prismarine-dungeon · 2 months
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one of the many times harue questions why she hired this guy
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prismarine-dungeon · 2 months
For Boop-Badges Collectors
Rough estimate: It's possible to reach 1000 boops in less than 2 hours (took me 1:30h), if you got some people to spam it to.
If you are a blog where people can spam boop's to, reblog this.
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prismarine-dungeon · 2 months
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prismarine-dungeon · 2 months
hi everyone i hope you dont mind if i
(hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws) (hits you with my paws)
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prismarine-dungeon · 3 months
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
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I'm still thinking about the first purgatory guys
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
hey mcyt old heads do u guys remember ssuncest (i think you can figure out what that is) being like an issue/thing or was that just a really fucked up thing my brain concocted one summer evening and just decided that was just... a thing that happened... 🗳️
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
hey mcyt old heads do u guys remember ssuncest (i think you can figure out what that is) being like an issue/thing or was that just a really fucked up thing my brain concocted one summer evening and just decided that was just... a thing that happened... 🗳️
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
OKAY GUYS SO about the "day to speak your native language"
I know tumblr has one already, but its way too far in June, and due to all the shit happening recently I personally think it would be nice to have it this month
I don't have anything set in stone for a date, but what about at the end of the month? Maybe the 25th? The last sunday of February? Everyone is usually free on sundays so more people online to participate, plus it gives more 2 weeks for the folks who wanna practice the languages they're learning cram a couple more lessons and prepare themselves for it!
And also! To help a bit, folks who use tumblr desktop could use this extension that @the-king-of-lemons made a post about to be easier to translate! For moblie users tho, we gotta go with switching tabs for translator
And! If everything goes right, we could make it a constant thing, like once per week we do a language day. QSMP is about gathering communities and learning other cultures and languages, and since Tumblr is such an english-speaking space, making these language days more often could make more people feel comfortable speaking their own native languages more often
Anyway, when i set a day fr ill tell yall! Until then, be prepared!
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
i hope grian’s twink death continues into season 10
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
Hello hermitblr community, I enjoy reading headcanons
! Explain in the tags why and how is Grian flightless at the start of the season and explain how he regains flight later as the world progresses
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
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Nightly Bedrock :)
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
hi there, stop scrolling. i really like mumbo's content.
this is one of the titles from his first hermitcraft episode.
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and this is a zoomed in screenshot of grumbot's print command read out
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and this is what the text says
01001001 00100000 01001101 01001001 01010011 01010011 00100000 01001101 01011001 00100000 01000100 01000001 01000100 01010011 01001001 00100000 01001101 01001001 01010011 01010011 00100000 01001101 01011001 00100000 01000100 01000001 01000100 01010011 01001001 00100000 01001101 01001001 01010011 01010011 01010011 00100000 01001101 01011001 00100000 01000100 01000001 01000100 01010011
and this is what it translates to
agree? reblog.
the man said he spent 16 hours on these titles and if you dont believe him now you do
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can i get a wahoo
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totally not grian being called out at the bottom there
we love to see it
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
thinking abt fucking. Mr Bunny (or whatever tf his name is) receiving a letter from one of the residents for the first time. He doesn’t know how they got his address. He doesn’t know how they got access to the post. A seemingly normal Manila envelope just slipped under his office door one day, with black sharpie on it reading “TO MR RABBIT GUY.” He flips it over once, then again, looking for any sign of sabotage. After carefully inspecting it, he rips it open and pulls out its contents.
He pulls two photos into his hands. The one on top, a sea of yellow, an amalgamation of feathered creatures that wreathes and breathes as one, and the center point, a small, blue man in the middle of it giving the camera a thumbs up. He looks at it in disgust, and flips to the second photo.
A young man with pale skin, outgrown dyed hair, a pair of thick-framed gold goggles sat upon his head. Dressed casually, like he might be on his way to a mall. In his hand, held out like a weapon, are two measly lovely gyshal greens. Held out towards two long, gangling yellow raptors.
cold dread drips down his spine and collects at the top of his black mask. He turns the photo over. In the same black sharpie, scrawled as if done by a madman,
“Reactivate Create. Or else.”
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
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this meme is like 3-4 years too late but i couldn’t get it out of my head. so.
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prismarine-dungeon · 4 months
i wish i could join discord servers and be talkative but alas every time i'm put in one i feel like a frightened captive animal being released into the wild for the first time and i instantly shove it in a folder never to be seen again outside of a random ping every few months
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prismarine-dungeon · 5 months
Flight Rising Art for Palestine
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In response to Staff’s censorship of the phrase “From The River To The Sea” I am opening commissions to support E-Sims for Gaza, the PCRF, and Medical Aid for Palestine.
Send a screenshot proof of donation to these organizations to me via DM here or on discord @ mr.francis (given staff’s censorship I unfortunately will not be conducting these directly on the site) and I will draw your flight rising dragon! Any amount, even a dollar shows your support to the people of Palestine.
E-Sims for Gaza -> https://gazaesims.com
PCRF -> https://www.pcrf.net
Medical Aid for Palestinians -> https://www.map.org.uk
If you cannot donate please boost 🇵🇸 Long Live Palestine!
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