#i know i would've backed up my old saves but the question of where is a big one
vivanightcity · 22 days
decided im not updating the game. Honestly? I don't care about any of what it's offering enough to deal with the hassle.
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loguetowns · 1 year
sweet dreams
roronoa zoro x reader
kiss me through the phone
1.2k words
a/n: this was inspired by this haikyuu fanfic (pls read if ur a sakusa enjoyer, i promise you it's worth the read!!). anyways, i feel like zoro is always the one i write for as my first fic back from a hiatus hehe
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sleep usually comes to zoro quite easily, greeting him like an old friend. tonight, however, it evades him like he’s offended it. he’s restless, tossing and turning, back and forth, until he finally gives up.
he looks at the clock.
it’s been 2 minutes.
ugh, fuck it.
he sits at the edge of the bed, reaching for the snail sitting on his bedside table. the receiver rests between his ear and his shoulder as he dials, leg bouncing up and down as he waits for the voice he’s so desperate to hear.
your voice is a little fuzzy through the phone, and zoro presses the receiver even closer to his ear.
for a second, there's only silence and zoro frowns. nami did warn him that there was a storm hitting the island. it’s also really late.
maybe it wasn't such a good idea to call-
and then your laughter comes through, finding him like a ray of sun peeking through dark clouds.
“zoro, what even- i have so many questions!”
at the sound of your voice, he can feel a wave of comfort wash over him. he sinks into his bed and, instinctively, he smiles.
“oh yeah?”
“yeah!” you giggle. "where did you get a den den mushi? why are you calling? shouldn’t you be asleep?”
before he can answer, you gasp. “wait,” your voice drops to a whisper. “did you… did you steal a phone?”
you sound so horrified and zoro laughs — earnestly, truly, and oh-so easily. somehow, happiness is so effortless with you.
“zoro!” you chastise him, scandalized at his laughter. “tell me you didn’t!”
he nestles into his pillows. with you in his ear, it almost feels like you're right next to him.
“i'm a pirate, not a thief.” he huffs. “nami was hoarding a couple in her room and with a little - ahem - negotiating, she let me use one.”
“oh boy,” zoro can hear you shuffle in bed. “i hope you didn't trade the rest of your life savings just for a snail.”
“life savings? you mean the 10 berries i hold to my name?”
“uh, have you seen your bounty? you hold a lot more than 10 berries to your name.”
“you keeping tabs on me?“
"of course i am," you say it so matter-of-factly that zoro can't help but grin. he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror — god, he looks as lovesick as the stupid cook.
but he doesn't hate it.
“i know it's late but don't act like you weren't still up. i know you don't sleep.”
“maybe i can't sleep because i don't have my white noise machine here with me.”
he scoffs, “is that what i am to you? just white noise while i sleep?”
“please.” zoro smiles; he can practically hear you roll your eyes. “you're lucky you can't hear yourself snore. and you should consider it a compliment! it means it's useful to have you in bed.”
“just useful, huh? i feel like mind-blowing might be a better way to describe my performance in bed.”
you click your tongue and zoro laughs. it's truly amazing how you can still make him feel so weightless from across the seas.
“always so cocky,” you tsk. “is that a job requirement when you sign up to be a pirate or something?”
“if it was, chopper and usopp would've never made the cut.”
“don't pick on them!” zoro hears a soft thud! as you fall back against your pillows. “gosh, it feels like forever since i've seen them.”
“because it has been. they miss you."
after a beat, he adds, “i miss you.”
“i miss you too.”
for a moment, neither of you speak. all he hears is the patter of rain in the background and when he closes his eyes, he can imagine you cozy in bed with a window open. you always love the sound of rain at night.
“i'm excited to see you all tomorrow,” you say quietly.
“yeah, but me the most, right?”
“of course.”
he sighs, looking out the window at the night sky, moonlit and cloudless. he wishes that it was rain instead — because that would mean he’s not so far away.
“i wish i could see you right now.”
you laugh and zoro can picture the way your eyes crinkle when you do, “i think you can wait a few hours.”
“actually,” he says. “accounting for the storm, it'll take us another 16 hours. but who's counting?”
“definitely not you.”
“definitely not.”
“you're just always impatient.”
“patience is a virtue, you know.”
“i'm not virtuous.”
“no, you're ridiculous.” the affection in your voice makes zoro's heart ache. there’s more rustling, and he wishes for nothing more than to be under the covers with you.
tomorrow can’t come fast enough.
“go to sleep.” it's like you can read his mind. “i promise time will pass by a lot faster if you do.”
zoro stares at the moon, wondering if it knows that it'll never come close to outshining you.
“tell me a story first.”
“tell me a bedtime story.”
“now?” you sigh. “but it’s so late. my brain cells stop working after business hours.”
“yeah, but i’m a vip client.”
“sorry, we don't do after-hours services.”
“if you do, i promise to give you a present tomorrow.” he reaches over to grab the aforementioned gift from his bedside, as if you’d be able to see it through the phone.
“a present?” curiosity colours your pretty voice. “wait, it better not be something lame, like a... kiss or a hug.”
“i dare you to call my kisses lame to my face.”
“or what, big boy?” you tease.
“oh, you don’t wanna know,” he warns. “i am a pirate after all.”
“ooh, so scary. i better do what the scary pirate says.”
and with that, zoro smiles to himself. he opens your present, playing with the contents as he gets comfortable, eyes closing as he waits for you to start.
you're not even halfway through your story before his snores travel through the snail, and you shake your head with endearment. your heart longs for him the way his wants you. you were only half-joking earlier; it really is that much harder for you to sleep without him.
there is nothing more comforting than the sound of zoro’s gentle slumber, the feel of his breath against your skin as he snuggles close, chest against your back, an arm snaked around your waist.
a sigh echoes in your lonely room. you should really take your own advice; tomorrow will come faster if you sleep.
you choose not to hang up. instead, you place the receiver next to your pillow and you pull up the covers, ready to join zoro in dreamland.
“good night,” you whisper to the rain, the moon, and your lover.
“i can’t wait to be with you.”
and from across the ocean, zoro sleeps soundly with starlight illuminating his room, catching the edges of a ring falling out of his hand — one with glittering diamonds, that he's spent days picking out, that he'll offer on one knee as he confesses,
i can’t wait to be with you,
for the rest of our lives.
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baby-yongbok · 11 months
My Savior?
Yandere!Hyunjin x Sadodere!BangChan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, non idol
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Warnings: Yandere, Manipulation, Jealousy, swearing, Stalking, obsession, mentions of murder, physical abuse (towards reader), threats (towards reader), description of injuries, possessiveness, gaslighting. If any of these tags trigger you than PLEASE do not read or continue with caution! (Sorry if I missed any tags)
✨Masterlist ✨
Word Count: 1922
Note: Hyunjin and Third Person POV
Summary: You and Hyunjin go way back. You've know each other since your senior year of university and your friendship meant a lot to eachother, you just didn't know that it still meant a lot to Hyunjin. He values you as more than a friend and your boyfriend Chan is anything but happy about that. Chan plans to let you know just how unhappy he is with you trying to rekindle your friendship with Hyunjin but when things get heated a certain someone is there to 'save the day'.
Hyunjin's POV
There she goes again, switching those fucking hips so hard. She clearly likes the attention it brings her, the men around her breaking their necks to get a better look at her beautiful --
" Hyunjin?" Fuck, she saw me. I was going to try to surprise her.
"Y/n, hey." I've been practicing my surprised face for a moment like this one. It's pretty hard to be 'surprised' to see someone that you see everyday. "What are you doing out here? Don't you live across town?"
"You know I can't resist Ron's coffee, what about you? It's been forever since I've seen you, where have you been?" To answer your question, yes, I do know that you can't resist the coffee here. You've been coming to this cafe every Saturday and Wednesday after yoga class since our senior year of college. I'm honestly surprised that you stuck with Yoga for two whole years. You've always been bad at committing to things.
"Oh, you know, I've been around. Been doing a little bit of everything, a lot of freelancing."
"That sounds great, I know it can be a bit challenging for photographers to make a living out here but you're so talented I know that you'll find a permanent spot soon." She's smiling, so I can't help but to do the same. She's so cute and foolish. I'll never settle at one job, I need to be close to her. I made a promise never to be more than two miles from her at all times just in case--.
"Y/n." Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. No, no, no. Not him, what the fuck is he doing here.
"Chan, hey, I thought you'd never show up. This is Hyunjin, we went to Uni together. Hyunjin, this is my boyfriend Chan." Oh, I know who he is, Bang Christopher Chan, twenty-five years old, born October third which makes him a libra. I could go on and on about your cute little scumbag here.
"Nice to meet you." I offer my hand to him and his icy stare meets my burning one. He doesn't budge, you can barely tell that he's breathing. You wanna be a tough guy? Two can play that game.
"Chan" Y/n nudges him in his side and he serves her a disapproving glare. Running my hand through my hair I smile over at y/n.
"It's fine, some people have a hard time containing their jealousy when they're around me."
"Come on, y/n, we'll be late." Late? You don't have anywhere to be. She would've put it in her Google Calendar.
"Uh, right. Well um, Hyunjin it was awesome seeing you. Text me sometime." He grips the back of her neck and guides her past me just as she went in for a hug. I'd be lying if I said it didn't take everything in me not to snatch her from him. She doesn't need someone like him, always so cold towards her. Does he even have a heart? How could you not smile at the sight of her short curly hair, her bright eyes and crooked smile. How could you resist such a ravishing woman? It takes everything in me not to step out of her closet in the mornings and fuck her right over her desk.
Before I could say my goodbye the cafe door closed behind them and Chan looked back at me with a smirk. My jaw clenched at the sight, he thinks he's got her. He thinks he can take her from me, he thinks this is goodbye. It is far from goodbye, it's see you later. Maybe, tonight.
Third person POV
"Why would you tell him to text you later?" The echo of Chan slamming his car keys down on the table in the main hallway echoed through the quiet apartment. Y/n trailed in behind him, annoyance evident in her eyes and tone.
"I told you a thousand times, I was being kind. Hyunjin and I haven't seen each other in a year and a half. We were best friends and I've missed him." That's all she had to say to trigger him, he turned swiftly, caging her body against the hallway wall with his arms on either side of her body. He leaned down to her, inches away from her face and snarled.
"You what?"
"I- I said that.. I missed.. him." A smirk plays upon Chan's lips, it deepens into a smile as he processes what she just had the nerve to tell him.
"You shouldn't say things that you don't mean, Y/n. That makes you a liar and no love of mine is going to be a liar. You do not miss him." A stiff laugh spills from Chan's lips causing y/n to shiver and squeeze her eyes shut. She knew that Chan could get jealous to say the least but he's never come off this… Intense. "Listen, baby, I don't want you talking to him okay? I think that's a simple request and I expect you to follow it. Am I clear?"
The silence that followed Chan's question seemed to worsen the situation almost instantly, slamming his hands against the wall he inches closer to her until they are practically sharing the same breath. "Am I fucking clear, y/n?"
"Yes." Her answer is firm and rushed, it's also a lie. She knew that if Hyunjin were to message her, she'd answer. How could she not? Their friendship goes so far back it would just be rude to ignore him.
"Good, pet." Backing away from her Chan turns his attention towards the living room. "I'm Ordering thai, I'll get your usual "
Y/n stood there, shaken and silent as she watched Chan walk away. Little did she know that Hyunjin had seen the whole thing, it was moments like these that he was thankful for installing those nano-cameras a year ago. It was times like these that Hyunjin was tempted to burst through the front door and save her from him, but he knew he had to wait just a little longer.
"Who's that?" Y/n's phone chime triggered Chan to speak for the first time in almost two hours. The two had been sitting in the living room in silence flipping through channels until they came across a Criminal Minds marathon. Pressing her home button, y/n checks her phone then shrugs her shoulders seconds after.
"Just an Instagram notification. " Her gaze settles back onto the TV screen but Chan's is fixed on her.
"Are you sure about that?" Y/n's eyes quickly meet Chan's before she averts her gaze to his chest.
"Yes, Chris, I am sure." Her tone, that's what did it. That's what got him started, what caused the corners of his lips to curve into a cynical smile. The violent exhale that followed caused y/n to squirm in her seat a bit, fear bubbling in her stomach.
"I thought I just told you..." Lifting himself and swiftly leaning over y/n like a shadow, Chan grasps the front of her neck and pushes her head back slightly cutting off her air supply. "I don't fucking like liars, and yet, here we are.
The small gasps that y/n managed to let out filled the room along with the noise of a car commercial on the TV. Chan's eyes bore into hers like he was searching for something he hasn't been able to find for years. Like he was waiting for her to look the least bit sorry. Releasing his grip on her neck he swings his arm and the back of his hand sweeps across her cheek harshly causing y/n to shift in her seat. Grabbing a handful of hair he pulls her head back to look him in the eyes and his disturbing yet amused face has shifted to an icy stare.
"How many times am I going to have to telling you the same fucking thing?" His voice was calm yet bitter. "Do I have to beat it into you? Maybe fuck you into submission? Solitary confinement, maybe."
Y/n's heart was beating at nearly a million beats per second but that was nothing compared to Hyunjin's. The sound of Chan's words rang through his head like a church bell. Today was the day that he had to go and save her. Before he knew it he was out of his car and across the street. The sound of y/n whimpering spilled from the cracked window and he used that as his green light. It was almost like he could hear her calling his name in each cry.
Using his copy of the key that he made, Hyunjin busted into the apartment closing the door behind him and rushing to the living to find a half dressed y/n with red marks in a uniform pattern down her back. Her tear littered face turned to look up at him and he felt his heart flutter and sink all at once.
"What the fuck are --" before Chan could finish his sentence Hyunjin had charged at him. Hands balled into fists and ready to fire. Pinning Chan to the ground, Hyunjin had the upper hand for a while. Landing punches in places that were sure to bruise later and remind Chan of this day, this moment.
"What the…" Y/n's voice trailed off into a whisper of silence as she crawled away from the altercation scrambling to her feet. She watched, confused and in pain from the punishment that Chan administered seconds ago.
Chan managed to push Hyunjin off of him and land a strong punch to his nose. The two scrambled to stand and stood across from each other, smirking.
"How fucking dare you touch her like that." All Chan did was chuckle darkly and shake his head slightly.
"I was wondering what it would take for you to come out of hiding." Hyunjin's eyes widened, he knew?
"Now what? Gonna save the day? Take her from me and run away to the land of butterflies and rainbows? " Chan glares at Hyunjin with a cocky grin as he wipes the blood from his nose.
"You don't deserve her, it's me that she needs. I'd never harm her, that's all you seem to know how to fucking do." Chan claps sarcastically causing Hyunjin to snarl aggressively.
"How sweet, but you're missing one key piece…" taking a step closer to Hyunjin, Chan sticks his hands in his pockets. "I'm not letting her go. She's mine, she belongs to me. I won her before you did and I don't plan on letting her go anytime--"
"I'll take her from you, I know her better. I can love her better than you ever imagined you could. " Turning around to face a frightened y/n, Hyunjin smiles. "Baby, let me finally take care of you… I've been here everyday since senior year waiting for you."
"W- what do you mean everyday? You've been.. in my house?" Y/n's visible trembling breaks Hyunjin's heart but he's too far past his capacity of emotional vulnerability to aid her at the moment.
"Of course, Darling, I've been here all along. Watching you sleep, eat, and get hurt by this monster. Now is finally my chance to protect you from him. I'll do whatever I have to do to get you away from him."
"Kill me, that's what you'd have to do. And even then I'd find a way." Hyunjin and Chan stare at each other almost as if it's a game and y/n is the prize.
"Murder, eh? I can do that."
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kiiboslostahoge · 2 months
A Tech-Demon's Weakness
Summary: Vox is much more angry than usual now that Alastor's back, and it's causing issues with the WiFi. Velvette makes Valentino calm him down, and the man decides to have some fun in the process.
Notes: These guys are supposed to be the most evil mfs even compared to the other overlords, why tf was their scene in the finale so cuteee agghh,😭😭😭, approx 1.5k words
Valentino had a problem. A large problem, in fact. One that he never usually had.
Vox. Vox was too angry to do his fucking job. It made no sense - Vox was supposed to help calm him down, not the other way around!
"That bitch keeps ruining my connection, Val! Some employee lost a day's worth of editing because it couldn't save!" Velvette had said before shooing him off. "Go calm him down so he stops making everything buffer! At this rate, we'll have another blackout."
Couldn't she do that herself? Valentino wasn't meant for these sorts of affairs! If only Vox was here to calm him down - he always did such a good job with that.
Wait. Vox couldn't calm him down, Vox was the one who needed calming! God, why was Vox so angry? The Alastor thing was cute to watch, but not when it ruined their Internet speed.
"Ugh, but I wanted to-"
"Shoo," Velvette said. "Do your job."
Velvette wasn't sympathizing at all, not like Vox did! Valentino was going to get back at that flat-faced man for causing him such a headache.
From Vox's lair, he could faintly hear swear-filled shrieks.
God, this was going to be such a pain. Valentino almost wanted to make Velvette do it but instead, but she'd just yell at him to calm down, and knowing how blindly rageful Vox was right now - that statement would only make him more angry, and the WiFi would only get even worse. Valentino didn't think he could handle the WiFi getting worse than it already was.
No. Calming Vox down would be easy, he knew it. He'd just need to resort to- Unconventional means.
What were the means in question? Valentino would decide that when he got there. He had a small mental list, though.
He sauntered downstairs, where Vox was hissing, furiously eyeing the screen, tracking Alastor like a cat would a laser pointer.
"That old-timey fucker doesn't know shit about this fucking-"
At some point, it had begun to seem like Vox was swearing for the sake of it. The action made sense, though. He had quite some anger to get out, and swear words were an excellent method of expelling anger.
"Vox," he crooned, because he was going to have fun with this. Unlike some demons who happened to have a flat face, a hatred for radio, and hypnosis powers, he wasn't an uptight little bitch.
"What is it?" The reply came instantly. "I'm busy."
And though that was ordinarily true, right now, Vox seemed like a typical chronically-online easily-trolled loser rather than the CEO who had almost all of the Prie Ring under his thumb.
"Relax a little, would you?" Valentino said, pinching at where Vox's cheek would've been were he not a TV screen and earning himself a slap of the wrist. "I hear you're getting a bit worked up over the radio demon."
"Of course I am! He's a-"
Before Vox could introduce anymore colorful swears that even he'd likely never head of, Valentino poked him in the stomach pointedly.
"Ah-ah," he said, unable to be anything other than endlessly amused by this. "You have to calm down, Vox! Can't you see you're acting irrational right now? Why, Alastor could never-"
He was cut off by Vox's static-filled rage.
"Oh, don't even start!" Vox said, but before he could continue his rant, as Valentino's hand accidentally grazed the back of his screen, he let out a static-filled yelp.
Valentino couldn't help but grin. Right. That was one of the best ways to force Vox to calm down.
The thing about the tech demon was that he was ridiculously, mortifyingly ticklish. And with that ticklishness came mortification. Emotional and physical sensitivity? There was nothing more exploitable than that.
"I almost forgot, darling! How could you possibly have let that happen?" He said, and though his statement had little elaboration, Vox knew what he meant.
A gulp was heard.
"V-Val, don't you fucking dare."
Really, though, how could Valentino possibly have forgotten about this? Vox's reactions were much too amusing, and Valentino hadn't even touched him yet! He'd have to do this more often.
"What should I refrain from doing?" He asked, savoring moment of this. A poke to Vox's side, followed by a velp. "This?"
"Prick," Vox said, looking away.
There was really no point to being insulting, was there, now? But this was an opportunity for Valentino.
"I'm hurt!" He said, feigning a pout. "You're so mean to me."
Vox grit his teeth at that, but before he could retort with whatever string of insults he had in mind, Valentino took the chance to dig his fingers into Vox's neck.
Already, Vox was struggling to hold in his laughter."
"I- haah- f-fucking-"
And then, Valentino reached his antenna.
"H-Hahahate you! Gah, fuhuck!" Vox squirmed futilely, namely, it was futile he wasn't actually moving away. Valentino hadn't bothered to hold him down, because for some reason, Vox never did manage to actually pull himself together and actively attempt to leave.
"Aww," he crooned, not bothering to give Vox a break. "Is big bad Vox so ticklish he can't help but lose his mind at the slightest touch? You know, I wonder what Alastor would think if he saw you now!"
Any hope of Alastor taking him remotely seriously would be crushed at that moment. Vox pouted, and at that moment, Valentino couldn't help but wonder.why he found a literal Flat screen television's pouting so adorable.
"Shuhut u-up!" He laughed, more giggled like a child, and it was, in all frankness, quite difficult to take him seriously. "L-Lehet me go, or I swear, I'll-"
Valentino prodded at a small wire end sticking out, and Vox's laughter devolved into pure static.
"There we go," he said.
After a while, Valentino finally had his fill, letting Vox go. Now, it was time to get his work out of the way and-
Wait, what was he here to do again? He'd forgotten.
Nevertheless, he was faced with a huffy, pouty Vox. What could be better?
"Come on, darling!" He said, placing a condescending hand on Vox's back, patting him as if he were a child. Because really, that was exactly what Vox was acting like right now. "Did you really loathe it that much? It isn't my fault, you know how I am. I just had to exploit your complete and utter inability to move away properly."
"Don't bring that up again," Vox said, voice low, almost a growl.
Valentino just tilted his head in amusement.
"What? Your utter inability to escape my clutches? I couldn't possibly do that!" He said. "It was much too amusing. You, completely able to leave at any moment, and yet you couldn't even muster up the brainpower to recognize your obvious escape! Honestly, if I didn't know much better, I'd even believe you were enjoying it!"
Vox slammed a fist on the table, eyes wide with embarrassment.
"S-Stop talking, prick!" He said, and the dots quickly connected in Valentino's head.
Oh. That was what was going on.
"You liked it, then?" He asked, though he already knew the answer. It was just funny watching Vox squirm.
"No I don't," Vox said, attempting to regain his typical demeanor - and succeeding, though Valentino knew him too well not to notice the shakiness of his voice. "I'm not even ticklish. Really-"
His right eye spiraled, and for a second, Valentino felt his thoughts cloud.
"Don't you trust me on that, Val?"
Vox's hypnosis wouldn't work that easily. Valentino quickly put an end to that by reaching for the loose wire, completely breaking Vox's concentration.
"G-Gah! You-"
"I should tell Velvette," Valentino said with a chuckle, because he knew how fearsome the thought of anyone knowing Vox's newfound secret would be, especially someone with as much of a penchant for blackmail as Velvette.
"D-Don't," Vox said. "Please."
Vox used the word 'please'? Miracles, it seemed, were not to miraculous after all.
Nevertheless, the mention of Velvette reminded Valentino that he, sadly, had things to do other than mess with Vox. Like get his WiFi back up to task.
"I won't," Valentino said. "If you stop watching the princess's hotel all the time."
Vox's eyes widened.
"And stop watching for that fucking Radio Demon? I don't really know why you think I'd ever do that."
"Then I suppose I'll just tell Velvette-"
"No, wait! Deal," Vox said, eyes filled with panic. Valentino smirked, drawing up the contract.
"Sign here, darling!" He said, and Vox hastily scrawled his signature onto the contract. Those things were good for more than getting souls.
"Fuck you," Vox said. Feisty once again, it seemed. Though he'd likely calm down shortly after. Hopefully with that, swear words would regain meaning to Valentino. It didn't feel ad gratifying to use them anymore - Vox had been using them so often they'd begin to feel like ordinary words.
Valentino just stayed silent, feeling his face stretch into a grin. He could vaguely make out Vox shooting him a concerned look.
Whatever. He'd discovered a new weakness of his dearest Vox's. And oh God, he was going to have so much fun with it.
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privwrites · 6 months
Geto's Golden Girl
Suguru Geto x female Reader x Gojo being Gojo
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summary: You're Suguru Getos best and favourite student. He sends you on a new mission, and technically there's nothing that could go wrong. That is until you meet a former friend of your Sensei, who is all to eagier to get to know everything about you and your connection to Geto...
wordcount: around 4300
authors notes:
• not many spoilers really, but you should know what happens to Geto at the end of the jjk movie
• fanfiction takes place in an AU in which Geto will NEVER die (I'm still traumatised). Let's just say Gojo didn't have the heart to actually kill Geto at the end of jjk 0. Instead he left him severely wounded and walked away. That was your chance to save Geto and bring him home.
• English isn't my first language, so I might mix up some JJK terms.
tw: age gap (it's not a fanfic of mine if it doesn't have an age gap haha sorry), student x sensei/mentor/kinda father figure dynamic, violence, fight scenes, emotional rollercoaster, mentions of death, mentions of manipulation and kidnapping, humour, angst, fluff
Beta read by no one, I need female anime friends <3
backstory: You're one of Geto Sugurus scholars. Years ago he had rescued you from the humans of your village. You were able to see things they didn't, so they tried to exorcise you. You would've been dead if it hadn't been for Geto. Back then you were eight years old. Ever since then you lived with the sorcerer. He became your personal mentor, since he saw great potential in you and your cursed energy. The other two girls he rescued, Mimiko and Nanako Hasaba, were a few years younger than you. You viewed them as your sisters, but they never got as much attention and training from Geto like you did.
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You were on your way home when you felt the first raindrop on your cheek. Looking up, the sky was gray, framed by orange-brown leaves on the trees lining the pavement. Autumn had finally arrived in Japan, and you felt relieved to bid farewell to this summer's heatwave. More raindrops fell, splashing on your dark blue jacket. Sighing, you opened your umbrella—this morning, the sky had been sunny and blue. Luckily, you always came prepared. The first humans hastened towards the stores, seeking shelter from the rain, hands raised over their heads. The sound of rain grew louder, amplified by the cars navigating the wet streets. You never particularly hated humans, but you didn't find them very interesting either. They simply coexisted with your world of Jujutsus and cursed energy. You didn't even resent the people in the village where you grew up. Hatred was a weighty emotion, and you enjoyed living an anger-free life. Eventually, your mentor Geto had accepted your relaxed attitude towards humans. Although you were probably the only one in his community that he allowed to have such a different opinion compared to his. You had always liked to talk back and had Geto questioning his will to actually teach and raise you a million times. But your were the strongest sorcerer your age, which was a big bonus point for you.
It was still raining when you reached home. The huge traditionally japanese mansion had space for your bedroom, Mimiko and Nanakos room and Geto's private chambers. Besides that there were many taijutsu practice rooms and guest rooms. Walking through the inner courtyard connecting various rooms via a small garden, the clacking sound of the Shishi Odoshi echoed across the space. Placing your umbrella on the wooden engawa, you removed your shoes and slid open the door to your room. Inside it was warm and cozy. The sound of the rain became quieter. You changed from your outdoor attire into comfortable indoor clothes and settled onto your futon. it didn't ake you long to feel tired. Sleep always came easily to you; you had a substantial need for it. The relaxing pitter-patter of the rain accompanied you into your dreams.
It didn't take Suguru Geto long to notice your return home. There was nothing in his house that the great sorcerer didn't know about, and the sight of the dark blue umbrella on your engawa was all too familiar. "Always prepared," he thought to himself. Geto was aware that you were likely asleep, as it was often the case on your days off. Despite it being only afternoon, your cursed technique of controlling all four elements of nature could be draining, requiring ample rest. Today it seemed like you just did a simple stroll through town, but even then, your cursed energy was always present. So the sorcerer waited another two hours before he sent Mimiko to wake you.
He had plans for you. He always had.
Geto could hear your footsteps long before you entered what could be described as his living room. You closed the sliding door behind you. Outside, it was still raining. Geto's gaze fixated on you instantly. The light blue Japanese kimono wrapped your figure elegantly, and your shiny hair framed your delicate face. "You called for me, Sensei?" you asked in your typically soft voice. "Yes, my dear. Sit down, please." You settled onto the tatami mat, your movements fluent and elegant. "So much like me," he thought, observing you. "I have a mission for you, y/n. There's an abandoned mall outside of Tokyo. From what my informant said, there's a cursed spirit that is powerful enough to be of great value for us." As he spoke, he turned on the andon lamp on the flat table between you two. It was already getting dark outside. You rolled your eyes. "Let me guess – you want me to bring it to you?" The sorcerer in front of you had an amused smile on his lips, his dark eyes holding a certain allure. You were different from the rest of his followers - while they would agree unquestioningly, you always dared to contradict or doubt him. And Geto allowed it- every time. "Precisely," he continued. "I can't get it myself; I'll be occupied. And I only trust you to get this done. I know you won't disappoint me." He was right. You wouldn't. If you followed his orders, you did it to his satisfaction - every time.
"I need more details, Sensei. When should I go? Where exactly is it? Should I bring Mimiko and Nanako? They could use another training session." Geto grinned at your numerous questions. You had a love for details and disliked not knowing everything about a mission. Geto ran his large hand through his raven-dark hair, a few strands falling onto his forehead. "You will go alone. Tomorrow afternoon. One of my drivers will bring you there. Capture it in the evening and come back during the night. We can't risk being seen." The golden light of the lantern flickered in your eyes. "We?" you mocked, "You won't even be there!" Geto sighed. "You couldn't let that slide, could you, y/n?" - "No chance," you answered, now grinning too. "Alright, I will take care of your cursed spirit for you. May it help you with whatever devilish plan you're coming up with next," you said, rising to leave.  Geto observed you in silence until you were almost out the door. "When did I tell you that you are dismissed already, y/n?" he asked sharply. "Oh," you retorted, wearing a hypocritically thoughtful expression, "never." You grinned and left, leaving behind your sweet scent that lingered in the air—Geto took a deep breath. Blackcurrant lychee, the same perfume he had bought you years ago.
The mall to which Geto had sent you had been abandoned for quite a while. As you approached it, the deserted structure loomed ominously in the night, its once vibrant exterior now a faded, dreary facade against the relentless rain. The stench of dampness lingered in the air, mixing with the earthy scent of decay. The stars and the moon were shrouded in clouds, and it was raining again. Closed to the public, the mall occasionally attracted adventurous teenagers, some of whom mysteriously vanished. "Stupid mission", you grumbled to yourself, yearning for the comfort of your bed and a good book.  You swore to yourself to complain to Geto once you were back. Fucking idiot for not getting his cursed spirits by himself. But since you had decided to stay out of his other mad plans as much as possible, tasks like this one were becoming more regular for you. Finding the entrance, cordoned off with barrier tape, didn't take long. Stepping inside, a familiar tingle coursed through your stomach— the cursed spirit wasn't far. All you had to do was to follow your gut feeling. Meanwhile, you carefully looked around the mall. Smaller raindrops were dripping into bigger puddles on the ground, and many store entrances were barricaded. The eeriest thing was the flickering of some of the store neon lights. Why did they still have power? Your steps echoed on the wet floor. Maybe it was the cursed energy in the mall that made some of the lights flicker. Sneaking your way into the building, you could feel the energy of the curse grew stronger. Carefully you took out your sealing box. Capturing a curse with it was pretty easy for you. Also because Geto made your practice it a million times when you were younger. He used to have this annoying little spirit that always jumped around laughing and was incredibly hard to catch. Thinking about it made you grin-but this was neither the right place nor the right time for that. Besides, you were still a little annoyed with Geto for sending you here.
Suddenly, a strange, eerie mumbling echoed through the mall. That had to be the cursed spirit! "Of cou-course I can check the ware-warehouse for the item, which is obviously already sold out." You chuckled. Sometimes, the spirits last words were quite comical. Following the echoing sounds, you traced the spirit to a secluded corner of the mall. It was a grotesque manifestation, its malformed figure adorned with bones protruding from its mouth. Its skin bore a sickly hue of purple-turquoise, marred by blisters. Despite its repulsive appearance, you sensed its huge strength, yet nothing beyond your capabilities. The cursed spirit let out a squeak upon sighting you. "Better get this done quickly", you thought to yourself. Your power of controling the elements (fire, water, earth, air) made it easy for you to capture the curse inside the sealingbox after a short fight. Once the curse was sealed, you left the corner of the mall as quickly as possible, mainly to escape the stench of the curse still lingering in the air.
You got back to the main hall and were about to take out your cell phone to text Geto's driver-when something suddenly made you pause. The main hall of the shopping mall stretched around the corner about 30 meters in front of you. You hadn't been in this area before. And suddenly you could feel something - cursed energy? But the curse was sealed in the box in your hand, wasn't it!? The energy grew stronger. Very strong. You immediately got into a fighting stance. Whatever was so strong wouldn't let you escape anyways. Footsteps—long, deliberate—echoed in the flickering neon-lit corridor. Your heart raced with apprehension. What the hell was going on!? A figure emerged from around the corner, and you froze. A man, tall and adorned in dark, sophisticated attire, stood a few meters in front of you. He was wearing simple sunglasses, but despite that, you could see how handsome he was. His blue eyes seemed to shine through his sunglasses, and white hair framed his face. Recognition dawned on you. You had heard much about him but never encountered him in person. "Fuck," you muttered, stepping back a few paces in defense. What was HE doing here!?
"'Fuck?' the man asked, scratching the back of his head thoughtfully as if contemplating what you just said. You observed him anxiously. Suddenly, his expression brightened. "Fuck? Yeah, that probably is what most women first think when they look at me!" You opened your mouth and closed it again, unable to bring out any answer. Geto had told you alot about his old friend, including that he was quite full of himself, but it seemed that you only just now understood what he really meant. It took you a few moments to compose yourself. "That's not—what I meant!", you finally defended yourself, holding the sealing box behind you defensively, anticipating any attacks from him. "Meant what? Fuck? I'm sorry love, but that's not why I'm here." He casually slipped his hands into his pockets, grinning carefreely. And you? You couldn't believe it. You had never encountered a more unserious man, that was certain! And he was Geto's best friend? The contrast couldn't be more stark between the two. "You know, I'm actually here to get to know someone. I'm looking for a girl, around (your/age) years old, (your/haircolor) hair, and with a quite good curse technique", he explained. It was obvious that he was searching for you for some reason. However, the sorcerer seemed to enjoy to tease you. But you weren't having it. "Seems like you found her then", you answered grim. "Excelent! You know, I do really hate searching!" He looked genuinely happy about it, "I heard a lot about you, my dear." You swallowed. You couldn't trust him at all. Of course he was stronger than you and whatever reason brought him here, couldn't mean anything good for you.
"What would Satoru Gojo want from me?", you asked sharply, watching his every move. "Oh, you know my name already, perfect!" The urge to wipe that stupid smile off his face grew stronger inside you. "Anyways, Miss (your/lastname), here's my brilliant plan: you're gonna give me the cursed-spirit that you captured so well. And then I will kidnap you too. Agree?" He made his plan sound like it was the best thing in the world. "What- no!", you spat out, "why would I do that?!" Gojo Satoru scratched his neck again. "Because the other option would be for you to fight me. In that case, you would obviously loose. And I personally just hate fighting a pretty woman!" His dumb comments started to trigger you, prompting you to shoot a small fire ball into his direction. You'd never surrender without a fight! "Oops!", Gojo squeaked in surprise, taking a step aside. The fireball left a hole in the old storefront of a former restaurant behind him, igniting it. He watched it burn and sighed. 'That store used to have really good Kikufuku, you know?" - „I do not care!", you shouted. Gojo was incredibly irritating. „Well", he continued, „I should've known Getos golden girl won't submit to me that easily." You raised an eyebrow. "Geto's golden girl?" - "Exactly", he said, "you are his best and favourite student after all, right? That's why I'm here, y/n." You wanted to say something sassy back, but you couldn't even deny the 'best and favourite' part. Instead a new fireball started to form in your hand. You shot it towards him- faster this time, but the tall man easily dodged it. It seemed as though Gojo was enjoying your attacks.
If only you would have enough time to flee with the captured spirit! Instead Gojo continued his unbothered talking. "You were also the one to save Geto after I defeated him, right? He must mean quite alot to you. And honestly- I can't even blame you! He is incredibly smart and hot!" - "I don't need your opinion!", you shouted, sending a wave of air in his direction. Any other opponent would have been smashed against the wall, but not Gojo. He stumbled back a few steps. "Wow! You really are talented! I understand what Geto sees in you! I'm glad he didn't lose his taste after all!" - "That's none of your business either!" Did this guy ever shut up!? "Actually, it is. Geto is my best friend as much as he is my enemy. And therefore his plans concern me. And so do his students that he manipulated into staying with him." A contemptuous sound escaped you. "I enjoy my life and freedom with Geto, and so do the others!" Gojo nodded. „I knew you'd say that. In that case, show me what you got, dear! For you, I'll take off my sunglasses. Strong fighters deserve to face me without them." He put his glasses away and his blue eyes seemed to stare into your soul. There was no escaping him. You couldn't defeat him. But you never surrendered either. And strangely enough, something within you sparked a sudden surge of fighting spirit. This was your mission for Geto! You always promised and delivered for your sensei, and you wouldn't stop just because blue-eyes decided to show up! „Fine, I'd rather die than hand over the curse or even myself!" You utilized your power over air to elevate yourself off the ground, hovering a few meters above it. In your hand, a flame grew, intensifying with each passing second. Fire was your strongest skill—essential for this battle. "This could've been much easier", Gojo sighed. Before you could answer, you were struck by a punch, hurling you through the air. How was he so fast? Luckily, your air-skills saved you. You threw the fireball back, and within seconds you and Gojo were engrossed in a fight. In the meantime, he kept shouting comments at you about your cursed techniques. "Aim a little further to the right!", "Yeah, you got me there!" , That was better!" - You couldn't answer his comments.  He grew stronger with each passing moment, and soon, you found yourself crashing into walls and barraged with waves of cursed energy. You stood no chance.
So, you did the last thing you could do: you secretly did a special cursed technique, anchoring the sealing box itself firmly into the ground. Geto had taught you this particular technique. It was designed in a way that only a person of your choosing could effortlessly retrieve the box from the ground- Geto in your case. It was an impossibility for anyone else since the technique was intrinsically linked to the Sorcerer's life—yours. Then all your strength left you in exhaustion. Gojo immediately pulled you toward him, your back pressed against his, his arm against your throat. "I haven't encountered such an intriguing opponent in a while", his breath brushed against your neck, "Unfortunately, you don't stand a chance against me. I will now take you and the imprisoned curse with me. But mark my words—you will grow incredibly strong one day." - "You're... not... my sensei!' you managed to utter, straining to speak with whatever breath remained in your lungs.
"That's right, but I am!" an all too familiar soft but serious voice interjected, "and now, Gojo, my old friend, could you please release my y/n? She hates being restrained like that." - „Geto!", you shouted. In the neon light, a few meters in front of you, stood your sensei. He was clad in a dark kimono, his eyes glaring sharply at Gojo behind you. The light reflected his beautiful face. „Geto, finally! It's delighting to see you!", Gojo exclaimed enthusiastically, "I knew you'd show up eventually. You can't leave your dear y/n alone after your sources have told you that I'm here too, I understand that!" - "Release her, Gojo, now!" Your sensei's expression was more determined than ever. An intense tension crackled between the two powerful men, their presence adding to the charged atmosphere. "Gladly, Geto," Gojo replied, "but I just realized you'll have to release the cursed anchor of the sealing box in the ground. Apart from y/n, only you can open it. Nice technique you taught her, by the way." For a plit second, Geto glanced at you with pride. The anchor technique was incredibly challenging to master. "The alternative is for me to kill your student, Geto," Gojo's voice turned dangerously serious. "Geto, you need that curse! Take it and leave!" you shouted. Getos gaze met yours, and his facial expression softened immediately. "Leave you?" he asked, then turned to Gojo, "I'd sooner give up everything I've achieved in my life than to leave y/n. If you want the curse that badly, Gojo, I'll hand it over!" You stared at Geto in disbelief. You knew how much your sensei had sacrificed to reach his current position—it meant everything to him! "Geto—" you managed to say, "no...!" He looked at you, a faint smile on his lips. "It's alright, y/n. I've made my decision."
Suddenly, Gojo's grip around your neck eased, and you broke free, almost tumbling to the ground before Geto swiftly caught and supported you. Clinging to the fabric of his soft kimono, you caught the familiar scent of cedarwood. "Shh, it's alright", Geto reassured, his hand gently stroking your hair. A chuckle from Gojo drew your gaze upward. "So, there's still good in you, old friend", Gojo spoke surprsingly soft. "I'm sorry I had to put you both in this situation, but I needed to make sure Geto hadn't lost his old self. I needed to know if he still cared for those around him." Your eyes widened in realization. What the hell? „You didn't come here of your own accord, isn't that right, Gojo?", Geto asked him, "the council of Jujutsu sorcerers sent you."  You looked questioningly at Geto, whose gaze was fixed on Gojo. Geto continued: "Someone told the council that I would look for the curse in the old mall. So they sent you to defeat me for good." Gojo nodded. „You have a sharp mind as always, Geto. I was instructed to end your life here, in this very mall." Realization struck you: "So the council thought Geto would show up, and instead you met me! But how did you know about me anyways? You couldn't know Geto wasn't here!", you exclaimed. "You're not entirely wrong, y/n," Gojo replied. "The council had no clue that Geto sent you. But given that Geto is my best friend, I'm usually well-informed about his actions. Thus, I assumed that for a mission like this, his top student—namely you—would likely handle it. Even though Geto couldn't have known I was waiting here for you instead."
You nodded in understanding, but suddenly, Geto's hold around you tightened. "Does the council of Jujucists know that y/n is here too, Gojo?" he asked tensely, surprising you. Geto appeared nervous. "No, they're unaware," Gojo replied. "I didn't inform the council of my suspicion of meeting y/n here instead of you. That way, I could test you, Geto, by forcing you to choose between your goals and your heart", and looking at you he said: "I would've never killed you, y/n. Because that would have meant I'd have had to fight an incredibly enraged Geto - and then I might have ended up losing after all." You shook your head. "You're completely insane, Gojo Satoru." Gojo winked at you. "Well I care about my best friend's loved ones." You rose to your feet slowly, and Geto was there, lending his support as you straightened up. You brushed the dust from the earlier fight off your clothes, then looked at two special grade jujutsu sorcerers. "And what happens next? What will you tell the council, Gojo?" - "That's a smart question, y/n. And our next problem. I could never kill Geto, but even if I didn't, the council would, if I captured him instead of killing him. You grabbed Getos arm immediately. "That's not an option!", you stated. "I know, dear. But the councils has spies anywhere, so they definitely know that I've met Geto here in the mall. And by now, they probably know about you y/n too. The only solution is for you two to leave this place immediately. Hide from the council until they  give up searching for you", Gojo said, seemingly unhappy with the situation.
Geto took a step infront of you. "I won't drag y/n into fleeing and hiding from the council with me! It's dangerous and only I am responsible for my current situation!" His voices conveyed a deep seriousness. Gojo nodded understandably. "Then I'll take y/n with me, back to Tokyo Jujutsu High School. I'll tell the council that you manipulated y/n and that she's entirely innocent. And that I didn't have the physical strength to defeat you, but instead freeded y/n. This way, she can stay safe until the council stops their hunt for you." Geto nodded immediately in agreement, whilst your eyes widenend. "No!", you shouted, "I'll stay with Geto! I don't care if they chase us!" Gojo looked at you with pity. Suddenly you all heard a noise from the other side of the mall. "Geto, you need to leave! Someone's coming!", Gojo spoke hurriedly. "No, Geto no!", you pleaded, "no sensei abandons their student!" Geto leaned down to you, his expression a blend of sorrow and determination. "Listen, y/n," he spoke softly, "you're no longer just my student. I'm not your sensei anymore. You've surpassed me in wisdom and kindness. You're more than my equal now." He delicately brushed a strand of hair from your face, his gorgeously dark gaze meeting your watery eyes. "What I mean, y/n, is that you deserve a life free from the dangers I've attracted. As I'll be hunted, I want you to be safe. I trust Gojo to protect you until I return." Tears streamed down your face, making you speechless. Another sound echoed from the mall, but Geto remained composed as he continued: "You'll go with Gojo. Train at Jujutsu High School. Grow stronger, and we'll meet again. I'm certain." His words were clear, leaving no room for an argument. You nodded, sniffling, "I'll miss you terribly. Please take care." Geto nodded back, a soft smile gracing his lips. Gently tucking your hair behind your ear, he placed a tender kiss on your forehead before nudging you toward Gojo, who put an arm around you immediately.
As Geto stood up, he glanced at Gojo, "Take care of y/n. Without her, I'd be devoid of my humanity." - "I promise," Gojo affirmed. You brushed away your tears, whispering, "I'll make you proud, Geto." He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You've surpassed that already, my love," he smiled warmly. Suddenly, the screech of an eagle pierced through the broken ceiling of the mall. In the next moment, it lifted Geto off the ground, perching him on its back. "Goodbye, y/n", Geto spoke softly. The eagle let out another cry and soared into the sky. The silhouette of Geto atop the eagle diminished until it vanished into the night. You gripped Gojo's hand, tears still cascading down your cheeks. "It's okay," Gojo murmured, "I'll stay by your side until better days arrive. And until then I have just the right classmates for you to help you find your new way at Jujutsu High." You gazed at him questioningly through the wet lashes of your tears. "What do you mean by that?", you asked suspiciously, "I don't think anyone would want to be friends with someone who was with a villain for that long." Upon the Jujutsu Sorcerer's lips, there appeared a subtle yet discernible grin. "I currently have three students- one of them had an aweful father- and the other one, well, ate his villain. So I think you'll be good." You stared at Gojo. That man was always good for a surprise it seemed. "Ate...him?", you asked in disbelief. Gojos grin was now clearly visible on his face. "Exactly. You see? I'm sure Getos golden girl-", he winked at you, "will fit in just fine!"
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sweetiebean00 · 2 months
Of Nifflers and Magic
"Excuse me? Ominis?"  
Ominis lifted his wand from where it had been skimming the pages of one of his homework assignments. The quill dropped carefully beside the sheet as he tilted his head up to the voice that spoke. It was soft, quiet and rather meek. But not unrecognizable. Breathing in the scent of parchments and ink, he played the notes of the voice over. Coming to a stop to the new fifth year Sebastian had taken under his wing, the last time he spoke to her had been when Ominis found her coming out of the Undercroft. She had spoken quick, sharp even, a protective surge probably welling inside her to save Sebastian from his wrath. She was a Hufflepuff, loyalty was strong in them.
"I- I am sorry for attempting to lie to you, about the Undercroft, but I had made a promise and am not keen on breaking my word on anything." He blinked, that was not what he was expecting. Before he could speak, she continued on. "I am also sorry for taking so long to come to you and say that properly or formally, however I have also come because I know not who else would be able to help."
"You have Sebastian at your side, could you not ask him?"
It wasn't sharp, it wasn't meant to be rude. The sound of shifting fabric filled the silence, and he got the impression she was shifting on her feet. Sebastian was an excellent wizard, if he hadn't been a Slytherin, Ominis would've had him pegged as a Ravenclaw.
"I- well, I can't." She swallowed, his brows raised but before he could question she was speaking in a rush. Her voice raising in pitch. "I can't ask him this and I can't really explain it, but it is about Sebastian, and well, you are really smart, and I was wondering if you could pretty please help me?"
"Are you wanting to court him?" 
It wouldn’t be the first time one of the many girls in their school had sought out Ominis to help with courting, confessions, and other such things. Unlike Anne who would either scare them off or use them to prank Sebastian, he didn’t help nor hinder them. Merely suggesting they go and talk to him themselves. Even if it always ended the same way, usually with Sebastian enjoying some time with them before one or both of them moved on.
His question earned a snort so loud it earned a very harsh shush from Madam Scribner. Ominis had no doubt the old librarian was scowling and keeping a watchful eye on them in the corner of her precious library. He waited, the silence thick as they waited for the librarian to go back to whatever it was she had been up to originally. Despite the stares he could feel gathered from the other students around them that had chosen to hide away in the library for Merlin knew what reasons.
If Ominis hadn’t known better, he’d think she was intimidated by him. That his reputation, his last name, had scared the socks off her feet. Except, he had felt the strength of her glare that night outside the Undercroft. He hadn’t needed sight to see the ferocious gleam of daggers that she sent his way, that if looks could kill he’d long since been dead. He felt it, the animosity, the protective way she had stepped between him and that damn door to send words so sharp they could’ve cut him to bits to protect his best friend. The bite to her voice, the cold timbre of apathy? He didn’t know her well, but he knew one thing for certain. There was no chance she was scared of him.
"Merlin no, he's just one of my first friends and is very protective. He figures hanging around me helps deter some unwanted peers." She breathed a laugh, before swallowing thickly. "It is about him, but uh, I can't ask him either. And before you think it's part of that… thing -it's not that either."
Ominis released a breath through his nose, his gut twisting the more she rambled. He had never thought the bright, walking ray of wild sunshine to be a nervous rambler. He could hear her fidgeting the longer he went without responding, the soft scruff and tap of her shoes against the hardwood. Her tie tapping against her chest as she no doubt pulled at the collar of her shirt, the soft thud of her braid hitting her back. He wouldn't be getting any answers to explain here, that much was clear. And despite everything, that was still his best friend. This is a... new student surrounded by peers who have already made their friends and grown up together, a person his best friend had taken in under his arm much like Sebastian had done for Ominis with Anne once. Slowly, as her words never once stopped, Ominis had gathered everything. Vanishing it all with a flick of his wand to be summoned later when he had the time to focus on his History of Magic homework.
"I will help, lead the way." Ominis paused, mind racing as a rock sank into his stomach. What... What was her name? Did he ever actually get it? Did he ever actually introduce himself?
She grinned, the rambling cut off with a breath of relief. At least he hoped it of was relief. She seemed to wait until his wand was out, the tip lighting up to help guide him through the castle. The walk was quiet, tense, and he was not expecting her to be quiet the entirety of the walk. How often he hears her voice as he wanders the halls, she was always doing something. Talking with her friends, to the portraits, humming to herself or just making some general noise if she wasn't getting up to something she wasn't. Although he hadn't witnessed her being sneaky as a secondhand person, but to be fair, she stood no chance of hiding from him that night outside the Undercroft. He remembers Sebastian earning a detention with Scribner for sneaking in with the girl, but had always assumed his friend had been his chivalric and self-sacrificing type because she had attracted Peeves attention. Now he was wondering what had really happened that night. 
"I don't believe we ever properly met each other," Ominis said after a moment, hearing her steps stumble as she tripped on her own foot. In the blink of an eye, he had her arm in his hand. Catching her in time to keep her upright. "I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt."
"Sebastian talks of you often," She said, her tone lighter. Soft, and he had a feeling she was smiling. "I'm Celia, Celia Clyde."
"Tis a pleasure, now," He breathed a heavy sigh, earning a giggle from his traveling companion as they traversed the stairs. "What exactly has Sebastian gotten himself into this time?"
"Oh! That!" The sound of fabric rustled once more as the silence seemed to stretch. "Well, you see, it's actually rather interesting, but-"
"You're stalling, and rambling again." He snorted at her squeak, "Not that I mind, but I would rather know what I am going to be walking into."
"Yeah that-that's fair." She sighed, her steps slowing beside him as they climbed the last step. "Okay, we were dueling. I had learned a new spell and I'm rather ruddy with... this type of magic, and had been practicing it on barrels and other things. Sebastian however, said the best way to improve was to duel and use it."
Ominis could feel the start of a migraine with the way this was going, because of fucking course that was Sebastian's idea. With his free hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Breathing in deeply only to sigh. 
“Of course he did, that idiot, I swear all he thinks about is dueling, finding a cure, and researching.”
She snorted a laugh that sounded more tense than amused, but she got points in his book for trying. 
"Yes well, it was this or he was going to hunt down a couple of students it would be best he didn't hunt down."
"Hunt down?" Ominis reiterated, "Just what would cause such a thing?"
"It's... a long story, for another time." She huffed a breath, tugging on his sleeve as they walked the hall to stop in front of a blank wall. "We dueled, it worked, except now... well, this is where you come in."
The sound of stone crumbling and moving filled the hallway, and he lifted his wand to get a better picture in his mind as the completely blank and empty wall in Hogwarts... turned into a door. He blinked, but then she was walking to the door and pushing it open. The hold on his sleeve guiding him in before the door shut behind him. The Room of Requirements, no wonder she was never found in the Undercroft, Sebastian had been pitchin a fit for weeks now. Claiming Ominis had scared her off, but he wouldn't go there either if he had a sentient room.
"Because we are stuck with this otherwise, and I’d rather not." 
He frowned, about to question what she had been talking about when he heard the highest, squeakist chirp-like grumble in his entire life. He grimaced, it was almost as if someone was trying to strangle or step on a cat. Or a rat was trying to sing, but was wailing instead. The sound pierced his ears, a migraine forming behind his eyes.
"Sebastian!" At the sound of her voice, it went silent. Only for furious chirping and grumbling to respond, "You put that down right now! You are not dying! Ominis is here to help-!"
More chirping.
"Is Sebastian-?"
"A niffler?" Celia huffed, the sound of struggle growing louder before she was stomping about the room. "Yes. I'm rather shite at transfiguration magic, and he wanted to try- ow! You don't need a wiggenweld!"
"So let me see if I understand correctly." Ominis pointed his wand at Sebastian, the image in his mind showing the silhouette of Celia’s short figure snatching Sebastian out of her potion's cauldron. "You've transfigured Sebastian into a niffler. And... can't turn him back?"
Furious chirping was followed by a heavy sigh, "Not particularly, no. I tried but he wouldn't stop chirping and well-"
She was interrupted by yet more chirping as the sound of water splashing made him snort at her long-suffering sigh. Despite the dire situation, he couldn't the grin on his lips. This was one way for Sebastian to actually learn more about dueling, and it did teach him a lesson. Dueling wasn't the answer to every spell-casting related problem. Walking from the doorway, Ominis hummed in thought. While he could transfigure Sebastian back, this was a learning moment for her. What better way to learn than try again?
"Maybe your intent wasn't clear?" She was silent, even Sebastian went silent at the question. Allowing himself to be snatched out of the cauldron once more as she carried him to the center of the room to meet Omnis in the middle. "Here, Sebastian, behave. Celia, set him down and really mean the spell to turn him into his true form. If it doesn't work, I'll take care of him and we can give you proper practice that won't lead to... this."
"You want me... to try again?" 
Ominis nodded, only for the silence to be broken by Sebastian throwing the most dramatic tantrum Ominis had seen of a niffler or Sebastian in general. He was grumbling and chirping up a storm. Ominis rolled his eyes, snatching Sebastian from her careful hands and placing him on the floor. He held him by the scruff of his neck, voice steady and calm.
"Don't move or I will cast arresto momentum and leave you like that for a few more days." Sebastian released an indignant chirp, but when Ominis released him he didn't move. "There, try again."
Celia took a breath and held it, he could practically feel her nerves. He heard the air whooshing around her wand, heard her mutter the words clearly under her breath. Then she was casting, and the last thing he heard was terrified chirping. A moment of silence, then all Ominis could hear was the sound of hair ruffling, and a long, low hum. A very unhappy, low hum.
"Oh no."
"Did you just turn him-"
"-into a puffskein? Yep." She popped the p, and he snorted. Earning a nervous chuckle from her. "Well, at least we know I won the duel since he can't fight back, right?"
Ominis couldn't help it, laughing so hard his stomach hurt as her own giggles joined him in the room of requirement. All the while that low hum remained and Ominis could almost hear Sebastian's cursing, his whines as he begged Ominis to please just help him. For them to stop laughing. With the flick of his wand, Ominis transfigured Sebastian back into himself. 
"Oh, thank Merlin, I thought I was going to have to live in your vivariums for a moment there!"
Celia laughed harder, and while Ominis wasn't sure what a vivarium was, it did amuse him further. He couldn't hear Sebastian over their laughter, but when his loud and boisterous laugh joined in. Ominis felt peace, felt ease for the first time since Anne got cursed and Sebastian started looking for a cure on his own. Mayhaps, the new fifth year wasn't walking trouble like he had thought.
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mandy-asimp · 1 year
the two year teacher
pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x black!fem!reader
warnings: language, smut, mentions of bullying, smut mommy kink, rough ish, cunnlings, fingering, love confession
summary: y/n is a very big CEO of her own company. and when her daughter comes home talking about her teacher she’s had for the second year in a row, y/n just goes with it. but when she meets a red head at the grocery store, she never would've put her as a teacher. then when y/n's daughter gets into a mishap, a lot happens
a/n: she has me kicking my feet and twirling my hair. im so deadass fr.
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“Mommy! You’ll never believe it!” Your eight year old came running into your home office. You prepared for her to jump into your lap, so you opened up for her to not get hurt. “My teacher from last year is my teacher this year again!”
“Really?” You took all your attention onto her. “So you’ll know how to behave right? Be on your best behavior for her?”
You daughter nodded before running off again. “Hey Nance?” You called for your neighbor who was over for a drink. Smiling kindly as she appeared. “I’m gonna run out to go grab stuff to make dinner, can you watch Mimi?”
“Of course, I’ll have her play in the living room.” She softly nodded and walked away.
You saved your file and got ready to head out. And it was all fine and dandy, till you were at the store. You had planned to make your daughter’s favorite pasta, seeing as she was starting school tomorrow.
Just as you reached for the perfect tomato, your hand bumped into someone else’s. You looked up to meet the nicest green eyes, yet they held fire and furry.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! Please,” you offered for her to go first. Watching as the fire and furry disappeared. She could only stare at you.
“Do I know you? You look incredibly familiar,” her voice. God you could’ve melted. The rasp, the accent, the volume. You could tell she saw the spark of curiosity run over your eyes.
You gave a small shrug, "Maybe I just one of those faces. Are you making Panzanella?"
Her curiosity for you sparked now. How could you look at her cart and just know? "Italian?" She softly whispered.
You caught it just barely, but didn't acknowledge it at all. Instead you grabbed a few more tomatoes and went on with a smile.
She swore she seen that smile before. She's positive you were meant to be more in her life. But once she came back to her senses, you were long gone. The tomatoes were also in her cart. How were you so quick?
Eventually, you were ready to check out, having everything you needed for the dinner. That's when you saw the red head again. She was standing there staring you down. Like she was waiting for you to finish to ask you something.
You were good at reading people…sometimes. And right now, you couldn't read her fully, but you could sense the confidence and burning question she has for you.
It had you thinking what the question could be for you. After all, she thinks you're Italian. Once you finished and got close to her, she just stared at you.
You held out your hand, "Y/n." You introduced.
"Melissa," she took your hand. Put in awe at how soft your hand was. "You Italian or working with the cops?"
"My mom was, she taught me everything there is too cooking. You must be a Schemmenti." You tilted your head.
She eyed you with caution. "You must be working with the cops."
You quickly dismissed the idea. "I've met enough Schemmenti's to know one when I see one."
Suddenly it seemed you had more control than anyone in the world in this conversation. "I don't think it's fair that you know more about me than I do you."
"Oh angel, I never play it fair. It's how you retaliate." You got closer to her, enough where there was still a distance.
Just as she realized the distance, you were gone. You had this woman absolutely smitten with you and she still couldn’t place that face. And that was the last time either of you saw one another.
Until deep into the school year. Your daughter had came home with a letter for you specifically. "Mimi? What's this?" Through the entire car ride she was quiet. Quieter than usual. You didn't get the whole spew that lasted the entire ride of her day.
She didn't answer at all, instead she put her bag down and started on her homework. Waiting patiently for you to open the letter.
As your eyes scanned over it, you could feel her about to start crying. "Honey, why didn't you say something?" The letter had been from her teacher. "Mimi, look at me baby." Her teary eyes met yours. She knew you were mad, but that look absolutely destroyed you. "I'm not mad at you. Come here, follow me."
You lead her into the bathroom. Sitting her on the sink and facing the mirror. "Do you see that little girl right there? That is my strong, amazing, smart daughter. I'm not mad at you at all. You were so brave. So incredibly brave. And to be honest my love, I've done the same thing as you." Her face lit up at that.
"You beat someone up too?" She flashed that toothy smile. Her head whipping around at you when you nodded. "How?"
You turned her around to face you. "Well, when I was just a little bit older than you, this kid, her name was Ellie. She wouldn't leave me alone ever. And I'm talking everyday she came to bug me. Your grandma had told me to just ignore her. But one day she caught me on the worst day I've ever lived."
"What day was that?" She interrupted, a confused look dawning on her.
"It was the day I told your asshole father I was pregnant with my absolute bundle of joy. And he had yelled at me in front of the entire hall and left me. So Ellie had found me during the day, and she had to say something. I was so angry at what she was saying, the names she was calling me, and what she was saying about you before I even met you. I had enough of her, and I walked away untouched. But you should've seen her. She had to move schools because everyone was making fun of her for getting her shit rocked by a pregnant woman."
"So you're not mad at me?" Mimi stared at you in awe. Her look of absolutely smitten by her mother.
You shook your head, "Of course not honey. You defended yourself and I know you're in trouble with school, but look at me. I had to talk her parents down for pressing charges and had to keep myself together while also moving schools. Don't ever let someone try and tell you what you are and aren't. Cause you'll always know who you are and who you want to be. So, when we go to meet with your teacher in a little bit, you'll tell her everything and defend your name ok?"
"Ok mommy! Can I go play for a little bit?" She beamed. You helped her down with a nod, letting her run off. Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you were in pajamas still.
So you took a few minutes to put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. A baseball cap sealing down the fly aways. You quickly put yourself together and then worked on getting your daughter ready. Helping her from the school uniform into something similar to what you were wearing.
Together you went into that school knowing what was about to go down. It was only a little bit after the school day actually ended. The door was closed, so carefully you knocked.
The door flying open, "Janine I don't want to come with you I promise!" The voice came before the face. But once the eyes finally met yours, they went wide. "I...What are you doing here?" She fumbled out the question.
Without any words you held up the letter and looked to Mimi. "I believe you were the one who requested me." Meeting her green eyes once more, you flashed that smile.
That's where she's seen it. "Your Mimi's mom? But you're so young?!" You gave a nod, glancing into the classroom at the other mom. Melissa was just staring at you, but she finally snapped back at Barbra coming pass.
"Y/n?" The older teacher lit up at the sight of you. "Oh it is you! Look how you've grown!" Her eyes fell to the kid holding your hand. "Mimi! Baby girl you have grown!"
"Hi Mrs. Howard," you softly gazed. Engulfing the woman.
Melissa was even more shocked. You knew Barbra, and yet the woman has never once mentioned you to her.
"We should catch up soon, a girls day! Say Friday night?" Barbra was quick to plan, knowing you'd make time for her any day.
With a bob of the head, "Of course, you still have my number right? We can plan it further once I'm done with this meeting."
You two had finished the conversation quickly with hugs and bye's. Following the red head into the classroom. You and Mimi sat next to the other mom and her child.
"Right, so I figured you both know why I asked you here. Mimi started a fight with Amber. Now, from what I gathered, it was out of no where?" Her eyes mainly were on the kids. Mostly cause she couldn't bring herself to look you in the eyes. "I'll let Amber go first."
And so the little girl told her story, it was poorly put together for a lie. Even for a child trying not to get in trouble. Her mother smiling like she had won best parent of the year for this. Then it was Mimi's turn, and her story was very well put together. Wiping that smug smile off the mom's face.
After an hour of going back and forth trying to figure it out, it became clear. Amber had been picking on Mimi since last year and today she had said some meaner things. Amber had apologized and everyone was on their way.
The mom and Amber didn't stay long to even look at you, but Mimi was back to rambling about her day to you while you put on her coat.
"And then my day lead to be here again! With my two favorite people!" She glowed, watching as you zipped up her coat.
You puffed, then looked up to Melissa who was hovering over you, "I didn't know I had competition to be the favorite." You joked with a hint of seriousness. "Hey honey, why don't you go see if Mrs. Howard is still here? I'll be right behind you."
She didn't waste a second before running off. Leaving you two alone. You stood back to your full height. "So you're the famous teacher I hear so much about?"
"Huh?" She spat, back in that daze she had at the store. Your light laugh didn't help pull her from the state. "Oh! Like from Mimi! Um, she's a wonderful kid, I mean she probably has amazing parents at home."
"Just me and her in that apartment." You shrugged. Watching the flash of something go through those green eyes. There was a silence now. One eating you alive. "Ok! I'm not gonna try and like take all your time, but I am just going to jump to the point now. I find you very attractive, would you like to go on a date?" You spat out before you could double think it.
Not only did you have to hide how shocked you were, but so did Melissa. You were so forward. Her eyes were wide, "Wait...what?"
"Me and you, alone, Saturday night?" You smiled. Before she answered, you were at her desk writing your number on a sticky note. "Maybe then I'll tell you how I know you're a Schemmenti." You winked. "Goodnight, Melissa."
To say that date was the first of many. You two had done a lot together now. You went with her to a friends wedding. She then came and made dinner with you and Mimi, that was the day you had told her. You both had gone home separately for the holidays though. Both agreeing it was still very early on to meet family.
But now it was summer, more specifically the fourth of July. Your family never truly celebrated it like an all American family, no you celebrated with style. It was the most serious taken holiday. The whole family was going to be there. You had yet to ask her about coming with though.
You had yet to even say the big L word. Yet, you had already talked to Mimi about keeping Melissa around and possibly her becoming her step-mom. She was thrilled to finally hear you say that.
Tonight was your six month anniversary. Almost a whole year spent together. You had invited Mel over for dinner while you sent Mimi to a friend's for the night before the trip to your cousin's. Everything was set in stone for the night.
You finished just as the door opened. "In the kitchen, baby." You called carefully. Trying to calm your nerves of what the night was. Greeting her with kisses all over her face, she knew instantly something was up.
Only cause you did the same thing when you broke her lasagna bowl that she had from her childhood. She ignored you for what was the longest week of your life.
"What?" She frowned. You stayed silent and dragged her to the chair. Straddling and kissing slowly all over her face and neck. Hands carefully trailing her body. but it was stopped the moment her hands pushed yours away. "What's wrong?"
Suddenly your eyes were being threatened by tears. You moved quickly and went to grab her a glass of wine. Handing her hers while you downed yours. Needing the liquid courage more than you anticipated.
You were physically shaking and you knew it as you held the glass with both hands. "Hon, seriously, talk to me?" Her voice even wavered. Her thoughts running with this is where it all ends. The silence killing her as she was positive that was what was happening. "Is this...are you?"
Your eyes widened, "No! No! Um, you've been so incredibly patient with me, and I...I'm ready."
"Are you sure, I'll wait for you forever." She stood up. Coming closer with each and every step. You gave a firm nod, eyes sparkling with want. "Words, baby. I need you to use them."
"I want you." You almost whimpered. Practically throwing yourself into kissing her.
It was heated, but it was so passionate. Every ounce of emotion was thrown into it. You were so lost you didn't notice the thigh press in between yours. Nor the hands that pulled your hips to grind against it. With the sigh you let out, Mel took the chance to slip her tongue in.
Pulling back slightly to stare at your dazed headspace. "Are you alright pretty girl?" She purred.
"Yes, god yes!" You moved your hips on your own, letting a moan free as the thigh flexed.
Melissa smirked, "Such a good girl for me. Why don't we head for the bed huh?"
You frantically nodded and dragged her with you. Desperate to have her on you again. Moving to push her onto the bed while you were on top. Kissing at her in a frantic manner.
"Easy girl, I want you to savor this. Let me do all the work, you relax." She flipped you two. Now she was nestled between your legs. Taking in the sight of you in the short short dress you had on. "Was this all for me tonight?"
You were in such a fuzzy state. Her words, her touches, her kisses, and most of all, the hungry look in her eyes. You were a goner all because of Melissa Schemmenti.
"You look so pretty for me baby girl. That fuzzy look in your eyes. Can I take of this dress?" She fiddled with the hem of your dress, fingers grazing over your hips and near your inner thigh.
"Yes, please..." There was a hesitation in your voice. Melissa with drew her hands.
"Y/n if you're not ready, we can stop." She instantly snapped out of the feeling. She took in how you looked ready to cry. "Hey, hey. None of that, ok? It's ok, we don't have to. I know this is a big step."
A single tear escaped, but the smile on your face said many other things. "I...I love you." You whispered. "Please, Mel. I need you."
Her smile couldn't be hidden. She kissed you hard. Hard and with all the love in the world. "I love you too baby. I love you so so incredibly much."
You felt confidence hearing the words back. And suddenly your hesitation from earlier left. You pulled the back of her neck so you were next to her ear. "Please, mommy. I need you." You licked her shell of her ear. Causing her to shiver greatly.
She had that look again, she was about to take you entirely and you wouldn't know. She was going to make you feel like never before.
"Mommy's gonna take good care of you, I promise angel." Her hands ran under your dress and pulled at your panties, pulling them down and off your thighs. "Whenever you want to stop, just say anything."
"Ok, but please, no more foreplay." Your hips bucked again.
"A needy little thing you are. Did you think of this moment all day? Or did you start thinking about it the day we met?" She spurred you on, her hands pushing your thighs apart. "How good I could make you feel?"
You whined, trying to search for her hand. "Please mommy!"
How could she deny that pretty face? Her hand finally met you where you needed. Making you gasp as she drew tight circles before dipping down toy our entrance and back up. Teasing you till tears.
"You're so sensitive, I've barely fucked you and you already are in tears. You truly must've needed this." She kept talking, but wasn't giving you anything, or so you thought. She slammed two fingers into you, making you cry loudly. She could feel your walls fluttering around her. "Shh, you're ok baby, mommy's right here. You're ok. Just let me know when you're ready." She kissed your forehead. Waiting for your signal.
With a soft head nod, she didn't waste a second. You had figured she start of soft, but you were wrong. Melissa Schemmenti liked it rough. You gave her a power she never knew she wanted the first moment you said mommy.
She brought you over the edge at least three times, you were in no state to remember. With her kisses to your face and the withdrawing of her hand you thought you were done. Until she pulled you down to the edge of the bed.
There she devoured you in ways you never knew existed. And each new way brought you over until you were so overstimulated you had to physically crawl away from her. But you loved every single second.
You came back to her crawling into bed with you. She had changed you from that dress straight into one of her hoodies. "I wasn't too much was I?"
You shook your head, barely able to stay awake. You glanced up to her, "Do you want to come meet my family tomorrow? We're having a big party for the weekend. I want you to meet them all." You got out before falling asleep on her.
"I would love nothing more angel." She kissed your head, falling asleep right after you.
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fanficwriterlover · 1 year
Safe With A Ghost
+18 Readers Only
Chapter 2 : All Those Who Suffer
Summary : After making a narrow escape, you find yourself wounded and alone...will you survive? Will Simon/Ghost ever hear about you if you die ? For now...all you have is will power and hope.
What to Expect: Self Stitching, Blood, Killing, Gore, Cursing, Pet-Name, military stuff (I'm not a pro so sorry for my inaccuracies), medical issues, tension, shouting, rage, crying, emotions,mentions of nausea etc.
Pet name: Pigeon
Word Count: 4.6K
════ ⋆Safe With A Ghost MasterList⋆ ════
═════════ ⋆Chapter 3⋆ ═════════
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Ghost got off the heli, that picked him up at the airport in Manchester...he barely slept a wink. When the heli, landed he immediately grabbed his duffle bag getting off the helicopter. Stepping off grudgingly, he felt the vibration in his pocket ignoring the sound of Soap calling for him in the distance.
He smiled under his mask feeling already better despite the dread of going to work in a minute. Seeing he's already got a message from you. He figured by now, you've headed to work, as you're holding your cup of coffee for you long night shift ahead. Even though to his constant detest for such a drink, you simply however thrived on it over a well made cup of tea. He'll never understand your American taste palette but luckily he loved you enough to "allow" (yes he is allowing because if you were a recruit he would've thrown out the coffee maker long ago) it. Yet seeing your message brought him back to the present as he replied back.
You: Miss you already... :(
Ghost: I miss you too pigeon, you at work ?
You: Image Sent
Looking at the picture, it made his heart beat, it was a picture of you smiling, your genuine smile. You were in your lab coat, your hair in your normal high ponytail, and red nurse shirt. You were of course to no surprise, holding your favorite mug of coffee, yet he tried to ignore that detail. He saved the picture onto his phone setting it for your contact number. Whenever he got a new picture of you, he'd update the contact photo so he could see the last picture of you. It was almost like a habit, one he was sure you knew. And you seem to indulge him in. Sadly, he knew he had a job to do and sent you one quick text.
Ghost: Gorgeous. I'll be back before you know it pigeon.
You: Counting on it. Be safe, I love you !
Ghost: Love you too.
With that he made his way to his quarters, to put away his stuff, and put on his gear. His old familiar bunker was the same as the last time he left it. He tossed down his duffle bag behind the foot of his cot, and went to his small locker where he kept his stuff. Pulling out his vest, glasses, balaclava with the skull stitched onto it, gloves, and other weaponry equipment. It was a process to put everything on, and holster all his weapons. Checking his pistol, rifle, grenades, smoke bombs, etc. He always had a mental checklist on making sure he was all prepared. Getting his comms on and ear piece in as he was beginning to adjust to the weight of the vest. Stepping out of his bunker, Simon, was gone, now it was Ghost.
You looked at your final text from Simon, heart lurching, as you kept reading the same text over and over and over again.
Ghost: Gorgeous. I'll be back before you know it pigeon.
How such simple words made you linger over them, analyzing it, dissecting it, interpretating. Your overthinking brain trying to make a whole scenario of the message, wondering what he was doing at the time he texted you, was he really missing you ? Does he really think you're gorgeous ? So many questions racing through your head, you had to shake your head abruptly to regroup yourself and tell yourself Stop overthinking it...he loves you... he'll be back for you....he thinks your beautiful...don't let your mind fiddle his words. You were in the bathroom after feeling nauseous, you figured it probably was the meals you both had over the course of Simon's return home, he did have a sweet tooth and you both were eating a lot of bake goods. After taking a minute to regain your composure you made you way to the front desk asking the nurse for a new chart to examine your next patient. The nurse Carina, seemed to tell you were feeling off as she was a close co worker friend, looked up from her computer screen with a concerned looked "You okay y/n, you've looked like youre about to hurl down this aisle ?" You laugh softly as she was holding your next patients chart as you reached for it "I'm fine Carina, just my boyfriend was on a bake good spree and I'm feeling the effects" Carina eyed you head to toe as you watched her slowly give off a mischievous grin "Oh ? You and your boyfriend huh ? Maybe your pregnant" You were already glancing down at the chart when she had said that as you look up abruptly blushing "I'm a doctor, I'd think I'd know when I'm pregnant, besides I'm on the pill" you wave you hand dismissively making your way to your patients waiting room "Next case here I come..." you shout over your shoulder heading to the elevator "Don't be spreading false rumors !" Carina cursed under her breath as she huffed "Still think you should take a test !" Rolling your eyes getting into the elevator you began looking over at this patients chart you when the elevator door dinged, you started to make your way to their waiting room considering every detail they've given to the nurses. You found it weird the chart mention this man having a cold, this was annoying to you, wasting your time over a mere cold, when anyone could just nurse themselves back to health at home. But it was your job, nonetheless, to treat people. When you opened the door, there stood a big man, you would've thought it was Simon but didn't give off the same aura. His was more prominent like he almost want to be noticed. He had tattoos all around his neck, he reeked of alcohol and smoke (judging from your sense of smell which you never realized how strong it was, definitely smelled of weed, but you weren't going to comment on that). His eyes were black and hollow as you took note that he wasn't sitting in the chair, no he was standing arms crossed like he's been expecting you. Weird...he doesn't look sick..."So....Mr-" Before you could even finish saying his last name, you felt an arm slip around you and cover your mouth, you felt something press into your lower back, it was cold, you realized it was a gun. You eyes wanted to sob, your mind racing, you was staring at the large figure as the man behind you spoke "Move. Scream. Or try to run, I'll put a bullet through you...you hear ?" Judging by his voice he almost had an accent.... it was gruff in a way, no charismatic, just blunt "Nod your head for me velikolepnyy (gorgeous) if you understand?" Mustering the courage you slowly nodded you head. "See ? Wasn't so bad. Now you're going to walk out this hospital calmly. We're just gonna get a...what you Brits say ? Cuppa tea ?" He Snickers near your ear, it was horrifying to hear. "aye, but you aren't British are ya malen'kiy (little one) " All you could do was look at the man in front of you, now that you're studying him, he was dressed in a sweater (even though it wasnt that cold out for a jacket), thick pants with lots of pockets, his bald head and bodyguard like face. He definitely gives off, mafia vibes, someone who'd snap you like a toothpick if he needed to.
The man spoke to the other man "Poshli, yesli kto meshayet, ustranim." (Let's go, if anyone interferes, eliminate.) The big man in front of you reached into his sweater which you could only presume he had a gun as well...How the hell, they get through security?! He spoke "My ne khotim ustraivat' stsenu, budet besporyadok" (We don't want to make a scene, it will be a mess.) Feeling the gun press harder into your back you wince "bylo by veseleye, chem snova, ya uverena, chto s etoy kukloy... my obyazatel'no vyzovem prizraka"(it would be more fun than again, I'm sure that with this doll... we will definitely summon a ghost) whatever was said they both gave a deep chuckle, you presumed the worse meaning they had horrible intentions for you. Pulling you from your thoughts he took his hand away from your mouth as you stayed silent as he roughly grabbed your arm forcing you to walk at his side. You had to walk at their brisk pace, it was hard not to scream for help, but the cold gun into your back was enough to stay silent. You just prayed you found an opening to find an escape from them. They quickly made their way to the emergency exit, one only medical staff have access to, one no one knew unless you studied the hospital floor plan, which obviously gave her a hint, these people, planned this out...they knew the layout, how to avoid cameras, the hospital weak points. As you made your way down the staircases they were talking to one another to whole descent, you however were zoned out, thinking about Simon...what would he think when he returns...a cool blast of air snapped you out of your daze. You were outside. The men now picking up their pace as you were forced to jog now, it was then the man holding a gun at your back was being neglectful. He and the man both holstered their guns, as you kept walking, you eyed at your feet and scanned around you. Plenty of covering, and building, you were surrounded by shops, businesses, etc. Out in public. It was perfect. You then took the chance, you made a fake trip, causing the man to stumble in his stride as you were able to loosen his grasp, taking the advantage, hitting him in the groin. He hit the ground hard, you made a dash to the road not caring. Behind you can hear him painfully yell "Pristreli yeye! Ne day yey uyti!" (Shoot her! Don't let her get away!)
Just when your foot hit the road you knew it was good timing because you could see a zip line of cars coming. You just kept running even after hearing a loud pop, you felt your body shot up with fear,coldness,and nausea, but you kept going. Running on pure adrenaline, weaving through people. As you make it around a corner seeing a hotel dashing inside. In that moment, you were safe...for now...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pulling up about 90 klicks they got out of the humvee. Price gripped the edge of his vest to speak "Alright, Alpha Team will consist of Ghost and Soap, you two will handle the ones at entry, Bravo Team will be Gaz and I, we'll cover you and handle the ones on rooftop. Infiltrate, collect data, then pull out. Laswell's on channel 2 keep it on everything will go through HQ, any leads is what we're after, otherwise if anything arises we verify with Laswell, Is that clear ?" Everyone nodded their heads. As Price grabbed his rifle "Alright...let's see what's in store for us."
Soap and Ghost kept low, making their way into position, they both laid low to examine the warehouse, Ghost was looking through his scope on his rifle while Soap was using some binoculars, they were observing the place and how many were keeping watch. The comms rang out as it was Price "Ghost, Soap ? You in positions ?" Ghost reached for the button to respond "Affirmative, eyes on building." Looking through his scope briefly, Laswell than responded from HQ "This is Watcher, to Alpha Team 01 and 02, you're clear to eliminate any targets in your way" Both Ghost and Soap responded through their comms "Rog". Ghost held up his rifle close to his chest, as he made hand gestures for Soap to follow, making their way down to the building, staying in the blind so they wouldn't be spotted. They had their night visors down, as they got closer, they both pulled out their knives, then began eliminating the 3 guards at entry. Was quick and efficient. Causing no noise as they used hand to hand weapons. Ghost slitted two the mens throats with ease, while soap had to wrestle the 3rd to the ground before stabbing. Was barely putting up a fight. Ghost didn't like that it wasn't a challenge, but they continued on. Soap spoke "I'll take point LT" Ghost grunted in approval as he hit the comms "Soap and I entering, heading upstairs." Letting go of the button,hearing a response from Price "Rog, Gaz and I won't have visual, you're on your own in there". Soap led as they did encounter some men who fired at them, however they made quick work of them firing back. As they walked over the fallen bodies, Ghost looked down at their bodies seeing that they had an insignia, he bent down to inspect as Soap stood watch. It was Russian. He cursed getting in touch "This is Alpha Team 01, Ghost to , Watcher, Copy, we got Russians in here, I repeat, we have Russians" the static came through as it was Laswell coming through "Copy Alpha Team 01. Eliminate all targets. Get the data and rendezvous back to base." Ghost comms back before standing up holding rifle "Copy that" looking at Soap who seemed ready as ever. "Right LT, let's get this done"
Without any hesitation, both Ghost and Soap made their way up to the top floor, eliminating the last bunch of men who were in a room where obviously the planning happened. There was a bunch of maps littered everywhere pinpointing particular spots, one he recognized but didn't put much thoughts, looking over documents they had, until Soap shouted "LT, you need to look at this !" Ghost head snapped to where Soap was, making his way over, when his heart dropped at the sight. Soap was holding a picture, of none other than....you. Ghost mind began to race What the fuck they'd want with y/n ?! How the hell did Russians know about you ?! Slowly it began to make sense...the pinpoint on the map looked familiar because it was where YOU worked. The picture was of you walking into the hospital. He couldn't fathom when these photos were took but all he knew was you're in danger. Soap interrupted his anger rampage in his head "Why they have pics of a lass ? Who is she ? Maybe their next target ? Perhaps she has something they want ?...Ghost ?" Soap sees Ghost turn on his heel storming out of the building as Soap held the picture of you. Soap rushed behind to catch up with Ghost as he spoke into the comms letting Price and Gaz know they had a hit and coming out. Ghost just kept walking though, Price and Gaz making their way to meet "What'd you boys find ?" But Ghost didn't pay them any mind marching back to where they left the humvee. Price looked at Soap quizzedly "What's going on Sergeant?" Soap gave a shrug "I don't know either sir, but the minute he saw this..." Hands Price the picture of you. Price frowned watching Ghost not waiting up for them. Grumbling to himself as he lets out a heavy puff from his cigar "Fuck.."
Hopping into the humvee, Ghost barely waited for everyone to pile in, already hitting the pedal before Gaz and Soap could get comfortable. Price scolding for almost losing his cigar "The hell Ghost ! What's going on ?! You better cool it Lieutenant or I'll take the wheel. " Ghost grip tightened on the wheel "Sir, she...the photos..." He processed his next words not letting them hear how shaken up he was "I know her." The captain raised his brows not wanting to pry as he could already tell from Ghost's behavior this wasn't an ordinary friend...it was someone much deeper "I see...than what ties does she have to a warehouse in Iran with Russians ?" Ghost side-eyed his Captain when Price noticed he let out a puff of smoke " Obviously it's an enemy of yours. If they know her...there's a good chance they know where you live and all of us." Gaz and Soap glanced at each other hearing this as Gaz spoke "So likely we have a rat amongst us?", Soap interjecting "If it's someone the LT knows then obviously they have deep access to shit only a handful would know." Soap rubbed his mohawk"Shit, we in quite the shit hole too, who the fuck would betray us !" This made them all sit silently tension lingering on each other's words. Price spoke up again. "From here on out. We don't rely on anyone. Even Laswell. I don't believe she'd do something like this...but that doesn't mean someone in proximity is. We'll stay off the radar. We'll go to Manchester find this girl. And figure out from there any leads to who and why we've be compromised. I'll get a hold of Nik." Gaz and Soap agreed but Ghost was silent. He was too busy worrying. Hoping nothing horrible has happened to you already. He's barely been gone a day and already you're being targeted. When I find out who fuckin took pics of her...if anyone laid a fuckin hand on you... I'll make them SUFFER dearly.
You were exhausted, now that the adrenaline was settling...you body was now feeling the side effects of after your narrow escape. Deciding to take a room for a couple weeks, you didn't want to risk trying to go home only for them to stalk you. You sat up on the bed of your hotel room wincing in pain, when you were running for you life, they were able to shoot you. Luckily you could tell the bullet wasn't embedded too deep, was more superficial. You could extract it on your own. You sat up groggily, having used the hotels towels and robe string to tie around you bleeding shot thigh. You never realized how much adrenaline made you almost immune to the pain, and now you're wishing it was still pumping because the pain was unbearable. This sucked...you couldn't go to your hospital too afraid they'd expect you to go there to treat your wound and leaving the hotel was not optional, least there was food. Seeing the phone at the bedside, you made an attempt to call Simon's number multiple times. Your hand was covered in blood from putting pressure on your wound as it dialed. "C'mon Simon....pick up..." Tears began to fall down your cheek as you shaked leaving another voicemail "S-Simon....I-I need you...." You began to sob into the phone "I'm scared..." It the beeped as you were shaking holding the phone tearing dropping on to the keypad. Trying to compose yourself. Deep breaths...I'm sure Simon would be here if he could...right ? You were too tired to deal with your wound but you had to suck it up and do it. Limping, standing you grabbed the pen, using the cord from the tv, a fork and knife (from food you asked to be delivered to your room and some wipes that went with it ,you began to do your own bullet removal. Luckily you've had experience but with not the correct tools it made it very challenging. You put a hand towel into your mouth to prevent yourself from screaming. You used the tv cord to wrap above the bullet wound to stop the blow flow a bit, tightening is hard as possible, as you began to cut around the bullet wound with the knife. Eventually using your hands and fork you worked into your thigh to pull it out...it was painful, you had to keep running your voice through your head as you whimpered and screamed with your gag in mouth trying to pull it out. Once you finally did, you had to force some of the curtains string using the tiny threading (your mother used to sew so you knew how to collect string from materials) you began to use the strings you had to stitch your thigh. When finished you used some cut up bed sheets to wrap around your thighs to hold the bleeding. It wasn't the best, but it would work for now. Feeling hazy, you laid back down onto the bed tears welling up as you began to fall asleep from exhaustion..."S-Simon." Was the last words you mumbled as you hoped you'd wake up and it was just a nightmare...or never at all.
Thanks to Price, he made some calls as they found someone near Manchester who could locate her quickly. They were at best 5 hours out from where you worked, Nik had picked them up flying as quick as possible. It was unnerving. He hated feeling restless not knowing where you are, if you were safe. His gut was already feeling sick to the pit of his stomach as he dreaded what may have happened to you. Especially how defenseless you'd be. He was clinching his rifle so tight he didn't even realize as Price sat next to him smoking his cigar as he tilts his brimmed cup hat back "So." He lets out a small air of smoke speaking softly as he holds the cigar in hand "Who is she really Simon ?" Hearing his name Ghost snapped his head at Price, eyes narrowing, his eyes were sunken and almost seemed furious mixed with anxious. Ghost grumbled "Don't be spatting out my name..." Price glanced at him still waiting for an answer, which Ghost relented setting down his rifle to his side, "Her name is y/n, she's my....." His features twisted as he had no problem with having you as a girlfriend but saying it to his Captain and everyone else...made him feel almost shy. "significant other..." As he gets those words out tentatively. Price was shocked....hearing Simon had a girlfriend all this time and he never knew, Little sucker didn't think he had it in em. "Seems she's quite the deal to make you lose it..." Simon flinched at this, aware of his behavior so far as Price puffed out another smoke "We'll get her back Simon." Ghost looked at him as Price gave him a nod, Ghost hoped...no knew he'd get you back. He just hoped not too late. As his mind wondered apparently Price had a phone that was a backup when they had to go incognito, it was from someone in Manchester he knew. He answered "This is Price, give me something good Rococo" Ghost frowned at the name. He never heard of it, but he just hoped the person got Intel about you. He didn't dare look in Price's direction just listening to him respond with "Mhm" "Right" "Shit" (hearing that made Ghost more anxious) settling his nerves when Price thanked the man and hung up. Taking a breath through his nose he spoke up "Alright...so, apparently the Russians did make an attempt to kidnap her..." Before he could finish Ghost shot up standing, eyes wild ready to pounce as Gaz and Soap watched uncomfortably as the Captain shouted, gripping Ghost's shoulder to settle him down, "Let me Finish Simon ! Sit !" The captain regained his composure as Ghost relented to sitting back down, going back to grip his rifle ever so tight, the rifle looked like it was bent. "She got away from them. Was caught on some security cameras near the hospital. However, she looked.....wounded. Right now, she's at a hotel. The Russians are snooping around, they're probably hoping she'll come out. As of now, she is still alive." Relief, anger, anxiety, fear, all emotions began to overwhelm him with the thought of you. He didn't know which to feel at the moment until Price interjected another thing "Also, Rococo found the room she's in, he's got access to the cameras down her hall so he'll be watching, and...he knows her room number. " In this moment, Ghost just blinked as Price offered him the incognito phone, Ghost just staring at it, he was scared you won't answer. Price could tell his reluctance as he spoke with authority"Call her Simon" Ghost took the phone obeying an order since that's something he's ever known, but he was truly scared to not hear your voice or worst if the kidnappers succeeded again and they pick up the phone. Swallowing it all. He dialed the number given from Rococo. Hearing the beep from the machine until....
The sound of the hotel phone ringing made you open your eyes slowly, as you were gazing up at an unfamiliar ceiling. You frowned for a moment taking in your surroundings realizing it wasn't a nightmare...you're still living it. You sit up, gasping out in pain, noticing your leg was still bleeding. The reminder that the phone was ringing made you reach for it answering it groggily "H-Hello ?" .....Is this a scam call or something ? Bunch of teens maybe making prank calls ? Or the office or kitchen calling ? Before you were going to hang up..you heard a familiar deep British voice, "It's me, Pigeon.... it's Simon" you froze....your eyes welling up full of tears as you were now shaking "S-Si ?" He lets out a soft huff mixed with a laugh "Yea, Pigeon it's me...." Your mind was reeling with relief hearing his voice, his deep gruff voice made you feel all warm inside "How'd you...When....This....I-" you mind was spiraling you didn't know what to feel "Deep breaths for me pigeon...I know it's a lot right now. I'm on my way." Hearing him say that, your tears began to fall "R-Really?" You could already imagine him smiling at you when he responds "Really. I know you went through a lot. I promise nothing will happen to you." This is what caught your attention as you furrow your brows "Wait...how'd you know I was here ?" You could only hear your heart beating hard scared of the answer " I can't tell you that over the phone lovie, it's a lot to take in. But I promise, when I get there. I'll tell you everything. This is my fault you're in this mess" you smiled softly wiping your tears sniffing "Yeah well, I knew from the day we met you were trouble Simon..." you let out a soft laugh for the first time in a while since this ordeal. Ghost hearing it made his heart throb, he missed your voice. "Hang tight, what room you in ?" You glance around to find a way to see what number room your in "Room, E 17" he frowned a bit " Not near the exit or elevator right ?" you laugh, now understanding his reasons for being paranoid "No, I'm away from any escape window, stairs and elevator....and Simon ?"
He lets out a shakey sigh scared if he hangs up it'd be your last time "Mmm?" You take a deep breath eyes welling up again Stupid hormones "I love you..." Waiting for what seemed like an eternity Ghost smiled under his balaclava "Yeah....I love you too Pigeon. Be there soon." That's all you needed to hear....your Simon was coming to save you. Everything will be fine now. After a few minutes of silence taking in each other's words, you hung up on him reluctantly, wishing you could stay on the phone with him forever but knew, it'd be more worth him focusing to get here. You smiled, your genuine smile. Simon, your love, was going to save you from this nightmare. Now you just have to wait for him to get here.
Thanks for Reading !
ꨄ︎ I know this chapter was much shorter and felt rushed than my first, but that's cause I wanted to leave at a good cliffhanger for the next chapter.
ꨄ︎Taglist:@marshallowy @babygirl-panda19 @crazy-phan-girl13
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manic-nova · 1 year
Caught: A Thoma Lemon
Continuation of Where's My Hug?
Summary: Thoma's always put on this perfectly innocent facade, but what happens when the truth finally comes out about his perverted tendencies when it comes to you.
Characters: Thoma, Fem!Reader
TW's: Pervert Thoma, AFAB! Reader, masturbation +being caught (Thoma), voyeurism?, dubcon, mentions of sexual harassment, groping, and PDA.
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Thoma had been so so careful with you up until then. Containing himself around you, your perfect body, your adorably innocent personality was certainly not an easy task, but he got by with brief and inconspicuous touches and hearing you whine out his name in response. You were so perfectly oblivious. That he was certain of, yet lately it had felt like you were testing him, teasing him, trying to push him over the edge. He had become so good at waiting, though. Despite the way that lingering overwhelming urge to ruin you would creep in the back of his mind every time he wrapped his arms around you, he could always save it for when you were out of sight. He could resist the need to satisfy the urges you weren't ready to help him with. The moment had to be right. You were too pure. He could only strip you of your innocence once. He had to wait.
After a couple months of getting very familiar with Thoma, you'd come to accept his nature, and the excess physical touch didn't make you nearly as nervous as it used to. In fact, after a while you began openly inviting it, initiating it too. It was his love language, after all, a certified way of knowing that Thoma cared deeply about you, and who were you to deny Thoma the right to express his feelings? Besides, he was so warm and inviting. You could melt into his frame like butter if you wanted to, but he couldn't know you wanted to. No, that would make you seem desperate, and you weren't desperate, right? It's sort of a question you'd been asking yourself recently. Thoma wasn't treating you like he used to. He was hesitant, withholding, almost like you were to him when you two first met. Thoma had never been shy or nervous. Why now? What changed? I guess you could say you'd been letting it get under your skin just a little. You just hadn't quite realized how reliant you had become of him, how his touch had become your fulfillment, so if he wasn't going to take initiative and wrap his arms around you so tightly like the old days, you would.
Thoma's little charade was basically history the second you walked into Kamisato Estate in that stupidly tight dress. You were the life of the party, and you didn't have to say a word. The dress and its perfectly placed ruching, how it hugged your curves and drew the eye up and down your figure. The second you and Thoma saw each other, you walked straight up to him with the most innocent gleaming smile on your face and wrapped your arms around his torso, doe eyes looking up at him that he failed to catch and the perfectly clear view of the imprint of your ass that had the blood rushing to his cock in seconds... What else could he do but pull away and stammer off down a dark hallway? He was losing his mind, and had you held him a second longer you would've known exactly what kind of dirty pervert he was, and he couldn't have that.
His rushing out like that was only adding to the confusion you felt, and frustration was quick to join and combine with that confusion. You wanted answers, so you followed after him, but he knew the place obviously way better than you did. There were like a million rooms in the place! It's like you lost him the second he left, but no way were you letting him off that easily. Opening doors in a house that's not yours isn't exactly polite, but you weren't exactly in the mood for politeness, so you swung the doors open as you pleased knowing well if they were left open it'd be on Thoma's shoulders.
You had been looking for a while when you finally started to hear his voice. He sounded a little distressed, you thought. You weren't entirely sure. The walls of the place were muting the sound, so you couldn't make anything out, but you figured it was best to drop the "walk in like you own the place method" and opt for quietly poking your head in instead. You cracked the door open and slid into the room inconspicuously. It was dark, so when you saw Thoma's figure hunched over in the corner, you had a hard time making out what he was doing, but he was breathing heavily, groaning as his hands messed around with something you couldn't quite identify. The whole thing was a mystery to you until you heard your name breathily leave his lips.
"Fuck, Y/N... why'd you have to wear that stupid dress?"
Suddenly, things were starting to make a lot more sense after that. Part of you wanted to walk away, knowing well that it was all kinds of wrong for you to be listening in on this, and watching too, but he was moaning your name. The sounds of his whiny voice calling out your name, sandwiched in between an array of curses and declarations that you shouldn't have worn that dress for anyone but him... you felt like you were flying and you didn't know why, and you couldn't possibly explain the burning you felt deep down inside of you. You just couldn't help yourself.
A draft had flooded through the hallway and made the cracked door behind you swivel open, and Thoma spun around in a panic, hands immediately reaching down to cover his erect cock when he saw you. You were panicking as well, trying to evade your eyes and feign a since of decency like you hadn't been watching him touch himself for the last 2 minutes.
"Wha-what are you doing?!" Thoma exasperated as he pulled his waistband up to his stomach, his cock still shamefully pressing up against the fabric.
"Thoma! I just- I was looking for you, and uh... I found you. Haha."
Thoma was shaking his head ferociously, trying to avoid your gaze under the shame he felt, but in doing so he found his eyes trailing down your body, the sight of your thighs pressing together sending a throbbing sensation down to his erection, and he muffled a whimpering moan by pressing a hand across his face. He turned his whole body back toward the corner, ready to bury himself in it if he got the chance. "H-how much did you see?" He asked hesitantly.
You grew silent at the question, but the silence spoke volumes, and Thoma dropped his head onto the wall's surface. You saw everything, he thought. You know everything, and if you bothered to ever talk to him again it would be nothing short of a miracle.
"I- I just wanted to know why you walked away like that," you told Thoma.
He let out a deep sigh. "Well, I guess you found your answer," he said. "You probably hate me for it. I never wanted you to see me like this."
"I could never hate you, Thoma. I just- well, you've been acting different-"
"So have you," he answered back. "You've really found yourself now, haven't you? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you, I'm just not used to this new you, you know... the confidence, the shiny lip gloss, and the tight dresses-"
"Right, because only you should get to see me like that, I know."
"Just how long were you standing ther- You know what? It doesn't matter, because as you can probably tell by now, if the roles were reversed, I- I don't think I could possibly look away," he rambled, his stressed hand sliding down his face. "I'm sorry. I should probably just go," he said, making a push for the door with his head down.
Part of you knew that you should've just let him leave, that you needed some time apart from him to think rationally about the situation, but your heart was beating so fast you couldn't bring yourself to just let him go, so you wrapped your hand around his wrist before he could. “Stay,” you told him. “Please don’t leave me again.”
There was a shaky breath that escaped Thoma, his eyes still glued to the door. "I'm so sorry for being so distant, I really am, but Y/N this humiliating, so if you could just let me leave-"
"No, Thoma!" you retorted, gripping his wrist in your little fingers tighter.
"I... don't understand," Thoma perplexed. "Does this not disgust you? How do you not hate me right now?"
"I told you, I could never hate you-"
"But you're not bothered by this in the least?" He questioned further.
You hesitated for a moment, knowing well he had a point. Being grossed out by him would totally be the rational thought, but you couldn't think of much else than the accelerated beating of your heart, the desperate longing you'd been feeling lately for Thoma, how you'd driven yourself crazy looking for the answer to why he was so strangely withholding. You should've been disgusted by the answer you found, but instead, there was a sort of catharsis you felt, because you thought he hated you. In comparison, this was a relief, a compliment even. "I mean... it's a little embarrassing, maybe, but so are a lot of the things you do to me, and I don't mind all that so much."
With that seemingly harmless confession, a switch seemed to flip in Thoma. His eyes wandered back over to you curiously. “What do you mean you don’t mind?” He questioned, a teasing undertone slipping through his delivery.
“I- I just mean that you’re my friend, and you said that you express yourself physically-“ you stammered are his shift in demeanor.
“Y/N, I asked about you, not me. I embarrass you, but you don’t mind. That’s what you said, right?”
“…yeah, why?” You nervously answered back, removing your hand from his wrist in passing.
Thoma's head tilted in an almost teasing way, like you should know the answer to your own question. He seemed to hesitate with his next point but took a deep breath "Fuck it," he muttered. "Do you... like it when I touch you?"
You felt your chest tighten around your shy heart when he said that. "Like it? Haha, what kind of question is that?"
"A very straightforward one," he chuckled, his usual adoring smile returning with a hint of teasing. "Come on. You're a terrible liar, and it's just me and you, so you can be honest," he encouraged you with anticipation in his eyes.
You suddenly became nervous at the notion, at the intent curiosity Thoma had written all over him. You honestly hadn't thought about that way before. You'd just accepted it for what it was, but the way Thoma looked down on you with his arms folded across his chest and a smug smile across his face, it reminded you that it didn't matter how much he embarrassed you, he always made your heart flutter, and maybe it was the way he embarrassed you that made you that way too. He was right, too. You couldn't lie to him.
"I- I don't know. I mean, you give warm hugs, and your hands-" you stopped. His hands? What were you even saying?! "You know what? This is a stupid question. Why does it even matter?" You objected.
"Y/N..." He sighed dreamily, eyes heavy in lust. "What about my hands?" Thoma asked in a feigned innocence, almost as if he was mocking you.
You looked up at him and felt yourself shrivel under his gaze. This was too much for you, you thought. You should be grilling him with questions in the state you found him, but you were too kind. All you could bring yourself to do was to turn away so you couldn't see that sly look on his face.
"Oh, Y/N, I didn't mean to make you shy..." he cooed, his voice drawing closer. You felt his hands wrapped around your waist and dip down to your hips. He leaned down so his lips nearly grazed against your ear, making you shudder. "You don't just like it when I touch you. Oh no, you love it, don't you?"
Every logical thought you had left was telling you to pull away, and yet you felt trapped- no, entranced was more accurate, absolutely captivated by the way his hands fanned across the front of your thighs and then swam back to wrap around your stomach. Your breaths were heavy, weighted nervously and leaving you quicker than before. This was the place you tried desperately to avoid being, you thought. He was literally wrapped around you, hands exploring you like it was his god-given right, and you couldn't leave because you were wrapped around him in every sense but literal. You always melted into his touch, but he always pulled away before you could become encased by him.
"Do you want to know a secret, Y/N?" Thoma asked, pulling your body ever closer to his so you could feel him, feel his arousal as he pulled one hand up to grab at your chest and the other down to slide between your thighs.
You felt yourself begin to lean into his transgressions, intoxicated by his warmth. "What, Thoma?" You asked in a breathy whisper.
He let off a breath of anticipation against your neck, sending shivers down your body, and smiled. "I like touching you way more than touching myself," he said.
You swore you saw stars when he said that like it was a dream come true for something you didn't even know you dreamt about. You brought one of your hands up to the back of Thoma's neck, pulling him into yours. His lips cascaded over the skin under your ears and you intertwined your fingers in his hair in response. It wasn't long before he was pulled at the edge of your dress, catching glimpses of you guiding his hand down to your panties. Pink panties, he noticed. Lacy pink panties with little butterflies embroidered across the waistband. Even your underwear was just so adorable to him.
"Were you thinking about me... when you put on this dress, this lingerie?" he cooed between kisses.
"Maybe I was. So what?" you told him, little care for shame left in you.
He chuckled lowly. "You're so cute, trying to act like you're not still nervous," he teased. "Your legs are shaking."
"They're shaking because you keep leaving me in anticipation!" You growled, which shocked him quite a bit. You sighed. "Just touch me already. You've made me wait long enough."
"Yes ma'am," he answered, pushing your panties to the side so he could rub two fingers up and down your slit, lapping up the juices for smoother movements. He drew himself back up to your clit and pressed down on it, rubbing against your sweet spot in tantalizing circular motions that made your mouth gape and moan.
He pulled the top of your dress down too until your tits hung off the elastic so he could pull on them and play with your nipples with his free hand, rubbing against the nubs in a way that stimulated you more than the cool breeze already was against your sensitive areas. Your breaths were so quick but heavy there was no way you could try and control the excessive whining moans that continued to escape your lips, a combination of arousal and embarrassment that left you crying out to Thoma, something he found completely enamoring.
"What was it you were saying about my hands?" He asked again. "Could it be something like: oh, Thoma. When you touch me my brain goes numb and I can't think straight. Ya, that sounds about right, doesn't it."
"Ya, something like that," you conceded. "Mock me all you want, you've wanted this way more than I have."
"You know, up until about 10 minutes ago I would've agreed, but now... I'm not so sure."
"You talk too much," you shot him down.
He took your words as a challenge, dipping his fingers down so he could press into you, eliciting a needy whimper from you. "This better?" he asked as he began plunging his fingers in and out of you.
You nodded, thoughts and words completely escaping you. Pleasure was the only thing on your mind, pleasure and Thoma.
He was pushing for a climax for you. He wanted that moment of victory when he saw you cum in spurts onto his fingers in only a couple of minutes. He wanted that validation so bad that it was making his cock strain painfully as it pushed into the plush fat of your ass. The sight of you slicking up his fingers and contorting under him made him impossibly harder and made it impossibly harder to control himself. You were perfect, he thought. He was doing everything he ever dreamed of doing to you, violating you completely, and you liked it. That alone drove him endlessly wild, until he couldn't stop thinking that his fingers weren't enough. No, he needed you to cum on his cock and suck it dry the way your walls were wrapping desperately around his fingers. He couldn't wait any longer for that. He removed his hand from your hole, and you whined at him.
"Hands against the wall," Thoma told you, taking your panties and pulling them down to your ankles, catching a quick glimpse of your dripping wet pussy on the way back up.
"Thoma... why would you-"
"Put your hands. Against the wall," he urged you, growing impatient.
You grew silent turning to look at him for a brief moment to see just how serious he was, and he was.
It was taking everything in him not to press you up against that wall himself, but he waited for you to see how he wasn't kidding, "I'm going to fuck you until my cock is covered in your cum and until I've filled your insides with mine. Understand?"
You nodded both nervously but also excitedly, and no matter how hard you tried to hide it he knew. He knew because you had both hands pressed against the wall but your eyes were turned back on him, watching as he pulled his erect cock back out from his waistband, pumped it a couple times so he could release a bit of precum, then he lined it up against your soaking hole. As soon as you felt the head go in your head immediately snapped back toward the wall, and you cried out in pure ecstasy. Thoma's cock felt so good, better by the second as he let himself sink into you, and he too moaned out in satisfaction as your fluttering walls hugged his cock so welcomingly. You felt him hit the g-spot the first time and fireworks went off in your head. Your whole body felt it. His hands slithered back up your torso, now free to grab at your breasts and play with them like little toys as he slowly pulled himself out so he could fuck you slow and hard. Every thrust was harder than the last as he shoved his cock while pulling you onto it simultaneously. He wanted you to feel him inside you with explicit detail, every curve he rubbed against, every little sensation that made your whole body tingle. He wanted to fuck you in a way that made you remember every move he made, and you knew he was achieving that goal easily. You whimpered with every movement, begging him to keep going without saying any actual discernible words. He knew what you meant. It's why he kept pushing you until you felt that knot building in your stomach come painfully close to snapping.
Then there was a voice down the hall.
"Thoma. Thoma, where did you run off to? You're missing the party. The messes are starting to pile up!" He called out, a voice much calmer than the man pistoning into you that you could recognize anywhere. You turned to Thoma to urge him to stop but he kept going, kept plunging into you even as the voice drew closer.
"What's wrong? Don't want Lord Kamisato to catch you with my cock inside of you?" he teased.
"You-you're evil..." you answered weakly as you tried to stifle your moans.
"Thoma, where the hell did you go? And that friend of yours too, I haven't seen her either-" Ayato called out, his voice echoing into the room.
"He's getting closer... better hush up now or he might walk in on us. Unless, you like being seen in such a compromising state. After all, you've never stopped me from touching you in public before."
"Shut up, Thoma-" you went to chastise him, but you nearly gasped as he began to pick up his pace. He grabbed at your waist and began to ram into you much faster than before, which made your insides impossibly tight. You took your hands off the wall so you could cover your mouth and muffle the loud moans that kept trying to escape you and Thoma used it as an opportunity to turn you proudly toward the door, the door you failed to shut.
"There's been a breeze, tonight, remember?" Thoma teased further against your ear, fucking you at a steadily fast rhythm. "I can see him just down the hall. What will he think if the door just- flies open and he catches us like this?"
You moaned into your hands louder than intended, knowing Thoma would take that as confirmation that you were fantasizing about the extra attention, but really you were just close, really close.
Ayato began to approach the door and you were trying not to think about that door flinging open and the light draping onto you, but all you could really think about was how you were about to cum.
"Is your friend okay, Thoma? Does she need something I could perhaps help with?" Ayato asked into the supposed emptiness.
"I don't know," Thoma whispered. "Is there something the master can help us with?"
You nodded your head no ferociously, a near panic as you felt your climax begin to set on without your permission. Thoma's pace began to grow erratic as your walls fluttered around him and milky cream poured all over his cock. You thanked your lucky stars when Ayato passed the door without a clue and went passed your room. Thoma couldn't hold himself much longer either, and your warm cum spilling all around him had him spurting thick globs into your sensitive hole. He pressed his mouth into your neck to stifle the moans escaping him. He unfolded into a total mess as he reached his release, any sense of composure evading him as he rode down his high. An array of exhausted pants were traded between you as you both caught your breaths.
Thoma soon removed himself from you and went to the dresser by the window to pull out a couple towels. You leaned your back against the wall, unable to do much else. Thoma took the liberty of kneeling in front of you and gliding the towel across your legs after cleaning himself up. You didn't contest to his efforts. Still, you had a bit of a bone to pick with him.
"That was some stunt you pulled," you chastised him. "What were you planning to do if he actually caught us?"
Thoma chuckled, putting the towel to the side so he could stand back up and talk to you. "Exactly what I said I'd do. I'd have invited him to join us. What? It could've been fun."
"Lord Kamisato is about the least spontaneous person I can think of, and he's your boss-"
"He's also a good friend of mine, and for all the time I've known him the one thing he's always done well is surprise people," Thoma explained.
You sighed. "Ayato doesn't want anything to do with me."
"You wanna bet on that?"
A/N: uhhh, hey guys! I know it's been a while and this is very random but hey, I updated the one thing no one was asking for lmao. Happy new year!
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according2thelore · 3 months
i just reread ur Love Potion no. 9 and now I’m thinking about es!dean cooking ls!sam a ribeye bc he has a KITCHEN here and ls!sam trying to make himself eat it <3 anyway love ur stuff so much
EEP! thank you anon! i love domestic winchesters so much, lol!
this idea crawled into my head and stuck there until i wrote it. this is humiliatingly long but thank you for the prompt!!! your brain anon!!!
mwah!! mwah!!! <3
the smell brings sam into the kitchen. younger dean is standing near the stovetop, shuffling dishes around. when sam clears his throat, about to ask what he's making, the kid jumps.
"are you making dinner?" sam asks, confused. dean picks up the dishtowel, wiping his hands. sam's younger self and older dean went out to get extra spark plugs for the old junker in the garage an hour ago, and sam was planning on reheating some takeout from the other night.
dean hasn't dropped the dishtowel, kneading it between his hands like he's trying to strangle it.
"yeah, y'know. grandpa told me that i--he--us. we? do a lot of the cooking."
sam rolls his eyes because dean has gotten in the habit of calling older dean 'grandpa' and 'the geezer' and 'ol dusty.' it's cute.
but gosh, the smell. sam's stomach roils. dean must see something shift on his face because he's quick to explain.
"d'you remember when we were stuck outsida asheville? and the only thing we had were those hotdogs?"
sam can't help but wrinkle his nose. he definitely remembers. dean had done everything he could do dress them up and make it different, but they went on a hotdog strike for months after, only choosing other food if they had a choice.
"i got real handy with the grill. that's...kinda the only gourmet cooking i've got under my belt. i asked, but. uh. anyway. i made you steak? a ribeye steak?"
it sounds like a question at the end and sam's stomach sinks because oh shit. dean made this. dean made this for me. sam looks over dean's shoulder, easier than it would be if dean were his older self, pounds of muscle not packed in yet.
that's where he's been. he's been in here since before the other two even left. cooking dinner. for sam. to eat.
it's not even a question of if sam's going to do it. because he is going to do it.
it's a question of how neutral can he make his face as he chokes it down.
and oh god, it's huge. the steak is as big as dean's face, and sam knows for a fact that he must have picked it out specifically, because dean did not have that thing in their fridge.
sam's stomach goes wobbly with the image of this little dean, trailing in aisles in the local grocery store with a hat pulled low over his eyes (like they had all agreed to do until this blew over), deciding which steak sam would like the best.
"oh wow!" sam says, trying to sound encouraging. "it's big."
dean flushes fourteen different shades of pink over a period of ten seconds, and yeah. sam sighs. he's going to eat the fucking steak.
six minutes later, after dean had pushed sam down into a chair and let his hand on sam's shoulder linger for two seconds longer than it should have--
(and really, dean is not smooth. sam wished he had known back in 2006 that dean was this easy to fluster because he would've fallen to his knees in shitty motel carpet ten years early and saved them all a lot of heartache.)
--sam is staring at easily sixteen ounces of meat. to dean's credit, it looks like it should feature on a grilling magazine or something. but all sam can smell is the slightly seared odour of flesh.
"and i heard that you like greens, so--" sam tears his eyes away and dean awkwardly balances a bagged salad in his hands. sam feels like crying. this is going to be a rough few minutes.
"share it with me," sam asks, begs really, but dean just shakes his head.
"nah, man. i made it for you. i've got one for me." and sure enough, sam's stomach sinks as dean brings over another plate to the table with a much more reasonably sized offering.
"great." sam says, smiling bleakly. his throat is clogged and thick when he swallows. he tastes acid at the back of his throat. they sit in silence for a few minutes while sam pops the salad bag, trying to frantically puzzle out how he's going to eat this thing.
he could eat it as fast as possible? give his nerves less time to process the hot skin sliding down his throat. but the chances of him throwing up would increase exponentially. he could chew and hide bites in his napkin? but dean would catch it.
sam's stomach sinks. he's going to have to chew it. and swallow it. and let it sit in his stomach. heavy and full. skin grease and meat tearing under his teeth. sam's mind whites-out with the memory of the cage, of being forced to eat his own thigh down to the bone.
"so..." dean asks, "how long have we lived here?"
sam looks up, and realizes that dean is gripping his beer bottle so tight that it looks like it might shatter in his hand. sam softens. kid looks like he's going to shit himself.
"you know i can't tell you that." sam chides. and he picks up his fork. he picks up his knife. he braces himself. and he cuts.
"and what are your...what are your plans?" dean asks, thirty minutes later. they've been talking back and forth, trading memories of things pre-2006. sam's been trying to keep this strictly common knowledge, and dean--unlike sam's younger self--takes it mostly in stride.
sam feels an automatic reflex to burp rising in his throat, and he locks his muscles as much as he can because if he feels the taste of aerosolized meat in his mouth again, he will vomit.
half the steak is gone, and dean's food is completely gone. he doesn't seem to be in any rush, and keeps giving sam more beer. sam keeps having to take sips after each bite to wash the taste away as soon as he can, so he appreciates it. dean seems more and more surprised that sam isn't letting more slip, and sam smirks to think of how much of a light-weight he used to be.
is dean trying to get him drunk? sam's kind of flattered, he thinks.
"my plans?" sam repeats, raising an eyebrow.
"yeah. y'know. for the future."
sam looks at dean appraisingly. it could be a ploy for information, but for some reason, dean looks prematurely disappointed, like he's bracing himself for bad news. sam quickly takes another bite, thin enough that he can swallow it down without chewing at all.
"well." sam says, slowly. taking another swig of beer. "i've always wanted a dog. but--" he smiles. "'grandpa' says no. he's afraid it's going to get hair all over the car."
dean blinks at him. like he's waiting for something else. but when sam just stuffs another bite in his throat, dean cracks a hesitant smile.
"well. grandpa's very wise. i've always said so. dander is shit for leather."
sam smiles, rolling his eyes, when he hears footsteps.
"did someone grill out inside--" dean. older dean. he rounds the corner, and freezes when he sees the steak in front of sam. his younger self sitting across from him. "what the fuck?"
"dean, it's okay--" sam says, quickly, before dean can say anything, but dean is already storming across the room.
"did you eat this?" he demands, but before sam can say anything, dean whirls on his younger self. "he doesn't eat meat, jackass."
the younger dean blanches. "what? yeah he does. we eat burgers all the time."
"not my sam, one tree hill." dean turns around to face sam again. "are you okay?"
in truth, sam already feels the meat settling oddly in his stomach. he feels like he's going to be sick. but he just glares at dean instead, furious. the cage is sam's to tell--or sam's to bury, in this case. dean's tone is too acerbic for young dean to not pick up on the weight of it. it's clear from dean's tone alone that sam's aversion to meat is not a choice made on ethics.
younger dean looks like he's about to cry, sitting back in his chair. silence stretches for a second.
"give us a minute." sam snaps. dean flushes a furious shade of scarlet.
"what the hell? i'm not--"
"dean." sam says, cutting. dean peters into silence, and sam looks at both deans, one furious and one crestfallen. "he was doing something nice."
"by forcing you to--"
sam puts a hand on dean's, pushing the plate in his hands down. he makes eye contact, and sees the concern there. dean's never been good at letting sam take care of himself, and sam can already see how a version of himself 'hurting' sam is making him ready to start throwing punches. he softens.
"i'm going to be fine. let me handle this, please. i'll catch up with you later."
dean's mouth twists up in a snarl. "sam--"
"later." sam repeats, and dean growls something unintelligible as he storms out of the room. sam sags forward, finally allowing himself to process how full and ill he feels. how the alien flesh in his stomach feels revolting, thick.
"why didn't you say anything?" a quiet voice. sam looks up, smiling a genuine smile this time, and allowing it to look as weird as it probably does.
"i can't." sam says, apologetic. he's not going to tell dean anything about it. he can't know. dean rubs a hand over his face.
"i'm not used to not knowing you, sammy." he murmurs, looking sick. he looks so young that sam's chest contracts. what a sorry pair they make.
"you know me." sam reassures softly. "i'm your little brother."
dean looks up at him then, huffing an unamused snort. they look at each other for a long while, sam tracing the round curves of dean's face. his wide eyes. sam wonders what dean sees when he looks at him.
"yeah. okay." dean says, finally. "'m sorry."
sam shrugs. "how about we get outta here? there's a diner down by the movies that makes a mean veggie burger."
dean nods, still looking lost.
"they also make the best pecan pie in the state. we've checked."
dean snorts, and there he is: sam's big brother. young, and lost, but undeniably here, in the swoop of his bottom lip as he smiles.
sam's chest expands with his first full breath in almost an hour, and something else. something warm.
"i'll be the judge of that." dean says, cocky and all false-reassurance. sam wants to kiss him. but he stands instead, and nods towards the door.
"lead the way."
i saw something the other day that suggested veggie!sam was a hot take, and i think i'm only a partial veggie!sam believer. i think it comes and goes--he has good and bad days.
i can only imagine the cage made sam's relationship to consuming meat weirder. but who knows! thank you again for the prompt anon!!!
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tokkishouse · 1 year
If requests are closed ignore this but can you do xiao x reader?
The reader is an adeptus as well one xiao wasnt aware existed till the chasm incident when he saw a small crystal fly coming towards him before zhongli saved him.
How would he react and fall for the reader?
Fluff please? I've read too much angst
Requests are not closed! I was a little confused about what specifically you were looking for so if I need to adjust, by all means, let me know ❤️ I tried to make this fluffy but I think. I made it too solemn. Also, thank you all for 300+ followers. I'm so glad you all enjoy my writing. It really motivates me to keep at it 😊
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(Sfw) Falling for You
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Characters: Xiao x GN!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for the 2.7 archon quest, reader is an adeptus with a pyro vision, it's fluffy?? To an extent? A bit of a somber end but no one necessarily dies
WC: 1.6k Words
Check out Pt. 2 Here! (nsfw)
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Xiao felt his body grow weaker as he fell deeper down into The Chasm, the panicked voices of his allies but a distant sound. He had put all his energy and power into sending them back home-- he had done his duty faithfully. There was no need to feel regret or fear for the inevitable.
Just as his eyes slowly fall shut, a small red crystal fly flutters towards him. Only for a moment, a glimpse of life before his eyes. Before he can focus too hard, a glimmer of yellow shines, and geo-energy shoots right at him. Warmth encases him and as he closes his eyes, the crystal fly disappears.
Soon after, he appears outside The Chasm with the others, who hurriedly run over to check on him. His mind is racing and the residual energy is buzzing off of him. The words of concern from his allies fall on deaf ears-- all he could focus on was what he saw as he was falling.
That crystal fly...why is its energy so familiar...
The next time Xiao feels that familiar energy, he's out patrolling the beaches near Wangshu Inn. One of the renters at the inn mentioned a hilichurl camp that was giving trouble to passersby and he wanted to investigate for himself. When he arrived, he saw you standing there, back facing towards him, in the center of what he can assume is the remains of the camp.
Smoke and water vapor rise around you and the smell of burnt wood and flesh floods his nostrils. You made quick work of the camp, as there was barely a mask left behind in the wreckage.
"I'm glad to see you are able to be up and moving fairly quickly, Alatus."
Xiao tensed a little-- you never turned around and yet you knew who was behind you.
"I'm an adeptus. It is not easy to take me down," he replies, tightening the grip on his spear. "Who are you?"
You finally look back at him, wearing a smile that does not quite reach your eyes.
"I am Y/N. Nice to meet you."
Xiao's breath hitches as he meets your eyes. There are speckles of red in your iris, reminding him of embers flittering off a flame. The longer he holds eye contact with you, the more intense the feeling of his heartbeat gets. It's loud and rumbles like thunder. He was sure there were no other adepti, and he definitely did not sense your presence in the chasm before. So how...
"I'm quite new actually. Only a few hundred years old-- nothing compared to your age I'd imagine," your voice pierces through his head, breaking him out of his thoughts. "I signed a contract with Morax and was spending my time in Natlan. However, when he told me what you were up to, I made my way back here."
Xiao studies your face, looking for any trace of deception. But your smile, while ingenuine, revealed no such thing.
"Then, you were the crystal fly?" He questions, and you nod, your smile widening.
"Ding ding ding-- we have a winner! I help Morax figure out where you were so he could rescue you. Although, I'm sure he would've found you all on his own eventually. He is the Geo Archon."
You pull out a pocketwatch from your bag, clicking your tongue when you see the time.
"It appears that I'm running behind on another errand. You'll have to forgive me, Alatus," you apologize, putting the pocket watch away. Just as you're about to run off, he stops you.
"Xiao. Call me Xiao," he insists. "That name carries memories and a history that is no longer relevant."
You look back at him, eyes scanning over his features properly. After a bit, the warmth from your smile reaches your eyes, and you nod.
"I'll see you around, Xiao."
You and Xiao meet up more after that day. At first, you'd make bi-weekly trips to Wangshuu Inn, relaxing on the rooftop under the shining moon with Xiao as you recount your adventures to him. You remind him of Ganyu or even Yanfei, with you all having closer proximity to humans and even the mannerisms you've managed to adopt.
On one particular evening, you both exchange your favorite meals: he lets you try almond tofu, and you offer him a delicacy from Natlan. Neither dishes are to the other's taste, and you laugh it off as a result of "different environments." Nonetheless, you always bring him something to try and he does grow fond of the spicy and sweet candies that come from the land of pyro, along with the adeptus that guards the nation.
It wasn't until you had been coming for about 4 months that the yaksha finally realized his feelings for you. It was during the Lantern Rite Festival-- everyone was coming together to celebrate the memories of those who had passed. The streets were bustling with life and joy-- a sight that he knew you would not want to miss
Currently, Xiao is walking around the streets, searching for you. You promised that you would be there to release a lantern with him.
"Where are they?" He ponders to himself as he watches festivalgoers walk past and interact with the merchants.
A sudden warmth fills his chest, startling him a bit. He looks up and sees you standing on the roof of one of the buildings, holding a lantern. You flash him a grin and leap off. Catch me if you can, your actions read. Xiao grunts and he leaps after you, not wasting time.
You two race across the city toward the harbor, jumping over congested roads and excited patrons. It's not long before you land at the edge of the dock, Xiao landing right behind you.
"You're a tad too slow, Alatus," you tease, turning to face the yaksha. He grunts, looking away.
"You had a head start."
"Is that what we're going with? The 'head start' excuse?" You laugh, and Xiao is reminded of the bells that ring as merchants push their carts down the streets, selling their wares. A familiar and welcoming sound.
"You already have a lantern," he comments, deciding the change the subject.
You look down at the object in your hand, the heat from the candle inside warming your palms. It was carefully crafted, with a fire-breathing dragon painted outside. The way the flames danced inside made it look like the dragon's fire was alive and moving.
His, on the other hand, had a large peng bird painted on the outside, its wings spread to wrap around lantern. As the fire danced, it gave off the illusion of the wings flapping.
"Shall we release them together?" You ask, and he nods, stepping closer to the edge of the harbor.
You both stand there, waiting for the people in the city to release their lanterns first. You enjoy the environment around you-- a cool sea breeze blows past and you can hear the soft creaking of the nearby boats. The waves crash against the harbor walls and if you listen really closely, you can hear the slow breathing of you and Xiao as you stare out to the sea.
"You confuse me," Xiao states, earning an amused look from you.
"Oh? How so?"
He swallows thickly, his gaze focused on the ground and his mind racing as he searches for the right words to say. How does he explain the unnatural feelings he's felt all this time.
"You leave me wanting to see you daily. The time spent away from you has me feeling more irritable than usual. When you are here, it's like my karmic debt doesn't exist and I am allowed to simply be," he starts, slowly looking up to meet your gaze.
"I find needless chatter about everyday occurrences needless, and yet every time you're near I wish to hear you speak more. My head hurts and my chest aches, but they pain me more when you're gone...How does that work? Is it an adeptus ability you have trained to weaken me?"
You stare at him, gaze unwavering. It's overwhelming-- it's suffocating. You don't react or respond right away, and it's making Xiao feel like you're tearing everything he said apart, piece by piece. Why won't you look away? Why do you keep staring at me with such firey passion? Why oh why do I still want you to look on, to only keep your eyes on me?
He gasps at your sudden proximity and nearly stumbles back. Your voice is light-- if the wind blew harder he'd have an issue hearing what you have to say. The embers in your eyes burn brightly.
"Do you want to know what those feelings mean?"
Amber eyes stare back at you, revealing millions of thoughts scrolling by. You can feel his breath against your lips, and your heartbeats are like drums beating in synch. Time seems to slow down and it's just you two in the harbor. You both wait with bated breath for his response.
"Yes," he breathes out finally.
Your lantern is released, floating up into the sky to join the hundreds of others that spread across the starry night, and warmth spreads across Xiao's lips. You taste of jueyun chillis and sugary rice pudding, and it's all he can taste. All he can feel is your body against his and the inviting movements of your lips on his. He releases his lantern next and wraps his arms around your body, the firm grip a reminder of his desire to not let you go. Not yet at least.
Under the sea of golden light, you two share a lover's embrace. Duties are but a second thought-- the first being entirely devoted to each other.
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Requests (both sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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octoagentmiles · 9 months
If Natquik has been missing for so many years, how the heck did this guy get a hold of tea and biscuits? The octonauts find a half eaten one in the station after he leaves, so do you think he scavenges anything that gets shipwrecked? Or did he just have a fifty year supply of this stuff?
this is an EXTREMELY good question!
but. it's also, like,,, sadly, one of the few mysteries of the show that I believe can probably just be chalked up to the beautiful, wonderful magic of ✨🌈 "cartoon logic" 🌈✨
HOWEVER!! where's the fun in that??
my theory is this:
Natquik is very close with the penguins in Antarctica, and we know that those penguins travel a lot in order to get back and forth from their nesting grounds, and/or to visit family.
thus, the penguins pick up various, random extra food along their journeys, so they can bring it back to him. they've been doing this for years now.
(as for the tea, I imagine he probably took at least SOME stuff with him when he left; which could include a tea kettle, or even just a pot + mini stove.)
it's the only realistic explanation I can think of. we know Natquik's good at rationing and storing food because he tells us so in AnB, but c'mon. if he didn't perish from the cold, eating hundred year old biscuits would've done him in eventually.
I've talked about Natquik and his relationship with the penguins before, but I just gotta reiterate: I FIRMLY believe the penguins saved his life, kept him alive, sane, etc.. so yeah. I can see them bringing him leftovers from dinner like Good Neighbors and him being so grateful he forgets all about how they broke into his station last week and broke his favourite seismometer.
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cowgurrrl · 10 months
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (except this is all backstory)
Author’s note: The end of the beginning. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to continue this story or took the time to read and support this weird idea.
Summary: “Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.” - David Foster Wallace [2.2k]
Warnings: if you’ve read this far, you know what to expect
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You bury Jane outside the walls on a hill overlooking the QZ. The same hill where you hid with her when the Outbreak happened. You can see everything from up here. The sky stretches infinitely beyond the horizon, and you can see where nature has reclaimed what used to be your hometown. This hill reminds you of the one near your old apartment building where she used to roll down the grassy knoll until her clothes were stained and muddy. She would've liked finally being outside of the QZ, you think as your hand rests on the freshly dug earth, protecting her better than you ever could. 
"Y'know, I named you after one of the kindest people I've ever known," you say into the air, looking at the sunset. "I don't think I ever told you about her, but you would've liked her. She was tough and consistent. She's one of the only people who was nice to me when I was a kid. It seemed like the right thing to do, naming you after her. I still stand by it. Jane's my favorite name now." You catch yourself waiting for questions or thoughts that never come. You listen for her voice in the rustling of leaves or the distant sounds of the QZ. You've never felt more alone than you do right now. 
"I was gonna get you out of here. I was gonna take you somewhere far away and let you run around and be loud without worrying about anything. You were gonna get to be a kid. I was gonna make things better for you," you sniffle. "And I'm so sorry I couldn't do that for you, sweet girl. I tried so fucking hard, and it wasn't enough, and I," your voice catches in your throat. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." 
You tell her stories from when she was a baby, like how she couldn't fall asleep unless she was snuggling on your chest and how you still can't believe she was ever small enough to fit her entire body in your two hands. You tell her the good stories from your childhood, the ones you were too scared to even look at, let alone say aloud. You tell her the truth about her dad, how you wish he could've been better for her, and how you tried your best not to make his absence a hole in her life. You tell her everything.
You don't leave her even after the sun dips below the horizon. You can't go back to that empty apartment with the three fucking chairs and bedroom reserved for her. You can't keep living in a stale memorial for people you should've died for. You were too late, too slow, too stupid to save Adam and Jane. Why should you get to live there when neither of them does? You've been trying to gather information from different people on what happened that day, who set the bomb off, who killed your daughter, and a handful of others, including Mrs. Carmichael, as a form of repentance. You can't bring them back, but you can kill the people who took them from you. 
You don't know how long you've been sitting there when a twig snaps next to you, and you point your gun toward the sound. "It's just me," Owen says, stepping out from the shadows with raised hands. You sigh and lower your weapon, your body slumping against the tree as he gets closer. He's unarmed and out of uniform, a gray shirt stretching across his shoulders. You let him settle on the ground a few feet away, his boots crushing wildflowers under the soles. 
"D'you have information for me?" You ask, not even looking at him. He freezes, and it's enough of an answer. "Whose bomb was it?"
"Fireflies." He mumbles, his voice gravelly. You lift your head to find him staring out at the QZ. People have been on edge since the bomb exploded, as they should be. The fighting between FEDRA and the Fireflies has been ramping up. Nobody's been sleeping with gunshots firing and people barking orders all night. Still, if FEDRA could hold onto any idea of normalcy, that they are the good guys, they would. 
"If I find out you're lying to me-"
"Jesus, who else do you think it was? You really think FEDRA is dropping bombs on schools?" 
"You guys certainly aren't known for your empathy," you snap and immediately regret it. He let you go to her when you found her despite the earth still rattling under your feet. He helped you get Jane out of the QZ. He offered to help you bury her. You know he's not heartless, but he's still one of them. You clear your throat and take a shaky breath. "I'm going after the Fireflies."
"They'll kill you."
"Then I'll take as many as I can down with me." You say, and he says your name, shaking his head.
"We're already doing an investigation. Just let us handle it."
"Like you handled the bombings? Or the daily shootouts? Or the fucking Infected?" You ask. "I'm not burying anyone else, so you can tell me what you know about where the Fireflies are holed up or stay out of my way." 
"Or what?" He asks. You pull your gun and level it at his head, cocking it in half a second. His Adam's apple bobs, and you catch the slight tremble of his hands, but he doesn't move. Your hands, however, are steady as you grip the metal.  
"Wanna keep asking stupid ass questions?" You ask, and he shakes his head. "If you don't know anything, that's fine. I'll get what I need. But don't come here and act like you don't know exactly what I can do. Remember your weapons dealer?"
"He was a security risk." He swallows thickly, and you laugh.
"One you were too chicken shit to take care of yourself, right? Couldn't even tell Lee the truth about why you wanted him gone." 
"You're right. Okay? Is that what you wanna hear? You're right," he says. "Just... please put the gun down."
"I'm going after the Fireflies, and if you or any of your buddies try to stop me, I'll put a bullet in your head so fucking fast, it'll give you whiplash. Do you understand me?"
"Y... yes," he manages. You adjust your grip on your gun and lower it, but don't flip the safety. You're not a threat, you're saying. But I am. He gets the silent message and stands, showing you his empty hands once he's at his full height. His eyes jump from yours to the mound of dirt next to you, tears shining against the steel gray after a few seconds. "For what it's worth, I really am sorry for what happened. I wish I could've done something to save her." 
His words take you right back to the rubble outside her school when people were screaming with pain or grief. You swear you can smell the smoke and ash hanging in the air. You can see the caved-in front door, the blown-out windows, and how the broken glass twinkled in the street. You can feel her weight in your arms. Your face stings and you reach for Jane but only feel the cool soil. He's still staring at you, but you don't meet his eyes. 
"If you're really sorry, you'll stay the fuck out of my way," you say, the words cutting your tongue as you speak them. "I'd hate for you to become collateral, too."
Your knuckles are bloody and bruised, and you can feel the bones in your hand creaking under the weight of your punches, but you can't stop. Not when you're this close. The man under you is shaking, and tears streak over the blood on his cheeks. The tape around his wrists has come undone, but he doesn't move to stand or defend himself. Not when his shoulder is dislocated. You crouch in front of him where he's spitting blood, and he slumps against the wall with a defeated look.
"Where is she?" You ask.
"Why should I tell you? You're gonna kill me either way."
"Oh, I'm not that nice," you say. "If you don't tell me, I'll just tie you up and leave you here. The next Firefly I find will get to hear all about how you cracked and told me about their safe houses. We both know how they feel about traitors." One of the few good things to come out of you tracking the Fireflies for so long is that you know how they operate. Not only that, you know how they punish those who step out of line. For all their righteous talk, they're no better than FEDRA. "And once I tell them exactly where I left you, they'll come here and make you wish I had wasted a bullet on you. Then, I get to start all over with another one of your stupid fucking recruits. Might even grab one of the ones you brainwashed." 
He mumbles something like, "Please, don't," and shakes his head. He drops his chin to his chest and cries for a few seconds, making you roll your eyes, but you don't rush him. They all do this.
"And if I tell you?" He asks, lifting his gaze to you, and you pull your gun from your backpack. You pull the slide, clicking the bullet into place, and shrug despite his whimpering.
"I make it quick for you. Won't even feel it." 
"Please, just let me go," he begs, and you suck your teeth. "I won't t... tell anyone I saw your face. Please."
"I'm losing patience here, Danny boy." You say, reaching for the knife you threw to the side about an hour ago. 
"No, please! I have a daughter!" He yells suddenly, and you hesitate, the knife's bloodied handle slicking your palm. He seems to realize the effect of his words because he keeps going. "She's… she's three. Her name is Harley. She needs me." Strangely, you smile and slide your knife into your backpack as you stare at him. 
"I have a kid, too," you say, and his eyes brighten just enough to tell you he thinks he has a sliver of a chance. "She's ten, but she acts like she's sixteen, and she really loves music. I mean, she could just dance to it all day long. Or, at least, she would," You bite the inside of your cheek. "She would if you hadn't thrown a bomb into her fucking school building and killed her. June 2nd, 2008, does that sound familiar to you? Hm?" You ask, pressing the gun to his forehead. 
"It-it was an accident. Someone misread orders and," he sobs. "Please."
"Where's Marlene?" You ask, but all he does is cry. You give him ten seconds before you shoot his shoulder. "Where's Marlene, Daniel?" You ask again as he claws at the bullet wound, trying to stave off the bleeding. Twenty seconds. Another bullet, this time through his knee. "Where is Marlene?!" 
"B…Boston! Boston! She's in Boston!" He finally relents, and you sit back on your heels. "She has... a system of people there. If you find one of them, you can find her." You've let yourself believe a lot of lies, but this is not one of them. She's in Boston. The woman who gave the orders to detonate a bomb inside her school is in Boston. You can get there. You can do that. You have to. There's no other choice. You give Daniel one last look before shooting him. 
Suddenly, the building is silent, and the only thing you can focus on are the plans overflowing in your mind. If you leave tonight, you can make it to Boston in a month. Maybe three if you get caught up in raids or with Infected. Whatever. It doesn't matter. You can make it. You leave Daniel and the blood and gore to pack your things. The next few hours are a blur. You're clearing out your caches and stuffing bands and bands of cards into your backpack. You don't say goodbye to Lee or your neighbors or anyone. 
The only person you tell your plan to is buried under a big tree on a hill overlooking the QZ. She's the only one you say goodbye to. She's the only one you still care about. She's the last shred of your life before the world ended, and you're leaving her behind. 
One last time, you pick her wildflowers and leave them at her grave with a strained, "I love you." One last time, you kiss your hand and press it into the earth like it'll penetrate the ground and land on her forehead. One last time, you stand over her, and you walk away, hoping that the view from here is enough to absolve you of everything you've done wrong. Hoping you did at least one thing right by her. Hoping love is a good enough excuse for all the horror.
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bamdelune · 11 months
In Hindsight 📹 Ch. 13 "new year, old me"
notes. long narration ahead, will do a bonus episode from scara's pov!
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The beach was somewhere you imagine to be as peaceful and serene just as they had portrayed it in your favorite films and novels. You yearned to feel the gentle intrusion of the saltwater sea between the gaps of yout feet, to feel the grainy sensation of sand as you draw the faintest of patterns, leaving shapes in its wake. These thoughts were exactly why you ended up in a car ride with Kunikuzushi on the way to a mildy popular place to celebrate graduation. Both of you didn't have any plans for the week; your hometown was miles away from the city you lived in, meaning you wouldn't be able to see your parents—not that you'd want to anyway in this state while Kuni just didn't want to plainly stay home.
The car ride was silent for the majority, save for the occasional question of "Do you want to switch places?" after each hour of driving, perhaps you can include small chitchat in between stops, and changing the song that was playing on the speaker. You've come to find that Kuni likes songs with slow tempos, maybe R&B.
Once the both of you finally settled down in your shared room, the sunset had already started to fall on the shoreline. The calm waters of the sea nearby illuminated by the shine of the sun, you could compare it to the most eye-catching scene in a fantasy movie where the two leads would share a romantic gesture.
Except those two leads weren't you and Kuni, you were just friends.
Two friends at the beach at such close proximity that anyone passing by would've thought otherwise.
The soft splash of the water against your bare feet made you wonder how you weren't able to visit this type of calmness earlier. The sun was about to set at any time now, while the both of you sat in comfortable silence on the blanket he had laid out on the sand.
You turn your head to Kuni, hugging your knees as you were watching the sun starting to set behind the sea.
Kuni looked hesitant, almost bashful if you looked closed enough. He reaches for something in his pocket and fishes out what looked like a bracelet. You peer at his hands, examining the design.
"Consider this a graduation gift. I didn't know what type of stuff you liked so I had to make a guess. You like wearing accessories so I figured... well—" He looks away, hiding a tint of pink on his face that had bloomed out of slight embarrassment. You laugh, taking the bracelet from him.
"It's really pretty, Kuni. Thank you... so much."
At your words, your heart twists slightly, a twinge of sadness punching in.
This bracelet... and Kuni gifting it to you, it just meant something that you didn't want to think about. You don't want to think about how with this seemingly small and minor item, it meant that you were close enough with Kunikuzushi to be able to receive something from him.
Ergo, that was one more person added to the list of people you were going to have to say goodbye to the time 10 months had passed.
You hope that Kunikuzushi doesn't catch the way your smile falters ever so subtly, tearing your gaze away back to the sun as it set. The moon starting to take its place as the cape of nighttime draped over the shore.
You felt compelled to ask a question, one that was quite surprising if you examine it closely.
"Kuni, do you make friends with your patients?"
He stiffens a little at your question, his eyebrows lowering in thought. "No, why?"
"Alright... are you friends with me out of pity then?"
He looks at you with a confused expression, his indigo bangs moving along. He thinks about it for a while.
"I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the reason."
"Ah." You only say in response.
"—But, I guess it's more than that now. Listen, Y/N. I may have agreed to this because Baizhu said I had to and I felt bad, but after the past few weeks, I think that... we're kind of alike."
Kuni nods, "My mother— holy shit, even saying that makes me a little nauseous, she's the type to control every minor and trivial detail of my life. Where I go to school, who I'm friends with, where I go after graduation. I guess with an overbearing person like that watching you like a goddamn hawk, I wanted to live a little. And you, well, you convinced me that it was okay to do that."
His tone was soft and gentle, much different than that of his normal and teasing attitude. Genuine feelings latched onto every syllable and burned into your mind.
Silence fills the conversation again, before you open your mouth to speak.
"Do you.. hate your mom?"
His lips purse a little, "I couldn't if I tried, and believe me, I tried. Even with amount of fuckery she did to me, I still love her as a mother."
"Maybe if she wasn't so busy as the director of the hospital, we would've been able to sit down and talk about our issues."
You smile assuringly at him, hesitantly taking the fingers of his left hand and tracing patterns on it as you reply, "I'm glad you get to have a little wiggle room, Kuni."
Kunikuzushi lets you draw shapes on his hand, his eyes trying to deduce what you were tracing. You don't catch the way his pale face blooms pink as he watched your features focus on the silly little shapes you formed on his skin.
He was falling.
He was falling and he didn't like it.
footnotes. i do apologize once again for the slightly (very) late update T_T i got caught up in a lot of summer programs
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synopsis. You are a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a part of you, it's a part of your identity that no one can ever take away. However, there's always a catch: you are diagnosed with a chronic illness that puts your life on a timer. Those who have heard your countless melodies have grown to notice that the notes on the sheet played a gloomier tune. Would the snarky and capable medical student you've met be able to bring life back into these melodies? Even as life begins to seep out of your own body? (scaramouche x gn!reader)
tags. gender-neutral reader, angst, fluff, crack, heavy contexts of death and illnesses, friends to lovers, slowburn, profanities, drinking (characters are in college), suggestive themes but no nsfw.
taglist. (status: open) — @beriiov @alatusorrow @br0oke96 @ohmyfinggod @itzblazekun @featuredtofu @sketcheeee @lazy-sanns @sakurapeach @sheraffim @vxmp-loml @sukunasrealgf @sleepning @yukiipc @thenightsflower @aqvvas
masterpost ★ masterlist © bamdelune 2023. do not repost, translate, plagiarize any of my works without permission, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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deouxess · 1 year
i bleed in amber
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ambessa raids a city in ionia, beheads a child, and you comfort mel.
tw: beheading, gore, mentions of blood.
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mel has always known of her mother's brutality. it itches in the back of her skull, the thought that she comes from a line of murderers.
the great medardas.
or so they call her family of savages. still, she doesn't let it bother her. she never thought she had to see it. she never expected to be forced to face it upfront. she always presumed that that would be left to her brother; the eldest, the heir, the less weak of the two.
she was always more of a diplomat than a fighter, even more so than her brother. the least she thought she would have to do was give the penalty of death and leave it in the hands of others. and she would've come to terms with that and the guilt it carried because such is the life of a medarda.
mel wishes she'd have anticipated the outcome.
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you survey the estate's properties and damages while mel rambles on about how much she's learned of the country. you hum to indicate your concentration then give a nod to your footmen and motion them away before you interrupt her. an exhale leaves you as you screw your eyes shut to stave off the incoming headache. she's not going to like this.
“mel, dove?”
“what will you do under the circumstances that we have to dispose of a native?”
as chief consort, overseeing mel's education and her progress with her tutors are your obligation. so is asking rational, relevant questions like these. that didn't mean you enjoyed it. she didn't falter and quickly answered with;
“strip them of their possessions and send them elsewhere.”
she turned to you with a practiced coolness and a look of hope in her eyes, sure that her answer would please you. you steeled yourself for your next question as you drew out a breath and shut your eyes.
“what do you do in the circumstance where we must be rid of them completely?”
you can hear the wind blowing the weight of the portiere softly as the air tenses. you can tell she's tense. she looks you in the eye as she combs her brain for answers and comes up short. finally she offers an answer.
“public execution.”
with slight dourness in her tone. you both pause and for a moment, her eyes flash with something. hurt?
“I never meant to—”
“your eminence? lady medarda awaits you in the cathedra.”
you nodded and turned to mel.
“how about you head there first and i'll follow? i've got some things to finish up.”
you surmised you could give your apology another time.
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you swore the whole room was gold with the way it illuminated. the crystal roof that reflected the aurulent doors were ingenious. or they would be, once the blood was scrubbed off the walls.
“he offered me a gold coin for every—”
“weapon you had collected from the fallen? we know dear, you've told that one already.”
“not to her.” she turns to you and gives you a half smirk before turning back to her second born. you could say your relationship has improved since the enthroning situation. in fact, she hasn't tried to kill you since. you stand behind her and hear mel prattle on excitedly about the image their figurehead should have. the child looks to her mother for approval with hope in her eyes as ambessa smiles down at her.
"perhaps she could be my daughter.”
she looked so shocked you struggled not to laugh.
“you would give me a throne?”
“i will give you the world child, if you prove you can take it”
your attention shifted to the door, if it could even be called that, stood two guards and.... a girl, it seemed? the wind blew heavily while ambessa seemed to ponder over her.
“what should we do with her?”
ah, a test. an opportunity.
“she won't be any trouble for us. strip her of her possessions and send her to the far colonies.”
you knew that wouldn't do it for ambessa.
“she is a symbol of the old regime. we kill her now. if we do, we spare needing to kill thousands in her stead.”
it's a mercy you suppose, only killing one to possibly save the lives of others. but it's too much for her, you can tell. mel's lithe body shakes like a leaf as she wavers and searches for something, anything to palliate her mother.
“we could show the people we are merciful.”
her voice shakes, the poor child. and you walk forward to hold her steady. ambessa walks away, and for a moment all is well as you both let out a breath. before ambessa turns and slashes the child's throat. her head falls clean off her shoulders and you hold a hand to your mouth. mel begins to shake again and you grasp her shoulders.
“breathe, schatje, breathe.”
you whisper in her ear as you hold her close. she stands stock still and lets out a squeak as she watches the blood pool, her eyes wide. ambessa turns to you both and her eyes flick in between the two of you, huddled together like frightened children.
“a wolf has no mercy.” she advises before walking off.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Small Shadows (Part 1)
Daisy takes Luigi on an outing with the intention of teaching him to fight, but as it turns out their approach to training, their approach to friendships, and their outlook on the world couldn't be more different. In the process, Daisy accidentally brings to the surface some of Luigi's deep-seated insecurities.
(A scene that takes place at some point after the first Mario movie, smack dab in the center of a different overarching plot that I have no intention of writing. This scene is the only one that I have fleshed out in my head. I mostly wanted an excuse to play with the concept of Movie-Verse Daisy.)
Available on A03:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/47310646/chapters/119211211
Night had fallen over Sarasaland, the unrelenting heat of the Birabuto Desert dissappearing into ice cold of sand and stone as the sun sank over the skyline. The civilians lit their lamps and took to the streets, the growing darkness doing little to dissuade the excitement of the bustling city. Waddling goombas and black-shelled koopas hurried about with more an air of frivolous fun than they did during the business hours now that the oppressive heat of afternoon had long abandoned the earth. Princess Daisy weaved through the crowd, ducking out of the main streets and down into the far less crowded byways with Luigi in tow.
When the princess had pulled Luigi aside and asked him if he wanted to do some training, he, perhaps against his better judgment, agreed. He barely had enough time to let Toad know where he was going before he was dragged out into the night. In truth, Luigi would've rather gone to bed. He was tired from the long journey, but that journey had been fraught with mistakes… stupid mistakes that he couldn’t afford to keep making. Of course, his brother and friends had his back with every step (and misstep) of the way. Mario had faith in him, Peach had seemingly limitless patience, and even Toad respected his willingness to come along, but nobody couldn’t deny that Luigi had some catching up to do.
So, of course, it came as a great surprise when Princess Daisy, renowned for her fighting skills worlds over, offered to train him one-on-one. He would've been an idiot to say no, he only wished he had a chance to explain where he was going to Mario before accepting the offer. His big brother had been averse to separating ever since he first saved him from Bowser, even for a few hours. Luigi could only hope that Toad's word would be enough to convince Mario to get some much-needed sleep in his absence.
Luigi huffed and puffed as he struggled to keep up with the princess– dashing up and down steep stone steps, diving into narrow passages, and ducking under clotheslines. He assumed they were heading toward an obstacle course, like the ones he had practiced on back in The Mushroom Kingdom, so he was surprised when their journey ended at the entrance of a dingy bar, carved into a stone wall off the beaten path. The windows emanated a golden light, a musty smell, and the sound of uproarious laughter. Before Luigi could ask any questions Daisy kicked open the heavy door. And Luigi, after pausing in a moment of anxious confusion, felt little choice but to follow her inside.
While the streets were filled with the more common residents of the region, this bar was packed with well-built warriors from all across Sarasaland; insects and arachnids, strange reptiles both winged and earthbound, and strange sentient faces made all of stone, all at least a head taller than their dainty ruler. The moment she burst in they all perked up to greet her, cheering as they lifted their glass. “Aaaye! Princess Daisy!” Daisy stepped proudly through the crowd, greeting old friends with a frenetic glee, passing around high fives and fist bumps as the group cleared a path for her. “Tiko! Looking good bud!… Frang! That scar’s healing up nicely!… Morgrus! How did the hunt go?”
“Knocked seven pokeys and twelve firesnakes from the main road!” answered a spine-covered spider, pointing to a large burn on one of its eight legs as he flexed, “Check it out!” “Ha! That’s gnarly man!” Daisy rushed over to give Morgrus a noogie, momentarily leaving Luigi isolated in the center of the room. Up until now he had made an effort to go unnoticed, Princess Daisy’s broad skirt making a suitable shield from prying eyes. Now that she was gone he could see clearly all the gazes fixed upon him, a mix of wide-eyed surprise, squinting suspicion, and belittling amusement.
Luigi kept his hands tucked to his chest. He awkwardly waved to anyone he caught staring, trying to ignore the sensation that his legs were already shaking beneath him. Thankfully, Daisy wasn’t gone long. She soon returned to his side, placing a reassuring hand on the small of his back as she escorted him to the bar at the far end of the room.
A plant rose up from behind the counter– resembling something like a large piranha plant, but instead of having two petals filled with razor-sharp teeth it had four petals forming a toothless maw. It gave something of a grin as it spoke in a hoarse, gravely voice. “Daisy! Long time no see! I take it, you want the usual?” “Torque!!” Daisy leapt up and wrapped her arms around the plant’s stem. Torque bent down to receive the hug, smiling as big as any plant could smile as he was embraced. “Of course I’ll have my usual!” she said, cupping the creature's petaled face for a moment before releasing him, “Double shot, extra acidic!” “And… uh…” a spindly leaf poked up from behind the bar to gesture at Luigi, “… what about you?” Luigi stuttered for a moment, his index finger raised as he searched around some sort of menu. He found nothing. After five agonizing seconds of uncomfortable silence, Daisy spoke up for him: “He’ll have what I’m having!” She hopped up on one of the bar stools with an airy grace. Luigi attempted to mimic her, but his natural clumsiness caused him to stumble off the chair. Daisy reached out with a catlike swiftness, grabbed his overall strap, and pulled him back up on the seat before he fell face-first on the unswept floor. “Torque, meet Luigi!” Daisy introduced, still holding him by the overall strap as she gestured toward the little man in green, “He’s a guest from The Mushroom Kingdom! He’s one of the ones who defeated Bowser!”
“Ha! Really! You!?” Though Torque was occupied with the kegs at the back of the bar, there was no subtlety in his doubt. Luigi couldn’t really blame him. “Well, my brother Mario and I used the power of The Superstar–”
“Aaah, that explains it.” The plant chuckled as he poured a frothy liquid into two large stoneware mugs, his tangled vines sliding them across the bar. Daisy picked up both drinks, and pressed the fuller of the two into Luigi’s chest.
“Bottoms up little guy! Let’s get some liquid courage in ya’!” Luigi smiled awkwardly at his host, then inspected the drink. It looked like beer, but it smelled floral. Taking a tentative sip, he found it tasted floral too. It was like drinking the smell of a summer garden, but it burned the whole way down.
While he continued taking dainty little sips, wincing with every swallow, Daisy started up conversation with the barplant. “Has a fight happened yet?”
“Not yet.” Torque laughed, taking up a rag and cleaning an unused mug, “But I’d bet money that we’re going to get some chaos tonight. The Muda and the Easton Kingdom have been in a bit of a dispute over fishing rights, and if a Gunion shows up… let’s just say this place is going to be in shambles by the time the night’s over.”
Daisy giggled like a schoolgirl, clapping her gloved hands in excitement.
“Perfect! Because the moment things get rough…” She reached over and held Luigi to herself in a tight side-hug, “... this guy is going to join in!” “Wait, really?” “What?!” Luigi asked, sounding twice as surprised as Torque. Daisy released her grip on Luigi, and turned in her seat to address him directly.
“Look, Peach’s little training regimes and obstacle courses are cute, but what you need is real experience! Nothing better to sharpen your reflexes than a good old-fashioned drunken brawl!”
“Haha, wow.” Luigi forced a laugh, unable to hide his apprehension at the idea. “Sound like fun… but jeeze, y’know, maybe you should do all the fighting, and I can just… hang back and takes notes.”
“Oh, Don’t be like that Lu Lu!” Daisy laughed. She rubbed the top of his head so hard his hat was pushed down over his eyes, “If you don’t start taking initiative, you’re gonna be in your brother’s shadow your entire life.”
Luigi pulled his hat off his eyes, revealing an annoyed look as he adjusted its brim. “Well, what’s wrong with being in someone’s shadow?”
“Because those guys are the first to be left behind.”
Luigi was set aback by this. Putting down his drink, he braced a hand against his chest and began rubbing the back of his neck. Daisy sounded completely matter-of-fact in her statement, swishing the contents of her mug around as she continued, “Sure, Mario may have pumped the brakes for your sake when you two were nothing but nobodies, but that’s not gonna keep happening! Now that he’s getting hailed as a hero, do you really think he’s going to keep letting himself be slowed down?”
“... I'm slowing him down?” Daisy failed to notice how hurt Luigi sounded, she was too interested in surveying the surrounding crowd for signs of rising tension, for the inevitable fight she so longed for.
“You’re lagging behind the team Lu Lu, I can see it!” Daisy answered cheerfully, “On the battlefield there is no better partner than Peach, and Toad’s proven he makes good backup– not an ounce of fear in those beady black eyes! Peach, Toad, and Mario… they make a great trio, don’t they? Why should they make room for a fourth? Huh? Why shouldn’t they leave you behind?”
Luigi didn’t answer. His shoulder’s hunched, he looked down at his reflection in the polished countertop. “I-” was all he managed when his voice violently cracked. He braced his elbows against the bar and shielded his face with his hands, trying desperately to compose himself as an unwanted urge to cry came over him. "No no no. Come on, get it together. Not here. Don't look stupider than you already do."
Hearing the tears in his voice, Daisy turned her full attention back to Luigi. Seeing his demeanor, she grew confused. She knew that the little guy was emotional– she liked that emotion! It showed a love of life and a determination to survive, but she didn’t expect it to overcome him at a time like this. Feeling a strange pang of what she could only describe as regret, she reached over… gently at first, as though she wanted to gingerly pat Luigi’s head… but suddenly changed course at the last moment to take hold of the handle of Luigi’s mug, and press it unceremoniously to his lips with enough force to tip his head back.
“Hey, easy there! Here, take another swig, get the edge off!” Luigi almost choked as he was manhandled into downing the drink, his head buzzing slightly as he swallowed a large mouthful. Coughing, he pushed the mug away as Daisy continued with added determination: “I only say these things because I like you! I think you’ve got every chance to be just as good as Mario! If we work hard enough at it, you might even be better than him before you know it!”
Luigi climbed down from the barstool, the alcohol hitting his system dulling his overheightened impulse control as he turned to the princess and finally talked back, even daring to raise his voice.
“Better? What do you mean better? I don’t want to be better than him,” he said sternly, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
Daisy stared down at Luigi with a frown, looking more confused than upset. “...Why not?”
“I– I…” Luig stuttered. He fidgeted with his cap as he tried to gather his thoughts. “It’s not that I don’t want to be strong for him. But Daisy… there’s more to who a person is than who they’re able to beat. Not everything is a competition you know.”
Daisy laughed heartily at this, toasting her mug toward Luigi in admiration of his “joke.” “Good one Lu Lu!”
Luigi sighed. He dejectedly rubbed his arm, then turned away, heading toward the door.
“Thanks for the drink Daisy, but I think this was mistake.”
“Aw c’mon! Don’t be a quitter!” Daisy called after, “You can’t keep going like this ya’ goofball! You can't spend your whole life running away!”
Luigi turned his head to say something back, but in the two seconds he wasn’t paying attention he walked directly into someone. He felt a drink drench him as he fell backward, a half-empty mug clattering to the floor next to him.
“Hey!” A gruff voice yelled out, and Luigi had barely enough time to recover his bearings when he felt the scaly coils wrap around his arms, pinning them to his side. Forced to his feet, he found himself face-to-face with a giant serpent, its nostrils blazing with a heat that curled the hairs of his mustache.
“Watch where yer’ going, runt!”
“So sorry!” Luigi whined, squeezing his eyes shut. He felt his heart thudding against his chest. The immobilizing grip, the heat, and the dry scales, all bringing back the worst of memories. He struggled, but with every motion the coils seemed to only constrict tighter around him.
“‘Sorry’ don't do nothin.” The serpent raised Luigi a few inches off the ground, giving him a firm shake, spurts of flame jutting out from between his teeth, “Yer’ gonna buy me a new drink, ain’t ya?”
“Yes! Yeah yeah yeah, I can do that!” Luigi gasped out, struggling to draw breath. Through the fog of fear and oxygen deprivation, he remembered he left all his stuff back at Daisy’s castle where Mario and the others were staying the night. He had thought he was heading to an obstacle course– he didn’t think he’d need money. “I… will need to go back to my room to get my wallet though. If you just wait here– ACK!” Luigi wheezed as the coils gave him a sharp squeeze, threatening to crack his ribs for a moment before loosening just enough to allow him to take shallow breaths.
“Ya’ think I’m stupid!?” The serpent sneered, leaning in so close that he was nearly nose-to-nose with his trapped prey, “Do ya’ think I was born yesterday? I know that trick!” “Daisy!” Luigi looked over to the princess, and called out to her with the last bit of air left in him. She was still sitting at the bar, finishing off her drink, seemingly unaware of his situation. “Daisy!” He pleaded again, his voice soft and squeaky as the coils continued to tighten “Please!”
The Princess looked up, but her expression didn’t indicate any sort of worry, rather there was an undeniable spark of excitement in her eyes, a broad grin spreading across her face as she slammed her mug against the countertop with enough force to shatter it, and started pounding her fists upon the bar in a steady rhythm. “Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” she chanted. The rest of the bar steadily joined in, their attention drawn to the altercation. Dozens of fists slammed down against tables to join Daisy’s drum beat, the words “Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” filling the air, shouted by every patron.
Luigi looked at his attacker with redoubled terror. The serpent’s angry expression was replaced with a jagged, confident grin as he tossed Luigi in the air, and slammed him back down on the nearest table, breaking it in half. A cheer rang out, and from there every manner of furniture was toppled or broken, mugs and glasses shattered as everyone in the establishment threw themselves into the fray, the night erupting into chaos as the shadowy bar in the back alley echoed out with war cries and exchanged blows.
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