#i love when he starts talking before the answer is fully formed in his brain so he just rambles and rambles until the thought is complete
chanrizard · 1 year
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Chan, advice! As a 25yo I feel like I haven't achieved anything much because I didn't find my path, but I feel like I'm getting older and I feel a lot of pressure. I don't know what to do, some days I'm like "meh, anyways" and some days it really weighs me down
I see... Well I mean, it's not too late. 25 is still pretty young... I mean the kids tease me all the time but I'm fine with that, it's just having fun.
But yeah, as another 25yo I guess it's just a different case, but let's say if I wasn't here, if I didn't choose this path, I probably would be thinking the same so...
Just, I mean I can't say "do this or do that" because I'm pretty sure the universe is bound to give you clues and hints on what to do, but what I think is a good thing to do is be prepared, because you never know when an opportunity or a chance is gonna come so if you're prepared you can just grab that chance straight away, so yeah I think that's what I wanna say.
But another thing that I wanna say, it's completely normal. 'Cause I guarantee I probably would've felt that way, I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people out there who feel the same as well so yeah, it's never too late. Just take it easy, do what you wanna do, do what you enjoy doing, and yeah hopefully you'll find something that really really fits what you like to do :]
No worries, nooo worries ~
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variety-fangirl · 2 years
3 Days Away / Jake Lockley x fem!reader
Summary: you and Jake end up arguing about his safety, especially when he comes home worse than ever. After days of silent treatment from him and him refusing to let the others front, you decide a few days away for him to calm down is best.
Warnings: angst, Jake not knowing how to express his feelings until the end, reader feeling hurt and upset, fluff ending.
Authors note: I have a few Moon Knight fics in mind to write, so I hope you guys enjoy them but feel free to send me requests also. Angsty!Jake to soft!Jake, super soft emotional Jake (I know he isn't typically like this but I just loved the idea) This is majorly a Jake fic with bits of Marc and Steven. Liking, reblogging, and commenting really help me out. Thank you my loves! :)
Word count: 2.5k
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You hated arguments more than anything, especially with those that you loved and cared about. You hadn't even intended for this to cause a fight, you simply just wanted him to know how scared you were for their safety. It's not like what they did was a typical everyday job where they wouldn't be harmed by dangerous people or killed. Seeing Jake come home with blood covering him, bruises all over his torso and back, and cuts on his face was enough to scare you. You were terrified of losing them, the three most important people in your life that couldn't live without.
And so a few days later you set to have a conversation about it with whoever was fronting at the time, which happened to be Jake. You stayed calm and tried to say your piece without tears, but it had proved futile. Jake had taken your concern as an attack, thinking he couldn't handle himself. The yelling, on his part, had started and your tears had a mind of their own, flowing freely. You silently cried as Jake stood in front of you with a booming voice and red face, you just allowed him to get his anger out, knowing there was no reasoning with him at that moment.
"I'm going to take a walk and let you cool off, okay?" you managed to get out through tears when he stopped, wiping your face as best you could as you stood. You hoped some time to himself would allow him to calm down enough to talk to you calmly when you returned. His silence was enough of an answer to let you know you needed to leave for a bit. His back was to you as you stepped toward him, breathing heavily. Placing your hands gently on his back as you lay a kiss on the clothed area, a small sob choking out in the process. "I love you," you whisper as you reluctantly let him go and walk towards the door, grabbing your jacket in the process.
You look back at him for a moment, not fully wanting to leave so you could sort this out, but you knew he needed space. You watch as Jake leans over and holds onto the wall as he breathes heavily, looking at his reflection in the mirror. They're talking, so you took that as your cue to leave, closing the door behind yourself.
It luckily wasn't too cold out, the breeze only just slightly nipping at your skin. You sighed when the tears refused to stop, a headache already starting to form because of it. Your chest felt heavy with an ache, sadness overwhelming your senses. Your legs absentmindedly took you where they pleased as your brain ran a million miles an hour, worried and hurt-filled thoughts filling it. You knew Jake was hard to reason with when he was angry or upset, but you weren't expecting him to be that angry with you for being worried about his and the boy's safety. You loved them and didn't want to lose them, you wouldn't know what to do if you did. You didn't even want to think about it.
An hour later, you ended up at a small food stall that sold hot food and beverages. You had been planning to cook for you both before the argument broke out, that plan is out the window now. You grabbed yourself something to eat and drink, luckily having found some money in your jean pocket. You found a small park nearby that was mostly empty, it seemed peaceful and a good place to be for a while to clear your head and give Jake the time to calm down. Walking through the trees and pathway led you to a small lonely wooden bench, and you took a thankful seat on it. Your feet ached from walking a long period of time without stopping, the pressure relieving the second you took a seat.
You stared forward at passing byers, eating and drinking without thought. The jacket hugged your body and neck as you wrapped it around yourself tighter, not particularly cold, just needing extra comfort. The added warmth from your hot beverage helped make you feel slightly better, helping to relieve the coldness of your hands and the dull ache in your head. You weren't sure how long had passed with you sitting on that little bench, it was a while but you weren't sure of the exact amount. Having accidentally left your phone at the flat in the rush to leave without thought of necessities, like your phone and purse.
By the time you had started to make your way back, it was beginning to get dark. The walk took a while, but luckily you memorised the way home. When you reached home, you realised that you'd left your keys there. Having to begrudgingly knock and disturb him, the slow shuffling of feet letting you know he didn't want to move. It took Jake a while to answer the door, his red unimpressed eyes staring at you without a word. Still angry it seemed. He simply walked back towards the couch, leaving the door open for you to enter.
You sigh, closing the door and locking it, as he gets back on the couch and wraps his blanket around him. Realising he wasn't intending to come to bed with you, you walk toward him. "I love you and I'm sorry. We'll talk tomorrow," you whisper shakily, tears forming once again. Bending down over the back of the couch, you stroke the mop of black curly hair and place a gentle kiss on the back of his head. You linger for a few seconds, tears falling down your cheeks. Begrudgingly, you walk away from him to your shared bed. You change into one of Steven's shirts and get into the cold bed alone, silent tears falling. You fall asleep with an aching heart.
Two days of silent treatment had been driving you insane, you had expected to talk about it by now but Jake wasn't budging. He wasn't letting the others front either, which made the situation worse. You were sure something else was going on that had contributed to his mood, and you were trying to be patient but it was driving you up the wall not being able to speak. So, in the middle of the night, you decided to go stay with your friend, having checked with them beforehand for the ok. You packed a small bag with your necessities and leave a note for the boys to read when one of them wakes.
'Don't freak. Went to a friend's house for a few days or so to let Jake cool off until he's ready to speak. Can't cope with the silent treatment, I'm sorry.'
You loved them all more than anything, even their flaws but that didn't mean that you could always handle it all the time. Sometimes you needed a small break when one of them was in a mood, to give yourself some time to de-stress. As you walked through the door of your friend's apartment, you set your bag down and turned to face her, she was patiently waiting for an answer to her question. As soon as you saw the look of concern and love on her face, your bottom lip began to tremble and tears clouded your vision. "Oh honey, come here." She gently replied with open arms, her heart breaking to see you like this.
It had been late by the time you'd arrived at your friend's home, around midnight, you knew she'd be exhausted from a long day at work and yet, she refused to go to bed until you were laughing and smiling. Which she exceeded, as she always does. She grabbed a shit ton of ice cream, two bottles of both your favourite wine and fluffy blankets, while you explained to her what had happened (not completely delving into the full truth about your boyfriends and their line of work). She listened intently while you cried and explained what had led you to leave in the middle of the night and go to hers, and she was ever as understanding about it all. At that moment, you were so grateful to have a friend that truly cared about you and your happiness, not wanting to just leave you there crying while she went to bed.
That had been two days ago, and your phone had been blowing up non-stop since. Your friend insisted that it seemed he was ready to talk and going home was probably the best idea, and so you agreed. You didn't really know what to expect when you arrived home, unsure of who would be fronting and how they would react to the whole situation. Would Marc or Steven be angry with you also? You hoped not, you could barely cope with one angry boyfriend, but three? it would just completely swallow you whole. Packing up the little belongings you'd brought with you and making your way back without a word to the boys. You flicked through the messages on the way, the majority were from Marc and Steven, but a few from Jake stuck out. You had expected the other to reach out but not Jake, deeming him to still be angry for a couple of days more.
'Please come home.'
'I'm sorry..'
Your heart clenched and you felt the tears prick at your vision once more, you were fed up with crying. Jake never begged, said please or apologised, so for him, this was rare and he must truly mean it. Those words didn't come from him lightly, and you were thankful. It meant he would be in a much better mood than a few days prior, you didn't know if you could cope with a replay of how you ended up here. The silent treatment was worse than anything, it killed you to see him walk straight past you with a dead expression and not a single word uttered. That was a part of Jake you weren't the fondest of, the fact that he could hide his emotions so well and appear that the situation wasn't bothering him.
What you didn't know was that Jake (Marc and Steven also) had been freaking out the whole duration since you left, not knowing what to do. Marc and Steven had been trying to get through to him, pushing for him to call you and apologise, beg for you to return if he had to, but to get you to come back to them. To him. Jake knew he was terrible at expressing his emotions and they often came out.. wrong, often acting angry or upset when he actually wasn't. He wasn't used to someone caring about his well-being or loving him as deeply as you did, his actions tending to be harsh and not coming across in the way he wanted them to. And yet, you still chose to stay with him and love him unconditionally, accepting every part of him, good and bad.
Jake had been pacing bak and forth for what felt like hours, panicking at your lack of response, worrying implicitly that he'd done it this time and scared you off. Marc began yelling at Jake through the reflection, blaming him for potentially losing you. He didn't know if he could handle losing another important person in his life, 'I swear to god Jake if you've chased away our girl, I'll never speak to you again.' Marc spat menacingly as he pointed at Jake, turning away to calm himself. Steven just looked lost, not quite knowing what to do with himself at the thought of you leaving them. 'Please mate, call her, text her, I don't care what you have to do, just get her back here!'
You were their light, life, and love. Their everything and more, what would they do without you? How would they cope without you? Everything in their life reminded them of you, you did everything together. The route Steven took to work every day as he passed your favourite tea shops, the little corner shop that Marc passes on the way home that you had introduced him to, the little bakery that not many people knew about that made mouth-watering pastry that had converted Jake. Everything was a perfect reminder of you. Even the simple things like letting someone in, trusting someone to know about all of them and their secret, the way you could perfectly tell them all apart from the other. Everything you did was done with love and care. They couldn't bare losing that.
So, when you walked through the door timidly, looking around to see where your boyfriends were, you weren't expecting what happened. Jake stared in shock at you, not fully expecting you to even return home. He breathed deeply, emotions overwhelming him as he'd never felt before, pushing him over the edge. Jake walked quickly toward you and cupped your face in his trembling hands, his eyes filled with tears. You were sure it was Steven or maybe Marc, you definitely didn't expect Jake to currently be fronting with the amount of vulnerable emotions that were showing right now. 'Oh thank god.' Marc whispered, a shaky breath leaving him. Steven stared with wide eyes, silent tears leaving him. If only you could see how grateful they were to see you.
"Mi vida." you stare at him in shock, realising it is Jake when you hear the nickname. You were surprised, he was never this emotional or vulnerable with you. He was usually hard to read and kept his emotions hidden, so seeing him visibly upset made you want to cry with happiness and heartache. Jake pulls your body into him, his trembling lips placing a gentle kiss on your head as he holds you as close as possible. You sigh as tears begin to form, stuffing your face into his warm chest and wrapping your arms as tightly around his waist as possible. You were so thankful that he wasn't angry with you anymore, seeming happy to see you back home. You knew they probably worried when you didn't reply but you wanted to come over as soon as you could.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't angry with you, I'm just not used to someone caring about mine and the boy's safety. Other than us. I didn't know how to handle it and reacted how I usually would, it won't happen again. Just don't leave again, please." Jake whispered into your hair, tears flowing freely. He was so afraid that he'd lost you, he could care less about how he looked right now, he was just thankful you were home. Your cheeks were now soaked, the feeling of relief and love overwhelming you as you both held each other tightly, you made a mental note to spend time with Marc and Steven shortly, also.
"I'm not going anywhere, can't get rid of me that easily. Those three days were difficult with you three." you giggled, looking over to the reflection of the fish tank next to you both, hoping your boys were watching and listening. Luckily, they were with smiles and tears in their eyes. You loved them all more than anything and one argument wasn't going to scare you away.
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Good Smells
Summary: A nice little blurb involving Marc enjoying certain smells because they remind him of you.  
Warnings: There's reference to Marc's past and childhood but it's not entirely front and center. This is still hella fluffy. 
Author’s Snip: The reader's gender is never specified but they do have traditionally feminine smells like flowers.
Notes: Something for Marc, my little stress ball of a man. <3 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
"Did you know that out of all of the senses in the human body, smell is most effective in sparking a memory?" Steven mentions as you two walk through the candle aisle of the home decor store.
You don't actually need candles, you came here to get a new desk chair after the previous one was no longer functional or comfortable. But you had a pretty good coupon for the candles here that was going to expire soon. So that's how this topic emerged in Steven's head.
"Does it now?" you reply, "Where'd you learn that." you ask. "Was watching some psychology show while waiting for what I usually watch on that channel we always have on." he answers. "I forget the exact details but apparently when it comes to smells, the neurons in the brain just connect the smell that the nose is picking up with the memory." Steven explains. You hum in response.
"Do you have any smells that make you remember something?" you ask as a means to keep conversation. Steven thinks for a moment before answering, "Whenever I smell that plain room smell, the one's you usually smell in a waiting room or something," he says, "It actually reminds me of storage back at the museum because it had that same smell." Steven correlates. You nod along.
Steven tries to think more on if there are other smells that make him think of something and you sort of wait, but he draws blanks. "I can't think of anything else. I'm sure there's more smells that work for me but right now I'm just getting Marc's." he muttered, sounding more like he was thinking out loud.
"Marc has smells that make him think of things?" you ask. "Yeah, but that's not really something for me to talk about." Steven remarks before continuing to walk along the rest of the aisle. "How about you, love? What are some that you have?" Steven asks, slightly changing the subject to go another direction.
That was a good move of Steven in Marc's opinion. He knows you meant well by asking about the smells that he has connected to memories. It's just that none of his smells are good smells.
No, not like they are things that smell bad. It's that the smells remind him of things that are bad and not so pleasant.
The damp smell of the tunnel.
The smell of the common flowers braided into a grave reef.
Marc had no good smells.
They never really caused the whole immediate remembering thing to be honest. That only happens when he actually lets his mind make the connection. So even then, he had nothing that made him think of anything.
That was until Marc, and the rest of the boys by default, started having certain smells that would just have a memory come up.
And it was all because of you.
You had this hand lotion from some store that smelt like apples. He can smell it on you whenever you cup their face. Sometimes the smell gets on him if he holds your hand long enough or you touch a part of his clothes before it fully settles into the skin of your hands, leaving a small spot with the faintest smell of it. Now whenever he smells anything apple related he just sees your image form in his mind. He literally ate a bear claw donut on a mission once because he missed you and the smell of the apples inside of the pastry made him think of you.
How about that gentle flowery smell that's in your shampoo?
No, it wasn't that artificial smell like the reef. Your shampoo actually smelt like wild and authentic flowers. Like if you stood still long enough a butterfly would mistake the smell of your hair for a patch of flowers. Which is why he buys you flowers from the farmers market. Sure, they're better looking and selling than the artificial ones, but also because he know's you'll put them in a vase somewhere in the flat and when you're away he'll have that same lovely flower smell.
If you were to ask if he had any smells that sparked any memories now, he would have an actual answer. A good answer.
Good smells.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
Sugar Rush : October CPNs
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This was an insane month to say the least, I’m not even exaggerating. Things happened that will go down in fandom history. Our detective skills in looking for places and trying to piece a story was tested and the clowning was at it’s peak. I would have to say that by far, this year, it’s this month that generated lots of noise. Both sides were just throwing sweets at us and we can’t even keep up.
It also proved once more the charm of turtle cpns and why context, history and time is important to fully enjoy a candy:
“The charm of turtle candy is that it is incomplete. It is not a one-time solution. You feel suspicious at the beginning, but you are more sure later, and then at some unknown moment in the future, you suddenly get it. The correct answer, everything forms a closed loop, it's so cool”
• YH poster for WYB is from a BJYX fansite
• On 10/1, there has been some talk about WYB’s hair hiding beneath his beanie when he arrived at the airport to Paris. People’s guess is that he is blonde. Some people are connecting it to the blonde character in the XZS vlog.
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People are free to interpret this however they want, as a candy, it appears to ZZ giving us a clue as to WYB dyeing his hair. Personally tho, this person is a member of GG’s staff & his friend who also takes part in putting out the amazing materials we get. People particularly remembered one of them had blonde hair during MFW. Anyway, I understand why people are so happy about this & interpreting it the way they do and go ahead and it this if you want 🍭
It also doesn’t help that the character kinda looks like WYB in Paris which is some next level coincidence. I can’t even with this fandom.
• I’m adding this beautiful analysis of Pie @potteresque-ire about the Mid Autumn festival photos posted by our boys. It’s technically from last month but i already published it before I read this meta. It just gives more weight to the meaning of it aside from how it matches 🌙
• Mengniu exhibit with zz and wyb standees
• Camera/Leica CPN : This has actually become everyone’s favorite candy of the year. It started out so simple and almost like a galaxy brain sort of clowning but both sides ended up “confirming” what we speculated. I have talked about this at length and in different parts below :
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
10/6, WYB continues to show off his camera. Almost all the photos in the set released by YBO, he is holding it, and there are falling cameras on Weibo in that post!!!! 📸
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There is also this CPN on what WYB is taking a photo of and with people using google earth and comparing, they found out it’s the number 23. What a beautiful number. He really loves it! ♥️
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• Same place, different times. This is so bittersweet to me. One day, they will get that Romantic Paris getaway together 🖤
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• XZ 1005 birthday CPNs : one // two 🎂
• A photography studio shared a shot of GG for his bday and the kadian is 18:23. This same company also released a bday photo for WYB’s. They have worked with the boys a couple of time.
• The same description of something being like a film
• Glasswork art piece from France that could have been a gift and souvenir for GG
• Camping site and it’s connection to WYB selfie - At this point, there’s been so many “evidence” collected by bxgs and the most accurate date is really 8/14-8/15 that this “celebration” was done. There are also posts from people who visited the place and a motorcycle “parade” took place, so we know it’s a popular place to ride your moto. It’s one of the “services” they provide and looks like something that WYB took advantage of.
• Is one of the photographers yibo? 📸
• GG’s rope necklace and it’s meaning
• XZS birthday video taking some inspiration from a queer themed short film “we are animals”
• The camping trip was a team building of XZS and YBO?
• Both of them so sexy 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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• 10/12 ZSWW rumor house & fake story content 🤍
• WYB’s 10/13 Selfie : part one / part two
• A galaxy brain cpn of XZS 10/13 post’s caption
• On 10/16, XZ released a tribute song which is government sponsored of course. In the past months, the go-to person we usually see singing for these causes is WYB and now it’s XZ. This is not exactly CPN, but i like the way that they are both people seen as positive influences and may be used to sing for certain events. Maybe one day they can do a duet? LOL.
• This one is so funny, there is an interview in a Taiwan TV show i guess. and the question was, “Talk about the general interests of gay men in Taiwan” ; the person answering is also gay and he said it’s : fitness, mountain climbing, raising cats, and Shiba Inu. 😂😂😂😂
LOL. Why does it remind us of two people? It’s so specific. Who have always wanted to raise both a car and a dog (shiba inu) and is currently loving fitness and mountain climbing. They might as well add camping on there 🤪🤪🤪
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I don’t really believe in stereotypes and that there is a certain “checklist” that makes you gay or whatever— your interests are personal and what you enjoy. maybe you will be influenced by your environment but just do what you want. Tho I understand why this was so amusing to c-turtles cause they immediately thought of ZZ & WYB when they saw this.
• Even holding the camera is the same 😂✌🏼like a true photographer. Not acting all cute and using a camera to “pose” but actually using it.
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• Updated mole signature by XZS
• XZS video x Bottled Joy Parallel. 🫶🏼 ; and the fact that Bobo’s is by Bottled Joy, a brand who is known to be BJYX bias ( allegedly ) . Tho this was most likely filmed before that XZS video. A happy coincidence. && This is the renewal we have been waiting for.
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• Luoyang Tourism video uses a BGM of a song by ZZ
• BJYX and Skydiving 🪂
• 130 fake rumors compilation
• Wuzhen Day 3 Yibo shirt CPN ⛳️
See you all next month for another round up! 💛
Previous Posts: Jan-June 2023 / July / August / September
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if you're still taking prompts for the 1k fic thing, I'd love to see a little scene about the first time stede comforts ed after a nightmare 🥺
Ahh this is so soft!! (And yeah, I'm still taking prompts for 1k word fics!)
Stede was a bit surprised when he blinked awake to the darkness of their bedroom.
After a lifetime at sea, Ed’s body was used to rising with the dawn. Usually, Ed started shifting with the sun, and his movements stirred Stede, and they were able to wake up together as the early-morning light turned their bedroom pink.
Stede wasn’t sure at first what had woken him up -
Ed’s elbow was nudging him in the ribs, the movement jerky and twitchy.
“Ed?” Frowning, Stede started to sit up, and when the only noise he got in response was a quiet whimper, he hurried to light the lamp on the nightstand.
Ed was still asleep, but it obviously wasn’t peaceful. His body was jerking slightly, his arms kept trying to pull up - like he was trying to raise them to protect himself, Stede realized. His face was twisted with fear, his cheeks were wet, and he kept muttering half-formed sentences, a string of “no” and “don’t” and “please” and “stop.”
Were you supposed to wake people up from a nightmare? Stede thought he’d read once that was dangerous - or was that seizures?
Then Ed made another miserable little whimpering sound, and that made up Stede’s mind for him.
He took one of Ed’s hands and placed his other palm over Ed’s chest, trying to wake him as gently as possible. As much as his brain was screaming at him to bang on Ed’s chest, he didn’t want to scare Ed further by waking him up so harshly.
Ed gasped at Stede’s touch, darting up to a half-sitting position before his eyes were even fully open. His face was nakedly panicked, and when his eyelids opened his eyes were wide and filled with tears, searching Stede’s face wildly.
Recognition hit him belatedly, and Ed crumpled back against the pillows with a ragged sigh.
“Hi,” Stede said quietly. “Are you -”
He was cut off by Ed pracally launching forward into his arms, clenching Stede’s nightshirt in his fingers. Stede wrapped his arms around him on instinct, letting Ed hide his face in the crook of his neck.
“It’s alright,” he whispered. “You’re safe. Did you have a bad dream?”
Ed’s nod was soft and tentative.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ed’s silence was answer enough, and Stede just sighed, resting his cheek against Ed’s forehead. “It’s alright. You don’t have to.”
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” Ed whispered, his voice coming out quiet and reedy.
“Not your fault,” Stede soothed. “I’m glad I was able to help.”
Ed pulled back, scrubbing at his wet cheeks with the back of his hand. “Thank you.”
He looked much calmer already, and although Stede’s heart clenched at the nervous, jittery quality to his movements, it was a far cry from how panicked and afraid he’d looked when he first woke up. It didn’t look like he’d be able to get back to sleep any time soon, though, with how anxious he still looked…
Stede couldn’t help but smile as the idea hit him, and he patted Ed’s knee. “I’ll be right back.”
Ed’s eyes widened. “Please don’t leave me.”
So Stede held out his hand, and he let Ed tuck himself into his side, wrapping a robe around him before leading him to their kitchen to grab the things he needed. Ed didn’t comment as he gathered a couple brooms, both their mops, and some rope, but he got it when Stede started securing the brooms to their bedposts.
“Babe, you’re such a fucking genius,” he groaned, his own tentative smile spreading across his face as he grabbed the quilt tossed over the chair in the corner.
With the brooms and mops secured to the bedposts, they could throw the blanket over them to make their bed into a pretty damn good blanket fort.
“There,” Stede said, satisfied with their work as he lifted the blanket for Ed to crawl inside. It felt safe and secluded, like nothing could get them.
The change in Ed’s body language was a relief. In the darkness of their fort, Stede could only really see the whites of his eyes, but he could feel the crinkle at the corners of his eyes as he smiled, and he could feel the loose-limbed comfort in Ed’s body as he pulled him close.
“Never had anyone do something like this for me before,” Ed admitted quietly.
That was a damned shame, and one Stede intended to try his best to remedy for the rest of their lives.
Ed’s head rested on Stede’s shoulder, and Stede ran his fingers through his hair, humming in contentment as Ed relaxed against him.
“My daughter used to have terrible nightmares,” Stede said. “I used to tell her stories. To help her get back to sleep.”
Ed was so quiet, Stede briefly wondered if he was already asleep.
“Your boyfriend has terrible nightmares,” Ed said, then, very quiet, almost embarrassed. “Maybe you could tell him a story? If you want?”
“Of course.” Stede hoped they’d get to a point, one day, where Ed wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed to ask for comfort. He’d always told Alma the same story, when she was little, and he began quite on autopilot. “There once was a princess named…Ed.”
Ed snorted, and Stede could feel his smile against his skin as he turned his neck to kiss over Stede’s collarbone. “Princess, huh? Is he a pretty princess?”
“The prettiest,” Stede said earnestly. “And this is the story of how Princess Ed saved his entire kingdom by…fishing up the giant monster fish that lived in the sea!”
“Wow,” Ed hummed appreciatively. “Did he have any help? Reckon he couldn’t have gotten far without his boyfriend.”
“Oh, yes,” Stede said. “They helped each other the whole way.”
Ed was asleep well before he could finish the story, but Stede stayed awake for a while after that, just holding his boyfriend in his arms and wondering how he got to be so lucky.
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starryhoonie · 11 months
the perfect pair | p. sunghoon
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part two.
w// angst,, a bit of smut,, afab reader, first person pov,, toxic relationship
like and reblog!
a/n: been listening to beabadoobe on repeat 😔
Will it ever end? The question I ask myself as my boyfriend calls me for the 10th time today, this time he leaves a voicemail…
Hey…it’s me, can you just answer my call…please. I don’t wanna fight, let's meet at the cafe tomorrow. I'll make it up to you, okay? BEEEP
Maybe it’ll be different this time, I know it won’t, but I hold onto that hope that one day it’ll be true. This is an occurring event, one of us fucks up, ignore eachother, makeup. 
When I first met Sunghoon I never thought it would be like this. I was studying in the library, cramming for an exam, and I noticed a very focused Sunghoon sitting next to me, so focused in fact he didn't notice himself reaching for my hot coffee instead of his cold tea. After one sip he was snapped out of his trance and immediately apologized, I giggled at his flustered state, we began talking and decided the way he could make it up to me. We met at a local cafe, after going a couple times together, and becoming “official” it kinda became our thing. We were different people then. A year later, we aren’t the same shy, timid, underclassmen anymore. Shit happens I guess…
I make my way to that same cafe, sitting at a table watching the rain slowly trickle down the window. Sunghoon walks in, as soon as we make eye contact I get that same feeling, the feeling I know too well, I love him, how I hate that feeling. He sits down and I’m immediately entranced in his words. “I’m sorry babe” he starts “Is that what you wanna hear, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for not being perfect and…” he keeps talking, I don’t even know why we were fighting in the first place. “Hoonie…” I cut him off, staring at him with eyes full of sympathy. He smiles at me knowing he’s back in my good graces. “Comon, let's go to my place” he stands, reaching out his hand. 
Being at Sunghoons place is strange, it doesn't quite feel like home, but it’s comforting. We sit and watch a movie we’ve seen a hundred times before cuddling up on the couch. He brings his hand towards me caresses my cheek, bringing me in for a kiss, escalating he grabs my waist and continues the kisses down my neck, he has me wrapped around his finger again, as we kiss I can’t think, he makes me throw caution to the wind, I feel him, breathe him, it’s all him, i hate it. 
He picks me up off the couch and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us to his room. He lays me on the bed and continues kissing down my chest removing my clothes one by one. He stares at me once I’m fully undressed, “You’re beautiful” he says “You know I love you right?” he half rhetorically asks as he kisses me, I don’t. 
He slowly rubs his tip against my entrance, hissing at the feeling of him sliding himself inside of me. I cry out as his cock stretches my cunt, I’ve never gotten used to his length. He slides himself in and out of me slowly, caressing my body as he does so savoring all of it as if this is the last time. I grab his shoulders, marking crescents into his back while doing so, he pumps himself in and out, the sound of heavy pants, slapping of skin and sloppy kisses fills my brain. Drunk off the way he makes me feel, the only things coming from my mouth are moans of pleasure, the only words I can convey are ‘please’ I don’t know what I’m asking for but he gives it to me, his thumb rubbing my clit as he fucks me harder than I could ever imagine, it’s not long till he brings me to my breaking point, “Are you gonna cum love?” The only response I can form is a string of repeated ‘yes.’ 
Sunghoon lets out a harsh moan as he releases, as soon as he does I’m falling apart in front of him, cumming onto his cock, as I do tears fall from my eyes, he wipes them away kissing my cheeks as I keep crying.  Sunghoons fast asleep as I re-dress myself, I grab his phone and delete my contact from it. I make my way out and head home, this is the last time. I think back on this past year, how we were, the dates, the jokes, the fights, but it’s time to let go. I let out my last few tears and dried my face. Walking watching the sunset, Goodbye Park Sunghoon.
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a/n: pls share your thoughts on this piece, its my first time writing angst, send asks or comments 🙏
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yakool-foolio · 5 months
Idk if anyone actually talked about this but this has been on my mind lately
Lets recap for a bit: Yakou died back in chapter 4 because his soul was reaped in the Mystery Labyrinth, being revealed as Doctor Huesca's killer.
In Yakou's DLC, we see his wife's ghost give him the badge with the cell regenerating pill, right? But what really bothered me is how Yakou's gonna come back IF he took the pill.
Let's say the pill ends up working and Yakou comes back. But his soul was reaped in the Mystery Labyrinth, Wouldn't there be nothing of him? Would his Homunculus soul get resurrected? Would it create a new soul with the memories of his human self as its base? Or would Homunculus Yakou's body just be an undead being living without a soul?
There's a lot left unanswered with how the homunculi would be revived. However, there is some groundwork that can be laid out to at least form some paths that could be explored.
I think I have a pretty confident answer to your first query about the reaped souls. The reaping doesn't meant that the soul, and therefore the person, ceases to exist. I believe it's just a fancier way of dying 'naturally.' If the soul of a human were to be reaped, the soul would separate from the physical body, but wouldn't be completely destroyed. Shinigami actually chooses careful wording by saying that while the Mystery Labyrinth may be destroyed, the soul isn't. The body 'perishes.' She mentions nothing about the soul being erased.
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As ya might have noticed, I specified that this is what would happen for humans, not homunculi. However, the reaping of a homunculus' soul may not be as complicated as it looks. This is entering speculation territory, but I have a bite of evidence to sink your teeth into! I theorize that when the soul of a homunculus is reaped, the body goes through the normal process of death. The soul is separated, and the body is now empty. However, when the imperfect revival state begins after several hours, the soul of the homunculus boomerangs right back into the now-zombified body. If the soul were to be destroyed, and the zombies were simply empty husks, then how would the zombies have any of their memories? A soul should most likely contain all memories. Hitman Zilch is able to recall his work with Yomi, although spotty due to the deterioration of the brain that the soul is reconnected to. Yakou gets flashes of photographic memories of his detectives, can recite Yuma's name, and recognizes his wife. They still have souls in them, but the decayed body and mind burns through some or many of those memories.
So now we arrive at the question of what would happen if a zombified homunculus were to be revived with the finished creation of the work-in-progress regenerative pill Yakou's wife worked on. This could go in several directions, but I'll stick to discussing the most notable ideas.
The least painful road to walk on is that if a zombie is revived, their brains are fully healed, and they are able to keep all their memories up to their death, so nothing is lost. That's pretty much the happiest ending. The narrative decision to write that would mean it needs some serious right to earn that ending, and I think I could at least provide a start to that in order to get Yakou back in perfect condition. Yakou loves and protects Kanai Ward, so he's selfless toward his fellow citizens. It'd be very in-character if the zombified Yakou made sure that all the other zombies were revived before himself. Their lives are more important than his. So in the end, once everyone else is revived, Yakou is rightfully rewarded for this selflessness by regaining all his memories.
The more bittersweet route is that the revived homunculi's memories are reset back to when they were first created, so they still have their human counterparts' memories, but nothing that belongs to them. In Yakou's case, that means he'd have no memories of the NDA detectives or the truth behind his wife's death. It's sad, but it's a very plausible outcome.
A somewhat similar, but possibly not as upsetting choice is that Yakou has a bunch of holes in his memories. He can remember some things perfectly, and some things he can't recall no matter how hard he tries. So there's a chance he could remember the detectives, but not remember anything about going through his Huesca murder scheme. Could have humorous results. I'll take a silly ending any day!
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freaksheats · 1 year
Silly slow burn ghost x soap au where they both retired early and also don’t know eachother! A retired Ghost bored out of his mind decides to adopt a child. You’d think a type of animal would be his first choice but ig he’s simply built different. Bring in you the reader, ghosts child, who has been looking for a nice man or woman that might be able to look after you and your dad as a mother and wife! This is your self appointed mission and no ghost doesn’t know that their child has been asking random people that fit their criteria as options to be their mom:
Your history teacher for this year walked in with a smile. He began to greet the class with excitedness that could tire out a puppy. As he talked about himself you took mental notes of all the notable things about the man. He was pretty big, not as big as your dad, but it was still note worthy. He practically glowed with that blindingly white smile and those soft heart stopping eyes, and all around a total contrast to your dad.
But you’ve heard that opposites attract so why would that stop you?
His hair was buzzed at the sides but there was a thick line of brown hair forming a mohawk. You’d normally have to stifle a laughter at such a hairstyle but the man somehow wore it so well. You noticed the beginnings of a beard forming on his face, along with a couple of scars scattered around his features. ‘Must be a retired vet or something’ you think to yourself. Even with all those it didn’t take away from the man’s fun charm.
This is going to easy if it all works out!
You squint at the name tag plastered on his shirt. “John Mactavish…” you whisper and engraved the man’s name into your brain.
‘Would he really be able to help me fulfill my mission?’ You hum a made up tune as you think.
You ended up lost in your own thoughts and stared deeply at the man. Taking in everything about him. Snapping out of your thoughts as you feel your arm being tapped. It was another classmate, they said the teacher was calling to you. You look over to your teacher and quickly apologize, shifting your gaze to the floor in embarrassment.
You hear him laugh but it didn’t sound anything like mocking. Not like when you accidentally tripped over your shoelace in the halls and 2 girls started laughing at you. It was an open and light laugh, it didn’t sound like he was mocking you at the very least. You look back up and see him smiling at you. This smile was different from when he greeted the whole class, it was more warm. “Mom..” you mutter to yourself. The teacher seems to hear as he answers you with a curious ‘hm?’
‘This man is probably way out of my dads league…’ you think as you feel a sweat drop down your temple.
But…it wouldn’t hurt to try right?
You get up from your desk and make your move, not before apologizing to your seatmate as you rattled the desks of course. With determination your classmates have probably never seen before, you walk right up to the man. You steel yourself and quickly grab both his hands to hold.
“PLEASE BECOME MY MOTHER!!!” You yell at an embarrassingly high tone. Forget dignity you will not allow your father to be bitchless his entire life! “…Eh?” He answers back, not fully grasping the situation. You begin calming yourself down, breathing in and out, and with enough resolve you start up once more “hi sir, my name is ____ Riley, I’m currently 15 years old, I love all types of sweets, thai food is my favorite. I also really love horror movies, any of them great -have you seen any of the conjuring movies? Oh- my dads name is Simon Riley, he’s a middle aged man, 6’4, pretty tall right? He’s dirty blond, and golden eyes that I’m sure you will love, he’s a muscular man, bigger than you I think, and most often then not emotionally stupid but I’m sure once you get to know him you’ll love him! SO PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT AND BE MY MOM!!”
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
I apologize if this is already something you’ve discussed here, I’m just a little new to this corner of the fandom and it’s something I’m legitimately curious about. Why do a lot of Dair writers like Alison Humphrey? The way I remember the character was that she abandoned her teenage children to “find herself”, had to be dragged back to Brooklyn by her 14 year old daughter to face them at all, wasn’t very nice or supportive of them while she was there, and then left again to never return. The only time she came up after that was when Jenny was “banished” and decided to go live with her. But for Dan, at least, it always seemed to me like she completely emotionally abandoned him. Dan never referenced talking to her or visiting her that I can recall, and she wasn’t there for his really big moments like graduation or starting college or having a son or even releasing a book, which was his lifelong dream. She didn’t show up for his wedding either, which made me think they were outright estranged. I realize that in real life this might have been because of scheduling conflicts with the actress, but in universe I always felt like Alison did not care about Dan at all, not in any way that really mattered. So that’s all to say, I’m curious what about the character appealed to you, and why you saw their relationship differently? I’ll fully admit I don’t remember everything that happened on the show, so I’m wondering if there are other nuances to the character I might have forgotten or overlooked? (Also sorry this got super long, no pressure to respond immediately! I love your blog and I really am just curious about your thoughts on this!)
hello! first of all, thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to send this ask!
I tried hunting through my blog to find more references to me talking about this, but you know how the tumblr search function is, and I apparently really should start just, you know, tagging character names. I'm a librarian I should be better at the organizational aspects of tumblr...anyways! I found some links to meta/hcs I've written on the subject before if you want to check em out: here, here, and here.
the way my brain works with stories, is that when there's something dissatisfying, or there's a build up or set up to what should be a major plot or major character going forward only for it to just be dropped like a hot potato (something GG does a lot), I can't let it go, and in this fandom where I've taken up fic writing and headcanoning with a vengeance, I have to construct something around it to make it makes sense to me and to make it into something that feels right to the story and characters I'm interpreting and want to tell.
and Alison Humphrey is one of those characters. I'll admit that I am something of an Alison Humphrey Apologist - actually I feel like my opinion is in the minority of this corner of the fandom. idk with any certainty if that's true, but my observation is is that my stance is more lenient on who she is, but that impression was formed in my entrance into this obsession, and the clubhouse has certainly changed since I joined this corner!
so what captured my imagination about Alison is that steep drop off of her character. we obviously know she's significant - she's Jenny and Dan's mother and Rufus' first wife and second love, but after a few episodes in s1, we never see her again, there are gaps, and I want to fill them!
to answer part of your question - dan alludes to visiting his mom on holidays and school breaks a few times - he spends spring break in s1 with her, xmas in s3, and in the summer between s1 & 2 she moves in to the loft to look after Dan and Jenny while Rufus goes on tour. so...there's not a lot, but there's some stuff there
and what's also so compelling is that in that handful of episodes, we get just enough to build an impression of the kind of wife and mother Alison was before she left, and some key lines that I cannot ever stop thinking about. The first that springs to mind is her and Jenny during the cotillion episode. Jen ditches her mom's art show to go, and Alison holds her accountable after with the line: As you grow older, every choice that you make defines who you're gonna turn into. So rather than apologizing to me, you need to look at yourself and ask if you like the person you're becoming. it's very introspective and astute advice, imo. and then, dialing back an episode or two to when she comes back, Dan holds her to task for leaving, and tellingly only mentions how much Jenny and Rufus need Alison, but not him, which breaks my heart on multiple levels, and she's properly chastened for it, and keeps working after that confrontation to make amends. and all this has me infer that Alison was a very good parent, right up until she wasn't.
and the part that makes me crazaayyyy is a few scenes later in that Alison Returns episode, during the conversation she has with Rufus when they finally have a chance to candidly talk, she admits fault and cops to making mistakes, but she tells him that towards the beginning of their marriage when he was still all about his music, she supported him, and put her art to the side to support him and to take care of their growing family. "My entire adult life has been about you," she says.
and that line just...Hits for me, because it touches on this thing that can happen to women within their marriages and relationships -- especially in Alison's generation, I think generations after it's been happening less and less -- but when they had kids and got married and moved into this loft in Brooklyn, Alison was the one who virtually gave up her art for years, she gave herself and her identity over to being a wife and mom, and then after 16 years, she looked up and realized that she didn't know who she was anymore, because her identity and sense of self was so reliant on taking care of other people. and she freaked out, and self-sabotaged. And maybe the timing isn't so random, at 16 & 14, Dan and Jenny are becoming their own people, with more and more independence, and she thinks that -- while Dan insists rightfully that they still need her -- she feels less needed by them, and her days for the first time in almost two decades are blank slates, and when was even the last time she picked up a brush? she can't remember.
And, I gotta point out that Alison & Rufus & Lily were all such YOUNG parents, like early early 20s kind of parents. so that time when you're supposed to be figuring yourself out, who you are and who you want to be, she already had a husband and a baby to take care of. like, I'm in the back half of my 20s and cannot even imagine that kind of commitment and pressure.
So, while I don't agree with her methods of coping with this identity crisis, I can understand why it happened. and so I tend to err on giving her more grace. And, idk, I just...don't like that someone who should be so significant is shunted to the side...it kind of makes me think of that Gilmore Girls meta that's floating around right now, op very cleverly and artfully writes about Christopher's character, and instead of him serving the narrative as Rory's dad, he's primarily always functioning as Lorelai's love interest, and that's kind of how this other GG treated Alison. she was the wedge between Rufus and Lily getting back together, a complication to their romance, and her narrative function as the mom of two of the main characters was treated as secondary to that.
I don't know that I would equate Alison to Christopher, but then again, I am a self-described Alison Apologist, but for me, I like to envision a world where Alison keeps working to make right with Dan, because I just...don't accept that she wouldn't be there for him, whether or not he'd let her be. so...she always creeps into my fics because I just - want to fix it! and I can see multiple avenues for her and Dan to repair their relationship...which is why in my aus, she gives Dan a place to be outside of NYC, and he appreciates having that place to retreat to.
and, while we're here, allow me to rec a couple truly stellar Alison-centric fics: @mrs-nate-humphrey's it's not the end (it's an uncomfortable pause) & @strideofpride's small town predicts my fate
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redroom-rainbowguts · 2 years
What Is Your Name?
Tw: kidnapping, murder, mind fuckery, gore
~2000 words
Everything hurt. At least, they think it did? Heavy thoughts tumbled over each other, mixing but never fully merging into a single coherent idea. They'd thought it was Hell when White began his torture- experiments, as he called them- on their body. Replacing first a finger, a toe, then whole limbs, just to see if he could. Testing how far he could go before their body inevitably started rejecting the replacements as foreign objects. 
By that point they were more than ready to die. Quality of life was no more than a distant memory, and in their act of refusing the meds which would suppress their body's attack on each piece White replaced, they gained a final bit of control. At least, they should've. He wouldn't allow such reckless disregard for their safety. If it wasn't so miserable being a human test subject, they might've laughed at how carefully he doted on them; near religious devotion to keeping them alive at any cost. An actual patient would love a doctor like that, but instead the passion fueled White's research.
Research for what though? It didn't take a genius to know everything he did was illegal. Even White was more than aware that none of his findings could be published. He didn't even seem to care about leaving behind a legacy. No, this was pure self indulgent curiosity. It would have made them sick, but something he did to their head made the rage they should've felt hazy and distant. 
They didn't have much time to dwell on that fact though, as in walked the disheveled man who'd been holding them there for God knows how long. 
"Rise and shine, deary!" His chipper voice was grating loud comforting annoying. Their head throbbed. It was always at war with itself nowadays when they were alone, but outside influences always turned the battle zone into a near incomprehensible mess. Fingers snapping in their face jolted them back to the present. 
"I said how are you feeling today?" 
Awful tired angry in pain hungry bored. 
"'m fne," they slurred out, wincing at how much harder talking had gotten since they'd last seen him. White seemed concerned too. He grabbed their jaw and massaged it for a moment, rolling it in his fingers like a fidget toy as he spoke. 
"Looks like our most recent restructuring of your brain must've impacted your broca's area. I wonder if we could focus on fixing just that without touching anything else. What do you think?" 
Even if they wanted to answer, his grip prevented any words from forming. 
"Yeah, I agree, it's worth a shot. I'll work on finding a donor ASAP, okay?" White moved their head in a stiff nod. His crooked smile made their stomach turn. At least, despite everything, all of them could agree that they absolutely could not stand his wretched face. 
"Before that, though, I want to go through another personality inventory with you." 
They groaned. They had tried to lie on them in the beginning, anything to contaminate his precious research, but he'd studied them so thoroughly before even bringing them there that he could sense even the whitest of lies. The resulting punishments far outweighed the benefit of trying to deceive him. In a way, they missed those simpler days. 
Now the tests were nigh impossible to lie on. So disconnected from who they once were, every answer felt like a guess at best. He didn't even try to hide the pleasure when they'd first been genuinely unsure of an answer. 
"Let's start off with something simple. What's your name?"
Frank Tina Amber Jocelyn Adrian. 
"Is... J.. Um Jess." They forced out. It felt right, somewhat familiar. If nothing else, it stood out from the sea of names their brain (if they could even call it theirs) conjured up. 
"Good!" White scribbled something down in a notebook. "Next question... Jess," he snickered at the name. "How old are you?"
This one was harder. Numbers floated to the surface before being swallowed again by the darkness of confusion. From within the static clouding their mind, a tingling buzz reverberated down their arm and into their hand. They watched with intrigue as their fingers formed the "okay" symbol and turned it towards their body a few times. 
"Interesting!" As White grabbed an ASL book, his smile looked like it was going to split his face if it got any bigger. They wished it would. White added their answer, leaving the book on the ground nearby in case whatever part of them just answered wanted an encore. 
They went back and forth, delving into deeper questions with more abstract answers, none of which went any better. At last White closed his notebook, giving it a pat before standing. 
"I'll be back soon with another gift for you!" 
Their middle finger stuck up, and they couldn't help but revel in the mutual agreement every part of their body shared. He laughed all the way up the stairs out of the basement.
They don't recall trying to sleep, but find themselves suddenly awakened by a scream nonetheless. Their different colored eyes loll over in the direction of the noise, numbed to the experience of watching White harvest their next transplant. It was almost a relief that they weren't getting any new physical features. At some point they'd found themselves carefully studying each unwilling donor, noting which parts they wouldn't mind having for themselves. 
A particularly muscular arm, to aid in escape of course! A soccer players foot, maybe they could kick White whenever he got close. Those beautiful hazel eyes to.... see better and find a way out of there? There was no doubt that even before he'd even messed with their brain, he'd turned them into a monster. 
White always had the same expression while taking his sweet time finishing someone off. Despite the smiles he gave his prized experiment, true joy was not outwardly expressed. Rather, he appeared deep in thought as he sliced and pulled and rearranged to his heart's content. Every so often the corners of his mouth would quirk up in the shadow of a true smile, but even that felt almost forced. A gloved hand gripped the still beating heart, delighting in the gentle, dying thumps for a moment before squeezing, squeezing, POP! The muscle deflated as blood splattered on the tarp covered floor, White, and them. They no longer flinched when this happened, though their nose still scrunched as the smell quickly turned rancid. All they could do was try and breathe through their mouth as he set to carefully cracking open the poor corpse's skull without damaging the brain. 
The IV in their arm stung as his homemade paralytic dripped into their veins. A failed formula, he claimed, that would be a shame to go to waste. They wondered what use he had for one that didn't hurt. Heaviness dragged their limbs to a halt. It was a relief today; one of "their" legs had been shaking non stop since they'd awoken, and even though it was a part of their body, the feeling felt no less foreign. 
The rough tugging of screws always made them quiver. It didn't hurt, thanks to the drugs they could barely feel it, but lack of pain was trumped by the reminder that not only was he about to dig around in their brain, White had given himself an easy access opening which allowed him to indulge in his awful habits whenever he wanted. 
"You know the drill, answer my questions and this will be completely painless." 
Pain should've been nothing to them by now. Besides, maybe if they frustrated him enough he'd finally kill them. But there was something about having a man rummaging around in their most vital, irreplaceable organ that always sent their defiance running. 
"What is your name?"
Anika Julio Jessica Barbara Andy. What did they say earlier? The strain of thinking straight forced a tear from their eye. 
"Hey now stay with me, it's an easy question! What is your name?"
Shut up Gary Reagan Be quiet Don't answer Ian. 
"'s...... 'nn...?"
"Good! Now how about you name a shape for me."
Star Circle Square Pentagon Triangle Octagon. 
"Good, good, your speech seems to be doing a little better now, so how about we take things a little further, yeah?"
No no no no no no no no no no!
White laughed. "But look at you, so full of energy! If anything I'll take that enthusiasm as an agreement!" 
Their sight started to fade, bursting stars of light interrupting the quickly growing darkness. 
"You might hear a slight ringing in-" White's voice was cut off by a piercing shriek. The still somewhat visible room spun violently until all at once everything was drowned out in a blanket of silence. Their vision returned, though it was now blurred beyond recognition from the onslaught of tears they must've shed. 
"There we go, sorry about that!" They wished they could laugh at the ridiculous claim. 
"Now, what is your name?" 
"You already asked me that." 
"And I'm asking again."
"......Arin." They didn't even try to think about it, for once numbly allowing the dominant answer to pop out. 
"And is that what you told me earlier?" The amusement in his voice was palpable. 
"I don't fucking know!" They snapped. "Probably not!"
"Attitude." White said flatly. There was no chance to even consider apologizing before they were once again inundated by that horrid shriek. As it dissipated this time, their ears rang in protest. 
"Kill. Me." Their voice was shaky and small. Humiliating. 
"I will," Their ears perked up. "If you can tell me how old you said you were earlier." 
Fuck. They didn't consciously know sign language, and their paralyzed body couldn't compensate for that.
"Twent-uh... twenty tw-three.?" 
"ERRR wrong! What a shame, looks like you'll be joining me for dinner tonight. Oh don't look so down, I'll be making one of your favorites! I'm sure you know exactly what that means. Any guesses?" 
Favorite food? Macaroni, spaghetti, pizza, hot dogs, rigatoni, filet mignon. Chicken nuggets. 
"No." Their head hurt. 
"Aw, you're no fun. No matter, I've got one more thing to do before we close you up for today."
Despite being paralyzed, their whole body suddenly seized under White's ministrations. Vivid images of someone's... their...? life flashed through their mind. They could barely believe their skull didn't burst from the pressure. A migraine of explosive memories pummeled each thought with a force they couldn't have previously fathomed. 
"What is your name?"
JOEL Marguerite JOEL Quinn JOEL AJ. 
"Joel." They parroted the nearly deafening voice in their brain. 
"Good!" White sounded disgustingly pleased. "And how old are you?"
"Twenty six." 
"Hair and eye colour?"
"Blonde, blue." The answers were automatic, coming before they even had a chance to think about the question. Their brain protested each answer, but it was something of a relief not having to choose, at least for now. Every new addition was always inevitably pulled into their increasingly unsure self image, but in the beginning, while the new chunk of brain struggled for power, there was a moment of peace. This was the closest they'd gotten to thinking as an individual in weeks. 
"That's all I've got for today! I'd say this was a riveting success!" White punctuated his sentence with the twisting of the screws on their head. Relief washed over them. With him now in front of them though, they couldn't help but miss when they at least didn't have to look at him. Their mind swam with new thoughts and ideas, but at least the general consensus was that they still all(?) hated him. 
A bloody hand ran gently down their face, taking advantage of the drugs still in their system. 
"I think while you're still paralyzed I'll get your bath in. Nice and warm, being massaged, it'll be good for you while your mind adjusts. As it is, you're already looking pretty out of it."
He was right. They could feel themselves being swallowed up by whatever he did to their brain this time. Reality and memories merged with and blurred their surroundings more and more with each passing moment. In a sense the disconnection was bliss, as close to dying as they could get. While White unstrapped them from the table and lifted their limp body, they could only hope that this was the time he went too far and the ship of their mind finally sank. 
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
okokok. with all the beloved bird!fitz asks coming in i feel that it is high time for me to ask something that's been on my mind for a while. hopefully i haven't asked you this before - ik i've written it out in the ask box and deleted it multiple times, so my memory's a bit fuzzy. anyway.
so. wings au!fitz is part bird. the beginning of his brain starting to rewire to be more like a bird was probably when he first got his wings. for the context of this ask, i've imagined the first moment of him having fully formed wings - not just little bones poking out his back or anything - being the moment where he "hatched". (correct me if i'm wrong there.) when a lot of types of birds hatch - including golden eagles, and owls - they imprint. they take a look at the very first thing they see, from what i understand, and go "THAT'S MY MOM THAT'S WHAT I AM THAT'S MY MOM MOM MOM MOMMMM SPEND TIME WITH ME" even when that very first thing they see isn't their mom. for example, one study found that ducks will imprint on inanimate objects if that's the very first thing they see. now all of that is just me skim-searching google months ago, so i could be wrong about how imprinting works. and that's fine!
but what i really wanna know is: have the bird elves (belves?) imprinted on anything or anyone? how would that work, with the way that their elf brains like to fight their bird brains? (ex: are we gonna see fitz repeatedly trying and failing to call, like, a dandelion or something, his mom because he knows that's not della but his bird brain keeps going "THAT'S MY MOM I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE HER GO GIVE HER LOVES GO GO GO"?)
Bird Fitz truly is beloved you're so right. Also you have not asked this before! You probably would've had an answer too your question if you'd asked it before, one I am now going to give you!!! ...under a cut because many words :)
Okay so if we go with when his wings were first fully formed, that'd put it right in-between that scene where they all glide off the big monster thing they accidentally hitched a ride on and the scene where he and Sophie have that heart to heart at the beginning. That's not 100% how I was thinking of it, but it also a fair assessment and reasonable! In my head their minds were rewiring themselves as the wings were growing, so it was a process occurring simultaneously. In which case that would put it probably about when Sophie first saw her forming wings and woke everyone up, because after that was when they all noticed how being in cramped quarters underground was really affecting them.
To answer your question, I didn't have bird imprinting in mind when writing the wings au, so you'll find no current hints towards it. I was focusing more on the wings than anything, for obvious reasons, but! I am also skim searching google rn to look more at imprinting, at Google is telling me that part of imprinting for eagles is learning to recognize what species they are and what they identify as eagles, which would work really well with how I've been writing Fitz honestly. You may have noticed in a recent chapter (idk which one there's so many dude. like. there's a lot of words) Fitz very plainly refers to them all as still elves, so I could and also probably will now work some imprinting brain mechanics into that.
Also, in both instances we identified for Fitz, the thing/person he imprinted on would probably be Sophie. First waking up, she's central to the room so he'd probably look at her first, and after that glide if it was something that happened in the first few hours, Sophie was the person he was talking to most in that time frame. I don't know if duration of time spent with the thing being imprinted on is important, but this is my au so my rules.
For how it works, I'd think that to mesh with the elf brain mechanics of already knowing what things are that their brains would need more time and seek out things it previously recognized as similar to it. They're not new to the world, they're just perceiving things slightly to the left now. They know that an inanimate object isn't what they are and that it's not like them. They already have a sense of things. So I think imprinting would take more repeated or prolonged exposure to the thing during the designated time period, and that the thing would have to be something they already kinda recognize as similar to themselves. Hence: Sophie.
But that's just Fitz; there are other bird boys! Here's the thing. If we go with the imprinting first starting when they wake up before running away that would have like almost all of them imprinting on Sophie. Because she was central and then started talking so she would've caught their attention! Currently imagining a gaggle of bird boys just trailing after her...
As for the others...I think Dex and Keefe (as an honorary bird boy he can have some imprinting, as a treat) would've imprinted on each other. Keefe is right there to support Dex through his issues with his wings when they start falling apart and growing wrong, so I think that would be enough for the two to be attached, which would be an interesting dynamic.
Maruca I'm less certain of because we don't really see as much of what she first does during that period. She's mentioned talking with Wylie and then with the whole group, so anyone could be her person in this case. My guess is either Wylie or Marella, they're the two people she would've interacted with the most during that time.
To summarize: I haven't written anything about imprinting into the au so far, but I think that if the bird boys did imprint it would all be on each other, ending up as a confusing more intense attachment to the person that they don't quite understand. But even though I haven't currently written it, it does work well with some things, so I may add it! Hopefully that answers your question but also I love talking about the wings au so feel free to ask more!
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mrfancyfoot · 10 months
Had to be put under for a minor surgery that I didn't know was general ana and a bigger deal until, like, right before it (recap: I'm in the ER stiiiill). Prior to said surgery, I warned the surgery prep and anesthesia teams (literally like 3x and this is the same place I've had all of my other surgeries where the exact same thing has happened each time) that I have some known extreme reactions when waking up (notably temporary full body paralysis that includes my ability to talk and extreme light sensitivity - informed them would be best if I woke up in a dim area/room and allowed to adjust to lighting). A quick scan to the Google says that these side effects are very well known. I have a long history of sleep paralysis, so that alone does not bother me.
I come to, predictably with the paralysis and photosensitivity, and immediately start having a panic attack because I'm under one of those bright overhead exam lights and it feels like my brain is imploding under the overwhelming stimulus. Despite just "waking up" I am fully cognizant and aware. I can't move anything but my left hand and my head from side to side (sort of). While I'm attempting to bury my face in my shoulder, I'm trying desperately to tell the tech what's wrong (I kept trying to say the word "light" as well as I could; I was snapping with my left hand and pointing up, and even fucking using ASL to literally spell "Light," and all he can think to ask is, "You have to tell us what's wrong." "You have to use your words, sweetie!" over and over.
He gets very obviously frustrated (tone, scoffing) and gives me something through my IV to "calm me down" but ends up giving too much and knocks me back out and the last thing I hear are inappropriate comments made with someone else and their laughter.
There is hardly anything scarier than being fully cognizant and trapped in your own body undergoing trauma. I was absolutely furious and felt humiliated.
His official notes from the incident state that I was crying and "mumbling and grumbling" and not coherent. They automatically assumed that I was just making a big deal of the pain from the operation (I had 0 pain from that at all at the time).
I was eventually moved back up to my room at some point. The moment I could talk again, I asked to file an official complaint. My normal care team at my room knew what was up b/c I warned them ahead of time- they were amazingly understanding and considerate and went out of their way to help me. A lovely patient representative comes up a bit later and takes my statement with her own barely hidden growing ire.
I'm not personally looking for anything but they need some process improvement (why on earth is this not documented in my file???<--except this, I HAVE requested this AGAIN), better patient empathy, and that tech needs to work on his damn bedside manner.
A whole team of people decided that what I had painstakingly reported ahead of time wasn't worth taking seriously. At least one tech is likely making inappropriate comments when he believes that the patient under his care is "incoherent."
In contrast, as I was waking up from my hysterectomy surgery here less than a year ago, I was in a very dimly lit room, the nurses worked with me to very gradually brighten the lights, and communicated in yes/no questions I could move my head to answer until I was able to form words and sentences again. I also reported this to the patient rep as THAT is what quality care looks like and clearly showed that the hospital is capable of it.
Always self-advocate. I came here with some major impostor syndrome ("It's not so bad that I need to go to the ER and potentially take a bed from someone else.") and was told that I had 1000% made the best decision due to the severity and type of symptoms. I was almost immediately admitted into triage and then the emergency in-patient wing.
And tattle on care workers who need to be better. Most hospitals will have patient resources and representatives that you can ask to speak to and contact. If you're lucky, it may lead to better quality of care if you're stuck there and being cared for by some dolt. Even if you never have to see them again, their behavior may be addressed and save the next person.
0 notes
1tad0ri · 3 years
what abt gojo taking reader’s virginity ;))
warning: virgin!reader, praising, fingering, eating out, penetration, mild overstimulation
gojou satoru x fem!reader
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say less, this man owns my entire heart
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“how are you doing?”
the question would’ve been almost cute if he wasn’t knuckle deep in your cunt, two fingers curling with seemingly no rhyme or reason to your hazed brain, but somehow working—yes, they were definitely working. it was the fact that he didn’t even look like he was remotely trying but was still somehow getting results that really got you—you don’t know why you expected anything less from him.
satoru’s lips wrapped around your clit, sucking, the feeling sharp yet... warm? the unfamiliar sensation made you hiss.
the top of a third finger nudged your entrance, slowly, carefully pushing in—the stretch; you didn’t know how much more you could take. your hips bucked against him, you throwing one of your legs over his shoulder and wrapping around his back to push his face closer, the flat of his tongue pressing on you. (not that you had much say in the matter anyway; the arm locked around your thigh pulling you closer to him wouldn’t let you get very far even if you did try to move away.)
“my god, satoru—” you propped yourself up on your forearm and then promptly let yourself fall back onto the pillow, face burning at the sight. even with his blindfold on, you could tell he was watching you, looking smug, attention focused so fully on your aching core. oh god, this was embarrassing—
“you were taking too long to answer,” he mused, mouth pulling back from your pussy enough to talk, fingers still pumping in and out. the third finger was working its way in still, the fit tight but he knew you could take it. of course you could.
“so?” his eyes flicked back up to yours behind his blindfold. “how are you doing?”
it was hard to talk aside from your irregular pants and you tilted your head up to look at the ceiling, trying to slow the racing beats of your heart. you nodded, swallowing. “good,” you managed out, then sucked in a harsh breath, “very good.”
“that’s my baby. so proud of you.” third finger in, he watched your face, allowing you to adjust, and when you didn’t protest, he curled it tentatively. the sharp rise and fall of your chest at the action spurred him to continue, stretching you further, your walls squeezing his fingers. “you’re doing so well.” a light kiss to your clit made you gasp—he was having way too much fun.
your slick dripped down his hand, perfectly matching the wet sound of him fucking his fingers into you. your leg pressed down more on his back—you didn’t know what to do, squirming in place, wanting more yet still barely handling what he was already giving you.
“do you think you’re ready?” satoru asked after a moment, voice soft—the vibration of him talking so close to your folds did not help though and you ran a hand down to grip at his hair.
“i think...,” a pant when his fingers bumped against you just right and you had to resist screaming from how he was going to drive you insane at this rate, “i think i am.”
that was all the confirmation he needed before he removed his fingers. you didn’t even get the chance to mewl in protest before his tongue replaced the digits, pushing itself into your still tight hole, flicking against your sensitive spot and fucking you.
“satoru, fuck, oh my god— satoru.”
and then he was pulling back again, tongue running up and down your folds and lapping up your juices before he sat back to observe you.
towering over your form spread before him, satoru decided that waiting for this moment was worth the pretty sight. “good girl.” he squeezed your thigh reassuringly, letting you catch your breath, and then setting about ridding himself of the remaining pieces of fabric.
his blindfold discarded to the side, you didn’t even have it in you to be embarrassed when he shoved his boxers down, cock bouncing free. you were already thinking about how it would feel, caught up in the lust of the moment. things were hazy... so sharply realistic yet mixing with the muddled euphoria from all of his touches from before.
satoru settled back between your legs, lifting them up around his waist. you automatically locked them around him, drawing him close enough that you could feel his cock bump against your clit as he tried to get comfortable. the sensation alone filled you with shockwaves of electricity and you wriggled against him, impatient.
he leaned over you, forearms planted on either side of your head, and carefully guided his cock to run against your folds. you reached up to wrap your arms around his neck and pull his chest flush to yours, tits pressing against his front.
“please,” you murmured, forehead against his and eyes squeezed shut, “want you. so bad.”
“fuck, so pretty just for me, aren’t you?” smiling, he moved to kiss your neck and the simple touch made you shiver. “so impatient.”
you pulled at his hair, brows furrowed and face hot. “shut up.”
satoru kissed the corner of your mouth and then nibbled at the area. “you’re so cute like this. so pretty—ow.” another tug at his hair made him ease up on the teasing (plus he had to admit he was ready to finally do this too).
“okay, okay. i’m going to take of you, baby. going to take care of you so good.” he breathed in, touch reassuring where it rubbed circles into your sides. “okay?” satoru pressed his lips to your cheek when you nodded, steeling yourself. “just tell me if you ever want to... stoppp—fu...ck,” the end of his sentence mixed together into a groan as he started to sink into you, cock stiff and hot. he was so careful, so slow, you almost wouldn’t think he wanted to fuck you into the mattress right now. nails against his back, you buried your face into his neck, breathing heavy.
“don’t stop.” the words spilled out of you when he tried to give you time to adjust, your legs pushing him in further. “god, do not stop.” your lips tickled against his skin and he pressed his forehead into the pillow beside you—you were so fucking tight. all for him. completely his.
as he eventually bottomed out after what felt like an eternity, he leaned back to look down at you, your looped arms about his shoulders not letting him go far. “i love you.” his words melted into your mouth when he leaned back down and his lips sucked against yours in a kiss, open mouthed, messy, and so good. hands tangled in his hair, you tilted your head up to meet him with the same fevor.
in between the meager chances he let you take a quick gasp of air before diving back in, you were able to get out your own sentence. “i love—” another wet kiss cut you off. “—you too—” and another. “—so much.”
attention focused on your mouth, satoru began to pull out just the smallest bit and then snap his hips back into yours, relishing the hot breaths you were releasing against his face. hums of contentment and hands flitting all over his hair, head, face, and back trying to find purchase were the responses he got from you as he continued with the shallow thrusts, lengthening them bit by bit until he was pulling almost all the way out to slam back into you.
the vibration of his grunts and moans, knowing you were the reason he was like this, it was too much. the brushing of his cock against the sensitive spot buried deep inside you had you cursing, messy lips and saliva mixing in until you turned your head to the side to breathe, gasping for air.
and then when one of his hands rubbed against your clit before you even realized what was happening, you clenched around him (earning you a low growl from him as you squeezed his cock even tighter than before), gritting your teeth. somehow he knew exactly what to do to get a rise out of you, even if this was your first time.
“are you going to cum for me, baby?” teasing yet lust-driven, his words went straight to the coil building up in your stomach, your whole body hot as he nipped at your neck and you took shuddering breaths.
“y... yes,” the broken word fell from your lips, throat suddenly sore from the tension, “please make me cu... ah,” he pressed down on your clit at just the right angle, rubbing in a perfect circle—god, so perfect, “please, just—”
satoru soothed you with quiet coos, capturing your lips once more. it wasn’t long until you completely let yourself go, slick coating his cock as you saw stars and the pressure released from within you.
“i’m almost... there...” he gasped against you, hips snapping against yours as he continued to fuck into you. the overstimulation was so good, fuck, you didn’t want to come down from your high. the feeling of his chest tensing up against you as he came had you clinging to his back all over again, muscles taunt under your touch.
it took a while for both of you to calm down, sweaty foreheads pressed together, breaths mixing and lips brushing.
when he could finally speak, satoru brought his hand up to cup your face and he pressed a kiss to your lips, one that was a sharp contrast to the unhinged nature of the ones previous. “i love you. you were so good.” satoru squished your cheek, laughing a little. “love you so much.”
you nodded, feeling feverish, still burning from the thrill, and leaned up to kiss him again, drawing him down into a slow, smooth lapping of mouths against one another. “i love you too.”
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keilemlucent · 4 years
best nest
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: 6.2k
Keigo's never been able to properly indulge his instincts, though you're more than willing to help him change that.
warnings: avian, feral keigo. rut/heat cycles. nesting. wing kink. breeding. horny shit, i tell u what
beta’ed: @keiqos​ 
wow :’^) this is a collab with the wuv, @keiqos​!! we each worked on a fic that was our own take of keigo during his rut, and now y’all get the fun results. here is hers!!! enjoy this feast!!!
Keigo had been acting particularly weird for the past few weeks. 
He was hardly a skittish person, yet he had been avoidant and downright shy in the last month or so. Despite living together, you had hardly seen or heard from him, and when you tried to address his absence, Keigo continually brushed you off.
He was hardly meeting your eyes when you managed to be in the apartment at the same time.
Finally, one night, he came in late. You sat, waiting on the couch, very awake circa three in the morning.
His eyes went wide, knowing he was caught.
“I know it’s late, but can we talk?” You asked softly, patting the couch next to you.
Keigo nodded stiffly, wings folded timidly against his back as he sat. In his big, tough hero uniform, he looked so odd with his hands held so nervously. 
“What’s going on, love?” You spoke quietly, lowering the volume of the TV to a hum. “Talk to me.”
Keigo silently picked at the threading of his gloves, then pulled off his visor. He stayed silent, eyes wide and far off.
You sighed, bringing your knees up under your body to face him. You tried to sound strong, but there was a twinge of weakness in your voice, “Are you... seeing other people?”
That notion brought Keigo right back, head snapping up to meet your own before gripping the sides of your face (harder than you would’ve expected) and rapidly shaking his head.
“No, no, no, not at all,” Keigo scooted closer to you as he spoke. “I promise, not that.”
“Then what?” You were frowning, despite Keigo’s contact feeling aloe on a burn.
Once again, Keigo seemed to stumble. His eyes averted, going glassy.
“It’s embarrassing,” His hands slip from your face, back into his lap. “Very embarrassing.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Keigo Takami was many things. But, shy and passive were not in that repertoire. 
You deadpanned.
“Please, just tell me,” You huffed at him, crossing your arms. “You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, Kei’. Feels weird.”
“I know, it’s just— fuck.” His gloved hands dragged down his face, flushing a bright red. 
You figured he was a bit warm.
Carefully, you reached forward, going to pull them from his hands. He stiffened harshly, watching you with... slitted eyes— (had they always been like that?). You gingerly freed Keigo’s fingers and palms, intertwining your own. 
“You can tell me, Keigo,” You smiled at him, squeezing and feeling pricks of pain in the flesh of your own hands. 
You noticed then, that Keigo’s fingernails were longer, pointed even. Though, they didn’t look manicured. They seemed to grow darker at the cuticle.
Your eyes widened as you looked up at Keigo as he turned his head away, half hiding his face in the fluffy collar of his jacket. 
“You know how I go on a ‘business trip’ about this time every year?” Keigo asked, rubbing a clawed thumb over the back of your hands. 
You nodded, “You go on lots of business trips, Kei’. What’s different about this spring one?” 
Keigo shifted his legs, wings twitching at his back. His entire form emanated his uncomfortable energy. From the tension rolling off his shoulders to the way he clenched and unclenched his jaw, Keigo was visibly very anxious. 
“Okay, uh, how do I explain this—” Keigo dropped his head, then looked back up at you, blinking slitted pupils at you. “You know how I’ve got wings?”
“Duh, dummy,” You rolled your eyes, reaching out to brush some fingers over one of the large, external feathers. 
Oh, but you got a reaction you weren’t expecting. You hadn’t thought anything of your action, yet Keigo audibly moaned with the contact. Something loud, high, and sinful as his thighs clenched together.
Both of your eyes went wide. 
“So,” You began slowly, “You have wings.”
“I have wings,” Keigo’s voice sounded tense and held in his throat, shaking just a bit. “And, I have some other avian traits as well.”
“Like...?” You coaxed. Whatever it was must’ve really made Keigo uncomfortable if he was being this resistant to talking about it. This man was the number two hero, yet he was mincing about like a kitten. 
“Uhhh... They’re more behavioral. Some physical,” Keigo bit his lip, shaking his head. “What do birds do in the spring?”
“Is this a riddle?”
“No, straightforward question.”
You really thought he was pulling your leg, but based on Keigo’s words and grave expression, he was dead serious.
And you had a dead serious answer.
“Oh my god, Keigo, you migrate?!” Your mouth fell open. Keigo’s eyes went wide and he seemed to stifle a laugh before shaking his head, feathers ruffling. 
“No, oh my God, no,” Keigo carried some mirth in his gaze now. “Not at all.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing with him. The tension seemed to be somewhat out of his shoulders until you set a hand on his knee and squeezed. 
“Keigo, out with it,” You rolled your eyes. “I know it’s scary, but I promise, no matter what it is, I’m here for you okay?”
You let your eyes soften as you sighed, squeezing his hands. 
Keigo looked you dead in the face, “We fuck, (Y/N).”
You choked on your own spit, before leaning back with a small laugh, “I know it’s been a minute with your schedule, but we do indeed do that outside of spring.”
“No, no, not like that,” Keigo ran his hands down his face, shaking his head. “I’ve been avoiding you because this whole conversation is going to be weird and embarrassing. You up for it? Because it only gets weirder.”
“Lay it on me, tailfeathers,” You rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. 
Keigo took a hand to sheepishly rub the back of his neck, “One of my more... avian traits is this... I don’t know, the Commission called it a ‘rut’, but I’ve done my own research and I’m not sure if that fully encompasses all of what it is.”
You weren’t entirely unfamiliar with the concept, but you certainly weren’t an expert.
“What happens during it?” 
“Uh, to be frank, exactly what happens during a bird’s mating season, and then some.” Keigo’s long nails dug into the fabric of his cargo pants. “My feathers grow in a bit differently. I nest. I get weird and territorial, possessive. I cannot tell you how much I’ve wanted to leave your neck covered in bite marks, just fucking claiming you—”
You both swallowed.
“And... You’re insatiably horny on top of all of this?” You asked, trying to ignore the way your insides were heating up.
Keigo nodded, waiting for you to reply with a softened, gooey gaze.
Oh, this was a little weird, right? Keigo was avian in some ways, but you never thought he had a whole ass mating season-
“Wait, so, in the spring, the ‘business trips’,” You used air quotes with a frown. “You’ve been just disappearing for your ‘rut’ and then coming back? Alone?”
Keigo waved his hands between the two of you, feathers fluffing up defensively behind him, “No, n-no, not like that. Never once. I’d just hole up in my apartment and fuck my hand like it was God.”
You choked. 
It made sense, you and Keigo moved in together at the end of last spring. Looking back, the timing now seemed to be intentional. 
“When did it start?” You asked, getting semi-intrigued by Keigo’s odd biology. 
“I was sixteen, I think,” Keigo did the mental math and bit his lip. “The Commission didn’t really know what to do with me, so they would just lock me up in my room with two extra blankets and call it good.”
You choked again. 
“So, you just disappear, deal with it, then come back?” You frown. “Keigo, I would’ve helped if I would’ve known.”
“I don’t know, (Y/N), it’s a lot to ask,” Keigo’s nails bit into his wrists as he squeezed. “I’m basically a horny, possessive, feral birdman for two weeks, not too mention the time leading up to it. That’s why I’ve been all distance. I’m sorry, I should’ve at least told you.”
“I would have appreciated it if you had, but I understand,” You grabbed Keigo’s hand again and squeezed. “This doesn’t exactly sound like a thing you’ve really ever been able to deal with comfortably, huh?”
“N-not really,” Keigo got all sheepish again, scooting a bit closer to you. “I haven’t really known what to do about it this year, so I’ve just been putting off facing you. I was just gonna get a hotel room or something, run off for two weeks, and then come back.” 
“Another ‘business trip’?” You raised an eyebrow as Keigo looked down, all sheepish and blushy. You tutted, shaking your head. “Well, babe, not this time. I’ve got you. I’m your live-in partner and I will not let my sweet, bird boy handle horny hours alone. I haven’t made you before, right?”
That made Keigo laugh, softly, some of the stress being held still in his wings falling away.
“I appreciate that, angel, but I don’t want you to agree to do this until you fully understand it,” He beamed you a smile. God, the man was like sunshine and candy when he chose to be. 
You nodded, giving him a(n) (over)confident smile, “Lay it on me, babe.”
Keigo had amassed quite a detailed understanding of his biological clock over the years, and he was able to spit it all back onto you.
“It’s basically two weeks of time where my only thoughts are ‘nest’, ’fuck’,’protect’, ’breed’—” Keigo cut himself off when your eyes went wide. 
“Wait, like, have children?” You asked, gut feeling unsettled. 
You and Keigo had been dating for a while, but the topic of children had never been seriously brought up. 
Does helping him mean to commit to having kids?
“No, not exactly. Like, I’m trying to protect a mate and breed, but that doesn’t mean the outcome needs to be children. At all,” Keigo assured you, patting your knee. “I know, it’s weird. I definitely am not into getting you pregnant, but that instinct part of my brain is.”
“Well, I’m on birth control, so we should be good there, right?” You laughed, relieved, squeezing his hand. “What do you mean by nesting?”
 “A literal nest. A spot that just smells like me and you to keep—” Keigo clicked his tongue, sighing in what seemed like relaxation, “you safe. And mine. It usually ends up being just like... my entire apartment, lots of shredded pillows, feathers, blankets. It’s honestly a nightmare.”
A nightmare, yes, but a very necessary one.
So, a plan was made. 
 Keigo sent you off to a hotel for the days leading up to his rut. He had to prepare, get things ready and he wanted to be careful not to trigger it earlier and risk ruining what would more than likely be his first proper rut. 
You took his lead, pampering yourself for a few days and letting Keigo handle the details. 
(Considering how wrecked your body was going to be in the coming weeks, it was more than smart to give yourself some time to rest.)
When Keigo called you to tell you he was ready, he was sounded elated, wings audibly flapping into the receiver. 
When you arrived back at the apartment, the ride up the glass elevator was daunting.
You were perfectly happy to help with Keigo’s rut, but you were a bit nervous about what he was going to be like. Though he reminded you that one of his hormonal brain’s functions was to ‘keep you safe’, it also sounded like he was going to be a bit out of his mind. You trusted him with your life, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t nerve-wracking. 
The elevator dinged, sliding open to the top floor. 
Keigo stood just outside. 
You couldn’t help jumping back in surprise, taking in Keigo’s... state.
He looked positively feral, just on sight. Though had been warned of this, you hadn’t fully expected how visible his state would be.
Keigo apparently decided to forgo any sort of a top today as his chest was entirely bare to you. A pair of grey sweats was slung low on his hips, likely put on in a rush based on the uneven settling of the waistband. This was not even to mention the very obvious imprint of his dick against the fabric, hard just from seeing you. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, skin pink with rushing blood.
“Angel,” Keigo purred, yanking you from the elevator and crushing you into his chest, smothering you with kisses. Stray feathers flew to pick up your bags, carting them off to your nearby apartment. 
Speaking of wings—
In the few days it had been since you’d seen Keigo, his feathers had almost entirely changed. They were still their usual bright crimson, but the filaments of the plumage seemed to be almost... shiny? You couldn’t quite place it, but there had been some sort of change in their anatomy that made his wings appear iridescent when they moved. The patterns almost seemed to swirl and streak through the plumage. You wanted nothing more than to admire them.
Without thinking (or responding to Keigo, mistake), you reached out to grab one of the feathers, “Oh wow, Keigo, they’re so pretty.”
The moment you wrapped your hand fully around the plume, Keigo clawed his... talons (?!) into your shoulders, shuddered, and screamed.
You hissed as pain radiated from your shoulders, but managed to hold both you and Keigo upright as he twitched against you.
“Fuck,” He cursed against your neck, panting.
You felt a vague, wet spot on your leg.
You blanched.
“Did... you just cum? From me touching your wings?” 
Keigo nodded against, still shaking.
The shame in his tone made your frown, pulling away from him to press a harsh kiss against his half-parted lips.
“Nope,” You murmured against his lips. “Nu-uh, you have nothing to be sorry about. I’m here to help, dummy.”
He sighed in relief, pressing into you.
It was going to be an interesting two weeks.
 The apartment was a nightmare. Keigo really hadn’t been lying when he told about how extreme nesting was. 
Notably, nothing was dirty. Keigo was actually an immaculately clean person due to his time with the Commission, but he was disorganized. And the nest of an apartment was testament to that.
There were stray feathers everywhere. Stuck in cupboards, tucked behind the TV, wedged in pillowcases and blankets, even a few under the bathroom sink. Newly purchased blankets and pillows were strewn over every surface. It appeared like you could simply fall in any area of the house and be entirely cushioned. Not to mention that Keigo’s feathers could sense every single motion in the house.
It was a sweet gesture and testament to the protective element of the rut that Keigo described. 
In addition to the many layers of softness, a new, far larger mattress had even been dragged to the living room and placed on top of a high frame set against the wall of windows that overlooked the city. It was heaped with pillows, fluffy blankets, and downy-looking, glimmering feathers. All of, despite its inherent chaos, was the comfiest looking corner of the apartment. 
“Oh, wow, ‘Kei,” You breathed, running a hand along a soft-looking blanket over the back of a chair. “You did such a good job!”
With that, he was pressed against you from behind.
“I... I did? You like it?” Keigo never asked for validation so openly. The implication of his inherent fear around his rut continued to make your heart ache. From what he had told you (and what you read in the days prior about avian behavior), you needed to ‘accept’ the nest he made for the two of you. 
I’ll make this good for him. 
“Yes, so much.” You leaned back against his chest, loving the way the heat of his bare chest seeped so well through your clothes, “I can’t wait to snuggle up with you in it and so much more.” 
Your last word was more than enough to get Keigo chirping into your ear.
Yes, bird-ishly chirping.
It was a mix of high and low clicks, maybe a bit of cooing thrown in as well. As far as his avian adaptations went, this one was newer to you, but remarkably cute. You turned around, pressing a kiss to his neck without thinking.
The contact made Keigo’s aforementioned talons dig into the meat of your hips, a hot breath rolling over your ear, “Please let me fuck you.”
It was abrupt, his shift in tone, but based on the way his cock was nearly burning your backside, it was a necessary step. 
“Well, I certainly won’t stop you,” You didn’t realize the unintended weight of your words, but Keigo sure as fuck did. 
He roughly grabbed your wrist, dragging you across the room to the mattress in the corner.
“W-wait, not the bedroom?” You asked. Keigo pressed at your shoulders, pushing you down roughly, though the softness of the bed dressings insulated your fall. 
“Nope, here, best spot,” Keigo’s words were clipped as he straddled your waist, silencing any other words you might have with a soul-sucking kiss. His tongue wormed its way into your mouth, licking at your gums and receding to suck at your tongue. All the while, you could hear and feel his feathers shudder.
He pulled away, eyes half-lidded and vertical pupils blown wide. 
“You have no fucking idea how much I missed you.” Keigo’s teeth nipped at your pulse point. 
Were... his teeth sharper?
You craned your neck away from him, pulling a nasty growl from his chest. You watched his feathers, both the one’s still fixed to his back and flared upwards and those scattered around, shudder and writhe. 
Keigo’s canines were longer, maybe even a little sharper. 
This rut thing... it was an avian thing, right?
Birds... don’t have sharp teeth... Do they?
 You dismissed it, much more focused on Keigo’s hand as it slipped lower, futzing with the waistband of your pants. 
“Sorry, dove, I’m a little impatient,” His voice was rough and strained, like he was holding back. 
His normally nimble hands struggled with the button of your fly, and with a nasty growl, he snatched up one of his nearby feathers, hardening it in an instant, and slicing your pants off.
“Keigo!” You shrieked, squirming, and sitting up as he tore off the ruined garment. “I liked those! That wasn’t nice.”
 “I think I’m done being nice to you for a bit, dove.” He shot you a dark look. 
You blinked at him.
Keigo had warned you that he would be a bit feral... but you weren’t expecting his nasty attitude. 
You also weren’t expecting to be turned on by the rage-filled spikes in his words. 
“Get on your hands and knees.” Keigo’s voice was clipped as he slipped off his sweats.
Keigo’s cock was nothing to fucking sneeze at. It was pretty, long, with nice girth and a perfect curve for your pussy. He tended to keep his body hair well kept and groomed, an old remnant of the militancy of his youth. 
Oh, but ‘fuck you until you’re pregnant’ Keigo? 
His dick was a bit bigger, engorged with what had to be painful blood flow. Heavy balls hung below, ripe and flushed, in desperate need of contact, let alone release. Maybe it was the ambiance (or, the smell and pheromones unknowingly being inhaled into your endocrine system), but his dick looked immaculate. 
“Is your dick bigger, babe?” You asked, half-drooling in your mind at your lover’s cock. It certainly wasn’t hard to. 
Keigo normally would’ve clawed at the opportunity to schmooze you for stroking his ego so directly, but your current version of Keigo was far less into flattery.
“I said, get on your hands and knees.” He didn’t wait for you to reply, just flipped you onto your stomach, straddling your upper thighs. You yelped at the shock of sheets hitting your front, fabric tearing behind you as Keigo made quick work of your shirt.
You gulped as Keigo’s hands, talons, raked their way down your bare back as he let loose a loud, quaking sigh, “Oh, Angel, holy fuck.”
He said the pet name like it was a prayer to God and you let him. 
You shivered under him as his nails drew lines up your neck, all the way into your scalp. Without warning, he pressed the heel of his hand into the curve of your skull, shoving you deeper into the plushness of the nest below you.
Oh... Fuck. Were you about to sloppy fuck in the sheets you’d be spending the next several weeks in?
 The somewhat gross revelation was quickly forgotten as Keigo’s hot breath shuddered against your ear, his (oh my fucking god slightly pointed?) tongue curled along the soft skin of your pulse point.
You both choked down a moan as his exposed cock rubbed against your backside.
“You’re so pretty like this,” For being feral, and for the blood that was quickly rushing to your head and sex, Keigo sounded very nice. “Gonna look so cute with my cock inside you, right?”
You nodded into the sheets, struggling to raise yourself up on your elbows as Keigo hauled your hips up.
Stabilizing yourself on the softness of the sheets and feathers was much more difficult than one would think. You were already slipping, no matter how you tried to hold yourself up.
“I can’t begin to tell you how much I want to fill you up, right now,” His voice takes on a dreamy lilt as he shoves you back, further into the nest. You crawl on your hands and knees, succumbing to Keigo’s hand on your neck after arriving to the middle of the massive mattress. “But, I also really don’t wanna hurt my angel. Gotta make sure you’re good and ready.”
The sentiment was nice enough, but you stiffened, remembering that Keigo’s nails were not only sharpened, but slightly hooked. You tried to turn, but quickly stop when you felt Keigo’s hot, hot breath over your sex.
You shuddered, biting your lip as his pointed tongue ran up and down your slit. From his hold on the meat of your thighs, you could tell he was trembling and burning. Whether it was from how much he needed you or how much he was holding himself back, you couldn’t be sure. 
Keigo’s pointed tongue ran up between the lips of your cunt, both of you moaning at the sensation. You felt his wings raise behind the two of you, casting shadows down on your display in some weird show of dominance. 
It made your skin run hot.
What made it run even hotter was the jolt you received Keigo pressed his face into your cunt with absolute zero shame. 
His tongue slicked up the lips of your pussy, dipping around your opening with absolutely sinful sounds falling around the two of you.
When you tried to adjust your arms, you caught a quick slap to your ass, pain only pushing your eyes to roll back in your head as Keigo sneered against you.
“Greedy.” It was a rich line, coming from him, king of gluttony, but you weren’t about to argue with him.
His nails dug into your thighs, dragging your cunt and his face together to the point where it felt like there was no space between them. You were helpless to do much other than grind back on his tongue as he tongue-fucked your cunt.
Keigo drew away, grabbing you by the hips and spinning you. Your back hit the nest, eyes spinning as you weren’t so used to him outright manhandling you. You sucked in a breath as you stared up at Keigo, his face slick with your juices and enlarged wings spread out and upwards. 
The slits of his eyes were blown wide, a toothy smile beaming down at you. It seemed sort of sweet before two of his clawed-fingers (thankfully, somewhat gingerly) spread the lips of your cunt. He spat onto your exposed clit, no reverie in his actions as his avian glare slipped over you.
A harsh clicking came from the back of his throat, feathers fluttering.
“B-Babe? Are you okay?” You asked as Keigo refused to look away from your splayed-out body.
“More than okay,” He shuddered, looking a bit more grounded for a moment. He swallowed, shaking his head.
Surprisingly, he reached out to cup the side of your face, rubbing a thumb over your cheek, “If you want me to stop, can you tell me now?”
“I don’t want to, Kei’,” You laid your words on thickly, knowing you had his lucidity. “Can you please fuck me? Fill me up, Kei’.”
He growled, something from deep in his chest, nodding, feathers shimmering in the light of the room.
He was on you instantly, wings flapping to shove his body into yours, lips on yours and tongue pressing into your mouth. The tapered appendage licks and literally fucks your mouth, robbing you of air as you weave your hands into his sweaty tresses and pull.
The pain spurred him on, one of his hands sloppily going between the two of you to line his fat cock with your cunt. He was considerate enough to rub circles on your clit as he rammed into your insides in one single motion.
Your eyes went wide, snapping open and you tug the bite of your nails into the back of Keigo’s head, held by the burning stretch and pleasant ache of your insides. 
Keigo had been fairly quiet during this entire ordeal, an odd thing considering he normally ran his mouth dry with praises, filth, and sweet nothings when he was half this close to your cunt. Yet, he’d hardly spoken through most of it, and most of your reading of him had been based on body (and wing language).
But, when he did finally bottom out, shaking and straining, it clicked.
Based on the sweat that was rolling down his temples, the veins bulging in his forearms, and the rigid tension in his shoulders, he was holding his rut-crazed body back.
You frowned, trying to ignore the kiss of his cock head against your cervix.
Recalling some of the things Keigo told you about some of his more animalistic desires, you decided to egg him on to breaking. Based on the rapid twitching of his wings, he needed it.
Keigo just barely moved, biting his lip and harshly exhaling.
“Baby,” Your own voice broke as you spoke, falling back into his mutant desires as well. “Please, please, fuck me how you need. Please.”
“S’fine, this is enough,” Keigo gritted out as he dragged his cock almost entirely out of your dripping cunt.
To emphasize your need, you grabbed a fistful of his feathers at the base of his wings and tugged, making sure to press your nails to the bone.
Keigo threw his head back, moaning high into the air, a coo mixing with the sound as his wings shuddered in your grip.
You buckled down. 
“No,” You whined, hooking your legs behind the small of his back, thumbing at the plumage as he writhed from your touch. “Fuck me, like you mean it, Keigo. Fill me up.”
He paused, freezing, eyes darting up to your own.
“S-say that again.”
You grinned, dragging his stiff neck down to your mouth, dragging your tongue to his ear, “I said I want you to fill me up. Stuff me full of your cum and breed me so good, please, Kei’.”
You’d never spoken like that to him during sex, and you quickly understood why.
The moment the words left your lips, Keigo slammed his hips back into you, wings fanning out as wide as they could. 
His lips found your neck, cock rearranging your insides with the immediate force and pace of his thrusts. His hands grappled at your hips, your tits, your shoulders, and your legs, anything to get to ram himself into you. Each thrust was punctuated by growls and clicks from the back of his throat, filthy words finally fell from his lips without a trace of shame.
“Oh, baby, I’m gonna breed you so good,” Keigo’s voice was breathy as he raked his nails down your neck, light lines following as he bottomed out in you once more. He roughly grabbed one of your tits, pinching your pebbled nipple. “Gonna make you gush for me, yeah, I am.”
You could’ve given an equally horny response, but Keigo’s tongue was quickly in your throat, groaning into your mouth as his pace picked up to something inhumane.
It was short-lived, the wet slapping of his heavy balls stalling as he damn near screamed into your mouth, coming deep in your throbbing cunt.
You shuddered, feeling his load already dripping from your cunt onto the sticky sheets below you.
Keigo’s lips parted from yours, half-lidded eyes looking glazed and dreamy.
You thought that nutting twice so closely together would slow him down, but you were remarkably wrong. 
You rolled your hips up, smiling, “Feeling okay, Kei’?”
Keigo blinked down at you, lowering his head to nose at your jaw. You tilted your head for him, spine curling when you felt him begin to move again, still fully hard.
“I’m not done yet.” His words were curt and sharp as his arms caged around your head. The sharp peaks of his canines caught on the skin of your neck, dragging and sucking. “Gotta make sure you’re fucked nice and good with my brood, dove. So good.”
You swallowed, eyes rolling back when Keigo bit down at the base of your neck.
Keigo’s hips slammed back into yours, his pace picking up and the squelching of your slick and his cum ringing around the room. You could hardly focus on it, or anything as he quickly threw your legs over his shoulders, moving his licks and bites to your calves and thighs.
Your clit throbbed with each thrust, wet and craving contact. When you reached down to play with yourself, Keigo swatted your hand away with a growl, a red feather from the bed replacing it. The small, soft crimson feathers lapped at your clit, making quick circles as it became wet with slick. 
With the hold on your legs, he hauled you upwards, your lower half lifted off the bed and held by only Keigo’s grip and the curve of your spine. You keened with each of his thrusts, listening to the wild words that spilled from his lips while he rammed your cunt raw. 
They were mostly incoherent, half-sentences about how he was going to ‘breed you until he’s shooting blanks’, ‘fuck you full with his brood’ and ‘reem you until you grew feathers’. Each phrase got your breath going fast, his grip and pace forcing your lungs to fill faster and faster. 
The feather against your cunt grew sloppier, nearly vibrating with its jerky movement. A well-timed swat to your clit by Keigo’s own hand while he talked about your ‘life-giving pussy’ was what sent you over the edge, cunt tightening around his cock. 
His words reached peak incoherency as he rammed into your cervix, spilling into you with a harsh wail, wings stretching upwards and bumping against the ceiling. 
You expected a moment of reprieve, but before you could even think, still spinning with your own orgasm, Keigo flipped you onto your tummy once more.
Despite signing up for this sort of treatment, your insides already ached. The friction of Keigo’s fat cock had stretched you perfectly, all for him, but the deep ache in your core was getting a bit distracting. This was not even mentioning how sore your muscles were getting, pulling from the pacing and positioning Keigo chose at whim.
You didn’t voice your pains, buckling down on your psyche (or, what you had left of it), as Keigo slid into you once more.
“Oh baby,” His voice was slippery as he wound his hands through your hair, pulling and forcing your back into a severe arch. “You feel that?”
He fucked into you harshly, the squelch that followed serving as a reminder of how he’d already more than filled you up.
“So pretty and round with my seed...” Keigo’s words got dreamy and slow, just for a moment as he smoothed his hand over your hips, “Just need to make sure it takes...”
The feather from earlier was back on you as he started up once more, babbling and flapping his massive wings as he fucked you numb. 
You came as he did the next time, your legs giving way under the pressure and sensation. Keigo was quick to tsk, two more of his feathers moving to hold you up as he started to move again, cock never leaving your spent cunt. 
The parts of your brain that were still working and not reduced to a pile of mush wondered how the fuck he was still hard, but all things considered, it shouldn’t have been surprising. Besides, he deserved to satiate himself properly, fucking your gushing cunt, considering he’d never gotten to indulge in his instincts like this before. 
Despite how you burned all over, you let him finish inside you yet again.
And again.
And again?
You lost count at some point.
Keigo apparently really liked you face-down, ass-up, and kept you like that as he fucked you full over and over again. After having his taloned-hand stuck into your hair holding you to the duvet and pillows for so long, your head was spinning. What made all of this all the more overwhelming was the small feather that never fucking stopped moving—
“Kei’, please!” You screamed, voice hoarse and dry. You’re spinning, aching, and yet you still want more.
Keigo’s pace increases, using his wings to rut against your cervix over and over. 
The tempo of the feather increased, Keigo’s growls falling away into his own shriek as he pushed forwards once more, hot cum spraying your walls all over again.
The sensations, all of them, pushed you over the edge, a shriek tearing from your throat as hot tears soaked the nest below. Your orgasm curled your toes to the point of pulling muscles, back bowing and straining as broiling pleasure swallowed you once more. 
Keigo might’ve kept fucking you after that, you couldn’t really remember. With the plumes of feathers under your knees, he could’ve and you wouldn’t have known.
Your body and mind were spent, trying to keep up with his appetite. Your eyes rolled back behind your eyelids, and lucidity was gone to you. 
 You awoke to soft cooing sounds and the smell of sweat.
It was jarring, shifting the slightest bit and feeling aches and pains you didn’t even know you could have.
The cooing stuttered, falling into a chuckle.
His rut.
“Oh my god, Kei’, did you fuck me unconscious?” It came out almost as a growl, voice cracking and low. 
A hand carded through your hair as you opened your eyes, taking in the state of yourself, Keigo, and the nest.
You were both sweaty, sticky and smelling all sorts of musky. It was intoxicating, lulling you. It must’ve been those pheromones that Keigo had mentioned way back when.
Keigo had nestled you to his chest, wings spread behind him and shimmering. The windows outside showed only the neon of the city below, night having long since fallen.
He beamed down at you with a clear fondness, a lot of the tension gone from his body, and looking significantly less stressed. But, there was a sad quirk in his brow.
“Sorry about that, angel, I got kind of out of hand there,” Keigo replied sheepishly, smile turning a little sad. 
You frowned.
You couldn’t have him thinking that.
“Nope, no, not at all,” You pushed yourself on an elbow, wincing at the pain, but recovering to peppering his stubbly chin and cheeks with kisses. “None of that, silly. I am happy to help, whatever that entails. I love you, you know?”
Keigo relaxed even more, falling against the nest and pulling you to his chest, “You gotta stop being so sweet, dove. Gonna get me riled up again.”
You hummed, kissing the tip of his nose, “That’s more than fine, just rub my shoulders a bit first. I think I pulled something.”
He kissed at your sweaty hair, rubbing his hands up and down your sides, “I’m more than happy too, dove. Thank you.”
His hands met your shoulders, rubbing at the sore muscles, careful to avoid pressing his talons into the skin. 
You heard him say so softly, more to himself than to you, “I’m gonna keep you so safe.”
The grin that came across your face rivaled the sun in its brightness and honey with its sweetness. You melted into his touch, dissolving blissfully into the smells and feel of your nest. 
Keigo left kiss after kiss against soreness, cooing and clicking as his rut-based needs were more than met. 
For once.
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hongism · 3 years
05 - j.wooyoung + lingerie (18+)
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» j.wooyoung x gn!reader » 18+ dni if minor, nsfw/pwp » language, feminization, lap dancing, strip tease, bratty wooyoung, manual stimulation, grinding, cum eating, dirty talk, finger sucking » wc 3.3k » link to masterlist
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you’ve almost come to the conclusion that tonight was a complete and utter waste of time when your eyes pause in their subtle search across the room. it’s fast, and you almost miss him because of how quickly you’re surveying the club, but you have to backtrack at the sight of the pink head of hair. it’s not too out of the ordinary — not for a club like this one at least, and frankly, the face connected to the stark hair entrances you more than the hair does. the friend at your side seems to notice where your gaze keeps lingering, elbow careening into your ribs seconds later.
“like what you see over there?” she giggles, most likely amused by how you jolt and startle with the contact.
“he’s pretty,” you mutter back as you strain your neck a little to catch sight of the rest of him. he’s not up on a stage with the other dancers, not wrapped around a pole or anything like that, so you can’t get a full and clear view of what he’s wearing.
“he doesn’t perform with the others, i hear. solo performer, and only does private shows.”
sure, there’s a stack of money set aside for this particular reason, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to cave and spend it all on this one man.
you aren’t.
it’s not going to stop you from getting up and going over there to get a better look at him.
“i’ll be back,” you mutter, picking up your wallet and drink with the same hand. you’re hoping it won’t look obvious to your friend, but the laugh that follows your movements is telling enough.
“have fun!”
you step through the crowd of couches that are mostly full of older men and women, apologizing each time you cross in front of them and accidentally block their view of the dancers. your target hasn’t moved, still lingering near the bar with a drink set in front of him as he also indulges in the sight of the dancers on stage. you’re almost fooled into believing that he’s simply a client here and not actually a worker, but there’s a certain sway to his hips and head against the music thumping through the club that says otherwise. he moves his body too well even with subtle and small movements. elbows propped up on the bar counter behind him, a lollipop dangling from his fingertips and periodically going up to catch on his tongue, and that pretty pink hair bouncing with each movement he makes. you’re enticed in an instant.
the obscenity of his outfit doesn’t help one bit either. and perhaps obscenity is a bit too strong a word to describe it, but your brain goes to static and white noise the more you see of him, and it’s easy to see why that is. a sheer lavender crop top that does nothing to hide the lace bralette underneath, along with a pretty plaid skirt that tapers his waist almost too well, belts and buckles hanging from both sides and jingling when he sways his hips in time with the music. the further down your eyes go, the more overwhelmed you get because he’s got fishnets (of course) that lead to chunky black combat boots. he looks simultaneously quite out of place here while also seeming like there’s no other logical place for him to be. your steps towards him falter a little; it’s no wonder that he doesn’t have anyone at his side right now. he’d outshine them without even trying, and the air around him feels a bit untouchable as well like he’s too good for anyone’s presence except his own and the bartender behind him. the thought to turn around and return to your friend like a dog with its tail between its legs crosses your mind. that’s all it does though because as you shift to act on that thought, sharp eyes snap over to meet yours across the bar counter.
opposite ends of the spectrum, separated by at least ten barstools if not more, plenty of other people in front of him to look at, yet the dancer cranes his head in your direction and makes eye contact. 
your tongue darts out to wet your lower lip, an act more out of nerves than meant to be seductive in the slightest. 
there’s no direct invitation to go further towards him. really all he does is incline his head slightly, and you take it as a cue to step around the barstools and walk over to where he’s tapping his chunky boot against the floor.
you startle upon hearing his clear tone, although you aren’t wholly sure why that’s the case. 
“hello,” you greet in return. you keep your glass caught firmly between your fingers as you sit in the barstool beside him. he looks even prettier in this light — with blinking up at him from where you sit and the neon lights cascading over his face and hair. there’s a stunning beauty mark under his eye, and another on his lower lip under the sheen of pink lip gloss. something sparkles under his eyes and in the inner corners, what you can only assume to be eyeshadow and glitter. 
“i caught your eye, huh?”
there’s a twinge of embarrassment that shoots through your body, and you duck your chin to your chest, clearing your throat as quietly as you can like it’ll dispel the nerves accompanied by the feeling. 
“cute,” the man continues. his sweet tone is almost like honey, or some syrup that tastes like it could be too much after a certain point. “wanna buy my time then?”
the offer comes so quickly that you’re a bit shocked. all these people in the club and yet not one has approached him? or accepted his offer? it seems far too unbelievable.
“you’re not gonna ask me anything first? my name, my age, anything like that?”
he laughs for the first time tonight, and you think you’ll grow to love that sound by the end of it. the lollipop pushes back between his lips only for him to make a show of how he swirls his tongue around the ball of candy. when he pulls it back out, it springs free with a lewd pop in its wake.
“you’re the first one tonight who’s stopped me to ask that. most just jump straight to it. i’m wooyoung. and you?”
“hmm, it’ll sound prettier coming from my lips later.”
your brain buffers and hits a wall. you lose whatever thought was lingering in your mind, and wooyoung has the audacity to flash a grin and send a wink your way.
“you’re in luck tonight, y/n. i only start taking clients at ten o’clock, and it’s two minutes past ten right now.” a strobe of neon red flashes over his face, illuminating his eyes in a way that makes your heart jump in your chest. “assuming you want me, that is,” he adds through a stretched grin, and you wouldn’t dream of denying him the pleasure of hearing your affirmation.
“yes, i’d like that quite a bit.”
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wooyoung leads you off to the side of the club, where the hallway of private rooms begins, and he wastes no time in bringing you into the nearest unlocked one. you’ve got your wallet still clasped between nervous hands, but your drink was long forgotten on the bar counter you found wooyoung at. it’s fairly standard for this type of room, nothing to gawk at or make note of aside from the metal pole that stretches up to the ceiling. you’re certain your attention will be firmly planted on wooyoung throughout the entirety of your stay here, so you aren’t worried much about making yourself at home.
the dancer seems keen on the same as well, or at least he’s excited to get started. knowing how much money you’ve got in your wallet, you can’t blame him for the excitement. he turns to face you after shutting and locking the door, skirt billowing around his thighs a little. you think you see a flash of lace underneath, tucked under the fishnets, but that could very well be merely a wistful thought and nothing else. 
“lay down,” he demands, motioning to the short round table right in front of the couches.
“um…” you blink from the white surface to wooyoung’s serious expression. 
“what? never had a lap dance before?” he quirks a brow and flashes another dastardly grin, and you hate the way your stomach flips over at the sight of it.
“not one where i’ve had to lay down, no.” 
wooyoung huffs out a laugh and pops his lollipop back into his mouth. he steps around your awkward, still form to put one of his feet up on the pristine white surface. the boot releases a hollow noise when it hits the table.
“oh, you’ll love it, i promise. now come on, on your back, legs relaxed. i’ll make it worth your while. and your money too, we hope.” 
wooyoung’s little tilt to his chin and the soft bats of his lashes are what convince you to do as told. you slip your shoes off next to the couch and tuck your wallet away in one of them lest wooyoung has the bright idea to make off with all your belongings. then you scramble over the slick surface to lay flat atop it, eyeing wooyoung as he hums and steps up fully on the table over you. his feet straddle your body, right in the gap between your hands and hips, and he pushes that stupid lollipop back between his lips.
“here are my rules, y/n. no touching, no kissing on the lips, no marking, and no demands. you’re here for a show, so i’ll give you one. and maybe i’ll use you to get off a little too? what do you say?”
you suck your lower lip between your teeth, contemplating his words and rolling them over in your mind a bit.
“and if i say no?”
“then i’ll give you a simple lap dance, and that’ll be that. and don’t worry. if i cum… i’ll clean up after myself. you don’t have to do any work really, if you don’t want to.”
“if i don’t want to?” you echo your question.
“how do you feel about sucking my fingers?”
your dumb and stuttered blinking are answer enough for him, and wooyoung leans over to the couch, balancing on one foot as he stretches to reach for something on the cushions. the position give you a far too direct view straight up his skirt. you get confirmation that you did indeed spot lace — a matching set with his pink bralette it seems on top of that.
the music that begins to thump through the speaks is foreign to you, not a song you’ve ever heard before, but the beat is sultry enough for you to understand why wooyoung would play this.
and truly, when he starts to move above you, you fully understand the appeal of this angle. getting to watch the way his skirt sways and teases what’s underneath as his cropped top flutters with his winding movements — it’s a heady feeling being under him and seeing this unfold over you.
wooyoung does his job, and he does it well in only a few swaying moves that promise more to come. if you had to make a comparison, you’d say it’s like watching art in motion, an exhibit where the artist shows you each stroke and twist of his brush. that’s wooyoung now, with the showcase of how he stretches his arms to the ceiling and brings them down the front of his body. the dim lighting in the room does nothing to make the mood less than what it is — pure seduction at its finest, and wooyoung is quickly bringing you down that pit of lust with him. you only know that’s where he’s headed as well because of how his skirt begins to tent a little as time goes on, evidence to how turned on he is by merely dancing to the music. he hasn’t gotten down far enough to even have physical contact with you, but with the way he’s moving now, you aren’t sure he’ll even get that far either.
he does go lower as the song shifts, beat still unfamiliar against your ears, but you’re barely hearing the music beyond how the bass thumps through your veins. as his knees settle on either side of you, close to your waist now and closing in just enough to squeeze you with a hair of pressure, his hands move up under the fabric of his top. they press higher and higher, catching on the hem and tugging as he reaches his neck. your eyes burn like you haven’t blinked in ages, and to be frank, you most likely haven’t because the grip wooyoung has on your focus currently occupies every fiber of your being.
wooyoung works the shirt off, tossing the sheer material over to the side. the look of his tanned skin with blush pink lace overtop clinging to him like a vice under the low lights: it’s sin in its purest form. and that sin only amplifies as he draws his hands down to the waistband of his skirt. he teases and pulls at the material, still lost somewhere between his mind and the music. one of his hands works back up his chest and throat, and when he reaches his mouth, he pulls the lollipop stick out to reveal a now empty stick that is also promptly tossed in the same direction his shirt went. 
“aren’t i pretty, y/n?” he asks all of a sudden. he’s not looking at you, not with the way his eyelids are barely shut, but it captures all your attention nonetheless. “pretty and feminine, hm? some people think i don’t dance as well as the girls out on the stages. but i’m just as pretty as them, aren’t i?”
“more,” you exhale without thinking.
“more,” he echoes back to you with an airy giggle to accompany it. his hands go to the side of his skirt, grabbing onto something on the left, and two seconds later he’s pulling away the entire strip of fabric in one swift movement. you inhale so sharply it stings your nostrils and aches in your chest, and wooyoung takes that as the opportune moment to roll his hips down against your abdomen. it’s not meant for your please, not in the slightest, but you still feel the coil of arousal in your gut snap and pull at itself as he repeats the motion and rubs his barely concealed erection against your stomach. “i’m always prettier than them, y/n.”
wooyoung’s eyes snap open at last, and he drops his skirt to the side before sitting up on his knees over you. the position is nothing if not lewd with how close to your face he is like this. you don’t have much time to think about it because he’s tugging the band of his fishnets down as well, shoes still caught on his feet so there’s no way they’ll go all the way off, but that doesn’t seem to be his intention anyway.
no, wooyoung just tugs them low enough to go under his knees, then he’s back to sitting on his heels and splaying his thighs to the side. the whole thing is a show: each piece of clothing, each drag of his hands, and every word from his lips. 
it continues with him pressing his hand against your chin, then teasing your lower lip with his middle and pointer fingers.
“you know… people always call me a brat. a bratty little bitch, to be specific. they aren’t wrong, of course. but they mean it as an insult whereas i take it as a compliment.” you suck wooyoung’s fingers between your lips and let him explore your mouth with the pads of them. he makes a show of stretching the insides of your cheeks, stabbing against them and watching your skin bulge under the pressure, then he’s pinching your tongue and scraping his nails over the top of it. it tickles in a pleasurable way, the kind that makes your stomach knot up and tense with lust. “i think i’m prettiest when i cum though. and that’s not something i let a lot of people see. they always get handsy even after i tell them not to. think that because i’m all subby and docile, they can break my rules.”
you watch in something of a daze as wooyoung reaches his other hand down to the lace lingerie clinging to his cock. he grips hard enough for you to see the harsh outline of his member, strained and stretching the fabric like it’s about to break. his slow rolls and sways of his hips continue even as he fucks into the palm of his own hand. you don’t think you could move or touch him even if you wanted to right now. each limb feels like it weighs ten tons.
“call me pretty again, y/n. a pretty little brat, yeah?” 
you can’t very well do that with his hand halfway down your throat like it is now, but it doesn’t stop you from trying. all that comes out are muffled moans caught on wooyoung’s fingers. he laughs, throwing his head back as the sound permeates the air, and you were right. you love the sound even more now when he’s a bit breathless and hoarse from arousal, hips canting against your abdomen still as he pushes himself closer to the edge.
“gonna cum, y/n, and make a pretty mess of myself. pay good attention to me please. i want you to see every second of it.” his eyes blaze with unbridled desire as he rubs over his panties a few more times. teeth sink into his lower lip, his nose scrunches up, eyes fighting to stay open and stay on yours without blinking. then he hits his high. it’s beautiful the way he falls apart over you, how his hips stutter and give a few jerky thrusts until his whole body goes still on top of yours. you think you have to agree with him too; this is the prettiest he’s looked all night in your eyes. 
it lasts either ten seconds or ten minutes — you have no concept of time right now, too enamored with the man above you and every movement he makes.
when he does come down, there are stars in his eyes and a sheen on his brow that trickles down the side of his face to his chin. he pulls his hand out of your mouth, but you can’t even bring yourself to close it as you watch him tuck the same hand into his underwear and scoop the stain of translucent white cum out. 
“taste for me?”
you manage a shaky nod, letting wooyoung return his hand to your lips, and when he cups your mouth gently, you poke your tongue out to lap the cum off his palm. 
“hm, now wasn’t that good? better than promised, in fact?”
“y-yeah,” you exhale, finally finding your voice after god knows how long of shocked and aroused silence. wooyoung grins. he leans over you, all but bare chest pressing to your clothed one, and you can feel the heat radiating off his skin with ease. his face hovers over yours. you can see his eyes clearer than ever.
“how about we go again then?”
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hyunjilicious · 3 years
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A/n: I'm low-key terrified because I never wrote anything like this before... 🥺 so I hope it doesn't suck? Thanks for the request @hommoturttle I hope its ok!
Summary: just sex. And breeding kink. SMUT 1.6K
Warnings: smut, some dirty talk, the tiniest bit of degradation, breeding kink obvi and some possessive Bucky. 18+ please!! (also idk about you but this gif does ✨things✨ to me - like.. Mr Barnes, stick whatever you want wherever you wantksksksk ok I'm done 🥲)
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It would happen after a mission that you went on without him. No matter how used he is to going away and putting himself in danger, his brain refuses to accept that that's your job too. He gets crazy worried, sweats through most of the nights that you're not there to sleep on his chest, snaps at everyone that tells him to calm down, and counts the days until you're back. He's usually able to stand the distance, but not in these scenarios. He always ends up missing you like you've been gone for months, but the way the night you're back unfolds, makes up for everything.
No amount of cuddling, sweet nothings or showers together could possibly make up for the time away like the frantic rounds of sex you always go through as soon as you get back do. And it's always the same, he's on top of you, hovering above your body as his eyes never leave your frame. He wants to see every detail, every inch of your face, every feature that he loves so much. 
It starts crazy and it ends even more so. Foreplay is long forgotten, everything you get is him throwing you on the bed and ripping every piece of clothing that stands in his way. And it's more than enough, the pure need and hunger in his manic blue eyes, has the power to drive you insane in record time.
You're a squirming, wet and needy mess by the time he has you naked on his bed, hands clawing up to him. "Come on, Bucky, I need you"
And it drives him up the walls too. He hates the belt that slows him down, and his shirts never make it out intact. 
Biting down hard on his lower lip as his need gets the best of him, Bucky's breathing passes the threshold of obscene, his buffed chest heaving as he can't help himself.
"Come here, doll" he finally rasps, his voice low and grave as his jeans fall to the floor.
In a moment, he's on top of you, his legs lodged in between yours. Every touch is amplified by the wait and the feeling of his rough hands on your waist is mind-blowing. You squirm under his touch, trying to wiggle your way closer to him.
"Missed me too, huh?" Bucky grins proudly, gently but sternly grabbing your chin. His thumb rubs along your jawline, his teeth showing as he can't hide his enthusiasm.
"Yes-" you breathe out, melting under his touch. "Missed you so much, Buck."
"Need me?" he keeps teasing, lowering himself so that his lips reach the side of your neck. At first, it's his hot breath that you allow yourself to get drunk on, but when his teeth lewdly sink into your skin, you yelp, your thighs involuntarily closing around his hips.
And you can tell he takes pride in the responses he gets from you. You're sure he feels the goosebumps up your arms, or the way your rib cage shakes with every breath you take. But he keeps going, his greedy hands exploring your naked body, taking your breasts into his palms as he keeps on sucking claim marks into your neck.
"Fuck, Bucky-" you moan, back arching. His lips and his fingers are already too much for you to take, but when the tip of his cock brushes against your thigh, you're all but done. 
"Tell me you need me, doll" he hums, pushing himself up on his left arm. The mattress dips under the weight of his metal hand, and as you look between your bodies, your eyes land on the way he's eagerly fisting his cock in his right hand. You're caged in his hold, and it's the only thing you want.
"You're all I need, Bucky" you cry, your hands softly roaming up his chest. His hair had fallen around his face, framing his features and offering them the required amount of shadow needed to accentuate his carnal desire. Bottom lip wet and lodged between his teeth, he watches you closely, waiting for more.
"Bucky, please-" you continue, uselessly shaking your hips from side to side. "I'm already so wet, I'm such a mess for you sometimes. Just use me, do whatever you want with me, I just need to feel you, Bucky. Deep inside me, please"
He shakes his head in disbelief, hints of bitter laughter escaping his lips. "Such a needy, little thing" he muttered to himself.
With your mind clouded and busy enjoying the build-up, when the tip of his cock connectes to your folds, your eyes snap wide. Your reaction brings a proud grin to Bucky’s lips, but this is just the beginning.
Giving you no time to adjust whatsoever, he slams himself into you, bottoming out as you feel your breath cut short. "Fuck, fuck-" you pant, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in a pathetic attempt to ground yourself.
"Be good for me, doll, ok?" Bucky groans against your ear. His body is right on top of yours, fully rocking you against the mattress with every deep and powerful thrust of his hips. "You need to take all of me"
You can feel him up into your chest, your pleasure materializing in the form of tears, coating your eyes for just a short second before running down your temples. 
"Buck-" you cry.
"I'm gonna fill you up, baby" he grunts, holding onto your shoulders as he shoves himself deeper. "Deep inside your belly, yeah? Gonna feel me for days"
And you're not that close yet, your brain isn't yet drowning in hormones, so you can think straight, you can form a decent answer - but you refuse to. You just squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth, sucking the pleasure his cock forced into your body. Every vein is palpable, your walls closing in around him as if his size isn't already a tad bit more than you'd normally find comfortable. But you love it, he's there, as close as he can get, consuming himself right there with you.
"Fuck-" Bucky grunts, his metal fingers wrapping around the roots of your hair. It's unwashed - a weeks worth of sweat embedded into its fibers but he doesn't care. He only sees you. "I missed you so fucking bad, doll-"
"I'm here, baby-" you coo, your words shaky and barely audible.
You don't know if he heard you, or if he even processed your sentence, he's too caught up.
"You're mine - you're here with me, only mine-" he adds, fervently sucking away at the skin of your neck. "My baby, my angel, mine-" he grunts, emphasising his last word with the help of a ravaging thrust that shakes you to your core.
You cry out, his name burning your throat as you feel him ripping your insides apart.
"Bucky- Buck- I-"
"So sweet-" he cuts you off, moving his head to the other side of your neck. "And only fucking mine. Say it-" he demands.
"I'm-" you gasp, "I'm yours, only yours"
"All mine"
You faintly nod along, vision blurry as you start to lose yourself.
"Say it!" Bucky adds.
"I'm all yours"
"Say it again"
"I'm... all- all yours, Bucky" you manage to mutter before a pleasure filled whine erupts from your throat. "I'm getting close… Bucky, I can't-"
"Easy now-" he moans, slowing down his pace. He comes face to face with you, his damp lips sloppily pressing against yours. He's still balls deep inside your cunt, making the gentle movement of his hips almost unbearable.
Eventually, he slowly tilts your head to the side, burying his face into your hair as he whispers against your ear, "I'm gonna pump you full, yeah? Gonna fill this sweet cunt with my cum, and you, like the good little slut you are, are not gonna let any of it go waste, right?"
"Gonna use that pretty cunt of yours to milk my cock dry, yeah?"
You whimper and nodd, frantically trying to get him to pick up his pace. But he isn't having it. When he finally pulls out at that agonisingly slow pace, he captures your lips into another kiss as he slams himself back in.
"Come on, Bucky, fill me up" you cried, involuntarily pulling breaking the kiss, "I wanna feel you inside me"
"Oh, you're gonna feel me inside you alright" he taunted, repeating his movements and pulling all the way out before forcing himself all the way back in. "A little bit of me inside you-" he growls and thrusts again, deeper and harder, "Growing inside you-"
"Holy- fuck!" you screamed, throwing your head back.
"Mine forever, doll-" Bucky grunts, both of you dangerously close the edge, "Yeah?"
"Mhm-" you hum, whiny and all teary eyed with your lips gathered between your teeth.
And then you're all but done - legs tightly wrapped around his middle - every muscle of your body clenching uncontrollably as a spiral of pleasure engulfs your body. And Bucky isn't far behind, your name being the only thing on his lips as he shoots his load deep inside your pussy - careless and irregular, a few last thrusts until he crashes down on top of you.
Although out of breath, as the last waves of your orgasm propagate along your body, you still cling to him. Bucky's face is hidden against your shoulder as he struggles to come down from his high, none of you willing to move even an inch.
"I'm never pulling out" he jokes, and it takes all the energy you have left inside your body to chuckle along.
"Wouldn't ask you to" you laugh, "But you're crushing me so-"
With a grunt, but still with impeccable ease, Bucky wraps his arms around your middle and spins the two of you around, until he's laying on his back with you against his chest. 
"There-" he shrugs placing a kiss on the top of your head, "Problem solved"
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