#isn’t og loud house still going?
Something is honestly wrong if Nick can give the Loud House whatever this is:
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But they can’t give ROTTMNT a season 3
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
Dragon!Shifter AU
I wrote a little in the tags on the OG post but I am still thinking about this so...
The way Billy arrived at the academy, swooping over the castle and roaring loud enough to shake the walls before he flew up towards the Grandmaster’s tower and disappeared into the clouds, there’s no way for anyone not to know who he is and what he is.
Steve’s very used to the way the student body can latch onto a person and OBSESS. You’d think, with their powers and their lineages that the students wouldn’t be effected by things like fan mania, but no, they’re just as impressed by pretty faces and showboating as ordinary humans are. Steve can’t go anywhere without his classmates stuffing the poems and ballads they’ve composed - praising his pale elfin good looks and comparing him to snowdrops, stars, and moonlight - under his pillow or in his satchel when he isn’t looking. And at least once a week someone actually gets up the courage to stand in the courtyard and sing. He’s been crowned King of Midsummer every year that he’s been old enough to attend the end of term festival reserved for the higher level students.
But from the minute Billy Hargrove saunters out of the Grandmaster’s quarters he’s all anyone can talk about. It’s so fucking annoying. His golden skin and sun streaked hair, his glittering blue eyes and the flames that (apparently) dance in them when he’s wielding magic (Steve wouldn’t know because he can’t stand the prick and the less time spent in his company the better) and the inked markings that decorate his back and shoulders that glow gold just before he shifts his shape.
Steve knows Billy’s markings intimately because he sees them three times a week during Champions practice, usually right after Hargrove strips naked and dives from the banks of Emerald Lake, changing shape in a burst of golden magic just so he can knock Steve and the rest of his teammates off their feet with a ten foot wave. And Billy does that shit on purpose, because he doesn’t have to be big as a house when he shifts.
Billy has a demi form, effectively no bigger than a kitten. Steve can hold most of his bendy lizard like body in the palm of his hand while Billy’s long serpentine tail coils around his wrist, warm despite the cool scales that line his body. No one knew dragons could go small like this. Well, correction, Steve supposes it makes a lot of sense now why humans call so many lizards dragons. Wingless, one scaly lizard thing scuttling around looks like another, and it turns out Dragons have been coming to the human world far more often than people think.
Steve discovers that Billy can go small after Flight Studies one day, which he’s endlessly thankful is not one of the classes he has to share with Hargrove. While some elves have strong enough magic and a sturdy enough connection to the fae realm that they can achieve winged flight, Steve remains as grounded and talentless in this area as they come. It’s enough of a sore spot as it is because his dad and all of his cousins fly. The last thing he wants to put up with is Hargrove giving him shit about it.
Steve comes back from class still wingless, but sweaty from all that straining to connect with Gia, and immediately heads to the room he shares with Tommy in the Blue Hall to change before supper. He doesn’t expect to find anything but shirts and tunics in his drawer, so he nearly shrieks the house down when he opens it to find a big lizard thing coiled up in a nest of his shirts.
Patrick, one of the selkies who shares the room next door, comes running in to see what the commotion is about just as the scaly creature raises its long neck, blue green scales glinting in the late afternoon sunlight and yellow eyes fixed on Steve as it opens its mouth and hisses. It has a small row of very sharp looking teeth and a very pink tongue.
Steve slams the drawer shut.
“Whoa! What was that?!“ Patrick demands, drawing closer, only to scurry back along with Steve as the drawer with the creature inside rattles violently.
“I have no idea. Probably another one of Munson’s freaky little pets.” Steve seethes, speaking of the boy from Black Hall who is infamous for his love of dark magical creatures, the more dangerous the better. The drawer rattles hard before suddenly popping open, and one very pissed lizard crawls its way out onto the top of the dresser. it twists its upper body until its head faces the two gaping boys. For a moment Steve admires the elegance of its long body and the dramatic spiny fins that raise from its back as it elongates itself, thinking that the strangely human expression of absolute grump that it wears on a decidedly lizard like face is unexpectedly funny... and then the creature opens its mouth and Steve and Patrick bolt with a yelp, scrambling for the door as a stream of electric blue flame erupts from the creature’s mouth.
The House Head thinks they are pulling a prank when they bring him back to deal with the beast, only to find the room completely creature free and no sign of anything burning. But Steve knows what he saw, and Patrick isn’t known for being a prankster so the Head promises to go over to Black Hall and have a talk with Munson. He advises the boys to keep their windows shut going forward, so nothing has an opportunity to crawl in.
It doesn’t work, because Steve doesn’t know it but the creature was actually a dragon shifter who also happens to live in Blue Hall, just one floor below. Steve doesn’t notice either that first time that one of his shirts is missing.
Long before Billy was ready to admit he liked Steve as a person, he liked the smell of his soap and his magic. Dragons are creatures of indulgence, so the things they like they take to horde. Steve never gets that shirt back or any of the other things Billy ends up claiming from Steve’s room. Not until Steve starts sleeping in his bed. But anything he brings back with him from Billy’s room, Billy just replaces with something else.
It’s expensive dating a dragon, is what he’s saying. The only solution is to cohabbitate.
 The First Part
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shiorinotshiori · 2 years
You can't stop me now, not like you did before (Eddie Munson x F!Reader)
You discovered the reason why Eddie broke up with you.
And you also find out that he still comes to basketball games, just to watch you cheer.
Part 1: You looked so good in green OG Ending: Finally Home
Warnings: Swearing, very slight violence, mentions of blood, Jason ugh
Notes: ' ' means it is the characters' inside thoughts
Word count: 3.3k
Request: "If there is a part two I will give anything to see y/n corner eddie and lay out that she still loves him and wants to be with him. Then when he starts the “you deserve better” she gets all “stop trying to make choices for me! I can make my own choices and my choice is YOU!” And then there is crying and probably making out under the bleachers" a/n: I did some changes hope thats ok! n sorry if this isn't what u expect ahghahd but yeah i didn't know if an 'under' exists in Hawkins High's bleachers so i changed the scene to hallways
I don't give permission to repost or translate my work please have mercy
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It’s been months for both Eddie and you, but even so, the long haired ‘freak’ never seem to leave your mind. He’s been there since the day you met him, and even after the break-up, he was still there. It’s like Eddie’s been living in your head, rent-free; he made it his little home when he first gave you his shirt. You never understood Eddie’s change of mind regarding your relationship- yes, you knew his insecurities crept once in a while, but it never got to the point that he thought about breaking up with you. Before, it was never an option for Eddie. If there was a solution to his thoughts, it was always to fix his path but never leave you- at least that was until the ‘party’ thing; which you never knew about.
You spent days thinking about what had happened, that can’t be the only reason why you separated and left the most precious thing you had. For almost two years, you were attached to each other- as if one couldn’t live without the other. So why?
Little did you know you were about to find out soon.
The popular crowd arranged another get-together-event, just for the sake of partying and drinking and getting drunk- a.k.a, the usual. You needed something to distract yourself from the man who wouldn’t leave your mind so… you went, thinking that for a moment, you’d be able to forget and blur the painful memory of your last talk with Eddie. Ever since the separation, you never got the chance to talk with him again. Not when he kept avoiding you like the plague. At least that’s what you thought.
You and the other cheerleaders, along with the jocks, were hanging out in Andy’s house. You guys were upstairs, sat in a circle- just exchanging remarks to others’ story. You were not relating to any conversation that was going around in your circle, you stood up from where you were sitting. “Hey, I’m gonna go get drinks. Anyone want some?” you offered, hoping to get a very short time alone in the kitchen. “Ah, can I get a beer?” Jason raised his hand to get your attention, making sure you get him what he’s asking for. You only nodded back because it seems like he’s the only one who wanted to drink more.
You silently walked down the stairs, immediately making your way towards the refrigerator. Grabbing two more drinks, you went and rested yourself by the counter. You were slowly breathing in and out, getting that much needed air you were craving for while seated with people you don’t even like. Except for maybe Chrissy and Elliot. You just stood there, thinking being alone would help you but, as the silence continues- you just find your mind wondering back to a certain person. ‘Wish I was with Eddie instead’ you thought. God knows how much you miss silent times with Eddie. Believe it or not, Eddie can shut his mouth sometimes. He isn’t exactly as loud as he is whenever he’s with the Hellfire. There were times he enjoyed just laying on his bed, with his arms wrapped around you, staring at the trailer’s dirty ceiling.
As much as you dreaded to return to people who you only pretend to like, you had no other choice- you wanted a distraction and this was just it. Again, you silently walked up the stairs, hearing them laugh. You thought they were just laughing at each other’s stories again but, you stopped halfway when you heard a name. A name that never left you to find peace. “-Eddie.”
You knew that maybe it was just the usual ‘bring other’s down so we can feel better about ourselves’ thing that popular people tend to do. But no, you didn’t expect to find answers that explains the sudden break-up between you and Eddie. “Right! Like, I thought after our little talk with the freak, he’s still gonna swallow up his pride and stay with (Y/N). But, I guess we got it thru his head that they don’t belong together.” You heard a girl say.
“Wait- wait, so can you actually describe what happened? You talked? With the freak?” It was Andy’s turn to question, evident to his tone that he was frowning. Quickly followed by Jason, answering instead “Nah, we just went and explained that maybe… (Y/N) deserved better, ya know? Not that we actually care but, we can’t have OUR kind having connections, romantic or friendly, connections with the outcasts. It will ruin us! And I believe, we did (Y/N) a favor. She was once a lost soul, and we just saved her ass from being sacrificed to the devil.” There’s that joke, that running joke about Eddie being Satan’s disciple. If only they knew that Eddie’s better than all of them, not that they will ever admit that- but at least some people knew. You knew.
After hearing them laugh at your ex, it made you sick in the stomach. How could you ever thought that maybe you’d get along with them one day? Once again, you were so wrong about the people in Hawkins. Some people just don’t deserve a second chance.
It felt like ages before you realized what was happening- THEY were the reason why Eddie broke up with you. You were angry, no, you were furious. You could go up to them now, maybe even slap Jason’s smug face off, but you couldn’t. Deep inside you knew that wouldn’t be ideal, at least not for now. Your last game to cheer on, is in two days. You couldn’t find it in yourself to ruin (almost) everyone’s favorite event in Hawkins High, because if you confront them now- it’s for sure that hell will break loose. You were not that selfish, unlike those people. So, you decided to play pretend again, pretend you actually tolerate their kind. Then after the game, you’ll tell them to go fuck themselves. That was your plan.
You waited for another minute to pass before fully going upstairs, greeting them with one of your fake smiles. “Hi! Sorry I took so long to get our drinks, Jason. It’s just that uh… my mom called. She said she wanted me back like uh… right now. Says she needs me for something. So uh, sorry I have to go home early.” You almost threw the canned beer at Jason’s face, but you managed to refrain yourself from doing so. ‘Not today (Y/N), the day will come’ you promised yourself. You’d make him pay one of these days.
“You need a ri-“ before Elliot finished his sentence, you were down and running towards the door. You were still upset and didn’t want anyone near you, not even the most tolerable person in the basketball team.
You spent the remaining days, before the game, thinking on how you’d approach Eddie. Now that you knew, you want- NEED to talk to him. You were not gonna let this go so easy, not like the first time you thought Eddie’s deciding for himself. He was just provoked by some asshole who thinks he runs the whole school. You couldn’t let Eddie go, not again. Not after what you heard. You hoped that there was still a chance. You think that maybe you can convince Eddie that you don’t want anyone but him.
It’s finally game day. You never thought the day would come that you’d be wearing contacts. These past few days, with what you learned- plus your eye sight demanding for a better vision; gave you massive headaches. So, your mom convinced you to try and give contacts a second chance, hoping it would lessen your headaches too.
It’s game day, also your final cheer in Hawkins. You gave it your all, cheering and dancing your heart out. Of course, you didn’t know but, as usual- Eddie sat in the darkest corner. He couldn’t miss your last performance, he couldn’t miss the last time he’d be able to see you like this.
You were still standing near the bleachers after your routine, trying to get used to the contacts by looking far ahead of you. And that’s when you locked eyes with someone. That someone being the one and only Eddie Munson. What he didn’t expect, was to lock eyes with you. ‘Fuck! Is she staring at me? No, no, couldn’t be’ Eddie thought, he was confident you wouldn’t be able to see him. With his eyes still wide, he tried to look elsewhere, slightly scratching the back of his neck, pretending he didn’t just catch your gaze.
You felt a familiar lump in your throat, the same lump that kept hunting you for months of trying not to cry- about the guy who’s now acting oblivious in front of you. “Eddie…?” you whispered only to yourself, still not believing that he came to watch you again. Call yourself assuming but, you knew Eddie never had a reason to go to a basketball game before you. You were frozen at the spot, your eyes following the man’s retreating figure. Wait… retreating figure? You then realized that Eddie’s making his way down the bleachers, trying to desperately get away from you, again. Sitting at the last column made it easier for Eddie to go down and straight out the doors leading to the hallway.
You quickly ran towards the same door that Eddie wen thru. There was no time to waste, this was your chance, maybe the only chance you’d get to talk to Eddie again. You reached the hallway and saw Eddie’s back turned to you, he was resting an arm against one of the lockers. Eddie’s heart was racing so fast, not from the way he quickly ran to avoid you but, from the fact that you just saw him. ‘She saw me holy fuc-‘ his thoughts soon interrupted by you, calling his name. “Jesus Christ!” His arm that was resting- separated from the locker when his whole body literally jumped, spooked when you spoke. That’s another thing he didn’t expect, he didn’t expect you to follow him. So, hearing you almost scared him to death; aside from the fact that he got surprised by your voice, it was none other than YOUR voice.
He had no other choice but to face you- he had been wishing to see your face up close again but, not this way. Not when he didn’t know what to tell you now that you’re near him. Eddie never thought he’d talk to you, maybe if he did knew, he would’ve at least practiced some lines in front of the mirror.
“HI! No wait- I didn’t mean for that to come off so… aggressive…” he trailed off. ‘Yeah man, way to go Eddie’ he silently cursed. It’s been months okay, he didn’t know how to act around you anymore. You slowly came closer, swallowing before asking “Why… why were you at the game?” you just needed an answer before fully committing into telling him you now knew why he broke your relationship off.
“I uh… like basketball?” Eddie had never been a good liar, he was also aware of that. So, before you could reply and comment on his obvious lie- he just said the first thing that came into mind “You sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind you talking to me?” now that shocked you, where the hell did Eddie got that idea?
“Wha- Boyfriend?! Eddie what are you talking about?”
“Oh, you know, the guy you hugged last game?” He scoffed, remembering the bitter sight he saw last time he went to watch you.
“Last game? Who did I hug last gam- You mean Elliot?! Wait! LAST GAME? You were also there?” At this point, you were flabbergasted. Eddie might have accidentally admitted that he’s been watching the recent games and it gave you the little tiniest bit of hope.
“Oh wow! Also an E- didn’t know you had a type (Y/N).” Eddie cocked his head to the side, saying it with pure sarcasm while smiling- a smile that’s not an indication of happiness. You did NOT expect that this will be your first conversation after months and it irritated you. “Eddie, me and Elly are not-“
“AND a nickname too! That sounds just like my name! This is great, so fantastic, sweetheart!” Eddie’s jealousy turned into frustration, an obvious one, as he raised both of his arms, bent in a way you’d think he was shrugging but that’s just Eddie letting out his frustration with his dramatic expressions. “Will you please stop cutting me off?! You didn’t give me a chance to talk last time! Now, I’m the one who’s gonna talk and you better listen to me Edward!” You’ve had enough of Eddie’s attitude, now it’s your turn to corner him against the lockers and tell him everything.
“Me and that guy you’re jealous of- are nothing BUT friends. I hugged him because he’s the only guy I felt comfortable with after you left me and avoided me as if I had some type of- some type of disease! I couldn’t even go near the Hellfire club! You avoided me like you hate me so much but then watch me in what? In every god fucking game there is after we broke up! I don’t understand what you want me to do Eddie. You’ve left me confused!” This felt familiar, but now the roles were reversed. You were now the one leaving Eddie speechless. Your eyes were hurting and your vision’s all blurry. Tears in your eyes made the contacts burn but you didn’t care. You were pouring your heart out to Eddie.
“Why? Why didn’t you just tell me that Jason and his stupid- his stupid friends told you something that made you decide for the both of us?” You were trying to choke out the words but, it was getting harder for you to talk. Beyond your tears, you saw Eddie looked down in shame for a moment, his fingers fiddling with his rings- a nervous mannerism of Eddie that you learned when you were dating.
He finally looked up to you, his own eyes filling with tears. “Because they were right (Y/N)! You deserve be-“
“Enough with the I deserve better bullshit Eddie! That’s not your decision to make, that was supposed to be MY choice and you took-“ You started accusingly pointing your index finger on Eddie’s chest “-you took that away the moment you broke up with me. You know damn well that my choice is always gonna be you. It’s always gonna be you Eddie. You can’t stop me now, not like you did before. Because I still love you, and I know you still love me too unless you miraculously started liking basketball that’s why you-“
And the moment you and Eddie were waiting for, happened. To feel each other’s lips again. Your hand that was tapping against Eddie’s chest was stopped by his own hand. He was holding yours to his chest, near his heart, as if to let you know that you were still the beat of it. Eddie’s eyes were closed but yours were surprised. His free arm snaked around your waist to pull you closer, tightening it each second, afraid to ever let you go again.
His tongue licked your lower lip, asking permission to enter. That’s when you closed your eyes and brought him closer- if that was even still possible. While your tongue moved with Eddie’s- he gently pressed your back against the lockers, his kiss was getting a bit aggressive; making up for the months he wasted moping around instead of doing this with you. Finally, both of you were out of breath.
Eddie rested his forehead against yours, last time he did, it did not end well- but this time? It was a new beginning as he said “ ‘Course I still love you sweetheart. What can I say? It was my mistake for letting you go. I- I never should’ve listened to those assholes, now I just wasted time that was supposed to be ours. Sorry, princess. Let me make it up to you?” Other people would assume that Eddie could never be defined as ‘soft’ and ‘gentle’- but this was your Eddie. He’s handling you like a fragile object against him as he hugged both of his arms around, resting his chin on top of your head.
With your faced pressed on his chest, you managed to mumble out “You already did, Eddie. Now, promise me we’ll leave together? For real this time?” You felt the vibration of his “MmHmm.”
He moved to gently lift your chin with his finger, one of his cold rings brushing on you, as he looked down to meet your eyes. “You think that- after that hot make out sesh in the middle of the hallway… I’m letting you go?” He chuckled “Yeah, no can do, sweetheart. I, guarantee you, that you’re now stuck- again- with Eddie the Banished!” There he goes again with his dramatic monologues, you thought but- it only made you smile as you look up to him, admiring him while posing like a total nerd- fist closed, arm extended up in the air with the other arm wrapped around you.
You were about to lean in and kiss him again when the doors to your right burst open, loud victorious screams were heard before it stopped, ‘Oh righhhht, the game’ which both you and Eddie totally forgot- now you’ve got the rest of the cheerleaders and the basketball team staring at the both of you; in a very promising position.
“(Y/N)? What the fuck? Is this freak bothering you again?” Jason stepped forward, ready to show his friends that he’s gonna be the ‘hero’ of the day again. “Actually no, I don’t think my boyfriend, will ever bother me. What ya’ think Eddie?”
“No, no, I don’t think I do bother you, sweetheart. Considering that we just finished MAKING OUT in the HALLWAY” Eddie made sure to emphasize the words ‘making out’ and ‘hallway’ which made you laugh. And, the look of your former teammates was priceless. It’s just the usual disgusted looks but, it was better than their fake smiles and greetings.
“You’re throwing your life away (Y/N), You’re really gonna go back to this los-“ a girl started but immediately gasped when you held your middle finger up to her. “Yes, and I, quit. I mean, it was the last game but yeah. Go fuck yourselves!” You held a sweet but sarcastic smile. Your hand making its way towards Eddie’s, to intertwine them.
As you walk away from the crowd, “You fre-!” You and Eddie heard Jason started, so you turn around, ready to deal with another drama scene when you saw Jason had his fist up in the air, ready to swing at Eddie- when someone punched Jason hard. On the face. His nose bleeding. Oh shit it’s bleeding. “That’s what you get for being an asshole, you had it coming mate. Not sorry.” You looked at Elliot, who punched Jason by the way. You mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ to him. Elliot nodded to both Eddie and you- before walking to the opposite direction. Also leaving the toxic people behind.
You were able to breathe again, finally that’s over. “Hey… sorry for the accusation earlier. I was just, y’know, kind of jealous? But he’s cool, he’s cool.” Eddie shyly admitted, you smiled at your boyfriend, taking his fidgeting hands. “S’kay, at least I got you back now.” You continued to walk down the hallway with Eddie, hands still together.
Eddie then asked you a question he’s been meaning to ask since you two made up. “So, princess… since we’re uhm, together again…”
“What is it, Eddie?”
“Can the fair maiden, join me, in today’s Hellfire campaign?” Eddie smiled as he heard you squeal from excitement. He sure missed his favorite player and you with your one and only dungeon master.
You were so glad to have him back, now stronger than ever. Eddie will never make the same mistake again, not when you showed him everyday that you needed him as much as he needed you.
You never deserved better, because Eddie Munson was the best.
Here's your request! @stormcellarwitch hope you liked it <3
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starshine-valley · 8 months
Relationship chart for the OG Units but in my prsk unit swap au!! (If you’re confused, check my info on each unit for the AU!!)
Wonderlands x Showtime
“An absurd girl who screams a lot in my shows…” <-> “Wah~! That’s Toya-kun’s friend~?! He’s so cool~!”
“A childhood friend who she’s proud of, a fan from the sidelines.” <-> “Glad she overcame her fear, hopes she can still achieve her dream.”
“Interesting Inventions, extreme guy…” <-> “Fast growing star, it’s admirable.”
“She’s loud… why does she always appear in our school?” <-> “She sings so good~! She should star in the Wonder Stage sometime!”
“Saki’s new friend! A bit mysterious and shy but at least she’s there for Saki!” <-> “Saki’s older brother, right? How does she stand him…”
“Can Rui-kun make me into a robot?! It can be called Robo-Emu!” <-> “She’s certainly a dreamer, her energy is contagious”
More More Jump
“Haruka-chan! Please come to one of our shows one day!” <-> “Would you still support me even now? Thank you, Minori.”
“Still jealous of her but is slowly letting it go.” <-> “Airi-chan’s changed, it’s nice to know she’s being recognized for what she wants.”
“A strict senpai but proud of her successes” <-> “I appreciate you being a fan of me… even though I’m not like who I was before.”
“A great idol… something that i didn’t deserve to be.” <-> “Haruka-chan was amazing… so why…?”
“An idol in front of my eyes?! GUTS, Shizuku-chan!” <-> “hehe~ Minori-chan’s one of my biggest supporters!”
“Haruka… Something’s bothering you… why did you run away from your dream?” <-> “Proud of her growth as a street performer, happy people are seeing her talents.”
Nightcord at 25:00
“Mafuyu? She’s smiling but something’s off…” <-> “I thought only Otori-San was able to see through it.”
“She acts a lot like Emu. Hopefully, she isn’t… too much like her.” <-> “likes to tease her a lot, it’s fun to mess with her~!”
“Has never been to Phoenix Wonderland but loves her art and likes how bright it is.” <-> “Kanade… even you like my art? I must be lucky then…”
“She likes a lot of cute stuff… She really is fit to be in Hinomori-San’s group.” <-> “Is she really in a theater troupe? Never woulda guessed it!”
“Your group’s music has a unique style to it. It’s intriguing.” <-> “listens to her songs sometimes while training!”
“Costar in her theater troupe, her acting is okay…” <-> “Annoying costar who thinks everything is just average.”
Vivid Bad Squad
“Fellow bandmate, always there to pick her up where she lacks!” <-> “Doesn’t know where she’d be without her best bud right by her side.”
“Tsukasa-Senpai talks about him a lot, i’m glad he has a partner to rely on.” <-> “He shows up at our concerts for Tsukasa-Senpai and Tsukasa-Senpai drags me to his shows at Phoenix Wonderland, seems like a good guy.”
“Such a good performer! I love it when he acts on Wonder Stage!” <-> “Azusawa-San flatters me, Am i really that good?”
“Kind of pissed at her for not sticking to her goal to surpass RAD Weekend.” <-> “Glad he found a partner when she couldn’t, hopes he surpasses RAD Weekend for him and her.”
“Shinonome-kun seems kind of serious… He must be very determined.” <-> “Constantly questioning her commitment to her band and isn’t convinced that she can grow.”
“She’s lively, perhaps I can use this to better my bonds with my troupe.” <-> “Kohane took me to his shows! He’s really good!”
“Haven’t heard from her in a long time, Would she still want to talk to me?” <-> “Ichika-chan is starting a band… just like what we always wanted to do…”
“Feels guilty about not speaking to her, asks Shizuku for updates on her.” <-> “Aren’t on speaking terms despite Shizuku’s requests.”
“I’m starting a band and sticking to it, just like you wanted.” <-> “Listens to her band’s music from time to time, won’t admit it.”
“Is one step away from barging into Kanade’s house to talk to her.” <-> “Yoisaki-San tells me all about her, she was in a very rough path…”
“Kind to everyone, but is still extremely hard on herself.” <-> “I hope her bandmates are treating her well, she deserves the most.”
“Performs with Onii-chan, shows up to her shows when she’s out of the hospital.” <-> “Doesn’t want to interact with her, tries not to listen to Tsukasa’s lectures about her.”
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necrolexic0n · 1 year
Your HT Papyrus is so cute!! Any chance we could get some lore about him?
i’ve waited YEARS for someone to ask me about my THEORIES!!!! /ref
okay so here’s the overall gist of him:
Willow is an anxious but kind man who wishes he wasn’t too scared of the world to see it. They worked so hard to get there and for what? To cower? He is a shut in. His social skills are suffering but that doesn’t mean he won’t consult the dozens of books he has on how to make friends (that may or may not be stolen). He’s even managed to befriend a nearby squirrel, who he has named Hazel, his only neighbor. He enjoys learning about recent human history, in particular the 1970’s. The American culture and activism of the 70’s seems to have struck a chord with him…maybe a bit too much. High expectations and all that. Willow’s hobbies include baking, reading, collecting 30’s and 70’s records, and keeping Oak from falling asleep when he doesn’t need to be asleep. He hates laziness, sweets, and the sound of styrofoam.
Willow is legally blind and his glasses prescription probably isn’t even on the human chart, heh. While he can still see somewhat, it’s colors and barely comprehensible shapes. His joints often ache due to the abuse he sustained in the underground and his general size, he requires a custom walking aid. He has a homemade cane for every day use. He needs proper crutches though. Ptsd, as things go, triggered by loud screams or yelling, hunger pains. His safe food is dino-shaped pasta and, what i call his fake food, is red velvet/cinnamon cupcakes. (Safe foods being his equivalent of OG Papyrus’ dino oatmeal and the fake food being his equivalent of spaghetti.)
After being released, him and his brother live (mostly) in peace in a small house located in Jacksonville, Florida. Monsters may have been released but they, of course, never were fully accepted. Oak keeps himself and his family safe by keeping a low profile. This means rarely leaving the house for any reason, but this doesn’t stop Willow from exploring the surrounding forest at the very least when he can. Their relationship is rocky but they still love each other dearly.
this is as whole of an explanation for him as i can manage i think lol hope this is satisfactory!
the timeline I made makes this fall into present day 2022-2023, yes i’m counting the new year
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cryptid-crawly · 2 years
The Acquisition of Dads Further HCs
I had some notes at the end of Coffee Break but they got, uh, too long so I put them here instead.
Just more about The Acquisition of Dad’s AU:
Coffee.com is my ideal social media. Only government organizations and employees can be verified (heroes count). When you go to someone’s blog you view their feed by default, which is everything they’ve posted + marked to share. (And shared posts are the same regardless of if you view them on the og blog or thru a feed, meaning the comments are preserved—w the exception of tags. You only see the tags of the blog you’re viewing it on). You can also view their posts which only shows content they posted themselves. Below the posts are comments/likes/the share button etc but you only view them if you click on them. You can also follow people but mute them from your dashboard. By default your dash shows the feed of everyone you follow in chronological order.
Coffee has tags like tumblr, Shouto just doesn’t ever use them. They’d be above the comments/likes/etc buttons.
(All the posts have time stamps but I’m not doing that shit.)
Mic made Aizawa get an account which is why Aizawa's username is like that (bc he was being petty). So Mic changed his user and Yagi got offended and made his own account. Gran Torino and Shouto get along like a house on fire and Gran created his account after Shouto showed him the site.
For the other usernames: sighdetector is a pun (sounds like lie detector); nyanko-sensei is a character from Natsume’s Book of Friends which i’ve been watching lately; toilandtrouble is from Macbeth (double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble) so it’s a joke reference bc he hero name is Bubble Girl; the sandman in some legends throws sand in ppls eyes --> its like dust; Dante was a dude that wrote a book called the Inferno, which is basically bible fanfiction and shaped the modern interpretation of christian hell; Elvis has a song called “burnin love” and her hero name is Burnin; SevenMinInHell is a play on “seven minutes in heaven” and Seven is her vigilante name (she’ll be in AFO’s subpar parenting au as a minor character); oh and Nighteye --> night vision --> see in the dark
The ask from Ayana was a joke. After Izuku broke into her apartment Ayana immediately found out all information about him and, determining his mom was a good mom, contacted Inko to complain about her child breaking into the apartment. Ayana and Inko became friends and they go on (platonic) dates to bakeries sometimes. midnights-left-boob is not Mineta, but he’s not Not Mineta either. Schrödinger’s Mineta.
I can’t decide if it’s funnier if Mic and Midnight knew Toshi = AM before he came to teach at UA and they were just dramatic for the shits and giggles or if they didn’t know and that’s how they found out. Either way they knew Toshi beforehand and that he was “All Might’s secretary” and got weirdly embarrassed when they made certain jokes about his boss
Gran hasn’t met Mic or Midnight personally yet but he’s vaguely aware of their existence as Eraserhead’s annoying friends. He doesn’t know they’re heroes (he barely knows Endeavor is a hero).
The council consists of Inko, Rei, Toshi, Aizawa, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Mic, Midnight, Gran, and Tsuki.
Toshi’s username “I was literally here first” refers to being the true og loud blond but it’s also coincidentally a play on AM’s catchphrase “I am here”. (I was ecstatic when I realized the accidental genius)
Enji isn’t sure if AM has a son or not. Sometimes Shouto says things like “mom’s going to divorce you and get married to All Might’s son’s mom” and he’s stopped asking at this point
Rei and Enji are separated but not divorced. The Midoriyas moved sometime between Store Bought and Uno Reverse and then later Rei got an apartment in the same building. She and Enji share custody of the kids although Shouto is w her 3/4 of the time. Despite his campaign of psychological terror, Shouto and his sibs have a better (still awkward and strained) relationship w their dad and willingly all stay at his place once a week if possible and they have family dinner. Sometimes Rei comes for dinner too.
Shouto solely refers to Gran as his grandpa and Gran denies it but sometimes he forgets to. He’s been invited to family dinner. Enji had no idea who he was and didn’t ask.
Some day in the future Gran will just start referring to Enji as his son.
Izuku once pretended to be Todoroki Shouto in his friend’s place bc Shouto didn’t want to go to some hero event. Enji obv noticed but said nothing. Izuku got his hair dyed half white half red and a good chunk of heroes actually bought that he was Endeavor’s son. Enji still has no idea who Izuku is or how his son knows him. (He doesn’t have memories of the hospital incident)
Mic has met Mitsuki and he is afraid of her.
Despite that, Mic 100% plans on forcing Katsuki to be his sidekick once he graduates high school.
Katsuki still wants to trump All Might but his main life goal has changed to defeating the black-haired hobo man that Auntie Inko is friends w.
(Katsuki may or may not have challenged Aizawa on multiple occasions only to have his ass handed to him mercilessly. Aizawa can and will throw hands w a child.)
Katsuki has no idea Aizawa is a hero so between his homeroom teacher, Izuku, and the threat to his sanity that is Todoroki Shouto, his first day at UA is uh….interesting.
Katsuki probably steals Aizawa’s capture weapon idea bc he hates/idiolizes him except it’s worse bc it absorbs his sweat and now Katsuki has a bomb.
AFO is unaware that Green/MidoriAnalyst is his son Izuku. He’s still under the impression Izuku is like 5 or smth. He once briefly wondered if Green was a relative of Inko’s and then promptly never thought about it again. (Immortals struggle w the concept of time ok?)
MidoriAnalyst frequently has GangOrca on his show and they talk about quirk discrimination and other societal issues.
Speaking of MidoriAnalyst, his channel is less for individual analysis of heroes and is more a combo of explaining hero history & legislation, social commentary, and analysis of villains as well as villain fights. He tends to explain a villain’s history and when he does fights he explains why he thinks both sides made the choices they did and praises good thinking or criticizes where they could do better.
Izuku gets OFA earlier and is trained by Gran prior to UA but still manages to break his bones during the sports festival.
Mic runs a secret Yagi thirst account. It’s specifically for *Yagi* not AM. He posts really well shot photos of Yagi just being himself. The account has lots of followers. Aizawa and Inko contribute a majority of the images. (And Nemuri has been dressing Yagi for years so he wears fitting clothes a lot of the time). He started it to help boost Yagi’s self confidence but then he forgot to tell Yagi about it.
Shouto is banned from I-Island.
Enji is never wearing his hero costume in any of Shouto’s videos. (Shouto told Izuku he’d die before letting photo evidence of him next to Endeavor exist)
Currently Shouto’s life plan is to get into UA, convince Nedzu to make him his personal student, graduate, be a spotlight hero for a few years, then switch to underground while also replacing Nedzu as principle of UA.
In his head he imagines him and Nedzu having a sith master & apprentice relationship and one day he’ll defeat Nedzu and forcibly take his position as principle. He hasn’t told anyone about this.
No one ever realizes Izuku is MidoriAnalyst unless someone tells them bc his stuff is so professional and distinguished and Izuku is a walking disaster. Also bc it’s funnier that way.
One time when Katsuki was younger he met All Might, who was in causal clothes but just came from an incident and on his way to see Izuku. Yagi was so awkward that Kat refused to believe he was the actual All Might so he kicked him in the shin and ran away.
Sometimes Mitsuki goes to bed only to find her spot taken by a soundly asleep Aizawa and next to him is Masuro reading a book aloud. Aizawa is unapologetic for using Masuro as ASMR to sleep.
(Despite this, he always leaves before Katsuki can see him so Katsuki only knows him as the hobo guys that’s friends w the Midoriyas and 80% of their encounters involve Katsuki getting his ass kicked.)
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
Spoiled Rotten /// Overhaul x f!Reader (18+)
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Request: What if Overhaul fucks spoiled rich reader because her dad owes the yakuza money and in exchange Kai takes the daughter as a form of payment using her as his personal stress doll whenever and wherever he wants making her into his perfect little doll
A/N: While I was writing this my roommate asked if I was okay bc cause I kept stopping to fan myself and blush lmaooooo god I’m such a brat. I did change the concept up a bit, hope that’s fine!
This is dedicated not only to the OG requester but also to everyone who read the excerpt I posted a while back and told me they couldn’t wait to see the finished product!! Love you guys ❤️
Tags/warnings: threats, dubcon/coercion, dom/sub, brat taming, degradation, exhibitionism, restraints, mentions of forced prostitution, verbal & physical harassment, kidnapping, kinda breath play?, long
The first thing you notice when you come to are voices. Multiple people talking to each other, speech overlapping in patterns you can’t make out. They’re quiet—not whispering for your sake, but quiet because you’re still half knocked-out and you can barely hear.
The second thing you notice is the pounding in your head and the lingering smell of something sweet spread over your nose and mouth.
The third thing you notice is the fact that when you try to blink your eyes open, your lashes brush against something soft and dark. You’re blindfolded…and gagged, and your hands feel like they’re cuffed behind your back. From what you can sense around you, it seems like you’re hunched in a kneeling position with your cheek flattened against the floor and your bare feet tucked under your backside.
At least you’re still in your nightgown. You can feel the frilly silk of it, a useless barrier between your skin and the cool air, and it reminds you of how you got here in the first place.
A loud noise in the night. Your father’s voice pleading. A heavy thump. The door to your bedroom banging open and a strange man holding you down to your bed…lifting a sweet-smelling rag to your mouth…telling you to “take a deeeeep breath, princess.”
“Hey, I think she’s waking up.”
An invisible hand fists itself in your hair and you whine in pain as your upper body is lifted off the floor. Once you’re properly upright, you hear squeaking, shoes against concrete, and the heat and breath and presence of someone behind you. Something rustles at the back of your head—you’re too scared to move so you stay still—and then the blindfold is being lifted off your face.
Once it’s gone, you have to blink for a moment even despite the low light of the dingy room where you’ve…apparently…been kidnapped. By the freaking yakuza. And for some reason, they’re all wearing bird-beak masks.
You close your eyes, almost wishing they hadn’t taken the blindfold off. You’d prefer to live in blissful ignorance of how decidedly unclean the floor is. How dare they let your face touch it? What happened to honor among thieves?
“Do you know why you’re here?”
Against your will, your eyes flick up to the speaker. He’s the only one sitting, and somehow that gives him a position of power among the others. The leader?
Unsettling golden eyes rest on yours, and you realize he’s waiting for your answer, so you slowly move your head from side to side.
“Didn’t know about daddy’s bad habits, huh?” This time the person speaking is behind you, the one who untied your blindfold, a thin man with lank, greasy blond hair. He’s the one who drugged me, you remember in a surge of panic, and you try to stand up away from him only for him to step on the chain that connects your handcuffs, jerking you back and pinning you—painfully—to the floor.
“Careful, Setsuno. I told you not to leave marks. Let her talk.”
“Got it, boss.” The blond—Setsuno—fumbles at the back of your head and then he’s pulling the gag out of your mouth.
You open and close your mouth a few times to stretch out the stiff muscles. “Oh. My. God. Was that polyester you just took out of my mouth? Do you have any idea how bad synthetics are for sensitive skin? I’m totally going to break out.”
A hush falls over the little room. You could hear a pin drop.
“…Are you complaining about the quality of the fabric we gagged you with?” the leader asks after a second.
“You may be yakuza, but you don’t have to act like savages,” you reply primly, aligning your knees together and sending a proud look off to the side.
“Ohh…little princess deserves better, does she?” Setsuno coos. He edges closer to rub his cheek against yours and laughs when you cringe away from him. “Boss, you shoulda seen her bedroom. All pink and frilly, looked like royalty lived there. Bet they treat you like a real princess at home, huh? No wonder your daddy’s in debt.”
“Daddy isn’t—“
“Your father…took out loans from my gang. My men came last night to collect,” the leader says, drumming his fingers over the armrest of his chair impatiently.
He’s wearing plastic gloves. Why is he wearing plastic gloves? Immediately your mind is spinning, imagining all the different gruesome possibilities of what they’re going to do to you. “That’s ridiculous. My daddy doesn’t need to borrow money—“
“Clearly he does, because it looks like he pissed it all away on his daughter.” The leader’s eyes are cold enough to make you shiver—although maybe that’s just the icy temperature of the floor soaking through your nightgown.
“He had a couple payments overdue, so we stopped by to ask nicely for him to pay up,” Setsuno says, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Didn’t find too many valuables in your house, but then we got our hands on a real treasure.”
“Don’t touch me—“
“You don’t seem to understand the position you’re in,” the leader says. “When I made my contract with your father, he understood that obligations like these are inherited. Since he can’t pay his debt, you’re going to be working it off in his place.”
Working it off? You swallow. Somehow you don’t think he’s talking about your little part-time job as a receptionist at your daddy’s company. “You can’t make me do that.”
“I’m not sure you’re getting the gist, princess,” Setsuno hums. “What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put you in a room, and then men are gonna give us money, and then we’ll let those men fuck you. All that money’s gonna go toward paying what your daddy borrowed. Sound good?”
For the first time since you can remember, you’re shocked speechless. They’re going to…what? But you’re a quick thinker, and instead of letting these filthy, awful gangters boss you around, you raise your chin haughtily to look directly into the leader’s eyes. “I don’t think so. If Daddy’s the one who got himself in debt, you can make him whore himself out to pay it back. You can’t hold me responsible for something he’s done.”
Another brief silence, and then you hear a whistle echo out from the corner of the room (and you try not to look toward it, reminding yourself that this can only get worse if they know how scared you are). “She’s got a mouth on her, Overhaul,” someone says.
Overhaul. So the leader’s name is Overhaul. How ridiculous; it sounds like a villain’s name.
“Aww, princess,” Setsuno says, and once again his voice is too close for your comfort. “Little spoiled princess doesn’t know how to shut her mouth and suck it up when things don’t go her way? Well…you’ll learn.”
You don’t want to know what he’s talking about, although if you thought about it for more than a second it’d be obvious. You suck in a harsh breath and the cool, damp air stings against your dry throat. “You can’t just make me—“
“Ohh, I think we can. See, if your daddy’s been spending all of the Shie Hassaikai’s money on his precious daughter, don’t you think you owe a little too? Like, this dress—“ you jump as Setsuno’s hand tugs on the thin, floaty silk— “was bought with Overhaul’s money, so it belongs to him, right?”
You keep quiet, not wanting to prompt him to go further, but when his hands stroke up over your waist to grope your breasts in full view of everyone else in the room, you don’t really have to guess.
“And, y’know, your daddy’s been keeping you nice and healthy with Overhaul’s cash, making sure you grow up into such a pretty girl…” Setsuno’s voice is a purr in your ear as his hands squeeze your tits almost lovingly, then pinch your nipples through the fabric. “So hey—if you think about it, this tight little body…belongs to Overhaul too. Isn’t that right, sir?”
You squirm in place as best you can but with the metal cuffs digging into your wrists, there’s nothing you can do to get away from his touch. You’re desperate enough to shoot a terrified glance up at the leader—surely there are rules about treating an innocent girl like this, even for the yakuza—but he looks as unmoved as before. “Get her out of my sight. We’ll give her a rest for the next few days, and then…”
“No!” you yelp, too panicked to keep up the pretense of confidence. “I won’t, I can’t do that, please don’t make me—“
“Shhh. You’ll get used to it, princess. And if you don’t…” Setsuno’s hand combs though your hair and then trails down your neck, tracing the path of your spine between your shoulder blades. “…well, you won’t really have much of a choice, will you?”
And then he’s tugging on your cuffed hands, pulling you to a standing position, but you wriggle away from him and do everything you can to stay planted on the ground so they can’t take you away from here, away from the only man who is capable of stopping this. Overhaul. “Please! I’m— I can work it off another way! I’ll be useful— I’ll—“
Overhaul leans forward a fraction in his chair, and you wonder if you’ve caught his interest. “What, exactly? How do you think you can be useful to me?”
You bite your lip and wrack your brains, not knowing whether the question is rhetorical. What skills do you have that would be valuable to them? Suddenly all the knowledge you’ve gained in your short life seems so meaningless. You’re a decent receptionist (well, decent is a stretch), but if Overhaul wanted someone to answer calls for him you’re pretty sure he would’ve asked.
Why did you spend your life learning such impractical skills? The four-year weekend course you took on horseback riding jumps to mind and you want to hit your head against the wall. Why didn’t you ask your father to sponsor a class in something that would actually matter in the long run? And what would even be useful to these people? Accounting? Bookkeeping? Extortion?
There’s nothing valuable you can offer. You’ve wasted your life, and now you’re going to pay for it. Seriously, the only thing you’re actually good at is keeping your boyfriends (or, rather, the men you cycle through once a month) happy until the novelty wears off and you get bored and move on to the next lovesick target—
—wait. Keeping your boyfriends happy. That’s a skill, isn’t it?
Once, a little bit after you turned eighteen, you’d had a rather illicit conversation with one of your more sexually adventurous friends about being a sugar baby. Your friend had just secured a very generous benefactor, and you’d been so intrigued by all the designer purses and vacations to Cabo that you’d almost considered trying it for yourself. She’d even helped you set up a profile on Seeking Arrangements that listed your physical features and interests, but you’d blanched when it came time to post photos.
“But why do men even like this?” you'd asked your friend after your picture-less profile received its dozenth unsolicited offer. “Rich, successful guys shouldn’t have so much trouble finding girlfriends that they have to resort to paying for sex.”
“It’s a power trip,” she’d replied. “Most men never get the chance to have a woman who’s willing to do and be whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. You’re his ideal girlfriend, his therapist, his wife, and his stress relief all in one.”
At the time, you’d decided against it, deleting your profile and telling your friend you’d rather just keep taking advantage of your real father doting on you than have to fake orgasms for rich men in their 50’s. But back then, you’d had a choice; now that you’ve been kidnapped by a gang who wants you to get fucked by a bevy of strangers to pay off a debt you’ve never even heard of, you no longer have the privilege of a way out. Or, at least, the options are a lot less appealing than before.
You tilt your head back to Overhaul, eyeing him for the first time with real scrutiny instead of prideful disgust. Judging from what you can see of his face under the ornate bird mask (and again, what is with the freaking bird masks?), he’s fairly young, mid-twenties at the oldest. Short, sort of wavy dark hair (you’ve always had a thing for dark hair), a trim suit and tie, and those eyes. Like he can read your mind just looking at you.
He’s…handsome enough, you have to admit to yourself. But it’s not just that. There’s something pristine about him, something untouchable that commands discipline. He’s clean. You and him are probably the only clean things in this hovel of a room.
“Well? I’m waiting,” Overhaul says.
And now that you’ve got the idea in your head, it’s almost too embarrassing to meet his gaze. But you can do this; you have to do this. At least it’ll be your choice, and—you’re hoping—it’ll be better than the alternative.
“I could be yours,” you tell him, taking pride in the fact that your voice isn’t breaking.
His eyes narrow and you think god, his eyelashes are long. It’s not fair. Men never appreciate having long eyelashes. What is he thinking? Is he going to kill you for even suggesting it? But it’s too late now…you have to dig yourself a little deeper if you don’t want to go through with their original plan for debt fulfillment.
You force your muscles to relax, knowing this’ll be impossible to pull off if you’re tense and biting down on the words like they’re going to choke you. If you’re going to make him believe it, you have to make yourself believe it too. “You… This job must be hard. Even for a—a powerful man like you, it has to be stressful, right? Always looking out for the interests of the gang instead of your own…needs.”
Overhaul doesn’t move, but you’re so focused on him it would be impossible for you to miss the way a single muscle in his neck flexes. You’ve hit a nerve.
You take a cautious step toward him, trying to channel the sexually-liberated vixen you consider yourself when you’re not in your nightgown surrounded by men who could murder you with their bare hands and not miss a minute of sleep. “You’re always giving, aren’t you? Looking toward the future of the gang? Doesn’t it get frustrating when—when a pretty thing is in front of you and you don’t even get…a little taste of her?”
Oh god, you can feel the humiliated heat rushing to your cheeks. How can you be saying this? You’ve played the role of seductress plenty of times before, but never in such a risky situation. You just have to keep moving toward him and hope it feels authentic enough to convince him.
“You’ve worked hard. And…like he said, my—my body belongs to you.” Now you’re close enough to Overhaul and he hasn’t stopped you, so you lower yourself onto the floor, knees bumping softly into the cold surface. Kneeling between his legs.
Overhaul stares down at you, gaze as sharp and cold as before—and you’re sick with anxiety, so scared you can feel your hairs raising up on end—but if he wanted you to stop, he would have said something, right? So you shuffle a little closer and nuzzle your cheek over the inside of his clothed thigh like a kitten, then raise your head up to him to give him your best bedroom look, the one that says, I want you. I need you. No one but you. The look no man has ever been able to resist.
“…You deserve something to yourself, sir,” you murmur.
There’s a collective intake of breath as every person in the room simultaneously realizes what you’re offering. Overhaul’s expression doesn’t change, but once again, a tendon jumps out white under the skin of his throat and there’s a creak of latex on leather as his grip on the arm of the chair tightens.
“Damn,” Setsuno says under his breath from behind you. Someone whistles. You’re pretty sure you hear the word ‘slut’ being tossed around, but there’s reverence behind it.
“And what makes you think you’re so valuable?” Overhaul asks.
You close your eyes to ground yourself for a second. He’s interested, you know that much. You’ve never really had to convince someone to want you, but there’s a first time for everything. Besides, you only have to look at him for a second to know he does want you, which isn’t a surprise. Who wouldn’t?
“I’ll do anything you want, be anything you want,” you tell him, echoing your conversation with your friend back then. “Take out your anger on me if that’s what you’re into. When you’re tired of me, you can consider my debt paid and let me go.”
“And?” he prompts.
‘And’? And what? You’re offering yourself to him, your body and your mind—what more can he possibly ask from you? You cast your thoughts around, wondering what else you have to give him. “And…and I’ll do it willingly. You, um—you look like a man who appreciates obedience.”
And that’s it. Your last shred of pride is gone. Not only are you offering yourself up to a man to use as his personal stress doll, you’re saying you’ll be compliant every step of the way. Knowing yourself, you’re pretty sure that’s impossible, but you just need to make him believe it long enough for you to find a way out of here. You can pretend to enjoy getting fucked by a gangster a few times. You’ll live.
But you’re naive. And with the stream of thoughts pushing through your head, you never really consider one thing, one essential thing: how you look pleading up at him in that pale pink nightdress—soft, pure, immaculate against the filth of the underworld, the only clean body that Overhaul’s seen in a long time.
And you’re right. He is a man who appreciates obedience.
“Willingly…so you’d be willing to prove it.”
Your head jerks up and down in response. Yes! He’s taking the bait, now I just have to get him alone and—
“Then demonstrate.”
When a moment passes and you don’t move, Overhaul tips his head to the side, gaze still locked on you, and gestures vaguely at his lap. You blink and then shy back, shrinking under the hungry gazes of the onlookers. “You can’t mean—in front of them?”
“And here I thought you were going to be obedient.” There’s no mercy, no amusement in his voice. No hint of humanity.
So he’s serious. He wants you to give him a blowjob in front of—how many? one, two three, four—four other men!? Your first instinct is to jump back away from him and your next is to slap him for even suggesting it; you can actually hear the jingle of your cuffs as you attempt to raise your hand. You’ve gotten a little kinky before—blindfolds, vibrators, maybe a hand tied to the bedpost with a Hermès scarf once or twice, but this is a whole different level. And the way they’re all looking at you…like they’re itching to see you brought down. How absolutely disgusting.
But Overhaul’s waiting for your answer, and you know full well that you’re not going to deny him.
“O-Of course.” You lean forward over the seat of the chair so your face is just inches from his lap. “Um. My hands...?”
They’re still cuffed behind you, but it seems like they’re going to stay that way when Overhaul gives a curt shake of his head. “Use your mouth.”
Once again, you’re stunned into silence. How are you supposed to—? Without your hands? It doesn’t even seem like he’s going to undo his pants for you. It’s like he wants to humiliate you…oh, wait. As soon as the thought crosses your mind, it’s clear that’s exactly what he’s trying to do.
You give him another doe-eyed glance, bidding him to at least undo his belt, but he remains unmoved. Bastard.
After aiming another glare at him (because as obedient as you’re attempting to be, you’ve never been good at concealing your emotions) you lean deeper in and take the stiff leather of his belt between your teeth, gently easing it out of the buckle and trying to ignore the mixture of earthy and metallic tastes it leaves on your tongue. It takes a few tries, but eventually you’ve got the tail of the belt out of the buckle and you pull your head back to guide the metal down until the belt is hanging open from its loops.
A rush of accomplishment surges through you when you get it open, and then you want to slap yourself. Accomplishment? From doing this with your mouth like an animal—like a dog? You can hear laughter and mocking encouragement from the men watching, but you steel yourself and dip back in to get Overhaul’s pants undone. The button is tricky, especially with your face nudging into the hard muscle of his abdomen through his shirt, but somehow you manage to tug the fabric slit over the button and then—delicately, delicately—clamp the zipper between your teeth and peel it downward.
“Oh, she’s good,” someone says from the background. Setsuno. You look up warily, but Overhaul’s eyes haven’t moved from you.
Now that you’ve got his pants open, you’re face to face (literally) with what you’re going to have to deal with. The outline of his cock is bulging the fabric of his boxers outward, and he’s not even half erect. You snatch a look back up at him—and damn it, you have to stop doing that, because every time you look into those golden eyes and that stupid bird mask you feel like a lamb looking at a bird of prey right before it snatches you from your safe little lamb-house in the meadow and—fuck, you just have to get on with it.
So you dip down and mouth over him through the fabric, spreading the flat of your tongue over the length of his thick cock. Your mouth feels like you’ve been eating cotton (probably because they drugged you earlier) but you force yourself to salivate, letting drool spill over your tongue and dampen his boxers. When you duck and spread your lips down on the place you can feel the tip stretching out, you know the friction must feel good, because despite the lack of even so much of a deep breath from the man above you, his cock is getting harder.
You nudge your mouth over the tent between Overhaul’s legs again, letting the heat of your breath wash over him—but when he doesn’t do anything, you pull back and blink up at his face. Does he expect you to get him off through his underwear? You could, but most of your moves depend on skin-to-skin contact. There’s no way you can get his cock out with your mouth like you undid his pants, so…what? “Are—are you going to take it out?”
Overhaul brings a gloved hand to his face to rub absently at one of the straps on his mask. “…Beg,” he tells you.
Your mouth drops open and you reel back from his lap like he asked you to lick the dirt off the floor. What!? He can’t seriously expect you to—to beg him to put his dick in your mouth when you’re clearly disgusted at the whole situation. When he doesn’t give any indication of retracting the statement, you can’t help the mocking sneer that forms over your face. “Please, sir,” you spit, and a deaf man could hear the spite in your voice.
Now, that gets a reaction. Overhaul’s eyes flash and you take a certain degree of pride back at the anger you’ve clearly inspired in him. But it’s extinguished as soon as you see it, and then he’s reaching down to cup your chin, tilting your head back and rubbing his thumb over your lower lip.
“I think you can do better than that, princess,” he says, and you can hear your own mocking tone reflected back in his voice. “Unless you’d like me to give my men a turn?”
This, more than anything, scares you. He must be able to feel the way your spine goes stiff, adrenaline rushing, your fight-or-flight instinct kicking in at the prospect of what he’s threatening.
“Each of them, one by one. Between the four of them, I think they could cure that smart mouth…although they might just break you in the process,” he continues, and then his thumb is pressing into your lip, into your mouth, and you loosen your jaw to let him in. You can taste the rubbery latex of his gloves and the other men mutter agreement, encouraging their leader to turn you over to them, and you want to cry.
But you hold the tears back. “Please, sir! Please, please may I s-suck your cock sir? Please!” Your voice is more terrified than obedient, but that’s probably what he’s into anyway. When he doesn’t say anything, you babble on, unwilling to let yourself get gangbanged by a group of men who could probably wreck your pussy in a single round. “Please, please, Mr.—Mr. Overhaul, um, boss? M-Master?”
“Sir will do just fine,” Overhaul says, apparently satisfied, and he pulls his hand away from your face to free his cock from his boxers.
You let out a hot sigh of relief and angle yourself back toward his lap so you can zero in on his cock (and, hopefully, do a little to block out how sickeningly degrading all of this is: how easy it is for him to threaten you; how he has all the power and you have none; how the men around you are goading you, taunting you and calling you things that should get their mouths washed out with soap). You can focus on this, and this, at least, you’re good at. You’ve always been good with your mouth.
It’s a nice dick, too, you have to admit to yourself as you stare at it. Perfect length, girth, and a thick, cut head that you know just by looking that you’re going to have to stretch your jaw to get around. All his hair is neatly trimmed and groomed, and he even smells good, clean and fresh like soap. You’ve never been in front of a dick that didn’t smell like day-old ball sweat, so this is a first. It’s got a nice upward curve, too, and there’s a bead of pearly precum oozing out of the tip. The kind of cock that’s made for penetrative orgasms—
No. Fuck. You cannot be thinking this. You cannot allow yourself to lust after a gang leader who thinks of you as little more than an interactive sex doll. A tingle of blood rushes to your cheeks as you feel wetness pool in your panties and you adjust your stance, shuffling your thighs apart under the pretense of getting closer and hoping Overhaul doesn’t notice.
If he notices, he does the merciful thing and keeps quiet (which makes you think he has no idea you’re feeling the way you’re feeling, because he’s probably never chosen to do the merciful thing in his life). He does, however, shift one of his knees farther apart to accommodate you as you crawl close enough to him to get your head all the way between his legs.
So now you’re staring up at that unfairly pretty cock and wondering how the fuck this is supposed to start, but—best just get on with it. Pretend it’s not him, pretend it’s…no, wait, pretend it is him, it is Overhaul, the same bastard who’s looking down at you like you’re trash, except pretend you’re in control. Because no matter how many orders he gives, once you’ve got his cock in his mouth he’ll have to be the weak one. Right?
Lightly, slowly, you trace the tip of your tongue in a wet path up the underside of his cock, sliding up from the hilt to caress every bulging vein with all the delicacy and accuracy of a surgeon. When you reach the tip, you flatten your tongue to curve it around that bulbous head and then slip it off, the suction providing a wet smacking sound as your skin leaves his.
The breath of his barely-heavier exhale ruffles your hair and you relish the knowledge that he’s getting impatient. Yes. The bastard can wait.
You kiss the tip of his cock, barely moving your lips around the slit, only enough to let your tongue flick out against the precum and gather the bitter liquid up in your mouth. And then—right when he’s getting annoyed, when you can tell by the tension in his body that he’s five seconds away from shoving your head down to fuck your face—you duck closer, relax your throat, and swallow.
Like a fucking python. Or so you’ve been told.
The exhale that escapes him isn’t light this time. You can almost hear the barest hint of a groan under his breath, but you’re more focused on holding down your gag reflex as you let that heavy cock hit the back of your throat. Once he’s all the way down (or at least as far as you can get him), you rock yourself back an inch and then take him deeper, forcing yourself to hold still so he can feel the walls of your throat convulse around him, sucking him in, dry-gagging on the mass that’s filling you up.
“Fuuuuck,” you hear someone whine, and it’s not even Overhaul. It’s one of the men watching, and you feel a perverse mixture of hatred and arrogance rise up in you.
Overhaul’s cock is too big for you to properly moan around it, but you give it a go anyway so he can feel the vibration of your voice through his skin. You’re rewarded with a tangible twitch with it sitting on your tongue, and—oh—your mouth is watering out of where you’re clenching down on him at the back of your throat.
Spittle slips out over your lower lip and onto your chin, but you ignore it in favor of jerking your head up and down in fractional strokes, trying your absolute best to get yourself down to his base but knowing that he probably doesn’t give a shit anyway, not with how good your throat feels around what you’re capable of stuffing in.
What were you saying about ‘valuable’, sir? you think, and then you pull your head off his cock, so slow it’s almost cruel, sucking your cheeks in and hollowing out so those wet walls are rubbing up on every millimeter of his skin. When you reach the tip, you savor it, letting your tongue do the dirty work and looking up at him through your lash extensions before you release him with a nasty wet pop.
“Holy fuck, can I have her next?” one of the other men says, but you and Overhaul are too focused on each other to even look and see who’s talking.
His gaze is trained firmly down at you, and—no way, damn it—he looks bored, like he could be waiting in line at the DMV instead of getting sucked off by you, a girl who’s been complimented by every man she’s ever been with (including her first) on her bj technique. You know he’s feeling it—he can fake calm, but he can’t fake the way his cock’s throbbing under your tongue as you lick up the shaft. Still, now that you’ve got it in your head that Overhaul’s not going to make a sound, all you can think about is forcing him to moan. Let him look weak in front of all his little lackeys.
With renewed vigor, you lap up the length of Overhaul’s cock in sloppy dabs, leaving strings of saliva dripping off your mouth and his cock only to slurp them up, audibly, wiggling your tongue over the tip when you reach it. And that, that gets him, because you feel more than see the buck of his hips into your face as he hisses out a curse.
And—oh dear, maybe you shouldn’t have done that—because the next thing you feel is Overhaul looming forward over you, hand gripping the back of your head, and is he going to force you down? You hate that—so you take the initiative, tilting forward to take him into your mouth again, head bobbing up and down so quickly that your hair is falling all over your face, but it’s okay, because he’s got you, he’s got you, got his hands combed through your hair holding it out of your face, pulling so lightly it barely even hurts, but it does hurt, and he’s guiding you up and down on his cock and it’s hitting the back of your throat every time, and—and it hurts.
You really shouldn’t have done that.
“Take it deeper,” Overhaul instructs, almost encouraging, although you’re not given the option to pull off because he’s holding you down, pushing you firmly toward the base of his cock. You sputter around it, gagging, and you’re almost fucking choking, and he won’t let you up.
God, you’re not—not breathing, you can feel your throat choking down on him—“breathe through your nose,” he says, and this man, this villain has no idea what he’s fucking talking about, because you’re trying, eyes stinging and then you can feel tears down your cheeks. You try to squirm back on your knees, but somehow the combined force of every muscle in your body is outmatched by his single hand on the back of your head—and—and—you squeeze your eyes shut, relax, open your throat as much as you can and—
Overhaul forces your mouth down to the hilt.
Fuck, is he going to keep you there? You can’t, you can’t—if you could move, you’d be shaking your head and begging him to let you stop and as it is you’re whimpering around his cock. Your throat is making gagging noises and you’re crying, actually crying, actually fucking crying on a man’s dick. So this is what it feels like to be used?
“Good.” There’s something lower and darker in Overhaul’s voice, a husky undertone from the growl he’s trying to suppress. “Hold still…remember, you asked for this.”
You did. You asked for it. Begged for it. Pleaded.
“Want me to forgive your father’s debt…? You’re going to have to earn it.” He pulls out an inch just to ram himself back in. You make a weak attempt to move your tongue around his shaft and you can feel the shudder all the way through him, his cock twitching where it’s locked in your throat. “Mm…good girl. Just a little—little longer—“
His fingers are tightening in your hair, curling around the strands and tugging instead of just applying pressure to your head. He’s close, you think, and then you struggle back, not wanting him to cum down your throat, what if you choke on it? Like, really choke? You don’t want it, don’t want his cum in your stomach, but then he sighs and tells you again that you’re a good girl, and ohfuckohfuck you must be so scared you’re desperate for praise because you feel heat rush into your cheeks and your cunt when he says it and you try to move your tongue like you did earlier and his hips jerk forward and—he cums. In your mouth.
It’s salty, you think. The next thing you think is that you want to gag, because you’ve never had cum in your mouth before. For all your sexual experimentation, you’ve never let a man cum down your throat like this, always telling them it shoot it on your tits or whatever because you are not a person who should have semen in her mouth, much less ingest it.
But right now, with Overhaul lazily dragging your head up and down for a last couple pumps on his softening dick, your choice isn’t spit or swallow. It’s swallow or choke.
Hot. Thick. The texture is slimy, so viscous you can feel it going down your throat in strings. Part of you wants to throw up. It’s repulsive. Filthy. You hate this.
Part of you has to shift your position again so you don’t have to feel your own wetness slicking up the insides of your thighs.
How. Is. This. Possible. You may have just had to swallow your pride (and not just that), but what about your dignity? You’re a good person…okay, well, even if you’re not a ‘good person’ per se, you don’t hurt anyone with your selfishness. You don’t deserve to be kept as a pet by a sadistic bastard who gets off on watching you almost pass out on his cock, and you certainly don’t deserve the humiliation of finding that you’re turned on by it.
And yet. Here you are. Still held securely in place until Overhaul slides you off him. As soon as your mouth is free you suck in a dizzyingly deep breath, but even that is too much for your battered throat and the breath turns into a cough; you instinctively fold down away from Overhaul so the mixed saliva and cum you’re hacking out spatters in cloudy white flecks across the floor instead of on his clothing.
“Stop that,” Overhaul scolds, hauling you back up by your hair and forcing your mouth closed with a hand on your jaw. “If you make a mess, you’ll be cleaning it up.”
Considering what he just made you do to him, there’s no doubt in your mind that he’s implying you’ll have to lick it off the floor. You clench your jaw, holding back the convulsions of your throat as best you can, and hope he doesn’t press the issue.
Now that you’ve got your coughing under control, you can start to sense things that you had been tuning out before: the men hooting and wolf-whistling and applauding your performance, the traitorously persistent throb of your clit pulsing under your panties, and Overhaul’s hand releasing your chin to pet down your neck. “Now. What do you say when someone gives you a meal?”
Just you wait, bastard. I’m going to tie you to your bed and set fire to it. But you’ve got the sense that that answer won’t go over well, so you take a deep breath and look up at him again, meeting those piercing gold eyes with your own. “Thank you, sir,” you say in a soft whisper because it’s all your abused throat can manage.
“That’s right.” His hands feel colder than the concrete under your legs as he spreads his hand down your neck, only to toy with one of the lacy pink straps of your nightdress. “Stand up.”
You stand shakily, too cowed to even consider stepping back from him. Without warning (much less permission), Overhaul lifts the hem of your stupidly short dress up past your thighs, exposing your panties and lower belly to view.
“Hold this in your mouth,” he says, and after only a few seconds of hesitation you open up and bite down on the fabric so you’re effectively holding up the skirt for him. Overhaul skims gloved hands down the sides of your hips and comes to a rest when he reaches your panties—and why did you have to wear these today? Shiny red satin in the front; the back is just flowers worked in crimson lace. You know exactly how good you look in these panties, and judging by the things Overhaul’s men are saying, they’re more than appreciative of the view.
But Overhaul ignores them in favor of hooking his fingers under the elastic and pulling the panties down until they’re resting stretched between your upper thighs. You don’t have to see them to know there’s a string of slick connecting the lips of your cunt to the fabric, betraying in full technicolor detail how turned on you’ve gotten just from sucking him off. He gazes down at your pussy and then up to you as if waiting for you to admit it, but you stay silent.
“Well, well. What a nicely-trained slut I’ve found myself.” He gracelessly pulls the panties the rest of the way down your legs and lets them fall to the ground. “Do you always get this wet when you let your boyfriends fuck that smart mouth?”
It takes you a second to comprehend that he’s expecting an answer. “N-No, sir,” you reply, voice muffled by the fabric you’re still holding between your teeth.
“I suppose I can’t leave you like this, not after you took me so nicely.”
Does he mean he’s going to get you off? No freaking way. You drop the hem of your dress, let it flutter down over your thighs, try to scramble back, but his hand on your waist keeps you from moving. “I— It’s okay, I don’t need—“
“No, I think you do. I think I’m going to reward my pet for a job well done.” He leans back, eyeing you without sympathy. “I’d have you touch yourself, but—“
The mere possibility that he might remove the handcuffs has you straining against them again, and the sound of metal against metal rings out from behind you.
“—but, I think it’s best to keep the cuffs on for a few days…until you’ve settled down.”
Days? He can’t leave you in chains for days, helpless and powerless, so easy to take advantage of. “You can’t,” you whimper, and even though you mean for it to be a decisive statement, with your throat ravaged and hoarse it’s downright pathetic. Overhaul doesn’t even bother reprimanding you for talking back.
“My men have been patient,” he muses, and an enthusiastic wave of agreement wells up from the others. “Any of them would be happy to do it.”
You may have been through a lot in the past hour alone, but there is no way you’re going to let those rowdy criminals have their way with you. You send a nervous glance around the room and as predicted, not a single one of them looks like they have the slightest shred of control over themselves.
None of them…except Overhaul.
Still eased back in his chair, he looks just as relaxed and unaffected as he did when he was explaining your father’s debts to you. But there’s something flickering in his eyes, something he isn’t going to say to you, isn’t going to say out loud. A challenge.
Maybe, once again, he’s waiting for you to ask for it yourself. And if it’s a choice between him and one of the grimy ruffians who’ve been looking at you like dogs look at meat, you know what you’d prefer. Well—really, you’d prefer option C: none of the above (your current state might be uncomfortable, but you’re not so wanton that you’d rather cum in front of strangers than keep your legs together). Unfortunately, you’re starting to come to terms with the fact that ‘no’ is no longer an option.
Overhaul’s stare flicks from you to an unseen figure behind you, and you can tell he’s about to summon one of them over so you force yourself to move, lurching forward and climbing into his lap to straddle one of his thighs with all the grace you’re capable of. You feel the stir in the air when he inhales sharply, surprised, and his masked face is so close to your neck that you wonder if he can smell the lotion you put on before you went to bed last night.
It’s one of your favorite scents: vanilla, lilac, orange blossoms. You bought it because it smelled pure.
“Please, sir, I don’t want them,” you breathe next to his ear, injecting every ounce of sexual frustration you’re feeling into the needy tones of your voice. “I’m yours. I belong to you, just you. No one else—please, sir…Overhaul.”
He’s quiet for a long, tense moment, and you think he’s going to hit you, or maybe even kill you for your disobedience. Push you off his lap at least. But just when you’re teetering on the edge of jumping back from him and begging for forgiveness for talking out of turn, you feel it—a low rumble of laughter from deep in his chest.
Big, cold hands wrap around the sides of your ribcage under your breasts and his fingernails dig into you through the layers of latex and fabric. He tilts forward, forcing you to arch away and all you can think about is how horribly weak you are compared to him. Are you trembling? Will he be angry if you feels how afraid you are?
“You know, I guess I’ll keep you after all,” he hums, stroking his fingers through your hair and down your neck. “How does that sound, princess? I think you’d like that very much, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, sir.” The response comes all too easily, even if the words taste bitter in your mouth. You’ve never said the word ‘sir’ so much in your life…but as he repositions you on his lap and slides a single hand up the inside of your thigh under your dress, you bite your lip and decide to hold back your protest.
If you’re going to have to learn manners, you’d better do it sooner rather than later. Something tells you Overhaul’s not going to accept any less than your best behavior if you want to pay off your debt.
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lillian-nator · 3 years
Ranch AU
Or, as we all call it, The Cowboy AU 
Essentially, this was something that I created, and it’s gonna be purely fluffy, with a small bit of angst here and there. Any of the angst will be hurt/comfort. It’s meant to make us all feel better after those fucking harsh lore streams. I started it, based off of some shit in the Dad!Schlatt AU, and after that I honestly didn’t write most of it. It had really been a project in the discord, because we were all sad and shit, so if you have some fluff to offer, please do! I am happy to make almost anything canon - and we could always use more ideas. :)
I hope you enjoy some mindless farm boi fluff!
It's SBI's Ranch (Phil is Dadza, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur are his sons)
Phil, sells to the local stores, and manages the crops. He doesn't do too much labor anymore. He hired his boys for that.
Dream, SapNap, Purpled, Tubbo, Callahan, and Punz are all hired farm hands
George, Niki, Ranboo, and Fundy work at the shop where they sell their products; Niki makes all of the dairy products, Fundy and Ranboo stock, label prices, and keeps track of sales, and George works customer service with his Gogy magic.
Wilbur works with the sheep, the goats, and he trains the dogs (Collies - they herd sheep), he also works with the crops a lot
Schlatt isn't hired but he might as well be. He can be found wherever Wilbur is, and is probably drinking a beer he stole from Phil. He doesn't get paid, but he eats all of their food.
Tommy works with the cows, the pigs, the chickens, the horses (sometimes), his goose, and the dogs / cats that they own
Tubbo works with Tommy. Essentially. But he also works on the crops, and the bee farm that they have set up.
Techno works with the horses, and is currently training to be a veterinarian.
Dream works on horses with Techno - they race the horses competitively - but otherwise, is where ever he is needed (usually crops)
Purpled works with Tommy and Tubbo. He mostly works with Tubbo on crops and his bee farm.
Punz and SapNap haul things. As your resident Chads, they are in-charge of moving heavy things and doing manual labor.
Callahan is their repair man. He fixes tractors, and machines on a daily basis.
HENRY, a saga:
that henry has a matching bandana to the one Tommy has so that everyone knows thats henry. Tommy doesn't like it when people touch henry so henry gets a bandana - Shark -
when Phil first started raising Tommy, he would've never guessed that he would turn out the way he did.
He was loud, and brash, and hit his brothers, and made fun of the neighbor's kids,  but then Tubbo became Tommy's best friend, and then Phil introduced Tommy to the cows.
The cows are Tommy's everything.
When a Bred Heifer is due, he sits with them everyday past their due date - he sat with Betty for 5 days when she wouldn't birth a calf. He was so fucking worried.
When one of his cows are sick, he sleeps in the barn until they get better. His last days with Harvey fucked him up.
Tubbo, Tommy, Purpled, and Ranboo spend long nights at the farm, and Tommy always leans against Henry as he stares up at the stars.
Henry who his best girl (all cows are girls and Tommy doesn't give a shit about gendered names). Henry who wears a matching bandana. Henry who is fluffy, and warm, and Tommy's everything. -
Sometimes when Tommy had a bad day, whether it’s stress, or school, or just whatever, Tommy sleeps in the Henry’s stall with her. Phil has so many pictures of Tommy curled up with Henry. From when she was first born to now. - Eye
Tommy hates winter because that’s the one time of year Phil won’t let him sleep in the barn. Even with the layers and heat lamps it’s too unsafe. Tommy always gets up extra early in the winter. Both because he has to check and break ice in the water troughs but also because he misses his girl - Eye -
Henry's mother, Betty, was the first Cow Tommy had helped during birth. He sat with her for 5 days when she hadn't gone into labor past her due date. It took 9 hours for Henry to be born, and Tommy was there through the entire thing -
Well, almost the entire thing. He was at school for the first hour of labor, and was so pissed at Phil when Phil knew and didn't immediately come get Tommy from School.
It always felt like Tommy and Henry had a special bond because Tommy literally raised Henry from birth. -
They didn't think Henry was gonna make it when she was first born, but Tommy was fucking determined, and bottle fed that cow every single day and night. When she was slowly weened off milk, Tommy got unironically sad that he didn't have to bottle feed her anymore.
He still visited her every morning, and milked her mother at dawn, right after he got eggs from his hens. -
Henry waits for Tommy at the end of their long ass drive way when he gets home from school. She knows that when the bus pulls up that her boy is back and so she’s always there waiting lazily for pets and a nice walk together back to the house. Even when it’s cold and someone is waiting for the kids to get home in an ATV or something Tommy always walks back to the house with Henry - Eye
Thinking about how long these fucking country roads are. And how Tommy and Tubbo have the same bus stop even though Tubbo and Tommy's houses are a couple of miles away. Tommy has to walk a mile to get to the beginning of his driveway, and seeing his favorite girl there is like a reward at the end of a journey. Tommy probably keeps a bag of feed in his backpack, which is just a mixture of grain, hay and corn, and gives Henry a handful to thank her for waiting for him.
Clementine, The Goose: 
Tommy has a goose, and names it Clementine. 
He found her in the woods one day, when she was very young, and he decided he was going to keep Clementine. 
Clementine is only ever nice to Schlatt and Tommy. No one knows why. 
Clementine follows Tommy around. Very endearing. 
Phil doesn’t question it at this point 
NEW MILO, the sequel:
OG Milo is a kitten that Wilbur found on the side of the road, in the rain, and he took the kitten in, trying to save him. Wilbur immediately got attached.
Techno pulled an all nighter, half spent  trying to save OG Milo and the other half comforting Wilbur. "You couldn't have helped, he was too starved and out in the rain for too long." Phil adds that if Techno can't save something, it can't be saved. - Ethan
Wilbur's next cat was named New Milo in honor - Ethan
Anyway, New Milo has three kittens. Blood God, Boots (given to Fundy), and Bumbles (given to Tubbo). They're called the Bees and they were born Christmas Eve - Ethan
BLOOD GOD, the pussy:
Blood God is Techno's cat. Its just a ferall little molly that loves techno too much. - M -
After Techno helped New Milo have her litter, he wasn't originally gonna keep any of the kittens, but he saw this tiny thing with the orange muzzle and just: stole her.
He is also nicknamed Blood God, for both his skill in hunting and healing
He originally named her Piglet because the orange spot looked like a pig snout [the main reason he chose her and not her stronger littermates] but called her Blood God teasingly when he first adopted her
Wilbur didn't realize he meant it as a nickname and told everyone her name was Blood God
Techno still calls her Piglet, but everyone else calls her Blood God because that's the name on her collar.
Most of their cats aren't collared, but Phil made her a custom collar because he was worried she'd get lost hunting with Techno and Dream - Ethan -
Blood God is such a batshit cat. She's a runt, really, oddly small compared to her siblings, and she's their best mouser
She's the cat that everyone leaves scraps for, but never tries to pet out of fear
Often she'll climb up people's legs and sit on their shoulders, and it's the only time you can pet her.
She is very, very affectionate with Techno and he loves her very much. He has her very well trained, and she comes with him and Dream when they go hunting sometimes alongside a terrier.
She's a little itty bitty calico molly and she has an orange patch right over her muzzle - Ethan
TOMMY'S HENS, the chicks:
He gets real defensive of his hens. They lay eggs for him. They deserve to be treated well. -
Tommy does in fact have an egg incubator; Sometimes it's just better. Tommy prefers letting his hens care for their own eggs, but he does still use the incubator - Ethan -
Some chickens enjoy being thrown so they can flap and shit. A few days after passing ownership of the hens to Tommy, Phil is going down to the crops and just sees Tommy chucking his hens and watching them rush back to be thrown again
he feels a hint of "what the hell" but he notes the gentleness tommy does it with and how the chickens seem to be enjoying it and he shrugs and keeps walking - Ethan -
Once Wilbur was helping Tommy with the chickens and he dropped an egg
Unfertilized, of course, but Tommy looked like you'd just punted a toddler
Three years later, Wilbur isn't allowed to touch the eggs anymore
Tommy's paranoid he'll hurt a live one
"Get out." "What - Tommy it was an accident, it was just one egg." "If you aren't gonna treat Phoebe's eggs with care; You can get the fuck out." "Tommy -" "Out." -
the quality chicken eggs depends usually on how the chicken feels. While under his care, the eggs the chickens produced were really good.
Under Tommy's care? Phil's eggs tasted like horseshit in comparison - Ethan -
They have their like, main barn and to the side of it is a little pond. The chicken coops are a little beside it, with the singular duck coop (he only has four ducks) closest. He calls the area the Business Bay
Tommy - 16 Tubbo - 16 Purpled - 17 Ranboo - 17
Techno - 19 Wilbur - 21 Schlatt - 19 Phil - idk like 45 or some dad shit
Fundy - 18 Niki - 19
SapNap - 18 Dream - 19 George - 20 Punz - 19 Callahan - 20
Tubbo, Niki, Ranboo, and Fundy are siblings. -
Whenever they eat meat they talk about who they're eating. 
They tell stories about their day and such but they always start dinner, when its meat, saying "rip lmao" and telling stories about them
...they don’t do it when they eat beef
Everyone sitting down with their plates of ham Wilbur: so who was it? Phil: Fern Tommy, already eating: rest in peace fern Techno: he shat on my boots once -
Each of the boys get a few animals that aren't allowed to be butchered.
Wilbur has Friend, Enemy, and Skit the Bull. (Wilbur wanted to name a Bull "Shit", but Phil said no because Tommy was 11 and already swearing too much for his liking)
Techno has none of the livestock. He only cares about Blood God, and his horses.
Tommy has a pig [currently unnamed], his Hens (6 or 7 of them, that lay eggs), and his dairy cows -
Phil is ALWAYS chewing on straw. -
Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur all call Phil "Pops" or "Pop". They all used to call him "Papa" though. It's like a coming of age thing for the three of them, when they stop calling him "Papa" and start calling him "Pop".
Phil may or may not have cried when Tommy started calling him "Pop" at the age of 12.
ALTHOUGH, all 3 boys know that if you want anything, you call Phil "Papa". Phil can't resist it. -
Techno and Tommy with starry eyes: pops Phil: no Wilbur: Papa Phil, with slightly less confidence: n-no   - Ethan -
Tommy holding a baby calf in his hands that he walls to bring inside for the night because hes in love with her: papa please!! Phil, practically in tears: fine.   - M
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panicinart · 3 years
🔞 Nsfw alphabet 🔞
☎️ OG Billy Lenz ☎️
It's time for some Chaotic Rat Gremlin
Also side note I'm at the moment reader the novel and ngl I changed a few things since it didn't fit his character very well. I'm not that far with it but I hope I did a good job with interpreting his character :)
A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
☎️You know that feeling were you're really tired but got some extra suppressed energy, so you just kinda stand there in hell? That's him.
☎️Billy doesn't know if he should run around naked and do his usual rat gremlin stuff or fall asleep so hard like someone drugged him with something.
☎️Either way it's going to be a ride, because you're gonna need to catch a naked rat man running around before the sorority sisters come, or your whole bed is drenched in drool.
B = Body part (how is their body build? any favorite body part of them and their partner?)
☎️A fucking twunk, he probably was more of a twink before he met you because bitch only got small amounts of food and not that many opportunitys to build up muscles.
☎️Billy has a bit of a biceps, back muscle, and leg muscle but that's really it. He also doesn't have a lot of hair mostly a bit on his chest, crotch area and a small hair trail that bairly connects those points. If he goes all out he is also able to grow a bit arm and leg hair.
☎️Honestly I feel like this gremlin is proud of the little chest hair he has, so he really likes that area. He sometimes squeezes his man milkers and you cannot change my mind on that.
☎️Billy LOVES his s/o's thighs and chest! Big, small, doesn't matter their great (especially the thighs, their a gate way to something great).
☎️With the chest it is more of a thing that he thinks is funny, his grabby hands sometimes poke, squeeze and lightly slap them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
☎️Doesn't produce a lot of cum, but it is STICKY. The cum is very white, and kinda like chewing gum. It comes in spurts and god help him this man can shoot a load meters away, he shoot his load more then he can count into his eye, and also yours.
☎️He also produces A LOT of precum
☎️It doesn't have a lot of taste, maeby a bit on the sour / bitter side???
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, do they have a dirty secret?)
☎️Billy has some kinks (???) that aren't really good for him, for example he would beg to be humiliated but after the act he will be a sobbing mess, be angry or thinks all the things his partner told him are true. Basically self destructive tendencies that he let's out with sex in an unhealthy way.
E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)
☎️Surprisingly he kinda knows what he does, were did he got that info?? Who knows, Billy certainly can't remember, (probably watched some people geting it on or stole a porn magazine).
F = Favorite position (which position(s) do the like the most?)
☎️All positions are great positions as one confused and wise attic gremlin sayd.
☎️But in all honesty it depends on his mood so here are his top 5 in no particular order:
Stick figure
G = Goofy (are they more serious or do the like to clown around?)
☎️This man has a hard time staying serious, there are rare moments were he stays focused while being on the mission to go to pound town. Most of the time you hear him giggle, snorting and sometimes saying random one liners that he pulls out of his ass that don't make sense to you, but he still laughs like he heard the funniest shit in the world.
H = Hair (any hair down there? How do they groom it?)
☎️The hair is quite thin and a bit curly, it's a good amount of hair but not a forest, because Billy doesn't take care of it the hair it is all over the place and can look a bit overwhelming.
☎️Billy doesn't really groom it and since it's the 70s, he also doesn't shave it
I = Intimacy (how are they during sex in a romantic aspect?)
☎️He is generally not the romantic type so don't hope for rose pedals and lit candles.
☎️When he is in a more lucid state he will give your face small and sweet kisses while he giggles happily with a manic undertone.
J = Jack off / Jill off (how do they masturbate and how often?)
☎️Before he met you? Probably almost daily. The pumps are fast and eager without a rythm and really messy.
K = Kink (any kinks?)
☎️There is almost nothing he wouldn't try at least once, Billy is an adventurous and curious guy, so I keep it down to a hand full.
☎️Dirty talk, it's either messy game with words that he repeats like a broken record or really fucking good, not in a poetic way but the filth that comes from his mouth is GOOD. But he often does it when he is more unstable, be a bit more careful around him especially if the words become messier and messier.
☎️Breeding, not in a way of wanting children, god no don't let this man near kids, he is scared of them and they are scared of him, but more in a way of wanting to see you stuffed with his cum. He may not produce a lot but he got the Stamina for that, the only question that lays in the room is, if you can keep up with him.
☎️ We all know that he is really into voyeurism, it doesn't even need to be sexual he just likes watching you. If you give him a small show he will vibrated with anticipation and pounce on you immediately.
☎️Phone sex, do I need to say anything more?? It's thrilling for him and sometimes it gets paired up with a bit of roleplay (unintentionally most of the time) , the whole act is also a great way to tease him. Just don't do it too much, he can take a bit but it's a fine line of a horny Billy and an angry Billy.
☎️There is still so much more but god dammit I will be here forever.
Edging, overstimulation, Pegging, Thigh jobs, geting his hair pulled, praise and many more!
L = Location (were do they like to have sex?)
☎️The thought of fucking you everywhere is really alluring but he mostly does it in the bed and attic. He doesn't want to risk getting caught and honestly the thought alone that people could be near gives him anxiety.
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going?)
☎️Everything, you could just walk around and he could pop a boner. The guy is just really unpredictable and his moods can swing erratically which influences his horniness a lot.
☎️But if we assume he is in a more stable mindset where is squirrel brain isn't high on sugar here are a few things that always work;
Soft and sensual touches on arms and thighs
Teasing/slight tickling with fingers on the back of his neck to the end of his spine
Showing a bit more skin the usually and having direct eye contact that lingers a bit longer then the norm
Any close contact to his crotch area, the man will jump on you like a dog
N= No (what's a turn off/they don't want to do?)
☎️Getting too violent, it's more of a safety thing for your own health. He can quickly slip in a dangerous mindset, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of the relationship and I doubt you like to be the moaner's next murderer victim.
☎️Billy can't stand brats in bed it irritates him, or just any kind of attitude.
☎️He also doesn't like it if his s/o dirty talks back, when he does it it often doesn't register in his mind, so if his lovely partner does it, it kind of disgust and displeases him greatly.
O = Oral (do they like to give or receive? How is their skill? How do they react during receiving?)
☎️He LOVES to give oral, Billy could die between your legs and honestly, that's the way he wants to go. He also wouldn't say no to a blowjob and would get ecstatic with the offer (if he didn't ask demanded first).
☎️But sadly Billy isn't that skillful, he makes a lot of sloppy noises and purposely makes a mess, spit, your juices and possibly his cum will be splattered across your whole crotch area and thighs.
☎️He does well alright tho, it isn't anything special but the way he has his grabby boney fingers grab at your body restlessly and his tongue tasting every corner makes it up for any lack of knowledge he has. His tounge is also really long.
☎️You think he stays still when you go down on him?? Oooooh no, god you might have to tie his hands up. They would grab anything they can get, cushion, objects your hair ect, and the guy will pull and squeeze it like his live depends on it.
☎️He also will buck his hips into you and straight up face fucks you, ya need a lot of strength in your arms and hands if you want Billy to stay still. Also the noise he makes? For some it can be really hot but for other a huge turn of, he chokes on his own spit and the moans can sound really animalistic and loud. Either gag him or let everyone know you get hot and heavy with him. That is if anyone is in the house.
P = Pace (how is their thrusting? Hard, fast, deep ect)
☎️He goes FAST, like a bunny in heat, so you better be prepared to have some bruising from his violent thrusting.
☎️The thrust are also relatively hard but 0 rythm.
☎️ His dick also sometimes just slips out, it happened a few times that he also completely missed the targed and rams his dick full speed to your ass (and continues like a champ).
☎️And if your afab he probably "accidentally" buries his junk in the wrong whole.
Q = Quickie (do they like Quickies, if yes how often?)
☎️Yes god he loves them, he often uses them to get rid of extra energy or pent up emotions and there is A LOT , (just be a bit careful with the emotions, maeby talk it out (if you manage to have a reasonable conversation with this rat of a man) what he feels and why he wants to do it, safe words is also a good idea).
R = Risk (any risk their willing to do?)
☎️Fucking you in a room while the sorority sisters are right next to it, he would be so drowned in the bliss that he forgetshis anxiety, but if you are able to comfort him afterwards do it. He often slips into a bad and sometimesaggressivemanic state untreated. (Again,it's a mess if you don't want to get caught, gag the man).
S = Stamina (how long can they go? How long do they last?)
☎️Bitch can go all night, no joke he recovers fast and his hunger for you has no end. He may take small breaks in between the rough fucking, but I'm gonna tell ya his grip on you is like steel he won't let go of you.
T = Toys (any toys they like? If yes, what toys do they like on themselves and on their partner?)
☎️He think's their funny and definitely will mess around with them. Use as many as your kinky heart desires he will follow lead.
☎️On him? Great he waits eagerly on the bed almost jumping from the spot because he is so excited. He loves vibrators and nipple clamps, but collars are good too!
☎️On you? Lord have mercy on your poor soul because you didn't know what's coming for you. Honey you got a big storm coming. But please teach him how to use them and what feels good and what not or else he will stab your insides with a dildo.
U = Unfair (are they a tease? How do they react if teased?)
☎️Billy goes always straight to the point, but sometimes he teases which often happens without his intentions.
☎️The whole thing gets even worse when he goes down on you. This man has bairly any cohesive thoughts what makes you think that he can concentrate for a solid minute. While he is doing it his mind is already somewhere else, which makes him stop for a few seconds or slow down, or not giving the right spots the attention they need. So your agonizingly lay between the almost orgasmic feeling and under stimulation.
V = Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
☎️Not necessarily LOUD but people will know what's going on (if you go down on him it's a whole other thing).
☎️The noises he normally makes is strangled / chocked up moans, groaning, giggling or straight up laughing and some mumbling that you for the most part don't fully hear.
W = Wild card (random nsfw headcanon(s))
☎️Billy has a thing for submissive and innocent people, it is more fun to see them react to his vulgar and partly extreme behavior. The way the Yelp when he gives them a rough handling or spurts out the most filthiest thing makes his blood boil. It just something of corrupting someone innocent, sweet and well mannered to something that can only be described as a human mess is making him more feral then he already is. Bonus points if they are covered in his cum and drool.
☎️If somehow you both manage to a a healthy relationship this man will go down your pants faster then the speed of light. And Billy gets quite upset if you say no to him.
☎️Likes to suprise his s/o with him wanking it in front of you in the worst time you can imagine. Ho? Your bringing in the groceries and are in a hurry because the ice cream will melt? Suprises Billy blocks the doorway and rubs his dick violently while having direct eye contact. If you manage to walk past him he will follow you around trying to put your hands on his dick, or even try's to get a blowjob out of you. If not well then his hand and your thighs or ass will do the job too!
☎️Loves to bite and suck on your neck it's also something that gets him going like nothing else, nobody know why but it does.
X = X-ray (what's going on under those clothes?)
☎️Not exactly fat, but he got something packing, around 6.5 inches in length and 5.3 inches in girth. The man is cut and got some thin veins here and there.
Y = Yearning (how high is their libido?)
☎️High, just say your into the mood from another room while having a mouth full of stuff and the man will go crashing down the attic before you finish your sentence even tho it was bairly understandable on what you sayd.
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep?)
☎️It's always different one time he is knockout in a few seconds the other night he was awake for another 4 hours, it just depends on how much gymnastics you both needed to make and how bad his manic episode is.
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
The Transformation Thoughts
bc hsmtmts said gay rights
spoilers below
yesss seb doing the recap
wait did seb just say he was crying?!?! give him a hug 
cow baby!!!
wow miss jenn and seb having a civil conversation
Natalie is back!!
ej and ricky with the mask
kourtney’s outfit!!!
ashlyn’s outfit...
ahh so the awards and the show are separate, good, that’s how it works
i love it
ricky is lgbt do not try to convince me otherwise
like pop off
ricky and the mask
that mask is the true villain in season 2
“Belle, I-” flops
Ashlyn is carrying the scene, she is such a good Belle
how is ricky allowed on stage oh my god
the cap
that damn mask
“It’s okay, it was just my face”
Miss Jenn is hanging on by a thread
finally some ashlyn and ricky content
“Which they will” buddy have you faced the music? Have you seen Ricky?
“I think I might have been playing Troy at one point”
Miss Jenn needs help from someone who isn’t a teenager
“Mother is freaking out” High school theater at it’s finest
“There is math involved”
sassy seb
i can’t with east high’s tech crew, what are you doing?!?!
and why are the actors figuring out the tech stuff?!? i’m sure kourt, big red, ashlyn (she knows all), and seb (he lives on a farm) know what to do. 
the crew cannot be that bad
btw here are my thoughts on this scene
guys it is ashlyn’s house not yours
portwell shoulder bump
i. cannot. with. this. show.
lily wtf
“is this too weird” yes
like why?
lily like actually shut up
big red’s “wtf”
let her be evil damnit
“i’m just not well liked here” i wonder why
that was really weird, anyways
“he gets weird around tools”
me too
no give big red the drill he knows how to use it
someone write a fic about the girls and seb’s chaotic target run
why don’t you have a blackout and dramatic music and lights for the transformation, i know it isn’t award level but if done right it can be pretty dope
“I don’t know if my parents will be okay with me being at a co-ed sleepover”
“Chip, this is your mother speaking, go call your mother”
ashlyn’s bucket
they’re so gay soulmates
let big red have his skateboards
“i need to talk to seb at some point but it can wait” honey no it can’t wait seb is on the verge of a breakdown
wait they havent talked in a week
Im a hypocrite ive been dancing around someone for three years
“You’re still at school”
“I’m worried about my children” “She means us”
such a high school theater thing (like i got married during high school theater, we had a family tree)
“ah, Sebby”
“Now I’m pretty sad” give him a hug
the girls ship seblos
“But, I guess he has to be, out of default, right... there’s not a lot of choices for a boy like Carlos, here, at East.”
alright here come the tears 
why...why couldn’t he say “gay” or “queer” or “lgbt”?!?!
“Not so good at saying the feelings part out loud”
shiz that hit close to home. 
Seb is just making me cry today, isn’t he?
wait so we’re just going to change the subject? coming from a queer person, opening up about your problems about your sexuality is hard. like, there are things that happened years ago im just telling people. 
“You’re my sister, he’s my cousin”
it seems everyone except nina knows about the chocolates. imagine gossip time when gina told people write a fic
Nini just stop talking. It wasn’t a big deal, simple mistake. Not everything has to be big and dramatic
and wasn’t she just asking about Gina and Ej? 
Nini for the love of god it is not something to read into.
“The farmer type”
Ash and Red exchanging gossip
wait... why are they texting about this?
“Why wouldn’t he say something to me?” It’s a hard conversation to have. “hey are we together just because i’m your only option?” 
“Okay, pretty boy” HE CALLED HIM PRETTY BOY
carlos and gina chaotic siblings
give ej a hug 
“Sweet boy”
im so glad the guys are talking about their feelings.
Why a sleepover? It’s more of a hangout.
“Verging on failure”
jennzara therapy
slowwww burn
you go from hand holding to fist bump
disney please release an acoustic version of “let you go”
so it’s just carlos and ricky chillin’ at big red’s house?
do not play let you go for nini
do. not.
“You guys are a hallmark movie”
for once ricky is being smart
“the look on your face when you were talking about Seb tonight” smiles
he is so whipped
“I think you and Seb have something worth fighting for...bro”
that was so sweet and then there is bro
i love this show
“Sorry, I’m adjusting to being called bro” 
him and seb being awkward about feelings... that is a high school relationship
i love ricky in this scene
“Yeah, let’s just write”
nina shut the actual hell up
“It’s in the costume shop, somewhere” mood
“Thank you, 15″ THEY SAID THE THING
howie and kourtney oh my god what is happening
 “and begging”
“hi” he’s so nervous oh my lord.
he is so awkward around seb 
it’s like a switch
“Do you want to get risotto with me sometime” OH MY GOD THATS ADORABLE
gina’s little run
“Am I in trouble?” 
they’re so nervous 
oh my god its time
“You keep it all bottled up” GUYS I CANT ARGGGG
can ricky just like, go behind a curtain?
“lookin’ for our kind of love” carlos basically just said “i love you”
seb is so whipped like look at him?
they’re so in love
seb’s little eye role at “in a heartbeat, i choose you”
the hands omfg
oh my god they’re going to dance
gah the hands i cant
carlos is leading i love it
the tie
a tie just killed me
im combusting
You’re honor, they’re in love
i really thought carlos was going in for a kiss he is probably getting one later
i like how the dance isn’t big, it’s small and a little awkward bc right then it’s just them.
damnit big red
big red is legally required to interrupt almost kiss moments especially if it’s an lgbt kiss bc we cant have two in one season
in a heartbeat is so cute. Frankie showed UP this season with the vocals. there is no way that was all acting bc they looked so in love.
I...I love it
the lyrics are perfect
In a Heartbeat and Let You Go are probably the best OG songs of the season
“Siri, add In a Heartbeat to my gay sob playlist”
these boys are just serenading each other left and right 
so it’s just “yeah”!?!? That’s it!?!?! Seb could have least kissed him on the cheek or did they use all their kisses?
I love the song and love the scene, but there is so much more to discuss. Are we going to brush over the fact that Seb literally had an allergic reaction and didn’t get help because he didn’t want to disappoint Carlos!?!? Are we going to brush over “no, seb” and seb feeling like he has to get carlos big things!?! One “yeah” doesn’t erase all that. I’m hoping we get closure, proper closure, not a joke. 
In conclusion, only one thing was settled (Carlos loves Seb for Seb, not because he is the only out guy in school).
“Seb and Carlos suffer their first fight” effing liars
BTW it looks like they filmed the dance scene with the homecoming suits and normal outfits so disney release the footage
Ricky is the biggest Seblos shipper
you morons. are you using rigging without an adult there?!?!
im pretty sure that isn’t allowed. only trained people were allowed to use the rigging. it should be Natalie since she did it in HSM
you should have gotten mats are something or stand in a circle
i legit have no words oh my god 
they just killed the lead
you guys saw the rope you should have ran 
you should have gotten mats or blankets or something just in case
rigging is difficult, set rigging and people rigging
Looks like the sleepover is going to be in the ER
My gay heart is full but my theater heart is screaming. The episode went by really fast. I liked it, like a lot.
To answer the question, no, I am not okay @organic-guacamole and we will have a theater kid sleepover
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constellaj · 3 years
I will pay you up front if you can rewrite the Urban Jungle episode. Please, I am begging you
I love undergrowth and his character but the episode was just, awful
*Alright* I am going to approach this as if it is part of the original series; I won’t be making it stupid gay, changing the overall tone or messaging of the story, making it any rating past pg-13, etc etc
with that in mind: urban jungle feels like the episode where danny and sam should have started dating (going with sam x danny to fit with the ‘original series but good’ angle). the line “i always thought you ruled” is fucking banger so what we’re going to do is extend that out into the actual theme of the ep: sam and self-esteem
sam has friction between tuck already (vegetarian vs meat eater) and in the beginning of the ep we also are gonna bump up the friction between her and danny, with how she thinks his powers should be used for good and how he just wants a break etc etc. sam gets really caught up in activism and her friends kind of snap at her for it due to burnout, so they break up what was going to be a group movie night and sam goes back to her house alone while danny and tuck go to danny’s place.
i don’t want undergrowth to magically appear, and I don’t even need it to be anything to do with urbanization necessarily; instead let’s take a popular fan theory of summoning and combine it with the premise of the episode ‘what you want,’ where tucker gets ghost powers. let’s say that sam, while digging into the occult, is like ‘if i had ghost powers/plant powers/could drive out oil industries i would in a heartbeat’ and learns about a ghost she can summon (undergrowth). danny and tuck are busy playing doomed while she does this. undergrowth takes one look at her and is like “ohoho, i can tell you love plants just so much.” he will be manipulating her and preying on her rage and feelings of inadequacy for the majority of this episode
cool, undergrowth is here now. let’s keep the enslaving-people-into-plant-zombies thing, but instead of instantaneous let’s make it a little scarier, with creeping roots sinking into the water source and slowly moving through amity, bit by bit. danny is unaffected cause he’s a ghost, and he and tucker manage to realize something’s up with the fentons before tucker gets zombified too. they’ll run to check if sam is okay, and on first glance they’ll think she’s been zombied, but of course she isn’t in the same way everyone else is. she’s a host body for undergrowth, and she’s actually actively repressing his possession (shes had a lot of practice, working alongside danny), and she’s super bitter about literally everything they’re doing and kicks them out.
it has to be shown earlier in the episode that sam feels like a lot of what she does is performative/etc and that danny and tuck are in the wrong with treating her sorta like garbage.
i’m cutting the ice powers cause that’s dumb. instead we’ll have danny and tuck working together to try and find a solution, and learning (probably through old fenton records or tucker being smart) that liquid nitrogen can get rid of undergrowth until summoned again, so they have to go all the way back to the lab at casper high and hook up some machine or other to clear the town. (retroactively, let’s make one of the earlier arguments between them and sam take place during a lab, and throw in a sidebar about liquid nitrogen; lancer saying that it should be here, dash and kwan fucking around with it, danny just touching it cause hes ghost, etc, something like that) 
as they progress undergrowth/sam starts putting spores out, meaning tucker’s also getting infected, all while theyre fighting back these different plant people all in the town. plant people still retain some of their original personality and stuff as a joke though. insert joke about plant-paulina zombie-lumbering towards Phantom, creakily going “how about a kisss” and danny just, morphs back into Fenton, and she goes “ew. gross” and leaves. that kind of thing. it’s a lot of strategy and we get to see other characters interacting in a pseudo-dreamworld with danny and tucker, and a lot should focus on self-esteem or making them feel bad to drive the point home
also what needs to be shown earlier is sam’s crush on danny.
during the progression danny has to be getting really worked up about this and eventually let slip ‘and can you believe i was going to ask her to [x event, movie, dance, etc]’ and tucker like, balks. tucker says ‘she has had a crush on you for like two years man’ and danny is like “WHAT” and now, encouragement to get things done faster. course then dramatically tucker gets turned into a plant. here we learn that the plant people are mouthpieces of sam’s self esteem issues right cause tucker just goes “well why would you like her. she’s a sweaty goth girl. she’s too loud. she’s so bossy” which are all things that sam would have said about herself/danny would have said about sam earlier when they were fighting
so danny rushes to the school and grabs the liquid nitrogen but uh-oh, of course undergrowth/sam is already there ready to stop him. something something she probably heard his conversation with tucker through another plant person, maybe valerie on a hoverboard. anyway she wants to possess danny and make him a plant person and we get the “together we can rule / I always thought you ruled” line that was the only good part in the og episode. this inspires sam to break out of the undergrowth mindset partially but, naturally, she was just a pawn for undergrowth who’s been preying on her self-esteem issues this whole time, and so now he’s like “ugh well if you’re not easy to manipulate what’s the point. i have to take over the entire planet with plants now bye”
epic fight scene with danny and sam working together to blast the man with liquid nitrogen while sam slowly gets possessed/plantified. something something something, they run out of nitrogen before sam gets totally planted, ghost breath is very cold (also needs to be referenced earlier). it’s probably tucker’s idea, but danny gets to do a magic kiss so she comes back.
it’s super awkward and she punts him at first. but then on for the rest of the series they actually ARE dating and there’s no more weird back and forth drama about things. danny’s ‘ice powers’ are now just being able to slightly control his body temperature (jokes later on about him faking sick by artificially making a low temp). sam is never once weirdly sexualized and instead she’s lashing out because she thinks her friends don’t care about her as much as they care about each other. undergrowth isn’t giving sam special treatment, she just happened to be the easiest pawn to reach
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 73
1. Puppet! Cloud drops out from a random vortex after his master was defeated. Where did he land?
On Sephiroths office desk in Shinra tower of course. Sephiroth poked him with his pen a few times before Cloud woke up.
"Master!" The blond exclaimed as he wrapped the larger man in a hug. Of course. Of freaking course, thats when Genesis barged in with a stack of paperwork tucked under his arm, (not even bothering to knock mind you!) "Ugh, Seph, you are not going to believe-" the redclad figure stopped in his tracks.
"...this isn't what is looks like."
Genesis wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly, "Sure it isn't." And he was back out in the hall without another word. The soft click the door gave seemed much too loud in the silence and only seemed to add to Sephiroths humiliation.
Thus began Cloud following around his "Master" wherever he went while Sephiroth and the SOLDIERS/Turks did everything in their power to stop him, only to fail hilariously or get beaten up by the (comparatively) petite blond for thier efforts
2. The Holy Trinity encounter Winged! Cloud from the future or a parallel dimention or something and instead of viewing him as a monster they think he's an actual angel and treat him accordingly.
3. Cloud had just finished burying a dead chocobo (may she rest in peace) he had found when he heard a twig snap from behind him.
He reached for Tsurugis handle only to pause when he saw a bright yellow ball of plumage peek out from behind a tree. The blond let out a small laugh. That was by far the fluffiest chick he had ever seen, hells, it was a perfect circle/
Cloud reached down and picked up the baby, "Hello there, are you lost?"
"Kweh!" The little circle cried out and Cloud was quickly surrounded by three other chicks, all wild and overly fluffy. He absently wondered if this was a new breed while they preceeded to peck at him with little effect. He just scooped them up and drove them to Bills place after a ruddementry search of the nearby area.
That was the end of it.
Until he woke up the next morning with three of the chicks sleeping on top of him. The blond was baffled and got up to search for the fourth, only to find it perched on Denzels head, shifting its balance as to not fall whenever Denzel began nodding off, threatening to fall asleep and plant his face in his breakfast.
If Cloud took a picture-or a dozen-no one would have to know
4. A mysterious ailment has been effecting all the creatures Hojo created using Jenovas cells causing them to run amok. With Cloud missing and AVALANCHE busy dealing with rampaging monsters, Denzel and Marlene sneak off to search for the missing blond, but will they find him in time? Or will Cloud be in the same state as the others?
5. Reno found Cloud at a mall in some nowhere town dressed as a girl. He was originally planning to use this as blackmail material before Cloud came out to him as trans.
Now Reno goes out with him and helps him keep his cover...while disguised of course. Wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and- by extention- Cloud.
Besides, if anyone did recognize them, Cloud had full permission to blame Reno and let him take the fall for it.
6. The SOLDIERS apparently had a "Chocobo protection squad" when Cloud was a trooper. He had no idea why Reeve had insisted he read this annoyingly thick file on it until he realized half way through the first page that it was about him
He was the "precious cutie chocobo that must be protected from the evils of the world"
Cloud wanted to burn it on principle...but was too curious to stop reading. Apparently most of the members were still alive and it seems he owes them a great deal, so maybe he should take Teef and the kids to visit some of them. Maybe bring gift baskets...
7. Cloud cursed as he stepped on the edge of his cloak, sending him tumbling down from the path and deeper into the cavern.
Cloud picked himself up from the ground, grateful his goggles kept any of the dirt and debris from entering his eyes.
He heard something from behind him and whirled around to slash at them with his dagger...except there was no one there.
Oh no. He looked down at the little creatures, wearing cloaks much like his own, only brown instead of the worn black fabric the professor gave them. The blond looked down sadly at the number tattooed on the back of his hand.
Guess I won't be going to the Reunion after all. Shame. Mother had said Zack would be there as a guest and he really wanted to see him again.
One of the little creatures- Tonberry- mother supplied - was clutching the edge of his cloak and attempting to lead him somewhere.
Did...did this creature think himself one of them?!
Aka Numbered! Cloud! gets adopted by Tonberrys
8. Hojo waking up strapped to one of his own tables with Cloud and Sephiroth standing over him, grinning like mad men.
9. Au where Sephiroth escaped as a child and fled into the wild and was eventually taken in by the "dead" professor Gast and his wife Iflana
He was "never found" by the Turks and eventually grew up to be a bad ass vigilante.
Cloud shared a similar fate but kept running instead of being taken in, eventually becoming a vagabond until the fateful day when their paths crossed and the pull of Reunion drew them together
10. Enraged blue eyes locked on to the blond. It may have been nearly a thousand years since Shinra fell, but he would know that man anywhere.
Not just anyone could have destroyed a corporate entity as powerful as Shinra and in the span of a single month no less! But he didn't care much about that, oh no.
He cared about the fact that this lovely creature killed him and his fellow firsts and then had the audacity to just disappear into the sands of time, stripping materia of its power and somehow causing Gaias mako to sink deep beneath the soil, never to be seen by mere mortals again. After it did, monsters began appearing less and less frequently, until they stopped appearing at all.
With Shinra so thoroughly destroyed and no other sustainable power available, information and records deteriorated, leaving Shinras history spotty at best and non existent at worse (probably didn'thelp that records seemed to conveniently disappear). Now Shinra, monsters and magic are all considered fairytales from a bygone era.
He and the others occasionally visit the lake that was once the city of Midgar to light candles in honor of all they had lost. Like hell he was going to let the blond escape again. Genesis opened his phone and made a call, "Seph, I found him."
11. Cloud meeting Female Sephiroth. Shes rather impressed that he's completely unaffected by the boob window. It had been the death of many men before him, that was for certain.
Too bad he wants to kill her, she has a feeling she would have liked having him around. Maybe she'd introduce him to Angel's puppy? She had the peculiar ability to befriend everyone she met
12. Time traveler Sephiroth saves time traveler Cloud from the labs with Genesis and Angeal.
Cloud is wondering why Sephiroth saved him and what he's planning.
Meanwhile, Gen and Geal are freaking out and asking annoyingly sane questions, like "Who is this guy?", "Why do you seem to know him so well?", and my personal favorite "Why is there a man being held captive in the labs?!"
13. Lab Experiment Cloud au where teenager Cloud barrels into Sephiroth in the middle of escaping the tower and asks if Sephiroth is his dad.
Sephiroth stops functioning and he just stands there frozen in a full battle stance while Genesis fights and subsequently captures the teenager, who he then promptly kidnaps.
Sephiroth bursts into the labs and confronts Hojo, asking if he was a father.
Hojo laughs and says "Of course you are! Do you have any idea how many creatures I've spawned with your DNA?"
Cue Sephs mental breakdown and Genesis's rampage on behalf of his friend.
Angeal does his part by babysitting with some office secretaries
Aka: the trinity raising a broody teen
14. Post OG Nebilheim is super duper haunted and Yuffie is NOT okay with that.
Cloud is even less okay and they talk about it while sitting on the roof of Clouds abandoned house...well, the fake one anyway
15. Everyone gets therapy but its from the perspective of a therapist who is %1000 done with Hojo
Bonus: This is actually questions posed by a friend and it helped spawn number 10.
What would Shinra do if Mako where to suddenly disappear? How would that even happen?
Bonus Bonus: What would be the quickest/ most brutal way to take down Shinra and/or SOLDIER? How would the Firsts feel about being completely owned by a stranger who appeared out of nowhere? (This was also my thinking about 10)
Announcement: Due to lack of interest, list #75 will be the final one. Thank you for reading my ideas. It made me super happy!
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1.0 Fixed Springtrap
Fnaf bitty Springtrap (R/Robotic)
Model: 1.0
Version: OG(Fright)
Size: 3'5 feet tall (mini) - 6'5 feet tall (fullsize) - 9'5 feet tall (bara)
Personality: Awkward, social, people pleaser,
Likes: music, playing instruments, family time,
Dislikes: mean/rude bitties/people, angry yelling, loud noises,
Compatibility: They love things like game nights or movie nights, loving just having a night to enjoy something with their owner and other bitties in the house,
They can be affectionate, enjoying sitting down with their owners and cuddling while watching TV or while their owner does something(i.e. playing videogames, drawing, any hobby they can sit down and do really)
They can be somewhat clingy, preferring to stay close to those they care about,
They find everything interesting and anything can impress them,
They love to see and try new things, even seeing something for the first time will fill them with wonder for days on end,
They can sometimes be a little shy and awkward is social situations, but often mange just fine as soon as they find someone to talk about their interests to,
They love to be in the same room as others, often liking to gently play their instrument of choice and talking to whoever is listening,
They can be very awkward in social situations but they do just fine once the find someone with similar interests, but when they cant they prefer to stay with their owners,
They can sometimes overwork themselves when trying to make everyone happy, and they need words of encouragement relatively often and need to be reminded that making everyone happy isn't always a reality that is obtainable,
They enjoy learning others favorite songs and love to play said song/s for them just as much,
They can be a little forgetful and often forget to recharge or do things, having a set time for their ‘bed time’ is very helpful,
They can get stressed with yelling often makes them panic, even when not directed at them, it just has to sound angry and they either try running or, when directed at their owner, can try to fight, and while they might not be much of a fighter they are still made of metal and quite heavy,
They can also get stressed out by loud noises, and typically dislike things like fireworks,
Additional info: Only spot wash with disinfectant whips, or remove suit to clean, do not remove suit without permission,
For charging a large, long, cord is provided, able to be plugged into the wall with an adapter or a small solar powered generator that is also provided, bitties can go a month without charge but daily charging is preferable, as after a day or two, depending of the bitty, they must go into a power saving mode and must use their reserves, and they will be very sluggish until a proper recharging takes place,
Performances: Singing, playing string instruments(normally a type of guitar), telling stories,
In Universe: These bitties are sadly seen as the better Springtrap, this often leads to these bitties feeling upset and guilty, feeling bad that they are seen as a better type to some then the 'broken' Springtrap,
Difficulty: Beginner - Basic
Features: a fixed version of Srpingtrap from fanf 3
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viltrumitesuperboy · 4 years
Sandman (Peter Parker x Sandman Reader)
Sorry this one’s kinda shit cause I meant to put it with the other villain request. I decided not to and ended up having no ideas for this one.
Requested by: anon Could you pretty please write a Peter Parker x Sandman!Male reader? He was always my favourite Sinister Six member growing up and for now nobody has been cast as him in the MCU, so it feels like a perfect role for reader inserts. You could make the reader straight up evil or you could make him a more sympathetic antagonist like the Sandman was in the OG trilogy.
Word count: 1617
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When they told you they could make your life better, you didn't think you'd end up as a science experiment. You had just gone through the events of the Battle of New York as a child and lost your family. The first people you turned to were adults who said they could help, and they lied.
They had done testing on you after you panicked about being able to turn into sand of all things. But within a few days, you found a vent with just enough space for you to filter yourself out and back into the real world. You changed your appearance when alone in public and didn't draw attention to yourself so they couldn't find you.
There wasn't a day that went by that didn't make you think of the Battle of New York. Your whole life was there in New York City, so you couldn't leave. You saw your family dying when you fell asleep. When you woke up, your roommate would give you a sympathetic smile as she made you breakfast.
Betty Brant was understanding and had lost family in the event as well. She wasn't too close to her cousins, but it still affected her and her family. Her parents were kind enough to let you stay with them for many years, knowing how much the event affected your life. None of them had anticipated exactly how much it affected you.
The first time you used your powers in public, you stopped a car crash, but the traffic caused more damage than the initial crash. You fled immediately, and suddenly your fleeing figure was on the front page of newspapers and TV news channels. Still, you remained hidden.
The ability of changing your appearance was by far one of the best parts of your unwelcome powers. Turning into sand served as a good way to sneak around. It led you to your job working with another scientist. Sure, they weren't exactly your favourite people, but Toomes had a goal of keeping his family safe considering the dangerous lives people lived when amongst superpowered people. You knew that he was just doing what he could to keep his family supported.
Whenever he needed a hand, you snuck out of the Brant's house late at night to aid him in collecting technology from different facilities. Sometimes it was just a more difficult job, like Avengers-related items, which meant that you would have to help. Your only request was that he did not go near Midtown Tech. You had to keep Betty safe. He agreed, since his daughter was there.
Then Spider-Man came along and tore that life apart.
Toomes was sent to jail, and he had broken his promise of not going near Midtown. He let Shocker stand guard there on the night of your homecoming dance, of all times, fighting the vigilante. He had put your one, and maybe only, friend at risk for his own desires. You split from him and took your own path. It wasn't quite the best idea.
"Hands in the air!"
You mumbled a curse to yourself as you turned around, your arms up in surrender. Your appearance was that of a random person you had seen the other day. The news caught on eventually that all these random people, ex-criminals or not, were not the ones committing petty theft or, in your current case, not-so-petty theft.
"Look, I'm not just going to stand around," you called back, the new voice unfamiliar to you. "I'll escape easily."
There were a few more shouts and you stepped out of the broken glass window and onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, you were hit in the shoulder and thrown to the ground.
"Hey! What the-"
A web covered your torso, holding you down. Spider-Man.
"God, you're stupid," you grumbled.
You let yourself turn into sand and escaped his webs easily. He stood on a rooftop, and you turned back into sand to get yourself up there.
"So, we finally meet. After you took down my employer and I realised who he really was, I thought I wouldn't have to see that stupid mask in person," you said.
"H-Hey! It's not stupid!" Spider-Man whined.
"Oh really?"
You shifted your appearance to look like him, a perfect copy.
"Oh, do I really stand like that? Wow, that's so awkward," Spider-Man mumbled to himself. "Maybe I should put my arms-"
"Pay attention!" you shouted. "You don't know anything about me, and I don't want to get involved with you. You let me leave and never cross paths with me again, and life will be better for you."
"Are you threatening me? Cause that kind of sounds like one. I don't really wanna fight anyone if I don't have to," he said, quickly enough that you couldn't interrupt him.
You got closer to him until you were only a foot away, and pointed your currently red-gloved finger at his chest.
"If you stay out of my life, I'll stay out of yours. I'm sure you have loved ones you don't want getting hurt, do you?"
"You wouldn't."
"No, but information is easy to get, Spider-Man. And no one can get it quieter than someone who can turn into sand."
"You've lost someone, haven't you?"
It was quiet, and the only thing you could hear were the sirens still surrounding you, and the occasional shout from a drunk person on the street.
"It’s none of your business."
You collapsed yourself into a pile of sand and left with the night wind to blow you back home. You could still feel the crack in your voice, sounding just like Spider-Man, in the last sentence you spoke.
It had been a few weeks since you took any jobs. Betty was completely oblivious to anything you had done in the past year, but she knew when something was wrong. Every once in a while, she'd come to the room you shared with her with two bowls of your favourite snacks and would watch a film or show you enjoy. She knew you so well and you felt bad that you never told her about what happened to you. Still, you had to keep her safe.
It was some random day during midterms when you were just stressed about everything. You found a random rooftop in the city to hang around, wearing the face of yet another stranger. You heard a distant whooshing noise and then quiet footsteps on the roof behind you.
"The city's beautiful at night, isn't it?" you asked, leaning back on your hands. "Too bad it's the reason we can't see the stars out here."
"Uh, yeah," Spider-Man responded. "Sometimes I just like to hang around Times Square with all the billboards."
He took a seat somewhere on the edge of the rooftop near you. You turned to look at him.
"That's the same suit you wore last time. You used to have that old one with the hoodie, didn't you? Like when you were fighting Toomes," you observed.
"Yeah, I have a... sponsor?"
"You don't seem so sure about that."
Spider-Man laughed, mimicking your position leaning back on his hands.
"Hey, about last time, I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. If you have lost someone, I'm sorry," he said, just loud enough for you to hear over the nighttime city sounds.
"It was my family. Battle of New York. And now I have these stupid powers because of it."
Your voice began to break again. The first time telling anyone the truth was always the hardest.
"Let me guess: you didn't know where else to go?" Spider-Man asked. "So you took the first option and it was the worst one?"
You nodded, tears beginning to fall. He shuffled a bit closer and put a hand on your shoulder.
"You know- no, you don't know. God, that's stupid."
You let yourself chuckle at his awkward slip-up.
"Okay. When I first got my powers, I did something stupid. It got my uncle killed. But  he gave me words to live by and it's the one thing that pushes me forward. I do what I do because I have the ability to do it. It's so easy for people to give in to the money, but I guess that's the one thing that makes me different. I might not exactly be the richest person around, but what does it matter when there are people whose lives could be saved because a kid decided that he didn't want them to go through what he did?"
You took a few moments to contemplate his words as you searched his mask.
"How... how do you give so much even when you're struggling like that?"
He shrugged and stood up, offering his hand.
"Maybe another time. Mind if I swing you around? Just for fun."
You ended up going through Times Square, laughing all the while. You had him bring you home and let your disguise fall.
"Hey, this is... Wait, I know you. I-I've seen you," the vigilante stuttered.
"This is Betty Brant's house. I'm (Y/N)," you said.
The extremely stupid man pulled off his mask in excitement.
"No way! I'm Peter! From the Academic Decathalon team with Betty!" he exclaimed.
"Perfect disguise, huh? A teenage nerd who can hide his body under baggy clothes. Way better than what I can do," you joked.
He gave you a hug as he was leaving, both of you holding on longer than you had to.
"You can always talk to me. I know what it's like to lose family and get some really weird powers along with it. You aren't alone."
You smiled into his shoulder. Maybe things would be okay.
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whumping-every-day · 4 years
Down boy for Mutt? But like in the nicest way possible.
Ehehehe yessss! Thank you Anon! This one got longer, and I may be stretching the original intent of the ask meme, but, ehhh. This was fun. xD
CW: Dehumanization, pet whumpee, triggered response, some fluff.
Pasha doesn’t mean to say it - but the farm house is hectic on the best of days. She’s got three big dogs, all at least waist-height and over 160 pounds, and when they run amuck through the house it’s a fucking zoo. And the boy named Mutt - the boy whose name she keeps avoiding, the boy who still only answers to the worst possible words - he is very good at making himself disappear. 
“Would you - stop that. No, Zan, get off the couch-” Zan, a big, floppy-eared German Shepard mix, wags his tail at her from the couch, whilst making no move to get off it, and Pasha growls. “Bad dog, Zan! Get down, down boy!” 
There’s barking bouncing through the hallways, loud enough that Pasha almost misses the punched-out whimper and the quiet thump. 
Zan barks again, then jumps off the couch and prances over to her, head held high like he’s done something praise-worthy. 
“You’re a horrible dog,” Pasha tells him, and Zan’s tail wags harder. “Ugh.” Pasha grabs his collar and turns, ready to put him back outside, and then skids to a stop. 
The boy is almost out of sight; the couch is pushed up against the far wall under the window, and Mutt is scrunched in on himself, halfway underneath the coffee table. Pasha draws in a breath, about to speak, and the boy whimpers again and curls thin, bruised hands over his head. 
“Fuck,” she mutters. “Zan, come here. No - no, come here.” Pasha is in no mood to be disobeyed, and Zan trots reluctantly at her side as she leads him down the hall and then pushes the old screen door open with her foot. “Go on.” Zan bounds into the backyard happily, and Pasha watches, then sighs, scrubs a hand down her face. 
When she kneels by his side, the boy named Mutt whimpers softly, and it’s sad and scared, like she’s come to deliver God’s judgment. 
“Hey, puppy,” she murmurs, and Pasha hates that, too - but the therapist had said that too much change too fast would only set him back. And a puppy is still a kind of dog. 
There’s a wet sniffling, and Pasha blinks in surprise. She’s seen this poor boy scream, beg, cry, struggle - but tears usually come at the end, not the beginning. 
“Buddy?” She leans forward, places the lightest possible hand on the center of his back, and Mutt flinches hard enough to make her jump. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she tells him sadly. Mutt lifts his head timidly, peers up at her through his short fringe of hair, still growing back from being buzzed. There’s a question there, and Pasha just nods encouragingly, pets her hand down his back. He responds well to touch, Pasha has found - as long as she gentles him into it first. “You can speak, puppy,” she murmurs, knowing that he won’t unless she expressly tells him. 
Even so, it’s a long moment before Mutt’s raspy, quiet voice can be heard. 
“... y-you sssssaid, you s-said.” He shakes his head, squeezes his eyes shut, like he’s physically trying to force himself not to stammer. “Bad do-og. Bad. Bad dog, bad. B-bad dogs go, go in the barn. Bad dogs go in the barn b-but -” And then he looks up again, and the pleading in his eyes is like a blow to the gut. “Please,” he whines, “please, Miss, don’t put me back in the barn. I’ll, I can be better, I’ll d-do better-” 
There’s an abrupt twisting in Pasha’s gut, disgust and horror and shame, and she jerks her hand back without thinking - but losing the single point of contact only seems to make it worse. 
“No, no please!” The boy is halfway to wailing as he begs, and if not for the fact that he’d called her Miss Pasha would think he was seeing someone else. “Please don’t put me back Miss, please don’t put me back-” 
“Okay, okay, enough,” she says, and the boy whimpers and clamps a hand over his own mouth, like without it he would just keep whining for mercy. “You’re not going back in the barn,” Pasha tells him. “You’re not. You’re - you, uhm.” Pasha frowns, hesitates. She’s not the nurturing type, and she never has been - but this young man suddenly thrust into her care needs her to be gentle with him. 
“You’re a very good, um - boy. You’re a good boy.” She hears it unspoken; good dog. He’s still cowering, still hunched in on himself like he wants to blend in with the carpet. Pasha reaches out again, and the skin of his back twitches under her fingers. He lets out a little punched-out breath, like her touch burns. But she just holds it there, and gently starts to pet her fingers up and down his spine; not that much contact, just the tips of her fingers, up and down, up and down. 
He relaxes in increments, and Pasha carefully trails her fingers over old scars, studiously avoiding the new ones. When her touch drifts up to his neck he shivers and turns his head towards her, and it’s such a small movement that it could have been an accident. 
“You’re not going back to that awful place,” she murmurs. “Not ever.” 
The boy called Mutt doesn’t respond, because she hasn’t ordered him to. But the tension leaves him slowly, and Pasha crouches there, between her couch and the end table, and strokes his back until he isn’t as frightened anymore. 
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Stanuary ‘21 - Week Four: Future
So, do y’all remember a while back, when I asked for scenes from the Stanley McGucket AU that you wanted to see but I didn’t write?  Well, that’s because I had decided to choose that OG AU as my AU for this week, but was struggling to come up with how to handle the prompt.
Luckily, I managed to come up with an idea for it that I hope will bring the feels.  The first part takes place at some point in the “Stan Pines, Farmhand” sequel to “Stanley McGucket”, while the second part (which was inspired by the sub-theme of “Epilogue”) takes place immediately after the last chapter.
              The pickup truck came to a stop.
              “I’ve got some chores to finish up,” Pa McGucket said.  His voice was thick with emotion.  At the airport earlier, he had put on a brave face, but once Angie’s plane took off, he immediately burst into tears.
              Can’t really blame him.  I felt the same way.  Pa McGucket got out of the truck and headed for the barn.  Ma McGucket, sniffling softly, exited the truck as well.  With a sigh, Stan got out and followed Ma McGucket inside.  Ma McGucket promptly disappeared into the kitchen.  The clattering of pots and pans soon sounded.  Stan had figured out early on that Ma McGucket liked to bake when she was upset or stressed.  Hope she’s making cookies this time.
              Stan trudged down the hall sadly.  He came to the stairs that led to the second floor. After a moment, he began to climb them. The carpeting muffled his footsteps. He walked to Angie’s bedroom.  The door was slightly ajar.  He pushed it open the rest of the way.  The room looked as it normally did.  The bed was neatly made, books organized in a particular manner on the bookshelf, tchotchkes artfully placed on the dresser. Even the floor had been recently vacuumed.  Despite everything being in place, it felt wrong without Angie, scolding Stan for peeking into her room.
              Well, looks like we’re back to the house being empty.  While Angie and her siblings had been visiting for winter break, the house had felt full and happy, like when Stan first moved in.  But gradually, each sibling went back to school or their home, until Angie, whose spring semester started the latest, was the last one.  She’s so energetic and loud, I could barely tell she was the only one here.
              Stan stared at the empty room for a few more moments before sighing and closing the door.  The sound of Ma McGucket’s new stand mixer – a group Christmas gift from Angie, Lute, and Stan – carried to the second floor.  However, the radio kept in the kitchen hadn’t been turned on. Curious, Stan went back downstairs and into the kitchen just as Ma McGucket turned off her stand mixer.  Ma McGucket looked up.
              “I ain’t even put it in the oven yet, how’d ya know I was bakin’?” she asked.  Her eyes shone in a way that suggested she was holding back tears, but other than that, she showed no signs of sadness.
              She’s always been better at hiding her emotions than Mearl.
              “You bake when yer upset,” Stan said.  Sally pointed a wooden spoon at him.
              “Watch what ya say, Stanley.”
              “I’m just tellin’ the truth.”
              “Hmph.”  Ma McGucket crossed her arms.  “I’m beginnin’ to regret makin’ yer fav’rite.”
              “Chocolate chip cookies?”
              “Yep.  But I could easily change it to be raisins instead,” Ma McGucket said, raising an eyebrow. Stan held up his hands in surrender, eliciting a smile from her.  The smile quickly faded, however, as she searched his face.  “Is there somethin’ wrong?”
              “No, it, uh, it’s just weird havin’ the house be quiet and empty again.”
              “Yes, it certainly is,” Ma McGucket said softly. She dumped chocolate chips into the mixing bowl and stirred.  “But I don’t think that’s the only reason yer lookin’ down in the dumps.”
              “I…”  Stan trailed off.  Ma McGucket set the wooden spoon down.  She walked over to the kitchen table and sat.
              “Sit ‘n chat with me, Stan,” she said, patting the chair next to her.  Stan sat next to Ma McGucket.  She fixed her brilliant blue eyes, the same as Angie’s, on him.  “What’s goin’ on, son?”  Stan looked down at the table.  He idly traced the scratches in the wood, which he had been told Harper made shortly after getting his first pocketknife.  “Stanley, talk to me.”
              “What am I s’pposed to do, Sally?” Stan asked finally.
              “Yer goin’ to need to be more specific.”
              “I just-”  Stan sighed.  “All yer kids went off to college.  All the friends I made in school are at college.  Ford’s at college.  It feels weird bein’ the only one still at home.”  His volume dropped sharply.  “But, I guess I can’t really do anything else but stay at home.”
              “Ah.”  Ma McGucket leaned back in her chair.  “This isn’t just ‘bout secondary education.  This is ‘bout yer future.”
              “Well, yeah,” Stan mumbled.  He continued to resolutely avoid eye contact.  “I don’t know what I’m s’pposed to do now.  Can’t have a future if I don’t have a plan fer it.”
              “Now, that just ain’t true,” Ma McGucket said sharply.  Stan looked up in shock.  “I was older ‘n ya when I fin’lly figured out what my future was goin’ to look like. And plannin’ didn’t have anything to do with it.  Heck, the day I realized what my future was, that was the day I threw out the plan I’d had since I was a kid.”
              “Whattaya mean?”
              “To be fair, the plan weren’t really mine. It was my parents’.  From birth, they planned on me gettin’ a law degree and then settlin’ down with some high society feller that they would choose fer me. But then the plan went off the tracks when I met Mearl at college.  I started thinkin’ that maybe I didn’t want to do what I had always been told I would.
              “My relationship with Mearl got serious. Serious enough that I decided to finally tell my folks ‘bout it.  They…didn’t take it well.  They told me, in no uncertain terms, that they wouldn’t support my relationship with a poor farmer who barely graduated high school.  That day, I came to my crossroads.”
              “Crossroads?” Stan asked.  Ma McGucket leaned in, her eyes warm and wise.
              “Everyone walks their own path.  Ya come across a lot of opportunities to go a dif’rent direction, but they’re optional, where ya can stay the course instead of go somewhere else.  Most of the time, those optional routes ain’t that far from yer original path anyways. But in every path, there’s a crossroads. A moment where the road ‘fore ya fully diverges.  Ya can’t keep goin’ the same way anymore.  Ya have to make a choice.
              “When I came to my crossroads, I saw two futures ahead of me.  In one, I did what my parents wanted.  I would continue to live a high-society, comfortable life where I didn’t want fer anything.  But I wouldn’t be happy.  I wouldn’t be fulfilled.  In the other, I stayed with Mearl, and let my fam’ly disown me.  Money would be tight, I would have to work harder than I ever had just to get by.  But I’d be with the person I loved.”  Stan nodded.
              “Yeah, you told me before that ya gave up yer cushy life to marry Mearl.”
              “Only partially,” Ma McGucket said softly.  “I didn’t just leave my fam’ly fer Mearl.  I left ‘em fer myself.  When they told me I couldn’t stay with him, that I would have to be with one of the suitors they already had lined up fer me, everything came crashin’ down.  It was like I had been in a fog my whole life, only fer it to suddenly disperse, revealing everything I couldn’t see before.  I saw just how much I had been under their thumb, under their control.  I saw my future clearer ‘n ever ‘fore.  And I saw the crossroads up ahead.
              “I knew that if I left my fam’ly fer Mearl, there was a chance Mearl ‘n I wouldn’t stay together anyways.  But even if we broke up, I would still be free.  I’d say that it weren’t a choice at all, with how easy it was fer me to make it.  But that would be minimizing its importance.”  Ma McGucket met Stan’s eyes squarely.  “I chose my path.  I walked down it.  I never looked back.”
              “Why…why did you tell me that?” Stan asked, feeling slightly numb from the intensity of Ma McGucket’s story.
              “Because one day, you’ll come to yer crossroads. You’ll see yer future ‘fore ya and have to make a choice.”
              “But what am I s’pposed to do until then?” Stan demanded.  He could feel frustration growing.
              Just give me a straight answer!
              “What do ya want to do?” Ma McGucket asked.
              “I don’t know!” Stan raged.  “That’s the whole point, it-”  Ma McGucket held up a hand, silencing him.
              “Are ya happy ‘n healthy now?” she asked.  “Are ya content in yer life?”  Stan opened his mouth.  “Don’t give me whatever answer ya think I want to hear.  Give me the truth.”  Stan closed his mouth and stared down at the table again, the gears in his head furiously turning.  After a moment, he nodded.
              “Yeah.  I am.”
              “Then there’s no reason to change things, is there?” Ma McGucket said simply.  “You’ll know what you want someday.  You’ll see your future ahead of ya.  But until then…”  She placed her hand over his, smiling.  “Just stay the course until ya come to yer own crossroads.”
              Finally, soft snoring sounded from the passenger’s seat. Stan glanced over.
              It’s about time Ford fell asleep.  Ford’s face was smushed against the window, his glasses askew.  His snoring almost harmonized with the snoring coming from the back seat.  Speaking of…  Stan looked in the rearview mirror.  He smiled.  The source of the snoring, as he’d expected, was Emily.  Even though she was much bigger than Angie now, she still had defaulted to resting her head on her mother’s shoulder while sleeping.  To his surprise, Angie was asleep as well.  Or is she?
              “Ang?” Stan asked quietly.
              “Shh, I don’t want yer pomegranates,” Angie mumbled. Stan chuckled.
              Yep.  She’s asleep.  He turned his attention back to the road.  With no conversation to hold his focus and the radio stations fading in and out, Stan’s mind wandered.  Eventually, it settled onto the day Angie had left for college, decades ago.  The conversation he’d had with Ma McGucket about his future.
              “Just stay the course until ya come to yer own crossroads.”
              “Never did find those crossroads, Sally,” Stan said out loud.
              Another memory resurfaced.  Sitting on the side of the road, his back pressed against a tire, gravel prodding his legs through his worn jeans.  A man walking over, crouching down, watching him with an expression so fatherly it felt foreign.  An offer.
              “We're lookin' fer a new farmhand.  We're gettin' on in years, and our kids are gone most of the time.  They can't help out as much as they used to.”
              “What are you saying?”
              “I'm sayin' that if ya want a job, a nice bed, and three square meals a day, we can give that to ya.”
              “What's the catch?”
              “Only that ya work hard.”
              The beginnings of tears pricked the corners of Stan’s eyes at the memory of Pa McGucket’s kindness and warmth.  Ever since he had passed away, remembering Mearl made Stan wistful, no matter how positive the memory was.  Stan hurriedly wiped the tears away.  He smiled despite the sudden sadness.
              The only thing he knew about me was my name, and he still took me in.  Stan glanced in the rearview mirror again.  More memories bubbled to the surface.  First meeting the girl that would eventually become his wife, as well as his future brothers-in-law.  Making up with Ford.  Graduating high school.  Getting married.  Becoming a father.  None of that woulda happened if I had turned down Mearl’s offer.  Stan looked back at the highway, his smile broadening.
              Y’know what, Sally?  It happened a long time before we talked about it, but I did reach my own crossroads.
              And I think I made the right choice.
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