#i dunno how many shipwrecks there are in antarctica- considering how shook he was at the mere sound of flowing water
octoagentmiles · 8 months
If Natquik has been missing for so many years, how the heck did this guy get a hold of tea and biscuits? The octonauts find a half eaten one in the station after he leaves, so do you think he scavenges anything that gets shipwrecked? Or did he just have a fifty year supply of this stuff?
this is an EXTREMELY good question!
but. it's also, like,,, sadly, one of the few mysteries of the show that I believe can probably just be chalked up to the beautiful, wonderful magic of ✨🌈 "cartoon logic" 🌈✨
HOWEVER!! where's the fun in that??
my theory is this:
Natquik is very close with the penguins in Antarctica, and we know that those penguins travel a lot in order to get back and forth from their nesting grounds, and/or to visit family.
thus, the penguins pick up various, random extra food along their journeys, so they can bring it back to him. they've been doing this for years now.
(as for the tea, I imagine he probably took at least SOME stuff with him when he left; which could include a tea kettle, or even just a pot + mini stove.)
it's the only realistic explanation I can think of. we know Natquik's good at rationing and storing food because he tells us so in AnB, but c'mon. if he didn't perish from the cold, eating hundred year old biscuits would've done him in eventually.
I've talked about Natquik and his relationship with the penguins before, but I just gotta reiterate: I FIRMLY believe the penguins saved his life, kept him alive, sane, etc.. so yeah. I can see them bringing him leftovers from dinner like Good Neighbors and him being so grateful he forgets all about how they broke into his station last week and broke his favourite seismometer.
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