#if you want a link I will HAPPILY provide
centeris2 · 7 months
Winter Magic Horse Theory, sso has posted a teaser of them already - Until I hear otherwise I will assume the gingerbread magic horse was gingerbread someone put so much love into that it came to life
which means it has the same backstory as the Tiramisu Dating Game. A Very Splendid backstory indeed
(I will make many jokes. I will probably continue to make jokes even after knowing the official lore for the horse, I think Tira would approve)
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chussyracing · 1 year
Anon is referencing this 💀
teehee ok i will be honest a few things here
1. max is already so low in my books that he can't sink lower even if he tried (he tries)
2. i should have definitely specified that i'm not too curious to find out what he does in his free time and i apologise for not saying so before you found this and wanna say thank you for finding this anyway
3. the list of xavi's crimes is long but his accent is CUTEEE and you can take the "pee wan" from my dead cold hands
4. late apology to the first anon but i'm failing to see how lestappies are included in this (and again not willing to find out)
5. i still don't know what exactly he said or did (and again i'm NOT willing to find out) but if he repeated something xavi said, i feel like it's not that bad because those radio messages are public and i have no doubt some get mentioned on team debriefs too if they're relevant to the race
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uroboros-if · 3 months
Fade to Black Macro
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I have finally turned my fade to black transitions into a somewhat easy to use macro!! :) I am not sure if this has been done before!
Customizable fade times
Built to be compatible with backward and forward buttons (mostly!)
Works across all screen sizes
Note: This is only for SugarCube.
Copy and paste this Pastebin to your Story JavaScript.
Copy and paste this Pastebin to your Story Stylesheet.
Make a new passage titled exactly as "black_fade". Add the passage tag, "black-fade". Inside, write <div id="black"></div>. Super important! Copy below identically.
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After this, your installment of the macro should be complete!
In the passages where you will be fading from and where you will be fading to, tag it as "passage-fade". For example, I want to transition from "p1" to "p2" with a black fade. Thus, both p1 and p2 should have the tag.
In the passage where you will be fading from, write <<fadestart>>.
Use the <<link>> macro to link to your destination. Inside the link macro, use <<passagefade "[passage name]" [fade time]>> where [passage name] is the passage you want to go to, and fade time is how long the black fade will be in miliseconds. (1000ms = 1s). However, do NOT put the passage you will be going to in the <> macro itself. See below:
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Here, I want to go to the passage "p2". Do NOT write <<link "Next passage" "p2">><</link>>. Do not provide the destination passage in the link macro itself. The macro <<passagefade>> will handle it for you if you specify the passage name in the first argument.
Once you do all this, you should be able to sit back and happily use it as you please!
Make sure you have the passage "black_fade" titled exactly like that.
Also make sure it has <div id="black"></div> and nothing more!
Make sure "black_fade" is tagged with "black-fade".
Make sure you used <<fadestart>> in the passage you are transitioning from.
Make sure you are correctly using the macro <<passagefade>>. You specify time in miliseconds; it should not have "ms" or "s" included in the argument. It should just be the number (e.g. 4000 for 4 seconds).
Make sure the passages you are fading from and to are tagged with "passage-fade".
There may be CSS/HTML that is interfering with the look of the fade!
There may be other JavaScript code interering with the current code.
If you are having problems, please let me take a look at your Stylesheet or let me know what template you are using! However, I highly recommend looking at the playable and downloadable demo.
(This macro is free to use, free to copy for all commercial and non-commercial projects with no additional fees. Credit is appreciated!)
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valaruakars · 8 months
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26 LOVE LETTERS TO KARLACH: A & B (Or, the NSFW Alphabet meme in oneshots)
Karlach x AFAB!Tav/Reader; 1891k; Explicit. Warnings beneath each letter. Ao3 link.
𝔄 - Aftercare Warnings: Cunnilingus, masturbation, hardcore cuddling.
Her lips are wet. Spit and slick. You and her.
“C’mere,” they coax as Karlach sprawls back on the bedroll at your feet, dragging her forearm across her glossy mouth as she goes.
Propped up on her elbows, the laces on her leather pants gape. A wet smear on her thigh catches the lantern light where she must’ve wiped her fingers clean before. Her chest heaves, her bare breasts splay, but above all else, the pulse that backlights her ribcage holds you in a fucked-out trance.
Each heartbeat shifts the gradient. Cobalt at the height, turning indigo as she comes down. Subtle, one color into the next, unlike the way she touched herself to the taste of you and broke with her face buried between your legs, vents on her shoulders breathing blue.
She’s pulsing magenta now, and you’re still just staring. Realizing, distantly, that your knuckles throb because your grip on the tentpole at your back is needlessly iron. Both feet planted firmly on the ground, it’s of no use now for balance—to keep from toppling with your thigh draped over her shoulder, toes curling, legs quaking as her tongue licked impossibly deeper. Your knees are still weak, though. She has that effect.
You blink and there’s the smoldering red, orange, red again. You know it as the color of new love and the flower she picked for you by the roadside this morning; as sunsets spent together, however many are left. You know it, too, as hellfire and blood and all the awful things you came along too late to protect her from. To love her is to wish you could’ve, somehow.
“Everything alright?” she asks, growing worried.
You nod bonelessly—fucked stupid and strangely sentimental, apparently—but that does little to convince her.
Karlach sits up, curling forward to rest her forearms on her knees. The scarred skin of her stomach folds softly above her open pant laces. “Hey…” Her voice is gentle, earnest as ever. “We don’t have to do anything else tonight. Well, unless you’re up for it—in that case, I’ll happily provide. But me? I had more of a cuddle in mind if I’m honest. I just want you close.” Uneasy, then: “…If you want that too.”
It’s not surprising. She’s always eager to thread her spent body around you, the smell of sweat, metal and sex thickened by her heat, but a thought finally occurs to you.
Champion, bodyguard, protector—her arms are as good for cleaving bone as they are for holding a lover, but when was the last time someone held her? Made her feel wanted and safe and cared for in that vulnerable stretch before sleep follows satisfaction? In the morning, she’ll ask if you still like her. She keeps asking like sharing a private joke, but you know better. You know her and what anxiety looks like in her eyes, what it sounds like in her voice; how she blooms for you, made vibrant by a little reassurance. You might know, too, how to stay the doubt before it ever starts at dawn.
“Of course I want that,” you croak, cracking a coy smile at your own raw, scratchy voice. Whoever could guess how it got that way? You pad over, loose linen shirt scantly covering the still-damp curls between your legs. “Scoot, please.”
Karlach wiggles over, smile restored, as you sink down beside her. Her arms move to curl around your waist, to pull you into an embrace as soft and warm as sleep has been beside her lately. But your arms thread around her shoulders and you’re the one to pull instead, gentle and more insistent, different than every other night before.
“What’s this about…?” she starts to ask. Her body is pliant, her muscles are soft. Trusting when life has tried and failed to teach her to be otherwise. She goes easily, guided to lay her head against your chest. Settles in that perfect spot where her broken horn clears your shoulder and her ear is near enough your heart. Her breath slips warm beneath the edge of your shirt as she shudders a quiet, “Oh.”
The moment stretches in sweet, idle touches. Your fingers trace the thick keloids up and down her tricep. They card through her dark hair as the lantern burns low, balancing affection’s scales with each absent kiss to the crown of her head. And before her breathing turns slow and even, before her lips part and the arm around your waist grows heavy, she whispers, “Thank you,” as if loving her the way she needs is any hardship at all.
𝔅 - Body Part Warnings: Alcohol use, shitty attempts at seduction; no, he's not being serious (when you know, you'll know).
Wind through the trees, drink in your hands—the campfire crackles and pops, smoke sweet with pine sap billowing downwind. Huddled in a semicircle, the night is still young amongst the five of you left awake.
There’s Shadowheart to her right, kneeling prim and rigid, leading a one-woman argument by the haughty pitch of her voice, but Karlach isn’t listening. Neither is Lae’zel for once, too fixated on sharpening her longsword to be baited into it. Not yet, at least. 
Then there’s Astarion, grimacing with each shallow drink he takes from a green glass bottle. It’s never good wine pried from overturned crates, lost and forgotten on the roadside, but it’s wine nonetheless. Always fucking wine, no matter how hard she wishes for cured meats or bruised fruits. They’re cursed with a bounty of it.
Possibly blessed, on second thought, because then there’s you sitting straight across the fire with dark, hungry eyes and slackened lips. Thoroughly sloshed, shamelessly staring; somewhere so beyond yourself that you’ll have trouble finding your way back in the morning.
Nothing’s going to happen. It can’t on account of her engine, neither would it on account of her principles, but Gods, watching you finger the bottle in your lap sings to her imagination. Over and over, you drag it in and out with the faintest wet pop. You do it so slowly that perhaps it could be mistaken for absent fidgeting to anyone else, but not her. You look Karlach dead in the eye with each and every lazy pop, and the intent is very clear.
It’s so stupid—such a sloppy attempt at seduction that Karlach knows she’d be snorting into her fist if she saw it happening to anyone else. What’s stupider is that it fucking works on her. Trashed and desperate make a heady pair, apparently, and for her part, Karlach can feel the blood rushing down, evacuating her brain like it’s an emergency.
“Alright, yes, we get it,” Astarion suddenly groans, then beneath his wine-soaked breath mutters something that makes you peal a giggle. Well, more of a sloppy chortle, really, but the rose tinted glasses are firmly on at this point. Shadowheart purses her lips, finally quiet; Lae’zel clucks her tongue. “Can we perhaps turn the conversation to something, oh, I don’t know, interesting?”
“Like…?” you ask, lolling your head. Slurring, “Far’s I can tell, your only interests are blood, sex, ‘n fancy shoes.”
“Nonsense, darling. My companions have become a great interest to me, as it turns out.”
His eyes flit around the campfire, weighing some invisible odds. They settle on her.
“Dear Karlach, why don’t you tell us your favorite thing about our little friend here?” he drawls, gesturing to you, mid-swig from the bottle she thought you’d emptied a while ago. You start to smile too soon with it pressed to your lips and that little bit left in the bottom drips down your chin. Down, down, fucking down, and her eyes brazenly follow.
“Easy,” Karlach snorts, because she’s horny. “Ti—” she starts to say, because she doesn’t think before she speaks half as much as she should.
But Karlach clamps the word down before it’s all out in the open and you’re too embarrassed to ever speak to her again. It’s one thing to eye-fuck across the campfire and another thing entirely to let everyone else in on it. She fumbles for a laugh to cover it up that putters into a cough, backpedaling hard as she can. “T—‘Tis an easy question, I mean…” Nailed it. “Got a little tongue tied there. Must be the wine. You know how it is,” she shrugs, “really gets to my head.”
“Funny,” Shadowheart hums, “I wouldn’t consider you a lightweight. Come to think of it, I recall an evening when you drank two bottles on your own without ever stopping to empty your stomach.”
“You try eating the food in Avernus for a decade. Got an iron stomach right here,” she laughs, easier this time, as she flexes and gives it a knock.
Languidly, Shadowheart’s eyes drop. Something about it rakes, appraises. “To match the heart, I suppose?” It’s familiar. She’s seen the same look on your thrice as drunk face all night.
“How generous of you to remind her,” Lae’zel sneers, because for reasons unknown, Karlach has found herself on her good side. But this feels like more than that. This feels sharp, spiteful and goading, hanging heavy between the two women so often at odds.
Karlach coughs again as the atmosphere shifts strangely. “Sorry, what was the question?” she wonders too loudly. On purpose. “Oh—right, yeah.” Karlach shrugs like it’s a casual fact: the sky is blue, grass is green, and you are fucking lovely when you watch her sharpen her axe and think you’re being sly. “She’s got the prettiest eyes.” 
“Cute,” says Astarion, dripping with disgust, “but are you quite sure you didn’t mean to say tits? You know, a smutty answer was preferred…”
“What? Psh, no! I would never—” Four sets of eyes are on her now, leveling that you’re-full-of-shit sort of stare right at her in various intensities. “Fine, alright,” she sighs. Knows when she’s caught, and when to surrender. “Respectfully: Tits.” And then for some Godsforsaken reason, her mouth produces the words: “Perfect handful right there, I just know it.”
Across the campfire, your lip wobbles. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Too much, again, and Karlach sucks air through her teeth for an apology.
Before she gets any further, “That is… the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” you sniffle, flopping bonelessly toward Astarion like you mean to hug him. He’s faster, cat-like as he shifts away and stands, leaving you in the dirt. Literally.
“Whoever thought the bar could be so low?” Shadowheart murmurs, getting to her feet too.
“Yes,” Lae’zel agrees, a rare and beautiful thing, “that is incredibly sad.”
Karlach doesn’t have the presence of mind to think it’s strange that she follows Shadowheart off into camp. Not as you blubber just out of reach, a self-proclaimed ‘emotional drunk’ no longer when here’s the soggy proof.
The good news: She still likes you. A lot. Even as wave your arms to the starry sky and bemoan how the Gods gave their toughest battle to their weakest soldier. Not in reference to the tadpole or the goblins or the inevitable horrors to come, just that you can’t, quote, ‘get your hands on Faerûn’s most perfect ass,’ without getting scorched to the bone.
The bad news: For the same reason said hands are not on her ass, nor is her tongue in your mouth, she can’t exactly put you to bed.
The worse news: Astarion’s certainly not going to help.
He sighs, forlorn, and pouts, “So, no orgy?”
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
Yesterday, there was a terrorist attack, two people were stabbed in the area where my mom's cousin and his wife live. I found out about it as I was returning from a medical appointment, going through a road where in Nov, a terrorist shot to death a young Israeli man.
Based on what the IDF has found of Hamas' armaments (which surpassed Israeli estimates), based on how things stand now, Hamas would be capable of continuing to fire rockets into Israel for at least 2-3 more years. That's why, even as the fighting continues, there are new defensive measures that will be built along road 232, the same road mentioned in the NYT's article about the Hamas rapes during the Oct 7 massacre.
Speaking of that article, apparently despite the insane amount of evidence in it, and mentioned recently in regards to the subject of the rapes, some are trying to deny that this part of the massacre happened. This is a perfect response (IMO) from feminists.againstantisemitism on IG:
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Cyberwell, a watch dog that monitors antisemitism on social media, has reported a sharp rise in antisemitic posts since Oct 7. And not just of the new, anti-Zionist kind. There has been a rise in 1000% in posts accusing Jews of killing Jesus (yes, the Jew crucified by Romans almost 2,000 years ago... funny how you never see people going around saying Italians killed Jesus... almost like the whole thing isn't about who actually killed Jesus, and more about providing yet another excuse for antisemitism, a hatred that pre-dates Jesus), and 1600% in the hashtag saying that Hitler was right, the guy whose antisemitic, genocidal ideology, the attackers, maimers, rapists, kidnappers and murderers of Oct 7 would happily co-sign. All of this, while the world appropriates the Jewish slogan "never again" to use against Jews defending themselves. Make it make sense.
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And here's a reminder that what starts online, doesn't stay online. There have been unprecedented levels of antisemitism in many places, including in New Zealand. What got to me the most is the report on antisemitic incidents targeting school kids, and that only 40% of parents report these (sometimes 'coz previous cases have not been treated right, or the school is seen as being ill-equipped to deal with antisemitism). A 2021 survey found that 60% of New Zealanders agreed with antisemitic statements, so it might be argued that this recent outburst has been waiting to happen for a while, just waiting for an excuse to.
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Here's another piece that I sadly could only find in Hebrew so far. It reveals some more of the interrogations of Hamas terrorists, this time covering how Hamas terrorizes civilians in Gaza. Here's my loose translation of a testimony's summary, from a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist (Muhammed Darwish Amare). It can be found (with the full testimony in the vid and appearing) at the above link: "Someone told me that they took explosives, to place them from his apartment to a spot 2 meters (6.5 feet) away from him. The man came down and told [the terrorist]: 'Oh man, how are you placing the explosives by the door, and then if they explode, my kids and I will be gone.' He responded, 'If you don't like it, then get out of here.' The apartment owner said to him, 'These are my kids, this isn't right,' and the explosives placer replied, 'I will lay them even if you don't like it, and I will even place them between you and your wife.' Then he took out his pistol and shot the apartment owner in the leg."
Another testimony, found at the same link, this one is of a former Hamas member (Zuhady Ali Zahdy Shahi): "I felt that we civilians are human shields. Why should we protect them? We want to be saved, too. That's Hamas' mistake. People left their house [during the fighting], and there was a safe passage, because the army told us to go south, that there will be food and water there. They drew a safe passage for us, and then we ran into [Hamas terrorists], who made us go into one of the neighborhoods. They told us, 'No one is going south, there are bombings, and no one can continue on the street.' We went into the Shifa hospital, and we got stuck inside. [The terrorists] sat among us, with the civilians. They were scared of the soldiers. I even argued with one of them, and told him, 'Your place isn't here, with the civilians, but downstairs [in the terror tunnels].' He told me that the moment the war would be over, he will punish me, he started threatening me." When asked what he thought of the IDF, Shahi said, "Truth is, based on what I've seen, I wish you would stay with us. If they would have stayed where we lived, we wouldn't be starving. The moment the army came into Shifa, we were scared of what would be done with us, but it was the opposite. They brought us food and water, and sat with us. We felt safe."
This is 56 years old Ilan Weiss.
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His 53 years old wife Shiri and 18 years old daughter Noa were kidnapped by Hamas, and released in the hostage deal. Ilan himself, who was a member of the emergency team at kibbutz Be'eri, left his house on the morning of the massacre, as first reports came in, and wasn't heard of again. He was considered missing (meaning, it was unknown whether he was kidnapped or killed on Oct 7). Today it was announced that his body was identified, and he had been murdered during the massacre. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 15 days
ok the evolution of Katniss and having kids post:
Katniss is thinking from the earliest moments of the book how she never wants kids. This is Chapter 1, even before the Reaping, when Gale mentions running away, if they didn't have so many kids, obviously here, he's referencing their siblings, but then this exchange happens:
"I never want to have kids," I say. "I might, if we didn't live here," says Gale. "But you do," I say, irritated. "Forget it," he snaps back.
This is literally page 9 in my copy from the library. Katniss has been thinking about how much they provide for their siblings already and she's also just given us exposition on her own parents-- her grief for her father and her resentment of her mother; it's also setting Gale up as a potential romantic partner, which Katniss readily rejects and is confused by the conversation at all (girly, you brought it up)
Again, in the first book, Katniss thinks she will never have children. This is nearing the end of the games-- it's just her and Peeta and Cato left-- and while Peeta sleeps, she lets herself for the first time think about making it home and what her future would be.
I think of Haymitch with all his money. What did his life become? HE lives alone, no wife or children, most of his waking hours drunk. I don't want to end up like that. 'But you won't be alone,"I whisper to myself. I have my mother and Prim. Well, for the time being. And then... I don't want to think about then, when Prim has grown up, my mother passed away. I know I'll never marry, never risk bringing a child into this world. Because if there's one thing being a victor doesn't guarantee, it's your children's safety. My kids' names would go right into the reaping balls with everyone else's. And I swear I'll never let that happen.
I included the long version and not just the part about never marrying, because Katniss recognizes she risks being alone forever. For her, even though it's terrible, it's better than having a child in this world, a world that is so horrific and threatening. She also automatically links marriage to having kids (as is natural), which complicates her relationships with both Gale and Peeta.
Catching Fire starts with a similar vein, but one Katniss now has to confront-- in order to keep those she loves safe, she will have to marry Peeta and live happily ever after with him. She wonders if President Snow will insist on them having babies, thinks it's likely a child of hers will end up in the arena because Victors' children sometimes do and Gale suspects the drawings are rigged. She reflects again on Haymitch's situation --unmarried, no children, wasted all the time-- and likens it to self-imposed solitary confinement.
Later, we get the fake baby drop, of course, and Katniss, processing, thinks "Isn't it the thing I dreaded most about the wedding, about the future-- the loss of my children to the Games? And it could be true now couldn't it? If I hadn't spent my life building up layers of defenses until I recoil at even the suggestion of marriage or a family"
We're still on the same track, the recognition of her fear of having kids in the world she lives in. Interestingly, I think it's still a loss of her children to the Games, but a less painful one-- nonexistent, possible children that she'll never have.
Peeta later is trying to convince Katniss to be the one of them to survive by talking about her family back home, and when he doesn't mention the pregnancy, she knows he's being sincere. He even mentions Gale and Katniss takes it in a way that means he would be okay if she wanted to be with Gale. He transitions back to playing the Games by telling Katniss, "You're going to make a great mother you know."
Katniss then wonders if it could be more than just a Games manipulation-- "Like a reminder to me that I could still one day have kids with Gale? Well, if thatw as it, it was a mistake. Because for one thing, that was never part of my plan."
It's HERE that we get a bit of a kicker-- she thinks about how of the two of them, Peet is the one who should be a parent. And she imagines his children--
As I drift off, I try to imagine that world, somewhere in the future, with no Games, no Capitol. A place like the meadow in the song I sang to Rue as she died. Where Peeta's child could be safe.
I think it's the first time she's considered the possibility of a safe child, and it has to be Peeta's child. This isn't something she ever imagines about anyone else, even when she thinks about running away with Gale.
Children are a sign of hope, of a possibility of living in a world where they won't be sacrificed on the altars of the Capitol. In Mockingjay, Katniss frequently notes that District 13 has very few children, especially following an illness, and that children appear to be prized -- it's partially why it's hard for her to initially accept that the rebels would bomb children- recklessly, wastefully
But it's the epilogue of Mockingjay, where this all culminates-- where her hope finds fruition. She says "Peeta wanted them so badly," but it takes years for her stop dreaming and start trusting that she's made that world, where her children, where Peeta's children "take the words of the song for granted"
It's a perfect ending, because from the start Katniss has denied herself even the hope of children, develops to thinking maybe that it could be possible one day-- for someone as good as Peeta, and that maybe his children could be safe, at least-- and in the end, his children--her own children--are no longer a hope, but Real.
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kira-broflovski · 1 year
kenny + kyle hcs: their s.o always needing physical affection
note: characters are 18+
oh look you're twinning.
you cannot tell me this mf isn't touch-starved and always wanting your affection.
he was ecstatic when you told him physical touch was your main love language, because he would restrain himself in case he made you uncomfortable.
but to now find out you like it?
the two of you are practically joined at the hip from that moment onwards.
taking a nice walk? holding hands. trying to get through a busy area? tugging onto you so you don't separate. hanging out with friends? his arm is already slung around your shoulder.
god forbid anyone is trying to get with you.
he will shamelessly snake his arms around your waist, only for you to lean further back into him.
if the person doesn't get the hint he will just kiss you then and there, but that usually works just fine.
when you're hanging out in your room, the two of you end up napping in each other's arms. it's just so peaceful!!
long story short, he happily provides you with all the physical affection you could possibly need as long as you do the same.
i can see him being more awkward about it, not that it makes him feel uncomfortable or anything.
if anything it's the opposite, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by somehow messing it up.
bless him, he's trying.
you would probably have to initiate it, but he's happy to help you in any way he can,, even if that help is to let you cling onto his arm while sat next to him.
he'd probably freeze up at sudden intimacy but then just be like "oh :)"
if you're hanging out with the others, you'd likely just have your pinkies linked and be sat next to each other.
when you're in the privacy of your bedrooms it's a different story. if you get out of bed to go to the bathroom, he'll be dramatic until you're back in his arms
"you left me frozen in this bed."
"i was gone for like 5 minutes."
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lambtotheslaughterr · 1 month
I Burn : Part Nine
A Rafe Cameron Mini Series
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WC: 3.6k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
IMPORTANT NOTE* hey ya’ll! just a reminder that my requests are OPEN. please read this POST before making any requests as i have rules in place. there are three spots left (which you will see at the bottom of the linked post). so get your requests in if you’re wanting to use me;p
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            You twirled in your hotel bathroom, admiring your dress in the mirror. A bright smile on your face. You were looking forward to the night. Your dad, having won his lawsuit against John a little over a month ago, was attending a charity gala & your mother was unable to attend as she was busy with work. So, your father had asked if you would be date. You happily accepted.
            Ever since you left the facility two months ago, your relationship with your father had improved. He had made a complete 180 in light of Dr. Mooney’s assault charges. Your father had apologized to you, a genuine one, hugging you & holding you, promising he would never let another man let you down, let alone himself. It was all you could ever truly want, to be accepted by your father. Now, more than ever, your father-daughter relationship was thriving.
            After you accused Dr. Mooney of rape, the investigators were quick to get to work. They completed a rape kit on you which did indeed prove that there was a recent intrusion. There had been no DNA of course since you made Rafe wear a condom, but the bruises that formed on your upper arms matched Dr. Mooney’s hand size, & those bruises were indeed from him. From when you quite perfectly framed him as he held you down on the couch.
            What solidified the case more so, however, because Dr. Mooney pleaded innocent, was Albert’s testimony. He revealed the rumor about Dr. Mooney & a former patient that he had told you about. After a deep dive into the allegations, it was revealed that Dr. Mooney did have a relationship with the former patient, though she insisted it was consensual. But the nurse who was with you most of that fateful day, Nurse Graham, played the part of witness, sharing that she overheard Dr. Mooney & yours conversation in your room right before you went to his office. The case was solid & closed. Dr. Mooney was effectively removed from his position at Arrowhead & was sentenced to three years in prison. It wasn’t as long as you would have preferred, but you were content with it. Dr. Mooney had gotten what he deserved. You had won.
            Of course, you were forced to play the victim for some time, isolating yourself, struggling to talk in therapy. But as the weeks passed, you felt safe to open up more, to be yourself again. No one questioned the truth. Sometimes, very rare times, you did feel guilty for changing the course of Dr. Mooney’s life. It was no surprise that his affair with Nurse Carney was revealed, ultimately leading to his wife leaving him. He was completely alone. And you were free, surrounded by those who swore to love you just as you were.
            What ate away the most at you was how there were countless rape victims out there, real rape victims, whose cases were going unjustified. That you conjured up the whole case & succeeded in getting an innocent man imprisoned. But you argued to yourself that Dr. Mooney was a shitty person, that he deserved some sort of consequence for his lies & false authority. It was a win to you, & that’s all you really cared about.
            Fortunately, you didn’t think on it much. After Dr. Mooney was removed from the facility, Dr. Frazer made the decision to close the Arrowhead for the summer, to hire new doctors & nurses, to re-write policies & protocols, to ensure that something like your case never happened again. It was the least he could do, after all.
            So, with Arrowhead closed, Albert finally reached out. He was apologetic for his coldness to you in those last days, but you reassured him that you didn’t blame him. You had called him weak, after all. But the two of you would talk on the phone every now & then. He was near the end of his program when Arrowhead closed so he was given the ‘okay’ to re-enter life in the real world. He & his boyfriend moved in together & he was starting a new job as a drug counselor at the high school in his hometown. You were glad to have Albert back.
            Grabbing your phone off the counter, you snapped a couple pictures of yourself in the gown you wore, sending them to Albert. He replied with heart eyes. You giggled, clicking your phone off. Just as you did, there was a light knock on your door.
            “_____, it’s near time to leave. Are you about ready?” You father asked from the other side.
            You touched up your hair just a tad before going to the door, opening it. You grinned up at your father in his black-tie suit. He looked handsome. You were glad to be on his arm that night.
            “How do I look?” You asked, twirling yet again for him.
            Your father grinned, his eyes taking you in, “You look beautiful.”
            “Thank you, daddy.”
            Your father offered his arm to you then, “The car is waiting downstairs.”
            Quickly, you grabbed your Yves Saint-Laurent clutch & tangled your arm with your father’s. He led the two of you out of your hotel suite & to the elevators. On the ground floor out front, there was a sleek black sedan waiting for the two of you. Your father opened the back door for you as you slipped inside, sure to be careful not to catch your heel on the frame. Your father followed after you.
            The town where the charity gala was being held was in a town you had never heard of. It was small but upper class, similar to the town you lived in. It was called Kildare & lied along the Atlantic coast. And even though the end of summer was nearing, you couldn’t feel it in the air. It was still warm out & the breeze from the ocean helped keep it cool. You had spent the day earlier today shopping along the boardwalks & indulging in the cute café’s. You were happy to be here with your father.
            In the car, your father clacked away on his phone, likely responding to emails, so you just watched as the quaint little beach down passed you by. After about twenty minutes, the car pulled into a beautifully crafted country club. It had clearly been decorated for tonight’s event. There were lights tangled around the trunks of trees, a handful of elegantly crafted benches, & even a pearl colored carpet that invited guests would walk on as they entered the gala.
            Yet again, your father offered his arm & you took it, admiring the building you were entering. You had no idea what the charity event was for but you didn’t really care to. You were just glad to be seen in public with your father after his lawsuit. Not that anyone knew about it since it wasn’t public knowledge, but you wanted people to see that your father was proud of the daughter he had on his arm.
            Inside the venue, you were aghast at the fantastical elements of it. The interior & décor of it all made your heart leap with joy. It would be one of the first events you attended after returning home, family gatherings not included. You were more than ready to have fun, but of course, not too much fun.
            Your father kisses you on your temple, releasing you, "I'm going to go find the host, why don’t you find us a table?”
            “Okay.” You smiled.
            Before finding a table, you chose to take a stroll though the gala. There were hundreds of people, everyone dressed to the nines. You easily fit in. It was a strange feeling but you welcomed it, nonetheless. Near the back of the spacious room was the many tables of food along with bowls of punch. You inspected your options, your eyes often returning to the desserts table. In the corner was an open bar. You desperately wished you were old enough to get yourself a glass of wine. And you were confident that they would give you one without checking for your ID, but with your father close, you didn’t want to risk disappointing him. Perhaps if you asked him first…
            “Craving bubbly?”
            The voice just behind you made you jump, as it was much too close. You spun around, expecting it to be a random guest speaking to another, but the eyes you met made you falter in your step.
            “Rafe…” You breathed out unbelievably.
            “Boo.” He smirked, his hands hidden inside the fitted formal pants he wore, “Ghost of Arrowhead’s past.”
            “What are you doing here?” You asked, but your eyes quickly flashed around the room in search of your father.
            “I should be asking you that. You’re on my turf, after all.”
            That brought your attention back to him. You frowned, “Your turf?”
            Rafe smirked, “Kildare. My home.”
            A lump formed in your throat. What were the chances? Really? What were the fucking odds that the key to your rape accusation would be standing right before you. Far from Arrowhead.
            “You’re looking a little sick, _____. Spooked?”
            “No, no.” You shook your head but he was right. You were beginning to feel dizzy & nauseous. “It’s nice to see you.”
            Rafe chuckled darkly at that. He took a step forward & you were quick to step away from him. But he continued walking past you to the nearby bar.
            “Two glasses of the house red.” He ordered from the bar, but his eyes trailed back to you.
            You felt rooted to your spot, unable to move away from him. Had you known that you were going to run into Rafe Cameron of all people, you would have stayed at the hotel.
            The bartender handed Rafe the two glasses of wine. Rafe turned back towards you, offering you one of the glasses. You stared dumbly at the crimson liquid then at the hand holding the glass before trailing back to his eyes. He looked devious in the dimly lit space.
            “I shouldn’t.”
            Rafe stepped closer, his voice lower, “We shouldn’t do a lot of things, but that doesn’t stop us, does it?”
            You gulped. With a shaky hand, you accepted the glass but didn’t take a sip. Your father be damned, you didn’t trust yourself to drink now. Not with the one person who knew the truth about your darkest secret.
            Rafe tipped the glass, savoring the taste of the wine as he peered at you. You shifted uncomfortably under his stare.
            “Well, it was nice seeing you.” You mumbled, “Thanks.”
            You were about ready to spin away & run off but Rafe was quick to gently snatch your elbow. Your skin tingled & burned where his fingers grazed you.
            “Running away? So soon?” Rafe clicked his teeth in disappointment, “The party is just beginning.”
            All your fire & blissful independence evaporated as he held you close. He clinked his glass to yours, “Indulge.”
            Knowing he wouldn’t let you go until you obliged, you were quick to bring the glass of wine to your lips. Uncaring of any potential curious stares, you quickly downed the wine, the smokey & sweet flavor going unappreciated as you swallowed it all. You released a breath of air, handing the glass back to him.
            “I have to go.”
            “Wait, wait, Cinderella.” Rafe tugged you closer. He tucked your empty glass under one of his arms as he used his free hand to reach for your face. You jolted back but he held you tight. You stared wide-eyed at him as his thumb brushed against your lower lip. When he pulled it away, you noted the stain of wine on his finger, mixed with the maroon color of your lipstick. Rafe stuck his thumb in his mouth, sucking the flavor. You felt your lips part as you watched the action.
            “As good as I remember.” His eyes twinkled.
            You ripped yourself away from him then, snaking your way through the plethora of people before you found your father. He was sitting at a table with a man & woman who looked familiar. But how could they? There would be no one here you would know. Or at least you thought that until Rafe appeared out of the depths of hell.
            “Dad.” You tried to sound as normal as possible, but your heart was racing with panic.
            “There you are.” He grinned proudly up at you, “_____, this is a friend of mine, Ward & his wife, Rose.”
            You offered the couple a polite smile before moving to sit down next to your father.
            “Your dress is beautiful, _____.” Rose, who was quite younger than her husband, commented.
            “Thank you.” You replied softly.
            Ward eyed you then. But it wasn’t the kind of eyeing you were accustomed to when it came to meeting new men. He looked at you as if he saw right through you, not like he was admiring your youthful beauty.
            “My son was right, Harold. Your daughter is something.” Ward shared with your father, but his eyes never strayed from you.
            Your father smiled at that, though it appeared force. All the while, you were confused by the comment.
            “I’m sorry.” You chuckled awkwardly, “Your son?”
            Then, like the phrase goes, speak of the devil & he shall appear, Rafe appeared just behind Ward & Rose.
            “Oh.” You failed at hiding your distress.
            “You two were at Arrowhead not too long ago.” Ward pointed out, but it wasn’t necessary. Of course you knew where you met Rafe.
            Your father shifted in his chair, his eyes falling to Rafe’s as he took a spot on the other side of Rose, an empty chair just between the two of you. It was clear your father didn’t trust Rafe. So, why was he ‘friends’ with Ward?
            You forced a smile, “Hello, Rafe.”
            “_____.” Rafe returned, his voice thick with mischievousness.
            “Rafe told us about how you were the only one friendly to him.” Rose commented, her smile bright as she said as such.
            “She was definitely the most welcoming.” Rafe added, the tone in his voice playful.
            You felt your father’s eyes on you but you made it point to not face him. You had only just gotten his trust & acceptance back not too long ago. You’d be damned if Rafe would ruin that.
            “Rafe.” You said his name firmly, “Would you dance with me?”
            Rafe’s eyes glinted under the light at your offer.
            “I don’t think that’s the best idea, _____.” Your father said, though his voice was low. You met his eyes, seeing the uncertainty there, but you needed to get Rafe away from your father.
            “Let the kids be kids, Harold. We’ve got business to discuss, anyway.” Ward leaned back in his chair, staring comfortably at both you & your father.
            You could see the struggle occurring within your father but he ultimately inhaled sharply, nodding, “Stay where I can see you.”
            “Harold,” Ward laughed loudly, “You baby her. She’s quite the grown woman as far as I can see.”
            Your father ignored Ward’s passive aggressive comment, instead turning to you, “As I said, _____.”
            “Of course, Dad.”
            Rising from your chair, Rafe was quickly beside you, offering his arm. You reluctantly took it. As you did, you didn’t miss how Rafe’s father’s eyes never left the two of you as Rafe led the way to the dance floor.
            On the dance floor, Rafe was swift in ensnaring one of your hands in his own before circling his arm around your waist, practically pressed your chest against his own.
            Watch Me Burn by Michele Morrone began playing & Rafe moved your bodies in time with the music. It didn’t pass you by how fitting the music was in that exact moment. The song having been shot to stardom thanks to the erotic foreign films 365 Days. A trilogy focused on the tumultuous & tense sexual relationship between two people who shouldn’t be together. You had gotten yourself off to it a handful of times when they first came out. But now, you only felt extreme discomfort.
            Rafe cocked his head, watching you intently as you looked everywhere but at him.
            At the first chorus, Rafe twirled you before catching you firmly then dipping you. You stared hard at him.
            “Bring back memories?”
            He returned you upright, his hands finding your arms to drape them over his shoulders. His own hands found themselves on your hips. Despite the thick layers of the dress, you could feel his heat, & how it made your body feel like it was on fire.
            “Why are you doing this?” You asked, your voice low so only he could hear you.
            “Because I can.” He responded curtly.
            You glared up at him as he pressed your more against him, his hands trailing along your lower back.
            “That’s not a good enough reason.”
            He chuckled at that, shaking his head knowingly, “And what was your reasoning?”
            “For what?” You bit back.
            Rafe narrowed his eyes, smirking, “You know exactly what.”
            You pressed your lips together, licking them in distress. Rafe’s eyes flashed to the movement, his own lips parting.
            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your voice shook.
            He leaned forward until his lips were at your ear, “You’re a bad liar, _____.”
            You gasped softly. It was foolish of you to think Rafe couldn’t put two & two together. He was an ass, but he wasn’t dumb.
            “But you fooled the police.”
            At the mention of the police, you attempted to shove yourself away, but Rafe was secure in holding you against him.
            “I didn’t fool anyone.” You snarled. “What happened, happened.”
            Rafe nodded, “If you say so.”
            “I do.” You lowered your eyes, “You don’t know anything.”
            Rafe hummed at that, “Maybe. But what I do know is that you gave me a going away gift at a very crucial time in your life. And Dr. Mooney’s.”
            You stopped dancing. Rafe copied. The two of you stood still on the dance floor, staring hard at one another.
            “I wonder what would happen to Dr. Mooney’s sentence if I came forward with what I know. With what we did.”
            “You wouldn’t.” You dropped your arms from his shoulders.
            “Watch me.”
            Tearing away from him, you made to leave the floor but Rafe was, as always, quick like a snake to snatch your wrist. He yanked you back to him before he planted his mouth on yours. You cried softly into the kiss before catching his lower lip between your teeth & sinking them in.
            Rafe ripped away, bringing his fingers to his lip. Blood spotted his fingertips.
            “I forgot that you liked it rough.”
            Unsettled at his comment, you stepped backwards, “Stay away from me. I mean it.”
            Rafe glowered, a devilish smile gracing his unacceptable handsome features.
            You spun away from him, desperate to create distance, but as you did, you didn’t miss the parting greeting he offered.
            “No promises.”
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            The rest of the night you managed to avoid being within 10 feet of Rafe. He was always there though. Even when you couldn’t see him, you could feel his eyes burning into you, always watching you.
            You stayed glued to your father’s side, & you were grateful that when you found him after your tense dance with Rafe that he was no longer with Ward Cameron. The whole night, you entertained small talk with your father’s acquaintances but never strayed. You barely even had the nerve to look around the room, fearful you’d meet the dangerous blues you were desperate to never see again.
            It wasn’t until you & your father were in the car back to the hotel that you finally managed to relax, though Rafe’s threat still lingered heavily on your mind. Would he go so far as to totally counteract everything you had done? You wouldn’t put it past him.
            But your relaxation was short-lived once in the hotel suite. Before you could disappear to your room for the night, to get plenty of sleep for the drive back home to Virginia Beach tomorrow. It wouldn’t be a long drive, less than two hours, but you wanted to sleep away the tension from the night’s event. Your father stopped you though.
            “We’re extending our stay for another day.” He shared as he began to undo his tie.
            You frowned, glancing at him, “How come?”
            He sighed heavily, sitting down at the only dining table in the suite to unlace his shoes, “The Cameron’s invited us to dinner.”
            You felt your heart falter. No.
            “And I accepted. You’re expected to come with me.”
            Your body began to shake, “Do I have to?”
            “Yes, _____.” His voice was tense, & he wouldn’t look you in the eyes. Something was going on. He knew something you didn’t.
            “No buts, _____. You’re coming with me tomorrow evening & that’s final.” He stood up, unbuttoning the cuffs on his dress jacket. His eyes finally met yours. The look there felt like someone was pouring a bucket of Icelandic water over you. It was a look you knew well, one you hadn’t seen in a couple months. He knew. Your father knew.
            “Okay, Daddy.” You mumbled as you felt your lips begin to shake.
            “Now, go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
            Nodding once, you walked fast to your room, your head hung low.
            In your room, you were quick to disappear into the bathroom, flicking the light on. Tears were already falling as you stared at yourself in the mirror. The novelty of the dress, of coming here with you father, of being the perfect daughter, had quickly rotted away.
            You glared at yourself in the mirror, the ink from your eyeliner & mascara leaving smudged black trails along your cheeks. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. Tomorrow, you would wake up & everything would be as it was. Your father would say your name with pride, he would be proud to call you his daughter. But no. You saw it coming & there was no stopping it.
            Your father would see you exactly as you were. The Cameron’s would make sure of it.
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drumroll please!!! the finale of I Burn is next. & it will be the end of another era. it's indeed a bittersweet feeling but i'm excited to begin writing The Taming featuring Clark Kent.
also, how was the dance scene? i really wanted to incorporate lyrics from the song to match their conversation but do it subtly. comments?
as always, please share your thoughts w me! i'm so so curious to hear your thoughts with the end near. please share w me via comments, reblogging w reviews, or dropping as ask.
thank you for reading!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Diavolo & Barbatos with a Goth MC! : basically my thoughts on what their reactions would be, how they would handle having a goth partner, ext.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Goth MC! who does the make up, the white foundation the "crazy" eyeliner, the black/grey or dark color eyeshadow and blush. Classic black or red lipstick with matching nail polish on the Mc's fingers. The saggy looking hair that matches the make up, oh so well. Goth MC! Who has the unkept look, but at second glance you can tell their well kept. At least to some extent. The Mc has raggy, ripped looking outfit but upon closer inspection its clear the outfit is perfectly kept up with. Goth MC! Who has an over extent looking outfit, looking like rags on rags, and the Mc has a dead looking apperance appearing to have risen from the grave. Almost the perfect example of a goth baddie. How will they react?
When Goth Mc crashlands in the Devildom, Diavolo is Fascinated! He may not understand why their dressed Goth but he still thinks Goth Mc looks adorable! Diavolo would ask all kinds of questions. "Why do you choose to dress like that? Is it a human custom? Goth?? Whats that? Tell me everything!!" This is all assuming he doesn't already know what goth is lol. Diavolo is just an excited puppy eager to learn anything about humans. So please entertain him with Goth culture or just tell him dark stories. Maybe even talk about music and how complicated that can be. He'll be amazed! "There's a whole sub-culture for Goth? Thats wonderful! You must tell me all about it!!" With those puppy dog eyes and that grin of his, Goth Mc would have no choice but to talk nonestop about goth things until Diavolo's curiousity subsides. If it ever does.
Diavolo can listen to Goth Mc for hours. Even when Mc leave Diavolo will be thinking about what Mc had been telling him. Instead of doing his paperwork he would daydream or think of more questions related to Goth culture just so he could ask Goth Mc. Barbs and Luci are banging their heads against the wall, so much unfinished paperwork. Poor bbys.
Dating Diavolo is super supportive. Diavolo loves Goth Mc's look! Humans somewhat looked down on the Goth apperance? Diavolo will make a Devildom where its the complete opposite! He wants Mc to be happy and safe in Devildom. I mean honestly, whos going to say anything to Goth Mc when the Demon Prince is standing next to them anyways? A psychopath? "No harm or hate shall come to you when hes besides you, Mc!" Diavolo will happily parade Goth Mc around formal events, arms linked proudly showing the Devildom that he's with them.
Speaking of formal events, Diavolo expects Goth Mc to dress gothic when attending an event. "You should feel comfortable being you, Mc. The Devildom is a Safespace for you." Or he'll make it one. Diavolo will gladly provide Mc with formal gothic attire if Mc doesn't have/can't afford any. He just wants to see his cute little human all dolled up! It fills Mc's gothic desires so win, win situation.
Diavolo is the Demon Prince so he is going to give Mc amazing gifts, and he'll do it all the time. No occasion needed! Diavolo may give Mc some extravagant goth item. Or maybe he'll bring Mc along to the grand opening of something spooky like. Diavolo doesn't care what it is if Goth Mc wants it he'll give it to them. As long as its reasonable. Diavolo may one day be becoming king, but Goth Mc is his ruler.
Barbatos can see the future so like he probably saw Goth Mc coming before they actually arrived in the Devildom. But even if he didnt,the most of a reaction Mc would see is an intrigued eyebrow raise. Barbatos is very good at keeping his composure. Nobody can know his thoughts or see how hes feeling hy his reaction.
I feel like Barbatos would enjoy the goth aesthetic. Similar to what i said with Satan's reaction, Barbs enjoys that the goth look appears to be an artistic outlit. Barbs also makes clothes so i feel like he would appreciate the Goth attire in general. Taking inspiration from it at some points.
Dating with Barbatos is pleasant. Barbs isn't always free. Hes a busy man babysitting taking care of the Demon Prince. However Barbs always makes it up to Mc. It can be small acts or even small presents just subtle ways of trying to apologize for not always being free. Barbs knows Goth Mc's favorite everything, as a butler its his job to be observant and know everything about those he looks after. So Goth Mc can expect their favorites with him.
Barbs will gladly sit and have tea with Goth MC as they teach him of Goth culture or talk about something dark. Mc's telling him about this gruesome horror movie they watched recently? He's nodding along and sipping his tea with a fond smile. He'll occasionally ask a question or add something into the conversation. "The suspense is killing me, do tell me what happens next my dear." Said straight faced, but he really is intrested!
Barbs doesnt find Goth Mc's appearance or interests offputting. Everyones fond of their own things, and he finds Mc to be very unique. Barbs is a high respected demon with a lot of power. I doubt anyone would say anything bad to Mc with him around, but if they did he would handle it very professionally. He would give them a snarky passive aggressive remark. He cant do anything crazy without "shaming" Lord Diavolo so he just handles it calmly and professionally. The poor sap that said whatever to Mc was never seen again tho. Mystery what happened lol.
Barbatos defiently gives Goth MC amazing gifts. He has connections everywhere, if he sees something goth or something that makes him think of Mc, he'll get it for them. Mc will also recieve outfits he made for them, obviously it matches their goth aesthetic. Barbs maybe a busy man but he's always thinking of Mc. He gives them gifts all the time, small or large with no reason other than- "I saw it and I immediately thought of you, my dear. I may not be allowed to be with you always, but you're forever on my mind." Barbs is unbashful and will gladly spoil Goth Mc, with compliments or presents and any other ways he can. He just wants his little human to understand he cares.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Next up will be: Solomon, Simeon, & Luke(platonic) Stay tuned! Stay safe! & EAT YOU'RE VEGGIES! ‹𝟹
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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detailtilted · 5 days
NEW Enhanced Edition - CHICON 2008 - Jensen's Solo Panel
Direct link to video. Link to YouTube channel. (9 videos available.)
My last video from CHICON 2008, Jensen's solo panel, is now up. As before, I cut between different footage to try to provide the best view available. Almost 60% came from the video AgtSpooky kindly sent me which, to the best of my knowledge, is not on YouTube and was captured from a different angle that newer fans may not have seen before. My full list of sources is on my video description.
A huge thanks to @spntrunk for helping me with some words I was having trouble subtitling in one section of the video! If anyone catches anything I missed or got wrong, in this video or any others, please do let me know. Subtitles are the one thing I can still update without hurting anything after the video is already published.
My next set of videos will be from Vancouver 2009. I'm temporarily skipping over some conventions as per my excessively long post in hope of being able to get some original video files that will upscale better. I intend to go back and fill them in eventually, one way or another.
(I don't know why the text in the above thumbnail looks weird. It looks fine in the video. The original image file I uploaded, which is just an exported frame from the video, also looks fine. 🤷‍♀️ I wanted to mention it because I was afraid people would see the above thumbnail and think the extra content in the video itself would be that difficult to read! It isn't.)
Before/after comparison photos...
Click to enlarge and get the full impact of the improvement.
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A recap for anyone not familiar with this project…
In December 2023, I started this project to enhance old convention videos. I'm upscaling the videos and making other visual improvements, adding extra content to clarify various references, and adding good color-coded subtitles so you can better understand the sometimes-chaotic audio.
My goal is to publish the best, most complete, and most watchable versions of these older convention panels yet seen, but this is only possible thanks to the fans who captured the footage in the first place and were generous enough to share it with other fans. My video descriptions on YouTube will always credit my sources.
If you have any old convention videos you'd be willing to contribute to this project, please message me! I can also be reached at [email protected]. Even if your videos are on YouTube, the original files, if you still have them, may upscale much better. If I can get them to upscale, I'd happily send the upscaled files back to you for your own collection whether I use them or not.
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
What would the yandere links feel about the reader being able to turn into a cat and having some known traits of one like instinctly snuggle I nto things even in human form and basically be like twilight turning into a wolf situation but instead of a wolf it's a cat with the fur the same color as their hair and same eye color.
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Even more cute maybe reader turns into a small cat
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“Does anyone know who this cat is?” Warrior picked up the small creature who had roamed into their campsite and cradled them gently in his arms. His eyes were full of delight as he held the small animal; it was surprising to see a cat just roaming around Hyrule as they were domestic creatures. He scratched the top of your head and you were delighted at both the attention and the scritches he provided. Sure the gloves he wore were a little rough and you would have preferred he take them off, but in your current condition all you could do was meow and that wasn't conducive to a proper conversation. 
“It’s not mine.” Legend called as he happily stood up and made his way to Warrior to pay tribute to the cat. He liked Wolfie well enough but nothing beat a cat! Warrior watched Legend approach and turned away from him. Hiding you away so that Legend had to keep walking in circles to get a good look. Once closer Legend could see that your eyes reminded him of someone in the group who said they were going on a quick walk. 
“What’s a cat?” Wild asked, standing up from the cooking fire so he could get a better look.
“It’s like a dog but smaller and more mischievous.” Sky chimed in. The skyloftian had never been around many cats but he knew of them and had already decided he didn't mind their company, even if he had never been around them before. “They have claws and can scratch if you're not careful and they purr when they're happy.”
Taking that as his cue Wild stood up and joined the group piling around the cat. Warrior stood still as the young man approached so he could get a proper look. Legend kicked the soldier lightly in the shin, a little upset that he'd let Wild pet the cat and not him. You for your part were so happy to be receiving so much attention. Sure it was a little strange having been immediately spotted and picked up but it wasn't too bad.
“I bumped into a healer once who had a pet cat. They were really sweet! She called it a calico. Really cute thing. It made a lot of loud rumbling sounds when I pet it.” Hyrule stayed on the outskirts of the group and watched with wide eyes at the new guest. He wondered if the cat would be following them around for a while or if they were just here for the fish Wild was grilling over the fire.
“That's what purring is.” Sky chimed in.
“You're just here to steal our fish aren't you.” Wind was by the fire helping watch the fish cook so they didn't burn. Wild didn't need the help but Wind argued he knew fish better than anyone because he grew up on an island and no one could argue. His face was set in a scowl and he had that squinty eye look that the whole group found adorable but could never say so. He stared at you conspiratorially and you let out a little murph and moved around in Warriors arms. Trying to stand was a little difficult but with feline grace and precision you landed on your feet and walked over to the sailor.
“Yeah I knew it.” He crossed his arms and stared down at you. Legend walked over to the fire and sat down close to it so he could stay by your side. All those times he didn't seem to click well with Wolfie finally made sense, he was a cat person. Wild slowly walked over to the fire as well and stayed down next to it, his eyes were wide and you could tell he'd never seen a cat before in his life. He looked both excited and pleased with this new discovery.
“If they want the fish, let them have some of mine.” Time offered. It was such a sweet gesture but you didn't need it, your portion was already on the grill cooked to perfection on the grill. You stared at it intently hoping someone would get the message and hand it over, and as such you weren't even aware of the pair of boots sneaking up on you from behind. Twilight didn’t say anything, he just picked you up with two arms underneath your front paws and held you there. Your legs dangled in the air and snickers and laughs kicked up from the group. Mischievous indeed, you had the look of trouble in your eyes and Twilight could tell who's look that was.
“Where did y/n go?” Twilight asked quietly. Not that he needed to be loud; the only sounds in the group was the fire as the small chatter of conversation had died once you trotted your way in. He stared at your eyes as you yawned and stuck your tongue out a bit. He set you back on the ground and you walked back over to the fish cooking and stared at them with wide eyes. Wild looked at you for a moment before it all clicked on him. The group had known about Twilight being Wolfie for a while and even Legend had hinted at his own animal form a few too many times and now, the cat was out of the bag.
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dumbkiri · 8 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕦 『2』
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄʀᴜᴍʙʟᴇ
Blessed energy comes with a price of unwanted memories. Sukuna may have kept [Name]'s ancestor locked away from her true lover. But in this life, it wasn't going to happen. Satoru and [Name] are a perfect match like Shoko said.
Song used in this fic: Davy Jones by Fia Orädd
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“Satoru, this is a lot of stuff,” [Name] tried to stop Gojo from presenting her with so many gifts. Yet the man did not agree with her. His sunglasses slipped down the bridge of his nose to gaze into her pretty [e.color] eyes. 
“I need to make sure you have everything for your new garden. Shoko will have you divorce me if I don’t provide you with things you need for your hobby.” He set the fertilizer bag down on the floor and walked back to the entrance of the grand estate. 
Yes, [Name] was quickly moved into his house and her servants were also moved into the place. The lonely heirs were welcomed to make a home with each other. She found it best that Gojo was the only one for her. They were friends in high school after all and [Name] would be lying if she said that she didn’t have a crush on Gojo. 
“Well, that was towards different men, Satoru.” [Name] followed her fiance to the backyard and the size of it caught her eyes. It was a blank slate, with only green luscious grass planted for her imagination to take over. 
“It’s amazing, huh?” Gojo startled her and he set the multiple bags of fertilizer down on the grass. “It didn’t take a long time to get rid of whatever was back here. Some trees, ugly boulders, old fountains…and more. I couldn’t wait to get rid of the old stuff and see what new things you can make.” 
[Name] smiled happily and wiped the tears out of her eyes before Gojo could see them, but he was already teasing her. “You cryin’, pretty girl?” He leaned in front of her face and smirked at her. 
“No,” [Name] stubbornly denied and looked into his sparkling blue eyes, “again, thank you, Satoru. You’re doing a lot for me now.” 
Her genuine thanks pulled him out of his teasing and he backed up, ignoring her piercing gaze. “Yeah, it’s no problem at all. By the way, we should talk about marriage stuff.” 
“Oh yeah,” [Name] ran into the house and came back with a blanket to set on the grass. She fixed it up for both of them and sat down on her knees looking up at Gojo expectantly. Gojo followed and sat across from her. One leg was stretched out to her and the other was bent so he could rest his elbow on his knee. 
“Obviously the old men want an heir from my family and yours, so it’s hitting two birds with one stone. But I don’t want to be rushed and I know you don’t either. When we have a kid on the way, we should expect them to try to make the leash on us tight. Well they can try to tame me, but you,” Gojo took his glasses off and set them in between his legs, “You need to fight them off. I don’t want you to take orders from any of them.” 
“Satoru, that’s easier said than done. You actually have the will to fight them,” [Name] looked away from him and focused on his glasses, “I’m just a woman in their eyes.” 
“You’re different, you’re my woman. You’re Gojo [Name] now. The same way I belong to you, you belong to me. The same way I argue with them and flaunt my strength, you can as well. Don’t be afraid of them, they can’t do anything to you.” 
His words made her heart flutter and a blush fanned across her cheeks. She looked up at him and sighed. The blush went away with the thoughts that clouded her mind. .
“There’s something you should know, Satoru. About my family and why I’m the only one alive.”
[Name] let her hand hover over the grass and let it tickle her palm, “My mom was a reincarnation of the King of Curses’ concubine. Her name was [L.Name] Nami and it’s said that Nami was Sukuna’s favorite. My mother told me that the blessed energy we carry is because Nami prayed to God for protection from that abomination. And God has seen how faithful she had been to him and he sealed her gentle spirit in a red rose.” 
“Red rose? You mean the flower at the center of the garden at the school contains [L.Name] Nami’s spirit?” Gojo curiously asked, he turned on his side and put his head in his hand. He watched [Name] nod her head and she confirmed it, “Yeah, no one can get past the blessed glass if they are not a [L.Name]. I am the only one capable of releasing Nami’s soul, but I was only told to do so if she wanted it.” 
“And how would you know if she wanted it?” 
[Name] shrugged her shoulders and whispered, “My mother passed away before she could explain it. But I was tasked with keeping Nami at peace by singing, dancing and gardening. I love flowers just as much as she did. I planted as many flowers and cared for them as much as Nami did. I sing any song she wishes and I dance like she used to do. It allows her more freedom than Sukuna ever granted her.” 
Gojo sat up and held her attention by saying, “Well then, my dear [Name], to make the mood lighter. I have a gift for you!”
“Another one, Satoru?” [Name] asked, relaxing her shoulders and raising an eyebrow in question. 
Her fiance laughed and showed off a box that contained a sparkly diamond ring inside. She could see how hard he tried to keep the simplicity for her, but she saw how hard it was for him. Because the ring was anything, but simple. “Oh, Satoru, a simple band would have satisfied me,” She placed her hand over her chest and could feel her heart beating fast in excitement. 
“Nope!” He disagreed and set the box on the floor to pull her closer to him. His large hands rested on her waist and he dragged her forward, her knees in between his legs. Gojo picked the ring out and held his hand out for hers to be placed in it. 
[Name] beamed in happiness and set her hand in his. She felt his thumb rub her knuckles and take a firm grasp onto her hand. With the ring, he slid it onto her ring finger and picked her hand up to witness it dazzle in the sun’s light. 
“It’s perfect, Satoru.” 
Her voice called out to him and she interlocked her hand with his and she leaned forward. Her nose touching the tip of his own. “Satoru, do you remember our first kiss?” 
“I do,” He whispered with a childish grin, “You were practically begging me with those pretty eyes of yours. I couldn’t resist.” 
“Are you going to resist today?” She asked innocently. 
Gojo slipped his other hand behind her neck and shook his head, “I never can.” Then he planted his lips onto her waiting ones. This blooming love was going to grow this time, Gojo promised within. He wasn’t going to let his regrets and sorrows hold him back. He pushed her away once and she never fought back. 
Now that he had her, he wasn’t going to let her go. 
Gojo was showing Yuji around the school after he was allowed to freely walk the school grounds. He was excited to start a new life at this school and make new friends. His new teacher was babbling about life at Jujustu High when a voice growled at him.
“Oi, brat.”
Yuji could hear his sensei’s voice fade away when Sukuna spoke to him. That cursed being was louder than his own. It was quite annoying. 
“What is it this time? Gojo-sensei irritating you again by-”
“Shut up and listen.” 
Yuji closed his mouth and there was a soft melody that caught the attention of his ears. It sounded nice and peaceful. Before he knew it, his feet were taking him in the direction where the soft melody was playing. 
And his eyes looked at the entrance of a garden. There was an archway of sunflowers while the main entrance was filled with different colored rose bushes. A bench was on the right side with a trash bin, then the stone path led into a maze-like area where more flowers were planted. 
“Wow, who knew the principal and Gojo-sensei could take care of a garden like this.” 
“This isn’t the work of stupid men. This is a woman’s touch.”
Sukuna growled in Yuji’s head and the teenage boy could agree with him a bit. Was he going to admit it? 
“You don’t have to. I can hear your thoughts.” 
Yuji rolled his eyes and continued to go into the garden. Although the soft melody stopped, he felt that he was going the right way because of the atmosphere. There was something that was calling out to him and Yuji felt at home the closer he got to whatever he was looking for. 
After a few minutes of walking in the maze, Yuji’s eyes scanned the new area he was in. If he was right, he knows he’s at the center of the garden with the hedges towering over him. The area was circular with shallow pools around the smooth arches. He spotted koi fish swimming along the lily pads and dragonflies resting on them.
The smooth pebbles crunched beneath his shoes as he walked along the path into the center. What caught his eyes the most was the single red rose that sparkled in the glass container on a stone pillar. He was so mesmerized by the image and he walked closer to it. 
His hand reached out to the glass container and he pulled back instantly when a voice spoke to him. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
He peeked around the single rose and saw a woman kneeling down on the pebbles behind it. She was wearing a red blouse and black slacks with her red heels by her bag of fish food. “That glass container is surrounded by blessed energy, it’ll hurt the demon inside you a lot.”
“Ah, I’m so sorry for intruding!” Yuji bowed a million times and the woman chuckled with her hand lifted up to her smile. She pushed herself off the floor away from the koi fish that begged for her attention. She grabbed her heels in one hand and walked to the pillar that showed off the rose.
“You can touch it if you want though. It won’t hurt you as much as it will for him.” 
Yuji tilted his head in confusion while Sukuna snapped, “You better not! I’ll kill you!”
Yuji looked from the flower and back to the woman who proceeded to give him a kind smile. She gestured to the flower with her soft hands and cooed, “I promise you it’ll just be a tingle of electricity for you, Yuji.” 
He didn’t question how she knew his name. Instead he reached his hand out to the glass and palmed the top of the oval shape. Yuji chuckled and felt the tingles of electricity traveling up his arm and looping around his whole body. “Whoa~ You’re right! It’s like waking up my foot when it falls asleep! It’s so weird!” 
[Name] hummed and asked, “How does Sukuna feel?” 
Yuji released the hold on the glass and wiped his hand on his uniform. He wasn't hearing anything from the cursed king. “Uhhh, he’s not saying anything actually. He’s very silent right now.” 
[Name] pressed her lips in a thin line and said softly, “Good, that tends to happen when blessed and cursed energy clash. Blessed energy will always overpower cursed energy, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. With blessed energy, I can exercise curses with a swipe of my hand. I can heal wounds inflicted by curses. But it takes a lot of energy out of me. Lowering the barrier for you to interact with the glass was a risky move, but Sukuna is weak right now.” 
The woman laid her hands on the glass and a flash of gold blinded Yuji to which he covered his eyes quickly. Then he blinked a few times to see thorny vines rise up from the ground to wrap itself around the pillar then the glass which the red rose was in. 
“Please, don’t touch this glass anymore. The barrier is much stronger and the electric shock can stop your heart.” 
Her voice was gentle, but the warning was harsh. Yuji swallowed the lump in his throat and he looked around the area awkwardly. He didn’t know what to say next. He doesn’t even know how to leave the maze. 
“So what’s your name?” He asked stuffing his hands into his pockets. 
“My name is [Name], but respectfully, it is Go-”
“Sing that wretched song, whore.”
Yuji slapped the mouth that appeared on the side of his cheek suddenly and he looked at [Name] nervously. “It-It seems Sukuna is back from the dead…aha..”
[Name] stared at Yuji with wide eyes as she walked up closer to him. Her hand laid gently on his and she pulled it away from the smaller mouth that cursed at her. “And what song is it that you want to hear?” She asked and resisted the urge to poke Sukuna’s one eye ball underneath Yuji’s eye. 
“Traitorous bitch, you should know what song I’m talking about. The melody you played to catch my attention and led me into the garden. That song.”
“Ahh~” [Name] whispered and backed away from Yuji, “that song is for her lover. It’s not meant to be sung for you. I only played that melody on the music box to ease her soul. She felt you, you know? Your disgusting energy doesn’t mix with her holy one.” 
“Sing that song!”
Yuji flinched from the outburst Sukuna had and he was surprised to see the woman stand tall and confident in his presence. Without saying anything, she pulled a small music box from her pocket and set it on the pillar. [Name] twisted the knob sticking out and let the melody play. 
She walked up to Yuji and took his hands into her own. She laid his right hand on her waist and kept his left hand in her right one. She began leading him into a dance and Yuji fumbled a bit while Sukuna scolded him, “Don’t mess up the flow. She won’t connect with us if you don’t follow her lead.” 
“What are you talking about? I seriously have no idea what’s going on!” Yuji silently yelled at Sukuna as he watched the woman’s [e.color] eyes flicker with a hint of gold in them. 
“Cruel and cold, like winds in the sea.” [Name] sung softly to Yuji and Sukuna leading them in her dance of song. 
“Will you ever return to me?” Yuji subconsciously followed [Name]’s footsteps as he began to lose himself in her beautiful eyes.
“Hear my voice, sing with the tide.” They danced around the red rose and it was starting to glow the same golden color that was in her eyes.
“My love will never die.” Yuji looked back at the woman and the scenery changed around them when he did. The air around them was warm and he felt his bare feet dig into the sand below him. “Wait, where are my shoes?” He questioned and looked around him again. 
They weren’t in the garden instead they were at a beach and the woman was kneeling down in the sand holding onto a red rose desperately. “Sukuna, where are we?’
“Shut up and pay attention.” 
Yuji stopped asking questions and from the corner of his eyes he watched a man with white hair approach the woman with [h.color] hair. The woman didn’t stop singing nor did she acknowledge Yuji’s presence anymore. 
“Over waves and deep in the blue.” The man with striking blue eyes raised the woman to a standing position.
“I will give up my heart for you.” The woman smiled up at the man and handed him the rose with a loving look in her eyes.
“Ten long years I’ll wait to go by. My love will never die.” The man accepted the rose and pulled her in for a kiss until they both stopped to look straight at Yuji. The woman’s eyes were full of fear while the man was full of anger.
The man put his hands on her face and sang to her, but it was still the woman’s voice, “Come, my love, be one with the sea.” 
“Rule with me for eternity.” The man was pleading with her as he tried to shake her from her stupor. But she couldn’t keep her eyes off Yuji. 
“Drown all dreams so mercilessly and leave their souls to me.” The warm atmosphere was turning cold and Yuji felt a shiver run up his spine. The once blue sky was turning into a deep red color and the sea was dark and murky. 
“Play the song you sang long ago.” The man with white hair released her and stood in front of her protectively. His deadly blue eyes staring directly at Yuji to instill fear in him. It worked, Yuji was afraid, but his feet dug deeper into the stand. 
“And wherever the storm may blow, you will find the key to my heart. We’ll never be apart.” The man raised his head up high, challenging Yuji to take away his woman. But the teenager wasn’t that dumb. There was no way- What the?!
Yuji’s body started moving on its own towards the couple and before the two could start fighting, the woman stepped in between the two with tears in her eyes. Yuji could see her giving up herself to him to save her lover from his rage. 
Yuji roughly grabbed onto her arm and dragged her across the sand. He was suddenly stopped when the woman was grabbed by her lover. The white haired man stared into the woman’s eyes and sang, “Wild and strong, you can’t be contained.”
Yuji watched the woman look up at her lover and harshly jerked her wrist away from his tender gaze and grip.  “Never bound nor ever chained,” The man reminded her and tried to get her to stay with him. He put the rose back into her hand.
But inside, Yuji knew she wasn’t going to let a war break out because of her choice. The man stared at her with his hair shadowing his eyes and his hands crackling with electricity, “Wounds you caused will never mend and you will never end.”
Yuji successfully took the woman away from the stranger and the scenery changed. He saw mangled corpses of humans littered across the floor and houses were destroyed in his wake of rage. When he saw his temple, Yuji tossed the woman into a cell and she sang the last part of the song. She crumbled to her knees, not even casting a glance his way.
The red rose was still in her hand, blood dripping down her arm as she clenched the thorny stem in her grasp. The blood ran down as fast as her silent tears did. 
“Cruel and cold, like winds on the sea. Will you ever return to me? Hear my voice, sing with the tide. My love will never die.” 
Yuji blinked and he was back in the garden with the woman staring at him with mild surprise. “That was all new for me. I’m sorry Yuji for letting you see that old memory of sorrow.” She apologized and bowed her head down in regret. 
Meanwhile Yuji waved his hands and pointed at his cheek where Sukuna would pop out from, “If anything he should apologize! Seriously, don’t worry about it! To be honest, I had no idea what happened. Was I…Was I Sukuna?” 
[Name] nodded her head and stared at the floor, “What you and I saw was a memory of the spirit that resides in that rose.” She pointed at the guarded rose and continued to explain to the teenage boy, “[L.Name] Nami was considered to be Sukuna’s lover by many sorcerers. They were further from the truth as Nami did not love Sukuna back and Sukuna could never love anyone. Instead she loved that man we saw at the beach. He was a powerful sorcerer and he rivaled Sukuna’s strength. He loved Nami more than she loved him, though she did love him immensely.”
Yuji felt extremely light headed as she explained the memory in depth. He saw quick flashes of the pictures again. “That man was willing to put his life and other lives at risk in order to save her from Sukuna. Yet she did not want that to happen. Nami did not see war as a solution, so she resigned her fate to be left in Sukuna’s hands.” 
“That…How did her soul get sealed away in the rose?” Yuji asked feeling remorse for Nami. He couldn’t imagine the horrors she witnessed being locked up in a cell and being used by Sukuna.
[Name] placed her hands on her hips and looked at the rose intently, “God heard her pleas and provided her comfort in the thing she loved most beside Him and her lover. He let her soul rest peacefully in the red rose she cherished.” 
“There you are!”
[Name] looked up and saw her fiance standing next to Yuji with his blindfold over his eyes. He clamped a strong hand down on Yuji’s shoulder and dipped down to his height to ask with a hint of a threat, “What did you do to my wife to make her blessed energy flicker in stress? You didn’t let Sukuna out did you?” 
“Satoru,” [Name] spoke up for Yuji, “All Sukuna did was ask for me to sing a song. And my stress came from a memory Nami made Yuji and I see. I was afraid that this would harm Yuji, thankfully he is okay.” 
Gojo removed his hand off Yuji’s shoulder and he walked up to [Name] with his hands holding her face. He looked down at her with deep admiration and…love? Yuji blinked and saw the couple at the beach before flickering back to reality. Was [L.Name] Nami’s old lover a member of the Gojo Family?
Yuji heard Sukuna chuckle darkly saying afterwards, “I’ll rip her from his hands again. Then I’ll show her who she truly belongs to.”
Yuji clenched his hands into tight fists and his eyes glared at the floor. He wasn’t going to let that happen. His sensei looked happy with [Name] and he was going to keep Sukuna far away from her. 
“Satoru, please, not in front of Yuji,” [Name] bashfully backed away from Gojo’s kiss and the grown man pouted. 
“Just one kiss!” Gojo shouted and [Name] quickly pressed a delicate kiss on his cheek. 
“That should be enough for you,” She said, ignoring her pestering fiance who squeezed her in a giant hug demanding for more. 
“It’s weird,” Yuji thought, analyzing the couple, “they look so much like the couple, but they’re different. [Name]-sensei is happy and full of life while Gojo-sensei shows no anger or murderous intent.”
That was only because Sukuna was not in their life. In this life, they could be together with no one separating one from the other. 
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gothgril69 · 5 months
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Levi Ackerman/Fem!Reader Royalty!AU
Summary: You dream of another life, a simpler one under the rays of the warm sun, where you find love and your brothers live happily.
But you're destined to serve, to be the black sheep of the family and married off to whoever your father pleases because your parents can't seem to harbor any love for you. Your brothers will serve in the war, side by side with their Chevaliers, and you'll be left to pick up the pieces or die trying.
And the one you thought always hated you, will be right by your side to catch you when you fall.
Overall Warnings: themes of sexism, minor character death, angst, depression, minor character death, smut (please check ao3 for all tags)
Chapter warnings: smut MDNI
Chapter Length: 7.7k
ao3 link
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Historia and Ymir stop dead in their tracks, turning to you with wide eyes. Historia looks concerned, while Ymir stares at you as if she’s already been betrayed – you understand what it looks like.
“We are not allies,” you blurt, facing them to explain yourself. “I can assure you they are our enemies, the same as you.”
“You better explain yourself,” Ymir sneers at you, stomping forward through the open doors of their castle. You watch her short dark hair, tied loosely at the nape of her neck, sway slightly along with her hips accentuated by the trousers she wears.
“You must understand our hesitancy,” Historia tells you softly when Ymir disappears around a corner. “Things are changing.” 
Her blonde hair is braided, two sides pulled to the back, to allow you to see her features clearly. She’s beautiful, truly, and you can see how Ymir could fall for someone like her – they balance each other well. Although, you know Historia would not hesitate to do what’s best for her own country.
“I want to work together,” you tell her honestly. “If you’re willing, but I understand if you’re not and we’ll simply move on.”
“Let’s get you inside,” she tells you with a gentle hand placed on your arm.
She leads you inside the modest castle, Levi taking place behind you along with Erwin, Hange, and Miche. Navarre does not flaunt their wealth like Mirlenas does; dark stone brick walls lining even the interior of the castle, simple torch sconces lighting the way with minimal windows providing extra light. The floors are stone as well, but it still feels clean and wide open.
Historia leads you down a hallway. “We can discuss things in our meeting hall,” she gestures to an open doorway, a guard standing by with a blank face and cropped blonde hair. “Thank you, Nanaba.” The guard nods.
The meeting hall has wood floors, but they’re nothing like the patterned parquet flooring at home. A grand, round table is centered in the room, twelve chairs surrounding the mahogany surface, and you take a seat facing the doorway, but not quite directly across. Levi takes a seat next to you and you’re grateful, followed by Erwin and Hange sitting next to him. Miche stands guard by the door as Historia addresses you.
“Give me a moment with Ymir.” She gives you a sad smile. “She’ll come around.” You nod, and she takes her leave with Nanaba closing the door behind her.
You know very little of Navarre’s customs, your father only ever talking down about them and their “debauched” ways of living. They were more progressive than Mirlenas by far, sexuality and gender being something that was looked at far more loosely than Mirlenas. You admire them for living so freely, apart from the standards your society typically upholds. You wonder if Auguste would have felt more at home here, if Erwin feels as though he could have lived a life with him. You frown.
“If she even thinks about laying a hand on you,” Levi grumbles angrily next to you, a scowl evident on his face.
You sigh softly, appreciating his protection, but also anticipating a conversation later. You place a hand on his that rests on his thigh, rubbing your thumb back and forth across his fingers, and the tension in his shoulders seems to dissipate slightly. You understand, he’s worried about everything – so are you.
The doors open shortly after, a seemingly less irate Ymir striding through the doorway with Historia by her side – although her features are still in their natural state of annoyance. She takes a seat directly across from you while Historia takes hers across from Levi. “From the beginning,” she snaps, gesturing with her hand loosely before crossing her arms over her chest.
You tell her everything; how Zeke ambushed your brothers – you don’t miss the tension returning to Levi – the letter he sent you, every detail about the journey intended for Zaramund to negotiate until a storm caused your ship to crash on their shores. Historia lets out small gasps through the whole thing, and you notice how her eyes tear up when you mention your brothers’ deaths. Ymir’s eyebrows are slightly less furrowed by the time you finish explaining your side of things, her anger turning into reluctant understanding.
“I am so sorry about your brothers,” Historia mutters, wiping away tears from the corners of her eyes. “I am glad you landed on our shores before you arrived at Zaramund.”
“Thank you. I am as well,” you tell her gratefully.
Ymir speaks before you can continue. “You must know the state of Kaslogon before you start your journey again.” She sighs, and for the first time she looks tired, a hand placed on her forehead as she supports herself on the table. “You’re going to hate this.”
“We have a plan,” Erwin speaks up.
“Yeah?” Ymir lifts her head. “You can probably forego following that.” She hesitates, looking over at Historia for approval – Historia nods. “Grisha and Carla Jaeger are dead.”
Your lips part in shock, the hand resting gently on Levi’s now squeezing tightly as you try not to panic.
You’re too late. Zeke has enacted his plan and already killed his parents.
“What about Eren Jaeger?” Hange asks, their face curious as you process.
“Survived, but his location is unknown,” Historia says softly. “Apparently it was an assassination– killed by poison.”
“It was Zeke,” you tell them. You emphasize his point in his letter that made it known he would do anything to have you and stolen land.
“I’m going to kill that man,” Levi says on your right, still holding your hand but using the other one to press a fist into the table. 
“Well,” Ymir hums. “Seems we actually have something in common. He’s a tyrant, and once he’s secured you he’s going to come for Navarre with full force.”
“He won’t be securing anything,” Levi growls. Erwin raises a hand to him, gesturing for him to relax. You can tell it makes him more angry, but he obeys regardless and sits with his lips pressed into a thin line, jaw clenched.
“Our plan involved your help once we found ourselves in your territory,” Erwin starts. “I believe it’s in both of our best interests to work together in this war to stop Zeke.”
Historia looks over at Ymir, sighing softly before she looks back at Erwin. “We agree,” she says. “I wish no harm against Mirlenas despite our differences, and I do not wish for Aeron to suffer such a fate from the hands of Zeke Jaeger.”
“We’re willing to provide you supplies,” Ymir continues on for Historia. “Whatever you need to end this war before it goes further into our territory. I hope whatever you have planned will end with peaceful negotiations, but Zeke is a mad man.”
You look over at Erwin – he’s smiling. “Zeke himself can be handled, but I fear it will end with bloodshed.”
Your guest bedroom is smaller than the ones you have in Mirlenas, with just enough room for a full size bed and a vanity. Levi stands guard outside your door, and you didn’t miss the look of longing he gave you when the door was closed and Miche gestured to show him his own room. You’ve been spoiled recently, able to share a bed with him throughout your travels and to constantly be with him.
You’re pacing the room, fidgeting with the plain cotton skirts Mrs. MacLerie had given you. Should you bother him in the hallway, request that he stay the night with you? You fear being too attached, too reliant on him, when you should be able to handle sleeping alone for one night before your journey resumes. Your sleep is just so uninterrupted with him, nightmare-less – dreamless. His arms wrapped around you is what makes you feel safe alongside his promises of always protecting you. You’re his now, and he yours.
You sigh, and swing open the door with a roll of your eyes at your behavior. Levi immediately straightens up off the wall, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows and concern. You don’t have to say a word for him to understand, and you can see in his eyes that he’s grateful you want him inside. He steps through the doorway as you step aside, and your nerves are back again when he doesn’t say anything.
“We should talk,” you say, your voice sounding small. You cringe at your words, knowing if they were said to you that you would immediately panic. “Everything’s fine,” you blurt out when you see his mouth open – it snaps shut.
He ponders for a moment. “Okay.”
You frown, and begin pacing the room again. He sits down on the edge of your bed, waiting patiently for you to begin.
“We are equals,” you state. You cast a side glance over at him, seeing him staring at you with a blank face – you look down again. “If we’re going to do this… If we’re going to negotiate with Zeke, I’m going to need you by my side regardless of the decision I make. I’m an inexperienced Queen, I know, but you’ll make me look like a fool if you question my authority.”
You keep pacing, nerves getting the best of you as you continue to fidget with the fabric of your skirts. You desperately want to break the habit, and you force your hands by your sides as they end up in fists instead.
Levi stares at you as you pace back and forth, fists now clenched by your sides instead of incessantly pulling at the threads in your skirts. He hates hearing that man’s name, the same man that killed your brothers and Furlan, the same man that killed his own parents. Levi feels this urge to protect you fiercely as soon as the name is mentioned – he’d do anything for you.
But he heard what you said, and he fears that he’s overstepped your boundaries when he didn’t mean to. He doesn’t know how to balance it, the unquenchable desire to be your protector, to love you, and the side of him that is still your loyal Chevalier. You’re right, and he knows that.
You’re startled by Levi grasping your hands, unfurling your fingers so you’re no longer pressing your nails into your palms, your head jerking up to meet his eyes. “You’re right,” he says softly. You stare into his eyes, those beautiful pools of grey that look at you so softly now. “You are my lover, but you are also my Queen. I trust you, and I will push down my instincts to protect you when you are fully capable.” His hand comes up to hold the side of your face, his thumb brushing the soft skin under your eye. “I fear there is going to be a moment where I can’t be there for you when you need me.” He lets go of your face, taking a step back as he frowns at the ground.
You stare at him for a moment, the overwhelming pressure in your heart making you speechless. You can see the frustration and sadness in his features as he stares down at the ground, jaw clenched. Memories of Auguste, Theo, and Furlan’s deaths no doubt passing behind his eyes, the hopeless feeling of despair overwhelming him. 
You step forward and reach out, a gentle finger under Levi’s chin tilting his head back up. “I am here now,” you tell him softly. “We are here now, and until we join the stars as well then we will both do what we can.” You press your lips against his in a soft kiss, gentle enough to feel the way he exhales in relief. “I cannot live without enjoying your presence fully now, Levi. We have bickered for far too long, and as long as we live I will take your protection as long as you will allow me to protect you,” you whisper against his lips.
His eyes are closed as you look at him with half-lidded eyes, his lips slightly parted as he awaits more of your lips against his. His hands find your waist, and he gently tugs the laces of your corset free. “I’ll do anything you tell me to,” he whispers, eyes still closed as he removes your garment. They open just slightly. “I’m yours.”
You kiss him, firmly molding your lips against his as they move languidly together. Your hands find the cravat tied around his neck, fingers nimbly untying the fabric to cast it aside as Levi’s hands bunch up the fabric of your skirts to lift over your head. You only part for a moment to help him rid the fabric from your body, his fingers untying the flimsy skirt support around your waist as your own begin unbuttoning his blouse. Your lips come in contact again. He shivers under your touch, casting aside the skirt support and assisting you by lifting his blouse over his head by the collar once you’ve unbuttoned it enough.
You don’t immediately connect again, taking your time to relish in the view of Levi in just a pair of trousers before you. You’ve never seen him shirtless before, only a peek at his abdomen when he would wipe his brow free of sweat during a rigorous training session, but you had never paid much attention to the man. Now you openly ogle at him, staring shamelessly at the curves of his muscles, the way they flex slightly under your watchful eye, the way coarse dark hair trails down from his naval and disappears under his trousers. His hair is slightly tousled from his shirt being swept over his head, dark bangs barely hiding the lustful gaze he looks at you with. He’s always been remarkably handsome, piercing grey eyes, sharp, but soft, features, and you’re so grateful you’re the one that gets to see him so closely.
Levi does the same to you, openly staring at the way your nipples pebble under the thin cotton chemise provided to you. He’s never seen you like this before, not even when his hands grazed your sides in the countryside of Navarre, your back being turned to him and body being hidden under the sheets. Your hair is still down, it’s natural texture brushing over your collarbones and the nape of your neck – it’s grown longer since the start of your journey. Your curves are slightly silhouetted by your chemise, the short sleeves cupping your arms so your shoulders are free. The way your décolletage is revealed to him makes his heart palpitate, your skin sloping down to your breasts that are only hidden by thin, white cotton. You are such a beautiful woman – Levi curses himself for waiting so long to admit it.
You bravely step forward again, fingers beginning to undo the buttons of Levi’s trousers. He brushes your hair behind your ear. “What are you doing?” he mumbles, grabbing your hands to stop your process.
“I owe you,” you smile at him and lean in to kiss him again, freeing your hands from his to continue.
“You owe me nothing,” he whispers against your lips, his hands coming up to cup both sides of your face.
“Please– let me please you,” you breathe, begging for just a small taste of him, anything. You walk him back to the bed when he doesn’t openly oppose, guiding him to take a seat when the back of his knees press against the edge of the mattress. Your fingers finally finish unbuttoning his trousers as you kneel on the ground, gently pulling them, along with his undergarments, down as he lifts his hips to assist you and kicks them off to the side with his shoes.
You openly gape when his cock springs free, already hard and inflamed at the tip as it leaks a small amount of clear fluid. You look up at him, eyes doe eyed and innocent, and Levi bites back a groan at the sight. “You don’t have to,” he tells you honestly, because he can tell you might be overwhelmed by the pressure of performing well for your first time. 
“I want to,” you insist.
Your lips are barely parted as Levi brushes his thumb against your bottom lip, pushing past and watching as you immediately close your lips around it to suck on it. You pull your mouth off with a pop, your cheeks flushing at the sound as you keep looking up at him. He looks patient, blank features staring down at you with only the kind look in his eyes telling you that it’s okay if you back out now, that he’ll still hold you tonight while you sleep.
You keep your eyes locked on his as you take him in your mouth, lips wrapped around the head of his cock with hollowed cheeks. The gasp Levi let’s out is unexpected, and you savor the sound of his unabashed moan that escapes him when you take him further. His skin is slightly salty as you wrap your tongue around him, coaxing another soft moan from him as he gathers your hair to hold it back for you in one hand, establishing a grip against your scalp. You’ve never done this before, but you try your best based on instinct.
“Fuck,” Levi moans, his chest heaving up and down as you bob your head. “How–” Levi let’s out a small whine when you push down further, determined to take him fully as you close your eyes and feel the dark hairs on his skin brush against your nose. “Christ, Aeron– shit– you’re gonna make me cum.” You gag slightly and pull back, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock as you use your hand to slide up and down the rest you can’t quite fit. 
You open your eyes to look up at him, tears forming on your waterline and drool spilling from the corners of your mouth. God, you’re a sight to behold, and Levi pulls back on your hair to lift you off of him when he feels his climax approaching fast, your hand still pumping him to completion. He can’t remember the last time he finished this quickly even by his own hand.
His cum spurts in white hot ropes against his abdomen, coating his skin as you watch his eyebrows furrow with pleasure, eyes closed and mouth agape in silent ecstasy. His breathing is labored when he comes down from his high, cheeks flushed as he opens his eyes to look down at you staring up at him in awe. He’s beautiful, strikingly so, and being the source of his pleasure has your own stomach twisting in knots as your clit throbs.
“Come ‘ere,” he says, assisting you as you stand up, wobbly from being on your knees on the hard wooden flooring. You sit down next to him, grabbing at the skirts on the ground to wipe him clean. “I guess Mrs. MacLerie doesn’t need those back,” he mumbles, taking the fabric from your hands to wipe his abdomen.
You laugh lightly, feeling as though you’re walking in the clouds now. “No, I don’t think so,” you mutter, leaning into his side to kiss him softly. It’s slow, gentle, as he relaxes under your touch and you move to straddle him, hands cupping his face as you swing your leg over his. You can’t get enough of him, desperate to feel all of him against you, desperate to feel his cock throb inside you and coat your walls instead of his abdomen.
“Aeron,” he breathes against your lips, hands grabbing your hips as your chemise rides up and exposes your ass and cunt. You lower yourself down, gasping at the feeling of your wet pussy coming into contact with Levi’s soft cock. “What are you doing?” he gasps as you start rocking your hips back and forth, feeling his cock rub through your folds and into your clit, hardening as you continue.
“Feeling you,” you moan. “Oh.”
“I can’t claim you here,” he groans, but his hands do nothing but move to your ass as you continue to grind yourself against him.
“Stop being such a gentleman,” you mutter, tilting your head back and closing your eyes, wishing he would just fuck you right here and now as your arms drape over his shoulders.
“I am to a fault,” he mumbles, leaning forward to press kisses onto your neck. “I want to savor you, take my time with you.”
“Please, Levi,” you whimper. Every time you feel the tip of his cock rub your clit you feel breathless, stimulated, but not quite enough to make you feel euphoric.
His hand makes it’s way to your throat, establishing a gentle grip on the sides to just barely cut off the blood flow to your head and making you feel all the more inebriated off of him. “Then you can do it, my sweet girl,” he hums against your collarbones, lips trailing down to your chest above your breasts. “Make yourself cum all over my cock.” His voice is barely a whisper, and the lewd sound of your wet folds gliding over him make you blush.
Your head is tilted back, relishing in the feeling of your bodies pressed so closely together as you let out a gasp. “Help me,” you whimper, needing just a little more stimulation than grinding against him provides. He doesn’t hesitate, the hand guiding you forward and back by your ass instantly coming in between your bodies to apply circles to your clit.
“That’s it,” he mumbles, pulling you back to him by your throat and kissing you as you whine against his lips. You pant through your open mouth kisses, eyes scrunched shut in concentration as he gets you off. You’re so close, desperation lacing it’s way into the sound of your breaths and moans as you reach the cusp of your climax. “Cum for me, amour– Fuck you’re drenching me filthy girl,” Levi groans, your breath mingling together as you both get lost in the feeling of each other. Nothing matters but him.
You cum hard all over him, eyes rolling back as he lets go of your throat to help you through it by grabbing your hip, his thumb still making circles over your clit. You practically black out, vision blanking as you feel nothing but bliss pulse through you. Levi guides you through it until you’re panting, head falling forward into the crook of his neck while his arms wrap around you to support you. His hands glide under your chemise, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back as it rides up your waist.
God, he can feel you clenching, drooling all over his cock that’s hardened again and he resists the urge to fuck you into the mattress. He can feel the mess of your cream dribbling onto his thighs, creating a sticky concoction of sweat and your cum to clean up in a moment, but he bares it for you despite his urge to immediately get clean. You’re ruining him, absolutely taking all of his willpower away when it comes to serving you – the woman he never thought he’d bend over backwards for, but he can’t imagine it any other way now.
You feel drained, and you’re not sure how long it’s been when Levi finally pushes your shoulders gently and a hand comes up to hold the side of your face. “You alright?” he asks softly. You nod, only a mumble coming out in response. A deep rumble of a laugh comes from him, a satisfied smirk on his lips. “So pretty when you’re fucked out like this,” he hums, his thumb gently swiping against your bottom lip. You give him a delirious smile in response.
“You stay?” you ask him softly, voice sweetened in hopes of him holding you as you fall asleep.
“Of course,” he murmurs, swiping leftover tears from your cheeks.
“You don’t care what the others might think?” you ask, head tilted as you lean into his touch.
“As if they don’t already know,” he mumbles. “Come ‘ere.”
He easily lifts you with him as he stands up, your legs instinctively wrapping around him as he supports you with his hands on your ass. He carries you to the side of the bed, using one hand to pull back the covers as he supports you effortlessly, and lays you down under the sheets. “Stay here,” he whispers to you, and bends down to kiss your forehead.
Levi picks up his clothes that are scattered on the ground, buttoning up his trousers and throwing on his blouse – he doesn’t bother tucking it in or fixing his hair. He looks over at you and can’t help but smile softly at the way you’ve seemed to instantly fall asleep, the travels of the day finally catching up with you. He makes his way to the door, putting on his boots and shutting it as softly as he can behind him as he exits your temporary bedroom in search of warm water and cloth to clean you, and himself, up before he joins you in bed.
He wanders the halls, the dark stone contrasting the white painted wood he’s accustomed to in Mirlenas. He makes it down one hall on his way to the kitchen Miche had shown him earlier when he runs into Ymir herself, stopping as soon as he rounds the corner and she comes into view.
“Ah, guard dog,” she hums, smirking – the nickname makes the hair on his neck rise. “I see you had some fun tonight. Bedding an unmarried woman– a Queen at that? That’s quite brave for a Mirlenas knight.”
Levi isn’t sure if he’s gotten more bold because of where he stands with you now, but he has to bite back his curses at the woman before him. “It’s Levi.”
She laughs. “Alright fine, Levi,” she scoffs. “How’d you end up lucky enough to bed a woman like Aeron?”
He doesn’t bother correcting her, telling her that he hasn’t technically bedded you. “I was her brother’s Chevalier,” he tells her honestly, crossing his arms as he looks at her. “Hers in the last three years of his life.”
“Ah,” she says, gesturing for him to follow her – he hesitantly moves. “And you were there for their deaths? Witnessed them?”
Levi stills, footsteps pausing on the cold stone floor. She turns around to face him, a split second of shock displaying on her features before she controls them again. He can feel the amount of fury showing on his face as he spits out through clenched teeth, “Do not–”
“Right,” she says and turns back around. “Sensitive subject.” Her footsteps continue forward and Levi reluctantly follows. She leads him through the corridors, long hallways that don’t turn too much to the point where he’ll get lost, and soon she’s opening a door and holding it behind her for him. The small room has linens on the shelves, and Ymir takes a few cloths down and throws them at him – he catches them easily with a scowl on his face. “You know, Aeron seems like a special woman, much better than her father,” Ymir continues while she walks out, clearly expecting him to follow. “She’s fiesty, and Miche tells me you got upset with her for revealing who she was at the gates.”
“I wasn’t–”
“She has courage,” Ymir interrupts, looking back at him over her shoulder. “And honestly, she’s the only one capable of taking down Zeke in the end whether she makes it or not.”
Levi scoffs. “As if she wouldn’t make it.”
She whirls on him. “Well then you better be there. Every step of the goddamn way,” she sneers. “Historia might have faith in Mirlenas, but the only person that’s shown me they can handle it is Aeron. Even Commander Smith himself seems like he’s acting on a hunch and me and Historia can’t afford a fucking gut feeling. If Zeke makes it here we’re done for.”
Levi’s fists clench around the white cotton cloths Ymir had given him and steps forward to meet her challenge. “You act like you know everything, but you have no idea what I’d do for her.”
“Would you die for her?” Ymir questions viciously.
“I would do anything for her. I would die the worst death if it meant she would be freed from whatever threatens her,” he vehemently tells her. “You know nothing. You know absolutely nothing about us, or the bond we share–”
“You’re mated?” Ymir takes a step back, bewildered.
“How can you be bonded if you’re not mated?”
“We will–”
“Pray it’s not too late when you decide to,” she huffs and spins around, pushing a swinging door open to the kitchen as Levi follows her.
“She’s mine, and I hers,” Levi says, quieter this time. “Zeke won’t lay a hand on her even if it means my own death to protect her, and Kaslogon will have no rein over any more land. We’re fighting him ourselves and you should be grateful for the protection your country is being provided.”
Ymir grips the counter, her back facing Levi as he stands by the entryway. “We are,” Ymir mutters. “You’ve been gone too long.” She grabs a kettle of water and pours it into a small craft, shoving the already warm water into Levi’s grip. “Go.”
Levi wordlessly takes it from her and steps out, leaving Ymir to sit quietly in the kitchen.
She’s scared, Levi thinks as he makes his way back to you, and he can’t blame her. The only thing he fears is losing you, and he can sense that Ymir is only scared of losing Historia to a war they can’t win. He’s already tired and selfishly wants to live in the moments where it’s just you and him, when he’s holding you so close your heartbeats practically melt into one.
He exhales softly, looking down at the ground before he slowly enters the room to take care of you.
“Are you prepared for this?” Erwin’s voice cuts into your thoughts.
You’ve gotten yourself together, disregarding Historia’s attempts at sending in a handmaiden and opting to get yourself ready. You’ve braided your hair and styled it in an updo, something that will last the journey to Zaramund. Ymir had delivered fresh clothing for you and you’ve changed into the woolen skirts and cotton blouse, a thin chemise that was made out of quality cotton underneath, and a woolen cloak for your shoulders. You didn’t miss the look her and Levi shared as she stepped into your room and spotted him – you didn’t ask about it, only glad they’ve come to some understanding it seems.
Your temporary horse whinnies under you, a dark mare that made you miss Saxson deeply, made you wonder if he was happily grazing next to Arwen on the coast of Mirlenas. Historia and Ymir provided supplies for you in a small wagon led by two smaller horses, and the rest of your soldiers were provided their own. You expressed your gratitude to both Historia and Ymir, earning a kind smile accompanied by a hug from Historia and a reluctant nod from the latter telling you to “not mess this one up.”
You’re almost positive you caught the upturn of her lip when you smiled back at her.
Erwin sat proudly on his own stallion by your side, regarding you with such care he rivaled Levi now in the way he wordlessly vowed to protect you. “Yes,” you simply answer him. There’s no need to elaborate on how your stomach twists into knots whenever you think about stepping foot inside the castle home to the Jaeger family. How could you ever be truly ready?
The easiest way to reach Zaramund would be to cross the bay between Navarre and Kaslogon territory, but it would leave you vulnerable to Zeke’s soldiers on the coastline – you’re not quite fond of water yet anyway. Instead you would be crossing through the valley of the mountain range that separated the two countries, a small path between towering mountains that would be covered in snow this time of year. From there it would be an easy trek into the capital city, but your nerves still threatened to overcome you.
And it started off simple enough, with two days passing by easily as you trekked across Navarre’s hillsides, rolling green making it easy to navigate and allowing horses to graze. Plenty of streams intertwined throughout the land, providing drinking water for your traveling squad. It was peaceful, nice even, while you appreciated the landscapes around you as your horses made their way through, or while you knelt down next to streams to fill the leather canteen provided to you.
It wasn’t until you reached the start of the valley that your group came to a full stop. The map given to Erwin was clearly deceiving, showing more rolling green hills in between tall mountains, streams flowing down from the mountainside. Granted, it was winter, but the sight before you was not at all how you imagined or were told about.
The earth was brown, no longer covered in grass and resembling a desert instead with visible drought lines along the side of the mountains and clear signs of dried up streams. You couldn’t blame the Queens, they warned you they haven’t had anyone travel these areas since the war began, and with a harsh winter already making it’s presence known far worse in Navarre than Southern Mirlenas, a drought before the snow melted was inevitable. 
The air was dry and chilled you to the bone as it swept in between the mountains, blowing the stray hairs that have managed to escape your tied up hair back. One hundred kilometers of this would have to be crossed to reach the other side where you had no idea about the terrain of Kaslogon. You’ve heard your father talk about how sparse it normally is, and you can only hope that in a twist of luck that the land spares you from it’s usual standing.
“We’ll stock up on water half a kilometer back and then make our way through,” Erwin announces to your soldiers. You give him a nod, tugging on the reins of your horse to turn her around and earning a disgruntled huff in return.
Any gods that may exist have never been on your side.
The sight was startlingly contrasted; white peaked mountains sloping down to dusty cliff sides. You were surrounded by snow you couldn’t reach, and dirt that had no life to it. You’re almost there – roughly seventy five kilometers have been trekked, and you’re just starting to grow weary as the sun sets. Shadows grow longer, the sky darkening and revealing the stars above your heads with some getting shadowed by the mountain tops.
“We should rest,” Levi speaks up, addressing Erwin. You’ve slumped down a bit on top of your horse, posture weak and limbs growing tired of riding all day. You’ll be on the outskirts of Zaramund tomorrow evening, but Erwin wants to camp just out of reach of the capital city so you can all gather the needed strength. 
I fear it will end with bloodshed. 
You hope that’s not the case.
All of the horses come to a stop, with Petra and Eld directing the horses towing the wagon to stop and allow access to supplies. You weren’t as prepared as you were in Mirlenas, settling for rucksacks instead of tents and hoping it wouldn’t rain on you despite the needed water. You hopped off your horse, beating Levi’s attempted assistance, and began helping set up camp. You didn’t know much, but you could at least help Petra gather supplies for cooking tonight's meal over the fire being prepared.
“We can take care of things,” Levi tells you, reaching into the back of the wagon for a crate – Petra glances over at you with slightly raised brows, taking that as her signal to leave your side to give you privacy.
“What kind of leader would I be if I let everyone do this for me?” you ask him, turning your body to face him with a hand on your hip.
He looks at you for a moment and then glances around to see everyone else busy with a task as the two of you are partially hidden behind the wagon. “Right,” he mutters and kisses your forehead. “I’m only letting you know that you can take a break if you need it.”
He walks away with a crate in his hands, a knowing look on his face. You frown in his direction before gathering more supplies for Petra.
“Thank you, Aeron,” Petra smiles at you when you hand her a pot and cooking utensils. It’s just the two of you as you both kneel down by the fire, settling in to hang the pot and get dinner situated for the rest of the group. You look up and spot Levi, discussing with Erwin and Hange, although you’re not sure what and can’t tell by the animated look on Hange’s face and the bored expression on Levi’s – Erwin is simply listening.
You hear it before you see it.
A gunshot rings out, the sound of a rifle piercing through the laughter and calm sounds of your soldiers setting up camp. Petra tackles you to the ground hastily, using her body to shield yours as she urges you to crawl with her under the wagon of supplies to take cover. Your eyes are wide, heart rate soaring with the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you hold onto her and she does the same to you.
Then you see it – them. Eld and Gunther are lying down in the dirt, blood pooling around their bodies as everyone frantically takes cover and grabs their weapons. You gag, choking back your tears and the fear that’s consuming you as you look onto the chaos unfolding. You miss the eye contact Petra makes with Levi before she’s pulling you out from under the wagon despite your protests, kicking up dirt as both of you scuffle towards him.
“Go!” Petra pushes you towards him, causing you to stumble forward and barely catch yourself before Levi is pulling you up with one strong arm. Your legs straddle the front of the saddle, your back pressed so tightly to his chest you can feel his frantic heartbeat.
He positions you in front of him on his stallion, using both hands on the reins with arms that cage you in as you frantically look around and the horse sprints forward. Mikasa is hidden behind part of the wagon, using it as cover as she aims a rifle up into the mountains, a determined look set on her features. Armin is next to her, crouched down and holding a musket as he watches her back.
Your eyes find Oluo next, lying on the ground with Petra leaning over him as she frantically shakes him. You gasp, and turn your head down when you see his knee cap blown out and blood leaking from his thigh like a geyser.
“Eyes forward Aeron,” Levi’s deep, comforting voice intercepts your dark thoughts. “I’ve got you.”
You feel obligated to listen to the smooth intonation of his voice, his words trying to pull you back from spiraling as your mind wanders to thoughts of your brothers and the way they probably suffered in death. You keep your eyes focused on the horn of the saddle, your hands holding it so tight your knuckles become lighter in colour. You have to trust Levi to get you two out of this, trust that Erwin, Hange, and your soldiers will make it out alive – you know you’re their priority and you hate it.
Levi rides throughout the night, your body nestled against his chest and in between his arms as his borrowed stallion carries him forward. You’re sleeping now after hours of traveling and worn off adrenaline. Your body is turned just enough for you to rest your head on his shoulder while one arm holds your waist tightly to make sure you’re okay, his arm remaining flexed to keep you secure.
He’s angry, scared, and desperate to feel safe again. He caught glimpses of the Kaslogon emblems on the men that attacked them, and he wonders why the hell you’re even going to negotiate instead of declaring an all out war with them. But he knows how you are, how desperate for peace you are without bloodshed.
He holds you tighter. You’re okay. You’re alive.
He didn’t check to see if anyone was okay, didn’t bother stopping the sprint of his horse just to see if any of his comrades were following him out of the mess. The decided campsite for the next evening is his destination, a marked spot on the map that’s in Erwin’s possession and Levi can only hope he makes it to the right spot.
He rides for a few more hours until he sees the lake that looks to be the same size as the one on the map, the sun making it’s way over the horizon and casting a soft glow onto your cheeks. He’s glad you got some sleep, and he’s glad you’ll have a whole day and night to rest and get your bearings before Erwin inevitably forces you to move into the capital city of Zaramund.
Levi pulls on the reins with one hand to have the horse gently come to a stop, a small huff coming from the animal that deserves to rest as long as it can before he drags it into hell again. You stir, a small mumble that Levi manages to smile at as he looks down at your pretty face resting against him. He lifts his hand from the reins, using a thumb to caress your cheek and wake you up further from your sleep.
“We’re here, mon cœur,” Levi mutters to you. You open your eyes and stare up at him, the swirling of your irises that are warmed by the sun taking his breath away. “You’re okay,” he whispers, to reassure you that he’s got you, that he’s taken care of you and protected you from harm, in your sleepy state. 
You remain quiet and tilt your head up, the soft press of your lips making him melt into you as your lips move gently against his own. He sighs when you break apart, soft breaths mingling with his as he leans his forehead against yours. 
You’re okay. You’re alive.
It’s well into the next evening by the time you hear the distinct sound of hooves running against the soft grassy earth around the lake. Levi keeps you and the horse hidden well, letting you rest after he’s woken up from a nap and feeding you with a rabbit he managed to catch with a simple trap. Your eyes are frantic as he pulls you against a tree with him, holding you close as he peers around the bark and out into the open plains of rolling hills.
You can feel the tension leaving his body as he let’s out a sigh of relief, his hold loosening on you ever so slightly and signaling to you that it’s not the enemy. You allow him to help you up, his hand firmly grasping yours to guide you out from cover.
Your eyes tear up immediately when you see Erwin riding strong on top of his white stallion, Hange next to him on their own horse. You feel the tears fall when you see their head wrapped in bandages, one eye covered with a small blotch of blood soaked into the fabric.
The rest of your soldiers follow suit, and your heart feels like it’s in your throat when Petra rides at the back of the group on top of your dark mare, her face covered in grief. You let Levi’s hand go and run to meet your soldiers, your friends. Erwin is the first to get off his horse, practically leaping off and handing the reins over to Armin next to him, and then he’s waiting for you with open arms as you hurl yourself into him.
He crouches down to hug you, large arms wrapping around your frame and engulfing you tightly as you cry into his dirtied no-longer-white blouse. He let’s go of you to check if you’re hurt, calloused hands swiping your hair off your face and holding your cheeks to get a good look at you. His touch reminds you of Auguste, and your hands come up to hold the back of his as you give him a small, sad smile.
Hange walks up next to you, and you don’t miss the look of shock when you abandon Erwin’s touch to give them a hug. “I’m okay,” they mutter softly, and you make a mental note to ask them about their eye later.
The rest of your soldiers say their hellos, sorrow permeating the air with so much thickness you could choke on it as the tears never leave your eyes. They find their spots on the grass, sitting down with exhaustion leaking out of their bones after tying their horses up to rest and graze on the long grass.
Your eyes find Petra again once Erwin and Hange leave your side to talk to Levi, and your already broken heart aches when you see her sitting atop your mare, her dejected spirit idle. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and walk up to her quietly, carefully, as if she was a hunted wounded animal seconds away from startling. 
“Petra, mon amour,” you mutter. She startles, big golden brown eyes looking down at you from her spot on top of your horse. Her hands are covered in blood, the front of her uniform stained red from holding her loved ones close as they die. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You hold her in your arms as she breaks.
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DNI if you're a bigot (yes that includes you idiots who think I'm a sissy and not a woman) and do not be sexual with me if you're over 35 or a minor
Hello, I'm not going to say my real name so just call me Daniel (they/she and he if you prove you respect me enough). I am AMAB autistic gender-fluid transfem ENTIRELY CIS HET WHITE CHRISTIAN MAN THAT IS IMMUNE TO MODERATION that is a former plural system and now a singlet. I love all things nerdy like MTG, D&D, listening to infodumps, Pokémon and Honkai Star Rail. I also play Clash of Clans but put literally zero effort into doing it well. Also my gender is whatever makes me most attractive to you, but the gay version of it.
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Idk what I'm really doing here but tumblr is a great dopamine farm. It's also where I met my besties and (not actually it's an inside joke) wives @subbyblue @atlasofthestars113 and @verdantmothmachinations
You are highly encouraged to do any asks at all I love attentions. DMs are also encouraged as long as you get to know me and gain consent first. Honestly just send any ask it gives many happy chemicals.
Minors shouldn't be looking at this blog but I can't stop anyone so 🤷 (you'll get bitch slapped with a block though if you try to do anything horny with me and you don't have your age somewhere or are a minor). However, if you want to ask a question about kink/sex for purely educational reasons I will highly encourage anyone and everyone, regardless of age, to do it. We need much, much better sex education especially around kink and kink safety.
Inspired by @xenasaur
This blog is safe for queers of all types, racial minorities, addicts, age regressors, systems (endogenic included), and systems with littles.
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You should know that I'm an orca.... and orcas rule anything they can see >:3
For anything that happens in DMs I'll need to know you a bit first, I'm a person too and want be seen as such.
My general limits are scat, gore, raceplay, ageplay (though I'll happily care for you in a platonic sense!!), emotional manipulation (both directions), corruption of myself, intox without consent prior to the intox and more as I think to add them. Don't act or suggest doing aggressive or controlling things to me (ie: tearing clothing off me, pinning me down, gagging or restraining me, domesticating me, etc), I like being in control of myself at all times and having my body respected. The only person allowed to dehumanize me is me. I like the terms Mistrum, Mommy, and Mistress, and enjoy many many kinks including but definitely not limited to: petplay, sadism, general dominance/control, breeding, bondage, monsterfucking, and ahh... harder kinks I tend to keep to my hard kink blog ( @anunholyforehand )
However, my limits when subbing are almost everything (I'm very very vanilla and just want to be praised when it happens). Honestly when I feel subby the cuddles and comforts are much more important than anything else. Oh hey you actually read my limits, good job, have a link to all my audios I've done.
Also have a link to commission me
New thing!! I am a singlet but this wasn't always the case. I don't expect you to understand how or why but I do expect you to respect this fact. I am one and I am whole now. I will keep myself.
Stolen from someone else but the point remains
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Legal stuff cause privacy (I'm fully aware it will make next to no difference but on the off chance it ever matters I may as well have it, took me like five seconds to copypaste the image anyways lmao)
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monzamash · 1 year
❝ what am i to you truly ? a puppet to be used to get what you want? ❞ + daniel 🥺😩
on our side daniel ricciardo x you | 1.1k — i combined this prompt and “did you just seriously insinuate i would do something like that to you?” because we love the drama, don't we folks? x
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“You good?”
Daniel’s raspy voice stirred you awake, the exhaustion of too many night shifts strung together and the red wine he’d graciously provided for dinner had caused your weary eyes to close just for one peaceful, silent moment.
“Yeah, just needed a minute... it's so rowdy out there.”
The dip in the bed had your head tilting to the side, eying Daniel as he slumped down beside you, laying back on a bed that didn’t belong to either of you. In reality you didn’t know whose bed it was; maybe Scotty’s, maybe Sean’s – neither of you cared now that the dinner party had entered the wee hours of the morning.
“It’s been the longest day in history, I reckon. Trust those two to have the most extravagant wedding rehearsal dinner known to man…” Daniel sighed, hands linked behind his head; distressed curls falling every which way.
“Well, we are talking about a Stroll funded wedding event so not surprised that they’ve gone all out… Thought maybe there would be a flurry of doves as we walked in, it was that beautiful.”
Daniel chuckled at your joke and glanced your way, eternally in awe of how effortlessly funny you were. Quick witted and sharper than a tack like you’d always been; since the day he met you all those years ago.
“Should suggest that to Scotty for the big day – he’s all about the theatrics and hoopla… Christ, he might actually do it,” Daniel scoffed, making you chuckle and catch his eyes – gleaming and bloodshot from jet-lag.
There was a beat before his question; a question that you didn’t expect to get and certainly one you didn't want to receive.
“You ever think about getting married?”
The scoff that bubbled in your throat surfaced, eyes now widened at the man looking back at you with intrigue. Was he seriously asking you that? You? The girl who couldn't hold down a relationship because she's hung up on a man she can't have? Him.
“To who?” You asked, voice higher in pitch than you would’ve liked.
“I don’t exactly have a line of men queuing up around the corner…”
You cringed at the self-deprecation, wishing you’d gone with something less sad but the words spilled before you could catch them, painfully honest.
And Daniel’s quirked brow didn’t help you feel less desperate, “Oh, you know I’m camping out to be at the front of that queue.”
His tone was light-hearted but you knew that he wasn’t joking around. You’d found yourself here too many times, on too many late nights – fantasying about what could’ve been, maybe what should’ve been with the two of you. The almost’s, the close calls, the declarations of love when it wasn’t “the right time” and the apologies the next day when you wake up filled with regret, wanting nothing more than to pretend it didn’t happen because “your friendship means more to me than anything.”
It was cyclical.
“You promised we wouldn’t say things like that anymore, Dan.”
It was his chuckle that set you off, ringing in your ears like a taunt. It was as if the pain you felt every time he dangled himself in front of you, forbidden fruit, meant nothing to him. Like it didn’t rip his heart out of his chest, when it did. Having you as a friend killed him, every time he heard your voice on the phone, every time he made you laugh. Deflecting was his defence mechanism because admitting how he truly felt would hurt more than just you and him now. 
“I’m deadly serious…” You reiterated, staring into the windows of his soul, or so it felt for him as he watched your pupils widen.
“I know.”
And Daniel did know. He knew all too well the feeling of watching you happily in love – even if it was fleeting. But now it was his turn. The action of finding someone new was never intended to be vengeful or mean-spirited; it was just the way it was. Timing never on your side.
“But sometimes I think about getting married and when I do, I know you’re the only person on earth that understands how I feel… what that could look like and that might not be fair but it’s the truth.”
Daniel looked back up at the crown molding ceiling, hands clasped over his stomach, rising and falling with deep breaths. His heart was pounding, confessing his feelings was never easy when it came to you – and that was part of the reason you were laying side by side as friends, nothing more.
“You’re right, it’s not fair,” You stated, still staring at his sharpened jawline, tensing at your words, “I feel like… I feel like I’m just a puppet to you – a puppet to be used to get what you want whenever it doesn’t work out with your flavour of the month and… and…”
Daniel shot up, elbow buried into the mattress as he propped himself up beside you. As soon as you looked into those dark brown eyes, your heart shattered into a million pieces – the look of complete horror staring back at you as you stuttered through the sentence you wished you never even started. Regret getting the better of you.
“Did you just seriously insinuate i would treat you that way? After everything we’ve been through?” Daniel was stunned, gobsmacked by how differently you had perceived your relationship. Disposable.
He never wanted to make you feel that way, not ever.
“I fucking love you. I’m in love with you. And you know that. I know you do and I know you feel the same, which is why I sometimes keep my distance, especially when you’re with someone because I know what we have isn’t normal. I know it isn’t a normal friendship 'cause the reason all of my 'flavours of the month' leave is because of you.”
“Because they see the way I look at you and apparently it’s the same way you look at me so I dunno what to tell ya? You’re not a puppet and you never have been, it’s just… when we do get the chance to be together… in that way, I can’t say no to you… You’re you.”
Daniel reached down and softly brushed the pad of his thumb across your reddened cheek, a single tear rolling down the flushed skin as you let his words wash over you. He was right about all of it; he always was. He was the rational one, levelheaded and steadfast. But his words could only ease the pain so much.
The room was quiet, erratic breaths were the only sound being caught in the thickened air. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of your lungs, confessions somehow confusing the situation even more. Closure now being the only remedy for the heartache.
“If all that's true then, what do we do?”
Your voice was meek, barely a whisper as Daniel fell back onto the white linen duvet, hand searching for yours. You did what you always do and laced your fingers together; a comforting gesture to ease the sadness and gentle squeeze for good measure.
“I don’t know.”
Daniel genuinely didn’t know what to do and you could tell by the way his eyes darkened and the smile lines that were almost always visible were gone that he was as clueless as you. Stuck.
Because timing was never on your side.
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a//n — don't know how many angsty drabbles i can write to be completely honest 'cause this hurt 😂 but hope you liked it x masterlist | askbox
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froschkuss · 5 months
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Hello there! Welcome to all the new (and old) followers that appeared the last few days :) I got asked about gif commissions a lot lately and decided to open a few slots. Since real life is a bitch please be aware that it will take a while for me to finish a gif. I am way slower than I used to be, it bothers me but please be aware ; v ; You can ask frequently about the process tho... I will always try to answer as fast as possible :)
And here it is how it goes:
WHAT: A rotoscope is an animated image, a gif of your choosing that I’ll use in order to draw your favorite pairings. Rotoscopes aren’t made from scratch, although you can be assured that everything will be carefully drawn and adjusted to look just like the characters you chose.
HOW: If you’d like to commission me, please send me an email (mistressfrosch[at]gmail.com) and let me know what you’d like.
You can provide the gifs you’d like me to work on, and if you don’t have any, I’ll happily supply a few references (1 or 2) for you to choose from, depending on what you want. 
As for the characters you’d like me to draw, please also provide a few canon images.
When your choice is made, I’ll send you either a Paypal Invoice or my kofi link, and I’ll start working on your piece as soon as payment goes through. Please allow at least a few weeks for me to finish your commission, unless stated otherwise.
Please DO NOT send payment before you get the Paypal Invoice I’ll send you or the kofi link.
Please DO NOT send me NSFW gifs of yourself.
Please DO NOT edit the reference gif yourself. It has many reasons, such as that I don’t know if I can use it after you edited it (its double work if you edited and I can’t use it so I need to edit the original gif again to get to that point where you edited it).
I WILL NOT draw any kind of abusive relationships or potentially toxic  pairings and/or images that depict harmful situations. If you have questions regarding that, don’t hesitate to ask!
There are a few things I would like to avoid, such as BDSM, choking, pegging and furry.
Everything else is fair game!
Frames + Paypal Fee.
One (1) frame = 7€. If the gif you’ve chosen has 15 frames, what you’ll pay is 105€  + (in this case) 3€ to cover Paypal fees (7 x 15 = 105) +3 = 108€. The total you’ll pay for this commission is thus 108€. The Paypal fees vary depending on your country and the amount of money for the frames. Simple shading in one color is always included. If you have any extras like tattoos I will charge a small extra cost depending on the pose. 
So far I will open 3 slots!
Thank you for reading!
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