#i genuinely genuinely mean that and have believed it for many a moon before i namor even showed up.
blackification · 2 years
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itgirl-111 · 7 months
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Why do I have to be so offensively attractive? Everything about me from top to toe is perfection. You've never seen a face as pretty and flawless as mine. No cause why do I have to look this hot? I'm fr the hottest girl on the planet. Everything about me from top to toe is pure perfection, my individual features are perfect and flawless but when they come together they are so harmonious? Like everything just fits my face so fucking perfectly like it's meant to be there. Every inch of my face and body is gorgeous and flawless. I am a walking masterpiece, I'm a work of art. Everyone is obsessed with me the first time they see me, I am so drop dead gorgeous that people literally double take and gasp once they lay their eyes on me. I mean, I'm always the center of attention because why wouldn't I be? I high key give off real main character vibes, it's like I straight up walked out of an anime. It's near impossible for someone to look this humanely beautiful but I do because I'm just too damn stunning. I literally take everyone's breath away. I am so offensively attractive, people find it difficult to not look at me, I swear all eyes turn only to me because I'm literally the most beautiful ever. It's only once in a blue moon that you'd get a chance to see a person as attractive as I am, Im once in a lifetime afterall. I get complimented every single day, I hear everyone call me beautiful more than my own name. I am too painfully attractive, it's indescribable. I'm the typa girl who you see once and never forget. I literally got everyone feeling some type of way they never felt before. I am literally so utterly mesmerizing. I got everyone simping for me fr. I'd be literally breathing and everyone would be down bad for me, Literally down bad. I got universal sex appeal, meaning everyone regardless of sexuality is down bad for me . I am so sexy people genuinely cannot get over it and everyday I just get 100x trillion times hotter. I am just sooo damn fine like I've got too pretty of a face and even more powerful vibe. I believe in my supremacy fr. Sometimes it's just so hard to grasp the fact that a person as attractive as I, is living on the same planet as everyone else, everyone is damn lucky to be born in the same generation as I am. It's ridiculous how many simps I have, like damn I really got everyone down bad for me huh. I am the pinnacle of God tier beauty and charisma.
There's something about my vibe which is just so uniquely mine, like my vibe and energy is so one of a kind, everyone can feel my vibe even before I walk into the room. I give off an expensive, powerful, hot girl vibe who straight up walked out of an anime I swear lol. My energy is way too magnetic and irresistible, it speaks volumes. My presence is literally out of this world. The way I carry myself, the way I talk, the way I do things, the way I think, the way I look, my energy, my mannerisms, my habits, all of it is way too unique to be replicated. Everyone wanna study me like their favourite subject. It's impossible to mistake me for another one, I stand out and outshine literally everyone with my beauty, charisma, and interesting personality. The fact that it comes to me so naturally and effortlessly? Even better. I've got such amazing wit and humour, I'm so personable that people genuinely love to be around me even though I may seem intimidating at first. I always know how to spark interesting and amazing conversations, I know when to speak and be quiet, I got that perfect balance between loud and quiet confidence. My intelligence and the way I keep learning new things so easily? Even hotter!. I am an ICON. My energy is actually so magnetic, I have that little something, that is just so insanely attractive and captivating that it cannot be described in words, only felt. I truly believe in my own supremacy.
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gay-dorito-dust · 17 days
Hi! I'm just curious how aventurine would react when he caught his partner or crush looking at him and when he asked why, their reply would be that they like his eyes?
Aventurine has noticed that you have been staring at him for a while and had it been anyone one else he wouldn’t question it much, assuming that they knew him and his face due to his ties with the IPC; however since it was you who was looking at him, Aventurine found himself wordlessly adjusting his clothes and the watch on his wrist as though his life depended on it.
He wondered what about him could be so fascinating for you to be staring at him as though he hung the moon, the stars and the constellations and their well known tales of triumph and tragedy.
To Aventurine there wasn’t much about him to admire in the same way you did now and he secretly wished you didn’t look at him the way you did because it made him think that -by some miracle- he had a chance with you.
He was a loser, a hopeless loser, a pathetic liar, a shallow man born without a heart to spare the smallest of sympathies to another person going through turmoil. He didn’t deserve the soft admiration of your eyes on him, nor the way your lips would form a smile directed his way, at least that’s what he thought.
So one day when he caught you looking at him again, he decided to act on his curiosity and ask in hopes that some questions he had lingering within his head would finally be answered.
Why did you look at him as though he gave life meaning? Like he was the only thing in the known universe and why did you always smile at him when he couldn’t even bring himself smile at his own reflection in the mornings?
‘Don’t think I haven’t noticed you staring at me recently,’ he begins, a cheshire grin spread across his lips as he closes in on you. ‘So I’ve come to ask what about me seems to have you captivated these days?’ Aventurine awaits for you to tell him that you weren’t actually looking at him but more or less what he was standing in front of or-
‘Your eyes.’ You responded almost immediately and without shame, cutting the blonde from his overthinking as he looked at you with wide eyes, the smile slipping from his face.
‘Come again.’ He says.
‘Your eyes,’ you repeated, ‘I really like your eyes, they’re so pretty and so unique to you.’ You finished, not once ever looking away from his eyes as they stared back at you with an array of conflicting emotions that clashed before your very eyes.
‘My…eyes…’ aventurine trailed off as though this was all new to him. ‘You like my eyes?’ He questions as he looked at you for answers.
You look at him with concern, not having seen this side of him before. ‘Yeah I thought I already said that…why is that a bad thing to admit?’ You asked him this time as you both sat in somewhat awkward silence.
‘No, it’s not.’ Aventurine chuckles after a while, genuinely smiling to himself. ‘It’s just that I’ve heard that being said so many times before but when you say it, I truly believe that you find my eyes beautiful.’
‘Of course your eyes are beautiful.’ You said as you placed a reassuring hand on his and squeezed reassuringly. ‘I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t find them to be remarkable, one of a kind and breathtaking simultaneously.’ You tell him all the while looking into his eyes, yes they were dull but that didn’t stop you from loosing your breath every time they looked directly at you. No words could express the feeling you get when looking into his eyes, and it saddens you greatly because you wanted nothing more then the tell Aventurine just how you felt about his eyes and about him in general.
Aventurine didn’t know what to say to all that, he really didn’t, his brain had gone blank, he was suddenly without a voice and his face was flustered to the high heavens from your words alone. How was it that you could be this sweet and be so casual about it too, maybe this was something he wouldn’t understand until far later in life, where he was older and far wiser then he is now.
So all he does is squeeze your hand back in kind and smiles softly as he says. ‘Thank you, I find your eyes pretty remarkable too.’
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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Neptune’s Angels🐚🪽
beauty, love, planet energy astrology observation✨
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Neptune in the 1st House, Neptune in 2nd
Neptune Ascendant Aspects
Neptune Sun Aspects, Neptune Ruled/ Dominant
Pisces Sun, Venus, Moon, Mars
Pisces Ascendant, Pisces Rising
12th House Placements, esp. Pluto, Neptune, Sun
🐚“Ethereal, but beheld. She was absolutely magical. A changeling. The moon danced in her wet eyes, beckoned by her pure heart. Then like the tide.. she was gone.”
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please don’t copy any of my original work.
esp. 12th housers, 1st housers, and Pisces Asc & Venus
You never have to do too much. Your siren’s tune announces your presence before you enter the room. Gifted with the siren’s stare and the mermaid’s heart. In social settings, you will find many people push their projections upon you, envious of your ethereal energy.
In example,
POV: You are engaged in a conversation about a niche topic you possess extensive knowledge of (with your philosopher’s soul lol). The person you’re speaking to is mesmerized, completely entranced by your eye contact.
Usually a particularly miserable, (insecure, mean girl type) bystander who witnesses this energy exchange, picks up on this. They see the genuine glimmer in your eyes and can easily deem it flirtation, flattery, and even worse…arrogance to others. This can create negative clouds of gossip, fueled by your natural mystery.
This lack of clear energy, the child-like purity you possess is a key theme of Neptune. This Neptunian energy makes for a juicy meal for the beasts called Envy and Jealousy.
I believe it’s worthy to note the distinct difference between the two.
Jealousy is anger towards the thought of losing something to another, whether that’s a competition, person, or admiration.
Envy, of course is wanting to possess exactly what the other person has. Envy calls upon an evil fouler beast… the coveting.
Coveting is perhaps one of the most dangerous forms of envy and Neptune seems the perfect victim to a covetous green eyed beast.
Why is this?
Neptune’s energy to its core can be compared to the archetype of Persephone, in my opinion. The paramour to Persephone is Hades.
Hades, God of the Underworld rules Pluto.
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Per the mythology, he falls deeply and insatiably in love with the young Persephone. She is pure, loving, and adored. He is the broken protector and she is the healer.
He is scorpio and She is pisces!
Side note: Any couples with significant pisces and scorpio placements… I know you feel this. The PASSION!
However, as it pertains to envy... Pluto rules over these obsessive and destructive energies. Others possessing bad aspected Pluto or Mars… even Mercury *cough* Gemini’s… can be really put off by the grace of an ANGEL.
The obsessive digging of a Plutonian, aggressive courting of a Martian, or excessive gossiping of a Mercurial is inevitable as they try to define you or figure you out.
But, you are an enigma! A changeling, always shifting shape…
At first, they will adore you. This adoration will lead to coveting as they try to possess what you have or even worse, YOU. They can become fiendishly obsessed.
This healer dynamic can also get a bit toxic within a relationship if badly aspected or if the broken person does not wish to grow.
protect yourselves, queens!
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While the energy can come with baggage, ultimately your energy manifests several beautiful gifts. The first and most obvious gift is YOUR BEAUTY!!
You’re the type of person people just stare at… simply in awe of such a uniquely beautiful and out of this world face.
Neptune in the 1st house is a well-known models placement. A gorgeous innocent with a siren-like gaze. Everyone wants to possess you! Some even want to BE YOU.
Immediately what comes to mind is Ms. Marilyn Monroe (Pluto 12th house). So many have idolized and mimicked her energy because she was sexually attractive, but she was most likely even more intoxicating in her private spaces where she felt comfortable.
Nobody oozes sex appeal like the siren, Rihanna. (Pisces Sun) Countless celebrities have mentioned how entranced they were by simply her presence. This is not a beauty that has to be symmetrical like Venus, but ever-changing. You’re everybody’s cup of tea. You have OPTIONS! Some women really just got it like that.
🐚 However.. as I mentioned, people adore your innocent energy and some will expect you to be vapid. They will expect you to be a push-over with a pretty face.
On the contrary, Neptune (and Big Daddy Jupiter for those with pisces placements) blesses you with a vast knowledge, which surprises those who underestimated you… enticing them even more!
🐚 But, My dear Angels… Do you truly KNOW how special you are?
Do you know that your very being consists of magic and Angelic healing energy? The 12th house and Piscean influences are not of this earth, but of the metaphysical. This means that your energy is literally unexplainable to the 3D. It is literally magic connected to spirit!
This energy gifts you with a mermaid’s heart… bigger than your body. The gravitational pull of your heart’s energy is so powerful. Within you is an infinite amount of love for literally all beings. (No joke, it’s giving animals are attracted to you and babies love you vibes. Disney princess vibes! PURR.) Esp, Pisces Venus
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However, this includes those who hurt you. (Because your heart is just so pure, it empathically understands why they did what they did and you actually sympathize with your attacker!)
STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY. It is totally stopping your evolution and glow up.
🧿Please protect your angelic energy.
Please take the time to fully isolate and recharge that energy. That is a luxury you MUST afford yourself to maintain or achieve optimum health and vitality. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, a planet that thrives in self indulgence through the means of the human senses. Pamper yourself. 💅🏾
Think of yourself as a rare silk. You wouldn’t let just anyone trample all over your exquisite fabrics with dirty shoes, hands, or their outside clothing.
The same goes for you, your aura, and your PRESENCE! 🪽
The mere presence of your energy is like fresh Filet Mignon to those starving of true self love.
🐚 An undeserving or broken soul will seek you out like a wayward sailor in a dark storm… hearing your siren song.
You MUST be handled delicately.
Thank you for reading. Wishing you blessings! 🪽✨
PLUTO AVAILABLE ♏️✨ MERCURY AVAILABLE ♍️♓️✨ MARS AVAILABLE ♈️✨ Other planets coming soon.
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
Pls share your soft thoughts for Felix!!
Oh Lix, I do have some soft thoughts on him. Also thank you to @zehina and @atinyniki for sharing some ideas🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Felix thrives on skin contact, he'd stay right in your arms forever if he could. If you're comfortable with long hugs, subtle touches, holding his hand, or playing with his hair, then you become the source of his energy. He comes to you when he needs to recharge. He hugs you tight, plants himself on top of you, or holds your hand for hours. It doesn't really matter as long as he can feel your presence, your body warm against his.
If none of you is on a diet, he'll shower you with tasty goods. He can't stop spoiling you by baking all sorts of things you love so much. He has accepted his fate, getting called "Brownie boy" by you whenever he ends up in the kitchen baking. Felix knows how much you love those brownies and cookies, so of course, he always keeps some around. What's even better is if you join him, helping him mix the batter and making a mess with him between giggles and playful fights.
Felix is an enthusiastic gamer. The first time you ask him to play with him, he is over the moon for you. He shows you the basics and thinks you're even sweeter than before. If you don't feel like playing yourself, he enjoys keeping you in his lap, claiming you're his lucky charm. He might've cried a little when you offered to help him build his own equipment.
Lix's soft soul is something that needs to be protected, and he hasn't met many people who are as protective of him as you are. He lets you in, allows himself to be open about his feelings with you, and knows you'd never judge him for anything. You're his safe place when he feels like everything is crumbling down around him.
Felix's smile is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. The way his freckles seem to crawl up into his eyes, illuminating them like stars painting the night sky, steals your breath every time. He's so genuine and easily smiling whenever he watches you doing the most basic things, it makes you swoon.
Lix can get a little emotional at times, never fully believing he deserves the love he receives from his friends, fans, and especially not you. Whenever those big, soft eyes fill with tears, he comes to you, gently tugging at your sleeve and curling up in your arms without any further explanation. He doesn't have to because you already know.
That is why whenever you're upset or feel undeserving of love, his heart breaks with yours. He pulls you into his arms, kisses your hair and fondles your head, gently rocking you in his arms. He whispers little secrets and sweet nothings into your ear, trying to show you how much you mean to him. He knows he isn't the problem here, but it wrecks him thinking you'd even consider him not loving you.
You're in love with that stunning face and Lix knows it. It hasn't happened only once you've made him sit on the counter to do his makeup. You love those little moments, accentuating your boyfriend's natural beauty like that. He loves letting you paint his lips, adorn his eyes with glittery eyeshadow or go wild with little stick-on gems below his eyes. You always wear such a happy smile on your face he would never deny you these small moments.
Lix loves shopping with you, since he obviously wants to look his best for you and spoil you at the same time. So buying new fits together is always fun. He gets to know your taste in clothing better and sometimes you surprise him with a color or piece of clothing he would've never thought of wearing before. The joy in your eyes when you find something for him makes him melt into a puddle right there.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@atinyniki @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @kailee08 @mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @lixie-phoria @xxstrayland @kibs-and-bits
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lolathestoryteller · 1 month
fatherly duties (April 25th prompt; Thrill) @jilymicrofics
“You’re staring, Lil.”
Lily startles, nearly knocking James off his feet as she spins around to face him.
“Woah,” he breathes, steadying her with his hands on her shoulders. “Just me.”
Lily frowns up at him, though she can’t completely hide the slight blush that warms her cheeks, noticing his bemused expression. “I wasn’t staring James, I was just—“
“Staring. Yeah.” James interrupts cheekily, giving her his typical lopsided grin.
“Checking.” Lily corrects him, crossing her arms. “I was just checking if he’s alright.”
James’s smirk softens at that, and is replaced by an understanding smile. “Yeah.” he says quietly, looking past her at the door to Harry’s bedroom, which stands slightly ajar. “I was about to do that, though. One of my fatherly duties.”
Lily can’t help but chuckle at his feigned displeased frown. “Oh, is it now?” she asks amusedly. “And what else, may I ask, would those fatherly duties include?”
James presses a finger to his chin, thinking. “Well…there’s telling horribly flat jokes, for one.” he muses, smirking slightly at Lily’s eye roll.
“Hm, they’re called Dad jokes, I think.” she replies, acting as though this conversation was indeed very serious.
James can hardly hold back a laugh. “Yes, yes, exactly those.” he agrees. “Oh! and there’s also, teaching him all the hidden ways around Hogwarts and—“
Lily slaps his chest. “James Potter!” she hisses quietly. “He’s gotten into more than enough trouble on his own, he definitely doesn’t need your encouragement.”
“Alright, alright.” James sighs, but in all honesty, he does agree with Lily. Hearing about Harry‘s many previous escapes has had them both feeling less than thrilled, to say the least.
“Well, I’ve got another one then,” he adds, walking up closer to the door to peak inside the moon lit room — the room that once belonged to Sirius and now hosts his son. “Protecting him, with my life.”
Lily feels her chest constricting with the entirety of the statement. “With our lives.” she corrects him quietly, leaning her head against his shoulder.
She watches Harry’s sleeping face, and tries her best not to think of the last time they’d vowed to do that — and the last time they almost did do that. And she’d do it again, in a heartbeat.
James wraps his arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head.
“Merlin, I’d take a hundred curses for that kid,” he says after a minute. Then, with a breathed chuckle. “Although, you know, I’d still prefer not having to bite the grass anytime soon.”
Lily smiles weakly. “You always hated to eat your greens.”
James turns his head to look down at her, an incredulous expression on his handsome face, before he suddenly bursts out laughing. “Wow.” he snorts. “Can’t believe Prefect and Head Girl Lily Evans would ever pull a pun.”
Lily giggles despite herself, reveling in this moment of quiet solitude. “Oh, she’d never,” she replies with mocked disapproval, before her lips tug into a smile. “But Lily Potter certainly would.”
She thinks James’s smile could probably light the entire bloody house. “I love you, Mrs. Potter.” he smiles, like the love struck teenager he hasn’t been in almost seventeen years.
Lily blushes, although she reckons she really shouldn’t anymore, being in her thirties and all. “I love you too, Mr. Potter.”
A slight creak to their right makes them both turn, and Lily’s blush increases, now twinged with a bit of guilt as she’s met with the confused eyes of their son.
“Dunno what’s more worth asking about,” Harry lulls tiredly, blinking against the light in the hallway. “Why you two’ve been standing in front of my bedroom for the past half hour, or what’s gotten you to giggle on about…?”
Lily bites her lip, sparing Harry a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sweetheart,” she replies genuinely. “We didn’t mean to wake you.”
“We’re just checking on you.” James adds, perhaps unnecessarily.
Lily notices the look of confusion on Harry‘s face. “Uh…right,” he replies slowly. “Checking for what?”
“To know you’re okay.” she explains gently.
Harry raises a brow, lips twitching amusedly. “I’m fine,” he chuckles. “I was asleep, you know…not much I could do that you’d have to check on.”
“It’s just a nice change,” James pipes up, clearly wanting to lighten their conversation. “You — sleeping so quietly, not scurrying around, beating your old man at quidditch.”
Harry snorts. “Yeah, well, I could still beat you, even with my eyes closed.” he retorts jokingly.
James gasps in mock appall; „In your dreams!“
Harry snickers, with that same cheeky glint in his eyes which Lily‘s seen plenty of times before, on James. “Yeah, there too.”
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aishabbbb · 4 months
You're just so cute!
Part 2
Strawhats x Affectionate! Reader
Can be read romantically or platonically(except for Chopper! He is platonic.)
Enies Lobby mentions for Robin, but nothing spoiler worthy.
Characters: Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook
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We already know how he is with compliments😭
Will insult anyone who does
He just gets sooo embarrased.
But that doesn't mean anything to you.
So he has to get his A game on.
"You have Luffy's smartness!" "You are even more unfunny than Brooks jokes" "How are you more of a crybaby than Franky?"
"You smell worse than Zoro." "You're eyes are creepier than Robins!" "Why does Nami has less anger issues than you?!"
Ends up insulting the whole crew just to get you to knock it off.
But these attacks don't work so he stops them(Nami, Franky, and Usopp get mad at him for dragging them.)
He will never get used to them fully. But you can praise him without him immediately insulting you.
Once in a blue moon he might just accept it.
But that is rare.
Feels happy when you notice things others do not.
He likes praises from you as much as from Robin.
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She is an enigma.
You cannot tell how she takes it.
She always gives the same response: a gentle smile and a thank you.
That is the extent you witness
But her head is always going haywire
Before Enies lobby she feels like you wouldn't be saying this if you knew her backstory.
She doesn't blame you, just can't believe it is actually genuine out of insecurity.
After enies lobby, at first she might think you don't again mean it because it might be out of sympathy.
But she realizes quickly that it is truthful.
She genuinely appreciates every compliment you give her after that realization.
Like Nami, she loves when you praise her character because being known as a demon child and evil since the age of 8 does wonders on ones self esteem.
She will still think she is somewhat undeserving, but her confidence and self esteem build up over time.
She will reciprocate any praise back.
When she doesn't actively try to compliment you, the praise is beautiful.
But when she is actively trying, they come off as kind of creepy.
Think Ishigami noticing Chika's Shampoo.
She will act exactly like Ishigami if you say that it is creepy(but say she wants to die in her head.)
Do not blame her she is trying!
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Lets be real. He is the complimentor of the strawhats.
You can't compete where you can't compare.
When you start your complimenting campaign, he takes it as a competition.
If you praise someone, he comesback with two. If you point something out no one else noticed in your crewmate, he actually noticed first because he raised them, taught them to read, and gave birth to them.
You two always get into compliment battles. You say he is cool, well you are not just cool but awesome. If you think he is the best shipwright, well now you are the most SUPER best (crew job) in the world!
You just yell at each other, but instead of insults, it is just nice things. Nami has to threaten you two to shut up.
Yall get stares if you do this in public
You get annoyed with his antics, so you curate a plan to get him to stop.
We all know he can be a bit of a crier(he just has a lot of feelings.)
So you keep track of why he cries everytime, trying to find a pattern.
You find his weakspot.
"Franky, you are honestly such a good peeaon. I wish you were my older brother. You'd be the best brother in the world."
Cue water works.
He cannot respond to you other than a thank you and a weak compliment back.
But it is clear to anyone that you won.
This doesn't stop any compliment battles though.
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Other than Luffy, he is the only one that doesn't reject the praise at first for some reason.
From the jump is chill about it and appreciates it.
This makes it easier for you.
But you have to put up with so many jokes.
I'm sorry I cannot do skeleton jokes, so I got these off of google
"Wow you are always so calm Brook!" "That's because nothing gets under my skin! YOHOHOHOHOOOOO!!!"
"You can play any type of music! Wow!" "But not church music." "Why not?" "Because I have not Organs! Yohoho!"
Listen, i never said you won't have ANY difficulties.
He isn't as insecure as others but it still makes his self esteem better.
The praise makes him more confident in himself.
After being alone for so long, he deserves all the praise
He shows off his musical skills to you a lot kore than anyone else since who doesn't want to hear thet are the Shit.
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i-heart-hxh · 1 month
What if gon and killua and all the subtext r queerbait??do u think they might be
I've answered this kind of thing before, but why not do a refresher? I keep this image on my desktop for when someone doubts Togashi's intentions.
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This was well before HxH was created, before even Yu Yu Hakusho was created. Note that he says he wanted to create this gay, crossdressing manga based on his own "personal interest" and that he grew "deeply attached" to it.
Togashi has noted himself to be a fan of Patalliro!, a BL series written by Mineo Maya--one of the few male BL authors, and Patalliro! was the first BL series to be adapted to anime. He has stated that Hiei's hair was inspired by a character from Patalliro!
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Togashi has discussed enjoying putting "shojo manga elements" in his work as well. This can, and likely does, refer at least in part to all the gay subtext.
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He put Sensui and Itsuki in Yu Yu Hakusho, who somewhat ambiguously seem to be in a romantic relationship. See this line:
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He's even said Itsuki is one of his favorite characters in Yu Yu Hakusho.
He's also married to the Naoko Takeuchi, the creator of Sailor Moon, who famously has also included lesbian relationships in her manga.
Looking at how multifaceted and fully integrated into the characters themselves/the story the "hints" of romantic feelings between Gon and Killua are, I have trouble believing Togashi would just be doing this out of "queerbaiting," which is a complex topic in the first place when it comes to anime and manga, because the culture in Japan is different and the anime/manga industries have a long complicated history with queer themes.
He's grown up in a fairly conservative culture that has changed only gradually, and he has been working in decades in the most mainstream manga publication out there, which I'm certain has rules around what he can and can't portray (though the degree to which he's bound by those rules at this point is unknown). It makes sense, therefore, that he's accustomed to using subtext and ambiguity rather than portraying gay relationships in a way that is 100% undeniably canon. He's not writing for BL publications, after all.
To me, the romantic aspect of Gon and Killua's relationship feels very genuine and heartfelt. It's built into who the characters are and how they're set up as characters in the first place (like Killua's birthday, for instance), and what they mean to each other is one of the main emotional cores of the series. The way he weaves this concept into the series in many, many different ways has emotional weight and meaning. It does not feel at all like something he casually added as fanservice or for the hell of it as an afterthought. I think it's left ambiguous on purpose, but the repeated and sometimes quite blatant hints are there for those who want to connect the dots.
As time has gone by and I've read more of Togashi's own words and discussions of his influences as well as considering just how much queer subtext exists in the series (and not just with Gon and Killua by any means--Alluka, LeoPika, HisoIllu, PariGing, etc.) AND in his other series as well, it's only made me more and more certain that he includes all this stuff with full intention, and coming at least in a large part from his own personal desire to include these elements.
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1111jenx · 9 months
Jen haiii I missed you so much. Gurl tell me some chart placements that have completely altered your previous views on them after meeting irl. Stereotypes about signs you've found completely wrong after getting to know them. I'm dying to know the placements that truly shook you to your core, comparing your astrological studies and real life experiences with them.
Hi love,
I'm literally that one person that will ask for your birth time, birth date and location after 5 minutes of meeting yk so trust me when I say, I do have many stories to tell LOL. Before I start tho, I do need to mention that this is based off my own experiences purely and again, this is just for fun:D So please enjoy this post and let me know what you think in the comment<3
Mini Interesting Astrology Observations
- stereotypes vs. irl edition
— The amount of time I heard people telling me that Leo Rising is a ray of sunshine when in reality they can be, however not at first 100%. The way they come off are extremely practical, even a little bit distant at first. They have this powerful yet quiet aura to them. What I would say tho is that they enjoy the company of people who feels like sunshine, its just something about goodness in people that gets to Leo Rising. They adore a sweetheart always.
— I would even go as far to say that all Fire Rising initially have a hint of distance. Aries Rising can appear intimidating, truly living up to their stereotype with their nonchalant demeanor. But beneath that exterior, they possess genuinely kind hearts, though sometimes their delivery might be a bit raw. Leo Rising commands respect with their mere presence. Sagittarius Rising aligns closely with their stereotype, but remember the Water 12th houses of the Fire Risings:.
Pisces 12th house - Aries Rising: Hiding their unselfishness and uncondinational side to protect themselves.
Cancer 12th house - Leo Rising: Hiding their nurturing side and soft-heartedness to ensure they're respected or perceived in a serious way.
Scorpio 12th house - Sagittarius Rising: Hiding their devotion and secretive side out of fear of being taken advantage of.
— Libra Moon is an extremely interesting placement for me to see. People usually think they're pushovers typically but like.. lets be for real. They're just nice and they like to be perceived that way. But the second they can sense that hint of disrespect, all hell break loose LOL. They're extremelyyyy opionated people and for them, respect is something they believe they have worked very hard for. Mediators at core though, always see different sides but doesn't mean they can be one of the most stubborn people ever :)
— Scorpio Venus justifying their intense feelings is the funniest thing ever. They can 100% be very devoted in relationship but the thing is, a lot of Scorpio Venus are never ever gonna give themselves to you if they sense that you're not committed to them or even the little hint that you're not in it for real. Remember, this is a Scorpio placement we're talking about. Their pickiness can even outshine Virgo Venus on a good day. The type to genuinely stalk your socials and disappear at the blurriest red flag. For them to take you seriously, you have got to be all about them in every single way, they don't want that fleeting romance, when they're in, they're in. Playing games might be fun at first for them but they're are not going to be around to entertain anything as such for long.
— Sun conjuncts Venus gets along so well with women. A lot of their friends are usually women and it seems that they just know how to put people at ease. There's an energy of almost androgyny about them in the sense that they have a great balance of energies. Can easily befriend anyone.
— Libra Mars forgives often but usually its very logical. One of the best boundary setter I've ever seen. They are sweethearts don't get me wrong but they can easily put you in your place while still being the sweetest angel ever.
— Sagittarius Sun are extremely ambitious people. They're very very driven. While they enjoy letting loose, they're equally devoted to their work and aspirations. From my experience, they're the kind who would invest months into a project, only to celebrate grandly once it's accomplished. They truly embody the 'work hard, play hard' spirit.
— There's a stereotype that pegs Aquarius Mercury as detached and overly rational, almost robotic in their communication. But as you dive deeper, you realize this couldn't be farther from the truth. While they do possess an innate ability to see the bigger picture and communicate ideas ahead of their time, there's a depth and warmth to them that often goes unnoticed. These are some of the smoothest talkers. Contrary to the belief that they're disinterested in personal stories, many Aquarius Mercury individuals are deeply curious about individual journeys and narratives. I also noticed that since they can be so nice to talk to, people just casually open up to them about literally anything.
— I saw squares aspects synastry plays out in real life and often times its honestly super funny. Its like 2 people that speak 2 different languages trying to get the same thing but don't want to admit it out of pride LOL. I'm not a big fan when there's too much squares within personal placements but to be fair, they promote hella growth. After these kind of relationships, everyone just kinda become either more stubborn with their values or extremely open-minded LOL
— While Taurus Moon is very emotionally reliant, in the sense that they're their own safe haven and therapy guide a lot of the times. These people also may be prone to denial. They take time to come to terms with a lot of events that happened and kind of just buried it sometimes until they fully accept it. Unhealthy coping mechanisms as well but with time, they find their own peace in the truth.
— Earth Risings, lets talk. They got to be one of the funniest people alive. Their sense of humour always hits and they're the living proof for don't judge a book by its cover. Everytime I'm with them I always hurt my stomach by laughing too much PLS. However, when time calls for it, they can sit down and get all corporate on you trust😉
This has been surprisingly kind of fun, please let me know if you'd like to see more of this in the future:))
saint jenx🪐
© 2023 Saintz Jenx All Rights Reserved
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irkimatsu · 1 month
why can't I stop writing, I'm in love, I'm sorry
Husk/Reader, Husk brings Reader on a date, confessions are made, sappy sappy sappy
Husk is planning a very special date with you tonight. You've been on plenty of dates together, but that's all been things like drinks at dive bars and simple walks through the park. Tonight, he wants to go all out for you. You deserve it. He tells you to wear your nicest outfit, "though you'll look great no matter what you wear, doll", and to leave all planning and financial concerns to him. Just let him spoil you for a night.
He hasn't told you yet, but there's something he wants to talk to you about, and he can't say it unless he can get the mood perfect.
He shows up at your hotel room door in his nicest suit, and is immediately stunned by your own choice of outfit. "...you look great." Despite his earlier assurance that you always look great, he seems genuinely taken aback. The evening starts at a high-end steakhouse, where Husk tells you to order whatever you want with no concern for the price. You can have drinks or dessert if you want; it's all on him! You appreciate his generosity, although of course you don't want to take advantage of him. (Perhaps part of him still believes that careless spending is the best way he has of impressing anyone...) He then takes you to a live jazz show, where the two of you dance into the late hours of the night. You have a great time together, but soon the crowd becomes a bit much, and you both need fresh air. So, you decide to step outside to an outside eating area. There are plenty of tables, but none of them are taken, giving you some level of privacy here. You can still faintly hear the music from the club, and as a slow song begins, he wraps his arm around your waist and takes your hand.
"I wish the sky here wasn't so awful, and that it wasn't so damn humid," he says. "I wanna dance with you under the moon, in a cool breeze."
That romantic side of him never truly died. Maybe you realized that about him before he did.
"I'm still enjoying it," you assure him as you let him lead you in a slow dance. His eyes are transfixed on you the whole time, enraptured... and maybe a little nervous?
A love song that Husk knows well begins to play. You can barely hear the singer in the club, but you don't need to; Husk is happy to sing it for you, his smooth voice singing every word and note effortlessly, as if it's a song he's sung so many times before. He used to be a performer, so maybe he has. You lean your head against his chest as he serenades you, decades of practice bringing him to one of the most important songs he'll ever sing in his life.
The song ends, but Husk doesn't start singing the next one, even though you're sure he knows this one as well. He's content to keep swaying with you, and you're content to keep listening to his heart.
"Hey... doll?" he says. "I gotta... I gotta tell you something."
You look up at him again, and see that his eyes are completely dilated; in wonder, or in fear?
"I... I like..." He swallows. "I want... fuck. It's... been a long time since I've had to do this. I... can I kiss you?"
Does he even need to ask? He's kissed you so many times before, and you've always welcomed it. Well, at least he's a gentleman who respects your boundaries whether it's the first or hundredth time; it's one of the many things you've come to adore about him. You nod, and he kisses you. It's not a particularly deep kiss, with no use of tongue, but it lingers, as if he can't bear to pull away. He cradles your face in his paws and gently brushes his claws over your cheeks.
He murmurs something during a brief break in the kiss, and before you can comprehend it, his mouth is on yours again. As he keeps kissing you, your brain finally catches up to your ears.
"...I love you."
You'd say it back, but that would mean pulling away from the kiss. Instead, you respond by combing your fingers through the fur on the back of his head and pulling his mouth closer to you.
How long have you been standing there kissing him? Is the music still playing? Can anyone see you? None of that seems to matter. What matters is that you're here with him. You're kissing him.
"...I love you, too." You think you manage to say that at some point in the evening, but everything is such a blur...
"We should... get back to the hotel," Husk says, breathlessly, when he finally comes up for air. "Unless there's something else you want to do?"
"I'm fine with going back." A blush creeps onto your cheeks as you consider your next statement. "But I don't think I'm ready for our date to end yet. Maybe we could... spend the night together? In your room?"
Husk's eyes blow wide, and his tail stands up in curiosity. "I'd... I'd like that."
You don't know yet exactly what you want to do when you get back there, but you know Husk will respect whatever choice you make in the end. That respect for you, always framed as common human decency, is one of the many reasons you're so willing to return his feelings.
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theediviners · 1 year
𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘥 - 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴
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Collaborative reading between @daarlingdatura, @neptunianspell, @astrodoll2, & our newest member @m00nt4r0t !!
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PILE ONE @daarlingdatura
So while I was shuffling I heard the number 8. So I do believe that a majority of the people in this pile likely have 8 spirit guides.
So first of all, your twin flame is actually one of your spirit guides. What I’ll do here is break down the 3 most prominent spirit guides and talk about who they are, what their energy is & why they chose you. GUIDE #1 Your Twin Flame their energy? We have: the comic, aletheia, the healer, and the temple. The moon rx, the 10 of cups, temperance rx, and the 6 of cups.
So as we see with the comic and the 6 of cups, they are a very jokey type of person. I get the idea they could purposefully prank you sometimes by making cards fly out of your deck- or maybe even blowing on the back of your neck. I’m really getting peter pan energy here lowkey. I feel that your twin flame gatekeeps a lot of information & energy for you. They lowkey do a lot of transmutation for you as well, they upkeep a lot in the physical and spiritual realms for you. Whenever you feel alone, just know that your other half is right there with you. I do see herer that this is also a very nurturing and healing energy, your twin flame is likely very sweet. They could bring sweets into your life. I keep seeing red roses and red indian paintbrushes (flower). I also believe that your twin flame brings a lot of hard truths to you. Unfortunately, they are very jokey.. and like to do it in ways that piss you off. I feel that they want you to learn to loosen up and laugh sometimes. You can get so caught up in your stress, anxiety, day to day mundane life that you forget to smile.
I don’t think I really need to elaborate on why your twin flame chose you, like… they are you.. So I will move on to the next guide now.
Guide #2
This guide doesn’t seem fully ready to reveal to you who they are yet. Although I did just hear the name “nathan” so idk if that will resonate with anyone.. But- anyways.
Let’s get into this guide’s energy,
The Storm, The Poet, The Heart, The Thread Creation, The Secret, Truth rx The Hierophant rx, The Lovers, The Chariot, Justice rx, Judgement
So, this is a very groundshaking and uncomfortable yet comforting and genuine energy. You are karmically connected in some way to this spirit guide, as the thread card literally has a red string in it. (The red string of fate.) Perhaps you were lovers in a past life? (im seeing a theme here lmao), anyways…. I feel that this guide brings uncomfortable and life altering truths and situations to the forefront in order for you to find completion. They may be rather harsh, and when you act out of line they may be a fan of “poetic justice” lol. I definitely see that they are hard on you and want to see you doing right by yourself and others. I Feel really as if they are a life line in many ways. In some of your lowest times they can bring in energy, resources, and other needed things in order to help you stay afloat. It seems like even if they don’t act like it they do genuinely have a soft spot for you. They could rally like the color blue, I keep seeing blue bonnet flowers. I also heard bluebells? I feel like they want you to make better decisions and be more clear with your intentions as well? They feel like you slack at times in friendships or important connections or overlook details that you deem minor but actually mean a lot in the long run. I also see that this is a very non-traditional type of spirit guide in terms of how they teach or guide you with the way the hierophant is in reverse here.
I asked why did they choose you?
I have here the lovers, the queen of cups, and the 10 of swords. It’s possible that in a past life you died before him, or perhaps he mistreated you? He wanted to make things right. They really care for you and want to help you heal a karmic cycle they created.
Guide #3
This honestly made me really emotional. Your third spirit guide is some kind of mother figure. This feels extremely sacred to me.
The Eternal Child, The Heart, The Orphan. The Moon, Ascension, Entanglement, The Path. The Queen of cups, the ace of wands rx, the 9 of swords rx, strength, the high priestess
This energy is beautiful and nurturing, this feels very ephemeral. It’s interesting because it really to me feels like this is a divine mother energy. It’s possible you have been neglected in many lifetimes as a child- including this one. You may not have had much and she has always done her best to provide for you ever since you were young. I’m not sure if you were neglected physically as a child- or like ever dealt with malnourishment or hunger- but I do see that she did what she could. I saw when I closed my eyes before I began shuffling a woman with flowing black hair. A blue dress, and very beautiful pale skin. It was interesting, because that’s how the high priestess looks in my tarot deck. She is an energy that might feel confusing at times, not purposefully- but because it is extremely lunar. This is someone you have known over and over. I would not be surprised if this was not a human. I honestly keep thinking of Hekate. I don��t want to jump to conclusions though. As I am not well acquainted enough with Hekate to speak on this. Anyways. She is here to bring you wholeness. She helps you work through your anger and anxiety, she may be a very comforting presence for you. Someone you can lean on & talk to about absolutely anything. Light a black or blue candle and maybe leave some cornflower as well around the candles. She seems to like hard candies as well? Peppermints, swedish fish, banana laffy taffy?
She chose you because you are her child, and she wishes to protect you.  -------
PILE TWO @m00nt4r0t
intuitive messages from your guides!
you have a specific flow to you that your guides do not want you to move against or change for any reason. if your flow changes, then you are being asked to flow with it instead of against it. you are also being asked to start of slow/gentle with something, and then pick up the pace naturally over time, sort of like a race but this doesn't have to be in terms of competition. something about your dreams is significant. you could be getting important messages from your dreams, although they may be very confusing and difficult to decipher. for some reason i am not under the impression that it's important for you to decipher them right after you wake up, but more-so over time. somethings may not make a whole lot of sense to you right now, but it will eventually. also, if you have not been meditating, you're being asked to incorporate meditation into your daily routine because it cleanses and purifies your energy and thoughts. my heart felt activated and then i heard a mini explosion from outside so i think there's going to be something that happens to you very soon that makes you very very happy, and you'll feel very loved; you'll also have a lot of love to give back as well.
who are your spirit guides?
[the hanged man + two of pentacles + six of wands] before i pulled any cards, i kept being called by the ocean but i wanted to make sure that was accurate so then i pulled the hanged man which is correlated to pisces energy. so your spirit guides could be from the ocean or it is literally the energy of the ocean that is guiding you. there is so much unknown information about the ocean and what it holds within it, which is making me think that there are aspects to your spirit guides that they wish to keep hidden. that, or their energy just goes so deep that it's inaccessible to very many people who are scared to go that deep. your guides may also be a bit playful but also very serious; i'm getting laborinth energy. they may make things purposefully confusing in order to test your imagination and expand your mind. your guides are spirits who are very adament about their time and energy and they're also very well known to the public, so a lot of people may know about this spirit/deity/god/goddess. the most obvious one that came to mind is aphrodite because we all know she was born from the sea and quite literally everyone knows of her. however, she's not the only guide i'm picking up on. there's someone else who is helping you financially, but they aren't the type to give you everything you ask for right away. they'll have you put in effort and revaluate why you feel you need this and make you question what you're truly working for and if it's even worth it. also, your guides seem to be the type to sort of toss you into new waters to test your adaptability. i can see them being like "oh, you've never wrote a song before? okay well here's a music offer that you can't deny and you're going to write a song by this date at this specific time and you're going to do it whether you think it's good or not." they may not be that harsh, but i do see that they want to test your abilities and have you expand your horizons. this is because they see all of your potential and they want you max it out! they're going to bring you success and even public recognition in some way or another.
the energy of your spirit guides!
[strength + three of wands reversed + eight of pentacles reversed] i think your spirit guides like to downplay their energy? they kind of give me trickster energy but not in a malicious way. like i said i do think they're playful with you lol. but i'm also getting that they like attention and they may require a bit more effort from you than other spirits would require. they don't want to be forgotten about. however they do have a disciplined energy to them and they don't want anything to be too in excess. they care very much about self-improvement and they do want to see you put in work for what you want and work into your relationship with them. your spirit guides have the energy of growth and expansion and this is what they're here to help you to do, as well. i feel like they may not give you things as easily as you may wish they would; they want you to meet them halfway or 3/4ths of the way, to be honest. they definitely do like to test your strength and see how hard you're willing to work and how far you're willing to go. you may get frustrated with them sometimes, but i think that they feel proud of you whenever you do?? they like whenever you stand up for yourself, as well as when you set boundaries and put your foot down; this is also what they're teaching you to do. they see a lot of potential in you and they want you to fulfill it, and you can't fulfill it if you're getting everything you want by the snap of your finger. you can't challenge yourself and expand when you're sitting in your comfort zone; this is the logic they go by. although your spirit guides can be a bit playful with you at times, they feel very stern and they do have high expectations of you. they have this idealized "perfect" version of you and they are pushing you to reach that. i do feel like there's a mixed energy and your other spirit guides (who are more playful) tell the other ones to chill out and cut you some slack. i can sense a bit of conflict among your guides, but i do feel like they balance each other out!
why your guides chose to guide you!
[three of pentacles reversed + death + king of swords] your guides chose to guide you because there's this "loner" energy to you. even if you're working with a lot of people, you sort of go off on your own and do your own thing. you prefer to work by yourself and your guides know this and like this about you because you're less likely to become distracted and influenced by others. you're also someone who has gone through many different changes and transitions, which proves that you're fit for the growth and expansion that your guides expect from you. since the king of swords is sitting by death, i do think that you speak clearly with them and those who are on the spirit realm. you're able to understand signs and synchronicties which is obviously extremely useful to them. they don't have to send you a million different versions of the same message in order for you to get it, you're quick at understanding their language. also, since you usually prefer to be/work alone, you don't have others in your ear telling you that you're "crazy" for believing in the divine or trying to convince you to do something else aka straying you away from your purpose. your guides chose you because you tend to view everyone as equal, even if they are extremely rich, very beautiful, very talented, etc. you don't like to put people on high pedestals in life. this doesn't mean you don't recognize that some people just simply do certain things better than others, but you don't treat people differently according to these types of things which your guides really like about you. your guides chose you because you're prepared for battle, although you do not instigate it, and you come hard with the facts and truth rather than trying to hurt people's feelings. you do not need a whole friend group behind you in order to feel powerful and stand your ground. overall, your spirit guides chose to guide you because you are a very easy channel and you're able to decipher messages clearly, you're very powerful and able to get things done on your own, and you're very fair when it comes to how you treat people.
--------- PILE THREE @astrodoll2
I specifically got that you have 4 spirit guides💐
Spirit guide #1
This is someone who you had a very close friendship with that later on formed into a relationship in a past life, this is someone who you experienced a lot of love and fulfillment with, you guys always had a good time together and many fun memories, this is someone who cares about you deeply, this is a soulmate, they choose you to guide you to the right directions, you can call on them whenever you need strength to keep pushing forward and whenever you need clarity on a confusing situation they will bring you the answers. Whenever you go through heartbreak especially romantically you can call on them to bring you love or make you feel loved in that moment, the message I got from them is “I’ve never met anyone like you” I see that they were very in love with you when you were together. They want to remind you that the people you meet are not coincidences and they are bringing you closer to your life purpose. Also know that you’re never alone because they’re always with you. Their energy is very warm and inviting.
Spirit guide #2
So sadly enough I actually have 2 of your parents here as guides whether it may be you lost someone in this life or these are past life parents you once had so this one is your mother
She choose to be your guide to help you heal, she’s coming up as the warrior, she is someone who is very strong, considering I have both your parents here and I can see the difference in their energies I feel like your mother was the one who was a little more stern or strict than the father, but it was because she was very protective over you, she always the best for you, she’s here to help you form boundaries, forgive others who hurt you so you can have peace of mind but know when it’s time to walk away. She will remove others from your life when they no longer serve you and I promise you she is very picky with who she allows in your life, she wants you to learn your own lessons of course but she still has this very protective motherly energy over you who worries a lot. With the message of “we just can’t be together right now” I feel like she misses you alot, you can call on her when you need help with spirituality, your psychic powers, when you’re giving birth or creating new things/ artistic abilities, also to help heal your inner child. I don’t know if the name Marina is significant to you but I heard that.
Spirit guide #3
Your father from a past life or current if you lost them in this one, it’s interesting because even if they’re not here physically they still have that fatherly provider energy, if you ever need help with finances call on them and they will help bring the right opportunities to you, they may attract alot of fortune to you if you ask for it, they love watching over you which is why they chose you they’re just as protective as your mom but have more of a playful energy they may have been those type of adults that refused to grow up or lose their childish side, and because of that they like bringing light hearted events into your life, and making you laugh. They miss you greatly and this is someone that for some reason you guys may have not had closure maybe in a past life it didn’t end on the best terms and they deeply regret that, maybe they weren’t as present enough or feel like they didn’t give you enough which is probably why they also chose to be your guide, to give to you the things they couldn’t on earth. They want to remind you to get out of your head and this imprisonment you may put yourself in at times, you’re free to do whatever you want don’t let anxiety hold you back, but on the other hand if there are doors closed on your face know that it’s for a reason or simply not the right time.
Spirit guide #4
(I say she here but remember to switch the pronouns to whatever suits you)
This is your higher self, they seem very mature ofc because they’re experienced but they seem to purposely hand you challenges to see if you’ve learned your lesson or not, like if you’ve been put in many similar situations with people or circumstances and you know what the outcome will be are you going to choose a different path or are you going to have to make yourself repeat the same lesson?, they are that inner voice that guides you, if you want to connect with your higher self more mediation and being in a quiet place Is recommend. They get frustrated with you when you don’t make long term plans, miss opportunities because you think the results will be too slow, they also want you to make better financial judgments and decisions. Your higher self is funny she is someone very direct so if you ever need an answer to something she won’t sugar coat and will make sure the answer is right in your face so you have no excuses but to take it for face value. Her message is “you’ll hear from me soon” so watch out for any downloads you may receive soon or any synchronicities/signs know that they’re from her trying to tell you something. She loves when you introspect because that’s when you’ll hear from her most since this is a very mental energy. All the answers are within.
------------ PILE FOUR @neptunianspell
who are your spirit guides?
your spirit guides consist mostly of ancestors and one deity whose name or role i cannot identify at the moment but i hear that they appear often in your dreams. you come from a long line of hard working, strong people that had to sacrifice so much in order to make a living. it might not resonate for immediate family but rather generations that had walked the earth long before you were born. they seem a bit possessive over you? in the way that they are so attached i could feel them right from the moment i started pulling cards. i know that guides (based on my knowledge) have left their ego behind but yours are making me feel some type of rage. they could be angry at those who have caused harm to you and whenever something similar happens, they take immediate action. i wonder if the deity i was speaking could be one that harbours a lot of force like ares or athena, because now I am starting to feel very driven. i don't get much information if i am being honest, as if your guides would prefer more privacy (and something is telling me they want you to keep certain details to yourself as well). it's a weird thing for me to say but they are honestly cool??? like the type of guides anyone would want to have because they are so inspirational and badass yet humble? they have a very grounded energy which isn't overwhelming yet it creates an impression. this reading is all over the place and disorganized and so is my way of expressing the channeled message but i always take it as a sign that there is something that needs to be discovered by the person who is receiving the reading. now, when i think about that specific deity my mind goes to a hawk and i am sensing that they are the one you should go to for advice and direction in life. they follow you every step of the way, trying to pull you towards the right side and sending a specific angel number you frequently see. they might even visit your dreams as a hidden figure who is half present, half distant and you can't make out who they are. as for your ancestors, most of them could be women and their role is to help you grow specifically? one of them is tougher than the rest in particular and any time you make a wrong choice, that is either morally incorrect or immature, they give you somewhat of a spiritual slap. it comes as the air being knocked out of you or tripping over nothing. another one comes to you when the night approaches and watches you in your sleep, most of the messages received then being sent by them!
what are their messages?
lovely, you are doing a great job with your healing! i know thongs haven't been going exactly the way you've expected or you believe your progress is slower than you would have wanted but that couldn't be further from the truth. all that tough energy from before has now turned into an ocean of love and warmth, your guides wishing you could feel how proud they are of you! you need to take more breaks, especially after you work or you put your energy into something draining and allow yourself to enjoy just the present. they also want you to continue shadow work and introspection and make it a main focus in the few months to come. i got the ten of cups and in my deck, the image represents a parental figure embracing her children in a happy, content way. this shows me that you should pay attention to your own inner child's needs and wants. play with it more! try to think about the positive moments from your past and really embody that innocent energy, no matter what your age is. i am just feeling as if you should not pay that much attention to the future but more the present moment and past moments that have a special place in your heart. there is always calm before the storm and by this, your guides are telling you there are great things to come, it's just that you need to be still for now. there is a male in your life represented by the emperor that has to go is what they show me. whether it's a friend, coworker or a lover, someone with a masculine energy has been causing you to feel tired, as if they suck you dry of energy. it doesn't have to be a male, it can be a woman too whose personality is very similar to this card's.
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
omg haiii it's my first time making a request😶‍🌫️ can u do a Douma x afab reader that is part of his cult? got an idea from one of the stories my mom used to tell me as a kid
It's called "Scheherazade" :DD The Sultan maries women at night and then unalives them by morning. So Scheherazade devised a scheme. She would tell a story every night and leave it on a cliffhanger every time. After 1001 stories, he made the decision of keeping her.
basically- before reader is supposed to ascend to paradise (get eaten alive lolol), she does that ^ so that he'll spare her and let her entertain him every night with her very intriguing stories until he finally doesn't even care about eating him until he doesn't even feel like eating her anymore👍
What’s Afab? Oh, nevermind! I’ll find it out myself with my magic ✨G O O G L E✨ hands! Okay. Hmm, I hope I can do this exactly as you want
Douma- Fascinating Tales
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“Aaah~ really? Continue!” Douma hummed excited, tapping his mighty clawed hands on his dark Hakama pants rhythmically as he continues to flash his somewhat manipulative beam before you, encouraging you on pinpointing the interesting details of your next wild tale. Sat on your knees in front of his glamorous, shiny throne, Douma egged you on to speak once again in your immersive tone like you did just before
Your situation with the one and only Upper Moon 2, Douma was a truly fascinating one. More fascinating than the many stories you told him at the peak of black night. You were a prideful follower of the Eternal Paradise Cult, unaware of the fact you were truly in danger until the very final day you were a faithful sheep to the women body-loving demon. Your beloved leader, Douma himself on one faithful day, selected you as the special one to “ascend to paradise”, the special treatment he always spoke about
You, however, weren’t a fan of being eaten alive by your admired leader so you indirectly fought back on his offer and decided to stall his greedy need to devour you, such a pretty woman, by telling him a story so intriguing that he just couldn’t resist but let you finish up, sparing your life in the process. This precisely developed strategy always saved you from meeting a painful and cruel end as Douma grew eager to hear your far tales and kept you alive slowly to satisfy his curiosity
Over many months, you seemingly never ran dry of your tales and Douma’s almost mind-swallowing desire faded away into nothing, at his own surprise. He didn’t want to eat you anymore, he couldn’t really see you as a another walking lunch but as his all-so-interesting story teller, someone who comes into his throne room at a very precise time and tell him a new fantasy narrative that’ll shake his thoughts for hours on end afterwise
You couldn’t believe your efforts genuinely worked as you gently smiled back at Douma, parting your lips to persevere the lead you were weaving and Douma was all for it with every fibre of his bean. Even if you were to lose your material and spark, Douma knew he wouldn’t want to kill you. You don’t seem like you would taste appeasing to him and he was feeling a little but meaningful flame of passion for you burn within him. He wanted to keep you alive until you perished at natural means, he didn’t mind
He could always have you read him written books if you had nothing left to entertain him with. Douma traced his otherworldly beautiful rainbow eyes over your face, your cute defined face and those pretty sparkling eyes. He always found himself amused by your voice and your passion as you explained the plots to him. Douma found you adorable in every form
“Oh, right~? Is that so? What happened to the siblings after they traversed the woods, Dokusha, my dear~?”
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cat-mentality · 9 months
More of my favorite silly qsmp headcanons that have zero evidence in canon
The Spanish version:
Willy has creeper dna and he can communicate with them
He however has literally declared the whole species his mortal enemies, and the feeling is mutual
For some reason turtles really like Willy, Tallulah's turtles once staged a break just to hang out in his base (Philza was not pleased)
Vegetta and Rubius fought once and Rubius cursed him to be a werewolf, it was supposed to be temporary but Rubius legitimately forgot about it and Vegetta kinda of likes it now
Vegetta as a result will sometimes howl at the moon and he is like, weirdly, into smells, especially Foolish's for some reason
No one really questions it even if Maximus is the only one who knows he is a werewolf
Maximus is one of the only humans in the Island so he just takes the weirdness on strike, nothing fazes him
Maximus doesn't won a single matching pair of socks and its on purpose
He also owns more sunglasses than he does furniture
Roier is a spider hybrid and he can climb walls like one, he uses that power to scare the living shit out of people
He doesn't do it to Rivers anymore because one time her first response was to set him on fire and then yell at him while he was burning
One time he also took her makeup without asking and she chased him around with a ax
Mariana recorded the whole thing
As a payback Roier stole his glasses and Mariana had to walk around the Island seeing jack shit, he ended up groping so many people by mistake that he legitimately buried himself into the sand until Luzu made him some new glasses
Arin will sometimes hang out inside of people's machines just for fun (He is the one that taught Pierre's machines to swear)
Arin and the codes are enemies with benefits (Luzu refuses to acknowledge this)
Pol pulls out the "old man" card literally every time something mildly inconveniences him or when he wants someone to do something for him
Roier and Quackity always end up getting falling for it
One time Willy and Vegetta blew up a part of his studio and he dead ass pulled their ears and made them redo the whole thing
No one has gathered the courage to ask Pol what he is, but let's just say that when he says old, he means old
He and Abueloier are childhood friends
The reason Missa takes so long to come back every time he leaves is because he has the worst sense of direction ever, he has inadvertently managed to map out the whole Island when he just wanted to find a river.
The mobs just kinda stopped attacking him at some point because it genuinely made them feel bad, they will try when he is with someone else and some token attempts from time to time but mostly they just ignore him
Quackity will say the most absurd things about the Island with a very straight face and he always end up tricking at least one poor soul in believing his bullshit
Quackity can speak to ducks and they have very long and deep philosophical conversations about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe
Luzu one time found him while he and the ducks are discussing the dangers of capitalism and he just backed away very slowly
German got lost trying to walk around the Island and he still haven't found his way back, on a good note he has been adopted by the slimes because they like his shirt
Rivers can talk to chickens and they obey her orders, Mariana was once chased down by an army of chickens and he still doesn't know how that happened
Luzu can literally sleep anywhere, he once feels asleep in a bush of thorns
Roier however can only fall asleep in the best sheets with the most luxurious mattress, but he sleeps like the dead, Quackity likes to play a game called "how many random objects can i stack in Roier before he wakes up"
Roier still doesn't know who does that
Missa doesn't know that he can be really fucking scary when he approaches someone in the darkness and he has hurt his feelings many times when people screamed when he wanted to say "hi"
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bonefall · 9 months
what’s Bright Storm like? Since she didn’t get fridged like every woman in the original dotc series
She was always curious and dependable. Bright Storm's the kind of gal who would give you the shirt off her back if she wore a shirt to give you!
Long before they set off on the Sun Trail, she would occasionally confide in Clear Sky how much she wanted to see the world. Travelers aren't unheard of; this was before the Tribe split into its 3 separate Wards and welcomed a lot of comers and goers, but it's not that no one had ever left before. It was more that she had friends and family she was committed to.
Clear Sky pressured her into it, reminding her of how much they'd see, how they'd raise their kits somewhere new, and that he'd be sad and alone forever if she didn't come. Every chance he got, he was bringing it up. He was always her weakness, she hated letting him down.
Her dependability was based on how good of a listener she was, even Gray Wing the Wise appreciated it. She was always keeping an eye out for people's wants and needs, making connections between little 'tips' she'd heard from one source or another. After Gray Wing's death, she found herself in demand for this ability.
She couldn't make a plan quite AS good as xem, but she was better at making a plan into a 'group project.' She'd brainstorm and encourage everyone to join in, putting their brains together until it all fell into place. She could be good at delegating authority based on it, too, though Tall Shadow had much more confidence than her.
And really it's her confidence that holds her back, and can you blame her?
She tried to keep Jagged Peak alive for a moon, but barely caught enough for herself, let alone him AND her unborn kittens. But how could she go back to the camp and just pretend he wasn't out here, dying?
When she goes shuffling back with her son in tow, it was humiliating, it was heartbreaking. It became soulcrushing when Clear Sky rejected her again. With just a few words, she doubted everything.
...was she capable of knowing if she was interpreting this sign correctly? ...had she done the right thing, or did she just make everything complicated? ...he's right, it must be her fault the other two died, if she hadn't--
Tall Shadow interrupted this thought spiral, but Clear Sky is like an infection in her mind. She'd tell you, in a moment of shame many years later,
"I wasn't strong enough to beat him. No no honey, I mean it like the truth. Clea-- Skystar now, he's powerful if nothing else, and he makes you believe it too. It's a special sort of person who can say no to that. I said a lot of his words before I even realized I still had his tongue in my mouth."
Bright doesn't realize how smart she is, because she's so smart she realizes how little she knows. And that can make her doubt herself. She's genuine and caring, but susceptible to more self-assured people making her doubt her own judgement.
But there's no one else Thunder Storm would rather have in his corner, that's for sure.
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xleepyzs · 5 months
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Alexis Ness || Dating Headcanons
⌗ Characters :: Alexis, Ness, Michael Kaiser (mentioned)
⌗ Genre :: Fluff but he has uhh questionable acts (edited, 4.3.24)
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⌗ ʙᴏʀᴅᴇʀʟɪɴᴇ ᴏʙsᴇssᴇᴅ
He is obsessed of you like he is to Kaiser. Now, depending how many years, months, weeks or days you dated back then. If he had to choose, it'll depend on how many years, months, etc, you stayed with him in a relationship. If you stayed with him months or years, I guess he'd choose you over Kaiser. But if less—then, Kaiser.
⌗ ғᴜʟʟʏ ᴘᴏssᴇssɪᴠᴇ
He definitely has abandonment issues so of course he go on possessive protective of you. Honestly, don't let the Magician cute v-line shaped smile let you fool you. He can isolate your friends, families and more so you stay fully dependent on him, and only him. Because he's scared of you leaving him. Anyway, he'd do almost everything to let you stay with him, oh, you want this new make-up? He'll wrap it with wrappers and give you a surprise right now or like Christmas or your birthday. He's rich, so he almost get you anything you want.
⌗ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴɪɴɢʟʏ (ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ) ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀs
What do I mean questioningly weird behavior from him? Well, not only he'd be the type to isolate you from others so you won't leave him and borderline obsessed with you. Well, he may or may not stalked you before a relationship, finding out your likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. Does he care if it's a crime? Yes and no. He does know it's wrong but he can't help it, he's so infatuated with you!
If he's that obsessed, he'd be the type to steal your shit when you are not in your house/mansion/apartment. This rat would sniff your underwear and get off to it whenever you are gone and in a relationship with him.
⌗ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴏғ ʜɪs ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ
I believe his two love languages in order are, word of affirmation and giving gifts. For the first, this man needs LOTS of words of affirmation. Due to Kaiser's verbal abuse, of course he'll have low self esteem as well lots insecurities within him, although he wouldn't admit it since he can a bit prideful, but, he's willing to open up if that's what you want. So, give him genuine compliments and he'll be over the moon!
For giving gifts, he is rich soccer midfielder, lots of people are betting on him. That's how he got all that money, and with all that money, he will buy almost anything you want. Whenever he's playing against another country with the Bastard München, at times, he'd give you does cheesy romantic letters in cursive and souvenirs that you might like, according to him.
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In conclusion, he's a good boyfriend but has questionable behavior that might lead him to jail... if he was caught... as well as no self respect and independence. Don't forget his manipulative side! And pretty sure his flaws list goes on 🧍‍♀️...
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Part 3!! Now with the Spider Society. Apparently at this point, I’m just doing a recap of the WHOLE MOVIE for this… (>.<)
Also, you guys are great, much love to y’all for liking this! Someone asked about being tagged in this part, so hopefully this works!
Tag list:
Part 1 Part 2
When the rumbling started and the destroyed AlcheMax building started sinking into a dark hole, the four of them raced the the bridge railing to watch. Pavitr sounded so confused when he asked what was happening, and Miles found himself putting his hand on his shoulder in comfort. And, right before they left, when he asked if everything was going to be ok…
Miles didn’t like the fact that he didn’t have an answer for him. He’d come to try and help, not make things worse, and it felt sort of like he’d done that. Made things worse for Pavitr when he didn’t mean to. Without thinking, he brushed his wrist across the kid’s neck, trying to comfort him the way his mamí did when he was younger. It seemed like it worked, Pavitr relaxing before throwing him a look that read as slightly surprised.
And then when Jess (he recognized her as the woman from Gwen’s watch) and her crew showed up, already equipped to help with the spot in the world, Miles felt his inner hackles raise slightly. He pushed it down, smiling brightly at her and introducing himself in the hopes that she would let him go with them to this Spider Society. She brushed him off, her voice cool even as she kept walking and didn’t even look at him. Miles clenched his fists, gritting his teeth under his mask, but Hobie was close enough to make him relax all over again, especially when he threw his arm around Miles’s neck and leaned into him; he didn’t quite do the same thing Miles did to Pavitr, but somehow what he’d done was so much better at making Miles relax fully enough that he almost leaned back into the other Spider. He didn’t want to think about those implications, either, and so locked them all in a chest and buried them deep.
He used the (reluctant, he could tell) invite to the Spider headquarters as an excuse to push away from Hobie, who he could see out of the corner of his eye; he watched as Hobie went from a faded bright pink back to gray when he pushed him off, and though his heart kind of, maybe, sort of twinged at the obvious disappointment, Miles brushed that aside too in order to get on the ship Jess arrived in. Gwen and Hobie followed after him (and he used them sitting to lean over and ask Gwen “hey, is she…?” and Gwen just looked at him and muttered back “She’s an alpha, yea.” That hadn’t quite been his question but Miles had left it at that anyway because his mamí didn’t raise a rude alpha), and then they were off.
Nueva York looked…different. Miles wasn’t entirely sure he liked the look of this sleek, futuristic version of his home, but it was awe-inspiring regardless; not as many skyscrapers, it seemed, but there were hover cars and what looked like a train that went…what, straight up to the moon? That was wild. He felt like his eyes were super wide as they took in everything, including the way Hobie pulled his mask off for the first time. His heart racing in his throat, Miles could only stare and whisper something he didn’t quite remember saying at all (“how are you even cooler under the mask?” “I was this cool the whole time.” And wasn’t that the truth, Miles thought).
The elevator doors opened to the biggest exclusive club he’d ever seen in his life, with Spiders of all kinds literally all over the place. There were people literally sticking to the ceilings and walls, and groups of Spiders ranging from trios to genuinely large groups. It looked sort of like a block party, like the one he’d left to go after Gwen. Miles stared around in awe, something twinging in his chest as things started to sort of…not add up. Gwen looked really nervous when he mentioned her “super small elite team”, and though he didn’t want to believe it, he could tell she lied to him about the majority of the Spiders being part time; it was more obvious when she drew ahead to walk next to Hobie instead of him, head tilting slightly away from him to the right as they talked. Super-hearing happened to not be one of Miles’s specific powers, but he had the feeling that Hobie and Gwen’s conversation would likely have gone unheard regardless; in a building full of super-powered humans, there had to be some way of communicating without others overhearing.
And then he spasmed again, making him lose focus on that minuscule interaction. Jess handed (threw at) him his day pass so he wouldn’t glitch, and didn’t even take them all the way to see Miguel. She just gave Gwen the orders (and Miles noted that it was Gwen specifically she gave the orders to, not Hobie but Gwen; he wondered if it was becauseGwen was an alpha, or if there’s been another reason. He’d glanced at Hobie and had gotten a sharp smile in response, which had Miles flustered because he didn’t think Hobie would’ve noticed him watching an alpha delegate a task to another alpha) and then vanished to do whatever it was she needed to. Miles hoped she was going to help Pavitr.
Pavitr, unfortunately, happened to take a break from his mind because Hobie turned from Gwen after that to be all over Miles instead. The Spider didn’t try to make himself smaller (Miles had heard of some bigger omegas who did that, made themselves smaller or find some way to make the alphas around them feel bigger or better despite their much larger size in comparison; Miles had always found the practice annoying, even if it was rare in his universe, and he was relieved when Hobie didn’t even make an attempt to cater to him in some kind of way) for Miles; instead, he made himself bigger, made himself noticeable. Made himself an obstacle.
It was weird. It didn’t seem to be coming from a place of interest, at least as far as Miles could tell, but from a place of causing as much chaos as possible; he ripped something off the wall and waved it in Miles’s face enticingly (“Bet this don’t even do anythin’.” “It probably did before you ripped it off the wall!”) looking proud whenever Miles looked at or spoke to him. Miles forced himself to focus on meeting Miguel, which is why he wasn’t expecting it when Hobie suddenly appeared in front of him, chair rolling to a stop and legs stretched out in front of him to cross on the table. Miles paused for a moment, staring down at him with wide eyes; Hobie looked…enticing, somehow, leaned back in his seat and looking up at Miles from below. He grinned up at him again, something pleasing and aromatic wafting in the air around him making Miles’s heart race in his chest for an entirely different reason it had been before.
Miles pushed past him anyway, and the scent soured faintly. He hesitated, long enough to feel a warmth along his back. Then Hobie’s voice by his ear, low and sure and sending chills down his spine; the alpha part of Miles took interest in the fact that an omega was concerned, that an omega was concerned for him, and so when Miguel began lowering himself on the platform Miles found himself on guard. He hid it well, he thought, greeting him in Spanish and trying to offer food as a peace greeting, but Miguel didn’t take the bait. He threw the empanada, yelled at him and Gwen about the Spot, and threw something heavy at the both of them.
He was excited to see Peter B, though the baby was new (she was so freaking adorable, though, bright red hair and chubby cheeks and Miles was actually so excited she existed, so glad for the chance to get to know her now), but even as they were talking, things were sort of…adding up even less for Miles. Peter B was here, and Gwen, and even though he hadn’t seen anyone else, it didn’t mean they weren’t also there. There were tons of other Spiders here, after all, and Jess had given Gwen so much flack for even coming to see him when she was on her mission in his universe…
Miguel dropped the bomb that his dad had to die, and Miles’s stomach dropped with it.
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