#i even forgot i had this blog omg
minqies · 1 year
the whole conversation bella and i have about our older groups / ocs just brings back memories
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cozage · 9 months
Omg what the heck 2k!?! I’m so happy for you like I remember when you started this blog some time ago, and you blew up fast 😭 also that era when you got shadow banned. I wanted to request the monster trio with option 1. So how about a meeting their S/O after the 2 year gap but they ended on argument so now what would they say after not seeing them for two years.
A/N:😭😭i forgot about the shadowbanned era omg. I almost stopped writing completely then. That was a CRAZY time. Thank you for reminding me of that LOL 
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy Total word count: 750
A Postponed Apology
“My love! You’re safe!” Sanji tackled you, both of you falling to the ground entangled in one another. 
He pushed back the hair from your face and covered you with kisses in between his words. “You’re here! I missed you so much!”
“Sanji,” you laughed, trying to push him off. “You’re smothering me!”
“I’ll smother you forever!” He pressed his head against your chest, humming pleasantly as he listened to your heartbeat. “I’ll never leave your side ever again!”
Your fingers ran through his hair as tears filled your eyes. You hadn’t expected this reunion to go so smoothly. You had expected Sanji to never speak to you again, maybe even come back with a new crew member recruit. You wouldn’t have blamed him, not after all the horrible things you said to him. 
“You’re not mad?” you whispered softly, afraid your voice would betray you. 
“Why would I be mad?” he asked, still listening to your heart beat in your chest. “I’m just grateful you’re okay.”
“But our fight…” Tears spilled out of the corner of your eyes and down your cheeks.
“Our fight?” he asked, clearly confused. He pulled his head away from your chest to look you in the eyes, and you could see his soul shatter at the fact he was making you cry. 
“Do you mean the one from two years ago?” he asked. “Darling, don’t even worry about that. All that matters is that we are here together now, and I’m never letting you go again.”
It took your eyes a second to adjust to the darkened room, but Zoro’s voice rang out. 
“So, you’re the second one to arrive, huh?”
You hadn’t expected Zoro to be there. He was always getting so lost, you had assumed it would be anyone but him. 
“Nobody else is here yet?” you asked, joining him at the bar. 
“Just you and me.”
Silence filled the air, the heaviness of your last conversation still weighing on your shoulders. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “It was two years ago. It’s not a big deal.”
“No.” You shook your head, finally turning to look at him. “I should’ve never said those things. If I had known-”
“But you didn’t know.” He sighed, picking his beer up and taking a long drink. “Are you still upset about it? Do you even remember what we were fighting about?”
“Well no, but-”
“Then it doesn’t matter. We’re together now. Let’s make up for lost time instead, okay?”
You smiled, relieved at his words. He had never been one to hold a grudge. 
You kept your distance from Luffy until everyone went to sleep. It had been a long day full of emotions, and he was busy enough with his captain duties. The last thing you wanted to do was inconvenience him any further. 
“Sanji!” Luffy called, entering the kitchen. “I’m-oh! Hey!”
Your heart quickened at his voice. You weren’t ready to face him yet. Even if you knew you had to. 
“Hey Luffy,” you whispered. “Sanji went to bed, but he made this ice cream sundae. You want it?”
Luffy’s mouth grew into a big smile, his eyes growing wide. He grabbed a spoon and slid into the booth next to you. “You’re the best! You know that, right?” 
You gave an awkward laugh. “I guess we need to talk, huh?”
Luffy looked at you, a blank and confused look on his face. “Talk about what?”
It was hard to look at him, but you forced yourself to. “Our last conversation?”
He was trying to remember, you could see his brain going into overdrive as he recalled your last moments together on Sabaody. Finally, he shrugged and shoveled a scoop of ice cream into his mouth. 
“I don’t remember our last conversation,” he admitted. 
You raised an eyebrow. “The fight? Because if you want to break up-”
“Why would I want to break up with you?” Luffy asked. “That’s the last thing I want.”
“Well, I said some pretty harsh things, Lu.”
He knitted his eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember. For a minute you watched him, and you could’ve sworn steam was coming out of his ears. But he shook his head. “Sorry, I don't remember that at all.”
You laughed. You should be surprised or offended. But that was just Luffy. “So we’re good?” you asked.
“Of course,” he said, offering you a bite. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
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ferris-the-wheel · 6 months
@b-floyd-o-leech-b here, Tumblr doesn't allow you to send asks using your side blogs-
May I please just give Floyd a nice pair of shoes without expecting anything in return?
(If he gives me something back though, I wouldn't mind).
It can be afterschool in the hallway, and my current TWST oc is a grumpy guy named Bob that is a little bit tsundere, but he's a bit of a self-insert for my bad moods so if you just want Floyd to refer to him/me as in the 2nd person, I don't mind.
If I forgot or missed anything, please DM me, I read through the rules and probably still forgot, like, half of them. (My memory isn't great, sorry. 😅)
Totally fine >:D I'll do my best!!!
Christmas Secret Santa Event
m!reader x Floyd Leech
: ̗̀➛ Scenario: You decide to give Floyd an early Christmas gift so you track him down after classes end.
A/N: So what I got from your description is that reader is gonna be a grumpy/tsundere for Floyd. Hope I interpreted that correctly *nervously sweating*
ೃ⁀➷ Just 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Mutual crushes
ೃ⁀➷ Reader isn't Yuu
TW: None
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"Y/N~~ What did you want me here for?" Floyd asked as you rounded the corner, him trailing behind you. "Azul's gonna be mad if I'm late for work at the Mostro Lounge." He said.
"I- I wanted to give you something." You said, growing more embarrassed by the minute. But you knew that if you gave him the present— or more likely, he'd get it from under the tree himself— that he'd make a huge fuss and make even more of a scene. Sooo, you decided that you should give him his gift alone and spare yourself the embarrassment.
You held out the box to him, feeling your cheeks turn red and you turned away. He blinked for a moment, likely not expecting you to be giving him something, but his droopy grin returned and he laughed. "Awwwww, Y/N~ you got me a gift?" He said in a drawled-out way. He took the box, making sure to touch your hand in the process with a sly grin.
You scowled at him and went to walk away but he grabbed your wrist with a pouty face. "Y/N~~! You aren't gonna wait until I unwrap it? That's so meeeean!" You gave an exasperated sigh and stood where you were. He snickered and opened the present.
When he pulled the new shoes you'd bought him out of the box, his face lit up and he gave a little gasp of happiness. "New shoes? Awww, you're so thoughtful!!" Before you could react, he pulled you into a tight squeezing hug. You momentarily lost your breath as you squirmed around, trying to free yourself, though you only got away because he let you go.
"Aw, but I don't have anything to give you in return!" Floyd exclaimed, his mood shifting to being sad. "T- That's fine! I don't need a gift anyway!" You replied hurriedly, holding up your hands.
"But that'd be unfair if you gave me something and I didn't do anything in return. Hmmmmmm...." Floyd didn't appear to be listening to any of your protests, until he finally decided on something. "I got it!" He said, eyeing you with his semi-sadistic looking smile.
You were not in the mood to figure out what that meant, but he grabbed you around the waist dropping the box in the process which you thought was rude since they were brand new and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. It ended pretty much in the same moment as it started, but the suddenness of it made your face heat up and you were certain that your face was bright red.
It also left you unable to form a proper sentence. "F- Floyd! I— you— what—" Floyd gave a giggle and scooped up the box, then started walking down the hallway like nothing had happened, leaving your mind racing. "Eh— FLOYD!!!!"
Now that you had collected your thoughts, you chased after him down the hallway. When he realized that you were now following him, he took off running as well, turning only to playfully stick his tongue out at you.
I'M DONE OMG 🥹 I had no idea how I was going to start this off and this was like the only thing I could think of. Also Floyd seems to be VERY popular. He might actually have more fics than Riddle soon lol. Anywayyyyys, I hope everyone enjoyed this kinda short post (especially you, @b-floyd-o-leech-b!!!!) and I look forward to more requests for this event <3
Taglist: @officialdaydreamer00 @mermaidfanficlibrary @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @lyle-my-beloved @haruhar-u @cookiesandbiscuits
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luckykiwiii101 · 5 days
Omg omg Kiwi!!!
So I have been persisting with your challenge for about 3 days now (I was late to join lol) and I made it into the void for a couple seconds last night before I got scared and left. I wanted to share this with you so that other people can have hope. AND I did this through hard circumstances!
Also TW d3ath, c4nc3r, d1v0rc3.
So, ever since I started affirming that I was “in control of my reality” and that “I am a master at the void state” I noticed that the 3D started to test how persistent I am. Maybe I had a subconscious belief that the 3D would test me, but I chose to persist.
In the 3D: My parents have been divorced for two years and now always fight with each other. This weekend, my dad told us he wants to date the person he cheated on my mom with. And one of my grandparents got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer yesterday.
Now, I was still sad about my circumstances, I still cried about it. However, as soon as I was done letting myself feel my feelings, I went straight back to affirming.
I affirmed robotically. I didn’t do it continuously because I get migraines easily, but I would remember to do it whenever I had thoughts I needed to flip.
Ex: My life sucks —> I am living my desired life
I even visualized my desired life to distract myself from the 3D. Because as Kiwi says, the 4D (your imagination) is what creates reality. So, call me cruel, but when I found out about the diagnosis I did not cry. I was absent minded because I knew that it would change in an instant if I wanted it to.
My (short) void experience
Last night I went to bed and ngl I forgot to affirm before sleeping 💀. Buttt I woke up sometime later and I noticed my room looked a little weird and that’s when I knew that I was lucid dreaming. I had never lucid dreamed before, so I was shocked how real everything felt. The only thing that I noticed that made me realize was the fact that I had 6 fingers. I automatically started saying “I am in the void” and then I felt my consciousness start to float out of my body. And then for like 2 seconds it was pitch black and I couldn’t hear anything but my own voice in my head. But I got scared and left right away. I awoke back into the lucid dream and then awoke in this reality.
I’m definitely going to enter again! And Kiwi, I wanna thank you so much for this challenge, without it I would have probably been stuck in a cycle of doubt and laziness forever. Btw I love your blog 💗
TL;DR: Circumstances don’t matter, only the 4D matters. Robotic affirming is key.
I’m sorry for your hard circumstances but the way you carry yourself so confidently around them is amazing!!! You’re not cruel for not crying, you’re just stepping into your own power and acknowledging that you can bend anything to your will at any instant!
Can’t wait to hear your success story!!💗
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bleuczennie · 9 months
i love ur sung smut soooo much omg!!!! there is not enough dom!ji on this app so ur blog is much appreciated LMAO
could u write inexperienced!reader w soft!dom jisung pls 🫶🫶🫶
genre: inexperienced!reader, soft!dom!jisung, older!jisung
tags: smut, foreplay, fluff, loss of virginity, slight jealousy, lmk if i forgot anything :)
jisung loved that you were so innocent, he loved that you trusted him enough to take your virginity. it made him very happy when you actually made the first move, curiosity getting the best of you when you started to hear all your friends and peers raving about engaging in the forbidden act of sex.
jisung was the boy next door, your closest friend in the neighborhood. he was a little over 2 years older than you, but both of you took quite a liking to each other as little kids, always joined at the hip and sobbing obnoxiously whenever your mothers would have to pry you too apart.
as time went on and you both grew older it seemed like jisung grew at a completely faster rate than you, almost doubling in height and standing a complete head taller than you. it seemed as he matured faster too, having heard stories and rumors from the other seniors about him, even after he’d graduated. he had quite the reputation with the ladies, but unfortunately none of them were able to get anything more than a one night stand out of him.
you grew more curious as you continued to hang out with him, not just seeing him as a childhood bestfriend, but as something more. you began to notice his cologne whenever he’d hug you or when you’d cuddle up to him as you always have, even as a child. you would catch yourself getting lost in his veiny arms, or his soft and plump lips. you’d notice the butterflies and the throbbing between your legs whenever he’d pin you down during your play fights, easily overpowering you with that signature grin of his.
it was finally summer break, and you’d gathered all the courage you had in you, waiting till you guys hung out alone at his house again, to make the move. you watched him closely as he played his game on the edge of his bed, hands occupied with the controller as you propped yourself against the headboard. you slowly slid off the bed and padded to the end of the bed towards jisung.
he glanced over at you before you climbed into his lap, straddling your legs across his legs as he made room for you to sit, smoothing your hair down. “what’s wrong?” he said, noticing you shift and squirm in his hold.
“‘want you…” you whispered, almost inaudible as jisung brought his ear closer to you, unable to hear you the first time. “what’s that, baby?”
you shiver at the pet name, sounded worlds more different than every other time he’s called you that in the most platonic of ways. you place your hands on his shoulder and roll your hips forward experimentally, hoping to give him a hint without having to say it out loud. “please, ji… take me,” you mumble, eyes cast down to avoid his. the controller hits the ground with a clatter and you feel his hands on your waist, bruising grip as he feels his dick jump in his basketball shorts.
“fuck, what’s gotten into you, baby?” jisung gasps as you roll your clothed cunt onto his clothed cock again, using his hands to guide you onto him with more force.
you moan out as his hardening cock slides against your folds, making your shorts bunch and ride up around your upper thighs.
suddenly he spins you both around and places you down on the bed, your head hitting the pillow with a soft thud as you watch him walk to the game console and switch it off. your heart rate picks up as he stalks toward you like a predator, the situation suddenly dawning on you.
“um, ji? you know i’ve uh… never done this before..” you mutter, nervous fingers playing with the hem of your shirt as you feel jisung’s large hands caressing it’s way up your legs and spreading out over your soft thighs. the sensation makes you rub them together almost instinctively and jisung looks at your face fondly before chuckling deeply.
“i know baby girl, i’m gonna take it nice and slow okay? i’m gonna make you feel so good.” jisung rasped as he settles himself on the bed in between your legs, massaging your leg with his left hand and traveling up your torso with his right.
his hard cock was confined in his pants, pushing at the seams of his basketball shorts as he lowered himself down to you, caging you under him before crashing his lips against yours.
your hands flew to his pitch black locks in a desperate attempt to anchor yourself, moaning into his mouth as he rolled his hips expertly into yours, brushing up against your throbbing core. he swallows all your gasps and noises as he cups your jaw, drawing circles into your hot cheek.
he breaks the kiss to begin his descent down your body, starting at your neck. he suckles and kisses the side of your neck, finding the spot that makes you writhe with ease. you buck your hips up to meet his involuntarily as your shorts start to stick to your drippin cunt and you spread your legs even further apart, inviting him closer.
his warm fingers inch under your shirt and tease your sides, sending a violent shiver up your spine, and he breaks away to look into your eyes, “wanna keep going?”
you nod frantically, eyes hooded and dripping with lust. jisung tugs at your top first, and you sit up for him to pull it off your body, his shirt following yours to the growing pile of clothes next to the bed.
he pulls you into another bruising kiss and you place your hands on his bare chest, nails softly piercing his pecs. he expertly unhooks your bra with one hand, and lays you back down on the bed as he continues his way down your body.
he sucks a nipple into his mouth, rolling it around his tongue as he kneads and massages the other. you arch your back off the bed and your head falls back onto the pillow as you moan loudly, the slight plain mixing with the pleasure making your head fog with lust.
“ji, please.. i need you” you say, hands desperately wandering along his back and biceps. he finally releases your breast with a ‘pop’ sound and he grins at you, “eager, aren’t we?” he says as he leans back to bring your legs up and slide your shorts and panties off your legs.
he gasps softly when he spreads your legs again and sees just how eager you are, letting out a groan as he grips both of your inner thighs, dangerously close to where you needed him most.
he stares in awe, pulling your pussy lips apart with his thumbs on either side. all you can do is turn your head, partially hiding in the pillow as he takes his long middle fingers and drags a slow line up your slit, making you gasp and shiver from the stimulation. he curses as he collects your fluids on his digits and raises it up to his mouth, eyes rolling back and a moan falling from his lips as he sucks his fingers deeper into his mouth.
he pulls them from his mouth, wet and slippery from his saliva and positions it at your entrance, while focusing on your face. he slowly sinks his thick long digits into your wet heat, thumb instantly drawing circles into your already sensitive clit. you squirm and mewl out as you fist the sheets, eyes screwed shut and eyebrows furrowing as you feel the immense pleasure in waves. his fingers curl up to press a spot that has your body arching up off the bed, moans growing in volume.
jisung grins as he picks up the pace a little, thrusting in and out of your cunt in long and steady movements. he places his free hand on the side of your neck, pulling you up to kiss him as he goes faster.
you moan as your body trembles, feeling an unfamiliar tension grow deep in your belly. you break the kiss as you start to pant, stomach contracting as you hug jisung closer. before you can register what’s happening, jisung pulls his soaked digits away from your pussy.
“wha- ji,” you say breathlessly, as you see him lean over to his bedside dresser, “why’d you stop?”
he smiles and looks at you as he holds up a condom, wrapped in yellow foil paper, “can’t forget protection, right?”
you nod absently as he pulls his basketball shorts down just past mid-thigh, exposing his long since neglected cock. he hisses as it slaps against his stomach, the tip an angry red and beading with precum. his curved length was nothing short of impressive, veiny with just the right amount of girth, and you can’t help but feel a little jealous at all the girls that also got to witness it.
he grips the base of his dick while he rolls the condom on, eyes flickering to you again to see your entranced expression. “it’ll only hurt a little bit, but i need you to work with me okay?” he says, but it falls on deaf ears because all you can think about was his size. he was definitely longer than you imagined, how was he gonna fit?
“hey, you still with me princess?” jisung says, cupping your chin and pulling your head up to make eye contact with him. you try to shake the nervousness free and nod slowly, leaning in the touch. “you still okay with this?”
“yes, please ji, hurry..” you say, pulling him down with you and gasping as his hard length taps against your swollen clit.
jisung wastes no time in lining himself up with your entrance, dragging himself up and down your slit before he slowly pushes inside, invading your sopping cunt.
you suck in a harsh breath at the instant stretch, tears springing to your eyes, and your breath get caught in your throat as more of his size slides into you.
“shh, it’s okay baby, relax for me okay?” jisung shushes you softly as he strokes your hair and your cheek. you loosen up your body and let out a sigh when he started to slide in easier, eventually bottoming out with a groan.
his head drops to your neck as he catches his breath. “fuck, so tight,” he moans as he slowly pulls out, and grabs your thighs, spreading them further. he develops a slow and steady pace, making sure to pay attention to your reactions. every thrust in makes you jolt, his perfectly curved length replacing his fingers in massaging your g-spot. your eyes fall shut as you moan out his name, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“eyes on me angel,” you hear jisung say as he taps the side of your thigh. you flutter your eyes open, struggling to keep up with the intense pleasure wracking your body. jisung chuckles dryly, lopsided grin on his face as he takes in your body. cute, he thinks as he starting to thrust into you harder, faster. his length hit deep inside of you, rocking you against the bed with each thrust.
you grow short of breath, fingernails digging into his back as you cling to him. you’re basically whining now, short and choppy moans from the impact of his thrusts. he curses as he keeps the same pace, now teasing your clit with small and tight circles.
the unfamiliar feeling is back, barreling towards you at full speed. the temperature in the room seems to spike, and you desperately push at his abdomen to get him to slow down.
“wait, ji! i feel… i think..” you try to say in between moans, but jisung pulls your hand from his stomach and pins it above your head, a mischievous grin on his face.
“c’mon princess, you can do it.” he purrs, his thumb applying more pressure on your clit. “i’m so close too, gimme all you got,”
you cry out as you finally let go, your core bursting as you lose yourself in the pleasure. you grip the sheets as you coat jisung’s cock in your cum, a white ring forming around the base of his cock. your pussy squeezes around his cock, making him choke around a moan. his hips finally stutter to a stop as he groans, shooting his load into the condom.
his head falls back as he gathers his breath, hands slowly releasing it’s bruising grip on your thighs. he slips out of you easily and discards the condom into the bin at the end of the bed, and tucks his softening length back in his shorts. he returns to see your limp body, eyes drooping and fluttering with exhaustion.
“you okay baby?” he whispers sweetly, planting a chaste kiss on your lips as he wipes the sweat glistening on your forehead. you nod and smile weakly, wrapping your arms around his neck as he picks you up bridal style.
“let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” he coos in your ear as you lay your head against his shoulder. you should’ve responded to him, but all you could register was that you’ve never heard any of the girls in your senior class mention jisung doing anything for them after sex besides ordering an uber for them to get back home.
and that made your heart swell with pride.
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choccy-milky · 7 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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omg hi i was the one who asked about your masterlist , your blog looks SO PRETTY IM IN LOVE !!!! ❤️
also if your requests are open here's one from me , if not that's completely fine . For once I just want to see this big beefy bulky man losing control , like hes just full on railing the reader and the reader does not stop even after they've both come so he's very overstimulated . There's something about big dominant men shaking with pleasure im gonna go eat some grass now
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Summary: Henry is always pushing your body to the limit. So, you decide to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ RPF, smut, unprotected p in v, overstimulation, male sub vibes, dirty talk, ball squeezing, bodily fluids, hyperspermia (it gets a little filthy hehe)- Let me know if I forgot anything!
Word Count: 1.4k
Any typos are my own!
A/N: Hi, nonnie! I’m so happy you like my blog 🥰 And thank you so much for the request! I’m stuck at home with covid and nothing to do but write so luckily I was able to get this out pretty quickly. Anywho, I present to you a very overstimulated Henry. I hope you enjoy, love you! ❤️
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Your body was still buzzing after both of you had reached your climax. Henry groaned when your nails dug into his back, his hips slowing as he rode out his orgasm. Desperately, you let out a whimper and shook your head.
His cum was so hot inside of you, and it did nothing to extinguish the fire in your center. All it did was make it burn greater. You still needed more. He couldn’t stop now. No way. 
“N-No, don’t stop.” You panted, trying to bring him closer when he went to pull away. “Again.”
“Again? Needy, are you?” Henry breathed, raising a brow with a grin. Although his refractory period was short, he hadn’t even pulled out of you yet. He needed a minute.
You two had been going for hours. The fact that he could make you so needy pleased him. He laughed, trying to catch his breath so he could continue
“Yes, again.” You grunted, narrowing your eyes while he grinned. 
He knew the things he did to you. He knew the constant craving your body had for him. And he loved it. Sick of his triumphant smirk, you pushed him off you.
It was obvious he let you over power him. There was no other way you could have pushed him around. Henry fell onto his back beside you with a hearty laugh, watching as you moved to straddle him. He moaned when you gripped his still hard cock.
Dripping with his cum, you placed one hand over your pussy. This effectively trapped whatever threatened to escape your hole. His cum needed to be savored. You wanted him to double the load already inside you.
You slid down onto him without giving him a chance to recover. Both of you gasped. He went in nice and easy with all of his cum still inside you. You rested for a second, leaning your head back with a moan. When you looked back at him, it was your turn to smirk
“W-Wait…” He whispered, holding you still with his hands on your hips. It looked like he was still trying to recover.
“Sensitive?” You grinned impishly, earning a warning snarl in response.
Henry’s face twisted. His full lips parted and his brows furrowed. You knew he had forced the same expression on your face dozens of times before. When he kept going, despite your overstimulated body.
It was time for a little bit of revenge.
Once more, you started to grind on him with your hips. He squeezed your flesh while letting out a feeble moan. You returned his sound with your own whimper, your hands coming down to rest on his chest. Henry growled when you lightly tugged on his chest hair.
“Watch it.” He warned you, hissing through his teeth as his eyes still remained closed.
“How many times have you made me cum in one night?” You questioned him rhetorically as he groaned under his breath. The answer was a lot. “And you want to stop after just one?”
“It’s different with men.” He grunted at you, making you scoff a little.
“If you can’t handle it, just say so.” You giggled breathlessly, watching his face. His eyes snapped open at that, exactly like you thought they would.
Henry never backed down from a challenge. He lightly dug his nails into the skin of your ass as he growled.
“I can handle it.” He snarled.
Not willing to back down either, you smirked, “We’ll see. You won’t last long.” 
His mouth dropped open when you clenched down onto him. Your pussy’s firm hold on him caused him to yelp. He didn’t seem so confident anymore. Although you could tell he wanted to argue, the vice grip you had on his cock prevented him from saying anything.
You began to bounce. Henry let out loud moans while laying under you. All he could do was hold onto you and let you ride him. So you rode him like your life depended on it.
He bottomed out inside of you each time you shoved yourself down onto his length. The little nubbin at the top of your slit scraped against the heated flesh of his shaft, causing you to gasp. Your walls pulsated around his throbbing dick.
By the way his jaw clenched and his eyes were pinched shut, it was obvious that all of his effort went into not cumming. However, you weren’t about to give up. He wasn’t going to outlast you.
You increased your effort tenfold. Your breasts swung back and forth as you bounced. You knew Henry would have drooled over them had he been looking. 
His skin slapped against your own as you yanked yourself up and down his entire length. The loud moans you both let out almost rattled the windows.
When Henry started to shake, you knew you were winning this little battle. You slowed your hips to a grind and reached behind you to place your hand on his undercarriage. His eyes sprung open when he felt your touch on his balls.
You grinned proudly. As you gave his sack a gentle squeeze, you watched his expression. It made the big, beefy man whimper.
“Ah, fuck…” He hissed when you gave another squeeze, his back arching off the bed. He had to be aching by the way his balls swelled in your palm.
“These are just throbbing, puppy.” You cooed, teasing as your hips never stopped rolling. The nickname made a harsh tremble rip through him. 
“Seems like you’re about ready to cum again. So soon, too…” Your other hand fell to his chest, grazing your thumb over his nipple. He jumped again with a low whine.
The sound only made you squeeze him again. His thighs were trembling, his muscles straining as he desperately tried not to cum. Still, he tried to outlast you. So stubborn. You knew how to break him. 
Pausing for a split second, you rolled your lower half in the way you knew always made him weak. If you were being honest, it also made you weak. His tip grazed the most sensitive spot inside you repeatedly. It was enough to make you cry out loudly.
“You want to fill me up again? I can feel how bad you’re aching for it.” You gasped. 
He loved it when you talked dirty with him. So you gave him filth. 
“Can’t you feel all that cum still inside? Don’t you wanna bust another load in me, puppy? C’mon, do it. One more time, fill me up.” You panted, desperately trying to work both of your overstimulated bodies to climax. 
Your dirty talk worked. With one loud howl, he emptied himself inside you. The sensation was enough to push you over the edge again. Your orgasm ripped through you right after his, making you fall forward onto his chest.
For the first time ever, you recovered before him. You listened to his pitiful whimpers. He shook violently under you as you slowed the winding of your hips. His hands frantically gripped at you, clinging to your form. 
You looked at his face while resting your head on his shoulder. His skin dripped in sweat and brows were furrowed in what looked like pain. The mouthwatering pain of overstimulation, which he made you feel so many times before. It felt good being on the other side of the treatment.
Trailing your lips up and done his neck, you sweetly pulled him out of his orgasmic trance. Your lips softly smooched against his skin. You showed him the same affection he gave you after he worked your body to the limit.
Eventually, his heavy breathing slowed and he opened his eyes. You hummed when he groaned. He pressed his forehead against yours as he tried to recover. His breath tickled your lips, making you lazily kiss him.
“Revenge is so sweet.” You murmured with a smile, tracing his collarbone.
“You’re evil.” He huffed and chuckled as his hand rubbed your lower back.
“Yeah, but you love it.” You giggled, leaning back up.
Both of you hissed when he slipped out of you. Finally, his tender cock was able to begin softening. You stayed hovering over him for a moment, leaving your dripping pussy over his v-line.  
Henry watched as his cum slipped out of you in thick dollops. He moaned when it dripped onto his flesh, looking up at you when you sighed softly.
“Look at the mess you made, puppy. Filthy boy.” You clicked your tongue, still on a power high from hearing him whine for you.
Your words made him twitch again, gearing up for yet another round. How could his body still not be satisfied? His eyes rolled back with a groan. It was going to be a long night.
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A/N: I better go eat some grass after this one too 😅
Taglist: @sunshine-with-daisy @leigh70 @islacharlotte @lysarria @kebabgirl67 @pandaxnienke @identity2212  Credits: Divider- @firefly-graphics
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Omg tysm! The last request was very cute. :3 I have ONE MORE.slashers at a pool party ★ ★ for like, summer lol lol
Also, I really luv your blog, its so cute :33
Omg yay summer themed headcanons! Sadly it's cold today but I will try to get into mood😍
Sfw, they/them
Summer(mostly pool and swiming) with slashers!!
Billy Lenz
Buy god damn SUNSCREAM he will be red after 10minutes of hanging out outsite
The sun is a deadly laser
Pretends he is a shark and attacks their legs when underwater
Also loves to splash and do waves
spooked of hairdryer and comb, he rather look like wet rat
Begs them to buy those funny shaped rubber things that you can lay on (guys I have no clue how those are called so I iwol just put photo at the end of fic if you are confused
Micheal Myers
Hm no
No i dont think i will
The closest he ever been to big body of water was when he was drowning somone
I doubt he can swim, so even if he would appear in pool he would just walk on bottom, hhh goofy
Hates wet cothes
And sun
And hot temperatures
Brahms Heelshire
Hhehe water
This guy won't swim, he will just lay/sit in water
Guy looks like dead body lol he just... lays there?
But when s/o gets near he will jump attack them, also.... nice outfit s/o
He is definitely type of guy who loves summer
Will forgot sunscreen and turn into tomato soup
Purr hot weather he like
I swear s/o jumped into water for fun and this guy had the biggest heart attack of century "AAA MATE WHY DID OU JUMP!! WHO KNOWS IF ITS SAFE??? WHO KNOWS MAYBE WATER IS TOXIC?? DONT DO THAT!" he also jumped right after them lol
After making sure that, no yaujta water isn't poisonous and yes s/o can swim
Probably he can easly stand on bottom and still have (at least) his chest above water level
Also will pick s/o up while they are mid-swim like' a fish👹 and later throws them back in water ya go
Asa Emory
Will just vibe at shore, sunbathing
Yeah your doing great love, nice swimming... now lemmie just lay down and zzz
Acts like that one mom on beach that never enters water and just doest really care
Yeah yeah just dont drown and do no splash me, if you splash me im going to take your PlayStaton4 privileges
A mimir
Also while yall go next to pool he is 100% throwing them in
Eeh you sure about that?? Water
He will stick to shallow part of pool
Going to be worried about s/o especially if they do some epic tricks. Yeah that's cool that you can do a flip in water but pls it's scary :(
He enjoys doing lil splashes and just picking them up
Pls hold his hand
Eddie gluskin
Oh my love nice outfit you got
Huh me? Water? Aw don't be silly honey
He will just stick to sitting on edge of pool and watching them swim, do not splash him!! His outfit is too pretty >:( grr
If s/o pushes him into water he will litteraly try to drown them (in wacky way)
He is the one inviting them! He found some random lake in middle of knowhere lol
Will probably do some dumb contest 'yo swims there the fastest gets a free kiss🤭' *points at other shore 5km away*
Will pick them up underwater and be like "haha look what cool fish I found i Will totaly make dinner out of you" drags out of lake and tickles or something idk hes weird
Also im writing this right before the most important exam of this month cuz if I wont pass it I wont pass this year🥳🤪 wish me luck, chemisty sucks
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thats the billy lenz thing i was talking about.
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acotar-taylorsversion · 3 months
Another Little Rant
I'm sorry, but not everyone wants Lucien.
Not his court. Not his brothers. Not Tamlin. Not his mate.
Rhys only puts up with him for the sake of an alliance. And I think Feyre only keeps him around because of the friendship they once had. Azriel hates him and I don't think Cassian, Mor, and Amren care enough to about him to really say anything.
This is why he's finding his own place and home with the Band of Exiles. Hence the name.
Now, don't go thinking I hate Lucien. I can hear y'all now thinking I'm the worst person because I don't put him on a pedestal. I don't particularly care for him. I only see him being beneficial to Vassa's story, because I do think the small moments between them are cute and they might actually mean something. I'm convinced that this is one of the very few reasons why she has kept him around this long. I never found Lucien as this exciting, funny character. I almost put down acotar when it first came out because I found Tamlin boring and Lucien annoying and I was convinced Feyre was either gonna end up with the boring one or the annoying one (but then Rhys came along 🥰). The only thing that got me through the beginning of acomaf was because I could smell feysand from a mile away. And don't even get me started on the end of that book.
I don't see the appeal in elucien at all. I'm convinced the only reason people support that ship is because of the fact that they are mates and they have this unusual obsession with Lucien. Don't know why, honestly. I don't know how people can read where Elain literally loses her newfound boldness, shrinks into herself, and literally hides in the kitchen refusing to pour water in a cup to make him tea and think "omg I can't wait for them to fall in love 😍." Like, if Sarah makes them endgame then I will be convinced that she forgot about every other acotar book she has written. And don't say "well if you don't want to read about fated mates, don't read acotar." She's talking about rejecting the bond and exploring what happens after and who's the only other couple who hasn't accepted their bond yet? Yeah, that's right, Elain and Lucien. I can only assume it's gonna be them who reject the bond. And yes, that would mean Lucien not having his mate. But, you know what, he's a grown ass man and he's not the baby everyone treats him to be. "Poor baby Lucien, he'll be so heartbroken." "He deserves his mate, he deserves to be happy."
Like what about Elain? Eluciens don't care about Elain at all and nothing will ever convince me that they do. She has found her place in the Night Court with her sisters, and her new friends. She is happy there. She is finally accepting her new life now, and she's doing all of that without Lucien.
Sorry for the rant, y'all. I don't care if no one likes this or comments on this or anything. this is my blog and it is my safe place to express how I feel at certain moments.
And, please if you disagree with me, then by all means let me know. I'm open to any and all discussions.
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wegc · 5 months
hi pretty!! hru and happy new year <3 school starts next week which means i have to start prepping from this week (really i should’ve been revising all break but wtv🫣) which means u will probably be seeing less of me for now BUT!!! i will do my best to check in and torment u with my filthy thoughts as often as i can LOL.
current brainrot is changbin absolutely manhandling you with his big strong ass, cause you just had to be a brat today for some reason. sneaking off to the bathroom to fuck yourself open with fingers that are nowhere near as good as his and send him recordings of your pretty, whiny moans. running your brand new nails (that he paid for bc i am a firm believer that bin would spoil his girl like mad) over his cock through his jeans while you’re both out with the members. there’s really only so much a man can take—which is why the second you get home, he’s throwing you over the arm of the couch and dragging your panties down. “bunny wanted to act like a slut all day, she’s gonna get fucked like one, yeah? look at this cunt, all messy and dripping f’ me. this is what you’ve wanted, huh? needy girl.” shoves your legs open and fingers you until you’re grinding on his hand and damn near sobbing. “bet this feels better than whatever you were doing to yourself earlier. dumb little bunny, trying to be a brat. all you gotta do is ask nicely and i’ll give you whatever you want, you know that.” doesn’t even bother to tell you when he wants you to move, just throws you around like a doll or grabs you with one arm and moves you around himself.
at one point he pulls you up from your hands and knees and wraps an arm around your throat to pin you to his broad chest. his thick cock has been practically splitting you open for god knows how long now—you’re so fucked out that you’ve stopped keeping track—and the couch cushions underneath you are soaked with your release. when bin reaches down to your clit again with his other hand, you whimper and feebly try to buck away from him. he just laughs and tightens his grip on you, cooing, “be a good little slut and take what i’m giving you, bunny” in your ear in a soft voice that’s a total contrast to the way he’s fucking ruining you. and how could you ever say no?
(this may or may not be motivated purely by changbin’s aaa performance outfit because good GOD why did he look even bigger and beefier than usual i want him so bad)
-🍒 anon
OHFMY GODF. . . do i even say anything at this point . . . what is there left to say holy fucking shit i am going insane this was so good ARE U SURE U DONT HAVE UR OWN BLOG BECAUSE IF NOT!!! GET ON IT!!!
omg omg omg i forgot who in skz said this but someone said that changbin becomes increasingly attractive while he’s eating AND HDHEHFDEDFFFD someone on twitter posted a video of him chowing down on some food and holy fuck the angle that video was taken from made his arms look so big and beefy, i replayed it for what felt like an hour.
BUT ! back on topic ! you would have to annoy changbin a lot for him to snap at you and fuck you this roughly because you’re his baby :( it’s okay if you’re a little spoiled :( he’ll always take care of you :(
but holy fuck, was his week horrible. he and chan got into a petty argument, their choreographer was up his ass about their upcoming award show performances, and all he wanted to do was fuck you slowly and sweetly like you deserved. but no! he was stuck in the practice room for another three hours and like a little minx, you sent him videos of you spreading your cunt open. if he wasn’t so pent up and tortured, he would scoff at how small the stretch of your fingers must have been compared to his thick cock.
you are IN FOR IT as soon as he reaches home. he couldn't care less about what you were doing. if you were on the phone—the call ended; if you were texting someone—power off; if you were cooking —no problem! he’s turning the stove off and shoving your hips aggressively against the counter, sliding your soaked, lace panties to the side after he’s bunched up your dress to your waist, and fucking his cock right into your greedy little cunt.
his hands would leave bruises on your hips with how firmly he would be gripping them and your ass would be so sore from his continuous smacks because changbin really couldn't control his temper after his shit show of a week.
and if fucking you in the kitchen wasn’t enough, he’ll fuck you in the living room, office, against your balcony window, in the laundry room, in the bedroom, and finally—the shower. your poor hole would be gaping by the end of his abuse, all spent and dribbling with his loads of cum :(
i can just imagine you’re all fucked out by the end of it and still, binnie grips your face and squeezes it harshly, forcing your lips to form a pathetic little pout :(
“see what happens? wanna try that again? sluts like you can’t go a second without being stuffed, huh?”
“do i need to do this every time, honey? do i have to teach you a lesson every day?”
“fussy girl. you knew i’d take care of you—still had to annoy me though, hm?”
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mwebber · 10 months
what are your favourite martian moments? 😺
thank u for asking eve i'm so glad i get to talk about two of my favourite people on god's green earth <3 in no particular order just off the top of my head...
#1: ABU DHABI 2022 i cannot state just how much brain damage this moment did to me. like i vividly remember freaking the fuck out about the martian interview on sky and talking to the besties and barbi @brawn-gp was like omg another moment do u want me to clip. and i was like YEAH YES. PLEASE. I LOVE YOU (i love you <3) and then i saw it and blacked out and when i awoke it was to this. unparalleled brainrot Truly there will never ever be another
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#2. MARRIAGE QUOTE do i need to say anything else. when i saw this for the first time i think i nearly had an aneurysm
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#3. SINGAPORE 2008 their first real red bull date.......... i think about them sitting on that couples rickshaw every monday giggling with each other generally being blushy messes sharing secretive smiles like they're the only ones in on a joke. also mark pretending to push seb off a building only to catch him STOP my heart is melting
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(tumblr is being dumb and won't credit the gifs properly but they're from thnx-mate-blog)
#4. VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT this is unironically my favourite pic of seb to ever seb. and of course he's looking at mark. no further comments
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#4.5 THE OTHER VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT. this photo is still so mind-boggling like why the fuck are you looking at each other like that. hi. hello?
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#5. MONACO 2010 HUG.
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#6. MAKE LOVE TO EACH OTHER / ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FIRST TIME. it's literally so fucking funny to me that red bull saw everybody's martian brainrot and was like. wouldn't it be so fucked up if we dropped that mark buttered seb's muffin after china 2009. twirls hair. haha wouldn't it be soooo random. if we did that
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#7. WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IMAGE IS. i can't even look at it for too long i start feeling funny in my tummy
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#8. SEB'S LONGING STARE. i ccant believe i forgot this one it should be higher up perhaps
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#9. AUSTRALIA 2016/2017. their podiums are SSOOOOOOO.
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#10. MATCHING PORSCHES. is it hot in here? do you feel feverish? i feel feverish
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#11. RIGHT ONE'S HEAVIER. monaco 2021 when mark casually revealed how much he knows seb still after all this time that seb was like ".. yeah!" like he himself was pleasantly surprised that mark still cares and oh god. somebody hold me
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#12. NEARLY SKINNY DIPPING AU CANADA. caliss de tabarnak attache ta tuque mark nhabille pas des sous vetements criss de tabarnak de caliss d'esti de sacrament de
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(from thnx-mate-blog)
13. VERY GOOD. i just know they had a Conversation after mark retired that was soo insightful and healing that they still reference to this day. they're very good with each other. btw. if u didn't know.
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14. LOVER'S TIFFS. i can't. i can't think about them anymore i think i need to be put in a straightjacket and locked up
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#15. 2013 PRIZE GIVING. the way they look at each other...... i'd write 5 million words of rpf too
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there's literally so many more moments i want to include on here like mark's "i hope when i'm 70 they're not still asking if i love sebastian" or top gear when mark was like "my dad always said you shouldn't hit boys mate" or when seb and mark were at hangar 7 post 2010 and he went for the wettest limpest high five hand hold known to man or when mark massaged seb's shoulder in australia 2009 or their 1-2 podiums in 2009 or in 2020 when mark was like i've moved on from ferrari for u or "seb didnt expect sex in monaco" or china 2010 when they were bitching with each other or when seb was like i don't understand what he's saying half the time or when seb was on mark's shoulders for a red bull stunt or when they played cricket in australia 2012 or when mark was like we're very well-suited to each other both very handsome in that one magazine or when mark addressed their relationship in like 2014 and said we wished each other well in austria as you do or after multi 21 when seb was like i was racing i was faster i passed him i won and mark was like a cheetah never changes its spots we'll be fine or early on when mark was like we'll get hot chocolate together and i'll be going on about smth that happened before seb was born and he'll roll his eyes or when seb was like i learned a lot from mark or when seb said he'd give mark free hotel toiletries for his bday or when they copied each other trying to put stickers on their car or when someone changed seb's wikipedia page to say he's dating mark or when they did their pepe jeans butt ad or turkey 2011 when they all but caressed each other in 4k or the brazil 2011 cheek cradle or their websites i haven't even talked about their websites yet [I AM FORCIBLY DRAGGED AWAY]
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propertyofwhitney67 · 22 days
For the prompt event!!! M!Whitney x F!PC with stepcest, pregnancy, and domestic stuff? not quite sure if i could ask for three prompts, so feel free to pick from those three if i listed too much!!
I also really love your writing btw :DD you were one of the first DOL blogs I followed! Keep up the great work!!
Mother knows Best
M!Whitney x F!Reader
Prompt Event: stepcest, pregnancy, domestic stuff
Words: 422
Tw: Pregnancy, stepcest/pseudocest,
Note: Oh my goodness!!! Thank you so much, omg I’m gonna cry. I can’t believe I wasn’t following you already, I’m so scatterbrained. I loved this so much that I had to do all three.
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My thoughts are running wild, I can’t even focus on my book. I rubbed my pregnant stomach, my big stepbrother's baby. Whitney’s baby. I sighed deeply, I don’t regret it but it’s been hard. People talk and rumors spread.
I didn’t notice said big brother walk into the room and sit down till I felt him lay in my lap. His weight pulled me from my thoughts, his presence was comforting. I ran my fingers through his hair as he turned the tv on, “Hey.” He hummed but didn’t answer, resting his head on my stomach and changing the channel. I shook my head and smiled, going back to my book. “Love you too.” 
He rubbed my thigh lovingly and joked, “You love your big brother? How sick.”
I lightly slapped him upside the head, “You should be grateful I love you. Do you don’t want an angry pregnant woman on your hands?” He knew I was sensitive about that.
Whitney answered almost instantly, “No.” He’s seen how I can get when I’m upset or don’t get what I want. “I don’t.”
As if to emphasize my words, I felt the baby kick, hitting Whitney who was resting his head on my stomach. “They agree.”  I smiled and went back to my book, feeling the baby kick some more.
He chuckled lowly, lifting my shirt to show off my stomach and rubbing it. He all but forgot about whatever show was on the tv, focusing on the baby growing in my stomach. “I can’t wait to meet you…” I heard Whitney whisper, trying to be quiet. I smiled widely behind my book but stayed silent, enjoying listening to him talk to our baby. They would sometimes kick in response to whatever Whitney was talking about.
“Having fun?” I asked, turning a page in my book. 
He hummed happily, “I think they like me more than you.”
I rolled my eyes, putting my book down to the side. “Oh really?” I asked before crossing my arms.
“Yep.” He kissed my stomach and pulled my shirt back down. “I think she’s going to be a daddy’s girl.”
I raised a brow and crossed my arms, “Since when are they a girl? I thought we were keeping it a surprise?” We specifically agreed on it being a surprise.
Whitney sat up, smirking. “A father knows.” He explained, rubbing my thigh again.
I pursed my lips and hummed, “Uh huh, I thought a mother knows best?” 
He dropped his head and mumbled under his breath, “Fuck…”
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crowleyholmes · 5 months
hi there chris! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art!) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
Hiiii omg this is so sweet and means a lot to me, thank you! 🥺💕
I've been meaning to do a little end-of-the-year shoutout/love post for some of my favorite blogs, so I hope you don't mind if I use your ask as the perfect excuse!
I've had many fun years on tumblr, but this one has been extra special. Falling into the Good Omens fandom and meeting all of you amazing people has made this year so so SO much better than it otherwise would have been, so here are some special shoutouts (apologies, I'm sure this will get long, things like this tend to get away from me, so I'll put it under a read-more)
@majortomyourcurcuitsdead SASHA can you believe I was going to just send you an anon telling you that I think you're cool and leave it at that. Can you believe it. WELL thank Somebody you had your anon turned off and I had to expose myself in your dms because it feels like we just instantly connected about like 20 different things and haven't stopped talking since sskjdfhs anyway I'm so happy I met you you're so fun and so clever and so talented and so enthusiastic and I've only known you for like. What 2 months?? Ish? But I already love you so much <3
@lineffability !!! Line you are so *struggles to find words* you're just great is what you are okay. I feel like you are what happens when somebody takes a big cup and puts six shots of love, chaos, sunshine, talent, fun, and enthusiasm into it, generously sprinkles intelligence on top and gives it a good stir. I don't even remember how or when or why we started talking tbh? But your creativity is so inspiring, and some of my favorite tumblr-moments of this year have been 'yes-and'ing with you about one thing or another in a very >:3 manner hahah so! my point is! i love you lots <3
@dontbotheraziraphale Teeeedddd you're wonderful, I vented at you one time and then we talked for like 2 hours and at the end of that 1 conversation I already considered you a friend - and not just in that "tumblr mutuals who talk 1 time are my friends" kind of way but like. Genuinely. You're so kind and so fun and every time we talk it's such a good time ily a lot my bro my buddy my man <3
@crikey01 Tallulah HI I also completely forgot how we started talking but I remember connecting the dots that you were the one who painted those INSANE black and white and gold oil paintings and the way my jaw dropped like?? BRO you're so talented I admire you so much! And I love that we bonded over stopping each other from masochistically checking certain peoples' blogs... 😂 Anyway you're so sweet and fun and ily lots <3
The list could probably go on but you four are the people I've talked to most on here and you're the tumblr chat boxes I never close but always just minimize and y'all better see this as the ultimate internet declaration of affection that it Clearly is >:D 💕
And here are some more shout-outs because I just HAVE to.
Apologies, I know I've already tagged a bunch of you recently in a mutuals appreciation post but. This is my official thank-you-for-2023 post and I just have a lot of love for you all okay sorry feel free to ignore this <3
@rowan-ashtree (i'll text you back soon I promise I'm sorry I just haven't had the brain-space recently ssjkdfh) @crawley-fell (we've never talked but i love you from afar :')) @ineffabildaddy @llokilaufeyson @actual-changeling @saryasy @hyperfocusthusly @beccibarnes @rainbowcrowley @thesherrinfordfacility @goodoldfashionednightingale @wibbly-wobbly-blog @highlyillogicalandroid (i see your data obsession and i agree <3) @tortugay @foolishlovers @stargazing-crowley @gingiekittycat @weasleywrinkles @bildads-shoes @finleycannotdraw @bowtiepastabitch @heytherefluffy @samwwise @nocturnal-birb @athousandyearstime @angelsdiningattheritz @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer @jedthesecretdreamer @wraithee @hydrangeadangea @southfarthing @frodo-baggins @mobius-m-mobius
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freshbakedbreadstick · 11 months
No. 1 Party Anthem - Mikey Berzatto x F!Reader - Chapter One
Past!Mikey Berzatto x F!Reader
Carmy Berzatto x F!Platonic!Reader
Richie Herimovich x F!Platonic!Reader
Summary: You finally grab the bear by its ears and face it head on, despite all the unanswered questions. 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of the content. Heavy spoilers. Mentions of self harm, grief, death, mental health issues, strained relationships, smoking.
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: OMG thank you all for all the kind words and love ! ! ! I'm gonna b honest with you all, after i posted the prologue I completely logged out of my account for the week LOL I was SO nervous abt it and so I just left it alone 😭 but I'm back with the first official chapter ! Also, I am opening the taglist for this series, so please let me know if you want to be tagged ! Thank you to one of you lovely readers for asking about that ❤️ your comment was very appreciate bc tbh I completely forgot abt even considering making one 💀 thank u babes ily and I hope you all enjoy !!!
Taglist: @marysucks-blog
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The rumble and honk of a car driving quickly down the street took you out of your thoughts. 
Here you were, once again, on the sidewalk and across the street from The Beef. This time, it was not some odd hour of the night but rather 4 o'clock in the evening. 
After tossing and turning all night long, you rose early that morning much to the insistence of your mom and dad, who were very much eager to get you to reunite with Natalie, with bags under your eyes and stiff joints. You trudged around the house, jumping at every small noise that somewhat resembled the notification sound of your phone, before finally giving up and plopping down on the sofa to send Sugar a text. 
'Hi Sugar, it's me. Nice to talk to you again. I'll swing by The Beef at around 4 if that's okay with you.' 
About 5 minutes later, a loud buzz made you drop a glass of water to the floor.
'Of course! I'm so happy to hear from you! I can't wait (:' 
You could feel a pit forming in your stomach as you read the message. You can practically hear the way her voice lifts in excitement as you read it. To make matters worse, the smiley face felt like it had a mind of its own and it was taunting you. It practically said 'Remember the good days? Remember how close you and Sugar were? Before everything happened?' 
With a shallow breath, you threw your phone onto the nearest soft surface and scooped the broken glass up with your bare hands.  
Your parents fussed around you all afternoon before you left. At first, they said it was to make sure you were okay with going over there but it became pretty clear that they were pretty much just making sure you weren't going to back out. While you understood why they were chasing you around like a chick chased their mother hen, you got tired of it really quickly.
"Mom, I'm serious, I'm okay!" You insisted, pulling your shoe on and pausing at the threshold of the front door. 
"Are you sure? Do you want us to come with you? How about you let us drive you-" 
"I'm fine!! I'm going now!" 
With a sigh, your mother glances at your father before nodding, "Alright honey, be safe." 
With a weak smile, you headed off. 
And now here you were, finding yourself halfway down the street and being honked at by someone in their car. 
Snapping back to the present after replaying your hectic morning, you jump at the realization that you were unconsciously halfway across the street and heading towards The Beef.
"GET OUT THE WAY!" The person in the car yelled, sticking their head out the window. 
You ran to the sidewalk and half slammed your body against the wall, chest heaving. You had no idea what took over you and made you move without thinking but here you are now, in front of the same place you vowed to never be at again after Mikey's death: The Beef.
"Fuck…" you murmured to yourself, trying desperately to catch your breath as you closed your eyes. 
Focusing on the sounds of tires on pavement and rustling leaves on trees, you took a breath. You counted from 1 to 100 and then back to 1 again. You then opened your eyes and counted 5 things you could see, 4 things you could touch…
With a hard swallow, you turned around, ready to walk to the front door now. It was past 4 now but from the messages you got earlier from Sugar, you knew that there was 'no rush' and to just 'come in the front door'. 
"I can do this, I can do this…" you whispered to yourself and lightly jumped in place, hyping yourself up. 
You pushed forward, rounding the corner of the wall and to the front door, when BAM! Some guy just slams into you. 
You fly backward, stumbling as you try your hardest to avoid falling onto the pavement. 
"Watch it, idiot!" Some guy in a high vis vest barks at you before marching away with a wrapped sandwich in his hand. 
You stare, mouth open in silent shock and confusion, unable to respond. If this guy had bumped into you about a year ago, you would have practically beat him up yourself. Mikey would've had to come out of the restaurant and drag you off the guy, laughing and cheering all the way. His strong arms would wrap around you and somehow lift you up and off, voice husky in your ear as he alternates between voicing good humored apologies to the guy who had the misfortune of being an asshole to you and murmuring about how hot you looked while you defended yourself.
But in this moment, all you could do was regain the little confidence you had and go back to the task at hand: walking in. 
You swallow before standing up straight, plastering on a faux confident but cool grin onto your face. With your head held high in a way that you used to do but doesn't feel like you anymore, you jam a fist into your pocket and use your other free hand to push the front door open and waltz in. 
Cooly, you scan the empty restaurant. It seems like the lunch rush was very much over by now and the last customer for a while before the dinner rush had crashed into you and left moments before. So now, it was just you and The Beef. 
"Give me one sec!" A loud and charmingly obnoxious voice yelled from the kitchen. 
Your facade slipped as you heard this voice. Instantly, your shoulders sagged as you let out a quiet but pained laugh under your breath. 
The booming voice of Richie got louder and louder as he came out of the kitchen and to the counter, "How can I help you-" 
He paused. You immediately stood up straight again, a wide and sly but fake grin spreading over your face. 
Richie blinked, frozen. His eyes were wide and mouth had dropped slightly open.
After a couple seconds, the awkwardness started to set in for you, prompting you to speak up, "Jesus, Richie, you look like you've seen a ghost." 
In an instant, Richie snapped back to reality with a grin on his face, "COUSIN!" 
You winced at the volume, apparently not being the only one as you heard a couple muffled groans and protests from the kitchen as well as someone saying "what?!"
Richie threw his arms out, wide, before dropping them and racing around the counter to you. With a laugh, Richie's arms enveloped you, squeezing tight. 
You stiffened up immediately, feeling bad for not reciprocating instantly like you used to do. But whether or not that bothered Richie, you would never know because as fast as he enveloped you in a hug, he pulled away. 
"Cousin, what the hell are you doing this side of the country, huh?!" He grinned and placed his hands on his hips. 
"Oh my gosh!" Another voice said. 
Your head whipped to see Sugar at the doorway to the kitchen. She clutched a clipboard in her arms but as both of your eyes connected, she let it fall to the floor with a clatter. 
You can see her eyes well with tears as she raced around the counter to join you and Richie and as she got closer, she blinked them away. A wary smile appeared on her lips as she stood next to you, making her look a cross between nervous and relieved. 
"Richie, give her some space. Oh my gosh, hi!!" Natalie gasped. 
You winced a bit and smiled, "Hey…" 
You wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and stay there forever. 
"Shit cousin, I had no idea you were coming here! If you let us know beforehand, we could've made you a welcome party or, or, or something!" Richie said, ignoring Natalie. 
"How the hell have you been? How was it out west? I heard you got back in town but had no clue you were coming over here to visit!" Richie continued, going on and on and on. 
You stared at him, eyeing the way he looked rugged and much more tired than usual. But Richie was the same old Richie, loud and brash but caring when he wanted to be. 
Your eyes wandered from Richie's frame over to Natalie, who seemed to be analyzing your body silently. Her eyes were filled with worry and her fingers rapidly intertwined with themselves as she gave you a look that meant to say, 'Is this okay? Are you okay?'
You glance back at Richie before your eyes fell behind the two and to the entrance of the kitchen where a crowd had formed. 
And in front of that crowd was Carmy. 
Your shoulders tensed up, visibly enough to make Natalie perk up and whip her head around to see what you were staring at and make Richie go silent. The two glanced at Carmy and, unbeknownst to you, gave him a look of warning. 
Carmy wiped his hands on the towel he had and stared back, silent. His body language was unreadable and you couldn't tell whether or not he was upset at seeing you. Either way, you could feel the hair on the back of your neck stand. 
"Carmy…" you said, voice hoarse. 
You cleared your throat and awkwardly nodded, acknowledging those around him. You recognized a couple faces and others seemed unfamiliar but either way, they all looked at you with curious and cautious eyes. 
After stewing in silence for a bit, Sugar spoke up, "Carmy… say hello". 
Carmy blinked, eyes still set on you making you feel pinned to the spot. You could feel your breakfast swirl in your stomach as his eyes glared into you, analyzing your every move. Finally, he nodded and turned around, making the crowd behind him part like the red sea as he moved back into the kitchen. 
Suddenly, another face appeared in the doorway of the kitchen before yelling out your name excitedly. Fak came racing out of the kitchen, following the same path that Richie and Natalie took, before stopping in front of you.
"Holy shit!," he exclaimed happily, "Your home!" 
Your shoulder sagged. 
You were home. 
He giggled to himself, not at all noticing your reaction "I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" 
"Jesus man, give her some space she just arrived," Richie began, already launching into an argument. 
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine!" Fak said, head snapping over to Richie before the two began to bicker. 
Natalie rolled her eyes at them and turned to you, still concerned, "Just ignore them. Are you okay, sweetie?" 
You stood up straight again, wiping the wide eyed expression you didn't even know you had on your face for one with a lazy smile, "Yea, I'm okay." 
She reached her arm out, hesitating for a second to see if you would reject her, before resting her hand on your forearm when you seemed okay with it. She gently ushered you around the bickering men and behind the counter, to the kitchen. The crowd watching dispersed with curious eyes and kind smiles from those you recognized, letting you two pass through. 
As you walked through the kitchen, gulping as your eyes retraced each corner and crevice you had tried to forget about, your eyes stopped briefly to look at Carmy. With his back towards you, he silently chopped some vegetables, seemingly ignoring what was happening around him. 
"Here we are," Sugar said, quietly announcing to you to get your attention. 
You turned and dug your heels into the ground, soles squeaking as you did so. Sugar jumped back and glanced at you. 
"Can we… I'd rather we talk outside." You announce, voice wavering in a way that made your previous confident persona waver. 
Right in front of you stood the door to the office; an office you were very much familiar with as you too had spent many times there. All those memories, all bittersweet at this point, came rushing back; the nights you spent arguing over bills and paperwork with Mikey, the days you came with a bag of donuts from your favorite shop nearby, the intimate moments where your and his lips connected behind the closed door, the moments in which you hid in the office and cried your heart out. 
Sugar noticed the way your eyes had become misty and promptly led you to the back door of the kitchen and to the alleyway.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, that's okay. We can talk here.” she said soothingly.
Her voice was so comforting, making you feel nauseous. You hated the way that Sugar would always act very motherly, even when you were all kids. 
With a shaky breath, you nodded and smiled anxiously, “I'm okay Sugar, you don’t need to worry.”
Glancing at you, Sugar smiled softly. But her smile quickly dropped when she scanned your features, taking in your face again. 
“You look,” she began quietly, “You look good.”
You chuckled to yourself, knowing damn well that she was wrong, “Thanks, you too.”
Richie bursts out the back door, with Fak in town, still bickering.
“My God you two, just stop!” Sugar yells, getting the two to finally snap their mouths shut. 
Fak playfully salutes Sugar, a knowing look on his face while Richie rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. 
“Yea whatever. I’m just happy to see you again, cousin.” Richie says, directing his body to you, with a tone of softness in his voice that felt so foreign that it made you shiver. 
“It’s nice to see you too,” you said softly, rubbing your hands on your thighs.
It was silent for a bit as the four of you all glanced at one another, unsure where to start and what to say. Each party had so much they wanted to say to each other at that moment, but you knew that the three people standing before you had the most to say to you. 
Carmy came out the back door, silent and unsurprised to see the four of you glance in his direction. He closed the door behind him and stood off to the side, away from all of you. He then proceeded to take out a pack and light a cigarette, quietly puffing. 
“Cousin, did you even say hello? It’s rude as hell to just ignore her,” Richie said, a bit agitated at his dismissive behavior.
Yet Carmy ignored him, staring out to the side and away from you all, his blue eyes flickering, but refusing to even glance in your direction.
You could feel your eyes prickle and your throat tighten, regretting even showing up. Carmy was the one person you haven't seen the longest and here he was, ignoring you as if you didn’t even exist.
“Hey,” Richie barked, taking you out of your thoughts, “At least look at her!”
Richie began to stomp forward to Carmy, making you and Sugar flinch as you watched. Fak moved forward, reaching out to Richie and mumbling quietly to get him to stop. Right before Richie could grab Carmy by the shoulder, Carmy spoke up.
“I’m glad you're okay.”
Your mouth dried up.
His eyes turned to you and all you could see in them was pained understanding. He knew you weren’t okay; an okay person wouldn’t just pack up and leave the night after her boyfriend’s funeral. But, he saw that you were alive and the fact that you showed up here after so long meant something. 
It meant that now you were okay.
“Thanks Carmy” you said, making everyone’s head turn to you. 
Richie rocked his jaw and nodded silently, stepping back from Carmy. 
The three of them watched as Carmy lifted his box of cigarettes and offered one to you. They then watched as you walked forward, arms that had wrapped around your body falling, to grab one. He fished his worn lighter from his pocket, carefully lighting the cig you held around your lips for you, before pocketing it and leaning back against the wall.
You take a deep drag, letting the nicotine smoke fill your lungs before exhaling. It soothed your nerves, reminding you of the moments that you spent outside with Carmy, avoiding the yells from inside the house during a Berzatto family event. 
Suddenly, a deep funny feeling began to strew about in your belly. It felt odd and you tried to suppress it, but you just couldn’t help it. You barked out a laugh. 
It surprised you and everyone, not at all expecting it. You felt your cheeks heat up, horrified as to why you just laughed. 
You breathed in, only for it to come out as another laugh. Your horror was then replaced with amusement, making you laugh even harder. 
Sugar, Fak, and Richie all averted their gazes, a mixture of remorse and shame written all over their faces. 
You laughed even harder, slamming your back against the wall before sliding into a crouch. Your body shook so hard as you laughed, barely able to keep the cigarette between your fingers. 
Carmy looked away, an empty look on his face as he too chuckled to himself. 
After laughing so much that your belly began to hurt, you finally spoke up between dissolving giggles, “What the fuck am i even doing here!?”
Natalie turned her back to everyone, clutching her body in her arms. Fak walked forward and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. You didn’t even look at him as he hooked one of his arms under your arm and helped you up from the floor to stand against the wall again. Your knees buckled slightly as you continued giggling and wheezing in an attempt to catch your breath.
Fak stepped back and sighed softly, watching your chest heave as your breathing began to stabilize. 
An uncomfortable silence fell as you caught your breath, leaving the four of you in limbo to listen to a couple cars pass by and the wind blow softly by.
Carmy straightened up, making everyone except Sugar turn to him. He dropped the cigarette he was smoking and crushed it under his shoe. He then reached behind him to untie the knot of his apron and then moved to his neck where he took it off completely. He thrusted it forward, pushing it to you.
“Okay Chef, break is over.” He said. 
You looked over at him, finding no fear or sadness on his face, before nodding and grabbing the apron. He stepped back and turned, moving to open the back door and step inside. 
Sugar, Fak, and Richie all turned to you.
“Break is over,” you repeated and began to tie the apron around yourself before opening the backdoor and walking back inside. 
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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kimsmuse · 11 months
Hiii, I just came across your blog, and I L O V E it! Since you said you were looking for a recommendation, here's one from me. Yandere school president. They have immense power at their school because not only are they the president, but their parents own the school. Their word is quite literally the law at this school. He just so happens to be head over heels in love and obsessed with you. Give in to their obsessive and possessive love or suffer the consequences. Since he holds so much power, he can make you a school outcast in less then a week, and he can have teachers fail you or pick on you for the stupidest reasons ever, he'll make your life a living hell at school if you don't accept his twisted and fucked up love, it's best to just be a good darling, and let yourself be loved on his own terms. It's a concept I've thought about a lot, but I haven't seen much of it. Anyways, thank you for your time, and keep up the good work!!!
okay okay omg first of all your brain???? this way too good and oml now i'm sad i spent my entire school life without a class prez like this :( but let's talk about this !!! this is mildly inspired by this one guy from the kdrama called taxi driver (ep 3) !!!
gender neutral!reader. warnings for obsessive behavior, mentions of killing someone but it's nothing graphic. blackmail/coercion type thing?? and typical yandere behavior.
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okay so yandere!class president who is so focused, he's the top student of the grade and he's good at sports too?? captain of the basket ball team?? i don't know how he does it because i really couldn't but anyway even apart from that he keeps on taking part and neatly scoring in debates, and writing contests, you name it and he's doing it. it does happen sometimes that he ends up getting silver or bronze but he's there on the list somehow.
and obviously if you've ever been a teenager then you know how attractive this type of people are, because they're good at everything, because they look very unattainable and bonus for our class president is that he's super hot as well. so obviously he had a classroom filled with admirers. and he loved the attention, who doesn't? but he's never thought more of it than that, the aspect of romance is kinda alien to him, he's had his fair share of physical relationships (if they can be even called that) but none of them too good to stay.
so he keeps on with his day, his cram school, having lunch, dinner, studying, more studying.
and when he bumps into you from his way back from the library, he just stops dead in his tracks as you attempt to pick up the books you both dropped, and when you look up at him he's literally frozen. who are you? why has he never seen you around? why do you look so pretty? hey, where's that romantic instrumental playing from? why-
"hey, mister, are you okay? i didn't hit your head or anything right?"
and trust me when he's the literal embodiment of the ":0" emoji.
anyway, but that guy has never had a crush before so at first he just feels like its some kinda internal intuition? that there's something wrong with you or something.
but then he finds himself trying to find your class, sitting there on the excuse of talking to some friends and obviously he's welcomed there.
and he figures that his initial impression might be a wrong because you were such a sweetheart. not as popular as him, and you stuck to your 2-3 friends but he saw the way you would smile at people - a gentle, warm one. and he quite literally died when you greeted him that way once, surprised that you would know about his existence
it wasn’t that he forgot he was famous but having a crush really does wonders to your self esteem.
also you best believe he's digging up all your information, your past schooling if you've transferred, your parents' background, your social media and duh, where you live, where you work.
and if you work somewhere like a cafè or a convenience store, he's there for half the day, "studying" for exams and stuff, he claims it helps more than studying at home. and all the time his eyes barely register a page because he's looking at you as you're hard at work, helping customers, greeting them with that damned, charming smile and then in rare moments he looks at you as you lose that demeanor and sigh out of exhaustion. poor baby, he wished he could something for you so bad in those moments.
and then comes the part where his friends (he has a lot of friends but he believed that when you have a crush you shouldn’t tell everyone? also given his popularity... he figured it wouldn't be a greatest idea ever. so he only told like a guy or two) they adviced him to just go up to you and ask you out? what's the problem even? he's literally the golden boy of the school, why would someone reject him ever? you shouldn’t even be worried about that, dude! but with that confidence in himself, he decides on a day, nothing too significant and he looks at himself in the mirror.
"uh, actually, i do have a partner," did you hear that? the glass shattering? uh, that was his heart. that was his reaction when you told him this. but it was true, you had a partner in another country (which made sense that the yandere did not come to know of this before because he had been following you, just to make sure you were safe ofcourse, and he did not see a persosn who could classify as a romantic threat) and you loved them very much! no matter how cute and great this guy was, you were loyal to them.
and now cue the yandere's sad era. but only for like a day or two. until he realizes something. this was absurd, you were rejecting him? when so many people would literally kill for something like this? it was unbelievable. but he was deadset, this was the first time he felt this way for someone and he was determind to make you feel the same, or at least keep you with him, and he would do it with any means necessary.
he realized that your friends' parents were mere employees in his dad's company so all it took was one meeting. "stop talking to y/n." for them to start ignoring you and they did not even try to keep it lowkey and you had to resort to sitting alone at lunch, giving an easy access to the guy who used it as a time to sit beside you and tell you about his day, nevermind the fact that for the first few times you would just up and leave. and then you finally decided to just snap.
"what the fuck do you want?" you look at him, frustrated by all these things, and changes happening in your life in less than a week.
he just smirked, that mf had the audacity to smirk? "you, ofcourse,"
now he wasn’t quite violent because he'd just entered adulthood, he did not want to fuck up and spend the rest of his years in jail (not that he actually would because his parents would be hiring the world's best lawyers for him) but he did imagine it, murdering your s/o. he did not know what they looked like, but all they saw was you happy in their arms and as much he loved that little smile of yours, he wanted it to be for himself! not someone else!
so anyway, after you storm out on him after the last conversation, you get your english test results back and a big, red F is staring at you.
and normally your parents weren't grade obsessed but you would boast to them about how good you were at english and how much you loved the subject and even the teacher agreed thaf you were good at it.
when you meet with the teacher after class, he just removes his spectacles and rubs his eyes, "listen, y/n, you're one of the smartest students i've had the pleasure of teaching. so make the right choice, it's good for your future. just say yes to him. he's not bad, you know,"
he was behind this???????
you felt even more utterly helpless when you found that the yandere's parents fund almost more than half of the school so there’s nobody who would be willing to go against them and help you, no matter how much you would plead them.
"a transfer? don't even think about it, baby, nobody is going to issue that certificate unless i say so,"
chills run down your neck as he whispers this. you were truly stuck with him.
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