#he wants to be Impressive and Prove himself all the time. he wants to Flex in Sex.
What’s Peter’s favorite position and why?
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i stand by it, peter's favourite position is absolutely some as-of-yet undiscovered display of all his powers. in fact, this ask prompted another of 7000 wips that i'll get around to eventually
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i think ceiling sex would tickle peter's physics brain so delightfully. he needs to use his super-strength and super stickiness and oodles of uncanny balance to keep wade in place, and i think he'd just delight in the challenge of it all.
i think some of peter's favourite moments with wade are the "can i do that?? oh my god i can do that." moments.
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hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Yandere Jock wants Nerdy You... Badly
🦦: Hi, it's my first time requesting without anon, so please excuse any awkwardness.
Can I request maybe yandere jock/bully x  extremely anxious male reader with an oral fixation? Only if you want, though.
A/N: I decided to go with jock since I haven’t written that yet. Hope you like it!
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[Yandere! Jock x Anxious! GN! Reader]
Chase is the captain of the baseball team, and he’s helped lead the team to several victories. He’s an all-star athlete and has scores of girls (and some guys) throwing themselves at his feet. As if his position at the top of the school sports hierarchy wasn’t enough, the young man was also blessed with a pretty impressive body too— muscles for days and coming in well over six feet tall.
And he loves you so much!
But you don’t pay too much attention to Chase because you’re too busy hiding away from everyone due to your extreme social anxiety.
It feels like a curse, really. The mere thought of being trapped in a building (a.k.a. school, *shudder) with a whole bunch of other people who all stare at you and talk about you behind your back is torture!
Hence, you try your best to blend into the crowd and not stand out.
After reading a tip in a mental health article, you resulted to sucking on hard candy when you get stressed out. Your nerves start to climb? You pop a little mint into your mouth and suck on it.
It helps.
And it also garnered the attention of a certain jock.
The mere millisecond that Chase had first seen you popping a piece of candy into your mouth and sucking on it as if your life depended on it, he swore his heart had skipped a beat.
“So cute,” he’d whispered to himself as his eyes honed in on you— focusing on his cute little darling.
He has something else for you to suck on.
And from that moment on, Chase knew you are his.
You just didn’t know it yet. He just had to court you.
Unfortunately, with your social anxiety, that proved to be a little challenge to the lovesick jock.
Chase would frequently wait by your locker for you, trying to strike up a simple conversation that would lead to him asking you out. However, every time you’d see the big guy, you would turn bright red and pop a candy into your mouth, turning around and heading straight for your class instead.
Chase tried to offer you a ride home so that you wouldn’t have to ride the bus— but the idea of one-on-one time in a cramped car with a guy sent shivers down you spine, and you’d barely had time to blurt out, “No thanks!” before sprinting to the bus.
Chase even “surprisingly” transferred into some of your classes. And with one glare at the students sitting next to you, they’d fled, allowing him to take any seat that was closest to yours… but you would refuse to look up from your textbooks, your jaw clenched as you sucked on some hard candy.
But Chase is persistent.
One day, as you’re leaving English class, Chase utilizes his impressive bulk to block the classroom exit from you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said in his deep voice, trying to act all nonchalant, yet his Adam’s apple quivered when he noticed you sucking on something.
“Oh,” you muttered, your face already growing cherry red, “h-hi Chase.” The exaggerated size difference between you and the jock was striking. He completely towered over you and was at least twice as wide with solid muscle. It really made your heart beat faster, both from fear and a little because you thought it was hot.
You sucked on your candy even harder.
Chase casually leaned against the door jam, crossing his big arms in front of his beefy chest. “So, I was wonderin’ if you’d come see me play tonight?” he asked, playfully flexing his massive biceps, the muscle curling out of his short sleeves with the action.
Your eyes widened, but still, the idea of being in the crowded bleachers with a bunch of screaming, rowdy people wasn’t something you looked forward to.
“Um…” you began, trying to think up an excuse to turn Chase down.
Chase could sense your hesitation, and before you could put two and two together, the large jock reached out and snatched you up. He easily tossed you over his broad shoulder, as if you weighed absolutely nothing.
Chase felt on top of the world carrying you, like this was where you belonged: in his arms.
You were stunned silent, unable to move a muscle while in the strong grip of the large jock, who carried you off towards where you assumed would be the gym…
But Chase passed the gym, and even exited the school, heading towards the parking lot.
“Um, wh-where are we going?” you asked. “I thought you had a game?”
Chase puffed out his chest with pride.
He has you! He finally has you! And he’s not going to let go.
Chase stopped in front of his car, practically tossing you inside.
He quickly ran to the driver’s side, starting up the car and speeding off, taking you, his Darling, home with him so that he can really see your sucking skills in action!
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anxious-lee · 5 months
Not That Kind of Touching || Hazbin Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: ficlet for huskerdust, you know I had to do it
Warnings: brief mention of sex with no details and like 2 swears
Word count: 954
Angel Dust had many impressive skills, but his two favorites were sex, and making out.
And as Husk would soon come to learn, he was very good at both.
The two hazbins were enjoying a peaceful night in, with no morale-building activities, and taking in the silence that they occupied within Husk's quarters. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of Angel kissing Husk gingerly and tenderly, with Husk's back pressed into the wall and Angel towering over him.
The spider's hands were moving everywhere, slowly and surely. Husk had to admit, the man knew how to make a lover feel precious. There was no surge of passion or urgency with their kissing. No showy moves or seductive wiles. Just two souls connecting with each other, and lazily melting into each other.
Angel's face was in Husk's neck, worshipping it. Lost in the throes of his admiration, Angel's hands moved from cupping his lover's face to holding the other's arms above their head. It gave easier access to him that way. Not that Husk minded. He knew Angel would treat him gently.
Another pair of hands popped out and were winding their way down Husk's chest and sliding down his sides.
Husk squirmed only a little, but it was just noticeable enough.
Angel, having seen this reaction many times before, raised his head with a grin.
"You ticklish?" The spider asked, now looking coyly into the cat's eyes.
Nothing Husk could say at this point would make a convincing lie. "A little" he relented quiety.
"I'd say that's more than a little, babe, seein' as how hard ya flinched."
To further prove his point, Angel flexed his fingers into Husk's sides softly.
Husk took in a steady breath. "You always have to... ruin the moment?" he choked, with a slightly embarrassed grimace present on his face, which, unfortunately for him, was directly in front of Angel's.
"Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be delicate~" Angel whispered and continued exploiting this newfound information. With his first pair of hands still keeping Husk's pinned upright, his second set of fingers wiggled up and down the length of his sides at a leisurely pace. He was, after all, not about to disrupt their tender moment. His face returned to his lover's collarbone and went back to its original task.
Husk fought a smile as his lips wanted to open and release a chuckle. The sensation wasn't so intense that he couldn't not-laugh, but intense enough to evoke a snicker now and then.
"You are tense as fuck. C'mon, relax~. I got ya~," Angel encouraged sweetly. His new objective? Get a laugh out of Husk. He moved his hands to crawl over his belly, while two more hands took over brushing his sides.
Husk was really in no position to protect himself, so he surrendered. It was rare times like these when he regretted not wearing a shirt. What started as one or two deep chuckles quickly became quiet laughter. It was all so silly. How quickly an intimate make-out session had turned into him getting tickled was laughable. The tingly touches on his skin were laughable. The fact that Angel was still necking him like nothing was happening was laughable. It was all just so funny. His laughter rose higher as he let himself go, his eyes squeezing shut from just how much mirth was behind them.
It was all worth it. That's all Angel could think. Husk's laugh was happier than he had ever heard it. And he didn't laugh often. But eventually, Angel became enveloped once again in desire for his Husky's lips. He released his hold on the cat's arms and stopped tickling in favor of holding him closer instead. His lips reconnected with Husk's greedily, and Husk found himself doing the same. He wrapped his arms around Angel's back and flipped them both over so that Angel was now against the wall.
Everything that just happened had seemed to be forgotten about, until a few moments later, when Husk suddenly pinned Angel's top two hands above his head with one paw, like Angel had done to him.
The spider instantly panicked and opened his eyes, only to meet Husk's sinister ones.
"Oh, but... you haven't had your turn yet~" Husk drawled with mock sympathy.
Already, Angel was tittering to himself, knowing what scenario he had trapped himself in.
Unlike Angel's hungry method, Husk took his time in tormenting his captive. He wiggled his remaning claws just above, but not yet touching, Angel's armpit. He'd inch it closer and closer, but then pull back at the last second and start again.
This cycle repeated until Angel cried out through giggles, "Would you just doho ihit alreadyhy!"
"Well, since you're askin' for it" Husk purred. He finally lowered his paw onto the skin and scritched at it softly.
Frantic, bubbly sounds filled the room as Angel threw his head back and squirmed under the touch.
This amused Husk, almost incredulously. "How do you make a living selling your body when it's so sensitive?" He laughed.
"Wehehehell my clihients aren't usuhually tickling mehehe, duhuhumbahahass!" Angel retorted.
"I'd watch my mouth if I were you~" Husk uncharacteristicly teased. He quickened the pace of his fingertips.
The reaction was immediate.
Forgivingly, Husk slowed his claws to a stop and released Angel's hands.
Yet, he remained inches away from him.
"How about we call a truce and... get back to what we were doin'?" Husk offered.
"Gladly," Angel agreed. Every one of his wiry limbs wrapped themselves around his lover, and he kissed him with all the breath that he had.
They both slept quite soundly that night, tangled in each other's arms.
Just something to make the wait for the next episodes easier 👍😉
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fallenneziah · 2 months
Hello I saw your Alpha Ghost x Omega reader fics and I was wondering what if reader was an alpha and Ghost was the Omega
(If you can make reader a timber wolf and make it fluff no smut)
Aw, I love making these things. You'll get all the fluff.
Alpha!Reader x Omega!Ghost
Omega!Ghost who actually was very sheltered about telling people he was an Omega. He didn't tell anyone for a long time and went through years just to try and hide it.
Omega!Ghost who after being captured and held by Roba couldn't help seeing his body as nothing but an object, wanting to hide it more.
The generational shame that came with being an Omega and wanting to hide himself continued for many years that he was like this.
Alpha!Reader whose distinct senses and abilities made them a prime recruit for the military. Joining without incident and pushing through rank.
Omega!Ghost whose been used to hiding so long the feelings he's attempted to keep dormant deep down bubble back up slowly when he sees you.
Your capable, your strong, your scent hits his nose and it's like his knees are weak and he can't get enough.
Alpha!Reader who sees the big lieutenant and it's honestly scary to see him looming and watching you. He's an alpha probably, making sure you don't cause shit for the others.
Alpha!Reader and omega!Ghost don't get too close yet, Ghosts intense heat blockers keep most of his identity a mystery. If anyone got so close as to figure it out that was an accomplishment.
Alpha!reader who starts trying to prove themselves for the alpha watching every day.
Price can only laugh, looking over at Ghost whose watching behind the mask with the lovesick eyes of a puppy finding a new owner. "Do they know?"
Price looks back at you, flexing your hardest and trying your best to impress. "Didn't think so."
Omega!Ghost who is relishing the attention. He knows you're showing off for him, and whether he will admit it or not, he likes it. He enjoys watching you flex your muscles and show off the wolfish side of yourself.
This gander goes on for a while between the two. Ghost watches as he feels that Omega inside him purrs and leaps. Like a cat awake from a nap ready to stretch its back legs and take off.
Alpha!reader who's tired, a day of showing off to the man who won't even speak to you. They head back to their common area and whose there?
Omega!Ghost whose finding that his omega is much more prone to cuddling than he remembered. Snuggled up in a blanket watching whatever was on tv.
"Sir, lieutenant." You attempted to greet casually as you sat down. The taste of peppermint and lemon citrus. The scent makes your stomach twist and your head whip around.
Omega!Ghost who could care less hunkered in his blanket like a turtle poking his head from his shell while your instincts stir and confusion sets in.
Ghost is very used to your scent because he smelled it first. But as you smell this new smell you realize it's coming from him.
Alpha!reader who realizes the man you've wanted to impress all this time has been an omega. Which, honestly? Not a bad thing. Not at all.
Omega!Ghost smells your growing scent, looking over at you. Your scent swarms the room like a thick cloud. And you look over at him. His pupils expand and close, as if trying to resist relaxing into the presence.
Alpha!Reader who lets the scent fill the air and swarm his nose. You smell of woods, fresh dirt and the familiar smell of a mutt wet from the river.
"You think this is that easy?" He asks curiously as he flips through his book.
You watch his fluid motions, seeing the way his fingers grasp so gently at the pages. You look at his face, seeing his beautiful lashes casting over his brown eyes.
"I didn't realize I'd have to be chasing you.."
"Does that turn you off??" He asks, and looks to you briefly.
Your canines show behind a smile. You reach your hand over and rub his thigh, feeling the muscle tense under the subtle touch. "No, no it doesn't at all." You reply, moving boldly closer to him.
Omega!Ghost usually didn't let people into his space, but hell, you'd worked your ass off for it. "Mm." He replied and you snuggled up to him, your hand drifting around his lap to capture his waist. When that didn't make him move, you nuzzled his scent glands, shifting his mask and giving them an experimental lick.
Ghost jumped, his cheeks going bright red. "That's enough you- mutt."
"Ouch, Ghost... You like it."
Alpha!Reader who proceeds to gently groom Ghost. Ghost hadn't ever been groomed before. Maybe the occasions head scratches from Price but this was... So much different.
Omega!Ghost who can't help whining for your attention and affections. His resolve is slowly crumbling beneath him as your smell is the tip of the treat. He's held it off as long as he could, now he just needs the experience he's missed out on from people he can trust.
Alpha!Reader doesn't pull his mask up too high, but enough to lick and kiss around his neck and shoulders. There was no intention of lust behind them, merely to help his shoulders relax with warm, sweet lips tending to them.
Omega!Ghost who sinks into it, nuzzling against you. Every instinct in his body he'd pushed down for years over years pooling out in an instant. His trust issues scream at him, and he partly pulls away. "Keep your hands where I can see them... Mutt." He mumbled, attempting to make it clear where his line drew.
Alpha!Reader who fits him in their arms, nuzzling him. As any wolf would, you continued to groom him. "I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't want." Ghost is completely lax. Whatever you did... Fuck you did it right.
Something felt so... New. It felt like your arms were a barrier between him and everything else. Your arms kept him safe, your scent, your presence, this was safety.
Alpha!reader who watches his eyes so effortlessly flutter closed. They nudge his cheek and press a quick kiss to the mask, feeling their heart jump for joy.
"We'll take it slow ... But I think I've found what makes you tick." You chuckle, seeing him fully blissed out, getting a mere taste of what true safety feels like. After years of hiding, worrying and screaming. You've given him just a smidge of what he could have with you.
Safety and companionship.
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glittervame · 5 months
We'll find out soon enough
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I think we've found out just how interested we are Pt.2
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the lush grass, teams of young demigods, their hearts racing with anticipation, gathered at Camp Half-Blood for the annual Capture the Flag competition. Luke Castellan, son of Hermes was a veteran of many at such events. The air crackled with tension as they both led their teams to their respective flags, readying themselves for the game to begin.
Luke, dressed in his red team uniform, stood at the edge of the field, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the enemy. He adjusted his cap, making sure it was firmly secured on his head, before letting out a deep breath. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building up inside him. This was his first time playing against Y/n, and he was determined to win. Not just for the glory and the prize, but because he was absolutely, completely, and utterly obsessed with her.
Y/n, on the other hand, was the captain of the blue team. She moved with a grace that belied her athletic prowess, her long, curly hair flowing behind her like a crimson cape. She glanced over at Luke, noting the way he watched her, and felt a blush creep up her neck. She'd had a crush on him for as long as she could remember, but she knew that today was not the time to dwell on her feelings. There was a game to be won, and she intended to lead her team to victory.
He glanced down at his hands, flexing them into fists. He'd never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to physical activity. He let out a sigh, rolling his shoulders to loosen them up, before turning back to the girl. There was something about her that made him want to impress her, to prove himself to her. Perhaps it was the way she moved, or the authority she seemed to exude, but whatever it was, it had him feeling… strange.
The referee blew their whistle, signaling the start of the game. Luke's team spread out across the field, strategizing their plan of attack while the other team readied themselves at their flag. He spotted the girl at the center of her team, her eyes scanning the terrain, her focus unwavering. She was smart, he'd give her that, but he was sure he could outmaneuver her.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the woods into an eerie twilight, Luke squinted through the haze, searching for any sign of the enemy flag, crept silently through the undergrowth. His eyes darted left and right, searching for any signs of movement.
He could feel the weight of his team's expectations pressing down on him, their eyes fixed unwaveringly on his every move. And then, in the distance, he caught a glimpse of it: the blue flag, swaying gently in the breeze, just beyond the reach of his team. His heart raced as adrenaline surged through his veins.
His breath hitched as a cool breeze rustled the leaves above him. Suddenly, he heard a twig snap nearby, and he ducked instinctively into a nearby thicket. Peering through the dense foliage, he saw Y/n, her eyes glinting in the dim light, crouched just a few feet away. For a moment, they locked eyes, and Luke felt a strange thrill run through him.
The tension between them grew. They circled each other like predators, each time they crossed paths their movements becoming more aggressive. He knew they were supposed to be enemies, but there was something about her that drew him in. Maybe it was the way she moved so gracefully, or the way she seemed just as determined as he was to win this game. Whatever it was, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her.
And then, it happened. Luke made a move for her flag, dashing through the trees with all his might. But she was faster, her agility unmatched, and she tackled him to the ground before he could reach it. The breath whooshed out of his lungs as they landed in a tangle of limbs.
For a moment, they were still, their bodies pressed together, their hearts racing. Luke could feel the heat emanating from her, could feel the rapid beat of her heart against his chest. He stared into her eyes, feeling a strange mixture of anger, desire, and admiration.
And then, without warning, she smiled. It was a slow, sensual curve of her lips that took him completely by surprise. Her gaze never left his, and Luke felt a shiver run down his spine. Suddenly, he realized that he was no longer angry with her. Instead, he was overcome with a desire to know more about her, to understand what made her tick. As their breathing slowed, she reached up and brushed a strand of hair from his face, her fingers grazing his cheek.
Luke's heart hammered in his chest, and for a moment, he couldn't think of anything but the feel of her skin against his. The air around them seemed to crackle with an electric energy, and he found himself wanting more. He leaned in closer, his lips just inches from hers, when she finally spoke. Her voice was soft and husky, and it sent a wave of heat through him.
"So," she said, her gaze still locked on his, "you're pretty good at this, huh?"
Luke couldn't help but smile back. "I've had my fair share of practice," he replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie begin to build between them. "But you're not so bad yourself."
Y/n blushed slightly at his compliment, her cheeks flushing in the dim light. "Well, thank you," she said, her voice still soft and alluring. "I've just always been good at strategy, I guess."
Luke chuckled. "Well, you've got me there," he admitted. "But you know what they say, right? Strategy alone won't win you a game. It's all about skill, too." He gestured to himself, as if to emphasize his point.
Y/n smiled back at him. "I'm not denying that," she replied, her green eyes sparkling in the dim light. "But there's something to be said for being able to anticipate your opponent's moves."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" he asked, feigning mock surprise. "And how would you know what I'm going to do next?"
Y/n grinned, her teeth flashing in the dim light. "Oh, I have my ways," she said mysteriously. "But I suppose we'll find out soon enough, won't we?"
Just then a whistle rings out through the woods and then a cheer quicky follows after it, the blue team had won, Y/n's team had won. Luke sighs softly as he and Y/n break apart, each standing to their feet. Her eyes meet his once more, and then she turns away from him and walks into the trees.
He watches her go, feeling a strange mixture of emotions swirling inside him. On one hand, he's disappointed that they lost, but on the other, he can't help but feel a sense of relief that they're no longer so close to each other. He wipes the sweat from his brow and takes a deep breath, trying to clear his head.
As he walks back towards the group of people who had been cheering for them, Luke can't help but glance back in the direction she went. He's not sure why he's so drawn to her, but there's something about her that he just can't shake off. Maybe it's her confidence, her intelligence, or even the way she moves. Whatever it is, it's strong, and it lingers in the air around him like a phantom.
He tries to focus on the task at hand: leading his team back to the starting point. They exchange words of encouragement and congratulations, but Luke can't help but feel disconnected from them all. His thoughts keep drifting back to Y/n, wondering what she's thinking, what she's feeling. He wishes he could just approach her again, to learn more about whatever it is that makes her tick.
As they near the camp, he sees her talking animatedly with a group of her teammates. She's gesturing wildly, her eyes shining with intensity. Luke can't help but be drawn to her, even from a distance. There's something so captivating about her presence, it's as if she's lit up the night sky.
He walks over to where she's standing, feeling a nervousness in his stomach that he can't quite explain. "Hey, Y/n," he says, trying to sound casual. "Good game out there."
She glances up at him, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Luke," she replies. "You did a good job too." There's a pause, and then she adds, "I mean, you lost, but still." She laughs lightly, and it's contagious, he cracks a grin.
"Thanks," he says, feeling a little more at ease. "I guess we'll have to try harder next time." He gestures around them.
Y/n nods. "Oh, don't worry too much about it," she says with a dismissive wave of her hand. "It's not like there's any real prize for winning or anything." Her voice is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of something else there. Luke can't quite put his finger on it.
He chuckles, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Well, maybe there should be," he says with a shrug. "It'd give us something to aim for." They stand there in silence for a moment, the sounds of the woods and the camp around them filling the air. Luke can't help but feel drawn to her, even though they're not from the same team.
He steps a little closer to her, his face closer to her. "So, what do you think the prize should be?" he asks, his voice low and husky. He can feel the heat emanating from her body and it makes him want to step even closer.
Y/n looks up at him, her eyes meeting his. There's a sparkle in them that he hasn't seen before, and it takes his breath away. "Oh, I don't know," she says, playing with a strand of hair that has fallen out of place. "Maybe the losers have to do something embarrassing?" She tilts her head to the side, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Luke feels a shiver run down his spine at her words. He's not sure if she's teasing him or if she's serious, but either way, he likes the idea. "Oh, really?" he says, feigning surprise. "And what kind of embarrassing thing do you have in mind?" He takes a step closer to her, his heart racing in anticipation of her reply.
She tilts her head back slightly, her eyes never leaving his. "Oh, I don't know," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe the losers have to wear something…ridiculous?" She pauses, a sly grin spreading across her lips. "Or maybe they have to dance for the winners?"
Luke feels a mixture of anticipation and nervousness surging through him. He knows he's playing with fire here, but he can't help himself. "That sounds intriguing" he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
There was a pause.
His lips brush against hers, soft and gentle at first, before he deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding against hers in a dance of desire. He can feel her respond, her arms wrapping around his neck as she presses herself closer to him.
As their lips move together, he can taste the sweetness of her mouth, the softness of her skin. He's lost in the sensation, the way her body fits so perfectly against his own. He's never felt anything like this before, and he knows he doesn't want it to end.
Y/n moans softly into his mouth, her hands fisting in his shirt as she pulls him closer. He can feel her warmth, her energy, surrounding him like a blanket on a cold night. He wants nothing more than to explore every inch of her, to lose himself in the heat of this moment. He gently kisses his way to her collar.
As he nuzzles against her neck, he can feel her pulse racing beneath his lips. The sound of it, the rhythm, is intoxicating. He presses another soft kiss to her skin, his teeth grazing ever so slightly against it, and she lets out a small gasp, her hands tightening their grip on his shoulders.
He pulls back just enough to look into her eyes, their pupils dilated, their gazes locked. "I think I'm starting to understand what you meant," he whispers, a wicked grin spreading across his lips.
She bites her lower lip, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. "And what is that?" she asks, her voice barely more than a hoarse whisper.
Luke steps back, his hands moving to her hips, and then sliding up her sides, over her ribs and finally cupping her breasts through the fabric of her shirt. He can feel her nipples harden against his palms and a shiver runs down his spine. "Well," he says, leaning in close to her ear, his breath hot against her skin, "I think it means that we're both really competitive…and maybe just a little bit interested in each other."
Her eyes widen, and for a moment he thinks she's going to pull away. But then she takes a deep breath, and her hands slide up his chest, over his shoulders, and around his neck, pulling him closer. She presses her body against his, their hips grinding together in a slow, sensual dance. "Maybe you're right," she whispers, her lips brushing against his ear. "Maybe we should find out just how interested we are."
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Dumb Ways To Fall in Love
The silly things they do to impress you when they're in love
Ft. Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Dainsleif, Scaramouche
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He's always liked to think he was charming in his own odd way
And he does fully expect said "charm" to work on you
Which is why he's pretty confused as to why you don't seem smitten by his obvious attention
He cooks for you a lot! But they're normally,,,,unique dishes with whatever he fishes himself
Because he wants to impress you with how he can whip something up from scratch
Which doesn't really work out well because...well we've seen his signature dish
More often than not, the dessert is far more appetising
Please use that as motivation to finish the main course, he tried his best and it would hurt his feelings if you didn't even try it
He knows him being a rich, gentlemanly bachelor is a very big seeking point of his to most of the Mondstadt population
Which is why he not so subtly tries to subtly flex his wealth in front of you
Now he's already normally generous, which is what makes it so jarring when he does it with you
Because mentally he's just "Yeah, I'd do this for the average Mondstadt citizen, which means I have to one up that now"
But of course who's to determine what "one" is?
Hence the huge leap of obvious favouritism
Not even a hint of hesitation when you seem to want something from him
The number of times he's just agreed to whatever favour you've asked for before you've even specified the favour should give you an idea of what he's like
He once heard you mention how you feel he's too cool and unapproachable for you, as nice as he was
So he makes an effort to slip up in front of you
Internally he thinks you'll appreciate it - "Notice me being a dumbass and find it endearing please"
Surely that should change your mind about him, right?
Until he overhears another of your opinions on him and how you (affectionately) called him a goofball playing a suave captain
Which he couldn't quite refute but he wasn't entirely sure if that was positive
Leading him back to his initial bravado, once again creating that rift because the dork you thought you noticed had disappeared
And then he panics again because you seem distant again
And the cycle repeats itself until he gets some sense slapped into him or you take a chance and ask him out
It wasn't easy being captain of the royal guard
But it was somehow easier than baring his heart to you
Brings you fruits and flowers as he travels with you
Definitely the type to silently bring you cut and peeled fruit as a nonverbal "I love you"
He's gotten really good at food presentation because of it, and adds little edible flowers as decoration
If you ever decide to take a break and read, he offers to feed you the fruit
Honestly at some point it's more like you would naturally assume y'all are dating?? But he doesn't really get the memo and keeps wondering why you never bring it up like is he not being obvious enough for you?
In pain whenever you snuggle up to him assuming you think it's platonic but accepts it nonetheless because it's nice to be able to hold you and be held
All people do is disappoint so why put in the effort to woo you?
So he says as he proceeds to try impress you anyway
Subtly flexes quite literally every strength he has in front of you
For no apparent reason he'll cook over a campfire he started out of nowhere just because
Yeah, y'know, just to show he can work with what he's got, he's very resourceful
You're not entirely sure what his intentions are though, since he's more of proving his usefulness instead of showing you he cares about you
And you'd probably only pick up on that if you knew his past
He does pick up on what makes you feel loved and enjoy his presence over time though, so give him a little adjustment time to work out how to best express himself to you
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @haliyamori @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating @lovers-on-the-eiffel @cxlrosii @miss-fantazmagoria @lychme @kokomist @lemonswriting @eowinthetraveller @ajaxstar @boundedbyfate
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wrathofrats · 1 month
Mushy May Day 6- "you're blushing"- alpha and omega.
As usual thank u to @forlorn-crows for the prompts
And thanks to @ghuleh-recs for the divider!
No warnings apply, just 750 words of alpha and omega flirting (:
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“Papa would never say that omega” alpha snorted
Omega chuckled to himself as he wiped the rim of a golden chalice with a cloth, setting it neatly in its place on the table.
“He did! Best guitar player in the entire ministry. Said he wouldn’t have wanted to summon anyone else”
Alpha set down the matching plate in his hands, giving omega a side glance. It was barely effective through the thick mask that adorned his face but he hoped omega had gotten the point anyways. He pulled the tablecloth free of any wrinkles as he took a look over the communion table one more time.
“Papa has threatened to send us back to the pits for spilling a drop of wine on his precious tablecloth, there’s absolutely no way he gave me a genuine compliment.” Alpha turned to stare at omega through his own mask, seeing as his eyes crinkle in what he can only assume to be a wide smile. “Besides, if you wanted to tell me how talented I am then you’re more than welcome to. No need to hide behind the excuse that papa said it”
Cleaning the chapel after mass was always a lackluster duty. Mostly sniffling from the dust that never seemed to dissipate, and making sure everything was to the ministry’s high standards of organization. It was always alpha and omega who were forced to stay an extra hour or two to wipe everything down and put things back in their places. The roles of being the right hand men of papa would be nice with their high ranking, but more often than not it meant they were sent to do boring monotonous tasks together that papa had deemed important.
“Oh I never need an excuse to compliment you, just don’t know if you can handle it” omega teased. A goading tone to his voice.
“You don’t affect me as much as you think you do, you’re only fueling my ego. But if that’s your intention then please do go ahead”
Omega stood to lean against the podium, an almost challenging look in his eye, practically asking if alpha truly meant what he said. It was a stupid stand off admittedly, more for alpha to metaphorically flex his muscles and stroke his ego than it was to really prove omega words couldn’t get to him. Or if it was purely for alpha to hear omegas sweet thoughts about him, then that was his business.
“Have I really never told you how talented I think you are? That you continue to impress me with how fast you learn the songs?” Omega said, crossing his arms in front of him
“Yeah I’m sure you do” alpha rolled his eyes, “probably because if I didn’t papa would have my head, we can’t all be favorites around here”
“You’re my favorite if it’s worth anything”
Alpha tried to look like that didn’t immediately make his chest constrict. A stupid tight feeling that he got whenever omega acted like he did like him beyond their stupid jokes and banter.
“Well I’d hope so. We are together constantly, didn’t think it would be earth or something” alpha played off like he expected that kind of answer.
“I just think that under your massive ego you’re actually really kind, I know how gentle you actually are alpha” omegas voice softened in a genuine, comforting way. He stepped away from the podium, instead making his way slowly towards alpha, who seemed to fumble at watching omega step towards him.
“Just not a complete evil bastard, is that so hard to believe?”
“I mean it’s not hard for me to believe at all, you’ve always been a sweetheart, to me at least.”
Alpha fiddled with the cloth under his hands as he tried from some leverage on the table. His eyes darted around, a horrible attempt at looking inconspicuous while also not looking omega in the eye.
“And that’s not even all of it. You’re so handsome under that mask, it’s such a shame papa makes us wear them all the time, would love to actually look at you while we work”
“Shut up” alpha choked
“Why? Are you blushing? You seem really flustered” omega chuckled, continuing to move forwards while alpha tried to subtly move backwards.
“I’m not blushing you asshole”
“Oh really? How about you take off the mask then”
“You just want to see my face since you love it so much” alpha tried to play off. He turned his face towards the floor, even the idea of omega seeing his eyes was more than a bit overwhelming as his face heated.
“Maybe I just want to see you blush for me”
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latelyanobsession · 3 months
Hello dear <3 what about X, F, and O for Billy Hargrove? a tiny smooch for your great writing :*
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F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?) 
Billy can be fairly skittish when it comes to commitment. He acts very detached and uncaring about the subject, maybe he even avoids it at times. He certainly doesn't enjoy conversations about it and has offloaded more than a few partners who were considering it.
Long-term and married life is not something Billy has ever thought about. It's not something he thinks he's entitled to. He doesn't deserve it. He's not cut out for it. People never tend to stick around for long in his life. You may have managed to last this long but he's always fighting down this feeling in the back of his mind that it will all come crashing down someday and he shouldn't get his hopes up. That there's no point in dreaming. There's no point in reaching for fairy tales. Just make the good times last. And when it all dries up? He'll grab a couple sixers, drown his sorrows, and call it squared.
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Billy is someone who has learned throughout his life that vulnerability comes at a high price. That sensitivity is a negative trait. That showing your softer side is a weakness and it gets you hurt. He is a very suspicious, cautious, and guarded person. He looks distant and uncaring because he takes time to size up every person before interacting with them. When he determines it is safe to interact with others, he showboats, flexes, dominates, and intimidates in an attempt to prove how invulnerable, strong, and confident he is.
It is most likely that Billy would not intend to open up to you. You would be subject to his armored display as much as any other person. It would be a matter of whether or not you could find the chinks and begin coaxing out that sensitive and scared boy behind it. In shared moments, he may offer small tokens about himself to test your authenticity. If you take genuine interest in the information he shares and offer him a safe and understanding space he would begin to unwind himself somewhat but would still always be holding back just enough that he could always flee at a moment's notice.
X - Xtra (Random HC)
Billy gets fussy over you when you look a little "too nice" on date night. If your shirt is open wider than his, he starts readjusting the shoulders for you. If your jewelry draws more attention and sparkle, there's suddenly an arm around you and Billy chastising you for wearing everything you own out the door. "You wanna get jumped?"
It's not that Billy doesn't want you to flaunt it, but he worries. He worries so damn much that someone that looks this good (even better than him) might leave him. He doesn't always believe that you dress to impress him. Or that those little one-night wonders are solely for him. So he dims your light sometimes to soothe his own anxieties.
F - Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Billy's favorite position is without a doubt, 'face down, ass up'. Whether that's a traditional doggy, some variation, or bending a partner over some manner of furniture, he gets what he wants. He wants angle and depth with every stroke.
His other favorites involve a little more work on his part and a lot of flexibility on your part, but if managed it's all the better for you both. A wildcard favorite of his is when he rolls you to your side, pinning one of your legs beneath him and wrapping the other around his hip. Taking you this way he can get all the depth he wants while watching your face scrunch and your jaw slacken each time he rams that sweet spot inside you. He additionally has better flexibility to play with you, should he so desire.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Billy has a strong preference for giving, and that's an understatement. It has little to do with control and more to do with praise. He spends his days constantly feeling or being outright told that what he does is wrong. But when he has you on your back, with your nails imprinting crescents into his shoulders, and your spine coiled tighter than a spring? He knows he's doing something right. He's doing good. Hearing you choke and gasp as you throw your head into the pillows is the closest he's come to an "atta boy!" in weeks and he's greedy for more. He wants to nip and pluck at the thin skin below your ear until your hips grind and buck against his. He wants to bite and suck at your tongue until you whimper and shiver in his arms. He's so hungry to please you because you always provide that confirmation. That he's wanted.
This is in comparison to his near indifference at times to receiving. Billy craves a lot of stimulation and bores easily, so holding still to be gone down on rarely works for him unless you get exotic and trail your tongue further south... Ever the adventurer, he will nearly fall to pieces if you eat him out. Tease him a good while, and he will be the most agreeable you've ever seen him.
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Billy is generously proportioned but by no means intimidating in size. He's uncircumcised with a deep rosy head that fully pushes back against the foreskin when he's at his peak. His sheath can be deceiving, making him appear visually longer with a graceful upward curve to his erect shaft. He hits all the right places just by the default of his nature. What he packs the most is girth. Heavy in hand, and warm on the tongue. You always feel empty when he pulls out.
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salaimoi · 4 months
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Jealousy Jealousy ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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pairing: gojo satoru x fem! reader with superiority complex
synopsis: gojo won’t give up pursuing a one-night stand with you, but you’ve made it clear you’re not that type of girl; he only sees that as resolve to make you his.
content: light smut, jealousy, controlling tendencies, mentions of sexual themes.
wc: 2,790
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No one ever understood your relationship with Gojo Satoru for multiple reasons. For starters, he was the Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer alive and the most coveted man among the female populace. That said, who the hell were you and more importantly, how did you manage to become his girlfriend? These were the same two questions everyone who caught a glimpse of you two holding hands in public asked themselves without fail. You always overheard the murmurs; continuously noticed the stares, but you pretended you didn't.
After all, it was you who pleased him to his heart's content every night—not them. It was you who forced him to throw in the towel every so often because your hunger and desire were boundless when it came to Satoru. He always caved and satisfied you, even when he didn't have anything left in him anymore, but you always wanted more. Satoru adored that about you more than he'd ever like to admit.
He took pride in his ability to please women, always boasting that there wasn't a woman alive that could keep up with him to his friends. Until you came along. The moment he laid his cerulean colored eyes on you he had one single thought on his mind: “I'm going to ruin her.”
Boy was he wrong. Little did he know you were a scheming minx who prided herself in forcing men to bend to her will. You made this crystal clear when you two met as well.
Usually, any woman who even got as much as a glimpse of Satoru would go berserk. It was different with you though. No matter how much jewelry, money, expensive clothes, or other materialistic gifts he threw in your face, he could never manage to coax you into his arms.
You weren't a gold digger either; you simply had no interest whatsoever in men who flaunted their money to impress you. The only way to your heart was by being worshiped like the goddess you knew you were.
It wasn't like Satoru hadn’t been informed of this since the moment you became acquainted; he was merely putting it to the test. This was due to the fact that he had a hard time believing any woman could resist his charms and good looks, so he took it upon himself to prove you wrong.
“What do you mean you don't believe me?” you replied with a smug look.
“Yeah, I think you're full of shit. How do you continuously turn away a night filled with passion with someone like me every time I come over?” Satoru responded while flexing his muscles, his body leaning towards you so that you could get a clear view of his toned body.
You have had this conversation a million times before. He always came knocking at your door, letting himself in before you could even invite him inside. He would then begin offering you what he considered the deal of a lifetime: sex with him. You always said no, but in his head he must've heard, “Not right now; try again later, my beautiful blue-eyed king!”
“Someone like you? What do you mean by that?” you repeated in confusion.
“I mean someone as handsome as me—irresistible as well.” Satoru replied with a complacent grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, already knowing where this conversation was headed. “And? Just because you're attractive doesn't mean I'm gonna drop my panties at your beck and call. I value myself more than that— I don't know if you do.”
“Excuse me!? Are you calling me a man-whore??” he riposted with a stunned expression.
He couldn't believe she had the nerve to insult him in such a manner. It wasn't that he felt offended; if anything, he felt challenged by her remarks.
“Never did I use such a vulgar word when I answered you, ‘toru. If you're becoming this defensive it must be because you know my words hold some truth to them.”
Gojo remained silent for a moment. He knew both your comments were true but he would never admit it. All the attention he got from women was the food that fueled his ego. The fact that someone like you would defy him like this was only hurting his amour propre.
Why did she keep turning him down? Was it because his good looks were starting to fade away? No, that couldn't be it. He had just finished dicking down a girl he met for the first time an hour before he got here. He had only come over to your house right after because that interaction had him feeling invincible.
If he could sway a stranger into sleeping with him then why the hell couldn't he coax you into it as well? You were giving him a run for his money and he hated it. Still, that wasn't gonna stop him from pursuing you.
“Oh don't be like that, tell me what it is I need to do so you'll give me the time of day and I'll do it.” he responded with a dulcet tone, in hopes that his words would persuade you. He was internally kicking himself for even saying those words out loud.
“Why are you so obsessed with this whole thing? Are you trying to prove something to yourself by getting me into bed? I already told you it takes more than a silver tongue to make that happen.”
Gojo let out a sigh of disappointment laced with annoyance. His patience was languishing by the second but he knew that he had to get a clear answer out of her.
Deep down he knew she loved the cat and mouse game they had going on. If she didn't, she would've kicked him to the curb by now, but she kept him around despite his numerous failed attempts to pursue her.
He had tried everything: paying for her nail appointments, buying her pricey clothes and shoes, taking her to luxurious restaurants, and even gifting her the latest technology.
Even after all this, he always got turned down and he would sulk all the way back home like a wounded puppy with his tail between his legs. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't catching actual romantic feelings for you after spending so much time with you. In all actuality he had tried everything except one thing.
“Mmm—do I need to beg?” he asked in a defeated tone.
“Yes. On your knees actually.”
“You can't be serious.”
“Do I look like I'm joking?” you replied with a snarky tone. Your words did have some bantering undertones to them, but the only reason you said them was because you knew he would never beg. Maybe this way he'd finally give up trying to sweet talk you into a one-night stand with him.
“Oh my god. You're horrible for even suggesting something like that.”
“There's the door if my suggestion displeases you.”
“I didn't say I wasn't gonna do it.” he raked his hands through his lustrous white mane in frustration before continuing. “Damn it–you better not tell anyone about this!”
“Don't tell me what to do.” you retorted.
It seemed as if he was committed to begging after all. You weren't expecting it, but everyone has a breaking point after all. Now, if he was going to give you a show, you were sure to enjoy it and even store the video on your phone as memorabilia. You reached over to the back pocket of your denim jeans and pulled out your lilac pink-cased phone that Gojo himself gifted you not too long ago.
*ding* an ostentatious chime reverberated across the room as you pressed the record button on your phone. At least that's how Gojo discerned it as he stood there witnessing first hand how you continued to belittle him. As luck would have it, he found this utterly appeasing for some unknown reason.
“Damn–she really has no interest in sparing my feelings even after a year of us knowing each other.” he thought internally. He huffed a small breath through his nose before placing one knee firmly on the ground followed by the other.
His body almost seemed to be moving in slow motion as he processed what he was doing. He continued by pressing his palms together firmly in a begging gesture.
All of this was borderline ridiculous to him, but he had no room to complain after it was him who spent a year gifting her pretentiously exorbitant items to sway her. Gojo took one last deep breath before picking his head up and giving you a facial expression that pleaded for your approval.
“Please—may I have the pleasure of having you tonight? I would be the most exultant man on Earth if you would grant me this opportunity. I swear that I'll cherish it with every fiber in my body. I'll make it my mission to please you like no one ever has. Please grant this starving fool his only wish. I beg of you.”
The chime from your phone sounded once more as you ended the video, placing the phone into your back pocket once more. You let out a mischievous taunting grin as Gojo’s imploring declaration was exactly what you wanted to hear.
Seeing him on his knees and supplicating for your attention was everything you stood for. This was what you were put on this Earth to do.
However, as enticing as his words were, you weren't satisfied. Sure his commitment to the act was alluring, but you weren't a one-night stand girl. He was either fully committed to you or nothing.
“Nope—I don't do one-night stands, sorry.” you retaliated while looking down at him in a condescending manner.
“Then be my girlfriend.” he replied without hesitation. He picked himself up from the floor and walked towards you, meaning every word he said.
“I thought you didn't do relationships, Mr. Promiscuous.”
It was true. He never committed to relationships for more than half a year. Why did he have to constrain himself to one woman after all? He could have anyone he wanted so why settle?
At least that's what he thought before meeting you. Maybe it was your taunting nature, or your sense of superiority over him that drove him to defy this ideology within him.
“Fuck that—I don't want anyone else. I'll marry you right now if that will make you believe that I'm serious about this. I'm tired of the back and forth. Be mine and mine only for the rest of eternity.”
Not only had you procured his love and affection, but you also managed to unveil his jealous side along the way. Satoru swore he wasn't jealous; he was only looking out for his girlfriend. This was the same excuse he used over and over again due to the fact that admitting he was jealous would mean admitting he felt insecure.
He had fought tooth and nail to get you to say yes to being his girlfriend, almost milking his bank account dry along the way for you. Not that it inconvenienced him.
He wasn't about to let any peasant near you and let them think they had a chance with you. After all, he made himself believe that you looked a million times more alluring than you did before you guys met because of what he invested in you.
“I told you to stay the fuck out of my phone Satoru!” you spoke spitefully. This was the thousandth time you had to whisk your phone away from your boyfriend’s hands. No matter how many times he snooped through it and you lectured him, he wouldn't let the habit die.
Gojo rolled his cerulean eyes at you in vehement. He then crossed his arms as he sat on the white velvet sofa in your house, something he also paid for.
“Whatever. Don't think I didn't see that provocative picture in your camera roll that I haven't received yet. I better see it on my phone by the end of the day. Who the hell are you taking those for anyway??”
“You're so fucking insufferable. That was supposed to be a surprise for you later. You just spoiled your own gift you dumbass.”
Your boyfriend’s eyes widened in shock as he realized what he just did. All because of his inability to stay out of your phone. He swiftly got up from the couch and walked towards you from behind, placing his arms around your waist and swaying you side to side.
“Awww I can pretend I didn't see anything, pretty girl. You know I meant no harm.” his breath tickling your skin as he planted soft kisses on your neck. “What's this? You're not wearing the necklace I got you?”
“I sold it.” you retorted.
“Please, you'd never sell anything I ever gifted you. You still have the candy wrappers from the first candies I ever gifted you.”
“Shut up–I just let my friend borrow it for her date. I think I'll let her keep it.”
“And why is that?”
“Well~” you reply before turning your body around to face your boyfriend, placing your arms around his neck. “I think it's only fair you got me a new one after the stunt you pulled yesterday.”
Satoru knew exactly what you were talking about. You had gone out to lunch together and he pulled one of his jealous acts again. Except this time he did it in public, something you completely despised.
You didn't mind his proprietorial attitude towards you simply because he always atoned for it by fucking your brains out. You always went from shrieking his name in a reprimanding manner to moaning it in less than an hour.
Yesterday was different however, your male friend had approached you to say hi with no ill intentions. Howbeit, Satoru didn't feel the same way.
He felt like your “conversation” with your little friend was taking too long and that he was ogling you with prurient eyes.
After surmising this, he got up from his seat and dragged you out of the restaurant by your wrist. Your wrists aching in torture as his grasp prompted the diamond bracelet to dig into your skin. You knew the scene that would follow if you protested; you simply let him haul you to the car.
“Have you lost your fucking mind Satoru??” you jerked your arm back and massaged your throbbing wrist as he was opening the door to shove you inside. “I was having a conversation with my friend before you barbarically manhandled me, you dick.”
“Your friend clearly wanted more than just a conversation with you. Don't act dumb with me.” he retaliated.
Although he was livid, he knew not to ever maul you with such heedlessness, but this occasion was disparate from all the others. He vigorously jostled you into the car and slammed the door. Before you could even say anything, he hastened over to the driver’s side and situated himself behind the wheel. His seething expression felt as if you were the one in the wrong here. He was quite literally foaming at the mouth as he refrained from yelling at you.
The conversation only escalated from there until you demanded that he drop you off home. You didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the night—until he came over in the morning to pry into your phone.
Now you were here—coaxing him into buying you another necklace simply because you felt like it. All you had to do was bat your prepossessing eyelashes at him a few times; he always succumbed to your antics.
You bring your hands up behind his neck, slowly trailing them into his silky hair. A mischievous smirk emerging from your lips as you processed the notion of having the strongest sorcerer at the palm of your hands.
Satoru’s hand kept a light touch on your body as he trailed it to the side of your ribs, cupping your breasts amorously as you stood in front of him. His hands groping the fat in your boobs ardently. It had been weeks since you last handed your body over to him; he had only himself to blame for that, his demanding behavior was beginning to irk your nerves. Seeing you in that low-cut lace satin shirt only aggrandized his sexual appetite for you. He had to feel you tighten around him no matter the cost. He’d even settle with fingering you at these altitudes.
“For you, I’d purchase the entire jewelry store, princess.” he finally answered.
He had actually attempted that on multiple occasions, but you always stopped him.
“Tell me what it is your heart desires and I’ll arrange for it.”
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ꨄauthors notes: hihi! this is my first time ever writing a fanfic feel free to leave any constructive feedback! hope you enjoyed <33
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Bumblebee (Transformers) - Chapter 1
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Meeting Bumblebee and Sam was possibly the best thing to happen in your life. At heart you’d always been a nerd. In high school that really wasn’t a flex. You always sort of knew Sam. He was constantly running a little hussle on the side. 
It was adorable. 
But after the fight in the national city, things changed. Sam changed and then you met his cousin Bumblebee. You just assumed it was some kind of nickname. Your little crew had expanded. It was just you, Sam, Mickeala and Bee. You couldn’t have been happier. Especially since they were the only ones that seem to believe your theory of alien existence. 
Most people thought it was just a phase, but you were a scientist and you’d been studying the markings and messages since the battle that the government tried to cover up. 
They said it was an international attack and everyone just believed it. 
None of it made sense. 
You were determined to prove that with the help of your friends. 
“Bee! You won’t believe what I found!!” 
His blue eyes sparkled at your call, brown hair a bit tousled from whatever activity he’d been doing in the living room of the Witwicky household. You had pretty much become a member of the family. 
“Well Hello (Y/N) it’s always nice to see you. Can I get you anything?” Judy asked. You shook your head. 
“No thanks Mrs. Witwicky, I just had a scientific breakthrough. Come on Bee!!” 
You grabbed his hand, leading him to the backyard as you dropped your bag. With notebook in hand, you flipped the pages taking a seat as Bumblebee joined you. 
“What did you find?” He looked intrigued. The second his eyes landed on the symbols you drew, he swallowed. 
“I’ve been trying to decipher these for months and I think I finally cracked the code. “ 
There were a few scribbles, and next to the foreign writing was a few notes. “ 
“Bee these symbols have to be alien and I think I figured out what this one means. It says prime.” 
He was impressed that you were even able to translate the writing. 
“Of course there’s a lot more, it has to be, but I don’t have the entire message. So prime must mean something. In a lot of other languages it means savior or leader.” Your brows were furrowed as you reached for your computer from your bag, pulling up some sites to correlate. 
“Whatever it means, I'm getting close, I can feel it. I’m almost done with my radio system too. Plus John said that if I helped him with the last three cars that I could use the junkyard to hook up my portal. “ You did a little cheer. 
“It’s all starting to look up!!” 
You were overly excited, and Bee wanted to share your joy. But he couldn’t. Because all the answers you were looking for were right in front of you. It killed him not to tell you the truth, but Optimus was very clear about involving anyone else in this war. While they had an alliance with the navy, it was agreed that staying hidden, at least for the time being, was the best call. There were still Decepticons out there hunting them. Wanting to cause harm to the human race. They couldn’t allow that. 
“I’m protecting her.” 
That’s what he kept telling himself. 
Everyone around you knew the truth and Bee was worried that when you did find out, it wouldn’t be as exciting as you hoped. 
“Hey Bee, you okay?” 
You took notice of the sadden expression. He looked up, letting out a breath and he forced himself once again to lie to you for your safety. 
“I’m fine, I just did really bad on a test recently.”
“Why didn’t you say anything! It’s algebra isn’t it? I can help you. This alien stuff can wait. I have plenty of time to become a scientific genius. First I gotta make sure my best friend makes it through high school.” 
You placed all your items down with a grin, and the pit in his stomach just became worse. You literally just dropped everything to help him because you thought he was struggling. His spark felt a bit cold in his chest. 
“Come on, let’s go study.” You started shoving your items into your bag as you nudged his shoulder with a giggle. When you moved to the door, Sam came running out. 
“Bee Opti-Uh I mean your dad needs to talk to you pronto!!” 
Bumblebee’s eyes lifted, and you looked a bit worried. 
“Is your dad doing okay?” 
He almost forgot that even Optimus’s existence was another cover story. 
Bumblebee nods. 
“He’s doing better.” He assured you.
As far as you knew his father had an illness, hence his reason for living with Sam. You’d never even question why you were never able to meet him. One night you’d just sat down and told him that you understood what it was like losing a parent to an illness. You’d been raised by your grandparents. You barely remembered your parents because you’d lost them so early in life. Then shortly after you’d lost your grandfather. Now it was just you and your grandmother. 
His gut twisted, and he bid you goodbye, following Sam out the door. He hoped that this distraction would help his conscience. 
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towine · 1 year
[alhaitham/cyno] be sweet
~900 words / rated T
i was digging in my WIPs folder and found a ficlet i’d forgotten about. i remember the idea striking me on a long car ride a couple months ago, just one of those random things that i Had to start writing while the idea was in my head.
the idea was, simply, ‘what if cyno could tie a cherry stem with his tongue?’
- -
“Come now, you can’t tell me the General Mahamatra has not a single party trick up his sleeve.”
Alhaitham’s voice had taken a syrupy quality. It could be attributed to the wine he was nursing, though Cyno knew he hadn’t had more than half a glass. Alhaitham so rarely spoke without a point, and time had given Cyno more experience discerning what that point may be, in any given conversation.
In this case, he was trying to get a rise out of him. To what end—well. The what was always easier to figure out than the why.
“I don’t wear sleeves,” Cyno replied.
Alhaitham rolled his eyes. “Oh spare me, Cyno.”
Cyno hid a smile by taking a cherry from a bowl on the table and popping it in his mouth.
Around the cherry pit, he said, “I thought you wanted me to entertain you.”
“I don’t believe I’m the first to tell you your jokes are far from entertaining.”
“Allow me to explain—“
“No, no,” Alhaitham said with a wave of his hand. “Please forget I said anything.”
They went quiet after that, in their secluded corner of Alhaitham’s dining room. The rest of the attendants of that night’s group dinner were gathered in the living room, seated on the couches or on the rug and hotly debating different home rules for a game of mancala. Alhaitham and Cyno had elected to refrain from participating. Kaveh was making a heartfelt, if meandering, case for himself. Dehya was savagely denying him.
Cyno said, “If you’re so bored, you can join them, you know.”
“Not really where my interests lie.” Alhaitham set down his now empty glass. “You are a far more fascinating subject.”
Maybe he was drunk after all, Cyno thought. Alhaitham would not otherwise be so candid.
“You don’t prefer to read one of your books?” Cyno asked.
“No—no more books on dinner nights. I learned my lesson last time when Kaveh spilled wine on my lap. He was lucky it wasn’t one of my more prized books.”
“That was pretty funny, though.” Cyno nearly smiled recalling it. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so angry. Your face turned puce.”
“Puce,” Alhaitham said, wrinkling his nose. “Ugh.”
“Not much can crack the Scribe’s exterior,” Cyno continued. He plucked another cherry from the bowl. “At least, that’s what the rumors say.”
“And you believe them?” Alhaitham asked, tilting his head.
Cyno shrugged a shoulder. “There’s some truth to it. But I don’t think you’re as unflappable as people say.”
“Really? And what data do you have to support this hypothesis?”
Cyno regarded him for a moment, mouth closed but teeth still chewing on the cherry he’d eaten, its tartness flooding his tongue.
He spat the pit out, then twirled the stem between his thumb and forefinger.
“You wanted a party trick, right?” he said.
Alhaitham blinked. Before he could respond, Cyno stuck the stem into his mouth.
He made a point of locking eyes with Alhaitham. Alhaitham looked confused. Already he was proving Cyno’s point. Cyno would have grinned if his mouth weren’t preoccupied.
He hadn’t done this in a while, but the motions came back to him quickly enough. His jaw flexed slightly as he worked his tongue behind his closed mouth. Alhaitham’s gaze melted from confusion to something hazier, his eyes occasionally flitting down to Cyno’s mouth.
Finally, Cyno parted his lips and reached for the tip of the cherry stem, bitten between his teeth. He pulled it out.
The stem was now tied in a small knot.
“Ta-da,” Cyno said flatly. He allowed himself one smirk. “Impressive enough for you?”
Alhaitham grabbed him by the jaw.
It caught Cyno by surprise, prompting a small gasp. It was a sudden movement but not an ungentle one. Alhaitham’s palm was broad and warm, cupping Cyno’s chin easily. His thumb settled against the hinge of Cyno’s jaw and pushed, not hard, just applying enough pressure to encourage Cyno to part his lips. Cyno’s heartbeat pounded in his ears.
“How did you do that?” Alhaitham murmured, eyes fixed to Cyno’s lower lip. Perhaps the cherry had stained it.
“Practice,” Cyno breathed. He snuck a glance at the others in the living room. They were still focused on the game.
“That’s all?”
“I could show you.” Cyno’s tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Just not here.”
Alhaitham hummed. “What if I’d like to see it here?”
Cyno scoffed. Beneath the table, he moved his foot to brush along the inside of Alhaitham’s calf, then upwards, towards the bend of his knee. Alhaitham inhaled sharply through his nose.
“Trust me,” Cyno said, “I can show you more somewhere else.”
Alhaitham seemed to consider it. “Fine,” he said. “Your place?”
“My place. I’ll leave first. Follow in five minutes.”
Cyno rose from his seat, pulling himself out of Alhaitham’s grip. He swallowed against the sudden loss of warmth. He glanced at the others who continued to pay them no mind, then he looked at Alhaitham, staring up at him expectantly. Cyno supposed he deserved something to tide him over.
He bent down and pressed his mouth to Alhaitham’s in a quick, heated kiss. The taste of cherries mingled between them, sweet and heady, before Cyno pulled away. Alhaitham leaned in to chase his mouth.
“Don’t keep me waiting long,” Cyno murmured.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Alhaitham said. There: a hint of a smile. Too easy.
Cyno popped another cherry into his mouth before walking away, feeling the weight of Alhaitham’s gaze on him the entire time.
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
Mistaken Friendship - 2
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>Yan! Modern! Childe x Fem! Reader
a/n: just a little scenario I came up with. I wrote this in one long sitting btw so it might seem a bit rushed. To be frank, I'm coming around to like this au 👀
Warnings: physical assault, intimidation, vague isolation mention, dubious consent, suggestive towards the end, one curse word, broken bone oops
Word count: 1.7k
First part
“How’s your wrist?”
You don’t answer, choosing to stay quiet till he gets the hint and leaves. Ever since you got locked in his penthouse, he’s been adamant on having you act ‘normal’. Being the stubborn idiot that you are, you never play along, refusing to even meet him halfway at times. His mind games are too much for you to even bother and being someone who wears their emotions proudly, you don’t make an effort to hide your anger or resentment towards him when he isn’t in a foul mood.
The precautions you took in accordance with his emotions proved to be a wise decision when you lashed out when he was jittery. Turns out that he had come back after getting a rough scolding and in the end, was rough with you. The horrible crack from your wrist that echoed in the living room still repeats in your head sometimes. It’s been a whole week since he broke it.
Thankfully, he took you to a hospital when the skin turned into an ugly mix of green and purple. However, that still doesn’t hide the fact that he undoubtedly has monstrous strength. He broke and dislocated a carpal bone with just a single grip. You shudder under your blanket at the memory.
Your bed dips under his weight, and you pull your legs to your chest, curling into a foetal position to get away from him. With the covers now also over your head, you’re thankful for not being able to see him. No words have been exchanged since the incident and honestly, you’d like to keep it that way. Despite your court marriage, you’re back to sleeping in the room you did when this all first went down. The broken wrist just gave you an excuse to be away from him for a while.
Childe sighs as he falls backwards onto the mattress, head turning to look at the huge bump under the blanket. He’s been less and less home in order to avoid you but given that you just sit and stare at walls the entire day, he reckons that it isn’t good for your mental health. After all, you have his future family to raise.
With his arms now crossed over his chest, an idea pops into his mind. His muscles flex underneath the tight half-sleeved black shirt when he props himself up on two elbows.
“Do you… want to watch a movie with me?”
You don’t budge, clearly not buying his words.
“What about that show you were watching before we got together? You never got to complete it. We could watch that if you’d like.”
With a sharp exhale, he sits up, unknowing to the fact that you flinched at his uncharacteristic breathing. Once again, his head turns to look at your form. One week with no talking. Honestly, he’s as impressed as he is annoyed. The latter part is stronger than the former though.
“Are you really going to sulk today as well? It’s been an entire week, sunshine, get over it.”
He’s starting to think you fell asleep with how you’re not at all moving or responding. Regardless, Childe sighs for the umpteenth time and gets up, making way to his room. As soon as you hear the familiar click of his bedroom door, you hastily throw the covers off yourself and run to the bathroom, vision blurry.
You don’t like the way he infantilizes you when you cry, so you prefer to cry in private. When you were about to close the bathroom door, you vaguely made out a confused Childe standing a foot away from your bedroom door.
Your left hand rests on the kitchen counter as you poke at the cast. It’s thick and hard to the touch, rendering you unable to feel the skin underneath. You still try and wiggle your fingers a little to confirm that you can move them. As the painkiller is washed down your throat with water, you hope that it doesn’t throb tonight. When it did last night, you were tempted to go and sleep with Childe, his warmth always comforting, but stopped yourself as quickly as the thought came. He doesn’t deserve you, not after everything that happened. You can bear a few weeks of sleepless nights on your own.
Ironically, your inner monologue is interrupted as the lock on the main door clicks. You quickly get up, speeding towards your room. He isn’t supposed to be back this early. He’s never back this early. It’s hardly even 4 pm so how-
Something stops you from closing the bedroom door.
Your breath is caught in your throat when you look up and see a pair of dead, blue eyes staring back at you. Childe licks his lips at the eye contact, leaning in to touch foreheads when he opens the door wide enough.
“I know I like to chase after you but I married you specifically so that I wouldn’t have to do that anymore.”
He pulls away but immediately harshly grabs your face with one hand, the other one grabbing the cast on your hand. His grip isn’t tight there, but you start panicking anyway. Eyes blown wide in terror, he laughs at your expression. He always did find you addicting. Childe was pulled into you like a thirsty man in a desert to an oasis or like how the younger version of himself was attracted to conflict and chaos.
Blue eyes roam your face, memorising every detail from the shape of your eyelashes to the sound of your whimpering.
“I want you to be nice, okay? If not, I’m afraid your painkillers would be of no use.”
As emphasis, he dangles your broken wrist back and forth with a grin. With watery eyes, you follow him when he releases your face, hand still holding your cast. The panic is getting to you because your wrist is starting to painfully throb again. At least you just took a painkiller. It should be better in a few minutes.
Childe seats you down on the edge of the bed you usually share with him and then turns to lock the door. When the lock clicks into place and he turns around, arms crossed, dread settles in. The two of you partake in a staring contest, neither willing to yield. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, and you raise your injured hand to your chest, suddenly mindful of having it elevated at all times.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Childe breaks eye contact to roll up his sleeves. The maroon fabric of his dress shirt folds to reveal veiny arms up till his elbow. Oddly enough, he’s wearing black pants instead of his usual grey. Maybe he wore a suit today. Who knows? He hasn’t said goodbye to you ever since you started the silent treatment.
“I think it’s time we had a talk,” he says without looking up from folding sleeves.
You don’t grace him with an answer, choosing to listen instead.
“I know what I did was an asshole move. I’ve said sorry to you a few times but,” he looks up and into your eyes, “you didn’t reply.” He takes slow steps towards you and your gaze falls to the floor, refusing to look at him for longer. “Let’s go back to normal. I’ll take care of you like I have in the past.”
You don’t answer, hoping he gives up.
“I’m talking to you,” he growls. With his feet now in your sight, he’s right in front of you because your knees are touching his calves.
Before you know it, he’s grabbed a fistful of your hair and is pulling it backwards, successfully manoeuvring your head into making eye contact. You gasp at the pain, your normal hand trying to make him ease his grip.
“Childe, let go-”
“Oh so now you’re talking?” He sighs, releasing your head and rubbing the area tenderly. “Say something again.”
You fight the temptation to curse at him, settling for a sigh in its place. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“But why? We were doing so good! Tell me,” he kneels down in front of you, “I’ll try my best to improve. I said I was sorry about your hand. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have even taken you to the hospital! You know how much I hate you being outside these safe four walls.”
“I want my family, Childe.”
His eyes widen at your words but you continue. He seems vulnerable right now. Maybe you can shoot your shot at getting some freedom.
“I want to meet my friends again. I… I don’t want to be confined to this place. It’s aggravating and I can’t take it anymore.”
One breath, then two. His head tilts a little as he squints his eyes.
“Sunshine, are you asking for a divorce?”
Your current anxiety level goes off the charts at his words. If he gets mad again, there’s no saying what he can do.
“Childe, that’s not what I’m trying to say! I just… I just want to be normal again. I’m not going to leave you-”
“You’re just making ground to say it explicitly, aren’t you?”
“No! That’s not-”
You’re cut off with him slamming his lips onto yours. A hand of his moves your injured one before he pushes you onto the bed, back flat against the mattress and legs dangling off the edge as he hovers above you. He moves your injured hand to your left, bringing your other one to cup his cheek. When he pulls away, you greedily take in as much air as you can with a fuzzy head.
“I must say, that was pretty bold of you to just complain to me like that. I’m impressed, but still,” he leans into your ear, hands now under your shirt. “I stole your first kiss after so long and now I want more. Let’s do something romantic, shall we?”
After a teasing caress to your abdomen, he gets off of you. There’s the sound of the bedside table’s drawer opening followed by a metallic clink as it closes. You’re pulled towards the bedrest with a yelp and something cool immediately wraps around your good wrist. One look was enough to confirm your suspicions.
“I originally got handcuffs for our more intimate affairs, but I guess we can do that and keep you in check at the same time. So then sunshine, let me see all of you.”
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
I‘m sorry for requesting yet again buuuuut I find myself in desperate need for some spicy Mereel content after the wonderful things you wrote for him, I think at this point your single-handedly fueling my obession with him 😅 sooo to get to the point, maybe Mereel is always teasing the reader and making spicy innuendos and at one point the reader just snaps and tells him to put his money where his mouth is and then he does? If this makes you uncomfortable or anything feel free to ignore this 🙈
thank you 🥰🥰
Summary: Mereel is able to talk a good game, but you want him to prove that he can actually follow through on his promises.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 1156
Warnings: Smut. ish. Smut Adjacent?
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: Feel free to request as much as you like! I'll always get to it eventually! And I suppose someone has to write the Skirata boys, so it might as well be me, lol.
Divider by Saradika
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Mereel is always around you. Which is impressive seeing as the Republic is at war, and you’re pretty sure that he has a job to do. But no. It seems like he’s always there.
Sometimes he makes little quips that are just suggestive enough that you aren’t sure if he meant it like it sounds, or if you just have a filthy mind.
Other times he’s touching you. His hand on your shoulder, on your lower back, on your hip, on the back of your neck. Nothing inappropriate, and yet his touch burns like fire.
But you can ignore it. You have ignored it. For months now.
Ironically, if you hadn’t ignored it, you likely wouldn’t be in this situation right now. 
It starts innocently enough. Or, well, as innocently as Mereel could be.
He makes a comment, something just slightly suggestive and slightly off color, and instead of ignoring it, like you normally do, you shoot back a quip that is just as suggestive.
And then the conversation turns, his voice lowers and his gaze becomes heated, and you’re helpless to do anything but match his intensity. So he moves closer to you, until his leg is pressed against yours and he’s whispering his jokes into your ear.
It is, frankly, overwhelming. 
But you’ve always been stubborn, so you dig your heels in and you give as good as you get, even if your face is burning.
And then he drags his gaze down your body, as though he’s mentally undressing you. And you decide enough is enough. It’s time for Mereel to put his money where his mouth is, so to speak.
So you flash him a flirty little smile, and pretend not to notice the way his gaze locks on your lips or the way lust flares in his eyes, “You spend so much time flirting with me,” You coo as you lean in so your lips are brushing his ear, “You’ve proven you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk, darling?”
You drag your lips down his jaw to his neck, and press a slow, lingering, kiss against his pulse point. And Mereel releases a shaky exhale and you notice his fingers flexing against the rough material of the couch.
You move your lips back to his ear, “I’m going to my room now, you have…oh…an hour. If you don’t show up in that time, then I’m going to assume you’re not interested, and I’ll just have to take care of myself.”
His breath hitches, and you smile and press a hot kiss just beneath his ear, and then you pull away and saunter your way out of the room.
20 minutes. You give him 20 minutes to realize that the offer is serious. 20 minutes to get himself into gear. 20 minutes to get himself into your room. Time enough for you to get ready.
After all, there’s no doubt in your mind that Mereel will take you up on your offer.
You mistime things just a little, as 15 minutes after you shut your bedroom door, and just after you pull on your shimmersilk robe and tie it securely around your waist, there’s a knock on the door.
You open the door and smile at Mereel. His gaze is heated, but he keeps his gaze locked with yours. “If your offer is serious, then I want to take you up on it.”
Your smile morphs into a smug little grin as you move to the side to allow him into your room. You manage to get the door shut, and locked, before he’s on you.
His kiss is hard and demanding, but his hands are gentle as they slide over your robe. Your back bumps into the door as he presses you firmly against it.
Mereel pulls away enough to untie your robe, and when it falls open, he stops, his jaw slightly slack.
The robe was part of a set. And the lingerie that came with it was a set you’ve never worn before, far too luxurious to justify wearing to work. It’s blue and silver, and is very strappy and left very little to the imagination.
Mereel reverently pushes your robe to the floor, his gaze locked on the lingerie. His fingers are feather light as they trail over the delicate silver stitching, “Cyare,” His voice is surprisingly rough, “You look…” He trails off for a moment as his fingers find your nipple and he lightly pinches it, pulling a quiet moan from you.
He roughly pulls you away from the door and pushes you back onto the bed, “Two questions, cyare.” Mereel murmurs as he strips off his top, “First, do you wear stuff like that under your clothes all the time, because if you do I’m never going to get any work done ever.”
You flash a coy smile, “Maybe I don’t wear anything until my uniform.”
Mereel stops and he groans low and deep, “Babe. Holy shit, why would you tell me that?”
You grin at him innocently as you try to sit up, only to get pushed back down by gentle fingers, “It seems like something you should know.” And then you pout at him, “Let me touch you.”
“In a bit.” Your pout becomes a little more pronounced, and his gaze is sharp as he looks over you, “If you don’t behave, cyare,” Mereel says slowly, as if testing the waters, “I’ll have to tie you up.”
Your lips part slightly, and your face flushes, “Oh.”
And a laugh slips from Mereel, “Holy fuck, baby. You want me to tie you up, don’t you?” He doesn’t give you time to answer, “Maybe next time. After we can talk about the important shit.”
“Next time?” You breathe out.
“Next time.” Mereel promises, “Right. My second question. How much does this set cost and do I need to be careful with it.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You reply immediately.
He hums thoughtfully, “I’m going to make you cum with you still wearing that,” Mereel says slowly, as he crawls on the bed over you, catching you wrists in one large hand and pinning them over your head, “And then I’m going to undress you and I’ll make you cum again. And again.” His grin is sly, “How many orgasms is too many, do you think?”
“Five? Six?”
You stare up at him, slightly breathless, “I don’t think you can do it,” You challenge, as you lift your chin defiantly.
“Oh,” Mereel coos, his eyes glittering with delight, “It’s a promise, baby.” He leans in and kisses you gently, “For now, we’re going to use colors. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, green for go.”
“Okay,” You whisper.
Mereel smiles at you then, soft and sweet, “What’s your color, cyare?”
“Green.” You whisper, “Very, very, very green.”
His soft smile becomes a grin, “Good. Because I’m about to ruin you, baby.”
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star--joy · 11 months
And the one time they decided to prove them right.
Chapter Six: +1
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 1665
Originally posted: 7/23/23
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43509219/chapters/123095971
“Have you noticed,” Vex begins, with the kind of hesitant tone that tells Percy she’s about to bring up something serious. He immediately looks up from the book he was skimming, giving her his full attention, though she’s still idly scrolling through her phone.
When she doesn’t continue for a few seconds, he prompts, “Have I noticed what?”
The bobbing of her throat tells Percy that she’s swallowed several times before looking up from her phone to meet his gaze. They’re on opposite ends of the sofa in her dorm, and it occurs to both of them that that’s a bit unusual. Most of the time, they settle in side-by-side. “People keep assuming that we’re together.”
Percy tries to keep himself neutral, but he’s not sure works so well if Vex’s raised eyebrow is any indication. ��I… have.”
They lapse into silence once more, but where they would normally settle easily into the comfortable, quiet atmosphere provided by each other, neither of them seem very relaxed.
“Does it bother you? When they think that?” Vex asks.
“Ah— I suppose not. It’s not like they mean any harm by it,” is what he says.
I don’t mind it as much as I should mind it, and I’m afraid that makes me a horrible, selfish person, is what he doesn’t say.
Vex fully sets aside her phone, eyebrows knitting together as she stares at him. “Right.”
“Do you mind it?” Percy asks. She doesn’t answer right away, and his heart deflates pathetically. Of course she minds it. Vex is far out of his league, and the fact that people would think she would settle for him is rather insulting. “I’m— I’m terribly sorry, I never meant to give anyone the impression that—”
“No, no, it’s not that,” Vex insists, lips pressing together. There are lines of deep thought etched into her face, and Percy wants nothing more than to soothe them out, but it really isn’t his place. “I don’t mind it either, really.”
Softly, he sets his book aside, turning so he’s properly angled towards her. “You don’t have to lie. I know I’m hardly the kind of person you would want to be with.”
His words make her scoff, catching him off guard. “You don’t get to decide who I would want to be with,” she mutters, defensive walls visibly rising in the shape of her posture.
“I didn’t mean that. I simply— you could do far better than me, Vex’ahlia.” Her full name rolls of his tongue like it belongs on his lips, each syllable enunciated with an emotion he doesn’t dare name. 
“For someone so smart, you’re really fucking stupid, sometimes. Anyone would be lucky to have you, Percy, do you not see that?”
His alert rises at a rapid pace when he notices the strained tightness to her voice, like a rubber band about to snap. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he rushes to say, even though he’s not sure what he did to cause this distress.
Vex’s jaw flexes. When she speaks, her words are fiercely passionate. “I know you have your flaws, Percy, but you make me happy. And you make Keyleth happy. And Tary and Pike and Vax and— I don’t even know what I’m trying to say,” she breaks off, turning to stare away from him. “Just— you’re wonderful. You’re passionate and creative and the biggest damn nerd I’ve ever met.”
Percy wants, selfishly, to… to do something. He’s not even sure what, but he knows it involves Vex and being honest with his feelings. It’s as if there’s a string between them, pulling him closer, and it takes all his willpower to resist. “You always see the good in me.”
“There’s a lot of it to see,” she insists, turning back towards him. Something like determination is written in the harsh set to her face. “And I would like to see more. If you’ll let me.”
“I’m an open book, to you. You already know everything about me.”
Something possesses her, then, and Percy wonders if he’s somehow fallen into a trap as Vex smirks, sliding across the couch towards him. “Actually, I don’t know everything,” she murmurs, low and raspy.
He laughs, a little nervous. She’s hovering over him now and they’ve been close before, of course, but this feels different in a way he can’t describe. “What do you mean?”
And then her hands are cupping his face. Percy blinks, trying to sort through the thoughts in his brain that have suddenly become very unimportant in comparison to how close she’s gotten. Every one of his senses can’t fathom anything but her. He wants… He wants…
He just wants.
“I don’t know how good you are at kissing me,” Vex whispers, looking directly into his eyes, centimeters from his face.
Percy can’t help it: he looks down to her lips, breath trapped in his lungs. This close, he can smell her, woodsy with a hint of cinnamon sugar, and fuck it. He just barely musters the wherewithal to whisper, “May I?”
Her answer consists of her lunging forward so their lips connect. If Percy had known that this would be happening today, he would have brought chapstick, but that’s a distant thought. There are far more important things to be focusing on, he decides, hands blindly reaching to pull Vex in. It’s hard to find the right angle, with his eyes closed and movements clumsy, but eventually his left hand rests on her waist and his right hand cups the back of her neck.
She settles into him so perfectly once they find their footing, fingers exploring his stubble covered jaw in a way that makes him want to purr, despite not having the anatomy of a cat.
“Vex’ahlia,” he says, not bothering to pull away as he whispers it against her lips. 
“Percy,” she responds, one hand leaving his jaw so she can clutch the collar of his button-up, neither of them giving a single shit about the wrinkles she’s leaving behind.
When Vex eventually pulls back, even slightly, Percy can’t help the way he tries to chase her. He hasn’t gotten his fill of this, yet. He probably won’t ever get enough. He needs to spend the rest of time kissing her, or he might just keel over and perish.
“We have all the time in the world, darling,” she assures him, and Percy wouldn’t even be surprised if he found out she actually could read his mind. He wouldn’t care much, either, despite the scientific implications.
The world could come crashing down around them, and he doubts he’d even notice.
“That— I, ah— You are very good at that,” he whispers, head still spinning too much to form a much better compliment.
Vex laughs. “You’re not bad, yourself. Though, it’s hard to really tell how talented someone is from just one kiss. I think I’ll need a few more before I make a final decision.”
That’s all the warning Percy gets before she’s surging up once more, pressing him back against the armrest of the couch. He goes easily, allows her anything and everything she wants. God, he’d allow her to tear the heart from his living body if it only it meant he got to stay here with her, like this, for the rest of time.
He tries to tell her as much, but she won’t let him up for air, much less to speak, so all that escapes him is a series of muffled, incoherent noises. It’s probably for the best— Percy can’t think of a better use for his mouth right now than kissing Vex.
And then the door to the room slams open. “Come help me put away grocer— oh, Jesus fucking Christ,” Vax announces. “On our goddamn couch?!”
Vex pulls away to glance at her brother, far too coherently, given how she’s still basically draped over Percy. She’s a little out of breath and a flush covers her skin, but her tone is clear when she asks, “You finished shopping already?”
“Yes, now come help me put it away. You too, Freddie.”
“Yuh,” Percy mumbles, head falling back against the armrest as he tries to think once more. The change of atmosphere has thrown him for a complete loop, and a large part of him is insisting that he ignore Vax’s presence and just keep kissing Vex. He manages to restrain himself.
Vax groans. “God, you’re disgusting, the both of you. Come on, the ice-cream is melting.”
“Jesus, Vex, look at what you’ve done. You broke Percy.”
Vex laughs, and that, at least, cuts through his foggy brain. It’s a lovely sound. “I didn’t break. I ascended. I’m on the next level of humanity. It’s quite nice,” he hums, watching as Vex climbs off him and stretches her muscles.
“Well, the sooner you finish helping me, the sooner you can get back to your little make-out session.” Vax’s nose wrinkles with disgust as he speaks. “But no more snogging on the couch. That’s off-limits. Take it to your room. And don’t be loud enough for me to hear you.”
Vex tugs Percy up. “You heard him, Love.” The nickname almost cuts through all of his composure once more.
“Alright, alright,” Percy huffs. “I can handle groceries. I think.”
Vax throws a loaf of bread at him that he barely manages to catch before it nails him in the face. “Good. Oh, and don’t forget to update all those people who thought you were together that the two of you finally got over yourselves and realised you’re hopelessly in love. I’m sure that won’t be awkward at all.”
Percy and Vex groan in sync as Vax giggles. They have a lot of explaining to do, that much is correct. And it’s going to be horribly awkward, yes.
But, they decide as they glance at each other, relenting to one final peck on the lips before helping Vax, some things are worth a little awkwardness. 
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silent-dragon · 4 months
TWST Student OC Profile ~ Amadus Astarot
"I am of the first brood... I am vengeance incarnate! I AM NIDHOGG! - Nidhogg
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Adamus Theme Song
Personal Info
Name - Amadus Astarot
Physical Age - 21
Birthday - ??
Zodiac - ??
Gender - Male
Species - Dragonkin
Height - 248cm/8ft'2in(1,828cm/60ft Length in Dragon Form)
Eye Color - Amber Red
Hair Color - Obsidian Black
Orientation - Omnisexual
Homeland - The Redwood Kingdom of Ash
Family - Amadeus Astarot - Father
Gottlieb Astarot - Oldest Brother
Theophilus Astarot - Older Brother
Bohumil Astarot - Little Brother
Minnette Astarot - Niece
Twist of Nidhogg from Final Fantasy XIV:Heavensward
College Info
School - Royal Sword Academy
Dorm - Crystaleon
Year - 4th
Best Subject - Animal Linguistics,Ancient Magic,Flying
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Other Info
Occupation - Dragon Ambassador
Favorite Food - Hot Chocolate,Spicy Foods
Likes - Fire,Outdoors,Flying Around,Showing Off,Growling,Learning Mortal Ways,Being Medium Chaotic,A Bit of Teasing to Others,Family,Melodic Music,Red Clothing,Curious Mortals
Dislikes - Any Hostility from Mortals,Dragoons,Dragons who trust humanity too much,Ice related People
Talents - Flying,Speaking to Animals/Creatures,Godlike Strength,Fire Breath
Unique Ability - Can transform into full dragon form
Personality - Very proud dragon so has quite the ego but it isn't so bad given his lack of knowledge of modern ways so he is more curious while being so confident. Used to have a really bad view of humanity but brothers convinced him to try to understand them first so his outlook is 50/50 now. Likes to show off himself so likely to do stuff like take off top or sprout his wings and flex them…kinda wants the attention but never says he does.
Bio - Dragonkin son of an ancient greatwyrm dragon. He is a protector of his family and all dragon kind with a disdain for humanity but more so just the kind that hurt his family..royalty. Has learned to get along with more humans and see the world as they do in a better light as brothers showed him. Respects others who put their family first and fighters. Still a dominant dragon so likes being right and showing that he is great by showing his humanoid form off to others. He may be a little rough around the edges but means well enough and is capable of good.
Other Notes
Has a hard time finding clothing that fits him and works well with his pointy scales all on his arms and torso.
Likes to taste the air with his tongue so random will stick it out and it looks like something else but is just him tasting the air.
Loves his family alot so is very protective of them more so his little brother and niece as they are so young in dragon years so he takes care to keep em safe.
Really likes when someone is giving him attention as is secretly touched starved and just wants to prove he is capable of greatness but feels no one would ever care for him enough.
Can make his wings vanish while in humanoid form so less stress in trying to fit into a building..width wise anyways.
Both his eyes were taken as punishment for deeds in past he did that left a bad impression. The left eye he currently has is his brother,Theophilus who let him borrow it in the meantime so he could at least see.
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skatingupthathill · 1 year
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Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair Short Fanfic
“Slowly.. I said slowly! Lucas, I swear to god!”
The redhead’s voice echoed throughout the empty skatepark. She could see it now; Lucas toppling off her board and breaking his leg all because he was trying to show off in front of her. And it would serve him right too. The big idiot. If he was trying to impress Max then it wasn’t working in the slightest. Not even the tiniest bit.
Instead, she stood atop one of the ramps with her arms folded and the most unamused expression on her face. Max had to admit though; it was hard not to let her lips twitch up into a smirk upon seeing her boyfriend wobble around all over the place like a newborn fawn trying to get used to its legs. Lucas had the grace of one, that was for sure.
It was rather.. impressive how much speed he had picked up already. For his first time on the board, he wasn’t doing half bad. Not that she would ever tell him that. Lucas’s ego was already big enough.
“Chill out, Max. How hard can it be?” There came that cocky tone of his. That shit-eating grin spreading across his face which Max wanted to slap right off of him. Oh she couldn’t wait for him to smack down onto the concrete. That would show him. “I’m like, a professional now.” Lucas continued to big himself up, arms flexing to further show her.
If it wasn’t for the fact that his legs were shaking like a damn leaf then he may have actually started to believe it himself.
“Such a professional. I’m so jealous of your skills. By all means, go for it. Show me how it’s done. Prove me wrong.” The redhead told him sarcastically, piercing blue eyes trained on his every move. It would only be a matter of time now. A matter of time before he was kissing the ground beneath them.
And just as anticipated— there he went in all his glory.
It all happened so fast that Lucas hadn’t had much time to regain his balance before the board came out right from underneath his feet. Before he knew it both his knees had smashed into the hot tarmac, enticing a yelp from the boy as he landed with a thud.
So much for showing Max how it was done. All that had achieved him was a whole lot of pain accompanied by the feeling of something warm trickling down his legs.
Blood. Great.
If it wasn’t for the fact that a round of slow-clapping had filled the brief silence along with what sounded like snickering? Lucas would have most definitely folded in on himself and let the tears that were stinging his eyes run freely down his cheeks. As if he was about to let Max have that satisfaction though.
No, he had to be tough.
“Bravo! What do you call that trick? Falling on your ass?” Max sniggered out, that devious smirk finally breaking through her usually stoic expression that she wore all too well. It was what she was known for. A resting bitch face, as some may call it. Lucas seemed to have a knack for always knowing how to knock it right off her face only for it to be replaced by something less cold.
The pout that formed on Lucas’s face only caused a few fits of giggles and amused snorts to escape her, freckled cheeks turning a rosy red thanks to how breathless she’d become. He could be such a child sometimes and yet, it was oddly charming.
“It’s not funny, Max!” It was obvious that Lucas was trying to hold back laughter too. Max’s cute little snorts were his weakness. Even when he was mad at her, those snorts melted him. He was such a sucker for her and she knew it. It simply wasn’t fair. “How are you even supposed to balance on that thing? It’s impossible.” Lucas finally admitted defeat. Maybe he really should have slowed down like Max had told him too.
Max’s eyes almost rolled to the back of her head upon hearing that. “Oh I don’t know, try to stop your legs from shaking for one. But maybe you should stick to basketball, hm? Wouldn’t want your delicate little self getting hurt again.” She cooed at her boyfriend in a taunting manner, a hand reaching over to playfully swat at the fresh wounds that had embedded themselves into Lucas’s knees.
Of course, she was careful not to actually touch the raw flesh. Couldn’t have him crying like a big baby.
His flinching as her hand got nearer and nearer to the wounds were what eventually made her cease up on her teasing. Right. Maybe she should actually be nice to him incase he was actually hurt.
“You’re so ridiculous, Sinclair. Honestly.” Despite Max’s words, her tone had softened considerably as her hands caressed his leg. Thankfully the cuts on his knees didn’t look too deep. Not enough to need stitches anyway. She would know. Years of skating and she’d learned the hard way when a cut looked worse than it seemed.
Lucas couldn’t help but to admire her as she studied the bloody gashes. Max was so beautiful. The natural sort of beautiful. The way her hair looked more vibrant in the sun and her eyes bluer than the sky above them. It made him wonder how he got so lucky. She was out of his league, that was for sure.
“Wanna kiss me better?” He decided to try his chances, wiggling his eyebrows at her as that toothy grin of his lit up his entire face. It was worth a shot, right? How could she deny him a kiss after his traumatic injury.
But this was Max he was talking about. Lucas really shouldn’t have been surprised to hear her scoff in his face.
“Pfft, you wish.” Max quirked a brow in his direction, though soon regretted it once she’d met his gaze. Those same warm, cedar brown eyes she had fallen in love with. It was impossible to look away. They were like a deep, dark forest that she endlessly wanted to get lost in. And with the way he was staring at her like she was the only girl to grace the face of the Earth? Max felt her cheeks heat up until they were burning like a furnace.
God, he could be such a dork sometimes. Her dork.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” Max sighed out in defeat, bringing a hand up to delicately caress the apple of his cheek. That action alone had Lucas’s grin widening until he was smiling like a Cheshire Cat. “You tell anyone I got all soft on you and you’re dead. Got it?” She fixed him with a stern glare, before letting her face relax until she couldn’t help but to smile back at him.
Love had never been in the cards for Max. She was convinced of it. After witnessing her parents divorce, she believed that love didn’t really exist. It was something that existed solely in fairytales and sappy romcoms. A lot of bullshit to convince little girls that they would in fact find their Prince Charming one day.
But then along came Lucas who changed her view on, well.. everything. It scared her how much he cared about her. How much she cared about him in return. It was too perfect sometimes and Max couldn’t ever bring herself to accept the feeling of safety that she found in his arms.
But for now? She would. Max would let herself fall. Welcome the sense of warmth that always surrounded her like a blanket whenever he was near.
“I love you, stalker.” Those words slipped from her lips in a quiet murmur, soon to be sealed by a kiss as she leaned in to let her lips meet his.
Warm. Soft. Endless butterflies swirling around in the pit of her stomach. Those were just some of the many feelings she felt whenever kissing Lucas Sinclair.
“I love you too, MadMax.” Lucas whispered back against the plump of her lips, eyes slowly slipping shut as the two lovers basked in the feeling of a love that he thought would last forever.
If only..
The sound of a familiar beeping filled his ears as Lucas was jolted back to reality.
Blinking a couple of times, it was hard to register what had just happened. Some sort of daydream? No, a memory. A memory from last Summer before everything had gone to shit.
Lucas had been so lost in a daze that he couldn’t even register where he was for a couple of seconds.. that was until he was met with the all too familiar sight in front of him. It was enough to have his stomach sinking and his heart almost breaking into two all over again.
Max. Adorned in a hospital gown. Limbs covered in casts and her body laying in the same fragile state it had been for just over a month now. Seeing her hooked up to all of those machines never failed to bring tears to sting at his eyes. She looked so.. frail.
A girl once full of life lay comatose in a hospital bed and it was all because of him. Lucas hadn’t been able to save her that night at the Creel house. She was in this state because of him. Vecna had got to her because of him.
The guilt was eating Lucas alive and despite being told multiple times by his friends that there was nothing he could have done? He didn’t at all believe that. The doctors didn’t even know if she would wake up, or what state she’d wake up in if she was lucky enough to pull through. Would she be blind? Paralysed? And if she died—
Thankfully Lucas didn’t have much time to let his mind wander down that dark path.
A hand on his shoulder was almost enough to make him leap out of his skin. Whipping his head around to the source, Lucas felt a wave of relief soon wash over him upon discovering that it was only Dustin. God, he hated how he was staring at him like he was some sort of kicked puppy. Everyone seemed to be giving him that look these days.
“Come on man, you’ve been sitting there all day.” His friend pleaded with him.
Lucas followed Dustin’s gaze down to his and Max’s joined hands. He hadn’t even realised that he’d been holding onto her. Just went to show that it had become second nature for him to cling onto her ever since Max’s stay at the hospital.
“She’ll still be here when you come back. Just.. come get something to eat, okay? It’ll only take five minutes tops.” Dustin’s voice was soft, softer than it usually would be. Lucas was in a bad place and the last thing he wanted to do was trigger him.
Lucas was hesitant to leave Max’s side. What if he left and something happened? He knew that was no way to live. He couldn’t keep doing this to himself. It was unhealthy and in all honesty? Lucas couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a decent meal.
So after hesitantly nodding his head and bringing himself to his feet, Lucas let out a shaky breath. “Five minutes.” He confirmed to Dustin, before averting his gaze back down to Max.
Despite everything, despite the break up and all of the stupid fights in between? Lucas still loved her. He could only hope and pray on everything he believed in that she would wake up so that he could tell her that to his face.
“I’ll be back, okay?” Lucas whispered to her, bending down ever so slightly to let his lips grace her forehead where he let himself linger for a second or two.
It was hard to say goodbye if even for a second, but he had to take care of himself first so that he could take care of her. Lucas needed to keep reminding himself of that.
“Love you, MadMax..”
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