecure but nobody could blame you, she was the definition of perfect. she was pretty, smart, and everybody liked her even Namjoon liked her and jin liked her.
Ignoring the burning feeling in your eyes and the pained feeling in your chest you scoffed and shoved the phone out of your face, Namjoon was smiling.
“Oh come on y/n, You should know by now to focus on school and not on boys you don’t want to repeat what happened last year.” If you could you would have punched that annoying smirk off his face.
no, if you were in a better mindset and not suffering from a heartbreak you definitely would have thrown him over the cafeteria table. 
Taking in a deep breath you quickly blinked the tears away Putting on a fake sweet smile you looked over at Namjoon. “Fuck You.”
Grabbing your bag and books you got up and walked out of the room if you would have turned around you would have seen Namjoon’s smirk fall and a conflicted look replacing it.
“If you dangle that diploma and I deck you, don't be surprised”
This was it, graduation day you were so happy that you made it and extra happy that you made it with a beautiful 3.0 GPA.
“Oh isn’t this a surprise, You graduated?” Namjoon said as he walked up to with confidence his diploma in one hand and the other in his pocket. The taller male landed forth to be at your height level. “You didn’t cheat did you?” 
You see the good thing about your last day of high school is that you can take risks because number one you can’t get into trouble and number two you won’t see any of these people again. so that’s what you did you took the risk more like opportunity and punched Kim Namjoon in the face.
The room went silent as everyone stopped and watch eyes wide, did Kim Namjoon the Kim Namjoon just get decked in the face by y/n? Yes he did and this moment will go down in history.
“That felt good.” You smiled as Namjoon touched his left cheek his eyes wide and jaw clenched.
“I hope I never see you ever again Kim Namjoon.” and with that you walked out with a big smile on your face and a little skip in your step.
Part 2
Tag list: @mwitsmejk @earthtoness
A/N: let me know if you wanna be apart of the Melanie Martinez tag list series!!!
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Invisible Chapter 9
Summary: YN YLN has always been third in Class 2-5, right behind Lee Su Ho and Kang Soo Jin but with both of them having left Saebom Highschool, this is her time to shine. That is until Han Seosangnim asks her to tutor Han Seo Jun. A guy who doesn’t even know she existed.
Ship: Han Seo Jun x Female Reader.
Word Count: 2011 words.
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated with any reactions or whatever you want to say. Again I really don't know where I am going with this.
Taglist: @thealexalcala @hayateotaku
Anyone interested in being added to the tag list, just let me know 😊.
True Beauty Masterlist
Chapter 8.
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Chapter 9:
Sitting in the Ice Cream shop, opposite you and watching you laugh and joke with Hyun Ji and Cho Rong. This is something Seo Jun could get used to, he could imagine it now, going on dates with you and just enjoying his time with you. Granted before that happened. He had to ask you out to begin with, but imagining your dating life together wasn’t that bad. If Su Ho had been here, he would have whacked Seo Jun and told him to ask YN out already.
Feeling a poke in his side, Seo Jun looked to his side. Ju Kyung was smiling at him. Sighing, he knew she wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. It was too much fun to annoy Ju Kyung by keeping the information from her.
“You look her with heart eyes and yet don’t tell me about your feelings for her,” Ju Kyung whispered. Just this whole outing had revealed just how soft Seo Jun was for YN. Not just that, but she knew it was only a matter of time before he asked her out.
Without a doubt, YN would say yes, while Seo Jun was going soft for her. YN was smiling and laughing more around Seo Jun and she could calm him down in a second. He could make her laugh and get her out of her head. They were just well-matched and Ju Kyung like the rest of the class, Si Woo, and Cho Rong were waiting for them to get together.
“My feelings for YN are none of your business Lim Ju Kyung” Seo Jun sneered quietly to Ju Kyung. He knew how much Ju Kyung wanted him to admit his feelings for YN to her. But he wasn’t going to give her that. Annoying her by refusing to tell her was too funny. He thought that Su Ho would’ve spilt the beans. However, Su Ho proved that his loyalty to Seo Jun by not telling Ju Kyung.
Although with how much Seo Jun had been rambling about YN to Su Ho. The guy was losing his patience and Seo Jun could tell from Su Ho’s replies that if Seo Jun didn’t do something soon, Lee Su Ho would tell Ju Kyung and let Seo Jun deals with Ju Kyung’s reaction.
Ju Kyung smirked at Seo Jun. She hadn’t said a name, Seo Jun was just admitting his feelings without actually telling her. Even now, he wasn’t even paying attention to anyone else on the table. All his attention was on YN and he wasn’t even trying to be subtle about it. YN’s blushing cheeks were evidence that she could feel Seo Jun looking at her even if she didn’t look at him.
As the group left, the six of you were walking in pairs. Cho Rong and Ju Kyung at the front, Si Woo and Hyun Ji then you and Seo Jun were walking behind them. Seo Jun was holding your bag. Even though you insisted that he didn’t need to, Seo Jun just smirked at you and picked up your bag anyway. While the rest of the group were talking about school. You and Seo Jun were talking about your next study session that would be at your house. Your mum was quite fond of Seo Jun and had been asking you to bring him around again.
While walking, you heard someone calling your name. You turn around to see who is calling you. You smile and stop where you are, to let the person catch up to you. You hadn’t seen Cha Sun Lee since you’d graduated from Shinhwa Middle School. You hadn’t meant to lose contact with her, but it had happened anyway.
Seo Jun, looked confused as you waited for this random girl to come to you. The other 4 had walked ahead not knowing that you and Seo Jun had stopped. The two of you had been walking at a much slower pace than the others. As this girl got to you both of you hugged and started talking to each other. Feeling quite ignored, Seo Jun cleared his throat. That brought you and Sun Lee out of your reminiscing bubble. You smiled sheepishly at Seo Jun.
“Sorry about that Seo Jun, this is Cha Sun Lee, we went to Shinhwa Middle School together. Sun Lee this is Han Seo Jun” you explained, introducing the two people to each other. Sun Lee laughed and whacked your arm.
“Yah, YLN YN, we didn’t just go to Middle School together, I was also the one who got you and Gong Jae Yi together,” Sun Lee said laughing when you blushed. Nodding your head when Seo Jun looked at you confused.
“Yes yes, sorry forgot Sun Lee’s biggest achievement was being the matchmaker for Jae Yi and me,” you said rolling your eyes as Sun Lee fans herself acting like she is so important. There was no denying that Sun Lee played a big role in you and Jae Yi getting together. But it had been a few years and it was awkward talking about your ex-boyfriend with the guy you had a massive crush on being around there.
“Now that you mention it, Jae Yi is back and there’s a whole reunion happening. So gimme your number and I'll tell you, you can get Si Woo and Hyun Ji to come as well, we all lost contact with you 3 when you went to Saebom rather than Shinhwa High,” Sun Lee told you. You wanted to clarify that she had mentioned Jae Yi first but that would lead to a whole other conversation with Sun Lee. And quite frankly, you were still processing that she had just told you that Gong Jae Yi was back.
You smiled and gave her your number. She immediately called and you saved her number. You smiled at her, hugged her, and then said goodbye to her. Waiting for her to walk out of view, you turned to Seo Jun. He smiled at you, putting his arm around you, and carried on walking.
This shocked you. He didn’t ask any questions, even before he didn’t question you when he heard about Gong Jae Yi. You appreciated that Seo Jun didn’t ask or pester you until you caved and talked to him. No matter the situation, he would wait until you were ready to talk and then just listen to you. Then, he would just let you get all your unfiltered feelings out. Then would give his thoughts, calmly but never invalidating what you had told you.
It wasn’t new for Seo Jun to put his arm around your shoulders. He had been doing it a lot in the last few weeks. It was nice, you were used to Cho Rong, Si Woo or Hae Sung putting their arms around your shoulders. But it was different with Seo Jun, you didn’t have feelings for any of the other guys. When Seo Jun put his arm around your shoulders, you could pretend that you were his girlfriend. It was a little bit heaven, pretending that Seo Jun had feelings for you and that you were together. Sure, you knew it would never happen. Still, you liked the small bit of happiness this little gesture gave you.
It wasn’t until you and Seo Jun were at your home, washing the dishes. That you finally told Seo Jun about Jae Yi, this wasn’t the first time the 2 of you were washing the dishes. Whenever you were at Seo Jun’s house, you insisted on doing the dishes. Especially since Seo Jun’s mum was against you helping her cook and so you had to insist on doing something.
“So, Gong Jae Yi and I got together in the summer before my last year of Middle School and we broke up, a few months into us starting High School,” you told Seo Jun. You knew you had shocked Seo Jun, you’d both been washing and drying the dishes in silence until you broke that by bringing Jae Yi up. Seo Jun stopped wiping the bowl he had been holding. He turned to you and looked at you. You could feel Seo Jun staring at you. However, you avoided looking at him. On a good day, you couldn’t take looking at Seo Jun’s eyes without falling into those deep depths. Now, when you wanted to just get all of this out, you knew looking at Seo Jun wouldn’t help.
“You don’t have to tell me, Princess, I didn’t ask the first time and I’m not going to ask this time either” Seo Jun never asked that first time because it didn’t seem like the right time. So many things were happening in that week that Seo Jun had even forgotten. Well, he hadn’t forgotten but thinking about your ex-boyfriend was the last thing he wanted to do. It helped that, the first time he heard the name had been a busy week in itself. He just let the name go from one ear to another. Happily pretending to be ignorant about the fact that you had an ex-boyfriend named Gong Jae Yi.
“I know, but I want to tell you. Only Hyun Ji, Si Woo and Hae Sung know about us and what happened. We were happy, he didn’t go to Shinhwa Middle School, but we still made our relationship work. Well, that is until he was chosen to go on a High School exchange for the rest of his High School education.” Even though Seo Jun had stopped drying the dishes. You were still washing and just putting them to the side. Though you were over Jae Yi, obviously your feelings for Seo Jun were at a different level. There would always be a small part of you that still loved Jae Yi. Though it had been your idea to break up, that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Seo Jun, made you put the dished in your hand down. He turned you to face him. Lifted your chin and gently wiped your tears. You didn’t even know you were crying. Guess that break up still hurt a lot. Seo Jun hugged you tightly, holding you close as you sobbed in his arms. Soe Jun hated that you were crying, yet he was happy to be there for you. He always wanted to be the one holding you. Helping you work through your feelings. As you pulled away, you apologised for getting his shirt wet, Seo Jun just laughed and told you it was nothing. Before you went back to doing the dishes, Seo Jun pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. You didn’t know why but you appreciated the gesture.
“Moving on from that sob fest, I need a favour,” you say, going back to washing the dishes. Trying not to think about how you had just sobbed in Seo Jun’s arms about Gong Jae Yi. You were such an embarrassment at times. What weirdo cries about her ex, in the arms of the guy she currently has feelings for. Well, you are that weirdo and now here you are asking Seo Jun for a favour.
“Well, if I can do it, I’ll do it, Princess,” Seo Jun said calmly. Already in his head, he had agreed to whatever you asked of him. Short of something illegal, there was nothing you asked of him that he wouldn’t do.
“I know, there’s a class outing planned for Saturday and I can’t go. I don’t want to be the one to tell the class” before you could finish.
“You want me to tell the class about you missing out on the class outing, sure I’ll do that tomorrow,” Seo Jun said interrupting you. You nodded your head and smiled at him. Not being able to go to the class outing. Having to tell the class about that was making you nervous enough. It was a weight off of your shoulders, that Seo Jun was going to tell the class for you.
Chapter 10.
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ricksroaches · 3 years
Jungkook - Dysphoria ch. 1
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pairing: Yoongi x Reader, OT7 x Reader (platonic)
summary: Jungkook, a burnt out gifted student, comes home from summer camp not ready to start his sophomore year of highschool, but his friends are there to help him feel better. Although not in the best of ways.
notes: This is a Euphoria-ish au but mostly it's just heavily inspired by the show (I use a few quotes), and each chapter is based on a character. There's a few parts where I cue a song title that's because I made a soundtrack to listen to while reading but I deleted it a while ago so :( if you feel like it listen to the ones I did write down. I'm apologizing now bc my writing can be a bit choppy/rushed its just cuz i have a more drabble-like style and don't know how to write between big scenes. THIS IS A DARK FIC. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Hope you enjoy and sorry for this big ass paragraph.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: ass-load of angst, mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, OCD, and probably more), drugs (all of them. just all of them), underage drinking, cursing, mentions of self-harm
Next chapter
[Slideshow - Labrinth]
When Jungkook was 5, he wanted to be an astronaut. He wanted to fly into the sky and zip around space exploring things never before seen. His little mind was so strong, wanting to learn anything and everything. When he first learned how to read, he would read every sign he passed in the car and play games with the letters he’d find. It wasn’t long before he was placed in advanced classes with kids he'd never seen before and for the first time in his academic career, he was challenged.
When Jungkook was 10, he wanted to be a doctor. He wanted to wear a white coat and glasses and race around a hospital busy saving lives everyday. He wanted people to look to him for advice and treat him with respect. He wanted to feel needed.
When Jungkook was 14, he wanted to be a paramedic. He didn’t think he’d be smart enough to become a doctor so an EMT would have to do. His classes had begun to pile up in work to the point where he didn’t have the time to think about anything but school. He ate, slept, and breathed homework, projects, and term papers.
When Jungkook was 16, all he wanted to do was graduate. He no longer had any desire to pursue his childhood dreams. When he was asked what he wanted to do when he was older, his mind was a void. He couldn’t see any future for himself past high school. He went day to day not bothering to care about what might happen the next day. He coasted through all of his classes and dropped out of the advanced programs that his parents put him in.
His potential was like a flame. It was small at first, but still had loads of potential, so more kindling was thrown on top. The flame received it well, quickly spreading over the new material. But they kept stacking kindling. Stacking and stacking and stacking putting more and more pressure until finally….the flame died. All because he liked to read.
[Forever - Labrinth]
The clouds inched across the sky and rows of crops and fencing whipped by the car window. A stark contrast between the two. Jungkook rested his head against the glass and watched as the car began to pass more and more houses. The familiar area told him he was almost home. He should’ve been glad, elated even. He would finally get to see his friends again, but after three weeks of summer school to catch up on the class he skipped last year he’d lost the ability to smile or show any form of positivity. To say he felt like a zombie would be an insulting understatement.
The car pulled into the ever so familiar driveway and the rest of his family piled out of the car. He didn’t move. He heaved a long, anguished sigh before snatching his duffel bag from the other seat and throwing open the door.
He was out the front door again before his mom could even ask him where he was going. Speeding his bike down the empty road that he’d ridden countless times before. He could make this route with his eyes closed. The house in question came into view and Jungkook pedaled harder to close the distance. He swung one leg to the opposite pedal and straddled it until he swerved to a stop in the driveway. The house was old, hadn’t been lived in for years, wasn’t on the market, yet wasn’t scheduled to be torn down. It was the perfect place for a group of teenagers to tear apart and put back together. Without knocking, he stepped inside and was hit with the welcoming scent of booze, pizza, and weed with notes of cigarettes and coffee. Music blasting from a distant room in the house led him to the living room where he counted one, two, three, four, five people sprawled about the room. Upon noticing him standing in the doorway, they jumped up and raced to pull him into the room.
“Kook! How you been man? How’d surviving summer school go?” Taehyung was Jungkook’s best friend and unsolicited wingman. He was always trying to set him up with girls so he could get his v card punched. Taehyung was ever the ladies man. Never had trouble finding a date or a hookup. No one could blame him though. If they had that flawless, arrogant face they’d use it too. Despite his fuckboy nature, he was the best friend Jungkook ever had. They’d gone to the same school since they were 7 and Taehyung’s untamable charisma sniffed out Jungkook’s shyness rather quickly. They were inseparable and the rest is history.
“Fine I guess.”
“Kookie, come sit down! I’ve been saving your spot on the couch for you!” Jimin pulled Jungkook to the left corner of the C shaped couch. Jimin was like Taehyung in the sense that he also had no issues with finding partners. He wasn’t near as promiscuous as Taehyung, but he made up for it with his bisexuality. He had an entire other gender to choose from. Jimin was probably the nicest of the group. He always gave the best hugs and was their personal therapist. His aura seemed to coax you into opening up to him even if you hadn’t originally planned on it. He had a way of saying all the right words to make you feel better, even if it was just for a moment. On the other side of him, he was the biggest party animal the group had ever seen. Anywhere else, he was the purest angel that everyone believed could do no wrong. But at a party? Park Jimin was a demon. Seductively dancing in a stylish jacket, pants low enough to show his v-line, sweaty hair flipped back pounding shot after shot until he was the last man standing. That guy could party from sun down to sun up like it was a baby shower.
“Did you at least learn anything you missed last year?” Namjoon. Ever the parent. He was surprisingly humble given his father’s status and money. He easily had the best grades among the friends. School always came easy to him, no matter what it was. However, if you saw him outside of school, you’d never be able to guess he was one of the school’s top students. He carried an energy with him that dared anyone to mess with him or his friends. Although you didn’t see it often, he could make himself scary if he wanted to. All in all, he’s just a gentle giant that made sure everyone turned in their work.
“Absolutely nothing. I don’t know why they keep wasting their time on me.” Jungkook sighed. Hoseok threw a pillow from across the couch, smacking him in the face.
“Yah! Don’t talk about yourself like that!” Hoseok was the human charger. It didn’t matter if someone’s mama died if Hoseok was in the room there would be shenanigans. He was always the one to make some crazy dare that would end up getting them in trouble but they wouldn’t be mad because it was totally worth it. He also had great music taste and almost always was on aux. Hoseok’s vice was coke. Often the driving force behind his hyper nature, it started out as just a thing he did at parties, but slowly creeped into his everyday habits. It hadn’t become a problem yet, he vowed that as soon as he started getting nosebleeds he’d stop, although Jungkook was wary of how difficult that was going to be.
“Where’s Y/N and Yoongi?” Jungkook asked after noticing their usual spots empty.
“They left to get food. They should be coming back soon.” Jin assured him, giving him a comical slap on the thigh. Jin was the eldest, but rarely acted like it. Whenever he wasn’t making stupid dad jokes or eating he spent his time at the classical theater where he worked and sometimes acted. He planned on pursuing acting given his “world wide handsome face.” “It just has to be seen! People around the world need to swoon at my beauty” as he would put it.
No one heard the front door open and shut or noticed Y/N and Yoongi standing in the doorway of the living room.
“Food’s here.” Yoongi finally croaked. Hoseok and Jin yelped and sprung up.
“JESUS! Ever heard of announcing yourselves?! I swear you guys are the exact same person!” Y/N just gave a shrug and plopped onto the large bean bag that she’d claimed.
“Hey, Kooker.” She dragged out.
“Hi Y/N..” His unusual bland reply didn’t go unnoticed by her, but she brushed it off.
“You ready to get shit faced?” A playful grin plastered her otherwise tranquil face. A small smile poked at Jungkooks pursed lips. There was something about her character that always put him in a better mood. She was the one who invited him and Tae into the friend group in the first place, and because of that, he couldn’t be more grateful.
Yoongi tossed him a beer can and his car keys. “Start us off Jungkook.” Yoongi was by far the most terrifying one. It took some time to get to know his true person but there were still times when he still scared the shit out of him. Jungkook remembered when he first met Yoongi. He looked like he’d served time with the seasoned look in his eye that said he’d seen some shit in his day. He hadn’t spoken the entire time the group was talking and Jungkook was beginning to worry that he didn’t like him. It wasn’t til he finally spoke that Jungkook could release the breath he was holding. For someone so stoic and cold looking, he never expected him to have such a low, soft voice. He realized, Yoongi wasn’t scary, he was just quiet like him.
Jungkook took the keys and poked a hole in the bottom of the can. He pressed his lips to it and pulled the tab, sending the amber liquor shooting down his throat. He finished it with ease and crushed the can in his palm while the room cheered and chanted.
The loud music, laughing, and drugs drowned out everything in the outside world. It felt like the world ended and they were the last people left on Earth. Nothing mattered but what was right in front of them. The hours flew by until it came time for everyone to crash. Most of them were still raging drunk or high which only made them fall asleep faster. Jungkook didn’t drink much and he barely smoked. He just couldn’t get in the right headspace to enjoy any of it. So there he was, laying awake among a pile of snoring boys at some ungodly hour of the night. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He fished it out to read the text in his notifications.
[We All Knew - Labrinth]
Y/N💜: come to my office
He shimmied out from under Taehyung and Jimin and tiptoed out of the room. He followed the smell of weed through the house because where there was weed, there was Y/N. He stepped into the backyard and found her leaning against the wall, blunt between her fingers. The tip of the dark stick swelled into a bright orange when she took a drag. Smoke rolling out of her nose, she held it out for him. He hesitated.
“You're upset. Take it.” Which was a dead-on observation for Y/N, who’s not normally revolving in the same direction as planet Earth. He hesitantly took a puff from it before handing it back. She spread her arms lazily and looked at him with a beckoning stare. He sighed and walked right into her arms that wrapped around his back. She was only older than him by a year, but her old soul and almost motherly demeanor made him look up to her like she was his idol. Sometimes, he forgot he was a whole head taller than her. “Welcome home, Kookie.”
Hers was the only welcome he got that day that brought a genuine smile to his face. She had a way of making him feel welcome and wanted even if she was in a bad mood. She broke the embrace and without a word headed to the old couch by the empty swimming pool. He eventually followed her and flopped down next to her. Another gush of smoke entered the chilly air and it was handed back to him. Feeling better, he took a healthy drag and sighed out the smoke as he sunk further into the couch.
“Was it that obvious?”
“Was what obvious?”
“Me being upset.”
“Not really.” She flicked the ash off the tip of the brown stick, her gaze not breaking from its spacey stare.
“Then how’d you know?”
“Pain recognizes pain.” Y/N wasn’t one for her genius epiphanies, given that nine times out of ten on any given day she was stoned out of her mind. She wasn’t dumb, god no. He wouldn’t doubt that she was smarter than him, but she rarely exercised her ability. As great of a gift that her mind was, it was an even worse curse. An inescapable tomb of her worst fears, thoughts, and intentions, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. So naturally, she tried anything and everything to silence her mind; alcohol, weed, acid, coke, molly, you name it, she’s done it.
Jungkook wasn’t angry or disappointed by the lengths she went. He knew she was just trying to feel better, and to him, that’s all that mattered. He’d take high Y/N over no Y/N at all.
“Yep.” There was a silence while he worked up the nerve to speak.
“How…uh….how long have you felt…the way you feel?” She chuckled and let her head fall back against the couch.
“Well I smoked a blunt with Yoongi in the car this morning and then-”
“No, I mean like…w-without drugs.” Her lazy smile didn’t change, but her eyes unfocused and she grew quiet as if lost in a flashback.
“How long do you think I’ve felt this way?” He didn’t anticipate this question.
“Uh…I don’t know…you hide it really well.”
“I couldn’t tell you when it started. I don’t remember much before 7. I’m told I was a happy kid, but it didn’t feel like it at all. All my life I’ve looked around and seen that everyone was so much happier than me, and I’d ask myself, ‘Why can’t I feel like that?’ It wasn’t until I was older that I learned…I was born to suffer. That’s just my place in the world.”
“When did you finally tell anyone?”
“I didn’t. My parents found my razors.” Jungkook always thought he saw scars on her arms and legs, but her milky skin made it hard to tell. It hurt his heart to know that it was true, and that every one of those once caused her pain. The image of her forearms and thighs slick with her blood brewed tears in his eyes.
“They determined they didn’t have the knowledge to help me, so they asked me to take a tour of this mental hospital and think about their suggestion….” She paused to keep her voice from cracking. “I didn’t make it home that day. Never really forgave them after that.”
There was a long silence after that. Jungkook didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. Besides, he knew she hated condolences. “What made you start using drugs?” She took a drag of the blunt and thought about it.
“I was 13.” Really? “I found my brothers stash of weed in one of his shoes. I already knew what weed was and what it was used for, so I took about a gram and a rolling paper and taught myself how to roll a joint on my bathroom floor. I was shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds but when that joint hit, I thought…” She tilted her head to peak at him with an epiphanic smile, “This is it…This is the feeling that I’ve been waiting to feel my entire life. I thought I was sure to get caught and sent to juvie, but I wasn’t. The world went on, and I found a way to live. Now could my lifestyle kill me? Will it kill me? Yeah probably I don’t know, but at least I could’ve had a few years where I wasn’t begging the universe to put me out of my misery.” She paused to take another hit. “People often ask me, ‘Y/N why don’t you try therapy? Drugs aren’t the answer.’ Yeah well, drugs work. Therapy’s a guessing game; you never know if it’s gonna actually help or not and end up wasting your time and money. But when I take that hit, that line, that tab, the world starts to slow…and everything goes quiet…and I feel safe. In my own head. And I can see the world in color again.”
Jungkook watched her blissful face while she was lost in thought. She must’ve been pretty high because this is the most personal she’d ever gotten with him or possibly anyone that wasn’t Yoongi. “Y/N?”
“W-what if I don’t feel what everyone else feels either..?” He pinched the skin between his fingers to keep his tears at bay, a nervous habit he’d picked up from her. She reached over and took his hand in hers, the webbing between her fingers had white and pink stripes from years of fingernails digging into the flesh.
“Jungkook,” she didn’t use his nickname, “I know how hard it was for you to say that. I want you to know how much I appreciate you telling me, because if anyone knows how you feel, it’s me. You can talk to me whenever, wherever. Even when you think it’s a bad time it’s not, because nothing in that moment is more important to me than you. I don’t want you to go through the same thing I did, so please, even if you don’t want to talk, maybe I can at least keep you company.”
For the rest of the night, Jungkook told her everything. About the pressure, the stress, the desire to collapse and let the world go on without him, his inability to see a future where he was fulfilled. The words often caught in his throat, having never said them out loud before. Y/N didn’t say much, she just wrapped them in a blanket and stroked his hair while she just let him talk. Sometimes, he’d have to stop to cry and she’d hold him a little tighter, wipe his tears away with her thumbs, and wait til he was ready again.
Eventually, he had nothing else to say, his tears dried, and his body stilled.
Babies didn’t sleep that good.
Y/N nodded off a little later but was woken up by a raccoon tipping a trash can. She rested her cheek on his head and tried to go back to sleep, but it never came. She just continued to rest her eyes while playing with Jungkook’s hair and tracing lines along his features.
She didn’t know how long she laid there but soon the birds began their routine morning songs and she was sure she wouldn’t get back to sleep now. The faint tap of shoes on the concrete perked her ears, but she kept her eyes closed. The footsteps stopped behind the couch where she sat. It was quiet before the person chuckled quietly. A warm hand smoothed back the hair in her face and a little kiss was planted on her forehead. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.
“Yoongi, I’m awake you creep.” She cracked her eyes open to see her boyfriend laid over the back of the couch hovering above her, his dark hair tickling her nose. He smirked.
“Well in that case,” he grabbed her chin and tilted her head up before capturing her lips in a playful kiss. When they parted, he glanced down at Jungkooks still sleeping figure. “You guys stay out here all night?”
“Yeah,” she looked down at him and smoothed his hair back, “he just had a few things to get off his chest.” Yoongi almost asked what it was about but her face gave him an idea.
“It’s cold, you want me to take him inside?”
“It won’t wake him up will it?”
“If he’s as out as as he looks, he won’t.” She nodded and Yoongi circled around and slipped his hands under the sleeping boy’s body. Much to Y/N’s pleasant surprise, he lifted him bridal style with ease and she followed him into the house where he placed him next to the other slumbering boys.
When he straightened back up he saw her in the sliding glass door, gazing at the now dusty blue sky. She could feel his body heat on her back against the nippy outside air.
“I always loved the time just before dawn.”
“Why is that?” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his cheek to hers.
“It’s so calm and peaceful. And incredibly quiet besides the birds. It’s the only time I feel truly left alone.”
“You want me to show you my favorite time of day?” She turned to him with a curious look. “Follow me.” Not long after, the two were perched on the flat portion of the roof with Yoongi’s bong sitting between them. His angular fingers effortlessly packed the bowl and held it out to her. “All yours.” She took it with a smile.
“What a gentleman~”
Soon, the sky went from a pale blue to pastel shades of orange and pink. He looked over to see her fiddling with a thread on his hoodie she was wearing. “This,” he took her jaw and guided her eyes up for her to see the sunrise, “is my favorite time of day.”
“It gives me hope. Kinda like you.” He was glad she didn’t say anything. She was lost in the color palette of the scene before her, the weed making everything so much more vibrant and striking. He could see the sky reflected in her eyes, making the view ten times better. More time went by and she rested her head on his broad shoulder while they watched the rest of the sunrise.
Back on the ground, Yoongi cleared the bowl and poured out the bong water before setting it on a table by the couch. Y/N was on her back in the center of the empty pool, slowly tearing a leaf above her face and analyzing how it separated cell by cell. He stood on the edge above and watched her do this another four times much to his amusement. “You wanna get breakfast?”
She was out of the pool and in his face before he could finish his sentence. “Like you have to ask.” He chuckled and rolled his eyes before turning and walking to his car. “Hey, Yoongi.”
He turned back.
“Carry me to the car like Jungkook.” He broke into a smirk and walked back to her.
“Yes ma’am.” She let out a yelp when he scooped her off her feet and marched the two of them to his car waiting on the street.
Cover photo: @BIGHITTED on Twitter
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 10
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
Avoiding the boys is harder than you thought. You know that one day, you’ll have to face them again but that time comes a lot faster than expected when they come knocking on your door.
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Suga or Yoongi still dropped by your cafe to get coffee from you. But you treated him like a regular customer. There are no more small conversations or anything. You get the order, make his coffee and send him on his way. 
You finished the book RM lent to you and placed it on his table when they had yet to come back from lunch break. You knew 3/7 of their wolves, you didn’t get a chance to see the others to match the human face to the wolf face and frankly, you didn’t know if you wanted to. 
“Study well, we’ll see you back for the exams.” Your teacher left class. 
Before the exams, there was always a study period where students didn’t have to go to school. You only had to come back for the exams and there was a holiday after that.
“(y/n), can we talk?” Jin approached you first. 
“I’m... late for work. Sorry.” You said quickly and ran out of there. Of course, it was a lie, you didn’t really know how to face them. 
You were studying by your window when you saw two people approaching your house. You stood up and backed away from the window, wincing when you heard them knocking on the door. 
*Maybe if I don’t answer-*
“Please, (y/n). We’re desperate. We need your help.” You heard Taehyung whimpered softly. Sighing, you knew you couldn’t leave them if they really needed your help in an emergency. You walked to the door and opened it, looking at them. Taehyung stood with RM beside him. They both looked sad and distraught. 
“Yes?” You said softly. 
“Jungkookie... He needs you.” RM relayed. 
“He’s sick and he needs you. Please, we wouldn’t be here if we were not desperate.” Taehyung was close to his knees as he begged you. Heck, he would do that if it convinced you. 
“He doesn’t need me. He needs a doctor.” You shook your head and was going to close the door when RM put a hand to it, stopping you. 
“I know there’s a lot you’re scared of and confused about. But no doctor can help him. He needs you. I promise, there is no lie or ruse. After that, we can talk and explain everything to you. If you don’t want anything to do with us, I promise we won’t bother you anymore.” RM said. 
“Hyung!” Taehyung turned to RM, outraged at his promise. He didn’t want you to leave them. 
“Okay. Take me to him.” You grabbed your bag, with Yoongi’s washed clothes in them. The two began to walk with you down the forest path. As the house came into view, you had to remind yourself to breathe. 
“She’s here...” The other wolves inside stood up when they scented you outside the house. 
“She came.” Suga thought fondly. When you entered the house, you kept your head down, wanting to keep any interaction to a minimum. 
“This way.” RM said and you nodded, following him up. Standing in front of Jungkook’s closed room door, RM knocked before allowing you to enter. Jungkook smelled his leader before your scent. 
“(y/n)?” He refused to believe his nose and grunted as he turned to face you. The two weren’t lying. Jungkook looked absolutely horrible. His face was paler than Yoongi’s, dark circles were prominent under his bloodshot eyes. It looked like the energy had been sucked out of him. Of course, you knew you were the cause of it and guilt hit your heart. 
“I heard you’re sick.” You whispered. 
“I’ll let you two have some privacy.” RM said with a clear of his throat and left, closing the door behind him. 
“I’m the cause of this?” Tears swam in your eyes. 
“No, no, no. Don’t blame yourself. Come here.” He waved you over and you hesitantly shuffled over. Once you were close enough, Jungkook pushed himself up to hug you. 
“I would never hurt you.” He replied, as if he could hear your worried thoughts. You nodded as you let your tears fall. 
“I missed you.” He hugged you against his chest, inhaling your scent. Reaching up, you rubbed his back in a soothing way. With a gently tug, he pulled you to lie down next to him. At that moment, it didn’t feel awkward. 
“I’m sorry, just let me... Hold you for a while.” He whimpered. He sighed in relief as he felt you nod against him. Jungkook was definitely Kookie. The personality and actions he did helped you connect the dots. He was someone who acted tough but never let others see his emotions. 
“It’s okay, Kookie.” You whispered as you hummed a soft lullaby for him. Jungkook pressed his face against your chest and you held him like a mother would hold her child. 
“I don’t want to... What if you’re gone when I wake up?” He looked up at you with sad eyes. 
“I’ll still be here, I promise. You need to rest, your hyungs are worried for you.” You convinced, like coaxing a child to take his nap. He nodded his head and it was almost instantly that he fell asleep, his soft snores filling the quiet room. You felt yourself slowly getting sleepy as well, getting too comfortable with his body heat.
When Jungkook fell asleep, you slowly slid away from him to use the bathroom. You came out and saw the paper bag next to your bag. 
“I’ll be back.” You whispered to a sleepy Jungkook and left the room. Being in such a hurry, you tried your best to find Yoongi’s room, not wanting to unnecessarily run into the others. 
“RM?” You called softly, seeing him sitting on the couch. Hearing your voice, he immediately scrambled to his feet. 
“What’s up?” He coughed slightly
“Where’s Yoongi’s room?” You asked and he quietly beckoned you to follow him. He led you to another door, it was Yoongi’s room. From the music playing inside, you knew he was there. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. 
“Come in.” You heard a lazed reply and entered. 
“Umm... Sorry to interrupt.” You cleared your throat. Yoongi jumped slightly when he saw that it was you, quickly reaching over to lower the volume of the speaker on his nightstand before standing up. He straightened his clothes in an effort to look presentable to you. 
“You’re not interrupting. What do you need?” He asked softly. 
“Here. I washed them. Thanks again for lending it to me.” You held out the paper bag. Yoongi tilted his head in confusion, taking the bag in his hands and looking inside. 
“Oh, you’re welcome. Thanks for washing them, I guess.” He placed the paper bag on the bed. The both of you stared at each other awkwardly. 
“I’m gonna go.” You turned. 
“Wait.” Yoongi hastily grabbed your wrist. 
“I need to go, Yoongi. If Jungkook wakes up and I’m not there...” You looked at him with sad eyes, almost as if begging him to hold this conversation off for later. Yoongi let you go, his hand falling limply by your side. You headed back to Jungkook’s room, sliding back into the same position that you were in. He immediately sighed in his sleep, his body molding into yours. 
What you didn’t know was that you just being in the house made all the wolves feel better. Your scent, your energy, your aura was able to calm the nerves that bubbled within them. 
If only they could be as lucky as Jungkook, to have you hold them. 
“You’re really still here.” Jungkook woke up, a little shocked to see that you stuck to your promise. You hummed with a nod. 
“The hyungs want to see you...” He informed. 
“I don’t know, Kookie.” You sighed. Jungkook’s heart quickened at you calling his nickname and told the others to wait. He wanted to hear what you had to say, he wanted to hear what you were hesitant or afraid of. Most importantly, he didn’t want your fears clouding your judgement of them. 
“What’s going through your mind?” He sat up. You crossed your legs, facing him. 
“I don’t know where to start, Kookie. I can’t help but feel betrayed that you guys didn’t tell me that you already knew me. I’m sad that this has caused me to drive a wedge between all of us. I’m guilty that I caused you to be sick. I’m angry with myself for not being able to grasp this reality.” You balled his blanket material into your fists as you cried. 
“(y/n)...” Jungkook whimpered at your loud sobs. He drew your head to his chest like earlier, letting you release your choked sobs. 
“I’m trying. I really am.” You cried. 
“Shh, it’s okay.” Jungkook finally understood how you felt. He felt your feelings, you being lost, scared, confused, everything. There was an ache in his chest. Everyone in the house felt your strong emotions.
“We can take it slow. We don’t have to rush anything.” He said. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologising. You did nothing wrong. It was careless of us to do that with you around. You were meant to find out in another way, not like that.” He revealed. So they did plan to tell you sooner or later. After a few more minutes of calming down, you left the room with Jungkook. 
The others were already sat in the living room. J-Hope and Taehyung’s eyes were read, evident that they cried too. Yoongi had a distant look on his face. You wanted to run away. 
“Let’s talk.” Was all you could say as you took your seat. 
“Where do you want to start? We’ll follow whatever flow you wanna go by. Do you just want to ask us questions?” RM started. 
“I... I don’t really know what to ask or what I don’t know. Maybe... start by telling me your names? Your real names? Then I’ll sort out my thoughts.” You said meekly. They nodded their heads, simple enough. You let out a short sigh, you had that amount of time to think of anything else you wanted to ask them. Well, what were you supposed to ask werewolves? 
“Well, I’m Namjoon.” 
“Hoseok or Hobi.” 
“...Taehyung.” The boy looked away, not wanting you to see the hurt he had in his eyes. You nodded your head, picturing what each wolf looked like. Yoongi’s white fur, Taehyung’s double coloured tail and Hoseok golden back. 
“I’m sorry.” You buried your face in your hands. 
“It’s okay. Take your time.” Jin rubbed your back in a soothing way, his voice full of adoration and assurance. 
“We’ll tell you. If you have questions after, feel free to ask. Or if you want us to stop at any point.” Yoongi said. You nodded your head. The pale boy looked to his leader, who gave a curt nod. 
“Well, we are werewolves. So we can turn into wolves. We are of royal lineage because of our pure werewolf blood so in a sense, we are regarded as the princes of this ‘colony’. We don’t have powers but we do move faster, heal faster and are stronger than humans and other werewolves...” Namjoon started, scratching his head to think of what else there was to tell you. 
“When Jimin came to me, that night... Was it planned?” You asked. 
“No, that was purely coincidental. We were raided by hunters and Jimin escaped, finding your house for shelter.” Hoseok explained and you nodded your head. 
“(y/n), there was never an ulterior motive in any of us approaching you. We will never harm you, in human form or wolf form.” Jin said. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just...” 
“It’s alright. You’re feeling guarded now because you don’t know anything about this. You probably thought all this only happened in books or movies. Completely understandable.” Jimin held your hand. 
“In werewolf hierarchy, there are 3 rankings of some sort. So, Yoongi hyung, Jungkook and myself are alphas. We’re slightly stronger and bigger than the others. Taehyung and Hoseok are betas, second in command. Jimin and Jin hyung are omegas.” Namjoon informed. 
“I see.” You were taking all this in and the boys were relieved that you haven’t stormed out yet. 
“Why me?” You asked softly. 
“What do you mean?” Namjoon tilted his head. 
“Why do you all stick around me? Ever since I’ve met you all, I feel so different. Everything just feels so different when you guys are around. I don’t know how to explain it.” You shook your head, frustrated that you couldn’t get your words out.
“Do you know what a mate is?” Jin asked. 
“When animals get partners, they’re called mates.” You stated but then realisation hit you. No? Is it even possible?
“Yes, (y/n). You’re our mate. What you’re feeling is our mate bond. We feel what you feel. When we’re too far from one another, you’ll feel the strain of the mate bond.” Yoongi said. 
“Is that why Jungkook got sick?” You turned to the youngest, who nodded his head. So it was true, Jungkook really got sick because of you. It was your fault. 
“Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know. It’s okay.” Jungkook was quick to dismiss your guilt. 
“But I’m not a werewolf. How can I be a mate to all of you?” 
“You don’t have to be a werewolf to be our mate. A prophecy was that we would all have the same mate and that’s you. You’re the last piece to our puzzle. That’s why you feel such strong emotions for us and we feel the same for you. Mates make each other stronger. Even if we’re not officially mates yets, our bond is already so strong.” Taehyung finally spoke. 
“And... how do mates become official?” You asked. The boys all coughed, their cheeks turning red. 
“It requires sleeping together. And we... need to bite you.” Namjoon let out a deep breath. Now, it was your turn to blush. You needed to be intimate with them and let them bite you to mark you? 
“But that doesn’t have to happen now.” Hoseok shook his hands to reassure you. You let out a sigh of relief. This is too much for you and if you had to give your body immediately, you think you might just pass out right on the spot. 
“(y/n). You’re our mate, we would never, ever, hurt you. All we want to do is protect you and love you.” Jungkook said. 
“We communicate through our mind links. When you officially become our mate, you’ll be able to join in too. Even if you’re a human. But we’ll take it one step at a time, alright?” Jimin patted your hand and you nodded your head.  Things were starting to make sense. 
“I’m sorry for running away.” You felt tears well in your eyes. 
“You were scared. It wasn’t your fault. We’re sorry you had to find out that way.” Jimin hugged you. 
“Will I have to leave my grandfather’s cabin?” You asked. You weren’t ready to leave your home yet. To you, it was like leaving your grandfather behind and that was something you didn’t want to do. 
“You don’t have to. Like we said, you do whatever you’re comfortable with. We won’t force you.” Namjoon said. 
“Will you accept us now?” Jungkook asked the question on everyone’s mind. 
“I may not know much but if you’re willing to teach me and we take things slow, then yes.” You nodded. Finally, all the boys could smile. They hugged you tightly and you let your tears fall from your cheeks. Hoseok wiped them with his thumbs and kissed the top of your head. 
“Can you show me?” You asked and pulled away. 
“Show you?” They were confused. 
“You know... The wolves.” You rubbed the back of your neck. The boys were more than happy to show you, it only meant that you were slowly starting to adjust and get comfortable around their natural selves. 
“Sure.” Taehyung held your hand and led you out to the front porch. This was where you saw it all happen. 
“We’ll remove our shirts since it’ll rip.” Jin explained, blushing. You choked but nodded your head. You looked away as the boys all removed their shirts. Taking a deep breath, you turned to them. 
“Don’t worry.” Yoongi whispered, cupping your cheek with a soft smile. They all took turns to shift. 
“It really is you.” You hugged Jimin, burying your face into his neck. Jungkook walked over to lick your arm like he always would when he stayed with you. You smiled through your tears and the wolves all let out whines of displeasure. Reaching out, you scratched the bottom of Hoseok’s chin, making his tail thump against the ground happily. 
“My beautiful boy.” You stroked Yoongi’s head and he nuzzled against your palm softly. 
“I’m okay.” You closed your eyes. Sitting on the edge of the porch, the wolves all settled around you. You decided to just continue chilling outside with them. Namjoon strolled onto the platform, biting his jacket and passing it to you. 
“Thank you, Namjoon.” You patted his head like he would do with you and draped it over your lap. 
Yoongi sat beside you as Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin played around, chasing one another to playfully catch each other’s tails. 
“What’s this?” You touched the black crystal necklace that hung around Yoongi’s neck. He just leaned in the lick your hand, proceeding to rest his head on your thigh. Namjoon and Jin walked over to sit closer to you. Namjoon let you run your fingers through his black fur. 
“Does this mean you guys understood me from the start?” You asked them. They nodded their heads. 
“Oh no... That means you understood all my rantings.” You buried your face in your hands. Jin fell onto his back in seeming laughter. You blushed, all your crazy talk was actually understood. 
“I swear I’m not crazy.” You shook your head. Namjoon leaned in to press his nose against your cheek, making you giggle at how damp it was. 
“Maybe that’s why you guys entered my dreams as humans. It was a sign all along.” You rubbed his ear. 
“Chim!” You called and the wolf stopping rough housing with his brothers, looking up at you. Waving him over, he trotted over to you happily. He rest his front paws on your unoccupied thigh, his tail wagging and his tongue sticking out as he waited for you to talk. You laughed, remembering what happened when you first saw him in your dream. 
“I’m sorry for feeding you bland chicken.” You chuckled. 
“It’s okay!” He barked with a wolfish smile. The boys decided that it was time to change back and bring you home so you could rest and study. But they forgot one small detail...
“Ah! You’re all naked!” You squealed and covered your eyes, spinning around. The boys’ eyes widened. 
“WE FORGOT!” You felt them all rush past you and head into the house. You didn’t want to remove your hands, not wanting to face anymore unnecessary nudity. 
“We’re changed.” Taehyung grabbed your wrists gently, pulling them away from your eyes. It was true, he was already changed. With a light tug, he pulled you back into the house and sat you down. 
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Jin asked. 
“Thanks for the offer but I think I should go home. I need some space to collect my thoughts.” You smiled tiredly. They all nodded, understanding you. Everything was already moving faster than they expected. You needed some alone time to fully grasp anything. 
“We’ll walk you home.” They offered. 
“Thank you.” You all wore your shoes and began the walk through the forest path. Jungkook was looking significantly better already. That was when you understood what an impact that you brought. 
“You look well.” You looked up at him. He nodded in agreement, tucking his hands into his pant pockets. 
“Mates also help with healing. The less stress we feel, the faster we get better.” He explained and you nodded. He gave a small smile and tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“Goodnight.” The boys wished as you unlocked your door. 
“Goodnight. Thank you.” You smiled softly and opened your door. The 7 of them stood there, waving at you as you disappeared into your cabin. 
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poutyyybangtan · 3 years
ready or not - j.jk
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genre: friends to lovers, enemy to lovers, (almost a slow burn?), a mix of everything lol  character pairing: jeon jungkook 9bts) x female oc warnings: not really any lol just angsty fluff kinda stuff word count: 5.4k (it’s alot) authors note: i wrote this months ago and it’s not finished but i can finish it if yall want? let me know :)
(prompts from @im-here-to-help-you-all-write​)
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets.” “yeah, kinda like your face.”
“i need your help.” “holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that.’ “please don’t rub it in right now.”
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet” “you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time.”
you can’t believe you actually had to do this. the last person you ever wanted to look at was your only shot at getting out of the situation you brought upon yourself. you had originally counted on one of your other friends to help you out, but of course, life never seemed to work out the way you wanted it to. 
“jin, please. can’t you just cancel and come with me?” you begged, watching as your older companion continued to chop away at some vegetables. 
“you know i would love to help bamboozle your family with my impeccable acting skills, but unfortunately, i do have a business to run. this weekend is a big deal for the restaurant and joon would kill me if i left him alone to handle such a thing. and besides, we all know joon can’t toast bread without having to call the fire department first,” jin laughs. you laugh softly, knowing jin had a point. poor namjoon had amazing business skills, but unfortunately that means he lacks in the cooking department. 
“i guess you’re right,” you mumble begrudgingly. 
“why not ask jimin if he can go?” jin asks, sliding the chopped vegetables into a pot.
“my mom knows him, she’ll know something isn’t right. and besides, he and hobi are going to a dance camp for school,” you shrug.
“and tae? yoongi?” jin asks.
“he’s got that test retake for his photography class and yoongs has an audition for an entertainment company in gangnam,” you sigh. you’re really proud of all your friends and the successes they have, but you really wished they could’ve helped you in your time of need. but you couldn’t be that selfish, so maybe you had to admit defeat. 
“you know, you could just ask jungkook,” jin asks nonchalantly. 
“you know i can’t do that,” you answer bluntly, refusing to even entertain the idea.
“i mean, you could,” jin laughs, putting the lid on the pot and onto the stove top, turning to you afterwards.
“jin, you know i can’t. he is the last person on earth i would ask to help me. i would rather die of embarrassment than to ask him for his help,” you dramatically claim.
“you just might if you don’t ask. besides, what's the big deal? it’s only for a weekend,” jin shrugs.
“yeah, a whole weekend of him pretending to be my boyfriend. jin, we can barely tolerate each other as is, having us cooped up together and pretending like we actually like each other is a whole other ball game,” you said.
“well, here’s the way i look at it. either you tell your mother that you don’t have a boyfriend and face embarrassment at your mother's wedding, or you can suck it up, ask jungkook nicely to do you this one favor, and have fun this weekend. you never know, jungkook might actually be up for it,” jin says, an underlying suggestive tone in his voice; one that you never caught.
you had to admit, jin was right. as painful as it was, jungkook was your only chance at escaping this nightmarish weekend. 
you found jungkook in his usual zone of comfort: with his lips attached to some random girl he probably barely knew. you found yourself scrunching your face in distaste. such a vulgar display in a library no less. you huffed off your second doubts and approached the table with confidence. you noticed that neither party acknowledged your presence, so you knocked on the table to gain their attention. reluctantly, the girl pulled away first to throw you a bitter look.
“jeon, can we talk?” you say softly, not trying to cause a disturbance.
“i’m kind of busy, can’t it wait?” jungkook asks, a smug look on his face, the girl sat next to him donned a complacent smile on hers.
“please, i saw you making out with some bimbo blonde yesterday, i’m sure you can find some other toy to play with when we’re done,” you smirk, watching the look on the girls face fall with every passing word that escaped your lips. she glanced over at jungkook with disgust before grabbing her belongings and walking away in a fit.
“great, well there goes my whole afternoon,” jungkook scoffs. he leans into his chair, folding his arms over his chest.
“you’ll deal. look, i need your help,” you admit, much to your dismay.
“holy shit, i never thought i’d hear you say that,” jungkook laughs ironically.
“please don’t rub it in right now,” you groan.
“how can i offer my service to you?” jungkook smirks, looking up at your obviously irritated figure.
“i need... i can’t believe i’m saying this. i need you to be my boyfriend for the weekend,” you spit out.
“you what?” jungkook asks incredulously. you don’t blame him for his confusion. what you were asking was heinous, add to the fact that you two barely tolerated each other? it was the biggest taboo situation you could’ve put yourself in. but you were desperate.
your mother, as loving as she was, was relentless. she just wanted the best for you. you were about to graduate college soon, about to get a real career and be a real adult. and to her, that meant start a family as soon as possible. and that couldn’t happen without being in a relationship first. and what better way than to hook your daughter up at a gathering for family friends? cause nothing says love like a wedding, right?
“what’s in it for me?” jungkook asks. you looked at him in disbelief.
“wait, you’re actually considering it?” you asked.
“well, you gave me a proposition, so why not?” jungkook asks. 
“uh, because we’re not necessarily friends? it’s not like you owe me anything to even consider the idea,” you chuckle.
“you might not be my friend, but that doesn’t mean i’m not yours,” jungkook shrugs, finally standing up and collecting his scattered books. you hadn’t actually noticed them before, you just thought that the library was a good place for jungkook to hook up, not an actual study zone. 
“well, uh, what do you have in mind?” you asked, answering his question finally. 
“i need a date for this work thing, and my usual hookups aren't going to cut it. they’re not exactly what you would say… modest?” jungkook jokes, causing you to laugh a little bit. 
“sound like a deal?” jungkook asks after a moment of silence passes. you pretend to consider his proposition, as if you actually had a choice. you look up at him and you can see that he saw that too.
“what kind of work thing?”
“where are you going?” jimin asks, watching you step out of your bedroom clad in a cocktail dress. you really would’ve rather been at your shared apartment, cuddled up next to jimin and tae watching some horror film eating greasy food, but alas, you had to uphold your end of the bargain.
“remember i told you that in order for jungkook to uphold his end, i have to uphold mine? apparently, he works at some magazine company and they’re having a company gathering to celebrate the issue's 90th anniversary and he needed me to come with,” you groan, strapping on your heels. 
“you’re going all out for this,” taehyung comments, a teasing tone hidden in his words. you looked up and glared at him, knowing what he meant.
“if i put forth 100%, maybe he will too,” you say. 
“oh, he most definitely will be putting in 100% effort,” jimin says, low enough for only taehyung to hear which makes him giggle. you look up and see jimin smirking at you which makes you groan internally. 
suddenly, the doorbell rings and you thank whatever being there is that saves you from the conversation that was happening, with or without your participation. you pull the door open and the first thing you see is jungkook, properly dressed head to toe. you notice the bow tie pressed snuggly against his neck, not a wrinkle in his suit jacket or his dress shirt. his long hair was parted down the middle, brushed out out of his eye. you hated to admit it, but he looked breathtakingly beautiful. 
“wow,” jungkook finally says, eyeing you in a way that made the blood pool in your cheeks. 
“uh, yeah. let’s- let’s go,” you murmur, noticing the boys in the living room giggling at your guys’ interaction. you shove him in his chest. he grabs your hands and laughs, pulling you out the door.
“what did i miss?” jungkook asks. you roll your eyes, noticing the way jungkook held onto your hand, even after you got further and further away from your apartment, but not minding the warmth his hand provided against your cold one. 
“trust me, nothing you want to hear, and nothing i’m willing to repeat,” you scoff.
jungkook was right. he had warned you beforehand that everyone at his job was stuck up and snobbish and would continuously point out that fact that you were no model. and like he had forewarned, all you heard all night was “you’re too pretty not to be a model” or “jungkook ended up with you?” you were appalled, sure, but you didn’t take their words to heart. you don’t know these people, and after tonight, you’re never going to see them again. 
but jungkook flinched every time someone opened their mouth. he felt bad for you, but when he saw you delicately handle the situation, he knew you would be fine. still, it didn’t make him feel any less bad. 
“we can leave whenever you want, you know?” jungkook whispers into your ear. you look up at him and smile.
“sounds like you’re using me as an excuse to ditch this snooze fest,” you giggle. jungkook smiles back down at you and laughs with you.
“busted,” he finally says.
“thank god, let’s ditch these runway wannabes and get some pizza. i’m starved,” you groan, looking away, missing the endearing glance he tosses your way. you both ditch the stuffy building, and headed to a late night pizza shop down the corner. you sigh in relief once you step into the restaurant, inhaling the smell of cheese and dough. you both decide to seat yourselves in a booth in the corner of the dining area.  once you both place your orders, you settle into a comfortable silence. 
“so, what caused you to conjure up this boyfriend lie?” jungkook asked after awhile. 
“my mom thinks that i need to be in a relationship to be happy since i’m getting ready to enter the real world,” you sigh, rolling your eyes and leaning into your elbows that rested on the table.
“thats stupid,” jungkook scoffs, leaning into the booth. you were caught off guard by this, expecting jungkook to somewhat agree with your mother.
“you look surprised,” he says, gauging your reaction.
“i kind of am. not gonna lie, i was expecting you to agree with her,” you say, shrugging. the waiter brings your slices and leaves you two alone, settling back into the conversation.
“no way. if you want to be single, you should. i’m sure you’re single by choice anyways,” jungkook says, picking up his pizza and taking a huge bite of it.
“what do you mean?” you ask him, slightly confused behind the intentions of his sentence. 
“i just mean that you’re insanely smart, funny and talented. and you’re extremely beautiful. if you wanted any guy, you could have him,” jungkook shrugs, munching on his pizza in peace. meanwhile, his statement sent you into a frenzy. who knew jeon jungkook thought so highly of you. you were under the impression that he dispised your entire being. he never really complimented you before, so his statement shocked you. 
“never knew you thought so highly of me,” you said, smiling to yourself. you can’t really explain it and you don’t know why, but knowing how jungkook truly felt about you made you extremely happy. 
“there’s a lot you don’t now about me,” he winks, causing you to roll your eyes and eat your pizza. and yet again, you missed the way jungkook smiled at you, enjoying your presence more than he would care to admit to. 
“i don’t feel like i’m ready for this yet,” you murmur, feeling your hands start to shake as you stood outside the venue. 
“you’re going to have to be, because we’re out of time,” jungkook smiles, taking hold of your hand and waltzing you two into the building. your mom had asked you to come early for a surprise so you decided to give her a surprise of your own.
“jungkook, maybe we should say you caught food poisoning and we had to leave,” you murmured as jungkook continued to drag you further and further into the building. jungkook smiled at your child-like nature and shook his head.
“we’ve come too far to give up now. let’s just rock this and get home,” he says, smiling at you. you felt a sudden urge of confidence that surges through you and gives you enough momentum to swing open the doors of the chapel hall. you were taken aback by the way the chairs are decorated with white pieces, hanging off the backs. you take notice of the pale yellow and white combo that you didn’t think would match so well. you felt happy for your mom and that she met someone who loved her so much that they were willing to do this for her to cherish the day.
“it’s beautiful,” you gape, admiring all the minute details your mother probably agonized over. jungkook admired the astonished look on your face as you practically ignored his presence to take in your surroundings. he always found you beautiful, but watching you be you while nobody was looking was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. jungkook had the biggest crush on you for as long as he could remember. and he refused to even fathom the thought of confessing to you when he knew how you felt. he knew you couldn’t stand his lifestyle, his choices that he’s made regrettably. but how else was he supposed to cope with the fact with the one person he’s allowed to steal his heart hates him. 
“ah, there you are,” a voice says from behind you two. you both turn around and you see your mom, hair curlers and full glam. 
“hi mama,” you smile, running up to her and giving her a big hug. 
“hi sweet pea,” your mama coos, swaying you both back and forth. you pull back and look behind you to see jeon smiling at the interaction. this made your heart jump for a split second before you returned back to your surroundings.
“ma, this is my boyfriend, jeon jungkook,” you smile. 
“oh my, you’re so handsome,” your mother gushes, rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug.
“thank you,” jungkook smiles, blushing slightly. you’ve never seen jeon blush before and to see him in a such a fragile state made you happy. and you couldn’t seem to figure out why. your mom finally released jeon from her clutches and she turned back to you. 
“hun, i’ve got a surprise for you. follow me,” she says, grabbing yours and jeon’s hands dragging you to what you assumed was the dressing room. there were two dresses that were covered hanging off of a clothing rack. your mom shoves you guys onto a couch and rushes over to the dresses.
“one of these beauties will be yours to wear for the wedding because… hon, will you be my maid of honor?” your mother asks, eyes full of stars that made your heart swell. you felt the air leave your lungs and your heart begin to race. you remember watching your mom struggle with love all her life, her face in a frown always. you’ve never seen your mom so happy now, and you would do anything just to see her happy. 
“ma, are you serious?” you ask, wanting to be sure this is what she really wanted. 
“of course baby,” she smiles. you jump up and hug her tightly, muttering a yes into her hair. you both squeal with delight, jumping in place like teenage girls. suddenly, another pair of arms are wrapped around you, chest pressed against your back. you managed to look up and see jungkook bouncing with you and your mom. 
“i wanted to join too,” jungkook says, his voice high pitched and filled with excitement which in response, made you giggle. you all finally stop bouncing and jungkook pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you, catching you off guard. you felt your heart race and you swore his heartbeat matched yours. you brushed it off as it being the sudden activity you all had just endured.
“i’ll leave you two alone so you can try the dresses,” your mother says after she catches her breath, winking at you. 
“you’re just gonna let your daughter get undressed in front of her boyfriend alone?” you ask incredulously. 
“hon, he’s your boyfriend. i’m sure he’s seen more,” she giggles, exiting the room, leaving you with your jaw wide open. 
“can you believe this?” you ask, shocked at your mothers bold statement.
“i’ve always wondered where you get your vulgarity from,” jungkook teases, his chest causing a vibration that you felt in your back, reminding you of your close, read as nonexistent, proximity. you push yourself away and whip around to face him, catching a glimpse of him trying to fight the smile that tried its best to take place on his delicate features.
“i’m not vulgar and you’re not watching me change. however, i do need an opinion on the dresses, so i guess you can stay,” you say, walking past him to try on the dresses. you snatch both of them of the rack and head into the bathroom, changing into dress number one. 
at first you thought it was a joke, the frills and exotic colors making your eyes hurt from how loud it was. you tried it on anyway, and you couldn’t believe how ridiculous you looked. no way your mother was being serious when she picked this dress out. you unlocked the bathroom door and stopped your way to where jungkook was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. you clear your throat to capture his attention and you nearly explode with the laughter with the way his eyes widen and face drops.
“what do you think?” you ask him, twirling around in the godforsaken dress you know your mother probably bought as a joke. 
“i think the longer you look at it, the worse it gets,” jungkook says, a dumbfounded look on his face. you withhold your laughter and stare at him in distaste.
“yeah like your face,” you scoff, playing with the dress as if you actually admired it. 
“are you gonna wear that?” he asks, secretly hoping you’d say no so he could release a breathe he didn’t know he was holding. 
“well, i like it, don’t you?” you say, continuing to pretend like you actually were considering wearing this deafening dress. 
“uh.. if you like it then… sure,” jungkook says, shifting in his seat. you admired the fact that he was trying to cater to your feelings and for some reason it made your heart race at the thought. you don’t know whats been going on with you lately but every kind gesture has made your heart race with excitement. you didn’t know when it happened, but you started looking at jungkook as more and it scared you. you couldn’t be with him. you knew that. jungkook had a reputation, and he was proud of it. he was proud of the amount of women he could pull in one night. hell, in one hour. he was used to the idea that feelings were a concept he wasn’t willing to understand or try out. and you had to accept that.
“i’m messing with you gukkie. my mom probably bought this as a gag, the real dress is still in its cover,” you say laughing at jungkooks face that was contorted into one of discomfort. you leave him to relish in your teasing as you retreat back to the bathroom to change into the actual dress. you could still hear jungkook laugh to himself as you unzipped the dress to change into the other one. little did you know, he was laughing to himself about the nickname you gave him. he’s never had a nickname he actually enjoyed before. he was still lost in the thought of you calling him gukkie forever when you finally exited the bathroom.
he always thought those scenes in cheesy rom-com teen films where the guy is staring at the girl like she’s the only one that matters was cliche. but he was wrong. so very wrong. watching you in the tight floor length pale yellow dress that just made you glow knocked all the air out of his lungs. you’re hair that was in a messy ponytail allowed some pieces of hair to frame your face as you continued to fumble with the dress.
“it’s a little longer than i thought, but it fits well, yeah?” you say, still looking down at the gown. you honestly felt ridiculous. you rarely dress up like this. you hid your body underneath baggy clothing so to have something so tightly pressed against your body made you severely insecure. the silence coming from jungkook made everything worse. you looked up to see jungkook leaning forward, elbows resting on his thighs, hands holding his head up. there was a look in his eye you had never seen before and it made your stomach churn with excitement.
“that bad huh?” you joke, hoping to ease some of the tension that was building in the room. jungkook stands to his feet and approaches you, his body so close to yours you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
���you look beautiful,” jungkook says, smiling down at you. you feel yourself blush and begin to fumble with your fingers, a nervous tic jungkook found absolutely adorable. jungkook was helplessly in love with you, this much he knew. from the way you laughed, to the way you rolled your eyes in his presence. he loved the way you gave yourself wholly to the ones you cared about, willing and able to do any and everything for the people you love. he loved the way you strived to work hard and how incredibly intelligent you were. and suddenly, his heart was full with all the love he was dying to give you, but know he never could. because you deserved much more than some player who was willing to sleep with anything with legs. but if he could at least pretend like the love between you two was real, even if for a short while, he’ll take it. as desperate as he was, he wanted to know what it felt like to have you love him back. even if he knew it was all pretend. 
“jungkook, i can’t thank you enough for doing this. i know you would rather be in some girls bed trying to figure out a way to sneak out without her noticing, but i’m glad you’re here… with me,” you smile, hands gripping his bicep’s to keep him close. his cologne was hypnotizing, causing you to pull him closer and closer.
“there’s no place i would rather be,” jungkook said honestly, placing his hands onto your waist, allowing you to lean in. 
“you don’t mean that,” you scoff, smiling and rolling your eyes, getting ready to pull yourself back from a dangerous territory. jungkook stops this from happening, wrapping his arm around you til your pressed flush against his body. 
“you have no idea how bad i want you. all of you. mind, body and soul. but for right now, for the sake of our friendship and the momentum its growing, i will take you in whatever way you will allow me to have,” jungkooks says, forehead pressed against yours as he wills himself to hold back from pressing his lips against yours and taking you on the small couch in the dressing room. the words jungkook spoke so honestly made you shake from it’s intensity. 
“jungkook i--” 
“how’d the dress fit?” you mother asks, barging into the room. you and jungkook scramble apart from one another, him taking seat on the couch and you standing in front of him. you mother misses the way you two seemed highly unfocused and nervous as she coos over how adorable you look in the right dress. 
“you need to finish getting your hair and makeup done, so scooch along so me and your beautiful boyfriend can get to know each other,” your mother says shoving you out of the room and directing you to where the other bridesmaids were getting their hair and makeup done. it wasn’t until you were sat in the chair that you realized.. your mother and jungkook were alone. oh boy. 
you never felt so girly in your life. your hair was curled and put up in a half up half down situation, your makeup light and barely noticeable, but enough to tell you were wearing it. this wasn’t you, you didn’t like wearing makeup mainly because at the end of the day you forget to take it off and causes acne. you were working part time and went to school full time so you always left your hair in a ponytail or a bun. this look was new for you and you were kind of excited yet nervous for jungkook’s reaction. 
you surprised yourself with the thought, not really caring about jungkook’s opinions before, but now it was all you could think of, and that scared you. you knew this was just a favor he was owing to you, but he was really going above and beyond and it warmed your heart. but you had to remind yourself that you were just friends, nothing more. hell, you were barely friends. had it not been for you incessant need to prove yourself to your mom, you two would’ve never even became cordial with one another. 
you brush these thoughts aside, trying to manifest positive vibes for such a joyous occasion. you leave the dressing room, filled with chatter, in search of jungkook who may be suffering your mother’s constant conversation. you return back to the room you first were in when you arrived, catching your mother exiting the room. 
“you didn’t scare him off, did you?” you tease, hugging your mom. 
“honey, you look beautiful!,” your mom gushes, taking in the sight of her daughter. you smile and thank her, happy that she was happy.
“is he still in there?” you ask, nodding towards the door she came out of. she giggled and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“he is, and he is absolutely in love with you,” she smiles, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“what do you mean?” you ask, your heart starting to race. 
“the way he talks about you, the way his eyes gleam with love with the mere thought of you. hunny, this man is undoubtedly in love with you,” she smiles. you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, there was no way that jeon jungkook, the university playboy, is in love with you. you two barely conversed without an argument taking place. you doubt he knew anything about you, despite you two running in the same circles. sure, you knew a lot about him, just because your friends talked about him a lot and it was hard not to listen to sometimes. 
“you’re crazy ma. you need to finish getting ready, the weddings going to start soon,” you laugh, trying to brush off the conversation. 
“jungkook is in there getting ready, one of robert’s groomsmen caught food poisoning so he’s gonna walk down the aisle with your cousin, sam,” she said, rushing off to get ready, leaving you no room to reply. this wasn’t what he signed up for and you felt bad, so you went into the room to check on him. you caught him standing in front of the vanity, trying to finish off his tie. you had seen jungkook dressed up before, but there was something different about this time. you felt something more for him, and honestly, you always have. but his reputation…
“looking sharp,” you smile, looking up at him. his eyes meet yours in the mirror and he smiles, and this time you see it. the love your mother was talking about.
“you look beautiful, as usual,” he says, his charm peeking through. you scoff at his comment, walking up to him. you seemed small compared to him, and it was kind of an odd sight for you. you leaned your head against his shoulder, just staring at him staring at you through the mirror. 
“something on your mind?” he asks, noticing how lost in thought you were. you focus in on him and the surroundings around you.
“my ma said something interesting earlier that’s got me thinking is all,” you say, hoping he wouldn’t press the issue much further. you didn’t want to make the air awkward or uncomfortable by trying to involve feelings, but a big part of you want to know how he feels from his own lips. 
“what did she say?” he asked, his nerves jumping. he didn’t say anything wrong did he? he tried to be as cordial and respectful as possible, wanting your mother to like him. if things were to happen in the future, he didn’t want to be on bad terms with your mother. 
“she said… she said that you love me?” you murmur, you heart caught in your throat now that the truth was out there and you can’t take it back. jungkook froze, caught off guard by your confession. he wanted to play it off like it wasn’t true, that your mother was delusional. but he knew the truth. and he knew that you also knew it too. he wanted you. he’s always wanted you. and now, he’s presented with the opportunity to have you in any way he wants and he can’t make the move to move forward.
“is it true?” you ask, trying to get a clear and concise answer. you’re not sure what’s going to happen, regardless of what his answer is, but the anxiety of not knowing is starting to kill you. you shouldn’t be forcing him to confess, but now that it was out there in the air, you couldn’t take it back. maybe you should tell him?
“if you’re not comfortable talking about it it’s o--”
“i love you,” he blurts, interrupting you. you pick your head up off of his shoulder and now you’re standing side by side, staring at him through the vanity mirror. you’re frozen, unsure of what to do now. you didn’t actually think he was going to say it. you thought your mother was pulling your leg. but she didn’t know that you two weren’t actually a couple and maybe that’s why you had hoped what she said was true. 
“did you hear me?” he asks, voice laced with nerves. he couldn’t even begin to explain the amount of fear and vulnerability he was feeling at the moment. he meant it. he loved you. but why should you believe him. he was a playboy, and though you may never understand his reasons as to why he tried so hard to escape you by sleeping with other people, he wanted nothing more for you to believe him now. 
“i did,” you whisper, afraid that the sound of your beating heart was louder than the words you spoke. you wanted him, god you wanted him, but you were scared that his words were from false bravado. a heat of the moment feeling that was fleeting. 
“i know you might not believe me, and you have every right not to. but i love you with my entire being and.. it’s scary,” he chuckles, trying to explain his emotions to the only person he’s ever been vulnerable with. 
“and like i told you earlier, for the sake of us finally gaining friendship, i will play it to your pace and whenever you’re ready, let me know. because i’ll be here,” he smiles. he turns to you, leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to your cheek before walking out of the room, leaving you confused as to what the hell just happened.
an: part two? let me know :)
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!mj
a/n AH !!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ASTRO COMEBACK ???? APRIL 5TH ??? WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE LOVES !! i genuinely...do not know if I will be able to survive this month bc of them. 
(also i tried to get this posted on mj’s birthday but I’m so sorry a lot of shit happened and I had a ~bad mental breakdown~ and it’s just been rough out here but that’s a story for another time if any of you lovely beings wanna know hehe)
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: mentions of cheating (in past relationships)
→ word count: 4.9k ____________________________________
this is gonna be so cute i just !! love him so much???
has his own apartment, but he honestly stays over all of the boys’ places so much that...he barely sleeps at his apt
major: vocal performance
his voice is literally honey
can probably sing higher than some sopranos in his major
so friendly, everyone who meets him loves him
mj just has a way of attracting people and making people comfortable around him
in short, he is – of course – the moodmaker
can turn anyone’s frown upside down
he’s down?? for like everything
an adventurous spontaneous type
has...probably failed a ged ed class once or twice before...
he’s not stupid okay! he just doesn’t really care about the classes that has no connection to his major
like will he ever apply calculus in singing? probably not
oh but professors can’t hate him, even if he just messes around during class
he’s just so kind and likeable
loves his boys aka astro
will literally do anything to make them smile, even if he’s had a rough day
as long as his boys are happy :’) he’s happy :’)
now how do you meet myungjun??
he’s in an acapella group on campus
he just has to be alright
he was the only freshman that got in during his first year
that shows how good he is :*
a tenor in the highly competitive co-ed group
spoiler alert, he convinces sanha to join, but that’s for college bf!sanha
myungjun is what me and my friends like to call: the solo whore
and it’s not bc he’s greedy for solos, he’s a real team player
his voice just happens to sound the best for most solos your group has??
you’re also in the acapella group
im not giving a voice part bc then that would put you in a binary category
so soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, you pick love
anyway, you and myungjun were chosen to sing a duet for one of your competition pieces
and it was the key emotional piece so you and him had to be on your A games
you and myungjun were friends ofc, you had to be some sort of friends with everyone in your acapella group
but you never really hung out with him outside of rehearsal
well until you got this duet together
and you weren’t worried about it, mj was so fun and nice and an amazing singer, you had no doubt these extra practices with him would be a good time
and you were right! besides singing, you actually got a chance to get to know him and how goofy he really was
you’re pretty sure you always had an ab workout whenever you hung out with him bc of how much he made you laugh
about a month away from competition, you and myungjun were like best buds
literally a chaotic, iconic duo
the chemistry you two had during your duet was spectacular, your voices highlighted and bounced off each other very well
but! your leader had a little critique
“y/n, myungjun, that was great but...can you guys pretend to look...like in love? I get we’re all friends here, but if you can’t convey the emotion of the song in our performance, what’s the point? This goes for everyone, this is a song about how much you love your partner and would give them the world, we need to show that in our eyes and movements, even if you’re just singing ooh and woah for like 10 measures.”
you and myungjun decide to stay after rehearsal and practice the emotions you guess...
your leader had a point, good singing could only go so far
and for the first time, myunjun was a bit...? awkward??
you: alright so how are we gonna pretend to be madly in love with each other
he chuckles and shrugs: honestly I don’t know, look at me like I’m your boyfriend or something??
you: well, I hate my last boyfriend so that probably wouldn’t be a good idea
myungjun offering you a high-five: I hate...well I think I hate...my last partner too so at least we have that
you: how do you think you hate your last partner? are you not dating anyone right now?
he gives you a smile and like you notice it’s forced?? it’s not genuine or bright like the one he usually gives
mj: no I’m not dating anyone...my last relationship sorta traumatized me I guess. 
you: ...how did it traumatize you...? you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to myungjun
mj: ah *awkward laughter* well...I was sorta going through it my senior year of high school, stress from graduating and what to do with my life and all that shit, you know? I dated this person since my freshman year and I guess my mental health got the best of me during that time and they couldn’t handle it. We were planning on staying together throughout college and do long distance but I found out in the summer before starting college that they fucked my high school best friend behind my back...when I confronted them about it, the answer they gave me was that I was too down and preoccupied with my worries to notice about my partner’s needs...pretty fucked up right?
your jaw dropped, your eyes were bulging out at his story
you: myungjun what the fuck??? what college do they go to? I’ll pull up right now and beat their asses, I don’t know scream in their face or something! That’s fucked!
he’s laughing a little: thanks y/n, but it’s alright. You know, maybe I was too caught up in my own problems that I ended up neglecting my partner’s needs...I guess that’s why I’m always just trying to be carefree and fun now.
you: that doesn’t justify the fact that what they did to you was wrong. you should have never gone through that myungjun, it’s not your fault that you were going through it mentally, your partner should have been there to support you and understand your struggles, not cheat on you with your best friend. ugh I’m pissed for you. 
mj: I appreciate it y/n, but yeah love’s sorta a hard subject for me.
you nod in understanding
mj: well! that’s my traumatic breakup story, it’s only fair you share yours
you laugh: you’re right. Well I was dating this guy right when I entered college, met him at the freshman orientation, completely hit it off. I was so in love with him, we dated for about a year. And then last semester he broke up with me out of nowhere, said he wanted to focus on school and himself and that he needed a break from dating. I found out two days later that he started dating one of his suite mates and that on the night he broke up with me, they fucked. So love? also something hard for me.
mj: aww look at us both unable to find or relate to love because of past relationship traumas.
you hit his shoulder laughing: you’re such a headass
mj: I’m kidding! anyway, I’m sorry you went through that too y/n. it sucks and your ex is a dumbass for breaking up with you. Do you still have feelings for him? w-wait, you don’t have to answer that, was that insensitive?
you: you’re fine haha. Um...well...sometimes when I overthink things at night, I do miss him and I wonder what the hell I did wrong for it to end so abruptly because I was honestly really happy with him, but then I wake up in the morning and I hate him again. 
mj: you did nothing wrong y/n...and if you need to call me at 2 am when you’re overthinking and need some badass confidence knocked into you, I will be awake.
you smile and give him a hug: thanks myungjun...you know the same goes for you too?
mj: hm??? what do you mean??
you: you don’t always have to smile around me, especially if you don’t feel like it. Don’t repress your mental health, huh? It’s bad for the soul to bottle it in. I’m not gonna force you to share your darkest fears with me, I’m just saying that if you feel drained and wanna talk about it, I’m here to listen
myungjun pouts a little bit, he’s really touched?? it’s hard for him to share his troubles with others
like as much as he loves astro and is close to them, he doesn’t share his down sides with the boys as often as he should bc he never wants to burden them
myungjun just always thought it was easier to suppress the bad feelings and put on a happy act
but he couldn’t deny the weight lifted off his shoulders after telling you about his breakup
and maybe it was because your energies were on a different level lately, but he found it so?? easy?? to just vent to you after that
until competition, the two of you worked on faking like you were in love (basically imagining that each other was your favorite actor/actress or whatever, something like that)
it was good enough for the group to believe it lol
but what about the judges and audience hmmmmm
anyway, fast forward and it’s competition day!!
myungjun introduces you to his best friends aka the boysss aka astro
they come and support him for his competition ugh we love
you’re like smiling and hyper when you meet them
...has myungjun been rubbing off on you???
you: it’s so nice to meet you all! myungun always talks so highly of you
astro: huh?? you’re lying, myungjun hyung complimenting us???
and then they start messing and friendly bickering with each other and yes they’re teasing mj
you’re laughing bc it’s so cute?? you can see in their eyes and their smiles how much they really care about each other :’)
also astro, probably jin or eunwoo, maybe rocky: we’re sorry if m hyung has driven you to insanity these past few months of rehearsing
you just laugh as myungjun hits them: myungjun’s actually been like my partner in crime lately, so we’re all good :)
*cue the boys exchanging looks with each other*
you perform ah ha ha
alright, you were so used to thinking that myungjun was...idk kim soohyun or something bc mm chef’s kiss his acting...to get into the emotion of the song
but then during the actual performance you saw him as myungjun and like all the hard work and extra practices and late night talks came in full force and you were just...singing to him
and you notice how...handsome?? and charismatic?? myungjun really is...and the little sparkle in his eyes when he’s performing like...wow
and after your set, you’re just like shit, what the fuck was that??
your group doesn’t win though, you place second!
but you and myungjun get awarded best solo/duet of the entire competition
astro: ;)
your acapella group: ;)
the judges: ;)
alright so im a firm believer that if myungjun had feelings for someone, he would straight up tell them like balls to the wall full fucking send
after competition, the routine of school comes back. you occasionally hang out with myungjun outside of rehearsal
by occasionally, I mean once a week hangout with myungjun (and astro bc they started inviting you to their dinners)
and then one night – at midnight – he calls you like out of pocket and his tone is like completely serious
you’re a bit scared?? like: myungjun...is everything okay? did something happen?
mj: y/n...can I ask you something?
you: yeah, of course
mj: do you still think about your ex?
you: o_o um...honestly no, not really...why?
mj: well, if I’m being honest. y/n, I have feelings for you. And i’m not asking you to like me back or give me an answer straight away, but I just wanted to let you know. If you don’t think about your ex anymore, and if you think you’re ready...maybe you can consider thinking of me??
mmmmm kim myungjun you slick flirty dog grrr bark bark
and you know how he can just talk, and talk fast, so you’re still in the middle of processing this and he just goes on like
“sleep on it, y/n. I’ll see you soon for rehearsal, okay? good night”
like you don’t even have a chance to respond to him bc he just hangs up the phone
you think about it, of course you think about it, you’ve been thinking about it ever since competition
having feelings for myungjun has always been in the back of your mind since then
like did you notice that when you hung out with him, your heart would flutter if he said something sweet?? or if you two were a bit too close to each other?? 100%
but you didn’t know if either of you were ready for another relationship so it’s just been put on the back burner
at the next acapella practice, you find that your cheeks just flush whenever myungjun looks your way
the rehearsal went a bit??? weird?? like even your group noticed that there was a bit of a tension between you and myungjun
but of course, he goes up and talks to you after rehearsal ended and he’s like: hey...I’m sorry if my confession made you feel weird, I didn’t mean for that at all. If you want, we can just forget about what I said and stay friends! 
you just facepalm like: myungjun you idiot, I’m acting weird because I like you too. God, you know maybe the boys are right, maybe you need to shut your mouth for a little bit
and he whines like: hey!
but then he realizes what you said and he gives you the brightest smile: you mean it?? you like me back??
and you’re like shyly smiling now: yeah...I do...but do you want to take the next step?? I mean...do you think you’re ready for another relationship??
he gets like serious and he grabs your hand: not gonna lie, I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready after my last one...but if there’s someone I wanna try it with, it’s you.
:’) kim !!! myung !!! jun !!!
dating myungjun?? the best thing ever
the cutest boy alive honestly
he has so much cute and goofy in him already with just friends and strangers
but with you, it’s increased tenfold
even you start to act cute and goofy after dating him
petnames?? bub and bubby
myungjun is not serious about a lot of things, but he is very serious about his feelings for you and your relationship
y’all take things at your own pace and he !! values !! consent !! even if it’s just like making out
he just doesn’t wanna mess things up with you :’)
the type of boyfriend to sing you to sleep ah !!! his voice is heaven alright
will be extra about pda in front of the guys to make them grossed out
and yes you get embarrassed, but myungjun’s too cute to scold
you get used to a lot of second-hand embarrassment dating him and being friends with the boys
but it’s just so endearing, you can’t even fight it
will swing your arms together when you’re out just walking
screams he’s so cute
you don’t really fight bc communicating with each other is one of the biggest things in your relationship
like if a disagreement or a situation comes up, you two are mature enough to talk it through and work things out bc you both already been knew what it’s like to be in a relationship that didn’t have full transparency
you do jokingly bicker about small things though (like think about how astro fights)
but he always ends fights by scooping you up in a hug and showering your face with kisses
loves kissing your nose
just imagine: you and myungjun cuddling and he just kisses your nose and you scrunch up your face and he just laughs and kisses you all over and you two end up giggling
will do anything to see a smile on your face, it’s the greatest sight to him
alright we been talking too much about how cute myungjun is
he’s also a hot motherfucker alright
the most attractive when he’s singing in your opinion
you know how charismatic he is, you’ve seen it first hand during rehearsal and performances
he’s very good at hiding his horniness, especially in public
but phew when you two are in private and myungjun’s in the mood
you can tell bc his eyes just get hazy and he immediately just starts kissing your neck
a very passionate lover, will prioritize your pleasure over his
sex with myungjun can go from being sweet and sensual, to fun and playful, to hot and exciting
by that...I mean that he is down to try every kink and position you can think of
as long as both of you are okay with it ofc
he’s one of the kinkiest members in astro im convinced
blindfolds? bondage? ice cubes? wax play?
you want it? you got it
he’s not into feet though, i apologize to my foot fetish lovers
his favorite position is actually missionary
myungjun loves being able to watch you and to see how good he’s making you feel
in missionary is when he feels the most connected to you, it’s just a passionate position
and yes he’s very vocal, so you betcha he encourages you to be vocal as well
will try to mess with you in a sense where say you two are hanging out with the guys, he’ll touch you and challenge you to not make a noise
and then he’ll snicker and wink at you if you even let out a peep
he’s a tease !!! like will edge you until you’re on the brink of cumming at least 3 times
myungjun has pretty good stroke game alright
very fluid with his hips, idk he just knows all the right spots to hit
praise...kink...that’s the tweet, need I say more
he’s into hair pulling !! both ways !! 
okay hear me out...myungjun fucking you and pulling your hair until your screaming and then after you both cum, he’s like: you hit a high f earlier bub! I almost wanted to harmonize with you but–
you: myungjun are you serious!
sex with him would always just be a fun time, like he’s hot and grrr it feels so good but there’s always a bit of laughing and joking around in the process
like he will tickle you before he puts his cock in you just to see the switch of you laughing to moaning
alright but shower sex?? he’s into that
and just the acoustics of both of your sounds in the bathroom?? it’s so filthy he loves it – and it’s easy to clean up afterwards
you bet that after any performance with your group, the two of you have sex, even if it’s just a quickie in an empty practice room or whatever
no shame, will kick the boys out or announce “we’re going to fuck bye!” if you or him get too horny in the middle of a hangout
im just gonna throw this out here...you and myungjun...mile high club
(your group competed in an acapella competition and the flight there...it just happened)
all in all, myungjun just wants to make you happy and feel good and smile, even if you two just finished an intense sex session
let’s get into the deep stuff though, you are the only person myungjun is comfortable with to not show a smile all the time
even with the boys, there’s always a small part of him that wants to just push through and be optimistic just so that they won’t worry
but with you, he knows that it’s okay to be sad and to be vulnerable :’)
when myungjun cries bc he’s upset :( fuck you cry too
he loves when you just hug him and stroke his hair when he’s stressed
very showy about your relationship, not bc he’s braggy, but bc he just wants to show the world how happy you make him and that he’s in love <3
the boys are so happy to see their eldest in love :’)
they don’t show it around each other, but they’ve come up to you in private and say sweet things like
“you make myungjun hyung so happy, he always brings joy to everyone but you bring joy to him, thank you”
im !! getting !! sentimental !!
the day you found out myungjun was in love with you was the day you met his parents
‘twas a bit spontaneous
his parents came to see one of your group performances and myungjun’s like holding your hand and leading you somewhere after you get off stage and he’s like “bub! these are my parents!”
you end up getting dinner with his family and yikes you were hella nervous, you were not expecting on meeting his parents right after your performance
not gonna lie, you thought he was leading you to the car for some post-performance sex
but they adored you, his parents could see how much you meant to their son ugh I cry
anyway, the L word
as you’re finishing dinner, myungjun’s all giddy and just like
“I’m so glad you came and watched mom and dad, the timing was perfect too! I wanted to introduce you to y/n for a while now and have you meet the person I love.”
and his parents are just smiling at you and saying how they’re so happy to finally meet you and how you have an amazing voice and to take care of myungjun and you’re !!! just !!! blushing !!!
as soon as you both got in the car after saying goodbye to his parents, he’s just like: hope I didn’t surprise you too much bubby, I didn’t know my parents were coming to watch until like an hour before we went on stage
you just give him a little smile: I was a bit caught off guard, but it’s okay. Your parents are so sweet, I see where you get it from bub.
myungjun: I can tell that they love you already! well of course not as much as I do, but with time I know they’ll come pretty close
and you’re blushing again, it’s the L word: do you mean it myungjun?
myungjun: that my parents love you?? of course–
you: no, bub...that you...love me?
myungjun: yeah...unless you don’t feel the same way–
you: myungjun! no, of course I do! I just wasn’t expecting the first time to hear it was with your parents
you two are laughing, ugh this man
after your giggles subside, he leans over from the driver’s seat and he just cups your cheek and pecks your nose: I love you y/n, thank you for reminding me what love feels like
you: I love you too myungjun
and then you two are just like sharing a sweet kiss in the parking lot of the restaurant before starting the drive back to his place
do you and myungjun make duets together for fun and post it?? yeah probably
you are the luckiest dating myungjun, the living breathing embodiment of serotonin and love
even when you two are older and out of college, he still gives you the same affection and attention and authenticity ugh he’s just amazing
im so sorry this was late but happy belated to our happy virus <3
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crystalstar8 · 3 years
The Eye of the Sky
Ch. 1
Pairing: Namjoon x oc
Genre: heist au, action
word count: 1,285
warnings: action, violence, gun violence, car chases, car crashes, swearing, blood probably
notes: heist au, action, adventure, crime, enemies to lovers, ooc namjoon, because he has his license lol
Summary: Ten years ago, Namjoon's father was killed by his best friend and partner in crime, A man who now goes by the name Hawthorne. Now, Namjoon wants to get into the family business in order to avenge his father's death. After finding the man who killed his father, Namjoon builds a team and creates an elaborate plan to finally take the man down.
But will they be able to get through Hawthorne's state-of-the-art security system? And will they succeed with a mysterious assassin chasing them? Let's just say, it's a good thing Namjoon's team members keep surprising him with useful skills.
@mozy-j  @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @daechwitad-2
It should have been the perfect job. It was airtight, they thought of everything.
               And in fact, it did work perfectly. The Sky’s Eye was in their safe and someone else was getting arrested for its theft. Junghoon didn’t know who it was getting framed, his partner took care of that. It didn’t matter, since it wasn’t them.
Junghoon and Montgomery celebrated in their office. The necklace was finally theirs.
               With the first sip of champagne, Junghoon knew immediately what was happening, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. He couldn’t believe it; his best friend and partner in hundreds of jobs…
               Montgomery knelt down in front of Junghoon, who’s flute fell from his hand and shattered on the ground. Montgomery took a slow sip from his own glass and said the words that made Junghoon’s blood run cold before finally slipping away.
               “Do you think your wife can pay your son and daughter’s way through college from prison?”
Ten Years Later
                 Namjoon looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his tie. He was looking sharp in his fitted grey suit, but he figured today was worth it. His younger sister was graduating college, something he was immensely proud of her for. He himself was a recent graduate, receiving his PhD as the youngest of his class. He knew how much work it was. He knew how much work it was without their parents.
               Namjoon and Geongmin supported each other throughout their middle school and college years; ever since their father was killed and their mother was arrested, they only had each other.
               Namjoon adjusted his left cufflink one last time, making sure it wouldn’t fall apart again; he already had to fix it that morning once.
               Down in the parking garage, Namjoon unlocked his black Audi SUV and hopped in. His cufflink caught on the door and pulled off. He cursed under his breath as he shoved it in his pocket and drove off.
               The graduation ceremony was outdoors. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining and the temperature was mild. The graduates were seated in the front section of seats. He tried to pick out his sister among them, but he couldn’t recognize her within the sea of blue hats.
               Once he was seated and the speeches began, Namjoon pulled the cufflink from his pocket and tried to fix it one last time. The tiny latch was broken, and Namjoon only made it worse by detaching the little screw and dropping it into the grass. He supposed he didn’t like this pair very much anyway.
               The keynote speaker stepped up to the podium and began his speech. The audience cheered when they saw him. Namjoon saw several women throughout the audience swoon and giggle. He smiled and rolled his eyes. Jin just had that effect on people.
               Jin’s speech was long and didn’t make any sense, but Namjoon figured the audience wouldn’t care. He was a celebrity and a handsome face, people were just happy to see him in person.
               Finally, the graduates were announced and their degrees were given. Namjoon cheered loudly when his sister walked across the stage. After the hats were thrown into the air, Namjoon stood up to find his sister.
               Families were mingling and taking pictures all around him, but he found her easily enough.
               “Congratulations,” he said, hugging her tight.
               “Thank you,” said Geongmin. “If only graduation was tomorrow instead of today.”
               “I know,” said Namjoon, pulling away from her and grimacing. It really was a shame that their mother would miss Geongmin’s graduation by only a day.
               “Are you going to find Jin?” she asked. Namjoon nodded. He had been friends with Jin since they were children, at least until Jin started getting famous.
               “You better hurry, before his security team whisks him away,” Geongmin said with a giggle.
               “You’ll let me take you out for dinner, right?” Namjoon asked.
               Geongmin grimaced and said, “Well, I was supposed to go out with some friends…”
               Namjoon held up his hands and laughed, “I figured. Another time then. Promise?”
               “Promise,” she said, waving before bounding away to find her friends. Then she turned around and shouted, “Maybe tomorrow, when mom gets home!”
               Namjoon chuckled and made his way behind the stage, where his friend was waiting for him. Jin greeted him with open arms and a charming smile.
               “Namjoon!” Jin shouted, hugging him tightly. “Is your sister joining us for dinner?”
               “No, she’s with friends tonight,” said Namjoon.
               “Right, of course,” said Jin. “Well, let’s get to it.”
                 The restaurant was way fancier than anything Namjoon’s ever stepped into, but Jin seemed right at home. The hostess knew him and sat them immediately.
               Once they were seated, Namjoon said, “I was going to wait to bring this up with you, but now that we’re alone-“
               “Oh my god, are you about to ask me out or something?” Jin asked. “We agreed we wouldn’t work out as a couple.”
               “What? No, Jin…” Namjoon stared at him. “No.”
               “Okay, please continue then,” said Jin.
               “I have a job for us,” said Namjoon. Now it was Jin’s turn to stare, lowering his voice once his shock wore off.
               “Joon-ah, are you sure about this?” asked Jin. “I thought you said you would never get into this business.”
               “Jin, do you know a man named Cliff Hawthorne?” Namjoon asked.
               “Of course,” said Jin. “He produced half my movies.”
               “He has something I want,” said Namjoon. “I have a plan to get it.”
               “Wait, wait, wait,” Jin said, holding up his hands. They paused in their conversation as the waitress set down their drinks and appetizer. As soon as she left, Jin continued. “Why are you doing this? Why Hawthorne? I though you said you would never get into the family business. I said I wouldn’t get into the family business.”
               Namjoon eyed his friend.
               “Are you in or not?” he asked.
               “Well, you haven’t even told me what your plan is, so I guess I haven’t decided yet,” Jin said with a wave of his hand. He crossed his arms and leaned back.
               “I was watching the news yesterday and there was a story about a party Hawthorne is throwing,” said Namjoon. “Have you heard anything about his party?”
               “I may have heard about it,” Jin said.
               “Anyway, they showed his face and I immediately recognized him,” said Namjoon. “He’s famous, but he’s hardly ever on TV. Do you know why I recognized him?”
               “Namjoon, you’re driving me crazy here, just tell me,” said Jin.
               “I recognized him because he was my father’s best friend when I was growing up,” said Namjoon. Jin went silent and knitted his eyebrows. “I recognized him because he’s the man that killed my father.”
               Jin’s eyes went wide. “But… I thought…”
               “Hawthorne is Montgomery,” said Namjoon.  
               Jin closed his mouth and stared for a few moments. He slowly took a sip from his wine and then said, “So this is revenge. Namjoon, I don’t know…”
               “I won’t kill him,” said Namjoon. “Everyone gets out of this job safe, but we’ll have the one thing he’s been keeping for himself all this time.”
               “You’re not thinking about stealing the-“
               “That’s right,” said Namjoon. “The Sky’s Eye.”
               “Were you going to talk about this with your sister here if she had come?” Jin asked with a chuckle.
               “No, definitely not,” said Namjoon. “She’d never let me go through with this.”
               “Alright, well you have my attention,” said Jin. The waitress came back to set down their entrées, and as soon as she left, Jin spoke again. “I assume you have a plan?”
               Namjoon nodded. “I do. But we’ll need a team.”
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
Piss Off your Parents
Shigadabi week day 5
AO3 Link
Summary: Tenko is tired of being treated like a kid. He knows that his dad is worried, but he is an adult and it's time his old man understands that. Luckily, he has a hot new boyfriend who is more than willing to help him.
Civilian / Steampunk / Teamwork
"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Tenko cried as a moving company placed his furniture on the UA teacher's dormitory.
Tenko had always been an unlucky bastard. He was born with a destructive quirk that made him dangerous to others and valuable to villains. Or, more specifically, one villain. All for One. The man wanted to grab hold of him since he was a child and had his first accident with his quirk. He had luckily been found by a hero instead of the super-villain though. Loud Cloud, or Shirakumo Oboro had come across the scared, skinny, bloodied child and helped him out. The two, along with his friends Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi, had learned that he was the grandson of Nana Shimura, the mentor of All Might.
Suddenly, he had gone from murdering his family to being adopted by the cloud hero and gaining three hero uncles and one hero aunt. His life had gone from nightmare to dream-come-true in a matter of seconds. And after years of taking care of him and being the best possible dad he could have asked for, the man who saved him was stabbing him in the back.
"Tenko, this is only temporary," the cloud haired man says trying to calm him down. "You only have to stay here for a few months, until it's safe for you to live alone again," the hero teacher explains.
"I have my own life now, dad. I have art classes and friends and a life outside of UA, unlike you," Tenko hadn't followed on his new family's career. He didn't want to be a hero. After everything he had gone through, he just wanted a simple life. And he almost suceeded.
He might have gone to UA, but only because his father and uncles worked there and he went to General Studies. Once he graduated, he got a scholarship for an Art course of studies in a good university, he sold commission pieces of his drawings on patron and got his own apartment. It was not the luxury and excitement of a pro-hero, but he was happy. He had a great neighbour, Twice, who introduced him to his gang of misfits and outcast where he fitted perfectly.
There was Giran, Twice's boyfriend, who ran a Personal Manager office. Magne, one of the girls who worked there. Toga, an upcoming idol who the office represented. Spinner, a friend of Toga's. Mustard, Giran's intern. And Dabi, another one of the represented clients of their office and his boyfriend.
How had he gotten that? Don't ask him. One day, Jin was introducing the two to each other, and the next Dabi was taking him out on dates. Tenko had never had a boyfriend before, and his relationship with Dabi was rather new, so he hadn't told his dad yet. For the most part, he didn't want to freak him out. Oboro had grown very protective of him with having a crazy super-powerful villain going after him. But with how things were going, he was starting to not care that much about it.
"It's already been decided, Tenko," Oboro sighs. "You have to stay here..." Oboro tried to place a hand on his hair, but he quickly moved away and stomped inside.
"Fuck you!" he cried at his dad first. "And fuck all of you too!" and he continued with the rest of the faculty members hanging around in the Common room before heading upstairs to what will be his new place.
If he was honest, he didn't care much about living for a few months in UA. He loved his dad and his uncles and didn't really mind spending more time with them. But they couldn't keep treating him like a child. They couldn't take such a big decision for him believing that they knew better. He was an adult now. They had to talk things over with him and understand that he could make his own responsible choices. Usually Shouta, Hizashi and Yagi would have his back, but with their paternal instincts turned on again with the arrival of Midoriya and Eri, there was no such luck.
He stomped all the way to his room and once inside, flopped face down on his couch. Unlike the students dormitories, UA faculty members had bigger quarters. Instead of a one-bedroom, they had a private bathroom, a separate bedroom and a main lounge area. It was better than his apartment, but the fact that it had been his and this wasn't, made the entire thing pale in comparison to his eyes. But maybe it was just his anger. He was still pissed at his father, and it frustrated him that screaming at him wouldn't help the situation. He wanted to get back at him somehow, teach him a lesson. But how?
His answer came in the form of text message. His phone pinged in his pocket, and when he checked who it was, he couldn't help but smile.
Dumbass <3
Why are ppl taking stuff out of your home?
Are you moving out?
Dad is worried and made me move with him
Well, Fuck
And I had a plan to surprise you with cooking and a nerdy movie...
Guess we'll have to wait
Don't cry, babe
We can sneak you out.
I am an expert, after all
An expert?
What? Did you sneak out of your house late at night to go to some concert or some shit?
Like the rebel that you are?
Hell yeah,
I'm the disappointment your parents don't want you near
That's right...
You are a disappointment
Okay... Rude
Do you still want to help me with my body-art project?
Are you free tomorrow? It might take a while
I thought you were going to paint over me and take some pictures.
How long can that take?
A lot
We might get distracted~
And I want to reward you after such a long day of work~
I have a clear schedule on Friday.
It's a date!
"What the..."
School had just finished, and the teachers were just returning to their dormitory. Thought the sight that welcomed them wasn't one they were expecting.
It had been a couple of days since Tenko had moved in with them. The rest of the staff didn't see a problem with it. They knew the kid, and he was a polite and responsible young man. That morning, for example, he had asked all of them if he could use the Common room of the dorm for one of his art projects and if they were alright with somebody else coming too (Apparently he needed help with the project). It was a good change, though. Lately, the art student had been in a foul mood, ever since he moved. But that morning, it had been as if he was a whole other person. Oboro had been glad his son's mood had improved. He thought once he could focus on his art, it would happen. Boy, was he wrong...
When the teachers entered their new shared home, Tenko was there with a plastic rug covering the floor, some paintbrushes scattered around and kneeling in front of a half-naked person. It was definitely not what they expected.
"Oh, hey," the nudist greets them with a nod.
The sound makes the man kneeling turn around, revealing the other was not fully naked, but wearing underwear thank god and Tenko was painting near his crotch area. Aizawa, who was holding Eri and covering her eyes, and the rest of the teachers, let out a relieved sigh, except Oboro. He is still staring in disbelief and surprise, not understanding what is going on. Why is his son with this stripper stranger? Why was he so close to him?
"Sorry about the mess, I didn't know this would take so long," Tenko apologises as he goes back to painting on his live canvas.
Said canvas was a tall red-haired man with blue eyes who couldn't have been a few years older than Tenko. The guy had painted on patches of black ashy paint on half of his face, his neck, arms and shoulders. He probably had more on his back and legs, but the teachers couldn't see that. His front was left bare, but Tenko was making a weird patterns that were rising through his abdomen and chest, leading to a giant rainbow heart in his left pectoral.
"What type of classes are you taking?" Yamada asks.
"This is for my Alternative Art and Style class," Tenko explains. "Now, could you not bother me? It's a delicate process, and I don't want to start over again. Pretend we are not here," he calls them off.
The teachers do, and so he continues. Once he finishes with the chest, he takes a weird tool with a round end and dips it in water. He gently starts to trace patterns on one of the black patches, revealing a multitude of colours behind it. It's rather magical, seeing the colour come to life on the other's skin. Eri, who had become too curious and escaped Aizawa's censoring, even asks if she could try. Tenko lets her, and she does a small heart in the behind the redhead's ear.
An hour later, Tenko is done, and he and the live canvas start to take pictures of his work. The teachers are not paying it too much attention now, letting the student finish in peace as they grade papers, sometimes glancing back at them from the corner of their eye. All of them but one, who was too busy glaring daggers at the canvas. Oboro can't help but notice the weird tension between his son and the naked man. There's something in the way their gazes cross, and their touches linger that is making him mad. He used to be able to read his son like an open book. There weren't any secrets between them. But now, he is not so sure.
After a few shots with the guy spread-eagle against one of the white walls, the two left towards another room to take more pictures. Oboro fought against all his instincts telling him to stop them, to go with them, to not leave them alone for a second, and stayed with the rest of his co-workers and friends. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he had let his son walk straight to hell.
"Finally," Snipe sighs relieved once the two younger adults leave.
"Yeah, Shirakumo-san, you didn't tell us your son had a boyfriend-," Thirteen comments.
"He doesn't!" the delusional man interrupts. "That guy is not- he isn't- Tenko would tell me if he had a boyfriend, alright!?" he tries to convince them or himself, he isn't sure at this point. Shota hums by his side, in that ' I agree, but we both know you are wrong'  tone.
"Honey, the only reason why they didn't jump each other is because we were there," Nemuri goes straight for the punch, covering Eri's ears and giving him a little wink.
"No! No, no. NO." he splutters before going back to paperwork. Shota hums again.
They don't see Tenko again until after dinner. They were cleaning the table when the young man came down wearing a new set of clothes. Instead of the dirty sweatpants and tank top he used for painting, he had a black pair of pants and a black hoodie that was too big for him. The neckline didn't cover one of his shoulders and the sleeves pooled in his wrists. The hoodie also had a fire design on the back with blue flames.
"Hey, you missed dinner," Oboro tells him as he dries while Yagi cleans. "There's some leftover the fridge, if you want them," he tells him.
"No need, there's still some pizza left from my lunch with Dabi," he says and starts taking out what he needs.
"Dabi?" Yagi asks. "That's the name of the model who wore your art today? He seemed familiar,"
"Yeah, he's a professional model, maybe you saw him in a billboard or something," Tenko explains and starts heading out of the kitchen.
"You might wanna take another shower, Ten, you still have paint on your neck," Oboro points out.
"That isn't paint, dad..." Tenko grins as he disappears upstairs.
"Oboro-san! The plates!"
Saturday morning at UA always started slow. The weight of the week was still present, and the usual energy was not there yet. The staff of UA began their day with a quiet morning and a cup of coffee. Not all of the teachers stayed though. Some returned to their homes for the weekend, like Hizashi and Shota with Eri. They would take turns to stay with the students during Saturdays' and Sundays'. This weekend, Oboro, Nemuri, Snipe and All Might stayed.
"Fucking married fools..." Snipe groans as he arrives at the Common room.
"What are you complaining about now?" Nemuri asks, confused as the rest of them also come down.
"Last Night, Yamada and Aizawa," he grunts and spreads on the couch. "I know that they are married and that they love each other, but can't they keep it down?" he moans tired, making everybody confused.
"What do you mean? They left yesterday with Eri, they didn't even spend the night here," Oboro tells the hero, voicing everybody confusion.
"But then who were the ones having sex yesterday in the room on top of mine?" Snipe asks baffled.
"Sorry about that," a low voice comes from the kitchen. The teachers all turn towards it and find the model from yesterday leaning against the kitchen door with two steaming cups of coffee one was Tenko's favourite one, Oboro noticed and no shirt.
"What- Why- What are you still doing here?" Oboro asks, fearing the answer.
"My baby was lonely, and he never says no to Daddy's attention," Dabi grins and walks back upstairs.
"So, how long are you going to torture your dad?" Dabi asks his boyfriend, giving him the steaming cup in his new bed before he lays down next to him.
"For a while," Tenko hums and sips his sugar monstrosity he referred to as 'coffee'. "I'm guessing in a month, he'll finally get tired of it, learn his lesson," Dabi hums as he sips with him. "You don't have to follow along if you don't want to. I know what I'm doing is stupid," he says, lightly scratching his neck.
"Are you kidding me!? I love every second of it," Dabi chuckles. "How about on winter holidays you came to my family's home, and we do the same to my old man?" he suggests, a mischievous grin forming in his face.
"Are these going to be our dates from now on? Pissing off each other's parents?" Tenko rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's daddy issues.
"Hell, yeah. We are a team, aren't we? If you succeed, then so do I," he kisses him in the cheek, making the younger man's cheek turn pink. "Speaking of which, I need to leave more marks on you, babe," The brunette traces a path with his lips to the crook of his neck.
"Dabi..." the artist moans. Suddenly, the body besides him steps away from the bed, taking the heat with him. "No, don't leave..." he pouts and watches as his boyfriend rummages through his overnight bag. A second later, the taller male drops a dozen lipstick tubes on the bed and a box of make-up removing tissues on the bed. He then sits in the mattress again, in front of him, making the new objects bounce. "What are those for?"
"A game I know. Pick one," Tomura looks between the object and his boyfriend, trying to decipher what he was planning on doing. With a shaky gloved finger, he takes the tube nearest to him. Dabi takes it from him and spins it open, displaying a hot pink colour and applies it rapidly on his lips.
He is about to ask him something else, but he is interrupted by a pair of wet lips connecting with his. After his mouth, Dabi kisses his cheek then his jaw, his neck and collar bone before once again returning to his lips. He then separates from him once again and reaches for one the wipes, leaving Tomura panting. "Pick another one," he is instructed as the brunette takes off the pink lipstick. Without taking his eyes off Dabi, grabs another tube and hands it to him. The man on top opens the new one, a deep red, applies it and goes back to Tenko's lips. This time though, instead of continuing on his neck, the other dips down lower and tugs his shirt upwards. He starts to outline a straight line from his hip to his heart before returning to his lips again. "Another one and take that shirt off, I plan on making you a masterpiece," Dabi softly whispers in his ear before wiping off the make-up.
Colour after colour, Dabi stayed true to his word. His collar and neck ended up pink, his chest had three lines of kiss marks in red, purple and blue, his shoulders and wrists got green and yellow on his right and left and his crotch covered in black. He would start and end with his lips, making them swollen and full of colour. Dabi kissed him slowly and sensually everywhere, tearing him apart with every touch of his lips, smearing make-up all over his body. He felt his affection and care, leaving him breathless and dizzy. They didn't do anything overly sexual, his bottom was still sore from yesterday, though Dabi did blow him.
As the two laid next to each other after it, Tenko couldn't believe how happy the other made him. Dabi was his first relationship, and the man had been nothing if not patient with him. He let him set a pace he was comfortable with, teaching him the ropes and calming his anxiety whenever he got nervous. He even went along with his petty scheme. Tenko knew he was falling for the guy and it terrified him and thrilled him at the time. The fact that he could just be next to a person and be happy and content was new. He could stay in this bed forever, staring back into those blue eyes, and be in peace.
Suddenly, a phone rings in the background, interrupting the moment. Dabi huffs annoyed and picks up the phone on the nightstand. "What, Giran!?" he answers the call. "What? No, I'm busy. Can't you postpone it?" he says after a second. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But I'm with Shirakumo right now," he moans and sighs once he gets an answer. "Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll see you there," he hangs up the phone and sighs again.
"You have work?" Tenko asks him.
"Yeah, the photoshoot for that new perfume brand, 'Angel's Tears', got moved to today. They want to release the product earlier, to win against a rival brand," he explains annoyed. "I don't wanna leave..." he moans and hides his face in the crook of his neck.
"You can come back later, I don't want you to miss work," he tells him, stroking the model's naked back. Dabi groans in protest and cuddles closer, hanging on to hin tighter. "Come on, you lazy bum, get up," he tells him and tries to get out of his hold.
It takes him a minute, but he is able to get out of bed and go into the bathroom. When he is in there, he gets to look at the end piece of Dabi's game. His body is a battlefield of lip marks of different colours in a chaotic yet very eye-catching way. He had a lot of issues like a LOT of issues and his dislike for his body was one of them. But looking at himself like this? With the clear evidence that someone loved his frail, pale form, it made his stomach flutter. Taking advantage of his new-found confidence, he goes for his phone and takes a picture in the mirror. As the camera goes off, Dabi appears behind him, placing his arms in his stomach and his chin in his shoulder. He takes another one.
"I told you I would make you a Masterpiece," he whispers in his ear and then kisses it.
The two try to get presentable, or at least Tenko does, covering the lipstick with clothes. The make-up is dry now, so the wipes don't take much of it off. He might need to take a shower once Dabi leaves. Once the two are ready, they go to the gate hand in hand to wait for Giran. The manager is going to drive the model there, since he doesn't have a car.
They depart with a kiss and a promise to call the other once they're free again.
Once he is gone, he makes his way back to the small dormitory-apartment, where he sees his dad sitting in one of the couch with his face in his hands. Yagi by his side, was trying to comfort him. He ignored them, but he can feel their eyes in his back and neck. Especially on the make-up he yet had to remove. He is feeling a little bad for his dad. He knows it's very pitiful what he is doing. But he guessed for now he learned his lesson. He could back down a little and attack once he went back to his habits. He was prepared if that happened. Unlike his dad, whose strategy was unplanned and sprung in the moment, he had a hot-blooded boyfriend he could use as very effective ammo.
He took a shower when he got to his room, which took him while. The lipstick was a pain to scrub off, and it made him question how worth it would be to do it. But then he remembers how good it was to be kissed stupid by his boyfriend and how he would love to do the same to him, and thinks that maybe it's worth the mess. He steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist but stops in his tracks.
"Dad!? What are you doing with my phone!?" he yells when he sees his dad there, messing with his phone.
'Quick, Oboro, act stupid!'
"...what's a phone?" the older man utters. 'Not that stupid!'
Tenko feels like he's about to explode with anger. Screw going on the defensive! Screw his dad and his overprotective nurture! Screw being treated like a child or an innocent teenager! This meant war and his dad was going to relive hell on earth!
Tenko takes a deep breath to calm down first. He isn't wearing his gloves right now, and while his control is pretty good, he doesn't want to accidentally decay his phone or his possessions in a fit of anger. Or worse, his dad.
"I'm going to change, and then  you  are going to apologise for disrespecting my privacy," he tells him in his meanest and darkest tone. "Also, if I were you, I wouldn't open the camera roll," he warns as he enters his bedroom.
The scream he hears once the door is close is strangely satisfying.
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joonsdiary · 4 years
the proposal
↳ part one of the: (not) the love of my life series
pairing. ceo!seokjin x hotelier!reader (female) genre. arranged marriage au // humour with a dash of fluff and sprinkle of angst (mayhaps future smut?) word count. 4,8k summary. after losing ownership of your hotel to the satan-spawned ceo-to-be, kim seokjin, you are forced by the powers that be (your parents) into marrying him. you agree under the assurance that you won’t be out of job, but with the title of manager instead of owner. as it turns out, he has other plans and approaches you with a proposal that’s hard to refuse.
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note. a cliché, overused trope? check. a series with (maybe) no plot and is just about jin as a billionaire ceo? check. this was initially supposed to be a sequel, but i couldn’t follow it up with the same ambience and mood, so i decided to leave the drabble [as a standalone] and write a spin-off instead. this has been in my drafts for the longest time, so i’m excited to share to you a series that literally nobody asked for.
warning-but-not-really. not all corporate ceos are as chilled out as jin will be portrayed here. may give you high expectations of literally some of the worst people on this planet lmao also purely self-indulgent! read at your own risk tbh
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the proposal | the first date | the ceo’s keeper | the engagement
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The premise was simple.
Get married so you can keep running your hotel business or refuse and lose everything to the man your parents have personally hand-picked to become the owner.
Scratch that.
The man your parents sold your hotel to, thus making him the newly appointed owner.
Choosing the latter and having your freedom would mean giving up your hard-earned company to the lousy billionaire’s first-born son, who happened to own half the hotels in metropolitan Seoul.
The Kims.
Notorious for their enormous amount of wealth, their class, and having three strapping young men for sons who knew nothing else, but privilege handed to them in a silver platter.
Despite growing up in a well-off family, you’ve always taught yourself that independence and hard work was the key to success. You distanced yourself as much as you could from your parents’ money, stuck it out for four years in college, and graduated with a degree. Running the hotel full time while attempting to finish your master’s in business administration part-time had been the theme for the past year. Until your parents dropped the bomb on you.
Words like, do you really think you had full ownership of that run-down hotel of yours and we had to sell, or we’ll go under had been thrown around. As if keeping the secret of having a huge amount of debt would make you feel better about seeing your hotel assimilated into Kim Hotels. Not only would you lose ownership, but you knew that you were bound to get fired, if not demoted. It usually came with the change of proprietor.
Conveniently enough, the Kims had other plans. Their current CEO, Seokjin’s father, agreed to let you keep working as the hotel manager instead of the owner, which is honestly miles better to you than being jobless. But it came with a hefty price: you were to marry their oldest son, Kim Seokjin. They drove a hard bargain, and you found yourself agreeing. You loved the hotel more than anything you’ve ever owned; having to pour your heart and soul into making it worth being proud of. And you were. That’s why hearing your parents say that it was in debt felt gut wrenching.
Initially, you tried to get a hold of him, hoping you could convince him to re-think the situation. You thought perhaps the media had been wrong about him, and all the talks of him being a calculating corporate shark was a lie. Maybe he would let you work as the manager without having to marry him. But the COO of Kim Hotels refused to meet with you, despite hearing from your parents that he’d been “more than willing” to be married to you.
You scoffed at their baseless statement. Seokjin had a reputation for taking women to bed one night before leaving them to dust by the next morning. As if selling his soul to the devil in order to be worth billions of dollars wasn’t enough; of course, he was sleeping around as well. You weren’t one to judge anybody’s lifestyle choices, but you were sure that someone in that calibre wouldn’t agree to be wed to a person they hardly knew just because. There was something in your gut that told you there was more to the agreement than a simple arranged marriage.
Or maybe the feeling in your gut was due to the bad pasta you had.
“Good evening, Ms. Hwang.”
You’re greeted by Mr. Park, the doorman as soon as you enter the lobby, cradling a piping hot tea you hoped would alleviate the stomach cramps you were having. His smile gave away his old age, wrinkles dotting the corner of his eyes and the lines in his cheeks. You returned the gesture.
“How was your dinner?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you laughed softly, shrugging away your coat without spilling your drink. “I’m never eating out ever again. Please tell me Yoongi is in.”
He nodded, gesturing to the entrance not too far from the lobby. You bid him good night and head to the restaurant in the hotel, which was sparse with customers. Friday nights were usually teeming with life and excitement, but unfortunately business had been relatively slow all week. The worry pooled deep in your stomach – as if you needed any more ratification that your hotel needed to be bought, or you’ll close down.
“Yoongi! I need your cure-all soup,” you called out as soon as you sat on the barstool, propping your tote on the table. Jungkook waved at you from the far end of the bar, concocting a drink for the eager gentleman waiting in front of him. Yoongi popped his head out from the kitchen’s double doors to scowl at you but was met with your beaming smile.
He returned several minutes later with your request and you quietly thank him.
“Bad date?” he asked, wiping his palms over his well-worn apron. Jungkook had inched closer by this time, mindlessly wiping the area beside you.
You nodded. “And terrible food. I should’ve just asked him to take me here to Grigio instead.”
Yoongi raised his brows, but a grin was threatening to burst from his lips. “Why didn’t you?”
“He insisted on going to that posh new restaurant that just opened last week. Said it took months to book and he couldn’t just cancel on a whim,” you rolled your eyes, carefully blowing cold air into your steaming soup.
“This is why I told you to stop looking around,” Yoongi leaned into the counter, studying your expression.
“It’s cuffing season,” you joked. “Blame social norms for my behaviour.”
He gave you an impassive stare, before sighing. “You’re literally cuffed already.” He said, followed by a quiet, “I still can’t believe you’re getting married soon.”
You waved your right hand nonchalantly before lifting the spoon to your lips. You moaned as soon as the flavour filled your senses.
“Did you know you’re the best chef ever?”
“It’s just chicken noodle soup,” he said drily.
“Exactly! The simplest meal yet you manage to bring out so many spices at once.” He rolled his eyes at your attempt to boost his ego. Either way it was true; for you, nothing beat Yoongi’s cooking, no matter how simple he thought the meal was.
You forgo the tea and asked Jungkook for a bottle of white wine. “Nothing fancy — Les Capriades is fine. I heard they came in last month, and I have yet to try them.”
He nodded at your instructions before disappearing off to the back to find your drink.
“Stop avoiding the topic, Y/N,” Yoongi rested his chin in the palm of his hand.
“I’m not avoiding anything,” you stated confidently, yet you couldn’t meet his gaze. “The devil incarnate himself refuses to see me. I guess I’ll have to meet him at the altar.”
“Three weeks from now,” Yoongi said, almost exasperated.
“Until then, I’ll enjoy my freedom.”
“What freedom?” Yoongi scoffed, rounding the table to slide into the seat next to you. Jungkook returned with your promised bottle and your eyes beamed with excitement before quietly thanking him. “You didn’t even date around before any of this marriage circus happened.”
You agreed with the “circus” part and ignored the indirect jab. Besides not having a say in any of the planning for your wedding, your supposed fiancé refused to introduce himself when you tried to reach out multiple times.
Okay, perhaps it wasn’t multiple times. You called his office when your parents broke the news to you a week ago, but his assistant said he was busy with a meeting and that you should call back. You didn’t, and that was the end of it. You’ve been putting off trying again, but it’s been a week and he hasn’t contacted you back either.
Maybe it was mutual disdain; if one of you was testing the other to break, you didn’t want the first to be you. It already felt undignified to be marrying someone for the sake of keeping a semblance of ownership to your hotel, so you weren’t about to grovel and demand to be spoken to when it seemed like he wasn’t willing to spare you a second of his time.
Yoongi chatted for a bit before he had to go back to work, so you were left to pull out your laptop from your tote. For the next few hours you immersed yourself into finances, staring at the excel spreadsheet displayed on the screen far longer than was medically allowed. Surely, you’ll go blind before you see your hotel overcome the negative deficit you were in.
“See you tomorrow, Ms. Hwang,” Jungkook thrummed his fingers on the table as he passed by. You looked up in time to see him mime something unintelligible. Your brows raised in confusion.
“Your glasses,” he laughed quietly, fingers hovering close to your cheek. You mumbled a quiet oh, before pushing the rim higher until it settled snugly against your nose bridge.
“Thanks.” You sighed, tipping your head to one side. After feeling the satisfying pop! you turned back to Jungkook with a grin. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You slumped back to your work as soon as Jungkook was out of sight. Glancing at the clock on the corner of your laptop, it blinked 00:37, which automatically caused you to yawn. Yoongi should be out soon, so you willed yourself to stand up and prop the close sign by the entrance.
From where you stood, you could see the lobby clearly, as well as the spinning doors of the hotel entrance. A few patrons trickled in, no doubt coming in from their busy day, and filed sluggishly to the elevators where it would take them up their floors.
That was the most fulfilling part of being a hotelier to you. The satisfaction of giving people a comfortable stay, whether they were mere tourists or locals wanting a getaway from their normal life. It certainly isn’t as posh and sleek as the Kim Hotel with their towering glass buildings and boring black, white, and grey colour palettes. But what you had was something you were proud to consider your home, with the vibrant earth tones of the walls and furniture, as well as the rich velvet tapestry draped along the ornate windows. High ceiling chandeliers peppered the lobby, casting an ambience of warmth and security without lacking luxury.
“‘Night, Y/N.” Yoongi clasped your shoulder, startling you out of your mini daydream. “Stop using my restaurant as your office, will you?”
You mustered a small grin. “Bye, Yoongles. Drive safe.”
Yoongi turned to you as his face contorted violently. “I hate that nickname.”
“Love you too!” You called out as he exited through the revolving door before placing your hand down with a sigh. Back to work. You were about to turn and go back to your forgotten laptop when the door welcomed in another guest.
With bated breath you watched the man stalk towards you, eyeing you dangerously as if you were his prey. His midnight black suit made him look slim but highlighted his broad shoulders all the same. You were arrested at the spot, unable to look away and felt as if you’ve been robbed of oxygen. The more he stepped closer, the more unclear your thoughts became.
It’s not as if you hadn’t seen the man. He often appeared on several business magazines — gossip tabloids more so. Yet there was something different about seeing him in person, in front of you, in your hotel.
No. His hotel.
“Ms. Hwang. I was hoping to find you here.”
You blinked up at him, not trusting your voice to form words under such immense pressure. His usually slicked back ebony hair is more mussed; a day’s worth of stress was evident in his restless feature.
When you didn’t reply, he took it upon himself to study you from head to toe, and your body went rigid. Your long, honey-coloured hair had been tied up in a lazy bun and glasses framed your face. You didn’t bother changing out of your mini black dress from your date earlier, whose thin straps clung onto your shoulders for dear life.
You squirmed uncomfortably, finding a small ounce of strength to wrap your hands protectively around yourself. “What are you doing here, Mr. Kim?”
“Please,” he rolled his eyes, supple lips bending upwards for a grin. “Call me Seokjin. Mr. Kim is my father.”
And with that, he welcomed himself in the threshold of your restaurant.
Technically, it’s his restaurant now, too.
You let your anger simmer for a bit before turning to follow him.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you declared. It was hard to keep your annoyance down when he had showed up unannounced after ignoring your existence for a whole week.
He slid next to the seat you had claimed yours, and you almost tripped in your heels as you followed, immediately snapping your laptop shut. There was no new information he could have garnered from looking at the finances of the hotel, as he’s probably aware of them. But the thought of him snooping around made you feel queasy.
“I wanted to see what had my father so enamoured that he’d actually buy this…” he trailed off, waving his hand dismissively, “…hotel?”
You hated the underlying judgement in his tone of voice. You had also heard rumours that he’s unabashedly forward and hard to deal with, on top of all the other rumours that plagued him. So far, all the boxes in the checklist were proving to be true.
“It’s quaint. Not at all what I expected.” His gaze studied you momentarily, and you can tell he wanted to say more but he smartly held himself back. Good. You don’t know what you would do if he strung one criticism after another.
“Well, you’ve seen it. You can kindly screw off now.”
Seokjin seemed taken aback for a second, but his surprise didn’t linger. He leaned back on the stool and swiveled forward before pointing at the shelves lined with alcohol.
“I’ll have a whiskey, neat.”
In an attempt to ignore his ridiculous demand, you powered up your laptop once more. No way in hell would you let him step all over you, not even when he owned the hotel where you now stood. “You have very capable legs and arms. I’m sure you can whip one up yourself.”
Was this man joking? Granted, you know your way behind the bar since you had the privilege to work as a bartender for a few years during your college tenure. But that doesn’t mean he’s welcomed here to treat you as if you were a subservient of his. Which, semantics aside, you were, though that’s beside the point. But if he made an effort to come down here and order you around like a scullery maid in an attempt to intimidate you or put you in your place, then he was barking up the wrong tree.
“I was told you have terrific hospitality. I guess they were mistaken.”
Not for the likes of you, I don’t. You rolled your eyes, not bothering with an actual reply.
Seokjin maneuvered off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his cufflinks before he rolled his sleeves up meticulously. He then rounded the bar and began grabbing materials with familiarity, not stopping to ask where anything was located. You watched in awe from the corner of your eyes, attempting to be discreet.
“Want one?” he gave you a slanted gaze.
You wrinkled your nose in disagreement and raised your wine glass.
“A refill, then?”
Pressing your lips firmly together, you gave him a defiant headshake.
The mild shock of seeing him traipsing behind the bar had rendered you absolutely mute. The fact that he knew where everything was piqued your interest. Was it an outcome of years of experience as a habitual drinker? Or did he often just randomly raid bars, hence his extensive knowledge of their layout? You didn’t want to know, but at the same time you did.
It took him a while to find a coaster before settling back to the spot beside you. Typing away at your laptop, you refused to give him even an ounce of attention despite his attention solely being yours. The silence that ensued was more uncomfortable than anything you’ve experienced.
Suddenly, you were all too aware of your crooked posture and your body snapped, straightening your shoulders rigidly. It felt stupid, but necessary for the sake of your sanity to keep your façade. Although it crumbled ever so slightly when Seokjin laughed beside you.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel tense,” his voice was languid and inviting.
You steeled yourself, refusing to be lulled into a trance by his intoxicating presence. “What did you really come here for, Kim Seokjin?”
“She speaks!” he exclaimed, clearly amused. You turned to give him an impassive stare. “Do I need a reason to visit my fiancée?”
His statement caught you by surprise, your poor heart bearing the brunt of suddenly having to pump more oxygen than usual. It brought warmth to your cheeks and you allowed yourself to fall into the fantasy of marrying the most eligible bachelor in all of Seoul. The fantasy, however, was short-lived as his wink broke the spell you were under.
“Don’t worry, this will be strictly business,” his back straightened up on cue. You tried and subsequently failed not to watch the way his deft fingers moved to loosen up his necktie. He then slightly deflated with a sigh, before grabbing his drink and taking a sip.
For courage, perhaps? It brought a small amount of accomplishment to know that you might have The Kim Seokjin nervous before you.
“It’s about the wedding, which you know is coming up soon.”
This was it. The topic you’ve been narrowly avoiding for the past week suddenly poured on you all at once like a bucket of ice-cold water. It wasn’t the most refreshing way of waking you up to reality, but it got the job done.
“I hope you aren’t getting cold feet now, Kim,” he grins at your attempt at humour.
“I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, by the way. My secretary said you tried to get a hold of me.” You remembered the woman’s monotone voice on the other end of the phone call. Part of the reason why you were reluctant to call back was due to nervousness from hearing her apathetic voice.
You shrugged in response, finding him less of an asshole than you had previously. Was your expectation of decency so low that you found anything remotely human he did to be an act of chivalry on his part?
Yes. Yes, it was.
“I tried calling because I wanted to know if I would be able to talk you out of this deal.”
Seokjin was visibly surprised by your candor.
“Oh yeah, and how would that have played out?”
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Surely, it was too late to take anything back, so you tossed all caution out of the window. He might as well hear your piece.
“The ceremony preferably cancelled. The Hwang Hotel back to its rightful owner, as if the whole thing hadn’t occurred in the first place.”
Seokjin regarded you with amusement in his eyes. The warm lights of the Grigio soften his rugged features, making it seem like he was glowing. You came to understand how he had the whole country enamoured by him. He was distressingly handsome.
You gagged at where your thoughts ended up and leaned back a little, terrified of feeling too intimate with the man who had claimed your hard-earned success for himself. The hotel means more to you in ways you know Seokjin will never be able to relate. A man who, with a little twirl of his fingers, would be making more money than you could ever hope to imagine. They say no hard work goes unpaid, but for him it was probably akin to: No hard work, but I get paid either way. How comfortable must it be to sit atop that domineering tower of his, overlooking the city he practically owns?
“And what do I get out of that possible scenario?” he began after a brief pause.
You refused to wilt under his imposing gaze. With a confident voice, you said, “The satisfaction of doing a noble deed.”
He barked out a laugh, tilting his head back in obvious enjoyment. You didn’t share the sentiment as you sighed before removing your prescription glasses. Perhaps hoping for the impossible was futile, after all.
“Look, I don’t care about this little passion project of yours,” Seokjin waved his hands around condescendingly, and you felt a familiar pang of anger surging from your chest. “And you’re lucky my father swooped in to purchase this hotel before you went bankrupt.”
“Thank you for the constant reminder,” you deadpanned, but he ignored you and continued. The gall of the man to show up and ridicule you made you irate. I take that back, he’s still an asshole in every aspect imaginable.
“To be frank, I think we’re both in a pinch here. You want your hotel back, and I’m willing to grant you that tiny little wish.”
You perked up; interest piqued. But you felt an ultimatum coming, so you squashed all hope arising from his statement. There was always a catch.
“My parents have been grooming me to become CEO ever since I learned how to walk. For me, acquiring the position is a no-brainer.”
“But?” you offered, and his grin widened.
“But lately my father refuses to hand me the reins. He’s been wanting to retire, but every year he keeps sticking it out. Then I unceremoniously learned my engagement with you. All of a sudden, his mood shifted, and his plans for retirement began piling up.”
Your brows creased in confusion, unable to see how you fit into all of this.
“My reputation precedes me, so I’m sure you’re aware of what I’m insinuating here.”
Something clicks in your mind, and you willed yourself to hold back a scoff.
“Enlighten me, Kim,” you propped your chin against your palm. If you were going to agree to this, you might as well have a little fun for yourself.
“My parents aren’t amused by my…” Seokjin trailed off.
“Decision to debauch half the women’s population of Seoul?” you offered, unable to hold yourself back. You grinned triumphantly; he had set himself up for that moral beating.
“I was going to say my inability to settle down, but sure, we’ll go with that,” Seokjin was unfazed, much to your disappointment. “He hadn’t explicitly said it but seeing the way everything is being handled so quickly, I can tell it’s what he wants. For me to get married; then maybe he’ll consider giving me the position.”
“And you didn’t oppose?” you asked incredulously. It seemed at the moment you were the one who is prepped to lose the most. What if it wasn’t you who the Kims chose for their son? Were you supposed to just accept defeat and give up your hotel?
“Oh, trust me, I vehemently opposed,” you nodded at his statement. At least you agreed on something. That was a start. “But that’s partly the reason why I’m here.”
“What more can we possibly do? We’re basically left with no option,” you grumbled, turning back to your laptop. For you, there was no way around this. Both your families have decided for you, so you have to either fall in line or risk losing your business.
“What if I tell you we can go back to our normal lives a few months from now? We won’t be married to each other. You’ll have your hotel back, and I’ll still be the CEO.”
You inadvertently leaned towards him, eager to know where the conversation was going.
“We just have to convince my parents and yours, as well as the board of directors of Kim Hotels and the public alike how we’re hopelessly in love with each other.”
Your mouth formed into a visible scowl, forehead creasing in confusion. You searched for hints of frivolity, waiting for him to say just kidding! at any moment. But his stoic face told you that he was being serious.
“And we’re doing this because…?” your patience had worn thin, expression marred by weariness and fatigue. You had a lot to get back to; you didn’t have time for silly games.
“It will make the divorce more believable.”
You paused, the gears in your brain turning. The agreement your parents told you about hadn’t involved a divorce; so, you were curious as to where Seokjin was going with his idea.
He was offering you an out; a way to get out of his family’s mess unscathed. You’ll have your only prized possession, and he can go back to sleeping with as many people as he wanted while retaining his coveted position. The proposition was too good to be true.
“What’s the catch?” your lips pursed, and you found yourself considering his ludicrous proposal.
“No catch,” he holds his two hands up in surrender, the corner of his mouth forming a smirk. You eyed him with suspicion.
“Just that you give effort into this whole thing. Make my father and the board believe enough to think I’ve ‘cleaned up my act’,” he paused to roll his eyes, “so that they’ll hand me the position without question. I promise you full ownership of the Hwang Hotel, without debt, as soon as we separate.”
While your parents’ original plan had been to marry you off entirely (which you did not want at all) Seokjin was sensible enough to figure out that you had no desires of tying the knot to someone you barely knew. He probably shared the sentiment, hence his proposal.
“This doesn’t make sense though,” you said pointedly. “Wouldn’t they find out about your motives when we divorce? And our parents technically arranged this, so they’ll be mad — I’m sure yours will be more than mine.”
You’re all in for finding a loophole in this whole arrangement, but you’re not sure you’ll agree if it will give you more problems in the long run.
He shrugged, unconcerned. “They can question it all they want. But like I said, if we make it believable enough, we can always reason that we ‘fell out of love’.”
In an attempt to alleviate a developing headache, your hands slowly massaged your temples. The information was a lot to hand, but no matter how many scenarios you played in your head, they all seemed to have the finale you wanted. Regardless of what happened within the upcoming months, you were going to get your hotel back.
“If you’re really that worried, let’s just say I cheated,” Seokjin’s words snapped you out of your muddled thoughts.
Your eyebrows creased in confusion. “Wouldn’t that be worse for you?”
“The public already thinks I’m a man-whore,” he said wryly. “The board is not going to kick me out of office for something tedious like a divorce once I’m CEO. And I’m sure I can reason it out with my parents when the time comes.”
You laced your fingers together, hoping to wring the concerns away. There was no use in overthinking the situation; it certainly beats staying miserably married to someone you barely know.
You let out a shaky breath, before mustering the confidence to say, “Fine.”
“Great, I knew you’d be reasonable.” He flicked his wrist to look at his watch, gaze composed despite the tiredness in his eyes. “I’ll have my secretary e-mail you a written agreement.”
“Great,” you mimicked his deadpan tone. Gone was the casual Seokjin who paced around behind the bar with much familiarity. This was the COO of Kim Hotels Seokjin; precise and straight to the point.
Better get used to that.
“Thanks for the drink, future wife,” he slid off the barstool with poise, the distance between you and him closing ever so slightly. He smelled like pine and cedar, with a hint of citrus; it was enough for you to suddenly sober up, unaware you were inebriated, to begin with.
“No need. You forced your way in, anyway.” You said dismissively, pretending to switch tabs on your screen. Where was that random website you were looking at earlier?
With a quiet laugh, he turned to leave. You listened to his rhythmic steps and perked up when he paused.
“See you tomorrow, fiancée,” he said without turning.
“Tomorrow?” you tried not to give away the surprise in your voice.
“We have to start going on dates to convince them that we’re serious about this, right? Pick you up at eight, sharp.”
With a wave of his right hand, he stalked off towards the exit, leaving you alone in the restaurant.
Suddenly, the premise didn’t appear so simple. You reached for your glass of wine and finished the rest of your courage drink in one gulp.
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thanks for reading! feedback is always appreciated ;u;
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bubblesuga · 4 years
Catch My Fall
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Part 1 of my 7 part College AU
Summery: Kim Seokjin is a master gamer. Those who play Ms. Pac Man at the local university tremble when they see him approach, and he enjoyed his reputation for two whole years. That is, until you showed up and beat his high score.  
Warnings: Cussing, smut (oral, M receiving, unprotected sex) 
Word Count: 5,640
A/N: I’m super excited about this AU, and writing the first part just made me even more excited. I hope you guys enjoy, and thank you for reading!! xx
Kim Seokjin was known for being good. 
The on campus arcade was his spot, the place he spent his free time. More specifically, Ms. Pac Man. 
It wasn’t like he meant to become the best player at Ms. Pac Man on campus, but he couldn’t help himself. He found himself addicted, playing for hours and hours. A few people gathered around, Namjoon being one to watch his friend as he hunched over the arcade game and won every screen with expert precision. 
Soon enough, he held the high score. Beating 196 screens and scoring a whopping 676,458 points, he cheered, and so did the people around him. 
That was two years ago, however. Yet, nobody has been able to beat his high score yet. Occasionally, he’d check the machine and make sure KSJ was still displayed proudly at the top of the high score list. Every time he walked near the machine, people would talk. He had a few people claim to have come close to beating it, but each time he proved them wrong and again, reigned King. 
“I’m just saying,” Jimin spoke, a mouthful of food, gesturing wildly to his friend, “what are you going to do when it is broken? You should try to break it yourself so that people have to try even harder.” 
Seokjin tossed a noodle in the direction of Jimin, “I don’t need to worry. It’s been too long, do you really think someone could just randomly show up and beat it now?”  
“Yes.” Everyone besides Seokjin at the table said in unison. 
They were all very aware of how proud Seokjin was of his score. He was becoming cocky, too confident in himself but with each passing Friday night, someone came closer and closer to inching him off the screen. 
Seokjin scoffed, “Come on, have you no faith?” 
“We have faith you could beat it again.” Jungkook, the youngest of the group, grinned. 
Seokjin stood from his spot at the cafeteria, “My skill outweighs your faith, young one.” 
With that, he tossed his garbage into the trash can while his friends watched him strut away. Yoongi groaned, “I don’t want to have to deal with his moping around when someone beats it! I’m his roommate so I’m going to be around it the most!” 
“Let’s all hope that it happens after we graduate.” Hoseok said, sipping his coffee and shrugging. 
Seokjin entered the arcade the following Friday Night, inhaling deeply and turning to Namjoon with a grin, “You smell that, Joonie?” 
“Desperation and sweat?” Namjoon responds, looking around the arcade that was mostly filled with freshman these days. He saw many kids hunched over arcade games, reminding him of his parents at casinos. Maybe there wasn’t as much of a generational gap as he thought.
“No,” Seokjin sighed, “it’s the smell of victory. You see, I thought over what Jimin said and he’s right. I definitely should try to beat my high score before some other chump does. I think I could do it tonight if I wanted to.” 
They walked through the arcade as he spoke, waving hello to a few of the employees and a couple of the regulars. Seokjin spotted a few girls standing at Street Fighter II, yelling at each other while they fought. He couldn’t help the smirk on his face while he spotted you, adjusting your beanie while you jumped up and celebrated your win against your friend. 
“You gonna work on your score?” Taehyung wrapped his arms around Seokjin and Namjoon, clad in his arcade uniform and keys jingling on his belt. There was benefits to being friends with the night manager, Seokjin could call dibs on a machine and Taehyung would place an out-of-order sign on it until he arrived. 
“Yes I am, and I’m going to beat it too. Even if it’s by a hundred points, it’s that much harder to beat.” Seokjin gave Taehyung a wink and patted his head. Continuing through the crowd, Namjoon pouted when Seokjin walked passed Guitar Hero and straight towards his usual machine. 
There was a crowd around it, Freshman whispering and gasping when they spotted Seokjin approaching. Seokjin tilted his head, “Ah yes, it is me, KSJ! Run along children and let the master show you how it’s done.” 
“We would,” a fresh faced boy turned to Seokjin with a grin, “but KSJ is no longer the master.” 
“What?” Seokjin’s eyes glared into the kid, “what do you mean?” 
“Well, now SMD has the top score. Looks like you’re a little too late in beating yourself.” 
Seokjin pushed the kid aside and studied the screen with an open jaw. Sure enough, displayed just above his initials were the initials SMD with 677,910 right next to it, the tiny pixelated lettering causing a sharp kick to his ego that was so prominent at the beginning of the day. Namjoon couldn’t help the small chuckle to leave his lips, covering his mouth quickly once he saw Seokjin shooting daggers at him. 
“Who’s the fuck is SMD?” He shouts, turning around with wild eyes. This caused a small bit of laughter to spread throughout the crowd in front of the machine. 
Seokjin looked around, trying desperately to see the person who dethroned him on the game he was best at. After a moment, he tossed his head back and let out an exasperated sigh. 
“SMD?” A small voice pushed through the crowd, meeting Seokjin’s eyes. 
“Yeah, do you know who he is?” Seokjin recognized you from earlier, taking a split second to admire how your hair framed your face beautifully. Your eyes were bright, laced with innocence, and didn’t look away from him. 
“He is me,” You giggled, “also it’s quite dated ideology to assume that only a man could beat your high score-” you leaned around his broad shoulders, “-Mr. KSJ.” 
“Well I- That’s not what I-” Seokjin stuttered, only to be cut off by your laugh. 
You leaned forward, stepping on the tips of your toes for your lips to meet his ear, “Looks like you’re going to have to work hard to beat me, KSJ.” 
With that, Seokjin watched you walk through the crowd with a gaunt expression. Namjoon was the first to break the silence that followed, “You just got your ass handed to you.” 
Seokjin ignored the feeling of heat coursing through his body, the burning from where your lips grazed his ear too big of an indication of what kind of distraction you could be to him. 
Instantly, Seokjin shook the shock from his face and whipped around, inserting two coins into the slot and hearing the familiar theme tune sing through his ears. His hand gripped the joystick tightly, his knuckles turning white while he moved Ms. Pac Man through each level. 
Namjoon watched idly for a while, pulling up a stool next to him and shaking his head as he watched his friend effectively lose his mind over some numbers on a screen. 
Once he saw the score reach 500,000, he pulled away for a moment to celebrate before quickly gripping the joystick again. You wouldn’t leave his mind, your smug face looking up at him while you rubbed it in his face about you winning. Who even were you? You couldn’t be older than 20. How could you have beat him so quickly? Two days ago the high score was his then you came out of nowhere and wrecked his reputation. 
“I’m going to go, Jin.” Namjoon said. 
“Hm.” Seokjin grunted, still watching the little yellow ball consume every pellet on the screen. 
Namjoon realized Seokjin didn’t hear a thing he just said. “Jin? Can you look away for a second?” 
No response. 
“Oh my god, that chick just took off her top! She’s pouring beer all over herself!” 
Still nothing. Namjoon patted his friend’s shoulder, mentioning that he’ll see him later and walking out of the door. 
Finally, after too long, Seokjin’s bright yellow circle was cornered by Inky and Blinky and consumed into nothingness. Finally, in bright text 680,002 blinked across the screen. “Yes!”
He turned around and realized there was nobody around him, Taehyung sat at the desk at the front with his face planted down. “Tae! Where is everyone?” 
“We closed like a half hour ago, man. I tried to tell you but you were like a fucking zombie.” Taehyung spoke, exhaustion lacing his voice as Seokjin knew he was ready to leave. 
“Sorry, but I beat her!” He turned back and entered his initials, KSJ sandwiching SMD. He couldn’t help but grin, grabbing his things and tapping Taehyung’s counter in goodbye and heading home for a nice sleep. 
Once he arrived home, he walked passed Yoongi asleep on the couch, heading towards his bed and closing his eyes. However, once his eyes were closed, he couldn’t help but toss and turn because of the beanie girl filling his thoughts. 
Her plump smirk and shot blood to his cock, and he couldn’t help but reach his hand down and feel himself through his boxers.
On Monday, Seokjin caught up to Jimin while walking to class, telling him the tale of beanie girl and Ms. Pac Man. Jimin listened through tired ears, sipping coffee on the way to the agricultural science building. 
Seokjin followed Jimin in, “And her initials are SMD. I can’t even begin to guess what her name is.” 
Jimin chuckled, “Sounds like someone has a crush.” 
“Hah! You’re funny. No, she’s my mortal enemy. She doesn’t even- who’s that?” Seokjin stopped outside a classroom, pointing obviously to you. He immediately recognized you, his eyes going wide when he realized this was Jimin’s classroom as well. Your hair was pulled away from your face and he could see your bright smile while you spoke to a professor animatedly. 
Fuck. He thought. Images of his dreams running through his head. He tried desperately to shake these thoughts from his head, your shirt dipping just low enough to give him a view which made it even harder. 
“Her? Oh that’s (Y/N), she’s a Sophomore and transferred from somewhere up north. She’s my partner in this term’s agricultural assignment.” He gave Seokjin a small shrug. 
“(Y/N) isn’t even close to SMD.” Seokjin whispered, more to himself than anyone. Confusion laced his features, causing Jimin to look between the two of you. 
“Jesus Christ, don’t tell me that (Y/N) is SMD?” Jimin’s laughter caused your attention to be drawn over to the doorway, a smirk lacing your features when you saw KSJ staring at you with that same shocked expression he held on Friday. You shook your head, turning your spray bottle back to the tomato plants hanging in perfect lines. 
“She certainly is SMD.” Suddenly, an idea popped into Seokjin’s head. He strolled passed Jimin into the classroom, walking straight up to you. 
You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, rolling up your sleeves while you leaned down and looked through the dirt beneath your plants, “Yes Mr. KSJ?” 
“I just wanted to let you know that I beat your score. You’re going to have to put up a bigger fight if you want to beat me.” He spoke, trying to ignore the hint of a tattoo peaking out of your shirt on your back. 
You scoffed, “That’s real cute,” standing, you slipped your gloves off your hands, “that you think I can’t go down there today and beat you again.” 
Seokjin inhaled, the smell of Earth filling his nostrils while he puffed his chest in an attempt not to seem so intimidated by your confidence. “Then do it.” 
“I will.” You spoke, your eyes trailing up and down him, not attempting to hide your wandering gaze. He was broad, so much so you felt you couldn’t get your arms around him. 
To him, your eyes were challenging. Seokjin was tempted to push you onto the ground and take you in front of the entire class. He wanted to wipe that smug grin off your face and shut you up with a mouthful of his cock. However, he swallowed his thoughts and stared you down, “I look forward to seeing you there then.” 
He turned on his heel and walked away, speeding up once he thought that you weren’t looking anymore. 
“What did Seokjin say to you?” Jimin asked, slipping an apron over his clothes and setting his coffee down on the table beside you. 
“His name is Seokjin? That’s cute. He your friend?” You tried to seem distracted, but in reality you couldn’t help but allow your mind to picture his head between your thighs with your back arched on the bed of your dorm room. 
“Uh, yeah. One of my best friends, why?” Jimin said, taking a spray bottle and carefully watering a few plants. 
“Hm, no reason. He just talked about beating my score in Ms. Pac Man.” You gave Jimin a smile, turning your back and blowing out a breath of air while trying your hardest to concentrate on your schooling. 
Later that day, Seokjin rushed out of his last lecture and ran out of the Foods building and towards the arcade. Once he approached the building, he slowed down to catch his breath, seeing you walk in with a few girls following close behind. He put his hands on his knees, breathing deeply. He looked into the window of a car, adjusting his hair and tugging down his shirt. 
He felt his palms sweat with anticipation as he swung open the arcade door. Taehyung was already there, beginning his shift. “Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here today. I didn’t put the sign up.” 
“No there’s no need to, Ms. SMD is beating my score.” Seokjin held up air quotes, only to hear you clear your throat from behind him. 
He turned around, leaning against the counter, “Hey there SMD.” 
“Come on, Mister. We’ve got a record to beat.” You gripped his wrist, dragging him back towards the machine. He couldn’t help the smile across his face when he felt your touch. 
You slipped two coins into the slot, your hand lightly dancing across the joystick for the first few levels. Between each level, you felt turned back to Seokjin with a small smile. He only glared, though, watching as your hand moved and jerked the joystick carefully to avoid every ghost. 
Once you hit screen 50, you rubbed your neck and rolled it for a few seconds. A crowd had gathered and while Seokjin was used to it, he noticed you becoming more and more nervous. 
“Alright children, let the woman breathe! Back away!” Seokjin shooed people away, “She needs all the help he can get, so you can’t be distracting her. We need to be fair.” 
“KSJ?” You spoke. 
“Yes SMD?” His sang, humor in his voice.
“Shut the fuck up.” You tried to hide the grin on your face, passing yet another screen. The crowd dispersed, following Seokjin’s orders. Finally, you made it to a point where a theatrical cut scene hit and you could lean back for about 30 seconds. 
Seokjin was now gnawing at his nails, and you took a moment to admire his looks. 
He knew he was an attractive man, he often joked about being blessed from birth with good looks but when someone he was interested in checked him out, he couldn’t help but feel confidence leave his body. His ears poked out from his long hair, turning red at your gaze. 
“It’s starting.” He pointed at the screen and you uncrossed your arms, turning your attention back to the game. 
“So what do I get once I beat you?” You questioned, quickly changing your direction and slipping to the other side of the screen to suck up the last of the pellets. 
“Well you get your initials on top of mine.” Seokjin reasoned, pointing at the screen and taking your attention away for half a second. You quickly adjusted, doubling back and clearing another screen. “Yeah but what about something more?” 
“Why am I even humoring this? You’re not going to beat me.” Seokjin’s confidence lacked truth. Of course he was worried you would beat him, and of course your proposition for a prize immediately caused his mind to rush with ideas of your hands tied up above your head. 
“What ever you say, sir.” A smirk hung on your lips. 
At this point Seokjin couldn’t keep his eyes on the game, instead he watched your face. You dragged your bottom lip between your teeth, concentration on your brow when you saw your score reach 600,000. 
As the next screen wipes through, you begin moving to the left, faking right before finding yourself being chased by all four ghosts. “No no no!” You shout, slipping through the right side of the screen and desperately trying to get to your last powerup. In the process, you eat as much fruit as you can before doubling back, sliding right into a corner and disappearing into nothing. 
You stare up at the score, watching it tick up and finally end on 617,180. 
“Noo!” You screeched, dropping to your knees in front of the game, your hands slipping down the front in dispair. 
“Yes!” Seokjin yelled, jumping up in celebration and sinking down to your level, “Hah! I knew you wouldn’t be able to beat it! I fucking knew it!” 
While you lay on the ground, you hid your smile with your hair, watching him jump and spin in celebration. Seokjin gripped your hand and pulled you up to him, “It’s a shame you didn’t. I had a pretty good idea for what you would win.” 
“And what would that be?” You were suddenly aware of your close proximity, his breath fanning the top of your cheeks. His hand was large compared to yours, masking your fingers with his. “You’ll have to win to find out.” He grinned, picking up his bookbag and walking out of the arcade. Taehyung watched him walk out, a confused look on his face. He glanced towards you, only to see you shrug. 
When Saturday night rolled around, Seokjin found himself at the arcade. For a while, he and Namjoon played Snooker, his desperate attempts to look cool failing him because he just continued to look around for you. Taehyung being off that night made it difficult for Seokjin to call dibs on the machine. 
He hoped you beat him there, already working on your next attempt to beat him. The truth was, he didn’t have a clue what to give you if you won. He became nervous at your proposition, wondering if you had the same things running through your head as he did. He was sure you didn’t, seeing as your prize for beating him in his mind would be tying you to the bedpost and shutting you up with a ball gag. 
After a couple of hours, Namjoon suggests you two meet everyone else at the bar down the road. Dejected, Seokjin agreed only if Namjoon would pay for his first drink. 
“And they’ve arrived!” Yoongi shouts, holding up a half drank beer and stumbling slightly over his words. Beside him stood a girl who was a little too close for friends, causing Seokjin to sigh when he realized just how much he was missing out on dating currently. 
“Yes, hope you didn’t miss me too much.” Namjoon pats the top of Yoongi’s head, ordering two beers at the bar and turning back to the table. 
Jimin looked up, a small smile on his face, “(Y/N) should bee here soon, Jin.” 
Seokjin’s eyes go wide, “W- why are you telling me?” 
“Because you like her. Duh.” Jimin smirked, finishing off a drink and heading towards the jukebox to change the song to something a little more modern. 
Seokjin tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach when he heard your name. He didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone so quickly, yet here he was, wondering how your day went. If you passed your classes last semester, or if you like to wear stockings beneath a short skirt. . . 
He zoned out, not noticing the bell above the door ring, announcing your return. Jimin rushed to you, greeting you with a small hug. He whispered a small “Thank you, Jin really likes you” in your ear as he did so, knowing that it wouldn’t play against your favor if he was so blunt. 
You ignore the blush on your cheeks before spotting Seokjin and sat down at a table. He was surrounded by other people, one you recognized as the manager at the arcade. Seokjin’s back was lean, he was tall and his face flushed from the warmth of the alcohol. 
Not so confidently, you stepped your way towards the table and rested your hand on Seokjin’s shoulder, startling him out of his trance. 
“Hello SMD.” He said, not hiding his smile. Earlier thoughts of you on your knees seemed to had dissipated and now you turned his legs to jelly. 
“Please call me by my name, Seokjin.” You scolded playfully, standing closely beside him. It wasn’t until you felt eyes on you did you realize that nobody knew who you were besides Jimin. “(Y/N), I uh, I play games with Seokjin sometimes.” You introduced yourself to the group of people, only watching them nod and turning back to their respective conversations. 
“How come you weren’t at the arcade earlier?” Seokjin asked, mostly making casual conversation but also worried you were avoiding him. He snagged a chair from another table and slid it next to him, allowing you to sit down. 
You smiled, “Awe, did you miss me?” 
Seokjin’s mouth goes dry, “N- no, I-” 
“That’s adorable.” You reach forward, pinching his cheek in your hand. 
“Hey!” Seokjin whined loudly, gripping your wrist. The top of his ears went red at your touch, “I am a grown man, you can’t pinch my cheeks.” 
You giggled, “but your face is so pinchable, I can’t help it. Besides, you missed me today and won’t admit it.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grins, his eyes meeting yours for the first time today. They were bright underneath the bar lights, and you couldn’t help but reach up and push his hair from his face. His eyes fluttered at your touch, and you pulled your hand away in slight embarrassment. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” 
“Please.” You responded, feeling him slip passed you and towards the bar. He didn’t know what to order, pointing to the first thing he saw that looked sweet. You watched him talk to the bartender, his hands clasped in front of him while he rose an eyebrow.
The bartender pulled out the mixers and began making your drink, moving fast and filling a beer for Seokjin. He made his way back to you, handing you the drink and watching you take your first sip. 
When you licked your lips afterward, he let out a breath. “You like martinis?” 
“Honestly I’d an entire bottle of vodka right now.” You said, feeling your the drink rush through your veins. You didn’t take long to finish it, jumping into a conversation with the group of people in front of you. 
Seokjin’s eyes trailed up and down your body, stopping and staring at the way your skirt hugged your ass perfectly. The tattoo on your lower back was now in full view, the words “Baby Girl” with a heart around it inked into your perfect skin. 
His finger reached forward, tracing the ink, “When did you get this done?” 
“Oh,” you turned at his touch, “I got it at 17, I thought it was a good idea at the time but now I regret it.” Your face turned red, giving Seokjin a sheepish smile. He bit his lip in response, “I think it’s cute. Why baby girl?” 
“Mm,” you hummed as you sipped another drink, “that’s a story for another day.” You turned back to his group of friends, continuing your earlier conversation. 
Seokjin grinned at how easily you fit in, having a heated debate between with Hoseok about why Thrift Stores are just as acceptable to buy name brand clothes as anywhere else. 
“Anyway, I found these Gucci slides at Uptown Cheapskate for $45. The same slides that usually sell for $450. So suck on that, hat man!” You shouted, downing one of the many shots brought to your table. 
Hoseok’s mouth dropped, “Jin you need to control your woman.” 
“Hey, she’s not my woman yet. And she can do what she wants.” Seokjin shrugged, leaning back in his chair and watching you lean over the table to tug Hoseok’s hat over his eyes. 
“Yet?” You lean back, giving Seokjin a grin. He nodded, “Yet.” 
“Well what’s stopping you then?” You questioned leaning closer to him. He chuckled, “You have to beat my high score.” 
“Fuck the high score.” You muttered, leaning forward and finally crashing your lips onto his. He smiled into the kiss, his hands finding your hips easily. 
Of course he was good with his tongue, darting it between your lips effortlessly. You were tempted to crawl into his chair and straddle his lips. You were tempted to feel his hips bucking into yours underneath the friction of his jeans against the underneath of your skirt. 
But you were in public, this couldn’t happen. 
“You want to get out of here?” You pulled away, Seokjin’s lips swollen and shiny. He nodded wordlessly, allowing you to grip his hand and pull him up and out of the building. The half drank beers were left on the table while Jimin watched you pull Seokjin away with a smirk.
On the walk towards your dorms, Seokjin’s hands didn’t leave your body. He walked behind you, his hands underneath the hem of your shirt while his lips danced lazily up and down your neck. You made no effort in pushing him off, knowing that this wasn’t the craziest thing that these students have seen on campus this week. 
“Jin, you have to be careful or I’m going to start taking off my clothes now.” You warn once you feel his hand creep further up your shirt. He only chuckled, his laugh contagious. You bit your lip, pulling out your keys once you made it to your dorm room, unlocking the door. 
As soon as you opened the door, Seokjin pushed you in and towards your bed. His kiss was less gentle, all teeth crashing into each other only breaking to pull your shirt over your head. 
Your hand unbuttoned his shirt haphazardly, feeling him reach and rip the buttons off his shirt to slip it off quicker. Sure enough, his shoulders were broad but his waist was slim, a hint of a 6 pack rested on his abdomen. You couldn’t help but run your hands over his muscles, your nails lightly scratching just above his pelvic bone. 
Quickly, you pushed him down onto your bed, watching his face fall open in shock much like when he first saw you. “Oh don’t act so surprised now, Jinnie,” you straddled his hips, “you should have figured where this was going.” 
“Oh no you don’t.” Seokjin flips the two of you, his large body covering yours while his teeth nipped down your collarbone. He unhooked your bra, exposing your breasts and not hesitating to palm each of them in his hands. 
Your back arched instinctively at his touch, his tongue licking down your chest and abdomen, finally stopping at your hip bones. His breath fanned over your navel, where his eyes met yours in a silent plead for confirmation. You smiled, leaning on your elbows to watch him as his fingers looped in the hem of your skirt. 
You lifted your hips, feeling him tug the thin fabric down your hips. When your red thong was expose, Seokjin couldn’t help but groan at the sight. He leaned down and spread open mouth kisses on your pelvic bone, then pulling the thong down your legs. 
For a moment, he pauses. His eyes taking in the sight in front of him, he saw your sexed up hair and wild eyes as a sign that he should move quickly, but then he got an idea. 
“You never beat my high score, baby girl.” 
“You heard what I said earlier, fuck the high score. Just, fuck me Jin.” You said, almost whining as you felt his fingers touch everywhere but where you needed him most. 
“No, no. We’re going to take this nice and slow.” He grinned, his finger running up your slit, collecting the wetness that pooled there. You threw your head back, happy at the content but suddenly feeling his fingers slip away as quickly as they touched you. 
You threw open your eyes, blazing by his touch but watching those same fingers being brought up to his mouth. His tongue darted out, sucking on his figures. The earlier timid man had disappeared and was replaced by a sex god. Your eyes were wide, his fingers slipping up your heat once again. 
“Open your mouth.” 
No hesitation at all, your jaw dropped. Seokjin’s fingers entered your mouth, resting the pads of his fingers on the tip of your tongue. You enclosed your lips around his fingers and sucked. A small gasp fell from his mouth, his eyes shining as your tongue licked his fingers. 
Suddenly, his other hand sunk two fingers into your heat. He pumped in and out at an agonizingly slow pace. You moaned loudly, spreading your legs wider while his speed increased. Just as you felt yourself about to tip over the edge, he pulled his fingers out. 
You sucked in a breath of air, watching him lean back and point to his pants. Without a second of hesitation, you lunged forward and unzipped his jeans. Now it was your turn to slow down, slipped his pants off his hips and saw his cock spring free. 
“No boxers?” You questioned, veins pulsing while his cock rested on his abdomen. Seokjin shook his head, watching you carefully while you threw his jeans onto the floor. 
Your lips pressed a kiss to the head, Seokjin’s eyes fluttering shut while you pumped your wrist up and down. “Oh fuck.” He moaned, his voice lowering a few octaves in the sexiest thing you had ever heard in your entire life. You watched his hips flex at your touch, bucking as your lips finally wrapped around his cock. 
“That’s right, baby girl.” He held your hair up, watching carefully and guiding you. You felt tingling in your lower half at his words. He tugged softly on your hair, pulling you up and off him. You gave him a lazy grin, which caused Seokjin’s heart to flutter. 
“On your stomach,” he spoke, out of breath, “ass in the air.” 
You obeyed immediately, your knees towards the edge of the bed. Your back was arched and Seokjin laid a harsh smack to your ass. You groaned at the crack, feeling his hand rub where he smacked immediately to soothe. Felt him line himself up behind you, before stopping. 
“You know, you’re lucky I’m doing this. I wasn’t going to until you beat my score again.” His hand rubbed up your spine, causing chills to follow his touch. 
“Jin I swear to god if you don’t fuck me right now you’ll never be able to.” You turned back to him, watching his face drop into a glare. All too quickly, you felt him sink in. You barely had enough time to adjust before he was pulling out and slamming into you again. 
“As much as I like cock warming, you’re right. You need a good fuck.” He grinned, his teeth biting your shoulders.
Your gasp was loud and repetitive, feeling him pound into you. Your arms became weak and you felt yourself collapse. Seokjin was quick to pull you up, continuing to thrust. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his moans growing in volume when he felt you tightening around him. 
“You gonna cum for me like the good girl you are?” He said into your ear, breathlessly moaning and encouraging you. 
His hand snaked around your front, rubbing hard on your clit and finally coaxing you through your orgasm. Your whines only edged him closer and he had to pull out before he came. 
“Jin,” You gasped, “I’m on the pill. Cum inside me.” 
Seokjin’s eyes screwed shut, releasing as his hips bucked harshly into you. You collapsed onto the bed, feeling your hair stick to your forehead as you desperately tried to catch your breath. 
He pulled out, collapsing on top of you. He smiled, “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you.” He moved your hair from your face, pressing a small kiss to your cheek, “I like dirty.” 
“Thank god, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you were just vanilla.” You flipped around, looking him in his eyes. 
“Now, just to be clear,” his arms shook as he held himself above you but he didn’t want to leave this proximity just yet, “this isn’t a one time thing, right?” 
“I sure hope not, in fact I could go for round two right now.” You murmured, your hand stroking the back of his head carefully. 
Seokjin pressed a small, gentle kiss to your lips, “Let me recharge for a minute, then round two in the showers.” 
“Deal.” You said, leaning up and kissing him hard. 
For the rest of the night he stayed close to you, his fingers as skilled on you as they are on the arcade machine. That night you fell asleep in his arms, listening to the tiniest snores leave his mouth. 
To say you were whipped for Kim Seokjin would be an understatement. 
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ardentprose · 4 years
College Boyfriend: Jungkook
Warnings: language, suggestive/sexual themes, boyfriend jungkook
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Dating college-aged Jungkook...
Would be annoying as hell
he’s the type to piss you off whenever he’s bored
which happens alot because this boy. does. NOT. study.
which is stressful for you because at exactly 1 am every night he comes to you with his dumb shit-eating grin and his mint textbook because he never uses it
and begs you with not even a morsel of regret because he knows you’ll help him
otherwise how will you two graduate on time to move to the city together?? that rent will not be paid on one income
“baaaabe. what’s on the exam tomorrow?”
“Wow, i’m shocked you even knew there was an exam this time.”
“TaeTae just quit our game so he could go study and now i’m bored”
if you simply rolled your eyes and kept typing away at your paper he would drop his textbook loudly on the edge of your desk or if you’re in bed on your legs without hesitation
earning your death glare that does not phase him
he snakes his rock-hard arms around your tummy and nuzzles his face into your neck, his hair tickling your cheek and blinding you in your right eye
it was not the last time
bored jungkook would show up at your dormitory on the daily and you’d know because either
all the girls get real giggly out of nowhere
or he’s brought his entire squad and even the RAs are swooning over the seven boys clearly breaking the rules by being present in a girls’ dorm
he would never knock but just shout until you heard him through the door and your headphones
but of course your neighbors didn’t care
sometimes they’d even answer their doors first and by the time you let jungkook in he was already waist-deep in ranting about a battle gone wrong on league of legends and the regret in the girl’s eyes caused you to take pity rather than get jealous
he was Never allowed to bring all the boys in your pathetically small room so they would either scatter and explore this sacred paradise or line up obediently in the hallway, winking at the girls as they passed
bored jungkook lays his stinky feet on your thighs after working in the gym
he shakes the sweat from his hair onto you and will offer you his shirt and as soon as you turn your head, sometimes accepting the shirt blindly, he’s cackling as you hurtle the dead-cat smelling shirt across your room
bored jungkook will make up names inspired by his twitter feed and call you each one until you laugh or smack his closest body part
“babe. baby girl. bae. my boo. main chick. girl with the good hair who’s not becky because i only love you. mamacita. miss thicc. my skinny legend. sweetheart. brat (that’s YOU, jungkook). my ult bia AND my bias wrecker. my all-kill. yummy yumm- (NO!)
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but sometimes bored jungkook was really sweet
there were times he was exhausted of his testosterone flooded environment and texted you in the most polite millennial format you had ever seen
“can we netflix and chill but like really just chill?”
baby boi jungkook is activated as soon as you reply ‘yes’
he shows up with a blanket and a hoodie he’s wearing but its for you because he would rather be shirtless and snuggling you under the blanket’s heat
and of course he brings exclusive “Y/N and Me snacks” from his many shelves of Jungkook Snacks
no lie he punched jin in the face because jin ate your favorite oreos and jungkook had saved up to buy those
okay so he accidentally hit jin while wrestling them out of his grip
you greet him with a kiss on each cheek and his eyes become adoring stars as he literally follows you around your room. he stands at the bathroom entrance and watches you get ready for bed. he waits patiently by the bed as you clear it of your study materials
you set everything up he strips his hoodie off and hands it to you
his arms again around your waist and this time he keeps his hair in a bun so it doesn’t tickle your nose and make you sneeze even tho your sneezes make him giggle
he kisses your lips at least four times while you surf netflix not offering suggestions because he only wants to watch anime or whatever you wanna watch
his love for romantic korean dramas started with you which is funny seeing as he’s had an entire lifetime to watch these with taehyung repeatedly recommending them 
tae is not happy that it took a girl to convince jk to sit down and watch Boys Over Flowers
or even Strong Woman Do Bong Soon which was made for jungkook like c’mon-
and if a couple breaks up on screen, fighting and screaming he instinctively grips you tighter and presses his lips against the pulse in your neck for comfort and assurance
his wide doe eyes are glassy as they fight but they absolutely flood when the couple makes up
jk will whip his head into the hood behind your head and hide his tears while you stroke his forearm and interlace your fingers with his
most nights jungkook falls asleep on your shoulder before the first episode ends
some nights the first ten minutes have barely passed before you realize soft boi jungkook was a ruse and his hands are up his sweatshirt on your torso, cupping your boobs and mouthing at your neck and
dang nabbit you’ve been bamboozled AGAIN
but fuck is it hot the way his teeth pull the skin on your neck, going back in to suck on it and repeat the process until red blooms like an abstract necklace
and if you’re too lost in the feeling of his fingers circling your skin leaving traces of fire he’ll remove one hand and cup your cheek turning your jaw to interlock with his
thus a makeout session ensues
at some point you’re pulling the hair tie from his head and weaving your fingers through the wavy thick strands, moaning at that sensation alone
but your roommate usually comes in before you get very far
or annoying jungkook returns and he pulls away breathless but a smirk flashing on his lips as he glances over your shoulder 
“its curfew...gotta go”
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jungkook is actually very smart and very talented
like the best in his film production class AND his art studies class AND best athlete on the football team
he would be best dancer but hoseok claimed that title and jungkook has made it his personal mission to surpass the dancing legend before either of them graduate
he always holds your hand while walking to class
runs up and snatches your hand, kissing your cheek in greeting
uses your interlocked hands to pull your arm around his shoulder, cup your waist and kiss you for good luck before your test
always leaves his friends to come say hi
uses his extra college-given bucks to buy you a coffee or a meal in the cafeteria if you forgot your money 
lets you use him as a chair if all the seats in the library are taken or even if they’re not and plays with your hair with one hand, phone in the other while you study for the both of you
everyone on campus knows jungkook is top of the line but everyone on campus thinks you’re top tier for wooing the man
that annoying student who guesses the answer and gets it right
if namjoon can hate another human being it’s jungkook in philosophy spouting off A-class bullshit and getting praise from the teacher
then having the audacity to ask for namjoon’s notes
college boyfriend jungkook may be your typical jock in physique but his heart is kind and protective and he knows how to balance time with his friends and time with you
well no thats a lie
he spends 99% of his time loving you
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jinstronaut · 3 years
do you sometimes think like... i don't know how to explain ;-; every day i think about my past and how i'm living right now, and it just gets clearer and clearer that i won't be proud of who i am today in the future, just as i'm ashamed and regretful of who i used to be. it feels like i'm getting much more far away from who i wanna become, not the opposite :( i see the boys' story and they were following their dreams at such a young age, all of them, even jin who's the oldest, they were always working hard. i know i shouldn't compare myself to them, i should use their support as a help for my own path, but i feel strenghtless. i ended high school at the beginning of this year and i haven't entered uni (i really have no idea of what i want), which means 2022 will be another year of studying hard for me, and honestly i don't think i will be able to survive this. i used to be good at studies when i was younger, but even this part of myself fade away. now this is the hardest thing to me. it's the first time in my whole life in which i can't see or believe in a future for me. .. you probably will desagree, but when i think rationally about this i feel very realist, not negative :( i wish i could find a job so i'd feel less like a burden and more like a person worth of something more, i guess. sorry, i've talked about this so many times with my closest friend and my cousin, but i feel like they're tired of this same thing over and over and i don't blame them. you seem like a cool person so i sent this, if you decide not to answer it, i'll understand ❤💓💓
hi sweetie nonnie 🥺 first of all thank you for trusting me with this and opening up to me!!! i hope i can be a good soundboard for you during what's obviously a rough time right now 😞
firstly, i want to make something really clear to you: you don't need to know what you want to do. there's always such a weird societal pressure that once you've graduated high school, you need to have your life figured out, and that's just not true!! i know it's a lot easier said than done, getting into that sort of mindset where you can just exist and be okay with that, but i really want you to know that it's okay that you're not sure what you want to do. if you want to go to university, then go for it! don't pressure yourself to fall into a certain routine -- the best part about college is the amount of classes you can take in a variety of different subjects. you could find something you really love to do, or you could realize that maybe it's not what you want it to be. both are super valid and it's a good reminder to keep in your back pocket when your brain tells you that you're not doing enough ♥
i also know it's really hard to not compare yourselves to others, especially success stories like bts. they're all incredible and work really hard for what they have and what they've gotten, but their path doesn't always equal your path, you know? you can still work hard and apply yourself to whatever you want in the moment and it'll be successful. it's not about measuring things in terms of huge achievements, sometimes it's about celebrating the little things you manage to do on a daily basis. like taking a shower, for instance, or getting out of bed a little earlier than usual, or applying to some jobs even if it's tough. take that into consideration, and truly give yourself some credit where it's due in terms of the things you do every single day -- it's not about being the best and being the biggest, it's just about being yourself!!
i also also think you need to give yourself a little bit of a break :( we've lost nearly two years to a worldwide pandemic that's certainly shaken the foundation of everyone's lives. the world was in lockdown for nearly a year, and some places are still in lockdown. some places are trying to pretend that covid doesn't even exist, and the state of the world has been incredibly volatile since march 2020, maybe even before that. it's all right that you haven't managed to do something like get a job -- the job market is really rough right now, considering how little people are willing to pay others to essentially risk their lives every day. it's all right to take a break and still try to ensure that your safety is coming first. being healthy is much more important than being put in an uncomfortable position by capitalism. one of the most important life lessons you can learn is putting your own self worth over a paycheck.
a little insight into me, for example: i'm the same age as jin, 29, and just recently do i feel like i'm finally on the right path. literally, this revelation started in may. may!!! that's only 3? 4? months of me feeling like maybe i have my life together, and i'm 29!! life is wild in the sense that things are always changing and moving and evolving. i've changed passions so many times, been at extremely low lows and incredibly high highs, but it's a constant work to feel like i'm a good version of myself, someone that past emmeline would be happy to know. if i can instill any wisdom into you from what i've learned over the past decade, it's that you don't always need to have all the answers. it's extremely valid to feel a little panicked and down -- like i said, the world is a hard place right now -- but what comes first is you.
maybe try some new hobbies! do something that you know you love a little more often every day, just to ensure that you're feeling happy. if your hobbies no longer excite you, don't be afraid to try something new! i know it's scary, but the first step is having the confidence to admit that you need help.
i hope this soothes you a little bit, nonnie :( i don't know if this makes sense in one whole go, but when i read your message i felt really touched, and i saw a lot of my younger self in your worries. i want to let you know how valid your feelings are, while reassuring you that things can change and get better when you least expect it. i'm here for you!!! and i'm sending you all the positivity that i can 💕💕💕
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bangtanislife-0612 · 3 years
Impulse~ Part 12
Group: BTS
Au: Superhero
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x OC
Summary: Main Character has lost their job and needed money to pay for college, so they become a villain because it pays really well. The boys are a superhero group named Bangtan under organization named The Elite. The evil organization is called The Organization because I'm super original. Jungkook and OC are freshman  in second semester of college. Jimin and Taehyung are sophomores in college. Namjoon and Hoseok are juniors in college. Yoongi is a senior and Jin is graduated and working at The Elite. Basically Jungkook has a crush on OC in college, but doesn't know she's a super villain working against him so it's that kind of story.
                                                Impulse Masterlist
3rd POV
It's been about three days since the kidnapping and Mina still hadn't come back to school. The boys knew they couldn't visit unless they were in their suits but even then it would be a little odd since they normally don't visit victims. Minas best friend sunny has also been out but the boys assume that she must be taking care of Mina.
Mina’s POV
"Ughhhhh I just want to be out of here already. I've missed so many classes."
Jae releases a soft chuckle.
"Well considering you pretended to be kidnapped and beat up you do need to keep up appearances by staying home to ‘recover’."
“Hey! I told you I had to do that to avoid suspicion.”
I end my sentence with a punch to his shoulder, resulting in an clearly playfully offended glare from Jay.
For a second we both sit in silence, both of us being used to Sunny pretending to play peacemaking to our ‘arguments’. 
"I know it’s only been a few days but I miss her."
I feel the sympathetic eyes of Jae boring into me, and shift my attention to the wall as I pace around continuing my rant.
“She shouldn’t have been there in the first place. I was the one that hit was meant for. I-I should have done something to stop him!”
I heave out painful pants watching the equipment I just kicked land across the room. 
I feel a pull on my arm and turn to see Jay, having to turn my head away once again at the pity filling his gaze.
“You blaming yourself, Mina. Even Sunny has told you its not your fault. It was her idea and we both know there is nothing you could have done to stop them from where you were.”
A small rational part of me knows his words hold some kind of weight; however, the emotional part of me can’t forget the moment I heard that Golden boy had pulled on Sunny’s arm hard enough to dislocate it. Knowing she has to stay in the hospital for another four days on top of the three she’s already been there fills my heart with constant worry.
I feel a nudge on my arm and turn to Jay once again. He seems to always know when I’m stuck in my head. We sit for another moment with no words exchanged before he expels a sigh.
"I think it's been long enough....you can go back to school tomorrow"
I turn to him in disbelief searching his eyes fo any lies before squealing and covering him in a hug. 
"Yeah yeah I know you're excited but know that you have to come up with an excuse for Sunny’s absence!"
I nod quickly in agreement just happy to get out of the apartment again and run off to get ready for school tomorrow. I can’t help but feel relief to finally have a distraction from everything going on, and pretend to be normal once again.
The one thing about going back to school that I was not prepared for was the staring. It was easy to forget that the kidnapping was just a largely covered news story when the only people I talked to about it knew it was fake. Everyone here is probably expecting me to break down in tears any moment from such a traumatic event. For now all I can do is keep my head down and wait for sunny to come back. However it seemed that the universe had other plans.
"Mina! Is that you?"
Turning to the right revealed Kim Taehyung was the one asking the question everyone was too scared to. Surveying him properly I could see he was surrounded by the rest of his friends per usual. I straighten up my posture in preparation and give a quick awkward wave before beginning my trek over to the group of boys.
"Haha yeah, I just got out of the hospital yesterday"
"Oh, well we are all glad you are okay. Everybody was worried when they heard what happened to you."
I turn in response to Park Jimin’s words and surprisingly enough could see that he was being genuine even though we don’t know each other all that well. My mouth can’t help but form a shy smile as I thank them all for their well wishes.
We all stand there for a second clearly not knowing what to say next. Right as I’m about to come up with an excuse to leave the awkward situation Namjoon managed to find something to talk about. However, it was the one topic I was hoping to avoid.
"Where's your friend, Sunny?"
Sucking in a breath I attempt to explain to the group the hopefully believable story I’ve come up with about Sunny getting sick the other day and not being able to come to school for a couple days.
The boys all give slightly wary, and even suspicious(?) looks to each other before Kim Seokjin piped in. 
"Kind of a weird coincidence that she got sick right after your kidnapping, talk about bad timing."
He ended his sentence with a slightly awkward laugh as if to excuse the somewhat insensitive comment. I can’t help but furrow my eyebrows a bit, but try to keep my cool and come up with a good excuse on the fly.
"Yeah I guess you could say that although I personally think she got sick because of me. One of our friends told me she basically wouldn't sleep or eat until I was found and she was practically camping out by my bedside in the hospital."
Thankfully the story sold well without the real specifics of her hospital stay; although, the involuntary wince that came with mentioning Sunny’s condition probably helped my case. 
Some of the boys smacked Seokjin’s side for his comment, and to give him credit he did look guilty. Then out of nowhere Jung Hoseok, a well-known social butterfly, jumped in.
"If you want you can hang out with us until Sunny is back at school! We wouldn't want you spending time between classes all by yourself!"
I look up surprised by his invitation and surprisingly enough all of the boys looked like they were in agreement with his statement. Normally I would kindly reject the offer but honestly I was feeling a bit lonely without Sunny by my side, so I give a little nod and all the boys have a small cheer. I quickly took a seat next to Taehyung as he was the one who originally called me over and personally has always give off a friendly vibe to me.  
The second I sit down he begins talking my ear off; however, I appreciate the distraction and change of subject from the previous conversation. I try to pay attention to what he’s saying to me but a hushed conversation nearby peaks my interest instead. It seems to be between Hoseok and Jungkook, but all I can pick out are some mumbles.
“She.....well..I just thought.... gives......chance..talk..” 
I don’t even notice I’ve completely turned my head to look at the two in an attempt to understand their conversation until I notice Jungkook looking right back at me. He nudges Hoseok causing the older boy to stop mid-sentence. I send a small smile their way in hopes of lessening the tension rising, which seems to do the trick as they both send small smiles back to me.
Looking at Jungkook reminds me of my last encounter with him and I sit up a little straighter before asking him,
“Hey, Jungkook how’s your little puppy doing?”
He looks confused for a split second before what look like realization crosses his face and he turns a little red and begins rubbing the back of his neck while he answers.
“Oh, uh he’s doing good. Thank you for asking.”
I tilt my head a bit at his answer noticing that he seems to be avoiding eye contact with me.
“Well, I would love to see him again sometime. Let me know when you bring him back to campus”
He nods in my direction at my statement, still avoiding eye contact with me.
Suddenly, from next to me Taehyung pipes in,
“Oh, Jungkookie has no way to contact you though why don’t you exchange numbers so he can let you know!”
I manage to catch Jungkook give Taehyung a slightly murderous, yet embarrassed look and before either can say anything more I quickly jump in.
“Yeah, that makes sense to me! Do you want me to put it in your phone for you?”
I ask this while staring directly at him hoping for some eye contact from the shy, yet adorable, boy. He looks up just in time for me to see his shocked eyes before turning and grabbing his phone from his bag. Once the phone is in my hands I quickly type in my number as well as sending myself a quick text in order to save his number to my phone. As I’m about to hand it back I notice the time on the phone being close to my first class starting. 
I stand up grabbing my stuff mentioning my observation to the boys before turning to Jungkook once again.
“Make sure to inform me once that puppy of yours is back on campus, and feel free to send my number to the other boys if any of you need something, okay?”
He nods in response. I can’t help but notice the slight pink in his cheeks and chuckle a little at the cute reaction. Before I can over-analyze that last thought I send one last smile to all the boys and turn away to head to class. 
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