february2084 · 1 year
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Edax sapiens (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/335742853-edax-sapiens?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=February2084&wp_originator=sa9XHnKUOmkAOmHx6PI7JRIixUrc5ah3BAedNEdTmMT6k4jEIrwKIqfR7MTw2f1wAuF5JJO%2BETHDhjbQAd7%2Fr78ktnJBI0h%2FjL4rEPoBaHCXXNOOAN622OlRBiPT4uvo The year was 2101. Human explorers had set foot on every planet and moon they could stand on. Governments, corporations, and criminal enterprises raced close behind to claim the unearthly territories for themselves. It was an unforgiving and wild frontier, rife with danger, mystery, and unbridled experimentation far from any ethical jurisdiction to stop them. From the mafia on Europa trafficking human-animal hybrids, to an AI worshipped by a surrogacy convent, there was no shortage of strange and unusual characters reshaping humanity. But of all the secrets and madmen hiding beyond the asteroid belt, none compared to Edax RNA and The Boss who developed it.
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bruciemilf · 4 months
bruce's publicist just gets so fed up with him that the next time he causes a scandal and he's just like "my bad sorry" they just go "kys"
I imagine Bruce’s publicist as this tiny old lady who reeks of cigarettes, laughs like a fire alarm, and can bury you 10 feet under with a single look. She’s been managing the Waynes before Bruce got his first diaper. She has this shit handled. But GOOD LORD.
Bruce’s primary excuse is “ok but my dad did worse tho” (which is very true. Thomas gave her so many gray hairs she could audition for Santa Claus)
and her go to response is, “follow his exemple. In the grave”. Still. She loves the kid. Wished he didn’t get into tussles with every single socialite who’s being a cunt to his children, but, she loves him.
The real PR nightmare of the family?
Dick “No, I WILL swing on the chandelier and smoke weed in the White House” Grayson
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scipunk · 2 months
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Mardock Scramble: The First Compression (2010)
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archiarthur · 2 months
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lotsssuhtummedyumms · 2 years
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Biohazard - Chapter 2 - Apollo (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1242481651-biohazard-chapter-2-apollo?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=hmmmmmmmm7788&wp_originator=WoczEd8a9ioNj2%2BK7pYn9zVkkhhCFouYCrXtLMDKSYWGAn99IMF7ep8Z3C2MTonB6aDsyamTW8fNy73v4s8Xt%2BIkErk201787LT3sKnwYSqoCAo7WryjxknbWTRNZ1wG (Takes place before and during the events of the Dragonet prophecy). Morrowseer has done some terrible things, but all in the name of his tribe, the Nightwings. Unfortunately it seemed that every plan he had, every strategy he employed were never enough. This time would be different. Armed with the lost scroll describing the "Rebirth" project, Morrowseer knew how to create weapons, living ones that could conquer Pyrrhia, and he knew how to get the only dragon who could do it to help him. What exactly is the "Rebirth" project, and more importantly what lengths would the Nightwings go to in order to synthesize their soldiers? The Wings of Fire series that this is a Fanfiction of is written by Tui T. Sutherland, I obviously don't own the rights to that series.
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0straycat0 · 24 days
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I love gay peple…
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urlocalwhumper · 7 months
living weapon whumpee who's never known anything but pain and violence.
their existence hurts. they were made to be effective, not happy, and their masters decided that keeping them in constant pain provided better results. they're wilder, more unpredictable, and the pain keeps them from thinking straight enough to question anything.
they're only given painkillers, only allowed a respite from their seemingly endless suffering, after a successful mission. it keeps them loyal, and most importantly, teaches their brain to associate acts of violence with relief and rewards.
everyone they've ever met has treated them as a tool, a monster, or both. they don't know how to be anything else.
that is until they're rampaging through a village, destroying, killing, whatever their masters demand of them. whatever will give them a few blissful hours of numbness.
one of the villagers steps out of a ruined building and looks them straight in the eyes. whumpee expects fear, hatred, disgust, the things they see in the faces of every person who's ever crossed their path. but they see something completely different.
whumpee is so stunned, they don't think to move or do anything at all as the villager steps closer, gently reaching out a hand to cup whumpee's face.
"oh, poor thing." they murmur, taking in the creature in front of them - part human, part animal, part machine. "they've done a number on you, huh?"
whumpee blinks at them. pain continues to course through their body, but the gentle hand on their cheek distracts them, even if just a little. all the indistinct noise in their foggy, addled mind finally goes quiet.
caretaker had stepped out in front of the being destroying their home with the intention to get through to it or die trying, and the expectation to absolutely die trying.
they did not at all expect the seemingly feral mishmash of metal, fur, and flesh to lean so heavily into their touch that they nearly collapsed into caretaker's arms.
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mister-nonsense · 11 months
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Plays More Gun, romantically
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rosekasa · 3 months
the thing is, chat noir is so smart, and ladybug knows this, so when it comes to technical knowledge she just trusts him. chat noir, who loves fuckiny with ladybug, doesn't actually realise the depths at which this trust runs. she'll ask him what the constellation in front of them is called and he'll be like 'oh it's called The Great Almond because at the time the romans had only heard of almonds in folk stories and believed that's what they looked like' and she'll be like ohhh i see. she'll ask him how exactly street lamps sense when it's night time and he tells her 'oh it's not from the lack of sun, it's just the mice become more active after dark so when they start running around faster underground it triggers the sensors' and she'll be like wow that's so weird but chat noir said it so it must be correct.
one day she storms up to him during patrol and is FURIOUS. she tells him she just went on a date and this guy thought she was so stupid because she started ARGUING with him about all these nonsense facts chat noir had told her. chat noir laughs about this for weeks
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Rise is just like “we must have the scariest versions of all the classic TMNT villains”
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I mean Shredder was a demon, the Krang were terrifying & caused an apocalypse & even though we don’t directly see the Triceratons in Rise, Krang Prime’s throne is made from a Triceraton skull showing that the Rise versions of Triceratons are ACTUAL GIANTS.
People say that it’s interesting that the Rise Turtles are one of the only versions of the Turtles that were mutated on purpose but honestly these boys would not be able to survive their villains without Draxum making them to be literal super soldiers
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"A company in France has developed genetically-enhanced houseplants that remove 30 times more indoor air pollutants than your normal ficus.
Paint, treated wood, household cleaners, insulation, unseen mold—there is a shopping list of things that can fill the air you breathe in your home with VOCs or volatile organic compounds. These include formaldehyde and other airborne substances that can cause inflammation and irritation in the body.
The best way to tackle this little-discussed private health problem is by keeping good outdoor airflow into your living spaces, but in the dog days of summer or the depths of a Maine winter, that might not be possible.
Houseplants can remove these pollutants from the air, and so the company Neoplants decided to make simple alterations to these species’ genetic makeup to supercharge this cleaning ability.
In particular, houseplants’ natural ability to absorb pollutants like formaldehyde relies on them storing them as toxins to be excreted later.
French scientists and Neoplants’ co-founders Lionel Mora and Patrick Torbey engineered a houseplant to convert them instead to plant matter. They also took aim at the natural microbiome of houseplants to enhance their ability to absorb and process VOCs as well.
The company’s first offering—the Neo P1—is a Devil’s ivy plant that sits on a custom-designed tall stand that both maximizes its air-cleaning properties and allows it to be watered far less often.
Initial testing, conducted by the Ecole Mines-Telecom of Lille University, shows that if you do choose to shell out the $179 for the Neo P1, it’s as if you were buying 30 houseplants. Of course, if you went for the budget route of 30 houseplants, you’d have to water them all.
The founders pointed out in an interview done with Forbes last year that once they settled on the species and fixed the winning genetic phenotype, the next part of the process was just raising plants, the same activity done in every nursery and florist in every town in Europe."
Deliveries for the P1 are estimated for August 2024.
-via Good News Network, November 6, 2023
Note: I'm not a plant biologist, but if this works the way the company's white paper says it does, holy genetic engineering, Batman.
(Would love to hear thoughts from anyone who is a plant biologist or other relevant field!)
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mindblowingscience · 9 months
Researchers have genetically engineered a marine microorganism to break down plastic in salt water. Specifically, the modified organism can break down polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a plastic used in everything from water bottles to clothing that is a significant contributor to microplastic pollution in oceans. "This is exciting because we need to address plastic pollution in marine environments," says Nathan Crook, corresponding author of a paper on the work and an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at North Carolina State University. "One option is to pull the plastic out of the water and put it in a landfill, but that poses challenges of its own. It would be better if we could break these plastics down into products that can be re-used. For that to work, you need an inexpensive way to break the plastic down. Our work here is a big step in that direction." To address this challenge, the researchers worked with two species of bacteria. The first bacterium, Vibrio natriegens, thrives in saltwater and is remarkable—in part—because it reproduces very quickly. The second bacterium, Ideonella sakaiensis, is remarkable because it produces enzymes that allow it to break down PET and eat it.
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bruciemilf · 3 months
If I bat my big brown eyes at you will you tell me more of your thoughts on jaime and jason🥺
As any normal human, I, too, would destroy myself for brown eyes.
With this occasion, I’m gonna speak a bit on how good Wayne men would be to their partner (canon aside for some, I think Tim’s applies.)
First of all, Bruce grew up surrounded by a patterned love language. He watched his great-grandmother cut her husband’s steak when his hands shook too much.
He watched Thomas simply slap his credit card on everything Martha deemed valuable (charities and humanitarian work included) and decided acts of service must be a Wayne tradition.
Bruce who anonymously pays the fees and rates for Clark’s farm, making sure they’re supplied with the best equipment and agricultural supplies, alimentary products, etc.
Dick who makes SURE Kory has a credit card on her at all times. It’s very cute that she carries a silk pouch with crystals, but, no, babe, you can’t pay for Silky’s SPA treatments with those.
So Jason unconsciously follows. Thought there’s an emotional and valuable aspect of it. Jaime doesn’t need a whole lot, — he does hunger for more, thought. Thought there’s belief in him Jason wants to undo, the same way he had to be.
“I kinda want this, but I don’t need it. Like, it’s not really practical.”
“Would it make you happy?”
“Of course it would.”
“That’s its purpose, then. How much?”
“Jason, I couldn’t —“
“How much, baby?”
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wachinyeya · 2 months
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archiarthur · 6 months
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Merry Christmas here's your gays
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clutchpowers · 25 days
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