whitelighthealing · 4 years
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A trigger is something that ​reminds you of a past event and causes you to have an emotional or physical response as a result. Triggers can actually be sparked by any of the five senses -- touch, taste, smell, sight, or hearing, music could be a trigger or someone's voice an event or even birthdays. Like for example: My birthday is the time when I want attention and validation, it triggers my unworthiness and the fact that I needed validation and need to be acknowledged in life. Deep wounding comes from the fact when I was put down for being the twinkle of my fathers eye, always made to feel I was dumb and stupid so I started seeking validation from others and always wanted to feel special. Unworthiness triggers me for seeking importance in my mother’s eyes. I couldn’t get the love she gave my brother. Not that I blame her, because today I realised her wounding too was very deep. My birthday is a very big trigger. One of the triggers is when someone doesn’t wish me. It reminded me of how I didn’t feel special when I was younger. Acknowledging and realising is important as it’s the first step to healing. We have to feel special within ourselves always and realise the fact that no one but we ourselves can only do that job. Recognise your triggers because they definitely help you to recognise your deeper issues. Triggers sometimes can give happy memories too. Like the moong ki dal ka halwa which my mother used to make or that choclate pastry which my dad use to bring me resulting in my love for chocolates today. The sad triggers make you avoid going to a place that reminds you of a relationship that you have lost, or of someone who has died.
A big crowd of people makes you anxious because you remember being separated from your parents in a crowd when you were little. So many types of triggers we have, even anger. Well, I get angry when someone speaks to me in a certain way. We just need to realise the root cause and work on healing it from the root cause, believe me once that is done, no trigger can cause a major problem for you henceforth.
#Divyaapandità„€ #whitelighthealingcenter #whitetribe. #tarot #lifecoach #healer
Love and light
Divyaa pandit
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
Toxic relationships
Some men/women will prefer being with people with lower vibrations and in toxic relationships or non committed relationships because they vibrate on the same level of toxicity. Might sound a little harsh however I have seen people who want to be in a toxic relationship, This could be due to their childhood issues. Put them in a relationship with a higher vibrating person and they will push them away and create toxicity in that relationship is because they are not ready to do inner work required to make it a successful relationship. And if you don’t put in the work, there’s no way to heal. This is prevalent in cases with children who haven’t felt the love of a mother. They have had a very hard childhood or have abandonment issues. Doing some inner work always helps and heals your own issues and helps you get rid of toxic patterns and relationships.
God bless
Divyaa pandit
#love #whitelighthealingcenter #Divyaapandit #whitetribe #healing #healer #divination #oracle
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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The womb is the most sacred part of the body, and when we merge into someone else’s energy sexually we are absorbing all their energy, all their trauma, all their pain, all our guilt feeling of being used abused we store in the womb ,so clear your sacred womb and open your recieving in all areas of your life .
#tarot #tarotreading #lovereading #psychic #divination #oracle #spiritual #divyaapandit #whitelighthealingcenter #shamanisim #munayki #wisewoman #mother #whitelitians #queenofremedies #whitewomantribe #whitetribes
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
We know covid 19 started in china and now all over the world people are suffering, our daily lives are disturbed. Who is to be blamed for the Storm in west bengal, cyclone in Maharashtra, locusts ruining our fields, earthquake in delhi... who is to be blamed? Aren't we living in denial? Many people on social media have come with a drive to boycott China and China products. Are we that self reliant yet? Are we ready not to get lured by cheap rates that china provides us with? Well, that's a question we need to ask ourselves rather than getting into herd mentality by making facebook groups and talking on social media. I belive we as human beings love to play this blame game. The universe is constantly sending this message to us that we have not conducted ourselves in the right way. Mother Earth, the nature and the universe is so angry that the wrath is upon us and we need to do a lot of inner checking. The amount of rape cases, animal cruelty and many more deeds we human beings have done are not acceptable anymore and we need to make changes instead of blaming each other , it's so easy to blame other people instead of realising your own conduct and that's exactly what we are doing, The only change we need to do is to realise our mistakes and respect what we have been given by the universe instead of blaming and following the typical herd mentality. Has anyone even started by making this alteration and inner change of respecting women? Respecting one another? Respecting animals? Has anyone thought of taking care of the environment? Very few, I guess. This is our lesson to learn and I hope we all have learnt it well!
God bless
Divyaa pandit
White light healing Center
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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What are MUNAY KI rites ,
The Munay-Ki are a series of nine Empowerment rites based on the initiatory practices of the Q'ero , The Munay-Ki rites are initiations intended to help the person receiving them to become a person of wisdom and power. Munay Ki is an art of transforming Homo sapien to Homo lumminous. The Munay-Ki rites are given at the beginning of one's shamanic training in order to guide the student successfully through their studies and development into a healer. My experience as a Munay-Ki healer and teacher was absolutely amazing. At first I wondered what more it could change in me as I have done so much work on myself and the major shifts I had made within me were miraculous. However, when the rites were given to me I had major revelations about myself and the things I needed to learn about myself which I hadn't discovered. And believe me, all the unwanted emotions and people left my life. During the rites I could actually could see Pachakuti the keeper of the seventh chakra dancing in happiness. It was such a beautiful energy of love and happiness. Something that came to me feeling so loved, became a stronger being, although while I was releasing I had a feeling of being ungrounded for sometime. It uprooted me and then grounded me back. It was a very weird and amazing feeling, however it made my awareness and intuition better and better. Well, it worked very well for me so it will work in some other way for other people. Learning shamanism and taking munay ki rites has in a very positive way changed the way I think and conduct myself, I am more in sync with the higher energy and higher self, the oneness with the source is so beautiful. As a munay ki teacher I would recommend all to take these rites to improve their way of life and ones perception and the way we conduct our lives is important. The most important point that I would like to put is munay ki rites have the rites to clear one’s womb problems which are very important for women. To conclude, munay ki symbolizes knowledge, sexuality and healing, life-and-death principle and sacredness, soul, divine and reminds us that everything is as it should be, foresight and perspective. Living mindfully and being in our bodies.
God bless,
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
'Blame It on Black Magic' is a topic I thought of long back, inspired by many client requests. 90 percent of people think that black magic has been cast on them. A large number of my clients think that everything negative that happens in their life is black magic. But what is black magic? Does black magic exist? The simple answer is - yes, it does. It's all about energy - there is positive energy and negative energy. If someone keeps sending evil intentions or keeps sending bad wishes and negative energy to you with their thoughts feelings and emotions you will get effected in many ways. What tantriks do is also one way of sending you negativity however the other side of coin is that we also attract negative energy.
But the how.and why of that is another matter altogether. It's important to realise how and why we again and again become victims of negative energy where are the roots. The key is to break this pattern. Here's an example about a client whose life was a series of psychic attacks and didn't know why she was a victim of such negativity. After embarking on a series of shamanic journeys I realised that the client's mother and grandmother had problems with male support and that there was also a lot of abuse involved in her childhood. A lot of this came from her grandmother who lost her husband at an early age and faced hardships and abuse. The abuse continued with her mother and then her. It might sound strange yet it's true. When we have any such background our aura is broken and a broken aura is a house of entities and negativity. Sometimes it's broken from our mothers' womb and it has already started way before we are born .
We don't realise in our early years why such events happen with us. The key, again, here is to realize the root cause of the problem. The root cause is the ancestral issues which started from grandmother. And yet, it might not be an ancestral issue for all. It could be your present life childhood issue or all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that you have absorbed from your parents or environment that black magic is the only reason why we face difficulties. For example, a young girl who came to me one day said that she faces these issues all the time and has done all remedies but nothing worked. I took a journey for her and realized that it was her emotional struggle with her mother that makes her aura weak and she doesn't feel worthy of herself due to which she couldn't see why things were happening to her. She kept facing other people's negativity as that is the energy and belief she threw at an unconscious level and everything was mirroring back to her. That explains the difficulties and negativity. To conclude I would like to say that not that blackmagic doesn't exist. It does. However, everything that happens in our lives is not black magic. Here's a very simple technique to get rid of your past and move forward with a positive mind set:
Make a banishing bath in which we can banish all negativity and past trauma and abuse from our lives.
Epsom salt
Chamomile herb
Lavender herb
Coconut milk freshly made
Light a candle as to what you want to release.
Red for love
Black for past and negativity and negative thoughts
Green to heal the situation
Put everything in your bath and chant:
Troubles, trauma, abuse , all ancestral issues gone and washed away. Leave me free of all past problems this day and forever.
Let the water soak in bath tub then sit for some time to absorb or if it's a bucket then just let the water be on your body for 10mins, take deep breaths and and relax .
With this you can burn a mustard oil diya ( lamp)also in your kitchen or outside your door to remove all karmic problems.
God bless
White light healing Center
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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What are trust issues?
Trust is the feeling when you can rely on other people to be honest, fair, and respectful. The first person you trust in your life are your own parents, everything starts from there. We often feel that it comes to us by life experience, yes it does. However it has it's roots in our childhood as to what our learning was about and trusting people because of our environment. According to how and what we experience, we even tend to absorb other people's thoughts, feelings and emotions, which we have heard continuously from our parents, grandparents and so on. In fact, experiencing abuse as a child can also turn into a major trust issue in our life, as we stop trusting people as to how will they treat us and again comes unworthiness and self esteem problem , major relationship issue starts from our inner child and trust issues. So how to solve this? Trusting ourselves and believing in us is the only way to solve this issue, also by releasing the past memory which is stored in our subconscious level.
Doing Ho oponopono is one of the powerful ways of releasing the past and to support that make a crystal grid of rose quartz , rodhocrosite , green aventurine and black obsidian , it will help the releasing process faster . To improve your life and to get rid of relationship problems ,also walking baggage free one needs to solve trust issues
Divyaa pandit
White light healing Center
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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“I don’t like control” is something I said to myself and others always, but is it so? Whenever in love or in good friendship or being with my siblings, I have always been the person who gets controlled, so what is it that makes me feel or say something like that? The fact that I can’t handle the fact that I get controlled or is it the fact I get controlled hence the fear of getting controlled?
I think it has more to do more with the fear as I never had the confidence to say NO so I gave in every time in life. It all started at the age of 7/8 when because of certain incident lost confidence and it led to a very controlled life. It’s always to do with your inner child and past baggage. Once you let go of that and your confidence comes back, you learn to say NO and get healed. Or else, we get controlled or we start controlling. Striking a balance in a relationship is important so to get that balance we need to release all the previous baggage that we carry from past traumas.
Divyaa Pandit
White Light Healing Center
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
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whitelighthealing · 4 years
Why people put you down
The reason why someone will make you chase them and put you down or not pick up your calls is that they are not happy with themselves ,first thing to know is that a happy, self confident person does not put others down. They might provide constructive criticism but they won’t put others down. This tells you a lot about the person who criticizes you. Some people are very negative about others because ,they need to make themselves feel like they're in control or more powerful or to cover up their own insecurities they’ve experienced a trauma of their own in the past and they don’t know how to deal with the pain so they'll hurt others as a defense mechanism.
Divyaa pandit
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whitelighthealing · 6 years
Divyaa Pandit predicts Padmavat super hit & India’s lose to South Africa with RJ Archana & Sahil at Radio City 91.1 FM
Radio Jockey Archana Pania is one of the famous RJ’s in the radio industry. Archana is a RJ for the Radio City. Her partner in crime,Salil Acharya is a famous RJ, VJ and an Indian film and television actor. Salil hails from Delhi and is multi-talented. He is also the film critic for BBC and a VJ for B4U.
ARCHANA:- Radio City ke studio mai aapko kitni positivity vibes aa rahi hai? DIVYAA:- Bahot Positive Vibes aa rahi hai,its a very very very nice place. SALIL:- Bahot Bahot shukriyaa(ARCHANA:- Thank You) ARCHANA:- Lekin hume na thodi si negativity nazar aa rahi hai mandrate hue,kal vashi bridge par bhi logo nai protest kiya hai against this movie aur karni sena apni karni rokhte nahi hai.
SALIL:- Kya Padmavat Hit Hogi?
DIVYAA:- Padmavat Hit toh Bahot hogi SALIL:- Arre waah very good ARCHANA:- Lekin!! SALIL:- Lekin Kya?? DIVYAA:- Uska Start thoda slow hai SALIL:- Hai but hum toh ja rahe hai,aaj hi ja rahe hai,ek din pehle hi ja rahe hai,ki hum log start dede
ARCHANA:- Yeh Journalist hai aur hum ko invitation mili hai salil,just calm down. DIVYAA:- Start slow hai uska SALIL:- Hmm... DIVYAA:- Aur thoda ek mahina lagega to overcome all the obstacles jaise bahot sare log,youknow trying to protest,but then Sanjay Leela Bahnsali will do well.
ARCHANA:- Divya aap numerologists bhi hai,aapko kuch number nazar aa raha hai ki kitne crores kamaegi yeh film?
DIVYAA:- 400 Crores toh mujhe dikh raha hai ARCHANA:- My God.! SALIL:- Domestic pe ho ja toh accha hoga,worldwide ho jaye toh sanjay leela bhansali ro rahe honge,But yeh bhi bada sawaal hai,shahid kapoor and alauddin khilji ranveer singh,kon haavi rahega kispar,matlab kiski film maani jayegi
DIVYAA:- Dekhiye hamesha se ranveer singh hi rahe hai aur iss baar bhi wohi rahenge SALIL:- Haye shahid..,yaar tu bhi accha karne wala hai-we believe in you,lekin kya kare yaar bol diya unhone ki alauddin khilji ki picture hai lekin abhi kya kare yaar ab lekin divya-dusra jo stress mandra raha hai jo kal start hone wala hai-Bharat aur South Africa,Bharat kuch jeet payegi ki nahi,batao na please?
DIVYAA:- Well Bharat ke liye thodaa sa shock hai iss baar,mujhe lagta hai South Africa SALIL:- 3-0 Arre yaar ARCHANA:- Ohh Noo! SALIL:- Achaa chal lekin kuch positive kuch dikh raha hai kuch batsman,bowlers kuch na kuch
DIVYAA:- Well,Bowlers SALIL:- Hah,Bowlers ARCHANA:- Yeh bahot kam hota hai SALIL:- Ajinkye rahane wapas aa raha hai,bhai batsman chaiye humme,humme bowler nahi chahiye,we need ajinkya rahane to perform
DIVYAA:- Well,he will perform,but dont worry about that, he will perform very very well SALIL:- Lekin bharat phir bhi haaregi? DIVYAA:- Ha woh toh lagta hai mujhe ARCHANA:- Ohh salil rona please shuru mat karna idhar please SALIL:- You are not a Indian,you are South African ARCHANA:- Just Shup Up SALIL:- Bharat haregi tabh tu hi royegi ARCHANA:- But what about bollywood also,isliye jo shaadiya honi ja rahi hai,kya Hrithik wapas se sussanne se shaadi karega,Ha ya Na batayengi khud 'Divya Pandit',who will also talk about Sonam Kapoor's Wedding and Ranveer and Deepika.
SALIL:- Radio-City 91.1 iss ghante par hum aapko regal cinema aapko le jane wale hai,getting some positivity into your life,kyuki log waise hi bade taras rahe thae na har chhez ko padh ke,achaa by the way,some good news again,yeh stock market dubara nayi chotiya paar karte hue.
ARCHANA:- Oh God yeh salil ka roz ka celebration aur yaha pe roz dukh hota hai SALIL:- Toh mai kya karu agar roz market upar ja raha hai ARCHANA:- But its been very good last 2 weeks for him yeah,Hamare sath expert tarot card reader,reiki specialist healer hai,naam hai inka 'Divya Pandit'
SALIL:- Jo aap already bol chuki hai ki padmavati bahot HIT hogi aur virat kohli haar jayenge 
ARCHANA:- Arre Yaar tu apna rona-dhona bandh kar mujhe shaadi ke bare mai puchne de,I love my Hrithik Roshan,By the way divyaa hrithik roshan mere dil ka,jigar ka tukda hai aur maine sunna hai ki unki aur sussanne ki shaadi,kaafi confirmed sources se maine khud suna hai ki woh shaadi karne wale hai.
DIVYAA:- Haan Ji Archana,karne wale hai,bilkul karne wale hai. SALIL:- Oh Terii!! ARCHANA:- Yeh aapko kisine bola nahi hai,you are just seeing this in the picture. DIVYAA:- Yes yes I am seeing this SALIL:- Divya woh paiso ka batwaara,itni gali galoch yeh sab phir yaar DIVYAA:- But they are back again ARCHANA:- And this is for good I am guessing DIVYAA:- Yes its for good SALIL:- Ha ab jo dusri couple jo bahot discussion mai rehti hai ARCHANA:- Ha,Ha ,kya hai na virushka ke baad pata nahi kyu sabki nazre ja rahi thi-ranveer aur deepika par
SALIL:- Kya woh Shaadi karenge? DIVYAA:- Haan ji Karenge,bilkul karenge ARCHANA:- Iss saal karenge ya agle saal karenge DIVYAA:- Bahot jald unki shaadi hongi ARCHANA:- Jald,so are you saying 2018 ya 2019,what you say? DIVYAA:- 2018 se after june ARCHANA:- Oh My God!! SALIL:- Itna sab kuch diya toh boldo salman bhi shaadi karengi ki nahi. DIVYAA:- Salman ka thoda mushkil hai ARCHANA:- Mushkil hai ki namumkin hai? DIVYAA:- Mushkil hai aur namumkin bhi ARCHANA:- Oh God, OK SALIL:- Sir ke abhi umar bhi ho gayi hai na,abhi shaadi karne ki umar nahi hai ARCHANA:- Actually asli Don wohi bane not Shahrukh Khan,Ok Divyaa my last question is sonam because recently mai unko mili aur unke haatho mai log cream laga rahe hai,mereko laga haye yeh toh aisa lag raha ki inki shaadi ho rahi hai
SALIL:- Plus woh badi open hai apne relationship ke bare mai chupatti kuch nahi hai ARCHANA:- Ha but bola nahi hai ki shaadi kar rahi hai-ha ya na,she is like totally in the center,toh aap bata dijiye kab ho rahi hai sonam kapoor ki shaadi
DIVYAA:- Mujhe toh lagta hai next three months ke baad uski shaadi hone wali hai ARCHANA:- So not in March,everyone's saying March-march-march DIVYAA:- I can't see it in march,I can see it in may ARCHANA:- OHH! SALIL:- Veere di wedding ke baad,beta you are smart producer ARCHANA:- May you be a happy couple sonam,god so many shaadi's SALIL:- And we are not getting invited to even one. ARCHANA:- Kyuki Divyaa bahot sari cheezo mai believe karti hai,especially healing mai,toh jo log sunn rahe hai unke liye koi vishesh tippni hai
DIVYAA:- Well mai ek tippni dungi ki yeh saal jo hai-2018 is a year of moon,aur iss saal bahot sare eclipse bhi hai,people either will do very very well in their life or they will go very very low like they will be very very depressed,so I feel you should take care of your mental health 
ARCHANA:- Uske liye kya karna chahiye DIVYAA:- Well do a little meditation archana,that's very very important because taking 5 minutes off in your life and doing just a little bit of self meditation is very very important.
SALIL:- Hum bhi toh positivity lane ki koshish kar rahe hai,issi ghante,M POSITIVE,naya blood group jo archana,mai,harshita aur oulkit leke aaye hai issi reason ki wajah se
ARCHANA:- Thank You so much Divya mujhe lagta hai hum mobile phones ke sath kuch jyada hi hamari life bita rahe hai,so stay away from Instagram,Twitter,Facebook for a while,keep your phones away,keep everything away aur thoda apne aap ko pyaar karo,'Correct Divyaa Ji'
DIVYAA:- YES very important,very important. ARCHANA:- Thank you so much,Thank you so much.
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whitelighthealing · 6 years
Numerology is an ancient study and deals with unfolding the mysteries of numbers. The interpretation of numbers, dates (of birth, the occurrence of events etc.), value and significance of letters (in names of persons etc.) are the concerns which numerology seeks to attend. This may pertain to an individual (a single entity) or to a large group (many entities collectively coming under a single head). The characteristics and line of action of individuals or groups are delineated and the future is forecasted based on the findings from this study.
Watch How to use your own birthdate to have Good Luck and Power with the help of Crystals and how it works ?
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whitelighthealing · 6 years
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is an increasingly popular in training and mentoring. It provides a system to understand how we think, influence and change things for the better. The purpose of it is to help you remember certain techniques and ultimately work out ways that you can make steps towards what you want to achieve in life.
Some of the key benefits of NLP are in developing skills of leadership, sales, coaching, presenting and influencing.
Neuro Linguistic Programming can also be used to benefit personal relationships, particularly in the dating arena. It also helps people overcome fears by encouraging them to think about them differently. 
Some magicians use NLP to play tricks on their audience and keep them engaged and entertained. They do this through NLP techniques of storytelling, awareness and anchoring. This may be one of the best benefits: getting someone with a problem to smile is a key success of NLP.
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whitelighthealing · 6 years
Happy New Year - 2018 WILL BE A HAPPENING YEAR
In this New Year my thoughts and prayers are specially for those less fortunate, who are not blessed to enjoy the best that life has to offer, at this time of year. Life can be hard and challenging but faith and hope for better times keeps us going. May the New Year turn out to be just the best one for all those wishing for better times in life.
A very happy, healthy and prosperous New year to you all.
To everyone, everywhere I wish you a Happy New Years. May this be a great year of great things for each of us! Grace and peace to you all! 
Checkout my Prediction’s for 2018 for each horoscope😊love and light to all #2018Prediction
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