#its seeing the parts that start to corrupt you and keeping it from your friends because it cant be allowed to touch them.
fugglecases · 2 years
hrnnnggg fictional characters making me go insane
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animeshotsh · 4 months
We love you | VariousYandere x Sinner!Reader HCS
Summary: Characters from HH being obsses over you.
Warnings: Alastor's part has Mentions of cannibalism - Valentino's part its DARK - Mentions of brainwashing - Most of them are slight!Yandere but still Yandere no less - Stalking - Killing - NSFW SINCE IT HAS SUGESSTIVE THEMES -
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☆ Charlie
It does not matter if you happen to be one of the worst sinners from the circle or a top overlord who makes everybody fear them. Charlie its just obsses with you.
She sees something good, deep down in you. And wants to bring that out (or maybe its her being lovestruck).
She Will use her princess status to bring you to her hotel.
Will follow you around and ask for your opinion and likes. No matter if your responds are harsh, she will be in cloud nine with them
☆ Vaggie
As a former Angel she is carefull around sinners. She wants to protect Charlie and herself. Then you appear and now not all sinners seem bad.
Thinks you should be in heaven but wont complain since she gets to pass time with you.
Her love for you its platonic.
Wants you to be under her watch 24/7. If she has work at the hotel then you have it as well. The same as hers.
Tells Charlie about you and Charlie its supportive of her. Believes Vaggie needs more Friends and you seem like a good person!!
☆ Angel Dust
Its afraid to approach you because for a sinner you seem pure. Not like him. He believes he is too dirty for you.
Tries to convince himself that he justs wants to corrupt you and thats it. That there are not Real feelings involved.
The minute he hears someone tried something on you he is getting hella protective and will go and look for them.
If it was Valentino he will console you the best he can. Will break his walls to let you in.
Hugs you with his four arms against his chest. Makes sexual comments but gets flustered when you respond with more intimate ones on emotional level.
Just like he fought for his Friends he would do the same for you.
☆ Husk
One of the most tamed ones.
He is quick to know he feels something for you and wants to keep you only for himself.
Reminds him of his old overlord days when the most terrorific ideas plagued his mind.
Would totally gamble with you for your soul if he could.
Tries to keep you away from Alastor knowing the radio Demon may use you to get to him.
He also wants you to avoid him because Husk knows he means trouble.
☆ Sir.Pentious
He is so confused.
You two meet as enemies or by being amazed by his creations.
His eggs are quicker to catch up how he is feeling, asks him if he wants them to kindapp you.
He wants but wont do it.
Will try to impress you but fail.
Follows you everywhere.
Claims its what Friends do or that he is doing it to keep a closer eye on his enemy.
Fainfs when you give him little attention.
☆ Alastor
The one who once he starts to realize what is happening goes in denial and killing mode.
Ends charming you on his own way.
If you resist him then he gets you kindapped. No one is allowed to talk to you and you cant talk since he cut off your tongue and ate it.
Gets angry when he sees you playing with Niffty and starts to feel soft things for you. Like wanting to cuddle you, dance with you.
If you are more open to his advances he is a protective Yandere and manipulative one. But its so subtle no one will notice.
His shadows likes to play with you a lot.
☆ Lucifer
Goes ??? When he starts to fall for you. Tries to ignore it till he sees you with other demons or sinners then he loses it.
Not in front of you. He wants you to keep a very gentlemen image of him in your head.
Will kill whoever wants to court you.
Gets you a work by his side so no one can reach you.
You want to leave? Jokes on you, this Man its going to gashlight you so much. The idea will leave your head in seconds.
Oh, and will make you like ducks.
☆ Valentino
Poor you.
Like for Real poor you.
You may end being his favorite dancer or he just saw you one time and decided to take you for his joy and personal use.
Starts as pure physical interest then it developes into obssesion. No one knows if he truly feels something for you, not even the other Vs.
He is mean and a dick. Expect lots of punishments when you dont behave like he wants you to.
☆ Vox
Different from Valentino, Vox its more calm...at least on the physical side.
He probably saw you with one of his cameras and started to watch your daily life like a show. He then imagined you were the main character and he was the love interest.
He got it badly.
Its worse when he happens to catch you being intimate with another sinner/demon.
It should be him.
That one ends dead and Vox decides to make his home yours too.
He kindapps you.
He is a delusional Yandere. Believes you two have been together for years now. If you try to correct him he goes into error mode.
Will not hit you but may electroshock you.
Will try to brainwash you into beliving you are married to him.
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reverieblondie · 4 months
Could I request headcanons for Rolan, Haarlep, Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Astarion with shy gn s/o?
Sorry this took forever! This is my first time doing headcanons and was unsure how to format it. The last bullet point for each character is NSFW just as a warning. I hope you enjoy!
Did the same HCs for Raphael and Zevlor here
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When you two first meet, he misread your shyness as apprehension towards him. Now he knows that you are just painfully shy, leaning more towards quiet. The way you two became close was through his siblings Cal and Lia; those two extroverts, of course, were set on becoming friends with you. They will pull you into their family conversations, you will listen to how they lovingly bicker, with a smile. Rolan slowly starts to get used to you being near and finds himself missing you when you are gone, not that he would ever admit that to you however. Your relationship with Rolan will bloom over time the more private time you two share.  
Once together, Rolan is making you blush by pure accident. At first, he didn’t notice what he would be doing until he turned to see your flustered face while his tail curled around your leg, seemingly of its own accord. The first couple of times it happened he would apologize and remove himself from you, it wasn’t until you grabbed his hand and leaned in closer with your cheeks blazing red, whispering how you enjoyed the closeness. At that he decided he would keep doing it more intentionally. 
One of his favorite things to do for you is to write you notes and secretly slip them to you. Rolan can struggle with expressing himself, so writing it for you tends to be easier for him and you. You always look forward to reading the notes as soon as you get them, though sometimes he has to whisper in your ear to read them in private when his words lead towards more intimate confessions that will leave your head spinning all night. 
A date night for you two is a lovely night in which you two share a bottle of wine he carefully selected after much research of what would be the best mix of both your tastes. Then, curling up with you in front of a burning fireplace with a book that you, of course, got to pick out for him to read till the late hours of the night. 
When you and Rolan are in each other's intimate embrace, tangled up together and sharing in soft pants and shy whispers he does anything to make you moan. It makes him feel good to help bring out your shy moans for him, letting him know he is doing a good job bringing you intense pleasure.  
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As they laid eyes on your flushed figure taking in their appearance only one thought crossed their mind; corrupt you. Finds your reserved nature delicious and loves to fluster you in any way possible. At first, it was all just a game but as they kept seeing you more and more they started to get excited by your presents. The teasing never stops and sure they can sometimes push you a bit far that you're practically a melted puddle of feelings but Haarlep just isn't used to such shyness, they love it.  
Loves to make you blush and relish in how you tremble when they whisper filth in your ear. They will brush their lips against the shell of your ear talking about all the ways they want to break you out of your shell, it still makes you fill with shivers of excitement no matter how many times they tease you. Haarlep will even try to sway you to talk dirty to them with sweet coos and sugared promises.
If you do start feeling brave enough to attempt to talk dirty back to them, Haarlep would laugh and tease you with playful kisses and pinches to your sides. Though half the time they can’t make it to that part considering when they watch you try to stumble out the words from your trembling lips they can’t help themselves from leaning in to bite your sweet lips in a passionate kiss. 
For a date night, Haarlep admittedly loves a nice spa night. Sure, they could just take you in bed all night long but they find themselves relishing in the way you two take care of one another for a night. Not used to people wanting to pamper them like you do but is more than willing to accept it. You two will take a nice long bath together, taking the time to wash each other carefully. Then once washed and dried expect long messages with delicate-smelling oils to ease and soften each other's muscles. They will try to slip into some naughtiness but you assure them they don't have to. This is a different level of intimacy they could get used to. 
When you two do find yourselves letting your spa night turn into something spicier Haarlep isn’t just going to let you get away with just getting what you want, no, they want you to beg for it to plead for what you're wanting. They just can’t help but tease their shy little thing, making you come undone with a pleading cry of your desires. 
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When he first met you he was a bit thrown by your silent nature. So what did he end up doing to compensate for your silence? Rambling on and on to you about everything and nothing trying to get anything from you but only being met with your shy smiles and pleasant nods. Ultimately thought you didn’t like him, which is far from the truth you thought he was interesting but you just are not much of a talker but you noticed the dejected look in his eyes as he left to go make dinner for the camp. Later when you worked up the nerve to ask him for more stories from his youth and studies of the weave he was more than excited to start talking on and on again. Slowly but surely you two clicked with the dynamic of him being the sweet chatterbox and you the calm listener.
Gale always showers you with compliments, always making you blush with how he pours his heart out to you. He is a hopeless romantic and so are you, though sometimes the compliments seem to come from nowhere. You could be standing in the market trying to pick out vegetables for the night's dinner and he would come to you with a smile praising how your face in concentration is a marvel to witness. Instantly your chest warms and the lady who owns the vegetable booth states you are lucky to have such a loving partner. 
When he's not showering you in compliments he's showering you in kisses. This man can not keep his lips off you for a single second, he's entirely devoted to you. Would be more than willing to leave your skin covered in hickeys if you were to allow it, and sometimes despite your meek nature you do. You don’t even mind how the beard slightly scratches your skin, you love that he is so open and so willing to show what you mean to him. 
Gale's very favorite date night between you two is a nice night where you two can prepare a meal together. While you two pour over the recipe together it's a great time to unwind about each other's day while leaving gentle touches on each other. You could be mixing the sauce and as soon as he's done chopping the vegetables you feel his arms curling around your waist while his lips press against your flushed skin. Sure your two might burn the food slightly when you two get caught up in cuddling with one another but nothing a little bit of magic can’t fix. 
Gale loves to press himself against you, you can bet that after dinner he will have you on your back as he grinds into on top of the table. You have already reached that white-hot bliss a couple of times now but Gale keeps going, keeps pressing long strokes into you as hot tears rush down your cheeks, you stumbling and mumbling how it's too much but he just begs for one more…
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Clocked your timidness as soon as he laid his hazel eyes on you. He introduces himself to you and asks you questions about yourself listening with a soft smile as you speak, being patient as you at first give short answers then slowly beaming how your answers get longer and longer. Before he knows it you two are being more open towards one another. Loves to see you coming out of your shell and is more than welcoming to your quiet nature. All of nature's creatures are made differently, you would often apologize for being so timid but he would only smile and place his hand over his heart reassuring you that nature makes no mistakes. 
Eye contact is extremely important to him, he considers it disrespectful if he doesn’t look into his partner's eyes. This was an adjustment for you being so shy from him staring as you speak. Loves how your cheeks flush and your sweet voice trembles as you try to keep your resolve and lead the conversion. Halsin loves you no matter what but is proud of your efforts to lead conversions more, he is sure to tell you this always.  
Loves to give pet names to his partner, when he first called you his heart you swear all the air in your lungs was swiftly knocked from you. Halsin, ever observant, saw your startled reaction and asked if the name made you uncomfortable because he is all about your comfort first and foremost. It was his turn to be surprised when you shook your head with a bashful smile saying that now you will have to find a pet name for him in return. 
Completely understands your want for nice quiet dates so he will always take you for late nice hikes to show you the beauties of nature, of course during the walk he will softly hold your hand and talk to you about all the different plants and animals you two would come across. Before you two reach your destination he will carefully cover your eyes and lead you to the spot he wanted to show you since he found it. Uncovering your eyes you see the tall elf smiling as you look out over the cliff and see nature's majesty. Right as you think it couldn't get more incredible shooting stars fall from the sky is a shimmering shower. Oak  father has truly blessed them tonight. 
While you two are undressing to embrace one another he will rake his eyes all over your body. As he lays you down against the forest floor's soft grass, takes his time to kiss and touch every part of your body worshiping to get to see you in your natural glory all for him to partake in. You're not ashamed to admit his hands over your body make you come out of your shell like no other can.   
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When Wyll met you he faced your shyness with friendliness to get you to feel more comfortable. When he joined your camp he immediately started helping out in any way he could. Need help setting up tents? He will politely ask to help you and proves himself to be quite resourceful. Loves to tell you stories of his travels to you as you work together and smiles as he sees your eyes sparkle in enchantment with his stories. Going to get firewood he offers to tag along to keep you company. While you two walk together you will share your stories, though in your opinion they are not as grand as his but it doesn't seem to stop him from being engaged as asking you to explain further in detail for him to fully picture it. Before you know it you and him are sitting and chatting for hours like you have been together for years. The vibes and electric energy he radiates are just too contagious to not get wrapped in, and you love it. 
Wyll is all about public displays of affection, he wants to show you off and is hopeful you feel the same for him, which you do. His hand is either in your hand or he somehow has his hand wrapped around your waist. Wants to show you all the love possible. And you can't help but blush as he unapologetically gives you kisses in the street not caring if others see. When you sadly do have to break apart for a moment he blows you kisses as you walk away, you of course catch them and hold them to your heart and sometimes if you are feeling brave you will blow one back.
Loves to have you sit in his lap, not in a creepy way but in a sweet way wanting to hold you close. He doesn't care where you are or who you two are with. If he gets the opportunity he will pull you down to his lap and nuzzle softly into your neck. Sometimes if it is late at night and you two are cuddling by the campfire you will find yourself falling asleep in his embrace, Wyll loves that you have become so comfortable in his arms and will spend the night softly brushing your hair back from your face while you sleep. 
It's no surprise that for your dates you two go out to a local tavern to dance. At first, you shyly admitted to him that you were not a good dancer but Wyll is very patient and will carefully guide you and smile through gritted teeth as you step on his feet. Over time however and through many dates you two become quite the dancing partners. However, if the dance floor becomes too crowded and you start to feel shakenly overwhelmed he will lead you to a private corner and gently sway with you whispering how much he adores you.  
In the late nights of each other's embrace as you two shower each other in devotion, he will whisper honey praises into your ears. How well you take him. How much he loves you. How he wants to be with you forever to see you unravel before him like in this intimate moment of intense pleasure. 
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Rolls his eyes as he watches you trying to stumble through conversions. How can someone with no social skills make it through the world? You of course were intimidated by him and when he would speak to you it would always leave you overwhelmed but you never thought poorly of him you understood that it was perhaps how he coped through situations like you go through yours meekly. First Astrion saw your kindness and shyness as weakness, but slowly over time as you two opened up towards each other he saw it as a good thing. Feels safe to be vulnerable towards you and you are more than happy to open up to him late at night when you two can't sleep. Your relationship started through friendship and understanding, but still teases you any chance he gets. 
Teases you endlessly, his favorite is when he gets the chance to sneak up on you and cover your eyes, he never gets over your startled little squeak in surprise at the impromptu game of Guess Who. By now you know that it is Astrion and will guess him quickly as you hold your hands on top of his cold ones. When you two are at the shops or camp he loves to shoot you flirtatious winks from across the way, it never fails to make you blush. Though you will never forget when you saw the look of surprise on his face when you winked back at him before slipping into his tent, he would later tell you it was very naughty of you to surprise him with that. 
After you two had been together and learned about each other's past he found himself needing to just have quiet moments with you. You would be getting ready for bed oiling your skin as you hum softly to yourself. Astarion would lower his book and just watch you for a moment, at a time you had been too shy to even talk to him but now here you two are sharing a bed. Carefully and quickly he would slip behind you and hug you tenderly. At first, you were startled and thought something could be wrong but as you softly ask he simply shakes his head and says he just wants to be close to you for a moment, no games just tenderness. You are more than happy to give him that moment. 
Late-night dates at the rare late-night markets in Baldur's Gate are a real treat and you two are more than happy to go on a shopping date for the night. Astarion will watch as you admire all the exotic merchandise from across Faerun oooing and ahhing at everything. He of course notices that you take particular interest in a fancy-looking ring, but you could not justify buying it for yourself. Later when you two are wrapping up your date for the night he will suddenly stop you kiss your hand then slip said ring on one of your fingers, you would stumble and say how he shouldn't have it and how it was too expensive, but he reassures you that he got a five finger discount. 
You two waited a while before making love with one other, you wanted it to be special and you wanted him to know how much him being  comfortable meant to you before you did. He of course reassures you by kissing you passionately till your two are stumbling into the bed. Though the kisses and the foreplay were ravenous when he finally slipped into your tight entrance, he is slow and soft, constantly asking if you are alright. Through bashful glances you kiss him softly as he lets you adjust to his length, this is truly the definition of making love.
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paradiseprincesss · 7 days
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tale as old as time - jonathan crane x reader
notes: based off of this post by @kpopgirlbtssvt! sorry its taken me so long, ive been lacking a little motivation recently lol.
summary: your dad works for the gotham police department, and he has been looking into jonathan's experiments on his patients. in a panic, jonathan decides to kidnap you and use you as blackmail against your dad so that he stops looking into the corruption of arkham. though you're awfully scared at first, you discover that maybe being held "hostage" in a big, beautiful mansion with a man who slowly becomes enamoured with you isn't as bad as you'd originally thought.
word count: 4.7k
warnings: kidnapping, fear-toxin, kissing, swearing, i dont know if this classifies as stockholm syndrome but yeah maybe that too, and fluff
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you flipped the sign over so that it read "closed" and tidied up around the bookstore. it was a quiet day today, business was a little slow but that was alright - you only worked here part time, anyway.
you worked at a cozy, little bookstore right in the heart of gotham. it was owned by an older man, and you worked three days a week there while you completed your college courses. most shifts, you would be the one closing since the store wasn't open very late anyways. the latest it would be open was seven.
ever since you were a little girl, you'd had an obsession with all things books and literature. you loved reading more than anything, and you couldn't count how many books you owned if you tried. the shelves in your apartment were lined with different pieces of literature, and you found yourself passing time by reading most days - that is, if you didn't have homework, of course.
as you were closing up, you texted your friend that you were heading home for the night as you stared at the clock.
6:58 PM.
you sighed, locking the door behind you as you locked up for the night. you'd be back tomorrow morning, but you didn't mind. like i said, all things books and reading were right up your alley. you were a total bookworm. after locking up and walking down the street back to your apartment, you noticed that the streets of gotham were awfully empty tonight. you barely saw anyone walking while you were on your way home, and you made note to rush back to your apartment tonight.
before you could get to your apartment, a figure stopped you. as you were passing through an eerie alleyway (which you always considered to be a shortcut), a white cloud of gas invaded your senses. you started to cough like crazy, and you felt your throat tightening up. your vision began to blur, and you started to hear voices and whispers from all different directions. in a panic, you tried to run but with disturbed vision and clouded senses - you didn't get very far before you were on the ground.
before you could even register what was happening around you, a pair of hands reached out to grab you. suddenly, your felt yourself being thrown into a vehicle of some sort before blacking out. it all happened so quickly.
"where is she?" you heard what appeared to be your dads voice yelling over the phone, "what did you do to her? answer me!"
as you opened your eyes to see what was going on, you felt a sharp, sudden onset of pain in your head. with a small groan, you reach up and rubbed your temple in hopes to ease the pain. as your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, you noticed you were in a room of some sort. it was rather luxurious, as there was expensive looking art pieces hanging on the walls along with velvety drapes hanging from the windows.
you looked down to realize you were laying on a plush, king sized bed that had fluffy pillows littered out behind you, as well as a cozy, fuzzy duvet to keep you warm. suddenly, you remembered how you got here - you were kidnapped.
panic surged through your veins as you started to freak out. desperate to find some sort of explanation, you get out of the bed and draw open the curtains to see where you were. as you looked outside, it was nightfall. the moonlight was illuminating the room you stood in, and after attempting to open the window - you noticed it was locked. you continued to keep trying, but it wouldn't budge. of course it wouldn't. what kind of kidnapper would be dumb enough to leave the windows unlocked?
in a state of pure panic, you run towards the door and fumble with the handle, but it was locked like the windows. looking around the room, you tried to find any other exits, but it appeared that the only two ways to escape were either the door or the window. both of which were locked shut. you closed your eyes for a moment, feeling tears start to pool in them. after wiping the tears off your cheeks, you sigh and get back into the comfy looking bed.
if you were being kidnapped, why was your kidnapper holding you hostage in such a nice place? from what you knew, when most people got kidnapped or held hostage, they were taken to a confined, dirty, eerie place where they were usually being held at either gun point or at knife point. neither of which were currently happening to you. instead, you were locked in what looked to be a big room in an even bigger mansion in god knows where.
"let her go!" you heard your dads voice again, and it was coming from outside of the door.
"dad?" you call out with panic in your voice.
"was that her?" your dads voice said, "where's my daughter, crane?"
suddenly, the door to the bedroom made a click sound, and someone walked in before closing the door behind them. you peered over to see a tall man standing in the room with you. he was wearing a suit with glasses, and he had a phone in his hands. as soon as you saw him, you started to tremble.
"i told you," the man spoke into his phone, "i have her here. i'll continue to keep her here for as long as you keep investigating arkham asylum."
"let her go, please," your dad begged over the phone, "just let her go and i'll stop looking into it."
"i'm afraid i can't do that," the man spoke once more, "you've gotten your officers to snoop around arkham one too many times for my liking." after that, he hung up on your father.
your dad was the director general of the gotham city police department, which meant he oversaw everything in the jurisdiction of gotham when it came to police and law enforcement. he'd been looking into the corruption of arkham asylum for months now, waiting for jonathan to slip up - but he never did. he knew the game your father was playing at.
jonathan knew that the GCPD was onto him, so he made sure to keep all illegal activities under wraps and very discreet. he was aware that your dad, along with a bunch of officers and detectives, were looking into him and watching his every move. jonathan was certain he needed to take action before they started looking into his work and discovered something he didn't want them to see.
that's where you came in. you were the director generals daughter, and everyone knew that. your dad loved you dearly, and he would always talk about you and how proud he was of your achievements whenever he could. this information lead jonathan to cultivate a plan to make sure your dad and his men would never look into arkham again.
he decided to kidnap you, essentially. he knew that you were the light of your fathers life, and if he held you hostage and used you for ransom, surely your dad would stop looking into him as long as it meant he got his daughter back.
so, that's what jonathan decided to do. he'd been stalking you for weeks, learning everything about you. from what time you left the house to what your favourite coffee order was. he knew everything.
last night, him and his men put his plan into motion. he waited for you in the alleyway you always took home as a shortcut, and he dosed you with a very mild form of his toxin. it would temporarily cause your vision to become disturbed and some possible auditory hallucinations, but you wouldn't succumb to your worst fears like you would with a concentrated dose.
after you were out of it from the toxin, him and his men loaded you up into a white van, speeding off into the night as they headed to jonathans hideout. it was over an hour away from gotham, but jonathan was willing to make the sacrifice if it meant having you in an undetectable place. so be it if he had to drive over an hour back to arkham every time he had to work - that didn't matter to him.
"please," you whimpered as you cowered away to the farthest corner of the bed, "d-dont hurt me."
jonathan looked at you in silence, his icy blue eyes reminding you of the glaciers in the antarctic. 'i'm not going to hurt you," he sighed, looking at you in your fragile state, "...you don't have to be afraid."
you looked up at your kidnapper, and he seemed to be telling the truth. he didn't come closer to you and stayed a good distance away - plus, if he really wanted to hurt you, he wouldn't keep you in such good conditions.
"you kidnapped me." you whispered.
yes, he did. he knew that, obviously, but he didn't intend on actually harming you. again, if he really wanted to hurt you, he would've used the concentrated version of his fear toxin on you by now. the more he learned about you from stalking you, the less inclined he felt to harm you.
sure, he may of hated your father and wanted him dead, but you weren't your father. you were someone else, your own person - you were entirely different. you didn't go around snooping in other peoples businesses, you kept to yourself. jonathan found it a little endearing that you worked at a bookstore of all places while making your way through college. as a fellow bookworm and academic, he almost felt like he could see a part of himself in you.
you were kind to everyone you met; that was one of the first things he had noticed about you. your politeness was unmatched, and he liked that about you. he liked that you were a gentle soul, someone who never had any bad intentions. that was when he decided that even though he was technically going to hold you "hostage," he wasn't going to hurt you. if anything, he felt an overwhelming need to take care of you. to dote on you, even.
"but i'm not going to hurt you," he said softly, "i told you. although, your dad has been...causing quite the commotion at arkham with his investigations."
"what does that have to do with me?" you whimpered.
"not much," he informs you, "however, i know you are of great importance to your father. since he decided to start to look into arkham, a lot of my plans have been...deterred. that's where you come in - if he wants to take something important away from me, i will, of course, do the same."
"so you kidnapped me to get revenge on my father?" you quipped quietly.
"it seems that way, yes." he says curtly, as his magnetic blue eyes bore into yours.
"will you let me go?" you asked.
"i'm afraid not, my dear," he says softly, "though i wish i could, it would be foolish of me. you would go running to the police, and then where would we be?"
"wait - are you trying to keep me here forever?" you asked in a panic-filled voice.
"for now, yes. unless your father agrees to keep me off gotham pd's radar as well as wipe all his investigative files regarding arkham asylum, you will have to remain here."
silently in your head, you begged your father to do so. you didn't want to be stuck here forever. tears pricked the corners of your eyes, and the mystery man looked at you sympathetically.
"there is no need to cry, my dear." he says in a hush tone, finally making his way over to the bed where you were quivering.
you back up as soon as he steps any closer to the bed, and he freezes. you started to full on sob into the pillows, dramatically throwing yourself onto the bed whilst crying softly. he almost chuckled at the act, but he kept his composure as he sat on the edge of the bed. he reached a hand out to pet your hair as you cried, and this time, you didn't even pull away.
"it'll be alright," he cooed softly, "you'll come to like your life here. at least, i hope you will."
you look up from the pillows, dragging the duvet cover over you as you continue to sniffle. "i don't even know who you are." you inform him.
"jonathan crane." he says softly, continuing his attempts to comfort you. "i'm so very sorry that it all had to be this way," he whispered, still petting your hair as your tears started to slowly stop, "i'm sorry that you had to pay for your fathers mistakes."
though his words seemed menacing, his tone was ever so gentle. he didn't yell at you, force your hand, or try to do anything that would imply he wanted to hurt you. for a moment, you almost forgot that you had just been kidnapped and made to be a hostage for blackmail.
jonathan got up, sighing as you watched him from your plush, king sized bed. you were still shaken up, and he decided it would be best to give you a little bit of space - especially if you were to suddenly react or get volatile with him. he wouldn't want to scare you any more than he already did, even though he really did not want to nor did he intend to.
"the door will be unlocked," he said softly, "i will be working downstairs in my office. if i am not here and instead working at arkham, the staff around the house will be more than happy to take care of you."
with that, he closed the door gently, leaving you in the dimly lit, luxurious bedroom all alone. staff? what did he mean by that? like, butlers and maids? you assumed so, as jonathan must have had a good amount of cash stacked up from his criminal activities. as much as you wanted to leave and escape, a part of you felt too tired to do so - plus, if you were being honest; this place was way nicer than your apartment.
with a sigh, you felt yourself grow weary from the exhausting events of the day. with heavy eyes, you slowly started to drift off into sleep as the soft, fuzzy duvet covers wrapped around you to keep you warm while you slept.
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you awoke some time later, though you weren't entirely sure when. you looked over to the large window, and the sun was beaming down into the room, illuminating it cheerfully. you rubbed your eyes and did a little stretch before getting out of bed. you were still in your clothes from yesterday, which weren't the most comfortable.
with a huff, you attempt at opening the door - and it was unlocked. pushing the door open, you peer your head into the corridor, which was long and full of different doors leading to different rooms. the walls were decorated beautifully, and the whole home looked expensive. you wandered into the halls, eventually coming to a spiral staircase. you know, like those fancy ones in those expensive homes.
"you're awake." a voice from behind you said, making you jump. "sorry, i didn't mean to startle you."
turning around, you see jonathan standing there in another suit. "yeah," you mumble, "i...wanna take a shower and change into comfy clothes."
you felt awkward saying this to your...kidnapper, but it seemed he didn't have an issue with it. he gave you a nod along with a small smile.
"of course, i assumed you'd want that," he spoke softly, "i had all your belongings brought from your apartment back here. however, if there is anything else you would like, please let me know."
"why are you being so nice to me?" you ask suddenly, genuinely curious as to why you were being treated so kindly.
jonathan didn't know how to answer this - he didn't want to flat out tell you that he thought you were absolutely beautiful and that your personality matched the way you looked. he thought it'd be a little strange to do so. as diabolical as the man was, he had grown to have a little soft spot for you after watching you for so long. he couldn't bring himself to hurt you even if he tried.
"because as much as i hate your father, you haven't done anything to me." he told you.
"my dad said you've...killed countless people. why aren't you doing that to me?" you ask, getting braver.
"you aren't useful if you are dead," he says coldly, his demeanour changing, "what kind of leverage would i have over your father if i killed you?"
"fair point," you reply, "but-"
"would you rather i keep you chained and starved in a cold, eerie basement of some sort?" he asked sharply, and you could see that he was starting to get defensive.
"never mind, sorry." you say quietly, looking at the ground.
jonathan sighs, taking his glasses off as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "i apologize, i've had quite the morning," he offers an apology, "there's a bathroom down the hall to your left. everything you'd need is in there."
you look up at him, getting captivated in his icy eyes for just a moment before nodding. not offering a response, you make your way down the hall and just as he said, there was a bathroom to your left. stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you take a moment to collect yourself. eventually, you turn the knob of the shower on. the shower was huge, the whole bathroom was - you were living in luxury.
after you showered, you dried your hair and threw on your favourite pyjamas that were left on the counter of the bathroom for you. after you got ready, you hesitantly made your way downstairs as you were quite hungry. shyly, you approach the kitchen after getting lost in the many halls of the huge mansion, and you see jonathan standing there with a cup of coffee in his hands. as soon as he notices you, his eyes seemingly light up at your presence.
"i'm sure you're hungry," he says softly, "what would you like to eat for breakfast?"
"um," you say hesitantly, unsure as to what to say back to him, "i don't- i'm not sure."
"i assure you that my chef can cook whatever you desire." he tells you, sipping on his coffee.
his chef? how much money did this man have? you pushed your questions to the side, and told him what you wanted to have for breakfast. jonathan had his chef cook your preferred meal for breakfast, and after you ate, he came back into the kitchen to check up on you.
"feeling better?" he asked softly, leaning against the counter as you sat on a barstool in the kitchen.
"i-i guess." you stammer out.
you were feeling a little better than yesterday. it seemed that your captor truly had no intentions of hurting you, though the reason behind that was seemingly still a mystery.
"i'm glad," he says softly, "i have a large library located in my office, if you'd like to look around and read something. i know you...have an interest in literature."
"oh," you say quietly, "okay."
"i have quite of bit of work to get done today, so i wouldn't mind some company. you can read while i work." he informs you, and honestly - you didn't hate the sound of that.
though he was a deranged criminal, he didn't seem half bad. he was a gentleman and he had manners, plus he'd shown you a remarkable amount of kindness and freedom. well, as much as he could for a hostage, that is. even just twenty-four hours in though, you were starting to feel less like a kidnapping victim and more like...well, not that.
"come, my dear," he says softly, reaching his hand out to which you hesitantly placed yours in, "this way."
the two of you walked together hand in hand to his office. he pushed the doors open, and your eyes lit up at the sight in front of you. inside of his office, there were walls lined with rows and rows of books. all sorts of literature, ranging from science-fiction, to fantasy, to autobiographies. it was every bookworms dream.
"i will be working on some paperwork," he informs you, letting go of your hand to go sit at his desk, "but, please. read anything you want, i have quite the collection."
"i can see that," you say in awe, "can i just sit on the couch over there?"
"of course, my dear," he says, "there's a fuzzy blanket on the edge there, too, if you get cold."
you glance over at the couch once more, and yes, there was a cozy little blanket draped over the edge of it. happily, you skim through the books for a good while before picking one you thought would be a good read. plopping down on the couch, you wrap yourself up in the blanket before getting lost in the book you'd chosen. for a moment, you had forgotten why you were here in the first place.
jonathan watched you as his heart raced, a faint blush covering his cheeks. your personality was adorable, and so were you. you looked so cute happily skimming through the books, and even cuter with your nose buried in the pages as you wrapped yourself in a fuzzy blanket. he couldn't help but smile to himself as he stole glances at you in the midst of doing his work.
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over the next few months, you and jonathan developed a routine. you'd keep him company while reading in his office, and he would work quietly at his desk. it was rather comforting, as the two of you had grown closer from it. everyday you started to feel more and more at ease with him, and slowly, you started to become less and less afraid of him, too.
jonathan liked it this way. so did you. if he was working at arkham, you'd find yourself missing him, and when he returned, you'd greet him with excitement. his way of living was something you could get used to - it was luxurious. you were waited on hand and foot in this big home of his, and he would always take care of you the best he could, as well as keeping you safe.
today, jonathan had come home from a particularly long and tiring shift at arkham. he was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was go lay in bed and rot away, if he was being totally honest. it had been a tedious day of dealing with screaming patients and volatile criminals that he'd deemed insane.
"jon!" he heard your voice call out for him as soon as he opened the front door, "are you home?"
"i'm home!" he called back, watching as you rushed down the stairs to come see him.
over time, you found yourself not wanting to leave anymore. jonathan trusted you, as he'd leave the doors unlocked (even the front door and your windows), because he knew you wouldn't leave. gotham city was terrifying, and it was filled with hardened criminals and awful people. it was much safer in his home instead of out in gotham, where anything could happen to you at anytime.
soon, you started to see him in a different light. though you knew now that he was the scarecrow, you couldn't quite see him as the dangerous monster everybody painted him out to be. he'd always dote on you, speak to you so gently, treat you with such kindness, and give you everything you asked for. not to mention, he was undeniably attractive. you tried to push those thoughts aside, but they just kept coming back.
"i missed you." you said quietly, giving him a small smile as you started to blush profusely.
"i missed you too, angel." he said back, opening his arms for you to run into.
happily, you ran into his arms as he gave the top of your head a chaste kiss. he wrapped his arms around you with a heavy sigh, and you look up at him with an innocent expression on your face.
"hard day at work?" you ask, to which he nods.
"very," he says, "i'm going to be upstairs if you need me, okay?"
"can i come with you?" you asked hopefully.
"of course you can." he says, taking your hand in his as he walked you upstairs with him.
as soon as he got to his bedroom, he threw his briefcase onto his bed with an agitated huff. he loosened up his tie and you crawled onto his bed, watching his every move in fascination. he threw his suit jacket off onto the edge of the bed before coming down to lay down beside you, scrolling through his phone lazily.
hesitantly, you made your way over to him. there was obvious tension between the both of you, as you would always sit close to each other but never cuddled up to one another. there would be times where you would greet him with a hug as he got home, looking up at him lovingly, but you'd never actually kiss. both of you were too hesitant to make the first move out of sheer nervousness, and given the circumstances you were in, neither of you were sure what it would mean for the two of you.
quietly, you found your way into his arms, resting your head on his chest. his one arm instinctively came to wrap around you, while he scrolled on his phone with the other. as you lay there, you could hear his heart beating much faster now, and yours started to beat much faster, too. neither of you said a word, and you felt your own eyes become heavy after a few minutes.
"are you sleepy?" he mumbled tiredly, putting his phone away and looking down at you with adoration in his eyes.
"a little." you confess, smiling at him softly.
jonathan was quiet for a couple seconds. he started down at you with those pretty blue eyes of his, and took in your every detail. he looked at you softly, taking note of your gorgeous features. with a sigh, he cracked a small smile.
"you're so pretty." he finally says, reaching one hand out to brush a strand of hair away from your face. "i don't ever want to let you go."
your heart palpitated in your chest at his words, and you felt your cheeks heat up. "i don't want to ever leave." you confess breathlessly.
"then don't." he says quietly, before kissing you softly as you lay there in his arms, wrapped up in pure bliss.
truthfully - your dad had stopped looking into jonathan months ago in hopes to get you back from him. he pleaded jonathan to give you over as he thought something may have happened to you, but at this point, you'd already gotten attached. you called your dad to let him know that you were okay and totally unharmed, but that you no longer wanted to return home.
as messed up as it was, life seemed to be better here with jonathan. it was safer. you got everything you asked for, and you had jonathan to keep you company. your father gave you a mouthful about how jonathan was a dangerous, cynical man who never had any good intentions, but you weren't too convinced. sure, he was a cold-hearted, borderline psychopathic doctor who was slowly poisoning gotham city with his fear toxin, but he wasn't like that with you. in fact, you theorized that he truly hated everyone but you.
he was so gentle with you, so kind and so loving. he would always make sure you got everything you wanted, and he even helped you with your studies. he would have someone drive you to and from gotham u so that you could finish your degree and attend your lectures. even though the opportunity to flee presented itself on numerous occasions; you always found your way back into jonathans arms at the end of the day.
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my taglist (join here!): @xanaxiii @seaamonster @nocturnest @pennybee22 @bloodandglitter207
@humbuginmybones @oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @abigailinterrupted
@kpopgirlbtssvt @ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby
@wiseyouthinfluencer @aprilsfrog05 @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed
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matchaverse · 1 month
Let the world burn | LS2
pairing: hero!logansargeant x vigilante!fem!reader
summary: after a tragic accident, you changed your code-name and motives in a nice city, but when the media starts painting you out as some villain, the hero who ruined you comes to stop you.
logan’s hero is inspired by Artemis of Bana-Mighdall (DC) and y/ns vigilante is inspired by Jason Todd (DC).
warming: cussing, blood, gore, death, talk about drugs. this story also doesn’t truly follow the dc lore or comics, pieces are taken and made to fit the story.
part two (tba)
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you wouldn’t say your life has been easy. being abandoned by your parents at a young age, trying to survive on the streets at the age of 12 after leaving the orphanage. soon being taken into a family who fight crime for a living. you became a really good sidekick for the hero you worked under.
but that all came crashing down when a notorious criminal in the city kidnapped you and tortured you, leaving you for dead, your hero mentor couldn’t save you in time.
instead of your story ending there, you were taken in from a group of assassins who basically brought you back to life, training you and making you into the person you are today.
you held onto the grudge of not being saved by the man who you looked up to, anger and resentment lingers in your blood. you decided to move on to a new city and make your own name, becoming a vigilante to the new city.
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you scoff, rolling up the newspaper and throwing it into the trash. “villain? are these people fucking blind” you mutter, shoving your hands into your suits pockets as you walk down the dark streets of gotham.
the silence of the city isn’t what you’re used to, from living on the streets of metropolis to the streets of gotham, it’s a huge difference.
you hear police sirens in the background and you can see the lights about to turn the corner of the street you’re walking on. you duck into an unlit alleyway, watching the cop cars speed past you.
“warehouse on sixth..” you breath out, knowing that’s the final destination of those officers because you were just there. you took out a whole warehouse of mobsters that work, well worked, under the penguin.
you see more cop cars flooding the streets. instead of panicking since you knew no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t catch you, you climb up the side of the building to get onto the rooftops so you can watch from afar.
“didn’t think i would catch you this soon” a deep males voice rings out through the silent night. you make sure your mask is on tight before turning and seeing a young man, possibly around your age maybe a year or two older, pointing his bow and arrow at you.
“so you’re the cities golden boy i keep hearing about” your voice comes out robotically from the voice modifier in your helmet.
the unnamed man chuckles. “if you mean the man that keeps the city clean from criminals like you, then yes.”
“criminal? i’m not a criminal”
“oh you’re not? then what’s up with all the deaths that’s been happening. hero’s and criminals alike”
you roll your eyes, keeping your dominant hand on your .45 that rests on the opposite hip. “they were all corrupt.”
“Hawk wasn’t corrupted. he was my friend”
you scoff then chuckle, your chuckle echoing through the air. “oh please, that druggie was working with the Sionis Family”
“no he wasn’t.” the young hero says, never lowering his bow.
“how about you ask him oh wait..you can’t”
“why you little..” the hero pulls the arrow back.
“i wouldn’t do that. the suits made out of Kevlar, your arrows have no effect on me”
“who are you?” the hero asks, finally lowering his weapon.
“you can call me RedHood, and you’ll be seeing me around more often” you say, flicking your other hand to drop a smoke bomb.
the hero coughs from the smoke, looking around the building rooftops as the smoke clears seeing that you managed to escape.
“fuck!” logan huffs, putting his arrow back in its place on his back.
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logan sits at his desk in his apartment, looking through police files and articles on every sidekick batman used to have under his wing.
“damn..how many sidekicks does one man need”
logan scrolls through the files, mumbling to himself.
“dick grayson…tim drake.. stephanie brown..wait”
logan’s eyes land on one name, y/n l/n.
“y/n l/n..pronounced dead six months ago” six months ago is when this new vigilante type person showed up in gotham.
he clicked around the computer until your picture shows up on his screen.
“Y/N L/N adopted by Batman at age 12, lived with him and trained under him. Batman says that Y/n is a feared and dangerous person but that’s what makes her such a good asset to his team. she never left a scene without causing chaos, villains feared her and didn’t wish to ever face her” the police report says.
logan sigh as he continues reading. “such a young girl..forced into a world of stopping crime..”
he keeps looking through all the files on you, collect as much information and personal details about you so next time he comes face to face with you, he can use it to his advantage.
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it’s been a few days since you’ve last seen the young hero, you didn’t go out of your way to find him, you truly didn’t care. you’re only mission was to rid the streets of evil and corruption.
you’re standing on a rooftop ledge, watching the busy streets of a saturday evening, blending into the shadows with your dark suit.
“y/n l/n” that same deep males voice rings out from behind you. your body tenses, the blood in your veins running cold.
“how the fuck did you figure that out?”
“not very hard honestly, there’s a lot of police files on you.”
you finally turn around to see the young hero, still dressed in his suit but no weapon in hand. he obviously doesn’t want to fight you tonight.
“you had a hard life, abandoned by your parents, living on the streets.” he says walking closer.
your body still tense. “not everyone is blessed with a good life.”
“you’re not wrong about that.”
“you were a hero..” he speaks up once he notices you going silent.
“shit changes. i don’t regret my actions.”
logan sighs, he understands why you do what you do now.
“i want you on my side”
“you heard me. i misunderstood you at first, but i see that we have the same goals in mind. keeping the city safe”
you scoff at his words, but the thought of having a teammate and friend crosses your mind.
“..fine, but i’m not changing myself to fit your idea of a hero”
logan chuckles, holding his hands up in surrender. “that’s understandable, but you need someone like me, a well loved person in the city, to keep you from being labeled as a bad person”
“i guess you’re right..”you finally give in, lowering your guard.
logan smiles, extending his hand. “logan sargeant, nice to properly meet you.”
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rozugold · 3 months
Ok ramble time
Ok imagine you’re Tubbo. You just got your distant brother figure and your bestie off that damn mountain, though not in the most ideal way (I will make those comics eventuallyyy)
But that’s beside the point. You saved your best friend! You did something right for once! Except sike! your best friend hates you now, and you kind of hate him too (you let him know as much) then you guys stop talking. Which is fine, i mean, it’s not like he was your entire world.
You return to Snowchester! It’s a ghost town, obviously. There’s a memorial of you, decorated with fresh flowers and dusty knick knacks. The flowers are from Ranboo, he’s pretty sweet. He’s also been the one to upkeep your town while you were gone. You hang out with them a lot, they’re the only one who sticks around these days. They’re pretty sweet.
You try to go back to doing the things you did before you died. There’s those nukes you never finished making, so you work on them. And you work on them. And you work on them. And you get nothing done. Your brain feels scattered and far away, it’s impossible to focus. So you give it a break, you can afford to. It’s pretty safe these days with Dream gone, you know because you keep tabs on everyone on the server. There’s some strange things going on here and there but nothing too concerning. You hang out with Ranboo more.
Ah fuck, you two find a baby. It’s a piglin, infected but not fully zombified as it has enough thought to run up to you two for help. So you take it back to snowchester and give it potions to stop the infection. Ranboo is worried it won’t work, you tell him it probably won’t. But you reassure him that if it doesn’t, you’ll take it back to the nether to let it “live” out the rest of it’s days. (Do zombies live?) Ranboo spends the night in your attic with the piglin. He’s pretty sweet. Regardless you tell him to not keep his hopes up too high.
Next morning, it worked! You “dub thee Michael!” Ranboo is relieved. There’s a kid living in your house now.
There’s a kid living in his house now. The timeline becomes unclear at this point since I’m still figuring it out. But now that Michael is in the picture Tubbo starts getting worried. He realizes he has no way of protecting him. Maybe the syndicate come visit Snowchester and that shocks him into thinking about the nukes again. And so Tubbo starts throwing himself into projects again. And it starts getting ✨bad ✨
Honestly, It’s been really fun figuring out how Tubbo deteriorates because everything is so internal with him compared to Tommy. It’s obvious with Tommy, you could see him visibly fall apart (think his exile skins, he stops feeding himself, he doesn’t care when he takes damage) But with Tubbo it isn’t so obvious, atleast not right away. Sure his eye bags get darker and he stares off into space for a little too long. But he still looks put together. (Habitable maybe. Or a learned skill.)
Maybe he eventually gets the nukes working but they’re not as successful as he wanted them to be and that guts him. He takes it as another failure. What if he’s just cursed? Is everything he cares about forever doomed to feel like holding water in his hands? What is wrong with him?
I’m gonna share a song and explain this next part using its lyrics because I’m so ILL over it, it’s the most di!tubbo song ever. Throw on …Well, better than the alternative by Will Wood 👍
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Tubbo’s feelings towards Michael is complicated… He absolutely loves him to death but he’s really apprehensive about being a dad. He has this fear that he’s going to somehow corrupt Michael and or fail to keep him safe. So he ends up becoming emotionally distant from him and at his worst he gives him up completely to Ranboo.
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I think Ranboo and Tubbo get married as a joke at first. But Ranboo continues to love him so unconditionally and honestly and Tubbo catches a crush, which is absolute HELL for him at first sjdhdj. I imagine him being arospec so this crush is a completely new and surprising feeling and he doesn’t know how to handle it. So he doesn’t, and keeps playing it as a joke even as their relationship develops.
Also the repeat of “everybody’s up on everybody’s business” is very fitting for describing the server. There’s things to be developed here I just haven’t yet… I’m just thinking about the possibilities like the egg, the syndicate, las nevadas… hmmm
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This song is begging to be made into an animatic because I can imagine Tubbo screaming at Tommy during this part. He was just trying to help the best way he could… yet things still end badly, and everyone ends up hurt… di!clingy oh di!clingy, they’re such a mess. A bitter, angry, grieving mess. Wait ok i wasn’t planning on writing grieving there but then my next thought was “who are they grieving?” EACH OTHER. THEY’RE GRIEVING EACH OTHER. o(-(
Ok that’s it. Phew that was a lot of writing. Here’s some drawings for your time
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
PT2 Faithful Whispers
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Part 1 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your best friend.?
Summery: Ellie was supposed to be a friend, are the feelings that are corrupting you worth it? Why did you kiss her, why even risk it. Now you’re going to lose her.
Warnings -> A lot of Homophobia / arraigned marriage/ angst / Controlling parents / d slur is mentioned! / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
Tag list: @a-little-bit-of-everybody @bready101 @lenaloveslesbians
WC: 3.8k
(Not proofread)
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My mouth tastes like iron and everything is numb, it went from pure lust to rage and anger in a matter of seconds. I just keep thinking, “Could I have prevented it?”. Should I have pushed her back as soon as our lips met, tell her this is wrong, everything that my parents would have strongly preferred. Am I the one who fucked up in the end…? It’s not like it matters anyway, I can still hear the muffled yells coming from downstairs, he's arguing with my mom, she's against the boarding school idea, she believes I was corrupted or something, she fully believes they can fix me, no correction system needed. My dad on the other hand wants me gone, he can’t even bear to look me in my eyes. I’m like some foreign alien that just snuck inside our house and took its place as me, I know for a fact as of now he wishes he could just find the “Real me”.
(30 minutes previously) 
As I heard the door swing open I quickly pushed Ellie back, wiping my lips, my eyes now meeting with her father. Shit. I step back looking at him wondering if he even saw us. He quickly talks, his voice strained, filled with anger “What were you guys doing?” Ellie looks at me, her eyes already filled with tears, all I wanted to really do was just hug her, he quickly yells “I SAID WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING!” I just shake my head and spit out “Nothing!” My voice is filled with nervousness and it feels like I just embarrassed myself. “I should have known, you guys were always too close, having sleepovers and sleeping in the same bed!” Ellie just spits out wiping her own tears “There’s nothing going on dad! We’re friends!” Then his attention fully shifts to me, he steps closer to the point where I need to step back in order to not make any contact. It’s like something just shifts, like he figured the “truth”.
“All those sleepovers, were you guys-” I almost immediately shut down what he was about to say, my voice now more stable. “No!” And as I finish my sentence he grabs my collar which makes tears instantly form in my eyes. “You ruined her. Ellie wasn’t like this before you.” I hated that argument, we met at six, nothing was even there, none of those feelings were even formed until almost 9 years later. It was bullshit, and for some stupid reason I spit that out “Thats fucking bullshit!”. I covered my mouth right after finishing the sentence, I just dug my own grave and that realization was becoming apparent. His grip on my collar tighten and he gets uncomfortably close to my face “You’re a fucking dyke, and you had to drag Ellie into that.” I can see Ellie step forward, her head peeking over his shoulder, tears still streaming down her face as her eyes get puffy and red “Dad let her go! Please” I can’t help but feel like I ruined Ellies life, I was the one who leaned in and kissed her and now- now we're both going to be sent away.
Unlucky for me Ellie's dad doesn't even pay attention to anything she's saying all his attention is fully focused on me “You’ll never see her again.” The way he says it sticks to the back of mind, because I know it's true, the chances of me and Ellie ever even being friends again is most likely over. So now I start crying. It feels like I just lost everything in less than an hour. Ellie grabs him and attempts to pull him back, but as soon as she even lays a finger on her he turns around slapping her with no hesitation. 
Ellies nose starts bleeding and her cheek glows red, and once his attention isn't on me and his grip is loose I run over to Ellie as she cuffs her nose. I quickly rolled up my sleeve to wipe the blood from her nose. I talk stuttering over every word “fuck- are- Ellie are yo- are you okay?” I’m now starting to hyperventilate on the brink of a panic attack but Ellie just nods fast. Ellie’s dad immediately rushes over to us, and no not to help Ellie, he rushes over to grab me by the back of my shirt to pull me away from Ellie. “LEAVE” He yells at me, but this time I don’t budge, Ellie is still fucking bleeding and all his attention is still focused on me, he won’t even look at Ellie.
I push him back literally just trying to make sure Ellie is okay but before I even can, she spits out “Just leave..” her voice is quivering and cracking, I can tell she just doesn’t want me to get hurt. So I finally stepped back. I can tell just by the way she's looking at me this is goodbye, at least for a while..
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I get home and just by the way my parents are watching me I can tell Ellie's parents called them, I assumed they would, at the end of the day as soon as we got caught kissing I knew everything was fucked. “You and Ellie, you’re fucking sneaking around dating” My dad says stepping closer to me, my energy just completely gone and I sigh tiredly not being able to take this outdated homophobic shit. “Me and Ellie are frie-” My mom talks fast, not even allowing me to finish my sentence “YOU WERE KISSING HER, YOU. SNUCK. OUT.” She yells at me standing beside my dad, I can’t even defend myself. What do I even say “We were hugging!” I can’t do anything in this situation. My dad talks again “Pack your bags, we’re leaving in the morning” as my dad finishes my sentence I start tearing up once again. “Where am I even going!?” I yell at them, my respect is now gone, there’s zero point if I'm being sent away. Instead of answering my dad holds out his hand, his palm laying flat. “Phone” I look at him “What?” he now yells “PHONE” I pull it out of my pocket throwing it in his hand before going up the stairs quickly before slamming the door shut. 
I open my closet finding the box with all the stuff I don't want my parents EVER finding, pods, weed, vapes, etc. The one thing that was genuinely the most important thing was my pink Ipod touch mini from when I was 8. I always had it in case I got grounded and wanted to talk to friends, the good thing was I knew Ellie had one too, a blue one she got to match me, so for that reason as soon as I unlock it, I disregard everything else and just start texting her.
4:17 - Ellie, are you good??
4:18 - Pls answer 
4:19 - Parents r arguing, i think i'm gonna go to a boarding school
4:19 - I’m being sent away
4:20 - What?! 
4:20 - Where??
4:20 - idfk they won't even tell me
4:21 - im so fucking sorry
4:21 - why are you even sorry??
4:22 - because i started the whole thing
4:22 - If i didn’t kiss u we would be fine rn
4:23 - dont fucking talk like that
4:23 - if u didn’t kiss me then i would have been overthinking everything rn
4:24 - well we’d still be able to hang out
4:24 - well we can figure it out? 
4:26 - Ellie I don't even know where the boarding school is
4:26 - chances r no service, and i wont be able to bring my phone theyre definitely gonna search my suitcase 
4:26 - then we’ll send fucking letters idfk
4:27 - send letters w no address? 
4:27 - js stop??
4:27 - we’ll figure something out dude???
4:29 - Ellie..
4:29 - stop
4:29 - dont fucking add “…”
4:29 were gna be fine?
4:30 - u know love you
4:30 - i know that 
4:30 - i dont wanna lose u
4:31 - It’ll be alright, we’ll meet each other again and it will be fine
4:32 - promise. 
4:32 - I love you 
Once you see that final message the gravity of the situation becomes way more tense, the last time you saw Ellie she was bleeding from her nose crying . You start packing your bags wiping tears trying to silently cry, not wanting your parents to come in. You caused this whole situation, you knew you did. If you never called her that word, you would have never snuck out, you wouldn't have kissed her, her dad wouldn’t have caught you, and chances are everything would be “perfect” at least to a degree..all you could do is stare around your room now just realizing how half of your room was covered in her
And not pictures, just resonances are her, pictures she drew of you, stuffed animals she bought, clothes you stole that still have her scent on it, everything around you had Ellie in it, she made you who you are. And as you look around your room, your eyes land on that polaroid picture. The picture was of you two, the sunset in the back and you’re just both smiling shoulder to shoulder. 
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(Summer, 15 years old) 
The wind was blowing on your skin as your hair flew all around the back of your neck, Ellie was in front of you riding on her bike “Come on we're gonna miss it'' She yells trying to usher you to bike faster “The sun won’t set that fast relax!” You groan trying to push faster. “I don’t care! We’re going to miss it so push fucking faster!” She pushes faster than you so you now have to try and match her pace. “Holy shit! Can you slow down” She shakes her head and just goes faster until you guys finally make it. It’s actually really beautiful, the sun setting reflecting off the water as the pink sky illuminates all their surroundings. “Shit..” You sigh fully out of breath and Ellie just smiles at you barely watching the sunset, then you finally turn to look at her “I did not bike all the way here for you to stare at me Ellie” Her whole face turns red and she looks away “I’m not even looking at you, I just think you look gross when you’re all sweaty” The words were
slightly harsh but you try to laugh it off “Ha ha, when did you become such a comedian!” Ellie looks back at you “Oh fuck off” You smile and walk closer to the water “Wait- what are you doing??” she says looking at you quickly running up beside you  “Well you said I look sweaty so i'm going to go into the water?” Ellie sorta nods at the response “Well we don’t have bathing suits” You smile at the response “Okay?” You say taking off your shirt leaving you in just a bra. Ellie quickly turns around not looking at you. “I-uh, people” Ellie says and you just shrug “No one comes here like ever, it’s backroads?” You take off your jeans throwing them on the sand and shortly after Ellie then does the same as you not turning around since it’s awkward. “Are you looking?” Ellie asks nervously unbuttoning her own jeans “Oh yeah, hardcore staring actually!” You joke not even batting an eye towards her.
Ellie walks into the water immediately saying “Holy shit! Dude its so fucking cold!!” You laugh and impulsively splash her, getting her whole face wet. “Fuck you!” Ellie laughs jumping forward in the water taking you down with her getting you and her both fully soaked “Stop!” You laugh trying to tackle her in the water when you grab her shoulders and you both just stop trying to fight, only focusing on each other. It’s filled with silence, not awkward silence though, just the sound of the waves splashing against the shore and the breathing coming from both of your mouths..neither of you even broken eye contact..
You move your hand on her face moving a loose strand of hair out of Ellie's eyes, her whole face turns red just by the touch of you plus the intense eye contact doesn’t help. Ellie slightly leans in, not enough for it to be deemed weird but enough so now your faces are closer. You basically naturally do the same, so now at this point you're just mere inches from each other's lips. The moment comes to a short end though when a loud honking comes from the street causing you to both flinch back. The honk leads you to talk to fill the now awkward silence “We should head back, suns basically down” You smile backing away from Ellie moving your hands off her shoulder, Ellie just nods not speaking. You didn’t know it but Ellie felt like a complete idiot that day, she just simply wished she leaned in closing the gap between your lips..
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You just fully start crying all over the polaroid, the memories flood back and you start to wonder why you guys didn’t just kiss. Let alone act like it happened, even though you guys didn’t talk about that moment you both had a mutual understanding that it would be weird to talk about it again? There was no point. You were always so dumb with your feelings, that's why it took so unbelievably long to finally start to accept that maybe you don’t think of Ellie as just some friend. Your mind is rightfully scattered and you start to think things like “If we kissed then would everything be different right now?” “Would we be together?”. You quickly shut down those thoughts, it’s not what matters right now, you don’t have a time machine and you can’t go back, plus right now you’re way too focused on the fact you have to somehow keep in contact with Ellie you guys talked almost everyday and now there’s a chance that there might be a forever absence of her presence..what are you even supposed to do?
Pack up the 10 years of friendship. Find a guy to marry just to get your parents approval, it’s not fair that way. You can’t just lose her..So found your mind was wondering the whole night thinking
of ways you could be together until you ultimately fell asleep, praying to wake up in an alternate universe where Ellie is holding you, a world where it’s just you and her. 
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You wake up feeling groggy and out of place, the sun shining on you through the sheer curtains hitting right on your left eyeball. You groan and sit up not even having a minute of peace before your mom comes into your room, not even knocking. “Get dressed, the taxi is going to be here in 20 minutes” You look at her, reality finally setting again. “Where am I going..?” You try again, looking at her when she finally answers “Boarding school in Europe.” Your heart immediately sinks..”Europe?” Your voice shakes, you make eye contact with her, you want your mom to see how this is hurting you, the tears settling in your eyes. “It’s furthest away from here, so yes.” She looks at you, not an ounce of pity in her voice, she doesn’t care what you think, and there's nothing you can say to change her mind. 
“All this because I kissed Ellie..?” It’s the first time you’re actually saying it out loud and you hate yourself because it feels so wrong, and it's not because you don’t like Ellie, or you completely regret kissing her, it’s because of the look your mom gave you after you finished the sentence. It’s a look that has disgust and utter disappointment lingering all throughout it. It made you feel like you're some monster, who just wished death upon her or something. She replied her voice is still filled with disappointment. “There’s something wrong with you, and these people will fix you sweetie, I promise.” She takes a step forward and rubs your cheek yet you don’t hesitate to push her hand off. “Nothing is wrong with me!” Your mom steps back and looks at you trying to talk to you softly but realistically it was just some condescending tone that tried to convince you that you were in the wrong “Hun, Ellie and you, you guys are both sick, and it’s okay, once you both get help you’re going to understand where all of us are coming from.” You feel like you’re going to explode “Sick” she’s acting like this is some cold that will blow over and a fucking week.
“Can you get out.” You say no longer making eye contact with her, you can't bear to at this point. “What?” She says almost confused, probably thinking “I didn’t even do anything wrong”. So you talk again this time standing up “Well I need to get changed, so can you get out” You say looking at her. She just nods while walking out. You quickly get dressed and grab your suitcase, it hurts to know you won’t see this room for at least a year. 
As you're walking downstairs your dad doesn't even look at you, he just holds open the door and grabs your suitcase, throwing it into the taxi. You look at both of your parents, your mom gives you a hug but you're pity so you obviously don’t hug back. Your dad will not even look at you, it’s like you’re a fucking disappointment in his eyes..
And as you get into your car and drive away, it can’t help but hurt leaving your childhood house, neighborhood, friends, but most importantly Ellie. All the memories would fade and be replaced with new ones. It all sucked, and what was worse was that you didn’t know it now but it would be 3 years till you went back. 
I was sixteen then and now I'm nineteen. As soon as I saw “Welcome to Westborough” it almost felt eerie, my smile just instantly faded . “You okay?” My fiancé chuckles holding my hand. I quickly nod “Yeah of course” I give a simple smile. James. It was all my parents' idea. When you were 17 your parents came up with the golden Idea to get married. It would get you not so focused on her. So that's when that's where he came in. It was my moms friend's son. You’ve met him a few times. He was always nice but marrying him?! Marrying him felt so out of place. You didn’t even know him..so you just kept on denying him and it came to the point where my parents ended up forcing you, they said if you didn’t they would cut all contact, they would start telling your family the real reason why you went to Europe and you would end up losing everyone. So you agreed and at 18 he proposed and you two have been living in Europe for the time being. You felt like you just couldn’t go back to Westborough, too much has happened. 
So when the ones who forced you out of Westborough wanted you to come back to have your wedding you were silently fuming. “Soo you’re going to show me your childhood home?” James asks, smiling lightly, kissing your neck. You just sorta smile “Guess so?” You say looking out the window as you guys pull up to your house with your parents already standing on the porch. You don't even want to get out, you know Ellie most definitely has her own life and it’s probably a low chance she still even lives here but everything about being back seems so scary. 
You get out of the taxi and James goes to get your guy’s luggage as you walk up hugging your mom. You look at your dad and sorta smile, your guy's relationship has never been the same since the situation. You still believe he thinks of you as a completely different person. James walks up and shakes his hand “Hey son!” Your dad smiles at James. You walk into the house and James follows you “Where’s your room?” He smiles looking at you “Just upstairs i'll show you” He follows you upstairs walking in as he puts down your suitcase.  
You look around yourself noticing they haven’t touched anything, it looks like your parents didn’t even go into your room once. James walks over to your desk noticing the polaroid flat on your desk, you turn over to look at him and he softly says “Who’s this?” You walk up to him looking at the polaroid of you and Ellie on the beach and you shrug. “Just an old friend” He looks at her “Were you two close?” You sorta hate yourself for what you're about to say “No not really, just friends for a few months.” You only say this simply because you don’t wanna say why you never told him about a friendship that lasted 10 years, it would be too much for him..and you.. 
It shortly faded into the night, James and your dad went out to bond or something? You don’t even really know they just said that they’re heading out for a little. You look at your watch rubbing your eyes while yawning  “10:47pm” you mumble under your breath standing up..As you walk outside of your room you hear the tv going off from the first floor so you quietly go downstairs to see your mom passed out on the couch.
It sucks because you feel like you should hate her. Your whole life has constantly been controlled by your parents, they sent you away at 16 because you were “sick”. You just try to remind yourself her parents probably made her like this, so you grab a blanket and put it on your mom. You sigh walking to the front door and start putting on your jacket, you just need to walk. So that's what you do for the next 10 minutes until you make it into town, stuff has stayed the exact same, which works out in your favor because you know where the closet bar is! You open the door and there's only like 5 people in now 6 including you..And as you look over at the front bar you notice the bartender isn’t even there, you sorta just groan but reluctantly walk over and sit down. You're just looking down at the bar table when you hear the kitchen door open and a girl says “Sorry to keep you wait-” You wonder why she stopped so you decide to look up.
The girl is no other than Ellie..
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A/N -> ts took so long for actually no reason 😭
again there will probably be another part since it ends on a cliffhanger, just lmk if u wanna be in the tag list and i’ll add u!!
I will also probably be making another story, i have a rough draft for it right now but i don’t rlly no what to do with the plot, that story will again also most likely have more then one part!
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
We meet again, darling pt.16 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
"I decided to bring you back early because you are a fine detective and we need yours and everyone else's skills right now. Despite that, anything happens like this again and I will kick you out on your ass. You got that?"
The fire in Ellie burned as she was shamed for something she knew she hadn't done but then she thinks about you and Abby and everything she's done and the fire dies down slightly.
"Yes sir, I understand, thank you." He dismisses her from his office and she walks straight over to Abby's desk.
"You won't fucking believe it Anderson, I'm back."
"Jeez why are you in a mood?"
"You're happy about being back because they want all our resources dedicated to finding out the identity of our girlfriend who is a ruthless serial killer/druglord. You're happy about that?" She had lowered her voice to a whisper and as she realised she had referred to you as hers and Ellie's she cringed at herself. She didn't know what to call what it was between the three of you. She knew Ellie and her both wanted you but she wasn't sure of their dynamic. She had always respected Ellie despite never showing it because Abby was always given a little bit of respect and trust in her job because of her stature and Ellie didn't have that, she was scary but she had to fight harder to get to the position they were both in. They had always had a strange tension over the years, Abby could never discern whether they were rivals or friends but when she had kissed Ellie at the club and everything that happened once they got home from the club, it made her see Ellie in a different light, although she still wasn't pleased by the smug look on Ellie's face as she stood over her.
"Okay fair enough, it is not a cause for celebration but think about it we can try and steer them away from ever working out its her."
"That's true, the good thing is she won't show up in any databases because she's officially dead." Ellie blinks rapidly as she waits for Abby to laugh and say she's joking but she doesn't which causes Ellie's face to screw up in confusion.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"She faked her death, the identity she has now is a fake. But this is not the time or the place and she tells the story much better than me so look busy and we'll talk later okay?"
Ellie goes to speak but remains quiet and nods before turning on her heel and walking to her desk. She settles herself in her chair and immediately starts looking into all the evidence against you. Her anxiety spiked as she saw them inching closer and closer to you but she can't stop looking through all the files until she sees Detective Grant walking away from the interview room looking frustrated.
"Hey you good?" He sighs as he comes to stand in front of her desk.
"Fucking guy in there knows jack shit about the woman we're looking for, I don't understand why he would be hiding stuff about her so I assume he doesn't know. It's like we're so close but we can't quite get there."
"That's what your girl says about your sex life."
"You're such an ass." They both giggle like children until Ellie calms down enough to speak.
"Let me and Abby try, we'll do good cop bad cop and use the shock factor of the fact we're women, if he knows stuff we'll get it out of him." She covers her intentions with banter as she always did with a lie and she felt a sense of satisfaction as Detective Grant laughs with her.
"Yeah alright I'll do your paperwork for a week if you get anything else out of him.
"You're on." She snatches the file being held out to her and immediately speed walks over to Abby's desk. "Come on we're interviewing Mr. chatterbox."
"You're kidding."
"Nope, I'm a lot more charming than you."
"Charming? Annoying? Same thing." They walk to the interview room and go into the back room to watch him behind the mirror and strategize. They looked through the file and observed the man's skittish behaviour.
"He looks like he's tweaking."
"Yeah that's withdrawal if I've ever seen it. How does it say this guy was arrested?" Ellie flicks through the file until she finds the information.
"Caught him selling, it was just by chance, some officers on patrol."
"You think he works for her then?"
"He must do. But how does he know so much?"
"Let's find out." Abby rings you on her burner phone as Ellie watches curiously.
"Hey, can you get your IT guy to do me a favour?"
"Yeah babe, what's up?"
"Can you get him to hack into the CCTV footage again and just corrupt the sound of the footage for the interview room for while we're in there?"
"Yeah I'll get him to do it now. How are my girls doing?"
"Shut up. Thank you, I'll... We'll talk to you later." She hung up feeling flustered by the interaction but regains her composure as she nods at Ellie to signal she's ready.
They walk in and the guy jumps so they both move cautiously and speak quietly.
"Hi Ricky. We need to talk to you." Abby leads the conversation letting Ellie concentrate on observing his behaviour. She had always been good at spotting people's tells.
"I answered all your questions already." He sounds like he's pleading and they almost feel bad until they remember what problems he's caused. Their eyes both go dark and their demeanour's change, it looked inhumane and the man stared like he'd seen a ghost.
"We know you're a runner for her. We have your name and your picture Ricky Matthews. You know that she won't stop until you die a painful death." Abby gritted out with a venom in her voice that neither her or Ellie recognised.
"Who are you people?" His voice is trembling and his eyes look glazed over.
"That's not important. What you need to tell us is how you came about all the information you've shared." Ellie chimes in while looking uninterested.
"I can't tell you that." He keeps his eyes firmly on the floor.
"You tell us and you get a reduced sentence and she will promise to spare your life." Abby offers and as his head shoots up and he makes genuine eye contact for the first time, she knows they've won.
"Promise." Abby genuinely sounds sincere and Ellie watches in anticipation waiting for him to explain how he knows everything, she just wants to be able to tell you, it's the only thought running through her mind, you are often the only thought running through her mind now.
"Okay, er I found out because Richter, he's the guy that's supposed to be the boss, he had got drunk at a party and I happened to be in the small group of people that he was mouthing off about her to. Just said he was sick and tired of her doing whatever she wanted to and treating him like a sidekick and stuff. Then he started rambling about a plan to let her do all the work taking over the Met and then throw her under the bus so he could take over. He didn't say nothing else about it until he..."
"he?... he what?" Ellie snapped losing the tiny amount of patience she previously had.
"He came to me and said he'd pay me if I got arrested and told them about the woman. I got a 2 year old at home I figured it would be good for her for college or something."
"Okay, thank you." At that moment, Abby's phone buzzed with a message from you.
'Tell him I'll pay him whatever Richter was going to pay him.'
"She'll pay you whatever Richter was going to pay you."
"Really? Thank you."
"Yeah it's okay." They both get up and leave without another word and go straight back to the room behind the two-way mirror to call you.
"So you heard all of that?"
"Yeah I did. I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. Good work, thank you."
"It's fine. Sorry it turned out to be him."
"It's fine, it was always going to be a case of who kills who first. I had a feeling it would be me killing him."
"Well alright then. We're gonna go, see you later."
"Yeah, we're all having dinner together tonight by the way so both come straight from work."
"Yes boss." You giggle and hang up the phone as you look at all the ingredients laid out ready for you to cook dinner together. You look at the ingredients for the creamy tomato soup you had as a kid that you plan to make with grilled cheeses and your blood boils at the memories of your childhood with Johnny, you had loved the meal all throughout your childhood and as you got older you grew to enjoy making it all fresh, the more you reminisce the more you seethe. You're seeing red, your body is on fire, your heartbeat is erratic and so loud it's all you can hear but you just stay still trying to breathe. You had planned to make dinner with your girls and fill them in on the plan but now all you could think of was ripping your brothers head off but you decided you would deal with him and your other affairs tomorrow. Tonight you wanted to make dinner and enjoy one of your last nights in the city. You'd miss the penthouse and the high rise but what was coming next was making you excited to leave. You kept reassuring yourself 'not long now.'
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iznsfw · 2 years
Tutor eunbi where she rewards you increasingly everytime you get an answer correct starting from clothed groping and ending up with creampie
(inspired by a jav that uhhh... my friend saw definitely not me)
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[KWON-0927] "P-please be gentle!" Busty School Tutor Whimpers Cutely As You Go Down On Her Curvy Figure After A Rough Revising And Has Her Sensitive Nipples Played With! Never Gonna Fail An Exam Again!
IZ Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Kwon Eunbi
First Part of Dulce Periculum | Next Part
IZ*ONE's Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
8,131 words
Categories | tutor!Eunbi, uniform sex, rough sex, nipple play, corruption, titjob, mating press, tit play, fingering, creampie, squirting
Start of Iz*Mas! This is my EIGHTEENTH Eunbi fic. Me writing too much Eunbi.
Anyway, enjoy this :)
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There's the stab of overmorrow's claws that sink into your skin as early as ereyesterday. Add the fear that creeps into your heart when you look down into the textbook and realize there is a one-way path with this situation and it does not look safe at all. Everything goes downhill from here. There's the—
Three quick knocks pound onto your wooden door like silver rain on a rooftop. You close the textbook with jerky surprise, but you do not need to look into the eyehole to know who it is. The visitor is obviously her. It's obviously Kwon Eunbi, the smartest girl in your school.
You have requested her to help you revise for your exams, and accordingly, she comes to your home every Sunday since the start of September to do so. How you got so lucky to have such a pretty girl visiting you regularly, you'd like to say you have no idea. But you can only point to your report cards and feedback sections scribbled with dark red negativity. If the scathing words from exhausted teachers written on the back aren't enough to send the message, you will be straightforward: you aren't the brightest student.
You are quite average in other subjects, which is probably one of the two redeemable qualities about you. But English is just a ridiculous setup for failure. You do not like having people know you need help with it either, which makes your situation a bit more difficult than it already is if not for Eunbi being the sweetest girl in the world. (Besides being the prettiest.)
The fear partially washes away, like leftover combed seashells on sand. The phobia of failing has gone by a small surge, but a new one takes its place: one of Eunbi.
It's not that she's an overly strict and brutal tutor; in fact, she's as kind as a girl can get, and too pretty to be frightening anyway. But you are afraid of what you might do that can seem out of place if you want her to like you. If you want her to want you as much as you do her. It's such a stupid schoolgirl crush you have on her, yet you find no escape. Nor can you find a girl that can match the beauty she has, or a distracting enough video game to keep your mind off her.
Your heart aches with anticipation as you open the door. It is no big surprise to see that Eunbi looks beautiful. The pair of round black-rimmed glasses sits on her nose neatly, matching the color of her curled long hair. In addition to that, she is still wearing the school blouse and skirt, making her look like the perfect cute nerd in movies. It's a very usual and everyday outfit, nothing too model-ish or fashionable. But it still dumbs you down to nothing but admiration. How it wraps around her busty form and shows off her thighs oftentimes make you lose the answer to her questions even though it's on the tip of your tongue.
"Hi, oppa!" Eunbi says kindly. She is just a little younger than you, but definitely only by years. In terms of knowledge, she is way out of your league—she's miss Valedictorian, the biggest bookworm, writer of the year, and a good volleyball player. You... well, there's not much to go over.
She gives you a big hug. Emphasis on the "big." Her breasts practically push into your body and almost nudge you out of her embrace. The girl is adorably oblivious to it, only beaming with giddiness at seeing you, and hugs you tighter. Your breath sounds heavier than her giggle.
But wrap your arms around her a little too confidently. Her smooth back and taut stomach feel good under your fingertips. How much more if you were holding—
No. You can't think like that about her! She's your tutor, a completely innocent girl who doesn't deserve to be lewded by your thoughts depsite her insane body. But no matter how many times you remind yourself about it, you keep forgetting. Kind of similar to your relationship with sentences and predicaments.
But it is a different kind of forgetfulness when it's with Eunbi. Unlike the panic that grips you when you forget an essential fact while answering your test, you are blissful to delve in its ignorance. For a limited time, the world allows you to believe that she might like you. That you might have a chance with her. It's a little thing that makes you happier and sadder in the same breath, but you wear a big smile.
"Hi, Eunbi. Thanks for coming by so early!"
It's a statement free of sarcasm. You are glad to have Eunbi come by, especially when you are about to have a breakdown over English. But even with that aside, she's a beauty, and beautiful things are more than allowed in your home.
You lead her to your living room. Several of your textbooks, reviewers and fillers are already out and open on the coffee table. There is science... mathematics... history... they all make your head hurt more than any car ride could.
"Yeah, Miss Bae dismissed us early so I came here five minutes before time," she says with a giggle. But then her face suddenly loses its brightness and surges into fear. "I didn't disturb you, did I? I'm really sorry if I did! You know I could wait till you're settled!"
Oh, that cute downcast look. She is so painfully cute that you want to hug her again, and not just for the feel of her body. "No, not at all!" you say, calming her down. "I needed to work on revising early anyway. Will you help me a little more today? Maybe some extra time, too?" you add hopefully.
"Of course, it's my job! And you pay me very... abundantly." Eunbi gives you a cleverly-timed wink. "So I don't mind at all. Shall we start?"
She hands you the worksheets she has prepared. They're not too lengthy, and have her watermark: a clean red doodle of a bunny and her name in Korean. Nothing out of the ordinary. These letters in the questions aren't in Korean, though. Wait, why are they...
Oh dear God, no. It's English. English, the goddamned language you are forced to learn since everybody in the world knows it and writes it because one day, some stupid people decided to build the tallest tower in the world and made God angry. Or so you were told. But why couldn't you be the exception and go on without knowing the languages?
It's important to note that you are an overall average student. Not good enough to make the honors' list, but not bad enough to be one of the rejects sitting at lunch in the corner either. You barely pass exams, but something is still better than nothing. So, on other subjects, you lend in time to study without putting in much effort. However, this one is your weakness. While you still have hopes to pass in other subjects, the chances slim when you are put in the English spotlight.
You can never wrap your head around it. For example, why do "though," "tough," and "thorough" all have different pronunciations but are spelled nearly the same? Why does the menaing of a word or sometimes a whole sentence change your approach?
It is too broad of a language for you. You'd rather stick to the Hangeul characters you know by heart and say something in your native language. But you know Eunbi won't let that happen.
She sits there with her hands folded, patiently waiting for you to go on answering. But she notices the crease in your forehead and immediately knows what is going on; you have hit a rut, and she has to help you out of it. "Do you want me to go over some flashcards first?"
"I didn't know we were going for English first, but yeah, sure," you say, a little reluctantly. To you, flashcards are just the same as worksheets: difficult and senseless. So you do not understand why she thinks this will help. But hey, you're the student, she is the tutor slash teacher slash cutie. You have to trust her to do her thing well.
"Okay!" says Eunbi cheerfully. She brushes back long strands of curls behind her ear with another hand as she picks up a deck of cards with the other. She remains optimistic and bright-eyed throughout the first minutes of the session, even if you are the opposite. "What is a verb, and what does it do?"
The honey-colored card that invades your line of vision is hard to scrutinize. It is a basic question, really. But not for you, for in that second, every bit of the little knowledge you have about a verb dissolves to nothingness. Verb... verb... what the fuck is a verb?
You are stuck with nothing but a slacked jaw and an empty mouth. Even a third grader can answer this, so why can't you?
You look back at Eunbi with troubled eyes while her brown ones remain cheerful. Never lose your spark, little one. "Uhhh, I think—fuck, can I get a clue?"
"Haaah, oppa-ya!"
The little one has lost her spark. Your ignorance extinguished its heat. Eunbi bumps your shoulder with the force of both mock and real frustration. "There aren't gonna be any clues in the exam, y'know?" she scolds you. "You can't just go up and ask the teacher for a hint!"
You feel a little bad now. Your mind's habitual way of letting important pieces of knowledge slip from its grasp makes Eunbi feel bad, too. Because of it, she begins to doubt her own teaching ability. Is she not patient enough? Did she not choose the questions properly? All those things run in that pretty head of hers now that you have immediately failed to answer.
But it truly isn't her fault. She spends nights printing out your worksheets and reviewing your subjects beforehand, always trying to add a sweet touch to them with a scribble of encouragement on the margins. And you... you are just mind-numbingly forgetful and lazy. None of it is her doing.
But you want to answer the flashcard question with a little bit of help. At least just a tiny bit of help.
"But it's just a tutoring session right now, isn't it?" you reason with her. Look through those brown eyes and attempt to find a hint of patience she can use for you. It is only barely less than the forgiving glimmer that is there on the usual. "Just one hint can do."
You are desperate for it. They are not always helpful, but they do give you time to reflect on what you have studied. On rare occasions, they tap into long-forgotten memories of your other sessions with Eunbi. Sometimes they are about studying, sometimes they're about the little talks you have with her that aren't study-related. There's the right keyword sometimes to put two and two together. Only sometimes, but right now, all you have around that can be of assistance is a hint.
Eunbi is not dumb. She sees through your reasoning and understands why it makes sense. So, being the kind girl she is, she relents. You have the heavens and her parents to credit for making her so forgiving.
"Fine," she says sullenly. She looks adorable; her full lips are pulled downwards in a pout, paired with her spectacles. She looks like the perfect nerdy girlfriend. Oh, if only... "But if you still give no answer or a wrong one after this, we're going to review again. Do we have a deal?"
"I promise we do, Eunbi. With all my heart."
"Good oppa!" says Eunbi cheerfully, back to her normal self. "Here's the hint: it's what you, um, do. In that sense of the word."
Realization hits you, only by a little jab. "Oh! I think that's—um..."
"You just said a verb! Come on, you can do this!"
Then it hits you with unsure slap, as if it were doubtful that it hit the right victim. "The, the action that the subject of the sentence does—?"
"Ding, ding, ding! Yes, you got it!"
Eunbi claps happily, hugging you again. You are blissful, too. Maybe there is a chance of you succeeding after all. Maybe the path isn't so foggy.
"Do I get a prize for getting the correct answer?" you ask with much anticipation. Eunbi always has little treats for you to go by. After a particularly difficult mathematics session, she went with you to the café for a milkshake. Sometimes you would go out for a quick snack. But honestly, you'd take anything, just as long as she stays by your side.
But the Eunbi by your side currently does not look so sure of herself. You can identify well the look on her face because you wear it all the time: an expression of curiosity. You wonder what had gone on behind the scenes for her to look so insecure.
Her index fingers meet and part repeatedly as she gazes at you. Her eyes tell a story you cannot piece apart, but you can get the mood of it: a strange wistfulness left unattended to.
"It's all up to you, actually," she says, quietly, "and I just want to know what it feels like when it's from you. Just that."
"What do you mean, Eunbi?" you ask, with more confusion than ever.
"F-for your prize, you can touch my, um, chest."
"Huh? What happened, is your heart beating weird?"
"No, oppa, I want you to touch my breasts, pleaseee!"
She spurts out the statement with frustration and embarrassment. Eunbi's cheeks have grown bright red, and they only tone up when your hands start to fidget. You may have a hesitant mind of your own, but your hands have known what they wanted to do since the day Eunbi dropped that pencil and accidentally flashed you more than an eyeful. Ever since your eyes took in the beautiful yet limited sight of her breasts, you realized that there is more to Eunbi than a cute girl. And all the time, you thought that she didn't know of her own danger. You ignorantly thought that she is simply too young and innocent to find it out for herself, but she must have seen your provoked expression that day.
"Look." Eunbi pouts at you and unbuttons the first few buttons of her blouse. The two hills—no, mountains—of flowing cleavage rises into your view. "Does oppa want his prize or not?"
"Of, of course I do."
Tentatively wrap your deft fingers around Eunbi's tit. It feels even better than you imagined. Even with the partial cloth blocking you from its full glorious nakedness, its softness remains. You can feel her nipple harden under your thumb as you continue to squeeze her.
It is a new feeling to Eunbi, having a foreign hand touch where she is second most sensitive. Especially since she has not done any of this sex thing besides touching herself. And even the orgasms that had her whimpering and rocking against her pillow with desperation cannot compare to your fingers groping her.
"Mmm, oppa, that feels good." Her eyes close with all the pleasure you give to the softness of her heavy breasts. "So good... getting touched by you like this."
"Fuck, Eunbi"—your body inches closer to her busty figure, eager to press against its form—"I want to—"
"No, s-stop, we aren't done with reviewing yet!" Her weak voice sounds as if she is trying to convince herself rather than tell you off. With a reluctant look on her pretty face, she positions herself on the sofa normally, trying to proceed. "Don't be so greedy, oppa-ya."
"Seems like you're greedier than me, Eunbi. You were whining like a puppy," you counter her insult. While you understand that she still needs to go on with her job as a tutor, she does not need to pretend that her heart is burning with desire, too. Literally.
Eunbi crosses one thick thigh over the other and shakes her head with clear denial. "No, I'm not! I just... wanted to know what it feels like," she now confesses with a sullen look. "And, and I know you wanted to touch me for the longest time."
Longest time? Does she mean that she figured you out that day, too? Kwon Eunbi is not as oblivious as you originally deduced. She may be sweet and cute, yet she is undeniably intelligent. You might have not said anything verbally about it at the time, but it turns out that she read you like a book.
Eunbi hides her face behind your English textbook like a shy bunny, leaving only her eyes for you to see. "I thought that it would be nice if I let you, because you're really cute, oppa! And it can be motivation, right?"
"Smart girl, Eunbi-ya," you praise her. Her cheeks glow red. She hides her face behind the book even more.
But your cheeks are beet red, too. Did Kwon Eunbi—the Kwon Eunbi, straight-A student and the campus crush—just call you cute? How long has she thought that about you?
The tables have been turned and your back was, too. You were the unmindful one all along.
You are struck by how dumb you are. It's not like it isn't already a usual factor in your life, but you don't miss things like this. You can tell how someone feels right off the bat with just a look. You pride yourself with your certainty of the state of everything. But even when it's already outside of academic fields, she's bested you. Again.
Just how smart is Eunbi? You have never underestimated her intelligence. It is hard to when she is always on top of the honors' list and the first to announce that she's finished with the exams. But now you realize she notices little things, too, just like you.
A silence passes over the living room for a few seconds, but Eunbi proceeds to the next question anyway. The two of you are blushing too hard and are just eager to move on.
"Second question," says Eunbi, shoving a card in your face, "it is defined by Oxford Languages as 'a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.'"
You appreciate the sources from which she gathered the fancy definition, but the elaborate meaning just makes your head hurt. Why stretch a simple definition out to such flowery words? One particular keyword rings a bell, though.
"An adjective," you answer confidently.
"Yes! Give three examples."
"'Pretty,' 'small,' and 'smart.'"
Eunbi blushes then nods approvingly. She knows all those adjectives were about her since you keep giving her pointed glances as you list them. She flips the flashcard to show that you got the right answer.
"You're getting better at this!" she says happily. "Your next prize is you can touch my legs."
Eunbi does not wait for you to accept her prize. She swings both of her legs over your lap, pressing them firmly to your thighs. Just when you thought Eunbi could not get more dangerous, she has showed you up again. The skirt barely hides the roundness of her thick thighs, nor does it hide the shorts that hug them so tightly.
You do not hesitate this time. If Eunbi wants this, then you should give in. Your hand graces the toned muscles on her thighs, formed by her days as a varsity volleyball player, and runs down the rest of her smooth legs. They feel almost as good as her tits, although the only thing that can outdo them is her face. That pretty, pretty face that reacts almost instantly with parted lips and closed eyes. You watch her responses to your caresses with a few pants of your own; seeing her orgasmic reactions is a thing straight out of a JAV porn.
Her center moves against your thigh demandingly. You take that as a signal. Slip your hands underneath her skirt and feel for—
"Hah, no, no, no!" Eunbi's gasps sound like they're wrung out of breathless lungs. "We still have more questions... and the worksheets—mmmm!"
Part of being a good tutor is to have the high ground, but not make it seem like it. But Eunbi is slowly losing the upper hand, all because of your fingers brushing over the center of her underskirt shorts and feeling for the insides of her thighs. She tries to be a good tutor. She tries with all the strength she has in her little body, but they cannot fight against your lingering touch. Nor can they resist the prods of your fingertips at what you think is her clitoris. You might be right; a sharper whine is heard from her.
"Noooo, why does it have to feel so good?" Eunbi whispers. She tugs at your shirt, burying her head in the nook of your shoulder. "Please, oppa, you have to answer some questions still..."
"Oh, fine," you reply with a kiss on her hair. "What's the next question, Eunbi?"
Her free hand shuffles the flashcards. "A word that represents persons, concepts, things, and places. Answer this right and you'll get a bigger prize."
Suddenly, you become the best student there ever was in English. You remember almost everything you and Eunbi have gone over during your sessions. It turns out that all you needed is the promise of Eunbi's body. The promise of the freedom to do everything good to that body that is just begging and pleading to be fucked thoroughly.
"A noun," you answer.
"Correct! You can put them inside me now!"
Swift and ready, your fingers travel through the sides of Eunbi's underwear and shorts and take pleasure in their destination: her hot, tight cunt. When your two fingers enter her, she practically screams. The virginal clamp of her walls is hard to navigate, but they are only a foretold joy for another part of your body. So you truly don't mind spreading your fingers and parting them. They bring another pro: Eunbi's helpless whines.
"Kiss me," she demands. "Kiss Eunbi, please. Kiss her neck."
Your lips arrive at her full tiers, only for a moment for they line down her cheeks, jaw, and neck. Her scent invades and controls your senses. She cries out needily, and she's honestly evil for it. So completely evil for enunciating her sounds with such desire and submissiveness, even if you're sure it's completely unintentional. But you fall victim to her anyway. You bury your face in her hair and kiss her hard, like you've always wanted to.
That's probably as true as the illustrious tits heaving up and down before you.
She's quite inexperienced, and it shows with the quiver of her form with every kiss you place, in addition to her constant whines, as if she weren't oriented originally to the feeling of being penetrated by your diligent fingers. But she wants it. She wants more of you playing with her body, yet she's hesitant, too. Should she abandon her job as a tutor and instead become your fucktoy for the hour? Or should she return to the former Eunbi—the Eunbi who smiles and claps for her oppa because he asked for her help?
"Come on, oppa. I have to, hmph, read another question. Please let me."
The good Eunbi still lives on. You're so impressed by it that your next kiss is one of tenderness rather than lust. "Good girl, Eunbi. Go on."
Her fingers grasp at the flashcards desperately, trying to keep them visible. "It is the topic of a s-sentence, and can usually found at the beginning or end of the sentence," she reads. There's a pleading glint in her eyes, and they send you a message: Answer this correctly, I need you.
You thumb her clit firmly, causing her to buck against it. It's a sign of her upcoming orgasm, and you are surprised that it will arive earlier than expected. But Eunbi hasn't been touched like this other than by herself. She's new to all this, you have to let her off the hook.
Rack your mind for the answer while Eunbi whimpers at your ever-so-constant thrusts. As you consider the possible answers that present themselves in your mind, she whispers pleads for more. Her thighs squeeze around your arm, telling you to keep going, even though your arm aches. You needed the exercise anyway.
"P-parallelism?" you say dumbly.
"No!" Eunbi shakes her head. "Now you have to stop, oppa. You answered incorrect—no, please, please slow down!"
Frustration wrecks your senses and sends your fingers furiously jabbing in the direction of Eunbi's slit. They do more than just jab. They dive into her and wiggle in order for the tiny hole to allow them in. Eunbi sobs as your kisses get harder, not knowing what to do when the orgasm rips through her body. How can she handle all this?!
You're being too rough. You know you are, yet you keep pistoning your digits inside her like it's an addiction of yours that you simply can't let go of. The sounds of her pussy slick with wetness and juices intoxicate you and send your impulsive actions into a flurry. Meanwhile, Eunbi's screams are becoming more and more concerning.
"No, it's not your prize anymore! It's too much, you have to slow down!" All those words yet she moves in accordance with your actions, giving you mixed signals. "I want more, oppa, but I have to be a good tutor!"
"The only good you're going to be is my good little girl," you declare. Teeth capture her earlobe then her neck. "And my good girl is about to cum, isn't she?"
Eunbi blushes at your words. She nods. She can tell from the way the heat is becoming borderline unbearable. It's dangerous, it's hot, and most importantly, it's wrong. She shouldn't have offered her body as your prize in the first place. She should have yielded to the temptation and resisted her lust. But they are all would've-could've-should'ves now. Eunbi is trapped in you.
She isn't sure if she wants to find a way out.
"Then cum for me. Cum for oppa, be good for him."
Her tummy is becoming too tight. She's scared, she's turned on, and she is very very close. "But oppaaa! I can't!" she sobs. "I can't, it's too hot, I can't I can't I can't—!"
She says she cannot, yet the stream of liquid sprays on your hands anyway. Eunbi's legs flail and spread, allowing you to furiously pump her core to climax. She screams the whole time, blinded by pleasure along with the heat. It pushes her nipples to erection and her toes to curl tightly.
You could have cum on the spot just from watching her cum. The climax electrifies her being and makes her shake from it. You never thought you could ever see Eunbi cum. The world is funny like that, bringing out the unexpected and hiding them once it becomes the opposite. You thought that her climax would be accompanied by quiet pleads. Instead, she cums hardly and violently. Her core holds onto your fingers and her clit twitches with need.
The flashcards have long dropped on her skirt. The worksheets are stained and wet from her squirt. It's all greatly unprofessional and low. But to you, she's still a good tutor. Still your good girl.
"You okay, Eunbi?" you ask softly. "Are you alright, sweet girl?"
She's shuddering like she's cold. Anyone would have offered her a jacket. You, however, offer her a kiss.
"I'm okay," Eunbi says, both to calm your fears of having hurt her and herself. Her eyes are closed and her mouth hangs slightly open to let out heavy pants. "Eunbi's okay."
"Glad to hear that," you say with a relieved smile. She smiles back tiredly. "Still up to tutor me after this?"
She nods. Of course she is. She is yours now, after all, although the two of you haven't been able to grasp at saying it out loud yet.
"Any last questions?"
"Yes, of course."
Eunbi lies back into your chest with a sigh of exhaustion. It's the happy kind of tiredness though. It was quite the surreal experience. In just a matter of minutes and only with your finger, she saw stars and still needs to be brought back down to earth.
Her whole body is numb. She needs to feel something. "The answer was noun, by the way."
"I thought so."
"Sure you did. What's a pronoun?"
That, you know. It's easy to remember since they are used so often. "Words used to substitute for names and things so they don't get repetitive. Examples are 'it,' 'she,' 'him,' and so on."
"Correct! Your prize is this!"
Her fingers stretch the garter of her shorts, and let its material fall to the floor. Her underwear follows shortly after. Your dazed eyes follow each slip and descent with longing. Then you realize that you don't have to long and wish for it like you did all those days ago. You can actually have it. She wants you to have it, and that fact alone makes it all the more exciting.
The storm of lust takes her down. She crashes on the sofa of your living room. You splay her legs apart to prepare her for the second taking. Her teeth dig into her bottom lip as she watches you fish out your erection, which already leaks with desire.
Then she looks up at you.
Kwon Eunbi looks up at you with bewildered eyes, with her legs spread apart and the skirt unable to do even the slightest bit of covering up. Her tits look even bigger from this angle, because they're squished up behind her black bra and by the blouse.
But most importantly, there's her pretty pussy to admire.
And to savage.
All she tells you before it happens is one, simple request:
"P-please be gentle."
You, however, do not reply. You can't make promises you can't keep.
After that, only obscene sounds come spilling out of the valedictorian's mouth. And it's all because of your dick rushing into her hugging walls, forcing them apart. Eunbi cries out, grabbing for anything to keep her sane, yet her fingers only discover the pillows of your sofa. They aren't strong enough to be immune to the dig of her fingernails in them, nor are they soft enough for there to be any comfort for her panicked hands. So she uses her thighs as substitute. She holds her legs and pulls them whenever the pain returns again, somehow unknowingly putting herself in a mating press position.
Her narrow textured walls embrace your cock with unyielding tightness. You were so unprepared for it that you have to calm yourself down before thrusting again. But how can you calm down at all with Eunbi's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain, and her legs up in the air like that? Not to mention her round tits peeking through the unbuttoned fabric of her blouse?
"S-so big! Oh!" Eunbi flinches as you fire a harder thrust. Your cockhead pokes places even her long, pretty fingers can't reach. She feels so worked up, so utterly vulnerable that her eyes begin to water with tears behind her spectacles. "Please be gentle with me, oppa, you're too big!" she pleads once more. But it isn't the only beg she's going to ask of you this afternoon.
Consider being gentle. Consider engaging in loving, soft vanilla sex with her. But your cock says otherwise. It wants to dive into her with every bit of mercilessness you have, and corrupt this pretty little tutor more. And you are not one to withhold anything from what your cock desires.
But you settle for slow but hard drills first. Eunbi hums, full lips pursed as she tries to take the width and girth of your dick. Her senses still run high because she has just experienced an orgasm from you fingering her, so it's difficult to go through it all without sobbing a little. She's never felt this turned on before, and she is becoming a bit overwhelmed.
"Show me your tits, Eunbi," you ask of her. It's more of a demand, really. Their bounces are limited by the containment of them by her bra, and if you were to give in completely to your desires, you'd rip it straight off. But you want to see her take it off by herself. You've wanted to for as long as you can remember.
Slow down to let her take it off. It's a white lace bra, obviously a little too old and small for her since its clasps let go easily. Her heavy breasts spill from the soft cups and into your line of view.
If you were to use adjectives for Eunbi's bosom, you'd use three: round, soft, and pretty. Their areolas and nipples are pink, erect because of the arousal and the air. They begin to bounce repeatedly now that they are free from their fabric prison. You couldn't be more intrigued with their rising and falling movements. They are far more interesting than the rising and falling action of any stupid classic your English teacher requires you to read.
They drive you to strengthen the force of your pounds. Eunbi wails again. "Oppa!" she says. "Oppa, just let me ask you another question!"
"Ask it while I'm fucking you," you reply.
Her voice strains and cracks as she tries to speak. "What is a... p-predicament, and—oh, god!"
This is the only test Eunbi will ever fail. She cries because of the rough assault your cock offers to her virgin pussy, yet her walls still embrace it demandingly. They never cease with their squeeze, so she can do nothing but want to be subjected to your using even more. She wants you. She wants you to make her cum.
But being a tutor comes first.
"Oppa, please make me ask a question!"
The heave of your hips take a while before they get the message. You force yourself to a stop. God damn it, you were already so close. Screw school for cockblocking you.
Eunbi is both relieved and disappointed that you stopped. The tears that watered in her eyes have slid down her pale cheeks while the juices from her well-fucked pussy drip down the sofa like a waterfall. You've taken her so roughly that there are red marks of your hands on her legs. You feel a little sorry that you've treated such a sweet girl so harshly; she looks so spent. And to think that this is only her first time!
"I—I need to catch my breath," she says. Her eyes close while her mouth performs the opposite. It inhales sharp draws of breath that make her breasts heave and fall. You feel the slightest tinge of guilt that despite the rough session and the break the two of you are taking, you are still utterly turned on.
Lucky for you, there's only better things to look forward to in the hour.
"You were so big inside me, oppa," she moans. "I thought that I couldn't handle it... but I liked it so much."
Recall your earlier line and state it: "I thought so."
"I still have another question or two," she says.
"Hit me."
"Give three kinds of adverbs."
"Adverbs of time.... uh, place? And manner?"
"Correct. You've earned a tit...." Eunbi struggles to say it without getting flustered. "I'll just show you."
One gentle push from Eunbi and you're the one on the sofa now. Buttons are released and undone, and her two breasts wrap your length with its loving softness. It takes time for you to realize what is going on. So it hits you a little later to realize that Kwon Eunbi, your pretty little tutor, is giving you a titjob.
Where did she learn all of this? That she answers right after the thought touches on your mind.
"Does it feel good?" she asks nervously. "I tried to watch some, um, videos of it, but it always seemed so hard."
She moves her breasts up and down, trapping them in the jail that is the soft flesh squeezing your appendage and stimulating your senses. Her tits love the sensation, too, especially when Eunbu's fingers tap on her all-too-sensitive nipples. Whenever that happens, she closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, in a feeble attempt to calm her thoughts.
"You're doing great, Eunbi," you groan out. More than great, in fact. Her bosom does most of the work, but her expressions contribute to your wants and needs as well. Those watery puppy eyes and the stretched frown of her lips make you want to fuck her mouth. See how much she can take and how much she can cry.
Next time.
Claustrophobia never overtakes your cock. They enjoy the pillowy closeness of the tiniest spaces of Eunbi's boobs. Eunbi looks on with utter fascination. She has never done this before, and never even thought that this was a thing. So she's a little surprised at how easy it is, and how good it feels for you. The breathy groans you make as you slide in and out of her voluptuous chest make her core wet with need.
You get off more easily and earlier than you expected. Just a few more upwards thrusts and you've ejaculated all over her. Eunbi gasps surprisedly at the sticky white substance that sprayed so suddenly. There's spurts on her collarbone, chin, and bosom. She looks so satisfyingly dirty that your guilt for arriving earlier almost completely washes away.
Her eyes connect to your tired gaze. Then, she fingers the wet semen and circles them on her nipples. She bites her lip, whimpering a little, but starts to tweak her nipples to deliver shudders of pleasure throughout her body. A drop of cum is swallowed from her finger.
"Eunbi-ya..." You're more than take aback. In a good way. "When did you get so dirty?"
"I had Sakuchan teach me." Her eyes close as she remembers what Sakura did to her. "She was a good tutor."
Sakura? Does she mean Miyawaki Sakura, the girl who wins a lot of the pageants at school? Oh. Well, the two of them do seem particularly close...
You dash a look towards Eunbi inquisitively. "Yeah?" you ask. You can't believe her glasses have managed to stay on despite the rough fucking.
"I have one last question for you."
"And what might that be?"
Eunbi places her arms on your lap and rests her chin on one of them, tilting her head to the side. "Do you promise to treat me like your good girl?"
She's a seductive force to be reckoned with, one that was more of what she was born with rather than was taught. She climbs onto your lap like she has always known she's fit for it, and cages your sides with her beautiful legs. Her skirt lies on her thighs, a curtain disguising what is yet to come, while her hands drape themselves over your shoulders. They squeeze your tense muscles, yet your form never relaxes. Your body is too caught up with the lack of oxygen.
There she goes again with that pout. Downward tugs at the end of her plump lips, eyes glossy with the ghost of an innocence long gone. The specs allow her to see your hesitant face, so she spices the deal up.
"Do you promise," Eunbi says, "to make this memorable for me? Make it a good first time?"
Jesus, what was Sakura teaching her?
"Of course, Eunbi," is your answer. And apparently, the correct one. The only answer she'd take.
"Correct. For that, you can fill me up."
She has made plenty of requests over the time of the session: requests for you to go easy, to answer her questions correctly... too many to count. The word is starting to sound made up. But your head is only filled with thoughts of fucking her senseless.
Oh, you'll make it memorable for her, alright.
The tension breaks. You go wild, now that this second session won't be interrupted by academic questions. Those stupid questions that shouldn't dictate your worth, nor your future. Your job isn't going to ask you what time fucking Shakespeare was born. So why should you have to spend eternal hours studying for a test paper you're going to fail anyway? Why should you?
But surely there is no reason why you shouldn't fuck Eunbi. There is no reason why you shouldn't insert yourself inside the hole between those slick folds, see the pleasure run through her gorgeous face, and watch those exposed tits bounce. There is no reason for you not to grab her body and trap her against the sofa and take her pussy from between her widespread legs.
So you do it.
Switch positions. Grab Eunbi's shapely hips and turn around swiftly, pinning her down to the sofa. Swiftly enter her quivering form. She's still so hot and tight, you think, with a groan that mixes with Eunbi's moans.
Your brisk actions make her tense around you. She isn't sure if she is going to be able to take it again. Your erection still remains as large as ever. It penetrates her inexperienced body so well that she doesn't think she'll want any other dick to take her this way, even if she's only received one all this time: yours.
Her moans return. From there, you cannot hold back. You pound into Eunbi with gusto. She yelps everytime, squirming to make herself comfortable in this position and to bring herself closer to your cock. Not that it's leaving anytime soon; only a few inches exit with your in-and-out thrusts, driving your leaking mushroom head repeatedly to her cervix. Her cries are as constant as your drills.
You fight against the narrowness of her walls. You thrust in her with the intention to fuck her so good that you make them memorize the shape and length of your dick. Eunbi's tightness isn't a problem, though; it's easier to rub the texture of her walls this way. Easier to make her scream.
Her cum-covered tits now bounce freely. They've been released from the confinement of her bra and buttons earlier, so you are offered the pretty viee of them jiggling as you knock Eunbi up. Semen covers their nipples. It drips down to her toned stomach. You've been put in such a sex-crazed trance by them that it almost steals your attention away from her pleasured face.
Lopsided glasses remain before Eunbi's wide, fluttering eyes. You are using her thighs to pull yourself to her, and to spread them to allow more heavenly access. Her skirt has flown up to her taut tummy. She is such a mess for your cock in every way, yet you still find yourself wildly attracted to her. She's perfect, from her moans to her squirms, her whines and her cries.
"D-don't stop!" Eunbi tells you. There's no "please" attached to the starts or ends of her requests anymore. Her politeness has melted away. Its loss has allowed her to show that her screamed statement isn't a request. No, she's demanding that your thrusts don't falter nor pause. She's demanding for every might you have in your body to be delivered to her in the form of your pumping. "Make me cum, oppa! Make me... hngmph!"
You rub her wet pearl with your thumb, meriting a delightful pursed moan from her. You start to give it harsh and forced flicks. Eunbi responds with several gasped groans that sound higher than before. They're followed by raspier moans, which you didn't expect to love hearing from her. Her screams are better, though, you'd say.
Her celestial form writhes and shifts in its position on your sofa. Eunbi cries out everytime you swipe at her clit again, or throw a spank at her ass, which you only discover now is as equally deserving of appreciation as her tits or face. Every inch of her is perfect. Every inch of her deserves to be loved.
That is precisely why your hands touch everything. You lean over to take one of those pretty nipples in between your fingers and give it a firm squeeze. She sighs delightfully. After kissing her lips and taking in their strawberry bubblegum-like taste, you decide that it is time.
Grab her legs firmly, push them together, then shove them up in the air. Your stomach slaps the curves of her thighs while your dick joins her cervix once more. Eunbi's skirt has no purpose now. At least, not any purpose that is enough to hide her naked obscenity. But you care more for the yells that wickedly corrupt your heart that come from Eunbi's gorgeous set of lips—
For the panicked shake of her legs as your pounds obtain maximum strength—
For the severe cry she makes while her hands yearn and play with her breasts beautifully covered with your semen—
For the look of uncaged wildness in Eunbi's eyes; the one you recognize as the result of a freshly-broken innocence—
—are too much.
"Cum, cum— cumming!" she shrieks. Her whole body spasms and quakes, and you begin to have difficulties keeping her legs, which have been used even in the timespan of half an hour or so to spread for you, in the mating press position. "Oppa, slow down, slow down, can't keep—Ican'tkeepcumm—haaaaah!"
Paint the insides of the little slit with white while Eunbi renders the sofa fabric torn. Tears run down her cheeks. Her fingers, betwixt the red sofa blanket, have gone numb. Breathing becomes a chore; you're still going and going, draining yourself inside her to make the most out of it all.
Then, finally, slide yourself out. Eunbi's pussy has successfully been ejaculated on, just like her breasts and chest. You pray that the next time you find yourself inside her heavenly cunt, one of her name is already "mine."
Nervously, tentatively, lay Eunbi's legs down. Smooth her skirt back down on the pillows that are her thighs. The slightest whine escapes her mouth derived from the soreness. It's her first time, after all—it isn't going to be fine after just a few seconds.
"So, uh...." Strangely, you're the one asking the questions. now. Trading places with her, putting yourself in her shoes. Gaze at the exhausted Eunbi on the sofa and the anxiety returns to you. "You want anything? Frozen peas, a blanket, anything?"
"Thank you, but don't try to fool me," says Eunbi, smiling tiredly at what she thinks is your not-so-subtle way of trying to outrun responsibility. Unfortunately for you, responsibility can run nine marathons with the speed of twenty-seven horses.
She tries to spread her legs, but flinches when the pain hits. "You still have a test on T-Tuesday, remember?"
Of course. But you smile anyway. "I'm guessing you don't want another go then?"
A hopeful look passes over her eyes. "Do you still like me?"
Heart thumping against your throat, nod. "Yeah. A lot."
Eunbi nods understandingly. She asks another question that you are surprisingly ready for. "Are you still going to keep me stretched and filled up?"
"Of course. I'm still your oppa, aren't I?"
"And I suppose," Eunbi says quietly, as she looks down a little sullenly, "I'm still your tutor."
Understanding passes between the two of you, without words nor signs. You two dodge glances and avoid dialogue, and you're once again a little scared. You may have fucked Eunbi senselessly and impulsively, but you still have a massive crush on her. Has the sex ruined any chances of a relationship with her?
There's the stab of tomorrow's claws that sink into your skin as early as today. Add the fear that creeps into your heart when you look sideways at Eunbi and realize there is a two-way path with this situation and it does not look easy at all. Everything can go up or downhill from here. There's the phobia making your hands tingle, the shortness of your breath, the sweat on your face.
But there's also Eunbi's head on your shoulder, and her hands sliding into the comfort of yours. And although you still fear the depth the pierce of the future's claws can probe, the monster to whom they belong to doesn't seem so scary at all.
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The AIB Boys as Toxic Boyfriends
Notes: NSFW - MDI - Abuse - This is not love - Mentions of drugs and alcohol - Manipulation - Corruption - NON/CON -
Includes: Chishiya - Arisu - Banda Sunato - Tatta - Karube -
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♤ Chishiya
As a toxic boyfriend Chishiya is manipulative and insensitive. He will use hard words on you, no filter at all. He also believes a woman should stay home and just be a mother. He has seen women working and on his words "it makes them whores".
His Manipulation is completly mental, he wont land a hand on you ever. But he knows tricks to keep you back and in check. I said he would use hard words on you, well he would also compliment you when you do something he wants you to do.
Like, make dinner for him. Because you are the woman of the house. First time you do it without him having to tell you he will praise you making your heart go fast and feel like the first time you two met.
If he sees that you are not 100% commited to stay with him then he will fuck a baby into you. Does not matter if you dont want one, he will take away your anticonceptive pills and tell you how he keeps forgetting to use a condom.
♤ Arisu
He wants someone who supports him. But to a degree where if you are not by his side or responding to him in second he goes berserk. Needs to know where you are all the time. If he is at college he must know where you are. May put a track on your phone just to be sure. Or may have to use his father influence and make you end in his college with the same classes as him.
If you want to go out alone forget it he is making himself part of your group of Friends (who believes he is nothing but a sweetheart).
Game nights will end being your friday nights the catch? You must be watching him play. So no, you cant have your phone with you while he plays. Will make you sit on his lap to be sure you are seeing and telling you to see how good he is at this.
Arisu is also insecure when it comes to sex, gets shy and flustered....and that ends making him jerk while you sleep besides him or him drugging you to fuck you while you sleep.
♤ Banda Sunato
Banda is a red flag. He may be the most toxic one. From not letting you out of the house to use you as his fuck toy.
He will break you slowly, liking how you put up a fight against him. However, he has not patience at all, first week and you are already with cuts. You will soon find out he loves knifes outside and inside the bedroom.
He also will insolate you, forcing you to end friendships and telling you how your family is bad for you. If you dont coperate with him then a punishment will come. It may be physical or mental but after a few of them you have just his contact info in your phone.
Knows your password, forget about privacy. He also ends knowing your period circle, because he is a nasty bastard and likes to fuck you when you are bleeding. Laughts when you tell him its nasty, you are so silly.
♤ Tatta
Tatta is sweet....to sweet. He does not have lots of free time so when he has it he is with you all the time. Its not like Arisu, he cant force you to be at work with him so his resolution may be sweet talking you into forming a family with him.
Oh, are you worried because you two are young and your economic situation its not the best? Dont worry darling, just keep drinking your wine while I explain you how I have everything prepared (no he does not).
Yes, would totally brainwash you to accept it. Once he gets you pregnant he is making sure you dont plan on leaving him alone.
If you were never against the idea no one will think its odd however if you have said you did not want kids and then suddendly you have one....people will ask questions.
♤ Karube
Karube its a physical one. He does not like seeing you with bruises from him but sometimes you just cant seem to keep you mouth close. Why dont you chocke on his dick instead or starting a fight because you want to break up with him?
Honestly, the relationship started as a one night stand and then you kept coming for more. Till Karube felt it was natural to have you by his side for his use (so no, he never loved you) and manipulated you into staying with him.
You are his stress relief and he knows how shit your other relationships are outside him so he is sure you wont be running away from him and even if you do, you will come back to him.
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adoreeenina · 4 days
For You, I’ll Risk It All
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Part one: High School Crush
-Series Masterlist-
Relationship: DBF! Hank Voight x Plus Size! Olinsky! Reader
WC: 7.3k
Series Summary: He is corrupted and vicious, nothing but a dirty cop. At least that's what you've been told by your mother. You hated him and you weren't afraid to show it at the slightest, but that all changed when he protected you from going to jail when you were 18.
Coming back from New York after five years, you decided to live for yourself for once.
You didn't expect it would start by falling for Hank Voight.
You know your dad's best friend.
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Being one of the well known detective’s daughter has its perks, the main one is protection from anyone and anything, the second anyone hears your last name, they quickly back off, knowing what to come of them if they even lay a finger on you; but it also has its downfalls. One of them involving dating.
Anyone who you brought home were intimidated by him almost immediately, you’re pretty sure they know about your fathers being a dirty cop, or atleast the whispers.
Yes. You knew about it, you always known since you were thirteen. You remember the late night arguments between your parents, you would be sitting down on top of the stairs and listen. They weren’t exactly being quiet, atleast your mother wasn’t. Your father trying to calm her down or atleast keep it quiet before you or your sister wake up. Since then, you try to keep your sister Lexi in the dark as much as you can, she doesn’t need to know how many people your father killed.
And that’s where Hank comes in. You haven’t met him yet or seen him. Your mother always mentions him in almost every argument she has with your father. Blaming him for getting your father involved in his dirty work and maybe one day getting himself killed because of it. And that thought scared you.
You were sixteen when you met Hank for the first time. It was the middle of your summer break. Your sister wanted to go to summer camp and your mom volunteered to be one of the chaperones, and the offered you to be home alone most of the time when your father works.
On the rare days when your father gets those days off, he spends them with you. You were having a movie night. Your father let you choose, you decided on a horror movie, Conjuring. You were in the kitchen making popcorn, one with kettle corn powder and the other with white cheddar.
You were making your way to the living room when the door bell rings. Startling you, you pause mid step, you look up the stairs where your father is doing god knows what.
Then you remembered your dad ordered pizza from the closest pizzeria 15 minutes ago. Your stomach grumbled when you thought of food, and you couldn't wait to dig in.
Walking the rest of your way to the living room, you place the bowls of popcorn down on the coffee table. Grabbing money out of your dad’s wallet, you quickly walk over to the front door.
Opening the door, ready to hand the delivery person the money, but pause when you see an unfamiliar man you’ve never seen before.
The man before you stood about 5’10, cropped black brown hair that was greying from the temples upwards and brown eyes that considered you carefully. He had the jaw line of a Greek God.
He looks down at you with a raised brow in confusion. Why the hell is he looking at you like that? If anyone should be staring like that should be you.
He scans you and you only just now realize what you are wearing. Or lack of what you are wearing. In your blue Cookie Monster pajamas shorts and an oversized black shirt that hangs on your left shoulder.
Feeling a little selfconscious by the way he’s looking at you, you subconsciously pull down your pajamas shorts down.
Pushing your feelings aside, you cross your arms across your chest and glare at the man trying to be intimidating but it only amuses him.
“Can I help you?” You ask not caring how rude you might’ve sound.
You could’ve sworn you saw the corner of his mouth twitch as though trying to stifle a smirk, after silently considering you for a few more painful seconds, he decided to speak.
“Hank Voight. I’m looking for Alvin” your brows raised up slightly at the name.
“Sorry. you must got the wrong house. I don’t know any Alvin”
He hums in the back of his throat, the only acknowledgement he gave to your answer.
If he is who he says he is, you don’t want him here at all. You only know what your mother said about him. He’s nothing but a dirty cop. Your mother would be infuriated if she were here.
“You sure?” He squints at you, obviously giving you a chance to be honest with him.
You give him a sarcastic smile, “I’m sure” taking a step back, you grab onto the door to close it, “Sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for” you fake being sympathetic. “Bye bye” you wave as you close the door with a smile.
“Y/n!” You hear your dad’s fast footsteps rushing behind you to stop the door from closing, grabbing the door to allow it to fully open.
“What?” You faux innocence. Your dad looks down at you with a stern look obviously not buying it.
Turning to face Hank with apologetic grin, “Sorry. My daughter can be a little asshole”
“Dad!” You gasp with a glare his way.
Hearing Hank chuckle under his breath made you snap your head at his direction and glare.
Spurred by annoyance, you contemplate just slamming the door to his face, the scolding you might get be damned.
“Why the hell is he doing here?” Your face scrunch up as you wave your arm at Hank’s direction.
“Alright, Y/n that’s enough” your dad grabs you by your bicep and tugs you away from the door.
“You know mom won’t like it if she finds out he’s here” you whisper. Your dad sighs, glancing at Hank before dragging you to the kitchen.
“That’s why we won’t tell mom”
“Look sweetheart-“
“Are you leaving?” You cut him off. His face softened hearing the distressed pain in your question.
“You promised you would spend the day with me. I miss spending time with you, I never get to see you. All you focus on is your stupid job…. Is this why mom made you move to the garage?”
Alvin was lost for words. He should’ve known better he’s oldest daughter would’ve caught on with all the fight and late discussion he had with Meredith. It hurt him the way Meredith looks at him but it hurts even seeing the broken look in your eyes.
“Y/n” he reaches his out to you, making you take a step back. Feeling betrayed and hurt.
“Actually, You know what dad? You can do whatever you need to do. Clearly I’m not your first priority” pulling your arm out of his grip, you move past him, and grab your phone from the table.
“Y/n!” Alvin calls behind you, but you ignore his calls, not giving a glance towards the door, knowing Hank is still there waiting. You rush up the stairs to your room, slamming the door behind you.
You might’ve been dramatic, overthinking, or overreacting, but since that day, your relationship with your dad hasn’t been the same. You’ve always been daddy’s girl, so it hit you pretty hard not having that kind of relationship with him anymore. But you were tired of being put a side and not being a priority, you miss spending those days where it’s just the two of you, it could be him taking you shopping,or taking you to the ice cream parlor, or just taking to the park.
Now, it’s like you don’t even have a father, at least one that’s present in your life. Not only is your relationship with your dad went downhill, your mom isn’t any better.
Your mother can be a bit overbearing at times. At least with you. Mostly about your weight. She always been pretty brazen about her opinion on your body. Telling you to lose weight by going to the gym, go on a diet, even going as far to suggest some supplements she seen on TikTok that could help you(which you know are BS).
You’ve always been a big girl, even when you were a little girl. Though you went through puberty pretty early in your life, your curves came in and shaped your body beautifully.
You love your body, you might get a little self conscious about it from time to time but what girl doesn’t? You learned pretty early on you might not be everyone type but you might be someone’s type and that was enough to give you confidence about your plump figure.
Now how your luck has it, you actually know Hank’s son Justin and adopted daughter Erin Lindsay though you didn’t know it at the time. You went to school with them, Erin is a little older than you but Justin is the same age as you.
Now back to your father’s best friend. After your first meeting, you started to hold a little grudge against him.
But it seems like luck isn’t on your side when you keep crossing paths with him once or twice. More since you became close friends with Justin and Erin. Though you you try your best to never interacted with him. Yeah, you might’ve been a little brat about that.
Once Erin graduated, she went straight to the Police Academy, wanting to follow Hank’s footsteps. That left you spending most of your time with Justin. Who would’ve thought you spending so much time together would’ve led you to lose your virginity to Justin Voight.
But sadly it wasn’t mind blowing like you had thought. Your girl friends always talked about how their first time was magical, even went into to much details. Now that you think about it, maybe it was all bullshit to make themselves look better in front of your friend group.
Though you can’t put the full blame on Justin, he has a decent size penis and tried to make you feel good, even tried to put your pleasure over his own. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either. After that, you two decided to just stay friends and act like it never happened, which you were glad it didn’t mess up your friendship.
There’s also one big thing you learned about yourself pretty early on… you liked men. Older men. Old enough to be your father.
You always knew you liked older men but being under aged is what stopped you most of the time. You were flirted with by older men more than boys your age.
And you liked it. You liked it a lot.
You liked the attention they’ve given you, they were shameless and wasn’t afraid to get what they want. They didn’t care about how much you weigh or what size of clothes you are.
You didn’t know what to was about men that really turns you on. It could be the deep voice. Salt and pepper hair. The way men could get protective of you. Or maybe it could be they are experienced.
You need a man who can teach you a thing or two.
Now, you did an amazing job of avoiding Hank but that couldn’t be avoided when you were eighteen.
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Justin💙: Party 2night?
You: Fuck Yes!!! You’re picking me up, right???
Justin💙: What about your parents?
You: Told them I’m going over to your place. Besides they won’t even notice. Mom is out with Lexi and Dad is most likely drinking and watching TV
Justin💙: You sure?
You: It’s the only way I’m going
You: What should I wear?
Justin💙: Something Sexy🥴🤤
You: I’m serious Justin😂
Justin💙: What are my options then?
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Justin💙: Fuck🫠😩
Justin💙: The red one. Definitely the red one
Justin💙: And wear those heels that makes your legs look so sexy🥴
With a smile, you toss your phone to your bed and make your way to your bathroom to take a quick shower.
Today is supposed to be the best day. You’ll graduate the end the week. Which means you’re done with the people you could care less from High School completely.
Tonight you’re going to party. One of your classmates is having at party at his place while his parents are away for their anniversary.
Getting out the bathroom in only a robe and a towel over your head. You sit down in front of your vanity and do your makeup as natural as you can, you’ll be sweating and drinking, you need your makeup to last all night and not look cakey.
You look at the time and quickly put on a pair of biker shorts and a zip up hoodie. Grabbing your backpack, you place your dress, heels, and purse inside, along with your perfume and extra makeup to finish yourself up.
Justin will be coming by to pick you up in his car. Everything was set and making it home from school the excitement made you zone out.
Your phone flashes signaling you Justin has texted you.
Justin💙: I’m outside
Throwing your bag over your shoulder, you race down the stairs.
“Where are you going?” Your dad stops you before you could reach the door. He is sitting on the couch with his feet prompt up on the coffee table with a beer in hand, watching TV.
“Over to Justin’s. I told you already”
“He’s picking you up?”
“Just the two of you? Alone?”
“Dad” you groan, “I’m eighteen, you don’t have to worry about me anymore”
“That may be true” you watch as he gets up from the couch with a grunt and stands in front of you, “but you’ll always be my baby girl. No matter what.” He smiles sweetly at you.
You give him a sincere smile. Even though your relationship has been somewhat strained, moments like these is what you cherish the most.
“I love you. C’mere ” he pull you in for a bear hug.
“I love you too, dad” you smile into his chest. Alvin presses a kiss on your head then leans his head back to look at you.
“What?” You question. He tilts his head with furrowed brows.
“Are you wearing makeup?”
“Dad!” You whine as you cover your face to hide how embarrassed you are.
Your phone rings once more, another message from Justin telling you to hurry your ass up.
“I gotta go. Justin is waiting for me”
“He’s outside?”
“Mhmm” you hum, looking down at your phone messaging Justin back. Your dad nudges you to the door.
“Bye dad” you peck his cheek.
“Bye baby”
“Hey Justin!” Your dad waves once he opens the door allowing you to leave.
“Hey Mr. Olinsky!” Justin waves back through the open window of the car.
“Better take care of her!”
“Oh I will. Don’t you worry!” Justin winks at you.
“Oh my god” you roll your eyes at Justin, waving bye at your dad, you get in the back of Justin car.
“Why you sitting in the back?” Justin looks at you through the rear view mirror.
“Hey! Eyes on the road, pretty boy” you reach from the back seat and hit the back of Justin’s head “I’m changing”
“Why don’t you wear the dress under your clothes like any normal girl”
“Cause I’m not normal, you should know that by now”
You unzip the thin jacket you have on and pull it down your shoulders. You’re wearing an adhesive bra, to hold up your heavy breast while wearing the dress that reveals your shoulders.
“Fucker” you hiss. Zipping open your backpack, you grab your dress, putting the sleeves of your dress on first, “I said no peaking”
Justin lets out a low chuckle, keeping his eyes on the road once more.
Placing the dress over your head, you tug it down to your waist. You pull down your shorts and throw them in your backpack, then tug down the rest of your dress down to your mid thigh. Lastly the best for last, you strap on your heels.
“What did you tell your dad, when you left?” You ask to break the silence.
“Nothing. He’s working late. He doesn’t know I’m gone.”
“My my what a naughty boy you are, Justin. I might have to punish you” you lean forward against the center console to look at the side profile of Justin.
“Shut up” he laughs.
“You know… I might not like your dad but I can’t deny that he’s hot” you tease.
“Of course you would say that” Justin face scrunches up in disgust making you laugh, “I forgot how you prefer older men”
“Yep! And it’s thanks to you”
“Hey! I wasn’t that bad!”
“You weren’t good either”
“You’re such a fucking bitch” Justin shakes his head with a laugh.
“Yeah but you still love me though” you smile smugly at him.
“Unfortunately” you slap his shoulder making him recoil away from you with a smile.
Justin parks the car a little further than the house since the road was already cut off from how many cars were parked. ‘Rack City’ by Tyga burst through the loudspeakers, you could feel the vibration in your entire body.
Justin being the gentleman that he is with you, opens the door for you. He helps you of the car and steady you in your heels. He tugs down the back of your dress as he closes the door. You thanked him.
Justin places his hand on your lower back and guides you to the house full of people.
“Woo!!! Senior graduates!!!” You hear someone cheers running into the house.
“Woo!!!” Justin mimics next to you, he wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling close to his side.
Entering the house, the place is decorated in the school colors of blue and black streamers, paper graduation caps hanging from the end of a stream decorates in various places in the ceiling, different color lights shine brightly in different rooms of the house. The party is awesome.
“Yo, Justin! Glad you could make it bro!” Mickey steps in front of the both of you, he hands Justin a drink.
“Wouldn’t miss it” Justin chugs down whatever alcohol was in the cup like it was nothing.
“N/n you scrumptious as ever” Mickey smirks at you.
“Bite me” you roll your eyes, showing your disinterest at his attempt of flirting.
“I will if-“
“Hey what did I say?” Justin points a threatening finger against Mickey’s chest.
“Sorry” Mickey raises his hands up, palms out.
Yeah, Justin is over protective of you, that’s much is clear. He’s basically one of the reasons why no one never really picked on you. They were afraid of Justin, he has just as much of a reputation as his father.
The last time a guy tried to pick on you ended up with a concussion and Justin suspended.
Not only is he over protective of people picking on you, he’s also over protective when it comes to guys flirting with you. He acts like an older brother wanting to protect his younger sister’s innocence, which is kinda weird to you since he was the one that took your virginity.
“Y/n!!!” You hear someone suddenly screech and jumps on you wrapping their arms around you.
“Bitch!” You groan at the added weight. You thank the lord for Justin holding you up if not you would’ve fell and everyone would’ve gotten an eyeful.
Recognizing the blue hair, you instantly knew it was Gwen.
Gwen pulls herself away from you, her hands on your shoulder and her eyes gaze up and down at your figure with a smirk.
“You look hot, babe”
“Thanks Gwen” you laugh at her bluntness.
“C’mon the others are waiting for you” she grabs your wrist to tug you along with her.
“Hey!” Justin shouts offensively, throwing his arms up.
“Relax pretty boy. We’ll be by the pool so you know where she’s at. Geez he acts like he’s your boyfriend or something” Gwen rolls her eyes.
You smile sheepishly at Justin who doesn’t stop glaring at Gwen. You let Gwen take you to the back of the house where the pool is.
There you meet up with Daniel, Jacky, Sean, and Kate.
“Y/n Olinsky at a house party. Never thought I’ll see the day. I didn’t take you the type to be into this kind of thing. I thought clubs will be more your thing” Daniel grins.
“Hey if theres alcohol involved I’m coming”
“Speaking of coming. Here.” Kate hands you a red cup, “its squirt with tequila”
“You’re the best” you take the drink and chug it down, wincing a little at the after taste of the tequila but that’s to the soda it keeps it at bay.
Two hours into the party, you’ve danced with your friends, watched the guys play beer pong, and the people who are at the pool.
You, Jacky, and Gwen decided to take a break from the party and sit down on the steps of the porch to get some air that doesn’t smell like sweat and alcohol.
“What you planning on doing after high school?” Ask Jacky before she sips the rest of her alcohol.
“I don’t know about y’all but I’m ain’t going to college. I just want to travel around the world with my cat. I could do it, you know. I could just get a random job, buy a bus, buy the supplies, and just remodel it. I could just work online”
“That’s sounds badass” you respond to Gwen.
“What about you?” Gwen turns the question to you. You shrug.
“I got accepted in NYU Groosman School of Medicine” you mutter. You hear the two girls squeal making you wince.
“Dude isn’t that your dream school?”
“It is”
“Then why does it sound like you aren’t excited about it?”
“Maybe because I don’t want to go to the medical field. The whole reason I even applied was because I wanted to get out of here and be on my own. My mom wanted me go to a college close by but I want to be independent and be on my own” you sigh.
You’ve been understandably stressed out. You wanted to get out of your parents house and be independent but you also don’t want to be away from home. You don’t want to leave Lexi alone with your overbearing mom, you know your dad would be there but he’s too busy with work to be at home most of the time.
You didn’t think you’ll be accepted to NYU. It has a reputation of being one of the hardest colleges to be accepted in. The only reason you applied is because you were good in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus. Your teachers always encouraged you in the medical field so that’s what you did but now you’re starting to regret your decision.
“You know what you need?” Gwen looks directly at you.
“What’s that?” You answered, taking a sip from the cup in your hand.
“To get laid.”
The way that you choked on your drink was undignified and most unlady-like.
You glare at Jacky and at Gwen who was smirking. Jacky patted your back, sympathetically.
Surprisingly, the thumping music vibrated through your body, calming your mind. The alcohol also helped!
“First of all,” you clear your throat, “I get laid plenty, thank you very much. Second, how did we go from talking about our future to getting me laid?”
“Your still fucking that fire fighter?” Question Jacky
“Oh yeah”
“I wonder what your dad would say if he ever finds out” teases Gwen with a knowing smirk
“He will say nothing cause it’s none of his business” you roll your eyes.
“Not if he finds out which one it is” Jacky grins down at her cup.
“Maybe” you shrug
“Dude, what is it with cops and firefighters having a war against each other?”
“Right? What’s up with that?”
“Who knows” you shrug, “i think-“
“Shh!” Gwen shushes you, “ya hear that?”
Just as when Gwen says that, you hear the distance sound of police sirens. Leaning forward, in the distance you see the red and blue flashing lights.
Just like that everything runs into chaos. Everyone runs around trying to get out of the house and make a run for it.
Everyone is drunk as fuck to even run straight. So were you but you were sober enough to get up and run in the house to look for Justin.
“Justin!” You shout over the crowd of people. You stand on your tippy toes to look over the crowd but couldn’t find him.
"Y/n, what are you doing?” Mickey suddenly appears in front of you, his eyes wide. He quickly takes your hand. "We gotta go."
“But Justin-“
“He’ll be fine. C’mon there’s no time” you nod, letting him pull you out of the house.
The house is still half empty of drunk teenagers as the cops surrounds the house, but that doesn’t stop Mickey from making a run for it with you behind him.
“Freeze! Stop where you are!”
“Shit” Mickey curses.
“Hey Cal, there’s alcohol surrounding the place. These kids been drinking”
Of course someone called the cops on the party, what a cliche.
“Arms in the air and turn around. Slowly”
Doing as your told. Two cops you don’t recognize, walks towards the two of you.
One reached for the cuffs at his belt, quickly grabbing you by the elbow and cuffs your wrist in front of you. He grabs you by your elbow leading you to a police car.
“Hey!” You whine from the tight grip of his hand on you.
“Keep moving”
“Calm it, I’m in heels, asshole” you snap at him.
Opening the door, the cop pushes your head down as you get in, the other cop pushes Mickey in next to you.
“Fuck. My dad is going to kill me” you quietly groan, throwing your head back. You look out the window seeing some other kids being dragged into different cop cars.
The drive to the police station was a blur. The same cop drags you out of the car with Mickey behind you.
Seeing the familiar silver haired woman with her normal stern face in the front desk, you keep your head down so she won’t recognize you.
“You have to be so rough?!” You glare at the cop as he pushes you down on a chair and cuffs your left hand on the armrest, “is that really necessary?”
The cop ignores you, he walks away with your confiscated purse in his hand.
“Hey asshole, watch it!” you turn your toward the noise to see Mickey being dragged, the cop shoves him down in the chair next to you.
“Both of you wait here till we get back”
“Like we have much of a choice” you bite back. The cop gives you a look before leaving.
“Fuck man” Mickey groans next to you.
“Tell me about it. I had to get arrested wearing this” you point at your red dress. Compared to the plain looking police station, you stand out like a sore thumb.
“Could be worse” Mickey smirks down at you.
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“You could look like him” Mickey points at what looks like a man in women’s clothing. Is that a prostitute?
“Oh my god, Mickey! Don’t point” you scold him and pinch his side with your hand that isn’t restraint.
“Ow okay” he laughs as he tries to get away from you.
“Hank, you’re still here?” You overhear Trudy, you lean over slightly to see none other than Hank.
“Fuck” you groan.
“I thought you left with the others”
“Nah. I needed to get some paper work done first”
“You know him?” Mickey looks between you and Hank.
“Yeah that’s Justin’s dad also my dad’s best friend. Quick make yourself big so he won’t see me”
“Babe” Mickey deadpans at you, “your dress is a far cry compared to everything here. He’ll notice you even if I try to cover you”
“Shut up and do as your told” you shove him.
“Alright” the police officer from before walks up to the two of you. “I’ll need your name”
“Y/n” he writes it down.
“Last name?”
You hesitate, “Olinsky” you mumble.
The police officer pauses, he gazes down at you before letting out a hearty laugh, “Olinsky? You’re Alvin’s daughter?” You wince at how loud he’s being, “No fucking way”
Well so much for being discreet. If Hank didn’t know you were here now he does.
You shift in your seat uncomfortably, your eyes gaze around the room before hiding your face behind you hand. Trying to make yourself small as possible.
“Y/n?” You hear the all familiar gravelled husky voice of Hank. You look up to see Hank gaze on you with a raised brow. You two make eye contact for a split second, before you break it.
“You got to be fucking kidding me” you mumble, sliding down your chair slightly and cover your eyes with your hand.
You want the floor to swallow you whole.
“What’s going on here?” Hank question the officer.
“Someone called about a house party. These kids been drinking.” You roll your eyes at the officers matter of fact tone.
“Is that right” Hank gaze goes back to you, his expression hard to read, making you feel uneasy.
God kill me now. Please.
“Apparently this one right here is Al’s daughter”
“I’ll take her off your hands and take it from here.
Mickey sits quietly next to you with raised brow, astonished. He looks at you and mouths ‘what the fuck’.
“Uhh Sarge, I don’t think-“ one hard look from Hank made him reconsider. “Okay. No problem”
“Uncuff her”
“Sure. Okay”
You watch silently as the officer stumbles a little with the keys and takes off your handcuff. You sigh as you rub your wrist in relief from its tight bounds.
“Let’s go” Hank gestures for you to get up with his fingers.
“Did you have anything with you before you got arrested?”
“Yeah my purse. It has my phone and wallet in it”
Hank turns to the police officer.
“Where’s her purse?”
“It’s confiscated in a storage location”
“Get someone to bring me her belongings and her arrest charges. I’ll be in my office”
“Yes Sarge”
He grabs you by the elbow, more gently than the cop did and . You both barely made it half way to wherever he planned on taking you when you start to protest.
“Hey! Wait a second! I’m not going anywhere with you” you yank your arm out of his grip.
You watch the way Hank clenches his jaw as he looks at you, losing his patience with your bratty attitude, but you don’t shy away from his stare.
“For once, be a good girl and do what I say. Al might tolerate your attitude but I surely won’t” Hank retorts, his eyes never leaving yours, a shiver going down your spine at his dark tone.
“Now move it, princess” you roll your eyes at the pet name and begrudgingly let Hank lead you with a hand on the small of your back.
Hank leads you up the stairs to the bullpen and into his office. Opening the door, he allows you to enter first before he does and closes the door behind him.
“Sit down” At his sharp tone, you oblige instantly with no arguement from you.
Besides your dad, Hank could be scary at times but you do have a tendency of pushing a little too far.
Hank not once takes his eyes off you, he stands in front of his desk. Hank leans back against it with arms cross against his chest.
“Does Al know where you are?”
“What do you think?”
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“Excuse me?”
“You could’ve gotten yourself arrested. You going to graduate on Friday and this is how act? You could’ve ruin your chances for college education”
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Al told me you got accepted into NYU. You really want to ruin that by getting arrested for underage drinking?”
“Who are you to be getting after me? You’re not my dad”
“No I’m not. But I am someone who cares about you. I know you don’t like me, Y/n. You made that perfectly clear. But your Al’s daughter and my son’s friend. I protect my own and that includes you”
You and Hank don’t break eye contact. Both waiting for the other to break first.
“Sargent” someone knocks on the door before opening it and entering.
“Yeah” Hank switches his gaze away from you to the officer who just entered.
“Here’s her belonging and her case file you asked for” the officer hands hank a yellow folder and your purse.
“Is this all?”
“Yes sir”
“Thanks” the officer nods and leaves, closing the door once again.
Hank walks around his desk looking through the file before slamming it shut and throw it the trash making your eyes widen.
Did he really just throw away your arrest charges down the trash?
Hank drops down into his chair behind his desk, not taking his eyes off you. Almost challenging you to say something.
“Why?” Is you could ask.
“Consider this me offering you a truce”
“Truce? For what?”
“I want us to get along. And I’ll start by doing this”
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t think he would basically erase your arrest charges. If anything you thought he would use this to blackmail you or something.
“Are you going to tell my dad?”
He leans back in his chair, fingers interlacing across his mid-section as he considers you for a few moments before replying.
“Why not?”
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him”
Wow. You didn’t expect that. Hank just keeps surprising more and more. You assumed he would call your dad the second he saw you handcuffed in the police station.
“How much did you drink?”
“You’ve been drinking haven’t you?”
“How much?”
“If you’re asking if I’m drunk. No I’m not. I only drank two or three cups but they weren’t strong. I was tipsy when the cops came. I got sober pretty fast when an officer roughly pushed me in the police car”
“Who what?”
“The officer. Who was the officer that arrested you?”
“I don’t know. He had a pornstache that you see only in bad pornos” you shrug.
Hank smirks amused at your answer.
“You still feel a little tipsy?”
“A little”
“Okay” suddenly Hank stands up from his chair and walks around his desk, grabbing your purse along the way and hands it to you, “let’s go”
“Wait what?” You were taken back. You stumble over yourself trying to stand up.
“Where we going?”
“To sober you up”
“I said I was a little tipsy”
“I don’t care. Let’s go” once again Hank places his hand in the small of your back to lead you out of his office. He turns off the light and closes the door, locking it.
You walk close behind him down the stairs. Hank stands on your right side, guiding you to the front entrance.
“Heading out for the night, Trudy”
“Alright. See ya in the morning”
Stepping outside, he leads you to his SUV. Walking to the passanger side, Hank opens the door and helps you before closing the door behind you once you sat down comfortably.
You reach for the seat belt buckling yourself up, you sit silently watching out the window with your purse on your lap.
The driver side door opens and Hank gets in. He takes a deep breath before shoving the keys in the keyhole and turn on the SUV.
The entire drive was in complete silence. You start to feel a little awkward being in close proximity with Hank. You never been alone with him before.
“Where we going?”
“There’s a diner close by that’s open 24/7”
“Why we going there?”
“You need something in your stomach other than whatever alcohol you were drinking”
“Why do you care so much?”
“I told you I protect my own and that includes you”
For the rest of the ride you kept your mouth shut. Arriving the diner, Hank gets out first, walking around the front of the SUV and opens the door, holding his hand out to help you down.
Such a gentlemen. Now you know where Justin gets it from.
Once the both of you enter the diner, you both get seated in a booth. Hank sitting across from you.
Looking around the place, it’s practically empty, reminding how late it must be. You have yet to check the time.
A woman in her late 30s maybe mid 40s walks towards your table, “Hello, my name is Rachel and I’ll be you waitress” she place down two menus infront of you and Hank.
“Before we start will the check be separate or together?”
“It’ll be sep-“
“Together” Hank cuts you off. Your brows raised as you look at him.
Not only did this man saved you from getting arrested, he’s also buying you food.
“Okay, want to start off with drinks?”
“You have sweet tea?”
“Mhmm we do”
“I’ll take that”
“I’ll get the same thing”
“Alright. You two ready to order or do you want time to look at the menu”
“We’ll take the cheeseburger with everything on both fries” Hank tells the waitress. She lets out a soft okay , writing it down. She grabs the two menus before leaving, letting you and Hank be alone once more.
“You’re buying me food too?”
“I’m a gentleman” he retorts making you shake your head with a laugh.
“Well now I know where Justin gets it from” you grin at him, you place your elbow on the table with your on the palm of your hand.
“Speaking of Justin, was he at the house party with you? You two always been thick as thieves for as long as I can remember”
“Will he get in trouble if I say he was?”
“Only for leaving you alone to get arrested”
“He didn’t leave me alone” you defend Justin, “we were separated with our different group of friends when the cops showed up. I was looking for him but Mickey stopped me and tried to get us out of the house but the cops caught us”
“The boy that was sitting next to you at the station?”
“Here’s your drinks” the waitress comes back with two cups of sweet tea, “and your burger and fries” she places down two plates in front of you and Hank, “enjoy” she leaves.
“My dad told you about me going to NYU?” You mention, stuffing a couple of fries in your mouth, remembering Hank mentioning it back at the station.
“He did. He’s really proud of you. Had the biggest smile on his face when he told me”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. You knew how excited your dad was about you being accepted to one of the best colleges, you also knew how he didn’t like how you would be moving far away from home but he won’t voice it. He knows this could be big for you.
Your mom is whole another story. She’s been trying to change your mind from going since you gotten the letter.
“Same can’t be said about my mother” you mutter, taking a sip from your cup.
“Yeah Alvin told me about that too” Hank sighs, shifting in his seat.
“She’s unbearable. Did my dad tell you she blames him for me leaving?”
“She what?” His eyes widen, telling you your dad hasn’t said a word about it.
“Yep. This whole time I thought my dad was the problem but it turns out it’s my mom. Or both.” you shrug
“Is that why you sneaked out to go to a party?”
“Technically… I didn’t sneak out. My dad saw me leave… but he was drinking when I left but he wasn’t drunk” you tried to plead your case.
“Did you tell him you were going to a party?”
“No” you play with your straw.
“Did he see you leave in that” he points at your dress.
“No” you mutter in between sips.
“Then you were sneaking out. Did Justin park at the end of the street to pick you up?”
“That’s such a fucking cliche” you laugh, “he parked in front of my house. My dad saw him and even said hi”
You smile when Hank lets out laugh and shakes his head at you.
“Why are you being nice to me? I’ve been nothing but a bitch to you since the moment we met” you start to feel guilty.
Even when you started to hang out with Justin and Erin more, you would sometimes go over to their house. Hank for the most part would stay out of the way but he’s been nothing but kind and caring to you when you stayed over. Now you feel like a complete bitch.
You really let your mother’s words brainwash you into thinking Hank is the devil or something. But he’s far from it. At least with you.
You’re not naive, you know what Hank does in the dark where no one sees, but that’s doesn’t stop him from being gentle and caring to the people he holds dear to him.
You’re surprised one of them is you.
“I know your mom don’t like me. Al mentioned once or twice she argues a lot about me involving him in certain situations. I’m not denying they aren’t true but-“
“It’s okay” you cut him off, “you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I’m not a kid anymore, I know what’s goes on around me. I know you and my dad -maybe your entire squad- do behind the scene. I know you’ve killed people. it doesn’t scare me”
“It should, sweetheart”
“But it doesn’t. You only do it cause you care. You don’t hurt innocent people. You just take justice in your own hands. You just do what others aren’t willing to do. I could respect that”
Hank hums, considering you for moment before speaking.
“You’re something else, you know that” he grins making you smile.
Finishing off your meals, Hank pays for both your meals. Once again being a gentleman, he walks you to the passenger side and opens the door for you to get in.
Hank slows down and parks in front of your house. You look out the window to see all the lights in the house are off, telling you everyone should be asleep by now. Giving you the chance to sneak in without being seen.
“Listen,” hearing Hank’s voice, your turn your to look at him, “I know you’re scared about moving away from home but do me a favor”
“What kind of favor?” You squint your eyes at him.
“Take care yourself in New York” he says softly and he genuinely means it by the way he looks at you.
“I will” you gently smile at him. Hank shifts in his seat and opens the center console, grabbing a card handing it to you.
“What is it?”
“My business card. It has my office and my personal number. Don’t be afraid to call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Hank”
“Go inside. You should give Justin a call to let him know you’re alright. He’s probably worried about you.”
“I will” You smile before leaning over and giving him a small kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight, Hank”
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Take care.” You nod before getting out of his SUV. Hank softly smiles as he watches you round the SUV.
“Hey!” Hank calls for you, making you turn around. “don’t tell your dad you were with me”
“It’ll be our little secret” you wink. Hank shakes his head amusingly. He waits a little longer till you enter the house. The second the front door closes, he drives off.
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(This took so long to write but I’m happy how it turned out. Please don’t be shy to let me know what you think. I love reading your comments.
Can anyone guess who the fire fighter reader is sleeping with? Anyone who guesses right gets a cookie🍪)
29 notes · View notes
shadowkoo · 10 months
Chasing Clouds - Prologue
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→ Summary: Namjoon made the decision early on in his training that he would abstain from dating or entering any form of relationship while in active duty. He’s determined not to burden anyone with the likelihood of being to be notified of his death or causing pain to someone he loves by his long absence. Ironically, he found himself drawn to you, a doctor who challenges his beliefs and contradicts everything he upholds.
↠ knj x f.reader | 1k words | 18+ ↠ genre: military au, angst (future chapters include: doctor au, s2l, slow burn, smut, fluff, romance
→ Warnings: Read at your own risk! war, ptsd, bombs, guns, violence, injury, death, blood, (future warnings include: murder, use of other weapons, smut warnings)
→ Author Note: my favorite kdrama of all time is descendants of the sun and in honor of my fifth rewatch, I wanted to write this series! it takes place about a year after the show ends, just so you know the timeline :) i would recommend that you watch it first, but it’s not a requirement - it just gives insight to some of the character's personalities (plus i’ll take any opportunity to tell people to watch it lol)
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MAY 02 - 0340 - USTANA
The darkness of the night feels heavy; its weight is unsettling as the soldiers start their most recent assignment. Namjoon has an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. It’s twisting and turning like never before. He isn’t usually nervous before missions; he hasn’t had a reason to be. He's always followed through and completed his tasks without issue; which is one of the main reasons everyone has such high hopes for him.
Tonight is different though, and he knows the others have the same odd feeling as they all take off their dog tags and set them aside. If captured, they need to remain anonymous.
"You guys know the drill. Once we locate the hostage, everyone will need to be attentive because it'll only be a matter of time until the whole building knows it's been breached. This isn't another exercise boys, lives are at stake here,” Big Boss, Captain Yoo Shijin, says to his team of special force soldiers.
"As this is the last mission of your training term, I expect nothing but excellence in your delivery of the hostage. We've orchestrated the specifics of this mission in such a way that will prove whether or not you are cut for these types of diplomatic high-profile assignments," Wolf, Big Bosses best friend Seo Daeyoung, adds.
"Whatever you do, don't compromise the mission. Don’t use your birth name to communicate, use the nicknames you were given, as well as ours," Big Boss hollers, finishing off their short speech as the back door of the aircraft opened.
Ustana, the country they’re secretly entering, is known for its drug and weapons problem due to its corrupt government. If things end badly, it will reflect on Korea. That’s why the team’s identities and nationalities can’t be known.
The plane jolts, narrowly missing the projectile that was aimed at the steel bird in the sky, solidifying the seriousness of the current situation below.
Namjoon repeats his orders to keep some level of sanity and peace of mind as he descended from the sky with the rest of the Puppy Pack, the soldiers in training to join the Alpha Team.
‘Find the hostage. Mislead the enemy. Return home. Stay alive.’
Once on the ground, he waits for the signal to ambush the guards watching the doors and proceeds to lead the group. Shijin and Daeyoung follow behind with the rest of the soldiers at their feet.
Daeyoung nods, giving Namjoon the go-ahead to align his gun on the enemy. This is the part he often tunes out. You need to be able to turn the switch, as he calls it, on and off with this kind of job.
He aligns his scope with the target and quickly pulls the trigger before moving to the others nearby before they even realize what’s happening. He watches as their bodies drop, waiting to see if anyone else runs into the room, but it’s quiet. Almost too quiet…
"Wildcat, All clear,” he says into his mic, letting the others know their access point is now safe for entry.
‘Find the hostage. Mislead the enemy. Return home. Stay alive.’
It takes less than two minutes for the group of highly trained soldiers to find the hostage. He’s badly beaten and unconscious, his body hunched over in the chair he’s tied to.
Wolf keeps watch by the side door while the team works on releasing the man. Jihoon, another one of the Puppy Pack trainees, helps Namjoon carry the man back to where the transport aircraft is waiting.
“I don’t want to jinx anything, but that was almost too easy…” Jihoon says, looking at Namjoon.
He agrees. Something’s not adding up…
He peers through the open door of the transport helicopter, gazing outside. They’re waiting for the last of the group to make their way onto the craft, and he just wants to ensure that everyone is safe. His shoulders relax when he can see their dark forms exiting the building.
Namjoon turns to look back at Jihoon, “I see them, they’re-” his sentence ends unfinished.
“What is that?” he says, taking a step closer to the unconscious hostage that Jihoon and a combat medic are helping. He points out the red blinking light on the man’s neck. It’s not a laser from a gun. It’s coming from inside his skin. ‘It’s almost as if…’ His thought trails off. “Run!” he screams, though it’s too late.
The bomb’s detonation rips through the helicopter, unleashing an intense burst of energy. In an instant, the searing shockwave propels fragments of debris outward. The air vibrates with a deafening roar, drowning out all other sounds.
The chaotic energy tears apart surroundings and scatters the remnants in all directions. A plume of smoke and fire billows upward, consuming everything in its path. The impact leaves a scene of devastation, marked by shattered glass, twisted metal, and a sense of raw destruction.
Namjoon feels the force of the explosion in his chest and is thrown far from his comrade, and debris crashes around him. His head bounces against the ground, and the ringing in his ears is so intense, he believes he will never hear again.
Jihoon is several feet away. His eyes are frozen open, and blood trails down his face from the head injury he suffers from. Namjoon reaches for his lifeless friend but it’s all too much.
Then, everything fades to black.
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©shadowkoo 2023. All rights reserved.
84 notes · View notes
Corrupt Girlfriend part 6
Day 5
You wake up and look around for Ashley. You find her on her phone again.
you know your girlfriend is a whore, you're excited to check the cameras you installed to see what else she does when your gone.
So you excitedly get ready for work kiss her good bye and then leave for work.
A while later you get a text
Hey babe, Im going to be busy for a couple of hours, so I won't be able to talk!
Damn, that's alright. I'll talk to you when I get home then!
Thank you for understanding i miss you!
I think it's time to check the cameras you smirk to yourself and make your way to the office toilets.
You open up the cameras on your phone and check the front door. You See a Man Enter your home.
You think he is her ex from that video,
Your girlfriend is in that dress you just got a picture of.
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You check the bedroom camera
They are half undressed laying on your bed
She grabs hold of his cock and slowly starts stroking him
Shes treating him like royalty
She voluntarily moves down, kissing his tone body
Her head reaches to the level of his cock
She starts licking the head
Its not long until you watch her head start bobbing partly down his thick cock
She keeps going at at a perfect pace you can see her looking up for his reaction
You see, her ex starts to jerk his pelvis, slightly humping her mouth
Shes not satisfied yet
He never seems to never lose an erection
She climbs on top of him
To get what she really wanted
never wearing a condom
She Makes his cock hit every place she wanted
He starts to help by thrusting into her as she grinds on him
You see her in extacy
They pick up the pace, yet again, he wraps his arm around her leg
Hes playing with her clit and penetrating her pussy roughly.
Shes Screeming But you can't hear any of it
She then starts to go crazy
shes cumming and shaking on him
She is stuck in an orgasm state for what she feels for over a minute until she falls over onto the bed, shivering.
You decide to finish work early, and you race home. Upon arrival.You Hear Loud Moaning From the bedroom.
"Muffled Crying*"
*muffled Speaking*
You slowly sneak up the stairs, making your way to your bedroom. You hear her crying from the doorway
"Oh my god, oh my god!"
"Who owns you?"
"MmM, you do! You are the best! HMmmm"
You look through the crack in the door
Hes still fucking her like he did all day
Your girlfriend looks like shes in love. Her pussy is coated and filled with the cum he has shot in her all day
"OH god, im all yours, but I need you to hurry. My boyfriend is coming home soon."
"pft what a lucky man"
She turns around
"He is.. but so are you fuck me before its too late"
He wastes no time
He's pounding into her
Her cum fluid mix is dripping out of her pussy
"OH god, UHgh,"
"OH god, im cuming"
"Im not done."
He puts her on top of himself for one last fuck. Shes a whore..
"OH god, I love it. You're so good. Hhhh,"
"Im filling you up now!"
"Thank you so much, sir."
"Okay, let's go"
He exits the room first
"Hey man"
He bumps your shoulder and leaves
You look back for your girlfriend. although she knows your kinks. She has a slightly guilty look on her face.
"Hey baby.. I've been bad."
She starts to reveal what she has been doing all day
"Sorry, I got a little carried away."
"No its okay, I saw it all"
"We didn't have sex very long, but it was really good."
Why is she lying?
"No its okay but I think i need a turn now"
"Ugh, sorry, I'm all stretched out and in pain."
She gives you a smirk
"Why dont I tell you about the plans we have for tomorrow! I'll even help you with your problem."
"Yes ma'am"
She starts to stroke your cock over her cum filled panties
"Well.. as he was fucking me he told me That He showed my photos to his friend."
The thought of this stanger interested in your girlfriend excites you
Shes playing with you cock
"Oh, interesting.."
"I know, his friend wants to meet me. Im sure hes interested."
"Luckily, my ex offered to introduce me"
She starts stroking you faster
She wispers in your ear
"Wouldnt that be fun baby"
You start to orgasm
She watches your cock trobbing against her underwear
She giggles
"I think thats a yes!"
You both clean up and then lay down to go to sleep
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 10 months
So Darkness I Became
1200 words for 1200 followers #7
A/N: Hi friends! Welcome to the 12-A-Palooza! This event is my way of saying thank you for sticking with me. Your support and kindness toward me and my writing is out of this world and I’m grateful for every last one of you! The idea for this one jumped up and bit me on the nose almost immediately, and I know it’s a little out there, but I hope you still enjoy it! This takes place in the time before Din rejoins the covert, when he’s still just going from bounty to bounty to pass the time without Grogu and trying to figure out what the heck to do with the damn Darksaber. I have two more requests for Din for this event, and right now I *think* one of them might be a follow up to this... but we’ll see.  💚
Warnings: not much, honestly. mild angst and canon-typical danger. 
Requested By: @prolix-yuy​ Song: Cosmic Love Character Choice: LJ gave me the options of Din or Ezra, correctly asserting that this song is perfect for both of the space boys - and to my surprise, being an Ezra girl, I decided to go with Dinjamin. Thank you for sending this one in, darling! I hope you enjoy where I took it! 
Summary: You and Din have been working together for a while now, but there are still more things that you don’t know about each other than you do. That doesn’t stop you from feeling how you feel, though. When Din follows a lead that he hopes will yield information on the Darksaber’s previous owners, you find out if those feelings are enough to make you risk everything to help him. 
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“Stay with the ship.” 
Those were his last words to you before disappearing through the door. The hefty metal plate slammed shut behind him, the sound echoing in the empty hull and resonating through your bones. Watching him go felt wrong - cold and final. Though you tried, you couldn’t stave off the thought that he wouldn’t return. 
No. You swallowed hard. He will. He always does. 
The two of you had been working together for a year. It had been a partnership of desperation at first - you out of ammo and on the run from the brothers of some Klatooinian capo you’d turned in, and Din armed to the teeth but without a ride off-world. He’d helped you dispatch the brothers, and you’d taken him where he needed to go, and then you had meant to part ways. But before you could refuel, he had shown back up at the spaceport with a handful of bounty pucks and the proposition of teaming up and splitting the profits on them. 
It was only supposed to be until he saved up enough for his own ship. But that mark had come and gone and you were still a team of two, and though neither of you had opened up, neither of you seemed eager to suggest that you split up, the unspoken threat of loneliness enough to keep you tethered. 
Even when the types of jobs you took became more personal than profitable, like the one that you were currently on. On Dathomir. 
The name alone was enough to chill you. You had never set foot there, and you never intended to. Dathomir was dangerous, its landscape as unforgiving as the creatures that inhabited it. But its history of malevolence left the planet scarred in ways that terrified you. You’d heard rumors of a vergence there, a well of Dark side energy that was powerful enough to corrupt anyone who fell prey to it, especially those who were in tune with the Force.
Like me. 
You shuddered, recalling what you’d said to convince him not to chase whatever knowledge he sought, careful not to reveal your secret. “Dathomir’s a one-way ticket, Djarin. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to die in a bog.” 
You’d always hidden your abilities, knowing that it was your best chance at survival - and that meant that despite spending the last year with him, Din didn’t know. You weren’t sure how he would react to learning that you were Force-sensitive, but if it meant losing him you weren’t willing to risk it. Just like you weren’t sure how he’d react to learning that you had started to develop feelings for him. You kept those to yourself, too. 
He’d answered with a tilt of his helmet. “I won’t ask you to follow me. But if there’s something I can learn there about this?” He gestured to the hilt at his waist. “I have to go. This is the Way.” 
You knew as soon as he used that phrase there was no changing his mind. All you could hope for was an urgent call to pull him away before you reached the Quelli sector. It never came. 
So you waited, eyes glued to the monitor that tracked his location. You held your breath as you watched the little throb of light descend into a cave. That same cold feeling you had when he left slithered through every fiber of your being as the beacon on the screen blinked - and then blacked out. 
Your heart lurched. With shaking hands you smacked the monitor, hoping it was a glitch, but the beacon was gone. No! 
You were half-way down the ladder before the comm link on your wrist crackled, his voice coming through speaking your name. “You – right. – shouldn’t have – here. You – – go!“ 
“Din!” Your pulse smashed against your eardrums as you responded. “ I’m not leaving you. I’m…” You choked on tears you didn’t know were falling. “I’m coming.” 
“No.” More interference bled through the speaker. Beneath it you could hear him groan in pain. “You – “ He let out another distressed sound. “Go!” 
And then the comm cut out, too. 
In that instant, you made the choice that you realized never was one. Nothing could keep you from going after him, not even your fear of the Dark side. You didn’t even stop to arm yourself, bypassing the weapons locker and heading straight for the door, leaping from the ship. Without turning back, you raised your right hand across your body and over your shoulder, swiveling your wrist so that your palm faced the sky, and then clenching your fist and bringing it back down, the door of the ship slamming shut. 
Without the beacon or the comms you would have to focus to find him. You silenced your thoughts as you ran, concentrating on Din - on the way his solid presence felt beside you, on the way you could feel his heartbeat when you reached across the cockpit with the Force. You followed your instincts until you were at the mouth of the cave he had disappeared into, and then it wasn’t just a feeling. 
You could hear his heart beating in the dark. 
It was slow and weak, but the rhythm was unmistakably his. You pushed further into the cave until the air was thick and you couldn’t see beyond your nose. The relief you felt was fleeting, though, as suddenly the space was lit with an eerie green light… reflecting off Beskar armor. 
At the far end of the cave, near what appeared to be an altar, you saw him slumped against the stone, glowing green tendrils coiled around his chest. 
“He is ours.” A disembodied voice hissed.
“He has brought it back to us. The Darksaber.” 
“And now he is our soldier.” 
To your horror, the visor on Din’s helmet glowed the same green as he hovered to his feet, and you knew there was only one thing you could do to save him - the thing you feared the most. But you didn’t hesitate. Reaching far beyond your limits, you tapped into the Darkness, harnessing it instead of pushing it away. 
“No.” You growled, slowly shaking your head and reaching out with your right hand. Curling your fingers and twisting your wrist in the air, you ripped the hilt of the obsidian blade from Din’s belt. “You will not use him. You will not take him.” The sword flew to your grasp and you ignited it instantly. “You will release him, or I will destroy this cave and you along with it.” 
It felt like crumbling, letting that much power flow through you. But you fought it, focusing on the faint sound of his heartbeat. The voices shrieked and wailed, retreating into the Darkness. Just as you thought you would break, Din was released from his trance. 
As soon as he was free you dropped to your knees, panting and dizzy, but before you lost consciousness you felt his gloved hands land on your shoulders. At his touch you felt a wave of calm wash over you, your name the last thing you heard before you fell into his arms. 
Safe. We’re safe now, Din. 
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be added to or removed from the tag list, please feel free to let me know. You can also fill out the form on my Masterlist! :)
tags: @something-tofightfor​ @gollyderek​​ @pheedraws​​ @beautifuldesastre​​ @alraedesigns​ @valkblue​  @fific7​  @commanderlola​  @cannedsoupsucks​ @dihra-vesa​ @marauderskeeper​ @disgruntledspacedad​ @littlemisspascal​ @mishasminion360​ @stevie75​ @nyctophiliiiiaaa​ @practicalghost​ @tanzthompson​ @harriedandharassed​ @woodlandmouth​ @thescarletfang​ @trickstersp8​ @princessxkenobi​ @imtryingmybeskar​ @WildMoonFlower @mswarriorbabe80​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @theredwritingwitch​ @silverstarsandsuns​ @competentpotato​ @pedro-pedrito-pascalito​ @jedi-in-crocs​ @hannahkatharine​ @anoverwhelmingdin​ @chiyo13​ @myloveistoolittle​ @spishsstuff @noisynightmarepoetry 
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As The Sun Sets // Part One A New Year
TW: none
part two
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Occlumency—‘the magical defense of the mind against external penetration’
Sitting in the garden of Malfoy Manor, a blanket laid out neatly underneath is where Scarlet Lestragnge spent most of her time practicing. Occlumency is a hard skill to learn. Narcissa started teaching her during her second year.
“You must keep your composer.” Narcissa would say with a stern look and a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Do not let your emotions show, as they can be used against you.” 
Picturing a long hallway, much like the one in my at the manor, rooms began to form within, doors to memories that need to be kept closed. Opening only when required. Some doors left ajar and unlocked in the forefront of my mind. 
Memories of my mother, of all of the events of the last month. Of my friends. Memories that are kept  within the darkest hall in her mind adorn many locks and chains around them. Not to be opened, not be disturbed, to be locked and forgotten about.
There are footsteps behind me, then a soft brush on my shoulder. Breaking my concentration of organizing my thoughts, a smirk slowly appears on my face.
“Would you like some help?” Draco questions grabbing a cigarette and lighting it with the tip of his wand. The smell of nicotine and apples flood my nose. Still trying to organize my thoughts I stay silent for a moment. Once they are put into their correct rooms, doors locked, I turn to face the platinum hair boy sitting next to me. He is holding his pack out to offer me one, I reach for it and wait for him to light it.
“Didn’t aunt Cissy ever tell you it was rude to sneak up on a lady Draco?” I laugh while turning back to look out on the garden at Malfoy Manor. This time of year the flowers are slowly dying as the weather gets colder and the sun sets earlier in the evenings. With the upcoming school year I try to soak up as much of the sunsets that I can before returning to the dungeons of the Slytherin common room. 
“Who said that there are actual ladies here?” He gives me a slight smirk. He casts a warming charm over us and starts working on his own occlumency.
Seeing Draco smiling and laughing floods my heart with warmth. The past couple of days he's been holed up in his room. Not once leaving, since being marked.
The door across the hall shuts. I have been waiting for him to come back up the stairs. Narcissa pushed me in here hours ago. “Stay up here.. Do not make a sound. We will come get you when they leave.”
Silence for a long while, then the faintest sobs. Throwing on my robe I make my way across the room, into the hall and tap on his door. The sobbing stopped. Reaching for the door knob I make my way in.
“Draco? Are you okay?” No answer. The quiet sobbing continues as I make my way to his bed. Mumbles are all that come out.
“...burns…. “ “....the mark….” “...please…. Make…. It… stop…” "...It hurts..." Crawling into his bed I put my arms around him and try to cast a cooling charm on his arm. Whether or not it eases the pain I can't tell as he is still crying. We lay like this for hours.
Aunt Cissy lightly knocks making her way in. Draco fell asleep an hour ago. I try to slide out from his bed as quietly as I can, ensuring that I do not disturb the sleeping boy I was laying next to not moments ago. Slowly, I make my way to the door and slip out to go back to my room across the hall. 
The last two years I have been staying with the Malfoys during the summer. Since the Dark Lord's return my father has been getting more aggressive towards everyone in our house. The training sessions are harder. More dark magic lingers in our house than ever before.
It has slithered its way within me where it lingers, corrupting my magical essence. It is a part of me and nothing I do will save me from it. From him. Thankfully aunt Cissy has invited me to stay at their house. But this hasn't deterred father from the brutal training sessions.
Draco being forced to take the Dark Mark means that he is the first of many of the inner circle's children to take it. Aunt Cissy had been trying to coerce the men that I shouldn't get it. That I am a lady, and ladies tend to their men. 
My mother and father did not need to prove their loyalty to the Dark Lord. They did not agree. They believed that I did not have what it takes to serve the Dark Lord on my own and that I needed to prove myself.
Just weeks before the Dark Lord branded Draco, I had become the youngest to receive the mark. A flesh searing symbol that I was forever enslaved by a mad man and my parents. 
Sitting here with Draco has been comforting. As the sun sets upon the ground I lean my head against his shoulder. A deep inhale from my side. I tilt my head up to look at him. He's pale… Well paler than usual. 
I follow suit inhaling deeply. Letting the mixture of scents invade my nose, calming my nerves. “Draco… Do you think we are going to be okay?...” I ask, fishing for any glimpse of emotion that is writing on his face. 
He stays blank while looking out. “Honestly Scar, I am not sure. I hope so.” He puts his arm around me and we stay there till the sun goes down and well into the darkness.
Once the warming charm wears off we head back inside to get ready for the trip back to Hogwarts. Back to the place that we once called our second home.
Arriving at platform  9 ¾ has always made me happy. Seeing all my friends again. Knowing that we are safe at Hogwarts… That is at least it has been the last 6 years. This year is different… But only if you take a closer look. 
The first years are looking around with magic in their eyes, ready to experience everything that being a wizard or witch has to offer. Some other students are running around, finding their friends they haven't seen since school got out last term, huge smiles on their faces running to grab an empty car to catch on the adventure that occurred for them this summer. 
Then there are the small select few. The small amount of us that pay attention to the talkings around us. That knows what is going on with the wizarding community. The dangers that are in store this year. With the talking of Voldemort's return. You can see it on their faces. The fear. The worry. The ones who have more to lose than others. 
Walking farther onto the train I walk past Harry, Ron and Hermione. Smiling slightly I make my way into the compartment and sit next to Harry. 
“Hello Harry. Ron, Hermione. How was your summer? How's the burrow?” I say as I turn and pull Harry into a hug. 
“The burrow is great. Fred and Geroge made a quidditch pitch. Been practicing all summer, Hoping to be keeper this year and play with Harry, Fred and Greoge!” Ron explained through his mouthful of chocolate frogs.
“That's great Ron. I bet you will. I'm sorry I did not write much this summer. Mum needed help around the house since dads been busy.” 
“We understand Scar, I mean I don't get most of my post anyways…” He lets out a slight smile and a little chuckle. “Have you uh, have you heard from Malfoy?” Harry whispered. 
They all knew that I was close to Draco, and have made it clear that they don't agree with his and my friendship. Well, that is except for Hermione she tends to keep quiet about her opinion of him.
Draco has always been a prat towards her but I know it's just because he is mad that she is better than him at everything even though she's supposedly “below” us. Drives him mad. But usually all topics that include Draco are left behind when I am around. 
“What do you mean? Has something happened to him?” Looking at Harry with raised brows. 
After a glance of eyes around the cart Hermione pulls the curtains down and places a muffliato on the cart. “Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater.” 
How could they possibly even know this? Draco has barely even left the house all summer. He said he was always careful not to be seen outside of Diagon Alley…
“You’re barking, Harry. Just because his father is one doesn't mean that he is one as well.” I slam my occlumency doors. 
“We saw him Scar, in Knockturn Alley going into Borgin and Burks. I think he was with Greyback…” Harry swallowed. “He was looking at a sort of cabinet. I couldn't make anything else out before they pulled the curtains.” 
“I… Surely you must be mistaken… He's a bit of a prat but I don't believe he would ever do that… I think maybe he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time…” Trying to get this idea out of their head is harder than trying to fly a broom for the first time.
I cannot lie to them anymore than that. They are my friends too, and I need them to trust me… I want them to. I truly love the trio. They are the only hope for defeating Voldemort… But I also cannot have them suspecting Draco of anything… 
After a while the conversation switches to quidditch and this is where me and Hermione both pull out our new potions book and study the rest of the train ride. 
Once I wake up Harry is gone and I am laying with my legs curled up on the seat. Looking across I spy Ron with his head tipped back and Hermione's head on his shoulder. They really would be cute together. It makes me wonder if I could find someone to care for me as he does her… 
No. No I cannot not. Who would love someone hiding so much behind closed doors? I cannot let anymore of my emotions out then what is necessary. Just like aunt Cissy said “Do not let your emotions show, as they can be used against you.” 
I cannot risk anyone else in my life getting hurt.
Not again… 
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lavenderstobins · 7 months
in the stars | part 1
robin buckley is four years old when she hears her prophecy for the first time.
it had been later than expected. another delayed milestone, she’d hear her mother say when she’s older. most children heard theirs by age three.
still. far too young to hear how she’ll die.
most prophecies, she learns, aren’t straightforward, and even less speak openly of death. usually they’re vague, open for many interpretations.
robin can’t think of another way to interpret “you will give your life for a man who loves you”.
it’s a heavy weight to carry. her family keep it quiet. her parents, in particular, seem to take it upon themselves to mourn her in advance. saving themselves future heartache, maybe, by not getting attached. they don’t have anymore children. she hears her father’s whispered fears that they’d lose them, too.
robin, in truth, grows up mostly okay. she doesn’t share her prophecy, even without her parents warning her to keep it to herself. it’s hard enough to make friends as it is.
she is, however, resentful. she thinks it’s fair enough. her life is to be stolen from her. by a man, no less. she doesn’t even like men. when she realises that she likes girls instead of boys, that she’s a lesbian, it’s just one more layer of resentment.
dying for a man who loves her. what a joke.
the only consolation is that it must be a distant tragedy. no men in her life love her, and with how she keeps to herself, she doesn’t see it happening anytime soon.
then she starts working at scoops ahoy, and her world is turned on its axis. steve harrington confesses to her, and she feels sick, but he understands. time continues on, and steve ribs her for her taste in women, and it’s… it’s nice. nicer, still, to know it’s not him. she doesn’t tell him about her prophecy. he doesn’t ask. she doesn’t ask about his, and he doesn’t tell her. she wonders if his life is signed away, too.
the corruption in hawkins comes back, because it always does, steve tells her. they fight for their lives again. they don’t win, but they don’t quite lose. they survive, though not without casualties. they keep struggling on.
max’s prophecy, dustin tells her in a quiet voice one day, said that she would know love blind. a sick joke from the fates, seemingly. he tells her about his. when he was two, his mother was told that he would fix things without knowing they’re broken.
robin thinks of steve, and how dustin helped him find himself. of eddie, and how dustin’s fierce loyalty protected him. of max, and how dustin unknowingly brought her back into their fold of friendship and love.
true enough, she thinks.
he asks about her prophecy. she… hesitates, in truth. it’s been a long time since she’d spoken the words. she trusts him, though. she tells him what she was told all those years ago. dustin frowns, and she shrugs awkwardly. then, he says that they’ll just have to fight men away from her, won’t they? she laughs at that. his optimism is a welcome breath of air. she asks that he keep it to himself; it’s not something she chooses to share often. he nods, glowing with pride of being chosen. they don’t talk about it again. sometimes, she sees him side-eyeing boys around her.
then they’re thrust into the fight again. the earth opens up, belching out endless monsters, and they fight tirelessly. they split into groups. she and steve are together, as always, side-by-side. they’re joined by nancy and lucas, a party of four to defend their home.
she should have seen it coming, she thinks. it had been staring her in the face and she had closed her eyes.
steve, ever the self-sacrificial fool, had risked his life for them, taking on monsters alone, and she had moved without thinking. she had dived after him. she had followed him—she would have followed him to the ends of the earth—and when he had taken a hit, she had cried out, begging the universe: not him. please, not him. the universe said nothing. and then it dawned on her; the universe had already answered her.
when steve collapses, wounded, she steps over him, separating him from the swarming monsters. she holds her weapon high and makes herself his shield. you will give your life for a man who loves you, she had been told. it never mentioned she’d love him. that she’d give it gladly.
when she takes the hit, the slashing claw meant for steve that burrows into her abdomen, she almost laughs. she’d been so blind; it never said the love would be romantic. of course it had been steve. steve, who would give his life for everyone else in a heartbeat. she had been born to keep him alive.
it’s an almost comforting thought, and it sticks with her as she beats back the monsters, as they finally collapse around them, no doubt after the real villain is brought down by el. as she sinks to her knees, as steve starts cradling her.
“robin,” he says, pleads, and he’s crying, his teardrops hitting her face like rain. she takes his hand, unable to stop a whimper escaping her, and he sobs, pulling her closer. he starts babbling, repeating words like a mantra: not her, not her, please.
he’s shaking, she realises, clutching her in his arms, like sheer willpower can keep her alive. it can’t, she knows. nothing is more powerful than a prophecy, not even love.
“steve,” she whispers. his head snaps to her, almost hopeful. she cracks a small smile. “i love you,” she says, and his hopeful expression falls.
“i love you,” he says, tears falling freely down his cheeks again, and she knows. she’s always known, even before she’d realised.
she closes her eyes.
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