#i'll be the greatest hero! izuku.
starshinc · 1 year
@ofdetonation [ GUIDE ]: as they go in for a hug, the sender gently rests a hand and guides the receiver’s head to rest against their shoulder/chest.
By far, this was the longest night that Izuku had lived through. It still wasn’t over yet, the time ticking towards two in the morning, barely able to keep an eye on his surroundings. Another shiver ripped through his shoulders and upper back, the soft blanket tucked over his legs and across his body doing little to slow the shudders. His hands just continued to grip two items, his right hand screaming at the iron grip he was using. But these items were particularly precious.
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After all, it was Ramen’s collar, and his favourite rabbit toy.
The speed of which things progressed was so fast, Izuku wasn’t able to keep up. Sure, that evening, Ramen had been a little slower than normal, and not eaten his dinner with the usual gusto - but sometimes, it was okay to take things a little slower. Ramen had a bone that afternoon in his office, so he was working on the assumption that Ramen was quite simply full after the afternoon. How very wrong he was. He barely remembered anything after stumbling into the veterinary office, but he ended up alone - just left holding the soft plush, still lightly smelling of his service dog. The collar clenched in his other hand.
Warmth. Green eyes flick upwards towards the source of warmth encasing one of his hands, finding larger hands attempting to warm his right hand. Ah. That would be painful when Izuku could feel it again, the hand curled up into a resemblance of a claw. He couldn’t find it within himself to care, clutching the items tighter. There’s a subtle shift when he realises who was there - Kacchan? Had the vets called Kacchan here…? It would make sense, considering he’d murmured his name once while being led to sit. He tries to open his mouth, explain to the other what had happened. All that came out was a gross sob, tears beginning to barrel down his cheeks and splash onto the blanket. It should be fairly obvious what happened.
Barely able to draw breath, Izuku was dimly aware that Katsuki was moving - is he? Yeah, Izuku is certain he’s getting a hug now - but he’s not prepared for the gentle hand that comes to his head, the guide to rest on Katsuki’s chest. He’s a little stunned, surrounded by the warmth of the other as he settled there. Hands come to lightly tangle in Katsuki’s shirt, clinging tightly, still holding onto his items…and sobs began anew, clinging to the other like he was afraid to let go.
This night will still be long and awful, but at least Kacchan was here.
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meeko-mar · 2 years
Spoilers ahead for 362::
OK OK hold on
I saw a tiktok and this person brought up a... comforting idea or theory;
Best Jeanist is able to manipulate fibers. Many different types of fibers, including carbon fibers.
Now she theorized that maybe, just maybe, BJ could even control, or find that he can control, muscle fibers and the like. And therefore, be able to repair Katsuki's heart.
Even if not, is it maybe possible that he could repair with "splicing in" said carbon fibers? Thereby providing some sort of "patch job" to hold him over?
Together with that, once the heart is repaired, compressions could be given, and Mirio has just the Quirk to administer that, phasing through Katsuki's damaged chest and pumping the heart without damaging any of Katsuki's body further.
All they need, is a chance to be able to administer this care, uninterrupted, and IMMEDIATELY. And it's likely a temporary/emergency fix, he'd probably need more of a Healing Quirk to sort it out after the war, I'm not sure if Carbon Fibers could theoretically be used in the human body, BUT for the moment, it might work.
Edit: GREAT NEWS, Carbon fibers can be used in the human body, it seems, and "carbon fiber enhanced composites" have been used for healing bone fractures! and it apparently even stimulates healing better than metal :D
It could even add a layer of tension to the final fights when Izuku and Katsuki fight together, because Katsuki will be fighting with basically a "BAND-AID on a BULLET WOUND" and that would be something that effects him(and I'd be okay with that kind of being something that does come up, maybe even gives everyone a scare if he has heart trouble and collapses again after the defeat of AFO and supposedly the danger passes OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT...and to play devil's advocate, if Katsuki really MUST die later, it would be more...acceptable if he's able to go while being held by Izuku instead, having just helped him defeat AFO, and getting to actually TALK TO EACH OTHER about their feelings, feeling fulfilled about what he was able to do instead of sad that he couldn't keep up with Izuku...Dying in Izuku's arms with a soft smile instead of the heart wrenchingly SAD way he has just died....I don't want him to die AT ALL, but at least that would be more satisfying than whatever the hell is happening right now...)
Anyway, I'm getting too deep into this, but: In theory, I think it might be a good possibility, assuming it fits in with BJ's quirk.
And how kind of Poetic would it be if Katsuki survives with a "patch" from his mentor possibly permanently inside him, whom he clearly respects, since he waited for months to tell his own Hero name to before anyone else?
It might just be enough to bring him back, practically, medically speaking, if they get it to work.
But I thought that was quite an interesting theory, thought I'd share.
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pikahlua · 5 months
Wait pika do you really mean don't ask you about predictions? Some of my favourite Tumblr posts of all time are your thoughts, theories and predictions! :((
Please sleep also, but when you can let us know what's going on in that head of yours. I'm desperate for someone with a brain cell to discuss this chapter! (Twitter is a cesspit)
I mean, you can ask lol. I just sometimes get these vague "any predictions?" asks and it's like, YES. YES I HAVE SOME. BUT IT'S FAR TOO MANY TO JUST LIST LIKE THAT, CAN YOU PLEASE BE MORE SPECIFIC?
Okay, I'll tell you about my thoughts.
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This is a new frame of the scene in chapter 1. This perspective doesn't exist as a drawing in chapter 1, but we know pretty easily what this scene was about. Why is Horikoshi putting the scene here though? Why does this scene have the line "Let go of One For All"? Why not draw Kudou saying it, or Izuku's reaction to it? Is it because this is a memory of the scene where Izuku receives OFA, so giving OFA up is coming around full circle to this moment again?
I don't think so.
This is not the moment where All Might proclaims "you are worthy of inheriting my power" and Izuku looks up in shock. This is the moment where All Might says the words Izuku has longed to hear his whole life: "You can become a hero."
We're coming back to this moment now because the emphasis is on Izuku's upcoming choice. This is about the MEANING Izuku places in OFA. All Might told Izuku "you can't become a hero without a quirk," then shows up to tell Izuku he can become a hero...by giving him his quirk.
To Izuku, letting go of One For All is sacrificing his greatest dream. He believes by giving up One For All, he can no longer be a hero. Even though there have been moments where All Might let on that the reason Izuku deserves to have OFA is because he's already a hero, Izuku never seems to internalize that answer. He thinks his heroism is tied to being the bearer of One For All.
No one has ever told Izuku he can be a hero without a quirk.
I said before I had a big guess about why Katsuki's memory was wiped at the end of Heroes Rising. Notably, he is allowed to remember most of what happens. His memory cuts off from the moment Izuku passed One For All onto him. Do you remember what Katsuki said after he got OFA?
"This is the end of your dream then, too, huh?"
That's the last thing he ever says on the matter. Sure, it's the moment where Izuku answers with "It's okay if it's you" and all that, but Katsuki never responds to that. We don't know what he's thinking about this moment.
The only clue we have is the fact that he accepted the quirk from Izuku, and how he reacted to that. He seems quite upset by the prospect, but in the end he relents and accepts OFA willingly.
Perhaps the issue he is grappling with in his heart in these moments is not the fact that he has to inherit OFA but that Izuku has to lose it. Which means...the reason he loses his memory is because his reaction is important. It's a moment we will have in the manga, which makes it a spoiler.
We've never heard Katsuki tell Izuku what he thinks of quirklessness now. All he's ever told Izuku is that way back when, he thought it meant Izuku was supposed to be beneath him. He doesn't even tell Izuku why he felt like somehow Izuku was actually above him.
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He's also only ever told Izuku his actions were correct ever since he received One For All, nothing about before.
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I think Katsuki's reaction to Izuku losing OFA--which could come before the final battle or after--will have to be about his feelings regarding Izuku's quirklessness. I think Izuku is going to be incredibly hurt by losing One For All because he'll think he has lost his dream, and Katsuki is going to have to set him right, because only Katsuki knew who Izuku was before he had One For All. All Might is the only other person who had at best a glimpse of Izuku.
I think Katsuki has been coming to terms with just how special Izuku is, how heroic he always has been, and that he's the only one capable of acknowledging it in a way Izuku will be able to hear because he knew Izuku before he got One For All. I think he's been grappling with this possibility ever since DvK2.
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And I think he grapples with it again in Katsuki Bakugou: Rising.
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In the same way Izuku saw something great in Katsuki that he wanted to cling to so he could see what Katsuki would one day become, Katsuki has always seen something great in Izuku, which awed and scared him. Their greatest divide was in not knowing what greatness the other saw in them. Katsuki has to tell Izuku what Izuku is to him.
Katsuki has to tell Izuku the words he's always wanted to hear, that he can be a hero, quirk or no, that Izuku always has been a hero, more than anybody else. Katsuki knows the truth of it firsthand.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
I'll rank these from least to greatest. The Snowball/Hairpiece moment: Disqualified for being an attempt at "humor." We can't really take the universe seriously if literally no one cares about the main character getting stabbed in the brain. WTF even is Bakugo's character if he's actually the one to have injured Izuku the worst in his life? It's not AFO or Tomura who put Izuku closest to death, it's apparently Bakugo for no reason other than jealousy. Apparently we're supposed to see this as Tsundere slapstick humor. Confronting The LOV: This is a continuation of the finals against All Might and another reason this guy isn't smart. He learned nothing since then. Bakugo is simply a moron who, despite being able to fly under his own power, couldn't be bothered to use this to save himself even when he knew they were after him. They were aware at this point what Nomu were and how they were made from people. While AFO didn't do this, he could have given one of Tomura's minions an ability that specifically countered Bakugo's and made it impossible for him to fight back. This wasn't required at all since Bakugo let himself get yoinked by Compress, but it's another reason he's a bonehead. Way to put everyone in danger saving your useless ass, you liability. I like the irony of Bakugo being exactly what Aizawa called Izuku on the first day of school. Battle Trials: This is the first moment of the universe bending over backwards to shield this guy from consequences and also twist the characters present to talk about how awesome he is. The writing was on the wall here that you can do everything he did and not get in trouble or reprimanded at all. That the number 1 hero can watch you nearly manslaughter someone and he doesn't give a shit. Witch Hunt And Apology: This one is also bad, but again because of the Bakugo aura that needs to bend other characters to make him look good. Hawks, All Might and Endeavor were aware Izuku was their last hope. Which is why Hawks and Endeavor are not constantly at Izuku's side and instead have time to be at UA while he's running on no sleep. Despite also being targets of the League who certain members will never rest until they've killed them, they let the savior child wander around by himself until he eventually loses to Dictator. Yes, Izuku was beaten. He lost. The story needed to make everyone involved an idiot so Class A can show up and rescue him. Actually, I'd say everything about this was the huge failure of the writing in general. The author doesn't give a shit about most of these worthless fodder children. So he needs a fight scene to show them doing SOMETHING while also attempting to call back to a bond he hadn't built. And then Bakugo gives a ridiculously half assed, victim blaming apology that wasn't needed at all, which Izuku doesn't respond to.
It doesn't matter if Bakugo apologizes to Izuku because we KNOW he's already forgiven him. We've known that since the summer camp arc. Izuku would not have screamed like that for someone he resented at all. He wouldn't have gone to save him if he still harbored negative feelings for him. Izuku has saint like patience (and the author doesn't allow him to be mad at Bakugo) so his only interest is them being friends again. Their entire relationship is Izuku trying his hardest to connect to this empty, spoiled brat and getting punished for it. This "apology" is another box checked on the list. An event that had to happen because the story built up to it, but the animosity between them is completely one sided. I rank this higher than the battle trials for how it degrades everyone's characters that this had to happen. Izuku became pants on the head stupid specifically so he could be saved by these fodder kids, because he's so powerful that he could casually clown them all if he wasn't exhausted to the point of passing out. Literally all of his support evaporates because we need him to be isolated. God, imagine if AFO wasn't equally stupid and he bothered to send some buddies with Dictator so he wasn't acting alone. Imagine if he bothered to recruit Muscular and had them working as a team. RIP Class A. But AFO is allergic to victory. Swan Dive: This moment escalated him from a typical high school bully to a vile little brat. The story could have gone some interesting places with this. A problem MHA has is that the author doesn't want the heroes to be bad people. So we have Endeavor pointed at as being the one bad hero. Bakugo is the one bad hero student. Endeavor doesn't have an entire building of side kicks who are just as bad as he is. Bakugo's friends at UA aren't also entitled, ruthless brats who accept him as one of their own. None of the UA kids are bitchy, catty, backstabbing, conniving, or really have any negative traits. Even if Mineta and Kaminari are perverts, they step up when the chips are down and their bad traits aren't treated with any real seriousness. They're all infinitely forgiving, positive people who are super nice. So if we looked at this as part of seeing how privileged kids in this world behave and there were more of them once Izuku got into UA, but he doesn't get bullied because he's powerful, then it works as a part of the world building. Instead, we see now that this is a Bakugo problem. He was a rotten little brat who bullied and hurt kids for years for....no reason. We see LOADS of other kids with powerful quirks who would have had legions of dick riders hyping them up, and yet it's only Bakugo who acts like this. So it's one of the worst things he's done, in retrospect, because he's apparently always been what the author calls an "Abusive Egotist" and only stopped because Izuku got a power.
Deku Vs Kacchan 2: This is another example of Bakugo's incredible self centered nature. His "friend" is riding a high and of course Bakugo has to make everything about himself. Fuck Izuku for saving this little bitch boy's life, am I right? Fuck him for never telling anyone about his previous abuse and ruining his career before it started. Honestly, Izuku had All Might in his corner and could have dropped the hammer on Bakugo any time he felt like it, but he instead decided to show mercy. His reward is this horse shit. Now he has to emotionally validate this narcissist. Sure, you did end All Might. In retrospect, you should be thankful the League had such piss poor operational security and AFO decided to stay and fight. You should also be thankful AFO didn't chain you to his body as meat armor while he fought All Might, guaranteeing you and All Might would die. In all the permutations of ways this could have turned out if the villains didn't act like they huff glue every day, this is the best outcome. But of course, the fact that he and his friends got out of that with no one dead is irrelevant to him. It's all about his feelings. I'd hate this kid even if he never bullied anyone a day in his life. He's fucking disgusting to me. We're wasting screen time on this flat, empty character who doesn't even get his own villains. So much of this series has been spent on this dickhead and his garbage "redemption." Fuck. The payoff isn't worth it! He's intolerable even when he's trying to be nice! Bakugo pisses all over All Might and the OFA users: Fuck All Might, am I right? Fuck the people who fought for justice and freedom from the ancient Japanese Boogeyman. Fuck the only reason we don't live in a mafia state where he controls all resources. I can guarantee in such a world, Bakugo would be one of AFO's enforcers, not a resistance fighter. Because he only joins the winning teams.
If Bakugo was Yoichi, he'd have never complained about his brother killing people and would have raised both middle fingers to the air when he became co-emperor of the world.
I rank this the highest because this completes All Might's humiliation, and he's not even allowed to slap this little bitch across the face for mocking people who died to ensure everyone else could survive.
Interesting ranking. I didn't think anyone would actually put insulting the past OFA users at first. But it makes sense considering how he bitched and whined and threw a fit over not being chosen, then insulted the predecessors. All Might should have told him to stfu about his mother figure
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marunalu · 8 months
I'm sure bkg is just going to help save All Might, which is is help redeem himself for the "ending AM" guilt he had and just there to tell the readers that he is "important" to Izuku and is his partner (lets ignore his little significance) to be the greatest heroes or blah. hopefully he'll pass out and not there to interfere with Izuku vs Shigaraki, because if he does i'll be very very pissed off.
Yes as long as bakugou "just" saves all might, but doesnt miraculously defeat or kill afo himself or interfers in izukus fight against tomura Im fine with that. If bakugou has for some completly dumb reason ofa all of a sudden just because he had it for less then 5 minutes in a MOVIE tons of people didnt even watch and at the end jumped back to izuku because when the vestiges realized they would be stuck with bakugou they NOPED out of him, I will be pissed and most likely drop mha at least for a while! For gods sake hori let ofa be IZUKUS quirk, he deserves it more then ANYONE ELSE and trained his ass off to be able to handle it and bakugou already has an powerful quirk, got an quirk awakening AND came back from the "dead" thanks to his ridiculous plot armor which is even thicker then the mcs!
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kimbapkimbapp · 9 months
Hc of the letter Izuku gave to katsuki
Hi Kacchan, I'm Izuku and when you read this I'll be far from home, from UA.
Shigaraki and AFO want to steal OFA, and to do so they're gonna follow me. Reason why I can't stay here one more minute, I don't want to put people in danger.
I wrote the same letter for all of the class with some variations, yours is different. I've known you for way longer than them, and you also know the secret behind OFA, yours is also the worst one I've written because it's difficult to express everything that I want to say.
I don't know when I'll see you again Kacchan, or if I'll ever do, but I wanna thank you. You've always been my prime source of admiration and motivation, I think I wouldn't have grown so much if it wasn't because of you.
We had our differences, but I like to believe that our relationship improved a lot, and I like that, I really do. I have so much that I want to tell you, but I can't. I don't know if I'll ever be brave enough to do so.
But I really want to thank you and I really encourage you to keep working hard to achieve all of your dreams, because I'm totally sure that you will. Even if I maybe can't see it, I know you're gonna be the number one (if I'm not competing with you, because you know I won't hold back)
I don't know if what I'm saying makes any sense, probably not, probably you're gonna rip this letter or even not finish it. If so, I would say a lot more things, but I'm afraid you will actually read them.
I might tell you someday, someday very far in the future, because I'm still figuring everything out. I'm still trying to know which kind of hero and person I am, and I guess that that's the case for you too.
But regardless of it all, I wanna thank you and apologize because I'll miss your birthday, even though you claim that you hate it I would've wanted to at least say happy birthday to you. But I can't, and if I die out there, I wanna congratulate in advance. Congrats for all of your next birthdays, for being the greatest hero of Japan (and the world, because I know you wouldn't stick up just with that. Honestly I really like that part of you), congrats for your wedding if you marry someone and congrats for your future children if you have some in the future.
Just wanna say a big congrats, and a big sorry for not being able to tell you these things face to face. As you have probably realized, this is just a bunch of nonsense, but your letter is too complicated to write to make any sense.
I just wish you the best Kacchan, I truly do.
Yours, Izuku.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Got a bunch of ideas, I'll send them in phases so they don't overwhelm.
Izinogre x Cousin Rumi: Ippan Josei is introduced to Rumi much earlier.
Profane Torch x Hustle & Bust: The greatest heist of the century: stealing the villain-to-end-all-villains' quirk!
Blizzard x Endadver: Polycule lets goooooo
Izinogre x Cousin Rumi: Aww this is cute. Also imagine Pro Hero Miruko showing up to pick up Izuku from the support group
Profane Torch x Hustle & Bust: He's completely bamboozled the ultimate Villain
Blizzard x Endadver: Rei wanting and getting a large family makes me happy
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from BNHA? What do you think are Bakugou and Midoriya’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic (as a romantic or platonic, is up to you)?
Hey there! Oh that's such a great question, thanks for asking me!
I'm going to break this down into a few different things here, it might be a bit long, I apologise lol
First of, let's talk without the bkdk-glasses about their dynamics. So I'll be talking about it while trying to stay objective and looking at it from a platonic POV.
When you start to read/watch BNHA, you see Izuku as this little middle school boy who dreams every moment of the day to become a hero while being bullied by his childhood friend, right? This already sets the tone for the rest of the series because you can already tell that both of them are going to be important protagonists in the storyline: Izuku obviously because he is the main character, but Katsuki could have been a side character or even a one-off - once Izuku enters UA - as "the boy who bullied the MC and gave him hardship about being quirkless but now MC is following is dream and overcoming all of this", yet Hori decided to put them both to the front there, with All Might, the sludge villain accident, the fact that Katsuki runs to Deku afterwards to "talk" to him, etc.
You only need like 2-3 chapters/episodes to know that those two and their weird/broken relationship are going to be present throughout the rest of the show. Hell, you actually need the first 30 seconds of the show to understand that Katsuki will become an important pivot to Izuku's story, really: the whole childhood flashback of Izuku protecting one of his friends against "Kacchan"? Hori didn't start with that for no reason. It doesn't just show the fact that Izuku has been bullied about being quirkless since he was 4yo, it shows that the bullying has been done by "Kacchan", which we then see again when they're in middle school. If Hori wanted it to be about the quirkless factor alone, he would have picked either a different 4yo kid to do the bullying, or he would have left Izuku's "Kacchan" to the background and use a different idiot to bully him in middle school.
Therefore, it's already established that Izuku & Katsuki's personal storylines are closely interlinked with one another from the get-go. Whether people want to see it as enemies, rivals, rivals to friends, or lovers, the fact remains that these two are going to share the show until the end lol (and the fact that Hori himself keeps on pushing them to the fro any chance he gets with not so subtle bkdk moments is just the icing on the cake for me tbh)
The dynamic they have is so powerful it actually drives the entire plot and by extension the other characters around them, which is probably what I love the most to be honest. Plot-wise, like I said, it's driven from the beginning with the childhood friends' flashback, then the middle school period with the bullying and Kacchan being an absolute dick telling Izuku to take a swine dive if he wants to be a hero, and then the very same Izuku SAVING him because he looked like he was asking for help? Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps lol In that sense, Katsuki is both the catalyst to Izuku feeling absolutely useless (Deku), forcing him on an everyday basis to face the fact that he can never become a hero because he is quirkless, and being the trigger to the same Deku to turn into an actual hero by saving his sorry suffocated ass to the sludge villain. The fact that we see Kat's POV of the tree bridge and the river scene with small Izuku trying to help him just increases the focus on how that's a personality trait of Izuku that Katsuki hates (at first) and cannot comprehend for a very long long time.
Yep, with that I'm jumping into Izu's characterisation! I think that this is his biggest strength (though extremely dangerous): he has the spirit of a natural hero, he wants to save anyone who needs help without a fault (especially Kacchan) and that's what makes him so endearing. We know he is quirkless, he literally cannot do anything than most other people can, i.e. use a quirk to help someone; yet he still fucking runs in flames, crying, to try and save his childhood friend. That's hard to not like when starting BNHA. But this also brings up his self-sacrificing tendencies to the front and that's why this also easily turns into his biggest weakness. It's like a double-edged sword, really. This trait of his gives him the potential of becoming a great hero but Izuku needs to learn restraints when it comes to trying to save people because he ends up most of the time injured and then incapable to save everyone (see Kacchan's kidnapping arc for instance, he saves Kouta and then is unable to save Katsuki. It's the perfect example).
On the other side, you have Katsuki. He is brash, aggressive, basically the whole bad-boy "Imma blast you to the ninth level of hell" kind of attitude from the start, the huge ego thinking he is better than anyone else (because he's basically been fed this since he's a kid). He's got a powerful quirk and knows it, he knows how to use it and has this perfect physical strength which makes him shine during the UA exam. He's born to "win". And I think it's this very "win (to save)" attitude that's his personality strength. Even when he is facing hurdles (being humiliated by Deku saving his ass during the sludge accident, Deku beating him during their first fight at UA, being kidnapped, etc.), he takes it all upon himself to overcome them. (Like a lot of people, I strongly believe he doesn't just overcome them in a few days like it's shown in the anime/manga, it's hard to fucking let go of those fucked up situations like being kidnapped so easily, regardless of how strong-willed you are, but well that's another topic entirely) The fact remains that Katsuki is depicted to be this badass person - yes, with a shitty personality - but he is smart, knows his own physical strength, never sits on his ass thinking he cannot become better, he just keeps on trying to improve and be the best, and like Izuku does, we can only admire him for this.
Now for his weakness, I think it's pretty obvious? He lacks what Izuku have naturally: the empathy to help and save people, which is detrimental to being the best hero. And he has to face this on a daily basis as soon as he enters UA. It's been nagging him from childhood with Izu being a sore eye to him because subconsciously he can feel what he is lacking in himself, and having to confront that in the form of a quirless kid who adores him and keeps following him around despite Katsuki pushing him away every chance he gets is absolutely enraging. Whether you're a 4yo or a 14yo kid, it's still something very difficult to comprehend on your own, IMO. So when you actually see Katsuki facing this head-on in UA, first with anger and frustration but slowly with quiet comprehension and then understanding, it's just amazing really. His character development in the series is by far my favourite. That boy has grown so much and worked upon improving himself physically but mostly mentally over the span of a year, it's absolutely incredible (or like Izuku would say, "Kacchan sugoi!")
So all in all, those two idiots have their very own individual traits (the good and the bad ones) which make them who they are, and I think any real bnha fans (regardless of whether they are bkdk stans or not) can admit that these two are important to each other and for the story itself to move ahead.
One last thing I'm going to add regarding the dynamics is the fact that despite the huge drift that has happened between them once Katsuki had his quirk and Izuku was labelled as quirkless, despite the distance between the two and the bullying and horrible relationship they had in middle school, as soon as they're in UA, you have them work seamlessly with one another (however reluctantly, at first) whenever they have to fight a common enemy (example which comes to mind: class 1-A having to fight All Might as a villain in the first ova and Katsuki understanding what needs to be done without being told what Deku's plan was to defeat the baddy, that's just gold).
Aaaand I think this post is already super long, so I will make another post and tag you (if you want) to talk more about this from my rotten-to-infinity bkdk POV 💚🧡
I could honestly go all day about these two boys, I hope this answer didn't disappoint you. If it's too messy, well, sorry 😅 and if you have other questions please send them!
Thanks anyone who read till the end, the honour is mine, truly.
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Below Ground Zero [Deku] (Angst)
(One-shot 4/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Deku x OC, Izuku Midoriya, Deku, UA High School, Rescue Training Gone Wrong, MHA one-shots, fanfiction, My Hero Academia, Deku is a Bean, Angst
Word Count: 1,425 words
Summary: During a training exercise at UA, Tigress rushes to save her friends and finds herself trapped under a building. As time passes and she cries for help, will it prove to be Class 1-A's greatest rescue or a detrimental failure?
Author's Note: This one-shot isn't a part of a series, so if you're ever looking to see what character I'm writing for, I'll give a character name and whether it's angst, fluff, or smut in the title. Enjoy!
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"We need to get inside and make sure we find the survivor. That's our priority!" Ashido clenches her fist with determination. "Now, let's hurry! Time is of the essence!"
"Right!" Everyone follows her lead, even though I'm wary and feel a chill down the back of my neck. Didn't Mr. Aizawa say the building was burnt? I wonder if we should check it out to make sure it's stable... But since everyone seems confident, I hold my tongue.
We're already on the ground floor of the building by the time I realize I should have spoken up. I feel a light rumble beneath my feet and dart after my friends, trying to warn them like I should have done to begin with. "Wait, guys! If the building was burnt, it may still be unstable–" No sooner have I said it that the ground gives way beneath me and Toru. I shove her ahead to keep her from falling down with me.
"Tigress!" Their voices follow me as darkness swallows me.
Something cracks against the back of my head and my vision blurs. Sharp pain stabs through my calf as I hit the ground so hard I dry heave in the dirt. For the next few moments - is it five minutes or fifty? - I fight with consciousness. My body from the belly down feels completely immobile, pinned from the rubble.
When my brain finally refocuses, I find enough energy in me to call out instinctively for my boyfriend. "DEKU!"
My default emotion results in tears steaking down my cheeks as I try to analyze my situation. What would Mr. Aizawa do? He's always so logical. See how freely you can move, Little Cub. I grip at the dirt with the claws in my suit, trying to forcefully pull myself out.
A shriek tears through my lungs as my leg throbs from the movement. Dammit...I can't move my legs. Shit. I'm stuck here. I can't free myself. Sometimes, you have to wait for others to help you.  That's only fitting for something as worthless as you. A pathetic failure. Failure and guilt crash around in my head, threatening to break my body more than the building on my back. Mr. Aizawa is going to be so disappointed. I haven't even managed to get through the first quarter of the exercise. And then Dad... A sob rushes out of me as I try to think of something...anything I can do. I can't let him down.
So much for being a hero, huh? You were in the building for all of thirty seconds before it fell on you. Mr. Aizawa is going to expel you when you get out of here...if your own stupidity doesn't kill you first. No wonder your father gave Deku his quirk and not you. My fingers dig into the dirt painfully again, trying to distract from the emotional pain of my doubt, and the physical pain in my legs. There has to be something I can do. Call for help. No one is going to be mad at you. You saved Toru from the same fate.
"DEKU! FROPPY! URAVITY!" I choke out, using the amplifier in my suit to my advantage. "PINKY! INVISIBLE GIRL!" I shove the butt of my palm into my eyes to try and stop the flow of tears. Worthless. Failure. The sound of my doubt is abruptly cut off by the vivid sound of a tiger roaring in my mind.
I keep screaming and calling for help until my voice is tired and I feel my energy waning. What if they've forgotten me? What if they just left me here? I start to worry, calling out every one of my classmate's names at least once.
I'm starting to wonder if I'll die when the sound of footsteps reaches my ears. My breathing is shaky as I look up, and I'm sure my face is a sight, marred by panic, guilt, and blood.
Deku's face isn't smug or disappointed or annoyed like I'd convinced myself it would be. It pulls more tears from my eyes to match his glistening ones as he slides to his knees in front of me.
"TIGRESS!" He exclaims as he assesses the damage. He takes my hand. "The damage looked pretty bad here. Pinky and Invisible Girl said this was the area you'd fallen down. I was hoping this wouldn't be where I found you but–" He looks up at the debris shifting minutely above me, and his eyes widen, but his brows furrow as he takes a determined stance. "I'm going to get you out of here, honeydoodle. I promise. You're going to be okay!" He gives me a smile, and it both mends and breaks me.
He knows how to keep smiling. Why don't you?
"I'm sorry." I choke out. "I'm not...I wasn't...good enough..." I exhale, gritting my teeth. "I'm a monster."
"No, you're not. Don't say that. Invisible Girl said you saved her. I'm proud of you." Deku pats the top of my hair before he calls down the hall of the dilapidated building. "GUYS! SHE'S DOWN HERE!"
More footsteps start approaching. Iida and Tsu are the first ones that come into view, followed by Todoroki, Ojiro, and Ochaco.
I watch them jog closer until there's more movement from the debris above me and I shriek as my vision goes dark again.
"WATCH OUT!" I hear Deku cry and then everything is silent.
Now everything is pinned. There's no way I'm moving.
"DEKU!" I cry through the dusty darkness, coughing out the dirt trying to invade my lungs. "Is everyone okay?!" Please don't tell me others got hurt on my account.
"Tigress! Thank god you're still alive...we're all okay! Todoroki's ice kept the building from falling further. Can you move at all?" He calls.
"No, I can't move anything now, it has me pinned!" And indeed, even as I say this I try. I can't even turn my head; fallen debris renders it stationary.
I close my eyes and try to focus solely on their voices despite a throbbing headache. I listen as they come up with a plan. Iida is to be ready to run and grab me just in case. Ojiro and Ochaco are going to help move debris while Todoroki uses his ice to stabilize it.
The building crushing down on me has me fighting consciousness. One moment, I hear them talking. The next, I can hear the dirt above me starting to shift and settle. The next time I'm awake, I'm already on a stretcher made by Momo.
"S'Invisible Girl okay...?" I grunt out. It doesn't occur to me until I focus on a pounding in the back of my head that my deteriorating status is due to blood loss.
"I'm okay, Tigress." She promises, squeezing my hand.
I blink and then I'm pulled into a warm embrace. I think it's Deku at first, or my dad. But when he speaks, my chest aches as I find it's someone who's hug means that much more.
"You're going to be okay." Mr. Aizawa tells me, squeezing me. I sniffle and let my head rest on his shoulder for a minute. He reads my mind because as he pulls back and catches my expression he meets it with a stern look. "Don't you dare start apologizing. Just let them take you to Recovery Girl."
I'm too tired to fight it, but I have enough energy to huff at him.
The next in line, not surprisingly, is my dad.
"Ichijiku!" He darts over to my side; even he's not wearing his signature hero smile at first, but he grits his teeth and forces it there in the next moment. "You're okay." He exhales his relief. "Recovery Girl's going to fix you up, okay? I'll be right by your side the whole time."
I reach my hand weakly to pat his, again wanting to apologize but not having the energy. The world starts shifting in focus again.
"Can I go with her, Mr. Aizawa?" I hear Deku's voice in the distance and start glancing around for him.
Soon enough, he's jogging by my stretcher. "Ichan, it's okay. I'll come check on you in a little bit, but I have to finish the training...I'll be with you as soon as I can, okay?" Deku's hero smile is gone and fresh tears paddle down his face. He grips my hand tightly and squeezes before giving it a kiss. "We love you."
I love you too. I think, finally feeling content enough to fall asleep.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 4 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/LDNmQYF by ateloLIVE I started to understand that the system was corrupt when I first saw Tetsutetsu. Eijiro is my best friend. He's a good guy. I'd never admit this out loud, but I wish I was more like him. But his quirk is similar to Tetsutetsu's. And if I'm being honest, Tetsutetsu deserved to be in 1-A more than Eijiro. But how would my life look without Eijiro? I've always had temper issues. I understand that. I'm hotheaded. I'm arrogant, ignorant; every insulting word possible. But Eijiro, he makes me feel good about myself. He makes me think I can be a good person. I don't think I'll ever find someone more supportive and patient than him. Especially because I was so rude to him at the beginning of the year. In fact, I was an absolute asshole. I never once considered how my actions could make him feel. But he never stopped trying to befriend me, not once. I always felt like people were bound to give up on me. Having someone in my corner who wouldn't leave me when I insulted them, or tried my hardest to push them away, made me realize I was worth something. Because if someone can try so hard to stay in my life, even when I try to keep them out, it must mean something.  Words: 2201, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Song: THE GREATEST (Billie Eilish), Mentioned Uraraka Ochako, Mentioned Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Mentioned Yaoyorozu Momo, Mentioned Monoma Neito, Mentioned Shiozaki Ibara - Freeform, Mentioned Kuroiro Shihai, Mentioned Todoroki Shouto, Mentioned Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, POV Bakugou Katsuki, Insecure Bakugou Katsuki, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Angst, Angst and Feels, Not Beta Read read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/LDNmQYF
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barbiegirldream · 11 days
Symbol of Peace to the Symbol of Victory
At a surface level it would seem that Izuku Midoryia is the one destined to take All Might's place as a symbol of peace and the number one hero. What with it being the story of how he became the greatest hero and him literally getting One For All from All Might.
But the narrative seems to suggest a different thing. That Katsuki Bakugo is the one who will walk in the shadow of All Might and then eclipse him.
The first clue is that Bakugo is the only character to incorporate "Might" into his name in honor of All Might. Where after endless variations of All Might Junior- Midoriya went with Deku. The name Bakugo gave him. And while All Might is the symbol of peace- Katsuki Bakugo is the symbol of victory. Deku who said he had to beat Bakugo the incarnation of victory to live up to All Might who chose him and then... he lost
Bakugo's story is also tied tightly with the legacy of All Might in the very public eye of the hero career. When Bakugo was kidnapped Aizawa stood up for Bakugo and told the world he would be a hero no matter what. All Might would then defeat All For One temporarily but permanently lose his powers in his rescue of Bakugo.
Bakugo takes this to heart and never lets it go. All Might's power loss is due to, in Bakugo's mind, his personal failure. His attempts to beat Midoriya who has inherited this ability suggests more than just simple rivalry but a desire to live up to All Might and regain his honor. When Bakugo and Midoriya fight and Bakugo wins he screams in his face begging to know how he could have Possibly lost with the power of All Might on his side. This is showing that Bakugo can overcome OFA but the legacy of All Might is what he is concerned with.
All Might remembers during this fight Bakugo saying he'll surpass him and says "right" or in the anime even "yes you will" in response to this memory coming to him.
Bakugo's leadership skills and his sense of heroism developed strongly after All Might's retirement. And in the final war arc chapter 404 Bakugo comes back from the dead and saves All Might from All For One
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And then he goes and kills All For One. Finishing the job One For All set out to do for decades. (Even though AFO had to die spiritually later his body was destroyed).
I repeat he rescued a powerless All Might and killed All For One. Dynamight fulfilled the last mission of All Might and kept him safe.
"We'll Win This!" Bakugo is the symbol of victory.
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And the controversial scene of Bakugo showing up in 423 to gives Izuku one final push forward. A total flip on him holding Deku down and screaming in his face asking him to do better. (I include just panels that haven't been animated yet for context but I can pull the other ones if needed)
This is Bakugo's second "I am here" moment. The first being rescuing All Might. Everything turns out alright when Bakugo shows up for his friends. As was said during the class 1A vs 1B fight "I'll protect you when I'm in danger and when I need it you protect me" And Midoriya and All Might realized "save people to win. win to save people" had finally sunk into Bakugo's mentality.
Bakugo wants total and absolute victory. He wants to win. He wants to be the best. And All Might was a symbol. Of peace. To let the people know it would be okay. he was there. Bakugo inspires his friends. To Midoriya Bakugo means victory. To everyone winning is synonymous with Bakugo. This symbolism Bakugo is going to be the number one hero who represents something else to Japan. Instead of relying on one person to maintain the peace they'll rely on someone to win for them. To give them all victory. And putting down All For One by himself and showing up to help finish off Shigaraki he is there and he'll always win.
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starshinc · 18 days
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“sorry i’m late.. - wait, what have i missed?!”
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ my mother : the successful business woman ↰
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➘ summary : In this story we see how Izuku grows up in the hands of a successful business women, watch as his mother becomes his hero, the hardships they face as a family and how Izuku gains new friends and siblings to come
➘ a/n : there’s now a masterlist for this story
➘ Chapter 3: The Gift of Education
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O N L Y   T H E   B E S T   F O R   I Z U K U :
Monday morning arrived, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in Izuku's life. It was time for him to embark on his educational journey, but instead of attending a regular school, his adoptive mother, (y/n), had arranged for the top homeschooling teachers to come to their home. The grand study room was prepared with everything he needed to learn and grow.
As the clock struck nine, the first teacher arrived, a renowned scholar with a kind demeanor. He greeted Izuku with a warm smile, and they delved into the world of mathematics, science, and literature. The lessons were engaging and tailored to Izuku's interests, making him feel eager to learn more.
Throughout the day, more teachers followed, each an expert in their respective fields. The history teacher spoke of legendary heroes and their feats, inspiring Izuku to dream even bigger. The art teacher nurtured his creativity, guiding him to express his thoughts through sketches and paintings. The hero studies teacher delved into the characteristics of true heroes, instilling valuable life lessons within him.
As the lessons concluded for the day, Izuku was filled with a sense of wonder. The knowledge he had gained felt like seeds planted in the garden of his mind, ready to bloom and flourish with every passing day.
In the afternoon, after his last lesson, Izuku found himself sitting with (y/n) in the living room, enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. He looked up at her, feeling a profound sense of gratitude in his heart.
"Mama, why do you do all these things for me?" he asked, his eyes brimming with curiosity. "You don't have to arrange for the top teachers to come to our house. You already do so much for me."
(Y/n) placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with warmth. "Izuku, you are my greatest treasure," she said softly. "You deserve the top educational experience because you are capable of achieving greatness. You have a heart of gold, and your dreams of becoming a hero are worth pursuing with the best guidance."
She smiled, and her words wrapped around him like a protective embrace. "You see, being a hero is not just about having powers; it's about having a strong mind and a compassionate heart. By giving you the best education, I hope to nurture those qualities in you."
Izuku was in awe of her wisdom and love. Her words resonated within him, reaffirming his belief in himself and his dreams. He had found not only a mother but also a mentor, someone who believed in him unconditionally.
"But mama," he said earnestly, "I'm not special like All Might or the other heroes."
(Y/n's smile never wavered as she gently cupped his face in her hands. "Izuku, you are special in your own unique way," she said. "You may not have a quirk, but your heart is a quirk all on its own. Your determination, your kindness, and your resilience are what make you extraordinary."
"You're right," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "I won't let not having a quirk stop me from becoming a hero. I'll work hard, just like you do for me every day."
(Y/n's eyes shimmered with pride as she hugged him tightly. "I know you will, my dear. And I'll be right here, cheering you on every step of the way."
From that moment on, Izuku's desire to become a hero burned even brighter. His mama's unwavering support and the gift of the best education filled him with determination to chase his dreams with all his heart.
As he prepared to face the challenges ahead, he knew that he was not alone. With his mama's love and guidance, he felt invincible. He was ready to take on the world and prove that heroes came in all shapes and sizes, and they could be born not only from powers but from love, courage, and the belief in oneself. And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Izuku would grow, not only in knowledge and strength but also in the profound love he had for his mama, who had given him the greatest gift a child could ever receive—the gift of education and the belief that he could be a hero in his own right.
As the afternoon sun painted the sky in hues of orange and gold, (y/n) decided to surprise Izuku with some quality time together outside of their usual routine. (Y/n) called the gym teacher, explaining that she'd be taking Izuku out for a treat, and the teacher happily agreed, looking forward to seeing them both the next day.
They stepped out of the house, hand in hand, ready for their little adventure. (Y/n) noticed that Izuku's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.
"Where are we going, mama?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.
"It's a surprise, my little hero," (y/n) replied playfully. "But first, let's get some limited edition items of all your favorite heroes!"
Eagerly, they explored the stores, finding action figures, comic books, and posters featuring the heroes Izuku admired. He felt like he was in hero heaven, and his heart swelled with gratitude for his mama's thoughtful gesture.
However, as they were browsing, fate had an unexpected encounter in store for them. Among the aisles, Izuku spotted some familiar faces—his old classmates from before he was adopted. His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity.
His classmates, recognizing him, approached with smirks on their faces. "Well, well, if it isn't the quirkless loser," one of them taunted.
"Yeah, what are you doing here? You think buying all this stuff will make you a hero?" another jeered.
Izuku's insecurities resurfaced, and he found himself feeling small and inadequate. But before he could respond, (y/n) appeared behind him, her presence commanding and protective.
"Leave him alone," she said in a tone that brooked no argument. "You have no right to mock him or anyone else."
His classmates, intimidated by (y/n)'s stern expression, quickly retreated, muttering apologies as they scurried away.
Turning to face Izuku, (y/n) softened her gaze. "Izuku, don't let their words get to you," she said gently. "You are not defined by whether or not you have a quirk. You have the heart of a true hero, and that's what matters."
Izuku looked at her, tears welling in his eyes. "But mama, they kept saying I'm quirkless, and that makes me weak."
(Y/n) knelt down to his level, her eyes filled with love and understanding. "Guess what, Izuku," she said softly. "Mama doesn't have a quirk either. Do you think that makes me a loser?"
"No, mama," Izuku replied, shaking his head. "You're the bestest, most greatest mama in the world!"
"And that's how I feel about you, Izuku," she said, wiping away his tears. "You are the most courageous, determined, and kind-hearted boy I know, and I'm proud to call you my son."
With her words, Izuku's heart swelled with happiness, and he couldn't hold back the tears of joy any longer. He jumped into her arms, feeling safe and loved in her embrace.
They continued their day, going to get ice cream at his favorite parlor. As they sat together, enjoying their treats, Izuku felt a sense of warmth and belonging that he had never experienced before. With (y/n) by his side, he knew that he could overcome any challenge, and his dreams of becoming a hero felt more attainable than ever.
In the arms of his loving mama, Izuku knew that he was not alone in his journey. He had a true hero by his side, someone who saw his worth beyond any quirk or power. With her support, he knew he could be the hero he had always dreamed of—one who would save others not only with strength but with love and compassion. And as the sun set on that memorable day, Izuku felt like the luckiest boy in the world, grateful for the gift of a mama who had filled his life with love, guidance, and the belief that he was capable of being a hero in his own right.
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pikahlua · 1 year
has any of your theories or predictions become canon?
Well, anon, I think you probably have realized that a lot of what I do on this blog IS just make theories for funsies, and obviously I cannot hold to each theory 100% because many of them contradict each other. Whenever I gloat about "calling it" in MHA, I usually am doing so half-sarcastically, because some of the things I've "predicted" have been hedged or were too vague to count as true predictions. Sometimes I also just like to take a theory as far as I can stretch it by jumping to wild conclusions when the answer turns out to be simpler.
The predictions that became canon I currently can recall:
Katsuki's hero name will be Dynamight
Izuku in his vigilante phase would be saved by all of Class 1-A together
Izuku's vigilante arc would showcase how he hasn't learned to value teamwork yet
The utility of two OFA quirks, Danger Sense and Smokescreen, did turn out to be for stealth/reconnaissance
Katsuki would apologize to Izuku
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The answer to Ochako's question of "who saves the heroes?" would be the civilians
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Considering the ambiguity of singular/plural words in Japanese, the final word in "This is the story of how I became the greatest hero" would actually turn out to be "heroes"
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Yuuga Aoyama is the UA traitor
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The general progression of Star & Stripe's arc
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Shouto would not use Flashfire Fist against Dabi
Shouto vs Dabi ain't done yet
Katsuki will be exploited as Izuku's weakness
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That one panel in chapter 345 was heavily foreshadowing something very bad was about to happen to Katsuki featuring the possibility Katsuki will try to self-destruct to take TomurAFO down
The Second's quirk is a variation of super speed
These predictions I never wrote about so you will just have to take my word that I had them in like 2018:
Katsuki would have to save Izuku and potentially fail (fulfilled by "Katsuki Bakugou Rising")
Izuku would give OFA to Katsuki (fulfilled by the ending of Heroes Rising)
Both Katsuki's and Izuku's teams would win their matches in the JTA
And lastly, here's how that bingo card is currently going:
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And I'll probably think of like 5 more I forgot to list while lying in bed tonight.
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alien-slushie · 2 years
Midoriya and Monoma being Riley and Maya from Girl Meet World because....well I dont have a reason but when do I ever?
Monoma: Awards are a scam! I guy like me never had a chance Aizawa, never had a chance!
Monoma, glances at Izuku:...
Midoriya: Alright I'll do it, but its ridiculous.
Midoriya: Its a scam Aizawa! He never had a chance!
All Might: *runs into class with izuku in his arms and sets him on the desk, locking Todoroki outside*
All Might: Young Midoriya, it's time for The Talk.
Midoriya: In front of the whole class?!
Monoma: Yeah give him the talk, let's see what you know.
Midoriya: You have to do the homework Monoma! This teacher's insane, a total nut job! I think theres something seriously wrong with him.
All Might: ...Hi Young Midoriya.
Midoriya: Hi All Might!
Monoma: *puts his hand over Midoriya's eyes*
Midoriya: Oh I know this! Its Monoma! I know because I saw you put your hand over my face.
Midoriya, seeing Mina put on mascara: Why that?
Monoma: It brings out your eyes.
Midoriya: Why would I want to take out my eyes?
Todoroki: Hey guys.
Midoriya, raises his hand: Todoroki!
Monoma: Hand.
Midoriya, puts down hand: Todoroki!
Monoma: Grown up voice.
Midoriya: Todoroki, hello.
All Might: Its only gym class.
Denki: They throw things at me!
All Might: Who?
Denki: Monoma!
Monoma:...I'm the pitcher.
Midoriya and Monoma: *brushing a horse in Midoriya's dorm room*
Aizawa: *tiredly walks in*
Monoma: What horse? *puts a lamp shade on horse's head*
Aizawa: I was up with Eri all night, very tired. *looks at the horse* Mic we need bread.
Monoma, in shorts: What are these?
Midoriya: These, are your legs.
Monoma, looking at his legs: Have you ever seen anything so light?
Midoriya: Once, when I looked into the sun.
Tensei: Mic and I finish eachothers...
Mic: Sentences!
Monoma: Yeah? That all you do?
Midoriya: Because Monoma
Monoma: and I
Midoriya: can read
Monoma: eachothers
Midoriya: minds! What am I thinking of?
Both: One two three: Pizza! One two three: Clouds! One two three: Denki!
Monoma: Thank you for untying me.
Midoriya: Are you still mad at me?
Monoma: Let me think: yes! *tackles him*
Midoriya: So, wanna sleep over?
Midoriya: I hope Jirou looks up from her music so she doesn't miss out on life.
Monoma: Apple?
Midoriya: Grape. I hope Denki stops using comedy to cover up his inner turmoil.
Monoma: Uh they're out of grape.
Midoriya: Surprise me.
Monoma: They're not really out of grape!
Midoriya: What a nice surprise!
Monoma: Did you get to Bakugou yet?
Midoriya: I hope Kacchan...I hope Kacchan has a very bad day. >:(
Midoriya: We're sneaking out.
Monoma: I'm so proud of you.
Midoriya and Rody: *staring up at Monoma and Todoroki*
Monoma: Hes wearing the same clothes.
Todoroki: Who's that? *points at Rody*
Monoma: While we're wearing new, different clothes.
Todoroki: Who's that? *still pointing*
Monoma: He looks sleepy to me.
Todoroki: That one there; Who is that?
Monoma: Do the worst thing you can think of, right now.
Midoriya: Hi to everyone but you! *gasps*
Monoma: D:
Midoriya: I'm sorry.
Midoriya: They're just Tacos.
Monoma: What?!
Midoriya: Do we have to be first in line?
Monoma: I would regard not being first in line my greatest personal failure since not understanding fractions.
Monoma: Would you kidnap someone who really needed to be kidnapped, and handcuff them to the radiator and lock the door and not tell anybody?
Midoriya:...Did you do something?
Monoma: *nods*
Midoriya: *throws a hand full of glitter into the air.*
Monoma: You carry glitter in your pocket.
Midoriya: I used to carry butterflies but...
Monoma: Will you stop smiling?
Midoriya: I'm not smiling Monoma, this is my upset face.
Uraraka: How does he not know?
Monoma: Look at the new hero!
Midoriya: *excitedly looks out the window*
Monoma: He doesn't know because he has us.
Bakugou: The Deku Committee.
Monoma: We exist to keep certain information away from Midoriya.
Uraraka: Like what?
Bakugou: Everything really.
All Might: Listen! This committee can't protect him for the rest of his life. Hes getting too observant!
Bakugou: Hes looking at a new hero right now.
All Might: Well someone has to tell him.
Monoma: You do it.
All Might: *coughs up blood.*
Monoma: Hi sweetie.
Midoriya: Peaches!
A/N Okay I'm done.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
So me catching covid and getting sick leave off work finally gave me enough time to watch the latest season. While watching it, it got me thinking. How much of the story would change if All Might still had OFA and actively fought War Arc? Would the outcome of the war change too?
For starters, I’m sorry that happened and I hope you feel better soon. As for your question, All Might keeping his powers could be a whole other discussion and radically change the story, but I'm focusing on how this specific string of events would happen to lead to this scenario. I think the why of this could be just as interesting as the how. 
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If All Might still had some juice left in the tank after the All For One fight, you could argue that he would still retire and focus full time on being a mentor and teacher to the students. Given everything that happened with the fight with All For One, it's just too perfect a note for him to end on as a hero. He was at his lowest point and still beat the greatest villain around. I think he would want to take a step back and take the time to mentor Izuku and the rest of the students, especially after everything that happened with Bakugou. He would then have this reserve of energy, as in an "In Case of Emergency" kind of deal. Just in case All For One ever got out or there was some other major catastrophe about to happen. And with the threat Tomura and the MLA as a whole posed, it would certainly be a good reason for All Might to get back out there. Not only to raise the morale of the other heroes, but to put some faith back into the people by seeing the old pro out and about again to save the day.
Now, how this plays out depends on where All Might is stationed. Like before, I believe that he would lead the assault on the hospital, as that is a much higher-value target. With him leading the charge, it's going to be a lot easier to get through all the Nomu guarding the place, especially if he is working with Miriko. That means that Tomura's tank gets smashed sooner, but that wouldn't have the biggest impact, it just means that his body is going to start breaking apart much faster. After he wakes up, everything will still be decayed, but I actually don't think it will be as bad as before. Given how fast All Might is, he could either carry out or throw some of the heroes out of harm's way. Not all of them, but a fair amount, which could help in the fight against Awakened Tomura. As for that fight, I don't think All Might would be able to do much. Tomura was as strong as All Might in his prime. And with how much Tomura hates him, I could very easily see him dying with Tomura going in for a kill shot, specifically in front of Izuku. For the sake of this, I'll say he didn't and move on.
Then there is the matter of him finding out about Gigantomachia, which I believe he would overhear Tomura talking about over the phone when he wakes up. This is where some of you may disagree with me, but I believe that All Might would rather go fight Gigantomachia than stay with Tomura. As much as he would want to help Izuku, he knows the threat Gigantomachia would pose and likely realizes that they'd stand a better chance divided than together. Given his speed, he's going to be able to intercept Gigantomachia pretty fast, but not before he does some damage. Now this could lead to a whole other discussion about who would win, but if nothing else, I think All Might could do a great job of slowing him down. Not only would this prevent him from reaching Tomura, but give time for the sedative to set in. Which could mean that most of the League members are either scattered or captured by the other heroes and may even prevent the broadcasting of Dabi's message. Once Gigantomachia does go down, I think All For One is going to cut his losses and try to save Tomura's wounded body.
Overall, having All Might around would be quite a net positive. The biggest draw would be how many heroes would still be around after the fact. Either ones that have survived the attack from Tomura, the onslaught of Gigantomachia, would have been so terrified they retired. With the upcoming issues, there would be more heroes to deal with the aftermath and more heroes to fight against the waves of villains coming out of the prisons. The general faith in heroes would be comparatively high as well. Without Gigantomachia destroying as much, the lack of the Dabi video, and the return of All Might, it's going to be pretty well off when compared to how dower it was in cannon. A lot of the major League members and Skeptic may have been scattered or captured, which may or may not affect things depending on who or how the various members were affected. Tomura would still be at large and would try to gather any members of the League or the MLA he could, but he isn't in as good of a position as he was before. So I could see a lot of the same stuff playing out afterwards, just nowhere near as bad as it was in canon.
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