#it gave me so many thoughts but I eventually settled for the idea I plan on writing *soon*
yujeong · 4 months
(for ship + title) pete & porsche, fester
Pete’s screams were deafening, his fists on Porsche's chest feeling like concrete. It hurt, more than he was willing to admit, more than he was allowed to show. “Why, Porsche?” Before coming here, he had truly believed it would be worth it. The price was worth paying for, Porsche had told himself. Everything for the truth. “How could you?” Goosebumps erupted on his skin, as the realization came and settled between his lungs. Because it had been an easy choice to make.  Because if he had to, Porsche would make it again.
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ro-is-struggling · 26 days
Dark Side of Me || Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Summary: The plan you and your friends had come up with to celebrate your 21st birthday was simple: go to as many bars as you could in one night and stay out of the hospital. You weren't a big fan of it, but everyone had done it and now it was your turn. However, things went off the rails quickly and you ended up being dragged to Heroes, a superhero-themed strip club. You thought it was a bad idea, until you met the cold, piercing blue eyes of the Winter Soldier and simply couldn't look away.
Or the one when reader gets her first lap dance
Warnings: stripper AU, stripper!bucky x innocent!reader, suggestive tones, lap dance (I tried really hard), no actual smut, alcohol consumption, reader giving in to peer pressure, fem reader
English is not my first language
Word count: 4400
Notes: I watched magic mike the other day and apparently I am now obsessed with stripper aus. The movies have a softer side that I wasn't expecting but I loved it and that's the vibe I'm trying to recreate here. If you want to understand some of the dance moves I'm trying to describe here you should watch the movie! I tried really hard with this one (describing dancing is waay harder than I thought so I hope it makes sense)
I’m open to writing more of these two, so let me know if you’d like that and don't hesitate to stop by my asks/messages if you have any ideas!
tagging: @asgards-princess-of-mischief
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What had started out as a night of celebrating your 21st birthday quickly went off the rails and turned into something completely different. The plan was to get wasted —legally this time—, visit a couple of bars and get home before you ended up in the hospital. You weren't usually a party and alcohol lover —you just went to have a good time with your friends—, but you recognized that your 21st birthday was an important event that deserved to be celebrated. Besides, your friends had assured you that they would behave themselves and that things would not get out of control -well, not that much at least.
In hindsight, you should have figured that wouldn't happen. Although nothing could have prepared you for ending up at Heroes, a strip club your friends had apparently been to before. You tried to say no at first, but you were a little buzzed and you'd never been good at saying no to your friends anyway, so eventually you agreed. The place was exactly what you imagined and completely different at the same time, if that made sense. Dark, loud and warm, but much nicer than you expected. The dim lights gave it a very intimate feel, highlighting certain spaces with red or purple lights that made it look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The music played loudly, trying to drown out some of the shouting of the women throwing bills onto the catwalk where the dancers performed their routines, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle.
From the moment you settled at your table, a sort of strange sisterhood was generated between you and the groups of women seated in your proximity. Similar to bumping into a stranger in the bathroom at a party and reacting as if you were lifelong friends, you quickly engaged in casual conversation with the group of women at a bachelorette party to your right, and the one celebrating a divorce to your left. You complimented each other's outfits, shared a few drinks, and screamed with all your might in unison every time a dancer approached your side of the stage —or made quick eye contact with one of you. It created such a pleasant and fun atmosphere that for a moment you almost forgot where you were.
It stopped being nice and fun though when your friend came up with the idea of paying for a private dance and you had to face the force of a group of women pressuring you to accept. You had made the silly mistake of letting one of your friends know that you really thought the dancer who called himself the Winter Soldier was cute. You hadn't been able to take your eyes off him during his routine. And since that was the most interested you had ever been in any of the dancers, your friend thought it would be a good idea to treat you to a private dance.
“What am I supposed to do locked in a room with him?” You panicked as your friends dragged you to a more private area of the club to wait for your gift.
“I don't know, enjoy, I guess?” She laughed, practically pushing you into the arms of the man waiting to lead you to the Winter Soldier. You wanted to snap at her, but you kept silent, embarrassed by the stranger's presence. The last thing you needed was to make an even bigger fool of yourself by looking like an innocent, prudish fool.
But the problem was just that. You were a silly, innocent, prudish young woman that didn't have the slightest idea of what to do in a situation like that. You could feel the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, drowning out the screaming and the bass of the music that was getting farther and farther away. Your stomach was turning with nerves as you sat waiting in the chair in the center of the room, just as the man had indicated before disappearing behind the door. Your hands rested awkwardly in your lap, your body immobile as you contemplated your options —perhaps if you remained completely still, he wouldn't be able to see you there, it was dark after all. 
You thought about running away from there. You were alone, the dancer had not yet appeared and the hallway was dark, you would probably be able to sneak out without even your friends noticing. You would send them a text later explaining everything, when you were out and away from their clutches so they couldn't drag you there again. But when you went to get up, you found that your legs didn't respond. Only this time it didn't feel like it was part of the nerves you were having at the thought of what was about to happen. 
You discovered then that a part of you, hidden behind a lot of shame and fear of the unknown, was curious. You wondered what it would feel like to be in a room alone with him, what it would feel like to have him touch you —even in the lightest, most subtle way—, to have him press his body against yours as he had done on stage with a lucky girl in the audience. You'd never experienced anything remotely similar to that, you'd barely shared make-out sessions with your ex-partner that weren't particularly memorable-not in the way the Winter Soldier's dance was for you. You had the movement of his hips burned into your memory, the image of his flexing muscles popping up every time you closed your eyes. You wanted more of him, even if you couldn't bring yourself to admit it. 
The sensual rhythm of the music that suddenly began to play brought you out of your thoughts. You looked up and there he was in all his glory. He was wearing a different outfit, a simple tank top and loose-fitting sweatpants. The tactical suit and mask that covered half his face in his routine had probably been left forgotten in some basket behind the stage, but you didn't mind. You could see more of him now, the real him, and you liked that. It felt more intimate, more genuine.
He could sense the nervousness in your voice when you told him your name. You had trouble maintaining eye contact with him, your eyes lingering for a full three seconds on his figure before returning to your hands. Your fingers fiddled with the hem of your flowy dress. It intrigued him. He had worked with flustered women before —it was more common than one might imagine—, but there was something about you that stood out. You looked so out of place there, with your innocent look and shaky breath. Everything about your body expression told him that you wanted to curl up in a ball and pretend you weren't there. Everything except a slight glint in your eyes that he almost missed as quickly as you looked away from him. It would be his challenge to get that side of you to come out. 
“That's a beautiful name,” he said in a soft voice. You smiled, but your eyes didn't search his, focusing instead on the red light shining on the wall behind him. So he leaned in front of you, settling down to your eye level so you couldn't escape. “I'm Bucky, by the way, and there's no reason to be nervous around me, princess.” 
Your face warmed at that affectionate nickname and a tingle spread through your body. It had been a while since the last time someone had called you that. You liked it, it made you feel special even if it came from a stranger's mouth.
“Why did you come here tonight? You don't seem like the type of woman that frequents these places.”
“I'm not! I'm here because my friends thought it'd be a good idea... a fun way of celebrating my 21st birthday.” 
“Oh well happy birthday then!” Bucky gave you a smile and you thought that was the best present you had received all day. “Are you having a good time?
“Yea-yeah, I am.” Your voice was soft, almost inaudible. Bucky got the impression that you were embarrassed to admit that out loud.
“Are you uncomfortable, y/n? Do you want to leave? Cause I can give you a full refund and let you go right now if that's what you want.”
“No!” you were quick to say, big eyes staring at him for the first time since he had introduced himself to you. “I'm just a bit... scared, I guess. I've never done anything like this before. Actually, I've never done anything for that matter.” 
You didn't know what prompted you to confess to Bucky —a complete stranger who danced and stripped for a living— your complete inexperience in sexual matters, but you couldn't turn back now. You supposed it was to be transparent, though there was no reason for such a thing. It wasn't like you were there to have sex, he was just going to dance on you for a bit and then you'd go back to your normal, boring life. 
“Well, then I have to let you know that you are in full control here.” Bucky spoke in a soft tone full of understanding. His cold, piercing blue eyes softened, showing a warmth that helped calm your nerves a bit. “I do have a routine, but if there's something that I do that you don't like you can just tell me and I'll stop, okay?” You nodded, biting your lip as you felt the tingle of anticipation running through your body. “Good! Are you ready?”
At your nod, Bucky got up from the floor to press play on the music. Suddenly, the silence was filled by a soft, sensual beat similar to others that had echoed through the club throughout the night. He approached you with a slow pace, his eyes never leaving your face, studying your expression. Then he took one of your hands in his and rested it on his chest, still covered by the thin fabric of his white muscle shirt. You couldn't help but notice how much bigger his hands were compared to yours. You could barely see your fingertips as he wrapped his hand around yours, trapping it against his chest. His calloused fingers didn't let go as he slowly guided your hand down, allowing you to caress his chest as he rubbed small circles over your skin. It was such an intimate touch for the situation you were in, that for a moment you forgot he was a stripper who did this for a living.
The air caught in your throat, your heart pounding against your chest as your hand traveled lower and lower. You could feel the firmness of his abs under your fingers and the heat emanating from his skin. It filled you with anticipation, with need. You wanted to feel more of him, more of his body and his touch. More of his warmth and the intoxicating scent of his cologne. But before your hand reached his waist, he pulled it away. Your eyes shot up to his face, waiting patiently for Bucky to give you instructions to proceed.
He removed his shirt and as soon as the fabric touched the floor, his hands were on yours again, trapping them against his chest. Bucky liked the way you let him guide you, closing your eyes as you enjoyed something as simple as the feel of his skin under your fingers. He was used to dealing with more... confident women. They knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to demand it. Their hands were always everywhere, touching his crotch without hesitation every chance they got. But you were different. You didn't know what you wanted —what you were missing— and you were willing to let him show you. He enjoyed the slower pace, it was a nice change that allowed him to try new things. So in a way, you were both experiencing something different there.
Your eyes suddenly widened as you felt the fabric of Bucky's sweatpants brush against your fingers. Your face heated up, embarrassment taking over your expression. But he didn't let your hand slip away, on the contrary, he pushed it a few inches lower and made you cling to the elastic of the pants. He gave you a cheeky smile before he started moving to the rhythm of the music. His hand didn't let go of yours as he positioned himself in your lap, grinding his hips against yours with an experience that shouldn't have surprised you. 
Bucky fixed his eyes on you as he danced, keeping you in a kind of hypnotic trance from which you could not wake up. Your eyes followed his, your body responding to his movements without a single complaint. He trapped you between the chair and his body, one of his hands clinging firmly to the back of the chair while the other traveled to your cheek. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the warm caress of his fingers. His face came so close to yours that you could feel his breath mingling against your quickened breathing, his nose brushing against yours. For a moment you thought he was going to kiss you, so you closed your eyes, letting the euphoric sensation of desire consume you. 
But suddenly, Bucky rose from your lap. You couldn't contain the whimper that escaped your lips, a protest at his devastating absence. Although he wasn't completely gone, you could feel him at your back, his hands caressing your neck, his nose inhaling the scent of your hair. The ghost of his lips traveling from the sweet spot behind your ear to your collarbone, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. He wasn't even kissing you and you were already experiencing things you had never felt before in your years of relationship.
With a graceful and sensual move, Bucky is once again on your lap, trapping you against the chair. He wasn't putting his full weight on you, but enough for you to feel it as he moved his hips. Your eyes traveled south, curious about the bulge that the sweat pants still hid. You'd never seen one before — well, outside of biology and health classes— and you'd never felt the urge to do so. But the way Bucky was moving on you made you wonder about things. You heard him let out a chuckle and looked away in embarrassment, knowing you'd been caught.
“You can look,” Bucky whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “That's what I'm here for, doll.” He stroked your arms, his fingers traveling slowly from your shoulders to your wrists. Then he took your hands and placed them back on his bare chest. “You can touch too, I don't mind.”
The desire traveling through your veins made you feel more confident this time, so you didn't need Bucky to guide your hands down his body. They acted at their own accord, fingers slowly tracing the defined muscles of his pecs and abs. You weren't yet comfortable going below his hips, so once you reached the edge of his pants you changed course to his back. Down, up and back down, your nails drew light red marks on his skin as he moved in your lap. You didn't even realize what you were doing, you just knew you liked hearing the sounds that escaped Bucky's lips when you accidentally applied too much pressure. 
The lowest your trembling hands dared to go were his thighs. Bucky could see in your eyes the desire to go further —to brush your fingers over his bulge or squeeze his ass—, but shame and fear stopped you. You were trying so hard to keep your composure, to behave like a lady, but you couldn't fool Bucky. He knew what you wanted, even when you weren't ready to admit it. He saw it in the way your eyes darkened with each passing second and in the way your breathing became more and more erratic. The innocent, good girl shell you had when you entered the room was cracking, allowing your dark desires to come out. Bucky probably shouldn't find that so exciting, but he did. He couldn't help it, watching the innocence slowly leave your eyes, knowing that he was the one corrupting you, was a sight to behold. 
Your lips curled into a pout of protest as Bucky rose from your lap, already missing the heat of his body pressed against yours. It was only for a moment, but to you it felt like an eternity. And he was counting on it, playing with the anticipation as he made a show of taking off his pants. This time your eyes lingered on his tight boxers for longer, though he could still see a flash of embarrassment as you crossed glances with him. It was driving him crazy, in the best possible way. He wanted to remove that innocence from your expression, to corrupt you past the point of no return. It was his personal goal, the challenge he had quietly accepted the moment he discovered what you were. And he was willing to win it.
Bucky dropped to his knees in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours as his fingers traced your legs. Your chest rose and fell with your quickening breath, your whole body buzzing with anticipation as you felt the gentle caresses moving from your ankles to your knees. To your surprise, his fingers continued their path up your thighs, though they stopped just below the hem of your dress. You resisted the urge to tangle your fingers in his hair as you felt him spread your legs slightly apart —enough for him to fit between them, but not enough to leave you too exposed to his eyes. And then the caresses over your body returned, only this time it was the ghost of Bucky's lips that sent shivers across your skin.
His mouth wasn't actually touching your thighs, but he was so damn close that you could almost feel his lips caressing the soft, sensitive skin on the inside of your leg. A warm tingling spread inside you as he moved further up, getting dangerously close to your trembling center. And at that moment you felt no shame or fear —like you had felt on other occasions with past partners. On the contrary, you wanted more, your legs involuntarily spreading wider to give Bucky more room as the ghost of his lips traveled up your lower tummy and across your abdomen until they reached your breasts. And as your breathy moans became more and more audible, your mind was lost in dark thoughts, wondering how different it would all feel if there was no barrier of clothing separating your bodies or how his wet kisses would feel on the sensitive skin of your thighs. 
You didn't have much time to get lost in the fantasy though because in a second Bucky was on his feet again, pressing you against the back of the chair as he pushed your legs up. He settled down on the edge of the chair, resting each of your legs on his thighs. His hands gripped the back of the chair once again, trapping you completely between the cushions and his body —or rather, his crotch. You were practically sitting on his lap as you shared the chair, and you could feel his cock pressing against your center with every thrust of his hips. He was hard and you didn't know how common that was, but you decided to believe it wasn't something that happened often. You liked to imagine that his body was reacting to you and not to the sexual nature of his work. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
Bucky's hips moved to the sensual rhythm of the music, thrusting against your center in a way that made you feel like you were losing your virginity at that very moment. It was too much, the fire inside you spreading with the speed of a forest fire. And at the same time, it wasn't enough. Bucky's hip movements, though intense, did little to put out the flames they had started. They were pulling you into a swirl of desire and need, bringing you closer and closer to your limit with no promise of real relief. It was frustrating, in a way, but also incredibly exciting. 
Your eyes closed for a moment as you struggled to process the sensations that were taking over your body. You tried to focus on your breathing and the sound of the music, anything to keep yourself grounded. But every time you thought you had managed to gain control of your own body again, Bucky moved his hips and all you could feel was pleasure, all you could think about was him. 
A moan escaped your lips. It was involuntary and you didn't even realize what you did until a few seconds later. You were ready to apologize, certain you had crossed some kind of line, but Bucky let out a grunt of approval. One of his hands traveled to the back of your neck, holding your head firmly as he pressed his forehead against yours. His fingers tugged on your hair lightly, but the pain didn't bother you. You were too focused on the shape of his lips to think about anything else. You needed to feel them against yours. You needed to know what it would feel like to be kissed by him. You needed Bucky to take everything from you, to show you everything you'd been missing in these years of loneliness.
“C-can you k-kiss me?” You didn't think before you spoke, you just expressed what your mind was thinking without any kind of filter. Your voice was barely a shy whisper, your lips almost brushing against Bucky's as you spoke.
He should have refused, the number one rule of his job was never to kiss the clients —you never knew what things you might end up catching. But when Bucky saw the desperation in your eyes he couldn't help himself. Your slightly parted lips were highly tempting. You were inviting him, giving him permission to ruin you. You needed it as much as he did, so he gave in, and damned the rules. 
Bucky's lips felt soft against yours, though there was nothing soft about the way he kissed you. Just like his dancing, the kiss was intense and unlike anything you had ever experienced before. His lips moved expertly, knowing exactly what to do to turn you completely stupid. You let him guide you, merely reacting to the pleasure that only Bucky seemed capable of giving you. 
His tongue caressed your lips and you moaned into his mouth, allowing him immediate access to further deepen the kiss. Your hands clung to him —one digging your nails into his bicep while the other rested on his leg—, desperate to find something to keep you grounded while Bucky showed you sensations you didn't know you were capable of feeling. 
You were high on pleasure, trapped under his body, immobilized by his lips, enveloped in his warmth and the scent of his cologne. You didn't want to be separated from him anymore. You didn't want to leave that room. You felt as if Bucky's lips were what kept you breathing, as if you needed them to keep on living. You couldn't pull away. You didn't want to pull away. But unfortunately a knock on the door signaled that your time together was over. 
“You're more than welcome to come back anytime.” Bucky winked at you before disappearing behind the door, leaving you alone in the room. 
It took you a moment to collect your thoughts and calm your rapid breathing. Your heartbeat was still pounding in your ears, but you figured that would change when you had a chance to get some fresh air. Your legs almost gave out when you stood up, still weak in the knees after the spectacle you had witnessed. You felt a little silly having to take a moment to steady yourself. Bucky had gotten up and left without any trouble, and there you were, clinging to the back of the chair as you struggled to compose yourself so you could leave without your friends realizing the effect their dumb idea had really had on you. You were pathetic. 
Gathering your last bit of strength you pushed past the screaming women until you found your friends. They were back at their table, enjoying the routine of a tall, muscular blond who, from what you had heard, called himself Captain America. He was cute, but you couldn't stay in that place a second longer.
“How was it?” one of your friends asked with a smile.
“I need to get some air.”
“That good, huh?” Said the other with a giggle. You rolled your eyes, grabbing both of them by the arm and pulling them up from their seats. 
Amidst protests they agreed to leave with you and call it a night. As they made their way through the crowd they didn't miss the opportunity to flood you with questions, insisting that you give them details of what had happened and how it felt to have Bucky dance just for you. You refused to say anything, partly because you were embarrassed to admit the reality of what had happened, and partly because you still needed time to process the night. 
However, as you were about to leave, one of the waiters who had served your table - a young man who had introduced himself as Spider-Man - grabbed your arm. At first you thought maybe you had forgotten something in your seats and he was being kind enough to catch you before you left. But when you turned to look at him you noticed he had nothing in his hands but a rose and a piece of paper.
“He sends you this.” The boy said, handing you the items and disappearing into the crowd. 
He didn't have to tell you who they were from for you to know. A smile immediately graced your lips as you held the flower to your nose and inhaled. Then you turned your attention to the piece of paper and as you unfolded it you discovered that it was a note.
‘Happy birthday!
Call me ;)' 
It read, and at the end was written a phone number that was undoubtedly Bucky's. Your smile widened, which finally attracted the attention of your friends. One of them took the paper from you before you could hide it and when you saw the expression on her face you knew you weren't going to escape the interrogation. It was going to be a long night.
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beepboopkek · 5 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (F!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AFAB!Reader amab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , afab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, pu$$y eating, 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also amab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you've cheated!”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't really reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it definitely restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day.
“Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your sticky folds, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan buried his face into your pussy, moaning at the tangy taste as he dipped his tongue inside you. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air on your clit made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
Jing Yuan spoke in a low voice, right against your pussy, which was, to your annoyance, visibly wet.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your folds, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on your clit. 
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically eating you out, dipping only the tip of his tongue inside you before pulling his mouth back up to stimulate your clit.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your pussy clench around his thick fingers at 
A warning. 
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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bagopucks · 1 year
J. Drysdale - Drago-nita
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Jamie Drysdale x Fem!reader (really light implications of feelings)
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning(s): Not much. Mention of sickness, assumptions of a dead animal. General dumbassery from Trev and J.. maybe a little from the reader too.
Gif was too good not to use. Jamie looking as exasperatedly at the title as I imagine the reader does at Trevor when he says it…
I had just settled in bed. Just gotten comfortable and warm under my blankets, when I got a call from Jamie.
I told him he could contact me at any point while Trevor was out of the house on a road trip. Jamie seemed to do fine on his own the first few days, handling his sprained wrist well on top of everything else. Apparently I was wrong.
“It’s not moving.”
I didn’t know what to think when I heard him speak over the line. He sounded so worried, but I didn’t understand what ‘it’ was.
“Jamie,” I sighed his name into the receiver. I just wanted to rest, but there was a nagging concern in the back of my head. “What’s not moving?”
“Drago.. I poked him.. he’s like.. he’s cold.” I heard him pause, then a ruffle follow over the phone. It took me a moment to remember who and what Drago was. “Oh my god..” the words were dragged out in a whisper of slow realization.
“I think I killed Trevor’s lizard.” Despite the fact that he was home alone, Jamie was still quiet. As if at any moment, Trevor might break the door down and smite him for causing the death of the poor little animal.
“J, have you been feeding it?” I slowly sat up, trying not to sound too frustrated as I rubbed at one of my eyes.
“Yes! And putting water in the cage whenever its sponge gets dry.” I can tell Jamie is worried, but I’m not sure how to even go about a situation like this. Or why I was called to handle it.
“You have to come over and look at him.. okay? Please.” I truly did not want to get out of bed.
“If Drago’s dead, he’s dead, Jame.. there’s nothing I can really do about it.” I felt bad turning him down, but that was the truth.
“I just need somebody else to look at him. I’m really sorry.. I just- I don’t want to throw him out in case he’s actually still alive.”
I felt bad for Trevor. He really thought the best idea was to leave his lizard with a guy who planned to just throw it out if it was dead? No send off? No calling to at least let Trevor see it one last time before throwing it in the back yard for the vultures?
I could understand Jamie’s thought process on it a little. Many people saw lizards and reptiles as pets, but I personally did not. I didn’t mind Drago, though he did creep me out a little. But the idea of crying over a dead lizard didn’t exactly strike me as compelling. Or something you’d see in a sad movie.
Still, if it mattered to Trevor, I’d hate to just throw it out.
“Can you wait five minutes?” I gave in eventually, unsure if the sound of Jamie’s voice or the worry about Trevor’s abnormal pet was what pushed me to give in.
“I can wait, yeah.. what do you think I should do? Do I take him out or.. turn up the heat lamp? He feels really cold. I can hold him in front of the heater…”
I listened to Jamie’s rambling, holding my breath in frustration until I could finally get a word in. “Jamie! Jamie.. don’t- don’t touch the lizard. Okay? Just.. go do something else and wait for me to get there.”
“Yeah.. yeah okay.” I bid the poor boy goodbye before hanging up the phone and getting dressed to make the short drive to Jamie and Trevor’s. How hard was it to keep a lizard alive?
Once I got to their home, I landed a few gentle knocks on the door. Jamie opened it like he’d been standing there waiting, and he looked like a mother who had been handling a crying baby all night. I pray for him, the day he gets his own home.
“He’s this way.” Jamie grabbed my hand, dragging me inside and shutting the door before pulling me through the house and up the steps, eventually into Trevor’s room. It was pitch black except for the heat lamp on in the corner on Trevor’s desk.
I searched for the light switch before flipping the room light on.
“Wait! Trevor said he likes the dark.” Jamie reached to turn the light back out, but I pulled my hand from his own to shove the reaching hand away.
“He doesn’t have a preference if he’s dead.” I argued, watching the way Jamie’s face fell with worry. I panicked. “Well- well he might not be.” I rested a hand on his back before Jamie led me over to the tank. We both leaned forward, hands on our knees, peering into the side of the tank at the unmoving creature, laid out on a tiny log.
“So?” Jamie asked, our eyes both searching for a single inch of movement.
“Looks pretty dead to me.”
Jamie drew out another one of those long, ‘oh my god’s’ of disbelief, standing upright as his hands flew to hold the back of his head.
“Trevor‘s gonna kill me!” I quickly turned to look at Jamie, my brow furrowing in concern. The lizard, I didn’t have much feeling for. But Jamie? Poor Jamie. And Trevor would be upset. Devastated.
“No he won’t! Well just..” god I hated to pull something so stupid. “We’ll go buy a new one.” I could tell Jamie didn’t like the idea much either.
“Tomorrow.. okay? We’ll take a few photos of him, go to the pet store, and find the one that looks closest to him. Trevor will never know.” At least I hoped.
“But that feels wrong,” Jamie reasoned. At this point, I worried more about their friendship, and Trevor’s feelings, than the lizard.
“It’s a lizard, Jame. You can’t pet or cuddle a lizard.. or hold it or walk it. It sits in a tank and you stare at it.”
“No. No Trevor always let it sit on his shoulders, or curl up in his sweatshirt hoods. He would play video games with it- and he let Drago pick movies on movie nights sometimes!” Which was always Godzilla. But Jamie never minded. They both loved Godzilla.
“He let that thing out of the tank?” I was horrified at the concept, but Jamie nodded to solidify his previous statements. Something about Trevor cuddling a lizard seemed so gross and yet so normal for him.
“Well then.. okay so..” I placed my hands on my hips, watching as Jamie dropped to sit on the foot of Trevor’s bed. “Okay.. we’ll get the new one, and just.. condition him to do all the things Drago did with Trevor.”
What was I even talking about? We were going to train a lizard?
Jamie still didn’t look all too convinced, but he gave in nonetheless.
“I’ll call you in the morning, J.” I turned to leave the room, but Jamie quickly stood up and slipped around me to block the doorway.
“Wait.. don’t go.” I could tell he was still anxious.
“I want to sleep in a bed, Jamie. And in clothes that aren’t jeans.”
“You can sleep in my bed. I’ll take Trevor’s.. and I’ll grab you something. I just.. it sucks being alone..” the sound in his voice I didn’t recognize. Sadness? I thought Jamie had been fine with a little independence, but perhaps I should have reached out a bit more.
“Fine. But I want one of your fluffy sweaters.” Jamie’s face lit up, nodding and quickly disappearing down the hall. I followed close behind, stepping into the doorway of his room and waiting patiently as he pulled out a pair of gym shorts and one of his sweaters. I’d look like Adam Sandler, but as long as it was comfortable, I’d sleep in anything. Jamie turned to hand me the clothing, smiling at me all the while, but the admiration on my face slowly shifted into realization.
I didn’t want Jamie sleeping in the same room as the lizard he killed. He’d keep himself up.
“Jame. Why don’t you sleep in your bed? It’s big enough for the both of us.” He seemed to hesitate, searching my face for discomfort before nodding. He was already dressed for bed, in his own shorts and an old Ducks shirt, but he stepped out of his room to give me the space I needed to change, shutting the door behind himself.
Jamie and I had fallen asleep together before. We were a touchy pair. But never had we really slept together in a bed. I slipped my clothes off and folded them up, placing everything on the top of Jamie’s dresser. I considered leaving my bra on before deciding against it, slipping that off as well and tossing it on top of my clothing before I slipped into Jamie’s huge sweater and the shorts he gave me. I pulled at the strings and tied them as tightly as I could around my waist.
I definitely looked like I was about to go beat my old rivals on the basketball court. Or become a wedding singer. Or hey, maybe even get my high school diploma and play college football. I giggled at the sight of myself, rolling my eyes. The sweater smelled amazing, but then again.. Jamie always smelled amazing.
“Alright, you can come in.” Jamie was quick to open the door and slip inside, pushing it shut behind himself. A gesture I would have found concerning if this wasn’t someone I was so close to. I assumed it was only a habit he had, shutting his door before going to bed at night.
Jamie’s eyes looked over my body, and it seemed he found my appearance as amusing as I did.
“You look funny.” I rolled my eyes at him before making my way over to his bed.
“Another comment on my clothes and I’ll suffocate you with your own duvet, Drysdale.” I muttered, hearing him laugh. Jamie found his way around to the other side of the bed. I paid no mind to the fact that I was technically on his side, where his nightstand was with his chargers and such. He didn’t seem to mind anyway.
“I usually listen to music when I sleep.. do you mind?” His voice made me shake my head as I laid down.
“Go for it.” I rolled onto my side and watched as he pulled his phone out and pressed play on some playlist, setting his phone down on the empty nightstand on his new side for the night.
Jamie pulled the covers back and laid down in the empty space, placing his hands one on top of the other on his pillow before resting his head on them. He looked like a little girl ready to share secrets with her bestie. And that excited smile on his face only solidified the look. It was like we didn’t have a dead lizard in the other room at all. The smile didn’t remain though. The silence let both of our minds wander, and I watched concern overtake Jamie’s features again. His gaze dropped to the sheets, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Do you think Trevor’s gonna be mad?” His voice broke our comfortable silence as he moved a hand from beneath his head to rub the fabric of the shirt I wore between his fingers.
“Go to bed, Jamie.” I spoke softly, encouraging him to relax, batting his hand away and turning onto my back. I heard him sigh, but I didn’t look at him any more. Truth is, if Trevor found out, I didn’t know how he’d feel.
We both fell asleep at some point, I’m not sure when, but I knew he was out before I was, because the sound of his snoring was certainly a surprise to me. I’d never heard him snore, and I never expected it to be so amusing either.
When I woke up, I felt the weight of a hand holding the fabric of the sweater on my back. At some point in the night, I had rolled onto my side, and it seemed Jamie had gotten ahold of me. I was careful shaking his hand off before I turned to look at him, on his own back, one arm draped over his stomach while the other laid on the bed beside me.
I rubbed at my eyes and slowly sat up, yawning and stretching. The lizard was an awful reminder of what we had in store for us today. I almost didn’t want to wake Jamie up to have to burden him with his own mistakes, but I wasn’t going to let him lay around while I replaced Drago.
“Jamie…” I whispered in a sing-song tone, grabbing his hand and lifting his knuckles to my lips. I pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his hand, smiling at the way his head turned and his dark hair fell over his eyes.
“Jame,” I dropped his hand to the bed and poked at his side a few times before finding a spot that tickled. He giggled, his eyelids squeezing before they fluttered open. A happy morning Jamie was a good morning Jamie. It brought a smile to my lips while I gave him time to wake up both physically and mentally.
“We have to get into PetSmart.”
That didn’t seem to make Jamie happy, but I wanted to get the stress out of the way early so we wouldn’t dwell on it all day.
The two of us did our own thing getting ready, and I allowed Jamie time in the bathroom to fix his hair while I went to take photos of the lizard- in the same spot as before. By the time I was done, Jamie was standing in the doorway of Trevor’s room, in a crewneck and a pair of jeans, holding his car keys with pursed lips.
“Okay.. it has to have these dark scales down the sides of its head.. right here,” I tried to show Jamie the phone despite the fact that he was driving. He spared it a halfhearted glance before looking back at the road.
“They all look.. sorta similar.. right?” Jamie’s question made me stop to think.
“Yeah… I guess they probably do.”
What made me worry though, was that Trevor probably knew every single scale on that thing from the way Jamie described his relationship with the lizard.
Once we found a place to park at the PetSmart, Jamie and I were quick to get ourselves inside, both uncertain of where to go, but the woman at the cash register helped with a kind smile.
“What are we looking for today?” She stepped out from her small area after she finished checking someone out.
“A bearded dragon?”
My question seemed to catch her off guard.
“Wasn’t expecting that. Usually young couples come in here wanting to adopt one of our cats.”
Jamie’s face went red before mine did, but neither of us knew what to say.
“Come on. They’re this way.” She turned to walk down the isles, and we followed suit. She stopped by the reptiles, taking her time examining the small tag outside each tank, until she found the bearded dragons. “Here they are.”
Jamie and I spent a good half an hour examining all the little creatures before we found one we decided was the best fitting option. Then we paid and took it home. One task out of the way.
Jamie didn’t want to hold it at first, or even touch it, but I insisted it was his job because he was always around when Trevor played with it. I swear I saw him go pale the first time he grabbed it.
Everything seemed to be going decently until Jamie got a call from Trevor, his fellow Duck explaining that he’d gotten some kind of sinus infection and the physician wouldn’t let him play. That he’d just gotten off of his flight home, and he couldn’t wait to sleep in his own bed.
Jamie and I began to panic at that point. Because it meant Trevor would be home within the next few minutes.
“Just put it in the cage!” Jamie shoved the lizard into my hands, and I gagged at the feeling.
“Jamie!” I scolded, but he was already rushing down the hall, and I had to helplessly follow with the scaly creature.
“What do we do with the old one?” When I entered Trevor’s room, my eyes landed on the dead lizard. I wondered if it was normal for a lizard not to decompose or even stink after two days of being.. well.. dead.
“Can we throw it in the back yard?” I hated suggesting doing something so terrible to an animal Trevor loved, even if I didn’t like the creature.
“What if he sees it? Or steps on it?” Both of us grimaced at the thought.
Then the front door opened.
“Holy shit.” I panicked.. the lizard in my hand began to crawl up my arm. “Jamie!” I practically shouted. He quickly reached out to grab it.
“Jimmy.. bud?” Trevor called as he walked down the hall, concerned at the sound of my yelling.
Jamie acted on impulse, cracking the top of the tank open and dropping the lizard in before he shut it.
We left the dead one.
Trevor quickly stepped into his bedroom, eyeing the sight of both of us standing around, acting as if nothing had happened.
I watched his brow raise. I took a step closer to my preferred Duck, and he rested a hand on my shoulder.
“You guys doing something in here?” His tone took on a natural suspicious sound, along with the congested one.
I looked up at Jamie, and Jamie looked down at me. “No?” I tried. “We were just-“
“I came to feed Drago.. she just wanted to see him.” Jamie blurted out, a nervous smile forming on his lips. Did he always look that awkward when he was lying? I never would have suggested buying a new lizard if I knew he was shit at telling a tale.
“Did you guys do something to him?” Trevor quickly dropped his bag, walking over to the tank. His voice sounded miserable, scratchy and nasally. “Dude.. those antibiotics must be crazy.. I’m seeing double.”
Trevor popped the top off the tank, reaching in to gently touch the dead lizard before he attempted to poke the other. He came to the quick realization that they were both real. “Did my lizard have a baby? What the hell?” He seemed absolutely confused, but Jamie and I weren’t planning on saying anything if Trevor really believed Drago had a kid.
“Yo, I thought Drago was a boy..” Trevor reached for his dead lizard, picking it up and resting it in the palm of his hand. I was horrified when I saw its eyes open.
“Uh no way!” I stepped back into Jamie. “That thing was-“ the taller immediately clasped a hand over my mouth, only pulling it down when he knew I’d be silent.
“Just started hibernating, I know.. the lady I spoke to said they can sleep for days and weeks at a time at the beginning.” Trevor smiled, resting Drago on his shoulder. “Guess he.. or.. she must have been exhausted after laying an egg.” He paused, “don’t reptiles lay multiple though?”
“I didn’t know what to do with them.. I didn’t figure you wanted a bunch of baby lizards so.. so I took them out.” Trevor only shrugged and nodded at Jamie’s words. He probably wouldn’t have wanted a bunch of tiny lizards.
“I missed one I guess.. thought I’d surprise you.”
Did he really not understand the mating process? Did Trevor just assume his lizard had a tiny Jesus lizard? Did I even want to ask and risk us getting caught?
“Guess Drago’s a Dragonita.. huh?”
Pure disappointment flashed across my face. Who made him pull out of basic science in high school? Which teacher failed him? Which teacher did he fail?
Now I understood why nobody on the Ducks thought Trevor was ready for a dog.
“I’m going home.” I shook my head, holding my hands up in mock surrender. I was losing brain cells being a part of this conversation.
“You don’t wanna hold DJ?” Trevor asked as I had gotten to his bedroom door. I just had to turn and ask what he meant.
“Drago Junior.” Trevor beamed with pride, like a new dad. I wanted so badly to tell him that his bearded dragon was not a woman, and that she did not have eggs, and that the new lizard was store bought. But when I looked back at Jamie, I simply sighed at the relief on his face. I couldn’t out him. I couldn’t tell Trevor we planned on just replacing the little guy.
“I don’t like lizards.” It was supposed to be an excuse not to hold it. And it was the truth, but it contradicted with what Jamie told Trevor when he first got home.
“What do you mean? You were in here ‘cause you wanted to see them!” Trevor smiled and sniffed. I don’t know how anyone can have so much energy when they have a sinus infection. Trevor always defied all odds.
Jamie’s pleading eyes made me give in and hold my hands out.
“Hell yeah. DJ’s gonna love you.”
DJ did love me. But I did not love DJ. My entire morning was spent trying to fix this whole mess, only to come to the realization that a Google search would have fixed it. I went the rest of the evening curled up on the couch against Jamie, with a stupid lizard hanging off my chest, watching Godzilla. I made a silent promise to myself that I would never again help Jamie with lizard troubles.
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Dincember Day 20: Celebration
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Word Count: 2789 Rating: General Summary: To show Din how much he means to you, you decide to make a special gesture in celebration of him by cooking him a traditional Mandalorian feast. Despite having your heart set on a perfect evening, a certain green child has other ideas... Content Warnings: None! Author's Note: I was so excited to write this one! I love me some emotional hurt/comfort almost as much as I love writing Grogu as a little chaos gremlin. Cooking important meals can be stressful at any time of year but especially around the holiday season, shoutout to anyone who has cooking duties this year!
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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The level of care that Din showed towards you never failed to make you feel like the luckiest person in the entire galaxy, that you were the person he had chosen to spend his life with. You were very fortunate that his formidable array of skills meant that he had accumulated enough credits to spoil you in so many different ways; from vacations in cabins to the most beautiful snowy spots to celebrate Life Day, to the small gifts and food he sometimes he brought home for you and even the fire pit that he had constructed outside of your cabin… you never wanted for anything. 
While it was nice to want for nothing and know that Din would always be able to take care of you in that sense, it was far from the main reason that you loved him and were so grateful to be his life partner. Your gratitude ran deeper than simply materialism. You loved Din because he was so attentive to your every need, as well as Grogu's. You almost couldn’t believe his generosity and kindness, that the warmth of the man underneath the armour was such a stark contrast to the hard, Beskar-clad warrior that he was known to so much of the galaxy as. 
You did your best to make sure that he never doubted your gratitude by thanking him over and over, to which he would always respond that it was no less than what should be done for a loved one and by reminding you constantly how much he loved you. You knew that Din did not conduct himself in such a caring way because he sought praise or thanks because for him it was just the right thing to do. Din Djarin was a man who cared passionately about the well-being of his loved ones; you knew he would go to the ends of the galaxy, if needed, to ensure your happiness.
In your mind, that was all the more reason to do something special for Din, to let him know how grateful you were and how much you loved him. There were so many options to celebrate your favourite Mandalorian, but finding something you knew he would enjoy required careful thought. You could obviously buy him something, but he really was not a materialistic person. His most precious items were his armour and weapons, you did not know enough about them to shop for something that would be to his taste. While your knowledge of beskar’gam and weapons remained limited, you had done your own research into Mandalorian culture and had your own understanding of things that were important to them. That research, combined with tidbits Din told you about Mandalorian culture, meant that you knew how important food was in their way of life. Food was a pivotal part of Mandalorian culture because it fuelled the warriors and gave them strength in battle.
With that in mind, you eventually settled on the idea of cooking Din a meal to show him how appreciative you were of everything he did for your little Clan. A plan formed in your head, involving the High Magistrate of Nevarro, Greef Karga, to distract Din for a few hours while you prepared the feast. You had thoroughly researched the dishes you would serve: a spicy Mandalorian casserole called Tiingilar followed by something sweet afterwards, you would bake a batch of Uj’alayi. Both dishes were staples of Mandalorian cuisine; you had no doubt that Din would be thrilled with your efforts to treat him to something special.
You knew that for much of his life, Din had not had the privilege of sharing a meal with his loved ones, given his upbringing and the Creed he had sworn. There were many lonely mealtimes where his tribe would scatter and eat their food in private, secluded from each other to uphold their vow to never reveal their face in front of another living being. Since he had met you, though, and begun taking his helmet off in your presence, Din had come to know the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with his family, with the people he loved. He had also learned to savour food, rather than merely inhaling it before he moved onto the next job.
A meal would be the perfect way to not only celebrate how much Din meant to you but also how far he had come as a person since you had met him. You were sure it would be an incredible evening, full of laughter and good food. 
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“Grogu!” You barked at the child who was levitating a knife, “Put that down!” 
You had been running around the kitchen like a headless tip-yip for the entire day to prepare the celebratory feast for Din. But unfortunately, there was a little green child who was determined to thwart your plans. Every time your back was turned momentarily, Grogu was wreaking havoc in the kitchen. Whether it was levitating utensils with the Force to get your attention because he was bored that you were neglecting him or stealing ingredients that rested on the counters, the child was behaving like an absolute menace. 
Usually you loved Grogu’s personality; his cheekiness and abilities with the Force always brightened your day. But not today. You were stressed out, fearing that you had taken on too much. Hiding your plan for the surprise meal and the ingredients you had purchased the previous day from Din had been incredibly difficult. You hated lying to him; you believed you were terrible at it, as though he knew you so well that he would undoubtedly sense your dishonesty. 
But Din had left for the appointment that Greef Karga had scheduled with him. Unbeknownst to Din, the appointment was made at your request as part of a wider plot. Ostensibly, Greef wanted to update Din on the latest news on Nevarro but in actuality, it was a ruse to get Din away from the cabin so you could prepare the feast. You thought that keeping Grogu here would give Din some time away from looking after his son and the chance to catch up with the man who was probably his closest friend on this planet. Grogu could be quite demanding, as you were discovering for yourself. Perhaps deciding to have him around while you attempted to prepare this feast had been overly optimistic on your part, you had underestimated just how little Grogu could be trusted around food.
Things had started off well, the Uj cakes had been baked and left in the conservator to cool. You had allowed Grogu to clean the bowls and spoons you had used and the child had wasted no time licking every last remnant of the sweet, sticky mixture. That had kept him satisfied for a while. Until you had come to prepare the main dish: a spicy casserole called Tiingilar that you were sure Din would love. You had just finished chopping the vegetables when Grogu had decided that levitating a knife was a sharp idea. You were growing increasingly exasperated with him but trying not to show it. After all, you suspected that he just missed his father. The two never liked to be parted for any prolonged period, their bond was so strong. After everything they had been through together, you completely understood the anxiety that came whenever they were parted.
Grogu seemed to listen after you admonished him about the knife though; he was surprisingly well-behaved while you finished preparing the Tiingilar. You gave a deep sigh of relief as you completed the final step, pouring the mixture of meat and vegetables into the dish, ready for baking.
“Almost there, buddy,” You said aloud to yourself as much as to Grogu once the Tiingilar was finally cooking.
With the Tiingilar finally in the nano-wave cooker, your next step was to change out of the clothes you had been wearing, now sweaty and stained thanks to the exertion of cooking. You knew that Din would be back soon. you wanted to look presentable for him, despite the frazzled mess that you currently felt like. 
You picked out one of your favourite outfits that Din had complimented you on before and appreciated your appearance in the mirror. Now slightly more presentable, you turned your attention to setting the table for you and Din, complete with flowers and candles to really make it feel like a special evening. 
You were just putting the finishing touches to the table, when you heard the unmistakable sound of Din’s speedbike approaching the cabin. At almost the exact same moment, the nano-cooker chimed to indicate that the Tiingilar was finished and you practically skipped to the kitchen to retrieve it, feeling incredibly proud that you had timed everything to perfection. Din was going to walk through the door to a steaming hot portion of one of his favourite foods from childhood.
You removed the Tiingilar from the nano-cooker, placing it on the side as you rushed back to greet Din.
“Cyare?” Din called, after entering the cabin. “What’s all this?” He questioned, gesturing towards the table laid specially for your feast. His helmet was tucked under his arm and his eyebrows were raised, clearly stunned at the scene before him. 
“It’s for you, Din. I wanted to do something to celebrate you and show you how thankful I am for all you do for me and Grogu,” You smiled, loving how genuinely surprised he seemed at the sight. “I made you a couple of dishes that I think you’ll like. You can change into something more comfortable while I dish them up, if you’d like,” You offered with a smile.
“That’s…that’s so kind of you,” Din smiled, appearing genuinely moved at the effort you had gone to for him. Din closed the distance between you, bringing his arms around your waist as he leaned in to kiss your forehead softly. “Thank you, cyare,” He whispered.
Then Din disappeared off to your room to change from his beskar’gam into something less appropriate for battle to enjoy the meal in, while you walked back into the kitchen to dish the Tiingilar up. Or, at least, that’s what you intended to do. It seemed that a little green menace had other ideas, though.
“GROGU!” You bellowed at the mischievous child, sitting on the counter next to what had been, just moments before, a delicious portion of Tiingilar. “THAT WASN’T ALL FOR YOU!”
“Muh?” Grogu replied questioningly, his ears drooping downwards. He looked up at you with innocent brown eyes, his face and hands completely covered in the meal you had spent all day preparing. 
“What’s wrong?” Din asked softly from the doorway. You turned to him in slow motion, waiting to gauge his reaction once he realised the extent of his son’s treachery. It did not take him long to piece together the situation, though. 
You expected Din to bellow and perhaps wag a finger at the little green menace in the distinctively fatherlike manner that you had witnessed so many times. But instead of that, you watched as Din’s face crumpled up and he began to laugh. With his eyes shut and hand flying up to his stomach to attempt to contain his belly laughs, it was a heartwarming sight to see him so joyful. 
“Din, I’m so sorry,” You offered, despite his apparently positive reaction to this development, you still felt terrible. 
“Sorry? It’s not your fault!” Din smirked, “Grogu is the one who ate it, not you.”
“I should’ve been watching him…” You sighed frustratedly. 
“Look, don’t beat yourself up. It isn’t the first time something like this has happened,” Din reminded you and your mind instantly went back to the hot chocolate fiasco a few days prior. 
“I guess,” You nodded in agreement. “I’m just so frustrated because I spent all day making this kriffing Tiingilar!” You exclaimed.
“Wait… Tiingilar?” Din asked, a peculiar look suddenly sweeping across his features. 
“Yes, Din,” You affirmed. “I researched Mandalorian culture and tried to pick something you’d like,” You added quickly, panicking that you had somehow offended him.
But his response indicated that you had done nothing as the sort, as he dissolved into fits of laughter once again. 
“What is it?” You asked, fearing that you had missed some sort of joke along the way.
“Well, if you prepared it according to traditional recipes, I think Grogu eating our evening meal is the least of our worries,” Din said breathlessly. “It’s famously an incredibly spicy dish. It causes something we call hetikles in Mando’a, which means noseburn, to you.”
You frowned slightly, but then as you began to piece together the misery that the dish was surely about to bring to Grogu’s little body, your eyes widened in horror at first. But then, you started to smile too. “That’ll teach him,” You smirked.
As if on cue, a little sneeze sounded behind you. You twisted your head around and noticed the way Grogu's eyes seemed to have widened in horror. You gathered that he understood the extent of his predicament.
“There we go,” Din nodded, rushing over to scoop Grogu up, before the full extent of the Tiingilar’s power could make itself known.
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“How is he?” You asked as Din returned from Grogu’s room where the errant child had eventually been taken to rest after several flagons of ice cold water and blue milk to aid his digestion of the spicy meal. 
“He’s alright now,” Din smiled. “The worst of it is over.”
“I’m sorry, Din. I really wanted this to be a nice, relaxing evening to celebrate how incredible you are. I didn’t expect it to turn into you having to help Grogu through that,” You sighed.
“Would you please stop apologising?” Din asked as he came to sit next to you on the couch. “Look, with a kid like Grogu, it happens. I appreciate the gesture and how much thought you put into preparing food that is culturally significant for me. Grogu eating the meal doesn’t diminish all the effort you put into it. I really appreciate it.”
“You deserve it, Din,” You smiled, as Din wrapped his arm around your shoulders tightly. “You deserve everything.”
“Thank you, cyare,” Din hummed, bringing you to him and kissing your temple softly.
But your mind was still turning over events, upset at how this evening had turned out. You felt awful about the whole thing. “At least he didn’t find the Uj’alayi,” You sighed, still utterly despondent despite Din’s words that this perfect evening you had planned had descended into such a catastrophe. 
“Cyare, it’s fine. I’ll hop on the speedbike and head back into town, pick something up from that stall we both like in the town centre,” Din offered. “Really, I’m not mad at all. And I’m looking forward to the Uj cakes! We can make Tiingilar together, another time. Plus I don’t think Grogu will ever want to eat another portion of it…” Din added, raising an eyebrow.
“Are you sure?” You asked, “I mean, you don’t mind going to town and you really aren’t disappointed?”
“You could never disappoint me,” Din said earnestly, with so much conviction in those brown eyes that it took your breath away. “I really don’t mind, I’m sure it will cheer both of us up. I don’t want all the effort you put into laying this table and making Uj’alayi to go to waste.”
“Okay, thank you Din,” You said appreciatively. “I’ll make you Tiingilar another time, I promise.”
“I can’t wait,” Din beamed at you. “Plus, if it’s any consolation, it smelled amazing,” Din shrugged and then winked at you.
As Din headed out of the door, dressed once again in his beskar’gam, to return to town and pick up a meal for the two of you to share, you were once again struck by an almost-overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Instead of turning the disappointment Din surely felt at not being able to enjoy a treasured dish into anger at you, he had made you laugh and feel better about the entire situation. It was just another reason that exemplified why you loved him so much and proved how much he deserved to be celebrated.
Although the reality had not gone entirely to plan and the lingering guilt that he deserved a perfect evening, you were thrilled that Din was still appreciative of the effort you had put into the evening, into honouring his culture. And really, the imperfections were pretty characteristic of the two of you and the way you spent your lives together. It may have been a clumsy way to celebrate your favourite Mandalorian, but nonetheless, it was still a celebration.
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otakusheep15 · 8 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 24
Prompt: Flowers
Pairing: Barbatos x reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 748
A/n: It's Barbie's turn again!! I love writing romantic stuff for this demon. He's so cute.
Flowers were very important to Barbatos. He maintains a giant flower garden surrounding the Demon Lord's Castle, not to mention the countless bouquets throughout the interior. He spends a lot of time around flowers, and he has come to understand the meanings behind them in a way not many others did. Taking care of these flowers was also a nice escape from the stress of dealing with Diavolo, so Barbatos took great pride in his work.
Barbatos was hard to read sometimes. You were sure you were obvious in your romantic feelings for him, but you had no clue how he felt about you. You wanted to do something to finally confess properly, but you had no idea how to go about it. That's why you went to Diavolo for help. If anyone could help you, it would be him.
Well, as it turns out, Diavolo was not as much help as you expected. In fact, he was in a similar boat. Despite being Barbatos's boss, Diavolo almost never knew what to make of him, and trying to read Barbatos was nearly even impossible, even for someone like Diavolo. However, he did offer you one piece of advice: Barbatos really likes flowers. That was a little shocking to you at first, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense.
Now that you had something to work off of, you decided to start forming some kind of plan. What you came up with was simple enough, at least for you. Since Barbatos likes flowers, you figured someone like him would be familiar with flower meanings as well. This meant that you had to be careful with which flowers you picked, just in case you gave him the wrong signals. After plenty of research, you settled on blue Forget-me-nots. They were simple, but they were beautiful. And, according to your research, they represented love and respect, which seemed perfect for this occasion.
It took some time, but, eventually, you were able to catch Barbatos when he wasn't busy. From the expression on his face, you knew that he knew something was up, which made you much more nervous than you already were. Something about the object of your affections being aware of your feelings before your confession was terrifying, especially when it was someone like Barbatos. Still, you persisted and walked up to Barbatos, flowers in hand.
When he spotted the flowers, you could swear you saw his eyes light up just the smallest bit. It was adorable, but you drew no attention to it lest you accidentally shut him down. Instead, you present the flowers and shyly confess your feelings for him. Barbatos simply stands there and listens to you, waiting patiently for you to finish your confession. When you finish, Barbatos still does not speak, and you begin to feel nervous about his reaction.
Luckily, he does not keep you waiting for long. Barbatos gently takes the flowers from you and lifts them up to his face for an inspection. He comments on your choice of flower, and you assume you picked the right ones based on his seemingly pleased reaction. Then he looks back at you and smiles. It is a gentle smile unlike his usual, more professional smile. It makes your heart flutter, and you wish you could take a photo of him in this moment. As you unknowingly stare at his face, Barbatos steps closer to you and slowly takes your hand in the one not holding the flowers and gives you a gentle squeeze. This knocks you out of your trance, and you focus back in on the moment.
He doesn't reject you. Really, it's quite the shock. You did not expect to make it this far, and you're not entirely sure where to go from here. Barbatos does, however, and he doesn't mind taking the lead. He lifts your hand up to his lips and kisses it gently, and you're certain this means he returns your feelings. To ease any lingering doubts, you ask if he accepts, to which he says yes. A giant grin appears on your face, and you're unable to contain your excitement. He smiles as well, though a smaller smile than your own. It's a nice moment with a happy ending, and you're so glad you could make Barbatos happy as well.
Diavolo was right, Barbatos really did like flowers. And, though he would never mention it out loud, forget-me-nots had always been his favorite.
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qu0kkarambles · 2 years
Part one - working late
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Warnings- smut ( minors dni), swearing, unprotected sex, public setting, mention of hickeys, mention of bulge kink, aftercare
Authors note- part one of the series finally here and I’ve actually proofread for once. Hope y’all enjoy and if there’s anything I’ve missed from the warnings pls let me know. Enjoy and hope y’all are excited for this and the rest of the series
Word count- 3.2k
Your private life had always been a mystery in the office. And you liked it that way. You liked knowing that even though you’d been there for three years now, everyone you worked with knew your name and age and that was it. You weren’t one for idle chitchat, and the office was full of gossips, so you knew one tiny piece of information could be spread to the whole building in less than an hour. The air of mystery surrounding you wasn’t something you disliked. Especially when you heard the way your colleagues would judge others. Just last week an unwanted pregnancy was announced on the floor above and the rumours you heard were unbelievable. Most people on your floor didn’t even know this woman, yet everyone had an opinion on her life.
‘She could abort it’
‘I wonder who the father is’
‘Does she even know the father?’
‘Well I heard she was asking for it’
‘Hope she can afford a kid’
All of it was exhausting to you, and so you kept yourself out of it all. If anyone asked about your weekend, you often gave short succinct answers. ‘It was fine’ was always a quick conversation finisher. Eventually most people stopped asking, knowing it was like drawing blood from a stone to talk to you. All except your closest work friend- Sunghoon.
You’d been desk mates with Sunghoon for almost a year now, and although he only knew your age and name (like everyone else), you knew an obscene amount about his life. His family tree, his dating life, even his cats personal lives. You knew more about him than you ever planned, but you actually didn’t mind. Daily rundowns of his life filled your morning coffee catch ups before your working day began. And you sometimes even looked forward to his rambling, enjoying the distraction he always offered.
Yet another Monday rolled around, and you headed to your desk, ice latte in hand when you saw Sunghoon. He was already situated at your shared desk, his own coffee in hand. ‘Morning hoon’ your voice jolted made him jump, as he replied a cheery ‘good morning’ back to you. ‘I have news y/n. Big news.’ He was practically overflowing with excitement as you settled yourself at your desk, encouraging him to share. ‘Apparently the company has a new client and the CEO asked Jay to pick the account manager’
Jay park was your boss. He’d been managing this floor since before you joined, and had always been an intimidating man. His eagle eyes missed nothing, and sharp features made for a stern face when he was angry. You had to admit, even when he was angry, he was extremely attractive. His features made him stand out in an imperfect way, the small scar across his nose adding to this. He was a formidable boss, and one you rarely wanted to cross. And yet the thought of him choosing a new account manger was thrilling. It was a massive opportunity for anyone on your floor, and one you’d be gutted to miss.
‘Holy shit. A brand new account. Who’s the client?’ You were still processing, and wanted as much information as you could squeeze out of your desk mate before the day properly began. ‘No idea who the client is. All I know is Jay will be stalking round the office today, trying to figure out who to pick.’
The thought of jay stalking his way around the office made the news suddenly less thrilling. Since the summer barbecue a few months back you had tried your best to avoid your boss at all costs. Too many glasses of sangria and poorly chosen shoes meant that your office summer barbecue ended with you falling onto jay, spilling his drink all down his clothes in the process. The fall itself wouldn’t have been so bad, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were so drunk you struggled to stand, meaning you were laid on top of him while Sunghoon tried and struggled to lift your weight.
The embarrassment was too much to live down in your mind, and so you spent the past few moths avoiding jay as much as you could. Although you wished to continue to avoid him, this opportunity wasn’t one that you were going to let go easily. So when you saw him enter the office at 9am sharp, you steeled yourself and stayed out at your desk, instead of running off to hide in the toilets or copy room like normal. He strolled into his office, acutely aware that the entire floor was on edge. He loved it. That feeling of control over so many people sent adrenaline rushing through his body. He had power over all of these people, and it felt great. As he stared out of his glass walled office, he caught your side profile, noting how you hadn’t left your desk yet to avoid him- you thought you were much more subtle than you actually were. He found it endearing. And cute.
You were unaware that Jay had spent the last few months studying you. Learning your quirks and habits. You were oblivious to so much in the office.
‘Morning y/n. Sunghoon.’ A cheery voice from behind startled you. You turned to see Sim Jake, another of your colleagues you didn’t mind. He worked between the mail room and copy desk, and would often come and visit you and Sunghoon at your desk, shirking off work under the excuse of delivering letters to your shared desk. You rarely got work mail, so the majority of jakes visits were usually spent chitchatting about nothing.
‘Morning Jakey.’ You replied, turning back to your computer as he moved closer to your desk. He perched on the end of yours and sunghoons desk, resting against it as he began talking to Sunghoon about some new game. They’d been talking for about 10 minutes before they turned their attention to you. ‘So y/n, any plans this weekend?’ Jake asked. The same question every week. He’d been trying and failing at asking you out for almost a year now. Although you knew what he wanted, you always played dumb to tease him, and it always worked. Some may think it’s cruel but he was always so cute when he got flustered. ‘Hmm no plans I don’t think probably just chilling at home’ you replied truthfully.
Before Jake could sweep in and finally take his chance to officially ask you out, Jay was hovering over your desk.
What you didn’t realise, was that the entire time jake had been at your desk, Jay had been watching the three of you from his office, quietly seething, unable to take his eyes off of you. He had to calm himself before stalking over to your desk, worried he might come off too harsh if he didn’t take a minute to breathe first.
‘Y/n. My office. Now.’ He commanded, his voice harsh, walking back to his office as soon as he’d finished his sentence. Startled by the suddenness of his appearance, you quickly stood and walked into his office, leaving jake and Sunghoon behind. As you slipped into Jays office you caught jake fake crying dramatically onto Sunghoons shoulder, his perfect opportunity missed.
‘Close the door.’ Jay wasn’t even looking in your direction as you stepped into his corner office, but the reflection from the large windows let him know you were inside. Once the door was closed he turned to face you, sitting at his desk before motioning for you to take the chair opposite him. As you sat he began to speak.
‘I’m sure you’ve heard by now that there’s a new client being added to our books. You’ll be pleased to know I’m choosing you to head the account.’ He paused for dramatic effect as the news sunk in. You were managing the new client. This opportunity was massive for your career, and you were practically buzzing at the thought. In your excitement you didn’t notice jay stand from his desk, coming around the front to move closer to you. ‘Since this is the first account you’ll be managing, I’ll be keeping a close eye on you. We’ll be working closely together from now on.’ As you looked up you finally realised how close jay had gotten to you, his small scar catching your eye.
‘That means no more avoiding me y/n.’ He said in a whisper so close you could feel his breath on your skin. You could smell his cologne and he smelt heavenly, the masculine scent filling your space. As a small squeak left your lips he stood once more, moving back behind his desk before dismissing you. ‘That’s all for now y/n. We’ll have our first meeting tonight. I look forward to working with you.’
With his words ringing in your ears as you walked back to your desk, you couldn’t help the wetness that somehow found it’s way into your underwear. Jay knew you had been avoiding him. You suddenly had the urge to run away from the office, far from Jay and his eagle eyes and perfect woody scent. But alas, you had a job to do.
You spent the morning catching up on client emails, and spent the afternoon in meetings, anticipation growing with each passing hour as your meeting with jay grew closer. He had scheduled a 5pm meeting, which was when most of the office would clock out for the day, leaving you and jay alone on your floor.
As 5pm rolled around and each section of the office cleared, you made your way to Jays office. You knocked politely on the door before opening it, walking in once he gave you permission. You sat once more in the chair across from his own, nervous at being alone with the intimidating man. ‘Let’s get started shall we. Probably easier if you come sit here. I can show you my computer set up easier that way.’ He said, standing from his chair and motioning for you to take his spot. You weren’t sure why you needed to sit in his chair, but followed his orders either way. As you situated yourself in his chair you felt him lean in from behind you, his intoxicating smell once again filling your nostrils as his breath fanned against your cheek.
You stayed like this for almost half an hour. You prayed your blushing cheeks didn’t look as obvious as the felt, Jays closeness causing a slight panic in you. As he explained thoroughly the work, you felt him getting impossibly closer to you. By half past 5, you were practically breathing the same air. You focused on calming yourself, Jays proximity sending your hormones haywire. Using all your brain power to keep yourself together, you started to lose focus on what he was saying.
‘Y/n? Did you hear what I just said?’ Shit. He was asking you a question. ‘Umm sorry. Could you repeat that?’ You asked.
‘I’m sorry?’ You gulped.
‘Can you repeat that sir?’ His correction sent a shiver down your spine, his stern words making your blush all the more prominent. You stuttered slightly, trying to find the right words before Jay interrupted.
‘You know you’re so pretty when your flustered. Blushing and stuttering for me. So cute.’ As he spoke he turned his full attention to you, the complex computer programme left forgotten in the background. With your eyes latched on to each other, you held your breath, anxiety and adrenaline filling every inch of your body at the thought of what might come next. His hand moved between the two of you to cup your cheek, his long fingers gently caressing your lips before moving to grip your chin. Before you could process the last 2 minutes, your lips were captured by Jays. His plump lips moved quickly against your own, soft yet firm. He controlled the kiss perfectly, his hand still on your chin to manoeuvre you however he wanted. Before long the kiss became filled with more tension, the two of you becoming more and more lost in the moment, and in each other.
As he lifted his face away from yours, you tried to follow his lips with your own, not ready for the kiss to end. Yet with his hand still firmly on your jaw, he separated you easily, pulling away from your slightly swollen lips. ‘So needy for me baby. Come on little one’ he said as he stood fully upright, taking your hand in his own as he did.
You stood by his side as he cleared his desk before turning to you. His hands slid around your waist as he moved you backwards toward his desk, lifting you up once your back hit the cool wood. Perched on his desk, your legs separated by him, he captured your lips once more. This time his kiss started with passion and intensity, the softness from before long gone as desperate need took over. With him stood between your legs, your skirt had started to bunch around your waist, exposing more of yourself to him than you ever thought you would. His hands stayed on your hips, pulling your core closer to him as your hands roamed his back.
A small moan left your lips as you felt his arousal against your core. The fabric of his office trousers did little to hide how turned on he was, and the thin lace of your panties betrayed you as well. He took your arousal as a sign to grind into you more, the friction between the two of you pulling moans from both of you. Your hands around his shoulders pulled his body closer to yours, the feel of his body pressed against your own not enough to satisfy you. Scrambling fingers work open his shirt buttons, rushing to push the fabric over his broad shoulders as quick as you could.
You had always found men in suits ridiculously hot, but nothing could prepare you for what jay was hiding under his clean white shirts. His tanned skin was firm and smooth, toned muscles covering his torso. His arms were strong and supple, and as your eyes trailed down his delicious abs he pulled your chin up, chuckling before placing another chaste kiss against your lips. He moved on from there, placing small quick kisses along your jaw and neck while you gasped out at the pleasure he was giving you. He made his way down your neck before stopping abruptly.
‘Is that a hickey little one?’ He said, fingers running over the small mark at the junction between your neck and shoulders. ‘N-no it’s from my curling wand. Sir’ you replied, a slight stutter in your voice. You were thankful at your decision to add sir, as jay seemingly dropped the matter, grinding his hips forward once more into yours. Jay knew what burns and hickeys looked like, but you looked so fucked out already he couldn’t bare to dwell on it now.
His lips ventured past the small red mark, trailing over the exposed skin above your blouse while his hands worked their way from your hips, inside the fabric of your top and up to your bra. Cupping you tightly, jay pulled more moans from you, stripping you of your blouse in a matter of seconds. Your top was quickly followed by your lace bra and skirt, leaving you just in your soaking wet panties.
Kissing his way down your torso, he hovered over your core before moving lower, opting instead to tease you with delicate kisses along your thighs. Your need was growing, and you were losing patience when you started to beg.
‘Please sir. Need you sir. Need more please’ you whined out. Jay hovered his body over yours as you lay back on his desk, a smirk across his face as he gripped your chin harshly. ‘Don’t be impatient little one.’
With that he moved to free himself from the restraints of his suit trousers, his member hard and red from the previous friction. After ripping your lace panties away from your core, jay lined himself up with you, teasing your entrance once more to hear you beg before plunging himself into you.
‘Fuck sir.’ You whined out as he filled you up. You felt every inch of him inside you, your walls stretching to accommodate him. With a lust filled kiss on your lips, Jay began to pull out before harshly pushing back into you, setting a slow but brutal pace. His hips thrust harder and harder into yours, each movement slow but impactful.
Your moans quickly filled the office as he pounded into you. His pace increased as your hands ran over his back, your nails scratching between his shoulders. Your high was quickly approaching and you were begging under jay. ‘Look at this little one. Can see myself in you’ he said, pace not slowing. You looked toward where your bodies met to see what he was talking about, and you saw how your tummy was bulging with him. With every thrust you could see him inside you, and the sight sent you plummeting over the edge. He worked you through your orgasm, slowing but never fully stopping. You were shaking beneath him, a combination of curses and moans falling from your now swollen lips. He continued to thrust into you, chasing his high before pulling away from you.
You looked down to where your bodies previously met to see him cover your stomach with his release, the white sticky substance covering you. You were panting at this point, the overstimulation mixed with the fact that you were still at work sending your brain into overdrive. ‘So fucking perfect for me little one. Look so pretty covered in my cum’ he praised, capturing your lips with his own once more in another passionate intense kiss.
As he started to clean himself up, finding his shirt and trousers strewn across the office it finally sunk in where you were. Jays corner office was all glass walls, 2 walls over looking the office, and the other 2 casting out over the city, which was now bathed in sunset. You began giggling at what you had just done, earning a confused look from Jay. His questioning brows only made you giggle more, finally stopping when he moved toward you, tissue in hand to wipe his cum from your stomach.
The intimacy of the moment shocked you, and you found yourself holding your breath at his proximity. When he finally moved to him the tissues, you released your breath, standing on still shakey legs to try and find your own clothes. When he noticed you try to stand jay rushed back over to you, placing you back on his desk before demanding that you stay put, as he rushed around his office collecting your clothes.
He was suddenly sweet, dressing you back up with a carefulness that was no where to be seen 20 minutes ago. It was disarming, and when he leaned in for another kiss, you did nothing to stop him, leaning into his lips as you fell deeper into him. This kiss was slow, gentle. It felt as though there may be hidden feelings lingering between your lips. But neither of you said anything, instead opting to quietly leave his office, leaving behind the day as you headed in opposite directions.
Once on the subway home you began to think more deeply about what had just happened. Was this a one time thing? Did you want it to be? And why now? As a myriad of thoughts rushed through your mind one thing became abundantly clear.
You would have to avoid jay until you figured them out.
Taglist: @lix-freckle3 @axartia @enhasengene @sjakewrld @abdiitcryy @yunjardi
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prismarine-dungeon · 1 year
okay hi
so recently I've been in a bit of an art block, mostly with designing. this lead to me deciding I wanted to design concepts based on skins I know nothing about, and what better than lifesteal? i think I've watched at most One video from someone from that, so it meant I'd have no bias or fanon ideas
I had asked @aroaceacacia for some skins on anon, so here's a leowook and ashswagg
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explanations and thoughts below the cut, since this'll be a bit rambly
okay so leowook
I decided to start with sketching the symbol on the face over and over in a notebook until I got something I could work with, and that landed me with the eye. It's slightly tilted on the face, as to match the symbol better. I went with a nice yellow to make it stand out, but I didn't plan that initially. I didn't intend it at first, but the eyebrow and mouth also help to make a shape with the pupil of the eye reminiscent of the symbol :D
In that early sketching phase, I also kept making him fluffy. I'm not really sure why, but it kept reoccurring, so I ran with it. I ended up giving him more animal-like legs and paw feet to keep the appearance. Though subtle, there's a gradient and freckles on the legs, as well as freckles on the face and a gradiant on the bang. I ended up messing with the colors on those a lot, since originally he looked too yellow. He was going to get a tail as well, tbh, but I felt like he didn't really need that, he worked better as a completely ambiguous fluffy guy.
On clothing, he and ashswagg are kinda, unintentionally, influenced by the different series I've been into lately- dishonored, assassins creed, and thief, but most notably the former. For leowook, I looked up suits on pinterest until I found this interesting one with a similar top piece, though it had a longer tailcoat with pockets on the sides. I was going to keep those, but I wasn't happy with how it was coming out, so I kept the parts I liked. I also made the pants into shorts, so I could show off the legs more. The suit in the image also had an ascot, so I decided to get a little silly with it and turn his tie into one. I know it likely doesn't make sense, but I don't care. Last things of note are the fact that I turned the buttons gold as to match the skin and added some onto the pants. There's also the belt with the pouch, but it was kinda an afterthought, so if I were to ever come back and reevaluate these concepts, this is something I'd completely redo
After I finished him, I was having fun and doodled him a little. Nothing too clean or anything, just things for fun
ashswagg ashswagg ashswagg. this guy gave me so many troubles. I'm not happy with how he turned out, but i think i shouldnt do anymore work on him.
initially, I wanted to go with something more galaxy/space inspired. I'm not sure what it is, but the silver and gold in there made me think of stars. however, I couldn't settle on a way to execute it. I wanted to make him space, but I also wanted to make his clothes space, but I also wanted him to just be a fuckign guy, but like make him very obviously not human in such a subtle way. I wanted to give him long hair, but also long hair just felt wrong somehow. eventually i just ended up getting to a point where I just put something on the canvas and I'd work with it.
with his hair and face, I wanted to obscure any face he could have. all I wanted visible was his mouth, partially because I kept playing with the idea in my head that he doesn't have a face under there, only a void or glitch or just an uncomprehensible darkness over where eyes should be. I tried to make the hair resemble his face, but I had trouble balancing that effect with the desire to cover his face how I wanted. one of my favorite concepts I played with was greasy emo punk kid who's bangs are so long they obscure his line of site, but I feel like it got a but lost.
if I were to reattempt him, I'd give him that greasy hair, but instead of the long bangs, a mask that covers most of his face or something. play with a weird balance of teenage menace and cool minecraft oc design.
with the outfit, I veered away from suits to coats and jackets. I just knew I wanted to go with something long (which, as you can see, didn't stay). I had saved a few different references, but the ones of note were this cool sleeveless coat thing and, essentially, the little hood he has on. attempt after attempt lead me to nix the first image and just use the hood for ideas. another concept I played with was a shoulder cape, like the ones ezio auditore wears in most of his games, but I wasn't feeling it.
with the colors, I wanted to make his skin a shade of purple, because I thought it'd be something fun to play with. his hair ended up, by process of elimination, this almost black color with a brighter purple on the tips. the rest of the outfit ended up being a similar palette, with barely thought out pattern concepts thrown on to try to grasp onto the color balance present on the skin. I think it could have worked if I had managed to get a glitch effect to work, especially if the glitch effect was a more purple-toned one, but as is it kinda just falls flat.
a fun detail, his kneepads were intended to be made out of a material like crying obsidian. I just thought it'd be neat. also, the hood on the cape I ended up giving the beak shape we see on assassins from ac, because it's silly to me and I thought itd fit. I was also planning on doing after doodles, but I ended up deciding against that by the time I finished
overall ashswagg ended up being an underbaked concept with too many things thrown in. hes the vanilla extract design of these two, if you will. in typing this, I did consider the idea of 'okay but what if I made him a kinda fucked up wizard thing with greasy emo hair' and that's an interesting avenue.
this was a lot of fun to do, despite some unhappiness here and there. that's the nature of concept designs and stuff, not every one is gonna be a winner. just means that you can eventually work out what you don't like later on.
and honestly, this experiment has given me a good perspective for future endeavors like this with my mcyt ocs. it's interesting to think about how a fandom would interpret them, and this'll give me a neat perspective on that. maybe I'll do similar studies and post those some day
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
Under the Starlight - James Vega x Zachary Shepard
In the final hours before reaching earth - two soldiers spend a quiet moment under the starlight.
I'm taking a bit of my own advice I gave my irl bestie @withoutyouimsaskia last year- I'm being brave and posting my writing here- this mini fic has been in my drafts for over a year now!! finally got it done!! Fic is under the cut- this is also avilabe to read over on my AO3 .... I've kinda always struggled to write- but I still greatly enjoy writing - even if it takes a long time for me to create/ even when my brain is in 75 places at once!! I think proof reading is the worst part for me uGH BUT ANYWAY i really hope you enjoyed reading- i really enjoyed writing this !! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊
The final battle was upon the crew of the Normandy, the air inside the ship was thick and tense. Zachary had excused herself from the mission brief with Hacket as soon as she could. Normally she would sit for a momet with a cup of coffee- makeup up some sort of plan- or gathered her thoughts in the company of her crew.  But not this time...
She’d excused herself Without too many words or acknowledgement to the rest of her crew, She’d retreated to her cabin.  Not wanting them to see her full of this anxiety and all these big feelings.  Hearing Liara call to her to sit with her for a moment, The commander turned to her dear friend, saying how she needed a moment to herself, and she’d be down soon… 
Zachary Shepard, She was a beacon of hope to the galaxy. At least, that's what she’d been telling herself.   She had to be strong not only for her crew, but for the galaxy. It felt like the fate of everything rested on her shoulders.  
There was approximately four hours to kill until they reached earth. Setting the lights in her cabin to a dim mode the cabin glowed with a soft purple light. The cabin was also illuminated by the large fish tank that was full of beautiful tropical fish and two small jellyfish. 
She’d changed out of her dress uniform into something comfy ( Zachary opting for a pair of sweatpants and a soft cotton black T-shirt. Her N7 embroidered hoodie draped over her shoulders)  She carefully placed her dog tags on the bedside cabinet. They were down neatly next to a  photograph that had been taken on shore leave, at the citadel.       
It was a photo of her and her dearest friend, Liara T’soni. The photo was a “candid shot”, taken by EDI. It showed The commander and Liara sitting together at the citadel praesidium, mid conversation.  Liara beaming ear to ear as Zachary cracked a joke.    Zachary couldn’t remember what she’d been joking about, but the photo held fond memories.  
The recent shore leave to the citadel had brought Zachary closer to her crewmates.  In particular, one lieutenant James Vega.
During the times where Zachary was on what she called “house arrest”. Her ship grounded, her crew scattered out across the galaxy.   Over the period of time she was grounded, Zachary grew to know Jmes not only as a co-worker, but as a friend too… they'd flirted a little with each other a little as well… Hell - The two had been skirting around each other awkwardly until they eventually gave into their feelings and shared an intimate moment together on the balcony of Hakket’s citadel apartment. 
Nothing more than a kiss and a deep talk about human connection, but that was all they’d needed in that moment.  Exchanging Words of longing, lust and devotion.  Emotional vulnerability- baring all to each other. 
The idea of intimacy and so much more - a fantasy. One that may have bloomed into something in another life…
Zachary confessed in that moment- that in another life- she’d like to have settled down with him. They’d have a house by the beach and a chocolate Labrador Retriever…
The memory of shore leave on her mind- the commander lost in the moment for a little too long… Coming back into the present-  She decided it’d be best for her to cut her hair. Catching her reflection in the fishtank and running her hands through her hair. 
So- she paced to the bathroom and stripped down to her vest and pants- grabbed her clippers from the cabinet and placed them onto the counter.  The commander looked at herself in the mirror- she looked tired. Her fair skin was blotchy and dry- dark circles under her eyes. Small patches of skin scarring from where she’d picked it with anxiety.  The battle scaring up her right cheek was all the more prominent at this moment. Cerberus was to blame for that set of scars…
Her grape purple hair had grown out too long over the months- she wanted to look and feel like herself… she'd always wanted to keep her appearance sharp and neat- but she'd been slipping… She’d not worn any makeup when attending meetings or going out on missions.  Zachary was known for her bold lipstick choices… Choosing dark colours that made her feel confident..   Looking to and then Picking up the clippers- she took them to her hair and shaved off all her hair that had  grown out. Shaving her hair Down to a grade 2 buzzcut. The cut hair falling into the sink basin- Zachary would tidy it all later…  She'd also fix up the fine hairs on her neck- tidying the cut clean if she had time before arriving at earth.  She would also put on her favourite lipstick.. A deep sage green.
But for now- this would do.  Looking at herself in the mirror- she tried her best to smile.. Trying her best to not feel hopeless. She was trying her best. 
After Freshening up in the shower- she got dressed- back into the clothing she wore before  and  picked up her boots. 
Inspecting them as she sat on the side of her bed…  noticing how beaten and tattered the laces had become. 
She grumbled. Thinking if she’d planned her time better, she could've gotten new laces or given her boots one last polish. Feeling like she had to keep up appearances.  Even if she was going to die- and going to send her men and women to their deaths too….
She slipped on her boots, the commander struggled to tie her laces. Feeling like she had the dexterity of a dear on a frozen lake.  
As she tried again- she heard EDI speak to her over the normandy’s intercom. 
“Lieutenant Vega is requesting a meeting with you Commander, May I send him up to your quarters?” 
With a somewhat displeased grumble, Zachary replied
“Sure thing EDI…” With a sigh, “Thank you” she added quietly. Zachary continued to attempt to tie her laces. 
She swore at Vega under her breath.  She’d told everyone she wanted to be alone… 
What could be so important- what could he want?! 
The commander had been so focused on trying to tie her laces that she didn’t even see or hear James enter the cabin. Until he coughed so announce his presence.  Zachary looked up from her boots, with a frustrated grimmiss, she grunted in acknowledged to the lieutenant, she continued to fumble with them. Determined to get them done up.  She wasn’t going to let a pair of laces defeat her- not when she’d faced far greater enemies- like a clone of herself or an actual reaper! 
A sigh laced with defeat escaped her lips, her hands shaking. She felt overwhelmed by everything.  Letting go of the lace, Zachary slammed her hands onto the bedding she sat on, gripping the sheets and balling her fists.  Zachary scrunched her eyes shut and swore under her breath, before she composed herself as best she could and tried to tie her laces again.   
The commander was dead panned and focused on this until  James came to her and  took a hold of her hands, pulling them away.  She’d not realised how worked up she had become…   Grounding her and bringing her back into the moment,  James held Zachary’s hands for a good few moments and gave them a firm reassuring squeeze. His thumbs moving in small circles over the backs of Zachary's hands…  He then let go- then without any words, he got down on his knees and began to tie the laces of Zachary’s left boot. A subtle sign of worship and devotion.  
This fast rush of emotion running through Zachary, she looked up to the ceiling of her cabin, staring through the skylight, watching the stars pass her. A blush scattering over her cheeks,  She tried her best to not feel vulnerable in this moment of intimacy between the two.  
“I don’t need help with my laces.” She quietly protested… she felt embarrassed, for lack of a better word or emotion.  She was the sharpest shooter in the godforsaken Galaxy- she didn't need help with something as mundane and childish as tying boot laces. Her eyes travelled down to James and she watched him tie her laces.
“Well- if I didn't help you'd be trying to do them up until we got to earth! ” optimism James’s voice.  
James worked with precision, tying the laces up. He then moved to the other boot and worked with an equal amount of dedication and precision. 
Standing up, looking at Zachary, he smiled and held out his hand. He helped Zachary up, the two of them locking eyes.  The commander stood at five foot seven in her double soled boots, there was a considerable seven inch height difference between the pair.
“Dance with me?” He asked- breaking the silence. The two were still holding hands. 
Zachary tiled her head, her head foggy and confused. 
This- this is what Vega wanted?!
“Dance…. you want to dance…? As in… actually dancing , or… or do you want to brawl?” 
Zachary stretched out her arms, gesturing to how small her cabin was, it definitely wasn’t big enough for a fight
"Because I’m not sure there’s room in here for us to fight, unless we go down to engineering,,” She paused for a moment
“ or… or are you using dance as a euphemism for sex?” she asked, grinning at James. 
This comment made the lieutenant laugh, it filled the otherwise silent cabin with life. 
Zachary continued to smile… but she was still very confused on what James meant by “dance”. 
“Oh, you crack me up Zachary” 
“No! James, I’m being serious here… remember the first time you asked me to “ dance ” one on one,  we ended up brawling on the engineering deck… if you remember, I almost broke your nose with how hard I swung at you….. and the last time we agreed to dance,it ended with us thinking about and expressing the want to fool around on shore leave” she protested.    
This was true. This was so true. 
“Well” The lieutenant grinned  “yes, you have a point there.. let me try again…” James reached into the back pocket of his cargos and pulled out a small usb stick. He walked over to the commander's music player and slotted it into the usb slot.
After pressing the play button, soft, slow piano music started to play. He walked back to Zachary and took a hold of her hands, lifting her right hand, he kissed it tenderly, and watched as Zachary's cheeks flushed.  He smiled at her and watched as she smiled back.. .
“Zachary, will you dance with me one last time ?” He asked softly. 
Zachary felt the lieutenant pull her away from the bed.  Pulling her into her and holding her close.  
He held Zachary close, ran a large hand through her freshly shaved purple buzz cut, hearing her sigh with contentment as the anxiety within her gave out ever so slightly. 
The two together, not sharing words. But sharing the same space,the same moment and the same air.   They danced- slowly. Zachary had no idea what she was actually meant to be doing- she just held herself against James- resting her head over his chest- her eyes closed- just feeling and being in the moment with the one she loved. 
She rested her head on his shoulder- hands interlocking. A soft embrace. They danced under the stars and moonlight.  This moment was just for them. 
Zachary felt like she was home as they danced. Safe in the presence and embrace of the lieutenant.  Yes, the feeling of impending doom still loomed over her- but she was no longer alone….
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saralanceswife · 2 years
Hurt - R.B
Info - You and Robin were friends for years now, but something was there, something more neither of you thought anything but people around you saw it. Steve told Robin she should ask you out before but Robin kept saying it would be after but she later regretted that.
Warnings - angst, violence, cursing, kissing.
Pairings - Robin x Fem!Reader
You were ready to excute the plan Nancy had set out, You, Eddie and Dustin were to keep the demobats away from the Creel house, while Nancy, Steve and Robin went in. You weren’t liking that very much wanting to go with Robin 
“I should go with you guys!” You yell out to Nancy 
“Y/N, Robin would just hate the idea of you going out there with us.” Nancy replies 
“Nance you know I’ve liked her just let me go” You tell her with puppy eyes.
“No, Final answer” Nancy says turning heel, and you groan. All heading through the gateway you turn to Robin 
“Comeback to me Buckley, stay safe” You tell her as she just nods and walks off with Steve and Nancy. Eddie waits for them to leave before turning to you.
“You like Robin.” Is all he says 
“N- No I- What are you even talking about” You stutter out 
“Its too clear Y/L/N” Eddie replies 
“Clear as day” Dustin enters in the conversation 
“God I hate you both!” You groan, walking with Eddie to grab his guitar and set up. Once it’s all set up and ready to play. It still wasn’t enough, Dustin had already gone through the gate. 
“Go Y/N” Eddie tells you.
“No you go, I- I forgot my walkie.” You lie as he nods and goes up, you don’t move but just simply cut the rope and move the bed so they can’t go through. 
“What are you doing!” Dustin shouts as you grab the garbage top with spikes and the spear. 
“Buying them more time.” You state before walking outside Eddie’s trailer before you fully step out Eddie jumps down, groaning as he hit the ground. 
“You can’t do this think about Robin!” Eddie pleads to you getting up walking toward you. 
“I am thinking about her Eddie. Look if I don’t make it out, give her this.” You say pulling out a polaroid of you and Robin “She wanted it but I ended up taking it.” You say tears forming.
“Y/N” Eddie starts 
“The best thing you can do is give it to her for me, fucks sake for her too.” You say walking out Eddie staying frozen, as you barricade the door so he can’t open it. You hear him cry out for you not to do it. But you don’t listen seeing the many demon bats in front of you. 
“Let’s do this.” You say fending off as many demobats as you could but eventually it became too much, you had accepted defeat, slowly playing back every memory you had until that point. Eddie finally breeched the door and the demobats flew away. You had managed to crawl to the side of Eddie’s trailer before he finally helped you up on it.
“I did it” You mumble “I bought them time” You tell him seeing them all walking toward the trailer “Munson you better give it to her and” Is all you can say before your eyes grew heavier and heavier. Steve seeing someone slumped over near Eddie he ran as fast as he could. Nancy and Robin still far behind.
“She- She wanted to give you guys more time.” Eddie croaked out as Steve doesn't say anything he doesn’t do anything he picks you up and brings you inside hurrying as there might still be time left with you. 
“I can’t believe we did it and look we came out fine.” Nancy says walking toward the trailer while Eddie is standing at the door with the picture you gave him.
“Guys hurry up we need to get to the hospital” Is all Eddie can manage to say before panic settles in both of them. 
“Max” They say in unison before running in and going through the gate Steve was already inside the stolen RV you were laying on the couch still with a small pulse. Eddie, Dustin, Robin and Nancy run inside. Nancy seeing her thought was off the mark.
“Y/N?” Nancy speaks out her voice low as Robin hurries to your side. Tears already streaming down her face.
“Buckley?” Eddie says as Steve starts to drive and fast. “Y/N wanted me to give this to you.” He tells Robin handing her the polaroid as she sobs harder Nancy falling next to her. Comforting her newly found friend. They had finally arrived Steve carrying you in and the E.R nurses and doctors asked no questions just took her back right away. Robin tried to chase after them but a nurse stopped her. 
“I n- need to see her please.” Robin pleads 
“When the doctors are done honey. But if you need something to do, maybe calling her parents?” The nurse asks 
“W- we are the only people she has her parents left her right at 18″ Robin sobs out.
“Okay lets get you seated in a better area.” The nurse tells Robin “All of you” She tells the others as they all mutter ‘Right away’ After hours of waiting, Steve helping with paper work, Robin trying to help as well but being no use with rambling. Finally a doctor comes out 
“Y/N Y/L/N is ready to be seen, she just might not wake up for a bit.” The doctor explains as Robin’s mouth goes agape 
“Sh- She’s in a coma?” Robin asks as 
“No, we saved her from that, we just have her on a lot of medication right now. Y/N’s room is 145A” The doctor says as Robin makes a b-line straight for the room, Robin finds it and walks straight in, seeing you laying there just makes her cry again, the others just fall short behind her
“I’m not gonna leave Y/N” Robin says taking hold of your hand. The rest giving you a moment of silence.
“Robin we’re gonna take shifts, so we can all get rest, eat, shower, etc” Steve explains
“I’m gonna take first shift.” Is all robin says using her other hand to grab the polaroid out of her pocket, placing it on your arm. “I never told her Steve” Robin chokes. Steve sits down next to her placing a arm on her back 
“You’ll get the chance” Steve tells her as Robin just sobs. It had been a full day and Robin hadn't left your side, she only did once to change and that was it, Steve, and Nancy brought Robin food when it was their turns to be there. 
“I’m just saying Robin you should join hellfire” Eddie tells Robin and she chuckles.
“DND club? I’ll pass” Robin says then looks down at you laying limp, she grasps your hand for the fifth time that hour. You finally awake and flutter your eyes open
“Was that just me or did-” Eddie starts
“Holy shit” Robin says “She’s awake!” Robin yells as you groan at her loud voice 
“Shhh you’re too loud Rob” You tell her, your voice really hoarse. Robin sprints out of the room to get a doctor.
“You tell her Munson?” You turn to Eddie, he’s sitting there with a magazine to his face. 
“I didn’t Y/L/N, I knew you were gonna wake up. So I waited for you, it would be better for her sake anyways” Eddie says standing up, when Robin and the doctor walk in, Robin already at your side. 
“I see she is awake” The doctor says walking in “You sustained quite the injuries.” He explains heading toward the foot of your bed
“Yeah I can tell” You let out a small laugh but it hurts too much 
“Like I said, you should be out of here tomorrow. From my understanding you don't have a permanent place to stay?” The doctor asks pushing a little 
“I do, my parents bought the house in full its just I am my own parent” You explain as he just nods and walks out. 
“I am gonna leave you two to talk, Robin walkie us when she needs to be picked up” Is all Eddie says walking out and shutting the door 
“You dingus!” Robin shouts giving a small smack to your arm
“Ow!” You blurt out 
“Dingus, dingus, dingus!” She yells standing up “You could have really died back there. What were you thinking!” She shouts at you clearly upset. 
“I was buying you time!” You reply trying not to yell 
“It the most idiotic way possible!” Robin spits you’ve never seen her get so angry before. “You could have had Eddie play guitar from his trailer blaring it out! But no, you had to be the biggest dingus” Robin yells tears forming.
“Rob I was doing it for you!” You yell and it just hurts you. “I would have done it a second time if I could” 
“Why?” Robin asks 
“God you are the worst at social cues!” You tell her as she just nods in agreement. “It’s because I like you Robin, I fell head over heels, you never noticed. The thought of losing you in that upside down world had me shocked to my core, so I did it” You tell Robin tears streaming down at this point, and she just stands there, speechless for once. “And there goes a friendship straight down the drain.” You mutter as she goes and sits next to you 
“What makes you think that?” She asks soothingly as you shrug. “I have liked you for awhile after the whole thing with Vecna I was coming to tell you.” Robin confesses. 
“I know you can’t kiss me but maybe just hold my hand?” You ask her as she nods. 
“I’m still gonna kiss you” Robin says standing up slightly to place her lips on yours. Robin being afraid to move any further, made the kiss awkward.
“You’re a dork” You tell her as she pulls away 
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metro-nix · 1 year
Cosplaying a Dalek
How I spedran my first ever cosplay to wear it at a con, aka a sentimental writeup on the making of the costume with lots of pictures! Find it under the cut.
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Ever since I first laid eyes on them, I've loved the Daleks, both as a wider entity and in their design.
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Look at this thing, it's perfection! A modern design from the newer, post-2005 series, but with a more classic-feeling black colour scheme.
During my comprehensive Doctor Who watch-through, sometime around January 2020, an idea for an anthropomorphic Dalek materialised in my mind, centering around the Dalek trooper helmets from Resurrection of the Daleks. Except I thought they could have looked way cooler.
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I mean look at it. It's got the spirit but it lacks the style. So my design incorporated all the parts I found important about the entirety of the Dalek form. I doubt I thought about cosplaying it while I first had the idea, but the first post I ever made about it already mentions that desire. …huh, it's been so long already??
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I never did much about it since that time, though, aside from talking it over with a friend for ideas and thinking about visiting some second-hand clothes shops to look for the right sort of coat. That didn't end up happening, because by sheer luck I found two leather coats to choose from at home, just sitting there unused, and one of them had exactly the right collar!
…that was definitely way over a year ago though. The next time anything moved forward cosplay-wise was early in April this year. Once my small group of friends decided all three of us would go to this year's convention, and all of us were to show up in costume, it was on. With a time limit and a real goal of creating the costume I'd dreamed of for so long, I actually got to work.
The cosplay never left my mind since that day; I was constantly planning what I'd need and how I'd go about achieving it in the back of my mind. There were some things I had ideas for, but many more that I didn't even know how to start approaching; I spent several days in the first two weeks just visiting every art and hobby shop and some more specialised ones across (and some outside) the entire city. (I found out more about public transport here in that week than for my entire life here.)
Some harder to find items that I'd known I'd need from the beginning were a bicycle chain (for the exo-spine) and clear plastic cups (for the helmet lights). Those required dedicated trips and, in the chain's case, much additional work cleaning and breaking it to the desired length.
What gave me the MOST trouble, though, were all the balls on the costume, both helmet and coat. Nearly everyone I talked to about this project had their own (mostly unsolicited) ideas for what they could be made of, but none felt right to me. Eventually I latched onto wanting to make them from buttons - so the problem became finding large enough buttons. After much effort I got them - only coconut shell buttons were anywhere near the correct size - and spent the next few days sewing them and the bike chain onto the coat. Tip: never attempt sewing leather without a thimble.
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Here's what it looked like with all the attachments + a dirt cheap belt from a second hand.
Through all the work on the coat, however, I'd been dreading the part I knew least about: the helmet. It was the most crucial element, the lynchpin of the entire thing, and I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like, but nothing about how I'd achieve it. It took me the longest time to even settle on a material to make it out of.
Everything started coming together once I remembered I have access to 3D modelling software that I *knew how to use*. I speed modelled the helmet in one evening, adjusting only the cup holes for real size and eyeballing the rest of the dimensions, praying that it'd end up being right because I had neither the time nor willpower to go through modelling-printing-cutting and gluing it all a second time.
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Some wip stages looked pretty funny considering the cup shapes were perfectly to scale
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Once unfolded, printed out, glued together, cut out, traced on cardboard, and cut out once more, it looked like this:
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a LOT of tape and wishing I had someone to help me hold things in place later, I finally ended up with a shape that looked right and thankfully turned out to be perfectly sized for my noggin. It's incredible how many strokes of luck happened here, really. and there's still several coming up!
After connecting the visor, cups, and a safety helmet base to the cardboard structure, I had a Usable Helmet. Feeling so close to my goal, I still knew there was a long way to go, as I had barely an inkling as to how I'd make or connect the helmet's optic.
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I used a small tube of thick cardboard and bent wire in the end. The lens was from an old bedstand clock.
Other than that though, what remained was mostly decoration - and I was not about to even attempt painting this thing; I had to cut the helmet's template into separate pieces, lay them out tightly on a few sheets of PVC foam, cut those and then attach them to each side of the helmet one by one. It took a good while but the result was pretty phenomenal, colour quality-wise.
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The helmet also got the button treatment, though these were a different kind and not ones I went looking for - I'd actually had these lying around for years, and exactly the right number, too! Incredible how good they look, especially when in motion and catching all the light. Ended up having to reattach them with a different kind of tape, but they're holding fast now.
So my helmet was done and I had little time to spare, and even less idea how to make my Dalek gun, despite having the parts for it. A classmate unexpectedly offered to let me use a 3D printer he had access to, though, and this opened up an opportunity - so the base for attaching the gun to my forearm was 3D printed, glued, got the straps (from an old gutted backpack) sewn into it and it worked pretty great.
For the gun, I used a clear plastic tube and even more bent wire, and finally for the cable leading to the gun I could do something relaxing - a measure tape that I had to cover with isolation tape. Taped again to the base of the gun, but detachable on the other side via paperclip that I can put on and take off the collar of the coat.
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I had all the elements that required crafting ready and put together just a day before the con, then. I'd picked out appropriate underdress (my Dalek shirt and colour-fitting trousers, light for the hot weather) in between working on them.
Let's summarise: it's June. Sunny weather. My cosplay consists of
long leather coat
black helmet
whatever shoes fit the vibe
and I wanted to put a backpack on top of all that, too. You'd have to be insane to wear all of that on a hot summer day!*
*Disclaimer: all Daleks are clinically insane or close enough, so it all checks out.
I decided not to use the gloves and spare myself that much, at least. In the end, the day was even a little cloudy, and it was only about 25°C outside (for my Fahrenheit-using friends, that translates to "way too hot to wear all that") - so the eleven hours of walking in full Dalek cosplay dehydrated me only a little in the end. I think. Yeah that water bottle was gone fast.
The day was incredibly fun, even more fun than it was exhausting, and the number of people who complimented the cosplay or even asked to take a photo with me was absolutely staggering to a newbie like me! It was all worth it in the end; as I write this, I haven't yet had my planned photoshoot to get nice detailed photos of the cosplay, but I did find a TARDIS prop at the con to pose with, so… I guess I can bend my no photos rule and show you this one.
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Censoring my face with an actual Dalek picture for accuracy.
Now here I am, a proud and happy new owner of a rather nice Dalek costume. It still needs some adjustments for better comfort of wearing, mostly to make the helmet less wobbly while walking, but I have it! I got help from my friends and colleagues both in terms of solution ideas and resources given to me nearly every step of the way and completing it so quickly wouldn't have been possible without it. Thank you, guys. And thank you, if you've read this entire thing, hope it was enjoyable B ] Questions and comments most welcome if you have any.
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umbramatic · 1 year
The Umbra Lore Post
OK I did this for Vaespar, one of my other sonas, so I'm going to do a lore thread for what is arguably my main sona, Umbra.
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This will have more Meta Context than the Vaespar thread did (there is meta context to Vaespar and I will get to it eventually but it is best saved for... elsewhere) so I'm gonna be starting with said meta context. 
To start off... the entity now known as Umbra was once two separate characters. 
For the first... I have a story setting I call Multiverse Warriors. It started when I was 12 as a really stupid idea for a fanfic series that essentially crossed Pokemon over with everything else I'm into but slowly evolved into an original fiction superhero-y science fantasy thing. 
When it started, I decided to give the Multiverse Warriors, the titular main characters, a boss, simply referred to as The Boss. The Boss was basically me but cooler and sexier, as one does, and gave the Multiverse Warriors their missions. The Boss remained a constant fixture of my mental theater adventures of the Multiverse Warriors. 
Cut to the tail end of me being 19. I joined a certain RP called We Are All Pokemon Trainers, or WAAPT for short. I whipped up a character that was by all means unusual (for the time) - an immortal (this was pre-AZ) priest of Giratina who holed himself up on an island for 600 years until finally venturing back into the outside world. As my representative in this RP he was dubbed Umbramatic, or Umbra for short, and he went on many, many adventures with a gaggle of other characters, both my other characters I made for the RP and the characters of my fellow RPers. 
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(Art by Pikaninja on Deviantart)
These two characters existed alongside each other as entirely different yet vaguely conceptually related entities for years. But then at one point I thought "heh, wouldn't it be funny if The Boss looked like Umbra as sort of a continuity joke" and that was a thing for a while. 
But then it got to "hey what if they were the same character just at different points in time" (with the plan being to broad strokes the Pokemon bits in a copyright-friendly way in any "official" Multiverse Warriors material) and that's where things got WEIRD. That decision led to Umbra becoming my sona, an extension and representation of myself - and around the time of that decision was when my idea of who I was was starting to change wildly. 
So now let's get into the (current, post-WAAPT stuff is subject to change) in-universe timeline shall we? It starts with the WAAPT stuff. 
Umbra was born Joseph Nox on April 10, 1353 (WAAPT uses a Pokemonified pseudo-Gregorian calendar) on Shadedrake Island, an island not far from Hoenn that was settled by Sinnoh natives fleeing calamity long ago. Unbeknownst to him, he had been experimented on before birth, by Giratina cultists that spun off  from an ancient civilization of Alakazam and Metagross, and stole a special formula from Nicolas Flamel, who in this continuity happens to be an Infernape. This formula gave Umbra immortality (again this was pre-AZ) that prevented him from dying of old age, disease, and such, as well as the ability to use Obscura (the existing WAAPT Dark/Ghost counterpart to Aura and psychic powers). He did not realize this at first and had a normal childhood with his sister Marie. He grew up to be a high priest of the Giratina religion, gaining the title "Umbramatic," and got some Ghost-type partner Pokemon. Things were going great.
Then a plague struck and every human on the island died except for Umbra. 
Umbra still had his Ghost type companions (one of which was the Sableye ghost of his dead sister, who wouldn't be the last literal ghost from his past to haunt him) but after a few years he did what seemed like the wise thing and took said ghost companions and left. He ended up in a land familiar to those who have played the best Pokemon spinoff - Ransei. 
In Ransei he worked his way up the ranks of the nation Spectra. While he was doing so, he met a lovely lady named Duolis, who he eventually married.
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(Art by Pikaninja on Deviantart)
Eventually he succeeded Nō as the leader of Spectra and became known as The Ghost Lord, after which Giratina loaned him part of their power. 
This is where things turned sour. 
Umbra quickly grew mad with power. He started to rule Spectra with an iron fist. Soon all knew and feared the name of the Ghost Lord.
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(Art by Pikaninja on Deviantart) He got into various shenanigans with the other residents of the new generation of Ransei (read: my fellow RPers in that particular side arc) before someone finally put his reign to an end. That someone was... his girlfriend from the future, transformed into a white Arcanine for a ridiculous Okami homage I am still weirdly proud of all these years later. 
We'll get back to her later, obviously. 
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(Art by Katie Tiedrich)
But even though she gave him an ass beating, despite him turning into a powerful Giratina-Black Kyurem hybrid ghost dragon named Penumbra, she did not in fact kill him, because she did not want to even with the evil overlord phase and also this is a stable time loop. So Umbra, oblivious to the true nature of his assailant, was wracked with guilt over his deeds. He dropped everything, said goodbye to his wife (more on her later), then went right back to Shadedrake Island where he and his Pokemon remained holed up for the next six hundred years. 
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(Art by Augdgreen on Deviantart)
Eventually, however, (partially due to Giratina pulling a Mufasa) he and his mons mustered up the courage to leave. And that's where things really got started. 
He, eventually, found his way to Fortree City. There he met a particular group of Pokemon trainers: the J-Team. They are a group of champion-level vigilante Trainers who go about adventuring together. They promptly did the sensible thing and adopted Umbra and his Pokemon as their own. 
From there Umbra had a Wailordload of adventures with the J-Team including but not limited to (take notes kids some of these are important later): 
-Gaining a whole bunch of Pokemon friends
-Discovering  another immortal named Lina, who was created as his backup by the Giratina cult and was his unseen rival in the Ransei days
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(Art by Pikaninja on Deviantart)
-Finding the truth about his Sableye sister
-Finding out the truth about his origins
-Finding a girlfriend named Amaterasu or Ammy for short who can change between human and Volcarona at will
-Getting into a deconstruction of love triangles with Ammy and Lina 
-Being the Grumpy of a Seven who is also a Hydregion with false memories and also The Beast in a Kingdom Hearts/Epic Mickey-esqe plot
-Having more of his past confront him vis a Waka-esqe Latios who knew him back then -Dealing with Ammy having a short-lived affair (they make up)
-Dealing with Ammy going back in time and becoming his arch-nemesis as a white Arcanine, thus finding the truth about his past and turning their relationship to enemies to lovers retroactively (they make up)
-Finding out one of his colleagues, Pent, is his and Duolis' descendant
-Finding out one of his friends is the human avatar of the Xerneas-created artifact of power he sought in his Ghost Lord days
-Switching bodies with that friend
-Finding his ex-wife is now a Doublade with her own story and issues
-Coming out as having a crush on ANOTHER archnemesis
-Becoming Luke Skywalker
-Creating a universe with the help of his friends in a ridiculous Homestuck homage (that would become the Yangverse, hence Yangverse!Arceus' human form looking like him)
-Being sent to a dimension where he never stopped being the Ghost Lord, and where he and Lina had a son
-Him and his friends having to be broken out of a different dimension by said son
-Making up with that one archnemesis crush from earlier
-Him and Ammy finally getting married and riding off with their friends into the sunset
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That last bit was mostly the end of Umbra's story in WAAPT, as I moved on to focus on other, newer characters. 
...But as for his story overall it was only the beginning. Now we enter the post-WAAPT-canon bit which is a transition to... something else. 
See, long after the events of WAAPT, bad things start happening for Umbra as the immortality monkey's paw starts curling. Most of his human friends and Pokemon companions alike start dying off one by one of old age or other factors. Even some of his Ghost pokemon passed on for real, their purpose in the mortal realm done. 
And then it happened. 
After her long Volcarona-demigoddess-based lifespan kept her going for well over a millennium, Ammy finally died of old age.
Umbra, naturally, was devastated. However he was devastated enough to take drastic measures. 
See, he had close connections with a WAAPT organization called PEFE, which had a super secret advanced island base. He used their technology to isolate himself to an alternate timeline of the WAAPTverse that had all human and Pokemon life raptured in an unknown incident, and isolated himself in the remains of PEFE there, cutting himself from almost everyone else. The only surviving companion that came with him was Xion the Porygon-Z, and she kind of forced herself along. 
Umbra stayed alone with Xion in this facility for a long, long time. Sure, he kept himself busy, like with repairing the facility, but he never actually left. Xion meanwhile had much of her programming altered to the point she wasn't a Porygon-Z or even a Pokemon anymore, and came to be known as X. 
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Eventually, however, X convinced Umbra to go out just a little. So while he had no intention of ever going back to his home timeline due to all the trauma he did use the multiverse-traveling tech that got him here in the first place to start visiting entirely different timelines. 
The timelines and his little vacations to them were varied. Many of them were very different worlds than the Pokemon-based one he had left behind (leading him to discover to his initial shock and horror what "animals" were), though he visited plenty of other Pokemon worlds too. Eventually during these visits, he started opening up again. He started, you know, actually making friends. Some of them even became new lovers, though none filled the hole Ammy left behind.
It was then he met The Shimmerweaver.
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The Shimmerweaver is an archfey entity of immense magical power. Umbra met and befriended them in his travels, and they had a fling or two. But while The Shimmerweaver is not malevolent they are mischievous. Prone to fucking around with their powers to see what happens. 
So one day, they gave Umbra a "gift," that gift being irradiating him with an obscene amount of fey magic. 
After this Umbra found he was no longer a human, but an elf. And not just any old Tolkien-style elf but an elf that was one of the olden fair folk, with all the urges, strengths, and weaknesses. His magical powers expanded widely beyond just his original latent ability to use Obscura, including the ability to shapeshift into other beings via stealing small snippets of their metaphysical identities, but he became vulnerable to silver and prone to dark urges to do awful things to mortals. Also pointy ears and longer hair of course. He could better control his Penumbra dragon form - including making it more anthropomorphic as well -but would also lapse into an eldritch elf form not unlike the Shimmerweaver under pressure.
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(Art by Shorah_Art)
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But the most pronounced effect this had on Umbra... was the ability for him/her to trans his/her gender.
Umbra was horrified at first. Asked The Shimmerweaver to change him/her back, only to get a "this will be good for you I swear". And. Indeed he/she started getting used to it. In particular started using his/her shapechanging and genderchanging abilities to present and feel euphoria in ways he/she had never before. On one hand it caused him/her to be more ambitious in his/her multiversal adventures. On the other he/she felt the need to keep his/her new nature a secret from most, using his/her powers to make it look like nothing had changed. 
And ultimately, even with his/her many multiversal excursions and newfound powers to toy with, aside from the presence of X he/she led a very lonely life at home. 
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(Art by lilsmolfoxdraws on Twitter)
Then the second shakeup happened. 
One morning over his/her morning coffee Umbra found a gaggle of strange children - named Otto, Giselle, Minalli, and Darrin - in one of his lair's modules.
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Art by @drrandombear
Said children were child experiments with multiple superpowers, who had escaped their lab via a multiverse-traveling machine. This, however, caused them to crash-land in Umbra's facility. Initially not trusting each other, Umbra nevertheless provided food and shelter for the children. Over time they learned to, in fact, trust each other, aside from Umbra withholding his/her fey, gender-changing, and draconic secrets out of Anxiety, and after a point Umbra had basically adopted the children. Another child named Trina, from yet another universe, eventually joined them as well after one of their adventures, Umbra adopting her as well. 
It was Trina's story - being rescued from a race of crystalline demons that gave her strange powers - that gave Umbra an idea. 
See, he/she had seen a lot of things across the multiverse. A lot of amazing things, but also a lot of terrible things. Many, many people who for whatever reason needed help. 
So he trained the children in rescue, and combat, and deflecting and circumventing disaster. Those children eventually started putting their training into action across the multiverse, saving lives. They referred to Umbra as The Boss. And he/she gave them a name too: The Multiverse Warriors. 
They went on many adventures with Umbra, or The Boss, at their command. But will Umbra ever open up to them about his/her secrets? We'll find out eventually. 
And here is where we loop back to the meta stuff. Because through all this bullshit, in-universe and out, Umbra has become an extension of my identity. Sure, Umbra's not *literally* me. Sure, Umbra-as-a-character vs. Umbrra-as-a-representation-of-me is kind of fuzzy, and what's canon in that regard is a little messy. But Umbra, *spiritually*, is me... or at least one form of me, along with my other sonas. He/she got me out of my shell with my writing and character development. He/she helped me explore my gender identity. Umbra is very special to who I am as a person...  and while I've tried to document as much as his/her story as possible here, it's sure to gain new wrinkles from here on out.
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beepboopkek · 5 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (M!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AMAB!Reader afab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , amab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, blowjob but 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also afab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you're lying.”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't quite reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it still restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day. “Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your hardening shaft, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan licked around the underside of your cock. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air to the head of your now-wet cock made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your thigh, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on the head of your cock.
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically sucking you off, taking your entire length down his throat before taking it all out and licking around the head.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your dick pulsate in his mouth. A warning.
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, sucking you off like he’s never going to get the chance again.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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mrshcloset · 10 months
Seven terrible pieces of life advice — and how to counter them
Here’s one article that Karen Nimmo wrote.
Do what you love and you’ll never work a day again in your life.
Yes, you will. Even doing what you love involves work. Even the best jobs have boring bits. And hard bits. Along with challenges, setbacks, difficulties. So don’t fool yourself.
And remember that an obsession with doing what you love can test, even wreck, your important relationships. Don’t do that unless your chief aim in life is to have your job title etched on your gravestone. Then it’s fine.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Whoever came up with this gem wasn’t thinking about the psychological impact of name-calling or verbal bullying. Nor about online abuse, about how words used in derogatory ways can significantly impact a person’s mental health. Anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and a lifetime of struggles with self-worth, to name a few.
Horribly outdated, needs to go straight to the tip.
You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.
So much pressure! As a therapist I see  many people who struggle to like, let alone love, themselves. And many of them love their people –  parents, partners, kids and friends  –  very well indeed. There’s no denying that a good, sound, appreciation of yourself can serve you well in life, as well as love. But self-love (I prefer self-acceptance) is a work in progress. You don’t have to radically accept yourself in order to do well in the world. You just have to hold it as a possibility and keep working towards it.
Everything happens for a reason.
No. Just no. I’ve seen good people brought to their knees by tragedy, heartbreak and I can’t think of any justifiable reason for it. Sometimes, shit just happens. Sure, maybe you can eventually find meaning in suffering, but you don’t have to. You can just call it shit and leave it at that.
Live each day as if it is your last.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t spend my last day on Earth unloading the dishwasher or paying bills. I wouldn’t spend it at my desk. I wouldn’t do chores. I wouldn’t check my social media feeds or my banking app. I wouldn’t exercise. I wouldn’t be responsible for anything –  or anyone.
I’d just go hang with my favourite people in the sun (if there’s sun), have a laugh, wind up the music, eat hot chips and have a glass of chilled wine. Which would be excellent. But every day? Not sure where that would take me.
Actually, I am sure, and it wouldn’t be good.
Never go to bed angry.
Good in principle because we all like the idea of drifting off to sleep every night with our relationships in perfect order. But in reality? Couples fight. And some fights need time and space to settle. More importantly, some people need time and space to cool down and get their thoughts in order. Conflict does need to be addressed but not always in the moment. Figuring out a plan that works for you both is a better strategy.
You’ll never get that time back again.
Often said to people with young kids who are supposed to be making the most of every precious minute. Sigh. Anyone who has been around young kids knows that the best laid plans often end with tears and mushy food all over someone’s face (not necessarily the child’s). You don’t have to make every moment count. You just need to be as present as you can  –  for the bad, annoying and frustrating times as well as the good.
As we get older we realise that a lot of life’s moments, or phases, we couldn’t be paid enough to go back to. Sixteen again? Not for me, thanks.
So just be aware that time passes slowly, until it doesn’t. Make sure that when the time comes, you’ll be able to look yourself square in the rest home mirror and say this: “Good job. I gave it my best.”
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jerek · 2 years
good lord this one's a beast. heimdall oc/canon 3
Nothing had come of the incident with the raven. Except that Heimdall didn’t sleep so easy. He’d thought he had sharp ears before, but now… now, he could hear a sparrow’s wing-beats in Midgard.
One question he’d been asked a few nights ago was still rattling around inside of him: do you read memories?
He didn’t think he could. The closest he came was piecing together what happened to someone based on who they were now: he’d never outright seen an event in someone’s past. Of course, she who’d asked this question was so nondescript as to render the answer irrelevant.
He fancied the idea of reaching further with his foresight, though. Beyond momentary attacks. Beyond intent or strategy, even. The All-Father had him there, he would admit.
No, he was not particularly upset that he didn’t know where Midha came from. If anything, he wondered where she was headed. A solid plan was out of the question. If any decision was made, it would be made for her.
Their latest meeting was at the far cliff, far from the Lodge. On a low outcrop, half-shrouded in mist, one could make out a silhouette.
“You,” he said, “are going to get yourself killed.” He offered a hand, which Midha watched for a moment before taking. “I hope you’re ready for that.”
She stood. She felt even lighter than the boy… hell, she looked lighter than the boy, with all the advantage of height she had.
He sighed. “Am I talking to myself? Exactly what are you doing in broad daylight– where the All-Father can see?”
“Has he seen me yet?”
Heimdall snickered. “You’re funny. Almost as funny in the tongue as you are in the skull.” He walked in a slow circle around Midha, once again taking stock. Wasn’t too often he got to compare Aesir with mortals… and visually, when she was standing still, there was nothing to suggest she couldn’t be immortal.
He liked being behind people. Just off to their side. From that position, he put a hand on her back and looked out into the sea of clouds.
And once again, he had to break the silence. He gave her a little smack on the tailbone: “Lighten up a little!” He paused and added, “No offense.”
For a second, it looked like she might truly be offended by that. And then she smiled.
It was better than being a God. He grit his teeth inside a closed mouth. She asked him: “I guess I’m alright, then?”
“Odin hasn’t mentioned you, no. He’s forgiven mischief far worse… but I’m his most reliable. The worst I’ve ever done is see his ideas through after he forgot he came up with them.”
She made a little noise of acknowledgement. She was… quite unbothered, and it didn’t make sense. No reaction, no anger– he barely knew when she was confused, and only because she wasn’t the type to pretend she wasn’t.
“How come,” he asked now, “you know so many specifics about me, and I only know the broad strokes about you?” He turned to face her, and squared her shoulders to make her face him. “Don’t you think I’d like to hear specifics?”
“I don’t know that you’d believe me.”
There was that cold again. “Judging is my job.” He let his own offense roll over him, almost tickle him, and he let out a single breath’s worth of laughter. “In Asgard, everyone has a role. Your role is to appear to me, to nobody else, and to tell me all the things you won’t tell anyone else! Now…”
He put a thumb to the padding of her lower lip. “Use this mouth of yours. Start with… I don’t know. What’s the last thing you killed?”
She sank deep into thought. Possibilities flashed in her eyes: spectacular tales, all of them recollections of real events. “I’m waiting,” he reminded her.
“A manifestation of N’zoth.”
“Ah. And what would N’zoth be?”
Again, she was thinking of how to explain it. Eventually, though, she settled on this: “One of the first gods on Azeroth. It was… corruption embodied. Parts of it would manifest, and I was sent to cut them down.”
“So she’s a mercenary.” He curled his finger and thumb under her chin. “A living weapon.”
“I’m the part of my employer that does what the rest of him can’t.”
“Who’s the employer?”
She blinked at him. He could tell she was pondering whether or not to tell him. The walls of Asgard repeated around the secret. Don’t tell him, he could–
Heimdall grinned. “Who?”
“Wrathion. A dragon in human form. There isn’t enough time in the day for him to do all the things he needs to do.”
He stroked his own chin, too. He’d have to take better care of his stubble. “It’s a shame you have no will of your own. Poor, boring little wallflower. All the freedom you’ve felt and you waste it living other people’s lives for them.”
Whatever they ate back there, she still had a stash. He could smell it on her breath as he leaned in. Almost like apples… but not quite.
“What is it like? Back on Azeroth?”
Midha watched the cloud-sea ripple. She recalled aloud… “People die as fast as they’re born. They’re born as fast as they die. Every culture is built on the assumption that half or more of us are willing to fight for our living, and so… it enforces itself.”
“That doesn’t sound too unfamiliar,” he said.
“I guess not.”
He tilted his head. “You’re a random, mortal woman. You are… far beyond the reach of any eye or ear of your homeland. And you’re still thinking of doing someone else’s bidding. Why? Why not run away for good?”
A bird chirped somewhere in the distance. All the reasons were swimming around in her head again.
“You know: if you don’t answer me, I might…” He looked at his hand, and watched his fingers walk back up to her lip. “I might just reach in and get those answers myself.”
“To prove not everyone ends up like me.”
Heimdall blinked. “Very noble. It must be awful there, then, but I suppose someone has to get their hands dirty.” He almost turned away then and there: leave her with her thoughts, he surmised, so she might be as hungry for his voice as…
“But you could have been a little more descriptive.” His hand clenched around the sides of her mouth. Her lips splayed in a fishlike pout.
He lunged forward and thumped her head on the stone behind them. He shut his eyes to her, holding her wrists, even as they slid up and down on the rock. Fight, he urged her. Kick like a rabbit.
His mouth ached with how she pressed her teeth. He only let up enough to ask, still halfway down her throat: “What’s that on your breath?”
Some type of fruit, definitely. Rich and dark and dry, but sober. Mortal. Mortal women, at least this one, were decadent: like the cream the cat got.
He wedged his hand between their two faces and pinched her nose. His shoulder pinned her other arm. Their strange dance spun the both of them almost all the way around. It was difficult to dodge like this, when the object was to remain in physical contact, but they ended up roughly where they were before, her skull to the rock, his elbow jabbed into her own, their opposite hands holding above their heads.
She tried to speak. She couldn’t, of course. But somewhere in that muffled, strangled sound, one she had to repeat twice for him to get it, there were two syllables. Heimdall.
His laugh was almost involuntary. He let her breathe: he pulled out and furrowed his eyebrows at the spit-bridge between them.
“It would be so easy.” He wiped his mouth. “Tell Odin myself. Better yet, summon the armies of Asgard down on whatever rift you crawled out of. After all, Midha, I am the watchman. I… am the…”
Heimdall brought his hand to his cheek. There was a tremor in his hand. His cheek was burning. Down his chest, his heart was backflipping, and his gut was twisting. He could read his own intentions too, see himself for what he was.
“Watchman,” he concluded. He stared at her for a long while, but really he was looking backward. Inward. What for, he didn’t know, because whatever it was: he couldn’t find it. Eventually, he had to live in the moment again, and when he focused on her it was as if he’d never seen her before in his life.
Regardless, he crossed his arms and rested his forehead on hers. “Think I should quit while I’m ahead?”
No answer. No thoughts to read. She might as well be his right hand.
He sighed. “You really don’t care whether you live or die, do you?” With a little too much of a shove, he turned away and began to climb back up. “If you don’t hear from me, you’ll hear from the All-Father.”
He had to tell him. Today. Before he found a reason to put it off.
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sardwrite · 2 years
So for my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Izuku and Ochako in an Aladdin AU please? I imagine Izuku as a street rat who ends up meeting Princess Ochako. What do you think?
this is so cute, I love this!
I really hope you like it!
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Uraraka x Midoriya Aladdin AU
“Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me.”
Princess Ochako Uraraka smiles down at the disheveled begger crouching in front of her as she finished counting her money and handing it to him. “It is no problem at all,” she said, waving them off and smiling brightly. “I only wish I could give you more.” Ochako then straightens her dress and turns to continue walking through one of many dank alleyways in Agrabah. She had been sneaking away to come here for awhile. Her family were the type to feel pity and sorrow for the poor of the city, but didn’t care enough to actually help these individuals. So, she had been taking matters into her own hands by taking walks through the most impoverished areas and giving donations to any locals she came across. She strove to make their lives just a bit better while also discouraging them from robbing local shops, which is always what they turned to as a last resort to acquiring food or money. Her heart cracked every time she walked through these areas, but the moment when she handed them her donation and saw their eyes turn from lifeless and empty to bright and hopeful was priceless. She was ripped from her thoughts when she collided with another person and had to take a few steps back to keep from falling.
“Ah, ma’am I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” a voice squeaked. As she regained her composure, her brown eyes met bright green ones. Before her stood a young man, likely the same age as her, with unkempt black hair that stuck out at all angles. His tattered clothes were stained, and he his flush face was rittled with freckles. She felt the cracks in her heart spread. Before she could acknowledge his apology, he began hurriedly picking up the food that he had dropped as a result of running into her. Ochako’s heart dropped as she put the pieces together: he had just robbed a store. “Oh, don’t worry about bumping into me,” she dismissed as she bent down to help him pick up the stolen goods, already calculating a plan to offer to trade him the food for some money, and then settle the rest with the shop owner. She grabbed a loaf of bread off of the ground, and her brow furrowed. The bread was stale. “Where did you steal this food from?” she asked. “I can’t believe they would sell stale bread.” The boy looked up at her from the ground, where he was gathering his food into an old bag, before looking away and clearing his thraot nervously. “Well, it actually isn’t stolen,” he mumbled. “No matter how hard things have gotten, I just could never bring myself to steal from someone else, so I’ve kept to just sorting through restaurant leftovers or stale bread thrown out of bakeries.” Ochako blinked a few times to register what he had said. This boy had lived in poverty for who knows how long and he would rather essentially eat someone else’s trash than steal from shopowners who likely would have been relatively unaffected by the loss. She began to feel a deep admiration for him. She couldn’t just give him money, she had to do more for him. “Let me buy you some food, some real food,” she stammered nervously, suddenly shy and less willing to meet his gaze. The boy refused several times, but eventually gave in after Ochako insisted.
The princess felt warmth in her chest as she watched the boy’s eyes light up as the restaurant owner handed him his fresh food. She had taken him to a local restaurant that she absolutely loved. She tried not to flinch at all of the staring and whispering at the sight of him and her. As they were eating, and as she was silently praying that the boy wouldn’t notice the attention they were getting, he spoke up. “Who are you?” Ochako almost choked on her food. “Well,” she stammered, staring down at her food. “My name…is Princess Ochako Uraraka.” With her revalation, the boy actually did choke on his food. Once his coughing fit had subsided after Ochako had hurriedly given him water to drink, he began gaping at her and attempting to speak. “You’re a princess?” he sputtered. “Why were you walking around in the slums? Why did you buy me food? You could be anywhere in the city eating any kind of fine cuisine, but you’re in a simple restaurant with a sewer rat, why?" His big green eyes were swimming with confusion and disbelief. She cleared her throat nervously before answering with a shrug: “My wealth is meaningless if not used at least in some part to help others.” The boy’s eyes shone with admiration for her. “You’re awesome, thank you so much miss!” Ochako smiled and waved off his gratitude. Before they parted ways, the boy hesitantly gave Ochako a hug, causing a hot blush to suddenly rise to both of their faces. “My name is Izuku,” he stuttered, smiling sheepishly. “I really hope I see you again soon.” She cheerily returned the smile, giving him a thumbs up and wishing him farewell. Turning away from the boy and walking back home, she couldn’t help the warm feeling seeping into her chest when thinking about Izuku and his bright green eyes.
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