#having sensitive skin has never been worse to me
satellitesunset · 2 years
currently enduring bleach infected brain and boy is the suffering real.
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suguann · 3 months
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✎. jjk men who are infatuated with you. | wc. 2.4k+
tags. fem!reader, bsf sister, cockwarming, slightly rough sex, best friends to lovers, exhibitionism, breast f*cking, domestic nanami, pet names, praise, mild dark content, dubcon, stepcest, stuckage
featuring. gojo, higuruma, nanami, geto, sukuna
an. banner is from hare kon okawari | masterlist
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He shouldn’t even entertain the thought of wanting you—somewhere in the world, there’s a book of rules that says you shouldn’t develop a crush on your best friend’s little sister. 
It doesn’t stop him from letting you talk him into shopping (as if he’d ever tell you no) and watching you try on tiny, flowy sundresses that make his jaw ache, how he’s just on the side of too-weak for those low-scooped tops you’re always wearing whenever he’s at your house. 
At first, Gojo wonders if you do it on purpose—the bashful smiles and bumping shoulders if he’s close by—but you’re painfully shy for that to be the case. It’s why a smirk tugs at his mouth after leaving love bites across your chest when he finally gets you alone in his room so that he might see the adorable little face you make as you try to cover them up afterward. 
He has you perched in his lap on the bed with an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you rooted on his cock buried deep inside the hot-wet heat between your legs. His mouth sucks marks into your skin wherever he can reach, deep groans rumbling in his chest every time your pussy clenches down on him—a sweet reminder that he hasn’t let you move for a while.
“Toru, not there,” you squeak, fingers knotting in the hair at his nape to gently pull him away. “People will see.” 
But he doesn’t listen as he rolls a nipple between his fingers, mesmerized by the sight of it pebbling into a tight peak—your thighs shaking around him when he pinches too hard.
“So fucking pretty,” he growls, biting his lip as he finally looks up at you. “Just let me play with them a bit more, and then I’ll fuck you. I promise.”
A white lie, but he’s done and said worse, and this isn’t that. This is him savoring a victory he never knew he had until you fluttered those long lashes and asked for a kiss.
You’re gasping and writhing, unable to do anything except sit there while he overstimulates you with his mouth and fingers. When he finally rolls you over onto your back, you’ve already cum twice, but that doesn’t stop him, greedy hips churning against yours and stealing another.
He sucks a nipple into his mouth, loving how you quiver underneath him, your soft socks slipping where they try to rest around his waist. “You’re so sensitive, huh, baby?” he rasps, nosing the soft swell of your breast as he crowds you underneath him. 
You mewl out a broken version of his name, hot pants against his neck that make you sound so desperate—not really answering him as your nails bite into his shoulders—and he can’t get over the way you look right now, how you sound. He’ll never be able to go back to pretending that you’re Geto’s annoying little sister (as if he ever thought you were) as Gojo watches drool trail from the side of your mouth from how good he’s fucking you. 
“Do you know how filthy you look right now?” he grits between his teeth. “Been thinking about this for so long—fuck—can’t believe I finally get to have you.”
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It’s an accident the first time it happens. 
You’re at the beach, playing with him in the water, when a wave hits you and washes your bikini top away. You squeal, and because he’s your best friend and has always looked out for you, he doesn’t realize right away he used his hands to shield your bare breasts from everyone else on the beach—eyes round when Higuruma does.
It’s innocent—his intent—yet alarm bells are ringing in his ears.
He expects you to shove him away—you don’t. Instead, you give him a sweet smile with a soft, muttered thank you and let him carry you back to the towels. 
He’s still reeling at how you fit perfectly in his palms, skin against skin in a way he’s only ever shamefully imagined alone with his fist around his dick. It has him shifting his trunks uncomfortably, and he wants—no, needs (a definite need) more.
Higuruma spreads you out on your towel under the canopy of the large beach umbrella, the shirt he gave you pushed up and held out of the way under your chin as you watch him. His shoulders block out anybody from really seeing how he’s teasing your nipples into his mouth—your fingers digging into the hair at his nape to keep him there. 
He never thought he’d get this far after years of watching you dance around the periphery of his life without ever really being his. How seeing you like this—whimpering his name under your breath, eyelashes fluttering against the tops of your cheeks, and grinding onto his thigh pressed up between yours—only ever existed in a fantasy or two. 
There’s nothing to do but watch as the lines of an eight-year friendship crumble into the sand with your soft squeaks of more, and his low groans fuck, and he can’t bring himself to feel anything other than a small flame doused in kerosene. 
If this is the sacrifice for holding you and whispering sweet nothings into your sweat-slick skin, he’ll gladly burn.
He’d keep you like this forever if he could, and the way you look at him, pleading with your eyes, makes him think you’d let him if he asked (or maybe he wouldn’t have to).
He releases your nipple and smiles when your shirt falls from your teeth with a whine, your foot stomping against the towel in a way that’s too fucking cute.
“Why’d you stop?”
All the blood and heat in his body rush to his dick at how needy you sound—for him, all for him—and his breath fans across your spit-slick skin shakily, pent up and overflowing with nerves he’s held onto for as long as he can remember. “Sweetheart, you have to be quiet.”
You nod eagerly, your grip tightening in his hair to bring him back towards you. “Okay. Okay. I’ll be quiet. Just please don’t stop.”
When your leg brushes the tent in his trunks, it feels like his eyes roll into the back of his head from the contact. He greedily takes your tight, sensitive peak back into his mouth again—hardly paying attention to the wanton moans you fail to suppress as you continue grinding onto his thigh.
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Nanami stares at you more often than usual after you have his son—at how your chest fills out every top you wear, and your hips become the perfect place for his hands—a strange new obsession that develops overnight without a manual or an off switch.
One day, you’re his beautiful wife. The next, you’re his beautiful wife holding his baby, and suddenly, he’s seeing the world through a clear lens, and he can’t stop looking.
His hands are always on you just to curb the constant ache that never really fades, brushing hair out of your face, massaging your lower back, shamelessly letting them wander too close to the underside of your breasts whenever he can. Sometimes, he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, and sometimes it’s all he can think to do.
Some days, after a stressful work day, he’ll lay atop your chest and pepper kisses against whatever skin he can reach, wandering, eager hands getting their fill until he falls asleep. On other days, he stays up long enough—baby tucked away in his crib and the monitor softly humming on the coffee table—to peel your clothes out of the way to get the full picture.
“Just like that, darling,” he groans, watching where you’re kneeled between his legs, unable to take his eyes off the way his leaky tip peeks out from between your soft, bare breasts. 
You stick out your tongue to lick away the pearl of white drooling out of his slit, only to spit it back onto his cock to help aid your up and down movements. It has him throbbing at how messy it is, liquid-hot heat pooling in his stomach at how good it feels. He knows he’s not going to last much longer, and he’s torn on whether or not to stop you or let you keep going.
“How does it feel?” you peer up at him through long lashes like you don’t already know what you’re doing to him.
“‘Good, darling. So fucking good—fuck, keep going—pretty little wife on her knees for me,” he curses, hips shuddering when he thrusts up, watching his length disappear and reappear again and again.
The delicate smile that adorns your lips makes his heart flutter, and balls draw up to his body. “Yeah? You gonna cum, Kento?”
“I don’t—I, fuck, yes.” He’d much rather finish with his face buried in your tits, but he’s already too far gone to pull away, to shove you down onto the couch.
You hum softly. “I want you to cum on me. Please.”
That’s his final undoing, groaning at the thought of him marking those cute tits that take up his every spare thought, cumming unexpectedly in a rush of white-hot pleasure before he can stop it. His cock jerks until viscous streaks of white paint your chest, and it makes everything sticky and sloppy, sending a weak burst of liquid pleasure rushing up his spine before he slumps against the couch with a satisfied sigh. 
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He loves it when you’re like this. Soft and pliant beneath him, eyelashes spiked with tears.
He doesn’t know where to look—can’t decide between the smattering of possessive marks littering the inside of your thighs or the ones that travel across your chest. 
A decision easily made for him when he presses the tip of his sensitive cock back into your fluttering cunt, unable to tear his eyes away from how your breasts bounce with every one of his harsh, desperate thrusts. His thumb smooths over a peaked nipple—bitten raw and pinched tight—and he curses under his breath at the feel of you clenching on him like a vice.
You tell him how good he feels under a hitched breath, and his chest tightens because he can’t remember the last time someone used an adjective like that to describe him. Good. It’s weird how such a simple word can make Geto’s head spin and make him feel like anything other than the man he is outside your bed.
He ducks his head down to suck another little bruise right above your nipple, the corners of his mouth curling slightly, knowing that he’ll be the only one that’ll know it exists. 
“Prettiest fucking girl I know,” he breathes harshly, already close. “I wish you could see how perfect you look.”
Geto slips his fingers between you, playing over the tiny, sensitive bud at the peak of your thighs.
“Oh.” A soft sigh.
“Maybe I should take a picture, huh? Would you let me? So I can look at you like this,” —he thrusts deep, making sure you’ll be able to feel him afterward— “all damn day, every fucking day.”
And like a tightrope snapping loose, you fall apart around him, practically choking his cock, and he fills up your cunt for the second time that night.
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You're cleaning the apartment you share with your step-brother until it's spotless because the guy you’ve kind of had a crush on since the start of the semester is coming over today to study, and the butterflies in your belly tell you today is the day he’s finally going to ask you out. 
What you don’t anticipate—between throwing away Sukuna’s collection of energy drinks on the coffee table and doing a load of laundry—is the possibility of getting stuck in the too-small dryer while reaching for a sock or that your brother would be the one to find you bent over with your shorts riding up your legs.
You suppress a groan at the sound of Sukuna's patronizing voice behind you. "What do we have here?"
"Don't just stand there, idiot," you hiss. "Help me."
He chuckles in that mean, condescending way that always sets your teeth on edge. "You're really bossy for someone with their ass hanging out of a dryer. Maybe I should leave you here and wait for Mick—”
“His name’s Mitch—”
“—to find you."
"No!" you say almost too loudly, wincing as your voice echoes around the dryer. With a small sigh, your head hanging, you add, "Please help me."
"That's better." 
It's quiet for a moment, and you start fidgeting again to free yourself until you feel a pair of large hands palming your hips, and you can't stop the squeak that escapes the back of your throat—not expecting the terrible-hot-wrongness of it to feel so good.
A feeling stirs in your belly that you’d tucked away long ago, and only returning to under the safety of the baby blue twinkle string lights in your room—hand in your sleep shorts and teeth digging an imprint into the palm of your hand to hold back the name you only chant in your head.
“You’re s-supposed to be helping,” your voice wavers, dizzy with what’s transpiring in that cramped laundry room.
He huffs a soft laugh behind you, pressing a kiss to the base of your spine where your shirt rode up. “Give me a minute.”
It's embarrassing when you feel wetness pooling in the seat of your underwear, heat rushing from the roots of your hair and down to your toes when his hands travel over the swell of your ass in your tiny shorts. 
You're almost compelled to tell him you’ll get out on your own because it’s the right thing to do—to put a stop to something that shouldn’t happen except in cheap porn. Then his hand comes down against your backside, hard, and every single thought in your head scrambles like an egg on hot pavement.
You whimper, the force of his slap jolting you further into the dryer, sweaty hands scrambling against the metal walls to keep your face from crashing into it.
"Fuck, I've always wanted to do that,” he breathes before tugging the crotch of your shorts and panties out of the way, and you feel something wet and slick drip against your cunt. "Maybe I'll just keep you here for a bit. What do you say, sis?"
His thumb runs along your slit and presses inside you.
“Ah. W-wai—”
“Shh. Just—fuck, so fucking tight—just let me enjoy this pussy, huh?” And quieter, “I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
You shiver and swallow around the words threatening to escape: me, too.
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woahjo · 3 months
APHRODISIAC! (Bakugou x Reader)
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Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Summary: Katsuki gets hit with an aphrodisiac quirk. You decide to check in on him. What could go wrong?
Chapter Content Warnings:  fem!reader, dubcon, smut, porn with little to no plot, aphrodisiac quirks, quirkless reader, prohero!katsuki, rough sex, borderline free use, biting, creampie, multiple orgasms (fem!receiving), masturbation, edging (kinda), manhandling, katsuki is dominant but also not idk he's desperate, possessiveness, overstimulation, size kink, scent kink, some light aftercare! woo hoo!, friends to lovers sort of
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: yeah ik this isn't what i typically write but idk where this came from. i had a thought and it spiraled bad and now i have this. there is no deeper message. there is no meaning. i wrote this to make him FUCK and be kinda weird and desperate and pathetic about it. i needed to see him physically overpower us while also so desperate that it makes him look stupid. i feel violent. this bad boy is not going on ao3 lol. anyway, enjoy, heed the warnings.
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Katsuki paces around the one bedroom apartment he rents in downtown Musutafu. His skin is tingling. Every nerve he has burns like it's been set on fire, needing some sort of touch to soothe it. His cock aches between his legs, hard and leaking against the side of his thigh. Katsuki grits his teeth, running his hands over his hair and then letting his palms slide down the sides of his exposed biceps. 
Sweat collects on his skin, the kind that comes from desperation or maybe a fever, and he feels it on his palms when he lets them drop to his sides and clenches his fists. Fuck, he can't believe he got hit with a non-fatal quirk and had to be sent home. It's humiliating. What's worse is that it hasn't worn off yet, rendering him completely useless. 
He sits on his couch, his legs spread wide, and leans back against the couch cushions, wincing as he reaches to unbutton his pants. He's never been this sensitive in his life and it almost hurts to grab his cock and pull it from his pants. Katsuki watches it twitch for a moment, rigid between his legs and leaking pre-cum from its angry tip. He doesn't even have to think about anything in particular, he's just turned on. Unbearably so. 
Katsuki wraps his hand around the base of his cock and jerks upward once, sucking in a sharp breath through his teeth at his own sensitivity. Then, the desperation sets in fully and he squeezes the head of his cock with a wince and a low groan before beginning to slide his hand up and down. He pauses to spit into his palm, desperate for some sort of relief from the tension weaving its way through his body, his hand moving faster and fast over this dick. Katsuki only pauses when he touches his overly sensitive head, swallowing down an audible moan as he moves his hips to desperately fuck his fist. 
He tries not to think of the humiliation in this, instead focusing on chasing a high that seems to get farther and farther. He stays like this for a while, desperately fucking his fist with low groans and whines. His face is completely flushed, sweat beading on his brow and forehead, covering every inch of his skin with a pathetic, glowing sheen. God, he's almost fucking angry. The frustration, the sheer desperation for release, is making it difficult to control his temper and he knots his free hand into the soft pillow beside him, raising it to his face and using it to cover his head so he can be a little louder. 
He's desperately humping his fist when his doorbell rings. At first, it's only once and Katsuki thinks he can ignore it, but then it comes again, five more times and consistently more aggressive. 
"Katsuki?" your voice calls through the wood paneling of his door. "I heard you got hit with a quirk and sent home. Let me in." 
He furrows his eyebrows at the irony of the last person in the world he wants to encounter at a time like this. Pretty, quirkless, you. His long time friend and recent dispatcher at his agency. Someone he secretly wants to fuck even without the aphrodisiac quirk floating through his bloodstream. You really get under his skin. You’re exactly his type, right down to that annoying little attitude of yours that drives Katsuki insane. Of course, he's always respected your friendship a little too much to do anything about it, but tonight, he doesn't think he'll be able to and he sits in silence with his lip caught between his teeth while he fucks his fists and hopes you'll go away. 
"I know you're in there," you call again. "I can see the light on." 
You bang three times on the door and then ring the doorbell again, pushy and insistent the way you always are. A match for his stubborn attitude. 
Katsuki swears and stands up, his hands shaking as he tucks his sensitive cock back into his sweatpants and flips the head up into his waistband with a hiss. 
The crazy thing is, he can literally smell you through the door. The scent of you, that sweet and rounded perfume you wear, wafts under the crack of his apartment door. He pauses outside of it, resisting the temptation to open it, to welcome that smell into his apartment and use you to relieve the aching in his cock and lower belly. 
"Katsuki?" You ask, a little quieter now. 
Jesus fucking christ, don't call his name like that. 
He swings the door open, letting his hand rest on the side of it so that it is positioned above his head. You look taken aback at his appearance, covered in sweat and flushed from the neck up, his chest exposed and heaving. 
"What?" he says, looking you up and down. 
Katsuki bites back the urge to yank you in. Why is it he can literally smell the sweat on your body and every prick of your emotions? It's like he can tell exactly what you're thinking, or maybe it's what he wants you to be thinking. 
"Don't get on my ass about me still technically needing to be at work," you start, stepping forward. "I heard something happened and I just came to check and you look like shi-" 
Katsuki blocks you from coming in with his body. You stumble backwards lightly and raise your eyebrow at him. There's a pause as you register that you've just run into a solid wall of muscle, sweat covered and glistening, while Katsuki eyes you like you're meat on a platter. He knows he's doing it, but he can literally smell every turn of your scent, soft and sweet. And he may be fooling himself... but are you... turned on? 
"Let me in?" you say with a small laugh, side stepping to go around him. He blocks you again, his fingers gripping the door frame so hard that his knuckles are white. 
"Go home," he says quietly, his voice tense. 
"What? No," you furrow your eyebrows at him. "What's the matter with you?" 
You duck under his arm and place your hand momentarily on his chest. Your touch makes him tingle all over and he sucks in a sharp breath. 
"I'm not fucking around," he says. 
"Okay, me neither," you respond with a bit of an attitude. "I expected you to be worse for wear but you look like crap. Like you're... I don't know." 
You trail off a little. 
"Let me help," you say, shaking off whatever thought had come over you. "I'll make you some food." 
"Look, no offense, but I don't think you want to help me with this," he says, a frustrated bite in his voice. Food isn't exactly what he's hungry for. 
"That's too bad," you say slowly, seemingly put off by the desperate air about him and settling into his kitchen. You move to open the fridge.
Katsuki walks up to you quickly, taking your wrist from the door and holding it between the two of you. Cool air hits his exposed chest and arm as the door falls shut again. 
"I'm dead serious. Get the fuck out of here or I'm gonna do something I regret," he hisses through a clenched jaw. Your skin is warm on the pads of his fingers, wrist held flush against his palm. He bites back a genuine shudder. 
Your eyes are wide as you look back at him, glancing between where he's caught your wrist by your head and his eyes. Katsuki's gaze roams over your face, pausing as he hits the top of your blouse where a few buttons remain open. When he returns his eyes to yours, your mouth moves to open before a heady understanding settles over your features. You're so pretty. Everything about you is pretty, so delightful and delicate. Your eyes look glassy and wide. Katsuki has always found them tempting, but today he can't stop himself. 
He leans forward and kisses you, holding your wrist to his chest as his mouth comes messily into contact with yours. You squeak and freeze and it takes all he has to pull away from you. 
"Go home," he says again, his lips tingling. Katsuki feels the color creep onto his cheeks, his hand still holding your wrist. 
You don't say anything, looking at him with those pretty eyes. He swallows thick and feels the saliva drag against his throat. Then, his mouth dries completely, his expression twisting into discomfort as his cock throbs between his legs as the scent of you takes on a sharper turn. He's never felt anything like this before, something animal. 
Katsuki tightens his jaw, staring at you for a moment. Then, he takes a step towards you. You take one back, though he doesn't feel like you're afraid. Rather, you tilt your head down to look at him through your lashes. He lets out a breath through his teeth and walks you back until your ass hits the counter, his free hand coming to gingerly touch your waist. You inhale when he leans in to kiss you again, screwing your eyes shut and reaching to grab at his shoulder to pull him closer. 
Every touch tingles. It burns and he drops your wrist to manhandle your hips. You suck on his bottom lip, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down to you. He ruts his hips against yours, desperate for any sort of friction to relieve the ache, and you gasp a little and let your mouth fall open. Katsuki takes the opportunity to bite down hard on your lip with a low groan, slipping his tongue into your mouth as the pads of his fingers press harshly into you. You whine, eyebrows pulling up. 
Katsuki’s eyes are slightly open, just so that he can look at you. Every aspect of his senses feel heightened and the relief of your mouth far surpasses that of his hand over his throbbing cock only minutes earlier. 
He pants, taking your hips and lifting you onto the counter so that you’re seated, pulling away for just a moment to lift the hem of your shirt and expose your breasts. Katsuki puts his face on the pillowy tops of them, biting and sucking at the exposed skin as his hand teases its way up the skin of your back to unclasp it. He thinks you’re probably looking at him, but if you are, he doesn’t have the mind to care about what sort of behavior he’s exhibiting. He can practically smell how wet you are from just a little touching and if he weren’t so fucking desperate for a little relief, he’d tease you for a few hours just to watch your pussy drool over him. 
The cool air of his apartment hits your exposed nipples. Katsuki takes it upon himself, without even a second thought, to roll the hard bud under his tongue. He feels the way goosebumps rise on your skin, his hands coming to rest over the tops of your thighs. Katsuki bites lightly on your breast and you fucking whine at it, tipping your head back and rooting your hand into the tufts of his blonde hair. 
His cock jumps in his pants and he’s no doubt leaked enough to leave an evident wet spot against the gray of his sweatpants. He stands to his full height, pushing your skirt up and pressing the outline of his cock to your crotch. Heat bleeds through your panties, the kind that makes him feel like he’s going absolutely fucking insane. You gasp, putting your hands on his shoulders and pulling him close again. 
Katsuki’s mouth hits yours messily, breathing hard as he ruts his hips up against your crotch, pulling you forward on the counter so he can feel as much of the pillowy folds of your pussy through the thick fabric as possible. You let him take your bottom lip between his teeth, sharp canines digging into the wet flesh of your mouth. He whines— high-pitched, desperate sound—as you position your hips to press your crotch against the head of his cock. His head falls onto your chest, forehead resting against the hollow of your throat. Katsuki humps at you, pulling you against him to match the rhythm of his hips, grinding your clothed cunt over the bulge of his cock. It’s a desperate motion, completely subconscious as he lets the quirk he’s been hit with take the lead.
His fingers dip into the crease of your thigh, fumbling as they reach for the waistband of the panties you’re wearing. Katsuki’s desperation is so palpable that he finds himself panting as he slips his fingers into the sides of your underwear, yanking them down. You gasp at the force of it and he swears he hears a small tear as he pulls them from your cunt, the crotch sticking to the lips of your pussy. 
He leans his hips forward again, sliding his cock between your folds with a deep grunt. His mouth finds your neck and he bites along the side of it, lathing his tongue over your pulse point. It’s like he can taste you. Salt and that stupid perfume, collecting on his tongue as you dig your fingers into his back, his dick rutting restlessly against your clit. At one point, he almost slips in, his eagerness and your wetness making him careless. Katsuki sucks in a breath through his teeth, his whole body on fire. 
The kitchen light shines down on his back and he can see the outline of part of his shadow on your thighs as he stares down at them, guiding the tip of himself to your entrance. He hears you wine when he presses against it and moves his hand down subconsciously to rub at your clit. An attempt to ease the stretch. 
You tip your head back in a moan and Katsuki takes the opportunity to kiss your neck before settling his teeth against your shoulder and biting down harshly on the muscle connecting your neck and arm. You yelp at the sensation and Katsuki shutters at the sound, willing out a choked I’m sorry as he slides into your wetness. His hands push into the delightfully soft flesh of your upper thighs, the fat spilling up around each individual digit as he uses your legs for leverage, sliding you forward even further to better seat you on him. 
Your legs are shaking and he can feel the way your nails dig into his exposed shoulder blades. Your bunch up skirt causes the fat of your tummy to fold over in a way that practically makes Katsuki drool. He urges himself to pause, attempting to come back to his senses as the quirk kicks into high gear. There’s relief in being inside of you, in feeling the flutter of your walls around his thick cock, but it also makes him desperate. Katsuki feels like he’s chasing something that he was desperately and it’s just out of his reach. 
You’re breathing heavily above him, he can see the rise and fall of your chest from where his head hangs down, his hands trembling on the tops of your thighs. He looks up at you through his lashes, his vision foggy around the edges as if he were peering through a tube. You’re at the end of it, your eyes glassy and mouth open, returning the look. Your eyebrows are knitted up in pleasure, but you almost seem confused. 
“What are you waiting for?” You breathe out, the first thing you’ve said since he started touching you. 
The tone of your voice is needy, with a delightful whiny lilt that makes him groan out loud. He can barely manage the words that come out next, his brain half mush, and he feels the way his cock jumps inside of you. 
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” he says through gritted teeth, his breath coming heavy. 
There’s a pause and he feels the distinct sensation of you squeezing down around his cock, like the idea turns you on. 
“Use me,” you respond cautiously, your voice still containing that needy lilt. 
Katsuki’s hips fuck up into you voluntarily and he feels the way his breath catches in his throat at the near desperate sound of your voice.
“Say that again.” 
“Use me, Katsuki,” you respond, choking on your words as he fucks his hips up into you. 
You reach for his face, taking it in your hands and drawing it close until it’s just in front of yours. Then, your palms slide down his shoulders and he screws his eyes shut and fucks into you again, harder this time, causing your body to jolt upwards on the counter. 
He curses under his breath, pushing one leg further to the side and fucking his hips up into you roughly. You’re looking right at him, your expression drawn and pleasure-soaked, sweat collecting on your forehead as your mouth drops open into an o-shape. You punctuate his thrusts with high pitched yelps, squeaking out your pleasure and the deepness of where he’s hitting through choked moans. 
Katsuki’s hands move up your stomach to roughly cup your breasts, his mouth so close to yours that he’s practically breathing in the sounds you make in exchange for his own hurried groans. He kneads at the fat of your chest, rolling your breast under his fingers before taking your nipples and pulling lightly on them. 
He’s aware of just how rough he’s being, just how hard his hips are slapping yours, but he feels like he can’t stop. Katsuki chases a high so fucking desperate that his body is on autopilot, reaching and touching and moaning unabashedly as the room fills with the wet sound of his balls on the backs of your thick thighs. 
You push your chest forward towards him, legs spread wide to make room for the width of his hips between yours as he bullies that perfect sensitive spot inside of you. Katsuki feels the way he makes you flutter. Every shift of your body, every involuntary squeeze of your cunt as he drags his cock along your walls, registers as if he were a part of you. His skin tingles everywhere you touch and the drag of your nails over his shoulder blades makes him want to crawl into the deepest part of you. Even the sound of your voice, drawn and desperate and mildly overwhelmed, feels like a drug to him. Every sense he has seems to be acutely attuned to just how badly he needs to fuck your lights out. 
His hands slink down to your hips, resituating you and pulling you flush against him. Then, he drags his cock all the way out of you and quickly ruts back in, moaning as he does. His pace picks up, manhandling you forward on the counter until he is supporting most of your weight. You gasp, your hands gripping his shoulders as you let him use you like a toy. 
Katsuki chases his high, his stomach seeming to wind tighter and tighter but never finding that perfect snap and release. His movements grow faster, using all of his strength to fuck his hips up into you, barreling his cock against your gummy walls and bullying your sweet spot. He feels the way you tighten down around him, your body tensing and fingers digging crescent moons into the tops of his shoulders. 
“Ka-” you choke out desperately, your voice breaking. “Wait, Katsuki, wait! I’m gonna-” 
You shudder, your thighs squeezing around him as he continues to fuck you. 
“Do it,” he seethes, “just fuckin’ do it.” 
The end of his sentence comes out as more of a whimper as you cry out and squeeze down around him, squirming in his grasp as you begin to twitch with every additional thrust. Your body shakes, legs locking around him and struggling to hold him inside as he fucks you clear through your orgasm and then to the other side. 
Katsuki’s voice breaks, almost whimpering like an animal as he buries himself in your pussy over and over again. He wants to smother you, he wants to completely cover your body and get as close as he possibly can. He’s already so much bigger than you, so much broader, how hard could it be to swallow you completely? 
Katsuki’s hands come up under your ass as he wordlessly lifts you from the counter and moves to the couch on desperate, shaky steps. He lays you down, slipping out of you for a moment, before pressing a hand to the inside of your thigh, spreading your legs, and sinking his cock back into you as he crowds his body over yours. 
“You know what?” He says, not really sure what’s going to come next. His head is so clouded with the quirk that he can’t think straight. “I’ve wanted to do this forever. I’ve wanted to fuck you for so- long-” 
He screws his eyes shut, almost angry with the way he can’t seem to hit that high, teetering on a desperate and near painful edge. 
“Those fuckin’ pencil skirts,” he says, unable to control his words or sharp tone. “The way you wear your hair, that damn look in your eye that constantly makes you seem like you’re beggin’ for it.” 
Katsuki whines, a sharp sound from the back of his throat, as you tighten up around him. He meets your gaze, clouded and watery eyes accented by the delightful furrow in the center of your brow. 
“And then you show up here,” he groans, not even sure of what he’s really saying. “Blouse unbuttoned, looking for trouble. I’m gonna fuck your lights out. ‘Till you can’t even think about fuckin’ anyone else.” 
He leans in close, his mouth right up against yours. 
“This is g’nna make you mine, right?” 
You nod, your movements clumsy, and pull him close to you. 
Katsuki loses all of his sense, burying himself in the feel of your pussy and the way he sinks into you, giving into the desperation of the quirk. He can feel just how deep he’s hitting, the way you suck in sharp, whiny breaths with every inward thrust. Katsuki’s hands grip your waist, pulling your ass up off the couch so that his angle is better. 
His cock seems to drag endlessly against your overstimulated, pillowy, insides and you practically drool around. He feels like a dog slobbering over meat, any semblance of politeness completely gone from both his expression and his movements. This is going to fucking ruin your friendship, but he doesn’t even have half of a mind to think about it, so drawn into the delightful feel of your body and the aching in his cock that only seems to subside slightly with every thrust. 
You try to choke out the word “again” and he feels like he knows what’s coming. Your whole body tenses, legs locking around him as you cream over his cock for the second time. 
This seems to get Katsuki somewhere, the sensation of your pussy clamping down finally giving him some leeway to relief. He hits the edge of an orgasm, leading himself to the finish line. 
The tension in his belly grows, cock twitching inside of your fucked out cunt. His fingers dig into your hips and he collapses forward, rolling his body so that the head of his cock catches perfectly inside of you, massaging and churning you up. You’re moaning, though maybe it’s more adjacent to whining, and Katsuki can hear himself mimicking the sounds, his body leading the way. 
Then finally, on a pathetic and broken whimper, Katsuki cums. His whole body tenses, weight pressing down on you as he buries his face into your neck and lets his voice out beside the hollow of your throat. The relief and pleasure is so intense that Katsuki feels the way every muscle in his body tenses and lets go, filling you up with as much of him as he has to give. 
His hips continue to pathetically rut into you, little choked moans escaping his lips as he uses his own cum as lube for his weak little thrusts. Then, he completely relaxes. 
Katsuki feels the way his skin stops burning, the way the desperation at the back of his throat subsides, how his body rids itself of the quirk as quickly as the arousal came on. He shudders, coming back to himself and raising his head to peer at your expression. 
You look exhausted, hair a mess and face covered in a thick sheen of sweat. You still flutter around his cock, your hands gripping his shoulders as you try and ride through the overstimulation of just having him inside of you. Katsuki furrows his brows, exhaustion creeping into his muscles. He raises his hand and uses it to push stray strands of hair from your face with his palm on your forehead. Then, with a clear mind, he leans forward and kisses you. 
You blink at him for a second, before giving a weak smile, raising your eyebrows and letting your head fall to the side. Katsuki winces when he pulls out of you, sucking in a sharp breath and standing to his full height. He places a hand on his forehead like he’s assessing the situation, staring at your body, still fully clothed with your skirt pushed all the way up your stomach and your blouse missing a button at the top. 
He wordlessly walks to the bathroom and wets a washcloth with warm water, walking back over to you and wiping down the exposed parts of your body. You don’t really say anything to him, but you smile quietly while he gingerly wipes you down, your smeared makeup accenting just how much of a mess he’s made. 
“Fuck,” he says. “I’m sorry, this isn’t how-” 
“How you wanted this to go?” You say softly, the corners of your lips turning up. 
Katsuki feels the way he flushes, all the way to the tops of his chest. 
“No, it’s not,” he admits, running a hand over his face as he crouches beside you. 
You laugh a little and he furrows his brows at you, frustrated and embarrassed. 
“You’ve got a bit of a possessive streak, huh?” You tease lightly.
“I got hit with some asshole’s fuckin’ quirk and-” he begins explaining himself, something he probably should have done when you showed up at the door. 
“It was good though,” you say, tilting your head at him from where you lay.
Katsuki blinks at you, his expression completely flat. You should really know just how fucking crazy you drive him. Then, he scowls a little, not because he’s upset, but because he’s currently feeling the opposite and that makes him awkward. 
“You’re into that shit?” He says, a bit incredulously. 
You shrug and give him a coy smile. 
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t4rt4gl14 · 1 year
Genshin men x reader drink among us potion at three am (not clickbait) (gone sexual)
AMONG US POTION. AT 3AM [ 100% REAL!!! ][ 18+ ]
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★ [ fem!reader. dom!reader. handjob. blowjob. edging. overstimulation. praise. degradation. bondage. blindfolding. cockslapping. toys. nipple play. dacryphilia. aphrodisiac. ]
A/N: it been a month :( BUT IM BACKK >:) i got the juice and personally i LOVEEEE this one defo one of my favs <3
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for god knows what reason, you had ordered an ‘among us potion’ which in reality was just a red drink laced with aphrodisiac labelled ‘IMPOSTER’. LETS TRY IT AT 3AM!!
“alright 3AM among us potion challenge!! drink up childe!”, and with that he swallows the aphrodisiac in one go. unbeknownst to him the funny feeling in his pants begin to swell to the point where it’s just obvious he’s horny. cheeks red, breathe heavy whilst his hips are unable to remain still and to make matters worse your teasing doesn’t help either. sliding your palm under his shirt and down his toned body, rubbing the fabric over his hard cock; he whines out however he moans even louder when your hand dips into his sweatpants and slowly jerk his shaft, “mm a-ah hold on! m’sensitive, feels..o-ohhnn!~”, back slowly arching out as your pace increases.
he closes his eyes and basks in the pleasure, while you bend down to suck on his tip and stroke the rest of his thick length, “m’gonna cum! cumminggg! oohh nghhn c-cumming!~”, childe grabs onto your locks pushing your head down further- forcing the rest of his length down your throat as his cum paints the insides of your mouth a gooey white. poor childe he looks so debauched from a single blowjob </333.
kaveh stayed up all night just so he could participate in this ‘3AM’ challenge with you! such a sweet s/o, even sweeter when the tears of pleasure stream down his pretty face, the tip of his cock a fuzzy red as the cockring continues to vibrate— i mean he has already orgasmed but the aphrodisiac makes him so sensitive!! why not play with him for a while??, “good boy! it’s okay you can cum for me again, shh shh it’s okayy”, your praise is the only thing keeping him sane; whilst he mewls and cries with his body shaking vigorously, “nonono! c-can’t cum again! mmnghh!~ oh my a-archons t-too sensitive p-please!~”
and so, his second orgasm causes him to scream, hips bucking as the cum shoots from his tip, splattering onto his stomach. chest heaving up and down as a means of catching his breathe; kavehs sure he’s just had the best orgasm he’s ever had in his life. he definitely won’t be opposed to this ‘among us potion’ again ;)
now i’m pretty sure dilucs just playing along for your sake of course but at 3AM he desperately wants to sleep however! it all changes when you pass him a mysterious glittery potion, “trust me, it tastes great!”, so he happily drinks until after a few minutes he starts to feel a familiar feeling his abdomen, burning and needy, cock hard and twitching, nipples yearning for touch. being the lovely s/o that you are you immediately begin unbuttoning his pyjamas and pulling down his trousers. pushing him onto the bed; biting hickeys into his skin whilst stroking his cock, soon snaking your tongue to his nipples, you never expected them to be that sensitive! one lick and diluc whines out, “aah!~ h-hey that’s..!~ mmngh! oohhnn.”
diluc cant help but near to the edge when as you continue lapping at nipples although just as he’s about to cum you stop all movement completely! “gonna c-cum..cummi- huh? hey! i-i was so close y/n…”, you simply told him if he wanted his release he would have to beg. this is embarrassing to diluc however he’s too horny to care. “p-please! let me cum! wanna cum so badly please please!!”, since he begged so nicely you stroked his cock till diluc finally spilt his cum all over your hand, whining and mewling all the while. what a sight to behold <333
oh poor thoma, so innocent :( there should be no reason as to why he’s getting punished right now! his cock an angry red as you continuously slap the tip, and with each slap his entire body twitches with a hoarse mewl, pre cum smearing your fingers and substituting as lube whilst stroking his cute dick. he can barely recall previous events all he remembers is a challenge to do with among us at late night?? his back pressed against your chest, you continuously kiss his forehead as he throws his head back onto your shoulder in ecstasy, hips unable to remain still as he spasms from each slap.
and it’s not long before thoma let’s out a guttural moan, eyes widening, back arching and the tight knot in his abdomen snapping loose; “gonna cum gonna cum! cummingcumming cu-MMING ANNGH AA!! ohmnghh!~”, he’s never ever felt so good, that sweet honey pleasure completely washing over him, who knew slapping his cock would deem such a reaction out of him?
alhaitham took your challenge lightly as he sat there with his book; casually reading about quantum physics whilst you explain the ‘spooky 3AM imposter challenge’, as you can see he is extremely interested in his book so you quickly gave him the potion and watched him read, observing how he slowly lost focus, how his breathing quickened, a tent forming in his pants; suddenly he shut the book and shyly asked for help whilst looking away and who were you to deny?~ alhaitham lies on his back as you gently tie the blindfold and rope around his wrists, slowly stroking his cock, “what a whore, could barely focus on that book of yours..tied up and toyed with like a slut”, a smile creeps onto your face as your degradation causes his cock to twitch. it’s arousing to see the stoic alhaitham moan and mewl out like a bitch in heat.
you decided to tease him with an onahole, lubing the toy up before plunging his cock inside, the squelches that resonate eggs you on to go faster whilst alhaithams lost in the moment, “feels so good! mngh oh please please please!! wa-nna cum!..g-gonna cum!”, and he finally felt bliss; ejaculating into the onahole as his hips buck up. “mmngh cumming! s-so tight..g-god~..”
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the-xolotl · 9 days
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Alastor x fem!Reader
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ღ FoxingMoo Productions - Collaborative writing between me and @god707x ; They write the scrip, I write the fic.
ღ a/n: i had SO MUCH fucking fun writing this. thank you so much to Denki’s AMAZING scripting skills and editing bc my dyslexic ass cannot
SUMMARY: We all know about Vox’s voyeurism kink, and he can’t help himself when he sees ex-girlfriend with his worse enemy and he has a wank to watching her get fucked in 4k, 60 FPS
CW: she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, exhibitionism/voyeurism, belly bulging, cucking, monster fucking, demon Alastor, breeding, knotting.
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Vox is being double fucked, and not in a way he wants to be. First, he’d caught win of the Radio Demon being back in town, hanging around and second, possibly even worse, His ex-girlfriend is hanging around that prick. He had found momentary solace that from what he saw from the many drones circling the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor seemed to show a disdain for the woman. However, that quickly turned sour for him that night when he decided to be a peeping-tom over Alastor’s open window. The deer demon doesn’t often do that. In fact, he never did. This “slip up” gave him the perfect opportunity to peer up close.
Boy, he is going to deeply regret it. His drone hovered closer to the window with the open curtain, clear view straight into his bedroom and Alastor’s bed. The camera focused and zoomed into the mostly dimly lit room adjusting the mic sensitivity to pick up whatever noise was going on in the room. Vox didn’t have to turn up the gain very high, though, as soon as the camera came in contact with the glass moans and squeals could be heard in the surround-sound set up of Vox’s television room. And much to his dismay, in all 4k glory, the images coming in through said drone on the big screens is of none other than Alastor with her, together, on his bed, fucking.
Vox short circuited, eyes widened and smile completely fell as he gawked at the screen in front of him; his blood ran cold as he watched her riding Alastor as he lazily pumped his cock into her tight cunt. He could see the way the deer demon dug his claws into the fat of her ass cheeks to spread them further apart. This made her mewl and spread her knees further apart around Alastor’s hips as she met his thrusts at the same slow pace.
“F-fuck… Alastor… please.” her voice is broken and breathy, spent as if they’ve been at this for a while. Her moans sounded pathetic despite how loud she’s still being, begging for more, faster and harder but Alastor was not complying.
Alastor chuckled handsomely, kneading the globes of her ass ceasing his movements but not before pressing her down on his cock to bury his tip against her cervix. “Where are your manners, my dear?” he crooned, smile widening mischievously as she whined loudly. Still, she didn’t dare move or even grind her hips.
Tears began to well up in her eyes, “Sir! Sir! Please, Alastor!” she begged, nails digging into his chest out of desperation.
Alastor adjusted his grip on her ass, hands sliding from her hips down to the bottom of her ass to better support her weight, pleased with the sound of her fucked out voice. “That’s better, sweetheart. I suppose I should finally give you what you want, hmm?” Alastor side eyed the drone buzzing outside of the window, the screen in Vox’s TV glitched for a second before coming back into focus, now making eye contact with the radio demon through the lens. He pulled her up to the very tip of his cock and slammed into her tight heat as he let her also push her hips down meeting in the middle. Alastor fucked into her with renewed fervour, burring himself balls deep with every hammering thrust.
The grip on her was a vice, hard enough to prick the skin. Tiny droplets ran down her thighs, his hands and stained Alastor’s hips every time they met. She nearly toppled over atop Alastor’s chest, having to grip the headboard to keep herself from falling forward completely forward. Taking the opportunity, Alastor took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking and nibbling at the hardened bud making the cow demon cry out, her tears cascaded down her cheeks from the ecstasy that coursed ramped through her body. The stimulation was almost too much for her to take, her jaw went slack feeling the next orgasm building in her core.
Alastor finally tore his gaze from drone to grip her jaw tightly making them lock eyes and bringing her face close to his, “Tell me who you belong to, my sweet,” long tongue darting out to lick the tears off her redden cheeks, “I want you to tell me just how good you feel,” his voice dropping down an octave and radio static buzzing picking up.
“You! I belong to you Alastor!” she shouted, arching her back more tears cascading down her reddening cheeks. “Only you can make me feel this good, sir. I’m yours only!” She could barely form the words with Alastor’s fingers digging into the meat of her cheek. The stinging of his nails felt delicious, his cock nuzzled deep in her cunt was absolutely delirium inducing, making her eyes roll back.
Meanwhile Vox on the other side of the screen couldn’t tear his eyes away from the big screen. As angry as he is, the erection pulsating in his tight trousers is begging to be given attention. He groans loudly, palming himself through the fabric to the sound of her voice begging for more, Vox seethed hearing Alastor’s name sound so pretty falling from her lips in such a lewd manner.
Alastor’s smile turned maniacal, full of satisfaction, as he pulled out of her completely, making her whine loudly in protest. But it died in her throat when he forcibly pushed her on her back against the mattress.
“That’s right, my dear. Only me. You’re just my perfect little slut, aren’t you?” the deer-demon slammed himself inside her tight heat with one powerful thrust. He started a relentless pace, more brutal than the last, hammering hard enough to make her entirely recoil and slide over the sheets. She had to hold on to his forearm and biceps to hold herself in place so his fat cock could keep plunging all the way in, desperate to have this cock kissing her cervix. “That’s my good girl,” he purred, leaning over to steal her lips in a savage kiss. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth wrapping around her own. She felt like she was quickly running out of oxygen as if Alastor was sucking the very air from her lungs. She didn’t attempt to pull away and continued kissing, letting him swallow all her needy noises.
Vox couldn’t stand it anymore, shoving his hand inside to furiously stroke his rock-hard cock. Groaning and moaning along to her, whining her name as his free hand came to touch the screen. It was humiliating, disgusting, and aggravating all at the same time how intensely aroused he was and the fact that Alastor was fully aware he’s watching. He knows the smug, old time-y bastard is doing all of this on purpose but he can’t stop. He doesn’t want to.
“You’re such a good girl… I’m going to fill you to the brim, my dear. You better not waste a single drop,” he growled, finally pulling away from the kiss, leaving her gasping for air, “And I’ll keep going until you’re full of my fawns. Would you like that, sweetheart? To be bred by me?” She could barely process any of what he’s saying but she nodded, fucked completely dumb, her pussy fluttering and tightening around him.
She couldn’t even form a coherent sentence without slurring her words, “Yes yes yes yes yesyesyesyes! Please breed me sir. Want to be so full, please.” Alastor has nearly achieved fucking her completely into submission, she was so pliable under his touch now.
The more she mindlessly begged, the faster his knot swelled and he was ready to drain his balls into her waiting womb. Her voice only made him grow more feral, demonic form taking over as his antlers and limbs grew in size stretching her cunt even wider. “As you wish, my dear. You’re going to be a good girl, aren’t you?” his voice becoming more gravelly, radio static so intense it started interfering with the camera that was still pointed directly at them.
She screamed, clawing at his chest, the sheets and anything she could grab. Fresh warm tears stinging her tear-burnt cheeks, “Please.. please… it won’t fit! Alastor!” voice so broken and horse.
But Alastor wasn’t having it, his large hands wrapped around her waist— better said her torso “I’ll make it fit, my dear.” With brute strength his knot bridged her soaked entrance.
His tip also spread over her cervix making it into her womb, releasing his massive load into her, “That’s it… good girl.. I knew you could do it.” He stilled his hips, making sure that not a drop would spill out of her. The sensation alone caused her to squirt, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. Everything became too much all at once; the overstimulation hit like a fucking truck, her orgasm washing over her aching body. She shook uncontrollably; she clung hard to Alastor in an attempt to keep herself grounded somehow, but her brain is too fuzzy and her eyes are barely open.
The deer chuckled, licking and kissing the remaining tears off her face, “You’re such a good girl. It’ll get easier with time, don’t you worry, sweetheart.” He nuzzled her neck and cheek, a little sob falling from her lips feeling the sting on her cheeks from crying. But even in her delirious state when her face turned towards the window she caught sight of the drone and her eyes went wide. “You put on quite a show for our old pal. Now he knows who you belong to, isn’t that right, my sweet brat?” He kissed her cheek again, holding it gently for the camera.
Vox shamelessly zoomed in with the hand that was covered in his cum, focusing the high definition lens on her blissed out face. She whined at the realization Vox had been watching and hearing that whole thing, she squirmed as her cunt pulsated, turned on by the fact she had been viewed in such a depraved state.
“Tut-tut. No moving. You’re not wasting a single drop,” Alastor chided pushing even deeper into her. Her back arched painfully screwing her eye close finally letting herself fall in the feeling of fullness. Full to the absolute brim, so much so her belly protruded prominently.
Alastor rubbed at her belly with a wide Cheshire smile, “Is this the only way to get you to cease being such an infuriating woman? You’re always so good when I stuff you this much.”
At that point the post orgasm shame was hitting Vox too hard, feeling half disgusted with himself he moved away from the window and closed down the stream. He could only stare at his soiled hand, contemplating.
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© 2024 the-xolotl — all rights reserved. do NOT alter, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my consent, do not claim my content as yours.
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glitterjay · 1 month
can u do gynaecologist enha (whichever member u want) with patient reader?
Also can I be🦢anon?
⭒ gynecologist!sunghoon, fingering, head implied (f. receiving) , suggestive content minors dni
⭒ c's note: this is a new approach, and i've never been to a gynecologist before, so im sorry if it's bad ㅜㅜ welcome to the club, 🦢'anon! do let me know if you liked it or not
⭒ due to popular demand, you can find part 2 here
⭒ taglist: @hollyoongs @moon7jay @wondipity @fertilizedtoesw @kwiwin @enhabooks
you were quite nervous, to say the least, about visiting the gynecologist. you just wanted to get a checkup to make sure everything was right with your body, but since it was your first time, you were shy and embarrassed.
you had arrived at the place of your appointment just in time, walking straight into the doctor's office.
it took you by surprise to see a man. you had told yourself that a woman would be taking care of you, so you shouldn't be so embarrassed by this at all.
he noticed your shocked expression and asked you to take a seat by the desk, adjusting the glasses that were just about to fall off the tip of his nose. "you might have been expecting, dr. kim in here, but she had to go out. i'm dr. park, sunghoon park. there's no need to worry, i'll take good care of you."
his voice was deep yet soft, and it made butterflies appear in your tummy. you blushed, looking away from him and scanning the things adorning the room.
"i see that you came in just for a checkup. is it your first time?" you nodded, playing with your fingers as you looked down at them. the oen he was holding seemed to be from the college he attended and the year of his cohort. to your surprise, it was just a year before you graduated yourself.
"im gonna need you to lay in that bed over there for me, please."
you did as told, still fidgeting with your hands. he was getting ready for your check up, and he had to admit you looked very pretty.
"alright," he sat in front of the bed, and pulled out a robe. "there's a bathroom right over there. you can go change into this so your checkup can start."
sunghoon had started conversation so you could feel less nervous. you had find out he was indeed a year above you in college, and has been working ever since graduation. it was a small world, and you were glad you didn't know him until today, or else it would've been worse.
the latex gloves he's was wearing were close against your sensitive skin. it send shivers up your spine every time sunghoon moved and touched. it was until a small moan left your mouth that sunghoon noticed what his hands were causing.
it was as if an angel had ascended straight from heaven to sing. sunghoon's body count was big, but he had never heard such a beautiful and melodious voice before.
he glanced over at the door, making sure it was locked, and went straight to business.
his long index finger started gathering the juices that were leaving your body, his eyes gleaming at the sight before him. he didn't lose anything, right? after all, both of you would win something.
"your body is perfectly healthy," he said, his fingers trying to stuff back the juices making your cunt glow. was it weird what he was doing? probably, but it had this weird and addictive feeling growing within you, so you didn't tell him to stop.
sunghoon inserted his whole index finger, curling it up as soon as he could. this made your body jump a little, allowing him to hear another wonderful moan.
he kept fingering you for a while, adding more fingers as he went on. as soon as your walls started to clench around him, he stopped.
he lowered the chair he was sitting on, so now his face was right in front of your exposed heat. he was staring at it like a hungry man, and you blushed when he looked up at you through his glasses.
"it looks pretty," he said. "perfectly taken care of, and I bet it tastes amazing too."
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winterarmyy · 9 months
Thin Walls, Thin Lines
What will happen if a fuckboy falls in love with a hopeless romantic?
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Summary: Modern society surely had corrupted the mind of the hundred-something year old man, Bucky Barnes, when he seemed to have forgotten the art of courting a lady. Lost in lust and pleasure, he had been indulging with endless array of different girls on his bed almost every night. And the opposite side of that thin walls of his room, lives a hopeless romantic who he was madly in love with.
Navigation: Original Version || Deleted Scene* (alt. ending)
Pairing: fuckboy!bucky x female!reader
Words: 4.9k++
Warnings: avenger au, explicit language/contents, angst, lil bit of drama, fluff, please bare with the fuckery of bucky barnes, reader is sensitive yet quite fiesty too. i can't backup steve on this one, he is on his own.
A/N: As you can see from the navigation bar, we have two different endings for this fic, because I am greedy and indecisive. The original version ended with fluff and the deleted scene (alternate ending) ended with absolute filth of a smut. So... enjoy! 💕
P/S: And this is also my submission for @jessybarnes 's writing challenge. I have chosen "Kiss me again" from the prompt list and I hope you like the way I used it in this fic!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Y/N has always been a hopeless romantic. She dreams of a love like the ones she read in books. She craved someone who loves her so deeply that she could never find peace in anyone else but him. She wanted all the love songs and poetry to be reminders of him; his beauty, his charms.
Fresh flowers, stargazing, coffee dates, kisses that tastes of cotton candy, warm cuddles, and every little things in between; she longed for it all. She dreams of a love that is so consuming until all that's left in that small bubble of infatuation is their entangled soul mending each other to the bone.
That's what makes her a hopeless romantic.
And very much the opposite of her was Bucky. He is an infuriating flirt. There's not a day goes by that he doesn't call her with sickeningly sweet nicknames; doll, gorgeous, princess, darling, you name it. He will definitely drop some suggestive lines at any given chance and most of the time when she least expected.
He can charm anyone just by his presence, and if you're lucky enough to get one of his infamous smile; then you best believe that you won't be going home alone that night, or able to walk proper the next morning. He is the typical playboy you know and hate; very often she'll see different girl in his arms or on his bed. And that man seemed to not know when to stop. Sometimes, she do wonder if he ever got tired of sex. Because she knows for certain that he can go on and on for hours, daily.
"Fuck,, that's it. Spread your legs for me. Yeah, 'atta girl."
Speaking of the devil.
This has been recurring for months now. It seems like the man never sleep because his voice would always wake her up. She couldn't decide what was worse; between being forced to hear the sounds of the skin slapping, the bed creaking, him groaning and her squealing or being a super light sleeper that even a whisper in her room would jolt her awake.
Y/N let out an annoyed grunt when she swoop her head under the pillow, hoping to silenced the noises even just a little bit. Surprise; it didn't help at all. Her body cringed and her face contorted into a squint when she hear the other woman announcing her release as the headboard hits the wall a little harder, a little faster.
Bucky Barnes sure is a fuckboy but unfortunately for her, he is also the man she fell in love with.
She refused to show it, but lord knows how much her heart simply swell to the sight of his smile. Despite the flirtatious tendencies of his, there was something about him that attracted her like a magnet; or like a moth to a flame.
Maybe it was his old soul, or maybe because she saw glimpses of timeless charm in him; the way he moves, the way he gazes, and the way treated her. Nevertheless, it was such a devastating thing for someone like her to fall for someone like him.
The last thing she wanted in a man, is to look at her like she was just a good fuck and nothing more. She just couldn't imagine herself to be tied with someone like that. And Bucky was exactly that someone.
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Y/N haven't been able to get more than 2 hours of sleep for months now. The lack of it had caused her to drastically lose physical strength and lately fatigue has been a constant presence as well.
So she decided to go the medbay to consult Dr. Cho about it. After running some tests, she sat her down for some Camomile tea as she went through the results, "It seemed like the severe lack of sleep had took a really heavy toll on you."
Y/N sighed as she place the tea cup on the back on the table, "Yes, I am well aware of that. That is precisely why I am here."
"Nightmares?" Dr. Cho speculated.
If the definition of nightmare is 'the moans of the man, that she had a crush on, fucking someone else next door' then, yes. She was having long and nearly endless nightmares for months now.
"Something like that." She lied.
"Then, I have some medication that I can prescribe to you. You should take it daily after dinner and..." Before Dr. Cho managed to finish her instructions, Y/N quickly asked, "Is it possible to fix me without meds?"
Dr. Cho frowned curiously, "Why wouldn't take meds? That's the quickest way to help for your situation, as far as I know." she asked.
This was not her first rodeo; she had troubles sleeping back when she was merely teenager. And the last time tried using meds, she ended up almost overdosed herself from it, "It's just... I prefer not to." she evaded.
Dr. Cho nodded understandingly before clarifying the current situation, "Well then, I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do for you. Though some research suggested that meditation routine before sleep can help. Or putting up some natural ambience like the sound of rain or waves--"
Y/N wasn't really listening after the first sentence. Because all she could thought of was how much longer she can bare with this and what will it take for her to finally snap.
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Y/N was dying. At least it felt like it.
With her deprivation of sleep and the intense combat training she had to go through today, her patience was reaching it's limit. After visiting the medbay 2 weeks ago, she had tried to approach Bucky about it but he always took it lightly.
There was series of insincere apology followed by a cheeky promise to 'keep the tone down' for her. But nothing changed. She asked him again and again; days gone by he didn't live up to the end of his bargain.
For those past week, Y/N had resorted to sleep in the living room for most of the nights. How she dreaded to leave her comfy bed but she could no longer tolerate the sounds coming from the other side on the wall. Though she still jolted awake from time to time due to how uncomfortable it was sleeping on a couch, but at least she got more than 2 hours of sleep if she was to compare to the nights she slept in her own room.
It's not she didn't notice it at all; she knew exactly how and why it happened. The habit of microsleeping that she developed during the course of this training. The slowed reaction time, the lack of energy, she can feel it. But, there was nothing she can do about it.
The only cure for this was to get some rest. A proper rest. And that can't happened, not without Bucky's cooperation.
When Y/N was marching towards the sargent who was sitting way across the gym; she could see how his eyes undress every piece of her clothing, how his tongue rolled out and his teeth sunk into his lips.
She wasn't even wearing anything remotely provocative but here he was lusting over the way her hips sway especially when he was the one she's walking towards.
The moment she stood in front of him, his mouth lifted into a smirk, "Yes, princess. How may I be of your service?" His voice was sultry and the way he towers over made her slightly nervous for no reason.
Her heart fluttered, yet her lips refused to form a smile, "Don't call me princess."
"I apologize, my queen." Bucky gave her a cheeky smile.
Y/N didn't want to drag this any longer than she should, so she quicky jump into it and said, "So you know how I’m like-"
"-absolutely embarrassingly in love with me? Yes, I'm familiar go on." Bucky cuts in. If panic ever rose in her chest, then she was doing an incredible job of hiding it, "Can you just shut up for a second and take me seriously?"
His eyes glint with flirtaous mischief when he replied, "Doll, you know the fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me."
Y/N simply sighed before she began to rant, "I really don't have the mood for this banter with you, Barnes. I just want you tone down your nightly routine. It is because of you I've been having trouble sleeping and--"
He quickly stopped her before she nags even more than she already did, "Okay, okay I get it. We've been through this, doll." Bucky's face lit up when he suggested, "How about I help you sleep, hmm? I may know a thing or two about tiring someone out." There was surely something unholy in those steel blue eyes of his.
And Y/N picked it up rather quick, but considering the amount of times he had insinuate something more than just a friendly banter, then of course she knew exactly what he was suggesting, so she simply replied, "No offense, Barnes. But, I don't do one night stand or no strings attached thing. And with a manwhore like you? No, thank you." sassy was her answer.
Bucky's head tilted back as he laughed, then when he spoke his voice was like a devil luring an angel to sin, "Oh babydoll, if I were to be a whore, it'll only be for you." He stepped closer so that only she can hear his confession.
His masculine scent hits her nose, mixture of the citrus cologne and his natural odour was just perfect. Annoyingly alluring; but perfect. And it took all her will to hold it together and blatantly rejects him, "Still not interested."
Bucky groaned in protest, "Come on, princess. You can't keep dreaming for some prince charming to court you, do you? You know that's probably never going to happen right?"
Surely he meant only to tease her; that it was less likely that an actual prince to romance her. Not that she did not deserve the world; she does. And Bucky was more than will to burn it to the ground if that's what she wanted.
But, Y/N didn't see it that way. She thought that Bucky meant that she is not worthy enough for a decent man to court her with respect and chilvary; that she was just a toy fit for fucking and nothing more. And the fact that her "insomia" had affected her usually high patience and reduced it to almost paper thin, it was only fair for her to finally snap.
She can tolerate his endless flirtation but she can't simple turn a blind eye for his insult.
Bucky was caught by surprise why Y/N harshly grabbed him by the collar, pushing him back and nearly stumbled; her eyes was pure fire when she growled, "Don't you dare mock the way I value relationship, Barnes." Her nose flared with anger and the commotion has attracted some prying eyes towards the two.
"Just because you enjoy fucking anything that breathes, that doesn't mean that everyone else does." She seethed, "The only cock that will be wrecking my pussy would belong to someone I love and if you have a problem with that, you can fuck right off." She forcefully pushed him until his ass landed on the bench behind him.
Her feet stomped all throughout her exit out of the gym, leaving Bucky in a blinking confusion.
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He knew it was wrong.
It felt good. It felt right.
But, it was so fucking wrong.
To keep moaning Y/N's name when he railed those strangers to heaven; when he came so hard into the thin layer of condom. And it was always a soft and slow type of whimper, right in those girls' ears. So intimate, so careful not to let his secret out; knowing how thin the walls between him and the love of his life.
But, he certainly didn't care about the girl he was fucking. If it wasn't for his heavy body pinning her from behind, she would've elbowed him right in the guts for moaning another woman's name. Unfortunately for him, she quickly ditched and see herself out after the first round.
Now, he laid there; naked and bare. Thinking of how he simply couldn't help it. How could he not think of Y/N all the times? Not when he was deeply, helplessly in love with her. But, he knew she wouldn't bat an eye at him now that he had the reputation of a "fuckboy", as the young ones describes it. She especially made it clear today at the gym. She's never going to give him a chance now.
Not when she's a hopeless romantic. And the fact that he too was once the same was just aggravating to him. He was such a gentleman decades ago; before Hydra, before the war, when he was but a young man living Brooklyn.
His Ma had really shaped him into the perfect gentleman; every parents in the neighbourhood wanted him as their son-in-law. They claimed he would make the perfect husband for their daughters. But, things are different now. And he knew that the man he was before was long forgotten.
It was just curiosity at first; about how sex works in the 21st century. However, Bucky quickly fall into the promises of lust and pleasure; changing girls like changing clothes. He let himself dosed in ecstasy, as if it was a drug to silenced the dark and haunting memories of his past, like it was a quick escape from reality, from the Winter Soldier.
Then, Y/N happened.
Bucky never saw it coming; but, he fell. Hard.
They were colleague for years and had been a good friend he can rely on besides Steve. She was so sweet and pretty. Probably the most gorgeous woman he ever laid his eyes on, in the hundred something year old life of his. Most importantly, she was kind and patient and strong and fierce yet so unforgivingly selfless. 
But that didn't matter now, does it? Especially when she despise him. And it was all because of the unholy title he held.
At first Bucky didn't notice it, but now that he stepped closer into the living room, he heard it again. The rustling fabric, the quiet whimper coming from the sofa. His steps were as careful as a wolf on a hunt, stalking a hiding prey in between the trees.
If Bucky were to guess what he would find on a late night trip to the kitchen, he would've probably said 'ice cream' and not 'Y/N sleeping in the living room'. His eyes briefly raked her sleeping figure, curling uncomfortably into the pastel purple blanket. Then at the scattered pillows on the floor around her.
Why was she sleeping in the living room?
Another whine passed her lips and his attention was locked on her frowning face; it seemed like she was having a bad dream. Bucky carefully crouch next to her, and ravel in her beauty. Such delicate features, long lashes, pretty freckles across her nose, and those soft looking lips; he would kill just to taste her them, to sink his teeth in between them.
It worried him though; to see her sleeping here. She was clearly uncomfortable, it was a mystery that she managed to even fall asleep in the first place. Bucky suspected she simply passed out due to today's training. It was particularly hard, even for him. Let alone a normal human being like Y/N.
Not to mention the fight that they had.
Then, it clicked. The complains about how she had trouble sleeping. It wasn't just to make fun of him or tease him in any way. It was a plead. She needed to be heard and he completely blew her off with jest and jokes.
"Was it because of... me?" Bucky thought to himself. It all made sense now, "Shit." A curse rang in his mind when he bit the insides of his cheek. He was mad at himself. How could he be so insensitive? And he claimed to love her? Please. What an absolute piece of shit he was.
When Y/N began to toss and turn, her blanket fell from her body. Even in her sleep, the cold managed to catch her. She instinctively curled towards herself, seeking warmth but was no avail.
She look so small and Bucky felt a surge of need to cuddle her close, keeping her safe, keeping her warm in his arms. But if he does that, he'd probably get kicked in the nuts. So instead, he picked up the fallen blanket lay it back across her whole body; carefully not to disturb her sleep.
Bucky smiled softly when she snuggled into the fabric and before he walked away, he swore to stop this corrupting habit of his and apologize for being such a douchebag to her. And if he's lucky, maybe he could even properly court her.
But for now, he just needed to go through tommorrow's mission. So does everyone one else in the team.
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"Do you realized what you have done?" Not matter how hard he tried to hold it back, everyone in the Quinjet can see how Steve was seething.
Y/N's lost of sleep had took a toll on her more than she realized now that it had affected her performance in mission. She tried to ignore the way she was basically seeing Steve's feet multiply by the second, and continued to look down in shame, "I'm sorry, Captain."
"Don't apologize to me. Nat's the one who got shot because of you!" He yelled as he pointed at the red haired woman at the side of the plane.
No matter how much she wanted to blame Bucky on this; how he literally robbed her from fulfilling her human needs to rest at night, but she just couldn't. It was her fault that Natasha got hurt. If she was more alert, she would've seen the enemy standing right in front of her. If she was awake enough, then Natasha wouldn't get hurt.
Tears threatened to form when she looked over at her dear friend, bleeding at the side, "I'm so sorry, Nat. I really am. I didn't know what came to me and I--"
"Oh please, I'd take a bullet for you any day of the week, honey." Natasha swiftly cuts into her apology, in attempt to diffuse the heated situation.
But, Steve totally disagree with her, "Don't make this 'okay', Nat. You almost died because for her carelessness. Being inadequate shouldn't be okay for any agent to do. It is extremely reckless and downright stupid."
There was a sound of a distant gasp from the pilot pit, "Language!" Tony was clearly trying to lighten up the mood but it failed rather miserably when no one reacted.
Steve had every right to be mad, especially when his girlfriend was injured because of this, but oh does it hurt to hear his stabbing words. It hurts more when it comes from the Captain America himself.
God, she was extremely tired.
Physically, mentally and that's what happens when a person is lack of sleep. Then when she thought about all her hardwork and struggles to train amongst the superhero themselves, she couldn't help but to crack; and the tears that was building up in her eyes finally fell.
When Steve saw it, he lost it completely, "Oh, you're gonna cry now? WOW. Real mature, y/n. You can't disappoint me more can you?" At that point, he was being a little too mean for anyone's liking.
Especially Bucky.
So Bucky slowly pulled Y/N back, and shielded her body behind his as he went on face to face with his bestfriend, "That's enough, Steve." He warned but Steve doesn't seem to get the idea, "No, Buck. Do you see--"
Bucky took one step closer, his menacing glare went right through Steve's soul, "I said... that's enough." He repeated his words. This time the message went through.
Steve gulped and cleared his throat as he waved a dismissing hand, "I expect a full report and a letter of apology from you when we get back, y/n." He ended his sentence with his back turned and then walked away towards his girl.
When Bucky turned around to face Y/N, she was but a crying mess. Tears kept streaming down and her lips quivered in so much sadness. Now, that she was in the light, Bucky could see the darker shades on the bag of her eyes.
This was his fault. If he just stopped goofing around and listen to what she had to say yesterday, she wouldn't need to go through this, "Oh sweetheart..." though he meant to call her in his mind, it might just slipped through his lips.
Y/N glared up at him, "This was none of your concern, Barnes." She spat.
He shrugged, "Well, lucky for you, I don't care whose it is. What I know is I care about you. Now, let's get that wound patch up." Bucky simply said, and that was when she realized that her ribs were slashed open, bleeding and torn. Maybe it was not too deep, that was why she didn't notice it.
But it is an injury nonetheless, and it was a surprise to her that Bucky noticed it. "I don't want your help." She frowned yet continued to sniffle.
"Yeah, but you need it." He replied as he carefully tucked the loose strand of her hair behind her ears.
Unable to think of any comebacks, she let her fatigue win over. Her lips shut tightly and her chest shuddered for breaths. And when Bucky took her hand in his and lead the way, her body instantly responded by gripping him tight.
Bucky's heart soared at the touch of her small hand in his, while fire was burning in hers.
She hates him. She hates how caring he can be. She hates how soft he was when handling her. And she hates how easy it was for him to make her fall for him even more.
Y/N's body quickly went on auto pilot; she let him undress the blood soaking top and patch her wounds. And Bucky let her cry her heart out on his shoulder all the way back home to New York.
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That night when everyone had settled back to their own rooms, Y/N was prepping to sleep outside again. It was like a schedule for Bucky to always fuck whatever his frustrations out when they finished a mission.
And she doesn't want to hear any of it. Not tonight.
Thankfully, her wounds were mostly healed thanks to Dr. Cho and her ingenious of a machine, Cradle. That thing fixed the teared tissue right up with its regenerative  functions.
Now, Y/N just needs to endure the bruises but those are bearable. What she couldn't bear is the lack of energy and goodnight's sleep. She wished to just pass out for days and not wake up even if a prince came to kiss her to wake.
And she knew that sleeping in her room won't give her that.
Y/N piled her pillows and blanket on top of another before scanning the room one last time to make sure she didn't leave anything behind. Because she was not planning to step foot in her room until dawn comes, hoping the sounds from the other side of the room died down by then.
When she was walking pass Bucky's, she noticed how awfully quiet his room was, but she didn't think about it too much. She waited for the elevator to open its door only to reveal the man himself, "Barnes."
He eyed how Y/N's figure almost hidden behind the piles of pillow in her hold. He stepped out as he asked, "Where do you think you're going?" Bucky knew exactly where but he was not having any of that.
It was weird to her that she didn't see any sign or Bucky's hook-up in his arms, but she bet that there will be one after she's gone downstairs, "Away from you, that's for sure." She said, taking a step into the elevator but instantly stopped the moment Bucky blocked her path.
Bucky lips flatten against each other; he didn't say anything, he only frowned down at her then simply grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to her room.
Utterly confused, "What are you doing? Hey, let go of me." She twisted her wrist in his hold, while trying to balance the pillows from falling. A useless trial it was; because who could even escape that metal grip of his.
Bucky quickly respond, "No. You're not sleeping on that shitty sofa tonight." He stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned to her, "You're injured, y/n. You need on a proper rest on a proper bed." He coaxed.
How did he know that she had been sleeping on the coach? She thought before saying out loud, "I'm fine, Barnes. It's not even that deep of a wound, the Cradle fixed it clean. So, can you just... let go of my hand?" She sighed.
But Bucky refused to even spare her a glance, he silently tug her and stomp his way towards her room. There waa retaliation on her side, but his lack of response had lead Y/N to her defeat. She begrudgingly followed his long strides until she they stood by her bed.
He snatched each of the pillows and blankets off her hands, while Y/N simply blinked speechlessly as she watched Bucky started set up her bed like he had been doing it everyday.
Weirdly, at times like this, she found him extremely lovely. There was no corny and flirty comment about her, or his annoying habit of teasing every little thing she does.
There was just a comfortable silence and a kind gesture; the type that pulled the red strings of her heart just enough to make her want to dream of him.
Fucking hell, she can't believe that he managed to do that again! Making her fall for his antics. He really needs to stop doing that, it's simply rude.
Y/N broke from her love struck trance when she felt his cold metal laced around her hand again, he pulled her closer, "Now hop on, bunny. You need to rest." He lead her under the blanket and she grumbled curses under her breath, something about he need stop calling her weird nicknames like that.
When she was well tucked in and comfortable, Bucky sat at the edge of the bed by her side and spoke, "I'm sorry. For not trying to listen to you at the gym yesterday. I was a jerk."
His apology was so sincere that Y/N caught herself in a shock. Who is this man? What has he done to Bucky Barnes?
His eyes lingered to the wall behind her bed as if he was trying to find the right words to address it, "About the noises..." he trailed, "...it'll stop from now on."
Oh. Nevermind. She liked this Bucky. She wants to keep him forever, "Really? You mean it?" There weren't any effort put to hide her excitement when her voice nearly squeaked.
Bucky chuckled amusingly at her reaction, "Really, doll. But, you gotta promise not to sleep on the couch again."
Sparks of joy filled her chest when he confirmed his decision. Sure, it was such a small favour to do to anyone. But, she appreciate his efforts to make amends. "Hmm, I promise." She hummed happily, blinking slow as the comfort of her bed lured her into a drowsy state.
"Thanks, Bucky." Her mentioned his name.
Thank god for the super sensitive hearing ability, cause Bucky surely love the sound of her voice whispering his name so softly, "For apologizing or for tucking you to sleep?" He jest.
It only made her eyes rolled to the side and a smile spread across her face, "Both." she said. "And for what you did on the jet."
Bucky simply shrugged as if it was a normal thing to do. But, it wasn't. It was rare for him to challenge Steve like he did. And he did it for her, "Really, I owe you one." She said assuringly.
A playful smirk pulled on Bucky's lips when he spoke "Doll, you shouldn't be saying that so carelessly. Who knows I might use it for despicable things." Surely, he love to be the cause to bloom those red shades on her cheeks.
But it didn't happened when she asked quietly, "Will you?"
And the silence that came after was heavy with tenderness while their eyes spoke the truth to one another. As the thin lines in between got blurry, for once, there was just streams of genuine feelings pouring out of them, leaking through and contaminating the air with its magic.
Would he? Take advantage of her?
How could he though? He loved her too much to even think of purposely hurting her. "No." Bucky replied as he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, "Sleep well, princess." He mumbled against her skin.
And he pulled back, he grinned a cheeky smile. There it was; the pink blush on her face, wide surprise of her eyes and her slightly parted lips. She looked so adorable. He swore couldn't get enough of it.
"Kiss me again..." she nearly growled, but her blushing on her face didn't indicate anger, "...and I will choke you in your sleep." Though it was an attempt to threaten but typical of Bucky to just love to turn things around, "Hmm, is that an invitation, princess?" He purred and stole another kiss; this time, on her cheek. "Then, I will be looking forward to it." He whispered as quickly as he removed himself from the scene.
When he found his own bed, he couldn't help but to laugh at the muffled scream coming from the opposite side of the thin walls, "James. Fucking. Barnes!!!"
Alternate ending (smut edition): Deleted Scene >>
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: I hope you drop some thoughts behind before going to the deleted scene. Which I know you will. See you on the other side 👀
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futureplayboibunnie · 9 months
Aphrodesiacs Pt.8
Miguel O’Hara x fem! spidey! reader
You and Miguel O’Hara were bitten by the same spider…what could possibly happen?
*sigh* let me just feed my starving children. consider this my girl dinner to you all. fully feeding u this time. the day has finally come (in more ways than one)
NSFW AS ALWAYS (but pls extra caution on this one, i got carried away and i don’t want to spoil the surprise) 18+
also i was gonna finish this series at 10 chapters but pls lmk if u want more!
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It was far too late to function. You were pulling on many mental threads as you sprawled out on your bed.Sighing into the empty, overly spacious air of your room didn't alleviate anything, you were still wearing Miguel's shirt.
The streetlights dimmed into your room, the warm glow offering nothing to help fix this crack that resided in you. Tossing and turning wasn't helping, your limbs fluctuating from rigid to limp whenever you thought about Miguel. Your sheets were hurled to the floor and your half-naked form contorted at every angle on the bed, nothing was comfortable and you couldn't sleep. Your mind buzzed awake from the lightning shooting down your thighs whenever you inhaled, his shirt was so big on you but it smelled so good, and the fact that he let you just have it.
It smelled like him, his cologne, his natural ambiance, his musk. You rubbed your naked thighs together.
You couldn't help but sigh breathlessly and throw your head back into the pillow, whining at how stimulated you were just by inhaling. For fucks sake. Since when were you this pathetic? You almost wanted to bite into your pillow out of sheer aggression. Today was a cluster fuck of emotions, your lips still felt the tingle of him, your tongue was against his enough that you could still feel him exploring when he wasn't even there. It was like a ghostly touch, tracing against the most sensitive parts of your body. You still couldn't believe that he had finally kissed you, he had finally given in to such a disastrous impulse that he so constantly warned you about. Your pussy fluttered at the fact you affected him enough to go against everything he believed in, that you meant that much to him. The pulse under your heated skin sent your body into an unshakable overdrive.
Miguel tasted like testosterone, anger, and sex. The way you were just pressed against him had slick forming between your thighs. You were so ready for him. You've always been ready for him. The way he gave you a tiny fraction of what he was going to do- what he was prepared to do...well before Peter had to cockblock you into oblivion. He was going to fuck you on the sink like an animal. Hot and Heavy. But then Miguel had to go back into his old ways.
Your throat was raw, and constantly groaning in frustration was a default setting at this point but it was getting worse and worse. You draped your forearm over your eyes, involuntarily arching your back against the mattress and spreading your legs as your stomach lurched. Your pussy would drown in his cum. That seemed to be the last straw. The canines of your teeth dug into your bottom lip at a depth that pierced the blushed tenderness of your lips, tiny holes turned into splits as blood pooled inside of your mouth and slightly dribbled to the outskirts of your mouth and chin.
“Fuck…” You winced out, more pained by the thought of Miguel leaving you unfulfilled than the pulsating of your lips bitten raw.
Miguel was aimless, ice doused his heated veins as he swung from building to building. He attempted to convince himself that he was in your universe for any other reason he could get, he was particularly good at lying to himself but in this case, it wasn't. The most honest thought he's had in months is knowing that he wants you.
Miguel knew where he needed to be right now. With you. He hated how he left you in the bathroom, part of him wanted to fuck you while anyone watched, just to show them who you belonged to. But he could never do that.
He groaned as he whacked through the air, his fingers smashing against his neck to get rid of the mask. He felt claustrophobic like you were subconsciously taking away his ability to breathe. It left a bitter taste in his mouth. You had steel in your spine and that only fueled the flames of desire that were lit in him long ago. The roaring fire in your eyes every time you laid into him made him hard as ever, no woman has ever been stupid enough to question him- and then there was you. At HQ you were the perfect picture of cool elegance and competence, you weren't as fun-loving as the others and nowadays Miguel felt like he had pulled that out of you. Miguel frowned at the thought. Your presence evoked an unwanted heat in his gut and a leaking cock to go with it, and he didn't even fucking like you, he just had to deal with you. But now, after all this, you were the name he'd call in the middle of the night. His entitled, needy, girl. He couldn't take two steps without Jess or Lyla gushing to him about how lovely you were
It was galling.
Maybe he could marry you. Fuck you full of his kid.
Jesus Christ.
Miguel squashed the thought with a grimace and a shake of his head. With a grunt he landed on the side of your apartment building, using his claws to dig into the brick, subtIty was never his play but in this certain situation, it was completely off the board. He had no idea what he was going to say to you or if he was going to see you at all he just needed to be near you. He wanted to see those eyes darken in pleasure again, if that's all he could get from a kiss, he couldn't even begin to wrap his head around what would happen when he was actually in you. He knew he drew near when the scent of you clouded his brain, he quickly hung from the side of the building until he got to a large window, it was cracked open slightly. Windswept hair made tufts of his hair impair his vision, Miguel peeked his face to get a glance at the window it was your bedroom window.
You were sat on the edge of the bed, sweet face buried in your hands, hair tumbling down your shoulders, contemplating something for a second before standing up.
He could smell how wet you were. Maybe one day he could pour wine all over you, cum on you and then taste it off your sweet body.
He bit the bullet. He raised a pointer finger and tapped his talon on the glass. The moonlight outside kissed your face perfectly, but he did notice some red around your lips- he didn't know what it was.
His mouth dried as his gawk fell to what you were wearing- you were still wearing his shirt. Fuck
You hummed in irritation, thinking your sex-filled mind was making you hear things. Your heart sank at the wave of shock when your gaze accidentally flitted to your window. Then you saw it. Your tongue ground into your jaw, waves of shock reaching every corner of your already fire-tinged body- but now every single cell was about to sizzle into thin air. All this time, it felt like you were both dancing with your hands tied. Your pulse pounded in your ears when you saw him, eyes wide and concerned but ultimately fucking elated. It was like God answered your prayers just this once. You stood up from sitting, a random burst of adrenaline licking at your knuckles, you were practically shaking and Miguel was more than happy with that.
The sight of Miguel's face could make you cream: that black hair, olive skin, taut muscles, and brooding attitude made for complete devastation in a spider suit. You watched like a dumbfounded idiot as Miguel pried the window open and crawled through, he wormed into your room and stood up tall just taking a beat to drink you in.
He thought you looked fucking incredible in a bikini, but here you were, standing there with a vacant doe-eyed look wearing nothing but his shirt. He doesn't think he's ever been this aroused just looking at someone.
Miguel raised an eyebrow to see blood on your lips, trailing a little down to your chin as you blinked up at him. He inched closer and raised his hand, his fingers slightly cupping your chin to meet his scorching, worried gaze.
“What happened here?” He asked softly, his breath was warm and honeyed, a stark contrast to the Miguel you've always known. That cool bleak demeanour cracked for a split second.
“You.” Leaning into his touch proved to be easy, you melted into his fingertips, lips parted and eyes needy as the man you've been fantasizing about for so long was touching you again, but it felt more meaningful than the last. Miguel's eyes were the clearest you've ever seen, a tinge of red gleaming against the burgundy of the outer rim. The way you uttered that word sent a shudder spiraling through him, you were both affecting each other so much- that first kiss only fueled the ever-increasing wildfire.
“What are you doing to me…?” Miguel whispered. He was asking himself that question too: what were you doing to him? He's driven himself crazy, utterly mad over this dance of death he called morality and ethics. You were holding your breath, scared that if you gave into the natural urge to breathe, you'd moan out his name.
“You never finished telling me all the things you wanted to do to me.”
“If I told you all of the things I wanted to do to you...we'd be sitting here all weekend talking and then I'll never be able to show you exactly what's been running through my head every hour of every day, the reason why I can’t sleep, why I can’t fuck my fist without thinking of you.” Miguel inched closer and cupped your face with both hands, smoothing out your soft skin, your palms fell onto his hands too.Just touching each other softly. Miguel was still afraid. He was afraid of hurting you, and losing himself, he's already not in control when it comes to you. You sighed out at his vulgar words and you were ready to get on your knees.
You stood in silence, gawking at each other intensely. You scoffed to yourself, teeth clamping onto your bottom lip as the corners of your mouth upturned to a smirk.
“That would be quite inconvenient.”
“Yes, it would carinõ.” Miguel hummed lowly, definitely understanding the effect the pet name had on you. Miguel thought your snarkiness would be the death of him by now but here you are, being so compliant. His thumb toyed with your bottom lip, teasing it into your mouth. Your eyes grew wider as his thumb massaged your tongue For easier access, you just stuck your tongue out, licking and sucking on it every so often. He had dreamed about this day but he never fully thought what it would really be like once he gave in.
Miguel's pretty features were locked in a state of vacant yet concentrated drunken smugness. Anger played at his brows, creasing the olive skin around it, his stare was piercing, looking at you as if you were both a diety that needed to be worshipped and a dirty slut that was begging to be pounded- he sighed at the thought, he was beginning to slowly lean in. Your free hand went to the fangs that he was baring, your fingers prodded at the sharp point, slurring completely drunk off of his presence.
“These are spikey...I love it.”
“This is so wrong.” He muttered against your lips, feeling the explicable sensation of hot and heavy lust sparking between your lip.
“Tell me how wrong it is then.” You nipped at his bottom lip, making his eyes flutter closed.
That was it.
A sickening crunch ripped inside of him.
A chain loose of its hinges.
His muscles coiled inside of him, reaching their apex, and now his restraint was seeping between his fingers until there was nothing left in his hands...except you.
Shock, hope, fear, elation, and uncertainty all mingled together on his face until they were indistinguishable from each other. He blinked for a second and then his eyes mixed both black and red, midnight specks in the violent pool of red. He was angry and so hard. Frustration overrode his guilty conscious. Fury carved harsh lines across Miguel's face, hardening his jaw and turning his cheekbones into slashes of tension by the moonlight. His eyes simmered with a slow-burning desire, the type that snuck up and annihilated him before he knew it.
Miguel had always been intimidating, but at that moment, he looked like the devil himself had left hell to exact his retribution. Arousal leaked out of you at that look. The air sharped with dense tension and desire, enough that it finally yanked him out of his frozen stupor. Time suspended for a brief, agonizing moment, just long enough for your breath to become his.
Miguel yanked your arm away from him and curled it behind your back, your soft gasp making drool form at the back of his throat. His other hand gripped your chin and at that moment he saw thunder in your eyes. “I'd rather fuck you instead.” Uncertainty evaporated from his voice, leaving nothing but satin and smoke in its wake.
His mouth shattered against yours, finding its rightful place in your mouth. Home. You thought his last kiss was good, but this was ferocity at its most unhinged. You had succumbed to the skillful assault on your senses.
Your body was molded to his, all hard muscles under the holographic suit. Your mouth was like a pure shot of heroin- the forbidden fruit that he was restraining himself for was now all his to devour, his to savor. The first kiss was passionate but impulsive. This... was sticky and wet, saliva mingling with saliva, this was primal and addicting. Miguel's worries melted into nothing, for now, he was fucking delighted that your body instinctively curved against his, seeking more contact like a horny virgin. His lips left yours to breathe, a rough calloused breath shot out of his throat, as his mouth fell to your jaw, kissing and sucking so fucking hard, desperate to mark you.
“Miguel…” You moaned out in failed protest, the word rolled like heaven off of your tongue. You were made to moan his name.
“I'm going to wreck this tight cunt..”
“Listen, listen...I'm bad. I'm a bad girl. Now I'm making you bad..” You whispered in his ear, yelping a little when he bit down hard on the skin of your jaw. You felt the indents of his teeth.
“Carinõ...I'm not a good man, you know that.” His eyes wildly found yours again, his face hardening like granite, his steely resolve thrumming in the air around you.
You begged to differ, but you didn't want to think about that right now.
Miguel shoved you on the bed, manhandling you by being completely careless of where you landed.
“Miguel!” You whined like a kicked bitch in heat, it felt so humid in your room, you scrambled to get your- well, his- top off. Miguel stood up straight and gawked at you from the foot of your bed, waiting like a hungry predator. You discarded the shirt so you were completely naked on your bed, shining and glimmering in the pale moonlight, skin as soft as fresh silk. Your chest rose and fell with every rapid breath, Miguel's eyes were clouded in the dark hellfire that is desperation when you spread your legs. You propped yourself up on your elbows, tilting your chin down to glare at him with impossibly sizzling fuck me eyes. Miguel's heartbeat pummeled to the tip of his leaking cock at the sight of you in such an impossibly filthy position- free for him to use, fuck and bite however he pleases. He glanced at your hands and your fingers were ripping up the sheets under you, spotlighting the tension and swirling heat in your cunt. He was like a kid in a candy store, your pussy was leaking, the clear sticky liquid running down your thighs.
“Every time you speak, this is what happens.” Your tone was dead serious and the expression on your face was stony- you were definitely not toying with him now. You were just too eager for that.
Miguel's eye twitched. Without warning, he grabbed your ankles and pulled them to the edge of the bed, you gasped softly when you felt your legs dangle out, Miguel was between your thighs, glaring down at you with a demanding instinct.
“Sit up straight.” He ordered coldly, you felt a new wave of wetness form between your folds at his words.
You did what you were told, eyes piercing against his, challenging each other but it was obvious who had the upper hand.
Oh…the things Miguel could do to you in this position. The things he wanted to do, x-rated scenarios reeled through his head. You blinked up at him with doe eyes, wide and needy. His needy, desperate girl. A hint of a wicked smile played on his lips. Miguel smashed a few buttons on his watch and his holographic suit disintegrated off. Your eyes scanned his golden olive skin, his body was sculpted with such perfection you expected to find Michelagelo's signature embossed on his V-line. Broad shoulders. Muscled chest. A faint dusting of black hair that tapered down to…
Oh fuck.
His cock was staring at you right in the face, jutting out, huge and hard- 11 inches for sure at least. It curved to the side, a thick vein bulging out of the underside, an angry red tip leaking pre-cum. The mere idea sent twin frissons of apprehension and anticipation spiraling down the deepest pit of your stomach. You gawked blankly at his dick, mouth open wide and eyes outspread. It felt like you'd never even seen one before. Well, you had never seen his before.
That fucking face, that gape. He was going to frame it in his office and fuck his fist under the desk staring at it.
There was no way he'd fit. It would be impossible.
“Oh my…God.” You mumbled under your breath
When you finally dragged your gaze back up to his, Miguel's eyes were already laser-focused on you, dark and smoldering with a banked heat that you were sure could crumble you to dust. His hand gripped your cheeks, ensuring that your eyes were on him without hesitation. Miguel smiled crookedly when he spotted the slivers of saliva hanging from your bottom lip, quite literally drooling over his cock absentmindedly. He loved how dumb he’s got you already.
"Aww querida...I always seem to think about my own suffering, yet I neglect yours the most.” His tone had slivers of mockery in it, and tears pricked in your eyes.
“Yes. You do. So just fuck me already.” You scowled, pretty eyebrows tensing and creasing when he planned on stretching out such a momentous occasion. If anything it should be you punishing him for the amount of times he had denied you of the very thing that kept your soul alive.
Hypocritical son of a bitch.
Miguel harshly let go of your face and slapped your cheek with his dick, your face whipped to the side due to the sheer force of such an obscene thing- he definitely caught your attention now, undermining his authority never sat well and it regurgitated back onto you tenfold. You blinked up at him, the surprise hitting you like a brick and making you choke out the breath you forgot you were holding, your cheek heated red as the stickiness smeared slightly. You were about to internally combust, for such vulgarity to feel that good.
"All you do is fucking talk.” Miguel snarled at you gruffly, the force behind it sounded very real.
“I'm prepping you, getting you all wet so you can at least take about half of me.” You wanted to kick him in the face and make his fangs stick into the walls of his gums and snap them. He really thought you wouldn't be able to take him? Well, a few minutes ago you thought it would be quite frankly impossible to take his sheer size but now since he doubted you...you thought otherwise, wildly determined didn't even begin to cover it.
You cocked a condescending eyebrow at his incredibly smug statement. “I'm wet enough! We were practically designed to fuck each o-!“
Miguel cut you off, waiting for the opportunity when your mouth was wide enough to just shove his cock in. And he did just that. He grinned and let out a low rumbling chuckle at your pathetic and dumb demeanor, who knew a woman who viewed herself so highly could end up being so damn bendy for someone else. Your eyes pricked glassy mirrorball tears, he almost saw his own smug reflection in them, that beautiful surprised look on your face needed to be painted and sold for millions. Your mouth was so warm, so wet, bucketfuls of spit spilling on his cock as you sucked, glaring him right in the pupils of his midnight rings. Miguel's lips flipped to a pretty smile as he watched you struggle to take him all. Your tongue was flat on his tip but what was really jarring was the barely there touches you'd flick onto the sensitive slit, causing him to be unable to repress his animalistic grunt. He could've cum right then and there just from how your mouth felt alone, but he had to endure- he couldn't be known for lasting 5 seconds.
“Yes, we were. You're exactly right.” He gritted through his grinding jaw.
This was exactly what you dreamed of, the spark that lit the flames of desire that licked at the very essence of your soul. It just felt so right. He was so thick and he tasted so good, his natural musk clouded your nostrils, and your throat flexed to take him that much more. One more jerk and he was sure he was going to cum.
Woah, easy. Easy.
Miguel's eyes shot open as you hummed around him appreciatively.
He really thought you couldn't do it. You'd show him that he meant jack shit. There was something so heady about the idea of making a man like Miguel fall to your mercy. You could either bring him over the edge or keep him there forever.
You slid him down your throat a little more. He put his fist in your hair to jerk your head around but you scratched and slapped them away earning nothing but a breathless, accusing scoff from him.
“You'll choke.” It was a half-assed warning and a half-assed patronizing joke. A hint of wariness crept into his voice when you finally gripped the base of his cock with two hands. The sensation tinged his nerve endings in heat, saliva escaping the corners of his mouth.
You didn't care, your eyes tangled with his as if you were saying ‘You think I can't? Watch me.’ You slid him all down your throat, hitting the very back of it. You whimpered tasting the salty sweetness before you swirled your tongue from side to side, bobbing your head up and down, suckling softly at first before fucking him hard with your tongue. Jesus Christ, his mind was exploding with static heat- he was trying to conceal his chest from heaving but he couldn't.
This was most definitely the best blowjob he's ever had, you had this twist-and-jerk technique that was truly remarkable. Miguel raised his eyebrow, dumbfounded by your skill but then a wicked smile slashed through that.
What a pretty little slut. His pretty little slut.
“You feel so good. You're...fuck. You're fucking perfect for me...” Miguel moaned drunkenly, unable to control his lips from moving. He's never been this sensitive before, every barely there touch elicited a new wave of pleasure. Pain and pleasure blurred into one at this point. The compliment made you wetter if that was even a possibility.
“I'm gonna...Mierda...g'na...I'm gn'a cum.” He could barely string together a sentence, a coil snapped inside of him, the coil that has been tightening ever since he met you.
Miguel pulled his cock out of your mouth and jerked himself off, cumming on your chest, creating a pearl necklace with his hot salty cum, dripping all down your tits to your stomach. His face creased into a desperate wince as he groaned from the deep chasms of his gut, a rumble as he released all over you. Your gasp was helpless and he wanted to hear that specific sound all night, it turned into his favorite music. This was the most gratifying and fulfilling orgasm he's ever had. He opened his eyes after they screwed shut, peeking through to see the mess he made on his fist and your body...and there you were looking like a sculpture, something akin to a Greek goddess, leaning back slightly, hair touselled and messy, skin glowing. He could finish again at the sight alone. His sex drive was insatiable.
“Still think I'm in need of prepping?” You chided, embarrassingly pleased with yourself at proving him wrong.
You didn't have any time to lose, your mouth was wrapped around him again.
You retracted a hand from the base of his leaking cock and let them slide down your thighs before your nimble fingers edged to your hot cunt. Your index finger found your swollen clit, rubbing it for a single second, feeling a small fraction of delicious pain before his glare caught you red-handed. Miguel's blood reared at the blurry sight, he gripped your hair again with his white hot fist and pulled you off of his cock, drooling-invisible strings of cum and spit connecting you together. He took a moment to admire you at your most beautiful, heated cheeks, swollen pink lips dribbling into a lazy smile
Miguel grew indignant in a matter of nanoseconds.
“No. Don't you dare think about touching. You've done more than enough yourself.” He grunted like a boar. He used your hair like a leash and threw you back flat on the bed, breasts bouncing at the action. You pouted as he crawled on top of you, his heavy weight being a welcome invite to your body, his cock slapped against your stomach and you could feel his skin turn wet due to your drenched mound. “I said don't give me that look.” He said seethingly. The feeling of his skin on yours was making you intensely needy. You wrapped your legs around his waist, locking yourself in your new favorite position: under him.
“Please...Miguel. I need you, I'm desperate for you, I'm tired of waiting for you, I've been ready for you for so long…” A desperate plea ripped away from your throat in a choked sob. Miguel had never seen your eyes emanate such honesty and sincerity, glowing in the pale moonlight- you weren't making a glib or clippy joke about this. It was as honest as you could get.
Miguel's eyes darkened as your words fell on his ears, slurring at your incessant whining. “Mi nina necesitada…” He hummed under his breath. “So cockdrunk already?”
You had been dying to let him roam your body freely, doing whatever he pleased, a breathy moan escaped from your parted lips when his apathetic hand traced the curves of your body, goosebumps strangely patterning your heated skin. Miguel crashed his lips against yours again, his fangs snagging against your mouth and his teeth clinking against yours. It was messy and sloppy, spit against spit, tongue against tongue. His hands palmed your tits, feeling them before his talons pinched and rolled your already-sensitive nipples. Pulling and playing with them, snarling and grinning crookedly against your lips as he swallowed your moans.
“I'm gonna cum..” You breathed softly but Miguel was not having it. “Miguel...if you keep doing that I'm gonna cum.” You warned him but it landed on deaf ears.
"You're gonna cum on my cock.” He corrected you unkindly before chuckling lowly. “My sweet sensitive cunt.”
Before you knew it, Miguel gritted his teeth, you didn't have time to do anything more than gasp before his length slid into you so easily, hitting that spot that made him realize you were right: you were designed to fit each other, designed to fuck each other
“Fuck...Oh my god...” You moaned out loudly.
He filled you up to the hilt with only one thrust. You only had a few seconds to adust before one hand was on your neck and the other gripped your hip and slammed you up and down on his cock, hard, while he drove down inside of you. Each thrust was more brutal than the last, you were getting embarrassed at the whines and moans, and attempting to conceal them with your fist wasn't helpful either. You threw your head back into the mattress, exposing more skin on your neck for his palm to grip.
“Be loud. Let me hear you.” He demanded coolly, his steely resolve shattering just from watching your swollen lips turn into a full-blown gape. You gave in to his instruction and let yourself moan without shame. Miguel manhandled you and threw you about sloppily again and again, harder and faster until your knees buckled.
His fangs ground together, threatening to shatter the pearly whites he was known for as he watched your body contort. Fuck, you looked so beautiful. He saw his cock bulge under the skin of your stomach and it was just another lightning bolt that was the thunderstorm between you two. You whined when he grabbed your knees and pushed them into your chest, smooshing your breasts together, allowing him better access to pump you full.
Miguel knew you were on birth control but he couldn't help but feel disappointed about it. He disguised it as a throwaway thought
“You can't even begin to understand how bad I've wanted you.” Your tongue slipped out, reiterating the same thing as always: your desperation.
“Tell me I'm the best you ever had.” He growled brutally, staring down at you, watching your hair nuzzle into the pillow. Your nails dug crescents into his back, probably enough to draw blood if you angled it another way.
"You're the best I've ever had!” You screamed back, begging to finish. “Please...you're the best I've ever had.” You cried out, eyes welling up with tears, streaking down your warm face making Miguel even more aroused. Miguel felt so dirty and depraved, but that's the kind of man he was. He wasn't a good man at all.
You clung onto him for dear life as he rutted in and out violently, you threw your head back into the pillow, his talons were sure to leave indents on your neck, and you drooled at the idea. Your body felt nothing more than a mass of sensation and nerve as you matched his rhythm and grinding your swollen clit up against him: like you were made for each other. It was like you were sucking the soul out of him.
“You need to get used to being fucked like this because I'm not leaving you alone for the entire weekend Hermosa.” Miguel declared with a snarl and it felt like the world was tipped on its axis. “My pretty little cumslut, eh?”
That's all it took.
One promise.
One last final rub of your clit.
Your mouth fell open to a silent scream, but then Miguel glared at you- instructing you to be loud. So you did. Your pussy gushed onto him and your throat ripped out a pornographic moan, the sound echoed into every nook and cranny of your being- it was an out-of-body experience, both a complete cleansing and a complete dirtying of the person you've become. You've never cum that hard, ever. It was so powerful and all-consuming that it drowned out every sound other than Miguel's heavy breathing. He was still pounding into you, chasing his second release of the night. His dick twitched when he saw your face look so blissed out, stars burst behind his eyes as his dick pulsated. Miguel threw his head back and spurted inside of you, before pulling out, spurting again, and then plugging his dick back in.
You were both panting messes, sweat rolling off of your skin as if you had just finished a marathon. Your faces were inches away from each other, gawking at each other vacantly, eyes wide and glittering with that after-sex aura. Silence clawed into the atmosphere, all you could do was stare at each other, silently saying ‘I can't believe we just did that’
Miguel leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your lips. “I meant what I said. I'm not letting you leave” The contrast between his gentle kiss and his filthy words made you feel limp.
i feel like this was lowkey self serve bc all i want to do is give miguel head LOL .
i also just have to say another thank u to all the people who love this series! i’m so overwhelmed by the idea that you guys like the way i write miguel. thank u so much! i love u
taglist (giggles): @thel0velykey190 @scaleniusrm @drefear r @imkikibtw @tbeanie3 @spxctorsslxt @saturnknows @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick k @mafer383 @i-feel-violated @crowleysthings @avatar-lover @l3laze @wyvernnest @rowboatweeb @schniti-is-in-the-house ri @d1lf-loverrr @iamv1n @ro99se @nxrdamp @mrssabinecallas @jesmynsjoys @xiylio @leahnicole1219 @reine-sans @tallmanlover @neverlandlostchild @axerrri @frieschan @plzfeedmebread @rorel1a @z0mbiekat @rey26 @stunkbiggu @honeycovered-bandaids@hearttjason @brittney69 @thyroidissues @4imhry @pinkliquor @realalpacorn @dr-skazka @simoniithehomii @aisyakirmann @deezisnotreal @synamonthy @bread6069 @iite-cool @thedevax @soymiguelsesposa @heartthrobinsblog @siidmm @queerponcho @luvingmyships @dhollandhs @kehlanilopez @lyrasdrawer
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yanderestarangel · 5 months
✏ anon request: "Can you write something about smoke holding back his desires because he doesn't want to be pushy or selfish but the reader tells him to let loose? Like a sub!tomas to a rough dom!tomas"
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TW: hard!dom tomas, sexual fantasies, fetishes, daddykink, breed!kink, spit on mouth, v!sex, blowjob - deep throat, rough sex, dub con, hunter!play, primitive sex, size!kink, bare sex, degradation, oral (f!re), nicknames, ftm!reader, extreme!smut, nsfw, bites, afab anatomy, power play, part.1.
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♡ - Tomas has so much built-up lust that it literally physically hurts the poor guy. He was always repressed in many aspects - whether sexual or sentimental - throughout his years of life, he was always the younger brother, the sweet and kind man, the ninja who helped everyone... But even though he repressed his thoughts even more of dominance, inside, something inside the Slav was something more primitive, desires that he could never let out.
♡ - However, you soon entered his life, and to make matters worse, his desires increased even more. He tried to masturbate so he wouldn't take it out on you, but every time he saw you, he just wanted to bend you over the nearest surface and fill you to the brim with his cum, while turning you into a dumb, quivering mess for him. The first few times you had sex were also calmer, with Tomas afraid of hurting you, and not penetrating you, just letting you have fun with his cock, whether sucking it or just rubbing your pussy over his thick length - like I already wrote in another headcanon, Smoke is a guy with an 8-inch dick, in addition to being an extremely muscular man, who can easily break you in half for several reasons - so he just settles for having your orgasm, but from the moment when you tell him to just let go and take everything out on you... This man becomes a hungry beast.
♡ - Tomas will start to be rougher, starting with oral sex. Before, when he was still repressing himself from being a submissive, he would just give calm and peaceful licking and fingering, however, now he will suck your pussy, ordering you to ride his face, slapping your ass and squeezing your breasts - if you you have - while deliciously degrading you, the ninja's husky voice against your sensitive skin, placing your clit between his teeth lightly, making you jump and squirm. "-I've been wanting this, dreaming about fucking you like this, feeling your tight pussy squeezing my tongue like that. You're driving me crazy, baby, you're my whore, aren't you?" he would grunt as he motivated you to rub even more of your wetness against him, you couldn't help but let out a loud squeal, feeling the change in the power dynamic between the two of you, before Vrbada only showered you with affectionate nicknames but now, he treated you like a cheap slut and you.... Loved that.
Tomas has several fetishes, and after the first time you authorize him, he will use them all on you, whether they are:
♡ BREEDING!KINK ♡ With him fucking you raw, the skin on skin drove him crazy, he turned into a mf smug while he had one hand on your neck and the other holding your waist, pounding your pussy roughly, affectionately calling you "my little breeding slut" filling your little pussy with his hot and thick cum, the feeling becomes uncomfortable as he cums inside you so much, but he tells you to squeeze your thighs and not let any drops fall, after all, you are the good boy from him. "-Just keep those pretty thighs closed ok? Yes my pretty bitch, you're a good boy, and good boys close their pussies when told to... I want to see you filled with my kids."
♡ DADDYKINK ♡ Tomas has always had the need to feel in control, so for you to call him "Daddy" while he's so rough, abusing your holes is so amazing to him. He will just use your favorite nicknames while he fucks your throat - forcing you to deep throat him, as he quickly takes his member out of your mouth leaving a burning sensation in your throat, tears running down your face, making the tall man smile and rub the dick in your cheek, hitting the member in your face and returning to the heat of your tongue. "-Oh fuck... Keep sucking daddy's cock will you? You can handle that, can't you? You're just my stupid boy, my cockslave' so beautiful and so needy, just like a good slut would be."
♡ HUNTER!PLAY ♡ Smoke will use his talents as a Hunter to hunt you, an aggressive and primitive sex, with you being his prey - like a lost deer, being sought after by a hungry wolf - he will give you a five-minute advantage to run through the forest, the The sun was setting while you tried to run away... But you knew it was inevitable, and that made you even wetter, after all your boyfriend warned you that the further you went, the rougher he would fuck you. He knew exactly where you were, throwing you to the ground and pinning your neck with his biceps against the dry leaves - his blue eyes shone with a primal hunger and he practically salivated, pulling his already hard cock out of his pants. Smoke held your face, forcing you open your mouth and spitting inside. "-Swallow it my dirty little slut... And get ready, I'm going to fuck you until you can barely mouth my fucking name." He will cover your mouth, isolating your sounds as he fucks you into oblivion, sucking your breasts and leaving you totally marked with bites.
♡ SIZE!KINK ♡ He loves seeing the bulge that builds up in your womb as he continually shoves his cock into your overstimulated hole, placing one of his hands to feel how big it is, and how much it is bouncing inside your little womb. "-Do you feel that? You're taking my cock like a champ, boy... My slutty baby boy just wants me to destroy you... Damn you're a pretty, naughty little thing." Tomas fills you repeatedly with his cum, the feeling of being bigger and stronger than you, being able to break you in half at any moment was intoxicating for him, carrying you all over the house and lifting you in his arms, making you cum and squirt in the his cock several times, and he won't stop, until he sees you limp and about to pass out on his lap, after all, you asked for it.
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𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 2024. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆.
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Alright, so there's been a lot of chatter about some of the most common racist takes in the fandom lately, and I know most people aren't engaging in good faith but I'm gonna spell some things out anyway. Here's a handy-dandy White Fan's Intro to Racist Fanon 101
Why is it racist to depict Ed as uncontrollably violent?
Because he's not actually depicted that way in the show. OFMD goes out of its way to depict Ed's relationship with violence as complex and intensely traumatic for him. Because he has so many hangups around violence, Ed is one of the least violent characters in a show full of violent characters. He is always shown giving people many chances before they're able to push him into reacting with violence.
Even if you think you're just doing a character study on a guy who is really very complex and nuanced, please take the time to consider if you're assigning more weight to Ed's violent actions than those of other characters or assuming he's worse than he actually is (for example, Ed never physically hurt the crew during his kraken spiral, just Izzy. His crime was being a shitty boss, not going on mindlessly violent rampages).
What do other common fanon depictions of Ed that are racist look like?
The biggest ones are depicting Ed as untidy/messy, as illiterate, and as needing a white man (most often Izzy) to clean up after him. I hope I shouldn't have to spell out why these are racist, but please keep an eye out for them in the fanon you consume so you can be critical of how you respond when they pop up.
Are you saying that all Izzy fans are racist?
Liking a character is morally neutral. Insisting that the viewpoint of an antagonistic character is the lens through which the show should be understood, though, especially when that antagonistic character's whole deal in the first season of the show was trying to control the behavior of the brown lead so he could gain power for himself, however...
Just please consider - why do you find Izzy's tears more deserving of sympathy and compassion than Ed's?
But my hot take/fic/meta doesn't say anything about Ed's skin color!
It doesn't have to. Most of the racist takes/fic/meta out there don't mention Ed's skin color explicitly. Racism doesn't just look like saying "this character is a brown man so he's bad." Everyone who grows up in a racist society (that's everyone on the planet, btw, you included) has biases to unlearn, and those biases impact how you interact with the world around you, including with the media you consume.
The thing is, OFMD isn't a subtle show. It's very consistent with telling us who Ed is, how he responds to situations, and why he behaves the way he does. If you find it easier to throw all that aside in favor of believing what a white antagonistic character tells you about him, then you should really take a bit to examine that.
And here's the most important thing to keep in mind:
This is not about you.
Trust me, it has to be pretty damn bad for fans of color to call out racism in fandom. Every time we do, we know we're gonna harrassment and just some truly awful shit in our inboxes. But you, random white fan who Did A Racism? No one is out to get you. No one thinks you're an awful person for including a racist trope in your stuff, we just wish you'd examine it so we can make this fandom a better place for everyone.
I have had amazing discussions with white fans who saw my posts on fandom racism and wanted a sensitivity read or a check so they could fix an instance where they uncritically included a racist trope. But most people who make similar mistakes will just double down and insist they didn't do anything wrong, and that makes fandom a worse place for all of us.
Fans of color deserve to feel safe and included in this fandom, and we're just tired of feeling like we have to beg to get some circles to see poc as people. You can do your part by being critical of these tropes and your reactions to them when they pop up.
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wandagcre · 5 months
What do you think abt Sam (non g!p) has the first time with her gf and she cums first (and gets very embarrassed afterwards, cuz she didn't even need to be touched for that!)
first time | sam carpenter 🔞
(Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader)
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Sam never understood the clichés of firsts, until you – the only one that mattered.
WARNING: make out session, fingering, first time - set in Scream universe | 18+ men & minors dni. Words: 1.1k Note: the softest smut i have written yet ahh enjoy! <3
"Fuck," Sam gasped, breathless as you were. "You feel- it's blowing my mind..." she tilts her head and slips in her tongue.
A small smile escaped your lips, knowing how the woman couldn't compose her words properly at your intense make out sessions as this. you let her in, finding her eagerness adorable. The soft rubs of your thumb on her nape only reeled Sam further to your touch. She takes off your top and the hunger in her motion made you arch your neck.
You slow down a little and Sam is tad confused but it doesn't stop her. Her own lips chased yours as you pull away and it didn't faze Sam, who continued caressing her hands onto your bare torso.
You and Sam had barely left one another enough for your lips to become numbed with the well-known dance that has been going on for minutes now. Her eyelids fluttering as she's wrapped in a dazed sensation – the rustling of your limbs against each other and touching and seeing you – has left the entirety of Sam scorching hot.
"Baby, baby," you moan in muted tone. The pit of fire in Sam’s stomach continues to burn, although she finally looks at you in concern.
"Are you okay? we can stop anytime,"
The tenderness is palpable on her doe eyes. You can't resist but run a finger softly on those hooded eyelids.
"Funny how i was going to ask you the same thing. You beat me to it," you say with a crooked smile. Your hands loosely wrapped around her waist and somehow, Sam’s body reacted too enthusiastically, and it made her hips buck onto your front. "Someone's excited."
"I can't help it, you know that too well, querida..."
"And I can definitely attest to that." An inevitable grin breaks out of Sam’s pretty face. It's so easy with you. "I’m all in, baby."
"I am, too. all in. I love you," Sam murmured as if she was in a daydream, stroking your cheek.
Sam drinks the appearance that beholds her. Your skin so soft and delectable, that she failed to keep her hands off you. The creases in your face with your gentle smile. Your soul that welcomed her without a hint of prejudice; paired with your eyes that relayed nothing but acceptance and love.
How Sam got lucky with you is lost on her.
Sam pulled you in once again, the softness gritting into a deplore of conviction; wanting to express how much you mean to her – cheesily enough, you are her world now.
Unfortunately, it also meant she had grown ridiculously damp. a stretch of her lower limb would make it seep much worse. She feels the electric coursing through her veins, prickling soundly onto her sensitive areas. She feels bare and vulnerable in all forms, you didn't even have to touch her that much for her to come undone.
It was mind blowing how Sam haven't thirsted this much to her previous partners before. Even with your limbs intertwined and skins grazing upon another, it simply wasn't enough. Sam is constantly chasing for more.
"I want to have you first," you breathed softly on Sam’s ears to her surprise, making her temperature rise even more. "Please, let go for me, Sammy. I promise to take care of you."
You look at her with glossy eyes, filled with devotion. How can Sam ever say no to you?
She nods with no reluctance to your glee. Oh god, this is happening. Sam feels your fingertips along her abdomen, touch so incandescent, that it made her muscles contract, as it makes its way further down to your goal.
When the heel of your palm laid on her lower stomach, fingers stretching in to go underneath her underwear, Sam felt herself vividly ooze a palpable amount of wetness that made her heave out of breath – thigh muscles spasming that she can barely move.
She rasped a moan as she laid her forehead on your shoulder.
"Are you okay, Sammy?" your eyes went wide in concern.
She weakly laughed. "Yeah, yes. Shit i think– this is unreal. I just came. I surely just felt it," she retracts her hold around you to cover her face in embarrassment. "Now I feel ridiculous. that- that wasn't supposed to happen,"
You looked at Sam bewildered at the news she had dropped.
"Baby, no, no. look at me," you shook her by the shoulder gently and cradled her face. "That's nothing to be shy of. If anything, I’m happy to make something as sex not only pleasurable by means of aggressive throes of lust, but comfortably mind-blowing to you."
It took a while for your words to sink in for Sam. She bit her lip, nodding in agreement. Sam looks at you straight in the eye. All she saw was comfort. Safety. Love. All of which resounded strongly when it comes to you. Slowly, the feel of embarrassment ebb out of her system.
This wasn’t a quick fuck, nor a casual thing. You weren’t cheeky and condescending as the other men she had encountered.
Sam felt like she mattered for once – as though she wasn’t a meat or a conquest.
The thought wasn’t lost on you as Sam looked at you in wonder and it breaks your heart. You decide to grasp her hand and place gentle kisses on her knuckles. The same hands that have gone through unimaginable violence, yet it’s gentle and slightly trembling in your hold.
"Thank you, mi querida."
The kissing resumed as your fingers also continued making its way to the depths of Sam’s crevice. The pad of your fingers that she ushered for you to rub harder had sent her on the edge. The soft gasps of excitement and pleasure, Sam couldn't take it.
Every touch had her entirety reeling, as though you had her absolved all her sins. Nothing else mattered.
"Listen to me, you're doing great. You look... beautiful."
Albeit it came rarely, Sam was somewhat desensitized to praises. But yours were raw and innocent. Sam feels her heart thumping louder than ever.
"Always a charmer,"
From there, she cants her pelvis closer to you, rocking her hips to the newfound rhythm – riding your fingers. All Sam can think about was your name. She met your thrusts and each time, you never failed to give her praise. I love you, I love you, I love you -- you confess, akin to worshipping a deity. The open mouthed kisses on her sternum and chest that you spread all over her, has made Sam's head spin. You simply understood how vulnerable and hard it was for the woman to let go. Sam swore she felt heaven – it made her surrender all her strength completely under your touch. She has never known a safer place as yours.
Wet enough she was, and this time both of you couldn't hold back your smiles, complemented by neediness, as you make love for the first time.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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elfven-blog · 11 months
Is it that bad?
Summary: You get to the bottom of why you’re puppy has been so avoidant lately Puppy!Leon Kennedy x F!Reader CW: MDNI, 18+, Puppy Leon, Sub!Leon, female reader anatomy, p in v, breeding. (If I have missed any, let me know)
Word count: 1.6K
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You didn’t know what was up with Leon lately, his mood seemed to swing worse than the pendulum in your office clock. One moment he wanted you as close as possible as he pawed at your sides and suckled at your tits, and the next he was putting himself in his kennel or going out for hour long runs. Many thoughts ran through your head as to what could be going on in your puppy’s mind for him to be like this, but not a single thorough conclusion.
And today, you’d had enough of it. He had gone on another of those long runs, deciding to forego spending time with you even though neither of you were busy today. You were angry, your blood was boiling, and it was almost ready to bubble over into the fire. The tap tap tap of your foot rang out as you bounced your leg up and down, arms crossed as you stared at the clock from where you sat. The minutes ticking down slowly.
A few moments later and you hear the click of the door, eyes snapping to the hallway as Leon made his way into the living room. His ears were flattened to his head and tail drooped with no life in it, sweat dripping down his neck as he wiped it away, sometimes you hated that sensitive nose of his but then times like this, where the anger is rolling of you, it’s one of your favourite things. He can tell exactly how angry you are by the burning scent filling his nose.
You watched as his hands furled and unfurled, his leg twitching at the tense atmosphere, but you sigh and shake your head. When you stood from the sofa, the anger dissipating and being removed with just tiredness. He followed you immediately a whine leaving his throat as he reached to wind his arms around your waist, stopping you from going any further. You sigh again.
“Leon, can you let go?” His head buries into your neck where you feel him shake his head and his arms tighten around you. Your hand moved to try and pull his arms off you but there appears to be no luck as he’s much stronger. Leon presses his nose further into your skin and you can feel as he rolls his hips against your ass, and suddenly to mood swings and constant avoidance make sense. A whine makes its way out of him as he presses closer, almost bending you over as his hips rut against the friction and his cock strains at his shorts.
“Oh, Leon, puppy you could have told me” You felt the shaky hot breath against your skin as his hips pressed against you again, and his thighs tensed “is it that bad? You know I’m happy to help you” Leon growled lightly before his teeth grazed at your pulse and he pulled you closer, caging you into him as a wet spot grew against his shorts and your jeans.
And then he pulled away, his head lifting from your neck as he nosed at your cheek “I’m sorry, you were just so busy with that work project and I didn’t want to distract you, thought I could deal with it” There were tears gathering in his blue eyes, almost swallowed by his pupils and you took his hands from around your waist and led him to your shared bedroom.
“God, I thought you were angry, or or” the words stumbled in your throat and Leons eyes widened as he rushed to hug you, both of you landing on the bed as his ears flattened to his head and he smothered your face with his lips. Hands roaming all over your body as he pressed himself down against you.
“No, no, never that, never” his voice was a little more hoarse as his bottom lip trembled before he’s leaning down and pressing his mouth to yours with his tongue licking into you. Your hands moving to clutch at his t-shirt “gonna show my owner how much I love her, gonna breed her so she and everyone knows”.
His words goes straight between your thighs, slick dripping into your panties as you buck your hips up against his. Then you use the hands on his tshirt to push him over, rolling him onto his back which he is quite happy to allow. His tail thumps against the sheets, and his hands move to paw at your tits. “Uh uh, puppy. You’re gonna let me take care of you, even if you’ve been bad gotta make sure your balls are empty before I punish you” Leons head falls back with a groan as his hands dip below your top and massage at the bare skin under your bra, fingers rolling the pebbled nipple between his fingers as his hips move his thickened cock against your jeans.
With a soft smile, you pull away and he reaches for you as you shush him. You undress yourself completely and his mouth opens with drool sitting at the corner before his attention shifts to watch you pull his shorts and boxers down. His erection smacking against his abdomen and smearing the previous orgasms cum against the skin. His tip was red and still throbbing. His hands grip at your hips as he looks at you dazed already.
A low groan left his open mouth as your fingers gathered the cum leaking from his slit before you wrapped your hand around him, the skin of his cock burns hot in your hand as the shlick shlick sounds in the room. His eyes close as he tries to keep his hips down for you. Be your good boy and prove he can breed you well. Your own eyes darkened at the sight of him below you, the sweat from his run was still causing a shine to his skin as more gathered against his hair.
“There we go puppy, just lay back and relax” Your hand squeezed around the base, and you felt his cock jump in your hand as his thighs tensed and the drool slipped from his mouth and down his chin, matching the slick coating your thighs before you moved to hover over him “poor puppy, just needs me to look after him. To just take his cock over and over to make sure he’s empty.” His hips rut up, bumping against your dripping hole and causing him to moan at the fleeting touch.
As you sink down onto him Leon lets out the most pornographic sound and his tail thumps against the bed faster as his hands bruise into your skin. He his immediately pushing up further into you as his grip pulls you down, and your hands moved to steady against his chest as you struggle to keep up with his pace. But he decides its not enough and he rolls you back over so his hips can piston into you at a different angle, making you moan as all words are lost in your jumbled mind. His hands move to bend your legs up near your ears.
“So good, so tight, gonna breed you so good, make sure you’re full of my pups” his own mouth runs a mile a minute, all of his thoughts leaking out through his lips as he leans down. Pushing your legs further up as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth “Gotta make sure it takes, cant wait to see your pretty tits filled with milk so I can suck ‘em for you before pups get here” His hips are still rabbiting into you, his balls slap against the supple skin of your ass and his pelvis rubs your clit just right.
Your own thighs shake against his head and pleasure builds in the pit of your stomach, your arms lay by your side almost useless as he continues bullying his cock in and out of you. A squelching sound fills your ears as his tongue runs over your nipple before he moves to the other and immediately suckles that into his mouth as he moans around it, your cunt tightening around him. “Can’t wait to see you swollen with my pups, wont be able to keep my hands off you”
A broken noise leaves you, you’re not even sure what kind of noise its meant to be but Leons ears lift up and he seems to like it as he snaps his hips into your cunt again to try and draw another one out. His mouth moves from your spit covered tits to your neck where he licks against the salty skin, and he presses his body weight against you, sinking deeper into your hole as his tip hits the cervix.
Your hands clench at the sheets as your walls pulse around him, and your eyes close from the force of the orgasm washing over you. Legs squeezing his head while he rides your orgasm out, and his teeth bite into the skin of your neck as he pumps cum into your spent walls.
The both of you lay there for a minute before he moves with a groan and his hips push against you again. Your eyes fly open and wide as you look at him with an open mouth. “Already?”
A blush covers his cheeks as he dips his head down to press a kiss to your chest, and nods as his hips begin moving again. “Sorry, sorry, just, God can’t help it, need to make sure it all takes”.
This was gonna be a long rut.
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mayullla · 9 months
Yandere Ayato 🦋🌸 please and thank you 😊
Title: You continued to look for him
Character(s): Ayato (Genshin Impact) Summary: You could not help but hope that you would be able to meet your fated soulmate. Yet that never happened and you wed the Yashiro Commissioner. You should have given up on soulmates then, but you didn't. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Fem!reader, soulmate au (same tattoos), arranged marriage au, manipulation, toxic parents, implied murder
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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Fated love, in your world, was something like marks on the skin that you were born with. A patterned birthmark that was unique to only you and one other person who was your soulmate. 
There was a special connection between both people, the deeper the love the more profound the shade, it was a pride to some lovers, because a mark never lies. Most lovers could rest assured that they have each other in their hearts, however if one side dies, their birthmark will become lighter... less obvious on the skin. 
Gone as if they were never there. What felt like only a dream… meeting their soulmate, marrying, and living happily ever after life whatever that dream was has come to an end. But for many aristocratic families, it was common practice to marry out of benefits or money rather than something like fate.
You were born into aristocracy and were expected the same. 
Even when everyone saw that little birthmark on your wrist right under your palm, it was either ignored by most or stared with pity for the more sympathetic ones. But they too ultimately ignored it, unable to help you.
Your parents found your birthmark to be a nuisance. If it was somewhere else on the body less obvious, then it would have been far better in their eyes. If you didn't have any from the start, it was the most ideal situation.
But it was not the case, and they could only make do with forcing you to wear gloves whenever you go out or when you were in their eyesight.
You grew up being told that this birthmark means nothing in nobility. Your parents made sure that you didn't get any ideas banning others from talking about it in front of you. Yet you listened, listened to the stories from maids who didn't think others were looking... listening to their little stories and gasps.
A word about it never left your lips about this sensitive topic, it was obvious that your parents would never care if you had found your soulmate. They wouldn't have let you meet him if he was of commoner status or worse shout and yell in anger if he was poor. But you always had this naive hope, there was a happy ending waiting for you.
However, that never arrived, as you wed another man arranged by your parents. They were full of glee and greed when they heard that the head of the Kamisato clan took an interest in you, ecstatic when he had sent a proposal. You watched from the corner of the room as you glanced down at your wrist, your birthmark hidden under the gloves you were forced to wear.
"It seems that you are disappointed." Kamisato Ayato, your fiance touched your cheek lightly when you stared at your wrist for too long, a solemn look on his face. You could see what he would ask next but before he could speak you didn't let him. 
You shook your head at his words. 
In the garden of the Kamisato estate you and him looked at the waters of Inazuma, "I am only doing what was expected of me. I will become your wife." You told him, leaning in his hand as if to show him affection, that you were willing to do this.
From that moment you should have thrown those silent hopes and dreams away. From the moment it became official that you and he were husband and wife, you should have thrown any thoughts of meeting the person you were supposed to be fated to. That from now on you belonged to someone else.
Ayato was a kind man, you thought. People had many things to say about him. He was hard-working, dutiful, smart and caring. He fulfilled his role as your husband. You were never in need, whether that be food or clothes, instead, you were spoiled as he gifted and dressed you with the finest luxuries that others could only wish to have. He was affectionate, always taking at least a little time off each day to stay by your side. You felt like he thought of you as his equal, a part of him instead of someone foreign, or a sort of trophy. He may not have been your fated partner, but he loved and cherished you nonetheless.
You should have been satisfied with what you have. You should have thrown all those feelings away, yet you were still so curious, eyes still lingering at your wrist when you zoned out in thought. He was alive that much you knew, you knew he was out there somewhere. Was he also curious as to who you were? What would you and he do when you found each other when you were married to another man.
You fulfilled your duties as the Kamisato head's wife. You showed respect to your husband as the leader. But there was a distant feeling that was never mentioned between you and Ayato. A kind of invisible wall that you unconsciously placed. Guilt ate you when you realize that your husband knew of it.
He stayed quiet, never complaining, never accusing as he continued to show affection towards you, as his wife. Everyone saw his love for you, and you heard from others and knew how loving he was as a husband. That he only had eyes for you. You would smile and blush flustered at their words but it felt more akin to stabs at your conscience.
Looking at the falling rain under the umbrella, the tapping sounds when the water drops hit the umbrella shield was relaxing as you took a stroll. Many of the servants tried to discourage you from going out worried that you may get wet, yet you told them you wished to follow Thoma to the market rather than stay home. They relented after a while, Thoma was kind enough to help you out stating that he would protect and help you if something bad were to actually happen.
Reaching the market you watched as people walked along the street, most holding their own umbrellas, others running with a hand or newspaper over their heads or hiding under shelters waiting for the rain to stop. Your mind was elsewhere as you waited for Thoma to buy all the ingredients for tonight's dinner.
Till you saw him.
Many say that it was as if the world had stopped for a moment when soulmates saw each other for the first time. A surreal experience, as you realize that the other person was the one. You could not breathe for a moment, frozen in place, eyes wide as you watched him march past you never noticing your stare. A soldier, based on his uniform but you saw the birthmark on his wrist that was holding his umbrella.
You wanted to stop him, you wanted to see him just once. Get a good look at the man who was supposed to be your fated partner. Talk to him just once to see what it would look like in your future if you married him. What was it like? Where would you be? So many questions consumed your thoughts but something was keeping you still. It was hard to move, hard to even breathe as you unconsciously counted the time, knowing that every second he was getting farther and farther away from you. 
However you could not do anything.
A hand placed itself on your shoulder, snapping you back to reality. Time returned back to its normal pace. The umbrella that was on your hand was on the floor and cold were the droplets that hit your hair and your face, soon covered by an umbrella that wasn't yours.
"Are you okay?"
He called out your name, a familiar deep voice. Concerned eyes looked at you questioning why you had been standing in the rain like that. Ayato covered you with his own umbrella bringing you closer to him to shield you from getting any more wet. Words didn't come out for a moment, rendered speechless. You looked away from your husband towards where your fated partner was but the crowd had taken him away from you as you could not see him anymore.
You felt like your heart dropped and shattered into pieces till you felt a warm hand touch your cheek. Looking at the pale hand you looked up to your husband who looked at you in worry. "Do you have a fever? Hmmm... you are cold..." Ayato asked, mumbling the latter part as he moved his hand to your forehead. Some stared at you guys but continued on with their day while others mainly the elderly cooed at such a lovely couple.
"... No..." you told him, shaking your head as you looked down. It was impossible to look him in the eyes. "I am fine. I apologize… I do not know what came over me." 
It was hard to think of any excuses...
He looked at you for a moment, the silence dragging on as you wondered if he actually believed you. Yet instead of a reply, you were suddenly covered with a coat too big to be yours. Looking up at your husband surprised he just moved you closer to him. "It seems like you had a long day, dear." He spoke in a soft tone, "Come. Let's get you home."
Telling Thoma who just came back from haggling with the vendors to grab your umbrella, you guys went back in the direction of the Kamisato estate. You looked nowhere but in front of you, hurried to quickly escape this situation. You didn't see your husband glance back at the crowd, his eyes trailing at someone's form.
Ayato always loved you, long before the marriage arrangement that he and your parents made. But it seemed that fate was not kind to him when he found out that you had a soulmate birthmark on your wrist while he had none.
However he knew as nobles, it was rare that one would be able to marry their fated lover as marriage was often mixed in with greed, gains, and benefits. Your parents were just the same, they looked at what they could gain while you were nothing more than one of their pawns. It was easy to sign a contract with them where he gave something that did not benefit him at all for your hand in marriage.
He didn't feel an ounce of guilt in the first meeting when you glanced at his wrist with a little bit of hope in your eyes only to dull when you found nothing. Rather it annoyed him more than anything but he knew that with time you would fall in love with him too even without a tattoo. He had already shackled you from ever leaving him too easily with marriage. And while it might take a little while you would return your feelings to him he was patient with you and gave you everything even when you placed this invisible wall between you and him. 
It was slow, but he knew he was getting there. When you looked at him with those guilty eyes and tried to every so often show him the same affection he showered you with, only time would make it more genuine but a little push could never hurt anyone. It was a little later he found out who was your soulmate. An ordinary soldier, one of many and nothing special. This was just the last step till he finally had you in his grasp. Your conscious was still tilting one side to the other, telling yourself to leave those fantasies behind, with this you could finally make your decision.
Just one more step till you fall into his arms, in tears as the birthmark on your wrist slowly faded signaling the death of your soulmate. Till you finally give your heart to him, with nothing holding yourself back.
Only time was needed now till you finally become wholly his.
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Don't know if you've done it yet, but hc's for a kitsune!reader.
Specifically with itto, zhongli, neuvillette, and freminet.
I imagine the typical behavior associated with kitsunes, like tricksters and mischievous kinda, want it to be bit suggestive tho. The reader somehow traps them in a certain position, and it goes on from there 😭
(Feel free to not do this if you dont want to 🩷)
Of course I want to write this! Apologies it took so long for me to get to! I can't wait!! I've never written a kitsune reader before!! Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy this! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
CW: Suggestive! MDNI! Mentions of different positions and teasing~
(Includes: Itto, Zhongli, Neuvillette, and Freminet!)
"How did we end up like this ha, not that I mind or anything, the one and oni Ittos a true fan of being close...but I gotta admit this is closer than usual for me." You couldn't help but giggle at the large man's flustered words, your fox like ears twitching excitedly as you pressed yourself closer to his muscular body. It was true, the position you were in was far closer than one would usually allow...with his leg in between yours and your figures forced into touching due to the close walls around you..
"I'm not particularly sure as to how, but I'm certainly enjoying your presence, perhaps we should be in this position more often hm~"
"My my Zhongli, you've certainly got me in a interesting position. Tell me, was this your intent all along~" Your words slipped from your lips in quiet seductive whispers, driving him almost mad as he stared up at you, his hands on your plush thighs that straddled his hips...even with all the knowledge he possessed he wasn't sure how he'd ended up underneath you.."I can promise you it wasn't my intention, however I must admit it's not at all displeasing...you're beautiful at any angle."
"Awe your words are so kind, perhaps I'll do something back...return the kindness~"
"Ahem my apologies. I didn't mean to invade your personal space." Neuvillettes voice was low against your ear, his warm breath caressing your sensitive skin and his unapologetic apologies never going unnoticed. Yes this was out of the ordinary, being tied up with chief of justice...bodies pressed close together in a heated room, but neither of you were really concerned about rescue...afterall you knew it was all just going as planned.
"Neuvie don't apologise for invading my space, with you near my like this, I can feel every curve of your perfect figure...if anything, I'd like to be even closer~"
"I-im so sorry!" Freminet could barely even speak, his face red as a tomato and his stutter worse than it had ever been. He just wanted to hide in a closet and pretend he hadn't just completely embarrassed himself in front of you, but given the fact he was currently trapped with you in a small shipping container..your legs wrapped around his waist and his face mere inches from yours...it was actually impossible. If only the poor lad knew you were enjoying his overly flustered state more than a kid enjoys candy..
"Awe don't apologise cutie, I don't mind being close to you~"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
congrats on 4k!!! it is very well deserved & i hope u reach another huge milestone 🫶🏾 for sleepover week i would just like to bring up husband joshua from sundress szn and ask what was their honeymoon like 👀
thank you so so much! omg husband joshua i'm beyond excited to visit him again
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~1.1k
Warnings: cockwarming, unprotected sex, marriage kink, petnames (honey, baby, wife, good girl), creampie
Reader Notes: has breasts and a vagina
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Joshua wakes before you, his face buried in your neck and his body wrapped around yours. The sound of crashing waves travels through the open windows, as does the full force of the sun. He blinks slowly, raising a hand against the bright light flooding the room and scrunching his face when he sees the time. It’s early still, and he has no idea why he’s not sleeping. He kept you up late last night, christening nearly every surface in the hotel suite before finally letting you pass out after round who knows what.
He’s exhausted, his body worn out from the sex and his mind worn out from the wedding, and he can definitely feel it. He feels something else though: heat. Settled deep in his stomach, burning him up from the inside out, getting worse and worse the longer you- 
Oh. That’s why he’s awake. You’re grinding into him, your wet cunt searing hot around his hard dick. He forgot he fell asleep inside you last night and his cock feels so sensitive, but your pussy is so fucking good, he never wants to leave. 
He wakes you with a pinch to your hip and a slight thrust, murmuring a hoarse, “Morning, wife,” into your neck as you stir. You stretch, pushing back into him before you even fully wake before sleepily mumbling, “Hi, husband.” 
“Mmmm, what are our plans for the day?” Joshua asks in between kisses and nibbles along your throat. He gently cups your jaw, his hand big enough to reach from ear to ear, and turns your face to the side so he has more room to work. You pretend to think, tapping your chin with a finger, sunlight reflecting off your ring, before pushing into him again and whispering, “This?” 
He laughs into your neck, thrusting back and feeling his cock twitch when you giggle, making your sinfully tight walls contract around him. His head drops to your shoulder as he shudders, swearing quietly into your skin before wrapping his arms around your waist and bucking his hips hard against yours. You’re so fucking hot and wet around him, still fit him so perfectly even after he’s been stretching you out all night, and he has the sudden urge to thank you. To kiss you and hold you and fuck you and love you forever. And now that you’re his wife(!), those are all things he can do. 
Joshua doesn’t think he’s ever felt so giddy while having sex before, but there’s a first time for everything and he loves having his firsts with you. He wishes all of them were, but he knows that all the rest will be, and that’s enough. He’s getting strangely emotional, somehow just now fully processing what yesterday meant. What it means. 
That you’re his and he’s yours forever, and everyone knows thanks to the rings on your fingers and your hyphenated last names. 
“Love you so much, honey,” Joshua groans, releasing your face and pleading roughly, “Kiss me, need you to-“
You turn as best you can, kissing him and swallowing his words with a whine of your own as he slides in and out of you. He’s getting so deep inside, his dick bottoming out and his hips touching yours with every thrust, but he wishes he could get deeper. He wishes he could make a home inside you and live there, though he supposes making a home with you is just as good, if not even better. 
He’s getting close and he can sense that you are too, pulls you that much tighter into his chest before sliding one hand down between your legs to get you there before he does. All it takes to push you over the edge are your clit under his thumb and some words of encouragement (“Is my wife gonna cum for me? C’mon, I know you can do it, baby.”). The clenching of your cunt and your sweet, sweet sounds are enough to push him over too, and as his hot cum paints your walls, the only thing he can do is hold on tight and moan, “Love you, love you, love you, love you,” into your open mouth. 
His eyes are closed but he can feel you clinging to his arms as you come down, breathily echoing his love you’s and intentionally clenching your inner muscles just to be a little evil. He fucks into you in retaliation and opens his eyes, realizing that… he’s still hard. 
Fuck, but he came so much, he thinks, then wonders if you’d be up for another round. You met his thrust just now, even braced your hands on the bed to do so, but he figures he should ask, just to be safe. 
“Wanna go again?” Joshua whispers, pulling back just far enough for his eyes to catch yours. They’re gleaming, and you’re smiling that happy little bitten back smile, and he is so in love. 
And so, so hard. 
You nod, whispering back, “Absolutely, I do,” before he can even tell you to use your words. You really are his good girl. 
“On your back? I wanna look at you,” he breathes, struggling to keep his hips from bucking into you without his permission. His impatient body can wait until his wife is situated. 
He loosens his hold on you to let you wiggle onto your back, gathering you back up in his arms as soon as you get comfortable on the duvet. Missionary may be seen as a boring position, but Joshua thinks it’s one of the most intimate ways you can be with someone. He’s face to face with you, chest to chest, and he can look right into your eyes like he always loves to do. This is how he first made love to you, and it only makes sense to make love to you like this on your first day as husband and wife. 
He waits for you to spread your legs for him, waits for you to grow impatient and wrap them around his waist so you can pull him into you, and only when you throw your head back and whine, “Joshua!” does he line up and slide home. The warm wetness that engulfs him is blinding, intoxicating, new and exciting even as he fucks you for the nth time, and he knows he’ll never get enough.
Good thing you married him, he thinks, thrusting just a bit harder, just a bit deeper, knowing that he never needs to get enough. 
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Part 4
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deepouterspacecandy · 2 months
Ex Machina
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I received so many requests for period sex with Abby. This is a sensitive topic, difficult to write with the intention of fitting a wide array of readers, as our experiences with our bodies are all so different. Anyhow, this is my interpretation of Abby and intimacy during your time of the month. I hope I did it justice. Thank you for reading. 18+ only.
From the moment you crawled out of bed, a stubborn headache has plagued you, a dull throb pulsating behind your eyes. Sunlight floods your apartment, drenching the lush green leaves of all your plants while simultaneously intensifying the pounding in your head.
You glance out into the stadium and spot Abby leading the new recruits through drills on the field below. All week they’ve been running late, and although she’s usually home by now, it seems like today will be another exception.
Perhaps it’s for the best since you’re teetering on the brink of a bad mood.
You realize you should eat the breakfast she’s prepared for you, but your stomach is churning. Exhaustion burdens every inch of your body, as if your bones themselves are weary, the brain fog and bloat leaving you miserable.
While some months are more challenging than others, your period is never a pleasant ordeal. Growing up, the focus was on survival rather than on understanding the intricacies of womanhood and how to navigate them. Now, the demands of being actively involved in the WLF have made it difficult for you to prioritize and manage your health. It doesn’t help that your superiors interpret any actions that undermine your performance or distract you from the objective as a sign of weakness.
In this arena, Abby is an absolute godsend. With her background as a trained medic, and raised by a phenomenal doctor, she is also a highly empathetic partner to you.
Next to your breakfast, Abby has thoughtfully prepared a thermos of ginger tea, its peppery aroma offering respite from your nausea as you drink it down.
Abby’s concern about how much you’ve been pushing yourself has reached a peak, and given how awful you feel, you’re starting to see her point.
This time around, it’s pure luck that your days off align perfectly with your desperate need for them. Counting your blessings, you drag yourself to the shower, hopeful that the hot water will alleviate some of your agony.
Abby strolls through the door in the late afternoon, and you immediately catch a whiff of citrus and jasmine as she places a vase of fresh flowers on your bedside table. They’re a gesture of peace to make up for being gone so long, but she’ll always find an excuse to bring you fresh flowers. 
“I’m sorry it ran so late today,” she says, letting out an exasperated sigh as she kicks off her boots. “God, what a shitshow. Let’s run away together, yeah?”
“Ask me again in a few days,” you say.
While you dig through your shared drawers, she observes you swapping your pajamas for one of her roomiest shirts. The corners of her mouth lift in a devilish grin, giving her an air of playful wickedness.
“Still feeling rough?” she asks, plunking herself onto your bed.
“I think it’s worse this time around,” you explain, your hands cradling your sore stomach, finding comfort in the soft fabric against your skin. “Everything aches, and I’m so bloated. It really sucks.”
“Well, you look beautiful,” Abby says.
You go the extra mile to give her the most over-the-top eye roll you can manage. She’s a sweetheart, but her words can’t mask the overwhelming sense of detachment you feel from your body, intensifying your self-doubt.
“I’m serious,” she says, reaching out to pull you closer. “Have I ever lied to you?”
You can’t recall a time when she’s made you doubt her—the integrity of this woman is unwavering. Her straightforwardness knows no bounds, often leaving others taken aback. It is ultimately one of the traits you admire the most in her.
“I don’t feel very beautiful, I guess.”
Abby’s fingertips glide down the back of your thighs, tickling the sensitive skin behind your knees, before trailing back up to toy with the hem of your shirt. Her shirt, technically speaking.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asks.
Her question carries a familiar undertone, one you’ve been meaning to address for a while now.
During Abby’s cycle, her sexual desire intensifies to an unprecedented level, and she’s insatiable.
One night, after your shift let out early, you walked in on her. The blonde wisps of hair framing her face were curled with sweat as she touched herself under a blanket on the couch. You recall vividly her delirious gaze, head tilted back on the plush armrest as she rode the waves of her pleasure, filling your apartment with the sweetest sounds.
It was in the early phases of your relationship, and you were so surprised when you entered the room that you hesitated—torn between quietly leaving to let her finish or offering to help her. Luckily, she decided on your behalf.
Instead of panicking and hurriedly covering up her deed, Abby continued without missing a beat—beckoning you to join her. It was one of the most sensual experiences of your life, and the memory of it still makes your heart race.
But for you, it’s different.
It’s a constant battle of messiness, discomfort, and frustration. When your hormones are fluctuating and you feel a spike of arousal, the thought of Abby seeing you in that state halts your excitement.
In the past, she mentioned how her lifestyle influences her body’s bleeding patterns. She attributes her active lifestyle and high stress levels to a lighter flow. But she also understands that certain conditions are beyond control for many women, affecting their relationship with their cycle and the way their body reacts to it.
“How the heck do you do it?” you ask, your fingers connecting with hers as you delicately flip her hands over to trace the deep lines etched on her palm. “You get so confident.”
Every day, without fail, you find yourself entranced by the beauty of her ethereal blue eyes as she seems to peer directly into your soul. There’s a special intimacy in truly knowing someone, beyond the flaws and all the fears.
She has a keen sense of what you’re grappling with, often before you can articulate it.
Her brow quirks as she rakes her teeth over her pouty bottom lip.
“Horny, you mean?” she smirks.
“Is that what it is for you?”
“Not always,” she explains, as her fingers move to brush against the front of your thighs, igniting a tingling warmth between them. “But I listen to what my body tells me. It’s how I heal.”
“What does your body tell you?” you ask.
“It depends,” she says, looking up at you through her soft lashes. “Sometimes it tells me to rest—other times, I need a little more than that. But I have bad days, too.”
You reflect on your relationship with your body and how Abby’s presence has transformed your self-perception over the years. She empowers you to find security in your own skin, even when you’re clawing the walls of your existence.  
Even on the toughest days to practice self-love, she’s right there by your side, offering that extra boost to keep you going.
“It doesn’t gross you out, the thought of touching me when I’m like this?”
Abby lets out a surprised chuckle, gently placing her hands on your hips for a reassuring squeeze.
“Baby,” she says with an air of certainty. “There’s nothing you can do that would ever disgust me. This just reminds me how much of a badass you are. I’m a pretty big fan, if you haven’t noticed.”
You nod in acceptance as your fingers weave into her hair, gently tugging the long braid that rests on the nape of her neck. She fixes her busy gaze on you, brimming with an unmistakable and sincere affection, patiently awaiting your next move.
“It fucking hurts,” you say.
“Inside?” she asks.
“Everywhere,” you whisper.
Her lips meet the swollen part of your stomach as she leans forward, pressing kisses from your belly button to your hips. Her methodical nature shines through, ensuring she leaves no tender spot untouched.
When she glances up at you again, her eyes are heavy with hunger.
“Do you want me to make it better?”
It’s a lot to consider, and she watches you closely, anticipating your reaction as you try to process it all. If it bothers you, it will surely bother her, too—but can the reverse be true? If you have a pleasant experience, is it possible that Abby will also have a good time?
“Can we sleep on it?” you ask. “I’m just, you know—worried, I guess.”
Abby invites you to sit on her lap and when you oblige, she snuggles into the curve of your neck, sighing happily.
“Of course we can.”
Noticing your musing, she leans back to get a solid look at you. When your eyes meet, she crinkles her nose, a silent, impish signal she frequently uses to let you know she’s with you, even from across the room.
“What’s going on in that pretty head, huh?” she asks.
“I’m just glad you’re wearing dark pants right now,” you snort. “This cup thingy you got for me is working okay, though.”
“Well, thank God for that!” she huffs. “What would I ever do with bloodstains on my pants—can you imagine? Not this girl.”
“You’re on a roll today, aren’t you?”
Abby’s tongue darts out, lingering at the corner of her mouth until you dig your fingers into the ticklish spot at the small of her back, causing her to squirm with laughter. She quickly unravels under your ministrations, her voice transforming into something high and wild as she reprimands you through wheezing breaths.
“See, I warned you about teaching me how to lift weights!” you giggle, your grip on her wrists unforgiving as you pin her hands behind her. “Game over, Anderson.”
“You think so?” she chuckles breathlessly. “Hey—can I show you something?”
“You can try!”
Abby regains control of her hands and flips you onto your back with such ease it renders you utterly defenseless.
“Now what?” she asks.
She has you trapped, pressing your body and hands firmly against the mattress, careful to avoid your abdomen. It gives you an advantage, an edge to steal the upper hand, and with a sudden burst of energy, you buck into her, entangling your legs with hers in a fierce grapple. By the end of your wrestling match, your muscles burn from exertion, your focus shifting solely to the simmer of adrenaline working its way down your spine.
You leave behind any awareness of your physical state or appearance in favour of being in her arms, and she’s delighted to have you there.
Her rugged hands rest on your belly, rising and falling in sync with your breathing, and you’re weightless. The pain that had been radiating at your core all day has subsided, the niggling headache lifting from your temples as Abby works out the tension at the base of your skull with her fingertips.
Prominent veins pulse along her powerful arms in thick blue vines and as you trace them, her nostrils flare. The most innate manifestation of life and simply being alive underneath your touch.
“Let’s grab some dinner, yeah?” Abby pants, dropping a playful, squeaking kiss between your brows. “I’m starved. I need sustenance.”
“What else is new?” you tease. “You’re my God and my freaking machine.”
“Quit beating me up then,” she groans, a smile dancing on her lips. “If you build up my appetite, it’s only fair to replenish me. Do you want me to waste away or what?”
“Listen to you!”
She turns her face away, attempting to hide her jubilance.
“Bullying me—using up all my energy,” she says, jutting out her bottom lip. “Poor Abby is what they all say. You should hear them!”
“You literally started it,” you blurt. “I’m so done with you.”
Before you can roll off the bed, she quickly snatches you up and buries herself against your chest. Trying to suppress your triumph, a whirlwind of flutters spins between your ribs, like a miniature tornado poised to absorb everything in its path.
“Please don’t ever be done with me,” Abby murmurs. “Okay?”
Tendrils of soft hair spill out from her braid, and you can’t resist the urge to twist the golden threads around your finger, stroking her freckled shoulders with your other hand.
“Forever is a long time,” you murmur.
“It sure doesn’t feel like it,” she says, wrapping herself around you.
After months of waiting, the chow hall is finally serving your favourite meal, and you’re in a state of pure bliss as you savour it with your friends and comrades.
Manny is on his grind, recounting the funniest stories he can think of, causing uproarious laughter and taking harmless jabs at everyone at the table. Among her squad, Abby truly shines, earning admiration for her ability to treat everyone as equals, regardless of her superior position.
She is a leader in the field, but at home, she’s everyone’s trusted friend.
As you reminisce about a time before you knew her, the thought of living without the familiar scent of pine soap and the comforting feeling of her arms around you while you sleep becomes hazy and indistinct. The sensation of her breath against your neck as you wake up each morning is a treasured gift that you never want to lose sight of.  
Under the table, you give Abby’s knee a gentle squeeze. She instinctively laces her fingers with yours, fully focused on Manny’s irrational fear of a girl storing her toothbrush in his apartment.
Only when your hand glides up her thigh does she split her focus, giving you a knowing sidelong glance.
Abby subtly adjusts herself to accommodate you, widening the space between her legs as the edges of her ear takes on the prettiest pink hue.
You toy with the button on her cargo pants, trailing your fingernail along the zipper, and despite her best efforts to focus on the surrounding conversations, she’s fading fast. Absentmindedly nibbling at the dry patches on her lip, she blinks with a slightly delayed rhythm, absorbed by your attention.  
With each seductive surge, the intensity of your pain subsides, smoothing out its sharp edges.
“It’s your fault,” Manny explains, addressing Abby directly, the tines of his fork slicing the air. “I never had these problems when you were my roommate.”
Foreseeing a mental showdown, you slowly retreat to your lap, but Abby immediately tugs your hand back.
You know precisely what is going through her mind.
“Don’t blame your mommy issues on me, Alvarez,” Abby retorts. “Shit or get off the pot.”
Your fingers scratch a torturous path across her hard thigh, only stopping to pay special attention to the rigid seam of her pants before traveling back to her knee. Abby clears her throat and straightens up, indicating that she’s about three seconds away from a polite excuse to refuse dessert and propose an early night.
You beat her to the punch by deftly gathering your trays, offering a nod of farewell to everyone in the room and letting your girl know it’s time for her to take you to bed.
Rain trickles in silver ribbons along the panoramic windows of your apartment, flashes of lightning illuminating the night sky as the occasional rumble of thunder punctuates a mounting storm. Abby places candles on every tabletop and surface, creating a dim, flickering glow in anticipation of a possible power outage.
The crackling hiss of each match strike pulls you deeper into a state of relaxation.
She abandons the matchbox and, in one fluid motion, lifts her sweater up and over her head, tossing it onto the rocking chair in your reading nook.
Her back is a tapestry of sculpted muscles and you’re eager to feel them twitch and flex. It’s time to put an end to the silence that has been lingering between you since dinner.
She hums, spinning around to face you, her expression lifting with an affectionate smile.
“What’s up?” she asks.
“I trust you.”
All traces of her tough exterior vanish as her determined strides carry her across the room, closing the distance between you. It’s a compliment that you know she will hold in high regard.
“I’m glad,” she whispers. “You’re always safe with me, okay?”
Abby’s eyes are a fragment of the ocean, a world of mystery and depth pulling you in. Her touch is gentle as she cups your jaw, delicately tilting your chin toward hers.
“I mean it,” she says.
The moment your lips meet, the taste of her intoxicates you, the room a dizzy blur of raindrops and candlelight. Her eager hands greedily explore the curves of your body, and the languid pace is torment. Taking her lower lip between your teeth, you suck her gently into your mouth, rocking against her for relief.
“Please let me take care of you,” Abby says.
You guide her hand between your legs, giving her the freedom to ease your pain. The surface is so slick that her fingers glide over your smooth folds, circling your swollen clit until you’re whimpering against her throat.
“Fuck, you feel good,” she whines. “You’re so wet, I can’t even take it.”
“Keep this up and I won’t last long,” you giggle.
Abby lifts you and sets you down on the bed, and that’s when you see it for the first time. Faint streaks of you staining her fingertips.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you say.
“Look at me,” Abby murmurs, trailing kisses up your thigh. “You are so incredibly sexy like this.”
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