#it allows for a more broad character build
sas-soulwriter · 4 months
How do we write characters authentically?
Hello, my dear writer! I assume we've all wondered at the beginning of our writing journey, "How do I find my own writing style? How do I stand out, and how do I make my characters sound authentic?" This post is dedicated precisely to the latter question. How do we write characters authentically?
Observe Different Personalities: Observe people of different age groups, from various cultural backgrounds, and with diverse life experiences. Pay attention to their language, gestures, and behaviors to develop a broad understanding of human diversity.
Take Time for Character Development: Invest time in developing your characters, including their background, motivations, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. The better you know your characters, the more authentically you can portray them.
Utilize Realistic Settings: Place your characters in realistic environments and situations that are recognizable to your readers. Describe the details of their surroundings, such as landscapes, buildings, clothing, and everyday items, to create a vibrant backdrop for your story.
Be Open to Change and Development: Allow your characters room for growth and change. People evolve over time based on their experiences and decisions. Permit your characters to learn from their mistakes, gain new insights, and undergo development.
Everyday SituationsAn additional tip is to place your character in various small situations, even if they are a fantasy figure. For instance, have your character order coffee. What happens if they encounter a ghost? What are their feelings about Christmas? Accompany them while shopping. How do they react when meeting their greatest hero? Describe everyday scenarios that aren't part of your official story but are meant for you to better understand your character.
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buryustogether · 1 year
lilac - chapter 8 + epilogue
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miguel o’hara x f!reader
summary: the walls are crashing down, and even spiderman can’t hold up an entire universe.
wc: 6k
warnings/tags: smut, kidnapping, universe collapsing, torture, filming, blood, blade violence, explosions, choking, falling off a building, love confessions, major character death, start-overs
If you closed your eyes hard enough, if you flooded your senses with your deep, treasured memories and blocked out everything around you, you were able to transport yourself back into last week. Last week, when Gabriella had crashed on the couch, and you and Miguel were lying in bed with chests heaving and sweat cooling across your necks. The bedside lamp was dim; the bulb needed to be changed. Outside, the city continued to thrive, churning and burning and spitting. But inside your bedroom, your hand clasped in his, the world was still.
He had rolled you over so that you lay on top of his broad frame, but he was still inside of you, soft and flaccid now that he’d finally chased his release - after giving you yours four times. You blinked tiredly, staring at nothing as you felt one of his long, thick fingers skimming over your back.
“I’ve been thinking,” you murmured against the warm, tan skin of his shoulder.
Miguel hummed, acknowledging your words. His fingers continued to graze across your skin, up and down, up and down.
“Obviously we’re… planning on staying together. For a long time. Right?”
Though he kept his eyes closed, his thick, full lips quirked upward into a smirk, allowing the tips of his fangs to poke into view. “Believe me, sweetheart,” he rumbled from deep in his chest. “I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”
His words stirred inside of you, like a new hope springing to life. “Well… we’re going to need to move. Someplace bigger, with more room. For all of us. And this city, Mig, it’s… it’s not safe.”
It was then that Miguel’s eyes opened, and that smile slowly disappeared from his lips. You felt your heart sink with them, like an anchor in your belly. “You’re talking about moving away?” he said. When you only lifted your head to look at him, chin resting on his sternum, he exhaled deep and moved his hand to begin carding through your hair. “I can’t leave, bebe,” he said softly. “You know why.”
Yes, you knew why. It was because he was Spiderman, and this was New York, the worst city in the country to live in. With criminals on every block and fires and shootouts and a sky so deeply and violently purple you’d never even known its true color.
Being a lover, a father, everything before and after and in between, was what made Miguel who he was. But that was only a part. That other half came from being a hero, from helping those who could not help themselves. Walking with a sense of pride in what he did, knowing that people had something to trust in.
And you knew he could never leave that.
So you swallowed thick and let the issue go. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his large, naked form, nestling your face into the soft, delicate spot where his throat met his chest. “Okay,” you said, and you felt him lean down to kiss the crown of your head. “I’d still like a bigger place, though. Your daughter can’t sleep on the couch forever.”
Miguel chuckled, wrapping a sinewy arm around your middle to keep you close while you both dozed off. “I think we can do that.”
You were suddenly brought back to the present when, behind the glass partition you were facing, the giant, hulking machinery moved a few inches before coming to a halt. The metal groaned and squealed, startling the little girl held tight against your chest. Gabriella was heavy, and your arms were beginning to grow tired, but you would hold her until the end of time, if you needed to.
The Alchemax viewing area was dim and dark in the corners of the room, illuminated only by the glow of the control panel to your right and the stark, white lights projected onto the molecular collider in the lab. It was a massive piece of machinery, built to withstand its own otherworldly power, armored and bolted to the ground should the walls and ceiling be blasted away into nothingness.
You turned slightly when the collider moved again, twisting and turning in on itself, and Gabriella released a small, pitiful cry against your shoulder. Twisting your expression into a sneer, you fixed the man at the control panel with the meanest look you could muster.
Doctor Octopus - Otto Octavius, a visionary genius turned terrorist after his mechanical arms took over his head - lifted his head slightly and let his shades slip down his crooked nose. In return to your harsh frown, he gave an apologetic expression that carried no genuinity whatsoever. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he said as one of his arms reached out to flip a few switches. “Just a few test runs.”
Shifting Gabriella’s weight to your hip, you glanced down and smoothed the girl’s hair from her face. She was still wearing her jacket that she would have put on at recess - they must have been watching the school, waiting for her to emerge from those brick walls so that they could snatch her up. Suddenly you were cursing yourself, wishing you could face your reflection in a mirror and shatter the glass with a fist. You could have been there. Could have made sure she was safe, she was secure.
Her being here was your fault.
And her being here meant something that made your veins turn to ice when you thought about it; they knew who Spiderman really was.
When the collider began to shift again, shaking the building slightly in its very foundations despite being here in the basement of the building, you turned your head to face Octavius again. “What exactly are you all planning to do with this thing?” you said, watching as he shifted across the control panel to reach a few buttons and scanners. “I heard it wasn’t ready for tests yet.”
“From who, darling?” he said, meeting your eyes over the rims of his shades. “A spider on the wall?” When you said nothing, averting your eyes to the floor, he hummed and continued on, allowing his mechanical arms to carry him over to a large monitor. His gloved fingers typed faster than you thought possible for a person. “Alchemax is playing a dangerous game with a toy they don’t understand. Tests mean nothing when dealing with a piece of the future like this. That Spiderman of yours told you about the multiverse, didn’t he?”
Told you about it. Explained it. Came from it.
Octavius raised a finger and beckoned you toward him. You hesitated, holding your breath, before silently padding across the observation area to stand behind him at the monitor. Squinting your eyes against the light, you watched as he gestured to a warping, live image of string-like animations repeating in a loop on the screen. “These,” he said, finger grazing along the lines, “are realities close within one another. They’re different, sure, but only in little ways. Someone’s eyes are a different shade. A grain of sand is misplaced a foot from where it landed. Again - little ways.” He used the touchpad of the computer to scroll outward, giving you a view of so many lines warping together it looked like almost an entirely colored screen. “And these are the realities within our grasp with the collider. Meaning -” he looked down at you - “every reality in the multiverse.”
You stared at the screen, hugging Gabriella to yourself tightly. One of those lines was Miguel’s reality. Where he was supposed to be.
As Octavius scrolled back in, you caught a glimpse of a line flickering and glitching, unlike the others. You stopped him. “That one,” you said, and he halted. “What’s that one?”
“Earth - 9193,” he said, his voice low and grave. He met your eyes, his gaze darker than it was just a moment ago. “Our home universe.” He gave a rather rueful smile as he watched your expression melt into one of confusion. “In our reality,” he explained as his mechanical arms set him - finally - on the ground, “there is no Spiderman. This city - it’s not supposed to get better. So imagine the universe’s bafflement when Spiderman from a different reality swoops in to save the day. It tries to expel him. Tries to correct canon events gone wrong. But it couldn’t. And so - it’s collapsing.”
“Correct.” He paused and you both looked up when, overhead, there came a distant boom; the city falling apart at the seams. The building shook again and dust fell from the ceiling. To your surprise, he lifted one of his arms and shielded your head as it bounced off your shoulders and clung to your hair. “Call us selfish,” he said and lowered his arm again. “But my associates and I aren’t particularly fond of sticking around when the end comes around.”
You blinked a few times at the screen, feeling your heart skip a beat or twelve as you let his words sink in. Your universe - it was collapsing. That was what the glitches in the city had been. That was why Miguel’s apartment building had folded in on itself - it was because of him. No matter where he went, the glitches followed.
Because he was a virus here in your reality, and when viruses could not be expelled, the system would ultimately kill itself.
You clutched the little girl in your arms a bit tighter. “You’re… running away,” you murmured as Octavius fiddled with the monitor and its data. “You’re leaving us all here to die.” The words were barely able to clear your throat, barely able to keep themselves afloat.
He hummed in that way you noticed he did. “Running away wouldn’t be the correct term,” he replied. “Moreso… self-preserving.”
At that moment, the doors leading into the observation area were thrown open on their hinges to reveal the figures you had come to fear striding into the bay. You took three steps back as the Prowler slid down a railing and came to a smooth landing at Octavius’ side. “How are we looking, Doc?” he said as his purple, eye-lit mask dematerialized to reveal his face. His gaze was a touch crazier than you remembered it, bold and wild in a way that screamed danger.
Octavius’ cold, stony facade slid back into place as he adjusted his shades and rose, his mechanical arms lifting him off the ground. “Swimmingly,” he replied. “A few more tests, and she should be ready for lift off.”
“Perfect!” shouted Ferris abruptly, causing you to jump slightly. He clapped his hands and approached you as, behind him, Kraven hefted a news broadcasting camera onto his shoulder and began to fiddle with the settings. “Sorry to keep you waiting, babe,” said your ex as he approached you, taking two steps forward when you took one back. He showed off a disturbing, unnatural smile. “Had some loose ends to tie up.”
You sneered at him and turned, placing yourself between him and Gabriella. “You’re fucking insane, Ferris,” you hissed, inches from his sickening grin. “Taking me is one thing, but a kid? You’ve lost it, for real this time.”
“Big words, coming from you,” he said, tilting his head as the collider twisted and churned again. “Shacking up with a vigilante who crossed realities to dick you down.” He snickered to himself. “Listen, babe. That day when Spiderman - sorry, O’Hara - cracked my spine and broke my jaw and left me to suffer in that fucking alley, I realized something; why stick around in a dump like this when I can make like your little fuck buddy and squeeze myself into another dimension? Hell, why do I need you when I can just find another one of you who won’t screw me over?
“So I managed to get myself up. Crossed paths with these guys, told them…” He brought his lips close to your ear, so close you felt his breath fan across your skin. “I knew the identity of Spiderman.” He grinned again, drew back slightly to touch his forehead against yours. You would have smacked him, shoved him away, were you not still shielding the little girl in your arms. “I would say it’s not personal, babe,” he whispered. “But it is.”
Then his lips were smashed against yours, so roughly and ruthlessly you were flashed back to when you still lived with him, let him touch you, let him fuck you. He would always kiss you like this, like he possessed you, like he owned you. It only lasted a moment or two before he pulled back, forcefully plucked Gabriella from your arms, and handed her off to the Vulture, who was standing beside Octavius.
“Alright, boys,” he said as his mask materialized back over his face. “Let’s make a movie!”
Taking a few steps closer and backing you up against the glass partition of the observation area, Kraven hoisted the camera up and pointed it directly at you and Ferris. You found yourself frozen in place, petrified and staring back at your own reflection in the lens. His clawed hand came up to grip the back of your neck, and the other clapped over your mouth.
“Stick to the script,” he murmured in your ear, “and I’ll let the kid live.”
“Broadcasting to every system in New York,” said the hunter, then clicked a button and the camera and a light near the top flashed red. “...Now.”
Unbeknownst to you, across every screen in the city - televisions, phones, Times Square, everything - the broadcast crackled through and began to stream. There was not a soul in New York that was not watching.
Not one.
Ferris tilted his head at the camera in a way that made your stomach churn. Even behind his mask, you knew he was smirking and squinting his eyes in that way he did when he was playing coy. “Hello, Spiderman,” he said in a low, even voice. It sent chills crawling up your spine, made you struggle in his hold until his claws dug against your skin. “You and I have unfinished business, and it would be rude to leave hanging in the air - you know, before we both jump ship. You know where I am.” Behind you, the collider moved, and this time, it did not stop. A blast of energy exploded from the edge, shaking the building again. You stumbled slightly, raising a hand to clasp at his wrist over your mouth. “And just in case you need some incentive…”
You let out a small shriek when Ferris ripped you forward, sending you spinning around to face the camera. Before you could get anything out, he came up behind you like a vengeful apparition and grabbed your jaw, his claws digging into the soft skin of your cheeks. “Go on,” he murmured in your ear, just loud enough for the camera to pick up. “Cry for help. Cry for him.”
Against every ounce of willpower you had, because you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, you felt tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. Just a moment later, they spilled over, cascading down your cheeks and staining the fabric of his glove. Yet despite your tears, despite the silent sobs racking your body, you refused to speak.
Ferris dug his claws into your cheek further, drawing a few dots of blood and pinpricks of searing pain. “Come on,” he whispered against the shell of your ear. “Beg for him.”
Your eyes turned behind the camera, where the Vulture held Gabriella’s collar in a grip tight enough to pale his knuckles. She stood beside him like a confused puppy, tear tracks staining her face as she watched you. And you knew you couldn’t do this alone. Not with her here. Not with Ferris.
“Spiderman,” you breathed, then cried out when Ferris yanked your hair to expose your neck and poise a claw over your throat. It gleamed in the light that the collider was throwing about the lab, shaking and burning out energy.
“Ah-ah,” he tutted. “His real name.”
You didn’t have time to mull over the realization that you were going to expose his identity, didn’t have time to think about that, really, it wouldn’t matter, because your reality was tearing apart, anyway. Blood collected on your cheek where his claws dipped in, and pain seared through your face.
“Miguel!” you finally wailed, feeling your tears mix with the scarlet. “Mig, we need you - please! He has Gabriella. I need you, please, Mig, I need you!”
With a grunt, Ferris spun you to the ground, then stalked forward and grasped the camera by the lens. “Come and get your girls, O’Hara. Alchemax. You have until the universe collapses. Or, you know…” He trailed off as his mask tilted downward toward you. “I decide to let one of them go a little early.”
You found yourself sitting against the row of desks holding computers, cradling Gabriella to your side as you watched Ferris and the rest of the vigilantes watch the collider charge, murmuring amongst themselves. You heard the words ‘sensors’ and ‘turrets’ and ‘muzzle for those teeth’ and ‘dead before he hits the ground.’ They had planned for Miguel, were waiting for him.
Gabriella murmured your name - the first thing she’d uttered since you both had been brought here - and you at once looked down. She clutched onto your dress, her cheeks stained with tear tracks and her chest rising and caving with deep, panicked breaths. “Is Daddy going to come and save us?” she whispered.
Doing your best to shove down the dread, and sorrow, and grief hanging suspended in your throat, you put on your best wobbling, warped smile and brushed her hair back from her face. “Yeah, sweetheart,” you replied quietly, just barely audible over the sounds of the collider. You sniffled, holding her closer. “He’ll be here any minute.”
It couldn’t have been just a few minutes later when, from the corner of your eye, you saw one of the computer screens jump to life. You thought it to be chance, a touchpad disturbed by the constant shaking and rattling of the building, but then images began to flash across the screen. You turned your head and realized they weren’t images, but letters. Words - being typed out across the monitor.
Letter by letter, your name was spelled out. The cursor blinked for a moment before everything was deleted. Then -
H E R E.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you leaned forward. The word was typed again, this time in bold. Then in italics. The computer - no, someone behind it - was beckoning you forward. With a few words of reassuring nonsense in Gabriella’s ear, and a quick glance to make sure the men were still distracted, you crawled on your hands and knees along the row of computers. Sitting up on your heels, you faced the dim screen.
Hesitantly, you whispered, “Hello?”
The word disappeared, soon replaced by another. L Y L A.
Lyla - Miguel’s AI. A surge of hope flooded through you like a tidal wave, filling your veins, your heart, your soul.
H E I S C O M I N G.
You exhaled, blinking at the screen. Then -
D U C K.
Your body reacted before your mind even had a chance to catch up. The entire world seemed to move in slow motion as you scrambled to your feet, grabbed Gabriella and huddled behind the desk - just moments before the back wall blew outwards in a ground-shaking eruption. The glass partition shattered and the collider shrieked as debris rained upon the observation area like hail from a hellstorm. A chunk of rock sliced across your cheek, letting pain rip through your face and blood spill down your face.
Like a train unable, unwilling to stop, to keep from plowing into the first thing it saw, a flash of red and blue came tearing from the site of the explosion and collided with the purple figure of the Prowler as he struggled to his feet. They went sprawling across the rubble-covered deck, only separated when a mechanical arm grabbed the back of Spiderman’s leg and hurled him across the room.
He caught himself and landed in a striking pose - then his mask dematerialized, and Miguel’s scarlet eyes raised to the men before him. He opened his mouth, exposing those long, glinting teeth, and released an animalistic snarl that froze the blood in your veins. His hair was mussed and the lines beneath his eyes seemed deeper than before. His hands, his claws, practically trembled with the rage and fury radiating off of him in waves. In that moment he was truly more beast than man.
You shielded Gabriella’s eyes as he snapped, standing again to his full height.
“About time,” said Ferris behind his mask, then readied his own steel claws. “Let’s settle this once and for all - Spiderman.”
The next few moments were blurs of violence, of villains with metal limbs and wings and a thirst for blood all came down to assault Miguel where he stood. He was a whirlwind of action, taking blows and giving them back in a tempo you knew was not humanly possible. His teeth sank into skin. His claws tore through muscle. He roared and thrashed and fought for everything he had, because life outside may have been falling apart, but his entire life was right there inside that observation bay.
Bits of light poking through the still-settling dust from the explosion drew your eye away from the nauseating fight, pulling your attention to the place where the door used to be. Flickering from the corridor - the exit.
Gripping Gabriella’s hand so tight you knew it ached, but you didn’t care, you brought your face close to hers so that she could look into your eyes. Blood still seeped down your cheek, now staining your collar and your neck. “Listen to me,” you said to her, just audible over the sound of her father snapping one of the Vulture’s wings in half. “We’re going to run, okay? And we’re not going to look back. You hold my hand and don’t let go. Just like we practiced with the drills at school, alright?”
She nodded her head, and then you were off. You ducked your head as a piece of technology sailed past, tugging the little girl along over rubble and through the shattered doorway. From there you took the first stairwell you found, listening as the sounds of the battle grew more and more faint. Up and up you went, until you reached a heavy metal door that you shoved open with all your might. Gusts of wind rushed in to greet you, whipping your dress skirt about, whispering about your fate in your ears, and when you reached the roof, it seemed that, really, they were right.
New York was no longer recognizable. It had turned into a hellsite of glitches and chaos, entire streets folding in on themselves before completely vanishing. You nearly screamed upon realizing Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn… they were all gone. From this height you could see past where the river was supposed to be, but instead it was all… nothing. There lay a vast, wide nothingness, like a blank canvas. No ground. No buildings. No people. Everything, just… erased from existence.
Panic rose in your throat like bile, pulling you to your knees and fresh tears to your eyes. It was all true - your reality was collapsing in on itself. All those people, gone. And soon, you would be, too.
It was a long moment before you realized Gabriella was tugging on your hand, attempting to pull you further along the roof as she kept her terrified gaze trained on the door to the roof - until it was too late. You both shrieked as the Prowler emerged from the frame, his suit ragged and torn, stained with blood and his mask vanished. Scarlet ran down his face, same as yours, as he approached you on the roof.
“You want to know something funny, babe?” he said. The last word, that awful pet name, was rasped through clenched teeth as he stalked you, taking his time even as you scrambled to the edge of the building, because you both knew - you had nowhere to go. “I wasn’t really going to kill you in that alley. Just wanted to scare you, ‘ya know?” His face dropped. “Now I really wish I had.”
In a moment, Ferris had pounced, rolling you over and over yourself on the roof of Alchemax, his clawed hands tight around your throat and his knees on either side of your waist. No matter how much you struggled, how much you kicked and screamed and wailed and bucked, he refused to let go.
How ironic, came a quiet, barely-there voice. Even while it dies, the universe is attempting to fix itself.
As tears blurred your vision, you shifted your gaze to Gabriella, who watched the life being strangled from you with wide, petrified eyes. To Gabriella, who suddenly clutched at her stomach, her lips parting. To Gabriella, who, slowly, like a channel stuck on a loop slowly fading out, began to dissolve into a reality-splitting glitch.
To Gabriella, who was there one moment, and gone the next.
For a moment, you stopped your struggling. You stopped trying to grasp at Ferris’ own throat, stopped your kicking and howling. You just lay there, feeling the life drain from you slowly, staring at the spot that little girl had been just seconds ago.
You would have cried, could you have breathed. You would have screamed, could you have breathed.
You would have died inside - could you have breathed.
“Isn’t this romantic?” panted Ferris over you as his hands tightened their grip on your throat. “The two of us, going out together? Like we were always meant to?”
You knew he would have killed you then and there, had you both not heard the thundering, storming, ground-shaking thuds pounding up the stairs leading to the roof. Footsteps. A body being slammed into the walls as they ran. An ear-splitting, heart-skipping roar of your name.
Ferris let out a long, trembling, exasperated groan before he yanked you up by the neck, hauled you over to the edge of the building, and held you out like a lure over a lake. Your hands, your nails, scrabbled at his wrist as you looked down the best you could, watching as people stories and stories below scrambled for cover before glitching out of existence. Your legs dangled, your hair blew in the wind.
This was it. This was how you bit it. Not from strangulation or being winked out of your reality - but from a drop that would hit you before you knew what had happened.
Slamming out onto the porch in a frenzy of raw, untamed, wild fury, Miguel skidded to a stop and began to lunge at the Prowler - before he laid eyes upon your form at the end of his arm. His gaze searched wildly for his daughter, for his Gabriella, before it met yours. Before it took in the tears spilling down your face.
“Don’t you see what you’ve done to us, O’Hara?!” said Ferris, flexing his fingers around the column of your neck - the only thing keeping you from plummeting. “What you’ve done to our world?! Can’t you just leave us this last bit of ourselves before we all kick it? Can’t you just leave us alone?”
Miguel began to pace on the rooftop, edging closer and closer with each step. “I can offer you a bargain,” he said, but his voice came out more snarl than word. “Give her to me and I send you home. To a different home, one just like this. You’ll never know the difference.” His tone dropped. “You’ll think you’re in the real thing.”
Your legs were beginning to go numb, your fingers clawing at Ferris’ wrist losing feeling. One hand dropped to your side.
Ferris shook his head, sneering at him with all the hatred left in this collapsing, dying universe. “You already took my world,” he said. “So I’ll take away yours.”
And suddenly you were falling. Released from his grasp, because in the split moment after he let you go, his body glitched and jumped and disappeared. But you were still there, plummeting toward what remained of the earth below you.
You didn’t think it would be so fast.
Craning your neck against the wind screaming in your ears, against the sight of the Alchemax building beginning to crumble as it, too, succumbed to the fate of all else, you watched as that familiar suit of red and blue jumped off after you. Extended his arm. Released a web that, you thought, wouldn’t get there in time.
But it did. The webbing clung to your chest, pulled taut, buoyed you like a bungee cord as Miguel stuck himself to the side of the building that was still standing. He slowly lowered you to the ground, then began the descent himself.
You stood. Extended a hand to him as he raced toward you.
Then fell as you lost the feeling in your legs, lost what it was to be still.
Miguel caught you before you hit the ground, skidding to his knees and gracefully pulling you into a cradle in his lap. “Hey, baby, hey,” he said in a strained, strangled voice. Red stained his temple, the crooked bridge of his nose. “Hey, I’m here. I’m right here.”
You realized then that you were crying again, letting sobs and wails rack your body, because you knew what was happening. You knew it because everything else of this world, of this reality, had vanished. Ceased to exist. It was just him, and you, and the sky overhead. Nothing else. And soon, you would be gone, too.
“Miguel,” you gasped, reaching up a shaky hand to paw at the side of his face. “Gabriella - I tried. I really, really tried, I’m sorry -”
“Shh, baby, I know. I know you did.” Through the wetness in your eyes, through the sensation of your lower portion becoming static and fuzz, you watched as tears pricked at his own eyes. They trickled from the corners, mixing with the grime and blood on his face, and he did not wipe them away. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
You cried and clung to him, desperate to hold onto the feeling of him. Of his hand cradling the back of your neck. Of his lips against yours. Of his body on your own. Of his laughter against your skin, and his fingers trailing across your back, and the warmth that spread through your chest when he smiled at you.
God, that smile. What you wouldn’t do to see it again.
“I don’t want to die, Mig,” you said, your voice wavering. You’d forgotten the feeling of your waist, of your belly. They were foreign to you. Glitched out. Going. Gone.
You did not jump when Miguel opened his mouth and released a stifled sob, his warm, salty tears dripping onto your face. “I know,” he shushed you through his own cries. “It’s going to be okay, alright? I’m right here, baby. I’m right here. You’re going to be okay.”
Arms dropped. Your chest stilled.
“Hey,” you said, nudging your nose against his when he leaned down to press his lips against your temple. He met your eyes, his forehead pressed against yours. “Look.” Your gaze tilted upward, upward, to the sky. He followed it. “No smoke.”
You were right. Without the buildings to churn out smog, without the people to feed the machines, without the universe to choke itself out… the sky had cleared. And it was not violet, or plum.
It was lilac.
Miguel dipped his head again, his lips quivering as you stared up at him. “I love you,” he said.
You would have said it back - were you not already gone.
He stared at his now-empty arms, eyes trained on the spot beneath him you had just been. There was no trace left. Nothing left behind, nothing to tell him you had even been there.
For a long, long moment, Miguel sat still, his chest heaving and his eyes wide and his lips parted. Then he dropped to all fours, shoulders shaking and knuckling the ground, and opened his mouth to scream. It was a wail heard in every corner of the empty universe, a cry that shattered everything of the nothing left. Filled with agony, and grief, and horror, and guilt. Again and again he screamed, fangs glinting and tears gleaming and throat hoarse.
When he at last could not take any more, he collapsed onto his side. Hands twitching. Chest shaking.
For a long while in that empty universe, it was still. Silent. Lilac.
Then, from behind Miguel, there came a voice. “Hey, boss,” said Lyla gently. “Ready to go home?”
Earth - 2943
New York
Roses, peonies, lilacs, irises… the bundles of flowers crowded your workstation at the back of your store like a wildflower field had grown right in the middle of the little shop on seventy-first. Greens and pinks and yellows and oranges filled your windows. Petals littered the floor like a chapel. Living walls carefully and lovingly-kept occupied the sides, a rainbow display of every flower and blossom one could name.
Your little flower shop was doing well - and you couldn’t have been more proud. You lived alone in your apartment just upstairs, your rent was on time, you didn’t have to work a second job at all to keep yourself fed.
Everything was perfect. As it should have been.
Your attention was drawn to the front of the store when the little bell above it chimed, signaling someone had just entered your shop. “One second!” you called around the corner, hurrying to clip off the remaining thorns from the blossoms. “I’ll be right there!”
When you were finished, you wiped your hands off on your apron, gathered the bunch of flowers up in your arms, and swept around to the front room. There, a man and a little girl - his daughter, no doubt, they looked almost identical - stood admiring the displays you’d set out just last night.
“Good morning!” you greeted them, carefully setting the bundle down. “Can I help you find anything?”
Brushing a bit of hair from your face, you were able to see the man more clearly. Your breath hitched in your throat; you were staring at the one of the best looking men you’d ever seen. Tan skin and cheekbones placed high on his face, full brows and lips, a sinewy body and a tapered waist… he was beautiful.
The man smiled at you - with his lips closed, but nevertheless it was gorgeous - and jutted out his hip to place his hand on. Oh, fuck, that was hot. “Just browsing,” he said kindly.
You found yourself unable to pull your gaze away from him. You could not say precisely what it was, but there was something that drew you to him. Like a magnet between walls, almost, yearning and needing to be closer.
When he realized you were staring, he smiled wider.
“Heh - sorry,” you said, shaking your head. You leaned over your counter as he meandered closer, letting his daughter marvel at your flowers. Up close, you were able to see the tired, exhausted lines beneath his eyes. “It’s just… have we met before? There’s just something about you…”
Unbeknownst to you, because he could never let you know, could never let you go… you had met before. In a different universe. In seven, to be precise. He had met you as a teacher, a stripper, a doctor, a thief, a hero, a villain… He’d seen you in every form your soul had to offer. And he would continue to do so. Because he wasn’t going to let you go.
Not then. Not now. Not ever.
He chuckled, his free hand reaching up to touch the delicate skin of his throat. “No, I don’t think so. First time in here.” He tilted his head, smiled at you. “But… I wouldn’t mind getting to know you better.” Then, like every other time before, and every other time that would come after, he stuck out his hand and said, “I’m Miguel. You are?”
tags: @mooomeadows @twentysomethingwereyote @screamforyani @fangirlreice7 @axdjelx @ornamentalnecromancy @faust-pda @ilikethemoon28 @mrm-pachypoda @wadafrick @natthernandez @bakgoktski @soupsexsunsalutationsss @roxannarichie @lovagirlxxx @soggyeyeballsss @yoyoyoyoyo55555 @sophipet @quaintii @lavnderluv @cookiezxx @euphorica @its-a-polyglot @nicalysm @maxi-ride @exzidss @crappwr0m @femme-is-dead @bitch-onthemoon @hier—soir @takayomi @kirke-is-my-name @d1lf-loverrr @might-be-a-rat @brooks-lin @maki-z @bookfreakk @act1839 @dollscircus @sleepingaway @anxietybutterfly @bioticboot @mxkn @freeingrebels @digitalcreature404 @aimee777 @hunnaye @blahbahed @cyanide-mustard @impettywhenyouare @mental-illness-is-my-friend @bobfood @jenniferdixon05207 @moonchild-cupcake @venomous-ko @marvelouslovely-barnes @syarblu @fruitcupsworld @soooooyesbutactually-no @hopefulcandywitch @elwyn7 @oh-theseus @thepanwiccan @takayomi @dreamingofbucky @yuuuumii @p1nkliquor @scammer-get-scammed @mlishe
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fatkish · 3 months
Request for the Pro Heroes x child reader
Character(s): Hawks and/or Endeavor (yes I'm giving this man a chance to be a good person)
Prompt: Abandoned nonbinary reader with a Phoenix quirk (wings and fire) and everyone thinks they'll be a Villain because of how hot the reader's fire can burn. Phoenixes in Japan are seen as goddesses. (Reader was originally abandoned for coming out at nonbinary but the deal was sealed when the reader accidentally burned a house down)
Thank you so much for your request. I’m so excited since this is my first official request. I already had an idea for a phoenix quirk so I hope you don’t mind that I used it here. I hope you enjoy this story and that it helps you.
Hawks and Endeavor x Phoenix Quirk Child Reader
Reader was 13 when they were found by Hawks and Endeavor
The reader’s mother had an endurance and adaptability quirk that allowed her to change her body to better fit her environment. For example: if the reader’s mother was stuck in the desert, her body would change to allow her to store excess water similar to how a camel does. Or if bullets were fired at her, she could thicken her skin and produce osteoderms (these are the small bone like plates that cover the crocodilian species’s backs)
The reader’s father had a weak heat quirk and could grow sharp feathers from his arms and shoulders.
Their parents were very traditional and strict. Having been a late bloomer was already causing strain on their relationship with their parents.
The reader developed their quirk late at the age of 10. The reader has retractable wings that are covered in specialized feathers. The Primary and Secondary feathers are sharp and resemble blades, these feathers harden after they fully develop. The Primary and Secondary Coverts are hard and sharp at the tips. When the tips of the Coverts rub or strike each other it creates a spark.
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Each feather has microscopic holes along the Calamus and a gland beneath the follicle that secretes an Ethanol based, oil-like substance that covers their skin protecting it from the flames but also acting as a fuel. This oil is similar to Bakugou’s nitroglycerin sweat as they both produce more, the hotter they get. (Ethanol burns at an extremely high temperature but is invisible to the naked eye, you won’t know its there until you’re right next to it) The holes allow for the oil to cover the feathers.
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Due to their Mother’s endurance quirk, the reader’s body is unaffected by the flames they produce. The reader’s body sweat has a natural cooling effect as well as burn soothing and healing properties. This is how they are not burned by the flames. (The reader has to maintain a healthy hydration and drink lots of water because they are easily susceptible to dehydration)
Due to the reader’s quirk their body is naturally androgynous as they don’t have feminine curves or broad shoulders. The reader is short (5’2, sorry if you’re taller) and has a lighter than average body fat percentage to allow for easier flight. (Reader would most likely have a small penis like appendage to make urinating easier as well as a Cloaca. It’s also possible that reader could change their bodies physiology similar to how frogs can change their genders)
Due to the reader’s late development of a quirk as well as their androgynous appearance, they were seen as a freak and were bullied and shunned by their peers.
At age 12 the other kids around them began puberty and as their peers’s bodies began to change and developed they began to question themselves and eventually came to the conclusion that they were nonbinary.
One night their parents sat the reader down and began to discuss the reader’s appearance and how they needed to change in order to fit into society. Since the reader would have a harder time developing fat and couldn’t change the bone structure of their hips, their parents decided that the reader would be a male.
Their parents told them that they were to start working out and building up muscles to create a more masculine appearance. They began telling them about all the things they would have to change and even suggested drastic measures like surgery or hormone treatments to make them look more masculine.
The reader tried to explain to their parents how they felt and how they didn’t want to do all that stuff but they wouldn’t listen.
Eventually the stress began too much as the reader’s wings sprouted and their feathers naturally created a spark that ignited them. As the situation quickly became more complicated and stressful the reader accidentally bumped into a curtain, lighting it on fire, causing it to quickly grow and spread.
As their parents were shouting at them and their house went up in flames, they couldn’t deal with the stressful situation and flew off into the night sky, leaving their small town and flying far away to were they would discover in the morning to be Kyushu
After being ostracized and shunned for basically their entire life, the reader didn’t have much faith in society. Eventually they saw a news report about their hometown. Their parents claimed that their house was destroyed by a villain and blamed the reader for it, completely ignoring the fact of them being their child. The news showed a blurry picture of the reader that was taken by someone.
Due to the blurriness of the image as well as the reader having not really shown anyone their quirk, they weren’t easily identified. However, the news gave a short description of the reader and advised the public to keep an eye out for them and to alert the authorities should they spot the reader.
Realizing that they had no food, money, shelter or family and fearing being seen as a villain and being put in prison, should they ask for help, the reader decided that they had no other choice but to focus on survival.
2 months had gone by with the reader being homeless and barely scraping by. They had found an abandoned building in the less populated and more industrial area of the city and had created a small living space. They had gathered things that people had thrown away like tattered or stained clothes, old bedding, thrown out area rugs and other soft things that people had thrown away and wouldn’t realize were missing. They created a makeshift nest that made them feel safe
They had resorted to dumpster diving in order to find food and water and refused to pick pocket or steal purses. They didn’t want to do things that would make the accusations of them being a villain, true. This led to them being malnourished and having lost a lot of weight and having an emaciated and boney appearance
Hawks and Endeavor had been working together to capture a group of robbers who had been committing a string of robberies but kept getting away. Earlier in the day, the pair had apprehended and caught the group, but two of the seven had managed to escape and fled.
The robbers fled and hid in an abandoned building and planned to lay low and wait for the chance to escape the city, unaware of the red feather stuck and hidden in one of their hoods.
Hawks and Endeavor gathered the police and their sidekicks and had them surround the area near the building. The plan was to wait for the two villains to feel safe and let their guard down, then Hawks and Endeavor would storm the building, if they tried to flee, they would be caught by their sidekicks.
Using a few feathers to scope out the area and get an idea of the perpetrators positions, Hawks sent feathers into the building and relayed the information to Endeavor
Upon sensing a third body inside the building Hawks was going to tell Enji about it but felt someone grab his feather
Realizing that the element of surprise might no longer be on their side, Hawks alerted Endeavor. Inside the building, the robbers had finally noticed the reader and started to attack them when the reader summoned their wings and began to defend themselves
Since it was nighttime, the reader’s flames were emitting a blue glow similar to Dabi’s flames. Thinking that Dabi was in the building, Hawks and Endeavor rushed into the building only to quickly duck as one the robbers was sent flying over their heads from a strong wind
Using his feathers, Hawks was able to knock out the distracted robber and carry them both outside where the police quickly restrained and arrested them
Inside the building, Endeavor and Hawks had turned their attention to the reader. Upon realizing that the reader was just a kid, Hawks tried to tell them to stand down and stop their quirk. His feathers could sense the reader’s heartbeat, telling him that they were obviously scared.
When the reader tells them that they are unable to control the flames and that their wings secrete Ethanol to fuel them Endeavor is reminded of His first born son’s death
Having been living on the streets, the reader was unable to stay sufficiently hydrated and thus quickly ran out of protective sweat, causing the reader to begin being burnt
Hearing the kid’s screams of pain, Endeavor snapped out of his thoughts and quickly instructed Hawks to grab flame repressing foam from the the fire department and use his feathers to dump it on the reader
After following his instructions, the flames were quickly put out. Endeavor went over to the reader and carefully began to help them clean off the foam as he began to check the reader’s burns. Hawks took the moment to survey their surroundings and found the reader’s nest and realized that the reader was living here
Once the reader is calmed down and retracts their wings, Hawks asks about why the reader, a child, is living in an abandoned building
Fearing their situation but knowing that lying would only worsen their situation, the reader begins to explain their situation, telling the heroes what happened and why they are living here
As the police began to search the area and start to finish up their business there, Endeavor and Hawks both realize that the reader shouldn’t be returned to their parent’s custody but that placing them in the foster system would be bad due to their inability to control their relatively new quirk.
Due to developing their quirk later than others, the reader wasn’t given the same counseling and guidance that people normally get. Endeavor, having seen the reader’s potential as well as hoping to spare them the same fate that took his son, decided to become the reader’s legal guardian. Hawks, having plenty of experience with his wings and feeling a kinship with the reader, decides to become a mentor/older brother/fun uncle figure to the reader
Endeavor takes the reader to his home and has them get settled in.
Endeavor may seem grumpy and unapproachable but the reader quickly grows on him as Enji develops a soft spot for the reader.
Enji tries to teach the reader how to control their flames but is constantly reminded of how he trained his children and worries that the reader will hate him
Eventually Hawks is able to teach the reader to control their flames when he tries to have the reader cook chicken with them. Hawks originally intended it as a joke but Endeavor saw the accidental genius and decided that it was a good idea. Hawks just wanted some chicken
The reader has a tendency to build nests as a result of their father’s side of the family having mostly bird related quirks. One day Enji comes home from patrol to see the reader has built a giant nest in his living room. The reader is sitting in the nest in front of the TV. Hawks walks into the room with popcorn, snacks and drinks. After much convincing, Enji finally agrees to sit with them and watch a movie
Half way through the movie the reader falls asleep and snuggles up to Enji’s side. Wrapping an arm around them, Enji lets them sleep as he realizes how much he’s missed out on with his other kids. It’s at this moment that Enji promises himself and the reader that he’ll be better and that he’ll cherish these small moments
Hawks and Enji don’t care about the reader’s appearance, they understand that their quirk just makes their body different from others and they accept it.
Hawks will often visit the reader and they’ll preen each other’s wings. Hawks likes to make spa days out of this. He’ll take them to a bath house or bring bath salts to them. After relaxing in the bath he’ll either have a masseur give them both massages or they’ll massage each other. After that they’ll both take turns inspecting the other’s wings removing old or damaged feathers, combing the feathers, etc. after that Hawks will do face masks with the reader and basically anything that he can use as an excuse to relax
Overall, the reader is an irreplaceable part of Enji and Hawks’s lives now
I hope you enjoyed this.
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candy girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as cheating, age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: as you're about to take the next step with your boyfriend, doubts begin to arise. (short!plus!reader)
Characters: Thor (boyfriend's dad/silverfox)
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself. <3
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You steer onto the cul-de-sac, the savoury smell of teryaki and honey garlic cloying at your stomach. A loud growl erupts from inside you as you come in sight of your destination. The suburban beacon stands two-storeys above ground and its white washed window frames seem to watch your approach with wide eyes. The home, even if it’s not your own, is welcoming. 
You pull in beside the white picket fence and park right behind the large slate grey BMW. It’s both gargantuan and sparkling compared to your beat up Fiat. Your steed isn’t a noble one but it gets the job done. Literally. 
The summer night hums with the call of the crickets and the drone of pool filters from the sprawling HOA-mandated yards. You get out and open the back seat, pulling out the stacked boxes that radiate with the mouth-watering aromas. You even managed to get Karl to give you a free tray of garlic knots before you clocked out. 
As you balance the wide load, teetering slightly at the awkwardness, you use your hip to shut the car door. You eye the vehicle in front of yours. You didn’t think he’d be there, at least that’s what Magni said. You suppose you can’t complain, it isn’t your house. 
A figure sits on the porch, as if waiting for you. At first, you think it’s your boyfriend but the build is slightly too broad to be him. The sheen of the light beside the front door also reveals a head of silvering blonde waves and not Magni’s shanky red hair. His father sits with his phone cradled over his lap, a metallic noise sounding from the speakers. 
You come up the front walk between the floating orbs cast by the solar lanterns implanted in the earth. Your soles scuff as you near the steps and Mr. Odinson lowers his phone as he looks up. You put on a smile though you don’t think he’ll see it. 
“It’s just me,” you announce as you hit the step with your toe and stumble. “Oof!” 
He’s quick to stand and rush over but you steady yourself and clammer up the steps in a graceful recovery. You giggle at yourself and even out the boxes to keep the pizza from getting to messed up. He stops nearby, looming over you as he blocks out the porch light. 
“Y’okay, little one?” He asks in his way. 
You laugh again, “all good! Clumsy old me.” 
“Mm,” he hums and gives an emphatic sniff, “I suppose you didn’t bring all that for me.” 
“There’s more than enough to go around,” you assure him. 
“Ah, well in that case, my son is in the garage,” he points, “I will gladly make sure the food gets to the kitchen unscathed.” 
You tilt your head at him and scoff, “don’t worry, I didn’t count the chicken wings or anything.” 
He chuckles and takes the boxes from you, “allow me,” he insists, “far too much for you to be carrying all this around.” 
“It’s my job, Mr. Odinson,” you shrug, “anyway, I’ll go find, Mag.” 
“Tell him to put his things away before he comes in,” he warns and backs up, easily carrying the full load of food in one hand, turning to pull the screen door open with his other. 
You hop back down the porch and along the walk, coming back down the driveway to the garage. You knock on the wide door as you hear raging metal music crashing from within. You like some of it, but a few songs just make your head hurt. 
The door reacts as the motor above whirs and reels it up. You bend to peek under and wave at Magni. He sits on a low rolling stool, his hands darkened with oil, and his motorbike half torn apart. Again. 
“Wow, what’s all this?” You ask as you dip under the door. 
“Eh, stupid thing got a rock in it, then I was thinking about modifying it... got a bit carried away.” 
He grabs a rag from his pocket as he stands and wipes his fingers. He’s about as tall as his father, though he’s lanky where the elder Odinson is bullish. You suppose he might fill out with age, not that you’re complaining. You have more than enough cushion for both of you. 
“Your dad took the pizza,” you say. 
“Ah, yeah, he was supposed to be out of town,” he grumbles. “Been lecturing half the night about this thing.”  
He gestures to the bike as he nears and bends to kiss you. You tilt your head up to meet him and get a bit more tongue than you expect. He grabs your ass as he pulls you against him and you gasp, pushing on his stomach. 
“You’re getting grease on my pants,” you part and tut at him. It’s only your uniform but you have two pair of work pants and one them is ripped. 
“Blends right in,” he gives you another tap. 
“Ugh, I was gonna do laundry on the weekend.” 
“Whatever,” he shrugs and continues to twist his finger into the dirty rag. “Too bad dad stayed,” he grumbles, “if he wasn’t here...” 
Heat razes your neck and you sway in place, digging your toe into the ground as you look away. You know what he was expecting and you tried to tell him you weren’t sure yet but he just doesn’t get it. You’re almost grateful you don’t have to repeat yourself. As much as you like him, it’s just too much too soon. 
“Mm, yeah,” you come forward and gather up the loose wrenches and bolts, putting them into the open box, “shouldn’t leave this all a mess.” 
“Eh, I’ll just be working on it again tomorrow,” he sniffs. 
You ignore his protest and continue to clean up after him. If you mention his dad, you don’t think it will motivate him. They can be volatile at times. Stubborn to say the least. It surprises you to see the discord between them. With a life like this, how could anyone be unhappy?  
You close up the tool box and roll it against the wall. Magni hits the button for the door and it rolls back down. You follow him to the interior door and climb the steps up into the main house. You leave your shoes on the mat as he keeps his on. 
Mr. Odinson pulls out plates as you enter the kitchen. He huffs as Magni tramps through and goes to the sink, flipping it on with two fingers and leaving grease on the silver. 
“Shoes on?” His father grumbles. 
“Forgot,” Magni utters. 
“Mm, wipe the faucet off when you’re done. You’re getting oil all over.” 
“Yeah, dad, I’ll do it,” Magni sneers. 
You gulp awkwardly as Mr. Odinson offers you a plate. 
“Gotta wash up too,” you wiggle your fingers at him, showing the dirt from the tools. 
“Ah, more work after work, I see,” he muses dryly. 
You smile and shrug and go to the sink as Magni shuts it off. You turn it back on and take your time lathering up your hands. You rinse off and make sure to wipe the smear on the silver too. As you turn around, Magni is loading up his plate with food. 
You wait patiently by Mr. Odinson as he hands you a plate. 
“Geez, save some for the rest of us, kid,” he chortles. 
“There’s lots,” Magni dismisses flippantly and walks away. 
“Eat at the table,” his dad calls after him. 
Mr. Odinson lets you go first. He makes you feel tiny as he patiently awaits his turn. You take more knots than you should but only a single slice of triple cheese. 
“I see you go the cinnamon bites...” he intones, “did you remember they’re my favourite?” 
“Oh, mine too!” You chime, “I didn’t but I’ll try to next time.” 
“Next time,” he echoes, “don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
You ignore the cryptic comment and grab a dipping sauce, “enjoy, Mr. Odinson.” 
“Mm, looks delicious,” he winks and his eyes linger on you before they drift over to the boxes. “Mmm, I prefer thighs but these wings smell amazing.” 
You turn and give the wall a strange look. He’s a funny guy, sometimes you have no idea what he’s talking about. You head off to join Magni in the dining room. He bends over his phone and quickly swipes with his pinky, bringing up his wallpaper. 
“I’m starving,” you sit down, “work was so hectic.” 
He growls into a chicken wing as he eats ravenously. You feel a similar hunger but you don’t want to be rude. It’s funny, growing up in a place like this, and he can be so... sloppy.  
Mr. Odinson walks in and drops a stack of napkins at the center of the table, “don’t stain the tablecloth.” 
You take a few and Magni just continues his feast. His dad sits with a cringe and shakes his head. He takes a garlic knot between two fingers, the morsel seeming so small, and bites into it delicately. He hums and you can’t help but share the sentiment, while you restrain yourself from mimicking his son as your stomach roars again. 
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percheduphere · 5 months
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Thanks for the comment, @sunflowerdigs!
I am also in HUGE debt to @loki-us for the below gifs that I could not find anywhere in Tumblr's gif search system. Thank you, friend! So many of my metas would not be possible without your help and support!
The poetic irony is definitely the point and is the reason why the S2 finale is as painful as it is.
I've previously discussed how Mobius would 100% absolutely choose to be with Loki at the End of Time and his decision-making history that points to this as being in-character here.
I also reviewed Loki's decision-making here.
Now let's discuss the choice Loki desperately wanted to give Mobius:
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gif credit: @loki-us
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gif credit: @loki-us
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gif credit: @loki-us
(Original gif set post here)
What I love about this scene with Sylvie is that it is a perfect example of narrative subtext at work. The emotional thrust behind Loki's words may be interpreted as either platonic or romantic. Ultimately, it doesn't matter (well, it does, but it's a minor detail) because the definitive meaning behind the subtext is what the TVA means to Loki and what he actually wants, which is getting Mobius back.
Let's break down the scene:
Sylvie asks what Loki wants. Sylvie, we must remember, is a Loki. She knows how Loki thinks, how he hides his vulnerability, and how he lies to himself. This allows her to suss out what Loki has difficulty admitting. I absolutely adore Sylvie for this.
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1.) To stop HWR. - wrong
2.) To save the TVA. - wrong but closer; why?
3.) To save "all this" - too broad
4.) To save his friends. - correct
Ergo, stopping HWR is a means to an end, as it was for Sylvie. Saving the TVA could feasibly "save all this" from HWR, but who or what does Loki mean when he says "all this"? He means the timelines, certainly, but why does he care about the timelines? Because if all timelinee are destroyed, Sylvie and the TVA are destroyed too. Who is at the TVA? Loki's friends. Who is Loki's first and best friend? Mobius.
TVA = Friends = Mobius
Now, this isn't to play down the importance of OB, Verity, and Casey, but the series has been very clear about which friendship is the most significant to Loki. S2E1 -S2E4 builds up Loki and Mobius's closeness for the explicit purpose of likewise building up the cost of Loki's sacrifice. Their separation in the finale would not have been given as much attention nor hurt as much if they didn't become close.
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The editing here is very intentional. In screenwriting, we call this technique "off screen dialogue", which is denoted by the character's name followed by (o.s.), then their line of dialogue.
In example, the shooting script might say:
On Don's reaction.
It was more about what I wanted.
If this wasn't formatted as such in the original script, it was likely formatted as such in the shooting script, which is a highly detailed version of the script with notes on how each scene should be shot in production and edited in post. The same cinematic technique is used in S2E4, after the pie confrontation with Sylvie, in which Brad, off screen, says, "Aren't you gonna say anything?" The dialogue overlays Mobius's reaction shot before cutting to the scene with Brad and Dox.
It is also no accident that Loki very pointedly talks about Mobius, what he thinks Mobius wants, and how Mobius should have a choice. In making his point, Loki shows that he is actually quite confident that Mobius would choose the TVA and therefore, HIM.
But perched! The TVA means Loki's friends! How can the TVA also mean Loki?
Well ...
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(Thank you so much for your marvelous gif set @riotinyellow)
After the Loom explodes, everyone is returned to their original timeline except Loki. What is significant but not often discussed is that Sylvie is returned to her 1982 Broxton, Oklahoma timeline. She did not remain at the TVA despite being a Loki herself. The subtext of this is that Sylvie associates the 1982 timeline as where she belongs, where she feels at home. If we parallel this subtext to Loki, this means the TVA is where Loki feels he belongs and thus, feels at home. He only begins to timeslip once he realizes the people he cares about aren't there. Notably, Loki unconsciously timeslips to Mobius the most. I have a meta on Loki's timeslipping here.
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As people, we define ourselves not only by our past, our talents, our weaknesses, our interests, and our dislikes, we also define ourselves by our relationships (good and bad). The implication, therefore, is that TVA symbolically represents not only friendship and Mobius, it represents Loki, too.
The most painful part of Loki's argument, which is never communicated directly but is subtextually inferred, is that not only does Loki want Mobius to choose the TVA (him), he is confident that Mobius would choose the TVA (him). And why shouldn't Loki be confident? Mobius has been his most loyal friend. Mobius has never abandoned him even when he was angry with him.
This sets up the meaning behind the subtext of Mobius's departure from the TVA in the finale. Mobius insists the TVA provides him with meaning, that he likes it there, and that he is grateful for whoever took him and "gave [him] this pie" (interestingly, it is Loki who recruits Mobius first, gives him his name, and offers pie to help calm Mobius down).
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Once Loki is gone, however, Mobius only stays at the TVA long enough to ensure it's changed for good and has appropriate leadership. What's striking is that, with the exception of Mobius, all of Loki's friends, given the choice, chose to stay at the TVA. This answers the question Loki posed with Sylvie: How many of them would choose to stay?
Verity, OB, and Casey all have purpose. Mobius's purpose has always been Loki. That purpose evolved into friendship once he stopped Loki's "reset" and uncovered Ravonna's corruption. Just as TVA = Friends = Mobius for Loki, for Mobius, the TVA = Loki. When Loki is gone, so is Mobius's purpose, his place of belonging, his home. Mobius loses everything, including (platonically or romantically) someone he deeply loves.
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; A new exchange student is welcomed in the Devildom. After noticing that you already have made that place your home, he tries to steal everything you have for jealousy. Unluckily for him, that's not how things turn out.
; All the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon and Luke.
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After your success in the Devildom, Diavolo wisely decided to bring another ordinary human into his realm. You used to associate with demons, benevolent angels, grim reapers and cunning sorcerers. Now that you had spent several years in the Devildom, with no intention of returning home, Diavolo seemed determined to bring another ordinary human into the devildom, to have companions like you.
Since you were an extraordinarily curious and open-minded human who found yourself in a world inhabited by extraordinary creatures, you had acquired a vast knowledge and a great education thanks to the influence of so many different characters from various species. This had undoubtedly allowed you to be much more cultured and educated than normal.
When the new individual was brought into devildom and faced with demons, his reaction was to be extremely surprised, frightened and even incredulous, just as any average human would have done. He immediately noticed the clear difference between the human world and the demonic one, even if they didn't have wings or horns.
He began to scream and cry desperately, terrified by their presence, and also by the fact that he had awakened in an unknown place, looking tense.
While Diavolo and Barbatos didn't mind, as they considered the newcomer's behavior "quite human" and even found it amusing, Lucifer and Asmodeus were irritated.
During the meeting, in fact, Lucifer's irritation was clearly noticed, who seemed to be the most annoyed of all by the human's attitude. His patience had been tested, and his expression had become increasingly tense and impatient.
Asmodeus, on the other hand, looked at the human with a certain amount of confusion and disgust, while he followed all his movements with his eyes, while the mortal tried to leave the room, even if the door have been locked by Barbatos as soon as they had reunited.
Among those present there was also Satan, who observed the scene with a certain indifference, as if he didn't care too much about the human and his reaction. Mammon, on the other hand, had arrived punctually that time and had sat down, surprisingly, in silence.
«HAH! I WIN! Again!» you yelled vigorously, throwing a triumphant fist in the air. Leviathan sighed in frustration, gripping the joystick hard in his hands while you were extremely excited about your surprising victory. «Ugh, I can't believe I lost. This is so embarrassing» he murmured to himself, scratching the back of his neck embarrassedly. Turning to look at him, you could see the blush building rapidly in his cheeks and just laughed, he was adorable. «Oh come on, Levi! we-» but your sentence was cut short by the sound of Leviathan's bedroom door being slammed as the white-haired figure entered the room.
«Yo, guys. The human is going to stay here!» Mammon didn't look very enthusiastic, in fact he looked irritated. You didn't know if it was because the human in question had to stay in the house with you, or because Lucifer had forced him to go and warn you.
Leviathan blinked slowly, as if he were trying to understand the words spoken by the avatar of greed. Then, making a soft "gasp," he suddenly leapt to his feet, making you jump at the unexpected gesture. «What? A normie is going to stay here?! No way!» he complained immediately, frowning and placing the joystick next to yours on the ground.
You sat up, placing a gentle hand on Leviathan's broad shoulder, looking into his large eyes. You looked at Mammon too, noting his bothered look before they both turned to you. «Come on, it won't be that bad! And I am a human too, do you know?» you chuckled softly, trying to instill some courage in the two demons. «It's different» Mammon murmured, looking a little skeptical, and Leviathan nodded to his words, gesturing lightly and a little carelessly.
«You are like.. like Solomon! He's a human, right? Still, he doesn't seem like it at all!» you blinked rapidly, staring intently at Leviathan. You then turned to deftly pick up the soft joysticks, turning off the addictive game you were facing. You felt the ominous scrutiny of the demons behind you. «Solomon and I aren't that different. We just hold a little power within us, that's it» you chuckled with a sly smile, turning towards them once everything was settled.
Mammon crossed his arms with a gesture of feigned nonchalance «Well, they are about to come back. let's hope he won't destroy anything at least here» you and Levi stopped from fixing the tub where you had slept together that night, turning abruptly towards Mammon. Leviathan raised an eyebrow, puzzled, while you gave Mammon a suspicious look.
«Destroy anything?» Leviathan asked, repeating his older brother's words, stepping back and lifting his head slightly to look into his eyes. «Pardon?» your nervous laugh indicated that you did not expect such situation to happen, and Leviathan's expression indicated that he did not expect it either.
Mammon was visibly intent on answering you, but before he could open his mouth Asmodeus' high, impetuous voice was heard as he flanked his white-haired brother. «Oh my, Mc! Lucifer sent me to deliver an urgent message. We're back, and he wants you to know that you're absolutely needed. So make sure you're ready, okay?» he announced firmly. The boy turned towards you, smiling with his usual sweetness and kindness, and you nodded, leaving the room while Leviathan followed you closely with a reserved and careful attitude.
Silently arriving in the living room, you noticed that all the many brothers were sitting around the soft sofa, forming a circle around the helpless figure of a human. The poor fellow, who had his head down, was helpless and frightened in the face of the presence of demons. You couldn't see his face, though, as it was lowered and covered in tousled black hair.
To his right stood imposing Lucifer, who scrutinized him, Beelzebub, who seemed more attentive to the cereal he had probably recovered as soon as he got home, and Belphegor, who was watching you as soon as you stepped inside the room.
To his left stood Satan, who as in the meeting was indifferent, Asmodeus, who seemed he couldn't wait to leave, and Leviathan would probably have sat down too, who instead remained behind you looking at the human with judging eyes.
You decided to approach them, advancing into the living room and immediately noticing the fireplace which was missing the fire that usually crackled happily and without problems. Your arrival in front of everyone brought a wide smile to Asmodeus' lips. «Mc, I trust we have already discussed the matter of the new exchange student with you. Allow me to introduce Simone, who as you can see, appears rather uneasy and hesitant to engage with us. It occurred to me that you might be better suited to approach him, since I believe he will respond more favorably to your company than he does to ours.» Lucifer spoke as he got up off the couch, after clearing his throat.
You understood perfectly what he wanted to tell you, so you nodded lightly, carefully observing the human. Realizing that to have a private conversation you needed to be alone, all the other brothers followed the Avatar of Pride and got off the couch, while Mammon loudly complained why he couldn't stay with you. He was dragged away by Leviathan, who seemed to understand the situation better than his older brother did, leaving you and the human in a relaxing and serene stillness.
«You can talk. How do you feel?» you asked as you carefully lit the fireplace, carefully bending over to observe how the flame slowly began to crackle, a smile lit up your face as the gentle warmth enveloped you in a delicate caress. But despite this, you heard no response to your words. So, with a slow but decisive movement, you turned towards Simone, approaching and going to sit next to him, observing him carefully.
He had his head raised, staring into the fire with an intense and concentrated gaze, while his green eyes sparkled with an intensity that vaguely reminded you of Satan.
«I feel.. I don't know how I feel. I felt so much strong emotions that now I feel empty» he whispered softly, turning slowly to meet your gaze. You nodded, pulling your gaze away from his. «Mhm… well. Would you mind if I explain to you how this year will be? Lord Diavolo must have told you the basic» smiling softly, you patted his shoulder «I'm Mc, by the way. Nice to meet you» you tenderly held out your hand smiling slightly, and he took it, squeezing it weakly.
After that, you began to explain to him how the year had gone for you; without going into detail about the brothers' private information, of course. You explained to him how at the beginning you too weren't so sure about how it was going and you didn't trust anyone, then proceeding by explaining how living in that house had made the brothers your second family, and how not everyone in the devildom was bad. A bit like the human world, after all.
Then you started talking about the brothers individually. Saying how cold Lucifer could be, but knowing deeply he loved the people he cared about, how it was best not to leave your wallet unattended in front of Mammon, how sensitive Leviathan was truly, how Satan was admirable for his self-control despite his avatar, how Asmodeus could be the best friend of the century, how reliable Beelzebub could be, just don't leave him alone with food, and how Belphegor was kind, and despite his laziness he always did something for you.
«You truly got nothing to fear. And plus, they can't hurt you. You are under the custody of Lord Diavolo. If they dare to hurt you, they will face strict consequences» you spoke softly again, as if you wanted to conclude your explanation in a reassuring way, squeezing his arm with a delicate and comforting grip. You hoped that gesture could somehow contribute to calming all the anxiety that probably tormented Simone, making him more serene in some way.
You looked up at the clock and noticed that it had been more than two hours since you'd started talking. You blinked, realizing that time flew faster than you planned. «I have to go out with Asmodeus in 15 minutes» you said, turning towards him.
He seemed visibly alarmed, suddenly panicked. His wide eyes showed his growing anxiety, while his hands trembled slightly. He probably didn't want to be there alone now that he just trusted someone.
But you just couldn't miss that exit. Asmodeus had been looking for the perfect date and moment for months, since you had always refused every time. If you'd said no to him that time too, he'd probably drag you along with a ruthless and inexorable determination.
«A-and what will I do?» was what the young man said in a deeply disconsolate and uncertain tone, while you sighed playing with your fingers, resting your elbows on your knees, sensing the tense atmosphere given the boy's negative emotions. With a sudden smile, as if the idea that had just occurred to you was absolutely brilliant, you proposed: «..you could stay in my room until I come back. Then, I will make you see the whole house!» He looked at you with that same sad, lost look, and proceeded to nod slowly. «I guess that could do..»
«Oh, Mc! Like always, I had sooo much fun with you! We absolutely have to do it again!» Asmodeus exclaimed extremely excited, as he waved his hands briskly. His room was perfumed as always, full of flowers of all kinds and colors. His soft bed was completely covered with bags and purses fresh from his grueling shopping.
«Yeah, If only we wouldn't meet that demon during our path, I could have said the same thing» you snapped with a hint of anger evident in your voice. You crossed your arms across your chest, staring at Asmodeus with a sharp gaze, while he gave a guilty smile.
«Oh come on! Who could sell that trashy outfit so much money?! Not even Mammon could do that!» He clumsily tried to justify himself, and you let him be with a disinterested wave of your hand, almost defiantly, laughing softly with a smile on your lips.
«By the way, now It's better if I head back to my room. I left Simone there and I have to show him around» You slowly approached the heavy wooden door while talking to Asmodeus. behind you, his face twisted into a confused expression, raising a perfectly drawn eyebrow. «Who?» he asked, advancing towards you with determined steps.
«Simone. It's the new exchange student, did you already forget him?» you replied, looking up at the demon.
Asmodeus suddenly seemed to light up, but then grimaced in disappointment and folded his mighty arms across his chest. «Can't you do that later?» he asked in a pleading tone of voice «We can have fun here together now!» he tried to convince you, but you, with determination, managed to get out of his room in a few quick minutes; although you didn't mind spending time with Asmodeus, at that precise moment you felt the need to lend your help to Simone, who needed your support.
«Hey, Simone, I'm back!» You entered your cozy bedroom as your host pounded the nightstand drawer closed hard, turning abruptly towards you. He jumped up onto your soft mattress, creating a slight jolt. Batting your eyelashes, you giggled, closing the door. «You must be bored, right?» you asked with a raised eyebrow, scanning his uncertain face. Simone sighed, shaking his head in disappointment and frustration.
«It's not that.. I just had to distract. I heard them walking around, always getting closer and I was scared they would come in» he admitted, sighing bitterly. You didn't understand why he was so afraid of them, they wouldn't hurt him. «Oh.. well» with a bright and wide smile, you put your hands on your hips.
«Let's bring you to a whole trip to the House of Lamentation, where you will stay!» you said excitedly, your hands frantically clapping against each other, before throwing your bedroom door open wide again. With a quick gesture, as if you were signaling someone to leave, you pointed to the outside of the room.
He followed your will, getting up from your bed and walking towards the exit, but then turned to you with an expectant expression, waiting for you too to exit your room to start the tour.
After probably an hour of exploration during which you met the brothers in the different rooms, you managed to show Simone every corner of the house.
In the spacious kitchen you had met Beelzebub, who greedily emptied the refrigerator, throwing open the door extracting every delicacy from the freezer. His nimble hands moved quickly, as if he was trying to steal the food undetected. It was evident that his insatiable appetite had brought him to that room.
In the library, you had met Satan, who seemed to have fallen asleep with a book on his chest. Beams from the moon filtered through the blinds, illuminating the room with a dim, soothing white light. His figure looked so peaceful and serene, as if nothing could disturb his sleep. However, your talking and moving around the room had woken him.
Finally, in the spacious living room, you had met Belphegor, who was lying fast asleep on the sofa. His figure was so still and peaceful that he almost looked like a statue. Even if you tried to talk to him, there was no waking him up. he was so sound asleep that nothing could disturb his sleep.
«And that's it! This is the whole house, you will sleep on my room, I might have some mattress, somewhere.. or I just ask Lucifer one, since you have to sleep somewhere and they doesn't seem to have bothered to give you a place to stay at yet» you huffed impatiently, shaking your head with a gesture of disapproval. He nodded slowly, his expression had eased, as if a weight had been lifted from his thoughts; he wasn't going to sleep alone.
The month flew by quickly. For Simone, things weren't going the way they had with you, but he still was able to speak more freely with Mammon and Asmodeus than the other demons. Despite this, he continued to experience a strong fear that Beelzebub would devour him, while Belphegor gave him negative and disturbing sensations, as he told you.
But in the last busy week, your company wanted to spend more and more time with you and your friends; Sometimes you hang out with four demons in your class, and other times you had fun with the gang of radiant angels and the human with unusual behavior to say the least. But Simone, insistently, always wanted to be in your company, causing no small amount of stress. You weren't constantly free to please him, and you couldn't take him with you wherever you went. Moreover, your closest friends didn't take a like on him, which surprised you a lot, considering that Simeon and Luke usually liked everyone.
Solomon was known for his imperturbability in the face of even the most boring situations. Despite this, he could not hide his frustration at the fact that your magic lessons and practices were often disturbed by Simone's constant interruptions, which did not allow you to concentrate adequately. While you loved spending time with Solomon brewing magic potions, Simone's constant presence made it difficult to find a quiet moment. Solomon often made sarcastic remarks, complaining that he couldn't carry on his work in peace.
And one evening, while you were preparing to go out with Belphegor and Beelzebub, you stopped him firmly before he could utter the classic words "Can I come?". «I'm sorry, Simone. You have to stop incessantly sticking around me like this. Try to socialize with Mammon or Asmodeus instead. They will be delighted to spend some time with you, but for now, please leave me be», you looked at him, while you adjusted the shirt you had worn that evening, carefully checking that everything was perfect in the mirror.
The young man showed a disappointed pout on his face, as he let out a deep disconsolate sigh. «But..» he looked at you, crossing his arms on his chest «I appreciate you like to stay with me, you are friendly and I like you.. but you should also make your own friends, not only stick around with me. Also because we won't stay together forever, just this year»
Simone looked at you. You felt guilty, but it was also stressfull; You didn't mind hanging out with him, but not if he always started being clingy, getting in the way of your important activities.
«Alright, I get it. Sorry to pressure you» Simone nodded, and you smiled at him lightly, giving him a quick and reassuring hug, before gently pulling away and leaving the room with an affectionate greeting. After all, Belphegor and Beelzebub were waiting impatiently for you, and you didn't want to keep them waiting too long.
After changing his attitude towards you, Simone seemed to find comfort and security in acting like you. You didn't know if this situation was worse or better than the previous one. Surprisingly, he started talking and acting like you with the brothers, who at first didn't seem to find anything strangeness in this, in fact, they appreciated it.
Over time, Simone managed to bond with all the brothers by adopting your affable character. It was as if they had the opportunity to get to know the same person again. You wondered what pleasure or satisfaction Simone felt in imitating you so shamelessly.
Leviathan and Mammon often went out with him, sharing moments of fun and laughter, while Belphegor willingly allowed himself afternoon sleeps in his company. Beelzebub also tried to share food with him, at least when he managed to leave some.
It wouldn't have bothered you (since it was pretty evident how the brothers weren't replacing you at all but just spending time with another friend) if it weren't for the fact that he kept imitating you, seeming to do the opposite of what he used to do; he tried to shut you out, as if he wanted to see you isolated and alone. He had even tried to do it with other people outside of the brothers. You could not deny that his behavior deeply hurt and upset you.
- «Hey, Belphie, weren't we supposed to hang out together?»
- «Heh, don't worry, Mc, I haven't forgotten about our plans. Simone keeps trying to lure me away with promises of hanging out with just him and Beel, but I assured you that we'll be together tomorrow. I promise»
- «Mammon, shouldn't we hang out?»
- «Tch, I already told that human we're gonna be hangin' out in private, but don't get the wrong idea! You better show up when I call you to meet me at Majolish. We're just gonna be hangin' out and keep it casual, alright?»
- «Angel, weren't we supposed to..?»
- «I know, I know.. *sigh* Simone was adamant about spending time with me alone, so I couldn't refuse. the only thing we truly have in common is the name. We have to find another opportunity to hang out together. I promised you that»
It was clearly noticeable that Simone's behavior was starting to disturb everyone more and more, but you had decided to fight evil with evil. He also started to do the things they usually asked you to do, such as, for example, passing a specific sauce or a drink on the table, or helping them to do something, and the petty little mischief that he was starting to do to you (if you told the brothers it was his business). You would have acted cleverly. And that's exactly what you did.
You really started to be an annoying obstacle to him; you didn't give him time to talk, to dialogue with the brothers because you did. Even if they asked him, you did the requested favors. You were the one who started insisting on hanging out, and the brothers sure couldn't pick a human who'd been there a month over you.
It was a battle already won, but you liked playing it smart.
Like that evening; well, Mammon had, as usual, made a huge mess of debt. And so there you are, for the second time, working in adorable bunny outfits. The last time you went you were perfect.
As soon as the human saw how Asmodeus was rummaging from the sofa in a large suitcase full of colorful outfits and rabbit crowns, he became curious. It didn't take long for Lucifer to explain the situation to him. He repented soon after, of course.
«Can I come?» pleaded Simone while you were in difficulty, since the idea of ​​going there meant that YOU would have to supervise their work and make sure that they didn't stop even for a moment, while they couldn't allow themselves a single instant of rest. In particular, Leviathan was very concerned, due to his known problem with interacting with people.
You were in the living room, Simone observed with curiosity how Asmodeus was looking for those clothes that he had jealously guarded, hoping to find them. «I always waited for this day!! Oh, Mc, you were so cute in that outfit, I can't wait for you to wear it again!» the avatar of Lust didn't seem to hear Simone's words, who cleared his throat and put a hand on his shoulder, while he turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
«I asked if I can come too?» he repeated his question in a firm tone, and you looked at him with an air of disapproval and uncertainty. You knew exactly what he intended to do and, deep down, you were aware that he wouldn't take the job seriously. Your thoughts were stopped by the sharp words of Belphegor, who proved to be against the idea: «I think we are enough already» Even his twin, reasoning with the lazy boy, added: «Yeah, the others will work there too»
Raising a puzzled eyebrow, you and Simone quickly turned to look at the twins, while Asmodeus again began to carefully sort all the clothes, to prepare everything to be elegantly worn; you were to attend that very night, after all.
«Yeah, Solomon, Simeon and Luke will be there too!» Asmodeus spoke incredibly excitedly as he threw their respective masters' clothes, throwing yours as well. At the mere mention of Solomon's name, Simone seemed to be even more determined to go too, an aura of irrepressible enthusiasm enveloped him. He would have done everything, without any hesitation, to get to know him deeply, to spend time with him. The mystery around the sorcerer seemed irresistibly fascinating and magnetic for Simone, an enigma to be discovered at any cost.
«I want to come tho» He complained bitterly, and you smiled victorious and arrogantly, knowing that this time he wasn't going to win, while you would go. But your boastful victory was crushed by Mammon's enthusiastic words. «Yeah sure, why not?! C'mon, the more, the best! We will finish this job like nothin'!» You were pleased that despite the fault being his, he was so positive and bold, but why Simone? You really preferred that he not get in the way, but he always seemed to find a way to do it. It made you deeply angry.
Unexpectedly, your penetrating and fleeting gaze fell on Mammon's; this generated a sudden explosion of confused and disconnected babbling, before subsiding into an awkward silence. However, the avatar of Greed's words unleashed a wave of complaints from Leviathan as well, who, with his arms folded across his chest, began to speak vehemently against Mammon's words. «It's already hard this way, if another will be there to see ME act like a perfect moron and-- dance!» he bit his lip, frowning in an expression of pure shame as he clenched his fists hard. «I might just DIE!» he concluded his sentence, glaring at Mammon accusingly, while stamping his foot on the ground in a capricious and childish way.
«Calm down, Levi. I am sure everything will be fine. This time, it's just a day, alright?» you calmly tried to calm Leviathan's agitation, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. «I am sure that with me you will feel better!» Simone joined the scene, almost pushing you aside to wrap an arm around Leviathan's shoulders as he spoke in a reassuringly cheerful way. Your face darkened and you grit your teeth, turning decisively away. Leviathan, much to Simone's displeasure, didn't seem very comfortable with that sudden contact, emitting a nervous giggle. «I- I guess..» he murmured, scanning the other brothers for help.
«So... He's coming?» you spat acid after a few seconds of awkward silence, while you watched the brothers with your arms folded across your chest in defiance. Simone pulled away from Leviathan, showing a dazzling toothy smile, while Lucifer blinked with a certain disinterest, although he held his outfit in his arms with maniacal care. «I should ask-» Lucifer began to say, but was abruptly interrupted by Simone who began to pray, begging to be able to help at any cost, because "he was dying to be able to help."
Eventually, he too received his own uniform; it was a black and white uniform. It deeply irritated you that he too would be present in the work field, creating further distractions and complications. And above all… you knew that he would spend the entire time chasing Solomon everywhere, unable to concentrate on his work. it seemed incredible to you that you had to follow him too to make him do his duty. At least Simeon and Luke, who you knew well, would have helped keep everyone on the line.
«MAMMON.» The demon jumped suddenly. His circlet, once fixed on his head, crashed to the ground. He spun around, glancing at you with a bewildered expression painted on his face. It had already happened an innumerable number of times that evening: the demon seemed distracted by who knows what, and had been going on like that for hours.
Leviathan seemed to take the job he'd been given seriously, but his inability to do everything himself forced him to enlist the help of Solomon or Luke to deliver orders.
Lucifer was incredibly dexterous and was able to perform every task with mastery, without having to utter a single word. Satan, sadly, was a little too enthusiastic and in that area, infested with too many cats for your liking, he seemed almost overly joyful.
Asmodeus, on the other hand, was not very practical and often complained of sweating, having sore feet and dirty hands because of trays. Despite repeated scoldings to invite him to recover, he continued to be clumsy and inexperienced. You tried to console him, reminding him that it was only that night.
Beelzebub was constantly watched with a hawk's eye, otherwise he would greedily devour everything that was on the trays entrusted to him. Every now and then you pretended not to notice Belphegor going to sleep, because if anyone dared disturb him he became seriously nervous and work with a frown.
Simeon and Luke were extremely conscientious and took every task with an almost sacred seriousness, while Solomon… well, as you'd expect, Simone kept bothering him constantly, following him everywhere, doing his job and hindering the wizard's.
At the time, you had devoted yourself to examining the orders, a long list written by Belphegor. «How large is that family..» you muttered to yourself, before feeling someone hit your back violently. The blow was so strong and unexpected that you almost fell to the ground, while an annoying laugh echoed in your ear. You couldn't stand that obnoxious exchange student.
You were so incredibly close to yelling every insult you could think of in his face, but you couldn't afford to completely lose control like that. His amused and mocking smile made your blood boil in your veins. You turned on him, furious as ever, but then suddenly someone yelled his name, making him jump. Simeon approached you. «My apologies, but we must hurry.» his tone was cold and impatient as he stared at you. He turned his gaze towards the human next to you «Simone, please quicken your peace and refrain from distracting others. The order is awaiting us, stop wasting our time.»
Simeon indicated with his arm the place where Simone had to go, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows and tense face, pushing him decisively to make him move. Simone quickly ran towards the place, realizing that Simeon was very close to losing his temper.
«Ugh, I wish he didn't come» You murmured dejected, while Simeon looked at him with impatience and growing anger, before sighing and turning his gaze towards you. «I'm sorry, Mc...» he gave a slight smile, then extended his hand with a gentle gesture; you handed him the paper, which he took.
«Don't worry, just be patient. We are managing decently well, It will be over soon!»
«I am on the brink of consigning him to the abyss of oblivion.»
«Haha, that's funny..» Simeon slowly turned to look at Solomon, who meanwhile seemed quite annoyed and slightly impatient; he wasn't even too disheveled, while he absently ran a hand through his white tuft. However, he was certainly extremely stressed both for work and for Simone, who at that moment, with a slow and somewhat uncertain step, was approaching.
You had sincere empathy for Solomon, but sadly there wasn't much I could do to stop Simone from continuing with his behavior. Despite this, you had to admit that the boy did his job with some competence, delivering the things assigned to him with some efficiency. However, after the seventieth time you had to stop Simone from distracting himself, and even from trying to cast some curse spell on Solomon (who answered with a bitter smile at every word), you had sincerely had enough.
The situation had become increasingly frustrating, as Simone seemed unable to concentrate on his task anymore and kept getting in the way of Solomon's work. Despite your repeated reminders, the boy didn't seem to understand the importance of the thing you all were there for and kept behaving in an unprofessional manner.
Taking Simone's arm decisively, you also touched Simeon's from behind, who was immersed in the concentration of orders at a table. «I am going to have a talk with Simone. Can you handle everything for a few minutes?» you asked, noticing a slight understanding smile on Simeon's face. With that gesture, you pushed the other human away from other people's eyes. «Well?» asked Simone, confused by your unexpected action.
«....well?.» you repeated through clenched teeth, crossing your arms and moving your back down, slamming it hard against the wall and putting all your weight there. «Just what do you even think you are doing?! I knew you would come here just to bother», you spoke with fierce anger, and he too seemed to get angry, as if you were telling a lie. His presence annoyed you, even if it was you who brought him there.
«Me? What are you talking about? Until proven otherwise, I believe YOU brought me here, I was working!» You raised an eyebrow as you smirked, accentuating your defiant expression. «Do you call following Solomon around work? Do you call trying to obstruct my actions work?» you growled, while you visibly darkened, giving off a negative aura. You ran a hand through your hair, which was sweaty and messy from your frantic activity, and was surprised that you weren't out of breath despite your agitated and tense state.
«I wasn't--» «Don't even bother denying.» you placed a finger in front of his lips, staring at him intently. A sly smile crept onto your lips as your other hand rested on his shoulder. «You aren't playing nice, Simone. but I am really sick of seeing you trying to poorly replace me. So..» giggling mockingly, you pushed him back forcefully, making his balance falter and risking a disastrous fall. «I won't play nice either. have fun on this job.» and with that, you walked out the back of the club and left him alone.
He blinked, staring at the door with a blank, unfocused expression. He shouldn't worry too much, you were both human beings, in a world populated by demons. But the situation made him feel vulnerable. Why were you so cheeky, just because you had a pact with all the brothers? He clenched his fists hard and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He wouldn't let you win, he told himself determinedly.
But you warned him explicitly; in addition to the fact that every time Simone had something in his hand you took it from him with a quick and precise gesture, and that when he went to assist a table, you took his place with disarming ease and took the orderin before him, without hesitation. You weren't sticky with the sorcerer, you simply stayed close to him, until Simone walked away.
«Is this better?» You asked in a calm voice, after noticing that the room had been empty for a few minutes and that there was no other customer waiting. Solomon absently ran a hand through his hair, involuntarily dropping the headband to the ground. You promptly bent down to pick it up for him, noticing how his ears shone in the soft light of the room. «Oh... i guess it is, thank you Mc», said the boy with a slight laugh, as he took the headband back in his fingers and enjoyed playing with one of the bunny ears that adorned it.
Mammon approached rapidly, placing his hands on your shoulders, while his bright and curious gaze scrutinized your face. «Yo Mc!!» he exclaimed enthusiastically, «You should come check this!» he invited you, showing you his phone. it was one of those games as popular as they were deceptive, from which they promised to earn easy and free money. You had already tried to convince him that most of them were scams or otherwise unreliable, but he didn't seem to care in the least, and kept hammering on his point of view.
Smiling smugly and rolling your eyes, you put an arm around his shoulders, causing him to wince slightly and stop to your humble height, since he was up while you were sitting. «Great Mammon, didn't I already tell you to not trust these things? they could probably be more fake than real» you tried to reason with the greedy brother, who meanwhile was sulking slightly; his cheeks were still red from the previous action.
Solomon was called by Asmodeus and Leviathan, who seemed eager to do something and needed his help and skills. You didn't see Simone around you, and you began to wonder anxiously where he had gone; you didn't want to lose sight of him, fearing that he might do something troublesome.
«Hey Mammon, have you seen Simone?» the boy seemed so focused on the phone (his fingers were so fast on the screen that you thought he could be a robot sometimes) that surely he hadn't heard your words, because he didn't even give you a look.
Removing your arm from his shoulders and rising from the stool where you were sitting, you cracked your back aching from the uncomfortable posture, emitting a soft moan of relief. Then, looking around carefully, you noticed Simone going out of the room with two girls, whose long tails of hair flowed sinuous to the rhythm of their slow steps; something was wrong. You squint, raising an eyebrow in perplexity and suspicion, and decides to walk over to see what was happening. You stopped behind the corner of the wall, hidden in the shade, and you could distinctly hear their whispered words, crossing your arms and standing still waiting to understand what their intent was.
«We don't understand how the brothers prefer Mc over you» a female voice was heard, and you raised an eyebrow. "What a bitch, talking bad about me?"
«I know, that's why I am trying to take their place. As you can see, tho, it's not easy. They are so attached to them» he groaned sighing.
«You don't have much time either. The year is about to end, and you will go back home. Plus, Mc stays here more and they come back a lot of times during the year, despite the program that end» the other demon-- the female voice lower than the previous, spoke.
«Yeah, I am aware. Why do you think I'm trying to befriend that man of a sorcerer? He's the hardest over everyone, he literally doesn't want to even talk» Simone snorted, the demons seemed to laugh
«With Mc It's been different; perhaps it was because they both were humans and Solomon wanted another mortal friend?» there was at least 2 minutes of silence after that, before Simone opened his mouth again. «Solomon is human?»
At this you had to do as much as possible not to burst out laughing. He wasn't the first--human or demon, who thought Solomon wasn't mortal, and he made you laugh at the tone of absolute shock he used.
You continued to listen to the conversation in silence, with a very unhappy look, until you heard your name being called by a quiet and reassuring voice. At this, the three voices ceased speaking and silence filled the air.
«Mc, are you out here? Me and Beel were searching for you..» the youngest brother pronounced, throwing his arms around your waist in a gesture of pure affection and squeezing you tightly against him. His chin rested gently on your shoulder while he left out a deep, tired sigh.
Simone walked out of the corner, locking eyes with you. Your softened gaze quickly turned into one brimming with slyness, while a mischievous grin appeared on your lips, giving you an air of defiance. You had heard every word of the conversation and couldn't resist wanting to have some fun at Simone's expense.
He seemed pissed immediately, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows in annoyance. His expression darkened.
«Well.. me and Belphie go back in, if you want to come, that's the door. See you later, Simone» you said arrogantly as Belphegor pulled away from the embrace, only to walk back in with you yawning. He had probably just woken up.
«What was all that about?» asked the Avatar of Sloth, turning to you with a raised eyebrow, having felt that agitated energy radiating from Simone. You decided not to say anything and just laugh, shrugging it off. «Nothing too revelant, Belphie, don't worry» you patted his head as you went to join Beel; Simeon smiled as he handed him a bowl of biscuits, to help him a bit to control the hunger he was feeling; the angel knew it wouldn't truly help, but at least Beel was happy.
You decided to drop the matter, as you knew time was too tight for Simone to befriend Solomon, especially considering the fact that the latter doggedly avoided him. It was clear that Solomon wanted nothing to do with Simone, and there wasn't much he could do to change that.
Thankfully, that night was drawing to a close and customers were now few and far between. Those who were present were slowly leaving, the room was almost empty and silent. The atmosphere was almost surreal, as if time had stopped, and only the faint music were heard, among your breaths and voices.
At least, you managed to not dance that night, much to Levi's joy.
«The year is about to end» You carefully observed his behavior. He'd never gotten a room of his own, so he'd spent the whole year in yours, and you'd generously divided your closet to allow him to put something of his into it. However, in all honesty, you couldn't wait for him to go. You could finally enjoy your privacy and solitude, which you had longed for. And as soon as Simone would leave, you were willing to spend a little more time there after the school year was over.
«Yeah. I am sad I won't be seeing them again anymore. Are you?» A small laugh escaped your lips at his words. «What do you mean? I don't stop seeing them», you admitted, turning to observe him. He stared at you with obvious confusion, but also with a tinge of envy he couldn't hide. It was clear that your close relationship with the brothers made him feel left out and jealous, but you continued to enjoy your life without worrying too much about his feelings; he didn't worry about yours, after all.
«Why not?» he asked in a voice suddenly cold and flat, as he turned to comb his hair in the mirror of your room. His expression had become more withdrawn and distant, as if he were preparing for an argument. You, on the other hand, remained impassive, determined not to give him too much space. «Because I am important here in the Devildom», you explained without adding further details. You didn't see the point in explaining everything to him, you just wanted him to leave.
«I mean, I don't get why. you aren't like Solomon, he has something special; pacts, powers» you slowly turned towards him, staring at him intensely, as if he had said some stratospheric bullshit.
«I literally have a pact with the 7 most powerful demons in the devildom. And plus, I am his apprentice. He's helping me» you explained, and again that spark of jealousy showed itself on his face, as he frowned.
«I will manage to get them too, Mc. They also seem to love me now, getting to have a pact with them won't be that hard» he said as if it were child's play, smiling defiantly. But you only laughed heartily; surely that attitude of his would never lead to such a thing. «Why are you laughing?» he growled, crossing his arms in an irritated manner.
«Nothing, you just look so silly!» you spoke giggling, and he slapped your hands; you were intent on helping him pack, but he no longer seemed so happy to receive a hand. «Stop, don't touch my things, I hate you» you made a sarcastic "gasp"; It didn't even hurt, by now he had destroyed all friendship.
«I can't wait to go away, but I will miss Asmodeus and Mammon» you rolled your eyes as you walked away from him and went to sit on your bed. «They just began being nice to you because you started acting like me. They just liked you because you seemed me, haha!» you held your belly, giggling.
«Stop, shut up, I want to hear no word from you. It's a shame this beautiful room is yours» he snorted, closing the now packed suitcase. Nodding and rolling your eyes, you got out of bed and walked out of your room, leaving the door open not bothering to close it. Meanwhile, you caught your D.D.D. that was tucked into one of your jeans pockets.
Turning it on, you immediately entered the messages chats; Satan, Luke, Mammon, Belphegor. As you scrolled for Luke's chat, you received a message from someone else.
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«...» you remained silent, smiling as your gaze was fixed on the phone screen. After a few moments, you turned off the display and tossed the device back into your trouser pockets, determined to visit Luke personally later instead of texting him. Looking up, you noticed Mammon moving frantically, almost agitated. He was scanning around him with some anxiety, looking for something important, or.....
...looking for a place to hide as soon as possible. «Okay. What did you do?» you asked approaching him with determined steps, crossing your arms with determination. He stopped abruptly to look at you, his face twisting into a nervous smile as he tried to compose himself. He took your shoulders with a frantic gesture «Mc, Thank Lord you are here! You have to help me!»
You stared at him apathetically, noting his agitated gaze and trembling hands. With a slow movement of your eyebrow, you showed your perplexity at his request.
«You stole something from someone?» you asked, and he seemed to want to answer but you opened your mouth again. «And that someone is Levi, right?» he remained silent staring at you and you nearly burst out laughing at his face. Oh yeah, that guilty face of a cat that had just been caught in the sack.
«Ya know me way too well, ya know?! Well, will you help me? Come on! I have to hide, if Levi finds m-» Levi's scream was heard from the end of the corridor; he shouted Mammon's name. The avatar of Greed seemed to panic and ran off with you, trying to escape from his really pissed off younger brother.
It was always the same story with those two, but you had fun with them every time.
And while you were trying to help Mammon find a hiding place in the living room (he couldn't find an effective one according to him), Lucifer entered the room, interrupting your activity and distracting you. «Mc, a guest is here. I was surprised to find him outside.. after all, It's raining heavily» commented the older brother, glancing at the human; he was completely soaked and with a wide smile on his lips as he waved his hand proudly in the air.
You were pleased that he wanted to see you, but that badly? «Are you crazy? You could have gotten a fever» you approached him, while Mammon stopped and turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow. He had forgotten why he was hiding.
After a few minutes, Simone made himself heard with the suitcase in his hand. He dropped it onto the couch taking a deep breath, and then looked up. «. . .Oh! Hello Solomon» he gave a sweet smile that got on your nerves, and the boy simply returned the greeting, before turning back to you. «I'll be fine. Look, I brought what I meant to make you see» ah, the sparkle in his eyes appeared again..
Every time he spoke of magic, that new extra sparkle appeared in his eyes, he was so adorable that you couldn't help but smile looking at him. «And- ...what are you smiling like that for?» he asked raising an eyebrow. Simone threw a thick blanket over Solomon's shoulders, almost making him jump as she turned to face him. «...thanks?» he raised an eyebrow, grinning confused.
Simone was trying to be nice to solomon, you knew he was trying to bond, as he failed the first time. But Solomon wasn't exactly the type to give him attention out of pity, like the brothers had done in the beginning.
Since during the job, Simone hadn't been able to do anything to bond with Solomon, he was trying even now. But Solomon, as already mentioned, would not have helped him in his attempt. After all, even with you, if it wasn't the sorcerer who wanted to have contact you probably wouldn't have had anything other than a relationship at school as classmates.
Finally, leading Solomon to the bathroom, you made him remove his cloak, squeezing it in the tub then looking at him. «You alright?» you asked, as he nodded and touched his hair, chuckling and knowing how wet it was. «Yeah. Are you interested?» shaking your head, you giggled, leaving the cloak at the edge of the tub. «Now we can go try it out,» you said as he nodded. Leaving the cloak there, you left the bathroom with him, heading towards your room.
Finally, while you were seeing his potion, you ended up talking about Simone. Apparently, Solomon didn't give a damn about the boy; he considered him only a human passenger for the project that Diavolo wanted.
«I think what Simone is interested in is take my place to have you all as his friends. I am okay with him having friends, but not copying me» laughing, the boy watched the liquid move in a mixed and strange way through the glass. «Seems like he's desperate, haha» he said smiling broadly, looking up at you and then standing up straight.
«I mean; with Luke he acted all kind and even defended him when Mammon called him a chihuahua, and still Luke said something is off about him and that he doesn't like him. It's sure that Simone is not trustworthy at all» Nodding at your words, Solomon crossed his arms.
After a few seconds, Simone entered the room, glancing at both of you.
«...you forgot to lock the door?» Solomon blinked, not even bothering to whisper. Staring at him, you shook your head slowly, lowering your head to the potion on the table. You two just wanted a bit of a moment between yourselves.
«..You don't want me here, right?» snapping your hand into Solomon's mouth to prevent him from answering with sarcastic truth, you smiled nervously; he made a bored face, looking at you.
«We just were busy» gritting your teeth you pronounced those words, and Simone entered the room, observing how you were holding Solomon. «You two seem really close..» he whispered, tilting his head. Removing your hand from the sorcerer's mouth, you observed Simone. «...and you don't seem scared even though he's one of the most powerful sorcerers in the three realms» he added while his eyes shone with fascination; fascinated by the power that Solomon held.
Solomon smiled superiorly as you threw your arm around him. «Yep, we are veeery close! We are like best friends basically, aren't we?» Solomon, though surprised by your gesture, showed no sign of discomfort. After all, he was used to interacting with other demons, and he knew how to handle unexpected situations.
«...haha, we are?» the white-haired boy answered, raising an eyebrow and showing a smile, but he put his arm around your back, accepting your friendly gesture.
«Can I stay here?» Simone asked, while Solomon watched the human, while you lifted your arm from his shoulders, going towards Simone «No, we have to work on this by ourselves and you wouldn't be helping us at all» smiling, you pushed him gently out and closed the door quickly, turning the key; you turned to Solomon with a satisfied grin. «Good» Solomon chuckled at your sudden action.
And fortunately, that day passed quickly; the next morning, you were all assembled.
«It's time to say goodbye. I hope you enjoyed your year here, Simone» Lord Diavolo smiled, talking politely, while everyone stood around the exchange student; on his right, Simeon and Luke were settled, and on the other side Solomon and you.
«Yeah, It's been fun.. it's just sad that I have to leave all of you» you rolled your eyes, looking at him «Don't worry, they will forget quickly» you whispered in his ear, receiving a light elbow in the belly. «Ow,» you chuckled, stepping back and standing upright.
Oh but if he thought this was the end it wasn't at all; you still had to do one last thing…just before he could leave in the human world. While he greeted all the brothers, you exchanged a look with the angels.
Only you three knew what you had to do.
Simeon smiled softly, tilting his head and acting as if he knew nothing, while Luke adjusted the cap on his head. Solomon raised an eyebrow. «..ok. What are you planning?» the blue-eyed human whispered, leaning on your ear with a suspicious look, raising an eyebrow and looking at you with a curious smile.
«Nothing..» was your vague reply. As Simone was done greeting the brothers, he returned between you and Simeon, and Barbatos raised his arms to open the glowing portal that would take the boy with the silky black hair straight home. But before he could pass through the glittering portal, Simeon placed his pleasantly cold hands and delicate in his hot, sweaty brow; no one stopped him and Lord Diavolo raised a curious and questioning eyebrow, since Simeon had never acted in that inexplicable way out of nowhere. But from your sly, knowing grin, he knew it was something you'd already planned to do, as if it were part of a carefully orchestrated plan.
They didn't hear what the angel told the dark-haired human, but there was noticed that he had stopped moving completely, almost paralyzed by the unexpected angelic touch.
Next, Luke placed his hands on his arched and tense back, and as Simeon lifted his hands from his forehead in a fluid gesture, the short angel pushed him into the enveloping portal.
«A…curse?» Solomon whispered, his eyes widening. At those words, you burst into a big laugh, while Simeon smiled, adjusting his black gloves in his slim arms.
«You could say that...» you chuckled.
Simone fell to the ground on the sidewalk, getting up and rubbing his sore nose. he did not remember what had happened; he had a total emptiness. He only remembered when he had fallen asleep in his own bed the night before... wait, did he ever got up from his bed? Why was he in the middle of the street? And how was he hurt, as if he just fell from a certain height? To add to his confusion, around him, anyone in the street saw him, tried to stay away from him and looked at him with disgust.
He looked down at his own body; he was dressed casually, he didn't seem to smell bad. He didn't understand why people were avoiding him?
Meanwhile, you were still laughing.
«You gave him a repulsion curse?! No way!»
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vintagerpg · 7 months
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Like Cairn, Rogueland (2020) is another RPG built out of some of Knave’s DNA, this time combined with Ars Magica’s approach to free form magic.
On the surface, this is a much more D&D-like system. The prime difference, really, is the magic system, which sort of builds off the D&D convention that thieves can use magic items and scrolls without being formally trained in them.
The system is two parts. First, the players needs to make a Wisdom save when confronted with a scroll. Success allows them to attune with the scroll, which reveals the scroll’s randomly generated key words, one for an Action, one for an Object. So, like, Tranform and Sound. Or Destroy and Animal. All spells are assumed to have a range of 40 feet, a duration of level x 10 minutes and does damage (if applicable) of a number of D6 equal to the casters level. There are no other requirements, so spell effects can be as broad or specific as the caster desires so long as it fits within those admittedly loose parameters. Once a spell is cast, the scroll is destroyed (though multiple casters can use a scroll to create an item imbued with the spell properties, which is marginally more stable. Failures produce arcane feedback, resulting in physical damage (in dice equal to the character’s level, so potentially A LOT). Specific effects can also be ignored in favor of harnessing pure arcane energy to damage or heal (a la Wonders & Wickedness).
That’s basically it! There are a couple encounter seeds, some broadly detailed hexes to explore and two dungeons. Quick, clean and efficient.
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sillysillygoofygoose · 7 months
Miguel is the type of man who loves a strong woman.
He loves a woman who will put him in his place when he deserves it. A woman who will throw the "hard to get" act right back at him. A sarcastic, sassy, but sweet woman. A woman who's not intimidated by his brooding facade. A confident woman.
A woman, not a girl.
He loves a woman who knows what she wants and knows how to effectively get her point across. An assertive, emotionally thorough, and grounded woman.
You take a deep inhale, realizing how much the situation has escalated during the past five minutes of back and forth nothings.
"Miguel, I feel like this is counterproductive. Let's just sit down and talk, okay?" Your calm, steady voice immediately eases half of the tension in the room, just like that. He shook his head in agreement, almost as if to rid of the hostile thoughts that were slowly building a crooked wall at the forefront of his mind.
"It really upsets me when you prioritize work over our relationship. I know it's important to you, but you're important to me. I just want us to have more time together. How can we compromise?" You state your feelings and hopes, laying out the option for Miguel to vocalize his as you look him right in the eye.
Miguel never realized how much his previous relationships or flings lacked solid communication until that moment. You didn't have to yell or pout to make him get the message. Your deliberate words stood just as strong as screams. No. Stronger.
The ability to stand up for yourself, what you want, and what you believe in without being purposefully disagreeable and difficult is one you possess. You can stand on your own two feet without anyone supporting you. You believe in yourself. And it's so attractive to Miguel.
Something that makes you so womanly is your ability to be gentle and caring... maternal. Being bold and strong-willed often has people leaping to the conclusion that you're a heartless bitch. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You're just authoritative. But you know how to be soft and understanding. You're a beautiful balance.
Intelligence. What could be more powerful than intelligence? Though, you're not just book smart... you're people smart. You know how to communicate, how to start and hold a conversation. So goddamn sexy...
Just as much as you know what you want in life, you know what you want in bed. Miguel is more than happy to fulfill your every command.
How he eats you out, how fast he should thrust... even how many hickies he's allowed to leave on your chest. You're playful and feisty, sex often leading to a pure fight for dominance.
But you're just so beautiful. A warm and welcoming character shielded by a powerful aura, all laid out for him. His woman.
His woman with a grown body. Hip dips, cellulite, stretch marks, with hair protecting your most feminine parts.
Miguel is not one to be scared off by broad shoulders or a strong frame because you're a woman. A grown, strong woman.
His strong woman.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
*Don't get me wrong, I love a dominant Miguel making a stuttering slut out of a pretty, shy girl... buutttt I think he has a soft spot for outspoken, foxy women 🤭*
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utilitycaster · 9 months
To expand that point about queerphobia (also, to an extent, gender equality) from the tags on someone else's post and sort of tying it back to my post yesterday about wanting to see characters work through similar experiences: I think it makes a lot of sense in the case of Exandria and Hale to build a world that does not have queerphobia and to allow people to choose to insert it if that is something their table wishes to explore. It's very much a case of wanting to build a diverse but non-utopian world that is welcoming to a wide variety of players.
I think it's a very understandable urge to want to see characters deal with the same challenges we face, and I think there are TTRPG settings that have done a good job depicting homophobia or transphobia; it's present though not common in Fantasy High, and The Unsleeping City is very close to the modern-day real world and has, well, period-typical attitudes.
The reason I get frustrated when it comes up in discussion of Exandria, and now Hale is that it's almost always used for one of two reasons: explaining why people (either specifically or generally) don't like a character; or even more frequently, explaining hesitancy between two characters in a ship. It's a convenient way to say "this person is oppressed or afraid for reasons that are objectively in no way their fault and which make the people who dislike them objectively bigoted and wrong". The problem is, while that's a valid story to tell it's often really not the story the cast is telling with these characters. Even more frustratingly, it often is used to steamroll other stories that may place those characters in just as innocent a position.
Some good examples in which this has happened in the fandom are Jester and Dorian. Jester lives on the Menagerie Coast, which is referred to a pretty wide variety of materials as being a place that is especially trans friendly (in a world where trans and nb characters already frequently occupy prominent positions and are not depicted as experiencing pushback). Her mother, a courtesan, indicates that she takes clients of varying genders. The biggest influences on her life are her mother and an otherworldly fey entity who famously can shapeshift. There is absolutely no canonical evidence that Jester would be unaware of the broad range of genders and sexualities in the world nor that she would feel obligated to embrace one that she is not; in fact there is quite strong evidence to the contrary. But if you claim that she's experiencing compulsive heterosexuality, it excuses you from having to consider that Jester is genuinely not interested in Beau, or at the very least is genuinely interested in Fjord.
Similarly, it was, at least prior to the reveals of early Campaign 3, common to headcanon that Dorian had run away from his parents because he was trans and they were transphobic. A trans reading of Dorian is still obviously entirely valid, but he left because his parents were suffocating and overbearing and often pit him against his brother. Dorian is still absolutely the victim in this! It's a valuable thing to relate to for people who have experienced parental abuse and impossible expectations. But it does still force you to think about Dorian's parents as complex people who came to this conclusion of childrearing (even if they are still in the wrong) and not just mindless bigots to be disregarded. And I think the former is nearly always a better story than the latter.
What also frustrates me is that this rarely works through the ramifications. The systemic queerphobia that would be required to put compulsory heterosexuality in place still exists once someone overcomes that and comes out; but that never comes into play when people are talking about the ship, because it's only ever used to explain why the ship hasn't happened yet, never as a significant part of the world that would affect the characters throughout their entire lives.
These are only two examples; there are countless others, some particularly egregious (*cough* Essek comes from a society that explicitly believes in reincarnation across bodies of varying genders and the queen for eternal life is in a lesbian relationship, I promise you his fraught relationships with his parents are way more complicated than simple homophobia or transphobia) but all of which seek to incorporate bigotry not as the destructive and deadly phenomenon it is, to be explored in the safe space of fiction, but as an incredibly lazy shortcut to be discarded as a continuity error once it's served its purpose.
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pedroscurls · 4 months
Dirty Little Secret (Part 6).
Character(s): no-outbreak, age-gap!Joel Miller x fem!Reader Summary: Drew finds out about you and Joel and more confessions are made.   Word count: 2.9k  A/N: We're getting close to the end of this story! I just want to extend my gratitude to everyone who's read this, who have left comments... It really means a lot!🫶 Warning: age-gap (Joel is in his 50s, reader is in her early-30s), very brief mentions of childhood trauma (neglect) SERIES MASTERLIST - ultimate masterlist
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“Do you love her?” 
The question repeats itself in Joel’s mind as he’s staring at Drew. He only takes a quick glance in the direction you walked in when he sees a figure in his peripheral. It isn’t you and he’s become very aware of the disappointment that settles in the pit of his stomach. 
“I’ve fallen in love with you!” 
It’s all Joel can think about. Joel can hear the crack in your voice, can see the tears in your eyes. He knows how conflicted you must feel because this was never meant to happen. This was never meant to become more serious than it did - Joel knows. 
But he never planned on falling in love with you either.
“I ain’t answerin’ that, Drew.” Joel finally replies. 
Drew tightens his jaw. He can feel the protectiveness wash over him, can feel the tug in his heart when he sees you walk away on the verge of tears. Drew had always felt protective over you, almost like an older brother wanting to shield you from the pain and hurt of this world. What he didn’t expect was that his soon-to-be father-in-law would be the source of your tears, but also the reason why he had noticed a shift in your behavior in the last two months. 
“You know she doesn’t ever open herself up to the idea of being loved like that,” Drew says, stepping closer to Joel. In that moment, Drew forgets for a split second that this is Sarah’s dad, that this is going to be his father-in-law in a matter of a few days. “And you–”
“I suggest you take a step back from me, Drew.” Joel interrupts. “I don’t need to answer your question.”
“You can’t hurt her.” Drew says, ignoring Joel. Instead, he takes a step closer, nose-to-nose with the older man. Drew is the same height as Joel, but definitely not as broad. “She deserves–”
“I know!” Joel exclaims. “Ya don’t think I know that she deserves the goddamn world, Drew? Ya don’t think I know that she deserves someone better than me?” 
“She loves you,” Drew whispers. “I never thought that she would… That she would allow herself to ever fall in love. Not after her parents, not after her mom…” He takes a step back and looks at Joel, taking note of the look in the older man’s face. He doesn’t need Joel to answer, doesn’t need a verbal confirmation from the older man because he can see it. 
“I know,” Joel repeats. “I didn’t– This wasn’t planned. We just… It just happened.”
“When did this start?” 
Joel sighs. “About two months ago.” 
“You met her two months ago.”
“Oh my god, did this happen the first time you met her? When I introduced you to her?” 
Joel nods. “There was a mutual attraction, sure. But it didn’t happen until–”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Drew shakes his head and then continues, “Sarah’s going to lose her shit.” 
Joel runs a hand over his face and then takes a long swig of his beer. He thinks it’s going to help, that the alcohol will somehow numb him of the feelings that are threatening to surface after so long of pushing it down and ignoring it. “I know.” 
“We can’t,” Drew sighs. “We can’t tell her. Not until after the wedding.”
Joel nods in agreement. He looks inside the building and catches a glimpse of you. He can see the smile on your face but notices how it doesn’t reach your eyes like it usually does. Your arms are crossed over your chest, almost like you’re guarding yourself (and your heart). He wants nothing more than to take you away from here and admit to you how he really feels. 
“I didn’t expect for this to be something more,” Joel admits. “But she– she’s somethin’. She just makes me feel like I matter, y’know? Ain’t no other woman’s made me feel the way she does.” 
Drew nods. “You’re happy,” he points out.
“Since meeting her, yeah,” Joel replies. 
“Then you better make things right.” Drew says. “Don’t let her go, Joel. Knowing her, she’s not going to want to fight for this. She’s going to want to run from it… So, don’t let her.” Drew sighs, looking inside the building and noticing you and Sarah talking amongst one another. “I’ve never seen her like this and I should have known something was different, especially in Vegas. She deserves the world, yeah, but something’s telling me that it’s you.”
“But the age gap–”
“She always liked older men,” Drew interrupts. “Her life… She never had it easy, but if she really does love you, then she deserves to know whether or not you love her too.” 
“Right, and this ain’t weird?” Joel asks. “Me and your best friend?” 
Drew shrugs. “A little bit, but she deserves to be happy for once.”
Joel’s about to respond, but he’s interrupted by a few people calling him and Drew to join them inside with the rest of the party. Joel nods and shares a look with Drew before following the younger man inside. 
After the wedding rehearsal, you manage to leave the party without encountering Joel. In fact, after your sudden confession, you ignored him the entire night and he actually gave you the space that you asked for. Still, your eyes would meet his and he’d just give you a single nod. You know he wants to talk to you, wants to address what you had said earlier, but you don’t let him. 
So, when you finally make it back home, changed out of your dress, make-up wiped off, you’re surprised to hear a knock at your door. Expecting it to be Joel, you don’t answer it. Instead, you stay in your room, curled up in your bed with his side vacant. You had gotten so used to him spending nights at your apartment that it became second nature for you to keep his side of your bed open for him. 
The knocking on the door continues, followed by the continuous sounds of your doorbell. You realize that it isn’t Joel because Joel wouldn’t be this annoying. Then, your phone rings. 
You don’t answer it. It rings again. 
You’re starting to get irritated. So, you stand up and walk to your front door, opening it to see Drew standing on the other side of it. 
“Are you ignoring me?” 
“I just want to be alone.” 
“I heard everything.” 
“I know.”
“So… You gonna let me in so we can talk about it?” 
“And if I say no?” 
Drew sighs and steps inside anyway. “That’s not an option and you know it.” 
“Sure, Drew. Come on in. Take a seat. Let me tell you how I’ve fallen in love with your father-in-law.” You roll your eyes and close your front door, walking towards your kitchen to pour him a glass of water. You’ve always been known to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism, to hide the pain, but Drew knows better.
Drew says your name and you look over at him to see the serious look in his face. You sigh and set the glass down on your dining table. Drew doesn’t take it. Instead, he walks over to you and looks into your eyes. 
“You love him.”
“I’m not supposed to.” 
“You can’t control who you fall in love with.” 
“I can try.”
Drew sighs. “You’re not your parents. You’re not your mom.”
“You don’t know that.” You can feel tears threatening to spill over again. “It was never meant to be like this…” you whisper. “It was just supposed to be– We were only supposed to have fun.” 
“Yeah, well, feelings do usually get involved. Eventually.” 
“Not me,” you shake your head. “I’ve told myself that I’m not meant to settle down. I’m not meant to–”
“But you are,” Drew finishes. “You deserve to love… to be loved.”
You shake your head, tears slowly beginning to trickle down your cheeks. Your entire life, you’ve always felt like you weren’t worthy enough to have that kind of love that’s written in books, shown in movies. Growing up, it seemed like your mother made it her mission to let you know just how unworthy you are. 
And it also didn’t help when your father didn’t want anything to do with you after he and your mom divorced. 
“He deserves someone better than me,” you whisper, voice shaky. “Joel deserves someone that isn’t broken…”
Drew bites his lower lip and pulls you into his arms. He knows it’s coming, knows that you’re about to break down and so, he just holds you. Drew becomes your anchor (like he always did) but you find that you’re missing something - someone - because while Drew has always made you feel safe, this doesn’t make you feel better.
You want someone else’s arms around you. 
You want someone else to console you.
You want someone else to tell you that you’re worth it. 
You want Joel. 
But instead, you allow yourself to release the pent up emotions that you kept bottled in all day. You cry against Drew and he rubs your back, tries to help you calm down, and urges you to take deep breaths. He’s used to this. He’s used to consoling you, but it’s never because of this. 
Because of your fear of opening yourself up to someone. 
Because of the love that fills your heart for Joel. 
“I really do love him, Drew,” you whisper, pulling away only to wipe your eyes. “And I didn’t plan to. I know– I know he’s Sarah’s dad, and your father-in-law, but–”
“You can’t control who you fall in love with,” Drew repeats. “If he makes you happy, makes you feel safe, that’s all that matters to me. We’ve been by each other’s side for most of our lives and I’ve never seen you like this about someone.” 
“Sarah’s gonna kill me,” you sigh. 
Drew shrugs. “Maybe not. You might be surprised.”
“Oh my god, does she know?” 
“No,” Drew sighs. “Joel and I agreed not to tell her until after the wedding.”
“Oh, so you talked to Joel.”
“I did.”
You nod and move to sit at your dining table. You grab the glass of water instead and down half the contents then look up at Drew. “I told him to give me space.” 
“Do you really want him to give you space?” 
You shake your head. “I just–”
“You want him here,” Drew finishes.
You nod, biting your lower lip.
“Then stop being stubborn and just go after him.” 
“I’m not–”
“He might love you too,” Drew interrupts. “Wouldn’t that be a good thing? That someone you love feels the same way? That everything you feel for him is exactly how he feels about you?”
“But what if… What if it doesn’t work out? That everything I put into it just isn’t enough?” 
“I won’t lie. That’s a possibility, but every relationship takes a risk.” Drew answers. “But are you willing to take a risk for something that can be worth it or live the rest of your life wondering what if I just tried?” 
“I’m scared,” you confess. “I’m scared of becoming like my parents, of becoming like my mom...”
“Your parents’ relationship will not be your own,” Drew says. “You are nothing like your mom.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, for one, you’re not selfish. You care about the people you love and you’d do anything for them. Your mom… She wasn’t like that.”
You nod, biting your lower lip as flashes of your childhood enter your mind. Drew’s right. Your mom only looked after herself, always looking for love in the wrong places, especially after the divorce. She cared more about getting alcohol and being loved by toxic men that she didn’t care much about you. 
“I don’t know what to do, Drew.” 
“Yeah, you do.” Drew sighs. “Just get your head out of your ass and just go to him.” 
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?” 
“The entire time we were talking, he kept looking over to see if he could find you. Something tells me that he doesn’t want to give you space like you asked, but he’s respecting your choice. He’s giving you space like you asked, even if it’s hurting him.” 
“Okay,” you finally say. “Okay.” 
“Great. Grab your bag. I’m taking you.”
“Wait, right now?” 
“Yes, right now.”
“It’s almost midnight!” 
“Yeah, but I know you. You can change your mind quickly, so I’d rather take you now so you don’t have the chance to go back on it.” 
You narrow your eyes and stand up to gently punch his shoulder. “You know, sometimes I hate that you know me so well.” 
Drew chuckles and stands up to pull you into a hug. “I just want you happy and it seems like Joel helps you become the person you’ve always meant to be.”
“And what type of person is that?” 
Drew nods. “It just seems like since meeting him, you’re not so concerned about… Everything.” 
“He makes me feel safe, Drew…”
“Then, let’s get you to your safe place then.” 
Drew pulls up to Joel’s house a half hour past midnight. It’s dark, the lights in the house are off, and you’re sure that Joel’s asleep. Your mind is all over the place, but Drew is there to hold you accountable, to make sure you see to it that you at least have a conversation with Joel. He’s right, though. Throughout the car ride, you want to tell him to turn back, that you changed your mind, that you’re not ready, but now that you’re at the front of Joel’s house, you can’t go back. 
Especially since Drew turns off his car and steps out to knock on Joel’s front door. You don’t have time to think anymore because you see the porch light turn on, followed by the door opening. You can see his shadow, can see him bring his hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. Then, he steps out further into the light and you see that he’s wearing a dark t-shirt and boxers. His hair is disheveled, almost like he had been tossing and turning in bed. 
Drew points in the direction over his shoulder and you step out of his car. You see Joel finally notice you and you can see the relief in his features. Drew calls your name once, twice, before you begin walking in his direction. Once you’re standing in front of Joel, you yearn to reach out for him, to have him pull you into his arms like he usually did. 
“You gonna be okay?” Drew asks, turning to look at you.
“You brought me here. A little too late to be asking me that, don’t you think?” You bite back. 
Drew chuckles and pulls you into a hug. “You’re worthy,” he whispers. “Believe that.” 
He pulls away and looks over at Joel, reaching out to shake his hand. “I know she’ll be in good hands.” Drew says and turns on his heel to walk back towards his car, leaving you and Joel standing on his front porch.
“Um, ya wanna come in?” Joel asks. 
Joel steps inside and holds the door open for you to step inside. Once you do, you remove your shoes and feel the warmth of his home. He turns on the lights in his living room and hallway before he leads you towards the kitchen. He begins making a pot of coffee when he suddenly feels your arms wrap around him from behind. Joel lets out a sigh and turns around in your arms, looking down at you as his arms snake around your shoulders. 
“Y’okay?” Joel whispers. 
“Wanna talk ‘bout it?” 
“I think we should.” 
Joel nods. “Okay, darlin’. Coffee first?” 
“Yes, please.” 
“Black, right?” 
You let the corner of your lips curl upwards. “You remember.”
“‘Course I do. I remember everything when it comes to you.” Joel kisses your forehead lightly, lingering for a second longer, before he pulls away to finish making the coffee. 
You bite your lower lip at his words, feeling the butterflies begin to swarm in the pit of your stomach like it usually did whenever you were around him. You lean up to press a gentle kiss on the back of his shoulder before you pull away to walk towards his living room, sitting on his couch and pulling your legs underneath you. 
A few minutes later, Joel walks into the room holding two mugs of coffee. He hands one over to you and you take it willingly, taking a careful sip before you place it on the coffee table. Joel does the same and then takes a seat next to you. It’s quiet, the tension thickening in the air. 
“We don’t have to talk about anything, darlin’,” Joel says first. “Not if you don’t want to. I’m just fine with you bein’ here. With me.” 
“I owe you an apology… for earlier.” 
“No, baby… You ain’t gotta apologize–”
You sigh. “I ran away because I was scared.” 
“I know,” he says quietly. Joel hesitantly reaches out for you and you scoot closer to him. When his arms wrap around your frame, you let out a contented sigh and lean against him, shutting your eyes. “I ain’t ever wanna let you go, darlin’,” he admits quietly. “And I’m scared too… But I think you’re worth it.”
“I think you’re worth it.” 
The words echo in your mind and you open your eyes to look up at him. Joel’s already staring at you, the same look he always gives you. 
“And what if– What if I don’t think I’m worth it?”
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imaginethezeldaverse · 11 months
ganondorf nsfw alphabet, any letters....pleaseeeee
Funnily enough I got this request on AO3 as well so I will post it here too! Letters that were chosen were A, D, I , N, S, T, V, W, X NSFW Alphabet Reference here
 A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) He's often silent, allow his hands to do most of the talking. He'll trail his larger fingers over your skin in a very soothing manner. Might place some kisses on your body here and there as he holds you close. During the times he's much more rough and really fucks you up, he'll be sure to be very gentle on you afterward, handling you carefully and checking in that he hasn't truly hurt you in a way that requires medicinal aid. D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) The feared Gerudo Chief and Demon King actually likes to be restrained every once in a while. Though he is prideful of being a very dominant male, he finds it fun and a bit of a turn on to have his strength and power held back to where he no longer holds a dominant role. It's a secret because he chooses not to be open about it. I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Oh that will depend on what kind of sex you engage in. If you're both taking your time with each other - where the kisses are slower, the touches linger a little longer, and you find yourselves getting lost in another - then Ganondorf will be quite saccharine with you. He'll worship your body like a temple, whisper lowly of his love for you, hold you closely as he takes you so you can feel his presence in the moment. However, if you're both just looking to fuck - like pent up, nail-digging, cursing and biting kind of sex, then there's no romance lol you're getting railed. N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Cuckolding. Ganondorf plays second fiddle to no one and absolutely will not share you. You belong to him as much as he belongs to you and because of that, no one else can have you. S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Until you can no longer take it or he personally is done. Ganondorf has not only the strength and stamina of a Gerudo man, but the limitless energy of Ganon with him. He might quite literally be unable to stop; however, that doesn't mean he won't respect you and your body's limits. So in short: for however long you need him to last and as many rounds as your body can handle. T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Ohhh yes. The Gerudo Chieftain has anything and everything he wants at his disposal to use on you and on himself. The language of lust is a broad spectrum tongue, he would find it only fair that anything he uses on your body he would use on his own. Though, should you allow him free reign on you - he may get a tad carried away with how long he has that vibrator in you. He does like to see you squirm a bit. V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) His volume builds depending on what he's doing. If he's going down on you he may not be particularly loud aside from the normal throaty growls or groans. However if he's inside of you, you will absolutely hear him. He's groaning, he's grunting, he's panting, cursing in your ear, the whole nine. The closer he is to orgasm, the louder he is. If it's an especially hard-hitting orgasm, he will roar. It is both incredibly intimidating and unbelievably arousing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He tags in Ganon every once in a while just to satiate the demon's hunger every once in a while. There's a lot of ground rules with that, but Ganondorf being the true vessel for a prolific world ending evil in all of the reincarnations that have housed him, he thankfully has very good control over its power. So don't be totally surprised if you see his eyes glow a sinister red - just know that you won't be meeting your demise anytime soon with him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) For a man with his build, you may never know what to expect, right? ...Well expect it - this Gerudo is packing heat. To accompany those biceps that are well past the size of your head and a torso you can't even fully fit your arms around, he rather long and incredibly thick. It takes some getting used to every time he enters you. There's a slight curve in it when it's at complete attention - a fact that often has you singing his name from the angle it hits inside you. If I had to give it a number - a solid nine inches, surrounded by neatly kept crimson pubic curls.
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gojogoblin · 2 years
his deity | 18+
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featuring: ryomen sukuna x reader
wc: 0.7k
cw: female reader, somnophilia (reader is asleep), worship, unprotected sex, creampie, implied murder of side character
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Sukuna visits you in your dreams. Every night, without fail, you dream of piercing eyes, of teeth so sharp they could kill. Striking facial tattoos, wild tongue, sharp jaw. Every night, it's the same dream.
Every night, he takes what is his.
He doesn't come through the door, but the window beside your bed. He's large, broad shouldered, and yet the bed never dips as he crouches over you, runs a finger down the side of your face to introduce your body to his touch for the evening. He knows you get warm when you sleep, knows there won't be much he has to work around. His favorite nights are the ones where you're clad in the short, silky little nightgown with the thin straps and touch of lace at the neckline. A man you'd been seeing months ago had gifted it to you for the holidays, but it wasn't long after that night that he'd simply disappeared. No matter, you don't think of him anymore. These nights are his favorite because he can simply run his hands up your legs and push the material up to your hips slowly. You never stir.
First, he lowers himself down to lie between plush thighs, arms hooked around them almost tenderly. He doesn't really need to do that, since you don't move around enough to warrant it, but he does it anyway. You always shower before bed, so your skin is clean and sweet, untainted by the horrors of the outside world. No, no. Here, he can protect you, swath you in a blanket of his attention, his affection, his devotion to his deity without wings. He worships at your altar, tastes you, indulges in you until your thighs are trembling and you can't help the whimpers that escape parted lips nor the way your chest stutters with breathless desire for a high you couldn't ever hope to reach awake.
It isn't until you're mere inches from this high that he pulls away. Cruel, perhaps, but only in your best interest. You sleep better after he's been inside you. He knows this, he's studied this.
And so it's with nothing but your well being in mind that he reaches down and folds you into his arms, holds you to his chest as he slowly, oh so slowly, sinks into you. The stretch makes him want to weep with gratitude, darkened faith shaken by something he'd never believed he'd find in this realm in any century. He holds you to him as you cry out softly, muffled against the heated skin of his shoulder. His hand strokes through your hair to calm you, drag you back down into a restful sleep. Your body twitches with each inch until his hips are pressed flush to yours and it's hard to breathe. He fixes this with two fingers pressed to the middle of your back. He's too large for you, too dangerous. It is the one thing he regrets in his lifetime, so he heals as soon as the damage is done, before you can even register the pain. He makes it so, because you, dear you, deserve no tears but those of pleasure.
He destroys you and builds you again, kills you and brings you back with each and every thrust of his hips until your legs begin to shake again and sweat beads at your forehead. You mumble incoherently, but he doesn't need to hear you to understand what you need. It's only fair, so the pad of his thumb finds itself swiping along where you need it the most, gentle enough to keep you asleep but maddening enough to draw broken moans from your lips. You unravel just as he does, clenched around him, just as it is meant to be.
He cleans you up carefully, ritualistically, even though he doesn't have to. A snap of his fingers would've done, but to do it himself is to have more time with you, allow your body to memorize even more of his touches. And though he shouldn't, he leaves the slightest bit of soreness in your hips. Though he shouldn't, he leaves a tiny scratch at your wrist.
Perhaps some day you will understand that the king of curses means you no harm, but for now he remains nothing more than a dream that fades in the light of the morning sun of each morning, only to return with the breath of the moon.
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Hello! I'm writing a fanfic with a character who is extremely knowledgeable in mechanics, coding, science and math (to the point that in that universe he is considered a prodigy), but I don't actually know much about any of this stuff lol so I wanted to know if you (or anyone else who sees this when you post it) have any tips for researching this type of stuff? Like what are good ways to word your search? Or if anyone knows any good starting points for researching/learning these topics?
Fan-Fiction: Learning What Character Knows
Mechanics, coding, science, and math are all really, really broad topics, so instead of trying to learn a bunch of random information about really broad topics, I would recommend using canon as a guide. Look at the specific things this character says in canon about mechanics, coding, science, and math. What specific knowledge di they know? For example, maybe their mechanics knowledge is specific to spaceships, or their science knowledge is specific to astronomy or physics. Look at how this knowledge is applied in canon... like using their spaceship mechanics problem to fix a spaceship during an emergency, or using their astronomy knowledge to navigate during an unexpected situation. This will give you a guide for what specific types of situations will allow your character to illustrate their knowledge, which will make specific details easier to research. Quite often, you can look at what's been done in canon and do something similar, but different, that allows you to simply build on information they know canonically.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
Please allow up to two weeks for a response. ♥
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thydungeongal · 9 months
I don't mind having stats in an RPG but there's a few things that rub me the wrong way about the way they are utilized:
If they are combined with some manner of class/profession system you undoubtedly end up with a few ability spreads per class/profession that are optimal. The urge to optimize can be alleviated somewhat by adding randomness, but this might result in certain characters simply being better at their jobs than others.
I think people have caught on to the idea that making a character too reliant on too many numbers isn't fun because it can easily lead to them struggling. So the recent trend has been classes and archetypes that only rely on a couple of stats at most. A few stats still remain that are broadly useful to all characters which kinda throw things off though, and this correction to allow players to make characters reliant only on a few stats has been uneven: you can build a character who is almost exclusively reliant on Dexterity, Intelligence or Charisma for attack and damage bonuses in D&D, but not a character who is reliant on Strength for Armor Class or using a broader set of skills.
So what if we went the complete opposite way: make all stats at least somewhat useful to everyone? This idea is not too far from how Pillars of Eternity handled its stats: there wasn't a "damage with heavy weapons" stat and a "damage with ranged weapons" stat, there was a "damage stat." And five more stats with more specific functions.
Now if I had to come up with really broad functions for each of D&D's six stats this is what I would do:
Strength: Damage, whether it's from melee or ranged weapons or magic.
Dexterity: Defence, so armor class.
Constitution: Hit Points.
Intelligence: Save DC, so how hard your spells and abilities (whatever the source) are to resist.
Wisdom: Saving Throw bonus.
Charisma: This one's a bit of an odd one out because it has very rarely had a broadly applicable use. Let's bring back followers and reaction checks and use it for that.
Of course at this point we're not really talking about D&D style stats that try to be objective measures of... something, even though they are often poorly defined. So at that point it might even be better to just use something more abstract like Fate Accelerated approaches.
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sneezypeasy · 2 months
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Y'know, this really doesn't/shouldn't matter, but as this particular accusation keeps getting thrown at me over and over again - oh fuck it, I'm gonna take the bait this one time and set the record straight once and for all. Honestly my "appetite" in this context is truly not anyone's business (and if you don't care to hear about it this is the one warning you'll get to click away lmao) but I've reached the point where if you really wanna attack my credibility based on who you think I enjoy fantasizing about, I'm gonna throw you a bone and tell you exactly what type that is - cuz as much as I'm sick of the ad hominem attacks the Aussie in me is even more sick of watching them miss so fucking hard. If you're gonna roast me, the least you can do is hit me where it hurts, goddamn it. Get it right or go home you uncooked noodles. Capiche?
When it comes to my taste in men, my "type" is: big, strong, hairy brutes. There, I said it. Give me lumberjacks, give me cavemen, I want my Jason Momoas, I want my Ma Dong-Seoks, I want them broad shoulders and tree-trunk calves and I wanna see those muscles bulge. If a fictional character ever gets me biting my lip at the screen, it's never gonna be a fine-featured pretty boy, it's gonna be a good thick daddy who can take my wrists, pin me against a wall and [--------------------------------‐---sustained bleep sound effect---------------------------------]
1:38-1:51 🤣
Personality wise, I'm a basic bitch who has approximately zero defenses for the "jerk with a heart of gold" stereotype. Gets me every time, without fail. The smooth-talking playboy who flirts with everyone and who could bed anyone he wanted, but who only lets you see him at his deepest, dearest, most vulnerable moments? Sorry, am I supposed to not fall for that shit or something? Well frankly I don't understand how and I'm not ashamed to admit it. If he happens to be built like a fortress on top of that? Yeah, I'm done. Have me bathed and brought to your tent, sir, please and thank you.
I admit, it's rare that a character with the physique I like also has that heartbreaker personality I'm a sucker for. Guys in fiction are usually strong and mean or they make up for their lighter frames with silver tongues and barbed promises - rarely do writers create a character who's stacked with both brains and brawn, so to speak. Makes sense though, as while irl people can max out any combination of stats that they put effort towards - in fiction a character who's too good at too many different attributes can come across unbalanced or Gary Stu-ish and will fail to resonate with audiences unless the writer really knows what they're doing.
That being said, there really isn't any character in ATLA who fits my type - either of them, actually. There are some bit characters like Chit Sang who get close in terms of physical build - but Chit Sang has very gaunt, angular facial features that I'm really not a fan of and tbh, while I get that I can't expect all my big buff boys to also be masters of wit and cunning and charm, being dumber than a box of rocks does seal it for me, sorry. In terms of personality, I guess the closest character would be Jet, and he's cool and all but yeah, the whole "would go as far as killing kids" thing makes him a bit of a hard sell for me too. (And yes, it's worth questioning the writers' choices to create him with those flaws to begin with but look, that's a discussion for another day 😂)
All this to say, if you wanna tease me about coveting fictional characters and allowing thirst to cloud my judgment - COME AT ME BOYS. But not with Zuko, for fuck's sake. The character that makes sneezy.exe blue-screen ain't him. It's actually the late great Carthaginian General Hannibal Barca, the man the myth the legend may he Rest in Peace if anyone's seriously wondering. Look, I do like the scar, and the awkwardness is endearing - he's definitely not ugly or unappealing by any means so please don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to bash him or nothin' - but if I'm being brutally honest, he's not my type! Not physically, not even emotionally. If I ship Zutara, it's because aspects of the ship appeal to me that are unrelated to my personal opinion of Zuko as an object of fantasy, which if you must know (and now you do, congratulations, you're welcome), the kind of boy I do fantasise about when I'm in the mood for that sort of thing could literally and figuratively sweep Zuko off his feet - and then sit on him. In either order.
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P.S. While we're on this topic, the character I personally relate to most heavily is not Katara either btw. It's Toph. If you're going to accuse me of bias, questioning my views on Toph would make the most sense for that reason. But really, it's hardly my fault that she's basically the most perfect flawless irreproachable badass in ATLA or practically all of animation as a whole. Come on now. *whistles innocently*
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andromeda-grace · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Hi, I’m Andromeda (she/they). I am returning to Writeblr and decided to start a new blog for my WIPs and writing updates! I want to use this blog to shout out other Writeblrs, make posts about my current WIPs, and experiences in publishing. I mostly write original fiction but write fanfic when the inspiration strikes. I love Writeblr games and asks!
This blog is a safe space for all identities, gender & sexuality, neurodivergence, race, and religion. I do my best with content and trigger warnings.
My Writing: Genre and Representation
I love horror, sci-fi, and fairy tales 
I don’t enjoy romance (if it’s only the pursuit and drama), but I love writing nuanced love stories where people communicate well and put effort into building relationships
Lots of queerness and queer relationships
BIPOC main characters
Neurodivergence- shout out to the undiagnosed ADHD queens, the anxiety, and masking/coping behaviors
Trauma, out of context, is seen as personality
Smut- sex is a part of life and it’s fun to write. Get down, make mistakes, get messy. My sex scenes aren’t just conventionally attractive people putting on a show. I emphasize body diversity, complexities of gender identity, and emotional state
Found Family
Redemption- working to be a better person, even when it’s hard
Poly-Amory- we often have more than one close friendship, and have variety and nuance in those different relationships, so the same thing goes for romance
Morally gray/Feral girls- women have so much responsibility put on them for the emotional wellbeing of others, but what if they aren’t capable of that? (think Broad City/ Bottoms)
Finished works:
The Devil You Know- short story- Out now! Find your copy here
Genre: horror, vampires, fairytale
Vibe: The Green Knight x The Witch
Anya has built a quiet life for herself, trusted as the village healer as long as she keeps her magic hidden. All of that changes when a strange traveler arrives at her doorstep. The man looks human, but Anya senses an old and powerful magic within him. Intrigued, she allows Owen inside. He claims to have been an apprentice to a witch, and Anya, despite her suspicions, finds him to be a kindred spirit. They begin a romance, both finding comfort in one another.
Their peace is broken when a family comes to Anya in crisis. Their child has been cursed, and is transforming into a monster. Desperate to save the boy, Anya asks Owen for help. He can grant her the power to break the spell, but it requires blood and forbidden rites. Knowing that she can’t break the curse alone, Anya faces a choice with deadly consequences.
Bubblegum Capital
Genre: Queer Cyberpunk
Vibe: 1984 x Legally Blonde
Novaczek is on the brink of fame. They’re an amateur gamer about to break into the pro leagues. But their dreams are crushed when work denies them time off for the championship.
Novaczek decides to play on shift and is caught. Everything comes crashing down. They find themselves at rock bottom having lost their job, company housing, and girlfriend all at once.
In a world where your value is measured by your social ranking, Novaczek has to claw themselves back up, hustling for money and favors from friends. As they work their way back up the ranks they discover an underbelly where nothing and no-one are what they appear to be.
Love, Asunder
Genre: Gay Vampires, Family Saga
Vibe: 1917 x Hellboy
James Townsend was supposed to be starting his new life, an American abroad, with a Fellowship at Oxford University. All of that changes when Germany marches on Paris. James can’t remain in the classroom while teachers and students leave their desks for the battlefield. So James enlists as a volunteer ambulance driver on the Front. The days stretch long with violence and misery, but he finds purpose and friendships in the trenches. 
Then he meets a man, a smuggler providing supplies and information to the Allies. Etienne is so different from the soldiers, bright and charming. They begin a secret romance, disappearing together when they can, and writing letters in between. 
An opportunity comes to meet in Paris, and James is overwhelmed at the opportunity to spend time with Etienne in the City of Love. Free to spend their days together, James quickly discovers just how much Etienne has been hiding from him, and enters a world of magic, beauty, and death. 
Tropes and fun stuff:
Butch witches
Femme werewolves
Playing the vampire tropes straight
Magical Underground
Found Family
Bio-Family responsibilities
Many, Many different kinds of love
I'll be sharing moodboards and snippets along the way! Looking forward to learning more about the other talented Writeblrs out here!
tagging: @hillnerd-art @suffrajett @starknstarwars @em-dashes @blind-the-winds @leave-her-a-tome @athenswrites
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