#finished game yesterday with friend. cool game i died 20 times
b1dl0 · 9 months
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prismatic-glow · 5 months
daily genshin advice 1/5 - let's talk about crit value and level 90!
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Hello everybody! Sorry about yesterday's lack of post, my mouse died and I wanted it to fully charge so I couldn't rlly use my computer bc of the way its set up. This post is a bit late bc I was busy all day but I'm hoping to get back to the earlier + consistent posts. Today I'll be talking about crit value and which characters to level 90! Let's begin!
┌── ⋆⋅daily discussion: crit value⋅⋆ ──┐
I'm gonna tell you how to find crit value before explaining what it is since its a bit easier for me this way
the crit value of an artifact is:
crit rate x2 + crit damage
If your artifact has let's say, 10 crit rate and 20 crit damage, congrats it's 40 CV! (crit value)
ok but, why does any of this matter?
You probably know or have heard that the ideal crit ratio is 1:2. Here's why this specific balance is important
if you have too much crit rate, your crits aren't as valuable because your crit damage isn't high enough to substantially increase your damage
if your crit damage is too high, there's no reason to have it because it does nothing until you crit which happens rarely
Crit value is kinda just an easy way to compare artifacts strength
Now, let's talk about what crit value you should aim for
50CV is the highest possible. If you get a 50CV piece, hoyo has chosen you. BUT you shouldn't just keep farming the same domain until you get every single piece perfect 50CV because that's a 10 CV difference and, although cool literally not worth the resin in any way. getting a 50CV piece is like a surprise gift. Awesome to get but you don't live your life in anticipation of the gift or make friends in order to raise your chances of getting a surprise gift. Well I'm guessing you don't but idrk
ok moving on, let's talk about 40CV. 40CV is a more realistic goal. If 50CV is extra credit, 40CV is getting 100% on a test. It's great, it's awesome, and you don't need to try and improve it any further. BUT...
30CV is also fine if you hate artifact farming. 30CV is a decent piece, it functions! Personally I would reccomend getting 30CV pieces and only going for 40CV if you don't mind farming and want a super great build.
Also I won't like, come find you if you use a 20CV piece. It's not like great or anything but who cares.
┌── ⋆⋅daily advice: level 90⋅⋆ ──┐
I talked about this a bit last time but I wanted to go more in depth\
Firstly, going full 90 on every character isn't very resource efficient and is honestly a bit of a waste for the tiny amount of damage you get but especially now, a lot of characters want the full lvl 90
Personally, I level 90 characters I love and I'm working on getting all the characters that need it to 90
With that being said, let's talk about the characters who need it
EM Scalers/Users ・❥・Transformative reactions (reactions that deal damage instead of multiply it + catalyze) scale off of both EM and character level. In teams like Hyperbloom or Aggravate, going to level 90 gives a large boost to this damage. Most people, including me, will say that EM scalers and Hyperbloom triggers need to be level 90
"Alternative scalers" ・❥・Stats like HP and DEF are a bit harder to come by (attack buffs/boosts are very easy to find) so levelling these characters to 90 allows them to get a bit more of their stat. There isn't a Bennett, TTDS, or Noblesse of HP or DEF (mayyyyybe gorou but still) so that extra bit of HP/DEF is a lot more important
┌── ⋆⋅did you know?⋅⋆ ──┐
Itto's passive talent is the only one in the game that aids in getting wood from trees
┌── ⋆⋅Daily update: Building Candace⋅⋆ ──┐
She's currently level 80 with a level 80 weapon. I'm gonna do her talents then finish artifacts since most of them suck (Best piece is like 39CV which i'm quite happy with but the others are like super bad in comparison)
Also will get weapon to 90 but I'm gonna do it last (even though it's very important) because levelling weapons isn't very intersting
Drink some water today!!
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 8/?
Word Count: 1.6k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
This one is shorter because of the last one’s length.
Hi everyone! By the time you see this, I will probably be out and therefore cannot update the other parts with this one’s link, so don’t worry about that if you notice it.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Jason’s Trauma and his Death, Lightning, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9)  (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Going on day 5 of knowing each other, Jason and Y/N would spend the day apart. Why? Because they gave each other the chance to have family time, Jason got it by playing around with his baby siblings, playing Assassin.
Fluff Head canon came from frownyalfred on Tumblr, who wrote about Jason playing Assassin with his brothers 
He would go running through the halls playing the game that he and Dick knew all too well, it had been the only ‘no contact’ game they were allowed to play at a summer camp Bruce had sent them to all those years ago when they weren’t adults with a bunch of other siblings, and girlfriends. But here they were, explaining the game to their younger siblings while Alfred and Bruce hung out with Barbara, who wished she could play, but was paralyzed.
Everyone missed playing games with her like they used to, but with the video game consoles in the house they did transfer a lot of their gaming to online so they could relive memories with Barbs. It was bittersweet, and everyone remembered when she became paralyzed like it was yesterday, but she always wanted them to play games like they used to, with or without her. 
Jason admired his, hopefully, one day older sister for how she treated her disability, like it was a gift, not something that impacted her everyday life and made her have to hang up the cloak of Batgirl.
But running around chasing after Dick, because of course, he got Dick, the universe wanted them to play again, was something he missed so much. They hadn’t had so much of this time, family time, ever since they all became vigilantes, and they never realized how much they missed the thrill of running around with each other.
Jason ended up getting Dick and throwing him out of the game, calling it a ‘selfless act of brotherhood so you can hang out with your girl’ and they both laughed at it. Titus, Damien’s dog, ended up barking up a storm at Jason when he killed Dick, like the big dog was rooting for Dick to win the tournament.
“Down boy! It’s a game!” Jason would whisper-yell at his dog.
“Yeah! Good boy, Titus! Get him!”
“No!” Jason would yell while running throughout the house, Titus on his heels. Passing by Alfred, Bruce and Barbara, where Titus would stop and go lay at Bruce’s feet, but Jason didn’t know that.
Jason would end up coming in just 10 minutes later, with a green slash on his neck. Tim, who had pulled Cass but killed her, Cass, who had pulled Jason. Tim now had two kills in the game and both were to people who could have easily overpowered him. 
“Jase! Welcome to the land of the dead,” Dick greeted him.
“God dammnit I’ve already been here,” Jason whined in a joke.
“You and your ‘I died pity me’  jokes,” Barbara said.
“It’s called a coping mechanism, Barbs. And hi dad, Alfred,” Jason said as he waved slightly at both of them, Alfred waved back and Bruce nodded at him.
“You could just to go therapy, Jase,” Barbara said, seeming concerned for someone who she considered her baby brother. She remember when he came into the Manor, she was older than him, sure . But he had nightmares and she and Dick would switch between who would sleep at his door at night, they both had terrible backs until the nightmares calmed down. Jason never knew they did this.
It also happened when he was resurrected, but the nightmares were worse and he’d wake all sweaty and upset. There were too many nights where batkids would be in Jason’s bed with him from 12am to when Alfred would greet them in the morning. The nightmares had slowed down a lot in the past few years with the introduction of his Goddaughter into his life, but they still came by to remind him of what happened.
He didn’t talk about it much. They would always try to edge him on about about really happened, but he was stubborn. It made sense, sure, trauma is trauma. But they all wanted to help him get better. It hurt them all that he was hurting and they didn’t know how to help him get through it.
Y/N would sit on her bed that morning and finally finished organizing her criminal psychology and regular psychology notes when she came across her printed copy of Dr. Barry Allen’s dissertation she had studied so hard. She found it so weird that she was so close to someone who she looked up to in the field while also being so far in the same breath.
She didn't dote on it for long, she stocked it away with her forensics notes in their place. This, the relationship she had with Jason that intertwined her with so many people, was something she was getting used to by the minute, but it was never something she’d get fully used to as time goes on.
She would put on a JCS - Criminal Psychology video in the background as she worked and tried to make her journal look nicer when Jason texted her,
Good morning. He said.
Good morning :)  She said back.
I just lost a game against a 16 year old.
My brothers and 2 of my sisters were playing Assassins with me right? Well my 16 year old brother, Tim, he ended up getting the better of me and beat me. 
Oh! So you suck!
What!? No, I’m literally so cool what do you mean? He said, it clearly had sarcasm undertones to it, so Y/N wasn’t worried if she offended him with saying he sucked.
Oh yeah? Then why’d you lose?
Well, I killed Dick.
Okay so you didn’t lose, Dick lost.
It started raining a little bit, the sounds of it hitting lightly against her window, and she felt at peace. It was never hard for her to feel peace when she was by herself. She only had one roommate because she liked the silence, to be alone to collect her own thoughts in her head.
Her parents said it was because she probably had underlying mental illness that they never had the money to diagnose. She agreed. But she still didn’t have the chance to do it.
Jason and her deserved so much more than what the world have given them up to this point, so when they found each other it was, in a way, the universe saying ‘I’m sorry, you deserve this’ and with each passing day it made the pain they had both felt in their lives just a little bit more tolerable.
No, I guess Dick sucks at the game more than me.
Where’d you even get the concept for that game?
Dick and I used to play it at a Summer Camp before we got kicked out.
For playing the game?
No, for being unruly children.
You seem like you were a handful back in the day.
I was, I was the worst kid to raise, my dad has a shirt that says ‘Proud parent of a kid who is sometimes an asshole but that’s OK’ and he wears it all the time.
What a dad moment. Don’t tell my father that shirt exists, he’ll get one for my mum and himself to represent my sister and I.
Were you an unruly child as well?
I was a troublemaker. Getting into arguments with my authoritative figures about dress codes, rules, why girls couldn’t carry chairs, literally anything that was unequal, I was at their throats about it.
I mean, as you should. My older sister, Barbara, and my younger sisters, Stephanie and Cassie, they would like that about you.
I feel like in someway I’ve won over every part of your family.
The rain would get more violent as time went on. Strikes and hits of lightning would strike all around the city, hitting those gargoyles on every building, she always figured they were decorative, but A/N explained that their horns were made out of copper so people wouldn’t get struck by lightning. Bruce Wayne actually made that a thing, A/N said.
Y/N got a message from the dance competition that she signed up to, turns out, California was hit with a hurricane and most people evacuated. No one was allowed in or out. She guessed weather was being funky everywhere. It sucked, but she already was wishing she could spend time at home instead of out in the world.
A feeling she hated.
She would spend the rest of the day on and off the phone with Jason while it stormed. She would go to bed early that night.
Jason slipped on his vigilante uniform, the Red Hood was going to be on patrol over this night, stormy or not, it was his duty and he knew that. Did he want to go? Yes. He was killing for some action and he was going with Dick. They would probably have some ‘Bro Time’ which Jason wanted. 
Even if it was silence, having Dick nearby him meant enough and gave him peace of mind.
He grabbed his guns and loaded them while packing a few extra magazines in his belt, when Dick placed a hand on his shoulder, “You have to be careful tonight, Jase,” Dick said as he gulped down tears, “Just come back to me alive if you break off from me, okay?”
“Alive but bruised,” Jason joked.
“I’m serious. I can’t lose you again and tonight is going to be massively dangerous.”
“You won’t.”
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himbothomas · 3 years
Video Games || 2018 || PT. 1
“Your house is nice.” 
Dean says, mostly to be polite but also cause he means it. Levi scoffs, leading him around the cluttered kitchen island towards the basement steps. His older sister, Sabrina, had already stalked upstairs, but she’d smiled when Dean told her she was a good driver, and had let him pick out which Paramore CD to play. She smelled really good, too, but Dean wasn’t about to risk one of the only friendships he had. And, until yesterday when he asked him to hang out after school today, Levi had been strictly a practice and class friend. They usually had to run laps together for dicking around between drills and usually got detention together for dicking around between classes, but this was different. It’s not like Dean was hurting for friends-everyone liked him and he and most of the other 11th graders on the football team hung out together in a big group, but no one has ever invited him over to their house. Just him. 
And Levi. Dean really likes Levi. Really likes him. He, Dean notices as they settle on the well worn couch, also smells really good. 
Shit. Fuck. Dean stops just short of shaking himself. He-well he wasn’t gay. He likes girls. But he also likes…Levi. It’s stupid and Dean knows it-the best thing that could come out of acting on those sorts of feelings is getting completely ostrichized. He’d be lucky if he didn’t end up hospitalized, for that matter. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t look. Or think about him before he falls asleep. Or purposefully get detention for the third time in a week so they could keep hanging out. Levi settles next to him, and it’s not weird for Dean to look, so he does. Curly black hair and eyes that were green in the right light. A tan that was half freckles and a quarter Puerto Rico and a smile that keeps Dean up at night, one he returns easily. 
“Oh.” Levi says, standing again to grab the Xbox controllers. Dean tries not to look at his ass but it’s right there. Maybe he just likes nice asses. That’s not that weird. 
Levi hands him the controller and continues to fuck with his Xbox. 
“Madden or call of duty?” 
Dean scoffs “You think after finally being done with football season, I wanna play football on screen?”
“So you suck at Madden?” Levi responds, booting up the game and laughing when Dean flips him off. 
“No I’m just trying to be a good guest-“
“You just flipped me the bird-“
“I don’t think it’s polite to kick your host’s ass within 20 minutes of arrival.”
“Whatever.” Levi says, sitting back on the couch and closer to Dean. It’s just because he has wired controllers and doesn’t want to stretch the cord out. Dean has to stop from physically yelping when their knees touch. He shifts away. Levi, for his part, is texting. 
“My mom says you can eat dinner with us if you want.”
The thought of processed food not from the organic grocery store is even more attractive than his friend or his sister. 
“Oh cool. Sure, thanks.”
Levi raises an eyebrow. “You’re not even gonna ask your parents?”
“Do they still hold your hand when you cross the street, little boy?”
“Fuck off. “Levi shoves him and Dean laughs
“Nah I don’t have to do shit. My mom doesn’t care about me and Kenny forgets my name once football is over.”
“Oh shut up, sad sack your mom cares about you.” Levi rolls his eyes and picks the Dallas Cowboys as his team. Dean let’s him and picks the Patriots simply because-
“Why the fuck did you pick the worst team to ever fucking exist?”
“I figured if you’re gonna insist that I kick your ass I might as well break your spirit too.”
Levi shoves him again and Dean’s mission is accomplished. “Bastard.”
“Yeah, technically.”
Levi rolls his eyes again and they start to play. When Levi is down 40 points, Dean speaks. 
“She really doesn’t care though. My mom. Which is cool most of the time cause I can do whatever I want,  but last year she forgot about my birthday until it was 6 weeks later.” 
Levi turns his head to look at him.  “Oh you’re not kidding, are you?”
“Why do you think she bought me a car before I could drive?”
He’d failed his test twice at this point but that didn’t matter. 
“That’s uh…pretty fucked, man.”
Dean shrugs. “It is what it is. I’m just wall decor unless there’s football talk or she needs to prove to someone she was once liberal enough to fuck a black guy.” Levi chokes a little on the Gatorade he's drinking.
“Nah, his name is Rodney.”
“Do you see him ever?” Levi asks. Something about the genuine curiosity in his voice is so nice that Dean lets him get a first down. 
“Nah. He took off when I was like…4? 5? And then we lived with my grandparents for a bit, which was cool. My grandpa was fucking awesome. But he died when I was like, 9 and mom was already with Kenny at that point so I never felt like I could ask about my dad.”
“You ever wanna meet him?”
Usually people express some sort of false sympathy for him, but Levi is too focused on making passes Dean is letting slide.
 “Oh I did. Last Christmas. We met at Waffle House.  He asked me for money.”
“What?!” Levi pauses the game and stares at him. “Whatd you do?”
Dean shrugs.  “I had like $50 on me so I uh…gave it to him.”
The tips of his ears burn with shame and he looks away, suddenly uncomfortable. 
“Jesus I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to like-Thats some tough shit, Deanie.” 
Levi had been the first to call him that. Dean has been pretending for almost two and a half years that it didn’t make his heart race. 
“It’s ok. Really. It sort of…I know now. It sucks but I can’t do a whole lot about it.”
Levi sighs. “Yeah but I shouldn’t have, like,  forced you to tell me.” 
“You didn’t.” Dean says easily. “It was actually nice to tell someone that.”
“You’ve never told anyone that before?” No one’s eyes have any business looking that pretty when they’re sad. Especially Levi’s. Dean shrugs again, his voice a little lower.
 “My mom doesn’t even know I met him. She’d just get pissed at me anyway so like…” he shrugs again. He feels Levi’s eyes on him and it makes his stomach tighten. “Do you wanna get back to the game or is therapy Levi still happening?”
“Stop being an asshole. That’s…so much, dude.”
“Yeah, a real winner runs through my DNA. Glad I kept his name.”
Levi groans. “You make me feel like a dick for being unhappy here.”
“You are a dick. Your mom lets you have video games and a whole basement that I’m guessing you decorated unless she’s a Kate Upton fan.” 
Levi snorts. “I don’t entirely feel bad for you and your step dad’s fucking fortune and mansion.”
Dean doesn’t say anything because he knows Levi is right. “I dunno man, I’d give it all up for there to be bacon in the house.”
They keep talking as they play the game. Levi asks questions that are direct without prying. Dean tries to ask them back. He is shortly losing by 70 points. When the cowboys win, he does his best to demand a rematch, which, really, means he gets to keep talking to Levi. 
“So-“ Levi says. “I think it’s only fair since you told me your secret, I'll tell you one of mine.” 
Dean snorts. “This isn’t a friendship based on transactions you weirdo.” 
“Right, yeah. Then I’m gonna be super narcissistic and make it about me.” Dean laughs at this and it’s  his turn to pause the game. 
“You uh, told me all that stuff because why?” Levi’s voice is different. Less confidence. Dean slowly realizes he’s nervous.
“I trust you.” Dean says, realizing he does as he says it. 
“You do?”
“Should I not? Are you as shitty at keeping secrets as you are at realizing things?”
When Levi doesn’t laugh, Dean puts his controller down fully and turns to him. “Dude are you ok?”
“Yeah I  uh-so what I told you before was a secret isn’t exactly secret it’s just…something I wanna ask about to see if it’s uh, normal.”
Something small and evil like a shred of hope crawls into Dean's stomach. 
“Even if it’s not, Levi, I wouldnt you know, treat you differently for it.”
Levi scoffs again and Dean frowns. “What? I mean it. Have you ever known me to like, you know, judge people or whatever?”
Levi considers this and, as he strokes his thumb slowly up and down his index finger, his voice relaxes.  “No. I guess I haven’t. You’re even nice to Dan-Danielle Stevens.”
Danielle was openly trans and braver than anyone else Dean knew.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“We live in Texas.”
“And I’m Black. And from Wisconsin.” 
Levi laughs. “Two things I always say about you.”
Dean can’t help himself.  “You talk about me a lot?”
He could be mistaken, but some of Levi’s freckles darken. “That’s not-do you want me to tell you the question or not?”
“Ask me the question, Leev.” Dean says, hoping he’s right. 
Levi takes a breath. They’re facing each other on the couch now, controllers as abandoned as their math homework. 
“I was just uh, you know, wondering if you-or if it’s normal or whatever... to think what it’d be like to you know…kiss another guy or something.”
All the blood leaves Dean’s upper body and rushes south. 
“I think that’s normal.” Dean says, hoping he didn’t pause too long or answer too eagerly. “I mean it’s 2018, you know. Like all that gay shit is way more accepted so like, we see it more and maybe it sparks some inspiration or something.” 
“Right. Ok. Yeah. Like when you see an ad for something a bunch of times and then you finally buy it. “ 
Dean laughs. “Yeah. Curiosity isn’t bad unless you’re a cat or like, a guy who defuses bombs.”
Levi laughs and moves a bit closer. 
 “Can I ask you one more thing?”
“You’re getting really close to your allotted time slot being up but I’ll see what I can do.”
“I hate you.” Levi says, his smile directed just at Dean is too much to handle. 
“Have you ever thought about-”
Before Levi finishes, Dean closes the distance between them, stretching out on the couch and very carefully and purposefully placing his lips on Levi’s. 
And its right. It’s so right Dean almost feels bad for being so ashamed of all the times he’s thought about it. 
Levi pulls away just slightly and when his thumb comes up to trace Dean’s cheekbone, that evil shred of hope doubles in size. 
They stay like that for an hour, getting bolder and more confident with each kiss, their hands firmly on each other’s. When his mom comes home with the smell of pizza lingering with her and calls down the stairs, they pull apart. Without speaking, Dean knows they’re not going to talk about it, but he can’t even bring himself to care-everything he’d been fantasizing about was so much better in practice. Even if Levi never wants to see him again-
“You wanna come over again tomorrow?” Levi says, clearing his throat. His hand covers Dean’s on the couch and gives him a squeeze. 
Dean’s fate is sealed before he can even finish saying “Sure.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Lemon's Misadventures in Dating, Chapter 3 (Lemon x Everyone) - Mermelada
A/N Hi everyone, I’ve been sitting on this chapter for a wee while but couldn’t quite get it right, so I hope this will do! Lots of love to you all!
As soon as Lemon had arrived home after her date with Kyne – at 9 o’clock the following morning – she flopped onto her bed and checked her phone. She opened the app to be greeted with a number of new messages.
[08:48] Hope you got home safe baby, please try not to fall in love with me now xx
The first one she read, from Kyne, made her chuckle, she’d actually had a really, REALLY good time last night. It turned out that there was actually a very easy way to get the girl to stop talking. Kyne had every reason to be cocky, and Lemon hadn’t been made to feel so good for a very long time. She had even managed to go a couple of hours without thinking of her. Speaking of her, they still hadn’t matched, which was definitely for the best, as Lemon didn’t think she could stand the inescapable mutual awkwardness if they did. But then did that mean that Juice had swiped left on her? Deciding to stop the mental tennis before it got out of hand, she pulled up the bottom message on her list, from yesterday.
[16:04] Bonjour hi, Miss Lemon! Tu parles français? Or am I needing to practice my English? :-) 
Rita. From her profile, she looked every bit the no-shit-taking dom top with a major mommy’s little girl kink, but her message was kind of sweet. The fact she had even bothered to check what language Lemon spoke was cute, she supposed, but she crossed her fingers that Rita had an edge and wasn’t all politeness and niceties. Now that Lemon had had her first taste of Tinder hook-ups, she was ready to dive in with no fear. Well maybe just a tiny bit of fear. She quickly typed out a reply, partly assisted by the internet, and sent it off.
[09:09] I’m assuming you don’t count ‘voulez-vous coucher avec moi’ as proper French 😉
Is it completely cliché and unoriginal? Yes. Has Rita probably already received hundreds of messages saying the same thing? Yes. But I’m tired and still feeling fucked out, so it’ll do. If she likes me, she’ll bite. Hopefully for real, soon…
Following on, she finally had a reply from Kiara.
[19:20] Hi girlie! I am SO sorry for replying so late, I have been working all day and all night this week ☹️ but seeing your profile made me feel better 🙂 how are you??
Double-checking quickly in case she’d missed something important, she realised that the girl’s profile didn’t say what she did as a job, so that seemed like a good place to start.
[09:13] Don’t worry at all, hon! But I’m glad I can help 😉 I’m doing okay thanks, and u? What do you do for work? x
Is a kiss on the end too forward or too friendly, she pondered, trying to remember if she’d done the same for Rita and Kyne before her. It’s done now, I’ll soon find out, I guess!
[23:56] You’re named after the wrong fruit, because you’re definitely a fineapple
The third message was from Boa, who she must have matched with during the night. She loved it. She wanted it on a cross-stitch, framed above her bed. She’d definitely made the right choice with this girl. Now, how to match her at her own game… 
[09:15] You udderly impressed me with that one!
As soon as it had sent, Lemon was hit with a massive wave of self-doubt: what if Boa didn’t get the pun and just thought she was weird? She’d always thought she was quite funny, but what if that was all a lie? There was still time to rectify it.
[09:15] Because of the cow costume, get it?
[09:15] It’s so cute!!!
[09:16] You seem really fun 😀
[09:16] And it helps that your hot
[09:16] You’re^ 
Shit shit shitting shit, that is way overboard for a reply. What the fuck have I done? Oh dear lord, well Boa, it was nice knowing ya! I don’t blame you for blocking me and running to the hills!
Some more general swiping ensued as Lemon awaited some replies, she started aimlessly swiping again through the single ladies of Ontario.
Scarlett, 29
Within 10 miles
Hmm, she looks like she has a bit of filler in those lips but she still looks hot, I like her tattoos, and HOLY SHIT SHE’S EATING FIRE fuck yeah, okay Scarlett! I’ll take that!
Ilona, 25
Within 10 miles
Okay I love her make-up, I love her style… all her photos are selfies, does that mean she has no friends? Don’t be silly, Lem, my camera roll is full of selfies and I’m just fine. I think. Hey, Ilona!
Starzy, 38
Within 10 miles
Oh wow, she’s hot. Her bio literally says, “Call me mother”. That has to be the hottest thing I have ever read, yes please!
After a few more likes and dislikes, Kiara’s name lit up at the top of her screen. Not wanting to seem too keen, she waited a monumental thirty seconds before checking the message.
[09:22] I work on a movie set, but nothing glamorous, I help with hair and makeup. It pays my rent 🙂 I am pretty tired today but I have a deadline soon so I have to keep writing ☹️ where do you work? x
Just as she was thinking of the best way to word her current, work-less situation, a reply also came in from Rita, which Lemon accidentally clicked on sooner than she meant to, completely blowing her cool façade.
[09:25] I’ve never heard that one before…
Lemon’s heart sank at the thought of her impending rejection, but a new message arrived seconds later.
[09:25] At least look up how to say it less formally, I’m not that old!!!!
Smiling at the thought of Rita not automatically hating her – not outright rejecting her – Lemon started to type a reply, but stopped when a third message appeared.
[09:26] Mais si je dis oui, es-tu vraiment libre ce soir? ;-)
Somehow, the more Lemon stared at the words, the less sense they made. She now severely regretted passing her time in French class admiring Madame Benet’s assortment of leopard-print clothing, rather than actually learning. But there was a winky face at the end, which made her heart race, even without understanding the rest of it. Highlighting the text and taking it straight to Google, she couldn’t help but bite her lip as she got Rita’s point.
[09:30] Wee wee, madame 💛 give me a place and a time xx
As much as she may have been looking forward to a good night’s sleep tonight, she still felt the swarm of butterflies flap around her tummy at the thought of Rita’s hands on her, telling her she was a good girl… Don’t get carried away yet, dummy, save it for tonight! I need a cold shower if I’m going to survive the next few hours. Before jumping into action mode, though, the first thing Lemon needed was a nap.
Rousing awake a few hours later, she padded downstairs to make herself a sandwich and a tea, continuously checking her phone with the hope tha Rita had replied. Met with silence, she then took her time to shower, deep conditioning her golden blonde hair and shaving everywhere she could, so she could at least feel better prepared than she had yesterday. Not that a grown-up adult lady like Rita would mind, of course, but it’s all part of getting in the zone, Lemon hummed to herself as she let the water wash away any anxiety she might have had about tonight. 
She already knew what underwear she would wear: her favourite black bra with a light furry trim around the cup, and a lacy black thong. She was so sure that Rita was on the same page about how the night would end, she felt like she didn’t have to worry too much about what went over it, opting for indigo skinny jeans and a beige polo-neck. By the time she had finished her makeup, it was almost 5pm, and she still didn��t know the plan. Sitting up on her bed, contemplating how she would explain to her parents that she was spending the night out again, she once again opened the app, hoping that Rita hadn’t backed down. With still no reply, she couldn’t help the frustration which bubbled inside her, she didn’t spend so long stretching to shave the backs of her thighs for nothing! Even more discouraging was the lack of reply from Kiara… until she looked at the last message sent, and realised that she’d unwittingly left the poor girl on read.
Shit, I thought I’d replied already! That explains it… now how to explain that I’m a dancer who doesn’t dance anymore and has moved back in with my parents with no ambition to find anything else anytime soon?
[16:58] You’re a busy lady! What do you study? 😊
[16:59] I’m a dancer, currently hopping from audition to audition, hoping somebody likes me enough!
The reality was that Lemon hadn’t attended any auditions for over a month. She had tried to throw herself into her work after the break-up, but had soon realised that with a broken heart came an enormous lack of drive. She told the contemporary company she was a member of that she needed a break, and they told her to not bother coming back. So here she was, hoping that one day she’d once again wake up with a flame inside of her. Luckily, Kiara didn’t push her to expand on anything just yet.
[17:04] So a bit like Tinder then! Don’t worry, I’m sure lots of people will like you enough… in dance and Tinder!
[17:05] I study film and theatre, it’s fun 🙂 but a lot of essays to write in English which takes me forever lol
[17:06] That makes me sound like an idiot!! I promise I’m not, just Québéquoise!! 
[17:06] Are you from Toronto? 🙂
Well at least if tonight doesn’t go ahead, I’ve still got a French option for the future, she sighed, running her fingers through her hair as she thought of an answer. 
[17:08] Haha, I believe you 😉 my dad is from Portugal, but I think there are 2 year olds who speak better Portuguese than I do 🥺 
[17:08] That sounds super interesting! Your job on the side must help a bit then?
[17:08] And I am, Toronto gal born and bred! How long have you lived here?
Just as she was about to put her phone down for the evening and fall into another nap, the message she’d been waiting for finally arrived, and Lemon found herself scrambling to read it.
[17:09] Sorry, lovely Lemon, work was kicking my ass all day. Does Mado’s at 8pm work for you? X
Lemon couldn’t resist one final reply, cementing her intentions.
[17:10] Sounds great, I’m sure I can help that ass feel better 😘 see you soon!! 💛💛
A/N It’s me again, your friendly neighbourhood translator!
“Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?” - Do you want to sleep with me tonight?
“Mais si je dis oui, es-tu vraiment libre ce soir?” - But if I say yes, are you really free tonight?
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naivesilver · 4 years
31, 56, 19, 78, 20, 16, 11, 12 , 10, 4, 1, 21, 36, 39. Sorry if this is too many 😅
Guys it’s NEVER too many you’re giving me the chance to talk nonstop about Sonic it’s the best thing that’s happened to me in days
also I had planned to answer them in the order you asked for but it was driving me crazy so I sorted them out thematically sorry alfhjkhljshja
I answered 1 here!
100 Sonic Questions
21.) Tell us a funny Sonic-related story.
This one comes from the depths of my very first months as a Sonic fan. Basically, I had watched Sonic X upon its first Italian release as a very very smol bean. By the time I got obsessed again in middle school, though, I had forgotten everything about it except a few shots from the Italian opening theme and ONE scene from a season three episode, where Sonic and Knuckles played chess on a spaceship and then Sonic began running around and fell into space.
The “friend” that had introduced me to the show again (not a nice person and source of about 25% of my trauma, I’m glad to say I haven’t seen her in years) didn’t believe me and accused me of lying. Repeatedly. Unkindly. For months. How could such a stupid scene be in such an amazing cartoon? I must be trying to fuck with her.
Fast forward to the end of the year. I’m minding my business and I see a Facebook message from this friend, and another, and another. I click on it wondering what she’d be going ham over, and BAM. This girl had been watching Sonic AMVs on Youtube and had caught a glimpse of that scene at the beginning of a video and was fucking losing it over the fact that WOW, I HAD BEEN TELLING THE TRUTH ALL ALONG?!
Now, you have to understand that I wasn’t the kind of kid that swore, back then. I had been brought up to think that swear words would send you to hell straight away. And while not a delicate little flower, I was much, much cuter and more proper than I am now because I couldn’t live out my butch dreams quite yet. But I needed to express all the frustration gathered in those months.
So please imagine this baby-faced, straight A student 13yo wait for her friend in front of their school and bellow at the top of her lungs “BITCH, WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU?”
I still remember that scene fondly, though.
31.) Tell us a Sonic-related story that will give us feels.
Related to the experience I just mentioned, the problem I had in my first years in this fandom was that this person who had dragged me into it was obsessed with the thought that people would mock us for it. She said it was for kids, and when she got over it she gave me shit for clinging to my passion while she’d “grown up”, and she had me enjoy Sonic in secret and yelled at me for saying anything even vaguely related out loud where other people could hear us.
It got into my head so much that for a long long time I didn’t dare share anything Sonic-adjacent on any social media, long past when I’d broke away from her. I thought no one would ever take me seriously again. I felt ashamed a lot.
It got better, though. Slowly, I broke out of my shell and started interacting with this amazing fandom, and I found lots of people who didn’t give a damn about what the world thought of their passion. And I know tons of wonderful people outside the fandom, too, friends who encourage me to talk about Sonic even though they don’t know anything about it. Chats where any mention of Sonic has someone saying “wait we must tag naivesilver into this she’ll love it”. It’s - it warms my heart every day. Tumblr is a shithole, but it helped me in feeling free to do what I love in the fandom that I love most.
Thank you. To everyone that got me through that, thank you. You have no idea how helpful you’ve been to me.
19.) Favorite soundtrack
20.) Least favorite soundtrack?
None I think???? There are some I don't listen to much, either because I haven't played the game or I just don't vibe with them, but there isn't any song that I particularly dislike. Almost all of them are genuine bops.
16.) (if you read fanfic) What are some fic tropes you love? Ones you hate?
FOUND FAMILY!!! Adoptive parents, siblings, friends taking care of each other, I want a shitton of fluff in my life. And kid!fic. I could read (and write!) kid!fic every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. That's why I enjoy Chaotix and Sonic Movie fics so much. Let's raise them boys well.
As for hating...I don't like high school AUs lmao I wrote one when I was younger but I never dared touch it again and I haven't read any Sonic one since 2014 at most. And most time travel fics. Sorry, Silver, I love you a fucking lot but time travel shenanigans are only funny in the two or three specific settings my mind lets me enjoy.
11.) Top five stages.
In no particular order:
-Press Garden (Mania)
-Casinopolis (Adventure)
-Casino Forest (Forces)
-Studiopolis (Mania)
Anddddd I haven't played much else so I'll have to get back to you on this ajshfkjfahlljha
12.) Worst five stages.
-Jesus Christ I died 78 times in that stage alone
-I'm bad at being fast and not falling off stuff and it required me to do both at the same time
-Also the Shadow DLC levels. Fuck me up a bit more will you
56.) In your opinion, what’s the weirdest thing any character has ever said?
I'm a simple girl, I see this panel and I lose my shit
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10.) What do you like best about your favorite animated adaptation?
I only finished my Sonic X rewatch yesterday and I’ve been meaning to make some final comments about it (tho it’d probably be me rambling at thin air bc I doubt I can say anything that hasn’t been already said over and over and over) but the most compelling thing for me is and always will be the music.
Don’t get me wrong, what I’ve seen of the OG Japanese version had wonderful, heartfelt music, but the upbeat themes I grew up with still have me vibing day in and day out. I can dance to the Italian opening sequence at any given moment - no, you know what, here it is. Watch it and feel the serotonin drip into your veins.
(Some people will come at me for this, but I didn’t watch this show in 2019-2020 to make an in-depth analysis about it. I did it to have a dance off while Knuckles beat up some robots.)
78.) Post a scene that always gives you feels.
Sonic 06:
13yo me about to see her first ship torn apart:
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4.) The last Sonic game you played is now your life. How awesome is this adventure gonna be?
Sonic Adventure - which means it’s a pretty cool life, unless it runs like SA does on my laptop and it turns slow and glitchy and grinds on my nerves even more
36.) C’mon now. How many ships do you have? :P
A FUCKING LOT my main ones are silvaze, vecpio and sonadow but I have many medium or small ones that I enjoy finding content for, like tikaze or knouge
39.) Which game is your golden standard?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not the greatest game fan as in I’ve only been actively playing for the past 2/3 years. Before that it was just gameplays on Youtube, so you should not take my opinion into any account since it’s not very informed.
However there was something about Sonic and the Black Knight that just felt...new? Peculiar? I know jack shit about the technical side of gaming but I remember being extremely pumped every time I logged in to see more of it. I'd like to feel that again, when a new game drops.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a computer virus before? >> Nope, never. I don’t know if I’m just especially lucky or what, but I have zero experience with malware, viruses, or any of that.
Are you dependent upon anyone? >> Of course. Everyone’s dependent on someone, even if only indirectly.
Are there any book characters you'd like to portray? >> Like, as an actor in a movie adaptation or something? No, thanks.
Who did you last text? >> I sent Sparrow a bitmoji in response to her text.
Is there anything on your bed right now? >> Yeah, me. Also, an assortment of plushies, two weighted blankets, a hoodie, my phone, and my headphones.
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? >> It’s been a couple of weeks since I personally went. I stopped doing the grocery runs because of the mask rule; Sparrow is way better with wearing masks than I am. What way would you like to die when it's your time? >> As uneventfully as possible, please.
What are you most afraid of in the world? >> Some possible aspects of death. Also, confinement of any kind, like incarceration or being put in a mental hospital.
Have you ever been caving? >> Nope.
Do you do well in math related things? >> I don’t know, I don’t usually do any math-related things aside from the most basic kind.
What is your favorite fruit? >> I don’t have one.
If you had to choose, which sibling would you live with? >> ---
Do you have any tattoos? >> Yes.
Are you planning on getting any in the near future? >> No.
When was your last date? >> ---
When did you get Facebook? >> I don’t remember when I first signed up for it. Probably like 10 years ago or thereabouts.
Are any of your family members in jail? >> ---
What was your first pet's name? >> Roxie.
Are you good when it comes to computer issues? >> I don’t think my skill level at dealing with computer issues is particularly high. I basically just google the problems I don’t immediately know how to solve and try out different solutions, which literally anyone is capable of doing. I think what I’m good at is not having computer issues in the first place, considering every machine I’ve had has performed remarkably well over a pretty decent lifespan (except for Normandy, which just randomly died one day, but I think that was a heat issue and I’ve learned from it).
Are there any people at your job who absolutely hates you? >> ---
What was the last book you read? >> The last book I finished is The Poisonwood Bible.
Have you ever read any books in one day? >> Sure.
What was the last thing you bought? >> A nightstand.
What are your plans for tomorrow? >> I don’t have any plans for tomorrow.
Is there any jewelry you wear constantly? >> Yeah, I never take out my earrings or nose ring.
Are your fingernails painted at the moment? >> No.
Do you prefer cool, warm or neutral colors? >> I like a variety of colours for different reasons.
Have you ever taken art classes? >> Only in grade school and probably junior high.
What's the most boring movie you've ever seen? >> I have no idea.
Do you know how to work a cash register? >> I mean, I could figure it out.
Fact or fiction novels? >> A novel is fiction, period. But if you mean whether I prefer historical and realistic fiction, or fantastic fiction... well, usually the latter.
Have you ever suffered from depression? >> Yes.
Do you think you're a clingy person? >> No, because I’m not.
Do you enjoy kisses on the cheek? >> Not particularly.
Have you ever been in a physical fight before? >> Yes, quite a few times.
How often would you say you disagree with your parents? >> ---
What color shirt did you wear yesterday? >> Black.
Do you have a job? If so, do you like it? >> ---
Have you ever been called a slut before? >> Maybe.
What's something you've been craving? >> I’m not really craving anything that I’ve noticed.
Have you ever slept with your window open? >> I sleep with my window open for almost the entire year, actually. Even in winter I have it cracked at night, because I get really hot in my sleep.
Can you play violin? >> No.
What was the last desert you had? >> I don’t remember the last time I had a dessert.
Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet? >> No.
Do you know anyone you talk to on Facebook but won't talk to in person? >> No.
What color are your mother's eyes? >> ---
Do you have a best friend? If so, how long have you been best friends? >> I do not.
Do you cry easily? >> I mean, I don’t think so.
Have you ever been into a court room? >> Yes.
How many necklaces would you say you own? >> I own five necklaces. Soon to be six, when it gets here.
Do you plan on being strict towards your children? >> ---
Do you own any tie-dye shirts? >> Nope.
What would you say is your favorite day of the week? >> I have a particular affection towards Wednesday, but I don’t really have a favourite day of the week.
Do you ever wear lipstick? >> Ever, sure. But not usually.
Do you own a pool? >> No.
Do you have a Tumblr account? >> What’s a tumblr
Would you say you're overweight? >> I wouldn’t.
How many colors are in your hair? >> Well, two that I can see.
Do you flirt with a lot of people? >> I don’t flirt with anyone.
How many bank accounts do you have? >> One.
Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? >> Probably.
How old are you? >> 32.
Do you attend church regularly? >> I don’t.
Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? >> No song can describe my whole life, but there are songs that fit uncannily with certain aspects of my life.
What time did you wake up this morning? >> 7 or so.
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow morning? >> I don’t plan for that, I just wake up whenever I feel like it.
What kind of car do you drive? >> I don’t.
What kind of car would you like to have? >> ---
Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? If so, what's your favorite thing to eat from there? >> Yeah, I’ve been there, but I don’t have a favourite thing from there. I don’t care for their stuff.
How old did you turn on your last birthday? >> 32...? This is basically just the same question as before, innit.
Ever felt like falling apart? >> Yes.
Have you ever been in an ambulance? >> Yeah.
Do you tend to worry a lot? >> No.
How old were you when you lost your first tooth? >> I have no idea.
Do you remember your first time on the internet? >> I only vaguely remember it.
Which website do you email from? >> Gmail.
Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? >> I don’t really receive souvenirs. Which is perfectly fine.
Do you get angry with people easily? >> No.
Do a lot of people dislike you or is it the other way around? >> I don’t know if a lot of people dislike me, it’s not like people are often up-front about that sort of thing. I don’t dislike too many people.
Have you ever had the flu? >> No.
What about strep throat? >> No.
What would you say is the worst kind of emotional pain? >> I wouldn’t say, because it makes no sense to me to “rate” pain like that.
Have you ever been to a psychologist? >> Yeah.
What's the worst part about school? >> You know, the whole thing.
Do you normally have a lot of homework, if you're still in school? >> ---
When was your last vacation? >> January.
Would you ever consider going on a cruise? >> I’d consider it.
What did you last buy from the store? >> I haven’t been inside a store in a few weeks.
Would you say you enjoy being single or in a relationship more? >> I wouldn’t say, because that’s not really how it works.
Do you try to stay busy a lot? >> No.
What's your favorite quote? >> I don’t know, man.
Do you lie a lot? >> I rarely lie.
Do you still act childish most of the time? >> No.
Did you ever enjoy gym class? >> The only time I enjoyed it were the semesters I got to take archery.
What is your biggest insecurity? >> I have no idea.
Have you ever painted a room alone? >> No.
Speaking of which, when did you last paint your room? >> I didn’t?
What does your favorite jacket / hoodie look like? >> The hoodie I wear the most (aside from the one I just wear around the house) is a New Orleans Museum of Death hoodie.
What's for dinner tonight? >> I don’t know.
Do you ever drink alcohol? >> Yes.
Have you ever had a terrible hangover? >> No.
Do you ever get migraines? >> No.
Do you know how to garden? >> I mean, I generally know how to put seeds in the ground and water them. The specific mechanics of growing specific things are not necessarily known to me, but that’s what the internet is for.
What was the last thing you plugged into an outlet? >> Probably my computer charger.
Do people consider you to be a funny person? >> I don’t know, do they?
Do you have any bad habits? >> Of course I do.
Do you like children? If not, why is this? >> I like them fine. At the very least, I respect them as people, even if I can’t stand to be around them for [usually] sensory reasons.
What is your favorite snack? >> I don’t know, I have a few go-tos.
Do you own any gaming systems? >> We have several.
How old were your parents when they had you? >> My father was 52 and my mother was in her early or mid 20s.
Is there a big age difference between you and the person you like? >> ---
Do you trashtalk people a lot? >> No.
What is the most amusing thing on the internet, in your opinion? >> Just... memes. I like memes. Also animals being derpy.
Does the future excite you or scare you? >> It has little to no effect on me, I don’t properly conceptualise the future as a thing.
Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, how many times have you been? >> No.
Do you try to spend a lot of time with family? >> ---
How often do you shower? >> Every couple of days.
What would you say is your favorite genre of music? >> I wouldn’t say. I like a lot of genres.
Do you need to clean your bedroom? >> Yeah. I’m going to finally do it when the new nightstand gets here, so probably Wednesday.
What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? >> You know. Living.
Do you enjoy Chinese food? >> Occasionally. Most of the time I merely tolerate it.
Do you smile a lot? >> I don’t know, what’s a lot?
What is your favorite movie from the nineties? >> Maybe Event Horizon.
Which decade were you born in? >> The eighties.
Are you good at giving advice to people? >> I don’t know, I don’t usually do it.
How many huge secrets do you have? >> Zero.
How many people know these secrets? >> ---
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? >> Once, if that.
Do you ever floss? >> No, it feels horrible.
Have you ever been in a long-term relationship? >> Yes.
Ever considered suicide? If so, did you try to commit suicide? >> Yes and yes.
Is there anyone out there who makes you feel completely useless? >> No, I usually do that on my own.
Do you like texting or calling people more? >> I only text.
What's your favorite band? >> Zeal & Ardor is one.
Do you have a lot of friends? >> No.
Have you ever painted something and been impressed by it? >> I don’t know, maybe when I was young.
Would you rather go out to eat or stay in? >> Right now, I’d kill to eat somewhere that wasn’t my apartment.
When did you last babysit, if ever? >> ---
Do you have any younger siblings? >> No.
Have you ever thought of someone as useless? >> Not that I can recall. It feels weird to think of people in terms of what “use” they can be to oneself.
Have you ever considered bleaching your hair? >> Yeah, and then I did it.
Do you drink vitamin water? >> Nope. Do they even still sell that? I haven’t seen it in a while.
Do you ever straighten your hair? >> No.
What's the best way to end a conversation? >> I would assume that depends on the nature of the conversation and the depth of the relationship between the participants.
Are there any old movies you absolutely love? >> Of course.
Have you ever had a Big Mac before? >> Yes.
Do you think you attract the opposite sex at a reasonable rate? >> The reasonable rate for me is zero, so yeah, I think so.
Where is your favorite place to travel? >> Oh, you know. Almost anywhere.
What is your goal for the next few months? >> I have no goal. Except, I guess, maintaining equilibrium.
Can you count to ten in another language other than your own? >> Yeah.
Do you own a lot of shoes? >> Nope, I own two pairs (and two pairs of weather boots).
What is your favorite season and why? >> Spring. It just is, man.
Does photography interest you at all? >> Not really. I like looking at photographs other people have taken, though.
Have you ever played on a sports team before? If you have, what was that sport and when? >> When I was in school. I tried field hockey and predictably sucked total ass at it. (I say “predictably” in hindsight. I had no concept of my abilities and disabilities back then.)
Have you ever filed a lawsuit on someone? >> No.
Do you think you're a good singer? >> I think I can hold a tune, but if I was going to be good I would need to practice more and probably get a coach. Fortunately, being “good” at singing isn’t a priority of mine, so I’m perfectly happy just being able to hold a tune.
Would you rather wear jeans or sweatpants? >> Sweatpants, absolutely.
Do you think you have a good sense of style? >> It’s good for me.
Do you enjoy reading often? >> Yes.
Have you ever had a deadly illness? >> No.
Ever had food-poisoning before? >> Yes.
Where did you last eat dinner at? >> On the couch, watching Sparrow play Persona 5.
Have you ever shot a gun before? >> No.
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Killmonger X FEM! Reader: A Final Goodbye
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Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
OK, first of all, I am so so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long to upload. Inspiration was on holiday and I legit couldn't think of anything. 
Word Count: 1,978 Words
Summary: You’ve been friends with Erik since you both were little children, but over the years he started to cut you off so you get a big shock when you get a call from another old friend. T’challa has asked you to come to Erik's funeral.
You walked down the alleyways, the rain running down the walls as you squished in and out of the buildings. You did this every day, walking home to your apartment, nothing fancy, you still wore your work clothes as you walked. Always getting catcalled and tonnes of sideways glances as you walked through your neighborhood. You climbed the rusty fire escape of your apartment building and pulled your keys out of your purse as you climbed through the rusted and cracked window. This window that served as your escape, something from your childhood that you still remembered to this day.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
“15…, 16…,” the boy’s voice echoed through the hallway as he leaned up against the wall with his eyed closed shut like a steel trap.
You ran through the house – if you could even call this tiny studio apartment a house. Seeing the window, you ran towards it, you opened it as quietly as you could and you crawled out and sat just out of sight from your childhood friend.
“19…,20, ready or not I’m going to get you,” he laughed as he screamed the last part of his sentence out. He knew you were terrible at hiding; this is why he loved this game.
Seeing the open window, he ran straight towards it and jumped out of it. You screamed as he poked his head out the window and growled like a tiger at you.
“ERIK,” you screamed at him as your (E/C) eyes caught sight of his deep brown ones. You couldn’t help but laugh along with him as he crawled out the rest of the way through the window and sat beside you.
“I already told you, (Y/N), I always win,”
“Erik,” a soft voice called for him from above, “come for lunch.”
“Coming,” he called back, “can (Y/N) come too?”
The woman replied with a laugh, you were always allowed around. Erik stood up from the ground and started climbing the ladder that led up to the apartment above. You used your hands to help you up and chased after him with a small giggle escaping your throat before you started climbing.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥ 
You climbed through the window and set your bags down on the ledge that was supposed to be a seat to sit and observe out the window but you still use it as an aid to help you through the door of your apartment. You slipped your jacked off and hung it on the rack against the wall. You looked up, photos littered the walls near you. these pictures – pictures of your childhood with him – pictures from years you had hoped to had forgotten. Those pictures were only memories.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥ 
Erik knocked at the door, he waited for a response but…nothing. He pushed against the door, it creaked open slowly. He was being cautious now, we placed his rose against the counter at your entryway, he reached into his back pocket and pulled his knife out. He crept through your halls, carefully avoiding the spots on the floor where he knew your floor was creaky. He has been here so many times, he knows this place better than his, it scared him sometimes. He turned the corner and passed the kitchen, he saw a faint light from the bathroom. He pushed the door open slowly and let out a deep sigh.
There you were, already in your prom dress with your headphones in probably on full blast carefully putting on your makeup. He let out a soft laugh before deciding he better let you know he was there before things got any weirder. He bashed his fist against the door and to his surprise, you almost hit the roof with a jolt.
You were practically gasping for breath now. “DAMN IT ERIK!” you screamed at him, “you're going to give me a heart attack.”
“Me?” he sounded surprised at your last remark, “you’re the one with your headphones in at full blast.”
“Well-,” you couldn’t think of anything to say to him now, he had finally stumped you.
He quirked an eyebrow at you and you couldn’t help to laugh. You had just finished with your makeup now and you were ready to head to prom with one of your best friends. You walked over to him and gave him a hug. He hugged you back and when you parted he gasped your hand in his and led you out into the hallway. He grabbed the rose on the way out and handed it to you.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥ 
That was then, but Erik had cut all contact with you ages ago, and this is now. The moment he became involved with Klaue. You hated it, he was your best friend, first love and so far... the last. You could still remember the last day you talked to him like it was yesterday, you had just gotten home from a... somewhat... good day at your new job, He arrived and it looked like it would be the same any other visit.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥ 
"Hey, Erik!" You smiled, wrapping your arms around his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you...Something was off. "What's wrong?" The male didn't seem at all happy being at your home.
"I...(Y/N)...I'm leaving...and-"
"What? where are you going?"
"You aren't going to...you're...going for revenge?"
"Yes...yes I am"
"Erik what are you thi-"
"Just... Shut Up! (Y/N) I need to have my revenge...They killed my father!" His voice was harsh yet weak.
"Can yo-"
"No. I am going to get revenge even if it kills me. I...(Y/N)...you are staying here… alone. You'll be in danger if I even mention you to the others."
"What are you saying...Erik?" Your voice quivered.
"I'm leaving you...I don't want you to contact me. I don't want anything to do with you..."
"What on earth. Erik are you serious?"
"You can't call me, text me or visit me. Not until I've finished what I started." Silent tears leaked from your (E/C) eyes.
"Look (Y/N) I'm sorry I-" You couldn't bear to hear him apologize let alone talk.
"Just go." You cut him off. "I would have done anything I could've done to help you. It didn't just hurt you when your father died. It hurt me...I hated those people for making you sad, Your father was a great man. I..I don't like your idea of revenge because it could hurt you. You could die...You don't know what it would do to me if I heard you had been killed."
"But what if I did let you help (Y/N)"
"I would have done nothing but support you. If you were badly injured I'd do my best to help you"
"But you would be in danger, Klaue is a dangerous man and I'm involved with him. He could use you to blackmail me into doing something horrible."
"Like what. Murder? Homicide? you wouldn't need to be blackmailed to murder someone." Your voice was raw and bitter. Erik was getting more and more aggravated by your attitude, he knew you'd be upset when he told you. But he thought it would be sad and loving because he said 'you could get hurt'. But no, you were sad and mad, combined. You both yelled your heads off before the male stormed out of your apartment. It took you a minute to realize that he would not be coming back for a long time- if he would at all. That idea of him not coming back broke your heart in two. You crumpled to the floor, legs giving way to the sadness that overtook your body. Tears flowed out of your eyes non-stop.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥ 
Just the thought of that memory made your eyes water. You were still deeply in love with the guy who walked out of this very same apartment that day. You walked around your house for a while, contemplating what you wanted to do. You had work to do but that was never fun for you. you weren't hungry and you weren't tired but you just felt like you needed a rest. You trudged over to your room and threw your bag down at the doorway. You pulled out your phone from your pocket and put it on the bedside table, you sat down slowly, leaning back until you fell with your back all the way against the bed. But then the phone rang, with great hesitation you got up and hovered over your buzzing mobile device. ‘Unknown Number’ was flashing as it vibrated on the table. You picked it up slowly and before you could answer a mans voice chimed through the other side of the line.
“I need to speak with Miss (L/N) immediately please,” the man demanded.
Thinking you were in some sort of trouble you tried to play it off as cool as possible. “This is she, what would you like?”
“We need to know if you have any contact with the former Erik Stevens in the late years?”
Erik had cut all communication with you a long, long time ago. He never spoke to you and you never when anywhere with him when you two were younger, the length of your relationship was just friends. How would these people know about you? You weren't on any of his medical, hospital, or occupational records. The thing that shocked you the most was the way he said ‘Former Erik Stevens’ you just had to ask.
“We haven't talked for a solid decade, but what do you mean by former?”
You were scared now there was silence on the other side of the line. You heard small whispers from other voices, no one was talking to you anymore.
“Look,” you interrupted, “I don’t have any money if that’s what you're after and I don’t know where Erik is.”
“Ma’am,” the voice had changed this time, from what once was a man was now a woman, it sounded like the same accent though, something strange was going on, “we regret to inform you that Erik Stevens has been killed. We are sending someone to pick you up to attend his funeral. Thank you for your time today miss.”
Before you could even say anything the person on the other end of the line had hung up. You were in complete shock, he had done it, he really went there. He got involved with the wrong people and now he had paid the price for it, but why did you have to pay the price for it too? Tears streamed down your face as you dropped your phone to cover your eyes. You couldn’t handle the pain, he was gone now and you didn’t know how to cope with it.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
You stood there, staring out into the sunrise, your toes dug into the sand as the tears rolled softly down your cheeks. Your long, transparent, floral skirt was flowing in the wind as you stood with your arms wrapped around your tube top and shawl. Erik floated up to you, his body lay on the raft that everyone built, you waded out into the river and adorned his raft with flowers and leaves. You pulled your shawl off from around your shoulders and laid it over him. You knelt down into the water, you dress floating around you being pushed by the current. You held onto his raft as you placed a kiss to his forehead and whispered against his skin.
“I will always love you,”
You sat down in the river and gave his raft a gentle push. You watched as it floated closer and closer to the edge of the falls. You cried as he fell over the edge, but this is how you had to learn to cope. You had to learn to finally move on. But how could you, when the people that murdered your first love were standing right behind you?
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lokiarsene · 5 years
like yesterday, here's a bullet list of my thoughts for episodes 18~21
thoughts on episode 18:
oh no, it's the beach episode.
-- i really like how they show the way the PT take care of futaba. ren patiently cleaning up her room in between hours at the florist, them playing vidya with her, or just having lunch together in montage moments is very sweet. it makes me wish the anime had much slower pacing, more slice of life-y kind of drama.
-- watching yusuke, ryuji, and futaba lose their freakin minds over good curry is VERY relatable.
-- i still don't understand why ann and makoto thought that a two piece frilly bathing suit was the way to go with futaba. a one piece that she could wear under a long wrap or a hoodie would've made so much more sense... but >male gaze
-- have i told y'all how fucking tired i am of the sexualization of the teenage girls in p5 yet, and how it is one of the several things that fuckin ruined this game for me
have i?
well here it is again
none of the previous games were as bad as this b t w and p4 had one of the dungeons be a STRIP CLUB.
-- yusuke and his lobsters are wonderful.
-- oh god i forgot COMPLETELY about the whole 'mental shutdowns' thing in this game's plot. i think because it's all so pointlessly convoluted. p3 had something similar but even there it was just people turned catatonic for weeks on end when the monthly boss-shadows drew near.
i think the reason i find this so hard to understand is because from p3 to p4 the rules of shadows didn't really change so much. p3 had the persona users go up against shadow bosses; p4 had people confront the shadows within themselves, either accepting them completely (which then turned into persona), or the shadow 'absorbed' the person and ran rampant as a monster. neither of those rules really contradict each other, but in p5 personal shadows for persona users are gone completely, and how you deal with other people's personal shadows doesn't even involve them being present to complete the merge.
mona says that persona users can't have palaces, but persona users in 4 could and DID have 'dungeons' within the shadows' worlds. these dungeons dealt specifically with what was at the core of the shadows' emergence--a deep secret and a hidden truth that caused the shadow to grow, a place that was a replica and a distortion of reality based upon that suppressed truth. so that sure sounds like a fucking palace to me.
so....................... unless there's like, multiple realities folded into our own, and persona users can only access certain ones.................. i'm just super confused.
like, i know it's because the rules change game to game, but p3 to p4 didn't have any contradictions, and p2 didn't contradict anything in p3, either. it just went from a full party of wild card users to a singular one.
-- i'm glad ann's getting a little screentime here. i was just thinking about how other characters' development was lacking after makoto and futaba got so much focus.
-- mona's so sweet to ann ;-; now that he has a human form in p5r, i hope they become really good friends. she needs a kind guy friend that'll be reliable~ plus he makes her laugh.
-- sojiro talking about the anniversary of wakaba's death is......... really interesting........ considering that screenshot of futaba sitting next to a woman with the exact same haircut as her "deceased" mother.
-- ren reassuring mona that he absolutely has to be human, that he will return to who he used to be once they figure out what's happening in the metaverse is jsut jdfklasd
-- listen i know mona isn't rly a cat but he's the BEST cat
thoughts on episode 19:
oh it's the hawaii episode.
-- man what the hell kinda budget do these school's got that they can just go overseas with dozens of students on a yearly basis? that's impressive.
-- ryuji: "whoa, awesome! ..... i don't really get it, but awesome!" fjdsafds okay that got a laugh outta me. good one, ryuji.
-- ren: "i'm excited, too." (said in a monotone) fjklsadsl BLESS THIS BOY
-- ren's FACE when he learns that futaba installed a spying app on his phone and can hear him/see pictures he takes is...... kind of hilarious. especially if you have the headcanon that he and akechi send dumbass snapchats to each other a lot--which i do. and which you do now, too.
-- mona's depression is ten times more sad because he's a cat okay :c why they gotta make the cat so cute
-- ren, ryuji, and ann's lil sleepover is adorable. especially since ann chastises ryuji for not knowing one of the basic rules of a sleepover: if you start talkin' about your crushes, you gotta start with your own~ thems the rules lads
-- rip principal bloatneck.
-- honestly that truck shoulda at least TRIED to stop.
-- "A LO HA." goddammit that's adorable
-- the PT targeting okumura, who is essentially the dave thomas with political ambitions of the persona 5 world, is far funnier now that i phrase it like that.
-- mona's totally right that ryuji's just concerned with getting popular and his dick wet. like,,, that's why this argument only made me hate ryuji more than i already did. he gets pissy when mona points out the truth.
god he sucks lmao
-- i really like how guarded akechi's face looks in his conversation with sae, and how off his guard he looks when she tells him that she's not going to hold back, especially since the culprit is doing such dire, awful things. he's not exactly surprised, but he's definitely uneasy and shaken by what he hears. which makes me wonder who he’s really concerned for--himself, or for ren (and the PT by extension, but akechi only really seems to care about ren, so).
the reason i like that is because the okumura arc in p5 is really where akechi's mind starts its downward spiral. principal kobayakawa's death obviously rattled him, especially since the only reason the principal died was because shido saw him as useless and disposable, something akechi is desperate NEVER TO BE. and it's that + what happens with okumura that really kicks him over the edge.
i hope p5r will give us the chance to pull him back from it. he deserves a better chance than the game's subpar writing gave to him.
thoughts on episode 20:
-- ren wakes up in a panic because he thinks he sees mona on his bed ;___________;
-- goro snoopin' on the PT's LOUD, TOTALLY CONSPICUOUS conversation in front of okumura foods' HQ is kind of adorable if you remember he clearly loves star wars (HE HAS A LIGHT SABER), and the camera cuts to his face right as they're talking about big bang and outer space lingo.
-- oh, haru. i really wish you were the black mask. that would've been so much cooler--and an actual twist. her total hopeless panic about being a beauty thief could still be a thing (because it is actually endearing), it'd just be an act. but that's me talkin' fix-its again.
-- i really like the scene of haru defending mona to the PT on the rooftop, then cutting to show just how strained her relationship is with her father. she exists to be useful to her father's ambitions and nothing else, and that scene really drove home just how painful that is for her.
-- oh hey remember how the game went through the trouble of showing how haru's fiance is a sexist, violent, animal-hurting piece of shit and then promptly failed to actually separate her from him in game (i think you only can do that in her s-link?? the s-link you can barely finish in your first run of the game??), and in t hEN SHOWED HER IN THE CAR WITH HIM LATER, LOOKING HORRIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE?
-- ryuji running into the attic, all worried about mona, with a first aid kit, is..... very good. very good and endearing. good on you, ryuji.
-- haru gently encouraging mona to tell the truth is also really good. idk if i just missed it in the game or what, but i really like how she's presented in the anime. she's like a counterpart to ren--soft, sincere, observant, patient, yet she's made of pure steel beneath all that.
thoughts on episode 21:
-- haru, the reason your father's heart grew twisted is thanks to capitalism. you gotta change the heart of capitalism.
-- not to be all poochie here but whenever akechi isn't on screen, all i can ask myself is whERE'S AKECHI?
-- okay see this is where i'm thrown completely out of the story or even really liking haru. haru just listened to her dad's shadow saying he would PIMP HER OUT TO HER FIANCE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. and she still is just like ~no i want him to go back to being kind~
bitch are you nuts
are you NUTS
god. i'm getting so mad again lmao
-- ren approaching haru to point out that if the truth of her father's crimes comes to light, she'll forever be associated with him (and with all the harm and ruined reputation that brings) is, once again, further reminder of just how... damn good ren is. he doesn't hesitate to speak from the heart nor does he ever fail to listen to someone else speak from theirs.
-- also not for nothing but uh
how did the cops not like
figure out how the PT phan-site was set up within the first few months and track it down to mishima? was that ever addressed at all?
-- honestly another reason why i get so fucking mad about this okumura stuff is the game goes SO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY to make you feel BAD that he died, when he was by all rights a fucking shitheel monster, yet when akechi dies it's like 'oh well. that sucked.' fuck off, atlus. the death of a greedy, heartless CEO isn't more sad just because his gaslit daughter is conditioned to be sad about it.
i understand that a large part of the shock after okumura's death is because the PT don't know if they did anything wrong. but okumura was in no way a good person. he was in no way a person whose redemption overruled all the hurt and harm he did. that has been the case for EVERY PT target before this, so why the fuck is okumura suddenly so different? why SHOULD he be?
the difference between him and, say, akechi is that okumura et. al. all made those choices on their own to do terrible things. they delighted in it, they enjoyed it. but akechi, much like futaba, was forced into a cycle of self-destruction--it’s just that in futaba’s case, her self-destruction targeted herself, and akechi’s was quite literally weaponized and used against others. he approached shido as a young teenager and was then used by him for years.
a teenage boy being used as a magical hitman by his shitlord father is far more deserving of sympathy and redemption than grown adults who willingly make the decision to harm, abuse, and prey on others. but no, the game didn’t want to do that.
this is another big problem i have with p5's second and third acts: it's so tonally dissonant and sloppy. it's like they didn't try to actually be as rebellious and hellraiser-y as the first act WANTED to be, and it all ends up being such a limp-dick shriveled mess of "let's fight against this rotten society!! ......... as long as it in no way actually upsets anyone or does any REAL change." fuck off lmao
that's not me even commenting on the "twist" and how it needed to be explained MULTIPLE TIMES to the player for it to make any sense.
and it still doesn't make sense to me btw.
so that's another thing i hope p5r fixes.
-- rip evil dave thomas megamind.
-- akechi floating the idea to sae that the phantom thieves had nothing to do with okmura’s death is............................ interesting.
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gretchensinister · 6 years
Burgess Wilderness Recreation Area 23/?
And so continues the story I began for the Black as Pitch Halloween event. It’s the kind of story I’m sure you know well. Five college kids, a cabin, and a state park that just doesn’t get many visitors any more… (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20) (Part 21) (Part 22)
We approach a resolution...(here’s a nice long chapter for the middle of the workweek)
Once they were outside, Katherine was actually the first to speak. “Brick, did you want me and Luc to find all of that stuff about the park’s history? You said something about cleaning out the boxes when I was here yesterday. Did that have any sort of meaning? And you’d better give a straight answer.”
“Finding that information was something I left up to you,” Brick said. “I knew it was a possibility and I did not hinder it. But I didn’t think you would be so enthusiastic, true. Anything set you off, or are you simply an extraordinarily efficient person?”
“It looked like the camping records were missing,” Katherine said. “And the radios. Being on call like that is weird for this kind of job.”
“Ah, yes, those irregularities,” said Brick. “I had a choice between hiding real records and manufacturing false ones.” Brick shrugged. “I figured that putting the real ones away would be a little less fishy than having someone find that there were fake records around. Anyone can lose a few papers.”
“Well, cool,” Katherine said, shoving her hands in her pockets.
“The radios don’t work,” Tooth said. “We tried. They…the one we opened was full of vines. My friend Bunny…he said that the plants inside the case were an endangered species. That they shouldn’t have been growing there.”
“Mm. I can’t say I’m surprised,” Brick said.
Tooth whirled at him. “Well, we were pretty freaking surprised,” she said. “What the fuck is the point of those radios, then? Why—why?”
“Because maybe they would have worked,” Brick said, infuriatingly calm.
“Oh, what a load of crap,” Tooth said. “You know what, fuck you. You knew we were going to die. If you know what’s in the park you should never let anyone in.”
“I am well aware of what is within the boundaries of the park,” Brick said. “And it is because of my knowledge that I willingly bear the burden of the actions I take to keep this town safe.”
“That’s bullshit and I’m not going to listen to it!” Tooth rushed in front of Brick, planted her feet, folded her arms, and stared right at Brick. She didn’t step back, even when he got very close. “You may think you can get away with that creepy ‘I’m protecting my town’ shtick, but you think I’m going to be scared of that after what I saw in the woods? No! This fucking town is what it is, but you’re still only thirty minutes away from a damn Starbucks. You’re not so far out in the middle of nowhere that no one can ever ask questions about what’s going on here. I mean, if you don’t have a perfect explanation for Bunny’s parents? This is not going to go away, even if you fucking kill me to keep things quiet. So, if you don’t want to do that, sir, you’d better give a hell of a good explanation for why I should stick with my story about mysterious attackers.”
“To go back on your story now means that you lied to the police,” Brick said, nonplussed.
“I don’t care,” Tooth said. “I have a good reason why I said what I did. And those cops today didn’t exactly seem like the type to go after me like a pit bull, you know. Since Burgess isn’t a hotbed of crime, I think your cops are a little more human than most.”
“And how far are you willing to test that?” Brick asked, raising his chin.
“As far as it takes,” Tooth said stubbornly.
“Doesn’t it give you pause for concern that no one will believe you?”
“I’m not trying to get on CNN,” Tooth said. “But I know there’s a monster in the woods. If I tell the truth, enough people will try and test it that there’ll be evidence, sooner or later.”
“Ah, but while investigating, some of these believers might well die,” Brick said, a smile playing on his lips. “What was that you were saying about responsibility?”
“It wouldn’t be my responsibility because all of them would know what they were getting into,” Tooth hissed. “Look here, Brick. I don’t want to attract attention to this all that much. But I don’t want you to yank my chain, and I don’t want to go on with this talk with you thinking you can fall back on the ‘small-town-full-of-secrets’ shit.”
“I’m with her,” Luc said. “I don’t have any loyalty to Burgess, and I don’t have any loyalty to you in the face of several people dying.”
“And you know what?” Katherine said. “I’m with them, too. This is a cushy job for me, Brick, but that’s not enough, not now.” And Luc would probably look down on her if she said anything else at this point. But Brick didn’t need to know that factor in her decision.
“I could get you blacklisted from this type of cushy job,” Brick said mildly.
“No,” Luc said. “No, I don’t believe you could. I don’t think you have any more power than any other small-town parks department head. I wouldn’t play poker against you, but I think you’re bluffing now. Your only ace was the knowledge of the thing in the woods, and we know you have that one now.”
“Please, Brick,” Tooth said, “just stop treating this like some sort of game. It’s horrible, and you’re the only one amused by it.”
Brick looked around at the three of them and sighed. “Do you really think I would have you killed?” he asked Tooth.
“I don’t know you. I don’t know what to think. All I know is that I’m not afraid of you at all.”
Brick took a step back and sighed again. “All right. I’ll tell you what it might benefit us all to know. But there was no call for you to speak to me as you did.”
“People died because of you,” Tooth said. “My friends died because of you. There’s no getting around that.”
“And if your friends hadn’t died, someone else’s friends would have,” Brick said. “That man who was killed before you got here—he doubtless had friends, too. And I had nothing to do with that, though I know the monster did. Or do you blame me for that? I can’t predict every action of the monster, you know.”
Tooth frowned, but she started to walk along with Brick again. “I don’t blame you for that death,” she said. “I don’t expect you to be able to control the monster.” Her expression didn’t clear. “Have you tried killing it?”
“I control the monster as much as I dare,” Brick said. “You know when I came to the park. It was right after the girl disappeared.” He hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “I had studied the evidence and reached the conclusion that there was something in the woods. This was not a conclusion anyone else had made. The many deaths that had occurred in the park since such things were first recorded gave me a great deal of worry when I thought of the deaths that might occur in the future, if no one was willing to face the reality of the monster. So when I became head of Burgess parks, my goal was to establish a system that would reduce the total deaths associated with the park. That is why I never fought the decline in the park’s popularity; that is why I do not advertise the existence of this park. And the deaths did decrease. I did that.”
“You do advertise the park, though,” Tooth said. “We wouldn’t have known about the park or the cabins if Bunny hadn’t seen an advertisement, or, well, I don’t know how he found out about this park, but it was probably listed, with prices, on some kind of park comparison website. I know he wouldn’t have dug around in print to find us a place to stay. There’s no time for that, not with his schedule. So you do advertise for the park, and you’ve done so recently. You’ve made a decision recently that led to my friends’ deaths.” Tooth sighed. “This is all just going to be more self-serving bullshit, isn’t it?”
“Again, there is no call to speak like that,” Brick said. “I wasn’t finished with what I had to say.
“When I realized what was in the park and that no one would believe me, I decided that the best course of action was the path of managing its containment. It hadn’t left its territory yet, I assume because there was a sufficient amount of prey within the boundaries of the park. The test would be to see what happened when the prey went away. What I found was that the monster would seek human prey as close to the boundaries of its territory as it could find. This is not so different from the methods of other hunters. The animal will expand its territory if no sufficient prey is found within it.
“I did not want the monster to expand its territory, as the next location where it might find sufficient prey would be Burgess. So, I decided to do what I had to in order to prevent that from happening. I would note when the monster killed someone outside the park. And then I would make a small advertisement for our cabins—which, Miss Khan, you’ll notice were kept in excellent condition.”
“It’s the little things,” Tooth said bitterly.
“It would not be better if they were kept in poor condition,” Brick said. “I make the advertisement, and I book one group of campers. They come, and then the town of Burgess is safe for years afterward.”
“You didn’t say that the reason Burgess is safe is because the monster killed the campers,” Tooth said.
“I do not relish that aspect of my protection,” Brick said.
“Well, it’s still a part of it,” Tooth said.
“And I don’t think you actually reduced the deaths,” said Katherine. “In all those articles, in all those records, checking the obituaries—before you started your—your system, there was about one death per year. After, I’m pretty sure it still works out to about one death per year, except that they all came in clusters, and they were all people from far away. I bet you didn’t go to any of the funerals of the campers. They were far away. You could ignore them.”
This, finally, did seem to discomfort Brick, but not for long. “Then I still have protected Burgess, which was ultimately my goal.”
“I hate you,” Tooth said.
“I understand that,” Brick said. “I cannot do anything about it. But I know more about this situation than you. Do you want to stay here forever? I don’t think you do. I can tell you how to start moving yourself back into normal life.”
“Say what you need to say, then,” Tooth said. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Your explanation sucks.”
Brick nodded. “I think a shortening of this conversation would be beneficial. What you will do is go to the Cardinal Rest Inn. I will pay for you to get a room. I recommend that you call your parents there. Your parents—how far away are they?”
“From here?” Tooth said. “About seven hours by car.”
“Well, the nearest airport to Burgess is about forty minutes away. They might fly out in this situation, might they not?”
“Why don’t you let me deal with all of that?” Tooth asked, her voice cold.
“Oh, very well,” said Brick. “But know that there will be no charge for you or your family so long as you need to be here.”
Tooth didn’t reply, and Katherine and Luc grimaced at each other.
“As for our law enforcement officers and the more plausible, that is, monster-less explanation, I will be having a word with them this afternoon and, as an expert, I will accompany them on their investigation of the park tomorrow.”
“I thought you said no one believed there was a monster in the woods but you,” Luc interrupted.
“Oh, that is true, very true,” Brick said. “But officer Hodgin, the older fellow, and I have worked with each other in a few similar situations. He may never admit that there is a monster in the woods in the way we understand that to be true, but he knows all the same that there is something uncanny in the park that it doesn’t do to look at too closely. You’re right, Miss Khan, that we haven’t had to concern ourselves with survivors before, so all the deaths could be attributed to spectacular bad luck, and the conditions of the bodies, to the depredations of animals. Your plausible story requires a more thorough investigation than has been called for in previous incidents, but I do not think this will present an unsolvable problem. There are signs of struggle where your friends were taken, I assume?”
“Yeah,” Tooth said sullenly.
“It will be enough to allow the police to take appropriate photos,” Brick said. “It is important for everyone to see that we are performing our due diligence. But I well know that despite the popularity of the police procedural drama, most of the public is not well-versed in the nature of an actual crime scene investigation. There will be no leads in this investigation, naturally, and while it may causes a certain amount of nervousness in this immediate area, when no gang of murderers attacks anyone else, that will fade.”
“What about the newspapers?” Katherine asked.
“Oh, we’ve only got the Burgess Bugle to worry about,” Brick said. “But the editor has seen this kind of thing before, you understand. He knows how to let this kind of story peter out. Sensational news only becomes so if it’s sensationally written. And this need not be.”
“So there’s no chance of some larger news organization picking this up? They picked up the story of that girl, Sarah.”
“And if you’ll recall, that was just before my time. We aren’t watched by any of the big boys,” Brick said with some satisfaction. “If we wanted national media attention, we’d have to go looking for it pretty hard.”
“Bunny’s parents…they’d do that,” Tooth said. “They’ve always…that is, they, they’re the kind of people who expect the world to work a certain way, and that includes the cops doing literally everything possible to solve their son’s murder, no matter how long it takes.”
“And are they also the kind of people who could easily believe that a small town police force could be incompetent enough to quickly lose any trail?”
“Yes, exactly,” Tooth said. “They’ll get bigger news, the FBI…”
“And nothing will come of it because no one knows to look for a monster. Or, well, I can imagine one consequence—the tourist revenues of places like Twin Lakes will be down. Hard for them. And that’ll be on you.”
“Fuck no, it won’t,” Tooth said. “If it’s not on you, it’s on the monster. And hell if I know why I’ve been focusing on Bunny’s parents. I mean, it’s not like Nick, or Jackie’s, or Sandy’s parents are going to not care. If they come out here, are you going to comp them hotel rooms, too?”
“If it comes to that, I will make a decision then,” Brick said. “But your part in all this will be over. You experienced something traumatic. You won’t be expected to do anything. All you will need to do is turn to your family and try to forget.”
“Forget? Forget? I’m not going to forget any of this,” Tooth said. “And you’re not going to be able to forget it, either. Four people can’t just disappear with no consequences! Not with how connected everything is these days! Not four—four white people, even if the only witness is a brown girl!”
“If these were real murders, perhaps you would be right,” Brick said. “But no matter how pretty your friend Jackie looks in a picture on the twenty-four hour news, it’s not going to make a difference. The monster is still there, and the monster will continue to be there. I know it’s hard to believe, but it is possible for people to vanish into the woods, even today.” Brick stopped walking and turned to the street. They were next to a neat, tidy square, the tiny-leafed plants surrounded by new mulch.
It would be a very nice place to walk through when summer came, Tooth thought. Too bad it was in this town. How much did the other locals suspect? Tooth thought that the younger generation, the ones that had been too young to remember the last set of missing campers, or at least young enough not to notice, probably wouldn’t suspect anything. What was all that suspicious about an unpopular nature park? Nothing. And even the people that had been around for one set of missing campers, well, one weird tragedy was one weird tragedy. They wouldn’t necessarily think it showed a pattern because one incident didn’t make a pattern.
Only the people that were old enough to have noticed two or more events would be able to spot a pattern of any sort, but why would they? Everyone was busy with their own lives, so they wouldn’t have had a reason to focus on the park. They had their own tragedies. Tooth sighed and turned away from the square and slightly back toward Brick.
“Are we done?” she asked.
“Nearly,” Brick said. “I expect that you might want to know a little bit about the monster in the woods.”
“I don’t know if I do,” Tooth said. “But if it’s the last thing you have to say, get on with it.”
“Hmm,” Brick said. “Well, as I said, even today, it’s possible for people to disappear into the woods. And even though it might not seem like we were at all connected back in the seventies, it was just as astonishing to us, then, that someone like Sarah could disappear so completely.”
“But you knew,” Katherine said. “You knew that she hadn’t really disappeared. The monster killed her.”
“That is what I first thought,” Brick said. “But I soon came to believe that I had been very wrong.
“I was part of one of the earliest search parties for Sarah. We found nothing, and nothing, and more nothing. I didn’t think we were going to find anything, after the first couple days. There’s just a feeling you get, for these things, and I wasn’t getting the feeling that we were going to find her. But, when I talk about a feeling, there was a feeling when looking for her that I’ve never felt before or since. I felt always that the forest was watching. And it wasn’t…it wasn’t like when I had been in the woods before. That’s what I want you to understand. The park has always felt like there’s a monster in it because the monster has always been there. But after Sarah disappeared, something was different. I thought that perhaps the monster was stalking me in particular, but if it had been, I wouldn’t be speaking to you today. So, I was stumped. Stumped and nervous. There’s no telling what a forest like that can throw at someone, and I knew if I didn’t have anything solid to say to my team, there was no point in saying anything at all.
“As it happened, I got separated from my group for a few minutes—only a few minutes, and they were within shouting distance the whole time—or at least, I think they were. At the time, I wasn’t especially aware of anything other than…than her.” The others looked at each other, but Brick paid them no attention, and this time it didn’t feel like an act.
“She was almost impossible to see, but absolutely impossible to miss,” Brick said. “She was tall, tall as a tree, it seemed, and while I now think that some of that was an illusion, I do not think that all of it was. Her hair became branches, her skin bark. She walked like a forest creature, and she belonged in the forest, of that there was no doubt. Animals scurried away from me, but they came back in her presence. She brought the birds, too. She wasn’t human—no, not at all—but when she turned and looked at me, her face was…familiar. I had looked at it countless times over the past few days. Her face was the face of the girl we had been tasked to find! To say I was stunned—no, that would be too mild a word. I was in awe. I experienced a kind of holy terror. It was the most incredible experience of my life, but it was also clear to me that there was no way that Sarah would be returning to the world of middle school and bikes and family vacations. She had become something else, and that other thing…it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
“Maybe that’s why I’m determined to keep the park safe,” he said. “I may hate the monster, but I want to protect her. For it seems to me…it seems to me that whatever the monster is, it saw her beauty, too, and it transformed her in some way, made her a being beyond humanity. A being it could truly be companionate with.” He sighed. “Ah, there’s so much horror and beauty both in those woods.”
He put his hands in his pockets. “Of course, what that means practically is that there are two of them out there. That’s not a wise thing to ignore, especially as I have reason to believe that she is the one who dislikes, hmm…unnatural things. What a wedding present for her, don’t you think? The power to stop, once and for all, all the things that would hurt her beloved forest. The power to stop machines, to kill any plants and animals that shouldn’t be there, to nourish what should be. As a conservationist, well…I don’t really want to jeopardize that.”
“So this is like…some kind of eco-terrorism,” Tooth said. “Well. That’s still no excuse for letting innocent people walk into the park to be killed.”
“What would you have me do?” Brick asked. “Advertise like this? If you beat your wife and children, come on out to Burgess for a free camping trip!” He shook his head. “No, that wouldn’t do. I can’t be the one to decide what’s worth death or not.”
“You’ve decided that coming to this park is worth death,” Tooth said.
“It is all in the luck or un-luck of the draw,” Brick said. “I’m sure there are people out there who missed a year that I needed to advertise and went somewhere else instead. And there, they may have gotten lost, and died of exposure. There, they may have perished due to a previously unknown bee sting allergy. Or, to choose a less-rare circumstance, maybe they got in a car crash and died on the way there. Cars have killed far more than the monsters of Burgess Wilderness Recreation Area.”
“You know what…there’s still a difference, but if you’re not going to see it by now…oh, fuck it. I don’t want to have this argument anymore. You said what you had to say, and I heard it all. I want to go somewhere I can call my parents.”
“Luckily enough, that’s just where we ended up,” said Brick. He gestured to a handsome brick building along one side of the square. “There’s the inn. If you’ll tolerate me for a few more steps, I’ll be glad to get your room arranged.”
 Brick had strolled away immediately after getting Tooth her room, without any apparent care as to what Katherine or Luc was going to do next.
Tooth invited them up to her room because she still wanted to talk about a few things, and, well, when Luc and Katherine were with her, she wouldn’t have to feel just how horribly alone she now was. But first, one more necessity.
“I know this is weird, after I asked you up here,” Tooth said, “but would you be willing to just, like, hang around for a little while as I call my parents?”
“Of course,” Katherine said, and Luc nodded. “I can…I can hardly imagine what you must be going through right now. I wouldn’t want to be alone now, either.”
“Thanks,” Tooth said. She wiped her eyes. “Really, thanks. I wish…I wish this wasn’t how we met. But how would we have? You’re good people, that’s what I want to say.”
“Take what time you need,” Katherine said. “I’m glad…I’m glad there’s something I can do right now.”
“We can turn on the TV to give you a little privacy,” Luc said.
Tooth nodded, then sighed and turned to her phone.
 The cooking competition that she and Luc had settled on was failing to hold Katherine’s attention. How was she supposed to care what anyone was doing with pickled jicama at a time like this? There were too many other important questions, most of them unanswerable on her own, and some of them probably just unanswerable in general. They all came back to one big one, though: What was she going to do? Could she continue her job as she had planned before she knew about the monster and how Brick handled its presence? And if she could, would she? What did Luc plan to do? If he left, what would Katherine say to his replacement? And that was assuming she stayed.
From the other bed, Tooth sobbed into the phone.
Katherine frowned and stared at the TV. She couldn’t stay, could she? Absolutely not, not when the situation in the park resulted in the aftermath that it did. Or maybe…maybe she could stay just until the monster killed someone outside the park again and Brick wanted her to make a new camping reservation. It had killed four people this time, so she had maybe four years here before she had to move on. That was a pretty good chunk of time. That was the kind of chunk of time that looked good on a resume. It was the kind of thing that helped someone find other resume-type jobs, rather than the weird and forgotten work she’d gone here and there doing for her entire adult life.
Anger sparked within her at that thought. People weren’t supposed to have to make decisions like that. However, the spark soon died away, overwhelmed by a flood of yet more questions. What did they really know about the monster? Or monsters? Was there any possible safe way to learn more about them? Should that even be a goal? Or should they just learn enough about the monster to kill it, assuming that anything could be learned at all?
What did it mean for all life that such a monster could exist? What was the difference between these monsters and a highly endangered species that was also dangerous to humans? Well, there was a clear answer to that. All endangered species could, obviously, die. All endangered species needed a population of individuals to continue living. The original monster failed both these tests. It seemed to have lived for centuries on its own. But seemed was the key word there. They didn’t even know what the original monster looked like, apart from Tooth, and she clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Could an animal that fit into the tree of life cause that kind of reaction? Katherine had seen videos of a basket star, and also the life cycle of a Surinam toad, but…no, Tooth had said they’d first thought it was a person. That something humanoid could cause that kind of reaction…there was no way to avoid it. The monster was, indeed, something other.
And that was a freaky thought, because, well, even something like a platypus wasn’t totally alone in its category. Brick had told them about how the monster had made itself not alone. So it wouldn’t be wise to say that Burgess was definitely the only place with a monster.
She shied away from that thought toward any other refuge, and discovered that on the cooking show they were no longer working with pickled jicama but had moved on to candied redbud flowers. She also couldn’t help but hear that Tooth’s sobbing had subsided, and that now she was discussing things like flight times and car rentals.
Katherine offered silent thanks that Tooth was almost done with her phone call, and worked on devoting her whole attention to the possible uses of candied redbud.
 “Well, that’s that,” Tooth said, flopping back on the bed.
Immediately, Luc turned off the TV and sat up, which proved to Katherine that he hadn’t really been invested in the uses of jicama or redbud either.
“So,” Katherine said. “Now we have as much time to talk as you want.”
Tooth pushed herself upright and took a deep breath. “Well, good. Yeah, that’s good, it’s good. So…that was kind of fucked up, the way that Brick was talking about that, the way Brick talked about the girl that went missing, right?”
“Oh yeah,” Katherine said. “And I’m glad you brought it up. I mean, I don’t know what else to say about it, but that was an extra level of messed up.”
“I think he really did see that…being…though,” Tooth said. “I don’t know about his theory, but…the basic facts of the story? Yeah. There’s just…I don’t know. It was different from anything he’d said before.”
“Pretty gross that he assumed the monster had taken her to be his mate,” Katherine said. “I mean, who knows what a monster is doing when it’s not eating people?”
“Well, based on the one conversation that we had today, I’d guess that if we’d said something like that, he’d start saying things about ‘biological realities’ and all that kind of bullshit.” Tooth traced her fingernail along the pattern of the quilt on the bed. It had four large squares on it showing a tree throughout all four seasons. It was nice. Maybe custom made for this place? It felt like a real quilt someone would want to use, not horrible like some hotel bedspreads. She sniffled and blew her nose on one of the room’s tissues. Those were as scratchy as any she’d ever used before, so at least that seemed normal. Like nothing else.
“I don’t think you’re wrong,” Katherine said. “Man. I really…I didn’t like finding out what Brick had to say about what happened.”
“What gets me is the confidence he had in us,” Luc said. “he doesn’t think we’re anything to worry about, even after telling us everything.”
“Well, he was very logical about that,” Tooth said. “There’s not much good we can do. Not when we’re on our own.”
“Containment,” Luc said musingly. “Maybe if it would be too dangerous to try to figure out how to kill it, but maybe something could be built to contain it successfully.”
“I don’t know if it would be a good idea to do that, either,” Tooth said. “Did I tell you it broke a window using a branch? It’s smarter than any kind of animal.”
“I…oh,” Luc said. “That’s pretty bad.”
“I wouldn’t put a lot of money on keeping it in if wanted to hunt the people outside. And that’s assuming something could even be constructed in the first place, without it, you know…just walking out of the perimeter and leaving.”
“And without the one that used to be Sarah killing everyone,” Katherine said.
“And anyway, as three people who don’t have a lot of money, building something to contain a monster—a structure—is even more impossible than warning others about the monster being there in the first place,” Tooth said.
Katherine bit her lip and took a deep breath. “Maybe…maybe Brick was right about the monster being impossible to kill or contain in a way other than it already is.”
“But it still seems wrong to let everything go on as it has,” Tooth said.
“Yes, yes,” Katherine said. “I’m not saying that nothing should change. But maybe…our approach should be the opposite of what his has been.”
“What do you mean?” Luc asked.
“I mean that—okay. So right now when Brick accepts a reservation, he’s also accepting that those particular people will die, and that they’ll die for a reason they don’t understand,” she said. “That’s how it works when he only accepts the one reservation. But if he didn’t do that…if we didn’t do that, then the situation would be much more like the random car accident Brick claimed it was.”
“You skipped a step,” Luc said. “If we did what instead of made reservations like Brick?”
Katherine looked down at the carpet. Pine green. It seemed too nice to walk on with shoes. “I mean…if we made the park popular again. If lots of people stayed here, then all of them would share just a little of the chance that the monster would kill them. I know that sounds bad, and maybe a dangerous guess to make, but really…it’s always averaged out to one death per year. If we do nothing, if we do something…that may just be a constant of the monster. And if I’m one of the people who has to make a decision about who has to die, I’d rather…I’d rather not be so sure that the one group of people I actually let into the park were definitely going to die. I’d like to not…to not sign up people to be sacrificed that didn’t know what they were signing up for. So the alternative is…advertising the park and making it popular again. If lots of people go to the park, and only one dies per year, then…I feel like it would be more like a random accident, rather than a sacrifice.” She looked down at the floor, her shoulders slumped. “That sounds bad, I know…but I do still think it’s better than what Brick’s been doing.” But maybe her ethics were wrong, and it was obvious to the others. She couldn’t make herself look up at Luc or Tooth to find out as the silence began to stretch on.
“It is better than what Brick’s doing,” Luc said finally. “And it also might be something we could actually do. I mean…the other option is to just leave, but…I do think we have some responsibility, now that we know. There’s no guarantee that anyone who came to work here after us would be as curious as we were, or be willing to come to the conclusions that we were. So I think we have to do something. And making the park more popular may very well be that thing.”
“You know, that may be able to help with capturing or killing the monster, too, eventually,” Tooth said. “Look. We don’t know what to do about the monster, and Brick didn’t, either. But maybe in a group of a whole lot of people, rather than just three, someone would be able to come up with a solution that actually works.”
“That makes sense,” Luc said. He stood up and went to stand by the window, looking out over the square. “I feel kind of sick, admitting to this, but I don’t really want to leave this park and the monster in it, not just out of a sense of responsibility, but because I want to be the one involved in this weird, exciting thing, not someone else. So I’m glad we have at least some of a plan regarding what we’re going to do about what Brick’s been doing, and the monster itself, too.”
Katherine sighed, and leaned back on the bed. “It is kind of exciting, isn’t it? We’re different. We’re special. We’re the ones who are going to figure out what to do about a real monster.”
“It’s probably going to become more horrible than exciting soon enough, if you work to make the park more popular,” Tooth said. “Just next year, someone will die. And the more time you spend in the park, the more likely it is that you’ll see the monster. That’s…I know just seeing the monster may not seem like a big deal, but I really…if you’d have seen it, you’d understand.”
“That’s a risk we’ll just have to take,” Katherine said. “We can’t do anything else. Or, we could, but we can’t do anything better.”
Tooth folded her arms and went over to join Luc at the window. “I’m not really happy about that, but…well…I guess I wouldn’t really be happy about anything other than this not having happened. I’ll…I’ll give you my phone number. My email. You can text me or email me if you need help.”
“Okay, that’ll be good,” Katherine said.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence.
“So, after making a plan, are we supposed to feel resolved?” Luc asked. “Because I don’t. I just feel…beat.”
“I think it’s because we haven’t reached an endpoint at all,” Katherine said. “We’re at a beginning. And there’s no guarantee that anything we do will have any effect at all.”
“So…that’s kind of like the rest of life, isn’t it?” Luc said.
Katherine gave a small laugh. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess here we have more of a chance to do something that will make a difference than we would in most cases. There’s only a few antagonists here.”
“That��s the spirit,” Luc said. “And, you know…even if this is pretty messed up, I’m glad that as we looked through this stuff, I was with someone who was able to see the possibility of a monster in the woods.”
“Same here,” Katherine said with a grin. She turned to Tooth, a little guilty for flirting at a time like this, but still full of a warm glow at the thought that she’d be working with Luc for some time to come. “Do you want…do you want us to leave you alone now? Or do you want us to stay?”
“I don’t know,” Tooth said. “My mom is going to get here early tomorrow. I can be by myself till then. But I…” She made a face. “I don’t want to inconvenience you, I mean, I just met you.”
“Under very unusual circumstances,” Katherine said.
“This isn’t a normal day,” Luc said. “I think we’d all feel better if we got something to eat. It’ll help remind us that we’re alive.”
“Whether we like it or not,” Tooth said. “Okay. Yeah. All right.” She tore her gaze away from the window and joined Katherine where she was heading towards the door.
They left without saying anything more—perhaps conversation could resume once they were sharing a meal together, and perhaps that conversation might even be about something other than the monster, and maybe even something other than the terrible events of the past day. But for now, silence felt necessary. They had chosen a new path for the park—a more dangerous path, for them, and for the visitors who would come to the park in time. They had to face off against Brick’s experience, and tell him that things were going to change. They had to take responsibility for something that most people wouldn’t want to hear about or know about, something that, if acknowledged, would change everything. None of them felt ready to do that, but neither were they ready to let the Burgess Wilderness Recreation Area continue in the darkness of secrecy as it had. It was time to bring the monster into the light.
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kylorenpunk · 6 years
Because I’m a jerk how about all 99? :P
I hate you Mason. 1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? Burnin Up by jonas brothers
Faith by George Michael 
Without Love from the Hairspray Movie Soundtrack 
TKO By Justin Timberlake 
Mirrors by Justin Timberlake
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gal Gadot
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “When you’re ready, let me know, and I’ll see how well you’ve done.” - Brisinger
4: What do you think about most? Depends on the day 
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? “Oh yeah.” Shout out to Nic
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with clothes
7: What’s your strangest talent? That I don’t have a talent
8: Girls… are great and valid; Boys… are great and valid
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Not that I know of
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? I was in middle school. Accidentally farted in the middle of the room in girl scouts trying to be cool doing that. Haven’t done it since.
11: Do you have any strange phobias? Hate crowded places, don’t like stuff with a bunch of holes, hate snakes, mainly claustrophobia and social phobia
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? a nasal spray
13: What’s your religion? very loose catholic
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking, exploring a place, talking on the phone 
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind it. Don’t like how I look in photos I didn’t take myself.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Shinedown
17: What was the last lie you told? That I would be getting decorations for something today. I meant it when I said it tho. 
18: Do you believe in karma? Yes. I believe what you put out into the world is what you receive. Whether or not that is specifically karma who knows. 
19: What does your URL mean? It means Kylo Ren is a little bitch and that The Last Jedi never existed
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? W: overthinking S: Passion
21: Who is your celebrity crush? Chris Pine atm
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope. It makes playing Never Have I Ever really easy
23: How do you vent your anger? Talking to a friend, posting on a sub social media account
24: Do you have a collection of anything? Fairies, makeup, wonder woman and batman items
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Phone. Conversation is more natural and unfiltered
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Very much so yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Styrofoam - I love the sound of my fan or the sound of someone laughing
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?What if I stayed in my first school
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and Yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. R: makeup drawer         L: Wall 
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Air. I smell air. Miss me with that hippie shit
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? A club in Tampa
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East Coast.
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Justin Timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? 42
36: Define Art. Anything you want it to be
37: Do you believe in luck? Sort of?
38: What’s the weather like right now? Cooler side. Kinda nice tho
39: What time is it? 1:20 am. Fuck you.
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes and no
41: What was the last book you read? Still in the middle of Brisinger bc I am forever cursed to never finish that series. No spoilers
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? No
43: Do you have any nicknames? Kari, Rina, Lord of the Universe
44: What was the last film you saw? Just came back from seeing Game Night. It was good.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Sprained my ankle one time.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes! He died. 
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Kakashi tbh
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Straight 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yep that I was falsely in love with someone I was not.
50: Do you believe in magic? No. 
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes
52: What is your astrological sign? Cancer. I’m an emotional bitch.
53: Do you save money or spend it? Both
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Candy for a movie
55: Love or lust? Love. 100%
56: In a relationship? Not at the moment
57: How many relationships have you had? Official? One. Non official? 3
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I tried. No.
59: Where were you yesterday? School, work and home
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My blanket
61: Are you wearing socks right now? Nope. Bare feet. 
62: What’s your favourite animal? Meerkat
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? That’s manipulation I don’t encourage that spam snapchat with selfies
64: Where is your best friend? Hopefully sleeping bc it’s nearly fucking 2am
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. how about no 
66: What is your heritage? Hispanic
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Sleeping like I should be doing right now
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Pussy
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? I am a child of God. 
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes I would love another hot mess friend. 
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Call someone nearby to help and explain the situation
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) family and close friends b) go see all the people I want to see c) of course who doesn’t fear death
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. In order to love you need trust so love. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Burnin Up by the Jonas Brothers or Get Low by Lil Jon 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Not happening
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust, Love and Communication 
77: How can I win your heart? Win my family’s heart
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes bc there are less social restrictions
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To leave the first school - also to go to San Antonio last summer
80: What size shoes do you wear? 8-9
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? She loved Wonder Woman.
82: What is your favourite word? Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. family
84: What is a saying you say a lot? “Listen”
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Say Something by JT
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Pink, Black, Green
87: What is your current desktop picture? Picture of Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street reading a muppets version of harry potter 
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? The asshole in power in Venezuela
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Depends on who it is 
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Cry because mummies have been a fear since childhood
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Photographic memory when needed
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
Either a very recent Saturday. Or a moment in San Antonio where I was just in the hotel room being the happiest I had felt in years.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Ever riding Falcon’s Fury
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Nick Jonas despite knowing it would be awful 
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
New York or Chicago
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not atm
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
Yep. Tried swallowing pen ink and it made me puke
98: Ever been on a plane? 
Yep this past summer
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Be kind to one another. 
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vengefultoad · 6 years
Kinda tagged by @cole-saberhagen - I don’t know why I did this
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people. Tagging whoever wants to sit through this! 
— what was your last…
1. drink: Water 2. phone call: To my mum, telling her I’d be late home today, and just moaning in general  3. text message: To my friend, about next year’s module choices at uni 4. song you listened to: Little Sister - Trixie Mattel 5. time you cried: umm, the other week from laughing I think?? from sadness, idk
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: lol, no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yep 8. been cheated on: No 9. lost someone special: Yeah 10. been depressed: Yeah 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope! I absolutely hate being drunk, and have a phobia of vomiting so I can blissfully avoid it :D
— fave colours
12. Purple 13. (dark) Red
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yeah 16. fallen out of love: with Ewan McGregor no 17. laughed until you cried: I cry all the time tbh, unless I’m sad. like literally, I yawn and I look like I’ve just been told something devastating 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, it’s only been something bad twice though. 19. met someone who changed you: yeah 20. found out who your friends are: I think so? 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: No
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: All of them 23. do you have any pets: one cat! 24. do you want to change your name: Not really, this probably sounds weird but I just don’t care about my name tbh 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I can’t actually remember, although the birthday before that my family was camping and everyone ditched me to take my sister fishing and I’m still bitter 26. what time did you wake up today: 6:30, so I screamed internally and woke up again just after 9:00 and was late for uni 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching B99 28. what is something you can’t wait for: Sunday! I’ve got the day off work because of Easter, so I get to start my two weeks off early! 30. what are you listening to right now: I’m listening to Spoils of War, Pt. 2 - Ramin Djawadi because I’ve been writing an action scene and I wanted some tense action music to kinda reflect that. 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: uni, atm. Each lecturer has completely different standards about how assessments should be written and it can be really unfair and confusing sometimes. 33. most visited website: Tumblr or Reddit 34. hair colour: Blond 35. long or short hair: Short                                                     36. do you have a crush on someone: always 37. what do you like about yourself: that I’m actually kinda clever?? that probably sounds kinda snobby but normally I just go through life thinking I’m dumb but I know my stuff, most of the time 38. want any piercings: not really 39. blood type: I have no idea! Let’s hope I don’t need to know anytime soon! 40. nicknames: I don’t really have any tbh, feel free to come up with some though 41. relationship status: Single 42. sign: Leo 43. pronouns: He/Him 44. fave tv show: B99 currently, probably Westworld when it comes back 45. tattoos: I have ideas, but I’ll probably never go through with them.  46. right or left handed: Left 47: ever had surgery: A couple of times, I had some teeth removed to make room for braces a couple of years back. I’ve also had my arm bent back into shape, and a couple of nasty moles removed. Nothing major though! 48. piercings: No 49. sport: lmao 50. vacation: I’ve got lots of places I want to go really. Mexico, Egypt, Rome, Athens, India, to name a few. 51. trainers: I haven’t really worn them since I left school :/
— more general
52. eating: I’ve finished two packets of biscuits within the last two hours and I am fully regretting it 53. drinking: I’m looking mournfully at my empty water bottle as I type this 54. i’m about to watch: a 3 hour video covering the latest episode of Telltale’s Batman game, because while I love the story, I cba to play it 55. waiting for: May 25th, because then I’m done with uni until October 56. want: uhhhh, to go back in time and tell myself not to eat two packets of biscuits 57. get married: it’s not a goal of mine but honestly if Tom Holland showed up at my house in the morning and asked me, I’d be down that aisle so damn quickly 58. career: I have a job in retail but it’s not really a career :s
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: Hugs 60. lips or eyes: Eyes 61. shorter or taller: Taller 62. older or younger: (slightly) older 63. nice arms or stomach: don’t make me choose 64. hookup or relationships: meh 65. troublemaker or hesitant: I don’t really mind either way
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: No 67. drank hard liquor: No 68. turned someone down: Yes, I feel bad but not for long 69. sex on first date: No 70: broken someone’s heart: At least twice 71. had your heart broken: Yes 72. been arrested: Nope 73. cried when someone died: Yep :( 74. fallen for a friend: Once, and I wish I could have stopped myself lol
— do you believe in
75. yourself: most of the time! 76. miracles: ehhh, sometimes?? 77. love at first sight: no 78. santa claus: no 79. angels: no
— misc
80. eye colour: Green 81. best friend’s name: I don’t really wanna say their name because privacy and all that, but they know who they are 82. favourite movie: I rewatched Dinosaur yesterday for the first time in years and ohhhhh I forgot how much I loved that movie 83. favourite actor: obligatory Tom Holland, but other than that I love Cate Blanchett and Angela Bassett 84. favourite cartoon: Scooby Doo was my childhood 85. favourite teacher’s name: I can’t really remember any of my teacher’s names, but I know most of them were pretty cool people
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backwardblackbyrd · 7 years
autumn tag game 🍂 Tagged by @luna-canticum and @petticoated-swashbuckler (Which btw I love both of u) The last: 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: My mom!
 3. text message: “and thank u for sending it" I wanted my boyfriend to tell his roommate about queer ghost hunting group. They were communicating with lesbian ghost nuns and I had to share
 4. song you listened to: black me out by against me! 5. time you cried: literally about 2 hours ago, when I read an article about black poets lol 6. dated someone twice: back in high school and like that guy was a piece of shit and now the reason I typically do not date someone twice lol 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uh, I don't think ever actually. Not like, regretting the kiss specifically
 8. been cheated on: not to my knowledge
 9. lost someone special: well. That's a whole thing. Let's not get into it lol
 10. been depressed: oh buddy
 11. got drunk and thrown up: i! Actually haven't thrown up from being drunk before I've been like. Pissy drunk but I otherwise hold my liquor p well 3 favourite colours 12. Purple
13. pink
14. blue in the last year have you 15. made new friends: I think so lol
 16. fallen out of love: lol lets not
 17. laughed until you cried: definitely!
 18. found out someone was talking about you: ya
 19. met someone who changed you: yeaaaa well.
 20. found out who your friends are: uhh, yea I guess. The answer was way less that I thought lol
 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes! Quite often! general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I've known everyone on my fb list at one point or another. I hardly talk to any of them anymore tho
 23. do you have any pets: 1 Kenyan sand boa named Artemis, a western hognose named Charlie, and a cat named Jenny.
 24. do you want to change your name: I did when I was little but like. Now that I'm older I'm like??? Change it to what exactly??? I did try going by prince for awhile but hardly anyone actually called me that lol
 25. what did you do for your last birthday: spent p much the whole weekend with my boyfriend. We went for small road trip. It was cute
 26. what time did you wake up: i got to sleep in, I woke up at like 8am. I haven't had many days off in the last two weeks and I typically have to wake up anywhere from 3am to 5am for work so lol
 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was very asleep. I was so tired. I sleep so much yesterday like probs 12 hours lmao. Again, I've been working a lot
 28. name something you can’t wait for: Halloween!!!!!!!!! And for my daughter Artie to be done shedding so she'll go back to having her face out all the time
 29. when was the last time you saw your mum: literally like 5 minutes ago
 31. what are you listening to right now: an episode of Queer Ghost Hunters. They're on YouTube look em up
 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: possibly?
 33. something that is getting on your nerves: lol my job, I literally leave so frustrated every time I work
 34. most visited website: tumblr definitely lol with instagram being a close second
 35. hair colour: dark brown
 36. long or short hair: short. I can't keep up with my hair if it's long. I end up with bad cases of depression hair 
 37. do you have a crush on someone: the boyfriend, yes 
 38. what do you like about yourself: I like how much I love my snakes. Reptiles are really often neglected and I'm proud that I give my kids such good care. 
 39. piercings: I have 6 piercings on one ear, my lobe stretched on the same ear, and my conch pierced on the other ear. I also have my septum pierced and my lip technically is still open if I ever felt the urge to wear jewelry in it again
 40. blood type: not a clue, no idea
 41. nickname: i actually don't have one
 42. relationship status: dating!
 43. zodiac: taurus sun, libra moon, and sagittarius rising
 44. pronouns: She/her 
 45. favourite tv show: yikes all my go to tv shows are problematic faves; bojack horseman, it's always sunny in Philly, rich and moaty 46. Tattoos: only one; I got it when I was way too young to be getting tattoos but I love it. It's a clandestine bat like Pete Wentz's over my heart. Everyone always thinks it's batman and I'm like yea that's cool too 
 47. right or left handed: right first 48. surgery: haven't had one yet. Kinda hoping to keep it that way for as long as possible
 49. piercing: ears, I was really young when my mom let me get them, I genuinely don't remember my age 
 50. sport: uhhh I was in the volleyball club in middle school? 
51. vacation: uh mom and I went up to the mountains when I was a kid. I was way too young to appreciate it, I was bored as shit the entire time
 52. pair of trainers: Idek what those are so more general 53. eating: candy that's supposed to be for trick or treaters. Sorry kids 
54. drinking: water, I feel like I answered this already 
 55. i’m about to: finish binge watching queer ghost hunters and then find some other spooky thing to watch 
 56. waiting for: Sweet death, my guy. No, uh idk, the hygrometers I ordered to come?
57. want: to be done with college and to have a better job already
 58. get married: that doesn't interest me
 59. career: one that pays enough money for me to afford being alive and to have my own place and the animals I want to own lmao which is better 60. hugs or kisses: im a Taurus and I have so much Venus energy in my chart, like. Gimme all of it 
 61. lips or eyes: both
 62. shorter or taller: I've dated both and like, it's mostly irrelevant to me
 63. older or younger: very close to my age or older. And by very close I mean like, 1 year, 2 might be pushing it
 64. nice arms or nice stomach: strong arms and a tum is ideal
 65. hook up or relationship: I've always wondered how I'd feel about a hook up, but the reality is I'm a relationship type person.
 66. troublemaker or hesitant: i used to be a trouble maker. My mental health is shot to hell now so I'm much more hesitant than I used to be. Which is. Unfortunate have you ever 67. kissed a stranger: i have wanted to before, but haven't 
 68. drank hard liquor: absolutely, I'm vodka aunt these days
 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I temporarily lose glasses all the time. I've had one pair permanently lost, I'm p sure I know what happened to them tho
 70. turned someone down: yes lol
 71. sex on the first date: no
 72. broken someone’s heart: yea
 73. had your heart broken: yea but not by anything I didn't cause myself
 74. been arrested: no and let's hope I never do
 75. cried when someone died: yea
 76. fallen for a friend: absolutely. Almost exlcusively do you believe in 77. yourself: sometimes. Not as much as I ever have, but definitely more than when I was like, in grade school
 78. miracles: yea
 79. love at first sight: Nah
 80. santa claus: no
 81. kiss on the first date: yes lmao 
 82. angels: they don't fit into my personal belief system but I know they're real for other folks other 83. current best friend’s name: Allyson! 
 84. eye colour: like, mine? Brown
 85. favourite movie: under the red hood, and kikis delivery service @jasoncorpsedotcom and @sacredheartssclub and @automaticmachinetangerine and @volantamasis only if y'all wanna! It's long so I understand if not lol also p much any of my mutual support are welcome to say I tagged them if they wanna do this :)
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guksuu · 7 years
a giant post about tag games that im gonna finish right now [pt. 1]
skjfhsdkf i’ve been tagged for games and i’ve been neglecting to do them so here’s a giant post with all of them! not gonna tag anyone cause there are so many BUT feel free to do them :’) im warning u, this is gonna be super long!
kpop q’s!
tysm to @yugy for tagging me!!
1. who was your first female bias?
2. who was your first male bias?
cheondung from mblaq!
3. who are your current biases? other than the above:
no biases..im an OT stan (lmao am i the only OT stan for all groups?)
4. in the entire kpop indrustry, who is the closest to your ideal type?
jkshdfksd hmmmm...i dont really have an ideal type..
5. have you ever attended any kpop concert/fan meet/fan sign?
6. if yes, which group/artist? how was your experience?
my first concert (which is the only concert i’ve been to so far), was club eskimo (dean, offonoff, miso, saay). it was amazing! the performances were a1 n meeting them was so cool. i also saw monsta x! it was such a great night n the boys were so sweet!
7. which group(s) would you like to see live?
got7, seventeen, block b, b.a.p, day6, nu’est, winner...a lot of groups lmao
8. how did you get into kpop?
my brother actually showed me suju’s sorry sorry like in 2009 n i got really interested, so i started looking around n finding more groups.
9. who are your otps?
i haven’t really gotten into otps yet, but some i do know are: yugbam, verkwan, jinyoon, sope
10. when did you start shipping?
jkshfksd im still figuring out ships
11. what was your favorite fanfic genre?
anything thats fluff n angst dkhkdfg
12. what is your favorite music genre?
i listen to a lot of genres 
top 10 bias tag
thank u tracy, @eggciao, for tagging me!!
sdfkhsdf im ot so this is gonna be hard but o well (i already did this but imma do it again lmao)
1. junhui (svt)
2. yongguk (b.a.p)
3. chunjin (myteen)
4. ten (nct)
5. johnny (nct)
6. yoochan (a.c.e)
7. dowoon (day6)
8. hyungwon (monsta x)
9. dongho (nu’est)
10. jisung (wanna one)
song tag
thank u @otteryj n @kawaiikpopofsatan n @calemiel for the tag :-)
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and tag 10 people!
1.  짜장면 - myteen
2. cant see the end - seventeen
3. cry - mblaq
4. stop it - b.a.p
5. moon, 12:04am - offonoff
6. 다시 앞으로 (ft. sumin) - loco
7. 밀착 - taek
8. hey - got7 
9. rollercoaster - monsta x
10. good bye bye  - nu’est
five things tag
thank u to the lovely @smilingvernon n @whaaattheflower for tagging me!
rules: write the five things in the situation, and then tag 15 people~
five things you’ll find in my bag:
tons of pens
color pencils 
tons of random papers that I need to throw out
five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
art supplies scattered everywhere
all of my ceramic and sculpture works
lots of club supplies
binders that are super old, which I need to get rid of
five things I’ve always wanted to do:
learn a new language
go to a festival
sell art
volunteer in a different country
five things that make me feel happy:
my family n friends
food (so cliche but honestly..)
my lovely mutuals
my favorites loving themselves
five things I’m currently into:
skin care
old school rnb/hip hop/soul/rap
crime shows
five things on my to-do list:
possibly dye my hair bc senior portraits are coming up 
explore n go outside
buy more vinyls even though im broke shfksdsdf
stop being a pushover ://///
fix my sleeping schedule before school starts but we all know it’s not going to happen
get to know me tag
thank u to @cngkyns n @urmomstax n @sleepyw0ns n @nyaaaaaw for tagging me! 
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: boba 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: “50% sweet and light ice” (i was texting my sister my drink order lmao)  4. the song you listened to: diamond 4 ya - b.a.p 5. the time you cried: ahh i don’t remember
have you: 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
list three favorite colors: 12-14: black, yellow, green (that muted green color though lmao)
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
general: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: a majority of them 23. do you have any pets: used to have fishes, turtles, and birds 24. do you want to change your name: not anymore 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to go eat with the family  26. what time did you wake up: 11am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching one fine day 28. name something you can’t wait for: la trip in october
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday night 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: im tired of being a pushover :///
31. what are you listening right now: yoongi’s mixtape 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes?  33. something that is getting on your nerves: people who love calling others rude names over minor mistakes, ANYONE THAT SEXUALIZES MINORS, passive aggressive people. i have more but that would be a long list.     34. most visited website: tumblr
lost questions aka random info about me 35. mole(s): one on my thigh (if i remember correctly) 36. mark(s): on my elbow from falling, one between my brows when i slipped on the stairs n fell during tag 37. childhood dream: i had so many like being a dentist, firefighter, cop, etc. 38. hair color: dark brown 39. long or short hair: i like both!
40. do you have a crush on someone: nope 41. what do you like about yourself: my ceramic and sculpture skills!  42. piercings: nope 43. bloodtype: i dunno 44. nickname: lili (that’s what my cousins calls me)
45. relationship status: single
46. zodiac: aries 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite TV Show: all the old nick, cartoon network, and disney shows, law & order svu, ridiculousness, wild n out, mr. robot, etc. 49. tattoos: nope 50. right or left hand: right 51. surgery: yes but when i was younger  52. hair dyed in different color: i have done like an ombre before 53. sports: i like basketball, swimming, and baseball 55. vacation: i wanna go back to hawai’i, visit korea, thailand, philippines, etc. 56. pair of trainers: 2
more general: 57. eating: lots of viet and chinese 58. drinking: water, and boba 59. i’m about to: watch some shows, make gfx n gifs 61. waiting for: the day i graduate highschool 62. want: lots of food n rest 63. get married: yes, but maybe after i get settled a bit w my career 64. career: sculptures&ceramics/graphic designer, or psychology/criminal justice
which is better?: 65. hugs or kisses: hugs
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: either
68. older or younger: either, but not by a lot
70. nice arms or stomach: either lmao
71. sensitive or loud: both!
72. hookups or relationships: relationships
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever: 74. kissed a stranger: no 75. drank hard liquor: yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes  77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: yes 80. had your heart broken: yes 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in: 84. yourself: not really :/ 85. miracles: yes, but where are they in my life lmao 86. love at first sight: depends 87. santa Claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: no 89. angels: yes
other: 90. current best friends name: hannah, jane, kim, christina, and jhkdfs all of my network pals :-)) 91. eyecolor: dark brown 92. favorite movie: any studio ghibli film i’ve seen, kill bill 1 & 2, forrest gump, wonder woman, beetle juice, boyz n the hood, etc.
question tag
tagged by @wooziology!!! tysm :-))
i don’t remember
i like it. it’s super small.
beef or chicken
no thank u
cookie crunch, cinnamon toast, or regular cheerios
their personalities
my forhead lmao
black jeans n black/white vans
pizza n pasta
OYEAH by olnl (he’s a really nice rapper, check him out!!)
my mom 
dark brown
dark brown
noodles, especially noodle soups
the belko experiment (one of the most wild films i have watched)
tan wih orange stripes
winter forever
none but i wanna read the divine comedy, the lathe of heaven, and demian
my brother n cousins n parents
i dont have a mouse pad
seventeen’s one fine day
the rain or waves. they’re honestly so soothing
im more familiar with the beatles, so beatles
do my ceramic n sculpture skills count or?
30 questions tag!
tagged by the cuties, @lastnamesuh n @eatnamjin n @princesssjoy n max. thank you so much!
nickname: hmmm...my monbebe pals often call me baeiley...i think someone also has me as baeleaf too lmao. other nicknames beside that are lili, which is what my cousins call me.
gender: female
star sign: aries
height: 5′3
time: 6:20pm
birthday: april 1st
favorite bands: nu’est, b.a.p., got7, seventeen, monsta x, myteen, a.c.e, winner, nct (lmao all of three),  block b, btob, day6, theboyz, victon, vixx...n a lot of other groups. 
favorite solo artist(s): im such a big khh/krnb fan so brave, saero, crucial star, samuel seo, jeebanoff, dean, dpr, punchnello, bewhy, crush, g.nine, loco, bloo, dumbfoundead, olnl, sik k, n a lot more. others are taek, paul kim, iu, jung jin woo, ra.D, grizzly, moonmoon, sam kim, miso, suran, etc. for american music, its sza, kehlani, sob rbe, childish gambino, made in tyo, amine, isaiah rashad, kendrick lamar, etc.
song stuck in my head: overcome - nu’est & crush - yuna 
last movie i watched: hmmmm...men in black. its one of my favorites!
last show i watched: law & order svu
when did i create my blog: i created this blog...like 2014? this blog was originally my personal but i moved it so it can be my primary. i would say i changed into a kmusic blog this year in january!
what do i post: lmao im multifandom so a lot of groups, also some aes n social stuff.
last thing i googled: the word “blithely” for my english class
do u have other blogs: i have my personal which is @medasins n another blog but i aint gonna tell u the other one bc that one is still being edited. i also run monbebe net as an admin with four of my other mutuals. 
do u get asks: super rare lmao. i dont mind people sending asks though!
why did u choose this blog name: i wanted a general username n i just love noodles so much jksgfddfhggj
following: tons of talented/adorable mutuals that i love so much! also others that make a lot of beautiful content! 
followers: 517 
favorite colors: literally the color scheme i have for my blog rn (black, mustard/golden yellow, n this blueish-grey). i also rlly like grey, or any other muted tones. 
average hours of sleep: during school...3-7 hours. during the summer/weekends...8-10 hours.
lucky number: i do not have a lucky number but 0? 
instruments: i played brass/lower brass instruments (trumpet, cornet, baritone, n french horn) from like 5th-8th grade. right now i play/am learning a bit of ukulele!
what am i wearing: black running shorts n a grey tee
how many blankets i sleep with: one but two for winter
dream job: i dunno...still figuring it out
dream trip: traveling!
favorite food: 
favorite food: literally noodles, any noodles. i also love homemade viet n chinese food. O INDIAN N THAI TOO.
nationality: chinese!
favorite song now: ummm...lately i by saero, but also 짜장면 by myteen
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thechemistrynerd · 7 years
92 Statements Tag
Tagged by: @serotonindiaries , thank you love! 
RULES: Answer the following 92 statements and tag 20 people afterward!
1. Drink: Blue Gatorade.
2. Phone call: My momma to tell her about my day because I got a free necklace from my soroity sister!
3. Text message: Some guy I’ve been talking to...
4. Song you listened to: “Sleepwalking” by BMTH
5. Time you cried: Yesterday? Idk, I cry all the time tbh haha.
6. Dated someone twice: Yes.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Lol duh.
8. Been cheated on: Yes.
9. Lost someone special: Yes and a few special pets.
10. Been depressed: :-) welcome to my life.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Once and never again!
12. #588745
13. #47b6b8
14. #050505
15. Made new friends: Yup!
16. Fallen out of love: Yes...
17. Laughed until you cried: :-) Of course!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I think?
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes.
20. Found out who your friends are: Hahahaha... yeah. People aren’t always the best.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yup.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Majority of them.
23. Do you have any pets: Not of my own... :-( and my roommate is being a bitch about it.
24. Do you want to change your name: Kind of? I feel like my name is so basic.
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: Got drunk as hell since I turned 21! Though I spent it with my ex and wish I went out with my girls..
26. What time did you wake up: Around 9 am.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping like a babyy.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: I guess school to start.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: She moved me in last week!
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My outlook on life probably. I just need to be a little more confident and positive.
31. What are you listening to right now: I’m watching a gameplay for Hellblade. Pretty cool game.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Honestly, no idea.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People who are overly competitive in academics. Ugh. Oh and people who lie to just “butter me up”.
34. Most visited websites: Tumblr, Youtube, Netflix.
35. Mole/s: (Totally thought this was related to the chemistry definition of mole.. omg haha) I have beauty marks but not really mole related.
36. Mark/s: Scars from surgery, burn marks from me being stupid, and always have a few bruises haha.
37. Childhood dream: To be a marine biologist haha!
38. Hair color: Dark brown.
39. Long or short hair: My hair is getting long... Need a haircut.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: I’m trying not to.
41. What do you like about yourself: My intelligence and sass haha.
42. Piercings: I have five - ears (twice), nose, belly button, and nipples haha!
43. Blood type: I should know... but lol I don’t.
44. Nickname: Ash.
45. Relationship status: Single as can be!
46. Zodiac: Aquarius, :-)
47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favorite TV Show: Shameless, Family Guy, Rick and Morty.
49. Tattoos: I have five - pineapple, paw print, triangle, mandala, and lion.
50. Right or left hand: Right hand all day!
51. Surgery: Just one!
52. Hair dyed in different color: I realllllllly want to dye my hair grey. Ugh.
53. Sport: Soccer and lacrosse.
54. Favorite accessory: My Kendra Scott necklace!
55. Vacation: Hmmmm, I just wanna get out of town and go anywhere.
56. Pair of trainers: What?
57. Eating: Nothing!
58. Drinking: Blue Gatorade.
59. I’m about to: Finish watching this gameplay and maybe find some plans for tonight.
61. Waiting for: School to start I guess, not much is happening in my life atm.
62. Want: To graduate and get my degree haha.
63. Get married: Idk if any time soon... or when tbh.
64. Career: Organic chemistry professor.
65. Hugs or kisses: Kisses, muuuahhh!
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes are pretty to look at, :-)
67. Shorter or taller: Always taller, sorry but I’m short as shit so he would have to be HELLA SHORT.
68. Older or younger: Older... I can’t deal with immaturity. 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hmmm, arms? I mean it doesn’t really matter to me.
71. Sensitive or loud: Loud. I don’t do the whole feelings thing.
72. Hook up or relationship: Right now... hook ups only please.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Cliche, but I always loved a bad boy HAHAHA.
74. Kissed a stranger: Yesssss, omg.
75. Drank hard liquor: Duh.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t wear them!
77. Turned someone down: Yikeesss, yes I have.
78. Had sex on the first date: Yes.
79. Broken someone’s heart: I’m sorry to my ex?
80. Had your heart broken: Oh well, I usually have a good rebound on it.
81. Been arrested: Almost.
82. Cried when someone died: I have a hard time showing my feelings.
83. Fallen for a friend: Once or twice and man it was weird.
84. Yourself: I try my best? But sometimes I do stupid ass shit...
85. Miracles: Ehhhhh, from time to time.
86. Love at first sight: I mean... Have you eaten Chipotle before? I always fall in love when I see my order. 
87. Santa Claus: How old am I?
88. Kiss on the first date: Yeah, usually leads to sex.. 
90. Current best friend name: Grace!
91. Eye color: A light brown? Idk I think my eyes are sweeeeeet af.
92. Favorite movie: Hands down I will always love Spirited Away.
Tagging: @sarah-tea-studies , @tedstudies , @studhylife , @hufflepuffwannabe , @mbellastudies , @mantastudies , @tedstudies , @liaiblitystudies + whoever else. I’m getting lazy to tag people because... it’s me.
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sambashua · 7 years
92 questions/random questions/8 things tag~
hello friends !!! i’ve done the first two tags before but it’s been quite a while so ?? let’s see if i can come up w new responses i guess?? also these all have similar-ish questions so i thought i’d combine them so i don’t clog up everyone’s dashes~
tagged by (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(ilya so dang much my favorite muffins)
92 questions: mariel! @jaehyunscult kelby! @yooncheoly and claudia! @s-lay-ing 
random questions: kolbo! @yooncheoly ommo! @strawberryboo​ and cloodoo! @s-lay-ing 
eight things: em! @seoulscapes mj! @jungnoir and kat! @atshinee
i’m going to tag @everyonesabiaswrecker @hoshi-ssi @king-hao @moonhyook @taeismyking @honestlay @yoonsunha @amessence @kylamassie1 @peachesandkili and also the beans who tagged me above!! you can do one of the ones you didn’t tag me in hehe(≧◡≦)
you guys can choose whichever tags you want!! or all of them ? idk it’s basically either long, easy or creative so whatever you feel like doing… or do none of them!! that works too! if you don’t want to be tagged just let me knowwww also you rlly don’t have to read this whole thing it is so damn long… but w/o further ado…
92 questions
the last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my grandma !
3. text message: “THEBOP OF THE SUMMER” (sic)
4. song you listened to: ‘love paint (every afternoon)’ by NU’EST started playing before i got out of the car last night… WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED I WATCHED MX’S NEWTON THIS MORNING OH MY GOD THE BOP OF THE SUMMER THAT’S WHAT THE TEXT WAS ABT BTW
5. time you cried: hmmmm not monsta x surprisingly ? but we have some rlly spicy food in LA and @everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking and i had to hide our eyes from the waiter lol
have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo (as i said last time i’ve never dated so these are all no’s so you can skip around a bit i suppose)
7. been cheated on: nooo
8. kissed someone and regretted it: nooo
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: nope
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drinking makes ya do bad stuff kids
list three favorite colors (12-15)…
grey, light blue nd light green !
in the last year have you���
15. made new friends: yeAH SO MANY! irl and online i’m so thankful for everyone i’ve met~~ since i started uni i was rlly nervous abt meeting people and although i have one (1) new friend irl (shoutout to my main main main kat @atshinee literally where would i be w/o you i probably woulda gotten stuck at camp bc of the hail storm) i’ve met countless lovely individuals online that i am forever grateful for;;; now i’m being all sappy someoNE STOP ME
16. fallen out of love: nooo
17. laughed until you cried: almost everyday~~
18. found out someone was talking about you: oh yea
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your true friends are: yeah!
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooooooooope
general stuff
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk like probably actually 80% but they’re not people i talk to now ? (kat still yells at me abt my answer last time)
24. do you want to change your name: i like my name a lot tbh (there’s so many endless nickname possibilities honestly)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got gelato w two of my closest frandssss and also listened to nct dream like the whole day it was the best
26. what time did you wake up: um m m i think 9? yesterday i went to bed at 3:30 and woke up at 7:30 so i slept in more today lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to read a soonhoon fic from eep and messaging ivy:D
28. name something you cannot wait for: uM IDK EVERYTHING I WAS WAITING FOR ALREADY HAPPENED i guess just moving back to school and starting classes??? i’m so anxious ugh
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 4 ? hours ago ?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: um idk i think i’m pretty blessed to be completely honest
31. what are you listening to right now: there’s construction going on in the distance idk what they’re doing but it is LOUD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’m so shook people haven’t talked to any toms i’ve met so many i don’t undeRSTAND
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance *finger guns*
34. most visited website: tumblr (i haven’t been on youtube much lately cry)
35. elementary school: yeahhh
36. high school: yeahhh
37. college: yeahhh
38. hair color: blonde 
39. long or short hair: it’s so long rn i’m constantly choking on it
40. do you have a crush on someone: crushes are for noobs
41. what do you like about yourself: “everything, love yourself.” -kat
42. piercings: ears but i never wear them
43. blood type: idk my parents are both AB so my mom says we’re that too but mom that’s not how genetics work
44. nickname: i have so many but my most common one is mir~ i answer to anything tho
45. relationship status: engaged to jeon wonwoo
46. zodiac sign: cancer~
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones or below deck (watch it it’s a reality show abt a yacht crew it’s so entertaining) 
49. tattoos: nope i’m too indecisive
50. righty or lefty: right
51. surgery: i had surgery junior year of high school
52. piercing: did they not already ask this oh jk this is first well i still only have ears
53. best friend: in the womb bitchhh (-8 months would be the official age)
54. sport: i think karate ? my dad is super sporty tho so sister and i tried every sport known to man
55. vacation: probably washington bc i have a lot of family there
56. pair of sneakers: literally who knows this tho
right now…
57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: now i’m drinking tea
59. i’m about to: eat a bagel maybe
60. listening to: good luck by aoa (yessss my girls)
61. waiting for: jordyn to get off work so i can see her new dorm:D
62. do you want kids: i always have
63. do you want to get married: i don’t really know marriage seems so outdated…
64: what career do you want: journalist (yay)
which is better…
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: i don’t have much preference but i’m tall and i like being tall
68. older or younger: i don’t really care bc some older people are really immature and some younger people are really mature so~
70. nice arms or nice stomach: i really really don’t care
71. sensitive or loud: these honestly aren’t even antonyms
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: i’ve never been a troublemaker so ?
have you ever…
74. kissed a stranger: nooo
75. drank hard liquor: neh ?
76. lost glasses/lenses: i have above average vision boiiiii
77. turned someone down: i mean;;;; i think most people have at least indirectly
78. had sex on the first date: nooo
79. broken someone’s heart: i really doubt it lol
80. had your heart broken: jeon wonwoo breaks my heart daily
81. been arrested: nooo
82. cried when someone died: yeahh
83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in…
85. miracles: maybe ?
86. love at first sight: not even a little bit
87. santa claus:
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i don’t see why not
89. angels: maybe ?
90. current best friends name: sister n em n kat n cass n jords n val :3
91. eye color: grey ish
92. favorite movie: the proposal was my favorite movie for so long;;; i liked moonlight a lot too go see it
random questions
dude i fucking forgot abt this one i thought i was done fuck (why is this font so tiny)
relationship status: single for 19 years bishhhhhhhh favorite color: grey!! but i’ve been feelin orange lately hmmmm lipstick or chapstick: i like tinted lip balm:) but i even use vaseline sometimes try it okay it makes yo lips so soft last song you listened to: well i already said so i’ll do what’s stuck in my head rn: coffee by bts (it’s so good i get such calming vibes from it) last movie you watched: BABY DRIVER it was so ffffff good 100/10 would rec~ the car chases were so cool dude also ansel elgort is such a cutie top 3 characters: i’ll as april ludgate from parks n rec (are you happy jords), celaena from throne of glass, ndddd risa koizumi from lovcom:) top 3 ships: jejun ! soonwoo ! MARKHYUCK(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ books you are currently reading: rnnnn i’m STILL reading heir of fire (don’t worry cass i will finish it in time) top 5 musicals: mulan is endlessly iconic okay, hsm, phantom of the opera, the sound of music nd mama mia !
eight things
last movie watched: baby driver hoo hoo last song listened to: me gustas tu bitchhhhh last book read: Crown of Midnight still oops sorry cass i’m so damn slow these days  last thing eaten: fig newtons (buy newton by monsta x on itunes) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: wherever @atshinee​ is because i want to support her for her test but i know i would probably just distract her:(((((( a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: probably dorian from throne of glass bc he just seems like such a lovable dork i want to give him a big ole hug he needs it  what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: i used to be obsessed w the series Gregor the Overlander as a kid and i’d really want to spend a day there that would be so awesome esp the one where they travel through the one rainforest jungle… but also Harry Potter bc i rlly want to go to hogwarts and just;;; look around? it’s so pretty and i want to see all the paintings and staircases and the people it’d be great last video game played: i’ve never rlly played video games… i used to play the sims does that count rip
well it’s finally frickin done i doubt anyone bared w me for this trainwreck…….. i’m so tired now will i even do more of these today jk i gotta i am so behind but no selfie tags i look trash
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