#he also implied that the only reason women should take days off is for their kids
galaxythreads · 11 months
My boss told me today that because Im 20, [and have a uterus] I should already have kids or there's not much use to me and wow that's one of those things you hear and you're like "I do not deserve to be alive."
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laughing-with-god · 8 months
Unsaid Vow I
(This is the first 1.7k of the 10k chapter that is available right now on my Patreon. Please join for early access plus beta content!)
Synopsis: You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a five-year-old.
Also looking for new fic art for this if anyone's interested!!
Read first: Prologue
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“I’m a grown man.”
These were the words that greeted you and effectively pulled you out of your weary slumber.  
You drowsily rubbed your eyes and rolled over, yawning as you took in the sight of your son staring at you bemusedly from beside your bed.  
If you weren’t used to this behavior from Hugo already, you perhaps would've screamed at the sudden creepy sight of a child with a solemn expression saying odd things to you before the sun has even risen.  Yet, you have grown accustomed to the old man your toddler was.  
“Good morning to you too, bud.”  You groaned tiredly, already searching your thick bedding for your phone in order to check the time.  Your alarm hadn’t even gone off yet, which told you it was earlier than you had originally planned to wake up.  But what was the point of having plans when you had a child?  They had a talent for ruining them.  
“I’m five today.”  Hugo ignored your greeting, getting right into the point with furrowed brows as he held up all five fingers, each one representing a year of his life.  
“Yup, I know dumpling.”  You chuckled, finally pulling out your phone and opening it to see  ‘6:03 am” staring back at you.  “Believe it or not, the day you were born was quite memorable for me too.”  
You cringed as you thought of the 20 hour labor that preceded Hugo’s birth.   How could you ever forget that hellish day?  
“Mom, it’s my birthday.”  Hugo told you, tone serious as a heart attack.  
“Yes, happy birthday love.”  You smiled at your son, trying not to let him see the exhaustion you secretly felt.  “I suppose there’s no way I can talk you into going back to bed for another hour or so?”  
“No. You always say ‘the day starts when I first open my eyes in the morning”.  Your son parroted the saying back to you with a proud grin.  
Hugo once went through a phase where he wouldn’t want to leave the bed after waking up, simply wanting to stay in pj’s all day long and watch cartoons amongst his stuffies. 
It took a while to get your little homebody to actually stop this habit and begin getting up to ready himself for the day whenever he woke up.  You used to tell him that the day starts whenever he opens his eyes in the morning, however on days like these where he wakes up super early, he now does not see the point in lying in.  
“Right, that is a good point.”  You softly relented, mentally scolding yourself for yet another parenting tactic backfired.  “How does some breakfast sound?”
“Mom, I have a prop-pre-preposaa-”  
“Proposal?”  You offered, swinging your legs off the side of your bed.  
“Yeah, that.”  Hugo nodded to himself, most likely taking note of the proper pronunciation of the word so he can use it again in conversation.  “I think it’s time we talk about coffee.”
“You and daddy are always saying that coffee is for grownups.  Today I’m five, which means I’m older, which means I should be able to have coffee.”  Hugo reasoned this to you while twiddling his thumbs, a nervous habit he does when he wants you to say yes to something he knows is unrealistic.  
“Mmm...”  You hummed, pretending to think hard about the offer.  “What if I gave you a very light coffee?  A beginner version to get you ready for the real thing when you’re older?”  
Hugo looked conflicted, but after reading your face and correctly assuming that’s the best he was going to get, he nodded solemnly in reluctant agreement.  
With one final huff you shoved yourself off the king sized bed, standing to your full height and throwing your arms up in a stretch.  “Why don’t you wait in the living room for me bud?  I’ll be right out.”  
The freshly turned five year old happily nodded up at you before exiting your bedroom, leaving you alone once again.  
You turned your attention back to the bed in which you just rose out of.  More particularly, you stared at the other side of the bed, the side in which your husband was supposed to sleep on. 
It was a direct opposite of your messy side, crisp and neatly made; the fluffy pillows, pressed sheets and silk duvet being perfectly in place.  Yet, this wasn’t an ode to Jungkook’s neatness and attention to detail.  
Jungkook hasn’t been sleeping in the same bed as you for a while now.  
Your husband always preferred to rise early, given he was a man who liked to follow a strict morning regime which could easily be thrown off if he slept in even a minute later.  Up at 5:30. teeth brushed and face shaved by 5:40.  Breakfast, coffee and newspaper consumed by 6:00.  
Then right before taking his leave, Jungkook would pack himself a bag of work clothes and make a quick protein shake, given he would then head to the gym where he would get his morning workout and shower from.  Then from the gym, he would head straight to work.  
A few months ago, he suggested sleeping in the guest room.
You had asked why, bewildered at the request.  
Sure, you two didn’t really cuddle anymore. Sex was also rare. But you figured that the least you could do as husband and wife was sleep in the same bed amicably. Had you started kicking him in your sleep or something?
“I’d notice you begin to kinda stir when I first get up and go about my routine.  I don’t want to wake you up or be a bother.”  He had said.  
That didn’t really make sense to you.  
You have always been a deep sleeper. And even if you did wake up for a second, you’d clearly see your husband getting ready for the day, roll over and go back to sleep.  
It was such a lame excuse, you just shrugged and bitterly told him that he hogged the blankets anyway.  
It wasn’t true, but Jungkook didn’t comment.  
You trudged over to the ensuite bathroom and quickly did your morning routine.  
When you came out of your room and into the living space, you saw Hugo glued to the giant flat screen in a trance-like state as he watched his usual morning cartoons.  The sight tugged a small smile out of you, although the mother in you didn’t like how close he was.
“Hugo, back up from the screen! Bluey isn’t going anywhere. Your eyes will go bad.”  Your son wordlessly obliged and scooted back, not breaking eye contact with his favorite family of puppies.  “What would you like for breakfast ‘Mr. grown man’?”  
“Blueberry pancakes…and don’t forget my coffee!”  
“You got it, birthday boy.” 
The kitchen, dining and living room were open concept, so you multi-tasked watching Hugo while whipping up his breakfast.  You never were much of a cook and you still aren’t even after motherhood, but you did commit to learning your son’s favorite dishes.
The process was over quickly, you having made this recipe countless times and knowing it like the back of your hand.  
You set a plate on the island table, calling Hugo over while you secretly mixed some instant hot chocolate in a mug.  
The five year old jumped up and grinned at the meal, saying a quick “thank you” before digging in with all the grace a five year old could possibly have.  
“And of course, your coffee.”  You tried not to smile as you handed him the cup.
“Thanks mama.”  
The mini-Jungkook took a gulp, then stared seriously at the contents of the mug, swishing it around in some faux detective work.  
“Something wrong, dumpling?”
“It tastes…fa-fam-”
“Yes. Is coffee always this sweet?”  
You laughed, now moving to the real coffee maker to make your own cup.  “No, this is the kid version.  It might taste like chocolate because chocolate has caffeine in it too.”  
Your little old man huffed to himself but nodded in agreement, simply not knowing enough to dispute your logic.  
Your old coffeemaker grumbled awake, croaking and hissing as you pressed the worn-out buttons for your usual morning brew.  Jungkook always made fun of you for the ancient machine, but even after he had bought a much more expensive and up-to-date one, you stubbornly remained loyal to yours.  
“So buddy, what do you want to do today?  We can go get new books, hit up the toy store, maybe even visit the aquarium?”  
“I wanna help set up for my party, mommy.” 
Well, “party” wasn’t quite the right word for it.  
Hugo had no friends.  It was tough for a kid like him to make any.  At this age and as a boy, most of his peers would meet and form relationships in little league or rough housing at the local park. 
Your son was different.  He preferred reading to sports, hated the outdoors and was generally a shy kid who tended to tear up when anyone other than his family tried speaking to him.  
So this year, his birthday party was an intimate circle of family and family friends.  You hoped that by next year you could host an actual kid birthday party, as Hugo would be in school and have classmates by then. 
“That’s very sweet of you, but there’s time to do both.”  The boy looked at you skeptically.  “We can go to the bookstore across the street after breakfast and I’ll let you pick out some new bedtime stories.  Then we can go to the aquarium and have lunch there. And on our way home I’ll stop by the store to get some stuff for the party, and you can get a toy.  Sounds good?”  
Hugo frowned, then peeled back his pajama sleeve to look at his submarine-themed watch.  The act seemed a little pretentious to you, given he didn’t yet know how to read clocks.  
“Fine mommy, but we should be quick.  Also you need to ask our guests if they have any food aler-alergeez-”
“Allergies?  Yes bud, I’ll be sure to send them a text.”  You rolled your eyes.
With that, Hugo quietly finished his breakfast as you sipped your coffee.  
When you two were done, you both got dressed and ready for the day’s activities. 
Before leaving the apartment, you were sure to send a text to your husband.  
‘Be home by 6 please.  Hugo’s birthday party starts at 6:30 and he needs you there.’
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Hey I saw someone on Twitter saying you’re transphobic because it said in your Twitter bio “IDW Arcee is still a guy” even though the character is canonically trans. What’s your take on that? I’m not attacking you or anything I just genuinely want to know the context of all that.
Oh boy. Strap yourselves in kids; time for Chai's villain origin story.
So basically, IDW Arcee made his debut under the pen of Simon Furman, the dude who created Arcee in the first place. Simon Furman has a small massive chip on his shoulder over the notion of girl robots, but we're going to be talking in mostly Watsonian terms for now. IDW Arcee as he comes on the scene in Spotlight Arcee is the victim of a nonconsensual forced sex reassignment, we see right off the bat that this destroyed his life.
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He's wracked with trauma and dysphoria over this, on a do-or-die quest to take out the mad scientist who did it (he succeeds and tortures said scientist for seven years straight), and is implied to suffer chronic pain.
This got a lot of criticism, but Simon Furman insisted it wasn't meant to be transphobic, just the opposite. When someone pointed out that this was a story about how traumatic it was to be assigned a gender you didn't feel was the one you should have, Furman agreed with this take.
Eventually Furman was shooed out and John Barber was brought in as writer, and nobody seemed to know how to deal with Arcee's backstory. So they just kind of...didn't. They wrote around it for eight whole years, never really acknowledging it, but frequently alluding to how traumatized he was from it. The only person to ever roll up their sleeves and tackle it head on was Mairghread Scott, the only person IMO to ever do justice to IDW Arcee.
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By the way, this panel made me weep. This issue also includes a fleeting, but notable moment where someone refers to Arcee with they/them pronouns, and at the time, I was extremely excited for this.
Shortly after this however, the comic came to an end and John Barber decided -- in the very last issue -- to bring in an expert. And by this, I mean he found some trans lady on Twitter and let her write Arcee. The last issue has Arcee concluding that the whole sex change was consensual and the violent murder spree was the result of, I quote, "bad meds."
Yeah, basically Arcee killed all those people because the Spiro was a little off.
I got into a lot of internet fights with people over this back in the day, criticizing it for being worse than what we started with, but also frequently pointing out that it wasn't Twitter lady's fault, as she wasn't the editor-in-chief at IDW and that there's a very good reason professional writers aren't supposed to do this sort of thing. In return, I got accused of hating trans women and still get some real ugly things in the inbox about it to this day. It was the first taste, bitter as wormwood, of what I as a trans man could expect from my own community.
Regardless of all that, Arcee is probably the most important fictional character to ever enter my life. He helped me realize I was trans, got me through some dark days, got me through heartbreak and top surgery. He saved my life a few times, and every so often he continues to. I owe so much to him.
If writing a very gentle fix-it fic where Arcee has a long talk with Anode (one of the trans lesbian bots from the vastly superior sister series James Roberts wrote) makes me a transphobe in these peoples' eyes, so be it. I don't care what they think. They never reached out to baby trans Chai and held his hand and kept him breathing.
Arcee did.
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yankpop · 2 years
Yandere BTS: you refuse to obey them (Hyung line)
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Manipulation; degradation; toxic/yandere relationships; implied kidnapping; violence. 
AN: Hope you guys like it💖
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Jin is very much set on the typical stereotype of women and men. Keeping that in mind, you’re no one to refuse his wishes. It doesn’t matter how insignificant or small it is, but Jin does not take it lightly. He’s the man in the relationship, he knows better.
The only thing you should do is to nod your head and accomply. 
But since you wanted the other way around, then it’s also you who faces punishments. A slap or two is usually enough to put you back on track, but Jin is not afraid of more intense punishments, if you need such incentive. 
“Do not talk back to me! Have you forgotten of your place in this house? Don’t make me do something I'll regret.” 
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Actions have consequences. 
That’s the motto that Yoongi follows. Everytime you choose to disobey Yoongi, it comes with a price. The consequences come in various forms depending on the situation, whether it’s not allowing you to leave the house for a few days, removing your phone from you, or even threatening your loved ones. 
The more serious your defiance is, the bigger the punishment is. Yoongi is not one to physically hurt you into obedience, instead preferring to keep his calm and making you suffer by taking away your privileges. 
“Now, now. You either do as I say or you can say goodbye to your phone. Permanently. So, what’s it gonna be?” 
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Hoseok has a very short temper when you start refusing to comply with his wishes. First, he tries to make you understand why he’s right and you’re wrong but that tactic soon flies out of the window once he realizes how stubborn you really are. 
And trust me, it’s not nice to see the usually cheerful Hoseok turn into a berating vicious man. He’ll yell the most awful things, completely breaking you off and then throwing you into a dark lonely room for several days.
When he finally emerges, he’s the smiling and loving guy again, but only if you finally give in and do exactly as he says. Otherwise, he’s not afraid of taking your punishment into a whole new level. 
“You much of a bitch can you be? You’re so stupid sometimes. I don’t care if you like this or not, but you will do exactly what I say. If not, then you can’t even imagine what I have reserved for you.” 
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Namjoon is the voice of logic. Or so he tries to convince you by using the most logical and reasonable explanations. He only wants the best for you and that includes listening to him, cause he’s your boyfriend. No one else knows you better than him, that’s for sure. No one else will ever treat you so good as him, then why do you have to act up and try to self-sabotage what you have.
All of this is explained in such a calm and soothing way by an incredibly rational Namjoon, that you feel like you’re acting completely crazy. In the end, you’re the one who apologizes and comes through with whatever he wants.  
“If you have a brain, then why not use it? Sometimes, i swear you’re too dumb for this world. If you try to think rationally, you’ll see that I’m right. I’m always right.” 
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a-slut-for-smut · 10 months
Nanamin deserves better than Mei Mei
Don’t forget how creepy she is towards Ui Ui
Ya know, I really wish people were more willing to think critically about the stories they consume vs taking every at face value. Sure, when you see something questionable in a story, question it, but immediately writing off the story/story element as “problematic” just because you don't like it or triggers you is such a disservice not only to the storyteller but also yourself by stunting your own media literacy skills.
As ive addressed why NanaMei pair well in previous asks, i'll focus more on the controversy revolving around Mei Mei because its something i really want to get off my chest. The more i think about the arguments made against her the more i get these puritanical and anti feminist/non-conformist vibes from them and its really concerning to say the least.
She's Greedy/Selfish
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Yes, shes money hungry. She shamelessly honest with what she likes and what she wants; she has a personal code/credo and stanchly follows it and its hard not to respect that energy. She's motivated and grounded in a way that seems out of place in the 'sorcerers must protect humans' fantasy world, but in the real world? Of course we'd look out for our own self-interest/preservation- shes as real and relatable as they come. She's logically driven (vs emotionally) and honestly if she was a man i bet the fandom wouldn't blink an eye (and prob would slobber all over him) but as always God forbid women have a strong sense of self and refuse to conform to the patriarchal ideals of what a woman should be.
THAT panel
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A lot of the fandom screaming in*cest & p*edophile for this panel and i'll admit not surprised it raised eyebrows but not really reading this as sexual. Yes theres nudity, but body language makes it pretty obvious if nudity is sexual or not and well, its not- and how the first thing fandom thinks is "omg they f*cked" because shes topless or whatever is very telling. It's not a stretch to think she would be comfortable with nudity and a sense of propriety seems out of character with someone as shameless as her. She probably splurges on 1000 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets with all the money she makes, who wouldnt regularly sleep nude on those?
As for UiUi its inferred he used his CT to escape/save their lives directly before, all the more reason he would be tired. Mei Mei even apologies for waking him, implying his CT exerts him and he should rest for the day. Ui UI’s “oh my how shameless!” is said in surprise, indicating he probably blacked out after his CT and woke up fully clothed in bed with her, NOT that he’s tired from having a wild night banging his sister 🙄
I wonder about the japanese dialogue and if there is any nuance/context lost from the english translation, but I interpreted her "Do you not like me that way" was in reference to the shamelessness of her personality, essentially asking him "do you not like me the way I am?" and not her nude body because the translation used "that way" vs "this way", the latter being suggestive. And the fact that they shared a bed to sleep didnt seem OOC given their close familial dynamic.
Sibling Relationship
Its established in-universe that they are "calculating", so naturally they work very much in tandem as far as motivations go and re-enforced from what we seen in their battle tactics. Clearly Mei Mei is offense and 99% of the time can handle any issue on her own, but for that 1% she cant? Thats where Ui Ui steps in.
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Ui Ui would never be in danger if Mei Mei is around, and fandom seems to ignore this fact when they say Mei Mei manipulates him to self-sacrifice himself (and her crows) for her benefit. If Mei Mei is fighting and her life's at risk, yall think Ui Ui (or the crows for that matter) stand a chance?? Maybe if he could teleport away himself which is what his CT suggests, but who really knows, and more importantly would he even consider abandoning his sister from what we seen?
I see it as a failsafe CT, only to be used in emergencies since it drains him considerably as Malaysia scene suggests- which is why he wholeheartedly waits (and binding vow) for permission from her to use it, not as a form of control or abuse or simply to please her, but to know if/when as accordance to the battle strategy mapped out by her. Shes shown as a tactician/extremely logical when it comes to battle and will use whatever is at her disposal to win if it means self-preservation (even if it means abandoning the battlefield altogether). Her loyalty is to herself above all.
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And her asking “are you willing to die for me” is literally asking consent- she is asking, 'this could be the end- will you do what’s necessary for me to win this?' To which he resoundingly concurs, seemingly out of devotion but realistically if she dies where would that leave him? It’s as natural a response as one could be- in nature mothers will fight tooth & nail to protect their offspring, but at the cost of her life? What would be the point??? Offspring wouldn’t be able to survive without her, they’d be good as dead.
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As far as their dynamic, there is clear affection from both sides- Mei Mei is more playful while Ui Ui is reverent. Ui Ui adores her, not atypical of a much younger sibling, but especially so given how accomplished Mei Mei is. It's stated that she inherited their weak family cursed technique, but rather than be solely defined by it, she trained herself to the maximum physical limit, THEN mastered her so called "weak" technique into one of the strongest out there (probably why she acknowledges Maki as a promising sorcerer, she sees herself in her).
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If that isn't admirable than i dont know what is, and if GOJO of all people respects her, then thats saying something. But while he respects her and acknowledges her strength, does he trust her? Probably not, not like he does with Utahime who is supposedly "weak" in comparison. And i personally like that dynamic- despite not trusting her to "do the right thing" and expecting her to be self-serving, Gojo knows/respects her as a person and fellow sorcerer. Gege gives us layered interpersonal relationships between multi-faceted characters and yet so many are quick to reduce them to a single trope and its a little sad honestly.
In conclusion, yall need to relax on the pearl-clutching and have a little more perspective by all means hate on her if you dont like her but at least hate her accurately lol
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actress4him · 1 year
June of Doom 2023
Previous | Next | Masterlist
Taglist: @painful-pooch
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Day 9 - “I should have listened to you.” | Sprain | Defiance | Smoke 
Contains: lady whump with male whumper, captivity, restraints, beating, stress position, mild blood, implied starvation, head trauma, hair pulling, death mention, broken ribs, dislocation mention, brief dog and master imagery
There isn’t much to see in the basement. Lainey inspects every concrete block, every crack in the foundation, every plank on the steps, every lock on the door, and finds absolutely nothing useful. It still feels better than just sitting around, though. Not that she’s blaming Isa for sitting, she can’t even help it with that chain around her neck. That thing makes Lainey want to punch something every time she thinks of it. But she also has a feeling Isa wouldn’t be helping her look even if she could get up and move. 
It doesn’t take long for the man to return. She’s just come back down the stairs from checking out the door when the locks start to slide open, so she spins around and plants her feet, glaring up at their captor, trying to ignore the way her heart is suddenly threatening to break through her ribcage. 
He’s not much to look at, either. Just an unattractive, scraggly bearded man, like someone you might see loitering outside a gas station and walk quickly past on your way inside. For good reason, apparently. 
“Have you come to let me go?” she demands as he starts down the stairs. “To let us both go?”
He scowls back at her. “I see you haven’t yet learned your lesson about keeping your mouth shut.”
“You think I’m going to listen to you? Some low-life who gets his kicks from kidnapping and chaining up young women?” He’s getting closer, and part of her wants to back away, but her pride and anger won’t let her. “I bet you’ve never had a girlfriend before, have you? Probably never had any friends at all. Is this the only way you can get anyone to hang around you? Locking them in your basement?”
She sees the swinging fist coming, but can’t get out of its path. It smashes into her face with a force that sends her over backwards, head cracking against the wall as she hits the ground. Her vision cuts out, then comes back swirling and spinning. There’s something bitter and metallic pouring over her lips. It takes far too long for her to realize that it’s blood. 
As she sits there, stunned and in pain, the man advances. He grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks her up off the floor, dragging her toward the center of the room. Her feet stumble clumsily after him. 
“I told you to shut up. You’ll figure out I mean what I say sooner or later.”
He throws her down, and she just barely keeps her head from smacking concrete again. Her arm isn’t so lucky, unable to move from its restrained position and getting crushed between her body and the floor. 
For an instant, she sees Isa, sitting directly in front of the assault. She has her head turned to the side, staring off at some unknown point, face blank. 
Then a boot is buried in her stomach. Lainey doubles over, coughing and gasping for air that seems to have vanished. The man doesn’t wait for her to catch her breath, though. He keeps kicking, pounding the toe of his boot into her ribs and back and legs over and over and over again. She curls up as best she can, trying instinctively to protect her organs, but all she can do otherwise is lie there and groan and sob.
It seems to last forever. Part of her thinks she actually might die right then and there. But then the kicks stop. He reaches down and grabs her by her bound wrist, pulling her backwards across the floor. She moans again as her shoulders bear the brunt of the pressure and as every sore part of her is jostled. 
He drops her again, and a chain rattles behind her. A moment later her wrists are being pulled upward once more, but this time the chain sounds accompany it, and this time it doesn’t stop. They keep being dragged up toward the ceiling until she’s forced to move, scrambling with leaden limbs to get her feet underneath her and stand. The chain seems to be hooked to the ziptie around her wrists. She can’t straighten her back or lift her head, shoulders wrenched as far backwards as they’ll go and wrists stuck up high. 
And that’s how he leaves her. He doesn’t say another word, just walks off, footsteps echoing through the nearly empty room. She cranes her head to the side to see him pick something up off the stairs before disappearing up them.
She’s never been in this much pain in her life. Before now, the worst pain she could remember was a broken arm from her highschool softball days, but between her throbbing head, her burning shoulders, and the fiery pain that shoots through her ribs every time she breathes, this is way worse. 
“That was my food.”
She tries to look over at Isa but can’t get her head to lift that high. “Wh-...what?”
Isa’s voice grows a little louder, a bit higher pitched. “He was coming down to bring me food and water, and probably unchain me, and you screwed it all up disrespecting him like I warned you not to.”
Lainey scoffs, hardly believing her ears. “Do you���do you realize…you sound like a dog right now? Waiting for your…master to feed and water and unchain you?” She winces at the increased pain in her ribs that talking creates, trying to shift her position. “And…I’m the one who just got…beaten up so…pardon me if I’m not overly concerned about your food.”
“And whose fault is that?” It comes out practically a growl, the most emotion she’s heard out of her so far. “I told you not to make him mad. I told you it would get you hurt. I’ve been here for five years, remember? I’ve tried it all before. I’ve figured out how to survive. But if you don’t want to listen to me, fine. Refuse to save yourself any pain. Learn everything the hard way, like I did. Just…can you at least leave me out of it?” Her voice wavers at the end, going quiet again. “I haven’t eaten in days, because he was gone to get you. And the two bottles of water he left me ran out hours ago.”
Isa sounds like she’s about to cry, and Lainey finds her own throat tightening in sympathy. She hadn’t meant to rob Isa of her first food in days. She wants to help her, not cause her more trouble. But she’s being an idiot, isn’t she? The woman’s right, she’s managed to survive for five years, and it’s stupid for Lainey not to listen to her advice, no matter how much it makes her skin crawl to think of sucking up to that man. 
“I’m sorry.” She tries again to look at her, and manages to catch at least a glimpse of her face. “I should have…I should have listened to you. You’re right, it’s…my own fault that I got hurt. And I didn’t think about…you suffering from it.” She pauses, breathing through the pain and thinking about her response. “I can’t…promise that I’ll do exactly what you want. I’m not good…at holding my tongue. But, uh…I’ll try.”
There’s silence for a long time. It’s a struggle for Lainey not to find some way to fill it, despite her painful position. 
“I don’t want you to have to go through everything I have,” Isa murmurs finally. “And I’m…honestly terrified that you’re gonna make things even worse. Keeping on his good side is so tentative. I just want to keep things as…easy as possible. For both of us.”
“Yeah,” Lainey breathes. “I, um…I get it.” She considers her next words carefully before deciding to take the leap and say them. “Hey, do you…still have the water bottles?”
“Can you roll one over to me?”
“They’re empty.”
“I know, just…just do it if you can.” She can hear movement and the slight crackle of thin plastic. A few seconds later an empty bottle rolls to a stop several inches from her foot. “Hey, nice shot. Lemme just…” Very carefully, grimacing with each movement, she steps on the heel of first one sneaker, then the other, removing them and kicking them behind her. Then she strategically uses her toes to pull off one sock, too. Isa mutters warnings about dislocating her shoulders here and there, but Lainey is determined to make this work.
Stretching out the bare foot, she drags the water bottle closer. “It’s still got drops of water left in it, so if I focus, I can…” She lays her foot across the bottle and closes her eyes. This is much easier to do with her hands, but the foot will have to do in a pinch like this. It takes almost a full minute of concentration, but eventually the droplets start to grow, dripping down into the bottle. The process gets faster as it goes, until there’s water swirling all through the bottle, filling it.
“There we go.” Satisfied with her work, Lainey takes careful aim and shoves the bottle back in Isa’s direction. “I can’t make you food, but…I can at least do that.”
“Water magic.” The plastic crinkles in Isa’s hand again.
“Yep. I’m…not very skilled at it, but…expanding water that’s already there…isn’t so hard.”
There’s no answer for a moment, but it sounds like Isa is taking a drink. “Thank you,” she says softly when she’s done.
“Yeah,” Lainey replies, equally as soft. “No problem.”
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part of the bts writers' club
my ao3 ~ all stories are also posted there
all stories are PG-16 or lower; there are suggestive themes and implied nsfw things but absolutely nothing explicit
wips masterlist
🥰 = fluff; 💔 = angst; 🤡 = crack
🤍 = G; 🩶 = PG; ❤️ = PG-13; 🖤 = PG-16, suggestive themes/implied nsfw
:: series ::
》 eot universe 《
all "edge of tonight" stories in (almost) chronological order
》 valen-tans days 《
2023 Valentine's event!
》 devil town 《
You take a chance and spend a month in Devil Town: a quaint little place nestled deep in the woods of The Unknown, where the air is always a touch chilly, things are never quite what they seem, and no one will tell you anything.
》 eot: monsters 《 [coming soon] moodboard
"I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night? Why do we sleep where we want to hide? Why do I run back to you like I don't mind if you fuck up my life? Why am I a sucker for all your lies? Strung out like laundry on every line. Why do I come back to you?"
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:: series ::
》 edge of tonight 《 💔🖤 [ongoing]
A part of him died that night. A larger part died when they couldn't find you, and over the years whatever was left of him grew cold and hard. It was that ice inside him that got their gang to the top, that gave them power, and money, and all the things a normal mafioso would be more than satisfied with. But none of it meant anything to Namjoon. All Namjoon wanted was you back in his arms. That was the underlying motive in everything he did. For the past ten years, Namjoon built himself an empire, just so he could find the reason his heart beat.
》 eot: old scars / future hearts 《 💔🖤 [coming eventually] moodboard
"Say that again, I didn't quite hear ya, messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era. I've been at work and I got my badge of honor, honey I've changed so much since I last saw ya."
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 my hand 《 🥰🤍 [complete]
You had waited years to find your soulmate, and the universe gave you the perfect one. {part of valen-tans days}
》 the clouded annals of history 《 🩶
You learn a bit more about Devil Town and what you're doing here... and maybe bargain part of your soul away in the process? It's hard to tell. {part of devil town}
》 just take it easy 《
"Oh, just take it easy. Hold onto this feeling. No, no we don't need a reason because we ain't got nowhere to go." {part of valen-tans days}
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:: series ::
》 ruffled feathers 《 [coming eventually] moodboard
"What else is there? She says, 'is beauty all that matters to you' and you say 'what else is there'?? You should write a book: 'How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less'."
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 a matter of minutes 《 🤡🤍 [complete]
Jungkook and Taehyung accidentally-on-purpose spill one of Jin's secrets. Luckily, it's a secret you had, too. {part of valen-tans days}
》 eot: sinners & saints 《
"I'm a liar, I'm a cynic. I'm a sinner, I'm a saint. I'm a loser, I'm a critic. I'm the ghost of my mistakes, and it's all my fault that I'm still the one you want. So what are you after? Some kind of disaster?" {part of valen-tans days}
》 the unknown 《
"I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times. Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night." {part of devil town}
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:: series ::
》 dusk 《 💔🥰🤡🖤 [ongoing]
When you moved to Forks, Washington, you only expected awkward conversations with your adopted sister's biological father and a lot of rain. You did not expect to see the love of your life walk through the high school cafeteria doors - especially when you thought he died back in 1918. But Yoongi doesn't remember you and believes you to be fully human. With the seemingly endless amount of danger coming your way, how long can you keep the act up?
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 sugarplum sweetheart 《 💔🥰🤍 [complete]
It was unthinkable. Unfathomable. Unrealistic. Yoongi would never.
》 you're my only girl 《 🥰🤍 [complete]
Yoongi specifically took this day off of work because he knew you needed to take a day off. So let him take care of you, goddammit. {part of valen-tans days}
》 somewhere lost 《 🩶 [complete]
you wake up on a bench in a forest, with no memory before then of recollection of how you got there. the person greeting you gives you three options: going into the Great Unknown (never to be seen again), wandering the woods (until you become an Edelwood tree), or spending a month in Devil Town. {part of devil town}
》 ready to go 《
"She's dancing alone. I'm ready to go but she's so lost in stereo. She's out of control, so beautiful, and I've been waiting for so long but she'll never know I'm losing hope 'cause she's so lost in stereo." {part of valen-tans days}
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:: series ::
》 book club 《 [coming whenever] moodboard
As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story.
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 glorious happenstance 《 🤡🤍 [complete]
Hobi sits at the same place in the coffee shop every day. You sit exactly four chairs away from him. Jimin decides that's too many chairs. {part of valen-tans days}
》 you'll be the last to know 《 🥰🤡🤍 [complete]
It was tradition that each weekend during the summer you and Hobi would go get milkshakes from the local diner to organize your schedules for the upcoming week. It was not tradition for you to kiss him (but you really really wanted it to be). {part of valen-tans days}
》 long-forgotten stories 《
"I still get a little scared of something new, but I feel a little safer when I'm with you." {part of devil town}
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:: series ::
》 eot: a love like war 《 [coming soon] moodboard
"Heart's on fire tonight, feel my bones ignite, it feels like war. Love feels like war. We go together or we don't go down at all. Is this the end of us, or just a means to start again?"
》 flying shadows, falling stars 《 [coming whenever] moodboard
"When she was just a girl, she expected the world, but it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of paradise..."
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 that's my man 《 🥰🤍 [complete]
You texted your boyfriend in the middle of your workday, telling him it was going to be an emergency date kind of night. Jimin easily agreed. {part of valen-tans days}
》 question 《
"But one thing after another, lost in situations, circumstances, miscommunications, and I have to say, by the way, I just may like some explanations. Can I ask you a question?" {part of valen-tans days}
》 those who travel thru the wood 《
"Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too." {part of devil town}
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:: series ::
》 war of the gods 《 [coming whenever] moodboard
"How do you kill a god? With another god. An immortal for an immortal. Era for an era. A celestial being to strip another's soul. A God for a God."
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 singularity 《 💔🩶 [complete]
He would do anything to protect you, even if it meant remaining cold. {part of valen-tans days}
》 if it's worth it 《
"You're a classic case of foolish, young, and in love, but you don't even know what love could do to us. We are brash and reckless, made of glass and careless. We break apart the moment we both feel too much because when it hurts it hurts. You wonder if it's worth it, but when it works it works. When it's broke, it's perfect." {part of valen-tans days}
》 a mysterious place 《
"I forgot my name again, I think that's something worth remembering." {part of devil town}
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:: series ::
》 in this neighborhood, on these streets (feat. kth) 《 [coming whenever] moodboard one two three
When you are young, they assume you know nothing, and I remember it all too well. Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye...
:: one-shots & drabbles ::
》 just one day 《 💔🥰🤍 [complete]
Jungkook has literally been counting down the days until he could meet his soulmate, but when the day comes he only has 24 hours to find you. {part of valen-tans days}
》 mixing fireworks and gasoline 《
"I let you down. I've been clumsy with your heart again. I guess you figured me out, now here's a taste of my own medicine. And for all this pain that I can't explain, there's a black flag waving tonight. You know I let you down." {part of valen-tans days}
》 a place that few have seen 《
"We're all dead in Devil Town, that fine, 'cause nothing's gonna scare us now." {part of devil town}
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will80sbyers · 1 year
I want to try to explain this better even if I probably can't elaborate as well as I would like to because my English is not perfect, forgive me for any mistakes and I hope this is understandable!
My tone is meant to be colloquial and not angry at all:
when I read some posts (not all) about why people think Mike is gay most of the ones I've read are worded as ''it is the absolute truth and you are wrong if you don't think that'' not as ''it is my opinion'' and that already is a bit off-putting to me because nothing is confirmed when we are talking about headcanons (we are not talking about the text of the show but the subtext for now, so you can't have facts on this, only interpretations)
but for that I don't care that much I just ignore the post and go on with my day, you are free to have your opinions at the end of the day and that is not a big problem
what becomes a bit of a problem to me, and starts feeling invalidating for my own identity (even if I'm sure you don't mean to do that!!! I'm not trying to attack anybody here, I'm explaining my reasoning) is when the reason for that thought process is that '' he didn't like any other girl except El, so this means he is gay 100% no doubts because his relationship with El is not working out''
why does this feel invalidating? Because saying that is inherently implying that bi or queer people in the bi spectrum have to show attraction a lot to a lot of different people to be valid in their identity, which I find dismissive because in reality you can have different levels of attraction for different genders without it meaning that you can't identify as bi
As I said, if Mike actually did like only El but likes more men than women, that shouldn't mean FOR SURE that his bi identity is not valid and that his crush on El is just comphet
Mike could definitely be gay, he could be experiencing comphet and extreme internalized homophobia and I will never dismiss this because it would just be wrong to in my opinion, but on the other side of the fandom I see that people do not leave ANY space for doubt
and not leaving space for a little doubt when nothing is confirmed and basing this ''not having doubts'' on putting down real feelings and things bi or queer (because he could definitely not be exactly into labels etc) people go through in real life is not a good thing to do if you want to be accepting of ALL queer identities (ace ones too)
like, what I think personally about the show does not matter for this discourse, it is about keeping in mind different possibilities
also this is not about one single post or one single person, I've seen the same take over and over in different parts of the byler fandom - here, on twitter and tiktok too
and if you think Mike is more likely to be gay that is a completely valid take, what I want to ask of people in the byler fandom is to try to not invalidate different opinions or perspectives especially about identities because it is as much invalidating as someone saying that you can't possibly experience something that feels like a crush on the opposite gender if you are gay and I know for a fact that people in this fandom get angry (rightly so!) if you say it's impossible so I think the same feeling of regard should be extended to everybody until the show confirms or denies one of the two options
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alarrytale · 6 months
Anon mentioning Ricky Martin´s She Bangs, just yesterday I watched that video after like 22 years(?) and I remember when I was a kid and Ricky Martin was sold as hot sex god and I also had crush on him a bit because of his image and I how remembered that video was very hot and full of sex. Okay, those years takes toll on that video especially when it comes to effects haha but still, he´s so ripped there and sexualized, it´s full of sex, hot bodies and obviously he´s making out/dancing there only with women. Maybe Harry doesn´t have to do this (thank God) but still the fact as his image is sold is equal to that RM´s videos full of sex.
Second thing when you mentioning how harries and antis should realize that closeting exists - amen to your answer! I don´t have time now but one day I would like to share my story how I met 2 closeted gays - they are long time friends of my dad and my step mom - who both have families ( you know, real grown-up children, one is still married and probably won´t get divorced because of safety), they are over 50 and if I didn´t know about closeting thanks to Larry, no way I would notice it in my real life when I met them during one family event. And I and them live in Europe and yet they have to hide from society and most friends and my dad+step mom are one of those who give them safe space. So yes, closeting EXISTS and you don´t even have to be world known singers.
And third thing, Marte, please don´t take it in offensive way but how you write that you find lyrics analyzing pointless, how do you know then that most of Harry´s songs are about Louis?
Hi, anon!
I haven't watched that music video in ages! Did you notice him trying not to giggle when the women are roaming their hands over his naked chest? H or L could never pull something like that off.
To your last question. I don't think that most of H's songs are about Louis, but many are. Just because i don't care for lyric interpretation and analysis doesn’t mean i don't do it myself. It just means we'll never come to a consensus. I don't think us larries disagree on Sweet Creature or Two Ghosts being about Louis for example. I usually agree with general themes, but when you break down the individual lyrics to mean this or that to me it's comparable to finding meaning in an abstract painting or cloud watching. Some see elephants and some see cars. Some see dispair and some see happiness. A song can be a happy song for some and a sad song for others.
For this reason i also have a huge problem with people using lyrics as evidence for this or that. They broke up because that lyric in that song implies it. They hate each other because the car in that song is a metaphor for a fight. Larry is real because Louis wore something yellow and Harry wrote Golden. I see things like that everyday. Then it turns out that song was about Kid Harp*ons wife forgetting her wallet in her car or something. When it comes to H's songs if you think it means something, it most likely isn't what you think it means. The metaphors are layered too deep to get real meaning out of it.
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matan4il · 2 years
OK I hope this ramble makes sense. If it doesn't just delete it lol. But do you think there is any deeper meaning into the fact we haven't seen Buck shirtless since S2 but we have seen Eddie multiple times. But the reason I noticed more is because to me it seemed like Eddie and Ana and Buck and Taylor were portrayed in 2 different lights.
Like Eddie and Anna were very chaste and boring. Every time we recently saw Eddie shirtless it was never even around Ana. Definitely no getting caught like Shannon and he did. Even though there was dysfunction there you could tell he was sexually attracted to her.
But Buck and Taylor were very sexy. The way they had him pick her up in the bathroom. We even saw them in bed but he was dressed the whole time. And Oliver loves him a thirst trap so we know he's not against it.
Maybe I just want to see Buck shirtless again and I am pouting. But I also feel like yes the writers and producers always knew these relationships had an expiration date and choose to portray them a certain way and are they waiting to give me a Buck shirtless shot to make it a moment.
I'm like you I don't dabble in reaching far because it's disappointing. But I would send cookies to the writers if they made it Eddie having his oohh moment because he looks over and sees Buck pulling his shirt off and we all get to experience it together. Bring shirtless Buck back for science!
Hi Nonnie! Rest assured, I never delete anything. I may not get a certain ask, or it might take me a moment to reply to it, but if I got an ask, I will respond! *hugs*
Hmmm. I might be wrong, but I think the show tried to imply both couples had (at least on the surface) good sex. The flirty moments Ana and Eddie had in both 408 and 501 implies that to me. Mind you, just because that's what's implied, doesn't mean it was so. I feel like it's been implied that both men just went through the motions in order to maintain their r/s, and for both it seemingly was a good sex life (the women didn't appear to have any complaints), though really, they were both miserable with their partners. But they think they need to deliver to keep the r/s going.
Regarding shirtless!Buck, I think we mostly saw him in s1 in relation to his initial promiscuous ways. Then, we also had one scene which required it, because Buck and Abby were about to have phone sex, and since they were regularly speaking on the phone in any case, the shirtlessness was necessary to establish that this was gonna be some sexy times talk. The last scene where we saw Buck shirtless (correct me if I'm forgetting something) was to imply he thought Abby was back in 201, but she wasn't. I do think since then, there was a need to differentiate him from promiscuous!Buck, as well as the fact that the only r/s he's been in since was the one with Taylor. Which yeah, they chose to show us from the get go, in 501, that it wasn't working quite how it should have. It is similar to Eddie, we've seen him shirtless more than once in s5, but never in a sexy context.
Another thing to consider is that while Oliver isn't shy about posting a thirst trap on social media, he might have become nervous over time about being filmed shirtless. It's much easier to take one pic, make sure you like how you look in it, post it, and know you can also delete it immediately, it's a different thing to be walking around for a while scene, and if Ryan is around and isn't shy, it might also be that they're cutting Oliver some slack.
No lie, I would sell a kidney not just to get shirtless Oliver back, but to specifically have a mirror scene for the intro one in 201, where Eddie was stripping down to the soundtrack of "Whatta Man". Can you imagine if that scene were reversed and Eddie would be the one visibly thirsting on screen while the background song spelled it out in no uncertain terms? I WOULD SELL MY KIDNEY I TELL YOU.
Thank you for this ask, and I hope you're having a fantastic day! And yes, that we somehow get shirtless Buck soon... ;) xoxox
If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox  
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thymeheals · 2 years
And Everything Begins to Go Rapidly Wrong Again.
Summary: Still at the ball. Lots of dancing. Begins in fluff, ends in angst.
POV: first person reader insert and Sam Winchester
Warnings: implied past abuse; abusive spouse; injuries briefly mentioned; kidnapping; character capture
Royal AU with the characters of Supernatural
Word Count: 1260
Part 5/? (7 so far) in process
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Sam’s POV
Finally, Dean was able to escape fathers itinerary of women for the evening. I made my way back to the edge of the room and grabbed a drink off a passing silver tray. I couldn’t help but look back and smile as Dean’s shoulders relaxed and relief was visible in his demeanor. Y/n really lit up in Dean’s arms. She had really become a great friend to us both. I kept hope that we could rid y/n of the sentence on her head.
“How could you put that fugitive whore in your mothers gown Sam?” I didn’t have to turn toward him to know my father had sought me out. “Did you think I’d forget it and not take notice?” I clenched my jaw to prevent my first responsive thoughts from exiting my mouth.
“Just put aside who you think she is, dad.”
“Put aside!”
“Look at him, that’s the happiest he’s looked all day. He’s carefree with her. Stop pushing him to make a decision on who will be his wife when there’s absolutely no reason tor him to be forced into this. Let him enjoy the time he has left of just being a prince. You know he’ll step right up and be the soldier king you’ve trained him to be when the time comes.”
His father sighed, “Sam this is beyond your brother having a fling. Arthur Ketch, the ambassador from Malta has also taken notice of her presence. Judging by the look on your face, I’m guessing you know that she’s his wife.”
“Father you can’t send her back with him!”
John held up his hand to silence his son. “He doesn’t wish to return to Malta with her, but she must be retained at the end of the night. She will return to her cell under heavy guard. Have I made myself clear? There is a public warrant for her life to be served a week from today. I suggest you stop playing matchmaker and get some sense into your head. Now not another word.” King John made his way to Robert the head guard and gave him his instructions. Then retired for the night to his bedchamber with his mistress.
Reader pov
After bantering with Dean to lighten his mood. I reach up on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek as I say, “I hope you’ve had a Happier Birthday than it began this morning.” I blush, smiled and continue, “its getting rather late and I should turn in before I’m tempted to have another drink. Goodnight Dean, I hope one of these ladies catches your fancy. Many of them are beautiful, but go dig deeper and find someone you can be friends with.”
I gather my skirts and head to Sam’s bedroom before Dean can respond and I’m tempted any further to tell this kind man how much he deserves to fall in love and marry one of the breathtakingly gorgeous women my heart is so jealous of. I don’t think I could keep pleasantries up for another second. Why couldn’t I have met him six years ago before I resigned that Arthur was the best I could do for my family. After all he’d gambled away my entire dowrey within the first month of marriage and blamed me for everything. My parents benefitted only the ability to say I’d married an ambassador. I avoided him at all costs when he was home from traveling for work. Luckily he had no interest in children and I was merely a guaranteed warm body when he was in town.
Lost in my thoughts of what could’ve been I opened the door to Sam’s room and walked across the rug covered floor to look out the window while I changed into bed clothes. When all of a sudden I felt two hands clasp around my mouth and arms, as I breathed in a sickening smell slowly I felt my vision go black.
Waking up in small cold dark wet metal room. I can only feel where I am. My hands are restrained behind my back and my ankles are bound. It’s hard to breathe and I realize there’s a fabric bag covering my head. I’m terrified. I don’t know for sure who captured me. It could’ve been King John’s men if he figured out who I was, or if he just saw me as a threat to his plan for Dean. It could’ve been Arthur’s doing if he found me. It could’ve been a random attack on the castle and they don’t even know who I am - just that I was a friend of the princes. It could’ve been a family of one of the women suitors wanting to take out any competition for Dean’s hand. So many variables. I couldn’t catch my breath now. My heart was beating as if I’d ran a race. It was too much. I collapsed into darkness. Again.
The next time I awoke, it was to cold water being splashed on my face and upper body. Shivering, I looked around to find out where I was and just who was attempting to drown me in freezing cold water. My continued panic was making me angry. I had to get a grip on myself. That’s when I saw him leaned against a table, holding a bucket.
“Did you really think you’d get away scathe free for making a fool out of me? Who all have you been with in the village? Just how many? Are they paying you? What a waste.”
“What are you talking about, Arthur?”
“You know good and damn well what I’m talking about, whore. It wasn’t hard to convince his majesty, King John, to allow me take you home and deal with your insubordination. When I told him I saw you kiss his eldest son on the very night the prince was supposed to choose a bride nonetheless. What are you getting at? Do you think you can wreck all of Milan by waging war against me?”
“Arthur, please..”
Smack. My head reeled from his backhanded slap. As I held my hands to my temples my fingers were met with a sharp stubble. I gasped as my hands continued to explore the rest of my scalp not finding the soft long locks of hair that should be draped around my shoulders. Horrified, I looked to my captor for answers.
“That’s right, good luck finding someone to take you in now. The entire country will know of your sins upon sight when you’re escorted through the streets to the gallows.” He walked over to a table to pick something up. I couldn’t see what was wadded up in his hands. But I found out with a stinging lash to my slip clothed back.
He’d whipped me within an inch of unconsciousness. I hadn’t stopped shivering since I had woken up. I had no idea how long I’d been locked away. He didn’t provide me with any food or water. Clearly me living to make it to the gallows wasn’t his priority. I’ve never been this exhausted or this cold in my life. It was simply frigid. There was a disconnect. I had no more tears to cry and no voice left from the screams he’d pulled from my body with each new stinging lick of his whip. I was ready for it all to end. I don’t know exactly when, but I had by now accepted my fate.
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sherontirrell · 10 months
Work With An Expert Maid - Obtain Assurance
When you have a busy routine and you find it difficult to do all the family tasks on your own, what could be much better than employing a professional housekeeping solution? Endless benefits are tied in with this service that you will realize only after employing a specialist housemaid. Why should you consider a maid? There are a handful of reasons:
Reduce or convenience: Whether you work for more than 80 hrs a week or have infants to look after at home, an expert housemaid can make your life extremely hassle-free. After working with a housekeeper, different home tasks like cleansing, laundry, and home maintenance will certainly not stay your major concerns. The maid will take care of them all. You can get your area cleaned up as commonly as you like, while selecting the time port that works best for you.
Concentrate on other crucial points: When you employ a professional house cleaner to do residence cleaning for you, he allows you to focus on even more important things in your life. You reach spend time with your close friends, family, children as well as relatives. Additionally, you can concentrate on your work rather than concerning about the duties that are awaiting you in your home. You would certainly not need to squander your energy doing house cleaning and instead, would certainly have the ability to utilize your free time doing some productive points.
Healthy and also safe atmosphere: By hiring a professional maid, you can rest assure that your house is as healthy and balanced and also safe as possible from damaging germs as well as germs. A professional residence cleaning agent will certainly have all the materials and understanding needed to avoid bacteria from accumulating on surfaces/floors. A house maid will certainly likewise do vacuuming, https://www.bgvhod.com and cleaning consistently to minimize your family's exposure to irritants.
Expertise: Women know the basics of cleaning, but house maids know all the tactics and also secrets to making your place look the best. They exactly know what to utilize on certain discolorations and also therefore, they can keep your floorings, home windows and various other surfaces like new.
Comfort: A clean and also well-organized house brings a certain sense of convenience to the house owner. Dusty as well as unclean locations can really interrupt your mind while not letting you really feel at ease in your own home. An expert maid will certainly take great care of all those things, which allow you to walk inside and really feel loosened up.
A professional housemaid will certainly make your life convenient and much more comfortable in numerous ways.
The cleaning work for the Brazilian neighborhood initially began with business and also slowly flowed down to homes. Language is not really a necessity for this work but sometimes it can prove useful. There is a sense of convenience with those that can speak the language. Such Brazilian cleaning company are rather innovation wise and also you can quickly find a great deal of them on-line offering their services. The adaptability component of the task consists of the capacity to get emergency days off in addition to operate in comfortable hrs.
The money in these services is quite excellent as costs are commonly on a per hour basis. The necessity in people desiring these solutions implies that they employ solutions for a minimum of 6 hrs a day. The best thing would certainly be to do this on a legal basis. As soon as a month, or fortnightly would obtain you a wonderful rate given that it is thought about long-term. The thought that house cleaning is something implied for the high flying culture is a false notion. Today it is offered to all those who understand just how to intend things effectively.
0 notes
brittanymase · 1 year
Hire An Expert Housemaid - Get Satisfaction
When you have a busy timetable as well as you locate it difficult to do all the household jobs on your own, what could be far better than utilizing a professional housekeeping service? Endless benefits are tied in with this solution that you will realize only after utilizing a professional house maid. Why should you consider a housemaid? There are a handful of reasons:
Ease or benefit: Whether you benefit greater than 80 hrs a week or have babies to care for in the house, a specialist housemaid can make your life very convenient. After hiring a maid, numerous household duties like cleaning, laundry, as well as house upkeep will not remain your main problems. The house maid will certainly take care of them all. You can obtain your space cleansed as usually as you like, while selecting the time port that works finest for you.
Focus on various other vital points: When you work with an expert housemaid to do home cleansing for you, he enables you to focus on more vital points in your life. You reach invest time with your friends, family, children, https://www.vhodcompany.com and also relatives. In addition, you can concentrate on your work as opposed to worrying about the duties that are waiting on you at home. You would not need to squander your energy doing residence cleansing and rather, would have the ability to utilize your free time doing some effective things.
Healthy as well as safe environment: By employing a specialist housemaid, you can feel confident that your home is as healthy as well as safe as possible from dangerous germs and bacteria. An expert house cleaning agent will certainly have all the supplies as well as knowledge called for to prevent germs from collecting on surfaces/floors. A house cleaning will certainly likewise do vacuuming and dusting consistently to minimize your household's exposure to irritants.
Understanding: Women recognize the fundamentals of cleaning, but house housemaids recognize all the methods as well as secrets to making your location look the most effective. They precisely know what to make use of on particular discolorations and thus, they can maintain your floors, windows and also various other surfaces fresh.
Comfort: A tidy as well as efficient home brings a certain sense of comfort to the house owner. Messy as well as dirty areas can in fact disrupt your mind while not letting you really feel secure in your own residence. A specialist maid will certainly take excellent treatment of all those things, which allow you to stroll within and also really feel relaxed.
An expert caretaker will make your life hassle-free and extra comfy in numerous means.
The cleansing work for the Brazilian neighborhood first began with business as well as gradually dripped down to homes. Language is not truly a need for this job but in many cases it can verify helpful. There is a sense of comfort with those that can speak the language. Such Brazilian cleaning services are quite innovation smart and you can quickly discover a lot of them on-line using their solutions. The adaptability part of the job includes the capability to obtain emergency situation times off as well as operate in comfortable hours.
The money in these solutions is quite excellent as prices are frequently on a hourly basis. The need in individuals wanting these services implies that they hire solutions for a minimum of 6 hrs a day. The best thing would be to do this on a contractual basis. As soon as a month, or fortnightly would obtain you an excellent rate because it is taken into consideration long term. The idea that home cleaning is something indicated for the high flying society is an incorrect concept. Today it is offered to all those who understand just how to intend points appropriately.
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tentglitch · 2 years
For the bingo: Naoto
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Nearly a bingo but not quite!
It's been a long time since I played p4 and my memory isn't very good so I unfortunately don't remember too much in regards of specifics to his character. I do have a lot to say abt him tho so I'll try and break down my reasonings for things a bit so I'm not typing this out for like hours afjstksgk (also doing this on mobile so sorry if some of the formatting comes out as weird)
Done dirty by fans/creators, wasted potential, everyone but me is wrong about them <3, and wasp nest.
Naoto is known to be a controversial character, obviously because of his gender. I personally head cannon him as a trans man because that's how I interpreted his whole character arc (mainly referring to story wise, I never finished his social link). Also, in my opinion I think that they were trying to actual trans rep but didn't want to fully commit to it so they do the whole "psyche I think I wanna be a woman after all!' thing after he confronts his shadow. But like the whole point of the shadows is that they're parts of you that you perceive as ugly and unwanted but are still *you* and that you should embrace it instead of ignoring it or pretending it's not there.
They do this for Kanji too and it's so irritating. I won't derail this post by talking about the specifics but what they also do for both of them is that after they join the group, the writers *immediately* forget about the entire arc they just went through. Like for Kanji (derailing even tho I said I wouldn't sorry), his entire deal is him confronting the toxic masculinity that's been proposed onto him and embracing his true self that likes more "feminine" things and has expressed canonic attraction to men. Then, the immediate next event related thing is the camping trip. Where Yosuke feels uncomfortable because Kanji is in the same tent as him because he "doesn't want him to try anything" and this escalates to the point to where Kanji feels pressured enough to sneak into the girl's tent to prove how macho he is and how much he totally loves women (not saying the possibility of being bi is impossible here, the game just frames it in a very "one or the other" type way so that's why I'm talking about it like this) like this concept wasn't the entirety of what made Kanji so conflicted and insecure about his identity in the first place. Also back in terms of the "one or the other" thing in regards to his sexuality, they do the whole nose bleed thing for him with the girls in their bathing suits the next day (which isn't like him at all, also can't you tell I hated the camping trip :) ). And also once Naoto is "revealed" as a girl the writers kinda amplify his attraction where before it was implied but more lowkey. It feels like the writers just completely copped out and didn't want to commit to what they were doing.
Then for Naoto (I'm sorry I don't remember too much about his shadow so I'll only talk about what I for sure remember), the entire fucking place he's in is a "secret base" and at the end he is wanting to go through a "special operation". These heavily come off as metaphors for being closeted and undergoing top surgery respectively. He wants to be taken seriously as a detective and as a person and worries that both being a child and being
help I accidentally hit enter and it's not letting me fix it for some reason (assigned as) a woman (at birth) are holding him back (also he actively expresses that he wants to be a man and likes being treated as a man as opposed to a woman). Then not long after this, the group has physicals done and there is *immediate* attention brought to Naoto's chest measurements. Then at the school festival, he is forcibly entered into a female beauty pageant he does not want to take part in and multiple members of the group express desire in seeing what he looks like in a bathing suit (not 100% sure if they say "bikini" but I believe it is heavily implied) with emphasis on the chest. Also, I haven't seen it myself but have heard that if you decide to date Naoto that you kinda can force him into the mindset of being more feminine and "embracing his true female identity" (apparently a dialogue option can also affect if he wears his normal uniform or something more feminine (I forget what, I think it's a female uniform maybe?) to a festival). The whole thing with what I just pointed out is that the writers aren't taking Naoto seriously as a character here, he's just being used for fan service and being focused on as a woman which is something he actively doesn't want to be perceived as (also the heavy implications on boobs for a 15-16 year old is a bit 😬 but this is the persona series we're talking about so unfortunately nothing new).
The part with the fan base stuff is because in terms of the persona fandom as a whole, the trans man Naoto head cannon tends to be pretty looked down upon. A lot of people say that people who feel that way about his character "didn't read the story" which is very frustrating because I very much did, I just hated it because the writers didn't truly want to commit to making this character a trans man. He is heavily trans coded, this is inarguable (need I mention the top surgery again). And I do acknowledge that Naoto is canonically portrayed as female (I hate it </3). However this viewpoint is still looked down upon because some people don't really think critically in regards to persona's writing and just view it as if it were the word of god and that nothing from a persona game can ever be disliked or criticized. I love this series from the bottom of my heart, it's been a hyper fixation for years, I will however, criticize it until the day I die <3 (and do so because I love it)
what's wrong with them (affectionate)
This is mainly just referring to how he takes everything so seriously all the time. I think it's really funny arusutsitstk. I haven't seen the p4 anime but my favorite clip that I've seen is the valentines one where it shows Yu asking everyone out and then when it's Naoto's turn he's just like "this man is plotting to murder me" pls it's so funny 😭😭 also the way he always texts in all caps is hilarious
I like them but don't think about them much
I know... I should revoke my "trans Naoto stan" title for this </3 but this kinda applies to all the p4 characters for me unless if I'm currently like playing the game or something reminds me of it. I'm just not as fixated on that cast as I am abt p5's. I do think I may be more passionate abt some p4 characters sometimes tho (esp Naoto, Kanji, and Yosuke) due to wasted potential and just shitty copout writing. I also don't really have many persona friends who agree with how I feel about his character so I try not to bring him up often or keep the topic off of him </3
Thank you for the ask! There were some things I thought about marking but decided against. If anyone has questions about those or in general I'd be glad to answer in the replies because I don't want to make the post too long (even tho it already is, sorry I'm just rlly passionate abt Naoto 😭). Also please keep discourse off this post. I really don't have the time or energy to deal with it and I won't reply to it. I just want to talk about my blorbos in peace <3
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
Level up Dating Guide Part 1. 
1. Always look like you’re about to run into your ex or worst enemy. Hot as fuck. Ready to slay. And remember, greasy hair, chipped nails, bad fitting clothes have no place in your level up journey. Aim to look immaculate. Find what clothes suit your body shape and stick to those styles. Use Pinterest, and Instagram for style inspo. 
2. Arouse everyone’s senses around you with expensive perfume. Everything about you should scream luxury and regal energy. Oil based perfumes have more depth and smell rich as apposed to overpowering au de toilette. So stay away from anything cheap and sweet. Luxury fragrance brands such as Penhaligons, Le Labo, and Tom Ford are good options. Spray a little of each for a unique scent. Smelling divine on a date levels you up from a 5 to a 10 instantly. 
3. No dates where it’s easy for him and harder for you. Dating has to work for you from the get go. Never go out of your way for a man you’ve just met. He needs to learn from the very beginning that he has to put in work and that means dating is convenient for you, so regardless of how the date goes, you benefit. If you’re meeting him in the evening, make sure it’s a dinner so you don’t need to cook that night. Have a list of favourite restaurants and tick them all off with different dates. He wants to spend the day with you? He can take you for a spa day, that way you get massage, champagne and relaxation out of the date. Men are going to want this to be easy, they’re going to want to invite you over for a movie and take-out, or ‘cook for you’ after the first date and ladies this is a simple test to see how easy you are. He either takes you to that Michelin star restaurant or bye Felica. Next. 
4. Under no conditions do you spend any money to meet this man or spend time with him. There is only gains when it comes to dating, which means no losses, and no spending your own money because ‘you thought it would be polite to split the bill’ is a basic move. Get comfortable with smiling and continuing the conversation when the bills comes. If the man suggests splitting the bill, smile and tell him ‘you’ll get the next one’ and be sure to block and delete that dusties number while he’s paying. We never waste any time on basic men. 
5. We don’t deliver pussy. Ever. This means, no house dates. Don’t put yourself in a position for a man to lure you into the bedroom. It’s not worth it, all the post date anxiety about if he will call, and what are we now. No honey, just no. Keep your legs closed and meet him only in public. There will be plenty of time for house dates once you’re with your chosen man. This also filters out the men who are after a quick bang vs the men who want to get to know you.
6. No chasing. Chasing a man implies he’s running from you. You don’t chase anyone, the only thing you should be chasing is your dreams and goals. You need to have the confidence to know that what is meant for you will not pass you by. And chasing a man and feeling stressed and anxious is not a healthy start to any relationship. If you find this is your default feeling when you get close to a guy, or constantly feel triggered when dating, I recommend CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to work through these issues (otherwise if you don’t seek help you may continue to play out the same situations). 
7. Always have at least 3 men on your dating roster. In the world of dating apps (even during pandemic), the turn over can be crazy fast, one week he is your number one guy, the next week you find out he’s heartbroken over his ex and he can’t see you no more. Or maybe he realises you’re not an easy fuck so disappears suddenly. Whatever the reason, you need to remember ALL these men are disposable and replaceable, keep your options open. Always. Never over invest, men are the best actors and often can take weeks if not months to start seeing their true colours. This is the reason why you need options, as soon as one guy drops off, be prepared to replace him with another. 
8. Get clear on your dealbreakers. Actually, get crystal clear on what you’re looking for. Understand what type of man is going to give you the life you dream of. If you love luxury and finer things in life, then why date the guy who only takes public transport and only enjoys basic restaurants? Make sure you date men who are going to elevate you to where you want to be in life. Not men who are going to have you stuck in a life you don’t want or desire.
9. Learn the art of charm, flirting, and feminine energy. Watch films, read books, study women like Marilyn Monroe, and Cleopatra. These women had men hooked, learn from the master seductresses. 
10. Spend time with women who exude the confidence you dream off, women who attract men, women who are confident, women who are where you aspire to be. We unconsciously mirror the behaviour of those around, so ensure you have the right women to learn from in your level up journey. 
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Day 22: Flowing
Warnings: none (just fluff), dysphoria implied
Characters: All the dateables, m!MC(trans)
Summary: MC is asked to play the princess but you have to decline, fortunately there are plenty of people ready to take on the role for you 
Word count: 581
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“-and MC is going to be the princess.” You almost choke on your drink as you hear the words leave Simeon’s mouth. Giving him a frantic look you hope you heard that wrong, but from the discussion going around the table it didn’t seem that way.
“W-wait. Can’t someone else do it?” Simeon looks at you quizzically. You see Barbatos bring out the costumes, as the outrageously large dress comes into view you feel your heart drop. Just the thought of the flowing fabric against your body made you feel nauseous.
“I’m sorry MC but everyone else already has a role, besides, you’ve helped out tremendously with the play it’s only fair you get the lead role.” He gives you a gentle smile. You knew he didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable but, knowing how many people would come to see the play, you couldn’t bring yourself to even begin accepting it.
“Can I be the prince?” You offered.
“You are NOT putting me in a dress.” Lucifer snaps. “I know a certain someone who’d definitely snap pictures just to sell them for for an atrociously large sum.” He eyes Mammon across the table, the demon averts his gaze, taking a sudden interest to the table cloth. You hear some of the brothers chuckle at this, and you would too if it wasn’t for the situation at had.
“Oh! oh! Can I be the princess?” Asmo pipes up, you relax a little, someone like Asmo could definitely pull off the princess look well.
“Um, the princess has to kiss the prince and, well…” Simeon drawls, but Asmo is quick to answer.
“I don’t mind!”
“I do!” Lucifer let’s out a frustrated grunt. “MC, it’s just a dress, I don’t mean to sound rude, but, wearing a dress isn’t going to make you any less of a man.” He tries to reason with you, but you couldn’t help but feel even more uneasy.
“Yes! You’d just be a man in a dress!” Simeon chips in.
“I’m…sorry but I can’t do that. I don’t…” Looking away, you felt guilty. Thinking that you might be overreacting.
“Just let me be the princess! I was practically born for it! Im sure the audience would adore me.” Asmo claims dramatically as he stands up, but his face morphs into that of shock and he plops back down. “Oh but, what if I’m too captivating? Then the rest of you might get forgotten…” You found it amusing how he seemed genuinely conflicted at that thought. Unexpectedly, Diavolo speaks up.
“How about Asmo as the princess, MC as the prince, and Lucifer can be the knight?” Lucifer nods in agreement and you felt relief spread through you. Just as Simeon is about to hand out the scripts, Belphie interrupts.
“Shouldn’t the princess be someone small? I think I should do it.”
“You’re just sayin that cuz you wanna kiss MC!” Mammon shouted form his seat.
“The princess should be tall and muscular.” Beel says.
“Isn’t blonde hair a common trait for a princess?” Satan adds.
“Um, I don’t want to sound arrogant but like, shouldn’t princesses be shy and innocent.” Levi timidly claims but Satan shuts him down.
“If it’s innocence your going for then you definitely don’t fit the bill.” Levi stars sulking at this, the brothers continue to bicker for a few more minutes before Lucifer threatens them with the promise of punishment. All the while Diavolo watches in amusement.
You were just glad you didn’t need to wear an outrageous dress.
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Note: honestly this is more of a crack fic than fluff lol. Also why is it that whenever i say I’m not comfortable wearing a dress there’s always one person who goes ‘wearing a dress doesn't make you a women :)’ I get that they’re trying to cheer me up but it never fails to irritate me :/
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