#it's crack theories toward the end
hoodiedmenace · 7 months
One day I'm gonna kiss the character designers for rise of the tmnt.
Yeah shape theory and all that, it's super neat but IT GOES SO MUCH DEEPER.
Since the beginning of tmnt, the turtles have always been hard to distinguish from each other. Especially in the 1987 show, but all the way up to 2007 movie, the one thing the turtles have really had to distinguish themselves is their color of their masks, their weapons, and usually some minor design changes like the letter on their belts, height, and skin tone. But even those have been subtle.
The 2012 series is really the first tmnt iteration to change up the turtles in a significant way. Not only is their skin different shades of green, but their heights are a more significant difference. Donnie towers of the other turtles, and Mikey's height really solidifies him as the youngest brother.
That isn't where the differences end, though. Raph has a crack in his plastron, Mikey has freckles, and Donnie is much lankier and skinny than the others. The main problem with this though, is that they are still fairly subtle. From behind and without their masks on, it's impossible to tell whether its Mikey, Leo, or Raph on screen. Not to mention, Leo is sort of treated as a 'base', and the other three turtles are just alterations made to his design.
Rise, on the other hand, said "hold my beer."
Not only do rise turtles have the different heights, skin tones, and masks, they have different body types.
And not only are these differing body types useful in telling the turtles apart, they have genuine meanings. So I'm gonna infect your brains with my brainrot.
Starting with Mikey.
Mikey has always been the silliest of the group, the party dude, if you will. Rise uses shape theory to give this playful, young vibe to him. Not only are his markings circles, but so is his head and shell. His design is very rounded overall.
The other thing about rise, is that all their fighting types are different. Their weapons influence these styles along with their personality. Mikey's style of fighting is very acrobatic, very showy. He is very in touch with his sense of balance and the space around him.
It can't be a coincidence that Mikey's body type is also very similar to an acrobat or gymnastic athlete. His muscles are small but compact, and rounded like the rest of him. His limbs are small, but clearly strong and well maintained. Acrobats often have these types of hidden muscles, where they almost disappear when not in use because of the function of them. They aren't using the muscles for heavy lifting or grueling tasks. Acrobats use their muscles for balance and manipulating their own body.
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Next is Leo. Unlike 2012 where Leo is used as a baseline for the other character designs, he most definitely has his own unique look. Overall, he's very sharp. His crescent moon markings on his face and limbs, his swords, and his overall stylized body shape leans into this pointed, sharp look.
Leo attacks quick in the series. He is often one of the first to strike, and thinks well ahead in battle to preserve his energy. His battle moves tend to also continue throughout the fight with a large blow in the beginning and end, with smaller strikes in between.
Leo is also the leanest of the turtles, with a small waist and the lithest of the turtles' limbs. All of this points his character design towards a long distance runner. They often start and end races with bursts of energy, and then pace themselves throughout the rest of the race. They have to think and consider their speed. Long distance runners also have very lean muscles. It has to do with the actual proteins in the muscle that make them thinner but perfect for pacing and persevering throughout long lengths of time.
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Similar to Leo is Donnie. The disaster twins, as the fandom has named them for being the same age, are the most physically similar. They are nearly the same height and, when Donnie had his battle shell on, their shells are very similar in shape. However, they are still very different. Donnie has a rectangular build with his purple pixel-like markings and big ass forehead. Him and Raph also are the only turtles in rise with full head coverings, and they are also both square shaped.
Donnie tends to put all of his energy into one, well timed blow. Usually using his tech to discombobulate the enemy and then backing off quickly. (The only time this doesn't hold true is when he's fighting with April, where it's only the two of them. However, he still does tend to attack and then back away.) His muscles are the second most defined of the turtles, being thick and bigger than both Leo and Mikey.
For this reason, Donnie I believe is built off of a sprinter. A short distance runner. The perfect match to Leo (the twins ever bro)
Sprinters have to save up all of their energy in order to use it all in one short length of time, often just a few seconds. Exactly how Donnie attacks. Sprinters also have much larger, more defined muscles than long distance runners. I think it has something to do with storing energy and oxygen to be used all at once.
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Finally, there's Raph. Raph is big and bulky in the show, with the biggest muscles and is *physically the strongest. He lifts giant boulders and can carry all three of his brothers, April, and Splinter with ease. His shape is a square, with his head and chest being large and boxy. His fighting style is the least ninja-y out of the four, being more related to actually just throwing hands with someone. He fights physically and often times without his weapons, preferring to attack with his body. He gets in the enemy's space and uses his larger size to overpower them. His ability to make himself bigger with his mystic powers furthers this idea. He attacks hard and doesn't let up, not allowing his weaknesses to be exploited by keeping the enemy from never getting a hit in.
I believe Raph is based off of a wrestler or boxer. They fight physically and roughly, preferring to never allow their opponent get a hit in if it allows. Their act of defense is also similar, as boxers generally use their weapon as defense instead of offense. (Raph does this in the train battle and the shredder fight pre-karai death.) Even some of Raph's moves are essentially boxing moves. It also makes sense why, in the show, Raph loves wrestling so much. It may not be boxing, but it's a very similar sport.
Boxers also have large, bulky figures similar to Raph. Their entire body is muscular as opposed to just their legs or arms because of how physical their sport is.
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*Mikey throws a lot of super heavy stuff like the top of a sky scraper, a loaded cargo ship, and a semi-truck, but he does it with the help of his mystic weapon.
Hahaha I'm so. Normal.
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melbee · 1 year
My Purpose
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pairing: Neteyam x EywaHealer!Reader
summary: The same way Ewya had brought you your gifts, was the same way she brought you to Neteyam. So, when sacrifice leads to fatal injury, you will stop at nothing to make sure your love is safe.
note: thanks @directioner5life for the request! You asked for a fix-it fic, and I am happy to oblige :)) (I have my thoughts on the whole death scene, and I'm going to be writing my theories soon.) Hope you enjoy my loves! xx
warnings: Mention of being shot, blood, Angst, and some sadness. Fluff at the ending though *cries*
word count: 1,984
Your mother had said you were chosen for something. Ewya had gifted you to her in a time of great sorrow, and that the seeds of the sacred tree had blessed you during your birth ceremony.
You had flourished in medicinal value, your powers having the ability to heal the sick and injured. Your mother was proud of your accomplishments, but you couldn't help but feel the oddity in your abilities.
Growing up you were protected because of your gifts, sheltered from the world, and picked on by other Na’vi kids because of it. It didn't help that with every recoup in another's health, you could feel your body drain in tiredness.
Some days were worse than others. And some days you wished it would all disappear.
That was until you met Neteyam.
The eldest son of Toruk Makto, leader of the Omatikaya Clan, Neteyam was the poster boy of being groomed for greatness. At first glance you had felt him to be too protective, but you realized his earnest love and commitment he had for his family was admirable.
That was one of many reasons that made you fall in love with him. Your mother often joked that you two would make a great pairing as Tsahik, and that you should start counting down the days until you two would mate in front of Ewya.
If only your mother knew there were quite a few close calls.
So, when the RDA had arrived back on Pandora, and Neteyam's father, Jake Sully had to step down from his position as Olo'eyktan, you were shocked. The Sully Clan was leaving, and you were determined to follow them anywhere.
So, you did.
This led you to the Metkayina clan, where you along with the Sully clan sought refuge in order to save your people. You had gone, much to the disheartened approval of your mother. Her last words before you left were,
"Help the Toruk Makto and his family. Ewya has given you the gift to do so."
Now the RDA and their task force of recombinants were beginning to close in on you and using every Pandora creature and village to push you out.
"Ma Neteyam, please." You cried out in earnest, latching onto him as the surrounding sounds of war cries were evident all around you. The RDA had kidnapped some of Neteyam's family including Lo'ak, Kiri and little Tuk. Tsireya had also been caught, and evident by the Metkayina's response they were just as displeased.
"No. I have to go y/n. I have to save my family." Neteyam who was getting ready to leave with the rest of the clan, held close to you. He wrapped his arm around you, his hand gliding over your face before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against your neck. "Go help the injured, there will be casualties."
You frowned, tears beginning to well in your eyes. You knew you couldn't ask him to stay, Neteyam was always the strongest in your relationship, and in life. He couldn't let his family die. You reached for the same hand he held to your face and pulled it toward your own heart. "Eywa has led me to you. Now you must be strong and lead your family to safety."
Neteyam smiled leaving one last kiss on both your eyes, a sign of earnest love and affection. "When I come back, and this is all over..."
You stopped him, your tears mixing in with your mournful laughter. “I would do anything for you Neteyam. Just promise me you won’t-” Your voice cracked, your head shaking as you tried to stop any unnecessary emotion from spewing all at once. “Just come home.” You looked up at him and smiled, holding his hand tightly.
Neteyam nodded his head, his eyes beginning to shine with unshed tears, before he pulled you both up from your sitting positions and stood back. You followed him as you both walked together, the sounds of rushing feet and the splashes of water as clan members of the Metkayina latched onto their Elu’s and the warrior’s prepared their tsurak (skimwing).  Neteyam had gathered with a few of the friends and siblings of Tsireya’s, and they began calling to their Elus. 
Before you knew it, they had left, and you were stranded to deal with those who stayed, and the frightful response that endured. You quickly made yourself available however, and it came to the point where many had left to join the fight. You knew you should’ve stayed like Neteyam had said, but something in you felt you needed to go.
Watching as a few members of the Metkayina left you, you went over to an Elu you had learned to ride previously and got on. Latching on you swam quickly after them. Neteyam and the rest of the clan had traveled north to where the Tulkuns were located, and evident by the smell in the air, you could tell one of the RDA ships was nearby.
You braced the Elu tightly, its soft squawks, reminding your beating heart to be careful.
Arriving at the scene, nothing could’ve prepared you for what you were about to see. So much so, you had troubles choking back the sob bursting from you.
Why great mother. You thought to yourself in anguish.
A fire had struck out, and multiple RDA ships crashed out into the rocks. However, what made your heart burn was the sight of a Tulkun and its newborn laying cold as it drifted away in the water. Your heart burned, and the unshed tears began to fall.
You had long known the RDA and group of humans posed a threat to your home world, but you never knew how much damage they could create.
Up ahead you heard commotion, you saw yelling, and the sounds of gunshots, and the familiar voice of the Sully family. You gasped, clicking at your Elu to swim forward, as you swam slowly toward the sight before you.
You could see Lo’ak much to your relief and the rest of the Sully family, including Tsireya, your eyes squinted as you scanned for the familiar face of your beloved, but couldn’t see it.
Up ahead you saw an Ikran swoop by, Neytiri perching onto the jagged rocks, as she crouched down. It was then you could finally see the circle of commotion around a singular body.
Your heart fell silent, your body taking over as you began whispering prayers underneath your breath that the reality wasn’t true. Tsireya, who had been consoling Lo’ak looked up when she heard you. Her eyes softened as tears welled in her eyes, the look of apology written on her face.
“No...” You whispered, you left unto the rock, your eyes blind to everyone around you except for Neteyam. “No... my Neteyam.”
You looked upon his shaking body, his eyes squinting beneath the setting sun, as you tilted down to see his hand as well as Lo’ak’s trying to put pressure on the obvious wound. Blood was spilling everywhere, mixing in with the waves of water that crashed next to you.
Jake who was right next to you, put a hand delicately on your shoulder, you looked up shaking your head. “I can fix this... I- "
Jake nodded in earnest, “Please.” He looked over to Neytiri who looked blankly in disbelief. “Please. For our son.”
You crouched over Neteyam, the tears in your eyes now hitting his chest as he shuddered, his eyes dilating as he began to go unconscious. You gasped pushing your two hands onto his chest, urging him to stay awake. “Please, my love. Stay awake.”
Neteyam’s ears twitched at your familiar voice, a ghost of a smile evident on his face. “Y/n I- "He began to choke on air. This was enough for you to close your eyes and begin reciting your prayers.
Everything about this was familiar to you, you couldn't put on one hand how many times you had recited these same prayers to injured Navi, but this was different. Neteyam was everything to you. He had been the one pillar that stood tall throughout the entire time you had known him.
Your visions began to burst in colors, the familiar songs of ancestors reaching out through your mind as you felt your body move in harmony. You were asking, no demanding for Ewya to heal him. You felt the sensation reach through your chest and to your fingertips.
You heard Neteyam continue to struggle, as your voice grew louder as well as your tears. You would not give up on him.
Visions flashed through your mind, memories of the first time you met him, the first time you loved him. You could see it crystal clear in your mind, his adoring smile, the way he caressed you, his laughter bubbling out into a crisp day outshining any cloudy thoughts in your mind.
“Ewya gave me a purpose.” You used to joke with Neteyam, on one of the many excursions through the forest. “And initially I thought I was some sort of vessel but… I think she wanted me to meet you.”
Neteyam smiled, his hand reaching over to grasp your face. “You are my purpose.”
You felt the memory fade, as white invaded your visions, you felt your head reach up in shock, your hands trembling as you felt your powers surge into Neteyam. You smiled, before your vision began to fade, and you felt reality come back to you.
Your vision wobbled slightly, feeling the pain and tiredness roll over you. The sun had now set to twilight, the fire beside you from the RDA ship twinkling menacingly in the corner of your eye. You looked around realizing most of the Sully clan had left, which most likely had to do with the fact that little Tuk and Kiri were not evident on your arrival.
You tried focusing on one thing at a time, your mind feeling as if you had been run over by a ship. You looked down at your hands, which still laid peacefully on Neteyam’s chest, layered with his blood. You moved your hands, to see much to your relief, that the bullet wound was gone. Your eyes then cast their gaze on Neteyam’s face, who other than a few bruises, slept peacefully.
To make sure that it wasn’t a dream, you pushed your head down to his chest where his heart laid. You could feel the resounding thump in chorus to your own, and you couldn’t help the tears fall once again. You felt yourself smile, nuzzling into his chest. “Oh, my Ewya… thank you.”
You didn’t know how long you laid there, until you felt a hand creep up your neck, and to your hair, where it patted gently. You gasped, looking up to see Neteyam’s eyes fully open and a smug smirk placed happily on his face. “Well look at that, my own savior.”
If it wasn’t for the way his playfulness exacerbated from his body, you wouldn’t have furrowed your brows in frustration. “Neteyam!” You slapped him in the chest, as he groaned. You gasped, before scowling as he let out a laugh, pushing up from his lying position.
“Y/N…” He grasped your hands with his own, oblivious to the fact that blood still caked your fingers. “I was right.”
“Oh?” You thought curiously, smiling in disbelief that Neteyam still faced your own. “What is that?”
“You are my purpose.” Neteyam grinned, reaching up to caress your cheek, before leaning in to grasp your lips with his own. As you kissed you couldn’t help but feel he was right.
Perhaps that was it. Your mother had said you were a gift. You had a purpose in life. And maybe that purpose in life was in fact intertwined with his.
You were Neteyam’s, as much as he was yours.
taglist: (comment or dm and ask if you want to be in my taglist!)
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oddheadd · 2 months
Perfect Husband
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You didn't have that much experience with guys, and the little things you did experience weren't good at all. Everything felt so... Empty. The "Wyd" texts and shallow conversations at the bar didn't satisfy you. You knew what you wanted, and you decided to go for it.
So when you met him it felt so real and unreal at the same time.. He felt real as in he understood you, he engaged in interesting conversations and knew just what was the best for you.
...And he felt unreal as in he wasn't... Human? Like a man from 19th century novels, he was gentle, polite, relatable but mysterious enough to keep you wanting him. The problem before was everybody acting same, now you were weirded out with how unique he was? You started thinking you were the problem.
Therefore, after a few months of dating, when he set up a beautiful dinner table for you two, with candles, flowers, perfectly cooked delicacies and asked you to marry him, you said yes.
You cut the steak and...
"Oh... This seems raw..?"
"It's medium rare, dear. But I won't feel bad if you don't want to eat it." - he smiled.
You felt lucky. So, you cut a piece of it, and put the red, moist and almost slimy piece of meat in your mouth. His smile widened as he watched you do so. You chewed and chewed, trying not to think too much about the texture or the taste, instead washing it down with red wine and forcing a smile.
The night ended with him gently holding and kissing you, while not so gently fucking into you. It felt almost like a reward for accepting his proposal, and the amount of times he made you cum only supported that theory.
The wedding happened shortly after, him making sure it was as big or as small as you wanted.
Everything after that felt like a dream... In a literal sense. You found yourself derealizating on more occasions than you can remember. Feeling dizzy, out of the place and unreal was then a daily accurance for you. And you didn't quite feel comfortable with talking about it with your husband.
But it didn't matter... Not as long as at the end of the day you laid in his arms.
However, even that comfort was broken when only weeks after your marriage, he started staying at his job later and later... As soon as he got home he'd take a shower, too.
Suspecting that your husband was cheating, you decided to follow him one day.
The day went on fine, he stayed at his job til 8, but then he left. You quietly followed, wanting to catch him in the act. He... Went into the woods..? Was he actually fucking someone in the woods? Then you saw another person... But they seemed to not be aware of your husband being there. In fact, he was watching them... Stalking them like a predator would to a prey. The person was obviously wasted, having come in the woods to relieve themself.
Your dear husband got up from his hiding spot, and approached the person... And so you watched in horror as his limbs started twisting unnaturally, making popping and cracking sounds as, his skin changing it's color into a dark red, almost a bloody color. He turned into something incomprehensible... A monster.
His now inhumane looking jaw unclenched, opening so wide he could swallow a man whole, and he took a generous bite out of the person, their bloodcurdling screams not loud enough to bury the sound of your ears ringing.
Despite the scenery being hard to look at, you turned around to leave, but stumbled and fell down with a loud noise.
Your husband's head turned towards you slowly, and his smile fell.
The dream turned into a nightmare.
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Man I just love creepy, cannibalistic, eldrich monsters/gods and not in an only ha they're sexy way (I blame the movie Ritual)
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that-cool-guy · 4 months
sorry if this one isn’t as good as the last I did make this one a bit faster than the last one (if things don’t make sense sorry :[)
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JUST two strip things this time aha BUT PAST JOHN HAS NOW REALIZED HES NOT HERE WITH JUST FLOYD John has realized quickly that this troll looks WAY to much like him in his 20s into 30s NOT TO BE HIM Clay has made some crack theory hes on the right path tho previous next CAPTIONS vvv
John Dory: What... uh... Whatcha got there . . . Floyd: woah hey! its ok (next to him says turn as he has turned back to Past JD) Clay: A clipboard John hops down from Rhonda and walks towards Floyd and Past JD Above John's head says LOOM as he looms over the two Clay: John? Clay: Do you know who they are? Past JD [internally]: "John"? Like me? Past JD flicks his ear when he hears the name John Past JD: Huh? Past JD [internally]: this dream is so weird next to his head says; who is this?? im so confused John Dory [internally]: Where did I come from.. that troll is surely me
Clay: Hm.. Clay [internally]: they look similar... have the same type coat- and same type glove. The troll has JD's old goggles- JD's old goggles? Clay [internally]: JD'S OLD GOGGLES. OH MY TROLL Clay: JOHN DORY. DID YOU HAVE A CHILD?? Branch: another brother with kids?? John Dory: HUH??? Past JD: what..? under Past JD says "tunnel vision deactivated" as he "just clocked it's not JUST Floyd" Flashback Clay: EEHEHE! LOOK AT BABY BRANCH JOHN!! LOOK!! Flashback Clay: HAHA oh you're so cute! yes you are! Flashback Branch: Abba ba ba Past JD: AUGH end
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pastel-peach-writes · 6 months
Can you CatVi x Reader where Reader touched VI’s jacket and it got into a mess of paint that the Reader was painting and Vi and Cait came home and saw the painting but saw VI’s jacket. But Vi was shocked and didn’t say anything but was angry.
Comin' right up!
Don't Cry Over Spilled Paint | CaitVi x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Messy. That was the word to describe you and your relationship with paint. After fair warnings to wash your hands after you paint, you get yourself into some trouble that might bite you in the butt later on.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Cursing, Not Proofread, 3000+ words, No Use of Y/n, Angry Vi, Fluff Towards The End, Caitlyn Giggles (shh)
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
(A/N): UMMM totally didn't see where Anon said Vi doesn't say anything ab being upset. She totally did and IM SO SORRY ANON 😭😭
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You weren't sure how it happened. One minute you were painting a beautiful piece that showed Zaun in its light and then the next you were frantically scrubbing paint off of Vi's red jacket.
Maybe this could've been avoided if you just listened to Caitlyn.
"Make sure you wash your hands after you paint," she would always say to you. "You touch everything after you paint and you get paint everywhere."
You should've listened to her, you really should've, but she wasn’t here to warn you. So, technically, this was on her!
"Come on, come on," you muttered as you scrubbed a white rag on the jacket. Luckily, the paint spot was small. The color of the paint a navy blue and it was right next to some forever dirt patches in the jacket so the spot wasn't noticeable.
With the jacket and rag underneath running water, you declared the jacket done. The paint had already dried and there was no going back now. Besides, would Vi really notice that minuscule spot? You didn't think so.
A relieved sigh escaped your mouth as you shut off the tap. Wringing the rag out, you noticed two palm-sized white spots on the jacket. You set the rag down, going to inspect the jacket but before the jacket even touched your hands, your heart dropped to your feet.
The palms of your hands were white from priming your next canvas. The same white on the jacket matched the white on your hands.
Maybe it's just a coincidence.
You leaned your head further into the sink, too terrified to even touch the jacket. Through the white primer on the jacket, some lines and cracks matched the pattern of a human's palms. Okay, if your heart hadn't sunk before, it was now. Oh, and now you were trembling with fear.
You turned the tap on again. The water splashed and sprouted upwards from hitting Vi's jacket. You watched as the soaked jacket continued to take more water but the white spots not diminishing.
You turned the tap to hot.
Still the same reaction. Jacket soaks up water, paint remains untouched.
You should've noticed that the paint on your hands wasn't transferring to the faucet handles; a sign of dried hand paint.
"We're home!" Caitlyn's voice rang throughout the home.
You thought you had more time. You thought you could take her jacket to the dry cleaners and get someone to professionally get the paint out yet leave all the dirt and grime so Vi wouldn't notice the difference.
You thought you had time to research how to get primer out of fabric and search up which primer you used to see if it was water-soluble. Was there even such a thing as a water-soluble primer? What's the point of a primer if it disappears with water?? FUCK.
Wooden creaks and deep steps rattled the floor above you. Caitlyn and Vi were settling themselves in the kitchen. This meant you had some time to hide the jacket in your studio before Vi noticed her missing jacket.
Quickly, you grabbed a plastic bag and shoved her jacket inside. You needed to keep the jacket wet. The wetter the jacket, the easier the paint comes out. Well, that was your theory at least. Tying the bag into knots you'll have to cut out later, you shoved the bag into a box of battered art supplies.
Don't ask why you have a large cardboard box filled with dead/empty art supplies. You don't know yourself.
"Muffin!" Vi shouted from the studio's entrance. "You comin' up or what?"
"Yeah!" your voice trembled. "Just trying to wash some paint off my hands."
Hearing the slight tremble in your voice, Vi took it upon herself to travel down into the basement-- oh, sorry, into your art studio -- to see what was the matter.
However, once she reached the halfway point of the staircase, you came running up.
"Whoa," Vi laughed. She placed her hands on your shoulders to prevent the two of you from colliding. "Where's the fire?"
You chuckled, sheepish and breathless. "Oh, uh. I thought you guys needed me and I didn't want you to wait much longer."
"Oh, well, that's cute of you, Muffin, but we're alright." Vi ruffled your hair. "I just wanted to make sure you ate your food before it gets cold."
"Aw, you got me food?" You put your hands on her shoulders and pushed her up the stairs. There was some resistance, naturally, but Vi let you push her up anyway.
"Well, yeah we know you've been--"
"Caitlyn!" you greeted, locking eyes with her. The girl was mid-bite in a pancake, the circle good dangling from her mouth and eyes wide. Vi laughed at her and the girl quickly took the pancake from her mouth with red cheeks.
"H-Hi!" she returned the greeting. She stood up from the counter and cleaned her hands off with a napkin. "Um, we got you food. Your favorite breakfast meal."
"Oh, great!" You removed your hands from Vi's body and made a beeline into the kitchen. The food was already plated for you with your favorite beverage on the side. You ate contently, trying not to let your worry show through facial expressions.
What was your plan now? Do you tell her? Do you let that jacket mildew and mold and hope she forgets about it? No, there's not way she could forget about it. She wears that jacket every damn day.
"Muffin," Vi said, pulling you out of your thoughts. Caitlyn and Vi were sitting at the counter across from you. When did they get there? You had no clue. "Why are your palms white? Like, whiter than Caitlyn white?"
You stifled a laugh while Caitlyn swatted her arm. "I was painting. That's why I was in the studio."
"Yeah, I know," Vi said through laughter. Caitlyn's swat had no effect on her. "But I thought you were washing your hands? Your hands were wet when you were pushing me up the-- wait," Violet deadpanned. "I don't have paint on me, do I?"
Frantic, the woman searched her arms for paint. The woman was wearing nothing but a plain white tank and some random pants. You would totally be distracted by her buff arms if your heart wasn't slowly finding its place in your chest.
Caitlyn hummed, eating a piece of pancake while she searched Vi's body. "No, you look fine which tells me someone forgot to wash their hands after they were done painting again." You received a scolding look from the English lady.
You shrugged with a dry chuckle. "Don't worry. I didn't get paint on anything."
Safe to say, your girlfriends did not believe you. Immediately springing up from their chairs, they raced to your studio despite your pleas.
They couldn't find any new marks of paint on the walls or support pillars. In fact, when they were done searching, they stumbled upon your Zaun painting and praised you for how well you captured the city.
"Wow, Muffin, you did really good with this," Vi complimented. Her fingers reached out towards the canvas, but you quickly slapped her hand away.
"Don't touch! It's still wet."
Vi snickered but obeyed. She stepped back but continued to admire your recent artwork.
Caitlyn, on the other hand, wasn't fully convinced you didn't touch anything with your painted hands. She strode towards the sink to see if there were any new paint marks. Instead of finding new paint, she found that the sink was still shiny from recent usage.
She hummed to herself. Vi said your hands were wet, though no paint transferred to her arms. So, your hands weren't wet with paint but with water. Caitlyn's gaze flickered over to your damp washcloth. Recently wrung up with a new paint mark.
The mark was a faded blue. The blue matched the blues you used in your painting, but the mark wasn't big enough for Caitlyn to assume you were cleaning up your lines with a towel.
You spilled paint on something, but on what?
To the left of her, Caitlyn spotted the box of art supplies. A hoarder, her partner was, keeping empty paint tubes, dead brushes, and other things you use for your craft.
What Caitlyn spotted was a new lump in the box. Instead of your dead supplies lying relatively flat, there was something disturbing the colorful sea, something hiding.
"Darling," Caitlyn called out for you with a finger on her chin and her other arm supporting the elbow. "Did you run out of a lot of paint while making that piece? Your graveyard of art supplies seemed to have grown."
Both yours and Vi's gaze snapped from the painting and to Caitlyn.
The three of you sat in silence, yet the tension in the air rose.
Your gaze flickered from the box, to Vi, to the box, to Caitlyn, and then back to the box.
Before anyone could say anything, you dashed. You didn't get far, matter of fact, you got nowhere before Vi wrapped her arms around your middle to hold you back.
Caitlyn went digging through the box, detirmined. Nothing could get past her. Not even her partner who loves to paint but is too messy for their own good.
"Aha!" Caitlyn triumphed as she held up the tied plastic bag. She poked the bag, a smile growing on her face. "Interesting. It's still wet and slimy inside. A recent hiding, must I say."
"Cait, don't!" you plead, squirming and wiggling under Vi's grip. The pinkette tightened her grasp around you.
"You're not going anywhere," her voice rasped through gritted teeth. You were being a challenge with all your squirms, but Vi had no problem throwing you over her shoulder if you became too much. Besides, she was having too much fun watching you beg and plead for Caitlyn not to open the bag.
"I'm sorry, but I have to." Caitlyn's long and slender fingers toyed with the knot. She used her fingernails to pull up a piece of the thin plastic before slipping her finger inside to loosen the knot completely.
"Caitlyn, I'm telling you, do not open that bag."
Opened, she did.
The girl barely took a gander before she gasped at the bag's containment. "You're right," she said through a trembling and quiet voice. "I do not need to open this bag. This bag must remain closed."
"What?" Vi exclaimed, letting go of you. "Oh, come on! Show me what's in the bag! It isn't fair you two know what it is and I don't."
Vi marched over to Caitlyn, but the blue-haired girl held the bag over her head. "No, Violet, I mean it. We need to respect our partner's boundaries and not open this bag."
You were frozen in fear. Vi was too close to the bag for your own good. You were thankful for Caitlyn's understanding of keeping the bag away from Vi, but that didn't mean you wont be hearing a lesson in your near future.
"Bull. Shit." Vi then brought her fingers to Caitlyn's armpit and tickled her. The bluenette immediately caved with giggles. Her crinkled eyes and cute smile would usually be an adorable sight to see, but right now, the sight made you seethe with anger.
Really, Cait? Couldn't hold on for just a bit longer?
Caitlyn brought her arm down, folding it like a chicken wing to stop Vi from tickling her. "Stop!" she giggled.
Vi grinned, snatching the back from her hand. "Anything for you, princess." The pinkette opened the bag and stared at its contents.
Caitlyn slid her way over to you, a small frown on her face as she played with her hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep it away from her for long," she whispered.
You sighed, watching Vi's face crinkle and express many, yet unreadable, emotions. "It's fine," you whispered back. "Just promise you'll attend my funeral."
Finally, after what seemed like 30 agonizing minutes, Vi spoke. "Is this my jacket?"
You gulped. "What do you want it to be?"
Vi called you by your name, her gaze lasering on you. Her eyes were darkened with anger, her lips upturned into a scowl. "Don't play cute with me," she called you by your name again. "Is this my jacket?"
Your heart was back in your chest again, but this time, it felt like it wanted to escape. A deep lump lodged and settled itself in your throat, making it difficult to say the words your brain was telling you to say.
Your chalky palms now wet from sweat and your body buzzing with anxiety. You couldn't say anything. You wanted to, but you couldn't.
You only watched the ticking time bomb on Vi's face as her expression went from upset to vexed. Her face was red with anger, the hands gripping the bag turned into fists, and her chest rose and fell with each staggered breath.
Vi took her jacket out of the bag. She scoffed at its drenched state and brought it over to the sick. She wrung it out like you did once before with a rag. Her hands were covering where the spots were.
Much like yourself, Caitlyn couldn't say a word. The two of you watched her like deers stuck in headlights. What could one say to de-escalate the situation? Caitlyn felt that if she tried to calm Vi down, she would be brushed off and told not to speak.
Vi studied the jacket from each angle. She studied the front, she studied the back. She studied the inside and then studied the pockets. It wasn't until she draped the jacket over a forearm she saw the two obnoxious spots of primer.
"I can't believe this," Vi said quietly, only a true sign of her deep anger. "Time and time again, we tell you to wash your hands and not touch anything. It was cute the first couple of times, annoying the next, and now I'm pissed off."
This had to be worse than any lecture Caitlyn would've given you.
"This is my jacket. My favorite jacket." Vi's back was turned to you, but now she's facing you dead on. Honest, you preferred her back to you. Then you wouldn't have to see the hurt in her eyes and she wouldn't have to see the sadness in yours.
A voice in Vi's head told her to stop talking but the anger she was feeling mimicked the anger she felt when Vander died. She had no control over what she was going to say, she could feel it. She wanted to stop talking to prevent further damage, but her emotions took her whole.
"I stole this from some rando after I beat his ass. I've had this for around 2 years now and until you came along, it was unscathed."
"Vi..." Caitlyn warned.,
"Sure, there were some dirt and sweat stains here and there, but that's what gave this jacket character. It's what made this jacket more like me because even though it was dirty, grimy, and stinky, it preserved through all the shit it went through," Vi continued.
You weren't sure if you were crying. Your eyes stung like you were, but the rest of your body shut down. Vi's words were like piercing sharp arrows flying through the wind and your body was the target. You've mastered the heart of tuning out lengthy and emotional lectures thanks to your parents, but all that skill was no match for Vi's words.
"All it took. All it took was your careless thinking and some fucking paint to ruin the one thing that felt like me. Thanks for that." Vi threw the jacket into the sink and went upstairs.
She didn't bother to look you or Caitlyn in the eye.
It's been a few days and you and Vi haven't talked. The first few days you didn't talk because the wounds were still fresh but as the silence grew and the wounds began to heal, the problem was finding the right words to say.
You've tried to apologize for the jacket multiple times, but she wouldn't hear it. Caitlyn even took the jacket to the cleaners to get the stains out, but Vi didn't want to see it.
Every time Vi got a glimpse of you or the jacket hanging in the closet, she knew she had to apologize to you. She wanted to apologize to you, but she didn't know how. Caitlyn tried to help countless of times, but no avail.
Sleeping arrangements were worse.
Vi slept on the couch the first few nights and then after some coaxing by Caitlyn, Vi slept on the furtherest side of the bed. Typically she liked to be in the middle or you would be in the middle, but as of late, she slept on the left and you slept on the right.
Poor Caitlyn had to sleep in the middle. She hated the middle. She didn't like how warm the two of you were in the night, making her burn up. She didn't like how if she wanted to read or work in bed, she couldn't turn the nightstand lamp on. The middle was awful. She wanted her right side back.
The night of the week anniversary of the argument, you and Vi stumbled into the bedroom to find Caitlyn sitting on the edge of the bed and glaring at the two of you.
"I am not sleeping in the middle any longer," she declared. "You two are too warm, I don't have enough arm or leg room, and I can't read which means I'm restless every time I sleep!" Caitlyn stood from the bed, arms crossed over her body. "And to be fair, I've grown tired of your childish argument. You two are grown adults. Talk your shit out so we can sleep in our rightful places."
You and Vi glanced at each other.
You already said your apology. What else could you say? It wasn't like you could offer her a meal, it was too late to eat and you definitely weren't saying another apology,
Vi sighed, looking away first. She shrugged, going to the left side of the bed. Caitlyn stopped her by pushing a hand to her chest. "Nuh-uh," Caitlyn eyed her. She pointed towards your direction with her brows furrowed. Vi groaned and walked back over to you.
"Oh, well that's one way to make a person feel warm and fuzzy inside," you scoffed. Vi rolled her eyes.
"Oh, please, you mean like ruining someone's jacket?"
"It wasn't on purpose!" you exclaimed. "You know it wasn't on purpose. I understand your being upset for my clumsiness and lack of awareness when it comes to wet paint, but you can't still be mad at me for something I got fixed."'
"You didn't even fix it," Vi rolled her eyes again. "One of Caitlyn's fancy buddies did."
"And who do you think paid for that?" you scoffed at her. "It might've been a buddy of hers but I still had to pay full price for a Piltover dry cleaning service. I don't believe in waving money and prices over people's faces, but since you want to go there, that cost me two months' worth of payments and as a starving artist, that's a lot of money to recover."
Vi only shrugged as her mouth converted into some sort of frown. She didn't know you had to pay 1,200 dollars to get her jacket fixed. She could've been more grateful and showed you some gratitude for getting her jacket cleaned, but you were the one who ruined it anyway. It was your job to get the jacket cleaned.
Caitlyn sighed. "Vi, stop being stubborn and say 'thank you' and an apology."
"Why should I have to say an apology?" Vi knew why, though she didn't want to admit it aloud.
"Why?" Caitlyn scoffed. "Vi, I knew you were thick-headed but I never thought it to be this extreme." Shaking her head, Caitlyn climbed into bed. "Fine then. Don't apologize and don't patch things up. I'm tired of being the referee."
Something stirred inside Vi. It wasn't anger or contentment, but instead a sadness. Not only is she unable to patch things up with you, but now she's dragged Caitlyn into this mess. Caitlyn was the peacemaker because Vi, herself, was unable to make peace with anything.
Caitlyn didn't deserve this. You didn't either.
If Vi didn't nip this in the bud, she was going to lose the both of you. She was going to lose the only people who saw her for her and loved her regardless of her faults.
"I'm sorry," the words stumbled out of Vi like a baby bird trying to fly for the first time, "to the both of you."
Caitlyn peered up at her with a book in her hand. You, who hasn't said or done anything since the last time you spoke, met her gaze.
"Muffin, I'm sorry for lashing out on you and not being mature enough to handle this situation properly. You trying to hide the bag is on me because I should've created a space where you can come to me about anything. Even if you think it may upset me."
"It's okay--"
"It's not okay. You don't have to forgive me or say some line like, 'Oh, everyone gets angry sometimes'. No. It's not okay and I apologize for my behavior. I'm working on it." Vi put a hesitant hand on your shoulder. When you allowed her to, she smiled and pressed a kiss ot your temple.
"And, Cupcake," Vi addressed Caitlyn. Caitlyn hummed in response. "I'm sorry for roping you into this and not realizing how miserable you were while Muffin and I fought."
"Yeah," you chimed. "I'm sorry about that too. You didn't deserve any of this."
A soft smile rested upon Caitlyn's lips. She motioned the two of you over, willingly wanting to be in the middle so she could hug you both. You and Vi gathered by her side, wrapping an arm around her. "I love you too, lugs," Caitlyn said behind a laugh. "I hope we can all learn from this."
"Yeah," you said behind a grin. "I learned that Caitlyn is severely ticklish and will cave immediately after a few seconds of tickling."
"What?" Caitlyn blushed. "No, that was not the lesson here," she nervously chuckled, her blush already spreading to her ears.
Vi laughed along with you. "Yeah, actually. I accidentally found that out like a month or two ago and only used it the day of the fiasco."
You gasped. "You found out and you didn't tell me?"
"Well, I didn't know how!" Vi laughed.
"Now, hang on a minute," Caitlyn said trying to catch your attention.
"Well, now I feel left out." "Who's to say you can't tickle her now?"
"Hold on!" Caitlyn pleaded but it was too late. Your hands and fingers found the soft skin on her stomach and laughs roared out of her. Vi joined the activity, tickling some of her neck.
Even after a week of drama, the love between the three of you remained. Plus, you guys even got some giggles out of it.
WC: 3,877
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dollfaceksj · 8 months
Just saw your wips…. crack drabble series for Yoongi? Count me in pls!!!!
hope u like it 😘😘😘 tell me what u think!
ps: unlike toapp, this will have WEEKLY updates instead of daily updates. 🫶🏽 MASTERLIST POST to can’t afford love coming shortly after this.
can’t afford love | myg (m) #1
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“come on,” you sigh as the child in front of you stubbornly crosses his arms and looks away
you sit back and stare at him for a while, his shoe in your hand that he refuses to let you put on. “jun, we’re going to be late. miss jiyeong isn’t gonna be happy.”
he still refuses to even acknowledge your presence, staring at the wall like the little brat he is
he looks so much like his damn father.
stubborn little shit.
he’s mad because he wanted to eat his breakfast on his own
ended up spilling on the shirt he insisted on wearing today
which you had to change OBVIOUSLY
you wish you could argue with kids cause why are they DUMB.
he’s upset because
jun absolutely loves daycare
he loves spending time with his friends
and as a mother it pains you immensely
it pains you so fucking much
to realize that your child
is lonely.
“okay, jun. that means no more spongebob or daycare for a whole week,” you sigh as you rise to your feet and drop his shoes, pretending to head out the door without him
he cries out to make you stop in your tracks, inevitably ending his silent treatment towards you
you turn around to face him and place your hands on your hips. “are you gonna listen to mommy now or not?”
soft tears prick in his eyes as he nods, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand
“come here,” you coo as you squat and welcome him into your arms, kissing the top of his head. “you really wanted to leave me while you’re mad at me? you don’t want to break mommy’s heart, right?”
he shakes his head as he wipes his other eye, face still buried in the crook of your neck
every other monday, you bring jun to daycare and his father picks him up there at the end of the day. the following monday, it’s your turn to pick him up from daycare and keep him for the rest of the week until you have to drop him off again and not see him for the coming week
it’s the easiest way of doing week-week with your ex husband without having to see him.
your ex-husband…
min yoongi.
it’s been a little over a year since your divorce
you’ve seen him a few times since and it was only ever in regards to jun
well.. about 3 weeks following your divorce you’d have sex with him a few times but thats it. its been a year since
you’re bitter about the divorce but you can’t be too bitter
not when it was your idea to divorce to begin with
what else were you supposed to do? you were at home, taking care of everything and your husband was buried in work, gone all the time
such a typical fucking marriage
that you did not need nor want
the months leading up to your divorce were the worst, eventually the reason that made you snap
it was almost like living with a roommate who you barely saw
you weren’t worried about infidelity
no that wasn’t it
it was just the worry of your husband slowly falling out of love with you and you escaping before that theory could become reality
he was surprised when you slammed the divorce papers down onto his desk but he didn’t fight you
he didn’t protest, he didn’t pry, he didn’t do anything. asked how you two were going to handle jun and it came down to week-week.
now with a calm jun in your arms, you slowly shove the shoes onto his little feet before grabbing your purse and heading out the door of your apartment with your son in your arms
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
like clockwork, it’s the next monday and time for you to pick up jun from daycare
it’s only noon so you’ve got time to clean around the house before having to pick jun up
until your doorbell rings
you weren’t expecting anyone today
you wrap the thin bathrobe around your naked (bra and underwear) body, having just come out the shower
you cautiously open the door to be met
ex husband
holding your son
holy shit
what the fuck
you haven’t seen this man in months
sent him a few texts here and there
but its been so long since u’ve last seen him
why is your heart
in its rhythm
absolutely just
against your ribcage
your sons head leaning on yoongi’s shoulder, diaper butt perked up on his forearm
yoongi’s hair has grown a lot, ends tickling his shoulders and neck
white dress shirt and black slacks
he uhhh
looks pretty good.
too fucking good.
a frown creeps onto your brows at the sight in front of you. “what’s going on?”
“daycare called me, said he’d been vomiting. he’s burning up,” he replies, not protesting when your worried face lunges at your baby and take him from your exhusband’s arms
“why the hell didn’t they call me? they know he’s supposed to be with me this week.” your son is sound asleep in your arms, your hand gently rubbing his back as you walk further into your apartment
yoongi stays in the entrance but closes the door behind him to keep the cold out
“i don’t know. they just called me and i went to go pick him up.”
ugh he’s so nonchalant with everything
you glance over your shoulder at him. you start, “why didn’t you call me then?”
at this, he frowns. “i brought him here cause i didn’t want to worry you over the phone. is there a problem?”
of course he wants to make this into a bigger deal than it is.
of fucking course
“for fucks sake,” you mumble as you shake your head and lie your son down on the couch, surrounding him with pillows and blankets
“update me on his condition. i have to go back to work,” yoongi says as he opens the front door
“yeah, don’t let the door hit you on your way out,” you mutter under your breath as you fetch your thermometer to take your son’s temperature
yoongi scoffs but doesn’t say anything else before he leaves
but then
you realize that
yoongi could
the small problem
you’ve been struggling with
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
your son has been sick the past few days, holed up at home and complaining about not seeing his friends on his birthday
he had a whole birthday outfit planned and snacks that he was going to share with everyone which he can’t do now
“what do you want for your birthday, baby?” you ask as you stroke his head
“daddy,” is all he says
“you’ll celebrate your birthday with daddy next week. what do you want to do with mommy?”
“i want daddy and mommy.” he continues to play with his airplanes as you blink at him. he’s never demanded you two be together so you have no idea how to even process this
“daddy is busy tonight, baby.” you stroke his cheek
he drops his airplane. “call daddy.”
“i want daddy.”
the exasperated sigh that leaves you is almost painful as you reach for your phone
jun is just staring at you with his arms crossed and a frown on his little brows
having to dial his number on a wednesday at 5pm
how embarrassing
he picks up after the 2nd ring and you put it on speaker
“oh, what’s up, buddy? my birthday boy. you feeling any better?”
“that’s good to hear, daddy was worried about you, you know.”
“daddy’s gonna do lots of fun things with you next week. are you excited?”
“okay, that’s good, baby. i’ll see you soon, okay?”
“daddy, wait.”
“daddy come eat with me and mommy.”
“jun,” you mumble in a warning tone
fuck sake.
“i want daddy.”
“i don’t think mommy would like that, buddy. we’ll do something fun next week.”
“no, i want it for birthday, daddy. mommy also want.”
you shoot a stern frown at jun but he simply doesn’t care
“can you give mommy the phone, jun?”
“mommy hears you.”
you sigh quietly as you rub your eyebrows.
“what’s going on?”
“i’m not sure where this is coming from but jun wants to have dinner with us.”
it’s quiet on the other end. “tonight?”
“yes, tonight, yoongi. it’s his birthday and he’s been holed up for days with no one but me.”
“i know, i know.” a soft sigh leaves his lips. “i’ll be there at 7.”
your heart almost skips a beat
“see you then,” you say as you hang up
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
you get ready
you don’t even know why you’re wearing makeup and have your hair done wearing that dress that dress that yoongi likes so much
you’re doing it for your son’s birthday of course
and not because you’ve been contemplating asking yoongi a specific question
as you smooth out your dress and help a very nicely dressed jun sit at the table—that is filled with all of your best home made foods
the door rings
and your heart continues to pound out of your chest
you slowly walk up to the door and open it up, meeting eyes with your exhusband
clad in a simple black suit and his hair nicely styled with one side tucked behind his ear, he’s holding a bag and a bouquet of roses
your eyes shift to the roses with a quirk in your brow
“these are for jun,” he mumbles as he impatiently waits for you to step aside which you eventually do
he kicks his shoes off and hands you the bouquet before jun hops off his seat and runs up to his father
yoongi drops the plastic bag he’s holding onto the floor and hunches over to catch jun, raising him up and holding him in his arms. “who’s turning 3 years old today?”
“me?” jun replies, uncertain
“of course, you, silly! not daddy, right? are you crazy? is jun crazy?” he jokes as he pokes juns belly and nips at the crook of his neck, making jun laugh and giggle as he tries to resist
it warms your heart to see jun so happy
even if he was a shit fuckin husband
he’s always been an exceptional father
“come on, food’s gonna get cold,” you say as you walk up to the table, sitting in your usual spot
yoongi and jun join you shortly after and you have a nice dinner
as a family
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
sitting at the table with a bottle of wine screwed open
jun on the floor in front of the tv with the new big toy he got from his father
you glance at yoongi who wipes his mouth with a napkin before shifting his gaze toward you
“i’ve missed your food,” he comments as he leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. “thanks. it was really good.”
you nod. “thanks for coming.”
he shakes his head. “whatever jun wants, jun gets.”
you chuckle quietly and take another sip from your wine. you’ve been building the courage to ask yoongi that one question for almost an hour now
“yoongi,” you start as you place your glass back down on the table in front of you
he tilts his head to the side, an indicator that he hears you loud and clear
“you know,” you say as you take a deep breath. “jun aches to go to daycare. because he’s lonely.”
yoongi simply blinks at you, seemingly wondering where you’re going with this
it’s so quiet for several moments, only the distant sounds of jun playing with his toys and spongebob playing on your tv reach your ears
“he’s lonely, yoongi,” you reiterate
he frowns this time, titling his head for a second in utter confusion
“i don’t understand what you want from me. i do my best to make time for him, you know th–”
“i’m not talking about me or you.”
you stay quiet after that, hoping he’ll figure it out on his own
he doesn’t though, just places his arms on the table, leaning further over it. “what are you getting at, y/n?”
the usage of your name sends a current of electricity up your spine
heats up the back of your neck, cheeks and your ears
“what i’m trying to say is…” you sigh as you bring your hand up to scratch the back of your head, looking away for a few moments
you gather your courage
make eyecontact with him
and part your lips to say;
“would you be willing to give him a sibling?”
to be continued.
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@pamzn @jknoah @ahgasegotarmy116 @jaiuneamesolitaiire
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akoyaxs · 5 months
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dark!coriolanus snow, fem!reader
*❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
“So loud,” he whispers, gripping your hips tightly in his hands. “Is that what you want, to get us caught?”
“N- no,” you pant, pushing your hair from your face and wincing as his grip gets yet tighter on your skin. He must be leaving marks now, but you can’t bring yourself to hate the pain.
You hate him enough already.
You hate his stupid smirk and his way with words that ensures his every victory in any regard. You hate his entitledness and most of all the way that even though you hate him this much, so much that every thought and breath and word of his makes your blood blister in your veins, you can never stop this.
How you can’t seem to stay away from him. That the moment the tension and the arguments and the searing, scorching enmity peaks and overflows, this happens.
Lips smashing angrily on one another, pushing each other away into secret corners and covert shadows, pulling the other closer and pressing nearer and it just never is enough to satiate that burn scorching through you.
Layers stripped away with animalistic impatience proves his dire theories; “the world is the arena and when we have the chance, watch how quickly we deteriorate into basic, primal animals”. Clothes tossed impatiently aside, but most of the time it’s a simple unbuckling of belts and hasty, impatient shovings of skirts. Wrinkles left all over the fine crimson fabric of your uniforms.
And the most detestable part of all is how it stops.
The moment of half-glutted silence for you to catch your breaths, bodies still pressed against one another, hair falling unceremoniously into your shining faces, before it all falls away. The heat of the moment that momentarily would steal your blazing hatred would be washed away, and all that was left was the scorching shame of knowing you let this happen.
He never seemed to see a problem with this unspoken little arrangement. The two of you never spoke about it, never let a single crack sneak into your veneered detestment for each other. He was fine to succumb to the flames when the blaze became too much, and you always seemed to forget that at the heart of it all, he was snow. He was ice.
No matter how hot it got, you’d never melt him.
Behind you, he draws in a deep breath through his nose. His hand snakes its way from its bruising grip holding the soft skin of your hips in place against him, a cold, thin finger reaching to press against the slick heat of your panting lips.
Each hungry, impatient push of his hips tips you closer to the edge. Your mind is nearly blank beyond the numbing burn of his touches, beyond that nagging reminder of the guilt you’ll feel after this. You push it away.
It’s too late now anyway.
You’ll end up doing this again anyway.
You’ll be trapped in this spiral until he ends it; you don’t think you have the strength. Anyway.
Your own sounds sicken you. Grating cries and barely constrained whimpers spilling past your lips, hardly barred by his cold finger.
He feels strangely hot now. Usually – when the two of you aren’t occupied by this impulse, when the two of you are back to your typical enmity – his skin is as cold and pale as snow. He’s haughty, untouchable. Nothing like this flushed, grunting man pushing himself as close and hard towards you, onto you, into you as he can get.
“Shut up,” he pants, his whole hand pressing over his mouth.
You grit your teeth. But you do. You hate that you do. You hate that you can’t help that you do.
You can’t pull yourself together. To slap him away and shout at him like you so desperately want to. To watch those cold blue eyes fill with thoughts and breaths and just plain and simply you. Because he’s all that consumes you now.
Not just with his lips and lust. Even after you break apart and smooth the wrinkles from your uniforms, hiding the searing touches you left across one another, he never leaves from you. He’s burnt into your mind.
So searing it feels like ice. So hard and urgent and pressing it feels like soft, gentle kisses. So dark it’s pure, unadultered white.
Like snow.
*❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Tagging my darlings:
@hadesbabygurl @wavesarchive @kqlopsia @tadomikiku @ntymavtr @mommyanddadskiller @thehoneymushroomhealer @tsireyax @integers @tiyawnyana @whatevenisagrapefruit @oakbuggy @sunsetviper @blue-slxt @simplyawh0re@yootvi @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @vminlvxr @elegantfankidsoul @blue-slxt @neteyamssyulang @theunfortunateplace @lala-1516 @strongheartneteyam @kiskso @deadpool15 @vampirefilmlover @tysirya @universal-s1ut
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justthatwwegirl · 2 months
"She's My Wife, You Idiot!"
(Grayson Waller x Female Reader.)
(This has been on my mind for a while now, AND I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THIS MAN!)
Summary: You and Grayson have been married for over a year now and have kept it a secret. But after taking a terrible bump in the ring, Grayson can't help but come out to check if you're okay, and after Grayson said something to the ref, people find out your relationship.
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(Warnings: Some cursing, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, secret relationship, injury, shitty summary and ending, cringe writing.)
Y/N had came to the arena with Grayson but eventually separated from him to go to one of her friends, Naomi, while Grayson went off to Theory.
"Hey boo!" Naomi said with her positive attitude, giving Y/N a hug in which Y/N returned.
Y/N gave Naomi a smile, talking about her upcoming match against Tiffany while the two walked to catering.
They grabbed their plates and sat down, talking even more.
"Yeah, I got to talk to Tiffany soon about the match, hopefully nothing goes wrong. She's a pretty good wrestler though, so I'm sure it will go as planned." Y/N said and Naomi nodded her head but it seemed like she was more focused on something else.
"Don't freak out, but it looks like Grayson is staring at you again with those stupid heart eyes." Naomi whispered and then Y/N turned around to her one and only husband staring at her.
"What a creep." Naomi said and rolled her eyes before pulling Y/N's gaze away from Grayson.
"He's probably staring at something else that happens to be in our direction." Y/N says, excusing it off.
Naomi looked at her and shook her head, taking another bite out of her food.
While the two went back to talking, Grayson had told Austin that he had to go back to his lockerroom and grab something, leaving catering.
Grayson had given Y/N a look that she immediately recognized.
After a Grayson was gone for a little bit, Y/N had made her excuse.
"Um, I'm going to go use the restroom, get my makeup and hair done, then chat with Tiffany about our match. I'll see you later Trin." Y/N said with a smile and Naomi nodded her head before hugging her goodbye.
"See you after the show boo!" Naomi said in her cheerful tone.
Y/N waved her bye before walking toward a secluded place.
She looked around and just before she turned around, someone had picked her up.
Y/N elbowed the person in their stomach but then heard a familiar groan.
"Grayson! I am so so sorry!" Y/N immediately apologized but Grayson waved it off.
"It's fine." He said clutching his stomach. "But damn can you elbow somebody." He said and Y/N cracked a smile which made Grayson smile.
Grayson gave Y/N a kiss, which then eventually turned into a makeout session.
"Grayson- Gray. I have to... go to hair and makeup, and your... lips are gonna be full of my lipgloss." Y/N had said in-between kisses.
"One more..." Grayson whined when she pulled away from the kiss.
Y/N sighed. "Your lucky I love you." She said before giving Grayson one last, long, and passionate kiss before she had to go.
"I'm very lucky, especially since your my wife." Grayson said in his Australian accent that always made Y/N weak.
They gave each other a hug, Grayson kissing Y/N on her head before she had to leave.
"I'll see you after your match." Grayson said as his match was later on than hers.
"Alright, I look forward to seeing my amazing husband." Y/N said which gave Grayson the biggest smile on his face.
"I love you." He said as she was leaving. "I love you more!" Y/N had to shout a bit but blew a kiss to Grayson, in which he caught it and put his hand over his lips.
She rolled her eyes before going to hair and makeup.
Grayson had returned to Austin and Austin just looked at Grayson weird.
"What mate?" Grayson asked Austin.
"What did you have to grab that you had to to take so long, and where is it?" Austin asked, looking Grayson up and down.
"It wasn't in my lockerroom and I had to use the restroom!" Grayson defended himself.
Austin sighed and turned away. While he did that, Grayson quickly wiped Y/N's lipgloss off of his lips.
"Alright, our match is next." Tiffany said as the two walked to gorilla.
"We got this Tiff." Y/N said, giving Tiffany a hug before their match in which Tiffany returned.
"I know girly, confidence is key." The barbie had said as my music had hit.
Y/N walked out to the ramp, the crowd cheering her on while the ring announcer introduced her.
She was a baby face, and the crowd loved her. Y/N was a like sunshine.
Grayson was a heel. The crowd always booed him and Austin.
They weren't that different, but even if people found out about their relationship, they would wonder how the hell the two even ended up together.
"And Y/N is on the ground! No! Please don't end like this!" Wade Barret screamed into his headset.
"Oh please! It's Tiffy Time!" Corey Graves said as they watched the match between the ladies.
Tiffany was positioned at the top rope, ready to give Y/N her finisher.
But just has she did, Tiffany landed a little awkwardly. But this didn't hurt Tiffany much, instead it hurt Y/N a whole lot.
Y/N had already hurt her leg during the match but it wasn't like this.
Her ribcage was throbbing in pain while Tiffany stood up and had her hand raised up high.
The ref had went over to check up on Y/N and after he realized what had happened, he called over the medics.
Grayson was backstage with Austin right by him. Austin was talking about something while Grayson was watching the match.
"Really focused on that match huh?" Austin said out of no where as he realized that Grayson was paying him 0 attention.
"Dude, it's so obvious you like her." Austin said, snapping Grayson into reality.
"Shit. It's that obvious?" Grayson asked, playing along.
"Yes!" Austin said, looking at Grayson with a shocked look.
"You always stare at her when she's in catering, you shamelessly and badly flirt with her so much that it makes my ears hurt and to the point where her friends think you're a creep." Austin says in a sorta rant.
"Her friends think I'm a creep?" Grayson asks Austin and Austin nods his head.
"Yes, Naomi always catches you staring at her, Tiffany has to endure you shamelessly flirting with her and by the looks of it, it makes her wanna throw up, and then Bayley and all of damage control look at you weird when you do all of those things." Austin says and Grayson stares at him with shock.
"And then! You are always talking about her. All I hear every day is, Y/N this, Y/N that. You are OBSESSED! Even Kevin has to hear it before we have a match." Austin said while staring at Grayson, finally finished with his rant but then looked back at the TV then at Grayson.
"I don't care, after this match you gotta tell her. I'll buy you ice cream after." Austin says.
"What-" Grayson starts before looking back up at the TV.
There was his wife, the woman he loved so dearly, lying in the ring hurt and being taken care of by medics.
He didn't give a damn in the slightest if anyone tried stopping him in what he was about to do.
"Grayson!" Austin tried calling after him but he was already gone.
"Well, it seems like Y/N has been seriously hurt..." Corey starts off before being interrupted by the random crowd pop.
"What in the hell is Grayson Waller doing running out to the ring?!" Wade Barret shouts again into his headset.
Y/N clutched her ribs as she heard the crowd and looked up to see Grayson and the ref holding him back.
"Why won't you let me help her?!" Grayson shouted at the ref while the ref held him back.
"What is going on?!" Wade Barrett and Corey said at the same time.
"Are you serious?" Grayson said as the ref wouldn't let him help Y/N.
But the words that would leave Grayson's mouth made the crowd start gasping and then cheering.
"She's my wife, you idiot!" Grayson shouted as loud as possible and the ref looked stunned as nobody knew about their relationship.
Grayson help up his hand with his ring finger, the wedding ring shining bright. He held it up to the crowd to prove that he was indeed Y/N's husband and that she was his wife.
Wade and Corey looked at each other confused.
"Marriage?!" Corey shouted.
"Y/N is married to HIM?!" Wade said.
The ref had finally let Grayson help her and as soon as he did, Grayson was already at Y/N's side.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." Grayson said in his Australian accent.
Y/N immediately reached to him and pulled him into a hug. She winced when she tried to get up, almost falling down but Grayson had caught her.
Grayson had let out a nervous laugh which made Y/N smile as she heard it.
Grayson had kissed her head while they walked down the ramp with the medical staff still checking up on her.
The both of them were hearing random shit from the crowd.
And a lot of other things. But they didn't care.
Grayson noticed Y/N struggling and swept her off her feet, carrying her bridal style.
The crowd cheered once more, a few awes here and there.
"Well, there's nothing majorly wrong with her your leg but you have sprained your ribcage." The doctor informed the couple.
"How long will I be out?" Y/N had asked, gripping onto Grayson's hand tighter that she previously was.
Grayson noticed her anxiety and slowly rubbed her hand, trying to make her feel better. In which he did.
"A good 6 weeks." Y/N had looked at the doctor dumbfounded but ultimately accepted the news.
Once the doctor left to give Y/N some space, tears were forming in her eyes.
Grayson and noticed and pulled his wife into a hug.
"6 weeks?" Y/N said softly as she held onto Grayson.
Grayson looked at her face and he could have broke down right then and there from seeing his wife like this.
"It's going to be okay." Was all he said though.
"It's 6 weeks of me not being here!" Y/N shouted with a cry.
"I don't even... and it's just my fucking fault, and I hate it so much. If I had maybe agreed to Tiffany doing her other finisher instead of her moonsault, maybe I-" Y/N's rant was interrupted by Grayson kissing her.
After a little while, Grayson pulled away, leaving her to want more.
Y/N turned away but Grayson made her look at him.
He wiped away her tears and held her face in his hands.
"It isn't your fault." He said quietly.
"Everything will be okay. You will be back in action in no time." Grayson reassured Y/N.
"I can't stand to see my beautiful wife cry." Grayson said his damn Australian accent that Y/N had always loved.
Y/N looked down as she blushed but looked back at Grayson, leaning in for another kiss.
But before they could, they were very rudely interrupted by someone barging in the room.
Or should I say people.
"Wife?!" Austin shouted. Grayson smiled at Austin's shock and confusion.
Naomi and Bayley came in, standing next to him.
"You are MARRIED, to HIM?!" Naomi said loudly and looked at Grayson and Y/N.
Bayley shook her head and whispered something.
The rest of damage control came into the room and Asuka started laughing making everyone look at her.
"Sorry-" She said in Japanese.
"I did not expect you two to be together, despite the awful flirting." Dakota says, Bayley nodding her head.
Then that's when Tiffany and Kevin came in.
"I am so so sorry!" Tiffany said running up to Y/N and giving her a big hug. It genuinely sounded like Tiffany was about to cry.
"I just came in here to check up on you but out of everybody to be dating, this guy?" Kevin said, pointing to Grayson.
Grayson scoffed and rolled his eyes at Kevin.
"I brought you your favorite snacks too." Tiffany said, giving Y/N chips.
"Tiff, I'm fine, really. But thank you for all of this." Y/N said giving Tiffany another hug.
"And you to being announced as a couple, especially a MARRIED couple, was not on my bingo card." Tiffany said pulling away from the hug.
"I mean..." Grayson said, and the couple both showed their hands with their wedding rings.
"It's really hard to miss this." Grayson said.
"Yeah, especially when you've had it for over a year." Y/N said.
"Over a year?!" Everyone in the room said in unison.
Grayson and Y/N looked at each other before laughing. Y/N then lied down on Grayson's thigh while everyone became even more confused.
"Yes, we have been together since our nxt days." Grayson explained.
"Wait..." Bayley and Austin said together.
"How long have you guys been together, not married but together?" They both asked.
Grayson and Y/N looked at eachother again.
"4 years and a few month. Our anniversary was just in December." The couple said.
"4 years?!" Kevin yelled first and then the whole room started chattering.
Grayson laughed and looked down at his wife to see her staring back up at him.
"Secret's out." She whispered and Grayson nodded.
Y/N sat up and looked at Grayson again with a smile.
"What?" He asked.
"You're perfect." She whispered and now it was time for Grayson to blush.
"I still don't know how I'm this lucky to be with you." Y/N said while going in for another kiss that Grayson gladly accepted.
"I'm even more lucky for you to be my wife." Grayson said as he continued to kiss Y/N.
"Alright lovebirds, I'm getting sick." Dakota said and Austin gagged.
The couple rolled their eyes at their actions but shooed everyone out of the room.
Y/N was actually happy that their relationship was now out. She didn't mind everyone being shocked about them being a couple, in fact it made her laugh so many times.
She could finally hang out with Grayson and everyone would stop thinking Grayson was a creep.
Overall it was amazing.
"Babe, come back to bed." Grayson said in a drowsy voice due to him being tired.
"I have to take the medicine the doctor prescribed me." Y/N explained as she took it.
Grayson groaned but eventually Y/N came back to their shared bed.
Grayson held her, peppering her should and neck with kisses while Y/N tried to sleep.
"You I love you, right?" Grayson had asked and Y/N smiled.
"And you know I love you even more, right?" Y/N had asked.
Grayson shook his head. "Not possible." He said before continuing to hold his lovely wife.
"But it is." She whispered, making Grayson look at her with literal heart eyes.
Grayson hid his face in Y/N's neck so she couldn't see him blushing but slowly after a while, the couple drifted into a deep slumber.
The End. ♡
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spirit-hotline · 4 months
Dr.Ratio x Student!Reader
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Word Count͟͟͞͞➳❥ 6.6k (One-Shot)
Reader is gender neutral !afab // Not proofread
A/N͟͟͞͞➳❥English is not my first language so I apologize for any grammar errors. I've never properly written NSFW before as I'm violently Ace. I'm also more used to writing longer stories so I apologize if anything feels rushed. I've tried my best. This is purely self-indulgent
Cw ➳❥ age gap (reader is 25, Ratio is 30), porn with plot, dubcon?, P in V, masturbation, mutual pinning (they’re in denial), slight OOC, Cunnilingus, licking, Dr.ratio being mean, Ratio being referred as Veritas(towards the end), mentions of private parts, softcore porn, soft dom, kinda slow burn?,
Summary ➳❥ When you arrived at the academy, you immediately caught the eye of Dr.Ratio. The genius felt both amazed and irritated by your methods.
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Dr. Ratio was thought to be free of carnal emotions. The man pried himself on being free of idiocy, free of impulsive thoughts and actions. Everything he does is meticulously planned. From the way he teaches to the way, he bathes in the evening. He was known to be one of the strictest and hardest teachers in the guild, his class barely making the 10% pass mark. Not only did you need to figure it out yourself, but you had to prove you wanted to learn. His reputation was kept up carefully and preceded him. Even though he wasn’t liked by the majority of students in the academy, everyone knew better than to disrespect him. He’s earned his attitude, to everyone’s misfortune. 
Every day was the same for Dr.Ratio. The same idiotic student asking the same idiotic questions, the disappointment he felt towards his coworkers, and the stability of his reputation keeping its ground. Only when you arrived, that his foundation start to crack. You weren’t special at first, simply a new arrival to the academy. Your attitude was over-optimistic and light-hearted. He hated the way you were carefree about your teachings. It didn’t take long for him to indirectly target his attitude towards you. For what you had in personality, your intellect deceived it. Every time he came at you with an impossible equation or theory, you would calmly come out with multiple answers, no matter if they were wrong or not. He’d berate you for your ‘’stupidity’’ as he said it. You stayed unfazed, simply stating:
-’’ You can’t succeed without failing, that is the process of learning.’’ 
He was both annoyed and somewhat impressed by your calm, carefree answer to his berating. He scoffed before leaving you alone for that day. The interaction gave you some attention from classmates who were more afraid of him. Over the next few months, you became more popular with the students in his class, even tutoring some of them. You had a more gentle approach than Ratio when explaining material to your fellow students. 
Ratio heard about your little tutoring work and decided to observe from afar. He stood away from the table you and the student you’d be helping that way were seated. His plaster mask was on his complexion to hide his expression, helping him concentrate on the work you were doing. He listened as you talked calmly to the student who was having a hard time. He was expecting you to just give the answer away, like any other idiot would to make another idiot shut up, but you didn’t. As the student looked distressed from the assignment, you stayed optimistic asking questions to direct the student in the right direction without giving them the right answer. You listened to the student as they spewed an egregious amount of terrible theories. You never lost your cool, explaining the equation as much as you needed to. When the students apologized for being stupid, you shushed them. 
-’’ If you were stupid, you wouldn’t give me answers in the first place. They may be wrong, but it proves you’re thinking. You’ll figure it out soon or later.’’ Your voice was soft, caring and hushed down. A bold contrast to Dr. Ratios's class. 
Ratio witnesses the interaction with a seemingly blank face. He didn’t understand how you were able to deal with so much idiocy. You had potential, potential wasted on helping idiots. Nonetheless, a part of him was impressed by your patience and stable emotional state. He didn’t necessarily agree with your methods, thinking you were too soft, but credit is due where it’s due. He left the premises with a wandering thought. 
The next class with him arrived and you sat in your usual spot. It took a while for everyone else to arrive. Once everyone was seated, you all waited patiently for Dr.Ratio to arrive. To everyone's detriment, your teacher arrived with an enormous pile of papers. He slammed the stack on his desk making a loud slamming noise before he turned towards the blackboard to write today’s plans. Everyone groaned as the words ‘’surprise test’’ appeared on the board. Some students started to freak out while others just sighed in exhaustion. Ratio wasn’t going to make it easy for you huh? He took the plaster mask off of his face and placed it on his desk before facing the class. He looked unimpressed by everyone’s reactions. 
-’’ Today, we’re going to see if you have been listening so far this semester.’’ He beamed loud enough for the whole classroom to hear. ‘’ You have an hour, no more no less, to answer these questions.’’
The whole class reluctantly mutters a ‘’yes, sir’’ as Ratio starts handing out the papers to each student. You reached out to your hand to take the papers. When it was your turn you carefully grabbed the papers but it resisted your pull. Ratio wasn’t letting go of it until you looked up at his eyes. He was staring you down mischievously, piercing your gaze with his gold, crimson eyes. The fainted grin on the corner of his lips. You felt your heart skip a beat as you helplessly stared at his face. He let go of the paper when your gaze reached his. 
-’’ I expect better from you, y/n.’’ He states coldly, before continuing his route. 
You were left speechless and flustered. You had to force your heart from skipping too many beats. You always thought your teacher was good-looking. You thought his attitude would be enough to throw you off, but your feelings were speaking otherwise. When the test started, you tried your best to concentrate, but the image of his eyes gazing into yours was making your brain overheat. Somehow you manage to write down mostly acceptable answers. You didn’t know how you kept your cool through it all. Not only was the test unprepared, but it was challenging. You could hear the discouraged sighs of your classmates. An hour passed and Ratio hollered the students to put their pens down. As he collected the paper, the tension in the classroom escalated. The students weren’t happy and it showed. When it was your turn, Ratio took your copy out of your hand. He gave it a quick look, frowning but scoffing and placing it on the pile. Well, that’s encouraging.
When every copy was collected, Dr.Ratio announced for the class to be dismissed, to which every student ecstatically ran off. You sighed in relief, ready to walk home and relax. As you pack your bags, a voice disturbs your thoughts. 
-’’ y/n, stay here, I want to have a word with you.’’ Ratio exclaimed loudly. 
Some of your classmates gave you apologetic looks, feeling bad for you. You gave Dr.Ratio a look, annoyed at the sudden order. You reluctantly sat back down on your chair. By the time everyone left, you were all alone with him. He took his sweet doing whatever he needed to do. You decided to bring out a book from your bag, reading meticulously. After a while, you looked up from your book to find Dr.Ratio grading the papers in front of you. Was he seriously going to make you wait here until he finished grading the entire stack? You sighed, aggravated. You look back down on your book, reading for what felt like hours. Suddenly, a slam in front of you breaks your concentration. You put your book down, only to see a graded paper in front of you. It’s a failed mark. You thought it was your copy until you read the name.
-’’ That’s not my name.’’ You stated calmly, staring up at the man towering over you. Your heart jumped again, but you kept composure.
-’’ Good to know you can read.’’ He says with a scoff on his face. ‘’ Your tutoring student hasn’t learned it seems.’’ 
You widen your eyes slightly, it was indeed a classmate you tutored the other day. You raised your eyebrow suspiciously at Ratio. How did he- 
-’’ I saw you trying to tutor him, it was excruciating to watch.’’
Oh, that’s how. You winced at his with an air of confusion. Then it clicked in your mind. The sudden test happened the day after your tutoring session. Did he seriously prepare an entire test because he felt disdain at your attempt to help your classmates?
-’’ Did you create this test to prove me wrong?’’ You mutter, slightly aggravated. 
He looks at you for a while, his eyes piercing deep into yours. You couldn’t help but think how pretty he was even with his dignified attitude.
-’’ How perceptive of you.’’ He grinned, amused by your reaction. ‘’ I wanted to prove to you how unproductive your methods are.’’
Your eyes widen, taken off guard by his bold confession. You couldn’t keep a snarl off your face. He has all the right to be unreasonable with you, but not with people who struggle to understand his teachings. So what if you were softer than him? So what if you had a more empathic approach to teaching than he did? You were more emotionally driven than him, but what is the issue with that? It made you feel some anger at the thought. If it wasn’t for the way he made your heart skip beats, you’d have the courage to tell him off then and there. Unfortunately for you, you folded way too easily to his expression on you. He observed your expression closely, a smirk appearing as he noticed your change in composure.
-’’ That is all, you are free to go now.’’ He says waving you off. 
You were left speechless, was he serious? This righteous, prideful asshole. You backed your bag without a word. You were fuming at this point. Hurt and baffled. You stormed towards the door, Ratio watching you leave. You opened the door with force before turning around to face him. ‘’ Just because you’re smart and handsome, doesn’t mean you have the right to bash people on the ground!’’ You exclaimed with a poisonous tone before leaving the room, letting the door slam shut behind you.
Your sudden outburst amused Ratio, before realizing what you’ve said. A look of surprise flashes on his face.
You arrive at your apartment, throwing your bag on the floor, ready for this day to end. You shower, make dinner and watch the news. Blissfully unaware of what you’ve done. It’s only when you read your book in bed, the clock ticking slowly that you suddenly realize. Oh god, Oh no, You’ve just called your teacher, the man you unfortunately kinda have the hots for. You press your hands on your cheek, red from the sudden embarrassment. How were you going to face him tomorrow now….
The next day, you dreaded his class the entire time. You couldn’t concentrate on your other classes with the sheer anxiety you felt. Throughout the day you kept trying to rationalize yourself. Maybe he didn’t hear you. Maybe he did but simply ignored it. Maybe he’d just ignore you for the end of time now, which was honestly the better option for both of you. You couldn’t date him even if you wanted to. He was your teacher after all. Yes, the age gap wasn’t outrageous, but nonetheless. You both knew better than to succumb to these feelings, right…?
It’s finally time for your class with Dr.Ratio and you couldn’t be more dreadful about it. You take a deep breath, composing yourself to ask like everything is fine. You enter the classroom, happy to see you’re not the only one who has arrived. You sit in your regular spot, taking out your notes. The class fills slowly. Hours seem to pass as you anxiously await Ratio to enter and start today’s lesson. You still felt insulted by his game yesterday, the feelings mixing, confusing you further. You couldn’t wait to see him, as much as you dreaded his presence. Your thoughts wander, visualize his eyes, his hair and his chest. Wait, What? You shook your head, brushing the thought off. No, you could let yourself have a crush on him. At this moment, Ratio enters the room, bringing the class to a hush. He looks at the students in front of him, with an air of disdain. His gaze suddenly jolts towards you. Your heart jumps again, unable to tell the emotions behind his eyes. He sighs coldly, turning towards the blackboard to write down today’s subject. -‘’ Today’s lesson is about the basics of combinatory. Do not disappoint me.’’ He states. You couldn’t help but feel as if that warning was targeted at you. 
     The class ended, and you’re putting away your notes and pencils. You have tutoring planned for after class. Considering the subject you were freshly taught, it wouldn’t be a surprise if multiple showed up. You hurried your pace, rushing towards the door. Before you were able to leave, you felt a strong hand take hold of your wrist. The grip itself was firm, but not too harsh. You looked back in surprise to see Dr.Ratio next to you. Your thoughts exploded, anxiety rising. Did he hear what you said? Did he not forget? You try helplessly to hide the flushed expression on your face, hoping it won’t throw him off. He towers over you, his expression blank, his eyes devouring yours in interest. You gulp silently as you slowly meet his gaze, unable to avoid his muscly chest in the process. He squints his eyes in response. 
-’’ I-Is there an issue professor?’’ You manage to murmur out. His grip on your wrist loosens. He gives you a seemingly unamused look.
-’’ Mind if we…discuss before you head toward your tutoring?’’ He asks coldly.
You gulp silently, surprised by this impromptu proposition. You accept reluctantly. A smirk appears on his face. He leans towards you slightly. 
-’’ Wait here, while we wait for the crowd to leave.’’ He states with an expressionless look on his face.
Dr.Ratio watches you as you head back to your seat. He watches you as you sit down nervously. Unbeknownst to you, he’s been thinking about your words all night last night. He as always found you attractive from a distance. You’re even more beautiful from up close. The ways your eyes shine, and the way your cheek turns rosy from his attention. Unfortunately, he wasn’t here to fulfill any type of fantasy. Actually, he was going to break your heart. A teacher-student relationship is less than ideal, and you both had a reputation to keep. You weren’t hard to read, especially for a genius like him. Although the thought of making you cry gave him a pit feeling in his stomach, it was the best for everyone. To shatter your wishes, whether you knew they were impossible or not. Keeping you at a safe distance even if it meant never having a chance to rebuild any kind of interaction with you ever again. 
His gaze goes back to you once everyone has left. The class is silent as he locks the door. He doesn’t anyone to barge inside, making this hard moment harder for you. He was going to shatter you after all. He walks slowly towards his desk, the sounds of his shoes and your breathing echoing through the room. He calls you over. You put away the book you’ve been reading, awaiting him. You sit up and approach him as he leans on his desk. You stand in front of him, feeling minuscule.
-’’ What do you wish to discuss?’’ You ask, avoiding his gaze.
Ratio studies your face carefully, feeling his dedication falter now that you’re close. He gives you an unamused look, which raises your anxiety. He sighs. He raises his hand, about to speak before you cut him off. 
-’’ If it’s about my outburst towards you yesterday, I apologize!’’ You exclaim, your cheeks were rosy from embarrassment. You bow to him in respect. 
Ratio is caught off guard, staring at you with widened eyes. You manage to blank his thoughts for a few seconds.
-’’ I shouldn’t have lost composure in front of my superior, I take full responsibility.’’ You continue. Your heart squeezes when you hear him scoff. 
Dr.Ratio looks at you still bowed, a conflicted look on his face. He couldn’t help to think how adorable you looked, but he couldn’t help to also fear his feelings towards you. He was here to break your heart, to make you run away from him, but your sudden apology caused his brain to stop for the first time in forever. He finds himself wanting two things at the same time. He wanted you, your lips on his, but inside he fought those thoughts. He couldn’t. It would be unjust for you. He couldn’t let himself play with such a fragile dynamic. His rationality was slowly losing its grip on his conscience.
You stayed bowed, awaiting a scolding or any kind of punishment, but it never came. You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
-’’ Stand up y/n.’’ He says, guiding your shoulder up. 
You meet eye-to-eye with him again. You notice a change in his expression. He looks embarrassed and conflicted. You decide not to comment on it. Your face flushes from the sight. You both stare at each other like this for what feels like an eternity. After a while, he takes his hand off your shoulder. 
-’’ You are forgiven. Go home.’’ He says almost sheepishly.
You nod slowly, taking a few steps back. You could cut the tension with a knife, as you slowly take your bags and head for the door. Ratio watches you. His gaze never leaves your body. When you leave his class without a word, he sighs, dejected. He wasn’t able to break your heart.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧NSFW Past This Point✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
     It's the next day, and although today was free, you couldn’t stay inside. As you walk around the guild station, your mind wanders to the events of last night. 
When you finally went home after the tutoring session, you couldn’t get Ratio out of your mind. Before bed, you were unable to dissipate the tension inside your body. Shamelessly, you ended up stimulating your clit with your fingers, imagining they belonged to Ratio instead. Pathetically moaning out his name softly out of your lips. 
You snapped yourself back to reality, hoping to forget that shameful night. You couldn’t keep fantasizing about him forever, it would hinder your studies, He was way out of your league anyway. He’s your superior, not your classmate. Yet, you couldnt wrap your head about how he acted with you yesterday after class. He was acting strange as if he had more to say. Maybe he felt something that day too? You quickly shake those thoughts away. You end up walking through the academic district, finding a bench to rest on. You quietly observed the trees and the plants around you, enjoying the calm. 
Dr. Ratio walked out of his office, plaster mask on his face. He was growing increasingly infuriated at the lack of concentration he was getting. His mind is still on the adorableness of your expression when apologizing to him, unable to decide if he can embrace you or not. You bring out the worst of him, the carnal desires that he so hopelessly tries to avoid in the name of intellect. He leaves the premises, deciding to take a well-deserved walk, surely some fresh air will bring him back to his senses. As he walked through the academic he thought about how his life as been out of balance since you appeared. Your body, your mind, it makes him go insane. He couldn’t keep his gaze off of you in class and it frustrated him. He can only hope to keep his distance from now on. Ratio knew you somehow had some form of attachment towards him. This game was getting more and more dangerous. This isn’t something you’d want so carelessly. Something suddenly caught the corner of his eyes. He turns around and sees you sitting peacefully on a bench across from him. His mind reels. He sighs heavily in frustration, his rationality thrown out of the window. 
Your eyes are closed, breathing deeply to enjoy the fresh air. Your mind slowly calms as you find yourself free of thoughts. Unfortunately for you, fate had other plans. You feel the bench shift in weight, someone has sat down next to you. You open your eyes only to be welcomed by Dr.Ratio himself. He sat, his legs slightly spread his profile face to you, His mask was on as he stared in front of him. He doesn’t speak for a while, as if he’s ignoring you. Your mind goes haywire once more, flashbanging you with thoughts of last night and recollections of yesterday’s events. You visibly blush, turning the back of your head against him. Tension sets above the both of you, and an uncomfortable silence sets in.
Your body lit a flame inside of you, once you desperately tried to distinguish. You wanted him, there was no denying it, yet you couldn’t find yourself to admit it. 
Ratio finally looked at you, witnessing your overwhelmed behaviour. He called out your name, to which you turned to face him. Behind his mask, Ratio’s eyes widened slightly. Your face was flushed, frustrated. He looked away from you once more, covering the mouth of his mask as if he was pondering. You looked at him curiously, your mind reeling. He groans heavily before grabbing your hand and dragging you away from there. You’re forced to follow him close behind, you try to free yourself from the grip, but he won’t budge. Ratio enters the building with you and barely throws you into his office. -’’ Hey! What the hell!’’ You shouted as he shut the door and locked it behind him. 
The mask made it impossible for you to read his emotions or his intentions. He approached you angrily, making you back up until your ass eventually bumps on his desk. Your arms reach behind you, gripping at the edge of the desk to hold yourself. Ratio stands in from of you, towering over you. You stare helplessly at the blank-faced mask. He leans towards you, preventing you from running away. -’’ Confess to me.’’ He blurts out, seemingly unfazed. You widen your eyes, a gasp leaving your throat. -’’ I- Excuse me?!’’ -’’ I know how you feel about me, you’re not hard to read. Quite easy actually. So confess, let me reject you, and we can move on and forget anything ever happened.’’ You stare at him appalled. A mixture of embarrassment and need curling inside your stomach. You felt insulted by the hurtful words, but you found yourself questioning what he meant. If he knew how you felt from the start, why pressure you like this? It’s not like you were planning to confess. You were ready to let these feelings die, so why was he so insistent to reject you in person? It clicked. Heat rises to your face. -’’ You feel the same.’’ You blurt out, sounding less surprised than you intended to. 
Ratio’s body tensed. He should’ve known that you would’ve figured it out. You were one of his top students after all. He sighs, unwilling to let this get out of control. -’’ Even if I did, it would be detrimental to the both of us.’’ He murmurs. -’’ I happen to be aware of the same consequences.’’ You whisper, your words rolling out of your tongue. 
Your needs starting to exceed your reasoning. The memories of the sins from all night plaguing your mind. The way moaned his name and the way you yearned for his touch. Something has never felt so forbidden to you. Yet, your core felt like it was on fire. Ratio noticed the gradual fissures in your expression. He leans in closer, irritated by both you and the way his body yearned for the same things as you.
-’’ Are you aware of what would happen if-’’ You cut him off, placing your lips on the lips of the masks. You stayed there for a few seconds before pulling your head back, waiting for a reaction from him. Behind the mask, Ratio’s eyes widened. His face felt hot anf his reasoning shattered as soon as he felt the pressure on his lips. He takes a step back from you, waiting to see if you’ll run. The longer you stayed still on the edge of that desk, the more his restraint was crumbling away. He removes the mask from his face. His eyes were furrowed, piercing deep inside your gaze. His face was reddened and startled by your bold move. An almost unperceivable grin on the corner of his lips. Your eyes never left his as he placed the mask on the corner of his desk. He leaned back. You couldn’t tell if he was annoyed at you or not. His lips would graze yours if you moved an inch.
‘’ Not a word about this outside this room. Understood.’’ He whispered dominantly, his breath leaving shivers on your skin. 
-’’  Not a word.’’ You whispered shakily, barely holding on to your conscience as it melted in front of him. 
-’’ Damn you.’’ He groaned, placing his lips hungrily on yours. Your mouth collapsed onto each other, months of attraction crashing in this moment. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Ratio lifts you slightly, placing you on the top of the desk. His hands wander on your back, making you gasp. Ratio takes the opportunity to evade your lips with his tongue, exploring its every crevice. The kiss lasts for a while until Ratio breaks it. A soft moan escapes your lips as he trails kisses from your jaw to your neck. His hands trail back to your chest, slowly unbuttoning the first few buttons of your shirt revealing your bra and breast. He moves his kisses to your collarbone.
-’’ Fuck, Ratio…’’ You whimpered. 
You feel his hand grab your chin as he pulls off of you to look into your eyes. He seemed to enjoy the view, a grin at the edge of his lips.
-’’ Veritas. I order you to call me Veritas in private.’’ He commands you. 
You don’t find the words to answer, but you nod eagerly. Satisfied by your obedience, Veritas places his lips on the skin of your collarbone, bruising it slightly where no one would see. A low whine opens your mouth. You could feel his grin on your skin as you sweetly sang for him. He moves one of his legs between yours, passively rubbing your core, making you whimper more as he continues to bruise your skin. He pulls back, observing his canvas with a satisfied expression. Your eyes were watery from the fire burning in your core, and your cheeks were now a deep crimson. You looked pathetic to him and he reveled at the sight.
-’’ Look at you, is this what you wanted.’’ He purred, leaning back next to your ear. His hand slipped inside your bottoms, rubbing on the wet fabric of your panties.
You simply whine as an answer, letting him do as he pleases with you. He stops teasing your folds to swiftly pull off your bottom clothes. Leaving you with only your panties on. His lips find their way back on yours, devouring your mouth once more. He goes back to teasing your folds with his hand while the other trails its way to the clips of your bra. With a swift movement, he unclips your bra, pulling it off your body to reveal your bare breast to him. He escaped you with a pop, making you whimper at the sudden loss of heat. Without rest, he teases your nipple with his tongue. You moan softly at the way he treated your body, your head melting from the arousal you were drowning in. Your panties were now wet and sticky from the stimulation. A low chuckle escapes his lips at the sound of your blissful noises. He separates his lips from your nipple, making them perky from the chilly air.
Veritas traces kisses down your waist to the inner of your thighs. Your body shutters at his touches,  boosting his ego as he sees you melt before him. His thumb draws a circle on your clothes cunt, drawing sweet honeyed mean out of you. Your whole body felt hot, your core twitching at the pleasure he was giving you. Veritas scoffs at the slick on your panties.
-’’ You’ve been thinking for a while, haven’t you?’’ He growls, dangerously close to your soaking folds. The vibration makes you whimper lowly in your throat. ‘’Be a darling and take that thing off.’’ He purrs, slipping a finger under the fabric and stretching it before letting it go, slapping against your skin. 
You exhale heavily, raising your thighs towards you. You push your underwear away with your head, undressing your cunt in front of him. His eyes glisten with hunger and lust. He can’t help to lick his lips, witnessing your glistening cunt. The gesture makes you embarrassed, causing you to close your legs together slightly. Veritas frowns, grabbing your thighs with his hands, and spreading them. You choke a gaps, feeling the cold air. 
-’’ That’s better.’’ He chimes. 
His words made you hotter, feeling more slick pooling down your cunt as he eagerly place a kiss right on your clit. You shutter, unable to move your thighs out of his rough grasp. Ratio starts leaving small pecks around your cunt, teasing you as you struggle to keep yourself together. He left a long lap with his tongue between the folds of your cunt as a warning. You barely catch your breath before he dives in, finally devouring you as if you were his last meal. A loud moan escapes your lungs, resonating in the room. Your noises decorate the room as his tongue makes its magic on you. Veritas knows how to make you feel better than you could ever imagine. He closes his eyes as he fucks your hole with his mouth, tracing circles around your folds with his tongue. He takes his time, making you feel your edge as your back collapses on his desk, spread like a piece of art only he can savour. Your juices drip down his chin as he continues to taste your essence. You were about to reach for his hair before he let go of his grip on your thighs, leaning away from your cunt. The filthy display of his chin covered in your slick twist a knot in your core. Your needy walls clench at nothing, making you desperate for some sort of release. He gazes at your expression, like a predator in the middle of devouring its prey.
-’’ Take those legs and hold them there darling~.’’ He whispers, lous enough for you to hear. 
You took no time to fulfill his request. You held your thighs close to your chest, freeing his hand to properly treat you. Veritas goes back to lapping at your cunt. He slowly inserts two fingers into your soaking cunt, getting a whine out of you. He pumps them in and out of you at a slow pace, building up your high. Your breaths are erratic, and your mind is completely blank apart from the pleasure you’re receiving. Soon after, Veritas leaves a few kisses on your puffy and reddened clit, giving it a suck from time to time. The sensations make you shiver. Your skin jolts every time his mouth pleases your clit. You mewl pathetically as he curved his fingers, applying pressure to your g-spot. Veritas separates his mouth from your puffy to give you comforting kisses on your inner thigh. He fastens the pace of his fingers, driving you to the edge of insanity. As soon as you clench his fingers, so close to your release, he pulls his fingers out of you. You muffle a cry, the knot in your core loosening painfully. Your body is begging for friction, something to fill and stretch you. 
Veritas gets up from his knees, whipping your fluids off his chin with his arm. A pleased grin appears on his face as he watches you lay mostly bare on his desk. You shuffle your weight slightly, feeling exposed by his gaze on you. Your hand is still holding your thigh against your perked-up breast. He leans over you, pressing the clothed prison of his hard cock twitching near your cunt. He forces the fingers he use to fuck your pussy into your mouth. You instinctively suck on them, rolling your tongue on his fingers to lick them clean. He pulls them out with a satisfied look on his face.
 He gently holds your cheek within the palm of his hand, moving your face up so that he’s able to plant a soft kiss on your lips. He pulls back, a line of slick connecting you both. His gaze has softened momentarily, observing the now visible hickeys on your shoulder and collarbone.
-’’ You are a magnificent display of art.’’ He whispers, his lips gazing at yours.
You didn’t have the strength to muster an answer, only holding back a soft whine. Veritas chuckles deeply, trailing his back back on your cunt, giving it a few teaseful slaps. You squeal, feeling your hole clench at nothing. You could feel the twitches of his begging cock on your inner thigh. Veritas gets off of you to free himself from his trousers, never losing eye contact with you. His eyes glisten at the thought of fucking you right there on his desk. You shiver in anticipation. His member almost bounces out of his boxers, aching in search of relief. You stare in awe at the display in front of you. You raise your hand towards your face, attempting to hide your embarrassment. Once free of cloth, he leans back towards you, his member sloppily grinding on your cunt, soaking itself in your slick. You gasp at the sudden pressure on your core. Veritas takes hold of your wrist, moving it away from your face to reveal your flushed erotic expression. He hums, pleased with the view. He places a firm kiss on your jaw.
-’’ You’re beautiful.’’ He chimes with a heavy breath. 
He positions the tip at the entrance of your cunt, applying minimal pressure to prepare you. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, placing slow and sloppy kisses. You choke a cry, wanting nothing more but for him to spread you. He answers your cry, plunging slowly inside avoiding breaking you. You gasp at the fullness as he hisses in the crook of your neck. You wrap your arms around his back, keeping him close to you. Your pussy clenches around his length as he penetrates you.
-’’ You’re so damn tight, you haven’t done this a lot haven’t you?’’ He scoffs, lifting his head to meet your gaze. 
You look dazedly at him, and a few tears drop at the edge of your eyes. He kisses them off softly. You bring your arms around his neck, urging him closer to you as he starts moving his hips into you. Your hands find their way to his cheeks, pressing your lips on his and he melts into it. You both deepen the kiss between stifled moans. The obscene noises of wet skin slapping were melodic to your ears. Your pussy clenching desperately on his cock as he gradually quickens his pace. Veritas takes hold of your leg, spreading them further to fuck you to his liking. His thick cock hits all the right spots, giving you pleasure in the form of friction. He breaks the kiss with a raspy groan, feeling himself succumbing to his high. He raises his upper body, sweat dripping off of his muscles. With a hand, he pushes back the damp hair sticking to his forehead. Such an appealing view brings you close to the edge. He looks inhumanly attractive, like a statue made of marble. He seems to read your mind as you carelessly stare at him in awe. A chuckles escapes him, as he uses his now free hand to apply pressure on your neglected clit. You mewl at the sudden stimulation, but you welcome it, your legs shaking erotically. Veritas continues to fuck you, reaching deeper into you. His thumb rotates gently around the swollen clit. You feel the tip of his length barely kissing your cervix. The knot in your core tightens more and more, feeling like it’ll burst. At this point you can only shutter pathetically, exhaling gibberish begging for Veritas to let you come. Veritas is more than happy to let you, as he continues to bully your clit, slapping his cock deep into you. He grabs you waist, strong enough to leave bruises, slapping your body harshly on the base of his cock. The base of his leg now lines with a white ring of filth. He leans closer, whispering with a honeyed tone, his breathing erratic and hot. 
-’’ You’re going to come for me now, right darling.’’ 
-’’ Ugh~Ah~ p-please fill me~’’ You manage to beg in between hot breath and the mush your brain has become. 
Veritas titters breathlessly, amused by your fucked-out behaviour. He wasn’t expecting you to beg for his seed inside of you so easily. As much as he was honoured by the proposition, he was conscious enough to know this wasn’t a good idea. He kisses your sticky forehand gently. 
-’’ I’m sorry, maybe next time.’’ He whispers. You feel the knot inside of you ready to burst, moaning loudly with tears in your eyes. Veritas purrs praises next to your ear, encouraging you to come on his cock. He licks a tear dripping down your cheek. The knot snaps, causing your body to vibrate vigorously under him. You grip his back with your hands, leaving marks with your nails. Your cunt clenches tight on his cock causing him to let out a single moan. He releases his grip on your thighs to hold you, guiding you through your orgasm. You whimper softly, your head buried in the crook of his neck. He suddenly let go of you, forcing a cry out of your sore throat. He pulls his cock out of your cunt to pump it with his hand. Veritas moans a swear as he lets his release splatter all over your stomach and chest. His warm come glistening on your skin. 
You stare at the ceiling, unable to formulate any kind of thought. You stayed still on that desk for what felt like hours until you felt a humid rag cleaning the filth off your body. You lift yourself with your elbow, witnessing Veritas cleaning you up. In your daze state you call out to him. He turns his head towards you with a soft smile appearing on his face. He’s now fully clothed, his hair still moist from all the sweating. After finishing your clean up he leans to press a kiss on your cheek. 
-’’ Let’s get you clothed, darling. We need to discuss some things.’’ 
You nod slowly, not sure if you understand his words. He gently lifts you from the desk, making sure you're sitting comfortably. You wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tenderly. He huffs affectionately, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
-’’ Let stay like this a while…’’ You murmur. 
-’’ alright.’’ 
This is bound to be an interesting semester.
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Thinkin’ about The Siberian
I was sitting on a draft that said something to the effect of “Worm AU where Manton pulls an NBC Hannibal and moonlights as The Siberian on top of being a globally respected parahuman studies researcher. Is this anything.”
Then I thought about this a little more and realized that this might not be far off from what actually happened. There’s a throughline in Manton’s interests, in his trajectory through life, where he’s trying to figure out what you can use powers to get away with doing to people- about identifying constraints and overcoming them. 
He’s the guy who somehow credibly catalogued, and got his name associated with, the fact that powers generally can’t be used to pop people like balloons, and he did so reasonably early in the timeline, in the nineties at the latest. That’s.... an interesting direction to take your research! When people are just coming to terms with the fact that parahumans are real he’s out there taking careful note of whether they can manifest their powers inside people to instantly kill them. How did he test that? What capes did he collaborate with to test that? What did those conversations look like? Did the IRB at a minimum issue any revise-and-resubmits?
And then, of course, he gets picked up by Cauldron (also known as the infinite untraceable victim depot) to work on improving the vials- gaining a sufficiently in-depth understanding of what they are, how they’re made, and what they can do to people that when Cauldron told Legend that Manton had gone rogue and was the one creating C53s, he found this plausible. You’ve got the guy who’d later become the backbone of the Slaughterhouse 9 basically systemically cataloging every conceivable way a power could violate someone’s physiology- first from without, and then, at Cauldron, from within.
Then, when he pulls the trigger and gives himself powers, the resultant ability is essentially a distilled refutation of the Manton Effect- a minion that can obliterate anything, eat anything, delete any material from existence, viscerally dismember people in a unity of conventional and esoteric, power-enabled violence. And he’s insulated from the consequences of his actions on two levels- in terms of Siberian’s invulnerability, but also in the discrepancy between his form and that of his minion. He mixed the vial that gave him that power himself.
Essentially- I don’t think Siberian is something that just happened after a psychological break following a messy divorce. I think Manton basically pre-committed to becoming something like The Siberian, spent most of his career working towards some form of transcendence through superpowers, and the messy divorce was downstream of the cracks starting to show as he got closer and closer to what he’d been chasing.
Now to segue into a complication that’s more directly supported in the text- it’s Worm, it’s always complicated- Master powers spring from loneliness. My theory is that while Manton wanted apotheosis, and while he’d probably been gearing up for a rampage for a while, he genuinely didn’t want to do it alone; he wanted a sidekick. Hence why he bothered pursuing a family in the first place, hence why he fed his daughter a vial, hence why his own projection ended up looking like his daughter after he accidently made her explode or whatever with the bad vial- a monkey’s paw restoration, giving him back a facsimile of the person he wanted to take along for the ride, and making his capacity for violence inseparable from her presence.
This is why he joined up with the Nine rather than remaining a solo act; it’s why he engages in a bad imitation of the Parent/Child relationship with Bonesaw; and it’s why he seeks out Bitch as a candidate. His interest in her candidacy parses to me as genuine- Even moreso than Bonesaw, even moreso than Jack, Bitch has arrived at a no-frills fuck-you-I-do-what-I-want outlook that’s very appealing to Manton. He wants to have a murderer-daughter relationship!
But Rachel got where she is the hard way, by having a life that sucked a lot, by getting near-constantly kicked around! She has a clear reason to be so angry! Even if all my postulations about Manton having a long game are complete bullshit, there are several stages at which Manton had to actively opt in to the same lifestyle and reputation that Bitch was forced to adopt as a basic survival tactic. He didn’t have to start eating people! He’s a tourist! His “freedom” is inseparable from his distance, his disguise. Rachel’s “freedom” is just the freedom of having nothing left to lose.
All of this to say- In an interlude in which Bitch has an extended internal monologue about how people with families have the opportunities to be assholes and monsters to a captive audience, it is absolutely not a coincidence that she’s scouted by a would-be parental figure who proceeds to be an asshole and a monster in front of a captive audience, before trying to buy her affection with a puppy. In rejecting Manton, Rachel dodged an esoterically-packaged but ultimately very familiar bullet.
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yaeggravate · 4 months
Hi!!!! I'm not officially back yet (house got flooded lmao) but like 2 things
1. I was recently reminded of the Kaeya line "You're not bad with that wind glider. Your gliding style seems familiar..." (which I finally found the source for and it's when you talk to him again in Jean's office before starting the storm terror trials) which had me thinking if it was in reference to the abyss twin
We know both twins had wings (not gliders) before their fall so I guess it's less questioning if his info on them is actually second hand (him telling us our twin is the prince/princess of the abyss) and more if he's seen murals depicting a blonde traveler with wings since we know there's quite a few images of our twin out there and connected the dots and if maybe the ones he's seen deals more with his own prophecy (basically this is just to add fuel to Kaeya remembering more of his past than he lets on)
2. Hey you ready for some more crack theory 👀 did you miss absolute unhinged stretched thin joke theories? 👀👀
Cause I was thinking of Kaeya's pants again and then I thought
What if the boot and pant design are that of the same image and not separate like I thought? I was gonna look into stories where some prince threw a sword to explain the two dashes above it but first had to identify the sword and to me it reminds my Italian ass of a Cinquedea short sword which was a fancy lil thing (was popular in general but decorated was more of an art piece for high nobility) and one such famous person to wear it was Cesare Borgia who (moving past him being an illegitimate son) was said to be the major inspiration for "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli which wiki says is a book about justifying immoral acts for political glory (loosely applying it to Kaeya's means to an end style his fellow knights know him for) and "More importantly, and less traditionally, he distinguishes new princedoms from established hereditary princedoms." 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Also it's used in media like apparently Elden Ring where the description does seem like a blade that suits his fight style (quick step, combo, .... bestial incantations)
Hope you're doing well!!
oohhh i was also thinking about that line, at first i thought he was referring to amber teaching the traveler… but that doesn't make any sense since as you said, the travelers had wings or wing contraptions, meaning they already know how to fly and already have their own style. so kaeya must've seen the abyss sibling in action somewhere, somehow 👀 OR the travelers taught someone how to fly like them once and kaeya is familiar with that person
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i do miss the joke theories!! you're talking about the weird snake heads right 😭 i still can't unsee it, and i think the two dashes could be a forked tongue because snake, and i also remembered where i'd seen something similar before: on the heads of enkanomiya snake statues 😮‍💨.
but sword is a new interpretation lol hmm yeah i guess he could be pointing it towards the sky like some harbinger of a new dawn. "and i shall dub this new princedom khaenri'ah.....2!"
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Hello!!! Can you please write a Seo Moonjo fic, where he becomes possessive/obsessed with Jongwoo's gf or with a female who works with him?
Absolutely lovely! Here's a bit of a drabble for you!
Pairing: Seo Moon-Jo X Reader
Warnings: mentions of gore & possessiveness, Moon-Jo shows very yandere tendencies, cannibalism allegories
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Moon-jo was a simple man.
Not necessarily in theory, but in practice. He knew what it was he aspired to obtain in his lifetime and with the amount of work and dedication he put into those aspirations, it makes sense that he would achieve them. Simple.
But as to what he wanted and the lengths he would go to, stopping at nothing...that was a little more complicated.
To his surprise, he had found himself in a situation where the goal wasn't in relation to dentistry or murder. He was having a bit of an issue sorting out just exactly why the new tenant of Eden Residence was so captivating, so enthralling to him. What was it about the boy who lived next door that led Moon-Jo to believing that his existence was some sort of spiritual awakening he would have to come to discover? Why was he suddenly so fascinated in the idea of pulling back his brain and picking out all of his thoughts, consuming them in their entirety until there was nothing left of poor Jongwoo but a vessel of the human being he once was? It was Kafka-esque, a metamorphosis of his character; to watch him succumb to the ravaging animalistic qualities that Moon-Jo believed all humans to possess. It was strange and it was beautiful.
And oh, was it something Moon-Jo wanted.
So he put in the work. Day after day he spent trying to get under Jongwoo's flesh, tearing open another layer piece by piece to truly understand his newfound obsession. But with every step closer to his goal he got, the more confused he became. There was nothing he was learning that he had hoped for. Jongwoo was buckling under the weight of his neighbor's madness, yes. But he wasn't the right image of Moon-Jo's work. This frustrated him to no end.
He still remembers when everything finally clicked into place. The night had just fallen and the stars crept up in the sky, illuminating the long path to the Residence. Although the lights were dim, one could still make out the small cats darting back and forth as they played with one another in the underbrush. The air was crisp and still with no wind, a perfect temperature to end an outrageously hot summer day. Moon-Jo awaited on the rooftop with two beers, as he usually did, watching the path below for his Jongwoo to arrive back home with his furrowed expression of displeasure and overly large backpack slung over his shoulders from an excruciatingly long day at the office. He would be lucky to convince Jongwoo up to the roof where he sat and even luckier if he could manage to get him to drink his beer. He knew Jongwoo was onto him and his...stranger tendencies, but he would receive the fruits of his labor. He always did.
The beer can was cold under his grasp, the condensation slipping from his fingertips and falling beneath him as the drops pattered onto the cracked concrete. He was starting to grow slightly warm, however, he wasn't sure if it was because of the weather or the growing anticipation he felt as he awaited the boy's arrival. His eyes didn't leave the road once.
As he looked beneath him towards the winding street, he finally saw his neighbor trudging up the path, same expression on his face Moon-Jo had expected him to be wearing. But, to his surprise, walking beside the man he'd so desperately tried his best to court 24/7 was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in his life.
It shocked him-almost-his hand immediately dropping the beer he was holding as he lost his composure for the first time in many years. It was sudden, as though he'd been impaled by sword, piercing through his lungs and stopping his breath as his heart skipped a beat. He had never been so hungry, so devout for human meat. He didn't want to cannibalize you, no. But he so desperately wanted to consume you and your being which is almost the same thing...right? He knew what Jongwoo had meant to him now, it was almost so clear in the way it presented itself; Jongwoo was never meant to be the product of his manipulation. It had always had to have been you.
Your eyes looked up towards Eden, missing the strange man on the roof entirely. Moon-Jo found himself entranced by them, watching the way they shone under the stars and the soft light from the windows of the Residence. They were like Bosch's paintings of the divine, absolutely encapsulating the beauty of the gods. Your hair fell slightly past your shoulders and framed a face he could only assume belonged to heavens itself. Your body swayed with the movement of your feet as you followed your boyfriend's suit, duffel bag in hand.
Moon-Jo thought he had died and been met with the face of a deity.
On your end, the only thing you were thinking about was Jongwoo's warnings from earlier. Once he had moved to Seoul and started living in this dingy place, he had instantly been met with strange roommates whom he'd talk about often. You were worried about his dwindling sleep schedule and his overall safety, residing in a place like this on the outskirts of town. If something terrible were to happen here, you weren't even sure police would show up in this precinct. For Jongwoo's sake, however, you swallowed down your nervousness preparing to have that conversation with him later.
Collecting himself, Moon-Jo practically sprinted towards the stairs and made his way down to Mrs. Eom's desk, leaning against the dilapidated building's walls, forcing himself to contain the sparks flying through his veins. He had to keep himself together, make the most impeccable first impression and swoon you over, whoever you might be. He needed you to like him, to trust him. If he ruined his image right off the bat by voicing his true inner monologue, it would be so much harder to mold you to his image and sway you into his grasp.
"Jongwoo, are you sure this is something you want to do? We could always sleep at my place if you're as uncomfortable by this place as you say." You said, closing the heavy door behind you and setting down your duffel bag for a moment to regain your breath.
Jongwoo shrugged and picked up your things containing all your overnight clothes and whatever else you'd brought to work that day. He had just simple given you a "yeah, this is fine" before turning around to be met face-to-face with the one person he didn't want to see or have the imposition of introducing to his girlfriend at all. He had hoped he might be able to sneak you past and into his room before anyone even noticed he was there; as he usually did. He'd presumed Moon-Jo to be on the roof for his nightly drink, whenever he stayed at the residence and not in his own apartment.
Beside the wall-almost eerily so-Moon-Jo stood, ignoring Jongwoo completely. His eyes were trained on you as you gathered yourself enough to take him in, watching the man before you breathe in the very fiber of your being. He was tall and dark haired with extraordinary cheekbones. With a face card like that, you were sure he'd have had to be a model or do side-gigs of the sort. His smile was a pleasant one as it seemed inviting, but upon staring at it for a few moments, something about it felt off to you. His black button-up was loose around his collarbones and neatly tucked into his slacks. He was fairly handsome, you thought, forgetting that Jongwoo had warned you of this 'crazy neighbor' before inviting you to stay at his place to catch the train back home tomorrow.
A piercing feeling of nervousness took over your body and shocked you instantly. There was something extremely peculiar about this man and you wanted nothing to do with finding out what it was. There was something haunting about the depth of his cold, dark gaze, contrasting Jongwoo's warm and inviting one. You swore to yourself in that moment not to walk anywhere on these premises without Jongwoo for fear of running into this man alone.
However uncomfortable you may have felt, Moon-Jo was in love, if that's what you would call it. He wanted this-you, so intensely and so immediately that his entire body felt as though it were shaking with tremors. He would stop at absolutely nothing to have you, to own you. You were what he had been unknowingly waiting for his entire existence and Jongwoo had only been the key. Smiling, he shook his hand out towards yours, ignoring the complaints from your boyfriend from beside you.
"My name is Seo Moon-Jo. The pleasure is all mine."
"(Y/N)." You replied.
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
wait what half human susie au? id love to hear your interpretations/crazy theories honestly, sounds really interesting and fun
WELL, I'll just go ahead and copy/paste the blurb I posted in my Discord server:
Man, I've gone off on a wild tangent of crack theorizing for DR this morning: So someone sent me an ask later that I need to reply with refuting, and it got me thinking about the differences between monsters and humans in both UT and DR, which things are the same, which are different, and as always the blood thing comes up. Do monsters have it in DR or not?? Unclear! And then was like: okay what if Susie is actually half human? Maybe in this universe monsters and humans can have kids together, but by the time they hit puberty they either have full human or full monster features, rather than a mix of traits. Would actually explain a bunch: Susie's broken family could be because her mom had an affair with a monster and that didn't become clear until she started developing monster features. Explains why she's got such animosity towards Kris, seeing perhaps what she feels like she should be. Also hilarious dark irony since Kris feels like they should be a monster. Also explains why Susie is self-conscious of her more monstery features like her tail, and seems to think everyone has blood (and maybe explains the unused sprite of her bleeding) Counter: but wait, there's the whole deal with Sans in UT seeming to bleed at the end of his fight in geno! And people suspect he is originally from the DR universe anyway! Maybe monsters in DR just have blood anyway? Very funny theory: Sans is ALSO half-human and that's why he can bleed. Explains some of his weirdness in UT and also makes things even more darkly ironic since he's the last one standing against a human. EXTREMELY funny continuation: DR Sans and Papyrus are both half-human, one human parent and one skeleton monster parent, and Sans ended up with entirely monster features and Papyrus ended up with entirely human features. This is why we haven't seen Papyrus yet and Sans insists Kris hang out with him after only just meeting Kris. Fandom absolutely loses their minds.
Aaand uhh! Now I'm debating whether or not I want to jump into a couple of short comics exploring this idea!...
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love-toxin · 1 year
I’d have so goddamn many of Luis’ babies istg. Resident evil is just zombies with a generous ✨sprinkling✨ of bisexual propaganda
ok ur so right!!!!! but you just put baby fever luis in my brain and now ur gonna have to deal with the consequences also </3
(cws: fem!reader, baby fever luis, pregnancy, mentions of childbirth, breeding kink)
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Clearly Luis likes to paint himself as a ladies' man, but unlike the typical charismatic bachelor, he's definitely got one thing holding him back from that luxuriously free lifestyle: when he's with the right person he's got baby fever like you wouldn't believe, and it never really goes away.
It always starts slow with that initial conversation of "so how do you feel about kids?" and a positive answer may as well be a proposal to Luis when it comes to you. He starts making offhand comments about seeing the cutest baby in the park the other day or mentioning that the schools are enrolling for kindergarten this month, and "wouldn't it be nice if we had our own..." like the hints he was dropping before just weren't enough. Because then he's fantasizing about what your kids would look like and even busts out all that research on genetics he's done just for fun, illustrating what kind of genes your children might get from each of you and how adorable they would look with your features put together.
And obviously you get to hold it over him if he's being a menace on occasion. Luis might be bothering you about something or disappearing at random to go play hero again, and all it takes to rein him in is you wondering aloud about whether or not you could really trust him to be a good father. And he'll come racing in with reassurances that he is! He will be! Just give him a chance, mi amor, and he'll show you he can be the best father you've ever seen--if he could figure out how, he would even carry the baby for you just to save you the physical toll of childbirth and postpartum. He wants one so badly but at the same time, he understands the trials and tribulations of carrying a child to term better than most men, so it's definitely not a small ask from him and he certainly acknowledges that.
If and when it finally comes time for you to let him have a crack at knocking you up, Luis is downright methodical about it right up until you actually conceive. He keeps a calendar of your cycle and maps out your ovulation days to figure out the best time to try, starts giving you vitamins and other supplements to take to help boost your immune system ("healthy body, healthy baby, mi vida!"), and Luis even looks into different positions he can try in the bedroom to help the fertilization process. He's almost too scientific about it but it's so cute to watch him pore over those documents and baby books in his reading glasses, making notes and comparing information so he can make it as easy for you as possible throughout the process. He'll do all the work for you that he can--all your job includes is sitting around, being comfortable, and growing your baby until you're ready to pop. You don't have to work, or travel, or stress at all, all Luis wants you to do as your lover and in-home doctor (kinda) is to relax, indulge in your hobbies, and let your body direct you towards whatever it needs. You can do that for him, right, love?
That's not to say he's completely, ahem, sterile about the whole process. Luis doesn't mind being a little messy--and god knows he has no qualms about getting all sloppy and rough when it's time to actually make the baby. He's got a theory that his seed will take easier if you're completely relaxed, so he always starts out with the gentlest, most loving head he can manage between those sweet, pretty thighs. But it never ends that way because before long, Luis' mind clouds with lust as he gets that feverish taste of you on his tongue, and by then he's leaving finger-shaped bruises in your hips and moaning with his lips totally sealed around your clit, totally mindless as he makes your world spin. The scrape of his stubble against your skin and the pressure of his nose grinding into you when he has you ride his face is hypnotic, it's tantalizing, and Luis knows that well enough that he never skips out on going down on you even if he's got limited time. Fingers, tongue, or face, he's going to have you falling apart in his lap no matter what time of the month or how sensitive you might be about exposing yourself--Luis would never judge nor condemn you for anything because no matter what it is, it almost always turns him on more than you could ever realize. He likes his women real, we'll say that much.
And when he's got baby fever, he's just on you like a wildcat on a wounded gazelle, fierce and frisky and so loud and handsy you might just have to tie him up to keep him quiet. It's his time to show you how passionate he can really be and lord does he really show it; he doesn't stop even when both of you have already reached your end, he just hikes your legs up higher on his waist, adjusts the pillow propping up your hips, and groans out a string of babbled praises as he humps your poor, overstimulated body to coax out those last spurts of cum he's got left. He's gotta give it his all, no? No sense leaving such a pretty lady empty when he can fill you all up, and give you everything you need to make a baby for him. He can't really get over the fact that it's just that easy for him to be a part of something so beautiful, nor that someone as gorgeous as you would ever let some worthless fiend like him father your children--the feeling is just indescribable, but he knows that it's pure love. And he knows that he wouldn't ever want it with anyone else besides you.
Who knows, maybe once you have the baby you'll be the one begging him for another--but even with one, Luis will be cherishing that sweet little bundle of life and he'll be hardcore protective over them with every ounce of energy he's got. Well, maybe not every ounce....he's got to save enough to keep an eye out for his precious wife too, doesn't he?
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dancingtotuyo · 3 months
Before | 1. the mountains are screaming
A Woman Story
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Rating: Mature
Series Summary: Five peeks into your past before Joel Miller reentered you life
Summary: you’re alone and in need of supplies but a trip down the mountain brings you much more.
Tags: The Last of Us, set in the Woman universe, love, loss, loneliness, backstory, slight enemies to lovers vibes.
Warnings: talk of loss and grief (spouse,brother& kids), violence, blood, fight, guns
Notes: those drabbles I referenced, yeah they turned into a mini series within the Woman series! 3 chapters to be posted before we delve back into the main story with 2 more to follow on alternating weeks!
Shoutout to @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin for taking a look at this! I adore you my dear 💚
Words: 3632
Series Masterlist | Woman Masterlist | Author Masterlist
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You’ve put it off long enough, but you’re low on supplies, and the homes within comfortable walking distance are long-picked over. You know going into Jackson is your best bet, but it’s a full day’s walk just to get there, and you haven’t been there in years. You don’t know if it will be abandoned still, crawling with infected, or crawling with people. It’s risky leaving the house unattended for so long, but you haven’t seen another human being in almost 2 years. In theory, no one should be here when you get back.
You have to go, and you have to go tomorrow. Winter will be upon you before too long. You figure you’ll need to make a couple of trips to get you through the winter.
You set out as soon as it’s light out. The trip there is easiest, going downhill with your pack light. You can’t even consider the trek back.
Alone, the town feels more unnerving. A few windows are broken here and there, doors rotted out in places, but relatively untouched. Dust collects in inches. You’re shocked by how much is left intact, like the town has been preserved by fate. You stuff your bag with canned foods, carefully inspecting each one before moving to the first aid supplies.
Your pack is full when you hear it, a collection of voices. A strong command echoes to spread out and clear the buildings. Your heart drops to your stomach. You should’ve come a day earlier. Procrastination has come to collect its dues just like it did in college, except this isn’t your GPA. It’s your fucking life.
You glance out the window. Several people with rifles flank the street, five in your sights, but you hear more. So many more. A couple of horses whinny. You slink behind a shelf, pressing your back against it. You have minutes, seconds maybe before they find you. There are too many to shoot your way out. You have to find a way to slip out undetected.
You scan the store, spotting the back entrance. Maybe they won’t be out back. There’s a thicket of trees around the north edge of the city. If you can make it there without them spotting you, maybe you can hide out until it’s dark enough to travel to the mountain tree line. It’s a long shot, but you’re a sitting duck here.
You move quickly, careful to stay out of sight. Your boots are heavy on the floor. The voices grow in number and volume. Your hand touches the cool door knob. You take a moment to steady yourself. There’s no time for nerves or doubts. You crack the door open. The alley is clear.
It’s open on both ends, doing nothing to ease your nerves, but the bright fall colors from the thicket call your name. Sticking close to the wall, you make sure to keep any noise to a minimum. Your heart races with each new voice.
You’re almost to the end of the alleyway. The trees are 50 yards away, a couple of houses to keep you covered as you move toward them. You can do this. Then the crunch of gravel bounces off the walls of the alley. You glance behind you. Your eyes connect with brown ones. Time stands still like a deer in a hunter’s crosshairs just before he pulls the trigger. You might look just as wild. Before he can alert anyone, the adrenaline hits. You take off toward the trees, all sense of stealth gone.
He yells and then starts after you, but you can’t spare the time to look behind you. You can’t outrun him, but if you can make it to the trees first, maybe you can find a place to hide before they catch up.
There are more shouts, more footsteps. A shotgun fires just as you cross into the cover of the trees. There aren’t a lot of options, but you’re in better shape than you were 30 seconds ago. Fall leaves crunch underfoot. You can’t run forever. You’ll reach the end of the thicket soon enough.
A dog barks. Your brain barely comprehends it. Horses, dogs, what's next? House cats? Out in the open, they’re sure to catch you. There are more houses if you turn west. Maybe you can hide until dark. The footsteps are getting closer no matter how fast you run. Maybe you should just accept the odds are not in your favor. You’re hopelessly outnumbered and outpowered, but you won’t do that. You haven’t come this far to give up now.
A body collides with your back, knocking the wind from you before you tumble to the ground. You use the momentum to roll, hoping to shake the body, but his grip is too strong. You refuse to hold still, finding his thumb and pulling it back. He cries out in pain. Your nails dig into his cheek, leaving a nasty trail of scratches down his face. It’s enough to push out of his hold.
You slip on the leaves as you attempt to get up. He grabs your ankle with his unharmed hand, pulling you back down. You manage just enough coordination to land a kick to his groin and a solid punch to his right eye. Your knuckles ache immediately, but it works until two sets of hands clamp down on your arms. You try to pull away, but they push you to your knees.
Another person helps your attacker to his feet. You catch a flash of red on his cheek, presumably from the scratches you left down his cheek. It’s little comfort when the barrel of a rifle lands at your back.
This is it. This is where you die.
“You okay, Gabe?” A woman’s calls.
“Been better.” He’s panting. Good. “Think the thumb’s broken, but I’ll be fine.”
Boots crunch on the leaves, drawing closer until the toes of them stand at the edge of your vision. Silence falls, your own quiet panting the only thing you can hear. You wonder if you look as wild as you feel. Maybe they’ll just shoot you now, give you no chance to plead or bargain. That would be more humane.
“What are you doing here?” The woman asks.
You still haven’t looked up, haven’t looked at her face. Survival says you should. Maybe they’ll be less cruel if you look into their eyes. You don’t respond.
“We got her backpack.” A random voice calls. You don’t remember dropping it, but the last couple of minutes are a blur. He comes up beside the woman. She digs through your newly acquired possessions.
“Not much here,” She says. “Your group must be nearby. How many are there?”
Dry laughter forces its way out of you. You suppose you could lie. Maybe they’d spare you, but they’d find out soon enough. There’s no need to draw this out.
“You think this is funny?”
“There is no one else.” You roll your head up, looking her in the eye for the first time.
She straightens, leaning back just a little as she contemplates your words. She’s not what you’re expecting. She wears a stern expression, but her eyes seem almost kind, like an old friend with a cup of warm tea. “I’m just supposed to believe that?”
“Why would I lie about that? I’m dead anyway.”
“Are you?”
“I’m the one with a rifle at my back right now.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Precautions.”
“What do you want from me?”
“The truth.”
“It is the truth. I’m the last one left.” The woman seems to believe you this time, an air of surprise passing through her eyes.
She looks at the men keeping you contained. “Let her go.”
“Maria,” One raises a sound of protest, but she cuts him off with a single glare.
The rifle lowers. The grip on both your arms disappears as you scurry to your feet. The woman looks between you and your bag before handing it back. “There a lot of traffic through these parts?”
“I think the stores speak for themselves,” You say. She tilts her head to the side. You won’t lie, it is effective. “I haven’t seen another human being in 2 years, but I don’t stay here.”
“Had a small pod come through a couple years ago. Haven’t seen anything but strays of late.”
She seems content with your answer.
“Am I free to go?” You sling your pack over your shoulder.
“You’re gonna need more than just that to survive.”
“What makes you think I don’t have what I need.”
Once again, she cuts through your bullshit. Is this woman a mind reader or something? Or maybe it’s been the lack of human contact. No, this woman has the stare mothers develop to pry the truth from their children. It’s just as effective on adults.
“We’re gonna stay here, at least for a while. You’re welcome to join us.”
The offer catches you off guard. You’re not sure what to think. If they wanted to kill you, they would have already, unless they’re really that sick and twisted. You look around at the other faces around you. Four men including the one you hit. There’s already swelling around his eye, the scratches are bright red with drying blood. Two women, but you know there’s more. You can hear them now, clearing the buildings through Jackson.
“And if I say no, Maria?” You square up with their leader, a faint smirk graces your face. There’s a certain power in knowing her name when she doesn’t know yours.
“Then I’ll have Gabe escort you back with plenty of provisions to get you through the winter.” She points to the man who caught you.
“You’re gonna send the man with a broken thumb and bad eye? Must not like him very much.”
“Kinda been getting on my nerves lately,” Maria cracks a grin, but you don’t return it.
Gabe scoffs. “I’m the comedic relief. Can’t kill me off.”
Your face stays flat, unimpressed. “I don’t need an escort, and he clearly isn’t in any shape to be going anywhere.”
“I said you could go. I never said I trusted you.”
“I can fix him up before I go.” You nod to the man. “I used to be a trauma nurse.”
Maria tilts her head to the side. “Good. He’ll be in better condition when he takes you home tomorrow.”
You don’t know why, but the word home makes you cringe. You don’t have one of those anymore.
You set up outside of the old clinic after scouring for supplies to clean the scratches and a splint. It seems like FEDRA cleaned out a lot of the medical supplies when they evacuated, but you manage.
Gabe watches you carefully, still wearing a smile. “I don’t see how you can sit there grinning with that black eye.”
“Badge of honor.” He says, eyes glued to you. “Do you ever smile?”
“No.” You say, taking a hold of his hand. Gabe starts to ramble on about something you tune out as you focus on the anatomy of his hand. There’s something about using your old trade that sets a thrill through you, only briefly. Without warning, you snap it back into place. He screams out in pain. You look up at him, a brief smirk playing on your face. “Lucky for you, it’s not actually broken.”
“You’re better than I thought, Doc.”
“Nurse,” You say, splinting his thumb. “You should wear this for the next 4 weeks. Longer if there’s still pain.”
“Or you could stay and oversee his recovery,” Maria says, walking up. “We could use someone with your skills.”
You finish wrapping the splint before turning to face her. “I’m good. He’ll be fine.”
“It would be nice to have you around-”
“I said no.”
She sighs, crossing her arms. “Okay, but it’s an open offer if you change your mind.”
“I won’t.”
Maria shifts, sliding her hands into her pockets. “House around the corner at the end of the street. We cleared it. It’s dusty, probably rat-infested, but in decent shape. You can stay there tonight.”
You nod. “Thanks.”
You sit on the porch steps of an abandoned house. A faded red X paints the door behind you and an orange campfire flickers in your eyes. There are about 30 of them in total. A majority of them circle around the fire about 50 feet away. You catch the hums of multiple conversations, but no substance. A few children run around, catching fireflies, but it's the laughter that strikes that deep sense of want within you. Your chest aches with the grief of what you’ve lost since the outbreak, forced into survival mode. When was the last time you laughed? Or smiled? There’s been no occasion to. There’s been no desire to.
Tears blur the edges of your vision. Memories flash before your eyes of the good times, your brothers, your parents, grandparents, friends, that last summer with Sarah. Your heart clenches. You have no idea what happened to them. You can only assume they’re gone. Hoping doesn’t do you any good, and the odds have never been in your favor.
“You could come join us, you know,” Gabe says, walking up to you. He stands at the bottom of the stairs, a smile plastered on his swollen face.
You quickly wipe the excess moisture from your eyes. “I’m fine.” It’s emotionless, passive.
“You gonna sulk all night? I’m the one with a busted face.”
“I’m sorry some of us don’t feel like celebrating.” You roll your eyes, wiping your nose on your sleeve as you look back at the door to the house you’ll be spending the night in. Can’t you just be left alone? You have to spend the whole day with him tomorrow.
“You’re like one of the Eight Dwarfs,” he says.
“Pretty sure there were seven.” You bristle, standing up.
“Doleful, the eighth dwarf that never was. That’s you.”
“Doleful, really?” You say, rolling your eyes. Your annoyance with him is growing exponentially. What is his deal?
“Yeah, I haven’t seen you so much as crack a smile. Always so serious.” He furrows his brow in an almost mocking manner as he steps into your space, wearing the same goofy grin. You want to slap it off his face.
“Do you always talk to women this way?” There must be smoke pouring from your ears at this point.
“Only ones who give me black eyes.”
“You were the one chasing me!”
“You were running. Maybe I just wanted to say hi.” He’s goading you, and the annoying part is he’s succeeding.
“You’re insufferable.”
“Then walk away, Doleful.”
That’s when it hits you. How close he’s standing. His eyes flutter over your face. You can feel the warmth of him seeping into you. How long has it been since you touched another human being? Today's events notwithstanding. It’s been even longer since you had someone look at you like that.
You swallow, letting yourself dwell in the feeling for just a second before setting your jaw and turning away. You catch the sound of him letting out a breath, the same one you were holding. Your hand hovers over the door knob. “Make sure you keep your hand elevated tonight.”
“Yeah… will do.”
You step inside before he can say anything more.
You’re flush against him on a horse the next day. He insists he’s fine to take the reins despite his broken thumb. Maria also insists, muttering something about not trusting you. Experience tells you you shouldn’t let them know where you live, but your gut trusts them not to harm you.
Gabe tries to joke and make conversation. You give him nothing but grunts and one-word responses. You stop about 30 minutes from your destination to eat lunch and let the horse rest. Your legs feel numb, not used to riding.
“You gonna ignore me the whole time, Doleful?”
“Talk to the horse.”
“He’d be better conversation.”
“What is your deal?” you ask, finally fed up.
“I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”
“What mood? There’s no mood to lighten!” You finally lose it. You haven’t had to deal with the yapping of another person for years and your tolerance is at an all-time low. Carter would be disappointed at how fast this man has gotten under your skin.
He tilts his head to the side, looking at you like he’s actually thinking. That would be a first. “People still need to experience joy and laughter.”
The laugh that leaves you is free of humor. It comes out under your breath, meaner than you intend, and he hears it. “You obviously didn’t have to lose anyone.”
He straightens immediately, face darkening. “No, I just chose to not let it consume me.”
He moves over to the horse, securing the saddlebags with more force than necessary. The tension and anger ripple off of him in droves. You bite your lip, guilt instantly falling over you.
“Gabe, I-“
He holds up a hand, cutting you off. “I think it’s best if we don’t talk the rest of the way.”
You supply a nod, but the guilt eats at you the closer you get. From what you can catch of Gabe’s profile, it’s set firmly in stone. You haven’t seen him without a smile yet. It hasn’t been long, but it doesn’t feel right. It feels like you swallowed someone’s joy, put out their light with your darkness.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper. His head twitches back just slightly, letting you know he heard. “That was cruel. Of course, you’ve lost people. You don’t make it this long without it.”
You feel him tense underneath your palms, but then he inhales deeply and relaxes. “My wife and two girls on outbreak day.”
You suck in deeply. “I’m an asshole.”
“I mean… yes.” A faint smile returns to his face and light to his eyes, and maybe, just maybe, your lips tug upward a little bit. “I know it’s a little much for some people. They don’t get it.”
You relax a little. “Try a lot.”
“If I came off as too strong, I’m sorry.”
You bite your lip. “It’s okay. I guess I’m a little rusty dealing with people.”
He waits for a second, letting the silence invade. You hear a woodpecker in the distance and the crunch of leaves underfoot. A squirrel scurries across your path, presumably preparing for the harsh winter ahead.
“How long have you been alone?”
“My brother died almost two years ago. We were the only ones left.”
Gabe nods in acknowledgment. He keeps the silence for the rest of your ride.
By the time the gate fades into view, you can tell Gabe is mostly back to his usual self, not quite as smiley or annoying, but close. Either that or you’re actually growing to like it- him.
He helps you bring the food inside. You catch the ways his eyes roam your space without being too invasive. “It’s a big place for one person.”
“It’s got a gate.”
“So does Jackson.”
You look at him. He raises an eyebrow. “Part of Jackson.”
“Has more people too.”
“And what makes you think I want to be around people?”
“This isn’t living, Doleful.”
For the first time, you don’t mind the nickname. It hints at a familiarity you don’t have, but you’re starting to wonder if you want it.
You cross your arms, leaning back against the kitchen counter. “And smiling means you are?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Attempting to.”
“So what? I’m just supposed to go back to Jackson with you? Join the group and wander?”
“I think our wandering days are over.”
“Maria thinks we can settle in Jackson. You said it yourself, just a few stragglers..”
“I only know from up here, not down there.”
“Stores are hardly touched.”
You know he’s right. “Why do you want me to join so badly?”
“Well for starters, you fixed me up pretty good.” He holds up his braced hand. “Could be pretty useful to have around.”
“So I’m just useful.”
“I don’t think you want to be alone,” he says. You inhale softly. “And I would really like the chance to make you smile.”
You look away, emotions you long pushed down threatening to spring back up.
“I figure I have two hours before I need to head back. I’ll wait outside.”
Gabe leaves you in the kitchen. You walk through the house, contemplating his words. The offer he and Maria both made you. Do you leave this place? A safe haven of sorts. You stop in the great room, Carter’s blood stain brown and dried on the light carpet. You’ve tried so hard to pull it out, but everything seemed to make it worse.
Sun streams through the big, picture window. You walk over, soaking it in. A small moment of peace in a tumultuous world. Something in your heart tugs, something else releases.
Gabe sits out on the deck, staring at a creased, faded picture when you settle next to him. The breeze picks up, playing with the color of his shirt. “Is that them?”
Gabe nods.
“My brother bled out in there.” You point behind you. “I’m thinking a fresh start might not be so bad.”
Gabe smiles at you. “Is that so?”
You nod. “I don’t need long to put a bag together.”
“I’m glad you changed your mind. My face isn’t so sure though.”
You’re not sure what it is, but laughter breaks out of you, a smile cresting your lips. Gabe chuckles alongside you as your crow's feet crinkle.
“I knew it.”
“That you would have the prettiest smile in the world.”
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fanofflames · 2 months
Probably a crack theory, but I think Kurono lived in the same orphanage as Chisaki.
According to the My Hero Academia Easy Illustration Guide, Kurono is said to be Chisaki’s confidant since childhood. They could have met at the orphanage and escaped together, both ending up in the Hassaikai.
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Kurono is shown to be close to Chisaki. He assists with Chisaki’s experiments on Eri and witnessed Chisaki putting Pops into a coma. We don’t see how he reacts, but he doesn’t appear to fearful of Chisaki or against experimenting on Eri. Maybe he was exposed to Garaki’s experiments as a child?
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Furthermore, Kurono failed Chisaki in two separate occasions… and lived. He missed his shot against Shigaraki, causing Chisaki to use another member as a shield against Shigaraki’s Decay…
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…and then, during the fight with Lemillion, Kurono was knocked unconscious and flung at Chisaki. Chisaki used Overhaul to heal the damage to his head. Yet, when Nemoto gets knocked out, Chisaki uses Overhaul to merge with him.
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Chisaki is determined to do whatever and use whoever to complete his goal, Kurono admits this. However, he did none of that to Kurono. The worst things Chisaki’s done to him, is called Kurono a “fool” and boss him around.
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If Kurono and Chisaki did meet at the orphanage, it would explain Chisaki’s treatment towards Kurono and via verse. Either that, or Chisaki just needed someone to carry Eri for him.
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