#hitting post then gonna do arm care
lavenoon · 1 year
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@naffeclipse more shenanigans too
*self insert is not a girl (he/ she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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i love how much you talk in tags. i love reading your words and how you talk and what about. might sound strange but its true. i like your mouth words dawg.
Technically, they're finger words.
#gonna finish answering in the tags#im so glad someone cares ab all my ridiculous tag rambles#so thank uu <3#i remember i found the 30 tag limit almost immediately upon returning to tumblr and was like#oh shit i gotta turn down the verbosity? i thought this was the blogging site!#the only platform that encourages ppl to make comments in the tags but only if u show some restraint#mf ill show u restraint im gonna hit that 30 tag limit into next week#get outta here w that nonsense#anyway#its like i can talk somewhere between loud and clear speaking voice (text post) and whisper (read more)#tags is like the chill moment when ur hangin out w someone late at night just doing ur own thing and occasionally being like#'haha this post just said [x]' 'haha nice' and then back to comfortable silence#occasionally its the 'omGG HAHAHA CHECK THIS OUT' and it disturbs the peace which is fun#even if most of it is just me rambling to myself its like that same feeling to me#chill no filter late night thoughts at any hour#or maybe im biased bc im getting rly sleepy rn and thats the vibe im getting from this ramble#ok tone shift im getting a spicy hot take/ides and im just gonna put it here instead of bury it in the graveyard of my wips#tw puppet talk ahead#so you know that movie Teeth#wouldnt it be fucked up if the ssme concept applied to puppets intended to be manipulated with an arm inside them#you do something the puppet doesnt like and you get the nom#ok sry i was aiming for 30 tags im falling asleep rm gotta cutbit short#snknjmkjmmmmm#anonyymkud#annonynkus#anonymous#askdx#asked#puppets#mentions
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zibah-ho · 1 month
not to always bang on about the same four things but ideal jayson and brooce dynamic is raj and judge saab in the greatest movie ever made awaara 1951 and if that’s not enough to convince some of you to watch it after years of me screaming I don’t know what will please god watch awaara 1951 please
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fairy-angel222 · 2 months
I’m gonna regret posting this but 😭
Venom! Toji who smirks when he and Venom first share you. The symbiote’s deep voice ringing through the room when he asks, “Think she can take us both?”
“Of course she can, my girl’s greedy enough.”
Fucking into you while the symbiote’s tongue slithers in alongside his cock. Both of them finding a steady pace to pound you deep. The roughness of Toji’s cock on your g spot accompanied by Venom’s slimy tongue kissing your cervix sweetly.
Venom! Toji letting you ride his face, no, Venom’s face when you’re needy. Grinding your hips atop of the long tongue which hit all your spots perfectly. Your head falling back in a loud cry when he starts moving it against your walls, feeling yourself being brought closer and closer to orgasm.
Venom! Toji who has the symbiote extend multiple tentacle like arms to attack each part of your body. Your arms being bound above your head as two of them swirl independently around your sensitive nipples, another one circling your clit as Toji fucks into you meanly.
Venom! Toji who wakes you up to Venom’s fat tongue licking long stripes up your slit. Lapping sloppily between your folds as his tongue covered your entire pussy. Easily allowing it to taste all of you at once.
Venom! Toji who teams up with the symbiote to tease you in public. Allowing Venom to extend a long unnoticeable arm under the restaurant table to slip under your skirt. Smirking widely at your lack of underwear. He flicks at your clit, swirling before dipping into your aching pussy. Finding a continuous pattern of rubbing you to the edge only to pull away after. Enjoying the tears that pooled in your eyes at the torture.
Venom! Toji who sometimes plays good cop bad cop with you. When he and the symbiote aren’t both degrading you or praising you. It’s him doing the sweet talk while Venom does the dirty. Each of them at one of your ears driving your mind foggy as they pound into you.
Venom! Toji who never leaves you without pleasure. Even when you’re sucking his cock, he has Venom kissing sweetly at your sopping pussy. Licking messily as your constantly flowing slick while groaning at the sweet taste.
Venom! Toji who eats you out so much that Venom had first begged him for a taste of you. And when he got it, he was addicted. Always wanting to latch onto your pussy at any given chance. It was one of the things he craved. And the first time he made you cum, he was determined to do it again and again. Finding pride in how messy he made you just from his tongue.
Venom! Toji who allows Venom to take care of you when he’s busy doing work. Sat at his computer while you’re next to him with your panties stuffed past your lips. Muffled mewls and whimpers filling the room as the long tongue curls into you.
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yawnderu · 3 months
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cr: @ave661
Simon wasn't a stupid man. He always knew better, knew to look between the lines even when you tried your best to be deceiving. Even then, the pure rejection you showed to your newborn baby was something not even the best actress could hide. Refusing to hold her after she was born and fully shutting down on Simon, screaming at him whenever he tried to offer any sort of help and support, only getting worse if he ever tried to approach you while holding the baby.
Post-partum depression is no joke, Simon realized after doing his own research, only then realizing just how bad it can get after accidentally stumbling on article upon article of mothers getting to the point of harming their own child. You weren't like that— Simon liked to convince himself despite the growing pit of dread in his stomach, anxiety seeping out of every pore of his body when even months later you refused to hold or interact with the baby.
It all came crashing down after he came back from deployment, the nanny holding his daughter while soothing her with calm words, doing her best to console the crying infant despite the tears falling down her cheeks when she confessed to him that you're gone.
Gone without a trace, at first. Simon wasted no time using his connections to know where you were. Laswell was the most helpful, giving him all the details of the help center you were in, yet even then, Simon didn't reach out first in fear of messing up your progress, not wanting to add more stress to your situation when you were trying to get better.
Four years. For four years, Simon's life was divided in deployments and taking care of his daughter at home, never once thinking about moving on, always asking Laswell for updates— updates she was glad to give him using her own connections, wanting to give Simon some peace of mind even if it went against the rules.
“It's okay.” Simon reassured his daughter, his long sleeves wet with cola that she spilled from her little cup. His home was the complete opposite of the absolute hell he grew up in, not allowing himself to scream, hit, or take out his frustration on the little carbon copy of himself sitting on the couch.
“'M sorry, daddy.” Her sweet voice made the corners of his lips tilt up into a smile, planting a soft kiss on the top of her head, taking off his sweater and putting it away, wasting no time on grabbing a towel to clean up the now sticky mess of coke on the table.
“It's okay, love. Jus' don't tip it, 's gonna spill.” She gave him a small salute in understanding, a cheeky grin on her lips when she saw him holding in his laughter, knowing fully well she's copying him— as usual.
The doorbell ringing got Simon's full attention, giving his daughter one last look before he went to answer. His eyes widened slightly the moment he saw your shorter figure waiting for him, purposely making yourself smaller like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, a small folder held in your hands. You're both quiet for what seems like forever, the only sounds coming from your daughter in the living room, the TV displaying a kid's show Simon put on.
“I'm so so—” You don't even have the chance to finish your sentence before you're being pulled into a tight hug, Simon's burly arms wrapping around your body, every single second spent missing you, secretly hoping you'd come back one day crashes down on him the moment he feels your arms wrap around his waist, holding him as tight as possible, as if he'd disappear if you don't hold onto him for dear life.
“I got better.” You whisper into his ear, rubbing his back soothingly when he doesn't let go of you. Not yet— not when the love of his life is finally back after years. He plants a soft kiss on your shoulder before his face goes back to burying in the crook of your neck, taking in the familiar scent.
It takes minutes for Simon to finally let go, hesitation clear in his actions as he looked down at you, keeping one hand on your waist in silent fear of you seeping through his fingers. The folder in your hand gets his attention, giving you a questioning look before you offer it to him, managing to give him a small smile of reassurance despite all the anxiety and fear.
“My psychotherapist wrote it. It's... just a paper that shows the progress I've made from her perspective.” You stand awkwardly as he reads the document, taking in every single word written by the woman who has been helping your for four long years. You can hear your daughter giggling at the TV show, only making the anxiety in your stomach grow more by the second.
To your surprise, Simon steps out of the way to allow you into the home he created, his safe haven. Nothing changed from the last time you were here, other than toys scattered all over the place, likely from Simon being too busy bonding with his daughter to even clean.
You can see the little girl sitting on the couch as you walk closer, her brown eyes fully focused on the screen until she hears something from behind her. She's so much bigger now, looking like a tiny carbon copy of Simon, down to the little skull-patterned pajamas she was wearing.
She turns around after seeing you from the corner of her eye, her little face lighting up into a toothy grin as she jumps from the couch, sprinting towards you as fast as her little legs allow her to.
“Mommy!” You crouch down to her height out of pure instinct, almost being knocked off balance when she crashes into you, her tiny arms wrapping around your neck. The fact that Simon never stopped talking about you to her and kept your pictures warms your heart, being as delicate as possible as you hug her back.
“Y'look so pretty.” She has Simon's accent, making you let out a small laugh before looking down at her, cupping her cheek just to examine her features better.
“Thank you, sweet girl.” You're glad for the way she cuddles up to you again, not bothering to hide the tears falling down your cheeks at the sheer love displayed by the same girl you left four years ago. Your gaze drifts up to Simon, whose eyes are glossier than usual despite the fact that he's not shedding a tear. He gives you a small nod in acknowledgement, not daring to look away from the heartwarming scene in front of him.
“Daddy talks a lot about you.” She whispers into your ear, covering her mouth as if she's telling you the biggest secret ever. You giggle at the little gossiper, your warm hand running up and down the length of her hair.
“He does?” You whisper back, giving Simon a cheeky look at the admission, one of his thin eyebrows raising when he sees your daughter nod her head vigorously, giggling as she looks at Simon.
“Well, I'm sure he talks a lot about you too.” The pure forgiveness that comes from both of them drowns the guilt, if only for a short while.
“You're such a pretty princess.” Your arms wrap around her again, rocking her softly from side to side, allowing yourself to take in their love. It doesn't take long for Simon's resolve to falter, dropping to his knees and wrapping his burly arms around his girls protectively, planting a little kiss on your forehead.
Despite everything, there's no one else he'd rather spend the rest of his life with.
Dad!Ghost Masterlist
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theemporium · 11 months
cece! pls james potter post quidditch game shower smut. thinking about his sweaty pecs and big hands and thick thighs. ily, ty 🤠
god he makes me so😵‍💫thank you for requesting!🖤
For most players, the second the final whistle blew and the game was over, they were hit with a wave of exhaustion that made them want to just kick back and relax and maybe enjoy some downtime with their friends.
Not your boyfriend though, he was anything but. 
The second the final whistle blew, it was like James took a hit that just sent pure, raw adrenaline coursing through his body until he was practically bouncing off the walls. Regardless of the outcome of the match itself, he was always buzzed and bouncing and ready to work off the extra energy before he joined the rest of his friends in celebrating. 
There had been many ways James learnt to deal with the extra energy. Maybe an extra half an hour or so on the broom after everyone else headed off to the locker rooms. Maybe doing a few laps of the quidditch pitch until his legs felt like jelly and he couldn’t run any longer. Maybe even trying to convince the other boys to take a last-minute gander through the woods with him if possible. 
However, he found far more enjoyable ways when he started dating you. 
You always thought James was dramatic about his post-match energy bursts but now—now you knew they were anything but a joke.
“Fuck, baby, I-I can’t!” 
The hot water was spraying down on your heated skin but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as your nails dug into your boyfriend’s back, your head falling back against the tiles of the locker room showers as he pounded into you.
He had been insatiable the second he got his hands on you after the game. First, in the supplies closet whilst all the players cooled down in the locker room. He had your hands in his hair and your thighs squeezing his ears and he could barely keep himself from coming in his trousers. Then, he had you against the lockers, cheek and tits pressed against the cool metal as he pounded in you from behind, mocking the way you whined and begged to kiss and claw at his sweaty, toned torso. You barely caught a glimpse of it before his chest was pressed against your back.
And now you were in the shower, his cock ramming into you and his arms straining as he practically fucked you like a toy. You could barely stand but James wasn’t done. He wanted you, he needed you, even if it meant bouncing you up and down on his cock like his own personal fleshlight. 
“One more f’me, baby,” he groaned, every muscle in his body straining as he held back his approaching orgasm. “Just one more. You just look so pretty, darling, it’s like winning the match all over again.” 
“James,” you whined, feeling the way he tensed as your nails raked down his skin before he let out a low moan that echoed through the empty showers around you. 
“That’s my girl, mark me up,” he growled, his eyes glued on the way your eager cunt took his cock, hitting deep with each thrust. “Want everyone to know who I belong to.” 
“Me,” you gasped out, holding onto him as tightly as you could. “You belong to me.” 
“I’m all yours,” James groaned, pressing your bodies close together as the sound of skin on skin bounced off the walls. “Gonna fuck you like I belong to you. Think I can get another few outta you, love. What do you say? Gonna let me fuck this pretty cunt like a winner? Gonna let me show you what being yours means?” 
“Please, Jamie,” you moaned, your eyes falling shut as your body jostled with each thrust of his hips. “Show me everything.” 
“Gonna show you the world, gorgeous.” 
He had you sprawled over the bench twice before you even left the locker rooms.
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formulafics · 7 months
Scenario: its the qatar grand prix race weekend, and baby piastri is making her first appearance at a race. (requested)
Pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader
A/N: this was a CHALLENGE considering the lack of content involving oscar with kids, but i think it turned out okay! god bless girl dad oscar 🫶🏻
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“There is our race winner,” the commentator narrates as Oscar gets out of his car. Off comes his helmet, then his bevalavca. “Smiles all around for the Piastri family as his wife congratulates him,” he continues. You smile at Oscar, holding Joey with one arm as you embrace him. He wraps his arm around you, the other going around your daughter, careful not to hit you or her with the helmet in his hand. “You did so good, Osc,” you tell him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you step back. Joey reaches out to Oscar, and he takes her into his hold, one of the Mclaren crew members taking his helmet and head piece off of his hands.
“There goes baby Piastri, into the arms of her father. What a sweet sight. Alright, post races interviews are hosted by Mark Webber, and we will see you guys in the cooldown room before that.”
— 🏎️
“Into the cooldown room we go and,” the commentator pauses, laughing at the sight, “There goes Joey, chasing down Oscar, as usual,” he says. Oscar smiles to himself, knowing his daughter is right behind him. Despite the adrenaline of winning the race, the Qatar heat had not been kind, and he decides do sprawl out on the floor, the cool ground soothing his hot skin. “Max joins Oscar on the floor, and as expected, there goes Joey, mimicking her dad,” the commentator laughs again as Joey lays down in the same position as Oscar.
— 🏎️
“I have to use the bathroom so bad, I can’t hold it,” you tell your husband, the pair of you laughing to yourselves as he ushers you off, taking your daughter once again. “Guess you’re doing the interview with me, Joey,” he tells her, planting a kiss to her head as he walks back out, Webber waiting. The older australian smiles, handing Oscar a mic. “Well, who’s this little lady?” Mark asks, despite being Joey’s godfather. It’s evident that he’s no stranger to the young girl, as a wife smile spreads on her face, chubby cheek’s prominent due to the action. Mark smiles and reaches out, tickling her arm. She giggles and curls into Oscar, instinctively tugging her hand away. Mark laughs, then turns his attention to Oscar for the actual interview, all while sweet his sweet little Joey is snuggled into him.
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren, and 106,782 others
ynpiastri wowee, what a weekend. i’m so beyond proud of my love, @/oscarpiastri. you deserve this win, and so many more. i love you forever always. ❤️
also, congratulations lando on another pair of podiums, and max on your third wdc! love you guys. 🫶🏻
view all 3,789 comments
maxverstappen1 thank you yn!
landonorris THANKS MUM! i love you too
⤷ ynpiastri your welcome, my child
⤷ rizzciardo i love yn and landos relationship so much
papayabull “wowee” i love when yn talks like oscar 😭
⤷ norrisnation in landos post race interview, you can see max holding joey in the background 💔
⤷ mclamg i saw that </3 it was so cute
papayamax yeah i’m gonna need about 4-7 business days to process the picture of max
⤷ papayabull GIRL i need a whole vacation to process all the content from this weekend
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 167,892 others
ynpiastri a celebratory family dinner 🫶🏻 proud of my boys (and so is baby joey, as you can see)
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ynpiastri @/maxverstappen1 i’m sorry i didn’t include you in the post 🥹 i made it before you showed up
⤷ maxverstappen1 no worries :)
oscarpiastri 🫶🏻 i love my girls
⤷ landonorris what about me? 🤭🤭
⤷ oscarpiastri no
landonorris food was good im coming over every single day
⤷ ynpiastri okay bet i love having you over (and so does joey)
logansargeant please tell me baby piastri didn’t forget about me
⤷ ynpiastri no, she actually asked about you and was sad that you couldn’t make it </3 just means you have to be there for the next one!
⤷ logansargeant oh BET
cameforoscstayedforyn yn is so sweet :( the way she’s so close with logan lando and max is my most favorite thing
formulapiastri yn referring to lando and max as family is my roman empire.
⤷ ogformulaone THIS and mark webber being yn’s godfather
⤷ formulapiastri omg YES…and yn saying logan is family (in an interview a while back) 😭 baby piastri has such a good group of people to grow up with
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All feedback is incredibly appreciated! Thank you so much for taking the time to read. 🫶🏻
general taglist | @renarots (shoutout to her for constantly fueling the brain rot for my fics) @jsjcue @illicitverstappen @lovstappen @minkyungseokie @harrysdimple05
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hhonghu · 1 year
Inside him.
;; pervert!sub!aether x reader
cw: established relationship, pervert aether, ooc aether, perverted thoughts, cockdrunk aether, rough sex, masturbation, teasing, nipple play, blowjob, deepthroating, usage of sex toys (dildo), cumming inside aether, slight exhibitionism, overstimulation, public sex, reader has a dick
you heard of pervert reader, now lets have pervert aether!! >:) i'll be posting this before working on sex obsessed kabukimono hehe this is a bit short :(, i might rewrite this soon but i wanna just write this down bc it won't leave my head and i have a debate to work on lol please enjoy! let me know if i missed anything! ^^
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pervert!aether who drools about you! he can't take his eyes off of you, you're just amazing. your body is to die for, a pure eye candy. his hands would roam your torso, chest, arms, and biceps. he drooling as he feels your skin in his palms, caressing you all over. "looks like someone is enjoying himself." you chuckle, "i'm not complaining though, have your fun."
pervert!aether who would shamelessly stare at your crotch, thinking about your cock. he wants to suck on it right now. he doesn't care what your doing, he wants it in his mouth. he wants to suck on it, to taste you, to have you use his mouth and bury yourself in his throat. he wants you to make him choke on your cock, fucking his mouth with much vigor until you cum in his mouth. pervert!aether who kneels in front of you and paws your clothes. "[name]..." he whines up at you, eyes glossy. he grabs the hem of your pants and tugs on it, you name spilling out of his mouth again. you look down at him and grin, "well aren't you needy? want my cock, baby?" aether nods eagerly, already having your pants down, eying your half-hard cock. you tut, grabbing his hair before he could put your cock in his warm mouth. he whines, warm breath fanning on your tip making you hiss. "[name].. [name], noooo.. please? please— come on, put your cock in my mouth. i need it, please? put in, put in, put it in, pleaseee..!".
pervert!aether who would drag you behind a large tree, hands all over you as he kisses you. "we'll be quick hnghh—, i just need you in me, haaaa— fuck!". pervert!aether who moans in your hand as you pound him from behind, muffling his moans. "you like this, huh? you fuck— you're moaning like a bitch a heat out here in the open, wanna be seen like this? having my dick in your desperate hole? fucking slut." you pound in him harder, making him squeal and buckling his knees. his eyes rolls back as he meets your fast thrusts, "mmph—! you're gonna angh—make me cum, you're gonna me cum, you gonna make me cuuumm♡♡!".
pervert!aether who would play with himself while your away. pervert!aether who would bring out a custom dildo in your size (he begged you to let him use a godforsaken diy kit to mold a dildo out of your dick in case he missed you and your dick apparently lol). pervert!aether who would suck on it as he lays down with his legs open, tongue swirling around the dildo thinking was you above him. he quickly brings his free hand to play with nipples, twisting with his fingers as he shoves the the cock deeper in his mouth, making him gag and choke as it hits the back of his throat. pervert!aether who mewls when he shoves the dildo inside of him, eyes rolling back as he grabs his pretty cock too, stroking it with his fingers. he picks the pace and his back arches, "my god, fhucuuckk! oughh— i can't, i can't, too good, feels too good♡!". he lets out more moans as he jerks himself off furiously while shoving the dildo inside him deeper, making his back arch as pleasure courses through his veins. he gives on last thrust of the dildo in his needy hole, screaming out as he cums, fingers stroking himself faster to prolong his orgasm.
pervert!aether who cries out in pleasure as you draw out another orgasm from him, body convulsing in overstimulation and fingers pinching his nipples making sob. you were so deep in him, your cock was hitting his inside so perfectly, he just doesn't want to stop. "come on, baby. one more time, i'll fill you up nicely." you coo down at him, relishing his flushed face. he looks up to you and shakily nods, "don't stop, [name]..". pervert!aether who couldn't couldn't stop hiccups escaping his lip as your hips thrust in him and sweat dripping the sides of his face. "ah, ah, ah, fuckfuckfuck, yeees♡! faster! harder! fuck me, [name]!", he locks you in his hold, legs and arms wrapping around you and buries his head in the crook of your neck. pervert!aether who clenches around you, breath staggering as he feels you spill your cum in him, warmth filling up his insides. his ass lifts up a bit and grinds back on your cock, making sure your cum stays inside. he mewls out to you, words coming out in a slur, "don't pull out yet, [name]. it's hnghh— it's not enough. i need more of your cock, need it..♡".
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bahrtofane · 3 months
husband Jude headcannons
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jude just really really enjoys married life
Word count - 2.3K+
Watch it - i got carried away sorry guys, proposal lore?? insanely sappy, even by my standards
He's not a fan of you being known as his, rather he's your husband. Always correcting people during interviews and giving you the spotlight. Even when you shy away, not knowing where to look or what to say. He's always there, a gentle hand on your knee rubbing circles as he nods for you to continue. 
Every red carpet he wants to match, doesn’t care how big or small the event is. Gotta be a way you two look look a pair 
His fav is when you wear exactly the same thing so there’s no way to confuse anything for what it really is hehe 
Bouncing around while you get ready together, helping you get your shoes on while he tries his best to stand still while you fix his tie 
“Look okay?” he asks, head tilted 
You rub his arm, “you look great.” 
And he smiles wide, giving you pecks all over while you giggle, trying to shoo him away from you and closer to the door. your ride is waiting, but he doesn’t care. pouting for just one more kiss. please ? 
All his socials turn into your personal fan page, a big fat married in every bio, ring and all 
He has more posts about you then his actual job 
His teammates poke fun at it, “when are you gonna post us huh?”
He just rolls his eyes,”when I marry you i’ll think about it”
And that’s that
You're the first he runs to post a match, greeting you with the silly hand shake you perfected years ago. You think you could do it in your sleep at this rate. You came up with it ages ago when you kissed him after practice, playing with his fingers till he came up with the idea, and you with the actual hand shake. 
You're his biggest supporter, and him likewise. In every and anything you do, give him pompoms and he'd be your personal cheerleader at this point.
He just likes to have you at games. Waving obnoxiously while you tell him to pose. And he does, every time, sending hearts your way. He dedicates his goals your way. The kisses he would send the crowd in his youth now only go your way where you catch them like a teenager.
You see complications of it everywhere, he thinks it's endearing. He makes you watch them together on the living room tv while you grimace
“My face looks so weird there, oh my god.”
He flicks your arm, “you look great shush. Ha that was during el clasico, ah good times.” 
You roll your eyes but snuggle up against him anyway.
One of your favorite past times btw, nothing he loves better than a lazy morning in with you in his arms while he hits snooze on every alarm.
He tries to cook, with his stupid kiss the chef apron he got just for you. but he will need help, which you gladly give. You end up eating on the couch, covered in pillows watching cheesy shows. You've watched keeping up with the kardashians too many times to count and he still laughs out loud every time.
Jude is soft and sweet when he's not forced into a picture perfect smile and self 24/7. He's a silly guy, always trying to make you laugh. Teasing is his love language by the way.
But he's still sweet, leaving notes around your house for you to find when he has to leave for away games. Hearts and smiley faces littering every inch of the paper. Some frowny faces when he knows he'll miss you extra. 
He likes bringing you to family events and bragging about how cool you are, but everyone already loves you as is, he just likes to brag. Look at how cool the love of my life is everyone, I am sooo lucky you guys look look. 
Jobe has rolled his eyes far too many times, but he's happy to see his brother so happy. Plus you guys threw a fantastic wedding. A win is a win.
When you can't be there he facetimes you every second he possibly can. Blowing kisses when he has to go. 
“Judes been complaining all day I hope you know,” Aurélien pops his head into the screen. 
You snort, “ hello to you too Aurélien.”
He gives you a wave before ruffling the top of Judes hair as he pouts, fixing it just how he likes again, “they just don't get it,” he sighs dramatically.
You laugh, “sure baby, sure.”
You make sure to keep up with the match the best you can, texting him live reactions, even if you know he won't see them till later. He likes them all the same.
Your name on his phone is a simple "mine" with a bunch of heart emojis, the contact pic is one of the two of you together on vacation, smiling with your faces squished together while laying in the sand
It makes him smile every time. he thinks you’re the cutest
He's a big fan of nicknames, weather its a version of your first name, or just a good ole fashion baby. He rarely uses your actual name. He called you something so insane like pooki bear in public once and you have yet to let him live it down.
"in a restaurant was crazy," you squint at him.
He only giggles, "but it was soo funny baby come on."
Speaking of restaurants, this guy loves a good date night 
Gigdy as he comes down the hall in his pjs, grinning while showing you the new reservations, it’s your fav place ! 
Every anniversary he somehow finds a way to outdo himself, don't ask, because in truth he doesn't even know how he pulls it off, but anything for you. Anything. 
Even if it means hunting down the stuffed animal you had as a kid and couldn't find after you lost it in your couch cushions. He finds it, after months and months of searching, making Jobe help him look, it comes in the mail and he has to get creative to get you out of the house and away from the mail the day it's supposed to come.
It gets neatly wrapped and placed on your shared bed the morning of, surrounded by a collection of other gifts, your favorite flowers, and a cheesy note that you always end up crying at. 
The look on your face makes it all worth it, when you tackle him in a bone crushing hug, tumbling into the covers in a tangle of legs while you laugh in between sniffles, he loves you. Oh how he loves you 
It's been a tradition to end the night with the very place he proposed, his home, now yours. 
He doesnt think he could forget it even if he tried. It was a whirlwind of a day. Picture this: 
He's lost all his black socks, his (and your) favorite body wash just spilled all over the shower, his hair looks awful ( he got a haircut that morning), his cologne isn't where he left it, and the private chef he hired isnt replying. All while you're not even awake yet. 
He calls his mom because what else are you supposed to do when you're set to propose and everything is going wrong. 
She only chuckles softly over the phone, “calm down jude, just breathe. You'll find your things, just take a breather and come back to things with a clear head okay?”
So he does. Sitting on his bed, towel still on, frowning. He chooses to instead pat himself dry, get dressed, and give himself a pep talk in the floor length mirror at the corner of his room. 
Turns out his mom was right, things fix themself for the most part, his socks are stuck at the bottom of the dryer, his hair isn't as bad as he thought, he finds a better cologne in his collection, and a perfect body cream. It's gonna be a good day. 
He finishes the last of the day of prep, getting fancy candles, a lighter, and greeting the decorator. Yes he hired a decorator. 
It's nothing over the top, just little changes to make his home look a little softer, changing out the curtains, placing lace table cloth with details in your favorite color. The main event is his second living room that gets covered in an arch of your favorite flowers, gentle curling to just kiss the top of the new antique chandelier that will be holding the fancy candles too. He hopes you like it. He really really hopes you like it.
He's had this planned for ages, since the moment he first met you he thinks. 
When you greet him with a silly good morning text he only grows oh so fond of you, excited to see you. He told you it was a fancy dinner at his place. A change of pace from the resurates. Both of you prefer a much more intimate night in then cameras shoved into your face while a hundred people all yell a hundred things while you're trying to chew your food. 
So you get ready, dress up and make it for dinner. When you see the familiar face of the chef, Karlos, you give him a wave and get seated. Noticing the new table cloth but you don't say anything. You don't want to be wrong so early into the night. 
Jude comes in, nervous as a school boy as he takes your hand for a quick peek, running around like a maniac back and forth. He looks nice, in a signature all black suit, and smelling amazing per usual. 
Dinner is amazing, full of your favorite courses and Jude is jittery in his seat. 
“You okay?”
He nods, a little too fast, “oh yeah. I am. Don't worry.”
You raise a brow but dont push, thanking Karlos for the amazing meal as he cleans up and heads out for the night. 
Jude gets up, telling you to stay put while he'll be righttt back. Don't worry, remember! 
He comes back, unable to meet your eyes while he gives you his hand. You take it, sliding out of your seat and following him down the hall. There's flower petals on the floor now, you look at him, but he looks anywhere but at you, chewing his cheek.
He leads you to the second living room, where the furniture has been cleared out. Replaced by a walkway of flowers and candles, leading up to where an arch of your favorite flowers hugs the curtain, new ones.
Gently pulled back to reveal the floor to ceiling windows that give way to his yard. And the most gorgeous sunset you have ever seen. A chandelier hangs above you, decorated with more flowers, and the most ornate candles and bulbs you have ever seen.
Your eyes begin to water before he even gets down on one knee, his lip wobbles, holding your hand the whole time as he confesses every little moment and reason for his love.
He loves you, he adores you. You're- youre everything. Truly and fully. You're the sunlight that kisses his skin, the stars he wishes to touch, to know, he yearns for you. Years to know you in your entirety, till he knows nothing else but you. For your name to only fully know his lips, for only he will fully know you. He sees no other, he knows no other. He wants- no needs, to give himself as he is. 
You see him, see him as more than just Jude Belingham. You see what others can not, will not. You see him, you know him. You know him better than he knows himself most days. You've seen all there is to see, all that makes him who he is. You know his stupid sandwich order at the place you hate but keep going to because you know how much he loves it.
You sit in freezing weather for the full game just to make sure you don't miss a second of him. The first to congratulate him, the first to mourn with him, the first to sooth his aches and pains. You're the face he looks for in a crowd, you're the first person he calls when anything happens. 
 And you love him with such ferocity it amazes him. 
You're full crying at this point, fat tears rolling down your cheeks till you can barely see him, and he finally gets down on one knee, fishing out a small velvet box from his inner pocket, opening it with shaky hands.
And he whispers, “will you marry me?”
You fall next to him, sobbing into his shoulder while you repeat yes over and over. He cries with you, till you're both laughing from pure joy. 
Who better to spend the rest of your life with then the man who loves you so?
Telling his family is the best part. You have them over for what was supposed to be a quick lunch, turned dinner, and you break the news at dessert, showing off your ring while they all gasp. 
They pile you into the biggest hug, smiles so wide they hurt and you laugh, you're going to get married! You think they just might be more excited than you are.
Wedding planning comes and goes both so fast and so slow. Youre so excited you can't wait, and yet every step of the way seems like it takes excruciatingly long.
Your wedding planner tries her best, bless her soul, but you want it to be completely and utterly perfect. Down to the types of chairs at the venue.
Jude lets you have your way for the most part, chiming in now and again, he trusts you fully. Knowing you're going to make it the best regardless. 
Leading up to the big day you think you just might pass out from stress and never be seen again, but the almost year of planning pays off, and you're married! 
The honeymoon is spent traveling all over while jude is wide-eyed, unable to believe he's married to you of all people. 
The press catches on soon after, even if your wedding was small and intimate. News comes out one way or another.
Jude only responds with a picture of you two slow dancing among your family and friends, captioned, “all you need to know.” and he pins it to every social media page. 
What a man huh?
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c0eu4 · 6 months
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CL16 | Mine ♡
Summary: One of y/n's friends was too close to her at a party and Charles makes it clear to her in the evening when they returns home.
Warning: smut, unprotected sex, dom! Charles, sub!Reader, jealous!Charles
A/N: I'm so fucking dumb. Again it was an request but I post it while it wasn't finish so I had to remake everything. Pls kill me for my dumbass.
MASTERLIST requests are open
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She was smiling as she chatted with Mark, one of her friends at a party. The music was blasting around her and the lights were colorful.
''So are you free this Saturday?'' He asked her, leaning against the kitchen island, with a sly smile on his lips. Before she could answer, she heard a voice behind her.
''She's busy.'' Charles hissed, putting his hands on her hips. Y/n chuckles softly, seeing Mark's face getting all white. Given their relatively recent and private relationship, not a lot of people knew about it.
''Oh..uhm..well..'' Mark smiles nervously as Charles doesn't leave his black gaze, really not smiling.
''Uhm.. I let you both, I have something to do.'' Mark left them, walking quickly and forgetting his drink. ''Coward.'' Hissed Charles, downing Mark's glass in one go.
''You scared him.'' She turns around to face him, putting her arms around his neck. ''I don't share.'' He kisses her tenderly, contrasting with his past behavior. ''Let's go dance, ok?'' She tries to see his smiles again, dragging him to the dancefloor.
They dance together to the deafening rythme of the music. Charles keeps Y/n close to him, feeling her small body moving against him. They dance close, very close. The tension is growing. And they quickly start to feel hot.
''Gonna get us something to drink.'' She scream med over the loud music to his ear. He simply kisses her cheek, already joining some friends to dance with them.
Meanwhile, Y/n doesn't directly go to the kitchen. She feels so hot that she take a break and goes outside, feeling the cold air of the summer night sending shivers down her spine, her tight dress which didn't cover her very much.
Nobody is there. Well, not really. Mark comes behind her, without making any noise. He puts his hands on her hips but she doesn't react. Charles love to put his hand there too, so for her it's him. She feels Mark's breath on her neck giving her goosebumps.
''You have such a good ass in this tight dress..'' Her eyes widen when she doesn't recognize Charles's voice. She just freezes, unable to move. Mark made her turn around to face him, a grin on his face.
He leans down to kiss her, her eyes already dropping a few tears. She closes her eyes, waiting to feel his dirty lips on her soft one. But she never feels it.
She heard Mark's moan and the sound of someone being hitting. She immediately opens her eyes, seeing Charles on top of Mark, hitting his face with his clenched fist.
She doesn't know what to do. She's frozen, Charles' fist hitting Mark's cheek over and over. She finds the strength to call him, but he doesn't answer, goo busy hitting the man below him.
So she comes closer and she gives him a hug, waiting for him to calm down. And he calms down quickly, feeling Y/n's arms around his waist. He gets up and she pulls away from him, leaving Mark on the ground, bleeding.
''Ch-Charles.. w-what did you do?'' Charles' breathing was quick. He was so angry that even when he answered her, he was aggressive. ''He touched you.''
He violently grabs her arm, making her moan in pain, ''Cha! Careful!'' He dragged her towards his car and she quickly understood that it was the end of the party.
During the whole way back to their flat, it was so calm. Charles seems to be less angry but his hands were firmly on the steering wheel. Y/n tries to make her mind clear. All of what just happened was a bit traumatic for her. What if Charles wasn't here? What Mark could have done?
''Forget about him. You're safe now.'' Charles finally breaks the ice. One of his hand finally left the steering wheel to go on her thigh. He rubs it softly, tracing random pattern on it.
''I'm sorry.'' She managed to say. She doesn't even know why she was excusing herself. ''You did nothing wrong chérie.'' darling. He tries to reassure her. ''I should have moved. He was about to kiss me! And I did nothing!'' she was now angry at herself. Angry that she doesn't move. Angry that she doesn't do anything to stop Mark.
''It's normal, mon cœur.'' My heart. She doesn't answer, waiting for the long way back to finish. As they finally reached the underground parking lot and Charles parked the car, they got out of it and Charles immediately took her hand in his.
They go to the elevator, call it, wait for it and enter it. Charles didn't even wait for the door to be close that he pins Y/n against the wall in front of them, kissing her hardly. He puts his hands exactly where Mark puts his, but he squeezes it hard, almost making bruises.
She didn't push him away, already feeling her arousal growing between her legs. Charles let his hand move along her body, making her moan in the kiss. His hand found her wet panties, running his thumb through her folds over her panties. ''Ch-Charles..'' He kissed her neck, leaving a few red marks. ''Mine.'' His kisses go down her collarbone, almost between her breasts.
The elevator door opened and he urged her to their flat. He quickly opened the door and pinned her against it, moving his hips against hers. He pulls up her dress, runs his hands over her ass and she jumps against him, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He walks while carrying her to the bedroom, dropping her on the bed. He gets on top of herw taking off her dress. He doesn't wait any longer to take off her bra, already sucking her left breast. She pulls his hair, showing him her pleasure. Her back arch, Charles sucking a purple spot on her breast.
''Je vais prendre soin de toi toute la nuit.'' I'm gonna take care of you all night. His hands slowly go down in her legs, rubbing it with his fingerstip.
He puts himself lower, between her. He quickly took of her panties as a starving man. His lips found her clit, using his tongue to make small circles with. She moves her hips, asking for more. Her hand in his hair tug hardly his now messy hair.
He uses his tongue to stimulate her entering, his fingers rubbing her clit. She was so lucky that Charles had a long tongue. His tongue almost finds her g-spot, putting pressure on it. The knot in her lower abdomen was slowly untied.
''Ch-Charles..I'm..je..suis..jouir..'' I..am..cum.. Charles can't help but chuckle against her pussy. He took a step back to talk to her. ''Say it in a good French and you can cum.'' She whines, the knot in her lower abdomen arching her.
''Damnit Charles! Moi jouir!'' Me cumming. He softly nibbed her inner thighs, indicating her her incorrect sentence. She groans, her walls clenching around nothing. ''I..I'm..Je..Je vais jouir !!'' I'm gonna cum. She moaned loudly, drowning him with her sweet nectar.
Charles gets up from between her thighs, passing his hand throughout his hair to adjust it. His face was shiny from her liquid, his lips red from sucking. He runs his tongue over his lips, wipes his chin and nose with his hand.
She grabs her head, pulling him into a deep kiss. She tasted herself on his lips, him already taking off his clothes. She helped him to take off his t-shirts, watching him closely when he took off his pants and boxers.
He gets up again on top of her, putting his elbows on both sides of her head. He lets his cock slide between her wet folds, making him sigh in relief. He finally slid inside her, his fat cock burring deep into her tight and wet cunt.
He doesn't even wait for her to get used to his size and already make her moan so loud. He hide his head in the crock of her neck, muffling his own moan, ''Mine..Mine..Mine..'' He moan again and again.
Suddenly, he stands up to see her better from the front and accelerates his movement. ''Who.. make you..ah.. feel so good, hm?'' Her back arch and grips tightly the sheet of the bed. ''You!'' Her eyes roll back as she cum for the second time of the night brutality.
He doesn't wait to feel her wall clenching around him that he pull out, a moan of frustrating escaping her lips. Charles puts his hands on her waist and leg and make her turn around, on her knees.
He goes back into her, already slamming his hips against her ass. ''Not Mark, mh?'' She can't think straight, already getting fucked again after her orgasm. Her moan doesn't have any sens and she can't answer to him because of the plaisur.
He grips her hair, lifting her head up. One of his arms go around her waist, pulling her up against his chest. He keep her against him, nibbing hardly her neck and one of his hands found the way of her clit.
She screams in pleasure, Charles using his hand to make small circles one her clit. ''Who owns this pussy?'' She starts to cry of joy, keeping her orgasm back. ''Y-You!'' He let out a long and deep moan against her ear, ''That's not my name.'' He shows her his athletic body with his incredibly well-controlled breathing and his endurance. ''Who owns this pussy?'' Her wall clench around his fat dick, deep inside her, ''You Sir!'' She still doesn't know if she can cum, but she can't keep it anymore. Her whole body tense up and she cum against Charles's cock hardly, again.
He let her fall back against the bed, thrust in her a few more time and let his hot seed fill her up, ''Bonne fille.'' good girl. As she feels completely full, he slowly take out of her in a wet song, leaving a mess between her legs.
He collapse the mattress next to her, already cuddling her. ''Remeber who you belong to.'' He said, his voice muffling by her hair. He kisses her forehead tenderly, his hand already going between her legs. He takes on his fingerstip a bit of her wet liquid (and surely some of his) and suck it, tasting her again.
''Oh god, Charles you're gonna make me cum again.''
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singmyaubade · 9 months
No Longer Yours
James Potter x Female!Reader
A/N: Hello everyone! Now, I know I took so long to post this part but I wanted to think out everything and understand the direction of where the story is going! Thank you to everyone who was understanding and continued supporting me and this story, thank you so much!
IB: In The Cold November Rain by @sweetsweetjellybean (This is truly amazing guys and what truly inspired this entire series so please check it out!)
Summary: James had disregarded you for multiple years, but when you have an epiphany in your final year, how does it feel to taste his own medicine?
Warning: It may contain swearing, use of weed, and soon-to-be smut.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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The fresh sunlight peaked through the curtains in your room right onto your face as you squinted. Nothing like a beam of light hitting your face after three days of avoiding the Potter family.
You hadn't left your room and Dot kept appearing, asking if you needed anything and would give you dinner when it was time. You knew Euphemia was up to this but she wanted to give you your space which you respected.
You loved Euphemia dearly but you didn't know how to face her or what to say about everything. In all honesty, you were a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.
You wanted to go home badly but your Father was still sick and your Mom had to stay with him so it was with the Potters for Christmas which was a tragedy within itself.
You had asked your Mom if you could just go next door and stay there alone but she considered it rude and the Potters would still have to check up on you so it was easier if you stayed with them.
You just couldn't stop thinking about everything which was more painful.
You never felt like you acted obsessive when it came to James but hearing his words in your heard,
"I couldn't get away from you, and the only time I could was when I dated Lily; it was the best months of my life,"
The words echoed in your head during the last three days. You knew you were an amazing friend to James and always thought about his needs and comforted him.
And he had the audacity to say such cruel words when all you had been was kind and caring towards him.
Not only did it anger you but you felt humiliated that you could care for such a hateful and disgusting person.
He hadn't even tried to approach you about the situation, he just continued to live in the same house with you without such of a word.
The only one who did try to talk to you was Sirius and even when you tried to ignore him, he refused it and to admit, he was hard to ignore.
"Oh Y/N!" Sirius sang loudly outside of your door, "I know you can hear me!" You clutched your pillow over your ears to drown him out, "If you don't let me in, I'm gonna tell everyone what I saw you do in the girls bathroom sixth year," He said, urging you to the door as it swung open.
You glared at him while he had a grin on his face as he stepped inside your room, "Wow, Mom really set you up with the perks," He looked around in atonishment.
"What do you want?" You said sincerely.
"How are you?" He nervously asked, scratching the back of his head.
You scoffed, "Peachy,"
His face frowned, "I know you don't want to hear about James-" He started.
You cut him off, "Ding ding! I don't," You replied, laying on your bed as Sirius sighed.
"Prongs is a dickhead," Sirius started, earning a nod from you, "But he's trying to turn the love he has for you into hate," He explained as you looked off to the window, "So that he won't miss you but he does dearly," Sirius pleaded.
"Why can't he be the one to be mature?" You asked lightly, "Why does everyone always have to speak for him and excuse his poor behavior?" You exhaled, crossing your arms over your silk nightgown.
"James will never deserve you," Sirius answered, "But I do think a serious conversation is needed without the dramatics,"
You knew that you agreed that you needed to have a conversation with James to put an end to all the bullshit and to just finally be done but you didn't know what to say or how to start it.
"The only reason he hasn't tried talking to you is because he knows you will see how he truly feels and who you've always known," Sirius spoke, "It's up to you but I know that whatever you decide will be the best option," He gave you a reassuring smile.
You looked at him, smiling back, "When did you become so wise?" You asked.
He shrugged, "I'm afraid I've gotten fed up of James and gotten bored," He snickered as you giggled, "I'll see you," He said, kissing your forehead lightly as you nodded before he exited the room.
James didn't deserve you and he probably never would but you remembered that young boy who had been your friend for all of those years.
You couldn't excuse James's actions but you could find it in your heart to give him the much dreaded conversation that has been waiting to happen.
And despite hating him more than you ever have in your life, you had to find it in you to at least explain your feelings.
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts, "Sirius?" You asked confused as the door swung open.
You were surprised to see your four best friends at the door, smiling at you.
"Ew why was that your first guess?" Marlene questioned disgusted as your face glowed in excitement, racing over to your four best friends at the door.
You embraced them all in a tight hug as you pulled back, "What are you guys doing here?" You gleamed in excitement.
"Well, we heard about what happened from Sirius and Euphemia suggested that we come," Dorcas answered.
"And well, we couldn't say no," Mary added.
"But what about Christmas with your families?" You asked, frowning at the fact that they won't spend Christmas with their families.
"It's just one Christmas and I'm sure Petunia will have a better Christmas without me," Lily giggled as you gave her a soft smile.
"Well I can't say it's that merry here," You said, sitting on your bed as they all walked in and Dorcas started admiring the bookshelf in the corner.
Lily sat down next to you as Mary and Marlene shared the chair across from you and Lily, "How about we actually have one day to celebrate your birthday instead of focusing on James?" Lily comforted.
"It's never one of those days," You sighed.
"But it can be," Dorcas smirked, holding up candies.
"Candy?" Mary asked with a snort.
Dorcas rolled her eyes, "No you idiot, there's weed inside them," She whispered.
Your mouth agaped, "Where did you even get that?" You asked.
"Remus is one hell of a dealer," Dorcas replied, grinning ear to ear.
"I don't know about that," Lily said, swallowing.
"You did say that you wanted to celebrate Y/N's birthday," Marlene replied with a smart-ass tone.
"That is not what I meant and you know it," Lily argued.
"We don't have to do it Lils," You smiled, kissing her lightly on the cheek.
"Yes my sweet Lily flower," Marlene walked over, pinching Lily's cheek, "Let's not prevent you from blooming," She snickered.
Lily stared daggers into Marlene, "You know what, just to prove you wrong McKinnon," Lily replied, walking over to Dorcas and snatching the bag from her.
"Wait a second!" Dorcas softly shouted before Lily ate two of the candies.
Lily's face contorted into disgust and then a gulp before shaking her head, trying to shake off the flavor.
"Is that safe?" You asked, walking over to Lily and checking her eyes.
"Yeah but it just means she's gonna fucked out of her mind," Mary snorted.
"Lily, you are the one who tells us to never fall for Marlene's tatics yet you do this!" Dorcas said, sitting Lily down.
"I feel fine!" Lily persisted.
"For now," Marlene snickered.
You glared at Marlene as she put her hands defensively, "Well if we wanna follows Lily lead," Mary said, eating two like Lily did.
"Count me in!" Marlene cheered, eating two straight after.
"Should we?" Dorcas asked as you shrugged your shoulders and took two as Dorcas did the same.
You both ate the candies and your face contorted the same Lily's did. It tasted like a bitter, earthy taste as if you were chewing cannabis.
"And now we wait," Marlene said, plopping down.
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You yawned as Marlene exasperated, "I don't feel anything!"
"Well duh you idiot, it takes a little bit," Mary chortled, continuing to lay down on the carpet of the living room next to LIly.
"You did insist we move downstairs because you thought the aroma of Y/N's room was ruining it," Dorcas snorted.
Marlene crossed her arms, "It seemed right at the time," She pouted, sitting down in the big armchair.
"Maybe we should've took more," Mary suggested.
And that's when everything took a turn for the worst.
You felt like you couldn't fully think straight and you had this sweet, bitter taste in your mouth. You felt relaxed like a huge weight had been lifted in your shoulders and you could be alone in your own thoughts.
"Took more?" Lily giggled.
"Yeah duh," Mary said, giggling too.
"Duh," Dorcas repeated as you all laughed uncontrollably.
"Stop, I can't breathe," You horrendously laughed, holding your stomach in your hands.
"Guys, I'm gonna pee myself!" Marlene cried out, rocking back and forth laughing in the chair.
"Guys, we are so loud," Lily whispered, shushing all of you while uncontrollably laughing.
You felt like you were gonna explode, "You're right, you're right," You whispered, trying to calm down.
"Okay guys silent game," Dorcas shushed, covering her hand over her mouth.
Suddenly Sirius walked in with a confused grin on his face on why you all were whispering and trying to be silent, "What are you guys bloody doing?" He asked which made you all break.
You all bursted out into outrageous laughs while holding your stomach's, trying not to explode. James walked downstairs with a confused smile on his face as he watched the scene in front of them.
"What's up with them?" James asked, the corner of his mouth upturning.
"No idea," Sirius shrugged, walking into the dining hall as James followed him.
"Girls," Euphemia appeared from the dining hall as you all tried to shush yourselves, "Come into the hall for dinner," She gave a comforting smile.
'Shit.' You mentally thought.
Lily was the first one to rise up, looking at the rest of you with a worried look on her face. You stood up, trying to inhale the next laughing round.
You walked towards the dining hall as you could hear the girls behind you, whispering and saying to "act normal."
You sat down next to James as his face was mentally confused on why you had made that decision in the first place.
You felt like your eyes fluttering close as you laid your head on James's shoulder. You could feel him shift uncomfortably but let it happen without questioning you.
Euphemia saw the state in front of her in utter shock, "Y/N, are you okay dear?" She asked, worried.
You didn't want her to suspect that you had taken anything or were under the influence,
So all you had to do was act normal.
How hard could it be?
You straightened yourself on your chair, taking your head off of James, "I'm fine!" You said, louder than you wanted to, earning a worried look from James, Sirius, Fleamont, and Euphemia, "I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night," You cleared your throat.
"I'm sorry to hear that dear, do you need any potions?" Euphemia asked.
"No, no, that's okay," You smiled as she returned one back but still looked worried.
"James, can you grab me a piece of that chicken and some potatoes?" You asked, looking up at him as his eyes showed visible shock.
He hesitated before grabbing a piece of the chicken using a fork and knife and placing it on your plate and grabbing the spoon to put potatoes on the plate. You muttered a 'thanks' before digging into the chicken and potatoes.
You weren't the only one because the rest of the girls were doing the same. Sirius, Fleamont, Euphemia, and James all had shocked expressions, wondering if you guys were wolves.
Fleamont whispered something to Euphemia as she assured him that you guys were fine even if it didn't look like it.
"Y/N, are you okay?" James whispered into your ear.
You smiled, "I'm fine James, how are you?" You asked before stifling a laugh.
"Are you blazed?" He asked with a scoff.
"Shh," You laughed while shushing, "Don't tell Mom,"
"Bloody hell," James replied, trying not to laugh at the situation, "Okay, try to follow my lead," He whispered before standing, "Mum, Y/N is not feeling well, I'm gonna take her to lay down," He said, helping you stand up by grabbing your waist.
"Do you want me to come with?" Euphemia asked, rising up.
"No, no, it's fine," James stopped her, "She just needs to rest,"
Euphemia nodded, "Okay well, feel better dear," Euphemia smiled as James began walking you and you squeezed Euphemia's shoulder in a 'thank you,'
James whispered a few things that you couldn't make out while taking you up the stairs, helping you on each step. You almost tripped over a step as James grabbed your waist, leading you up the stairs.
You laughed obnoxiously as you went from room to room, trying to get to your own. James could only try not to laugh and be the serious one in the moment.
He was leading you to your room but you placed your hands on the door frame, stopping him, "No, your room," You frowned.
"Y/N, you need to sleep in your bed," James insisted, trying not to laugh.
"Jamesie, pleaseeee," You pleaded as he couldn't force you through the door frame and gave up.
"Okay," James sighed, "Come on," He didn’t want to see the sad look on your face any longer so he had to cave.
You cheered gleefully as James leaded you to his room, carefully helping you step towards his bed before laying you on the bed.
You looked up at him with a smile as he blushed, "I'm gonna go back downstairs and then I'll sleep in your room," He said, moving to leave.
"Wait!" You yelled, raising up, "Lay with me," You looked at him in the eyes as you looked at him back.
His mouth agaped, "Y/N, I don't know if this is a good idea," He replied.
"We aren't doing anything, I just want you to lay with me," You said, pleading with your eyes.
He walked over to the other side of you, laying up on the headboard as you moved your head to his chest, snuggling into him. His heart was beating faster than you ever could have felt it beat.
"Why are you so mean to me?" You asked, frowning into his chest.
He ran his hands through your hair, "Because I don't know what else to do," He whispered, slowing his strokes down, "I really am sorry Y/N, I don't know if you can forgive me,"
"Just talk to me," You said sadly in his chest.
"When you are sober, I will," He chuckled.
"Promise?" You asked.
"Promise," He said as your eyes fluttered close, sleeping into his chest, "I promise Y/N," He whispered, kissing your head before closing his eyes too.
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A/N: For one, I am so sorry for how long this chapter has taken. Number two, this was based on my experience of being high so guys, please don't hate and say this isn't the right experience! This chapter was not that long and not very angst filled but I know my plan! Again, if you hated this, I apologize and thank you so much for reading.
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crheativity · 9 months
SUMMARY: Someone's picked a fight with Prefect! But he isn't going to let anyone hurt you anymore. Not on his watch. Part 1! Part 2 with Vil and Silver can be found here.
WARNINGS: Uhhh Prefect (you) gets hit in the face & your nose bleeds. also blackmail.
COMMENTS: I actually wanted to write this firstly for some of my moots! I was gonna write more of their favourites but it accidentally got too long to put in one post, so I'm planning on making a part 2 tomorrow. Anyway, @azulashengrottospiano and @i-like-forgs, enjoy!!
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It must be raining.
You were just out in a storm. That’s all.
That would explain the crack of thunder that collided with your face and gave you a throbbing headache. The warm liquid blurring your vision and dripping out of your mouth and nose was just the rain, not some unholy mix of blood and tears. The chills that froze you where you stood was just humidity and the cold, not adrenaline and raw fear.
And yet, even with your desperate brain trying to come up with some reasonable explanation, the only thunderstorm you could see in front of you was a student you couldn’t recognise. Not with your head pounding like this. Not with the thunder in your ears.
There was something about the boy that scared you. That wasn’t uncommon - this school was full of terrifyingly promising mages. But the scariest thing wasn’t how he wielded his magical pen with deadly accuracy, or how strong he so evidently was.
It was just how much he seemed to be enjoying the mix of horror and pain, of blood and tears, that must have been so evidently and delicately splashed across your face.
His smile twisted as he raised his pen again, something in those cruel eyes of his setting off alarm signals in your aching head.
“This’ll teach you not to meddle where you don’t belong.”
The pen glowed, pure magic surrounding it as he prepared to shoot. His sadistic eyes were alight with entertainment. He knew what he was about to do. He didn’t care.
You squeeze your eyes shut and braced for the lightning.
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A chuckle and an arm wrapping around your waist made your eyes snap back open.
“C’mon babe, gotta run!”
Pulling you by the waist, the boy broke into a run. You stumbled for a minute, but soon followed after. He released your waist but gently took your hand, tugging you along, urging you to be faster.
A stray spell flew between the two of you.
The boy looked back, an uncharacteristic flash of annoyance creasing his brow.
He caught your eye and winked.
“Split card!”
A second boy seemed to appear next to you. He was an exact copy of the first - the same stylishly ruffled orange hair, the same piercing emerald eyes, the same practiced, perfect smile.
The same red diamond under his right eye.
“Hey, keep ‘em busy for me!”
“You got it, king.” The second boy - the product of Cater Diamond’s unique magic - winked at you. He planted his feet, whirled around and started to cast spell after spell at your assailant.
The real Cater Diamond pulled you along, into the school building. Together you ran, through corridor after corridor, passing empty classroom after empty classroom.
Finally, he slowed to a stop in front of a classroom you’d never seen before. Glancing around and putting his finger in front of his mouth in a shushing motion, he grinned at you.
“In here.”
He held open the door for you, shutting it behind the both of you as you looked around. There were all different kinds of instruments and sheet music scattered around, along with an abandoned satchel. You saw at least one set of drums, along with two electric guitars and one acoustic, amps, even some microphones and music stands.
You supposed this was the Light Music Club’s room.
Cater winced, scratching his nape. “My bad, forgot it was so messy here. Whoever that was won’t find us here, though!” He grinned at you, his smile fading when he noticed the condition you were in.
He took both of your hands and, holding you as though you were made of glass, led you over to an amp. He gently pushed you onto it. It was not the most comfortable thing to sit on, but that was not what you were focusing on.
How could it be?
Cater Diamond was standing in front of you. He glowed like the sun wherever he went, commanding your attention and leaving you blinded.
If he ever called you, you would gladly follow.
The light faded a little as he let go of your hands and stepped away. He walked over to the discarded bag on the ground and started rummaging through it.
“There’s gotta be something… aha, #jackpot!” Pulling out a packet of tissues, he made his way back over to you. Pulling out a tissue, he smiled hesitantly. “Do you mind if I…?”
You blinked. You had forgotten about the pounding in your head, which started to come back with a vengeance. Putting one hand to the side of your head, you gestured for him to go ahead.
He stood just in front of you, one hand cupping your face, the other gently trying to clean as much of the blood off as possible. He didn’t say anything as he went about his work, but there was a look in his eyes as he worked. One filled with kindness and empathy, soft enough to make your heart skip a beat.
He stepped back and, crossing his arms as though to survey his handiwork, he nodded satisfactorily. “The blood on your shirt will be hard to wash off, but the bleeding from your nose has stopped.” He gave you a strained - albeit gentle - smile.
You nodded and placed your hands in your lap, studying them instead of meeting the gentle emerald eyes you could feel searching you.
“Prefect…” he started, the hesitancy in his voice evident. He cautiously sat next to you and you glanced up at him. “Is- are you okay?”
You closed your eyes and leaned into him. He startled a little at your touch, then wrapped his arm around you. “I am now.”
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“My my, what have we here?”
“What… the hell?!”
That voice… wait, it couldn’t be-
Blinking rapidly to rid your eyes of the tears, you registered three things.
First, and most obvious, was that the thunderstorm was being contained.
I mean, the new arrival held him as easily as a newborn kitten for goodness’ sake. He looked almost as twisted as your assailant, with pure glee in his yellow and olive-brown eyes, his wide grin revealing sharp, pointed teeth. He was evidently enjoying the student’s squirming.
“Got him! I wanna squeeze him ‘til he pops~”
The second thing you registered was the hand resting on your shoulder.
Looking up, you noticed another boy, practically a mirror image of the first. One hand was resting protectively on your shoulder, his other hiding his smile. He looked a lot calmer than the first, but his eyes - the exact opposite of his brother’s - betrayed him. The air around him was crackling with excited energy.
“Not yet, Floyd. I believe that Azul has something he wishes to say to him first.”
“Boo. Hurry up.” Wait.
Looking around, you finally registered the third - and final - new arrival. Azul Ashengrotto, the head of the Mostro Lounge, was strolling towards the boy. There was something about him that was different. His curly hair caught the sun, making the silvery colour feel akin to pure, vivid white, as though it was glowing. From this angle, you couldn’t see the face you’d studied so many times - his enchanting grey eyes, or the beauty mark just below his mouth.
There was nothing physically different. So what was wrong?
Ah, that was it. He was angry.
“Do not fret, Floyd.” He stopped in front of the boy, directly in front of you. “You’ll get your chance soon enough.”
“Wh-… what the hell is wrong with you?!” The student shouted, twisting and scratching at Floyd’s arm in a desperate attempt to free himself.
“Wanna find out?” Floyd squeezed the boy tighter and he yelped.
“No! No thank you!”
“Well, at least you have some manners.” Azul drawled.
“What do you want from me?”
“This won’t take long.” Azul fished out some photos from his pocket and showed him. “Do you know who this is?”
“H-… how did you-?!”
“Unimportant.” He waved off the question as though it was simply one about the weather. “However, I believe that it would be in your best interests to leave the Prefect alone now.” “Hah… you’re trying to blackmail me?”
“Blackmail is such an ugly word. I am simply offering you a way out.”
“A way out?” The boy scoffed.
“Certainly. I believe if your mother saw these photos, you would be in a great deal of trouble, would you not? If I am correct, you promised her you’d be on your best behaviour this year. After all, one more incident could be enough for an expulsion, with a track record such as yours.”
“It’d be a shame for the school to lose such a promising mage. How about you meet with me in the VIP room tomorrow around 4 o’ clock tomorrow? We can discuss things in more… detail… then.”
The boy glowered but said nothing.
Azul sighed. “I’m a man of my word. As long as no harm will come to the prefect, no harm will come to you in the meantime.”
“Fine.” The boy spat.
“Very well, we have a deal then.” Azul took a step back. “Let him go, Floyd.”
“But he hurt Shrimpy! I don’t wanna~”
“Floyd. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.”
Floyd complained loudly, but let the boy go. He smoothed his jacket, glaring daggers at you and Azul in turn. Then he whirled around and stormed off.
Three pairs of eyes now turned to you.
You blinked in return.
“Shrimpyyy~!” Floyd bounded over to you and squeezed you in a rib-cracking hug. “Did the bad man hurt you? Don’t worry, you’re with us now, Shrimpy!”
“Give them some air, Floyd.” Jade said and tugged Floyd’s shoulder, attempting to pull him away from you.
“Are you alright, Prefect?” Azul asked. He sounded worried.
Floyd and Jade exchanged conspiratorial smirks and Floyd let you go. There was blood on his jacket from where your head had rested against him.
The realness of what just happened began to set in. The pounding sensation in your head came back with a vengeance. “I-…” the world began to spin around you, and Azul grabbed you, panic in his eyes. You felt your legs buckle and he caught you smoothly. “Sorry- I just-“
“It’s quite alright. I will stay with you as long as you need.” Azul reassured you, although you didn’t - couldn’t - miss the quiver in his voice or the pink dusting his face. He pulled out a handkerchief and put it to your face. You took it and applied pressure to your nose, angling your head downwards in order to stop the bleeding, as Azul hesitantly rubbed patterns into your back to help you feel better. The sensation made you feel warm.
With a smile, you realised it wasn’t storming anymore. The sun had finally come out.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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flemingsfreckles · 2 months
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: You and Jessie finally get married, when you get home, your original plans get derailed by your sleepy wife
Warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex (fingering), getting walked in on, no detailed smut, non sexual nudity, showering together,
WC: 1.6k
A/N: this ended up soft and fluffy, I thought about taking it the smut route but I didn’t, sorry I know yall love some smut, I also finished writing this just now and I’m just gonna post it, it’ll edit it if I find errors but it’s very possible they’re in there.
Jessie was practically cackling as she ran down the hallway of your home toward your bedroom with you cradled in her arms.
“If you fall you’re going to get us both hurt Jessie.” You tried to protest when she went to pick you up outside the front door.
“It’ll be fine! Plus it’s a tradition thing.”
“I think the tradition is the groom carries the bride through the door, last time I checked we’re both the bride.”
“Shhh just let me do it.” You had, reluctantly let her pick you up, bridal style, walking you through the door of your house. It only took 3 steps for Jessie to in fact trip over the rug that sat at the entrance.
Thankfully neither of you were hurt, she had managed to catch both herself and you before either of you hit the floor.
That’s what set her off laughing. And she couldn’t stop, she was hysterically laughing as she kept moving, using your body to push open the bedroom door. By the time she placed you on the bed you were laughing too. You couldn’t help it, your wife’s laugh was contagious.
“I cannot believe you almost fell.” You shake your head looking up at where she stood next to the bed. Going limp she flops down onto the bed next to you. She’s laying on her stomach, looking at you as you lay on your back, turned to the side to look at your wife.
“Hi wifey.” She whispers to you, the biggest toothy grin across her face.
“Hi wife.” You lean in and kiss her gently.
You both lay, just staring at each other, soaking in the fact that just a few hours ago you had officially gotten married.
The two of you had joked for so long that you practically were married, being together since you were 17 and 18, you had stayed together falling in love with each other more and more as the time went on. Now being 25 and 26 you finally had done it, in front of all your friends and family, you were married.
As you stare at her you notice her eyes starting to flutter closed, then she’d open them with a couple hard blinks, before they’d start to droop again. The sight is adorable, Jessie’s sleepy face gently placed on the bed.
“Let’s go to sleep Jess”
“No, we’re supposed to, ya know, consummate the marriage.” She cracks her eyes enough to look at you and wiggles her eyebrows.
“Babe, I think that tradition is more for people who didn’t sleep together before marriage, we’ve been having sex for like 8 years.”
“But still, we’ve never had sex as wives.”
“What do you call the fingering in the reception bathroom then?” You counter.
You weren’t too proud of it, but something about seeing Jessie in her tuxedo declaring how much she loved you in front of everyone you both cared about, turned you on. You couldn’t help yourself but to whisper some filthy words into Jessie’s ear as both of you sat having dinner. The two of you had snuck off to a bathroom during your reception to have a moment to yourselves, one thing turned into another and before you knew it Jessie had you sitting on the sink, her fingers under your dress and inside of you.
Jessie’s face turned red at the memory.
“That doesn’t count as consummation, no one finished.” She argues with you.
“That’s not my fault, you can thank your sister for that.”
Jessie’s little, but thankfully adult, sister had come looking for both of you. The photographer needed you both for photos with your brand new wedding bands. You thought you had locked the door when you walked in, turns out Jessie had already made an attempt to lock it, meaning you unlocked it. She had looked everywhere, before she opened the bathroom door, seeing her older sister between your thighs, your dress hiked up around your waist and Jessie’s hand between your legs.
“Oh, you two are disgusting.” She clasped her hand over her eyes. “Wash your hands and both of you get out here, the photographer needs you!” Jessie had been mortified, being caught by her sister of all people, she would’ve preferred a teammate. You had laughed it off and dragged your red faced wife out of the bathroom.
The party continued on for a few hours after and while you were still very turned on by your wife, the exhaustion of the day started to sink in not exactly leaving either of you in the mood for what you knew would be multiple rounds of sex.
You watched as Jessie’s eyes continued to flutter shut each time they shut they stay closed for longer and longer until you’re pretty convinced she wasn’t going to open them again.
“Hey,” you gently nudge her shoulder and her eyes crack open. “Let’s go shower and get changed.”
“But I’m so comfortable here.”
“Come on babe, we can have our first shower together as wives.” Saying the word wife and it not being a joke anymore made you smile.
“So cozy in the bed.” She mumbled as her eyes closed again.
“Alright, hang on.” You stand up, moving over to the side of the bed closest to her, you scoop your arms under her shoulders and the other under her knees. She doesn’t protest as you lift her and carry her into the bathroom.
You gently place her on the floor and give her a kiss. “Let’s get you undressed.”
“That’s what I’m talking about.” Jessie smirks at you.
“No, you were just falling asleep on the bed.”
She pouts at you, arms crossed. You gently take her wrists, undoing the cufflinks of her dress shirt and then sliding off her tuxedo coat. Your fingers move to the buttons on her vest, undoing those and helping her remove it. Lastly is her dress shirt, she works from the top down as you work to undo the bottom of her shirt. Your hands meet in the middle and she pulls the shirt off and quickly follows it with her sports bra.
“My beautiful wife.” You lean down placing kisses across her exposed skin. While your mouth stays kissing her chest, your fingers move to her belt, undoing it and sliding it out from her pants. She undoes the button on her slacks and lets them fall to the floor. You hands find the elastic of her boxers and you slowly pull them down. Moving your head from her chest you place kisses along both of her thighs as you remove her underwear.
“You’re turn.” She says, you turn away from her to allow her access to the zipper and ties on your dress.
Jessie’s hands find the top tie and begin undoing the knot. “Have I told you enough how beautiful you look?” She says as her fingers move to the next tie. “Absolutely stunning, you took my breath away.” Her hands then move to the zipper, undoing the rest of the dress. She brings her hands up to where the top of the dress sat. She begins pulling it off of your body, similarly to your actions she brings her lips, placing them on every inch of skin on your back she exposes pulling down your dress.
Jessie extends a hand to you to help you step out and over the dress. “Wow.” She takes the time to look you up and down. You had bought a new set of lingerie for the wedding. It was a lacy white set, one you knew would make your wife crazy. “Where did you get this?” Her fingers work into the straps of the bra.
“Oh you know, just something I had lying around.” You joke with her. Her eyes are locked on your chest. “Quit staring, I’ll put it on again tomorrow for you to fully enjoy.” The comment had Jessie biting her lip, likely thinking of what she’d get to do to you after a good night's sleep.
You move your own hands to your bra, unclasping the back while Jessie’s thumbs hook into your matching panties and pull them down your legs. She comes back up to meet your lips with hers.
You both stay for a second, grinning at each other, both overwhelmed with happiness. You pull away to start the shower, while you wait for it to run warm you pull Jessie into your arms, hugging from behind. You turn the two of you toward the mirror above the vanity.
“Look at my wife.” You point in the mirror at Jessie’s figure in front of you.
“Ehh she’s alright but look at my wife!” She teases you back, pointing at you in the mirror.
“I love you, wife.”
“I love you, wife”
Your arms release her, giving her a quick squeeze with your hand on her shoulders. “Let’s hurry up and shower so we can sleep and then tomorrow we can do all the consummating you want.” You give her a wink and she quickly follows you into the shower, the two of you having a moment of peace and relaxation after the day’s festivities. As you looked at her in the shower, you couldn’t help but think how it was just the two of you, and that was all you would ever need. You and her.
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novacorpsrecruit · 10 months
Care to Dance?
Inspired by @imfinereallyy’s post
Robin, Steve and Eddie planned this night for weeks. They drove up to Indianapolis to spend the evening at the gay bar. A place where they could be themselves and not worry.
Steve took a shot of vodka before turning around at the bar, facing the dance floor. He could see Robin speed talking to a girl about Nancy’s height, the girl gently playing with the edge of Robin’s jacket.
Eddie … well, he looked hot as ever. He was playing billiards in the corner of the bar with another guy, showing him how to angle the cue just right for the perfect hit. Steve could feel jealousy in the pit of his stomach, but he knew he wasn’t Eddie’s type.
Steve’s been harmlessly flirting with Eddie, putting himself out there on the ledge, only for Eddie to talk about some other guy he met in Indy. Steve wondered if this was the guy. If Eddie had planned this night so he could see his guy. It wasn’t wrong if he did. Steve just wished he knew so he could prepare himself for the heartbreak.
He knew Eddie wasn’t his, so it really shouldn’t be a problem, right?
“Hey, baby,” a deep voice said hotly against the shell for his ear. “How come a pretty thing like you is all alone tonight?”
“I’m not alone,” Steve said, turning to face the man — to face the dark, brown eyes, the devilish grin. “Not anymore. You want a drink?”
“I’d much rather see you on the dance floor,” the man said, lifting his chin. His grin still plastered across His face. “Or are you more interested in staring at that metalhead?”
“No, I’d like to. Dance, I mean,” Steve said, feeling his cheeks heat up. He didn’t realize he was that obvious for Eddie. The man put his hand on the small of Steve’s back as he lead him out to the dance floor. It started out innocent at first, arms raised, slowly wrapping around each other’s body as they danced to Depeche Mode. Eventually, Steve had his back pressed up against the man’s front. The man pressed a hot kiss against Steve’s skin. Suddenly, Steve realized he didn’t know the man’s name.
“I’m Steve,” he said, a little loud to be heard over the music.
“Dan — Hey!”
Steve felt Dan’s body yanked away from him. Steve turned to see Eddie standing in between him and Dan, now on the ground. He felt someone grab his arm, he yanked it — before realizing it was Robin holding onto him.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Dan spat.
“You,” Eddie snarled back, venom on his tongue. “You’re dancing on my friend.”
“Eddie —“
“Steve, I got it,” Eddie said over his shoulder, before turning his attention to Dan. “What gives you the right to dance on him like that?”
“I did,” Steve snapped, pulling himself out of Robin’s grip and stepping in front of Eddie. “He asked me to dance and I said yes. What gives, Eddie? What are you doing?”
“Protecting you,” Eddie wrinkled his brow, like it was obvious. “We know he isn’t your type, Steve.”
“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Steve snapped.
“You know exactly what I mean,” Eddie said.
“I don’t know what you have going on,” Dan interrupted, leaning against Steve. His lips were hot near his ear. “But Pretty Boy, you dump the metalhead, you know where to find me.”
“That’s it —“ Eddie nearly lunged forward to chase after Dan, stopped by Robin and Steve.
“Eddie, what the fuck is up with you?” Steve snapped. “We came out to have a good time and you’re ruining it.”
“I’m ruining it?” Eddie scoffed. “He was the one dancing against you! Does that not bother you?”
“No?” Steve wrinkled his nose. “I liked him.”
“Steve,” Robin said, stepping between the two, trying to calm the tension. “You can’t be leading him on like that.”
“Like what?” Steve asked, feeling his gut twist. He knew he was obvious with his crush on Eddie, but he would get over him. He could. If he just found the right person.
“Steve, you’re straight,” Robin said. “He’s probably thinking he was gonna take you home.”
“I’m … straight?” Steve repeated. “What planet are you from?”
“What?!” Eddie and Robin snapped at the same time. Steve looked between the two of them, his expression dropping.
“You guys thought I was straight?” Steve gaped. “I’m grinding on some guy and you think I’m straight?! We’re at a gay club, and you thought I was straight?”
“You’ve always just talked about girls,” Robin said. “We just —“ she looked at Eddie for help, but he provided none. He stood there, shocked, processing.
“Because the guy I want, doesn’t like me that way,” Steve groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. “I’m going for fresh air.”
He pushed past Robin and Eddie to the front of the bar and onto the street. He turned down the alleyway, leaning against the building. He took a deep breath, letting it out.
Steve looked up at Eddie, offering a cigarette from the box.
“I’m sorry about ruining things with Dan,” Eddie said. “You wanna talk?”
“I just — thought you both knew,” Steve said, taking a cigarette. Eddie flicked his lighter, lighting Steve’s cigarette. “I thought I was obvious. And you even said that ‘Us, queers find each other.’”
“I did say that,” Eddie nodded. “I just thought you were safe, and not …”
“Bisexual,” Steve said, officially coming out. “I’m bisexual.”
“Proud of you,” Eddie said. “Now tell me about this guy you like. And why you don’t think he likes you.”
“He’s super cool. Bad ass,” Steve said, taking a drag of his cigarette. “I know I’m not his type.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’ve been flirting with him for weeks,” Steve said, putting his heart out on the line. If this failed, maybe Dan won’t mind letting him cry on his shoulder. “And he’s ignored all my advances.”
“Maybe he didn’t realize you were flirting with him,” Eddie said. “You know, maybe he thought you were straight?”
Steve’s eyes snapped to Eddie, attempting to read him. Eddie took a drag off his own cigarette.
“Maybe you could try again?” Eddie offered. Steve felt his heart beat rapidly against his chest.
“Eddie —“
“Yes,” Eddie breathed. “Whatever you want. Yes.”
“You,” Steve said. “I want you.”
Eddie crashed his lips against Steve’s in a hot, messy kiss. A little teethy, as they couldn’t help but smile and laugh. They broke away breathless.
“Come on, big boy,” Eddie said, pulling at Steve’s arm. “Let’s go dance.”
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ddejavvu · 10 months
i loved your James fick with the fingering so hot can you do a reader that has a high sex drive?
this post is 18+, minors dni.
It takes a lot to make James Potter tired. He's a star athlete that's notorious for running multiple miles before breakfast every day, so when he collapses beside you in bed with his chest heaving, you know you've hit his limit.
His limit, but not yours.
"James," You plead, wriggling your face into his neck, "James, I need more."
"I can't," He pants, face flushed red and sweaty, "Angel, I- I can't, if I try getting on top of you again my arms are gonna give out."
"That's okay," You croon, slinging your thigh over the top of his own and straddling his thigh. Despite his spent limbs, his dick twitches where you've grazed your cunt over it as you settle on his leg.
"I can take over," You promise, leaning down to pepper his face and neck in sticky kisses, "Can I, James? Can we go again? You don't have to move a muscle, I promise."
"Yeah," He breathes, what sounds suspiciously like a whine coming from his throat when you dig your nails into his abdomen, "Yeah, baby, just- nngh! Touch me, babe, please."
"I will," You promise, hands already flocking to James's dick to stroke it hard once more, "It's okay, baby, just rest. Let me take care of you, okay? I'll do all the work," You vow, hands slicked by your own release as you stroke up and down his quickly-hardening shaft, "Just relax."
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billthebullfrogs · 2 months
sure thing.
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“Hey, firecracker,” a voice—unmistakable, to you, at least —calls from behind, and you instantly knew who it was. “Need to talk to you.”
There was only one person that would call you that nickname. Luke Castellan, the bane of your existence, thought it was extremely funny to remind you of that one time you almost burnt down the pavilion. The moment they figured out it was you; you had earned the nickname you dreaded so much. He loved reminding you of embarrassing stuff you did. You desperately wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smirk off his face. What did he even want? Didn’t he have something better to do than to bother you?
He leaned against one of the posts in the arena, eyebrows raised expectantly. He just needed a change from training the newbies. He wanted to go all out, and the best person to do that with was sadly you. Well, at least the satisfaction he’d get from beating you—because he would beat you, obviously, was totally worth it.
You sighed, “What?”
“Need a sparring partner, that's all,” he said, a smirk still tugging at the corner of his lips, now accompanied by a raised eyebrow. “And I'd rather have you than anyone in this camp.”
“That sounded too nice for your standards... Are you that desperate?” Your eyes narrowed; you were skeptical.
“Desperate to beat your ass, yes," he said, an easy laugh breaking past the steely look on his face. Luke was aware of the fact that he often annoyed you, and maybe he liked it just a little. "Besides, I wanna try some new sword techniques I came up with. So, whaddya say? Pretty please?" His head tilted a little when he said that, he was giving you that look.
You were silent, biting your lips just like you always did when you were focused. After a moment, you gave in. “Fine,” you said. Maybe you’d benefit from this, too.
"That’s my girl," he said as he casually walked toward you. "I promise not to go easy on you. If you feel like you're gonna trip and impale yourself with my sword, just say the word, alright?" A smirk flitted past his lips, though his words seemed genuine enough. Luke knew you would never stop being rivals. But the feeling of respect he had for you was real. He trusted you and even cared for you, but he’d rather commit war crimes than admit that.
“Fuck you,” you spat as you got into your signature fighting stance. Maybe this was a mistake, but if you gave up already, he’d think you’d gotten cold feet.
“If you ask nicely.”
That smug bastard. You hated him with all your heart. You hated his stupid smile and the way he made everyone around him feel comfortable, even you. You hated the butterflies he gave you. You hated his guts.
With a smooth slashing motion towards his torso, you started the fight. He blocked it with ease. Without a further word, Luke went in towards you with a quick and precise strike, sword arm extended forward in a tight grip with the tip aimed towards your sternum. He wanted to overwhelm you, thinking you hadn’t improved since the last time you sparred. But oh, was he wrong.
You’ve been watching him, his rather aggressive style of fighting, and the look in his eyes when he tried a certain move for a long time now. You’ve fought him many times before, and you were getting the hang of it. You’ve been training a lot, and while he was busy with the new campers, you had developed your own, unique fighting style. He knew you as a pretty good fighter, who could almost keep up with him on a good day. Almost. But now, you’d surpass his expectations. You blocked his hit, your body moving smoothly like liquid. Instead of using all your strength to try and withstand his attacks, you just gave in. Let loose. You used the force of his hit and channeled it, transferring it into your own with ease. He did not see that coming.
You'd always had a strong sense of intuition and your body would respond accordingly, as if it had a mind of its own. Luke was quick to counter, his body leaning back with a fluid motion to avoid any of your quick strikes, all the while trying to find an opening. The back-and-forth movement that was once just a spar has now become a deadly dance of swords, the two of you constantly in motion, no pause in sight. There is a certain excitement in the air, almost a spark that has ignited your mutual hostility and aggression.
Your movements were fluid as if you could predict all of Luke's moves in advance. You were a master of timing, of anticipating all of the demigod's strikes. Not once could he match your fluidity, his movements jerky compared to your graceful flow. There was something about the way you both fought so elegantly that made you feel like you were part of an agile performance, each of you matching the other's movements perfectly. It felt less like a fight and more like an art.
Yet even as you moved with effortless ease, the clash of swords kept you both on your toes, your bodies moving in such perfect sync that neither could find a flaw in the other's defense. Your movements almost appeared as if you were both working together, but this was not the case—in fact, Luke was becoming more frustrated by the second as he strained to find a way to slip past your guard.
“You’ve improved,” he breathed out while you fought. “I like it.” The way he said that sent shivers up your spine. It was embarrassing how these words affected you so hard that you made a small mistake. It was a mistake that could happen to even the best swordsmen in history, but a mistake nonetheless. And it led to his sword held at your throat. You fucked up. And he made you feel it, the cold tip of his sword gently tapping your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You prayed that he didn’t notice the color on your cheeks.
“You're distracted too easily.” He looked serious for once, that glint of smugness had left his eyes for just a moment. “I win again.” And there it was again, that stupid smile of his. He dropped his sword and held out a hand to help you up. You let him pull you up, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “Did you get what you wanted out of this fight?” You asked, and he nodded. “Much better than trying to teach the newbies not to drop their swords while fighting.”
“Good,” you turned to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist. “Same time tomorrow?”
You could’ve said no, could’ve walked away, could’ve done ANYTHING, but instead, you looked at him and said, “Sure thing.”
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