#chronic disability
efangamez · 2 days
Hi. I'm Efan, and this is an urgent request.
I am a disabled, trans, and queer game designer looking to live again to afford medication, sustained housing, therapy/psychiatry, and some money to save for emergencies.
We have been doing very well with the Help Me Exist Again game bundle (linked here), but we need one final push, as we only have 2 DAYS left to raise some funds.
So, if you would like $80 of games for $25 to get HUNDREDS of hours of games and also change my life, buy the bundle below!
In this bundle, you can obtain:
GRIM, a retro FPS styled TTRPG inspired by Quake.
Neon Nights, a cyberpunk TTRPG with nearly infinite build variety, and it's two MASSIVE expansions!
Wrath of the Undersea, a TTRPG where you play as vengeful Eldritch peoples trying to reclaim the colonized surface.
Disk Master's expansions, where you can live out your Pokemon or Digimon dream on pen and paper!
This money will go towards affording therapy, medication, possible HRT (I am still deciding), and a new computer for work and enjoyment.
This money is life-saving, allowing me to not be on the verge of living with my parents in a transphobic county that is damn near a sundown town for trans people. I really need this money to live, and I would be eternally grateful if you could reblog and send this sale to someone who you think would help.
And if you can't support the bundle or any games, or just plain wanna help another way, head to my Linktree below for my Patr3on, Kofi, and other things.
Thank you so much!
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My doctor is literally cutting off my pain meds. Because I annoyed her. I have one refill left. So I'm supposed to do all the tapering myself?? Yeah that worked GREAT last time
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Sorry I Spent all mY spoons this week already and it's fucking Tuesday. We're heading to the knives
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tumble-tv · 7 months
"kill them with kindness" WRONG run them over in your wheelchair 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽 👨‍🦼 👩‍🦼 🧑‍🦼 👨‍🦽 👩‍🦽 🧑‍🦽
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cosmiccripple · 5 months
idk who popularised the narrative "i don't let my disability stop me" but it needs to be stomped on, pulverised by a meat grinder and then thrown into the depths of the sea never to be seen again.
it is by far the most popular ableist narrative and i see it so much and immediately just think i'm a bad person for not being able to 'get over' my disability despite the fact it's an incurable, permanent and severely disabling disability.
stop stop stop stop pushing the mindset that people have to persevere despite their disabilities in order to be a worthy person
leave me alone and let me be disabled in peace
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narcatsisst · 3 months
something i think a lot of able bodied people dont understand is that being chronically ill affects your emotions. constantly being exhausted and feeling bad is going to make you sad or depressed or angry or jealous. constantly being in pain is going to affect your mental health. never feeling "good" is obviously going to affect the way you act.
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When someone has a chronic illness or is disabled and can't work, they say a few common things.
It must be nice to sit around all day/sleep all day.
I wish I could sit around all day and not work.
I wish I could sleep all the time.
They don't want to sleep as much as we have to. They'd feel sick and sluggish.
They don't want to sit around the house all day not doing anything. They'd be bored out of their fucking skull.
It's so unbelievably fucking frustrating, but there's a fundamental lack of understanding.
They liken our lives to a vacation, imagining that it's fun and relaxing and we can do whatever fun things we want to all the time.
In reality, it should be likened to an extended hospital stay. You can't do anything and you feel like shit.
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jemineye · 1 year
i cant stress this enough, disabled people know their own limits. i fucking promise you. we are not being lazy or jerks because we won't do something YOU want us to do or something YOU THINK will make us feel better. it wont. stop.
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months
I’m allowed to be lazy. Disabled or not. Laziness isn’t an inherently bad thing y’all just too caught up in hyper capitalist hustle culture to care. I don’t owe you productivity. I’m allowed to rest.
My rest is radical.
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spoonful116 · 10 months
The most punk thing you can do as a disabled person is love and value yourself and not push yourself past your limits for the sake of other's approval
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penelopeunfiltered · 9 months
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The four genderz 🙃
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wishing everyone a low pain and manageable symptom day youve got this.
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
Doctor red flags:
-Mentions weight loss, exercise, nutrition, mental wellness, before any physical examination/testing
-interrupts you
-tries to rush the appointment
-laughs at you
-says you're too young
-Touches you without warning or asking for consent (common with older male doctors unfortunately, but is becoming less common)
-accuses you of self dxing/mentions dr. Google
-mentions anything about powering through the pain
Do not be afraid to drop a doctor/caregiver and see a new one. Doctor shopping is a term made by ableds who believe every doctor is perfect. Your health is precious and you should only trust those you're comfortable with to take care of it. Do not feel bad about offending the doctor. They do not care. They won't harass you or question you (if they do then that's..probably illegal). I know its hard with some insurances or lesser served areas so don't feel bad if you can't, but if you have the option to do so do not be afraid.
Extra tip: Most doctors will behave themselves if you bring an advocate. Even just having a friend sit quietly will help.
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chronically-evie · 7 months
my mom keeps trying to get me to go to the ER when im having a flare up and i have no idea what to tell her.
because ive BEEN to the ER before. you wanna know what they did? while i was sweating, shaking, and sobbing, curled in a ball of pain?
they asked me if i was on my period. when i told them no, they asked me if i was pregnant.
when i told them no, because i wasn't sexually active, they forcibly tested me anyways, and then when it came back negative said, "well maybe you should just take a few deep breaths", gave me liquid ibuprofen, and sent me home.
disabled people, in this particular situation disabled afabs, are never fucking listened to.
the ER staff literally LAUGHED at me multiple times. they pointed at me when i was having one of the worst episodes of my life and snickered.
so no, i do not want to go to the fucking ER. my heating pad, ice packs, and nausea meds are going to help me more than anything a hospital could do.
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cosmiccripple · 6 months
did you know that if you're about to suggest a disabled person do something or another to cure their disability, there's a feature everyone possesses but i'm sure you're unaware of it. it's this funny little thing called shutting the fuck up. hope this helps!!!!! :D
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syladelphia · 11 months
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it’s fibromyalgia awareness month so I just wanted to say a lil somethin’
ig post here (includes full caption)
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