#i may need to write more happy things if there's been sad crying going on
gloriousfemaleworrier · 5 months
"Why didn't you fight for him? You watched the love of your life get on the plane, and you just...said thank you and left?"
"That's exactly what I did, and as miserable as it makes me...I don't regret it. I can't regret it, not when that decision has the potential to make him happy. If I loved him less, I would have asked him to stay."
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fictoculus · 10 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do wanderer, tighnari, childe, heizou, and maybe thoma with a reader who suffers from like severe depression? like they have no motivation to do anything and they’re always tired and sad and all of that depression stuff (i put that really mildly but i think you get my gist). and maybe if possible could you include that like, the reader is always helping other people and never helps themself because they don’t think they deserve it?
i’m sorry if this is too heavy a request. no pressure and no worries if you don’t want to do it!
౨ৎ no matter how alone you feel, i am always here...
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FEAT... wanderer/kuni, tighnari, childe, heizou
A/N... hellooo, thank you so much for this request, i'd be more than happy to write this for you! i'm so sorry but i had to remove thoma from the mix as i couldn't come up with any ideas for himmm. also also i apologise if childe's section is super ooc, i really struggle writing for him, but this is good practice! i did include other mental health related topics that can link to depression as i wanted to try and connect with as many people as possible. this does not mean i expect you to be suffering from those things, and in no way do you have to in order to be suffering from depression. if you are, that's ok too ♡
WARNINGS... self harm (heizou), depression, injury, home-neglect/"depression home" (childe), suicidal thoughts (tighnari), references to derealisation (wanderer/kuni), swearing
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✧ wanderer.
♪ wanderer, can be harsh, and has proven to have quite the tough exterior. that doesn't mean he loves you any less. and so, when he found out how you'd really been feeling, and that you'd been having to put up with it alone? he was absolutely heartbroken.
♪ you had forced yourself to get out of bed that morning, feeling almost limp as you stumbled down the stairs. nothing felt real. nothing felt like it mattered.
"morni- are you ok?" tear stains ran down your cheeks, your eyelashes still damp and your eyes bloodshot. the tip of your nose was a soft shade of pink, and the colour of your lips was slightly more vibrant than usual. "have you been crying?"
♪ it would have been one of the only times his shell completely shattered, leaving his interior exposed as he cried; not for you, but with you. the two of you wouldn't have said a word, but instead just sat wrapped around each other, in silence.
♪ with anyone else, he would've been embarrassed. being seen crying was not something many would expect of the wanderer; but it was you. you were hurting, you needed him, and so he wasn't afraid to be vulnerable around you if that's what it takes.
"shhhh, i know, i know... i'm sorry" wanderer, or kuni as you call him, was cradling you in his arms, rocking from side to side and burying his face in your hair. he was trying his best to keep himself together, using your scent to ground himself. "stop- please" tears threatened to spill as you broke apart right in front of him, squirming in his arms, but he refused to let you go. his grip only tightened, pulling your back further into him until you finally stopped thrashing, only to break down into tears. you felt him tremble against your back, his arms shaking slightly as his own tears began to dampen your hair.
♪ he'd known something was off about you, but he had confidence in your strength, you're one of the strongest people he's ever known, after all; but he often fails to realise that everyone can be weak sometimes, and that is one of the beauties of life.
♪ leaving you to handle things alone seemed like the best solution to wanderer; your mind needed the time to rest, to give itself a kickstart and power on like usual... but, oh, how he was wrong.
♪ probably the last thing you needed was to be alone, whether you knew it or not. you needed him; his voice, his gentle touch, his loving kisses, his words - however harsh they may sometimes be.
"it's hard work loving me, isn't it? you... you don't deserve to have to live like this, kuni" "don't say that, it's all work worth doing... you deserve the world, [name], and so much more, more than i could ever give you, got that?" his words carry meaning, so much more than a poem, a song, a kiss. they're unwavering, deeply engraved into the forefront of your mind the moment they slip from his lips. "i'll do this a hundred times if i have to, i don't care. i will still love you all the same, ok? i know i don't say it a lot, but nothing can ever change that, and that's a fact."
♪ he'd hug you until the sun goes down, taking your hand in his own and slowly guiding you to the bedroom once the time to rest arose. physical touch is a love language of his, since he often struggles with his words, and so he cuddled you through the night, instinctively squeezing you just a little tighter than usual.
"i will never leave you, [name]... no matter how alone you feel, i am always here"
✧ tighnari.
♪ tighnari has been out on a trip to aaru village for a few days now - planning to observe how different species of plants grow in different climates - leaving you alone in gandharva ville to watch over collei while he's gone. you do love collei, but sometimes she can be... a bit hard to handle; often getting herself into trouble. it's a lot to deal with, especially with that peculiar numbness which has been dragging you down for weeks now...
♪ unexpectedly, your lover had come home early from his trip; there had been some sort of 'incident' in aaru village which was to remain confidential, even tighnari didn't know the details.
♪ he'd half expected to find you in the kitchen, having lunch with collei, or perhaps reading that book you were obsessed with (which now fails to peak your interest), but instead he finds you curled up in bed, trembling.
"love?" "... nari? y- you're back?" you replied, your voice woven with surprise yet you couldn't bring yourself to show him your face.
♪ concerned, he sat on the edge of the bed, positioning himself so that he was facing the lump which he assumed was you. you shuffled, the sheets rustling as you tried to get closer to him, finding his presence alone comforting.
"are you ok, darling?" "hm? yeah, yeah i'm- i'm ok, i'm good" "would you look at me? i haven't seen you in so long, i want to see the beautiful face of yours"
♪ smart, that's what he was, smart and cunning. he already knew you were crying the moment he stepped into this house, his sensitive ears picking up your sniffles and broken sobs. he wanted to comfort you, to be there for you, maybe (definetely) even hold you, but how was he meant to if you hide yourself away from him?
♪ reluctantly, you turned to face him, showing him your teary eyes but hiding the rest of your face under the bed covers. he reached out and pulled them away from you, leaning down to kiss your nose softly and giving you a weak smile. a couple tears began to fall down your cheeks, but he kissed them away too, trying his bst to show just how much he loves you
"what's the matter, hun? what's been bothering you?" you take a deep breath; this is it, your chance, your chance to tell him everything, to finally confide in him. "things have been hard you know... having to take care of collei, running errands, just- everything, all while having this aching numbness in my chest..." "numbness? love, what do you mean?" "i don't know... it sounds silly i-" he jumps to interrupt you, to reassure you and show how patient he's willing to be with you. he never wants you to dismiss your feelings; he takes your wellbeing very seriously. "no, no it really doesn't, i'm just trying to wrap my head around everything that's all" "are you sure? we don't have to talk about it if-" "no, darling, i'm sure" "ok, well... it's just been lonely, and it's really hurting... i just wish everything would end"
♪ tighnari felt his heart shatter in that moment; you wanted it to end? the love of his life, the one most precious to him, has gotten to the point where they want to completely give up, and it breaks him.
♪ he slowly lowers himself down on top of you, wrapping his arms around you waist and rolling the two of you over so that you were ontop of him, cradling you in his arms and - unbeknownst to you - silently crying with you.
♪ the two of you just lay there in eachothers arms, refusing to let go of the other, tangled together under the covers. it must have been a couple hours before tighnari broke the silence, deciding that you'd had long enough to reflect and attempt to calm yourself down.
"[name], listen to me... no matter how alone you feel, i am always here, ok? i love you so much, and i'm sorry you've had to go through this alone. i will help you, i'm fighting with you now""you don't have to promise me anything, just... please consider coming to me whenever you're thinking like this, ok?" "i will, thank you, nari... i love you"
✧ childe.
♪ both you and childe have a fairly packed schedule, running around liyue day in day out to keep people happy. your beloved seems almost completely unaffected, getting riled up at pesky customers being the worst of his worries, you - on the other hand - had an entirely different load.
♪ due to the fact that the two of you were so busy, you rarely got to see eachother, maybe brushing by eachother but only being able to share a kiss before one of you got dragged off to more business. so, you always made sure to make time for eachother, clearing out at least two days on your calendar (typically wednesdays and saturdays) to spend together, telling the other all the exciting or nerve-wracking things you had encountered in the week
♪ however, what childe doesn't know is that you'd been off the job for almost a month now, spending your days in your own home, stuck in bed despite the voice deep in the back of your mind willing you to get up...
"honey, you home? you kept me waiting you know..." no response... little did he know, you were cursing under your breath; it's wednesday. you paced your room in panic before stopping in front of the mirror, gripping at your hair when you saw your reflection. you practically slammed yourself forward, hands now on the mirror as you traced your reflection's 'imperfections'. you were completely lost in your own head, too lost, in fact, to notice you were the only thing keeping the mirror from crashing down, the already loose screws falling to the floor as soon as you applied pressure. "fuck!!" you yelled, the glass shattering all over your floor, luckily not digging into your skin, but you didn't come out completely unscathed, a couple scratches ;iterring your hands and legs. "love? [name]?! open the door! are you ok?!" he shouts, pounding on your front door, the entirety of liyue must have been able to hear him. "don't come in!! please, just wait, i'll be right there! i'm ok! just please-"
♪ without waiting another moment and completely dismissing your pleas - due to pure concern - he unlocks your door with the key you gave him, walking into your apartment but finding it almost unrecognisable. it was a mess; clothes strewn across the floor, garbage piling up on the kitchen table and beside your bedroom door.
"[name]? hun, what's going on?" you could hear the concern weighing his voice down, it becoming lower and scratchier as he approaches your bedroom. "ah- i told you not to come in!"
♪ he pushes your door open, only to freeze in the doorway when he caught sight of you, greasy hair tangled into a nest-like structure, dark circles making your eyes pop.
"holy shit!! what in teyvat happened? are- are you ok!?" his eyes are wide, hands shaking as he approaches you slowly, holding your shoulders as he scanned you up and down. "archons, what happened... love, is there something going on? is someone hurting you? has someone done something? talk to me! please i just-"
♪ the whole situation was more than just overwhelming; being stood in a ring of shattered glass, exhausted, embarassed, the whole package.
♪ naturally, you began to tear up, lowering yourself down until your were squatting, holding your head in you hands and sobbing, all while childe stood and watched; he didn't know what to do.
♪ he'd never seen you like this before, so vulnerable, so afraid, so hurt; and it hurt him too. carefully, he swept away the glass with his foot, creating a path for you to 'escape' safely and into his arms, which you did; slamming yourself into him and burying your face in his chest.
"i- i'm sorry, i'm so sorry i forgot and- and my place is a mess and i'm- i'm a mess and, archons- childe... childe, i'm falling apart" "shhhh, you're ok, i'm here now, ok? just breath for me, love" "it- it's just so hard, y'know? alone... i'm so alone, i- i can't do this alone, fuck i'm sorry, i just- it feels like i'm losing control of myself; i can't even think straight anymore and i feel so dazed all the time and... i'm lonely, e- even though i'm surrounded by so many people, i'm so lonely"
♪ he let's you talk, not daring to interrupt you, just listening to you, holding you close and stroking your arm in an attempt to reassure you. only when you stop talking does he pull away, peppering your face in loving kisses before planting an especially sweet one on your lips.
"honey, stop, i'm all gross and-" "i don't care"
♪ and he shows you that he doesn't, kissing you again and again; your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your lips, everywhere. he has so much love for you, and he just keeps on giving. he doesn't care if you don't think you deserve it, if you don't think he should have to 'deal with you'; he gives it to you regardless, and that's something you can't help but love about him.
"no matter how alone you feel, i am always here, understand? i love you, [name], and i care about you, more than anything; more than my job, the fatui, mora, the list goes on. nothing is more important to me than you, and i'm not ashamed to say it. i am the one who doesn't deserve you, i'm blessed to even know you, nevermind have the privilige of loving you. so accept it, please, take my love, my heart, my everything; all my being is here for you." "archons, i love you, childe" "i love you, [name]"
(big ass dramatic speech for our drama queen) (rest assured, he meant every word)
✧ heizou.
♪ the man is a detective, so he quite quickly caught on, but was hesitant to mention it, bringing it up jokingly only for you to completely dismiss it. heizou could tell by the look in your eyes alone that something was seriously wrong; the old sparkle being replaced by a dull void. nevertheless, he would still get lost in your eyes, but feel as if he were falling down a bottomless pit; it was like he could feel what you were feeling, see what you were seeing, and it hurt.
♪ he'd be returning home from a long day of detective work, uncovering clues and deciphering codes to find missing persons, his eyelids dropping as he locked the front door behind him
"honey, i'm home!" he calls out, knowing well how cheesy the phrase was, and using that to his advantage, wanting the first thing he sees after a long day on the job to be your smile. "love?" after hearing no response - not even the shuffling of your slippers against the wooden floorboards - he grew concerned, eyebrows furrowing as he began to wonder: "where could they be?"
♪ someone coming after you must be his most dreaded nightmare; a thought that haunts him late at night, though thankfully the sight of you sleeping soundly next to him always seems to calm him, but this time you aren't there... you aren't there beside him to comfort him, to show him you're safe, to prove to him you aren't hurt. the poor man is stood in the entryway of your shared home, eyes wide and scanning the coat hooks for any missing coats, or the shoe rack for any easy-access pairs you may have grabbed if you were faced with the need to run.
♪ merely thinking about a criminal exploiting heizou's soft spot for you as revenge for proving them guilty sent chills down his spine, the thought of you being hurt scaring you more than anything ever could, even more than some of his worst cases.
"calm down, heizou, they're probably fine" he reassures himself, trying to keep calm and prevent himself from thinking (or acting) irrationally. finally stepping into the front room, heizou's eyes switch from doorway to doorway, trying to decide where you're most likely to be. watching tv in the living room? nope. cooking dinner in the kitchen? not there either. showering in the bathroom? still no. watering the plants in the back garden? this late at night? no way! sleeping in the bedroom? not quite...
♪ peeking through the crack in the bedroom door, he sees you sat on the edge of the bed, hunched over and unmoving. his first thought is to burst through the door and hug you, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around in relief... that is until his eyes recognise the red trickling down your thighs...
♪ you wanted to feel something, anything. an escape from this numbness was all you wanted, all you needed, yet it would slip from your grasp as soon as the pain subsided. it was unloving, unforgiving, cruel; leaving you alone once more, staring a hole into the blank spot of yours and heizou's bedroom wall.
"you thought i wouldn't notice, love? i am a detective, y'know..."
♪ yes, admittedly it wasn't the best choice of words, but in all honesty, he wasn't quite sure how to react. he pushed the door open, poking his head through first with a weak smile before opening it further and sliding through the gap. no matter how hard he tried to hide it, you could see his eyes welling up with tears, his bottom lip wavering as he looked you in the eyes.
"can... would it be ok if i come closer?" his gentle voice calls out, you can hear the sadness in your voice, and it hit your heart with a 'twang'. you nod meekly, reaching out your hand to grab a cloth and covering your leg, but he grabs your wrist to stop you "please, let me see?" "'zou... you don't need to help me" "[name], i want to help you, i'm choosing to do this... so please"
♪ at first you're doubtful, confused as to why anyone would want to give you this kind of help, especially heizou. not because you view him negatively, but because you could tell he was exhausted; being a detective is hard work, and has proven to be very draining.
♪ deep down you didn't think you deserved it. despite always being happy and willing to help others, nobody ever seems to want to return the favour, and so your frozen in shock - not pain - when he begins cleaning your wounds.
"do you maybe wanna talk about it?" he asks, looking up at you with kind eyes, showing you how genuine he was. whatever was bothering you, he wanted to know, he wanted to help, because you deserve his help. "... m- maybe later?" as much as you hate to dissapoint him, you can't bring yourself to even think about how you'd explain all this to heizou; not wanting to scare him or become 'one of his clients', though you know he would never treat you that way. "of course, whenever you need, love... you know i love you, right? and... and that no matter how alone you feel, i am always here" "i love you..."
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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☆ a little message i wanted to share... ( feel free to skip)
"i know some random person from the internet saying this may not help, but i want you to know that you are loved, you are cared for, whether you know it or not. there are billions of people on this planet, not one of us are the same, and so no one will ever really know how you're feeling, but that's ok. this is something you are going through and something you will get yourself out of. yes, it will take time, and it'll be hard, but i believe in you. nobody knows you better than yourself. if you think doing something, anything, will make you feel worse, don't do it. you know your boundaries better than anyone, no matter what other people say. take your time. of course, it's good to help others, but sometimes you'd be helping other people more if you took a second to take care of yourself. you do deserve it. please stay safe and take care of yourself. ily ♡"
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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lives-in-midgard · 7 months
Hello, my dear! :) I may also request a Bucky Barnes Imagine where maybe he’s your Ex (breaking up cause of he doesnt want to get you in danger cause of the avengers) but he is lost without you and totally changed in the bad way, but you feel the same.. then one night he wants to leave the Avengers behind but Steves get you there and you convince him to stay while hes already on his bike.. then you talk, decide to give your love another chance and end up cuddling or more (in case you're comfortable with smut, if not then it's fine as well) THAAANK YOU DOLL ❤️
I Still Love you
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Four months have passed since your breakup with Bucky when you suddenly get a call from Steve.
Word Count: 1580
A/N: Thank you so much honey for sending in that request! 💞At first I wasn't sure if I can write it but then when I started writing it I couldn't stop because I loved the idea. Because I don't write smut I ended it with cuddles, which I thought was also a good ending. I really hope you and everyone else like how this turned out!
It’s been four months since Bucky broke up with you. You can remember it all too well when he stood in your doorway and said he is breaking up with you. You were so happy on that day when he texted you that he will come over. You prepared everything for a movie night and for dinner you even bought a vinyl with music from the 40s as a surprise for him. But when he came over that night you never got to do any of the things you were looking forward to.
Four months ago:
You just placed the new vinyl you got as a surprise beside the record player when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You were so excited to see Bucky especially because it’s been a few days since you had last seen him. You walked to the door with a big smile on your face but when you opened the door you immediately knew that something was wrong. Bucky didn’t smile like he always did, he didn’t even greet you with a soft kiss.
“Hey, doll.” He said and tried to give you a smile.
“Hey, what’s wrong Buck?” You asked and tried to reach for his hand, but he pulled it away and shook his head.
“Buck, what?” Now you were confused.
“Did something happen?” You asked and you saw a sad look in his eyes. Bucky looked like he didn’t sleep since a few days. Did he have nightmares again, was the first thought that crossed your mind. Bucky looked at the ground and you gave him the time he needed to sort his thoughts. Even though you were freaking out inside. When he looked into your eyes, he looked so sad and hurt. You have never seen him like this before.
“We need to break up, doll.” He finally said what was bothering him and you couldn’t believe what he just said.
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, doll you didn’t but it’s for the best.” Bucky said without hesitation.
“Bucky please don’t do this I love you. You know this right?” You said and a tear escaped your eyes.
“I know doll and I love you too but-.” Bucky wanted to say more but you interrupted him.
“Then don’t break up whatever happend we can get through this together.” You hoped he would stay and tell you what happened, but he insisted he wanted to break up.
“I’m going to leave now and please don’t come to the compound or try to call me okay.” Bucky said and made a few steps to the door. His metal hand rested on the doorknob, he took a deep breath and then opened the door. Before he walked out you reached for his hand.
“Why?” Was everything you could say.
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bucky said without looking at you, walked out the door and closed it behind him.
“But you just hurt me!” You screamed as tears streamed down your face. You locked the door and sat down on the floor with your back to the door. It felt like sitting there and crying for hours. At some point you had the courage to get up and when you saw everything you had prepared, you quickly put everything away and started crying again.
In the next few days and weeks, you were no longer the same as you were with Bucky. You called at work and told them you were sick and stayed in bed all day. You watched your favorite show, but not the one you started to watch with Bucky, that would only make you sadder. After a few days, you decided to go back to work. As you were about to change into some clothes, you saw some of Bucky’s hoodies and other things and put them in a box. You packed everything you could find of him into a box and decided to send it to him. You couldn’t go back to the store and bring the vinyl back, so you just put it on a shelf. You worked more shifts at work and even went to a gym to avoid thinking about Bucky too much. You felt so lonely without Bucky and missed him so much.
Bucky thought it would be the best to break up, but he felt so lost without you. He was so afraid that you would get hurt because he is an Avenger and that some bad guys would try to find you, so he thought it would be the best to break up. But he didn’t think about what it would mean for his and your life. Bucky changed; he didn’t really talk with the other avengers anymore only with Steve. Most nights he would just sit in his bed in his room, hoping that you were safe and well. He became more and more withdrawn from the others and one day Bucky decided that he wanted to go away from the Avengers.
That was also the day you got a call from Steve. You were surprised to see his name on your phone.
“Did something happen to Bucky?” Was the first thing you said when you answered the call.
“Hey, y/n. No, he is okay, but he wants to leave the Avengers. Tonight.” Steve told you and you were shocked to hear that.
“What happened?”
“Bucky changed so much since he broke up with you. He misses you so much y/n.” Steve said, and you couldn’t believe what you had just heard.
“He thinks he shouldn’t be an Avenger and that he is not good enough after everything HYDRA did to him.”
“That’s not true.”
“I know, but he doesn’t know that anymore. When Bucky was with you, he was so happy. He hasn’t been this happy since the 40s. I think you’re the only person who could make him stay. You need to come here.”
“Steve, I still love him.” You confessed.
“I know, that’s why I called you.”
“I’m coming to the compound, please try to make him stay until I’m there.”
“Drive safe.” Steve said before you hung up. While you drove, you didn’t care about the speed limits, you just needed to get to Bucky as quickly as possible. When the compound was to see, you saw Bucky getting on his bike and Steve standing next to him. You opened the door of your car and walked over to Bucky. He turned around when he heard you.
“Doll, what are you doing here?” Hearing that pet name after so long made your heartbeat faster.
“Bucky please don’t go. I…I still love you and I miss you so much.” You walked closer to him and noticed Steve turning around and walking back into the compound.
“Doll, I love you too, but I don’t want you to get hurt for going out with me.” Bucky said and stood up from his bike.
“Oh, Buck. That’s what you are worried about?” You said and he nodded.
“I don’t care that anything could happen to me, and do you want to know why?” You asked and Bucky nodded again.
“Because I know that you will keep me safe no matter what. You and the other Avengers. And maybe you and the others could train me, so I could keep myself safe until you are there to safe me.” You said and placed your hand on his cheek.
“Doll, I …I don’t know what to say.”
“Let’s try it again and give our love another chance.” You said and Bucky smiled a little but was still worried. There was silence between the two of you until Bucky finally decided what to say.
“Okay, doll. Let’s give our love another chance.” When he said that a tear escaped your eyes, he pulled it away with his thumb and pressed a soft kiss to the spot where your tear was.
“But later we have to talk about why you wanted to leave the Avengers, okay?” Bucky nodded and you took his hand.
“But for now, let’s go in first, before one of us catches a cold.”
“You’re talking about yourself, right?” Bucky asked with a chuckle.
“I’m the only one who can catch a cold here or has something changed Mr. Super Soldier?” You joked and Bucky chuckled. This is what you missed. Hearing Bucky laugh and seeing his beautiful smile. You and Bucky walked inside holding hands. You went straight to his room, and he opened the door for you. After opening the door, he turned around and looked at you. You smiled at him, and he finally kissed you. After you pulled away, you both smiled at each other.
“Can we cuddle?” Bucky asked and you nodded with a big smile on your face. You went to bed and laid down. When you felt Bucky’s arm wrap around you, you finally felt like you weren’t alone anymore.
“I missed you so much, doll.” Bucky said and pressed a soft kiss on your shoulder.
“I missed you too.” You smiled and were so happy to have Bucky back. You decided to have a talk with him later about why he wanted to leave the Avengers. And that you want to do everything you had planned the day he broke up with you. You want Bucky to feel loved and be there for him when he feels like he doesn’t belong here.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll |
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
Hello! I love your writing! May I request some fluff with Kid, Killer, Mihawk, and Buggy where their s/o who has little cooking experience tries to surprise them by cooking something for them? Whether the food be good or bad is up to you! Thank you and have a good day!
Hi hi! Sure, always up for some fluff and I'm so happy to receive a request with Killer, I love this guy. ♡ Thank you so much for requesting. I hope the outcome will match your expectations. ☆
☆ Kid, Killer, Mihawk & Buggy with a s/o who has little cooking experience
CW :g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid has a filthy mouth 
WC : 1,4k
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"It looks like shit. I won't put that in my mouth." 
Kid is a sassy brat because this man is able to burn the water. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and red pepper flakes is probably the only thing he can cook. Yes, Killer's favorite food. But he won't ever admit that he learned that just for Killer, obviously. He needs to keep his jaggy-attitude, as the good angry punk he is.
Kid knows you have little cooking experience and had tried to eat what you cooked, but he ended up almost suffocating and dying on the ground. He made a promise to himself to only eat Killer's food. And we all know Kid is stubborn. He won't change his mind: you almost killed him, he will never eat your food again.
But then, he notices your sad face, wet puppy eyes and all the effort you put into the meal. And, it’s his favorite food: cabbage rolls. Okay, now his heart is melting, but of course, he won’t admit it.
"Well. It looks like shit but… it doesn't smell that bad." With a heavy sigh, he rolls his eyes and sniffs the plate like a fearful dog. 
He stares at you, suspicious, before planting his fingers on the cabbage rolls, watching if there are no bugs or whatever. Yes, he's been suspicious, petty, and he doesn't give a damn. "It looks… okay I guess." 
Actually, he's confused. That food looks like it's comestible. Perhaps it's a trap. He should wait for Killer to taste it first. Or just stuff those cabbage rolls into your mouth: if you don't die or cough, maybe he'll try it. 
"You know, if I die because of this food, I'll come back to life to avenge myself," before grabbing the cabbage rolls and eating an extremely small slice.
He's sweating, convinced that the nice appearance won't make up for the terrible taste. But… actually… it's… good. Like, he's not dying or suffocating on the ground. He doesn't even need to go to the nearest bathroom. 
"Can I have some more?" After eating the whole plate and almost licking it like a starving person. He doesn't like to give compliments, but do you remember the scene at Udon camp where he was eating? Right now, it's him. So clearly, he likes what you cooked.
Kid is not a man many words and "thank you" doesn't exist in his dictionary. Although he would notice all the efforts you made and even the cuts on your fingers, the words are simply stuck in his throat. But, he would kiss your forehead and smear his lipstick on it. And later, he would leave a handmade metal gift of your favorite flower or animal, as a 'thank you'. Gifts are a way for Kid to show his love. 
"You know what, I've changed my mind. Now I'll also eat your food." With his usual gruff voice and a flustered expression.
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Killer is way nicer than his captain. Quality time is definitely his love language. So if you cook something for both of you, he's honored, truly happy and probably melting inside. The outcome doesn't matter that much. The intention already means a lot to him.
Let’s assume the outcome is not that good.
"Hm, Y/N, that seems… interesting. Really al dente." While observing the carbonized pasta. 
Even without his mask, he's good at hiding his expressions. He's probably laughing because of the SMILE, but actually he wants to cry. He feels truly happy when you try your hardest just for him, but on the flipside, he knows it won't taste good. 
Why him? Is dealing with a brat like Kid not enough for his poor soul?
If he gets sick from this food, who will keep an eye on Kid? He can't take a break with that hot-headed captain. Otherwise, the crew is doomed. 
But he wants to please you, so he will taste it. And even finish the entire plate. Even if it was bad. You tried your best, just for him, all he can do is finish his food. However, he is not dishonest. "That wasn't very tasty, sweetie... But you tried your best to please me, thank you for your time. Maybe we can cook together the next time? I'll teach you some tips." 
Finally, it's a win-win situation: thanks to your limited cooking experience, he has a good reason to spend more time with you. He’s already excited to teach you some recipe.
And as the educated guy he's, Killer will of course make the dishes himself, clean up the kitchen and thank you with a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. So now his purple lipstick is smeared on your face. 
"I need to finish my work… I'll see you tonight. Thank you again for the meal, sweetie." 
Casually walking through the door and once he's out of your view, he would run to the bathroom because he's getting sick.
"Ugh, you did that to yourself" (thank you for the support, Kid)
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What a nice surprise to be welcomed with a beautiful table, his s/o well-dressed, red wine and some refined food. After dealing with Perona and Zoro all day, he only needs that. 
Mihawk's high standards mean that if the food is looking great, it's a good sign. He would never approach anything that looks bad. 
He knows that you may not have much cooking experience, but practice can help you make progress, right? Although the last time wasn't good, you can only improve yourself. Right? Right?
At least, if he dies from intoxication, the coffin will already be ready, thanks to his ship. 
"Come share that wine with me, don't stay standing like this." While serving you a glass of red wine.
He's a bit suspicious about the food. Even though the meal may be nice, it doesn't guarantee it's good and tasty. 
He's discreetly taking a sniff of the food. He has good manners, unlike those two brats, so he won’t make it obvious.
"Come sit with me and we can taste it together."
With his hawk eyes, he's looking at you and waiting for you to eat the food first. He's really observant, so he would notice all your expressions, even the most subtle ones. As your face shows no signs of disgust, then he would eat. 
And its taste really good. Although it may not be the most refined, given his high-standard, it's tasty, comestible, and well-matched to the wine. The most important thing for him. You can't waste a good wine with a bad dinner.
"You really outdid yourself, that was perfect. I’m grateful." 
Again, not a man of many words, but with his good manners, he would help you clean the dishes. Before returning to his duties (meaning: watching the kids), he would lend you his hat. This is a simple gift and a subtle way to say 'thank you'.
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"What, you did that for me? Why…? I mean, of course, you cook for me. What more normal? I'm the great Buggy after all." 
He's feeling quite confused inside. Outside, he's acting as cocky and extravagant as he always has. After all, what’s more typical for the great Buggy to be served with a great meal? That's the minimum he deserves. 
"Alright, let's eat it!" Before stuffing a huge amount of food in his mouth. And almost threw it back onto the plate. It's… foul. 
Really? What has he done wrong? Did he leave his makeup everywhere again? Or his clothes? Or maybe it's because he forgot to put down the toilet seat. Or... wait a second... there is red on the plate... red tomatoes… like his nose... are you making fun of him? How dare you? Yes, he's overthinking. 
"That's a betrayal, I'm dying... I'm dead." 
He's yelling and gesticulating wildly, and his face almost turns green due to the awful taste, but also red due to his anger. 
He’s dramatically angry, of course.
"Listen everyone! y/n is trying to KILL me!"
The room is empty but okay Buggy.
He's exaggerating too much, it's not that bad. But here he is, rolling on the floor, holding his stomach, fainting. And as the drama queen, he is, of course, he’s using his devil fruit to fragment his bodies. "I'm so traumatized that I'm TORN apart."
When he notices your sadness, he shrugs. 
"Ugh, Y/N, you know, maybe it was just the first slice…" he would say before giving one more chance to your plate. No, it's still bad. 
"That's a masterpiece, Y/N. I'm in heaven." While trying to hide his tears. "So tasty!"Yes, he's trying to please you, because maybe he overreacted before and maybe he feels bad because you were sad. 
But Buggy is way too loud and clumsy, he sucks with comedy. It's obvious that he's lying. 
"That's fine, don't force yourself Buggy."
"Really? So our relationship wasn't a complete lie? Thank you Y/N, I love… I mean, what are you saying? I wasn't forcing myself, I'm the great Buggy, duh, no one can force me."
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diagonal-queen · 9 months
May i request how hunting dogs would react when their s/o doesn’t feel enough for them?
When their S/O feels inadequate
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura, Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How do the Hunting Dogs react when they learn that you feel inadequate?
♡ cw: Reader is insecure and has self-esteem issues (same queen T-T).
note: You guys really like when I write for the Hunting Dogs huh? I have so many reqs for them and Tecchou specifically lmao. But I'm more than happy to write about the silly little soldiers and their evil boss dad. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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For a guy as smart as Fukuchi (I don't like him but even I gotta admit this man is big brain) he just didn't see it coming
Because...? You're the partner of the world's hero, Fukuchi Ouchi! Why would you ever think you're not enough? He sure doesn't
But it becomes all too apparent when he gives you time to explain your perspective. Any regular person would look painfully unimpressive besides him, but you feel like you don't meet particular expectations being his S/O.
Plus you feel like he's out of your league because...y'know. War hero dilfman and all that
He quickly tells you that the reason you're together is because you're YOU, and he loves you as you are. You don't need to meet or exceed anybody else's expectations, including your own (especially your own in fact)
Fukuchi never really considered that his status would lower your self-confidence, but he'll be damned if he keeps letting it happen
He doesn't want you to compare yourself to him in any way. The only thing you owe to each other is respect and trust- relationship stuff. Outside of that, he wants you to be whoever YOU want to be
He's never really been one to care that much about social status and whatnot so what is a giant insecurity to you is entirely irrelevant to him. That fact actually reassures you a little because it solidifies your trust in his feelings
Not only that, but he wants to show his feelings for you as well, especially if doing so will make you feel better. And we know I hc Fukuchi as being a sugar daddy type soooo...clear out your living space because you're getting more gifts than a five year old with undiagnosed autism
No but really. He loves you. And nothing's gonna change that babes <3
For a sadist he's like...really nice about it
He doesn't get upset at you, doesn't start interrogating you...in fact, he's initially very calm about it
He just asks you why you feel this way. He doesn't interrupt you and just lets you explain yourself, not worrying about you getting emotional or anything
He keeps his hand placed comfortingly on your back as you do so to subtly show that he's not mad or anything. And he listens really intently too
When you tell him that you don't feel good enough for him considering everything he is, he then gets a little upset with himself, not you.
He never intended to make you feel inadequate because he's a Hunting Dog. Jouno only ever wanted to make sure you were comfortable and safe so he feels like this is his fault
You have to let him know that it's not because of him that you feel like this, it's just personal self-esteem issues that you're working on. He understands but he can't shake the guilt
Jouno really loves you and actually feels horrible about this. He actually ends up telling you some of his personal issues with himself as well
It gets really deep and sad. You definitely cry, he probably doesn't but he's definitely not happy
When you're both done mutually venting to each other you decide that you're going to help each other through your issues together. You want to be more open with these things and spend time trying to work through them with him
The idea makes him a little wary AT FIRST, but he's willing to try for you. Maybe he'll find that being able to trust someone, really trust them, isn't so bad after all?
Tecchou is absolutely dumbstruck when you tell him about your insecurities
This is because he got used to the notion that you saw yourself the same way that he does, so when he learned that this wasn't the case he just...didn't exactly know what to say.
His first instinct is to be all 'no you're amazing' but he knows that those kinds of words will just seem hollow and unhelpful.
After he asks you to explain why you feel like this, he's silent. Both trying to listen to you, as well as just really sad :(
If you cry, he'll be devastated. He'll pull you into his arms and gently shush you until you feel a little better, patting your back and carding his fingers through your hair
Once you pull your face from the crook of his neck, he'll take your face in his hand and thumb away a tear rolling down your cheek
Tecchou tells you that he thinks you're lovely as you are, and that you have nothing to be afraid of. He reassures you that he won't leave you, he isn't keeping anything from you, and that despite your 'flaws' he loves you more than anything
(his speech is more eloquent than that but that's the gist of it lol)
Tbh he probably just makes you cry more with his words, then panics like 'wait no I didn't mean to make you cry even MORE'
You have to reassure him that they're sentimental happy tears T-T
He feels really bad. He feels like he must've failed you as a partner if you don't even know how much he loves you
He promises from here on that he'll do absolutely whatever he can to help you understand that you're loved and appreciated <3
You promise the same and let him know if he ever feels like this to tell you instantly and you can work through it together
And of course, cus he knows how much you like it when he does, he cuddles with you for a while after :')
Teruko (platonic):
Y'know that trope where someone's friend will make fun of them but if anyone else dares to do the same they're catching hands?
It's literally Teruko
And you are no exception
She's FULLY ready to beat some sense into you, because you're her best friend and you're amazing?? Why would you ever think any less of yourself?
Teruko is very extra. She will go to great lengths to demonstrate how much she loves you because of YOU and you alone
She'll name everything she likes about you. She'll make you name things you like about yourself too. She'll FORCE a self-compliment out of you no matter what it takes (no she won't that was a lie. But she will try very hard)
She also tries to make you laugh, just to cheer you up a little and distract you from your negative feelings. That way you can have the conversation with a calmer and more rational mind
She'll give you a little pick-me-up in the form of a really energetic and actually quite adorable pep talk
She also gives you a really big (lethal) hug
In general she really just wants to make you happy and hammer it into you that you don't need to be insecure about her friendship with you, because she cares about you a great deal!
Like yeah she teases you sometimes, but you tease her back and you guys are allowed to do that cus you love each other.
She asks you if she should dial it down a little and you tell her that she doesn't need to worry about that, because who is Teruko if not a loveable menace and an instigator?
If you still feel insecure about yourself after all this, then Teruko still feels like trying to cheer you up. Cry about it scrub
His heart BREAKS when you admit to him that you don't feel like you're good enough for him
Because, and he doesn't wanna tell you this at first, but he tends to feel the same way a lot of the time
Tachihara has quite a lot of insecurities considering his identity crisis and all that, and sometimes he can feel like a burden to you due to the nature of his work. Compared to that, any issues you feel you might have seem absolutely minuscule to him.
Regardless, he tries to understand things from your point of view and comforts you about it
He'll reassure you that your personal insecurities don't affect him or his view of you, and that he loves you for all the things about yourself that you consider to be flaws and more
He asks you about certain things that make you feel inadequate and relates them back to his own experiences to reassure you and show that he does understand you
He knows and dislikes the fact that he views you as being better than him, and vice versa. What he really desires is that you both see one another as equals
To be totally honest, he might actually suggest couples' therapy for you guys.
It's not that he thinks your relationship is going to end from this or that he's struggling because of it, but he wants to maintain and improve it in a way that benefits both of you emotionally
Tachihara is the least prideful and most mature hunting dog there I said it fight me
If you don't want to do couples' therapy then he won't make you. But if you do he'll find the time and he'll support you 100 percent
Tachihara loves you and wants you to be alright without becoming someone else. The only change he wants to see in you is an increase in self-love <3
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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fujiihime · 2 years
Joseph Quinn's Other Characters Fics (Series/One-Shots) - I
I made a list of currently reading and recommended fics for Joseph Quinn's other characters here on Tumblr. All were beautifully written by amazing writers. These writers are incredible and full of brilliant ideas, so please visit their blogs and check all of their works. Happy reading! Don’t forget to comment and reblog their works. You may also reblog this list to share with everyone/blog mutuals. Thank you! (For 18+, MDNI)
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Prince Paul (Catherine the Great)
Pick Your Poison | 2 | 3 by @punk-in-docs
Keep Watch Over The Door Of My Lips 
And The Stars Sighed In Unison
Lay No Claim | 2 by @the-suburban-blues
It Has Always Been You by @dingusfreakhxrrington
With Me Now by @the-suburban-blues
Our Duty & Birth Of 1st Child by @emmywrites-blog
Deserve Love Series | 2 | 3 | 4 | ED by @boohoo-clo
Thank You by @m7nson
Out Of The Dark by @creme-bruhlee
My Darling by @helpwhatsthis
Childish by @badmirvcle​ 
Eye for An Eye by @rocknrollbabe14​
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Ralph (TimeWasters)
At Last | 2 | 3 | 4 | ED by @luv4fandoms
It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To by @brighteyedbushybrowed
Please & Darling by @no-mercy-bby
Wizard by @creme-bruhlee
To Be Loved by @stevies-corner
A Special Present For A Special Boy by @littlelioncub43
Who's A Good Boy? | 2 @mypoisonedvine​
Baby Boy by @historygeekfics
Show Me
Untitled by @thefreak-thebanished
A Life Well Loved by @eddiemunsonthebanished 
Words Of Advice | 2 by @ladyfogg
My Sweet Boy by @forays-into-fiction​ 
A Rivalry For The Ages by @ladybug0095​ 
The Dance by @stinkysam​ 
Tell the World by @x-its-funnier-in-enochian-x​
Busy Streets And Busy Lives @thefreak-thebanished​
Kinktober: Day13 - Face Sitting by @xcatnapsx​
My Way Of Life by @ @sadboyeddie​
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Tom Grant (Make Up)
You Got Me by @mypoisonedvine
WindSwept by @ladyfogg
Lemons Lollipops and Salt | 2(WIP) by @cherrielip
Adore You by @inklore
5 Minutes In Heaven
A Couple Hours by @luvsouya
Little Thief by @dingusfreakhxrrington
Thunder by @loves0phelia
Maybe It's A Good Thing? | 2 by @dingusfreakhxrrington
Prompts | 2 | 3 by @ladylannisterxo
Welcome Home by @mypoisonedvine
Untitled by @ginger-mews
New Girl | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 by @xcatnapsx
I'm Home by @bluesfortheredj
Cheer Up by @x-its-funnier-in-enochian-x
Untitled | Prompt by @joemazzmatazz
I'm Not Her by @munsonxmayhem
Smashed by @joekeeryswife​ 
Rebound | 2 | 3 by @munsonxmayhem​ 
Another Sad Love Song by @rocknrollbabe14​  
Kisses from Cupid by @hawkinsbanishedhero​
His Past And His Future by @munsonxmayhem​ 
New Angel by @fxckadoodledoomunson​ 
Mr. And Mrs. Grant by @munsonxmayhem​
Tom Grant Series by @wheels-of-despair​ ​
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Leonard Bast (Howards End)
A Friend Of A Friend by @the-suburban-blues
All I'd Ever Need @the-suburban-blues
As Stubborn As A Mule by @writing-fanics
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Arthur Havisham (Dickensian)
The Arrangement | 2 | 3 (x M!Reader) by @ladyfogg
One Of Those Nights (x M!Reader) by @alex-drinks-blood
Untitled (xPlatonicF!Reader) by @dingusfreakhxrrington
Letters (x M!Reader) by @axailslink
Million Dollar Man (x F!Reader) by @lvlycheri
Not All Who Wander Are Lost (x M!Reader) by @lvlycheri
It's Okay (xPlatonicF!Reader) by @x-its-funnier-in-enochian-x
Please Don't Go (x M!Reader)
Untitled (x M!Reader) by @alex-drinks-blood​ 
Maybe Someday (x M!Reader) by @casettewrecked​ 
Untitled (x M!Reader) by @razzledazzlestuff​ 
Can The Past Save The Future (x M!Reader) by @stardancerluv​
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Koner (Game of Thrones)
Only You | 2 | 3 by @creme-bruhlee
Night Watch by @historygeekfics
A Not-So-Knight and His Spellcaster | 2(WIP) by @brighteyedbushybrowed
Winter Nights | 2 by @ercklln
A Winter's Tale by @lyricswrittenbythesecretdreamer 
Dark Koner (Untitled) by @mypoisonedvine​
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Note: I hope a lot more writers will write stories for these characters and I'm sure we're all excited to read more stories about it.
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2K notes · View notes
dulcewrites · 5 months
White Christmas
Pairing: Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x wife!reader (a spy/The Americans au)
Summary: Bob has never been one to reminisce - his job keeps him ever-moving forward. But the holidays calls for reflection. (Wc: 1k +)
Warning: this came out more angsty than I thought :/
A/N: First, just want to say Happy Holidays and or Merry Christmas to those that celebrate. I wanted to get this out a bit earlier but life was life-ing lmao. This is my submission for @lewmagoo’s a lew magoo Christmas. I can’t wait to go back and read/interact everyone’s submissions. This is based off the song by Bing Crosby. This was not the original idea I had; this is much more melancholy but I think it came out well. I could not decide if I wanted to do a fic or moodboard so I kind of put them together. Please like, reblog, and or comment if you read something you enjoy ❤️❄️
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I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
Bob has been able to mark his life through events. Not exactly just with time or his age. Instead through a series of actions and domino effects that have set his life up to where it is now. He does not remember being 10, he just remembers the little house he was taken from. He doesn’t remember being 16, just the cold, smooth metal of his first revolver. His 26th birthday, with the real day he was born, was uneventful and terribly dull.
… that was until he got the envelope.
A face. A name. A never-ending mission. A wife to be.
27 was marked by a quick wedding. 28 was cemented by a crying baby girl and the sickly-sweet smell of baby wipes he grew to love. By 30, he saw his first gray hair and one little girl turned into two. Now he wonders what he can hang 37 on. He doesn't want it to be the bodies that have been left behind or 'daddy's business trips' as Georgia says.
Bob wants more. For once he wants something different. Something softer.
An idealist with the bloody ledger of a cynic, you call him. It is always with a smile but the biting edge that your voice can have never fully leaves. Bob thinks you resent that about him while likes to believe that it is a good thing - the little tug in the bottom of his stomach that he gets. Bob does his job, and he has done it valiantly for. Some days he may say he even loves what he does. But with his love comes a soft layer of sadness. It comes with wondering if there could be more outside of kills and mission and the bullshit, he would not have chosen for himself as a child. When things were syrupy in the way everything is when you're a kid.
The wistfulness grows stronger as the weather changes, and a dusty of white magic settles over the ground. The first winter snow he can remember in a long time.
The cabin idea comes with apprehension from you. Christmas was a holiday the two of you grinned and bared for the sake of the girls, but Bob found the words slipping out of his mouth. His fingers already inched looking into places - a little blue house in the snow. He knows that face well. Brows drawn tight and mouth pursed in thought.
“Emmie mentioned wanting to go camping.”
It was a bit unfair to mention your youngest daughter, Emerson. The frown lines on your face softened a bit, followed by a resigned sigh. There was little that made you like that - malleable. He knows you would never say it out loud but only the girls could do that.
I’ll have to talk with Maverick about it. He may need us.
Then it was his turn to frown. The growing dissolution bubbled under, and it all started with Pete Mitchell. But how does one turn his back on the only real family he has known. Bob cannot say he knows Regina and Don, - the people he should think to be parents; instead, thinks he was made in Mav’s image. Just like every other agent that has come through Top Gun. Your loyalty to Mav in admirable as it is a thorn in Bob’s side.
He likes to say there is three in your relationship if he could even call it that.
But he takes what he can get from you. A knowing smile when Aria says something completely out of left field. A kiss where you don’t flinch away or tense up.
It all works together in the oxymoron that is his marriage with you. Husband and wife. Partners in crime. He loathes you as much as he couldn’t imagine doing this without you. He endlessly pines for a woman he has two children with.
Nothing has ever been easy for the two of you, and he supposes he would not have it any other way.
“I don’t know your real name.”
The general statement made you pause as your looked away from the fireplace in front of you. Bob was sitting on the bed, the green reindeer slippers the girls gave him matched his pullover. While him and girls seem to thrive in the cold, you hated it. You liked the uncomfortableness that came with humidity and heat. You were used to beads of sweat above the brow and clothes sticking to you back. Uneasiness was your default setting.
A snow-covered cabin is beautiful in theory, tortuous in practice.
“What,” you muttered, gaze going back to the fire. The flames danced against the brick surrounding it. The name thing was an issue he pressed. For reasons you still don’t get.
“I don’t know your real name,” he repeats. “And you don’t know mine. You don’t know anything about me before we…”
He trails off contemplatively. You shrug softly. “I think Robert suits you fine. Perfectly, even.”
There was a beat of silence. You wanted to tell him it was better this way. Life has been separated into two different parts: BB and AB. Before Bob and After Bob. It was no use focusing on what happened before then. You hope he drops the conversation, but Bob has never been one to let things go. A dog with a bone.
“Do you know why I suggested coming here?”
“You enjoy watching me freeze,” it was a joke but there is little mirth in the room.
“I grew up in a little blue cabin, sort of like this one -,”
“In a small town in Illinois.”
“Bob,” you hate him for this… or at least you want to hate him for this. Hate him for trying so damn hard.
“Every winter, I remember sheets of snow on ground and - and my ma-,”
“Robert,” your voice echoes a bit off the room. You fully turn to him, wishing to have bit of venom in your voice but it comes out broken. “What do you want from this? From me?”
“Why does it have to be something? Why can’t I just want you, all of you?”
Penny warned you about this. She’s taught you everything you know. And for better or worse, it has led you done a straight and narrow path.
Even in our business, people grow… attached. It will be up to you to either let them in or close it before it gets to be too much.
You wouldn’t call yourself frigid, but you are sure others would. It never bothered you really. Not as you grew older. There was a weakness in others that you simply did not have. The coldness was an easy barrier that deterred most, if not everyone you came across.
“You have me,” your fingernail scrapes across the wool blanket wrapped around you. “I am right here, aren’t I?”
Cobalt eyes mute with sadness.
“That isn’t what I meant.”
You grow more exasperated. “And you think me telling you about my past life will do that?”
“No, but I think you being honest would. Honest about how you feel about me, about the girls, would.”
Does he want you to write on a piece of paper if he loves you and make him check yes or no like you’re in the fifth grade. There was something so innocent about the look he gave you. The stunted nature of how the two of you work around each other may be less of your faults and more of the world that failed the both of you. You look at Bob now and he doesn’t seem like the man you have seen dodging bullets or choking out men twice his size. He seems so utterly human. And despite yourself, all you can think about is how much Maverick would hate it. The spurred want others to think the same.
You do love the girls, frankly more that you would like to admit. Two little knives to which people can twist. And Robert…
People get hurt, killed, when feelings are involved.
let them in or close it.
“I am tired,” you mutter. “I really don’t feel like rehashing the past. Certainly not with you.”
It is the end of the discussion, and you try not to flinch when the door closes behind him. The silence had become a gentle friend of yours. A safe companion to embrace. You wait for him to come back, thinking he must be letting off some steam outside in the cold. But 30 minutes turns into an hour and you start to think he may have crashed in one of the other rooms in the cabin.
After numbingly sitting at the fireplace, the only thing you can think to do is get ready for bed. You crave a bottle of wine but agreed to a painfully dry Christmas.
Your fingers don’t go towards the drawers where you unpacked the plethora of long Johns and sweaters you brought; they go to Bob’s instead. You know he’d probably laugh at you if he could see it, and you’d deserve it. Can’t even admit your feelings but want to sleep in one his shirts. While digging for an old Led Zeppelin shirt. Your digging is thwarted when your hand grazes across a chest inside the drawer. Biting your lip, you look towards the door. Bad things come in threes. He’s already upset you; you’re digging in his stuff… might at well get your third strike.
A familiar sinking feeling muddled in your stomach as you lift the chest to see tinier ring box in it, along with a mini snow globe. You both promised no presents this year for Christmas, but of course he wouldn’t stick to that. Your gaze goes to the simple ring on your left hand. It wasn’t something either of you picked out. It was left in the envelope you received.
“You should be happy you even get one off the bat,” Natasha sighed. “Jake gave me a ring pop as joke before Mav stepped in.”
You don’t have it in you to open the ring box, a bile stuck in your throat. But you do pick up the mini snow globe. It is like nothing you have seen before; it looks homemade. Inside a little blue cabin with sparkles dusted around it. On the bottom, tiny writing painted on. Chicken scratch that could only come from kids.
To the best wife and mommy in the world. May all your Christmases be merry and bright.
You set the snow globe back in the chest hastily, as if you have been burned.
God you’re fucked.
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sweet-villain · 4 months
My Heart Stands Still~ E.M
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Summary: Eddie is dealing with your death.
Summary : I'm sorry this is short, but I needed to write this as I am dealing with losing someone.
The feeling of losing someone you love is an indescribable pain that cuts deep into your heart. It's a pain that consumes you, leaving you with a heavy weight on your chest and tears constantly streaming down your face. 
The thought of never being able to see or talk to them again is unbearable. You find yourself crying at the smallest reminder of them - a familiar scent, a song that you used to listen to together, or even a simple memory. Every little thing seems to trigger a wave of emotions and tears.
That is how Eddie felt as he stood standing with everyone else that knew you. That loved you. That cared deeply for you. Your friends and your loved once. But they didn't know the feeling like Eddie.
He loved you.
He feels like a part of him has been taken away, a part of him that he would never get back. The sadness and the grief seems never ending and he wondered when will he ever move on. Will he move on?
The realization that he will never hear your voice or feel your touch again is like a knife to his heart. His mind is flooded with regrets and what ifs, and he starts to question every moment that he had with you.
He wished he could turn back time and cherish every second, but it's too late. The pain of losing you, the person he love is not just emotional, it's psychical too. It's a constant ache in his chest that makes it hard for him to breathe.
It feels like he is suffocating, drowning in his own tears.
The world around him seems to continue on, but he feels stuck in never ending cycle of grief.
He tried finding comfort in his memories, his friends, his band, talking to Wayne, but they only brought him more tears. More anger too.
It's a rollercoaster of emotions, from anger and disbelief to sadness and numbness. He couldn't feel anything close to what he felt when you were here. It's the thought of facing life without you is daunting and overwhelming. How was he suppose to graduate? How was he suppose to get his first gig? His first dance? Without you. It seems impossible.
But through all the tears and pain, he holds onto the love you two shared. He holds onto the moments that made him laugh and the memories that brought him joy.
The first smile you gave him. The first sparkle in your eye when he said your name. The first time he made you laugh. The first lame joke he shared with you. The first time you came over. The first kiss. The first hug. The first hand holding. The first time you told him you loved him.
He holds onto every note you have given him. It's stored underneath his bed.
But then there was anger. Eddie couldn't help but go back to it.
The anger that he felt in the situation had been all consuming, as he struggled to make sense to why this happened. He found himself asking, " Why her? Why now? We were happy. Why did she leave me?'These questions may have never been answered, leaving him frustrated.
He felt anger at himself, too.
He wasn't able to protect you at your final moments. You didn't listen to him. You didn't stay.
You chose your own path with danger staring right at you.
" Eddie? Are you in here?" he heard banging on his bedroom door. His head turns, glancing at it and rolls his eyes knowing that Dustin is the one that would keep bugging him on where he was. He just want to wallow in his own tears.
They didn't know what's like. Dustin had Suzy. El had Mike. Robin had Vicky. Max had Lucas. Nancy had Jonathan. Steve had someone. Blah.
" We're worried about you, Eddie" he heard Robin's voice this time. They all had ears to the door hoping to hear some sort of life behind the door.
Eddie laid on his unmade bed, with a photo of you two on his chest as he holds it to himself. He has no more tears to shed and he doesn't remember the last time he took a shower as piles of clothes lay on the floor, his back pack is opened with his notes all over the floor.
He hasn't worked on a new campaign in months, even. He hasn't been going to band practice either.
Everyone was better off without Eddie. That's what he thought.
It felt like everyone else moved on from you, only Eddie was the one to have his world stopped. Because you died and he couldn't save you. He wasn't there.
It wasn't fair.
" We're here for you, bud" he hears the sound of Steve's voice. " You're not going through this alone" he adds. Eddie rolls his eyes.
Yeah, like Steve knew what he was going through.
" Please" he hears Max say. " I know your in there, it's all going to be okay" she adds with a broken voice, he can hear her trying to hold it together.
" She was our friend, she was our best friend. Eddie..." Nancy says.
They sighed when they saw that the door was not going to be opened. They all waited and waited, sitting outside in hopes that Eddie would walk through the door.
It wasn't until about midnight when the door finally opened. Heads shot up and feet scrambled off the ground as they all looked towards the door.
He finally stepped out. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. There wasn't much color to his face. His hair was ragged and looked like some butter ran through on top of his hair.
Eddie held a picture frame in his arms and he was dressed in one of your hoodies that you had given to him.
It doesn't smell like you anymore, sadly. But you wore it for him many times before you were gone.
Eddie's lips quivered and tears ran down his cheeks as he collapses to the ground in a harsh cry.
Arms wrap around him as they hold him up. He leans onto them like they were going to vanish into the air. Max is holding Eddie, as she hold him tight showing him she wasn't going anywhere. He sobs into her shirt, soaking it with tears.
" Why her.... why..." Eddie keeps repeating through his sobs. Eddie couldn't see everyone's faces as they cried along with him, missing you and wishing you were still here.
It wasn't fair that you were the one to be taken away from them. To deal with this pain.
You didn't deserve it.
Steve wiped his tears with the back of his hands as he catches Robin's eye. They shared a look upon one another that understood the other what it meant.
They weren't going to let you disappear. You left a mark on their lives.
You were their friend.
There was so many memories made.
Your death wasn't going to be forgotten.
The sniffling coming from Eddie has stopped as he rose his head from Max and looks down at the picture he's holding. His fingers brush over your face, your happy and smiling face and his raises his head up as he stared at his friends.
" I want revenge"
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jongbross · 10 months
A headcanon with Exo:
How would they express their feelings for the reader?
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i did this thinking about love languages, i hope it's okay!
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acts of service.
minseok has a beautiful way with words, but most of the times he gets awkward to say them out loud, so he learned his love language is acts of service. whenever he sees you're feeling down, he'll do something nice for you, so more often than not you'll get home to him cleaning up the house, finishing that task you've been trying to do for weeks but work just wouldn't let you, or all dressed up waiting for you so he can take you out and treat you with a nice meal.
he always says "i love you" at the end of a phone call or before leaving, but more than that, he tends to show you he loves you through his acts.
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i know we all (fans and members) joke about junmyeon being rich and spending all his money as he wants, but somehow he learned that giving gifts is also a love language.
don't get me wrong, he doesn't think he can win people over with that. but if you see and like a nice little pair of earrings, what's the matter with him buying it for you? if you complain to him that you're having a shitty day, is really that bad for him to buy you your favorite desert and get it delivered at your work? if you're the love of his life, the one he's sure he wants to spend the eternity with, can't he buy a new house for the two of you where you can start a family together?
think about it...
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physical touch.
zhang yixing is one of the softest boys out there. he has a busy schedule and he always puts work first, so sometimes he can't be around you as much as he'd want. so whenever he has some time to spend with you, believe me - he'll be all over you. he will kiss you every chance he have, hug you even if all you're doing is brushing your teeth, lean on your shoulder while you're watching your favorite show.
yixing always makes you feel loved, wanted. he's forever grateful for all the support you give him, for all the times you let him go with a smile on your face because he needed to persue his dreams. he may write a few songs about the way he feels about you, but he rather show you through his touch.
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quality time.
baekhyun knows exactly what he wants and how he wants, so he has confessed to you before. but the funny thing you've realized is, baekhyun is so full of love but has been hurt so many times, that he tries not to talk about his feelings a lot - he's lowkey scared it will all happen again if he wear them on his sleeve.
so, to always remind you how much he loves you and how he cares about you, he learned to just spend some time with you. and it's so natural to him, to turn off the world and just focus on you, give you his full attention; watching your every move, listening to your every word, doing whatever makes you happy - always with a smile on his lips and eyes overflowing with tenderness.
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words of affirmation.
have you seen jongdae? he's the walking form of words of affirmation. he is always reminding you how amazing you are, how he's grateful for all the things you do for him, how he knows you're capable of anything you want.
he might not be the one to give you the best birthday gift ever, for an example, but he will always be the one to make you cry at his beautiful words. he might not always be around when you need a hug, but he's always just a call away whenever you're facing some trouble and needs someone to tell you "i love you" and "i believe in you" - and jongdae does, from the bottom of his heart.
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acts of service & physical thouch.
chanyeol is a mix of both, i think. he's the human definition of a golden retriever, i swear! whenever you're sad or need some reassurance, chanyeol hugs you and pulls you closer to his chest because he solemly believe - but won't ever admit it - that how much he loves you emanates from his body and it can heal you.
apart from that, he also likes to shows you that he loves you through his actions rather than words, so don't be surprised if you ever come home and oh, that photo you two took together last month on a trip is now hanging on your wall. (:
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acts of service.
if you think kyungsoo isn't good with his words, you're right. he has some trouble talking about his feelings, so very early on his life he learned that he can show gratitude and love through his actions. he tends to care for those around him, especially the ones who has done a lot for him too, so of course it wouldn't be different with you.
you also realized this as soon as you two got together. it isn't unusual for kyungsoo to only smile and nod when you tell him you love him, followed by either him bringing you food because you're so busy with work or letting you sleep till noon even though it's his day off and you were supposed to be together - you deserve that rest and he worries about your health because he loves you, so it's okay.
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physical touch.
there's a very specific moment in one of superm's lives that jongin holds baekhyun's fingers and keeps playing with them for such a long time... that's how he acts with you too.
jongin does say he loves you, very often actually, but you feel that everytime he touches you - which he also does a lot. he's always touching you somehow, from pulling you close everytime he laughs to just touching shoulders while watching something on the couch. he needs that warmth, he craves that from his lover, and he can only hope that it's enough to show you that hey, he's so in love with you (spoiler alert: it is more than enough).
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poor baby doesn't know how to show love. perhaps, since he's not only exo's maknae but also the youngest from his family, he has always been spoiled and showered with love in so many ways that he doesn't know how to pay back. the only way he gets to do it, and that's also a little bit of junmyeon's fault, is through gift giving.
sehun showers you with gifts every chance he gets. anything you want, name it and it's yours - or don't name it, because sehun learned how to read you so everytime you see something, check the price and be like "hm, that's too expansive" DO NOT be fooled, give sehun barely two weeks and the thing you wanted it's on your hands. he'll spoil you rotten if you let him, but don't blame him, it's his way to say "i love you so much, thank you for taking care of me".
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twst-trash · 2 years
Best to Worst Ex-Boyfriends: Dorm Leader Edition
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No one asked for this I was simply possessed by the idea and started writing it-
cw: toxic-ex behavior, stalking/blackmailing, suggestive material in Leona’s part. Not up to par with my other fics because this is just stream of consciousness, baybee.
He’s genuinely really sad when he hears that you want to break up with him.
Is immediately asking you why you want to call it quits, puppy eyed and pleading.
Is definitely going to cry to Jamil about it.
“Am I that unbearable to be around?” He sobs.
Jamil bites his tongue.
Still, after the initial heartbreak, Kalim continues to be an awesome friend.
He’s still checking up on you, texting you and talking to you as if nothing had happened.
Old habits die hard, especially for Kalim, so don’t be surprised when he’s still buying you ridiculously expensive gifts without looking for anything in return.
He loves you- he always will, either platonically or romantically- and will make sure you know it.
It’s enough to make you wonder why you broke up with him in the first place.
If you ask to get back together with him, he’s over the moon. You’ll pick back up right where you left off.
Can you say bruised ego?
Refuses to see what he did wrong in the relationship.
It’s not him- it’s you.
Ace and Deuce are suffering because of your decision, for sure. He’s suddenly extra critical of the rules around them, taking their heads whenever he pleases.
Will probably be talked into behaving by Trey.
Starts doing nice things for you again, slowly.
Invites you to Heartslabyul tea parties again after a while, glad to see your face when you decide to show up.
The biggest hump in repairing your relationship is learning what he did wrong.
But, if it means having you back in his life, he’s willing to change.
It does take a while, but he gets there.
Ace and Deuce are just as happy as the two of you are when you get back together.
Straight up ghosts you.
Is on r/relationships asking where he went wrong.
Lowkey smearing your name through the dirt, but it’s okay because it’s anonymous, right?
He’s logging into all of your social media accounts to see if you’re talking to anyone.
Looking through your email to see if you’ve signed up for dating apps.
And if you have? Oops, looks like the site must’ve glitched or something because your profile is gone all of a sudden.
He may be a little shady online, but is a pretty passive ex-boyfriend aside from that.
You will literally never see him again if you choose not to talk to him.
He’s apprehensive if you ask to get back together. Will probably snoop through your social media DMs one last time before giving you an answer, just to make sure you aren’t pranking him or talking to someone else, but ultimately decides to get back together with you.
So, you think you can cast him aside like some second place trophy?
It’s fine. He’s been preparing for this day. He knows exactly what to say.
“You think I care what you do, herbivore?”
He does.
If you were making any progress with him at all about going to classes or waking up on time, it’s completely undone by your breakup.
Ruggie basically begs you to take him back- with you out of the picture, the full brunt of taking care of Leona is solely on him.
Okay but? He’s booty calling you for sure.
Literally the type of ex to hit you up out of the blue asking if you wanna meet up for the sole purpose of sex.
Totally still has feelings for you, even if he adamantly denies it.
“You’re just an easy lay, herbivore.”
Wants to make you feel like the relationship meant nothing to him.
Threatens anyone who looks your way. Good luck trying to get another boyfriend when Leona is chasing them all away.
If you ask to give your relationship another go, he’s laughing in your face.
Even if he wants you back (which he does) he’s gonna need you to ask at least three more times.
He has a contingency plan for this.
He knew he had to have one- he knew you wouldn’t want to be with such a disgusting octopus for very long.
You’re still required to work for the lounge per a contract he had gotten you to sign at the beginning of your relationship.
So Azul puts you to work.
Shift after shift, asking you to come in early and stay late, pretty much making sure you have no time for anyone else in your life.
When you have free time, it’s spent with him in the Monstro Lounge thinking of new menu items. Sometimes he even takes you on pseudo dates under the guise of ‘trying new recipes’ or ‘comparing other restaurants.’
He basically Pavlov’s Dogs you into getting back together with him.
The only positive stimuli you have is when you’re with him, so your body immediately reacts positively when you spend time together.
He’s not surprised when you ask him to take you back. All according to keikaku.
Hell hath no fury like Vil Schoenheit scorned.
He’s vague-tweeting like it's no one's business.
Everyone knows it’s about you, especially with how fast he is to remove any pictures he has with you on his social media.
(He still has them saved on his phone, but no one needs to know that.)
Gives himself exactly one (1) night of weakness where he cries over you
And then he’s posting pictures on the arm of some new model or costar- he’s Vil Schoenheit, did you think he wouldn’t be able to rebound?
They’re not as emotionally fulfilling as you are, of course. But as long as you’re on the other side of your screen regretting your actions, he doesn’t care.
Stops deleting the bad comments about you on his social media.
Okay, but if you start posting with a new person? Oof, all bets are off.
He’s sending his fans after you, flooding your comments with negativity.
He wants you crawling back to him and begging for his forgiveness. Who knows? If he’s feeling generous he might actually take you back.
Break up with him? No, no. You’re not breaking up.
“Come now, Child of Man. Who put that silly little thought in your head?”
Is literally not listening to you when you tell him you want to break up.
Shouldn’t even be on this list because he’s not your ex-boyfriend.
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So I've been thinking of this story for a while now and decided to make it so before we start I just wanna say a few things
1.im new to writing stories, so if you have any advice please say it just don't be rude or a bitch about it
2. I type fast, so there may be spelling errors and most likely Grammer errors(my Grammer fucking sucks)
(Douma goes more insane and attempts to murder all of the upper moons, not including muzan)
Tw:child murder, attempted murder, insanity,violence, cussing, decapitation, mentions of child abandonment, douma gets jumped
It was the dead of winter, and douma was walking back to his cult after finishing his battle with a hashira. When he heard a noise coming from a bush, he decided to investigate it, and when he looked into it, he saw a child curled up into a ball with a mess hair, messed up outfit while crying.
Douma didn't know what came over him he felt an emotion come over him, was it sadness, pity, he didn't know what it was but the one thing he did know what he had to help this child
"Oh, you poor little thing... where are your parents?"
"T-they're back at the house something came in and attacked us so I ran away...i went back to the house and when I went inside blood was everywhere and my mom and dad wouldn't wake up "
Douma pats the child's head, "There there no need to cry ill take care of you and I'll make sure no harms come your way"
"You promise...?"
"Promise. Now, what is your name, little one?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Y/n my name is Douma"
Months passed, and the bond between Y/n and Douma had gotten to the point where it was a father daughter relationship. Where every Y/n goes Douma is them and vice-versa. For the first time in Douma's life, he felt emotions and happy emotions. He didn't have to fake his smiles anymore they were all real. These were the best moments of his life. He had never felt so much happiness before in his life. He never wanted to lose his child. He wanted to be with his child for the rest of all of eternity.
"Y/N!, Y/N!, WHERE ARE YOU?...that's weird they usually come running to me when I call them"
*Douma gets teleported to the infinity castle*
"OH!, a meeting did one of us die?"
"No, now shut the fuck up douma"
"HOW LOVELY IT IS TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN, how long has it's been since we last say eachother?, 20 years?"
"I-its b-been 50 years, si-ir gyokko"
Before they could continue their conversation, muzan appeared, and the meeting started. They discussed (whatever you think they would discuss) once the meeting ended, muzan called Douma
"Listen to me and listen well, you may be upper moon 2, but as of right now and everything you have failed to do. You are nothing but a disappointment and a useless upper moon"
muzan lifts his hand, nakime plays her biwa, and in muzan's hand appeared Y/n's decapitated head
"So don't think you can go and do whatever you want"
Douma stood there in shock, trying to understand what he was looking at. Was this a dream it had to be a dream? There is no way that his child is dead. That's not their head. That's someone else's head. Tears slowly come out of Douma's eyes. his body realizes what he is looking at, but his mind is telling him otherwise. He felt a new emotion, but he didn't like this feeling at all he wanted to disappear to never come back.
Muzan drops y/n's head. Before it could splat on the floor, Douma runs and catches their head and cruls up into a ball while still holding their hand shaking
"Next time you do something like this, it will be your head"
Muzan leaves, and now it's just Douma holding his child's head while the rest of the upper moons, including nakime, just stare at him
"Daki, please"
"She's right, douma hasn't done anything properly his entire time being an upper moon-"
Before akaza could continue talking, multiple icicles come at akaza, pinning him against a wall they all look at douma, seeing him now standing up, still holding the child's head, his eyes red and puffing, tear staining his face, his eyes had nothing but rage and hated in them.
Douma walks to a conner, and he places y/n's head in the conner and makes an ice wall around their head. He whips out his fans, and he goes on a rampage attacking everyone. He knocked and terribly injured uppermoons 6-3, including nakime, who was trying her hardest to regenerate her limbs as Douma's ice had slowed her regeneration.
The only demon that was left was upper moon 1, Kokushibo.
"All this, just because of a human child"
The fight continued, and Douma was able to pin Kokushibo on the ground. Right when Douma was about to cut off Kokushibo's head but one of gyutaro's bloody sickles chopped of both of Douma's arms, then daki's belt was about to chop off Douma's head but he was able to dogde the attack, only to get attacked by the 4 hantengu clones at once, then his body was poisoned by gyokko's fishes making him unable to move, Kokushibo and Akaza both attacked Douma using their strongest attacks finally defeating the rampaging Douma and he was struggling to regenerate.
"You'll be there long before we get there"
"I don't mind waiting for a few hundred years"
Douma opened his eyes, and his surroundings were dark. All pitch black, he looked down at his hands, he didn't see his long sharp fingernails and didn't feel any demonic power going through him. Before he could continue his thoughts, he felt something grab his leg.
Douma gives Y/n a hug while crying
"Sir Douma, I got so scared I was in my room playing when a man with black hair wearing a suit came in, and I've been here ever since....where are we did that man get you too?"
"There is no need to worry all that matters is that we are together and we will be together forever"
"Sir Douma, why is there fire over there?
"That's where we'll have to go. Are you ready, Y/n?"
Douma puts his hand out for Y/n to grab
Both Douma and Y/n walk towards the fire while Y/n was babbling about her day before the attack.
I really do hope you all enjoyed this and again if you have any advice feel free to say just don't be a bitch or rude about
Have a great day/afternoon/night
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
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The crying is relentless. All morning and well into the afternoon. It's not constant, but it is consistent, a cycle of heavy, self pitying sobs followed by these silences where I imagine she forgets what she's so sad about, or curses Evan out instead, which, if it were me, is what I would be doing. I can't understand why any person is really worth this much anguish, especially ones that don't wash their hair.
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“Ah, Shell,” Jen mutters under her breath, “he’s just a stupid fucking boy, enough already.” 
The brilliant sunlight of early May streaks through the windows and over the pages of our textbooks and notebooks strewn all over the carpet. With the summer exams approaching I have accepted that it’s going to be like this all month, study, revising, shovelling snacks into our mouths and then studying some more until our eyes feel like shrivelled little raisins in their sockets. But I have nowhere else to be these days, so I am happy to spend them on my stomach in the sun with Jen, writing flashcards and highlighting entire pages about chemical erosion and igneous rock.
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“Did you see him at school this week?” I ask around the pen jammed between my teeth. 
“Who? Evan?”
“Unfortunately. With Carlie.”
“Oh, crazy. He moved on quickly.”
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She tuts and shakes her head in disgust, “He’s horrible. He has no shame, full on knowing that Michelle can see him shoving his foul slug tongue into Carlie’s mouth, in broad daylight.”
“Mm, nothing good ever happens in broad daylight, does it?”
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 There is a bang, crash and wallop as Michelle comes down the stairs and straight into the room. I steel myself defensively, waiting for, I don't know what, maybe for her to start giving out to me or screaming that I need to get the hell out, not that she’s done that yet, but there’s always a chance. I bet she would if she was feeling crazy enough.
But maybe we've caught her at a good time, because instead she looks startled to see me, while also appearing different, more vulnerable than I'm used to seeing her now that the makeup she usually rings her eyes with is absent for the first time since she was about fourteen. It feels risky to look directly in her eyes, but I can't really help myself. It's like some layer has been peeled away, and she's the girl who used to be my friend.
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“Um,” she utters, voice cracked and hoarse from crying, and drags the heel of her hand beneath her still dripping nose, “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I can go.”
She hesitates. 
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“Let him stay,” Jen grumbles, “He’s just studying, he’s not going to bite you, is he?” 
“Okay,” Michelle says in a voice just above a whisper, and hovers there for another few moments as Jen goes back to flipping through her geography book, no doubt taking nothing in.
“Did you need something?”
“Not really.”
Michelle gently clears her throat, “Is it… is it for the summer exams? All the study, like.”
“I’ll probably fail mine,” a feeble laugh, “and dad will be thrilled with me.”
“I’m sure he’ll understand, given the circumstances.”
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“I don’t think so,” she comes a bit closer, her stockinged feet padding over the carpet, and I don’t move a muscle as she approaches us, afraid to make a nuisance of myself. She perches on the edge of the sofa and folds her hands in her lap. “I think I should probably study,” she comments absently.
“If you want to,” Jen says. 
“I have so much work to catch up on…”
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“Well,” Jen spreads out her fingers and gestures to the mess of paper and books on the floor like she’s presenting a gourmet meal, “you’re welcome to join us any time, babe.”
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I sense Michelle’s eyes on me but I deliberately keep mine fixed on my book. The last thing I want to do is put her off the idea and then, God knows, get blamed for any and all fail grades she ends up getting.
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“Hm, maybe,” she says, and leans to pluck at the corner of one of the English book covers, “I honestly know nothing, I can’t remember any of King Lear, never mind the poetry…”
“All that Shakespeare stuff is Jude’s domain, actually all of it is his, I'm clearly the idiot in the room…”
I pipe up sheepishly, “If you need help going through stuff, you know, I can, but if not it’s obviously fine too.”
“Hm,” she says, and slides to the floor with us, “Maybe. I’ll see.”
Jen gives me a secret smirk. “She'll see,” she mouths, and just like the sneaky wink she follows it with, I have absolutely no idea what she means.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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cafecourage · 2 months
Idk if requests are open; if they're not, please feel free to ignore this!!!
Okay so uh, I know that the post I'm gonna reference is more than a year old, but I just discovered your blog and I went on a binge and, well...
The Dragon Au Part 2? The one with Sky (along with the other boys, but I'm focusing on Sky)? Where you said that Sky would probably never tell his S/O about him being a dragon despite the trust he has in his S/O?
It's just...so sad! 😭 So, if I may, could I request a fic where Reader (who is, or wants to be, Sky's S/O) finds out that Sky's a dragon?
Maybe he accidentally shifted during battle, or maybe one of the other Links accidentally let slip that all of the Chain (and, therefore, Sky) are dragons? I'm not quite sure about how Reader would find out, but they do; cue them crying to another Link (probably Time, bc he's The Dad™) or even Sun, and Reader admits that they feel like they're a terrible person bc surely they did something to make Sky not trust them, right...? And Reader asks for advice on what they can do to make up for whatever Bad Thing they did, and how to be a better friend to Sky, etc. etc.
I don't like angst if it doesn't have a happy ending, so idk how to end it on a happy note; maybe Sky talks to Reader about it all & they "kiss & make up" (either figuratively or literally lol)?
(Again, feel free to ignore this if requests aren't open!!!)
Typically you were stay away from battles if anything you were learning how to fight. In this battle though your back was towards a cliff and the monsters were blocking your way into the forest which is where you normally hide. Well… This was a particularly bad situation to be in. You duck and tried to weave through but each time you tried to you almost get hit. Luckily Sky was staying by your side for a bit to fight the monsters off. Though the chain was truly outnumbered.
Not to be a downer but you think they might need a miracle.
Then it happened.
A Lizalfos got a fairly lucky shot at you right in the shoulder. The impact knocked you back off your feet and stumble back.
The cliff.
It was weird. You didn’t scream. But something did. It was loud and it felt like the air was full of electricity. In a blink of an eye a black plop swooped down heading towards you. When the blur finally crashes into you whatever it was brought you into its arms and pulled up. “Keep your eyes close.” You hear Sky whisper in your ear, you didn’t even know that your eyes had been closed the whole time. It’s not like you’re going to open them now. Especially with a warning like that.
There was a lot of screaming not just from the boys but monsters as well. A few crashes of lightning made you flinch and hold onto Sky tighter. Slowly your curiosity had peaked and you open your eyes and glanced up at Sky.
Sky who was typically the softest person in the world looked monstrous. His eyes were sharper more snake like and Night Sky-esque scales framed his features. Giving his once soft face a fiercer look to it. It could also be the death glare he had on his face. Behind him were two bat like wings and long serpents tail that matched his scales. It would have been breathtaking if you weren’t loosing blood.
Your glaze was met with his now electric blue eyes, “put me down?” You asked as you had to force yourself to look at the others but as soon as you moved the arrow that was lodged into your shoulder made its move. A curses leave your mouth as you slump back in his arms.
Sky was about to speak but Hyrule beat him, “We should find and get camp set up. For now Let me see what I can do.” The team’s medic was in charge now as the battle had been over for a bit now. “Rancher, Champion can you scout out a better, safer place?” He leads Sky with you in his arms to be seated. When settled with you in Sky’s lap and Hyrule helping you through the process of being stitched up.
You had so many questions to ask but you honestly doubt you would get answers too. “I have a question.”
“Yes Darling?” Sky’s voice was a bit more gravely than normal.
“Are you guys…” You had not idea what to say about this situation as you would assume dragons.
“Yes.” Time said before you could find the words.
A beat passes you look up at the token father, “all-“
“All of us yes.”
“Ok…” You lean into Sky’s chest. Before something bothers you again, looking up at Time again you go to ask him something.
He just sighs “yes. I’ll explain later about how our magic work. Just focus on healing.”
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deathbxnny · 1 year
I love your works and I always look forward to your next posts! English isn't my first language so excuse me for the incorrect grammar🙏 I saw your requests were open and I was very happy, I think this is the first time I'm requesting something on here \(0v0)/
I want to request for honkai star rail(my new favorite game)
imagine if the reader was just sad. That's it just sad you know? And tge reader also doesn't really feel comfortable showing emotions and they would rather bottle up it up until they are alone to cry or let it out how would honkai star rail characters comfort or try to get the reader to be emotional with them?
It would be nice if you could include Welt, Blade, Gepard, and Sampo feel free to replace any of these characters I don't mind any♥️
A/N: Hello! I'm happy to hear, that you love love my work and thank you for your request! I like the concept alot! I replaced Sampo with Dan Heng however, because I've been wanting to write for him again lately. I hope that was really alright and that you'll enjoy this!<33
Content: Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort(kinda), established relationships, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Welt Yang
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Welt notices your shift in mood pretty fast and would at first give you some space. He knows how it feels like and doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions immideatly. Instead, he let's you come to him when he knows your ready. He tells you often, that he'll always be there for you and he meant it.
So, when he knows the time is right and you come shuffling over to him, he let's you relax into his embrace and hugs you close with reassuring and affectionate words. He won't press you to speak on what the issue is, but if you chose to do so, then he'll listen intently and work through your emotions with you. He'll never let you go through it alone.
In the end, he'll showr you with endless gentle love and affection, whilst spoiling you with things he knows will cheer you up. He'll even clear up his usually busy schedule to do whatever you want with him for as long as you need him to. He wants you to be happy after all.
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Blade is very emotionally unavailable and has a hard time processing his feelings too, so he probably wouldn't notice how sad you are lately at first. And it's not because he doesn't care, but it's rather because he always found emotions to be a weakness, before he met you. You finally made him feel something.
And so, when he finally notices how you've been bottling up all your issues and crying yourself to sleep, he confronts you directly about it. He's worried deep down, even if he comes off as harsh and you know that he means well. But after hiding your emotions for so long, all you can manage as a response, is you hugging him tightly and sobbing into his arms.
He freezes up for a moment in surprise, but eventually begins rubbing your back and just letting you rant about all that's been troubling you lately. He refrains from offering to get rid of the people, who've been causing you issues for now though. He'll instead offer to spend more time with you and spoils you with things he knows you like. He is doing his best for you and hopes you can see his efforts.
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng is not very in tune with his emotions either, but he has a basic understanding on what to do. He also notices pretty easily, when you start feeling very sad and begin to bottle up your emotions. At first, he thinks giving you space is the best approach to this, until he realises that you are just getting worse through it.
And so, he gently confronts you about your emotions by pulling you close and coaxing your troubles out of you with gentle and reassuring words. He'll listen to you rant closely and tries coming up with solutions for you. You two talk through every issue you may have, no matter how minor it is and somehow solve it together. This makes you feel better fast and calm down.
It ends with Dan Heng embracing you in his warm body and cuddling you for as long as you need him to. He'll try getting your mind off of things by telling you some new things he found in the archives or just stories from some Trailblazer missions he was on lately, until you fall into a peaceful slumber at last, free from all worries, thanks to him.
》Gepard Landau
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Gepard unfortunately doesn't notice your drastic shift in emotions immideatly, due to how much time he's forced to spend at the frontlines. When he returns home however, he instantly notices that something is wrong with you and makes sure to gently confront you about it, so you won't get overwhelmed.
He didn't expect you to just break down however, the moment his hand touched your face, which made him quickly pull you into his arms tightly. You feel secure and safe in the captains embrace, which encourages you silently to spill all your worries to him. He listens intently and eventually helps you through your problems, once you feel calm enough.
He'll take some time off work after just to take care of you and nurse you back to your usual state. He doesn't care, if you agree to it or not, because seeing you happy and healthy is his first priority in everything. He'll take you out often and spoil you with everything you want. He won't let you even frown once anymore either, from how well he treats you in those days, making sure you know that he'll always be there for you.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay for you! I thank you again for the request!<33
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alex-rambles · 1 year
Can you make a part.2 of that yandere bill cipher x reader oneshot. I know it was a oneshot but the ending was a bit sad 🥲 (if you dont want to do it thats fine)
Yes, of course! The reader is still angry though, so angst ahoy once more. If enough people want it, I may write some more of this...
As the day passes, you can't help but feel a sense of dread. You know that Bill won't just let this go. He's not the type to just sweep his emotions under the rug and pretend everything is fine. No, he'll come back, and he'll come back angry.
Sure enough, the next day, he appears in your room again, his eye narrowed in annoyance. "I hope you enjoyed your little break, sunspot, because it's over now. We need to talk about your behavior."
"My behavior? You're the one who's been keeping me trapped in this room for days! You're the one who's been trying to force me to be something I'm not!"
Bill scoffs. "You think you know what you want, but you don't. You're just a human, with all the limitations that come with it. I'm trying to help you overcome those limitations, to become something greater."
"I don't want to be something greater! I just want to be me!"
"And what is that, exactly? A pathetic, insignificant speck in the grand scheme of things? Is that really all you aspire to be?"
"Yes! Because at least I'm honest with myself! I'm not pretending to be something I'm not, like you are!"
Bill's eye narrows. "Watch your mouth, sunspot. You don't know what you're talking about."
"I know that you're a liar and a manipulator! You claim to care about me, but all you care about is your own power!"
"That's not true! I care about you more than anything in this world! You're the one who's being selfish, insisting on clinging to your puny human existence instead of embracing the limitless potential that awaits you!"
"I don't want limitless potential! I just want to be happy! And I'll never be happy as long as I'm stuck here with you!"
Bill looks at you for a long moment, suddenly looking... hurt.
You can see the hurt in Bill's eye, and for a moment, you feel guilty for your words. But then you remember all the times he's mistreated you, and the guilt fades away.
"What, are you going to cry now?" you say, unable to resist the urge to taunt him.
Bill's expression darkens, and you can see the anger building in his eye. "You know, for someone who's stuck with me, you sure do have a lot of nerve," he says.
You roll your eyes. "I'm not scared of you, Bill. You can't hurt me anymore than you already have."
"Oh really?" he says, his voice low and dangerous. "I think you'll find that I can hurt you in ways you never even imagined."
You don't respond, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's getting to you. Instead, you turn away from him and try to ignore him.
For a few minutes, there's silence in the room, broken only by the sound of your own breathing. You can feel his eye on you, but you don't look back.
Finally, he speaks again. "Look, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye," Bill says. The eye pun was not welcome. "but you're stuck with me. So can't we at least try to get along?"
You scoff. "After all the things you've done to me? I don't think so."
Bill lets out a sigh. "Fine. But just remember, you're not the only one who's miserable here."
With that, he disappears, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You know you should feel bad for the way you treated him, but you can't bring yourself to care. After everything he's done to you, you think he deserves a taste of his own medicine.
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0kayblue · 1 year
Hiiiii! I'm typically a v happy n upbeat person but lately I've just been not feeling like myself. I'm always trying to make people laugh and it's always made me so happy when ppl even express that I light up a room :')) But I guess I feel like I haven't been that light for a bit, and I've just been in my head and I just feel like I've been burdening people or maybe I talk too much and it's just been making me really sad. And I feel bad for venting to people so I've just been handling everything on my own aaaaa. I was wondering if you could create an angst to fluff scenario with leon given the information I gave if possible :')? Happy ending ofcofc!! And if you are to write this ask, if you could include some kind of climax where the reader is breaking down (bc I'm a very emotional person n I'm v sensitive n cry super easily) Pls don't be shy to make it as long as you'd like! I love your work sm 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and I hope you're doing well!
You are working on getting everything settled to move in with Leon when your parents pop by short notice things start to head south. They always had a knack for making things go from bad to worse.
Main Character Relations: Leon Kennedy x reader (romantic) 
Word Count: 3k (a little over)
Angst with comfort, borderline abusive behavior, complicated family relations, panic attack, happy ending 
A/N: Hey, anon! I hope you are doing better these days. Just know that you are loved and cared for. I appreciate you and I hope that whatever you are going through leaves you stronger than you were before. If you ever want to just vent, do not hesitate to message me. I may not be able to respond right away (or if you even want me too) or at all, but if you need to get it out. Get it out.  Please be easy on yourself and reach out to those you trust or authorities if it gets too bad. 
With that being said I thank you for your request and I hope that this suffices. I don’t think this is the best thing I've ever written, but it has its moments. Enjoy! 
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You sat in the bathroom on the verge of tears with your face in your hands. Your tailbone starts to ache from sitting on the side of the tub, the harsh unforgiving acrylic leaving you with no support. You sniffed before finally standing up and moving in front of the mirror. Staring blankly at your reflection. 
Don’t. Cry. 
You scolded yourself as you looked in the mirror, your eyes slightly red and puffy. 
Stay. Strong. 
Taking a deep shaky breath you flushed the toilet before turning on the sink. Trying your best to pull it together as you splash some cool water on your face. 
You’re fine. You’re always fine. Now go back out there and be what you need to be. 
Your thoughts are harsh and cruel towards yourself as you turn off the faucet and dry your hands before you press on your cheeks, trying to wipe off the excess drops of water. This little worm of self doubt wiggling its way in your ear before you take a deep shaky breath. Plastering on a smile you leave the bathroom. 
You stop for a short moment before entering the living room, biting your inner lip, fixing your smile to something that felt more natural, and walking back to your former spot. Your ears perk as you pay attention, trying to place the room's conversation before sitting back down on your spot on the couch. 
“So, what do you do for work, Leon?” Your mom asks your boyfriend, a coldness to her words. 
“Sorry.” You murmur under your breath, “I told you, he’s head of security.” 
“I know what you’ve said,” your mother glared at you and you try not to wince under her gaze like you did as a child, “I just want him to explain it to me is all.” 
“What is there to explain exactly?” You're defensive, you're on edge, and Leon can more than just see it. His hand finds your thigh and his thumb ghosts over the denim fabric of your jeans. 
“There really isn’t much to explain.” He laughed trying to break the tension up, “I handle security for a warehouse up state. Make sure guards are properly trained, know how to deescalate a situation, stuff like that.”
“Interesting. How’d you fall into a job like that?” Your dad asks and Leon directs his attention back to your father.
Leon meeting your parents wasn’t your brilliant idea. You actually didn’t want him anywhere near them for a multitude of reasons, but your sibling let it slip to your mother that you were moving and it just snowballed from there. Your mother immediately jumped on your case and your father refused to look you in the eyes once he found out a romantic interest was involved. 
Of course none of this helped your current anxious state. The last few days have been more than just rough on you mentally and physically. With Leon being gone, packing, work, and your antidepressants losing their sparkle, you were in bad shape. 
“It just happened, I guess. The police academy didn’t want me and I had to go somewhere.” Leon laughed as he lied. He barely got through the front door before you were shoving a false backstory down his throat. It confused him and this wasn’t how he wanted to do this. He wanted to be honest and direct with your family about his life because someday he wanted to make your family his family. Things were more than just off to a bumpy start as your dad forced out a laugh.
“What made you guys want to drop by?” You ask, trying to relieve Leon of the hot seat. You felt bad for the current situation you put him in, if only he had run a little late. 
“We were out and about and wanted to see if you still were in the place, although I must say it looks better a little bare.” Your mom says as she flips open one of the boxes you had sitting on the coffee table, “You would think to tell your parents you were moving up state with a man you barely know.” Three months, you had told them that you had been dating Leon for only three months.
“I was going to tell you.” You got up, shutting the box and moving it away from her prying eyes. Leon’s concern for you doesn’t go unnoticed as his eyes remain glued to you; watching you bite your tongue in discomfort under the unrelenting gaze of your mother. 
“When?” Your dad asks. He didn’t seem mad, just heart broken. At a loss for words trying to figure out what moment you stopped confiding in him about your life. 
It was about middle school when it happened, when he told you that it was all in your head. That there wasn’t a thing wrong with you because you knew how to light up a room. You knew how to make people feel comfortable, you knew how to make them laugh; and no one who knew how to shine could suffer like the rest. 
“When I got settled. When I figured it out.” 
“When would that have been? When this fantasy of yours doesn’t work out and he leaves you?” Your mom spits before looking at Leon with little remorse, “I’m sorry son, no offense, but I don’t know you.” 
“Mom!” You yelled at her with your patience wearing incredibly thin, “You are not going to come here and start insulting my boyfriend.” 
“She’s just saying what we are all thinking,” your father defends her and it takes everything in you to not roll your eyes. “You’ve said you’ve only known him for three months, Christ, you’re probably lying. You’ve always kept secrets from us.” He was right, but you had your reasons. That didn’t make you feel any less bad about it, but still. You didn’t trust them for a reason and maintained a relationship with them out of guilt. 
“We just think it’s ridiculous that we are the last to know. We are your parents. We raised you. We took care of you; fed you, clothed you, kept a roof over your head. We deserve to know about your whereabouts with some man!” His voice rising and beginning to boom with anger; an anger you thought you had escaped. Your legs shake slightly as Leon stands up, shielding you from your fathers betrayed eyes. Seeing you in a flight or fight response triggering something in him. 
“We just want what’s best for you and I don’t think this is what’s best for you.” Your mom follows up causing your eyes to shift from your dad to your mom, tears welling in your eyes. 
“How do you know, huh? Not like you ever truly cared about anything I wanted.” 
“That is not true.”
“Not once have you called and asked me a damn thing with any true merit.”
“How could we? You are always hiding! Responding to everything with ‘fine’ or locking the damn door before we even knocked.” Your dad scolded you, wondering what happened to all those years he told you to stand your ground. Did those lessons fall on deaf ears or were you just up against something you couldn’t bring yourself to fight anymore?
“Because you don’t give a damn about anything serious in my life! God forbid you focus on how I feel instead of how you feel.”
“That is not-!” Leon raises a firm hand unable to stop himself. Unable to watch this unfold for much longer. He silenced the argument while your father was ready to push. It was an odd sight to see your father cower in his old age, knowing he didn’t stand a chance against Leon. Your heart pounds in your chest, afraid for Leon regardless of watching your dad back down. 
“I’m going to have to stop you, Sir. I think it’s best if you listen to your daughter and leave.” It wasn’t exactly a threat, more of a warning. 
“We need to have this conversation.” 
“I agree, but not today. Not now.” It took a lot for Leon to not call this the ambush that it was. He was still talking to your father, someone he still felt like he had to impress regardless of the current circumstances. 
“If we don’t talk about it today we aren’t bailing you out when this doesn’t work.” Leon’s hands ball into fist and you almost break but Leon beats you to the punch, “Sir, I am certain that if you utter another word like that I will see to it that she will never have to say another word to you again.”
Your parents look at you and you try to hold eye contact with them, but fail as you focus on the wood grain of the floor.  
Your father scoffs in disbelief, “That’s how it is? You’re letting someone else speak for you?” Your father asks in disbelief. He just shakes his head at your lack of a response and walks to and out the front door. 
“I hope you’re happy, you’ve broken his heart, (Y/N).” Your mother said, looking at you one last time with a familiar glare that made you feel guilty for just existing. 
You hear the door slam as you let out a heavy sigh, wiping the few tears that managed to escape away from your face. No one knew how to get to you like your parents did. Leon turns to you softening as he goes to reach for you, but you step back. 
“It’s okay. I’m fine. Let’s just get these boxes sorted.” Your voice flat as you turned back to the box your mother was once prying in. “Th-This one looks like a mix of t-shirts and coffee mugs.” You try not to stutter as you feel his hand on the small of your back. 
“Hey.” He soothes and where you find comfort in his touch you reject him as you pick up the box. You move quickly and set the box on the ground near the boxes you planned on taking to his place, soon to be your shared place, if you didn’t fuck it up. You took a deep breath as you tried to talk down that voice in your head that said your parents were right. 
“I’m- uh- going to check the bedroom for anything else. I’ll be right back.” You moved quickly, nearly sprinting down the hall. 
You felt terrible. You felt like a villain. 
Leon didn’t deserve a villian, he deserved rest. He had just gotten back from a mission to be greeted with this. A complete and utter wreck. He left one fight to come back to another and you felt absolutely responsible. 
Finally finding solace in your now empty room as you carefully shut the door behind you. You manage to walk to the center of the room on wobbly legs. Your chest aching as your fingers tangled themselves in your hair. Every single negative thought you had and every single self destructive feeling bubbles to the surface. Unable to contain it any longer. The air becomes thin as your pulse starts to race and a sharp gasp escapes through your dry lips. 
“(Y/N)?” Leon calls for you desperately, forgoing knocking on the door and just entering. Your eyes lock with his and you try to breathe; try to bring yourself to say something to keep him from overthinking the sight of you absolutely breaking in front of him. The words are lodged in your throat though as he looks at you with complete compassion. Your tears finally spill over as your knees give out and you start to fall to them. Taking in an ugly breath as your lungs tighten and Leon’s hands find your arms, guiding you carefully to the floor. 
You had failed. You had broken. You weren’t strong enough. 
You sobbed as you tried to hide behind your hands as the room felt like it was closing in. Leon was a mess as he scrambled for your attention, “Hey, (Y/N), look at me. I need you to look at me.” His hands firmly run up and down your arms as he tries to find your eyes. Trying to make you look at him, trying to tell you that you aren’t alone. 
You felt his warmth leave you and you squeezed your eyes shut as you brought your knees to your chest unable to place yourself in reality. All you knew was that his warmth was gone and you had convinced yourself he was gone. He wasn’t, he just moved his hands from your arms to your face; forcing you to look at him as you opened your eyes. “Breathe. I need you to breathe.” His words barely reach you, but they do as you nod. “With me, okay? In.” 
You take a deep breath in, following his instruction. 
“Out.” You let out and he repeats, “In.” You continue to follow as he coaches you through the process three more times. Your body is not shaking with as much intensity as your chest starts to relax. Your ribs are no longer burning as the air in the room is no longer thick, making it easy to swallow. Your chest rises and falls with your lungs as the tears slow, but continue to flow. 
“I-I’m sorry.” You get out as your hand finds his chest for support as you begin to unfold yourself. 
“Don’t. You have nothing to apologize for. Not a damn thing.” Leon says, fighting every urge in his body to pull you into his embrace. You sniff as he wipes tears from your red hot cheeks. “Where are you?” He asks, trying to distract you and get you grounded.
“My place.” You answer. 
“What do you taste?” 
“What do you see?” 
“You.” He can’t help but smile at your answer. One hand lets go of your face to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Can I hold you?” 
‘You still want to? I’m snotty.’ Was what entered your head and it was supposed to leave your lips with a smirk and you were supposed to let out a light laugh, but it’s not what came out. 
“Please.” A simple ‘please’ was all you could muster as your arms wrapped around his neck while he pulled you to his chest. Laying your head against his chest you could hear the beating of his heart. Gentle thumps that help you keep track of time as you start to register that you’re in control of your breathing. Leon takes a deep breath, his own worries settling as you relax against his chest. 
“My love.” He mutters into your hair while he rubs your back. “Do you wanna talk about it?” He’s been worried about you since he got back, the subtle things you did telling him you weren’t alright. How you distanced yourself in conversation and weren’t as quick witted as usual. He knew that this episode wasn’t all because of your parents, he knew you typically knew how to handle your own against them. 
Letting them roll off your back because it wasn’t worth fighting with them when they’d just make it all your fault anyway. 
“N-no.” Your breath hitching in your throat, unsure, “Give me a minute. Please.” Finally feeling your limbs ache from the stress as the stiffness in your form starts to ease. 
“Take your time, just stay with me. Breathe.” You closed your eyes and despite all of this, you smiled. His warmth enveloping you in comfort as you felt whole. You nodded, continuing to breathe. 
“I’m afraid I’ve lost it.” You joked and he just shook his head before placing a firm kiss on your temple. Sniffing you rubbed your nose on your sleeve as you settled into the calmness of your thoughts quieting. 
“No, you’re alright. I’ve got you.” He assures you as your heart breaks slightly. “You’ve just had a rough couple of days. You’ll be back on your feet in no time, you’re too stubborn to stay down.” You laughed slightly and his grip on you tightened. His heart burns at the sound of your laughter and his shoulders relax. He was scared there for a minute that he’d never hear your laughter again. 
“I love you.” It falls from your lips softly as you look at him. In times like these he was the light in the dark and he shined ten times brighter than you ever could. He’d argue with you a thousand times over about it though and tell you that you were crazy for even thinking he could outshine you. 
You found Leon in one of the darkest times of his life, he was an absolute wreck. He felt so much that he felt nothing at all. All his positive attributes drained from him slowly, as he started giving up on the world completely. He could’ve sworn he was a goner until one day in the darkness of a crummy bar he saw this light. He saw you mingling amongst strangers, making them laugh, making them comfortable. A lantern burning with a light that he would happily stay blinded by just as long as he could feel the warmth that radiated off of you. 
“I love you more.” His palm found the smoothness of your cheek as his thumb ghosted over your cheek bone. Examining your tired glassy eyes and the way your brows furrowed in exhaustion as he saw you try to place where he was. He sends you a warm smile before his lips find yours in a chaste safe kiss. Regretfully parting from you he speaks again, “What do you say we call it a day and head home? I’ll run you a bath and you can say as little or as much as you want. Deal?” You nod and as you go to push him away from you so you could stand he only holds you tighter. An arm resting under the bend of your knees while his other arm firmly holds you against him. You nearly squeal as he stands with no trouble as he savors the feeling of you clinging to his t-shirt. 
“I can walk, y’know.” 
“I know, but you don’t need to. I’d carry you everywhere if you let me.” You rolled your eyes while you laughed at this dork. A triumphant smile on his face, “Let’s get you home, light of mine.”
“I know, but you don’t need to. I’d carry you everywhere if you let me.” You rolled your eyes while you laughed at this dork. A triumphant smile on his face, “Let’s get you home, little light.”
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