#i found this jacket in the back of my closet this summer and i am so happy i can finally wear it now that its getting chilly out
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i never post pics of myself on here so i figured i'd post todays fit bc i feel sexual as fuck and also im applying for a job at an incense/crystal shop today👍
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y-umiko · 2 years
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CHARACTER(S): Izana . Rin . Baji . Smiley . Hanma
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Izana Kurokawa
A small smile appeared on his lips as he saw you running towards him with arms open, first thing as you arrive at their hideout. Izana naturally welcomed your hug, he wraps his arms around you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
sighing in contentment as he feels your warmth and inhales your scent. but he stops short, instead of your sweet lavender scent, you smell different, somewhat masculine, a male cologne that's definitely not his.
he pulls away from you, eyebrows furrowed as he grabs both your shoulders to face him, scanning you up and down.
"What's wrong?" You asked, startled by the sudden change of attitude. It was then then that he noticed you were wearing a jacket that you didn't have before, and definitely not his.
"Whose jacket is this?"
Looking down, you nonchalantly responded "Oh it's Kakucho"
His frown deepens, he doesn't like it one bit, seeing you all bundled up in another man's clothing other than his.
"It was cold and it was just laying around, he said I can borrow it as long as I wash it properly, it's actually really wa-"
"Take it off" he ordered, sliding it off your body, bundling it, then throwing it to the side. the cold immediately sends shivers down your spine as you unconsciously hug yourself.
"but it's cold" you whined, pouting at the white-haired man in front of you, "Am I supposed to freeze to death to appease your jealousy?"
you meant it as a joke but Izana takes your well being seriously, if you were cold he would probably immediately make it summer if he can.
"don't worry, I'll keep you warm" he mumbled as he pulled you back into his arms, tugging on his jacket to cover you too, and it was warm, to say the least. a hum of approval and comfort escaping your lips as you made yourself comfortable.
"And I was not jealous"
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Rindou Haitani
The moment you appeared within his sight he knew there was something different, something wrong. and his feelings were proven right as his eyes landed on your jacket. looking out of place with your small body.
"where did you get that jacket?" he immediately asks, because there's no way he can focus on you wearing that jacket that's clearly owned by a man.
pausing from your tracks, you look down at your oversized jacket and shrugged "I'm not sure where he got it, why don't you ask your brother?"
his stare hardens, almost burning "did you seriously not understood the question, or did you just want to get on my nerves?"
you looked up and stared at him, gauging the expression on his face, trying to read between the lines before a small smile grow on your face as the realization hits you "are you jealous?"
"Yes" was his immediate response, words fall short of your mouth expecting him to deny his jealousy. "now take it off and just wear mine"
without a word he just takes off his jacket and pushes it at you, as you slip Ran's jacket and put it on instead, his scent immediately filling your nose as you unconsciously snuggled into the soft fabric. the sight immediately calming him down.
"And they said Ran was the jealous one" you mumbled under your breath followed by a giggle.
"I heard that, don't push it"
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Baji Keisuke
was the words that escaped both you and Baji's lips as you two met in the Toman's meeting spot. your 'oh' more on the confusion part as you didn't expect to see Baji wearing his Toman jacket when you were currently wearing it.
while Baji was surprised to see you wearing another man's jacket, especially a member of Toman, who would even be brave enough to step out their way and give you their jacket, knowing you were with him.
"what are you wearing?" he asks, eyeing the jacket wrap on your body, a hint of anger on his face.
you look down in confusion, taking a turn to look at the jacket Baji was wearing and the jacket you were wearing "I thought this is yours, I found it in your closet"
he blinked, anger slowly dissipating. "that's not mine…it's probably Chifuyu's'"
"Why do you even have his jacket in your closet?"
"he sleepovers at my place all the time, practically leaves on my place" he simply says but his hands were moving separately as he unbuttons the jacket you were wearing before sliding it off your body.
"what are you doing?" you curiously asked, watching him take the jacket to the side while he took off his jacket and draped it around you.
"you reek of another man, I don't like it"
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Nahoya Kawata
"Please tell me that's not Mitsuya's jacket?" Smiley asked the moment you stopped in front of him. the question prompting you to look down on the said jacket.
"oh? isn't this yours?" you mumbled in surprise as you inspect the jacket more closely, and surely it does look different from what Smiley wears. then suddenly remembering that there were two jackets drapped side by side earlier and you grabbed this one by mistake in your haste as you were meeting with him.
"no wonder it smells different" you took a big whiff of the fabric and he twitched and all of a sudden you felt cold. Smiley was smiling but the stare he was giving you gave you all the details you needed.
"Now that we established it's not mine, let's not waste another second and take it off, okay?" he simply says, his smile frozen as he helped you slide it off your body.
"hai hai, no need to get jealous" you giggled as you bundled the jacket into your hands, noting to give it back to Mitsuya later.
“not jealous" he clarified
“mhm sure you’re not — but it's cold! I left your jacket at the hideout” you whined unconsciously clinging to his arm to keep warm, but Smiley began to walk away, with your hands intertwined together though.
"bear it, think of it as your punishment"
"wha! that's so mean!"
he didn't even last 5 minutes and he gave up and gave you his jacket. you did make it up to him though.
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Hanma Shuji
No words were needed as Hanman stalked towards you, taking only a few strides to reach you before gently turning you around and cupping your cheeks with one hand to make you look up and meet his eyes.
Hanma could recognize you from miles away, even when your back was facing him, he knew it was you, and just as he knew almost everything about you, he knows every piece of clothing you both owned, and the large jacket you were wearing that of a man was definitely not his.
"you really like driving me insane don't you?" were his words as he gently squishes your cheeks while you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" you mumbled after swatting his hand away from your cheeks. "whose jacket are you wearing? I just need a name" he murmurs, his words rough as he takes a look at the jacket once again, trying to see if he can recognize the owner. there was a sense of familiarity after all. you sigh before giggling as you reach up for his face and this time cupped his cheeks, slightly pulling his face down to match yours, Hanma quietly obliging "Shuji, you're the one who gave me this jacket a few days ago when I left your house and it was raining"
"Feeling better?" you giggled, a teasing tone to your voice. it took a moment for Hanma to process what you said before his lips twitch upward and nuzzled his cheeks into your hands.
"you got me worried there for a second" he sighed, straightening his posture before he met your own eyes. "I do remember giving it to you but it's not mine"
your eyes pop from the confession, "what?! then whose is it?"
he shrug, "probably Kisaki"
"and that makes it all better?!"
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Hi! I really like some of the Hazbin Hotel matchups you’ve done, and was wondering if I could request one.
Gender: I’m a cis guy (he/him)
Sexuality: Bisexual (though I lean heavily towards women)
Appearance: I lean sort of punk. My hair’s kinda medium length & messy. During colder seasons I wear torn darker grey jeans and a leather biker jacket, while during the summer I just wear black tank tops and dark colored shorts.
Personality: On the inside I’m very sensitive, empathetic, and loving. But I also struggle with trust and vulnerability, so I’m not great at showing those traits outwardly. Outwardly I’m kinda witty, calm, and unserious, even a bit aloof sometimes. I can be energetic and loud when I’m having fun though.
Likes: I love writing/creative expression of any kind (especially with stories that are highly emotional). I also love singing and acting (was a big theater kid back in HS). Another hobby of mine is playing videogames, particularly challenging/action packed ones that really make me lock in. And finally, I love cute dogs. All of the affection I struggle to show others, I show to my dog. He’s the sweetest.
Dislikes: I dislike people who are manipulative. I also dislike the cold. Finally, I dislike strict authority (very much a free spirit).
Extra: I think romantically I especially gravitate towards people who are warm and affectionate. With how much I struggle to give it out myself, I love someone who can bridge the gap. And if they’re fun and playful, all the better (teasing will make me act a little tsundere, but I love it deep down)
Thanks for your time!
~~~~~ MATCHUP ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
She loves your style; anything from Hell is exciting and new to her, so seeing you with Charlie during one visit made her super curious.
She makes it her goal to see you whenever she can, even sneaking out from the Seraphim Tower to see you one visit.
She gives you nonstop compliments because, at every meeting with you, she finds something new about you she likes.
She likes to joke that she's your inverse since you wear a lot of black, and she wears a lot of white.
She stole your clothes and made a White version of your outfit.
She thinks it's cute when you reject her kindness but blush super dark.
You would be the first person she found if she ever fell from heaven's graces.
She would stay by your side and tell you about her plans and dreams.
She would love to invest in your hobbies even though she is not good at them.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were on one of your excursions with Charlie to visit Heaven; Vaggie had been out helping train sinners in case the extermination ever started again. Once you had made it to your room, you knew that a young Seriphem would come busting through your door at any moment. Her excitement was contagious, but you had to play it cool; you were a Sinner. As if on cue, Emily made her way in a smile plastered on her face. "I am so glad you got to come this time! I was worried Charlie would bring her girlfriend again. How have you been?" You smiled softly at her kindness, explaining your time to her since you guys last talked.
You two had an odd relationship; everyone in hell knew about your growing partnership. However, in heaven, you two had to make it look like she was highly interested in a Sinner's life. It was hard keeping things a secret, but it was for the best, as she was bound to fall from the angel's graces if they knew. As you two talked about all the different things going on in your lives, sharing secret kisses and touches, you heard a loud bang at your door. " Emily, hide and don't say a word till I tell you too." She nodded and took to hiding in your closet.
You opened the door to be greeted by an out-a-breath Charlie, who looked frazzled. "Y/N Em needs to leave now; Sara is growing suspicious." You nodded and went to get Emily. As she went to leave the room, you kissed her cheek gently. Yes, it was risky, but who cares? She needed to know you enjoyed her company even if it was limited.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(For the first time in forever, the Seraphim were to come down to hell to discuss business with Lucifer and Charlie. During this meeting, Emily snuck away to find you playing some video games)
Emily: Whoa, what is that?
Y/N: Well, it's a bunch of code that creates a story you play through.
Emily: That's super fun. Do you just shoot all the little dead things?
Y/N: they are called zombies, but yes, I do shoot them, and I collect artifacts as I do to complete the story.
Emily: Fasinating (She stares at the screen harder)
Y/N: are you not even remotely bothered by the gore?
Emily: No. When we arrived, Charlie walked us along the streets of hell, and I think I have seen it all now.
Y/N: Oh.....
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gfguren · 5 months
amber!!! am dropping by to wish you a weekend that is full of light and love 🥹🫧💗
i am back w my curious sel glassies 🤓 (pls feel free not to answer if uncomfy) — what’s a habit you’re most proud of? what habit of katsuki’s is one you admire?
sellie!!! light and love, pls you're sooooo sweet!! 💕 and omg pls my good habits are so few and far between aksjdhfjh! but! i guess im pretty decent at picking up after myself?? i don't let things pile up, like? i finish eating - immediately put the plate in the sink, i take a book out - put it right back where i found it when im done, those kinds of things?
but with bakugou!!
ah! this is such a fun question, i think about mundane things like this for him all the time. i feel like bakugou has such good habits, king of going to sleep on time, king of sticking to his routines, king of having his shit together - i think it just comes naturally to him and honestly, i'm terribly jealous lol.
i've said he could fix me before as a joke but askjdfhs i'm lowkey highkey serious abt it - i feel like his habits would rub off on you just from being around him.
you forget to eat? good luck with that when he's being noisy as shit in the kitchen - morning, noon and night, makes better food than some 5 star restaurants - at some point, you're stomach starts growling at the sound of pots and plans clinking, almost on command, like you've been conditioned. you struggle with keeping a schedule? good thing he has a great memory and absolutely no qualms about nagging you six ways to sunday.
oh, you're a night owl? not anymore, suddenly you're awake at 6am on a saturday, of your own volition - you're not sure how it happened, when the switch flipped and you began lazily dragging yourself out of bed along side him. maybe it was when you grew familiar with the katsuki shaped warmth beneath your comforter, followed after it when he shuffled out of bed each morning to steam up the bathroom mirror - sometimes he lets you join him, most times you sit on the counter and listen to him grumble about all the things he has to do that day.
or maybe it was because he'd made it a point to kiss you goodbye whenever you bothered to wake up on time, eventually the rest of your day began feeling wrong if he didn't - like it became a habit itself. more than likely though, it's because that's just the way bakugou is, hot temper and can-do attitude so incredibly frustrating at times, but also oddly invigorating. when he says he'll do something, he does it - makes you think it really is just that easy. (it isn't of course) as much as he tries to convince you that it is - but it does make you want to try.
and as for the habit i most admire! i think one of his most admirable habits (to me!) is how well prepared he is. bakugou is always thinking ahead, prepared for anything, always and (as good as he is at coming up with solutions on the fly) i feel like he would never leave the house unprepared or ill-equipped. of course this applies to his work life - lays his costume and equipment out before bed, eats a healthy breakfast each morning so it doesn't affect his performance on patrol, etc.
but it also translates to his home life and relationships. like? you're on your way to spend a night out with him, and you already know he's headed for the closet, off to grab a coat for himself (and for you), even if it's mid summer, even if the weather is fine - because what if it gets cold, and what if the car breaks down, and what if both of your phones stop working - and you laugh at him sometimes, because it does feel a bit ridiculous, his overthinking, his over-planning, how he makes sure you leave 30 minutes early, and triple checks the locks before you leave for real.
but sometimes, you do find yourself in a pickle, and you're so thankful for him being the way that he is.
you nick yourself on something while the two of you are out, and before you have a chance to react, he's slipping a band-aid from his jacket pocket, shuffling it into your hands, grumbling something about it being a coincidence when you shoot him a big, heart-eyed look - little do you know, it's not a coincidence at all, that he'd been sure to grab a handful of them each time the two of you left the house since that time, months ago, when you cut yourself on something you can't even recall, don't seem to remember, but he does.
that's just the way he is, takes note when something goes awry, and plans accordingly so it doesn't happen again. you're a bit clumsy with your hands? he's ordering extra straws and napkins when you eat out. you blistered your feet last time you wore 'those' heels? he's stuffing a pair of your trainers in the trunk the next time, and every time after you decide to wear them. it's just so sweet and thoughtful! even if it basically becomes muscle memory at some point! idk idk it just makes me feel really full thinking about it!!!
askjdhfsjfh anyway! ty for giving me an excuse to gush abt him sel!!!! i hope your week is absolutely lovely and filled with more writing inspiration than you know what to do with!! 💓💕❤
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dausy · 3 months
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I attempted a circus elephant. Didn't quite turn out like I wanted but alls good.
I had a horrible headache since Thursday evening and its finally given way this late morning. I was over it but once it wore off I was able to do a lot of stuff. The weather was great today. I walked outside in a skirt and I was actually warm. Just a couple days ago I was layering up still. I don't think the weather will last. Last year there was a snow storm around this time of year so I'm sure its false spring. I think I do get a bit of seasonal depression. I like cozy cold of Thanksgiving and Christmas but once the holidays are gone I was hot weather now.
I purchased a jean jacket which I've never had before that I can ever remember and I purchased a couple base layer summer dresses to layer with it. I hope they don't look dumb is all. I'm ready for farmers markets and brunch and sitting outside in the warm weather.
I did a lot of backyard work. I mean I guess it looks better but Im no landscaper. I think my neighbors were looking at me weird as I was mowing the lawn. All the grass is flattened and dead and its possible its not even grass but just a web of weeds. But I was using the mower as a leaf vacuum to try and pick up all the leaves rather than rake them. I did rake a good 10 bags of leaves but I don't have enough room in my dumpster. There was also a dead bird D: I had to pick it up. Probably gonna be bugs everywhere soon. I honestly think tomorrow Im just going to buy a ton of soil and grass seen and cover the entire yard. Im aware Im moving this year but I cannot let the sticker/goathead get out of control like it was when we moved in. My dog needs the back yard.
I have some weird work drama too. I always wanna talk about it but Im afraid of privacy issues. My boss bought us sub sandwiches for lunch a few days ago and I ended up being forced to take them all home. Ive been eating cold cut subs for the past 3 days (maybe thats why I have a headache). I gave some to the gate guards and my dog walkers family. Still had a bunch remaining. My dog walker is moving too btw in a couple months T_T my husband should be back by then but still. She said she has a replacement for me if I need it.
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I've also posted this everywhere bragging on my spouse. He really did call me several weeks ago like "uhhh can you show me your Lion King collection I think I made a mistake" he knows I like TLK products and collect them but he's as clueless about my collection as I am if he asked me to buy him a gun. Like Idk what to buy. I guess its a little different because I own..a lot...and none of it is on display because we've moved so much the past couple years. So I had to take him into my closet and show him my breakables based on the boxes. I knew he found something online. I just wasnt sure which one it was.
Ive briefly scoured the internet for some sort of TLK 30th anniversary anything and havent found much. So this was a surprise to me. I would have found it eventually (and probably real soon) so he's lucky he got it to me. It was a very nice gift. It looks beautiful on my computer desk. I wish I had some of my other figures out but they'd just have to go in boxes again in a few months. One of these days I'll get a display case.
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missameliep · 2 years
From lovers to strangers (Colt Kaneko x MC)
Book: Ride or Day (post canon)
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x Ellie Wheeler (MC) (past relationship)
Rating: Teen and Up (the swearing, kissing)
Word count: 3,4k
A/N: this is my submission to the first @choicesprompts : August 15th - August 31, the prompt is in bold. I hope I made it on time!
Forgive any mistakes, there was no editing this time, and it's been a really long time since I wrote for Colt.
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The cool wind pushes my hair back as I walk along the familiar path, every step taking me deeper into the past. It’s been years since I’ve been here; everything is different.
Everything is the same.
I’m not paying attention to the present as I walk, I’m too lost in memories of long ago. That’s why I don’t notice the person walking towards me until I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I freeze. It can’t be. What are the odds?
I lift my head as my eyes dart wildly around before finally landing on a face I’d recognize anywhere, even now.
“It’s you.”
The late afternoon sun cast its light over us and our long shadows on the ground almost touch, but we do not. The gap between us is larger than the few feet that keeps us apart. An entire Grand Canyon separate us.
Swaggering in my direction, sporting a worn leather jacket that looks almost the same, he eyes me with curiousity until stopping a few feet away from me.
His voice echoes, filling the distance.
“Who else?”
I am not offended by the tone nor the insinuation that my previous statement was stupid. He is right. Who else but he could be here in this place and know my name?
I am surprised nevertheless.
His jet-black hair is longer and dances with the wind. The black mass of hair moves away revealing a fresh cut over his eyebrow that will leave another small scar on his beautiful face. Some of those scars were not there when we met, reminding me that time has not stopped since the evening we said our goodbyes.
It didn’t stop for me – though sometimes it stretched endlessly in my attempts to convince myself I was in the right path, pursuing the right dreams – and it certainly didn’t stop for him.
Nearly a decade went by.
Nothing remains the same.
Neither of us is the same.
Over the years, whenever I came to visit my father, I avoided places I could run into him, which was easier than I first assumed. Even the times I met with Ximena and Toby. Just picked a different club, a different crowd. It’s a big city. We could both be here at LA at the same time and oblivious about the other, coexisting in different universes, moving on and never meeting. No matter how much, deep deep deep down I wished we would meet.
This time, however, when I booked my flight, I picked one earlier than necessary, giving me two entire free days before my three-day lecture at UCLA.
I wanted to come here.
It was an unexplainable urge that possessed me ever since Roger found that box in the closet. It was like opening a faded pink Pandora’s box.
Instead of all the evils, the box contained one too large Black Sabbath t-shirt, a silly cactus that used to be in my car, a couple of instant pictures and that old phone. After so long, I was amazed it still worked, keeping pictures and messages alive from a different version of me. Little tokens and treasures in the palm of my hand. Too many memories came rushing back from a part of my life that I have tried to bury deep inside.
I didn’t say a word to Roger about the Mercy Park Crew, gangs or heists. I called it all garbage and lied about throwing that stuff away.
Ever since that day, I wanted to see the garage and visit this place. A walk down memory lane was not enough. I needed an entire tour to the past to remind myself of that rush of energy and life. I considered taking a jump off this cliffside and dive into the ocean even if it’s no longer summer and I’m not a rebellious eighteen-year-old anymore, looking for adventure and trying to prove myself.
Maybe I would find what I have lost.
Maybe I would find something to help me close this chapter of my life before moving to the next one. A chapter I don’t feel ready for. Maybe I’m just getting cold feet. People say that happens often, right?
I didn’t expect that he would be here. Not in person at least. I didn’t expect to see him so soon. Or at all. But he is right there in front of me. If I just reach out, I can touch him. Though I won’t.
My mouth opened in spite of being emptied of words and then closed.
Expectantly, he stared at me.
I know not what to say. Maybe I should leave. That is the wise choice. But I don’t turn around.
As if he was one of the samples in the lab, I study him. His unsmiling face and enygmatic eyes. My gaze roams further down. Like black tendrils crawling beneath the edge of his white t-shirt to the side of his neck, there are pieces of a tattoo I have never seen. Does he have as many tattoos as his father once had? Is it because of him? I wonder what is drawn in his skin, if they symbolize victories or losses, and how far the needle touched it. I wonder if his pains are etched in his skin as mine are in my heart.
“Why you’re staring like I’m some fucking ghost, Ellie?”
“Sorry, Colt.” Saying his name after so long is bitter and liberating at once, like removing a foreign body that has been stuck in your throat all too long. “I was not expecting to see you...”
A smirk curls the corner of his mouth, and he’s that nineteen year old boy again, the twinkling in his eyes while thinking about a clever comeback.
“Then you shouldn’t come to my spot...”
There is humour in his quip, undeniably, and something that edges irritation. Is it Colt being Colt or did he want me to be looking for him?
I don’t let myself linger in that thought. I shouldn’t presume anything or expect to be able to read him now.
I force myself to break eye contact and smile towards the cliff, answering with a joke of my own like I used to, “The garage must be doing good if it bought you the sea coast...”
He snorts with laughter, and I dare throw a glance at him over my shoulder. There’s only amusement in his expression now.
“I told you. Someday I was gonna rule this city. One cliff at a time.”
“Solid investment.”
We share a quick laugh, almost too intimate.
I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear, and his eyes accompany the motion with undivided interest. A shiver runs down my spine but I tell him the same protocolar thing I do whenever I meet some colleague or student and I feel wary on how to carry on a conversation.
“You look good.”
His lips are drawn inside his mouth in that familiar way before relaxing into a small smile that still makes my heart accelerate.
“Thanks.” The corner of his lip and an eyebrow raise at me. “Are you fishing for compliments?”
“I have a mirror, so I don’t need to fish for compliments...” I mimicked his dull tone and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second, before his expression returned to the usual resting bitch face.
“No ulterior motives?”
“Do I need one?” I snort and stare him down. “I'm just making conversation...”
A gush of wind blows our hair and pulls his jacket back. I bow, lowering my gaze to the ground to protect my eyes and his shadow has earned a pair of black wings ready to fly over the Pacific ocean. Like the myth.
As he zips up the jacket, the wings are gone.
I don't share this thought, but the tragic Icarus remains in my mind. Too young, too eager, too close to the sun. But for a fraction of his life, he flew. How many of us can say the same?
Colt glances at the ocean and back at my face, studying me. It’s so similar to the way he did the night we met. I wonder what he sees now. Would he tell me again I don’t belong here? Or that I am trying too hard? He wouldn’t be wrong.
“You're obviously hot...” his voice comes almost like a whisper, gently carried by the wind, “but the best parts of you were not your looks...”
My entire face warms with a rush of blood. I am not easily flattered, I know how attractive and accomplished I am, but his words somehow hit me differently and he knows it.
His gaze lowers in appreciation. Soon, however, the smile disappears when his eyes narrow staring at the diamond ring in my finger.
There is no use in hiding it now, but I do it anyway, shoving my hands deep in my coat pockets.
“Do you still dive?”
His gaze quickly return to mine and he waits a beat before answering my question.
“Sometimes...” His lips roll inside his mouth. “So, is that why you’re here?”
“Are you looking for company or a nudge? I can push you.”
“Always so helpful...”
“I am a helpful guy.” He takes a step forward, edging me and the cliff, and wiggles his brows. “Just say the word.”
“It’s too cold. And the sea looks rather unfriendly. I’ll probably have cramps and drown...”
He tsks me and I throw him an inquisitive glance.
“None of that would ever stop you...”
“What can I say? I am much wiser now.”
“Did the East turn you into an old boring wimpy?”
“I’m older, not old.” I cross my arms in front of my chest and look at him in defiance. “I am no longer young and stupid.”
“You were rarely stupid.”
“Thanks.” I emphatically roll my eyes and take a step back. He follows, still keeping the distance.
We both look at the ocean in silence. The roar of the waves reminding me of the dangers bellow.
“You regret?”
“Wow. Could you be any more vague?” I laugh and play with my hair, curling a lock around my fingers over and over. He tries to look cool, but the way his eyes don’t waver from my face indicate eagerness for an answer.
“A fashion intervention was totally necessary back then.”
“Can’t disagree with that,” he snorted with laughter.
“Don’t come at me for agreeing with you!”
I don’t hold the laugh.
“What about the rest?”
“There are no do-overs,” I shrugg, looking back at him, “so, what’s the point? The past is not a place we can live, right?”
I try to come as nonchalant, and if he suspects I am not entire honest about it, he doesn’t say anything.
“Are you back?”
My negative comes in a shake of head.
I take a deep breath, letting the salty misty fill my lungs. The sun is slowly descending towards the ocean, painting the sky in orange shades.
“I missed this...”
“Everything. The sunset. The ocean.”
“I heard there’s an entire ocean on the other side... Just take the I-95.”
“I already did that... It’s nice.” I lift my hands and deftly braid my hair to avoid it from getting into my face and mouth as the wind blows stronger. “It’s actually conveniently close. Beautiful sunsets. No jams. Unlike here. But...”
When I stop talking, he kicks a small rock and it falls over the cliff. I kick one too, while dancing around what we don’t talk about.
“You miss it here.”
A lump forms in my throat and I don’t trust my voice, so I nod.
He nods too and his hair falls to his face for a moment.
This is the complete opposite of what I imagined meeting Colt would be like. There are no passionate kisses nor angry shouting and fingers pointing at each other’s faces.
Years ago I desired meeting him face to face with all my heart. First in a naive and hopeful way, as if it was possible to resume what we had, ignoring that we lived in different worlds.
With each passing week without news from him, that earlier feeling turned bitter. Resentful, even. I wondered why he never reached out. How could he forget me that quickly, while I still loved him? Many times I wanted to march into the restored garage and shout that question to his face. Why did I expect that he would not forget me?
I hated myself more than I hated him for being so naive. I spiralled into self-loathing and cheap booze before focusing on the one thing I was ever good at: studying.
He moves, protecting his eyes with a hand from the dust blown by the wind, and deliberately gets closer as if about to say something. Perhaps changing his mind halfway through it, he simply shoves his hands inside his pockets and stares at the horizon.
In silence, I stand beside him.
The dusking sky is almost purple with splashes of orange and red and it is breathtaking.
I search my brain for anything else to say.
I don’t want to talk about the few but intense months we had. I don’t want to talk about the dreams and expectations that crumpled or the way I don’t fit in the roles expected from me. I don’t want to tell him I don’t know who I am or what I want anymore.
I silenced about those things to my therapist and my fiance, I will not disclose it to a stranger.
From lovers to strangers.
That is what we are now.
What is left to be said if you cannot say what truly matters? Do we talk about the weather or how horrible traffic is? Maybe something more controversial like what he thinks about the candidates running for Senate or what he makes of those guys who still believe in flat Earth?
I don’t want to talk about any of that either. I fear if I open my mouth now, the truths I have hidden inside me will spill like a broken dam.
Tears prickled at the back of my eyes. I press my tongue to my palate and blink them away. I force myself not to break, not to give in first.
I don’t want him to know how much I have missed him and ached for him and hated him and worked so hard to not think about him. Every unsaid word and broken promise consumed me. I once was a girl with love in my eyes but now I don’t have love nor hate for him, I am long past the hope and the anger. I don’t know what I have.
“Are you thinking about doing it?” he asked me quietly.
“Excuse me?”
“The jump.”
By his tone and the way he stares at me, I suspect he doesn’t mean the literal dive from the cliffside. Either way, I don't have an answer.
“I don’t know.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“What if I drown?”
“I wouldn’t let you...”
“Why should I trust you?”
“You shouldn’t. You should trust yourself. That’s the only thing we have in the end of the day, right?”
“Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“Only if you think about it...”
A blanket of purple and deep blue is covering the sky and I can barely make his face as the sun disappears into the ocean, taking the dive I won’t.
For a moment, Colt looks over his shoulder, distracted by the roar of a bike’s engine in the distance.
“What if it is not like I remember?”
“There is this Greek dude that wrote something like you can’t swim twice in the same river or some shit like that... Things change. It can be worse. It can be better. Who knows? But it won’t be the same anyway...”
“That is less encouraging than you think...”
“It was not supposed to be. You always knew better and never needed that kind of thing...”
“Who said I didn’t? Maybe I wasn’t as strong as you guys thought...”
“You are Ellie Wheeler. You take no shit from punk heads... Your students agree with that moto.” Colt elbowed me and I chuckled.
“How do you even know that?”
“Who says I know anything?”
I wrapped my arms, pulling my coat tighter around myself.
“What if I don’t want to jump?”
“Then you don’t.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
Years lying about acceptance and moving on crumple inside. It is Colt. I can’t help it. I feel. I feel so much. I am hit by feelings like the waves hitting the rocky shore. I crumple. I want to reach out. I want to know if I can have those feelings back, even if it will destroy me.
“Was that what you thought when you walked away from me?”
“I never walked away from you.”
“That’s bull and you know it.”
“I did what I had to do. Just like you.”
He tries to move away but I block his path.
“What do you mean?”
“We better not go there. You don’t live in the past, right?” he give me his back. “You need a ride?”
“I never moved on... from you.”
“Aren’t you engaged?”
I muttered a string of swearing against my fisted hand.
“I don’t know if I can do that. Any of that. I'm not like them.”
“You can.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “I saw you at Langston.”
“You did? When?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Tell me.”
“It was some presentation. You were doing good. Great actually, like your friend said you were... when you spoke to that packed auditorium, people were just eating in your hand... You were fucking brilliant, Ellie! I was so proud of you and I knew right there and then. I just had to step away and let you go on and live your life, do all that great stuff you’re destined to. Last week, I heard Ximena bragging about your lecture at UCLA and that you’re like this big shot and people come to hear you talk about this dope drug you created... She just talks about you even if she has no idea what this shit even is about... You inspire people, El.”
“Fuck you!” I pushed him and I felt the salty of my tears reach my lips. “How dare you? How dare you decide something that important without telling me?”
“Hey! What else was I supposed to do?”
“Stay. Talk to me. Anything. Just don’t make assumptions about me!”
“I am a criminal, El. I was on the run. I shouldn’t even be there!”
“You had my number... You knew where I lived... It didn’t have to be in the middle of campus.”
“I did for you. We can’t play dream house. You can’t introduce me to your colleagues or your financiers. I probably stole shit from them.”
The tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my face now, no matter how many times I brushed them. I wanted to be angry with him and shout. But I was sad. I could rationally understand what he said and why he did it. This was the closure I was looking for, then why doesn’t it feel like an ending?
Unexpectedly, his arms pulled me against his chest, and I buried my face in his neck.
“That hurt me so much...” I sobbed against his skin, and his hand stroked my back in a soothing motion. “I hated you. I hated me.”
Despite my resistance, I was pulled even closer, his arms impossibly tight around me.
“I love you. Always did. I just couldn’t be a fucking moron and drag you with me.”
When I managed to look up at his face, he was already looking down at me.
“I want to jump.”
“Now? Have you lost it? It’s too damn dark –”
When my lips touched his, it silenced him.
Colt was right.
It was not the same.
The kiss felt familiar and strangely new at once.
As our lips glided against the other’s and when our tongues finally met, it felt like riding a bike. Even if it wasn’t like that first time, the thrill from each ride and from moving faster and faster never failed to rush my heart. Just like being in this embrace.
His hand delved into my hair and he pulled me closer like I was the air he needed to breath. I got that. I finally felt like breathing again.
I touched his neck, letting the tips of my fingers trace the tattoo, making him shiver. His lips touched my neck, retuning the courtesy and shooing every coherent thought from my brain.
The world had submerged into darkness and the moon was over our heads when we parted breathless many minutes or hours later.
Who knows and who cares?
We made no promises and said nothing we could regret.
But as he held my hand and guided me to his bike, I knew I had made my choice.
I jumped.
We both did.
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Ghost • Sixteen
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Warnings: 18+, Fluff, Angst, lots of Dumb Bitch Juice, Some Smut Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC & Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x OC Word Count: 1,967
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Tate and I go into my room and before she even steps foot towards my closet I say, "Well Tatertot you're gonna be sorely upset with my closet, they only thing you're gonna find in there is different Navy apparel that is mine or my dads that I stole from him, band shirts, or flannels from Jake." 
"Really Kota, you don't own anything classy?"  I shake my head no, "The last classy thing I owned was a dress I rented to wear to the Navy Ball one year with Jake. After that we both just wore our dress uniforms." 
"What am I going to do with you?" Tate says with a sarcastic sigh. "Love me anyways?" I say, giving her puppy dog eyes. We both just laugh, while she starts digging through my closet and I sit on my bed watching the genius at work.
After a few minutes of digging through my closet Tate says, "Dakota Kazansky! What is this?!" I think to myself, shit what did she find, because she just pulled out the legal name. "What's, what Tate?" She pulls out the crewneck sweatshirt that she found, "This!" 
"Oh..." I rub my forehead lightly, "That was a gift from Jake," before I could finish that statement she turned the sweatshirt around to see that the back says, Seresin with a number 9 under his last name. "Oh. My. God Kota!" Tate squeals, "Is this what I think it is?" 
I nod to her, "Yeah, that is a sweatshirt that Jake gifted me with his name and his Navy Midshipmen football jersey number on it." Tate throws the sweatshirt at me, "That's it you're wearing this tonight, Kota, did you ever hear about the tradition of football players giving their person either their letterman jacket or their jersey?" 
I look at her puzzled, "No, I've never heard of that." Tate pinches the bridge of her nose, "Oh Kota you sweet summer child. This is like a step down from high school football players or sweethearts giving their girl their class ring. The tradition of giving the jersey or class ring is to show their love for their person. It shows everyone else around you that you were his person." 
"No fucking way...." I stop, thinking about everything over the years, leading up until the bar recently with Jake and the bartender. "Holy shit, how have I been this fucking blind? How have you not slapped the sense into me?!" I say to Tate. 
"That's what you're wearing tonight Kota! Also try these shorts on!" She says tossing me the shorts I just wore a few weeks ago. I put the shorts on to humor her to where she excitedly yells, "Holy shit those shorts make your ass look damn fine." I laugh at her comments. "So we have my shirt and shorts picked out, what shoes are you putting me in Tatertot?" 
She digs through the shoes in my closet, eventually landing on my favorite pair of black sk8 hi vans, "These!" She hands the shoes to me, and I'm glad she's at least picked me out something I'm extremely comfortable in. She's already dressed similar to me. She pulls me into the bathroom and gives me a gorgeous light Smokey eye with a small winged cat liner.  I take a look into the mirror, "Tate if this pilot thing doesn't work out for you, you definitely have a future being a stylist!" 
I do two Dutch braids on the top of my head that lead back into two messy space buns. Tate touches up her makeup and hair and then we run out to her car. She drives to this cute little retro diner that she had found. "This place is so cute, how did you find it?!" I say excitedly. "Oh Javy and I ended up driving by it on the way to our house and eventually ended up trying it out for breakfast one morning." Tate replied. We walk inside and the waitress greets us, and leads us to our booth. 
Tate looks down at her phone and sends off a text message. I took a picture of Tate on her phone and sent it to the guys, with a message saying, My super cute date for tonight! Tate and I get talking about class and how excited we are to be in San Diego for 13 weeks, and anything else we could think of. Suddenly Tate's phone rings and I look over at it, "Grab it, it's perfectly fine, it might be important!" She gives me a thank you look before grabbing her phone, kissing my cheek and then running off to answer it. 
I sat in the booth for a while wondering if everything is alright with Tate. I look around and can't see where she's gone. The waitress came by and asked if she could take our order, and I asked for another few minutes. She obliged and walked off back behind the counter to serve a customer at the bar. 
Javy gives me directions to a diner for us to grab dinner. "When did you find this?" I question him. "Oh, Tate and I had breakfast here one of the days after you and Kota helped us unpack." He replied. I hear our phones go off and I look down at the teasing photo that Kota had sent. It was a picture of Tate on her phone captioned with My super cute date for tonight! 
I hear Javy's phone go off again, and he says, "Hey I gotta make a phone call really quick, would you mind running inside and grabbing us a table?" 
"Of course, what do you want to drink in case they ask?" I questioned him. "Oh uh, I don't think I'll be out here that long." I shrug to him, taking my keys out of the ignition, and walk inside. I'm greeted by the waitress, and am being led to a table that already has someone sitting in it. I stop for a moment really hoping this wasn't a set up by Javy just trying to get me some tail, until I notice a certain sweatshirt. It's the one I had given to Kota. Then it clicks, holy shit it's Kota and she's wearing THE sweater. 
I follow the waitress to the table, and she walks away. Kota hasn't noticed I've walked up, she's busy looking down at her phone, I peek over her shoulder, she's sending a message to Tate to see if Tate's okay. It finally clicks to me what's happening here, they've set Kota and I up on date together. 
I clear my throat, "Is this seat taken?" I say to Kota and she looks up to me. "Jake? What're you doing here?" I chuckle at how oblivious Kota can be sometimes, it's so fucking cute. "Uh darlin', they set us up, Tate's not coming back, may I sit with you?" Her eyes go wide realizing everything, "Yes please." 
I sit down across from her and look at the menu that's been left by Tate. After a few minutes the waitress comes to take our orders, I get a Coke with a burger and fries, Kota's order is almost exactly spot on to mine, but she requested cherry syrup in her Coke. 
The waitress walks away to put our order in with the kitchen, and I finally admire the outfit that I'm assuming Tate picked out for Kota. "Is that the sweater I gave to you during or plebe year?" I ask her, honestly surprised she still has it after all this time, and my god does she look as gorgeous as ever in it still.
She gets up a little bit and turns around the best she can in the booth to show me the back of it, "I loved it so much, that I've kept it all this time. It's been like, what, 5 or 6 years now?" She questions and I nod in response. 
"I can't believe you've kept it all this time." I say with a hint of surprise in my voice. She looks at me shocked, "Why wouldn't I? It was a gift from you, I could never get rid of it, plus it's far too comfy to throw out." She says chuckling, "Although I'm sad to say that I think I only found out it's true meaning today when Tate had to explain the whole varsity jacket, class ring, jersey thing to me. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to realize Jake." 
I think to myself, holy shit, she finally understands the meaning of it. I blush a pale shade of pink. "Kota, do you know why my jersey number was the number 9?" She shakes her head no at me, "No cowboy, I can't say that I know why, care to explain?" I smiled at her, "Well we were given the option to pick our Jersey numbers as a quarterback the numbers I was given to pick from were 3, 7, 9, 14. I looked really hard for a 22 because that would have been the day you were born on, but 22 wasn't available. So I picked 9, the month you were born instead." 
She gasps, finally realizing, "Jake, you tried to pick my birthday for your jersey number?" She covers her mouth with her hand as this epiphany hits her all at once. "Buy why?" She asks. "Kota, you're my girl, and you'll always be my girl whether we are together in that sense or not. You've always been my biggest fan and supporter." I say truthfully. 
The waitress brings us our food and Kota looks at me lovingly like I'm the sun and I've finally breathed some oxygen into her. "Jake, I.." she starts but doesn't continue as she's unable to form the sentence she really wants so she goes back to pondering what to really say. 
We start to eat our food, and I joke to her, "Kota you're so adorable, but god are you so oblivious!" She looks at me pretending to be hurt by what I just said, and she playfully throws a French fry at me. Now it's my turn to feign hurt, "You just hit me with a French fry!" She shrugs looking at me, "Well." I quirk an eyebrow up at her, "You're rude, you know that?" She just looks at me shrugging once again with that precious little smirk on her face, "Yeah." She says giggling. My god that giggle, the things I would do to hear that all the time, this woman is going to be my downfall. 
We both end up just laughing and goofing off with each other while we finish the rest of the meal. We go up to the counter to pay our bill only to find out it was paid for already. Kota and I just chuckled to ourselves. I extend my hand out to her, she takes my hand, intertwining her fingers with mine, "So what do you say Darlin', was this first date good enough to earn a second one?"
She acts like she's thinking, tapping her pointer finger that currently isn't being held in my hand against her bottom lip, "Yeah I think I could go for a second date." I smile at her and ask, "Kota, can I kiss you?" I watch her bite her lip before nervously nodding to me. With my free hand I cup her cheek gently and place a kiss against her soft lips, her free hand finding its way to my hip. 
After we broke apart from our kiss, I tucked a small piece of hair behind Kota's ear, "What do you say darlin', wanna go watch the sunset on the beach with me?" She smiles happily, "I'd love to Cowboy."
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I had a good day off. The tip of my nose is still red but the other spot on my cheek seems to have cleared up. Still makes me nervous. I am going to ask for advice on Monday. I was also still really itchy!! No idea what's up.
I slept way better last night though. I woke up to say goodbye to James and to ask to have more covers. But then slept well for a few more hours.
I woke up at 930. And I felt pretty good! I got up and felt cute and good. I got washed and dressed and felt happy.
I wasn't hungry yet so I spent some time cleaning. Vacuumed and put away some stuff away. And then ate the leftover chips I had from dinner last night.
And then I just into my clothes organizing. I had a lot of stress around this. I would enjoy the actual sorting but it was a lot of work.
I got all my clothes and jackets out and sorted it by type. But I have done so well getting rid of stuff the last few months there was not a lot I actually wanted to get rid of! But I still wanted to move some stuff away. So I went through each thing and folded it. I was getting a little confused because I had a few things to think about for future packing. Me and Jess camping. Honeymoon. Summer camp. So I didn't pull things out to make outfits for those like I originally planned. And instead just organized. All my shirts refolded. New pieces picked to hang up. My bottoms put away with the dresses. I really tried hard. And the closet looks so nice now.
I did make outfits for this week. And feel nice about that.
I had some leftovers. My sandwich from the other day. And got into some knitting. I want to try to go through a bunch of my yarn this year. And so am I got out my long skinny loom. We'll see in hat it turns into.
I worked on that until 1. And decided I would go for a drive. I wore my new sandals. And didn't wear a coat even though I probably should have. But I had a sweater and would be fine.
I drove out to savers. Haven't been there for a bit so it was fun. I just loved looking around. I found a lot of silly stuff. I sort of regret not getting the beanie ark because it made me laugh so much. These beanies are for the lord!!! I did get the purple large beanie that is just an employee? I love them. Such a pretty color.
I also found a dress I loved. I may also use it for the renfair but it's such a lovely thick material. Long black. Sadly no pockets but I could add them in. The thing that made me laugh though is the brand tag was about dressing modestly. So I am going to wear it this week with my bondage style straps.
I was in line for a while. But I wasn't in a rush. I had a coupon so I got $5 off. And was happy. And then I headed home.
I got back here around 230. I brought my stuff in after I cleaned all the trash out of the car. And would spend some time cleaning a small cabinet I got. Which had like. Loose tea all inside of it. But it was $5 so a little cleaning wasn't a huge deal.
I would have the rest of my chipotle and make blue jello because for some reason I'm obsessed with it right now. And then it was time to go back to my knitting.
I worked on that until James got home. They would pretty quickly went back out to get milk and bread. And I kept knitting.
When they got home the second time they laid in bed with me and we watched tiktoks together. It was a really nice afternoon.
James made dough for pizza. And we would have that pizza for dinner. And after that I would take a nice hot bath with lots of oil and watched a scary video.
I have been in bed with Sweetp for a while now. And James was playing a game with their friend. But they are done that now. And are going to come join me in bed soon.
Tomorrow I have another day off. I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow. I hope it's just a restful day. I hope you all have a good day. Sleep well! Be safe!!
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 8/25/2022
What a day. 
It was nice to wake up this morning and not have to login and stress about anything. I leisurely got out of bed then headed into the kitchen to grab my “to do” list. I was able to get a few things done on it, which was my goal. I did an hour plus worth of training for coaching, I set up my CPR/First Aid training in person, put together some mail I needed to send out for you and I, and sorted through a lot of the mail. I still have a lot to shred and look through, but it was a good start. More on the mail later. I also was able to clean really well this morning, which was good since I am finally healing from this. I want to kill all these nasty germs and move on with my life. 
If you recall from yesterday’s blog, my car battery died at the gas station on my way to get dinner. I called AAA this morning for them to come to my apartment to install a new one. Unfortunately, I was misinformed by the company that was dispatched and AAA. They said I would only have to pay for the battery itself, not the installment. I guess my car’s battery is in a unique location (they’re not wrong, it’s not easily accessible) so there was no way around that fee. I tried looking into options, but ended up just caving and getting it done. I was slightly annoyed, but the least of my problems in the last 5 weeks. 
Once my car was done I did go and grab breakfast, then took Sadie to go to her camp. She loves camp so much, it makes me happy. I felt so bad that she had to stay home this whole time. I made sure to wipe her down with Thieves and pet cleaning wipes just in case, but honestly I really am doing better so it probably wasn’t necessary. 
I found out that the head coach came down with COVID, so I ended up stepping in and going to practice today. It was so nice to be able to go and feel like I was contributing today. I have felt a bit guilty for not being able to be as present as I wanted to be, though they all understand. And all of this has been out of my control. Anyway, had great conversations with some of the athletes. They listened to me (for the most part, boys will be boys). 
After that, I went to go pick up Sadie and then ordered sushi, I had been craving it for a while, so it really hit the spot. I talked to Marissa while I picked her up, grabbed my food, and ate my dinner. I ended up walking to Sprouts as well because I was really craving chocolate. I bought way more than I had anticipated, but that is as expected. I really cannot go to a store without leaving with more items than I had planned for. 
Now, back to the mail. When we got Sadie, I put pet insurance on the “honey do” list for your to look into, so you did. With everything going on in the last year, we decided to move it to my name. Somehow (lol), I was put into their system as “Madison Nichols”. When I called to check on Sadie’s claim, they addressed me as such. I immediately texted you and was like “Is there something you know that I don’t?” We had a conversation and a good laugh about it. It just makes me sad to think that this isn’t even in the realm of possibility anymore. It hurts that you “walked away”. 
I’ve got to get to bed to rest up for coaching tomorrow. I also need to try and do at least another hour of training and a few errands before the meet. 
I posted a song I wrote for you last night on my Instagram, I will end this post with those lyrics. You were very on my heart today:
There’s still tape on the bottom of the flower pot that’s right outside my door.
I bought a lockbox so I could leave a key for you, but I don’t need that, anymore. 
Your jackets are still hanging in the living room closet, next to my guitar.
I tried them on in the midst of summer, to feel like I was in your, arms.
Life has a funny way
 of choosing who should go and what should, stay.
I’m holding onto everything that tells me, that we’ll meet again, someday.
I love you. I always will. My butthead in heaven. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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ohpuckthat · 2 years
Stood Up (Quinn Hughes)
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When I first moved to Vancouver for school, I stayed in residence for as long as possible. First-year was a guarantee. Second-year worked out. Third-year was when my luck ran out. However, by that point, I had made a few friends and my luck came back when one of them had told me he was looking for a roommate coming back from the summer break. Rooming with a guy was not my first choice and rooming with a hockey boy was certainly not but I needed a place and 100% could not have afforded one on my own.
When I first met Quinn, we were at a bar just after my last final. Most of my friends had either bailed or were on the dance floor. I found myself sitting alone at the bar, trying to destress as much as possible before I had to head home to my family. As I downed my third or fourth drink, I saw someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. Thinking it was one of my friends to take me home, my drunk self quickly turned to him and spilt his drink all over his lap.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry." I stumbled, feeling the embarrassment take over.
"That's okay. I hate these pants anyway." He laughed, quickly diffusing the situation. "I'm Quinn."
"Y/N. Let me buy you another drink."
"I'll take your number instead if that's okay?" He flirted, leaning in a little closer and holding his phone out.
"That was really smooth." I bit my lip and took his phone from his hand. I put in my information and took a picture of myself for the contact photo before handing it back to him.
"Y/L/N! Ready to go?" My friend Connor yelled, holding my coat.
"That's my cue. It was nice to meet you. Sorry about your pants."
"Nice to meet you too." He said, holding up a full glass. I ran over to Connor and put on my coat, walking out with him.
"Nice catch." He whispered in my ear once we got in the car.
"He was cute wasn't he?" I joked, feeling a little confused as to why he was saying this.
"Wait, you didn't recognize him?"
"No? Should I have?"
"Oh, honey. That was Quinn Hughes. From the Canucks?"
"No. No way." I said, disbelief laced in my voice.
"How much did you drink?"
And just like that, I was friends with the Quinn Hughes. We texted constantly and hung out almost every day he was in Vancouver. When I went home that summer, we continued to FaceTime every evening and he even came to visit me and my family.
Now, almost three years later, we were living together. Quinn had morning practice and I was sitting in the living room working on a paper for class. When he got home, he dropped his bag at the door before flopping onto the couch next to me.
"How's it going?" He asked, nodding towards the computer on my lap.
"It's going. I should be done a draft by tonight." I sighed, feeling a little frustrated at this paper. The prof was a grade a asshole and would assign something insane every week.
"Perfect. Because tonight, we're going out."
"And you can't bail again. The boys are starting to think you've died and I'm going insane."
"Quinn. I need to finish this." I sighed, setting my laptop down on the couch for a second.
"Oh, come on. It's not due until Wednesday and it's the last night we're able to go out. Please... I'll buy all your drinks..."
"Fine. But we're not staying till last call again. I want to get up early tomorrow."
"Deal!" He smiled, hopping up from the couch and pulling me up with him. He basically threw me into my room and closed the door. "We're leaving in 20!" He called through the door before I heard his footsteps walking away.
I rifled through my closet and grabbed my favourite dress. I got dressed and started on my makeup. I sped through my makeup, finishing off with a red lip. I knew throughout the night, I'd be stressed about this stupid paper so any extra confidence I could get, I'd take. I grabbed my purse and walked out, seeing Quinn ready on the couch.
"You ready?" He asked, walking to the door.
"Yeah. I just need my shoes." I put on my heels and jacket, putting them both on.
"Good thing we're leaving before last call because all the guys will be on you tonight. They're gonna be sooo jealous when they see you leaving with me." He laughed, placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked down to the foyer.
"They won't be jealous if they knew you weren't getting any action anyway." I teased as we got in the car. We made it to the bar soon after and walked in, quickly spotting the group of large men in the corner.
"She's alive!" Brock called as we got closer.
"Hi, Boeser." I smiled, pulling him into a hug.
"We were pretty sure Hughes made it up that you two were living together and that you had rejected him long ago. We wanted to save his ego but we didn't know how long to keep it up."
"Well, part of that is true. We are roommates but he was rejected a while back." I whispered the last part, winking at him. "Well, I certainly need a drink. Your usual?" I asked Quinn before making my way to the bar.
I ordered Quinn and me our drinks and leaned against the bar as I waited. I turned to look back at the boys, seeing them all in a heated conversation, most likely about hockey. There were only a few things on these boys' minds, hockey at the forefront. I turned back to the bar to see the bartender still making other people's drinks. I took my phone out, secretly working on my paper.
"Woah, that looks intense." I heard a voice behind me. I quickly turned to see an extremely handsome man in a suit standing there.
"Uh, uh, yeah. I uh, have a paper due but I was promised free drinks so I couldn't exactly turn that down." I laughed, feeling a little nervous. The last time I talked to a guy in a bar was Quinn and I couldn't even remember how many drinks I had downed at that point.
"Sounds like nothing much pulls you away from your work."
"This semester's kind of kicking my ass so my social life has taken quite a hit."
"Sounds like you need someone to help you out with that." He laughed, taking a step closer.
"I guess so." I smiled back, tilting my head to the side. I turned to see Quinn and I's drinks ready. "This is me."
"Well, I was heading out anyway. But I knew that if I didn't at least ask for your number, I'd be kicking myself for at least a week."
"A week? Well, I must have done something right."
"You sure did. I hope I did too." He dragged on, holding his phone out.
"You sure did." I teased, taking his phone from him and putting in my number.
"It was nice to meet you..." He started, looking down at his phone as I passed it back. "Y/N."
"You too..."
"Have a nice night Aaron." I smiled, grabbing both drinks and walking back to the boys. I placed Quinn's drink in front of him, sitting in the booth next to him.
"Who was that?" He asked, nudging my arm slightly.
"None of your business." I smiled back, joining into the conversation.
I had nursed two drinks over the few hours we were there but I was starting to feel exhausted. I didn't want to ruin the night for Quinn but I could feel my eyes start to droop. I laid my head on Quinn's shoulder, closing my eyes for a second. I felt a hand move onto my lower back. Looking up, I saw Quinn smiling down at me.
"I think we're gonna head out," Quinn announced, taking his phone out to call for our ride home.
"We can stay a little longer," I whispered, sitting up straight.
"You can't fall asleep in a bar." He whispered back, turning his attention back to his phone. We said our goodbyes to the team and walked out.
"Thank you for tonight." I smiled as we got into the car.
"Thank you for coming out. I know the guys really liked seeing you again."
"Well, it was good getting out of the house. I feel like I'm going to sleep for three weeks though." I laughed, laying on his shoulder again.
I was shaken awake not long after when we arrived home. Quinn pulled me out of the car and practically carried me to our apartment. I changed into my pyjamas and joined Quinn on the couch who was watching *shock* a hockey game.
"You should go to bed." He whispered, playing with my hair as I laid my head on his lap.
"I know." I groaned, lifting my phone above my head, hidden from Quinn.
(604) 555 3857 Hey. It's Aaron. I know this is horrible etiquette and I should have waited at least a day to text you but I thought a beautiful girl like you won't be free for long. Would you like to go for dinner Friday? Say 6?
I smiled, feeling giddy just reading the text. I hadn't been on a date in... a while so having someone want to take me out, meant a lot.
(Y/N) from the bar I would love that. Text me the details whenever. I'm heading to bed but I'll talk to you tomorrow 😊
Aaron from the bar Sleep well
"Who's that?" Quinn asked, trying to move my phone to see.
"No one," I said, quickly locking my phone. "I should go to bed."
"It's the boy from the bar!" He called, following me to my room.
"Quinn, I really need to get to sleep," I whispered, throwing my comforter over my head.
"Fine. Sweet dreams. We'll talk about this tomorrow." He smiled, whispering the last part, hoping I wouldn't notice.
When I woke up the next morning, I got up nice and early and immediately got to work. I made some coffee and a bowl of cereal and ate as I wrote. I had finished my first draft by the time Quinn woke up.
"Morning!" He called, pouring himself a coffee.
"Morning," I said, rereading my paper.
"How's it going? Did you finish it?"
"I got the first draft done which is a start."
"And you'll have it done by Friday?"
"It's due Wednesday. I don't know where you got Friday." I said, looking at Quinn with confusion.
"Your date." He said casually, sliding in the seat next to me.
"You went through my phone!" I cried, smacking his arm.
"No. Brock knows Aaron. He was asking about you..."
"And here I thought I was getting away from you hockey boys." I joked, getting up to get ready for the day.
When Friday rolled around, I was extremely nervous. I spent basically all day getting ready. Shaving everything in the shower, making sure my hair and makeup were done as well as my abilities allowed and rummaged through my closet looking for the perfect outfit. I threw a few options on the bed, but none of them were good enough. Before I went into full meltdown, Quinn walked in with a banana in hand.
"So, how's it going?"
"I'm only freaking out a little." I sighed, looking back into my closet.
"You do know that you don't have to go if you're that nervous." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Oh come on Quinn. This is normal." I laughed, throwing another dress onto the bed.
"Would it make you feel better to have an out? I'm going out with some of the boys but I can keep my phone on me in case you need me."
"That does help Quinn, thank you." I smiled, turning to him. He pulled me into a hug and started walking out of the room.
"Wear the red one." He said before finally walking out.
Looking over the bed, one of my favourite dresses was sat smack dab in the middle. Taking a deep breath, I put on the red dress, shaking my head at how right Quinn was. Somehow he always knew. As 6 o'clock got closer, I said my goodbyes to Quinn, called a cab and made my way to the restaurant Aaron had chosen. I arrived a few minutes early and got seated. I ordered a glass of wine and they brought it with a basket of breadsticks.
"Would you like to order?"
"Um, I'm still waiting on someone. They should be here soon." I smiled, starting to fidget with my rings.
"No worries. I'll be back when they arrive."
"Thanks," I whispered, taking my phone out of my purse.
It was only 6:05. There was no reason to panic. There were no texts from him but it was completely possible that he was driving. Yeah. He was probably driving and couldn't take his phone out. Maybe he was stuck in traffic. Maybe-
"Hasn't shown up yet?"
"Uh, no." I sighed, looking at my phone again. It was now 6:20 and still no message.
"My manager has asked for the table." He said quietly.
"Can I just have 5 more minutes?" I pleaded, hoping Aaron would still show.
"Of course." He smiled, patting my shoulder as he left again. I unlocked my phone and sent him a text in hopes he would just show up. When I realized he wasn't coming, I tried to call Quinn, hoping he would be able to calm me down. When it went straight to voicemail, my heart dropped a bit.
"Hey Quinn," I started, biting back my tears. "Um, Aaron didn't show up so I'm probably just going to pick up something for dinner and some ice cream. Um, don't rush home. Have fun with the guys. I'll see you when you get home." I hung up just as the server walked up. "Um, can I just get the bill?"
"Of course."
"WAIT! I'm here! I'm here!" Quinn called, running through the tables towards me. I looked up at the server, a smile on my face. "I'm so sorry I'm late."
"I'll give you guys a minute." The server smiled, walking away.
"What are you doing here?"
"We uh, saw Aaron out with some of his friends so I thought I'd come to save you." He winked, taking a sip of the water in front of him. "What are you thinking of getting?" He asked, looking through the menu. "Cause none of this looks good to me."
"Quinn-" I started, wanting to talk about it.
"Or should we just go?"
"Fine." I looked around and saw the server walking over.
"Have you decided?"
"Could we just get the bill?" I asked, pointing at the full glass of wine.
"Don't worry about it. It's on the house."
"Thank you." I smiled, getting up from the table. As I grabbed my purse, Quinn took a hundred out of his wallet.
"Thanks for taking care of her." He said, passing it to the server.
"Thank you." He said, surprised at the large bill.
Quinn placed his hand on my lower back and led me out to his car. We drove home, stopping to pick up some cheeseburgers on the way. When we finally got back, we both got changed into some pyjamas and set up in the living room.
"Thanks for saving me tonight Quinn."
"Anytime. He's an idiot you know."
"I know," I said, tear welling up in my eyes.
"Oh hun, I didn't mean to make you cry." He said, pulling me into his lap.
"I'm sorry," I said, wiping away the tears, laying my head in his neck.
"You never have to apologize. He's an ass for standing you up." He said, holding me closer.
"What would I do without you?" I smiled, looking up at him.
"Who knows?" He laughed, looking down at my lips quickly.
"I think I am an idiot." I started, moving one of my arms to wrap around his shoulders.
"You're not an idiot." He whispered back.
"I think I am." I hummed, moving slightly on his lap.
"How so?"
"I got so excited when Aaron asked me out because I hadn't been on a date in what felt like forever and what I didn't realize was that I had closed myself off for the past year because I was so scared of-" I stopped myself, thinking quickly if I really wanted to say this. I chuckled slightly, looking at my hand that was placed on his chest. "Scared of how I felt about you. I didn't want to lose you because the past two years of knowing you have been probably the best two years of my life." I smiled, feeling a single tear roll down my cheek.
"You could never lose me." He started, wiping that tear away. "From the first time I saw you when you spilt that drink on my pants, I knew you were going to be someone special to me. You have no idea how great it feels to hear that you feel that way about me."
"I think I can imagine." I laughed, biting my lower lip. He smiled down at me, his hand resting on my cheek. I smiled back up at him, leaning in as our lips collided.
Who knew it was going to take some asshole to stand me up for us to get together? Well, in the end, it was all worth it.
A/N New Girl vibes anyone?
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mugi-chan · 4 years
❞ 300 Follower special~!❝
ლ  Tea Order: All the boys: When you wear his clothes!
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ A/N:Thank you all so much for 300 followers! I didn’t know what to do for 300 followers so I made this! I lowkey had a burnout around Pomefiore, I hope you guys don’t mind! 
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Ace was going to be a little late so he told you to chill in his room 
His other room mates weren’t there as they had chores to do. 
Bored out of your mind you decided to look around his closet
You found his NRC jersey laying there 
You decided why not wear it to see how you look 
It was clean thank goodness and wearing it made you feel a little bit good about yourself
You grabbed the basketball and pretended you were Ace 
You didn’t notice Ace walked in, you shot the basketball in the hoop and cheered. 
Ace’s goofy smile was on his face and he snuck up on you
He gave a you a big surprise hug from a behind 
A squeak came out as you turned to be meet by a kiss from Ace
“Ace, I didn’t know you came in!” 
You quickly try hide your face by leaning into him 
You felt the vibrations from his chest as he laughed. 
He ruffled your hair a bit 
“Yeah I came in when landed that crazy shot!” That tease you called a boyfriend.
You just groaned and turned away
Ace just laughed and kissed the top of your head
“I think you look really cute in my jersey”
It was night time and it was only Ace, Deuce, and You 
His two other roommates decided to have a sleepover with other members 
Ace was fast asleep as basketball practice killed him 
And you completely forgot to bring a change of shirt 
“Hey Deuce is it okay if I borrow one of your shirts?” 
He face flushed bright red 
Y-you want to borrow his shirt? 
“S-sure” He tried to play it cool 
It was dark and you couldn’t see well 
So when you found a nice soft shirt you grabbed it 
When you got into bed with Deuce, he was scrolling through magicam 
He let the light from his phone illuminate the bed so you can get comfortable and know where your going
When he realized what you were wearing, he had a bright blush on his face.
You were wearing his pink cheetah shirt 
“Ah I didn’t know you were going to wear that” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I didn’t know you were going to wear the shirt I take care of the flamingos in” 
Then the realization hits and your face was so flushed that you both were stuttering
Then suddenly a pillow hit Deuce’s side 
“Can you love birds, keep it down?” It was Ace I guess you two were a little too loud. 
A nice unbirthday party was in motion
Well it was nice for a little while until something tripped a student and tea was spilt all over you
You were drenched in tea, Riddle got up and quickly walked over to you to drape his cape over you to keep you warm 
As the student was getting a lecture from Cater and Trey, Riddle helped you to his room to change. 
When you got to his room you still had his cape around it was nice and warm
Riddle was rummaging through his closet trying to find clothes that could possibly fit you 
While you sat on his couch waiting for whatever Riddle was doing
He grabbed you a dress shirt and a cardigan
“Here these should fit you” 
Riddle gave a soft smile as he left the room to give you privacy
When you changed into his clothes you hugged yourself letting everything sink in  
When you walked out Riddle’s face went red 
He knows it’s his clothes but when you wear it you look so cute! 
He coughed in his hand trying to calm himself down as he gently grabbed you hand and kiss your knuckles
“You look lovely” 
You two sat in silence for bit until Cater came in asking if they're okay
You and Trey where enjoying some nice cuddles on his soft bed 
All was fine until Cater knocked on his door asking for him to come help as some of the first years did a big oopsie. 
A tired sigh and quick kiss and he's gone 
Now all alone you looked around Trey’s room seeing if there was anything to entertain you 
His little Fedora collection 
There were three little stands, one was empty guessing that’s the one he’s currently wearing, you grabbed the one to the right of the empty stand. 
A nice olive green fedora with a blue ribbon going around the hat
You placed it on your head and looked at the mirror 
The hat looked a little off, but then it clicked. 
That’s right Trey wear his hat at an angle 
Angling the hat was most likely the hardest thing for you to do
You were to focus on the hat to notice Trey came back into the room
A big smile was seen as he walked up behind you and softly angles the hat correctly on you 
“There now it looks perfect on you” 
You quickly turned around to reveal a smiling Trey while you were a stuttering mess trying to explain yourself. 
He gives you a sweet kiss on the temple and whispers 
“It looks good on you”
Cater is off doing his light music club stuff leaving you alone on his laptop watching movies on there 
It was summer and the temperature in the Heartslabyul is not forgiving. 
You looked around and notice that there was a nice fluffy robe sitting on his bed 
You grabbed it and slipped it on 
It was so warm and soft and plus it had a nice scent to it 
Cater knows how to take care of his clothes well 
The warmth of the robe started to make you pretty sleepy 
As a yawn threatened to escape of your mouth 
You decided that it’s time to take a quick nap
You know for sure that Cater won’t be back for a while and you understand that 
You drift to sleep letting the warmth take over you 
When Cater did come back he was a little loud but as soon as he saw your sleeping figure he immediately went quiet 
He quickly pulls out his phone snapped a quick photo of your sleeping figure 
Cater looked at the picture he just took 
He went to his desk and sat there watching your sleeping figure
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You always admire the necklace that Leona always wear
 One time Leona had them off and set aside on his desk
You were cleaning up his room a bit, at least putting his clothes were their  suppose to go 
You notice the necklace sitting on the desk and decided to try it on
He always wear it why not see what it looks like on you
You were deciding which one to wear the colorful beads or the one with teeth 
You decided the one with teeth since that one looks the most interesting
Gently taking the necklace off the desk and head over to a mirror and tried to put it on 
When you finally got it on it was a little to big on you
 Leona woke up from his nap hearing you talking to yourself
 He peeked what you were talking about and saw you wearing his necklace
 A smile as plastered on his face thinking about how he would mess with you 
“You're wearing my necklace aren’t you?”
 Your reactions was priceless 
 You froze in your tracks and turned around to see Leona awake and getting up
“Yeah I am, I thought it was so interesting and I wanted to see what I would look like in it”
“Hm okay” 
And there he goes back to his nap 
You just smiled and shook your head and went back to cleaning up his room 
Winter break was coming near and you were going to stay on campus 
Sad that Jack was going to visit his family
He decided that he would leave you with some of his clothes to at least to make you a little less lonely 
It was one of that lonely nights
You were texting Jack while in one of his green shirts Jack was talking about his siblings and their antics, while you were talking about the movies you were watching 
Then a facetime popped up and you gladly answered it 
When Jack’s face came into view he saw what you were wearing and blush formed on his face 
He coughed into his hand and said that you looked lovely 
A smile formed on your lips and show him how his shirt pretty much drowns you 
He’s very embarrassed but will compliment you 
You two would try to continue having a conversation but Jack only looked at the shirt you were wearing. 
The sun was setting and you and Ruggie where taking down laundry from on top of the savanaclaw 
You spotted Ruggies leather jacket and decided to see how it would fit. 
Once Ruggie finished grabbing his clothes from his side he turn to see you in his leather jacket 
“What are you doing?” 
“I always wanted to wear your leather jacket, it makes me feel like a bad boy” 
You flex showing him how cool you look 
Ruggie laughed as he walked up to you 
“Well if you want to wear it, at least wear it properly” 
He fixed his leather jacket 
You just let out a laugh and was going to take it off
“No no, keep it on you look good in it” 
He steals a quick kiss and picks up the basket with folded clothes 
“Come on”
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Azul was looking around the mostro lounge
Where did he put his outer coat? 
He knows he lay it down somewhere and now it’s gone 
Jade and Floyd refused to help Azul 
He knows they know where his jacket is
The only place he didn’t check was his own room 
But he’s for sure he didn’t see his jacket there because he had it with him the whole time 
Just in case he went to check 
And oh no this boy just had a heart attack over the cuteness that was going on
He saw you sleeping ontop of his bed and his outer jacket 
Your sleeping figure is already cute enough but with his jacket OOH MAN THIS MEAN IS WEAKKKK
He was trying contain his flushed face as he entered his room 
He checked if you were asleep and when he confirmed that you were 
He quickly took out his phone took a quick picture of you and swiftly left his room 
He curse Jade and Floyd for not telling him that you had his jacket 
All they had to respond was with their wicked smile.
It was very cold day in the mostro lounge 
And you completely forgot your jacket 
Jade was to busy at the bar to help you out so you left lounge and headed over to Jade and Floyd’s room 
When you got there Floyd was chilling there
“Floyd what are you doing here?” 
“I don’t feel like working today” 
And Oh escaped your lips and looked around the room
“What are you doing here anyway? Jade is at the mostro lounge” 
“I know, it’s just cold today and I forgot my jacket” 
“Oh then take his scarf, its over there” 
Floyd pointed at Jade’s bed where his scarf was neatly hunged
“Are you sure?” 
“Eh he wouldn’t mind it, he might find it adorable” floyd cooed 
Rolling your eyes you took it and wrapped around your neck letting Jade’s scent and the warmth take over you
You left Floyd in his room and walked back to the mostro lounge 
When Jade spotted you enter the mostro lounge with his scarf his classic smirk was plastered on his face 
Having to keep the gentleman act he complimented your scarf asking where you got it. 
Of course you rolled your eyes and playfully punched his arm.
You didn’t come to visit the Mostro lounge and this annoyed Floyd 
Why weren’t you here? Floyd wanted to play with you 
He told Jade he’s going to look for you 
Before Jade could protest Floyd was already gone. 
He found you sitting underneath the apple tree crying
Crying? Why are you crying?
He stops right in front of you where his shadow covered you 
When you saw Floyd you quickly hid your face again not wanting him to see you cry 
Floyd thought about it for a second and took off his scarf and hat and put it on you 
You looked at what was on you and then looked up at floyd 
He had his goofy smile on and laughed 
“Aww (y/n) look so cute with my clothes!” 
He plopped himself next to you and comfort you until he saw
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You were looking around Kalim’s room looking for something to wear
You had to go to school to grab something but the school sometimes really cold 
You found Kalim’s Cardigan that he always wears at school 
You quickly grabbed it and headed out 
Kalim came back to his room seeing his closet open and you not there
“Huh where’s (y/n)? Jamil do you know where (y/n)?” 
When you got back to Scarabia you everything was quiet a little too quiet 
You walked back to Kalims room who was taking a nap 
Ahh so that’s why the dorm is so quiet the Jamil is probably out and Kalim is taking a nap 
When you take one step inside his room Kalim is already up and pounced on you
“Ahaha! (y/n) there you are!” Kalim gave you a big bear hug 
“Hello Kalim!” 
When Kalim pulls back to see you better he finally noticed that you were wearing his cardigan 
“Wah! (y/n) you look so cute in my cardigan!” Kalim gave you a kiss on the temple 
“You should wear my clothes more! In Fact I’ll get you the same Cardigan so we can match!” 
Oh Kalim this big goofy baby otter is too lovable.
Ah again Jamil is busy 
Kalim did something again that needs Jamil’s attention
Sadly this was when you and Jamil was having a cuddling session 
When Jamil left you became lonely 
You missed Jamil already, even though he just left
So to fix that why not take one of his many hoodies?
You found the hoodie that he always wore to school 
When you put it on Jamil’s scent surrounded you 
And the warmth made it feel like he was still there
Is it a little desperate? Maybe 
But when you miss Jamil anything works
You drifted to sleep as the warmth and tiredness was taking over 
It took a couple of hours for Jamil to fix whatever Kalim did 
When he got back to his room he noticed that you were in his hoodie
A small blush crept on his face as he walked over to your sleeping figure
When he noticed that you were a sleep Jamil didn’t wake you up
He just sat down at his desk and do some homework 
Every once in a while he would glance at you in his hoodie
Maybe he should let you borrow his hoodie often
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Now where did Vil put his crown?
 Ugh this is annoying, he was looking around where he could have possibly put it He looked around his peacock throne to see if he could left it there
 Nope it wasn’t there either 
“Rook, ROOK” 
“Yes Roi de Poison”
“Have you seen my crown?”
 “Ah I do believe you gave it to (y/n) to wear”
 Then it clicked, he was busy doing his makeup that he didn’t notice he agreed to let you wear his crown
He was little mad but not at you
 Rook informed him where you were
 Luckily you were just walking around the Pomefiore premise with Epel 
When he does see you with Epel he would keep his calm collective himself
 “My sweet darling Potato I do believe you have something that belongs to me” 
You turned to see Vil with his classic smirk
 “Ah you mean your crown?” You gently took it off your head
“Yes, I was looking all over for it” Vil took it out of your hand and place it on his head
“I think, I should give you some of my old jewelry you looked marvelous with my crown” was all Vil said before leaving  
Rook noticed that you were down in the dumps 
He tries to coax it out of you but you refused to say anything 
He wants to see your smiles again but it’ll have to wait until he figures out what’s wrong 
The idea he came up with was to give you his hat 
A sweet gesture he hopes 
When you felt his hat placed on top of your head you looked up seeing Rook
“Rook what’s the matter?”
“I should ask you the same thing mon amour”
Rook sat right next to you holding your hand 
You two sat in silence 
“I think you look beautiful in my hat mon amour” 
You just gave a simple nod 
“Can you tell me whats wrong” 
You told him what happened as he sat there and nodded. 
“I have heard enough Mon amour,no more gloomy days! Let us go and turn your day around” 
Rook kept his hat on your head and swoop you away to pomefiore
You were snooping around Epels room 
Mainly looking at the photo’s Epel had hanged up on his room
After looking at the photo’s Epel had you looked around and saw his closet door open
Curiosity got the best of you and you went and looked around his closet 
Looking around the closet you see this big fluffy knitted sweater 
It looked really fluffy, a quick look around seeing no one around you grabbed it and put it on 
It was really clunky and was  warm 
Epel was coming back from a very tired day of Vil’s manner works
Dragging his feet to his room he could hear small commotion coming from his room 
Little squeals?
When he opened the door he saw you on his bed rolling around squealing a bit 
He immediately notice you were wearing his clunky sweater his parents gave him 
A small smile was plastered on his face as he tiptoed his way to you  
When he got close enough he tackled you
You let out a squeal and quickly turned to see your purple haired boyfriend 
You two let out a laugh as Epel relaxed where he was
“Heyy at least take off your shoes!” 
You heard Epel whined a small “noooo” as he cuddled you close to him 
“You look cute in my sweater you should wear it more” 
A small pat on his head is your response
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“Come one come on dude!” 
Is what you normally hear when you chill with Idia
He hasn’t even got off his game in hours
I mean it’s not like you don’t mind it’s just some attention would be nice 
So what can you do to relieve the loneliness you were feeling 
Simple, he was wearing a tank top and not his school jacket so 
Anyway Idia likes to have his room cold for some odd reason so wearing his jacket would be perfect 
Your body heat kept you warm and you were practically swimming in his jacket 
“Ayeee gg gg” 
Idia’s round finally finished
He took off his headset and turned to see what you were doing
His pale face went as red as riddle’s hair 
A million words per second where coming out his mouth 
He trying to compliment you but also like really embarrassed 
He wanted to say “You look pretty” and “why are you wearing that” 
But what came out was “WHY ARE YOU PRETTY” 
Oh boy this boy wants to die now 
You burst out laughing 
Idia just layed on the floor covering his face
Poor Ortho came in seeing you punching the bed laughing while his older brother was crying on the floor
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Of course Sebek was off doing whatever Malleus was doing 
But he left his little hat he wore all the time 
It was neatly placed on his desk and it was so tempting to try it on 
He strictly tells you to not touch his uniform as he wants to make sure nothing is wrong NOTHING
But temptation got the better of you and you grabbed his tiny hat a placed it on your head 
Now Sebek had to go outside and needs his hat as it’s part of his uniform 
He remembered that he left it on his desk
When he walked in he saw you imitating him 
He stood there in shock at first but quickly recollect his composure
That scared the living soul out of you 
You quickly turned to see a angered Sebek 
But you notice a very slight tint of red on his cheeks 
You know he isn’t mad at you 
“I’m sorry I wanted to try on your hat it looked so cute!” 
The red tint got even more red by your statement as he coughed into his hand and outreached his hand
“May I please have my hat back?” 
You took his hat off and tried to gently place it on his head 
It was a little crooked but Sebek fixed it 
Sebek gave you a quick kiss on top of your hand and left 
Well a ‘thank you’ would be nice, but a kiss on your hand isn’t that bad either
It was a rainy day and you totally forgot your umbrella 
You were already half drenched as you made it halfway through campus before taking refuge at a nearby tree 
You were looking at the weather app to see when the rain would possibly stop 
It seems like your going to be stuck at the tree for a while 
Well you thought so until you felt a jacket go over your shoulder 
You looked up seeing silver with a smile on his face and an umbrella
“I heard from Sebek that you were stuck in the rain, of course it would be shameful for me not protect you from something that can harm you” 
“But rain can’t harm you” 
“Why of course it can, you could possibly get sick from the rain”
You burst out laughing at how absurd that statement was 
Silver looked a little confused but opened up the umbrella and put it over you 
“Shall we head back?” A short nod and you two were heading back to Diasomnia 
Once you two got to diasomnia you were still drenched in rain but Silver quickly fixed that by handing you a t-shirt and a fluffy jacket 
“Here change into these so you don’t get sick”
For sure Lilia would have told him all these crazy lies 
When you finally changed into his clothes it was big on you but not to big where you were swimming in it
When you got out Silver had a nice smile on his face as gave you a gentle kiss
“You look lovely in my clothes”
“Thennn is it okay if I steal them?” 
“Sure, but not my dorm uniform” 
Lilia’s dorm uniform coat is always something to be interested in 
It’s so big on him how does he even fight in his dorm uniform 
You wanted to test it yourself 
When Lilia was at his light music club you asked Malleus if Lilia had a spare dorm coat
Sebek may have yelled at you but Malleus gladly told you where to find Lilia’s spare dorm coat 
When you do find it, it’s huge like if Malleus wore it he would fit in it 
When slipped it on you felt like Lilia for sure 
How can anyone fight in this jacket it’s crazy 
You could barely move around without tripping 
Lilia said his goodbyes to Cater and Kalim and teleported his way back to his room
When he got there he barely got there in time before you tripped over his coat and face planted
“Oh my are you okay darling?” 
He helped you up and notice that you were wearing his coat 
“Oh ho ho, it appears that you are wearing my dorm jacket” 
“Yeah I wanted to know how you are able to walk around or even fight in this!” 
Lilia gave a soft chuckle and kissed your forehead
“Honestly it takes time but eventually you get used to it and work around it.”
You were going to take it off but Lilia stopped you 
“No no darling keep wearing it I think you look beautiful in it” 
A small blush formed on your face as you quickly tried to cover your face with his jacket 
Malleus was who knows where and you were waiting for him to come back so you two can go to bed 
You didn’t have pajamas so you looked around the massive room he has to see what you can wear
The closet is a good place to look at 
When you opened it you spotted something that you can definitely wear 
A dress shirt 
When putting it on you understood what it felt to wear Lilia’s uniform 
You were drowning in his dress shirt 
You know Lilia’s lab coat SR? Yea thats you in his dress shirt 
Once you got it to where you were comfortable you crawled back into his big bed 
Malleus came back to his dorm after his usual late night walks to find you almost asleep on his bed 
You looked so adorable he wanted to take a picture of you but didn’t know how to 
He quietly summoned Silver and asked him how to take a picture on his phone
Once Silver showed his old man how to take a photo, he took a photo of you but forgot to put it on silence 
The loud click sound woke you up from half asleep slumber 
Malleus quickly tried to hide his phone from you and luckily you didn’t see 
“Malleus your back” 
“I’m sorry for being out to long darling”
Malleus removed his outer layers and crawled into bed 
You didn’t notice the small blush but seeing you in his clothes just makes him feel some sort of way.
and we’re done, omg this took forever I’m so tired ( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ
Thank you so much for 300+ Followers! You all mean so much to me!
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [4] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: literally just seduction and smut for this chapter lol, biting, ~aggressiveness~, pet names, fingering, penetration, edging?, breeding kink, soft aftercare negan :)
A/N: so this is the first smut i've ever written! i hope it's alright, some feedback would be awesome :) i hope you guys enjoyed my first story! 3k words
The next few days were a blur. Negan would come in, give me food, water, and a backrub, and then leave me to my own devices. I wanted to ask him for more, but for some reason I never did and he never tried anything. That wasn't to say he didn't want to. I could tell that my smell alone had an effect on him. That was obvious by the noticeable bulge he sported when he got up from by bedside and exited my room. Yet the alpha had an insane amount of self-control. So I got myself through my heat.
When my head finally cleared of the fever, the first thing I did was text Bee.
'All good now.'
'Thank the gods. So??? How was he? Am I going to be an aunt?'
'I wouldn't know. It didn't happen.'
'You guys didn't fuck? Jesus, you should get an award for the most disciplined omega on the planet.'
'I wouldn't go that far haha. I still want him more than anything.'
'Well, who says you have to be in heat for that to happen?'
'Fair point. Talk to you later, xo.'
I tossed the phone onto my mattress and crossed over to my dresser. Now that I wasn't a moaning mess, I had some semblance of self-control. Which meant that I could seduce Negan in a way that I wanted. In a way that would make him pounce and fuck me until we passed out. He had gone out to the store for a restock of the pantry so I had about thirty minutes to get myself together for him. I foraged through my underwear drawer until my fingers wrapped around a pair of black lace underwear and a matching bra. My lips curled wickedly. If this didn't get him riled up, I didn't know what would. I laid out the set on my bed and moved to my closet for the perfect outfit. I was still wearing Negan's shirt and boxers. They were admittedly very wrinkled and a bit stained from all the fluid that had been produced from my body in the past few days, but Negan didn't seem to mind. I reminded myself to follow up on his orders before I put my plan into motion. I flicked through the hung up clothes before settling on a cute black dress with a sparse sunflower pattern. It was low cut and showed off all of my goods. Perfectly. I put that safely next to my undergarments and headed out of my room.
Peeling off the clothes was harder than I thought. They were a bit crusty in some areas, particularly the crotch, and I almost felt bad for ruining Negan's clothes. Almost. I folded them as best I could given their condition and placed them reverently in the center of his bed. I found a piece of paper and scrawled a note over the middle. I folded the paper in half and put it on the pile of clothes. I nodded in satisfaction and headed into the bathroom for my shower to scrub off the remaining fluids that still clung to my skin.
My heart raced as I heard the front door click closed. I could tell by the footsteps that it was Negan. That and the fact that all I could smell was that goddamn smell. The scent that could drive me crazy with just one breath. A sudden doubt edged at my mind. What if he didn't want me. What if I was misreading the signals? I shook my head roughly, clearing the negative thoughts. Even if he did reject me, I could play it off to the endings of my heat...besides, I was leaving in a few days and I could wait to be heartbroken in Colorado.
My heart stopped it's assault on my chest cavity when I heard his heavy steps ascend the stairs. He cleared his throat and entered his room. I could hear a small growl escape his throat. He had found my present. I closed my eyes and imagined him suffocating himself in my smell, much like I had when I saw the clothes in the bathroom. I forced myself back to the present when I heard the crinkling of paper. He gave a little scoff of laughter and I heard him cross the hallway and twist my door open.
"Hey what did you wanna talk abou-oh." He trailed off and stiffened as his eyes caught my body. I was laying on my side, one hand propping up my head, the other draped over my round hip. The deep cut of the dress exposed my breasts as well as some of the bra to him. I saw him drag his tongue over his lip and it ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach. I pushed myself up and swung my legs over the side of my bed, rising to my feet and sauntering over to him. I watched him watch my hips sway with every movement.
"I just wanted to thank you," I purred, voice dripping with seduction "for taking such good care of me." His jaw tensed as I placed my hands on his chest, running my palms up to his shoulders and pushing off his leather jacket. "I really appreciate it."
"What are you doing?" He whispered. I could tell it was taking every ounce of control he had to not grab me by the throat and pin me up against the wall. Little did he know, that's exactly what I wanted.
"I wanted to return the favor," I said, blinking wide eyes up at him "Surely there's something I can do to show you how thankful I am, alpha." His eyes closed and a growl rumbled through his chest at the name. My hands trailed down his chest to his abdomen. But before I could reach his belt, Negan grabbed my wrists. I pouted at him.
"Careful, omega," He warned, eyes dark "don't start something you're not willing to finish." My frown turned into a sultry smile. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him where his ear connected to his jaw.
"Please, Negan," I whimpered in his ear. His grip on me tightened "Alpha, fuck me."
"Shit, doll, you don't have to ask me twice." Negan growled. His hands grabbed my waist and hoisted me up around his midsection, hurriedly capturing my lips in a bruising kiss. He thrust his tongue into my mouth as he walked us over to my bed. It was all a blur as I fell onto my back and he moved away from the kiss. He bit and sucked at the skin of my neck, attacking my pulse point in the best way possible.
"Alpha." I moaned, tugging at his shirt. He grunted against my neck and continued his trail of love bites until he met the collar of my dress. Negan growled in disappointment at the lack of skin and used his large hands to tear at the fabric. I gasped as the cool air of the room met my heated skin. He let out a feral groan as he drunk in the sight of me in the black lace set.
"I hope you didn't like that dress." He mumbled as he tossed it over his shoulder, returning to his suckling.
"It was too small." I gasped, finding my hands entangled in his hair. "Ugh, Negan!"
"Fuck, you're beautiful." He hummed, one of his fingers trailing down the middle of my stomach towards my rapidly pulsing core. I whimpered as he got closer, hoping that he would dip beneath the waistband, but he continued over it, cupping my sex over my panties. "And so damn wet. Shit, darling, is this all for me?" My eyes fluttered open to see a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He was a bastard. But I was too aroused to care.
"Yes, alpha, all for you." I gasped, sitting up and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. I pushed it up his body and over his head. He lifted his arms and I pulled it off him.
"A little eager, are we?" He snickered.
"Negan, you don't know how fucking bad I need you," I whined "I was dying during my heat. I needed my alpha." I pulled him back on top of me, pressing my lips against his. My face was starting to burn because of his stubble, but it felt amazing.
"But I do fucking know, princess," He gasped between kisses, pulling away with one of my lips between his teeth. "It was so difficult not to flip you over and fuck you right then and there. I knew you wanted me, but I wanted to wait until you weren't some sex-crazed beast to admit that."
"Well I'm done now," I grinned, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him close. He hissed as his clothed erection rubbed against my pussy. "So fuck me right here and now." I bit his ear lobe and peppered kisses along his jawline until I met his lips again. He chuckled against me, lips curling into a smile.
"Can-fucking-do 'mega."
He unhooked my bra and tossed it to the side, capturing one of my hardened nipples in his mouth. His tongue added with the scruffiness of his beard was enough to make me toss my head back in pleasure. A string of profanities left my lips as he moved to the next one, kneading the one that he just left. My insides were burning and I needed him lower. Thankfully, he began to kiss down my navel, leaving bites to mark his path. When he reached my panties he used a combination of his teeth and his fingers to drag them down my legs. Once they were gone, he kissed up my calves and my thighs, stopping in front of where I needed him most. He planted one of his hands on my hip and used two of his other fingers to spread my lower lips apart. I let out a moan at the action, bucking slightly into his touch.
"Stay put for me, doll," He ordered before giving my hip a kiss "I know you want my knot but I've gotta get you ready first." I just whimpered in response. He slowly entered his two long fingers into my aching cunt. I let out a heavy breath and grasped onto his shoulder, digging in my nails. He deftly curled his digits upward, hitting that sweet spot almost instantly. I cried out in surprised pleasure. I figured Negan was experienced but he knew where everything was. He scissored his fingers and I gasped at the stretch. It had been a while since I actually had something moving inside of me. I could only imagine what his cock would feel like. The thought made my walls clench around him. When he brought his thumb up to press gently on my clit, I dug my fingernails deeper into his skin. He worked the pad in circles, bringing me to an edge I was very willing to jump off.
"Fuck, Negan, I'm..." I huffed, eyes screwing in pleasure.
"Do it baby, cum for your alpha." At his permission, I let the tight band snap and my legs shook with the intense orgasm that crashed through my body. I breathed heavily and arched my back. When the intensity subsided, I collapsed back and brushed the hair back from my face. I felt Negan remove his fingers from my core and I opened my eyes to see him lapping up my juices that had dripped down his palm. Another spark of arousal was already beginning to form.
"Finally got my taste," He moaned, licking his lips in satisfaction "and shit, doll, you taste even better than you smell."
"Please, Negan," I whimpered.
"Please, what?" He cooed, crawling over me and pressing a kiss to my forehead "Use your words, omega."
"Please fuck me, alpha."
He ripped off his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, letting out a sigh of relief when he kicked the restraining fabric to the side. His hard cock was outlined against his boxers. He was right about needing to be prepared; he was huge, no doubt the biggest I had ever seen. A proud smile formed on his lips when he caught me ogling his goods.
"You ready for my dick?" He growled, tugging down his boxers and letting his cock spring free. It was angry, desperate for any sort of contact.
"Please," I gasped.
"Then present for your alpha." I rolled onto my elbows and knees, sticking my ass in the air and wiggling it in hopes that he would pay attention to my weeping slit. "Fuck you look so good." Negan grumbled, scooting closer to me. He ran the head of his cock up and down my entrance. I whimpered and pushed myself back eagerly. He gave me a slight hit on my ass cheek. "I'm in charge here, don't forget that."
"Y-Yes, sir." I said, fisting the sheets in my hands. Thankfully, Negan wasn't in a teasing mood and he slid himself into my pussy in one thrust.
"Fuuuuck," He hissed as he bottomed out, fingers gripping my hips harshly. I would have bruises everywhere tomorrow. But I didn't mind, it would be a reminder that this actually happened. "You're so goddamn tight. Shit." I clenched my walls around him and he let out a husky groan, causing me to smile. He wasn't completely in control. After I was adjusted to his size, I gave him a whimper as a signal to move. And he did. He pounded into me, hips ramming into my ass with every thrust. He fucked me like a wild animal and every time he buried himself inside me, his cock would hit that perfect spot. We moaned in sync with the sounds of skin slapping skin. One of Negan's fingers drifted down beneath himself and he furiously rubbed at my clit. The stimulation was enough to send me into another mind-boggling orgasm, but Negan shut that down quickly.
"Don't you fucking dare cum until I tell you to, understand me?" He growled, resting his head against my shoulder. I couldn't form words so I just nodded frantically. "I'm gonna pop my knot in you, omega. Gonna fill you up. Gonna breed you so good," He huffed between thrusts "You're gonna look so goddamn beautiful when you're round with my fucking pups. Then everyone will know you're mine." I moaned in agreement. I don't know what I moaned, but it was a combination of his name and a curse. A few thrusts later and I could tell that Negan was close. His breathing was heavier and his hips were staggering against mine and his knot was catching at the entrance of my pussy. "Cum with me, baby," He ordered "Let me feel you." With that I let go, letting my walls spasm around his thick cock. He came at the same time, spilling his seed deep within me. I milked him for every drop.
Out of instinct, I tossed my neck to the side, exposing my mating spot to the man above me. With a growl, Negan sunk his teeth into my skin, bonding us together. Fireworks shot through my body and I collapsed beneath him. Negan rolled us both over onto our sides, still inside of me. He lapped at the blood spotting at his bite mark. It took a few moments for us both to catch our breath, but Negan was the first to speak.
"I'm going to take such good care of you," He promised. It was the same tone that he had used at the dinner table when I asked him about the situation with his ex-fiancé. Sincere, vulnerable. "I might not be the best man, but I promise you I will always be there for you and whatever pups we might have. I've never felt like this before and I just...I don't want to fuck it up." I looked over my shoulder and saw worry in his eyes. I gave him a small peck on the nose.
"You won't fuck it up, Negan," I murmured, giving him a reassuring smile "Trust me, I won't let you." We both let out a soft laugh. "I trust you. You're my alpha. I know you'll be the best one you can be, and that's all I can ask for. You're lucky I'm a very patient person."
"Not in bed, you're not." He teased, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I don't want you to leave. You'll have to go back to Colorado soon. I don't know if I can handle my girl being so far away. Especially around other alpha assholes." I felt his grip tighten around me. I lifted a hand and stroked his arm.
"Don't worry about that yet," I sighed, closing my eyes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about it either. But that wasn't the most pressing issue we had to face. "Let's figure out how we're going to tell Rick first." Negan groaned and wrinkled his nose.
"Can you not mention your dad when my dick's still inside you?" He grumbled. I let out a giggled and kissed his knuckles.
"Sorry," I hummed "just saying, I'm not sure how well he's going to take it."
"Well, he better take it like a fucking champ." Negan huffed "'cuz if he doesn't he's gonna fucking regret it."
"Negan," I warned gently "He's my dad. You're his friend. We're mated now. It's gonna be weird for him. You gotta respect that."
"You really do bring me down to earth don't you," He sighed, nuzzling my neck "I guess I underestimated how much I need you." I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes with a groan.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, genuine concern lacing his words.
"No, I'm just tired," I giggled "I haven't been fucked that good before."
"Damn straight you haven't." He smirked. Negan gave my neck a kiss and pulled himself out of me. "You get some rest, I'll clean us up and then we can cuddle. When we wake up I'll make you anything you want, deal?"
Not how I expected my summer trip to go, but I'm very happy it ended like it did.
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poge-life · 3 years
⚠️ obx² spoilers!
hii, idk if you're accepting requests for long smut stories at the moment, but I love 365 days so much that I instantly thought of you when I had this idea. Would you write an imagine based on that scene where Rafe is at Ward's closet (you can change the context if you want), and then the reader walks in when he's looking in the mirror and she leans against the door/wall saying something like "Looking good Mr. Cameron", but in a teasing way so it leads to smut ofc, you can choose how it happens, but with dom!rafe, basically the same energy as 365 would be fantastic! I love your writing 💞
I am so flattered that you thought of me to write this and i knew as soon as I read it, I had to write it. This does not take place during the 365 timeline, but the OBX timeline. Please do not read if you haven't watched Outer Banks or finished this season because this does contain spoilers for OBX2 beneath the cut.
Also, it took me fucking forever to figure out to get a clip of Rafe putting on Ward's jacket, so enjoy!
Summary: After needing space after everything that happened this summer, you decided to go and see Rafe, just not expecting him to look good in Ward's jacket
Warnings: OBX2 spoiler, smut, daddy kink, name calling, spitting, spanking, hair pulling, and angst towards the end if you squint.
This past summer was...eventful. To say the least. Rafe had asked you to spend the summer with him instead of going to Florida with your family like you do every summer. And of course, you said yes. Spend the summer in Miami with your family or stay in the OBX with your hot-ass boyfriend? That was a no brainer.
You just didn’t expect this summer to turn out the way it did. Topper and Sarah had broken up because she ended up with John B, the Pogue who worked for her dad, Rafe’s drug habit had gotten bad, his dad had decided he needed to get a job, Rafe ended up beating Pope Heyward up with a golf club, and then proceeded to try and beat the shit out of JJ at Midsummers, annnnd Sheriff Peterkin was dead.
Oh, and Sarah and John B were alive after getting lost in the storm that they were chased into by the police.
And the cherry on top was that Rafe was the one who shot Peterkin and his dad killed himself to keep Rafe from going to jail.
You had distanced yourself from Rafe for a while, needing a moment to process everything that had happened. You didn’t know what to do. Rafe had come to you after everything that had happened and told you he knew something was wrong with him. That he had all of these thoughts in his head that made him want to hurt people but he didn’t want to do it.
He had gone to Ward about it but as usual, he had brushed it off and told him there wasn’t anything wrong with him and that he was going to be okay.
You could tell something wasn’t okay with your boyfriend. Ever since Peterkin’s funeral, he had been acting differently. His movements were sluggish and he seemed to zone out a lot and he acted more impulsively. Well, more than usual.
He came straight to you once he found out that his dad had killed himself. And that was the first time you had ever seen him cry. He was scared of what he was going to do and didn’t know how to stop it. He wanted help but no one was willing to get him the help he needed.
So, you vowed to help him in any way you could.
Sarah had texted you and told you Rafe was having a hard time processing everything that had happened with Ward. She had told you that their father had left behind a video, explaining everything; how he killed Big John Routledge, stole gold from John B, and killed Peterkin.
So, yeah. You could understand how Rafe would have a hard time processing what was going on.
You parked your car, grabbing your phone as you made your way up the driveway of Tannyhill. Letting yourself in through the side doors that you knew they never locked, you made your way up the stairs. Taking the way you knew like the back of your hand at this point to Rafe’s room, you peeked in to see his room empty. Pushing the door open, you made your way to the bathroom, not seeing him there either.
Realizing where he was, you made your way to Ward’s room. The light from the lamp gave the room a soft golden glow. You saw shadow movement from the closet and slowly made your way over to it.
Rafe was standing in front of the mirror with one of Ward’s jackets on and you hated to admit it, but he looked good. Really good.
Your eyes raked up his figure from his reflection and you leaned against the door as you called out, “Looking good, Mr. Cameron”
Rafe turned to look at you in shock before relaxing when he realized who it was, “Hey.”
“Hi.” You softly said, making your way over to him. You stopped with just a few inches in between the two of you. You brushed your hands over the front of his jacket as you looked up at him through your lashes, “You do look good, Rafe.”
He turned back to look at his reflection in the mirror, “Really?”
“Mhm,” You hummed, wrapping your arms around his waist from the side, “looking all professional. Really gets me going.”
Rafe couldn’t help the laugh that came out as he looked at you through the mirror, “Yeah? What about it, baby?”
You shrugged, running your fingers over the top of the band of his jeans, “Just thinking about you sitting behind a desk and in comes your beautiful girlfriend, hoping to distract you from all your hard work...only for you to get frustrated because you have an important client to work with so you have no choice but to bend me over your desk and take those frustrations out on me”
You let out a teasing sigh as you pulled away from him, “But then again, you’re just wearing a jacket.”
You barely made it a foot away from him before he tugged you back to him, his hand instantly finding its way around your neck, causing you to look up at him. He had a smirk on his face as his eyes roamed over yours, “good to know that even in your little fantasies, you know who’s in charge.”
“Who said it has to be a fantasy?” You whispered
And that’s all it took for him to snap.
Rafe leaned down and smashed his lips onto yours, tightening his grip around your throat, causing you to moan as you wrapped your arms around his neck, one of your hands going straight to his hair, giving it a tug.
You were so glad he had decided to ditch the hair gel and just leave it natural. You loved it that way.
Rafe pulled away, causing you to whine, “I want you in my room, naked on all fours. Do you understand?”
You had never been so glad to have his hand around your neck because you knew you couldn’t hold yourself up after what he just said to you.
You nodded but you should have known that wasn’t gonna fly with Rafe.
He shook his head, kissing his teeth as he titled your head up even more to look at him as he delivered a harsh slap to your ass, “C’mon baby. You know better than that. Use your words.”
“Yes sir.” You whispered, biting down on your bottom lip.
He released the grip he had on your neck as he nodded his head towards the closet door, “Go on. And I really wouldn’t test my patience right now if I were you.”
You all but scrambled out of the closet, making a beeline straight towards your boyfriends room. Kicking your shoes off by the door, you made quick work of the button on your shorts, pulling them down along with your thong, basically ripping your shirt in half to get it off, tugging off your bralette as you made your way to the bed.
You did as you were; on all fours with your ass in the air. You felt a little embarrassed at the situation, considering this was going to be the first time you guys fucked in the house with Sarah, Rose, and Wheezie home. But you didn’t care. You just needed Rafe. And you needed him bad.
You heard the door shut and the sound of the lock clicking in place.
Rafe stopped in his tracks at the sight of you on his bed. On all fours, just like he asked. He knew you were going to listen. You always did when it came to him.
He slowly made his way over to you, lightly trailing his fingers up the back of your leg, watching in satisfaction as goosebumps appeared. He grabbed your ass with both hands, kneading the flesh in both hands.He spread your cheeks apart and had to bite back a moan at the sight of your glistening pussy.
He knew you had gotten worked up earlier, but jesus, he didn’t know you were this worked up over him.
“You know why you’re being punished, don’t you, sweetheart?” He softly asked, ghosting his fingers over the place you wanted him the most
You had to fight the urge to moan at Rafe’s words, looking back at him over your shoulder, “No, sir?”
Rafe raised his eyebrow at you, “You have no idea why I’m punishing you? I suggest you think real hard.”
“I interrupted your work.” You mumbled, letting out a yelp from the hard smack he delivered to your ass, “You know I don’t like it when you mumble.”
“I interrupted your work.” You spoke louder, looking back at him once again, him nodding in agreement, “You did. And you know how I feel about that. You could have lost me an important business partner. But lucky for you, all I had to explain to him was that my girlfriend was a needy little slut who’s desperate for me to put her in her place.”
You couldn’t help the moan that slipped past your lips at his words. You loved his dirty mouth and he knew it too. Which is why he always took advantage of that fact.
Rafe let out a dark chuckle at hearing you moan, “Yeah? You like hearing that I have to tell people that I have to put you in your place because you're desperate for my cock? You like people knowing that you’re my little cock whore?”
You let out a whimper at his words, nodding your head, “Yes, I like people knowing I’m your little whore.”
“Good girl.” He smirked, slowly inserting a finger into your pussy, “Yeah, you’re my good girl.”
You pushed yourself back onto his hand, making his finger go deeper. Rafe quickly pulled his hand back, kissing his teeth, “You always seem to forget I’m in charge, baby. I thought you were my good girl?”
You quickly nodded your head, “I am. I am your good girl.”
Rafe shook his head at you, shrugging off the jacket, “See, I don’t think you are. Because good girls take what I give them. But you decided to be greedy and wanted more.”
“I’m sorry.” You said.
You moved from your position, turning to kneel in front of him on the bed. Your eyes raked over his appearance, lingering on his arms, because good lord, they look really good in that shirt (I am not kidding. I watched him put on the jacket an embarrassing amount of times just to watch his arms flex)
Rafe stepped directly in front of you, causing you to lean your head back a little bit to look up at him, noticing his eyes had gotten a shade darker. He dragged his hand up the front of your body and you shivered from the feeling, Rafe smirking at the reaction.
He rubbed his thumb on your bottom lip, pupils blown as he watched you take his thumb into his mouth, lips wrapping around it as you sucked on it, going down to the knuckle.
“Fuck me.” He let out, causing you to release his finger with a pop, nipping at the top of it, “Then fucking do it, Cameron.”
Rafe reached for the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head as you worked on unbuttoning his pants, tugging them down and tossed his shirt to the side, kicking off his jeans as you rubbed your hand over his cock.
You hooked your fingers on the top of his calvins (you can’t tell me that both Drew and rafe aren’t the type of guys to wear Calvin Klein), slowly tugging them down, not breaking eye contact. Rafe kicked them off the rest of the way as he tangled his fingers in your hair, yanking your head back.
You smirked as you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out as Rafe leaned down to spit in your mouth. You closed your mouth, swallowing before showing him.
“Good girl,” he smirked, “back on all fours, baby. You know how I want it.”
You nodded as you moved your body back into the position you were in only minutes ago. Except this time, you were facing the mirror that was attached to his dresser. You watched with your heart racing as he kneeled behind you on the bed, stroking his cock, never taking his eyes off your pussy.
You leaned down so your chest was on the bed, back arched, with your ass in the air, just how he liked it. Rafe ran the tip of his dick up and down your pussy, collecting your arousal, making it easier for him to slide in, not like that has ever been a problem before.
He didn’t even give you a heads up as he slammed into you, causing you to let out a loud moan as he quickly set the pace. Going slow but bottoming out at a hard pace. Just the way you liked it.
“Fuck, baby,” He moaned, grabbing onto your hips, throwing his head back, “you always feel so good.”
You threw your hips back against him, causing him to stop, holding you tight against him, a vice like grip on your hips, “what did I just fucking say? Good girls take what I give. But you’re not one. You’re a needy little whore.”
He leaned over your back, wrapping his hand around your throat, pulling you up so you were flushed against his chest.
“Look at you, baby,” he whispered, both of you making eye contact in the mirror, “you go from this sweet girl in public to my little slut as soon as I touch you.”
“Please.” You begged, wiggling your hips against his, causing him to let go of your waist only to bring his hand back down on your ass. Hard.
“Please what, baby?” He teased, smirking at the way you leaned back into him.
“Please fuck me.” You begged, wrapping your arm around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
“Please fuck me, what?” He teased, tugging on your ear, waiting for you to say the word so he could give you what you both wanted.
“Please fuck me...daddy.” You whimpered, leaning your head back on his shoulder, turning to leave kisses on his jaw.
Rafe turned his head to the side to pull you into a bruising kiss. Teeth clashing, spit dripping down your chin. It was hot. Rafe pulled away, pushing you back down on all fours as he pulled out so just the tip was in before pushing back in hard.
You let little moans and whimpers at the brutual pace he was going. And you knew it was all the frustrations he’s built up these past few weeks.
Rafe leaned forward and tangled one of his hands in your hair, tugging your head up to make you watch in the mirror. He had a light coat of sweat on his skin and his hair was messed up from you running your fingers through it.
“Such a good girl.” He moaned, pulling you up so you were flush against his chest again, “C’mon baby. You want this dick so bad, fuck yourself on it.”
You moved your hips back at a fast pace, locking eyes with him in the mirror as he leaned down to press wet, hot kisses on your neck. You pulled away from him and turned to face him, tangling your fingers in his hair as you pulled his head down to bring him into a kiss.
Rafe leaned forward, causing you to lean backwards, moving so you were laying flat on the bed with him hovering over you. Rafe wrapped one of your legs around his waist as he moved to push back into you. You both let out a loud moan at the feeling of being connected again.
You pulled Rafe down for a kiss as you wrapped your arms around him, digging your nails into his back. He pulled away, placing both of his hands next to your head, not breaking eye contact with you.
You see just how much he was hurting just by looking at him. And it made your heartbreak. He was never one to ever show his emotions but after everything that happened this summer, you knew he was slipping through the cracks. And it was only a matter of time before he broke.
You tightened your grip around his waist as he sent a hard thrust that spot that had you letting out a loud moan. Rafe smirked at you and did what every guy was supposed to do when this happened, just keep doing it. He kept the same angle as he leaned down and buried his face in your neck, sucking on your sweet spot.
“Fuck Rafe.” You dragged your nails down his back, causing him to let out a groan at the feeling.
“C’mon, baby,” he leaned up, brushing his lips over yours, “you know what you need to do if you wanna cum.”
“Please make me cum,” You whimpered, tugging on his hair, “I wanna cum.”
“Yeah?” He spoke, “You wanna cum?”
You nodded, leaning up to press your lips to his.
He pulled away, pulling out of you, causing you to let out a whine at losing the high.
“Ride me.” He said, laying down next to you. You quickly climbed ontop of him, his hands sliding up your thighs and to your hips. You reached inbetween the two of you and rubbed the tip of dick along your pussy before sinking down on him.
“Oh, fuck.” You moaned, throwin your head back. You placed your hands on his chest before slowly moving up before sinking back down again. Rafe tightened his grip on your waist, his eyes never leaving your chest.
Even after all this time, your tits were still his favorite thing. And he kept his word and somehow managed to find bars with an ‘R’ on them. And of course, there were many pictures taken that night as he could barely keep his hands off of you.
Rafe leaned forward and attached his mouth to your tits, his hand going up to grasp the other one, kneeding it between his fingers. You tangled your fingers in his hair, pressing yourself closer to him, moving your hips back and forth.
Rafe pulled away from your tits, looking up at you as you looked down at him, just keeping eye contact for a while. He leaned back on the bed, causing you to lean forward with him, placing your chest directly on his as he placed his feet on the bed, driving his dick into you at a fast pace.
He let out a moan at hearing your whimpers in his ear, nails digging into his skin. He turned his head to the side and pressed his lips to yours, not once faltering in his pace. He felt you tighten around him and pulled away from the kiss, “Shit, baby. You’re squeezing the fuck out of me.”
“I wanna cum,” you begged, leaning forward to place kisses on his neck, “Please make me cum, daddy.”
How he could he not give you what you wanted when you begged for him like that?
He flipped you both over, pulling your legs over his shoulders as he fucked into you at a brutual pace. All that could be heard was the sound of skin slapping on skin and the occasional moans from the both of you.
Rafe placed a kiss on your ankle as he watched you play wih your tits, squeezing them in your hands. He felt you tighten around him once again and licked his thumb before bringing it down to rub your clit.
Your back arched off the bed as his thumb moved in circles, bringing you closer to the edge. You grabbed onto the sheets, closing your fist around them as you felt the knot begin to grow in your core.
“You wanted to cum,” Rafe growled, thrusting hard after each word, “So cum.”
And that’s all it took for the knot to snap. You let out a loud moan as your legs shook around his shoulder, gripping the sheets tighter in your fists as Rafe never stopped the brututal pace he was going at, chasing after his own release.
His hips faltered as he began to slow down as he felt his cock twitch, shooting out his cum as he began to catch his breath.
Rafe pulled out, causing you to let out a quiet moan at the feeling as he laid next to you. You turned to look over at him, watching as his chest moved at an irregular pace. You shot up as you looked closely at his face, noticing the tears that built up, looking for a chance to escape.
“Rafe…” You spoke in a quiet voice as he sniffled, looking over at you. His lip quivered as his tears started to fall. You scooted closer to him, pulling him into your embrace, wrapping your arms around him as he buried his face in your chest, tightening his grip around your waist, letting out sobs.
You looked up at the ceiling as tears of your own began to show up, placing a kiss on his head as you rubbed his back, “It’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.”
But both of you knew that it wasn’t going to be okay.
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
Silly things do cease to be silly
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Someone, a tall, dark-haired someone in what at a glance appeared to be a perfectly tailored Italian linen suit, was sitting on Alina’s bench.
Of course on the hottest day of the summer when her wall unit AC had gone far beyond on the fritz into full-on death rattle, making her fifth floor walk-up studio into an antechamber of Hell itself, one that could only be approached by two subways and a cross-town bus, of course the one cool, green, delectable spot in the city that she relied on to maintain her sanity was taken. By what looked like a finance bro with a taste for designer clothes.
She should have walked further along the path around the lake or changed course altogether and headed back to her stuffy closet of an office with a lukewarm bottle of Snapple lemonade, but instead, she sat down on the bench across from the occupant of the bench she’d claimed for herself the first week she moved to the City, crossed her arms in front of her and glared at him. She didn’t expect a response, so she was a little surprised when he said,
“Excuse me, are you okay?”
“No. You’re on my bench,” she declared.
“I beg your pardon,” the man said, pretty politely given that she hadn’t introduced herself or given any explanation for what she admitted probably sounded like a batshit crazy remark. He also didn’t look hot, temperature-wise, (only and very much aesthetically, Lord have mercy!) while she felt her own cheeks flushed bright red like the china doll she hated to be told she looked like. The tendrils of hair sticking to her sweaty neck did what they could to dispel the doll resemblance, but not in a way she would have chosen. Slattern was the word that popped into her mind, like she needed the additional critique.
“You’re on my bench. The one I sit on every day. Can’t you, I don’t know, just get up and go find another bench of your own?” she said.
“I’m sorry, I’m not quite grasping how this bench, in a public park, belongs to you and thus, why I should or would relinquish it to you,” he said. If the situation were reversed, she probably wouldn’t have been nearly so civil but then, if a strange man came up to her and demanded she leave, she would have arguably been in a threatening situation. There was no evidence that the man found her threatening in the least, which was probably because of the black ballet flats, the petal pink cardigan Gen had given her and the fishtail braid Zoya insisted was not too young-looking.
“Look, can you just go to that bench over there? It’s got a better view of the lake and it’s not right next to a garbage can, so there are fewer yellow-jackets. It’s a better bench in nearly every respect,” she said.
“It sounds like you should go to the better bench. Treat yourself, if you will, and let me stay where I am, bothering no one,” he answered. He crossed his legs and had the gall to stretch one arm out along the back of her beloved bench.
“You’re bothering me,” she muttered, then added in a louder voice, “That is my bench. I come here for lunch every day, I sit for twenty-five minutes and then I go back to the rest of my soul-crushing life. Can’t you just, I don’t know, be the bigger person and do me a solid, let me have the bench?”
“I am the bigger person,” he said. If before he’d been being politely snarky, he was now full on enjoying himself at her expense which made her want to kick him in the shin. “Literally and figuratively, because I’m not the one claiming public property is mine and haranguing an innocent bystander who just wants to be an innocent bench-sitter.”
“That’s not a thing, an innocent bench-sitter,” Alina said.
“No? Isn’t that what you purport to be?”
“I don’t purport to be anything. Who even talks like that?” Alina said. “I get it. You’re not going to do a random act of kindness to a stranger and you’re not going to honor the social contract by politely acquiescing to my request. Just spare me any pedantic lectures about Ayn Rand or libertarianism—”
“It’s that big a deal to you,” he said. “The bench.”
“No, I could care less about the bench, I just couldn’t pass up the chance to argue with yet another douchecanoe Chad who thinks the world revolves around him,” Alina said acidly. The man laughed, a low, delighted chuckle that was both attractive and supremely annoying.
“My name’s not Chad,” he said, standing up and gesturing at the bench. “You win. Take it, it’s yours.”
“Okay, not-Chad,” Alina said, wrong-footed now but not willing to give up the bench she’d fought for.
“I’m Alexander, but my friends call me Sasha,” he said. His tone was warm and amiable and designed to make her want to be his friend. It didn’t work. Alina sat down.
“That’s nice for them, not-Chad,” she said. He laughed again.
“You’re not going to tell me your name?”
“No, I’m not,” she answered. She hadn’t picked up anything to eat on the way over, not even the usual lukewarm Snapple but she couldn’t exactly get up and leave the bench. Not until not-Chad-Alexander-Sasha left. She’d have to subsist on air and her victory. It would be at least as satisfying as ramen, possibly more since it was approximately nine million degrees out.
“That’s all right,” he said. “You’ve made it clear where I can find you again.”
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sinisterlyhan · 3 years
02. kim seungmin /  9435 words
female reader, virgin reader and virgin seungmin, oral (f & mreceiving), unprotected sex (this one is by choice, have safe sex everyone!), making out, fingering, angst with fluff
tw: light mentions of insecurities
a/n: hello, i am back after my sudden mini-hiatus to ruin everyone’s day! i have not written smut in a while, so i hope this piece isn’t too bad. also, the first part of this piece was originally posted on my sfw account so if you find something that is the exact same, that is also me.
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you have always gotten emotional over seungmin leaving. even if it was just for a one-week christmas break with his friends, or a two-week music camp field trip with his choir group, or a two-month summer vacation with his family—you have gotten emotional over him leaving one way or another.
not dramatically, of course. it wasn’t like you were spilling waterfalls of tears and throwing temper tantrums over not being able to see or hold him for seven days straight; if that was the case, seungmin knew for a fact that he would not be able to handle it, especially since those absent days happen every single year.
you just get a little naggy, caringly naggy, like you’ve got amnesia every five minutes and you would keep reminding him to take care of himself, or make sure to have a good time, or think about you when he is away.
and seungmin does. he always does. whether it is at night on the soft hotel bed or walking down a loud foreign street, he makes space for you in his head and he shows that he has been thinking about you by sending you pictures and getting you souvenirs.
sometimes he becomes the annoying one because he keeps spamming you with pictures. you still remember playfully threatening to block his number after he sent you a frame by frame set of pictures, where you saw the entire process of jeongin tripping on jisung’s fallen body (because he tripped on thin air first) and falling to the ground.
it was a good blackmail material. you could pinpoint exactly the moment where jeongin realized he would be making friends with the brick ground, his eyes wide in alert and his arms flailing out in a poor attempt to grasp the air for support. when the boys came back from music camp that year, you made sure to give jeongin a big smooch on the head, which he begrudgingly accepted.
you have always gotten emotional over seungmin leaving. but not this time, not in a sense that you didn’t feel anything about his departure, it was just that… you were different this time.
you were ecstatic the first moment you heard that seungmin, along with his friends, passed theit idol audition and would get the chance to train under a prestigious entertainment. it has always been his dream to sing for people, you had been beyond proud of him to achieve the spot. it was until he broke it to you that he would have to move to seoul to pursue his opportunity when the realization finally dawned upon your silly, silly head.
he has to leave. he wasn’t breaking up with you, no, but he has to leave. for however many years it would take for him to qualify for debuting, and after that, there would be years of the dating ban, and then there would also be tight schedules and long distances.
seungmin was only leaving the city, but it felt like he was leaving you.
you left him to his own devices after that, stalling and wasting all the times you could have spent with him to make the remaining days count. you spared no playful nagging and no playful reminders, just unread texts and missed calls.
it was too much for you, you feared too much of the uncertainty—what if you couldn’t be patient enough for him? what if he couldn’t resist another’s seduction for you? what if the both of you couldn’t fight against time, the time that would pick and pinch at your affection for each other until there is nothing left to share?
seungmin zipped up his luggage just as the door to his bedroom knocked. he barely glanced behind his shoulder to look at it, his back arched in pure exhaustion at how his heart had been spiraling depressively for the past week. it was his last night in his home, his last night in his home city, that alone was enough to make him feel anxious and homesick.
but nothing had prepared him for how disastrously affected his heart would be when he realized he might have to leave without seeing you, without touching you, and without hearing that you love him once more.
the impatient knock came again and he finally stood up, his brows furrowed in annoyance. he moved over to his door, ready to tell his mother for the fifth time this night that he would not be changing his mind and he did remember to bring enough clothes, but when he swung open the door, it was you who stood before him instead.
“hey…” you said, clutching your jacket tightly.
he opened his mouth but only air slipped out. you looked as tired as he did, and he could tell you have cried yourself to sleep for the past days. as much as he wanted to immediately wrap you in his arms, to feel you against him, he found himself stepping aside and giving you space into his room first.
his room was as dim as it usually was during night time, when seungmin has the habit of turning off the main light on the ceiling and instead, flipping on the warmer light on the wall. it was a cloud-shaped light; seungmin hated it until you decided to decorate it with cartoon stickers during a sleepover. he has never looked at it the same way again.
the first thing you saw was the luggage on the floor, packed and ready to be sent away. your heart dropped slightly at its indication, then you quickly picked yourself back up. you have talked to yourself about this, you have thought about this and decided you wanted to support his dreams instead of dwelling in your misery until the sadness replaced itself with guilt and missed chances.
“you–you packed,” you said, gesturing towards the luggage on the floor before you turned around to face him.
“yeah.“ seungmin nodded. “i leave tomorrow morning.”
you hummed in defeated acknowledgment. the tension was more longing than awkward, the air waiting for one of you to break out of restraint first. turning to look at his opened closet, you raised a brow at the empty hangers lining up to the side of the closet before you finally caught sight of three colorful hoodies hung at the farthest corner.
you laughed meekly as you pointed at it, hiding the sobs in your throat. “you–you idiot! you forgot to pack your favorite hoodies.”
seungmin looked over, his fingers fiddling together nervously as his mouth hung open in a poor attempt to explain why he had left those there. his mind fired quickly and the first thing he did was only to state the obvious. “i am going to leave them here.”
you frowned at him, your lips curling down and your cheeks bulging out at the pressure. 
seungmin softened at your incredulously curious eyes, his shoulders visibly relaxing as he waited for you to speak. “but why? you should at least take the blue one, you look so good in it and it’s your absolute favorite one.”
he licked his lower lip, a faint smile blossoming on his face. he stared at you, blinking gently. “it’s your favorite one. they’re your favorite hoodies too.”
you sucked in a rapid breath, understanding his intentions. he left those there for you, a token of your relationship, a token of his love. it was a way to tell you that he, until the last minute, still thought about you; a way that didn’t require the use of cheesy text messages or well thought out confessions, which he was never very good at anyway.
just three colorful hoodies in his empty closet, all of them covered in his warmth and his scent.
you bit your lower lip to hold down a sob as you walked over to the closet. it was much less messy than usual, which felt out of place for you. being able to see the shoe boxes stacked at the back of the closet was unfamiliar, they were usually covered by his shirts and sweaters, occasionally seeing the light of day when seungmin pushes the clothes to the side or you steal one of his shirts again.
peeling the light blue hoodies off the hanger, you carefully threw it over your head and marveled at the way that even though its fabric went loose around your torso, you felt fulfilled and warm wearing it. bringing your sweater paws up to your cheeks, you inhaled the sleeves and closed your eyes at the smell of flowery detergent mixed with seungmin’s familiar fragrance.
it was a match made in heaven; it was a smell you could recognize even if you were rid of most of your senses because for so long, it was what home smelt like to you, and it still is what home smells like to you.
would you forget, after years of separating from him? would you still remember it but somehow he stopped feeling like home anymore? would your heart lose him to time and distance?
seungmin sighed with the shattering of his heart when he heard you choke out a sob. you had begun to cry, your tears staining the hoodie sleeve as you wailed your fears and longings away, and he wasn’t very sure what to do. he was never good at handling criers because he wasn’t one, and neither were you before this happened.
“(name)…” he took a step forward but stopped when you turned around.
“i’m so sorry for ignoring you these weeks,” you said, your voice teary and timid, but loud and strong enough to make seungmin’s heart pound against his chest. “i’m sorry if i made you think i don’t support you and your dreams. i need you to know that i do and if you have to leave this place to go after it, you should.”
to be honest, the idea that you didn’t support him has never crossed his mind. he knew you would, for some reason. you had always been there for choir shows, you listened to him talk about all the musical things he did during camp despite not understand instrumental talk, you never failed to praise him for his incredible vocal talent—you had always been the first in line when it comes to him and singing.
you were upset, he understood, that he had to leave you here and he only gave you a two weeks notice that he would be leaving for years, plus the uncertainty that your relationship may never work out as smoothly as it could when he was still an unknown high school boy with big dreams.
he couldn’t get mad at you for avoiding him until the last minute. 
for one, he understood why. he supposed he would be pretty disheartened if you did the same thing as well. for two, he just couldn’t bring himself to get mad at you at a time like this, when he needed his last memories of you to be nothing but loving and heartfelt.
heaving a sigh, he got on the bed and scooted to the middle where he sat with his feet dangling off the edge. he opened his arms and beckoned you over softly. “come here, my love.”
you did, stumbling closer to him until your thigh met with his feet. he leaned in to hold your hands, giving your arms a few childish swings before he pulled you on his lap, helping you position yourself by circling his arms around your waist and preventing you from falling off his thighs.
you sniffed when he kissed your cheeks, giggling in feign disgust when he grimaced with a complaint about your tears having a salty taste, and you burst into another fit of feathery laughter when he went to smooch your cheeks again just to mend the dry trail of waterfalls down your skin.
“i missed you so much,” you muttered, your voice almost giving away as you cupped his jaw in your hands and stared into his heart-shaped eyes.
“i missed you too,” he mumbled under his breath, bringing you closer to him unconsciously. “i am so sorry for making you cry.”
you hummed in disagreement as you lightly shook your head. your fingers pressed against his cheeks, clinging to them and hugging his face carefully in a way seungmin never wanted you to let go. your accepting smile made him fall, again and again, and he had to hold himself down so he wouldn’t kiss you right then and there.
“i’m sorry for wasting all these times, we could have been this close every night,” you said quietly, trailing over his features with your teary eyes. “i hope i am not too late.”
seungmin smiled, his eyes squinting with a crinkle of his nose. you can never be too late for him, his heart is ready for you at any moment of his remaining life, whether it is thinking about you quietly or having you pressed near his body.
seungmin will always be ready for you, all that you will give him and all that he is ready to give you.
“it’s never too late to kiss me,” he whispered close to your lips, feeling your back squirm under the weight of his words.
rolling your eyes at his words, you squeezed his cheeks before gladly leaning in so you could press your lips against his. his fingers gingerly clawed at your lower back as he other hand flew up to hold your wrist, any attempt just to touch your bare skin.
god, your lips. your soft, soft lips, made out of sugar and spice. he could play a thousand strings and sing a thousand words about them; about how kissing you always make him feel so needed and loved, how it makes him feel like there is nothing else he can do better aside from giving you every ounce of strength he has.
it opens a gate to his heart he didn’t even know he had, one only you can open because you are the key.
with the influence of his excited heart, seungmin suddenly started to graze your lip with his teeth, his brows furrowing passionately when he caught your lower lip between them.
you let out a breathy moan, surprised. but you only had too little time to dwell in the shock before you opened your mouth and allowed seungmin to do whatever he wanted.
adrenaline rushed up to your lungs, causing a ruckus beneath your bones as your mind chased itself into chaos. he has never kissed you with such urgency before, with silent pleads pierced in the tip of his tongue and desperate longing tattooed in the way he moved against you. he was kissing you to make you breathless, to make your burn with revelation.
seungmin kissed you intending to linger, so the shape and the taste of his lips will haunt you every day and night when he is away. and damn, it was so good, you were drenched in blissful abandon to let him take full control over you.
amidst this heated moment, seungmin forced himself to pull away for a brief moment to allow his hazy mind to settle down. both of you were adrift somewhere in paradise and both of you had no plans of returning any time sooner.
you kept yourself close to him, your upper lip positioned tenderly against his, taunting him to resist, daring him to let go once more. your eyes were as gone as seungmin’s were when you stared into them, and you inwardly worshipped the way his inky black eyes, devoured in thunderstorms and fallen ashes, could pull you to him so effortlessly.
“i love you, okay?” he declared breathlessly, but his tone was filled to the brim with sincerity. “i love you, three or ten years from now.”
three or ten years from now, whether he only gets to talk to you every weekend or every three months, whether it would be easy to find the right time to catch up with each other or if the process would make him want to pull his hair out—seungmin loves you, and he will wait until he can love you.
“wait for me, please,” he pleaded then, the ocean in his eyes seemed brighter and ready to spill, causing heartache in your chest. he was clutching the hoodie and pressing your hand to his cheek, his shaky movements only calming down at your warmth.
wait for me. seungmin was asking. wait for me, remember me, hold on to me.
you felt like crying again. the volcanic sadness stays no matter how many times you convince yourself things would turn out fine, that you could live without him being near you eventually.
you could deal with the quiet, you could deal with not anticipating his presence when you leave home, you could deal with the untouched skin and unkissed lips. yes, you could, you have to.
“i will, i promise” you replied in a hush, lowering your head. “i’m going to miss you so much.”
seungmin pressed his thumb to your eye carefully, swiping across the wet corners and making you chuckle as you leaned against his palm, looking up at him again.
“i will text you all the time. if i don’t, my friends will,” he grumbled with a scoff, remember how bitter he felt when it took jeongin no amount of effort to get your phone number back then while he had to stall a whole week before mustering up the courage to do so. “we will keep in touch, we all will.”
“you guys better,” you said threateningly, kind of threateningly, making him smile.
and he kissed you again, much softer this time. it was to seal a sacred vow one would find harder to break than any else’s, an oath shared by two teenagers who are so genuinely, so tenderly, and so tragically in love with each other.
“how early are you leaving tomorrow?” you asked after pulling away, adjusting your legs so instead of sitting in a kneeling posture, they wrapped around his lower back, making it much more comfortable for you and giving you two more space to be closer to each other.
“hmm, since we have to take the bus to the train station and we are meeting up at the bus stop around the school before going there together…” he calculated in his head, a pout forming on his lips due to the concentration. “i think i’ll have to leave around seven in the morning.”
that was earlier than you thought. but either way, you never planned to see him off anyway. turning into a crying mess in public early in the morning would not be a plan; if you could, you would rather let him leave just as things are—a soft goodbye to your sleeping form, and maybe you will sob on his bed for a while after you wake up.
“i am not going to the train station with you,” you said, running your hands through his hair before circling your arms around his neck into a hug. you sighed. “so it is just going to be tonight.”
“okay.” seungmin flashed you a faint smile, a bittersweet but endearing one. his pinky gently tucked at a piece of your hair, his fingers brushing back against your temple and falling to your ear. “do you need anything from me before I go?”
“you should be the one getting something from me. i never gave you a congratulatory gift for getting through your audition,” you said with a laugh, tapping his nose with your index finger and pressing your chest up against his for a needed closeness. “i am very proud of you, seungmin.”
he gave you a peck. “thank you.”
and you two just looked at each other. affectionately drawn towards the other like how north sticks to south. you couldn’t help but whisper a loving confession, brushing his hair as the words “i love you” left your lips like a secret only seungmin gets to hear.
“i love you too,” he returned immediately, his eyes shutting for a brief moment to allow the rush of euphoria. then they flutter open so he could look at you and ask, “are you sure you don’t want anything from me?”
you thought for a moment, your brows furrowing in thoughts. there were not many things you wanted to ask from him, most of those you do were out of his ability to accomplish, such as not leaving you here.
“call me when you get there,” you reminded him.
“of course,” he hummed. “what else?”
you sighed, keeping your eyes on him as it hit you that there really wasn’t anything else you needed from him. you just needed him, and you had him the moment you stepped into his room, so you figured you should get the most and the best out of it.
seungmin could see where your eyes were and believe it or not, he was totally on the same page. it was not the type of nights he wanted to spend with words. there were only senses and feelings that he wanted to have threaded through his veins this night, be it loud or quiet, tender or rough, or perhaps both of each opposite.
you leaned in, your eyes moving up from his lips to look into the windows of his brilliant soul. “stay with me,” you breathed into his mouth, “until you leave me.”
seungmin wasted no time to claim your lips once more, rough exhales fanning against your face as he desperately kissed you to fulfill the insatiable desire he held for you. he could feel it in his guts—the cunning and greedy burn beneath his ribs that held so much he wanted to say to you, that the words of his inadequate language were unable to express enough, were threatening to explode from the brisk of his skin. 
in all that the world could offer, languages of all places and phrases of all great minds, the only word he knew were you, you, you. and he wasn’t even able to speak it. all he could show you of how he called out to you was through his action; the tug of his hands at your waist and the bite of his teeth at your lower lip.
you squeezed his shoulders, your eyes closing upon the familiar taste of his mouth on your tongue when he boldly slipped past your gently parted lips. the softness that once graced seungmin’s being was long gone. he was hasty now, needy and desperate for all of you, and all you could do was comply with him. 
your chest heaved with a low moan when he bit your lip again, his hand pressing you down against his abdomen. your body relaxed against his with a shiver, yet your thighs squished at his sides upon the ever-growing arousal under your waist when you felt him, vividly, against you.
“min–“ you pulled away, looking into his eyes with all vulnerability you have ever left hanging at the lashes of your eyes. you looked at him, your hands running up the side of his face and spreading within his hair, and your shaky gaze scanned his entire face as if your patience was running thin. 
he beat you to begging for the intimacy, his face leaning close toward yours just to feel the bone of your nose nudging against his own. there was something about his utter lack of ability to be away from you at this moment. 
he was not physically attached to you, but there was nothing else he wanted more of the world than to be so. he would do anything; he would tear down hell and break through heaven, he would destroy the sun and shoot down the stars if it meant to keep you beautifully by his side. 
he needed to be attached to you, the love of his life. 
“i need you,” he whispered, “please.” 
his breath was demanding, but also teasing in a way that he wanted to make this comfortable and loving for you, as opposed to the upsetting farewell you two were having.
you shivered, your half-lidded eyes staring at each shadow that cast over his face in his dim room. your hands dropped from his hair, causing a faint look of disappointment in his eyes, but that was gone as quickly as it came when he realized that you were reaching for the hem of his blue hoodie. 
you tugged at the soft fabric, making sure you brought your shirt along with it when you slowly slid them up your body and finally over your head.
the first thing his eyes gravitated toward was your chest, covered by a random bra you threw on because you did not anticipate the visit to turn out like this. he watched with an itchy hand and an unbreathable throat when your hand reached behind your back to unhook your bra. you slid it off your shoulders, showing him your breasts, and you tried to hide your shyness by looking away as you discarded your bra somewhere on the floor. 
seungmin’s eyes were glued to your chest, he wasn’t even trying to hide it. you almost wanted to laugh at the hanging of his jaw and the way he was blatantly staring at your close to naked chest, but you kept the amusement to yourself and went ahead to cup the side of his face, bringing his attention back to your face.
you smiled, but then you pursed your lips and begun to shrink into yourself when you realized this was the most naked you’ve ever been with a boy before. not to mention how unconfident you have always been with the way your body looked. the way his eyes were glued to your chest was starting to become a look of judgment rather than an action out of surprise and fondness. 
his eyes widened when you suddenly squealed, your head lowering and your forehead bumping against his shoulder. he laughed a little, his hands moving to your wrists before he gently pushed you away from you. you were frowning slightly, your brows furrowed with an uncertain pout on your face, and you refused to look at him until he tipped your chin up with your hand. 
he wasn’t too sure why you were acting this way, but what he did know was that this was your first time, as well as his. sex is a foreign subject. that kind of intimacy is drastically different than holding hands, or cuddling, or making out, or even having late-night philosophical talks until you fall asleep on the phone. 
both of you were feeling chilled to the bones with both anticipation and nervousness about how things could go, and both of you probably wanted everything to feel good and perfect.
so if you were hiding from him because you changed your mind, then he’d want you to know you could back out. he could deal with what happened in his pants by himself later.
“you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he said, poking your nose, “we can just watch a movie, or we can talk until we fall asleep if you want.”
the pout on your face faded slightly upon his words; a kind offer, but one you didn’t need. you flashed him a deadpan smile, your hands moving to clamp atop of his shoulders again as you spoke, “it’s not that. i do want to do this with you, i don’t think there is anybody else in the world i’d want to do this with! it’s just… my… my boobs…”
his eyes drifted down at them and he looked back up at you. “they’re great.”
“they are.” you were doubtful. 
“they’re boobs, babe. any boobs are great–“
“okay, okay!” he nodded with a fit of a giggle, then he moved in to kiss your lips. his hands moved to roam your sides, brushing tenderly across your skin and creating a trail of goosebumps on his way. he kept kissing you as he spoke, a kiss every other word he let out. “they are great. your body, i love it because it’s yours, and i can’t believe i’m allowed to touch you like this right now.”
you blushed with a heat rushing up your cheeks, burning hotly under his words and the way he kept kissing you. how sweet and cheesy, but you didn’t mind it much. you were too drowned in being adored by him to care about criticizing anything he says or does, you just wanted this moment to keep going so you could finally plunge into the real act. 
keeping your hands at the nape of his neck, you moved your lips with his for a second longer before you moved away, making him whine with a low hum.
his hands stayed at your side as if they were afraid, and you were getting impatient. panting, your voice was raspy when you said, “you can touch me more.”
seungmin raised his brows at the permission. his heart sped up at the thought of going beyond your waist and your back. he was thinking about it, but each time he felt the side of his palm brush against the soft skin under your breasts, he flinched away with timidity simultaneously as he grew needier for your body. 
he couldn’t let himself just touch you, he supposed, it would be such a bold thing to do. he felt like if he ever did, he would have to find a way to preserve the feeling, and he was very unprepared for that.
“seungmin…” you called out in a feminine voice when he didn’t respond, one that sounded so needy it would surely get him riled up. your hands moved to grab his, bringing them up your body until they almost met at your breasts. “touch me.”
a tease, what a tease. it was only your first time and you were being a tease, looking so divine and perfect on top of his lap you tested his composure and his control over his patience. 
he exhaled.
you asked for it.
seungmin took you by complete surprise when he moved. hoisting you off his lap, you felt yourself dip sideways before your back met the soft cover of his bed. he hovered over you, his body stuck between your spread legs, and his hands squeezed your waist to set you in place before he reached down to capture your lips again. you followed his lead, feeling his hand roam across your stomach before they finally moved up to your breasts. 
a breath got caught in your throat when he cupped his hands over the roundness. he fondled them, squeezing and pressing his palm against them just to feel your hardened nipples against him. he hummed out in satisfaction when you trembled under his touch, unfamiliar but pleasing, and he let go of your mouth to hear your noises while he moved down your jaw and your neck to leave trails of love marks on your skin as a goodbye gift.
you tilted your head to the side so he has more space to plant his bruises. you could feel his teeth graze you, and he was sucking on your skin so hard you felt pressure within the spot. it was forcing you to make friends with the reality and the level of intimacy you two were venturing into. 
he was on top of you, kissing you, dropping crosses on your body, fondling your breasts, and his hips occasionally grinding at your bottom so he could temporarily press down the impulsivity inside his pants. 
this was the reality; you two were about to become whole, you want you both to become whole.
seungmin moved away in the heat of the moment, his hands hastily reaching to pull his shirt off his body as well before he dove back to your collarbones and went down, his lips worshipping the veins and bones hidden under your skin. he took your breast in his mouth, sucking on your nipple and flicking the bud with his tongue. you arched your back at the sensation, so foreign yet exciting that you couldn’t help but push down on his head with the same hand that once carded gently through his hair, wanting more and more of him.
he was never going to leave you, though. his lips stayed attached to your body, kissing you down and everywhere he could reach, his tongue darting out the lick wet spots on your delicacy. it was until he reached the hem of your shorts when he paused—this was the place. he eyed up at you, catching the weak and pleading look in your eyes once, then he gingerly moved his fingers to unbutton and unzip your shorts. he carefully slid it off your hips, his fingers tugging against your panties on the way until you were completely naked under him.
the last of your clothes dropped to the ground without a care. seungmin was glued to the glistening sight of your exposed heat. your curled your fists, nervous about what he was thinking as he stared at you. your legs felt shaky as you thought of whether you wanted to close your knees or not, and before you could make a decision for yourself, seungmin already stumbled forward on his knees and brought himself to the edge of his bed.
he grabbed your ankles, his grip soft as he brought your legs over his shoulders with a nod of his head. you let him guide you through the ordeal—resting your ankles on his shoulders and pulling you forward to him. he curled his hands around your thighs when you were close enough.
you flinched, a quick and shivering flinch, when you felt his lips against your cunt. your knees almost smashed his head if he hadn’t tightened his grip on your thighs to keep you from moving. your eyes stayed wide open, staring dizzily at the ceiling, as seungmin continued to do experimental kisses against your wet pussy. one, two, three, four, before he decided it was time for him to dart his tongue out. 
he flicked against your clit, miraculously finding it on his first try and staying there when he saw your positive reaction. he abused it, licking and sucking on the bundle of nerves until your bud was protruding and  even a little painful from all the stimulation. but he didn’t let himself stop there. the lovely and filthy noises you were letting out, paired with the call of his name over and over again, was too much of a blessing for him to let up. 
he continued with his pleasuring, grazing his teeth against your skin as he sucked on you, his fingers making an entrance by slowly sliding himself inside your warm cunt. he didn’t want to do too much so he paid attention to your reaction. it was an ego boost each time you arch your back and moan his name. he has never been better than this.
your legs trembled on his shoulders, having never felt such sudden jolts before and your senses were not familiar with receiving such pleasure. your lips were parted to let out huffs of little whimpers and moans as you relish in the feeling of his touch—a brand-new feeling of joy seungmin was graciously gifting you that was unlike all the others. 
you were being touched, you felt touched, and he was willing to do so even when you weren’t sure if you deserved it. such simple ways to make you happy; all he needed was himself, and the lovingness in all of his movements done to your sensitive body. 
“fuck–seungmin, seungmin!” 
you tried to find words to say in the midst of the pumping of his fingers. your walls were clenching down on the intrusion, coating his fingers with your slickness until it became a slip-and-slide to go in and out of you. you were wet, oh so very wet, and it was all his doing. he could taste your arousal on his tongue and he kept wanting more, so he moved quicker with his hand as if he could fuck more juices out of you with it. your legs bent, hitting his shoulder blades, and you moved your hand down to his head where you tugged at his hair.
“seungmin! you–i’m going to–“ you whimpered out, seeing fading stars in your eyes, “please fuck me, fuck me first!”
he stopped, the manic look in his eyes fading at your words. pulling his fingers out of you, the stickiness not bothering him, he stood up and moved onto the bed and left you cold with an approaching orgasm that would soon fade. he wasn’t much thinking about that—he was still thinking about that, but there was something else he needed to make sure first: did you ask him to stop because you wanted to cum with him inside you? did you want to orgasm from him fucking you with his cock? was that what you wanted, that’s why you made him stop?
oh, but the thought alone… the thought of you orgasming because of him, the thought of you reaching that  ultimate pleasure because of him. it would surely be an honor to behold.
he leaned down to your face, his eyes genuine and also somewhat worried as looked at you. taking his clean hand, he brushed the hair out of your sweaty forehead and kissed your eyes. “what do you want?”
you exhaled, your hands awkward so they settled against his warm chest. looking up at him with round and wide eyes, you asked politely, “can you fuck me, seungmin?”
“i was,” he hummed, his other hand casually reaching back down to your heat. 
the confidence came when he realized his ability to please you, and he decided he could set his needs aside and toy with you for some reactions he would savor in his head for the rest of his life. he pressed the tip of his fingers against your hole, dipping in but not letting your feel full by inserting. 
he played with you, watching as you squirm with a needy expression when he wouldn’t give you what you want, feeling as you bucked your hips up for his hand and asked for him to touch you, and finally when you exhaled in relief as he finally moved his fingers inside your pussy.
“i was fucking you, (name), with my mouth,” he said. “i am fucking you right now.”
oh, but it wasn’t his tongue and his fingers that you wanted the most. he knew that. you knew he knew that as well. he was good with them, it was heavenly a moment ago when he was kneeling on the floor, but nothing could beat the excitement in your chest that was waiting for when he finally stretches you out and officially takes your virginity by colliding his body with yours. you wanted it, both the pain and the pleasure that would follow. 
you wanted to be around seungmin and make him feel good as well, and most importantly, you wanted your first orgasm to be when you were near him, the love of your life. you wanted to cum feeling him inside you.
“i want your–“ you shut your mouth in defeat, looking at him with a pout as if that would soften him up. 
seungmin smiled at your adorableness, but he as he dragged the back of his finger down your face, his other hand still pumping in and out of your cunt but his pace has since slowed down, all he asked was, “you want my what?”
“you’re pushing it,” you mumbled as you gave him a deadpan look, “i even acted cute for you.”
pulling out of your heat, he grinned with a roll of his eyes. then he shook his shoulders as if throwing a tantrum, his lips puckering slightly as he playfully hit his fist against your chest. “just say it once! i want to hear you say it!”
“seungmin, i’m shy!” you complained, shoving him lightly.
“you weren’t so shy when you were moaning like a minute ago!” 
“just ask me, just say you want my dick and i’ll give it to you, i promise,” he said, knowing well he would have given it to you regardless of you asking or not.
you huffed, the corner of your lips quirking downward as you glared at him before you mumbled, “i want your cock.”
“i want your cock, seungmin,” you pleaded louder this time, looking impatient and annoyed with your furrowed brows and the stuttering movement of your shoulders.
“good girl.” he smiled and pinched your cheek. “see? that wasn’t so hard.”
you took your time with grumbling a complaint about his action. but, however you wanted to see it, he did make you feel more at ease with having sex for the first time. the playful way he talked to you just a minute ago made it feel as if this was just any ordinary activity, and there was nothing you needed to be afraid of. it was just you and him together, and he would take care of you like he always has. you would be fine with him. 
the thought diminished for a quick second, though, when you saw that he has taken off his pants and boxers. your opened your mouth, your eyes couldn’t help but stare at his hardened shaft, and all you could do the next second was turn away with an uncontrolled laugh bubbling out your throat. 
seungmin looked up slightly at the noise, trying to recognize it, and when he realized you were laughing, he immediately snapped his head to you with a look of utter disbelief.
“are you laughing?” he asked, accusingly if you listened carefully.
you shook your head, your hand failing to cover up the giggles of your throat. “no, i’m not–not specifically at you, i swear!”
he moved over to you, his elbows supporting his upper body as he grabbed your face and made you look at him. he squished your cheeks together as you continued to laugh, your eyes turning intensely into little moons when you saw the hilarious look on his face. he looked you then, the sight of your lips quirking up into such a bright smile was something he took a mental image of. and your giggles trailed into his ears, hammering against the empty space in his head looking for a permanent home. he let the sound of you in with only a single knock. 
seungmin softened, allowing him a smile as well. looking at you now, feeling you warm and safe against him now, almost made him want to abandon his dream and just stay here with you forever. how could he leave you—his girl, his favorite person, his best friend. he wanted to be with you all the time. 
but he somehow knew you wouldn’t agree to that, you would push him to chase after his goal, so he will. he will miss this when he leaves. the sound of your laughter, the way he could make you snort and scream and make the prettiest and ugliest expressions. 
he will miss everything about you during every waking second of his days without you near him, but even time would fail to take him away from you because he would love you through every second of it until he could see you again.
pressing his forehead against yours, he giggled with you. “what are you laughing at, (name)?”
“nothing! i promise!” you replied loudly, then you settled down with a quiet hum in your chest. you reached up for his hands, smiling at him. “i love you.”
“i love you as well,” he said, moving his nose against yours as his voice came out in a fearsome whisper, “please say you want me again.”
your eyes relaxed into a scratch of affection. they moved across his face, taking him in, soaking his feature in you, and you kissed his mouth to speak it into him, “i want you, kim seungmin.”
it was a risk when he pushed himself inside you, raw and bare, but it was a risk you thought you ought to take at this age, and a risk you knew you wouldn’t have regretted taking. he went in slow, his lips moving across your face to soothe out the pained creases while you clutched his arm tightly upon the burn of the stretch. he was bigger than you thought, it felt different, bigger, than when you looked at it. 
he kissed you when he moved, hoping to get you to adjust to his size and to get himself more acquainted with the warmth of your walls around him. you didn’t mind the slowness of his thrusts, they were soft and undemanding, they were solid and memorable. you could feel every inch of him sliding within, the slickness of your walls helping him move easier amongst the tightness. your bodies collided again and again with hot exhales fanning against your faces as both of you tried not to go crazy for the feeling of each other. 
seungmin kept his hands moving around your body. the map he could never forget; he would always come back to this place in his memories, in the dead of the night when he felt alone. the juncture between your bones, your delicate skin, and your warmth that covered his entirety so perfectly as you sucked him into your body, taking him so well he thought there was no place else he could be. 
he only moved faster upon your request. he rutted against you, trying so hard not to get lost in the euphoric sensation that he would begin snapping his hips against yours at a pace that could bring him to the edge even quicker. he needed to relish at this moment where the sensuality happens, and he wanted to feel all of you here alone. but while knowing he wouldn’t go faster, he did want to go deeper into you.
he kissed your lips, swallowing your moans, as he gently hiked your leg up to his back until it rested near his shoulder. he gave you a sharp pound and you let out a choked noise at the heart-pounding feeling it gave you. he inhaled, moving his cock harsh against it and pushing toward that inner part of your cunt again to get another immediate reaction out of you. 
your eyes rolled up this time, your jaw dropping with a loud whine that you thought his parents would have heard in their bedroom, but you were unable to bring yourself to think at all, you just wanted more.
seungmin smiled. that was the spot. that was the spot he was looking for. 
“is that okay?” he huffed out, thrusting into you, “did you like that?”
“ah–yes, seungmin,” you breathed out, your back arching as the same spot got hit over and over again, waves and waves of pleasure lapping at your veins. you nodded, your hands clutching his arms with whines falling alive at your lips. “fuck, that feels really good.”
he smiled at your approval, feeling the tension at his back relax upon knowing that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. you were enjoying him as much as he was enjoying you. the reciprocation was delightful to acknowledge, especially in a moment as such where he wanted to leave an impression for you to remember by later if you so needed to. he knew he would because thinking about being so close to you would soon be the only escapism he has. 
the gentle yet filthy words he had begun whispering into your ears made you feel all tingly and edged. his words praised you, his words worshipped every move you made and every surface of your being, his words loved you as much as his body was loving you. 
they made you shiver by embracing your little soul, unraveling you slowly by breaking down the walls of your assumed unworthiness, and they did not dump you to the ground to repair yourself. 
seungmin was here, the whole time, for you to reach out to.
he is always ready for you. even with the distance and limits that you were so very afraid of, he will always be ready for you.
sucking in a deep, teary breath, one that paired with a light whimper as you felt your high approaching with each thrust, you reached up for your boyfriend. you circled your arms around his neck, bringing him down to you so you could kiss him fervently. your leg fell off without his support but they clung over his waist to bring him closer with tightening of your muscles. 
seungmin’s hands laid flat to the side of your head upon your beckoning, caging you under him as he slotted his mouth longingly against yours, his brows furrowing at the passionate kiss.
“you’re my heart, min,” you confessed softly against his eyes, “i love you.”
he could feel the tears in your eyes but they weren’t falling just yet. he hoped they wouldn’t fall, he wouldn’t know what else he could do aside from kissing those tears away until he has to leave you tomorrow morning. giving you a nod, he rubbed the side of your face with his thumb and smiled endearingly down at your face. “wait for me, okay?”
wait for him, and he will dream, always, about your eyes when you laugh, the way you shove him when he tells a lame joke, and the mediocre food you cook for him during weekend hangouts. he will dream  about coming back to your side, about holding and kissing you again, about the intimacy he has carefully shifted into a precious spot of his head. 
wait for him to come home so he could make all the dreams come true again.
you nodded hastily, partly because your walls had started to clench on his shaft impossibly upon the tightening of your abdomen. getting closer, seungmin snapped his hips against yours, trying to bring you over the edge and push you down for the ultimate rapture. he looked—stared—at you when your peak approached, a rush of warmth coating his skin as you came around his hard cock, burying him in a blissfully hot place. 
your eyes rolled skyward, and he could feel your fingers tightening around his neck, your nails digging into his skin upon the overwhelming pleasure.
he moved, holding your hands through your orgasm, fucking the intensity out slowly and settling you down. he watched as you breathed, waiting for your panting to come to a halt before he picked up his speed again so he could find his own climax. you held him close to you, feeling him hard inside you and giving out light moans upon the feeling of strange friction against your walls. 
you could tell when he was getting close, considering his movement become even more stuttered and erratic when he was about to lose himself in you.
he knew better than to cum in you, though. before he could reach his high, he pulled out of you and moved away slightly, his hand going down to pump at his length instead. you blinked—right, you forgot, you two did not use protection. the whiny sounds coming out of seungmin’s mouth helped you come back to your senses and you quickly sat up. 
you replaced his hand with yours, an amused gleam evident in your eyes when he stared at you with confusion while being pushed down on the bed by your hand.
you leaned your body down, pumping him to keep him aroused while you found a comfortable position to lay on, and without a second thought, you took him in your mouth. he hissed in surprise, his thighs flexing at the lukewarm sensation of your mouth around his cock, as well as the gentle suction of your inner-cheeks. he pressed his head against the pillow, his mouth hung ajar with whimsical huffs as he buried his hand on your hair, needing something to grab onto as you sucked him off.
the way his cock disappears into your mouth, his tip poking at your cheek with each bob of your head, and how you choked around him when his tip hit the back of your throat was a bliss all too intense for him to handle at once. what was he to do—he knew he could not hold on much longer. 
he has never felt his way before, his own hand was inadequate to provide the satisfaction you were giving him. the licks of your tongue, the graze of your teeth, the wrap of your lips; nothing could compare to this, he was drowning in abandonment and this was no false heaven.
his hip bucked into your mouth when he emptied himself in it, a loud groan leaving his lips. you let out a strangled noise of surprise when the bitter taste hit your throat, your eyes widening in dismay but you made yourself take all of him. you sucked all the way back up to his tip, your lips popping off with an audible noise, then you reached up to wipe away the saliva away. you panted, his cum slowly dripping down your throat, and you smiled at him when he looked at you.
“that was…” he licked his lower lip for a second, then he decided against talking and instead raised his arms to beckon you closer to him. “come here.”
you moved over to him, your body slumping down next to his as he brought you into his arms. your lips locked for the millionth times tonight, unable to get enough of each other when each time there was a new taste to the kiss you shared. 
“that was my first time,” you commented after pulling away, laying your head on his arm.
“so was mine,” he said, even though you knew.
you sighed then, a blissful sigh. “i’m glad it was with you.”
“so am i,” he whispered against your temple, and when he felt that you wanted to make a joke out of his words, he held you tighter against him and he scoffed. “you know what i mean.”
you giggled, “i do… i just want to make fun of you while i still can.”
“i can’t believe i am about to say this but,” he paused for dramatic effect, “you can make fun of me whenever you want to.”
“you’re right!” you exclaimed, turning on your side so you could look at him. “after you debut, if i catch you doing anything embarrassing on variety shows, i hope you know i will never let you live it down.”
“hey, that’s not fair,” he whined. “one of the main elements in variety shows is to embarrass their guest.”
“yeah, that’s why they can be so unfunny sometimes,” you muttered.
he laughed along with you. that was all he could do; talk about the future as if it wouldn’t be painful, talk about it in light-hearted ways until you could surely let it go.
he caressed your cheek with his thumb, his eyes unable to leave your face. “i’ll come back to you. i don’t know how long you will have to wait, but i promise i’ll find the time.”
“text me a lot?” you asked. he nodded. 
“and call me, it doesn’t have to be face time but call me,” you asked. he nodded.
“don’t fall in love with other people,” you asked.
“i won’t,” he answered this time.
and there was nothing more you needed from him. 
you sighed, snuggling closer to his warm body so you could breathe with your head on his chest. even though you might wake up finding yourself alone in his room and your head on a pillow, the hollowness stronger than ever, you still moved closer to him. falling asleep to his heartbeat was worth waking up to his ghost.
“then just stay with me now.”
stay with me until you leave me.
seungmin can do that.
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quiet-in-the-wild · 2 years
A non comprehensive list of queer things & genderfluid things I loved growing up and as an adult- that made me feel safe, happy & gender euphoric.
So much of the past 10 or so years of being out as queer I’ve spent quiet & timidly. When I first came out- those of you who have been around for a long time know - it was very traumatic. But I didn’t let it shove me back into the closet - however, at the same time it did make me cautious.
So these moments were small little celebrations of queerness- that I can see now with perfect clarity.
Watching Victor Victoria as a kid over and over- feeling so enamored by Julie Andrew’s character wanting to be that confident & expressive. Wanting to switch back and forth from drag to masculine to feminine. 
Defiantly choosing blue to decorate my bedroom - because it has been previously decorated in a shabby chic pink ruffle theme. 
Then changing it to the brightest hot pink and lime green. So bright it hurt my eyes but I didn’t admit it because it was a statement.
Being interested equally interested in boy & girl toys and hobbies, and subjects. I always followed my interests not what was expected of me. So I had too many barbies to count & loved them, but I also loved sharks and lizards and things like that. 
Spending hours talking with my out gay piano teacher instead of taking lessons and instead paying attention in community theater. He was such a dear friend & mentor and I miss him so much. He made me feel so understood. 
Secretly making gay families on the sims back in the early 2000s 
Immediately getting a pixie cut and more masculine outfits after graduating high school. 
Discovering the author Sarah Waters- Especially Tipping the Velvet. I’ve never been a fan of any sexually explicit things, but this book- and particularly how Nancy would dress as man, and found her way that was authentic to herself. It was unlike anything I ever read. I think I’ve re-read more times than I can count.
Literally wanting to be a drag queen - from like age 16-mid 20s. I would make my friends in highschool do full drag makeup. In college drag race came out and I loved it- haven’t really watched since the first couple seasons. 
Rocky horror picture show. My college roommate asked me if I ever saw it- so I bought it one summer and watched it everyday all break. The queerness of that movie was so amazing. Just such a badass celebration. 
Anytime I’ve ever worn a leather jacket. I felt gender euphoric. Even my wife said I walk differently, more confidently. Throughout high school I stole my dad’s bomber jacket and wore that because it was so cool. I was always finding ways to show the masc. side of me. 
The first time I said “my girlfriend,” or “my wife.” to someone.
Chopping all my hair off & getting a dapper haircut & new wardrobe after getting married. The energy of having such short hair, such dapper butch clothing. I felt so euphoric. When I walked into my first class after the summer I felt like everyone saw me for the first time. 
Currently, dressing in the super patterned and artsy bold clothing - I need all the color, all the prints. It fills me with so much joy. 
My super awesome 70s shag. Usually I cut my hair with a completely new style every year or so. And I’ve had this shag for so long. I love it so much. (I actually first got it because I was given a photo of my birthmom and she had a shag haircut so it made me feel a little closer to her) 
My mini collection of chore jackets & demin work jackets (in bright colors) I absolutely love how they make me feel. Like some 80s gender non-specific person with their 70s shag & they literally don’t give any fucks. 
Deciding to not wear any makeup for a year. Letting myself love how I look as I am. 
Realizing that all the people I identify with, all the characters, actors-  everyone that I can see myself in- are men. Nathan Lane, Neil Fielding, Bob Belcher, Oscar (summer camp island) David (Schitts creek) Philippe d’orleans (Versailles) 
Realizing that my gender changes. Loving who I am in the moment. Not wishing I was anything other than who I am. 
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