#invisible poison
randombook4idk · 1 year
for ship bingo: tyrian x fiona of course, but also ironhill and ladybug!
Thank you for the ask!! This will be a ramble of me, so I'll put my opinions under "read more"
Invisible Poison (Fiona x Tyrian)💚💜
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Funnily enough, despite me being the one who introduced you to this ship, I will admit that my liking for them has sort of lowered, but I do know it has to do with Fiona not being that much explored as a character, so putting her together with an ecentric character like Tyrian, with who she doesnt have any type of dynamic with, does make it a little bit hard for me to get very invested in the ship :[
But I am re-watching RWBY, so when I'll get to Vol 7, I'll see Fiona once again and my spark for the pairing could come back.
(Can we also talk about how no one seems to have writen a single fic about them? Not even a smut one? But at the same time there's 7 works of Jaune x Fiona??
Y'know, shit is getting hopeless if no one in RWBY fandom had made at least one chapter of you ship in their extremly smutty fic :/)
(I already have many wips, but screw it, they're on my priority wip lists now...I say as I haven't touched my Tyrian x Fiona wip for a whle now)
Despite my lowered love for them, I know that what drew me to this ship at first, was their Faunus identities - Fiona being a sheep Faunus & Tyrian is a scorpion Faunus.
I still dont know how to put in words, but with both being different type of Faunus, it would have been interesting to have it explored how both could've been treated because of their identities and how it impacted them. (I know this isnt much of a point towards the ship, but hush)
In general, the whole "sheep = innocent" "scorpion = dangerous" thing and have these two different people some odd Enemies to Lovers story going on between them.
Also Tyrian is the type of character who does know how to push others buttons, so I like the idea of him meeting Fiona and him noticing things about her that she may hide about herself from others. (Which would have explored Fiona's character a bit). And he just keeps pushing these buttons.
Then there's also their loyalty to their leaders - both being devoted to Robyn/Salem, but the difference is that Fiona & Robyn care about each other and have a good relationship, while Tyrian has unhealthy dynamic with Salem.
So, yay parallels...sort of.
Even if there isn't much in canon, except for Tyrian attacking Fiona, this pairing in fanon is still interesting and in a way funny if we focus on the absurd humor potential.
Like, imagine Tyrian of all people having this lovely family life with Fiona?? (I actually drew a fankid for them :D)
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(For now I have named her Ophelia)
Just like in fanon, they would be fun to explore in AUs.
Them knowing each other since they were kids, but not being excatly friends? Tyrian ditching Mantle as he grows up and the elections being a place where they reunite after all these years?
I can smell the angst here, fellas.
This isn't mine AU, but an AU where Tyrian is one of the Ace Ops? What then their dynamic could've been?👀
Of course, there's the whole aesthetic of their characters, which I like.
In general, I like them and think it would be an interesting pairing to explore.
Ironhill (Ironwood x Robyn) 🤍💚
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Gonna be honest, I have wanted to talk about them without worrying I might be annoying, but now that I've been asked about them, my brain suddenly is empty, not knowing what correct answer should I give😅
(I haven't watched Vol 7 for a while now, so might misremember some of the stuff)
I actually didn't expect myself to even consider this ship at all, but then this happened
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Robyn, who up until this moment didn't trust Ironwood, realized that he genuinly cares and wants to protect others, that he isn't doing all of this for himself. He isn't her enemy.
(The way both at the start looked each other with distrust and dislike in their eyes, only for the way they look change as their views of the other change as well)
And it pretty much made me adore this ship. And of course, there's also their dislike of Jacques as well.
While they didn't share much moments were it as just two of them, them working together was enough for me...I say as them holding hands lives rent free in my hand (👏THEY👏HELD👏HANDS👏YOUR👏HONOR👏)
Of course, them trusting each other isn't the only thing about them.
I really suck at putting my thoughts into words, but while Ironwood does care for both Mantle and Atlas, he still is mostly at Atlas, while Robyn is potrayed to represent Mantle, so like them working together not only to rebuild the hole in the wall in Mantle, but also uniting Atlas and Mantle. And with both of them becoming allies, they wouldn't fall for the bad guys attempts at making them distrust each other. And when the evil is deafeated they would continue working together. (but Vol 8 decided to ruin this idea-)
(As a divorced Ironwatts believer, I also think it would be funny if like Watts saw them on the tv, holding hands and just was a very bitter ex about it.
"Oh, wow. Someone moved on pretty quickly if you ask me🙄😒" he says as it hasn't been 10 years already + the world believes he's dead)
Then there's this small things, like of both having shooting type weapons (and them shooting at Tyrian/Watts is a parallel in my eyes-) and they way they adress one another - "General" & "Miss Hill". There's just something about characters calling the other by anything but their names🤌
Obviously, my mind had to once more imagine a scenario where they protect each other with their weapons and slowly start adressing the other with their first names.
I also once came across a reddit post which talked about how Robyn also seemed to be paraniod and it made me think back to her Semblance and with how Semblances are based on the user, I made a hc that maybe Robyn either had her trust shattered mutliple times in her childhood, making her only to know the truth so she wouldn't get hurt anymore or that behind her confident personality Robyn is nervous/anxious person, which is what resulted into the creaton of her Semblance.
And in a way Ironwood could understand how it feels like you can't always be sure of things or feeling like things will fall apart no matter what and they could develop a bond from it. (which then would make Ironwood's villain arc heartbreaking for Robyn, because to her, he was one of the few who truly understood her struggles)
I know they didn't have much of a dynamic, but I like to imagine them having this teasing going on (with Robyn being the main one to tease Ironwood) Just two of them enjoying each ones company. I'm aware it's mostly fanon, but it's just a fun thing for me.
While I enjoyed this ship, I had been spoiled about Ironwood becoming a villain before, so it kind of sucked seeing the potential of his & Robyn's dynamic and knowing it will not get a chance to get explored. And let me tell you, wasn't big fan of Ironwood's villain arc. Also I started disliking Roby as the Volumes progressed :/
But hey, that's what fanfiction is for right? There's probably something on ao3-Aaaaaaand it's smut. Great, I'm in hell :)
(just watch me, one day I'll post my Ironhill fic)
Ladybug (Blake x Ruby)🖤❤️
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When I started watching RWBY for the first time, they did not catch my eye at all, but then I picked up the show again and BAM Ladybug strucks my heart.
From their conversation in Vol 1, I was quickly sold to this pair. I just like this contrast between them - Ruby the younger, optimistic leader with a dream that can be seen childish and Blake being the more realistic, but outspoken teammate with a huge goal in mind.
Even if they didn't get much screen time together, there still were those small things that made like Ladybug even more - Ruby being the main one who openly worries about Blake after her argument with Weiss or when Blake refused to go to the dance, Ruby being the one to find Blake isn't in her bed and wanting to find her, Ruby straight up not seeing a point to go to the dance if Blake wasn't coming, Ruby being the first one to bring up Blake after she, Weiss and Yang had reunited and being the one who speak with Blake when the reunite with her at the end of Volume 5.
While this all is from Ruby's side, I will add that in Volume 5, Ruby was the first name Blake said whenever she brought up her team to Sun, so a win for shippers/j
Then there's Volume 6 with it's Apathy Arc and let me tell you, when I first watched it, my shippers heart was screaming in joy when Ruby reached out to Blake and activated her Silver Eyes.
Of course there's also Volume 7/8 (?) (i don't remember tbh) with it having Blake's whole speech about how Ruby inspired her, but because I feel like hers and Ruby's relationship didn't get explored in the story, the speech sort of also felt flat, because why not show the progress of how Blake views Ruby.
Their lack of screen time will always annoy me, but this criticism isn't aimed only at Ladybug, but at Team RWBY in general.
So, yeah, wish we had more of them and their reunion in Volume 9 should have been more emotional, but no, only Blake's and Yang's reunion can be emotional, I mean it's not like Blake and Ruby fell down together, with Blake having went after Ruby to save her-OH WAIT.
Anyway, I shall hc that Ruby has a crush on Blake and she's finds herself feeling a bit jealous of Yang.
But yeah, their whole aesthetic/color schemes are very nice.
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galedekarios · 2 months
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he's having fun i promise 🍻
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A juvenile red-billed seagull. It was found dead by my dad, in a carpark near the beach in the early morning. No obvious signs of the cause of death, absolutely no wounds, broken bones, etc.
I wonder if it was something it ate?
As a native/protected species, I will need to apply for a permit before doing anything with this one. But it might be for sale eventually.
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dathen · 1 month
As a matter of fact I was worked out; the intense stress of nearly four years’ continuous work left me incapable of any strength of feeling. I was apathetic, and I tried in vain to recover the enthusiasm of my first inquiries, the passion of discovery that had enabled me to compass even the downfall of my father’s grey hairs. Nothing seemed to matter. . . .
I looked about me at the hillside, with children playing and girls watching them, and tried to think of all the fantastic advantages an invisible man would have in the world. After a time I crawled home, took some food and a strong dose of strychnine, and went to sleep in my clothes on my unmade bed.
Man this feels like such a unique angle in your lineup of reckless mad scientists: No wild joy or dramatic breakdown after achieving his discovery, not even eagerness for the next step. Just depression, exhaustion, numbness. Watching the life teeming around him—already no longer a part of it—and trying to talk himself into even bothering with the next step.
The entire ordeal that follows was because of the sunk cost rather than any real hope or goal.
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melodymorningdew · 3 months
⚠️ CONTENT WARNING ⚠️ Mentions of bowel movements
I fr can't tell if my body is finally resetting or if I have food poisoning.
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Indie Bookstore Day 2024!
I can hardly be expected to have shelf control if Indie Bookstore Day and my birthday are within, like, a week of each other, right?? ESPECIALLY not if one of them was doing a Buy 3 Get 1 Free on paperbacks (evidenced by the bottom row), and if ARCHANGELS OF FUNK and TRANSLATION STATE were Birthday Gifts To Myself (pre-ordered in December and everything!)??
Anyway! Great week for books! Good thing we gave up on the moderated book buying ban, huh.
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horrorgirlreads · 5 months
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My top 5 reads of 2023
(I wanted to include all new books as I did a lot of rereads this year)
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sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Had a ✨SpOoKy HaLlOwEeN tHeMeD✨ AU thought that is basically Nicholas Benedict being the polar opposite of Book Victor Frankenstein
He has ALL the degrees and education, and only does extremely ethical science. But, he also adopts/befriends/houses every escaped experiment or person who has been been created/messed up by more careless mad science
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itsbansheebitch · 4 months
Not even joking, seeing public facing people have the same disorders, conditions, etc that I have has really improved my quality of life.
Me: Doesn't want to use my inhaler because I want prove I could do the task without it and I was JUST FINE before the diagnosis (lie)
Brain: You really should use your inhaler
Me: NO
Brain: Jacksepticeye uses an inhaler, do you think you're better than Jacksepticeye?
Me: *Uses inhaler begrudgingly*
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I love it when I'm reading an old book and the characters do something that we now know is detrimental to their health.
Like Griffins (The Invisible Man) said he took 'A strong dose of strychnine'.
Like??? No???? It's gonna kill you???
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“you can justify anything if you do it poetically enough” “and what was love if all it did was kill?” “they never let you be famous and happy” “i love you too much to let you live only for me” “humans are so ill-equipped for peace” “that time always ends a second before you’re ready” “you may have to make a lot of noise, and the universe’s silence and be oppressive and thick. but you want them to hear you, and they will. so do not, not even for one second, stop making noise” “sometimes illusions were torture. but not always”  “i miss you more than i remember you”
oh go ahead and stab me in the heart would you
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bisexualain · 10 months
while i do agree that stealth black is def the most sadistic out of the five them (with reiju coming in second place, they both work perfectly in any assassination ploy), he has a huge soft spot for soft animals
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muiltifandomnerd · 8 months
Record of Ragnorark: Marvel/DC Vs Gods Part 2 (Female Edition)
Janet Van Dyne (The Wasp) vs Bhramari (Hindu goddess of Bees, Hornets, Wasps, and other insects)
Wonder Woman vs Athena (Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom)
Rogue vs Freyja (Norse goddess of war, death, beauty)
Storm vs Oya (Yoruba goddess of Storms)
Raven vs Hel (Norse goddess of the underworld and dead)
Zatanna vs Hecate (Greek goddess of magic)
Scarlet Witch vs Isis (Egyptian Goddess of Magic and Osiris wife)
Jean Gray vs Izanami (Shinto goddess of creation and dead)
Captain Marvel (Carol Denver) vs Kali (Hindu goddess of destruction)
Poision Ivy vs Persephone (Greek Goddess of the underworld and spring)
Black Widow vs Ītzpāpālōtl (Aztec Butterfly Goddess of Death and War, also Queen of Star Demons)
Supergirl/ Power Girl (Kara Zor El) vs Amaterasu(Shinto Goddess of the Sun and Queen of Heaven)
Starfire vs Aya (Sumerian Goddess of Light and Dawn)
Vixen vs Artemis (Greek Goddess of Wildness, Moon, and the Hunt)
Big Barda vs Sekhmet (Egyptian Lion Goddess of War and Healing)
Invisible Woman vs Morrigan (Celtic Goddess of war, death/witchcraft, protection, and vengeance)
Harley Quinn vs Eris (Greek Goddess of Strife)
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thecomicbookbookclub · 2 months
The next comic we chose is Invisible Kingdom by writer G. Willow Wilson and artist Christian Ward! This beautifully colored comic is about SPACE🚀 , RELIGION 🙏 , LOVE 🌈 and WAR 🔫 and the meeting is May 11th
New members are always welcome so feel free to join our book club meetings or the other events in our discord server!   
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octocurse · 1 year
people experiencing a delusion can still be skeptical or partially aware that what they believe isn’t accurate / isn’t true
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rhavendell · 2 years
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Jorge Molina
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