#i actually do this all the time. the incredible allure of a friends head in front of you. put your face on it
time-slink · 1 year
pspspssp perhaps some smalletho 👉👈 i saw your other ones and i went feral i need more
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for some reason while watching i kept picturing them standing like this
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
Yay, your recs are open! Hope you're doing great and your health is good :)
This one is pretty dark, so ignore this if smth!
If you know about Tomie, could you do some jjk characters of your choice with a darling with similar powers? Like, she can't die fully, always returns no matter how cruel was her death, and for some reason all non-sorcerers are going crazy after being in contact with her for a some time – and, maybe, at some point even a yandere starts feeling a strange need to cause harm to her. Bonus points if she gives femme fatale vibes, but actually is much sweeter and kinder person than she may look.
Thanks, and have a great day!
I hope you don't mind that I made the darling in here the curse of obsession because this would fit the theme very nicely and would crank the Yandere scale to an incredibly creepy level. I know a bit about her since my best friend is a huge fan of Junji Ito works and she especially adores Tomie and Uzumaki.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, manipulation, isolation, abduction, death of s/o, murder, mentions of cannibalism, nudity, mentions of dub-con, sexual themes, starvation
The curse of eternal obsession
Okkotsu Yuta
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💍​Walking through the streets of Tokyo, no human would suspect you to be the cursed being that you are. Instead there is an aura of allure and mystery around you, something that seems to draw them to you like a moth to a flame. Bound to be consumed by the fire. Yet Yuta seems to bring a quick end to your life when he senses your eerie cursed energy. There are no words spared as he attacks you, your calm and beautiful face chilling as he exorcises you as if you have lived through death already multiple times before. Your face is something that seems to be stuck in his mind as it is the thing he sees as soon as he closes his eyes. It agitates him, disturbs him but he tries to calm himself by reminding himself that he has already killed you. Until he meets you again in the middle of the fight as you sit on the ground, surrounded by the blood of two men who have stabbed each other to death. When your eyes meet his own, there is the same serene look on your face as Rika brutally assaults you and Yuta watches how she tears you apart, a lump in his throat.
💍​You should be dead. He watched how Rika murdered you. He even murdered you one time himself. Yet only a few days later you stand in front of him again, greeting him politely before you walk away, your hair swaying in the wind. Yuta can only watch you with a racing heart whilst you disappear in the crowd. A few days later he receives word that a group of friends were found all dead. The police suspects that all of them strangled and beat each other to death in violent ways that are rare to find and his mind immediately suspects you to be the culprit. Whenever you appear it only takes a few days before news about violent deaths and gruesome suicides appear on the news as your mere presence seems to drive non-sorcerers to madness yet he has seen with his own eyes that you seem to possess an immortality unlike anything he has ever seen. To protect the public from your cursed energy, he captures you the next time he finds you.
💍​Yet when he tracks you down he is witness to a violent crime that would have made the average person empty their stomach. Even Yuta can't help the creeping feeling of horror as he watches a woman dismembering you with a saw before she cuts her own neck with the saw until she dies of blood loss. There is a strange sense of fury flowing through his veins as he collects every part of you, his heart clenching when he picks up your head with dull and lifeless eyes yet to his great disturbance even dismembered and dead, you still possess an attractiveness that he shouldn't feel about a violated corpse. He locks all of the parts away from you instantly and stays away from the room you are in to clear his mind and get away from the cursed energy you still seem to produce even in your temporary death. He can't get a wink of sleep that night as his heart never stops pounding nor does he seem to get your face out of his mind. When he gathers the courage the next morning to peek inside the room, his heart tumbles when he sees that you have regenerated and sit there completely naked, the sight of your body sending sparks of arousal through his body before he hurries up to give you something to wear.
💍​He keeps you there, locked inside the basement and stays as far away from you as possible. He has never encountered a curse such as you that has affected him as greatly as you do and he has to fight constantly against the temptation to see you as he finds himself standing in front of the door separating you from him multiple times a day, his nails digging into his palms as he bites his lips until he can taste blood. Even when he is not seeing you, Yuta can still sense the cursed energy of yours that is wrapping itself around his body like a snake and as weeks pass by, he finds himself falling asleep to horrifying fantasies about you that have him waking up drenched in sweat and with a raging boner that only throws him down into a spiral of disgust, shame and insanity. Until one day after roughly three weeks your cursed energy disappears. He should feel relieved about it yet his heart drops with such intense anxiety that has him nearly ripping out the door leading to your room. As soon as he sees your thin and dead body laying on the ground, he feels something shattering as he suddenly bursts out in tears. He starved you to death.
💍​He carries your light and thin body to his own bed and lays you down before he waits. He sits there and waits for hours in agony until your cursed energy picks up strength again and your body regains its healthy and otherwordly beauty. As soon as your eyes flutter open, Yuta's face is the first thing you sees. His heart starts beating with excitement as he tells you that he will prepare something to eat for you before he rushes to the kitchen. It is only after he has prepared the food and serves it to you that he realises what he is doing and for a short moment he feels a spark of hot wrath that you have reduced him to this yet when you open your mouth and he hears your voice for the first time, his anger melts away. It is a soft and sweet sound that echoes in his mind long after you have told him your gratitude for the food. An infatuated smile appears on his face as he watches you eat the food before he asks you if you would like to take a bath. The following days you suddenly get a lot more freedom, although you are still kept within the house but that isn't solely because you are a threat to non-sorcerers anymore. It is also because Yuta feels a possessive yearning to see you whenever he wants.
💍​You are unlike any curse he has ever seen. Not only are you beautiful and gorgeous but you are also soft-spoken, kind and even somewhat shy. You help him with the household as you insist on showing your gratitude by preparing him meals and washing his clothes to the point where Yuta feels like you are his housewife and that image has his heart racing and his body reacting. You insist on sleeping on the couch when Yuta offers you to share a bed with him as you don't want to breach his private space and you reject it until he snaps at you with a frightening look on his face and a tight grip on your arms that could break bones. He instantly withdraws his hands when he regains his sanity and apologises hastily to you with tears in his eyes. He clings to your warm body at night, taking deep whiffs of your scent. Everything about you drives him crazy, the feeling of your skin against his electrical. There is a constant arousal keeping him half-hard at night as temptation grows stronger until he starts dry-humping against your thigh or ass, praying that you are asleep. Until you one night run your fingers soothingly through his hair whilst he is humping, causing him to let out a choked moan as he cums.
💍​Yuta spends weeks on cloud nine as he fully indulges in everything. He treats you like his precious wife as he buys you cute dresses and even gifts you a ring which he insists for you to wear. You never deny him anything as you allow his touchy behavior as he holds your hands, kisses you and eventually even has sex with you and this fuels Yuta's delusion that you feel the same as he does. It is almost sickening how sweet he acts with you. All until one day he crosses paths with an acquaintance who knew someone who came in contact with you and when Yuta finds out that they know about your existance, he suddenly feels a feeling of paranoia about your safety as he suddenly sees this non-sorcerer as a threat to you. He feels the urge to call out Rika but decides to pry for information for now. They open up to him, perhaps because they just want to tell someone who shows interest as no one has believed them so far and the story that they tell him shatters his pretty delusion. They tell him how their dead ex-lover left them for you, abducted you and apparently even had sex with you and how they called them moments before they jumped from a building to tell them in tears that they ended up killing you.
💍​Yuta lets Rika kill that person within the same day as a wrath has suddenly festered inside of him. At first he believes that they are lying because you only love him and you would never allow another person to touch you the same way he touches you. You love him. But when he sees their corpse, a realisation slowly settles in. You are a curse. A curse that has always driven people mad and Yuta is no exception. He's just killed an innocent non-sorcerer. And it's your fault. Disgust, pain and wrath cause him to spiral down violently as he all but storms back to his house to murder you and take revenge on you for deceiving and using him. When he arrives home, he finds you asleep on the couch and for a moment his eyes just take in your beauty as you lay there so innocently before his gaze zooms in on your neck. In the next moment he is choking you, his body on top of yours. Your eyes fly open as you start whining and choking whilst he is watching you with a dark glint in his eyes, taking in with joy your suffering form. Then your eyes meet his own though. No shock, ne fear, no guilt. Instead all he sees inside those orbs is acceptance and pity. You are pitying him.
💍​It is this look in your eyes that throws him off as he lets go and stumbles away from you, staring at you with shock and agitation. Why are you giving him this look?! You don't say anything as you instead just give him a sweet smile that tears his heart open. What kind of monster are you to deceive him even now? You know how much he adores that smile of yours. He's on the verge of crying as he pulls out his katana to dismember you but then he suddenly freezes. His wrath dies down as he stares at the katana in his hands and his eyes widen as he drops it and sinks down on his knees as he suddenly becomes aware of his own horrifying thoughts he just had. He just looks at you for a few minutes before he suddenly bursts out in tears when he seems to realise something. That you never had any choice but allow people to do what they want to do with you. Your own curse brings you as much misery as everyone around you and your immortality forces you to endure it over and over again. You are a victim. He crawls back on top of you and apologises to you whilst his hot tears fall on your face, promises you in between sweet kisses on your neck that he will never harm you again.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵​There you are, walking through the streets together with a man following you with infatuated eagerness as he constantly points at stores and offers to blow all of his money on you yet you only shake your head politely. Your cursed energy isn't oppressing nor is it filling the entire area but Satoru can sense how potent it is as he happens to be in the same area as you. He's currently there to buy something for his students when he senses you and blue eyes instantly race over the crowd to detect the source of it. An exceptionally beautiful man himself, even he can't deny your sheer beauty as he finally finds you. He watches as you point to a store selling candy and the man who is accompanying you eagerly nods his head before he rushes to buy you something. You seem to observe him for a while before you turn your head in an inhuman way and your own glowing eyes meet Satoru's as you have recognised his presence as well and want to let him know about it. Your cursed energy spikes and Satoru wonders if he will have to use his Domain Expansion if you decide to attack but you don't seem to plan on doing so as you crack your head back and wait with folded hands for the man to return.
🩵​Something about you is off though, majorly off, so Gojo decides to follow you. You have clearly seduced the man who seems to be on all four for you and Satoru doesn't blame him. You are beautiful and gorgeous as even your cursed energy is tempting but that won't stop Gojo from exorcising you. He is even bold enough to approach you when your victim leaves you alone for a moment to murmur in your ear that you appear quite calm despite the fact that you know that he is following you. You only glance at him briefly and Satoru almost drowns in those enchanting eyes of yours before a loud yelling interrupts him. So lost was he in your gaze that he didn't even notice the man returning. If looks could kill, Gojo would have died thrice now as he can quite literally see the man shaking with rage and for a few seconds Gojo is convinced that he will come for his throat before the man just grabs your hand violently and drags you away. Blue eyes narrow as Satoru waits for a while before he decides to trail after you again. He suddenly has a bad feeling about this and eventually he finds out the apartment where the man apparently lives. He's already standing in front of the door when the commotion suddenly starts.
🩵​Loud screams and wails belonging to the man are heard, crying out your name before they are followed by screams of pain and the shattering of a window. That's when Gojo breaks the door open and the scene he sees inside is not pretty. Shards of a broken vase are stuck in your neck and even your now deformed face and the shattered window is painted with red blood from the now dead man who must have hit his head against it until it broke and he died. Yet Gojo can still sense the cursed energy from you, can almost feel it crawling towards his own body. He watches your bloody form alarmed, something warning him that something truly isn't right with even though he can't figure out what it is. When he notices your fingers twitching and your body twisting, he acts quicker than he can even react as he kills you and senses your cursed energy vanishing completely. A few days later he decides to visit the graveyard of the man as he has for some reason not been able to forget about you. When he senses a familiar cursed energy though, he feels his muscles tensing as this shouldn't be possible. Yet there you are, kneeling in front of the graveyard.
🩵​He is instantly behind you, throwing a shadow over you as his hands linger over your head as if considering to rip it off yet he doesn't as his eyes narrow in confusion and wariness. You are supposed to be dead. Why are you still alive? You lean your head back to look at him and only greet him politely before you arrange the flowers you have brought with you on the man's grave before standing up again and leaving. The white-haired man stops you though as he grabs your arm so tightly that your bone might break as he asks you how you are still alive. You cascade your gaze very shortly down to the ground, seemingly reminiscing about something, before you meet his intense gaze. He could swear that you almost look a bit sad as you merely tell him that you are eternal. You hold his gaze for too long until he feels threatened to get lost in those eyes again which causes him to let go of you. Blue eyes are glued to your form as you walk gracefully away, his eyes roaming over the shape of your body until he can't sense you anymore. Only then does he feel the urge to follow you die down a bit.
🩵​He is almost ashamed of his own lack of self-control when he senses your energy a few weeks later again and the urge to see you again just takes over him. Truth is, he has been thinking about you a lot ever since. Your mysterious words have stuck with him as he has been trying to figure out what you meant and your hypnotising gaze has been following him in his sleep. He is shocked to find you though. Half-naked and with deep cuts littering your skin as you are held down by the neck as the man above you traces a long knife down the curves of your body. Briefly he is reminded of your deformed face and bloody body when he met you for the first time and suddenly rage starts to cloud his vision. A hot wave of jealousy falls over him for the way the man touches you so closely and ire takes hold of him for it looks like he is about ro rape you. Gojo knocks him instantly out, perhaps a bit too strong as blood starts seeping from his head. He quickly offers you the jacket he is wearing to cover your bare upper body with before he grabs your wrist and tells you that you'll come with him. You beg him to call an ambulance for the man before you come with him and Satoru is surprised to hear those words.
🩵​He almost doesn't want the man to receive help but then he snaps out of it and gives you his phone to call the ambulance. It is strange that a curse wants to help a human, especially since that human looked like he was about to sexually force himself on you and kill you at the same time. You are indeed very strange and he finds himself looking at you the entire time out of curiosity and since your beauty is very outstanding. He should kill you but he has already tried this and somehow you just appeared again so he has a feeling that it wouldn't work even if he would try again. He doesn't want to kill you for some reason though. Instead he brings you to his home and tells you that he wants to keep you in here until he has figured out what you are and what to do to you. You give him a silent nod before you ask him if there is anything you can do whilst he keeps you here and this is not what Gojo expected to hear. You really are a peculiar curse. He monitors you very closely the following days as you walk around the house to memorise the interior and every room and whe he realises that you seem to have a love for books, he ends up buying you entire shelves worth of them. The giddy grin you give him has his heart pounding.
🩵​You are well-read and seem to have existed for quite a long time already as far as Satoru can tell from the knowledge you share with him. As much joy as it gives him to see you happy, he starts feeling jealous that you spend so much time reading books. He wants attention, more attention than you already give him. It just isn't enough. It escalates very quickly when you one day ask him to wait until you have finished this book. Only a few pages are left yet somehow those words make Satoru snap as he snatches the book out of your hands and rips it apart. Blue eyes ablaze with agitation yet also a familiar look to you as he bends down so that he is on eye height with you. Hands grab your own harshly, squeezing them as he tells you in a low voice that he despises if you ignore him. You look into his gorgeous eyes, seemingly unfaced from the way he glowers at you before you carefully free one of your hands and reach tentavively out to touch his face. His Infinity is already deactivated, allowing you to touch his face. He lets out a satisfied hum as one of his hands grabs your one touching his cheeks, blue eyes gleaming as he looks at you.
🩵​His Infinity around you is mostly deactivated as he encourages you to touch him as much as he is already touching you. Your touches are warm and addictive and he seemingly can't get enough of them. Often you find yourself trapped beneath him, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head on your chest. You sometimes asks him what he plans to do with you as he is a sorcerer and you are a curse yet he always shuts you up, mostly by kissing you to silence all of your sounds. He does know that technically he should find a way to exorcise you or to at least seal you away yet his whole body is filled with rage when he considers it. He has to keep you a secret from other sorcerers under all means necessary. Not only because of their demands but also because he fears that they would desire you too for your beauty and gentle nature. He notices that you never seem to protest or stop him whenever he becomes very touchy and as sick as that is, Satoru finds himself abusing this. Within a short time he is able to fully indulge in his desires as your nude body is pressed against his own, teasing you here and there as he claims you for himself. He has never seen someone more beautiful than you.
🩵​Satoru is almost drunk on you and every word and gesture you do as he is convinced that he would kill anyone who would try to take you away from him. Yet the willingness of yours to let him do whatever he wants with you soon turns into a festering jealousy as he starts wondering if you allowed all the people before him to do everything to you as well. He shouldn't care considering that your curse seems to make people naturally obsessed with you and that he isn't the first and most likely not the last one yet he has already fallen under your spell. His heart threatens to burst as he realises that he will fade whilst you will continue. He won't let anyone else have you after him! You are assaulted by him whilst you are changing clothes, a desperate look in those blue eyes as he begs you to tell him how he can murder you as he tells you about his wish to kill you when his time comes so that no one else will be able to have you after him. When you confess to him that you don't know how you can die, you see the anger and madness flaring up in his eyes as if he is about to attempt to murder you again then and there before he manages to regain his self-control and tells you in a sweet tone that he'll find a way.
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kookslastbutton · 11 months
Best Intentions ༓ myg (m)
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✑ Summary: As vice president, you are obligated to attend your boss's wedding–you're also his friend. But while you should be focused on the newlyweds, you find yourself far too interested in the attractive best man and the woman who happens to be his plus one.
Pairing: best man!yoongi x vice president!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, slight thriller, s2l, oneshot
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 3,753
Warnings: No infidelity, dark yoongi, sexual content, death (not major character)
sexual warnings: dom!yoongi, sub!reader, cussing, handj*b, unprotected s*x (don't follow their lead!), penetration, car sex, d*rty talk, they c*me together, yoongi has tattoos
Now Playing: Haegeum
A/N: Little nervous about this one butI haven't written fic inspired by Haegeum yet so here we go! Hope you enjoy 💞
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You watch as he brushes a few pieces of his dark locks out of his face. Never have you seen such a handsome and alluring man. He takes a seat on the barstool, nodding at the bartender in greeting. “Whiskey, neat. And a sex on the beach for the lady.”
He turns his head over his right shoulder, sparing a glance at the gentle hand resting on him. The woman who it belongs to is nothing short of radiant and confident. Her body is athletically built, her skin soft but tough. Her name is Yeong-Ja and she happens to be his plus one.
“__.” She smiles at you with ruby-red lips. “Why don’t you join us?” Her tone is thick and laced with sensuality. You fight the temptation but you feel instantly small compared to her. It’s not that you find yourself unattractive or anything but Yeong-Ja has a certain aura that’s incredibly rare.
The man, Min Yoongi, sets his gaze on you with a similar intensity. You only met the both of them about half an hour ago and they were already perfectly successful at making your bones quake. You’ve heard the idea of power couples a million times and though Min Yoongi and Yeong-Ja weren't officially together, you'd be a fool to think I'd never happen. They came here together after all.
“Thank you for the invite,” you reply, keeping your eyes as firm as you can. “But I still need to pay my respects to President Kim and his lovely new wife.”
Yeong-Ja taps Yoongi twice, signaling him to stand up. “I need to do that too actually. Why don’t we go together?”
He stays seated despite her gesture. “The drinks haven’t come out yet. I’ll wait for them if you two wanna go.” He looks at you again with his piercing, cat-like eyes. “You sure you don’t want anything __?”
You smooth down the sides of your dress, a nervous response you picked up since a teenager. You wish he wouldn’t follow the movement but he does. “Sure, maybe a strawberry daiquiri.”
Yoongi gives a nod and asks the bartender to include it in the order. “Thank you,” you say.
“Shall we?” Yeong-Ja breaks from Yoongi to near your side. “President Kim’s about to have a ton of guests giving their congratulations. It’s best we do it before the newlyweds run out of steam.”
You nod and make your way to the wedding table.
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"Congratulations President and Mrs. Kim." You bow in respect until you're pulled into a light hug.
"Thank you __," Mrs. Kim says. You'd be surprised by the hug if it weren't for the fact that the two of you have known each other since before she and your boss first started dating.
You were the one to set them up actually.
You never thought you'd have that much gull with your boss but you and Seokjin had been working together for a long time. You considered him a friend.
"I'm very happy for the both of you." You smile warmly and embrace Mrs. Kim a little tighter. "And you make such a beautiful bride."
Once broken apart, Yeong-Ja bows herself. "President Kim, Mrs. Kim." They bow in return. "I'm honored to be a guest at your wedding. I wish you both a strong, healthy marriage."
Mrs. Kim smiles wide and touches the woman on the wrist. "Thank you Yeong-Ja....I'm hoping to be a guest at your wedding as well. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you and Yoongi been seeing each other?"
Swallow it. That suddenly sick, queasy feeling in your stomach. If Yoongi was planning to get serious with Yeong-Ja, it's none of your business.
Yeong-Ja blushes and lets out a small chuckle. "Of course, I'll be sure to invite you to my wedding but I'm afraid that won't be anytime soon. Yoongi and I have only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks."
Weeks? With the chemistry they have you figured they were at least at months.
"I wouldn't be too set on it being far out into the future," Seokjin says. "One of my colleagues got married after only six months of dating his girlfriend."
"Who was that?" You mouth to which he replied with 'gguk'. Ah, makes sense now.
"Plus," Seokjin continues, "Yoongi's always talking about you and that's saying a lot considering he's pretty brief in general. Whatever you got, it's keeping his attention." He blinks up and cracks a smirk. "Speak of the devil."
Yoongi walks towards the group of you with a drink in each hand. You really need to not stare at his perfectly chiseled face, stoic eyes, and slicked-back hair. Especially after hearing that he's been practically gushing about Yeong-Ja. Still, a bitch doesn't listen.
"Strawberry daiquiri." He passes you your drink before handing Yeong-Ja hers. "And a sex on the beach." He keeps a straight face as he does this.
You notice he's taken his suit jacket off since your last interaction. His sleeves are rolled up too, veins softly protruding.
"Many thanks," you say, taking a sip. "Where's your whiskey?" You distinctively remember him asking the bartender for one but it's nowhere in sight.
Yoongi gives a quick shrug. "Already drank it."
Before another word is spoken the stereos in the reception are cranked up. Yeong-Ja takes a sip of her drink and then snakes her hand into Yoongi's arm. "Come on, we should dance. You too __."
You shake your head. Absolutely not. Dancing is fun when you're with friends but not so much with couples. You learned that the hard way many times when you'd be told that you'll all dance together.
Wrong for you to fall for that.
As soon as a slow, sensual song came on, you'd be hitting the bar or going back to your claimed table in the corner.
"No I'm good. I wanna sit and enjoy my drink for now." You lift your glass to make your point clearer.
Yeong-Ja smiles at you, then tightens her grip around Yoongi's arm and drags him to the dance floor.
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You try not to watch them.
You even try sitting in the chair facing opposite of them.
But you look like a wallflower.
Several men come up to you to ask you if you want to dance, thinking you're only waiting for an invitation. Nice of them to offer but you take no interest.
The only man you remotely have your mind on is currently being swayed by another woman. And after about twenty minutes of watching, you find out that Yeong-Ja is not only a sharp thinker and sweet talker—she's also a stunning dancer.
You can tell at first Yoongi is half-assing it but once she starts getting into the beat, his efforts double.
When it comes to the slower songs, however, you can't help but notice a shift in his posture. Yeong-Ja links both arms around his neck in an effort to close the gap between her and Yoongi. It doesn't close, however, as he keeps a safe distance.
It's odd, to say the least but maybe he's just not used to that type of intimacy yet. You continue to study the two of them until you're caught red-handed. Yoongi's eyes shift over to peer into yours.
You have to snap yourself out of your daze a few times. He's definitely just staring off due to the somber music. He's not looking at you.
Oh, shit—he is.
Yoongi traces his eyes down the lines of your dress, all the way down your bare legs and back up to your eyes. His gaze is heavy and gives you goosebumps.
You grip your glass with one hand while the other clings to the edge of your dress, earning you a half-smirk from him.
He's a man of few words but his non-verbals speak volumes.
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"She's not his girlfriend." Seokjin looks up at you from his seated position. Mrs. Kim was mingling with some of her close friends so you seized the chance to ask Seokjin about what had just happened. You needed a second opinion. "But they came here together so I assume they're going out. Are you sure he was giving you suggestive looks?"
"I mean, they weren't that suggestive but he definitely body-scanned me and smirked." You pause before continuing. "I'm trying not to think about it in case—uh I don't know. I'm sorry, it's your wedding day and I shouldn't be bothering you about this stuff."
"__, we've been working basically side by side for ten years. Yes I'm your boss still but right now I'd like to think we're friends. You're not bothering me, okay? And as far as Yoongi goes, just ignore it. He was likely smiling at you and it came off as a smirk. If it happens again maybe ask him about it because as far as I know, things are going good between him and Yeong-Ja." Obviously not that well if he's checking out someone else. You bite back the need to speak your mind.
"Okay," you agree. "You're right. It was likely just nothing."
"But you didn't finish your sentence." Seokjin pipes up before you return to your seat. "You're trying not to think about in case what?"
Let's see....how to reply while remaining subtle as possible. Seokjin and Yoongi are close friends so you need to choose your words very carefully.
Telling him you have interest in Yoongi when he's told you over and over again that he's seeing someone would not end well. A classic Kim Seokjin scold would be in dire order.
"....just in case I'm just being foolish or exaggerating what really happened." You say the words casually, no a trace of a fib. "But thanks Seokjin, for letting me talk to you about it."
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"Hey." Yoongi catches you in the hallway. Apparently also needed to use the restroom. You do your best to shrug off what happened earlier.
"Hi, how was dancing?" You ask stupidly.
"It was alright. Not usually my thing but I guess I didn't mind. You sure you didn't wanna join us though? Saw a few guys come up to you."
"You saw that?" And here you were thinking you were delusional for thinking Yoongi was purposefully paying attention to you. It causes a twinge of adrenaline to zap through your body. "I didn't really feel like dancing today, that's all."
For a second you and Yoongi exchange silence. You're not sure if he's done talking or if you need to fill the space with more small talk.
"I'm glad it was better for you than usual. Yeong-Ja looks like she knows what she's doing." You fake a small laugh, hoping to break the tension but Yoongi's face remains straight. "Well I should get back in there." You end up slowly walking away but he stops you.
"We don't know each other super well but, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier."
"What are you refering to?"
Yoongi gives you a 'really' look before flashing a gummy smile. It's the first time tonight you've seen him smile so fully. Your breath hitches as he continues. "I think we both know the answer to that. Don't you know how captivating you look in this dress?"
If your mouth wasn't gaping before it such as heck is now. But as giddy as the compliment makes you, you're in no way going to mess up a potentially blossoming relationship. You sure as hell hope that Yoongi isn't double-crossing Yeong-Ja, even if you do wish you'd be in her shoes a little.
"Um, not to be so forward but aren't you with Yeong-Ja? I appreciate the compliment though I'd��"
"We're not serious."
"Excuse me?" You as so utterly lost. Sure he and Yeong-Ja weren't together officially yet but they came here as each other's date. Seokjin and his wife were also making comments about their supposedly romantic relationship and she wasn't denying it so why is he coming onto you like this?
"That didn't come out right. I mean, we're not together romantically but we do work together. I asked her to come because I figured she'd be good company. Seokjin thinks we mold together well but I'm not really interested. To keep it short, I respect her as a coworker and consider her in the highest regard, professionally."
"You're not lying to me right? Because she seems really interested and I don't want to get in the way of anything. I'm not that type of woman alright?" You cross your arms reflexively.
Yoongi takes a step towards you, focused intent. "I have no reason to lie to you __. It's true Yeong-Ja may be interested but she's not the one I've spent half the night staring at."
The hairs on your neck stand straight. Blood rushes through your veins. "You should probably tell Yeong-Ja your feelings then."
"I did," Yoongi interuppts. "When we were back in there she came onto me. I thought all the slow, romantic music was getting to her but she kept trying to kiss me so I had to tell her I wasn't interested in anything beyond friendship."
"Oh, well, is she okay or—"
"She'll be fine. She's like me, not much fazes her. She's likely hitting on the next guy that takes her fancy now." Yoongi inches closer, and you take in the cologne he's wearing. It's subtle but enough to knock you out of your senses. "So you see, I'm not that kind of man either."
"Well good because I would have kicked you in the balls if you were double-crossing Yeong-Ja."
Yoongi snorts. "I'd expect nothing less. But thankfully, my balls are safe for now."
Great, now you're thinking about his balls. Yoongi's breath blows hot against your skin as the space between you seems to get narrower and narrower.
"Do you wanna get out of here for a bit?" He asks with a hoarse voice. "I was thinking about going out for a quick smoke."
"I don't smo—" Yoongi quirks a provocative brow. "Oh, " you finish, knowing full well he isn't proposing to have just a smoke.
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You shudder as he towers above you in the backseat of his Bentley. Evidently, Yoongi did well for himself. "We shouldn't be doing this here." When Yoongi proposed you to go out, you didn't expect him to be this quick to get down and dirty.
Fooling around is one thing, but fucking in the backseat of his car in the middle of a wedding is a whole new animal for you.
"No one's gonna see if that's what you're worried about. Everyone's too busy wishing the newlyweds well..." His car is short on space but Yoongi manages to remove his silk vest. The skin of his smooth chest peeks out near the collar of his dress shirt. "But if you wanna stop here then, I won't force you any further."
God this is so indecent but you want him so, so bad. His body on yours, in yours—fuck him for being this hard to resist. You grip the fabric of his shirt and tug him back down.
Yoongi takes the opportunity to sink his head near your ear. "I was hoping this would be your answer." Your eyes roll up when he places a hot, open-mouth kiss on your neck. It's not sloppy but rather controlled as if hinting that this isn't his first go around.
"Take it out for me sweetheart." He coos after a few more nips at your jaw. The look of bewilderment on your face brings out a cocky smirk. "Please?"
His eyes turn playful as he watches you fumble with his belt. "Sorry," he says. "I usually prefer doing this myself but given the position we're in, it's better you do it." You nod. "I'd also take my time with you if it weren't for the fact that we're in my car right now." Who's fault is that? You bite down your bitterness.
"I understand." You pull at his belt buckle, releasing the leather from its hold. He groans when the tips of your fingers graze his bulge. Once you unzip the front of his pants you reach forward to free his cock.
"Fuck," Yoongi breathes, his hard length pulsating in your hand. You whimper and reflexively squeeze him harder. "Shit, don't."
You feel hot all over, drunk on the pleasure he's getting from this. "But you like this," you say, moving your hand up and down his shaft. Arousal pools in your panties as you watch him struggle to gain his composure. You wouldn't be disappointed if he came in your hand from this, but Yoongi puts a stake in those plans like a tidal wave.
He reaches between his legs, suddenly yanking your hand off of him to place it above your head. "You know what I really like __?" He grabs your other hand to join it with the other. "When people listen to what their told the first time."
He pushes up the skirt of your dress, tugs your panties to the side, and thrusts himself into you in one full motion. The immediate stretch has you gasping for air. "Fuck Yoongi–" Yes, you're wet but you still need time to adjust! "Yoongi please, I need a second."
He doesn't respond with any more than husky groans as he steadies himself above you, hands clamping down on your waist. Yoongi stills himself in you, waiting for your signal to move and when you give it to him he wastes no time setting a vigorous pace.
Every push and pull sets your body on fire as his length beats inside you. You move to claw at his back, desperately needing something to grip, but your hands are thrown back down. "Leave them," he growls.
You end up clutching your wrists as your body bounces up and down the seat of the car. The friction is a little rough due to the leather material but you don't have time to think much about it as long as Yoongi keeps fucking you this good.
"Feels-ah-amazing Yoongi, fuck. How'd you get so good at this?"
"How do you think sweetheart?" He wraps one of your legs around his waist, the new angle allows him to sink deeper into your gut. Your hips arch and a few more buttons on Yoongi's dress shirt pop open.
"You have a–chest-chest tattoo?" It's only a blur and you barely get a glimpse when he leans his body forward. But over his heart is black ink in the form of what you can only guess as some kind of wild cat.
"Mhm," he grunts. "Got it when I was 19. One of those impulsive things. Fuck–" he curses feeling you clench around him. "Is this a turn-on for you? You're squeezing me so fucking hard right now."
"Yes. My attraction for you went up about 100%, I can't explain it."
He's amused, shit-eating grin on his far too handsome face. "Well lucky for you, you don't have to explain anything. Open my shirt."
You do as he says and swallow hard seeing the tattoo of a bobcat over his left pec. He can tell you want to ask about it but being that his cock is deep in your heat, he's a little preoccupied. "I'll tell you about it later when we're not you know–fucking like rabbits in the back seat of my Bentley."
You let out a small giggle. It's a wonder no one's caught you yet. Yoongi picks up the pace again, with rough thrusts and beads of sweat around his forehead. "Fuck this pussy is making me so hard. Never been in something so wet and tight in my life." You moan as his cock drags in and out of you, stimulating your g-spot only too perfectly.
"Oh god 'm gonna come Yoongi!" You can't hold back your screams anymore. He's hitting inside you so well, cock throbbing, hair sweaty, muscles tensing, and that sinful chest tattoo teasing in front of your eyes.
"Damn right you are, make this cock yours sweetheart."
Your pussy starts spasming around him. You throw your head back, feeling your tightened core close to unwinding. Yoongi's cock twitches inside you in the seconds following before you both have your release.
Yoongi takes himself out of you, cock dripping with your cum. Your breaths are heavy as you blink up at him from your reclined position. "First time fucking in a car?" he asks, monotone.
"Did you like it?"
"Good, I'll give you a few minutes to gather yourself."
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Once you both manage to make yourself presentable again, you head back to the reception.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" Yeong-Ja hollers at Yoongi, rushing to him through the parking lot. You're startled at her sharp tone but the closer she gets the more your stomach feels unsettled.
She doesn't give you a glance at all, her attention fully on Yoongi. "Min," she starts. Odd of her to be calling him by his last name all the sudden. "We need to leave now."
You dart your eyes at the two of them. "What-what's going on? It hasn't been that long, did something happen?" Yeong-Ja hesitates to answer so you turn to the man next to you. "Yoongi–Oh my god!" You screech when you see a glowing, red dot hovering over his heart.
Yoongi follows your line of sight. "Shit–" He curses under his breath. "Of all fucking times."
Okay, what the fuck is going on?
Yeong-Ja swiftly pulls out a gun from what appears to be a thigh holster. When she does, you spot the same bobcat tattoo on her upper thigh.
Yeong-Ja cocks the gun before aiming it to the far left. She takes the shot, the red dot instantly disappearing from Yoongi's chest.
"You don't know Yoongi very well __." Yeong-Ja lowers her gun ever so slightly. "To the outside, he's Min Yoongi, a reserved and calculative data analyst, best man to your boss Kim Seokjin. But to the inside world, he's Agust D, leader of the most feared mafia gang, Bangtan."
"I'm sorry sweetheart," Yoongi says. "I wanted to spare you from this. But now that you know our dirty little secret we can't possibly let you go."
So she's his right-hand man.
When Yoongi said they were coworkers, this was not what you were expecting.
How the fuck do you get out of this?
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A/N: Me through this whole thing...how do I write warnings without giving away the ending? Anyway, tysm for reading and LMK what you think 💞
Note: Pls help me decide if i should turn this into a series of keep it a one shot ➡ vote here ☺
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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kenposting · 10 months
New Guy
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Summary: Short & sweet; Ken is the new guy at your work - somewhere he keeps calling the ‘real world’. You don’t get that, but what’s new, he never really makes any sense. 
WC: 2.2k
AN: (Insert crying emoji) thank you for all the kind comments on the last Ken brainrot story I wrote omg!!! I just like him... did nawt expect all that. A small part of this was very loosely inspired after reading a blurb by @ideas-live-forever where Ken doesn’t like a latte. Its very cute and you can read it here!
You wished you had words to describe him, really. I mean, how many times could you redirect the conversation away from the two of you? Your friends, roomates, classmates, even your family – they all picked up on your recent busy schedule. You were seeing someone, and that someone came off as incredibly alluring and mysterious to them after your hesitance in explaining. 
Ken was not alluring, let alone mysterious. Bless his heart, he was a bit dense actually. You didn’t want to tell people about him - not out of embarrassment, but out of protection for him. This world was a lot different from the one he claimed to be from… another piece of him you didn’t quite understand. You chalked it up to at best a joke or some weird pick up line (him saying he was from “out of this world”) and at worst an actual delusion, but you didn’t mind it. You found it kind of charming. 
You still remember when you first heard about him. There was a new guy at work and your coworkers were laughing about some of the answers he gave on his job interview. You felt a little bad, knowing his answers should’ve been kept confidential, but you couldn’t help but laugh when you overheard them. 
“No, yeah he literally said his last job was ‘beach’. Not lifeguard, not pool attendant, not national park ranger, not even the beach, just beach.” 
You laughed a little to yourself, finishing wiping down one of the tables. You had a morning shift today, like most days, but you wouldn't be open for a little while. You had time to listen. 
“I don’t know, man. At least he can wash a mean dish.” 
They weren’t laughing with him, but rather at him. It did make you a bit sad. He sounded hilarious, honestly. It was probably just a bit that he took too seriously. After all, a job interview isn’t always the best place to joke around like that. 
A metallic ding rang through the restaurant as the door swung open. You looked up to be met with quite the character. He was tall, probably around 6’3” or 6’4”, and tan. Must've been all that time at beach. His stature was broad and his shoulders barely fit through the doorframe. He was dressed in the same uniform you were, except his yellow diner ringer tee was tucked in to a pair of light blue cuffed jeans, paired with white tennis sneakers and white crew socks. He was blonde, clearly by choice, not birth, and he stood with a clean dishtowel draped over his left shoulder. He looked like he just stepped out of an 80’s back-to-school Target ad. 
“Morning, Ken.” 
“Morning! Thank you for the opportunity to work here! So cool…” 
You smiled to yourself, grabbing menus to set out on each table. He looked just as odd as he everyone made him out to be. 
Prep duty was your given task for this morning. Since you typically worked an opening shift before school, you only had to wait tables until 2pm. Doors didn’t open until 9am, so that left you three hours to cut vegetables and fruit while you supervised the new guy. 
“Hey, my office please.” 
Your boss beckoned you, explaining what Ken’s tasks were so you could keep an eye on him. 
“He’ll probably keep to himself, honestly. He seems nervous, but he’s glad to work here. I don’t really… get him.” 
“What do you mean, sir?” 
You boss sighed and shook his head, searching for a way to explain everything. 
“When I asked him about previous employment he just said he worked at ‘beach’ and that he was 'very good at it'. His references were all listed under the name name… his name. Ken. I kept asking if he was, like, a lifeguard or something and why everyone he’s worked for was also named Ken. He just kept repeating, ‘no, sir, just beach,’ and ‘I’m not sure I understand, sir, is your name not Ken too?’ like that made any sense.” 
Air quotes punctuated the absurdity of the whole thing. 
You bit the inside of your lip, stifling a laugh. This guy was wither a genius or actually insane. 
“Anyways…” he trailed off. “He didn’t have much more to say about work, but he said he was in town to study – of course, without any documentation. I guess you don’t need a diploma to wash dishes.” 
Ken did keep to himself mostly, but you could tell he took his job incredibly seriously. His brows furrowed while washing the plates from last night’s dinner rush. He wanted to be good at this, you could tell. You wondered if he took beach the same way, like his life depended on it. 
The day went by quickly. All the girls – and Ken – got off at the same time, switching aprons as the evening crew trickled in. 
“Wanna come to the bar with us tonight? It’s half-price on Tuesdays!” 
You smiled at the offer, but respectfully declined. 
“I’ve got homework, but maybe next time!” 
They sighed, saying you were no fun, waving to you as they all left together. You stayed behind to count and divide the tips. So did Ken, for some reason. 
“You can go home whenever you’re ready, Ken. Good job today.” 
You pretended not to notice his ears perk at your compliment. He was blushing, like… actually blushing. 
“Oh, thank you.” 
He sounded surprised, like he hadn’t ever been told he did well before. 
“What are you doing now?” 
You looked up at him. He was actually quite handsome up close. You both had your backs turned to each other most of the day so you didn’t get a chance to notice. 
His eagerness to learn was also attractive. He wasn’t handsy or gross or trying to hit on you like some of the previous employees you’ve worked with. He was kind and appeared genuine. 
“I’m counting the tip jar from this morning so I can divide the tips between all the morning waitresses. Each of them get their own tips on the bills or in cash, but the ones in the jar are kind of random, so we split all of those. We count morning separately so whatever the evening crew makes can be divided amongst themselves, in case they were busier or slower than us. Its fair that way. You get some too.” 
He looked like you just told him his childhood home caught fire. He was just bewildered at the concept. 
“I get some? But I already got paid for today, they said I’d get it on my 'check' in two weeks.” 
He did not know what a check was. You smiled to yourself, still deciding on wether he was being smart with you or if he was just inexperienced in the world. 
“Yeah, see? 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 in 20s, then 110, 120, 130, 140 in 10s. I already counted the fives – 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185 there – and ones, so 186, 7, 8 ,9, 90, 91, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6, 7, so that’s 197, divided by the staff is $32.83 each.” 
He did not get it at all. He nodded hesitantly, hoping to convince you he understood you just fine. You were explaining it like he should know this, afterall, and he felt kind of insecure that he didn’t get it. You didn’t mean to hurt his feelings and he knew that, but he was just more sensitive than most. 
“So I take it you didn’t make any tips at ‘beach’?” 
He shook his head, answering with complete seriousness. 
“No. We didn’t have money at all, actually.” 
He was always like that. It had been a couple of months now since he started with you. Every day he said something weirder than the day before. Just like today, when he asked if you were doing anything after work. You said homework, as per usual, and watched him panic, replying with, “Oh yeah... me too actually…”
“Yeah? You’re in school?” 
He nodded, another serious look on his face. He had forgotten about homework for a while now. They didn’t have homework in Barbieland. 
The thought alone of this man in a classroom was enough to have you laughing. Sure, he was smart and charming and handsome and good at his job and personable and kind and… lots of other things you didn’t want to admit, but he didn’t strike you as someone that would thrive in an academic environment. 
You took him out for drinks that afternoon. It was a small cafe that also served daydrinks, like mimosas or sangrias. It was a comfortable and safe environment, which was welcome, as today’s assignment was complicated even for you. Who knows why you took organic chemistry as your major. You hated chemistry. Everyone hated chemistry. 
You felt him watching you attentively, like he was checking if you might’ve needed anything. 
“What’s your homework on?” 
He was gentle in his approach. He liked you. 
You looked at him. He truly wanted to know, it wasn’t just small talk. 
You explained it as best at you could, truly, but he looked like he was about to cry, like it physically hurt his brain. Changing the subject, you asked what he was studying. 
“I’m majoring in Patriarchy and minoring in Horses and Beach.” 
You didn’t ask more. He was dead serious, too. He really was highlighitng and placing index notes on a book about horses. Stacked in his (pale yellow) backpack (with tiny embroidered flowers) were heavy textbooks, though, so he must've been studying something. Maybe this was part of the joke. After looking over his course catalogue to help him figure out assignment priority based on credit weights, you saw he was majoring in Gender Studies and minoring in Equine Science and Marine Biology. So yes, patriarchy, horses, and beach. 
The waitress stopped by your table and he panicked again, ordering the same thing as you. A little while later, two Espresso Martinis arrived. You sipped the drink casually, focused on your assignment. 
He didn’t mind it when you weren’t focused on him. He enjoyed your company, even in the quiet. He never felt like you were laughing at him. It was more like you found him funny, but in a nice way. He liked that about you. He liked all of you, actually. 
“Oh, wow!”
He had a sort of outburst that startled you from whatever it was you were reading. You couldn’t remember actually, the look on his face made you forget what you had just read. 
“Oh my gosh, that is terrible!!” 
He spoke in an elevated whisper, careful to not offend the workers. 
“Why does it hurt, is something wrong with it??” 
You covered your mouth to keep from laughing at him. He looked truly horrified. 
“Have you never had anything with alcohol in it before? I thought you were, like, what, 24? 25? Aren’t you in college?” 
“I don’t even have an age – wow, I’m so sorry, that is so bad.” 
He was so weird. So so weird. But you really liked that about him actually. He was sweet about everything and very kind and thoughtful, too. 
He clearly hated his drink but finished it anyway, probably out of courtesy. His face crumpled a bit every time he had to wash a dish that had a lot of food leftover. It was like he felt great sorrow for the chef – that their work wasn’t good enough for the customer, and they tried really hard, so that made him sad. 
Oddly enough, he put a $20 in the tip jar on the way out, shrugging when you asked him about it. He said sure, he didn’t like it, but that wasn’t anyone’s fault. He was grateful they ‘took good care of him’. He was just repeating what he’d heard other diner guests say when they tipped. He was so cute. 
You walked him home. He insisted on the other way around, but he was tipsy and didn’t really know what to do about it, hiccupping and catching his balance. He wasn’t frightened or anything, reassuring you he’d ‘seen this in the movies before’. You assumed he was referring to knowing what it’s like to be inebriated. Still, all this after only one drink, and a stereotypically girly one at that. 
“Thank you for walking me home and helping me with homework and letting me hang out with you today!” 
You smiled, nodding your head. 
“Sure, Ken. Do you work tomorrow?” 
He nodded excitedly, standing in a salute-like pose. 
“Sure do! I’m gonna wash the hell out of some dishes.” 
Cursing, although incredibly light for him, was something he told you he was learning to do since he was now ‘in the real world’. You didn't understand that, like most things about him, but you were excited to see him tomorrow nonetheless. 
For more Kenpostings I’ve written, click here.
For part two, click here!
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glamour-witch-bitch · 10 months
💅💖Glamour Witch Tips PART 3 💖💅
Happy Lions Gate portal yall, hope your manifestations all come to fruition on this day! I haven’t done a compilation of glamour witch tips in a while so I thought I’d do that today. I’ve done lots of reading and research so I got a lot for y’all in this post. With that, let’s get into it!
💖For my false eyelash wearers, I hope you’re cleaning those things when you’re done wearing them. Most importantly I hope you’re cleaning them in moon water for additional alluring powers and or protection.
💖 Honey 🍯. Honey is an incredible thing to use in your Witchery. Not only is it a natural antioxidant, it also Carrie’s antibacterial and antifungal properties. Perfect for when you have a sore throat. It’s also been used across nations in many spiritual practices for ages.
Physical: honey can be used topically to treat acne, hyperpigmentation, dandruff, and (I’m not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt) has been historically used to treat burns and wounds to keep out germs and fight bacteria/infection.
Honey when consumed can also be used to; treat sore throat and cold symptoms, help with digestive unease, boost metabolism, and may help with cardiovascular health as well (again not a doctor so please take this with a grain a salt)
Spiritual/Witchcraft: Appropriately nicknamed “Nectar of the Gods” a perfect offering for most deities as honey is prevalent in most countries and cultures. Can be used to “sweeten” up already existing relationships. I personally associate honey with abundance due to the fact it’s the fruit of bees labor. Use honey as a face mask for additional beauty and attraction rituals.
💖Lavender. Lavender is an essential for every witch and has been used for a millennia in both spiritual practices and medicine as well. I use lavender soap to help ease my anxiety. I like to visualize my anxiety from where it’s felt the most (for me it’s my stomach and my head) leaving that area and traveling to my hands. Then I visualize it seeping out of my skin and that’s where I wash it away with the lavender soap. I bought my soap from NakedVoodoo on Instagram and I definitely would recommend her products and services to a friend and to y’all.
💖Rosemary. Rosemary is a great and I mean great herb that anyone can use and likely already has in their kitchen. In glamour it’s associate with confidence and youth; but its not limited to that. It’s also associated with awareness, banishing, cleansing, comfort, contentment, focus, loving spirits, memories, and renewal.
I used a rosemary shampoo bar from Nole, (an AMAZING hair care company that I recommend for everyone, it’s a little bit pricey but 10000% worth it.) Every time I use it in the shower I ask that it cleanses me of all icky things that I might of have picked up on and restores and renews my energy.
💖Seaweed. Seaweed and sea moss are not only a great supplement to add to your diet (I do have a post about it somewhere one here) it also has incredible magical properties for things such as abundance and blessings. Fantastic for rituals and spells invoking your health, stability, and like said prior abundance.
💖Cleanliness. This might be mostly because of my OCD (no actually, I just got diagnosed last month and since starting medication I’ve been doing much better) But making sure both you and your space is clean before spell work makes such a huge difference. Not only does it have your cleared energetically, but it also does something for your confidence as well. So before you do your spell work, shower and give your area a little tidying up and see the difference it makes.
💖Beauty 👏 love 👏 and 👏 attraction 👏 work 👏 is 👏 protection! 👏. This isn’t as much as a tip as it is more so a school of thought. I said what I said, beauty is the most deadly yet underestimated weapon you can have in this life. Doing love and attraction work on yourself is absolutely protection work, because when people love you and are attracted to you they are also going to be rooting for you and is going to be on your side.
As always happy crafting, stay safe, and stay beautiful my pretties.
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victors-only-dummy · 1 year
Pairing: Irie Naoki x Kotoko ( Me/ You )
“You two are such a mismatched couple.”
Naoki raised his eyes from his coffee and looked across the table at Matsumoto Reiko. He and Kotoko had run into her at the train station while coming back from the hospital and after chatting for a few minutes she’d invited herself over for tea.
Naoki didn’t really mind; he honestly liked Reiko—she was nice and smart, and he was always sure to have an interesting conversation when she was around (something he very rarely did when he was at home). And, putting aside her affection for him, Naoki actually considered her a friend.
 “Hey!” his wife spluttered indignantly from his side.
Plus, he secretly got a kick out of her and Kotoko’s bickering.
“What do you mean ‘mismatched’?!” the red-head argued, leaning forwards suddenly and placing her hands on the coffee table.
The genius of IQ 200 refrained from saying anything, choosing instead to lean back and take a sip from his drink with a bored look on his face.
This was of course a bluff.
He was rather enjoying the view of his wife’s backside as she bent far over the table to face off against her would-be-rival; she was still wearing her nurse uniform, and it did wonders to her figure, and his overworking mind. Kotoko, of course, was completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him.
Reiko put down her tea cup, heaving an over-dramatic sigh that Naoki knew was merely to antagonize his hot-headed little wife.
“Well, for starters,” she began, giving Kotoko a condescending look, “Irie-kun looks like that…” she paused, giving him an appreciative once over, and then turning back to Kotoko, “and you… well, you look like that.”
The young doctor raised his eyebrow—he happened to think Kotoko looked just fine.
Especially now that she was getting all riled up.
“I look like what?!”
“You’re so awkward looking and small—almost like a key-chain, dangling off Irie-kun all the time.”
Naoki had to smother a laugh, very nearly choking on his coffee—luckily his adorable little fool was as clueless as ever, and was growling rather comically at Reiko. The brunette, he could tell, was also trying not to laugh.
“A-a key-chain?!”
“Furthermore,” Reiko continued dismissively, “Irie-kun is serious, refined and classy. You’re just like an overzealous puppy—or an energizer bunny feeding on sugar, take your pick. Tell me, Kotoko-san, however did you manage to draw Irie-kun’s interest?”
Naoki snorted, pretending not to care about the conversation and resumed drinking his coffee. In reality, he was trying hard not to stare at Kotoko, who was looking rather tempting at the moment with her bright cheeks and eyes, which were currently shooting daggers at the beautiful brunette.
And Reiko really was beautiful, in a classic sort of way that Kotoko would never be, but there was just something incredibly alluring about Kotoko, especially when she was all worked up, and he wanted nothing more than to take her upstairs and have his way with her. Alas—they had a guest, and Irie Naoki would rather die before he let Reiko (or anyone else, for that matter) see how he felt. He loved his wife, he really did, but even after five years of knowing her, loving her and being married to her, he still wasn’t comfortable with showing his feelings openly. He was even less comfortable with physical displays of affection and preferred to save them for the cocoon that was their bedroom, where Kotoko and Kotoko alone was allowed to see the gentler, softer and more caring side him.
He was snapped from his reverie by his wife’s slightly maniacal laugher.
“Of course you wouldn’t understand!” she was saying now, smiling smugly down at Reiko, arms and legs akimbo, “True love doesn’t care for silly, insignificant things such as those! The love Irie-kun and I have is pure, transparent, and it transplants every barrier and obstacle!”
Reiko did laugh then, loudly, while Naoki’s left eye started twitching.
“What?,” asked Kotoko, confusedly.
“Idiot!” Naoki said, “That’s transcends, not transplants!”
Kotoko blinked, unfazed. She looked from her husband’s annoyed expression to Reiko, who was red from laughing, and shrugged.
Her expression changed again, this time to bliss, and Naoki had about five seconds to ponder on his wife’s ability to go from angry, to mirthful, to confused and back to happy in the span of a minute before he found himself with an armful of Kotoko.
“Oi!” he choked out, feeling himself go red with embarrassment. “Let go!”
She was clinging to his neck, her upper body pressed tightly against his side, making him very aware of her curves.
Giggling, Kotoko turned to Reiko, but failed to let go of her flustered husband.
“I can’t blame you for liking Irie-kun,” she said, grinning, “he is the greatest husband ever!”
She said it without malice or agenda, and both Naoki and Reiko knew it—Kotoko didn’t have a mean bone in her body. His heart rate accelerated from her heartfelt declaration, and he tried prying her arms from around his neck least he did something stupid, like lose control.
“Let go already!,” he barked, finally managing to push her away.
He started fiddling with his clothes embarrassedly, cheekbones tinged red while Kotoko just laughed, stuck her tongue out at him childishly and then got up to take the tea cups back to the kitchen. Not a second after she’d disappeared through the door they heard a loud yelp, followed by the sound of breaking china.
“I’m alright!”
“That idiot…,” he muttered, sitting back down from when he’d half sprung from the couch and shaking his head, “she’s going to be the death of me yet.”
When Reiko failed to comment, the young doctor turned violet eyes to look at his friend. She was looking back at him with an odd mixture of longing and mirth and a half smile on her lips.
“She really does have you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?,” she said, rather quietly.
Naoki arched his eyebrows in surprise. “Pardon me?”
 “You can deny it all you want, but you really do love her,” the brunette chuckled at Naoki’s dumfounded expression. “I’d know—I’ve been watching you for years...” her expression turned sad. “She’s really lucky...”
Reiko shook her head and got up. Naoki followed suit.
“Anyway,” said the brunette, smiling brightly, “If I had to lose you to anyone, I’m glad it was to her. She’s too much of a block-head to understand the meaning of ‘giving up’.”
They chuckled at each other.
“Irie-kun...” came a small voice from the doorway, and they turned to see Kotoko looking straight at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. She was holding her right index finger up, and her lower lip was trembling. “I cut my finger!”
The young man feigned a sigh. “Okay, let’s see it...”
He walked over to her and held her hand up closer to his face. It was barely a cut at all, with a tiny dollop of blood spurting from the wound.
“What’s all the fuss about?” he said, annoyed, but still did not let go of her hand, “get a grip!”
Reiko shook her head amusedly. “And you call yourself a nurse.”
“But it hurts!” Kotoko whined, before giving her husband a hopeful look. “Kiss it better?”
Naoki flushed brighter, if possible, and dropped her hand quickly. “Stupid...”
“Forget it, I’m not doing it.”
Reiko laughed at the pair, drawing their attention to her.
“As much fun as today was,” she said, “I really should get going.”
They walked her to the door where she bowed shortly.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Kotoko-san. Irie-kun, I hope to see you again soon.”
“Thanks for the chat, Matsumoto.”
“Come back to see us soon!” Kotoko exclaimed happily, clinging to Irie-kun’s arm with one hand and waving at Reiko’s retreating form with her other.
Naoki didn’t say anything, Reiko’s words still ringing in his ears.
She really does have you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?
He reached out and stilled his wife’s waving hand in his own. Kotoko looked up at him, in wonder.
He looked closely at her injured finger. “Does it still hurt?”
Kotoko shook her head, surprised. “Not really—”
She fell silent as Naoki pressed a feather-light kiss on her fingertip. “Better?”
Kotoko’s eyes softened and she nodded. “Better.”
“Good,” he said, closing his hand around her wrist. “Let’s go.”
He turned, shutting the door with his foot and dragging a surprised Kotoko behind him.
“Where are we going?” she asked him, confused, as her husband started walking up the stairs, her hand held firmly in his.
Up to their bedroom, their cocoon, and he was about to show her just how much he loved her.
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ppoppokari · 9 months
🍄…overall ship…🍄
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hey there my main dude bud friend apple of my eye buggy baby please take this as a half apology for being a little brat and also please use this to chill out and smile. honestly that's all i need you to do rn just be happy dude, you really deserve it 💚
~stray kids~ seungmin🍄
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So, my dear little Buggy, I had no idea that shipping time would be now nor did I know that I would actually ship you with Seungmin, I promise it isn’t a form of bribery.
I very well nearly shipped you with Changbin but I ultimately came to the conclusion that while most of the members would absolutely cherish you, there is no other who has more love in his heart for you than Seungmin.
You had me quite speechless? 아무리 생각해도 너의 성격을 어떻게 설명해야할지 몰랐다 (apologies for the spontaneous Korean sometimes English just fails on me, so maybe just use a translator if you need to) there were so many fascinating aspects of your personality that at times I felt 초현실적이고 멍한 because I couldn’t believe there was actually someone out there like you.
There is something so ethereal about you and while that mystifies me it would have Seungmin in a very gentle chokehold. He is drawn to you and instead of trying to figure you out he’d opt to fall in love with you, dating you is a fantasy of his and he wasn’t guilty about that notion. There was so much certainty, he just knew he wanted to date you, though some of it was a territorial puppy love kind of thing where he wanted to act first before one of the other members fell for you.
There is something so charming about your visuals, a dual sense of maturity and youthfulness, I also just like your nose and eyebrows. But this isn’t about me and what I like, it’s about how good your features look when picturing you and Seungmin together.
You actually share a few of the same facial features, you have an incredibly similar face shape and you both possess the same alluring eyes. When shipping someone I like to have at least some contrast in visuals but this is the best exception ever. I absolutely adore the fact that you look similar, it’s giving Ken and Barbie.
Despite being a couple of regular visuals, your relationship is so much more than the physical aspects. Your personality reflects the grunge type of edge that you lean towards and I vaguely mentioned it in the beginning of your ship but this would truly make him fall hard.
You both tend to bond over your more reserved personalities, while Seungmin can be a little grumpy and lowkey judgemental he is too charmed to ever judge you. There is actually no reason for him to judge you considering you are the perfect dose of cute and homely and edgy and outgoing.
Even if Seungmin leans so heavy into being whipped for you he never really mentions it. But please don’t worry, it shows in the way he remembers every small thing you say. He is very keen to adapt to you and your interests, so that he can be the most present boyfriend ever.
A good example is the fact that he wasn’t really overly in love with cozy games but he would study them enough to recite the whole damn game lore to you.
Another thing worth mentioning is your overall dynamic, though Seungmin can be a bit much he is so in love with you and he will even let you lead the relationship, giving you an opportunity to experiment with your relationship.
There are so many things that he will not say but it is apparent that you would have fully won his heart over and it is even more apparent that he would happily ditch the members for you when he can.
And it’s on those nights where he finally got to leave the dorm and stay with you, the nights where he rests his head on your shoulder and smiles at you with a coy blush. That’s when you know you have found your soulmate.
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gerec · 2 years
Au-gust 2022
Master List of Ficlets Here
13. Reboot/Fresh Start
Pairing(s): Cherik Warnings: None
There’s a man in Charles’ office when he returns from his last class, seated in front of his desk and drinking Scotch from a glass tumbler. He seems familiar in the space and has clearly made himself at home, though Charles can’t recall this stranger having ever visited the school. Even more curious is his seeming inability to read the man’s thoughts, though a more concerted effort on his part would certainly break through those psychic defenses.
“You’re right, Charles,” the man says, smirking with amusement at his startled reaction. “I could never keep you out without wearing the helmet.”
“I’m sorry; do I know you?” he asks, navigating his chair into place behind his oak desk, unsure what to make of the mysterious intruder. Charles is…unsettled, yes, but also feels like he’s seeing an old friend again; one who is watching his every move with an expression of wonder and affection. “Do you have a child you’re looking to enroll at our School, Mr…?”
“Lehnsherr. Erik Lehnsherr,” he answers, “and no, I’m not here about the School.”
Even with an eidetic memory it takes a few long moments to process this information, and for his mind to match the man’s face and name with the mutant he failed to save almost twenty years ago. He remembers vividly now of that night long ago; of that brief glimpse of a mind that called to him like a beacon. How he hesitated before diving into the churning waves, and how those few precious seconds of hesitation meant Charles couldn’t reach him – reach Erik – before he’d been dragged by the submarine too far out to sea.
“He’s…you’re…dead,” Charles breathes, staring fixedly at Erik, recalling the gut punch he felt when the light of that brilliant mind went out. Though he never actually saw the mutant live, he did see the man’s memories, and the stranger sitting before him is indeed wearing the same face. A face that’s older and more etched with grief than the roiling anger he remembers, but no less fascinating – inexplicably so – to Charles then and now. “How is this possible?”
“In my universe, where I come from, you saved me that night in Miami. We became…friends, and for a time we were happy together. I was happy, until circumstances and our differing views led us down divergent paths.” Erik smiles then, with such melancholy sadness that it makes Charles’ heart ache. “I regret our break more than I can say…and I wish I had said it to my Charles when I still had the chance.”
“Did he…is he dead?”
“Yes, to my great sorrow.”
“And you’re here because…” Charles prompts gently, before he adds, “also how are you here?”
Erik grins. “I suppose the ‘how’ would interest you, being a scientist at heart, but it’s irrelevant as it can’t be repeated. A mutant opened a portal into this universe at my request, one where Erik Lehnsherr died but Charles Xavier lives.”
Charles chuckles and shakes his head. “You understand how this all sounds, don’t you? How utterly implausible and made up? I’d sooner believe that you somehow survived that night years ago than the idea that you’ve come from…what? An alternate universe?”
“You can read my mind, Charles, and see for yourself,” Erik says, circling the desk and coming to kneel before Charles in his chair. Reaching for Charles’ hand, he places it on his temple, serene and inviting of his telepathic gift. It’s a gesture that he finds incredibly endearing, only adding to the allure of this strange, enigmatic mutant. “As for why I’m here…well I suppose I was hoping for a second chance for us; a fresh start. I want you in my life again, Charles, more than anything.”
Charles has wondered often over the years, about the man he couldn’t save, and what might have happened if he’d been able to pull Erik out of the water. Would they have worked together against Shaw or gone their separate ways? Become more than mere acquaintances or colleagues working towards a shared goal? Could he have convinced him to help Charles build a haven for their own kind? Where would their relationship have led if they’d actually become friends?
But now that the knowledge is actually here for the taking, Charles isn’t so sure he wants the answers.
“Come in,” Erik urges, still holding his hand, and Charles can’t say no to this man – this ghost – that fate or destiny has brought back into his life. “Come in and you’ll understand everything.”
“Alright,” Charles says, taking a deep breath before diving in.
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stiricidewrites · 3 months
All the Things We’ll Leave Behind: ch 30, pt 1
New chapter yo~
See you Tuesday!
Also, if you need a refresher of how lwj woke up, it's at the end of this chapter
“Fucking hell. Turn that thing off.”
lwj froze from where he had been staring up at his phone—the phone that he 100% had not been in possession of at the restaurant last night—and turned his head towards the source of the voice.
jzxuan was laying next to him in bed—in wwx’s bed—and glaring at him. He looked adorably ruffled, and the thought that another alpha was in his and his mate’s bed, looking as cute and sleepy as he did, sent a giant, overwhelming surge of panic through him. Unfortunately, the panic and his recent emergence from sleep meant his already questionable control of his scent was non-existent, and a giant ball of burning anxiety slipped out of him.
Even worse, when his friend—hopefully still just a friend and not one-night stand!?—smelled the scent of his panic he straightened up, covers falling off his upper half and—
lwj’s eyes flew wide as he took in not just jzxuan’s naked torso but the giant bruise across the scent gland on his neck. “What… is that?” he asked, voice scratchy with sleep and disuse—he had heard from jyl, the last time he had had the misfortune of being intoxicated, that he said even less than usually… and was incredibly impulsive and hard to control.
“What?” The other alpha looked down at himself, rubbing sleep out of his eyes before covering a yawn.
“On your neck.”
“Uh…” His friend looked up to the ceiling, eyebrows furrowed before he arched back in a much too alluring stretch, moaning slightly as his back cracked. “Oh, you were sucking on my scent gland last night,” he said, as though there were nothing weird or wrong with that. His hand rose to finger the mark his likely couldn’t see. “My fault.”
“How?” lwj asked numbly, hand tightening around the phone vibrating away as more and more messages from his mate came through. Did he know? Were these messages breaking up with him? He was going to kill that waitress.
“Well,” jzxuan said, sliding back under the covers as he yawned again, “you were trying to sleep on the living room floor. I was trying to get you to the bedroom, but you’re heavy, man. So I kinda… released a bit of scent? Hoping you’d follow? You did, but well…” he trailed off, giving lwj a still sleepy smile. “You decided you wanted more. I was tired by that point, too, and just wanted to get out of my dirty clothes—I actually would have preferred to shower, but it seemed like you might have tried to follow me if I did, so I scrapped that idea. I ended up having to bargain with you that, if you let me go for long enough that I could strip, I’d let you do whatever you wanted… almost. There were some rules. You were perfect at following them,” he added, as though lwj should be proud that he was still a rule follower while drunk and scenting alphas that weren’t his mate!
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katsukikiss · 3 years
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WARNINGS: NSFW 18+, smut, oral (f receiving), fluff, semi-established relationship?
AN: Im a little late for Izuku’s birthday :( but this is for @rat-zuki The Deku Agenda Escapes No one event! and thanks @morelikebaku-no for helping me come up with a title >.<
WC: 2.2k
“Hey y/n! You look different, you have something planned for today?” Izuku beamed at you, looking slightly confused. He approached you as you headed towards the elevator in his massive agency building. You were both heading up to the top floor, where his office resided. You two had been ‘talking’ for the last two months now, since you started working for him, and were casually going on dates or hanging at each others places. Nothing physical had transpired between you two yet; he made you incredibly nervous even though he was so warm and welcoming, so there was no way you were going to make the first move. However, you two had spoken almost everyday since Iida had suggested you for the job, and you practically knew everything about each other at this point. The romantic attraction you two had towards one another was undoubtedly strong, but because he never made any moves on you, you feared that he didn’t like you enough to do so.
“Oh thanks, I was just trying something new, do you like it?” you sheepishly asked, your face filling with heat. You dressed a bit differently than usual, a feeble attempt at being more ‘alluring’. You thought maybe if he saw you in the clothes everyone else was wearing he might find you more attractive. You were always told you had the goods and should flaunt them; you were far too embarrassed and insecure to actually do so, but you were getting a bit frustrated at your lack of physical contact between you and Izuku. Momo took you shopping the other day for some new clothes and makeup and convinced you to ‘just give it a try, see it it helps’. You dawned a tight sage button up and a short form fitting pencil skirt, and heels an inch taller than you were used to. Safe to say, it was a big change to your long loose skirts and fluffy blouses you normally wore.
“Its nice, different but nice. I think I have a meeting in ten minutes, I hate to ask but could you go pick up some coffee?” he asked you, a hand scratching the back of his neck while the other held the elevator door open. You usually attended these meetings, taking notes and giving input, but he never asked you to leave right before one.
You quickly nodded, “Oh yeah sure! Text me the orders I guess?”
“I will, thanks so much!” he said, removing his arm from the door allowing it to close. His reaction to your outfit was okay? He didn’t seem to particularly like or dislike it, but sending you out the minute you arrived to work, and before a meeting, seemed really odd to you, especially since he usually made other people do coffee runs so you two could spend more time together. You turned around on your heel to leave and saw the large group of pro heros entering through the two giant glass doors.
“Oh hey guys! Deku sent me to go get some coffee for you all, since you’re here mind if I just write down your orders now?” you asked, gently curtsying in their presence.
“Hey y/n long time no see!” Red Riot called out to you, hopping forward and pass the group to get closer to you.
“Hey Kirishima! I think I know what you want already” you laughed. He was a close friend of yours in highschool so it was only natural you’d know his favorite coffee. He smiled back at you, his eyes downward, looking at your chest for a bit too long than you were comfortable with. You shuffled back a bit, looking at the rest of the men whose eyes were also glued to your body. You never had a problem talking to them during meetings or outside of work but you felt incredibly flustered now.
“Uhm just tell me what the rest of you want okay?” you mumbled, trying to get the hell out of there. They all nodded, each taking a turn to approach you, coming too close to your face to give you their orders. Once you had them all written down on your phone you waved to them and they each had wide smiles and waved back.
“You’ll be back before the meeting ends right?” Dynamight snapped at you. Although you knew of him in high school and saw him at the office occasionally, he never spoke a word to you until today. You nodded quickly, and turned to leave. You weren’t oblivious, this outfit was working wonders, you just hoped it was working on the one you care about.
“Here you are boys!” you cheered, placing each of their drinks down in front of them. As you went around the long table to hand out the coffee, Izuku's eyes weren’t on you but on every one of his friends instead. He looked calm but something was hiding underneath that soft face of his. Some of the men ignored you as you handed them their coffee, mumbling ‘thanks’ under their breath. Others, including Bakugo and Kirishima, still looked at you like they did in the lobby, with starving eyes, regardless of the way Izuku was looking at them. You smiled gently at each of them before taking a seat next to Izuku so that the meeting could resume.
When you sat you felt your chair being yanked. You held on to the sides of the chair as Izuku brought you closer to him, a low dragging sound emitting into the room. He looked down at you with a kind smile before addressing the group again. Your heart raced, something was different about him today, was it your outfit? Did it work?! You started to get excited, your legs dancing a bit in your seat. He placed a hand on your right thigh without looking at you as he continued with the discussion. You tried to focus and take notes but the warmth of his hand on you made you so nervous and happy; Of course you two have hugged, snuggled and shared a few kisses here and there but something about this moment felt intimate.
The meeting ended and the men began standing to head out. You were standing and about to move from your chair when you felt his hand pulling on your arm lightly.
“Could you stay for a minute? I just want to talk to you about something” Izuku remarked.
“Oh yeah of course” you responded, taking a seat once more. The men all waved to you and Deku before you were left alone. You reorganized the papers in front of you and into a folder.
“Why the change?” he asked, taking you by surprise. You looked around the dark meeting room and down at your body, before looking back up at your boss.
“I- um I thought you’d like it?” you stammered. He looked like he was thinking, looking forward at nothing with a concerned expression on his face.
“Well I do, but I like when you’re you much better” he affirmed, his eyes aimed downwards. Frustration and defeat came over you; he didn’t like the new outfit, not really, and you weren’t sure what else to do but be honest with him. You thought for a moment it worked but you must have been wrong.
“You never look at me the way all those other men did today, you don’t touch me like you want me, is there something wrong with me?” you implored, practically yelling at him, tears welling in your eyes. His face looked upset when he finally turned to face you. He raised a hand to touch your cheek and swirled his thumb over.
“Y/n, no theres nothing wrong with you at all. I didn’t know you felt that way. Honestly I just didn’t want to rush you. Your are so incredibly beautiful and amazing and theres nothing I want more then to touch you in the way that you want, I just wanted to be respectful about it” he assured you, his hand never leaving your face. You sniffled back your tears and your eyes looked at him longingly. He looked anxious, searching your face for some sort of inclination as to how you felt. Relief flooded over you when you heard his response and you leaned forward into his chest. He placed his hand on top of your head.
“Im sorry I freaked out on you like that Izuku, I was just overthinking it, I can assure you I’m ready to move forward with our relationship. And I didn’t like this outfit much anyway…” you paused for a second and looked up from his chest “what was the deal with the chair though?” you asked. He looked every so slightly annoyed, but he still had a smile when he spoke to you.
“Some of the other heroes were making comments in here after you took their orders, and its safe to say I was a little frustrated and shocked with their behavior, thats all” he admitted. You couldn’t begin to imagine what pervy locker talk they were having about you, and its no wonder he reacted that way.
“Oh wow I-“ he scooped you up and into his arms, causing you to lose your train of thought. He gently squeezed at your thighs before slowly placing you down on the meeting table. Your legs parted instinctually as he slithered in between them.
“Im ready Izuku, trust me” you whispered. He leaned forward and into your neck, placing hot wet kisses down your exposed flesh. He pulled away and looked down at you, cupping your face in his calloused hands.
“Alright baby, then let me do something nice for you” he breathed out. You nodded quickly, your deep breaths making your chest rise to new elevations before falling slowly. He bent his knees, landing on them and placing his face between your legs. He looked up at you quickly before using his hands to pull your skirt up. You helped him and allowed it to bunch up at your waist. You watched as Izuku slowly licked his fingers, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time before dipping them painfully slow into your needy hole. You gasped at the feeling of his two large fingers entering, he began slowly pumping them in and out of you. He kept looking at your wet cunt, admiring it before delving in with his tongue. You let out the quietest whimper you could manage, so as to not be heard by the rest of the staff and people in the office. His tongue danced to rhythms you’ve never experienced before. He lapped up and down your folds, even removing his fingers so that his tongue could get a chance to fuck you too. Your little gasps and moans grew louder but he kept telling you “louder, its okay”. Your legs started to tremble, involuntarily closing slowly on his head. He loved the feeling of your thighs pressed flush against him.
“Fuck Izuku ah I love you” you moaned out, without thinking as you ran your fingers through his green locks. Your mind was in a state of euphoria, lost in the overwhelming sensation of his finger and tongue working wonders on you. You grasped a wad of his hair tightly as you came undone for him, your sweet release splashing out of your cunt and onto his fingers and mouth. He lapped up your juices, reveling in the way you tasted before licking his lips and wiping his face with the back of his hand. He stood up and you immediately pulled him in for a passionate kiss with shaky arms. Your tongues intertwined, before he pulled away, bringing his fingers to your mouth. You sucked on them slowly while looking him in the eyes. He looked dumbfounded as he watched your lips wrap around his and felt your cute mouth sucking on him.
“We can keep going Izuku, I want to” you practically begged, your face almost pouting after he removed his fingers from your mouth. He backed up from between your legs and pushed them closed much to your dismay. He placed his hands on your legs and bent down to your level and looked at you before speaking.
“We have plenty of time baby, plus I have an interview in about” he checked his watch “six minutes” he smiled at you. You hopped off the table, pulling your skirt back to its correct place. He straightened out your shirt and patted your shoulders. His hands moved down to your waist and he pulled you forward, your lips finding each other perfectly. You shared one last kiss before making your way towards the door.
“You can dress however you want y/n, whatever makes you happy will make me happy” he said, pausing with his hands gripping the doorknob.
“I appreciate that Izuku” you paused, a clever idea crossing your mind, “but wait till’ you see what I’ve got planned for tomorrow” you winked at him. His face turned a deep shade of red, as did your own at your fleeting sense of confidence. He shook his head and took a deep breath.
“I cant wait” he murmured before opening the door.
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kyovtani · 3 years
mean dom hinata? explain away honey 👁👅👁
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you guys- when i tell you the concept of hard dom hinata is one of my favorites- idek what it is about the thought of having sunshines like him, suga or yams go brutally at me but it just makes me pussy throb so here you go ✨
a/n: i got a little carried away so this is a little longer haha 😀
— cw: hard daddy dom!shoyo, heavy degradation, mocking, teasing and dumbification, pussy slapping, choking and brief mentions of breeding <33
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hinata shoyo is not really one who's constantly in his hard dom mood. he's also not a soft dom per se, but for him to become the mean, merciless dom you love oh so much, it does take a little bit of work.
however, it always depends, who those guys are.
however, it always depends, who those guys are.
one thing hinata absolutely despises is when you visit him at practice, dressed in one of your tiniest little dresses and that one particular look on your face. he can tell the reason behind your little visit by the way you walk and talk once you've entered the gym him and his teammates spend most of their time in.
you visit him a lot, which he genuinely appreciates because he misses you a lot but can't really do anything about it because he has to practice to become an even better version of himself. however, when you come up to him with that smirk and certain kind of playful gleam in your eyes, he knows you're here to play your little games.
and then he just gets to watch the scene unfold.
you becoming incredibly handsy with atsumu and bokuto, two of his closest friends who, bless their hearts, simply can't hide the effect you have on them, especially if you're dressed like that. shoyo also calmly observes the way you talk to his captain, meian, the guy he looks up to, his mentor. he even finds it funny how you keep letting your hands graze over his big arms and even his abs, or laughing about his puns and jokes a little too much than you'd normally do.
in those moments, shoyo just smiles and calms himself down because he knows why you're acting like that. you've missed him and he hasn't had the time to give you the attention you deserve so you're here to get what you deserve.
even on the ride back home he does not say a word and that's when you know you've got him.
because the moment he steps through the door to your shared apartment, he slams it shut and wraps one of his big, calloused hands around your neck before he calmly pushes you against the wall.
and then, hinata just starts chuckling.
the sound of his deep laughter sends shivers of excitement and arousal down your spine and it feels like he's slowly setting your body on fire in a way only he's been able to.
he holds you like that for a good while, just giggling and shaking his head, meeting your desperate gaze every now and then as he applies more and more pressure on your delicate throat.
"you know what, puppy?", he begins, running a hand through his messy curls before he scratches the back of his undercut and then casually plays with the piercings in his ear.
"i actually enjoy these shows a lot", shoyo continues, his facial expressions slowly but surely hardening as he never once averts his gaze from yours all while his other hand pushes your tiny little dress all the way up your thighs, exposing your clothed cunt to the cold air of the hallway.
"all the fake giggles and compliments whenever my boys say something, honestly – it's actually quite cute. i know how much tsumu- and bo-kun enjoy your little visits and even shu-kun gets all flustered when you keep telling him just how 'big' he is", hinata explains, the smile on his plump lips slowly fading away as he pushes his thumb underneath the waistband of your panties and casually rips it with one firm tug, not even caring about the little painful gasp you let out when the fabric lightly cuts your skin.
you just look at him with parted lips, your arousal slowly dripping down your inner thighs and your cunt clenching in absolute disgusting despair the longer hinata stares at you.
"shoyo, i-", "shut the fuck up", hinata is quick to quiet you down, the playful gleam in his big eyes burning with a fire of anger in just the right way; you've finally gotten him exactly where you wanted him, "not only wasn't i done speaking yet, you were also not granted permission to say anything, pet. so you stay nice and quiet for me, hm?"
you start nodding softly, a soft whine escaping your lips when shoyo harshly pushes his thick thigh in between your legs, right against your dripping cunt. your eyes roll into the back of your head at the delicious feeling of his strong muscle underneath you; your clit throbbing almost painfully when you slowly start rocking your hips against him.
"look at how fucking desperate you are to have your stupid little pussy fucked", hinata grunts, a deep, empty chuckle falling pst his lips before he lets go of your throat and takes your chin into his big hand to have you meet his strong, alluring gaze, "it's disgustingly pathetic."
"o-only for you, daddy", you whisper and dig your fingers into his tiny waist, holding onto him as your hips move on their own, giving your little clit just the right amount of stimulation to esse some of the pressure on your cunt.
"oh, really? o-o-o-only f-for m-me? yeah?", hinata replies, his mocking of your words sending you into the sweetest haze of pleasure and you can't believe you're about to cum from basically nothing.
"didn't look like that to me when you were basically offering yourself to my boys", he hisses, suddenly pulling his whole body away from you and with a soft yelp, you let yourself fall onto your knees; desperately pressing your thighs together in hopes of getting your ruined orgasm back, only to fail miserably.
shoyo looks down to you, his rock hard cock straining against the soft material of his sweats and the thought of his weight on your tongue, you whimper softly.
"i don't fuck you for what? two days? and you forget what manners are. have i fucked you and your stupid little pussy so dumb already? because it seems like you're not doing any of the thinking anymore, hm? but i mean, how are you supposed to when cock is all you seem to think about all day", his words ring in your head, echoing sonloudly it feels like he just yelled them right into your ear.
you gulp harshly, your hands finding the fabric of his sweats as you make your way up to him; the thought of having him fill you to the brim with his cock as he says even meaner things to you clouding your mind in just the right way.
"p-please", you whisper and look up at him, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as the arousal becomes overwhelming and the radical need to have him inside of you takes over your mind, "please, daddy, i n-need you to fuck me."
you start placing soft little kisses on his clothed cock, your eyes never once leaving his strong gaze as you enjoy the feeling of his length underneath your lips knowing oh too well that he's going to take it away from you a lot sooner than you'd expect him to.
"tsk, how unfortunate that i don't need to fuck you. i'll just use my fist and watch you beg for it before i cum all over your dirty little cunt and call it a night", he hisses, pushing the messy strands of his hair out of his face before he moves out of your grip and walks towards the living room.
and just as you're about to get up on wobbly legs, hinata raises his big, tattoo clad hand snd turns his head to the side, before he mumbles a soft, "don't you fucking dare to get up. if you want to behave like a needy little pet, you're going to be treated like one. so, you better stay the fuck on all fours."
by the time you come to sit next to him on the floor, hinata just groans, pushing his sweats and boxer briefs down his thick thighs and revealing his fat, precum leaking cock to your hungry eyes.
"sit on the coffee table", he grunts, sitting down on the couch as he wraps his big hand around his throbbing length and slowly starts stroking himself.
you nod softly, moving to sit on the little table with your juices covering your inner thighs and continuously dripping down your legs and without missing a beat, you spread yourself open for hinata.
"fuck, you're dripping everywhere", he grunts at the sight of your sopping wet pussy all spread okt for him and his words easily have your hole clenching like crazy, making more of your juices drip down to your ass.
"all y-yours, daddy", you whimper, watching the way hinata slowly bucks his hip into his fist, his precum slowly finding its way down the back of his hand.
"of course you're all mine, you stupid little slut", hinata scoffs and even though you see the way he lifts his hand, the suddenness of the harsh spank on your pussy still takes your breath away and leaves you whining and whimpering as the pain slowly spreads in your veins, mixing with the pleasure and basically leaving you high.
"you and this pretty pussy belong to me, puppy", he spits and casually lands another spank on your drenched folds, a loud moan falling pst your lips as the tears stream down your temples and find their way into the coffee table.
"now cut the crybaby shit and get on top of me, show me you're worthy of my cock and i might actually breed you."
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sugako · 3 years
after dinner special
bokuto x f!reader x hinata sum: after seeing the way his teammate looks at you, bokuto comes up with a plan to help all parties cw: 18+ only minors dni i am begging you, established relationship (bokuto x reader), slight manipulation (?? reader/bo make a secret plan to seduce hinata and he wants to so not really but idk what else to tag it as), oral (f!receiving), double pussyjob, nipple play, orgasm denial, D/s, spit roast, unprotected, hinabo if you squint extra hard wc: 4.2k a/n: finally back from the dead with this wayyy overdue fic ive been thinking about/writing for months, no edits or beta bc i'm too impatient and haven't posted in so long
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Above all else, Bokuto was incredibly perceptive to other’s emotions. Among other aspects, that quality had really drawn you to him even if it wasn’t as extraordinarily overt as his confidence and enthusiasm. His perceptiveness didn’t end with you, of course, he was well-connected with his teammates, which meant when he saw the way Hinata’s eyes just barely glazed over when he met you he knew there was something more happening in his head. He watched the burning grow in Hinata after he had witnessed the two of you had, quite obviously, snuck off to another room during a get-together at Meian’s, spit still drying at the corner of your dry, puffy lips a week prior.
Even he wasn’t sure what exactly his plan was as he started up in the locker room a couple weeks later, oversharing every little detail he could recall about your body, namely when it was under him. Ignoring Atsumu and Kiyoomi’s groans for him to stop while Shugo and Oliver snickered to themselves reminiscing about their own escapades from a handful of years ago, he focused on Hinata’s reaction.
Shōyō remained uncharacteristically quiet as he rambled on about how cute your soft tits were, only speaking to quietly excuse himself to the bathroom. He was careful, but not careful enough to hide the tent in his shorts.
Not one to keep a secret, the words came tumbling from his mouth when he burst into your shared apartment.
“I think Hinata likes you!” He managed, tearing off his shoes to stumble into the hallway to wrap you in a tight hug like he did nearly every day.
“I-...what?” You choke, wrapping a tentative arm back around him and peeling away to look at him in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Not like… I don’t know, I think he wants to fuck you.” The smile on his face doesn’t waver, only confusing you.
“I’m not sure how to take this.” You deadpan, brows just short of knitting together. “Why…?”
“Well if you would like that I certainly wouldn’t mind.” His teeth graze over your skin as he pecks messy kisses all over your cheeks and neck.
“You wouldn’t mind?” You blankly repeat back, holding his back by his muscled shoulders to make him look you in the eyes. “Because not minding something and wanting something are very different and I just want to make sure whatever we’re about to talk about we’re just being really clear.”
Bokuto inhaled a massive breath, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he collected exactly what he wanted to say to you. Before he could, the smell coming from the kitchen distracted his senses, leaving him to weakly exhale and blink his eyes open. “Talk over dinner?”
The long talk over the dinner table was eventually fruitful. After he collected himself and stuffed his rumbling stomach, Bokuto was better able to explain what he had seen in Hinata. It made you recall every time you had seen him and you would be lying if you said you didn’t see it too. He wasn’t exactly a subtle person.
When it came down to it, you certainly weren’t opposed. Bokuto certainly seemed interested in the prospect of sharing you, especially with his favorite prodigy as he liked to class him. You recognized that Hinata was attractive and you had to admit that the concept of being squished between the two thick, bubbly men was alluring as long as he was truly interested.
Before the full invitation to come over for dinner - specially prepared by you - had even slipped from Bokuto’s mouth, Hinata was eagerly accepting. Part of you dreaded the entire ordeal, anxieties bubbling up about the lead up and the talking beforehand that you had foolishly agreed to do most of. Over dinner you stayed a little quieter than usual, trying to gauge Hinata’s expression and body language.
When he politely excuses himself to use the restroom after finishing, Bokuto grabs your hand across the table, rubbing a thumb over your knuckles.
“If you’re nervous we can stop right here.” He whispers, grinning softly.
You can’t help but smile back, shaking your head. “No, I’m okay,” you assure him, “I am a little nervous, but I really want to.”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut off by the sound of the bathroom door closing and the soft pad of Hinata’s feet down the hallway. Clearing your throat, you give a reassuring smile to Bokuto, and stand to face where Hinata soon pops out of.
“Hinata, would you-”
“Shōyō is fine!” He interjects. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“That’s fine,” you smile, ghosting your hand down his arm and resting your palm against his elbow. “Shōyō, would you mind helping me wash up in the kitchen. I feel bad asking the guest, but Kōtarō has something for you and you’ll get to it faster if I finish this.”
Hinata can feel his heart pounding behind his rib cage so hard he worries you can hear his pulse reverberating. You look so sweet with those pleading eyes staring at him, the warm touch of your fingertips sending heat to his chest.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” He nods, letting you lead him a room away to the kitchen.
“Great, thank you, this is such a big help.” You grin while placing the dirty dishes in the sink before you and handing him a dry towel. “You can just dry and put them in the cabinet in front of you.”
“Okay,” he says quietly, eyeing down your low-cut shirt as you squeeze your arms together and lean down to grab the first bowl. His eyes roll to the back of his head when you turn the tap on a little too fast and water splashes all over the front of your thin, pale dress, making the black lacy bra underneath pop.
“Whoops!” You exclaim, smiling a little too happily, feeling how his feet shift beside you. “This tap is a little loose, I always get messy and wet trying to do anything.”
He has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning, glad that your gaze is in the sink and not on his flushed face. He doesn’t want to feel this way about his friend’s girlfriend, but it’s so hard when you’re standing so close - did you take a step toward him? when did your hip start brushing against his? - and you look so pretty.
“So, Shōyō…” you start, handing him another dish, “Kōtarō talks about you a lot, you know.”
“Really?” His voice is pitched and strained, stopping short of choking on his own words.
“Yeah, he thinks you’re great. He was so excited when you joined the team. He, uh, he pays attention, a lot more than some people give him credit for.”
Hinata nods, carefully placing the bowl in the cupboard. “He’s great, I’ve always loved watching him play.”
“He’s fun to watch,” you agree, “You know he thinks….actually, can I just ask what your type is?” The words tumble out quickly as you try to gain confidence, a small bit of worry creeping into the back of your head.
“My type?” He repeats back, pausing in his drying motions. “I don’t know if I really have one. Just anyone I feel good with. Why?” When he turns to look at you again you’re turned to face him, a small smile lighting up your features.
“That’s a good way to look at things. I only ask because, well Kōtarō seems to think you have some kind of interest in me.” You force the words to come out casually, keeping your eyes on him. Hinata sputters and chokes on his own words, the way your hand comes down over his doing absolutely nothing to help him compose himself. “There’s no good way to say this, but he was thinking you could, uh well take what you’ve been thinking about, if you want to.”
Taking a deep swallow, he took a short deep breath to clear his mind. “And what do you think?”
Tension dissipates from your body at his question. “I think I would like you to do whatever you want. Touch me, kiss me, anything. Only if you want to.”
His fists clench and unclench again, gears turning in his head as he realizes this was planned. All those stories Bokuto told, the glint in his eyes for the past few weeks, the way you put yourself on display for him all night with that sly little smirk - it was all part of some plan. A little worried voice in the back of his head told him this was too good to be true. But you were offering yourself up to him, angled forward so your tits would pop and watching him so carefully as though he were a scared animal ready to run, and he knew it had to be true.
The timid, apprehensive look he had been sporting slowly drained from his face, replaced with a much more confident and delighted one. His hands moved from his sides to dig into your waist, lifting you up onto the counter behind you.
“Don’t tease me.” He whispers hoarsely, lips ghosting over the pulse of your throat. The loose dress Bokuto had purposefully picked out for you to wear for the evening rode up as Hinata settled his thick body between your welcoming knees.
“I’m not,” you pant, “Kōtarō really wanted this.”
A shuddered sigh comes from his chest as he rests his head against your shoulder, just barely kissing the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. You fidget restlessly, trying to pull his still body closer to no avail.
“Wanna know he wants this.” He says eventually. “I trust you, I just…”
“No, no, I get it.” You say a little too abruptly, fishing around for where your phone was tossed onto the counter. With shaky hands you hurried to click it open, immediately going to your messages, scrolling to the most recent chat with Bokuto where he depicted how much he wanted to see you fucked out on his and Hinata’s cocks in vivid detail. You push the phone into his hand. “You can scroll wherever, he mentioned it before that one’s just… yeah.”
“Oh, wow.” He breathes, glancing through a few other messages from earlier in the week. Gently, he sets the phone down beside you before pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips collide with the base of your throat knocking the air right from you.
You wind your fingers up in his hair as he pressed harsh kisses straight down your front, his rough hands pushing the skirt of your dress up even higher, leaving the tops of your thighs completely exposed. He keeps journeying lower until his cheek is flush to the hem of your panties. When his nose presses up against the slowly growing damp patch leaking his shoulders heave as though to hold himself back.
“And he doesn’t want us to wait up…?”
Truthfully, you didn’t know completely. Bokuto had asked to make some kind of subtle move on Hinata in private, he figured it would be less stressful for the both of you, but he hadn’t said how far to go with him, and you weren’t really sure what he was doing in some other part of the house, and Hinata’s fingers were so hot against your skin…
“No, it’s fine.” You pant, desperation evident in your voice. He doesn’t need much more, hand moving to pull the stretchy fabric you had purposefully worn to the side, his wide tongue darting out to lap up the wetness seeping from you.
With an aching whine, you lean into his touch, massaging his head and bringing him closer to you with every burning second that passes. Not that you had expected him to be inexperienced by any means, but you hadn’t expected him to be so good. He was loud, moaning against your cunt as he buried his tongue inside of you, nose tapping against your pleading clit.
The sound of your breathy whimpers and the loud slurping squelches drowned out the steps coming down the hall or the kitchen door swinging open. Bokuto stood there for a moment with a small smile, admiring how pretty you looked like this, even if he wished it were him, but he couldn’t let the moment pass him by.
“Puppy,” he sighed. The first syllable was enough to make Hinata pop off of you and stumble back to turn around, eyes hazy and drunken of the taste of you. Ignoring the hardened look in Bokuto’s eyes, you pouted sweetly, spreading your legs a little more to let him see your soiled panties.
“You’re being greedy, don’t you think, puppy? Going ahead without me like that.” He imitates you with a fake pout, the look never quite meeting his blazing eyes. You can feel what’s coming and make no more attempt to argue. Hinata is taking in the interaction, still halfway in his own daze. “She’s great, huh, Shōyō? Pretty little pussy and she makes the best noises, especially when she’s crying for your cock.”
Hinata swallows hard, absentmindedly palming over his pants where he’s quickly grown half-hard. “Yeah, she’s, yeah no, uh she’s really great. This is still okay?”
Both of you nod quickly, reassuring him, but you remain silent for now, trying to settle before you know what’s to come.
“Totally okay as long as you’re okay.” Bokuto drops the edge in his tone to carefully watch him for a moment, assessing.
“Completely.” He agrees with a dreamy sigh.
Nodding again, Bokuto approaches the two of you. Refusing to meet his eyes you stare just ahead at the door.
“Oh, don’t look so sad, puppy, you know you’ll get what you want in the end anyway.” He jabs as he scoops you over his shoulder and gives you a gentle pat on the back of your thighs. “Let’s at least go to the living room.”
You glance back at Hinata, mouthing a silent whoops, while Bokuto leads him around the corner. Bokuto plops into the corner of the couch, back propped up by the plush arm, and maneuvering your pliable body to sit comfortably in his lap with your back pulled up flush to his chest. You’re gently pushed forward so he can peel the dress off and unclasp your bra. He’s calm for now, at least on the outside, but you can feel his heart pounding through the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t need these anymore,” he hums, latching his fingers in the sides of your underwear and motioning for you to lift your hips to let him slide them off. Hooking his elbows under your knees, he pulls your thighs to your chest, high enough so that he can palm your breasts. Quietly whining, you turn your head away so you don’t have to look directly up at Hinata - not that he’d notice your face with the way your cunt was glistening under the low, soft lights of the room. “Shh,” he directs at you before glancing back up at Hinata, “go ahead, but don’t let her cum.”
With a warm grin he gets on his knees between Bokuto’s spread legs. You almost felt too exposed, all power taken from your hands, splayed open like this. Bokuto slots his chin against your shoulder and presses the softest kiss to your cheek in stark contrast to the way his rough hands are kneading and pinching your sensitive breasts.
Hinata eagerly gets back to it, lavishing your cunt with softer licks than before, making your hips shake as they seek out more friction. While your neediness grows so too does Bokuto’s grip on you.
“So pretty,” he coos, eyes glued to where Hinata was firmly pressed against you. Pride bloomed in his chest at the sight of his teammate sloppily eating out his favorite girl so enthusiastically, appreciating you so much as he should.
It’s impossible for him to not get rock hard with the way you’re grinding down into his lap and the crude, wet sounds and groans vibrating from the back of Hinata’s throat.
“Taste so good.” Hinata grumbles, pulling back and forcing his tense hips to stop rutting into the couch cushion. He feels himself making a mess in his pants, hoping that he isn’t leaking through to your nice furniture, but he can’t quite bring himself to stop either. Both Bokuto and you watch the string - you’re not sure whether it’s his spit or your own wetness - that stays connected between your slit and his puffy, glossy lips.
“Good...good job.” Bokuto sighs. You’re not sure if he’s praising you or Hinata, but you don’t have much time to think too hard about it before he releases your legs and wedges his hands under between himself and you to pull his straining cock from his pants. Mind buzzing, still a little hazy from the feeling of Hinata’s tongue, you grab out from him, pulling on the band of his pants. Truthfully, he’s not quite sure what you’re asking for but he does know how tight his balls are and how inviting your cunt looks.
Just as Bokuto is settling his cock between your ass, Hinata’s pants are slipped off, thrown to the ground. He dips his head down to take one of your breasts into his mouth, moaning around you and pressing in close so his tip catches against your clit. At your whiny cry and keening, Bokuto lets out a low, single chuckle. “Don’t let her have your cock, not all the way. You were being so greedy earlier puppy, I don’t think you deserve it yet.”
Hinata keeps his mouth firmly planted on your chest and reaches down to perfectly slip himself between the top of your folds, acutely aware of Bokuto’s heavy head just barely bumping against the base of his own cock. They’re both so thick and heavy as they rabidly hump against you, Bokuto maneuvering your body for you back and forth across both of them. Everything is warm and wet between Hinata’s mouth on your chest and Bokuto’s lips kissing down the side of your neck.
The tease of release that’s been creeping up on you for so long draws closer and closer. Hinata’s cock is catching so exactly on your swollen clit and Bokuto’s tip keeps threatening to slip past your entrance, slick dripping past your thighs.
“Gonna, ahg, cu-cum!” You manage out, hips already bouncing on their own accord against them.
“Go ahead.” Bokuto says with a shaky breath, squeezing you as tight as he could between his body and Hinata’s. One more roll of their hips has you crashing down, pleasure rolling through your body. All you can feel is warmth and overwhelming satisfaction as you twitch between their arms, creaming across their cocks. “Good girl, good girl…” you faintly hear Bokuto coo into your ear as you slump back against him.
The buzzing, quiet moment is quickly squashed as he hoists you out of his lap and onto all fours. He’s talking to Hinata and you know you should be listening, but your pussy is still throbbing and you’re trying to catch your breath.
“...okay, baby?” You catch the very end of his sentence and blink hard, desperate to refocus.
“W-wait, what? Sorry, I just-”
“It’s okay, puppy,” he rubs a soothing hand down your back, slowly bringing you back to reality. “Need a second?”
You shake your head, the last of the fog slipping away. Before you, you see Hinata, his rigid cock slicked up by you only a few inches from your face. “I’m okay now, can you just say that again?”
“‘Course,” he grins, teasing your entrance, “I said I’m going to take your pretty pussy from back here and Shōyō is going to use your mouth. If you want.”
Wiggling your hips back to meet his and craning your neck up to look at Hinata you give a deft nod.
“I do, I want that.” You sigh.
Trembling with excitement, already so riled up from feeling you cum against him, Hinata shuffles the last bit forward. He’s pretty and much thicker than you had imagined. The tight strain of scattered veins and his heavy balls tell you all you need to know about how pent up he obviously is. Reaching out with palms still a bit shaky, you helped to reel him in the rest of the way with welcoming, parted lips.
You wrapped your fingers tightly around where you couldn’t quite reach, sloppily taking more and more of him with each bob of your head. His salty precum meshed with what was leftover of your own mess, the taste making you moan around his length.
Bokuto was trying to move slower now, recognizing that you were easily slipping, but the way you rocked your body back and forth bumping against his sensitive, reddened tip, he couldn’t hold back much more. Digging his fingers into your hip, he eased the motions of your body, lining himself up, resisting from plowing into you at full force.
“Ready?” He asks, nearly whining. At the sound of his voice, you pull off from Hinata, letting your quickly tiring jaw grow slack.
“Uh-huh.” You barely heave out before wrapping your lips around him again. So sure you can take both at once and not falter, you ramp back up to your original pace, slobbering down his cock, the click of your quick motions echoing around your head. Unfortunately for your ego, you’re dead wrong.
Bokuto wastes no time drilling himself into you, setting a bruising pace straight from the beginning. It’s all you can do to loudly moan around Hinata’s cock, still stuffed in your mouth by the slight pistoning of his hips, the way Bokuto is ramming you forward only forcing him deeper down your throat.
As you gag, sputter, and moan down his length, drool dripping onto the already soiled cushions below, Hinata feels the pressure building and building in his core. Electricity tingles down his limbs, aided by the fucked out look in your pretty eyes. He doesn’t even have to move now with the way Bokuto is railing you against him. He wonders if you realize he’s close when you suck a little tight, cheeks hollowing as you take a little more of him, the hand that had been working his base coming down to lightly hold his swollen balls.
You don’t know. At this point, you’re moving on autopilot, simply trying your best. Your brain doesn’t know where to focus - Hinata filling out your mouth or Bokuto as he purposely alternates between hitting against your spongy spot and deep inside of you. It’s all a mess of spit, sweat, and cum, but you don’t think you’ve felt the rush of pleasure that comes with being used so well by more than one person.
Bokuto doesn’t know how much longer he can last. You’re clamping around, cunt fluttering each time his digs in a little deep or Hinata’s cock twitches against your tongue. He can tell by the scrunched up expression on his friend’s face that he can’t last much longer and he doesn’t blame him. Between fucking against your pussy and being wrapped up in your pretty mouth, no one really could. He’s determined to hold out though, a little spark of competition lighting up his chest. When Bokuto’s strokes suddenly slow you groan again, the vibrations dragging a stuttered moan from Hinata’s pretty lips.
“Gonna, hngh, uh gonna cum.” He sputters out, hips quivering as he tries to hold back from fucking too far back into your throat. At that, Bokuto’s hips speed up again, forcing a little whimpered cry, muffled by the cock in your mouth, from you. Still, you force yourself to focus on Hinata, sucking him dry as soon as the first spurt of cum hits the back of your throat.
He cums fast and hard and a lot. It’s seeping out from your lips, making him messier than he already was until he’s pulling his softening length from your mouth and flopping back against the couch, gently rubbing your arm while he catches his breath. With a heavy grin, Bokuto shoves a hand between your shoulder blades, knocking you into Hinata’s lap. Somewhat in vain, you try to clean him off between the pitchy mewls and cries that you breathe out while Bokuto chases his own release.
In no time, he’s there again, his own pressure built up as high as it could just before he burst inside of you. He fucks himself raw, your tight hole sucking him in, his cum only making it easier to slip in and out of you. Knowing he’ll finish when he’s completely spent, you lie limp in Hinata’s lap and he lazily wraps a hand around the back of your neck, soothing the leftover tension. You recognize Bokuto’s nearly done when his cock stops twitching and his hips slot against yours with some finality just before he slumps over you.
Whining when he slips out, even soft his cock is still a tight squeeze, you fall all the way against the couch, legs giving out at last. He falls back against the back, moving your legs to sit on top of his thighs and massaging them with great care. Completely spent and drifting half-asleep you just barely hear him.
“So,” he starts, head lolling toward Hinata who’s still lightly working his fingers against your upper back, “Dinner next week?”
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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here’s a lil something for baku (and you) to enjoy on his birthday <3 all apart of the bakugo birthday bash hosted by the lovely @jodrawssmut @phasmwrites @katsukikitten @bakugotrashpanda @lady-bakuhoe @ramen-rambles ! !! thank you guys so much for letting me be apart of this <3
pairing: (established relationship) QUIRKLESS AU kiribaku x fem! reader
word count: 3k+
warnings: alcohol consumption but sober sex, oral (f receiving), mentions of throat fucking, mentions of spit roasting, lots of mentions of spit <3 (and exactly one spit into a mouth), very light degradation, praise
a/n: this is my first time writing with three characters kdjdkdk it’s way out of my comfort zone and I only had 6 days to write it,, but I did it!! trust me I wanted to write more but I actually wanted to make it to baku’s birthday so !! don’t be mad at the endiiiiiiinnnngggg <3
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The jazz wafted throughout the empty bar; your silk dress falling from the edge of your seat. It has been a slow night for the bar. You leaned your head into your hand, elbow keeping you sturdy as you swirled the drink around it’s glass cup. 
Your friend's party became a bit too feral for your taste, but you kept your word and stayed as long as you could for the sole purpose of seeing her smile, but then they showed up and you saw yourself out. 
The dim lighting made your eyes droopy with no action to keep your brain going, so you take another swig of your drink before swiveling in your chair to face the other side of the bar. 
Floor to ceiling windows greeted you, giving you the perfect overlook to the twinkling city lights below. It was incredible how your friend could afford a room in this hotel for her party. 
You noticed a movement in the corner of your eye; someone had entered the bar. 
You turn back to face all the expensive drinks displayed on the shelf, the perfect excuse to catch a quick glimpse at him. The contrast of his hair against everything else in the room almost made your eyes pop out of their sockets. 
Platinum blonde hair tufted out like an explosion, a satin red shirt that danced with the warm light of the room, black slacks and from what you could tell, some expensive ass shoes. Too dressy just to be here for some drinks.
Wanting to see more but not willing to fully stare at the man, you signed and waited until it seemed like he got settled on the bar stool before saying, “Is it your party that’s on this floor? It seems like quite the... experience.” 
Your voice came out smooth and velvety to bakugo’s ears, not that he would ever admit it. He scoffed before taking a second to look at the stranger who was daring to talk to him. His first thought settled in his mind and accepted it, almost prompting for silence- waiting to see if you would push to talk to him again.
From what you could tell, he was scanning you up and down. He opened his mouth to say something; his pink plush lips looking extremely inviting as they began to mouth something.
No sound came out for the next few seconds, showing he decided to keep his thoughts to himself. He closed his mouth and took out a phone from his pocket, the screen illuminated his face as he began typing something out. 
With this newfound light, his features became even more alluring- which couldn't be said for most people. Perfect porcelain skin, his profile pointed and devilishly handsome.
He’s well aware that he still held your attention, so when he slid his phone back in his pocket, he responded to your previous question, “yea, that’s the one. I’d rather stick it out instead of hearing them complain about me not going to my own party  for the rest of the week.”
By the end of his sentence, he had a glass of something amber in his hand that seemed to look a lot like whiskey. He didn’t spare you another glance but you could tell he expected to hear a response.
You hummed, slightly nodding your head, “The party I had to go to is upstairs and it’s… a lot. They're all just talking about expensive this and designer that and I couldn't listen to another word so I had to get out of there…” you trailed off at his silence. Noting that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, you introduced yourself in hopes to continue interacting with him. You knew his type, and you knew in some way, he was going to surprise you. 
“Bakugo Katsuki.” He said in turn.
You slowly nodded before posing another question.
“So Bakugo, not really a party goer?” You attempt to ask, only to get a huff in return.
“not one for small talk either, i see?” You add at the end.
Another few quiet moments go by before he responds
“If I was a party goer, I’d be at my own party wouldn’t I?” He quipped back and your eyebrows shot up as you raised your hands in defense. 
“Well hey, I dunno ! For all I know you could have had a really rough night and this specific bar could be your saving grace. Could possibly use this night to drown your sorrows away behind a whole bottle of what… whiskey?” You say, ushering to his drink before turning to face your own, knowing he probably didn’t like being pegged as such.
“but you wouldn’t do that. You’re a strong man who knows what to do when things get bad, huh?” you continue, sprinkling praise to his dignity. He seemed like the type to prioritize that.
He didn’t do or say much in terms of a response but a small smile grew on your lips seeing how his body suddenly released a bit of the physical tension that was winding up.
You moved a few seats closer to him. If he didn’t like it, he hadn’t said anything. 
“So-'' Interrupted before you could continue the line of questions, Bakugo surprised you by asking, “you think you’re better than your friends? Leaving them and comin’ here to drink alone?” his voice coming out gruff and low.
“No, not one bit. I was the one who planned the whole thing for my friend, it’s just unfortunate that she had to invite all those people who aren’t all that nice to her. I can’t stand them. I’ve told them off more than I can count, but they just brush me off. A group of bullies is one thing, but a group of people who pretends to be friends with you then talks behind your back is another.`` 
Bakugo was quiet, not by astonishment or anger; he seemed to be expressionless as he piped up, “fake people are some of the uglies nobodies out there.”
You turn to look at him before sipping your drink and moving a seat closer. This time Bakugo glanced your way but continued to stay silent. 
“You ever beat someone up?” you ask, resting your chin on your palm, tilting your head towards him.
Your second surprise that night, he chuckled. It was soft, the complete opposite to the demeanor he'd been holding.
“Why? You want me to go in there and beat a few of those assholes up?” his eyes were relaxed by this point, no longer sharp and heavily guarded.
“Only because they don't believe I'm intimidating enough.”
“Maybe because you're not.”
You fake gasped, bringing your other hand up to your heart. “Excuse me sir but I'll have you know that I can be quite the fighter.”
“We’ll see about that.”
You hadn’t realized you got so close to Bakugo until you heard the footsteps nearing you both.  When a handsome voice called out bakugo’s name, you slightly jumped. Putting as much space between the two of you as possible, you looked to the source of the voice. 
Handsome would be an understatement. 
With red bangs that framed his sharp toothy smile perfectly and the rest of his hair tied back in a messy ponytail, this man looked a bit taller than Bakugo with a much warmer aura... but radiated the same type of... manliness. 
“Bakugo, I just got your text- Mina has been dragging me everywhere to make sure your party’s going well. Is this her?” the handsome man asked, a slight indistinguishable gleam flashes in his eye when he looks over to you.
“Yeah, ‘nd i wanna leave now.” he almost pouted before looking over to you. 
“You comin’?” 
Your gaze snapped between the two men, only slightly putting two and two together. 
Red hair spoke up, “He probably didn't explain it well but I'm his boyfriend, Kirishima Eijiro!” he held out his hand cheerfully, listening to your introduction. 
“Not to sound too forward or to make you uncomfortable... but do you wanna come home with us? He texted me earlier saying that there was this hottie in a silk dress and… well…” he trailed off licking his bottom lip as his wandering gaze slowly shifted hungrier, “he wasn't kidding.”
There was a lot happening at once but all that you were thinking was that these two hot men wanted you, and the happy buzz that was coursing through your system couldnt object the offer, so with a quick nod of your head, you were handed a water bottle, guided off of the stool, and into the back of the next taxi they could hail. 
The ride was filled with wandering hands and mischievous looks. Kirishima was whispering naughty promises in Bakugo’s ear that you couldn't quite hear, while your attention focused on the big palm that was making its way to the most heated part of your body. The quick inhales that the blonde took went straight to your core, making you incredibly excited for what the night had to offer. 
As soon as the door swung open, lips were on lips and clothes were coming off. The rush to get to the bedroom was heated and messy but once you all entered the room, there was an intense shift that even you couldn't predict. 
Kirishima spoke first, “So what does my birthday boy want? Does he want to fuck or be fucked?”
With a suck at his teeth, Bakugo knew if he didn’t give an answer soon he’d be met with-
“Better hurry up handsome, or I might just choose for you…” Kirishima hummed, bright crimson eyes hopping on over to meet your gaze, “better yet…”
He was by your side in mere seconds. His huge figure towering over yours, you almost flinched when his bulky fingers grazed up your arm. 
“What if you chose for him?” He purred in your ear loud enough so Bakugo’s ruby eyes found yours. Your name rolled off the red-haired man’s tongue like sweet honey, “go ahead, what do you think he would want more?”
Your gaze flickered between them, you couldn’t tell one or the other’s preferences but if they wanted to use you, they could. 
“How about… Eijiro… you could fuck my throat and Katsuki… could fuck whatever hole he wants?” You ask, the question raising an octave out of uncertainty. 
Kirishima raises an eyebrow towards the man of the hour, slightly amused and completely aroused. 
Bakugo is already smirking,“Atta girl, knows exactly what to say.” 
Kirishima starts to kiss your neck as Bakugo stands in front of you, occupying your lips for the first time that night. 
With one arm wrapped around your waist, he seemed to have rubbed on his boyfriend's bulge before reaching for the zipper of your dress. In turn, the feeling of the Eijiro’s bulge humped your back. 
Whether it was your dress hitting the floor or Katsuki’s tongue slipping in your mouth didn't matter, a sharp gasp escaped your lips, causing Kirishima to chuckle and whisper, “get on the bed, princess.” while Bakugo pulls away from you, a string of spit keeps you connected.
With your gaze lustly hazy, you dreamily make your way to the bed, but not without a little show. Before splaying yourself out on the mattress, you stretch out- almost in the child's pose of yoga except you add a deep arch in your back for the sole purpose of showing off your pretty seamless thong. 
As you reposition yourself, you glance over to the side to find that both men are now only in restricting briefs, eyes glued to your figure, both palming themselves over their boxers. 
Eyes half massed and back flat on the bed, you begin to pout, feeling almost bare without anyone’s hands on you. 
As if on cue, they began to make their way over to you, looking oh so hungry. 
You immediately sat up and swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, pulsating at the prospect of having two seemingly thick dicks at once… but they were still in their boxers. Why?
“Ya have to ask nicely in order to get a treat, you ungrateful slut.” Bakugo growled before taking your jaw in his hand, squishing your cheeks with his fingers. 
“Better yet, beg.” he said with a coldness that heated your core and had your eyes going wide.
Whimpering when he let go, you kept your innocent doe eyes as two sets of starved eyes stared down at you.
“W-wanna get fucked, please. Wanna feel both of you everywhere…” you say as you reach both hands out to palm the silhouette of their bulges. “Please…?” 
There was a “christ” that was muttered out before you were pushed back on the bed by Bakugo, then kirishima manhandled you so that your neck was supported by the edge of the bed, your head mostly hanging off.
Even in the midst of the binding tension, Kirishima didn't hesitate to instruct Bakugo to put a pillow under your hips, the blonde eagerly following through with the demand. 
“How’dyou want Katsuki to prep you, baby? He’s skillful in every sense but he really enjoys using his mouth.” 
The bed shifted and before you could string a thought together, you looked down and lost all ability to think. The sight in front of you was downright sinful. A smirk was pulling at the left corner of his lips as he sunk closer to your clothed pussy, his red gaze now a deep wicked crimson as he watched for your reaction.
You didn't have much time to analyze before a thick hand laced through your hair and ushered your view back to the red head’s now exposed cock. You gulped. 
Not incredibly long, a moderate size but with a juicy girth, Kirishima’s cock had a thick vein trailing up his underside. 
If you could make heart eyes, you're sure that you'd be doing them by now. 
Focused on paying attention to his pretty pink weeping tip, you felt your panties being pushed to the side. As tempting as it was to look down, you kept your sights set on the task at hand. Licking and kissing his cock, mixing your saliva with his precum, you earned a guttural groan from the big man above you, encouraging you to do more, please him more- until a warm muscle was met with your sopping core, causing a high gasp of a vibration to hit Kirishima’s head. 
Your mind stopped reeling for a second- it stopped doing anything to be frank. Your hips mindlessly thrust up in attempts to get more of Bakugo’s mouth. He chuckled against you in response.  
Moans bounced off the walls the deeper you guys got with each arousing movement; slurps coming from your’s and Bakugo’s mouth were the loudest noises in the room- that was until you moved down to pay the much needed attention to Kirishima’s balls. He couldn't seem to take it when you began sucking and fondling, moaning about how full he looked. He let out an obscene whine that you couldn’t believe came from him but when Bakugo pulled his lips from around your clit, you followed the noise with a similar one.
Unlike Kirishima who had stayed still, you tried to push Bakugo’s face back down out of lack of patience. Somewhere along the lines, the dominating rolls have switched, but you couldn't really find it in yourself to trace back to when that happened.
 “You really are a fighter, huh?” he chuckled out before adding, “quit whining shitty hair, you’ll get to fuck her throat once I’m done eating.” 
And with that, he dove right back in, causing you to clench around nothing yet and arch your back to get impossibly closer. In turn, your gaze caught the big desperate pleading eyes looking down at you, nearly begging you to do something... 
You were so dizzy with pleasure that you murmured  a mindless, “I didn't forget about you Eijiro.”,  before using your hands to guide his cockhead back into your mouth to coat it in your saliva then pulling off and spreading it down the rest of his length. He bit his lip and let out a cute “mmph!”, which went straight to your abused core. Wanting to hear more, you began to pump his shaft with your messy fist. 
With everything going on, you didn’t realize how built up you were. At an astounding rate, your climax crashed over you, making you shriek against Kirishima's dick as you attempted to cage Bakugo’s head in with your thighs. What pushed you even further was the death grip Katsuki had on your thighs and the sinful sounds he was making while lapping away at your juices. 
Your hands shot from Kirishima’s cock down to grip Bakugo’s hair, freeing your mouth to pant out breathy praises and a whiney “Katsuki!”.
“Fuck,” Bakugo groaned as he came up from your pelvis once you’ve relaxed, whipping your juices from off of his chin with the back of his hand. 
“Kiri, c’mere, you gotta try this,” he said before pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss over your slumped body. Watching their lips meet and seeing Kirishima’s tongue slip into his lover’s mouth sent a dull throb to your core, even moreso when Kirishima sighed into the kiss while his cock twitched upwards, close to your face. 
When they pulled away, Bakugo gave one more little peck to Kirishima before looking down at you with a mischievous grin. You mentally gather yourself and sit up, already ready to be told what to do next.
“Open up, sweet cheeks.”
You did as you were told with your tongue out on display, unintentionally closing your eyes as a sweet little “aaah” came out on instinct. 
The spit hit your tongue dead on and you had to refrain from automatically swallowing. 
A low whisper about how good you were to Katsuki pulled him out of his daze, his eyes darting away from the new wetness on your tongue. 
“Swallow, slut.” and so you did.
“You're right Kiri, she is such a good girl…  Are you ready to get fucked stupid as your prize?” was the last thing you remember before both of them did exactly that.
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Everything Happens For a Reason
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Warnings: 18+, smut, Cheating/mentions of cheating, “revenge” sex, arguing, dealings of breaking up, ex-partner being shitty, dom themes, hair pulling, dumbification, degradation, feelings of worthlessness, Thor being an asshole, Loki being an asshole sexually, sensual themes, some angst, some softness but mostly tough love vibes, this will take place around the time of Ragnarok for visual reference, kinda domestic but not really 
a/n: This is my first time writing for marvel characters! I previously was writing for mha, which I still do if you’re interested. Apologies to the Thor lovers, he’s an ass in this. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it and that I do a good job of representing characters that we all enjoy. :)  
Word count: 6.7k
Main: Loki x female!Reader Ex: Thor x female!Reader
You were on your way back home after ending a grueling shift at work. Everything around you left you in a sensory overload. The sound of your feet pattering on the sidewalk, the aggressive car horns of New York’s taxis, conversations you passed by all created a stinging buzz that roared in your head. Finally reaching the station, you walked down a flight of stairs, the horrific New York air filling your nose. A stench that made you feel at home but somehow could never get used to. Sighing you thought to yourself.
I just wanna get home.
The idea of having to mush yourself into the train in desperate hopes of not only being able to find a seat but to not be bombarded with the evening nonsense made the buzz in your head turn into an unfortunate headache. Waiting for the train to rush through the tunnel, you grabbed your phone and frowned, seeing that your boyfriend had yet to answer the text you sent earlier. He said he was free from any heroic duties for the next month so it was peculiar to not hear from him. You began to grow worried. 
Picking at your nails, you were thinking about all the possible “what ifs” that could have happened with Thor. You guys had been dating for some time now, almost two years. It had become common to be met with all the craziness that his job title of hero held. Truly anything could happen. So, of course, your brain was constructing all of the terrible things that could’ve possibly happened with him. 
You couldn’t fuss about it too long, the train came bustling through the tunnel, the air from up underneath it blasting you in the face with the trademarked scent of burnt rubber tires and gasoline smoke. You trudged your way into the train, squeezing your way to a spot closest to the door so you could make your way out quickly. Holding on to the railing beside you, you popped your AirPods in and dissociated. Trying your best to drown out the noise and the perpetual thoughts of what was going on with your boyfriend. You couldn’t help the aggressiveness of your worries so you pulled out your phone and gave Thor’s phone a ring.
You waited, and waited, and waited and the line went to voicemail. Your mind was running a mile a minute. It felt like you couldn’t breathe. You tried composing yourself, you were almost at your stop. When the PA system announced your stop, you rushed through the automatic doors and ran to your apartment. The sky, now overcast, and the slight smell of rain tainting the air, only adding to the tension. Running up the outside set of stairs, you headed to the elevator preparing yourself for the worst. Once the elevator dinged, you rushed down the hallway to your apartment. 
Fumbling with your keys at the door, you began to hear a slew of moans. Stopping in your tracks, you moved your head closer to the door to make sure that you were hearing the moans slip from the other side of your apartment door. Placing your ear against the door your suspicions were confirmed with a groan that seemed to billow from none other than Thor’s throat. Your heart began to shatter and become blanketed with the bitterness of winter, you slowly turned the key into your apartment. 
Conscious of your steps you tried your best to not cause creaks to squeak from the floorboards. The air wreaked of sex and was starting to become seasoned with rotten jealousy. Turning the corner to head down to your shared bedroom, you were acquainted with Thor pile driving into your best friend. 
She caught you in the doorway and to your dismay, she called out
“Y/N! Oh my god. Thor stop!”
With the mention of your name, Thor whipped his head around but you were already making your way towards the front door. He threw on his pants that were thrown on the floor and rushed his way over to you.
You turned around with a quickness and landed your hand right across his cheek. Leaving him with a scarlet mark to brand his betrayal upon him. You looked up at him through your eyebrows because you didn't have the strength to look at him in the eyes for the tears that were welling up would threaten to spill over. 
“Thor...why don’t you go finish your business with her. Since clearly, she’s the priority.”
“Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. She brought herself upon me.”
“Oh! And you just couldn’t resist right. Cause she was just so overbearing against yourself?”
His silence solidified your suspicions and you wanted nothing more than to just get out of that apartment. Not waiting for him to come up with another response you grabbed your bag that you dropped on the floor and turned on your heel to leave.
   “And when you release yourself of whatever leftovers you’re straining to hold, I want you to get your shit and leave. There’s nothing here to be salvaged and honestly, the last thing I wanna do is attempt to fix this.”
You slammed your apartment door and took the stair exit, not wanting to chance to have to confront him again while waiting for the elevator. Coming up on the last flight of stairs you held yourself up against the railing and felt the emotion in your throat bubble up and release itself. 
It hurt. A strangled whine erupted from your throat and you hid your face in your hands. Hoping that it would muffle your cries enough so that no one would hear you in the stairwell. All of your insecurities began to settle in and resurface. Why weren’t you good enough for him? What made your best friend better? It's not like she was otherworldly or something. You could maybe understand if it was Valkyrie, but this was some regular bitch. This was someone you knew and felt undeniably close with. It felt sour, like residual vomit on the tongue. 
You pushed yourself up from the stairs and slowly walked to the main door of your building. You were brought out of your haze with cold droplets of water that began to roll down your face.
“This is just comedic now.” 
You laughed to yourself. Not only did you just spoil your eyes by seeing your now ex-boyfriend inside of your best friend but now you're stuck out in the exordium of New York rain with no real place to settle. Not at least until Thor packed his things and left. You put your bag over your head and searched for the nearest station to just catch a ride on. Walking down the steps, you again waited in the queue for the next train. Leaning on the wall you were suddenly overwhelmed with the stench of your wet outside clothes and wanted nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep.
With the roar of the train coming through the tunnel, you got on. Unaware of where you were going just desperately wanting to get away from the drama currently suffocating your mind. Trying to forget about the world around you, were brought back into reality by the buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
Of course, you had a list of missed calls from Thor as well as your best friend. Lists of texts from Thor, but the notification that stood out the most was a text message from Loki. It was unlikely for you to hear from him and coupled with today’s events it felt like salt being rubbed in a wound. 
It can’t get any worse, honestly. Just open it. Fuck it.
Going against your brain and entrusting your gut, you opened his message.
Would you happen to be in the Manhattan area? 
You looked up at the sign above the train doors, flashing the streets of the next stop. Luckily for you, you were getting ready to be dropped off right in the heart of Manhattan. Sighing you swallowed the lump in your throat and straightened your shoulders. Replacing your previous weight of mourning with now a sudden spark of pride and revenge running through your veins.
Yeah, I’m actually on my way there now, why?
You rolled your head back and bounced your leg, sudden nervousness striking your body. You didn’t fear Loki, it was nothing like that. But rather you were intimidated by him. His presence demanded attention and you were one to give it to him. You couldn’t deny that he was incredibly handsome. Despite his condescending nature, you found him all too alluring. Yet, here you were awaiting a response from him to come through. 
Interested in some company while visiting your planet for personal business. Care to be that company? 
Your heart started to thump behind its ribcage, beating a rhythm that you hadn’t been familiar with. You were excited. Quickly you typed back, not wanting to wait too long. 
Sounds like a plan. The train is getting ready to stop, probably will be in central Manhattan in about 10. Where should I meet you?
I’ll be waiting outside the Baccarat.
The train doors dinged and you rose from your seat and maneuvered your way through the 5th Avenue-53 St. station. Climbing the stairs, you were met with the unfortunate luck of it still raining and now with nightfall completely draped over the sky, you were beginning to regret accepting the invitation of meeting Loki. Looking ahead you noticed a store on the corner. You bolted in there, desperate to find something to change your soaking top out for. You walked in and saw yourself in the mirror. Your hair was still okay somehow, not too damaged by the wetness in the air. Just a tad more frizz. Fluffing your hair, you walked away from the mirror and searched for the men's section. 
Wanting an oversized hoodie you felt you had your best chance to find what you wanted there. Coming across a graphic hoodie, you pulled it off the rack and walked to the checkout. 
You got into a fitting room before you left, taking off your soaked shirt and now bra, and slipped into the hoodie. Stuffing your hair under the hood, you placed your clothes into your bag, sprayed some perfume on, and walked back outside to head to the hotel. The rain had let up some but you weren’t trying to risk it considering today had been littered with bad luck. You quickly walked up the street and finally made it out to the front of the hotel. 
You went to pull out your phone from your pocket, but when you did you were tapped on the shoulder. You whipped your head around, an instant attitude flooding your body. You were about to mouth off until you looked up and realized it was Loki who had grabbed your attention.
“Tense, are we?”
You rolled your eyes, wondering why you showed up. His tone worming through your ear and rattling your brain with contempt. He seemed to be a bitter reminder of his brother and you questioned why you thought this was a good idea. Looking up towards his face, you remembered why you came. His features, absolutely tantalizing, and the cadence of his speech almost always put you in a trance. The suit he was in only added to your inner desire. This was a moment of revenge, a moment of sheer pride that you needed to take advantage of. Finally, you opened your mouth and looked up at him. 
“A little, the day has been quite rough, but I don’t think you’d want to hear about all that.”
You looked toward the entrance of the hotel silently wondering why you two were still waiting outside. 
“Shall we go in? Standing in the rain like this is quite puerile.”
You looked up at him incredulously, 
“I swear you can read minds.”
You both shared a chuckle while he guided you in the hotel, his hand resting upon your lower back. Once you were in, you were struck in awe of the decor of the building you were in. It’s not that you had never been anywhere nice before but compared to your day-to-day lifestyle this was something very unexpected. You soaked it all in, not wanting to ever leave the luxury. 
“Y/N? You in there?”
You finally came to and gingerly shook your head to settle back in your body realizing you were now standing in front of the elevators.
“Yeah, I just got distracted, my bad.”
The door dinged and you two stepped into the elevator. He pressed the last set of numbers on the pad and you waited to be dropped on the floor of what you assumed where his room was. Your stomach dropped when the elevator arrived on the floor, almost adding to the anxiety you were feeling being so close to Loki. Walking down the hallway you reached his room and he pulled out his room key. Wanting to cut through the silence you broke the ice by asking Loki a question. 
“So what are you doing back on Earth? Here to cause some trouble or just for leisure.”
“Leisure, more or less. I came back for my brother but he has yet to inform me of his whereabouts.”
Dropping your bag down at the door you felt your body become heavy. Like someone had just dumped an anvil on your shoulders and expected you to be fully prepared. It stung. You couldn’t escape the sour taste that lingered from the day's earlier events. You sat down on the bed and had become unusually short. You had spit back at Loki.
“Yeah, he failed to let me know as well. Had to stumble in on him.”
“What do you mean “stumble in on him”? Where was he?”
Expelling air, you puffed out your cheeks slightly. Silently expressing your disdain for the question asked. You suddenly became aware of your hair still being tucked under your hood when you went to trail your hands across the top of your head. Removing the hood and fluffing your hair, you stood and walked up to the mirror to fix yourself before sighing again. Tears of frustration began to well in the corners of your eyes. You pursed your lips into a tight pucker and had to look up toward the ceiling to prevent them from spilling. 
“I’d prefer to skip over the antics, darling-”
“-Your wonderful brother was fucking somebody I was once close with, but now that relationship is undoubtedly severed, and quite honestly thinking about the event makes me want to cry and vomit.”
You finally let your voice shake and a fat tear rolled down the left side of your cheek. Hot and stinging your lash line before it fell. Exhaling more air, you shook your hands in a feeble attempt to calm yourself down. You heard the springs of the bed squeak as Loki situated himself on the bed.
“No one ever listens to me about that brute. He may be my brother but he lacks the capacity of decent intelligence.”
Turning around to face Loki, your eyebrows furrowed wondering how in the hell you thought sitting in a room with the smuggest piece of shit to ever exist would be a good idea after being cheated on by none other than his brother. Sniffling you brought yourself together and smiled at him.
“You know, for someone to be baggin on someone else about decent intelligence, you sure are lacking in the emotional department.”
“Never said I was perfect sweetheart, just alluded to being better.” 
You laughed. You had to. It was all too much to bear. Your ex-boyfriend sleeping with your ex-best friend and now you’re stuck in a hotel room with his shit-eating brother. You wanted to peel off your skin and remove your brain from its confinements. You needed to leave, you could find somewhere else to loiter around until tomorrow. 
“Ya know, I’m still trying to figure out why I thought having you for some company would be a good idea. Think I’m gonna leave you and your better than average intelligence to fuck off together.”
You couldn’t even look at Loki because inside you didn’t really wanna walk away. You were just projecting because all day everything that could go wrong, went wrong. It felt like your legs and heart were going to buckle at any moment and it was becoming too much to lug around silently. You wanted to scream for hours on end. Walking towards the door, you picked up your bag. Too engrossed in your thoughts to hear the bed creek signaling Loki’s movement. 
“Y/N, wait.”
Loki grabbed your wrist and your heart stopped beating for a moment, almost forgetting what it was you were upset about because you had someone else’s warmth heating your tainted soul. You looked up at Loki, creases in between your eyebrows beginning to form from you trying to hold back the tears that were welling up once again. 
“What? Look, Loki. I don’t want to be the downer of the evening and I’ve surely already done that. The last thing I want to do is burden you fully with what’s going on. I’m not gonna dump it all on you.”
“Will you sit down, please. Don’t leave.”
Sighing you dropped your bag and flopped onto the bed. Leaning over and burying your face in your hands. 
“Let me apologize. I was not thinking about the severity of what you were dealing with, that was foolish of me.”
He sat next to you on the bed and once again placed his hand on your back but this time it was rubbing back and forth. An action that seemed to calm you down instantly. Taking a deep breath you looked at him and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of lust pool in the pit of your stomach. It felt wrong but, so right. You hoped he wasn't looking too deep into your eyes because you could almost predict how blown your pupils must’ve looked. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap and be so dramatic.”
Loki chuckled to himself, a small smile dancing across his face as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and laid it on the bed.
“No need for an apology, I was being insensitive. As for your dramatics, I’ve grown used to them.”
Your face folded and your lips pursed, annoyance clear on your face. 
“Yeah, you would be used to dramatics, Mr. “I need to rule over Earth cause I can’t back home.”.”
Your eyes lidded, you had your lips rolled around your teeth trying your best to hold a snicker in. 
“You Midgardians never know how to let things go, do you?”
“Well considering you were demolishing half of New York with an alien army it’s kinda hard to forget....I forgive you though.”
“Do you now?” Loki raised his eyebrow smirking at your remark.
“Yup, kinda hard to stay mad at someone so easy on the eyes.”
It wasn’t until after you said your words, did you realize what just rolled off your tongue. Your eyes grew wide and heat rushed to your face. You breathed heavily out your nose and brought your gaze to his. 
“Easy on the eyes huh?”
“I-” you couldn't even get any words out you were so embarrassed. All you could do was laugh to yourself and decide to be a little bit bold. 
“There’s no reason for me to be shy about it. You’re obviously the more attractive one.” 
Grazing your hand across his knee, you trailed your hand up to the meatier portion of his thigh.
“Are you planning on plowing through every Asgardian you meet?” 
Mouth agape you couldn’t believe what he just said to you. But you realized quickly this was your time to go in and plant the seed.
  “Not exactly. You’re the one I really want. Your brother just happened to fall in my lap first. It’s always been you though. Honestly, I was just too afraid to say anything. I couldn’t fathom the thought that you’d look my way.”
In the moment of your ramble, you hadn’t realized Loki rolling up his sleeves, using his nimble fingers to expose his veiny forearms. Once you had looked down you noticed his now exposed arms and your eyes met Loki’s again, the tension between you two becoming so thick it created a fog. 
“Honestly, I have yet to meet someone as dense as you are. The verity of my liking for you I thought was terribly noticeable. Yet you still somehow ended up with my oaf of a brother. It’s quite amazing actually.”
You were astonished, to say the least. While Loki was sarcastic with you, he had confessed his liking for you. Not just an inkling for you but a liking for you in a romantic aspect. You were over the moon. You stood up not being able to contain your excitement. Walking towards the desk you stared in the mirror and composed yourself. Looking in the bottom right-hand side of the mirror you caught Loki’s blue eyes in the corner. He stood up and walked behind you, almost stalking you like a predator does prey. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“Truly I thought you were happy darling, it wasn’t my business to interfere. Although, if I knew your deepest feelings sooner, I would’ve acted with more haste.”
Hearing “darling” come from his mouth so freely made butterflies fly hoops in your stomach. It did something to you that you had yet to describe outwardly. Turning around to face him, you hooked your fingers into the loops of his pants and pulled him closer to you, all so nonchalant. 
“Shall we make up for lost time then, Loki?”
Lust dripped off your tongue when saying his name. Your tone penetrating through the fog of sexual tension and your eyes undressing him before the affair would begin. You heard his breath hitch while you looked back up at him, his blue eyes were now almost black. His breath heavy and waiting for the go-ahead to indulge in each other's desires. For a moment you saw his eyes flicker to portray something of uncertainty. Dare you say something of insecurity.
“Only if it’s true. I want you to want me in the purest form of carnal desire. Not as a pawn to veil what you want to erase from your mind.” 
You moved your hands from his belt loops and traced your hands up his arms and planted them upon his neck, playing with the hair at the nape. 
“ Don’t stop now, we’ve already started. I’m begging for you Loki. Always have, always will.”
With the quick reassurance, his lips found yours in a heartbeat. Intertwining with each other like flies in a spider’s web. It was intoxicating you couldn’t breathe properly and still you pressed yourself closer against his body. Your leg inching up on his side and grinding into his now hardening dick. Your hand that was resting at the nape of his neck, crawled its way into his hair and grabbed a fistful of it, fully giving into the moment of you and Loki getting lost in each other. Your fistful of his hair would soon be gone, being replaced with his hand buried in your mass of hair and craning your neck back to look up at him.
“I control things around here, Pet. Don’t forget your place.”
His voice seemed to drop in pitch. Your eyes glossed over fully with lust and the sheer need to be ruined. Dominance enveloped his being which instantly quelled the brat in you. The reality of sleeping with Loki made you dive headfirst into a subservient space. You wanted him, you needed him. In being completely lost in submissive thought you almost forgot who was in front of you. That was until he spoke again.
He grabbed your hips and pressed your body against his, eliciting a slight whimper from you while nodding your head.
“Yes, Loki, I understand.”
Your voice was so meager, a complete 180 from your previous behavior in the night. You wanted as much of him as you could get so you shoved your lips against his again. A fiery kiss that made you dizzy and warm all at once. He moved with such fluidity, it made you feel like you were floating. His hands snaked down your back and his large hands landed on the cush platform of your ass. Squeezing, you moaned into his mouth and he picked you up. Turning around and laying you down on the bed. Your lips dislodged from one another and you felt empty and needy without him on you. He preyed over you, his stygian locks falling down his face.
“If you don’t want this, tell me now and we’ll never speak of this aga-” 
“-Loki, there has been nothing I want more than you…I need you. Please.”
With that, Loki attacked your lips again, his hands wandering up your hoodie. You had forgotten you ditched your bra earlier until Loki’s hands found your pert nipples. 
“Expecting this, weren’t you.”
You went to respond, but Loki rolled them between his fingers and a breathy moan was all you could muster up. Your hips rolled upwards, aching for some type of friction to your core that was more than soaked. 
“Maybe I was. Have to be prepared for anything.”
To emphasize your tease you moved your hand down to the tent in his black pants and applied a bit of pressure. Loki sucked in air through his teeth and released a light laugh. 
“Careful, Pet. Make sure you can hold up this front you’re putting on for me. Not sure you can handle it all.”
It was a challenge and a challenge you’d be more than happy to oblige in. Smirking up at him you began fiddling with his belt and undid his pants. Fishing your hand into them you lightly stroked his cock. 
“Try me.”
The restraint in him broke and a sardonic smile adorned his face. You knew you were in for it and were entirely ready for everything he had to offer.
“Darling I hope you’re ready to feel what it’s like to be fucked by a real god.”
Your hoodie came off with one swift motion of his hand and they wandered over your body egregiously. He was taking his time with you and was determined on making you fall apart. You messed with his dress shirt buttons but couldn’t get them off fast enough for your liking. Catching onto your frustration Loki mocked you,
“Aw, look at you, Little one. Having some trouble there?”
You huffed, the attitude in you not wanting to fully give in just yet. You finally got the top button undone and slid your hand back down to his pants in a feeble attempt to take the heat off of you.
“Ah ah, it doesn’t work like that. Let me help you out since you’re in such need of relief.” 
Finishing off the rest of his buttons, he pulled off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. Snaking his way down your body he undid your jeans button and peeled off the zipper with his teeth. Looking down at him you shuddered, excitement coursing through your veins.
“Easy now Y/N, I’ve barely even started.”
Removing your pants and underwear completely, you were now fully exposed to him and almost felt a bit of shyness envelop you. And of course, he noticed your legs attempt to cover yourself,
“Don’t hide from me darling, I want to see every bit of you crumble before me and show you how it feels to have your concupiscence satiated.” 
You let your anxieties fade away once his tongue placed a swipe across your aching cunt. A moan louder than you expected emitted from your throat, catching you off guard and a chuckle to release from Loki. The vibrations only added to the pleasure you were already feeling. Losing yourself in the silver tongue of the god between your legs, your hand found itself in his stark black locks. Your moans became more frequent and you were beginning to feel the coil tighten in the bottom of your stomach, heat spreading to your core. 
“Loki, please I-”
You hadn’t enough time to finish your sentence for Loki had wrapped his arms around your hips pulling you closer to him and making your back arch off the bed. Your moans becoming higher in pitch you could feel yourself coming to the precipice of your orgasm. Lifting his head for a moment he caught your eyes as you moved your head to look down at him.
“Cum for me Y/N, I can feel that you’re there.”
As Loki went back to devouring your pussy, you threw your head back into the pillow behind you, your orgasm finally washing over you. It was like none other you had before. Your legs caved in around his head and your body began to shake. Coming down from your high you reached for his neck to guide him up to your face, sharing a sloppy yet intimate kiss. The taste of yourself evident on his tongue and glistening on his chin. You felt the need to return the favor. Turning you two over you were now on top and you slid your way down to his basal regions. Undoing his pants you felt his hand upon your wrist.
“Not tonight, this is about you Y/N”
You shook your head, surprised by his actions. But, it wasn’t in your nature yet to fully comply. You went back to the hem of his slacks and went to pull them down. While Loki let you slip them off with ease, egging you on with a few hitched breaths, it wasn’t until you came back up and lined your mouth up with the head of his painfully erect cock that he took control again. You placed a kitten lick on the tip of his head, looking up at him while doing so. Loki then grabbed a fistful of hair, forcing you to stay stuck on his face and giving him full leverage of where he wanted you.
You crawled up his body because you had no other choice unless you wanted to continue to feel the slightly painful pull on your hair. Obeying his silent command you were brought face to face with him once again.
“You just don’t know how to listen, do you?” he chided
“Neither do you, but you don’t see me complaining.”
In an instant you were flipped over again, being towered by Loki’s body. Your breath quickened and you watched his blue eyes dilate once again. A lascivious smirk and energy cast across his body. Wanting nothing more than to feel him, you raked your hands down his back and dragged them across the sides of his ribs, only to let one of them begin stroking him again. 
“Ah~ Y/N”
It was at this moment that the last bit of power you had completely dissipated. Loki’s hand moved with such a quickness that it took you a moment to realize that his hand was now wrapped around your throat. Sending your eyes to roll to the back of your head in absolute euphoria.
“Such a dumb little girl you are. Can’t follow simple instructions yet here you are begging, for me to ruin you. Fortunately, you’re pretty. Otherwise this would be quite pathetic of you.”
Your walls clenched around nothing. It was becoming painful to not have some form of release. You just kept being pushed towards your edge with his words bringing you closer every time he spoke. He was dragging it out on purpose, you could see the sadism glint behind his eyes. Strangled you spoke, tears of desperation falling lightly from the side of your eyes.
“L-Loki, please. I need you so bad. I can’t take it anymore, please.”
“You may need me, but do you deserve it is the question at hand.”
“I promise no more games, I’ll be good for you” 
Removing his hand from your neck, he traveled them down the valley between your breasts bringing one hand to massage one while the other traveled further, landing on your soaking clit. 
“All this, from a little degradation...I expected more from you, darling”
Jutting your hips toward the hand currently nestled between your folds you begged,
“Loki, please I need you inside me, I need to feel you.”
He finally lined himself up with your entrance, teasing you with just his cockhead, reveling in your juices. You couldn’t help but whine the teasing was getting to a point of something almost unbearable. Your voice breathy and hot you whimpered one last plea,
When he fully sheathed himself inside you, your head rolled back, moans coming out of you at a pace you couldn’t control. He made you feel so full. You had yet to feel something so reminiscent of rapture. It almost made you dizzy. When you looked up at him there was a softness in his eyes that contrasted his tone of dominance a moment ago. It caught you off guard, but you were soon brought back to reality when his head brushed against the inflamed spongy spot within. 
“Oh! My god”
“Yes darling, I am your god-”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment. His cockiness always finding a way to rear its head. But in your moment of ecstasy, you didn’t think he’d be able to catch it. Wrong. In a second, his length left you, flipped you on your hands and knees, and slipped back into your drenching cunt. You settled into the position, propping your ass out even more so to give him better access. You heard him growl behind you, his hand coming across your ass check and without a doubt leaving a mark. You yelped, startled by the sudden action. His pace became unrelenting, pounding into you with a ferocity that would make angels weep. His hand slid down your back and rested and the bottom of your hairline, once again grabbing your hair and pulling you back so your back met his chest. Directing your head to the side to face his own, he got in your ear,
“Roll your eyes at me again and there will be more than just a simple punishment awaiting you.”
Your walls clenched around his cock, eliciting a loud groan to come from Loki. You couldn’t help it, the noises he made were beyond divine and each one had you one contraction away from being sent over the edge one more time. 
“Fuck, Loki, you feel, so good~fuck, please.”
You weren’t quite sure what you were pleading for; it just felt right leaving your mouth. 
“Yeah, you like it when I fuck you like this. Like the little whore you are.”
“Fuck! Loki, oh my god~”
You were in so much pleasure you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face. It felt so good to have this instinctual release. Loki released his grip from your hair and pressed your face down into the mattress. Unable to truly control the noises that flew from your mouth, you were now whimpering in the mattress. The ravaging of your body sending you into a full-blown frenzy that you never wanted to be free from. Loki’s thrusts became more erratic and his moans and groans flew more freely from his mouth. Enjoying the moment of approaching his climax.
“You’re going to cum with me and I’m going to paint your pretty little insides my color. Wanna know why?”
You tried your best to be attentive, flipping your hair out from your face, you looked behind you facing the god above you.
“Why, L-Loki?”
Bringing his hand around your body to massage your clit, he gave you an answer that you weren’t prepared for. 
“Because you’re mine now. There’s no leaving after this. You belong to me.”
With one final clench, you tightened around his cock. Both of you reaching your peak at the same time, milking him of his seed. Both of your breathing was heavy, bodies sticky with sweat. Loki pulled out of you, his seed spilling out of you like donut filling. You rolled over on your back as he did the same and there was a comfortable silence that filled the room. 
With the distraction of reaching a climax now faded, you felt violently vulnerable under his gaze. You found your courage and looked back at him, his eyes still dilated but now with a different emotion swimming through them. Adoration? Wonder? Regret perhaps? Before you could let one more intrusive thought in Loki brought you out of your head.
“Stop worrying, you’ll make the wrinkle between your brow permanent.” 
Your mouth opened slowly in disbelief, slightly offended by his comment but also at a loss for words for him figuring you out so quickly.
“Is it that easy to figure me out.” you chuckled.
“Yes, in fact, you wear every single emotion on your sleeve. You couldn’t hide what you feel even if you wanted to.” 
You sighed, a smile stretching across your face as you exhaled. 
“Can’t fool you, can I?”
“It’s quite hard to fool someone who is the master of fooling others. I’m the creator of the ins and outs of mischief.”
You shared a light laugh but you couldn’t ignore the overwhelming feeling of guilt and disquiet swirl in your head. Did he honestly feel for you, or did he perhaps just indulge your desires because he had wants of his own. You were in the perfect state to be taken advantage of, heartbroken and needing something else to fill the hole in your heart. You rolled on your side, your hand resting on his chest, beginning to draw feather-light patterns on his skin. Your hand created a path up to his neck, your fingers guiding his face forcing him to have nothing else to focus on but you. You needed to quell the noise in your head, you didn’t want this to eat you alive as well. 
Worst he can say is no and we just move on Y/N. That’s all that can be done. Just ask him.
“I know you’re not one for sentiment, but did you mean what you said to me? About your liking for me.”
Moving a few coils of your hair away from your face he gazed into your eyes with an intensity you were unsure how to read.
“One thing about me darling is that through all my moments of deception, dealing with such intimacy is not something I take lightly. While not sentimental, I meant every word. I assure you of that. Now, dry your eyes.”
You hadn’t even realized the petal-soft tears slowly rolling down your cheek. You were too engrossed in Loki’s words of affirmation that you felt you left your physical body for a moment. Loki’s hand came up and wiped the tear streaks away from the bridge of your nose and under your eye. He made you feel at home. Warm and comforted even if he had his instances of sharpness, you didn’t want this moment to end. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
You chuckled and the light was restored in your face.
“I don’t care what you say to me, you can read minds. Now stop reading mine, you’re freaking me out.”
Your laughs echoed through the room, any remnant of tension long gone from the space. You stared at the ceiling thinking about how the rest of your days would pan out. You felt the waters would be rocky but they would calm eventually. The thrashing of emotional waves turning into gentle swells. You felt at peace for the first time in a while. Pulling you once again from your thoughts, Loki’s voice filled your ears. 
“Now, I am aware that we have done this quite backward, but would you care to join me for dinner tomorrow night? And do this the right way?”
Rolling back over onto his chest you smiled against him
“I’d love to”
Amiable silence fell over the room as your body began to rest. The beating of Loki’s heart created a rhythm that seemed tailored specifically to put you to sleep. Eyes growing heavy, you fell asleep, ultimately feeling secure within his arms. 
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets go to ikea for the first time !!!
sooo this morning i made a list of things i have to take back to college with me and i always pack my stuff in these big, blue ikea bags which got me thinking about what the poets would be like in ikea bc i genuinely cannot do anything anymore without thinking about how the poets would do it HAHA. so here we are lol– i hope you guys like this !!(:
neil: something tells me that neil would really enjoy ikea. there are so many tiny little relics and fun decorations to browse as well as models/displays that are so nicely put together. just the right kinds of things to appease neil’s hidden juvenile wants (since he never got to experience a real childhood with his parents treating him like an adult since he was like 8). for example: all of the neat little stuffed animals and children’s bedroom sets that have all sorts of fun colors, etc. neil would appreciate the whole aesthetic of the store as well, liking how well-organized and modern it is inside. would definitely hide behind pieces of furniture in the displays to scare todd. also he is in charge of pushing the cart (that charlie is proudly sitting in bc he doesn’t want to “walk around everywhere”).
todd: like neil, todd appreciates the feel of the place bc he’s always had a bit of an interest in interior design, but is a little bit overwhelmed with just how big it is both outside and inside. desperately wants a djungelskog bear (which neil buys for him, bc of all the things neil struggles with, saying “no” to todd is certainly the biggest one). genuinely freaks out every single time neil scares him, even if he should see it coming after the second or third time. trails behind the group, (as he seemingly always does), taking special note of certain things he’d like to have in his own house one day (’:
knox: upon being invited, he seemed hesitant bc it’s just a furniture store, big whoop (”will there be girls there at least?”), but once they got there he was incredibly thrilled that there was a cafeteria and insisted that they go there both before shopping and after shopping (”look at how big the store is, don’t you think we’ll be hungry again by the time we’re done?”). definitely would rather be doing something else, but is just happy to be spending time around his pals (:
charlie: as previously stated, king of the cart. refuses to get out and walk because it’s “a big store and he’s tired.” neil doesn't mind pushing him, though. fully embraces the semi-chaotic feel of ikea during the weekend (so many people, which is not good for todd, but charlie full-on thrives). he would also insist on actually buying a few pieces of new furniture for his and cameron’s room (completely oblivious to the fact that he will actually need to assemble the pieces himself until they get down to the warehouse), even though it would most definitely be confiscated by mr. hager (”they’ll only confiscate it if they find it,” charlie says, to which cameron replies, “i’m pretty sure a full size vanity and bureau would be pretty easy to scope out, dumbass.” then they both flip each other off). he is definitely the reason knox decided to come after charlie begged him for at least ten minutes (”c’mon, knoxious, it’ll be fun! even if there aren’t girls there, you’ll still have me to look at (;”). offers to buy neil a couple of the stuffed animals he’s been eyeing bc he just wants to see his best friend happy. has to go back up and around the store to take note of numbers of the furniture he actually wants bc he didn’t understand how it worked (”all that time in the cart, wasted” and ”they should really have like an instruction manual before entering the store??”). and enlists meek’s help trying to find the right boxes of parts because “he’s smart like that”. still stays squished in the cart even when he puts all the boxes in it
meeks: just along for the ride, honestly. he just likes spending time with his buddies, but isn’t hesitant about going out and doing things like knox (“i’ll try anything once!”). gets into a pillow fight with pitts in one of the displays, garnering the attention of an ikea employee who sternly asks them to “act their age” and to “fix all the things they made fall on the ground”. the most adventurous eater at the cafeteria; tries the swedish meatballs and really likes them (”we have to come back here just to eat these again, guys”). rates each display on a scale of 1-10 and gives reasons for why he likes things and why he doesn’t (mostly in a joking way).
pitts: bumps his head on some of the hanging arrow signs that direct you into the next section of the store, sighs after every time. buys matching stuffed animals with meeks (’: is the designated driver, and never asks for gas money from his friends bc like knox and meeks, he just likes hanging out (but they give him gas money anyway !!). asks neil for a turn pushing the cart, which neil agrees to. when in control of the cart, bumps it into things, much to charlie’s displeasure (”wouldn’t peg you as a horrible cart driver since you’re the only one with your license, but alas, i was wrong”). feels v bad for getting in trouble w meeks about the pillow fighting and makes sure to fix any messed up things in any of the displays following the incident. also unsure of how much space is in the car for charlie’s boxes, leading him to argue against the purchase of any items.
cameron: also didn’t get the allure of a furniture store, but tagged along because he wanted to get off campus (and really does care about making time and hanging out with his friends, though he’d never admit that). pickiest when it came to the food court/cafeteria (”i just don’t want to try it, why do i need a reason ??”). actually considered buying a new desk organizer, but refused when charlie said it would look great on their new vanity (”charlie, they’ll confiscate that, too. how many times do i have to explain it ??”). unlike meeks, seriously rates each display on a scale of 1-10 talking about how some of the colors just don’t go, and it hurts his eyes to look at it. lowkey got lost for a bit and freaked out bc he couldn’t find anyone, but caught up with todd finally when they were exiting the kitchenette section. this caused him to ask what todd was doing all the way back behind the group, leading to a small, but nice conversation they had (”just making some notes about things i like for later on” todd had said. “that’s really cool, todd,” cameron smiled back at him, unknowing that todd was most certainly picking out things that not only he would like, but neil, too). finally caved and helped charlie build the new furniture when they got back because as much as he couldn't stand charlie sometimes, it made for an incredibly interesting bonding session. 
anyway, that’s all. i feel like the poets out in public and not on campus just harness a complete chaos anywhere they go HAHA. idk if this sucked or not, but it was super fun to write hehe. happy sunday i don’t want to go to work tomorrow, but such is the life of someone who has rent and bills to pay in the coming months, sigh
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2jaeh · 3 years
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genre: drabble, daddy fic
warnings: mature theme with no smut,
Dilf! Kun, Uni! Reader, bff! Chenle
Words: 1,6k
Chenle invites you to do your internship project at his dads publishing house. But with the bad weather and no one but you showing up to his office, Kun decides to get your advice on his...erotic literature novel.
“Do you have an internship set up yet for the final project ?” You asked while you watched Chenle annihilate yet another player on pubg. The two of you being the anti-social best friends that you were, snuck up to his dorm in order to avoid the career day market that was being held at your university.
“Nah” Chenle simply replied as his face neared his phone screen setting up his next kill, “I think I’m just gonna intern at my dad.”
All you knew about Chenle’s dad was that he was always busy and never home whenever the two of you decided to hang out at Chenle’s place during vacations. You watched as Chenle took yet another victory, finally feeling satisfied enough to set aside his phone and give you his full attention. “Why don’t you come with me to my dads place?” He shrugged.
“I don’t even know what your Dad does Chenle”
“Well he’s not a drug dealer or something”
You flung a pillow at him as Chenle giggled erratically, avoiding the pillow and surrendered by putting his arms above his head.
“Sorry...okay well my dad is an author but he also runs a publishing company” Chenle explained and pulled out a few pictures to give you a better idea of how much really went on at his dads office.
You stretched your arms behind you. “Well I am majoring in journalism this would probably look good on my resume”
“Exactly so are you in ?”
“I’m in! I hope your dad likes me.”
You finally found the publishing house and rung the doorbell, praying to God that you weren’t too early and no one was in yet.
After about two minutes the door finally creaked open and there stood a very dashing man, dressed in shades of brown and pair of spectacles that rested on his sculpted face.
After about two minutes the door finally creaked open and there stood a very dashing man, dressed in shades of brown and pair of spectacles that rested on his sculpted face.
“Y/n right ? Come in come in” the man said quickly shielding you from the droplets of your umbrella and offered to hang up your coat.
“Thank you” you smiled shyly, finally warming up in the cozy hallway that seemed homier than you expected.
The man smiled back, pushing back his blonde hair as he held out his hand to you, “I’m Qian Kun, Chenle’s dad.”
“Oh h-hi sir ...uh Mr Qian” you stumbled over your words.
Kun chuckled and waved his hand in front of him, “please please just call me Kun”
You nodded and pressed your lips together as he gestured you to enter the next room and you expected to see one other person but it was surprisingly empty.
“I guess everyone decided against coming into work today” Kun scratched the back of his head, “the weather is extremely bad I told Chenle to also stay back, I’m surprised you’re even here.”
“Well I thought that he would be here...don’t you guys live together or something ?” You were taken aback by your own bluntness, forgetting you were conversing with someone much older than you.
Kun bit down on his lip and nervously adjusted his turtle neck as this was the first time he met any of Chenle’s friends.
“Well I actually live here, Chenle’s mom and I are separated, he lives with her” Kun carefully explained and you wanted to punch yourself for putting the both of you in this uncomfortable atmosphere.
“Oh....okay well are you closed then ? Do I need to like leave ?” You mumbled as your eyes drifted to the mountains of books that lay around.
“No it’s okay you can stay, it’s way too dangerous to be walking out in weather like this, I’ll find something for you to do y/n” Kun smiled sweetly and you felt yourself blush. He was incredibly handsome and so poised. He looked much younger than you expected, and the way he dressed only accentuated his perfect body. We’re you checking out your best friends dad ?
Kun snapped you out of your daydream and handed you a warm cup of tea as the two of you sat in a mini library. Soft indie music filled the room, harmonizing with the droplets that hit against the window from the outside.
Kun made you do a bit of record keeping for one of the latest books that was about to be published by his company. It seemed all too natural to talk to him and because of your common interests in novels, Kun was quickly impressed with how well you held conversations despite being quite young.
“You have more knowledge on Stephen King than any of my employees here you know that ?” Kun quirked his eyebrow at you.
“I love horror novels, I’m not sure why but the adrenaline it gives me....”
“I appreciate his writing but I can’t stand creepy stuff” Kun shook his head, typing away at his desk.
“Well I don’t only read horror I also prefer romance novels but not the sappy kind” you shrugged as your eyes were still stuck on the book keeping sheet, completely unaware that Kun had stopped typing and was looking over at you.
“Oh? Then what kind of romance ?” He quizzed, resting his elbows on his desk and bit down on his thumb.
You were still in your own bubble unaware that the atmosphere had shifted. You had been talking to Kun for almost 6 hours now and it felt like the most natural thing in the world - as long as you weren’t looking directly at him.
“I like forbidden romance, also I know there’s a stigma around them but erotic novels are actually pretty well written”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah I think it’s pretty amazing how writers can capture passion and...lust like that” you swallowed hard as you now felt the tension in the room.
You turned back to see Kun staring directly back at you, his eyes were narrowed as if he were deep in thought.
“Is...is everything okay?” You asked in a small voice. The way he stared gave you butterflies in your stomach, you had to keep reminding yourself that this was your best friends father.
Kun stood up from his seat and rolled his sleeves up as he began rummaging through a box that sat on a counter top near the foyer. He returned and handed you a small booklet, taking a seat on the couch next to you.
“This is a draft for a novel I was planning on writing but ended up scrapping because the...lewd scenes...were too uncomfortable for me to write” he coughed as he watched your eyes scan the paper.
You cocked your head to the side and nodded as you took in word for word before handing back the script, “it’s not bad it’s just not alluring enough.”
“Alluring ?”
“Yeah” you responded and turned your body to face him, “I think when starting off with a passionate kiss, there needs to be more impact”
You took his warm hand in yours and felt your heart do a somersault but you kept your composure.
“May I demonstrate ?” You bit down on your lip and looked up at him.
“As long as it’s okay with you, by all means please teach me y/n” Kun agreed while his eyes fell down to your plump lips.
You neared his face and kissed him softly, nothing too intense even though it felt like you were on fire. The kiss was simple but the way Kun kissed you made you aware of his experience and it was so goddamn attractive.
“That’s practically how you wrote their passionate kiss, it’s good but it can be a lot better” you explained and before you could let go of his hand Kun tugged you a bit closer,
“Well then y/n, show me” he said lowly as he licked his lips.
You responded by straddling his lap and allowed him to shift a bit lower, enough for your eyes to meet his. Kun raised his eyebrow, waiting for your next instruction like a model student.
“Grab my thighs” you whispered into his ear and he listened, immediately squeezing your thighs as you unconsciously let out a moan. Kun smirked up at you as you composed yourself and wrapped an arm around his neck and the other tangled with his hair.
You pressed your lips to his, this time harsher than before and without any instruction Kun took the lead in the kiss and the lesson became the real thing. Kun pulled you closer to his body and when his hand found your ass your gasp allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth, completely dominating you.
It seemed like hours you two were in that position, completely lost in the kiss and each other. Kun felt almost brand new. He was a very reserved person and he would never do something like this but he was enamored by your presence. All he wanted was more.
You finally broke the kiss as you needed to catch your breath. You still sat in Kuns lap, legs on either side of him as you ran your hands down his toned body and bit your lip.
“You know I could teach you more about erotic literature if you want Mr Qian” you purred.
“Well there’s so much I clearly need to learn from you y/n lets get to work.”
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