#high school bucky
sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Wrong Side of The Tracks
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Jock!BuckyXFem!Reader   Jock!SteveXFem!Reader(platonic) Sweet!WandaXFem!reader (besties)
Warnings: Nothing much really, just a lot of fluff, little bit of language. Protective Bucky is a warning.
A/N: Hey everyone this has been 2 months in the making and I figured what better time to finish it than for Sebastian’s 40th Birthday. This is a HIGH SCHOOL AU. Both a song and movie inspired me to write this but with a bit of a twist to the original. I also want to thank a few people who inspired me to finish this. @buckyalpine​ @altagraye​ @jtargaryen18​ @imaginedreamwrite​ @endless-summer-soldier​ @christycurlswrites​ I’m sorry if I missed anyone. I hope you enjoy and as always likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
A/N 2: Apparently tumblr deleted my story so I’m re-posting this again.  dividers by @silkholland​  Moodboard Aesthetic by me and Canva 
Living in the town you’re in had been some what of a rollercoaster. Some good and some really bad. You moved here when you were 9 years old after your parents divorced. When you first arrived you felt really out of place for the first few weeks. Then one day you asked your mom if you could hang out in front of the towns city hall where other kids in the town hung out, maybe you could find some friends. She agreed and let you walk there. When you got there, there were a few kids around your age some a bit older. After hanging around the benches for a little while a boy your age came up with a few of his other buddies and started picking on you because you were new in town and they knew which part you lived in. Not the best part of town but you could tell they were from the better side of town. After trying to get them to leave you alone to no avail, a brunette and blonde boy came up behind them.
“Hey why don’t you leave her alone Brock before I punch you in the face.” The brunette yelled at him.
“Why is she your little girlfriend Barnes?” Brock teased him.
“Come on man she just moved here, lets not let her think everyone here dislikes her.” The small blonde came to your defense this time. With a small bashful smile, you looked up at the boys defending you and felt safe with them around.
“Whatever Rodgers, she’s not even worth it anymore.” And with that the bullies left to do their own thing. When they left that’d when the two boys who defended you looked at you asked of you were ok.
“Hi there, my name is James but you can call me Bucky and this is Steve are you ok?” 
“Yeah I’m fine, thank you for doing that. I’m just trying to fit in and I think that just set me back.” Looking down at your lap fidgeting with your hands. Bucky looks at you with those big bright blue eyes and immediately you feel that warmth of being safe again.
“That didn’t set you back, your our new friend. What’s your name?”
“My name is y/n.”
From then on you Steve and Bucky where thick as thieves. In a town of less than 20,000 people everyone pretty much knew everyone. That meant that every kid in school knew you as the new kid from the other side of the tracks. You tired not to let that discourage you especially when you had Bucky and Steve at your side. Even though they both lived in the nicer part of town they never made you feel less than.
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Fast forward to your senior year of high school. Things were better now, you had great grades and were thinking of what colleges you wanted to go. Bucky and Steve were doing the same thing plus you 3 were going to apply to schools you all could go to together. Your little crush on Bucky never left you but you never said anything because who would date someone from the wrong side of town? So because of that you watched him date a few girls but non really stuck. Not for a lack of trying on his part but he could never get you off his mind. You were the one he wanted, always watching you while you were in classes together even came to your choir concerts front and center with roses in his lap waiting for you. You thought it was always sweet of him and Steve to come to your performances. You knew it was only because they were your best friends, not knowing the underlying reason was that Bucky liked you.                                     
It was just before Thanksgiving break, and you three were discussing the colleges you were applying to and when you and your mom would be going to Bucky’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Ever since you were 10, Steve and Bucky’s families always invited you and your mom to Thanksgiving dinner. Sarah always made the best pies and Winnie was a master of cooking turkey.
The boys got up to grab some sodas from the vending machine, when non other than Brock came and sat next to you.
“Hey y/n, now that your watch dogs are gone I wanted to see of you wanted to go on a date?”
Well this was a major turn of events.
“Now why would I want to do that? Last thing I remember is you bullying me when I first got here.” Was this actually happening right now?
“Come on I was just a dumb kid then. I now see what a beautiful girl you’ve turn into, and want to take you out.”
You were starting to feel a but uncomfortable and confused at the same time. Just as you were about to give him another retort, Bucky and Steve had come back to the table with rage in their eyes. Since growing up Steve and Bucky became very tall and muscular guys, so they intimidated everyone. But not brock, he always seemed to have something to prove.
“Brock why don’t you leave y/n alone, she clearly is not interested.” Steve spoke up first, Bucky was just there giving Brock daggers.
“Oh great, y/n's guard dogs are here. Look I was seeing if she wanted to have a little fun this weekend.”
“Yeah well she’s clearly not into you so why don’t you go to your side of the cafeteria, and leave her alone?” Bucky had told brock with venom behind his words. This shocked you a little bit, you’ve never seen Bucky so upset. It kind of made your crush on him become deeper.
“Whatever guys, look y/n when you’re ready to come to your senses you know where to find me.” Steve had to hold Bucky back so he didn’t just sucker punch him in the face. Once brock finally left you could let out the breath you were holding from all the tension around you.
“Man I hate that guy, he just thinks everyone has to bow to him.” You were the first one to speak up, Bucky was still watching Brock leave with such intensity, the only thing you could do to calm him was to hold his face in your hands and get him to look at you.
“Bucky, hey handsome you still there? He’s gone ok, he won’t come back.” That snapped him out of his trance and he finally looked at you. You rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs trying to calm his emotions. He looked at you with such adoration you both started getting lost in each others eyes. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Steve was able to get you two to separate after he waved his hands in front of both of you.
“Hey guys snap out of it, you ok??” You both stepped back a bit, feeling the heat creep up to your ears and letting go of Bucky’s face. “Yeah I’m ok, Bucky are you better now?”
“Yeah yeah sure um, I’m just gonna head to restroom real quick. Hey punk want to come with?”
“Uh yeah sure buck.”
Once they were in the restroom, Steve turned to Bucky.
“Dude what was that?”
“Steve man there is something I need to tell you. I really like y/n, like a lot.” Steve stood there looking at Bucky like he had two heads.
“Come on man say something, I’m freaking out here.”
“How long have you liked her? I mean this is new to me, you tell me everything jerk why didn’t you say anything?”
“I don’t know I just thought they would go away but they are still there. I’ve liked her since middle school. I really want to ask her out, I want to hold her man, I want to kiss her so bad.”
“Bucky you have to tell her if your this deep about her. You can’t keep these feelings about her bottled up.” “How do I do this? I’ve never had a problem asking a girl out but this is y/n, I’m a mess when I talk to her. You know how she has always felt like she doesn’t belong here because of where she lives and I don’t want her feel like this is joke. Now with Brock trying to ask her out I don’t want to her to think she’s some charity case or something.”
“I don’t think she would ever think that. Did you see the way she was looking at you just before? I think she has the same feelings for you as well.”
Bucky had some thinking to do before he could get the guts to ask her out. While Bucky and Steve were in the restroom you sat at the table in a daze. A minute later another friend of yours cam over to talk to you. Wanda was sweet girl you met in middle school when she moved here from Europe with her twin brother Pietro.
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“Hey y/n what was all that about?”
“I have no clue, I’m just as shocked as you.” You say with a little sly smile. Wanda noticed this and just blurted out.
“Oh my god you like Bucky, I can see it in your eyes.”
You shh her to get her to lower her voice. “Yes I like Bucky, but you can’t say anything to anyone not even your brother. I know you have that twin telepathy thing.”
“Ok I promise I won’t tell anyone. When did you start liking him? “Since I moved here, him and Steve saved me from Brock bullying me and I looked into those damn eyes and I was hooked.” You say with the biggest smile on your face at the memory.
“Are you ever going to tell him about this? I mean you’ve like the guy for a long time.”
“Wanda I can never tell him, look at him and where he lives. I’m from the other side of the tracks and he lives on the nicer side of town in a big house with rich parents. I mean don’t get me wrong, their families have never made me feel bad about where I live but I don’t know. I just feel like I’m not good enough for him.”
Wanda looked at her with a sad smile and a hug. She knew deep down that Bucky wouldn’t want to date her. She can’t compete with the other girls in the school who come from better families. She’s never really been ashamed of where comes from but she knows being with Bucky is an unatonable dream.
As her and Wanda pulled from their hug, Bucky and Steve were walking back into the cafeteria. “Hey I’ll talk to you later ok? We can hang out and make cookies at my place.”
“I’d really like that Wanda, thank you.”
As she got up to go sit with her brother she greets the boys.
“Hey guys how’s it going?” They both tell her they are good, and she says her goodbyes. The boys sit back down on both sides of you, and they look a little better now.
“So, about Thanksgiving? Should me and my mom bring anything this year?”
Everyone laughs a bit and go back to like nothing happened. As the week goes on, Brock is still relentless in his pursuit of asking you out and you keep telling him no. Man he can be annoying. He waits for you by your car, which isn’t much but it your baby. When you see him leaning on your car you prepare yourself for another five minutes of him begging you to go out with him. What is it with him lately?
“Y/N, what do I have to do to get a date with you? Come on we would make a great couple.”
“Brock when are you going to get it through your head that I’m not interested? Right now I’m really just trying through this year and find a good college. I don’t have time for your relentless begging. Besides you’re really not my type.”
“What do you mean I’m not your type?” Oh that really got him. “I’m good looking, I’m co-captain of the football team and I’m rich.”
“No brock, your parents are rich. And I don’t care if your on the football team. I want someone who isn’t as shallow as you are.”
Ok that really pissed him off, but you were on a roll and wanted him to really get the hint to back off. “Shallow, shallow? Listen here y/n, I’m doing you a favor by asking you out.”
“A favor? Since when is acting like a douch and bullying me when I first got here a favor to me?”
He was seeing red now, and you were about to be on the receiving end of a major Brock blowout. Before things could escalate further you saw over his shoulder, Bucky booking it towards you. You didn’t give Brock any inclination that he was coming behind him. When he finally got behind Brock he tapped him in the shoulder crossing his arms showing his bulging biceps. Well hello to Bucky’s muscles. No stop that, we are trying to piss off brock. When he turned around he gave an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes.
“What is it now Barnes?”
Bucky just stood there staring at him, like he could blow his head up with his eyes. After a few more beats, brock had had enough.
“You know what, I don’t have time to deal with this. Y/N I talk to you later.”
“Don’t count on it Brock, the answer will always be the same.” You yelled back at him, Rolling your eyes.
“We’ll see.” With a roll of your eyes, you turn your attention to Bucky. Gosh he was so gorgeous when he wanted to intimate someone. It really turned you on to the point you wanted to say screw it and just kiss those beautiful pink lips he has. “Hey I was thinking, would it be okay if we went to your house to finish up that report on WWII? My house is crazy with my mom preparing for the holiday and I think we need some peace and quiet for this.” Bucky had asked. “Sure of course we can. My mom is at work until 7pm so it will just be us.”
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You and Bucky got into your car. It wasn’t much but its been your dream car since you were little. A 1985 Buick grand national, Bucky and Steve helped you refurbish the engine it was your baby. On the way to your house you and Bucky sing every 80’s song that comes on the radio. That was one great thing about your friendship with Bucky, you both liked pretty much the same stuff. You get to your house and unlock the door. You and Bucky put your backpacks in your room then head to the kitchen to grab some drinks and a small snack to do your work with. Both of you sit on your bed and get to work.
Every so often you look at Bucky in your peripheral vision as he studies his book. Furrowing his brow in concentration looking so adorable. What you don’t see is he is doing the same thing when your not looking as well. He loves studying with you, especially when you guys are alone with no one to bother you. After about 2 hours of writing and bouncing ideas off each other, you both take a mental break from studying to have a snack and talk.
You both lay down side by side, eating and feeding popcorn to each other and laughing when you each miss the others mouth. Bucky turns to his side to watch you laughing. He has never seen you look so beautiful, hair out of your ponytail fanning across the bed head back in full on laughter. When you calm down you look over at him watching you. That’s when you see it, the gleam in his eyes like you’re the only person in the world. You look back him the same way and then it clicks for both of you. You’re mere inches form each other, and you both are moving towards each other like there is an invisible string pulling you. With your noses about to touch Bucky looks down at your lips then to your eyes as if\ asking permission.
He places a hand on your cheek and you lean into his touch. “Can I kiss you?” he askes. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that.” Then Bucky closes the gap and the kiss starts of sweet and innocent, like he might break you. Soon his hand moves to your hip and gently squeezes. You hand finds the back of his head and you start stroking his hair. He moaned into your mouth and that’s when it starts to get heated. Bucky then moves to lay above you and then slips his tongue into your mouth and your grant him entrance. Finally after your lungs start to burn needing air you both pull away, leaning on each others forehead. You're both panting looking at one another in the eye, smiling like idiots.
“How long have you wanted to do that Bucky?”
“Since middle school, but I didn’t truly come to terms with it till about a week ago. What about you?”
Giggling, you leaned up and kissed his nose. “Probably since freshman year.” Bucky leans back in a kisses you again. A few more minutes of kissing and Bucky rolls off you to have you cuddle him. You both look into each others eyes not wanting this moment to end. “Hey as soon as Thanksgiving is done can I take you out on a date?” “I would really like that Bucky, but what’s gonna happen when we get back to school? I don’t come from the same upbringing as you or Steve, what if people think I don’t belong with you and they tease me? What if the other girls who I know who have been interested in you think I’m not good enough to..” Bucky then kisses you passionately to shut you up. 
“Y/N, I don’t care what everyone will think. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and down to earth girl I have ever met. No one else compares to you. Who cares what others think I love you!”
You stare at Bucky wide eyed at his confession, he looks back with so much adoration and no hesitation. You bring your hand up to his face and and look deep into his eyes. “I love you too Bucky.” After a few more minutes of hugging and cuddling you both get back to finishing your history work. Around 6:30 you both head back to the kitchen and decide to make dinner for the both of you and your mom when she gets home. When your mom gets home she’s pleasantly surprised that you and Bucky made dinner for her. After some light conversation about School and your moms work, she cleans up since you made dinner on her insistence. Bucky goes to your room to pack his stuff up so you can drive him home. You grab your keys and coat and say by to your mom, Bucky runs over and gives your mom a hug goodbye. You didn’t tell your mom what had happened between you and Bucky, wanting to keep it to yourselves until you had your first date. Besides the next day was Thanksgiving and all 3 families would be together and didn’t want the whole group to know just yet.
As you drive to Bucky’s side of town it hits you again. Just how different you both are, looking at all the big houses and nicely trimmed yards. Bucky can sense your Inner turmoil. “Hey, no non of that.” “I’m sorry, I forgot how good you are at reading me.” You get to Bucky’s house and park in the driveway. The two of you sit in your car for a few minutes and just stare at each other smiling. Bucky reaches over and cradles your cheek and leans in a kisses you goodbye. Oh you could kiss him for the rest of your life. When you kiss, the world does not exist its only the two of you. You both pull away and smile.
“I better get inside before my ma wonders where I’ve been.” 
“Just tell her your bad influence bestie kept you out running a muck.” You tell him laughing. “Hey you can’t say that anymore, your my girl now.”  
“Oh I’m your girl now? We haven’t had our first official date yet.”
“Y/N, you have always been my girl” He goes in for one more last kiss and exits the car. He leaves you there in a daze, realizing you really have been his girl. He turns around to wave you bye while you back out of the driveway and he enters his house and then you drive off to your side of town.
Bucky enters his house with a shit eating grin on his face. He hears his mom and dad in the kitchen going over the final plans for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, so he schools his face as he gets to the kitchen. 
“Hi ma ,Hi dad.” He gives his mom a kiss on the cheek and pats his dad on the back. “You seem to be in a good mood, where have you been?” As Bucky goes to the fridge to grab a bottle of water his mom starts with the questions. “I went to Y/N house after school to finish this report we have in world history and then we made dinner for her mom and ate.” There is a mischievous grin on his moms face like she knows something, but he doesn’t read into it. “Plus I’m always in a good mood when I hang out with y/n.” He tries hiding that smile again. “Well I’m gonna head upstairs and take a shower and get ready for bed. Goodnight mom night dad.”
As he heads to his room his parents watch him suspiciously. “Honey, what’s going on in that head of yours?” George asked Winnie. “Oh nothing, I have a feeling our son will be telling us some good news soon.” George eyes his wife trying to figure out going on. He shakes his head ,he can never understand what his wife thinks and probably never will.
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The next morning, you wake up to your mom shaking you awake telling you she made a special breakfast. “What makes this breakfast so special mom?” As you stretch and yawn. “Well honey, you and Bucky made me dinner last night so I thought I would repay how wonderful you are for doing that for me.” Y/N sat up and hugged her mom. “It was no problem mom, you’ve done so much for me, it won’t even compare to me just making you a simple dinner.” After getting up and brushing your hair and teeth, you head to the kitchen where your mom waits with the most amazing breakfast. French toast, sausage, eggs and fake mimosas, (orange juice and sprite) A little treat that your mom started when you were younger to make you seem like you were a grown up drinking from a champagne flute. As you both pile your plates with food and grab your mimosas, you both sit down at the table and clink your glasses together and laugh at how silly you two are.
Your mom watches you eat and starts thinking that soon it will only be her in your home with you soon going off to college. So she savers this moment while she can. After breakfast you head to your room and grab your phone to see a text from Bucky. 
“Good morning beautiful, can’t wait to see you later.” You smile at his text. “Good morning yourself handsome.” You put your phone down and get ready to pick out an outfit for dinner at his parents house. You hear another ping and check your phone. “I love you.” You text back. “I love you too.” You fall to your bed laughing and smiling. You still couldn’t believe this was happening, you were Bucky’s girl.
As it gets close to leaving for the Barnes home your mom starts telling you to hurry or you’ll be late. After looking at yourself in the mirror for the fifteenth time, you finally come out and meet your mom at the front door. You both grab your coats and says she will drive to the Barnes house. Your mom notices you are extra jittery for some reason. “Honey, is everything ok? You seem nervous.” You look over to your mom and give her a small smile and tell her your good. She tried not to pry so she continued to drive. You pull up to the house and your mom sets it in park. You both head up to the door and ring the door bell. You smooth out the imaginary wrinkles on your dress while you wait. The door opens and you see Bucky in front of you and you both have matching smiles. “Hi.” He breaths out. “Hi Bucky.” 
Your mom taps you on the shoulder to bring you out of your daze and steps forward to give Bucky a hug and enters the house. You finally move your feet and he brings you in with a big hug. “I missed you.” “Bucky I just saw you last night.” While you two are still hugging at the door, Winnie and your mom are watching you. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Winnie asks your mom. “I had an inkling but I think this has confirmed it.” They stand there smiling watching their children embrace like it’s the last time you will see each other. After finally releasing yourselves you close the door and further enter the house. You see Winnie and give her a big hug, next you see Mr Barnes and give him and equally big hug. The Barnes family see you and your mom as an extension of their own, as well as the Rogers family. Five minutes later Steve and his mom Sarah arrive with her famous pies. Mr Barnes announces that dinner will begin soon and you all start gathering in the dinning room and find your seats. 
Winnie made place cards this year and sat you between Bucky and Steve. Before you start, Sarah rogers begins the Thanksgiving prayer. Everyone holds hands around the table but only you and Bucky interlace your hands and hold tight looking at each other. Afterwards you are all asked what you’re all thankful for. What everyone didn’t know was earlier you, Steve and Bucky texted each other saying all three of you got your letters from NYU but didn’t open them. When it got to Bucky he started. 
“Well everyone we wanted to do this while we were all together but today all three of us got our letters from NYU and we wanted to open them in front of our family.” All the parents had shocked looks on their faces. Your mom already had tears in her eyes and all 3 moms were holding hands. George Barnes went a head and told Bucky for you guys to open them now. You all start to open your letters. 
Steve got in on a full ride football scholarship, Bucky got in on a baseball scholarship. That lead to you, your face was in so much shock you had to be shaken by Bucky. “Y/N what is it, is it bad news?” You look at Bucky with tears in your eyes.
“I got in.... full academic scholarship! You don’t have to worry about paying for my college mom!”
Bucky practically tackles you in your chair and without thinking kisses the life out of you. Everyone in the room is looking with wide eyes and open jaws. After a few more kisses you both pull away and finally realize its really quite and see what you both just did. You look around and see everyone’s faces. “Oh crap.” You say as Bucky released you. “You guys are probably wondering what that was about?” Bucky breaks the silence. “We are dating and in love. Even though we haven’t been on an official date yet” He tells the parents. “Finally!” all the moms and Steve say in unison. “We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a bit but I guess this is us saying it now.” You finally speak up. After the initial shock all parents get up and hug all three of you and congratulate you on getting into NYU. 
Sarah, Winnie and your mom take you aside and tell you how they knew you both had it bad for one another but waited for you two to finally see it. Steve and George talk to Bucky and tell him its about time he maned up and admitted his feeling to you.
After all the congratulations are finished dinner gets started. Everyone laughs and is just enjoying each others company. You, Bucky and Steve talk about where you will live when you get to college and that’s when Mr. Barnes speaks up. “Kids I just want to say even though you all have full rides I’m not having you guys stay in a dorm. I’ll be paying for the three of you to live in apartment near campus.” The look on your faces is could rival a cartoon. “But, no hanky panky you two.” He points to you and Bucky. You both blush and look down at your laps. Everyone laughs and the mood had finally lightened.
Soon enough dinner is finished and you are sitting in the
living room having dessert and coffee. After a while Steve, Bucky and yourself go up stairs to Bucky’s room and discuss more about NYU. Then Steve brings up the one person you don't want to think about. “So, what do you think Brock will have to say when we go back on Monday?” before you can say anything Bucky speaks up.
“I don't give a flying fuck what he has to say!” You smack him on the shoulder and tell him to watch his language. You all laugh and fall all over each other. You really don’t care what Brock has to say either but you love it when Bucky acts possessive over you. “I really can’t wait to see his face though.” You tell them. An hour later its time to say goodbye. You hug Steve and Mrs. Rogers goodbye and they leave. Then its you and your mom, you and Bucky stand outside just holding each other saying I love you and how much you will miss the other.
You finally pull away and give one more kiss for the evening. Its not long because you can tell your parents are watching. “Text me when you get home safe okay?”
“I will Bucky, besides my mom wants to go shopping tomorrow for Christmas.” “Okay, hey how about after you finish shopping we meet for lunch?” “Will this be our date?” you laugh. “That will be a pre-date. Later that day will be our first official date.” 
“Really, and where will you be taking me?” 
“That is a surprise my angel face.” He then kisses you on the nose and walks you to the car. All your mom can do is smile while she drives back home. The rest of the weekend is a blur, after your date with Bucky friday night you were practically inseparable not that you already weren’t this was different. And soon enough Monday is upon you and its back to school. You decide to pick up Bucky and Steve for school that day. As soon as you get to the school and put it in park, Bucky is running to the drivers side and opening your door and give you his hand to hold. He kisses the back of your hand and you walk into the school. As you enter Bucky puts his arm over your shoulder showing everyone you’re his girl. As you head to your first class brock is waiting for you and the look on his face is priceless.
Before you get to the door Bucky turns you to face him and gives you a short kiss on the lips and tells you he loves you against your lips and hugs you goodbye. As he passes Brock with a look of utter shock he turns to him 
“Hey Rumlow, how was your holiday break?” But he doesn’t wait for a response, and just walks to his class with a huge smile on his face. When you get to class and pass up Brock. “Brock what’s wrong? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost or something, you felling ok?” You also enter class with a smile knowing you have just brought his ego down several notches because he was unable to land a date with you. Brock finally snaps out of it and admits defeat and heads in after you.
When its lunch time it all seems like the usual lunch with one exception. You sit on Bucky’s lap the entire lunch hour and you can’t keep your hands off each other. Wanda runs up to you both and stands you up and gives you a big hug and tells you how happy she is for you. You look back at Bucky who is looking at you as well and tell her, “Happy isn’t even the word to describe how I fell at this moment.” She squeals and hops up and down and gives you one more hug before she sits across from both of you. Everyone at lunch is giving you shocked looks especially the snotty rich girls. But you pay them no mind because you have the most wonderful, caring and definitely the sexiest boyfriend anyone will ever have.
After graduation the three of you head to NYU and the apartment Mr. Barnes rented for you guys and it was the best years of your lives. Yes there were some ups and downs but what relationship doesn’t. When college graduation rolled around and you all were about to throw your caps in the air, Bucky tapped you on the shoulder. You turn around and he is down on one knee proposing with his mothers engagement ring. A simple but beautiful ring. 
“Y/N, we have known each other since we were little kids and best friends ever since. Senior year I finally pulled my head out of my ass and confessed my love for you. Almost 5 years later we are ready to take on this world and why not do it together for the rest of our lives? Will you Marry me and officially become a Barnes?” 
“YES! I will marry you!” 
Everyone is watching and Steve is even recording it on his cell phone. After kissing you breathless, he slips the ring on your finger and rush to tell your parents.
You both may have grown up on different parts of town, but that never stopped you from becoming best friends then boyfriend and girlfriend, and now future husband and wife. Never be ashamed of where you come from, even if you come from the wrong side of the tracks.
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delicatebarness · 4 months
delicatebarness | masterlist
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This post includes the links to the individual masterlists.
Previously on... 'Bring Him Home'
Previously on... ‘Cry Baby’
Previously on... 'The Avengers Bunch'
Previously on... 'I Can't Read Your Mind'
Previously on... 'I Think He Knows'
Previously on... 'Safe & Sound'
Previously on... ‘The Manuscript’
Bring Him Home Series | Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader
Chapter Three - Remastered | Chapter Four
Winter’s Child Series | Mom!Natasha Romanoff x Dad!Bucky Barnes x Daughter!Reader
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omnipresentlemon · 1 month
I am begging Kristen Applebees to go check on her brother Bucky I know there’s a million other things happening but Brennan keeps dropping hints and reminders that something is going on with Bucky and I need Kristen to do something before it’s too late!!!
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kirnet · 2 months
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bang bang!
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fluffysucker · 13 days
Once every few lifetimes.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
The prophecy was redone.
A/N: Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female.Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
This could be avenger!Bucky or an AU. Whatever you like and fit your imagination
This idea sounded so good in my mind. Hopefully, it turned out fine. Please, tell me if you catch the many songs references in here
Main Masterlist
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You knew you shouldn't be out here. You should be in the king-sized bed in your hotel room. You should be sleeping so you didn't miss your flight tomorrow.
But you couldn't. Even if you wanted, you wouldn't be able to. You had to do it.
The streets were empty. There was barely anyone out at this hour. Only you and a few people getting back home after a party. It was the weekend, after all.
You made it to your destination. You looked at the famous momentum. You had been here earlier this week. But at night, it was different.
There was no crowd. It was barely lit, with only the moonlight shining above it. You took in everything about the landmark. The perfectly sculptured statues. The ancient buildings behind it. The stones around it. The clear water. Everything about it, right now, felt holy.
You took small steps until you were standing right in front of it. You touched the stones at the end, moving your fingers over them slowly. The stones were worn out. Signs of age and afflictions showing.
You smiled pathetically when your fingers greased the two names with a heart between them craved on one of the stones. Their wish must have been to stay together forever.
You wished for that, too. You wish you had stayed together. You wish he would have come with you. You wish this was the trip of your dreams, like you had always planned. You wish he hadn't broken up with you at the airport minutes before your flight. You wish he would have told you earlier.
You wished your boyfriend of three years hadn't chosen your sister over you.
You wished the man who you thought was the love of your life, the man who you thought was the one, the man who you thought loved you, would have chosen you.
You wish anyone would have chosen you.
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
And it was written
I got cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?
You wiped the tear that slipped your eyes quickly, wishing the two strangers all the love and happiness in the world, hoping that at least someone had good luck.
You sat on one of the stones, letting your fingers dance in the water. You could see the large number of coins at the bottom. You thought about the lovers who made the wish to stay together forever. You thought about the lovers who got to experience this beautiful city together. You thought about all the trips, get-togethers, proposals, and honeymoons that happen in this city.
Tears gathered in your eyes as you thought about how your dreams were ruined. You thought about how you got back here again. You thought it would never happen. You thought you were finally someone's first choice.
You were wrong.
For the past week, you acted like nothing happened. You ignored all the phone calls trying to reach you and talk about it. You tried to enjoy the trip you had been crafting to perfection for years. You tried not to think about it.
But as you were lying in the hotel's bed after packing your bags, you couldn't help it anymore. That was how you found yourself here in the middle of the night.
The Trevi Fountain
During your tour earlier this week, the Italian tour guide told everyone how all wishes made on this mountain were granted. You laughed when the locals agreed with him. Every country has its own myth. Apparently, that was Italy's
But you were hopeless.
I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope.
A greater woman wouldn't beg.
You brought a coin out of the pocket in your jacket. You stood up and looked at the many statues.
Everything was finally hitting you. For a moment, you felt numb. You thought it was a dream that would end once you were back. But you knew you were waking up to a nightmare.
You were going to be back to the fact that your boyfriend and your sister had been seeing and sleeping together for a year now. The fact that your man and your own blood played you for a fool and betrayed you. The fact that the two closest people to you decided to work on their relationship after stabbing you in the back.
What could be worse than that? The fact that you didn't know how to move on. The fact that you almost slipped many times and sent them pictures during this trip. The fact that you still wanted them.
Cards on the table
Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh
It was sinking in.
Slow is the quicksand.
Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand
Oh, still, I dream of him.
It was painful to think how, after many failed relationships, Josh, your ex-boyfriend, was supposed to be it. He was supposed to be your forever. He was the one you complained to about the tragedies of your love life. And he promised to be your fairytale ending.
But here you were. Alone. All alone.
The knife was driven so deep into your heart that you didn't know where it didn't hurt. Too many emotions invading your being.
You wanted to scream so loudly and let the pain out. But you couldn't. Because you were drained. You were sad. You were disappointed.
And I sound like an infant.
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
A greater woman stays cool.
But I howl like a wolf at the moon.
And I look unstable.
Gathered with a coven around a sorceress' table
A greater woman has faith.
But even statues crumble if they're made to wait.
But most importantly, you were afraid.
Was this how your life was meant to be? Utterly alone. Were all these failed attempts at love a sign of your miserable future? How were you intended to find someone to choose you when the two people presumed to love you the most didn't? Were you doomed to only watch from the sidelines?
Were you cursed to a never-ending cycle of pain and rejection while others had their happily ever after? Were you never meant to have your person?
Were you going to stay alone like this forever? Were you going to die alone?
I'm so afraid I sealed my fate.
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight.
In shades of greige
With the coin still in your hand, you found yourself getting on your knees on the cobblestones.
Before you could try and form words to express your excruciating feelings, you dropped the coin into the water, hoping the ache was enough to deliver the message.
But you didn't stop. You had another one.
Spending my last coin so someone will tell me
It'll be ok
Still on your knees, a coin so tight between your fingers, you closed your eyes, thinking about your wish, thinking about everything, and thinking about your future.
"Please,I've been on my knees. Change the prophecy. Don't want money. Just someone who wants my company. Let it once be me. Who do I have to speak to. About if they can redo the prophecy?"
Tears streamed down your face as you finally let the pain and fear in. Sobs flew from you uncontrollably. You felt the crushing weight of the doubts and torment. Everything was hurting.
Were you destined for this agony and loneliness?
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You were sitting in your boarding gate area. Every few minutes, you would look at the big screens to check that you were in the right area.
The last thing you needed was to run around before boarding or miss your flight. You were already tired enough.
You sipped on your coffee as you tried to get some energy and help with the headache. You barely got any sleep last night. Spending your last night in your dream city crying your eyes out wasn't on your bucket list. But it was what it was.
You considered staying in Italy forever, but you didn't know if you wanted to taint the city more. Also, you knew you had to go back at some point. So you preferred to rip the bandage off and get it done.
You kept looking at the phone in your hand. You had your phone on airplane mode the whole trip. And you knew it was going to blow on your face once you turned the mood off. Josh and Maddy, your sister, probably made their relationship public.
You signed before putting the phone in your bag. You weren't ready for this. You got up to get some very needed food in your system.
You only took a few steps before a brick wall hit you, making you fall to the ground. This couldn't be a man. Nobody was this heavy or strong.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." You heard as you tried to sit up.
"Barnes, watch it. Can't have you knocking girls like this." Another voice added.
"If you weren't so childish, that wouldn't have happened, Sam." The first person spoke again.
"How is your blindness my problem?" The second guy, whom you figured was called Sam, replied.
"Ma'am. Are you okay?" The first guy, Barnes, asked you.
"Yeah. Don't worry about it." You started checking around to see if all your stuff was with you.
"Here, let me help you." The guy offered you his hand when you tried to get up. You took it and gave him a small smile.
"Everything okay?" He rechecked with you as you looked at your bag.
"Yeah. Thank you." You replied, finally looking at him properly.
You had to suppress the urge to say, "Wow," out loud. He was gorgeous. He was probably the most handsome man you had ever seen. He was tall, very well built, and had the most amazing face. His features were beautiful. Blue ocean eyes. Sharp jawline. Small dimples. He was very attractive.
You coughed quickly, disguising the fact that you were checking him out.
"Sorry about your coffee." He pointed towards your cup of coffee that had spilled as you fell.
"It's no problem." You said. You were thankful that it didn't spill all over you. That really would have been your last straw.
"Let me buy you another one." He offered it sincerely.
"No, thank you. I was already on my way to get something to eat." You declined his offer politely.
"Perfect. Me too." He said it in a cheerful tone that cracked a smile on your face.
"If you agree, I would like to join you and buy the food as an apology for this." He offered again. He was insistent.
"You can join me, but you don't have to pay." You told him. It would be nice to have someone company after a week of doing everything alone.
"Oh, we will see." He was really taking this seriously.
You laughed softly as you went to get your bags before going with him, but he stopped you.
"Leave them. Sam will keep an eye on them." You turned to Sam, who had a smirk all over his face.
You tried to turn it down, but again, he insisted. You thanked Sam before leaving with the mystery man. The two men shared a couple of words that you couldn't hear before both of you left.
"I'm James, by the way. But most people call me Bucky." He told you as you started walking away. You shared your name with him as well.
"So what brings you to Italy?" Bucky asked you.
"Well, that's a long story." You laughed sarcastically.
"We have time." Bucky said it with a smile. You returned the smile, too.
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The tension was high in the house. Everyone was nervous. The holiday spirit wasn't enough to overshadow the stress looming around. This was the first big family reunion after what your family chose to call 'the incident'.
You didn't bother to care when your family decided to let Maddy pass with what she did. You didn't want them to cut her off, but at least hold her accountable. But they didn't, and you didn't care.
Tonight would be the first time you saw your sister after what happened. Your lack of reaction to the news that Maddy and Josh would be at Christmas dinner made your family worried. They didn't know what to expect from you. Which made your whole family anxious about tonight.
However, what happened wasn't remotely close to anything they had in mind.
You showed up at your parents' house with a big smile and a honk of a man in your hand.
"Everyone, this is James Barnes, my boyfriend." You introduced him to them all. You could swear you heard your sister-in-law mumbling 'Yummy' under her breath. And you understood.
Nobody had expected you to have moved on and upgraded like this. But you did.
All throughout the night, everyone was surprised. You were very civilized with both Maddy and Josh, acting like nothing had ever happened.
But the bigger surprise was Bucky. He was perfect. A successful, charming gentleman. A true man. Everyone loved him.
You watched from the side as Bucky was chatting with your uncle. God, he was winning everybody over. You joined him, and his hands immediately came around your waist. He was cracking jokes as you sipped from your drink.
And in a blink of a crinkling eye
I'm sinking, our fingers entwined
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
"Where did you find this specimen?" Your cousin, Lily, asked as she entered the kitchen where you were currently loading the dishwasher.
"No, we need to know." When you didn't answer, your other cousin, Daisy, joined in.
"I got lucky." You weren't going to tell them how you fell for him when you first met. Literally.
"You look so happy." Lily said with a smile.
"Never been happier in my life." You answered honestly. Bucky made you the happiest.
"I thought you said the same about every man you have been with." Karen, your aunt, who always preferred Maddy to you, said. It was clear neither she nor Maddy were enjoying your new profound happiness. They expected misery from you today.
"Everybody makes mistakes. And I'm glad I didn't keep mine." You knew who she was referring to, and you refused to give her satisfaction.
"Plus, I wouldn't call them men." You smiled at her and Maddy before you left the kitchen.
You found Bucky before you could see him. He had his back to you as he was talking to your dad and brother. The mention of your name made you stop and listen.
"So, do you love her?" Your dad asked. You already said the words to each other, but you wanted to hear his answer.
"More than I have loved anyone in my life. She holds my heart in the palm of her hands. I'm completely defenseless in front of her. She owns every part of my being and soul. She is my life."
You could swear you felt your heart jump from your chest. How did you get so lucky.
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
It's just a game, but really
I'm bettin' on all three for us two
Get my car door, isn't that sweet?
Then pull me to the backseat
No one's ever had me , not like you
"I think she is a bit annoying." Your bother said that after a couple of seconds, making the three of them laugh.
You took this as your cue to join the conversation. You gave Bucky a peck on the cheek as you wrapped your arm around him.
Tonight was the greatest Christmas you have had in years. Everyone was sitting in the living room. There weren't enough seats, so you retired to the most comfortable seat in the room. Bucky's lap.
Bucky had his arms tightly around you as you laid comfortably on his thighs. Everyone was talking. But you were in your own world.
I feel so high school every time I look at you
I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
"Did you have fun?" You asked as you played with the ends of his hair.
"Yes. Your family seems lovely." You laughed at his sarcasm. Bucky had a personal vendetta with your family. You made him promise he wouldn't act on it today and to be on his best behavior. And he did.
"They all loved you." You told him. He may have to act like he liked your family, but he won them all over.
"Did you have fun, doll?" His question was more serious than yours. He was prepared to snap at them the second he felt you weren't fully okay. Bucky wanted to check that he didn't miss any signs.
"Yes. It was really fun seeing their reactions." You whispered the last part in his ear, making you both laugh.
"Nobody thought I would be bringing the hottest man on Earth." You added as you pecked his lips.
"A pretty girl like you only deserves the best of the best." Bucky kissed you
"For the record, you really had a terrible taste, doll." Bucky said this after he broke the kiss. You couldn't stop the loud laugh from escaping.
"Can't argue with that." You replied.
Of course, Bucky knew all about Maddy and Josh. You may not have told him early on in your relationship. But you told him. Which is why he didn't like your family much. They should have thrown both of them out once they knew.
As for Josh, Bucky had to physically restrain himself from punching him when he met him today. He only stopped himself because he promised you. And after meeting, God, Bucky thought Josh the worst guy that had ever lived. And Bucky had met criminals and killers
Who ,in their right state of mind, leaves you? . Who breaks your heart and hurts you like that? Who chooses anyone above you?
Bucky could never understand. Bucky would choose you in every lifetime.
"For it's worth, I heard there is some trouble in paradise." Bucky shared the gossip he heard from your cousin, Amy, with you.
"Yeah, well, I hope they figure it out." Bucky looked at you confusedly after your answer.
"What? If they wanted so badly to be together, then I hope they stay together. I wish them all the happiness." You answered honestly.
"You really don't mind?" Bucky asked you.
"Not all." You were truly honest.
"I'm actually grateful for them." You added. Bucky looked at you questioningly.
"How would I have ended up with the greatest man on the planet if they broke my heart?" You answered Bucky.
The fact that you thought Josh was the love of your life made you laugh now. That relationship was doomed from the beginning. All the signs were there, and you chose to ignore them.
However, you were truly grateful, because, now, you had Bucky. The best thing that has ever happened to you. The man who showed you what true love really looked like.
"Can't say I'm grateful for your heartbreak. But I'm so grateful for Sam's childish tendencies that led me to you." Bucky said before he kissed you.
The kiss was soft yet sweet. Both of you were reminding each other how much you loved each other. How grateful for the incident that brought you together.
Truth, dare, spin bottles
You know how to ball I know Aristotle
Brand new, full-throttle
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
It's true, swear, scouts honor
You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her
Brand new, full-throttle
You already know, babe
"We should go to Italy together," Bucky suggested after he broke the kiss.
You looked at him with love and adoration, pouring out your eyes. You would love to go to Italy with Bucky. Experience the city like you have always dreamed.
But you wanted to go to thank those who heard you. Those who granted your wish. Those who altered your destiny. Those who changed the prophecy
"Yeah, I would love that, Bucky."
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 17
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punkbarnes2 · 1 year
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Trying some chibi and some textures 🥺🥺
If you liked, please support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/derwassermann
and take a look at my Instagram @punkbarnes2 / @derwassermann_
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umika · 1 month
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Still is high school AU. (yeah I'm here again)
Maybe this was in Bucky’s dreams. Some moments make Bucky remember a very long time. He always wondered if this would happen one day or if it was just his imagination.
Someday, Buck asked Bucky to go to the mountaintop, and this happened.
Bucky was shocked at the sight, then Buck smiled and called him to come over and sit with him to enjoy the view.
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avonne-writes · 15 days
are there any other high school/college au fics you can reccomend?
Oh, I think we have a few high school AUs now! (Again, I’m not the best source of recs because I don’t have enough time to read while I have inspiration to write. I read when I have writer's block.)
Some high school AUs I know of:
@trashbag-baby666 has lots of high school headcanons on his blog and on AO3
@clevenhq also has a high school AU with tutor Gale on AO3
blue above the green by @antiquitea
she’s cheer captain and i’m on the bleachers by reminiscingromance (I haven't read it but it's very popular!)
Some college AUs:
seven degrees east by @forasecondtherewedwon
Feeling Like Someone In Love by via_234
Not quite college AU, but Gale is doing a PhD in whiskey neat, coffee black by @anachilles
I'm sure I missed some good fics, but these are the ones I know of.
As for my plans, I’m continuing the High School AU series and will soon start my friends with benefits (college) AU.
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nataliasquote · 3 months
My Songbird | coming soon
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It’s the 70s. Final summer of high school. Why not spend it getting high, partying and sneaking off with your girlfriend in a town that is so disapproving of anything deviating from the norm.
“I feel that when I’m with you. It’s alright, I know it’s right”
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mrs-bucky-barnes106 · 7 months
I Love You, Donna Karan
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pairing: bucky barnes  x reader (named angela)
word count: 3.5k
comments, likes, reblogs, and suggestions highly appreciated <3
"So, I guess that's it. It's over," you sighed, gently pulling your hands back from Bucky's. You sat in a booth at Chubby's across from him, and he was letting you down easy. Not that you were phased. You knew what you were signed up for dating him.
"Two weeks," Bucky smiled apologetically, clasping his hands together. "You knew that going in."
"I did," you nodded, grabbing your things and standing up to leave.
"Wait...w-where are you going?" Bucky looked up at you with his puppy dog eyes.
You scoffed. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were done letting me down easy. Go ahead," you raised your eyebrows as you sat back down.
Bucky looked a bit taken aback, "Never mind."
"Are you okay?" you frowned.
"You're just taking this so well," he scrunched up his face like he couldn't understand how someone could still be standing after he rejected them.
"It was a great two weeks. We had fun," you stated plainly.
"Yeah, we did," he agreed.
"So...see ya?"
You quirked your lips, nodding slightly before grabbing your things and leaving the booth. You glanced back at him before climbing up the stairs to the exit, unable to figure out his true intentions.
Bucky Barnes might be a heartbreaker, but you were no saint either. You dated around, landing on John, a guy from your history class who seemed semi-interesting. You were regretting your earlier judgements as he seemed to love talking about himself and stealing your fries more than anything. You sat across from him in Chubby's, consequently the same booth you had shared with Bucky that day you broke up last week.
"So, Angela, the coach says, 'Scooter!' That's what he calls me, Scooter," the boy smiled, so full of himself it made you physically cringe. "'Go in there and save the day.'"
"Gee what happened, Scooter?" you rested your chin in your palm, trying for a grin. How could someone be so interested in himself and so boring to talk to at the same time? You have to make an effort not to roll your eyes. That would be rude. At this point, you would give anything not to hear another one of his heroic tales from the lacrosse team. He was on the bench for God's sake.
"Well, I saved the day," he continued, pointing at himself with both hands like it wasn't clear enough that he couldn't talk about anything else. Then, he leaned forward and had the audacity to ask, "You wanna make out?"
Thankfully, your knight in shining armor appeared...in the form of Bucky. This was going to be interesting. At this point, anything was better than having to press your lips against John's crusty, chapped ones.
"Hey, Bucky," you reached out to pat his arm.
"Hey," Bucky replied. He reached down and picked up your book. "Is this...a book of sonnets?" he sounded surprised for whatever reason.
"Yes," you said incredulously, raising one eyebrow.
Bucky started giggling maniacally, and for some reason, it was contagious. You laughed lightly, asking, "Why are you giggling?"
"Am I?" His voice broke a little because of how high-pitched it was. This only made him giggle even more.
"What's the matter with you?" you frowned, genuinely confused by his behavior.
He turned around, still laughing like a little kid. You saw that he was locking eyes with Steve, who said something to him that you didn't quite catch.
Bucky turned around, locking eyes with you now. He stared straight into your eyes, and you were more than a little weirded out.
"Bucky, why are you looking at me like that?" You were serious now. You didn't like how strange he was being at all.
"Because I never have before...," he trailed off, dropping your book before walking away to talk to Steve.
What a weirdo, you thought before shaking your head and turning back to John.
On Monday morning, you walked into school early to ask Mr. Fury a question about the history test. You found Bucky talking to Steve (who's surprised?) and walked up to them, hoping to talk to Bucky about the weirdness at Chubby's. Steve caught your eye, and it seemed like he was announcing your arrival to Bucky which caused him to turn around, look terrified, and bolt in the other direction.
Okay, now he was being even weirder than that night at Chubby's. You were suddenly nervous which made no sense. You were Angela Moore, you didn't get butterflies over boys.
Bucky ran into the janitor's closet and slammed the door behind him. Steve tried to open the door, but Bucky had evidently locked it.
"Hi, Angela," Steve smiled apologetically.
"Hi, Steve," you smiled back, raising your eyebrows.
"Uh, Bucky's in the closet," Steve explained as if you didn't just see him bolt in two seconds ago.
You walked up to the closet, pressing your ear lightly against the door. "Hey, Bucky," you greeted.
"Angela! You smell nice," Bucky replied.
You frowned. "What?" you mouthed to Steve. You rolled your eyes, walking away.
"Hey, Nat," you greeted as you passed her.
"Hey, Angela," she replied back, walking to Steve.
You went to get some water from the drinking fountain before realizing how chapped your lips were. You knew Nat would have some lip gloss you could borrow, so you walked back over to the corner she and Steve were in. Bucky was with them, so you guessed he got over his stay in the janitor's closet. When he saw you, he tried to bolt back into the closet before Nat stopped him and pushed him toward you. What was going on?
"Hey, Bucky," you laughed a little at the frazzled state he was in.
"Hi," he smiled shyly.
"Do you wanna go out and get something to eat later?" you asked. This way you could talk to him, just as friends, without it being weird.
"I'd like that," he replied.
You nodded. "Oh, I saw this, and I thought of you," you smiled, pulling out a seashell you found on the lake trip you took with your dad the day before. You handed it to him before leaving, "See ya."
The next day, you found yourself at Chubby's again after school. You picked a table near the stairs this time, with high swivel chairs. Bucky walked over to where you were sitting after picking a song on the jukebox.
"Vivaldi's Four Seasons, I love that," you smiled up at him.
"So do I!" Bucky sounded genuinely enthusiastic.
"It's so beautiful. If you close your eyes, you can actually see the seasons change," you closed your eyes briefly, seeing it even now.
"I said that!" Bucky was smiling a mile wide. "I said the exact same thing." He took a sip of his cola.
"You know, I really like hanging out with you. Maybe we could see a movie later on this week," you suggested.
"I hear there's a new Van Damme movie opening," Bucky grinned, almost as if he knew...
"I love Van Damme," you beamed at him.
"I know," he let out a laugh. "So, how about Friday night?"
"Oh, I have plans with John that night," you rolled your eyes.
"You're still going out with John?" Bucky sounded taken aback.
"Yeah," you said slowly, scoffing a little.
"Oh." Why did he sound...disappointed? "I'd better go check on our food." He turned to leave.
What the heck was that? you thought, sighing. We're just friends, why is he acting so weird?
"Well, here we go," Bucky returned with your fries.
"Great," you picked one up to munch on.
"Can I ask you something?" Bucky was staring at you again...just like the other day you were at Chubby's.
"You can ask me anything." You meant it.
"What do you think of Steve and Nat?" he licked his lips, seemingly nervous like he needed you to tell the truth.
"I think they're a great couple," you nodded, satisfied with your response.
"Maybe we can have what they have." Well, that came out of nowhere.
"Bucky, we're not even dating," you frowned up at him.
"What do you call what we're doing right now?" Oh God, he didn't seriously think that...
"You asked me out on a date, right?" he smiled nervously.
"I asked you to go get something to eat," you stated plainly. So, this is why he was being weird. He...liked you. So why did your heart feel a pang as you let him down easy like he let you down two weeks ago? Why did you feel like saying yes to him despite everything?
"You gave me a seashell," his eyes were pleading now.
You looked down before staring back up into his eyes, "Sometimes a seashell is just a seashell." A beat.
"Look, Angela, I want to be with you more than anybody in this entire world," his eyes carried so much emotion that it was beginning to overwhelm you. "Why can't we be Steve and Nat?"
You frowned, looking down at the food before turning your eyes back to his. "I'm sorry. I gotta go," you frowned at him, grabbing your bag and making a quick exit up the stairs.
On Friday, you were once again at Chubby's. That place seriously got a run for its money from the entire John Adams High student body. Even now, you saw about twenty of your classmates warming the other booths.
You were in the same booth as you were during your last date with John. This time, he sat next to you. He was chatting it up about his favorite subject per usual: himself. You sighed, munching on a fry and listening to his pathetic lacrosse bench boy tales when in came Bucky.
Why did he always crash your dates with John?
This time, he cut straight to the point, heading for your booth and sliding in across from the two of you. He held his hands up, "Angela, hear me out. It will just take a minute. You don't mind, do you?" This was directed to John.
"You want a fry?" John mumbled, his mouth full. Gross.
Bucky shook his head before continuing, "Look, I read the same books as you, I listen to the same music, and I go to the same movies. So when I tell you how I feel, it is not just words."
"Barnes, I'm on a date here. Come on," John grumbled. You glanced at him, frowning, before turning your attention back to Bucky.
"Why are you doing this?" you needed to know. Why was he pursuing you relentlessly? So he could break your heart for real next time? "We went out. You told me it was only going to be for two weeks, and then it was going to be over."
"I know that you're scared, okay? I'm scared, too." Bucky gestured with his hands, "We both love Vivaldi, and we're both scared."
"I'm scared, too," John cut in. You rolled your eyes in exasperation, before turning back to Bucky.
"Bucky, you've never been in a relationship for longer than two weeks, and neither have I. We wouldn't know what to do," you stared into his eyes, searching for some sign of his sincerity.
"You know what?" John cut in. "This is getting too heavy for me, so I'm taking my fries and I'm leaving."
"John!" You cried, only halfheartedly.
"Oh, I paid for these fries," he stated before walking out.
You didn't mind him leaving that much. It almost felt like he was crashing your conversation with Bucky rather than the other way around.
"Give me a chance," you had never seen Bucky more serious in the short time you'd known him. "I-I just want to see you."
You lowered your head, glancing up at him, trying to discern whether this was a terrible idea that would crash and burn in the next week.
You were at Barelli's the next night, next to Bucky. This was definitely a step up from Chubby's, but you weren't sure if all this was necessary. You had worn the nicest thing you owned, a hunter green sleeveless dress. The table was covered with a white tablecloth that was the cleanest thing you had ever seen, and you didn't recognize half the dishes on the menu, including the strange appetizer currently on your table.
"Bucky, this is really fancy," you gestured down at everything covering the table.
"You think this is fancy? I don't think it's that fancy," he took a sip of water as you did. As soon as the glasses left your lips, two waiters were there ready to replace them. Bucky glanced at you, trying not to show how nervous he was.
"Bucky and Angela!" you turned around, finding Steve and Nat, dressed to the stars. "What a surprise, huh?" Steve chuckled.
"Hi, guys," Nat looked perplexed at finding you and Bucky here.
"Talk about coincidences," Steve looked too happy for this to be accidental. Of course, he would plan something like this. "Of all the restaurants in the town."
"Yeah, and all the suits," Bucky added, which you didn't understand, but you shrugged it off.
"Enjoy," Steve and Nat left you to find their own table.
The maitre d' appeared, "I have come to take your order. You no touch the pate. It's not good?"
"I really don't know what it is," Bucky frowned up at the maitre d'.
"It's...como si dice? Goose liver," he answered.
You swallowed, trying not to gag in front of the fancy maitre d' while Bucky made his grossed-out face at you.
"You requested it when you telephoned this afternoon," he continued.
"When I called, did I sound like I had curly hair and was ninety?" Bucky asked.
"Si," the maitre d' responded jovially.
After he left, you turned to your companion. "Bucky, you said you knew me. If you really knew me, why would you bring me here?"
Bucky hesitated, then pursed his lips before starting, "Because I have...no idea what I'm doing." Another pause. He started gesturing with his hands, "I-I don't know how to be myself around you. I really want you to like me, Angela."
"I do like you. If I didn't I wouldn't be here," you responded genuinely.
"So, then why is this so hard?" Bucky sounded slightly exasperated.
"I've never had a serious relationship either," you admitted. "Every time I got close to someone, I just figured it was best to get away before we hurt each other. Is someone gonna get hurt here, Bucky?"
Bucky looked long and hard at you before saying simply, "No. No, not if we're ourselves."
You looked down, swallowing, trying to convince yourself to believe he was being sincere.
"Hey, Eduardo," Bucky signaled over the maitre d'.
"Could you get rid of this and just bring us a couple of burgers?"
"You no like?" the maitre d' sounded miffed.
"No," Bucky stated simply, giving you a small smile.
"We like burgers," you added, returning the smile.
The maitre d' clapped, thankfully asking no further questions. "Barelli's is a place where all your dreams come true." He snapped his fingers at the waiter. "Two burgers!"
"Fries," you called. Very important.
"Oh, yeah, and get some ketchup, too," Bucky added. Essential.
"Hmm!" the maitre d' looked appalled, but he turned away, complying with your wishes.
Bucky turned back to you, "Do you mind if I take this tie off?"
"Oh, please, never wear a tie again, okay?" you leaned forward to loosen it for him. Bucky chuckled. "Why do you have that thing anyway? It can't be yours."
Bucky worked at loosening his tie further, tilting his head as he looked up at you, "Well, you know, I'm not one to give up any names, but...Steve. All of this was Steve." He smiled apologetically, "He's a good guy. He just wants us to have what he and Nat have.
The two of you glanced over to the other side of the restaurant.
"That's it! I have had it!" Nat stood up, throwing down her napkin, raising her hands up in frustration at Steve. "I don't want to put the Sweet'N Low in my purse!"
Steve shushed her vigorously, glancing around surreptitiously as if checking to make sure no one had heard her outburst. "You're going to get us in trouble in our place!"
"I don't want this to be our place!" Nat screeched.
"You're ruining our anniversary!" Steve whined.
"What anniversary is this anyway? Is this the first time we kissed? The first time we went out? The first time we met? What? What is it?" Nat was running her mouth a mile a minute, drilling Steve faster than you could keep up.
"It's the anniversary of the first time we ate at Barelli's! How could you forget?" poor Steve sounded genuinely upset.
"Because I hate Barelli's!" Nat sounded even more upset. "I am 50 years away from going to Barelli's! Can't we just go downtown and grab a pretzel from a cart?!"
"Fine! I'm not making you happy? Go!" Steve shouted. "You think you're going to find somebody else at your age?"
Nat was clearly holding back her next words, bringing her hands up, her perfect french manicure glinting in the dim lighting of the restaurant.
The maitre d' came back out with a consternated expression, "Signora Nat, I must request that you keep your voice down!" He sounded pained.
Nat actually growled at the maitre d' who recoiled immediately. "Thank you so much," he left quickly at that.
As comical as your friends' fight was, you couldn't help but feel nervous. "This is what scares me. You get close to someone, and you end up hating each other."
"Angela, there's nothing to be scared of," Bucky gave you that boyish grin he had perfected over his many years of flirting. "When two people are truly, truly in love, there's no way they can end up hating each other."
"Steve, look at us!" you turned your attention back to Nat who was once again taking it out on Steve. "I am yelling at you, and you're not even getting mad at me."
"Grrr," Steve gave the saddest attempt at a growl you had ever witnessed. Even the baby lion cubs at the zoo could do better. You had to laugh at that, grinning at Bucky to know it was okay.
Nat laughed in his face, "You call that a growl? That was pathetic."
Steve's face split into the inkling of a smile, "Well, I could never really get mad at you."
Nat was calmer now, "Steve, I just don't want to celebrate any more occasions."
"I-I was just doing it 'cause I thought that's what you wanted," Steve looked more amused than anything else.
"No! I just want to be seventeen."
"Me too." At that, Steve cleared the table, pushing all the expensive dishes off the table where they crashed loudly into the ground. Eduardo came out of the kitchen, screaming as Steve pushed Nat against the table, kissing her so passionately that it would make Romeo jealous.
You and Bucky grinned at them. "Bucky?"
"Angela?" he turned back to face you.
"I want what they have," you said before leaning in to plant a gentle kiss to his soft pink lips. Pulling apart, you looked up at him, noticing for the first time that there was a little green in those ocean eyes of his. You smiled at each other, realizing that everything would be okay. You would give this a try because you knew you could trust him to like you as much as you found yourself liking him.
A week later, Bucky picked you up to come over for Thanksgiving at the apartment with Sam and Clint. The Rogers were with you, arms loaded up with various dishes for the big dinner.
Morgan opened the door to the apartment.
"Hey! Look, Clint, they found our turkey," clearly Sam had failed to procure and cook one himself. He eyed the one Mr. Fury was holding with palpable relief written all over his face.
"Did you two actually believe that we thought you could pull this off, huh?" Tony asked them as he walked in.
"You guys can't make toast," Morgan smirked at them.
"Sam, do you at least have some clean dishes?" Pepper asked, disappointment already on her face.
"No," he grinned at her, totally unashamed at the barren state of his kitchen.
"I'll carve the bird," Mr. Fury pronounced. "Now, everybody wants dark meat, right?"
"No!" everyone shouted in unison.
"I'm so glad I'm here, Bucky," you smiled up at him. He held out his hand for your taking before he walked the two of you into the apartment.
"Um, before we sit down, I'd like to say thanks for all the good things that have happened to us," Bucky announced to the family. "And to me," he added quietly, locking eyes with you once more.
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clevenhq · 3 months
tutor!gale and in-need-of-tutor!john au repost with the new account🙏
John walks through to the library with his eyebrows pinched together and his eyes trained on the floor. He doesn't need to be tutored. He's still passing! Just not as well as his parents would like him to be.
The library is fairly empty. There's a few groups of students sitting together, either studying or just chatting quietly. A few others sit alone, on their phones or doing homework.
He's quite embarrassed to be here. A damn football player doesn't need tutoring!
John glances down at the email he has open on his phone. 'Gale will be sitting at one of the tables near the librarian's desk with some of your handed in work,' the message from his teacher reads. Begrudgingly, John stalks through the tall book shelves over to the front desk.
Honestly, he's expecting some tall, lanky guy with thick-rimmed glasses. Maybe braces to add to his stereotypical imagination.
When he rounds the corner, his eyes land on the only occupied table in that area. The guy is sitting with his head rested in his hand and looking down at what John can only presume is his past schoolwork.
John sighs through his nose before he walks closer to introduce himself. Only an hour and a half twice a week, he tells himself.
"Hi," John says awkwardly when he arrives at the table.
The guy looks up, and John's heart stops.
Where's the nerdy looking person that would get bullied in a movie? Why is he gorgeous?
He smiles at John. "You must be John. I'm your tutor, Gale Cleven." The guy, Gale, reaches out his hand for John to shake.
His hair falls over his forehead to cover his eyes slightly. God, why does his tutor have to be so damn beautiful? Now he can't skip sessions.
“Take a seat,” Gale says while looking back down at the paper. John probably half-assed it. Quite embarrassing given his current position. “I’ll give you a general idea of what we’ll do once I finish looking over this.”
John sits in the chair across from Gale. He watches his tutor for a moment. The way he holds the corner of the sheet up from the table; why are his hands so… good looking? Is John allowed to think that?
Awkwardly, after Gale glances up at him, John pulls his phone out of his pocket. He tries to look busy for the long two minutes that Gale takes to finish up. The settings app is very interesting.
“Okay, John,” Gale starts. He catches John’s attention immediately, not that he was deep into his phone. “I think that we should start with something that you’re not doing the greatest in, but not your absolute worst. I don’t want to overwhelm you by starting immediately with a class that you struggled in, like…” he pulls a different paper in front of him, “calc-twenty.”
All John can do is nod, even a little dumbly. He understands every word coming out of Gale’s mouth, he just isn’t doing the best with comprehension right now.
“All right! I do tutor other students in all grades, but I still would like to know what days are best for you.” The way Gale’s stare is unwavering and patient makes John nervous for a whole new reason.
John looks down at the gray table, trying to remember his schedule. “Um… I have football practice on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If you don’t mind anything after six, I guess those days could work too.”
Gale nods at him. “Hm. Where would you prefer our sessions to be? In a public setting, like this library, or something more private?”
Christ, this guy thinks of everything. “I mean, I don’t really care? The library works just fine.”
“Okay. I was just asking because sometimes people are self-conscious about the fact that they need tutoring and don’t particularly enjoy people being able to see, you know?”
That’s a very good reason. John can handle others glancing his way when he’s studying. They might even think that he’s lucky enough to just be hanging out with this gorgeous man. This gorgeous man with a very familiar face, now that John thinks about it.
“Hey, I’ve seen you somewhere. Are you on any teams or in clubs?”
Gale looks him in the eyes. “I’m the student body president.” Well, John feels stupid now.
“Ah, makes sense. I always remember pretty faces.” John clams his mouth shut. He doesn’t mean to blurt that last part. Holy shit.
His tutor opens and closes his mouth before answering, “I tend to remember similar things too, Mister Egan.” He smiles at him, then continues like it was nothing. “I can meet you here in the library around this spot on… Wednesdays at six-thirty and Tuesdays right after school, if that works with you.”
John doesn’t know how he did that. His heart is jack-rabbiting in his chest. Just barely, John manages, “Yeah.”
Gale’s pleasant smile shifts just slightly, into a sly smirk. “I’ll give you my number, that way you can tell me if you can’t make it or need help when you’re studying by yourself.” He pulls his phone out of his hoodie pocket.
A deep breath. “Okay, yeah.”
John leaves the library an hour and twenty-one minutes later with confidence in his academic abilities, and the number of a cute boy in his phone.
“No, Curt, I’m telling you! I was so pissed about having a tutor until I saw him!” John argues his case, which Curt seems to have given up on denying a while ago.
“Yeah, you’ve said it a few times now. This guy’s got pretty privilege and now you’re gay. What’s his name anyway?” Curt asks boredly. He sounds like he’s about to hang up if John says another word of ‘how hot my tutor is!’
“Gale. I didn’t get his last name—”
“Gale? Gale ‘the student body president’ Cleven?” His voice sounds absolutely astonished and amused.
“Well, yeah. He mentioned that he's on the student council,” John mumbles, feeling very much made fun of.
“Jesus, John, he’s practically got a whole fan club. That and he’s never put any of his focus into a relationship. Good luck with this one.” Curt’s unashamedly laughing at John now.
He has the gull to scoff, ready to defend his point again. Gale should have a fan club, he’s smart, kind, considerate, probably funny, and attractive. The whole package, honestly. So much for having a breakdown over finding out he wants to bed a man. Sure, he’s found men attractive, but no man like Gale has entered his life before.
“Please, stop thinking about your boyfriend naked. I’d like to hear you being sane and not completely delusional,” Curt’s voice came from his phone speakers, pulling John from his thoughts.
“I am not—”
John can practically hear Curt’s eye roll. “Whatever you want to tell yourself, then. We all know the truth. Johnny-boy is in love with the student body president! As basically half the student population is! You really never can be the original, can you?”
this is more extended from the one i originally posted!!
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delicatebarness · 2 months
i think he knows | series masterlist
delicatebarness | masterlist
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader. Steve Rogers x Sister!Reader. Wanda Maximoff x Vision. Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter.
Warnings: High School Au. Protective!Steve.
Spotify Playlist
Main Story
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Five (Post Credit Scene) | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Seven (Post Credit Scene) | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen |
One | Two | Three
A WandaVision Story
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 months
More Instagram au posts!!!! They’re literally making me roll all over laughing! Drop any requests for them!!!! Likes and reblogs high appreciated (:!!!!
MOTA Masterlist!
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lavenderbuckyy · 11 months
Stucky Week Day 4: Teenagers
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17-year-old Bucky Barnes likes a lot of things. He likes astronomy class and books and loud music. Most of all, he likes his boyfriend, Steve — likes going on dates and sneaking out to meet him late at night.
My fill for @stucky-week's day 4 prompt, "Childhood/Teenagers" and @buckybarnesbingo 's C3 Free Square, which I chose to interpret as "High School AU".
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
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A modern AU High School!Bully Series • will also take place in adult hood.
pairings: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Bucky Barnes is the quiet boy who gets picked on.
Y/N and her friends run with the popular crowd at Stark High.
As the Winter Ball approaches, she is partnered with Bucky Barnes for a class project. They grow close in an inadvertently secret friendship, which later turns into love.
Only catch is…she’s Steve Roger’s ex girlfriend, and before she was partnered up with Bucky, her friends had planned to use and turn Bucky into Stark High’s new it boy to try and get back at Steve; a disgusting bet.
Another catch: She’s a figure skater at the town’s arena every Tuesday and Thursday nights. Bucky works part time at the rink resurfacing the ice.
The other doesn’t know.
This story will have a lot of angst, a lot of fluff, a lot of cursing, and a lot of sex. Oral, praise kink, body worship, overstimulation, edging, dom!sub play, etc. 18+ ONLY. There will also be loss of virginity in this.
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C H A P T E R E L E V E N *smut*
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