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Wolf in summer: doing its wolf things
Human: hee hee big doggo
Wolf in winter: doing It's wolf things
Human: must strip its hair, must strip its hair for warmth because my hair isn't long enough for winter!
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Figured out how to change my photos! now i've got shoka from NEO: TWEWY as my profile pic. that was easier than i thought. also dunno the artist for either pics used for my account, if you know them, put them in the comments and i'll edit this post with the artists to credit them.
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it took me, SO FUCKING LONG, to figure out, how to view messages on tumblr, cause that fucking 3 next to messages bugged me out, and now i figured out how to resend the verification email to see the message, and i find out the messages were friggin spam!
oh well, should've expected that. now i just need to figure out how to change my profile pic...
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i'm a king not a queen sir.
hey queen I'm going to need you to go to sleep. go to bed.
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i'll order something next week when my paycheck comes in
Hello, I'm opening chibi art commissions to feed myself in college.
3$ is enough for me to buy two meals for a day. I can only do chibi commission due to lack of free time. Note that I can only draw on weekends. If you commission me during weekdays, have to wait until weekends for me to start and finish it.
Reblogs are appreciated :) If there's new info I'll reblog with the addition.
Rules are no NSFW, no mech, no political or any sensitive issues.
Black and white, per character is 1$
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With color, per character is 2$
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If you want to donate some money without commissioning, know that I appreciate it too.
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did... you buy anything? or just walk around with those two? i know its a dream but still...
I went to the mall with Dave Grohl and the Genie from Aladdin.
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and in America we have a thing called peta that takes animals and kills them most of the time... if i could speak Japanese fluently i might request my job to move me there at this rate
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nyoooooo cat friend not food!
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ah yes, the freshest of salads, made from cucumber that has been brought from the local supernarket after 3 days of waiting to be bought, unidentifiable stripes of meat that might give you the food poisoning, cheese thats a day away from becoming moldy, some mixed greens that we think belong in a salad gathered from the local curb, and a tomato we use for topping burgers. and the dressing makes it more calorie dense than that same burger with tomato. mmmmm, fast food health
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McDonald鈥檚 Corp, 1987
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Sexualize a Robot.
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hey guys i've been wondering for a while now... how tf do i check messages???? i just clicked on the messages tab and nothing comes up??? it just shows this screen and frankly, i'm scared of people thinking i'm ignoring them when i just... generally don't understand how this website works???
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rebloging for both
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sooo... jojo's bizzare addventure needs a ninja stand user. they don't have to be like, an actual ninja, but rather someone who has a lot of ninja like things. and they'd look like just... some guy in a hoodie and sweatpants. because that, with all the weird and crazy designs of people in jojo's, would probably make him the perfect ninja, he could blend into the background a ton, and even the viewers would have a tough time knowing who they are.
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the fact that theres a lot of parents who don鈥檛 have that kind of love for their kids, and would do the opposite unapologeticly, and blame everyone but themselves to why their kids ended up dead, even years later is super sad.
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maaannn social anxiety is fucking awful. i鈥檓 more comfortable in a crossplay, than talking to a stranger. don鈥檛 know if that鈥檇 be just me tho.
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the fact these games are t is exactly why these games are titled this
edit: and all the dirty jokes in these games as well. i didn't forget, just didn't mention it the first time
I just noticed this. Is ratchet and clank Up Your Arsenal meant to be a pun. because the subtitle sounds like "up your ass." Does that even make sense if you dont say "ass" with a british accent. is this even plausable to consider for a game that's rated T for teen. i dont know.
boy do i have news for you about the Ratchet & Clank series
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