#flower garden|fire and ice roses
ustalochka · 4 months
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Sagittarius ♐ ✨
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Stark Ladies by Justin Sweet
The Winter Rose and Bael the Bard in the 2024 ASOIAF Calendar
"North or south, singers always find a ready welcome, so Bael ate at Lord Stark's own table, and played for the lord in his high seat until half the night was gone. The old songs he played, and new ones he'd made himself, and he played and sang so well that when he was done, the lord offered to let him name his own reward. 'All I ask is a flower,' Bael answered, 'the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o' Winterfell.'" "Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o' the winter roses be plucked for the singer's payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished . . . and so had Lord Brandon's maiden daughter. Her bed they found empty, but for the pale blue rose that Bael had left on the pillow where her head had lain." -- Jon VI, ACOK
Arya Stark in The World of Ice and Fire
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends. Arya held the candle over her head. With each step she took, the shadows moved against the walls, as if they were turning to watch her pass. "Dragons," she whispered. She slid Needle out from under her cloak. The slender blade seemed very small and the dragons very big, yet somehow Arya felt better with steel in her hand. -- Arya Stark IV, AGOT
Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen in the 2024 ASOIAF Calendar
Lyanna had only been sixteen, a child-woman of surpassing loveliness. Ned had loved her with all his heart. Robert had loved her even more. She was to have been his bride. -- Eddard I, AGOT Not ten leagues from Harrenhal, Rhaegar fell upon Lyanna Stark of Winterfell, and carried her off, lighting a fire that would consume his house and kin and all those he loved—and half the realm besides. -- The World of Ice and Fire
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Hello, saw your posts about RWBY Characters' Allusions. A question, does team rwby have another character allusion?
A lot of characters have more than one allusion, and team RWBY is no different. These allusions often have a character fill a complementary role of a significant figure in another fairy tale.
Let's start with Ruby Rose. She is of course Little Red, but there are also other characters she embodies. The Wolf in the story is known for his big & shiny eyes, a very notable feature of Ruby (that was pointed out by Ozpin in the first episode, just like the fairy tale). She is also her own huntsman, equip with an "axe" weapon of her own.
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Weiss Schnee is Snow White, but also takes other roles of the story based on her summons. Her Boartusk represents the huntsman, who killed a boar to spare the princess. Her Knight represents the noble prince who saves her. Her Queen Lancer represents the Evil Queen who plagues her. Weiss seems to take after the Evil Queen the most, with her friends often referring to her as "Ice Queen".
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After reading those first two, you can probably now understand why Blake is based on both Beauty & the Beast. She has Belle's beauty, part of her name, her love for books, her relationship to "Adam" and her tendency to run away. But like the Beast, she has animal traits that she hides, is haunted by a rose, prefers living in isolation, and eventually falls in love with a human girl. She is often seen in Forever Fall, a forest with wilting red flowers, representing the wilting rose that curses the Beast.
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Yang is Goldilocks with her destructive nature & yellow hair, but can also be seen as Baby Bear, the child of the Papa (Taiyang, blue eyes) & Mama (Raven, red eyes), resulting in Yang being a mix of both (purple eyes). Each parent compares Yang to the other, and she learns to embrace the good and bad traits of both in order to become "just right".
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The tale of Rose Red & Snow White, two young girls based on Little Red & Snow White, can be the inspiration for the partnership between Ruby & Weiss. The two were sisters, which is represented by the ever-growing bond between Ruby & Weiss. Weiss's fairy tale, Snow White, could also be the reason for Ruby's theme, Red Like Roses, which is how the Evil Queen described how red she wants her lips in the original tale (in some stories she compares it to blood in the snow, both line up perfectly with the Red Trailer & Players & Pieces).
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Weiss also represents the story of the Snow Queen. She is called Ice Queen. She has a male companion (Kai/Whitley) who is cold, distant, & rude. She sets off to find the Snow Queen (Winter) in V5, during her trip she meets a talking corvid (Raven) & a robber maiden (Vernal). Weiss also gets pierced by evil glass like Gerda.
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Gerda’s most cherished memories is being young playing in the rose gardens with her friend. They shared many happy memories here. This rose garden takes the embodiment of Ruby Rose, who befriends Weiss & takes her on adventures. Weiss reminisces about Ruby in V4 after the attack on Beacon, missing the days when they had fun together. A frozen rose garden is seen in Weiss Character Short, representing her longing for Ruby (innocence, fun, freedom).
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Blake & Yang have so many allusions when it comes to their relationship. Start with Beauty and Beast. Blake already shows traits of both Belle & the Beast, but Yang does as well. Her affiliation with yellow, adventure, bright energy, & beauty is reminiscent of Belle. The Red Trailer even directly ties her with Blake, calling her the beauty to her beast. Yet Yang also displays signs of the Beast, most notably her behavior when she is angry. She sparks fire red eyes similar to the monstrous Grimm they fight, and is the most aggressive fighter of the group. She receives an injury on her arm identical to the Beast. Most importantly, she is abandoned by Beauty in V3. This theme of having similar & different traits within one another ties into another dynamic that will be explained later.
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There are two roses that bring them together. They meet through Ruby, the good rose Yang gives to Blake. Adam is the bad rose that Blake tries to keep away from Yang, but he breaks them. Adam starts off as the Beast (Adam) to Blake’s Beauty. Once she leaves him (like the fairy tale) he then embodies the Rose that haunts her. Once he meets Blake’s new partner, he then becomes Gaston & adopts his jealousy. Once Blake & Yang defeat him, they free themselves from the curse and come back to the Good Rose.
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Blake & Yang also represent the Yin & Yang dynamic. We have the darkness (Blake) and the light (Yang), with a little bit of each other in each (matching eyes). Many cultures depict Yin as a tiger (Blake's cat ears) and Yang as a dragon (Xiao Long). The themes of darkness and light has been associated with Blake & Yang since their trailers. Blake engulfs in darkness when she leaves, while Yang brings light when she enters (kind of like their semblances). Scenes with Blake & Yang play with lighting a lot (2x06, 6x01, 9x06), and fights involving them often have them circling around each other or moving across each other, just like the Yin Yang Symbol.
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Team RWBY as a whole also has references. One commonly known reference is the Wizard of Oz crew, with Ruby acting as Dorothy (who had Ruby/Silver slippers). Weiss is the Tin Man who gains heart while the real one loses it (Ironwood), Blake is the Lion who gains courage while the real one loses it (Lionheart), and Yang is the Scarecrow who learns to fight smarter while the real one acts irrationally (Qrow). These four adventurers set off to Beacon (Land of Oz), meet the Wizard (Ozpin), and get their wishes (graduating). They are told to stay on the Yellow Road, but fail.
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The team's respective Remnants also allude to their fairy tales. Ruby sheds roses, representing her red color scheme, her youthful innocence, and the flowers Little Red picks for her grandmother. Weiss sheds snow, representing her white color scheme, her cold attitude, and Snowhite's soft skin that gave her the name. Blake sheds shadows, representing her black color scheme, her dark personality and background, and the Beast condemned to the shadows. Yang sheds fire, representing her yellow color scheme, her bright but scorching personality, and the porridge Goldilocks claimed was "too hot".
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Ruby represents multiple figures from others characters’ allusions. Penny is based on Pinocchio, who wishes on a Shooting Star to be a real human. Ruby, who is often characterized as a small flickering light (literally & figuratively) she represents the star that Penny wishes for & makes her feel human (literally & figuratively).
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2x07 Dance Dance Infiltration is a retelling of the Cinderella story. The maiden is told she needs to return by midnight, puts on a disguise, & goes off. Ruby tracks her, Cinderella enters the stage, the two dance, and she leaves without a trace. Ruby in this case represents the Prince that wants to find the mysterious maiden he danced with the night before. His only clue was her missing glass slipper. Cinder fights with glass, a point Ruby reports to her professors as information to track her down.
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There's a lot more micro references to other fairy tales but these are the most notable for Team RWBY. These references influence how a character is portrayed, how they interact with others, and the actions they take.
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ghouljams · 5 months
when Price and Witch married and he moves into her little house (she’s too happy there to ever leave no matter who asked her!)
I may have also been thinking of turning my home into my own Witch cottage 😅
*^* I love these images so muuuuuuch they're so cozy and wonderful. I want a witch's cottage for a home too.
You've never seen snow blanket your house like this. Never seen it thick and woolly over your garden, cool even in the blistering sun. You scoop it up in your hands with joy, packing it into snowballs as you dust the chill off the roses. You don't think it will hurt anything, the garden is still warm, and the ice drips in tantalizingly clear icicles off your roof. You set up your snowballs on the brick wall, making a little snowman for yourself while you're supposed to be watering.
Price is setting up a fire when you wander back inside, your fingers are pleasantly cold, and you go to push them against the back of his neck. He swats at you and you laugh, a little taste of his own medicine. You go to check the front of the house, pulling the curtain back on your front window to watch the fat snowflakes that float down from the grey sky. The city outside is starting to find itself blanketed as well.
"There's snow in the back garden," You tell Price over your shoulder. He grunts, and you hear the soft creak of your kettle being set on its hook over the fire. You glance at him, watch him dust his hands off and sit back to watch the fire. The smoke from the kindling curls towards him curiously and you rush to shoo it up the chimney. "He's got enough of you," You chastise, watching the tendrils slip up the brick with annoyance. You don't need to clean soot out of the carpet.
Price's fingers trace their way up your leg and under your skirt. "There's snow out back," He reminds you. You nod, letting him guide you down to sit between his legs. He arranges your skirt like a blanket over both of you and you lean back into his hold.
"I've never seen it on this side of the fence," You hum, "but the plants seemed alright."
"Good," Price's hands make their way around your waistband, tugging your shirt free of its tuck. You shiver when his fingers stroke over your stomach, the chill not entirely unwelcome. "Wouldn't want my season to break yours," his fingers splay, wide against your skin, soaking up your warmth. You tip your head to the side, resting it against his shoulder so her can press his nose against your pulse.
"Since when has Summer ever been scared of you?" You smile, the urge to argue with him never seems to truly leave you. Maybe it's the way you feel him huff, the curve of his lips against your neck before his teeth tease their warning, that makes disagreement seem so appealing. Maybe you're just argumentative by nature.
"Not since you came around," He hums, "see the appeal now." The appeal of warmth, the draw of the fire, the bright sunshine in your smile. Summer has no reason to fear his chill, not when it balances him out so nicely, settles in his lap like a heater and warms him to his core. He'd gladly melt for you, just as he's sure the snow in your garden is gladly melting for your flowers. Held up just long enough by his own magic for you to enjoy it. Consider it a gift, for the first snowfall of the season. The roses ought to enjoy it as much as their gardener does.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Midsummer Masterpost - Spoonie witch friendly
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Midsummer, also known as the Summer Solstice.  This day is the longest day of the year. Typically lands around June 21st  (December 21st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Many cultures around the world celebrate the Summer Solstice in their own ways. Marking a very important event for most.  
Fire is the main association with this holiday as it marks the sun. This holiday also marks the end of the planting season.
Midsummer Correspondences
Light Blue
Bay Leaves
St. John’s Wort
Honey cakes
Mead, Ale, Wine
Ice Cream
Summer birds (Wren, Robin, Hawks, Eagles, Swallows, etc)
Orange or Green Calcite
Tiger’s Eye
Fire, Bonfire, Balefire
Sun Wheel
Summer flowers
Spiritual meanings
Healing & Health
Solar energy
Mint & Spearmint
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Aestas (Roman)
Aine (Celtic)
Brigantia (Celtic)
Venus (Roman)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Apollo (Roman)
Apollon (Greek)
Zeus and Thor (Thunder Gods)
Ra (Egyptian)
Oak King
Anuket (Egyptian)
Benten (Japanese)
Any other sun Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations 
Fae offerings
Create Fae garden
Weave flower crowns
Perform a phoenix ritual
Create a  Besom
Dance and sing
Leave offerings to solar Gods/Goddesses
Divination work
Any solar energy workings
Low energy celebrations 
Ritual bath
Light a candle in honor
Watch the sunset
Meditate with solar energy
Pray to solar Gods/Goddesses
Create solar water
No spoon celebrations 
If you have a sun lamp bask in it
Watch the sunset
Greet the sun at sunrise
Tell yourself kind words
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: uhhh... royal things?
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: I promised you guys and well... It's finally here! 😁 The first chapter of the prequel to 'By the Fireplace'! 🥳 This is basically about the back story of Loki and Y/N. How they met and so on, you know. I hope you are going to like it! ☺️
I split the story up into five parts, so... There's a whole lotta more to come!
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th &lt;3
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @theaudacitytowrite @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @linaax @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002 @aagn360 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @kikster606 @somewiseguy @huntress-artemiss @lunarnights95 @fire-treasure-iii
Ice Flower AU Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Two
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Chapter One
The High Council of Asgard – decades before Loki's reign
"It is decided then?" Asked the Allfather his ally and good friend - King Laufey of Jotunheim, who sat across the golden table in the council room. The Frost Giant nodded, lifting his goblet of mead as a sign for his approval. "It is decided. As soon as I am back home, I am going to set everything into motion and send you my son as soon as possible." Odin lifted his goblet as well and gave the Jotun king a nod. "Here's to our alliance." "Here's to our alliance."
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"Skane, go get my son. I need to talk to him." Laufey told his advisor as soon as he walked through the big, heavy doors of the palace. "Yes, your majesty." Skane bowed to him and left his side immediately, in order to execute his king's order.
The prince wasn't very difficult to find these days. He'd be either in his chambers, the library or the training grounds. Today, Skane found the prince in the library, nose buried in a book. "My prince? Apologies for the disturbance, but your father is back and he wishes to see you immediately." With a slightly annoyed huff, the young prince closed his book. When his father called for him, it was wise to not let him wait. It was a lesson he had learned quite fast and early in his life. So, the heir to the throne followed his father's advisor without complaining. "Do you know what he wishes to talk about with me?" Skane shook his head. "Unfortunately not, my prince, no." The two men made the rest of the way to the throne room in silence. The heavy stone doors swung open with a thud, revealing King Laufey, who was seated upon his throne. "Father! You're back! I hope you had a pleasant return trip. How did the council meetings go?" The prince asked in a rather cheerful voice, knowing that the king likes to be welcomed back duly. "Just fine, son. We need to talk." Laufey said, standing up. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?" Loki took a small bow. "As you wish father."
King and prince went on a walk through the barren and bleak royal gardens then. Not a single flower was blooming in the beds. Well, Jotunheim had just gone through a very rough and cold winter. But spring was definitely approaching. The small buds on the trees were the proof. Soon, the cold realm would shine in all its magical glory. "What were you up to when I was away, son?" The prince shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, you know father... The usual. Reading, training, a bit of hunting..." Loki didn't dare to mention, that he plagued the one or other royal staff member with his pranks. He was a grown man, but sometimes he liked to act like a younger version of himself. Praying to the Norns his father wouldn't get whiff of it. "Sounds auspicious." Loki gave his father a nod, before asking again: "What is it you want to talk about?" Laufey took a breath. "The Allfather asked me for a favour..." His father's words caused Loki's expression to darken. He suddenly had a very bad feeling – and a guess. "Father, is this once again about me getting married? If so, I told you that I do not wish to get married now. I don't want to-" "It is not." Laufey interrupted his son's rant. "Even if I'd be more than just pleased, when you'd finally find a woman. It is long overdue. When I was your age, your mother was already pregnant with you. Our people are expecting this. They wish to see their future king finding his queen and provide an heir to the throne." The young prince rolled secretly his eyes, hearing this for the thousandth time. Oh how often he had this conversation with his father already. How often did they end up in a fight because of this… So, Loki tried to swallow his anger and pride. "I know, father, I know. I will get to it, I promise. I'm going to give the people what they want. Just not now." Laufey sighed, knowing that he had lost - like so often. What more could he do than telling his son over and over again?
"What is the favour the Allfather asked you to do then?" "Well… Strictly speaking, he is asking you." The raven-haired Jotun stopped in his tracks, quite surprised. "Me??" The king stopped in his movements as well, facing his son. "Yes. He needs a good warrior to train meticulously chosen Æsir. Someone who can turn them into soldiers within a month." Loki frowned. "What of prince Thor? He is a great warrior." "The crown prince is detained; currently stuck on Muspelheim for royal duties. If prince Thor's conversations with Surtur are not fruitful..." Loki quickly connected the dots. "Odin wants to be prepared." Laufey nodded. "Exactly." "But... Why me? There are great warriors on Asgard." The king placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Because he wants the best."
That was how Loki, son of Laufey, crown prince of Jotunheim landed on Asgard a mere week later - ready and prepared to train a handful of amateurs. Men, who didn't even yield a weapon before. But the Allfather didn't ask Loki for nothing. If someone could handle this, it was him. Odin and Laufey were sure of it.
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"A royal… warrior academy?" You asked your father, who sat across from you on the dining table. "Yes, my dear. In case your brother's attempts of negotiation fail, we have to be prepared - and given the fact that we don't have enough warriors, we need to train more men." "Why only men, father? What if there are women who'd like to become a warriors as well?" You spoke in a demanding voice, crossing your arms. "Because only men become warriors. You, of all, should know that, daughter." "What of Sif? Isn't she a warrior, too?" "Sif is an exception. The only exception." You felt how the anger started to rise within you. "What if I wanted to become a warrior, instead of a princess?" Your father scoffed, already hating where this conversation was going. "I am not discussing this with you again, Y/N. We've talked about this. Several times. I won't allow my only daughter to spend her days on the training grounds. You have other duties to tend to! Find a husband for example!" You looked away, gritting your teeth. You hated it. Just because you were a woman and highly interested in learning how to fight properly, didn't mean you'd neglect your duties as a princess. And yes. Sometimes you rather wished to be warrior and not a princess. But who were you to choose? You had no other choice than to accept the place you were in - like your father so often told you. But what if... An idea suddenly crossed your mind. Hiding the smile on your face, you told your father what he wanted to hear. "I beg you pardon, father. You are right, of course."
"You are planning to do what?!" Estrid - your personal maid turned best friend asked with wide, frightened eyes. The young woman shook her head. "Y-Your highness, that is... foolish and risky a-and-" You grabbed the girl's shaking shoulders, causing her eyes to fixate on you. "I know, Estrid, I know. But I have to do it. It's probably the only chance I will ever get in my whole life. Father is never going to let me on the training grounds and I can't always sneak into the old armoury to train. It's my dream, Estrid." Your friend sighed, again shaking her head. "I know, Y/N, but it's dangerous." You nodded. "It is. That's why I need you to maintain my cover. Can you do that for me? Please?" She swallowed, thoughts running at lightning speed through her brain. "I know I ask a lot from you, but please. You are my best friend. I trust you." A moment of silence passed, before Estrid started to nod, giving in. "Alright. Alright... I'll do it." A relieved breath left your lips. "Oh thank the Norns!" You lunged forward then, hugging the blonde-haired woman. "Thank you so much." Estrid offered you a nervous smile, nodding. "Don't worry. We are going to make this." Again a nod. "Do you even know who is going to lead the training?" You swallowed hard. "Yes. Prince Loki of Jotunheim." Once again the maid's eyes widened. "Prince Loki of Jotunheim? I heard he is a very cold, harsh man... And his father is a very good friend of the king. Y/N, this is really risky. You can only hope that he won't look through your charade... If he does, you are in big trouble..." "He won't, Estrid. He won't." "I hope so..." The woman stated, taking a short break before continuing. "Have you ever met prince Loki?" "Personally? No. I have seen him once, but that was ages ago. Thor sees him way more often, given the fact that he's the future king. Plus, they are kind of friends, so..." A cheeky smile darted over Estrid's face at your words. "He may be a cold and brutal Frost Giant, but I also heard that he is a very handsome man and an even greater lover. Hopefully you won't get distracted on your mission." You scoffed, shaking your head appalled. "Certainly not, Estrid. No man or prince will be able to distract me. Don't you worry."
Little did you know, that you were going to eat your words just a few days later...
"How do I look?" You asked Estrid as you stood in front of the full-length mirror in your chambers, eying your good work. The young maid stood beside you, mouth formed to a perfect 'o'. "You look... amazing, your highness..." She was visibly and audibly stunned. You were surprised, too. You didn't know that you were able to turn your appearance into a man that easily. You wore a traditional Asgardian tunic - male tunic. One that hid the curves which indicated you were a woman. You had cut your own hair quite a bit, turning it into a man bun. All your female features were mostly gone. It was breath-taking. "Yes, I do. It's almost terrifying." "Now you need to just work on a deeper voice and a more manly walk." You turned to meet Estrid. "By the Norns, you're right! I-I mean..." You cleared your throat and tried to lower your voice as deep as possible. "By the Norns, you're right!" Estrid broke out in giggles. "Not good?" "No, no, no, I mean... It's good, Y/N! It's perfect. All you have to do is work on your walk, but the rest... If you can keep that up, no one's going to notice it." "Let's hope then I can keep it up." Estrid nodded. "And now let's go. Unless you'll be late." You grabbed your things and sneaked with your friend through the secret passageway only you, Thor, Estrid and the Warriors Three knew of, out of the palace. "You know what to do?" "I know what to do. Don't worry, my princess." With a last goodbye and a hug, you swung yourself onto your horse (which Estrid had kindly prepared for you earlier) and rode off. Your parents thought you went on a 'learning journey' through Asgard, getting to know different plants and animals... Advanced training, so to speak. Estrid had the task to maintain the cover for you.
The training camp was on the outskirts of the city. It was about an hour ride away from the palace. You had managed to sneak into your father's office and write a fake name on the list, so you'd be surely awaited. And indeed... Two guards were standing in front of the big wooden doors. The piece of land was fenced by high, thick walls. You took a deep breath, as you neared the doors. This was your dream, wasn't it? All you ever wished for. Why were you so nervous now? Your horse came to an halt in front of the guards and you dismounted the horse, before you took a small bow to the guards. "I'm here for the royal training, in order to serve the king and Asgard." You spoke in your deepest voice possibly, hoping that the guards would buy it. They did. "Name?" One of them asked, eyes fixated on a list. "Váli Ákison." The guard's eyes roamed over the list, before he nodded. "Open the door." The door got opened for you, causing you to swing back onto your horse and ride inside the camp. Your eyes widened at the sight before you. There we a lot of beautifully crafted tents, alongside a big fireplace. Men were bustling around everywhere. Some of them in tunics like you. Some of them already dressed in traditional Asgardian armour and a few of them, which you recognised as palace guards. Excitement spread through your whole body.
After you were handed your armour and assigned a tent, you retreated into said tent to change. You were ready. More than ready for this.
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flower crowns
summary: liu kang cannot find bi han anywhere
warnings: none :)
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Liu Kang wandered around the Lin Kuei base looking for Bi Han. The grandmaster had invited him here for some unknown reason, but the Fire God had yet to see a trace of the blue assassin. Traveling through the various training grounds one more time, Liu Kang even looked into the hidden grotto that Bi Han liked to meditate in and the hot springs where Bi Han liked to unwind from the day. However, the man was strangely not in any of his usual spots, and Liu Kang frowned at the fact that he could not find his lover.
Changing his tactic, Liu Kang went to search for Kuai Liang and Tomas, but even so, the plan had a fault: sometimes even Bi Han’s brothers didn’t know where he had disappeared off to. Liu Kang just hoped that they would know where he is. Approaching the gray-clad assassin in one of the training grounds, Liu Kang waited patiently for Tomas to finish his set before finally asking him if he had seen his brother anywhere. Unfortunately, Tomas shook his head, but his eyes darted back and forth, and Liu Kang narrowed his eyes in suspicion but dropped it and went to find Kuai Liang. Similarly, Kuai Liang was sharpening his weapon and gave Liu Kang a negative answer similar to Tomas’s, but the Fire God had a feeling that both were hiding where their brother was.
It was strange, seeing that Bi Han had been the one to call him here and yet had not appeared to greet him. Typically, whenever Liu Kang arrived, the grandmaster would be all over him, preening under his touch, but Bi Han was absent and nowhere to be found.
Sighing, Liu Kang resigned himself to just go and meditate in the gardens. It had been a fixture that Bi Han’s father had put in place, and Liu Kang greatly appreciated its beauty. It also made for a wonderful place to meditate or to take walks through.
Liu Kang entered through the arch bordering the gardens and strolled about the gardens before finally deciding to meditate in the area surrounded by the roses in the far side of the garden. Settling down, Liu Kang closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. For a few moments, he entered a deep trance, keeping his mind empty and his breath steady, but a sudden grunt of anger snapped him out of his trance.
Cracking open his eyes, Liu Kang found no one nearby, and yet he heard another groan of frustration and something breaking from somewhere around the garden. Liu Kang stood up and looked through the garden, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Eventually, his eyes landed upon a blue-clad figure sitting among an assortment of flowers and hunched over something in his lap: Bi Han.
“Bi Han.” Liu Kang smiled when the assassin turned back, a look of shock on his face when he saw the Fire God standing over him.
“Liu Kang.” Bi Han hid whatever was in his hands as the Fire God sat down next to the assassin.
“What have you been hiding from me, my love?” Liu Kang tried to peer into BiHan’s hands to guess what the man was trying to hide, and the grandmaster blushed slightly. Liu Kang would’ve enjoyed the expression more if Bi Han didn’t suddenly scowl.
“Nothing.” The grandmaster mumbled.
“Then, why did you call me here and then not show up? Show me, Bi Han.” Liu Kang put a little edge into his voice, and Bi Han relented, uncovering the craft in his hands. It was a flower crown of ice. Little chips of ice were broken off, and several petals were missing from the crown, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
“It is not perfect, but it will not melt. It was meant to be ready by the time you got here.” Clearly, Bi Han seemed very upset from the imperfections but handed it over to Liu Kang anyway, keeping his eyes averted from the god’s as if he was afraid to see disappointment on Liu Kang’s face..
“It is beautiful, Bi Han. I love every part of it.” Liu Kang cradled the flower crown in his hands, the coldness seeped into his skin, but it didn’t hurt. Rather, it felt comforting in a way, and so Liu Kang placed it upon his head.
“How do I look?”
“...ethereal.” Bi Han breathed out. Liu Kang smiled and leaned in to kiss the grandmaster, and Bi Han melted into the Fire God’s arms. Liu Kang loved every bit of Bi Han, even the parts that were broken or twisted, and would spend the rest of their time together to show just how much he adored the man.
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twstbookclub · 2 months
In a different view
this is a continuation of Faded Away, but in a different POV, Sebek's side of the story. If you have not read Faded Away, please do so now by clicking HERE.
Summary: Sebek was always by their side. Watching as they went about life as the supposed future heir of the Draconia family, betrothed to Malleus. While he was used to watching, he could not help but wish acting was part of his role as well. Pronouns: Gender Neutral POV: 2nd Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Sebek Zigvolt, Angst, Romance, Angst without a happy ending, Hurt, Hurt no comfort, a continuation Word count: 3,408
A/N: Please please PLEASE read the previous Malleus fic first if you wish to get the full context. While it is not needed, it does add a bit more to this story and why everything turned out the way it did, and why Sebek's POV is so important!
Thank you and enjoy!
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He had mixed business with personal feelings. As a retainer for Malleus, he had to stay out of the way, but he couldn’t. You were so gorgeous to him, but he could never admit that. At least, not openly. He had always heard about you and your wonderful personality from Malleus, even his master being subtly mesmerized by your memory. He’d never seen this side of his idol before, which only made him curious about who you were, and he would find out.
You were happy to be around the castle during the springtime, especially in Malleus’ rose garden. The flowers and warm sun mixed with the cool air were some of the best parts of the season. You heard grass crunch from just a few meters away, and it caused you to turn around. You were met with a pair of sage green eyes.
The boy stood there in surprise, frozen in place with his hands to his sides. “It’s not what you think. I wasn’t following you—”
“Sebek, right?” You asked, smiling and looking confident in your answer. You hadn’t met all of Malleus’ main guards, but you were familiar with their names. “I hope I’m right. I was told Silver was named as such due to his hair, but you’re the half-human, half-fae Sebek Zigvolt.”
Sebek stood in place. He couldn’t look away from you. Your smile was as bright as the sky, and the flowers couldn’t compare to how you looked natural in this setting. “You’re correct. I–I apologize for not introducing myself sooner.”
You shook your head and laughed reassuringly. “There’s no need. I haven’t been outside as much as I want to. I’ve been spending most of my time in Malleus’ study or in my own home,” you said, approaching him and bowing slightly.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Malleus’ fiance,” you said warmly, your radiance never faltering. That glow around you made him more curious. He needed another moment with you, even for 5 minutes, to find out more.
Whenever he could, he’d talk to you and learn more about you. In the beginning, his conversations with you meant nothing. Although, the more you talked, the longer he would see you. The longer he saw you, the more he understood why his master was so hellbent on keeping you by his side.
Sebek gave it some thought—it made no sense to him. He would wake up and long for a way to look at you, talk to you, or just be in your presence. He wanted to be acknowledged by you, but one question would deter his mind into a questionable state.
One day, you were standing with Sebek in the kitchen. Your hands worked on a dish to present to Malleus as a belated birthday celebration. You knew that Malleus didn’t like big cakes, but you never knew the reason. You were decorating a cupcake instead, and you decided to make a homemade pint of ice cream.
You remembered Malleus talking about how the cooling sensation felt nice against his fire-breathing mouth. It was common for you to bring him ice cream every weekend when you two were children. You decided on mint, not only because it was cooling but because its greenish-teal color reminded you of your fiance.
Sebek was there to watch and help you in your task. He watched how you handled everything with care and precision. His eyes drank in the way you squeezed the piping bag with gentle hands; the way your own eyes lit up when you finished icing the cupcake; the way you placed the glass bowl down with your pinky cushioning its descent.
“I think Prince Malleus will enjoy this a lot,” he commented in a soft tone, which was unusual. Before you responded, the door to the kitchen opened.
“Enjoy what a lot?” Said the voice, and your gaze darted to Malleus who approached the counter with curiosity. “Oh—”
Sebek would look at you and instantly see you brighten at the sight of Malleus. “Malleus! Ugh, you couldn’t have stayed away from the kitchen until later?” You whined, giving a playful pout. “Now, why would I have to be restricted from visiting my own kitchen?” Malleus responded, then stopped when he saw the cupcake. “Hm? Who’s that for?” 
You sighed and presented the small plate to him. The cupcake was chocolate with white and green icing, then black sprinkles. You had a cheeky smile on your face and tilted your head. “If you would have waited like I wished, I could’ve brought both gifts to your study. Belated happy birthday.”
“Both gifts?” He asked, taking the dish from your hands. He knew you wanted to celebrate his birthday that you had missed, but he didn’t think it would be so simple.
You looked at Sebek and smiled. The expression snapped the boy out of his trance, watching how you and Malleus interacted. Sebek simply nodded and took out a pint-sized container. After that, he would move back and stand guard. You and Malleus were peaceful, making the moment playful by spreading ice cream and icing on each other’s faces.
His eyes took in every detail of your expressions, laugh, and playful attitude. He could never make you feel that way. How could he ever compare his love to the love you feel for Malleus?
How could he want his master’s praise when he became infatuated with you?
Sebek had no reason to deny his feelings. He disliked humans for their weakness, but you were a fae who endured becoming a mere pawn in a game of a predestined life. You never complained, not when he knew that you loved Malleus so much. Your love for him only grew more prominent every day.
It was wrong. This was his future king’s lifelong partner.
That’s why it was so surprising to watch it all crumble before him. He tried to call you from down the hall. Seeing you aimlessly amble without your usual radiance was concerning for him. You acted fine when he greeted you moments ago, but you looked pale and dull—like you had witnessed something horrifying.
He slowly followed you out of the castle to ensure you were alright. He froze, eyes slightly widening when you suddenly collapsed in the snowy forest.
You were crying. Why? What could make someone as strong as you cry? Your shrill, gut-wrenching screams made the birds in the trees fly away from fright. What happened? You always noticed his presence, but you couldn’t even look at him this time.
Your body hunched over as your bare fingers dug into the snow-covered ground. Malleus told him how much the first snow meant to you, even advising him and Silver about not bothering you when the dust would begin to fall.
What could he even do this time? He wanted to help, but he couldn’t disobey his master. He felt weak, like a human. 
Screw this.
Before he realized it, Sebek brought you back up as gently as possible. He was still bewildered, not knowing what was okay to do now. He never had to comfort someone before, and he was usually abrasive with others, but he couldn’t be that way with you. Your eyes landed on him, then your hands clung to his clothes. He understood that you just needed a shoulder to cry on. He didn’t know what else to do, so he carried you to a safe place to relieve your sorrows.
When you calmed down, Sebek sat at a distance from you and waited. Waited as quietly as he could. Once you had a steady breathing pattern, he finally spoke.
“Why were you acting that way?”
You could only look up at Sebek with gloomy eyes, taking a deep breath to explain how Maleficia called off the engagement; how Malleus protested against the queen about having to marry another. You explained to him how you accepted it without a complaint and with a smile.
“He always rejected me, anyway. Maybe his new fiance will change him.”
Sebek was met with doubt. He was dumbfounded at what he was told. Speechless, even. He felt guilty, but he left you alone to rest in his bed for the night and even left you a change of clothing after your bath.
You could only appreciate his kindness and bid him a good night. “May the Seven be with you, Sebek.”
After a few days, Sebek stood before the doors to Malleus’ study, contemplating whether to talk about what he had been told. He thought about it, vividly remembering your tear-stained face. He felt guilty once again. He secretly enjoyed having you cry in his bed and talk to him about the situation these past few days. He wanted you in his arms again. He wanted you to need him for comfort.
“What am I even doing?” He asked himself. He had every reason to. Since he became a retainer for Malleus, he never doubted or went against his master. It amazed him just how much a person can change because of another, someone loved and cared for.
Enough stalling. He had to talk to Malleus. Sebek opened the door, yet he instantly stopped at the sight of Malleus, Maleficia, and the rulers of another kingdom gathered together.
There was another woman. Why did this woman feel familiar, yet so foreign?
His master was on one knee and holding the hand of that woman. The green eyes of the master he adored met Sebek’s own. All he could do was stare at her, whose hand was held by Malleus as if he were proposing. That wasn’t what caught Sebek’s attention, though.
She was standing and smiling like you. Her eyes sparkled like yours. Her beauty was mesmerizing, but she wasn’t you in the slightest.
Was disbelief even the right word?
Just days ago, he learned about Maleficia forcing Malleus into a different marriage, leaving you to fend for yourself despite being his fiance since childhood. Now, there he was, already starting to forget about you.
“Sebek,” Malleus spoke, curious as to why his retainer suddenly arrived. “Is something the matter?”
Sebek jumped at hearing his name be called, snapping him out of his trance. He looked at his master and instead put on a focused look, bowing his head. “No, Prince Malleus. I simply wanted to speak to you, but I shall wait.”
“No need. Whatever you have to say to me,” Malleus paused, looking at the family before him with a smile, “you can say it in front of them as well. They’ll be part of this lineage soon.”
Sebek’s eyes widened. He accepted the change? “I cannot. I apologize. Excuse me,” he said, leaving before hearing anything else.
It took months before Sebek could speak to Malleus, but the engagement was known, and the wedding was less than 24 hours away from now.
Sebek stood outside in the courtyard, just behind Malleus, as he watched his master lean back against a stone pillar. Malleus would look up at the stars in the night. The pillar was the last place he spent time with you, and the last time he would ever see you.
Sebek took a breath and stayed at ease, noticing how Malleus looked content and calm. How could he even look like that? Sebek would take his expressions as one of a man in love. Assuming that his master was in love with his new fiance, that is.
“Master Malleus,” Sebek blurted out, getting restless from the silence.
“How are they?” Malleus asked, still staring up at the night sky. Malleus stayed calm, but that contentedness didn’t last long. He grew slightly somber, still guilty from the events of months prior to the present day.
The half-fae was surprised, but he didn’t show it much. Instead, Sebek looked at the ground, fully letting go of his demeanor as royal guard, and spoke to Malleus as his friend.
“Not good. I can’t even fathom the events that have transpired. I learned what it means to be someone’s support due to the circumstances.”
“I see…” Malleus whispers, then he looks at Sebek. “It’s hurting you to see them this way, right? Believe me, I did not choose this.”
“I know. I am fully aware. I was told vague details, but it wasn’t hard to put the pieces together. Did you fight for them?” Sebek asked, looking at Malleus after.
“I did. They decided to accept the change, even after I pleaded.” 
“That didn’t mean you should’ve given up.”
Malleus began to chuckle, and then it turned into a laugh. Sebek was surprised once again, confused about why the hell he was laughing.
“Give up?” Malleus started, still laughing but only speaking again after being able to calm down. “I never wanted that. You don’t know what I wanted.”
Sebek grew irritated but he kept his composure, needing a damn answer. “Then, what did you want?”
Malleus leaned against the stone pillar and took a deep breath, not wanting to erupt into an outburst. "I wanted everything. They were my everything for so long. I never asked for things in life, but they were the only person I had always wanted to stay with."
"You can still say something. The wedding is tomorrow. Why won't you say something!? Are you so fond of your future wife that you want to push them away as if they didn't exist—!"
"What do you know!? I am haunted by my future wife. She acts just like them!” Malleus yelled, sounding frustrated.
“She has the same mannerisms, and moves just as elegantly as they did... But my bride is not them. I can't have them. To protect you all, I have to let go of them."
"Screw protecting us!” Sebek yelled back, getting closer to Malleus, his mind going into overdrive. “We are here to protect you, not the other way around!"
"No! I will not put this kingdom through war.” Malleus was stern and cold, different than he had ever been before. “Why are you trying to push them to me? You're only hurting your own heart, Sebek."
Sebek was shocked. This Malleus was not the one the boy had idolized for years. This love was turning the people he cared for most into strangers. "What do you mean?"
"Look at me and tell me you are not in love with my past lover. That is why you wish to fix this. If they are not happy, you are not happy either. I know that exact feeling,” Malleus stated, oddly confident about his words.
He did know that exact feeling. Sebek could see it, too. The eyes showed a lot of emotion and, as Sebek kept eye contact with his master, he could see the sorrow and regret behind the darkness of those once bright green eyes.
Sebek had to choose his words carefully. He could see how one more push could send Malleus’ over the edge. "Even if that is the case, they love you, Malleus. Not me, but you. My love for them will never compare to the love they have harbored for years with you. Do you not feel the same?"
Malleus stayed quiet. He needed to think. He had to reject everything. "I cannot love someone that is no longer mine. That is the truth,” he said, then they both heard footsteps against the concrete path.
They turned around and saw you there. Malleus was surprised at the sight of your figure coming closer. “You—”
“I wish to no longer see any conflict in regards to this situation,” you said softly, then you looked at Sebek.
“Thank you for trying to fight for me. I do not think it is necessary to do so now. It is pointless. Your words and breath are wasted in a situation that cannot be changed.” 
“Prince Malleus,” you whisper, cutting Sebek off to look at the draconic fae beside you. “Do remember that your bride is moving into the castle a few days after the wedding.”
Malleus went silent at the mention of his fiance. His heart was hurting in a bothersome way. Why couldn’t he love you? He hated this, but he had a kingdom to take care of.
“As for myself,” you started, still staring at Malleus, “I am fine. No need to worry about me. We have done everything together since we were small children. I have loved you with every fiber of my being without fail. If you love me the same, you will marry your bride tomorrow and—”
Sebek’s eyes widened in the middle of the silence. Do his eyes deceive him?
Malleus was kissing the person Sebek loved so much. Malleus is getting married tomorrow, but he was kissing you in the same spot that changed everything that day. Your own eyes were shocked but soon closed to enjoy the sensation, your body as still as a statue.
Malleus held your waist close to him to keep you there. His lips were firmly pressed against yours, and he wouldn’t let go for a while. Sebek couldn’t look away from the scene in front of him. He had been able to endure everything. 
Not being loved by you. Not being able to make you smile or laugh. The pain was creeping up on him, witnessing the love you and Malleus had for one another despite the situation left him shattered. He felt bad for you. He could see that this was the only time this would happen. So, out of respect, he looked away.
Not only out of respect but to spare himself the pain of watching any longer.
Once Malleus pulled away, you opened your eyes and blurted out the next words that came to your mind, “I will not go to your wedding. I will spare myself that pain. I won’t lose you if I don’t witness you leave. As long as I believe you chose to leave and haven’t left my grasp, then I will be fine.”
Malleus let out a chuckle and let you go. “Good. Then, as long as you don’t see me giving myself away, I’m still truly yours.” 
You nodded in agreement and bowed your head, then looked at Sebek. “Then, this is goodbye. No—that’s too bitter,” you said playfully, looking at Malleus again and taking his hand one last time.
“It is simply ‘see you later’,” Sebek responded, looking at the two of you with a small smile. “Good luck.”
You nodded again and let go of Malleus’ hand before walking away. Your smile dropped once they could no longer see your face.
After a couple of years, Malleus’ coronation was successful, and Sebek was looking around for his master around the ballroom floor. After a few minutes of searching, he only found Malleus on the balcony, but he was with you. You came to the coronation. 
Sebek watched as you and Malleus stared into each other’s eyes, the obvious longing for one another still present. He noticed how you looked so different. Your eyes that sparkled were dull before, but they sparkled like stars once you set your eyes on the new king.
You were angelic and carefree to Sebek. He liked all sides of you, but this one only hurt him.
“You were a wonderful experience.” 
Sebek heard Malleus speak, but then he quickly had to hide when someone called for Malleus. He watched as they dragged their king away and left you alone.
“You were… everything.”
You said that, thinking you were alone. Sebek only realized that the time you spent away from Malleus did nothing. He could tell that Malleus was the same way. He slowly stepped out and looked at you, concern prominent on his face.
“Sebek…” You said quietly, your eyes dulling once again. 
Sebek had fallen in love with the person he couldn’t have. He knew it was taboo, especially since they were the person that his master loved so much, but it’s not like he’d ever reveal it. His body took over for a moment and when he came back to his senses, he had his arm wrapped around you in a hug. 
To Sebek, the person in front of him was like a candle. Bright, full of many chances and changes, but even those have a limit. Now, this lovely candle had burned out and would never have the ability to light up again.
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krscblw · 5 months
ghoul perfume associations pt. 3!
more ghoul perfume associations bc ghost and perfume are my two main hobbies! all of these are indie/niche perfumes because those are the types of perfume i'm mainly into. these lists are really fun for me and i would love to hear what people think!!
also, jsyk: because this post is so long, some of the text might get cut off on mobile. it should be okay on desktop if that happens (i don't know how to fix it, sorry :/)
Notes: non-sweet chocolate, linen, lavender
Autumn Morning - Pulp Fragrance
hot chocolate, slightly spiced oatmeal, carnations, a cozy blanket
Twice To Tea - Poesie 
strong earl grey tea, lavender absolute, vanilla syrup, a splash of milk
Notes: bourbon, amber, vanilla  
Not A Deer - Little & Grim 
cedarwood, chestnuts, sandalwood, maple, oak, tonka, suede, clove, spiced vanilla, amber, tobacco 
Loggia - Solstice Scents 
“High above the village, a castle sits shrouded in a heavy gray mist.  Muted moonlight illuminates its upper terraces. Thick with incense smoke, the loggia swells with invited guests, each heavily cloaked and masked. Laughter, violas and a harpsichord fill the night. Wine flows from never-ending mahogany vats. Exotic spices drape the air in fragrant bouquets. A bell rings from the archway, and all in attendance fall silent as the master of the night creatures crosses the paving stones...”
mahogany, sweet amber, musk, dark incense, deep vanilla bean, sandalwood, cardamom, black pepper, cognac and allspice
(i have this one and it's great, perfect for aether imo)
Notes: leather, smoke, gunpowder
Spiritus Fumosus - Alkemia
volcanic basalt, smelted metal ores, amberwood, smokey birch tar, old leather, galbanum, white oud, gray amber, petrichor, wet sand, bergamot, sichuan peppercorn, gingergrass, white patchouli
Deus ex Machina - Alkemia 
“An olfactory portrait of industrial decay and the fallen gods of age of disruption, innovation, and technological revolution.”
fire-hardened steel, rusted iron, motor oil, wet cement, burnt copper wires, gray amber
Notes: dark fruits, musk, heavy florals, honey
Virgo - Deconstructing Eden   
dark amber, bulgarian rose absolute, lavender maillette, orris root, benzoin, dark fruits, bourbon vanilla
Eglantine House - Deconstructing Eden 
honeyed roses, mahogany, plums, amber accord, champaca flowers, eglantine roses, white musk
Notes: lilac, magnolia, jasmine, sugar, cold air
Midnight Garden - Alkemia 
night-flowering white flowers – tuberose, lily, honeysuckle, gardenia, moonflower
Calliope - Alkemia 
clementine, orange blossoms, white orchid, sugared currants, tonka, and vanilla musk, cotton candy, saltwater taffy
Notes: berries, smoke, spices, metal
Unrequited - Deconstructing Eden
black sandalwood, raspberries, bitter orange, black pepper, smooth silky musk, dark amber, smoky patchouli 
Lightning Storm - Nui Cobalt Designs 
Petrichor, ozone, electrified metal, cold musk, bergamot, lime zest, cracked pink peppercorn, copal smoke, myrrh, teakwood
(this one represents dew as a water ghoul – citrus, spices, ozone, and metal. sweet, cold, and a little bitter)
Notes: black tea, incense, spices 
Tasseomancy - Nui Cobalt Designs 
black tea spritzed with orange, incense smoke clinging to heavy velvet curtains, fireplace embers, cinnamon, clove
Tasseomancy - LVNEA 
bergamot, black tea, lapsang souchong, honey, spices, milk
(yes they are both called the same thing. he's a guy with a brand i don't know what to tell you)
Notes: water, herbs, ice
Eisheth - Deconstructing Eden 
seawater, herbs - rosemary, mint, clary sage, bergamot, hyssop, lemongrass, and verbena, white tea
Blackwater Lake - Osmofolia  
“Short-needle pine branches hang over mossy lake rocks, radiant white water lilies soak in the sun, the surface of the dark lake water ripples above submerged northern watermilfoil, and a chill in the air warns of impending autumn.”
pine needles, cold wind, northern watermilfoil, white water lilies, moss, stone, lake water
Notes: vetiver, plants, earth, mushrooms
Poor Farm - Little & Grim 
“Overgrown grass, tangled undergrowth, wildflowers, the memory of fresh linens, and distant, greener pastures.”
moss, sage, ferns, sweet grasses, green wood, and chamomile
Mycelium - Treading Water Perfume 
“Rounding the corner it came into view, the being that had terrorized the village for decades. It sat terrifyingly still on top of natural rock formation that resembled some strange amalgamation of an altar. An altar not made by human hands but as if created by the forest itself to honor this being. The being was here long before the village and it will continue to be here long after we are gone.”
soil, mushrooms, patchouli, black currants, hinoki wood
Notes: peach, rose, earth
The Lover Tells Of The Rose - Alkemia 
wild roses, lemon verbena, white pearl tea leaves, delicate white patchouli, new greens, wet moss
Apothecary Rose - LVNEA 
rose gallica, rose de mai, damask rose, tarragon, violet leaf, apricot, labdanum, myrrh
*i headcanon nimbus as a earth/air multi
Notes: wood, amber, tobacco
Danse Macabre - Fyrinnae
sandalwood, amber, labdanum, vanilla, woodsmoke, smoldering logs
Leo - Deconstructing Eden 
frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, amber, liatrix, blood cedar, blond tobacco absolute, sweet spices, honey
(i have this one and i love it, it's very warm and resinous)
Notes: seawater, ozone, vanilla
Ambre Gris - Alkemia 
“A rare blend of proprietary perfumery ingredients carefully oxidized by sunlight, sand, air, sea salt, water, and ocean minerals. The result is as changeable and morphing as the ocean... earthy, sweet, musky, saline.”
gray ambergris, ocean minerals, sea salt
Cerulea - OSMOFOLIA 
“A synesthesia perfume inspired by a color. Sapphire ocean blue with flashes of turquoise and glistening white.”
osmanthus, ambergris, sea salt, ocean water, tuberose, cucumber
Notes: strawberries, citrus, vanilla, spices
In Love with Everything - Imaginary Authors
“This extremely versatile (and genderless!) fragrance is great for any time of day and any time of year but the blast of energy it possesses is ideal for whenever you’re feeling low or looking for a little boost of bliss to keep your body moving and your lungs laughing long into the night.”
raspberry, citrus pulp, coconut palm sugar, madame isaac pereire, sandalwood, tropical punch, stardust
(i have this one! it's very fruity, you definitely get the fruit punch, but it still has a good amount of depth)
Eos - Fantôme 
“Eos is named for the goddess of dawn—who beckons the daybreak with her rosy fingers. This perfume smells like the color of the sunrise; pink and gold light breathing life into the morning dew.”
tart lemonade, raspberries, candied rose petals, wild berries, a hint of ginger
**i headcanon sunny as a fire/air multi
Notes: smoke, musk, patchouli, incense
Black Heart - Spirit & Venom   
dark patchouli, clove, caramel pipe tobacco
Scorpio - Deconstructing Eden
“The fixed water sign of the zodiac, Scorpios are sensitive and intense, complicated and multi-layered. This blend is deep, still water, with notes of humid air and just the barest touch of mud.”
white and pink lotus absolute, orris root, myrrh, patchouli, gray musk, still water
***i headcanon swiss as a fire/water multi
Notes: dust, ozone, faint sweet musk, mint, cool air
Walking with a Ghost - Spirit & Venom 
“Light & ethereal musk, fresh harvest pear, a whiff of perfume from a loved one long passed.”
Aquarius - Deconstructing Eden 
air, an undercurrent of water, sparkling aldehydes
if you made it this far, thank you for reading! and i would love to hear your thoughts!! (/gen - do you have any recommendations? do you agree/disagree? i love talking abt this) (also thank you sm to @midnight-moth for recommending lvnea!!)
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The White Dragon (32)
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Summary: Princess Aemma joins the battle field, in the sunset sea, as Jacaerys does to the Narrow sea. 
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, injury, burns, dragon fire, death, violence, armies, war and all that comes with it. Might miss some warnings but you know what this is about :) WARNING! SPOILERS! minor getting married :)
Wordcount: 3.7 k
Notes: This happens at the same time as the events of “All the roads”
Merry Christmass everybody! here is my present to you!! ❤️❤️
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Their goal became clear… stop the Lannister from obtaining the Tyrell's allegiance.
The Reach had proclaimed itself neutral to both sides, and as for today, nobody dares to question them, they held the food of the realm in their storages, and on their fields. But the Lannisters, apparently where foolish, they marched their army to their gates to… convince them
And that is what Aemma was on their way to stop.
They flew west with her mother’s instruments in her bag to not lose direction, as they flew towards Highgarden
And she was glad she reached them before they did 
She had never been to Highgarden, but the sight was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. 
A huge, white stone castle, with many floors and terraces filled with flowers and plants on each, from afar, they seemed as if they were hanging gardens. And even then, all around it were huge gardens with fountains and green mazes. Even a river, which undoubtedly feeds all the greenery in the castle, ran through it. It was breathtaking
When they descended, a small retinue was already waiting for them, all raising the Tyrell banners, the golden rose over a gran field
Steffon climbed down of Vermithor first, he looked at himself, and he didn’t look like the knight he used to be, but no matter
“This is Princess Aemma, from hour Targaryen, and Strong”, he said solemnly, “And I am Steffon, former Kingsguard to King Viserys the first” 
“Be welcome, Princess Aemma and Ser Steffon”, greeted a beautiful lady, with deep brown hair and blue eyes, “I’m lady Margaery Tyrell, my son, Lyonel, is Lord of Highgarden, I speak in his behalf”, she said with a warm smile
“I thank you for the warm welcome”, spoke Aemma, as she descended Vermithor
“I imagine why you are here”, she said, “And I must say first, that as the warden of the south, we abstain from this conflict, since the war infecting the reach could have catastrophic consequences for all the Kingdoms, if the crops and fields are placed in harm’s way…”
“I respect that”, she said gently, but surely, “my mother, the princess (Y/N) did too, but I’m afraid, the Lannister do not, the Greens, the Usurper Aegon, does not”, she said, “I was trapped in the Red Keep, I was able to scape, with sensible information”, she explained
“What are you saying princess?”, she asked
“Half of the Lannister army is on their way here, to “persuade” you to turn to their side”, she said, “they are planning on making port on Olk Oak, if they haven’t already”
“You are bluffing, the Lannsiters wouldn’t be so foolish”, she said
“but they are!”, Steffon warned
They soon were interrupted, by a mounted soldier, who rode like his life depended on it
“My lady!”, he said, “The Lannister fleet as been spotted, they intent on disembarking in Oak Road”, he said, “by now, the army must be coming down the Ocean Road”
“Told you” Aemma said, and the Lady regent of Highgarden looked at her
“What do you want?”, she asked
“Our side understands the importance of the Reach, and what you do for the Kingdoms, I will eliminate this threat for you, in return, you will stay neutral to the war, and support our side with provisions for the war”, she said, and Steffon nodded approvingly, and proud of his little Aemma
“And who’s side is that?”, she asked, and Aemma doubted, did she believe in her aunt? the one that only had looks of contempt and envy towards her? not really, but for her family
“The reds”, she said, “The Strong Targaryens, or whoever we support”, the Lady seemed to think about it, of course she knew of whom Aemma spoke off, the Princess’ children were making a name for themselves, and they were proud children of their mother, who served in the small council for almost ten years
“Very well”, she said, “I will send provisions to your armies, and I will support who you seem fit to rule, if you eliminate the Lannister threat”, Aemma and Steffon shared looks, and then Aemma offered her hand to the lady of the Reach.
They shook hands, as the lady spoke again
“You, my lords and soldiers, are witness to this promise, and this commitment”, she claimed, and they all nodded
“I will go and set fire to their fleet, and then I will make their army surrender”, Aemma promised, releasing her. Vermithor roared behind her, making the ground shake and the hearts of those present to fill with fear and respect.
“What will you have me do?”, asked Steffon
“I need you by my side, but I will need you in armor”, Aemma warned. And lady Margaery smiled
“We can help with that”, The lady of the Reach said
. . .
“I look ridiculous!”, Steffon grumbled, the very next morning when they departed HIghgarden, making Aemma giggle, he was wearing a golden armor, with magnificent golden roses decorating the breastplates, he had managed to get a white cloak as well
“You look great”, Aemma giggled, as they both flew through the air. under her, Vermithor was getting restless, craving for fire and blood, and then, they reached their destination
Aemma descended on Vermithor, over a cliff where they had a magnificent view 
“If the treasury is there, it should be in that ship!”, pointed Steffon. It was a magnificent vessel, the biggest one, “see how much she is sinking? it had a heavy load on board”, he said, and Aemma nodded
“I’ll spare her then”, she muttered, burn the rest
“Do it”, he said, “I’ll wait for you here”
Vermithor was a seasoned war dragon, who had fought many battles under King Jaehaerys, the most notorious one being the Dornish conquest, in which he burned a thousand ships. And he was excited to repeat his feat. 
As soon as Steffon climbed down, being left safe and sound on the coast, atop a cliff, Aemma commanded Vermithor to fly again, and he did, with the Lannister fleet right there in front of them, on Shield Bay
“Come on Vermithor, it’s time to commit some war crimes”, the funny thing is that the dragon seemed to growl approvingly in answer. Aemma giggled, feeling her body tingling with excitement for what she was about to do.
Vermithor flew towards the armada, with his bronze eyes set and a hunger in her stomach.
The crews of the vessels watched now the biggest dragon in the world fly towards then, and they all started to shout orders
“To arms! To the scorpions!”
“Take cover!” 
Aemma as she was flying towards them, she was greeted with bolts flying angrily towards her, she gasps in surprise, but Vermithor knew what to do, he flew even higher, from an angle the scorpions couldn't reach. Vermithor growled in warning, establishing fear in the hearts of those under him. He flew over the armada, Aemma watching carefully, who to strike first. So she decided to strike in the middle and then flew towards the ships that were more far off. Vermithor, understanding without needs for words, Vermithor took a nosedive towards them 
“Vermithor!” she called, when they were close enough, “Dracarys!”, she said loudly, stopping above one of the ships.
A hundred year old flame, that made the hard wood of the hips break under the weight of his power, sinking it to the bottom of Shield Bay in less than a minute. 
but more bolts flew towards her, Vemrithor took flight again, up in the skies, and then he dived again, searching for another victim, another vessel he could burn, making all the men throw themselves off the neighboring ships and into the cold waters, for they were better than the heat of a flame that could melt stone as much as wood.
Steffon was watching all of this with a wide smile, it was almost like a painting in movement, it was almost a piece of art. Fire was a power so destructive, yet, so seductive. So hypnotic, he could be watching burning vessels for the rest of his life without complaint. 
He noticed the men who were jumping from the ships started to swim to shore, so he moved there, with his new armor, and blade, ready to receive the traitors. He started gathering them on the beach, had them kneel before him.
Aemma took almost half a day to fulfill her mission, there were more than 200 ships, and she burned them all but around 10, to make sure they will never turn against them again, and to also make sure they couldn’t carry an army on board. 
And Aemma destroyed them all, bolts were flying, not even one could catch her and her seasoned dragon Vermithor, a fighter or a hundred battles under King Jaehaerys, and even if one managed to insert itself in his skin, they wouldn{t be able to stop them either way.
As she burned the 190th ship, she returned to shore, where men were arriving, swimming for their lives. The Lannisters on the beach cowered and begged for mercy, kneeling on the sand in front of Steffon, and soon Aemma landed right behind him, climbing off of Vermithor and facing the traitors
“I am Princess Aemma”, she said loudly, “of houses Strong and Targaryen, and today, I bring you a choice”, one of the men, must be the highest ranking officer of them all, stood and took a step
“Team black, or Team Green?”, he asked the Princess
“Team Red”, she answered, and everyone gasped, “I’m here to bend house Lannister to the Strong Targaryens”, she said firmly
“Jason Lannister is a prisoner for us, the Tullys hold him”, said Steffon, “It’s over for house Lannister, their participation in this war is done”, and they all bend the knee to them both. “Go home, go back to Lannisport, if you ever think about raising arms to any member of house Targaryen ever again, remember what happened here”, they all nodded, “and the treasury, is ours”, luckily for them, Tyrells soldiers arrived at the scene.
“We will take the treasury”, demanded Aemma, “and you will hang this, in Lannisport”, and from the saddle of her dragon, she took her coat of arms, and gave it to the senior member of the group
But Aemma turned around to speak to him
“This isn’t over”, she whispered, “we still need to meet the Lannister army”
“Imagine their surprise”, he whispered, amused. And then Aemma turned to the Tyrells
“That ship must stay there”, she demanded, “until we can get it safely back to King´s Landing when the time is right!”
“We will guard it for you, princess”, promised a man, who was Lord Tyrell’s uncle. “We have sent word to our friends of the Shield islands, who will guard it for you, my princess”. Aemma nodded 
“I trust you do this, in the name of house Tyrell, and their allegiance to the Reds”, he nodded, bowing his head. Aemma and Steffon nodded.
The sun was about to set on the horizon
“We will not catch the army on time”, she warned
“They will stop for the night, we might find them, and stop them first thing tomorrow before they march”, he said, and Aemma nodded, “catch them off guard”, he offered 
They both climbed on top of Vermithor, and together they flew away.
They found what was called the Ocean Road, and they followed it back to Highgarden. 
Finally they found the army, camping off the road, dangerously close to the Tyrells. They hadn't spotted them yet, so they descended upon a nearby hill, and from there they were going to wait.
Before the break of dawn, when the skies dressed as a light gray, Aemma raised from the ground, looking at the army camped bellow them
“I do not wish to slaughter them”, she muttered, “I do not wish to kill them all, but how will we ensure their allegiance? their surrender?”, she asked Steffon, “we cannot held captive a host of 10 thousand men 
“We have Lord Jason”, he said, “Tyland is probably down there with them”, he said, “they will surrender”.
When the sun was showing it’s glorious face in the horizon, the camp started to wake up, and that is the moment Aemma chose, to climb on Vermithor’s back, and descend upon them
The Bronze Fury’s breath was what truly woke the camp that morning, making all the soldiers run in disarray, captains were called, soldiers half dressed ran towards their weapon, but they had nothing to attack the dragon with, who circled over them like a vulture waiting for a dying animal to collapse.
Aemma finally made Vermithor land in front of the camp, and she and Steffon climbed down the dragon, to face a small cortege of frightful soldiers that met them in the open field. Among them, was Tyland Lannister
Aemma didn’t forget how poor the Lannisters where to her that day at that dinner
“How the mighty have fallen”, she said firmly, as Steffon by her side had his hand on the pommel of his sword, Tyland was pale as paper, not representing a mighty lion but a scared little mouse 
“Princess Aemma”, he said, swallowing hard
“We have sinked your ships”, said Aemma firmly, making him shake even more, “form two hundred and the treasure, Lannisport is graced now by 10 small ships”, she muttered, “and you are lacking an important part of the treasury you stole”, Tyland tried to show himself strong, but failed miserably
“But the princess is gracious, your army will not face the same fate as your armada”, said Steffon, “surrender, go back to hide in Casterly Rock, and wait for the dust to settle, when the time is right, you will bend the knee to the new targaryen king, or Queen”, he said simply
“You are just going to let us surrender?”, he asked, now amused, “how?”
“State your offer of your surrender”, said Aemma, “you have until noon to make me believe you will never raise arms against the true loyal line, furthermore, you will bend the knee to the Reds”
“The Reds?”, he asked
“the Strong Targaryens”, she muttered, and Tyland laughed
“Your claim is as better as Rhaenyra’s bastards”, he laughed
“You have until noon Lord Tyland, to convince me not to burn you like a chicken”, Aemma said firmly, “think well, and see you when the sun is at its peak”
Steffon hunted for them a few rabbits, as Aemma set up a small fire, and they waited, eating, as the Lannister camp was deathly quiet. And when the hour came, they descended, walking to meet with Tyland again.
“Give us two days”, he said, “to have our answer”, and Steffon chuckled
“You liked to boast about the war plans, you think we don’t know the Hightowera are on their way?”, he asked, and Tyland lost his hand once again, “you want to win time, for them to catch up to us”
“You now have ended my patience”, Aemma whispered, “Vermithor!”
“Wait!”, he said, “the Hightowers, what are you going to do…?”
“Look Lannister”, said Steffon, “we don’t despise you lot, you are opportunists, that's all, but the Hightowers? those are fucking traitors”
“I will burn them to a crisp”, Aemma threatened, “you still have one more shot”
“I will fight for you, then”
“We are not interested”, she responded, “We don’t want more fighting”,
“I will go back to Casterly Rock…”
“Oh yes you will”, said Steffon, “but before, you will…”
Aemma thought about for a second, and then she looked at Tyland
“Give all your armor and weapons”, she said simply, and Tyland Lannister laughed 
“What you just heard”, she said, “you will pile all the armors, and weaponry, in the middle of the camp”
“What then?”, he asked
“That is for me to decide”, she said firmly
So, one on one, ten thousand soldiers dropped all their armor and weapons in the middle of the camp. It was a mountain high pile of metal, worth thousands of golden dragons (coins) 
But Aemma had only one thing to say
And that is how that battle, that couldn’t even be named as such, was known as “the march of the naked Lannisters”, that bards will sing years that will be heard for years to come. 
Aemma and Steffon weren’t able to stop laughing as they saw all these men wearing simple cotton undergarments, marching north again, with their tails between their legs. 
Steffon got himself a horse, and provisions from the Lannisters
“I will go back to Shield Bay, to secure the gold”, he said, and Aemma only nodded. 
“I will go back to highgarden, to let them know, I will send word to my family in Harrenhal, and let’s see from there, tell them we secured the Gold”, and the knight nodded firmly. 
Steffon, who because of that got himself the nickname, “Man of gold”, rode away in a black stallion, and Aemma regained her breath, over the carcass, the pile of melted leather and metal
But she couldn’t rest for long. 
 A high pitched growl resounded all over the Valley, and Aemma, impressed, saw a silver dragon flying towards them from over the clouds. Hastily and in fear of not recognizing it, she hid behind Vermithor’s huge wing
“Nãbēmagon Vermithor!”, [attack], she pleaded, scared of facing a dragon from the ground. But the Bronze Fury didn’t do anything, instead, he purred loudly, like calling for the strange dragon, and he answered back, with a dolphin-like roar. It didn’t attack them, but it landed a few yards away from them. When the she-dragon lowered her head, Aemma saw Aemond above it, on the saddle.
The silver dragon was none other than silver wing, and she leaned into Vermithor, her mate, and they joined their snouts, sniffing each other, purring, being together again after so long apart.
And Aemma walked towards Aemond, who descended his new dragon and ran towards her
“Aemma!”, he called, desperate, and grabbed her and held her against his chest before she could do anything. She gasped in his arms, holding onto him tightly
“Aemond”, she whispered against his chest, as he caressed her head and then cradled her face in his hands, so he could take a good look at her
“My Aemma, are you alright?”, she barely nodded, “are you sure?”
“What has happened?”, she asked, confused, “How do you know I was here?”
“That is a long story my love”, he whispered, “your mother is alive!”, and she opened widely, in surprise
“Are you sure?”, she asked, and he nodded, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs
“Vhaelar was hurt that day, she was in Tarth, stranded”, happy tears fell down Aemma’s cheeks, “we are joined now, in a new allegiance, your family, Helaena and me”, he said, “Do you trust me my love?”, he asked, his eyes shining with hope and love for her. 
Aemma nodded, “Yes I do, my Aemond”, so he smiled warmly
“Close your eyes”, he pleaded gently, and she did. And just how he should have done three years ago, he leaned in, and took her lips on his, kissing her softly, with love and adoration. She gasped in his arms, her arms went to knit around his narrow waist, to bring him even closer to her, sharing her first kiss. 
In the silence of a vale, a soft wind caressing both their bodies, and their dragons as their only witness, they ended their kiss, but sealed the beginning of their story together, their foreheads touching as they drank each other's presence in each other's arms. 
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As Aemma was fighting in the sunset sea, Jacaerys was climbing his dragon Vermax in Dragonstone, to fight at the Narrow Sea.
Fueled by desires of glory, hungry for joining the battlefield, he had decided to join the naval battle, angry at his Grandmother Rhaenys for not doing it herself, falling from grace with her mother and Lord Corlys himself and staying in Driftmark, defending her home.
He was enraged
His cousins where on the battlefield
Winning apparently
Bathing themselves in glory and victory
Why couldn’t he?
So against the wishes of his mother, Jacaerys flew towards the naval conflict, he was ready to face it, face the enemy, make a name for himself. Help his mother win her crown, destroy her enemies. So the open skies welcomed him as he felt the wind in his face, he also felt the adrenaline creeping onto his body, he felt ecstatic 
And the battle was in full violence, cannon balls flew from one side to another, the sound of wood cracking under the strength of the cannons were something that Jacaerys will never forget in his young life. 
So Jace, over his dragon Vermax, identified the first enemy ship, from Mereen
“Dracarys Vermax!”, he commanded, and the green dragon spit his fire under the first vessel
Under him, the sailors who had been distracted by the battle at hand, spotted him, and as they were warned about the dragons, they too armed themselves with scorpions, nets and spears. When the first bolt from the scorpion was released, it evaded Jace for mere inches, warning the young man. 
“Sovêgon, Vermax!”, he commanded, and the dragon continued his flight towards the next ship.
As Vermax was smaller, he needed to be closer to the ships to burn them, taking as twice as long for the same reason, and that is when, a bolt flew through the air piercing through his wing
It didn’t quite hurt the dragon, but it certainly harmed his capability to fly. In retaliation, Jacaerys commanded Vermax to face and burn the ship who had dared to harm them, but he was flying too close to the water, too close to the ships. too close to enemy arrows.
The triarchy’s sailors and soldiers came after Jace, a bolt from s scorpion lodged himself into Vermax’s side, making him growl and whine in the air, and many arrows followed. As did a hook that caught the dragon by his snouts, making him fall into the waters. 
Melys came into action then. Warned by Rhaenyra, Rhaenys entered the battlefield only for his love for his son, the alleged father of Jacaerys, and his memory, to help the boy, she was too late to safe Vermax, but Jacaerys, due to her distraction, was able to dismount from his sinking and dying dragon, and find a piece of wood where he was able to float.
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Aemma felt her cheeks heated when Aemond placed his big hand above hers and intertwined their fingers. Then the Septon tied them together with a silk ribbon. Their eyes met. Aemond had a beautiful smile on his face. And according to Aemond, Aemma has never looked so beautiful. With her rosy cheeks kissed by battle and sun. Her silver hair is loose, and put in place by a beautiful white and pink flower crown. She was wearing a white tulle simple dress, borrowed from a niece of Lady Margaery, she had three, who watched their union giggling holding bouquets of colorful flowers 
“Father, Warrior, Smith, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger”, they chanted at the same time, not taking his eyes off one another. 
“She is mine, and I’m hers”, Aemond said 
“He is mine, and I’m his”, she said at the same time 
“From this day, to the end of my days” they proclaimed 
They sealed their love, in the gardens of Highgarden, with a septon officiating, and the Lady of the Reach, and Daeron, the daring, as witnesses. 
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More notes: I hoped you liked this chapter as much as I did! I was really looking forwards to this one!
Is Jacaerys alive? hehe or is he dead? This is officially a pole everyone VOTE. IS JACAERYS DEAD OR ALIVE?
This chapter was going to be HUGE, but I wanted to post before christmas, and there is going to be a part two to this... ANYWAYS ENJOY MY LOVES!
Taglist!!@tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed @notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss
153 notes · View notes
ustalochka · 4 months
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Capricorn ♑ ✨
19 notes · View notes
eudaimonia83 · 10 months
Chapter 6 is posted! For anyone who felt adrift last week bc of the new character, the Elucien goodness will hopefully make up for it this week. 🥰
Content warning: Solstice, but make it just a bit sinister. Muhahaha. No triggers that I can think of in this chapter.
Trivia moment: this chapter was the original basis for the entire fic. (It has obviously spiraled significantly into larger themes since then, lol.) I’ve long been annoyed that Lucien keeps being forced to hang out w the IC and then they act like he isn’t there, or treat him like he’s an enemy. *cough az and cass cough* So i wanted Elain to make him feel included…and to finally give him a thoughtful present. I also wanted Elain to be a bit more in her element, at a party.
There will probably be a couple weeks before this is updated again bc I will be working on a different piece for a bit, but there’s more coming!
Chapter 6: ELAIN
The party was a bright affair, lamps all ablaze, faelights swirling like tiny acrobats in the rafters, and fires crackling merrily. Elain wore her lavender silk dress, against the advice of Nuala, who had suggested a darker color to match the rest of the guests. And it was true; Mor was resplendent in red and gold, Nesta icy in silver edged with white and jewelry of sparkling black, Feyre in deep royal blue. The three Illyrian brothers were in their customary matching black, though Azriel’s leathers somehow seemed the most formal attire of the lot. Rhysand had indulged in a violet-trimmed waistcoat and Cassian’s crimson siphons seemed to set everything he touched ablaze.
But after Elain had spent two hours trying to decide between a dark blue high-necked velvet gown and a long black dress festooned with big pink roses — hating how pale she looked, how thin and wan — she had finally thrown open her wardrobe doors and pulled out the soft, swishing dress with its fluttering skirt. It was not truly fancy enough for the occasion, she knew. It was a dress for a day in the gardens in the height of summer, for running in and out of the shade of her tall hedges, for trailing her hand in the fountain and dabbing the cool water on her neck to soften the heat of the sun’s kiss, for spending hours lying in the grass trying to identify the scent of each particular flower. But her heart had eased the moment she’d held it up and looked at herself in the mirror. It felt right. And in it, she felt beautiful. She knew people called her the pretty sister. She had used that as currency herself, drawing the attention of men and boys alike. But standing next to Nesta, regal and austere; or Feyre, slender and magnetic and alluring; or Morrigan, glowing and brash and curvaceous…she just felt ordinary. In this dress she could at least compare. To keep warm, she picked out a plum-colored velvet high-cut jacket edged in brown fur. The gentle color of it warmed against the bronze of her curls, which she left down; and her cheeks, still hollow from the weight she’d lost as a new Fae, looked like they picked up some color. She stared at her reflection for a while, feeling as though it all looked unfinished, when the bell tinkled merrily to announce that dinner was ready. On her way down the stairs, she passed a dripping bouquet of winter roses and pine garlands; one of the arrangements the decorators had brought earlier. The roses were cream-white with a pink edge to their petals. In sudden inspiration, Elain twisted two buds from the bouquet and prepared to tuck one into her hair, before thinking, be daring. Be brave. With the slightest of tremors, she instead tucked both of the flowers into the sweetheart collar of the dress, right above her décolletage. They warmed against her skin. Somehow, she didn’t need a mirror to know she had chosen well; she lifted her chin and walked down the steps. She passed a massive gilt-edged mirror as she went down the hallway to the dining room, and noticed that the buds had opened slightly against her skin, blushing and pale in equal measure. She stopped to straighten them only to find their stems firmly tangled in the fabric of the lining of her dress, so they pressed lightly against her breasts. Like they were hugging her. And when she’d entered the dining room, ever so slightly late — she remembered one of her human friends insisting they be late to a party, saying “no, Lainey, you must make an entrance” — she’d been pleased to find all eyes drawn to her. Even Amren’s steely gaze had narrowed.
Dinner had been loud, especially when Nyx had made an appearance after his nap. His eyes were ringed with tiredness, but lit up merrily when he saw Cassian, the undisputed favorite, who immediately waved at him and stuck his tongue out. Feyre now relinquished her son to his uncle and sat back on the lounge chair, tucking her feet up under the blue silk of her gown. Elain hadn’t spoken to her all day; when they’d arrived back from the Hewn City, later than people had expected, she had looked unsettled, and shuttered herself in with Rhysand for a good hour, the shields around the room thick and humming. She looked happier now, her pale blue eyes alight as she watched her family.
Elain couldn’t think of how to begin the conversation, but felt obliged to ask, “Are you enjoying your birthday?”
Feyre glanced at her briefly before directing her eyes back to her son. Rhysand had pulled him up from Cassian’s shoulders and his little wings beat frantically, though they weren’t yet strong enough to bear his weight. Feyre smiled, lines fanning out from her tired eyes. “I am now,” she said. “It wasn’t an auspicious start to the day, though.”
“What happened?” Elain wondered if she just meant being at the Hewn City or if something worse had happened.
But Feyre shook her head and said, “Oh, it was a tense day at the tithe. The Lesser Fae have had a bad harvest this year so the totals were unimpressive. And they want more than ever from Rhys,” her eyes darkened, brows creasing, “as though he doesn’t protect them enough. As his mate it’s hard to sit by and hear them blame him, like he can control the weather or eliminate bandits.”
She shifted in her seat to keep Rhys and Nyx in her view, and Elain caught a glimpse of a bright gold medallion around her neck, hung on a knobbly homespun cord. The gold was yellow and white hammered together, in painstaking handmade relief, to make a shimmering, undulating surface; Elain saw as the light played on its surface that it was worked into an image. An image of a toothy maw spread wide…claws on disturbingly human hands extended…
Feyre smiled brightly at her sister, noting the direction of her gaze, and picked up the medallion to show her. “Isn’t it lovely? I know the image is grotesque, but the workmanship is stunning, especially to be handmade.” She tilted it so Elain could see better. “One of the tithe attendees gave it to me as a gift. For my birthday.”
Elain leaned forward in appreciation. “What is it?” she asked. She’d never seen such a creature before, even with all the horrors of the past two years.
“I don’t know,” Feyre said, shrugging. “A creature holy to that specific tribe, I shouldn’t wonder.” She lowered her voice as if about to divulge a secret. “I think he thought appealing to me would make Rhys grant his request, but it was all the way in the south, and we haven’t any time to go so far. And it’d be close to impossible to travel there with Nyx so young too.” She admired the gleaming surface. “It is lovely though. One of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen at the tithe. Usually their work is so simple compared to the jewels of Velaris.”
Elain leaned forward and touched the medallion with her fingertip, and as she did, she heard a low roaring in her ears that swelled to obliterate the laughs of the party: a humming growl, low and undulating. The light of the party faded, until it was nothing more than the sparkle of a candle…and before her, a darkness, near total, but for the occasional glimmer. The light wavered oddly, like the cast from a flame — a larger flame, the writhing of its light against the shadows nearly twice Elain’s height, bent violently by gusts of wind. It reached no more than a few inches beyond where Elain stood, then slipped back into blackness. But there was movement there; movement that materialized into fur, mangy and stinking, and teeth, dripping with saliva, light glinting on the points of fangs as long as her fingers, vicious, hungry for blood. And then a rushing voice, filling her ears with a thousand whispers. A pact. An agreement. An old magic, invoked by charm and wrought by hand. It must be honored.
A vision. She knew it even as it spiraled into darkness, the whispers coiling into chaos and then clarifying into something more familiar. Into words. BACK. HOWEVER YOU FIGHT, IT WILL BE OF NO USE. WE WILL HAVE IT ALL BACK. It melted into a hoarse scream, a cry of attack…
But then she was sucked backwards into light, so bright that her eyes watered a bit in protest, trails of blackness still lingering across her vision; and she was at the party, thrown into its chatter and charm, and Feyre was laughing, throwing her head back, exclaiming, “Lucien! As I live and breathe! Rhys told me you were back, and I would’ve been so upset if you hadn’t come to see me.”
Elain blinked, and the last of the darkness slid away. Before her was the erstwhile prince of Autumn, his hair braided and smoothly caught back at the nape of his neck, a bright blue coat with subtle gold threading outlining his broad shoulders. Even dressed relatively modestly, he gleamed, all color and light, all mischief and elegant trickery. So Fae. Even now it sent ripples up her spine, sliding along the knife edge between fear of him and trust in him. His golden eye glinted as he returned Feyre’s smile. “I wouldn’t miss your birthday for all the stars in Velaris,” he said, his voice light and teasing. “Not that even you could give those away.”
“Don’t put it past me,” Feyre winked at him.
Lucien turned to Elain, whose voice was as firmly caught in her throat as a burr stuck in a glove. “Good evening, Lady,” he said, with a slight bow. She swallowed, and nodded.
His good eye narrowed, ever so slightly, taking her in at a quick glance. “Can I get you a drink?” he asked, swinging his eyes back to Feyre, and smiling disarmingly. “The pair of you aren’t doing the party any favors sitting here without partaking.”
Feyre protested, laughing, but Lucien cocked his head and stared at her in mock accusation until she relented with a roll of her eyes. “Very well then. A half glass of the gold wine.”
He moved off toward the bar cart with a smooth stride. Feyre’s gaze shifted to Elain, whose hands were clenched tightly in her lap. What had he noticed?
Feyre leaned in and said, her eyes dancing, “That’s a magnificent color on him, don’t you agree?”
Elain blushed from her ears to her chest, hating her sister for being so open, so obvious, so damn gleeful. It was confusing enough to be around him without everyone watching and whispering. She was trying to figure out what to say when he returned, a glass in each hand. He handed the wine cup to Feyre, who thanked him and then slyly slid away; he pushed a highball glass into her hand as they found themselves alone.
“Drink it,” he murmured, almost inaudible over the chatter of the party. “You look like you’re about to faint.”
She clutched the glass hard and stared at him.
“It’s only water,” he said, a trifle defensive. “You should drink it. It’s too warm in here and you’re flushed.” He leaned forward against the chaise, body language utterly relaxed — no one watching from a distance would think he was talking about anything but pleasantries — but a strain in his voice belied all that as he asked, “Did you just have…a vision?”
She put the glass to her lips and drank, the cold of the water a welcome rush on her tongue. The shock of it loosened her voice. She tried to stay as calm as possible, to imitate his nonchalance. “How did you know?”
His smile was tight. Pained. “Even if I hadn’t felt it here…” he touched his chest lightly, over his heart — “your face would’ve given it away.”
“You…” He flexed his fingers as if they hurt. “You looked the same as…as back then. When you were first Fae.” He threw a glance at the fireplace with its evergreen bower and gestured at it, maintaining the small talk facade with ease. “Are you well?”
Surprised, she couldn’t help but turn and look him full in the face. “I’m…”
He turned his head, quizzical, as she trailed off. “You’re…not well?”
“No, I’m all right,” she said, hurriedly. “But — you don’t want to know what I saw?”
Everyone always pounced when they heard she’d had a vision, starving for details, most of which she could never recall. But his eyebrows twitched together and back apart as he wiped the concern from his face, turning it bland and calm. “Not if you don’t want to tell me.”
Elain drew in a deep breath and let it out in a trembling sigh that turned into a laugh, tremulous and true and even a little sad, if she was honest. He cast his eyes down and smiled at his hands, folded on the back of the couch. “Don’t laugh at me, Lady.”
“But you’re ridiculous, my lord,” she said, her humor finally cresting over the prickle behind her eyes.
“Eternally,” he agreed.
She was about to give him a pert answer when she noticed Feyre, standing on the other side of the parlor and grinning like the Mad Cat in their childhood storybook. As their eyes locked, Feyre seized Mor’s arm, and the two of them turned away at the same moment, leaning their heads together. Elain fought against a stab of annoyance at their interference and slid her gaze across the room, only to briefly lock with Amren, who returned it with narrow, flinty eyes that were somehow both flat and depthless. Elain felt her hackles rise like she was staring down a predator…like the gaping hungry mouth in her vision. But she forced a smile, and raised her glass slightly. Amren inclined her head in the barest of nods and raised her own goblet, and the corners of her mouth twitched upward in a knowing, feral smirk.
Lucien followed her gaze and then looked immediately away, back down at his hands, shifting as though he too had caught the expression on Amren’s icy features. “Being watched all the time must get tedious,” he said. “No wonder you guard your secrets.”
“I have none of consequence,” she murmured.
“And now you’re even bringing in lies. How enchanting.” His foxlike grin split his face. She couldn’t control the lurch in her chest. “I like you deceitful, Blossom. It’s intriguing.”
“Well, everyone else has their secrets,” she fired at him. “Can’t I have any of my own?”
“Certainly,” he said. He seemed utterly earnest. “I only ask that you promise to share with me the ones you ask me to keep.”
She paled. Was he going to give her away? An outright lie to Cassian and Nesta, a lie of omission to Rhysand and Feyre…they’d have her under the daemati claws in no time…there would be no secrets then, no mind left, they’d have it all and she’d be a shell of herself…
He extended his hand in a calming motion, seeming to sense her unease. “Not just yet,” he murmured. “When you’re ready. Til you instruct it, I’ll keep my silence.”
She couldn’t think of what to say, but he straightened up and nodded as Rhysand approached. She froze, feeling the sly rake of her brother-in-law’s claws across her thoughts, and focused hard on the half-full drink in her hand.
“Lucien,” Rhys greeted him, smooth and effortless as always. “Thank you for coming.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Lucien replied, and Elain was strongly reminded of the dukes and earls at the dances back in the human lands; that charm, the utter facility of sliding from one interaction to another. “Happiest of birthdays to the High Lady.”
Rhys nodded, immense satisfaction on his face as his violet eyes scanned the merry gathering. Cassian had Nyx on his shoulders; Nesta’s hand rested protectively on Nyx’s leg to keep him from falling backwards. Azriel sat by the window, shadows romping with the fluttering faelights, while Mor and Feyre argued playfully over a chessboard. And Amren stood slightly apart from the rest, her pale eyes surveying keenly. Rhys asked, a trifle absently, “How do the human lands fare?”
Lucien sighed. “The lands are buried under snow, as the seasons dictate. The humans themselves are…suffering.”
Rhys raised his eyebrows. “The fall harvest was sufficient. Once the crops come in in spring…”
“…they will still be suffering,” Lucien interrupted. “They cannot eat their seed crops if they hope to lay in the fields for next season. And yet they cannot starve. Everything there is restless. People who are hungry and sick and neglected will not tolerate it for long.”
Elain felt her insides squeeze in shock. No one interrupted the High Lord. Not even Feyre, who always gazed at him with pride. But even more critically, his words burrowed through her surprise: the humans were hungry and sick. That was her village. Her friends. Mayfer, the bustling harbor city where she’d visited to wait for her father’s ships. Her former home.
Lucien continued, “Jurian has purchased extra grain stores from the continent. And Vassa took in several hundred of the country folk who would have starved otherwise, onto Lord Nolan’s estate.”
“Generous of her,” Rhys remarked. He sounded ever so slightly bored, as his eyes followed Feyre’s every move.
“Just keeping body and soul together,” Lucien replied, and his tone dropped. His expression remained mild as Elain glanced between the two males. But without even knowing how she knew it, she thought he is angry, before remembering to keep her thoughts focused on her glass of water. Angry at Rhysand. For what?
It could be any number of things, a small voice inside her head hissed, and she felt a tiny stab of shame, then covered it with thinking of how cold the glass was in her hand, beading with condensation.
“Clearly. Come see me in the morning and give a full report,” Rhys said, calm and unconcerned. But his eyes flashed as they settled briefly upon Elain. “And get Elain another glass of water. She’s parched, aren’t you, little sister?” His smile was thin and cold, and he moved away, sleek as a shadow, to stand behind Feyre, one arm draped lazily over her shoulder, fiddling idly with the knobbly handwoven string that supported the gold medallion around her neck. She reached up to stroke his wrist; the very picture of domesticity. Elain was pleased to discover that she could in fact distract him with obvious surface thoughts, to misdirect from her deeper misgivings — since she had no expertise in mental shields, that could be a useful tactic, even if it was flimsy. But warring with her satisfaction came a deep unease. A pact. An agreement. An old magic…
“Presents!” Mor called out from close to the fireplace, dragging a sack of brightly wrapped gifts out of a pocket realm, and everyone clustered around the couch for the exchange. Elain knew this would dissolve into spoiling the baby, and she was right; everyone competed for the best present for Nyx, who was getting a bit tired and cranky, and wanted only to play with the bright ribbons on the packages. Everyone had gotten one another gifts, and everyone exclaimed over the silk scarves, the sharp knives, the antique astrolabe that Feyre had sourced from the Day Court for Rhys…but, Elain noticed again and again, no one had gotten any gifts for Lucien.
She stole another glance at him. He seemed unperturbed, smiling at the chaos of wrapping paper and mirth as Cassian opened a leather satchel from Mor with a suggestive shape. He howled with laughter as she winked and told him with supreme innocence that it was for use in the annual snowball fight. Nesta rolled her eyes, and Cassian stuffed the satchel into her hands with a hooded glance. Elain felt curiously voyeuristic, as though she’d witnessed something she wasn’t supposed to see; a tiny window into a private moment between her sister and the powerful male she was mated to. She thought of the little blue box, sitting on the table in the next room, and longed for the right moment to give it to Lucien. But it didn’t seem appropriate, not here; not with everyone watching. She didn’t dare to give everyone else a tiny window into what was — or perhaps wasn’t — between her and Lucien. Not when it would be giggled over and teased and demeaned.
She broke away a few minutes later to gather all her presents together — jasmine soap from Nesta, tulip bulbs from Feyre, a box of expensive spices from Rhys — and found him in the hallway pulling his cloak off the hook.
“You’re leaving?” she blurted out, before she could think of anything better to say.
He turned, masking his surprise with a wry grin. “Overstaying a welcome is poor etiquette, I’ve found.”
“You’re welcome here,” she insisted. Was it her imagination that his eyebrows twitched in denial?
“Thank you,” he said, “but I think this party is for family now. And I’m not that. Whatever else I may be.”
“But…” — was she really going to say it? Her stomach clenched. Brave. Be brave. “But…I haven’t given you your present yet.”
He froze, comically halfway through securing the cloak buttons. “My what?”
“Your — your present,” she stammered. Gods above, untie her tongue from these hopeless knots. “I’m sorry no one else got you anything. But I did.”
As soon as she said it, it sounded false. Petulant. Like she was seeking a compliment.
“What for?” he asked, and he sounded bemused enough that she laughed, short and quiet.
“For Solstice, silly,” she said. She beckoned him into the darkened sitting area, turning on the lamp as she did. He followed, wary, keeping his distance.
She pushed the box at him, unsure of how to proceed, but now committed to seeing it through. He stared at it as though it was a trick, or a bomb that would explode in his face if he touched it.
“But you didn’t need to get me anything,” he said.
“I — I know,” she said, and her courage flagged. The box sank an inch or two from where she’d held it out to him. “But I wanted to. You did save my life, remember, so it’s only fair that I thank you properly.” She squared her shoulders, and in an attempt at being merry, said with a faint smile, “And I have a few Solstices to catch up on with you.”
He still didn’t move.
“Take it.” She moved two steps closer, til the box was within reach of his hand.
And with a brief hesitation, he reached up and took the box from her, pulled the ribbon off it, and opened it.
Elain was consumed with the strangest twirling in her gut, a spiral of anxiety and excitement. Gods. Dear gods. It was stupid. So stupid. Unutterably stupid, in fact. How could she have thought that it would be enough, when she had never accepted his gifts with anything but awkwardness, that this tiny thing would say everything she wanted it to?
Her cheeks flamed. She wondered if this was what it was to slowly choke…to asphyxiate under the weight of her own mistakes.
And still it was quiet. Finally, desperately, she dragged her eyes up from where her fingers twisted with anxiety and —
— and he was looking at her, his face a mix of gratitude and grief. Their eyes locked so tightly she almost heard the click of a key.
“A hyraeth,” he murmured, pulling the little pin from the box. The jeweler had fashioned it from a single piece of bright yellow amber that caught the light like honey, but also gleamed like sunshine on water. Elain had selected it herself. The etchings on the edges were done in black lacquer, faceting the surface of the amber just like the patterns on butterflies’ wings. The jeweler had done a lovely job, but her stomach corkscrewed into her legs nonetheless. Did he not like it?
“Well, not a real one,” she said hurriedly. “Just their likeness in a pin for your hair, or your lapel. But I thought you might like it…they’re from the Autumn Court,” she blurted, realizing she was babbling and cursing herself roundly for it, trying to lower her voice, which - drown her in the damned cauldron - was so much louder than was necessary.
“I know,” he said. “From the Vilderavian Groves, at the borders of Summer.” His voice fractured ever so slightly at the edges.
Her eyes widened. “Have you seen it?”
“Yes,” he replied, and there was a reverence in his voice that rippled through her like wind through grass. “Long ago. Just once. They alight on the great trunks of the hemlock trees in a shimmering mass. An ocean of tiny wings, all amber and gold and black, whispering among the green foliage. It’s a special place; the only evergreen spot in Autumn. And the sight — the whole forest alive with trembling light — is magnificent. There’s nothing like it.”
She nodded. “It made me think…” She spread her hands in defeat. That home is a journey, rather than a place. That it might not obey borders or rules, but seek its own way across barriers. That to find it, to keep it, one can endure unimaginable toil and turmoil. That there is magic in the smallest things. “…that you might someday find a place for your heart to rest. Unfathomable as that may be now.”
She could have sworn there was a gleam in his eyes, just for a moment. He closed his hand over the little pin. “It’s beautiful,” he said, softly. And then, so gently that had she not been straining toward him with every cell of her treacherous body, she would not have heard him: “I think you’ve fathomed me quite well, Blossom. Thank you.”
His eyes slid down to her lips, so close…the moment brief and shimmering, a bubble on the wind…
…and it shattered, burst by the arrival of Nyx, screaming in uninhibited toddler glee as Cassian mock-chased him through the hallway and past the open doors. Lucien started and stepped back. Elain very nearly followed him, so strong was the pull of the bond’s tidal undertow in her ribs, but she knew it was too late. Misery blooming in her heart, she turned to go.
“Happy Solstice, Elain,” he murmured.
She looked back over her shoulder, and saw him standing in the pool of light from the lamp. In that moment, he seemed aglow himself somehow. A living sun.
“Happy Solstice, Lucien,” she replied; and, unbidden, unsought, a smile rose to her lips. He returned it, shyly — and low in her gut, an ember, dormant under the ash of everything that had happened, flickered into a tiny flame.
It was nothing, she told herself sternly as she climbed the stairs to her room. So small. But even a tiny light could bring a traveler safe home.
Elain could feel the heat blooming on her cheeks…a light tingling in her fingertips…but somehow, she couldn’t help but feel excited. She knew the dreams would come. But perhaps, even before the dreams arrived, there could be a decision first.
She collapsed against her door, fist pressed trembling to her mouth, as though to stuff the helpless giggle back down her throat, all unguarded from the fizzing happiness inside her. Gods, it was intoxicating. Had she truly forgotten what it was to feel joy? It was a light in her veins. Liquid, effervescent sun on the longest night of the year. She pulled the two winter roses from her bodice, tearing the lining slightly as they relinquished their hold. She tenderly set them down on her nightstand into a glass of water and busied herself undressing…not noticing, as she shucked off the little jacket and unfastened the silk of the bodice, draping the dress over the door of the wardrobe, that the flowers were uncurling, roots extending from the stems faster than any normal plant; leaves stretching out to fill the rim of the glass.
The rustle of the branches in the hedges outside grew louder. It could have been the wind; or a bird sleeping, stirring in its nest; or perhaps a thousand whispers. The moon was the only witness; and she was as silent as she had been since the birth of the planet beneath skies roiling with sulphur and fire, waiting, watching as everything beneath unfolded in miniature.
We will have it all back.
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snowsandstones · 2 years
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just finished watching the finale and it’s actually quite clear that jon is choosing sansa over all else, because he loves her.
the repetition of him going protective wolf mode over and over to the point that it became a meme?
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it establishes this as fundamental to his character. he’s fulfilling his promise, whether she thinks he can or not:
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(and vice versa)
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and add the book prophecy to this equation and it makes it even clearer:
The voices were growing louder, she realized, and it seemed her heart was slowing, and even her breath. . . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . . -ACOK, D IV
she’s right: the first was Mirri, done for blood (to avenge her people).
The warlocks whispered of three treasons . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love. The first traitor was surely Mirri Maz Duur, who had murdered Khal Drogo and their unborn son to avenge her people. Could Pyat Pree and Xaro Xhoan Daxos be the second and the third? She did not think so. What Pyat did was not for gold, and Xaro had never truly loved her. -ACOK, D V
the second has to be done for gold.
"I have loved you." And there it was. Three treasons will you know. Once for blood and once for gold and once for love. -ASOS, D VI
but Jorah doesn’t betray her for love. it’s for gold, despite his “love”.
she knows this deep down, because it confuses her. she mulls over it constantly, tries to forestall it, tries to make sense of it. (certainly not something we’ve seen with another queen determined to prevent a prophecy and inadvertently causing it). the prophecy looms large in her thoughts (and our foreshadowing) throughout ADWD:
"What if Daario has betrayed me and gone over to my enemies?" Three treasons will you know.
"The blood of the dragon." But my dragons are roaring in the darkness. "I remember the Undying. Child of three, they called me. Three mounts they promised me, three fires, and three treasons. One for blood and one for gold and one for …"
When Reznak and Skahaz appeared, she found herself looking at them askance, mindful of the three treasons. Beware the perfumed seneschal. She sniffed suspiciously at Reznak mo Reznak. I could command the Shavepate to arrest him and put him to the question. Would that forestall the prophecy? Or would some other betrayer take his place? Prophecies are treacherous, she reminded herself,
Three treasons will you know. Once for gold and once for blood and once for love. Was Plumm the third treason, or the second? And what did that make Ser Jorah, her gruff old bear? Would she never have a friend that she could trust? What good are prophecies if you cannot make sense of them?
Dany had once eaten a stallion's heart to give strength to her unborn son … but that had not saved Rhaego when the maegi murdered him in her womb. Three treasons shall you know. She was the first, Jorah was the second, Brown Ben Plumm the third. Was she done with betrayals?
and it finally unfolds with Jon committing the ultimate treason: betraying and murdering his queen. not out of love. for love. for Sansa.
and speaking of prophecies from the house of the undying…she sees many things, the war of the five kings, the red wedding, etc.
and she sees the very end of our story:
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.
and in the same book, GRRM tells us what it means:
"And she never sung you the song o' the winter rose?"
“He was King-beyond-the-Wall a long time back. All the free folk know his songs […] “All I ask is a flower,' Bael answered, 'the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o' Winterfell.'" “Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o' the winter roses be plucked for the singer's payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished . . . and so had Lord Brandon's maiden daughter. Her bed they found empty, but for the pale blue rose that Bael had left on the pillow where her head had lain." "Lord Brandon had no other children. At his behest, the black crows flew forth from their castles in the hundreds, but nowhere could they find any sign o' Bael or this maid. For most a year they searched, till the lord lost heart and took to his bed, and it seemed as though the line o' Starks was at its end. But one night as he lay waiting to die, Lord Brandon heard a child's cry. He followed the sound and found his daughter back in her bedchamber, asleep with a babe at her breast." “The maid loved Bael so dearly she bore him a son, the song says […] and that the boy grew to be the next Lord Stark. […] “It never happened," Jon said. She shrugged. "Might be it did, might be it didn't. It is a good song, though.
The second to last episode title? “The last of the Starks”. And the final moments of the finale? The Queen in the North lined up with the implied eventual King Beyond the Wall.
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weeja-bored · 26 days
💐 The flowers of The Super Mario Bros franchise 💐
. there are many more ofc but i just wanted a small compilation 🌼
. cuz i keep reading fics with a garden scene & i'm like ok i love it but i need a visual library of what a garden in the SMB universe looks like, i mean they can also be just full of regular plants but come on it's a fantastical fantasy world with power ups- so yeh
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SMB 2023 Movie (Fire & Ice flowers)
SMB 1986 Anime Film (flower field)
M&L Partners In Time (fire & ice flowers, Mix Flower, Copy Flower)
M&L Superstar Saga (Peasley's yellow rose)
Mario Wonder (Wonder Flower, Bubble flower)
Mario Odyssey (Piranha Plant bouquet)
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Strobe Flowers)
Mario Kart Tour (Fairy Daisy, Boomerang Flower)
Super Smash Bros (Peach Blossom)
idk where Waluigi's red rose is from but it's likely the sports games
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romanceclub-lovers · 6 months
♟From the official community
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Telegram channels of some of our screenwriters!
Each of them blogs in their own unique style and shares various interesting information. Be sure to subscribe to your favorite authors and stay up to date with all the latest news. 🩵
☑️ Alice (Author of stories: “Shadows of Saintfort”, “Secret of Heaven”, “Arcanum”, “Secret of Heaven 2”)
☑️ Nadezhda / Ursa Rysina (Author of stories: “Queen in 30 Days”, “Chasing You”, “The Flower from Tiamat's Fire”, “Chasing You 2”)
☑️ Aleksandra Remy (Author of stories: “Kali - Call of Darkness”, “Song of Crimson Nile”, “Kali - Flame of Samsara”
☑️ Amy.G (Author of the story “The Desert Rose”)
☑️ Anastasia Savina (Author of stories: “Seduce by The Rhythm”, “On Thin Ice” and "Garden of Eden"
☑️ Arina (Author of stories: “Theodora” and “W: Time Catcher”)
☑️ Alexander Tepish (Author of stories: “Sails in the Fog”, “Love from Outer Space”, “Love, Sin and Evil”)
☑️ Stasya (Co-author of the story “Love, Sin and Evil”)
☑️ Dmitry (Author of the story “Gladiator Chronicles”)
Source:Romance Club official
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aliquistis · 1 month
hi!! i really like your writing and i wanted to know what's your favourite piece of useless trivia you learnt of while you were researching for a fic? just curious
Sorry about the late reply, I somehow totally missed this ask! I learned all kinds of stuff looking up the plants a druid would know. These are my favorites.
Autumn crocus (autumncrocus no space in bg3) is used for gout, even today. Despite it's medicinal properties, it's lethally toxic when ingested. This makes it a danger to household pets (so let's keep Tara out of the garden)
Another one is that wild carrot, also known as Queen Anne's Lace, has been used as an anti-ferility agent for centuries. It's like ye olde morning after pill, going back as far as the ancient Greeks and Romans. During my googling I found (on wikipedia) the best picture depicting the birth control movement in the 19th century:
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(me too, parasol lady)
Last one I'll talk about is balsam and it's something I looked up pretty early, then decided to work into the themes of Witch Ways. I was looking up the herbs needed to make healing potions and I stumbled on a gold mine of symbolism.
Balsam is used to treat burns (as well as a host of other medicinal uses but we're gonna focus on the burns) and are also known as Touch-Me-Nots (because the seed pods pop open when touched). I made rose balsam as an identifier for Echo both because of the burn remedy and because of her isolated nature. I coded Gale as a mage more tuned towards fire magic, both to counter Echo being ice coded and also for the balsam metaphor. I wanted to show Gale's fire as something that can both comfort and burn (due to his pride/ambition), with Echo's balsam as a balm to those burns. Also the flowers are just really pretty:
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Thank you for the ask! Researching stuff for writing is so much fun.
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