#i wish someone couldve protected his smile
jgnico · 11 months
Sometimes I think about Yuuji. Sometimes I think about him stepping away from the little girl that reached for his grandfather's flowers. Sometimes I think about him screaming Nanami's name from the rooftops after Gojo was sealed. Sometimes I think about him calling Yaga's dolls cute. Sometimes I think about him inviting Junpei to Jujutsu Tech so that he can be happy. Sometimes I think about his face after Sukuna's massacre in Shibuya, after Nobara, after Nanami. Sometimes I think about him petting Divine Dog. Sometimes I think about his breakdown in front of Todo. Sometimes I think about how happy he was in the Occult Club. Sometimes I think about him apologizing to Eso. Sometime I think about him calling Choso his brother. Sometimes I think about all the ways his smile has dimmed, all the scars that he's gained, all the grief and the heartache and the loss of innocence that he's endured. Sometimes I think about the Yuuji before Mahito, before Sukuna, before Megumi even. Sometimes I think of what life could've been like for him and what it became.
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
| 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 |
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pairing : bakugou x f reader
genre : angst, fluff
word count : 3.1k
warnings : lord here we go, trauma, ptsd, torture, blood,spoilers in case you haven’t watched all of mha, sexual jokes, talk of vomit, stabbing, knives.
- set when bakugou got taken by the villains but instead of bakugou getting taken its you-
> quirk like elevens power in stranger things < > telekinesis <
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“we don’t know too much but we have the names of two targets right now, bakugou and y/n, if you’re either of those people don’t fight come back to the camp.” after hearing the announcement from one of the pussy cats, mandalay you look at bakugou and todoroki, bakugou looked happy since it meant he had villains to fight but he heard your name and worry took over his face, you weren’t dating but god did you want to, you looked over at moonfish disgusted by him, his mouth was held open with small metal bars a straitjacket over the rest of his body.
you couldn’t unleash all your power on moonfish since you get extremely tired and you probably have a lot more fighting to do so you simply gathered 10% of your power to your finger tips, bakugou and todoroki were about to attack but stopped when they looked at you, they know how powerful you can be after seeing you fight and train, it’s what bakugou loves about you, you are badass and didn’t hesitate to put yourself in danger for others, he would never tell you this though.
with a simple flick of your wrist you attempted to break his neck, a little bit of blood coming out of your nose you wiped it away before looking back at the villain, he screamed out in pain before dropping to the ground. ‘it didn’t even look like you tried’ todoroki complimented making bakugou stare at him, ‘yeah yeah icyhot we get it’, you giggle at their antics before you feel a sharp pain in your shoulder, crying out you fall over looking up to see moonfishes knives coming at you, todoroki made a wall of ice blocking moonfish from you all, which irritated bakugou ‘I COULDVE ATTACKED HIM HALF AND HALF BASTARD’, ‘you tried before besides we need to stop the bleeding and quickly’ todoroki replied calmly making bakugou scoff, ‘i can do it move over’ his sudden calm behaviour startling you. he takes some cloth that ripped from the bottom of his t shirt earlier and wrapped it around your shoulder and armpit making you wince, ‘shit sorry’ his eyes oddly softening at your pain your eyes widen as you hear the ice wall todoroki created being scratched and broken down, but you can also hear something else.
‘Y/N, BAKUGOU, TODOROKI!!’ you look over to where moonfish was and running past him was midoriya and shoji behind them was dark shadow at his strongest form, he’s strongest in the dark which is probably why they came to where todoroki is, before todoroki unleashed his fire bakugou told him not to for a second so dark shadow could entrap moonfish. after dark shadow was contained everyone took a second to catch their breaths before they all looked at you and bakugou.
‘WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EXTRAS LOOKING AT’ bakugou yelled. ‘we have to protect y/n and bakugou since they’re the ones the league want’, everyone was agreeing while you and bakugou stood there like meerkats. ‘tokoyami stand behind y/n and bakugou we’ll stay in front’ after midoriya told everyone the plan you just followed along unable to say anything.
you winced out a sudden pain in your shoulder from the attack earlier ‘shit do you need me to look at that’ bakugou said his usual angry expression now a soft worried one. ‘no no i’m okay’ you smile. you all jumped up at a sound, it sounded like uraraka, without thinking you ran through the trees everyone screaming after you, after getting through the clearing you see toga draining uraraka of her blood before you could attack her she ran into the forest disappearing saying how theres too many people, everyone caught a glimpse of her as they caught up to you. ‘Y/N YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT DO THAT AGAIN FUCKS SAKE’ bakugou yelled making you hug him in return ‘i’m fine shut up’ he leaned into your hug making you smile at his warmth towards you, you quickly jumped realising the situation you’re in ‘hey uraraka are you okay’, midoriya already talked to her asking what happened but you wanted to check since you’re friends, ‘i’m okay thank you for asking, are you, does that hurt’ she asks taking a look at your gash, you really admire this girl she’s so caring which is why she’s one of your closest friends along with the rest of the girls in class 1a, ‘i’m okay i’m okay don’t worry about me’ you smile convincing her.
after midoriya told tsu and uraraka the plan you all attempted to head back to the camp again, before walking further you look behind you to see tokoyami isn’t there bakugou isnt either, before you can even say anything to the others you felt a hand over your mouth you do the only thing you can in that moment, you bite the persons hand and scream as loud as you can, before you can move again you feel yourself getting trapped.
you’re stuck in a ball or whatever this is, you can’t move very well but you can see, not very well but you can, you feel trapped, and helpless, you don’t cry in front of others but you can’t help it, since no one can see you, you let out a couple tears ‘bakugou’ was all you could say fearing what happened to him, ‘Y/N?? Y/N FUCK’ you look up to see him in another ball next to you, but tokoyami isn’t next to you has he been saved?, you go up to the screen of the ball your hands aligned before you looked around you, are you in a mouth..
before you could think further you saw the mouth open, falling out of it you heard the compress yell out in frustration before bakugou could grab you dabi had his hands on your shoulder making you wince out in pain his grip on you too strong for you to do anything, compress also holding onto you so you couldn’t move, you looked at bakugou and midoriya they ran at you unable to reach you in time, as the portal closed you say
‘bakugou don’t come’.
you didn’t see this part, but bakugou was distraught, he was made to go the hospital with the others but he didn’t talk or scream he sat there throughout the night of your absence in pain, not the usual screaming angry bakugou. he could only think about how he couldn’t save you, that’s when midoriya came to him along with kirishima about rescuing you, he was all for it of course, kirishima could see his pain even though you’re both friends he can see he wants you as more and he loves you as more.
- 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 -
‘do you know why you’re here’ shigaraki smiles which you could barely see with his hand covering his face, you couldn’t move, you were strapped to a stone chair melded into the wall, you felt helpless, ‘let me guess, you want me to join your little league’ you sneer, ‘we can give you everything you want and more, you power could be useful to us’ at this you just laughed. ‘you can give me everything huh? i don’t think you can help me become a pro hero which is all i want’ what are they thinking? did they really think they could convince me with this,, unless there’s something to threaten me with. before you could think further dabi grabbed your face ‘look here princess, becoming a pro hero is easy but we can protect you, they can’t when you realise how much we can give you you’ll be begging for more’ he smirks looked down. ‘you’re fucking disgusting get off me’ you spit.
he does as you wish stepping away from you smirking, you felt sick not only were you trapped but there was no way you were getting out of this by yourself.
-𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥-
‘we heard what you’re going to do’ aizawa’s voice coming from around the corner, everyone jumped ‘you’re not going to go get y/n and that is final, from today you’re on house arrest all of you, until we get y/n home’.
after a lot of screaming from bakugou and kirishima they went to the dorms, bakugou went in this room slamming the door as soon as they got back. thoughts running through his head so fast it hurt, for what was the first time in a while, he cried, thinking about the first time he saw you, how you were nervous but tried not to show it, he saw right through it, you understood eachother well and not only did you put up with his anger but you screamed back when you needed to. from the first time he saw you he stared at you, in class and when you all moved into the dorms he couldn’t help but feel happy when he realised you were on the same floor.
still with tears running down his face he picked himself up and walked to the room across the hall, your room, the last time he was here you were gaming together, he remembered how you leaned into his shoulder and groaned when you failed a level, or how you pout when concentrating, or how your face turned red when anyone asked if you were dating. that night he slept in your bed fearing the worst.
-𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭-
‘you know y/n we aren’t just going to let you go back to your little hero friends because you said no’ shigaraki laughed taking the hand off of his face, with clear view of his dry lips and neck and his dull eyes you retort ‘what are you going to do? torture me’ you had a smile on your face, they wouldn’t do that to someone they wanted to recruit,, right?
‘correction, we’re going to torture you to death’
it felt like it had been hours of the pain, again you didn’t cry around people you tried so hard not to but it hurt, toga didn’t go easy on you, you were nothing but that of a ragdoll a dummy to play with, they went one by one interrogating you for information about ua and your classmates quirks, since you wouldn’t join the league and there was no sign of you changing your decision, toga was still interrogating you, after denying the first few questions she cut your cheek, and then your shoulder, getting angry and losing patience she stabbed your thigh making you cry out in pain, your once tear stained cheeks was now blood stained.
it had been hours, you were barely breathing, it was late probably 4 or 5am, you were covered in blood, your whole body covered in cuts and bruises, some of your fingers broken, they were going to release moonfish on you but they needed you alive for whatever reason, togas blood machine was in your body sucking the blood out, you felt weak, you were in pain and the salty tears dropping from your eyes made it worse stinging you as they dropped, you were on deaths door.
‘shigaraki i think we should give her back now, she’s going to die they should watch her die, if we give her back dead they can’t watch her die’ you couldn’t distinguish who said it, you were in too much pain to even lift your head ‘hmm i guess you’re right, toga just to be sure stab her near her stomach’ you couldn’t bare more pain, the cuts on your body the stabbed thigh was enough you were losing so much blood you felt like you were about to faint, you screamed, your scream pierced everyone in the room, the power you haven’t been able to use went into your scream making everyone’s ears literally bleed, with their hands over their ears shigaraki gave kurogiri the signal to open his warp gate, you felt a piercing pain in your waist, you screamed yet again but louder, you looked to your waist to see togas knife still in your flesh, she had stepped back because of your scream, shigaraki told everyone to undo your restraints, even though you’re powerful you were so weak, the villains in the room could kill you in an instant, you were going to die if you didn’t get help. they finished taking off the restraints, you couldn’t stand, you fell as soon as they lifted you off of the chair,
‘it’s been a pleasure working with you y/n, hope to see you again soon!’ you hear shigaraki giggle before the floor beneath you turned to a warp gate, you fell through and hit a wooden floor, crying out in pain you try moving your head around to see where you were only to realise you’re in the dorms, you turn over so you’re on your back where you experienced the least amount of pain since your back was against the chair, thinking this is some sick joke, you scream again but not to hurt anyone, only to make your presence known, you can’t move your losing so much blood you’re basically bathing in your blood. togas knife is still in your waist, you scream again, all the pain you’re feeling going into your scream. a few seconds later you heard footsteps loud ones, you felt yourself going numb, you looked towards the stairs to hear bakugou, midoriya and todoroki, everyone else were behind them not knowing what was happening, ‘what the fuck, what the fuck i know that’s y/n, i swear i heard her’ you heard bakugou say, he got down the stairs and looked around to see you, he ran so fast to you, to be by your side,
‘Y/N no fuck fuck i’m sorry’ his eyes were watery you smiled seeing the boy, ‘it’s not your fault’ you use the rest of your strength to lift your arm to hold his cheek, which made you cry out from the stab in your arm. mina yelled out ‘someone come with me now to get someone!’. todoroki sat besides you and gently put his fingers to your wrist making sure not to touch your broken fingers he checked your heartbeat, your breathing becoming irregular and forced. ‘y/n fuck what did they do to you’ kirishima whispered. you only smiled trying to comfort them, and then bakugou started crying his tears dropping next to you, making your eyes tear up as well ‘suki please dont cry, i’m here’ you tried comforting him, ‘theres something i should’ve told you before but i was too fucking weak’ he said trying to stop the tears, ‘you’re so strong’ you whisper the breath in your lungs running out, ‘y/n l/n i fucking love you, so much i wish i told you earlier but god i’m sorry i’m saying it so late i wish i wasn’t so fucking stupid’ you looked at him tears flowing making you wince ‘katsuki bakugou i love you too’ you breath, feeling yourself slipping away, ‘y/n keep breathing, shit’ midoriya said your holding your hand. ‘you’re so strong y/n stay with us’ todoroki smiled sadly.
then it all went black
when you woke up, you were on the sofa in the dorms, it had only been 30 minutes, recovery girl was next to you she healed your stab wounds and cuts first, but the wound next to your waist was hard to heal, bakugou was next to you, everyone else around you as well including all might, aizawa and the chief of police, ‘you’re awake’ bakugou smiled sadly, you smiled back, you looked down to see your broken fingers back to normal and bandages around your arms, thighs and stomach. ‘y/n i’ll ask you these questions here since these are trusted people’ the chief of police smiled, you nodded, ‘okay so first of all where were you and who were there’, you explained the dusty attic looking room and everyone who was there, after a couple minutes he asked ‘okay final question what did they say to you ask you, what did you say to them and why did they give you these wounds’, ‘they asked me to join their league they told me there’s benefits i told them something about how they can’t help me become a pro hero and after realising i wouldn’t join they tried interrogating me about ua and the quirks of everyone in this class, i refused so they hurt me and they took my blood, since the girl uses blood to change into people she’s probably going to use it, she has a lot of it now so check if it’s me before talking to me’ you felt a tear slip from your eye, quickly wiping it away you sit up wincing, ‘hey not so fast take it easy’ bakugou said comforting you by holding your hand. ‘y/n i’m so sorry we couldn’t protect you, you did amazing, ua did well accepting you’ the officer smiled.
after recovery girl told you about cleaning and looking after your wounds and aizawa and all might talked to about the encounter, they left, it was morning now around 8am and everytime you closed your eyes you see the blood and them. you sat up on the sofa the painkillers you took were working so you weren’t in much pain at all.
‘lay on me’ bakugous sudden words making you jump a little you smile, you layed on the chest of the boy you’re in love with, he stroked your head, for the next months and years to come he comforted you and through all the nightmares and all the crying he was with you, he was with you for all the fights and the injuries, he loved you through the times you didn’t feel loved, he cried with you when you needed it. katsuki bakugou loves you no matter what
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a/n : alexa play drivers licence
... WHAT DID I JUST CREATE, the idea came to my mind and... IM SO SORRY BRUH??
anyway aha tag list open rn ask me in my inbox to be added ily !
also pls don’t copy my work in any way
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zukosdumbbitch · 4 years
soft touches
kiss prompts
pairing: zuko/gn reader
wordcount: 672
in this drabbe: 61. Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp; 72. When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead; 74. Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap
requested by anon and @protect-remus
a/n: couldve put these in separate pieces but @protect-remus had mentioned them all in their ask and i rlly liked the idea of putting them together 🥰 also i totally didnt forget abt these prompts at all i def remembered 🙃 /s
You sat at your vanity in the bedroom you shared with the young Fire Lord, staring yourself in the eyes and daring yourself to cry. You had a long, bad day of counsel and internation meetings. The world took slowly to trusting Zuko, and they were taking even slower to you.
Zuko offered to sit in with you as he had done before, but today you told him you could handle it yourself. Surely these grown men in power could restrain themselves and keep a respectful manner without the Fire Lord’s presence, you had thought.
You were grilled nearly to tears. Now you sat at your mirror, trembling with frustration as you pulled your hair from your updo. You heard the soft snaps as your roots released from your scalp, felt the series of stings. You wish you had stood up and hollered at the distasteful men, but that would be unbecoming of a good royal consort. Or would it? You were confused. You didn’t know how to make them respect you.
You heard some distant yelling. It sounded like Zuko. The Kyoshi Warriors must have told him what happened. Suki and the girls loved and trusted you as much as they did Zuko; they often accompanied you in these meetings and never hesitated to report poor behavior. Good, you thought bitterly, someone’s getting the verbal lashing they deserve.
You pulled your brush roughly through your hair and sniffed. Zuko’s muffled voice echoed through the halls before a sudden silence fell. A few moments later, you heard the door creak open.
“Y/N?” Zuko’s voice was softened, sweet. He came to you at your vanity.
You hugged him around his waist from your seat once he was in arm’s length. His arms came around you and you pressed your face into his warmth and sighed. “What did Suki tell you?”
Zuko grimaced though you couldn’t see it. “Nasty old men,” He grumbled, “I welcome them into my home and they insult my spouse. They should be ashamed of themselves.”
“You yell at them for me?” You looked up at Zuko, the corners of your mouth daring you to grin for you knew the answer.
Zuko’s face was scrunched up in anger, though his eyes looked sad. “Of course I did. I told them to act like the government leaders they were and to come back once they’ve learned.” Spirits, he had no idea how cute he was when he wrinkled his nose, furrowed his brows.
You stood up and brushed your thumb over the tension in his forehead. You pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I think you might have just cursed us into never having allies for as long as those men live.” You jested.
Zuko chuckled, brushing his nose against yours. “A poorly tempered ally is no ally at all.” He pulled you into another kiss, his hands on your torso and yours cupping his face.
His fingers found their way under your robes and you gasped at the feeling of his fingertips softly brushing your skin. “Zuko. . . .” You cooed.
He smiled against your lips. “Yes, baby?”
You hated to break the mood, but you wanted to know. “Do you really think I’m good enough to help lead the Fire Nation?”
Zuko pulled away to look at you, but you refused to meet his eyes. He brushed some hair behind your ear. “Of course I do.” He tugged you over to the bed and sat next to you. “Baby, look at me.” You reluctantly met his yellow gaze. “You are one of the smartest people I know. You’ve done things I never could. I love you and once the nation gets to know you better, they will too.” You smiled softly and he kissed your cheek.
“I love you too.” You responded, fingers curling at the nape of his neck and into his hair.
Zuko’s lips grazed your jaw, he pulled you into his lap. He pecked at your neck, fingers pushing at your robes. “Now, where were we?”
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Upon rereading tgcf, one of the biggest complaints I have is how lackluster all the extra chapters were. literally none of them were good and all contained rlly gross and harmful sentiments (like the amnesia one which.. yea.. or all the things implying xl should get pregnant for hc thus equating gay relationships with hetero ones and playing into the wife thing and just GOD I HATE MXTX) 
There were a lot of little plot points i wish that had been further elaborated on more in the extras as opposed to hualian being ... like that. I had enough. Like mdzs had actaully good extras (minus the incense burners) that were nice side stories that elaborated more on the characters. Like the hook one with the juniors was so cute and i loved seeing them grow more. Or the lotus pod extras omg.. im such a lotus pod extra stan. those were so cute and gave us a lot of good insight into just how lovestruck lwj was during the times when he didn’t see wwx. mxtx should've stuck to those sorta extras in tgcf but NOOO. SO I have a list of so many other more interesting things those chapters couldve been spent on like:
A resolution on He Xuan’s revenge and his character arc. Bc its implied He Xuan is still hanging out and watching over sqx and that taking revenge didn’t fully satisfy him bc ok.. yea shi wudu is dead but he xuans family will never come back. Now what does he have to live for?? i wish we couldve seen a look into his life during the entire ordeal. like a chapter from his perspective while he was posing as Ming Yi  and maybe a look at a conversation btw he xuan and the real ming yi or a chapter after SQX was banished to see what he’s doing now. Also what did he xuan owe hua cheng money for anyways?? Like ik not every little thing has to be explained but I Want to Know. PLEASE more goth boyfriend content now I just wanna see him :,((
a better resolution of yin yu and quan yizhens storyline. im still mad abt how that plot point was split btw books 3 and 5  when it was rlly out of place and  there were other more pressing plot matters and it just rlly deserved more time. Also i thought yin yu died!?!?!? but apparently one of the extras says he’s alive and man... i;m not reading any more of the extras to see that, give me a full yin yu and quan yizhen chapter.. fuck.
a day in the life of the guoshi fangxin or general hua PLEASE especially like one where hua cheng was SO CLOSE to meeting xie lian but had no clue that xie lian was there at the time but the two did smth that inadvertantly helped the other and they still were connected even though they hadnt met omg pls that’d be so nice. like imagine Hua cheng catching a glimpse of the guoshi in public in yong’an while he’s trying to follow some lead that points to xie lian or maybe following a lead to capture qi rong bc he said he knew qi rong was a part of the yong’an stuff and originally thought the guoshi was one of qi rongs pawns. like can you IMAGINE him getting so close. but at the last second he did smth small that impacted xie lian. like they bumped into eachother on the street or smth. god i’d go crazy
OR vice versa.. like a day in the life of the young ghost king hua cheng. Like again, one of my biggest issues was that hua cheng just knew everything and its never really explained how he got all of that info. like yes he’s been alive very long and has eyes and ppl working for him everywhere but like... how did he build that network?? I’d love to see a chapter of young ghost king hua cheng travelling around trying to learn as much as he can abt the world and how it can help bring him to xie lian. and the two maybe are in the same kingdom for a bit and they don’t meet exactly but hua cheng stops some fight or something and helps xie lian indirectly or maybe xie lian is performing on the street in some costume and hua cheng doesn’t recognize him and smiles and gives him a coin or smth. idk i’m just dying for any sorta extra chapter or fic like that. i’m honestly so tempted to write my own but i cant write
also!! we’ve seen how xie lian picks up people down on their luck near him and show them kindness (like banyue, lang ying, xiao ying, he tried to with san lang but we know how that ended lmao) so i’d love to see another little vignette of him doing that on his travels and how every person he meets teaches him smth about life and being a good person and idk, i just think it’d be rlly sweet. i love this facet of his character and feel like we didn’t see enough of it towards the end.
ALSO hua cheng only seems to respect one heavenly official besides xie lian and thats yushi huang.. i assume thats mostly bc she was the only one to help xie lian and let him use the rain master hat to bring water to yong’an. I was thinking maybe when he was a new supreme he had run into trouble and maybe was picked up by the rain master and helped him heal and in return he promised to help protect her village from harm in the future. Like i know a heavenly official wouldn’t cooperate with a ghost like that but yushi huang is different and doesn’t really care about the heavens so i think she would protect him if he could do something to benefit her village. ik this is kinda far fetched but when he first became a supreme I’m sure a bunch of ppl probably tried to mess with him and didn’t rlly believe him to be undefeatable bc he hadn’t proved himself yet also i doubt all his power came overnight. he had to learn how to use it once he escaped the kiln. and some group probably thought they could weaken him somehow. I’m thinking maybe a rlly well formed group of ghosts actually caught him off guard once and he had to retreat and was picked up by the rain master and stayed with her and learned from her a bit. i think it’d be a cool concept also i just rlly want more yushi huang content and i’m on their friendship agenda bc he rlly did seem to actually respect her when she first appeared and i think it’d be cool if the two had some history together.
Also idrc if this was addressed I couldve missed it But!! Did xie lian ever tell Hua cheng that the reason he got the curse shackles and was banished again in the first place wasnt bc jun wu wanted to punish him, but because he requested it. And specifically requested it bc he felt guilty abt letting wu ming take the human face disease and disperse for his sake. So he took the shackles and descended to atone for that?? Bc I dont recall hua cheng learning that bc his soul was already dispersed at that point so it didnt follow him and xie lian didnt say anything so uhhh... someone should tell hua cheng that. Like I dont think xie lian rlly said how much hua cheng meant to him and didnt show him he was loved in grand ways. Like xie lian did always care for bc in other ways but I think if hua cheng learned abt this on screen it wouldve been such a great moment and I'm rlly surprised mxtx didnt address this iirc!?!? Like imagine jun wu telling Hua cheng this in the kiln bc xie lian wouldnt say it himself. Imagine how cool that would be.
Also a small thing adding into the whole young ghost king Hua cheng stuff. Its implied and p much stated that hua cheng isnt his real name. That he likely doesnt have a real name bc his parents died? (It's not clear. I'm still mad at mxtx for not making his childhood clearer). So I'd like to see when and why hua cheng chose that name for himself. The new tgcf ending song kinda hints at its meaning with the lyrics "for you I'd fill a city of flowers" as xie lian is the flower wielding martial god so it's probably inspired by that. Also xie lian saved hua cheng from leaping off the city walls but I'd love to hear him say it bc the implication of his name didnt dawn on me for quite a bit and I dont know if everyone made the connection. Again I sure as hell didnt. So itd be cool to see a chapter that takes place in his past after just ascending as a supreme
Overall I rlly think tgcf had a lot more potential to be even better and a lot of that comes down to fleshing out the side characters and letting hualian have more of a storyline independent of one another. like i know the appeal and message of tgcf is that through love, people can overcome anything, but fuck man. i just wanna see what these two (mostly hua cheng) where like in the absence of each others presence. Part of what I really liked abt mdzs is that we got to see that longing develop btw wangxian when the two weren’t together and how they thought about each other and did things in thei others spirit bc they knew the other wouldve done the same thing. but whatever, mxtx was too consumed by her own unhealthy idea of what devotion and true love looks like but still. i rlly think the extras couldve helped the story be better rather than be fujoshi fuel that i try to bleach from my mind -_-
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cherry-ber · 4 years
Too drunk to fuck pt.9
Previous | Part one
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Whatever that text was supposed to mean, you didn't care. You purposely ignored and avoided Mark the whole week, and after a few ignored messages, he gave up, and seemed to understand what you were probably thinking, every day Jaemin walked you home -because then you'd spend more time together than if he drove, he said- after a day in school with your new friends, and every day promised to be better than the last one. Friday came sooner than expected, and you got up earlier to dress extra special, tonight's dinner with Jaemin and your parents, although excited, made you incredibly anxious. So many things could go wrong.
When the classes were over, Jaemin was waiting for you outside of your classroom, holding your hand and giving you a sweet kiss as soon as he saw you. He carried your bag as you walked to his car, before you were home for dinner, he figured it would be nice to have a real first date, not a risky late night trip or an awkward meeting with your parents. He'd never done that, dating had never been important for him, he was too busy, and too invested with his deals and his friends, no time for girls and feelings at all, but he did a great job at planning, though. He took you to a museum, fair enough, you had to go as an assignment from Art class, but when you asked him to be your museum date, he was absolutely into it, then he took you to an ice cream parlor, a cute one, with the prettiest walls and decorations, and the best ice cream you've ever had. He took you flower picking, and to a park with lots of dogs being walked, and finally back home, just in time for you to be earlier than your parents. He greeted them politely, and your father was happy to see him again. Jaemin looked as handsome as he always did, but putting on his good boy persona, he looked softer and nicer than he usually did. His hair was pushed back, and he was wearing a light, baby blue sweater, that matched your baby blue, princess dress, your mom wasted no time mentioning how cute it was that you wore matching outfits, although it was actually a big casualty you did.
They had many, too many, questions for him. How you two met, how long you'd been friends, what classes you had together, what did the rest of your friends do, what did he want to do for a leaving, what were his plans after school. Jaemin handled every single question and gave an answer to every question that astonished your parents.
Jaemin's phone received a bunch of calls, he never picked up, arguing that if it were truly important, no one would really call him, but when your parents stood up the table for a couple minutes, and he finally had time to check his phone, all the calls were Mark's, but he left no message, and your date assumed it was, probably, not important at all. Usually, at least some months ago, on Fridays they'd be going to the abandoned warehouse, get drunk and have a race, or maybe they'd be shoplifting, attending their clients and playing dumb when they got caught, and although Jaemin, and the rest of his friends, knew it was bad, a tiny particle in his mind is telling him that he should be doing that right know. There's a part of them that has accepted the path they started walking so long ago, and it's a shame that they did, since the could be doing so much better.
After the food, and the awkward, intrusive, questions were out of the table, Jaemin suggested you went to Jeno's place again, and because you had no interest in staying home, you agreed, asked your parents permission to be home, and reluctantly they said yes, although you knew they agreed basically because Jaemin is too convincing, and too likeable.
He drove with the windows down, which made the chilly air play with his hair, giving him this absolutely attractive, messy hairstyle, and then all you wanted to do was to make him stop and kiss him while you ran your fingers through his hair. The annoying ringtone of your phone got your mind back to where you were sitting, and looking at the notification bar, you notice how many texts from Mark you got all day long, last one being received in thus exact moment.
“Friday, 7:15 a.m, Mark ♡:
“can we meet today?”
“Friday, 8:30 a.m, Mark ♡:
are you free after this period?”
“Friday, 9:48 a.m, Mark♡:
are you okay?”
“Friday, 2:45 p.m, Mark♡:
are you at home”
“did I do something wrong?”
“Friday, 4:04 p.m, Mark ♡:
I think you hate me?”
“you're with jaemin right?”
“Friday, 6:36 p.m, Mark ♡:
So i saw jaemin driving”
“And i was about to get close”
“and then i see you on the passenger side”
“you couldve replied, yk”
“Friday, 7:19 p.m, Mark ♡:
Ans know im fucking drunkk”
“fuck yOu”
“actually no”
“Friday, 8:58 p.m, Mark ♡:
hu sorry im liken really rly drunk”
“im at jenooossssss'”
“ypu should comeb too”
By the time you finished reading, it was too late, Jaemin had already parked, and when the men inside noticed, all of them, except Mark, came out to greet him, and when they saw you, they couldn't look happier. They urged you inside, but before you could get to the living room with them, Jeno stopped you and Jaemin.
“So, look, Mark is... Kinda sensitive right now” he looks into his direction, Mark sitting on the floor, with his head head resting on Renjun's lap, he's laughing and smiling and rubbing his hands on the carpet “I don't know what he had, he's drunk but, I think he might be high too”
Jaemin makes an effort to keep his annoyance unseen, remembering that every time Mark drinks, it's a mistake, a mistake that he's gonna have to solve.
“Just” Jeno knows, Jeno can read Jaemin like a book, and although he agrees that they shouldn't be the ones caring after his oldest friend, he can't let him alone whenever he needs them “don't mind him, he's saying weird shit, he's harmless”
Jeno sits in the couch next to Renjun, trying to block Mark's view of you, but when you walk in, holding Jaemin's hand, he loses it. His laugh is insanely loud, and it's almost scary, making Jaemin squeeze your hand harder between his, and he grabs someone's drink and takes it in a single sip, you can tell it was strong, because of the face he's making. Suddenly, everyone in the room is uncomfortable, waiting for someone to make the next move.
After minutes of staring at the wall in front of him, Mark stands up, tumbling when he does, and walks closer to you, stopping when you are just a few centimeters away from him. Jaemin reacts immediately, pushing Mark away from you, and putting himself between you two. Mark giggles, he looks innocent, and when you're about to apologize to him, that sweet look disappears.
“Are you really gonna let her get between us?” he asks jaemin, arrogance in his tone, and absolutely spiteful when he looks at you.
“You're drunk, go home” all eyes are on them both, but no one really dares to interfere.
“Is that all you're going to say?” he walks closer to Jaemin, and although he wishes that Mark doesn't do anything else, he's ready for whatever he tries “is that it, huh? I give you a home when you need it, a job, money, my time” he grabs Jaemin by the collar of his shirt “I let you into my life” Renjun rushes to you, dragging you out of the room, meanwhile Jeno and Donghyuck try to get Mark and Jaemin away from each other.
Everything happened too fast, and you can't even complain when Renjun walks you upstairs to Jeno's room and locks the door. You can hear the screaming from downstairs and there's nothing you can do to help. Your mom couldn't have possibly chosen a worst time to call, lying, you tell her that as soon as the movie you're watching is over, Jaemin will drive you back home.
Jisung and Chenle are leaving, after Renjun insisted that they shouldn't be there, although they are worried, they know there's not much they can do, and promise to be ready if something else happens, they say you goodbye from the porch, and offer to walk you home, but you know you can't leave just yet.
Jeno was successful in calming Jaemin down, but Mark wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted, Donghyuck and Renjun getting tired of dealing with him, but doing it anyway because the idea of what could come next was too scary. Jaemin unlocks the door, and brings you back down, with Jeno and himself protecting you from whatever Mark could try, going outside and into his car. Jeno apologizes to the both of you, and runs back inside.
Jaemin doesn't speak in the whole way back home, when he stops, he opens the door for you, walks you to the door, and says sorry when you open the door. You can only shake your head and give him a kind smile, hoping that he understands what you are trying to say. He drives away, but instead of going home, as you wished he did, he takes the way back to the mess, you watch him drive off, and you can only hope that things don't end up too bad.
“Saturday, 1:26 a.m, unknown number:
Don't panic, but Mark's in the hospital”
A.N: well that escalated quickly 😳
HeyyYYYyYy I'm finally bringing this back, after, well, i got notes from the whole series again. I hope you're having a good time guys, be healthy, be safe.
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Midnight Meadows (Pt.5)
"What happened! I thought he was dancing with you all night!"
"I dont know what happened! Just fix him!"
Virgil whined as his eyes fluttered open, it took him a few seconds to register where he was, and what had happened to him.
"Virgil!" Roman's arms were around him almost as soon as he sat up.
"Nonononono you arent getting up right now, lay back down, just relax," Roman said, sitting on the bed so Virgil's head was in his lap when he lay down.
Virgil tried to explain, but he couldnt seem to get anything out.
"Whoever did this cut pretty deep. . . I dont know when you'll be able to talk again. . ." Roman said sadly.
Nonononononono this cant be happening-I have to warn him if I don't hes going to get hurt and it's going to be all my fault! Virgil's mind was racing now. Oh gods why hadnt his stupid school offered sign language lessons!.
Virgil sat up again, frantically gesturing and trying to convey what he was thinking.
"Virgil please relax, I dont want you hurting yourself," Roman said, pulling Virgil closer. Virgil was crying now. Roman was going to get hurt and he wouldnt listen and WHY were men so FRUSTRATING!
"You're not going anywhere alone, and the parties have all been cancelled, you're safe now, I promise," Roman said. A small consolation in Virgil's racing mind, at least if the party was over it would be harder for Lucan and who ever he was working with to get inside, no guests, no easy disguises.
"Well while you to love birds are busy I'm gonna go check up with the guards to see what the hell it is we're paying them for if a 4'8 gremlin can fight off attackers easier than they can keep them out," Remus said from the doorway before leaving.
So it was just Roman and Virgil, alone, Virgil's mind about to explode from the different scenarios playing through it, and Roman rubbing circle's into his back, blissfully unaware that, thought Virgil's disruptions had prolonged it, someone was hoping he'd never move again.
"It'll be alright Vi, I promise, we'll get you to a healer and you'll be patched right back up in no time," Roman said, running a finger down the side of Virgil's face. Virgil let out another whine and buried his face further into the warmth of Roman's shirt.
"I know darling I know," Roman continued, placing a kiss on Virgil's head.
Virgil could hardly look at him the rest of the day, not during dinner, not when he tried to take his mind off the attack with dancing or serenades or anything else.
It hurt, everything hurt. He'd known this man for all of one week now but merely looking at him and knowing it couldnt last, it stung. It stung so badly Virgil wished that ditch had killed him, maybe then he wouldnt have to worry anymore.
"Virgil I wish I could understand what's going on in that head of yours. . . I can tell you're upset but- I cant tell why. . ." They were laying on Roman's bed again, Roman running his fingers through Virgil's hair, Virgil crying into his shirt, again.
They'd finally found someone to heal the wound in Virgil's throat, but it was a slow process, Virgil was just begging for something to speed it up, every day that passed was another day where he woke up in a cold sweat from nightmares and had to frantically check to make sure the sheets next to him were red with fabric, and not blood.
"Mmm," was the only response Virgil could seem to make.
"Do you want something to drink? Would that help?" Roman said softly. Virgil responded with a groan. Roman swept him off his feet and had barely reached the dining room before Virgil leapt up and rushed into the kitchen himself.
"Virgil just once cant someone make you something? I get you're worried but no one's going to poison us," Roman said, standing next to Virgil's chair. Virgil gave him a frantic look.
"Alright, alright," Roman said with a resigned sigh before sitting down again. Virgil made his way into the kitchen and got started on drinks, eyes flitting toward Roman every time he passed the dining room entrance.
Virgil finally finished the drinks and sat down next to Roman, looking back and forth anxiously as he curled their tails together.
"Virgil are you sure you cant write it down or something? You're acting more stressed than usual," Roman said, running a hand along one of Virgil's ears.
Virgil bolted upright. How hadnt he thought of that before? This whole thing couldve been avoided if he'd just remembered pen and paper were a thing! Roman held him back to his seat and waved off one of the guards to get a dry erase board and some markers.
"See? We'll fix it, nothing to worry about," Roman said, smiling.
That smile quickly turned to a look of dismay as Virgil began writing it out. Roman's hand instinctively went to his own throat, Virgil prying it away almost instinctively as the memory of his nightmares flooded back to the surface.
"Guards? Secure every exit you can, and I want a full background and security check on all members of staff, increase protections for my brother and his boyfriends, warn Virgil's family that he wont be visiting until this is over," Roman said, holding Virgil close to him as he pointed at each of the guards in turn.
"I'm sorry darling I shouldve noticed something sooner, you'll be alright, I'll be alright, everything will be fine," Roman said, sweeping Virgil off his feet again and pressing their foreheads together.
Roman may have been aware of the threat now, but that didnt satiate Virgil's worry as much as he'd hoped.
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rqs902 · 4 years
on one hand im happy that this means there’s gonna be a lot of official content since the eps are supposedly so long that they gotta cut them in half. 
youku has been pretty consistent with giving us a relatively good amount of official content. but on the other hand im always slightly concerned that by splitting up perfs, those whose perfs get aired first will have a competitive voting advantage since (as long as they do well) those kids will have a full extra day of persuading people to vote for them through their stage performance. It’s not as huge of a deal as when other shows split performances across weeks, because a whole week ahead is a much bigger advantage than one day ahead. but every day can help those who need the votes. at least akey and zhan yu got aired today.... feels bad for jin fan because he really needs the votes. 
also another down side is just this show’s eps are SO LONG they’re eating up a ton of my free time LOOOL but thats how these shows always go for me... because I always end up taking like double the amount of time to watch an ep, just to pause, digest, rewatch sections that i like (sometimes multiple times), make sure i understand, etc. i feel like these shows always consume my life during the few months they’re airing so i’ll just enjoy it while I can HAH
anyway ep 4 starting with singapore buddies huang junrong and sun yinghao speaking english with their singapore accents!!!!! lol can totally relate to yinghao tho, like when you cant read chinese you gotta find someone to translate for you
yang chaowen with dog!!!!! i wonder if the dog really likes him LOL they seem to appear together on camera often. akey with chen junhao!! and zuo linjie!! making friends!!!
lol i feel like the group leader choice method is some sort of extended advertisement for knock off apple products lol.........
interesting that they picked the songs for the self-composition group ahead of time, rather than make them make the song as part of the competition (looks at produce camp... fireman is my jam but the east binhe road team ran into complications with that, so I can see why it’d be more risky to let them do that again) but lucky for zheng renyu and li chenxu tho! I’m interested in hearing their music so i dont mind, just kinda wondering what the other kids who picked composition would’ve brought to the table
oh theyre still giving yan an screen time... every time i see him im happy but then feel oof
oo zhanyu’s first stage look is just so nice oof xikan talking to lin mo but lin mo looks ded and is all eye patched up :( 
LOL su er all jubilant over a sexy concept song - good luck with that
oooof this shot of jin fan’s perfect side angle 
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aw akey being bested by shaopeng at every match... but im so excited to see what they can do together, theyre both so good at making music!!!! the resident music makers for each of their respective groups, tyger and coreone, theyre both so talented! def shaopeng has and deserves the credit but hopefully people will see akey contributed too bc im sure the two of them really led together, being the most experienced rappers hahaha
WHOA csp opening up to qu boyu and saying he has older step brother and sister who have a different mom from him and encouraging him to just be real when writing because there will be people out there who connect with his lyrics awww hes really taking this child under is wing and teaching him from zero, hes really like a big bro taking care of him and enjoying watching him grow. im glad csp is opening up and is self reflective enough to realize that he hasnt done so enough in the past and that he should involve himself more with the others. 
im happy cui shaopeng got to feature in the bts clip for his group, he deserves it and hasnt gotten much screentime relative to his talent before. im happy akey got a little time and some recognition for his skills too. honestly just happy akey FINALLY got to do a rap stage..... wish we couldve gotten more huang enyu and huang junrong but im happy they got to show off their vocals!! for being young vocals in a rap performance, their stage presence were both really good too! csp’s entrance is epic wow. 
wow this is the most hyper performance ive ever seeeen wow im so happy for akey because we know how long hes been waiting for a rap stage and wow csp’s leadership must be top notch to get this group to somehow be cohesive with such a not cohesive song LOL i respect that csp really respected akey’s skill and let him shine too. akey was a second c if ive ever seen one lol. they both got to shine and so did everyone else in their group, which is telling of his leadership and why this stage turned out so well that even all the teachers like jackson were so hype LOL 
OOF shen bohuai and lin mo talking about how akey’s lyrics are so moving like lin mo wanted to cry and bohuai felt like he could tell akey’s been through a lot
lol xikan and bohuai being all tough and lin mo being like lol i feel the pressure. shaopeng smiling like a proud parent when boyu gets good comments c: oof rip akey and shaopeng’s votes tho :c 
lin ran’s look tho LOL but zhan yu’s is so questionable?? why is he in this group ?? LOL but i guess its his turn to do something cutesy. mannnn why does zhan yu look like hes surrounded by children but hes not even that much older//?? hahahha ooooo is this the center zhan yu of legend?? ?hahahah yayyy hopefully more people will notice him! you know when i heard zhan yu was gonna be center, this was not the type of song i was imagining, but hey if it takes a cutesy happy song and a bunch of little kids around to get zhan yu a chance to be center, ill take it! i wish they’d show us some practice footage?? im confused why there isnt any?? i think sun boran’s stage presence is good! zhan yu’s voice so powerful yess somehow he managed to show off different aspects of his vocal skills in this very plain song LOL  im surprised lin ran didnt stand out a lot but when they pointed out that he purposefully put himself in the back to protect his team members i think that makes sense bc he knows being cute isn’t going to be able to win them as many votes but if the less popular kids in his group dont get votes, its a lot more devastating for them than for himself. lin ran didnt want this song and he didnt want to be cute but he really didnt want kids to suffer from choosing his group. lin ran has a cute image but i appreciate that this time we got to see a more serious side of him. isnt it ridiculous that theyve literally trashed zuo qibo and lin mo about being old but then literally i didnt realize until now sun yinghao is the oldest??? (he looks really young wow and so tiny aw) but also like they never bring up akey being old either?? some sort of weird bias going on... but i mean good for yinghao and akey lol 
but aw im glad theyre giving yinghao some attention... 10 years and starting off with jackson? oof... 
ayy zhan yu getting the most votes!! 
kou cong being older bro to zlj but also ultimate mentor to cxh aw yay for him getting some recognition from the judges and jin fan supporting him too heheh but it says a lot that he recognizes cxh’s efforts and wanted to put in his own effort to help him
i wonder if them giving zlj less audience votes is an elaborate scheme to get him more pity votes from the general public lol.... well im excited to see the rest of the stages tomorrow! 
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Madness | Chpt. 6
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Requests are Open
Chapter Title: “Collateral Damage”
Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character
Word Count: 4,786
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, Angry!Eva, violence, Angry!Loki
Name Pronunciations: Hjalmar: “He-all-mar” | Aaldir: “All-deer” | Ephinea: “Eh-fin-ee-uh”
A/N: I want to take a moment to apologize for my absence. I’ve had some health problems recently, and within the last couple of weeks, I’ve lost entire days thanks to said problems. I’m finally feeling well enough again to post, but during my time being sick, I’ve managed to come up with quite a bit of content. Thank you so much for reading and enjoying what I’m writing. Even if not every chapter is you cup of tea, it means a lot to see that people are leaving likes, messaging me, reblogging, etc.! Please note that I have taken and will be taking a lot of creative liberties pertaining to these characters. This will be shown in excess during the upcoming chapters, so I just wanted to give a bit of a warning. There are some timeline changes, character changes, etc. Once again, thank you so much for reading. I love you all <3
Tagged: @teddyboobear @alledeglyfunny (anyone who wants to be tagged can message me and ask. It’s not a problem at all)
“Looks like you lost,” I dictated as I dragged him down the stairs to the dungeons. My entire body felt like it was on fire, but it didn’t stop the shiver from running down my spine at the thought of what he was capable of. Ezra showed us something none of us could’ve expected. He was skilled in ways that we were unprepared for, ways I didn’t even know could exist. I still trembled at the thought of my slain comrades-members of Odin’s kingsguard-rising and fighting against us. The more people of ours Ezra killed, the more people he had fighting for him. The battle was unfair and horrific, but we still won even after members of the kingsguard forced Odin away from the situation. Ezra had surrendered after we had gotten him onto his knees. My sword had been pressed against his throat, and all I needed to do was give it one swift motion to kill him. I couldn’t, though.
There was something that kept me from killing him, but I had no idea what it was. Maybe it was the familiarity in those green eyes or the endless knowledge he seemed to have about me. Still, my decision to keep him alive could be useful in the future of Asgard. He was another enemy who would be a prisoner in the dungeons, a man we could retrieve information from. He snickered at me, “you may have won, but what did it cost you?” he asked, glancing down at the wound on my abdomen.
I ignored his comment, feeling the pain radiating from the wound. During the battle, he had taken a swing at Ephinea, a blow I did my best to protect her from. I had pushed her back and tried to put as much distance between him and I as possible, but it wasn’t enough. My sword blocked his axe, and while I struggled to disarm him, I was unaware of the dagger he pulled out until he buried it in my abdomen. The dagger cut right through my training armor-which had not been suitable for battle-and pierced into my flesh. I had not yet seen it, but a piece of me was convinced it was nothing while the rational part of myself was sure it was something much more than I was prepared to deal with. If I could still walk, I was fine.
Behind Ezra and I were the remaining members of the kingsguard who did not sustain significant injuries as well along with Ephinea, Sif, and the warriors three. Thor had taken to the throne room with his father to discuss what would come next. Everyone in the dungeons was silent when they saw the crowd of warriors that it took to secure the newest prisoner. They watched us in a stunned silence, including Loki. I avoided all eye contact with the God of Mischief, still hurt by his actions an entire week ago. While I wished for an empty cell anywhere else in the dungeons, the only free one was directly across from Loki’s, which would undoubtedly cause me to worry much more than I should have. The cells were practically impenetrable, and even if Ezra managed to break free of his cell, there would be no real reason for him to go after Loki.
As we stood in front of his cell, he turned to face me as I spoke, “this is gonna be your new home. I don’t know where you came from or what you knew before this, but you won’t be going back there anytime soon. You said you haven’t seen a sunrise for more than 300 years?” I asked, and he nodded his head, a grin forming on his lips in anticipation for what I was about to say, “well, be prepared to wait another 300 because you aren’t getting out of here for a long time,” I growled, glaring up at him and his apathetic expression. It was as if he had no remorse at all for the lives he had taken, like the entire battle before this meant nothing to him. His reaction was sickening.
He cocked one of his thick eyebrows, “you have a fire within you that you try to ignore, pet, but you can’t hide it from me,” he replied before lunging forward and attacking my lips with his. It shocked me at first, but I leaned into it after a moment, realizing that I could use it to my advantage. Everyone around us who was there to ensure his safe transportation to his cell was left in shock, but they always knew that I had a plan. My lips molded together with his thick ones, and while I was disgusted to be kissing the man who just killed so many of my people, I knew that this was going to work out in my favor. While Ezra was distracted by the kiss, I eased one of my daggers from its sheath at my side and reached behind him before sinking it into his lower back.
He sucked in a sharp breath, disconnecting our lips. His face distorted in pain, and his chest rumbled as I pulled the dagger from his body, twisting it in the process. Once it was out, I dropped it on the ground behind him and reached into the small pouch on my belt to pull out one of the tracking devices I always carried with me. In one swift motion, I shoved two of my fingers into the wound to deposit the tracking device as deeply as possible. He grunted and twisted to break free of my grasp, but I would not release him. I released the tracking device once I was sure it was embedded deep enough that he could not feel it and dig it out on his own. When I finally removed my fingers, I rested my hand against his wound and focused all of my energy on transferring it over to myself. That was the one downfall of my healing power. I was unable to heal someone without transferring their wounds onto myself. While he was not worthy of my help, I couldn’t leave the wound open for fear that he would just pull the device out. Now, it he wanted to take it out, he would have to cut himself open and dig for it.
As the wound transferred to myself, I gritted my teeth, but nothing could compare to the wound on my abdomen. It was like if one had been stabbed by Surtur himself, a scraped knee could never compare to it, so the pain was far more tolerable. Once I finished healing his wound, I glared up at him, “you’re going to have a lot of time to think while you’re down here, and that’s all you get to do. If you move, I’ll know about it. If you speak, I’ll know about it. If you have any thoughts about breaking out of your cell, I will know about it. I didn’t kill you today because I believe in second chances. If you fail to cooperate or if you become a threat to anyone I know or love, I will not hesitate to kill you,” I growled at him.
He nodded his head, “my execution would be against the Allfather’s wishes. It’s a beautiful sentiment-it truly is-but...tell me, pet, how will you protect the two people you love most when one is here and one is on Midgard?” he asked, referencing her once more.
My eyes widened, and he smirked at the look of dread that was clear on my face. I saw my reflection in his eyes and saw a girl who had everything to lose, someone who had lost so much already. As my protective instincts kicked in, I grew furious that he even put their safety in question. I pulled my fist back and landed a hard punch against his cheek. When his head snapped to the side to accommodate the blow, I swiped his feet out from under him to bring him down to the ground. As he caught himself on his knees, I pulled out my other dagger and pressed it against his throat with one hand while I grabbed a fistful of his hair with the other. I squatted down to be at his level, “say it again,” I growled.
He smirked, “and what if I did? What if I threatened them again?” he asked, challenging me, “would you kill me, an unarmed man on his knees? Would you take my life the same way your enemies took your friends life on Vanaheim? You and I both know that you don’t have what it takes,” he hissed, bringing up Hjalmar. My chest tightened, “the only way to save the ones you love so dearly is to accept your destiny, to accept what you’re truly meant to be.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “and what is that?”
“A god,” he answered with a smile as he leaned into my blade against his throat, “just like me.”
I shook my head, my entire body trembling as anger and rage built up in my chest, “I am nothing like you,” I growled, furious that he would even try to compare the two of us. He fought and killed so many of my people and raised them back to be monsters. What was it for? I only fought when it needed to be done. I didn’t seek out confrontation. I fought, and even killed, the few who put the lives of the many at stake, and it always sat with me. The eyes of my victims never left my mind, for I was aware that I had taken someone’s loved one away from them. Ezra showed in the short time I knew him that he was nothing like that. He killed without remorse, and I saw no conflict in his eyes once it was over. We were nothing alike.
He chuckled, “that’s where you’re wrong, pet. You and I are more alike than you know, and that’s how I know, without the shadow of a doubt, that you’ll lose both of them in time,” he said, and my heart felt like it would fall through the floor. How did he know all of my deepest and darkest fears? That was always the one thing that scared me the most: losing the ones I loved. Of course, it was the fear of so many people, but he was able to pull up the two people I cared for more than anything else and use their safety against me, “it’s in your nature. You’ll always lose,” he added.
My chest rose and fell as I struggled to find air. It felt like his threats were taking the air from my lungs, and I felt like I would suffocate. I saw how big a threat he was, but we managed to bring him down together. I didn’t want to imagine what Cul’s entire army could do. Everything had been thrown at us so quickly, as we had no knowledge of who Cul was or that Odin even had an older brother at all. Everything that happened that day just made me feel uncertain of everything. Still, I couldn’t show Ezra that, “and what about you? You’re the man who kneels before me with my dagger against his throat. You lost,” I hissed.
“You’ll need me soon enough,” he remarked, gesturing down to the stab wound on my abdomen that throbbed with a pain I never experienced before. The wound hurt badly enough that it felt like I would be sick from the pain. I had been stabbed before, and the wounds never felt quite like that. Perhaps, it had just been too long, and I forgot the sensation. I shook the thoughts from my mind and focused on him once more as he continued, “and the moment you come to me, begging for my help, is the moment when you’ll finally realize that you are the one who has lost,” he sneered, his eyes cutting right through me. It was like he could see every weakness and insecurity I had.
“If you or anyone else tries hurt the people I care for, you won’t be able to find shelter from the storm I unleash. You don’t want to make me an enemy,” I threatened him.
He shook his head as if he was disappointed in me, and I furrowed my eyebrows. When his eyes finally met mine once more, he snickered to himself, “you speak like a warrior, but there is no true weight in your words. I know-as well as you do-that you would never pose a threat to the one thing you believe in more than anything else: Life. That’s why I know you won’t kill me. I’m not afraid of you,” he stated, nonchalantly as he leaned into the blade, hard enough to draw blood.
I stood up, sheathing my dagger, before pulling him up onto his feet. He stood much taller than me, but I didn’t feel small in that moment. Even though I was insecure about what would come next, I couldn’t show my fears to the man who was threatening the lives of the people I loved. I needed to be strong, or he would take advantage of my weaknesses. I grabbed a fistfull of his hair and pulled his head down to mine, maintaining eye contact the entire time, “you aren’t afraid of me,” I hissed before leaning in to his ear, “but you should be,” I whispered the line I had been told only once before. It had shaken me to the very core when it was said to me, but I felt powerful now that I was on the other end. My voice was low enough so that only he could hear me, and once I finished, I pulled away from him and shoved him into his cell. Ephinea activated the cell wall before he was even able to regain his balance. I couldn’t help the smile as I watched him struggle to not fall onto his face, but the sharp pain in my abdomen cut that short.
Not wanting to waste anymore time on him, I turned to face the members of the Kingsguard. They were some of the most well-trained warriors Asgard had to offer, so much so that they were trusted with protecting the Allfather himself. The kingsguard lined the halls of the palace at all times of the day and night, and they stood guard over the dungeons as well. I picked up my blood-covered dagger that I had dropped on the floor moments prior and lowered it back into its sheath. I pointed over at Ezra but stayed focused on the warriors before me, “I want two guards posted outside his cell every second of every day. I never want him left unsupervised, and if he is, you’re going to wish that you experienced the Allfather’s wrath instead of mine,” I threatened, feeling my unchecked fury rising further and further in my chest. I surprised myself at the harsh tone of my voice, but I didn’t change it, “if he shows any signs of agitation, I want to know about it. If he takes one step out of line, I want to know about it. If he breathes offbeat, I want to know about it. I want every detail of his existence to be monitored while he’s down here. I want nothing to go unnoticed. If he speaks out of line, I want to know what he said and when he said it. Do you understand?”
I saw the startled expression on every face of the men before me. I had always been known for my calm and collected nature, and the only time I ever broke away from that was when I was in battle. Even then, I had never been so ruthless, especially never with them. They all nodded in agreement to my orders, but one of the guards stepped forward, his eyes just as confused as the rest, “I mean you no offense when I ask this, but...what would you do about it, my lady?”
As I brushed past all of them, needing to take my place with Thor and Odin to discuss our next moves, I answered his question, “I’ll kill him.”
Before I could make it very far at all, Ezra yelled after me, “good luck, pet. I take pity on you for what is about to come,” he shouted, that booming voice echoing throughout the silent dungeons. It was as if every prisoner stood completely still as I walked by-all but one. As I walked past Loki’s cell, I stared straight ahead, refusing to even look his way, still hurt by what transpired between us a week prior. It broke my heart to ignore him that way, but I had to focus on the safety of the Nine Realms. A piece of it was also to protect him. If there was a chance I could convince Ezra that I no longer cared for Loki, that Loki wasn’t a weakness of mine that he could exploit, I was going to take it. It was the best way to protect Loki at that point.
As I walked past his cell, he banged on the wall, yelling my name and trying to attract my attention, but I still didn’t give in. I blinked away the tears in my eyes, my heart shattering as I had to look the other way once more. I did that before, and I couldn’t believe I was doing it again. I was still hurt and angry at him for what he said when I visited him that night, but I could never stay mad at him for too long, not over trivial things like that. Even as I ascended the stairs, I could still hear his pained voice calling my name. My ears began ringing, and the world around me seemed unsteady. When I reached the last few stairs, the wound on my abdomen sent a piercing pain through my entire body, and I jolted forward to accommodate the sudden and intense pain. If Loki had seen me fall as I had in that moment, he would’ve laughed at me before falling down with me, not wanting me to feel isolation and embarrassment. I coughed, and the fleeting thoughts of my love were pushed to the side as I tasted the blood in my mouth. I swallowed it back just as the guards ran over to me to help me up, just like Loki would have done.
*Loki’s POV*
I felt the immeasurable pain that she was experiencing, and I couldn’t help but feel like there was something seriously wrong. That was one of the things that never stopped for me, no matter how deep my madness became. She was still there, an untouched and untainted beauty among the raging wildfire that was my mind. I could always feel her pain, her suffering, her joy, and her love. I could feel every emotion and every ounce of physical pain, which Thanos used to his advantage. While it killed me inside to know that she was hurting, it let me know that she was still alive, wherever she was. This sensation was something new, though. I could barely stand due to the pain in my abdomen. Even when she had transferred his wound onto herself, it couldn’t hold a candle to the pain I began experiencing no long before.
Everyone began filing out of the dungeons aside from the two guards Eva demanded always stand watch over the new prisoner. I had never seen Eva deal with anyone quite like that, but he must’ve made her feel something otherworldly to pull out that side of her. Watching it was exhilarating in a way that I never would’ve expected. I could feel the anger and pain coursing through her veins every moment she stood before him, but I could also feel her conflict. When he mentioned two people-one here and one on Midgard-I found myself trying to piece together who it could be. Perhaps he was speaking about Aaldir or Thor. I was certain she cared little for me after what I did the last time we saw each other. The unnamed person on Earth was what I tried to piece together first, though. Was it Tony Stark? I noticed that the two of them had quite the connection when I was around them on Midgard. What if it was the Soldier? The two of them shared similar beliefs, and he had protected her from near death quite a few times.
When another piercing pain erupted in my abdomen, I gritted my teeth and grunted, reaching for the tender spot. As I tried to breathe through the pain, I heard his laughter from the cell diagonal to mine, “you must be Loki!” he smiled, amused at my pain. I knew that madness well, well enough to know that it was not all his own. Someone had taken advantage of a weakness and used it against him. A small part of me felt empathy for him, but I couldn’t help but think of how he must’ve hurt Eva. As I glared up at him, he cocked his head to the side, “I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m a pretty big fan because of what you did on Midgard-you know, attempting to kill everyone who wouldn’t blindly follow your rule. I have to say that it was a bold move for the unloved son of a false king,” he barked before taking a deep breath and calming his nerves, “I’m Ezra Culson, the new bane of Eva’s existence. You’ve been replaced.”
“What did you do to her?” I yelled, anxious to know what had transpired to bring about a pain like this. Before Ezra pointed out the wound on her abdomen, it was barely noticeable, especially since she showed little signs of discomfort while she was in the dungeons. Still, shortly before she came down to the dungeons, I had felt the intense pain, and I knew she had been stabbed. This sensation, however, was so different than before. When we were on Midgard, I...she had been stabbed. That was nothing like this. I grunted as I stood up straight, trying to ignore the burning sensation.
Ezra shook his head, a hint of guilt in his eyes that didn’t seem completely genuine, “I didn’t come here to fight-not today, anyway-but when Odin refused to my terms and your brother refused my offer to take Eva off your hands, I had no choice. She got in the way,” he said, nonchalantly as he shrugged it off like it was nothing. Even the guards outside of his cell were disturbed. Everyone in Asgard knew Eva, and everyone knew that she was the embodiment of all that was good and light in this world. Ezra acted as if his action of attacking her was nothing serious, like attacking her wasn’t like he was attacking the very fabric of life itself. During my stunned silence, he continued to speak, “let’s just say that you’re not the only one who has it out for Odin.”
“I couldn’t care less about him. You hurt her!” I snapped, slamming my fist against the cell wall and startling the guards and the other prisoners within the dungeons. Ezra would have a hard time in the dungeons because no matter how much the other prisoners hated Odin and Asgard, they could not bring themselves to even speak unkindly of Eva. The longer the prisoners stayed in the dungeons, the more they grew accustomed to her singing, and because Eva showed the planet so much love and kindness, everyone who resided here could feel her energy coursing through them. Her connection to the world and life was incredible. As my chest tightened, I glared at him, “you hurt her, and I’m going to kill you for that,” I growled in a low voice.
He shrugged it off again, “collateral damage,” he remarked, “it’s nothing that can’t be undone. When she gives in and leaves with me, which she will, I’ll heal her, and we’ll be on our way.”
“She’s not going anywhere with you!” I yelled once more, realizing that he was doing exactly what he wanted to do, and I was allowing it to happen. He was crawling right under my skin, and I couldn’t stop it. It was like Thanos all over again. Ezra just knew my weakness, and he was going to exploit it. He would try to break me, but I wouldn’t lose Eva again, and that was what kept me from falling back into the comfort of my own darkness.
He chuckled, “I have a better claim to her even as an outsider, or did you forget?” he asked, and my eyes widened as it felt like my chest would completely cave in. He couldn’t have been referencing that moment, but it wouldn’t surprise me with all that he knew about Eva and myself. A part of me wished to know where he acquired this information, but the part that took hold of me in that moment was still the nervous and insecure man I was before I fell from the Bifrost, before I pushed Eva out of my life, before I realized that I would never truly be my father’s son. I could still remember Odin’s words as if our conversation was happening that very moment:
“A girl who could pass as a princess even without a prince would be better suited for Thor, and I will not entertain these childish games any longer!”
It was the first moment in my life that I felt utterly hopeless. All that I had done up until that moment seemed like it was in vain. I had loved Eva, and she loved me. When she forced me to relive that memory in the dream, I couldn’t help but associate it with the conversation that followed with my father. He had been the one to pull me from our beautiful moment, our last beautiful moment. Our conversation was meant to open the doors for millions of other beautiful moments, but he slammed those doors in my face, telling me that I would never be worthy enough for Eva, that she was being saved for Thor. It was the beginning of my downfall, and she was the one who was hurt most from it.
While my chest heaved, I imagined ripping his tongue from his throat. I imagined slitting his throat open while he spoke of how Eva was nothing more than “collateral damage.” I imagined his blood on my hands as I tore him apart for what he did to her and for what he tried to do to me. I knew that all he had to do was exploit my weakness, and he would be able to turn me against her. Something in me was broken, and he wanted to toy around with it, “speak one more word, and you’ll wish for death when you see what I do to you,” I threatened, narrowing my eyes at him and realizing just how familiar they looked, like I had seen them a thousand times before. Green...like the color of spring.
He chuckled, sitting on the floor and tucking his legs under himself. It seemed as if he would let my comment roll off his back, but that was the opposite of what he did. Instead, he brought up the one thing I cared about more than anything else. Eva. He grinned, madness in his eyes, “threaten me again, and you’ll wish for death when you see what I do to her.”
Without warning, my mind felt like it was being torn apart, like the broken edges were being chipped away at. As I fell to the floor in a massive pain radiating from the ghost wound on my abdomen and the sudden and intense pain in my own mind, I gritted my teeth and groaned loudly. I could remember her eyes that day, the day I hurt her more than I could ever forgive myself for. I had expected her to look at me like I was a monster, like I was her enemy. However, she didn’t. She spoke my name with fear in her eyes and sorrow in her voice. It was my first moment of clarity in so long, but it was also my greatest moment of weakness and tragedy because I hurt the one thing I wished to protect: my friend, my princess, my love.
My Eva.
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macsterpiece · 5 years
*Tears form my eyes as i begin to type*
To lose something, that was once yours... no longer to be yours... and must be forgotten.
Tears... form before me, as I write to you, on behalf of what actually broke me.
It all started with a friendship, something that I was most certain of that would never be started. Phone calls, hangouts, texting, skyping, facetiming, all of the ABOVE.
I would look out for this specific person.. as if he were my brother. A brother so kind and so sweet, someone so funny and so unique.. It started back to when we were younger. You had your first kiss in the secret stairwells and I was just a watchdog. Someone to look after you as my own, and to forever protect you, because of how I wore my heart, letting you in forever and always.
My heart, as we grew close, I knew, deep inside, you felt some way about me... but I always kept my friends happy, regardless of how they felt about me. I would be your beck and call, sometimes... you're one and only. Sometimes our secrets were meant for us only. Keeping them far away in a chest, that you wanted to keep down in the sea, beyond the other creatures. Something so sacred.. that I would hold the key forever.
Sometimes.. grew into always... and sometimes... would grow into never. Never happy endings, regardless of how god damn happy I would always be to be by your side.
*Deep in my thoughts*
Do you know what it is like.. to experience a life, beyond the one youre living, and to realize you... YOU.. are so loved.
*Back on track*
YOU. were what it was like to love beyond my lovings. I began my first love, because you overwhelmed my heart with feelings... that I was NOT ready for. So I left. and I am the bad guy. I admit my faults, for I did not love you....
All the times that you would text. would call. would follow me class to class. would talk to me alone. I would not at THAT time... truly appreciate you.. because I was so wrapped around the idea of me... and ME only. that i was selfish.
*Im rambling and im dumb*
But I need to continue.. because our story is the most memorable piece of my life. that has been CONSISTENT.. and something that everyone knows... has not left us. well... me.
*Get to the god damn point Macayla.*
Listen, It started back in my junior year of highschool. I was SO happy for you, to actually talk to someone, who MIGHT be good for you. I persuaded you, i told you over and over how good it was for you. BLINDED... by myself.
And as you progressed in relationships. I will never forget the day at lunch when your "girl" walked away and you confessed that it was me, just me... that you wanted.
*shakes my head in denial and tears*
It was me.
*Wipes tears*
To.. my BEST friend. the one i told everything to.
It is my fault.
*Rewind to Senior Year of Highschool*
My best friend... YOU. The one who had all the powers and all the might to make my rainy days into the sunniest. I was dumb to believe that "love" came before meeting you. To love someone, was like loving you for everything that I have ever known.
I was wrong. There. I said it. Loving them, was not like the love you OPENLY gave to me 24/7. I would call you, answer. I would text, answer. YOU would call me... and as I checked the time passed midnight.. I would answer. Because longingly, your voice was a huge source of my self being, and happiness.
I dont know why... I never gave you that chance. But i do know that senior year a huge heartbreak entered my life... and out of anyone... I came... to you.
I remember sitting in the Hub as I just texted you.. for ADVICE. On my latest breakup. "get over it" was all the things you could say to me.
*Getting over him. and you. because you were careless
I wanted to give you that chance, but everytime was a failure. We failed eachother.
I met someone, quickly after, since you were not there to pick up my piececs. And at times I truly blame myself for not waiting, but I could not wait to be loved because I was not ready to love myself alone. And thats what you had wanted, so you could sweep me off my feet once again.
But there my ex was, there and scared, and I was attracted by his secrecy. I had fallen for someone else, because I was scared of being by MYSELF. There. that's the truth.
January of 2018, I fell for my "friend".. actually, my "best friend". He sent me this message over snapchat.. and I can recall the argument.
I was crying, I had stepped outside on the balcony of my ex boyfriends, and the "guy" I Loved... was just feeding me lies. while you.. oh you.. reached out in these words so powerful that I just had to ignore them. Telling me of how you felt, what you wanted.. and I just SLAMMED the door. Because friends are forever friends.
I would earn for the days when I would see you. You would know youd see me and I would see you, and your power was growing in the most negative and addictive way.. but it was all because of me... you said.
Your addiction, your behavior.. it was not me. it was too far beyond my control.
An addict would never leave what broke him, and my love. that is why im writing.
*Gets emotional*
I remember the night my ex did not want to drink with me on Saint Patricks Day, as your lover was dancing and kissing someone else. I remember the night we talked outside, it was so cold, but I kept my warmth, because the smile on my face.. was warm enough to make the conversation last forever.
*Our first time*
I wish you knew.. what our first time meant to me. I would hear your name, smile. I would talk such great things, smile. Thinking of YOU... smile. always... a smile.
But you left. I had always confessed my deepest feelings, longings, wantings... and you took everything. and ran.
*Fuck this sucks and I dont want to cry but its happening*
..... I ..... wanted you. From the time you opened up, to the time you told me you would leave anyone for me. I wanted you from the beginning.. until tonight. It was ALWAYS you.
Im... so... dumb...
I truly should have known, you're the one thing my mind always runs back to. always writes about. always feels for. and you.... you left me.
*Tears and a deep breath*
To my love. I am the radiant sun that shines across the room. But this sun only shines on someone like you. You fill my mind and my body, my thoughts, sometimes.. when I see you somewhere.. All I can truly think about is you.
*Long pause*
And now. Youre gone. You said the words, not me.. for once. You knew I was angry at your choices after invading my body, and you still chose someone.. who never truly wanted you.
Tonight was a reality call, even though you wouldn't look in my eyes.. and I BEGGED you not to say or do this...
But you... chose.....
*my mind recap*
As I was saying goodbye to my friends, I still incorporated you. And you just pushed me aside telling me goodbye, that I can leave because she was the one who was there for you. When you started all YOUR BAD BECAUSE I WASNT THERE.
Your addiction, your obsession over the drugs, became your love to hide from me.
But to go back after so much good that I saw in you...
to tell me she was THE ONLY ONE, that all you wanted was SEX FROM ME.
I just couldnt stop the tears this time.
After how many times I saw you the last month or so..
After all the times you couldve said that to me.
but no, you told me all you wanted WAS SEX.
I truly hope... you felt nothing.
Because now..
I loved you.
To love someone with everyone you have left possibly to give.. scared of anyone else. You finally have broken the very last piece of me.
All the trust... the compassion, the love, the humor, the tears, the jokes, the friendship... you FEEL.... NOTHING.
Silly.... me.... once..... again....
Now I know where I stand in your life.
Never again.
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saikens · 6 years
naroot and also hinata for ur opinions plz
wow enji ur trying to making me gush about my fave kids. you literally chose not ONE, but TWO of my favorites and i guess i just gotta go off on you buddy. this is gonna be a THESIS SO PREPARE URSELF
okay so first i’ll start with naruto. my sunshine, my sweet summer child with the ferocious desire to be loved and acknowledged. naruto when we’re introduced to him is an absolute little shit! he pulls terrible pranks, is very loud and disruptive, and such a turd. hes the worst brat ever and this child instantly became my favorite, hes so fun and also very expressive and BOASTING with energy. see naruto is very much an empathetic character, he feels, he connects with others by listening to their stories, finding bits of himself in them and relating to them. whether thats vain or not, im not sure, but i love that about him. i love that he tries to reach out despite the fact that the entire village turned away from him and saw him not as naruto himself, but as the nine tails. the monstrosity that tore apart the village and killed hundreds. naruto just wanted people to see him, to look at him and give him attention. first he got iruka, then team 7, then the rest of the rookies saw the bright light that he is and fell in love with him. narutos so warm and so full of life, he feels things so intensely and passionately. i love emotional people like that. naruto is earnest and he struggles a lot with even his own self doubt and how he views himself as not good enough. BUT GOD FORBID U EVER PUT YOURSELF DOWN AROUND HIM BECAUSE HE IS SURE TO GIVE YOU A PIECE OF HIS MIND AND TELL YOU THAT YOURE AMAZING!! AND GREAT AND COOL! narutos like that. (which also noting that lee is very much like that to him in that special chapter when he saw naruto was upset and just bashed in his home to ask him to hang out) he keeps a lot of it bottled up and throws in a smile to “im fine!! haha :D im doing okay no worries!!” when so many people like shikamaru and sakura and sai see through that, and know hes hurting and in pain. i think its important to note that he holds a lot of those negative feelings in and even he feels like hes not even sure anymore which is what makes him so human to me seeing him struggle and strive is something i think we all deeply relate to. naruto deserved to breathe as a character, maybe we couldve delve in a bit more in the deepest depths of him instead of everyone viewing him as some knucklehead who doesnt know anything and only knows when to talk and try to talk no jutsu people when in reality hes so much more. anyways i absolutely adore naruto and i love everything about him and how hes so firm and never stops believing in himself and the people around him. though yes he has quite of a hero complex and has knack of butting in but hes learning and growing into himself becoming the splendid ninja we all know him to be. also its GHASTLY that we never got to see more kurama and naruto moments because those were so much fun to see in the fourth war arc anyways. have a little bit of naruto and kurama here 
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now onto my darling hinata. the most magnificent, uncertain dearest thing ever to walk in this series. hinata is presented off as being incredibly shy, having a hard time voicing her own opinions and completely budging at even the slightest amount of sharpness and cruelty. 
she slowly becomes unsure and doubts herself because of being raised in such a strict family situation that was very much full of prestige and traditions. a family that wasnt really a family at all but just full of an oppressive air. i think a lot of us who grew up in HIGHLY conservative households can relate to that. 
hinatas life is something that wasnt very good to her. hinata made me absolutely bawl during her chunnin exams fight with neji. neji vs hinata did it for me. it struck a chord in me and it caused me to cry so hard that i couldnt even read the panels, she just. she was seen as a failure, as worthless of not doing well and never being good enough. hinata became to believe those cruel things that her own self worth and values weren’t anything. that they were…replaceable and that u can easily toss her aside. hinatas own self sacrificing attitude i think stemmed from thinking that she wasnt worthy enough to live, but to protect those precious people in her life the inspiration she saw in naruto himself she realized “even if i cant amount to anything i can do this one thing and maybe protect people. to prove to people that i am worth something” which is very much how her fight with neji and even her short lived fight against pein went. 
hinata at her very core, is amazing and kind, she struggles and struggles with herself, soft spoken and well mannered i like to think she even has a hard time with how she views herself as a heiress. she is naive in the sense of not knowing fully well why neji loathed her but even then she was too young to remember the branding that took place and the abuse internally in the family. i think when she begins to discover those things she realizes and i like to think she begins to voice her own thoughts in the matter, i think when she was able to confide in neji and be there for one another it was so good for her because he was such a good role model and mentor and brother; her family and someone who was like her other half. 
hanabi and neji are the best parts to hinata and she adores them. also i feel like she very much is a doting big sister to hanabi, hanabi loves to joke around with her and holds hinata in high regards (without hinata knowing ofc because YOU KNOW big sisters cant know we deeply admire them duh). but i think there shouldve been some more in depth scenes among the hyugas and the training in the series in the manga. 
i wish we had gotten to see more of it and see more to hinata and her blossoming into herself as the character we all know and love. her becoming politically involved in a loose way in the hyugas is so vital i think she still even lends hanabi a hand and she was raised to be that way!! i just ugh i just love hinata and all that she is as a character. hinata has so much and so much to unpack as a character shes amazing and bright. let us also not forget her other wonderful family team 8 and kurenai who believed in hinata from the very beginning who knew how strong she would become. hinata is very dear to me in every way possible 
heres some cute hinata caps 
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xiii-jb-46 · 6 years
A lot of words
Warning: Sadness, slight mention of suicide (very little)
"Sweet pea!" I yell has he throws a vase at the wall.
I stood there crying until he stopped raging out. It was all over me being out too late.
"You couldve gotten hurt and so could our baby!" He says and I couldnt stand him being this angry anymore.
"Im sick of you always getting angry Sweet pea. We need to end this! This relationship is making us monsters and it hurts. What happens when our daughter will be born and we are still fighting? Its bad sweet pea." I sobbed with the final drop of tear rolls down my cheek.
"Fine." He agrees and help me pack my things.
"I guess this goodbye Sweet pea." I choked out with a slight tone of guilt in my voice and heart. I hope I don't regret this.
"I guess." I get into my car and drive to my friend Betty's house and cry in her arms.
I would be lying if I said I wouldnt be hurt by this. We dated for 3 years and we were slowling turning to monsters. We would fight over little things and then we would make up then the cycle continued. It was a dangerous love.
Its been a month since Sweet pea and I broke up and the our daughter was born. To be honest I haven't even thought of name since I wanted sweet pea's input but I didn't want to walk up to him and go hey let's talk baby names and she was only just born 5 days ago but Sweet pea might have been tough on the out side but he was a puppy at heart. While I was walking to pops I accidentally bump into someone and quickly apologised.
"Y/N?" The guy says and I look up to see Jughead.
"Hey do you wanna catch up?" He says and nod. I had nothing else to do and deep down I wanted to know what he was doing, Sweet pea.
We sat in a a booth and he had bought me my food which was suspicious because Jughead nevers buy me good, ever. Even when I beg.
Dont get me wrong though he is nice and sweet but he was being too much.
"Where is the little serpent princess?" He asked
"With Betty and Alice."
"Jughead?" He hummed as he bites his fries.
"Cut to the point. Why did you invite me to pops?" He sighed and looked at me leaning into his chair.
"Well you see sweet pea has been depressed lately and unfortunately it started when you two ended. I know you two had a huh bad relationship as you called it but you two were made for each other. What I am saying is go check up on him and it might make him happy." I nod starring at my food and then eating it.
"He isn't being his usual self, is he?" Jughead nods quite quickly while sipping his milkshake.
"He says it isn't the same without you." He says making me think for a bit. I decided to go back and see if what he said was right.
Jughead knocks on the door to Sweet pea's trailer. "Its open." We walk in and I see a drunk sweet pea laying on the couch facing his TV that wasn't even on.
"Jones, Did you bring my cookies and cream?"
He says which made me smile.
"Yes and more." Sweet pea gets up and stares at me.
"Y/N?" He looked sad and guilty that it almost made me cry. I ran to him and hugged him tightly finally crying his chest. He finally responded to the sudden contact.
"I miss you Y/N"
"And I dont know what to do anymore." He sobs as I could feel his tears.
"My head is a fucking mess. I dont want to miss you anymore." I nodded in his shirt as he broke down.
"I miss you too."
"Well isnt this sweet." I hear from the front door. Their Malachai was leaning on the door frame.
"I thought you were still in jail." Jughead said standing beside me. Sweet pea didn't cry anymore. His tears were gone and his eyes were no longer puffy.
"Well you thought wrong." He pulled out gun and I was ready to fight. I don't really know what I was gonna do but if I have to jump to save someone then I will. Serpents protect their own.
"Bye sweet pea. Is it?." He shoots and I immediately push sweet pea out the way. The bullet went into my rib cage. The impact caused me to stumbled back but sweet pea caught me just before I hit the ground. I touched were it hurt and when I lifted my hands to my eyes the blood ran down my hand like water. Jughead ran out to go catch Malachai but I knew he was long gone.
I looked at my hands that had blood covered in them again and looked up at sweet pea who was crying. I touched his face caressing it and smiled at him.
"I love you Sweet pea. I will always watch over you. Don't hold back and stay here. Go to university and turn this shit hold of a town into something better. For our chile to grow up in." Was the last words I said before everything went black.
"No baby don't leave me! Baby wake up. Princess?" He tried to wake you up but nothing worked.
"No no no I love you Y/N please just wake up." He crys and Jughead tried to tell him to take me to the hospital but Sweet pea they could do nothing but declare your death as a murder.
Sweet pea looked down at the head stone. The pain in his chest couldn't be described . The love of his life had died protecting someone who made her pain and love.she deserved someone better is all he thought as he held their daughter's hand.
"Who is that daddy?" The small cute voice asked looking up at her father.
"You mother darling." He placed the flowers down and stayed kneeling.
"We have the same name." She giggled. If it wasn't for their daughter her would have given up on life but he dying wish for him to make the place they lived in a better place
"How did she die?"
"Protecting me from a bad man sweet heart." She nods and hugged her father.
"You can cry daddy. I won't tell aunty Toni or uncle fangs or uncle Jughead or Papa FP." She continues the list making him giggle.
"You always know how to make me happy." They hold hands and leave the cemetery with memories and laughter.
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dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for angel maki who can communicate with himiko, who watches over her class with kiibo
heres ur headcanons maki! i hope u like them, and if u need me to change anything all u have to do is let me know, okay? - mod kiibo - maki never expected anything to happen to her while she was so young. after all, does anyone actually expect anything to happen to them that could potentially be lethal? there were so many things maki wanted to do, so many dreams she had, all crushed into pieces at the impact of another car, as maki has too many injuries to stay conscious... - when maki wakes up she cant recognize where she is, but she just assumes that shes in a hospital after the car wreck. however, being in the hospital wouldnt account for the lack of medical technology around her or the amount of feathers she saw everywhere. of course, she was informed that she was dead, but it took her a long time to really believe it - right after she had died, maki made sure to visit himiko. she knew that it wouldnt change the fact that she had passed, but she wanted to see how himiko was dealing with what was going on. much to makis surprise though, himiko seemed to notice her, and even asked about what all happened. maki was surprised, but it was a relief to know she could talk to himiko - it didnt take a lot to convince maki to become himikos guardian angel, and she made sure that protecting himiko from suffering the same fate as her was one of her main goals. of course, himiko would say that she couldve just used her magic to stop anything bad from happening, but maki feels like it should be a good thing shes protecting himiko - it honestly broke makis heart a bit to hear her students asking what had happened to her and wondering where she was when himiko and kiibo showed up to class with sad faces. himiko had a hard time explaining and ended up giving a vague description, while kiibos description was too blunt, and maki hated seeing the shock in the kids faces - despite her worries after that first day, though, himiko and kiibo ended up being pretty good teachers when it came to makis class! of course himiko just had to listen to maki tell her what to do, but kiibos skill with kids was pretty impressive, so maki would frequently get himiko to relay compliments about his skill with kids to him - himiko had a tendency to get bullied by other kids while maki was still alive, but for the most part people were scared of makis wrath, so they kept their bullying tendencies down. once maki was gone, these bullies didnt think about having to worry about maki and began picking on himiko as much as they liked. lets just say things didnt go well for them - after himikos had to deal with bullies, maki makes sure to take care of her emotionally. she doesnt want himiko to start crying over some people who thinks its okay to tease someone about their belief in magic, after all. so, maki does her best to promise himiko that those bullies are just cruel, and the karma theyve been spreading will come back around - whenever maki watching himiko and kiibo do something special for the class, such as perform a little magic show or talk a bit about robotics, maki cant help but smile a bit. her class seems pretty happy watching them do special things for them, too. still, maki wishes she could give kiibo comments directly just like she could with himiko - even though maki is dead, shes glad that himiko can know that shes not really gone. shes glad that the two of them can still be close, and it brightens up here day to see himiko smile even now. maki just wishes that she could be there with himiko as another person instead on an angel who guards over her in order to protect her
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